#petes a cop though. not even a question
tempertyzias · 10 months
warehouse 13 posting again and im not sorry because I saw heinous claudia donovan slander yesterday calling her a cop and it gave me the impulse to create this chart
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I don't actually know where to put myka on this scale cause she starts out a cop but is a lot less of a cop by the end? also unsure about steves placement cause he was ATF but becoming claudias bestie definitely made him less of a cop she just has that effect maybe swap steve and mykas placement but pete, artie, and claudias placement are factual I will not be taking criticism
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nobodysdaydreams · 7 months
Hatchetverse Theory: The Parallels Between Paul (TGWDLM) and Grace (NPMD):
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More thoughts and parallel screenshots under the keep reading, part of my #hatchetverse theory posts. Sorry these are all awful screen shots, I'm bad at gifs, but I hope I made my point.
The screenshots are pretty self-explanatory, but the parallels between Paul and Grace, especially with what happens to their characters at the end of their respective musicals, has been living in my head rent free, and I want to talk about it.
I've seen a lot of posts that speculate that the reason Grace went crazy at the end of NPMD is because she's just that blood thirsty and willing to kill, and while her character (at least of what I've seen of her in NPMD and what I've seen of nightmare time) is certainly intense, I wouldn't quite go so far to say she's always been that willing to hurt others, even for what she believes.
In fact, after rewatching NPMD, I realized something. When the kids first go to the Waylon Place, the others are the ones suggesting ways they can violently hurt Max. Pete even calls Grace's plan "goofy" and Richie is the one who suggests beating Max up. Grace is the one who tells them that all she wants to do is teach him a lesson and scare him and rejects their more violent ideas.
But after Max dies? That's when Grace's intensity starts taking a darker turn, and it's not as noticeable as it might be in the other kids because "Grace has always been kinda weird and intense" and the show has been playing that up for laughs since the beginning. But when you look at what happens to Grace in terms of her character's choices, she's the one who suddenly pulls a "bury the bully" plan out of nowhere when she was against even beating him up just a few hours ago. She's the one who suggests lying to the cops and trying to cover up what happened. She's the one who has a prophetic nightmare after the incident at the Waylon Place. That's also the moment when she symbolically loses her WWJD bracelet (though others have already pointed that out).
And if the LIB could infect Paul with spores just because he happened to be in close proximity to the meteor, then they could probably do something similar to any of the kids in the Waylon Place (and you cannot convince me that they were not the ones who collapsed the floorboards in the Waylon Place and killed Max).
But why would they target Grace you ask? Why not one of the other kids? That's a good question. I have a few theories.
The first has to do with what I mentioned before about hatchetverse's history of Webby's powers seeming to favor kids, and the LIB powers struggling to work on kids. We don't know how old most of the kids in NPMD are exactly, but the musical makes a point to tell us several times that Grace is "only 18" (Shaprio says she's a legal adult and will be tried as an adult in court). The musical also makes a point to have this be the Homecoming Dance (not Prom), which is in the fall, so most of the senior students wouldn't have turned 18 yet. We can also make an educated guess that Stephanie has turned 18 and Pete hasn't because she sings "wake me up when you turn 18" during their song. You could combat this by asking why the LIB never address Grace during the summoning and targeted Steph instead, which is a fair point. But interestingly, if you watch Grace, Steph, and Pete during the Summoning, Grace is silent most of the song, but looks completely horrified (especially when they tell her that they want what she cherishes most), despite the fact that from our perspective, the LIB aren't talking to her. She also seems to know exactly what the LIB want from her, because the next scene she's in is when she shows up to save Steph and Pete. During the Summoning, Pete, on the other hand, seems to mostly be involved in the conversation the LIB are having with Stephanie, although Grace also seems to understand what the LIB want from Stephanie. It's possible that this was intentional on the LIB's part, since they can see every timeline (in the "Abstinence Camp" episode of Nightmare Time, Grace gets between Steph, Pete, and Lumberaxe, risking her own life so that Lumberaxe doesn't hurt them. Grace might be willing to lose her own life for what she believes, but she might not be willing to lose her friends' lives. If the LIB know this, they'd likely want to make sure Grace understands that Steph or Pete will die unless she's the one who pays the price).
They have a personal reason for wanting her. In TGWDLM, Pokey hates Paul because...well, Paul doesn't like musicals but bigger picture, Paul resists Pokey's hive mind. Why would the LIB hate Grace? Possibly because she hates evil, the devil, and sin to an extreme degree. It could be a point of pride for the LIB: "we got the guy who didn't like musicals to join our musical and brainwash the world, and we got the girl who didn't like sin to devour souls for us." I've also seen a theory that Paul has some sort of resistance to the LIB because he doesn't like musicals and in a way sort of serves as a "prophet" in TGWDLM by warning others that musicals are bad. Grace arguably serves a similar role to Max in NPMD. She suggests Max becomes a better person "before he ends up in hell", which is ironic because then Max goes on to beat up Pete, which turns the nerds against him, setting off the chain of events that eventually lead him to actually being sent to hell (the black) by Grace. I've also seen some other theories suggesting that the LIB getting Paul in TGWDLM was really about getting Emma (since she was the one who starred in a musical before), and following that logic, it's possible that the LIB killing Max at the Waylon Place was really about getting Grace, because she'd still actually be alive. The LIB might have known this would work if they knew Max and Grace liked each other, and as seen in nightmare time, Grace is willing to risk her own life for her friends, and this might be consistent across several timelines.
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Speaking of sacrifice, I know I covered this with the gifs, but the fact that Paul's last act was giving up his life, and Grace's was giving up what was essentially her morality and who she was so they could save their friends, only to have themselves turned into the very monsters they tried to destroy? Absolute tragedy.
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But what's also interesting to me is how this happens. The way Grace and Paul both seem to lose control of themselves. With Paul it happens in one song and is more noticeable, but with Grace, it's a lot slower, and the more bad and morally questionable stuff she does, the funnier it is, and her character has been intense and over the top from the beginning, so you almost don't notice the difference in her actions until you rewatch the show. But her and Paul asking "Who am I?" has a similar creepy vibe, the screenshots I found for those moments (pictured below) even ended up looking very similar, though with Paul, you can see more of the fight happening during the song, whereas with Grace, it's more drawn out over the course of the show with these little moments of clarity where she has a complete breakdown.
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Then of course there's the whole: What do you want thing?
Why do the LIB want what Grace cherishes most? Why do they want Paul to want anything at all?
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And why do they phrase it in the creepiest way possible, asking for "a peek at Paul's soul" and telling him to "give up his choice" and telling Grace that they'll get "whatever they want" and that she'll "be forever in their debt?"
Well, probably because that does seem to be what happens. The most obvious screenshot parallels are probably their final numbers in their shows, which I think speak for themselves. The only unknown is what exactly is happening with the LIB and their whole "what do you want" thing. By taking what someone wants, do they replace that "want" in the person with wanting to serve them? How does that work?
At this point, I'm not sure, and I'm too tired to continue the rant, but I'd be happy to hear anyone else's thoughts on this.
I hope you enjoy Starkid fandom. Thank you for listening to my rants!
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m1ssunderstanding · 3 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 2.1
Cynthia and John are worse and crazier for admitting what they admitted in the bio. But Jane and Paul are not exempt.
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Will forever love this pic of Paul and Julian. He does not look like the fun uncle. He looks tired and dependable. Just stepped out of the womb as a father, didn't he? The sperm that fertilized his egg probably passed some fatherly advice and hair tussles to the other sperm as it passed them. 
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They should've bought the fucking island.
They never look more like a couple than when the women they're actually dating are right next to them. 
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The India footage actually looks so beautiful. Obviously it's a beautiful place, but they all genuinely look so free and at peace there. It really could've been so good for them. Getting enlightened, getting soberish, growing closer as a band, taking a much-needed rest. It should've been good. 
The music choices in this documentary! The drastic shift from, “all you need is love” and “the dream I had was true” and “I don't need much to set me free.” to Paul leaving to “yes I'm lonely. Wanna die.” “I'm going insane.” “Look at me. Who am I supposed to be?” 8d8 psychic damage. And the thing is it's real. John really did flip a switch, just like that.
Smashing my head into a wall. It's the same as Yoko's quote about how ‘nobody hurt John more than Paul.’ Really Pete? Worse than after his mum died? Really Yoko? More than that drunk cop? Paul, what the fuck did you do to him in India, seriously, because at this point in the doc I can't accept the theory that it was just some lack of communication, I just can't. 
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It's also telling to me that when John's losing it, everyone's solution is some time alone with Paul. Nobody panic. Paul can fix him. Little do they know Paul's the one that broke him. Or maybe they do know and that's only another reason they know Paul's the only man for the job?
Old-fashioned ad voice: You liked Protective Jesus Scandal Paul? You'll love Protective LSD Scandal John! Really. Before the question is even out, he's making fun of it. I think he cuts off the interviewer at least three times with jokes before he can get the sentence out, and by the time he is, Paul's giggling too hard to feel bad about his little PR fuck-up.
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Then he lets Paul talk a bit before jumping back in, this time with his Hard Man suit on. It's just so good. A testament to their unconditional love, really. Because, clearly, Paul's just hurt John pretty bad. And yet, here John is. Using every trick he's got to defend his friend. 
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But actually, though John is supposedly the one everyone's worried about, Paul's doing a pretty shit job of being the “stable” one. This entire press tour he's either fucking blazed and laughing at everything or disassociated and not contributing.
(((except during that political discussion – again! Paul secretly has actual thoughts on actual things?!)))
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But for the most part, John's absolutely holding down the fort. I wonder if this is another case of everyone – all their friends and business associates, just like we as a fandom still do now – assuming John is the problem child, and Paul's the strong one, but actually they're both both. 
Back to the political interview. They're just so in sync. Finishing each other's sentences when you're talking about the weather or your shared work is one thing. Finishing each other's sentences on complex topics like why poor whites often vote bigots in or the cause of rampant misinformation is quite another. 
“Letting his dad cut his hair at sixteen, seventeen.” You all know that John hates Jim quote. 
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John: so there's war, and vegetables. There's relativity and absolute.  Paul (absolutely smitten): that's great Johnny. Int: that's rather hard for people to interpret. John: well if they can't interpret it now, maybe they will later..... 1. John really was extremely intelligent. 2. That last statement sums up Beatles historiography.
Paul really just Won't be alone with John, will he? Well, two can play at that game, Paul, and John's going to win, let me tell you. 
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But he's going to do one last panic grab for attention first.
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I really do think if John had done something like that *before* Paul would've given him that attention. Told him he's being insane and taken him home to splash some cold water on him or something and then given him whatever softness Paul was capable of. But not anymore. 
I wonder if Paul could go back to 1966 if he just wouldn't have taken John to that Indica show where he met Yoko. If he would've just said “okay John, sure, let's just stay home and trip on the couch tonight.” I don't know.
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Anyway, Yoko gets an A+ for persistence. Imagine being Paul, George, or Ringo, though, and John is suddenly madly in love with this woman whose been begging you all (and then him specifically) for a platform for over a year? It would be weird to say the least. 
John: don't you hate me? I'm crazy, you know. Paul: no I don't hate you. John: aren't you pissed at me now, Paul? Even a little bit? Paul: I'm very proud of you. It's the unstoppable force (“Don't ‘nore me, Mimi!”) vs the immovable object (“I learned to put a shell around me”.) Someone get them some professional help before they nuke the whole world. 
“There is, however, a desire to get power in order to use it for good.” One of those quotes that just really lets you see a person, you know? Benevolent dictator Paul. 
Yoko, why are you talking about how bad your boy doesn't want to fuck you right in front of all his closest friends and on record for posterity? If you have to be talking about your sex life, shouldn't you be lying about how insanely horny he is for you? Oh, right, she will think of that, just not yet. 
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And then she waxes poetic about how turned on John is when he's working on music with Paul. Cool. Smart. Thanks for that, though, genuinely.
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And Then (gosh, Yoko is such an asset to Beatles history when she's not actively spreading misinformation. Everyone give her a hand) she goes on about how Paul goes out of his way to make her feel respected and even valued. Compare that to John and Linda, anyone? And I want to be clear, I'm not saying this means John cares too much and Paul doesn't care at all, which might be the surface read. I just think John's reaction was to scream in everyone's face that he was in pain and Paul's was to insist ad nauseam that he was fine. You know?
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kalegreeneyes · 13 days
may 19 - 24 hours to live - @wolfstarmicrofic- 1152 words
cw: marijuana
"What about you, Moony? What would you do if you only had 24 hours left to live?" James asks around a puff of smoke that he then chases through the air with a second inhale, Pete laughing to his left with a half-smoked joint between his fingers.
"Oh Merlin," Remus puffs his cheeks out as he blows out a long breath and tips his head back. "I've no idea."
But he does have an idea. His head rolls to the side so he can rest his gaze on Sirius, who has his tie wrapped around his forehead, hair smushed up and wild as he tries to blow smoke rings and stick his head through them. It doesn't work a single time. Remus is endeared.
If he had 24 hours to live, he would tell Sirius Black that he's fairly certain he's in love with him.
Sirius finally gives up on his smoke rings to reach his arm out across the short distance between them and hand Remus the joint. When he passes it off, their fingers brush and Remus's heart gives a pathetic little flip. He watches Sirius settle back into his spot on the floor, and then he watches him stare over happily at James, and then he watches him raise an eyebrow in amusement at him.
"Moooony," Sirius laughs, "Earth to Moony! James is still talking to you."
"Oh, shit," Remus chuckles and turns his attention back on James. He had forgotten entirely that he was supposed to be engaging in hypotheticals. "Sorry, James."
"Nah, it's all good," James waves a hand flippantly while Remus takes his hit. "I was just saying that that answer was a cop out."
"Not a cop out," Remus sticks his tongue out at him and passes the joint over to Peter again.
Peter takes it and pinches it close to the filter--it's almost out. Remus's head is airy and light and he feels very, very warm. The very air in the room is soft. His eyes drift over to Sirius again because he's just so very nice to look at, all sprawled out on the floor.
"Booooring," Pete groans while he holds his breath, causing his words to sound half-spoken and pinched in his throat. "What about you, Padfoot?"
"Oh, that's easy," Sirius laughs, casting a glance and a languid smile over at Remus, "but I'm not telling you."
"What the hell, guys? You aren't playing by the rules," James pouts.
"Your rules are arbitrary and I'm high. Let's put on a record." Sirius rolls back and forth until he can use the momentum to roll up to his feet and bound across the room to their record player, and Remus is almost as disappointed as James--even though his own answer was absolutely a cop out as well.
Later that night, after James and Pete are definitely asleep (they snore) and Remus has had enough of the incessant wondering about Sirius's answer to James' question, he slides out of his bed and pads over to the edge of Sirius's, pausing for just a moment to ask himself if he should be doing this at all.
Curiosity wins out, as it often does with Remus when it comes to Sirius. He clears his throat softly and leans in close to the crack in Sirius's bed curtains. "Sirius, you awake?"
There's a rustle of sheets, and then Sirius's face is poking out of the curtains with a smile. "Yup. I was just about to come ask you the same thing, actually. You wanna come in?" he holds the corner of the curtain open.
Remus nods and quickly slips through before casting a silencing charm so they can talk without their fellow marauders waking up. He settles onto the bed cross legged, looking across at Sirius in the low light.
"What was your answer earlier?" Remus asks, getting straight into it.
Sirius's eyes light up, smiling wide and open and excited as he says, "That's what I was gonna ask you!"
"So, what was it?" Remus asks again, his curiosity growing with every second Sirius stalls.
Of course, Sirius stalls further. "What was yours?"
"You can't just flip it around!" Remus protests, because he's too scared to say his out loud.
"I can. I did. Why won't you say?" Sirius presses, leaning forward and smirking. "Is it about me?"
Remus's face gives him away immediately--eyes wide, cheeks flushed, throat bobbing. Caught. "No," he whispers.
Sirius gapes, a twitch in his brow. He wasn't expecting it to have actually been about him. Remus's lie doesn't land. "It was about me?"
Remus doesn't say anything. Sirius scoots forward a little bit, biting the inside of his cheek. "Mine...mine was about you too, Moony."
Remus's eyes snap up to Sirius's, begging them to give something away; an indicator of what Sirius means. His heart starts beating faster just from the feeling of being near Sirius, his palms sweating at the prospect of potentially revealing everything. He isn't sure he should. He isn't sure he shouldn't. If Sirius is saying what it sounds like he's saying, then--
"I'm afraid to tell you what it was," Sirius whispers, breaking Remus's train of thought.
Remus licks his lips. "I'm afraid to tell you what mine was, too."
An impasse. They become suspended in the stasis of this moment, suspended in the pull of one another's gaze. Sirius's tongue darts out over his bottom lip as he scoots forward again until their knees are pressed against each other.
"I'm afraid because I don't want...to...lose...you." Sirius's words come out slow and forced, as if he had to physically push past several barriers to get them out. And Remus feels like he actually might not be reading into this the wrong way, because the look on Sirius's face mirrors his own emotional state exactly--afraid, excited, vulnerable, hopeful, uncertain.
"You could never lose me," Remus whispers in earnest. His hand twitches in his lap, begging him to reach across and hold Sirius's.
"Remus, what was your answer?" Sirius whispers back, his own hand inching closer.
"Sirius, I-" Remus closes the rest of the distance between their hands, holding on tight and squeezing and praying to every diety out there that he hasn't misread the situation. "I think I might be in love with you."
Sirius's hand is still in Remus's, the lack of movement terribly concerning as Remus continues to hold on for dear life. "You think you might be or you are?" he breathes, sounding like he's standing on the edge of a cliff, terrified to fall over the edge.
Remus swallows. "I am."
"Oh, thank Merlin," Sirius melts with relief and surges forward in the dark, sliding his hand out of Remus's so he can throw his arms around his neck and pull him into an off kilter, dry, unprepared kiss.
It's the best kiss Remus has ever had.
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slautertm · 9 months
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everyone else her age tonight is at homecoming. everyone else is laughing, trying to sneak booze into the stupid school punch--- but not stephanie lauter. she has... a different sort of date in mind.
her phone was left in the car, the buzzing messages from brenda and stacy, even grace were too much - that had been too much and steph needed to focus- how long she has before someone comes wandering past the waylon hall, be it the people meant to repair this shit hole for the new owners, or cleaners or the cops, she does not have time for distractions, for half assed claims that they miss her, lies of it being lame without her ( lies - they won't even notice her being gone and that's exactly what stephanie lauter is banking on. )
every instinct in her head was arguing with her not to do this and if she thinks too hard, she can hear his hesitance and fear when they first had- she's tempted hell once, who the fuck was foolish enough to tempt it twice? not everyone, however, was desperate to grab onto something, anything to do other than sit in grief and guilt- she had done that for the past few days and it was solving nothing. she needed action. she needed a chance. she needed to try lest she hate herself forever-
-but try and try as she did, going from speaking to screaming the ritual over and over again, the void did not welcome her, it did not respond, it did not breathe or show a sign. at least it appeared to not have. at least until she heard a cold familiar voice.
it was more of a scolding and a scoff that she got in her head, not even a full appearance of the god though she could have sworn she saw something behind her--- pete was not dead, or rather, he was far from gone, the god had said and hope had oh so briefly filled her despite the scene she had seen with her eyes, but he was being taken care of- a tease, more than anything, for when she asked what she would have to do to get him back she had been knocked to her knees by the sheer loud laughter that seemed to echo the walls and then fade in to a slow, soft, tick before the answer came ---
...then she was alone. or at least she thought she was alone. if she would have sensed that someone else was lingering she wouldn’t have had the less than pleasant outburst she had, tears slipping from her eyes for the first time since that night, these tears more rage filled and more pointed at herself and their his her choice at the fact that this thing wouldn’t even listen to her and was mocking, that her idea ( which she knew was sour in the first place )a simple trade, her for him, was not even heard, at her hunger to do something, anything about this- there had to be something that she could do, because she knew she would do anything for the split chance of undoing time.
and it was that hunger that she believes brought the other to give her an ear, answers to the questions asked and unasked, and an offer… or the tease of one, and the promise to linger-
just how far are you willing to go? and just how messy, how much are you willing to devour?
tldr — in the aftermath of nerdy prudes in which steph shoots pete, unable to ‘live her life to the fullest’ the late mayors daughter who holds possession of the black book attempts resummons the lords in black to make a deal to bring back pete. no deal is struck but two gods answer- one to mock. one to tempt. and they linger still
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thefreeblog · 2 years
Choose a couple for each of the following
Age gap, school romance, enemies to lovers, friends to lovers, gay for you, power imbalance.
Thanks for the question Anon. It cracked me up though. Feels like I am answering a question from an exam paper.
Anyways let's get to it
Age gap -
I love a huge age gap, if it's mature more sweet.
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School romance -
I am not a huge fan of this one but from what I have seen SkyJao are my favourites. All the insecurities one could have while in school are so well handled through this couple.
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Enemies to lovers
My favourite trope. So many contenders, but nothing can beat a cop and a Mafia falling in love.
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Friends to lovers-
There are not much to choose from but the best one I like is Li Chen and Mu Ren from history 4.
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Gay for you-
Another one which I am not a fan of but I think Addicted does this trope justice. Its executed so well. I don't think either of them are canon gay or bi in this one. They just happen to fall in love.
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Power imbalance -
Again we didn't have many to choose from but even if we had, nothing beats Vegas Pete here. They fall in love when one is held captive, nothing can get more imbalancing than that.
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This was such a fun ask to answer. Thanks again Anon.
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Informally tagged by @earlgreytea68 when she did this game and encouraged people to steal it, so, here I am, being a little thief, to procrastinate :3
What is your absolute all-time favorite idea you've ever had?
Hmm maybe the idea that became Look at You and Smile. It's just soft and fluffy and fun, you know? Idk though, I've got a lot of fic ideas in my notes app/on my to-do list that might be strong contenders, like my Trojan War au and the conspiracy theorist radio fic.
What is your favorite part of being a writer? Which parts could you take or leave?
Um. Can I say writing for both?
I love the process of writing but also it is the bane of my existence, you know? When it goes as planned, awesome, but when it doesn't and I kind of want to tear my hair out, not awesome. And editing is fantastic, I highly recommend it, but it's also pain! Not gonna lie!
I will also say, I think it's frustrating when you try to get feedback from people and most of it amounts to they don't get your work. That might come off as pretentious, but I say this because last semester I was in a short story workshop, and some of the revision suggestions I got were really helpful, but some of the questions people had, especially about specific details I know I made clear in the story, made me want to roll my eyes and be like, "Did you even read it?"
What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
Probably just creating the content that I want to see, and hoping other people will get as much joy out of it as I do. :)
What do you wish you knew when you first started out writing?
I don't really know? I think that any knowledge I have now, younger me wouldn't really know what to do with, you know? And uh. Thinking about that young adult Percy Jackson and the Olympians-esque novel I started writing in late elementary/early middle school. There's a lot of advice I could've given her. I would not know where to start. But I think it's probably better that I wrote the way I did and it's evolved into how I write now, so. Yeah, I don't know.
What is your favorite story you've written to completion? Link it if you'd like and can!
Right now, it's Look at You and Smile, mainly because the Tiny Dancer scene in that fic had been living in my head for so long, and I was so so happy when I typed it out and it came out exactly how I imagined it in my head. It made me feel like I'd been touched by the muses lmao. It was also really rewarding to finally write a fic I'd been tossing around in my head for (checks journals to make sure I have the date right) three years.
What is your favorite out of the box quote?
I'm gonna cheat a little bit and include two. First, from Don't Dare Stop:
But. They must’ve been working longer than Patrick thought, because it’s the beginning of golden hour, everything around them a little bit softer and fuzzier as the sun just barely starts to sink on the horizon. It’s enchanting the way a warm shower after a long day is, mundane and comforting. 
Patrick looks at Pete. Soft. Fuzzy. Enchanting.
And also, this one, from one of the later chapter in Guided to You:
“No, I mean it.” He takes Patrick’s hand and intertwines their fingers. “There’s no one else I’d rather spend eternity with. If the afterlife weren’t real and reincarnation was what next, I’d want to be reborn with you every time.”
Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
Probably Gerard in Head All Tangled Up, but that feels like a cop out, cause the way I wrote him is completely based on Dustin Hoffman's character in the movie that fic is based on, Stranger than Fiction (which I highly recommend, if you haven't seen it). Other than that, I don't think any of my characters have really had controversial mindsets.
If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
Probably first, "Wow, no novels?" And then, "What? Fanfiction? About who? That band that wrote 'Alone Together?'"
I tag @revolvingresidency @carbonbased000 @ybcpatrick @inquisitiveheretic @shark-myths @pyrchance @realdreams @toorational
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sheerfreesia007 · 1 year
Webhead Chronicles #22
Title: Webhead Chronicles #22
Fandom: The Amazing Spiderman
Pairing: Tasm!Peter Parker x OFC!
Author: @sheerfreesia007​
Words: 1,241
Warnings: Awkward teenagers
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711, @fioccodineveautunnale, @phoenixhalliwell, @linkpk88, @weirdowithnobeardo, @athalien
Author Notes: These two are so clueless I love them.
Gif Credit: @elizabethgillies
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    Ev was nervous as she sat at her desk finishing up her History homework. Tonight was the first night Peter was out there in his completed Spiderman suit. He had sent her a text earlier that he was going out on patrol tonight and ever since she had been on pins and needles with worry that he’d be seriously injured. Sighing softly she clicked the print button on her computer as she finished the last of the essay that was due on Friday. Just as she reached over to her printer to grab the papers there was a knock at her window making her jolt and whirl around in her chair.
    Peter was crouched on her roof in front of her window tapping at her window. She could see his suit illuminated by the moonlight outside as she rushed over to him and quickly raised the window. He tumbled into her room on almost silent feet but she didn’t worry since her Mom had passed out in the living room about an hour ago. Helping him to sit on her bed, Ev quickly flicked on the ceiling light in her bedroom before grabbing the first aid kit off her dresser and making her way to stand in front of him.
    He rolled his head to gaze up at her from under the mask and she let her body calm down with relief that he was safe and back home. Setting the first aid kit down at his side she reached up and grabbed the back of his mask before slowly pulling it off his face. His wicked grin greeted her and she huffed at him as she shook her head. He didn’t have any scrapes and bruises on his face that she could see thankfully, her eyes continued to dance around his face making sure that he was unharmed.
    “Where are you injured?” she asked him softly and he grimaced softly at her question. “C’mon Pete I have to ask. I’m here to help you remember?” she scolded him softly and he tiredly nodded his head.
    “My left arm up by the shoulder I think I’ve got a cut or scrape.” he said as he reached behind his head to unzip the zipper. Ev’s eyes widened as the material of his suit around his chest loosened and fell open as he struggled to slip his arms out of it. His naked chest came into view and Ev felt cemented in place as her eyes danced up and down his torso in appreciation. “Take a picture, it'll last longer.” Peter teases her and Ev snaps out of her daze as she shakes her head and moves closer to him to inspect his left arm.
    “Jesus, Peter!” she hisses at him when she finds the cut he’s talking about. He looks over at her with a furrowed brow at her response. “Did you get stabbed?!” she asks him angrily as she glares at him and he shakes his head.
    “No, I didn’t let the carjacker get close to me. And the cop was useless with his gun, the bullets didn’t even get close to me when he fired. I did swing into a big box truck though, that’s what I think gave me the cut.” he relayed to her and Ev felt all the blood rush from her head down to her toes. He was shot at. Peter doesn’t realize that he had told her all about his night out on patrol or how she would respond to it when he spoke. But when he realizes that she’s gone silent he looks up at her to see her sucking in shallow gasps of air as her eyes have widened in fear. “Hey, hey. No relax, it’s okay. I’m okay. It’s just stupidity on my part. I didn’t see the box truck while I was swinging.” he tried to reassure her, his spandex covered hands coming up to cup her face and guide her eyesight to him to try and calm her down.
    “You were shot at.” she says hallowly and Peter grimaces slightly at her words.
    “But I’m okay. Remember we tested my ability to dodge and my response time. Remember? You threw a paint can at me.” he said reassuringly trying desperately to calm her down as her breathing began to pick up but remained shallow. Peter instantly knew she was having a panic attack and he wrapped his arms around her body and rolled her onto the bed with him. He rolled until they both laid on their sides and he pressed the side of her face to his chest hoping that the skin to skin contact would pull her out of her panic attack. “C’mon Ev breathe for me. I need you to calm down.”
    “You were shot at.” she repeated and Peter sighed softly as he pulled away and cupped her face once more forcing her to connect her eyes with his.
    “I’m okay. I’m safe with you in your room. I’m okay, you’re okay, we’re okay.” he said firmly as he stared into her dazed eyes. When she heard him say the last sentence her eyes focused on his and he smiled softly at her. “There she is.” he said softly before yelping in surprise as she smacked him harshly in the chest. “Ow!” he cried out as she continued to smack him in the chest. 
    Instinctively Peter wrapped his arms around her once more keeping her arms pinned to her sides before he stopped and hovered over her breathing slightly heavy. She glared up at him angrily and he watched her quietly as she breathed heavily, almost seething at him.
    “You were shot at!” she snapped at him angrily and he chuckled softly before hanging his head.
    “Yes we’ve established that.” he teased her and ducked his head down to nestle it into her neck as he took in a deep breath. “I’m okay, I swear. I’ve got these super abilities from a spider bite. C’mon Ev, trust me to be able to take care of myself.” he said into her skin. Peter felt her shiver against him and lifted his head to see she was frowning softly but looking at him with worried eyes.
    “I know you can take care of yourself.” she insisted firmly as she stared up at him. “But these people have guns and knives Pete. I’m pretty sure that you’re not immortal or invincible. I will always worry about you every time you go out there, no matter what but I will always be here to help you. No matter what.” she promised him solemnly and Peter sighed in relief as he rested his forehead on hers gently. “Now c’mon I gotta stitch up your cut.” she said as she began to wriggle in his arms. 
    “Maybe this time you’ll get them straight.” he teased her and she gasped in outrage at his teasing words. She shoved him hard in the chest and Peter dramatically groaned before rolling off her onto the side of the bed. “You got a heavy hand slugger.” he mentioned and she scoffed at him.
    “Big baby.” she teased him as she moved about getting the materials she needed to stitch up his cut.
    “Only for you sweetheart.” he teased back and she rolled her eyes at him before sticking her tongue out at him. Peter chuckled softly before hissing in pain as she started her first stitch.
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violetsystems · 8 months
A person who lives on the property keeps following me around the neighborhood aggressively. The vibe is life threatening even though I’m not very afraid of it. Scary incel vibe. Same guy spying on me from the train platform. It isn’t the first time or the first neighbor in the last five years who has lived on the property. A pattern of behavior of dudes with dyed blonde hair like Pete Davidson. But this guy is either a cop or an extremist. If that isn’t doxxing I don’t know what is. Just a heads up. I have obviously dealt with it for years. But I have nothing to show for it other than questions. Other than the questions I answer on LinkedIn for cybersecurity articles I’m asked to participate in.
0 notes
Janis & Casey
Janis: Okay, slightly concerned at this point
Janis: just let me know if you’re not planning on coming back so I can advertise your room, like
Casey: [in the AM when he’s been released and given his phone back, clearly]
Casey: I’d say soz for the missed revenue leaving you waiting for a reply til now but there’s no need when the kid you’re having’ll be taking my room before too long
Casey: you ain’t getting many renters that only fancy a 9 month lease, like, bit specific
Janis: Exactly, need all the funds I can get to throw at this thing
Janis: try 6, mate
Janis: did you lose your phone or my number?
Casey: got 2 choices, either maths weren’t never my strong point or I was giving you benefit of the doubt on not wanting to shut the kid away on its own the sec it comes out of you, up to you which you reckon
Casey: did lose my phone in a manner of speaking though, yeah
Casey: had it taken off me, maybe more like, if we wanna keep the schoolboy flashbacks coming
Janis: sure any customer service where you get tips makes you develop a sudden interest in maths, so thanks, very kind of ya
Janis: 😬 flashbacks is right, the ptsd is real
Janis: so what happened, I knew you would’ve made an annoyingly smug socials post about where you were staying if nowt else
Casey: Don’t trouble your pretty little head about my whereabouts, love, they’ve let me go now and I’ll be back to annoy you before you know it
Janis: Great, what did you get caught doing, amateur 
Casey: piss off, it were dead romantic actually, you’d be right proud, you from them flashbacks at any rate
Janis: Are you serious
Janis: Casey, why 😑
Casey: are you, wasting both our time asking questions you know the answer to
Casey: that’s the massive pisstake here, if anything
Janis: Alright but
Janis: didn’t the last time teach you anything
Casey: yeah, that she’s well up for it
Janis: so are the garda too, then or?
Janis: just massive cockblocks
Casey: stayed the night so can’t really call ‘em a cocktease
Janis: fuck’s sake, boy 🙄
Janis: well you must not have touched her or you’d be in more trouble right now so that’s something
Janis: how was it
Casey: Her uni’s got its own garda wannabes, top cockblocks them
Casey: both gutted but she’ll be home for easter, can have another go then
Janis: ahh, so you took all that frustration out on the rent-a-cops, I see
Casey: Keep your fantasies to yourself, mate
Janis: 😂 think even here that ain’t a crime no more
Casey: alright, keep it in your back pocket instead for when your husband don’t fancy you no more
Janis: I think I remember you passing that well wish along at the wedding but tah again
Janis: if it turns out he’s been in love with Pete this whole time, you can say you called it
Casey: lust’ll do, desperation don’t need to tip it no further
Janis: you’re being especially charming this morning, the concrete bench not very comfortable, no?
Casey: good morning kiss would be going a bit far, even for the romantic in me
Casey: but I get it, desperation’s already setting in for you
Janis: I’m pregnant, not catching
Janis: so whatserface was impressed then, was she
Casey: ‘Course, I drove all the way to [whatever this town is] what’s her dickhead new boyfriend doing, carrying her books a few feet and through a door
Janis: proximity is the unspoken champion of all great romantic stories
Janis: remember to fill the tank up then, jailbird, siphon it off if you’re committed to the life now, just have a quick look around first, yeah
Casey: you’d know
Casey: that hard up for kisses I’ve got from her to you to that, am I, you’re being charming this morning an’ all
Janis: well duh, his siren call weren’t so alluring I’d find myself wandering around Manchester for a laugh
Janis: long as you do the petrol last, not many birds want a mouth full of unleaded, even ones who’d associate with the likes of you, boy
Casey: tah for the sisterly advice, long as you’re staying committed to that sheet of paper, what dickhead could ask for owt more
Janis: bit late to tell you not to have a pop at bald twats with all the superiority complex and none of the training so, do what I can in the cold light of day
Casey: don’t we all, got a drive back to do if you’re done acting bothered about where I am or the state of me
Janis: I was bothered, dickhead
Janis: but you’ve been in a cell all night so I know you’re sober enough to be behind the wheel now
Casey: I drive better drunk, be more likely to have an accident now
Janis: Oh, cheery
Janis: you want me to start praying whilst I’m on the bog floor or you reckon you can keep your eyes and all four wheels on the road
Casey: you’re on your knees, might as well if that’s all you're after
Janis: well, I would still be worried if you’d seen her, more likely to get fucked up there and then too
Janis: 😁 for your cockblock and all cops, obvs
Casey: for your baby brain more like, else you’d be more worried I’ve not seen her and got it out my system
Janis: you can’t just carry on your one-man tour of Dubo
Janis: come on
Casey: you telling me I can’t or asking me if I will
Janis: I can’t tell you what to do, so no
Janis: if I could I’d tell you not to bother with Stacey there
Casey: and why’s that
Janis: you know why
Janis: it’s fun and games for her, ‘til it ain’t and you’ll be the only one that gets in proper shit for it
Casey: least they’ll put me up once you’ve took my room off me
Janis: I’m not taking your room off you, drama
Janis: prison is lovely, by all accounts though
Casey: I’ll get you on the list to visit me, as you’re such a fan, like
Janis: you think they won’t frisk a pregnant bitch
Casey: something else for you to dream about, day or night
Janis: ha 🖕
Casey: must be lonely on that bathroom floor, do what you’ve gotta do, girl
Janis: Boring, but we’re not there yet
Janis: now I know you’re not dead, leave you to thinking up your next big romantic gesture 
Casey: too knackering all that throwing up bollocks for keeping chatting with a dickhead you only used to be mates with, I get that an’ all
Janis: oi, no need to 💔 ‘cos yours is wounded, Romeo
Casey: is there not, sounds like there’d be every need
Janis: nah, think on, gonna need mates
Casey: gutted we ain’t then, but you’ve got your 1st baby names for the list, Romeo and Juliet, shit ain’t totally 💔
Janis: gutted it ain’t twins so I can lumber them with that creepy energy for life
Casey: weirder if they ain’t and you still go for it anyway, I’ll cross my fingers he don’t leave you for Pete or whoever the fuck else before you can have another one
Janis: n’awh, see, bollocks you’re not my bestie
Casey: Old habits hang about for me, ask [uni gf]
Janis: she’d love to see me pop up in her DMs
Casey: jealousy’d be doing me a favour so I won’t expect it off you
Janis: never said I was a good mate, mate
Janis: famously selfish bitch
Casey: race your medal back soon as I’ve popped it in the post
Janis: tah, need all the motivation I can get
Casey: have me back ‘cause no fucker else is strong enough to pick you up off the floor is right
Janis: my bump is non-existent and I can’t keep any of this healthy shit Jim is force-feeding me down
Casey: then I’m calling him weak not you absolutely massive, I’m alright with it
Janis: never have known 😏
Casey: saved myself postage, no need for that award no more, have that top compliment instead of
Janis: yeah, no, really starting to see how you get ‘em through the door like you’ve got a quota 
Casey: unless pregnancy fucks your eyesight I reckon you can see how I manage it, yeah
Janis: please, I’m already chundering 
Casey: and if you’ve ever heard owt, can guarantee it weren’t a conversation
Janis: still a cocky little shit
Janis: you do remember where you left the car, don’t you
Casey: Oi, less of the little, you ain’t talking to your husband here
Janis: hmm, not what I call him, if you wanna take your turn being 🤢
Casey: I’ve had loads of turns overhearing what you do, cocky of you to think I ain’t desensitised by this point 
Janis: I’m very soz for your ptsd 
Janis: you’ve sort of made up for it since though
Casey: chuffed, it’ll cheer me up while I look for this fucking car
Janis: probably got a parking ticket, extra present from your 🐷 friends
Casey: might’ve sorted me a clamp, as we’re besties
Janis: you couldn’t have warned Fiona about your romantic gesture so she was ready
Casey: Loves surprises as much as I do, her
Janis: right 
Casey: fucked my plus one for the christening 
Janis: you did that with your last choice of, no worries
Casey: she’d probably be up for it, now you mention her
Janis: She does all events? Must be making a killing
Casey: for me she does anything and everything, goes without saying, that
Janis: if you don’t ❌
Casey: 😏
Janis: not gonna be your face if I have to show you the content of this toilet to calm you down
Casey: I’d put no money on it if I was you, bet you I’ve seen worse
Janis: oh yeah, it’s annoying you aren’t squeamish, can’t use it to my personal gain
Casey: crack on trying to think what you can use against me, by all means, on a fucking hunt of my own here
Janis: did you park at the uni or nearby
Casey: knowing where I parked I’d know where the car is, dickhead
Janis: I’m trying to jog your memory, dickhead
Janis: you might’ve been a bit preoccupied but think
Casey: if it were at the uni I’d have found it piss easy, no students drive, should’ve done, all the spaces going spare
Janis: was you planning to go out anywhere, might’ve parked nearer town for that
Casey: I didn’t have no plan other than seeing her
Janis: okay
Janis: lucky it’s a pretty small shithole, you’ll bump into it eventually because that’s where my guesses end
Casey: I wanted to walk for a bit, could be ages away
Janis: nervous?
Casey: shut up, nah
Janis: soz, not actually taking the piss
Casey: I wasn’t actually trying to go in there wound up, funny, I know, like
Janis: you still like her
Casey: more than my dad’s missus, which were where else I thought about driving to
Janis: out of the two options
Janis: Ian usually winds you up more so
Casey: yet to chance calling the garda to sort it when he do but
Janis: is there anything I can do
Casey: Like what
Janis: I dunno, baby brain, like
Casey: getting an abortion would get rid of that too, bit rude of me to tell you to book 1 in though
Janis: people would probably say that’s a little out of pocket, yeah
Casey: heard they’re as lovely as you have prison is
Janis: be why you have to book in, very sought after
Casey: novelty of not having to go ferry or back alley’s not worn off, it’s fair enough, really
Janis: just another thing to fantasize about whilst I’m on this floor
Casey: just the kind of mate I am
Janis: I promised already you won’t have to share a room
Casey: right yeah, what more do I want
Janis: just the abortion, is it
Casey: it’d do til I work out where I left the car anyway
Janis: just expecting the medal, no congratulations 
Janis: if you were in that sort of mood, you probably left it on [the road into this town from home] walk would’ve felt shorter than it does now
Casey: you ain’t getting a 🏆 for that, I had the same idea myself a sec before you did
Janis: 😏
Casey: leave it out, I can hear it sounds like a load of bollocks without being told
Janis: nah, great minds, kid
Casey: tah for putting me on the level of your baby brain, love
Casey: I was off my face then, I’m alright now
Janis: I think ‘baby brain’ is just an excuse for me to not do shit and get out of a bollocking for it but 🤫
Casey: ain’t gonna have the excuse of being a model, real fat pregnant lasses won’t be after maternity clothes you’ve worn, you’ve shit that bed for a bit
Janis: if I end up looking like I’m having a fridge freezer not a baby just kill me now
Casey: nowt to do with me, he got you in the state, he can put you out your misery, might take him ages, but if you have another go praying he could get there in the end
Janis: should’ve put that in the vows, then he’d really have to
Casey: if that’s you saying you’re planning to renew them, this is me saying I ain’t fucking coming
Janis: you’re safe
Casey: some good news
Janis: can all pretend you said that about the kid
Casey: none of us are oscar winning actors, I wouldn’t bother trying
Janis: nah, guess not
Casey: size of the fam you’ve got it ain’t like you’ll feel hard done by for gifts or babysitting
Janis: neither of which I expect
Janis: it’s weird for me too, you know
Casey: I didn’t ask how you felt about it same as you didn’t me
Janis: I have a pretty good idea now
Casey: me too, or you’d have bit my hand off at the abortion idea
Janis: s’what adults do, ain’t it
Janis: next step, all that shit
Casey: it’s what you’re doing and it obviously weren’t no accident, there’s nowt else to say
Casey: fuck your life up how you like, none of my business
Janis: glad you’ve got so much faith in me
Casey: with a decade of piss poor decision making under your belt, how could I not
Janis: well he’s obsessed with reading up on every little thing so even when I’m shit, it’ll be fine
Casey: that don’t raise no alarms for you, nah
Casey: is gonna be what you get when you pick a dad for your kid who can’t hack it
Janis: you know how he is
Casey: too right I do, why I said what I just did about him
Janis: alright, bit late now so 
Casey: up to you if you wanna raise your baby with a dickhead who cries more than it, you heard
Casey: can have 2 mums rather than a proper dad, kids have had to make do with worse
Janis: yeah, I know
Janis: that’s not gonna happen
Casey: congrats then, chuffed to bits for the 3 of you
Janis: I know you’re not but I’m telling you I’m not gonna fuck it up like that
Casey: save your promises to show the kid when you’ve fucked it in whatever way ends up happening
Janis: everyones fucked up
Casey: that’s why if you weren’t such a bighead you’d stop it here and say enough’s enough
Janis: yeah well you know me too
Casey: yeah
Janis: you gonna be this pissed off with me the whole time as well
Casey: don’t flatter yourself, bighead
Janis: I’ll take it
Casey: I’m looking for places going I can afford when I get back, not gonna be having nothing to do with you the whole time
Janis: oh, alright
Janis: that’s slightly petty but ultimately a good idea, I guess
Casey: we’ve only got the one bathroom and you’re gonna be always pissing about on the floor of it, it ain’t petty it’s practical
Janis: I’ll stop having morning sickness soon but
Janis: you want your own space
Casey: good, maybe I’ll get to use it a few times before I’m off
Janis: you reckon you’re not squeamish, just come in, dickhead
Casey: I didn’t reckon you’d fancy an audience but alright I’ll not think of you
Janis: you’re pee shy, that’s alright
Janis: I’ll just hold it in my mouth 
Casey: I hope you have a right laugh cleaning the sink when I get home and piss in it to prove you wrong ‘cause I’ll not be sorting it
Janis: I’ll be off to work when I eventually stop
Janis: still, before you’ve found the car, undoubtedly 
Casey: it’ll be waiting for you then, along with the dishes, ‘cause in the kitchen one the neighbours’ll get to see how shy I ain’t an’ all
Janis: you think I wanna practice being a mummy so bad I’ll clean up after you
Casey: I reckon you should think before you open your mouth, whether it’s full of sick you’re holding in or nah
Casey: challenge accepted, mate, deal with it
Janis: 😏 you are a massive twat
Janis: piss on any of my dishes you’ll get your next meal served up on ‘em dirty
Casey: not squeamish, me, you said it
Janis: me neither but the neighbours would probably give the garda a ring and arrange your next date for you
Casey: they can crack on, well single at the minute and they ain’t gonna be my neighbours for much longer, can do me a last good shout while they are
Janis: don’t say it like you don’t like being single, make me feel bad for you
Casey: Why would I like it
Janis: make use of the revolving door
Casey: right lass and you can have it shut
Janis: you really are a romantic at heart, aren’t you
Casey: anyone who don’t want that, can’t get it, nowt else
Janis: you reckon
Casey: don’t you
Casey: who’d you know who’s happy to piss about
Janis: guess I’d not thought about it that hard
Casey: no shit, you’ve not had to
Janis: suppose it’s easy to say being a massive slag would be a right laugh from here
Casey: the saying about grass, like
Janis: you’ll find someone better than [actual uni gf name]
Casey: You do know her name, can’t wait to tell her
Janis: she’d only get a mard on at the mention of mine
Casey: exactly
Casey: never said I didn’t like that
Janis: not sure I’m alright with being part of your foreplay, tah
Casey: I can’t help it if she’s fittest when she’s mardy, try and name a lass who ain’t, seeing as you’re on a roll there
Janis: if that’s your type, heaven help you, boy
Casey: you can leave out the if, you know what my type is
Janis: lot of girls got access to peroxide, be well rude of me to say they were all EXACTLY the same
Casey: I get it, you’re only in the mood to be rude to me
Janis: when was I even
Janis: you’re the one threatening to piss on my property
Casey: I’ll aim away from your fave mug, how’s that
Janis: 🤏 better
Janis: but I am pregnant so you should do everything I say, tbh
Casey: only works if it’s my baby hanging about in there
Janis: shame
Casey: it is, but at least I found the car
Janis: 👏 congrats to you now
Casey: I’d offer you a lift to work but if you ain’t eating nowt you’re probably not gonna still be there throwing up when I get in
Janis: cheers, but I’ll try and drag myself in before then
Janis: did not think through how shit my job would be right now, you can have that one
Casey: I’ll take it, that petty dickhead, so you reckon
Janis: just ‘cos you blamed wanting to move out on me having my head in the toilet
Casey: well I’m soz it’s your fault I wanna
Janis: when you see how high rent is, you might wanna keep putting up with me
Casey: I’m bloody aware, it’s only gone up in the last couple of years since I had a look
Janis: criminal
Casey: of you to make me chuck all my money down the drain, I thought I’d dodged all this bollocks when a kid didn’t come along right after the wedding
Janis: you could just buy a set of really good noise-cancelling headphones 
Casey: speaking from experience, are you
Casey: 👍👍👍👍👍
Janis: I won’t even make you change any nappies, it’ll be fine
Casey: link me to the ones you bought then, I’ll test ‘em on whatever lass is about when they’re delivered, see if they’re decent enough
Janis: really thought you meant the nappies, was a bit horrific
Janis: not that that’s a thrilling prospect but still
Casey: I could do, but I dunno how the sizing would go
Janis: stop 😂
Casey: does it hurt to laugh, your stomach muscles must be fucked from the retching and that
Janis: yeah, so if you could stop being SO hilarious for five seconds
Casey: try for you
Janis: 😘
Casey: I’d be skiving if I was you
Janis: tempting
Casey: half day never bankrupted nobody and unless you was lying to me when you said it’ll be over soon you’ll make it back when the baby’s behaving better
Janis: it’s supposed to stop at 10, be raging if I feel shit the whole time
Casey: take a full day then, fuck it, you’ve got an awkward kid already
Janis: always give great advice, you
Casey: yeah I do, have a listen to it just the once
Janis: I might
Janis: can’t exactly puke on a client’s back, not without charging a lot more
Casey: and I’ll be going bed, got work myself tonight, so you don’t have to worry about putting up with me
Janis: why would that worry me
Casey: it’ll be like I’m not there is all I meant, can do what you want
Janis: well now I’ll have to think of something interesting to do, sounding that much like a challenge
Casey: wishing you hadn’t been SO anti piss now, I get it, we could’ve had that contest
Janis: 💔 I can piss like a racehorse now
Casey: That’s some foreplay for [uni gf] tah very much, she’ll be fuming I know that about you
Janis: 🙄 yeah ‘cos it’s really sexy info, that
Casey: it’s you, anything is
Janis: not another gay one
Casey: piss off, her boyfriend only looks and acts like a massive girl
Janis: hmm, when thinking about him taking a piss does it for her as much, I’ll believe you
Casey: she don’t fancy you, she’s jealous of you for breathing, or should we go with pissing here, ‘cause you’re that fit and everything else
Janis: you let her be ‘cos you like it, dickhead
Casey: even if I sorted her head out, every other lass in town thinks that way about you too
Janis: what are you being nice to me now for
Janis: I’ll get suspicious 
Casey: it’s a fact, fuck all I can do
Janis: I’ll get out of having a baby shower then, no bitch will attend 
Casey: Long as you tell all the lasses in your family to leave it out, job done
Janis: you know my family loves a function
Casey: they can have it without you there if they’re that bothered
Janis: would as well
Casey: great advice, again, I’ll have to shut up before I am being too nice
Janis: can’t have that, be awful
Casey: you can’t, you know what you’ve done
Janis: didn’t impregnate myself
Casey: and what that’s supposed to make it better not worse, is it
Janis: just wondering why I’m getting all the blame here
Casey: I already knew he was a twat so
Janis: right
Casey: you used to be able to be trusted, be alright sometimes
Janis: I never promised you I wouldn’t have a kid, that don’t change either of those things
Casey: it changes loads of things
Janis: yeah, not that though
Casey: everything, basically
Janis: why, why’s it have to
Casey: ‘cause you’re changing your whole life
Janis: you’re the one saying you want fuck all to do with me after
Casey: yeah, and I have to, there were barely any room for me in your fucking life before
Janis: not true
Casey: how’s it not
Janis: I have to sit here and explain how obvious it is I still have time for you, and always will
Casey: you never even told me 1st, he told Bobby before you said owt to me
Janis: I knew you wouldn’t be happy, and you ain’t
Janis: it didn’t feel like good news, more like ruining your day
Casey: you should’ve said you was gonna do this, give me chance to get my head round it
Janis: it happened quick
Janis: anyway, I don’t know how I’d start that conversation, it’d be weirder for you, don’t you think
Casey: I wanna have kids with your pussy of a brother, there, it’s that easy
Janis: I married him, like you said, gonna happen eventually
Casey: I thought that were why you did ‘cause you’d got yourself knocked up and shat yourself about it, when it wasn’t, I reckoned you might have more sense than to bring kids into it, my mistake, like
Janis: Into what? Fucking hell
Janis: I’m that bad, am I, you really think that
Casey: not you, you heard me, he can’t fucking hack this, won’t
Janis: He raised Bobby, he knew how to do it before he was more than a kid himself
Casey: I did loads of that and it still nearly did his head totally in
Casey: and alright, if we have to go there, you’d want a kid of yours turning out like Bob, would you
Janis: It’s a bit fucking late to call me selfish now
Janis: I’m not forcing him to have a kid
Casey: I never said you were, I said he shouldn’t
Janis: too late now, we’ll have to deal with it
Casey: I’ll send you a good luck card
Janis: thanks, like
Casey: least I can do as it’ll be the only thing
Janis: can you stop being so dramatic 
Janis: I can’t handle it
Casey: yeah, alright, I’ll join you pair in not giving a single fuck
Janis: you know he gives too many fucks, that’s basically what you’ve been accusing him of the whole time
Casey: and you’re sat there telling me I need to calm down and it’ll be fine, ‘cause what, you want it to be
Casey: and I’m the kid, grow the fuck up
Janis: obviously it was too much to hope one of you would listen, forget it
Casey: listen to what, what’ve you said except it’s too late for me to say nowt
Janis: calm down and it’ll be fine, obviously
Casey: I don’t listen to bollocks I ain’t being paid to
Janis: I can’t change your mind, fine
Casey: not about him, you do the top job I know you can do on your own, hands tied behind you and all that, for the kid’s sake
Janis: by all accounts he will have left me by then anyway 
Casey: What do I know, you ain’t left him yet, and I’d have sworn back then you would’ve done
Janis: don’t make me say you don’t see what I see, it’s too cliche and we all get it
Casey: I get it, you want a mate to throw up next to you
Janis: kind of you to offer
Casey: I’ll not be able to stop myself if you don’t
Janis: you said you was a romantic, now you don’t have the stomach for it
Casey: romance ain’t the same word as shitshow
Janis: ain’t this what you want, eventually
Janis: the right girl behind closed doors
Casey: you’re not right for him and you never have been
Janis: I try to be
Janis: and he wants me 
Casey: I ain’t throwing you a baby shower you’d really wanna go to, get over it
Janis: how can I now, tease
Casey: the fact you can’t is the only thing not ruining my day
Janis: you didn’t exactly start on a high, mate
Casey: that’s where you’re wrong, a caution’s loads better than it could’ve gone
Janis: jammy bastard
Janis: good, can’t be arsed bailing yours out
Casey: no need to pretend you would, bit busy on the bathroom floor is all I’ve heard
Janis: I’m sorry my current state isn’t entertaining for you, did hear me say it was fucking boring
Casey: and painful, yeah
Casey: almost do feel a bit sorry for you
Janis: go on
Janis: I can’t even go to work
Casey: come on, I’ve got loads of hangover cures even though I’ve not had my own before, one of ‘em is gonna work for this
Casey: [just listing them casually]
Janis: check you out, nerd
Janis: I’ll give the ones that don’t contain booze a go, can’t hurt
Casey: can’t have you thinking it’s entertaining for me you feeling like shit
Janis: you don’t hate me that much yet then
Casey: would if I could, dickhead
Janis: don’t need to think I’m above keeping you here against your will
Janis: s’my whole thing, long as I get what I want, give a fuck
Casey: You’ve given me the best screenshot for [uni gf] 
Janis: 👋 Daisy
Janis: what the fuck does she even think is happening 😂
Casey: you’re flirting with me, as per
Janis: she really is the jealous type
Casey: loads of other lasses are, it’s not like she don’t have no reason to be paranoid, just off target 
Janis: sounds about right
Janis: bit rude to make me out like that but let you off
Casey: be boring if I didn’t have you to chuck in the middle of it
Janis: Rachel was a bit dull but
Janis: the [whatever uni course, even if we are wrong] gave that away
Casey: and it’d be worse than boring if you liked her
Janis: not even gonna let me have a sister in law
Janis: think you’re jealous of me having a potential new bezzie
Casey: you’ve got one, her name’s Libi and she happens to be your niece an’ all 
Janis: yeah, actually, he’s cheated me an’ all
Janis: 😤
Casey: you’ll live, me too for not walking down no aisle in a shit suit
Janis: if Polly was down the end I wouldn’t let you
Casey: how are you gonna stop me
Janis: I’ll object
Janis: or just break your legs so you can’t walk nowhere, idk
Casey: gonna have to go back to campus with a ring, worth it to see what you reckon you’re saying or doing
Janis: at this moment in time, I’ll just throw up on her dress
Janis: you can do better
Casey: nah, better’s taken
Janis: nah
Janis: if you let me have any female friends, I could introduce you to someone 
Casey: I’m not stopping you doing anything, never have
Janis: oh right, I just hate women, I forgot
Casey: that and you’re married to a right antisocial dickhead
Janis: I’m worse, to be fair
Janis: never mind how jealous I used to get
Casey: nobody’s ever minding about that
Janis: I dunno, was fairly psycho
Casey: still not hearing a downside 
Janis: you think it’s fun ‘cos you’ve never dated a girl like me
Casey: it’d be more fun with a girl like you
Janis: too bad I’m one of a kind
Casey: too 💔 that, like
Janis: felt that sincerity 😏
Casey: you’ve felt it before, did nowt then, it’d do less now
Janis: was almost a decent screenshot there
Casey: no need, she’s blocked me
Janis: that part of it?
Casey: you really fancy being told the ins and outs, do you
Janis: alright, shut up
Janis: not my fault it’s been a while since I had to play these stupid games
Casey: whose fault is it if not yours
Janis: come on, who do you like less than me, you’re related to him and he’s only selectively mute
Casey: funny, oh hang on, nah, being too nice to you again there
Janis: laugh at my jokes 🥺
Casey: no
Janis: ugh, fine
Casey: giving up in 1 sec’s how I know you feel like shit
Janis: I do, no point lying when I look it
Casey: bollocks, there’s a lie
Janis: you were nice to me, I win
Casey: it’s a truth not a compliment
Janis: not too nice, I remember
Casey: you’d not forget it if I gave you a real proper compliment
Janis: what if I don’t believe you, bighead
Casey: I’d keep giving you them til you did
Janis: better not then
Janis: can’t afford to never forget you if you’re pissing off
Casey: none of us can afford you stuck in that bathroom, trapped by your massive head, more like
Janis: Poor Bobby’s bladders gonna burst
Janis: s’why we told him early, I had to push him out the way one morning 
Casey: about time he stopped doing it sat down like Libi does, pissing in the garden, or kitchen sink, like a normal lad’ll be good for him
Janis: yeah, you’re SO normal, mate
Janis: I could’ve puked outside but what will the neighbours say 
Casey: Shit marriage has drove you to drink, obviously
Casey: I’ve got bets on with most of them far as dates for the divorce go
Janis: 😏 Prick
Casey: can’t have you missing me too bad when I move out
Janis: can’t stop me
Janis: could call you constantly like an overbearing mum, get practice in
Casey: not like mine, be more like an ex
Janis: suppose, but I won’t be calling you a prick or trying to fuck you
Casey: gutted, might as well lose your number how you reckoned I had last night
Janis: might’ve blocked me
Casey: and lose my chance to shout at you like an off my face dad, nah, can’t do that
Casey: gotta let you know you’ve fucked your life and mine right up
Janis: just good to hear your voice, obvs
Casey: send you a voice note next time
Janis: please don’t get arrested again whilst I’m vulnerable, s’embarrassing how concerned I was, tah
Casey: You’re alright, if or when I do I won’t tell you
Janis: 😑
Casey: can’t hurt you having no clue about none of it
Janis: can we really afford to take the risk
Casey: there’s no risk to you, only me, so yeah, ‘course
Janis: no
Casey: I want nowt to do with your bollocks hormones, tah
Janis: can’t blame you, honestly
Janis: seems like the general consensus too
Casey: sod all sympathy for the self inflicted has been a rule for ages
Janis: bit of a shit rule
Casey: can’t have a go at me I never made it up
Janis: you also never follow rules so why start now
Casey: Oi, I’m only a bit off the speed limit
Janis: and you’re texting 
Janis: terrible behaviour
Casey: said I behave better with a few drinks in me
Janis: only ‘cos you can’t see your keyboard
Casey: the why don’t matter, bighead
Janis: uhuh, so says you
Casey: any other lass’d be chuffed to bits I’m rushing back to see them
Janis: who said I’m not
Casey: you’ve not said you are
Janis: can’t be too nice
Casey: that don’t apply to you, I’ve done nothing to fuck your life up
Janis: really gonna make me beg just ‘cos I’m on my knees
Casey: I am now you’ve chucked the visual at me
Janis: I don’t know how sorry I’m feeling
Casey: typical you, not sorry for none of the things you should be
Janis: typical you not being close enough to get here before I get up
Casey: you dunno how close I am
Janis: not close enough, sorry
Casey: what were it you said, felt that sincerity
Janis: 😇 I am SO sincere 
Casey: go on then, I’ll laugh at that joke
Janis: won’t make her jealous sending me you laughing
Janis: very menacing 
Casey: depends what kind of laugh
Janis: you’re a top actor now
Casey: you’ve got no faith in yourself when I’ve got none in you or what
Janis: shh
Casey: maybe if you can make me
Janis: I could
Casey: I’m waiting, do it if you reckon you’ve got it in you
Janis: [block him for a hot sec then come back]
Janis: see, easy
Casey: cute
Janis: I’m not cute
Casey: you’re too cute
Janis: I’ve spent all morning on the floor, that’s just an untruth
Casey: no, it’s as true as always
Janis: if you say so, must be right
Casey: don’t matter where you spend your morning, is what it is, like me not being able to stay fuming at you
Janis: Good
Janis: I’d miss you too much
Casey: I don’t believe you
Janis: you would if you’d seen me last night
Casey: that’s the baby turning you into a psycho, it ain’t how you really feel
Janis: you know how I really feel
Janis: we just don’t talk about it ‘cos we’re not like that
Casey: yeah, I do know, why I said what I said
Janis: don’t forget, dickhead
Casey: I can’t
Janis: not apologising for it either
Casey: nor me
Janis: no need
Casey: can do if you trip over the bags that’ll be outside the bathroom door for tomorrow morning, otherwise fuck you, obviously
Janis: ?
Casey: you’ll see when you need ‘em, long as you can get your head out of the toilet to have a look
Janis: surprises
Janis: so sad it’s the most excitement I’ve had in ages
Casey: it ain’t total pharmacy bollocks, some of it’s a pisstake to take your mind off how the rest of your body feels
Janis: fuck you for being this cute 
Casey: had your warning I can’t stay fuming, dunno what else I can do, like
Janis: you can
Janis: stop talking about moving out 
Casey: told you I’ll not afford it anyway
Janis: it’ll do
Janis: if you’re not gonna say you’ll stay for me
Casey: I can’t stay for you, it ain’t just you no more
Janis: basically
Casey: you’re growing a kid, his kid, and asking me to stay and fucking watch it
Janis: I know
Casey: no you don’t, or you’d not do this to me
Janis: I don’t know what’s wrong with me
Casey: hormones is the get out of jail free, crack on using it
Janis: who’s benefits that for, neither of us believe it
Casey: fuck all about any of this benefits me, what you trying to start now for
Janis: because I’m sorry I’m having this kid, alright
Casey: what’s that apology meant to be good for, it changes nowt
Janis: now you know
Casey: every dickhead knows, you’ve announced it, means you’re keeping it, and you can’t be that fucking sorry if you are
Janis: I didn’t think I would lose you when I made that decision 
Janis: it’s done now though, I can’t change it
Casey: you wasn’t thinking about me, more like
Janis: you should stay mad at me because I can’t undo it and I can’t give up on you either
Casey: I’d had the one night, you’ll give up on me, mate, don’t worry
Casey: there’s loads more still to come
Janis: I hope you’re right for your sake
Casey: piss off and let me do it for yours
Janis: told you, can’t
Casey: challenge accepted
Janis: good luck
Casey: chuck that bollocks at the brother who needs it, I know what I’m doing, tah
Janis: go focus on the road then, I’m showering
Casey: that’ll focus me, charming of you to mention it
Janis: didn’t sound like I’d have to make it easy
Janis: anyway, massive bitch, you’ll hate me before I hate you
Casey: get praying again, girl, getting someone else involved to be on your team’s about the only chance you’ve got of beating me, and it’ll still be a long shot
Janis: 🙏
Casey: and try not to slip in the shower, death’s a piss easy way out
Janis: don’t crash then
Casey: I’ll be home before you’ve started washing your hair, can nearly see it
Janis: have to make your own brew as I’m busy
Casey: I’ll make you one an’ all, if it’s cold you’ll have to get busy with the microwave
Janis: pretty harsh, dunno if I could hate you over it
Janis: and I reckon I’ve still got more incentive to stay in the shower
Casey: I dunno, reckon I’d hate you more than anything in a towel, but alright
Janis: hope some twat put fresh ones in, you never do
Casey: I’ve not been there to blame
Janis: you probably need your own, all night in a cell, fine, I’ll be quicker
Casey: meant to take ages and use all the hot water, shit at this, you
Janis: so’s you, or you’d have taken the blame, set fire to the towels or some bollocks
Casey: I ain’t 12 no more
Janis: thankfully or that cold shower dig would’ve hit really different
Janis: can’t take the piss out of you for your hormones 
Casey: yeah, gutted for you I mean it and ain’t after no bollocks out for what I say and do
Janis: it’s a cheap shot
Janis: well above that
Casey: I’m that petty dickhead
Janis: you really didn’t like petty, did you
Casey: who would
Janis: no one, I just wanna know why that one stuck
Casey: nice try but I’m not gonna help you to wind me up
Janis: awh, no fun
Casey: have to give up on me then
Janis: you’ve never been THAT fun
Casey: you’ve never been fun enough to wanna find out how fun I can be
Janis: touche 😏
Janis: you wouldn’t believe me now if I did
Casey: not just taking your word for it, nah
Janis: sensible, can say anything
Casey: [block her like no you can’t and don’t unblock her so if she wants to talk to you she’ll have to find you in this kitchen or lounge with your cuppa lol]
Janis: [least we can take the longest shower ‘cos feel like we need it honey, come out after a billion years like oh hey, so casual ‘you remember petrol?’ like this is what I care about rn]
Casey: [don’t trip over all the random stuff he’s brought you for your next bout of morning sickness gal, cos we have deliberately left that in your way, probably has had several teas cos he needs them after not sleeping at all and all the drama, just an unhelpful shrug, did you or didn’t you, boy, we know you did if you bought all that other shit but]
Janis: [we love that clear parallel to later with the groceries honey; just checking you over for bruises as per like how one-sided was your kicking off then]
Casey: [hence I had to do it, girls, meanwhile just looking at her like 😏 cos it’s his default and he’s totally FINE not at all heartbroken about this baby news]
Janis: [clearly the damage is not bad hence you got arrested and no one else did lol, ‘they give you breakfast?’]
Casey: [‘not your problem either way’ because not gonna let you make us any would literally rather starve to death rn truly ‘bathroom’s free if they did and it were that bad, know where the kitchen is otherwise’]
Janis: [do your own shrug as you start to make yourself dry toast or something equally as boring ‘you’ll need a towel’]
Casey: [‘scared to death I’ll just walk out, you’ like okay, towel obsessed much lol, please don’t though sir, she actually does not need that rn]
Janis: [just raising our eyebrows like you reckon ‘cos we’re clearly in our own towel here for ‘bants’ sure ‘no need to do yourself down’ like you ain’t that hideous]
Casey: [just a look like if you really wanna challenge me to be naked, pop off, cos no shame literally ever ‘weren’t, can worry yourself about that one the least’ just like do your own job of running me down/hating/giving up on me, gal]
Janis: [‘might go into work, so you can get some undisturbed sleep’ ‘cos you need it no joke]
Casey: [a sigh we can’t help because ugh she was actually gonna take our advice and the day off for a sec ‘don’t do owt dramatic to disturb me and there’s no reason we can’t both be here’ that simple cos it is and unblocking her to emphasise his point]
Janis: [just looking at the notification or whatever like hmm okay but not actually saying anything]
Casey: [so purposefully going to get a towel from wherever and showing her like look, but not actually going to shower yet, we see you, boy]
Janis: [doing a little clap as we’re chilling, eating our toast]
Casey: [just doing the microwave for this tea he did make you and leave in there and then handing it to you once it’s been reheated as if you’re giving her something else to clap about and that’s the only reason]
Janis: [eye and hand contact lingering a second too long, we all love a cliche ‘too nice, you’ saying it in the most casual tone because so not a casual joke at all really and we’re feeling it too hard with these gestures and now how we’re both acting but we’ve got to pretend it is]
Casey: [god I do love a cliche hun, please make yourself some toast or cereal to stop yourself saying or doing anything else for a minute including looking at her to see if she looks pregnant now he knows, which you know he’s trying to sneaky do while she’s drinking her tea and thinks he’s busy with breakfast prep]
Janis: [you’re not gonna see anything with this towel really and us just being that bitch who just suddenly has a bump when it drops or whatever, thanks to our husband making us low-key paranoid we’re insanely and unattractively pregnant right now though, just 😳]
Casey: [at least that’ll make you feel better boy 1. That it’s not obvious yet and low-key won’t be for ages and 2. That she’s the blushing emoji cos even though you’ve taken the piss before that you can’t tell cos she’s not a pale af blonde, you so can]
Janis: [‘dickhead’ and waving him away like it’ll stop him looking at you and focus on his breakfast]
Casey: [obvs gotta give her a look like what even though you know damn well despite not knowing how Jimothy is acting yet]
Janis: [‘didn’t say petty’ like I’m playing nice too, don’t get mad]
Casey: [doing the thing where you smirk deliberately when you’ve got a mouthful of food and have hamster cheeks like that Tony and Effy scene that to this day lives in my head rent free as if that’s gonna make you unattractive at all]
Janis: [shaking our head like oh you ‘you really want to show me I’ve fucked my life up, I get it’ slurping this tea like I’m not that easily phased though, boy]
Casey: [‘it’s you trying to show me what I’ve been missing’ as if slurping that tea instead of sipping it is gonna set her off vomming again right here and right now]
Janis: [‘don’t take much’ shrugging ‘any time, like’]
Casey: [‘about this time tomorrow, yeah?’ like okay it’s a date, gal]
Janis: [‘be here all week’ do a little bow from your seat but sigh ‘cos like probably and cannot be bothered with this]
Casey: [throwing her a tea towel to give pure Jimothy dry your eyes mate pisstake energy cos we hate that she’s feeling like this, in spite of the fact he’s literally heartbroken rn, and can’t do any serious comforting or we’ll simply die]
Janis: [‘not doing your washing up’ eyeing the sink suspiciously like know what you’ve done lmao and throw it back at him]
Casey: [catching it obvs and then doing not only his washing up but everybody else’s as though he shouldn’t be going for a shower and then bed, we see you blatantly caring sir]
Janis: [‘good thing I didn’t use all the hot water’ like we do see you blatantly caring and you didn’t let me make you breakfast so at least you can have a non-shit shower but we’re pouting on the low here]
Casey: [just washing up and clattering about unnecessarily loudly as if that means we don’t have to have a convo with you lol cos also sulking hardcore about how shit life is atm]
Janis: [‘night then’ ‘cos don’t need to force you at this moment in time, even if we’re both sad about it, walking past him and swiping at the back of his head affectionately as you do ‘glad you didn’t get beat up too bad by the pigs’]
Casey: [nobody has ever reacted as quickly or instinctively against the fact you’re about to leave, except maybe his brother but shh we don’t talk about that similarity thank you, but clearly cannot say or physically reach for you the way that we actually want to so then you just have to piss about with these washing up bubbles and pretend attacking her with them was your plan all along, duh]
Janis: [when you cannot fully playfight because you are in a towel, so rude, do your best babe]
Casey: [gotta say that towel is slipping so he can fix it for you in lowkey the sauciest manner cos we take what we can get in this era ‘saved your life’ not at all bants, pure flirting]
Janis: [‘saved yours’ like you would’ve been SO overwhelmed haha such a bighead, not just stood here lingering for no reason nope]
Casey: [‘nah, you heard’ like no no sis you’d die because I would kill you by being so overwhelmed by you cos where’s the lie, the TENSION and the line you’re walking rn ‘there’d be no saving mine’ just saying you’ll gladly die/be killed by how hot she is nbd]
Janis: [‘it’s your thing’ trying to say it like you love heroics but also calling you heroic in the process so you clearly appreciate it, TENSION feels like an understatement, this time period, lordt, ‘well what would I do without you’ like I already said you can’t leave, never mind die]
Casey: [‘you might get used to it after the hundredth dickhead offers you a seat on the bus, like’ as if we’re only doing it to run with that you’re pregnant and therefore incapable trope, a shrug ‘be less bathroom doorway tripping hazards’]
Janis: [‘nice try’ like nah, pretty sure I don’t hate you yet]
Casey: [pushing her cos you can’t pregnant peeps like that’ll do it haha, but it’s so gentle and so reminiscent of when they’re always like get away from me rn I can’t cope in the future so]
Janis: [starting to say something several times sis but obviously not, shut up ma’am and leave this poor boy alone]
Casey: [probably doing the cliche where you start to say something at the same time so don’t cos you’re like no you go on several times so neither of y’all are saying anything, thank god, frustrating at that would be, finish your washing up and go have the cold shower you very much need, no joke, we all know what’s happening in said warm shower and we mustn’t think about it]
Janis: [we all know we are thinking about it because we did not just make that up for foreplay, ugh, so soz]
Casey: [you two alone in this house with the tension and your feelings this high is actually dangerous, thank god you’re both feeling like shit and exhausted so he will eventually fall asleep regardless]
Janis: [at least being sick makes you exhausted so you can probably sleep too for once but yeah, you’re both dying and both aware of it frankly which is awkward]
Casey: [you’ll need it cos he’s gonna be bringing a girl or girls home tonight and doing the absolute MOST to a degree that he has not even in the wedding era, starting that whole vibe, soz that sleeping the day means you’ll be awake for this, not that you or Jimothy would be able to sleep through it anyway but]
Janis: [you can’t slam doors loud enough to put a stop to this hen]
Casey: [picking the most feral girls from the club for exactly this purpose, I honestly dread to think what they’re doing but clearly trying to have a party of 3 or whatever lol, poor Jimothy has been at work all day and getting woken up by these ridiculous antics at lord knows what o clock]
Janis: [just getting you more depressed casually, we all know it, we’re too pregnant to go brawl these ladies so unless you’re gonna deal boy, we really can’t help]
Casey: [I like to think Jimothy would try and sort this because it’s early days and she literally had to take the day off from feeling crap, but it’s gonna take him ages to even get noticed cos all the loud music and stuff breaking etc, soz boy, and MAYBE you can convince them to move to the garden for a bit without getting beaten up cos you’re not gonna convince them to fully leave and then they’re just gonna reappear after he’s chain smoked and drank enough out there to be the LOUDEST and sauciest, so it’s worse actually]
Janis: [the fabulous mood we’ll be in in the AM, I can’t]
Casey: [and he’ll just be sleeping while you have to get up and go to work and about your day, soz JJ, she won’t be in the mood to be pleased about your morning sickness gifts any more sir, but at least it gives you an excuse to come at me if you want]
Janis: [just throwing a hangover/morning sickness cure at your door casually]
Janis: e
Janis: n
Janis: j
Janis: o
Janis: y
Janis: p
Janis: r
Janis: i
Janis: c
Janis: k
Casey: Tah, one of them will do
Janis: could’ve done a rock to bash your head in but only have to fix the paintwork after
Casey: I get it, you’re TOO weak right now, don’t have to go about it again
Janis: nah, not the word I’m thinking of
Casey: I never asked, mate, tah for thinking of us, as I said, bit early for morning sickness for either lass but still, TOO nice, you, an’ all
Janis: just get them out without me having to look at them, they can have whatever backstreet abortions you fancy
Casey: I’m going back to sleep, dunno where you’ll be looking when they wake up and piss off, probably at some footballer’s groin or whatever bollocks it is you call work
Janis: that’s rich
Casey: wouldn’t be here having this little chat if mine paid that well
Janis: yeah well, lucky neither of them was discerning enough to care you still lived with your brother eh
Casey: 22 not 42, who don’t, we’re not in the north no more, this is Dublin
Janis: if that really makes you feel better
Casey: I could give a fuck what you think about my living arrangements, begging me to stay yesterday
Janis: this is what you wanted, congrats
Casey: I’ll do my celebrating in a bit, don’t you worry, same time and place, mate
Janis: nah
Casey: yeah
Janis: keep looking for a place to live, actually be worth celebrating 
Casey: send you an invite to the housewarming then
Janis: look forward to it
Casey: ‘course you do, but leave your antisocial dickhead at home, he’ll only get hurt
Janis: don’t talk about him
Casey: I’ve had to talk to him, last night, that there were his warning, if he gets in my face or way like that tonight he knows what’ll happen
Janis: That’s brave
Casey: you mean to send that to him, did you
Casey: bit awkward
Janis: I know who I’m talking to
Casey: well done, I ain’t always sure you do
Janis: sounds like your problem
Casey: alright, I’ll get it added to the official list
Janis: no round of applause for that one
Casey: Reckon I’ll live without, had loads of praise recently
Janis: yeah, that explains the whole spoilt toddler having a tantrum thing
Casey: oh shit, ain’t they called the terrible 22s, reading and writing weren’t ever my strong point, like
Janis: funny, no wait 🙄
Casey: doing you a favour with that and the sleepless night anyway, dead good practice
Janis: What you want, more praise? 
Casey: always, that’s all fucked up kids from broken homes do anything for, haven’t you heard
Janis: you’ll have to stick with girls who are easily impressed then
Casey: Is that meant to be gutting or thought provoking, either way your aim’s for shit, girl
Casey: not news to me what I’m stuck with
Janis: you’re still sulking, are you
Casey: still knocked up by him, are you
Janis: sorry I didn’t have a horrific accident in the night
Casey: you and me both, but there’s loads of time to chuck yourself down the stairs, and there’ll be all them spare hangers when he or I move out, whoever’s 1st
Janis: instead of chatting shit on your brother with your girlfriends there to protect you, why don’t you come here and just punch it out of me, you little twat
Casey: what’ve I told you about keeping your fantasies to yourself
Janis: you’re just a scared kid, get a grip
Casey: get your own, round the toilet, preferably, I ain’t getting you out of a mess you’re shit scared to be in, that’s what mates do and we ain’t no more
Janis: you wish
Casey: nah, I don’t
Janis: sure
Casey: I wish we could be but you’ve fucked that
Janis: no I haven’t
Casey: keep telling yourself that with the rest of the bollocks, love
Janis: I don’t need to convince myself of anything, nor you
Janis: We both know what’s happening here
Casey: 🏆
Janis: keep it, you’re the one who likes participation trophies 
Casey: too nice to a fault, you
Janis: you reckon
Casey: you know what I reckon, so you was just saying
Janis: you’re the only one that can fish for reactions
Casey: do what you like, it’s a bit late for me to stop you
Janis: no shit
Casey: [don’t reply whether you’ve actually gone back to sleep or you’re only pretending until you eventually do but still shh]
Janis: [go to work miss]
Casey: [gonna be beyond awkward when he gets up and you’re back, I hope this gals left while you were still at work tbh]
Janis: [assume y’all have jobs or uni or something to be up to hens, walk of shame it out]
Casey: [I’m just imagining y’all on top of each other in this small kitchen cos JJ are probably making/eating dinner as he’s trying to make breakfast]
Janis: [just the worst time honestly, not like we’re here having a lovely meal, all in a mood, just moving to the sofas to eat ours like literally cba]
Casey: [you just know Jimothy is gonna fall asleep after this and leave you two alone, oh lord]
Janis: [we’re just fuming, no wonder your blood pressure is absolutely fucked lmao, putting this TV on like you at all give a shit]
Casey: [Jimothy pulling a Geoff after work move and falling asleep on this sofa next to you, meanwhile he’s just in the kitchen pretending he’s having a lovely time, music on, eating whatever greasy mess he’s created and not cleaning up afterwards obvs]
Janis: [just lowkey hate our life, it’s fine, totally fine]
Casey: [x3, nobody talk to me about the look he would give her as he’s going back through this lounge and up the stairs, we can’t discuss it]
Janis: [I’m thinking for the next convo energy as this is just hitting 30 we could send her to her mother’s because literally that sick of this house but obviously we’re not telling you right now so you’d have to ask Jimothy]
Casey: [ooh good idea boo]
Janis: [1. Shows progress from your teens in that regard 2. You could stay there for a minute if we wanted ‘cos lord knows Jimmy isn’t helping you soz but true and he’d be like oh yeah probably a good idea, she’s done it loads etc etc]
Casey: [it does track that he’d think that because the energy is are trying to take care of you rn so Jimothy’d v much be like yeah go, you’ll get loads more sleep and less stress etc]
Janis: [exactly, right, I will post this bit then]
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etoileholland · 4 years
don’t leave me waiting here
Anonymous asked: The reader is trying to comfort peter after he failed a mission. peter’s injuries and headache cause him to lash out at the reader. 🥺
Pairing: Peter Parker and reader
Warnings: angst but fluff at the end, mentions of injuries but no details of how it looks I promise
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, but some of the ‘medical statements’ I wrote in here are just what I’ve learned from personal experience from growing up in hospital/doctors settings. 
Word count: 3.9k (wow look who finally got inspired to actually write something longer than 2k)
A/N: I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted but my life has been pretty hectic recently, and as a result I lost motivation to write. Requests are open so please send something in! (Preferably for Peter Parker right now because I feel like I have a lot of motivation to write for him. If you’ve sent in a Tom request I’ll probably get around to it, but idk when so sorry in advance) 
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Peter had trudged back home, but stopped in his tracks right as he made his way to his apartment door. He knew that if he went home looking tattered and as disheveled as he did, May would be concerned, and when she’s concerned it makes him concerned. He didn’t want to talk about how he had his ass beat by a few bad guys, and because of this, Tony put him on probation until “he can get his shit together and prove himself to be worthy.” His words, not mine. 
Knowing full well that he didn’t want to talk about it, he turned on his heels to make his way to your residence. You lived only a few blocks away from him, and it seemed that he was at your place more than his own. Walking slowly, it took him longer than usual to reach your apartment complex, but the solemn walk was almost comforting.
Shoulders slumped, he rang the bell to your apartment and waited for you to buzz him into the door. He waited a few seconds before impatiently ringing the bell again and again until you finally answered after the sixth time.
“Damn, who is it? What in the world do you want?” You were clearly annoyed, and the person on the other end of the intercom remained silent. 
Peter didn’t realise that it hurt him to speak, but it would make sense due to the fact that one of the bad guys punched him square in the throat. He opened his mouth but nothing but a squeak came out. 
“If this is a sick joke, or a prank, I suggest you leave immediately before I call the cops.”
“It’s not,” he whispered up to the speaker, “a joke.” He took a sharp inhale in before saying, “‘S Peter.”
“Peter?” You asked, “Why are you whispering?”
He didn’t have the strength to reply, that alone hurt too much to say. 
When he didn’t respond, you ran over to the living room window that overlooked the city street, one that also overlooked the front gate. You could recognise Peter anywhere, but his demeanour seemed, well, different. You skipped back over to the speaker and pushed the button for him to be able to enter the building. Usually he ran up the stairs and would be at your door in an instant, but today it took him about three minutes to trudge up the stairs while he practically dragged himself to your door.
You opened the door before he could knock, gasping at the sight of him. He had a black eye, a few cuts on his face, and his clothes looked as though they were put through a shredder; cuts and scrapes visible underneath the tattered clothes. He didn’t even tilt his head up to meet your gaze, all he did was take a step forward into your outstretched arms. You led him into your apartment and locked the door.
“Pete?” You whispered, “are you okay?” 
He shook his head no and let out a small sob. “Do I look okay?” He quietly asked.
“No, come here angel.” You held onto him tighter and put your hand on the back of his neck and stroked the little curls on the nape of his neck. He sobbed again and held you tighter, not wanting to let go. 
“Would you wanna talk about it?” You asked but he shook his head no again. 
“It hurts to talk, was punched in throat. And head.” He whispered back and let go from your embrace. He walked over to your couch to lay down on it, already knowing what was going to come next. You went into the bathroom and grabbed some gauze, medical tape, hydrogen peroxide and some Neosporin. Supplies in hand, you walked back over to Peter who had his eyes closed with his head tilted slightly back. 
“Is your throat okay?” You set the supplies down on the coffee table and shook your head. “What kind of question is that, of course it’s not okay. I should take you to the hospital asap.” 
“Don’t.” He croaked out, “Don’t you dare.” 
“Fine.” You didn’t want to start an argument, but if you saw anything more unusual than the usual bruises and cuts, then a trip to the ER would be necessary. First, you assessed to see if his pupils dilated under a flashlight, which would indicate a sign of a concussion, but surprisingly it seemed he didn’t have one. 
“My head hurts.” He added, his voice sounding more normal than before.
“Where, specifically?” 
With a wince and a groan, he lifted his arm to point to where there was a large bump on his forehead. When it comes to head injuries, like a bump on the head, it’s better to see the damage externally, which usually signified that the head was alright internally. 
“Let me get you some ice.” You got up and swiftly walked over to the freezer and pulled out a bag of frozen peas. A few seconds later you were back by Peter’s side, holding the bag of ice to his head.
About twenty minutes and a lot of gauze later, Peter was finally patched up like new. His voice came back and although he said it still hurt, at least he was able to talk again. 
“Now would you want to tell me what happened? Also from the looks of it, it doesn’t seem like you were wearing your suit, why not?” 
“I said I don’t want to talk about it, Y/N. Now drop it.”
“Peter, if you didn’t want me to know about it then you would’ve just gone back home and-”
“I only came because I knew you would be the only one who would fix me up, okay? I didn’t come to be interrogated, and I sure as hell didn’t come here to feel ridiculed, do you understand?” He seethed, eyes glaring at you. 
“Well maybe if you would at least tell me what happened I-”
“I don’t want to talk! I don’t care what happened, and now I’m regretting showing up here.” Peter attempted to sit up but groaned and fell back onto the couch in his original position. “I wish I hadn’t come round.”
You let his words hang in the air for a minute until you decided to speak. “I didn’t know you only saw me as a medic, and not your friend. At least I now know how you really see me.” You exhaled audibly and stood up. “And when you’re able, please leave and never come back.” You left Peter alone and walked into your bedroom door, slamming it shut.
He covered his eyes with his hands, wincing at the pain and letting out a sigh. He didn’t see you only as his medic, or even just his best friend. No, he saw you more than that. He was in love with you, which was why he always would come around to be fixed when he needed it. He loved how you treated him with care and made him feel safe when all he felt was scared and afraid. You always took away the pain, and he loved how close you would be to him, how your touch always felt so nice and loving. 
When you said that you wanted him to leave and never come back, he knew that you had finally washed your hands of the situation. You were never one to walk away from people, but once you finally had enough, there was almost no convincing you otherwise. He was hit with the revelation that maybe, just maybe, you’ll really never wanna see him again. A thought so depressing that all he could do was cry. 
He felt the tears stream down his cheeks and felt them roll off his face and onto the pillow that his head was resting on. He gasped for air but winced when it felt like he couldn’t breathe, probably due to him being kicked in the side. More tears rolled down his cheeks until he felt like he may just drown in them. He eventually cried himself to sleep, hoping that sleeping would somehow make the situation better.
Peter awoke a few hours later, a conclusion he came to because when he fell asleep, it was dusk, and now the curtains were drawn in the living room and a lamp in the far corner illuminated the room. He carefully sat up and noticed that his head seemed to feel a bit better, even though he didn’t remember you giving him any medicine for it. He stood up and steadied himself against the edge of the couch while slowly walked towards the bathroom. Your room was a door down from the bathroom, and he saw that it was still closed. He couldn’t hear any little sounds coming from your room indicating you were inside, and he wondered if you decided to go as far as leave him by himself in your apartment. Your parents were away for the weekend anyway, so it wouldn’t really matter if you were gone too for the night until he went home.
After freshening up in the bathroom, he decided to knock on your door and see if you were even home. There was no reply from the other side of the door, but Peter decided to see if the door was unlocked. Surprisingly it was, to which he quietly opened the door and stepped into your room. You were laying in your bed with your laptop on your lap, earbuds placed in your ears. When your gaze met his, you averted your gaze back to your laptop.
“Y/N, can we please talk?” He asked, voice hushed as if to not anger you further. He awaited your response, but you ignored his question. “Please?”
“Oh, so now you want to talk.” You remarked and slammed your laptop shut. “That’s funny, when I wanted to talk to you, you shut me down and ridiculed me and made me feel inferior, but now that you want to talk, I’m just supposed to be okay with that.” You huffed out an angry laugh.  
“Listen to what I’m going to say, hmm? I don’t care about what happened to you earlier today, and I won’t care about what happens after this. I just need you to leave me alone and I meant it when I said it.” You got up and took a step closer to Peter. “Now you know what it feels like when you want to speak to someone but they just keep shutting you down.” 
Peter stood there speechless for this was a side of you that he had never seen before. One that was cold, vindictive.
“Aren’t you going to leave?” You questioned, but Peter felt like he was frozen. “Well, aren’t you?” Your voice quivered, and a tear escaped your eye. He physically couldn’t move, and when he tried to open his mouth, no words came out. He was in shock, all he could do was stand there while watching the situation unfold.
Defeated, you took a step back and crawled back into your bed. Opening your laptop, you placed your earbuds back in, ignoring Peter as if he didn’t exist. 
Peter took a step back until he was standing in the hallway. He wiped away a tear that he didn’t know had escaped his eye, and walked out of your apartment. 
A week had passed since the incident with Peter, and he was nowhere to be found. Rumours circulated that he moved schools, or that he dropped out of school entirely. The curiosity coursed through your veins, and you had to know if he was okay. You shuddered at the words that replayed in your head, when you told Peter that you no longer cared about him. It was definitely untrue, and the worry was consuming you whole. 
At lunch, you saw MJ and Ned sitting together. They both looked exhausted and the looks on their faces proved that the worry was eating them alive too. Peter never missed school--he’s had perfect attendance since kindergarten, so for him to miss a whole week was a big deal.
Hesitantly, you placed your hands in your, well, Peter’s sweatshirt pocket and walked over to where MJ and Ned were sitting. They shot you a disapproving gaze, which made you wonder if Peter told them what happened between you two. 
“Hey,” You said while looking at them both. MJ downright ignored you, but at least Ned acknowledged your presence. 
“Hey.” He replied curtly.
MJ looked past you, and so to not waste anyone’s time, you decided to get to the point.
“So, um, is Peter alright? I noticed that he wasn’t in school and-”
“So you care now?” MJ asked, voice laced with a bit of hostility and sadness.
“I’ve always cared, I-”
“Well that’s not what Peter said.” Ned chimed in. “We went round his place yesterday, and I don’t know what you said to him but he’s beyond devastated. He knows he screwed up with you, and he’s sorry about that.”
“There’s probably a lot you don’t know, and-”
“That’s for sure.” MJ stated.
“God, will one of you at least let me finish a sentence? I swear, you and Peter both won’t let me get a word in.”
“Fine.” Ned replied.
“Good. I was going to say that there’s a lot to this situation, and without going into too many details, he said he only sees me as a medic and not even a friend.”
“Oh.” They said in unison.
“Yeah. So I think I had every reason to get mad at him when he didn’t tell me what was going on.”
“I think so.” Ned responded, and MJ looked at you sympathetically. 
“You know, there’s also a lot you don’t know either Y/N.” MJ hinted and when she saw the confused look on your face, she continued. “Peter hasn’t always been honest with you, which is why he’s beating himself up now and staying home from school. He can’t stand to see you hate him, which is why he isn’t here.” She stood up from her seat and Ned followed suit. “Now if you'll excuse us, we have an acadeca practice to go to.”
And with that, they left you standing in the middle of the cafeteria absolutely dumbfounded.
Another painstakingly slow week had passed and you were studying in your room, preparing for midterms. You could hardly focus in school anymore, and as a result your grades had been slipping. Luckily your parents were gone again at another business conference, and they wouldn’t be home for a few weeks, which gave you plenty of time to sort your grades out before they came home. 
You were so concentrated on studying US history that you nearly failed to hear the ring from the intercom. It took about six rings until it had registered that someone was at the front door, so you scrambled to answer it.
“I’m sorry, I was busy and I didn’t hear the bell ring. May I ask who’s there?” You asked in your ‘receptionist’ voice, hoping that whoever rang was still there. You were met with silence so you looked out the living room window to see if the person was still down there. 
You looked down and saw a man standing there, head tilted down looking at the pavement, holding a bouquet of flowers in his left hand. You didn’t recognize who he was but you didn’t get the feeling that he was dangerous, so you opened the window and called out to him. 
“Did you need something sir?” You inquired and nearly fell out the window when you saw that it was Peter looking up at you. He looked so different than what you were used to; his hair was long and he wore baggy sweats and a black hoodie. 
“Y/N, please just give me a minute to explain and I promise I’ll leave you alone after this.” He hollered to you, to which you closed your window and locked it. 
Peter sighed and was about to head home when he heard that the front gate was unlocked. He ran to open the door and sprinted up the stairs to your apartment. 
He was about to knock on the door when you opened it before he could knock. “You have precisely one minute.” You held open the door for him to come inside. 
Peter cleared his throat and said, “these are for you. I remembered that you once mentioned that the prettiest flowers you had ever seen in New York were from a corner florist in Manhattan, so I went there and got you these myself.” He held them out to you, which you graciously took from him. They really were the most beautiful flowers you had ever seen, and the nice gesture made what little anger you had left towards him dissipate completely. 
“Can I sit down?” He motioned to the couch, to which you nodded your head yes. You sat in the armchair across from the couch and Peter took a second to compose himself. He had a whole speech planned out on what he would say, but once he saw you he forgot everything. 
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I know it won’t cut it now and I had a whole speech memorised but now I’m flustered and I can’t remember it. I didn’t mean anything that I said that day. You mean so much to me and I was just in a bad mood because I found out that Mr. Stark was fighting some bad guys and I was in the area so I went to help him. I didn’t have my suit but I figured I’d be okay, but I had my ass beat by them and Mr. Stark saved me from them, but he was also injured in the process. He’s fine, by the way, but it would’ve been better if I didn’t intervene. The bad guys got away and he was so mad at me that he put me on probation until I can get my act together.” 
He caught his breath and looked at you to make sure you were still listening. You signaled for him to continue so he did. “He told me I was reckless and that I should’ve minded my own business. So I came to you all broken and injured, not because I see you as a medic, but because you make me feel better. I love that you can fix me up and make me feel safe and loved, and I’m sorry I said I only see you as someone who can repair me, because that’s not true.” 
“Is that all?” You asked, but Peter shook his head no. 
“There’s more. Ned and MJ told me that you spoke to them at lunch one day, and they said you were concerned. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you that I was okay, I just figured that what you said was true, that you really don’t care about me anymore. That day when we fought and you told me you never wanted to see me again, it broke my heart because I’ve never seen you that cold and calculating before. So I know that I messed up royally, which is why I avoided you and ultimately ditched school for a week. I didn’t want to see you that way and so I did what I thought was best, which was to leave you alone. But they said I should come talk to you since you didn’t seem mad anymore, so here I am. I wish I could go back in time to that day and tell you that you mean so much to me, and I’m sorry I made you feel inferior. You don’t have to forgive me, but I just thought you should know all of that.”
He stood up from the couch, pausing before saying, “I promised that if you listened to me, I would leave you alone. So thank you for your time, and I’ll get going now.” He tried to walk past you but you put your hand on his chest to stop him. 
“I need to say something too Peter. I shouldn’t have tried to force you to tell me what happened. It wasn’t right of me to pry and I’m also sorry that I said I didn’t care about you, because that’s so far from the truth. I care about you so much and it’s always so hard to see you hurt. This time the wounds seemed worse than usual, which would make sense because you didn’t have your suit to protect you. I was just really worried about you, that’s all.” You admitted.
“You don’t have to be sorry, it really was all my fault. I shouldn’t have snapped at you because I know you care about me, but I promise that if anything happens next time I’ll tell you and be honest and upfront.” 
“Well, I hope you won’t get injured again.” You placed your hand on his chest and he put his hand on top of yours. 
“Sadly I will, it’s a part of the job. But I promise I’ll try to be safer.”
“Good, because I don’t want to lose you.” You pulled your hand away but Peter held onto it. 
“I don’t want to lose you either.” Peter now let go of your hand, as he took a step towards your door. 
“Wait Peter, can I ask you something? 
“Of course.” 
“MJ said that you haven’t always been completely honest with me, what did she mean by that?” 
Peter’s face turned red, his cheeks burning up.“Oh, well, I guess now’s a good time to say it, I suppose. I don’t see you only as a f-friend.” He stammered. 
“How do you see me then, Peter?” You asked, and his face became redder. 
“More than a friend, Y/N. I’m in love with you, which is why I always come around because you make me feel safe and loved.”
“You’re in love with me?”
“I always have been, and I’m sorry I didn’t say anything soon-.” 
You cut him off by crashing your lips on his, and at first he was stunned, but he eventually kissed you back and deepened it. His lips glided against yours and he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him. You wrapped your arms around his neck, reaching for and running your fingers through the curls on the back of his head. A minute later, you pulled away, but not before Peter lightly placed another kiss on your lips. “I love you, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”
“‘S okay, Pete. I love you too.”  You kissed his cheek and rested your forehead against his. 
“Do you forgive me for lashing out?” He inquired, and in confirmation you kissed his lips lightly. 
“Yes, I know you didn’t really mean it.”
“I didn’t.” He grabbed your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I missed you.”
You gently squeezed his hand and held it up to your lips, giving his hand a light kiss. “I missed you too Peter.” You tried your pull away but he pulled you closer to him. “Hey, while you’re here, would you wanna watch a movie or something?”
He didn’t answer your question but instead picked you up and began walking towards your bedroom. He wrapped his arm around your waist and peppered kisses on your cheek, causing you to giggle. “I can think of something else I’d rather do.” He grinned before kissing your lips and closing your bedroom door. 
Additional note: can you tell I love using Beatles lyrics as titles? They’re just so good. If you have any requests for Peter please send them my way. Anyway please let me know if you’d like to be added to the taglist :)
mes anges (taglist): @scarletxwidow​ @sunflowerhollands​ @fangirlwithasweettooth​ @taciturnspidey​ @musicalkeys​ @harrysleftchelseaboot​ @quaksonhehe​ @halfblood-princess-505-deactiva​
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wkemeup · 4 years
By Any Other Name (11)
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series summary: When Special Agent Bucky Barnes is tasked with infiltrating the notorious gang Hydra and gathering evidence against its leader, Brock Rumlow, Bucky finds himself drawn to the woman who doesn’t seem to belong in this world of violence, the wife of the head of Hydra… you. pairing: bucky x reader chapter word count: 6.2k warnings: brief smutty thoughts, some sexual context, kissin’ in secret  🌹series masterlist 🌹
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The following morning, you found James again on the stoop of your front door, discoloration littering his face, hands shoved deep into his pockets. He tugged his bottom lip between his teeth as ocean blue eyes raked down over you, the steady stream of sunlight obstructed by his stance, a halo illuminating over his shoulders. 
But there was something darker hidden behind his stare, something that made you wonder what it would feel like for him to push you up against the wall, for his knee to part at your thighs and his hands to seek out the comfort of your warmth, to feel the full weight of his body and lose yourself in him.
A look like that was dangerous.
Especially with your husband standing just a few feet away.
You bowed your head and stepped aside, allowing James to enter your home, though you felt his stare linger as he slipped past. He knew the taste of your lips now. It wasn’t a kind of knowledge he could easily hide, not with the smirk on his face, even through the busted lip.
You stared at one another and you found yourself wondering, not for the first time, what he looked like under the layers of dark wash jeans and black t-shirts and bomber jackets he wore. You wondered how sculpted he was, where the lines of his muscles connected, if he’d keep biting his lip like that if you trailed your hand low enough down his stomach, if it slipped under the band of his jeans...
It took a moment before you remembered you weren’t alone.
“Ah, Karpov! It’s good to see your ugly mug,” Brock snickered from across the room, playfully almost, like he wasn’t the one responsible for beating bruises and scar tissue into James’ face. He sat in his usual thrown, sipping on a bourbon despite the early hour of the morning. “You still look like shit.”
James nodded, a humorless chuckle escaping him, though he pushed out a tight-lipped smile for you. He rolled his eyes dramatically as Brock turned to shout for Clara to arrange for breakfast and you struggled to contain the grin sneaking up your cheeks.  
“We’ve got business to attend to,” Brock said flatly, waving you off dismissively as he stood from his chair and made his way to the bar cart.
You gritted your teeth, knowing better than to challenge him after what happened the previous night. His hands were still red and broken at the knuckles, still carrying the evidence of what he’d done. He was purposeful in keeping them visible, without bandages, out in the open. It was a power move, to remind his men what he was capable of.
With Brock’s back turned to you to refill his glass, you brushed your fingertips along the outside of James’ thigh as you made your way to the back hallway, smirking as you felt a shiver jolt up his spine. James bit on his lip to keep from smiling, sending you a teasing warning look.
You winked at him before making your escape, your husband oblivious to what was happening over his shoulder.
In all the playfulness, the simple high of just being in James’ presence, it was easy to forget the world of barriers between you; a marriage certificate that held no meaning, an expansive criminal enterprise holding you hostage under threat of blackmail, and a violent, jealous man who saw you as little more than a possession he could dust off from the closet and flaunt to his friends.
It kept you from James, from running to him and letting him sweep you off your feet. It prevented you from kissing him the first second you saw his face again, from gingerly brushing fingers over his wounds and pulling him down into your arms, from whispering in his ear how much you adored him. It forced you to hold your affections to the shadows of this house, to keep them smothered and burning until you were safe together behind closed doors.
It was more than you’d had in years; this feeling.
You could vaguely hear James and Brock’s voices as you made your way down the hall to the library. Your fingers trailed over the edge of the wall, the cervices in the intricate hand carved detailing of the wood, and catching the dust from the designs. It didn’t much matter what they were talking about, but you gathered enough from their distant conversation to know a shipment was coming in at the end of the month. It was an important one, supposedly. It could sink off the coast for all you cared.
A slight buzzing in your pocket startled you as you stepped into the library. You pulled your phone from your pocket to find Peter’s face lit up on the screen; a large, toothy grin on his seven-year old face as he held up a skateboard and a missing front tooth. You smiled for a moment before you remembered the conversation you’d had with him near four in the morning, after James dragged himself down to a cab at the edge of the driveway despite your reluctance to let him leave.
The moment James’ cab disappeared down the end of the street, you raced up to your room for your phone to check on Peter. He’d answered on the first ring despite the hour of the night, apologizing profusely and sobbing so hard it was near impossible to make out what he was saying because he was certain that Brock and his men had killed James’ for his mistake.
It took you ten minutes to get him to calm down enough just to tell him that James was alive; a little worse for wear, but alive.
You held your breath as you closed the library door behind you and answered his call.
“Hey Peter, you alright?”
“Areyousurehe’sokay?” Peter blurted out before you could finish. You could hear the relentless pacing on the other end of the line, the slight squeaks of his floorboards and the shallow breaths muffling the speaker. “Because you said—you said he went home after—after what happened and he—he lives by himself, doesn’t he? So—So what if he got some kind of brain injury and went to sleep and just didn’t wake up? No one would know. We wouldn’t-- how would we know?!”
“Peter, he’s--”
“God he’s probably lying dead in his apartment right now and it’s all my fault!” Peter cried out, ignoring your pleas urging him to calm down. You could practically picture him tugging on the ends of his hair until short brown stands fell out into his palms. “Did he—did he have family? I need to—I need to say something and tell them I’m sorry and--”
“Peter, hold on—”
“I can’t believe this is happening... I can’t believe I got him ki—”
He clamped his jaw, silencing mid-sentence.
“James isn’t dead,” you said sternly, just enough to make sure he actually heard you. “I just saw him this morning. He’s standing in the living room talking with Brock right now.”
The gasp on the other end of the line alerted you to your mistake just as the name slipped past your lips.
It took another five minutes to calm him down again.
It was a strange feeling, explaining to Peter the dynamics of how Brock operated. Even in the week since you’d learned from James that Peter knew of the underworld you lived in, you’d never even uttered the name Hydra around him; keeping it stored away behind lock and key, as if refusing to speak of it would somehow make it disappear from your lives.
Though, as you told Peter of Brock’s patterns of violence, how once he determined that his victim had enough and he no longer had the scalding heat of vengeance running in his veins, he put on that sadistic grin of his and moved on as if nothing happened, it seemed to help Peter calm down. You explained that Brock needed James, after all. He wasn’t as disposable as Jack Rollins had been. James was good at his job; remarkable actually, because he’d been the only enforcer to never once run into trouble with the cops. Brock had begun to suspect he had the feds on his own payroll and gave him a hefty raise for the initiative.
“It’s over with now,” you said, listening for Peter’s breaths to even out again. “Brock won’t bring it up again. He’s got it out of his system. It’s just how he works.”
A pause, a short exhale of a breath, and then, “y-you’re sure?”
“Yes,” you replied gently. You paced along the aisled of books, phone clenched in your hand until the muscles ached, your left arm crossed over your waist and gripping tight to your sweater. There was a lump in your throat, a painful burn that made it hard to swallow to picture him slump down onto his bed, the sniffles that came through the speaker. It broke your heart.
“I promise, Peter,” you added when you heard him start to muffle the speaker of his phone, the faint sound of him trying to hold back tears of relief piercing straight through to your chest. “James is alright and... Brock won’t come after you. Do you hear me? Even if he tried, I’d kill him before he could.”
It startled you as you said it, but there was a certainty behind your words. There was no reluctance, no room for hesitancy or remorse. It was a matter of fact. If he went for Peter, you’d kill him.
“Is he mad at me?”
You narrowed your eyes, surprised by the question. “Pete, I told you that once Brock gets it out of his sys--”
“I didn’t—I didn’t mean him.”
You sighed, closing your eyes as you leaned against the aisle, surrounding yourself in the smell of old, worn paper and the cedar candle burning by the couch. You hadn’t even had a chance to talk with James about Peter beyond knowing the events that brought James to the basement in the first place.
Still, there was no hesitation when you told him, “James doesn’t blame you, Peter.”
“How can--” Peter took in a deep breath though it was shaken, his voice nasally like he was pinching at his nose, “how can you be sure? Y/n, he took that beating for me and he barely—he hardly even knows me.”
A sudden touch to your hand pulled a gasp from your lungs and you turned to find James standing next to you. You hadn’t even heard the front door close at your husband’s departure, the gentle squeak of the hinges to your library, or his footsteps as he approached, but seeing him was like a relief all its own.
He narrowed his eyes quizzically, gesturing to the phone, as he intertwined his hand in yours. He squeezed it lightly before bringing your hand to his lips and pressing kisses to each of your knuckles.
“Peter,” you started, signaling to James who you were speaking to and while his smile didn’t falter, his eyes drifted down, a sadness taking over the waves of blue. “He’s here with me now. You can ask him yourself if you--”
You froze, pulling the phone back to your ear. James nodded at you, letting you know it was alright and he bent down to kiss your shoulder.
“N-No, I—I'm sorry,” Peter stuttered, a grunt of frustration shortly following. “After what he did for me... he can’t possibly want to talk to me again...”
Your heart broke and James seemed to notice the pain seeping into your features. You imagined he heard Peter’s voice through the speaker as well because he silently gestured for the phone. He kept his free hand held firm in yours and while you were reluctant, you handed over the phone to him.
“Hey kid,” he said, and you could practically picture Peter jolting up from his bed in shock. “Don’t be mad at Y/n, I stole the phone from her.”
You smiled, leaning against his chest. He released your hand just long enough to wrap an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer.
“Now, talk to me. I'm not going anywhere until you do,” James asked, a kind of gentleness in his voice that nearly brought tears to your eyes.
He offered you that sweet smile of his, silent encouragement wrapped between soft, pink lips, and you sighed of relief, leaning your forehead to rest on his shoulder.
As he spoke to Peter, conversation carrying on longer than a few minutes, James decided to lead you carefully back to the couch. He sunk down on the cushion nearest the armrest, guiding you to lie down beside him and rest your head on his thigh. His fingers ran along your shoulders, your back, through your hair, knowing how little sleep you had the night before. He was always trying to soothe you, draw out your tension with the tenderness of his hands. Selfless even in unconscious movement.
“You did the right thing, kid,” James said a few minutes later as he kicked his feet up to rest on the coffee table. “I’m glad you called me... yes, even after what happened. I told you, Pete, I’m not gonna let anything happen to you.”
Despite drifting on the edge of sleep, you smiled against his knee, rubbing your hand along his shin to make sure he knew you heard him. The lazy patterns he was drawing on your shoulder paused for a moment before they resumed. You could hear his intake of breath, practically see the smile on his face.
You don’t know how long he ended up talking to Peter, convincing him it wasn’t his fault, reminding him that he had his back, working out plans for how to keep making runs in the future because they both knew better than to assume Brock would release Peter from Hydra now that it was clear he knew who he was working for.
When you woke, he was still on the phone. Though, this time, he was talking quietly in effort to keep from waking you, laughing under his breath as they talked about the friendly owner of Peter’s favorite bodega in Queens and the cat that simply adored James.
“I’m not going to be the godfather of that cat no matter how many times he asks me,” James laughed, his hand held over his eyes, leaving his bright smile on full display. “What am I gonna do with a cat, Peter?”
You yawned, stretching along the couch and slowly raised from James’ lap to sit next to him. You brushed back your messy hair and he turned to smile at you. His free hand reached up and he traced the lines of his jeans imprinted in your cheek with a slight chuckle.
“Y/n’s awake,” he said into the phone. “Yeah, of course... I’ll see you Friday, alright? Right outside your aunt’s house... It’s no problem, kid. You know why I do it... Here she is.”
He handed the phone to you and you wondered if it was possible to fall any harder for this man. You brought the phone to your ear, sinking down into the couch next to James and nestling into his side. His arm draped over your shoulder as he pulled you closer.
“Hey cuz,” you said, “you okay now?”
“Yeah, I think so,” he replied and you could hear the change in his voice instantly. His breaths were even again, his words steady, and you no longer heard the constant rustling of the bed sheets as he tossed and turned or the squeak of the floor boards under pacing feet. “I might go meet MJ for lunch downtown. Keep my mind off things. James said it would be a good idea.”
“Did he?” you grinned, hand settling on James’ thigh. You felt him press a kiss to the crown of your head.
“Yeah, he’s a good one, Y/n,” Peter sighed with a chuckle, the slight sound of him scratching at the back of his neck nervously on the phone. “He really cares about you. You know that, right?”
You bit down on your lip though it did nothing to stop the smile from pushing up your cheeks. You looked at James and while you weren’t sure if he heard Peter, he smiled back at you. You wondered, maybe, if this was what love felt like.
You hadn’t felt it in years and even when you thought you knew it with Brock, it hadn’t been real. It certainly didn’t feel anything like this; this freeing, this exhilarating, this magical. Your relationship to Brock, even at its best, was dark and dull in comparison to James. Everything was, really.
“Yeah, I know.”
After you hung up with Peter, you noticed as you brought your phone down into your lap that the call had run almost an hour and half. You narrowed your eyes, surprised, before you looked to James.
“How long was I asleep?”
James shrugged. “An hour or so.”
“You stayed on the line with him that long?” you asked in disbelief, but James didn’t think much of it at all. It wasn’t a chore to him. Your family wasn’t something he just tolerated. He risked everything for Peter.
“He needed something to take his mind off of what happened,” James said simply. “Kid can really get on a roll once you ask him about how his science project’s coming along. Besides, I’ve got a bit of a soft spot for him. I mean, he’s partially responsible for all those Sunday afternoons we had. Remember?”
“Of course,” you laughed, thinking back to his terrible excuses and stupidly large grin as he tried to find reasons to let you be alone together. “Pretty sure he was working on the same ‘English paper’ four weeks in a row.”
“You won’t find me complaining,” James grinned. Though, he seemed to push it too wide because he hissed, flinching at the tug of a scar at the center of his bottom lip. He clenched his jaw, exhaling sharply through his nose. Your smile fell away in an instant.
While it turned out most of the swelling had gone down overnight, he was still left with dark purple and blue blotches on his jaw, angry red veins crawling out from the nasty cut on his cheekbone where he now had surgical glue in place of the amateur stitch job you’d done, and part of his left eye was bloodshot, clouding into the blue you adored so much.
He still looked like himself if you squinted your eyes, but it was enough to make your heart physically ache.
These were wounds he’d willingly taken to protect your chosen brother. He took whatever Brock threw at him because he was determined to spare Peter from harm; a boy he didn’t even know a year ago and yet, he allowed a vindictive man to beat him near to blackout all because of a promise he made to you.
That kind of devotion, the level of loyalty, was unlike anything else you’d ever experienced. It was a breath of air amongst smog and muddied waters. It was a first step out of the cold embrace of a darkness that had shielded you for years and into something warmer, kinder. It was a man with startling blue eyes and a smile that made your heart skip, a man who made you feel safe in a home where you were constantly searching for escape routes.
“I’ll heal, Y/n,” he reminded you, noticing the way you were staring at his injuries. “This kind of stuff is a casualty of the job. It’s not the first time this has happened and I don’t suspect it’ll be the last. I’m tougher than I look.”
His hand rested along your thigh, running along your jeans in comforting strides. You watched as he traced the mindless patterns, the slight scratch of his nails sending shivers up your spine. It was like second nature to him, to instinctively search for your own comfort to break through the tension burned into your muscles.
Pushing out a smile for him, you tried to mask the worry as it consumed you. “I’m just... I’m scared for you. Especially now.”
“Now?” he teased, raising an eyebrow. “Why? What’s changed?”
You pushed him in the ribs, laughing. Tucking your legs under you, you kneeled next to him on the couch, hands gripping at the collar of his shirt.
“How badly does it hurt?” you asked playfully and James had to watch how wide he smiled to keep from reopening the cut on his lip.
“Oh, terribly,” he answered, that boyishly handsome look in his eyes threatening to do you in. “Tell me you can help, sweetheart.”
“I can try.” A slight feigned roll of your eyes, a smile so big it pushed up by your eyes, and you swung a leg around his waist to sit on his thighs. His hands curled along your hips, holding you still.
“Maybe if I...” You leaned in and presses a kiss to his cheek, just along the tender scar and the adhesive glue, where it was still slightly swollen and red. It was feather light but you felt him sigh. “How do you feel now?”
“Still hurts, love. Try another?”
You kissed the scratch on his forehead where Brock’s ring nicked him on the third hit. Then, his left eye lid that held deep blue and black bruising under swollen tissue. You paid close attention to the discoloration on his jaw, gently peppering kisses along the tender muscle.
“You missed one,” he said as you pulled away. He had that dizzy kind of look on his face, one so sweet and loving it shouldn’t be possible for a man as dangerous and feared as James Karpov to possess. He touched his lips, the healed scar your husband had busted open on the fifth swing.
You smiled, leaning in slowly and pressing a chaste, unbearably short kiss to his lips. “How’s that?”
“Don’t leave me in pain, sweetheart,” James whined, shaking his head. “I’m dying over here and you’re the only one that can--”
Capturing his lips in your own, his words silenced on the touch of your tongue. You sucked his top lip between yours, still careful of his scarring on the lower, and sighed as you felt his hands imprint to your hips, tugging you closer.
As you kissed him, tongue brushing between his lips and against his own, he gently guided you to lay down on the cushions, his own body weight settling between your legs and on your chest. You didn’t mind. You liked the pressure of him, the safety of his embrace.
When he finally pulled back for air, he was grinning like a school boy, his cheeks rosy as he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead.
“How’d I do that time?” you asked, swiping your thumb over his lips.
“So good. Pain’s all gone,” he smirked, shaking his head enough for strands of tussled brunette hair to fall into his eyes. He settled in on his elbows, tracing your jawline with the tips of his fingers. “But maybe we should try again? Just to be safe?”
He smiled into your lips, the warmth of his breath on your skin. Under him, surrounding him; it was the only place you ever wanted to be.
Once you got a taste of James, you couldn’t get enough.
You were like teenagers again; blood pounding, hormones raging, sneaking into closets and kissing behind closed doors. The looks you shared across the room as he sat surrounded by Brock’s men had your cheeks flushed and lip tugged between your teeth. His eyes would follow you as you left the room and you felt the shiver of his stare long after you disappeared down the hallway.
You spent countless hours on the phone with him at night, sitting on your bathroom floor behind as many walls as you could put between you and your husband; sitting on cold tile floors with your laptop resting on the closed toilet seat as you watched old crime documentaries together.
You kept the phone curled up next to you as your eyes drifted shut under the bright lights of an Office marathon and James’ soothing voice lulling you to sleep through the speaker. The phone would usually be dead by morning, so you’d charge it in your library and wait for him come to you because always did.
The routine was simple.   
Check in with the boss first.
Wait for Brock to leave.
Then, he’d show up at your door, grin covering his face and he’d hull you into his arms, press your back against the aisle of novels and kiss you until books started to fall from the shelves. He wouldn’t stop until you were breathless and your lips were swollen, hair a mess and clothes wrinkled. Even then, he’d only move to kissing along your neck, your jaw, until he’d eventually find his way home to your lips.
Sunday afternoons were always sacred but now, you held his hand tucked under the table of a diner in Queens, you wrapped your arm around the crook of his elbow as you strolled through empty parks, he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head as you walked up the stoop to Aunt May’s house for dinner.
It was magic with him; domestic and instinctive, you fit to him like a puzzle and for once, everything in your life felt right. There was such relief in that, to feel at peace in your own body, to look forward to a new day and to chase something for yourself for once. You’d sprint towards James through rushing rapids and barbed wire and burning buildings. You'd cross everything and anything for him.
Clara had almost caught you nearly a week later when James had you pinned against the bookshelf in the back aisle of your library.
Lips tracing your jawline, thigh pressed right between your legs enough to leave you breathless on its own, when you heard the familiar squeak of the library doors open.
“Mrs. Rumlow?” Clara’s voice had called out into the room, leaving you to quickly shove James away in a panic.
Though he was struggling to contain his laughter, biting down hard on swollen, red lips, he’d reached out to adjust the collar of your sweater that had fallen down over your shoulder and to pat down the mess of hair on your head.
“One moment!” you yelped back, trying to brush the wrinkles from your shirt and catch your breath. You looked at James helplessly but he was grinning terribly wide and holding onto the bookshelf just to support himself on weak knees.
It was foolish, beyond dangerous, but you just couldn’t keep away from him. He was poison and remedy. He was life sustaining elixir and an omen of death. He was so much rolled into one, but he was good and pure, and of that you were absolutely sure.
You’d met Clara in the hall, quickly ushering her away from the aisle James was hiding in, and while she didn’t ask you any questions about the slight flush in your cheeks or the discoloration peeking out from under the collar of your sweater, she did tell you Brock would be home in a short while.
She’d left after that, closing the door behind her, and you stopped to wonder if she knew of your relationship – or whatever it was – with James. Before you could let yourself fall into a spiral, strong arms enveloped you from behind, the warmth of a chest pressed against your back and James leaned in to kiss your cheek.
He was your safe place. You weren’t afraid, even in this home, if it was his arms you were wrapped in.
Bucky had learned how to smother his guilt and bury it deep within himself, back towards the darkest parts of his mind where he’d only find it creeping around in the dead of night. He swallowed the instinct telling him that this was wrong, that it wouldn’t just cost him his career, he could lose his team – his family – over this, that he could lose you when the truth finally came out.
But he was happy for the first time in years. He remembered what it was like to miss someone so badly it ached deep in his bones, to want to be in someone’s arms at every hour of the day, to feel the chill of his bed beside him and wish for it to filled with a soft curves and warm skin and oversized t-shirts hanging down by knees.
He was in love.
He was painfully, blissfully in love.
It was going to get him killed.
His phone was buzzing constantly with texts from Natasha, warning him that he was going too far, that Steve was seconds away from pulling him off the case and hell to the raid that was scheduled in less a month’s time. Sam was the one calming Steve down, reminding him that without Barnes, there would be no case. That surprised Bucky, up until Nat informed him that Sam had also said, ‘if Barnes gets himself offed by Hydra for screwing with the kingpin’s wife, that’s his own damn problem.’
Bucky was wrapped up in guilt and shame and love and joy and it was tearing him apart; not that he’d let you see. He was good about hiding things like that. It was part of his job description to wear and mask and lie through his teeth, but it felt so incredibly wrong when it was you he was lying to.
So, he stuffed that part of himself into a box, closed the lid, and threw away the key.
It worked for a while, anyway.
For a while, he was sweeping you up into his arms and kissing you whenever he found a spare moment, running his fingers through your hair as you leaned against him on the couch reading, making you tea and holding you close on late nights when Rumlow was on business downtown.
For a while, the guilt was kept at bay.
Until he couldn’t hide from it anymore.
Your lips were on his, legs straddled over his waist as you pressed him to the back of the couch. His hands slid up your thighs, slipping under the hem of your shirt and touching over soft, warm skin enough for you to shiver.
He knew he should stop, that kissing you like this, that letting his hands roam under your shirt along your spine while you didn’t even know his name was wrong. He was screaming at himself to stop, to come up for air, to do something, but he couldn’t. He was lost in you. He was enveloped and surrounded by your touch, your kiss, your—
The name left your lips in a whimper as you grinded down against his lap. It shook Bucky from his stupor and he became painfully aware of just how much he was giving into you. He could feel how hard he was, with every movement, with every rut against him as you kissed hungrily at his lips. He was craving you, desperate for you.
Bucky tried to fight it off, but he flinched as you said the name again, your voice breathless and laced with need and it broke something in him. He pulled away from your lips abruptly, hands gripping tight to your hips to still your movements, and he rested his forehead on your shoulder.
“James?” you asked sweetly, concerned, and he clenched his jaw. Your hands wove into his hair, fingernails gently tracing along his scalp and down his neck, trying to nurse him back to you, but he remained still. “Are you alright? James?”
“Please,” he muttered into the sleeve of your shirt, “don’t call me that.”
Your hands paused for a moment and he could sense your confusion. How could you possibly understand why his own name felt like a dagger to his chest, a sharp and serrated blade twisted and digging deep within him?
He’d let himself indulge in kissing you, in stealing love from your lips and adorning every trace of exposed skin he could find with the tender care you’d been missing for years, but he’d never once let himself slip further than that. Not even when your hands trailed down to his belt and he was achingly hard, or when your fingers would reach for the hem of his skirt. He’d stop you, gingerly pulling your hands to his lips to kiss at your fingertips, and make up an excuse to leave.
There was a sacredness in being with you like that; bare beneath sheets, sweat touched skin against one another, the vulnerability of nakedness. He couldn’t allow himself to give into that before you knew the truth of him, before you had a real chance to reject everything he was.
You pressed a feather light kiss to his cheek, ushering him to meet your eye.
It was a mistake, he realized, to let himself catch even a glimpse of that impossibly kind way you studied him; the way you brushed your thumb over the healing scar on his cheekbone, grazing over lightly discolored blue patches on his skin, and the tenderness in your eyes.
He wasn’t going to last long if you kept looking at him like that, like you might love him as much as he loved you.
“Talk to me,” you requested gingerly, though there was a pleading in your tone.
You’d been here too many times before. In the moments he slipped, when he’d asked for time, when he’d promise to take you away, when his guilt of not letting you know him – truly know him – bled through the cracks of his mask.
You were an intelligent woman. You knew something was wrong.
“I-- I--,” he stuttered, but nothing came out.
“Whatever it is, I’m here,” you said softly, raking your fingers in his hair. “I can see you at war with yourself. Let me help.”
Bucky chewed on the edge of his lips, over the scar that had long healed. He thought about his team, his mission, the countless lives that had been lost because of Brock Rumlow’s leadership in Hydra, the families who had been run into the ground, and the hundreds of kids lost on the streets, addicted to a drug they’d never recover from.
There was a reason he was on this assignment.
He had a duty to uphold, a responsibility.
Rumlow deserved to spend the rest of his miserable life behind bars and he wouldn’t get there if Bucky couldn’t deliver on the evidence tying him to the Cerberus shipment at the end of the month.
He wondered though, if he needed to keep you in the dark to get that done.
“Not here,” Bucky whispered suddenly, determined. He pressed a kiss to your cheek and gently guided you off of his lap. He eased you onto the couch beside him as he leaned over the coffee table to pull out a pen and paper from the drawer. He began scribbling an address on the paper, grunting when the ink didn’t come out fast enough and he traced over the letters again.
You were watching him curiously, certainly confused, and for that, Bucky couldn’t blame you.
“Meet me here,” he said, handing you the scrap of paper. “Tomorrow night. Eleven PM. Rumlow will be out on a trade deal in Harlem then so you shouldn’t have trouble sneaking out. Tell the guards you’re going to Peter’s if they ask.”
You took the paper, shaking your head. “James, I don’t—What are you talking about?”
“Sweetheart, please,” Bucky asked again, patient as ever. “I promise I’ll tell you everything. I just… I can’t do it here. I need to get some things in order first.”
You still seemed hesitant, staring down at the paper, but you nodded.
He needed to go, needed to get a head start on convincing Steve of his plan and that would take time.
“I’ll see you there, alright?”
You bit on your lip, cautious eyes following him as he made his way to the library doors. He nearly slipped out before you jumped up from the couch and threw yourself into his arms; clinging at his waist and tucking your nose to the crook of his neck.
“I’m just a call away,” he said, holding you there with him and pressing a kiss to your hair.
“I know,” you mumbled to his shirt. “Just miss you when you’re not here.”
He knew the feeling.
You leaned up on your toes to kiss him one last time, chaste and gentle, full of the love that was burning bright in his chest.
“Tomorrow,” Bucky reminded you, uncurling himself from your embrace and peppering gentle kisses to your hands as he pulled away.
“Tomorrow,” you agreed and you stepped back into the library. You leaned against the doorframe, head resting against the wooden arch, watching as he started to walk down the hall to the front door.
He couldn’t tell if what he was feeling was relief or dread.
He supposed he’d find out soon enough.
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goneseriesanalysis · 3 years
your caine art is so gorgeous!! kind of a silly question but what movie genres do you think the “gone” kids would watch?
Aa thank you so much!!! I'm so glad you like it
This is such a great question and is perfect timing as I've just got back from my film class. Here are my ideas:
Sam: I don't think Sam is really a movie person so, this is a bit of a cop-out, but I don't think there's any particular genre that he likes. He spends most of his time surfing. The only reason I'm willing to admit he has at least seen A film is because he took Anna to the cinema for their date. (Also the film was definitely Surf's Up, 2007. And no I will not take any criticism on this)
Astrid: Astrid is definitely one for documentaries. And this girl will watch documentaries on EVERYTHING (even open-heart surgery). She also has a secret soft spot for kids films as she watches them so much with Little Pete. She likes how easy everything is. There is a right and a wrong and its clear and obvious what it is. If you ask her though she'll never admit to it.
Quinn: Comedy. I love this boy but I just know he spends his evenings watching Adam Sandler films. That being said, he is open to a wide range of comedy including rom-coms and chick-flicks. He likes to dip into different genres, but really comedy is his thing.
Edilio: Edilio would mostly stick to Spanish-speaking films. Probably comforting family-friendly films that he can watch with his family. But I also think he would have an interest in old cartoons (think thundercats or trap door). They're easy to watch, family-friendly and can be useful for learning English. (I know that Trap Door is an English cartoon but shhhh I'm projecting)
Little Pete: Little Pete doesn't really watch the films that Astrid puts on for him. I think he just likes the experience. Being near her without her talking to him or touching him. He can experience the safety he feels around her without the sensory issues that can sometimes come with it. That being said, I think he would prefer the cartoons with muted colour schemes and softer soundtracks. Maybe Tim Burton?? As opposed to the more colourful Disney films she puts on.
Caine: Did somebody say crime films?? The Wolf of Wall Street, The Godfather, Nightcrawler. He likes to imagine himself as the leading man and he genuinely believes that he could do it better than the actual character. He also watched The Great Gatsby once and thought it was a good romance.
Drake: I think it's mentioned that one of Drake's favourite films is Saw ll?? And I definitely think he'd be into horror, but he would have no respect for the genre. He likes cringey, gory horror (which in of itself isn't a bad thing) but with particular love for any horror that involves the unnecessarily graphic assault of a woman. I also think he would really like Michael Bay and Joss Whedon films. Now that I think about it, he probably likes Tarantino as well.
Diana: OK so this one was tricky but I feel like Diana is, very secretly, a dark fantasy fan. She likes Guillermo del Torro and one of her favourite films is The Witches. It's the perfect blend of cynicism and escapism that just really hits the spot for her.
Jack: Jack is a sci-fi and high fantasy fan. Does it have magic?? He'll love it. Space tech?? He'll love it. He is definitely a fan of the big ones like Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter and Lord of The Rings. But, and this may be controversial, I don't see his liking superhero films. He finds them too cliche and simplistic.
Orc: Orc doesn't get to choose what he watches a lot. He usually just has to watch the crime shows that his father puts on. But when he does get the TV, he's a big action fan. Think Terminator style films. He has also seen Die Hard upwards of 10 times.
Howard: Howard likes cult films. And a good Zombie movie never goes amiss. He hasn't gone a single Christmas without watching Gremlins and David Bowie in Labyrinth was his sexual awakening.
Dekka: Dekka likes a wide range of genres with no particular favourite. She leans more towards foreign films, indie films and experimental just because that's where she finds the most lgbt representation. After the FAYZ, she would be introduced to Ava Duvernay's work and would fall in love. If she's looking for an easy watch though, a good slasher never goes amiss
Brianna: Brianna has never, in her LIFE, been able to sit through a full film. However, if her parents order her to sit down for 5 minutes and just be quiet, adventure will always be her choice.
Mary: Mary likes chick-flicks. They're feel good films that don't require much thinking. They make her feel good about herself and give her some much needed entertainment. Also John loves musicals. I have no reason for this, it's just true.
Lana: Dark Comedy all the way. It just fits her personality so well. She enjoys the humour. She enjoys the aesthetic. And she kinda feels like she's rebelling against her parents in a minor way. What she will not tell you is that she is also a sucker for a well-written romance film.
Dahra: Hear me out here. Historical films and period dramas. Not sure why. I just get The Vibe. She loves Pride and Prejudice (as she should) and just finds historical films incredibly interesting and entertaining.
Albert: Albert is another one who likes documentaries. Definitely after the FAYZ he would focus more on business documentaries. But I think before, he would mostly just watch whatever his mother was watching. Which would include a wide range of interesting topics.
21 notes · View notes
starshine583 · 4 years
Crossing a Line (20)
(Hey! I just want to thank everyone for their continued support of this fic!! i’m glad you all have enjoyed it so much and I hope that you find the ending satisfactory!)
Part 1 / Part 19 / Epilogue
Adrien’s eyes fluttered open, the room around him blurring into view. The mansion’s ceiling lay above him, white and tall, and he could vaguely sense the way his body was sprawled out across the floor. Why was he on the floor? When did he come downstairs from the bedroom?
Adrien flinched at the scream and sat up, ignoring the light headedness from doing so. 
Father was on the floor a few feet in front of him, scowling and writhing to escape the yo-yo that was tied around him. Adrien followed the string to its holder, half expecting to see Ladybug. Instead, he saw a boy with pale blonde hair that was slicked back and dyed red at the tips.
“You can’t do this!” His father continued, regaining Adrien’s attention. “This is betrayal, Felix! You’ll be disowned from our family! Your mother will never trust or love you once I’m gone!”
Adrien’s eyes widened. Why was Felix wearing the Ladybug miraculous? And where was Ladybug?
“My Lady?”
“Would I lie to you, Adrien?”
“Chat Noir, get back!”
“I’m sorry.”
Memories hit Adrien like a truck as the fog in his mind cleared, and he winced, his hands shooting to his head. Had he seen all of that right? Was Father really Hawkmoth? Has he been Hawkmoth this entire time? How did Adrien not notice? Wasn’t he supposed to be a hero?
His spiraling thoughts were briefly shattered when Marinette threw herself around him in a hug.
“Oh, Minou, I’m so sorry! Are you alright? Are you hurt?” She asked frantically. How long had she been there? Did she get caught in the fight or hide before it happened?
Wait, did she just call me-
Adrien looked down at her, and she pulled back to check him for injuries, grief and worry plastered across her expression.
“.. Ladybug?”
Marinette paused, offering him a sheepish smile. “Hey, kitty.”
“You’re Ladybug?” He asked again, his jaw dropping to the floor. Looking back at it now, Marinette being Ladybug made perfect sense, but still! First his father, now Marinette- was he just blind to everything?
“Is he alright?”
Adrien’s gaze flicked back to the new Ladybug holder, who still had their foot firmly on Gabriel’s back. Ah, yes. Let’s not forget my brother’s part in this.
“Yes, he’s fine.” Marinette answered, before turning back to Adrien. “You are fine, right?”
Adrien nodded, though he wouldn’t exactly describe himself as ‘fine’. He just discovered that both of his family members are super-villains, for Pete’s sake. What was going to happen to them now? 
“Marinette..” He began, not taking his eyes off of Felix. “Is he really..?”
“Is he really Le Paon?”
Marinette followed his gaze and sighed. “..Yes.”
“How long have you known?” Because at this point, how could she not have known? She had to have gotten Felix’s peacock miraculous at some point, and Adrien doubted it was anytime after they arrived at the mansion.
“Only two days.” She admitted. “I’m sorry. I was going to tell you, I just couldn’t find the right time.”
“No, it’s okay.” Adrien assured, a hint of irritation rising in his voice. “It looks like everyone else has been keeping secrets from me, anyway.”
He didn’t mean to make the biting remark, but he couldn’t help it. He’d been running around as Chat Noir thinking that he was on top of things and that his lady shared everything with him. He thought they had an unbreakable bond built on mutual trust and respect, but obviously, that was wrong. He thought that he knew everything about his brother, but obviously, that was wrong. He thought that, although his father could be cold, he would never be the type of person to hurt others so recklessly, but obviously, all of that was wrong! Everything he thought he knew was a lie! 
Adrien clenched his fists. You know what? He didn’t even care about Father being a terrorist! What he did care about, was the fact that he trusted Felix with that fact and not him. Why? Was Adrien not good enough? After everything he’d done to please him? Why didn’t Felix tell Adrien about the peacock miraculous as soon as he had it? Weren’t they supposed to be close? Why was it that no one seemed to find him worthy of dependence? Was he that unreliable?
A part of him understood. Marinette didn’t want to compromise Felix, and Felix probably didn’t want to drag Adrien into the mess he’d gotten himself into. That didn’t stop the feeling of betrayal or grief or guilt from twisting into his heart and eating away at him from the inside out. Even if they didn’t trust him, he should have known. He should have figured out that Felix was Le Paon from the very beginning. If he had, maybe he could have stopped him before it got out of hand..
Tears burned in the corner of his eyes. All he’d wanted was to live a normal life, with supportive friends and a loving family. Why did this have to be the reality? What could he have possibly done to warrant such a harsh punishment?
Adrien wiped away a tear and forced himself to his feet. As furious as he was with himself and everyone else, now was not the time to sulk. They had Hawkmoth and Le Paon, and he needed to focus.
He walked over to Felix, who was still holding a writhing Gabriel to the floor. Felix looked up in a silent acknowledgement towards his presence. It was hard to detect behind the red and black mask, but Adrien noticed a flicker of shame and guilt reflecting in Felix’s eyes as well. 
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Felix asked after a moment. 
Adrien shrugged. “As alright as I can be.. What about you?”
Felix glanced down at Gabriel. “I’ve got a few scrapes and bruises, but it’s nothing I don’t deserve.”
Something about that comment struck Adrien. Maybe it was the way Felix said it so softly, or how he avoided Adrien’s eyes, but it made Adrien realize that he wasn’t the only victim in this situation. Felix has gone through a lot too. It couldn’t have been easy putting others in danger for the sake of their mother, and he obviously regretted it. 
Adrien put a hand on his brother’s shoulder. “We all make mistakes, right?”
In the end, Felix was only trying to do what any normal person would have done. He was trying to save someone precious. Adrien couldn’t fault him for that.
Felix met Adrien’s eyes, clearly surprised. He hadn’t expected to be forgiven.
“You two have a lot to talk about.” Marinette spoke up. 
Felix glanced at Marinette, his expression immediately softening. Adrien smiled at the sight. He couldn’t wait for them to finally get together.
“This is madness!” Gabriel spat, regaining their attention. “You’ll all pay for this!”
“Save it.” Felix growled, pushing the man down with his foot. “I think we’ve heard enough from you.”
“What do you guys want to do with him?” Marinette asked, shooting Gabriel a glare. “It’s your decision.”
Adrien frowned. That was a good question. What did they want to do with him? Father didn’t appear to be regretful towards his actions. If they let him go now, he would probably keep coming after their miraculous. So what should they do?
“Call the police.” Felix said. 
“What?!” Gabriel blanched.
“Felix, are you sure?” Marinette asked.
Felix nodded. “If he’s not convicted about hurting others, then he’s dangerous. We need to turn him in.”
Adrien sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “..I agree with Felix. We can’t trust him.”
“This is outrageous!” Gabriel protested. “You can’t put your own father behind bars!”
“You stopped being our father a long time ago.” Felix snapped. “Now you’ll pay for your actions.”
“I’ll go get the phone.” Adrien announced, spinning on his heel to head for the office. Turning his own father into the police felt like knives sinking into his chest, but it had to be done. For the safety of Paris and for the safety of Marinette and Felix. Hopefully one day, Father will understand.
Felix watched the police officers drag Gabriel into the cop car. He was screaming and spitting curses the whole way, with Nathalie not far behind him. She’d been knocked out cold on the floor from their previous fight, but as soon as she woke up, she attempted to help Gabriel escape, ultimately making herself an accomplice. 
A part of Felix felt guilty for not stepping forward as well. He’d fought beside Gabriel for months, after all. Shouldn’t he take the blame? Was it right to be relieved of all consequences for his treacherous actions? 
A soft pat on his shoulder dragged Felix’s gaze from the cop car to Adrien, who was standing next to him. Conflict reflected in his brother’s eyes, and the grief of the situation tugged his lips into a frown. Felix couldn’t blame him. Despite everything that’s transpired, Adrien still had a big heart. He wouldn’t want to outright reject Gabriel as a parental figure just yet.
Talking Adrien down after he woke up had not been a simple task and explaining the relations between himself and Marinette that took place beforehand had been even harder. Adrien always loathed secrets. Knowing that his closest friends and family had been withholding a mountain of information for that long was a hard blow. 
Thankfully, however, Adrien was extremely understanding in the end, and Felix gained a newfound respect for his little brother that he hadn’t had before. 
“Thank you for your service, Ladybug.” M. Roger smiled.
Felix glanced at Marinette. During their wait for the police, he managed to give her earrings back to her so she could transform. It was a struggle, considering Gabriel was still furious, but they did it. Adrien offered to transform as well, but Marinette declined, saying it might be suspicious if Adrien wasn’t present during the arrest. Felix was grateful to have her advice, because hoards of reporters had swarmed the mansion within the time it took to get handcuffs on Gabriel and walk him outside. The other police officers were holding them back, but only just.
Ladybug returned the cop’s smile. “Of course! As long as the people of Paris are safe.”
“It’s too bad you didn’t get Le Paon. We’ll have to keep an eye out for him.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t worry.” Ladybug assured, flashing Felix a secret smile. “I don’t think we’ll be seeing him anymore.”
Roger cop nodded, oblivious of the inside joke that had just passed before him. “That’s good to hear. Where Chat Noir? Aren’t you two partners?”
“He ran out of time and had to go detransform, but he was a big help.” Ladybug replied. “I couldn’t have done this without him.”
Felix noticed Adrien’s small, grateful smile. It gave him hope that everything might actually turn out alright after this.
“We’ll have to thank you both when we can then.” Roger cop mused. “Maybe the Mayor will throw you a party in your honor.”
Ladybug chuckled. “That’s very generous, but it’s not necessary. We were only doing our jobs.”
“I don’t think a celebration would hurt.” Felix spoke up. “You deserve it after saving everyone.”
After saving me. He mentally adds. She’d deserve everything in the world even if she hadn’t given him a second chance. 
Ladybug shot him a side glance, her lips pursing to hide her smile. “And would you be attending this celebration, M. Agreste?”
“To be in company with our gallant heroes?” Felix remarked. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Ladybug hummed, her eyes narrowing with amusement. Gosh, he loved this woman. 
“You guys better stop flirting in front of the paparazzi.” Adrien murmured in Felix’s ear, though his teasing smile was evident. “You might end up on the front page.”
Felix felt himself flush. His first inclination was to turn and snap at his brother, but the comment was sound advice. The cameras around them were still flashing, even though Gabriel and Nathalie’s cop car had left the premises. 
“Well, I need to get going.” Ladybug said, her gaze slipping back to M. Roger. “I trust you to keep these boys safe.”
M. Roger straightened and gave her a salute. “You can count on me, Ma’am!”
Ladybug smiled and threw out her yo-yo. Only Felix and Adrien caught her wink in their direction as she swung off to the rooftops. She’d be detransforming in an alleyway not far from them. That meant the boys needed to get inside before she reached the back entrance again.
“I think you boys have been through enough today.” M. Roger spoke up, patting Felix and Adrien’s heads. “Why don’t you two go inside and rest? We’ll take it from here.”
Felix pushed down his displeasure towards being touched in such a casual manner and nodded. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, thanks!” Adrien said, plastering a smile across his lips. 
Taking the convenient opportunity while it lasted, the boys shuffled inside of the mansion where Gorilla was waiting. He’d been the one to detain Nathalie when she broke loose, and Felix was extremely grateful for it. When the world was crumbling around them, it was nice to know that he and Adrien had had someone in the Agreste mansion that they were able to fully rely on.
Gorilla closed the door behind them and grunted his concerns, but the boys assured him that they were alright. At least, they would be. It would take time to adjust to their new life. Gabriel has been telling them how to eat, sleep, dress, and live for the better half of two years. The sudden freedom was going to be.. admittedly strange.
“So.. Does this mean that we’re orphans now?” Adrien commented thoughtfully.
Felix rose a brow. “Adrien, orphans are kids whose parents have died.”
“I don’t know about you, but Father’s dead to me.”
A surprised laugh burst from Felix’s lips. “Yes, but the term ‘orphans’ refers to the literal definition of death. Besides, we still have Mother.”
Adrien’s smile faltered. “Yeah.. do you really think she’ll be able to heal her?”
Felix lightly touched his side, feeling over the bullet scar. “I think we should have some faith in her.”
Adrien nodded, his smile returning full force. “You two have really gotten close, huh? I can’t believe you kissed her, and I didn’t even know!”
Felix chuckled, a blush creeping onto his cheeks. “It’s not like I could have told you.”
Adrien laughed. “Like you would have either way!”
Felix shrugged. That was true.
“Hey, guys!”
The boys turned to see Marinette waving them down as she ran in from the kitchen. Felix smiled and walked forward, meeting her half way. 
“Sorry, it took me so long.” Marinette huffed, coming to a stop in front of Felix. “I had to make sure the police didn’t see me come in.”
“You didn’t take long.” Felix promised. He reached up to brush her disheveled bangs aside, and she leaned into his touch with a contented sigh. He couldn't help smiling at her expression. Giddiness and peace and relief littered her features. It made his heart skip knowing that he was the reason for such a breathtaking look.
With keeping Gabriel at bay and explaining things to the police, Felix had barely gotten time to accept the fact that Marinette was alive and okay. And now that they finally had a moment to relax, all he wanted to do was pull her close and never let her go.
“Are you sure you’re up to this?” He asked softly, brushing his thumbs across her cheeks simply to feel her warmth. “You can rest if you need to.”
Marinette closed her eyes, reveling in his touch as well, and lightly grabbed his wrists. “I’ll be fine.”
Felix nodded. He’d never healed someone with magic before and, therefore, wasn’t certain of the physically or emotional backlash that might occur. If she said that she was ready, though, he would take her word for it.
“Oh my gosh,” Adrien grinned, “I’ve never seen you so sappy in my entire life.”
Felix swatted at his brother with a glare, but Marinette giggled. 
“You should see him when he’s at my house.” She said, only embarrassing him further. “He’s even carried me bridal style around Paris.”
“That was one time!” Felix defended, though he wasn’t sure what he was defending. He wouldn’t hesitate to carry her around Paris again. The argument that night hadn’t been fun, but the feeling of her in his arms had infected his mind for weeks afterwards. It still did now. 
Adrien put his hands on his hips. “Wow. And here I thought that you were never going to be the one to confess first.”
Felix scowled, but Marinette’s hand slipping into his promptly dissipated any on-coming rage.
“Nope! The confession was all him. He did say it right before he took my miraculous, though..” Marinette remarked.
Adrien gasped. “Felix! I thought you would be better than that.”
Felix’s fingers tightened around Marinette’s hand, and he sighed. “You guys are never going to let me live that down, are you?”
The pair chuckled, and Marinette pushed herself onto her tiptoes to give Felix a chaste kiss on the cheek.
“Don’t worry. We’ll stop teasing you about it.. Eventually.” She promised, a mischievous glint reflecting in her bluebell eyes. Felix might have been disgruntled about the comment had his chest not been swirling with warmth from her touch. He supposed he deserved the treatment anyway. 
“Oh, I need to get going!” Marinette gasped, suddenly remembering the task at hand.
Felix furrowed his eyebrows. “Get going where?”
“You want me to heal Mlle. Agreste, right?” Marinette replied. “I can do that, but I’m going to need some help.”
Help? Who could possibly help her in this situation? The only people who knew about the miraculous were in this room or on their way to jail.
Marinette staring up at the large dome of metal above them as the elevator came to a stop. Seeing Felix activate a secret elevator by pressing secret buttons on a painting had been a surreal experience. Gabriel must have jumped through a lot of hoops to keep Emilie hidden. It made it all the more shocking to know that Felix had actually discovered the elevator on his own, without Gabriel’s help. 
Now that the rubble and debri from the fight was clear, Marinette got a much better picture of the secret basement that she’d previously fallen into. The metal walkway stretched out in front of her, cutting through loads of greenery around the room. Her footsteps echoed as though she were in a tunnel, and almost everything was dark and dreary, save for the beam of light that shined on Emilie’s golden coffin. The set-up vaguely reminded Marinette of an abandoned cathedral.
“How long has this been down here?” Adrien asked in front of her. The elevator was two small to take all of them at once, so Felix had everyone take turns.
“I don’t know.” Felix admitted, coming to stand next to Marinette. “Ever since Mother disappeared, I imagine.”
“I can’t believe he would go to such lengths to keep her here.” Marinette commented, absently lacing her fingers with Felix’s.
Felix gave her hand a soft squeeze. “I still can’t believe that old man is really a miraculous guardian.”
“Hey, now.” Master Fu spoke up, glancing over his shoulder to shoot Felix a wry smile. “I’m only 186. I’ve still got a good few years left ahead of me.”
“I found you mugged in an alley.” Felix retorted.
“Did you?” Master Fu shot back, a mischievous glint coming to his eyes. “Or did I find you?”
Felix scrunched up his nose in a mix of annoyance and confusion, causing Marinette to giggle. The shocked gasp that had flown from Felix’s lips when she brought Fu back to the mansion had made her regret that she didn’t have a camera. His face was completely twisted with confusion and disbelief, and she was certain that it had been the most expressive thing he’d ever done in his life.
Naturally, Adrien had been more confused than shocked, but once she was able to explain everything, he got excited. Finding out he had hidden powers gave him a sudden urge to study and learn about his miraculous all over again. Of course, they decided that that could wait until after they healed Emilie.
“Thank you for coming, Master Fu.” Marinette said warmly. “I really appreciate it.”
“Yeah, thanks.” Adrien agreed. “Maybe when this is over, you can show me how to unlock my inner power!”
Master Fu chuckled. “All in good time, Chat Noir, and it’s an honor to help you. Shall we get started?”
Marinette nodded, and they made their way across the room to Emilie’s coffin. She looked as peaceful as ever, almost like she’d lain down for a simple nap. How had her body stayed intact all this time? A coma doesn’t cause your body to decay, but it would keep you from eating or drinking. How had Gabriel kept her fed and healthy?
Shaking the thoughts from her mind, Marinette reached forward to open the glass casing. How she was still alive didn’t matter. The point was that she was alive, and Marinette was going to heal her.
“Remember what I taught you.” Master Fu said beside her as she touched Emilie’s forearm. “Clear your mind. Focus on your connection with Tikki. Feel the magic in your soul and transfer it to Emilie through your shared life force.”
Marinette drew in a deep breath and closed her eyes. Feel the magic in your soul.
Her hand tightened around Felix’s as she concentrated her thoughts on Tikki, on life, on healing. Everything around her fell away, save for the life force that Marinette was envisioning. She imagined refilling Emilie’s light with her own, as though she were the pitcher of water and Emilie was the glass that she was pouring into.
Slowly, Marinette felt the spark of magic between her fingers, felt it move to Emilie’s forearm and trail up her body. It took a lot of discipline to not open her eyes as Emilie’s body started glowing a soft pink.
“Wow..” She heard Adrien whisper behind her.
Marinette squeezed her eyes to close them further. She needed to block everything out if this was going to work. 
Emilie’s soft glow turned into a shining light, growing brighter and brighter as Marinette transferred more magic into her. Then, when it became blinding, the light started fading again. 
Marinette’s breath caught in her throat when the light finally stopped, and her eyes fluttered open. Please be healed..
Emilie remained motionless. Her skin remained pale and lifeless. They waited, hoping beyond all hope for movement, but nothing came.
“It didn’t work..” Marinette whispered, the realization washing over her like a bucket of ice water. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t heal their mother.
“Oh, Felix-” A sob choked out her words, and she put a hand over her mouth. After all of that fighting and planning and practicing.. She still wasn’t able to help them. “Felix, I’m so sorry.”
Felix pulled her into a tight hug, using his free hand to brush through her hair. “It’s alright, it’s fine. You did the best you could.”
Despite his attempts to sound soothing or composed, Marinette could hear the distress in his voice, the heartache. She buried her face into his shoulder, feeling pain lace through her chest as well. 
With everyone huddling together to share their comforts and sorrows, no one noticed the slight gasp that passed Emilie’s lips, or how her fingers twitched.
Tag List: @im-here-for-the-content @novicevoice @mewwitch@minightrose @starlit-winter @multishipper1needshalp@unabashedbookworm @unholykrow @trubel43@kaydenth3gayden @stardustrevoutionx @legendaryneckjudgestudent @aurordraws @crazylittlemunchkin @uwuteamleader @chocolatecustarddanish @iambi-thilla-meena @corabeth11 @asianfrustration13  @chrismarium @agumon1123 @luciferge @yue-caelum @persephonebutkore @constancetruggle @make-the-stars-stay @johnlockfeelz @imfreakingmagical @tinybrie @procrastinatingrightnow @bee-wrecker @dontcallmecedge @shadowhex99 @daminette-is-life @thethirdwheelfriend @myazael @sizzling-fairy-oil @sparkle9510 @chaosace​ @the-navistar-carol​ @sannsibarr​ @grumpy-vixen-kitten​ @hauntedfreakdeputyhero​ @utcaro​ @more-or-less-human-i-guess @mlbutatbspofsalt @dawn-the-rithmatist @artcart0n @mermaidreject @tori-mmm  @fifaanayd  @novicevoice  @dreamykitty25 @mischief-not-managed-posts @amayakans  @arsaem  @athena452 @pink-and-bunny @wannajointhecrabcult @theymakeupfairies 
129 notes · View notes
New Amsterdam Chapter 21
Peter watched in fascination as Wade mixed seasoning in with the rice before carefully pushing into the bottom of the casserole dish. (Peter hadn’t known he’d had a casserole dish. It was in with a bunch of dishes Aunt May had packed for him when he moved out.) There was something—alluring about watching hands, hands that he knew could both kill creatively and without mercy while also being capable of the best hugs Peter had ever had, making food. He was almost hypnotized by the sight.
“Careful, Baby,” said Wade as he grabbed the cheese and the cheese grater. (Peter wasn’t asking why Wade had a cheese grater in one of his pouches. Or why he’d soaked it in bleach for three minutes before washing it.) “You’ll give me ideas.”
Peter frowned. That was the second time that Wade had mentioned Peter giving him ideas. “What do you mean?” asked Peter as he leaned against the counter. Taking the new position was all about getting closer to Wade, and not about getting a better look at those hands making food. Food that wasn’t even finished yet and looked delicious. “By giving you ideas?” he clarified.
Wade stopped moving and then turned to look at Peter. It was one of the few times that the mask wasn’t emotive. “Peter,” he said in a low, serious voice that was nothing like his normal, over the top one, “I’m a guy. I’m a crazy, few-bricks-short-of-a-house guy who, under this fabulous outfit, looks like a horror movie monster reject—but I’m still a guy. And when you say things like that, or do things like that, I start getting the idea that I might be a guy. And that’s dangerous.”
Peter hopped onto the counter as he watched Wade turn back to the casserole he was making. “What kind of ideas? And why do you think you look like a horror movie monster reject?”
Wade snorted as he covered the dish with foil and put it in the oven. (That, Peter had known worked, as he’d reheated pizza in it on occasion.) “I’ve seen myself, Baby Boy,” Wade said bitterly. “I’ve seen people’s reactions to my ugly mug. Trust me, I’m a monster. And not a good monster in the oh-the-audience-wants-to-fuck-him way, either.”
Peter hopped off the counter and wrapped his arms around Wade. “You’re not a monster,” he said.
Wade hugged him back. “You don’t know that Petey,” he said wearily as he slumped against Peter. “You’ve never seen me.”
Peter looked up. “Then show me,” he challenged, suddenly reckless. “Show me what you mean.” Wade recoiled slightly, but didn’t let go of Peter. Peter reached up and gently pressed a palm to the masked face. “It’s okay,” he said.
Wade shook his head, but the movement was sad and despondent. He reached up and gently pressed against the hand on his cheek. “I know how people look at me without the mask,” he said. “And if you looked at me like that—I’d break, Peter.”
Peter’s heart was already breaking. “Wade,” he said, “I’d never—”
He was interrupted by a furious pounding on the apartment door. “Mr. Parker!” cried a desperate voice that he was all too familiar with.
In a flash Peter was by the door, holding it open for the two children—one leaning heavily on the other. The more mobile one half dragged, half carried the other one into the room, and then came to stop. The child stared at Wade, eyes wide, breathing heavily.
Oh, right. The last time the child had been in his apartment Norman had been over to visit. “He’s safe,” Peter assured the child as he helped with the badly injured one. “What happened?” he asked helping the girl to the table.
The more active child nearly danced with worry as Peter did a cursory examination. Bruises, strains, minor abrasions and lacerations. Not nearly as bad as some he’d seen. The worst were the raw, bloody strips at the child’s wrists. Peter grabbed his first aid kit and went to work.
“Juby was in the store, getting some food, when the police picked her up.” In its distress, the child didn’t even seem to realize that one of the forbidden names had been dropped. “They took her to her dad.”
Juby turned to Peter, eyes wide and glassy, but focused nonetheless. “Ellie saved me,” she said firmly.
“I couldn't leave you there with that bastard!”
“Enough,” Peter said gently as he worked. He used some alcohol to tease hair out of one of the worst wounds on the girl’s scalp, hoping he could stave off infection. “I thought you were using the buddy system,” he said with a slight frown.
“We were!” protested Ellie.
“Anna Marie’s mom is worse than my dad,” Juby said calmly, barely twitching even though Peter knew it had to hurt. He tried not to think about why a small child had such high pain tolerance. He didn’t want to know. “When I saw the cop I made her hide.”
“And then she came to get me,” said Ellie.
As Peter moved to treat the wound on the girl’s wrist, he noticed Wade gently shoo Ellie towards him. “So, tell me about Juby’s dad. I have serious questions like, where does the fucker live?”
Peter wanted to tell him not use such language in front of the children—but knew that they’d heard worse. “All right,” said Peter as he wrapped the last treated wound in gauze before grabbing an orange he’d picked up earlier. “Here you are,” he said handing the fruit to the child before grabbing another one for Ellie. Juby put a finger to the orange and small purple spark bit into the rind, making it accessible to the child.
“Just between you and me,” Wade was saying as Peter got close to give Ellie her orange, “I’m well known for jobs that take fuckers like that out of the world.”
“We can’t afford to pay you,” Ellie said suspiciously, and clearly uncomfortable with the close contact.
“No worries,” Wade assured her as Peter gently nudged him out of the girl’s personal space. “My services are all pro bono in a case like this.”
“He means,” Peter translated as he tossed Ellie the orange, “that he’ll do it for free.”
Wade scooped Peter to the side as Ellie ripped the orange in half and began to eat it, carefully saving the seeds. The children had taken to planting them—somewhere. Peter wasn’t asking where.
“Will you tell on me?” asked Wade.
Peter was conflicted. “Killing is wrong,” he said firmly. He glanced behind him, at the injured child eating on his table. “Killing is wrong,” he repeated, “but so is this.” Wade pulled him into a hug and pressed a kiss through the leather of his mask to Peter’s forehead.
“Everything will be all right Pete,” said Wade gently, repeating what Peter had said to him earlier. He pulled away and gently shooed Ellie towards the door. “Come on Ellie. Let’s go kill us a bad guy!”
“Don’t call me that!” growled the girl.
Peter noticed an odd sound behind him and turned to see Juby watching him warily. He smiled as reassuringly as possible. “The couch pulls out into a bed,” Peter said. He’d gotten it for free from a neighbor who was upgrading her own furniture. “I’ll get it ready for you, and you can sleep there tonight.”
The child eyed him suspiciously. He was used to the look by now. “And where will you sleep?” she asked curtly.
“In my bed,” Peter responded, just as curtly. “I don’t share well. I kick. And snore.” The girl dissolved into giggles and he smiled thinly at her. “And your friend should be by in the morning to take you back to where the lot of you are staying.”
The child looked at him again. “You really don’t know where it is.” It wasn’t a question.
Neither was his response. “I’m not asking,” he said firmly before pulling out the hidden bed.
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Annus Mirabillis~Happy Birthday 2020
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Series Masterlist
Summary: You and Peter Parker have been friends since the day you met. But when he opens his mouth and tells people you’re dating, even though you aren’t, you decide to go along with it. What’s the worst that could happen?
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings: drunken behaviour, mutual pining (hehe), some angst, mentions of vomiting
Word count: 2k
A/N: I’m sorry this is so late but I started teacher training and it’s been crazy. I really liked writing this one though and being able to write again felt really good so I hope you all enjoy. Also this is being posted at 1am and I’m overtired so. I’m reblogging with my taglist tomorrow. If you’d like to be added to the taglist for this story just send me or @thinkoutsidethebex​ an ask!
“How about this one?” 
Ned groaned and rolled his eyes for what felt like the hundredth time that day. Him and Peter had been in their dorm all morning with Peter rambling about a plan to get you back after the carnival. He was like a love-sick puppy and it wasn’t until Ned had reminded Peter about MJ’s party for you that he actually smiled. Ned laughed when Peter actually said the word “Eureka!” 
Since Peter had formed the plan in his mind to go to the party, he’d been trying on every piece of clothing he owned to see if it looked right. Even though Ned told him all of them looked fine, Peter didn’t believe him.
“Dude you look fine. Now can we go?” Ned sighed, already moving to get up and hoping it would encourage Peter to leave with him. “We have class in 30 minutes and I’m not being late again.” 
Peter nodded but Ned could tell he wasn’t really listening. He pouted his lips much like a sad puppy and mumbled, “Just fine?” 
Ned gave another sigh and started to push Peter towards the door. Sometimes it was all he could think of to do to get Peter to stop overthinking and 90% of the time it worked. 
“What do I buy her?” Peter tapped his pen on the desk, his work for class long abandoned and instead it had turned into a list of suitable gifts for Y/n. 
“Pete-” Ned felt his patience waning more and more by the second. 
“I just mean we’re not together anymore you know? Isn’t there some kind of rule or something? Then again I am trying to get her for real this time...” Peter rambled, his mind racing faster than his mouth. He didn’t even realize what he said until Ned questioned him.
“For real?” 
Peter blushed as he realised what he’d said. “Oh um I meant-” 
Ned gave him the sideways glance, suspicion written on his face as Peter turned redder by the second. Luckily he was saved by the class ending, but Ned still seemed confused. 
The next few weeks passed by quickly and Peter’s overthinking only got worse. When the night of the party arrived, he was a nervous wreck to say the least. He’d changed his outfit, second questioned the gift he’d brought for her, called May for advice and practised what he’d wanted to say in the mirror. All of which he’d done at least three times until finally MJ texted him. 
Get your butt over here. The party is starting.
Peter gave a small laugh and took a deep breath, glancing once more in the mirror before heading to the party. 
MJ had taken over the room for the party with banners and balloons everywhere. A snack table was laid out in the center and looked like a pack of wild dogs had already had their way with it. The air hung heavy with the smell of sweat and alcohol, which could only mean one thing. 
Before Peter had taken more than two steps into the room, a pair of arms had thrown themselves around him. He quickly realised it was you and chuckled softly to himself. 
“Hey, birthday girl.” You pulled back from the hug and smiled wide at him. It only took one exhale of your breath near his face for him to tell you were absolutely plastered. “Having fun?” 
“Yes!” You exclaimed, your eyes as wide as your smile. “I’m so glad you’re here.” 
You pulled on the sleeve of his jacket and hummed happily before reaching up to squish his cheeks with a thoughtful expression. You stayed like that for a moment before bursting into a giggling fit. Peter laughed with you and shook his head as your eyes glanced down to the flowers and present in his hand.
“Are those for me?” You pouted and gazed at him. Peter nodded and blushed, holding them out for you. “They’re so pretty!” You smiled wide and smelled the sweetness of the flowers before opening his gift. 
Peter bit his lip as you opened the box inside to reveal a stunning necklace that reflected in the glistening color of your eyes. It was silver and had a small heart charm engraved with your initial on it. Worry crept into his chest when you remained speechless and he started to chastise himself in his head. He knew it was too much. Why had he made such a stupid choice?
“Peter I-” 
He prepared himself for the worst before feeling your arms wrap around him once more. The hug felt tighter and carried more meaning with it then before. Peter smiled and relaxed into you, hugging you back. 
“Do you like it?” He asked for reassurance as you pulled back.
“I love it.” You nodded, suddenly feeling slightly more sober than before. Peter offered to put it on for you and you smiled, turning so he could. His fingers brushed against your neck as he fastened the chain, sending a feeling of electricity down your spine. Peter blushed as he felt it too before quickly clearing his throat and stepping back. 
“You look- I mean it looks beautiful.” Peter stammered, his cheeks bright red even in the dim light of the common room. You blushed at his compliment and giggled, already holding onto the heart shaped charm with a smile. 
For a moment, the entire room seemed to still. Despite the heavy crowd and blaring music, something shifted and it felt like the two of you were the only ones in the room. Peter felt a blush creep over his face as you exchanged giggly smiles, but before he could speak someone screamed “SHOTS!” The music suddenly blared in both of your ears again and you grabbed Peter’s hand, dragging him in the direction of the bar.
He decided to stick with lemonade which made you give him a little pout. You offered to pour it for him, taking the container in both hands and set your tongue between your teeth in concentration. Peter chuckled when you missed the first time, shaking his head and reaching out. 
“Here, let me,” he said with a smile. 
“No, I got this!” you protested, squaring your shoulders with determination.  Half the container ended up on the floor, but by the end Peter had at least a half full glass.
“I told you!” you shouted triumphantly. “I’m great at this. I should be a bartender.” He rolled his eyes and said nothing, taking a drink as you turned back to the bar.
Peter watched tentatively as you downed shot after shot and had even more drinks until he was sure you couldn’t see him properly. You spun and giggled and danced with your friends and Peter just watched you with a smile. He loved seeing you so carefree, even if it was only because you were drunk. You faded further and further into drunken oblivion, eventually tripping over your own feet and falling to the floor. 
“Oh my god! Y/n, are you okay?” Peter panicked, leaning down to your level on the floor and brushing the hair back from your face. You blinked up at him and stared for a moment before bursting into drunken giggles. He sighed softly and helped you up into the nearest armchair before going to grab a glass of water but he was stopped short by MJ. 
“Peter, I need your help.” 
He blinked in surprise, he had never heard MJ utter those words to him before. “O-okay, what’s up?” 
“This party is out of control,” she groaned. “Someone said the cops are on their way and I need to get people out. Can you take Y/N back to her room and keep her there? I don’t want to ruin her birthday.” MJ glanced over at where you were slumped down in the armchair, pouting. Peter nodded in agreement and looked around. He had been so preoccupied watching you he hadn’t noticed the party getting a little wild. Two people were wrestling around in the corner and a gaggle of girls were sobbing in another. 
“Yeah, of course,” he said finally. “Do you need any...you know...super help?” MJ rolled her eyes and shook her head.
“Not every problem requires Spider-Man,” she said. “Just grab Y/N and get her out of here. Please?” Peter was surprised at the sincerity in MJ’s voice, so he just nodded. She nodded back and turned quickly, yelling at the men fighting on the floor.
Peter turned to look back at the armchair where he’d left you, but you were gone. He hurried over to the chair and looked around, wondering where you could have gone so fast. The crowd of people had started to move toward the door, making it that much harder to find you. For a second he thought about just jumping onto the ceiling to get a better view, but surely even drunk students wouldn’t ignore something like that. 
“Y/n?” he called, walking through the hall. He made his way into your room and that’s when he heard it; the unmistakable sound of dry heaving. He quickly walked into the bathroom and knelt by your side, one of his hands rested on your back rubbing gently and the other held your hair back as you hunched over the toilet. 
“It’s okay, I’m right here.” Peter reassured, scrunching his nose up a little from the smell and sound but he stayed by your side as he promised until you finally sat up. He wiped away the smudges of your makeup and smiled softly, helping you up and getting you to brush your teeth at least a little bit.
Peter managed to get you into something comfortable for sleeping and eventually into bed after many giggling fits. He shook his head fondly and giggled with you, making sure you were comfortable before he got up. Your giggling quickly stopped and turned into pouting.
“Where are you going?” 
He stammered and pointed towards the door. “Well, I was going to go home.” 
“Nooooooooo. Stay,” you whined, reaching out for him. Peter felt conflicted, he wanted nothing more than to run into your arms and cuddle you but he also knew that you were drunk. The last thing he wanted was to make you feel uncomfortable, or wake up in the morning with regret over something that happened. But something happened in him when you asked him to stay. That one word, mumbled barely loud enough for him to hear, was the thing that convinced him. It made him feel something he couldn’t describe and the way you’d said it as if it was just for him made a warmth spread in his chest. 
He smiled and nodded, resulting in a small clap from you. He grabbed a glass of water and some painkillers for you in the morning as well as putting the flowers he had given you on your nightstand before heading towards the couch. 
“No!” He stopped as you pouted again but he didn’t have time to ask why before you had pulled him into the space next to you. He’d protested with a heavy blush but you were already cuddling into his chest with a happy sigh. 
Peter wrapped his arms around you and enjoyed the moment, kissing your head sweetly without even thinking about it. There was something about you that instantly made him feel at ease like a piece of home that he never wanted to let go. 
He assumed you had fallen asleep until three little words broke the silence. 
“I miss you.” 
Peter could feel his heart thump and ache in his chest at the small admission, his mind conflicted between the warmth of being missed and the sadness that their relationship had come to this.
“I miss you too.” 
You looked up at him as he spoke, your expression unreadable but your eyes, still hazy from the alcohol, were almost glistening. “Really?”
Peter nodded with a blush, hoping you couldn’t see in the darkness of the room. “Really.” 
You cuddled him tighter and sniffled into his chest. Peter started to run his fingers through your hair to comfort you as he held you close and you smiled, eventually letting out a giggle and Peter knew you were okay. 
A few more moments of silence passed and just as he hoped you were finally getting some rest, you spoke up again. “Peter?” He hummed in response. “I love you. I don’t mean any of that fake bullshit, I really really love you.” 
Peter froze speechless and his jaw dropped apape as you turned back to face him. He didn’t get his hopes up because he had to remember you were drunk, it was probably just the alcohol talking. That’s all it was, he thought.
You put your finger to his lips and shook your head slowly, shushing him. Peter kept quiet before realising you were trying to lean in, bringing your lips closer to his. He was so tempted. All he wanted was to pull you into him kiss you until both of your lungs ached for air. He wanted to tell you how much he loved you, and that he wanted to date you for real. This was the endgame. From the second he realized it at the carnival, this was what he had been working toward. But not like this. He wanted you to want him when you were you, not how you were now. The stench of alcohol on your breath gave him just enough self control to do what he had to.
“Y/n no.” Peter turned his head quickly and bit his lip. 
He glanced back at you to see your pout and sighed deeply. “Y-you’re drunk. That’s not how I want this to go.” 
“You don’t want me?” 
“No! I mean I do. I just- I can’t kiss you when you’re drunk. It wouldn’t be right and I want you to be sober when-” He blushed and cut himself off, too shy to say the rest but you were drunk. You weren’t going to remember this in the morning. “I want it to be perfect and for you to remember when we have our first real kiss.”
You looked at him softly, only slight confusion written on your face before a loud hiccup escaped your lips causing you to start giggling again. Peter giggled too, not letting his sadness show that all of what had just happened would be lost by tomorrow morning. 
Peter smiled as he listened to your giggles and incoherent mumbles inbetween, his fingers still combing delicately through your hair. Eventually your giggles turned into snores as you snuggled into his chest and Peter sighed happily, thankful that you were finally getting rest. 
Peter felt another warm feeling fill his whole body as he watched you sleep, hoping that what you had said was true because that meant that you and him could be a real possibility and that maybe he didn’t need a plan. He just needed you.
He spent the rest of the night daydreaming about finally being able to call you his girlfriend and kiss you for real before he started to fall asleep with a happy smile.
“I love you too by the way.” He mumbled in a whisper before he finally let sleep overtake him, his arms wrapped around you as you slept on his chest. 
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