#personal injury lawyer (profession)
healthiswealth12 · 10 months
5 Important Qualities to Look for in a Personal Injury Attorney
5 Important Qualities to Look for in a Personal Injury Attorney
When looking for a personal injury attorney, it is important to be aware of the qualities that make a good lawyer .A great personal injury attorney should be knowledgeable, experienced, compassionate, dedicated, and trustworthy. These five qualities are essential in choosing the right personal injury attorney to represent you and help you through the legal process. In this blog post, we will explore these five important qualities to look for when selecting a personal injury attorney
1) Experience in Personal Injury Law 2) Good Communication Skills 3) Compassion and Empathy for Clients 4) Willingness to Go to Trial 5) Record of Success in Similar Cases
1) Experience in Personal Injury Law
When looking for a personal injury attorney, it's essential to find someone with experience in the field. While any attorney at law can take on a personal injury case, it's best to find one who specializes in this area. A DUI attorney or general practice lawyer may not have the necessary expertise to navigate the complexities of a personal injury case.
An experienced personal injury attorney will have a deep understanding of the law and how it applies to your specific situation. They will be familiar with the common tactics used by insurance companies to minimize or deny claims and will know how to counteract them. They will also be familiar with the legal procedures involved in personal injury cases, including filing paperwork, gathering evidence, and negotiating with opposing counsel.
When researching potential attorneys, look for someone who has been practicing personal injury law for several years. Ask about their track record and if they have successfully handled cases similar to yours. An attorney who is highly experienced in personal injury law is more likely to have the knowledge and skills necessary to win your case and secure the compensation you deserve.
2) Good Communication Skills
When searching for a personal injury attorney, it's important to consider their communication skills.
Your attorney should be able to clearly and effectively communicate with you throughout the entire legal process.
This includes explaining legal terms and processes in a way that you can understand,
keeping you updated on the progress of your case, and promptly responding to your calls and emails.
A good personal injury attorney should also be able to effectively communicate with other parties involved in your case.
This can include insurance companies, medical professionals, and even the opposing counsel.
An attorney who is able to articulate their argument and negotiate effectively can often secure a better outcome for their clients.
Having good communication skills is particularly important when it comes to building a strong attorney-client relationship.
You should feel comfortable discussing sensitive and personal information with your attorney,
and they should be able to listen attentively and offer empathy and support.
Overall, the ability to communicate effectively is a crucial quality to look for in a personal injury attorney.
Don't be afraid to ask potential attorneys about their communication style and approach,
and choose someone who you feel confident will keep you informed and involved every step of the way.
If you need further guidance, consider reaching out to a DUI attorney or attorney at law for referrals or recommendations.
3) Compassion and Empathy for Clients
When looking for a personal injury attorney, it is essential to find someone who not only has the necessary legal knowledge and expertise but also has compassion and empathy for their clients.
This quality can be particularly important when dealing with traumatic or emotionally challenging situations. Unlike a dui attorney or other types of attorneys, a personal injury attorney deals with clients who have suffered injuries due to the negligence of another person or entity. These injuries can range from physical harm to emotional distress and can have a profound impact on a client's life. A good personal injury attorney at law will be able to listen to their client's story, understand their needs and concerns, and provide compassionate guidance throughout the legal process. They will be able to communicate with their clients effectively, keep them informed about their case's progress, and provide support during challenging times. Compassion and empathy can also translate into better legal outcomes for clients.
A personal injury attorney who cares about their client's well-being will be more motivated to work hard to get them the compensation they deserve. They will also be more willing to fight for their client's rights in court if necessary, knowing that their client's future may depend on it. Overall, when looking for a personal injury attorney, it is essential to find someone who has the right combination of legal skills, experience, and personal qualities. An atorney at law who specializes in personal injury cases should be experienced in handling similar cases to yours,
have excellent communication skills, and be willing to go to trial if necessary. However, having compassion and empathy for their clients can be what sets an atorney at law apart from the rest. Clients who have suffered injuries or trauma need someone who can support them, listen to their needs, and advocate for them throughout the legal process.
With a compassionate and empathetic attorney by their side, clients can feel confident that their interests and well-being are a top priority. Therefore, it is crucial to choose a personal injury attorney who can balance legal expertise with personal care and compassion for their clients.
4) Willingness to Go to Trial
Another important quality to look for in a personal injury attorney is their willingness to go to trial. While many personal injury cases settle outside of court,
there may be situations where a trial is necessary to achieve the best outcome for the client.
An attorney who is not willing to take a case to trial may be more inclined to settle for less than the case is worth.
On the other hand, an attorney with experience in trial proceedings is more likely to negotiate aggressively and get a better settlement for their client.
If you have suffered a personal injury and are seeking legal representation, it is important to find an attorney with trial experience.
Ask your prospective attorney if they have experience going to trial, and if so, how many cases they have tried.
This will give you an idea of their willingness to fight for your case in court.
Remember that not all attorneys are willing to take cases to trial. For example,
a DUI attorney may primarily handle cases that settle outside of court, while a general attorney at law may have more experience in trial proceedings.
Be sure to find an attorney who is comfortable and experienced in your specific type of personal injury case.
In summary, a personal injury attorney's willingness to go to trial can have a significant impact on the outcome of your case.
Make sure to choose an attorney who is willing to fight for you in court and has a proven track record of success.
5) Record of Success in Similar Cases
When looking for a personal injury attorney, it's crucial to find one with a proven track record of success in handling similar cases.
This means that they have experience and a track record of successfully representing clients who have suffered similar injuries or experienced similar circumstances.
One way to determine an attorney's record of success is by checking their case history or reading client testimonials.
A reliable personal injury attorney should have a portfolio of successful cases and be able to demonstrate their ability to negotiate fair settlements and secure favorable outcomes for their clients.
For instance, if you're searching for a DUI attorney, it's crucial to find one who has experience in successfully representing clients who have been charged with DUI.
They should be able to demonstrate their expertise and success in defending against DUI charges, and they should have a thorough understanding of the laws surrounding DUI in your state.
Similarly, if you're looking for an attorney at law who specializes in personal injury cases, you should seek out someone who has a proven track record of winning similar cases.
They should be able to demonstrate their ability to negotiate with insurance companies, navigate the court system, and advocate for their clients' best interests.
Ultimately, a successful personal injury attorney should have a deep understanding of the laws surrounding personal injury,
experience handling similar cases, and the skills necessary to negotiate a favorable settlement or argue your case in court. By finding an attorney with a proven track record of success, you can feel confident that you are in capable hands.
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Hey trans Florida folks - things suck, but I want to make sure y'all have more info so you can better gauge the urgency and expected risk for a new bill.
This is another long post, but please read because a lot of folks are in a huge panic at some misleading info.
You've probably seen this by now:
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This is misleading. Be incredibly concerned at the path we're on because it is bad, even plan to leave the state (I am), but drag isn't punishable by the death penalty:
From the Twitter screencap: "Florida has now: 1) made drag in public illegal as a 'sex crime against children'."
Misleading. SB 1438 censors drag in front of minors w/vague, subjective language and threatens misdemeanors, fines, and license revocation for violations. This is meant to scare businesses, and even cities. We are already seeing Pride parades canceled in Florida in response:
From the Twitter screencap: "2) made sexual crimes against children punishable by death"
Too broad. Sexual battery against a child is being made into a capital felony (aka, punishable by death) in the currently proposed SB1342 .
The bill says:
"A person 18 years of age or older who commits sexual battery upon, or in an attempt to commit sexual battery injures the sexual organs of, a person less than 12 years of age commits a capital felony".
If we want a definition of "sexual battery" itself, we can jump to Florida statues at:
"Sexual battery” means oral, anal, or female genital penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another or the anal or female genital penetration of another by any other object; however, sexual battery does not include an act done for a bona fide medical purpose."
Also of note in this statute:
"Serious personal injury” means great bodily harm or pain, permanent disability, or permanent disfigurement."
I am not a lawyer, but to me, this looks like less of an attack against trans people for existing (via conflation with anti-drag bills), and more a way to target those providing gender affirming care -- healthcare providers or even a child's affirming guardians.
Many states are already trying to set up "aiding and abetting" laws (from the anti-abortion playbook) to punish anyone offering any kind of gender affirming care (from general therapy to vocal coaching) to a trans kid.
Florida might be hoping someone applies the "injures the sexual organs of" component of SB1342 to gender-affirming puberty blockers. Yeah, it's a stretch, but I would not be surprised to see someone try it.
Because we are already seeing the HHS committee consider sending subpoenas to gender-affirming clinics:
"House Speaker Paul Renner said he wants the House to examine how the organizations adopted their recommendations. He questioned whether the guidelines were the result of scientific analysis or whether “the integrity of the medical profession has been compromised by a radical gender ideology that stands to cause permanent physical and mental harm to children and adolescents.”
Emphasis mine. Again, I am not a lawyer, but I would not be surprised to see someone try to hold a gender-affirming clinic accountable for "sexual battery" against a child.
All these separate actions paint a grim picture.
Back to our Twitter screencap: "3) Began allowing death penaltymsentencing at at 8-4 vote instead of a unanimous vote"
Yes, true. This one is scary all on its own because it makes it that much easier for the DeSantis administration to target political enemies.
Everyone should be terrified of this:
Back to making child sexual battery a capital felony & SB1342:
Could we eventually see bills proposed that further broaden - via deliberately vague language or otherwise -what kind of "sex crimes" are punishable by death, thus fully targeting trans people?
For sure, we will absolutely see fascists try to get away with whatever they can and I hope we see more resistance against what is happening now to prevent the escalation towards genocide.
But this specific bill isn't targeting drag and it's important we understand the current threat landscape so we can plan accordingly.
Like. I'm still working on my own plan to flee Florida asap (I am a trans man) but I don't feel at risk of the death penalty just yet, so my "leave asap" is "sell the house in a month" instead of "grab the bugout bag and get in the car NOW".
It is very, very important to understand the threats we face so we don't make rash decisions that could have permanent consequences for already vulnerable people. We need to plan and act on plans with haste, but afford ourselves every opportunity to make decisions with as much accurate information as possible.
What's the status of SB1342?
As I type this, still with the senate, but check for updates at the link below. If passed, it would enact October 1, 2023.
In closing
Again, be careful, be safe, be informed. I am not a legal expert; I'm just a little guy, but the risk landscape has enough threats trans people need to respond to without us thinking drag is currently eligible for the death penalty.
Every trans person in the United States, not just Florida, should be watching what is going on across the country and noting how all these bills connect and escalate. And what could become blueprints at the federal level.
Keep hope, but plan for contingencies that could threaten your job, your housing, your liberty, and possibly even your life. Watch the news, watch your local bills, and do your best at figuring out when you need to break that emergency glass.
My biggest advice to be better informed is to learn where your state posts bills and look them up when they hit the news:
Get used to reading bills and noting when they would take effect
Learn how to follow a bill on its way into law - the stages are usually through various committees, then both the House and Senate can file amendments and ultimately vote in separate sessions to approve, then the governor signs it into law
Understand that a lot of reporting on bills can make it sound like it has passed into law, when it might still just be in a committee.
Not all bills pass, and when they do, not all pass as originally proposed. (This can work for or against us.)
Follow trans political commentators like Erin or Alejandra for more context
Again, it all sucks right now and I don't want to underscore the danger so many transgender Americans are already in (and lord knows I am very lucky to be able to leave Florida). But knowing what we're up against is one of the few defenses we have right now.
I have more advice for trans Floridians here.
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carriesthewind · 11 months
i know very little about law, but im gonna be honest, i feel a bit bad for the loduca guy. is it a good look to sign a coworkers work without looking? absolutely not, they are paid to be anal about this stuff. but it feels like such a human thing to do, if you worked with someone for 25+ years, and never had a significant reason to doubt their work, to just kind of visually skim over the thing, and then sign and stample, bc you trust the guy.
and yeah maybe you saw he was having some issues with this case, the opposite side/judge asking for some documents they cant find and therefore think are fabricated, but again, you trust your coworker, trust that they did the job and this is a mistake not on his part, and you probably have your own workload to worry about, your own cases, so you think little of it. idk, while a bit lazy (bad look) it feels like something that would happen at an office, you know?
that being said ive got a feeling those people are not going to be practicing law quite soon. more so i dont recall if the law firm was one of theirs, but i assume even if it's not, it will have a very hard time recovering from this
A bit of a long and rambling answer here on just my own thoughts on the matter, so I'm putting it below the cut!
I do feel some sympathy for him...for the first opposition brief. My sympathy vanishes once he submitted the fake "opinions" to the court.
Because I absolutely get trusting your colleague, especially if you have worked with him for so long. And as lawyers, it is a really serious thing to sign a submission to the court that you haven't at least read - but it is also very a very human thing to do. People, including lawyers, cut corners and make errors all the time.
But part of his problem isn't just that he was skimming and signing something - when you sign a submission as an attorney, you are making a very real (and legally binding - that's the point of Rule 11) promise to the court. LoDuca is still listed as Mata's counsel of record (and his only counsel of record in this case). He told the court that he was representing this dude, and he never really was.
I saw someone - I think on twitter? - say he was covering up for Schwartz practicing law without a license. Which is technically true! But it's also - come on, there is (usually) a practical, if not ethical, difference between letting some random pretend to be lawyer by signing and submitting their documents without supervision, and signing and submitting documents for a colleague in a jurisdiction they aren't admitted to without going through the steps of having him formally act as local counsel, when you know the end result would be the same if you walked through the formal steps. I want to be clear - the second thing is not okay at all, and is very much against the rules. But, I am also 100% confident he's not the only person doing it, and I can the the way that someone would feel like it was a justifiable bending, not breaking of the rules.
But even then, the problem is that as attorneys, we are (supposed to be) held to a high ethical standard. I said this in an earlier post, but when an attorney makes representations to the court, the court takes those very seriously, because we are assumed to be following those ethical standards. If I make a legal or factual representation in a courtroom, there can be immediate and real consequences for people's lives.
It's a self-licensing and a self-policing profession, and we what we do has very serious consequences both on a societal and individual level. Even in a simple case like this originally was, a personal injury negligence case brought by an individual - the complaint says the plaintiff suffered serious, disabling injuries and has been prevented from working, and he is seeking compensation for his medical care and his inability to work. If that's true, this case is about (should have been about) who paid for that needed medical care, the necessities of life.
And I think this case is an example of why those rules can matter - sure, most of the time, someone doing what LoDuca was won't get caught, and maybe it won't matter practically. But part of the reasons we have those rules is to try to prevent - well maybe not this bullshit precisely - bullshit like this from happening. "Other people break the rules too and don't get caught" isn't an excuse.
But again, it still is a very human kind of error, so I still have sympathy. The real problem, for me, is the submission of the fake opinions.
Because once he got the order from the court ordering him to provide copies of the opinions or the case would be dismissed, he must have known something was wrong. That is not a normal order to receive. That order means the court (which has access to all the legal research tools he doesn't) thinks something is very seriously wrong. If he did not read that order and immediately go "Oh fuck" and a) read the defendant's reply and b) realize the cases seem to have been fake, he is not competent to practice law. And I mean that in a very serious way - he has no business practicing in the field with such serious consequences for people's lives if he didn't immediately recognize the problem.
So once he got that order, he has no excuse. At that point, he either consciously perpetrated a lie upon the court; or he is too incompetent to practice.
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altschmerzes · 8 months
Since you're in law school, here's a legal question for you about Wriggle Up on Dry Land: what's the legal process for removing a minor from their parent's custody in a situation like Jamie's? Would Ted be eligible to become his legal guardian given that he's not a British citizen and is presumably in the country on some sort of short-term work visa?
ordinarily i might just handwave this sorta thing but being as my profession and education is what it is i have done. A Lot of research about this yeah and the short answer is it’s a subplot in the fic when they realize uh oh we might have some citizenship and legality issues here and they gotta have a kind of war meeting with the responsible adults ted has sort of amassed to help him figure out wtf to DO here and some lawyers rebecca knows.
details on how that’s handled and how it plays out under the cut for length and in case anyone cares abt spoilers!
the solution is 1. roy is like fuck it what the fuck are we even talking about if we need someone with citizenship for this ill fucking take him and doesn’t even realize what he’s volunteering for until after he has volunteered for it. he does maintain he means it tho.
but that doesn’t end up being necessary because 2. what they work out with the hospital social worker and doctors and whatnot who are managing the situation when things with jamie really break bad is that he’s sixteen at that point and the law in the uk around when you can simply Leave your parents’ home (or be kicked out) is different than in several other jurisdictions (including the predominant law in the us and canada). the benchmark for that is sixteen. and so while he’d be eligible for a lot of help and programmes and whatnot it’s also possible to work out a sort of like. informal arrangement where the priority of every professional involved, whether this is technically to the letter protocol, is that given his age and circumstances he ends up in the most safe and supportive environment possible and that’s in this informal arrangement with this person they’ve determined wasn’t responsible for his injuries and who clearly cares for him very much and who he insists he wants to go with.
(there’s probably gonna be some technical inaccuracies here and fudging of how this process works and i beg the patience of uk lawyers, social workers, doctors, etc in the process but as best as i can tell the whole resolution here is like. within the realm of possibility.)
also it means that james isn’t going to be criminally prosecuted. this is a Conversation that is held between everyone involved with jamie’s wishes and what will best protect his safety taken at the highest priority. hope that’s not going to be a like. bummer to anyone, since i know hoping he sees Consequences is probably a major priority for a lot of people lmao, but suffice it to say there are some consequences for damn sure even though i didnt want to take the narrative in the direction of detailing a full criminal trial for child abuse. (bc knowing me i would’ve gone IN on it. one day im gonna write a bunch of like. legalfic for various fandoms mark my words. the same story sort of is one in a way already lmao)
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garden-of-omegas · 4 months
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characters: sylvia sherwood | fiona frost | franky franklin summary: the details of your first meeting with your future mate. warnings: spies, war, injuries, references to dying rating: sfw a/n: brain decided to be weird about my writing again, so this got a bit delayed, but hopefully i can be a bit more consistent with these? though the ones i have coming up have a lot more characters so we'll see.
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≿━━━━༺❀ sylvia sherwood ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a general of westalis, and a spy for the newly established WISE. being a rather high ranking one, people usually referred to you as "watcher", probably because people around you constantly felt like you were watching them. you weren't, but you let people believe what they wanted to.
✿ you were both in your early twenties, surprisingly. it hadn't been that long since you became a general and sylvia had recently joined the war efforts as a nurse.
✿ you'd arrived at a field hospital with the newest group of injured, hiding your own injury from the staff. it wasn't big enough for you to bother the nurses, especially as people around you were on the edge of dying. but sylvia, despite being a rather new nurse, noticed you favoring your left leg and immediately came over to treat you and scold you for hiding injuries in the middle of war. you couldn't get a word in with her strong voice.
✿ you and sylvia came across each other rather often after that, and every time she would check you over for injuries. you didn't actually ever hide any from her after that, her scoldings terrifying you more than the enemy. but due to this habit of hers, she essentially became your de facto nurse, to the amusement of all the other medical staff.
✿ sylvia thought you were fucking stupid. a brilliant soldier and tactician, she'd heard of you before, but so fucking idiotic all the same. it was like something was compelling her to take care of you, which wasn't very omega-like. not that she ever cared about such things. you're fairly certain it was love at first scolding. sylvia was so strong, and beautiful, and just... perfect. you'd never before felt so attracted to someone, not a single omega or alpha had ever held a candle to her. if you weren't in the middle of war, you'd have already tried courting her.
≿━━━━༺❀ fiona frost ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you were a westalian informant for WISE, though on your average day you worked as a lawyer. you'd just recently been assigned your first full-time agent, so you didn't have an official codename yet, you and your agent had to come up with that.
✿ you were both rather young for your profession, though neither of you would ever actually reveal your ages. far too much personal information.
✿ you were sat at a cafe during it's busiest hours, still in your work suit. you'd set up a meeting with your new agent there, through her handler. the business would create the perfect reason for her to sit with you without suspicion. fiona did arrive, while you were reading your favorite book and almost missed her asking to sit with you. you gladly let her, cracking a joke about the busy day, which elicited absolutely no reaction from her. talk about awkward.
✿ the two of you had decided on the codename "slowburn" for the both of you, after the book you had been reading. and boy did you start hearing that name a lot. fiona really did make it her mission to run you ragged with work, and you made it your mission to try and make her laugh at your jokes. it hasn't worked thus far.
✿ fiona thought you were... fine. for your job anyways. personally though, she found you extremely irritating. your insistence on joking and messing around, it made what she thought would be a good partnership the bane of her existence. you found fiona to be fun. despite her never even smiling at your jokes, her witty replies were just so delightful. you were a bit worried about her lack of emotions, but you knew for certain that it wasn't all there was to her.
≿━━━━༺❀ franky franklin ❀༻━━━━≾
✿ you're a spy, plain and simple. you were most known for your seduction abilities, which is where your codename "heartbreaker" came from. though normally you were simply an accountant for various charities.
✿ you were in your late twenties, a bit older than franky. you'd been working as a spy since you were fifteen, though you'd been in training for far longer.
✿ very simply, you needed information while on your more-or-less permanent mission in ostania, and one of your co-workers recommended franky's services. so you ended up at his work place, the little cigarette stand he ran. and to say he was stunned upon your arrival would be an understatement. you almost couldn't get anything out of him with all the stuttering and stammering, but you could eventually decipher that he'd get back to you with what you wanted.
✿ franky became your go-to informant, and you'd even sometimes help him with his work. but it took an immensely long time for him to be able to actually talk to you normally, only once you convinced him to go on a casual outing with you did he start to get more comfortable with you.
✿ franky found you absolutely irresistible. the prettiest, handsomest... every adjective like that, alpha he'd ever met. it was very intimidating actually, he really didn't know what to do with himself. he was very adorable to you. it was admittedly kind of annoying having to try and figure out what he was saying half the time, but it was an endearing reaction regardless. it made you want to eat him up, if given the change.
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Being the group's bodyguard and being in love with Rose would involve...
Rose Weil x reader
This is probably going to interest absolutely no one, but I have been wanting to write it for years!
🌹 You have always been a very active person, a lover of physical exercise. You have started to do combat sports when you were still a little girl: boxing, kick-boxing, jiu-jitsu, karate, muay thai, you have tried them all, becoming in the end a formidable fighter.
🌹 Your career as a professional fighter starts when you are still a little girl, and for years you are one of the most respected fighters in the country, winning many prizes and living your best life... until an head injury, received during the final of an important championship, puts an end to your fighting career.
🌹 The next few years are the saddest and most purposeless of your life; fighting was your life, the only profession you could ever practice, and you know you could never be happy as a shop assistant, a teacher or a lawyer. You have no education, since you left school as soon as you legally could to focus on your fighting career, you are too old to go back studying anyway, and while you still have some money put aside to support yourself, you know that sooner or later you will have to find something to do, instead of spending whole weeks watching sports on TV and crying over your sad destiny, but what? There is absolutely nothing that interests you, nothing you could give your blood for and that makes adrenaline run in your veins as stepping in the ring, or on the tatami, did...
🌹 The person who unexpectedly comes to free you from that torpor of melanchony and regret is Debbie Ocean, a former school friend you had lost contact with decades ago but whose family's reputation, and penchant for mischief, you still remember. A couple times in school you had intervened to defend her from some older students who had accused her of selling them fake test answer sheets (she had.). She remembered you, and had heard of your head injury and consequent fall into disgrace; and now she has come to recruit you for her heist as a... security specialist.  
🌹 "Listen, Debbie, I appreciate the offer but I am not going to kill or hurt anyone for you. I am... was... an athlete, not an hitman." "I am not asking you to hurt anyone; we are not even going to use guns"." she reassures you; she told you she just came out of prison, which is the least surprising thing ever "But we need someone to take care of the group's security in case someone tries to hurt us. You are a one woman army, (name); who could be better than you for the job? You will be paid, of course, and very well."
🌹 The offer is... interesting, you must admit, given the generous remuneration you are promised, which obviously would come in handy, as well as because, well, how often does a former school mate comes to enlist you in a band of jewelry thieves? You have always been a law-abiding person, but in the end Debbie does not plan on stealing from people who actually need the money, and this is the first thing that attracts your attention ever since the injury, diverting it from the sad, lonely routine your life has become.
🌹 If you are successful, you reason, you won't have to worry about money or search for a job ever again, which would be nice; and if you are not successful, and you and the rest of Debbie's band are arrested, at least you won't have to worry what you will do for the rest of your life, or at least where you will spend it...
🌹 “Ok. I’m in.”
🌹 Debbie brings the group together, and you are shaking hands with a suburban mom, an hacker and a street hustler, when your eyes fall on a shorter blonde woman... and your heart stops for a bit.
🌹It would be an exaggeration to say you have always been a fashion lover, or even just that you coordinate your outfits every day and follow the latest trends in the magazines, but Rose Weil was a pretty popular designer when you were younger, and it would have been hard not to know who she was. Surprisingly, browsing a fashion magazine you had found in the gym, or absent-mindedly watching a fashion show in TV as you waited for one that interested you, you discovered you actually liked her style: the clothes she designed were original, elegant yet practical, full of vibrant colors and original cuts. You would never feel comfortable with that sort of clothes, being more of a tank-and-shorts kind of woman and because you did not think you had the physique and the posture for it, but you liked what she did.
🌹 And you also liked her, a lot, since the first time you saw the petite blonde woman on TV answering to an interviewer's questions, your heart missed a beat; she was beautiful, and smart and talented, and who knows, maybe one day Rose would create a sportswear line, and then you could actually wear her creations...
🌹 Even though you were ready to bet she was twice as talented as any other designer in the country, Rose's latest collections had been panned by critics, and she had faded into obscurity. You had been strongly disappointed, feeling a sort of kinship with her -after all, had you both not lost what made you successful and fulfilled, either because the public did not understand your vision or you had not been quick enough to avoid a career-ending blow?- but you never thought you would see her in person... and here she is, in front of you, as beautiful as you remembered from the fashion shows you only watched because of her, even though they bore you to death...
🌹 "H-Hi, I am (full name), a former school friend of Debbie. I will take care of you - I mean, I will ensure the security of all of you." you introduce yourself, feeling way more nervous than at your most important matches, and praying she cannot see you are blushing. Rose shakes your hand as she looks you over, and while she had privately thought the group didn't need a bodyguard until a moment ago, she immediately decides she was wrong - or at least, that she is happy Debbie chose you for the job.  
🌹 In the following days you and Rose quickly become friends, and while you can't forget the huge crush you had on her, and that is back in full force now that you have actually met the object of your desires, you learn to appreciate her quirky, clever yet self-conscious personality, the capable designer who has been forced to join a heist because she is in debt with the IRS. You are a pretty odd couple but you get along very well, so much that Debbie and Lou decide to send you with Rose to Cartier to examine the necklace, acting as her assistant and bodyguard.  
🌹 You have never found anything as sexy and enticing as Rose's voice when she speaks French; she mistakes your blushing for envy and offers to teach you. You are initially resentful of Daphne, who Rose has to meet pretending to offer her services for the MET Gala, fearing the younger, sexy and self-assured woman will attract your friend's attention. It doesn't, since Rose has already started developing feelings for you.
🌹 The two of you discuss each other's fall from grace. You are outraged that the fashion world did not recognize her talent, while Rose is sincerely saddened a single blow was enough to end your career, many years before than you expected. You recognize that you are both going through a similar predicament: you have lost what you enjoyed doing and gave a direction to your life, and now you don't know what to do with your time in the future.
🌹 "You could go back designing clothes; once you have paid your debts, you could open a new fashion house, and sooner or later everyone will recognize how talented you are." you propose, and Rose thinks about it for a while before answering that while she cannot see herself working anywhere but in the fashion industry, she would rather re-start with something small, maybe selling her creations through a shop, to get her confidence back and learn from her past mistakes.
🌹 "I envy you; I cannot go back doing what I did, and there is nothing I could do, and be happy with it, but to be a fighter, so I don't really know what I will do with my life..." you sigh, and Rose, sitting next to you, looks at you, hating how dejected you look. "Could you not work in the world of combat sports, just not at a fighter?" she proposes, and you blink. "What?" "Well, as a talented fighter, there must be someone interested in your competence. You could become a trainer, or open a gym that focuses on teaching combat sports. There are also former athletes that become spokespeople, sport commentators, and a lot of other things. You could be anything you want, believe me; you are clearly tenacious and smart enough."
🌹 It is... an interesting idea, one you decide to seriously reflect on, but the thing you appreciate the most is Rose taking an interest in your life and complimenting you. You are enjoying the moment so much that when she timidly speaks again, you completely miss her words. "What? Sorry, did you say something?" "I... I was wondering if you wanted to get a drink, tonight. Wi-with me." Rose repeats; she is stuttering, but takes courage seeing that your expression is that of a woman who has received the best present of her life "There is a little bar not far from here..."
🌹 Obviously you accept, flattered and happy. You and Rose spend a lovely evening sharing a drink at the bar and then taking a walk in the city, talking and having fun together as if you had known each other for decades. You still think she is out of your league -and don't know she is thinking the very same thing about you- but enjoy her company nonetheless. At one point you stop next to a little park to admire the view, a man runs past you... and grabs Rose's bag, snatching it from her. She screams, and you, not even thinking about it, run after the man, that you soon reach and punch violently in the face, forcing him to leave Rose's bag.
🌹 You are breathless -you have trained as a fighter, not a runner, and that guy was fast!- but the grateful smile Rose gives you makes the effort more than worthy; and then she kisses you on the cheek in thanks, and you spend the rest of the night feeling on cloud nine.
🌹 In time, you also confess how much of a fan of her fashion house you have always been, which flatters Rose to no end. “I would have never worn them, though, obviously; your clothes, I mean.” “How so?” “Well... look at me.” you point out, surprised you need to explain it “I don’t exactly have the body tipe for high fashion, do I? A dress by you, no matter how elegant, would be wasted on an person as ungraceful as me. I have always worn sports clothing, jeans and trainers at best; with a dress and heels I would probably look ridiculous.” Rose does not comment, but you can clearly see she disagrees.
🌹 In the end, you and your allies' mission begins; you have to intervene three times to protect Rose and the others from those who would hurt you, and in the end you are 34 million dollars (34 million dollars!) richer; Debbie shakes your hand and thanks you for your help, while you admit you are the one who should be grateful, and you are, because she gave you the first opportunity to feel strong, capable, in control -in a word, alive- in so many years. You are not only talking about the heist and you both know it.
🌹 Still, when it is time for you and Rose to part, everything you would like to say to her, express your feelings, tell her how much you loved meeting her and wish to give your relationship time to evolve, does not come out. You have always been shy in matters of the heart, and telling another person you are interested in them is next to impossible for you, the intensity of those feelings notwithstanding. You strongly suspect that your crush for Rose has become something much more serious and enduring, but you need to tell her, because if you hesitate now, you might never see her again...
🌹 "So... it was great meeting you. Good luck for everything, take care of yourself." These are the last words you say to her, and you regret them as soon as they leave your lips, and Rose, who has been waiting anxiously for you to speak, looks so disappointed tears have filled her eyes. "Yeah... you too." she murmurs, and after an awkward hug, you part, seemingly forever.
🌹 Time passes. You return home and, acting on Rose's suggestion, open a gym to teach combat sports; you buy and refurbish an abandoned building, hire other former athletes you knew and respected from your time as a fighter as trainers, and offer free classes to kids from low-income families or neighborhoods. You soon find out you love it, much more than as a simple diversion to occupy your time with; you learned a lot by your trainers, even when you were already an experienced fighter, and it is a genuine joy to pass your experience and knowledge to younger athletes, to help them achieve their potential or even more importantly to give them a direction in life, a way to channel their energy in a constructive manner, teach them discipline and keep them away from the streets. Your good name as a fighter has not been forgotten and soon the gym attracts a high number of pupils, and so you keep yourself busy, and productive, and happy, for the first time in many years.
🌹You have heard that Rose has started designing clothes again, selling them through a shop she manages personally as she told you was her intention, but six months pass before you have the courage to look for her; your friendship had lasted only for a few weeks, the most insecure part of you keeps whispering in your ear, and while you had really bonded, whatever feelings she might have harboured for you must have been forgotten, maybe -and how it hurts to think that!- in favour of someone else, younger and prettier and more elegant... 
🌹 In the end you decide to try, no matter how embarassing it might be, because otherwise you know you will regret it forever. You wear your best clothes and even put some make up on, buy some flowers and go, determined to ask Rose out for a date. You come into the shop, find her fixing a beautiful dress on a mannequin... and when she sees you, she almost screams. "(name)! It is you!"
🌹She is clearly happy to see you, flattered to receive your flowers and happy to know you have followed her advice to open a gym, but before you can say -stutter, most likely- what you actually came to see her for, she quickly leaves to reach the back of the shop, and comes back a minute later with a large, flat box. "I would have come to see you soon. I am sorry it took me so long, this literally arrived this morning, I had to change the design five times because it never seemed right, didn’t seem you... but I hope you like it."
🌹 She offers you the box, that you open with shaking hands. Neatly folded inside there is a dress, the most beautiful dress you have ever seen, in the style that you had admired the most among Rose's creations, years ago, with coordinated shoes, a jacket and even jewels. It fits you perfectly, and you had no idea how Rose did it since you never told her your size -can she tell just looking at you, since after all she is an experieced designer? Or has she looked at, and cares for, you so much that she has memorized your body shape, as well as what you would look best in and be happiest to wear?- but of one thing you are sure: it is the best present you have ever received, not least because it is her gifting her to you.
🌹 "Thank you, I... I do not know what to say, I cannot wait to put it on..." you say, and Rose smiles, and for a precious, beautiful minute, it is like you are understanding each other, your fears and your hopes and your feelings, without the need to speak them out loud. You take a deep breath and add: "... maybe I could wear it to take you out for dinner, one of these nights?"
🌹Rose beams. "(name), nothing would make me happier."
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abyssalpeach · 2 months
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up against the ropes (a matcha blossom fic). rated e. also on ao3.
"Are you sure you don't have a concussion?" Kojiro's voice lowered to a hoarse whisper.
a/n: i promise this started out totally normal and achingly tender before the brain worms whispered The Unholy Headcanon to me. pls forward this to my lawyer for when they come to take me away to horny jail.
anyway cheers to posting fic on tumblr again because somebody around here needs to start clogging the mb tag
Life was slowly returning to normal after the fateful S tournament where Langa had thoroughly whooped Ainosuke’s ass at his own game and Kaoru came out the other end seriously injured.
He had sustained a sprained ankle, a minor concussion, and the big one: a hairline fracture to his wrist.
He’d been lucky enough through the years to be a skilled and precise enough skater to avoid most injuries that would impede his work, but his luck had to run out eventually. Kaoru was honestly surprised it took even this long. He was not immune to bailing every once in a while.
But now his skating had massively affected his income for the first time in his entire adult life. It was a good thing he was self-employed and in an artistic profession where he could make his own rules and use art block as an excuse to push a deadline a little, but it didn’t stop him from feeling uncomfortable with it.
His injuries on the other hand, were harder to explain away when they were so visible. He had to come up with an excuse at some point, and for someone with as much pride and poise as Kaoru, a nasty spill down the stairs was simply not a believable reason.
So, he told the truth. At least, as much of it as he was comfortable telling. He fell off a skateboard. Whether they inferred that he was a novice and simply trying to entertain one of his young relatives was none of his concern. They could think what they like.
He would’ve rather said that he’d gotten hit by a car, but it would surely look suspicious if he wasn’t involved in any kind of investigation or trial afterwards. Best to stick as close to the real story as possible and let people draw their own conclusions.
People were surprisingly generous with him during his time of injury. Maybe he shouldn’t have been surprised, but his clientele always struck him as being fairly rigid. That’s why he took out all of his piercings and did his best to compartmentalize the different areas of his life. The resistance he was expecting to be met with when he was forced to push back dates for demonstrations and signing events was practically non-existent.
These things happen, they would say, as if he wasn’t a twenty-something year old professional admitting to falling off a skateboard. The reactions had him questioning whether or not he needed to be so cautious with his presentation and reputation after all.
There were too many things going on in his life that he was second-guessing now. Nothing was what it seemed to be anymore and he’s not entirely sure what to make of it. Kaoru spent so much time doing calculations, statistics, risk assessments, and not even the data could support the litany of weird shit he was enduring the past few months.
He really had come to terms with the fact that he was always going to be a little bit in love with Kojiro. He was always the nurturing sort, but he’d never gotten to experience it to that degree before. They spent every waking hour together for three whole weeks and somehow hadn’t killed each other yet.
Kaoru knew he was a needy person, and a jealous one at that. If he took it out on Kojiro unnecessarily sometimes, he was met with retaliation, and rightly so. He just couldn’t help himself. Kojiro could slut himself out to whoever he chose, but Kaoru would be damned if any of those women received the five-star treatment from Kojiro that he got.
No one could rile Kojiro up like he could. No one could critique Kojiro’s cooking like he could. No one could understand Kojiro like he could. Sure, they may have his bed for a night if they were lucky, but Kaoru held onto Kojiro’s heart with a vice grip and wouldn’t relinquish it for anything.
If Kaoru was going to be forced to live a life without enduring romance or marriage, he would make sure Kojiro was too. They were in this together, god dammit, they had been since they were in fucking kindergarden. They’ve done everything together for decades, that wasn’t about to change.
Maybe it wasn’t the best mentality for him to have, actually he knew it wasn’t, but he couldn’t exactly talk himself out of his own feelings. Lord knows he’s tried to do that enough times over the years. A crush on his straight best friend and the biggest fuckboy in town. It was so embarrassing.
It was honestly kind of sick, this game that he’s been playing with Kojiro in his own mind. Maybe he just liked the thrill of the chase or always wanted things he couldn’t have and wouldn’t even know what to do if he got what he wanted, but these thoughts remained in the back of his mind throughout the years and all their petty squabbles. Life changes, but Kojiro never does.
He really needed to be less selfish. It’s not as though he deserved Kojiro’s kindness. The man has surely spent an ungodly amount of money throughout the years just to feed him. He probably writes it off as a business expense on his taxes, the damned fool.
“You’re my taste tester,” Kojiro rationalized. “I shamelessly use your discerning palette and instead of paying you in money, you would rather be paid in carbonara. You’re doing me a service.”
He’d do him a service alright. Glorious idiot.
It was a special kind of torture sharing space with him for so long. Waking up to breakfast in bed, afternoons spent doing nostalgia rewatches of their favorite stupid childhood shows, elaborate dinners, being bathed by him. It was… intimate. There really was no other word for it. Every night they parted ways after Kojiro had diligently washed his hair and dragged a soapy cloth across his back, every night he expected the tension to get the better of them, and every night Kojiro eased Kaoru into bed and excused himself to the couch.
And that was it. The cast and splint came off and Kojiro went home. His entire routine had been disrupted now. He had gotten used to all of the attention and care. And they still hadn’t killed each other. That part continued to baffle him. He didn’t feel smothered. Kojiro wasn’t sick to death of his neurotic behavior. If anything, he felt closer to Kojiro than ever before. It was like there was a seismic shift in the earth under him and he was, what? Expected to go back to how things were before? Fat chance.
He was able to repeat the same movements as before, going to Sia la Luce after he finished up with clients for the day, going to S together, working on improvements for Carla well into the night before passing out under the kotatsu. But something was missing. Big surprise, it was Kojiro. He hardly needed Carla to spell that one out for him.
It’s later than usual by the time he arrives at Sia la Luce, the lights in the dining room are already off, save for the ones above the counter he’s claimed as his own. The door is unlocked, but Kojiro is nowhere in sight.
He wanders into the kitchen to see if there’s something in the cooler worth raiding, but he finds his best friend casually sitting on the floor.
“Oh, hey. Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in,” Kojiro brings the bottle of whatever he’s drinking up to his mouth.
“That’s alright, I was overstepping my boundaries anyway.”
Kojiro lets out a thunderous laugh. “I hardly have boundaries when it comes to you, but good of you to own up to it.”
“Shut up, asshole,” he laughs. It’s a bit awkward. They need to have a serious conversation for once, and they both know it. “By the way, I... wanted to thank you.” Kaoru avoided his gaze, weight shifting between his feet.
Kojiro simply stared, not sure he was hearing that correctly. Kaoru continued, “For taking care of me.”
That seems to please him. “Somebody’s gotta do it. Not like Carla can carry you to bed.”
“Oh, fuck off. I’m trying to be nice.”
“You could certainly stand to do it more often, considering how much I feed you.”
Kaoru smiles softly, gaze dropping to his feet. “What are you doing on the floor anyway?”
“Having a beer, obviously. Want one?” Kaoru shook his head, moving to join him on the floor. He continued, “It was just a long day. Feet hurt.”
“Chairs too sophisticated for neanderthals now?” It almost sounded like a pet name.
“Is work going alright? How’s your wrist?”
“I’m fine, Kojiro. You don’t need to worry after me, you know.”
“Somebody should.” His answering smile is almost sad.
Silence fell heavily between them. Carla could never give him this. Ainosuke certainly never did. It was just Kojiro. Always Kojiro. “Would it be weird to say that I miss you?”
“I hope not, because I miss you too.”
“We should do something. See a movie, maybe.”
“We should. A movie sounds great actually, there’s one I was kinda wanting to see.” Kojiro pulls his phone out and is looking up showtimes, forwarding him a link to the trailer as he goes. It doesn’t look half bad for an action movie. It looks fun and fairly mindless, as they tend to be.
It’s a bit late and they’ve missed the last showing of the night, but they make a plan to go tomorrow. They settle back into their companionable, if slightly awkward, silence. Kojiro nurses his beer and Kaoru steals glances at his large hands, veiny and strong. His motions are not his own as he reaches for one and holds their palms up together, noting the difference in size.
Kojiro’s hands have always been a morbid fascination of his. He just likes to suffer, apparently. They’re large, but dextrous, with a couple prominent veins down the back. There’s some hair there now, not much, but it certainly wasn’t there when they were younger. What’s always been there is the smattering of freckles. Loathe as he is to admit it, he loves when Kojiro gets really tan and the freckles come out even more.
Kojiro’s hands have a couple burns on them and are a bit calloused from all the cooking and skating and working out. It almost makes him wish his own hands had half as much character. They’re soft and slender, not even particularly masculine, just generic. The only noteworthy thing about his hands is what they’re able to create.
Perhaps in this moment, he could use his hands to express the depth of his feelings to Kojiro. Something to avoid having to say it out loud.
Kojiro is watching their hands with rapt attention, his eyes soft but… pained? Before Kaoru can get the wrong idea about Kojiro rejecting him in that moment, he finds their fingers laced together. He’s never felt so warm.
His face is so close. Kaoru can feel his warm breath on his cheek. He can feel his own blush. He dares a look into Kojiro’s eyes and finds everything he could’ve ever hoped for, but was too scared to imagine.
“Are you sure you don’t have a concussion?” Kojiro’s voice lowered to a hoarse whisper.
Kojiro’s hand was in his hair, bringing him close to brush their lips together, breathing him in before sealing his mouth over his. A pathetic noise rose from Kaoru’s chest, barely escaping his throat. Kojiro wanted to swallow it. Their hands were everywhere, tangled in hair, tracing along faces, scrambling at arms and shoulders.
They kiss just long enough for reality to sink in, pulling back with startled gasps.
He supposes astonishment is the best adjective to describe the look Kojiro gives him now. His own expression surely isn’t much different. But Kojiro raises their entwined hands to his mouth and presses a soft kiss to the back of his hand.
“Are you hungry,” he asks, as if they haven’t just crossed a line they hadn’t dared tread in the twenty years they’ve known each other. Kaoru nods slowly before letting his forehead rest against Kojiro’s.
“I’ll make your favorite,” his voice is a low rumble, sending shivers down Kaoru’s spine. Kojiro’s knees give an ominous crack when he rises from the floor, making him groan and Kaoru chuckle quietly.
“We’ll see who’s laughing when you get carpal tunnel. Don’t forget you’re next, pinky,” his smile is more disarming than ever, with hand outstretched to assist him off the floor. Kaoru takes the proffered hand, but not without getting in a jibe of his own.
“Maybe if you spent a little less time doing squats…”
“Don’t pretend like you’re not checking out my ass.” Kojiro’s laugh is thunderous when he sees Kaoru floundering for a comeback, knowing he’s been busted.
The rest of the evening passes without any more shocking revelations. Mostly it’s just… normal. There might be marginally less bite to their bickering and the glances they exchange might be a bit more tender, but it’s far from unusual. It’s familiar, and he knows that he’s safe, no matter what that kiss will mean for their relationship when tomorrow comes.
He waits next to the front door while Kojiro finishes locking up. The night air is crisp, the breeze cool instead of warm – a sign that the weather is about to turn from scorching heat to mild and temperate. They may not have seasons in the traditional sense, but it’s not as though it can be hot all the time.
Kojiro walks him home, gentleman that he is. Kaoru would read into it if this wasn’t already part of their routine. A routine they’re so entrenched in that they part ways with a “see you tomorrow” and a friendly wave. No fanfare, no trepidatious kiss to the cheek, nothing.
It’s disappointing really.
He’s mostly on autopilot as he readies himself for bed, thoughts consumed by what tomorrow might bring, mixed in with visions of that tender kiss. His toothpaste foams at the corner of his mouth and the blush sits high on his cheeks. He looks insane.
What kind of giddy teenager has he turned into? He’s a grown man , he should not be so affected by a simple kiss that happened an hour and a half ago.
He hunkers down into his futon and tries to shake it off.
His dreams are of crimson eyes, so soft, and lips that are even softer.
They decide to just meet up at the movie theater since Kojiro bought their seats ahead of time. He tried to pay him back, but Kojiro refused.
God, it was like a real date and they were fighting over the stupid check.
He’s wearing pants for a change. Well, they’re still hakama, he isn’t being too adventurous, but he did pair it with a black halter top. He really ought to wear these pants more. They’re a light sage green color and decorated with small white flowers. He knows they look good with his hair and the fabric feels downright sensual against his skin.
When Kojiro rounds the corner, he doesn’t spot Kaoru right away, giving him a chance to drink his fill of the sight of him. He’s got his black bomber on this time, the one with the leather sleeves that he typically only wears for special occasions.
He’s so fucked.
When they do finally lock eyes, Kojiro’s entire face lights up and strides over to meet him. He does not miss the appreciative way he looks Kaoru up and down. He shifts on his feet, unaccustomed to Kojiro being so brazen with him.
“You look great!” He’s honestly such a child, he’s so giddy. It’s charming as hell.
They head into the theater, making small talk along the way. It’s not often they have time off that lines up, but Kojiro closes early on Sundays and doesn’t reopen until Tuesday.
Kojiro spent his day tidying up around the house and planning menus. Kaoru mostly spent his day fussing over his hair and worrying about tonight, not that he would divulge that particular bit to Kojiro. Instead, he claims to have spent his afternoon tending to Carla’s operating system. If Kojiro sees through the lie, he doesn’t say anything.
They’re early enough that the trailers haven’t started yet, so Kojiro stands in line to get them snacks while Kaoru uses this opportunity to visit the restroom. When he emerges, he finds Kojiro leaning just a tad too far over the counter, talking conspiratorially to the snack counter girl. Before he has the chance to get upset though, Kojiro waves him over with a grin so dopey that it rivals one of the seven dwarves.
Kojiro hands him the sour candies he favors so much and pushes off from the counter. He’s got his own popcorn in one hand and the other draped casually over his shoulders as he walks them to their seats.
“Who was that,” Kaoru inquired, hopefully not sounding too jealous.
“Oh, that was one of Rini’s old friends! Haven’t seen her since she was like eleven years old!”
Rini was one of Kojiro’s younger sisters. He hopes his sigh of relief isn’t too noticeable.
They settle into their seats while Kojiro rambles on about Rini’s friend and how she’s getting ready to graduate and move to Tokyo, where Rini has been for the past year. The way Kojiro talks about the people in his family and their circle around them has always left Kaoru jealous. Not in the sense that he wants to be the only one in Kojiro’s life, but wishing he had something like that to call his own.
His parents weren’t exactly the warm and nurturing type, often keeping Kaoru at a distance. No matter how hard he rebelled as a teenager, nothing seemed to make them pay attention. They’d pay for anything else though: toys, skateboards, a car, tuition. Anything to get him off their back.
It had to be why he gravitated towards Kojiro so much. Just being in the Nanjo house, crowded and messy though it often was, there was love and family to be found there.
Kaoru really needed to get a grip. It’s not like Kojiro would be flirting with someone while they’re literally on a date. If that’s what this even is. Surely it must be. The movie plans predicated the kiss, but it was a pretty straight fucking line from A to B. There was definitely a charged undercurrent to this little outing.
Kaoru squirms in his seat, sneaking glances over at Kojiro’s form next to him. Don’t ask him what’s going on in the movie because all he knows is that Kojiro’s body language is open, but his hands are clutching his popcorn container. He offers it to Kaoru wordlessly, getting in his space and leaning over the armrest. He allows himself to indulge, but it’s not the popcorn he indulges in, it’s Kojiro’s proximity.
They remain close for the rest of the movie, still in their own seats and occasionally shifting to a more comfortable position, but their bodies lean towards each other like magnets. Sometimes Kojiro will whisper something to Kaoru and earn them a shush from someone behind them, making Kaoru outright giggle.
Everything is always funnier when you’re not supposed to be talking or laughing. It reminds him of high school, though usually he was the one getting Kojiro into trouble rather than the other way around.
Life has changed around them. They’re practically whole new people now, but through all their evolutions, they can’t shake each other. They always go together, balancing each other out perfectly.
He wonders if this new development of their relationship will throw a wrench into it all. Much as he wants this, he doesn’t know what he’d do without Kojiro. That’s his best friend. No one in the world knows him better. Maybe they’ll be okay.
In fact, he’s all but sure of it now.
The credits come sooner than either of them expects, and they slowly put themselves to rights and clean up their trash. They wander lazily towards the exit, probably holding up the people behind them.
It’s warmer outside than it was the previous night. The breeze blows through his hair, and it has Kaoru feeling wistful. He takes in a deep breath and looks up at the stars. Neither of them has anything left to say, really. They just stand there in companionable silence, wondering what comes next.
Kaoru looks over to Kojiro, and you’d think he never looked away from the sky for how starry his gaze looks. Kojiro steps close, gingerly tucking a loose hair back behind Kaoru’s ear. He has to take a steadying breath.
“Why don’t you stay at mine tonight,” Kojiro asks.
Unsure whether his voice will come out normal or not, he gives only a curt nod. “I brought the bike,” Kaoru gestures to the Carla motorcycle, trying to get his blush under control, “it’s right over there.”
Kojiro climbs on the back of the bike, legs spread wide and inviting. Kaoru slides between him and the handlebars, turning the ignition. Kojiro lets his hands fall to Kaoru’s waist and he scooches himself even further up. If he feels like he’s being smothered now, he has no idea how he’s going to make it through the rest of the night. The engine roars to life, creating encouraging vibrations beneath them.
Kaoru’s sense of urgency to get them back to Kojiro’s place is only heightened when his hands creep up his ribcage and back down to his hips. They get stopped by a light and Kojiro takes his opportunity to pull Kaoru’s hips even further into his own and drop a hot kiss to where his neck meets his shoulder.
The sound of the bike drowns out much of the obscene moan he lets out, for which he is grateful. They need to get home now.
They’re only a block or so away and Kojiro’s forehead is pressed between his shoulder blades as he tries to calm his breathing.
What feels like mere moments later, he pulls up outside Kojiro’s building and kills the engine. For all the build up, the two are frozen in place, still slotted against each other. This is it. Kojiro steps off the bike first, his hand coming into Kaoru’s line of vision. Their eyes connect and Kaoru can’t help but smirk. Kaoru puts his hand in Kojiro’s and lets himself be pulled from the bike. He doesn’t let go of Kojiro’s hand, even as he fishes through his pockets for his keys.
Once they finally make it into Kojiro’s apartment, they’re immediately reaching for each other. The kiss is explosive and they greedily paw at each other’s clothes. Kojiro’s jacket doesn’t even make it past the genkan. Kaoru’s hakama are hastily discarded so Kojiro can hoist him into the air, legs wrapping around his bulky frame. He sucks relentlessly on Kojiro’s lips and tongue, digging his fingers into his shoulders.
The pleased noises Kojiro makes are sure to haunt his dreams for the rest of his life. Kojiro steers them into his bedroom, dropping Kaoru gracelessly onto the bed. He wriggles out of his jeans and Kaoru grabs a fistful of his shirt, yanking him down on top of him.
They kiss and kiss and kiss, rolling and writhing together, not an inch of space between them.
Kaoru grabs two handfuls of his plump ass, grinding their hips together in a way so filthy that it has Kojiro practically choking for air. “Kaoru, fuck.” They’re both so hard, panting so heavily into each other’s mouths and they haven’t even gotten to the main event. Kojiro extracts himself from Kaoru long enough to grab the condoms and lube from his side table. Kaoru takes the moment to adjust his ponytail higher on his head and snatches the supplies right from Kojiro’s hands.
“Lay down,” his tone leaves no room for argument and Kojiro scrambles up to the headboard to heed him. “Good boy,” he praises before peeling him out of his boxer briefs and taking every impressive inch of him into his mouth.
He doesn’t even ease Kojiro into it, he’s too greedy. He’s immediately taking him all the way to the back of his throat and hollowing out his cheeks, groaning at the taste.
“Jesus fuck, Kaoru, take it easy,” he cries out, head thrown back. “I’m gonna blow my load before we even get to it.”
“Don’t tell me that your reputation is all bullshit.”
“Hey, give me a break! I’ve waited a long time for you, okay,” he runs his fingers through the ends of Kaoru’s ponytail.
“I’d hardly call that ‘waiting,’ you slept with everyone who fluttered their eyelashes in your direction.” Kaoru rips at the condom package and rolls it on, firmly placing the bottle of lube into Kojiro’s hand. He swings a leg over him, straddling his hips with another filthy grind.
“Of course you even wanna fight during sex,” he laughs into Kaoru’s mouth, pulling him down for a kiss, “can’t believe I expected anything less.”
“Yeah, shame on you,” Kaoru slips his tongue into Kojiro’s open mouth as he sinks a slick finger into his ass. The pressure punches a sharp moan from him, but he quickly relaxes into it, rocking his hips back into Kojiro’s hand.
Kaoru spends the next minutes sucking at every bit of skin he can get his mouth on. He wants to devour Kojiro, leave him without a shadow of a doubt who he belongs to. Kaoru drags the flat of his tongue over one of Kojiro’s nipples, keeping direct eye contact and giving it a few more kitten licks until Kojiro is a restless mess beneath him. He finally, finally sinks back onto Kojiro’s fat cock with a firm nip to his chin. He sits back on his haunches with a luxuriant roll of his neck. He can practically feel him in his throat. “Fuck, you’re huge.”
“God, Kaoru, you can’t say stuff like that,” he is clearly fighting for his life down there, “not if you want me to last.”
Kaoru can’t help but chuckle darkly, “Come on, big boy, I know you can do better than that.” Kojiro thrusts up harshly in retaliation. He takes that as an invitation to start moving, swiveling his hips, grinding down and getting used to the feeling of Kojiro inside of him. Kojiro presses his fingers into the meat of his thighs harshly as they sink into a rhythm.
“Fuck, baby, you feel so good,” Kojiro praises.
He wonders how many people he’s called that.
Maybe they should be going slower. Really relishing in the fact that they’re finally doing this after all this time.
Fuck that actually. They’ve waited long enough. They have all the time to go slow later. Now? Now they can be rabid and ravenous, biting and grabbing at each others’ flesh. That’s more their style anyway.
Kojiro throws his head back with a delicious groan. Kaoru only picks up the pace, riding him like it’s his fucking job.
“Kaoru, Kaoru, Kaoru…”
God, he could get used to this. He intends to get used to this, to Kojiro’s enormous body entwined with his, warming his bed, his moans, making his eyes roll back in his head just like that.
Kaoru whips his hair to the other shoulder and brings their mouths together again, panting heavily into each other’s mouths, touching foreheads damp with sweat.
“Kaoru… I’m not gonna last, Kaoru.”
He pours a kiss into his mouth. “Give it to me, Koji. Cum.”
He does what he’s told for a change. Liquid white heat runs through his body and seeps into his veins. Kaoru comes long and thick on Kojiro’s heaving chest, having an out-of-body experience or maybe ascending to a higher state of being.
He watches himself take one slender finger and drag it through his mess.
He marks Kojiro with a singular kanji, drawing it right there on his chest.
It’s so base of him. And certainly petty. He watches understanding dawn on Kojiro’s face and he worries he’s gone too far.
No. He needs to know.
“No one else.” He leaves no room for argument.
“There never was anyone who could live up to you anyway.” Kojiro agrees all the same, tucking a loose strand of pink hair back behind Kaoru’s ear.
He relaxes and drapes himself along Kojiro’s side, legs still tangled together. Their breathing slowly returns to normal and Kaoru can’t help but smell him. He needs to burn this into his memory in every conceivable way.
Kojiro shifts like he means to get up and start cleaning them off, but Kaoru grips his large bicep and effectively pins him with his gaze.
They can clean up in the morning. For now, they just let it sink in.
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ukrfeminism · 2 years
2 minute read
Female barristers earn nearly 35 per cent less than their male counterparts as concern grows that methods of distributing cases discriminate against women lawyers.
The latest figures from the Bar Council showed that across all areas of law women were slowly closing the earnings gap. However, across the entire profession, male barristers on average earned about £86,000 annually in fee income, while women earned about £57,000.
Barristers practising at the independent Bar are self-employed and generally group together in chambers. They must pay chambers’ overheads and other expenses from their overall annual fee income.
Researchers at the council, the professional body for 17,500 barristers in England and Wales, found that in the past year average gross earnings for male lawyers fell by 5 per cent and increased by 6 per cent for women. However, significant areas of law remained in which the earnings gap continued to widen, including immigration, property and probate disputes and personal injury. In the personal injury field, women earned 53 per cent less than men.
The earnings gap at the Bar was significantly worse than at large City of London and regional commercial law firms, where women earn about 25 per cent less than men.
Recent figures have shown that the gap at the “big four” accountancy firms varies and women earn between 35 and 39 per cent less than men. Across British businesses generally, the average gender pay gap at those that are required to report is 15.5 per cent.
The Bar Council report found that areas of the law in which the gender earnings gap reduced over the past year included general commercial work and financial services, where women moved from earning 57 per cent less to earning 51 per cent less.
In employment, this gap fell from 16 per cent to 6 per cent. The researchers also noted that in crime there had been a sharp drop of nearly 20 per cent overall in fee income for specialist barristers and that women had gone from earning 38 per cent less to earning 35 per cent less.
The council’s analysis also found that there were some areas of law in which women were earning more than men. These included defamation, in which women have overtaken men and are earning 36 per cent more on average.
Likewise, in family law, women barristers who specialise in children’s issues have consistently earned more than male barristers. However, the gap closed to 3 per cent last year, down one point from 2020.
Mark Fenhalls KC, the Bar Council’s chairman, said “there remains a long way to go to close the earnings gap, particularly in the higher earning practice areas”.
He said that chambers could “make a significant difference through ensuring fair distribution of work”. Fenhalls called for fair practices around the distribution of briefs at chambers as well as better marketing opportunities for women barristers — “and support for new barristers and those returning to the Bar”.
This month, the Ministry of Justice settled a dispute with the Criminal Bar Association over legal aid fees for cases in the crown courts. Bar leaders had called for an all-out strike over claims that some junior barristers were paid less than the minimum wage after their expenses were taken into account. The strike was settled after the government implemented a 15 per cent increase to criminal legal aid fees.
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ggukiejeonara · 1 year
안녕..!! This my first fiction on Tumblr. I'm a author on Wattpad as @Ggukiejeonara. I also posted this novel on wattpad, so check it out there;)
Posting on 16.01.2023
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Love & Knight
Chapter - 1
1. | Characters |
This will give you the detailed information about their personality and their profession. There are few characters which will add on later chapters, I'll introduced at that time;)
There are many unlisted and unsayed mysteries and secrets which you'll know later if stick with this book "Love & Knight" :) ;)
• Choi Jiah
- 24 years 
- Kind-hearted 
- Fierce and Savage 
- Don't want to be in love, think it as overrated 
- Her Secret Code 462 [?] 
- Good at 'Taekwondo'
Profession - Cardiologist
• Ella
- 22 years
- Mysterious and Bold
- Best friend of Jiah
- Good at flirting
- Her Secret Code 420 [?] 
- Good at 'Karate' 
Profession - Psychologists
• Ara 
- 23 years
- Sharp-minded and Tough
- Night-owl and clumsy 
- Jiah's bestfriend
- Her Secret Code 360 [?]
- Good at 'Taekwondo' & 'Karate' because of her friend
Profession - Software engineer and Al expert
• Seo-Jun 
- 25 years
- Pervert and gives Bad-boy vibes
- Fierce and stubborn
- Have secrets
- The only male friend of 'Trio'
- His Secret Code 440 [?]
Profession - Lawyer (deal with criminal cases)
• Jiwoo 
- 10 years
- Cute and Emotional
- Have heart illness 
- Bubbly and love her unnies
- Friendly and quite savage 
- Her parents died when she was young
Leaders of one of the biggest mafia gangs in Korea.
No one knows their undercover identities
Why? Because if someone wants to infiltrate or betray them they don't have any information to spill because their identities are always hidden
Still they're one of the famous Ceo's of South Korea 
• Kim Namjoon
Main leader
Very intelligent
In charge of plans and tactics when on mission
Give all the orders
Role: Leader and Brains of the group 
• Kim Seokjin
Very caring about his members
Has a bubbly personality but can he dead serious when on mission
Amazing with healing wounds and treating injuries
Makes and creates potions/drugs/antidotes etc
Role: Scientist 
• Min Yoongi
Member call him as "Suga" 
Always front in battlefield
A kind of playboy 
Mess with him well…. there's no escaping 
Role: Killer
• Jung Hoseok
Has a jolly and bright personality but can also be very serious
Expert with technology
Keep eyes on their rivals
Keep their information, data safe
Cheerful and caring 
Role: Data Analyst 
• Park Jimin
Gorgeous but deadly
Highly skilled at stealing
Can steal anything, money, weapons, girl's hearts 😏
Role: Thief 
• Kim Taehyung 
- Cold hearted, care for people he get attached to
- Tough, Fierce and stubborn
- Don't really care about others feeling
- Can do anything to complete his goals
Expert in making and handling weapons 
Profession - One of the famous business tycoon in South Korea 
Secretly a Mafia and member of 'Bangtan'
Role: Weapons Master 
• Jeon Jungkook
Youngest, most recent member of Bangtan
Hesitantly but voluntary joined Bangtan 
Very smart and talented 
Can break into highly advanced and protected technology
Loves all his hyungs more than anything
Role: Hacker
• Kang Eun-jae
Tall, dark man with brain
Person who only care about his profits 
Heartless and selfish 
Fierce, trap people in his talks
Playboy and think women as his robot 
Fight, to be killed is the only solution of his problems
[he'll add after 11 chapters]
[Taehyung × Reader] [Jungkook × Reader] [Jimin × Reader]
I don't any image and gif, credit goes to their respectful owner. This story is totally mine so don't copy or translate my novel no plagiarism !!!!
This series contain violence and erotic stuffs so if you're uncomfortable with this then don't go ahead;)
© Ggukiejeonara all rights are reserved
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colonnotify1 · 2 years
Do You Are To Find A Bankruptcy Lawyer?
To answer this question we have take a look at our society and understand why this opportunity exists and, more importantly, how can we keep more of our hard-earned dollars away from the legal profession. Basically, you have the right to sue anyone about anything and they have the right to defend themselves. This is where attorneys see a business opportunity. Ever seen the attorney ads on TV where they are asking if you have had a problem in the past? This is what is known as ambulance chasing. Getting hold of people that have had a problem with someone else that could lead to a lawsuit. Their past cases. Find out if the contractor lawyers near me has handled cases like yours. Sometimes, proof in DUI cases are so incriminating, that a best thing the lawyer can do is to plead to a lower charge. It does not mean that if your lawyer has not won many cases, he is no good, check and see how many cases did he get the charges and sentencing reduced? Find out how the charges were reduced and this would also tell you how the lawyer thinks and how well they know their stuff. Respectable Track Record - Doing business with a law office requires you to spend enough money for it. Since you are spending money, you must opt for the best law office that has a respectable track record. You can do a background check by knowing how many successful cases they have already won for the past years. Although this process requires much effort on your behalf, however it helps you to come up with good decisions. This can also offer you great benefits in the long run. You may want to step back and let the lawyer do his or her thing. This is a good idea. But that does not mean looking out for yourself is wrong. Get as involved in the process as you can. It can save your lawyer valuable time. Maintain a good relationship with your personal injury attorney. All too often people see a big rig accident attorney as an adversary; however nothing could be further from the truth. attorney want to help you. Ask the lawyer why she chose to work on Social Security disability cases. The answer to this question is very telling. For me, helping clients get their disability benefits is one of the greatest joys in practicing law. I know that my staff and I can make a difference in our clients' lives. Clients come into my office troubled, frustrated, worried and in pain. We work through the process together and there is no better feeling than calling a client to report that they have been approved for Social Security disability benefits. Each individual lawyer needs a separate marketing plan. One strategy is not applicable to all. A senior lawyer may have a different marketing strategy than a new lawyer who has just entered the business. A marketing strategy cannot be borrowed from someone else. The lawyer should have new ideas and strategies. They enjoy a good reputation in the community, and have earned the respect of both clients and colleagues. You might even ask someone in the community to recommend someone specifically suited to your problems or needs. If you are suffering sexual harassment at the workplace, for example, it might be a good idea to contact a local women's group to ask for recommendations. I'll give you an example. I went to a top-100 law school. A buddy of mine graduated with a job paying $30,000.00 per year. He had $100,000.00 in loans to pay when he graduated, and it broke his back for a long time. personal lawyer was paying nearly half of his paycheck out in loan payments every month for the first few years of practice. He stayed thin by living on Ramen noodles. It wasn't much fun.
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ferrolawfirmpa · 2 days
Safeguarding Your Rights: A Personal Injury Lawyer's Role in York, PA
When life throws unexpected challenges your way, especially in the form of personal injuries, having a knowledgeable advocate by your side can make all the difference. Personal injury lawyers in York, PA serve as guardians of your rights, offering indispensable support and expertise throughout your legal journey.
Empowering You with Legal Insight
Personal injury lawyers are adept at deciphering the intricate nuances of the legal landscape. From deciphering complex statutes to understanding case precedents, they equip you with the knowledge needed to navigate the legal maze with confidence.
Shielding You From Legal Pitfalls
In the aftermath of an injury, insurance companies may attempt to exploit your vulnerability by offering inadequate settlements. Your lawyer acts as a shield, deflecting low-ball offers and ensuring that you receive just compensation for your suffering, medical expenses, and lost wages.
Crafting Your Narrative
Every personal injury case has a story, and your lawyer is the storyteller. They meticulously gather evidence, interview witnesses, and reconstruct events to craft a compelling narrative that resonates with judges and juries, strengthening your chances of a favorable outcome.
Guiding You with Compassion
Beyond legal expertise, personal injury lawyer in York, PA offer unwavering support and compassion. They understand the emotional toll of injuries and provide a reassuring presence, guiding you through the legal process with empathy and understanding.
Fighting for Justice
At the core of their profession, personal injury lawyers are champions of justice. Whether negotiating settlements or advocating in court, they tenaciously fight for your rights, holding accountable those responsible for your injuries and striving to secure a brighter future for you and your loved ones.
Don't Navigate Alone
In times of crisis, the guidance of a skilled personal injury lawyer can be your greatest asset. If you've been injured in York, PA, don't face the challenges ahead alone. Reach out to a trusted personal injury lawyer today and take the first step towards reclaiming your rights and rebuilding your life.
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hugheslaugesen43 · 4 days
Joshua Erlich Northern Virginia Employment Litigation Lawyers
However, for something as critical as reckless or careless driving you would be going through long-lasting consequences in your life. In truth, if you hire an attorney from May Law, they could find yourself representing you in court on their own, permitting you to attend different enterprise. There are most likely a couple of key facts you don’t learn about traffic courtroom. These tidbits may provide you with some insight on the method to prepare in your site visitors violation listening to. civil litigation lawyer Principal lawyer Seth Robbins is also licensed to practice law in Maryland, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia. The authorized staff at Sher, Cummings and Ellis in Arlington, Virginia has represented clients on either facet of the lawsuit, whether it’s a breach of fiduciary responsibility, fraud, business disputes, or different civil causes of motion. To meet with an skilled litigator, schedule a consultation today so you can get forward of your matter. Let us help you protect civil rights and acquire justice for personal injuries. Civil litigation lawsuits are handled at The Brown Firm to acquire compensation for civil damages, injuries, common disagreements, and more. In fact, many civil cases are settled out of courtroom because every party can reach a mutual settlement on the matter. I started my profession in 1986 in a large law firm where for ten years I focused on litigation. I proceed to litigate, and I even have expanded my follow into enterprise counseling and transactions, where my litigation experience permits me to spot potential issues and address them whereas the relationship is forming. Since 1991, I really have served as a court-appointed mediator for the Superior Court of the District of Columbia, the place my litigation and other people experience combine to help resolve disputes for others. Livesay & Myers is a family law firm that serves clients in Arlington and throughout Northern Virginia. For instance, if you want to sue a negligent driver for inflicting a automobile accident and your harm, you may have two years from the day of the accident to take motion. If you’re facing a breach of contract or trespassing lawsuit, you might have 5 years. Often occasions, Josh litigates employment issues, non-competition disputes, and instances focused on unpaid wages, commissions, or bonuses. Our private damage and staff compensation legal professionals will struggle on your rights to make sure you get the maximum compensation that you simply deserve. We are dedicated to making positive that you just and your family do not undergo the financial pressure of lack of income or medical bills. Richmond private harm and civil rights, Chesterfield private harm and civil rights, Henrico personal injury and civil rights, Hanover private injury and civil rights, Goochland personal damage and civil rights, the list goes on. Wrongful death claims are brought in a civil motion against an individual who could doubtlessly be held answerable for a dying. Employment law is a broad focus space of law which encompasses all facets of employer and employee relationships. If you want to take a course upfront to point out good faith and that you are working to improve yourself as a driver, it might be a good idea. However, if you're planning to take a course to get factors again on your driving report, it could be finest to attend until after a judge provides you a choice. I would advocate David and request his service in the future if wanted. Civil law is a broad area that handles and regulates the rights and duties of individuals in relationship to a minimum of one another exterior of the felony justice system. These instances can involve conflicts over contracts, property, household relationships, and wrongs that cause bodily harm or property damage, and more. Lee Lopez Law is a legal defense, family law, and appellate agency representing purchasers in Arlington. Its attorneys litigate, mediate, and settle circumstances involving divorce, spousal assist, child custody, and marital settlement. Award recipients stand out from their peers with a platinum, gold or silver icon. My experience helps me develop artistic methods and solutions to meet your wants. Often, a legal issue could be resolved by assessing risk early and eliminating it, somewhat than by way of costly litigation. A lawyer may be ready to scale back these charges so that they don't seem to be as severe. If you select to fight the charges introduced in opposition to you, name a visitors violation lawyer Arlington VA clients suggest from May Law LLP as quickly as potential. There is a distinction between driving without a license and driving without proof of a license. If you're a licensed driver and left your license at house, you would possibly obtain a ticket for driving with out proof of a license. A traffic violation lawyer in Arlington, VA, may help you with this charge. However, if you are not a licensed driver, the results are typically extra severe.
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winsteadallison26 · 4 days
Miami Medical Malpractice Lawyers Rossman, Baumberger, Reboso & Spier
Mr. Cohen has concentrated his practice nearly completely in the space of medical malpractice for his complete profession and is nationally acknowledged for his experience in that area. Before we take your case to courtroom, we are going to aggressively negotiate for the maximum possible medical malpractice insurance settlement. However, if we can not reach an advantageous settlement, we'll file your lawsuit earlier than the statute of limitations expires. The exception to that is if the well being care supplier tried to hide the malpractice by fraud or deceit. If that’s the case, then the statute of limitations is two years from when the harm was found or seven years from when the malpractice occurred. The Injury Firm represents victims and their households in the Fort Lauderdale metro. It handles varied medical malpractice cases, corresponding to start injuries, surgical errors, failure to acknowledge complications related to the umbilical cord, pointless stent procedures, and misdiagnosis. Its team of attorneys aggressively advocates for its aggrieved purchasers' rights against insurance companies and at-fault parties as properly as helps them acquire the utmost compensation that covers lack of consortium and medical payments. The agency is also licensed to practice in Massachusetts, Arkansas, and Illinois. Our Florida medical malpractice attorneys focus their careers on serving to significantly injured victims and the households of patients killed as a result of medical negligence. Recognized for our commitment to stable medical malpractice litigation, we selectively deal with essentially the most complicated and devastating medical malpractice claims in Florida and throughout the United States. In order to do this, one other medical skilled from the same field might be wanted to testify for you. Additionally, causation must be proved, which means that there should be proof that the medical professional’s actions or failure to behave was the trigger in your injuries. The care that instantly follows a patient undergoing surgery or remedy known as postoperative care. Medical providers have the duty florida medical malpractice lawyer Medical malpractice attorneys symbolize people and families who’ve skilled acts of medical neglect—whether via someone’s actions or failure to act. As medical malpractice lawyers, we're answerable for helping people who discover themselves going through one of the most difficult instances of their life. Throughout the years, we've been there to advise and guide people who find themselves facing off in opposition to huge insurance firms and well being methods, making certain that they aren't just another statistic. Hospital negligence claims aren't straightforward, and the massive medical facilities are often represented by giant defense companies employed by insurance coverage companies. At Freidin Brown, P.A., we now have 100 years of combined expertise and have conducted over 300 trials in entrance of a jury. We have handled medical malpractice cases in states such as Rhode Island, Alabama, Arkansas, Texas, and California. Several kinds of private injury claims are more frequent in Florida as a end result of its unique setting and populous cities. These include automobile accidents, slip and fall incidents, medical malpractice, and boating accidents. Car accidents are common because of the excessive traffic volume in major urban centres and tourism hotspots, while slip and fall claims usually occur in numerous shopping centres and public spaces. Medical malpractice suits arise when healthcare professionals deviate from accepted requirements of care, inflicting hurt to sufferers. Given Florida’s in depth coastline and waterway utilization, boating accidents additionally represent a substantive portion of personal injury claims. This can embody a well being care provider incorrectly performing surgery, a hospital nurse failing to reply to a affected person in misery, a physician misdiagnosing a illness, or a radiologist misreading a movie. Florida’s laws on medical malpractice cover all kinds of medical negligence, due to these broad statutory definitions. Contact the understanding and highly skilled Florida medical malpractice lawyers at Senior Justice Law Firm to discuss your case. Our staff of skilled Florida medical malpractice lawyers has spent considerable time in precise courtrooms representing victims of medical malpractice in Florida. Proving medical malpractice in Florida is a extremely complex and difficult course of. Malpractice instances usually involve nuanced medical issues and unfamiliar healthcare jargon, that are tough to parse with out skilled assistance. Even a minor injury can require some form of medical therapy to heal. To recuperate compensation, one should show that the healthcare skilled offered substandard medical care and that their negligence caused hurt. Since 1998, Malpractice Specialist has been representing patients and their households in Jacksonville and neighboring areas in a full range of medical malpractice cases. These include delivery accidents, surgical errors, failures to diagnose, and nursing home neglect. Lead attorney Scott R. McMillen has been dealing with medical malpractice instances for over 30 years, having started with representing hospitals and doctors. Contact an experienced medical malpractice attorney or Tampa birth damage lawyer at present. Experienced medical malpractice lawyer Brent Miller has litigated quite a few medical malpractice instances, which usually require testimony by a quantity of medical consultants at hefty fees. Bears these appreciable upfront prices, and we are repaid only if we secure compensation for you in a pre-trial settlement or jury award. Before joining the firm, he acted as an assistant federal public defender at the Federal Public Defender’s Office for the Southern District of Florida, where he represented clients at trial and on attraction. He has tried cases and argued appeals in both state and federal courts and represented shoppers earlier than the united states These kinds of medical malpractice cases are complicated, as hospital negligence can are obtainable in a wide range of various varieties. Suspected hospital negligence should all the time be investigated by a Florida medical malpractice attorney. We consult with respected specialists about what constitutes an appropriate commonplace of care within the relevant occupation. In consultation with these specialists, our lawyers show the standards within the specific profession and the manner in which your physician fell wanting these standards.
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carriesthewind · 11 months
Thank you for your takes on the Chat GPT lawyers debacle - it’s really fascinating! While we’re all gazing on at the drama with the lawyers though, I’m also worried about the plaintiff, since it’s definitely not *his* fault his lawyers are… like that. What kind of protections or possible avenues are there for someone like Mata? Or will his case get thrown out because of this clownshow and leave him with no other roads to tread?
Thank you!
As of today, his case has been dismissed for falling outside the treaty's time bar; I've previously written about his options here. Short version: he can attempt to sue LoDuca et al. for malpractice.
As far as protections for others like him...as I said in another post, the law in the U.S. is a self-certifying, self-enforcing profession. Unfortunately, which it is pretty good at cracking down on these like the unauthorized practice of law, there are a lot of not-great and even scam-y lawyers out there. (Not that I have any reason to believe LoDuca et al were scammers - just severely lacking competence, at least in this case).
(Also, can I say? It genuinely makes me happy how many people have been concerned about the plaintiff. I know a lot of people are quick to make negative judgements about personal injury claims based on very little information, and it is easy, in the chaos, to forget about the real person who says he was hurt, and so all of these asks about him are very encouraging.)
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buschneergaard64 · 6 days
Professional Indemnity Insurance Genoa Underwriting Managers
If your business has members of the common public coming into your premises at any time, it is a good suggestion to have public liability cover. This insurance coverage will cover you if somebody sues you for harm, sickness, or property injury that takes place while they're at your office. The world by which professionals operate is one of ever-increasing stress, and it's this pressure that can result in errors and omissions. It is these errors and omissions of course which lead to claims arising against the practice. In our more and more litigious society, and matched with the high pressures the profession demands, it is crucial that law corporations look to insurance corporations for top-up cover. This is why, as a business proprietor, you’ll require a canopy that protects you if something goes incorrect and you face legal legal responsibility in consequence. This shall be from a variety of professional indemnity insurance service provider. Clients can declare towards your business and towards you for a range of incidents. professional indemnity insurance south africa could be weak to those claims, however there's specific cover that may protect you. Additionally, some contracts and initiatives will require you to have lively insurance coverage before you'll find a way to apply for the job or contract. It is crucial that the policyholder is conscious that they need to underneath no circumstance admit, provide, promise or settle any claims with out prior written consent from their insurer. Legal practitioners should also not be appointed to investigate or defend any matters earlier than the consent of the insurer has been obtained. “If you are in a state of affairs where your PI coverage has lapsed, you might find a way to purchase a new enterprise policy and also you could possibly buy retroactive cover inside sure limits. The court docket held that Attorney A had a legal responsibility to take care of the cash with out negligence. The judgment confirms that an lawyer has an obligation to identify persons who deposit money into their belief account and to get rid of such funds only in accordance with such instructions. An lawyer (A) obtained directions from his client that he would be receiving an amount of R three.1 million into his belief account the place after he might be instructed how to disburse the funds. The funds had been received into trust by a third individual (B) who happened to even be an attorney. He believed that he was investing in a scheme for the purchase of gold bullion. B at no time suggested A (attorney) that he (B) was the depositor or the reason for the cost. Any individual, company, organisation or entity offering an expert service is uncovered to litigation if a 3rd celebration suffers a loss on account of negligence. Professional providers could be broadly outlined as these requiring special abilities including but not restricted to recommendation, design and consulting services. Professional Indemnity insurance offers indemnity in respect of claims arising out of the conduct of professional companies. Insurance typically consists of retroactive protection, which protects towards claims arising from incidents that occurred before the policy’s effective date, offered the insured had no prior information of such incidents. Any firm that provides their prospects any form of recommendation or service for a payment will benefit from having professional indemnity insurance. Failing to resume a PI coverage on time will end in a spot in cover and any losses that occurred prior to the renewal could very properly be rejected by the insurer. No professional relishes the considered making a mistake or being accused of being negligent in the execution of their professional duties. In truth, you might not even have made a mistake for a declare of negligence to be introduced in opposition to you. However you’ll still must defend any such claims to resolution, which could be a costly affair, both in time and financially. It is when things go awry and a declare is lodged that the real value of Professional Indemnity (PI) insurance and professional advice are truly appreciated. He is the only underwriter that's up to date with the present COHSAR rules and necessities, subsequently he has a very intimate understanding of the laws. He was additionally the first underwriter to create a product for OHSI Insurance for property homeowners. In affiliation with RSUM (PTY) Ltd we have developed a straightforward to finish Proposal Form specifically designed for his or her members. Our product not only covers you as professional, should a declare be made in opposition to you, however covers all investigation and authorized charges. Included within the cover, is Public Liability Insurance and Directors & Officers Liability Insurance. Take the time to suppose about the quantity of labor that you simply carry out and the appropriate amount of economic protection you would need in the occasion that a Professional Indemnity declare is made against you. Your insurance coverage may have its own specific listing of insured occasions and exclusions. It is finest to verify together with your insurer or the coverage wording to substantiate the details of your Professional Indemnity insurance coverage. PI Cover is important for professionals to manage the inherent risks of their work. As a results of the position you find yourself in, you have to take sufficient steps to protect towards the results of these risks. Our purpose is to challenge the standing quo of insurance for the benefit of all our clients. Therefore, ought to the coverage be lapsed or not renewed there might be no cover in drive to reply to any claims, making it crucial to resume your PI coverage yearly because the coverage doesn't auto-renew. Similarly, Vizibiliti presents steering the place practitioners retire or sell their practices. This is essential for future peace of thoughts, each when it comes to finances, as well as medico-legal risks.
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reynoldsburris77 · 7 days
The Ten Best Wrongful Death Lawyers Near Me 2024
There are many different components that may modify the deadline for a wrongful death lawsuit. Once your NYC wrongful death attorney critiques your case, they'll help you pursue the suitable authorized remedy in a timely method. The grieving process is tough enough by itself, but sudden monetary pressure can additional complicate the situation. wrongful death attorney Army, where he served as a Nuclear Biological Chemical Warfare Operations Specialist. Reina Gonzalez takes on catastrophic injury and wrongful death cases on behalf of shoppers in Dallas, Fort Worth, Denton, McKinney and Rockwall counties. She uses her legal expertise to assist vulnerable shoppers by serving as Guardian advert litem and Attorney advert litem in a number of Dallas space courts. Pennsylvania’s no-fault workers’ compensation system means you don’t should show fault if you’re injured at work. But nonetheless, claims could be denied for numerous reasons—employers would possibly query the validity and severity of the accidents, or they could declare that it occurred exterior of labor. The guardian of an underage baby can file a wrongful death lawsuit on their behalf. Clients have praised the firm's thoroughness, professionalism, and compassion all through the authorized course of. The lawyers at Pipella Law are identified for their dedication to reaching fair compe more... New York acknowledges wrongful death as one which arises from the wrongful or negligent conduct of another and one that may have resulted in a personal injury lawsuit if the victim had been alive. It can come up from various incidents corresponding to building accidents, medical malpractice, motor vehicle accidents, defective product, police misconduct or slip and fall. Every jurisdiction in the United States measures this time in a matter of years. In some states, there are limits on how much you can declare for a death brought on by medical negligence. In truth, the cap on damages many states apply to medical negligence circumstances is far decrease than on other forms of compensation. Malpractice is any type of medical care that fails to meet the strange diploma of skilled skill that a doctor should normally abide by. Frequently, malpractice will involve a negligent act or omission that's answerable for inflicting an injury or illness to a patient. Ira S. Slavit, a principal attorney at Levine & Slavit, PLLC, has advocated for victims and their families since 1984. Throughout his profession, he has successfully represented shoppers in a extensive range of private damage claims, helping them recuperate meaningful compensation for their losses. His areas of expertise encompass medical malpractice, product legal responsibility, development accidents and premises legal responsibility circumstances. She has been writing full time for over a decade with a focus on making monetary and legal topics comprehensible and enjoyable. Her work has appeared on Forbes, CNN Underscored Money, Investopedia, Credit Karma, The Balance, USA Today, and Yahoo Finance, among others. If you delay filing till after the statute of limitations has handed, your declare is time barred and can't go ahead. As a plaintiff, you need to be sure you totally perceive what happened and who was responsible earlier than accepting a settlement. If you can't attain a satisfactory settlement agreement, you should pursue your case in courtroom. If you do agree to settle, you receive a fee however must surrender any future claims. Rob Crain began his authorized profession defending clients in opposition to personal damage claims. This expertise gave him firsthand experience in the methods used by protection attorneys. Since opening his agency in 2001, he has exclusively represented injured individuals and their households. His agency regularly takes on wrongful death cases, and just lately obtained a $142 million verdict in a deadly childcare negligence case. He has also taken on pro bono cases to help those who cannot afford authorized illustration, similar to when he represented a 9/11 World Trade Center victim looking for access to the September eleven fund. Because these funds are designed to compensate you for a loss, it's unfair to tax it as earnings. The first kind of compensation is essentially what would have been obtainable to the decedent had they survived. This usually includes compensation for pain and suffering as nicely as any medical bills associated to the decedent’s last sickness or damage. Courts allow these claims to go ahead given barring them would basically award a personal harm defendant if their sufferer dies from their wounds. First, these instances can recuperate compensation for claims the decedent accrued before their death. Second, a wrongful death plaintiff could additionally see compensation for his or her losses brought on by the death of their beloved one. florida wrongful death attorney Wrongful death laws in Texas enable surviving family members to seek compensation when the death of their loved one outcomes from someone else’s negligence, wrongful actions or omissions. Consulting with a talented attorney can present priceless insight into your obtainable choices. We’ve pulled collectively 10 of the top wrongful death lawyers in San Antonio, TX, who can help you. A survival motion is another kind of lawsuit you'll have the ability to file after a wrongful death. This motion allows the estate of the deceased to get compensation for medical bills incurred due to an damage that eventually resulted in a wrongful death.
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