#part 2 would feature the sequel
the-moons-ace-card · 3 months
Griffin being the best character for about two minutes and a half
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blue-eli · 1 month
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Ink October day twenty-nine: Wilder
To bewilder; to perplex.
Comparative form of wild: more wild.
#tears of the kingdom#loz totk#totk#the legend of zelda#legend of zelda#legend of zelda tears of the kingdom#totk link#blue boi draws#ink october 2023#ink October 2023 day 29#I have extremely conflicted feelings about this game that I think boil down to: I don’t dislike it but it did disappoint me#like there are a lot of things about it but the things I dislike are loud in a way that makes them hard to ignore#there are also a lot of tiny nitpicking things I dislike about it that I feel bad about because they are probably insignificant or cases of#people having different taste in things. like the bombs I miss my remote destination bombs :( but also the mechanics that replace them are#really fun. I actually think most of the mechanics and puzzles are really good (I probably have more fun in Zonai shrines then sheikah#on average) I also think expanding to the sky and underground was really smart and good. I think most of my issues are with the story#they did Zelda so dirty. sooooooo dirty. the three good things they did with her are 1 gave her good parental figures 2 cut her hair#3 tURNED HER INTO A FUCKING DRAGON. A WYRM. A CREATURE.#that’s probably my favourite main story thing besides maybe the companions and also Tulin#I love Teba the fact that his son is featured heavily and is done so good in this game is amazing.#also revali being basically never mentioned was really good. fuck you revali#love the Zonai HATE them founding Hyrule (or well rauru)#love the designs dragon goat people love good dad to Zelda the king can go fuck himself#the thing about me is I hate ​colonial the divine right of kings and monarchies so much. the kingdom of Hyrule stinks of these things#botw to me was in part a story of a monarchy failing. the king and the system failed Zelda failed Link and failed their kingdom.#I knew that more then likely they would be rebuilding the kingdom in the sequel but oh my gods does the addition of the politics of Hyrules#founding make it worse. there are so many people who have explained in detail this but right now my brain is just… GAH#*banging my head against the wall* can we PLEASE acknowledge the flaws of the Hylian royalty I’m not even asking for them to be discrowned#at this point I just want anything that isn’t this glorifying shit. and it sucks because I like Sonia!!! I like Minaru!!!#ran out of tags but I need you to know I am fucking vibrating about this
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prokopetz · 4 days
Last night while I was in bed I was thinking about a series where each individual part of it was released in a separate format; for example, Part 1 is released as a book, Part 2 as a movie, Part 3 as a video game, et cetera. Do you know of anything that fits this bill, even somewhat?
It's a fairly common pattern if you count the whole "TV show's plot continued as a series of films" phenomenon. Assuming you've already ruled that out as too obvious (or you're counting film and television as the same medium), the next most common pattern in my experience is "book or film whose direct sequel is a video game" (i.e., in the sense that the video game is a direct continuation, rather than an adaptation of any particular prior instalment), or occasionally vice versa.
The earliest example of the latter I can come up with off the top of my head is Zilpha Keatley Snyder's Green Sky Trilogy, published from 1975 through 1978, whose overarching plot is continued – and ultimately resolved – in the 1984 video game Below the Root.* Other examples include the 1997 video game Parasite Eve (direct sequel to the 1995 novel of the same name, though the English localisation takes numerous liberties to ensure that familiarity with the novel is unnecessary, as it wouldn't be published in English until 2005), or Turbo Kid (video game, 2024), direct sequel to Turbo Kid (feature film, 2015). Going the other direction, you can easily make an argument for Final Fantasy VII (1997), a video game whose direct sequel, Final Fantasy: Advent Children (2005), is an animated feature film.
As for examples spanning three or more separate mediums, I can't think of one off the top of my head, but I'm sure they exist. Maybe someone in the notes can come up with one!
* Interestingly, apart from being one of the earliest examples of a series of novels continued in video game form, Below the Root is often cited as one of the early prototypes of what would become the metroidvania formula; it's really more of a text adventure with light platforming elements, but the outlines are there.
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greenfiend · 2 months
The Significance of Lover’s Lake and Byler (Theory) Part 2
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Sequel to this post
(Warning: mentions of sex and drugs)
Okay so first of all, if you haven’t seen my previous post on my theory involving Lovers Lake and Byler, please read it first. I go over my theory and predictions for Byler and the heart shaped lake. This is a secondary post to it, outlining some VERY interesting details involving the owner of the lakeside house, the lakeside house itself, and all the romantic and sexual elements present. I’m saving the best for last here.
Let’s start with the owner of the lakeside house.
Reefer Rick
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So I recently made a silly post arguing that the most queer coded character in Stranger Things is not Mike nor Will (nor Robin, Henry, Eddie etc), and I stand by this statement. The most queer coded character is: Reefer Rick. Now, I know we never see the guy, but literally all the information we have on him is either queer coding or drug references.
Synonyms of his name are literally f*g Dick, with a shared last name with the famous tea company founder who so happens to have been a homosexual: Lipton.
We know he doesn’t have a family, thus he’s a single man who occasionally has his buddy/fellow dealer Eddie stay over. Hm, not very heterosexual of him.
Then we have his movie list.
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Now, as many of us know, the movie “Fast Times” is used within Stranger Things as a way to gage if someone is attracted to women or not. We have Steve, Dustin, Lucas, and Vickie all confirmed to have enjoyed this movie… specifically for that shot at 53 minutes and 5 seconds. Sure, Reefer Rick rented the film, but why is it the only movie he rented that was returned on time? For context, he’s the only character who had films listed as “late” returns. So, he obviously enjoyed Cheech & Chong a lot more. Two guys doing drugs is more interesting to him than a sexy lady. Okay, noted.
Now, how is he perceived by the people of Hawkins?
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Oooof. Okay. He’s not well liked it seems. He apparently is causing some fear and anger amongst the Hawkins residents. Kind of similar of a reaction these people would have towards an openly gay man during the 1980s.
Also I have to include @/conflictofthemind ‘s excellent point that injectable drug use and unprotected sex (specifically between two men) were both commonly associated with HIV/AIDS… a major epidemic during the 80s and a major subtextual theme within the show.
Now, where’s this guy live while outside of jail?
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I don’t blame the guy for “hiding” when the town is not too fond of him. Of course he is a drug dealer so there’s that as well. But interesting they used the word “hide”, which has been associated with queerness within the show already (plus this line was said by Robin (featured in the middle of the shot!!!) who is queer herself).
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(Both of these screenshots are from 1x02 interestingly enough.)
Wouldn’t it make sense for these two “hiders” to hide out in “a perfect place to hide” together? Seeking refuge in a fellow gay man’s secluded house?
I will say it’s also worth noting that he does not have any women featured on the walls within his house. Also, he has a phallic shaped bong (we’ll get back to that soon).
Phew okay so that’s Reefer Rick. Are you still with me? Hopefully I didn’t bore any of you with this. I promise you this all leads back to Byler.
So, moving on to his house.
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So as @/therainscene kindly pointed out, this poster with the smiley face can be related to rave culture and ecstasy in the 1980s. So a drug reference, in a drug dealer’s house… shocker I know. But I gotta say, ecstasy is also a term often related to sex. I also have to add this little tidbit from one of our favourite directors of Stranger Things, Shawn Levy. Keep in mind, he knows what’ll happen in the next season… and he’s directing episodes after 3 and 4…
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Interesting word choice, no?
So, back to the symbolism within (and near) the house.
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Let’s talk about the phallic symbolism that appears in pairs in these shots. It’s a choice, isn’t it? With two males in each shot. We know the Duffers love details and foreshadowing… I doubt it’s a coincidence. Also, anyone else notice that phone in the background? Just had to mention it, since our boys are frequently associated with phones and calls.
Then, of course, I gotta bring back this shot.
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The bed. Blue meets yellow. You know it! We all heard it a thousand times by now. Let’s look at what else is in the shot. A closed closet. Another reference to our boys. To the right, you’ll see a toilet paper roll. Now, if you have a brother, you might see the same thing in his room. Sure it can be used as a tissue for your nose but let’s just say there’s usually another use for it. I’ll call it “self love”. So, basically, another sexual reference.
To sum up this house: lake/water, drugs, and ecstasy/smiley face. Now, let’s go back to a scene featuring our boys with all these elements in the background.
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Makes you wonder doesn’t it?
I must also point out the “Paris” poster in the background. City of love, anyone? Plus the fireworks. They’re really trying to tell us something here.
Also, @/foodiewithdahoodie pointed out how Paris specifically was one of the first places to decriminalize sodomy.
You know, I also wouldn’t rule out every aspect of Murray’s prediction here.
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Shout out to the Hylers out there!
Perhaps after a lot of stressful days of fighting interdimentional demons, these boys want to wind down and de-stress in their hiding spot. I can see Reefer Rick as a fellow Nintendo player, leaving his console behind, as well as his weed, for our boys to use. I also wouldn't be surprised if Eddie left a few of his beers behind. I mean… Murray has a pretty good track record for predictions. This would also really double down on the message that Mike and Will “aren’t kids anymore.”
Also, wouldn’t it be fun to look back at Murray’s predictions and realize that they’ve all come to be?
Okay, now let’s finally get to the romance elements!
First thing I want to start with is this shot:
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So… they had to show us a mailbox, didn’t they? With that name “Lipton” which as I mentioned in my previous post… is associated with Thomas Lipton who had a lover named William Love.
1 point for #lettergate
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“Hope Our Love Lives/Lasts And Never Dies”
WWII solders used the acronym H.O.L.L.A.N.D. to convey a love message in a letter. The whole love letters association with Mike and Will never end, do they?
2 points for #lettergate!
As for the “2121”, I think it’s possible that it’s referencing multiple things… number references are tricky like that in my opinion. But I will say that @/thestrangestthing89 brought up the fact that “2121” could be a reference to “Twin Flames” which is yet another reference to romance.
Continuing on with the romance…
Let’s return back to the scene where Reefer Rick is first mentioned. After Max mentioned him, we are cut to Steve talking about a movie.
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A movie filled with action and romance, you say?
So… Doctor Zhivago.
Basically a tale of two people in love during a difficult time (Russian Revolution) being separated, with other people, then finally reunited. Not completely unlike our boys. Notice how the “adult” sign is noticeable in the background. Not kids anymore.
He mentions action, which I’m sure there will be some of as well at the famous lake.
Okay enough with the silly details, let’s stop and look at the bigger picture.
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Our beloved lake. Look how gorgeous it truly is. Plus the fact that it’s a literal heart? You can’t get more “on the nose” than that.
Now, who else is known as a heart? (Tough question I know…)
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This boy is, without a doubt, narratively tied to the lake. He is “the heart”… he is THE LAKE (symbolically).
Thank you to @/everaster for bringing attention to the fact that after Mike was pushed to deliver that monologue to El by Will, Max “died”, then the gates opened WIDE. One of those gates, as we know, is located within Lover’s Lake… known was “watergate” (term coined by Dustin).
So, as of now in this story… Lover’s Lake is literally broken in two. A broken heart in need of mending.
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Who better to accomplish that task than the boy who has known him for a decade and loves him completely and selflessly?
Hope you enjoyed these posts as much as I enjoyed making them! It’s honestly so much fun looking for evidence and finding such interesting stuff. Some of it may be reaching, and that’s okay because it’s all in good fun! That’s what fandoms are all about.
The level of attention to detail in this show never ceases to amaze me! There’s so much depth and clues to look for and play around with. I hope to have sparked some inspiration and creativity for some people! 💛💙💚
As always, would love to know your thoughts!
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twilight-orchid · 5 months
Shower Suprise
Jason Todd x gn pregnant reader
Notes: So, I’m currently fighting a war against baby fever and baby daddy jason makes me feral so I decided to write a self indulgent fic. I’m working on a couple sequel fics so let me know if you enjoyed this and I’ll post the others too. I’m not a great writer and have never written for Jason before, so sorry if it’s shit lmaooo
Part 2
Word count: 1730
Contains cursing, unplanned pregnancy, mention of abortion, talk of adoption
Jason had gotten home a little after 4 am. He’d been patrolling the cold, rainy streets since 11 and Gotham had finally grown quiet. His body ached something awful from the numerous fights he’d gotten into that night, and exhaustion had crept into his bones making him feel like he could fall asleep standing up.
He climbed into the window of the dark apartment silently to avoid waking his lover and got out of his gear in the living room. The sound of clanking metal and ripping zippers tended to get noisy. Once in his briefs alone he slipped into your bedroom, pausing for a moment to watch the rise and fall of your chest with a smile on his face. You slept soundly, your hair a nest around your face and your soft snores like a comforting lullaby to Jason.
He reluctantly made his way to your shared bathroom. He’d love nothing more than to just go to bed, but you didn’t like it when he got into the clean sheets with Gotham’s grime on him. And, to be fair, he was pretty gross some nights. He showered quickly, enjoying the steaming water on his sore muscles, then hastily moved to brush his teeth. However, something odd caught his eye as he spat.
There were balls of what looked like clean tissue wadded up atop the trash, which was strange as he’d just changed it before he left. You didn’t have a cold or anything that would constitute using that much. He furrowed his brow, a weird feeling washing over him. Something white and shiny just barely peeked out from underneath, and he moved the tissue aside to reveal not 1 but 4 pregnancy tests. His heart froze, time seeming to stop around him. Dread built in his gut as he grabbed the sticks, and terror settled in as he picked up one positive after another. Holy shit, y/n was pregnant. He’d gotten you pregnant. Fuck.
Something pleasant stirred in his gut but he squashed it down. His child would be in danger every day having him as their father. If anyone found out about his baby, child of the Red Hood and grandchild of the Batman, they’d instantly have a target on their head. Aside from that, he’d be a terrible father. He was gruff without meaning to, he had a short fuse, and he certainly didn’t have any good role models. All he could think about were the ways he could accidentally fuck them up. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t notice you until you were in the bathroom with him.
He was no longer tired, adrenaline pumping through his veins as he dropped to the floor. Fuck fuck fuck. He couldn’t be a father, he’s Red Hood. He had huge time constraints, anger issues, and most importantly, a lot of blood on his hands. How could those hands, forever stained red, hold something like an innocent newborn in his grasp? A baby, with chunky cheeks and thighs, perhaps with his hair and your eyes.
“Jay?” You asked tentatively. He realized he was hyperventilating. He tried to respond, but he found all he could do is stare at your middle. Your eyes slipped to the floor, taking in the discovered pregnancy tests as he watched your face turn. This is clearly not the reveal you were hoping for. You crouched to his level.
“Jay, can you breathe with me?” He was still lost in his thoughts, buried in his anxiety. But he looked up and met your gaze, your features worried. For him. He closed his eyes and nodded with a shuddering breath.
“Alright babe, in through the nose…. Out through the mouth.” He followed along with you, his hand reaching out. You grabbed it firmly with both of yours without hesitation, running your thumbs along his skin. He usually didn’t like to be touched when he was having episodes, but something about your warmth grounded him. He steadily felt his heart begin to slow down.
You let go with one hand to tenderly cup his cheek, smiling sheepishly at him.
“You’re pregnant.” He said simply. You bit your lip and looked away, but nodded.
“I made an appointment in the morning to get an ultrasound and make sure, but well, 4 positives. Plus, you know how sick and nauseous I’ve been. Emotional, tired, hungry for weird shit…” He cursed under his breath and noted how your shoulders sank. Your hand just barely moved to your belly before you caught yourself, returning it to your side.
“You want the baby.” He stated, though it was more of a question. You sighed in frustration and ran your hand through your hair.
“I don’t know. I don’t feel ready, but I can’t stop picturing a little baby that looks like me and you and I just… I can’t-“ Your resolve crumbled as tears began rolling down your cheeks. He took you into his arms instantly, pulling you onto his lap and letting you bury your head into his neck as you sobbed. He drew circles into your back and whispered reassurances, but his head was spinning.
“I don't know what to do Jay!” You whimpered. He didn’t know either, but he needed to come up with a solution. For you.
A baby. A fucking baby. Bruce would absolutely lose it.
“Well,” he started, his voice calm. He was freaking out, but you didn’t need him a nervous wreck. You needed him strong and steadfast. He took a deep breath.
“There’s allot going on in our heads right now, why don't we break down our options, yeah?” You nodded, still sniffling and sat in his lap to meet his eyes.
“No matter what, I'm not putting a baby in the Gotham foster system. No way.” He started. Gotham had a lot of kids entering its foster system and almost no kids being adopted. Bruce had been trying to help solve the issue for years, but Jason knew if they gave the baby up for adoption, they’d likely have a hard time finding a home. Not to mention the issue still stood that they’d be in danger if their parentage was discovered, except in that scenario Jason wouldn’t even know where they are to help them. You nodded in agreement.
“So that leaves…” you began softly.
“Keeping it or getting rid of it.” He finished. Your lip twisted and fresh tears fell, but you wiped them away.
“I don’t… what do you want to do Jay?”
“It’s your body.”
“And it's your baby.” You responded. That was fair, and he thought about it. There’s no denying it could be dangerous, but there was also no denying that his kid would have the planets greatest protectors on its side. His family would call to arms for his baby in an instant, as would the friends Jason had made through his life. Hell, even the Justice League would defend Bruce’s grand baby. And he wouldn’t repeat his mentor’s mistakes and drag his kid on the rooftops with him. They belonged at home; safe, cared for, and loved. A feeling he reveled in when he was with you. He thought about you holding a toddler in your arms and playing with them, the sound of his child’s laughter echoing through the house. He just knew you would make an amazing parent. Feelings once again rose in his chest, but he didn’t push them down. He let them sit and, once he really thought about it, he kinda wanted to see the little guy live and grow. But ultimately it wasn’t his decision.
“I want what you want.” He finally responded. You groaned in frustration.
“I don’t want you to want what I want Jay. If I say I want it, I don’t want you to agree to make me happy and then feel trapped and then…” you trailed off, looking away from him. He furrowed his brow.
“And then what, leave you? Abandon you to raise my kid on your own? Do you really think I’d do that to you?” His tone sounded almost angry, but he didn’t mean for it to be. He wasn’t mad, he was hurt.
“No, Jay I-“ you sighed and ran a hand through your hair.
“I just don’t want to make you do something huge like this if it's not what you want. And I don’t want to force you to commit to me like that.” He scoffed at you.
“I think we’re well past worrying about me wanting to commit to you, doll.” You stared at him seemingly unconvinced, your fears and uncertainties visibly rattling around your skull.
He sighed. This wasn’t the circumstance he was hoping for, but his gut said it was time.
“You want to see how fucking serious I am about committing to you? Where the fuck are my jeans?” He gently pushed you off of him and told you to stay. He nearly chuckled at the cute, confused look on your face. He grabbed the pants he'd been wearing before patrol and fished his wallet out of his pocket.
“Look at this shit, I’ve been carrying this around with me for months.” You stared at him with a raised brow, wondering what the fuck he was doing. Out of the cash flap he pulled a small pouch of bubble wrap which produced a beautiful engagement ring. It was your picture-perfect ring; you couldn’t have picked a better one yourself. You froze, your breath catching in your throat.
“No, shut up and listen to me. I love you. I love you more than I’ve ever loved anyone on this god forsaken planet. You are beautiful, and kind, and funny, and so fucking smart. You’ve been there for me at my worst and my best without judgement. You’re one person that I know I can rely on, and I am so proud that you rely on me. I am a lucky fucking man to have you in my life, and if you want this baby I’m with you. And I’ll be the happiest man alive. But if you don’t want it, you don’t. And I’ll be happy with that too. But either way, I love you and I want you to be my one and only for as long as you’ll have me. So, what do you wanna do babe?”
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pickingupmymercedes · 1 month
When I get to meet you - Lewis Hamilton
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Sequel to Maybe in another life
Alternative part 2: I'd like to believe
pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Reader!
warnings: mentions of mourning, angst, might make you emotional
wordcount: +1K
a/n: Getting to see into their future. It's been 10 years from that first letter.
As always, I'm open for feedback, come say hi!
The scent of freshly brewed coffee wafted into the room, a gentle counterpoint to the quiet scrape of Lewis' pen against paper. Y/N found him bathed in the soft glow coming from the window of their home office, hunched over the desk. His brow was furrowed in concentration, a muscle in his jaw clenched tight. Even in the dim light, the dark circles under his eyes were prominent.
"Hey," she murmured, placing a steaming mug and a plate with a few croissants beside him. "Couldn't sleep too?"
He looked up, a flicker of surprise crossing his features before a tired smile softened his face. "Couldn't get comfortable" he admitted, his voice raspy. "Just... writing."
Y/N knew exactly what he was writing. On the 24th of November every year, the anniversary of the day their child was supposed to be born, he wrote a letter. A letter filled with whispered apologies, unfulfilled wishes, whispered dreams and a love that kept on growing.
"Ten years," she said, her voice barely a whisper.
He nodded, his gaze going to her eyes, the only ones able to calm the storm brewing in him. "Double digits. Can you believe it?"
The pain in his voice was a familiar ache. It was a day that always ripped open the scabbed wound of their past, a stark reminder of what could have been.
Y/N sank onto the edge of the desk, the warmth of the mug seeping into her chilled hands as she nudged the plate of goodies his way "Brought you something sweet" she said, gesturing to the croissants "to make the day a bit less bitter."
He managed a weak smile. "Thank you, love" He took a sip of his coffee, the steam swirling around his face. "I just wish..." he trailed off, the words catching in his throat.
Y/N reached out, her hand gently squeezing his. "I know, Lew" she said, her voice thick with emotion. "I wish things were different too."
She cast a glance around the room, her gaze landing on a stuffed animal nestled on the armchair opposite them – a well-loved teddy bear, its fur matted with years of imaginary adventures. "It feels harder today, doesn't it? Seeing their toys everywhere..."
Lewis nodded, the unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. Each misplaced Lego, each forgotten plushie, a fresh reminder of the child who could have played with the toy – a constant echoes of what-ifs.
For a moment, they sat in comfortable silence, the weight of their shared grief a familiar burden. Then, Y/N spoke, her voice barely above a whisper.
"I don't blame you, Lewis. I never did.” She paused, her gaze searching for his. “And I don't blame myself, not anymore"
Tears welled up in Lewis's own eyes. “I should’ve been with you through that.” Y/N reached out, her hand hovering over his for a moment before gently squeezing it.
There was a heavy silence between them, thick with unspoken grief and a shared yearning.
"Do you ever wonder?" Y/N broke the silence, her voice barely above a whisper. "What would it have been like?"
Lewis let out a shaky breath. "Every day," he confessed. "How would it be to have them filling the house with endless questions? Or maybe a quiet observer, taking it all in with big curious eyes?"
He squeezed her hand, his eyes reflecting a pain that mirrored her own. "Maybe they would have loved racing, just like me... or maybe they would have had a different passion."
Tears welled up in Y/N's eyes, blurring the image of the empty chair across from them. "We'll never know" she whispered; her voice choked with emotion. "But one thing's for sure…"
She looked into his eyes, a fierce love burning within them. "They’re still loved. So incredibly loved."
My little one,
Ten years old, huh? Double digits already!
By now, I imagine you'd be a ball of energy, racing around the house, making everyone laugh and maybe tripping over a few toys along the way.
The truth is, sweetheart – like I’ve told you so many times already – I never got to meet you.
You were just a dream taking shape in your mama's heart, before it all went dark. It wasn't fair. It shouldn't have happened. And I'll, forever, carry a piece of guilt with me.
When your mama first told me about you, about the tiny miracle growing inside her, half her and half me, the world spun a little. Back then, all I knew was racing, the roar of the crowd, pushing a car to its limits.
I wasn’t the man I was supposed to be. The man your grandpa raised me to be.
I'm forever in debt to your mama and you for that.
Finding her after that wasn't easy, you see. It felt like chasing shadows, following whispers and rumors, each dead-end chipping away at a already fragile hope.
But then I finally did and I was a mess.
Words seemed to fail me, all apologies and regret feeling hollow and empty. So, I just… stayed.
It was all I could do. The best I could do.
I offered her a shoulder to cry on, a quiet space for her grief to settle.
For a long time, that's all we were – two people bound by a loss so deep it attempted to swallow us hole. We tried to move on, to find solace elsewhere. But nothing fit. The world felt muted without you, my little one.
For me, the roar of the crowd on race day used to be a symphony of excitement, but then it just echoed the hollowness within.
Eventually, your mama let me back in, little by little. A dance of unspoken emotions. We'd have dinner together, comfortable silences punctuated by the clinking of silverware. We'd watch movies, neither of us really paying attention, just finding a strange comfort in each other's presence.
Sometimes, late at night, we'd talk about you. She'd share her dreams, the little nursery decorated with soft colors, the tiny clothes she could never buy. And I , I'd share my fears, the image of a tiny hand gripping my finger, the echo of a giggle that never came.
And somewhere along the line, the shared grief turned into something more. We found comfort in each other. We learned to smile again, not forgetting the ache in our hearts, but acknowledging the space for something new to grow.
We had your brother and sister, two beautiful souls who brought laughter back into our lives. They know about you, sweetheart. We tell them stories about the big brother or sister they never met, the firecracker who would have made everything a little brighter.
Your sister loves dinosaurs and wants to be a paleontologist when she grows up. She has this wild imagination, and sometimes, I swear I can see a flicker of you in her mischievous grin. Your brother, on the other hand, is a bookworm, with a nose always buried in a story. He's quiet and thoughtful, just like your mama used to be before the world dimmed her light.
Sometimes, when I look at them, I can't help but wonder what you would have been like.
Would you have been the adventurous one, dragging your siblings on wild adventures? Or maybe the creative one, filling the house with drawings and stories? Maybe you would have loved racing, or perhaps you would have had a knack for Legos and inventing machines.
The truth is, I don't know. And that's the hardest part. Missing someone you never met, grieving a life that could have been.
But although we never got to hold you, never got to see your first smile, or hear your first giggle, you left a mark on our hearts, little one. You made me a better man.
You taught me the true meaning of love, a love that transcends life and loss, a love that finds solace in shared memories and the promise of a future built without forgetting what could have been.
I need you to know that you're loved. Always have been, always will be. You may be a missing piece on our incomplete puzzle, but the memory of you makes our family whole.
There are moments, especially on days like today, when the ache feels sharper, a reminder of the path not taken. But even in those moments, sweetheart, you are a source of strength.
Knowing that you existed, even for that brief flicker of time, showed me a different side of myself, a capacity for love I never knew existed. It made me yearn for so much more beyond what I could see, a life filled with the messy joy of parenthood, the sleepless nights, the scraped knees and skinned elbows.
Because of you, I became a better driver too. Pushing myself further, chasing excellence with more determination. But more importantly, I became a better person.
I learned empathy, the ability to hold space for another's pain, to offer a silent understanding when words fail.
I imagine you'd be proud of your mama too. She's incredibly strong, sweetheart.
You know, the grief never truly leaves you, it becomes a part of who you are, but she found a way to carry it with grace.
She built a successful career in fashion, a haven for herself and your siblings. And sometimes, late at night, when the world is quiet and she’s wide awake with her newest project, I see the fire in her eyes, a mischievous glint that to this day still steals my heart.
I believe you’d have that in you. Like your sibling do.
We talk about you often, you see. It’s not a sad thing, but a way of keeping your memory alive. We share stories, even the ones tinged with sadness, because they are all part of who you are.
We celebrate your birthday every year with a small cake. This year we’ll be having ten candles flickering light.
It's a quiet celebration, filled more with love than with fanfare, but I know you'd feel it, little one, the warmth that fills the room. I truly hope you do.
One day, when it's my time, maybe I'll finally get to meet you. We can race across a field of stars, you with your boundless energy and me, a little wiser, a lot less scared.
We can explore the cosmos together, you asking endless questions, your curiosity a supernova lighting up the universe. And maybe, just maybe, you'll forgive me for all of my mistakes, the things we never got to do, all the milestones I never got to witness.
Until then, my little firecracker, my eldest, know that you'll forever hold a special place in our hearts.
You are, forever, the love that transcends loss and the memory that burns bright.
Happy birthday, sweetheart.
With all my love,
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora
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sweet-s0rr0w · 4 months
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Happy Valentine's Day to you all! To celebrate, I'm back with another collaborative Drarry reclist, featuring a new lovely bunch of Drarry writers, artists, reccers, and fans!
Once again, the question was: ‘what one or two fics, or scenes, or quotes, represent peak Drarry romance to you?’ and (in what is rapidly becoming a nightmare for me), no duplicates from previous years were allowed. Thank you so much to everyone who took part, I hope you enjoy the results!
You can find part 1 (2022) here, and part 2 (2023) here!
This year's list features answers from: apricitydays-lazynights, arminaa8, drarrymyheart, drarryspecificrecs, hoko-onchi-writes, jtimu, littlewinnow, mallstars, myrtlefics, oflights, peachydreamxx, pl0tty, rainstormradish, romaine2424, squintclover, starquestingfordrarry, thecouchsofa, thedrarrylibrarian, and themiddleofwonderland!
💗who will receive you in love's offices by jtimu (E, 30k)
It was a wonder, Draco thought, watching Potter tip back the last remnants of his drink, that the man had survived to adulthood. Not because of the war, or the constant attempts on his life, or surviving two separate killing curses, despite his insistence that he had at some point died, but because there was not a single ounce of self-preservation in his entire body. There couldn’t be. …He glanced over at the potion on the table, and considered, for a fraction of a moment, getting up and pouring those same drops of veritaserum into his own glass. He looked away just as fast, back at Potter, grinning in his chair like they were queuing up for a Quidditch game and not at all like he had just handed his childhood nemesis the keys to his thoughts. “All right,” he said, “first of all. What the ever loving fuck is wrong with you?
💗My Beautiful Boy by alexmeg (unrated, 69k, sequel to Alucinatio)
"You don't even like boys."
"I didn't know I did. But you," Harry trails off, laughs with his gaze trying to meet the grey of Draco's eyes, a little tremulous with nerves and fear and the way his breath sticks high in his throat like an ache. Draco does look at him, then. "God, you."
💗Seagulls Cause Storms, or the Essence of Chaos by @writandromance (M, 312k)
The stars above them were bright white. It made him think again of the black universe between the constellations, the way he thought people like him held the space for people like Harry to burn hot.
💗The Rewards of Being Loved by @lou-isfake (E, 161k, sequel to The Ordeal of Being Known)
“What are you doing?”
“Trying to make you stop thinking so hard,” Harry replied, grinning mischievously. He placed Draco’s hand on his bare waist, his own hand on Draco’s shoulder. Draco’s lips twitched in a hesitant grin.
“This song is too fast for you to dance to.”
“Only if I’m thinking about it,” Harry retorted, stepping in close. “Is my kitchen too difficult for you to dance in, your highness?”
“Don’t underestimate me, Potter,” Draco murmured, his grin widening as he pulled Harry flush against him, taking his hand. Harry chuckled, waiting for him to lead.”
💗I Do Not Love You by @writandromance (M, 228k)
“The thing is,” Harry said, voice low like all they’d said was public knowledge and this was the secret. “If you’re interested in this, if we pursue this, I’ll be a goner.”
“A goner?” he echoed.
Harry took a lung-filling breath. “Yeah, Draco,” he sighed. “That’ll be it for me. Tony… well, Tony I ended up happy to see go. Miles, I—that was hard in the moment but I was fine. But you… we’re so connected, our lives are so connected, our friends. I don’t want to fuck around, it would be serious, to me. You’re serious to me.”
(cause 'Hogwarts 8th year' & 'creature' are among my fave tropes and I really really adore fics where Draco is in trouble but not weak & Harry is already smitten with him)
💗Draco Malfoy, It's Your Lucky Day by @faith2wood (E, 37k)
💗The Arc of the Pendulum by brummell (E, 30k)
💗Half Sick of Shadows by StarQuesting (E, 40k)
(I have a hard time containing myself about dragon tamer Draco, and everyone knows it. I’m about as subtle as a brick when something pings a sweet spot in my brain. But this fic is so much more than a hot, aloof, sex king dragon tamer Draco who has weaver Harry weak in the knees. It is also so very bright and clear in my mind; the visuals are so affecting, just like the creations that Harry weaves. Favorite scene: Harry casually chatting with dragons. 12/10 would be unhinged again.)
💗A pulled down shade by fast_brother (M, 43k)
(I’m not a big crier over fics. Maybe three or four have made me cry this year. This one made me lose it. I think the thing that stands out to me is the visceral capture of emotion. You can feel Draco’s broken heart, and then you can feel Harry’s. I could probably get worked up about it right now. Favorite scene: Draco crying over the broken tea cup. I literally can’t function when I think about it. 12/10 would cry again.)
💗The Brightest Constellations of Our Souls by thecouchsofa (E, 256k)
(I might be cheating since I’m still savoring The Brightest Constellation of Our Souls but I’m including it because it is Peak Drarry Romance. TheCouchSofa always has this intensely brilliant characterization. Harry is heartbreakingly oblivious. Draco is prickly and about as subtle as a brick over pining for Harry. This also features depression!Harry, which has gotta be one of my favorite Harrys. She writes depressed Harry with such delicacy, handling the ins and outs of mental illness and trauma with care, but also making it fucking funny. Favorite scene so far: Harry very casually slipping into conversation that he’s bisexual after he’s been traveling with Draco for an absurd amount of time without mentioning it. And Draco’s ensuing reaction. 12/10 will continue swooning.)
💗Designate / your love as fate by @elskanellis (E, 17k)
💗Lover, Where Do You Live? by @dodgerkedavra (E, 39k)
💗Seven Days in June by @fourth-rose (E, 47k)
💗1000 Kisses: #27 First Thing in the Morning, Just After Moving in Together by @deliciouslystickypersona (E, 3k)
Draco trails his fingertips over the flat plane of Harry’s belly, tracing the line of hair up to where it widens over his pectorals. He nuzzles his nose into the curve of Harry’s shoulder, inhaling the sweet, musky, sleepy scent of his skin.
💗Little Love by @ladderofyears (M, 34k)
Harry – who still held Draco’s hand – was gazing at the baby, spellbound by the sight. His whole appearance couldn’t have been prouder, or more loving, had he been Snidget’s natural father. When Harry caught Draco looking at him, he beamed, unashamed of his response.
💗Elaborate, Correct, and Assiduously Observed by peu_a_peu (T, 4k)
Some things were still the same, he thought. Draco was the perfect height for Harry to put his head on his shoulder and rest. That had been secretly true all along, and they’d only had to figure it out.
💗Us, In Lieu by Tepre (E, 30k)
“I . . .” The words jumble in his mouth. His hair is still mostly wet in his neck. He should’ve shaved. He should’ve cleaned his glasses. He should’ve— “I do want you.” And, “Enough,” he adds, then decides no , decides, “Not just enough. More than. More than that.” He licks his lips. “So much more than that.”
💗The Pure and Simple Truth by @letteredlettered (E, 14k)
Malfoy’s eyelashes were visible just above his cheeks, golden and some might have said they should have been darker, but Harry thought that they were perfect. The curve of Malfoy’s jaw, the slant of Malfoy’s throat, that was perfect, too. Malfoy looked up, licked his lips. “I thought you weren’t interested,” he said.
💗The Isle of Ogygia by @citrusses (E, 13k)
The days pass slower, after Potter leaves. Draco tries to fish again, and manages to actually levitate a fish out of the water, but then he Stuns it and it sinks back beneath the waves like a rock, and he doesn’t have any luck retrieving it again. Every day he walks to the top of the lighthouse, casts the right spells, and walks back down. He looks around his room and thinks about where Potter sat.
💗Going Postal by dustmouth (125 page comic)
(I am a complete and utter sucker for Dustmouth’s comics and the correspondence and longing and softness of this one make me really happy)
💗Yours is the Earth (Hold On, Hold On) by chickenlivesinpumpkin (E, 127k)
(Chapter 11: it's one of my fave proposals in any fic ever/a beautiful love confession/a lovely romantic moment that fits with how the rest of the fic builds up their relationship and all the poor communication and ways they've hurt each other and love each other)
💗to be a bit of warmth (for you) by @softlystarstruck (M, 9k)
Draco stirs in Harry’s arms, mumbling something soft and incoherent, and Harry whispers a wandless spell to completely dim the room lights. If Draco is just seeking comfort, so what? Harry has more than enough to give– it may be the only thing he has left to give– and Draco grounds him, too. Whatever happened on the other side of a war they both went through no longer matters. They’re here, now, and Draco is cold.So Harry will keep him warm.
💗Tandem by fast_brother (M, 93k)
The handle clicked and the door cracked open, allowing the sound of rain to come into the car. 
“I… thanks,” Harry said. His heart was beating faster. His hands were sweaty.
Draco didn’t back away completely, just enough to be able to look Harry in the eyes. 
“You have to stop that, Harry. Really," he said gravely, as if speaking about a very serious issue. 
“Stop what?” Harry asked stupidly, still holding his breath. 
“You have to stop looking at me like that.”
Harry’s heart traveled all the way up to his throat. 
“I– I can’t,” he blurted out, feeling himself flush with the enormity of what he’d just said.
Draco let out a shocked chortle. He looked away at the street covered in rain, his left hand still resting on Harry’s chair. When he turned back towards Harry, he wasn’t laughing anymore.
He leaned in and kissed Harry on the lips.
💗Matters of the heart by nerakrose (G, 5k)
Today’s breakfast: eggs, toast, tea. I’ve left the sink a mess this week but I’ll do the dishes later. In a way taking these moments to write to you every morning feels like a little quiet refuge or a secret space that nobody else knows about but you. It feels safe here. I miss you. These days I’m missing you more than I’ve ever missed you before and I can’t explain it. Have I reached a breaking point? I don’t know.
💗More Than That by joosetta (E, 11k)
“He was going to kill you,” Potter said, “He said he was going to kill you.”
“He was never going to kill me,” Draco mumbled, “He was up against you for Merlin’s sake. He tried to play quick-curse with Harry fucking Potter.”
Potter was silent for a bit at that, raising a hand up and stroking the back of Draco's head.
“He thought I would help him,” Potter said finally. Draco felt the strangest thing, like a spasm in his face, that left his eyes hot, and his lips shaking. He had to gather himself together again before he could reply.
“Well, he’s never had me suck his cock, so there was no way he could know,” Draco said, instead of he didn’t realise that you loved me. Potter got it anyway, because he laughed, just a little bit. He drew back, and his face was the most frightening and beautiful thing Draco had ever seen.
“You always talk like you give me blow jobs all the time,” he said. “You almost never give me blow jobs, Draco.”
💗Sparks from the Fox’s Tail by khalulu (T, 17k)
And then it was just natural to turn in his arms so they were face to face. Eye to eye, lip to lip, mouth to mouth. Natural to fall into bed together, hands and mouths moving over warm skin, stroking and kissing til they were breathless.
Harry broke off. “Should we think this through?”
“No,” said Draco. “Why did you pull away in the shower?”
“You were so weak then, I didn’t want to take advantage.”
“I was throwing myself at you with what little strength I had. Next time, catch me.”
“I’ve got you,” Harry said, winding himself around Draco. “I’ve got you.”
💗Where I see things right by InnerLilith (E, 15k)
(just... absolutely gorgeous handling of a sensitive subject, and I love how the preparation and thoughtfulness is such a big part of the romance. I don't bookmark InnerLilith's fics so much as intermittently go and reread half their back catalogue again. I've loved everything I've read from them.)
💗Help! I'm a Hopeless Romantic by peachydreamxx (M, 15k)
(we watch Harry fall in love with Draco and come to terms with lots of aspects of his life. The little Google searches are just so sweet and tender and I loved, loved loved it. And the ending is so perfect.)
💗keep driving by @babooshkart (art)
(The romance portrayed in Keep Driving is palpable. Draco is so cool, but from every look, you can see the adoration she has for Harry. And Harry thrives off of the touches between them but also has a confident sense of her own worth. I will never tire of this calming, soft piece depicting a happy, confident, and joyful Drarry. The world is theirs to explore. They'll keep driving.)
💗Never Mind the Bollocks by @the-sinking-ship (E, 119k)
(Never Mind the Bollocks is a new fic from Erised 2023. I loved every moment of it, and Harry having so much fun and feeling like he belonged was everything. However, his drive to right and save all was still there. Chapter 18 brought it all together. I won't say how as the fic is so new, but, for me, it was so romantic with BAMF Harry showing up and Draco trying to be mad. Complete chef's kiss.)
💗 A Secondary Education by Thunderbird587 (E, 235k)
(I remember so vividly the falling in love and the moment when it changed for both of them.)
💗The Potter Malfoy bathroom war of 2007 by @andithiel (E, 9k)
(it is peak bathing-comfort)
💗Cut From the Sky by mallstars (E, 150k)
(“Rainy romance’ describes this perfectly. I love how Harry grows to love Draco and never stops going after him once he realises that’s what he wants. This kind of love necessitates an endless amount of patience, but I can’t think of anything more romantic than that – someone coming back time and time again and showing you more grace than you would ever show yourself.)
💗Everything is Relative to You by @thehoneybeet (E, 43k)
(Harry and Draco being each other’s Great Loves in every life going back hundreds of years? I am feral. I cannot be contained. A demonstration of them being perfect for each other in every timeline, through good and bad. This is peak romance at its best.)
💗O Come, All Ye Faithful by @toomuchplor (E, 20k)
(Told through jumps between the past and the present, I adore the way toomuchplor depicts the everyday romance of an established relationship. Too often romance is delegated to big displays of affection, when I think much of romance is in the mundane, routine moments. Listening to your partner share about their day is romantic. Making routine breakfast and coffee is romantic. The intimacy of having an ongoing inside joke about a cat name is unbearably romantic to me. These are the small, everyday moments that the foundations of grand romances are built upon, and this fic was a love note to those moments.)
@themiddleofwonderland (amazuppai)
💗Heal Thyself by astolat (T, 16k)
(it's a classic H/D fic that preserves Draco's prickly personality while still showing him reforming in a very realistic way. It's a slow-burn—Harry isn't really in the first half at all, and when he does show up he's still very suspicious of Draco—but as Draco shows his (new) true colors, Harry can't help that his suspicions turn to curiosity (one of my favorite tropes with reformed Draco fics) especially with the somewhat forced proximity they find themselves in that slowly turns into voluntary and frequent proximity. To me, maybe because of the slow burn, it seems like a very realistic depiction of how Draco could reform himself and how Harry can turn his suspicions into curiosity and eventually more to form a healthy relationship together.)
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kaznejis · 11 months
Public display- Bucky Barnes x Reader
Part 1 - Public Affair 
Word Count- 6012
A/N- The support for Part 1 was honestly overwhelming- I did have initial plans for a part 2 though did not expect that many people to be interested! From me to you, enjoy this sequel packed with angst, fluff and action. Thank you ;) 
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Monaco, six months earlier. 
“Records state that our friend over at Hydra owns this hotel,” Natasha mumbled beside you, her head bowed low and red-waves loose beneath a wide sun hat; complimented by a long, strapless designer dress, as commissioned by Tony. The two of you were the staple of the average residents of Monte Carlo, having essentially raided every designer outlet in the area. High-end cars rumbled throughout the street as heiress after heiress graced the steps of the grand hotel before you. 
“I’m pretty sure he also owns three other hotels on this stretch.” you snorted, Squinting up at the large, stained-glass windows of the hotel; the click of heeled boots and the spray of dancing water created a mirage of noise around you. The area was the opitimy of money; whilst you had flown in on a private jet- once again, courtesy of Tony- you felt like a fraud, your disguise almost see-through to the ancient, traditional blood of manicures and snobbery surrounding you. 
“We suspect he’s funded the majority of the Hydra operations that have been appearing over the last couple of years,” Steve grumbled over the comms, the pant of his breath evident as he paused to speak, “If we can take him down- Hydra will have lost their biggest investor.” 
“It’s not an end to an all, but it’s definitely something,” Natasha replied; her voice a constant mumble beside you, ever playing the role of an undercover spy perfectly. Natasha remained the constant, solid force in missions; always watching your back, always giving her all. You found yourself constantly following her footsteps in more circumstances than one. Looking to her for guidance. 
“Me and Steve are nearing the South entrance,” Bucky’s voice rumbled through the comms, your other guiding force entering the picture. Bucky’s strength and resilience and love tended to bleed into you, etching your soul and adding even the slightest element of care to every move you make. Every punch, every throw, every beating- Bucky was ever prevalent in your mind. He had gripped your hands and face and waist in the privacy of the back of Tony’s jet- inhaling your scent and ingraining it into his memory as he had told you to be strong, be safe, be vigilant. Adoring, you had stared up at him; cradled his metal hand and nodded along- forcing him to vow that he would do the same as he implored you to do, “Everybody stick to the original plan- Y/N and Nat; you can advance to the front desk.” 
Moving instantly, the two of you began to climb the steps to the entrance; feigning the image of two friends chattering, enjoying their holiday or returning from an early lunch. It didn’t matter what image you could create, as long as it was believed. Upon reaching the entrance, the doormen smiled at you, bowing graciously as they presented the open doors of the hotel’s entrance. 
“Easily done,” You gritted out behind a grin, bowing your head thankfully towards the men, “Go to the reception and get as much intel as you can; I’m going up to the penthouse.” 
“Y/N, are you sure?” Natasha turned to you then, her own saccharine smile gracing her features though her eyes remained down-turned with worry, “We can skip the intel and go together, take him down fast.” 
Vehemently, you shook your head, grasping her hand and pleading with your eyes, “We need that proof Nat, without records we’ll have nothing but a suspicious murder to show for this mission- we need to know what the income for this place is being turned over towards.” 
Natasha nodded reluctantly, “Be careful, okay?” her eyes closed for a moment as she allowed herself a breath before she departed from you, not allowing a second look as she strutted towards the desk where an unknowing, young male attendant awaited her. The perfect target. You set off towards the hotel’s corridors instantly, signs displaying a large quantity of numbers and different suite types directed the way as you explored the quiet corridors; the click of your heels the only sound present. 
As you turned a corner on the second floor; two familiar figures jogged from the other end of the hallway. Smirking, you bowed your head- your own sunhat creating a guise over your features as you headed towards them. “Miss, miss?” Steve panted, slowing as him and Bucky reached you, “We recommend that you vacate this hallway there is a-” 
You raised your head then, an eyebrow raised as you revealed yourself to the two, “Am I really that unrecognisable?” 
As Steve stuttered, Bucky smirked as he approached your side- wrapping the metal arm around your waist and planting a kiss at the side of your face, to which Steve rolled his eyes and turned away, “Of course not Doll- Steve’s just in ‘Cap Mode’” 
“Speaking of which.” Steve raised an eyebrow, moving to continue his pursuit. 
“Of course,” Bucky mused, beginning to depart only to return to your side and lean towards your ear, “That dress looks amazing on you by the way, Doll.” He replicated your initial smirk, jogging backwards and throwing you a wink before turning to follow behind Steve- who had already disappeared around the hallways corner. You continued on your own departure then, affording him a final smile before continuing your climb towards the penthouse. 
One foot in front of the other, over and over as you trailed the extensive halls of the hotel. 
For the room regularly occupied as a safe house for one of Hydra’s most powerful assailants, the lock was surprisingly easy to crack. The twist of a hairpin and the slightest pressure did the job- the lock clicking as the door swayed, its brass hinges squeaking abrasively, the sound loud and grating in the silence of the hallway. 
“I’m entering the lair,” you whispered into comms, loud enough for it to be heard throughout the ear pieces though quiet enough to deter detection from outside sources. A quick scan of the room told you that it was empty, though recently occupied- half-drank bottles of alcohol and cigarette stumps littered the table, complemented by the clothes strewn across the floor, “Give me five minutes.” 
“Be careful, Y/N,” Steve replied, “Nat’s got the intel, we’re a few blocks from the hotel and all civilians have been cleared from the nearby areas. Tony has got eyes on the penthouse from above- see you in five.” 
Double clicking the button attached to your ear piece- you affirmed that you had heard Steve’s words; silently confirming the start of your undercover exercise. Bypassing the mess within the entrance- you turned instantly to left; the plans that you had covered extensively highlighted that the office was to the left; gather evidence, wait for the suspect, kill the suspect, escape. It was a simple plan with simple steps- an exercise you’d done countless times, you could practically do this with your eyes closed. 
The gathering of evidence was the easiest step- a range of highly confidential material lay open across the large mahogany desk within the office; letters, invoices, even bills for the hotel itself. Within no time you had snapped pictures of the most interesting aspects, though not before a piece of paper caught your eye. It was at the corner of the large pile of letters; sticking out almost intentionally, as if asking to be found. Pulling it from the pile, your heart dropped instantly as the words before you became clear. 
The Avengers, America’s greatest heroes, have finally turned to you as their target. Their plan will be ever-predictable; the one feeling the most boisterous and courageous will most likely volunteer themselves to be sent up to your penthouse during one of your annual stays as the others split off into teams. A strategy that would work, if you didn’t have my intel on your side. Ensure that the area is cleared and that the evidence is obvious. Make it too easy for them. 
I hope you will repay me for the assistance. 
It was a trap. It had all been a trap, and you had fallen directly into it. 
“Were you never taught not to snoop through someone else’s belongings?” A gruff voice sounded behind you, the click of a gun’s safety being turned off immediately following. 
“What is this?” you gritted out, hands raised beside your head as you stared determinedly at the desk, “Who did this?” 
“That’s none of your business, Sweetheart,” the man spoke, his tone laced with confidence, “Now- let’s do this the easy way, shall we? You’re going to come with me, tell me a little bit about this whole operation of yours and then we kill you. Understand?” 
You turned then, hands still raised in the air as you refused to show any signs of fear towards the man- he stumbled slightly at your movement, the gun in his hand wavering as he was shocked at your own confidence as you looked the man directly in the eye; face impassive as ever. “I’m afraid that’s not going to happen.” You gave the man no time to think as you immediately fell to your knees, rolling in between the man’s legs and slicing a cut into his thigh with the knife concealed into the thin sleeves of your dress, “All I can tell you about this operation, is that I’m here to kill you.” 
“Well we can’t have that, can we?” The man turned instantly, firing two shots towards your legs; the sound of the bullets deafening at such close range- your trained, meticulous instincts only allowing you a split second to roll away- the momentum allowing you to unholster a gun at your thigh-holster. You stood instantly, the gun poised precisely between your hands as you aimed it at him. You clicked off the safety, aiming the gun and- 
“Doll? Doll, were those gunshots you?” Bucky’s voice sounded through the comms, his voice tinged with worry- the plan had been to execute a clean, quiet kill; knife, poison, brute force. A gunshot did not come under the category of clean, quiet kill, setting off the alarms instantly, “Doll, we’re coming up there please answer me, please let-” 
The falter you had offered at the sound of Bucky’s voice caused you to pause for too long, within no time the man had bowled into you, slamming your back into the wall and ripping the earpiece from your ear, dropping it to the ground and instantly crushing it beneath his boot. Shit. 
“Now, we’re not going to do anymore playing around,” He growled into your face, his breath hot with anger against your cheeks and his arm barring you against the wall as you squirmed, “No more secret weapons, no more dancing around.” As he spoke, an entourage of armed men entered the room, an array of red pointers displayed against your chest. As the men entered, an explosion sounded nearby. 
Tony, they had taken Tony down. The Iron Man had survived worse, of course- but there was little the team would be able to do for you now. You were grossly outnumbered. As panic began to numb your senses; the worry clouding your eyesight- the butt of a gun connected with your forehead; effectively knocking you out. 
Three days, three days you were locked up in that basement. Another safe house, another dingy and dilapidated building occupied by the Hydra informants. Blood had dripped into your eyes as you hung from the wall- arms encased by chains and your lifeline hanging by a thread. 
“Your little boyfriend isn’t coming to save you.” They had spat, phlegm splattering against your cheeks as they had laughed- laughed at the so-called ‘Avenger’ that they had tricked so easily. You hadn’t blamed them- you had felt foolish, like the naive child you had once been; too excited by a chance at finery, revenge. Vengeance for Bucky and Steve. It was only in the darkness of what could’ve been night, as evidenced by the lack of torture you were given during those hours, that you allowed yourself to cry. Cursing yourself and your stupidity. 
You had wanted nothing but Bucky in those moments. Nothing but the intertwine of your legs under cold sheets and the tickle of his stubble against your skin; the giggles that it would garner from you as you begged him to stop. Every moment, every breath was spent thinking of Bucky. It was only when the sound of gunfire and a door crashing above you sounded that you felt like yourself again- the sound of familiar boots against the stone floor and the harsh grip against your face, the look in Bucky’s eyes as you had looked back at him- the relief crumpling his face as he sobbed, his grip on your face never loosening. 
Something changed then, between the two of you. It became real, the knot forming between you solidifying. It felt like forever. 
New York, Present day
“You kids really do think that I just have an unlimited sum of money, huh?” Tony mused from the kitchen counter, stirring himself a cup of coffee early in the morning, “I just held a huge charity gala, which was a success by the way, no thanks to you two.” 
“That’s because you do, Tony,” You gritted out, your fists clenched beneath the dining table, anger and determination fuelling you, “I need you to host a press conference, I need-” Bucky gripped your clenched fist beneath the table, uncurling it and intertwining his fingers with yours, his gaze sincere as he nodded comfortingly, you took a deep breath, “She tried to ruin our lives, Tony. We need to expose her, we need to do something.” 
Tony sighed, pausing midway as he raised the cup to his mouth, his gaze mirroring Bucky’s as he watched you from across the room, “Fine, kid. I’ll book you a room, reach out to a couple of my contacts. I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank you,” You nodded, your eyes teary as you smiled at Tony before turning to Bucky; his gaze remaining a solid force as he watched over you, continuing to grip your hand. 
“It’s gonna go fine, Doll,” He assured, dragging your hand with him as he moved to settle back in his seat. He was almost a mirror of that night in the kitchen- all sleep-tousled hair and his crumpled pyjama shirt; the evidence of the lines of a pillow still prevalent within his cheeks. The two of you had spent every second together since your conversation in that hallway, and the night that followed. His gaze a constant presence beside you as you worked out what to do, how to garner adequate revenge against those that had wronged you. 
The presence of those days in Monaco had always lingered at the back of your mind, and you assumed Bucky’s too. Whilst the team had managed to take out the army of men within the safe house you had been held captive at; your initial attacker, the Hydra informant- had escaped.
The reveal of a potential informant within the Avengers too shook the team- many outside of the Avengers itself refused to believe you, refused to take it further and potentially expose one of their own; one of the people that they worked alongside every day. 
You couldn’t blame them- though the failure to reach justice left you feeling empty, wronged. You had survived days of torture- only to be saved, returned and expected to let everything go back to normal. To scrub the blood from beneath your fingernails and climb the quinjet, onto the next operation. The events of the PR relationship and the lies that unfolded caused these thoughts to re-emerge; thoughts that had been submerged by training in the gym and the crinkles beside Bucky’s eyes. 
You felt like a pawn- a chess piece in the game of the rich and powerful. Orchestrated and trained to be used. 
During the days leading up to the conference, Bucky was a constant presence beside you- a hand on your back, fingers intertwined, a kiss to the side of your hair- it was almost like he was afraid to let go, afraid that the relationship posed before the public eye was all too real; that it truly had meant something. Despite it meaning nothing.
You had told him as such, a hand smoothing back his hair as you sat cross-legged on your bed, “The whole time I was thinking of you.” You had smiled, your cheeks warming as he cocked his head to the side, a chuffing sound escaping from his mouth as he allowed himself to breathe. 
“Me too, Doll,” He pulled you close, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he inhaled your scent, his face pressed to your hair, “I’m sorry everything got so twisted-”
“No, no. It wasn’t your fault.” 
“Doll,”  He smiled sadly, those beautiful crinkles at the side of his eyes forming, “I should’ve known, I’ve run into a number of problems with those public representations executives- I should’ve known.” He nodded as he spoke, wholly convinced that this was his doing, not theirs. 
“I promise you, Buck. This wasn’t your fault and I will assure you of that until the day I die,” You vowed, your voice harsh with the iron-clad anger within, “But before I can show you- we have to take them down.” 
“I’ll be there, Doll, right behind you on that stage. If you need me to step in I will. I will be there.” 
Words wouldn’t have sufficiently amounted to display your awe of him, your love, the way you wanted him by your side forever- so, with your hands on his cheeks, you pulled him in- pressing your lips to his and pouring every words that you had never said to him into the kiss; smiling against his lips as he reciprocated, brushing a hand to the back of your neck and gripping- pulling you into his lap as you laughed into his mouth, lips never departing. 
In a way, that moment of reprieve; of love, prepared you for what was to come. 
The constant static of the Avengers tower surrounded you and raised the ends of your hair as you traipsed the hallway- the day of the conference. Your speech was written and had been studied meticulously, your words at their harshest- inflicting every cruel feeling that had been inflicted upon you, not just in the past week but during your time in the Avengers. The ever-watchful eyes, the unwanted criticisms, the ignorance and the altruism regarding yourself as a living, breathing human being. 
The people had never truly cared, they never would. But exposing their malice and manipulation would provide you with the revenge you deserved. The revenge you all deserved. 
The sound of heels clicking hastily caused you to pause, halting in your tracks as the footsteps were aimed purposefully in your direction, though before you could turn and face the intruder, a shrill voice sounded, “So, this is your big plan, huh?” Sophia, her once bouncy curls now reduced to an unruly hairstyle as she had evidently not stopped to allow the time for a meticulous hair routine that morning- her own actions were catching up already, even without the extent of her crimes being exposed, “Expose me?” She continued, reaching you finally as she waved her hands in her face- her nails raw, bitten down to their nail beds, “I was doing what was best for you-”
“You almost ruined my life!” You snapped, hair flying as you swung around to glare right back at her- your tone severe as you advanced, “I almost lost the love of my life because of your lies. And for what? A bit of money, fame.”
“You could do so much more, Y/N” Sophia shook her head, tone condescending but almost sympathetic as she widened her eyes at you, “You could be the biggest celebrity on the planet- we almost got there but you had to ‘fall in love’ with that-”
“Don’t even go there, Sophia.” You shook your head before repeating yourself, “You almost ruined my life- so I’m hitting the nail in the coffin for yours. What was it you said, me going public with Bucky would be ‘career suicide’?” 
“You’re going to regret this, Y/N.” She yelled after you, a cliche statement- though out of character for a simple representative like Sophia. The statement caused you to pause upon turning the corner towards the conference room- check the stability of the gun beneath your shirt and the knife stored in the boot of your shoe. 
“What’s up, Doll?” Bucky’s voice called from beside the door to the conference room- leaning up against the wall, one leg cocked before him as he stood in a full embellished suit and tie. Grinning, you shook your head, stopping in front of him to adjust his tie and smooth back his hair, “It’s gonna go great,” He nodded, his head tilting as he followed your ministrations against him, “You’re gonna take those bastards down, yeah?”
Nodding, you continued to grin at him, standing back to appraise his figure, “It’s going to go great.” You affirmed, accepting his hand as he led you towards the door. 
“Everyone’s here, a little scattered around but I’m sure you’ll get a chance to see everyone afterwards,” Bucky pushed the large doors as he spoke, the grip on your hand moving to lay on your back as he pushed you into the room. Cameras instantly begun to flash in your face, Tony’s influence already attracting the attention of the press as they yelled questions at you and demanded answers, “Everything will be answered shortly,” Bucky nodded at each individual absently, leading you through the crowd towards the selection of seating occupied by a number of Avengers. 
Wanda instantly vacated her seat and jogged to you, as much as her heels could allow, pulling you into a comforting embrace as she effectively stole you from Bucky, “You’ve got this Y/N,” she pulled back to grip your shoulders, squeezing as her bright eyes shone towards you, “Bring them down.” 
“Thank you, Wanda,” you smiled, turning to the rest of the group you watched as each member gave their own affirmations, the love you felt almost overpowering as you smiled and nodded tearfully at each Avenger- exchanging hugs and touches as each person moved to reassure you. As always, Bucky remained an ever-present figure within your peripheral- standing to the side and allowing you your moment as you made your way through each Avenger. 
Eventually, once the tears and the laughter had sufficed, you turned to Bucky. 
“Good luck,” He smiled, his eyes glazed over and gaze piercing in that way it always was as he stared down at you- a hand moving to brush the hair from your forehead and the tear tracks from your cheeks as he gave his final blessing. With one final nod, you turned- climbing the steps towards the raised platform as you took in the sheer amount of people present within the room. Not only had the entire Avengers team arrived, but the majority of Stark’s Enterprise itself had too, alongside a swarm of reporters each carrying their own equipment and abrasive opinions. Sophia sat in the very front and centre- her gaze severe as she glared up at you, awaiting her own demise and preparing an escape as a bag lay secured and ready to grab beside her chair. You could only nod at her, maturity remaining the bargaining factor as you reached the microphone, cleared your throat and arranged the papers before you. 
Bucky smiled up at you, an encouraging nod all you needed to begin. 
“I’d like to begin by thanking you all for coming today. I would like to recognise that this conference may be detrimental to many though it is necessary. Necessary for the so-called progression of the Avengers that you all vouch for, yet fail to accomplish,” taking a moment to pause, you surveyed the crowd- each member stunned into awaiting silence as they stared up at you, your next move a vital one, “During my experience within the Avengers- my accomplishments have been diminished to nothing but monetary value and publicity. I didn’t join the Avengers to be moulded into this, this object that you can flaunt at my expense. These feelings came to ahead when I was recently involved in a PR public relationship,” a sudden entourage of camera flashes begun, this is what they had been waiting for, “My relationship with John Walker was entirely organised by the Avengers’ Public Representations Department- my role as an idol to many young people was reduced to the latest on the front page of hundreds of tabloids.”
You turned then, a projector lowering behind you as you grabbed its remote, “I would like to present you with evidence of falsified documents within this department- majorly regarding my own real relationship with,” you paused, turning your gaze to Bucky, he nodded, “fellow Avenger, James Barnes.” 
Gasps could be heard throughout the room as an uproar instantly began at the sound of Bucky’s names- questions, shouts or simply looks of shock were directed your way as you stared stone-faced into the crowd. To the side, Bucky was grinning- head-bowed and chuckling as the Avengers surrounding him held their own grins. Finally.
As the uproar died down at your own lack of response, you clicked the button on your remote- displaying a picture of the document Bucky had been forced to sign with a side-by-side comparison of the one you had signed. Refusal stilled you, refusal to look back and see the contract that had almost destroyed your relationship- tied chains around the sincere love you felt and locked you in place, on display to the ever watchful eyes of the public.  
Instead, you continued to watch the audience- see their own individual reactions as the lives of those around them came crashing down. Your eyes turned to Sophia then, still seated and cross-legged in front and centre. You expected her eyes to be shining, regret spoiling her features as she would attempt to make an escape from the room, bag clutched and unruly hair flying as she would flee. 
Her face held a different tune. 
She was grinning, her pearly-teeth shining as her eyes flickered between you and the screen- her cheeks twitched as if she was holding in a laugh. Her reaction led you to turn to other members of the crowd, who’s faces sung a distinctly different chord.
They looked horrified. 
Tony stood then, his chair flying backwards as he barked orders to Friday, “Turn this off, stop the broadcast Friday. Who the hell did this? Get whoever did this out of my system!”
“What-” you mumbled to yourself, gripping the stand before you as you turned, confused as to how pictures of a contract had caused such a spectacle. 
The pictures of the contract you had edited together and annotated were not displayed upon the screen. Instead, it was a video. You breath sped as you saw what you were watching, your own horror poisoning the breaths in your throat and weakening your knees. Front and centre, the focal point of the video was you. 
You from six months ago in Monaco. It was a video of you hanging from the wall; body binded with chains as your face was covered in blood and dark bruises prominent on every inch of your skin. The blood that had clouded your vision could be seen from an outsider's perspective here- oozing from a gash on your forehead and filling your eyes, painting your eyelids red and glueing them together. 
Struggling to breathe, you couldn’t tear your eyes away- you could only watch as your breaths hitched, the fight kicked out of you as you simply hung there. The men that had beaten you were not present in the video, though it was very obviously almost-immediately after one had taken place, your wounds were fresh, too fresh. 
“Y/N? Y/N, you need to look away from that for me, okay?” A voice sounded behind you, pleading  in its timbre, familiar and comforting as a hand attempted to turn your face, “We’re doing everything we can to get it off, Steve and the team are getting everyone out but I need you to look-” before the voice could continue its begging, a ear-piercing eruption sounded throughout the room. The walls of the conference room and the projector itself bowing inwards- the heat scouring your skin as the voice from before pushed you down and shielded you with their form. 
You could only look at the figure, who turned out to be Bucky, in shock as he knelt over you; the ringing in your ears violent as he pulled you up, yelling at you to run and dragging you from the room. The rush of open wind pulled you from the depths as you entered the adjacent hallway, the side of the building entirely open due to the explosion- “What is going on?” You cried, gripping Bucky’s hand as the two of you rushed to the nearby stairwell. 
“I think they’re back Doll,” Bucky turned to you as you entered the safety of the stairway, “We need to get as far away from here as possible- if that video tells us anything, they are back for you.” 
“Sophia,” you whispered, your eyes wide as you reached a conclusion, gripping Bucky’s arm as you pulled to a stop, “Oh my god, Buck, Sophia!”
“No, Y/N, we can’t go back-”
“No, no. The informant, Buck. The person that warned Hydra, it was her,” your brain sped erratically, remembering the grin she had given you as the video had begun to play, the threats to your life, “She warned Hydra, we have to stop her.”
Bucky opened his mouth, a reply forming- but before he could speak, a jolt of electricity passed through your fingers as the volt was directed into his back. You could only watch as the man you loved collapsed before you, “Well, aren’t you smart,” Sophia’s voice grated from behind him, her heels clicking as she continued towards you, “I told you that you would regret trying to ruin my life, so here we are.”
You spared her the honour of a reply, instead opting to jump at her, kicking the baton from her hands and pinning her to the ground, “You are finished, Sophia.” 
“No, she’ll be just fine,” another voice piped up from lower down the stairway, that same gruff voice from Monaco. He was here, “You could join her, Y/N. Live under my care and provide me with a bit of intel every now and then- you would be ridiculous to reject such an offer.”
“Well then I guess I am,” You spat, within a split second you had raised yourself from your crouched position, effectively lifting Sophia by the shoulders and slamming her head into the ground, knocking her out cold. The man was visibly displeased with your decision as evidenced by his change in stance as he instantly stormed up the stairs towards you, hoisting himself over the railings and engaging you in combat. You had trained for this, the long, winding months of your recovery were fuelled by the focus of sparring in the gym. You fought back swiftly, your movements precise as you delivered a kick to his gut and a clip across his jaw in quick succession. 
“Someone’s been working on their fighting,” He mused, using the distraction of your reply as a chance to grab you by the hair, spinning you in place and pinning you against the wall, “But you’ll still be the little rabbit I saw in that basement. 
“Go to hell,” You snapped, jabbing an elbow backwards and using your other hand to unholster the gun from beneath your shirt. Reversing the roles between you two, you watched as he cowered against the bannister, visibly unprepared for you to have hidden a gun within your formal outfit; not suitable for combat whatsoever. You faltered, considering simply handing him over to the police- instilling justice in its traditional form. 
But then you thought about the root of the operation, the torture that you and Bucky faced at the hands of Hydra- at the disgusting men that resided within the walls of those hydra bases. You instantly delivered a shot to his head, the bullet pinging against the metal of the stairway behind him as it tore clean through his skull. 
Wasting no time, you rushed over to Bucky’s pliant figure, sprawled on the ground as his body hitched with electricity every handful of moments, though he seemed to be coming back to consciousness; the speed of his super soldier healing and the bang of the gun pulling him back to consciousness, “Bucky, Buck. I need you to wake up.” You shook him, cradling the back of his head in your palm as you awaited a response. Sophia lay, similarly knocked out behind you, her mouth slack and blood leaking from her ears as she lay there. She would face the traditional methods of justice- handed over to the authorities for her attacks and barred from society for her infiltration. 
A groan sounding below you pulled your eyesight back to Bucky, stroking the sides of his face as he opened his eyes groggily- squinting in the light of the stairway, “Your face, Doll.” he mumbled; making you aware of the blood dripping from your potentially broken nose and the swelling of your eyes.
“You should see the other guy,” you laughed, gesturing to the bodies behind you, “Literally.”
“Shit, Doll.” Bucky swore, rubbing at his side as he hoisted himself upwards into a seated position, “We need to get out of here.”
“Wait, we need-” sighing, you closed your eyes briefly, gesturing to Sophia behind you, “We need to get her out of here; hand her over to the authorities the right way. She needs to be interrogated, find out what she know.” 
Bucky nodded, his face grim as he pulled himself to stand, with the support of your arm, aiding you in lifting Sophia up and limping together as you carried her from the scene- the beams of the destroyed hallway creaking with each step- the building beginning to fall apart above you. 
Once the situation was explained, with Sophia and a handful of armed men being escorted from the scene into an entourage of police vans. Bucky returned to your side, wrapping an arm around you, pulling you into a kiss and gripping at your sides, careful in avoiding your sore spots. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay Doll,” he nodded sincerely, his eyebrows scrunched as he stared down at you, “I was so scared I was gonna wake up to you gone again.” 
Shaking your head, you pulled Bucky into another kiss- threading your fingers through his hair and caressing the base of his scalp, “You aren’t getting rid of me that easily.”
As you embraced, you turned to watch the scene before you- firetrucks extinguished the fires erupting from the explosion; hoards of employees stood aimlessly, simply staring up at their place of work, now diminished to ruins and rubble. Steve and Natasha were helping injured civilians find help whilst others kept the crowds away from the damage. Most amusingly, Tony stood only a few feet away from you and Bucky, simply staring up at the building; hands on hips and lost in thought. 
“Buck, we’re gonna have a shit-ton of paperwork to fill out.” 
Shocking events have arose at the recent Avenger’s conference as Y/N L/N revealed that her relationship with John Walker was indeed fake and instead she is in a long-term relationship with fellow Avenger, James Barnes. Our reporters watched in shock as Y/N revealed this- though, me personally? I knew it all along! Count me as your most trusted source in celebrity love lives- I’ve never been wrong!
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With the franchise continuing to grow in popularity, I thought I'd give a rundown for new fans of the earliest fist-fighting, bike-riding lone hero Kamen Riders that they might not be too familiar with compared to the modern shows.
Kamen Rider #1
Made with specific intentions in mind about the nature of violence in humanity, the first Kamen Rider often struggled with a distancing of sorts from his humanity that his superpowers gave him; focusing most frequently on the terrible harm he was now able to visit upon his opponents. Conceptualized as the lone hero with these powers, the bug-themed #1 didn't have a 'secondary rider' of sorts to help him out; instead being assisted most frequently by a professional officer who also acted as his liaison with the police. Another well-liked supporting cast member was an older 'uncle' figure who let the main hero stay at his shop. At the conclusion of the series, Rider 1 decided to leave Japan to journey abroad. Kamen Rider #1's show was very popular with children to the degree that, while not intended, it naturally spawned an indirect sequel series and eventually a whole slew of shows that continues to this day.
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Kamen Rider #2
While Kamen Rider #1 was not conceived as having any successors, events behind the scenes incited the production of a replacement hero in Kamen Rider #2 who would take over from #1 over the next year. Very similar in design and origins to his predecessor with the same bug design basis and often mixed up with him, this new Kamen Rider was a quirky jokester type of character compared to the typical 'hero' type kids could look up to that #1 was; and often confounded his supporting cast with all the strange things he'd say and do. Rather than dwell on his personal tragedy of what he'd lost, #2 as a character preferred to focus on his own personal hobbies and interests; only going out to battle the enemies when called. #2 notably marked the introduction of a teamup of multiple Kamen Riders at once, though he fought with derivations of #1's suit rather than the original. While not as well remembered as the original Kamen Rider, #2 still laid the groundwork for many elements that the franchise stays true to today.
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Kamen Rider V3
As the first departure from #1 and #2's basic setting and storytelling with a very different design, Kamen Rider V3 obviously had some big shoes to fill -- but almost instantly he was a hit, easily becoming one of the most popular Kamen Rider series of his era. While previously glimpsed with #2's occasional scuffles, V3 notably was the first Kamen Rider series to have fellow Kamen Riders fighting with each other; not out of misunderstanding, but out of genuine moral conflict. While some of this would be resolved, multiple Kamen Riders end up dying in this season, and arguably this rivalry is what most influences the typical Main Rider/Secondary Rider relationships to this day.
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While many Riders feature their transformation belt magically appear out of nowhere, the fourth Kamen Rider notably had a more 'realistic' transformation that required the hero to physically put on his gear. Arguably weaker than many other Kamen Riders due to having a limited powerset derived from now-outdated science, Riderman in his series was characterized largely by a distrust of everyone around him due to his coloured past; naturally leading to many of the show's most memorable character conflicts and fights. This Kamen Rider has an interesting relationship with death, with the ending of the show and post-series media seemingly unable to decide if he's alive or not.
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Kamen Rider X
Plagued by rewrites and completely different directions in the first and second half of the show, the first Kamen Rider to constantly carry his weapon with him has nonetheless remained quite popular with fans of the era; in no small part due to the tantalizing relationship he has with a black and red rival he makes early on. While the show would eventually move on from this element, X as a character is informed by the tragedy of losing his father and the hero complex this event forced upon him.
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Kamen Rider Amazon
A very sharp change in direction from the more technological Riders that came before him, Amazon in many respects does not feel like part of the Kamen Rider series as much as it does an original series very much doing its own thing -- and one that has garnered its own small fanbase. Amazon featured multiple forested fights and pit the main hero against animalistic beasts rather than what you might expect from a usual Tokusatsu monster. Amazon is frequently followed around by a young boy fascinated by the new world of possibilities the hero has introduced him to, and the relationship between Amazon and this boy is one of the highlights of the series.
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Kamen Rider Stronger
This red rhinoceros beetle Rider is a cult favourite among fans for its infectiously confident main hero who makes speeches about the heavens as he charms his way out of just about any situation. This series brought the classic theming back in a big way, with all the main heroes being based on a different type of bug. This series may surprise modern Kamen Rider fans for Stronger only having a single upgrade form, not even having a single other one between his base form and final. Unfortunately, this series failed to be the jab-in-the-arm of popularity the producers wanted it to be; with the Super Sentai series that same year arguably overshadowing it.
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(inspired by this twitter thread)
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cheegu3 · 1 year
Hi, I loved your glory based enha fic so much! Please do a part 2 or sequel of it? I want to see why they bully and kiss the mc at same time. Maybe you can make it yandere since you mentioned that it was not?
Honestly I'm new to your blog but love your work so much!
I've gotten many requests like this, so I decided to make a mini series out of it, technically it's my first series to finish so lower ur expectations everyone lol. Thank you so much for reading and supporting my work, welcome & love u !! <3
dc list (all the ppl that requested a pt.2) - @ceeesxy-blog, @roses-and-blue-perennial-salvia, @/anons special thanks to @muminpopz, for giving me the idea to introduce a second character !!
to clarify - my last part was still yandere, that's why they wanted to kiss her, I think I wrote that in my last fic bc it wasn't really mentioned much.
note; I haven't planned the plot 100% so voting will probably be a big part of deciding what happens next, only the first ones to read (24hrs) get to vote but u can still leave your opinions in the comments <3
this is a bit long, I apologize in advance, I am determined to give this an ending now lol
wc; 4.4k
pairing; enha x f.m reader
featuring; yeonjun & soobin (txt)
tw / trigger warning; yandere themes, severe bullying, the glory inspired, scars, mentions of forced kissing, mentions of drinking and smoking, trauma, swearing
Enhypen - the glory (PT.2)
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The irritating fluorescent lights flickering above made you scrunch your nose and turn on your side. Those damn hospital lights reminded you of those moments you'd spent there a couple of years ago, when your mom needed treatment for her illness. They felt eerie, almost like a weakening heartbeat flickering back at you while you stared at them.
Now here you were, back at the hospital again. Your dad had accidentally spotted the burns, poking out from under your shirt as you raised your arms above your head to put something on a shelf. Wishing you'd been more careful was useless now as you looked at the sleeping form of your dad slumped over the dreary hospital bed.
Your bullies had no idea you were in the hospital, but surely they'd be notified soon enough. There was no way your dad would let this thing go after seeing how badly they left you. He had dried tears on his hollow cheeks that made your heart twist painfully in guilt.
Although it wasn't your fault at all, you didn't want to be a burden to him. He already worked more than his body could handle, constantly stressed with the increasing workload his company gave him.
'' Miss, y/n? ''
You sat up straight at the sound of a nurse. She approached your bed with a sympathetic smile on her face, and you felt bad for her too. She looked young, too young - had you scarred her as well with your injuries? They weren't very nice to look at after all.
'' Yes? '' you whispered, eyes fleeting briefly to your dad sleeping to let the nurse know not to wake him up.
'' We've administered some soothing cream and medicine in case the pain gets too unbearable. If you wish, you may go home now. ''
You nodded. '' Thank you. ''
You reached out your hand and gently pat your dad. He grunted and slowly got up, stretching his sore neck as he slowly started waking up. He looked at you questioningly instead of asking what was wrong.
'' They said I could go home. ''
He sighed, maybe a bit louder than he had intended to because a look of regret flashed across his face, hurriedly he assured you, '' I wasn't worried about the bills, honey. ''
You knew he was but you didn't say anything. The promise of your warm, comfortable bed waiting at home was enough for you to stay quiet, even during the whole ride home.
Hearing the additional quiet sighs of your exhausted dad behind you when you hurried to your bedroom, made another pang of guilt hit you. But this time you ignored it too - another more important thought was filling up your mind now.
What would happen at school tomorrow?
You slipped under the heated covers and as a result of the long day, you fell asleep almost as soon as your head hit the pillow.
You were one of the earliest students to arrive this time. Taking your designated spot at the back of the class, your head naturally fell into your arms as you yawned off the morning grogginess.
Before you left that morning, your dad had given you a smile and told you that, ' If those punks give you trouble again, call me '. But he had said so while balancing both his files and a cup of nearly spilled coffee, along with a laptop tucked under his arm. You'd seen him for maybe a few minutes before he disappeared off to work again.
You smiled a bit melancholically, knowing that if trouble did arise you wouldn't call him. Hopefully you wouldn't have a reason to do so anyway; maybe they'd be more gentle with you since they gave you such a harsh punishment last time.
The bell rang, startling you and making you raise your head. The class was pretty much full now. By instinct your eyes dart to where they always sat. Surprisingly, they were all in their seats but didn't seem to be paying you too much attention.
A few of them looked sleepy, slumped over their desks like you had been just a minute ago. The others had dark circles under their eyes and stared blankly towards the blackboard.
Rough night? They almost looked like they'd been out partying. You scoffed. It wouldn't shock you if they had; they sometimes smelled of smoke as they'd kiss you in the gym, so you wouldn't put it past them to drink during a school night too.
'' Good morning, class! '' the teacher's cheerful voice cut through the room.
The tired students responded back but in a much less bright tone.
'' We have a new student today. A transfer from Ansan. ''
The murmur from the usual chatty students stopped, and it became dead quiet. Just then the classroom door slid open and a tall, very good-looking guy crouched to get in.
'' This is Soobin, please introduce yourself. '' the teacher smiled.
'' Hi everyone, I'm Soobin. Nice to meet you. '' he said solemnly.
He sounded a bit shy and he didn't keep eye-contact with the students for long, eyes dashing anxiously from person to person while he clasped his hands together.
When his eyes landed on you, you smiled politely. Based on first impressions alone, it was clear as day to anyone that this guy didn't seem like a bully, so you wanted to be nice to him.
It's not easy being new, you knew that very well when you had to transfer during the second part of the first year. Back then, there weren't any people like you that would want to take care of the newcomer, like you wanted to take care of Soobin - and that's how you became their target. You couldn't let that happen to this guy.
'' You can take the seat next to y/n, that one in the back. '' you heard the teacher say.
You smiled again, that would certainly make things a bit easier as he would be sitting closer to you than your bullies. The part where you actually had to try to become friends was harder. You couldn't remember the last time you had a friend.
Soobin cautiously walked over to his seat, keeping his eyes down the whole time. He looked even taller up close, and he barely fit in his seat which made you snort quietly to yourself.
The teacher turned her back and started writing on the board as the murmur returned again. You fiddled nervously with your fingers before finally turning your head to him, determination shining in your eyes.
He must've seen you do so in his peripheral vision because he looked at you too, his bunny-like eyes growing twice its size.
'' Hi, I'm y/n. ''
'' Yeah, she...uh said so. '' he gestured to the teacher and then seemed to cringe at himself.
You let out a light laugh, maybe you were both equally awkward.
'' I guess she did. '' you gave him a genuine smile, one that reached your eyes. It had been a long time since you'd smiled in that way.
'' I'm Soobin. '' he seemed to relax when he saw your smile, a small one played on his own lips as he observed you timidly.
'' I know, she said that. '' you teased back.
He chuckled and you thought you saw him blush before he turned to pick up his notebooks from his backpack. You did the same, starting to copy the material from the board.
'' Hey, is it- okay if I eat lunch with you later? I know it's a weird thing to ask, but I don't really have anyone. '' he quickly rambled after you had been taking notes for some time.
'' I mean, you don't have to say yes if you already have someone you're eating with I just thought I'd ask. ''
A shy pout formed on his lips, seemingly indicating that he felt that he had embarrassed himself again. But you found it cute.
'' No, that sounds perfect. I don't really have any friends either. '' you admitted.
'' Oh. ''
'' It's okay. '' you laughed.
And then the two of you continued studying, while the sweet promise of having someone to finally eat lunch with was circling inside your mind.
When the bell rang, you quickly packed up your things and waited for Soobin outside. You were slightly scared that if you were one of the last ones to leave, then your bullies would catch you red-handed and see your newfound friendship, prompting them to do something to the new student.
Soobin looked happy walking by your side, completely oblivious to all the stares and whispers that followed the two of you. He was even humming something, moving his head slightly all the way through the queue in the cafeteria to the walk to your table.
You chose one that was out of sight from the entrance, just in case they'd eat today. They often didn't - being from snobby rich families and all, they were grossed out by the cafeteria food and would usually drive home during lunch or go out to a restaurant together.
Someone must've told them about you and Soobin however, because you suddenly heard the table next to you gasp and gossip.
'' Why are they eating here today? ''
One of the girls glanced towards you, and when the others noticed, they all looked at you. Soobin looked confused, he stopped midway with his mouth open and his chopsticks carrying the food dropped it clumsily.
They giggled at him. But you couldn't even find humour in something like that when you had a bad feeling in your stomach. They were probably right when they looked at you as the answer to their question.
But why? Why would this make them angry? What would they do to Soobin now?
'' Hey, y/n. ''
You raised your head cautiously, dreading to see them. The fact that they seemed so out of it during the lesson shouldn't have made you feel so confident that it meant they'd avoid you all day.
Jake was the one who stood slightly in front of the group, the others gave threatening glares to students that looked like they wanted to intervene, making them hurriedly scurry away.
'' Yes? '' you couldn't hide the irritation in your voice.
'' What do you think you're doing? '' Jake cocked an eyebrow and then his attention was caught Soobin who was peacefully eating.
Your bullies seemed to assess him from head to toe which made the poor new student look very uncomfortable, causing him to squirm in his seat and clear his throat.
'' Eating lunch? '' you snarkily respond and then attempt to go back to eating while ignoring them.
You heard a scoff.
'' Did we say you could do that? '' Jay sneered, looking down at you.
Your cheeks started heating up and you turned your head as it started to show. The whole thing being done in front of Soobin made it feel ten times worse. Had you now lost a potential friend because they wanted to embarrass you like this on his first day?
You were about to respond but were interrupted by them all abruptly moving to squeeze in next to you and Soobin. The two of you exchanged confused looks.
'' We just wanted to join, can we not do that? '' Sunghoon winks to the flustered new student, who nods hesitantly.
But your lack of answer didn't satisfy them. Heeseung who sat closest to you, rested his hand on your exposed thigh as his eyes held a non-spoken warning in them.
'' Of course. '' you respond flatly, earning a satisfied grin from him.
It felt like you were holding your breath all throughout that excruciatingly long lunch. They'd never eaten with you before and it became clear quite quickly that the reason they did so today wasn't because of you - but, because of Soobin.
All throughout, their focus was on him and not you. It made you feel uneasy, like they had something up their sleeves. The new student was asked questions enthusiastically, which he answered happily as he slowly got out of his shell more and more. But you noticed the looks and the smirks they shared when he wasn't looking. Problem was that any time you'd try to warn Soobin, that hand would return back to your thigh. Heeseung didn't need to say anything, you knew not to test it. Still you hoped you'd have the chance to warn him later.
The reason why was because the way they treated Soobin on his first day made you get a horrible sense of deja-vu. In an instant you were transported back in time to your very own first day.
You overheard girls talking in the halls while waiting for the teacher outside the classroom; about some guy they had hooked up with.
'' Are you fucking stupid? '' one of the girls sudden aggressive outburst made you perk your ears up without meaning to.
You didn't exactly have anything else to occupy your bored mind with while waiting anyway, so you eavesdropped a little.
'' Lee Heeseung? You hooked up with the Lee Heeseung? ''
Shifting your weight and turning over while pressed against the wall, you tried to get a good look at the poor girl who seemed to have gotten taken advantage of.
'' He's a known fuckboy and player. '' the angry one continued.
The girl you assumed was the topic of conversation shrugged, but she had a slight sad frown on her face.
'' I thought that...maybe I could change him. ''
The two others girls erupted into shrill laughter. You couldn't help but feel some sympathy for her despite her bad decisions. The teacher interrupted just as you were about to ask them about the guy, so you could avoid him.
'' Y/n? Are you ready? ''
You grimaced and nodded, giving one last look at the girl before following the teacher into the classroom.
Immediately a small pang of panic hit you. It wasn't empty like you'd expected, in fact - pretty much every single chair was filled with a student.
'' Good morning, class! '' the teacher's cheerful voice brought you back to reality.
You just had to introduce yourself and then the danger was over. You could spend the rest of the day glued to your desk, not talking to anyone and when lunchtime would hit, the convenience store across the school was your best bet.
'' We have a new student today. A transfer from Seongnam. ''
'' This is y/n, please introduce yourself. ''
You looked at the teacher, slight panic evident in your eyes. Clearing your throat you stepped forward a few steps.
'' Hi everyone, I'm y/n. Nice to meet you. ''
Your anxiety slowly started dissapating when a few students answered back politely and you released a breath you didn't know you'd been holding in.
'' You can take the seat next to Heeseung, that one in the back. '' you heard the teacher say, she was gesturing towards the back right of the classroom where a bunch of guys were huddled over one table, too busy talking to register what the teacher had said.
You obediently walked over there and tried not to make a scene when you put your things on the chair that was closest to the table they were all gathered around.
To your dismay, the owner of the popular table had noticed you in the corner of his eye. He quickly waved everyone away and then focused his attention on you.
It was very hard to ignore.
'' Hey, sweetheart. ''
No matter how hard you fought back to not show any reaction, your face scowled at the sound of his nickname, earning an abrupt laugh from one of the boys.
You were sure this meant bad news for you, a guy like that wouldn't want to be humiliated in front of his whole friend-group, so you quickly gave him a sheepish smile.
'' Yes? ''
Your innocent tone made his eyes narrow as more of the boys laughed. The longer you kept eye-contact, the more you felt him openly glare with something you couldn't quite explain glinting in his brown gaze.
Before he could embarrass himself in front of his friends further, he stood up so suddenly that the chair underneath made a loud screeching noise. To you surprise, everyone minded their business which was very different from your last school where everyone was nosy and the sound would've immediately made people whip their heads around in curiosity.
He dragged the chair as close as he could to next to yours, so close that the material was slightly pushing into your bare thigh.
Your eyebrows knit together as you watched him sit down. It was way too close for your comfort; you could even smell his cologne and the fact that it was so obvious it was an expensive one made you immediately annoyed.
He leaned in now, being just a few inches above your ear and most likely shielding you from his friends.
'' Do you know who I am? ''
Your loud scoff for answer seemed to enrage him even more. His much larger hand found your wrist and easily trapped it in a painful grip.
'' No, sorry. '' you hurriedly answer, feeling a lot less brave now, your wrist was already starting to hurt.
'' I'm Heeseung, remember that. ''
In your scared state, your head seemed to move on its own, rapidly nodding obediently. A victorious smirk appeared on his face before he finally retreated, dragging the chair behind him back to the group.
You dreaded the sound of the bell ringing. Predicting that he'd be standing right outside the classroom waiting for you with his friends. It was a long shot, but you tried taking the other door.
'' Hee? ''
You gasped, bumping into a taller male's chest. When you backed away and looked up, you cursed under your breath - it was one of his friends.
It seemed that they had thought of the possibility of you attempting to flee. The thought made your cheeks turn red.
Heeseung joined his friends who'd been guarding the door you tried to escape out of. Looking down at you very arrogantly, as if he could read your face and your thoughts, knowing you were flustered.
'' Did you try to run away? '' he snickered, putting his hands in his pockets and tilting his head at you.
It had the effect you were sure he wanted, you felt mocked and avoided his eyes.
'' Sorry. ''
He hummed before you felt his fingers wrap around your wrist again.
'' Let's go. ''
You went with them without protesting. Although you feared where they were taking you, you feared speaking and potentially getting on their nerves because of it, way more.
They were quiet the whole way, which seemed to never end. You passed by many classrooms, the cafeteria and walked down the loneliest and darkest corridor; yet they only spoke when the ones in front of the group seemed to come to a halt in front of a double door.
'' Open it. '' you heard one of the ones behind you say.
The tallest of the group, who was in front, unlocked it instantly and the lock fell to the floor in a loud thump. He pushed it open all the way, revealing a very large gymnast hall.
'' Why did you take me here? ''
It had become quite clear very fast that these people weren't someone you should mess with, and they were pretty high up on the school's hierarchy judging by the way no one interfered; instead pretending like they didn't see you pass by.
You made a quick guess that whenever they needed something, like the perfect place to do something bad to someone without others hearing - they were given it in one way or another. Maybe some poor student had been forced to get the keys from the teacher just to satisfy them.
'' Go sit over there. ''
Your head follow the voice. It was a pretty tall guy who was undeniably very handsome, from his silver hair and defined eyebrows to his deep voice, everything about him was pretty attractive.
It made you wonder what he wanted with you.
You didn't ponder on that thought long however, moving in a haste again to make sure they didn't get angry. Jumping up on the plinth he had pointed at, you watched nervously as they all approached the stairs leading up to a stage that your back was facing.
Without them needing to tell you to, you automatically turned around just in time for them to form a half-mood around you. Trying to read their faces was very difficult as they all looked at Heeseung who was sitting straight across from you, staring right back.
'' Why did you take me here? '' you try to ask again.
'' Well...I- we like you '' he answered simply, shrugging like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
'' What? '' you say dumbfoundedly.
'' I was trying to hit on you earlier, I don't know if you noticed. '' Heeseung bit down hard on his lip to stop himself from smiling.
'' But being nice didn't really work on you, did it? ''
'' We realised that with you, we need to use more extreme methods. '' a new voice said, one of the ones that hadn't said a word to you yet, who had strawberry blond hair and a soft voice.
'' Wh-What do you mean by that? '' your eyebrows knit together as your eyes darted anxiously between the two closest to you, being prepared to run if you had to.
'' I'm Sunghoon. '' the silver haired-boy said, ignoring your question.
'' I'm Jake. '' said the guy next to him.
Your gaze naturally averted to him. He looked like an innocent puppy, you wondered why he was friends with people like Heeseung. But when your eyes locked, he winked at you and you got your answer, face quickly turning into a grimace of disgust.
'' I'm Ni-ki. '' the tallest one said.
'' I'm Sunoo. '' the gentle one said, catching you off-guard when he flashed a big friendly grin.
'' Jungwon. '' the one closest to you on the other side said grumpily, not even bothering to look at you while saying it.
His red hair that seemed to be fading, was a perfect match to his personality, the whole time he looked like he was in a sour mood.
'' I'm Jay. '' the one furthest from you said.
He looked like a pretty scary guy, dark hair that was cut in a way that framed his sharp features.
'' That's everyone. Don't forget their names, okay? '' Heeseung spoke up last, tilting his head while smiling slightly at you.
Your voice didn't seem to work, you felt frozen in your spot, like you were glued to the plinth underneath you.
'' Can you not speak? ''
You saw anger flash across his face which only made your panic worse, but you couldn't get a single word out despite it, only a string of stutters and incomprehensible words left your mouth.
'' Do you want me to help you? ''
Not even registering that he had gotten up from his seat, you were taken by surprise when his rough hands grabbed either side of your face as his lips devoured you.
You tried to scream or turn your head so he couldn't have access to your mouth, but it was to no avail. Eventually your hands fell limp. All you could do was pray that it would end quickly, while your whines of protest were muffled by his hungry lips.
When he pulled away, he had a cocky smile on his face.
'' Get used to this. '' were his last words you heard before they left, forever engrained in your mind.
And that was how it started. No matter how much it happened, which was pretty much every other day after school at this point - it still didn't get easier, your clothes always got stained with tears. Their voices didn't help calm you down when you'd see the obvious desire in their eyes. They were like a hungry pack of wolves, just waiting for their turn with the prey
The school bell rang after about half an hour, instantly snapping you out of your daydream. Your bullies said their goodbyes and then left, with one last look at you. But you shrugged it off and immediately leaned over the table to talk to Soobin.
'' Don't trust them, please! They might be all nice and sound like they actually want to be your friend but they're horrible bullies and- '' you hesitated before pulling up your sleeve to reveal the marks they'd left on you. '' They did this to me! Trust me...they're not good people. ''
Soobin's eyed widened in horror and his hand slightly twitched, as if he was either holding back the urge to clench his fist in anger, or resisting the urge to reach out and gently touch your wounds.
'' I'm sorry. '' was all he said after some time of silence.
You smiled a bit apologetically, pulling down the sleeve again. He seemed sweet and you didn't want to cause him distress for no reason, it just felt a lot more impactful if you showed him to make him believe you.
'' It's okay, I'm sure you didn't know. They're quite charming at first, that's how they get you. ''
'' I'm a bit offended that you thought I fell for it though. '' Soobin snickered.
'' What? ''
'' You think I believed all that bullshit, right after they spoke to you very passive-aggressively and basically shot daggers my way? ''
'' Uh...well, yeah? ''
He laughed heartily and stood up, you following as he threw the trash off his tray away.
'' That actually makes me feel a bit better. '' you mumblingly confess.
The pair of you walked together to class and spent the next few lessons and breaks together as well, surprisingly unbothered by your bullies this time since you were with someone for the first time in a long time.
At the end of the day when the bell rang, Soobin asked to hang out. He said he wanted to introduce you to his older brother and said he had something to talk about. You reluctantly agreed, but were on guard the whole taxi ride to his house since he was still a stranger.
His house was pretty big, located close to where the richest families in the country lived. He however claimed he wasn't rich; that it was his step-father that was pretty well off, but they didn't have a good relationship so he didn't spoil him.
'' Who are you? ''
You stared at the older male leaning against his desk. His eyes narrowed as they bore into you. Then they shifted to his younger brother who immediately straightened up.
'' It's my new friend, y/n. ''
'' Okay? ''
'' Yeonjun, please be a bit nicer. She needs our help. '' Soobin begged.
A puzzled expression overtook your face as you tugged on his sleeve.
'' What do you mean? ''
'' I will help you take them down. '' he said, a smirk slowly creeping up on his lips. '' Every, single one of them. ''
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grapehyasynth · 3 months
young royals fic rec, 24/?
i’m (slowly) working my way through the wilmon tag on ao3 and thought that as i go i might shout out some fics i enjoy along the way! i've tagged authors where i knew their tumblr url, but please feel free to tag folks or dm me if you know ones i've missed!
see all my rec lists here
1. all i know is i can't let go by @tooindecisivetopickaurl - So, wanting to kiss Wille—it wasn’t nothing. It was a kind of warmth he hadn’t felt in years, like he could lay down all his worries for a little while and everything would somehow be alright. He didn’t know whether that was terrifying or the closest thing to magic he’d ever experienced.
2. Hetero of the Year by @girls-are-weird - Prince Wilhelm is nominated for the Hetero of the Year award at the QX Gay Gala. In response, he freaks out. Simon, his popstar friend who's been pining for him for the better part of a year, worries this might mean Wille's secretly homophobic. After all, what other reason could there be for him to get so upset?
3. I Want You to Want Me by SkuldTheNorn - After they got together on film night, there still are some things to clear up. Wille and Simon try their best to talk it out. Featuring a spot of making out, a hickey, unexpected insecurities and errant thoughts about boners. (Sequel to Study of a Prince in Pink and All Kinds of Ways to Be)
4. have i known you for twenty seconds or twenty years? by @prince-simon - Still basking in the novelty of their relationship, Wille and Simon celebrate their first New Year's Eve together.
5. One, two, three, four, five, sex on my mind by @pagegirlintraining and @the-amber-fox - When Wille first sees Simon, the rest of the world simply fades away. Which would be romantic and all, if it didn’t lead to him blindly stumbling into the sex shop Simon works at. Once he figures out his mistake, it’s already too late. But Wille wouldn’t be Wille if he let that stop him from pursuing the most beautiful boy he’s ever seen.
6. swaying as the room burned down by @altruistic-meme - the last moments that Wilhelm and Simon thought they would ever get to have, set in the time between s2e5 and s2e6
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ozzgin · 6 months
Various Predators x Predator! Reader (IV)
@avaleigh16 asked (a very long time ago, sorry for the wait!!) for a fourth part to the Predator saga, where Reader is brought to Yautja Prime. Therefore I bring a potential sequel that focuses on Predator culture, depending on who you’ve chosen as your partner!
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Horror Masterlist]
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Feral Predator
As promised, your new home didn’t stray much from your expectations. Feral Predator is from a different hemisphere, of a drier climate. The imposing, sprawling megalopolis of Yautja Prime is but a distant outline, fading before the marvels of raw, unforgiving nature this place has to offer. Tribal architecture and interminable tunnels are the prominent features of these ancient cities. One has no need for advanced technology. In a way, it does remind you of Earth, of your modest countryside roots. Communities are made of small family units, so days are spent hunting or training in the company of your partner. Feral Predator is a patient and caring father, guiding his offspring and showing them the ropes of survival. There will be frequent visits to Earth as he, too, favors its wilderness, especially when it comes to honing one’s skills. While he treats you as an equal, he does hold you in significantly high regards as the mother of his children.
Elite Predator
With great status comes great responsibility. Elite Predator has been eyeing the Elder status for some time now, in order to provide you with one further reason to be grateful for choosing him. That implies, naturally, that he is often on special missions to teach or rescue Young Bloods, or clear out Alien infestations. Your offspring will go through Spartan training as soon as they can crawl their way around: it would be shameful if his own younglings end up weak or devoid of skill. Although he does not worry about such outcome. He hasn’t picked you out of random chance. Only someone of his level could’ve made it as his mate, and he was certain of it from the moment he saw you. Hopefully you, too, can tell that this outcome was fated to happen. You most certainly won’t regret your life with him, he will make sure of that.
Fugitive Bad Blood
If you were hoping for an idyllic, peaceful life in a humble hut with ocean view, I have some bad news for you. Even settling on Yautja Prime is an optimistic stretch when your partner is a criminal on the run. You’ve unwillingly followed in the footsteps of your parents, watching your child grow from within the confinements of a ship, sailing through space with no ultimate goal. Not all is grim, however. Despite his ruthless nature, the Fugitive has kept his word when it comes to being a fitting partner for you. Your wish is his command and he will not allow anything endanger his family. To your great shock, he’s even willing to take risky detours on Earth whenever you feel particularly nostalgic. He will stare at you incredulously; why the hell would he have gone through all the efforts to court you if he didn’t want you as a partner? Have you forgotten who you’re dealing with already? Whatever your heart desires, he will make it possible.
The Super Predator cannot wait for his younglings to be old enough to begin their hunt. He lives to kill and one can easily tell from his impressive collection of trophies he has gathered from all across the Universe. Truth be told, you’re somewhat afraid to see the outcome of your copulation. Berserker Yautja are much larger and much more aggressive than your species. You’d assumed his first choice for a mate should’ve been from his own kind, but for reasons unknown he’s preyed on you instead. The Berserker seems to have a fervent attachment towards you and will even growl at his own sucklings if they show any sign of disrespect. There’s not much space for freedom and sometimes you feel like you’re trapped under the suffocating affections of a savage animal ready to defend its territory. From his point of view, you should enjoy the privilege of belonging to the superior Predator. There’s no one out there that could go against him.
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morallyinept · 3 months
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A full character analysis on JOEL MILLER from the TV show THE LAST OF US.
I've created this as a point of reference when writing for Pedro's characters, and I hope you find it useful. Even if you just want to learn more about the character. ����
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Basic Details:
☝️This character study focuses primarily on TV series Joel, but draws on some comparisons from the game version of Joel.
*I made a previous error with regards to Outbreak Day in the game & Joel's age - so this version is now correct.
Full Name: Joel Miller
Nickname(s): None mentioned
Appears in: The Last Of Us, 2023 (first appearance on screen in episode 1, season 1, seen at approx. 04:56)
Age (if known): Joel is seen in the TV series at both the ages of 36 (Outbreak Day happens on his 36th birthday) and we catch up with him 20 years after Outbreak Day at the age of 56, where he's based in the Boston QZ
Sexuality: Straight - Joel has a 14 year-old daughter, Sarah, from a previous relationship with her mother, however it's not confirmed if he was married to her mother or not in the TV show. It's implied that Joel is in some kind of relationship with Tess Servopoulos, although never actually confirmed.
Nationality: American. Joel is from Texas originally
Family: 1 daughter, Sarah. 1 younger brother, Tommy. No other family mentioned.
Spouse/Partner: Joel appears to be currently single at the age of 36, and in a potential relationship of some kind with Tess Servopoulos (before she dies) at age 56
Relationship Status: Currently single
Current Living Status: Deceased - In the video game's sequel, The Last of Us Part II, Joel is shockingly murdered in the first act of the game by Abby, the daughter of the Firefly surgeon Joel killed in order to let Ellie live. Joel is killed by Abby after she beats him to death with a golf club. As of creating this character analysis, it is yet to be determined if Joel will be killed off in Season 2 of the TV series.
Languages Spoken: English
Education: It would be prudent to assume that Joel would have attended high school as a minimum based on his intelligence and skills etc... In the game, it mentions he was unable to attend college due to having Sarah at such a young age, however in the TV series he is older when he had her, so therefore could have attended college/further education, although it is never confirmed.
Job Role/Title: Before the Outbreak, Joel was a contractor in the construction/carpentry industry
Special Skill(s): Building and fixing things, hunting, use of guns and ammo, smuggler, survivalist skills
Notable Colleague(s): Ellie, Tommy, Tess
Distinguishing Features:
Tattoo(s): None
Piercings: None
Scar(s): Scar on his right side temple due to a failed suicide attempt when Joel tried to shoot himself after Sarah's death. Joel also suffers a bullet graze on the left side of his abdomen/hip, in episode one where the soldier shoots at him and Sarah. This scar is later seen briefly in the scene where Ellie stitches him up after he is stabbed by David's men, from which he is also left with a scar.
Other Markings: Joel has a scratch/gash on the right side of his face in episode two, and throughout the series he sustains several other minor injuries resulting in temporary abrasions, cuts, bruises etc... Also has a gash on the left side of his neck in episode 8/9.
Prominent Feature(s): Greying curled hair, facial scruff also greying
Injuries: Several. Joel hairline fractures his right hand after punching out the FEDRA guard - he punches him 15 times in the face/skull. Joel is pistol-whipped with a rifle in the back of his head in episode 9, knocking him out and suffering a concussion. Joel is scarred from a failed suicide attempt on his temple, has scars on his stomach/abdomen from being shot at and stabbed. Joel suffers several cuts/abrasions and bruises from general surviving and fighting. Joel also appears to have bad knees when he's older, and walks with a limped gait.
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Brown/greying
The scar on the side of Joel's right temple above his eye, from where he tried to shoot himself:
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Traits: Brave, protective, strong
Joel speaks with a prominent Texan accent. In the show it appears he's living in or just outside of Travis County, Austin, Texas.
In the game, Joel was born on 26th September, 1981 in Arlington, Texas. In the TV series however, Joel would have been born on 26th September, 1967.
The majority of the game play is set 20 years after the opening scene. Which means Joel is 32 when Sarah is alive. Sarah is 12 in the game before she dies, so that means Joel was a father at age 20 in the game. In the TV series however, Sarah is 14 at the time of her death and Joel is 36, meaning he would have had her at the age of 21/22. In the game, Joel was born in 1981 and Outbreak Day happens in 2013, meaning Joel is 32 in the game, and not 36 like in the show, on Outbreak Day. As Joel is 36 in 2003 in the TV show on Outbreak Day, it means he would have been born in 1967, counting backwards from 2003 by 36 years.
The time on Joel's watch in the TV series when it stops, after the bullet ricochets off his watch and hits Sarah, reads on or around 02:40AM. (Sarah woke up at 11:03pm, and between that and the time of her death a few hours would have passed with them trying to escape etc...)
It is implied that Joel and Tess are in a relationship to some extent in the TV series, although it's never actually confirmed romantically between them. Joel explains to Ellie they met when they were in a group together, and are smugglers when we meet them in the show. They are seen living together in an apartment in the Boston QZ and sharing the same bed. Tess also states that she never asked Joel to feel the same way she did, before she dies, implying some possible unrequited love there.
Joel is a self-employed contractor in the construction trade before Outbreak Day. He and his brother Tommy appear to work together and drive to the site together in Tommy's truck.
In the game, Joel is murdered by Abby in revenge for killing her father, who turned out to be the surgeon who was going to operate on Ellie to find a cure. She brutally beats him to death with a golf club. It is yet to be determined whether the TV series will follow this same story arc for Joel and kill his character off, or if they will re-work another story arc for him. For now, it is widely assumed/speculated Joel will die at some point in the TV series too.
In the TV series, Joel is hard of hearing in his right ear, however in the game, Joel's hearing is completely fine. Joel attributes his hearing loss to gunshots, but later explains to Ellie he tried to take his life after Sarah died, so it's also presumed that doing that possibly affected his hearing.
It's not confirmed if Sarah's mother and Joel were married in the TV series, or why she left, and nor do we learn the name of Sarah's mother. In the game however, Joel mentions he was briefly married to Sarah's mother.
In the TV series, Joel is much more of a softer character than in the game. Craig Mazin stated that they wanted Joel to appear more "frail" which would coincide with a real life 56 year-old who "can't crouch for more than three minutes otherwise their back would give out." In the TV series Joel is seen to suffer with panic attacks indicating he feels much more emotion than the game version of Joel, who is more hardened.
Joel reveals to Ellie he would have liked to have been a singer and can play the guitar. Although in season 1 we don't hear or see Joel singing or playing guitar. Joel has an acoustic guitar poster on his wall in his bedroom on the TV series.
The time shown stopped on Joel's watch in the TV Series:
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Outfit 1 - (Opening scene) Black round neck t-shirt, denim jeans
Outfits - (Remainder of series) - Joel's overall look consists mostly of plaid shirts and denim looking shirts, worn-in denim jeans and boots, that are all in various stages of wear and tear. He is seen duct taping his boots together. He sports various jackets and coats throughout the seasons, weather dependent.
Joel's green plaid shirt is actually Frank's/worn by Frank before Joel even meets Bill and Frank when he's younger with Tess. Later after their deaths, Joel showers and dresses in a clean shirt, which is the green plaid shirt that Joel is synonymous for wearing. He is dressed very similarly to Frank, even wearing similar jeans, boots, just like Frank did.
Joel has a red backpack when he is younger with Tess. Then later, he has a brown one which he then leaves behind during the attack in Kansas City. When Henry dies, Joel takes Henry's backpack as his own which is a lighter sandy brown colour.
Accessories: Watch on left wrist, brown/sand coloured backpack, rifle sling with holster
Weapons Used:
Weapon(s): (Exact weapons pictured below)
Joel's primary weapon is a pistol. A Taurus Model 66 with blue finished 4-inch barrel and rubber grip. This is the same pistol that Joel uses in the game too. He keeps it hidden under the floorboards of his apartment in the Boston QZ until needed.
Joel uses a variety of guns in the TV series, mostly those that he finds or takes from others, including a Beretta M92FS, Colt M4A1 Carbine rifle, Remington 700 BDL rifle and a Rugler mini-14.
Joel also uses switchblades and knives too.
Joel uses a piece of metal piping to bash in the head one of David's men when looking for Ellie.
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Modes of Transport:
In the TV series, we don't actually see Joel drive, or potentially own, a vehicle of his own. He rides in Tommy's pickup truck, which is a 2001 Chevrolet Silverado 1500HD Crew Cab. He is seen as a passenger in it when leaving for work in the morning, and later when he, Sarah and Tommy try to flee the city.
Joel drives various vehicles in the series, including a 2004 Dodge Durango, the car he uses to take Ellie from the hospital in episode 9. And most notably, Bill's blue and white 2001 Chevrolet S-10 for which Bill leaves the keys for Joel in episode 3.
🗨 See Joel's full dialogue from the show, including deleted scenes.
Further Character Links (if any):
Joel Miller Game Version Wiki Page, Joel Miller TV Series Version Wiki Page, Making of The Last Of Us - BTS
Samples of Joel's wardrobe via styleofpascal IG
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badperson-8 · 3 months
Butting In: Horny Daredevil (Part 4)
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After learning about the power of a magical fleshlight, MC decides to use it more creatively. This time the targets are a couple of demons, a human, and an angel. How far will MC go to sate their own desires? …Very far. Too far, actually.
amabMC x Diavolo
2k words | NSFW | Porn without plot | gn!pronouns MC | AO3 link
Content Warnings: Anal Sex
A sequel to the Butting In series, now featuring other romanceable characters. Links to previous parts with the Demon Brothers:
Part 1 (Lucifer, Mammon, Levi) Part 2 (Satan, Asmo) Part 3 (Beel, Belphie)
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Diavolo impatiently looks at the clock, barely able to contain his excitement. He couldn’t stay in his stuffy office any longer, counting hours, then mere minutes, before MC would finally arrive at the castle. So now he stands right near the front doors, eagerly waiting for his lover to show up.
It is their date night, one of many, but Diavolo does his best to make every date special in its own way. Usually he just picks different exciting places and activities, each time a new one. Luckily, in both the Devildom and the Human World, there are endless numbers of ways to spend time pleasantly. MC seems to enjoy his creativity, but today Diavolo wants to try a different approach. It’s the first time the demon decides to spice things up.
Since he gave Barbatos a day off, nobody will judge him for inappropriate behavior. The prince now has a whole castle to himself, which is quite handy for his plan. He decided to impress MC by changing his usual gentlemanly demeanor to something more sensual. 
So here he is, standing in a black silk robe, with nothing beneath it. Diavolo spent quite a lot of time in front of a mirror, making the robe look as appealing as possible. He ended up almost fully exposing his chest, making the neckline so low that it reached his hips. The prince decided that such a relaxed look suited him much more. And it showed off all the juicy parts, which he hoped MC would appreciate. 
Diavolo was always confident in his appearance, and he witnessed MC’s reactions to his body many times before. But he still can’t help but feel proud of himself when he opens the door and sees a shocked and flustered face of his lover. Their hungry look immediately stirs fire inside of him. Diavolo was preparing the whole seductive speech while he was waiting for them to come. But as soon as MC saw him in a half-opened robe, no speeches were needed anymore. 
They don’t even greet each other, immediately losing themselves in a kiss. One of MC’s hands dives under the black silk, spreading the fabric apart and opening Diavolo’s torso even more. The prince encourages such actions, pressing MC’s body closer to him and letting his hands grope everything they manage to find in the heat of a kiss. He notices a little bag in MC’s other hand, but he couldn’t care less about it right now. 
MC fondles his chest, squeezing the pleasant roundness in their hand and paying special attention to Diavolo’s nipples. The prince grunts into a kiss as MC’s fingers start teasing the nipples, making them hard and sensitive. Since his lover went straight for his most sensitive spots, it’s impossible for him to hold back any longer.
MC senses magic swirling around them as they and Diavolo get teleported right into his bedroom. Such a way of transportation is a common occurrence for them. Because whenever Diavolo gets impatient, which happens all the time, he doesn’t have enough self-restraint to simply find a suitable place for sex. He just teleports himself and his lover either into the nearest private location or his bedroom, depending on the mood. 
MC lands right on a giant bed, immediately getting pinned down by the demon, who settles on top of them. Diavolo doesn’t let them catch a break, instantly connecting his lips with theirs. The magic from his hands spreads across MC’s body, making their clothes slowly disappear. Diavolo’s robe is wide-open, the belt must’ve fallen somewhere during teleportation. So now the only piece of clothing on the prince’s body hangs only on his arms. It allows MC to get a glorious view of Diavolo’s chest, which rises and lowers to the rhythm of his impatient, heavy breathing. And a view of his half-hard cock, which he grinds needily against MC’s thighs, causing their dick to throb in response. 
“Wait just a second…” MC manages to lean their head to the side and escape Diavolo’s hungry kisses. “I also have a surprise for you. So please… Ngh!” They barely manage to hold back a loud moan once Diavolo’s hips rub especially powerfully against their cock. The prince listens to MC very attentively, but that doesn’t mean that he is capable of stopping his body from grinding against his human. The only way to calm him down when he gets so turned on is by sating his appetites. Several times. Diavolo is capable of many things, but self-control in bed is not one of them. 
“Dia… Ugh!” MC’s second attempt is just as unsuccessful as the first one. Diavolo honestly stopped kissing his lover when they asked, and gave them a chance to speak. But it seems that they’ll have to postpone their attempt to talk till Diavolo becomes just a little less active. Because the intensity with which the prince rubs against their sensitive spots doesn’t allow MC to form coherent sentences. It gets especially unfair when Diavolo’s hand reaches for MC’s dick and starts pumping it, with the intention of preparing it for thrusting inside his longing ass. MC is on the verge of giving up, because Diavolo’s actions make their brain melt. Maybe they’ll be more successful next time.
Unless… MC still feels a bag in their hand, so if they manage to get to the content, it may force Diavolo to slow down. They try to shift their focus from a hot man on top of them to the bag. Their hand slides inside, blindly searching for the object. They find a lubricant, but it’s not it. Maybe if they reach deeper into the bag…
“Ahh!” Diavolo trembles from a sudden sensation of something touching his ass. He doesn’t feel the warmth of MC’s fingers, but he still senses a slight pressure on his hole. “What is…?” He finally stops stroking MC’s cock, slowly raising his upper body and towering above his lover. The confusion made him pause all his movements, but not for long. MC can clearly see the agitated trembling of his thighs and throbbing erection. Diavolo is still sitting on them, making their dick and balls feel the weight of his butt. They better make every word count if they want to actually use the device they brought. 
“It’s an artifact that connects to your body. Give me your hand.” MC lifts themself and takes Diavolo’s hand, moving it closer to the fleshlight. The prince allows his human to do whatever they want, as always. When MC lubricates two of his fingers and makes them slide inside the artifact, Diavolo breathes shakily from strange sensations. He can feel the heat and barely noticeable pulsation of soft flesh inside the device. And at the same time, he feels the invisible touches to his hole. 
MC watches the show with great interest and amusement. Diavolo looks bewildered, so they get a rare chance to actually be in charge. Usually, the prince acts so eagerly that MC doesn’t have a chance to do much besides bask in Diavolo’s lust for them. They don’t mind in the slightest, but it’s nice to be the one who is in control.
“Come on, go deeper than that.” They smile at him cunningly, squeezing his hand and forcefully pushing his fingers deeper into the fleshlight. Diavolo moans loudly as he feels the movements deep inside his ass. It is bizarre to sense the intrusion, but don’t actually feel the object that physically penetrates him. 
But MC doesn’t let Diavolo dwell on it for too long, moving their hand toward his hole. The prince grunts even louder when he feels his lover’s fingers slowly pushing inside his entrance. Soon, they reach just as deeply as his own hand inside the artifact, granting him indescribable sensations. Diavolo feels everything twice as intense as usual. His and MC’s hands don’t get in the way of each other, freely coexisting within the same space and making Diavolo lose his mind from double pleasure. His ass squeezes around both pairs of fingers, pushing them deeper. The prince trembles with his whole body as he comes for such piercing stimulation. His dick releases cum right on MC’s chest, making them smirk. Diavolo looks absolutely mind-blown, but they barely even started. 
They carefully remove the artifact from Diavolo’s fingers while the prince is trying to catch a breath. MC’s dick and balls are still trapped under Diavolo’s butt, but they’ll have to wait for their turn just a little longer. Diavolo’s cock is still hard and sensitive after the climax, but MC knows too well how fast the prince can regain his stamina. So they swiftly lubricate the artifact, and before Diavolo can understand what is going on, they press the fleshlight to the tip of his dick.
Diavolo’s hips unconsciously jerk from the sudden stimulation of his overly sensitive cock. This sharp motion sends shivers down MC’s spine as Diavolo’s ass grinds against their own dick. They clench their teeth and keep going, pushing the fleshlight further and making Diavolo’s dick slide inside.
“Aahh!” Diavolo trembles with his whole body, shutting his eyes from pleasure. He feels his cock inside his own ass, filling him to the brim. MC doesn’t give him time to get used to the sensation, pushing the fleshlight all the way down to Diavolo’s balls. His cock is now fully inside the artifact, driving the demon crazy. “I-... It’s so… It’s too much…” Diavolo moans, feeling the approach of his second orgasm. 
“Come on, fill your ass with cum, my dear,” MC mockingly whispers into his ear. The prince can barely control his body: the irrepressible trembling overtakes him. He is one step away from coming. “Make it nice and wet for me.” MC slightly shifts their position and manages to grind against Diavolo’s hole with their dick. This is more than enough for the prince to lose his mind and come for the second time, filling the fleshlight with sticky liquid. He can feel it deep inside him, even though it’s not actually there.
Meanwhile, MC quickly lubricates their cock and Diavolo’s hole, making up for the lack of actual cum. They waited long enough to finally join the fun.
“Are you going to…?” Diavolo opens his eyes and looks at his human. His voice sounds tired, but he’ll regain his strength within several seconds.
“Yes.” MC nods, impatiently rubbing their cock against the demon’s ass. Diavolo shivers with anticipation, instantly getting as restless as his lover. His hand holds the fleshlight, not letting it fall down from his dick. An unnecessary precaution, since the size of his cock won’t allow the artifact to fall that easily. His black robe is barely holding on his arms, hardly covering his body. But the black silk beautifully accentuates the demon’s tanned skin, making MC gawk at him in awe. Diavolo moves his second hand behind his back and squeezes MC’s dick, making them grunt from pleasure. He aims the tip to his hole as he lowers his hips. 
Both lovers moan in unison as MC’s dick penetrates Diavolo’s butt. The demon’s ass instantly clenches around the cock, squeezing Diavolo’s dick at the same time. The double stimulation from both sides makes Diavolo completely lose control. He vigorously rides MC’s dick, thrusting inside the artifact at full force. His human can only hold on for their life, letting the demon use them as the second sex toy. 
Diavolo’s ass tirelessly pounds MC’s hips as he jerks the fleshlight along his cock. The prince grunts in satisfaction once he feels MC’s cum filling him. But he is too far gone to stop. Neither MC’s nor his own orgasms prevent him from keeping going. 
Even when MC turns into an immobilized mess, unable to move even a limb, the demon mercilessly goes for several more rounds. After that night, MC needs two weeks to recover. Before Diavolo offers to use the artifact once again. Unfortunately for MC, the prince can be very persuasive. 
Safe to say, MC’s surprise was a success. 
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P.S. Shout-out to Revon522, one of the readers on AO3. The general idea of Diavolo's part belongs to them. They inspired me to write the sequel to Butting In with side characters.
P.P.S. The art doesn't belong to me, it's an official art from Shall We Date: Obey Me! (Post-Date Party card)
Part 1 (Lucifer, Mammon, Levi) Part 2 (Satan, Asmo) Part 3 (Beel, Belphie) AO3 Link
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inbarfink · 6 months
Alrighty, so a second season of ‘Fionna and Cake’ is now Officially Confirmed! I was being very cautious about speculating and getting my hopes up until it was Actually Announced, but now that it has, I can’t say I am necessarily shocked that there is going to be a continuation. Looking back on what we can now confidently call ‘Season 1’, there are a few peculiar threads which seem like they are probably meant as a set up for this second season.
Now, everything in this post is going to be very speculative. This is just me going over aspects of Season 1 which seems weird from a perspective of set-up and payoff or just feel like they need more elaboration and thinking what might be done with them in S2. With basically nothing to go on for what will Actually Happen in Season 2 save for the fact that it will exist, just remember to put a huge caveat of ‘I don’t actually know anything yet!’ next to everything I type lol
Fionnaworld Stuff
I wanna start by talking about the one part of Fionna and Cake’s Season 2 we can be pretty certain about - which is that it’s going to feature Fionna and Cake and probably the rest of the Fionnaworld gang. Although, to be perfectly honest… Right now, I am struggling to think of a clear ‘loose thread’ that can hint at where these characters will go in future. Season 1 seemed to have left everyone fairly content. 
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I’m not saying that there’s no place to explore these characters further - obviously I’m sure Season 2 will find whole new unexpected angles to develop them. I’m just saying that Season 1 doesn’t really have any clear threads you can point at as a basis for a prediction. At least nothing I can really see myself. 
Perhaps we can give more focus to the Fionna/Hunter stuff we hinted at during Season 1, but wasn’t really given center stage? Or something about Fionna learning how she can be an adventurer on her own terms, after her Season 1 experiences kinda convinced her she couldn’t at all? Or maybe since Season 1 was kinda Fionna-focused, we’re going to get a more Cake-Focused Season 2?
That’s all I got for now, at least. I guess with ‘Fionna and Cake’ being a very character-focused show, and the idea of a renewal probably not being certain when S1 was developed - it makes sense to prioritize giving a strong sense of closure for the main characters and keep the ‘sequel teasing’ stuff to just Lore/Plot hints. Like, if there’s a little Hint of Things to Come that doesn’t amount to anything because the show got canceled that’s just like a Little Weird, but leaving the main characters’ arcs/relationships feeling unresolved forever would be a much bigger problem for the show’s legacy. And speaking of which…
Prismo Stuff
And here’s the real Interesting Stuff that inspired me to make this post in the first place. I think the most notable potential ‘sequel tease’ in F&C Season 1, the thing I always noted as Odd before the second season was confirmed, the main reason I suspected a second season was probably in the works -  is definitely this little moment with Prismo during the ending…
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Where he seems to ‘glitch’ for a moment.
What could this possibly mean? I am not sure, but I feel pretty confident that it’s Plot Relevant. It’s a quick but pretty noticeable Moment that doesn’t really seem to have a clear explanation within the first season, especially as it happens just as everything is wrapping up. Perhaps this is the first sign of Prismo becoming sick/malfunctioning/infected, and Season 2 is going to be about unglitching him?
Speaking of which, going into more character-related stuff… while Prismo's grief-induced-depression-spiral from Jake’s death is constantly hinted at throughout the first season - it’s never really confronted directly. I mean, we can assume that between helping out F&C and having Scarab around as a personal assistant - that could’ve helped him get a new lease on life… But maybe a second season could explore Prismo’s grief more deeply?
And then there are also these two
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That’s another thing I always found very peculiar in a “hmm, are they planning on making an S2??” sort of way. Like, they spend a minute-and-a-half establishing the Core and the way it works... when I first watched it I was pretty certain it was going to come back later. Like, Simon is going to try to fuck with Time Itself to get Betty back or something. But then they just… loop back to it. It was just a piece of Lore Trivia and a background for the Actually Lore Relevant Infodump.
It might indeed be just that. Just an extra bit of Worldbuilding and a neat change of scenery in the middle of the chase scene. But I still suspect that these Time Titans will become plot-relevant at some future point. 
Multiverse Stuff
Well, out of the myriad worlds that F&C have already visited, it seems like the one that has really left a lot of lingering questions in the minds of the AT Fandom is Farmworld, and those questions are primarily…
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HEY!? What the FUCK??? Is he okay?? Is he dead??
So yeah, some sort of confirmation of whatever or not Farmworld Finn is/isn’t dead, and if he is dead - some sort of confirmation of how his kids are getting by considering that their eldest brother just fucked-off to another universe one day… that would be nice and give a better sense of closure on the Farmworld segment of F&C Season 1.
But personally…I think the Multiverse Moment that really rings to me the most as a ‘probable future plot point’, is definitely this little moment in Vampireworld.
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The show deliberately emphasizes the moment where the Vampire King saw our Trio use God’s Remote Control to warp to another world. And personally, the vibes here seem… meaningful.
With Bonnie also drawing attention to the fact the Vampires have over-hunted the humans and basically doomed both the world in general and Vampirekind specifically… Could this be the Vampire King’s solution to that problem? Now that he has seen ‘a new thing’, a hint at the existence of the Multiverse - will he try to find a whole new world for his children to feast on?
Well… that’s an alright villain concept and a decent plot hook. My current problem with it is just… the Mainworld Vampire King made for an intriguing and interesting character due both to his compelling dynamic with Marceline and the way he has been changed by the destruction of his people into a very contemplative and complex person. Vampireworld Vampire King doesn’t really have that, as a Vampire King who has never known defeat, he's just a Very Dramatic Evil Vampire. And I feel like Adventure Time aspires to more unique antagonists than Very Dramatic Evil Vampires. 
Now, it’s not impossible to make Vampireworld Vampire King a bit more Interesting if he ever takes center stage - maybe the population collapse of Vampireworld affected him in similar ways to Mainworld Vampire King, or maybe it affected him in a totally different direction, maybe we can give a bit more focus on the influence the Crown has or doesn’t have on him, maybe something else completely out-of-left-field could happen to him.
Or maybe the Star did end up surviving the Doomed Yuri Freefall and she’ll be the one trying out for Vampiric Multiverse Conqueror. She was always the, well, Star of Vampireworld - and she has the potential to be a very fun antagonist with cool thematic implications. I mean, like, Imagine her in contrast to Marshall. He gave up on a comfortable life in the laps of luxury due to wanting some freedom from his over-controlling mom and also it seems some level of moral outrage at her Landlordy ways
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And the Star is a Daddy’s Girl Evil Vampire Princess and basically everything he has tried not to be. And yet… will he see a bit of himself in the Star?
Also, I wonder if we’ll see some more of the Alternative Universes Simon stumbled on during his trip back to Ooo. You know, the ones we haven’t actually seen in the main plot.
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Simon Stuff
Okay, so… even before the announcement was made official, I have seen a lot of people assume that F&C Season 2 will be just as Simon-Focused as the first season. But personally, I am not sure about it just yet. I mean, I’m a huge Simon Fan, being part of the Petricollective ever since I started to watch the show, so I sure as hell will not complain but… it is important to remember the show is called “Fionna and Cake” and not “Fionna and Cake and Simon”.
I can see the idea being that Simon works as more of a ‘link’ between regular ‘Adventure Time’ and ‘Fionna and Cake’. You know, he’s a fan-favorite and the one major ‘loose thread’ in the original show that can draw old fans into this series which is mostly an all-new cast (considering the Fionnaworld Crew consider themselves to be distinctive from their old magical counterparts).... Kinda like he was the link between Fionnaworld and the rest of the Multiverse, actually. So he’s around as a major character for the first season and from then on he takes more of a secondary role. Since he is a good friend of F&C by this point and their main connection to Ooo, I doubt he’ll disappear completely, but he just might not be as central a character. Or maybe the theme of ‘Fionna and Cake’ is F&C teaming up with different Mainworld characters for different kinds of adventures? 
I mean, it still could go either way. Simon’s arc feels pretty well-concluded to me but the same is true for the Fionnaworld crew and… obviously they’re going to have more Character Stuff in the upcoming season and it’s the whole thing about how it’s important to make your character arcs feel concluded if you don’t know if you’re getting another season. We’ve talked about this already. 
And also… There is one aspect of Simon’s Problems at the start of the show that didn’t truly get to a satisfactory conclusion by the end of the first season. Namely, his loving-but-rocky relationships with both Marceline and Finn.
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Like, y’know, he’s generally handling his Stuff better by the end of the season so I guess we can assume he’s also better at communicating with his loved ones but… it is very peculiar that we didn’t actually get to see it. Even as just a moment in his Happy Ending Montage when we see him hanging out and being happy with Finn and/or Marcy. Like, there is certainly a Point to be made about the importance of Simon making friends with people who didn’t know him much as Ice King for the sake of his recovery…
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But the total absence of Finn and Marcy from Simon’s epilogue still feels… odd. So that could be something to return to in a future season. Like, I did speculate the F&C ‘format’ might be the Fionnaworld Crew + a different Mainworld character given focus every season. So maybe Simon’s still-not-fully-concluded interpersonal issues could be a launchpad to a F&C season with a primary focus on Finn and/or Marceline.
Finn and Fionna adventuring together would be pretty neat, and if we’re going to give more focus to Prismo’s Grief Problem, it would be very Thematically Appropriate. But also....confronting Finn’s own Jake Grief Problems is actually kinda challenging because we already had a whole special about it.
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And that special is happening way way farther in the timeline and explicitly established that Finn never truly got over the grief of losing Jake.
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So making an F&C adventure that tackles Finn’s grief in a satisfying manner without feeling it steps over Together Again’s toes… Well, it’s not impossible, but it is quite a tall feat.
Meanwhile, Marceline has less Obvious Issues That Need to Be Addressed right now but also… if we do have the Vampire King and/or the Star as a major threat for this new season, she would clearly be the one to get the Maximum Amount of Drama out of it, so…
Other Ooo Stuff
Okay, so speaking of Finn and things established early on in F&C which then didn’t really come back by the end of the first season, let’s talk a bit about the Heart of the Forest.
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So this whole thing could be just a Joke. It could just be a gag about Finn disregarding Huntress Wizard’s warnings and taking his depressed middle-aged friend hiking in the Most Sacred and Ancient Forest in all of Ooo, as a joke. Haha, oh this Finn, so irresponsible! But also…
Finn and Simon were being watched. By a being wearing the same mask as the ‘Evil Bear’
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But one that does not quite move like a bear world…
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And then of course, this supposedly ‘Evil Bear’ only attacks Simon after he tries to get his little nerdy hands on this peculiar and important-looking tree. 
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This really seems to have some implications that the ‘Evil Bear’ is not just one more random ‘evil’ monster that Finn and Simon stumbled across. That they might be some sort of Guardian for the Heart of the Forest, and that their shapeshifting abilities also extend to having some sort of humanoid form, and that they are not quite as monstrous or bestial or ‘evil’ as Finn pegged them out to be.
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But all that happens is that Finn kills them, and then the whole matter is not brought up again…. Well, as of Season 1, that is…
So if we are doing some sort of Finn Focused Season, that might be something to bring up. Especially if it’s paired up with some of the Fionna/Hunter stuff I brought up above. 
Again, everything here is just Wild Wild Speculation at this point. This is just a bunch of Stuff that felt Weird resolution-wise in Season 1, and some loose ideas about how they might connect. If you guys have your own ideas and observations, I would love to hear them too!
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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Asmodeus reminisces about the past while he eagerly awaits what the future has in store.
The Rules | ASMODEUS x afab!Reader & SOLOMON x afab!Reader 3.6k words | NSFW | Suggestive Content | Asmo-centric POV Content warnings: Reader uses they/them pronouns. Protective Asmo, pet names, (guided) masturbation, sex toys, unrequited love (sort of), pining, jealousy, developing Solomon x f!Reader, past Asmo x Solomon, low self-esteem/body image insecurities, cursing/threats, kink and relationship negotiations, unspecified BDSM activities, aftercare, mentioned Asmo x f!Reader x Solomon. A/N: This can be read as a standalone fic, but it is part of the Insatiable AU. This is a sequel to Part 2, and leads immediately into the next chapter which will feature Asmo x f!Reader x Solomon. Insatiable AU: [Part 1] [Part 2]
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Asmo was delighted when you came to the Devildom. He remembers those early days so clearly because you were utterly fascinating. You were cute and charming with wide-eyed innocence, but he could feel the hints of lust radiating off you.
He wanted to tempt you, so he stood closer to you than strangers should and enjoyed the way your desire flared when he flirted with you. He wondered what you would do with the opportunities he gave you. Would you swoon for him like some of his fans do? Would you stare at his lips and imagine kissing him, or would your glances linger as your gaze trailed down his body?
No matter what he did, your resolve never faltered. He was disappointed that you never took advantage of his offers to have a little taste. Asmo knew part of you wanted him - conflicted desire clouded your gaze more often than not - but you never gave into temptation, and you never asked him for anything.
He tried to charm you once, and that failed spectacularly too.
What a curious creature you were.
Since the day you arrived in the Devildom, Asmo could sense the lust burning within you, like embers smoldering deep inside where you tried to pretend the feeling didn't exist. You didn't admit it, but he knew the truth. He knew you chased relief in the dark privacy of your room at night, and he knew you didn't find satisfaction when he saw you the next morning. You sat down at the table for breakfast, and the lust he sensed in you was laced with frustration and disappointment.
If he couldn’t seduce you, perhaps he could find a way to help you. First, he had to earn your trust. He spoke to you honestly about what he sensed in you, and he spent time with you and offered you friendship while you struggled with indecision.
Eventually, you started to confide in him. You told him about your overwhelming urges and believed something was wrong with you. You told him that sometimes your physical desires made you feel so desperate that you were ashamed. You told him it wasn’t easy for you to find physical pleasure without some sort of emotional connection; you craved intimacy and trust, too. You mentioned that you tried to find those things in the human world. He listened with a frown when you told him about the small number of failed relationships you had, and how your past partners satisfied their own needs but neglected yours.
No wonder you were so confused. Lust and self-loathing battered away at your confidence, and you were exhausted trying to pretend those feelings didn’t exist. When you tried to find relief, either by your own hand or someone else’s, you were even more frustrated when nothing seemed to help. It was never enough to satisfy you.
Asmo encouraged you to explore your body and discover what you wanted and what you liked. Perhaps a little instruction would help you find relief on your own, and he offered his assistance. You came to him out of frustration, desperate for his understanding. No one cared about you like this before.
You followed him to his room and laid on the bed beside him after you undressed. He promised not to touch you unless you asked him to. He murmured instructions into your ear and encouraged you to touch yourself. He watched your reactions with half-lidded eyes, and he felt lust pour out of you in waves when you finally felt satisfaction under his intense stare. His gaze lingered on your hands and your heaving chest. His cock ached in his pants, but he ignored it. He suggested when to move your fingers faster, or harder, or deeper. You came more than once, but you kept going - your stamina fascinated him. When you were finally limp and satiated beside him, you chuckled weakly and thanked him. He couldn’t help but grow even more enamored with you.
Your trust in him flourished even more after that. You spoke to him freely about the things you wanted to learn and the things you were curious about. Asmo enjoyed expanding your horizons - it was so much fun! You hid your face bashfully when he showed you a catalogue full of toys, and he pointed out which ones he thought you might like. He didn’t ask to use them on you or watch you use them on yourself. He was elated when he saw you in the mornings and your mood was noticeably improved.
In those early days, Asmo believed he had a chance to be with you. All he thought he needed was patience and time. You were growing closer by the day, and maybe you’d start to feel for him what he already felt for you.
The first time you spent time with Solomon outside of class was during a group outing. You two were were nearly inseparable, and Asmo realized he didn't stand a chance. It wasn't only physical attraction that drew you together, but also unrelenting curiosity and wonder and fulfillment. If he didn't treasure your friendship, it would've been tempting to stop whatever was building between you. He pushed aside his disappointment and supported you instead, as a good friend should.
(And if Solomon hurt you, Asmo vowed to be there for you after he skinned the sorcerer alive.)
Asmo watched your relationship bloom in slow motion. You glanced at Solomon shyly from the corner of your eye in class, and the sorcerer trailed behind you and your demon friends like a puppy begging for your attention. He started sitting closer to you at lunch, and he came up with all sorts of excuses to invite you to Purgatory Hall, or to come see you at the House of Lamentation.
It didn't take long for Solomon to ask you out for a proper date. You didn't even realize it was a date until Asmo clarified that Solomon's motivations were romantic in nature. Your innocence would’ve been charming if it didn’t stem from your poor self-esteem. You didn’t believe someone as handsome as Solomon would want someone that looked like you, especially when he had witches and wizards and demons to choose from instead. You didn’t know Asmo and Solomon used to be a thing either, and you nearly canceled the date altogether when Asmo told you about their past.
“Why would he even want me? He had you, and you’re so ridiculously gorgeous it’s not even funny. If you weren’t enough to make him happy, then how could I?”
Asmo wasn't going to let you throw away something he knew you truly wanted. He reassured you and helped you get ready, and he waited with you in the foyer. He waved goodbye when Solomon arrived to take you to dinner. He was waiting for you when you got home, too.
Solomon walked you home at a respectable hour, and Asmo watched you both from one of the front windows. He’s not sure what you said to each other, but he witnessed your first kiss. Solomon cradled the back of your neck and you cupped his cheek. It was chaste and sweet, a few pecks of his lips pressing gently against yours, but Asmo could feel the turbulent emotions rolling off you both.
Asmo wiped away the tears trickling from the corners of his eyes before you came inside. He asked you how dinner was out of politeness; the dreamy looks on your faces when the kiss ended told him everything he needed to know.
Things between you and Solomon escalated quickly after that. You were radiating lust like Asmo had never seen before, and he knew who it was you were thinking of when you got yourself off with your hands and toys every night. The inconvenience of RAD classes didn't deter either of you, and Asmo noticed that Solomon was just as needy for you. The sorcerer stared at you with obvious hunger. On more than one occasion, Asmo noticed him readjusting himself discreetly when the mere sight of you made him hard in his uniform slacks.
Asmo couldn’t stop what was going to happen if he wanted to; it was only a matter of time before your dates and coy kisses led to more. He knew your feelings for each other were genuine, and he trusted Solomon not to hurt you.
(Asmo gave him the shovel talk and made it clear what fate awaited the sorcerer if he did.)
Asmo decided he could ignore his own jealousy and longing if it meant you could find the happiness you craved. He came up with an excuse to invite Simeon and Luke to the House of Lamentation for a weekend sleepover, and that gave you and Solomon privacy at Purgatory Hall for your first time together.
You asked Asmo to help you find something to wear for your special evening with Solomon. He stretched across your bed while you pulled clothes out of your closet and dresser, held them up to your body, and tossed them aside with frustrated huffs.
Asmo shook his head as more and more clothing ended up on the floor. "Sweetie, don't you think you're going just a touch overboard?" You were going to run out of clothes to wear at this rate.
You glared at him in the mirror. "You don't get it. This needs to be perfect." You picked up a cute black sweater and tossed that aside too.
Asmo frowned. "He adores you. You could wear a paper bag and he'd still want you." You stared at your feet while you fidgeted nervously. "Come on, talk to me. What's really bothering you?"
You crossed your arms over your chest and sniffled, but you wouldn't look at him. "What if he thinks I'm ugly?"
Asmo's jaw dropped open and he blinked at you. "What the hell are you talking about?"
You were in your bra and underwear, and you jabbed your finger at yourself, pointing out all of the so-called imperfections you were worried Solomon wouldn't like. You pointed out your breast size, your collection of scars and dimples and stretch marks, your hips and jiggly thighs. You even twisted around and glared at your ass in the mirror. You snapped the waistband of your underwear and wondered whether Solomon would judge your lingerie for not being sexy enough.
Asmo swallowed thickly and thanked his luck; there was a pillow across his lap that covered his poorly-timed erection. You were drawing his hungry eyes to all the things he loved about your body, and he wanted you desperately - he knew Solomon did too. He also knew this moment of self-loathing was a result of your human world upbringing. It was easy to forget that so much of your self-esteem was based on what others told you you were worth.
Asmo couldn't take it anymore. He willed away his erection long enough to hug you and stop your self-deprecating tirade. "You're beautiful, and Solomon is the luckiest creature in all the Devildom because he gets to spend tonight with you." He kissed your cheeks until your tear-stained frown turned into a reluctant grin at his silliness. "Now, how about I help you pick something to wear so you can get fucked senseless by that boyfriend of yours?"
Once you were ready, you left for your date while the others were watching a movie in the living room. Asmo watched you and Solomon walk out of view before he closed the front door with a sigh. No one bothered asking where you and Solomon were; if anyone knew what you two were really up to, no one said a thing.
Asmo invited you to his room after Solomon escorted you home the next day. You stopped trying to hide the limp in your gait when he shut the door behind you. Even beneath the scent of Solomon’s body wash, Asmo could still smell him on you. He ran you a bath and he examined your body as you undressed. Your neck and chest were thoroughly marked, but he didn’t the break skin. You sank into the warm water and stared at the ceiling while Asmo slipped into the bath beside you. He wrapped an arm around you, and turned your head to look at him.
“I didn’t know it could feel that way,” you whispered wonderingly, finally breaking the long silence that fell between you. You blinked back tears, but you smiled so happily. Asmo knew you found something special in this relationship, and he vowed to protect it. He held you close while you relaxed and let the water soothe your weary limbs. He washed your skin so you smelled faintly of roses instead of the ship-on-the-bottle brand Solomon used.
Asmo thought your first time with Solomon might help take the edge off the lustful urges you struggled with, but things burned brighter than before for both of you. You were slowly gaining confidence to explore your sexual desires with Solomon, and he was more than willing to give you whatever you asked of him.
Asmo came to terms with how perfect you seemed for each other. He watched the sorcerer fall harder for you than he had for anyone else before - including himself. You still confided in Asmo since he was the only demon you trusted with your personal, intimate confessions.
What worried him now was your growing interest in experimenting sexually with Solomon. From what Asmo gathered, you and Solomon were still engaging in relatively vanilla sex. Asmo knew Solomon well enough that it was only a matter of time before he started suggesting you try new things together. He also knew your experience with anything kinky was practically nonexistent.
Your heightened desire could be taken advantage of in the heat of the moment, and even though he doubted Solomon would do that, Asmo wanted to make sure you were informed and safe.
When you asked Asmo for advice on how to educate yourself, he already had a solution prepared. The Fall hosted special interest events from time to time. There was a special show he wanted you to see. He promised it was going to be hands-off for educational purposes only. You would watch it together, and afterwards he would answer all your questions.
You must've told Solomon that you were going to The Fall with Asmo, because he showed up at the House of Lamentation while you were getting ready. Asmo dragged him to his bedroom and hoped their angry voices wouldn't reach your ears.
"What do you mean, 'no?' Of course I'm coming with you!"
"Absolutely not."
"You can't stop me, Asmo. They're my lover, not yours. I should be there too."
"Don't start posturing with me. It's not about that and you know it. You can't come, Solomon. Not for this."
The sorcerer stepped into Asmo's space and his hands clenched into fists. "Tell me why."
"They need to decide for themselves what they like or don't like. I won't risk them trying to ignore their preferences to please you." Asmo bared his fangs - he wouldn't be threatened by him. "I'm doing this to protect them for both your sakes, so if you really care about them, back the fuck off."
Whatever Solomon was going to say next was interrupted by your knock on the door. The demon and sorcerer jumped apart so that you wouldn't think anything was amiss between them.
Solomon looked like he wanted to argue some more, but his anger deflated and he pulled you into a hug. "Call me later," he murmured against your temple. He shot Asmo one more glare over your shoulder before he stormed off.
As promised, Asmo took you to The Fall. He led you around the dancefloor to a plain door that led to the basement. The space was smaller and it was dimly lit. There was the slightest tinge of musk and iron in the air when you sniffed. You sat beside Asmo near the back of the room and observed what the other demons in the audience were - and weren't - wearing.
He reached for your hand and leaned over as the stage was suddenly bathed with red light. "Watch for now and we'll talk about it later. Let me know when you're ready to leave." You weren't sure what he meant, but you nodded anyway. You refocused your gaze on the demons that were making their way onto the stage.
While you sat entranced by what was happening on the stage, Asmo's attention was focused on you. He felt the way your interest ebbed and flowed with the different sex acts and kinks on display; your lust flared brightly when you saw something you liked, and it dulled to a simmer when you saw something you didn't. You couldn't lie to him about this, and this is why he didn't want Solomon here. He needed to read your honest reaction without letting Solomon's preferences affect yours.
The longer the show went on, the more intense the show became. You were growing less and less aroused by what you were seeing. Sometimes you squirmed awkwardly in your seat, or you looked down at your lap when you couldn't bear to watch. Asmo felt when the flare of lust suddenly vanished. When you turned suddenly and buried yourself into Asmo's side with a whimper, he knew it was time to go.
You were still shaking by the time Asmo got you home and into a bath. You weren't ready to talk about it yet and he wasn't going to rush you. You protested weakly when he led you to his bed to sleep, but he kissed your brow and hushed you. "Try to relax," he whispered. "Sleep and we'll discuss it tomorrow, whenever you're ready."
Asmo watched you fall asleep beside him, and he frowned when his D.D.D. vibrated on the nightstand. He made sure yours was turned off so you wouldn't be disturbed, but he must've forgotten to turn off his too. He reached for it carefully so he didn't wake you.
Solomon: I tried calling them but it went to voicemail. I was worried. Are they alright?
Asmodeus: We left when they felt ill. They're sleeping now.
Solomon. Fuck.
Solomon: I should be there. Can I come over?
Asmodeus: No, I'll take care of them tonight. When we're done discussing everything, you'll be the first to know.
The next day, you spent a lot of time in contemplative silence and occasionally asked Asmo questions about what you saw. He tried to give you straightforward answers that were free of judgement and shame - he was glad you were taking this seriously. You asked about positions and toys and tools, and he told you about safety measures and hard and soft limits and how to communicate those things to Solomon.
Asmo promised he would always be there to support you, and you appreciated it. He still wanted you to have the knowledge and confidence to advocate for your own desires and boundaries too. With his help, you wrote a list of things you wanted to try, and the things you already knew you were your limits.
When Solomon came over to see you, you handed him your list and waited for his input. He read it over once, and he asked some clarifying questions, and read it over again. Asmo was relieved when Solomon smiled and embraced you.
Asmo was there when you and Solomon finalized your list - the rules - that guided your sexual experimentation. It helped keep you both safe and satisfied. He knew you made adjustments to the rules as you explored your bodies and pleasure together. Over time you added things and removed things, and even though it wasn’t necessary, you still sought Asmo’s guidance along the way.
You and Solomon approached him together one day and discussed adjusting some of the rules so Asmo could join you for play. He didn’t expect it, but he sensed you both genuinely wanted it. Solomon’s stipulations were what Asmo expected. The sorcerer’s possessiveness for you was still strong, and he had specific limits for when and how Asmo could touch you.
In the end, Asmo agreed because he wasn't stupid, and he knew how to make the best of any situation. He wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to be with you, and he was curious about watching you and Solomon together. Those occasions were rare, but they were no less sweet or sexy or indulgent; he cherished them all.
Things fell into a routine between you, Solomon and occasionally Asmo. He watched you both push the limits of desire and decency together with amusement. You fucked in your dormitories or the vacant spaces of RAD where you could find a few minutes of privacy. Solomon was shameless about his desire for you, and you were desperate to have him. It was a delectable sight to witness.
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Asmo sits at his vanity and smiles at the latest revision of the rules you presented to him earlier that day. There were new opportunities for Asmo's involvement in your bedroom activities. He's already imagining the possibilities since most of the previous limitations around his participation were adjusted or completely removed. Solomon's revisions are the most obvious; the sorcerer was always a bit of a voyeur.
Asmo thinks about the special dance at The Fall tomorrow night the three of you are attending. He reserved a private room at the club so whatever happens on the dancefloor can continue without the awkward walk home first.
He giggles with anticipation and bites his lip, nearly salivating at the thought of getting to touch you properly for the first time.
He can hardly wait.
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