brokenorbornthatway · 12 days
So I just saw a post by a random personal blog that said “don’t follow me if we never even had a conversation before” and?????? Not to be rude but literally what the fuck??????????
I’ve had people (non-pornbots) try to strike conversation out of nowhere in my DMs recently, and now I’m wondering if they were doing that because they wanted to follow me and thought they needed to interact first. I feel compelled to say, just in case, that it’s totally okay to follow this blog (or my side blog, for that matter) even if we’ve never talked before.
Also, I’m legit confused. Is this how follow culture works right now? It was worded like it’s common sense but is that really a thing?
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brokenorbornthatway · 15 days
If in one post I'm fully accepting my plurality and in the next I seem to not believe at all that it's the case for me it's because I literally forget everything about it if I'm not actively experiencing it
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brokenorbornthatway · 15 days
On today's episode of hating all the adults who knew us as a child: We were told that our pain was psychosomatic so many times that we stopped talking about it. We would get horrible joint pain, go lock ourselves in the bathroom, rock back and forth while silently repeating some iteration of "it's not real it's not real it's not real", and stay there for over an hour until the pain went away or we convinced ourselves to ignore it. (Silently because everyone already thought we were crazy, who knows what they'd do if they caught us.) We became an expert in ignoring pain, in being silent when hurt. We learned to believe "well I'm not in any real pain and so this must be normal and everyone must feel this way and we're just a cry baby so we better learn to suck it up."
We found out a little over a year ago that actually, most people are not in some amount of pain all of the time and we still struggle to believe it. We still push ourselves to the point of being unable to move at all because it's so hard to recognize our pain and treat it accordingly after a lifetime of pretending it wasn't real.
Fuck every adult who listened to us sobbing in pain and told us it wasn't fucking real. You're all fucking dead to me.
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brokenorbornthatway · 16 days
You know, as someone who is physically disabled both by my autism and other disorders, it's really upsetting that every assistive device I look into is marketed solely for elderly people. Canes? For the elderly. Walkers for bad days? For the elderly. Bibs because I'm sick and tired of getting food on my shirts? For the elderly. Shower stool? For the elderly. Like. There's so many people who aren't elderly that need these things too, it's not super fun being a younger adult and never seeing people like me on the assistive devices I need. To be frank, it kinda turns me off from buying them. Like "well I'm not elderly or that disabled so do I actually even need this?" It's just frustrating
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brokenorbornthatway · 20 days
I love our therapist. She confirmed that seven minutes is not enough time to make differential diagnoses, no matter how smart a doctor is. She affirmed that I do have OCD and we walked through the criteria and how my symptoms line up and she affirmed that pure o OCD, even if I had no physical compulsions at all, is still OCD and it is in the dsm as such. I will never use talkiatry ever again. We have been so set back by this psychiatrist dismissing and refusing to listen to us.
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brokenorbornthatway · 23 days
There's nothing I hate more than doctors who assume they're the smartest in the room by default. I had to make a psych appointment because I was out of a medicine and couldn't see the community doctors I used to see. This bitch had never met me before, knows nothing about me, but told me seven minutes into the session and after about two fucking minutes of me talking about OCD symptoms that I absolutely don't have OCD. I tried my best while feeling on the spot and dismissed to explain the mental obsessions and compulsions I deal with to have her cut me off to say it's just obsessions and anxiety. I told her I disagree and she said "well I'm the psychiatrist. I have a medical license. There has to be physical compulsions like washing your hands seven times or checking the lock over and over." Like it takes two fucking seconds to look up what pure o OCD is and I'd think such an esteemed medical professional would be able to do that. Give me a fucking break. I'm incredibly reserved, I freeze up and can't think when I feel put on the spot, and we'd only been talking for SEVEN FUCKING MINUTES at that point. That is not enough time to tell me you know my brain better than I do. Whatever though. I got my meds and I'll find a better doctor. Fuck talkiatry.
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brokenorbornthatway · 30 days
when you can't super boop back because you're on mobile
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brokenorbornthatway · 30 days
people who don’t have boops on, I respect your peace but also picture me standing outside your blog scratching the door like a cat wanting to be let in
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brokenorbornthatway · 30 days
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brokenorbornthatway · 1 month
Reblog if you are okay with people giving you lots of boops!
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brokenorbornthatway · 1 month
Reblog to let your followers know that they’re safe from jumpscares/screamers/etc from you on April 1st but they are NOT safe from getting boop’d like an idiot amen
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brokenorbornthatway · 1 month
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brokenorbornthatway · 1 month
Booping is my new favorite thing. If your name comes across my dash you're getting booped. I don't care if we're best friends or perfect strangers. Also.... I am going turn on booping on my wife's tumblr and send them just so many boops
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brokenorbornthatway · 1 month
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brokenorbornthatway · 2 months
so what you're saying it's okay to a shitty disresptfull asshole? thanks
Assuming this is in response to my post about normal not equating to good, nice, kind, respectful, or morally correct; I think you missed my point. Of course I'm not saying it's okay to be a shitty disrespectful asshole, but that being kind and respectful is not the same thing as being normal. The definition of normal is "conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected." Quite often, the way to conform to the standard is to be a shitty disrespectful asshole to designated "out" groups. Being kind and respectful despite how "weird" someone might be is not normal and is not viewed as normal by most. Kindness and respectfulness are entirely separate and very different principals than normality. Normal has nothing to do with doing the right thing, it's all about doing the thing that makes you fit in.
What I'm saying is that normal is not a goal that people should strive for and that people should stop equating normal with niceness because they have nothing to do with each other. I hope this made more sense.
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brokenorbornthatway · 2 months
So, I'd start with this Wikipedia page explaining the origins of the term.
Thought crime has always been a concept to point out that it's wrong to demonize/criminalize people for their thoughts from the begining.
This article talks about why we actually need dark fiction
This article goes over the fact that video games do not cause violence, the research that had been done to imply it does show violence, and why that research was incorrect. Dark fiction is the same as violent video games, they're both not real and don't speak on a person's character
“Journalists and policymakers do their constituencies a disservice where they link acts of real-world violence with the perpetrators’ exposure to violent video games...there’s little scientific evidence to support the connection...Discovering that a young crime perpetrator also happened to play violent video games is no more illustrative than discovering that he or she happened to wear sneakers or used to watch Sesame Street.”
And then this article talks about dark fantasies being normal and brings up the fact that everyone's fantasies are dark and disgusting to someone else.
I hope these are helpful
Ok academic tumblr, I need some good reading materials on why “thought crime” isn’t real and why consuming problematic media does not make you a bad person, preferably suitable for someone with religious trauma. I’ve done a little digging and not yet encountered anything that really fits what I’m looking for (aside from predictably, tumblr posts because we have this discussion so often in the fandom sides of tumblr). Preferably without paywalls please, neither I nor my friend can afford them.
Help me Obi Wan Ketumblr!
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brokenorbornthatway · 2 months
Daily reminder!
Normal ≠ good
Normal ≠ nice
Normal ≠ kind
Normal ≠ respectful
Normal ≠ morally correct
Normal = conforming to a standard; usual, typical, or expected
Don't be normal, be yourself
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