#para mention
I think people with paraphilic disorders should get pride flags. Obviously those who are anti-recovery and shit are pieces of shit but paraphilic disorders are neurodivergencies and very disabling. And a lot of us are in therapy and trying to get better! And haven't inappropriately touched others!!
Idk. Just a thought.
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sillyzter · 1 month
you just fetish being a para.
Haha yes, becausr is super awesome thing be para . . . know these asks be bait but god make blood boil
Also how could anyone know if kat " fetish " be para ? Stop with the parasocial weridness . . . Yall do NOT know me enough for say this ???
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proship-bad-takes · 2 years
The number of radqueer propara people in the profic and proship tags has been so uncomfortable! I had to block someone advocating to lower the age of consent before?? Those tags are for things that stay in fiction and should remain that way!
Sad thing is that I'd consider myself propara if it weren't for all the gross people using it to condone or support all the harmful shit. There are paras that are genuinely non harmful but instead of using their brains they think "MAPs and Zoos are OK, actually"??
I've honestly considered making a label that is specifically pro-para, with exception of those that include attraction to a non-consenting party (minors, animals, family members, corpses, and anyone who is unwilling are my exceptions)
(Possible TMI for the next paragraph)
I myself have paraphilias (fictophilia, plushophilia, hemophilia). Hemophilia is also what I would consider a harmful paraphilia, but unlike the ones previously listed, it's one that can involve clear consent from all parties (for example, I have a partner who greatly enjoys knife-play, which is how I discovered this)
So yes, I do support paraphilias! However, I do NOT support any that involve inherent harm, and strongly believe that even if someone is anti-contact, their interactions with those they are attracted to are still affected, even on a subconscious level, which is unfair to the attractee and could (and often does) result in harm (For example, a pedophile should not be a school teacher. Even if the person is extremely anti-contact, there will ALWAYS be interactions that are not entirely appropriate, even if it's unintentional. This can include subtle touches the pedophile doesn't notice they are doing, bringing up topics that may SEEM appropriate but are not, looking at something or somehwere their eyes should not be, having an involuntsry bodily reaction around a student, etc). Even if a paraphile isn't intending to cause harm, it will still happen if preventative measures are not taken. And no, talking to strangers on the internet who make child/animal abuse pride flags and discourage therapy/rehab is NOT a preventative measure
So I propose the term "para critical." Doesn't imply hatred or total lack of support, but DOES make it clear that one thinks critically on the matter. I also propose "tripara critical," for those who are specifically only against chronophilias, zoophilia, and necrophilia (and even then, as someone who is para critical, my personal view is that someone with a harmful paraphilia should go to therapy if they can, and avoid unsupervised online communities for their paraphilia[s]. I do NOT wish harm on non-offenders, or on those who are seeking rehabilitation)
Update: I just looked up para critical and it already is a term that exists. And the coiner showed me the source! Whoops. Tripara critical hasn't been coined yet from what I can tell, though
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scrunkl3bunk1e · 5 months
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rb if your blog is not at all a safe space for these red flags
(image: dreamsexual, zoophilia, p3d0philia/maps, alt map)
FYI the red-yellow flag is AAM aka adult-attracted minors. Same effects as a MAP.
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akindplace · 8 months
Hi, Brazilian blogger here. One of my favorite things about Brazilian food is how much variety there is but also the fact that some of the things we eat have to be done so carefully because it could hurt you. Or, at least, they look very odd.
It’s very common in my home state to eat pequi. It’s a small, yellow fruit, it is very, very sweet.
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The problem is… that brown thing around the white seed? Thorns. Biting into one might mean you get it stuck in your tongue. But people still eat it, so it became known as the fruit of the state. And people put it in rice and... I’m not a big fan, I would rather not eat it because it is extremely sweet.
Maniçoba is famous in the North of Brazil, it has its origins in the culture of indigenous populations. It’s made from leaves, and it needs to be cooked for 7 (yes, seven) days as to reduce risks of poisoning, the plant is toxic because of the cyanide in it.
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After it’s cooked, pork meat is usually added.
Last but not least, there is a plant called guaraná, and it looks like dozens of eyes staring at you. It’s not dangerous to eat. It has a lot of caffeine in it, so it’s used in energy drinks as a stimulant, and in a fizzy drink with the same name. I really like the way it seems to stare at your soul.
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justproshiprants · 9 months
"This person is a pedophile, (read: child predator) I have proof!!"
"Okay, and this proof is?"
"They're proship and like gore and non-con!!!"
Tell me you don't actually care about protecting kids without telling me you don't actually care about protecting kids. Undermining a term like child predator or groomer is how you get actual child predators worming their way into the community because the term has been watered down.
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thedigitalwave · 9 months
Seeing that bitchy crosstagger saying "hey antis 🥺 dont worry those filtht radqueers will never be accepted into society!!" Is just. Well. Telling, raw and gross.
You know, it's really really fucking strange to me that people genuinely say out loud that a group majorly composed by minorities trying to be themselves will never be accepted into normal society. What is normal society? Your everyone-stays-the-same, divide-all-into-distinct-groups, never-let-mental-illness-be-normal society? Cause that's not normal to me. That's fascist.
I know I'm saying a big word there. I don't mean it in the "all antis are secretly alt-right" way. I mean "all antis are explicitly conservative in some way", though.
How can you propose us the idea that everything needs to stay the same, never progress, that minorities need to stay minorities and privileged people need to stay privileged, that certain people should stay in the shadows, and not be conservative?
By saying transid-identifying people should never transition, you're saying that. By saying paraphiles should never be accepted, you're saying that.
I hope you realize what you're doing now. This isn't protecting anyone. This is maintaining the status quo.
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what i need anti-para people to understand is that people with “normative” sexual attraction ALSO have sexual urges that would be unethical to act on. then you get to the question “is it unethical to fantasize about having sex with someone who would not consent to having sex with you”, which i feel like everyone should obviously say no to. why, then, do you think that paraphiles can’t hold a fantasy in their own head and then also act ethically and not engage in non-consensual sexual acts?
the largest anti-para argument (”they just won’t be able to help it eventually”) (usually followed with “so we should imprison/institutionalize/kill them”) is just recycled rape apologism and everyone should be able to realize this. it took decades of advocacy begging people to stop treating rape as a crime of preference/attraction and instead as a crime of power/abuse/control to start to change that attitude about rape, and yet people can’t fully internalize that truth when talking about paraphiles.
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tai-janai · 2 months
A fusion that you've been wanting to draw more off
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fusions have been on the backburner for quite some time (whenever im drawing digitally its either smaller doodles or im working on the next animatic) but this is one that i wanted to show off. hunted and paranoid would be such a fun duo and i just know they are Not going to let go of hero anytime soon.
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Important Rant abt Radqueers
CW:discusions of radqueers and the shit they support/ID as so just be advised(check the tags)
sorry this may be a long post but idc anymore./nbr
Seeing Radqueer people interact with the non/alterhuman communities and "be apart of them" makes us angry.
also seeing Radqueer people say they are "punk" boils our blood.
Radqueer as a whole is actually gross.
It supports and romanticizes Harmful paras,Abuse,Natzi and other harmful shits ideology and Abelism.
Ive seen radqueers try and justify their deplorable "identities" like TransID shit by mentioning Systems and BIID...stop just STOP dont rope us or anyone into your sick reasoning.
seeing blogs DEDICATED to being "TransBPD" or "TransPlural" or "Transtrauma" genuinley is discusting.
im sorry but your just using these things as fucking asthetics.
"transBPD" people dont ACTUALLY want BPD they want that glorified "edgy" romanticized version of it not the "i want to slam nails into my fucking skull" cuz you FP took 10 minutes to respond to a text.
"transPlural" people dont actually want to be plural they dont want to stand infront of a miror and not regognize themself and end up having a breakdown cuz "whats going on" and "why cant everything be QUIET".
"transTrauma" people dont actually want the trauma. They dont want to have been sexually assaulted at a young age wich causes life long problems like hypersexuality and a distrust of men. They dont want to have been beat cuz they took food without "permission". they dont want to tip toe around praying no one will wake up cuz if they do your doors going to be removed and your online privileges will be taken away.
this is genuinely a sick thing.
they use words like "transAge" "transNazi" "TransHarmful" to excuse the fact that they are degenerates and abhorent excuses of people.
seeing them talk abt how MAP is valid and encorage Zoophilia is honestly so fucking gross.
and no we are not being a fucking "snowflake" we are having common fucking sense.
you know its bad when even PROSHIPPERS have them on their DNI(pro shippers are gross aswell and can easily intersect with rad queer people)
this is genuinely a big fucking problem and just a fucking disgracefuk "community"
radqueer will never be fucking "valid" rad queer will NEVER be excepted.
anyone whos rad queer in the non/alterhuman community is not apart of our community
we dont claim or want yall and if your radqueer and say your a therian,,,,no your fucking not
our community will never EVER allow you to be near it(at-least i HOPE so)
note: thinking about making a masterlist of radqueer terms and emoji combos+their meanings so people can be aware and stay away,,, (also thinking about adding radqueers that i know have interacted with non/alterhuman posts and are "apart of the community")
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satanictheist · 8 months
If you call people who suffer from POCD pedos then I sincerely and truly hate you. POCD is usually caused by CSA and comparing us to our abusers is vile.
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Got an ignorant hate comment. Felt it deserved it's own post. It's a long one, and technically isn't doing anything productive as I blocked the person. I just like yelling into the void. Mind the tags.
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1) You're funny. I'm agnostic, and wasn't even raised christian. It's like an atheist saying "Oh my god" (this can't be real/that's ridiculous) or "God save me" (I'm doomed). "My brother in Christ", what would normally be a term of endearment and familiarity in a christian setting becomes very condescending and 'holier than thou' if said to any non christian (not just jews). Because of that, outside of a christian setting, it's now a term of sarcasm and mockery to point out someone's stupidity and ignorance. So the fact you jumped into a defensive standpoint, calling someone you know nothing about antisemitic over a post that wasn't even directed at you, tells me a lot more about your insecurities.
2) Yes, you're right! It is perfectly reasonable to not WANT people with an involuntary attraction to real life children to INTERACT with your work. But let me lay out a few things. Stop using that word, it does not mean what you think it means. Being attracted to fictional characters depicted as kids in a form of media that is (at least in a non indie setting) designed, and written by a team of adults, fudging up the looks and behaviors of their characters compared to reality to be more appealing to a wide demographic, is not pedophilia. Pedophilia is a mental disorder, where an attraction to children who can't consent is causing direct harm to yourself or those around you in your day to day life. This usually presents itself as crippling distress for the person with the disorder due to their intrusive thoughts, and fear of losing your friends and family should they find out about your disorder. By calling an attraction to fictional character depicted as children "pedophilia" you are doing what's called pedojacketing. Which is a false accusation against someone in attempt to rally others by appealing to their disgust to ruin the life of another person. It causes major harm by both trivializing a serious and often debilitating mental illness into a "voluntary perversion", while also trivializing the seriousness of child predator allegations by equating the sexual abuse of real, breathing children, to that of fictional story that never happened. Most predators aren't even pedophiles, they are attracted to the power imbalance and control, not the kid itself. But that's not what proship is, it's an ideology that people should be allowed to have their own space to enjoy whatever fiction they want without harassment or censorship. And guess what, that doesn't mean we aren't entitled to your space. If our ideology makes you uncomfortable, it's your right to block us and keep us from interacting with your art.
But get this, consuming and interacting are two completely different things. Consuming means you've looked at a piece of art, you watched a video, read a piece of literature, or played a video game. The moment you post something to the public, and not somewhere with restricted access, you forfeit all right to decide who can consume your media. AO3 is a public website, even if you choose the lovely option of only showing your work to people who are logged in (which anyone can get an account), you can't then decide who is allowed to view your work. When you post media publicly, it is impossible to discern every single person who has consumed your work. At best a site may have a "views" counter, or in AO3's case, hits, but it will always remain anonymous. As such, if you don't like the idea of a proshipper consuming your work, congrats, you will never have to know.
Interacting however means that you've consumed a piece of media, and are now making a public display about your consumption where the creator can see it, that individualizes them from the rest of the crowd. A comment, a post, if the media has a non-anonymous "like" function, or non-anonymous subscription/follow function. Most people are sane, and don't go out of their way to do background checks on every single person that interacted with their work. But if it comes to your attention that someone who makes your uncomfortable is interacting with your work where you can see it, then you have the tools to make it so you'll never be able to see or hear from them again. They will still be able to consume your public work, but now you've curated your personal experience.
But if you're so paranoid and disgusted by the idea that someone you find icky or gross might be able to consume your content without your consent, then you have to take responsibility for your own experiencing it and revoke your consent from the wider public by removing your content from a public platform.
This person was deluding themself into believing that consumption was the same thing as interaction and that the existence of a dni means it was the public's responsibility to regulate their online experience for them, and was getting upset at the realization that they can't regulate a public space the same way as a private one, and that people they don't like will be able to see their public work even if they will never know about it.
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macabre-wife · 20 hours
Yk...... having an interest in Necrophilia as a young child and being a Necromantic and Necrophile as a child really is weird because........ I remember being like 4/5 watching my favorite horror movie, House Of 1000 Corpses, and questioning why they didn't treat the girls bodies better. It truly upset me that they didn't love them more and treated them as toys, like I could have loved them and treated them better than what Otis and Baby and all of them could have......... It's because of that movie I have my interest in Necrophilia and it's because of that movie I am the way that I am and I'm proud of it because like it's a huge part of me you know?
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nomapsupport · 2 days
i'm in your dni but i have a question, how do you believe that MAPS shouldn't seek to get rid of their attraction, because i'm sorry they should?! think about how terrifying it is for parents or just people who (not sexually) care about children to think anyone in public could be genuinely attracted to a child. how scary it is to think someone might look at your child and think "man that's sexy." that's terrifying and sickening! i literally only got help for my ed because i started looking at skinny kids and wishing i could be like them, then i realized it was sick and twisted to use children for thinspo. i thought how terrified mothers of children who failed to thrive or have growth hormone deficiences etc. would feel about me looking at their child and going "god im a fat fuck why don't i look like that 9 year old." so i got better, not for me i still hate my fucking body and i rather be skinny and dead than fat and alive but because i didn't want my feelings to affect my interactions with literal children.
tldr; if it involves children in anyway you better work your butt off to get rid of it
thought crimes aren't real. what happens in the confines of one's mind is nobody else's business & harms absolutely no one except maybe the person having the thoughts, like in your example. but guess what? you didn't actually hurt the feelings of those kids or parents because you didn't share those thoughts with anyone. good for you that it helped with your eating disorder but not everyone has to guilt-trip themselves just because you do.
paraphilias cannot be gotten rid of. you can either chemically castrate us to reduce our overall sex drive — which we've already established is cruel & inhumane, & it doesn't even get rid of the attraction — or you can try orgasmic reorientation, aka conversion therapy, which we already know causes significant distress, & yet again doesn't actually get rid of someone's attraction. i can't believe you're actually suggesting this shit during pride month. do you know nothing at all about queer history?? i know that the big three dont work as comparisons for queer sexualities due to consent (or lack thereof), but we're still human beings with human brains & this kind of shit won't work on us either.
the best thing for the safety of maps & children is for maps to accept themselves as they are, find victimless ways to satiate themselves, work on ways to cope with/combat harmful urges, & avoid situations that could end badly. repressing one's feelings never ends well, it's one of the unhealthiest coping mechanisms there is. & that's the closest thing to your suggestion because "getting rid of" a paraphilia is impossible. so just. no.
ps: try getting some actual treatment for your eating disorder instead of excessively guilt-tripping yourself & using it as an excuse to tell paraphiles they need conversion therapy.
sorry im being so rude but jesus christ, the asks i get are so demoralizing & i am running out of patience for people who refuse to do the most basic research before acting like certain types of people are inherently bad & dont deserve to just exist
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brokenorbornthatway · 3 months
We lost a couple followers after the last post we reblogged, so I figured now is a good time to go over some of our stances so you can know if we're not your cup of tea.
We are profiction, proship, anti harassment ,and anti censorship. No exceptions.
Fiction is an endless playground with no rules, do literally whatever you want for whatever reason you want.
We are pro kink and anti kink shaming. Honestly this is pretty much the same as being profiction/proship. Kink is fantasy. So long as all parties are able to and do consent, kinks are morally neutral.
We are pro para, and to be precise, pro big 3 having the right to exist without being dehumanized/demonized. To be more precise, we wholeheartedly support non offending/anti contact pedophiles. There is nothing wrong with having an attraction. Thought crimes do not exist. We support paraphiles right to exist and find community, support, and healthy ways to embrace themselves without causing harm to themselves or others.
We do not believe there is ever a circumstance in which it becomes acceptable to strip someone of their human rights. We have had more than our fair share of violent fantasies towards people who have wronged us or those we love and people who have caused large scale harm. Believe me, we get the urge to say "but this type of person deserves to be systemically punished". It's pretty easy to buy into. It's never the right answer though. Allowing any one group or type of person or whatever to be dehumanized, means that anyone can be, which leads right back to the systems of oppression we live in now. No one deserves to be treated as less than human.
We are endo supportive and against fake claiming. We don't think it's right to assume that you know better than people what's going on in their own brains. Even if you did think someone is "faking", you don't know them well enough, nor are you educated enough, nor are you in the position (the position being "being their therapist") to tell them they're faking and risk being wrong and causing someone serious mental distress.
We are anti punitive justice and pro restorative justice. We are a prison abolitionist. Prison is never an acceptable answer for "what to do when harm is done?"
We are in favor of youthlib, and still learning about this topic. Children are people and are often treated as less than that. Children are fully autonomous beings and we are in favor of children's rights. Kids deserve to have a say in their lives and the issues that affect them.
We are against body shaming in all instances, including jokes about penis size and jokes about how people with bad opinions look.
We are pro all good faith identities. We really do not understand radqueer or transID things, but as long as you aren't causing harm, we support you.
We are pro self diagnoses. Diagnoses is a privilege that is unavailable to many and is a thing that is unsafe to some. I don't believe in armchair diagnosing others. Unless you're their doctor, you don't have the qualifications to diagnose them. However, I absolutely believe everyone is the expert on themselves, and with the information on whatever the condition on question is, most people can at least make a pretty good educated guess on what's going on with themselves.
We are against equating normal with good.
We are anti fascist and anti colonization.
We love and support Jewish people.
We believe in second chances. People can learn to do better and everyone deserves that chance. We believe in rehabilitation. To be human is to fuck up. It's a lot easier to admit your fuck ups and learn better when you see other people doing the same and being accepted.
We think violence is a key part of human nature and that it is something that needs to be fully embraced so that there are ample options to act out violent urges without causing harm that are easily accessible without fear of being shamed. There are already tons of options to for this in existence, but the stigma towards openly enjoying and wanting violence is huge barrier. Rather than meeting someone who says they're having violent urges with "count to ten, do deep breaths, GET HELP," we could meet them with "ok, that's totally human and normal. We've got video games, rage rooms, etc, where you can work through those violent urges in a healthy way." I don't know about everyone, but for us, learning that throwing soft things against the wall while rage screaming was an acceptable and safe way to manage anger and the urge to throw shit was a huge relief. Humanity is brutal, so in order to heal and build something better, I think safe ways to express that brutality and openness regarding it are vital.
Nothing really exists in terms of absolutes. This one is one that's hard for us due to being prone to black and white, all or nothing thinking. Everything falls in shades of grey. There is nuance in everything.
This one is basically a repeat, but it's important to us: every human life has intrinsic value that can not be taken away, no matter how "bad" they are or how much wrong they've done. Everyone deserves to be treated like a human, no matter what. If human rights don't apply to everyone, then they aren't human rights, they're "good people rights", and that should scare you.
That's all I can think of right now. Be aware that this is a vent blog. We might vent or rant about any of the above topics at length. If any of these things are not for you, we kindly invite you to leave.
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1nklingsanitized · 1 month
z00 xnd n3cr0 b0bx 1 mxd3 1n b0bx zt0ry :3
☆[tq translation: zoo and necro boba i made in boba story :3]
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