#it re centers me or something idek. It’s hard to explain
whoreiaki-kakyoin · 2 years
I always think it’s kind of funny when I go crazy go stupid for period sex hcs and people are like “….. don’t you…. Hate blood play? Doesnt blood make you squeamish?” Because while it’s true that anything involving knives or blood being drawn elsewhere creeps me out, I’m still a little freak who fucking loves the idea of period sex, period oral, any of it. It’s so good.
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twistedsinews · 6 years
I had a dream where...
It's kinda hard to describe how it worked, but you know how you know because it was a dream type thing?  There was enough 3rd person going on that I presume it to have been Faith, or thereabout, except she had Alexis' Vas Mani skills.  (Literally, Vas Mani - a healing spell from a more fantasy game, for those of you not familiar).  It definitely handled like playing a video game, so I'm using the video game "we" in describing how things went down.
So!  SR plot.  The protagonist of the dream woke up in a house set up in the woods.  It was sparse, when they left the house there were some people who dropped in who fondly welcomed them back to the world of the living with hugs.
We got a bit lost where we were supposed to go when we left the house - at one point, we wandered around and the house seemed to move.  Like, the protagonist asked someone "where's the house," and they pointed it out in front of us when we thought it was behind us.  The word coma first showed up, which did not explain the house moving but somehow explained (??) what we were doing there and the warm welcome.
Further on, once the forest thinned out, there was a big open field with a large fortified castle.
This is where it gets a bit muddled, because pretty much the rest of the dream took place in the castle.
About the Castle: Kind of steampunk looking in some places, but very high technology in practice, geothermal energy, off the grid, very self-sufficient.  Very fortified.
The Saints lived there.
Now, despite the recently coma part, we knew right where the junk food was kept, and were hellbent intent on sharing a chocolate bar with the couple in the humvee like truck parked outside.  Apparently we knew them and it was nice to see them, even though I have no recollection of them being from anywhere.  They were going out on a date to the movies or something and it was important to the protagonist of the dream that they take chocolate with them.
So anyway, Oleg was keeping the door, for whatever reason, and it was his job to lift the portcullis whenever anyone wanted in or out.  (The door was small enough it was difficult to get by him, and we wound up deciding to keep the chain latched so the door stayed open anyway.)
I don't remember if it was upon getting the chocolate bar to the couple, or after they got back and we'd spent some cursory time inside (I'm inclined to think it was the latter, because everyone was calm, but that's applying logic to dreamland), but: at one point there was another humvee like truck with a rock band or something parked next to them.
At which point we were attacked, and both cars were blown up.  Which is where Vas Mani comes in: things were pretty gruesome on the field, a complete firefight had broken out, and we were in the middle of it throwing out healing magic like there was no tomorrow before we were able to retreat back into the castle.
Life in the castle was pretty chill.
But, again, being welcomed back to the land of the living with open arms.  I'm pretty sure the timeline of 15 years was bandied about at one point, which confused the hell out of me because that's a long fucking coma.
If I grok the overarching plot of this dream, it was almost something like if the Boss's coma ran through SR3 and SR4, and Gat was in charge the entire time.  Somehow things did not explode to the extent you would believe from that fact, or that Gat hadn't been thrown in prison and given a death sentence he needed to be rescued from.  The alternate reading would be that they mistook Alexis for the Boss, who was MiA, but there was recognition from the protagonist so I'm guessing that's not it, despite the inexplicable Vas Mani.  Also, the it seemed it was the Saints who were keeping the protagonist hidden away in the house in the woods, so ???
Anyway, who the fuck pays attention to the SR timelines anyway.
There was a large chunk of re-aclimatizing to the crew.  Oleg was around, but he mostly held the door.  Gat was front and center at first, then he wandered off to do Leader Things and came back from time to time.  Pierce and Shaundi were in the background a lot, particularly whenever going through the big open gathering hall that led to the door outside.
Asha was around, I remember something about her trying to get something out of a snack or meal vending machine.  I THINK Matt was there, too, although I didn't recognize him because he was dressed... a little more business casual.  Either that, or completely other new guy helping Asha out with the vending machine.
Aisha was inexplicably still alive and living in a heavily fortified dungeon.  Got to see her at a distance, but didn't get to talk to her - she was busy.  The explanation was that she could leave if she wanted to, but she'd made it all comfortable to her tastes and Gat was on overdrive in trying to keep her safe.
Lin was also still alive, and there was an implication of romance cut short between her and the protagonist that they were kind of dancing around each other with.
Asked about Dex, don't remember the answer.  Something like he was wherever, but not there.
I think King was around, don’t remember what he was doing.  Don't remember anyone else.
There was a strange side-track into the basement at one point, where a hospital was set up.  We ended up being herded down there talking to a doctor, I think over not getting a scratch in the attack where two cars were blown up and people were very much hurt.  Wound up trying to Vas Mani and potentially an In Mani Corp or two over the wounded.
On the way out, got waylaid by a guy who was angrily blaming us for some kind of energy eating monster that... killed his family in Chicago?  He may have been delusional, or maybe he was just angry because some kind of energy eating monster came at us in Chicago and it was our job to keep our people safe or something.  He seemed to imply it was our fault for attracting it with magic even though we didn’t know it existed.
Anyhow, wound up hanging out and reconnecting a lot.  It was a long dream, I am forgetting details.  I also remember becoming aware it was a dream halfway through a lot of the latter stuff, and kind of feeling like I could wake up at any time, but wanting to finish the dream.
So yeah, after a lot of meandering around, the final detail that was particularly clear was going up to spent time with Gat in his office, where he basically said how great it was for us to be back.  The joking implication may have been: because he was sick of being in charge for so damn long, but he was v. genuine about it and it came with hugs, so.
I figured that would be a high note to wake up on, so I did.
Then I rolled over, immediately fell back asleep, and had a dream I'm not sure was even related where Volition was all, "So anyway that's the new Saints Row." and finished by unveiling some kind of... part demo, part tool kit, where you get to run around in a small city block (which was definitely city and not a castle) and try out the game, but that you could also use to build new things, like they had "released for every other Saints Row."
I woke up disappointed that we did not have these toolkit demo things.
...idek man...
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