#originally was supposed to be a silly comic
greenbetula · 10 months
noooooo kazui don't eat the bird :(
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have a pomegranate instead 👍
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improvapocalyps · 2 months
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You have 90 minutes to complete. (original poem: r.a.)
In participation of the MCYT Recursive Exchange 2024 hosted by @mcytrecursive!
Inspired by know that all my love will be your breath (i will save you when your lights go out)
[text under cut]
1. Have you ever been in love? (Please circle your answer.) a. It's me and him b. Our hearts beat in sync c. Our lives intertwined
2. Do you understand what you’ve done? (Please circle your answer.) a. I couldn't do anything b. I lost my balance c. I doomed us both
3. It's been god knows how long since you felt phantom hands on your neck and there is no one in sight. If you were soul-bound to him and both of you died at the same time then why are you still waiting in the void? Please answer clearly, in full sentences. (Not a correct answer:I just wanted to see him one more time).
4. Define two (2): Fate | The feeling of his forehead against yours Curse | The moment you realise he isn't linked to you anymore
5. True or False: i. It was your fault. ii. You wish you had met him under different circumstances. iii. You can’t regret a single moment that you had him. iv. You would do it all over again if you could. v. It ended long before either of you said anything.
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sketch cover thing for imgur link:
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grendel-menz · 1 year
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My rpg funny guy got unfunnied swiftly and terribly
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luthwhore · 11 months
sometimes i think about the smallville season eleven comic series and i deeply wish it had spent more time focused on the actual main characters of the series and less time doing random stories establishing what other DC characters were doing in the smallville verse, both because i feel like it introduced too much too soon in a way that felt very strange for a comic that was supposed to be working with year one of superman being in metropolis and also because, if i’m being honest, i don’t think i could tell you a damn thing about what clark did in that comic outside of the ONE arc where he actually got to interact with lex.
i have some gripes with bqm’s characterization of lex, but for the most part, lex’s story was the most interesting part of the comic (which i guess is faithful to the experience of watching the show), and i did like the comic actually addressing lex’s shit mental health and self-destructive tendencies. probably the best thing about the comic was, god help me, lex’s relationship with otis, a character who in every other iteration of him appearing is always just treated as a joke.
frankly part of me always wants to recommend the s11 comic because i want to talk about lex’s relationship with otis, but i can’t in good conscience recommend them to most smallville fans bc 75% of the comic is dedicated to like, green lantern lore or batman or fucking booster gold, to the point where i really have to wonder who the smallville comics were even meant for, bc they certainly weren’t meant for smallville fans.
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i wrote the entirety of weekend at belos’s in size 13 comic sans
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gjdraws · 2 years
I wanna hear more of the two jonnies thing
Hello! The Two Johnnies (AKA the Mummy thing) previously expanded here
It's basically a Mummy AU where it's:
Daniel LaRusso being Evie except he's the one that joined the foreign legion to see the world (and mummies bc he actually wanted to study archeology and cultures)
Johnny Lawrence being the lunkhead that gets into fights and is sent to Egypt to cool his heels, courtesy Sid. Dutch accompanies him because perhaps the reason Johnny even got into trouble was Dutch? Who knows.
Also everybody did sort of have bullying re: TKK but without the tournament. So Daniel dealt by joining the foreign legion to travel, Johnny dealt by becoming more surly/inward introspection gone bad. Basically CK Johnny. Idk man it's all hazy for me
And then you have fitey Johnny+Dutch meet Daniel again (Dutch meets Daniel in a bar, gets his ass handed to him bc Daniel did go learn karate apparently). So he steals Daniel's artefact bc he's a petty bitch.
Idk man they sort of agree to find treasure together because Daniel's the only one who knows where Hamunaptra is. Why do Johnny and Dutch want to go - well if you found out about a city of the dead wouldn't you want to go? Plus treasure frees Johnny (and Laura) from Sid. So they go. The Americans are Mike Barnes, Snake & co. lmao.
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And Freddy Fernandez is Benny (i know i know but he ditched Daniel p quick after he lost a fight just saying). So basically Johnny's like LaRusso you're the brains, get us out of this because all I can do is punch stuff and that hasn't helped us much.
Whike simultaneously Silver is like I will be taking your Johnny to resurrect my Johnny. I would also like to point out Kreese covered in gold paint head to toe, let Terry have pretty things okay.
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Plus Chozen is Ardeth Bay bc I love Daniel and Chozen together. Also imagine Dutch and Chozen would get along like a house on fire eventually.
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Unfortunately my rental timed out and I never continued this. Now you know ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 1 year
Explain the lore of a random animation
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Yes, I can do that right away, thank you.
I don't know if this is for anything in particular, but I'll start off with Dragon's Lair and if there's something else you want me to talk about like Space Ace, those scrapped games, or something else, go ahead 👍👍
(I'm so sorry for how long this is. And also this is just tying canon together with headcanon, so take it as you will)
Alright, before we begin, let's establish something. Even though he comes off as a very underrated character in the franchise, the games and its spin off material seems to do its best to establish the character of Mordroc (not to mention getting a lot more of a canon description and backstory than Dirk, Daphne, and Singe). It's mostly established through canon material that he is the main villain, as Singe and the other goons are just souls he owns (or the dark kingdom residents). Most of the levels and villains support this motive that he's just building up his power and kingdom.
Another thing established through the games is that the castle is likely very infamous, and it's often implied (more so little details and once in the comics) that knights have been set out before Dirk. So then why do you not see bones and armor of past knights littering every once of the castle? There's 3 explanations for this.
1. You do actually see knights, one being the Black Knight(Phantom Knight?) and the invisible armored figure in the floor-tile level. Despite his ghostly implication, the Phantom Knight has a lot of once-human qualities; like his figure, his voice, and still having a horse. You can easily assume because of this, that these were once knights for the actual kingdom on the other side of the land.
2. In the lava level, you are introduced to the Lava/Mud-Men, who are fairly strange creatures- but don't seem to actually be aggressive towards Dirk at all. While they do cause and appear in deaths, their intent is not to cause them. In the first and most prominent death they're seen in, they work together to push Dirk into a geyser full of mud. As soon as they emerge from it, you can see all 4 smile, with brand-new one frowning in the middle that so happens to be wearing Dirk's helmet (Aka they were once people). In the second death, Dirk falls into a tide and is pulled to the edge of the river. From the side, you can see the mud-men gather and watch him as he goes down in a concerned manner.
And finally 3. Apparently it's cannon that if you get cut, stabbed, slashed, or electrocuted in the DL universe, you have a 90% chance of blipping from existence. It's fully established with enemies, but you do see it happen to Dirk a couple times in his deaths- so it's just an overall thing instead of just working on the enemies.
So yeah, the Lair itself has this function and motive behind it. You can probably assume the majority of the characters were caught and forced to reproduce in the dungeon (Giddygoons), were once people (Knight characters, and Mud-Med), or was brought as an egg and raised (Lizard King, and probably Singe)-as a ploy to build up the support of the 'dark kingdom' and its riches.
Anyways, let's talk about the other half of the story before I forget. From across the land, the real kingdom resides. From a distance their rulers bare no prominent issues. However, on the inside, the castle and its staff 'suffers' because of the princess not putting enough heart into her land. Princess Daphne is a unique individual, often stepping out of the boundaries expected for a young lady at the time (also showing more than what would be allowed in a dress + wearing heels before women were allowed to). Her mother, despite being past a point of having an adult child, resents this behavior and always looks out to correct it. However, from Daphne's perspective, she was raised to do something she never had a passion or attention span for, and often fancied herself for the lives outside of royalty. She was corrected constantly no matter what, and often scolded by her piers with the phrase 'A good princess is seen and not heard'.
Eventually, Mordroc's dark castle eventually caused a major issue for the kingdom's people, and a neighboring kingdom generously transferred one of their best knights to subdue the issue. Dirk, or 'Dirk the Daring' was born in raised in a far-off and small village by his two parents on their farm. His parents were not that well off despite the farm, but were very humble with what they had nonetheless. When Dirk was very young, his family's previous home was taken down to some freak accident with him in the middle of it. Because of this, the parents found that he was suffering from Noise/Damage-Induced Hearing loss. As the boy had no outward sources to recover at the time, he began to lose his motive, voice, and personality. After seeing this decline, his parents invested almost every last penny with physical trainers, signing classes, and medics to restore the boy to his former glory. This paid off well down the line, as Dirk was able to enhance his natural instinct, skills, and graduated quickly from squire to local knight because of it. Through his pay through quests and journeys, he funded it all back to his parents and moved on from any kingdom that needed his assistance.
Once the transfer came through, Daphne's overall confidence was gained back again as she finally had someone to talk to without being scolded or told to act feminine. It wasn't a love at first sight thing, but rather two friends who supported each other well and didn't mind if the other had something to vent or talk about. The kingdom suspected something before they did, as there would be a point where you couldn't see one without the other tagging along. Sooner or later, the friendship broke-and was kept in private due to how they expected others to react to two different classes coming together.
The Queen eventually found out about it and embarrassingly announced it to her people to throw shame towards it. Because of this, the Queen did everything in her power to split the two up. Despite scheduling multiple useless meetings and suitor dates appointments for Daphne, and threatening and isolating Dirk- even to the point of greatly lessening his pay-nothing seemed to prevail. Even as she grew even more desperate, she frequently sent Dirk out on su1c1de missions-becoming the more impatient as he finished each one- unscathed.
The desperation grew outside of her morals, as she feared nothing more than her bloodline not carrying through the kingdom- or having to suffer a 'peasant' being a prince. At once, she called for a meeting in private with Mordroc, who was infamously known amongst the kingdom. The Queen made a deal he couldn't refuse, as she requested for him to separate Dirk and Daphne to allow for kingdoms and suitors to throw their hat in the ring of claiming and marrying daphne. For his reward, Modroc was offered to be announced 'redeemed' amongst the kingdom-and offered a place as the royal mange (Local Mange-Mordroc is seen/supported in some scrapped spinoff material). Mordroc agreed, with intention of either a. corrupting the castle from the inside and claiming the entire land or b. having the plan backfire a little and either have a disfigured princess and/or knight(s) to add to his kingdom's collection (as interpreted by the fact that writers don't seem sure if Mordroc and Singe are in it for catching Daphne or Dirk-and can't seem to make up their minds) (Also a handful of the deaths show Dirk getting captured, so it could be a double motive thing-as supported by the Phantom Knight paragraph)
Taking it way too far, Mordroc sent out his biggest Drake Dragon to retrieve Daphne, allowing for one of his goons to announce to neighboring villages and kingdoms to send their best to save her. While waiting for Daphne's safe return, the Queen ordered her men to blindly do what they can to subdue Dirk from going out to have her. Eventually, the kingdoms lost a good amount of men trying, which began to worry the Queen of her daughter's safety. Her desperation overcame her and she sent out the majority of her men- having none of them come back. Unintentionally, she got rid of what was keeping Dirk out of the way, so he immediately went out to save his princess.
After barley succeeding- Dirk was able to slay the Drake and save Daphne. She eventually caught on to what went on, and denounced her role as princess because of how twisted and uncaring her royal family has shown to be thus far. Dirk purposed at some point during this period of transfer, and they agreed to live in his hut and live off of what pure vigilantism would bring. While this did have a steady decline in pay compared to what they had before, they eventually made little successes as the years passed by; having only a few kids of their own, but becoming a safe and open home to adopt children with unsafe, abusive, neglectful, or non-supporting households. (Aka, why they didn't age much between 1 & 2, and why Daphne's body isn't hormonally wrecked from having 10+ kids)
The fact that they were building up a family of their own with no apparent regrets leaving the kingdom upset the Queen greatly. She became desperate once more, asking Mordroc to help once more with no further elaboration. After being upset from the last 'deal' not paying off at all and costing him most of his goons, Mordroc took it his own way and decided to split the two by marrying Daphne for himself. When they were least expecting it (likely when Dirk was out of uniform), he took Daphne and disappeared with her across time. Mordroc placed the beginning of a banshee spell on her, which is further inflicted on the subject by mourning what is lost (aka why he rips her from her time to one where Dirk and their kids aren't alive) and the placement of a sacred wedding ring (you may recall that this also supports the habit of Mordroc mutating and disfiguring all of his subjects)
The Queen being behind this is also supported by a couple things in the first scene of DL2
If it just happened, why did she hear about it. It's the 1400's. Are we really going to pretend like doves are that fast?
Also if she did hear about it, it would likely be from Dirk asking her to take care of the kids. She literally neglects the kids for the majority of her screen time, and just focuses on killing the one guy who can save her daughter.
Without an ounce of explanation, she targets Dirk for staying back and not leaving an unstable hut full of children (in the middle of a dark forest) who just lost their mom. The game and attraction show that her intention isn't to help him or get him out-but she literally breaks into their home to traumatize a bunch of kids by trampling their house-their dinner- and yelling at and murdering their father right in front of them. This could just be a ploy to just get rid of him while Mordroc is executing the other half of the plan (Okay-you can also say that the majority of the villains are voiced by the same guy also as evidence, but that also extends out to the time machine so... eh? 🤷)
(Uh-yeah. The little DL lore 'expert' here; I have no idea how to explain why Mordroc's mother gave birth to a time machine, or even how a time machine gave birth to Mordroc. There's literally nothing that alludes to the time machine being once-human. Honestly I don't think he was supposed to talk originally-but then they just had to explain partially why a wizard and a guy from the 1400's can time travel. No other material seems to talk about the time machine brother. Dirk just acts like he doesn't hear it- and maybe I don't either because its literal existence makes no lick of sense)
Mmmmm. I don't know how to end this honestly because there's two endings to DL 2. One is the normal one where Dirk breaks the curse and places it on Mordroc; instantly turning him into an indistinguishable mass having to be put out of his misery. But in the directors cut I have no Idea what happens because Daphne's curse only goes as far as knocking her out and turning her purple once- and then Mordroc just screams as the ring is flung onto him. I don't know if 'Director's Cut' is the director setting the bar to how far Mordroc would go or not, but overall the first ending doesn't seem out of place or character at all. The full release even calls that ending 'Full Mordroc'-but I still have no clue what that means because it literally lessens his pay-off and motive. Maybe they didn't want him to die in the end to open for a #3-idk.
Anyways, that's about it.
Thank you so much for asking that was fun to write!!!!
Anyways, hope that was alright.
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aeb-art · 2 months
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ejoym · 2 months
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A very silly comic that was supposed to just be a little sketch but then I hyperfixated and made it a whole thing, so here we are. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Seriously though, I love DU Drow made by @meanbossart ! All of the original art and fanart of him is amazing. His lore inspired me to dig deeper into my own Durge's backstory. I think this fandom could easily make its own multiverse starring him at this point! Anyways, hopefully this isn't too self-indulgent. Thanks for reading!!
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cathchicken · 2 years
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Happy late Halloween!!
My gift to you all is a little Collector redesign I made :3 this design wasn’t created to be “better” than the current collector, just to be my own silly spin on it. I am a sucker for sharp shapes
Originally the colors were more cool but after messing with warmer colors I decided I like them better. That won’t stop me from using cooler palettes in the future though!!
Anyways, I gotta get back on track for my comic I suppose. Have a nice day!!
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boyfridged · 1 year
i wish that 1. it was more of common knowledge that jason’s death marks a huge shift in tone of gotham-centric stories 2. dc also capitalised on this meta in their storytelling.
i want to see flashbacks that imitate the cheesy and sweet style of silver age nostalgia (one that we know from barr’s detective comics run for example). jay should have the iconic original robin costume (i don’t care that it’s silly, it’s supposed to be silly), and he should be cracking up jokes that made sense only in the 80s. and there should be scenes of him and batman (batman who used to smile at him openly) investigating in daylight.
cut to panels of dark, gritty gotham that have dominated contemporary stories. military boots in place of the pixie ones. blood on jason’s hands.
the contrast.
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Map of Soho Good Omens Season 2 - Part 1 (Location and general map)
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Update: Map now identifies Lucky Snake and the coffee shop listed in Aziraphale's clipboard may indeed be Give Me Coffee I think we all have wondered how the GO Soho looks like and where it would be in real London. So using all the screenshots, BTS pictures and videos I could find I did my best to map out where things are. It is not to scale but everything I could see is there. I originally had all the pictures and explanations in this post but soon it became obvious it was going to be too long and impractical so I had to split it in different posts and I hope I got it right. The map has five reference points (circle with two diverging lines); imagine the circle is you, standing in the set, and the lines are your viewpoint if you were taking a picture from there. The left side of Whickber Street (#1 and #2) is in Part 2, the intersecting street (#3 and #4) is in Part 3 and the right half of Whickber Street (#5) is in Part 4.
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As to where the bookshop would be in real London. We know that Whickber Street is supposed to be Berwick Street so let's start there. The intersecting street is not obvious from the show. In this post Neil said he imagines the bookshop to be where Gosh! Comics is (Peter Street) while Michael Ralph and Douglas McKinnon probably put it at The Week (on Broadwick Street). Because it is ambiguous and really you can do whatever you want, I just left it as "intersecting street". We know from the book that Crowley takes Wardour Street after the bookshop fire. Wardour is behind Berwick so in our map it would be where the Chinese Buffet Restaurant is, considering they run more or less parallel. On the other side, we have the Windmill Theatre located on Great Windmill Street. From Berwick St. and Peter St. it takes three minutes to walk to the theatre, it is that close! (yes, I know, Crowley was conducting business two blocks from the bookshop while not talking to Aziraphale for 80 years). I have never been in that part of London so I used Google Maps streetview and based only on that, I like the corner of Berwick St. and Broadwick St. better. It has the crooked intersection but the proximity of the theatre matches Peter St. better, so whatever works better for you!
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There is one place missing from the set map though: Brown's World of Carpets! It is nowhere to be found, we simply don't know where it is My very personal headcanon is that it is nothing but a desk inside the furniture store. I find that idea of the guy most worried about storefront looks being the one without a storefront very amusing, but don't mind me, it is just my very silly hc XD Now, we know Aziraphale has a list for the shops he needs to visit. And we know he wrote it in alphabetical order which begs the question: Where is the Dirty Donkey?! Are they not invited? And what about the fabric shop? And Bilton Scaggs? Battye and Palm? The News Agency? Is "Mo Coffee? No Coffee?" supposed to be Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death? Or is there another coffee shop somewhere? @crow-bee23 suggested it could be "Me Coffee" which it is entirely possible, the full name is kind of long. So many questions to ask Mr. Brown.
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Anyway, I put pictures and details on the shops in parts 2, 3 and 4. Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
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parkertfs · 8 months
CockCo’s New App
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Ted had seen the ads for the new app going viral. It was advertised as a photo enhancement app, one that was supposed to be better than photoshop.
As soon as Ted opened the app, it prompted him to take a photo.
“What would you like to enhance?”
The app was almost comical in its simplicity.
“Snap a pic and we’ll do all the work!”
Ted laughed. This app was totally fake. He pointed the camera down at his lap where his shorts were hiding a measly 4 inches and grape sized nuts.
“Awesome! Now choose the enhancement percentage!” Ted was next prompted with a slider from 100% to 500%. He found it strange that there wasn’t any option for less than 100%, but he shrugged and laughed, jokingly opting for 500%.
“Awesome! Now choose payment method!” Ted wasn’t expecting this. The app was free and the app store didn’t say there would be in-app purchases.
The options were “Brains!”, “Height!”, “Muscle!”, “Hair!”, “Smell!”, “Endurance!”, and “Confidence!”. And in very small text at the bottom of the screen there was a sentence that read, “All enhancements are positive and permanent and are subject to CockCo’s terms of service.”
Ted was really confused now, so far nothing had changed about his photo, and if all of these ‘payments’ were positive then why was it payment?
Ted selected all of the payment methods, the check boxes lighting up with different colors as he went. He laughed again at the silliness of the app and pressed “continue”.
“Awesome! Now sit back, relax, and watch!”
The app then showed his original photo, his lap in full view. The app showed a little swirling ball next to the words, “Enhancing”.
Ted’s eyes widened as he saw the image of his pants begin to change. His zipper seemed to bulge out farther, along with the shorts digging further into his thighs and waist.
What Ted saw next made him drool. His cock, starting at 4 inches hard, began to snake along his waist. His grape sized nuts inflating too, pushing out against the fabric of his shorts. He watched as it slowly reached his hip, pushing through the pocket and inverting the fabric. As his balls continued to inflate he suddenly noticed he was in a lot of pain. He looked down and saw that his shorts — or rather his body — now matched what he saw in the photo… constricting around his balls, confining his enormous cock, and hugging his muscular ass and thighs.
Ted let a deep moan as his shorts tore in half, releasing his growing manhood. His new stench was now wafting up at him, his mind getting foggy from the smell… or was it from something else? He couldn’t tell, his brain was in his balls now, full of potent cum ready to blow.
God he looked so good. His orange sized balls filling up, his beer can thick footlong cock, his ass bouncing as he stood up, his new pecs jiggling too. Inches were adding to his height, making his body look more like a greek god’s than a burly lumberjack’s. His mind was filling with his new body’s hormones and thoughts. Thoughts of fucking, getting fucked, sucking and cumming.
He took a deep breath in, inhaling his now pungent stench, slowing his mind more and making him leak precum like a faucet.
He reached one of his enormous hands down and grabbed his dick, his other hand reaching between his juicy cheeks and rubbing his super sensitive hole.
It was too much. Within seconds he was cumming. And wow did he cum. He launched huge globs of creamy, smelly, jizz all over himself. But as the last of his cum slowly dripped out of his massive apple sized cock head, he felt his balls swell bigger, his body was already getting prepared for round two.
Ted loved the new app.
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paperpolliwog · 1 year
Will I ever draw their size difference consistent or accurate? Haha no
Silly AU comic where Bowser just really loves his son and wants to throw him a bday party but he sucks at it so he kidnaps Luigi, who for some reason is a party king, to do it lol
This was originally supposed to just be a “clean your pipes” joke but I got carried away and changed it Lolol
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ratrrriot · 1 year
How do you feel when people call Amy a stalker?
People can call her what they want, however…
Do i think it's fair to call Amy a stalker?
In some of the games? Yes, and even in some of the ones she wasn't a stalker per-se, she still showed possessive and obsessive tendencies. So i get where it comes from...
Generally? No. Her character originally wasn't supposed to be a harasser and she sure isn't one in the present. the franchise has been clearly trying to do better for her these past few years.
I think Amy's changing characterization is an interesting topic of discussion, so even though i technically already answered your question i'll take this chance and proceed to talk about my fave for way longer than i need to :).
Note: This is just my take on Amy and the way i understand her ENGLISH PORTRAYAL. I won't be talking about her japanese one which would deserve its own analysis.
Sorry for any writing mistakes in advance (english is hard) and feel free to correct me if i'm factually wrong about something (i wrote this thing mostly from memory so i imagine i must be.)
Amy has changed A LOT troughout the games and has been in the hands of many different writers across Sonic media ,so when talking about her is important to be specific about what game,series or comic we are talking about (and language),and while i know that some of you might not agree and i respect that, i think that -looking at the subtleties- Amy has had at least 6 different portrayals through the course of the games. That being said,i believe the idea that she is a stalker comes especifically from the characterization they started giving her around 2003
Originally,Amy was envisioned as a sweet 12-year-old kid who had a huge unreciprocated crush on her idol and a passion for fortune-reading ,but who wasn't exactly much of a heroine herself. In the classic era,her place in the narrative was just to serve as a damsel in distress and a cute,funny detail. Ofc,in comics and animated shorts for games like Origins, we have gotten more content of classic Amy being fully independent and capable of defending herself (even more with the upcoming playable mode for her in Origins Plus), but i think we can all see how such aspects of her character weren’t included at the time she was created (only exception being Sonic Fighters)
Especifically in the adventure era (AKA the birth of modern Amy) they gave Amy her iconic strong,compassionate,romantic personality and an interest/love for adventure (and her sassy attitude ofc). She's outspoken,stubborn,brave and honest. I also want to point out that in this first portrayal ,her love for Sonic feels more like innocent childish idolization than an obsession and that her character doesn't revolve exclusively around it (she will stand in his way if she doesn't think what he does is right). Tbh i think she's incredibly funny,cool and lovable,
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They slowly started planting the seeds for her character to stop being a "damsel in distress" by making her playable and defeat ZERO all on her own at the end of SA1,then also being playable in Sonic advance and helping Sonic get out of prison in SA2 (and tagging along for the rest of the adventure). In all these games,her character revolves around empathy,optimism and kindness. The way she protects the flicky since the moment she finds it,how she defends Gamma from Sonic and the iconic moment in SA2 where she convinces Shadow to help save earth are all great examples.
THEN, in Heroes , they decided to try something new with her taking her confidence and sassy attitude to a whole other level. Giving her the chance to be a fully-fleshed hero who didn't need rescuing anymore. She became independent and the leader of her own team of friends who she wanted to help. I love this Amy cause she feels really strong,determined and empowered without losing her peppiness,silliness,positivity and kindness. Her flaws are also especially endearing to me: How much of a wild kid she is,How even if she means well, she relies way too much in brute force, How she has trouble getting out of her own head, etc. She really feels just as confident and energic as Sonic,but just like him,you can tell she has a huge heart.
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HOWEVER, as much as i love how they made her strength and bravery shine in this game, Heroes was the game that gave birth to the idea that Amy is willing to chase and even fight Sonic just to insist that they should marry (in SA2 she did follow him to the prison but it was only to help him and tag along in the adventure).
Ofc this was supposed to be comedic and to be seen as childish,harmless behavior- I say this because the rest of the characters,including Sonic himself,don't seem to take it seriously- but what was supposed to be seen as an endearing flaw at the time, would rapidly mute into what's probably Amy's worst portrayal ,as the writers turned it into harassment for the next mainline games (Ignoring Shadow the hedgehog where she is the same as in heroes and only has a brief appearance.)
Before i go into Battle,i just want to say that the definition of stalker according to google is “a person who harasses or persecutes someone with unwanted and obsessive attention.” A definition that definitely did not apply to her before Heroes,but that i can't deny that does apply to Amy for the next few games:
In Battle, Amy is suddenly written as aggresive and self-centered. All her compassion and empathy from the adventure era is gone, intimidating people (even Cream) and demanding information from them from the get-go. Of course she does a few good things throughout the game too,like take care of Emerl and such,but she still mainly uses him for her benefit (calories counter and emerald radar). Right off the bat,at the start of her storyline she insists on searching for Sonic even when she herself assumes he is hiding from her -which implies she knows what she's doing is worth hiding for- and tries to justify her behavior by saying that Sonic actually loves her and that he is being “ just shy “ or that “ he got cold feet”- while others characters react in a way that implies that's obviously not the case and that her behavior is worrysome..
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I think it's important to mention that before Battle, we hadn’t gotten a single line of dialogue that implied that Amy tought that her behavior could be hurtful for Sonic, nor did she ever threaten anyone at all unless it was self defense. She knew he didn’t reciprocate her feelings and was actively trying to make him fall for her anyways,sure, but we gotta remember that while the canon ages might have been scrapped recently, at the time Modern Amy was created they were still very much canon and you can tell they had them in mind when writing these characters. Amy was supposed to be 12 ,so it makes sense that she didn't understand why Sonic wouldn’t accept her affection. She idolized him and misinterpreted the fact that he always was protecting her as possible romantic interest,but never actually imposed anything on him. The worst thing she ever did to him was wanting to hug him without consent,and again, the games implied that she clearly didn't realize such a thing wasn't ok. Sonic also didn't seem to want to hurt her feelings so while he did run away and expressed being annoyed by her he never explicitly told her to stop. I actually think that if he had sat her down and made it clear to her that what she was doing was truly bothering him, The Amy from the adventure era would have stopped, but i doubt he cared enough to do that honestly (after all ,in his recap screens it is implied that what truly bothers him about Amy being near him is not her crush,but that he thinks shes exposed to danger.)
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BUT in Battle and for the next three games,Amy doesn’t seem to be written as a 12-year-old who mistakes admiration for love anymore. This is where the writers started to portray her as someone who is clearly still young and definitely childish but not innocent. Her whole character revolves around harassing Sonic and using her strength to intimidate others, and don't get me wrong,I like that Amy gets angry easily!! i like that she isn't afraid of a fight,that she complains a lot, and that she isn't peaceful. After all,those are important parts of who she is. But Battle!Amy is on a whole other level: she gets mad at her friends just because they don't agree with everything she does or says. It's not about having a strong personality anymore,she's just generally aggressive. For the next few games she and Sonic can't have one normal conversation that isn't Amy imposing her own wishes over him and him trying to get away from her, so it's hard to believe she wouldn't realize that what's she's doing is wrong nor accidental as we were supposed to before. This time It just feels like she is deciding to ignore the signs.
This continued in advance 3 ,where she literally threatens him with her hammer just cause he shows signs of not being interested in spending time with her when they meet, Then in rush she becomes possesive and jealous the second he mentions Blaze and also seems to treathen him with the hammer in the credits scene because he is running from her hug.
They changed the direction of her characterization again after Rush. The best way i can describe the Amy that is present in Riders,06,etc is one that has two very polarized sides to her personality. On one side,she is a peppy,sweet,over enthusiastic and romantic girl, on the other she is a pretty intimidating one with an obsession with Sonic and very fiery temper. However,contrary to her last portrayal,she is more polite and actually asks Sonic if she can come with him various times,doesn't harass him and doesn't threaten people simply cause they don't agree with her anymore, but she still doesn't seem to have any sense of boundaries,still follows Sonic without permission sometimes and still clearly has no consideration for his personal space. Another thing about this Amy is how her flirting is really intense, and even if she isn't as aggressive as the Amy from Battle,if someone messes a bit with her she doesn't hesitate to resort to intimidation or take her hammer out.
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She still gets violent towards Sonic sometimes,but what's different from her last characterization is that instead of doing so merely because he doesn't show romantic interest in her ,its mostly because he doesn't follow on his promises (end of Black Knight) or shows up to save her “properly” (Referring to 1- that scene in Riders where he blows eggman -who had caught Amy- away with wind and she chases him with her hammer because “how could he not think that would hit her too “ and 2- the one in Zero Gravity where he arrives late to save her and she playfully throws him a few fists saying that “it took him long enough!”). I don't think she's necesarily right to do that but i don't consider it to be problematic either, since by that point the games had strongly implied that there was a non-spoken agreement between the two that he'll always show up to save her and the whole thing feels more playful than anything else. Mostly because Sonic seems to be fine with her being around again, as he never really denies her acussations or runs away when she gets mad,and even tries to explain himself to her.
So yeah,this Amy is one of the more famous -and infamous- ones,as her negative and positive qualities are more balanced than the one from Battle. However,i personally don't like her much as there's almost no focus on the empathetic/compassionate side of her character that was so prominent in the adventure era and ,even if i wouldn’t call this version of her a Stalker , she's still is way too obsessive and possesive for my liking. The writing for her character is still pretty much completely based on being attracted to Sonic, to the point that In 06 she tells Silver that, if she had to, she'd “choose Sonic over the world".
In Sonic Chronicles , Amy gets a lot of dialogue. She gets jealous in a scene but its not as bad as in Rush and she tries to make Sonic jealous by inventing a fake boyfriend (terrible trope) but her levels of aggressiveness are up to the player's treatment of her. I am ,however , mentioning this game because of a scene in specific near the final section in which Amy is scared they might die and aks Sonic if she can have a moment with him. She then tries to have a serious conversation and politely asks if he cares about her or if he likes her at all. if the player chooses to make Sonic say he does care for her she is legitimately surprised and thankful. Idk what happens If he rejects her cause i haven't been able to find any recordings of that and i never owned this game,but i'll assume that her reaction won't be too bad considering she is asking in the first place(?) feel free to tell me if you know…
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This portrayal of Amy is still present in Unleashed (2008) ,in which Amy is there to cheer/support Sonic on throughout the game and to serve as an important indicator that Sonic is quite self conscious of his looks when he's a werehog. She is generally very sweet towards him in this game (especially when she shows no rejection towards his werehog form,which is a detail i adore), even if she does get annoyed when he doesn't pay as much attention to her as he does to Chip or reciprocate her feelings.
A good example is how, before the last temple ,she asks him if he'd like to go on a date with her after everything is over. If you choose the positive dialogue option she is ,again, positively surprised and thankful. If you make him say no she complains about how he's being mean, but doesn't insist on it and just accepts it.
In Free Riders (2010) ,Amy just generally acts extremely out out of character (like,she doesn't even fit into Battle's portrayal). It really feels like someone who didn't know anything about the character wrote her, so for the sake of the pink hedgie let's ignore it and go back to talking about portrayal 4.
I already mentioned her brief apparition in Black Night and there's nothing worth mentioning about her in Generations so i'll skip them.
This portrayal ended in Lost World (2013),In which they toned down Amy as a character in general,leaving out all of her flaws and iconic traits out. She feels plain and her strong personality,confidence,sass,energy,etc all seem to be completely gone. She's just sweet and that's it . For some reason there's a scene where she literally tries to confess to Sonic and is cut off before she can finish,which is very funny considering it had never been treated as a secret before??? it really goes to show how hard they were trying to pull some kind of reboot on her. Fortunately,this characterization was only a two-game-thing (She is just as plain in Forces (2015)) so i'll put it in the same bag as the Free riders one and we'll leave it at that.
After Lost world came Boom (2014) ,and then we got the most recent change of Amy's personality,which we all know has had a mixed reception from the fandom. Originally people thought that this Amy would stay just in the Boom universe ,but this personality has been showing up in the mainline games for a while now,like in Team Sonic Racing (2019) and Frontiers (2021).
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This Amy feels older than any of the ones that came before her. She kept the sass,the love for romanticism,the positive attitude,the confidence and the strenght but her bad temper and over enthusiasm are gone,as she is generally more calm,less energetic and not childish at all. Most importantly,this Amy is extremely emotionally intelligent,as the rest of characters seem to look for her help and advice constantly ( to the point that she has been given the "therapist friend" title by the fandom and is even referred as "the nice one" by Eggman himself ). Another interesting thing about this Amy is that she doesn't flirt with Sonic anymore,In fact, she barely expresses her liking for him (She does so a bit more in Japanese chz the characterization varies) and Sonic seems completely comfortable with this version of her around.
A lot of people say that this version of her is out of character and I completely understand where that comes from, but i must disagree because this characterization of Amy is the first one since the adventure era that focuses on her compassion/empathy rather than on her crush on Sonic, which combined with her intelligence,makes her not out of character,just the most emotionally mature Amy to date instead. I actually think that if the og modern Amy had grown up,this is the kind of personality she would’ve developed while becoming an adult (although she isn't supposed to be one). A good argument to defend this point would be that one Egg-memo you can buy through the fishing minigame in Frontiers where Eggman talks about how Amy has "come a long way" and how it took her some time "to find herself" and get out of Sonic's shadow.
Only problem i have with this Amy is that i wish she was more flawed and bubbly,mostly cause she can come off as very plain from time to time and way too mature. She is a bit too perfect for my taste. I'd like her to mess up more,to not always be so smart,to be more impulsive,a little bit more clumsy,fiery and wild,just so she could have some more of the charm of the original,y'know?
Before i talk about her more recent Videogame portrayal (TMoSTH) i want talk about IDW Amy:
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in IDW, all of Amy's flaws and positive traits from past games are balanced pretty well: she is flawed and relatable and can mess up a bit sometimes because of her impulsivity,but she's emotionally and strategically inteligent, optimistic and incredibly kind. She is a great fighter and leader,but also a wonderful friend who offers emotional support. She has a strong personality, lots of sass and can be very aggressive and intimidating towards her enemies, but not any less of an empathetic and compassionate person because of that. Her strength and confidence are pillars for her character instead of nonsensical anger,but she still shows self doubt and fear from time to time. She is energic, idealistic and still a romantic,but not obsessive nor possesive. peppy but emotionally intelligent. She still loves Sonic, but her feelings for him feel authentic rather than childish idealization,and given that she now respects his space,she's written to be happy just with fighting by his side and jokingly flirt from time to time. (their bond also seems stronger,but that's a topic for another day.)
I believe this portrayal of her is one of the best we've gotten in the sense that she represents a good mix of most things that has made her positively memorable since the beginning and lacks every problematic aspect of her character that was added post her creation. And because of this good mix of characteristics, IDW Amy is constantly praised by the fandom. But something i hear a lot is people saying how they love IDW Amy and despise "Main Amy" -by which i'll assume they refer to videogame Amy just in general- and that way of summarizing all of Amy's game portrayals feels very odd to me, especially because IDW Amy is a culmination of every single good aspect that has been added to this character combined with most of what she was meant to be at the start. In other words,IDW Amy couldn't exist if it wasn't for all the game Amys before her.
It's true that in IDW we haven't seen her character be as impulsive and outspoken as in the Adventure era or Heroes, and i miss that as much as every other Amy fan. But I do think that ,because so much assertiveness wouldn’t coexist very well with things like careful thought, the reason for that change must be that IDW is writing an more mature version of the character and It’s hard for them to keep such aspects of her personality intact without her being seen as childish by the audience now that they are paired up with big responsabilities (ex: the restoration) Especially since that super impulsive nature of hers probably came naturally at the time because she was supposed to be a 12-year old and wether we like it or not, it was implied by the narrative that it was one of the main reasons she got caught by eggman both in SA1 and SA2. Aka,IDW Amy isn't allowed to make as many mistakes as the og.
After all ,Amy used to be written to be mostly seen as a comedic character and as an "extra addition" to the main team rather than as an important,needed member of it. ( even in Heroes,where she had formed her own team,she was still trying to catch up to Sonic and his team because she had been excluded of it.) If she made a mistake and got caught by eggman because of her stubborness,the writers would just make Sonix fix things. In IDW she doesn't just feel older,but she has also gotten to have important roles in the fight against Eggman and people rely on her with their lives,so it doesn't surprise me that the writers try to make her be more conscious and careful when it comes to her actions now that she has more responsibilities and can't allow herself to make as many mistakes as she did back when she was written to be more immature and impulsive because of that extreme assertiveness.
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Now,I personally believe that Amy in TMoSTH is the same as in IDW, just that she feels more like her OG self in TMOSTH because ,for the most part ,Bday Girl is on that train literally to just have fun and do as she pleases. She doesn't have any weight on her shoulders nor expectations,she is free of responsabilities all the way until the climax of the game and the game itself is very comedy-centric for the most part, so the writers pobably felt like they could set that impulsive,assertive side of her loose again, and i loved it!
In this game her character doesn't revolve around Sonic and she messes up a lot (The way she was so ashamed of how she broke her hammer when she tried to escape the closet with brute force that she lied, how she didn't realize Sonic was actually hurt because she was too excited about the game, how she was overconfident and impulsively tried to solve the case and completely failed ,how she and vector started beating a wall violently after realizing the train was alive,etc),but her positive qualities shine throughout the game as well ( How she took the time to organize a party that she'd think everyone would have fun at,How she is so thankful that everyone showed up and doesn't mind that Shad and Sonic didn't bring gifts, how she makes sweets remarks about others and cute jokes in distressing situations,how she has faith in Shadow's goodwill, The way she delivers the final blow at the end and says that despite everything,she loved the party because it was an adventure,etc ). Throughout the game,Sonic and the rest treat her in a way that really goes to show what a good friend and a lovely person she is ,and she expresses great appreciation for everyone's presence in her life.
It's honestly an amazing coincidence that this game takes place on her bday considering that it's the one that made this portrayal of her "game canon". As a fan of her, i celebrate it and hope we get more of it in the near future.
So yeah, i didn't talk about Sonic X Amy,Archie Amy nor all the comics,series and games that came out between the big videogame titles. There is much more about how Amy has been written that could be said, but i think i did a pretty decent summary of the most important changes her character has gone through the years mainline game-wise,at least good enough to defend my point that she wasn't a stalker originally and she definitely isn't one now. As i mentioned before,i agree that she was portrayed as possesive and obsessive for a long period of time and as an actual harasser for a shorter one , and that we should definitely recognize it and be critical of such things being portrayed as “quirky” and “funny” aspects when they are in reality, hurtful. BUT summarizing her whole character by calling her a stalker and an obsessive fangirl is defining her based on the worst examples of her characterization and ignoring her good ones completely.
Feel free to disagree with my character analysis,my opinions and the way i categorize her portrayals,but i strongly believe that Amy rose isn't meant to be a harasser,an obsessive fangirl or personal space invader.
My girl deserves better.
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dreambride · 3 months
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SUMMARY: What was supposed to be a short business trip, turned into a longer stay for a certain oni.
CW: none! just itto having a silly crush
A/N: first fic on this blog lets GOOOO
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Who'd've thought that a noble lady such as you would be charmed by a goof like Itto? Not you, of course.
Originally, you were helping your family tend to family business and went to Inazuma to do work, but you encountered a certain someone...
On the third day of your stay at Inazuma, you were about to meet some important people before you heard some shouting at the front of the road. A little concerned, you took out your weapon as you made your way to the source of the sound.
What you saw when you arrived was... Not what you expected. At all.
A huge man with three other grown men standing by his side, a group of children standing right before him yelling at two onikabutos on a log. What even was happening?
"YEAH!!!" Shouted the huge guy with the horns, followed by a whimper from the kid standing right in front of him. "HAHA!!! I KNEW MY BEETLE GLADIATOR IS THE STRONGEST!!!" He cheered in childlike joy.
After that victory cheer, he extended a palm towards the kid. "You know what we promised on!" He said with a huge grin on his face as the kid reluctantly handed over... Three candies.
You slowly placed your weapon back to where it belonged, straightening your back as you watched on in amusement. The defeated kid lowered his head with a pout as he slowly walked away, with his friends trailing behind him. As he passed by you, the huge guy's eyes landed on you. His already big eyes widened even further as his jaw comically dropped.
"Ah-" right. You just showed up. "My apologies, it was not my intention to interrupt your... Game. I was merely passing by, and heard a commotion, so I've came to check on what's happening." You explained yourself as the huge guy was still gawking at you.
He sputtered for a second before stiffly turning to face you fully, the three guys besides him looked at him in confusion as he does so. Perhaps this wasn't how he normally acted?
"W- you- m-" he stuttered, trying oh so desperately to find the words. Whatever was happening right now was a bit awkward, so you decided on an introduction.
"Um... Well, I am (N). I'm from Liyue, here to do business. May I ask for your name?" You ask with a small smile, and it seemed to have scared him further.
Unbeknownst to you, he found you super pretty and was unable to speak. At all.
After a few more moments of sputtering, he finally mustered out something. "I-I'm, haha, uh, Arataki Itto! This- this is uh, my gang..." Funnily enough, he slouched a little as he gestured to the three men behind him. Each of them introduced themselves and greeted you.
So, that's how you got to know the Arataki Gang.
After that fateful day, you seem to have been bumping into Itto far more frequently than you thought, with him following behind you like a lost puppy at all times. It didn't bother you—in fact, it was charming to you. You thought whatever he's doing was adorable.
You grew rather fond of him, how he indirectly asks for your attention by following you around and asking you loads of questions and talking about his day... It was super cute.
And to enjoy this even further, you even purposely extended your stay at Inazuma for this sole purpose.
Today was no different, as you strolled the streets of Tenryou, Itto followed closely behind you after "coincidentally bumping into you". The sight was quite amusing to some; a big oni following a small human around. It felt pretty cartoonish.
"Hey, hey, (N). Are you still busy? We could- ah- I could take you t'see some sights! Yeah! I know a looot of places! You'd like it a lot, swear." Itto grinned brightly as he stumbled a little over his steps as he was trying to match your pace. It didn't help you were walking slow.
"Mh? Really?" You mused. "I do have time now. I'd like to do some sightseeing." Your words seemed to have ignited something in him as Itto cheered, before he reached for your arm before flinching away.
"Uh- can I hold your hand?" He asked sheepishly, his voice still loud and clear but clearly isn't as confident. His question forced a laugh out of you as you took the initiative, holding his big hand in your small ones.
He stiffened, puffing out his cheeks and eyes wide while looking everywhere but you. Ah, he was so cute.
On the way to wherever he's taking you, he kept on stumbling over his words while you felt his hand obviously growing sweatier by the minute. You didn't really mind.
Soon, he took you somewhere on the hills, where you can easily look out to the vast sea; it was beautiful, really.
"Ya like what you're seeing?!" Itto asked excitedly, pointing a finger at the ocean view with a huge toothy grin on his face. You nodded in response. "It's a divine sight." That seemed to have made him happy.
Both of you stared at the view for a bit, the sea breeze blowing on you and the sound of waves clashing filled your ear, making you calm and relaxed.
Suddenly, Itto let go of your hand and wiped it on his pants, before holding your hand again. "Um," he started swinging your hand and his back and forth, not registering how he's nearly swaying you. "Soooo... (N), you uhhhhh... In a relationship?"
Ahh. You knew what was coming; you didn't mind, tho. "No. Why?" You were curious as to how'd he say it.
Itto turned his head away and did a silent 'yes!' and a fist bump, thinking you couldn't see it before looking back at you, returning to his flustered face.
"Sooo. Y'know, me, Arataki Itto, was thinking..." He starts, seemingly getting more anxious as he swung you and his hand a bit faster. "...well, uh, you- you're really pretty. Yeah! Yeah I think you're pretty and uhhh y'know. I... I..." The words got stuck in his throat as he kept on repeating 'I' over and over again for a good ten seconds. Seems like you have to save him.
"You like me?" You asked. Itto jumped and squeaked. "NO! I MEAN YES BUT-" He sucked in a deep breath. "...yes."
The way he lowered his head was akin to a puppy, it made you want to squish him in your embrace. You couldn't help but chuckle–he's far too adorable for your heart.
Silently, you took his face into your hands as you brought his face in for a kiss, earning a squeal from him.
"Whuh." He blinked rapidly after you pulled back, clearly astonished at what just occured. His hands flew up to grip his mouth, as he vibrated a little, then started screaming into his hands.
You smiled, before patting him on the arm. "We can go on a date tomorrow. Would you like that?"
Itto finally let go of his mouth as he uncontrollably smiled, and you swear you see his eyes sparkle brighter than it had always been.
"YES- yes. Yes please...!"
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