#ostara playlist
spotfiy · 2 months
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TS x Ostara by @spotfiy 
springtime taylor songs that remind me of Ostara
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Previous Prompts
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Holiday Prompt
Witchy Vibes Playlist
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sherlockig · 6 months
RULES: put 5/10 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 people. I have been tagged by @izzystinyhands and @glam-hutchence
So here we go - 10 songs from my latest playlist. You all can tell that i have no music taste because its all over the place. the most important thing is that its good. music genres can not contain this bitch 💕💕
Heart of gold - Johnny Cash
2. A drug from god - Chris Lake, Grimes and NPC
3. Truganini - Midnight Oil
4. What do you want from me? - Monaco
5. This boots are made for walkin' - Nancy Sinatra
6. We dont need another hero - Ghost
7. Vois Sur Ton Chemin - BENNET
8. Bavaria - OSTARA
9. The different story - Peter Schilling
10. The days of Pearly Spencer - Marc Almond
I tag: @gentlebeard @blakbonnet @darkinerry @youshouldseemeinadeerstalker @hummingbee-o0o @dickfuckk @bizarrelittlemew @nandorisms @eye-scream-girls @lacefuneral and everyone who want to do it ofc <3
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courtleymanor · 1 year
Celtic Woman - Tír na nÓg ft. Oonagh
From the shores through the ancient mist You bear the mark of my elven kiss Clear the way, I will take you home To eternal bliss
from my youtube playlist Ostara (Spring Equinox)
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thefairylights · 1 year
Since tomorrow is Spring Equinox and also Ostara (pagan holiday for said spring equinox) I just wanted to share my two witch playlists. I can describe them as sexy dark gothic pop dance around fires and cast some spells tunes.
you say witch like it’s a bad thing.
from the pricking of my thumb.
Any way. Blessed Ostara! Here’s to spring and better weather and less sad sad’s. :) 🌻
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thehumanexperience8b · 2 months
March 19th, 2024: Happy Ostara, Hello Spring!
Hello lovely!! Today is the first day of Spring and the official equinox time is right now, 3/19/24 11p.m. (EST). It’s the official start of Spring so if you celebrate Ostara you better start tomorrow if you haven’t now! I was productive today, I was so excited to come home from school and have fun with some Spring festivities. Of course, if you don’t celebrate Ostara, you can still welcome the coming of Spring, as most people (especially on the east side where it’s always unpredictable weather), are excited to hear that today is the first day of the new season. Now that spring is here, the plants will grow again, we will get lots of fresh fruits, and the weather will become warm and breezy. Ostara is a simple celebration of the rebirth of the Earth, new starts, and fertility. This is what I have in my grimoire for a few ways to celebrate Ostara: 
Plan new projects
Plant seeds (if it’s not still freezing like in New England!)
Do some Spring cleaning
Do some plant identifying
Spend time outside
Feed the birds
Meditate outside
Decorate with plants, leaves, and flowers
Divination (won’t go into to much detail but you can do sabbat specific divination)
Create a sabbat altar (or a decorative spring piece). I’ll show you a picture of mine tomorrow!
Color eggs
Dance and listen to music (you can find Ostara playlists on YouTube)
Generally symbols of Spring will be eggs, rabbits, flowers, or the sun. Would you like to know the story of the Easter bunny? The story goes, the goddess Eostre (controversial, look it up) finds an injured bird, so she turns it into a hare to save its life. But now the bunny lays eggs! The eggs are used as an offering of appreciation to the goddess. And that’s the magickal connection between bunnies and eggs! 
Today I did egg coloring outside; the colors associated with different meanings, and I fed the birds (I only do on special occasions), I also raked the yard and piled the leaves on some flowers to keep them warm. So I spent a nice amount of time outside. My mom made corned beef hash with eggs so I got to use my dyed eggs. I picked two black ones, which are to help me advance my magickal practices. Remember to crush up the egg shells so you can use it as fertilizer! I also did some decorating and I made my altar, which is a small shelf, that I will show you tomorrow. I did a little bit more painting but it’s not finished yet, luckily I still have tomorrow! I also experimented with pagan Ostara songs and chants, my favorites so far being Celtic Woman’s The Sky and The Dawn and The Sun, and Tjarda’s Ostara’s Golden Sky. I love these women’s voices, and the violins!
Overall everyone should celebrate the coming of Spring! It’s a fun holiday everyone can get behind, and doesn’t have to have any religious significance at all. I was celebrating on my own as I only have my family and my mama is the only one that entertains my ideas! But someday I wish I can find my people and I could celebrate with someone together. Have a happy Spring! I’m excited for this year!
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squishhy-wyrm-witch · 2 months
2 Pages of my Book of Shadows: Self Love Spell Fail
Long post! woah. Okay I created this spell myself, I've tried it once and I just... wasn't feeling it. I wanted to post it and give myself an opportunity to learn from it, get the motivation to try again. Not everything goes perfectly, and sometimes the vibes are just off. I plan on trying again for Ostara, with a clearer head.
2/16/2024 Self Love Enchantment Spell
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2 different pen colors (one for love, one for hate)
2 paper
Rose water
Thing to Enchant (I chose lotion, a hair clip, and perfume)
Rose Quartz
Orange Crystal
Clear Quartz
Black Crystal
Right off the bat, I improvised with the clear quartz, black crystal, and selenite. They're not in the original, they're something I added in the moment. Although there's nothing wrong with occasional improvisation, my intention with those wasn't thought through, so it was hard to focus on what they were supposed to do. Also, I originally wanted to wear headphones to listen to music. I decided not to because I thought the spell wouldn't charge properly. The noise from around my house was extremely distracting and made it difficult to concentrate on my intentions. Not only that, but I also did not cleanse my brand new crystals that I had gotten. That's not all! I like to curate playlists for these kinds of things. I have a study playlist, a relaxing playlist, and a calming playlist. They did not fit this particular vibe, so I figured I would just let the algorithm on YouTube Music guide me. this did not help.
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Using the first color pen and paper, write down things you hate or dislike about yourself. Then using the second color and second paper, write down things you love or like about yourself.
Take the hatred paper. Hold it, put all your hatred inside it. Allow your pain to flow into it. Now rip it up. Destroy it. It's not gone, but it has no power over you.
Gather the pieces into your hands. Focus on these words;
"I am more than this. I am greater than my pain. I am worthy of happiness. I am worthy of love. I am worthy of peace. I am worthy of joy. I am worthy of the time and patience it will take to move forward. I am enough as I am."
Now throw those pieces away.
I think I should a) get rid of the hatred portion of this entirely, b) do some kind of cleansing after throwing away the hatred or c) do something that puts more emphasis on the love portion of this spell. Come up with another affirmation chant. This was the part I focused on heavily, I couldn't move past the negative mindset.
Fold up the second paper, preferably on the smaller side. Write the rune Raidho on it. Raidho is symbolic of the journey to self-love. We're seeking progress, not perfection.
Place the crystals around your enchantment items. Using rosewater, connect them in a circle (I DID NOT GET THE CRYSTALS WET, it was just a connect the dots kind of thing in a circle). Place the folded love paper inside the circle.
Listen to positive music. Dance, sing, whatever. Visualize charging your spell with the joy and love that comes from just being in the moment.
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Anddddd the vibes weren't all there. Here's my reflection after my attempt:
2/22/2024 Failed Attempt at Self Love Spell
I don't know, the vibes were just off. Like I wasn't in the right head space for it. I felt this weight keeping me to the ground. My arms and legs felt sore. Once I realized it wasn't working I just felt defeated. It was really discouraging.
Maybe it's because I'm sad. Like I've been thinking I'm going to cry for days now. I keep telling myself "okay if I have to cry that badly it'll just happen" but it doesn't. I want to try again. maybe instead of dancing I can charge the spell with affirmations. Maybe I take a breath on it? Work on something else?
I did in fact, take a beat. That's the purple italicized font. Somethings that I've noticed is that I have been exhausted ever since I tried this spell. I am completely restless. Normally I'd be able to just knock out after a day or two of not sleeping well. I am now on day 5 of some rank ass sleep. It's most likely because it's getting warmer and I cannot sleep in a room over 65 degrees. Mundane or magic? Probably mundane, but it's something to note.
I wanted to post a "fail" because I really want to contribute to breaking down my personal obsession with perfection. It's totally normal to get discouraged, shit if I said it wasn't I'd be a hypocrite. But in the end, this isn't really a fail. As cheesy as it is to say, I learned some things. Thank the gods I found a post on safely cleansing crystals.
That's all! Take care! <3
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ouidamforeman · 3 months
Tag Game!
Rules: have fun with the questions and tag 5 people to pass it on
thx to @6-and-7 for tagging me!
Three songs you've been listening to a lot lately?
Germayne (Like a Cathedral) by the Cleaners from Venus
Tam Lin (Child 39) by Anais Mitchell
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood by the Animals
bonus I keep putting on Crown of Creation by Jefferson Airplane to figure out which of my playlists to add it to
A food you've been enjoying lately?
im excited to eat the white cake with vanilla buttercream and fresh strawberries i bought myself for Ostara
What's a book you'd recommend at the moment, and why?
Read Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer! It's very kind and intelligent and enriching so far. Also I am working through All Good Things: A Treasury of Images to Uplift the Spirit and Reawaken Wonder by Stephen Ellcock, which is part of my collection of strange and interesting picture books. I think anyone could get something out of a book like this, just looking at the pictures and their sources. I've been reading The Complete Book of Erotic Art by Drs. Phyllis and Eberhard Kronhausen as well, which I found in a university thrift store and have been enjoying and thinking about a lot, especially the sections on censorship and freedom and how interesting hearing perspectives from the 70s sexual revolution is while we're having our own modern censorship crisis lol
Also all of my followers read the Good Omens novel if u haven't yet have u read the Good Omens novel it's my favorite book :)
What's a hobby that you really enjoy, that you don't talk about much?
I've been learning embroidery lately and am really enjoying it! I also make jewelry (mostly earrings) quite often. Working with little trinkets has been one of my favorite things for a long time. A non creative non fandom hobby I'm also really passionate about is collecting vintage illustrations and prints, and strange picture books!
Have you seen a really good movie or tv show lately?
I watched the new Percy Jackson and the Olympians show with my mom and I liked it a lot! We read the books to each other with my brother when I was a kid :)
What's a podcast that you think everyone should listen to?
I literally don't listen to podcasts lol
But I have been enjoying Mythillogical on YouTube which I just realized is actually a podcast lol
What book/movie/show have you always wanted to finish, but haven't been able to yet?
I need to finish the Eighth Doctor Adventures books. I only have 9 left ouggggg
What book/movie/show/podcast are you looking forward to reading/watching/listening to soon?
Not one thing in particular but my friend and I have a list of old horror movies I'm excited to work through with them. So far we've watched 2 Hammer ones lol
I tag my friends @moveslikebucky and @fenrislorsrai :)
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pieandhotdogs · 1 year
What have been some of your favorite and least favorite tumblr pagan trends?
I would urge anyone reading this response to remember not to invest in any negative feelings they may have about a stranger on the internet, and also remember that I’m absolutely correct in my opinions:
Favorite Trends
Deity mood boards, when done well
That month back in 2014 when we were all making 8tracks playlists
I’m always a fan of reminders that people should get to know the Spirit(s) of the land on which they live
Least Favorite Trends
Godspouses and Godphones should be a given
The incessant bandwagoning
People blaming all their faults on astrology (and not even doing that well)
Curse-shaming is boring but the inverse is often just embarrassing
I’m actually pretty neutral toward geomancy but someone got mad once when I said I didn’t like it, so it’s going on the list. It’s definitely not any better or worse than any other divination method in my honest opinion.
Baby witches
Thirty-something year olds who style themselves “Mama [Name]”
[Adjective] Witches
The obsession with oaths and oath breakers
The idea that hard polytheism is the superior theological perspective
The idea that magic cannot accomplish substantial and even physical results; conversely, the idea that magic used for self-improvement and empowerment is useless. Both of these viewpoints annoy me
Holding the gods “accountable for their crimes”
People who look down at practitioners who try to use a scientific methodology when working magic
People who look down at mental/psychic models of magic
Christmas = Yule, Easter = Ostara, every single year
Honestly I don’t really care for the Wicca/Neo-Wicca distinction these days. Maybe I’m just mellowing out, but there’s only been a few times where I thought it was actually useful.
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cavorta · 2 years
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My witchy/ pagan playlists on YouTube
I have created several playlist for witchy and pagan topics on Youtube, with chants, pagan music, ambience and more.
Enjoy the playlists if you like and feel free to share them. I have listed them according to their topics, here is an overview. The Wheel of the Year These playlists are all about pagan music specifically about the wheel of the year celebrations:
Imbolc and Ostara https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL6gWQ7bb46xLnmiDnKX5vG4
Beltane/Beltaine/Walpurgisnacht https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL5HH2DrVuTmoKqv6teiPADJ
Summer Solstice https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL7g_eBS0pPzlTJEmU1wD0IC
Lammas/Lughnasadh https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL6UYvPDqr00i24GzSRw9EX9
Autumn Equinox (Mabon) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL40-bggEYcHyFlEwD32gT8Z
Samhain https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL6bCrzqfryfi-UqfoPKcVLX
Winter Solstice https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL6R0e7_26XgNF6WWxZzJsuM
Witchcraft Witchcraft Chants https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL4xMDa9pvpFTEmINJTQLcz4
Chants about the Elements https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL5UWMThhSCi6U_wj2V2OSb6
Witchcraft and Magic(k) Ambience https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL6ckf3Gmiwn37KV-QbFALKX
Songs for Joy/Happiness/Luck Spells https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL4LYe3U1r0gXOWBLVT4P8h5
Songs for Love Spells https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL4PkAO95h2tSnF8PbOM1C7Q
Guided Meditations I have created these myself. In some cases, I was allowed to use the texts of other authors. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL7U2g0imOZSR2DMyJhAJmge
Guided Meditations Of Others That I Recommend https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL6tBGd6E9iZy9c4eL0dlAgf
The Seasons Spring and Summer Ambience https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL4rkeuEWbwBRIoUYLLfWGR0
Autumn/Fall Ambience https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL7pLGSKfJaQvBb_i7ij4YHj
Samhain & Halloween Ambience https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL7tDt0x53QwnMm3KYnLgEst
Winter Ambience https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL7ZUy8BJnw0Mu9zHLNrkrYy
Pagan Deities
Songs about Pagan Deities https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL5oVGShS1G03hROZJEniXZ4
Ambience for Pagan Deities https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL7cc68tNUZJPv2d63hTdAji
And some more …
Pagan Playlist for Dancing https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL4qu7Iwq8JjC86hYoJ9kIb-
Ambience for Relaxation, Study, Concentration, Meditation... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL5mqn62LpjU20wb6MEfS0YD
Songs about Peace https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL7m6IiDvybFFo0nTkduCrM2
Relaxing nature videos (no music) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL6AEGtUCpkc3Xlb3SRFt9JS
Relaxation and Meditation Music https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL4UgCoeD1phVCasl36Saiti
Drum Music for Shamanic Journeys and Hedge Riding https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQFvs1GKllL5E2Hc15XcGhLgyTEwr7USB
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tears-of-amber · 1 year
I’m busy making playlists for all the Neo-Pagan holidays and DAMN there is a lot of cool music out there, I’m just having a hard time with holidays like Ostara. Cause not a lot of songs are about… well…. Bunnies and a goddess we know pretty much nothing about 😳
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Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌💜
Thank you! 😊
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peachesnabsinthe · 1 year
well that escalated quickly 🌿💨✨🌈 here's some jammers from my randomized spotify playlist from last night. I did chores yesterday so I didn't have to do shit today 🥳🍓 I've been SO STRESSED OUT the past couple of weeks on top of just being sick all the time (⁠๑⁠•⁠﹏⁠•⁠) especially with work right now. I could write a whole goddamn novel about what I've been dealing with for close to a year now. Anyways, spring/Ostara is almost here and I NEED it 🌼🌱🌸💧
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princessjinx · 2 years
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courtleymanor · 8 months
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thewitchnurse · 5 years
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girl, put your records on - an ostara/spring equinox playlist for letting your hair down and shaking those winter blues - listen. 
put your records on / corinne bailey rae // rabbit heart (raise it up) / florence + the machine // australia / the shins // sunflower (feat. steve lacy) / vampire weekend // flowers in your hair / the lumineers // stay gold / first aid kit // chateau / angus & julia stone // persephone / yumi zouma // here comes the sun / the beatles & more.
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