prodaah · 4 years
❛ SNOW :
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When the young man blushed, Snow quirked a brow. She hadn’t meant anything by her question, not really, and he had come to help her when she was being attacked and she had no companion. It hadn’t seemed like much of a leap to assume he was a knight, given the armor he wore. 
“Ah, well then, perhaps I’m not a Princess.”, she replied at once, her right hand pressed against her left forearm, her cloak pulled up to cover her dark hair. Snow noticed the red dripping down his arm and she had to look away, gasping as she tried to keep from becoming ill. So they were both apparently injured in the attack. Wasn’t that something?
When he asked the words that were on the tip of her tongue to ask him, she nodded, pulling her hand away from her arm to show him. “Do you know anyone who can help us?”, she asked, readily trusting him since he had come to her aid.   
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❛❛      p-princess ?  ❜❜   rúni sputtered , his cheeks flushing a darker color at the thought of being near royalty . the boy swallowed as he looked at her . she was pretty enough to be a princess . her cloak did not look like she had been travelling for long , but perhaps he was thinking too hard into it . if she was a princess , where was her guard ? or her crown ? he remembered his mother describing princesses in stories , but that was all that he had had to envision royalty until he arrived in the longhouse at whiterun and stood before the jarl .
with her gasp , rúni followed her gaze back down to his arm and quickly tried to cover his wound with his hand .  ❛❛ i    i’m sorry ! ❜❜ trying to think quickly , he recalled that he had a small amount of supplies with his things a little ways away .  ❛❛ stay here , miss . i-i’ll be right back . ❜❜ he turned on his heel and jogged quickly into the woods . his bag was ( thankfully ) still behind the rock he’d used to hide it from anyone who may come when he’d seen the bandits earlier . 
he brought the bag back , making a tsk with his tongue as he thought of how he’d need to wash the bag as he was getting it dirty with his hands . his arm hurt badly , but being busy by trying to help her distracted him enough .  ❛❛ the nearest city is still a ways away . it’s halfway up that mountain ,  ❜❜ he motioned with his head towards the throat of the world , the highest mountain in the land . ❛❛ i’ve never been , but the jarl in whiterun says that it’s there . ❜❜
the boy finally found what he’d been looking for with an exclamation of triumph , pulling a small bundle of green moss and a cloth to use as a bandage from the small bag . he looked up at her with a lopsided grin and stood , ready to dress her wound before he hesitated and his smile fell .
❛❛ i-is it okay if i er . . . if i help , miss ? ❜❜
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prodaah · 5 years
“Sir knight, do come here.” @Rúni
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the boy’s face flushed , a red blush spread up even to his ears . rúni was far from a knight , anyone could tell from the awkward way he held his sword and how large the chain mail and armor was on his thin frame . but , he thought , perhaps she didn’t know better . he resisted the urge to chew on his lip , a nervous habit of his , and tried to form a small smile on his face .
❛❛  i’m not a knight …  ❜❜ rúni cleared his throat . he shouldn’t have approached the troupe of bandits . he was not ready for such a challenge yet . the only thing that had saved him was the little thu’um he knew throwing his opponents off balance . his muscles were already sore , and his clothes were sticking against his arm uncomfortably . the boy glanced over and clenched his jaw as he saw the red stains on his armor spreading down his arm . he would have to have someone at the nearest city look at that … but for now he would need to wrap it soon . 
❛❛ a   are you hurt ? ❜❜ rúni didn’t want to spook the young woman , so he stayed put and tried to glance around her to see if she was bound or injured . ❛❛ do you need … er , want help ? ❜❜
@gentlegrace from [ x ]
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prodaah · 5 years
Knights and Royalty Sentence Starters
Requested by anonymous. Feel free to change pronouns. 
“Do you need something, my liege?” 
“Get behind me, my lady!” 
“Sir knight, do come here.” 
“If I may be so bold, my lord, but is this really necessary?” 
“You sent for me, my king?” 
“I’m sorry, my lord, but I don’t trust him.” 
“You’re part of my personal guard now.” 
“No need for formalities here, my friend.” 
“I couldn’t possibly be so informal towards you, my liege.” 
“You shouldn’t run off like that, my lady.” 
“You must be a new guard.” 
“They shouldn’t speak of you like that, my king!” 
“A message for you, your highness.” 
“Running off without an escort again, my lady?” 
“Please forgive me, your highness.” 
“My dear knight, please take off your helm so I may look at you.” 
“I don’t think I’ve you seen around before, guard.” 
“Walk with me, sir knight.” 
“You were my late father’s favorite. You don’t look like much.” 
“Are you disappointed that you’re to guard me instead of an heir higher in succession?” 
“I didn’t know we hired your kind into our guards.” 
“I am merely a guard, my lord.” 
“I live to serve you. Always.” 
🗡+ your own!
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