#platonic mycroft holmes
Being Sherlock Holmes protege/child
Pairings: Sherlock Holmes x teen!reader (slight John Watson x teen!reader, slight Greg Lestrade x teen!reader)
Imagine: Sherlock taking a liking to you and decides that he wants you as his protege
Warnings: mention of struggling with school idk what else
A/N so as always my works are gn!reader so that anyone can read them and idk this idea just came to me might write and actual fic about it (sorry if it might be messy, haven’t reread it after I wrote it)
I love Sherlock <3 that’s it that’s my actual comment
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So you somehow caught Sherlock’s attention weather it be that you are smart as him or not doesn’t really matter, you caught his attention
It was at a crime scene in which you helped Lestrade a lot in the case until he contacted Sherlock, when Sherlock got there he noticed how you helped him get to the answer, or more like you knew the answer which turned out to be correct. Having known much about this crime and the people involved helped you a lot to solve it.
Sherlock who as usual tried to deduce everyone tried to deduce you and noticed that he couldn’t, or he got it all wrong, it made him more curious about you
So Sherlock decided out of nowhere that he liked you, he saw potential in you and wanted to take you in, so that’s what he did
If you were an orphan he got accepted to foster you, but if you aren’t then he needed your parents approval, which he got (with a bit of help from Lestrade and Mycroft)
The first week living with Sherlock was filled with him trying to figure out things about you. In doing that he did actually notice all your bad habits.
He noticed how you were stressed about school a lot, how you struggled with school, which he thought weird as outside of school you were damn smart but as soon as it came to school all went to shit
So he started (without himself knowing) slowly to help you with your school work, he’d say random facts that you would actually need to your assignments in which you wrote down. He helped you a lot that way and when he noticed he still continued, because he noticed you never asked for help. You were a lot less stressed over school because of his help.
After a few weeks he started to notice how you would make sure that he took care of himself but you wouldn’t take care of yourself, so he started to tell you to eat something, to drink, to sleep, like you always told him
The first case he took you to was the first time you ever saw Sherlock get “scolded” though neither you or Sherlock took any mind to Lestrade telling him of for bringing a teenager to a crime scene, you wanted to be there to help so what was the problem?
Let’s not forget that both you and Sherlock are greatly annoyed by Anderson and Donovan because if anyone where to ask the two of you then they are both bloody idiots who doesn’t know a shit, and they do call you both names in which are not to your liking
Changing topic a bit Sherlock always wants to hear what you have to say about a crime scene
Everyone getting worried by your antics of throwing yourself in danger most of the time to help Sherlock who is in trouble
Mycroft actually liking you, hence why he protected you as much as he tries to protect Sherlock
This was all before John, but when John came into the picture everyone started to notice how much Sherlock had influenced you and they didn’t quite know if it was good or bad
John noticed how he now had to take care of two children in which one was a teenager and one an actual adult, but both acted as children and neither could take care of themselves
Stealing Sherlock coat whenever you miss him
“John I can’t find it” Sherlock yelled out lowly as not to wake you as he knew you were asleep
John walked into the living room with a mug of tea in his hand as he yawned tiredly, it was way to early for this “What are you looking for”
“My coat!” John heard the panic start to seep through Sherlock at the mention of his coat being gone.
“Why are you whispering”
“Y/N is asleep, I don’t want to wake them”
John who knew that you did in fact steal Sherlock’s coats from time to time sighed at those words. John took a sip of his tea before he walked over to your door opening it to show Sherlock your sleeping form.
That’s when Sherlock saw his coat draped around your body, the very same coat he had been looking for. You were cuddled up inside it the warmth keeping you warm as well as the familiar smell of Sherlock in which had comforted you into sleep helping with your previous worried state.
John had left the door leaving only Sherlock who stared at you. He sighed, closed the door and went and got another coat from his room. He’d let you have his favorite coat for now. Unknowingly to him a soft small smile had etched itself onto his lips as he thought about the fact that you felt safe around him, after all that’s why you took his coat.
He gave you a coat that looked like his after that
Neither you or Sherlock would ever admit it but you did see him as a sort of father figure and he saw you as his child in some sort of way
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platonicfanfiction · 1 year
BBC Sherlock
Living With Moriarty
Living With Sherlock
Danger Nights [TW] (F)
She’s My Sister [Holmes!Sister]
Proud Of You [TW] [Holmes!Brother]
Adjustments [Austistic!Reader]
The Other Brother [Holmes!Brother]
Brother My Brother [Holmes!Sister]
In Your Silence [Mute!R] [Holmes!Brother]
Dear Sweet Sister [Holmes!Sister]
How do I Hold This [Holmes!Sister]
You Think I’m Dating a Man? [Holmes!R] (F)
Operation & Princesses [Holmes!Sister]
The Safest Place [Holmes!Sister]
Home for Christmas [Holmes!Sister]
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malereader-inserts · 2 years
Fandom: Sherlock BBC Pairing: Sherlock Holmes & Brother!Reader & Mycroft Holmes Summary: We built this town on shaky ground Word Count: 698
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"I can't save us."
You stared at your brothers and John, the words echo the chamber that you were stuck in. You wanted to laugh, you wanted to cry and yet you were so numb to everything. Your eyes flickered to the television, swallowing your pride as you stood straight.
Sherlock gripped the gun tighter, looking at his options before him.
His best friend, the only one who truly loved him whether it was in a family way or something more profound, was the only stranger who loved him. Molly's love was nothing like John's. There was something different about the ex-solider, and perhaps deep within himself, he wanted to explore that unknown.
He glances over to his older brother, Mycroft did look pathetic. Sherlock would smirk at the fact, but he couldn't.In the back of his mind, he knows Mycroft would do anything for him if he were to utter such words to him. And Sherlock couldn't shake off the look of absolute fear in his brother's eyes, he knew he would feel guilty if he were to kill him.
Then, there was you. Sherlock would love to absolutely hate you, but he couldn't. You were his brother after all. The sane Holmes, the one that was the heart and soul of the family. He knows how Mycroft feels when he looks at you because all he wants to do is make the world a better place for you to thrive.
Though, as he glances at all three of you before him. John and Mycroft show fear, but you, there was nothing. Almost as if you had just shut your feeling off. Sherlock cannot compute why you weren't showing feelings, was it to make it easier for him?
"You can't save everyone, Sherlock," You softly hummed out, his eyes never leaving you, "The world wasn't made for me, we know that."
"You're my baby brother," Sherlock reasons, but you give him a gentle smile.
"Sherlock, do not," Mycroft warned, his eyes threatening, "Not to him, not our baby brother."
"It's okay, Myc," You gently tell him, "I trust Sherlock, and I wasn't built for this world."
Sherlock wants to hate you, your words hurt him, you give him a loo. But, at that moment, Sherlock cannot comprehend what you're trying to tell him through your eyes.
"Remember when I was younger and I wanted you to play Atlantis? We were adventurers hoping to find the lost city," you chuckled at the memory of your very much older brothers playing with their ten-year-old brother, "Atlantis was never supposed to be found, it wasn't meant for this world, like me. And," you looked at your brothers, "And, I'm okay with that."
"Sherlock, please don't."
Sherlock lifted the gun shakily, ignoring his brother's pleads as you give him one last smile. John didn't know what to do, was he supposed to fight you on this subject, say that he wasn't significant at all. John looked hopelessly, knowing that whatever argument he started he will never win them.
"I'm happy with the life you've given me."
All three of them flinched from the echoing bang of the gun, three men refusing to look where you once stood. Mycroft's lips tremble as his eyes fixate on the floor, the white pristine floor, now he can see the pool of blood. He wants to throw up, he has never been good with gore-y stuff but knowing it's your blood, he wants to shut his eyes forever.
Sherlock dropped the gun, he was disgusted with himself. Why did he do that?
"I'm sorry Mycroft," He says, for once he meant it, "Tell me why this has to end like this?"
Mycroft had nothing to say, sparing a glance at your body, he noticed that Sherlock was merciful, aiming for the heart so that you were to have a quick death, he hopes that you hadn't felt much pain.
"I don't know brother."
Sherlock couldn't save all of you.
Mycroft wished he protected you.
You can't take back the words you said, you can't change what happened.
You hoped, just a mere second before your death, that your brothers will never blame themselves.
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beekeeperspicnic · 10 months
🐝 The Beekeeper's Picnic 🐝
Explore a seaside town in the 1920s and solve cosy mysteries as the (retired) Great Detective in this point and click adventure!
Wishlist on Steam | Itch.io Demo | Discord |
The game will be available for Windows, Mac and Linux.
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🌸 Features!
Visit and explore a seaside town It's the  day of the village fete, a suspicious new neighbour has taken a lease on  a long-abandoned cottage and something strange is happening down on the  beach...
Interrogate and befriend a cast of eccentric characters
Make deductions and decisions. Puzzles often have multiple solutions, some of which may please your neighbours more than others.  What path will you choose? Who will you enlist  to help you?
Shape one of the most beloved literary partnerships of all time by choosing the form which the relationship between Holmes and Watson will take: are they dear friends, platonic partners, found family or a romantic couple?
Phone for help of you get stuck! Your older brother Mycroft is always ready to act as your consultant, just give him a call at his club if you need a hint. 
The lovely cover artwork is by @gooolabatooo Music by @sandygarnelle
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 9 months
Keeping Quiet (Sherlock & Mycroft X Deaf!Brother!Reader) *PLATONIC
Characters: Sherlock & Mycroft X Deaf!Brother!Reader
Universe: Sherlock
Warnings: Severe bullying, injuries, turf burn, mention of violence
Request: Hi, can I request?, a Holmes brother fic, where reader is their youngest brother who is in high school/university getting bullied bc their disability(mute/deaf) and how their deal with that situation, I kinda want reader to be a ball of sunshine who always smile but are sad inside and although they can see through his smile, they struggle to find a way to help them. 🥺
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Your life from the get go has always been a little harder than other kids your age. For one, you were the youngest Holmes, which wasn’t necessarily a problem, though when you were born your eldest brother had already graduated university, and your other brother was a teenager not far from leaving school. With their own unique personalities, they struggled to connect you immediately, and you didn’t see them much as a young child. However, since starting Secondary school, they had become a bit more involved, especially since you had moved in with your eldest brother so you could attend a good school that was closer to him, however, you were still mostly by yourself, especially since how work driven both your brother’s were. Oh yeah, and the other thing that made your life a little harder- you were deaf. 
A silent world was all you had known since birth, and because of that, you didn’t have to adjust to any change, instead you just learned to do things differently, like when trying to cross a road on a corner, you’d look at those around you to see if they were going to cross, knowing that if the road was clear and they didn’t move, they could hear a car coming. You never had speech therapy growing up, and since when growing up your parents and brothers always communicated with you with sign language, you never used your voice. To you, your hands were your voice, and the thing in your throat that let you make noises was only for dire emergencies to get immediate attention. 
Right now, you were convinced this wasn’t an emergency, but you had the overwhelming urge to just scream as hard as you can. You wanted so badly to be heard, but feared backlash, either from your peers of your issues being perceived as fake or not nowhere near as bad as you felt they were, or backlash from the people who were making you feel like this. 
You’d just gotten home from school, and you entered as quietly as you could, closing the door briskly and looking around, not sure if Mycroft was home, and you didn’t want to see him right now. You closed the front door, looking at the empty coat hook where you’d usually place your coat, except you didn’t have it with you, so instead you just kicked off your shoes and tried to head to your bedroom with your school bag. However, for obvious reasons, you hadn’t heard Mycroft and Sherlock bickering in the other room, or that they had promptly stopped when the front door shut loudly from how quickly you had shut, followed by your footsteps through the house at an accelerated rate to your bedroom, and the noise of your door being shut just as quickly as the front door. The two brothers stood in silence, staring in the direction of the noises before turning to face each other. “Something’s wrong.” Sherlock spoke up. 
“I’m aware of that.” Mycroft scoffed, before they began to walk to go up the stairs. Sherlock stopped at the bottom though, though Mycroft continued up. Sherlock checked the entrance of the house, noticing your lack of coat, either meaning you were still wearing it or didn’t have it, and the droplets of water on the floor, as well as your school shoes being shiny and darker than usual, told him it was the latter. It hadn’t rained in the last hour. He finally followed after Myrcoft, who was already trying your door, though it was locked. He turned to Sherlock, and Sherlock’s eyes followed the wet droplet stains in the carpet to your door. “He’s locked himself inside.” Mycroft pointed out.
“Give me your credit card.” Sherlock demanded. Mycroft went into his back pocket, grabbing his wallet and going through it to hand him a card, before Sherlock shoved him out of the way, sliding the card through the door, pushing the lock out, and when it clicked open, he turned the handle opened the door enough to stick his hand in, reaching for the light switch, flicking the lights on and off in your room to get your attention. He didn’t get a reaction from you. No multiple knocks to signify he could enter, and not a singular knock for him not to come in. He waited another moment, before looking at Mycroft who at this point looked worried, fist pressed to his mouth. Sherlock opened the door further.
They didn’t see you when they first stepped into the room, but Sherlock noticed your school bag- wet through, soaking the carpet, dirty, the zip busted, a strap broken, several school books looking ready to fall out after being crammed in that were soggy and ruined. With that, he knew where you were- the small bathroom attached to your room. He walked to the shut door, trying the door, finding this one unlocked, and he slowly stepped in, looking down and to the side, seeing you sat on the floor, legs pulled to your chest, head resting on your knees. 
“Mycroft, go make tea.” Sherlock said monotone, not taking his eyes away from you. Mcroft, who had noticed your bag and was trying to find anything to salvage, stood up straight, processing the situation, before turning and leaving the room. Sherlock slowly entered the bathroom, kneeling down before sitting on the floor beside you, carefully reaching out, lightly tugging on your soaked and dirty school jumper to get your attention. You peeked up, making eye contact, your eyes red and as wet as your uniform. Sherlock didn’t need to ask what happened, and you didn’t need him going on a revenge campaign in your honour, at least not yet. Instead, he signed ‘I’ll run you a hot bath, and you get undressed. Are you hurt?” You sniffed, signing a yes, before you started to take off your jumper, pulling it over your head, and Sherlock’s eyes immediately took notice of the wet white material that had stains of red on your arms, and as he looked closer, he saw your hands, and presumably your forearms as well were scraped up and red raw. Sherlock took your jumper from you, standing up, before signing to you again. “Drop them just outside the door when you’re done.” He said, turning to the bath, plugging the drain, and turning on the taps, before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.
Mycroft arrived shortly after with a tray, cup of tea and snacks as well, placing it on your bedside table. “What happened?” Mycroft asked. 
“He’s been bullied. I’m not sure what happened, maybe he tried to bring up what was happening or tried to stand up for himself, but it escalated outside of school- his uniform needs to be cleaned and died- where’s your first aid, he’s scraped up as well.” Sherlock listed. Mycroft’s mouth open and closed repeatedly, before he spoke. 
“I-I didn’t know.” He stuttered. “He never… he never told me he was having issues at school. I had no idea.” He explained, and Sherlock frowned. 
“I didn’t know either.” Sherlock added. It wasn’t a lot to say, but it made Mycroft feel so much better. If Sherlock didn’t notice something was wrong until now, then there was practically no way for Mycroft to see either. You hid it, and you hid it well. You hid it from the best. 
“I’ll call the school administration and organise a meeting with them. I’ll find out who did this.” Mycroft decided, reaching out and taking the jumper from Sherlock. “I’ll also get the first aid” he commented, turning and leaving the room again. Sherlock stood in your room, not moving, and he waited until he heard the bath water turn off, the door open, your clothes hit the floor and the door shut again before he turned and went and grabbed the clothes, taking them to be washed with your jumper. Sherlock heard Mycroft on the other side of the house, yelling on the phone about repercussions, demanding a meeting tomorrow, even if it’s the weekend, before his voice became louder, him walking into the same room with Sherlock, wordlessly giving him the first aid before leaving again to continue his argument, and Sherlock headed back upstairs to your room. 
He peeked into your room, seeing you had gotten out, dried off and dressed into your pyjamas, sitting on the edge of your bed. He flashed the lights again to get your attention before stepping in, coming and sitting down on your bedside, carefully taking your hands, rolling up the sleeves to properly see the scrapes and turf burn, which made him wince, imagining the pain in the bath, even though you didn’t make a peep. You didn’t make sound despite the pain, and that really, really bothered him. He wordlessly cleaned them and bandaged them, before signing to you “Are you hurt anywhere else?” You nodded, crawling deeper into the bed so your legs were rested on it, and Sherlock pulled your pant legs up to your knees, seeing even more turf burns, and he copied what he did with your hands, pulling the legs back down when he was done, before he pushed the medical equipment away from him, and waited in front of you till you looked at him. “Why didn’t you tell us?” He signed to you, speaking the words along with it. All he got was a shrug, which Sherlock was not going to accept. “Did they threaten you?” He added. You looked away, before finally signing. 
“It wasn’t too bad. I could handle it, I didn’t want to worry you. But I think someone else reported what they saw and they thought it was me.” You explained to him. 
“So if it wasn’t reported, you hadn’t planned to tell us?” Sherlock questioned. 
“It wasn’t a big deal.” You signed, clearly frustrated, which was paralleled by Sherlock. 
“Well it is now. We’re your brothers, your family. If something bothers you, you tell us, even if you’re annoyed at the way light reflects through a window, or how they’ve changed the packaging on a product in the shops, you tell us. Even if you think it’s harmless or not a big deal, we’d rather you told us about little things instead of hiding things until they become huge things. This is huge now, and we’re going to deal with it.” His signing firm and almost exaggerated. You’d never seen someone yell via sign language, yet here Sherlock was, somehow finding a way to do it, and it was pretty effective. 
“Okay. I’m sorry.” You quickly apologised to try and calm him down, which seemed to work. 
“How long has this been going on? How many of them are there, and what are their names? Tell me everything.” 
A few minutes later, Mycroft finally got off the phone, pacing for a minute to plan his next actions- deciding if he needed to call someone else, or go and check on you, but then Sherlock came into the room, and handed him a piece of paper, with names, examples of what each person did and their role in the attack, and how long it had been going on with a short timeline of other incidents. “I trust this is enough to start with?” Sherlock asked, watching as Mycroft skimmed over it. 
“This has been going on since he started secondary school?” Mycroft questioned, Sherlock briskly nodded, before tapping the paper to make him focus again. “Yes. This is enough. I’ll locate their parents and addresses, gather more information, I’ll have people look into CCTV to see if we can catch any footage of them following, chasing or… attacking him.” Mycroft explained, folding the paper up, before tucking it into his pocket. “How is he?” 
“He’s going to be sore for a while, keep an eye on his injuries- maybe take him to the doctor just to have it on record. He’s not very talkative at the moment, but we really need to get him to start talking to us more about things happening to him. If he’s ever quiet around you, try and engage him and ask about what he’s thinking about, get him out of the habit of keeping everything locked up. Leave the addresses to me. I’ll personally make sure they get the letters about the police investigation when you have it ready.” Sherlock said, walking to the entrance of the house, Mycroft followed him, watching his younger brother grab his coat, swing it around him and put it on. 
“Sherlock, do not threaten them- it’ll not be good for the investigation.” 
“I have no intention of threatening children, Mycroft. But I will make sure the point is put across that those parents have done an awful job and that they shouldn’t have messed with Y/N.” Sherlock promised, before promptly leaving. Mycroft huffed after the door shut, glancing up the stairs, before deciding to make a fresh hot drink for you to get started with a conversation with you.
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in!
*Not my gif
TAGS: @holy-tea-cup-blog @sassy-specter@keenmarvellover @multifandomfix @sleutherclaw @otterly-fey @rebellionofthecattle @hello-love-youre-pretty @werosemagic @courtneychicken  @graysonmalfoy @bellero @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan @esoltis280 @lady-of-lies @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980 @cdwmtjb8 @caswinchester2000 @determinedpines @huntheimpossible @automaticbakeryfreakshoe
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teaspoonnebula · 3 months
Curated List of My Sherlock Holmes Fanfics & Pastiches!
Sci-Fi and Speculative Fiction:
⌛The World Awry Series - Sherlock Holmes time travels to the 21st century. Aroace Holmes, platonic/queerplatonic relationship with Watson.
🕰️ The Time Enough Series - Watson has one of those 'spontaneous time travel' diseases causing him to live his life out of order. Bisexual Watson having romantic relationships with Mary and Holmes at different points in his life.
👦🏻 Tabula Rasa - Someone cloned Sherlock Holmes. (I know, I know, you'll have to just trust me on this one)
🤖 What Sleeps Within - Creating an artificial intelligence is difficult. Resurrecting the dead, however, is easy. A cyberpunk future where robots can be powered by human souls. (SH22ndC)
💧 Drop of Water - Holmes comes to terms with his connection to a robot named Watson, and that robot's connection to a man named Watson. (SH22ndC)
🛸 - Watson is a Time Lord - Lovingly intricate series of crossover stories between the Granada series and Doctor Who. A collaboration with @jeremys-come-to-bed-eyes and @fruitviking
Hiatus Stories:
☕ Kingdom of Tea - Victor Trevor is called to the deathbed of his tea-taster, a reclusive Frenchman called Pierre Laurent.
👻 Sinful Lips to the Ghostly Dead - Watson investigates a shady spiritualist medium.
👴🏻 His Brother - Watson and Mycroft are united by a shared grief, and later, a shared joy. 4654 words, Gen
Retirement Stories:
👓 Golden Visions, Are Ye Flown? - Something seems to be wrong with Sherlock Holmes, but Watson is there to take care of him.
❤️ Holmes is Where the Heart Is - The eccentric love story of Sherlock and Mycroft's parents.
🧠 Compos Mentis - In which Nigel Bruce Watson and ACD Canon Watson are the same Watson
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starr-251 · 5 months
My Yuumori ships and their dynamics:
Sherliam (Sherlock Holmes x William James Moriarty):
Dancing in the kitchen. Baking together. Waking up, grasping at the sheets, searching for one another. Reading books together. Kissing each other's scars. Never acknowledging the dependence. Kissing each other goodbye before work. "Why do you always kiss my left eye?" "It's the part of you I buried on the Thames." "And over the gravestone you built an empire. Your empire."
Alcroft (Albert James Moriarty x Mycroft Holmes):
Knowing smiles over a glass of wine. Sharing paperwork. Late night office meetings. Holding hands in private but not making eye contact in public. Candlelight dinners. Expensive gifts. Flower bouquets every single day. "We should be more careful about this." "We could." "I don't want to." "Me neither. More wine?"
MoranQ (Sebastian Moran x Von Herder):
Chatting about guns. Flirty banter. Tired sighs after a long day. Being each other's safe haven. Guiding each other in a new world. Too much touching when they shouldn't, and no touches when they could. "You're so pretty without the blindfold. You should take it off more." "No one has seen me but you. It should be this way." "Is this what you want?" "No one can stomach me but you."
Loucroft (Louis James Moriarty x Mycroft Holmes):
Hushed whispers. Overwhelming guilt. Too many tears, not enough smiles. Sharing a bed to keep away nightmares. No one will ever know. Kisses get in the way of work, so they don't happen. Too platonic to be a romance, too romantic to be a friendship. "They would be disappointed in us." "Yes. Do you wish to stop?" "I wish I knew how to. You're my only light now."
Bondran (James Bonde x Sebastian Moran):
Shooting contests. Bragging to each other. Over flirting in public. Hands constantly on each other, minds constantly somewhere else. Never an actual relationship, never an actual fling. Being in love with the same person. "You still think he doesn't love you?" "I know he doesn't." "Why?" "He loves you." "I wish I could love you." "I wish I could love you too. Now, pass me a cigarette before I cry."
Herdran (Von Herder x James Bonde):
One-sided feelings. Rambling about interests. Five minutes feel like an eternity without them. Five hours feel short with them. Scoldings and arguments over constant mistakes. Being self-destructive together. Sharing their love for material things, never talking about imaterial love. "You've been talking for two hours, you know?" "Heavens, it's been so long? Sorry for bothering you." "Do not. I quite enjoy your voice." "I am flattered by the compliment, but as I was saying-"
Irelock/Jaylock (James Bonde x Sherlock Holmes):
Each other's one that got away. Would've, could've, should've. Doomed from the start. Love was never present, destiny was. What if. It ended before the start. A silent scream of love in a sea of hate. Maybe, maybe, maybe. No, not at all. "We could have been great." "We never had the chance. We'll never have it again." "Still, I wonder..." "I do too."
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sir-sanguinus · 5 months
I'm on the penultimate episode of Elementary, and this show is so... Beautiful. It's inter-personal relationships are gorgeous.
Watson and Holmes admitting that they are more than partners, but people who love each other (and it's even more important that it's platonic)
Sherlock and Mycroft's goodbye several seasons ago, before Sherlock knew how to talk to his family.
And now, Holmes and his father, having made so much progress. Sherlock being in shell-shock, being genuinely hurt by his father's death. A man for whom he had nothing but hatred for the first 2 seasons.
I think this Sherlock Holmes is beautiful because he makes connections with people. His friendship with Captain Gregson, Detective Bell, and ME Hawes, his partnership with Joan, Alfredo and Cassie becoming friends, his brother and father and their development, his attempts to atone for past mistakes, with Lestrade, Oscar Rankin, and his attempts to help those who needed it, like Kitty Winter and Shinwell Johnson. I also want to mention Sherlock's relationships with Jamie, Fiona Helbron and Athena.
His relationships are so diverse and whilst Sherlock remains bizarre, and at times stubborn, he is genuinely a good person. He struggles, he learns, he relies on others for help and advice. He feels so human, which means an audience associates with him more.
I just wanted to acknowledge how much Sherlock has grown, emotionally. Seeing him express sadness at his father's death just shows that.
Anyway, go and watch Elementary. It's got to be one of the best Sherlock Holmes adaptations on TV.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Sherlock x reader - admitting you
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I've seen many Sherlock fics where reader likes him before then he does, this time let's vice versa, reader sees him as a platonic friend but he's in love then reader finds out she might be in love with him and not platonic one. - Anon💜
Sherlock watched you from across the flat, laughing and joking with John as you waited for your cup of tea.
He sighed to himself, looking down at the book in his hand but he couldn’t focus on it, not with the sound of you laughing.
“Oh! I need to get ready soon!” You blurted out.
“Where you going?” John asked.
“I’ve got a date.” You beamed.
This time Sherlock looked up from his book once again and closed it.
“A date?”
You turned to Sherlock and chuckled a little, leaning against the doorframe as you crossed your arms.
“Yes, a date Sherlock. A thing two normal people do.”
“You can’t.”
Sherlock froze for a moment, he didn’t really have a reason for you not to go on the date.
You hummed and John laughed.
“Well, it’s settled, have your tea then go get ready.” John smiled.
“Thanks John!”
Sherlock stood up and walked away without a word, heading to his room.
He closed to door and went over and sat on the bed.
He didn’t like the idea of you seeing other people, he didn’t want you out there laughing and enjoying time with another man.
He wanted you to stay in the flat, stay with him.
He sighed and looked at the time, maybe if he spent enough time in his room he could forget about you and this date.
But he couldn’t, hours passed and even as you were on the date, he couldn’t shake the thought of you out there with someone else from his mind.
John opened the door and stood there looked over.
“What?” Sherlock snapped.
“Woah, relax she’ll be back soon.” John smiled.
“This has nothing to do with (Y/N), don’t be stupid John.”
John hummed to himself.
“So if it has nothing to do with her, why have you been in here all afternoon and asking Mycroft to update you on her.”
Sherlock trialed off, he couldn’t figure out what to say. For the first time in his life Sherlock Holmes was speechless.
John smiled softly.
“Just tell her.”
“There’s nothing to tell her.” Sherlock huffed.
“Alright then, but just so you know. I know you love (Y/N), and I’ve heard she loves you back.”
With that, John left and Sherlock sat in thought.
You loved him?
He would have noticed.
He would have seen that you were in love with him, but you never showed any sign of being interested in him that way.
The longer he sat in through, the more he realised the small things you did that he overlooked.
Sherlock walked out his room and grabbed his jacket, leaving the flat.
He wanted to try and clear his head, hoping to get all the thoughts of you out of his head.
He was gone for a while, and when he came back, it was quiet, but he heard the TV on in your room.
Walking over, he pushed the door open and looked at you under your quilt, drinking some tea.
“Oh, you’re home.” You smiled.
Sherlock nodded and walked in, standing awkwardly in your room.
“How.. was your date…?” He mumbled.
You gave a small shrug.
“It sucked. It’s so hard to find the right guy.” You smiled.
Sherlock nodded his head and stayed lingering.
You didn’t think anything of it at first, but after a few minutes you looked up at him.
“Sherlock, what’s on your mind? You’re lingering.”
“I love you.” He said.
You dropped your tv remote in shock, and blinked.
“(Y/N) I love you.”
You opened your mouth and closed it again.
“Forget I said anything.”
With that Sherlock was gone before you could reply
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 9 months
The Same Page Part 7/?
Sherlock and Mycroft Holmes x little sister!reader, Greg Lestrade x teen!reader (platonic obviously)
A/N: part 7 is finally here! Sorry for the wait.
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The silence could only be described in one word: awkward. You weren’t used to awkward silences with Sherlock, the two of you were both so very quiet on many occasions, so silence had always been normal, even comfortable.
This silence was different. Sherlock was angry, and you didn’t know what to say to him. You didn’t blame him, really, he just didn’t understand. He’d probably missed Baker Street, and his whole life in London, terribly for two years. You shouldn’t have been surprised that he wanted that life, the exact same one he’d left, back now.
You wished you could let him have it. But two years living with your other brother had given you something you never had before. A conflict as to where you belonged.
When your parents were getting older every day and you were getting more tiresome, and it was decided a life in London would be better for you, there was not a sliver of doubt in your mind which brother you wanted to live with. You had had to fight for your right to live with Sherlock—your parents had been convinced that Mycroft’s big house and fancy security were much better for you than Sherlock’s dingy apartment that had been blown up more than once. But you wanted to live with Sherlock, and you had won out in the end.
It wasn’t that you hadn’t loved Mycroft, he was your brother too. But he had grown up and moved out while you were still very little. Sherlock had stayed longer, and visited more even after he left. Not much more, but still, it was something.
So, it wasn’t that there was anything wrong with Mycroft. You just hadn’t known him well enough to be close to him. But that had all changed now.
Now that you knew them both, really knew them, how were you to be expected to pick between them? They were both your brothers, and you loved them both.
“I’m going out,” Sherlock surprised you by jumping to his feet. You hesitantly arose next to him.
“Where are we going?”
“Not we, me,” Sherlock snatched up his coat, pulling his arms through the sleeves and flipping the collar up. “I’ve a lead to investigate. It’ll only take a couple of hours, I’ll be back soon.”
You rushed in front of the door.
“No, Sherlock please! Take me with you, I won’t get in the way I promise.”
Sherlock just shook his head, grabbing your arms and moving you to the side.
“No, you shouldn’t be there. Just stay, I won’t be long.”
Your words were met with the door closing in your face.
Seven times. That was how many times Mycroft had picked up the phone, seen your name on the screen, and ignored the call.
Three last night, four in the last twenty minutes.
Every instinct, every moral fiber of his being was yelling at him, demanding that he pick up the phone and answer your call.
But he ignored it. Over and over, he ignored it. Because this was what was best for you, to get away for a bit. This was what you needed.
Wasn’t it?
You gave up after the fourth try. Whatever Sherlock had said to Mycroft before he brought you to Baker Street must’ve been convincing, because he wouldn’t pick up the phone no matter how many times you called.
You wanted to be angry, but your fear was too intense for you to feel anything else. Your brothers, your lifelines, were both MIA, and there was nothing you could do to reach them. The familiar anxiety was creeping up on you again, the one that replayed the worst moment of your life over and over again. The moment Mycroft told you that your big brother was dead.
What if it happened again? What if Mycroft wasn’t picking up the phone because he couldn’t? What if Sherlock’s case went wrong?
And if it did, how were you supposed to believe it? After having a brother come back from the dead, it was impossible to believe what was real and what was a lie.
You snatched up your phone once again, scrolling right past Sherlock’s and Mycroft’s names to one you knew would pick up.
“Y/N?” Greg Lestrade sounded relaxed, and you were instantly relieved. If he’d been on the case with Sherlock, things might have gotten complicated.
“Hey…” you felt your voice trailing off as you struggled to find the words to say. “I’m-I’m at Baker Street. Do you think you could come over?”
“Is something wrong?”
“No,” you tried to make sure you didn’t alarm him. “I just…I’m here al-alone and I…I don’t want to be.” Even to your ears, this sounded childish.
“Sherlock and John aren’t there?”
“They went out on a case.”
“I don’t understand,” Lestrade sounded angry. “Why would they leave you alo-“
“Please, Greg. Can you just come?” The shakiness in your voice must’ve alerted him to your mental state.
“Of course. Yeah, I’m on my way now, don’t go anywhere.”
After he hung up, you curled your shaking form in on yourself, thinking that you couldn’t have gone anywhere even if you wanted to.
Greg arrived at Baker Street in near-record time, not even bothering to knock as he made his way to your room.
“Hey kid,” he gave you a gentle smile the moment he opened your door, trying not to let his concern show on his face at the sight of you.
Even after two years, your pale skin and bone-thin frame still disturbed him. But even worse than that was the way you were shaking now, curled up and trembling like you might fall apart.
You lifted your head as he entered, and he didn’t miss the relief on your face at the sight of him.
“I’m sorry,” the scratchy whisper had Greg shaking his head, coming immediately to your side.
“Don’t ever apologize for calling me, ever. I want you to call me, anything you need or want anything, understand?”
Your nod was enough acknowledgement for him, and he settled into your desk chair by your bed.
“So, what would you like to do?”
You buried your head back into your arms at this, curling further into yourself.
“I just want them to come back.”
“Your brothers?” At your small nod, Greg continued, trying to hide his anger. “Why aren’t they here?”
You have him a short explanation, and when you were done he found it even harder to keep his anger in check.
“Ok,” he said slowly. “Would you like me to call Mycroft? I’m sure he’ll pick up if it isn’t you calling.”
You hesitated, but your anxiety won out. You have Lestrade a small nod, and he pulled out his phone.
“Ok, you wait right here, alright? I’m gonna fix this.”
“I should kill you.”
“Lestrade? What’s-“
“Don’t even speak. Baker Street, now.”
“Lestrade, I have no time for-“
“I don’t wanna hear that. I don’t wanna hear anything but you getting into your car and making your way over here.”
“You’re going to have to give me more than that.”
“You want more?” Greg clenched his fists. “Your little sister is here, and she was alone. How could you do that to her? You know what-“
“Alone?” Greg’s anger ebbed when he heard the clatter of keys on the other end of the line. “She was alone?”
“Yes, and she’s called you countless times and you-“
“I’ll be there soon.” The line went dead.
“Mycroft?” Greg was trying to hold onto his anger—because he still really wanted to chew out Mycroft—but the instant relief on your face and the way you ran into Mycroft’s waiting arms was easing his fury.
“I’m so sorry,” Mycroft kissed the side of your head as he held you in his arms. “I shouldn’t have…I’m sorry.”
“Wh-why wouldn’t you answer me?” Your voice was thick with tears and almost silent, but Greg still picked up on the words.
“I wanted you to have some time with Sherlock, we thought it was best. But he wasn’t supposed to-“ Mycroft gritted his teeth. “It doesn’t matter, I’m here now.”
“Don’t go,” you buried your face in your big brother’s chest as you clung to the front of his shirt.
“I’m not going anywhere.” He looked over your shoulder and mouthed a silent ‘thank you’ to Greg, who slowly eased himself out of the room, sensing that his work here was done.
“You were supposed to stay with her!” Despite his desire to yell, Mycroft kept his voice quiet to avoid waking you, asleep on your bed in the next room.
“I wasn’t gone long, she’s fine,” Sherlock insisted. “She’s old enough to be on her own for-“
“It’s not about her age, Sherlock. You can’t treat her like this-“
“Like what?” Sherlock demanded. “Like she’s not an invalid? She isn’t, Mycroft. The way you’re treating her is only going to make her worse!”
“Make her worse?” Mycroft scoffed. “What, like she’s some problem you’re going to fix?”
“That’s not what I meant,” Sherlock growled. “But she isn’t acting normally.”
“Actually, she is. She’s acting like her world has been turned upside down and shaken out, because it has. You’re the one acting like nothing has changed, like nothing is wrong. That’s not normal.”
“You’re just enabling this behavior, it’s only going to-“
“Stop.” Mycroft’s voice was raised and tinged with authority, and it was only then that Sherlock noticed you standing in the doorway.
“Y/N, I-“
“Don’t talk to her,” Mycroft interrupted his little brother and went to stand by you. “Y/N, go and get your bag. You’re going to come home with me tonight, if that’s ok with you.”
You nodded hesitantly and stepped back inside your room, closing the door.
“You can’t just take her like this,” Sherlock insisted.
“Yes I can,” Mycroft growled. “You left her here alone. I’m not going to let you be her guardian if you’re going to be neglectful.”
“Let me?” Sherlock scoffed. “You can’t-“
“I have legal guardianship, I have for two years,” Mycroft stepped closer to his brother, and they were nearly nose-to-nose. “If you want to fight me on that, go ahead. We both know who’ll win.”
“Mycroft?” Your whimper alerted both boys to your return, and they stepped away from each other. “Are we going?”
“Yes,” Mycroft snatched his coat off the coat rack, and placed a hand at the small of your back. “Yes, we’re going.”
You headed down the stairs, but Mycroft lingered when Sherlock spoke.
“You promised, Mycroft. We promised we’d stay on the same page.”
“Yes, well,” Mycroft swallowed. “Things have changed.”
He walked out, closing the door behind him.
Taglist: @navs-bhat @isabellavere @chaoticglitterkitten @peachycupotea @justforrose
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anonymousewrites · 3 months
A Study of the Heart and Brain (Book 3) Chapter Twenty
Father Figure! Sherlock Holmes x Teen! Reader
Chapter Twenty: Difficult Consequences
Summary: The aftermath of dealing with Magnussen brings difficult consequences.
Mouse Note: And here ends book 3! I really am so happy for all the support and love you've all given this series. Don't worry, it will return, but if you're looking for more platonic content, my next two books are a platonic Hazbin Hotel and a platonic Moon Knight fic! But, again, back to A Study of the Heart and Brain. I love this series, I love letting the MC grow, and I love sharing with you all.
            Magnussen was dead before he hit the ground. The hole in his head was illuminated in the spotlight as his body lay bleeding. (Y/N) stared at him with no emotion for a moment before letting the gun drop and raising their hands above their head.
            “Christ!” shouted John.
            “(Y/N)!” cried Sherlock. He was in shock. He hadn’t expected (Y/N) to shoot Magnussen. It had crossed Sherlock’s mind, and he had been about to move, but (Y/N) had been quicker. They had made the same decision he had with Moriarty: protect family at any cost.
            His eyes went to the marksmen and the helicopters. The armed men could shoot and kill his kid at any moment. If Sherlock tried to get to them, they’d see it as a threat and may open fire.
            “Hold fire!”
            Sherlock breathed a sigh of complete relief as his brother’s words split the air. He had never been so thankful for Mycroft.
            “Do not fire on (Y/N) (L/N)! Do not fire!” shouted Mycroft desperately. For all his hate of sentiment, (Y/N) was family. He was their uncle. He wouldn’t let them die.
            “Oh my god, (Y/N),” said John, staring in shock.
            “(Y/N),” said Sherlock, taking a step towards them.
            They faced him and smiled. Sherlock’s heart broke at the tears in their eyes.
            “I had to protect you,” said (Y/N). “I would do anything to protect you, Dad.”
            Sherlock’s own words felt so terrible when spoken by them. “I’m meant to protect you, (Y/N).”
            “But I love you, Dad. I couldn’t let you get hurt,” said (Y/N).
            “I love you, too, (Y/N),” said Sherlock, pulling (Y/N) into a hug and holding them close.
            He tucked their head into his chest. He could see the armed men approaching. The handcuffs in their hands shone in the light. Sherlock closed his eyes and held them tightly. He whispered to (Y/N) that he loved them, that he always would. He didn’t know when he’d get to do it again.
            “Brother,” said Mycroft, sitting across from Sherlock.
            “Are they alright?” said Sherlock quietly.
            “I have ensured they are treated well. I…care about them as well. You know that.” Mycroft looked at Sherlock. “(Y/N) is a Holmes.”
            Sherlock nodded. “They’re going to be sent away.”
            “That is what many in the government desire, yes,” said Mycroft. “Getting rid of Magnussen is a relief to many, but some…some wanted his business. They want the person who…They want them punished.”
            Even Mycroft couldn’t call (Y/N) a killer. Just like Sherlock, they’d done what they could to protect their family. Mycroft understood the need to protect family. He had done a great many things for the same reason, some worse than others.
            “Mycroft, you’re holding something back,” said Sherlock. “Don’t. You know I’ll do anything to help them.”
            “I know,” said Mycroft. “That’s why I’m going to tell you.” He sighed. “I wish to protect you, Sherlock. But I know you want to protect (Y/N).”
            “I do,” said Sherlock with the honest words writing on his heart. “I love them.”
            Mycroft nodded and leaned forward. “If the…malcontents were to think that the person who killed Magnussen was being punished, they would be satisfied.”
            “They need whoever they believe to be culpable punished,” said Sherlock, instantly putting it together.
            Mycroft nodded. “Yes. Exile would do it.”
            “Do we get to say goodbye this time?” said Sherlock. He didn’t have to say “yes.” Mycroft and he both knew he was going to accept this offer.
            “Yes,” said Mycroft.
            “Very well,” said Sherlock.
            (Y/N) sat with their hands around their knees, holding their purple sweater around them like a shield. They were in their cell, though it was really just a hotel room with armed guards everywhere outside. They knew they should be thankful that Mycroft was making sure they were safe and taken care of.
            (Y/N) didn’t really care. They wanted to go back home to 221B. But they had killed someone. And they didn’t feel sorry. They supposed they should feel guilt or at least something after ending a human life, but they felt nothing. (Y/N) had protected the people they cared about. That was all that mattered to them.
            The lock to their room clicked, and they looked up. It opened, and (Y/N)’s eyes widened.
            “Dad!” they said, leaping up and running to their arms.
            “(Y/N),” said Sherlock, holding them close.
            Mycroft closed the door behind them all.
            (Y/N) noticed him and stepped back. They furrowed their brow. “What’s happening? Do we know what’s going to happen to me?”
            “You’re going home, (Y/N),” said Sherlock quietly.
            “What? But I…” (Y/N) looked at him in confusion. “I killed someone.”
            “No,” said Sherlock. “I did.”
            “What?” (Y/N) cocked their head, and they pieced together the puzzle. Their eyes widened. “You’re taking the blame.”
            “The Holmes family protects each other,” said Sherlock, smiling at them.
            (Y/N) looked at Mycroft. “Why are you letting him do this? You always protect Sherlock.”
            “He’s a father,” said Mycroft. “And I’m an uncle.”
                        (Y/N)’s eyes widened. “But…what’s going to happen to him?”
            “I’m going into exile,” said Sherlock.
            “You’re going away again…” (Y/N)’s heart clenched.
            “I am,” said Sherlock softly.
            (Y/N) began to cry. They were losing their dad all over again. Sherlock pulled them into a hug. Mycroft took a step back. He’d let the father and child have their time together.
            The fated moment had arrived. (Y/N) had been returned to 221B to John and Mary and Mrs. Hudson. Then, a few days later, once all the pieces were in place to ensure everyone thought Sherlock had killed Magnussen—not (Y/N)—the moment of departure arrived.
            (Y/N), John, and Mary stood at the airfield as they waited for Sherlock to arrive. A private jet waited on the tarmac to take him away—forever.
            (Y/N) despised that word more than they had hated anything else in their life.
            A car drew closer and came to a stop. Sherlock, Mycroft, and a security guard stepped out of the automobile. Sherlock stepped towards them, and he smiled at Mary.
            “You’ll take care of them—both of them—for me, won’t you?” he said.
            “Don’t worry. I’ll keep them in trouble,” said Mary, smiling and kissing his cheek.
            “That’s my girl,” said Sherlock, smiling.
            He had to be happy. The people he cared about most would be going free and have a chance in the world. He had done the right thing for the people he loved.
            Sherlock looked at Mycroft. “Since this is likely to be the last conversation I’ll have with John Watson and (Y/N) Holmes, would you mind if a took a moment with each of them?”
            Mycroft nodded and jerked his head at the security guard, who took a step back towards the stairs to the jet.
            “I’d like to speak to John, first,” said Sherlock.
            John nodded and stepped towards him. As the pair began to speak, Mary looked at (Y/N), and her gaze softened.
            “You know, you’re welcome to come and stay with us at any time if you get lonely,” said Mary. “We’re…We’re your family.”
            (Y/N) smiled at her. “I know.” They looked at Sherlock as he and John spoke. “But…I think I’ll stay at Baker Street. Mycroft pays my bills there. And it’s my home.”
            Mary smiled. “Of course. But any time you need us, we’re here.”
            “Thank you,” said (Y/N) earnestly.
            John and Sherlock finished, and John walked back towards Mary and (Y/N).
            “He’s ready for you,” said John.
            (Y/N) nodded and went over to their dad. They weren’t sure what to say. Last time he left…it had been devasting. They had hated thinking he was dead. They hadn’t gotten a chance to really say goodbye. And this time, they did, but (Y/N) had no idea what to say.
            They stood before him and shifted nervously. Sherlock smiled. He knew his kid. He knew how they were feeling.
            “It’s alright,” he said. “You’re going to be okay.”
            “I don’t want to say goodbye again,” said (Y/N) quietly.
            “I know,” said Sherlock. “I don’t, either.”
            “I love you,” said (Y/N). They didn’t know what else to say but the truth. “You’re the best dad I could ask for. I’m…I’m glad you found me.”
            “I’m the lucky one,” said Sherlock. “I’m a terrible parent, but I have an incredible kid who’s going to be an amazing adult. You’re going to be so brilliant.” He smiled. “I can’t wait to see what you do.” He reached out and cupped their face. “And I will always love you, no matter how far away I am.” He kissed their forehead. “I promise.”
            “I love you, Dad,” said (Y/N). “I really, really love you.”
            “I love you, too, (Y/N),” said Sherlock.
            He pulled them in for a final hug, and (Y/N) held him like they never wanted to let go. After all, they didn’t want to.
            But Sherlock had to let go and step back. He had to walk to the jet. (Y/N) had to watch him with teary eyes. John and Mary stood by them, but even their presence didn’t help (Y/N). They were losing their dad again.
            Sherlock reached the top of the stairs and looked back at the group gathered on the tarmac. He gazed at all of them, memorizing their faces, storing these memories away in his Mind Palace. He’d never forget them, any moment. He’d always care about them. He’d always love them.
            He stepped inside the jet. The door closed. The stairs pulled away. (Y/N), Mary, John, and Mycroft stood alone on the runway as the jet pulled away. They watched it lift into the air, and their figures turned into dots in Sherlock’s view from the window.
            (Y/N)’s heart tore itself apart as the jet stole away their dad. A piece of their heart was lost to him forever.
            “That simply isn’t possible,” said Mycroft, his alarmed tone—so unusual for Mycroft—interrupting Mary, John, and (Y/N)’s grief.
            “What happened?” asked John.
            “He’s back,” said Mycroft solemnly.
            He held up his phone, displaying a video of central-London billboards. They all displayed a single photo and played a single recording. John’s eyes widened, and (Y/N)’s blood ran cold.
            “Did you miss me? Did you miss me? Did you miss me?”
            A sped-up, playful version of a man’s familiarly lilting voice came out of the speakers. Moriarty’s face stared out of every screen.
            “But he’s dead. I mean, you all told me he was dead,” said Mary, furrowing her brow in worry.
            “He is. Sherlock killed him,” said John.
            “So how can he be back?” asked Mary.
            “Well, if he is, we’d better wrap up warm,” said (Y/N), straightening. They smiled as they watched the jet turn around. “There’s an East wind coming.” The jet descended to the runway, and (Y/N)’s heart blossomed with joy. Their dad was back with them. Moriarty be damned. Their family was back together.
            The Game is on.
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fancyfeathers · 5 days
The Games We Play of Dust and Ashes
(Yandere Moriarty the Patriot Series Masterlist)
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This is a collection of intertwined yandere stories for Moriarty the Patriot, some stories will mention others but you don’t have to read them if you don’t want to, they’re just connected
-Just Like Rosemary (Yandere William James Moriarty x Ballerina Reader) (feat. Platonic Yandere Louis James Moriarty and Albert James Moriarty)
-Married Life With the Earl (Yandere Albert James Moriarty x Reader)
-Walls Have Ears (Yandere Mycroft Holmes x Reader)
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Crack-flavoured AU concept:
There's a third Holmes sibling (at this point basically a trope in and of itself).
Third Sibling is the Middle Child (just makes sense to put another kid in that seven year gap)
Third Sibling naturally must be a foil for Louis, but because the Lord of Crime thing is already wrapped up, they instead are an antagonist for MI6 (this time, a Holmes gets to be the """"bad guy"""")
Mycroft and Sherlock are just kind of like "yes we're aware of Sibling doing [sketchy but well-intentioned thing] but it's never been enough of a problem for us to get involved before."
Louis and Third Holmes like each other just as quickly and easily as Mycal or Sherliam did but in an entirely platonic way that largely consists of them breaking off midway through heated ethical debate showdowns to turn as one and relentlessly roast an interloping third party. They're basically those two old muppets.
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discodreaming · 7 months
HELLO! i've now opened my inbox for my followers/mutuals to talk to their favorite character!
you can send in random sentences, inbox prompts that you see on my blog or even confess your love!
please be sure to be respectful and kind to not only me but the muses.
this will be very much like roleplaying. to continue communication you can send in more inboxes or you can even link the inbox to a conversation to communicate with your beau/family/friend!
please do not request any minors/anthropomorphic in romantic or sexual ways, I'm begging you. i will only reply to the platonic/familial ones.
you may talk to at least 2 muses at once in one message, all to prevent being overwhelmed. this may change once i get comfortable enough to handle more.
all romantic and nsft inboxes or starters towards muses will require slow burn
all ships are multishipped but can be single shipped if you guys can build up their romance meter!
this will only be reader x character, oc x character i will put on either another blog or a different post.
* note: i will accept 5 oc x character in this post for the time being: 1/5
however for certain events i can bend these rules for you to get a romantic scene with your crushes!
or even just hanging out with your friends!
characters i will write for right now:
note: this list will change every now and then as i advance further into the shows or a character is requested more!
if you don't see a character you like here and would like to see me try my hand at playing them, don't be shy to tell me!
bold = characters I've played before
one piece! ( pre timeskip )
romantic options: nico robin, nami, sanji, zoro, usopp, buggy, sir crocodile, dracule mihawk, shanks, portgas d. ace
platonic options: chopper, franky ( may change ), luffy ( im currently on the pretimeskip )
up to debate: please ask !
rwby ! ( all season 9 ages )
romantic options: weiss schnee, blake belladonna, yang xiao long, jaune arc, taiyang xiao long, raven branwen, qrow branwen, emerald sustari, sun wukong, neptune vasillias, james ironwood, winter schnee, mercury black
platonic options: ruby rose, nora valkyrie, lie ren, pyrrha nikos, penny polendina, professor ozpin, oscar pine, neopolitan
up to debate: salem, cinder fall
fruits basket !
romantic options: shigure sohma, hatori soma, ayame soma
platonic options: tohru honda, yuki sohma, kyo sohma
castlevania animated !
romantic options: trevor belmont, adrian 'alucard' tepes, sypha belnades
edens zero !
romantic options: rebecca bluegarden, weisz steiner, homura kogetsu, kris rutherford, shiki granbell, labilla christy
platonic: happy, witch regret, sister ivry, hermit mio, valkyrie yuna, elise crimson, justice
d.gray man !
romantic options: yu kanda, lavi, tyki mikk, howard link, cross marian
platonic: allen walker, lenalee lee, nea d. campbell, wisely kamelot
psycho pass !
romantic options: akane tsuneori, shinya kogami, nobuchika ginoza, shuusei kagari, yayoi kunizuka, shion karanomori, shogo makishima
platonic: tomomoi masaoka
owari no seraph
romantic options: guren ichinose, ferid bathory, kureto hiiragi, shinya hiragi, seishiro hiiragi, crowley eusford
platonic: yuichiro hyakuya, mikaela hyakuya, shinoa hiiragi, yoichi saotome, shiho kimizuki, mitsuba sangu, krul tepes
yuukou no moriarty
romantic options: william james moriarty, albert james moriarty, louis james moiarty, sherlock holmes, fred porlock, sebastian moran, mycroft holmes, james bond
fate/ ( /zero & /stay night)
romantic options: saber, kirei kotomine, gilgamesh, cu chulainn
platonic: shirou emiya, rin tohsaka, waver velvet
up to debate: kiritsugu emiya, irisviel von einzbern, archer emiya, tokiomi tohsaka, diamuid ua duibhne
please don't: shinji matou, ryuunosuke uryu
fairy tail
romantic options: lucy heartfilia, gray fullbuster, erza scarlet, mirajane strauss, laxus dreyar, gildarts clive, loke, elfman strauss, juvia lockser, fried justine, evergreen, bickslow, rogue cheney, sting eucliffe, kagura mikazuchi, aguria yukino, natsu dragneel, mystogan, cana alberona, gajeel redfox, erik, jellal fernandes
platonic: wendy marvell
record of ragnarok
romantic options: adam, jack the ripper, kojiro sasaki, qin shi huang, hades, beelzebub, hermes
platonic: souji okita
up to debate: the valkyries, nikolas tepes, thor, poseidon, apollo,
obey me
romantic options: lucifer, mammon, levianthan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor,diavolo, barbatos, simeon, raphael, solomon,
platonic: luke
up to debate: thirteen, mephistopheles
kingdom hearts ( kingdom hearts iii )
romantic options: terra, aqua, xemnas, zexion, saix, axel, demyx,
platonic: sora, kairi, riku, roxas, namine, xion, ventus, vanitas, ephemer, skuld, brain
genshin impact
romantic options: wriothesley, albedo, alhaitham, ayaka, ayato, baizhu, ajax, cyno, dehya, diluc, eula, ganyu, itto, jean, kazuha, kokomi, xiao, heizou, shenhe, kaeya, rosaria, yae miko, beidou, lisa, kaveh, zhongli, nigguang, neuvillette, yela, candace, thoma, yanfei
platonic: hu tao, venti, faruzan, sucrose, chongyun, freminet, layla, mika, fischl, collei, noelle, yun jin, barbara, xingqiu, amber, bennette, xinyan
up to debate: keqing, lyney, aether, lumine, wanderer, lynette, kuki shinobu, sara, kiara, gorou, mona, nilou, yoimiya, charlotte
please don't: klee, sayu, qiqi, diona, dori, nahida, yaoyao
final fantasy
romantic options: cloud strife, tifa lockhart, aerith gainsborough, zack fair, reno, rude, genesis rhapsodos, reeve tuesti, angel hewley, sephiroth, vincent valentine.
platonic: barret wallace, yuffie kisaragi
detroit become human
romantic options: connor, markus, gavin
platonic: kara, hank
devil may cry
romantic options: dante, nero, vergil
platonic: trish, nico, lady, v
jojo's bizarre adventure
romantic options: dio brando, joseph joestar ( part 2 & 3 ), caesar anthonio zeppeli, jotaro kujo ( 4-6 only ), rohan kishibe, bruno bucciarati, leone abbachio, narciso anasui, johnny joestar, gyro zeppeli, diego brando
debating: jonathan joestar, jolyne cujoh, weather report
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neontokyoo · 1 year
MTP Masterlist
William James Moriarty x Reader: The Accidental Miscarriage Brother Trouble Detention Protection 36 Weeks Honeymoon Lovers Period Struggles Jumping Into His Arms Being Jealous of Your Friend NSFW Alphabet Gone During Labor The Hate Is Getting To Him Headcanons Mood Swings (Period) Pirate AU Scarred Eye Headcanons Scarred Eye Headcanons pt. 2
Albert James Moriarty x Reader: London Times Inseparable SFW Alphabet Birthday Special Brotherly Help (Platonic)
Louis James Moriarty x Reader: Wedding Surprise
Sherlock Holmes x Reader: Let's Talk About Marriage Let's Talk About Marriage pt. 2 Let's Talk About Marriage (Full)
Mycroft Holmes: It's your fiancée or your job. It's your fiancée or your job (pt. 2) Mycroft Stands Up For You NSFW Alphabet Break up pt. 1 Break Up pt. 2 NSFW Headcanons
James Bond: Amusement Park Date Art Inspiration
Moriarty Brothers: Besties William Headcanons Albert Headconons Sleeping Habits
Sherlock and Mycroft Sibling Headcanons: Part One Part Two
Multiple Character: Y/N's eating disorder (Bond, Fred, Louis) Comfort (Moriarty Brothers and Bond) Cutting Your Hair (Bond, William, Louis) NSFW Questions Smash or Pass (Louis, Moran, Albert)
Mother's Day Specials: Sebastian Mycroft Albert Louis Sherlock William
Father's Day: Mycroft's Daddy Kink
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teaspoonnebula · 1 year
Big List of My Sherlock Holmes Fanfics & Pastiches!
Yes I made silly covers for them on Canva, shhh.
Sci-Fi and Speculative Fiction:
The World Awry Series
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Sherlock Holmes must track down an old enemy in a new time. Reuniting with his beloved Boswell over a span of 140 years seems impossible... but perhaps it is simply highly improbable. (My 'Sherlock Holmes time travels to the 21st century' series)
41,681 words total, rated Teen, explores Holmes being aroace, and frames his relationship with Watson as platonic/queerplatonic.
The Time Enough Series
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Watson has one of those 'spontaneous time travel' diseases causing him to live his life out of order, which explains many of the inconsistencies in his narratives.
16,838 words total, rated General, explores bisexual Watson having romantic relationships with Mary and Holmes at different points in his life.
What Sleeps Within
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Creating an artificial intelligence is difficult. Resurrecting the dead, however, is easy. A cyberpunk future where robots can be powered by human souls.
5,203 words, Teen Rated, Gen.
Watson is a Time Lord
Lovingly intricate series of crossover stories between the Granada series and Doctor Who, although I've been reliably informed that you don't need to be familair with Doctor Who to enjoy them. A collaboration with @jeremys-come-to-bed-eyes and @fruitviking
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Hiatus Stories:
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A series exploring the gap in the Canon between The Final Problem and The Empty House.
Kingdom of Tea - Sickness strikes the plantations of Terai. Victor Trevor is called to the deathbed of his tea-taster, a reclusive Frenchman called Pierre Laurent, to dictate his final letter… to a man named Dr John Watson. 3,212, Gen
Sinful Lips to the Ghostly Dead - When a family friend is troubled by the activities of a shady spiritualist medium, Watson attempts to summon everything Holmes taught him to solve the mystery. It seems he's not the only one trying to 'channel' the mind of the Great Detective... could the spirit of Sherlock Holmes be trying to make contact? 4,483 words, Gen.
His Brother - Watson and Mycroft are united by a shared grief, and later, a shared joy. 4654 words, Gen
The First Case - Six months after the death of Sherlock Holmes at the Reichenbach Falls, Dr Watson is reluctantly called into action to cover the practice of a country doctor. He hopes it will be a way to ease back into the humdrum rigmarole of a general practitioner, but instead he finds himself embroiled in the kind of strange case which would have delighted his dearly departed friend.
Retirement Stories:
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Golden Visions, Are Ye Flown? - Something seems to be wrong with Sherlock Holmes, and Watson will use every ounce of his knowledge, skill, loving and caring to find a way to make him better again. 11125 words, queerplatonic 'getting together/making a commitment' story.
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