*Me trying to project my voice into his head*
ooOOOooOooo Thick thiiiighs save liiiiives, Richieeee
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Oh sweet Richie
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This just in, Morningstarcest isn't bad cause of father x daughter incest, that's a-okay now! It's bad because they just look... like twin.. siblings...?
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Pervy bro
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What I hate most about purity culture is the tendency to victim blame when a perceived victim doesn't just immediately jump ship and worship their advice.
And I say perceived cause sometimes the "perceived victim" is a victim, and just hasn't reached that realization yet, and sometimes the "perceived victim" isn't one and the puritans are just pushing their personal disgust/biases onto others. Both of those are equally traumatizing to the person being dog piled.
I'm sure it can happen in regards to many types of situations deemed "disgusting", but specifically I'm referring to the way puritans respond to a potentially abusive relationship. Some "uwu poor baby" is dating "big evil abuser", and is too blind to see how the "big bad guy" is "taking advantage of them". But then that "uwu baby" fights back, saying they love their partner and they aren't breaking things off? It's as if in these puritans minds, the only way to save them and help them see the light is to berate them and shame them, made them feel disgusting and just as evil as their "abuser" for defending them. Maybe then they will feel so gross and ashamed of themselves they will right their wrongs and listen to these "wonderful people" who are "just trying to help". Ya know, rather than run deeper into the arms of their partner who they love, and these people are insulting the fuck out of?
And if the puritans end up being right, the relationship was abusive? Congrats, they just helped the abuser by victim blaming, and harassing the victim deeper into the abuser's arms. And if they end up being wrong, the relationship was healthy, and let their personal disgust make assumptions? Congrats, the victim of their dog piling is now traumatized, and feels like they have to live their live trotting around eggshells, hiding their happiness, lest they incite the anger of another presumptuous stranger.
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Holy fuck this just recontextualized nearly the entirety of WoWP for me. I haven't watched that show in over a decade.
You know they are making a sequel spinoff for the series? The actors Selena and David are gonna be two of the executive producers, and will be reprising their roles. (Though Alex will mostly be just a cameo).
I was thinking and I wanted to see if anyone else sees my vision 😂.
Tbh, Alex Russo and Justin Russo from “Wizards of Waverley Place” remind me of Ashley and Andrew, I’m referring to their appearances and how I think they have a somewhat similar dynamic. Alex and Justin have a, well, normal sibling relationship though lmaooo, and they live a more unproblematic life than Ashley and Andrew do. Still hectic though considering that they’re wizards lol.
WOWP was one of my favorite shows growing up!
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The full sentence that gets cut off at the bottom: “Justin has also shown to be quite caring and overprotective of Alex, such as in Wizards vs. Werewolves where he both emotionally and physically protects his sister from Mason.”
Also, Justin is two years older than Alex, just like how Andrew is two years older than Ashley.
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Like this is literally Andrew and Ashley irl are you kidding me??? 😭. They’d just have to put some black clothes on lol.
For fun, I thought I’d include some parallels 🤭:
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Ashley and Alex kinda radiate the same energy, at least I think they do. Tbh Justin and Andrew kinda do too. I feel like people who have watched WOWP and played TCOAAL might get what I’m saying haha.
I wish I saved it because now I can’t find it, but there was an image of a scene from the show where Alex says she doesn’t have a library card, then Justin tells her “yes you do, I got you one” or something along those lines. That sounds like something Andrew would do 😭.
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Last one!:
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This last gif of Alex and Justin is so cute??? I love it lol. So yeah, If I had to fan cast people as Ashley and Andrew it would definitely be those two.
Doing research for this post led me down a Justin and Alex rabbit hole lmao, no complaints though. It’s fitting because recently I learned that Justin + Alex was actually a popular ship back in the day! Honestly… I see the vision. I never really thought about it before, but now I’m like wait 👀🤔 It makes sense actually, likeee they look good together 🤭.
Credit goes to the owners of the gifs used btw, I found all of them online.
This post was fun to make! I hope others see my vision lmao.
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While proship is an anti-censorship and anti-harassment stance, it's important to acknowledge the stance is only in regards to fictional content and opinions of it.
A proshipper is still capable of harassing others over a warped sense of justice for political beliefs, petty revenge, or entitlement.
A proshipper can still support the censorship of other information.
And I mean that as in harassment is more than just showing your disgust or having a mutual argument. And censorship is more than just blocking a person, deleting a comment, or using the report function if it violates a websites TOS.
Proshippers can and have harassed antis for voicing their disgust, for revenge against a call-out post or other forms of harassment, for blocking them, and more.
And so long as they actively and genuinely identify as proship, then they are still proship. This isn't a private community where some leader has a registry of all existing proshippers.
So, I pity the antis who feel justified in their stance because they've had their beliefs reinforced by volatile proshippers. They didn't deserve that. And I tend to find that though those kinds of antis do condone censorship of fiction, and specific forms of harassment over fictionsl content (aka call-out posts, sorry but no matter how big red and bold your "DO NOT HARASS THIS PERSON, JUST BLOCK THEM" is, you're still catering to the volatile masses, and spreading targeted hate), they too believe in curating their experiences, and rather block and move on than start a fight or send hate. So they surround themselves with other antis who may have had bad experiences with agressive proshippers, but also believe it's wrong/pointless to send proshippers hate. Since they obviously don't interact with the proship community, they genuinely believe their side is 90% innocent victims, bullied and sexually harassed by the evil proshippers who are 90% morbid aggressors who seek enjoyment in starting a scene, so they can find targets to mock.
It's sad cause they hide in their little echo chambers, and only have their fear of the "big bad evil proshippers" confirmed.
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Lmao yeah, same shit, just different words. Though I will say, the reason the words exist now is because the opposing anti side has gotten a LOT more vocal, and harassment a bit more prevalent in the past few years.
Aside from that, whether or not you wish to identify with the term proship is up to you! I personally do because the discourse and my stance on it is something that's important to me. Good luck in navigating modern fandom culture.
Listen I'm old and out of touch
Wtf does proship mean?
I thought it was Like
Pro shipping?
I like shipping the characters. That's being pro shipping.. yeah?
But I just read something
Where someone said 'proshippers dni' and then listed their ships...
So are you proshipping or not my dude?
Someone help me understand.
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As someone who is proship, while the term does mean "ship and let ship", the discourse around it is like what blue-phoria said in the comment section. Antis created the lie that it means "problematic ships" and spread it to each other in an echo-chamber like fashion.
The reason for this is proshippers think that all ships have the right to exist, even the ones that feature adult x minor, incest, bestiality, abuse, non-con, or any other dynamic that's often considered highly problematic.
People who feel extreme disgust upon seeing certain ships, and lack understanding on why a person may enjoy these dynamics in a fictional setting, might then turn their discomfort into hatred.
So to alleviate these negative feelings, they've come to the conclusion that other people shouldn't be allowed to create content of those more problematic pairings. In their mind, the only way someone could like that kind of stuff would be if they enjoyed/want it in real life.
To them, spreading such content or defending its right to exist could only corrupt others, or encourage people to seek out harmful/illegal partnerships in the real life.
It ends up being extremely similar to the whole "video games cause violence" argument that exists.
The TLDR is people who say Proship DNI are under the false assumption that being proship is about shipping/supporting ships that (supposedly) represent and encourage the shipper's desire to seek a relationship that would be unethical or illegal to pursue in real life. When in reality, what a person ships does not correlate to what they desire in the real world.
Listen I'm old and out of touch
Wtf does proship mean?
I thought it was Like
Pro shipping?
I like shipping the characters. That's being pro shipping.. yeah?
But I just read something
Where someone said 'proshippers dni' and then listed their ships...
So are you proshipping or not my dude?
Someone help me understand.
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I hope you are doing well out there. The world just can't stop with being disruptive and insane.
Dunno who you are anon, dunno what this is in reference to, but I'm doing well (or as well as a college student can with finals). And the world can be mean, so that's why I keep doing me. That way I can enjoy things with those who stick around cause they share my brand of insanity.
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In terms of crackships, here is one: Uzi x Alice
Hear me out, this is a recipe for hilarious disaster.
Episode 6, but when Alice goes to experiment on Uzi, taunting her, Uzi in a magnet induced haze ends up really turned on by the situation. Alice is unhinged enough to go "fuck it". Literally.
Their relationship is extremely kinky and unconventional, and in the midst of it, it turns romantic in a way that makes sense for them. And by that I mean you'd have two feral gremlins who will crawl across the ceiling to airdrop the other with cuddles, or bringing corpses to each other as a snack.
Absolutely everyone around them is terrified when they are in the same room.
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What's your thoughts on the 'true' form of Tessa/Cyn? (Flesha/Skyn)
Lil sad the Tessa in ep 6 wasn't the real Tessa, cause she's funny as fuck. But it's pretty badass and creepy as hell design wise. Other than that it's just The Solver of the Absolute Fabric being the same as always. I'm more interested in learning more about when this happened and how.
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Jax and Zooble hate fuck absolute nasty, often one of them will end up dying and respawning.
That is all.
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Honestly the whole proship vs antiship stuff is stupid and chronically online, it ruins critical thinking on a subject that requires nuance, and makes fandom culture a lot more toxic than it used to be. People need to stop thinking in black and white and should- *proceeds to describe the proship stance in detail*
hot take but I think that *Something that proshippers have been saying since the start of this whole thing*
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Just saying, maybe it was a good idea that Nori wasn't in a Worker Drone body, lest the rest of Episode 7 would have just been make-out sessions between Uzi and Nori
They had to nerf Nori into just a core so that Norzi wouldn't end up derailing the story's pacing. It's okay though, because now they can save it for the epilogue, which will just be Nori and Uzi making out for 5 minutes straight.
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While I personally have no interest in joining warrior cat MAPS (multi animator projects) as of late, sometimes I see a MAP call and take a peak at the info to look at the designs or scripts just from curiosity. And a trend I noticed lately is hosts putting in the rules "DNI if you're a pedo/zoo/proship. If I find out you're any of these, you'll be kicked." (Gotta love how antis always put proship in the same category as paraphilia)
Like damn bro, heaven forbid someone signs up to provide free art for your project, pouring days to months into an animation with no guarantee that you'll even complete the project, but they had the audacity to have the opinion that people can mash their imaginary blorbos together in any way they like.
I miss the days when Warrior MAPs were just people applying in the comment section, only to fuck off for 3 months, then dump a link to the finished product in the comments of the map call. No one knew anything about each other, no audience watching animators work like an exhibit, just strangers exchanging art to exercise and share their talent, rather than being reduced to a tool for someone else's ambition.
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male disassembly/worker Drone J x worker drone turned Tessa?
Stewed on this one for a bit, especially being busy lately. I don't really have a solid au concept, so have some scattered thoughts/headcanons instead.
- J knows that Absolute Solver has found some way to preserve Tessa's consciousness. AS knows that J is aware of this, so they have blackmailed him into following their orders, if he wants to see Tessa again.
- AS is defeated and J manages to recover the files containing Tessa's code. A worker drone husk that's not yet been activated is used to upload the program.
- Turns out, there was a bit of a memory leak when AS tried to seal away Tessa. So Tessa is vaguely conscious and aware of the things that happened after Cyn took her body and uploaded her mind into a digital format.
- Most importantly, she remembers all that J did to get her back. And wow, being a worker drone has made her so much shorter, and now J towers over her.
- She's not used this mechanical body, but thankfully J is very thorough in helping her adjust. And as tech savy as she was, he still finds ways to take her by surprise as he shows her just what their bodies are capable of.
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Oh gosh, I love your long explanations/headcanons in regards to ships. Theres a certain level of intrigue and fun about them. What would a Teacher x Khan relationship look like if Khan forced himself to be the Teacher's personal bicycle in order to keep Uzi in school.
Let's see what I can do for this one.
cw: sexual exploitation obviously
It's parent-teach conference night, and Khan has made the decision to actually attend this year instead of taking his usual shift watching the door. He really upset Uzi last week, and he wasn't sure where he went wrong, aside from leaving her for dead. So he wanted to start making it up to her.
First things first, after missing school for a week, he'd attend the conference to figure out what he could do to support her in getting caught up. How was he to know that Uzi wasn't making any friends, and was failing all her classes? Has she been in detention this whole time? He thought she was just hanging out with others after school...
And to imply that his daughter was damaged in her code!?
"How is she like at home?"
She- when was the last time he actually talked with Uzi? The blank his mind drew made his chest ache.
Though, apparently it wasn't going to matter, after enough incidents, enough school missed, and most of all, letting those murder drones into the colony, Uzi's report file was finally large enough to get her expelled from school.
Khan was freaking out. It's not like there's a different school in this colony his daughter could attend. If she was expelled, she'd essentially be forced into being a high school dropout. He didn't want that future for her. He was so focused on keeping the colony safe with his doors, he didn't care about what his daughter wanted. The least he could do is make sure she had the chance to choose the life she wanted. She can't do that without finishing her education.
There had to be something he could to to change the teacher's mind.
So an olive branch was given. Khan was told to come back at the end of the day.
It got a bit complicated as Uzi returned from her self grounding with one of the murder drones, and the place was being wrecked by some monster as people began disappearing left and right. But eventually he was able to reschedule a time to meet with the teacher.
And he was told to strip.
The teacher lamented how he was hardly paid enough to make this job worth it, his ex wife divorced him years ago and he hasn't had time to date since, and while the trope was usually it would be a student offering sexual favors to keep their grade up, he isn't exactly keen on the idea of being pleasured by someone his daughter's age. A desperate parent however...
And so a deal was made. The teacher got to ride Khan every night, and the expulsion case on Uzi would never be presented. Additionally, fulfill his fantasies without complaint, and the teacher would make it his personal interest to boost Uzi's grade, and turn a side eye to any future antics.
Whenever the teacher's place was empty, Khan would force himself to visit each night. And when it was the teacher's turn to have custody over his daughter Lizzy, he'd go over to Khan's. Khan made sure Uzi was none the wiser, always pressing his head to her bedroom door first to check if she was blasting her "nightcore" music, before inviting the teacher in.
The teacher always has Khan doing thing he never even considered in a sexual context, let alone was comfortable with. But he bit his tongue and never complained. After all, Uzi looked so happy when she told him how their teacher was going to take their class on a field trip to Camp 98.7 when she requested it. He just had to tell himself that made all of this worth it.
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