#peridot su x reader
teaaagan · 1 year
Y/N: I’m sad..
Peridot: Don’t be sad, because sad backwards is das
Peridot: And das not good
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maximwtf · 1 year
Can you write Villain/tall era! peridot x sapphire! reader? Idk what else to put there but maybe she was with peridot to help her with her research? (like directions, how the experiment would likely turn out etc) ;p
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  Peridot  x Sapphire reader
words: 1480
google docs pages: 3
Warnings: none?
opening: A sapphire has been assigned to join Peridot on her research concerning the kindergartens and the cluster on earth. How can you make the stubborn gem listen to you?
AN// Thank you for the request! I’m looking forward to writing more su fanfics!^^ I’m mainly going to write for Pearl, Peridot, Holly blue agate, Jasper and Yellow/Blue diamond for now!
I’m also not sure if sapphires can see multiple futures or just one, but I think they’d be more useful if they could see many, so that’s what I went with !
Gif by: Me
                    “Watch out!”
You had been assigned to follow and help a peridot on her mission. She had been sent on earth to check on the cluster and to do tests on the old kindergartens. Your job was to make sure nothing goes wrong, and to keep the green gem safe. 
But before the two of you could even warp there, the homeworld warp pad on earth had to be fixed. To do that, the green technician had sent a bunch of  flask robonoids down there. In all of the futures you saw, the warp pad had been fixed, which meant that there was nothing to warn Peridot of. 
You watched from behind as the gem typed something on a screen, mumbling about log dates as she went on. You happened to hear her state her facet and cut number too. Peridot Facet-2F5L Cut-5XG. Unimportant information, but you’d still savour it in the back of your mind. You heard the screen she had been typing on close and the boot of her limb enhancers hit the surface of the warp pad. “The robonoids have finished their task.” She said, indicating that it was time to go on earth for the first time. You made your way on the pad too, standing next to the tall green gem. Your form looked much smaller than her’s, but that didn’t bother you. A bright white light overtook the bodies of you two, moving you to a warp pad you had never stood on before. The blue sky matched you perfectly, alongside with the blue crystal like warps that surrounded the two of you. The stomping noises the peridot had made got your attention. She was making sure the warp pad was properly fixed, but you already knew it was. The robonoids had done a good job on it. 
As Peridot began to write down another log date, your attention started to wander. Her voice and the noises from the screen were just background noise now. Your mind went through multiple futures to see if there was any danger around the area. In most of them, the first visit seemed calm, no danger. A silent gasp left your mouth, not loud enough to alert the working peridot. In a few of the futures a group of gems appeared. You furrowed your brow and kept looking. There was no way that could have been the most possible future. Were you imagining things? 
The sound of Peridot breaking one of the damaged robonoids brought you back to reality. “Peridot.” You said silently, turning to look at her even though she couldn’t see your eye. She seemed to have not heard you, as she walked down the small steps, only to find something that didn’t belong there. “Peridot!” You said a little louder this time. She looked up at you. “There’s something here. We still have time to go.” You said quietly, still unsure if the gems you had seen were here, and if they were, where were they? Even with the uncertainty, it was safer to leave for now. “So it seems. This site may have been compromised.” The green gem said as she got up. With the newly found item in her hand, she stepped back on the warp pad. 
You watched her place a glowing green box on it and then you were off again, soon back on homeworld. 
After this, and throughout the whole mission a group of gems and ‘a Steven’ had been on your backs. They were in all of the possible futures you saw. With your help, she had been able to avoid most contact with the gems, up until she had started to act on her own. The green gem had lost the bottom part of her limb enhancers on one of her legs, and also all contact to homeworld. You were stranded. Telling the green gem that ‘I told you so’ didn’t help. This mission was sensitive, and as much as the peridot seemed to want to change the future, it shouldn’t have been done here. That had ended the two of you in the least likely future, where you got stranded. 
There was one future that you saw. One where this ‘Steven’ was able to fix the homeworld warp pad. And so you had sent Peridot on a mission to get this Steven to the Galaxy Warp, where you were waiting. 
The place was calm, not a noise nearby. Only the sound of waves hitting the sides of the Galaxy Warp. You had located yourself on the homeworld warp pad, sitting on top of it as you waited. 
Soon, a bright light overtook the darkness of the night, and Peridot appeared with the ‘Steven’. They fought for a while, before the green gem got tired of wrestling and levitated the ‘Steven’ in the air. It was asking what the two of you wanted, which she replied to by saying. “I want to get off this lousy Gem-forsaken planet!” Before dropping him on the ground. She did most of the talking, telling the ‘Steven’ why she needed him.
Peridot had placed herself in front of you, knowing you were more precious than her. Your personal rubies had stayed on homeworld, and not that they could come and help anymore either. You had no way to contact home. This mission was supposed to be quick and easy, but you should have seen this coming. 
As of right now, there seemed to be no threats. ‘Steven’ would either be able to fix the warp pad or not, but as of now him fixing it seemed the most possible. You watched him try, but nothing happened. The warp was still broken, and you had no way to go back home. Your mind began to wander through possible futures again. What if that didn’t work, what then? 
Peridot kept yelling at the Steven in the background, which you had grown used to over the time you had spent with her. A lot of complaining. A second silent gasp left your mouth. The likely future was the one where the gems appeared here. In that it either ended with you escaping with Peridot or-  The futures began to mix again as Peridot began to speak of the cluster. And so it happened, the gems appeared right on time. 
Peridot placed herself in front of you, shooting at the gems. Your mind was going through the most likely situations as quick as it could, but nothing seemed to lock in place. Hearing the gems beat up the green gem in the background was when you saw it. They were going to poof her. “Peridot!” You called out, but just a little too late. You watched Pearl place herself behind the green gem as distraction, and when Peridot would turn around, Garnet would finish her. 
You sped up to her, dodging an attack Amethyst had been trying to land on you. Taking a firm grip on the green gem’s hand, you tried to run off the edge of the altar with her, but it was too late. Just as you were able to take a hold of her hand, Garnet grabbed Peridot’s waist which caused her to poof in a matter of seconds. Hearing her gem fall on the ground stunned you, but there was no time to stagger. 
As stubborn as the gem was, and as much as you would have liked to blame her for getting you trapped here, you needed her. Ducking down as the pearl’s spear went over your head, you picked up the green gem and sped to the other side of the arena. After placing yourself on one of the warp pads, your mind found the most peaceful place to warp to. You had to give Peridot time to reform. 
With one last look at the limb enhancers from which smoke rose from, the warp pad under you activated. It consumed you and the green gem in your hand with bright white light, and took you away from harm's way. The gems would be after the two of you, but in a good hiding place you might have just been able to stay for long enough to get Peridot back. She wanted back home just as much as you did. Without the limb enhancers the already failed mission would have been even harder to complete, but you could try. Maybe she would now listen to you. 
Pt. 2 - "Keeping up hopes."
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deathmetalangel · 2 years
Hello there!
I wanted to ask for a request, only if you want though ^^'
What about some Hcs with Rose Quartz, Garnet, Lapis Lazuli y Peridot (sepparetly) reacting to a 13 year old fem!Gem!reader (who has very bad trust issues and avoids physical contact at all costs due to past trauma about being betrayed and puffed)
Coming to them crying after and tackling them into a hug them while rambling about how Amethist said that if she misbehawed Pearl was going to puff her (wich was obviosly a joke)
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warnings: mentions of poofing, ptsd
backstory: y/n is still a “new” gem only emerging from the ground about thirteen years prior to meeting the gems; however, almost all of that was spent in a bubble after being poorer by their original group of gems. some old homeworld loyalists that came to earth to hopefully “defeat” the crystal gems.
- she feels SO bad
- rose was very patient with y/n after finding her so she knew about her boundaries and physical touch being a huge one
- so when she came up to her and just hugged her she knew something was wrong
- even if it was silly, she knew that y/n didn’t yet understand jokes and took everything quite literal
- comforts them by letting them cry and just being so understanding
- “take your time y/n. it’s okay, i’m here. don’t worry. amethyst was just teasing.”
- once she’s calmed down she explains that pearl said it as a joke mostly out of annoyance. she meant no actual harm
- brings her back to the temple to help her talk to amethyst about why she can’t joke like that
- even brings pearl over to have her assure y/n she would never do such a thing
- rose just wants y/n to know she’s safe with the crystal gems
- 10/10 very very comforting
- y/n came running up to her while she was in the bubble room
- she knew it was serious because it was a place y/n tended to avoid because of what happened to her before they found her
- she just clings onto garnet crying about how amethyst told her pearl was going to poof her if she wasn’t a good crystal gem
- garnet seen it in a very unlikely reality so she was surprised that it actually happened
- garnet kneels down with y/n and just consoles her by petting her hair
- y/n can’t help but hold onto garnet for protection
- “amethyst was only joking. i predicted no real danger in your future. i understand your fear, but i assure you y/n. you are in no danger here.”
- ruby was a bit annoyed at amethyst as she knew fully well what you went through, but felt nothing wrong with her joke
- sapphire knew it was just a off handed comment to rile y/n up during a training session
- “take your time y/n. i know the thought of being poofed is traumatic. you have nothing to be ashamed of. i’ll make sure amethyst apologizes. it wasn’t right of her to say that.”
- pearl is even shocked amethyst says that
- promises she would never ever
- allows y/n to stay close by her side for a while even after amethyst apologizes
- 20/10 i love my red and blue moms
- while lapis wasn’t one for touch either, when y/n came barreling into her arms she knew something serious happened
- it wasn’t unlike her to not take things very seriously, but she could tell that y/n was terrified
- “hey, what happened?”
- she honestly doesn’t know how to react much
- when y/n explains it lapis was so annoyed at amethyst
- “don’t worry. pearl won’t do anything. amethyst is just being mean. don’t let her get to you.”
- “but why would she say that?”
- hearing y/n cry broke her heart tbh
- “who knows. amethyst is weird. just ignore her like i do, but if her or pearl do every try anything don’t hesitate to come to me. i won’t let them do anything i promise.”
- after all y/n was just a terrified gem like they once were
- convinced them to calm down by just continuously promising she was strong enough to protect both of them (which she definitely was)
- 9/10 a bit awkward at first but great after
- peridot had no idea what was happening when y/n just straight tackled them while bawling her eyes out
- “uh did you know you’re crying?”
- “amethyst said pearl was going to poof me if i acted up or misbehaved! they promised me they were different! they all said they were nothing like the agates!”
- y/n cries while holding onto peridot
- she may be awkward, but she knew you were genuinely scared
- holds her slowly so she doesn’t flinch and let’s y/n cry
- “i’m sure that clod amethyst was just playing one of her pranks. she never does know when to stop. i mean, you know earth gems. they’re all so rowdy.”
- tries to console y/n as best she can
- “the pearl wouldn’t poof you. if anything she’d want to poof me. besides steven wouldn’t let that happen.”
- her awkward jokes and stiff touch kind of do cheer y/n up
- “why would amethyst say that though? that’s so mean!”
- “amethyst also eats dirt and old dumpster donuts. i wouldn’t worry about her too much. besides. us two are much more superior gems! she’s probably just jealous.”
- peri helps wipe her tears
- “y-yeah peridot. i guess you’re right.”
- “i’m always right!”
- 11/10 awkward but funny
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saturn7162 · 4 months
The Gemlings
Another fucking SU thing I wont stop unless someone asks me to write abt smth else
I love SU so much so here is a 7 page google doc on my 2 favorite gals and an oc
I could totally add more on this btw
The Crystal Gems walked over to the barn in the dead of night after hearing what sounded like a fight. As they stepped closer, the sheer smell of hormones flooded their senses. Along with the sound of hissing, chirping, growling, grunting and spitting. 
“Guys?” Steven said, grabbing Garnet’s arm and looking up at her and Pearl. 
“What’s going on? Is everything okay there?” He asked, worry filling his gaze. 
“I’m sure it is. I recognize this type of environment. I think Lapis and Peridot are going to have geodes soon!” Pearl squealed, happily jogging up to the barn. As she came closer, she heard the sound of a deep snarl. 
“Peridot? Lapis? Chrysolite?” Pearl called out to the trio that lived in the barn. She used her gem to cast light into the room, illuminating the large nest in the middle. The gems looked at each other as they saw Chrysolite, the male, being batted at by Lapis and Peridot. They hissed at him loudly, hitting his large muzzle as he tried to help with the nest. 
“Chrysolite, you know you can’t be in here while your mates are nesting.” Pearl chastised, crossing her arms as she glared at him. He let out a creaky roar, sitting down with his legs out and his hands on the floor in front of him. As he reached a paw out, Lapis reached hers out, smacking it away with a growl. He gruffed and tried again, only to be hit by Peridot. He groaned and flopped onto his back, presenting his belly as a show of trust. Again, only to be met with the glares and growls of his mates. 
“Come on Chrysolite, you’re spooking them.” Pearl stepped closer, only to be hissed at by all three of them and batted at by Chrysolite, who reluctantly got to his feet and left the barn, making sure to scent everything he came across. Once he was out, he closed the barn door and sat in front of it, staring at the doors as he slouched angrily.
“It’s going to be my nest too!” He shouted, crossing his arms as the two gems inside hissed at him. 
“Why won’t they let me stay? They’re going to be my gemlings!” He grumbled, falling onto his stomach as he asked Pearl.
“You know why Chrysolite, it’s because they’re hormonal. You’re the sire, and sires’ hormones make them incredibly quick to violence, they just think you’re too aggressive to be around.” Pearl said, helping him up.
“But it’s my den too! I should at least get to stay!” He pouted, crossing his large arms across his chest. He bared his teeth and lashed his tail, clear signs he was not to be agitated.
“Look, you’re about to be a father and your body language is showing it too, you’re upset and until Peridot and Lapis allow you in there, you can’t be in there!” Pearl responded, looking up at the gruff looking male.
“So you’ll just have to stay with us! It’ll be like a sleepover!!” Steven shouted happily, hugging him tightly.
“Yeah, yeah I guess it will.” Chrysolite smiled and hugged him back, now walking back a little more willingly. When they got back to the temple, Chrysolite leapt into Steven’s room, snatching blankets, sheets, and pillows off the bed. 
“Chrysolite?!” Pearl shouted, shocked at his actions as he threw the bedding onto the floor below. He grunted in response, taking the mattress in between his teeth and tossing down as well. He leapt off of the loft and spread the materials out, his instincts taking over as he began to build a new nest. He took the cushions and pillows off the couch as well, carefully arranging them in his new nest in the middle of the living room. He purred and walked around it on all fours, admiring his work.
“Ohhh…” Pearl exclaimed, understanding what just happened.
“You’re just nesting!” Pearl smiled and rummaged through the cabinet next to the couch, fishing out more soft textile things for Chrysolite to use. He happily took them and sprawled them out in his nest, before softly clambering inside and turning in circles, soon stretching and flopping down into it. 
“U-uhm? Chrysolite?” Steven said, walking up awkwardly. Chrysolite grunted and opened one eye, peering up at him.
“Could I, y’know… Come in? I-I need to sleep too..” Steven said before Chrysolite snatched him by the front of his pajamas and softly tossed him into the nest before curling around him, giving him just enough room to breath as he fell asleep. Steven giggled and soon fell asleep as well. 
In the morning, Chrysolite yawned, nudging Steven awake. As Steven crawled out of the nest, Chrysolite stretched out like a cat and trotted out of the nest. He looked around, checking if Garnet, Amethyst, or Pearl was there before he quickly walked out the door. He ran down the stairs and ran down the beach, kicking up sand as he ran to the barn. 
“Chrysolite!!” Pearl shouted, causing him to glance back at her in shock before running quicker. He panted, quickly trotting over to the barn, speeding through Beach City. 
“Chrysolite! Get back here! You’re going to scare them and end up most likely causing problems to their clutch!!” Pearl shouted, having Garnet and Amethyst chase after him as well. He ran through the streets, almost running into people as he ran to the barn. He hopped over the fence and scrambled over to the door, the gems right on his heels. He dashed through the open doors and skidded to a halt in front of his mates. He purred loudly, chirping as well as he rolled onto his side, presenting his soft belly, the most vulnerable part of his body. He flicked his ears and shook out his fur, emitting pheromones to soothe his mates’ nerves. He knew not to get too close to the nests, but he did scent the room, covering it in his scent so when the gemlings arrived, they could get used to it. Once he was finished, he purred and rolled around, taking in the attention that his mates gave him before they sent him out. 
“What are we going to do with you?” Garnet said as Chrysolite was sent out, purring as he scented his mates briefly before they swatted him away. He smiled as he trotted out, scenting the outside as they left. 
“You’re going to scare them if you lose your temper around them, your fuse is shorter than normal..” Pearl said, causing him to snarl. He sighed and stepped on the warp pad, activating it and going home. 
After months of this, going over, scenting, being chased out, and repeating, Chrysolite grew tired. He lay in his nest, snuggling Steven close to him. However, they both were jolted awake at the sound of wails, and bright blue and green lights coming from the barn. Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst quickly bolted into the living room to see Chrysolite shaking Steven off of his leg and bolting out the door. 
“Pearrrrrl!!!” Steven yelled, falling back into the nest.
“Where is he going!?” He shouted, quickly dashing in and out of the bathroom in a new change of clothes. 
“Peridot and Lapis are getting ready to lay, and Chrysolite’s sire instincts are going haywire! We need to stop him before he gets himself hurt, Peridot or Lapis hurt, or the clutches hurt!” Pearl explained, bolting after him.
“Chrysolite! Stop!! You’re going to scare them!” Pearl yelled as she sprinted after him, trying to catch up and stop him from interrupting. He dove onto all fours and ran faster, running down the empty dark streets to get to the barn. He panted as he ran on, leaping over the fence and diving into the barn, being met with the wails of his mates as they laid their clutches in the nest. He instantly began producing calming pheromones, purring and chirping to soothe the nerves in the room. He quickly trotted over to them, licking their skin to calm them. He rubbed their back, enjoying the time they had before they got angry at him being there. Pearl’s squeals filled the barn as she laid her eyes on their clutches, counting nine whole geodes in total. 
Chrysolite purred loudly, rubbing his scent glands onto each geode. They laid together for a few minutes, tending to their young. Once the geodes’ safety was ensured, Lapis let out a growl, signaling for Chrysolite to leave. He grumbled as he got to his feet, rubbing against the clutch one last time, earning a slash and a hiss from Lapis. He retreated from the nest with a chirp and gazed at his offspring. He trilled and flicked his ears and throat fur, presenting a show of green-blue color. He purred loudly and pranced for them, giving into his needs as a sire. Lapis and Peridot giggled to themselves and sent him off. He trilled and jogged out after giving them a kiss, purring wildly. He closed the barn doors and turned to face the other gems, Pearl and Garnet looked at him, slightly disappointed in him going to see the two carriers, despite Pearl’s warnings about what might happen. However, he just gave them a smug look and pranced off. 
Around two weeks later, Chrysolite was woken up by someone leaving the house. He yawned, stretched, and turned over, going back to sleep. Twenty minutes later though, he was jolted awake by the loud and angry cries of his mates in the barn. He was up in an instant, the instincts of a sire needing to tend to their family flowing through him. Garnet and Pearl ran in, causing Steven to wake up as well. Chrysolite grew angry quickly, fangs growing in his mouth as he snarled and spat, his eyes glowed as he bolted out the door, sprinting towards the barn once more. Pearl groaned, having to chase after him again with Garnet. He leapt onto all fours, running faster to get to his new family. He ran through the fence, smashing it to pieces as he tried to get to Lapis and Peridot. He slammed open the doors and panted roughly, observing the geode in Amethyst’s hands. Pearl and Garnet stormed in behind him, and saw what Chrysolite was upset at. Amethyst laughed awkwardly, placing the geode down just as Chrysolite leapt on her. 
To him, Amethyst was not a friend. All he saw through his instinct clouded mind was someone trying to take away his baby. He roared and was on her in a millisecond, holding her down and slamming his clawed hands into her. He bit, tore, slashed, punched, beat, and screamed. At the moment, he was not Chrysolite, he was only a hormonal sire protecting his young. He attacked her so violently, she poofed and even then he was still angry. He raised a hand, getting ready to slam it down on Amethyst’s gem and shatter her. Though, just before he could, Steven ran over and grabbed it, running out of his reach before he too could get hit. As Pearl, Garnet, and Steven ran, Chrysolite ran after them. He growled and hissed, chasing them away from the barn and back into Beach City. He let out a deep roar, completely intent on viciously attacking them if they came back too soon. He spat as they ran back to the house, keeping Steven safe. 
He grunted and stalked back, still on all fours. His teeth and other sharp assets shrunk back to normal. As he walked, he scented the area around the barn, marking trees and rocks by slashing into them. He did this for at least an hour before he heard the calling chirps of Lapis and Peridot. He eagerly ran back, before slowing down and carefully entering the barn. He heard their soft purrs as he padded in, his puffed up fur laying flat back on his body. He purred back, much louder and deeper as he smiled at them. They smiled back and started shuffling around, making room for his large body to fit in. He trilled happily and softly slipped in. He purred louder, his breathing syncing with theirs as he snuggled in, tucking them both closer along with their clutches. They laid like this for hours, falling asleep together. They lay like this for weeks, never moving from their spots. 
“Hey Chrysolite?” Lapis said, shaking him awake.
“Yes, Lappy?” He smiled and gazed up at her, licking her cheek softly, causing her to giggle. 
“Me and Peri were wondering if you could watch the clutches for us? We want to go out together but we can’t leave them..” Lapis said, stroking his hair softly.
“Of course! I’d love to watch them, I haven't seen them in so long.” He cooed and leaned into her touch. 
“Thank you!” She purred and hugged him tightly. 
“Peri! He said he’d watch them!” She shook Peridot awake, who chirped happily, getting up from the clutch. 
“Here, lay on your side Chrysolite.” Peridot instructed.
“Okay, what now?” He asked softly, gazing up at her. 
“Alright, here we go.” Peridot carefully gathered up the geodes and slid them closer to him, slipping their sturdy forms under him. 
“The outsides are incredibly durable, so they won’t crack if someone of your size helps with brooding.” Peridot explained, covering him with a blanket. 
“Alright, thank you Peri.. Now you two go have fun. They’ll be safe, all nine of them.” He purred, shifting to make himself more comfortable. The two nodded and stroked him softly before leaving the barn, closing the doors and leaving it pitch black inside. He smiled as he curled around them, making sure every last one of them was safe and accounted for. 
“Hi there babies.” He cooed, chirping and trilling happily. 
“I’m your carrier's sire, so I’ll protect you and your mamas. We’ll all be so safe together, me, Lapis, Peridot, and all nine of you. Oh!!” He squealed, his incredibly loud purrs shaking the walls. He laid on them for hours, using his body heat to keep them warm and using his insane amount of fur to keep them safe. He had his back towards the barn doors as he snored, his chest rising and falling. He let out a snarl as he heard the barn doors open, his ears turning towards it. He turned himself over, crouching over his nest and geodes as he growled. 
“Chrysolite?” Came Pearl’s soft voice. He opened eyes to look at her, snarling as his eyes fell upon Amethyst. He hissed loudly, his lips curling to show his gums and sharp teeth. He growled and puffed up his fur, making him look impossibly larger. 
“Where’s Peridot and Lapis?” Pearl asked, stepping closer slowly. 
“Out.” He responded coldly, pinning his ears back against his mane. Though still softening up around her. 
“And you’re covering for them? How much longer do the geodes have?” Pearl asked, sitting in front of him with her legs folded under her. 
“Yes, I’m taking over until they return. And I would say around a week or so.” He answered, starting to purr quietly. They talked for a while, Pearl calming him down and chatting about the clutch. 
“Ow!” He yelped and raised his body up, watching one of the geodes begin to crack.
“Or today! Or they could erupt today!” He panicked, letting out a loud deep Sire Call, calling out to his mates for help. He carefully set all the geodes out in front of him, watching them as he called to Peridot and Lapis. Pearl walked him through the process of the erupting of gemlings, explaining how she used to be a midgem, the gem version of a midwife. He squealed as he saw a small furry blue hand poke out of the blue and teal geode, its tiny claws swatting around at nothing. He carefully took the top of it between his teeth, slowly removing it for the small gemling to poke out of. Its gem was on its chest, and was shaped like Lapis’s. 
As soon as he helped it out of its geode, it started crying. Its small naked fluffy body wiggling around. He held it in his paws, licking it clean and cradling it on his bare chest, yelping as it clawed him unconsciously. Its cries lessened and it sniffled before it began chirping. It peeped as loud as it could, grasping onto the soft warm fur of Chrysolite’s chest. Pearl clapped her hands wildly, congratulating him on his first gemling’s eruption. Minutes later, Peridot and Lapis came rushing into the barn just in time to see Chrysolite licking two others clean. Both were blue, looking the exact same. Same green hair, same shade of blue on their fur, same cries, and both of their gems were on their left shoulder they were practically the exact same gem. 
“Chrysolite!” Lapis shouted, quickly running over with Peridot to help calm their cries. He purred and set both of them on his chest with the first one. They purred loudly, helping the others erupt from their geodes and giving them to Chrysolite to clean and soothe. They sighed as the very last one erupted and Chrysolite took its small spotted body to clean it. 
“She’s so small!” Chrysolite cooed, softly setting her with her siblings. 
“Alright, Pearl, Garnet, Amethyst? Leave please.” Chrysolite said tiredly, shooing them away as best he could as he stroked the gemlings' backs. Pearl nodded and quickly herded the gems out of the barn, making sure to shut the doors. Chrysolite sighed, purring loudly as Peridot and Lapis curled up next to him. 
“You’re so lucky we agreed to this. This entire process hurt.” Lapis jokes, softly stroking the sleeping gemlings. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around them, rubbing their bellies softly. 
“OW!” He yelped, curling his toes as one of the small gems bit at one of the small pinkish bumps on his belly, sinking its sharp tiny teeth into it. Lapis laughed, carefully picking up the small baby and bringing it to her chest, helping it feed from her instead of trying to feed from a male. The baby chirped and took one in its mouth, feeding itself as it squeaked. The other babies raised their heads, chirping and squealing. Lapis and Peridot smiled, reaching out for their babies and having them latch onto them. They purred in sync together, slowly falling asleep with their babies. 
A few weeks passed and the gemlings grew bigger. Their eyes have opened and almost all of them have Chrysolite’s yellow eyes. Some of them have Lapis’ wings but they can't control them and all parents have to keep an eye on them to make sure their wings don’t dissipate in the air. Whenever the gems came over, the gemlings, sometimes labeled ‘cubs’ by Chrysolite, loved to climb on Garnet. Whenever they clambered onto her, she’d have the goofiest smile on her face, sitting extremely still. Sometimes, they’d go outside, but only ever with Chrysolite, if he wasn’t there, they don’t go outside. When they were outside he never took his eyes off of any of them, even if he couldn’t see them, he knew EXACTLY where they were. They also really liked being picked up by Chrysolite. Since they didn’t know how to speak, they would waddle up to him, raise up their arms, and chirp wildly until he noticed them and picked them up. With the help of Steven, he taught them how to speak, even if it was only around 10 words a baby.
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sleepyscxry · 1 year
Peridot x Gender neutral reader!!
A/N this might be pretty short because I’m tired asf.
the car comes to a halt and my eyes jolt open. “WERE HEEERRREE!!” Said my very awake friend, Bullet.. he’s been awake on monsters since we got out of Alabama. He’s been awake for two days.. “are you okay?” I said with worry.. “don’t worry y/n I’m fine we just gotta get the stuff in as soon as possible before I crash.” “Ooook” with that me and him start moving boxes and furniture in. The appliances came with the house on both floors!! Sinks, washers, dryers, dishwashers and a big doggie door!! ‘Will be perfect for king he’s fucking huge. Why did we decide to get a Great Pyrenees again?’ by the end of the day we were surprisingly done! We laid on our beds on our sides of the room and immediately crashed. the next day we wake up to king scratching at the door like a zombie. “I’m comin’ ya big goof.” Bullet said with his groggy Italian accent. I giggled because he sounds so silly. I got up and went to the bathroom to splash water on my face to wake me up. Putting on a snazzy sweater and some jeans I go to the kitchen and bullet is already making breakfast! “Your hair looks like an aliens trying to abduct it lol” I said with a still pretty sleepy tone. “What do ya mean?” He looked at the camera on his phone and said “oh my god I look like I’m in the 80’s jeezus.” We laughed it off as he fixed his hair and finished making breakfast. It was a waffle sandwich. “Huh?” “Oh that’s just something this dude over by the shore told me about. But said he went veggie and doesn’t like ‘em anymore so I stole the recipe!” “Wow.. sounds like you, talking about breakfast to someone you barely know.” “Oh no I’ve known Steven ever since we were twelve!” “Oh wow..” “there are a lot of things you don’t know about me. Let’s go talk to ‘em!” “But I haven’t finished-“ “it’s fine don’t worry about it king will!” He dragged me to the car and started driving to the shore. I will admit the beach is very pretty. We get to this ancient looking statue thing with a house built into it.. “what the hell?” “Don’t worry about it! Top secret stuff!!” He giggled and ran up the stairs. He knocked on the door and yelled “STEVEENNNNN ARE YOU HOOOMEE??” Then a boy with poofy curly hair like bullet answered the door. “Hair buddy!!” “Hiya steven so I just wanted you to meet my friend y/n!!” “Oh hi! It’s nice to meet you come in!” He was as cheerful as bullet which surprised me. ‘In my 4 years of knowing this man I’ve never seen anyone as cheerful as him until now.. wow’ and then I see weirdly colored people come into the house through this crystal portal thing? “Omg these are the crystal gems!!” He then goes on to tell me all of their names.. but only one catches my full attention.. “and this is peridot. She’s mostly sweet but a bit of a gremlin..” “HEY!! I AM NOT A GREMLIN!!” “My proof.” “Oh.. SHUT UP YOU CLOD!” ”Hi I’m y/n it’s nice to meet you all!” “It’s nice to meet you too.” Garnet said with a bit of a serious tone. Bullet saw me and said “you ok? To many people? You’ve got that look on your face that usually means you’re feeling a strong emotion” he led me outside to talk about it. “I’m fine it’s just that the last one.. peridot she is..” “different, short, loud, kinda annoying?” “I guess but she’s also kinda cute-“ “AYO- SUS? Sorry but uhm that’s actually really funny. Y’all could be the shortest couple known!” “Hey it’s not my fault you’re 6’2!!” “Ok true buuut you are only (I’m sorry to do this but-) 5’3” “I- eh- UGGGH” I stomp back in there. Him walking in with me wheezing. “What happened” steven said with a concerned voice. “Y/n is mad because they’re short lmao” “well that’s nothing to be to ashamed about..” peridot said with a smile. I notice that she is pretty short compared to the others.. “wanna be friends?” I said with a sweet gentle tone
I’m SORRYYY. I know I haven’t been updating ANYTHING! And yes I’m making this slow burn because peridot is ARO. ACE. Get it right you fools. bullet out >:)
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~Steven Universe~
Blue Diamond:
Greg Universe:
Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond:
Steven Universe:
White Diamond:
Yellow Diamond:
All Crystal Gems: Choking Reader (Platonic)
Blue Diamond: American Healthcare Sucks (Can be Romantic or Platonic)
Greg Universe:
Pearl: Relationship Headcanons (Romance)
Steven Universe: Best Sibling (Platonic) Kenny?! (Platonic)
Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond:
Ruby: Fashion Designer Reader (Romantic)
White Diamond: In Love?! With A Human?! Riduculous! (Romance)
Yellow Diamond:
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if it's ok, can I request yandere peridot, pearl and steven with a reader who has anemia?
of course
for any one who dosnt know anemia is when Deficiency of healthy red blood cells in blood. Red blood cells (RBCs) are essential to carry oxygen to all parts of the body. Fatigue, unexplained weaknesses are some of the common symptoms.
but anyway lets get right into it
PERIDOT: youur getting kiddnapped alot ealier peridot wouldnt notice your disability at first but after she lets herdelf into your home maybe just stumbleing across your medical files and then realising your sickness shed panic and then speed up her plans for kiddnaping you though it is possible there will be a small chance that she gets sloppy and your albe to maybe catch a glimpse of her prehapse maybe even find a way to stop her but its unlikely
PEARL: she would be more linent with you like letting you get away with more stuff maybe even letting a little bit of back talk slide but she would also as always use it as an exscuse to manipulate you to keep you near keep you vunerable and keep you by her side and she would also use it to move closer useing your animia as an exscuse to always be right next to you incase you faint or collapse you know how you didnt have any privecy well now you have no personel space
STEVEN: this man dosnt want any problems he dosnt want to fix anything at all everything is normal he will either give you alittle kiss curing you of your anemia or would just ouright ignore it
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opalsrose · 3 years
love like you
steven universe x reader
you hated crying.
you hated how vulnerable it made you look.
you hated how raw it made you feel.
and you especially hated crying in front of people.
no one should get to see you with your guard down. you’ve let people in and gotten hurt too many times to make that mistake again.
and yet, there you were, crying in front of a total stranger.
you had been staring at each other for what felt like years.
just him, wide eyed and shocked, and you, tears pouring out of your eye sockets, looking at the other like they were some kind of anomaly.
and then you felt warm.
for the first time, in a long, long time, you felt warm.
you looked down to see the boy was hugging you.
he was hugging you and it felt...nice. it brought strange heat to your cold bones, making your insides feel gooey with a feeling that you couldn’t describe.
it felt nice.
and it made you sick to your fucking stomach.
without a second’s hesitation, you pushed him off of you, breath heavy as you looked away and wiped your face of the tears you shed.
“don’t touch me,” you spat weakly, the statement holding no real weight in the silent air that hung between the both of you.
the boy looked at you quizzically, his thick brows furrowed as he regarded you.
his cough filled the silent air before he awkwardly asked if you could come with him to meet some friends of his.
you reluctantly agreed to go with him. in hindsight, it was probably a bad idea, you knew that, but the thought of potentially eating food that wasn’t scraps pitying workers from restaurants offered you and taking an actual bath, swayed you enough to ignore all the red flags that were raised.
he went on and on about these ‘crystal gems’, and how they’re the saviors of the world.
he said he was taking you to his beach house, which secluded from the rest of the town. he then quickly backtracked when you threatened to pistol whip him.
“it’s not what you think!” he had fretted, his hands waving widely in hopes of getting you to put your gun away. “the gems just preferred to be separated from human society when they first came to earth,” he breathed out, his body relaxing once you lowered your arm.
“you’re really shit at talking to people, aren’t you,” you stated bluntly, an eyebrow raised as you regarded him.
“no, not usually. you’re just...a special case, i guess,” he shrugged, leading you to the beach.
you paused when you stepped onto the sand, relishing the soft breeze and the salty air the ocean provided. you let your eyelids fall close as you reveled in the pleasant memories the atmosphere reminded you of.
“hey, you okay?” steven’s voice broke you out of your trance, eyes moving to his outstretched hand.
you huffed, pushing his hand away. “‘m fine,” you grumbled, walking further down the beach.
you eventually arrived at the beach house, the wooden stairs creaking under your feet as you ascended to the top deck. steven was quick to turn around, holding his hands out to stop you.
“let me just tell the gems about you first,” he demanded. your eyebrow twitched upwards before nodding stiffly. your eyes followed his taller figure while he opened the screen door, closing it behind him as he traveled further into the house.
you turned around just as you leaned against the wall, gazing at the calming waves of the salty body of water at the foot of the beach.
‘you shouldn’t be here,’ you thought to yourself, ‘you were only supposed to stop for supplies, not get swept up with some kid.’
sure, he was like you in the sense that you both had glorified rocks lodged in your bodies— and for that you were grateful to know that you weren’t the only one of your kind, rested much easier in your already frazzled psyche— but he was a complete and utter stranger.
and you let him take you to his house.
that sat in the middle of a very unpopulated beach.
not one of your brightest moments.
gathering your resolve, you moved to the stairs, deciding that this was far too dangerous and stupid.
just as you reached the bottom, you heard the screen door slamming open, causing your head to snap up to the landing.
your eyes lock onto a woman. she stood to be over six feet, her big afro framing her dark reddish face as her eyes are hidden behind large, reflective shades. she looked around before her gaze finally landed on you, a sudden chill running down your spine as she regarded you briefly.
a warping sound ripped through the air, your orbs dashing down to the woman’s hands as you eye the large gauntlets that now covered her palms.
“you!” she called out, her voice booming across the empty beach. “stop right there!”
your feet remained planted in the sand as you watched her jump down onto the beach. she towered over you, you frame quivering slightly as she seemed to look right through you.
your hand moved behind you subtly, digits twitching in anticipation to summon your weapons.
the woman eyed you from underneath her sunglasses. you could feel her intimidating gaze from underneath the reflective surfaces.
steadying yourself, you quickly summoned your weapon, fingers wrapping tightly around the handle of your gun.
you whipped your arm in front of you, and with a large breath, you gathered all the energy you had and pulled on the trigger, effectively releasing a giant beam from the barrel. the kickback sent you skidding across the sand, falling into water at the edge of the shore.
you shot up, water dripping from your clothes and hands as your eyes darted around to find your potential attacker through the sand and smoke that clogged the air. you narrowed your obsidian orbs when you zeroed in on her figure before they widened in shock at the sight before them.
the woman had barely moved from her original spot, her stance still strong. her face was covered by her hands, which now had large gauntlets on them, smoke rising up from them.
she blocked your blast.
she blocked your high powered, house destroying energy blast.
fear raked through your body, cementing itself into your bones. “w-what are you?” you stuttered angrily, getting ready to shoot at her once more.
before you could do so you heard steven yelling at the woman. “garnet! stop scaring her!” he whined from atop the balcony, rushing down the steps and towards you. “are you okay?” he asked, your gaze remaining on the being in front of you.
just as steven was about to jostle you out of your stupor, you quickly swung your fist into the side of his face. he stumbled across the sand before face planting into it, turning to look at you with, what was originally, a look of betray, that rapidly morphed into a look of fear and shock.
there you stood, the water around you floating in little droplets as your body seemed to gleam with a fluorescent white light. in your hands, was a large gun, resembling a rocket launcher. within the barrel was a large ball of energy, swirling and spilling out of the mouth of the gun, bits of energy hitting the ground near your feet and disintegrating it into ash.
with a face of hot fury, your voice boomed across the desolate beach.
“who the fuck are you people and what do you want with me.”
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maximwtf · 1 year
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                                         Peridot  x gem reader
words: 1930
google docs pages: 3
Warnings: None?
opening: You watch Peridot struggle to walk and in general exist without her limb enhancers. In an attempt to make her feel better, you gift her a new pair. 
AN// they/them used! I was legit upset when Peridot never got them back, so I’m fixing that by writing this :”D!
It had been a while since you joined the crystal gems. It still felt like not all of them trusted you, but at least you had Steven. He seemed to trust you, even without making you prove yourself in some way. Not that the other crystal gems were waiting for you to do something in order to really accept you, but that's what it felt like. 
Recently though, their attention had been on something else. From what you had heard, this ‘thing’ was a homeworld gem, who had been sent here to do something. Mission by mission, you had figured out enough pieces to know that the gem was a Peridot. Funny enough, before you had crashed on earth, one of the gems you had been working with had been a Peridot. 
Before having to come to terms with the fact that you were never going back home, you had been sent on a mission. This mission included a peridot and some amethyst muscle. Your job had been to go and clear the area where Peridot would have been working in, and make sure that no one was going to be there. But as you had begun getting closer to the landing spot, something had gone wrong and the ship crashed down. It didn’t take long for the crystal gems to find out, and before you were able to escape or fight them off, you had been trapped. 
The gems never took you with them on their missions, so just like usually you were left in the house, by yourself. There was not much for you to do during these times. Eating food seemed disgusting, and so did the other human activities. This time though, not a lot of time passed before the warp pad lit up, bringing light to all the dark corners of the room. The crystal gems appeared on it, soon all of them spreading around the house. “We caught her!” Steven yelled, running towards you. “Yeaah, she had weird bits attached to her.” Amethyst laughed while digging through the cabinets. “Weird bits? Did she have limb enhancers on?” You asked curiously, tilting your head. “I guess that’s what those were.” The amethyst replied, showing something down her mouth. Could have it been the same one you were teamed up with? “So it was an era 2 gem. They were given to those who lacked power, like the era 2 peridots who were made for quantity not quality.” You spoke mostly to yourself, but loud enough that anyone interested would hear. “Where is she now?” You then asked, looking up from the floor. “Bubbled.” Garnet replied quickly, which you replied to by slowly nodding. 
If this Peridot had been sent here to take samples from the kindergartens, there was a high chance that this was the same Peridot that you had briefly befriended. Not that you deeply cared for her, but knowing that she was bubbled and without her limb enhancers felt wrong. What if she ever got out? She would have no way of defending herself, if she could even walk without them. You shook those thoughts out of your head. Even if you wanted to check if it was the same gem, you couldn’t. One wrong move would end you up in a bubble like hers as well. Being the newest member meant that you didn’t have space to step out of line, not that you even knew where the bubbled gems were being held. No one had told you, and you doubted anyone would even if you asked them. 
It was the night of the same day. Because you didn’t have a room, you’d just lay on the couch with your eyes closed. Steven says that that’s not how sleeping works, but you bet ‘real sleeping’ would feel the same. It was only when the gems started to move again, that you opened your eyes for a moment. They had gathered around the kitchen countertop to talk, mostly ignoring you. You gave them the same treatment and closed your eyes again. This time you had to open them back up rather quickly. The door at the back of the building opened up and a peridot ran out, Steven chasing after them. That’s the gem! You sprang up from the couch. To your horror, the crystal gems all pulled out their weapons. You gave a quick look towards the peridot, trying to figure out if it was the same one. Her gem seemed to be in the same place, but that wasn’t enough to determine anything. It was only when she quickly looked at you that you could confirm, it indeed was the same one. She turned to look at you before making a run for it, and as she did, her mouth fell open a little. She recognized you too. But before she was able to shout out anything, she had to lock herself in the bathroom. 
You listened to the gems try to force her out, but knowing the green gem, she wouldn’t come out like that. Especially now that she was scared. You took your chances and climbed to where Steven’s bed was. There you knew you’d find a part of her old limb enhancers. Steven had showed it off to you, still unsure as to why he had kept it. 
You waited for the gems to give up on trying to force the gem out, and once Steven had gone to bed too, you sneaked to the door. “Peridot.” It took her some time to respond, probably shocked to hear your voice. “Traitor! Why are you on their side?!” You then heard. “Can you let me in, so we could talk?” That wasn’t going to be enough to convince her. “I have something in return for your time.” The small leftover of the limb enhancers wasn’t going to be a lot, but it might just make her open the door for you. 
You saw the door creek open, and when her eye spotted the boot of her limb enhancers the green gem grabbed it and left the door open. You stepped in, taking that as a welcome to do so. After turning the lights on, you locked the door to make sure Peridot knew the gems weren’t in on this. “Traitor! You’re the same Y/n that was supposed to be helping me!” The now small gem hissed at you from the corner of the room. “They’re not as bad as they seem. My ship crashed and I lost all contact with the rest of the team.” You mumbled the last part, eyes wandering before they locked on Peridot. She truly was small, it made you giggle. Almost all the era 2 homeworld gems wore limb enhancers, and now seeing one without them made you giggle. “What are you laughing at, traitorous clod?!” The green gem yelled out. “Shh, you’re going to wake up everyone.” You hissed at her, taking better control of yourself to stop the laughter. Peridot shut her mouth, clutching onto the last piece of her old leg. “Look, you can trust Steven. He’ll make sure the gems don’t harm you. But you have to get out of here.” You told her, kneeling down. “And if you don’t want to get along with any of them, I’m here. The crystal gems don’t necessarily like me either. They’re just fine with having me around.” You told her, standing up. “So?” You offered her a hand which she took. You pulled her up and walked the green gem to the door and out from there. 
Some time had passed since then, and a lot of things had happened. Peridot had been accepted to stay with the crystal gems on earth, but you had noticed something. You’d often see the bright green gem run on all fours, and stumble as she tried to walk normally. No one said anything about it and some had even found it funny, but you knew better than that. The poor gem had had the limb enhancers on her whole life, and now that they were taken away from her it was hard for Peridot to exist normally. It must have felt the same if someone took half of your legs away suddenly and made you defenceless, and then laughed at you. 
Watching her try to stay as her normal self was hard, because you could often hear her curse under her breath for having to crawl like an animal. 
You couldn’t bear to watch her have to live like this anymore, there must have been something you could do? And with that in mind, you began to make a plan. There was no way to go back to homeworld and snatch a new pair of limb enhancers, but there was one place on earth that still might have had them stored. 
As the sun began to go down and the crystal gems had started to settle, you headed to the warp pad. Since no one was around, you warped to the spot your ship had crashed in. All the systems were messed up, but the door that led inside the ship still opened, barely. You had to push it a little to get it fully out of the way. No lights were turning on anymore either, but using your gem as a source of light worked just as well. 
You made your way to the back of the ship, and opened one of the ‘doors’ on the sides of the ship. All of the extra supply was stored in these, and if you remembered correctly there had been an extra pair of limb enhancers in one of them. After going through a few of these locker-like storage spaces, the light from your gem lit up exactly what you had been looking for. A brand new pair of limb enhancers. 
With the items in hand you left the abandoned ship and walked back to the warp pad. It took you straight to the house you had left earlier, and where you expected Peridot to be as well. You had told her to meet you there, and after some convincing she had agreed to come. You stumbled a little by the weight in your arms as you walked outside the house where you expected her to be waiting for you. “Peridot!” You called out and she turned towards you. It was dark already, since it had taken longer than you had expected to get the limb enhancers. The sun had set, only the moon shining some light over Beach city. “I got you something!” You smiled. It was only when you were closer to her that she finally realised what you were carrying in your arms. They were all in one pile, so it must have been a little hard to make out what they were. “Are those-” The green gem started, stars slowly forming in her eyes. “New limb enhancers!” You finished her sentence, happily offering them to her. With shaky hands she took them, immediately trying them on. “I had some in the ship I managed to crash.” You laughed silently at your mistake. “Thank you.” Peridot said, looking up at you with tears in her eyes, which she tired to wipe away, but it was no use. They kept appearing back every time. “I couldn’t stand to watch you crawl anymore.” You said, but there was no further reply. Your eyes stayed on her, the green gem now slightly taller than you were. “I’m not cute anymore.” She laughed. 
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Hey! Yo, u don't mind making a reaction for Garnet, Pearl, and Peridot (separate) with an s/o that usually lays lifelessly after an impact of an object, like they're not knocked out or injured but they do that to recall what the heck just happened to them before getting back up to go back to what ever they're doing like nothing happened
• She normally tries to stop it but it's still happens
• She usually just picks you up so you're just not lying on the ground.
• Like that time you played volleyball with some gems.
• You got hit, lied there, making the Gems around you panic and you got up and they took you out the game.
• "As many of times you do that, I'll see be here when you get up."
• PANICKING when you stubbed your toe.
• "I'm not dying."
• "LIES!" she said taking you to the doctors.
• Surprise you weren't dying.
• You had to explain that what you just do
• Protective Pearl engaged
• She will baby proof unless you say other wise.
• She though she killed her favorite human.
• Sobbing until you get up then yelled Zombie and tried to attack you.
• "I didn't die to begin with!"
• You had to explain while avoiding a Peridot with a sharp stick
• Nows she just wants to be around to protect you.
• And tries to attack anything that hit you, living or not.
"Get ya dog."
"Nah she dont bite."
"Yes she do!"
My dad Birthday is tomorrow and he's turn old(er). Hes above 41. All I remember
Also who told time to go fast? How is it already August???
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imagine-rose-writes · 3 years
IMAGINE: [Steven Universe]
Peridot finally admitting her feelings for you by yelling that she cares about you
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spinelxreader · 5 years
Peridot: log date 7 28 2 it's day 185 of observing these oblivious clods. I have seen numerous different species, many which i have never heard of before. After month's of careful observation, I've finally decided that-
Spinel: *to the tune of final countdown* ITS A MENTAL BREAKDOWN
Y/n: *off key kazoo*
Peridot: -there is no intelligent life here
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Poly Lapis and Peridot headcanon?
I love this idea… together, you may discover something new.
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  🌊 Your first meeting is through Steven, and it starts off kind of awkward; neither Lapis nor Peridot are particularly sociable gems, and it shows. It doesn’t take you long to push past that, though, and your conversation turns into an uplifting one. You make a joke and Lapis laughs, Peridot brings up a project she’s working on and you express interest; soon, the three of you are chatting like old friends. When you finally have to say goodbye, you walk away feeling warm and happy.
  👽 You spend the entire rest of the day thinking about them. You’re not sure why but they’re just… stuck in your mind. You can’t stop thinking about Peridot’s cute voice or Lapis’ gorgeous physique or about how beautiful they are or how much you want to kiss the- oh. You’ve got a crush.
  🌊 The day after, you’ve barely walked out the front door before Lapis lands in your lawn, sunlight glimmering through her refractive wings. “Hey!” She says, smiling. “You wanna come over to the barn? Peridot wants to show you that thing she was talking about.” You say yes (of course) and try to quell the butterflies rising in your stomach.
  👽 Your visits to the barn become a regular thing. Peridot always needs you to help with a project, or Lapis wants to know if you can judge a meep-morp for you, or you have to watch the latest episode of Camp Pining Hearts (now proudly on its thirty-seventh season) with them… eventually you just start showing up before they can ask you, and going to the barn becomes part of your daily routine.
  🌊 Sometimes Peridot’s hand brushes yours when you reach for the same tool and she blushes, occasionally Lapis jokes that you should model nude for her while she paints and you blush; pushing down the love you feel for them. You’re not blind, you see Lapis and Peridot holding hands, talking together- they live with each other, you just visit. Nobody wants a third wheel.
  👽 Which is why you’re so surprised when one morning, they’re both at the door to your home hours before you usually head over to theirs. You ask them what they’re doing here and they- well…“We’re here because you’re incapable of taking a hint!” Peridot says, wringing her hands. “We just- look, we-” “What Peridot is trying to say, “ Lapis says, with a tinge of nervousness in her voice. “Is that we love you. And want to go out with you. If that’s okay. Both of us.”
That day was one of the happiest days of your life. There was a lot of laughing and cuddling and crying (a lot of that last one from you) as the three of you confessed your love for each other at last.
  🌊 Neither Lapis nor Peridot are very affectionate in public, but once you get to a quiet or secluded spot that all changes. Peridot casually asks to hold your hand just whenever she feels like it, and both her and Lapis will pepper you with little kisses whenever you’re alone.
  👽 Your cuddling dynamic is as adorable as it is comfortable. Peridot will snuggle up against your chest, wrapping her arms around your waist, while Lapis will sit behind you and hug both of you, acting as the biggest spoon while you stay sandwiched comfortably between two gems. Lapis loves to whisper sweet nothings into your ear and watch you blush, while Peridot nuzzles her huge head of hair into your chest.
  🌊 The combination of Peridot’s insatiable curiosity and Lapis’ irrepressible wanderlust make a profound sense of adventure that rubs off on you whenever you’re around them. The three of you will fly over mountain ranges and explore the ruins of long-gone civilizations, moving around the world and back again in your explorations. You couldn’t ask for better adventuring partners then the two of them!
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pastal-gal · 4 years
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Steven universe : Peridot Head canons.
-did I mention cuddles.
-oh my lord, bless this baby.
-gets really insecure when she sees you laughing with the other gems.
-Jealous peridot is so adorable.
-“(S-(S/O) what a-are you doing?”
-bless this smol bean, she just wants your attention.
-hast to constantly remind her that you love her.
-I don’t know how, but she will always get stuck in high places and will only let you get her down.
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glowinggemimagines · 4 years
Can you do Peridot dating headcanon? Nice art by the way.
Tysm! Of course~
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Peridot is a very clingy girlfriend, she enjoys spending as much time as possible with you.
She absolutely loves being cuddled, anytime, anywhere. She’s definitely the little spoon, and will fall asleep in your arms.
Peridot gets flustered very easily, she’ll brag about how amazing her partner is, but the moment you reciprocate her affection she’ll be blushing furiously.
She loves it when you pick her up and swing her around like a teddy bear, or let her ride on your shoulders.
She will tinker with all your computers and make you little gifts from scrap electronics.
When she wants snuggles she will follow you around like a cat and pull on your shirt. If that doesn’t work she will cling to your leg and demand you pay attention to her.
She’ll begrudgingly accept nicknames but in reality she secretly enjoys them. Pear-Bear, My Little Alien, she loves them all.
Be prepared to binge-watch reruns of Camp Pining Hearts with her all weekend long.
One of her favourite activities to do with you is going to Funland and beating all the rigged games.
She’ll take you for rides on her trashcan lid at the drop of a hat.
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lockandkeyhyena · 4 years
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I really wanted to do some su x reader stuff, but everything out there is so spinel-centric, so I decided to do some art of my faves. Be on the lookout for more- I had lots of fun doing this one!
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