#personal ads
yeoldenews · 8 days
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A selection of strange and cryptic personal ads from The New York Herald, 1860s to 1890s. 14/?
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markadoo · 5 months
Here are my favorite of the personal ads from April.
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This isn't a personal but I included it anyway
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ickaimp · 3 months
Went looking for an old photo from when I lived in Tucson and found this instead. It is 100% legit.
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aclaywrites · 5 months
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Hop into the Time Machine, kids! It’s time to talk about how to find a date when your only options involved landlines, the postal service, or actually leaving the house.
You had to describe yourself in a short paragraph, usually 100-150 words, which didn’t leave a lot of room to pack in all the info about what made you the perfect choice. So there were lots of abbreviations to make sure you maximized your potential. A BBW (big beautiful woman aka not skinny also euphemised as zaftig or Reubenesque) in search of NFNF (no fats no femmes, common in gay male ads) preferring instead someone who’s HWP (height/weight proportional— gosh we spent a lot of time assuring people we weren’t large). she’s DDF (drug and disease free), with a GSOH (good sense of humor). I learned them all eventually, and I loved to read personal ads, even/especially when I wasn’t interested.
My first college job I worked in an Indian restaurant and became friends with our waiter who went on to be a fairly big time movie and tv actor (he played Principal Figgins on Glee!). But my best and longest-held job was at a used bookstore which also sold used porn. As in, you could buy your dirty mags, leave for a few hours, then come back and trade them for others. I learned so much, I tell ya. Many of the mags had ads in the back and my morbid curiosity made sure I read every one of them. Leg Show was the foot fetish mag, and I remember there was always an ad from a man looking to buy used shoes with the impression of the woman’s foot on the liner inside. He’d pay extra if the footprint was dirty, or if there was a dead bug on the sole of the shoe. One man in a different mag was always advertising to meet a ‘petite, attractive, blonde woman who has been diagnosed medically incontinent’. 1) gross and 2) do you imagine this woman is home and so sad that no man will want her she’s reading the ads in the back of Busty magazine hoping for a last chance?
So, yes, I know all the abbreviations, not that it did me any good.
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onekisstotakewithme · 2 years
Summary: "Looking for a lady who: likes Chinese food, likes walking in the rain..."
- personal ad in the San Francisco Chronicle , May 1985
Pairing(s): BJ/Peg, BJ/Peg/Hawkeye
Length: 2928 words
And this is for @aahsokaatano who I promised I'd tell when it was done!! 💜
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clipartcabaret · 8 months
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sexy australian guy on a boat with a huge mustache stock photo
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elenakostyreva · 8 months
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René (20, they/he)
Laid back butch and Drag Queen in training looking for people (20-23) to share a connection with. Main interests include the videogame SWTOR, DC comics, The ASOIAF book series, drawing, creative writing and langauge learning and swimming.
I'm upfront from the beginning with the fact I want a relantionship but if later you're not feeling the vibe I'm happy to be just friends!
**Generic questions out of the way**
Fave song: Runs in the Family by Amanda Palmer
Fave movie: The Choir
Fave book: Alice in Wonderland
Fave TV Show: Bojack Horseman
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etakeh · 6 months
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markadoo · 1 month
I've finished reading every August issue of GCN. Here are my favorite finds from the personals section.
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jenovacomplete · 9 months
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what the actual fuck
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aclaywrites · 5 months
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Oh lord yes. I’ve placed a few and answered many more. Back in the day there weren’t many options, and since I didn’t want to play softball, and bars are too late at night for me, I did what I could.
I have to back up a bit, because my first experiences with personal ads weren’t for dates, they were for friends. Back in the 80s in music magazines people wrote in and placed ads looking for pen pals aka people with whom you could write letters and swap mixtapes etc. I answered plenty. The best ones were in Star Hits (the us equivalent of the British Smash Hits) because the people (girls) who read that one were into the best bands— Siouxsie and Bauhaus etc— and you’d end up in the best zine circles etc. I never got one of mine accepted and published in Star Hits, but I did get one in Bop magazine and got letters for over a year from people wanting to be friends. Most of them were from people far away, but one girl was from a different part of okc and we became pen pals then friends in real life and soon I was at her house every weekend and we were caught up in one of those teen girl all consuming affairs (think Heavenly Creatures). It was my first real love and real step into being a lesbian, but it was just a teen fling for her, so after a few years it ended.
Then later in life when I was looking for love once again, I turned to the lesbian personals. Not many in the local paper, and I was always hoping to be somewhere else, so I was always reading the Deneuve mag ads and answering those. Rarely any luck, most of them went unanswered, though there was an occasional bright spot.
I corresponded with one gal in Vermont for about six months (actual pen and paper letters which took days to go back and forth). We progressed to phone calls (expensive long distance phone calls) and it was feeling very nice. We liked the same books, same movies, she said she liked to be the boss in bed. I fell pretty hard and when she invited me to come visit, I bought a greyhound bus ticket and spend three days getting to Burlington , whereupon she introduced me to her boyfriend. Sigh.
When I moved to London, I placed an ad looking for hot girls and/or Buffy fans, but no luck. By then things were moving online and I was out of the loop for a while. It wasn’t until I was divorced and back in the us before I availed myself of personal ads once again, though by now they were called dating app profiles. I never used those to look for love, though. Just a summertime shag when my daughter was away. That was fairly effective until the last time I tried it, when my quest for sex unexpectedly brought me the love of my life, something I never knew existed and which has been nothing but magic ever since. So it goes to show you never can tell.
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victusinveritas · 6 months
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Some personal ads. More found here.
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spooksier · 2 years
me when the emotionally repressed character is revealed to have had something happen in their childhood that was completely out of their control but changed them in a way they can never come back from
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secondbeatsongs · 11 months
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gogoakechi · 2 years
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