#or the anti revolver tag
The eternal struggle of wanting to rewatch Revolver’s duels because hot damn is his Japanese voice sexy and he may have had more cool moments than I remember but not wanting to at the same time because if I have to hear that hot voice call an Ignis an “it” one more time, his pronouns are gonna be was/were.
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yourhighness6 · 2 months
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survivalove · 6 months
blah blah something something about how fandom gravitate towards more individualistic characters because they’re easier to understand compared to community-oriented characters whose character development is very much tied to their culture/nation because understanding a single character is easier to understand than a character AND an entire culture, especially when said culture is based off a marginalized community that exists in real life 🫠 and said fandom is majority WHITE.
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astreinomane · 1 month
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Do I need to explain why this comment is FUCKING stupid in SO many ways?
I really hope not.
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amr-shitposts · 4 months
Man I've been see a lot of antis complaining, guess i will just ship harder 💀🔥
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nyctoheart · 8 months
as one shoots a gun in the air to keep rent low, I have to occasionally say I don’t care for s0riku to keep myself from being overwhelmed by my followers lmao
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tbh i am past enjoying st*ddie in just about any capacity when i have to see it against my will in literally every tag that isnt for a popular white boy
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todo-morira · 1 year
Also how do yall know dream didn't bust out the white people tears and lied? How do we know that we can take what Dream has said at face value? No one else has backed up his statement.
I don't doubt that he's being harrased, that's been an unfortunate truth of his for years, but we can't prove that anything else he's saying is real. He could be doing this purely out of malice, and how would yall know?
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junsongs · 2 years
Also in regards to my last post people are allowed to want their own biological children and yes there are many children that do need homes but I would maybe look into info from adoptees because many of them advocate for rare adoptions. Adoption shouldn’t be treated as a last minute consolation for not being able to have kids if you cant have them yourself. Adoption is extremely traumatizing to the child even in infancy and many adoption agencies put children in abusive situations because they work for profit not the benefit of children. Adoption in general effectively works like a legal form of human trafficking.
And on top of all of this not all people are suited to be good adoptive parents and women are socialized to believe our only purpose to be wives and have children so god forbid a woman find happiness in something shes been told she should have in order to be a “real woman.” And yes there is another conversation about how awful that conditioning is but disparaging women who have a desire for bio children does not fix that and it does not make you above anyone it makes you an asshole.
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theamazingannie · 1 year
this isn't necessarily aimed directly at you, but your previous anon said: "Like, I’m sure Carlos has done bad stuff and y’know ACAB but at least he has called out Owens and the others bullshit." and I'm just curious like.... when ?? that has happened? the only thing I can think that's in reference to is in 3x7 and the only thing he was calling out in that episode was owen picking a fight with a cop (who was being a dick) and then called them all lazy? when has he called Owen out on anything else?
I tried looking into this because I honestly just took anon’s word for it since that wasn’t the main part of the ask, but I couldn’t find anything. I mean, there’s not much Carlos content but I really can’t remember him ever really calling anyone out other than TK. If that anon, or anyone else, knows something I’m forgetting, I would love to see it. It certainly doesn’t happen enough and the only people we ever really see call Owen out either are seen as a villain (ie Billy) or move on from it and suddenly like him (ie Catherine).
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Ai got a taste of Revolver and complained that he wanted a meal instead of a snack.
I love the Yugioh dubs sometimes.
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Alright can we talk about the odd parallel-contrasts set up in this season so far when it comes to Beau and the ladies?
Beau: "Is it weird for you that I'm friends with Cassie?"
Jenny: "Are you really friends or...?"
Beau: "Yes. Yes! Yes, we're just friends. Look, You know, we bonded over the last couple of months."
Jenny: "Do you ever talk about your daughter with Cassie?"
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"Okay, I see where this is going. Let's just keep it professional, Hoyt. For now. And uh, you know, focus on the job."
Jenny: "Finally found a way to shut you up."
Beau: "Okay, no, no, no. It's not that I don't want to talk about it."
Jenny: "Uh huh."
Beau: "It's just that, you know, guys, we gotta have boundaries."
Jenny: "Uh huh. Yep. Yeah. Boundaries. Keep digging."
The funniest part of this whole scene to me is that Jenny knows Beau has talked to Cassie about Emily due to their 3x01 convo, Jenny was there for movie night when he talked to them both about Emily (as well as the 3x02 ranch scene), and Jenny mentions him possibly going back to Houston before she asks this. Either to take the opportunity to deflect (because she's still in denial to herself at this point as we see later from the line "he's not that cute") or because we're meant to notice the connection between Cassie and Emily. Not to mention, Beau had no problem before explaining to Jenny how he and Cassie are just friends. Why would he clam up suddenly about discussing the subject of his daughter with said friend?
And then:
Beau: "I followed her up here. Her and my daughter."
Jenny: "And what's this guy's name? The tech--"
Beau: "Avery."
Jenny: "And let me guess, you're still in love with her."
Beau: "You're good. But hey, if your plan is to get me to puddle up over her, that ain't gonna happen. Alright? Let's focus on the job here and make sure it don't go sideways."
Jenny: "Interesting."
Beau: "What?"
Jenny: "You're still in love with her."
Beau: "No, I'm not."
Jenny: "Yes, you are."
Beau: "No. Stop it."
Jenny: "You are. Just admit it."
(next shot: bleeding heart that Buck is looking at & it becomes clear that his relationship with Sunny isn't all it's cracked up to be)
This is even more interesting because Beau had no problem letting Jenny imply this same thing back in 2x18 and he all but confirmed it with "you're good" (the same thing he said to Cassie in their scene in that episode where Cassie was indeed right on the money). But now he's in full denial and doesn't want Jenny pushing the issue. He even uses a similar deflection tactic by insisting that he and Jenny focus on the job at hand.
So I'm thinking that Beau is still in love with Carla (that's the most we've seen him affected in his interactions with all three ladies), but he's in denial for some apparent reason (maybe to spare himself the pain so he can focus on his job and Emily?) and the show is intent on having the whole "slow burn" play out (for ratings and something else). I'm sure we'll know more after this next episode and we'll find out what happened to their relationship, but I do think it's interesting that they're playing up Jenny's feelings for Beau despite being aware of this fact.
In nearly every scene we've had with Beau and Jenny so far, unless she's focused on the job or Cassie/Gigi, she's always focused on Beau. They're bringing those feelings to the forefront, especially from the end of 3x04 to now. So I do wonder if Beau goes with Carla and Emily in the end (since we've been shown how shady Avery is & how there are "secrets and lies" in that relationship like all the others at the campground plus Carla was also affected in that interaction with Beau in 3x04) then how that will play out for Jenny. And I do wonder what would be the point for Jenny's character to develop these feelings for him if that's the game plan?
Because while Sunny and Buck aren't making the best decisions (and that's putting it lightly), they are in agreement that Cormac comes first. And if that sequence of shots above is meant to showcase any type of parallel or similarity between the two relationships as well as possibly Carla's and Avery's (especially since like Avery we see that Buck is pretty shady himself, the whole creepy sniffing blood thing), then that doesn't seem the best thing for Emily or even a better second round in the making for the two. Unless there's something they're still keeping hidden that would help with the whole situation.
If Jenny is to become Sheriff (which is where I think her story is headed & Beau is meant to help her get there; he is Sheriff & he does throw his weight around at times when needed, but ultimately Jenny has been taking the lead in their cases recently & she was the one to offer Cassie space in their department), then that means Beau won't be around to be Sheriff. So that's why I'm thinking there must be some reconciliation coming between Beau and Carla and a reason for Beau to move out of Lewis & Clark County. He could possibly retire again but I don't see him or both he & Carla sticking around Helena, especially if Jenny's feelings are finally made known.
So that makes me wonder why Cassie's involvement in the 3x01 and 3x03 conversations, eerily paralleling the same way Carla was brought into the conversation with eerily similar results. Is it all about Jenny? Which imho doesn't make sense other than her trying to suss out what the deal is for both ladies in relation to her growing feelings.
If Beau is in love with Carla, then why the shutdown about Cassie? It's not about Emily. He had no problem opening up about her before (as confirmed by 3x01 and 3x02). So what is the reason? And why the Cassie and Carla connection?
So basically, me this week:
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'Why the connection? Why?'
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alvindraperzzz · 2 years
Sometimes I go through certain dc tags on my other non-dc account and see what all the people I blocked have posted, and I’m reminded of all the reasons I blocked them
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omarwolaeth · 1 month
It's such a tiny innocuous thing that really doesn't matter, but I feel like calling duel monsters a children's card game (when it's fundamentally baked into everyday life, and your social existence is judged by what you play and how you play it so very intensely, for everyone in-universe) is an absolute injustice to what it is for that universe of people.
#marwospeaking#The following tags are a rant. please skip if you are not interested in reading a whole rant#to be clear. actual real life ygo sure. you can call that a children's card game (even if card game is just easier anyway)#but. in universe you Would Not call it a children's card game. not even sure you'd call it a game at that point#ygo worldbuilding fascinates on different levels. and to be honest this thought came to be via the abridged Shun compilation video#because he does mention children's card game (paraphrased) often earlier on in reference to in-universe duel monsters#but. for some people it literally defines if you die or not (Shun Was/Is In A War). for others it's your ticket to not go to jail because#you're too powerful to not be let off the hook (survival of the fittest kinda stuff really)#if you even dare not show up to a match. with crowds Equal To A Football/Soccer Championship. your family is in social ruins (Yusho)#these cards house spirits. and can be used for so many varied things between ending the world. starting the world. and coldblooded murder#and treating all of that as though its below a character. not because they're untouchable. but because of an age demographic#I feel misses a point about Arc V that I'm not sure I can quite articulate without sounding fully manic#in other series too! Synchro causes the world to end because it attracts some giant anti-synchro bois (meklords)#Numbers can either possess or take the form of someone's personal desires and feelings (Titanic Moth and Hope Harbinger are the same card)#(just different monsters because two different people used the exact card)#The God cards. the sacred beasts. the whole of GX's dimensional shenanigans and most definitely Yubel and Winged Kuriboh#Even in Vrains. which is very mild compared to the previous 3 installments. its still baked in their society. Its just aggregated#into cyberspace. That's not mentioning the Tortures that revolved around duelling to train AIs on children's brains so you could have..#.. cyber immortality. and then you choose to kill the AIs that you see as like children to you - mentioned directly to your biological son#ANYWAY. tldr. Having an in-universe character calling Duel Monsters a children's card game outside of DM specifically is a fundamental..#.. misunderstanding of how important it socially is in-universe. and it'd be much more understandable for someone whose life isn't dictated#by how well he can play it to say anything along the lines of 'its beneath me!!' than fuckign Kurosaki Shun are you kidding me.#We won't make an actual point at how the social lives of people don't seem to be solved by talking as much as duelling. no. we'll say..#.. its for children so we can point and laugh at how weird it is!! Buddy I Have Fallen Asleep.#in other news exploring the navigation of a world where talking out problems would be weird without a duel to communicate should be..#.. done way more often. This world is as anti-talk no jutsu as much as it is very pro-punch no jutsu.#arc v#< because part of this was inspired off of some of Shun's abridged lines early on
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b-rainlet · 1 year
Love, love your blog!
The aligon thoughts are great..they really should not be so scarce in the fandom as they are...considering what we see on screen.
Seconded! (Also, thank you so much for the flattery askjskh, today I was talking to a friend about how there's a 70% chance I am on a few anti blocklists due to the nature of my blog lmao)
Generally speaking, I think a lot of people don't wanna see it?? I don't know how many antis we have in HotD (we have a bunch in GoT so I am guessing more than you would expect given the source material), but there's this phenomenom within Fandom to completely twist the actual content of the show/movie/book to make it easier to digest for fans (who more and more seem to adapt conservative views?? There's a rise of 'woke' takes which are just the same old pearl clutching 'Think of the children!' bs, just clad in progressive sounding words).
Which is how you end up with anti discourse in Fandoms with shows who canonly portray incest/adoptive incest (aka pseudo incest), gore, rape, blood, whatever.
Like, there's people policing who you can ship/what you can talk about in the Fandom for the flesh eating clown hunting down little kids, so.
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Reality Show (Obey Me!)
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Diavolo convinces Lucifer to have him & his brothers do a new demon reality show that revolves around their everyday lives.
»Characters: Demon Bros // ->[Click here for Part 2: Dateables]
»Tags: LUCIFER CAUGHT IN 4K, Shitpost/Humor, Mentions of reader/MC, Husbando Beel Supremacy, Bulleted Style
»Notes: CM = Crew Member ;; Sorry I was gonna upload this sooner but wanted to draw art for it. xD
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"Okay that's enough, go somewhere else."
CM: "We can't, you agreed to this under contract"
Mildly regretted his loyalty to Diavolo, otherwise he would've never done this
His camera crew was always on edge with him
The show stressed him more than usual
Perhaps there were a few embarrassing moments he would prefer not to talk about
Like pushing a door that said pull, forgetting the word spoon and calling it a tiny bowl on a stick
[Camera peeks through Lucifer's study, recording a smiling Lucifer texting on his phone]
CM: "Who were you texting Lucifer? Was it ___? There's been rumors..."
"I was checking the weather."
CM: "You take selfies for the weather?"
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"Hey wait stop recordin' this! Not that what we are doin' is illegal!"
His camera crew had a rough time with him
But it made for good television!
He talked shit about Lucifer the most
"Yeah a lotta people dunno this, but Lucifer cries to me all the time! What can I say, I'm a reliable guy!"[Crew zooms in on an unamused Lucifer in the background]
[Cut to Mammon hanging from the ceiling]
"Can someone get me down from here!? HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GUYS GOIN'!?"
A lot of the crew's clips had shaky movement from running due to multiple mammon situations
They got a great swoon-worthy shot of Mammon gazing lovingly at you
CM: "Maybe you should confess?"
"I'm confessin' to nothin'! Talk to my lawyer!"
CM: "That's not what we- Nevermind."
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"I already stream online so this isn't any different."
Levi didn't realize they'd be watching his every move
How was he suppose to worship his shrine of Ruri and you in front of them!?
His camera crew couldn't stop cringing around the otaku
it was uncomfortable for everyone
[Camera films secret sweet moment of him awkwardly practicing asking if you want to hang out]
He asked for it to be deleted, it was denied
However his ratings shot up after that clip and the next one:
CM: "Do you have a crush on ___?"
"W-what!? N-no!!! (Incoherent Levi noises and he trips)"
That clip became a viral meme for weeks
I'm talking remixes and everything
In the end his camera crew actually did have a lot of fun with him and they game online together now
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"Watch your step. Oh, don't touch that!"
His camera crew had a difficult time with him
He managed to avoid them frequently so he wasn't overly present in the show, much to the annoyance of Lucifer and the others
If they did catch him, all the clips looked the same, all he did was read
They did manage to catch him feeding some stray devildom kitties
[Camera zooms in on him in his room with a collared cat on his lap]
CM: "I thought you couldn't have pets?"
"It's not mine. Clearly, I can't control what comes in my room as of late."
CM:  "It has a collar?"
"Next question."
CM: "What can you tell us about the Anti-Lucifer League?"
"I don't know what you're talking about. Next question."
CM: "Okay... viewers want to know what's up with you and ___?"
[Satan opens a book and gets sucked in]
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"It's like, Devilgram Live, but longer!"
Most unbothered out of everyone
He did get annoyed when they tried to catch him before he could start his morning beauty routine
He was scary, they caught it on camera...it was the only time the crew deleted a clip on a brothers request
Overall his crew had an easy time, it was standard to what they normally do, Asmo himself was fun
He was a natural, of course everyone loved him, who wouldn't?
Was the one to start drama for the sake of tv
Nothing too crazy just messed with Luci's schedule, got Mammon arrested, hid Levi's Ruri body pillow, little things really!
[Camera catches Asmo cuddling next to you]
CM: "You seem very fond of them!"
"I am! Oh maybe we can do like a one year WEDDING special later on!?"
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"Just don't get in my way I guess."
He wasn't really on board with the idea but not much he could do
His crew had an average time with him, he was easy and chill to film
They caught him doing a lot of activities like, cooking/baking, sports, gaming, it was surprising to viewers
His work out clips got a lot of views too, he was a busy demon
They filmed him helping around the house, even cleaning your room and leaving you little gift snacks
CM: "Wow, snacks? You must really like ___!"
"Yeah. I love them. I want to give them the world."He confidently admitted, smiling brightly
Had high ratings in the polls, the show gave everyone a new perspective of him who wasn't just a gluttonous beast
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CM: "Is he breathing?"
The crew had an easy but boring time with him
There's only so many hours of a sleeping Belphie you can record
The were some soft serene moments with him,Beel and you, gazing at the stars
[Camera catches him sleeping, smiling and mumbling something about you]
CM (poking): "Belphie wanna share what you were dreaming about? We heard you call their name. "
"Only if the network agrees to air it unfiltered. It will be very descriptive."
CM: "That's a wrap guys."
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