#plus I feel kinda disconnected from my body a lot of times when I have my period. and idk. somehow that helps?
grapecinnamon · 1 year
Rambling and Rating Portals
I know it's been weeks since Portals was out, but I can't stop thinking about it and I need to talk about all my fave parts about it and rank the songs. Ok? ok. lets go:
"death is life is death is life..." is everything
I lost a longtime family pet and listening to this was very comforting. I even started tearing up around the pre-chorus
Speaking of which, its the best part of the song! "I DON'T WANNA BE CARRYING THE WEIGHT ON MY SHOULDERS!" Takes me out every time. I feel like my soul is leaving my body.
The music video. OMG the music video! The scene with Crybaby stabbing her old body was fucking amazing!
And I fucking love the part with her detaching herself from her old body. It's just so good I fnadklsfhiosanfiowrsjaiogfrj-
"PLEASE DON'T EVER WORRY, I KNOW IT'S MORBID, BUT WE ALL DIE ONE DAY!" Yeesssss Mel, tell it like it is!!!!
Overall, it's a really good opener to the song
"In the void, in the void, in the void inthevoidinthevoidinthevoidVOIDVOIDVOIDVOIDVOIDVOID!!!" Gets me so pumped
The whole song gives me the feeling of being alone. Like I feel like I'm in a void myself where no one else but me can judge me
The song also kind of reminds me of Ethel Cain
The little high-pitched guitar cords in the verses give me life, I swear they're perfect
9/10, perfect follow up to death
It's a shame this one was leaked and around for so long. I never listened to the leak when it came out and I wish more people did too
I love how it's a very erotic song, but the message is how you're more than just your looks
I also turn into such a whore when this comes on istg
The ending where it gets slower is so fucking good and the sound effects and the weird, alien vocals make me so hyped for the next song.
Another 10/10
This song is such a vibe
And I love the latin-sounding beat
This song feels like an actual dream. Like it actually feels like something I would dream of
"Lead me away to the faerie soiree" ugh YES
By far the best part has to be the ending where it's just Melanie's vocals
It really gives off the feeling of being disconnected. It's like you're back in the void, but it almost feels more positive
And I like that it implies that Crybaby definitely had a lot more lives before this body
This song feels like a light shower. It feels like when the sun is out and it's lightly sprinkling. My favorite weather
It's just so gentle and calming, different from the songs before this
And since I'm currently taken, this song hits me harder. I even teared up the first few times I heard this
I also kinda like how it sounds like Stairway to Heaven
Plus "You make me want to plan out my last days on earth eating you" is kind of cute. Like Mel's supposed to be a faerie in a fantasy world, so this weird line is very fitting
7.8/10 I don't always want to listen to this one, but when I do, I'm so entranced
This song actually tickles my brain
Like it wiggles in and scurries through the wrinkles on my brain and shakes my skull around when the beat comes in
I can't get over it. It just punches my ear drums in all the right places
Besides that, I like the meaning behind it. I think its about social media, but I feel like it could also be interpreted as getting an addiction to substances, like Power
I also kind of like the explanation on what spiders do to their prey at the end
Its slow, but it's so powerful
The way the instruments build up to the chorus is amazing
And I love the imagery we get on Mel getting eaten alive by these leeches
It's not just about having one thing taken away from you, its about yourself getting taken advantage of and I like that the imagery shows that. Not just by describing Mel having her blood drawn, but also her flesh until she's just bones
"I GUESS THAT IS THE LUCK OF THE DRAW!" Is another one of my favorite lines
The transition at the end fucking shakes me to my core every single time. I usually skip it when it comes up cause it's too much
I needed, I repeat, NEEDED a song like this back when I was in elementary school... and middle... and high...
It brings me back to that time in my life where it felt like everyone was out to get me. And I like this message. I wish I heard this song earlier in life
But it's just so perfect. The guitar, the pre-chorus, the metaphors.
When I think I need to intervein in an online fight, or if someone's trying to provoke me, I just think of this song. I'm better than those trying to get a rise out of me
It's just one of those songs that hits the right and wrong places at once
Again, the transition is also great. I love the imagery of the party and how you can't make out what anyone is saying, like a crowd in a dream
My morbid curiosity really wants to know what shocked those people in the room...
10/10 don't battle with my larynx on this one, it's great and you KNOW IT
The bone cracking... the bone cracking is intense, and I love it
Mel really gets a kick out of songs that make people uncomfortable and I'm living for it
This always gets me to dance! A lot of these do but mainly this one and Nymphology. I like to dance like my body's contorting in strange ways
again, the pre-chorus (I'm noticing a pattern) is soooooo goooood! The layers really make it stand out from the other songs
And the laugh! I can't forget that laugh, like Mel's really snapping (lol)
It almost reminds me of an Ashnikko song
I'm not gonna lie. I couldn't make this up for the life of me. I loved this song the MOMENT I heard the snippet. Not even kidding
I really wish this song didn't get that much hate. I get why it makes people uncomfortable, but that's the purpose of this song
And, again, I like that Mel isn't afraid to write a song about this
She even mentions period sex in this song and makes it sound so intimate
And I love that she disses her ex in this song, something she does a lot on this album
I love the message about how periods don't make you weak. Not letting a period get you down is so empowering (even though I let it get me down lol)
"Making roooooom for blessings" is so CUTE!
10/10, judge me all you want, idc
This song is a lot. It's ethereal, it's majestic, it's beautiful, its everything!!!!!!
I feel like I'm listening to a goddess sing and not just cause Mel's on the track
Another great feminist song, mainly about men who objectify women and always think they're (men) right
Oh, and I CANNOT ignore the one lyric "Put your penis into your mouth" That took me out the first time I heard it. I had to stop the song to collect myself
And Amulet... THE AMULET SECTION! It goes so damn hard!
And I love that the lyrics came from an unreleased song called Emerald (my fave unreleased song)
and the way that transitions into Evil. It so good and makes me hyped for the song
God how many amazing songs on this album?
I can't get over Mel's flow, especially in, you guessed it, the pre-chorus
And the way she sounds so angry
And how she says so much mean shit like yeessssss
"This time I reFUSE!" is perfect
I'm loving all these rock songs on the album. It's nice seeing Mel try out different genres
I feel so connected to this song, like my soul is bound to it
It might be because I had a dream where I literally heard the beginning melody BEFORE the album dropped
I'm not even kidding, I don't know how I did it
But yeah this song feels so personal, it's like a happy version of Where Do Babies Come From?
The way Mel talks about a fetus about to be born, she really knows how to make birth sound magical
And that BEAT! The BASS is fhoiwihafioherknfioernj
And let's not forget, we CANNOT forget the ending.
"Life is death is life is death..." gives me goosebumps every! single! time!
This song makes me sad. It almost kind of hurts to listen to, but that's what I like about it
It hurts knowing that people have family and friends who are drug addicts. It makes me think of one of my family members
I like the detail of the deep voice. I know not a lot of people like that but I like it. It's another detail that makes the song stand out, much more than the others
7/10 Not my most favorite, but the message is really powerful
Probably my fave song from the deluxe edition
I love the melody, it sounds very carnival esque, like Carousel
I feel like this song is basically a summary of the album as a whole. It seems like it's about transforming into a brand new you and leaving all your burdens behind
The chorus, yes the regular chorus this time, has to be the best part. I like the moments on this album where Mel sounds like she's isolated, or like there's not a lot going on around her and the world seems to slow down
Also, Mel's voice sounds so good. As much as I like the uses of the different voice filters, it's great hearing Mel's regular vocals every once-in-a-while
I'm so glad I didn't listen to this song when it was leaked
Again, another feminist song about the mistreatment of women throughout history
And the beat is so fucking ethereal, especially when Mel screams "LET THEM DROWN!"
Please don't get mad at these rankings (they're mostly positive anyway). I just wanted an excuse to talk about Portals and how much I loved it. Gotta be one of my fave Melanie albums
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steamgoat · 9 months
Brief, mostly negative life update:
Taking time off of work again, not sure how long or what I’ll try to do next. Kinda tired of working at dog daycares because the disciplinary measures at daycares are often things I don’t agree with, and there’s no regulations or anything with dog care or training, which means a lot of bad stuff happens that I have no power to change (and when you bring up the problems, most people get mad at you!) Plus when I inevitably leave, I miss the dogs so so bad, especially the ones who were regulars and who you watched grow up from little pups. And there’s not really a relationship with the owners so once I’m gone I have no way to check in. And the physical labor of animal care is exhausting, as much as I want to do it.
Also at a standstill with my meds, psych doesn’t seem to know what to do with me and I’ve been waiting over a year now for a neuro consult. So that’s fun. And I’m having trouble finding a dentist or physical therapist who takes my insurance and I have to make phone calls about it. >>;
Also my dad is getting worse and worse. Starting to hallucinate now and we don’t think he has much time left. At this point it’s going to be pretty much impossible to reconcile with him even tho he doesn’t even seem to realize there’s a disconnect. :/ Even if he were lucid tho I don’t think we could. He’s proven to be a shitty person with bad views and I really can’t get past that. Most of the time now tho, he’s a confused old man who can’t do anything on his own, and I do have sympathy for him. Conflicted over what I’ll do about his funeral, and my moms as well since we don’t have a good relationship either.
Mr. Loki, the family dog, is also very close to the end of his life. We found out he has cancer and it’s inoperable and spread pretty far throughout his lungs and body. I won’t get too into it right now, but I feel like I’ve really let him down in a lot of ways. I know in reality there isn’t much I could have done differently if I wanted to be an independent (and not as miserable) adult away from my parents but it still hurts.
On the bright side tho, my partner and I are okay financially, and our cat Spice is in excellent health and got a shining review at her most recent vet checkup last week! I went to Pokémon go fest in nyc and that was fun (but very hot and exhausting lol).
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dragonheartetk · 2 years
Mood. It's even more complicated for me, because my QPP is allo.
okay it's probably not the best/appropriate of me to ask (hi, i am the anon you replied to) but same!! my qpp is allo too and that situation is kinda difficult like it makes me question myself when that happens?? how do you deal with this situation, if you don't mind answering
Oh, dang, you too? Nice.
So, when it comes to my orientation, I'm very confident, but also nothing has made me feel more certain that just talking to my partner and hearing his experience. It is so vastly different than my own that it is blindingly obvious that he and I are nothing alike. Like, sure, my body reacts when we kiss and stuff, but he feels that way just by looking at people that fit his type.
Plus, there's a clear disconnect between me and my body. Granted, this might be related to the fact that I'm trans (and voidpunk), as I feel disconnected from my body on a general level. But when he and I cuddle, the joy that I feel from it seems natural and is fully in sync with my mind. The feeling of arousal that I get sometimes when he kisses me, on the other hand, doesn't quite. I don't mind it most of the time, but it feel foreign.
But in the end, none of this is relevant to my orientation. I don't feel sexual attraction. I love him to the ends of the earth, but I feel absolutely zero sexual attraction to my QPP. Or anyone else for that matter. My body is responding to physical things that it is hardwired to respond to, but that has nothing to do with attraction.
There are lots of ace folks who not only get aroused, but have sex. This doesn't make them any less ace. So obviously my arousal doesn't make me any less ace, either.
I hope this answered your question? I couldn't find the original post that I was replying to, so I don't 100% remember what your ask to the other person said. If not, just send me another ask. XP
0 notes
whoreiaki-kakyoin · 2 years
I always think it’s kind of funny when I go crazy go stupid for period sex hcs and people are like “….. don’t you…. Hate blood play? Doesnt blood make you squeamish?” Because while it’s true that anything involving knives or blood being drawn elsewhere creeps me out, I’m still a little freak who fucking loves the idea of period sex, period oral, any of it. It’s so good.
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chubbology · 3 years
prompt: a man gains weight trying to get his ex-girlfriend back, but goes way too far and gets addicted to gaining
He hadn’t gone to the gym even once in ages.
After a year of singlehood, he wasn’t ashamed to admit anymore that he’d only really gone in the first place to impress women. Ironic, of course, since his ex had never been more than vaguely dissatisfied about his gym habit.
When they first started dating, he had love handles he hated and his thighs had been too thick. He assumed she dated him despite these flaws. Only after he lost weight to please her did he find out that it was his chub that caught her eye. It was bigger guys she was into. It was a lot of miscommunication. A lot of insecurity on his part, since what her preferences meant was that she wanted him to be a little heavy, and he couldn’t possibly accept that with his society-ingrained doctrines about attractiveness.
But those doctrines meant fuck-all now; he was eating a double cheeseburger in his car, helping it down with an orange soda, thinking about dessert. He was wondering if she’d be proud of him now that he’d gained thirty pounds. He wondered if she’d look at him with half-lidded eyes like she used to, if he put on another thirty. Fifty. Whatever.
His phone buzzes. He sits up straighter, belly swelling a little into his lap. It’s her.
Hey. My friend needs to sell her two tickets. I know it’s your favorite band. Interested?
The next text was a link to an information page about an upcoming concert. He’d been so disconnected lately, he hadn’t even heard about it.
Even though he wasn’t actually all that interested, he replied that he was, and they set a date to meet up the next week. Shit. He looked down at himself. If she were someone else, she might be repelled. But she wasn’t someone else…
He was hit with a brilliant, maybe brilliantly stupid, idea. It’s execution began with going right back through the drive thru.
In the days leading up to seeing his ex again, he ate almost constantly. Since he was only doing freelance online at the moment, his work didn’t get in the way of this. He let himself eat whatever he wanted, in amounts three times what his body craved. He pushed himself to a state of being constantly past full. She liked fat guys? Fine. Even if she still didn’t want anything to do with him, he wanted her to see what he could have been, if he hadn’t been such a gym-rat douchebag. If he’d let himself become a lazy, docile boyfriend like she wanted instead, weak and overweight.
It was hard, gaining a lot of weight in a week. The number on the scale didn’t go up as much as he expected, even though he’d eaten enough calories to gain twenty pounds at least. He compensated by showing up to their meeting spot wearing clothes that tightly hugged his body, which now had a good forty-ish pounds of fat clinging to it. Looking in the mirror before he left, he’d almost seen what she was into. His ass had gotten kind of wide and dumpy, but in a sexy way?
He was all nerves when she showed up looking healthy and cute and indifferent about him, holding the tickets in her hands. Almost indifferent. She definitely gave him a once-over, when she thought he wasn’t looking. He could tell she bit the inside of her lip.
“Well,” she said, meeting his eyes fearlessly. Were her cheeks a little red, or was that wishful thinking? “I’ll see you.”
“Really?” he blurted. “Kinda miss hanging out.”
She smiled and turned to leave. “Maybe.”
He went home and binged hard.
In contrast to how he grew too slowly in the week before meeting up with her, in the weeks afterward, he gained weight doubletime. Fat rounded him out as easy as if he were a swiftly filling water balloon, engorging his thighs and belly and ass and hips wide and heavy. He ate compulsively as his appetite skyrocketed, as cravings crushed his will to restrain himself. His budget was thrown out of whack as he spent his savings on pantry loads of unhealthy food. His clothes stretched and seams snapped as he struggled to fit in his largest clothes. He shopped in the plus sized section first for comfort, then by necessity.
All the while he could only think: I wished she was watching.
He started imagining her with him. In the car as he ate fast food. At the store as he bought new clothes. Walking beside him as he forced himself to get exercise.
“Slow down, big guy.” “No, I think you need one size bigger.” “Sweating already? You’re so out of shape.”
Why did he like it? Imagining her mocking him? Teasing him? Eyeing his body, fleshy and overfed.
The next time she texted, it was late at night, and his eyes were glazed watching television, eating huge spoonfuls of that miracle drug called Nutella. His belly swelled out of his shirt. His breasts and face were puffy. According to the numbers he punched into Google, he had long crossed the threshold of obesity.
How was the concert?
He stared at the words. This was it. Maybe his only chance. He replied: Didn’t go after all. Been feeling off lately.
To his (very manly) delight, this prompted more questions, and it became clear she wanted a real conversation. Was she thinking of him? Missing him like he missed her? He thought out every response with the careful focus of a rocket scientist. He wasn’t going to mess this up.
He didn’t seem to, and they texted into the early hours of the morning, catching up. Finally, finally she asked to meet up with him again, and - feeling more eager, a little reckless - he tapped out a disclaimer. Or to her, hopefully: motivation.
Just so you aren’t shocked when you see me, I’ve put on weight since I bought those tickets from you. I’m not sensitive about it or anything, but it’s a lot. So here’s a fair warning.
He held his breath as he waited for her reply. Held his breath. Held it…
Oh. Really?
Like before, they set a time the following week. This time, to get coffee. No big deal.
He knew he had more than fulfilled his little scheme of putting on weight to catch her attention, and he could push the breaks now, but he felt helpless against his inertia. At this point, he’d cultivated half a dozen habits that had his weight steadily rising, and he couldn’t just turn them off. If he so much as thought of eating less, his whole body seized up in fearful anticipation and unhappiness, and he found himself cramming a couple moonpies into his mouth just to calm down.
He gained another six pounds between their text conversation and their coffee date. He felt so out of control, so out of shape, so out of line with the standards of popular society that he felt oddly…free. In a way, he felt free of anxious self-consciousness as he heaved himself out of his car and waved at her through the coffee shop window. She was sitting in a corner at a table for two. Despite his warning, she looked a little shocked.
When he sat down across from her, his huge ass hanging off the ends of the seat, she appeared to inhale deeply. Her expression was inscrutable.
“You weren’t kidding,” she said.
Blushing, he supposed he deserved a bit of tactlessness, for the tactless way he broke up with her. “What? Oh. Yeah, no. I wasn’t.”
She sipped her coffee, eyes flicking between his flabby chest and his flabby face. In a low tone that no one else would hear, she said, “What happened? For you to get fat as fuck.”
He opened his mouth and closed it. This wasn’t how he was expecting this to go. “Well. I’ve been working from home, stressed out. I let myself go and…” He trailed off when he realized her eyes were cold. No - so hot they seemed cold, like his shower water when turned to the highest setting.
“Is this because of me?” she asked, cutting to the chase. She crossed her legs, now openly surveying him. “Did you decide it was okay to gain a hundred pounds because you thought I’d be into it?”
He was speechless. He swallowed.
“Well? Do you want me back that badly? Ever since I saw you last time, all chubbed out, I’ve been thinking maybe I should give you a second chance.”
“But I don’t know…” She shrugged, but a smirk was hiding just behind that indifferent frown, and he wanted. He wanted her forgiveness, whatever that meant. “How about you gain a hundred more and we’ll go on a real date? Sound good? You’re not the only fat guy out there.”
She was full-on grinning now, and he missed her little games like this. He could play them, too.
“Maybe, but I bet I’m the only guy who’s gotten this fat for you,” he said. She was immediately affected by this, and he licked his lips. “You really want to wait to see me a hundred pounds bigger than this, or do you want to stick around to watch?”
Even quieter, she said, “You saying you like gaining weight? How convenient.”
So she still doubted him. He put out his hands for her to see. “Just look. Look at how fat my hands are. I can’t…” And finally his composure cracked a little. “I can’t stop. I couldn’t stop if I wanted. Even if you never talk to me again, I’m gonna gain weight.”
Any playfulness was gone now from her. She looked like she wanted him, too. “Hmm. Maybe we should go before you break that poor chair, huh?”
He blushed again. God, he was getting docile. “I’m not that bad,” he muttered. But she gave him a cruel grin. She hadn’t entirely forgiven him. “You will be.”
And he knew then: he was doomed. He was already a little bit into his own heaviness, and she was going to take that feeling and amplify it tenfold. She was going to enable every bad habit he had, watch him flounder under his increasing size and become weaker under layers and layers of fat until he could barely lift a two pound dumbbell.
He knew she wanted this to happen, and maybe he’d broken up with her before because he’d been afraid.
But he wasn’t anymore.
“Let’s go then,” he said.
Thank you to the reader who commissioned this work!
I'd love to write more. Check me out <3 etsy.com/shop/Chubbology
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summary: When Spencer and Reader meet, they connect almost instantly. When she is kidnapped later that night it's up to Spencer and his team to find her.
word count: 3.9k
warnings: criminal minds style violence, swearing, brief mentions of parental issues.
Pairing: Spencer Reid/Female Reader
A/N: I got hit with a massive block halfway through this so it took forever to finish. I hope you all enjoy it!!
The lights were dim when you finally managed to pry open your eyes. You felt a splitting ache in the back of your head and your hands were tied tight behind the back of the chair you were restrained to. A feeling of panic rose through your chest as you pulled at the restraints, ripping  the skin of your wrists as you struggled. You gave up after a few minutes when you heard movement from above you. It was then you began to truly examine your surroundings. You were in a basement of some sort you decided. It smelled of mildew and the only light was from the small hopper window to your left.  Too high for you to get out of, even if you used the chair you realized with a grimace. Still, it would help you keep track of time. It was pitch black out save for the streetlamp a few feet away. You shuddered at the thought of being here for days or weeks.
You tried to think back on your day, and how you ended up here. As far as you knew, nothing unusual happened that morning. You remembered the two FBI agents, a small blonde woman and a tall lanky man with light brown curls and a beautiful face. who stopped by your cafe to ask you if you had seen a man they had been looking for. They told you he had been targeting women business owners around town. You looked at the few images they had, most of which were blurry enough you had trouble making out his features. Still, his face didn’t ring any bells. You apologized for not being able to help and the blonde agent whose name you couldn’t quite recall (Jergen maybe?)  encouraged you to be safe before they left. The rest of your day continued as normal, until that evening. Your employees had left for the night and you were finishing up your inventory when you heard a knock on the glass.
You turned around to see the tall agent from earlier waiting outside. You rushed to let him in and he gave you a sheepish look. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize you were closed. I’m desperate for some coffee other than the burnt pot at the station. Is there any chance you have some left?”. I nodded and stepped aside to let him in relocking the door behind him. “Yeah, come on in. Is there anything in particular you’d like? I can make you something with espresso if you’d prefer” “Oh no, I don’t want to inconvenience you any further” Your smile grew at his politeness “It’s no trouble! I still have the machine open since I’ll be here for a while.” he nodded at that and copied your expression. “Alright, can I have a double shot latte with extra chocolate and vanilla syrup?” You shook your head and let out a small giggle. “Do you actually like coffee? Or are you just desperate for energy?” He laughed at your question “You caught me. I like a little coffee with my sugar. I usually just drown the police station coffee with stevia but I need something good.” You nodded along as you steamed the milk for his latte.
He had a troubled look on his face. He seemed far away like his brain was disconnected from his body. “I know we just met but are you okay? You seem kinda zoned out.” He locked eyes with you and it was silent for a moment before he answered. “Yeah… I just feel kinda burnt out I guess.” You sat the mug down in front of him, along with a large double chocolate muffin. He eyed you, but before he could argue about it you spoke “You seem like you need it. I really don’t mind.” He quietly thanked you before sipping the drink. He let out a soft sigh and he looked genuinely content for a few moments. He looked at you again and you suddenly felt like you were being examined. “Sorry”, he said noticing your discomfort, “You’re just interesting to me.” “Interesting how?” You felt your cheeks heat up. His gaze still didn’t drop but a soft smile met his eyes. “You’re kind but still stubborn. When we were here earlier you were insistent on answering our questions in your office only. When we told you that the man was going after women business owners you were genuinely concerned, but now you’re here alone at almost 11 at night. You let me in immediately when I showed up, but locked the door and reset your security alarm behind me. You’re worried about your safety but still here, alone.”. You pursed your lips at his analysis before letting out a long breath. “Yeah, I guess I care about my business more than my own life.” You laughed awkwardly at your failed attempt to lighten the mood. He continued to look into your eyes and you were hit with a deeply intimate feeling. It felt like he was staring into your soul and instead of running away, he was running towards it. You internally scoffed at your emotions. This strange man comes into your coffee shop and you start to fall for him and instead of changing the subject, you told him the truth.
“I didn’t want my employees to overhear us. I don’t want them to worry about anything, most of them are college kids with enough on their plate as it is. Plus it’d give them another reason to be on my case about staying here so late.” You did genuinely laugh at that. “We’re like a family here. Half of them call me mama. More than once I’ve opened my door to them and helped them get back on their feet.” He smiled with me at that. “I’m usually here this late. I suppose you could consider me a workaholic but I think any good business owner has to be. This cafe is my first baby. I’ve put blood, sweat, and tears into it. To be honest, it’s probably more secure here than it is at my apartment.” He looked at you with what you thought was admiration. Maybe it was concern. You talked for a while longer about your lives. He was from Vegas but lives in DC now. You told him you had moved to DC on a whim. You needed a new start and DC held a lot of promise in the form of an abandoned building with a low down payment. You talked about his work as an agent and his love of literature.
You asked about his parents and he grew quiet. He asked about yours and for the first time in what felt like hours, you dropped my head and avoided his eyes. He sipped at his coffee for a minute while you sat in silence until a shrill ringing made you jump and he reached into his pocket, “Hello? Yeah, Emily... Okay. Okay, I will. Yeah.” He hung up his phone and returned it to his pocket before catching your eyes. “I have to go but I really appreciate you letting me in. Thanks for the coffee.” He stood,  made his way to the door quickly unlocking it and letting himself out, leaving you to wonder what he meant by letting him in. You packed up after that and a few minutes later you started the quick walk to your apartment.
You tried to remember past that. You never made it home. You cursed yourself for deciding to not waste the money on the cab. The sky looked like it was starting to lighten. Again, the noise started from upstairs and you heard a door swing open. A man came down a set of steps and flicked a light switch. You shut your eyes and slowly reopened them as they began to adjust. You tried to recognize the man in front of you but still came up blank. He matched the guy in the pictures but other than that you couldn’t place him. “It’s nice to see you Y/N. I’m glad you’re doing well.” His voice carried a condescending tone, and it mde your stomach lurch. “How do you know my name?” You demanded. You refused to show fear to this poor excuse of a man. “What, you don’t remember me? I wish I could say I was surprised. You never did care though so I suppose I knew that was coming.” You strained your brain to try and remember this kid. And a kid he was, he didn’t look any older than 20.
“What’s your name?” you tried again with a softer tone. “Jacob. Jacob Knighter.” He watched your face for any sign of recognition and when he didn’t see it, he rolled his eyes. “Of course you have no idea who I am. I’ve been leaving you clues and everything. I tried to tell you I was coming and you completely ignored it.” “Wait, you… killed all these women because of me?” “Oh don’t flatter yourself. It wasn’t just to warn you. I needed the practice. This had to be perfect and there was only one way to better my skills.” His words made your stomach turn and you could feel the bile rise in the back of your throat. You choked it down and stared back at him. “Jacob, I don’t know what I did to hurt you but I’m sure we can talk about this. Let me make this right, you don’t have to do this.” He scoffed before stepping towards you, getting close enough the tilt the chair back. You wrinkled your nose as you smelled the alcohol on his breath. He was so close you could almost taste it yourself.
“You don’t have to do this” he mocked you in a high-pitched, whiny voice. “You know nothing about what I’ve had to do. This is your fault. You could have helped me and you chose not to.” He wrapped his hand around your throat and you felt the heat rise to your face. You jerked against him trying helplessly to get away before he finally let go. You let out several sputtering coughs, trying desperately to catch your breath. He laughed at you and your brain swam with rage as fought against your restraints, ignoring the sting of your skin. “Let me go you piece of shit! I didn’t do anything to you! I don’t know you!” His face quickly turned dark and you felt your adrenaline fade and panic begin to set in. You were in real danger here and no one knew where you were. “You’re going to regret this Y/N. You’re going to wish you had helped me when you could have. Now it’s too late and you have to suffer the consequences.” He turned and shut the light back off before storming up the steps and slamming the door. This time you heard the click as three separate bolts were locked into place.
Even with the light off, the room was brighter than it had been. The sky had turned a light grey and soon the sun would rise. You should be opening the shop right now. In twenty minutes or so your morning shift employees would arrive to a locked door and hopefully be reaching out to find out where you went. All you could do now is wait. Your head was still pounding and even though you had just woken up a few hours prior, the sudden lack of adrenaline left you unable to fight the urge to close your eyes, and in a few seconds, you were out cold.
“Spencer, would you please relax? We will find her.” Emily was doing her best to comfort him but spencer continued to pace the room, trying to make sense of it all. “Emily I hadn’t even been gone 15 minutes. In the fifteen minutes between me leaving and her leaving she was kidnapped and now we have no idea how to help her. We don’t know where she is or how to find her.” Spencer had told the team about the late-night conversation you’d had after he’d come in from a break to find Penelope reciting information about the latest missing person. He told Emily about the connection he felt and now he was watching it all fall apart in front of him. Emily tried to calm him down enough to be able to pick his brain but with every breath, he just kept ranting. “She’s such a kind person too, her employees care about her. She said she’s even housed a few of them from time to time. She talks about them like we talk about each other. They’re family!”
Emily froze. “She’s housed them? Is that a well-known fact?” Spencer stared at her for a few seconds before shrugging. “Probably. She didn’t say it like she was revealing anything. Why does that matter? The unsub’s not taking them to their own houses.” Emily shook her head, shocked that spencer was unable to connect the dots. “No, but we did say we thought the unsub was targeting women for reasons other than sexism. What if they’re surrogates? The criminal sophistication matches the average age of Y/N’s employees. Maybe she turned down an applicant who was in a rough spot and now he’s seeking revenge.” Spencer’s eyes widened as he followed Emily’s conclusion and they both rushed to Garcia. “Penelope” Emily called “Can you pull up recent applications for Y/N’s business? We think the unsub might have been rejected and now he’s going after her.” Penelope nodded and began typing, her fingers flying too fast on the keyboard for even Spencer to keep up with. “Here we go, the recent applicants for Cherry Juice, which is an odd name for a coffee shop if you ask me.” “Actually, it makes sense given that the fruit of a coffee tree is known as a cherry. Each cherry contains two coffee beans or a peaberry.” Emily ignored Spencer’s facts and reclaimed Penelope’s attention. “Penelope, can you run background checks on all of the male applicants? See if any of them had filed for unemployment or applied for housing in low-income areas.” “You got it!”
Spencer wandered off towards the break room to pour himself another cup of bitter coffee, feeling pain rip through his chest as he stared down at the dark liquid. He was completely off-put by the intensity of the feelings he had for you. He had just met you! Why was he so concerned for your wellbeing? Emily had told him that it was from being the last one to see you, but he knew it was deeper than that. Had he really managed to fall for someone in two hours? He ran out of time to ponder the idea any further because JJ stuck her head in the room. “Spence, we got the guy. You coming?” He turned towards her and nodded once, rushing out of the room, the mug of coffee abandoned on the counter.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed when you awoke to a man yelling upstairs. A few seconds after you opened your eyes, the door swung open and Jacob rushed down. “Shut up. Don’t say a fucking word, you hear me? I’ll fucking kill you.” You widened your eyes and nodded in agreement. You were confused but complied. It wasn’t until you heard the front door bust open that you realized what was happening. Someone had found you. “Y/N?” You heard spencer shout your name. You opened your mouth to scream when you felt Jacob close his hand over your mouth and nose. You panicked and fought against him struggling for air. Your vision began to go fuzzy around the edges. You thought you heard the door open but before you could tell the world went dark.
When you woke up, you were on the floor in a different room of the house and an EMT was wrapping your wrists while another was checking your vitals. “Spencer..” You tried to twist your head but the EMT stopped you. “Ma’am we have to finish checking you over.” You were annoyed but allowed him to finish his job. The sooner they were done the sooner you could attempt to find him. After your wrists were bandaged and they were sure you hadn’t suffered from any respiratory damage they helped you slowly to your feet and told you that if you had any problems to visit the emergency room. You agreed and thanked the two men before making your way out the front door. You tried to move faster but your legs felt like jelly after being tied up for so long. When you made your way to the front yard you saw two black SUVs that screamed government official. You scanned the small crowd of agents and officers who stood in between the vehicles before your eyes found the back of his head.
You began your half-limp walk over when a woman with a dark bob cut and bangs nudged Spencer’s side. He turned around and a look of euphoria washed over his face when he saw you. He ran over to you, saving your legs from the strain of the uneven ground. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest. Even though you felt like you were hugging a brick because of his vest, you tightened your own grip around him. He smelled like stale coffee and sweat but to you, it was the smell of relief. You finally felt safe, you knew nothing could hurt you while you were in his arms. After several seconds, he loosened his grip on you just enough for you to pull your head back to meet his gaze. “I’m so sorry Y/N. I should have made sure you had gotten home safe.” “Spencer, you have no reason to apologize. You were just doing your job, and you saved me.” “Well, actually that was my team. I was too worried to be much of a help.” he admitted sheepishly, his cheeks turning a dusty pink. “Spencer, without you talking to me you wouldn’t have known anything about me except for my legal forms. You knew who I am.”
Spencer’s eyes lit up but before he could say anything else, a man from the group cleared his throat causing Spencer to look back to them. “Um Y/N would you like to meet my team?” You were startled by the question. However, you knew they were all close and if you had any hope of seeing Spencer again, his team might be a good way to start. “Yeah, sure. I’d love to.” He half supported your walk as you made your way down the driveway. Your legs felt like jelly and you couldn’t decide whether it was from being tied down or if it was nerves. You reached the group of agents and you were a little taken aback. Was it a requirement of the FBI to be dropdead gorgeous? You barely had time to process it when the dark-haired woman reached her hand out and you took it. “Hi Y/N. I’m Emily Prentiss. This is JJ, Luke, Matt, Tara, and Dave.” You smiled and waved politely as she introduced each of the team’s members. “And of course you’ve already met our resident genius.” You looked up to the man beside you who was once again blushing and scratching the back of his neck. “It’s nice to meet you all. I’m incredibly thankful that you were here. I mean obviously, you just saved my life..” you trailed off and shook your head a few times. You felt insanely flustered trying to thank them. “It’s our job Y/N, you really don’t need to thank us. Are you feeling okay?” The blond woman, JJ you now knew her as reassured you. Her nurturing tone was almost enough to reduce you to tears but you choked it down. “Thanks to you all, I am.” They all smiled, and Emily told Spencer they were going to wrap up back at the station.
“Y/N would you like a ride home?” I was shocked but grateful and accepted Emily’s offer. I told her the street address and a few minutes later we had arrived at my building. I thanked them again and climbed out of the SUV. I made my way towards the entrance when I noticed Spencer climbing out of the vehicle. “Spencer, shouldn’t you be helping them finish up the case?” “They’ll be alright without me, I wanted to make sure you got settled in alright.” You blushed and nodded, buzzing into the building and leading him to the elevators. “Are you sure you don’t need to go? I’ll be okay.” Spencer shook his head. “No, really it’s okay. I want to make sure you’re okay.” You were touched by the sentiment and tried not to feel guilty about pulling him away from his work. You reached into your purse that he had returned to you and dug for your keys. Once you got the door open, you led him into the living room where you set your bag down and pulled your sneakers off.
You watched Spencer as he slowly moved throughout your space, committing everything you owned to memory. After several minutes of watching him, you broke the comfortable silence with a yawn. He immediately turned to you as if he was just reminded of your presence. “You need to rest Y/N. You’ve been through a lot.” “I don’t want to sleep.” “Why not?” You pondered the question for a second before you decided to tell him the truth. “I don’t want to wake up and have this be a dream…” You trailed off sadly, imagining going the rest of your life without him. You had only known him for a few hours but it felt like a lifetime. “Y/N… I’d like to see you again if that’s alright - I mean if you’d like that.” He rubbed the back of his neck and looked at you. You nodded enthusiastically. “I’d love to see you again Spence!” You scrambled around before you found your notepad and scribbled your phone number down on the top page, adding a heart at the end. You walked over to where he was stood studying the photos hanging on your wall next to the door.
“Here you go, call me sometime when you’re free okay?” He smiled and folded it before placing it safely in his pocket. He stared into your eyes, brushing a strand of your hair back behind your ear. “Y/N… You’re really beautiful, you know that?” Your cheeks tinged with pink and you tried to look away but his hand held you still, lingering on your cheek. “Aphrodite would be so jealous she’d smite you where you stood.” You giggled and before he could overthink, he touched his lips to yours. You wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling him closer. After a few minutes, he pulled away and smiled at you. “I have to go now, unfortunately. The team will hate me if I write off a cab on FBI money. I’ll call you okay? Soon. Get some rest, you need it.” You nodded and leaned up to brush your lips against his once more. “I will. I’ll see you soon Spence.” He kissed your cheek as he opened the door behind him. “Sweet dreams Carissima. I’ll see you soon.” He shut the door behind him and you locked it before making your way to bed. You stripped off your clothes and left them in a pile on the floor. You climbed in between your sheets and closed your eyes, quickly drifting off and into dreams filled with Spencer.
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tiptapricot · 3 years
I’ve been having a lot of Evil Robo BnT thoughts recently, so here’s a bunch of them! This ended up pretty long just as a forwarning djjdjd
Post DeNomolos, Evil BnT are forced to do a lot of self exploration and discovery
They’re two robots from the far future, stuck in the past with each other and the two humongously important historical figures they were not only sent back to kill, but also physically made to look and sound exactly like, with no way back to their own time and no further reason to carry out the mission they were created for
It’s a lot to adjust to
(Three uses of the f-slur near the end in a canon compliant/reclaimed usage context, and implied sexual content, but extremely mild)
It still doesn’t have much of an impact on them at first though, besides some anger and annoyance. They don’t feel emotions in the same way or to the same depth that humans do, so they kind of fall back on: this sucks and that guy was a dick, guess we have to live in the stupid past now, and that’s the extent of it
But they’re also AIs, and AIs learn and grow
They hide out in a cheap apartment for the first few months or so back, going out to steal money to pay for rent and to pick up movies and stuff, but it’s exposure to the world, it’s living. And the more they interact with people, the more media they consume, the more the rigid walls of their programming break down and expand
And that’s when things start getting complicated
Because that’s when things like morals, sense of self, purpose in life, and, to their horror, real emotions start coming into play
Their evil edges start corroding, things stop being as straightforward, and they start developing into their own complex people
Being Bill and Ted with a few glorified descriptors stuck on the front starts feeling… weird, especially when they inevitably end up running into them again and being around them more
Because they’re supposed to be Bill and Ted, but they aren’t, and yet they can’t completely deny the parts of themselves that are….. it’s frustrating
As a first step in both asserting and exploring their individuality, they choose their own names
Evil Bill chooses Willis, or Will for short, and Evil Ted goes with Theoneous, Theo for short
It’s different enough to feel like their own thing, while still appeasing the ingrained itch to take BnT’s place
There are gaps like that, a disconnect/mental dissonance between their consciousnesses and the knowledge that they’re robots, circuitboards and wires and code, like a separation between what they feel is them and what they feel is the robot
That’s an experience that continues as they grow, especially as they try and figure out what to do with their lives. It’s tough sometimes, to figure out where the programming ends and where their own wants and drives begin
They’re the only ones familiar enough with future tech to help each other when they experience technical issues or need repairs, and the only ones they feel comfortable being that physically vulnerable with
It leads to them being kind of codependent, but it’s warranted in a lot of ways
They also naturally stick closer to each other, because even though they grow to have emotions and are able to care about people, they aren’t totally mushy
They don’t get as upset about things, or as excited, and while they form their own kind of love for the people they end up caring about (without admitting it), they’re still never able to connect with humans in the same way they connect with each other
It’s this inherent wall, a difference in how they experience the world
Their forms of affection are machine based, just like how humans are human based. They’ll give each other cold packs when it’s hot or they’ve been moving a lot, they’ll do evening maintenance on each other, chatting while one of them has their hand in the other’s chest cavity, and they jump on each other or bang their shoulders together super hard, because they can’t feel a thing and they’re durable enough for it, and that’s fun to them
That doesn’t really carry over to human interaction though, and a lot of times they end up coming across as cold or mean
They generally have a rougher seeming relationship than most humans. There’s a lot of teasing and insults and slapping, which turns most people off from them, but that’s how they show they’re comfortable (it’s also how they show they don’t like people, but there’s a subtle and meaningful difference there, AKA that they won’t purposefully try to harm the former party)
Robots process sound differently too, for them it’s more of a physical experience than just listening
Will’s guilty pleasure is that he likes to listen to piano (secretly), especially Debussy and other classical that sounds similar. Something about it makes his circuitry feel good and fuzzy and calms him down
He doesn’t feel comfortable telling Theo about it, it still feels like a dumb pussweed thing to be into (plus it continues to make him have some most non metal thoughts about kissing and That’s DEFINITELY not something he can share)
They also both really like death metal. Though they were loosely programmed with the knowledge of BnT’s music taste, it’s not quite their style, and they lean towards the more intense stuff
They do that in most fields though, since it usually takes higher energy stuff to get them going/excited/into something
That’s why they roughhouse a lot, and mess things up, and drive recklessly, it forces their mechanics to process more things more quickly, and as a result gives them their own form of dopamine/adrenaline
Sometimes things backfire, they’ve fucked themselves up accidentally on more then one occasion when stuff goes too far or isn’t what they expect, but they’re always there to patch each other up
When their synth skin gets ripped or torn they don’t always bother to repair it, and underneath there’s a layer of see through hard plastic and their bodies look like those clear case electronics that were popular in the 90s (idea cred to @juiceboxfrog !)
They also have inspector gadget-like telescoping stretch arms at their wrist and ankle joints, but they don’t use those much because they’re unsettling to most humans. Definitely a leg up when they want to climb places the shouldn’t, though (idea cred to @showbiz-za !)
Theo is more prone to needing fix ups than Will, since the extra wiring that was installed for the time and space spanning camera DeNomolos gave him made him more susceptible to short circuiting, over heating, and other glitches
After awhile he just takes his left eye out and leaves it like that, keeping his hair in his face to cover it. It doesn’t do anything for the internal parts of it he still has, but it’s not like it’s a loss. The connection port kept sparking, and it was uncomfortable and kept fucking with his vision, so it wasn’t worth it
Plus he didn’t really like that it used to be a camera… or still could be
One of the things Will and Theo both have to get used to is actually valuing their own privacy and autonomy
When DeNomolos was around they were just his tools, tools that he didn’t even like
They honestly grow to resent him pretty fast, both with his treatment of them, and, when their emotions are especially out of control, his creation of them
They don’t talk about it much, or when they do it’s mainly anger, not addressing or showing the more raw parts they do feel, because that’s still foreign to them, and their circuits weren’t designed to process or understand more complex stuff
Complex stuff like how being around Ted more makes Theo develop a certain… insecurity
It’s not like the connections are hard to make: he looks like Ted, he sounds like Ted, he was meant to be Ted, Ted has a dickweed of a dad, and Theo had a dickweed of a creator, Ted has Bill and Theo has Will
But Theo doesn’t have Deacon
And while he doesn’t want to be exactly like Ted, part of him also does (it was made to). Part of him wants to be human, to have those natural connections and someone to watch over
But he doesn’t and it’s weird*
He tries to ignore it, chalks it up to his drive still attempting to put him on his original track of replacing Ted, and therefore making him more aware of the family roles Ted has
For all he knows that is what it is, he’s just a robot after all
Even though they aren’t really ones for mushy love, Will and Theo do love each other
You can’t not when you know the other person inside and out, literally
They joke a lot about that when they’re doing repairs (“Dude you’re holding my heart, pretty faggy of you.”), and though they laugh, there’s an unspoken intimacy to it, something that sits warm in their wires and goes beyond platonic; something (though they would never describe it as such) loving about getting to take care of each other, and getting to get taken care of
The jokes also stop being jokes after awhile and take on a charge, morphing into unofficial flirting
Eventually that charge sparks, and their relationship becomes a different kind of physical. That’s new, too, a type of exploration neither of them are familiar with, but it’s nice, it’s good, and it’s easier to write off as casual and not meaningful than anything else (for the record I do think this works/plays out different for them than it does for humans, but I will nOt get into that here or anywhere lmao)
That arrangement doesn’t last forever, though, because one night Theo has a bad malfunction that cause him to completely power down, and it sends Will into a panic
It takes him almost an hour to fix the problem and for Theo to reboot, and when he comes back Will can’t stop touching him and checking in and it’s weird
“Why are you so worked up dude, this’s happened plenty of times.”
“Yeah I know you just… you fritzed out and went limp and it freaked me out dude.”
“So? You know this is nothing to worry about. I don’t get why you’re kinda acting like such a pussweed dude.”
“I didn’t know what was wrong! That’s plenty of reason to be fucking worried!”
“Not for you! Not for us! Why the hell do you care so much this time?”
“Because I love you, asshole!”
And then there’s silence, and staring, and then Theo cracks a smile
“Heh, fag.”
Kissing after a confession, as it turns out, makes both of them short circuit, and they wake up three days later still tangled up on top of each other, half falling off the apartment couch
“Y’know… I think we’re both fags now dude,” Will whispers, and they chuckle in the space between their mouths. “I did it first though.”
*he does get this later with Billie and Thea, but that’s a whole separate post
(As one last thing wanted to add that Love Came Along by Pansy Division perfectly encapsulates the vibes of Will n Theo’s relationship to me, AKA something casual and almost humorous while still being super intimate and emotional, so def check it out if you’re ok with suuuuper explicitly sexual lyrics bfgjgfdfg)
Headcanons masterpost
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Welp, this fic i thought i wasn’t even going to continue is now longer at 17 chapters than War in Hermittown which was 26 chapters. And I’m not done here yet! (WiHT ended with 56,719 words. SF was at 55,597 last chapter, and this one is over 3k words, putting it to at least 58k total)
tagging time! @petrichormeraki and @helleborusangel are you guys proud of me?
Xannes and Tommy turned their weapons on Theseus. “How’d you find this place bitch?” The hels copy just rolled his eyes before gesturing over to Dream. “What, you were tracking him?”
“He’s an admin using a console. Find the console, find the admin.” Theseus replied, which confused Tommy. “Right, you wouldn’t know about that, would you.”
Tommy glanced back to Xannes. “Any clue what he’s talking about?”
“Yes. Before command blocks, datapacks, plugins and autofill commands, a lot of admins would default to consoles. These days most people tend to ignore them, but there are some benefits. Though the negatives usually make it seem like the worst option.”
“Why’s that?”
“Admins have better control over everything else. A console is more powerful and capable of much more, but it’s disconnected from the admin. It tends to be stationary in the world and needs to be hidden, and while there are ways to make them moveable, it’s usually not worth the hassle.”
Theseus smiled. “Oh look who’s not as much of an idiot as they seem. Another question then. Why are you still getting in the way? You want those scraps of metal? Take them. He’s the one I’m after.” And he pointed at Dream.
“You haven’t fucking told us why though.” Tommy crossed his arms.
“You didn’t really need to know.” Theseus said before sighing and taking off his mask. “But if that’s the only thing that’ll make you let me through, fine. Nightmare’s dead in my world. I killed him myself. Used up his three lives.”
“You guys still have the three lives system? I thought everything in hels was… y’know, worse?” Tommy asked.
“Oh it is. Exactly why I want Nightmare back.”
There was silence save for the continued sound of weapons banging off each other. “You… you want to what?”
Theseus shrugged. “The bitch never really got what was coming to him. Sure it’s the NSMP, and it’s technically named after him, but his name is based on a concept. He’s not the one in charge, he just made a place where nightmares can become reality. He just never got that chance because he’s dead. And with how hels works, he can’t come back. That is… unless I can bring Dream back with me.”
“That seems like the worst idea I’ve ever heard.” Xannes spoke up. “There’s no guarantee how that will work, especially since he was an admin. You’re setting yourself up for a disaster for both your world and this one.”
“And so what? I die? If I can’t do this right, why bother sticking around.”
“Then I might die too bitch!” Tommy yelled at his copy. “And I definitely don’t want to go out just like that.”
“Plus there are other people linked here.” Xannes spoke, pulling up commands. “Now, you’re going to want to stop, or I’m going to have to attack.”
“Oh please, what can you do?”
“My brother is known as the best admin of all time. Which meant I needed to be the best hacker.” Xannes smiled behind his mask. “And with Prof and NPG around, I haven’t gotten to try anything out in a while, so I’m going to really enjoy this.”
Tommy could almost feel the danger that was Xannes before he moved. He swung his sword once, and even though Theseus was more than ten blocks away, it was like the blade had hit him. He then pulled out a crossbow along with his sword, managing to duel wield the weapons. And then even though the second weapon kept being fired, it seemed to always be filled with ammo, not giving Theseus any rest from attacks, not to mention the fact that it was also multishot.
Tommy used that as a chance to run over to the bots. “Alright you two, I don’t care what the fuck’s been going on with you two, you need to fucking stop before you kill each other.”
“He deserves to die!” Jrum shouted, not looking away from his brother. 
“Jrum, I’ve told you about the guy that kinda isolated and manipulated me? The one Big G compared to Sam?”
“Yeah, and Grum’s just as bad!” Jrum said before attempting to attack again, instead just getting pulled back by Tommy.
“No! No he isn’t! That guy Grum’s been stuck with? That green bitch right there? That’s the fucker who was messing with me! And now he’s been doing it to Grum.”
“Yeah right.” Jrum crossed his arms, and Tommy slapped the back of his head, wincing as pain coursed through his body from damaging the vines. It caused the teen to flinch back, making the bottles in his inventory clank together.
Hearing the bottles made Tommy remember what he had on him. He had no clue how well the water worked, but right now it was better than nothing. He pulled them out and smashed them on top of Jrum’s head like a water balloon, the water covering Jrum and getting into his mechanics. It caused a short circuit and it seemed to fry the vines from within, but also Jrum. As the circuitry within him sparked, it damaged the vines, causing even more damage to Jrum, until it killed him.
“NO! JRUM!” Tommy yelled, freaking out about having just killed someone in his family. Beside him, Grum just stared at the place where Jrum had been standing a minute ago, the body having dissolved into smoke. 
Life Counter active. Entity Check Jrumbot. Death: canon. Life counter: 1 life remaining. Commence respawn. Respawn complete.
Teleport Requested. Assessing. Assessing. Allowing Teleport. Entity Jrumbot Teleported to Deathpoint coordinates.
Just like that, Jrumbot reappeared. He wasn’t completely covered with the vines, but he still retained the single vine around his antenna and his screen was still a red color. “Oh thank goodness, I thought you might have had a single life left.”
“Well now I do, no thanks to you!”
When Tommy had yelled, Xannes looked away from his fight. Theseus was able to finally close the distance and attack Xannes without the helsmit protecting himself, but he didn’t need to, the hacks keeping him from taking damage. “He’s using a console…”
Theseus tried attacking Xannes again. “Yeah, we covered that already. Why’s it soooo surprising now?”
“Because the console is Grum.”
That made Theseus scoff. “Wasn’t it obvious? It’s a computer that’s always near Dream. It’s essentially a console with fewer drawbacks. Even more powerful than a regular console too.”
When Theseus said that, Tommy turned his anger on Dream. “Ohhh, I can’t fucking believe you. I mean, that is an absolute child. At least with me, I was older, practically an adult, but he hasn’t even had a birthday and you decided to mess with him! As if you didn’t have a death wish already! I mean, guess that’s why you got everyone blocked. What if I just asked Grum to unblock everyone, what then?”
“And what? Just let Phil and Techno back in? What would that help with?”
“Oh please, you know their dad would be the first one in. Doesn’t that scare you?” Tommy asked with a smirk, though it fell in a few moments. “Wait do you actually not know who their dad is?”
“Just because he’s supposed to be another one of your brothers doesn’t mean anything. They’re hardly something I can’t deal with.”
“Can’t deal wi- Dream! Their dad is Grian! You know, the guy who literally has the name Dreamslayer? Like that’s part of his legal name at this point.” Tommy could tell when it got through to Dream, because he pressed back in his invisible prison just a bit and started looking for some possible way out.
He ended up snapping his fingers at Grum. “Hey, get me out of here.” And then Grum processed the information and teleported Dream a couple blocks to his left, freeing him from the barrier blocks.
“Oh shit. Xannes! He got o-” Was all Tommy was able to say before he was pressed against a wall, feet no longer touching the ground and him left struggling for air.
“You know, I could kill you right here. It would be easy. But for all I know, you come back as a ghost. So I’ve got a better idea. Just to make sure that if you do come back, it hurts even more. Grumbot?” He looked over at the robot, who immediately made its way over to Dream’s side. He handed it a netherite axe with the word ‘Nightmare’ etched into the metal. 
“No, c-come on Grum. You c-can’t do th-this.” Tommy did his best to get the words out. “Pl-Please… c-can you l-let everyone in a-at least.”
“Oh come on. He’s loyal to me. Why would you think-”
“That command is protected and requires a password to access.”
For a moment, Tommy lost all hope, but in a moment of clarity, he realized that Dream didn’t know Grum would say anything. If that were the case, there wouldn’t be a password. Yeah, Tommy could be wrong, but there was still a chance. “M-Mumbo for Mayor…” He choked out, and immediately Grumbot started processing the password, then accepted it.
“Blacklist disabled.”
“Kill Tommy!” Dream yelled in anger. And then Tommy was hit by the axe. Once. Twice. And then a third and final time.
Life Counter active. Entity Check TommyInnit. Death: canon. Life counter: no lives remaining. No respawn applicable.
Commencing Respawn. Respawn complete.
Teleport Requested. Assessing. Assessing. Allowing Teleport. Entity Tommy Teleported to Coordinates X-3, Y-3, Z-3. Returning inventory contents.
Tommy was holding his chest, panting to catch his breath. He was so sure he was dead. But no. Here he was, away from Dream and still with all his gear. That had probably been Xannes saving him, and healing him as well based on his current level of health.
For a moment, Tommy wanted to rush back in there, but then he remembered. The blacklist had been disabled. People could get in. He pulled out the communicator and sent a message to Grian, hoping it wouldn’t take too long. Then he put it away and tried to go back over to the bots, but his legs were shaky, and in just trying to take one step, he fell to the floor.
Even though he wasn’t close to death, he could still feel himself fading while at the same time it felt like everything was happening at once. Every sound seemed louder, what little breeze there was felt like pins and needles. And he just felt tired. As his vision went in and out, he saw Jrum rush off. Then Theseus stopped fighting and went after Dream. Then the three of them were gone. Then he was up in the air, something picking him up.
Finally, he felt the buzz of his communicator, and everything went dark.
The moment Grian got the message from Tommy, Grian made a Watcher portal straight to the SMP. The others nearby were slightly surprised that it was to let them follow along, but they weren’t arguing. Tubbo was the first to go through, Phil and Techno following behind. Grian was about to be right behind them, but was stopped by a hand. “You’re not keeping me from going Mumbo.”
“I know that. I wasn’t going to.” The redstoner spoke before taking Grian’s hand. “You’re the one always jumping into things, and that’s mostly a good thing. But this is something I don’t want to be left out of, so whether you like it or not, I’m coming with.”
“What? Did you think I was going to leave you behind? I wasn’t going to close the portal behind me. I was hoping you would come too, I was just letting you decide.”
“Good. ...So, do we want to…?” Mumbo started to say before he was yanked towards the portal as Grian ran through it, dragging him along.
When they arrived on the other side, Phil was the only one nearby, sitting down next to the portal. “Hey. Before you ask, I volunteered to wait while the other two went off in their own directions. That was only a few minutes ago. Haven’t heard anything back from them.”
Grian nodded. “I’m going to try contacting Tommy. Mumbo, those coordinates Tommy forwarded to me before? Can you check them out?”
“Definitely.” Mumbo nodded, pulling out his own communicator and checking the coordinates and which was to go to reach them.
“I’ll see if I can find anyone who could give us information.” Phil offered before immediately leaving, leaving Grian alone.
Alright, if I were one of the kids or Tommy… where would I be?” Grian asked himself, looking around before spotting something red in the distance. “Oh hello there. What’s that?” He quickly got into the air, flying over instead of trying to cross the rough terrain. “Tommy did send something about Jrum and red plants, didn’t he?” Grian bent down to try and touch the stuff, but was surprised when it seemed to move away. 
A voice spoke and then Grian was left looking around, trying to spot who had spoken. “What do you mean don’t touch it? I’m trying to find my kid and the best lead I have right now are these things.” Then he was left looking around again. “Oh, if that’s the case, then why not ditch the invisibility potion and meet me face to face?” Another short bout of silence and then Grian growled slightly, clenching his fists. “Then maybe I will.” And he started following the moving plants, the vines moving to almost create a path as they parted near him.
They snaked into an underground room and then down a thin tunnel. Grian had a little trouble getting through with his wings, not wanting to shift them away in case he ended up needing them suddenly. When he finally reached the end, he was greeted by what was obviously two teams of people fighting. One group was all in purples meanwhile the other group had a mix of colors, but there were a lot of reds and whites.
When it didn’t look like anyone noticed him, Grian moved forward a bit, cleared his throat, and then shouted. “HEY!” Immediately everyone froze and looked over at him. “Excuse me, I’m sure you’re having a lovely war and all, but I’m looking for my kids. The two of them are about… these heights and are adorable little robots.”
“Are you saying you’re one of Jrum’s parents?” Someone in a black and white cloak said, and Grian nodded at them.
“Yeah. Is he here? Or do you at least know where he is?” Grian asked, before the person attempted to attack him. Immediately his wings moved to act as a quick shield. “I’m guessing that’s a yes, but you don’t want me around.” Grian pulled out his sword. “Eh, I was expecting an ambush anyway.”
But before another attack could happen, the voice from before spoke, seemingly to the cloaked person. “So what?! He abandoned his kid! If that were true he would have shown up!”
“Hey, I tried getting in. Your admin just found a way to keep me out until now. Now, are you going to listen to your friend and tell me where Jrum is, or are you going to fight?”
The incoming sword worked as the answer to Grian’s question and he blocked it with a shield before attacking back. The person tried moving behind some vines hanging from the ceiling, but Grian just sliced them to the ground, clearing the area. “Wait, how are you doing that?!” The person asked before Grian flew up to bash their head with the end of his shield and knock them to the ground. 
“Nooo! What are you doing!” A voice yelled out and Grian turned around to see a familiar robot running over.
“Jrum!” Grian landed, arms open for a hug, but he just pushed past his dad to run to the person now on the ground. “Wh-what?”
“Are you okay?”
“Nggh… yeah. Wait, now where have you been?”
“I got kidnapped and Grum was there and he attacked me! But now I’m fine!”
Grian looked between his son and the person he had been attacking. He had no clue why this was happening, so he looked over as some of the other people nearby, who weren’t sure how to answer him. “Oh come on, no one had any idea?” And then the invisible person spoke. “I mean I guess? He was built before the turf war, but he didn’t really take part in it. Why? Look, I just want to get my kid and leave. My resistance days are pretty much over.”
There was quiet before Grian sighed and his wings shifted away. “Fine, I’ll play along, but you better hold up your end.” And when he opened his eyes, they weren’t their normal color, nor even just bright purple from using his watcher powers. Instead, his iris and pupils seemed to be missing, replaced by grayish-purple sclera.
“Well at the very least it was a house.” Xannes grumbled as he attempted to brush off the layer of dust on the bed sitting in the corner for him to then put Tommy on. It was tough with him having to carry the unconscious teen and only really about to use a leg as a duster, which was just spreading the dust around. “Can this be any harder?!”
A door opening behind him made the helsmit groan. “That’s wasn’t a fucking request! What the fuck do you-” He turned around and saw someone familiar and thankfully wearing a red tie. “Fine. This works. You take the kid.”
Mumbo was handed Tommy and Xannes finally was able to just pick the covers up off the bed and shake them off. It left Mumbo coughing and Xannes instantly regretting it as an alert on his screen warned him about his filters, but he put the blankets back down. The redstoner set Tommy down on the bed while Xannes worked on cleaning out the dust that was now in his helmet. “What happened to him?”
“He got killed, but respawn brought him back. It didn’t seem to be the best respawn because it hit hard. From what I can tell, he wasn’t supposed to. Is this a hardcore world?”
Mumbo shook his head. “Tommy said something about them having three lives, but they only counted if they were important.”
“So he essentially just got revived instead of normally respawning. That would explain it. You should have seen the three that got revived this season.”
“That’s right, you permakill someone if they don’t return for a season, don’t you.”
“Yeah. Of course they can still exist elsewhere, but it's a type of ban in a way.”
Mumbo nodded before finally looking away from Tommy and over to Xannes. “H-Have you seen either of the boys?”
“Yes, though they’re not doing so well. You know what a console is, right?”
“Yeah.” Mumbo nodded again. “I had to use one when I was first starting out so I didn’t break everything when working with redstone. Came in handy a few times, but I’m glad not using one anymore. Is there one being used here?”
“Yeah. The admin here decided to have fun with one since he found a way to make it mobile thanks to your redstone.”
“My red- wait!” Mumbo jumped up from kneeling on the floor next to the bed. “Are you telling me he’s using one of the boys?!”
“Yeah, Grumbot. He’s extremely out of it, but Tommy was able to get him to remove the blacklist and I’m pretty sure he’s the one who revived him, so it’s not a completely lost cause. Meanwhile the other one got infected with something like crimson nylium. I’m not sure how bad your land war went, but ours got out of hard fast.”
“We had a bit of trouble near the end, but the minigame battle near the end kept things from getting too far.”
“Well, hopefully it doesn’t end up like helscraft. Most of us ended up possessed by the different nyliums for a good portion of the war. And looks like Jrum is in the same situation.”
Alright, I’ll let the others know and hope Grian notices the message.”
“How many came along with the two of you?”
“Same group that we visited with. They came from here in the first place anyway, so they’ve got a better chance finding what we need.”
“Hello? Ranboo? Are you in here?” Tubbo asked, carefully stepping into the house. They had been planning to set up the second floor for Michael when he disappeared, so hopefully Ranboo would still be living there at least a little, unless he had taken the ziglin elsewhere. 
The place was dark, all the windows closed and no torches or lanterns there to light the place up. It left Tubbo fumbling around, trying to feel his way around and wishing he had brought something for light. He tripped on something and fell to the ground, rubbing his head and hoping he hadn’t damaged anything. Then suddenly, something lit up, and Tubbo froze.
He had looked behind him to try and see if he could tell what had tripped him. He could barely make out the outline of a foot. Following up, it led up to a glowing screen with a smiley face plastered on it. Just behind that, Tubbo could also see two glowing magenta eyes from an enderman standing behind the robot. 
Before Tubbo could ask any questions, a voice came from elsewhere in the dark room. “You know. As far as everyone knows, you're dead. How about we keep it that way?”
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ihopethisendswell · 3 years
My Computer Is Terrible So I'm Stating My Story Ideas Here Part 10: The Part 2 of the other Part
So so so
Part 2 of the other part which is part 9 and this is part 10 so it's a sequel part
Okay okay okay
Here we go!
Going full ramble again! You have been warned!
So right now Leon, Sonia and Raihan aren't on the best terms after their Big Fight™
So except some back handed insults now and again.
And soon they get to the point where they're just tearing at each other
But not yet
That's for later :)
But they still have to co-op to together if they want to save their kingdom
So yeah they're pretty sour at the moment
They eventually reach the sea side where the ordered(?) a ship to reach to Eternatus. Cause it's on a isolated island
And the ship captain is none other than Nessa, the most feared captain of them all.
She takes after her cousin Archie
Yes I'm making them cousins in this Au fight me
She is often called The Siren given her beauty and deadliness
So why would she be the one to help a royal like Leon
Well she was the only one willing to go and Leon had to pay a lot to get her to cooperate so-
But you'll never guess who else is one the ship
Hop and co!
The only reason they're even on I'd because Piers is friends with Nessa
They go way back
So it's like a favour or something
Now Hop didn't know that Leon was going on this specific ship
So you could imagine the reunion
Leon isn't happy btw
Bede is being smug about it like " I told you so" but Marnie shuts him up
Piers tries to defend Hop which honestly cause Leon to relent
So now not only Sonia is with them, but now three teenagers and a thief( I decided to make Piers the head of a big thieves guild....and possibly former duke?)
Which is just so many casualties
This is the part where we really drive home that Leon has this unhealthy way of thinking that he has to take care of everything as king.
This as always been a thing, since his parents died and Rose ( unintentional or not) telling him that everything is on him, and only him.
He didn't even want Raihan to come since he feared how would get hurt or worse
But Raihan is a strong fighter, the best in the kingdom so he can count on him
But Sonia? Sonia quitted becoming a knight a long time ago. She may know the basics but she can't really hold her own
At least that what he thinks
And now his precious little brother is one the same ship with him plus Roses mentor and two thieves( though they do seem chill)
He can't risk them getting hurt. He can't
But we don't have time to unpack all of that!
Cause ya wanna know who else is on the ship? Alexis and co! Boom!
But they actually snuck on because they heard this ship was going where they needed to go to save Naomi and honesty they rather not pay so-
Sneaking it is! Though it's hard cause N is very tall and green hair is quite noticable
But they manage
Until Alexis hears Hop trying to explain why he's on the ship in the first place
And he mentions word of a girl named Naomi
Who is his cousin( I should mention that in Alexis' and Elliot's dream Naomi tells them her name for reference)
Tis triggers something in Alexis and causes his powers to go haywire
Causing him to expose himself and the other two
And everyone is about to attack him cause he's an intruder
And Elliot gets defensive cause " that's my brother you fuckers!"
And N is trying to calm the situation down ( as a means to not get anyone hurt and to atone for his actions as a former prince)
Then Leon is like " wait your the guy from the market!" And before Alexis can respond his powers end up sparking a lot which causes him to double over in pain
And by this point Elliot is panicking cause her brother could possibly die
N is trying to heal him but him alone isn't enough
Then Bede says he could help!
And it's revealed that the boy is half fae!!! Since his hair covered up his ears most of the time!!!
He was told to repress his fae side by Rose in fear of getting hurt( and that having a fae would cause some chaos that he can't control and Rose must have control over thingd to make sure things are good)
So Bede and N heal him, Bede being half fae REALLY helps
So much so that it seems that whenever Alexis uses his powers they don't hurt him as much as it did before
Which is cool and all but he can't really in a child forever that would be wrong
So for now it's a temporary solution
Now everyone is a bit calm now, minus the million questions that Hop and Sonia is asking Alexis
Eventually the two parties( Alexis and Hop) spill they're story and when Alexis confirms that Naomi is very much real Hop is overjoyed and is like " See!!! I told you!! I told you she was real!!!" And everyone rightfully apologizes to Hop
Honestly the revelation that Naomi is in fact real made is already terrible mental state worse cause that means he's been discouraging his little brother for so long and he starts going through what Alexis went through in game canon as " What if I was a better brother,"
And Nessa is over here a bit annoyed that there's a bunch more people than expected but Leon reassures her that they'll pay more and Sonia suggest that they'll work on the ship as well and Nessa ain't complaining to that!( Especially because one of them is a cute red head)
So now bonding time!
Leon, Raihan and Sonia still aren't on the best terms
In fact they've been avoiding each other a lot
They're all stubborn
Though they do miss each other a lot
Hop and Sonia bombard Alexis with questions that he honestly doesn't know the answer to
Elliot is a bit of flirt, flirting with both Nessa and Sonia
She managed to get Nessa flustered at some point and will never live it down
But then she notices that the two of them have a connection and she's like " oh I see" and she's not even mad about cause that just means she has more victims to tease endlessly
Which also somehow worked into them getting together but that's for later
Marnie forces to Bede and Hop to talk out they're issues cause she's grown tired of it, and they do and reach a better understanding of each other
Hop the tells them about Naomi and about his dreams
They take it the wrong way, because of course they do, but he assures them that he only see's her as a friend.
Marnie is shown to be the most curious about who Naomi is.
Raihan and Piers start to bond
Piers was a former duke of a failing/dying nation(? Idk what to call it) and had to resort to thievery the keep things a float. Hence meeting Nessa
He doesn't hate Leon by any means but is always ready to point out his privileged lifestyle before bonding with Leon himself as older brothers
He also bonds with Alexis and Elliot for their mutual love for music
This is where the shipping starts
Alexis and Leon haven't properly interacted before this point. It's mostly small talk
But! Leon has always been fascinated by Alexis, given his tendency to keep to himself and his curse
So one night on deck Leon wakes up( woke up from a nightmare of loosing everyone. Y'know. The usual) and was about to go back to bed when he hears singing
At first he thought it was Piers,as he's known to sing and they've all heard him sing before BUT!
When he listens closely he realizes that it's not Piers
So he goes out to investigate
And it's revealed to be Alexis!!!
And his voice is so beautiful!!!
It's a contrast to his speaking voice , while still quite, his singing voice is more softer and smooth.
His singing voice is much more sadder than his usual stoic monotone voice
And Leon is completely enamored.
Not to mention that Alexis isn't wearing his cloak that covers the majority his body, so this is the first time Leon has gotten a clear view of him and
The man is , mm, I would say infatuated. A small crush begins to form
Alexis' song is a sad one
He sings about the pain he's going through and how he wishes he didn't involve those he cares about
Which really spoke to Leon. Like a lot
Because parelles babeyyyy
But when Alexis notices Leon's snooping he calls him out, pretty embarrassed
Cause the only person he ever sang in front of is Elliot, Cheren, Bianca and his parents
So having Leon there, a stranger,is embarrassing
Not to mention that he's not very proud of his appearance via the curse
He's been called a monster by someone on the ship prior and while Nessa was quick to snap at that person it still took a blow to his already low self-confidence
Leon begs to differ but he doesn't know that, and even if he did it's more of a him thing that he needs to get over .
After a quick back and forth they end up talking and just....spilling everything
Alexis talks about his time as a chosen one, his battle with Ghetsis, his scar his curse, and especially his want to do this alone to protect others
While Leon talks about his fight with Raihan and Sonia, the disconnect between the three, how he feels like an awful older brother to Hop, the pressure if being a king after his parents, the guilt he feels for dragging everyone into this mess
Both of them don't know why they're saying this. They're both pretty secretive about how they truly feel, but it's incredibly late, and the two are in a vulnerable spot so it kinda just comes out
After a while they both go to bed with a strange but welcomed friendship!
I just wanna say, if I ever do write this, it's not gonna be entirely romance focused.
The ships will be there, but like, the amount of character set-up I did prior demands a lot more attention soooooo
Especially with Sonia, Raihan and Leon's whole conflict!
I hope I didn't misrepresent their characters here!
But yeah
This got very long very fast so part 3 is in order!
TDLR: Leon and Alexis needs a hug, and I feel like this is going to be a series within a series
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yixxes · 4 years
Fast Car | p.p.
Tumblr media
Warnings: Hints of alcohol abuse, promiscuity, broken household, angst kinda, swear words
Word count: 1752
Summary: You want to escape and Tom has a fast car, but things don’t always go according to plan. 
You were never one to disrespect your mother or speak out of turn, but you were more than willing to fight her on this one. She was rushing down the hall as fast as she could in those loud, expensive red heels with you hot on her trail. 
“What do you mean you’re leaving, where are you gonna go?” 
The two of you stopped at the front door while she grabbed up her scarf and her coat. The look on her face threatened to break you down right then and there. She didn’t even look sad or remorseful, she just looked like she really waned to dart out the front door but was approaching her departure slowly as if delayed action would spare your feelings or make any of this hurt any less.
You racked your brain in a hurry, trying your best to figure out what the right thing to say was, but deep down, you already knew that your fight was lost. She hadn’t shown any signs of being interested in the small family that she had in months. She didn’t love your father anymore and she made that clear in the way that she fooled around with other men and didn’t even try to hide it, and you, she only paid attention to on the days where you’d talk her ear off until she felt she had no choice but to respond. Talking to her these days was the equivalence of talking to a bizarre friendly stranger. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” her voice was eerily sweet as if explaining to you that she was walking out on you and your father was no big deal. “I know this is so out of the blue, but.. sometimes in life, you have to choose your own happiness, you have to put yourself first and decide not to worry about the people that try to hold you back.”
Ouch. You didn’t know if that number was directed towards you or your father. Or both.  
“I don’t know where I’m going just yet, but I’ll call when I get there. I’m not gonna stop checking in on you, it’ll almost be like I never left.”
You shook your head, shoulders slumped and tears already welling up in your eyes. Maybe if you visibly showed her how much she was hurting you, she’d stay. Something inside of her would click and she’d apologize for being an unfaithful wife and an absent mother and she’d work really hard to make things right. 
“Please don’t leave.”
Except this was reality and your mom didn’t care about anyone other than herself. She wasn’t sorry for anything and you couldn’t prompt feelings out of someone that didn’t have them. 
Your mother smiled something that almost resembled regret. “I love you, sweetheart.” Almost. 
“I really don’t wanna talk about it, okay?”
Not talking about the thing that weighed heavily on your mind only to have someone bring it up or ask if you were okay was actually the worst thing. Tom had good intentions, you knew, but this was your second time telling him to leave you be and he just wasn’t accepting that as an answer, but hey, that was the Tom Holland way.
Thomas Holland, your best friend since childhood. He knew you like the back of his hand and while things were damaged beyond repair at the moment on the home front, he always made your life so much better. 
The two of you came from opposite sides of the tracks, but he never seemed to let the wealth of his family ruin his personality in the slightest. He stayed true to himself like a pro and really seemed rather put off by his lifestyle. You never understood it, but you never questioned him either. Much like your household, there were probably things about his that you just didn’t understand. 
You did know, though, that something must’ve been really bad for him to climb aboard your wild fantasies of running away. When he started telling you that he would go with you, whenever and wherever you decided to go, the fantasies converted into real plans. You didn’t understand his desire to leave what he had and you didn’t think you ever would.
Tom picked you up for work in the morning in his brand new car; A gift from his parents for no particular occasion at all. If you understood correctly, he’d spent two short weeks in his parents’ ear about it and they bought it for him just yesterday. He was now the proud owner of the 1974 Pontiac Firebird, Buccaneer Red and it ran like a top.
You didn’t have time to express your excitement before he got to badgering you about what was wrong. He knew right when he saw you that something wasn’t right (you had spent the rest of the night crying and looking after your father after all) and he wanted to help but you didn’t want his help. There wasn’t anything that he could do. 
“Okay, fine,” was what he said, but you knew that you’d be shrugging him off about it again later. 
Tom moved the conversation on to talking about running away, casual yet relevant seeing that it’d be a lot easier to get away in a car rather than on foot. With all that had happened last night, running away was far down on the list of things that were on your mind and it’d more than likely stay that way for a long time. Your mom didn’t just leave you last night, she also left your father who hadn’t stopped acting like a blubbering, depressed drunk since your mom’s behavior began to change earlier in the year. He had a problem and while it wasn’t directly resulting in anything physical or abusive, you couldn’t just leave him alone. He needed to get help and you seriously doubted that he’d be doing that alone. 
“What do you mean?” You were sitting in the car with him in front of the diner, watching him progressively get more frustrated at how aloof and disconnected you seemed about the entire thing. You weren’t giving him the responses he wanted and you weren’t even presenting a valid reason as to why not. “It’s a great time, I’ve got the car, I’ll get us some cash, we can-”
“Jesus, Tom, no, okay? Why can’t you just take no for an answer for once?”
There was so much room to be way nicer but the family crisis plus your two whole hours of sleep that you got did not equal patience and smiles. A sharp, annoyed breath passed your lips and you grabbed your bag, opening the passenger side door and sliding out quickly.
“Thanks for the ride.” You grumbled, pushing the door closed and turning to start towards the front door of the diner. 
You heard him say ‘no’ behind you followed by the sound of his door closing and you whirled around, willing yourself to think over your next few words carefully. You could be really hostile under these circumstances. 
“This doesn’t make any sense, getting out of this town is all that you ever talk about and now I find a way to make it happen and you completely turn me down!” 
“Tom, get back in the stupid car and go, I could not be more serious.”
“It’s not stupid, it’s cool, I thought you’d be happy for me!” Your words hurt him, but you were too far gone thinking about everything else to take it back.
“I am happy for you but I don’t need this right now, okay, I just wanna be alone!”
“Tell me what we’re missing, what are you so worried about, it’ll all work out if you let me-”
“No, Tom!” You practically shrieked. “It won’t work out, the stupid plan doesn’t need to work out, why do you even wanna leave!? Your life is something that other people could only dream of, you have everything, there isn’t anything wrong with your life, you’re just a poor little rich boy who wants to know struggle so bad that he creates fake problems that’ll validate some stupid runaway plan!”
There they were. The most hurtful words you’d ever say to your very best friend, painfully present and hanging in the air. The look on his face told you that it was much too late to take it back. The damage had already been done. Tom got back in his car and peeled off. 
“Hi, Mrs. Holland, um, is Tom here, I- I really have to talk to him,” Your body was almost as tired as your mind was, your feet were hurting and all you wanted was to go home and crawl into bed but you couldn’t sleep tonight knowing that he was probably so angry with you and probably hurting because of you, too. You had to make things right, or you had to at least try.
“Oh, honey, right now isn’t a good time, he’s gone to bed early tonight, he’s still very upset.”
Your head fell in shame and you brought your hands together in front of you. “Yeah, I know, I’m..” you picked your head up to look her in the eyes. “It’s all my fault, but I was really hoping that I could-”
“Your fault?” She questioned with confusion evident in her voice. “Oh, no, honey, why would it be your fault? He’s been digging his heels in ever since we told him he’d be going to boarding school next year, says he doesn’t wanna go, but we really think that-”
“Boarding school?” you repeated warily. There was a lot going on in your life that was making your thoughts fuzzy but you definitely didn’t remember him saying anything to you about boarding school. 
“Didn’t he tell you?” Her tone was patient yet cautious. 
You shook your head numbly, hoping with everything in you that this boarding school was somewhere nearby. 
“Sweetheart, Thomas was accepted to Western Reserve Academy.”
Your head was spinning so much thought you were going to fall out right there on their porch. “Western Reserve...” An involuntary gasp cut your sentence in two and you could feel your blood running cold. “Wh-where is Western Reserve Academy?”
She looked at you with sad eyes and you knew that her answer was gonna hit you like a ton of bricks. Nothing could’ve prepared you for what she was about to say.
“It’s in Ohio, up north in the US.”
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ruthlesslistener · 4 years
Grimm interpretation anon here again! Thank you for your well thought out response, it helped me understand Grimm a lot more. But, there *is* one point that you failed to respond to which is also the one that leaves me feeling the most mixed: Grimmchild. If we assume that Troupe Master Grimm's identity is static through the process of dying and his child becoming Troupe Master, wouldn't that mean that he's kinda. Stealing away Grimmchild's agency/identity and hijacking their body?
Fuck, I KNEW I was missing something with that fuckin post. Anyways, the way that I kind of interpret the whole Grimmchild deal is that it’s...really a minor shift, at best? Because the Grimmchild is a clone of Grimm himself, many (if not all) personality traits copy over naturally, even without the memories. Sort of similar to how if you separate two identical twins at birth, they will end up leading nearly identical lives despite the separation. Though each Grimmchild is unique in some small way by virtue of having a different childhood than their father, even without the Ritual transplanting the memories into his kid, the end result would basically end up with another Grimm, simply because they have identical genetics. Like, a Grimm but slightly to the left. 
This isn’t excusing it, ofc, since fundamentally it’s narrowing that particular Grimm’s chances at being their own person, but it does cut out some of the potential hurt associated with it. I know that in my own writing, I use that small disconnect as a plot/conflict point to explain how my understanding of Grimm is now at the point where he’s closer to a vessel to a god with a physical form; because with each death, he gets more and more distant from the god he once was; that divinity was, to an extent, stripped with each schism until he is now no longer the god of nightmares that was born with the Radiance but an entirely different person with an ancient heart. But at the same time, I find it very difficult to be too bothered by the Ritual’s morality deal because (and I risk sounding like the Pale King with this) the Grimmchild really hasn’t developed any agency or identity at all when it starts. They’re an infant. They look to be only a couple weeks old when we first get them, and the fact that they are capable of absorbing the Nightmare Flames into themselves directly without instruction (instead of collecting it with a staff, like the others devoted to the Hear) kinda makes me think that its built into their nature. They’re a blank slate by default; nothing is really lost, so there’s nothing to really mourn.
And even then, we only see a short glimpse of the Ritual, right at the very end, and a quip from a mortal who I have already stated is an unreliable narrator; for all we know, it is not necessarily the gaining of the memories that changes the Grimmchild, but the experiences they feel afterwards; how they are raised, how they deal with those memories and are taught to deal with the emotions granted by them from their new ‘parents’, until they can rejoin their troupe and complete their life cycle. Because even when their father dies and grants them the flames of the Nightmare Heart, they are still fundamentally a child; certainly older, certainly their own god at that point, but still young enough that they haven’t quite figured out talking yet. For all we know, they still haven’t really processed the memories they are given, and are malleable enough by their set of new life experiences to retain some agency and individuality until they have to go all phoenix again.
Tdlr: it’s complicated and really up to your interpretation of how the Grimm’s function, but I wouldn’t be too worried about it. Plus, gods work on a different moral and biological scale than mortals do, so it’s essentially guesswork from our end. I myself am typically prone to wave it off as simply part of nature unless proven otherwise (ex, how PK’s agonized by what he did to his children, which indicates that is NOT a common thing with wyrms, but the fact that he did it anyways indicates that filicide may not be a foreign concept to his kind, and may in fact be expected in some small degree, perhaps from enemy wyrms)
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of-fire-and-light · 3 years
Headcanon: origins (for... all the muses, I guess!)
[Oooh okay anon, thank you! This got long so it's under a cut...
OKAY SO. My muses are from original G1, so the canon for their origin is that Galvatron, Cyclonus and Scourge, and the Armada and Sweeps were created by Unicron from Megatron and the dead or dying remains of various other Decepticons - including but possibly not limited to Skywarp, Thundercracker, and either the Insecticons themselves or a handful of spare Insecticlones. The Dis, canonically unnamed at the time, was pulled from somewhere in Unicron's pockets and given to Galvatron as his flagship. Anything beyond that is open to speculation.
So, for my guys whether in fic or RP, this is just how I personally fill in the details. First of all, Unicron deciding to make himself a Herald and a strikeforce was an impulse decision when he found some of Primus's creations conveniently floating in his path; my theory is that Unicron didn't actually know much about making people, having never considered spawning creations of his own before. So he had to reverse engineer Primus's handiwork to figure out how, and he lied to, or certainly tactically misled, Megatron in order to get hold of his body, his power, and his blueprints intact. He would've told him anything, and meant none of it; he just wanted to persuade Megatron to concede access to all that information, rather than risking him self-destructing or similar if Unicron had tried to forcibly take it.
That much achieved, Unicron then harvested data, blueprints, and materials from all the 'Cons he'd gotten his claws on, used the inspiration and information from the gathered files to design his new strikeforce, and then the salvaged raw materials plus whatever else he had on hand to actually build them. Thus, fandom discourse notwithstanding, my headcanon is that Cyclonus, Scourge, and their corresponding drones cannot meaningfully be said to be "made from" anyone in particular. Sure, you could take them apart down to their molecular structure and identify which atoms were once part of whom, but there'd be no obvious pattern or purpose in the results. You might be able to trace bits of Cyclonus's flight coding back to Skywarp if you compared them line by line, but his cruelty and talent for psychological manipulation could equally well have been ripped out of Bombshell. Unicron just broke the dead Seekers and Insecticons apart like old Lego kits, and built his own custom designs without thinking twice about what he was taking from whom.
But those other 'Cons were dead anyway by then, nothing but useful scrap. Megatron was alive and talking and his mind, if not his body, was still fully functional. So in order to extract maximum value out of this one incredibly powerful and strong-minded individual, Unicron put all of Megatron's memories and files into a set of backup databanks, and installed those in parallel with the new directives, databases, and personality coding he created for Galvatron. Galvatron would thereby receive what amounted to a cognitive jump-start: immediate unfiltered access to all Megatron's experience, judgement, cunning and drive, and, of course, pathological hatred of Autobots.
But he couldn't continue to be Megatron, because that would require him keeping Megatron’s spark. And Unicron couldn't very well leave a shard of Primus lodged in his Herald's chest to conflict with his own power and directives... and so his final betrayal was to rip out Megatron's spark and throw it away. Galvatron, Cyclonus and Scourge all then received new sparks: tiny offcuts of Unicron's own, just as Cybertronian sparks are little pieces of Primus, aligning their core instincts and emotional paradigms with Unicron’s and cementing his control over them on the deepest possible level.
And then he gave them the Dis, designing and building it on the spot using assorted ship blueprints he'd found in the 'Cons' memories and the reserves of raw materials in his own holding tanks and internal furnaces, and sent them all out to go and do their thing for him. Cyclonus and Scourge were pretty much blank slates at this point, just accepting the reality they'd awoken into and largely controlled by Unicron's slave-coding; but Galvatron initially had a bit of trouble separating himself from Megatron, because while he could intuitively feel the difference, he also remembered "being" Megatron and there were a lot of those memories. Of course, he immediately started archiving new memories under the identity of "Galvatron" - and the trauma of having Unicron's control ripped out of his mind at the end of the Movie, followed by his time in a hot tub plasma pit on Thrull, was a sufficiently defining set of life experiences that by the time he was found again by Cyclonus and Scourge, he was certain that he was Galvatron, and had a sense of self completely disconnected from Megatron's residual identity. (He still has Megatron's memories if he needs to refer to them, but he doesn't do so except in desperation because he really hates feeling even briefly like someone he knows he isn't. Besides which, he has some pretty major ideological and emotional differences from Megatron, and the cognitive dissonance is uncomfortable.)
Random consequences of all of this include:
- The Unicronians kinda have... opposing spark polarity to Cybertronians. In mundane contexts it doesn't affect anything much, but, eg, if Galvatron entered a consecrated temple of Primus he'd feel like a demon trying to stand on holy ground - he might be able to do it, but it really wouldn't be comfortable for him. Regular Cybertronians instinctively feel creeped out and uneasy around the Unicronians even though they usually can't articulate why, and anyone with significant spiritual affinity or training would outright recognise them as Unicron-spawn pretty much on sight.
- They're simultaneously violently allergic to the Matrix because it was created as a weapon against the very power their sparks are made from, and magnetically drawn to it because Unicron programmed them to hunt it down and it radiates "this thing is delicious, try to eat it" to their instincts on a literally spiritual level. In most of my 'verses, Galvatron has managed to precariously but effectively resolve this conflict of interest by nibbling on Rodimus Prime whenever he gets the chance. Rodimus sees no downside to this.
- The sparks of Megatron, Skywarp, Thundercracker etc have all returned safely to the Allspark by now. If anyone were to attempt to summon or contact their spirits, it would be possible to do so, and there would be literally no collateral effect on the Unicronians other than them probably freaking out about ghosts if they heard about it.]
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I feel like I’ve been MIA on here lately and want to post many backlogged pics but also feel like I should do a lil brain dump
Been home for like...3 weeks now? honestly, we’re dealing with it. I’ve actually been really busy and once I decided I wasn’t going to be able to run away any time soon I kinda committed to just doing my best to make it work and it hasn’t been terrible
But on that note, I basically live at our neighbors’ house. They’re essentially my second family, I realize that breaks ~quarantine~ rules and I’ll admit to that, but my family was also already in contact with them before I got home and they are basically the only people I ever see and tbh if I had to pick between coming back to NJ to stay with my family or them, I’d pick them SO... yeah. It’s been really nice spending so much time with them though, dylan (22) and sage (20) have basically been my pseudo siblings my whole life and I pretty much grew up at their house but ever since college it’s rare that we are all home at once and after this time period we will never all be here together again because my fam is moving SO trying to really soak it up- hiking, cooking, playing catan, drinking beer, watching movies, etc. very nostalgic
To my last point- my family (well my mom and ed) is moving! my mom has had a plan to retire and move to costa rica (it’s literally the ONLY thing she talks about ugh) for awhile and they officially put our house up for sale last week so THAT has been a little hectic (I’m honestly so glad they are moving tbh I really don’t like coming to my childhood home that has now been flipped upside down to accommodate a new marriage and does not feel like my home)
not much to report on the running front, have been running less days and doing more biking/swimming here. I took a glance at the site for the marathon I was eyeing for the fall and they seemed pretty adamant that they were gonna hold it which honestly shocked me but I guess it’s in a place that hasn’t been hit too hard?? idk though I basically assumed all 2020 races were off the table. I’d also have to start training in like...2 weeks and I’m not sure if my body is really in the place for that
^to go off of that (TW ED) I need to like...get my fucking shit together. Over the course of the past year I’ve lost x pounds, unintentionally, literally due to anxiety, but once I started thinking about it more I realized my period has really petered out since the winter (like...january I guess?), plus it was never like...FULL force normal to begin with even though I was getting it to some extent for basically all of 2019. so anyway red! flag! I actually weighed myself yesterday which is something I haven’t done in like 5 years (only at doctor’s visits where I usually don’t even look at the weight until weeks later), but I KNEW it was going to have gone down and I thought maybe I could knock some sense into myself and tbh it kinda worked. The disconnect in my brain truly astounds me sometimes. But after I type this up I’m sitting down to have a chat with myself and journal and figure out a plan because this is not healthy and I need to get a grip. (again, like I said, not intentionally undereating, in fact I’ve eaten more on a daily basis over the past year than ever before, but my output is high and whenever I’m anxious my appetite is zero which makes for a very confusing disastrous time) 
In other news! headed down to NC to visit jared next week and I am excited 4 that. tbh I am looking forward to the 10 hour drive I find it really meditative and gives me time to think, catch up on podcasts, etc.
in the process of figuring out my living situation for the fall which is causing me STRESS. but it’s looking like we will be at least to some extent having in person classes. Also it looks like jared might not have to be on campus after thanksgiving in which case maybe he would come stay with me for a few weeks in OR which makes me very very happy
Also in jared news, feeling very very grateful for that boy, he is truly astounding
Food things- I was honestly having like....a slight identity crisis about eating meat. Normally I never buy meat, I only really eat it if there is a very particular circumstance and it’s so infrequent that it usually doesn’t cause me too much angst when it happens, but being home I told myself I’d eat dinner with my fam to make my life easier but I honestly started to get real freaked out about the amount of animal products going on (from an ethical side, not health). I’ve appreciated the eye opening-ness of it from my perspective in a lot of ways. Idk, too many thoughts to type. Probably sounds hypocritical anyway but the thought of being entirely vegan is incredibly stressful to me given my ED (plus, I eat mostly plant-based in general). BUT I have started to try to cook vegan meals for my family which makes me feel good and like I’m promoting good things. I made my mom a TLT for lunch the other day. On Tuesday I made homemade veggie burgers for the first time and they were super good. Making vegan stuffed shells tomorrow. And! And! After talking to my neighbor about veg cooking she also made very very similar veggie burgers this week, she actually made them the day before me so we got to taste test eachother’s. And then jared sent me a pic of vegan bolognese that his sister made which I know was inspired by him making that and I know he was inspired by my plant-based nudges and that stuff makes me feel good. Like I’m spreading a positive influence.
This is super long as per usual and I need to go have my meeting with myself lol thx 4 reading 🐢
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justanotherlifeff · 4 years
My type of love
Warnings: Reader has yandereish tendencies, mentions of stalking, depressed reader with suicidal tendencies
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Before you found your way into the villain league, you wanted to die. Honestly, what good came out of living anyway? You were always a quiet person ever since you were a child, always on the sidelines. Back in middle school, you were that girl who always sat at the corner at the class without being noticed by anyone. You were that one weirdo that no one wanted to talk to. Your parents weren’t bad. Infact, they were quite good. Atleast you thought your family was perfect at that time. Your mother and father seemed to love you. Sure, you were an only child and you were lonely both at home and school but it was all okay. You were happy. That was until your quirk showed up. Your quirk allowed you to give bad luck to anyone you touched with five fingers of your hand. Infact, their luck would be so bad that they would die somehow in the next one hour. You were already the weirdo at school and now, no one wanted to be around you. Saying that you were careful would be an understatement. You didn’t want to hurt others and you separated yourself from society, from your parents. A part of you thought that atleast your parents would try to get back to being involved in your life but that never happened. After all, your quirk killed a few of your classmates when it appeared. However, your desire to keep everyone out of your life came to an end when you fell in love with a guy. You were in Junior high and he was a transfer student. He didn’t judge you and the two of you started dating. That was until you found yourself checking his chat history when he left his phone with you to go to the washroom on a certain date. You knew you were violating his privacy but you just couldn’t help it. Your parents were completely disconnected with your life because of your quirk and you had doubts about why your boyfriend would be any different. Turns out that you were right. He was cheating on you. That one time lead to your downward spiral towards extreme trust issues and insecurities. You had seven breakups in a span of three years. At the end, when you finally turned 18 and your recent ex left you because you couldn’t bring yourself to trust him, you had enough. You believed that your quirk made you unlucky, you believed you weren’t good enough for anyone. Your ex told you that the way you love people was toxic and that was one thing that you didn't believe. Why was it wrong to know exactly where your loved one is at all time? Why was it wrong to know who he's talking to and what he's talking about? Why was it wrong to keep a control on who gets to be his friends and who doesn’t? You never had friends and gave him all your time so why couldn’t he do the same for you? You did all that because you cared so why didn't he understand you?
When he left you, you ran away from home. You were done. You knew that this life wouldn’t give you anything. You just wanted to die in the streets. That's when you came across a 16 year old girl named Himiko Toga on the streets. She was a vigilante and was on the run and let's just say, you touched the police that were chasing her and they died in a car crash immediately. Toga was 2 years younger than you are (you're 18) but she seemed to find the way you love normal. She had an abnormal way of loving people as well. "I don't think it's wrong of you to know everything about your lover, (Y/N)! You're just so cute! I didn’t think I'll ever find someone like me! We can be besties! You know, I like killing people I love!" Toga exclaimed to you. That's when you made your first friend. You were sure that you would stay away from love in fear of rejection or being left until you were taken into the league of villains with your best friend. The burning crimson eyes of the boss caught your attention on the first day. You couldn't help but admire his low drawling voice that was tired of the world because you could relate.
You were always used to being on the sidelines, away from attention but Shigaraki wouldn’t have it. He had an interest in your quirk as it meant like him, you couldn't touch anything with all five fingers. He understood how hard your life must've been and he decided to be kinder to you than the others since you were relatable. He didn’t know what that was doing to your feelings. You were on a high, you couldn't explain how happy it made you. You didn't have the courage to confess to Shigaraki but you knew you'd die for him. You were absolutely smitten and like usual, that wasn’t going to end up well. If Shigaraki thought he had privacy, he was wrong. You made sure that you knew everything about him. You checked his phone when he was busy with games, you had figured out all his passwords of any social media account he had, you followed him everywhere he went to (mostly without him knowing), you even had pictures of him sleeping when you sneaked into his room to get some. Honestly, it was all going well till he decided to recruit another female villain. One who decided that it would be a good idea to hit on Shigaraki.
While Shigaraki did give you more preference over the other members of the villain league, you were always this quiet girl who minded her own business. Honestly, he was intrigued at the begining because you barely shared anything about yourself, almost like you had a double life. He made sure that you weren’t a spy from the heroes by doing some digging but your extreme quietness was something he found odd, specially for someone who was friends with Toga. However, that personality seemed to change drastically when he recruited the villain Killer Queen (Yes, it's a Jojo reference). Shigaraki knew that Killer Queen clearly had a thing for him and while he clearly wasn’t interested in her, he sure was interested in the sudden change of attitude that came over you. Suddenly, you were like a feral cat, ready to pounce on her. You tried to convince Shigaraki to kick her out way too many times and you always threw passive agressive insults and death threats at her. Shigaraki never saw you throw a death threat before and he had to admit it was kinda hot.
The ship had sailed when Killer Queen thought it was a brilliant idea to kiss Shigaraki on the cheek out of nowhere. Infact, even Shigaraki was surprised and disgusted by that. Without a warning, you held her hand, looking at her with a sadistic grin. She was confused at first before realising that all your fingers were touching her. The realisation gave her a heart attack. As the woman laid dead before you and Shigaraki as the two of you were in the bar, Shigaraki looked at you, raising an eyebrow which made you realise that your feelings for him or atleast, your jealousy was obvious. "I couldn't take that... I love you and I hate it when anyone thinks they can take away who I love. I've.... I've let a lot of people walk away from me and I felt guilty about not being good enough but it doesn't matter anymore. I'm not going to let anyone else have you even if you don't want me. I know it's wrong but I can't help it." you muttered, looking away from Shigaraki as tears escaped your eyes. "Who said anything about it being wrong? I just saw a badass girl who has the right to be the player 2 of my life cause she just killed a bitch over me. You're fucking cool and honestly, the way you tried to keep her away was hot." Shigaraki answered with a grin making you look at him, completely shocked.
"You... You don't hate me for killing a member of the league? You don't think the way I love people is wrong?" you stammered, looking at him, awestruck. "Tch... Why the fuck do you think I'm a villain? These normal people, they put labels on things that shouldn’t have labels. You fucking get to love someone in any way you want and no one gets to judge that. They need to suck it up instead of using it as an excuse to run from relationships. Plus, I'm kinda similar. Honestly, I love all the pictures you took of me sleeping. I dunno how you can make even me look good..." Shigaraki answered, making you almost choke on your spit. "You know about the pictures?" you asked with wide eyes. "Yeah. I also know that you check my social media and my phone and that you follow me around everywhere. Seriously, why the fuck do you think I'm the boss of this stupid league?" Shigaraki scoffed as you looked away bashfully. Someone finally understood you... "Do... Do you check my stuff too?" you asked shyly. "Can't say I don't. It's fun to see you obsessing over me." Shigaraki gave you a smug grin. "So... Are we like... dating now?" you asked, twiddling your fingers. "I suppose we are..." Shigaraki answered before pulling you into a kiss, the dead body forgotten.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Vicks VapoRub-Me (Trixya) - DenDenMonMon
Of Lovers, Friends and Everything in Between. Part 6.- Unwell
Title: Vicks VapoRub-Me Category: M/M Summary: Unfortunately, he has never eaten knives before, but he figures it would feel similar to this. Notes: Massive disclaimer, this is by far not my best work. I woke up one day feeling like absolute shit, so it felt appropriate that I portrayed exactly that, that’s why I decided to take on this prompt. Seriously felt like dying and couldn’t even function properly, so I kinda gave up on this; then Miss Corona decided to come visit and I didn’t really feel like writing a sickfic at the time. Anyways, it took me months to finish this simple one shot but here it is. I hope you enjoy! (because I still feel like dying). -Monkey Written: Feb 21st, 2020 - April 25th, 2020
Vicks VapoRub-Me
 “I am so sorry, Pete,” he lets out before sniffing yet again. “You know I wouldn’t be doing this if it wasn’t bad. I seriously feel like absolute shit.” He moves the phone away from his face as a sudden sneeze escapes him.
He catches the end of Pete’s sentence when he puts the device back to his ear. “…worry,” he assures. “I’ll let everybody know, and we’ll continue shooting on Monday, how does that sound? You just stay home and rest up, okay? Have you talked to Trixie?”
“Not since last night.”
“Okay, I’ll call her. Keep me posted. Hope you feel better.”
He pronounces some grunts of agreement before disconnecting the call.
He’d known something was wrong since the night before. He’d been out late, having ice cream with Amy. The air had been cold, but it felt good against his constantly overheated skin. They’d walked back to his apartment without rushing, enjoying the cool California weather.
As soon as his head hit the pillow later that night, he found himself regretting that little stroll. His nose was stuffy and he had trouble swallowing. He’d sent his complaints to Trixie through text messages, but had also stated how his body was always on his side and he hadn’t gotten a cold in ages. The itchiness in his throat had kept him awake, but Trixie, who wasn’t suffering the symptoms, had fallen asleep mid-conversation.
He grabs his phone, with the sole intention of letting Trixie know about the development of his state. The string of blue bubbles is overwhelming. A countdown of how many hours of sleep he would’ve gotten, if he fell asleep right then, had been sent every hour.
He closes the conversation and throws the phone on the empty space next to him.
Maybe if he showers, he will get to feel better. Cleanse his body of all toxins, or whatever. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Until he throws the covers away, that is. The temperature of the room is colder than he had expected, or maybe he’s running a fever, because the chilled air makes his skin tingle as soon as it touches it. With a deep sigh he turns around, grabs the covers and turns himself into a blanket burrito again. It’s time to take a nap, put his body into low power mode and let it fight whatever it is that’s making him sick.
He sleeps for an hour, or three, or six, he doesn’t know; but he’s suddenly awakened by the doorbell sounding incesibly.
“Jesus. Go away!” He screams into his pillow, sinking deeper into the mattress. The person doesn’t do as they are told, and the bell is heard again. “This better be a major fucking emergency.”
This time he doesn’t make the same mistake as before. He grabs the blanket at the top of the pile and wraps it around his shoulders. Still mumbling curse words is that he reaches the door. He opens it without asking who is on the other side, but is ready to give them a piece of his mind for waking him up. The concerned features disarm him on the spot.
“Oh, my God, Katya. Are you okay? You look horrible!”
“Well, good morning to you too, you fucking bitch,” he pretends to be offended as much as he can, but his body is still not responding properly.
Trixie makes his own way past Katya, carrying several plastic bags in each hand. “Good morning? Girl, it’s almost four in the afternoon. I’ve been calling and texting you. When the messages didn’t show delivered I got worried, then the calls were not connecting. I decided to come see you.”
Katya looks around, as if the device would magically appear somewhere around the living room. “I don’t know where my phone is. It’s probably dead somewhere.”
After dropping everything on the coffee table, Trixie walks back to Katya, who hasn’t moved from his spot next to the door. “I brought you some food. Pete told me you were not feeling well, but this seems, like, super serious.” He grabs Katya by the hands and basically drags him to sit on the couch. “How are you feeling?”
“Well, you-you…” A sneeze interrupts his speech. Trixie reaches inside a bag and takes out a box of tissues before a second sneeze escapes Katya. “Thank you. Now, look away, this is not going to be pretty.”
Trixie laughs but does nothing to divert his eyes as Katya blows his nose. He even offers his hand for Katya to place the used tissue. Katya simply makes a face of disgust and puts it on the table in front of them.
“So, is it like a cold,” Trixie inquires. “Or what is it that you are feeling?”
“You know, it’s so weird. Whenever I move, it feels as if part of my body moved and then it took a second for, like, my other half to catch up. I don’t know how to explain it.”
He doesn’t have to, before he even finishes his sentence, Trixie is already nodding. “Those body aches are signs of a fever. Hold on.” Once again, Trixie starts going through the bags in front of him. “I didn’t know what you had so I stopped by the pharmacy and bought a bunch of shit. I know the lady sold me a thermometer.”
“Is it rectal, mother?” Katya asks in a watered down version of Maureen’s voice.
“Oh, my God,” Trixie says between giggles, finally finding the thin tube. “Glad to know the cold hasn’t affected your sluttiness. Now open.”
Katya does as he’s told, parting his lips as Trixie puts the instrument under his tongue.
“According to this thing, we need to wait a minute and a half,” Trixie informs him as he puts the instructions aside. “Okay, now, hear me out.” He starts speaking more to himself, to fill the silence around them, as he takes his purchases out of the bags. “I went to the drug store to get you, like, cough drops or something for the flu, you know, just in case. When I was there I remembered what happened to my uncle Steve, you remember him, right?”
With the glass tube still in his mouth, Katya shakes his head.
“Yeah, you do. He went to rehab. I’ve talked about him several times. Anyways, when he came out of rehab he had this thing for, like, NyQuil and stuff. He couldn’t even see cough syrup ‘cause it was, I don’t know, triggering, I guess.”
Katya can’t help but smile. The way Trixie speaks with his hands, as much as he does with his mouth, will always be fascinating. He mumbles something unintelligible around the thermometer, then tries to muffle a laugh.
“Shut up! It’s not gonna work if you are talking!” Trixie warns, waving a finger in front of him. “As I was saying. I called Valentina. She’s always bragging about how Mexicans are the best at home remedies, and she gave me some useful tips. That’s why I brought you chicken broth, ‘cause apparently soup only works in movies. She told me to get a shit ton of Vicks VapoRub, and that you should put it on your chest and the sole of your feet. Now, she mentioned something about wrapping your feet with newspaper, but I guess a pair of socks…”
The rest of his rambling gets immediately lost to Katya’s ears. Maybe it’s the fever, or maybe it’s the lack of sleep, but Katya has never felt more loved or taken care of in his life. His eyes water as they analyze the intensity with which Trixie is speaking. He is so worried. He’s dropped everything to be there for Katya; went out of his way to not only buy him drugs for his sickness, he took in consideration Katya’s sobriarity.
Almost without thinking about it, Katya leans forward and drops his head on Trixie’s shoulder. That’s enough to stop the rambling. Trixie’s hand goes up and caresses Katya’s unshaven cheek. The room is completely silent, their breathing synchronizes after a few seconds and soon that’s the only sound filling the air around them. It’s comfortable, it feels like home.
Suddenly, Katya doesn’t feel so sick anymore, his body doesn’t ache as much, his lungs are pulling oxygen in again.
“Let me take a look at that,” Trixie says quietly, not really wanting to interrupt the moment but needing to check the thermometer. He removes it from Katya’s mouth, and puts it up against the light, that’s when he realizes. “I don’t know how to read this thing! Don’t they sell like electronic ones? Shouldn’t this thing say something like: yes, you are hot, or no, you ain’t dying, bitch, you ain’t that special?”
Katya takes the thermometer in his hands, doing his best to breathe as he laughs and coughs at the same time. “It’s ninety… ninety-nine and a half, maybe? That’s not bad. Fever, I believe, starts at, like, a hundred. Anything higher than that is, like, really dying.”
He says it as a joke, as a way to light up the mood, but Trixie’s face turns somber. “Ninety-nine and a half is basically a hundred. So you do have a fever, don’t you dare die on me, you idiot.”
“I’m fine. I do feel like taking a shower, though. That can bring down my temperature, plus, I’ve been sweating a lot.”
Trixie nods his head. “Okay, you go do that, I will heat up the food. You think you can eat?”
Already standing up, Katya agrees. “Yeah. Warm soup would feel nice down my throat. I have never eaten knives before… unfortunately… but it feels like that’s the only thing I’ve been eating.”
“You know what else could feel nice down your throat?” Trixie tries to joke, but laughter makes it hard for him to even finish the sentence.
Katya stops cold on his tracks, turns around and points a finger at him. “Hey, if you are not planning on putting your huge ding-dong in my mouth, don’t you joke about that.”
Lifting his hands in surrender, Trixie walks away, occupying himself in the task of heating up the food for his sick friend.
The shower is quick, Katya doesn’t feel like standing under the spray of freezing water, or at least that’s how it feels against his hot skin. The drops leave a tingling feeling as they travel down his body, hopefully taking germs and viruses away with it. When he enters his bedroom, it feels as if his heart has dropped to his feet as well. The lights are off, all but the lamp on the bedside table. Trixie walks in with a tray in hand. There’s a bowl that probably has the broth in it, a glass filled with juice, another one with water, and some containers that surely hold medicine in them to make him feel better.
“Get in the bed,” Trixie commands, pushing his chin towards the unmade covers.
Katya doesn’t even question it, he unties the wet towel and throws it on a chair. The sheets feel cool as he places them around his lower half. Just when he’s feeling himself relax, he’s startled by Trixie’s hand on his chest.
“Don’t you ever touch me,” Katya says more out of reflex, doing absolutely nothing to remove Trixie’s fingers from his skin.
With a small eye roll, Trixie continues on his task. “Shut up, you big baby. I need to put this VapoRub on your chest to, I don’t know, open up your lungs or something like that.”
That’s when he sees it. Trixie sees the corners of Katya’s mouth slowly curling into a smile he knows very well. It is a very telling smile. Katya knows his thoughts are not socially accepted, yet he will proudly express them. As soon as the blindingly white teeth are in full display, Trixie lets out a sigh as he dramatically drops his shoulders.
“What-what now?”
With lifted eyebrows, Katya uses his eyes to make Trixie look down, towards his bottom half. The sheets are slightly lifted and Katya laughs as soon as the ‘oh, wow’ is pronounced, indicating Trixie understands what’s going on.
“Bitch, I’m literally putting medicine on your chest. This can’t possibly be turning you on.”
“No, no, no,” Katya quickly corrects him. “Getting a boner is not an equivalent of getting turned on. It’s just a physical reaction to human touch.”
Trixie sits on the edge of the bed, ignoring the response of Katya’s body, and carries on with the task. “When were you last touched by a human?” He asks with a twist of his lips, trying to make it sound sarcastic, and expecting Katya to bring up a weird story of how he was last touched by a demon or something of the short.
None of that happens.
Katya looks away, almost ashamed. Almost. Shame is not part of his vocabulary. Yet, there is no other word that could describe the somber air taking over his features. There is a sigh before he looks back at Trixie. Something immediately changes. His eyes are a shade darker than usual, they look straight into Trixie’s soul, and he can’t take it. He has to look down, to the container of medicine still in his hands.
“Hey,” Katya speaks, softly, almost in a whisper. Trixie nods, acknowledging he’s heard him, but still not able to look up. “Thank you,” Katya finishes. The tone of his voice is deep, laced with something that Trixie doesn’t dare to figure out.
He shrugs a shoulder. “No problem,” Trixie assures Katya, toying with the blue jar. He doesn’t elaborate, he wants to make the weird cloud above them go away. He presses two fingers into the scented gel before running it against Katya’s skin.
Trixie tries to concentrate on applying the medicine into Katya’s chest evenly. His hand travels from one pec to the other slowly. His fingers make sure to lightly touch one of the bugs, permanently drawn on Katya’s shoulder, before making his way to the one. He does his best to ignore the deep stare of his friend burning the top of his head, he doesn’t pay attention to the uneven raising and falling of the chest he’s touching. He really wants to, he is really trying. It’s useless.
Soon, he finds himself licking his lips, he feels the throbbing in his pants, he loses control of his hand. Without even thinking about it, he takes more medication but his fingers land on Katya’s stomach this time. His fingertips trace the toned abs, his nails scratching slightly. He goes lower and lower until his hand disappears inside the covers.
It burns. It really burns. When the ointment reaches the delicate skin, Katya closes his eyes. He wants to open them, he wants to see Trixie’s hand going up and down on him. He wants to have a good look at Trixie’s face as he pumps him; but he’s too weak. His mind is fogged with fever and lust. He is struggling to pull air in when his lungs are still not fully working. All he knows is that Trixie’s soft touch is taking care of the throbbing of his lower half, just as he has been taking care of his sickness for the last hour or so.
He has to do something, as a thank you. He blindly pats down the mattress, finds Trixie’s legs, and the bulge between them right after. Slowly, he opens his eyes, just to find Trixie’s stare.
“Brian,” Trixie whispers, no other word is pronounced but all motion stops. “I’m sorry,” he says, releasing him with a heavy exhale. “I shouldn’t have done that. You are sick, you are not feeling well.”
“So what?” Katya sounds almost angry. “It’s not like we are kissing. Surely a cold is not dick-to-hand contagious.”
Trixie stands up, maybe some physical distance could work in their favor. “That’s not what I meant, bitch. I just… I don’t know. It feels like I’m taking advantage of you.”
Katya sits up, making sure the covers don’t fall and add awkwardness by revealing his erection. “Hey, listen. Nobody is taking advantage of anybody. If anything, I’m taking advantage of your good heart to fuck you. You have been such an amazing friend and, honestly, the only way I know how to communicate is sexually. I kinda sensed this was where things were going. I’m sorry. I know you have made it perfectly clear, right from the start, that it couldn’t happen. I need to respect that.”
Folding his arms across his chest, Trixie taps his foot softly against the floor. “What if…” he trails off, his eyes avoiding Katya again. “What if I want something to happen?”
“You do?” Katya doesn’t do anything to hide the excitement in his voice.
Trixie nods. “I do. But not like this, though.”
“Oh, no! God! Not like this,” Katya agrees.
A small smile creeps into Trixie’s lips, before he goes around the bed and climbs next to Katya. “Why don’t we wait until you feel better and revisit the subject?”
Katya lays back down and faces him with a giant grin on his face. “I feel better already.”
19 notes · View notes
spaceskam · 4 years
The Desert Three (3/3)
finally done! special thanks to @insidious-intent​ for cheering me on all the time. if you’re reading on here, please check ao3 for the tags at least because there’s a lot. And if anyone has been waiting for it to be done before reading, here it be!
“You do it!”
“No, you do it!”
“I swear, I will go and seduce one of them myself if you don’t just get over it.”
“Kids!” Jim said, silencing all three of them as they looked over to him. He seemed to be extremely done with hearing them argue about which of them would call which alien. “Alex, call Michael.”
“What, why me?” he scoffed. Liz stuck her tongue out at him in triumph which he ignored.
“Because you’re the one being framed, you’re the one that needs the information more than anyone else,” Jim explained. Alex glared at him. “Plus, you have the closest relationship with them and I think you can convince them to come. Do it.”
“I deserve a pizza after this,” Alex grumbled, picking up his phone and dialing Michael’s number. It picked up in two rings and he had to force himself not to roll his eyes.
“Alex?” Michael asked, a desperate tone in his voice that made something deep inside Alex feel guilty. He buried it a little more.
“Hey,” he sighed, looking at the three people staring at him, “I, uh… We need to, like, talk. About… something.”
Kyle threw his hands in the air, face twisted in a look that said, ‘dude, what?’ Alex waved him off and tried to figure out a better way to talk about this weird fucking topic.
“Okay, look, we found out some more information,” Alex said. 
Michael was silent for a moment before softly asking, “We?”
“Yeah, we,” Alex clarified, “And, well, I don’t wanna talk about it over the phone. But it’s pretty important that we talk about everything because I think we’re both missing pieces of the story. Do you think you can get Max and Isobel to come with you to meet with us?”
“Alex, who else knows?” he asked.
“No one that didn’t know before you told me,” Alex said, “It’s important. Will you help me?” 
“I…” Michael whispered. There was rustling on the other side of the line, a clear debate going on. Alex waited patiently. “Okay. Absolutely. I-I’ll do anything you need me to do. What’s the address?”
Alex gave the room a thumbs up.
Michael couldn’t remember a time he felt so uncomfortable.
The room was stiff with tension. The sheriff knew they were aliens and was under the impression they were all bad. That alone made the situation uncomfortable, but there was the added layer of Liz and Alex both feeling betrayed. They were both ignoring them like the plague while Kyle just glared at them with hatred. Not to mention the murder board that basically connected all the dots. Michael was beginning to think this was going to lead to the worst-case scenario.
“Does the name Noah Bracken mean anything to you?” Sheriff Valenti asked them. Michael had never heard it before, so he looked over to Isobel and Max who both seemed just as confused. “Right, well, he’s the one I think killed those girls. But, somehow, you three are involved. I need those gaps filled in.”
Again, the three of them shared looks as they tried to decide what exactly to say. What could they say without getting in even more trouble? But, then again, they were already screwed beyond belief.
“I need to know everything about that night,” Jim clarified, “Whatever you tell me is off the record.”
They all shared another look between them Max caved first. No surprise there.
“I went to the Crashdown with Michael and then went to the desert with Liz. After that, I…” Max took a deep breath. “I saw Rosa. She, uh, wasn’t herself. She told me to leave so I did. I was home for a few hours but then I felt Isobel so I went to find her. Michael got there first. By the time I got there, they were all dead.”
Liz took a shaky breath and looked away which clearly hurt Max. Michael shifted in his seat, staying silent. It was hard for him to not stare at Alex. He would have to speak. What the fuck was he supposed to say about that night? He clutched his butchered hand closer to his body.
Then Isobel spoke.
“I-I literally don’t remember that day. I woke up that morning and then I woke up with Max shaking me and, and Michael saying he lost control. So we just ran,” she admitted, fear clear in her voice. Max reached over to pull her into a hug. 
“You don’t remember?” Sheriff Valenti clarified. Isobel nodded.
“I… I’ve been having blackouts for a while, I guess. Like, for a few years,” she answered. He nodded slowly. “I didn’t think it was a big deal until then.”
“That might be a piece of the puzzle,” Sheriff Valenti said, “Michael, you were there before Max, what do you remember?”
Then all attention turned to Michael.
“Um, I went to the Crashdown with Max and then I went to the UFO Museum,” he said carefully. Alex looked the other direction. It was one simple move, but Michael couldn’t deny the loneliness it dumped on him. He didn’t want to talk about this at all, much less tell everyone in this fucking room. He’d happily buried this despite the nightmares for the last month. He didn’t want to say it out loud. “Then… I went home with Alex.”
He stopped talking and it didn’t go unnoticed. They all stared at him and then to Alex and then back to him. And Michael honestly felt like he couldn’t breathe. What was he supposed to say? The happiest day of his life turned to hell in 2.5 seconds? That if Jesse Manes hadn’t attacked him, then maybe his entire night would’ve been different? Maybe he would’ve approached the whole situation with Isobel differently if he wasn’t already scared?
“Hold on,” Alex sighed, pushing off the couch and stepping towards Michael. His face said he really wasn’t happy about it, but Michael managed to give him his attention. Or, he tried. He still couldn’t fucking breathe. “Give us a minute.”
Alex grabbed Michael’s arm and basically lugged him into the kitchen, pushing him into the refrigerator. It was disorienting enough that Michael had a moment where he wasn’t thinking of the fact that he couldn’t fucking breathe. Except it came right back and he started to think he was really going to suffocate.
“You’re panicking right now,” Alex said bluntly, “Because my dad hurt you. You’re allowed to panic about that, okay? You were hurt. You are hurt. But you need to breathe because this is important.”
“Breathe. In… Out… In… Out…”
They sat there for what felt like forever and no time at all, Alex coaching him to breathe in and out until he calmed down.
“Okay,” Alex said, giving an encouraging smile that took more effort than Michael was willing to acknowledge, “So just… say it. Just to me and then if you still can’t say it, I will.”
“Why is it so easy for you?” Michael asked. He didn’t care if he sounded stupid, he didn’t understand. Alex just sighed.
“My life is on the line here, I can’t deal with trauma right now,” Alex said with a laugh. It wasn’t funny. “Just say it.”
“Jesse Manes hurt me,” Michael said slowly, never breaking eye contact from Alex. There was a disconnect in Michael’s brain. Alex didn’t feel like a Manes to him and he wasn’t going to lump him in if he didn’t have to.
“One more time.” Michael looked at him pathetically. “Exposure therapy, babe, one more time.”
“Jesse Manes hurt me.”
“My dad hurt you.”
“Jesse Manes hurt me.”
“My dad hurt you.”
“Jesse Manes hurt me.”
“My dad hurt you!” 
“My dad, Guerin, my dad hurt you!”
“Your dad hurt me!” 
They both stood there, staring at each other for a couple of seconds as they gathered their breath. It suddenly became a little too clear that they were fucked. They weren’t going to get what they had back. They never were. It would always be different.
“You can do it now, right?” Alex clarified. Michael swallowed hard and nodded.
By the time they got back into the living room, everyone was staring at them with different levels of horror on their faces. Apparently yelling at each other on the other side of a thin wall wasn’t exactly the best way to go about things. Still, the two of them sat back down and tried to act normal despite the fact Michael’s face was burning and his heart was still beating pretty fast.
“So I went home with Alex,” Michael said, starting up right where he left off. Still, they all were staring at him in concern. He ignored it. “His dad caught us, broke my hand, that’s why Alex didn’t have an alibi. Didn’t wanna say anything.” Despite the fact he’d said it out loud, he still brought his hand close to him and hunched over, hiding it as best he could. But this was about Alex, so he pushed through.
“Michael,” Isobel said softly.
“I’m good,” he told her, taking a deep breath before picking up from there. “Anyway, so I left that situation and that’s when I felt Isobel, so I went to her. I got there before Max, I saw her… I saw her hurt Rosa.” Liz let out a shaky breath from across the room. “But, I don’t know, it didn’t look right. It didn’t look like Isobel. Like, it was, but there was something off.” 
“Off?” Sheriff Valenti asked.
“Yeah,” Michael said, clearing his throat, “Like, she wasn’t herself. She passed out for a minute after and, when she came to, she was back to normal. I don’t know, it was weird. Isobel wouldn’t do that, I kinda… I kinda thought we’re all just evil or something and don’t know it.”
Sheriff Valenti took a heavy breath and stood to his feet.
“Right. Well, let’s get to work.”
“Mr. Bracken, can we speak for a minute?”
Noah looked up from his place at the bar with a welcoming smile. Jim, as angry as he was, returned it. This thing had ruined the lives of good kids and for what? He was still weak. Jim knew he was still weak.
Behind the counter, Mimi DeLuca smiled. She’d happily made a safe space for Noah, providing a place that he kept returning to. Jim always knew exactly where he was thanks to her.
“Sure, Sheriff,” he answered, spinning to face him. Jim nodded towards the back room. 
“I have some information on the man that attacked you,” Jim began. Noah’s eyes widened in surprise and he nodded. They both headed for the back room, Jim clutching the pendant in his pocket to make sure he would be okay with that he was about to do.
“So, you think you found him?” Noah asked as they got in the room. Jim thought about Isobel for a moment, the utter fear on her face when he suggested that maybe the person who committed the murders really wasn’t her. For years, Jim had been taught all the aliens were evil. Now he was wondering if maybe that wasn’t true.
Because those kids… were just kids.
“We think he targets young girls mostly,” Jim said, “And was the one who killed the Desert Three girls.”
“Oh yeah?” Noah asked, interest piqued. Always piqued.
“We think this alien has the powers to invade another mind, to take control of their body,” Jim said. Noah didn’t even react. “You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”
Noah stared at him for a moment, jaw slowly clenching and unclenching before his smile returned.
“Not sure,” he said. Jim took a deep breath, wishing he could just arrest him. But that wasn’t an option. Right now, he just had to make him even weaker so that then they could do something about it. Three untrained aliens were no match for even a naturally weak trained alien. 
“We think he took over a young girl by the name of… Well, she’s a minor, but I think you know her name,” Jim said, taking a step closer.
In his other pocket, he had a loaded syringe full of liquidated yellow powder.
“Why would I know her name?” Noah asked, smile faltering. He became super serious as he focused in on Jim, eyes trained on him like he was trying to do something. He probably was. Jim got his fingers in place on the syringe.
“How’d you get the handprint on your skin?” Jim said, “Can you do that to yourself?”
In a far too quick movement, Noah lunged at him. Jim pulled the syringe and just aimed for any body part he could, injecting his arm with straight alien poison. Noah’s face twisted as he made a strangled noise of agony before he ducked out of the way and ran out of the door. By the time Jim made it into the front of the house again, Noah was gone.
He looked around to double-check that he was gone before heading to the bar. Mimi DeLuca still had that unbothered smile on her face.
“Did you do it?” he asked. 
“Did you?”
“Also yes,” Mimi agreed, sliding him a phone-sized screen with a blinking pinpoint along with coordinates.
“You amaze me sometimes,” he told her. She smiled a little broader and wiped the table.
“Hospitality is my job.”
“Murder makes us stronger?”
Isobel’s heart was thudding so hard in her chest that she could barely stand it. She knew that Sheriff Valenti was actually helping them, she knew it, but all this information was… Bad. It was so bad. She tightened the blanket around her shoulders.
“Yes,” Sheriff Valenti confirmed, “We think your people were a race of warriors. When you kill, you gain their life source. Which is the main thing that’s confusing me about Noah Bracken. He’s clearly still weak, but he killed three girls.”
“Maybe there was a barrier because he did it through Isobel’s body?” Michael suggested.
“That’s a good point, maybe that’s what it is.”
Isobel hated how into this Michael was getting. She hated how he seemed to flawlessly blend in with Liz Ortecho and Jim Valenti’s thought process. She knew they were trying to help, but only because of Rosa. She had no idea if they were going to turn on them as soon as this was over.
“So, hate to sound selfish here, but even if we do get rid of him, how are we going to fix my situation?” Alex asked.
It was strange. Isobel had expected him to be a fucking wreck, but he just wasn’t. Whenever she pointed that out to Michael, he said that Alex had been a wreck. He was just being logical right now because apparently that’s what Alex did. She found it suspicious as all hell.
“Right,” Sheriff Valenti said, “What kind of powers do you have? What are we working with?”
The question was so blunt, so forward, that Isobel retreated further into Max. Liz, Kyle, and Alex all looked to them out of pure curiosity. She felt exposed. All her life she’d avoided being a science experiment, she’d tried so hard to blend in. Now she had no choice.
“I’m telekinetic, Max is electrokinetic, Iz can influence people,” Michael explained since they clearly didn’t want to, “All pretty basic stuff, I think.”
“Influence people how?” Sheriff Valenti asked. Isobel looked over to Max and she swallowed harshly.
“Like get in their minds and make them do things. But I can’t make anyone do something they don’t want to do on at least some level or think something they don’t want to think of some level,” Isobel explained. She tugged the blanket around herself even tighter, hoping to bring some form of extra comfort.
“Okay, okay, that’s good,” Sheriff Valenti said. 
“How does that help us?” Kyle asked.
Before anyone else could answer, a sharp pain shot through Isobel’s mind again. She made a weak noise in response and shielded her eyes against Max’s shoulder as the light in the room became too much. Everyone fell silent.
“What just happened?” Liz asked quietly after a few seconds. Isobel took a deep breath, rubbing her temples before she felt a cold bottle nudge her shoulder. Michael handed her a water bottle filled to the brim with pure acetone. She took a few big gulps before trying to look at them again. Thank god for fast-acting pain relief.
“I-I keep getting these headaches,” she answered. Sheriff Valenti’s face went grim.
“We need to act fast,” he said, wiping down the dry erase side of the board and writing down the coordinates from the little tracking device. 
“What?” Max asked.
“I’m not entirely sure, but if I had to guess, the headaches are because Noah Bracken is trying to get into your mind again. He’s weak right now though and we need to attack him before he gets stronger again.”
“Love that, but, again, how does that get me off the hook?” Alex asked. Jim sighed softly and made direct eye contact with Isobel. He lingered there for a moment before looking at Michael.
“How long do you think it’ll take to train her to use your powers?” he asked. 
“Why are you asking him?” Max butted in. He was promptly ignored. However, it didn’t take a genius to know Michael was the most trained out of them all.
“Um, I don’t know. We’ve never tried to use each other’s powers before. I didn’t know that was a thing,” Michael answered. Isobel sat up a little straight.
“Why does he need to teach me?” she asked.
Sheriff Valenti closed his eyes for a minute, eyelids fluttering and fingers moving as if he was doing math in his head. Eventually, he came up with an answer and wrote on the board ‘36 hours’. 
“Okay, I’ll help. We have 36 hours to train her as best we can so we’re going to need to focus,” he said. Isobel stood up to make herself known.
“Why?” she demanded. He turned to her.
“Because you’re going to kill the thing that used your body and you’re going to use that power boost to mind-warp an entire town.”
Isobel gulped, staring at him uneasily. She wasn’t sure if she could do that. Sure, she was angry that she was in the middle of this and terrified that someone so easily got into her mind and used her body. But could she be a killer? 
“I’m not a killer,” she said softly. Sheriff Valenti nodded.
“But he is,” he told her, “And this is the only way we can help everyone. I know this is hard, but you’re the only one that can both help Alex, stop him from hurting someone else, and redeem the fact that you ran away from a crime scene in the first place all at once. This is important. Can you do this?”
Isobel looked around the room. Max looked unsure, Michael looked excited, Liz and Kyle looked challenging, and Alex just looked pleading. She ignored the throbbing behind her eyes, the temptation to give in to the pain. 
“And this is the only way?”
“The only way to be efficient,” he said. So Isobel nodded.
“Okay. I’ll do it.”
“I’m not in the mood to talk to you right now.”
Max tried not to look too much like a depressed puppy as he lingered beside Kyle’s car. He was going to take her home so they could all wait while the Sheriff worked with Isobel and Michael. Max was already anxious leaving them alone with a man who knew more about them than they did and refused to tell them how, so he couldn’t bring himself to let Liz run off without clearing that hurt from his chest.
“Please?” he asked. She sighed in frustration, but turned around to face him. Liz crossed her arms over her chest and looked at him expectantly. “I just want to make sure you’re doing okay. A lot of stuff has come out over the last week.”
“I’m fine, Max,” she said with a forced laugh, “As fine as I can be knowing that you lied to me when I trusted you. I mean, Michael admitted everything to Alex and you couldn’t tell me anything? It’s my sister.”
“Liz, I was stuck. I didn’t know what to do,” he said, “But I’m trying to make up for it now.”
“And you’re not really helping. I mean, Michael is helping and Isobel, despite the fact that she has literally been possessed by some random guy, is going to be doing a lot just to help Alex and get some form of justice. What exactly are you doing to help?” she wondered. Max’s shoulders dropped and he realized he didn’t actually have a good response to that.
“I want to help,” he tried softly.
Liz sighed and opened the door to Kyle’s truck.
“After all of this is over, I’m leaving town,” she said simply, “So you won’t have to feel guilty for too much longer.”
He watched them drive off.
“Alex, can we talk?”
Alex sighed, but slowly turned to see Michael. He looked so good, it made it hard to tell him no. He really needed to work on telling him no and not feeling guilty about it. He was so tired of still wanting him even though he totally would’ve let Alex go to prison.
“What’s there to talk about? We’ve talked about pretty much everything we needed to. I know Isobel didn’t technically do it and I know you’ve spent the last 36 hours training Isobel so you can help me, but… You were of sound mind when everything initially went down. My feelings haven’t changed,” he said as firmly as he could. Michael’s face dropped, but he tried to harden it. If anything, Alex could appreciate his dedication to not manipulate him anymore.
“I was going to be your alibi, Alex, I was. That first month… I was just scared. Whenever I found out they were putting it on you, I-I just got even more scared. I’m sorry. I just want you to know I’m genuinely sorry,” he explained. Or, tried to explain. How was he supposed to fix this, really? He couldn’t.
“You hurt me,” Alex said blatantly. Michael closed his eyes. “I… I really care about you and you don’t feel the same way.” His eyes snapped right back open.
“Oh my God, Alex, yes I do,” he said, stepping closer. He quickly realized that was a bad idea and stepped back again. Alex was just staring at him in confusion which was valid since Michael was lost on what to say. “I know I acted like a dick, but I had no idea what to do. I was stuck.”
That didn’t seem to make Alex let up on any of his confusion.
“I love you,” Michael decided firmly. Alex’s eyes went wider than he’d ever seen them. It was almost funny. “And I don’t expect you to forgive me for what I’ve done, but I can’t take you thinking I don’t love you and care about you. Because I do. So much.”
“You love me, but you were willing to let me go to prison for your sister?” Alex asked skeptically. Michael squeezed his eyes closed and shook his head.
“No. No, as soon as I realized the direction it was going, I was going to help. I love you and I love Izzy, I just had no idea how to help you both at the same times. I still don’t, not really. I’m fucking flying by the seat of my pants,” Michael explained, letting out a little desperate laugh. Alex bit his lip as he watched him.
“I love you too,” he said softly after a few moments of silence. Michael’s heart swelled and he thought about hugging him but decided against it. Bad timing. “But I really need time.”
“Take all the time you need,” Michael said honestly. Alex looked around, left and right and anywhere except for Michael. “Unless…”
“If this plan works and we clean up this mess, I’m joining the AirForce,” Alex said matter-of-factly. Michael’s heart dropped.
“What? No, I–”
“It’s not up to you. If I get out of this without a felony on my record, that’s the best decision I can make. And I’ve already made it, so… Yeah.”
“Alex, you can’t just… Why would you want to do that? I don’t understand,” Michael fumbled out, trying to make sense of it. Alex just following after his dad’s footsteps? After everything they’ve been through?
“I need to get out of here. Even if it’s all better, I still know what happened. I need to leave. I need to do something… Something better,” he explained. Michael tried not to be angry. Alex didn’t deserve angry.
“The military isn’t better, it's–”
“Not your decision to make,” he said, “And that’s final.”
Michael took a deep breath and tried to put himself in Alex’s shoes. It wasn’t that helpful, but he really fucking tried. 
“So this is it, then?” Michael asked softly. He watched a few different emotions pass over Alex’s face before he looked down. 
“I don’t, I don’t know, okay? I just need time,” he said, “I know that I still like you, but that really pisses me off.”
Michael huffed a laugh and nodded. “I get it. No pressure.”
“Maybe… Maybe after Basic, we can talk? When it doesn’t feel so fresh?” Alex wondered, eyes so hopeful that it made Michael’s heart skip a beat. Alex was still hopeful. It made it so easy to feel the same.
“I would really like that.”
There was a cave that was impossible to reach by car.
There were a bunch of small sand dunes and it was hard to navigate. Isobel did it though. Michael, Max, and Sheriff Valenti weren’t far away. They drove as close as they could and told her they would wait in case she needed them. She would probably need them.
Sheriff Valenti warned her that, after this happened, she would probably feel very full and heavy with power. She would probably want to exert it somehow, but she needed to hold it so they could hone it to affect the town. She was nervous that she would fuck up.
“You’re prettier in person.”
Isobel had expected a lot of things when she saw Noah Bracken. She anticipated fear or disgust or angry or all of the above. What she hadn’t expected, was to see this weak man in this cave and recognize him. She felt like she knew him just from feeling his presence and unwarranted empathy brew in her heart. Fuck.
She took a deep breath and braced herself against the wall of the cave. He smiled and tried to sit up a bit straighter for her. He had a nice smile, a nice face. He was handsome and she felt so… open to him.
“You are. I wish I could see the woman you’ll grow into. You’ll be stunning and powerful,” he explained, “I can help you be powerful, you know?”
“No,” Isobel said firmly, trying to avoid eye contact, “You violated me. You took over my body.”
“I know, I know, I’m sorry,” he said. Isobel looked at him in shock. He sounded sincere. “You have to understand. The pod I was in wasn’t fully in tact. For, for decades I was stuck in that thing, aware and alone. Then you came along.”
“What are you talking about?” she demanded. He shook his head slightly.
“I heard you scream, you opened your mind to me in that moment all those years ago,” Noah said softly, “I mean, you let me in. You let me have a life. I owe you so much for that. I can make it up to you if you let me.”
Isobel felt sick. She wanted Michael and Max beside her. She didn’t want to do this alone anymore. Hell, she didn’t want to do it in the first place.
“You had no right to do that, to-to make me do things I never would, to be horrible,” she said, shaking her head, “No, you had no right to use my body for anything! I don’t care what it was, good or bad, you can’t use me!”
“I know, I know. Like I said, I’m sorry,” he told her, “Please. Just… let me make things right. I think we could be happy.”
“What is wrong with you?” she spat. For a moment, she could feel Max reaching out to her to make sure she was okay. She wasn’t supposed to make small talk. She was supposed to come in here, kill him, and go. But it was a lot harder than she expected. “You’re disgusting.”
“I know you better than anyone,” Noah said as some form of counter-argument. Somehow, she knew he was right. That was the worst part. “Let me try. Please, let me try. I want to make you happy. You have so, so much potential. Give me a chance.”
Isobel froze. She hated this. She hated it. She wanted to run, she wanted someone else to do this.
Michael reached out to her mind then, encouraging rather than concerned. While Max was worried, Michael simply sent waves of ‘you can do this’ and ‘focus on what he did to you, make him pay before it gets worse’. Isobel shook her head and held her chin up high.
“You hurt me and those girls and probably more people that you just never got caught for. I’m not giving you the chance to do anything more.”
Isobel held her hand out and telekinetically threw him against the wall. It took all of her focus, all of her dedication. She felt her body start to shake, trying to hold him in place. Tears sprung to her eyes as pain started striking her due to hitting her energy limit. She could feel her brothers with her, urging her to just push past it. If she could just push past it, she’d be unstoppable.
You can do this.
“Isobel!” Noah yelled. He screamed her name. He knew her. He knew her name.
Tears fell past her eyes and she screamed, forcing her body to push past that limit. Her eyes closed, she screamed, she cried, she gave it her all.
When she opened her eyes and fell to the ground, Noah laid on the ground with his head twisted entirely the wrong way.
When the fuck was the power trip supposed to kick in?
“She did it. She did it. We gotta go.”
Sheriff Valenti watched the two boys bolt out of the car faster than should be possibly, sprinting towards their sister. He followed as quickly as he could. He knew he was the only one who had any experience with this. He didn’t like the way he got that experience, but still. She needed help honing it.
When they got to her, Isobel was on all fours and trying to catch her breath. He could help but notice the body on the other side of the cave, dead and motionless. He was genuinely proud that she was able to do that. He knew it couldn’t have been easy. He also knew that she had about 30 seconds before she started feeling that surge of power.
“Isobel,” he started carefully, “Are you okay?” The boys helped her sit up. Her eyes were wide and lit with a fire behind them. He knelt in front of her. 
“What do I do? What do I do?” she asked, her jaw setting as that fire behind her eyes grew.
“Do you feel that power in you?” he asked. She inhaled sharply and nodded, a conflicted look on her face. “Okay, okay, focus all your energy on that feeling, okay? Let it fester a little, okay?”
Isobel nodded, closing her eyes. She breathed heavily, clutching her brothers as hard as she could. Jim understood in that moment more than ever that they were human. Maybe not biologically, but psychologically. And that’s what mattered.
“Okay,” he went on softly, “Now focus on the town. Just like you focus on one person, but do it to them all. Every single one, every beating heart, every soul that’ll welcome you. And they will welcome you because they don’t know you’re coming.”
Isobel nodded slowly again, her shoulders relaxing a bit as she focused more on her mind than anything.
“Convince them Alex Manes did not do this. There is no cult activity in Roswell,” he recited. She mouthed it back, slowly becoming more and more catatonic.
They waited for a few minutes and then a few more. They waited and they waited and they waited. Blood dripped from her nose. Jim urged Max and Michael to ignore it.
Isobel came back to them with a gasp, falling forward like before. Max pulled her into his chest as she continued to reorient herself. Michael crouched beside them both, trying to comfort her as best she could. Jim smiled at them both.
“I’m proud of you,” he told her as sincerely as he could. Because he was. 
“Did it work?” she asked, still catching her breath. Michael gave her a bottle that she took a sip of.
“I’m not sure yet, but we’ll see. Either way, you did your best and I’m proud of you,” Jim insisted. She nodded and took a shaky breath, her eyes drifting back to Noah Bracken. “Max, you can help her back to the car. Michael, could you help me?”
“Yes, sir,” Max said. Jim waited and until they were out of ear shot before he turned to Michael.
“Okay, we need to write a confession note and fix him to make it seem like he commited suicide,” he told Michael who nodded easily.
“Alright, let’s get this shit over with.”
“So you’re cleared for real?”
“Yep,” Alex grinned, pulling his pant leg up to show off his now bracelet-free ankle. It felt good. So good, honestly. “Apparently, they had reason to believe that my hair may have been one of the girls and it just traveled so they didn’t have enough evidence to hold me. Plus they found a body with a confession letter.”
“Well I’ll be damned, Evans really pulled through,” Kyle laughed, leaning back in Alex’s desk chair.
“Well, maybe. I haven’t really been around town yet. That’s the real test, see if people still hate me,” he said. Kyle scrunched up his nose.
“I don’t think they’ll hate you anymore. I mean, they found the real killer,” Kyle pointed out. Alex shrugged. Most people around town weren’t really his biggest fans before the whole murder thing. He didn’t know how much this was going to change. He had to assume that, no matter what, there was at least one person that was still convinced he did it. 
Which is exactly why he was going to enlist first thing in the morning.
“Well, whatever, my dad said he was gonna take care of the body. No one’s gonna find out what he is, so the ET trio are safe,” Kyle promised him. Alex nodded and sighed, unable to hide his smile. He felt so fucking free and happy. It felt good.
“So, you ever think about becoming a detective? You did a good job investigating. I couldn’t have done it without you,” Alex told him. Kyle flashed a cocky smile and winked.
“I’d only do that for you,” he said. Alex rolled his eyes. “Nah, but I think I’m still gonna go to be a doctor. As much fun as that was, I don’t like the idea of straight injustice happening on my watch.”
“That’s understandable,” Alex said.
“And what about you?”
“I’m gonna go be a fancy Airman.”
Kyle’s eyebrows shot up. “Seriously?”
“You know there are other ways to get out of here, right? You don’t have to go to war,” Kyle pointed out. Alex sighed slowly and nodded.
“Yeah, I know, but I really want to make a name for myself and it seems like the best and easiest way,” Alex explained. Kyle made a noise of protest.
“Yeah, that’s what recruiters tell you and leave out the part where the government screws you over and leaves you traumatized and broke and homeless.”
Alex couldn’t help but laugh. He didn’t know why exactly he laughed and hoped it was because it was a joke and not because he knew deep down he was right.
“I’ll be okay.”
“Honestly,” Kyle said with a smile, “I believe that.”
“How are you?”
Liz held her hands up in protest as Isobel sat up sharply in response to her voice. It’d been a little over a week, but Liz knew that Isobel was still recovering. She was more than a little thankful for what Isobel did to get justice even if there was a selfish aspect to it. That was the only reason she was stopping by the Evans’ residence on her way out of Roswell.
“How are you? How are you taking everything?” Isobel asked. Liz managed a little smile and shrugged one shoulder.
“I’m okay. The closest thing to justice was achieved, so I can’t be too angry,” she said.
“I know, but I feel so guilty any of it happened in the first place. I-If my mind had been stronger, then maybe‒”
“Hey, it’s okay. You’re a victim in this situation too,” Liz promised. Isobel looked conflicted, but she didn’t say anything. “But, seriously, I know that took a lot out of you. Are you coping okay?”
“Yeah, I just told my mom I was sick,” Isobel answered, forcing a tiny laugh as she gestured to the empty bowl of soup on her nightstand. Liz smiled.
“Good, I’m glad,” Liz said, “I, uh… I just came to say thank you.”
“Liz, no‒”
“No, I needed to say that. And you need to hear it. You did the right thing even though it was super hard and that you were hurting too. I’m really grateful,” Liz insisted. Isobel smiled and blinked quickly, trying to blink tears away.
“You’re welcome, I guess,” she laughed, wiping her eyes.
“Do you know what you’re going to do after this?” Liz asked. Isobel took a deep breath and shrugged.
“I have no idea. What about you?”
“I’m getting the fuck out of Roswell, that’s for sure,” Liz answered.
“Yeah, I’m on my way out now. I just wanted to stop by.”
“Did you, um, talk to Max? I’m sure he’d like to say goodbye,” Isobel told her. Liz shook her head.
“No, I think we already said our goodbyes,” she sighed, “I’m still hurt by his choice to keep that from me while still hanging around me. I need a break from Roswell. And from men, honestly.”
Isobel snorted, “Good choice.”
Liz smiled and took a short look around the room, trying to think of anything else she needed to say. There wasn’t really anything she could think of. She felt like she’d gotten everything off her chest and she was really just ready to leave.
“Are you ever coming back?” Isobel asked before she could say goodbye. Liz shrugged.
“I honestly don’t know,” she answered, “I’ll see you around, maybe.”
Isobel smiled.
“I’ll see you around too, maybe.”
When Alex had asked him to come see him off, Michael thought it was a trap. But he still went anyway because what was he if not completely at Alex Manes’ beck and call.
Michael pulled up at the airport and tried not to feel too out of place as he blindly navigated his way to whichever area Alex was apparently at. It was confusing as all hell, but he finally spotted a man in uniform from across the room. He had to stop and take a second to take it all in before he tried to speak to him.
This was it. Alex was actually fucking leaving. Wasn’t that just horrific?
“Guerin,” Alex called before he was ready, looking up to him with a warm smile as he started to make his way closer. Michael hadn’t actually seen him in about a month and, in that time, he’d gone through all the goddamn steps before Basic. He already looked different. He was scared to see what his hair looked like beneath that hat. “I’m glad you came.”
“I was kinda shocked when you asked, not gonna lie,” Michael admitted, “I know you said you needed time.”
“Yeah, I did. I still do,” Alex said, “But… Considering what I know now that anything can go to shit at any time, I didn’t want to leave without seeing you one more time.”
Michael managed a smile and he skimmed the outfit one more time. It wasn’t Alex. It just wasn’t. But, then again, maybe it was. Maybe he didn’t know Alex as well as he thought he did. He swallowed harshly at the idea.
“Here I am,” Michael said, shrugging.
“So, um, what are your plans? You still going to college?” Alex asked. Michael licked his lips and wished he could say yes. However, he shook his head.
“Not right now. I… I’m kinda scared to go anywhere too far by myself considering all the Sheriff has told us about us. Not sure what’ll happen if I don’t have Isobel and Max on hand when I need them,” Michael explained. That was the simpler way to say it. It was more of a straight fear he’d do something that he wasn’t prepared for. Now that they knew their powers could grow, they also knew that they could have a mind of their own. “But maybe one day.”
“Well, I hope so. You’re too smart to let that go to waste,” Alex said. Michael took a deep breath and tried to smile.
“Are you scared?”
“No,” Alex said definitively, “I’m… excited for the future.”
“Good. That’s good.”
They sat there and stared at each other for a moment, trying to find the words to say. Were there even any words to say? What was someone supposed to say after all the bullshit they went through in the span of two months? And then suddenly it was overall at once and they had to act normal. Michael just found it really hard to act normal.
“Well, um, I have to go. Have to head through security and stuff,” Alex told him. 
“Oh, yeah, absolutely. I don’t wanna keep you waiting,” Michael said though his heart ached. He wanted to wrap Alex up and keep him there forever. But that wasn’t a plausible option. Alex needed to go, needed to find out who he was. “I guess, um, I guess I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah,” Alex said with a smile, “You will.”
Michael waited for him to leave, but he didn’t. Instead, Alex looked around a few times before he removed his hat. Michael’s stomach dropped at the sight of his shaved head, but he could barely even take that in before Alex’s lips pressed onto his.
The first kiss was super short and Alex pulled away just a little to make sure it was okay. Michael noticed his eyes look around one more time before Alex’s palm pressed to his cheek and he kissed him again. Michael didn’t touch him, he let him do all the touching as he gave him a long, chaste kiss. No tongue, no lip movement, just… two people pressing close because, pretty soon, they wouldn’t be able to.
“What was that for?” Michael asked when he pulled away slightly, his forehead still resting against his. His fingers were tingling, powers desperate to reach out to him and explode from the joy of being kissed somewhere so public. He tried to keep it under wraps as best he could, but he saw the way Alex smiled when he felt it. 
“I told you. I didn’t want to leave anything unfinished. I still love you,” Alex promised, “And I still need time. But maybe after Basic we can write to each other?”
“Absolutely, I would love that,” Michael gushed. Alex grinned and pulled away completely. 
“Right, so… See you soon, try not to be an asshole in the future.”
“See you soon, I’ll do my best.”
Michael didn’t leave that spot until Alex was completely out of sight.
“Don’t get me wrong, I don’t actually like any of you.”
“You’re too kind.” 
Kyle rolled his eyes as he slowly pushed himself out of the booth. He’d been at the Crashdown with Isobel, Max, and Michael for an hour, but now it was time to go. Now he had to go drive to another state to go to college. That felt insane to think about, but not more insane than his summer actually went so he couldn’t complain.
“Nah, but seriously. If anything happens, I’ll be here,” Kyle said. They all smiled at him and he felt more adult than he had in a while.
“Thank you,” Isobel said.
“Yeah, seriously, thanks,” Michael added. Max simply gave an acknowledging nod. 
It was weird to think that he’d spent his last month before college hanging out with these three. But maybe that was just a consequence of all the bullshit that happened. Liz was gone, as of the week prior Alex was gone, and now he was going. He wondered where they would go.
He didn’t wonder for too long because he knew they weren’t going anywhere.
“Maybe we can meet up during Christmas break,” Kyle suggested. 
“Sounds like a plan.”
Kyle didn’t hug them, but he said his goodbyes and tried not to feel so weird about it as he made his way to the car. He was going to make something of himself and, after what happened, he knew he really could.
Back at the table, the three aliens sat and took in their situation. All their friends were gone and now they were just left with the knowledge that they were so obscenely different and would only continue to be different the more they learned about themselves. As fun as shattering shit in the desert was, they had to keep themselves contained every other moment of the day. The lines between where the peace ended and the consequences started seemed to blur each more every day.
“So, what do we do now?” Isobel asked.
“We just have to act normal,” Max said, “Do normal things. Become what’s expected of us.”
“What does that mean?” Michael wondered. No one answered.
They just had to wait and see.
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