#or at the very least they don’t think beyond the surface level and it’s so fucking aggravating
peachcitt · 2 years
in class and my professor called me aside to ask if im alright and it’s like. hashtag how do i tell you that i feel like you are wasting my time and you will most likely continue wasting my time for the next two hours giving me lectures on content and ideas ive already learned and practiced twice over all while in a classroom where the majority of students in there don’t actually care as much as they should to have a career in this field and that’s hashtag killing my vibe. like how do i say that
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demonsinmywindows · 7 months
okay so we all know saiki is a genius. we all know this. I’d love to elaborate.
Saiki can pretty much passively absorb everything he learns, and it seems like he doesn’t really forget anything. Even when he has those ‘uh oh’ moments that we’ve seen, it’s always been because of a distraction and not because lack of knowledge. Bc he absorbs so much information from his direct surroundings, it takes almost nothing for him to learn what’s required of him. ie; how he’s expected to act, the best route to get somewhere, what he learns in school etc.
Consequently, it takes him very little effort to accomplish the ‘regular’ academic expectations for his age. We’ve seen him do a years worth of homework in the blink of an eye… (here comes my hc)
Thus he has a lot of time on his hands. And Saiki is innately curious. To bide his time, he likes to delve into obscure topics, to learn things that are completely unfamiliar to the average person. So Saiki knows a lot, and Saiki reads a lot. At the very ~least~ he knows all about advanced quantum physics, from Kusuke’s mind. Now this MAY be me projecting, but I like to think that Saiki loves to research all things history and philosophy (the average person is not often thinking about these things beyond the surface level).
As a result, his classmates often see him reading about some of the most random and specific subjects ever (after all, what exudes ‘don’t talk to me’ more than reading a dense book?). They come to know that Saiki is the one to go to if they have any questions about ANY general knowledge (see also: kaido asking saiki for homework help even though his own class rank is much higher)
And maybe some of them wonder: why? Why does Saiki perform averagely at school, when he seems so interested in learning? Maybe someone finally asks him about some miscellaneous inconsequential fact…. and the next thing they know Saiki is spouting facts at a mile a minute. Oh you’re asking about Alexander the Great? Did you know that he died so young because he became paralyzed from contaminated wine and then was buried alive? Did you know Alexander’s lineage supposedly traces back to Achilles himself, suggesting that the events of the Trojan War have basis in truth? And if that is the case, what could have caused the decade long Mediterranean sea journeys of Odysseus and Menelaus who were descendants of the Minoan sea experts?
Okay anyways. Moral of the story, Saiki is a secret NERD and you cannot take that away from me. I live by the fact that he is just a random scholar of all things.
Plz expand, I would love to know ur thoughts/reactions
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sehtoast · 3 months
Can I request a homelander x single mother reader
Hl meets struggling reader with her newborn child. At first he watches her taking pleasure in how pathetic she is but eventually falls I love with her 🙏
So unfortunately one of my things with being a trans man is it’s very very hard for me to be able to envision this perspective and go too in depth with it, because it does end up inducing some weird bubblings of dysphoria (the mother role, not the having a kid thing), but I’m good to go surface level and just sort of headcanon it out if it’s all the same to you anon <3
He actually had no intention of fixating on you whatsoever. Not only were you normal– you were boring.  Just some human mud living your human life.  Not his speed at all.  At least, that’s what he kept telling himself.
See, he could smell it.  He practically salivated the second he got a whiff of your body producing milk.  You were just some desk jockey finally returning after maternity leave, but you caught his eye in mere seconds.
Then he started really paying attention.  Watching through the walls, following you home, watching you pick up that sniveling beast that you fawned over so dearly no matter how loudly it screeched in the middle of the night.  How you didn’t leave the thing for the wolves after the first explosive diaper was beyond him, but the soft, nurturing, kind side of you ensures the wee thing is put back together and content before even once worrying for yourself.
After a while, he can really see it in your eyes.  You’re exhausted.  Barely making ends meet, barely affording the babysitter, barely keeping from keeling over.
He smirks when you miss your stop on the train.  You don’t know he’s sat on the connector between cars, mere feet away, but you don’t have to know that.  You don’t have to know anything like that.  You just need to sit pretty and let him watch.
Just like you really don’t need to worry when you’re cornered in an alley by some filth reeking of alcohol.  You don’t need to fret, because he’s there in a heartbeat, lasering that worthless fuck in two and sweeping you into his safe, strong arms.
Your tears leak against his chest and he swears to hell and back he’ll never allow the costume department to wash away your scent.  He brings you to a roof, makes small talk while you calm down.
“Say, you work at Vought, don’t you? I think I’ve seen you around.”
He thinks he’s so smooth about it.  Like it’d be a mystery the next day when you’ve got a whopping promotion to be his new assistant, complete with a full benefits package including childcare and a salary that nearly has you falling to your knees.
The flowers on your desk are only the start…
I do also want to apologize that my requests have taken so long to start. I had an absolutely insane workload for school over the last 12 weeks, but thankfully I've got a little break now. That said, my requests are open once again <3
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 11 months
Hey!! What do you think about the recurring joke in the SOC duology, of Kaz asking a question, everyone giving answers, and usually a quip at the end? Do you think there's significance in it, or is it just a fun way to show the crows' dynamic?
Sorry if this is a stupid question.
Rule one: there are no stupid questions.
Although these conversations might seem like a relatively surface level aspect of the novels, I think that their significance is in the very way they teach us about the Crows dynamic and tell us so much about the characters. The duology’s biggest success comes from the intense vibrancy of its characters, and it’s these types of conversations that not only help us understand who they are and how they interact with each other, but also that make us laugh and therefore care about the characters all the more. Take the parallel from soc to ck about Matthias’ character development - in six of crows Kaz asks the group what the easiest way to steal a man’s wallet is, and the replies consist of “gun to the back” from Jesper, “knife to the throat” from Inej, and “poison in his cup” from Nina, before Matthias cuts them off and says “you’re all horrible” then in crooked kingdom Kaz asks where the group think he spent the money Pekka gave them for the sale of the Crow Club and 5th harbour, getting “guns” and “ships” amongst his answers and after a pause Nina says to Matthias “this is the part where you tell us how awful we are” but he simply replies “they all seem like practical choices”. This tells us so much about the characters and how they think!!! In the first instance, we don’t yet know the characters very well, so it’s important that we begin to associate the guns with Jesper and the knives with Inej, as well as understand that Nina works with subtle but violent tactics. We learn from this brief interaction that they’ve reached a point in their lives where murder or threatening murder is the easiest way out in every option, and we’ve also arguably learned that they are eager to please Kaz because they are all instantly searching for the answer that will impress him even though he’s sure to just continue on and explain his own thought anyway. We also have no response from Wylan, if I remember correctly at least, which shows the time it takes for him to mesh with the group and his heightened anxiety at the start of the first book. In the Crooked Kingdom interaction, we have a clear transition in Inej’s character from the association of her and knives to the association of her and her dream, a ship and crew of her own, and I’m pretty sure Wylan does reply in that one so it shows his personal progression and how he’s been able to mesh with the group and because more comfortable in his own skin. Matthias’ character development between the two is more obvious and openly commented on in the conversation, but what’s also interesting is that Kaz is there both times with a genuine answer and explanation. Even though he never seems the last to enjoy a joke or quip, when he’s discussing his plans Kaz almost entirely loses the ability to think beyond the job; everything is entirely black and white and categorised by whether it’s relevant, which means it’s what he’s saying, or inessential, meaning what the others are saying.
And what’s possible even more interesting is that you can see this in almost every one of these interactions Leigh Bardugo loves to include (and we love her for, of course). For example, in one of my favourites of these little formulas Kaz asks the group if they know what Van Eck’s biggest problem is. The responses are “no honour” (Matthias), “rotten parenting skills” (Nina), and “receding hairline” (Jesper). This never fails to make me smile; Matthias’ is so quintessentially himself, everything he values and such good summary of why he would be so willing to support anyone, even these thugs and thieves, against Van Eck, Nina’s showcases her dark humour and protective nature, her hatred for Van Eck is sourced far more in his treatment of Wylan and Inej than anything else, and Jesper’s is funny, witty, a genuine ongoing joke (such as Nina thinking that Wylan may need to invest in a hood tonic when she meets Van Eck) and just emphasises his sharp-wit as well as showing growth beyond the desperate need to impress Kaz that he harboured for so long before he properly got to know Wylan. But Kaz’s reply is simply returning to the job, stating that Van Eck’s problem is that he has “too much to lose” and that he revealed exactly how to destroy him by bragging about Alys and their unborn child.
I hope this made sense, it can be hard to tell whether I’ve actually translated my thoughts into the right words haha. Thanks so much for your question!!
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goldrushenthusiast · 10 months
What are your thoughts on the District 11 tributes in the 74th (Rue and Thresh) and 75th (Seeder and Chaff) The Hunger Games?
How do you think life differs between Distinct 11 and 12?
*Spoiler alert*
What do you think about the inserted scene of rebellion in District 11 in the first movie (scene after Rue's death)?
Thank you :)
I think district 11 is a fascinating district! On surface level it seems similar to 12, which I think deep down Katniss believed too, but it really isn’t like it at all which I think impacts how Katniss eventually sees it.
You know how there’s the Seam and the merchants in District 12? I think it does exist. It has to. I think Dill and Chaff are from it, for reasons I explain later, but I had to get that out of the way because in the same way Peeta & Katniss have fundamental differences from growing up in the Seam vs Merchant, I think it affects the tributes as well.
I think we should also consider Reaper and Dill from BOSAS, so I’m gonna do that lol.
I think that, for Thresh, the hunger games were an opportunity. A chance at something beyond working on the farms, no matter how terrible it might seem. While I don’t think he was excited for it, I think it would’ve been a glass half full situation he was going to utilize. I genuinely think he stood a chance at winning.
He would’ve shared the same knowledge of plants and stuff as Rue, would’ve kept his moral compass working (the thing with Katniss & owing), and it makes sense he got as far as he did. District 11 is definitely a competitor in these games, noticed even by Coriolanus in BOSAS.
For Rue, on the other hand, this was worst case scenario. I saw someone else mention there was a higher chance for her to be chosen because she had so many siblings and probably took out tesserae, and I think that’s exactly right, and having so many would only make the whole thing worse. I don’t think she had a huge chance of winning, but would’ve even more than the average 12 year old and if she fought hard there’d be something there.
Her climbing skills, of course, give her as much of an advantage as Katniss, plus her stealth. I think she could’ve survived till top 8, especially if she’d stayed in the trees. I also think her knowledge of plants would both help her, and hurt her enemies if she was willing, although I don’t think she would be. She could pull a fox face & Peeta move almost, leaving some poisonous and some not harmful berries or something in a “hiding” place for the careers to find. I just don’t think she’d survive in hand to hand combat. Plus, if she ever found him, I think Thresh would help her even though it wouldn’t help him.
Seeder and Chaff, I can’t be as sure about as I don’t remember as much about them, but I think at least one of them (Chaff, I think) would’ve been from the merchant part of D11. Both being statistically liking, and from his outlook on the games, both before and after he became a victor.
Just read up on him at Hunger Games wiki, and the fact he lost a hand but refused a capitol prosthetic is really very interesting, especially in the farming district. He was so assured that he’d be fine, he’d be taken care of, that he didn’t need one. It was probably an act of rebellion, but goes to show how self assured he was about what the capital would do for him.
Seeder grew up in the seam part to me, given the fact that she never turned to drugs, alcohol (like Chaff did) or any type of escape. She’s mentioned as looking strong despite being 60, and you can’t really achieve that without working hard in childhood and stuff, and continuing to, which I think she would’ve felt was her duty.
Thresh and Reaper also have some interesting similarities, both with their thing (& Katniss’) about owing people. I think D11, and their strict policies, force a sense of community upon the residents that binds them together and helps them trust others both more easily and still more carefully, because of how risky it is if you’re wrong.
If anyone is wondering what Reaper’s thing about owing people is, let me remind you how he apologized to the tributes about having to kill them before the games started (also relating to how strong the residents of D11, or at least the men, interestingly enough, are), and promised to make the capital pay. This was before Jessie spat in his eye btw, so there’s really no excuse for him to be saying other than a strategy or actually meaning it.
Reaper collecting the tributes and lining them up, however, could for sure be attributed to the rabies, but I don’t really know. We’re led to believe it is by Coriolanus because of how unempathetic and unfeeling he is, so of course someone caring is automatically categorized as crazy, and of course that part is used as foreshadow, but it’s still something to think about. How d11 views things and people and companionship.
Dill, however…she’s Dill. She’s tiny. Sickly. Couldn’t tell you much about her, and sometimes I honestly get her confused with Wovey, except Wovey lived longer. Dill was literally the first official death in the games, ofc excluding everyone who died from the bombs and such.
Something curious about Dill is that she’s a snitch, and by that I mean she told a capitol guy Reaper killed a peacekeeper (also, what the hell Reaper? Goes to show just how strong he is and why he considers himself so capable). I think Dill was probably merchant, also she did have tuberculosis, which would’ve been not as rare there.
She also probably knew she was dying no matter what and wanted to get everything out there, which I don’t blame her for.
Woah ok I did not expect to write so much about the tributes. Woah.
Anywho, life in 12 vs 11 is definitely as different as, say, life in 2 vs life in 7. Honestly, 12 would probably be more similar to 2, because of the mining and huts as houses and stuff like that.
In 11, you’re expected to be outside. All the time. Working, working, working. Jobs are assigned, roles specified, it’s very orderly and there’s not much anyone can do about it. Work also starts early, probably as old as 10 due to how experienced Rue was working in the trees. Meanwhile in 12, you can only start mining at 18, which Katniss acknowledges as a weakness.
This is a bit off topic, but the mining age probably started to be an issue after Coriolanus showed up and realized just how much worse he could make the lives of d12 people by raising the mining age (both in the games and money wise)
Back to the original point, In 12? If you’re outside, that’s fine. The peacekeepers love the hunters, and we know some townsfolk venture to the edges of the meadow and the woods to forage as well. Getting your own methods of food is fine, nearly encouraged.
11 is also way more strict, which Suzanne makes clear to us a lot. When Katniss visits 12 and they shoot the old man. Talking with Rue about punishments. Lots of stuff that makes Katniss do a double take and realize maybe she was lucky to grow up in 12 instead. It certainly has more freedom, despite 11 having the same working conditions. Truly, I think 11 would be the worst to grow up in, even though it helps so much with the hunger games.
Love the scene, btw!! It really supports my point about the strictness of D12 and how it forces a sense of community and stuff. It was a nice addition and realistic I think.
Also, the fact Rue knew the boy who was slow and his story about forgetting to put back the night vision glasses is so much more than an introduction to the glasses!! it shows how much the residents know about each other and how well they remember based on what the peacekeepers enforce.
Ok this has got to be one of my longest ramblings to date, but I loved it! I don’t focus as much on the original series as I should when I usually do these, and it was a fun change of pace actually having to go through the wikis instead of just remembering like I do for BOSAS.
Thank you for the question @curiousnonny , and I hope you enjoy my answer as much as I liked writing it! As always feel free to debate (but not argue or insult) with me in the comments as I always love having these combed through and stuff and getting a chance to learn more.
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blade-that-was-broken · 2 months
I have a HC that brozone had like stage parents like the kind of parents that only had kids so that they’re kids could do the child star thing and they could live vicariously through their kids success. and also so those kids could make a ton of money that the parents could live off of. Like the parents of the kids on toddlers in tiaras.
We know that JD took on the role of raising his younger brothers and that he saw himself as their main caretaker, but this is contrasted by the fact that his brothers don’t seem to see him as a parental figure and at least in the third movie seem to get annoyed and angry when JD tries to act like an authority figure in there lives. I interpret this as JD raised these kids but the parents were still around they were generally just uninvolved in their kids lives beyond the surface level bare minimum and shirked most of their responsibilities onto JD. In a JD did all the work but the parents took all the credit kind of way that led to JD simultaneously raising Bruce, Floyd and Clay without being a legitimate authority figure to them.
I also think that JD would not get baby branch involved in the band that young if he had a choice in that decision, both as someone who grew up in fame as a child star and knows how stressful and toxic that environment is and as a perfectionist who is very concerned with the bands performances going flawlessly. toddlers are messy and make mistakes and generally I don’t think JD would trust a toddler to perform to his standards and listen to him as a band leader during the performance. JD was stressed about the idea of baby branch being nervous and messing up the performance in the flashback I don’t think he would let him do it at all if it was his choice.
However I think that if brozone had toxic stage parents who decided to make baby branch join the band simply because he’s cute and marketable and would make them money then left all the actual logistics behind that move to JD to figure out that would fit with teenager JDs controlling, protective, and perfectionist character traits. Because people who feel like they truly have control over their lives and actually have the authority to make decisions in their life usually don’t micromanage everything and everyone they delegate. JDs controlling behavior fits more with a teenager who is desperately trying to cling to what little control he has in his life, which is the logistics of managing the band.
Essay over sorry for rambling
No worries! I love a good ramble.
It's not a bad headcanon either. It would make sense.
I don't think I have a specific headcanon for canon Brozone and their parents, probably because I have shifted to aus but it would make sense. Especially with all the dark turns we see when it comes to children stars/actors/singers and their parents.
Kids... don't often see their older siblings as authority figures, even when they are. They don't always recognize that. Don't get me wrong, sometimes they do but often times they don't really. So I can absolutely see John taking on that role and the others never really seeing it, even when they get older. Absolutely I could see that. Their parents doing what they could to keep appearances but all the real stuff landed on him. It is a tough spot to be in when your siblings don't see you as an authority figure that you are trying to be/need to be.
I could see that too. Even though troll aging/maturing seems wildly unpredictable, strange and weird in comparison to human toddlers, I could see, if this concept was the case, John not wanting him to be involved. Not only because of their parents exploiting them but also the perfectionism thing. It's not that he doesn't love Branch, but well, who trusts a toddler for this type of thing?
If there was toxic stage parents (which I think if they had stage parents they would have to be toxic, there is no way that family ended up the way they did without that if this was the case) I think you would be onto something with Branch being involved. We all know that Rosiepuff said Branch's voice was like an angel's so if she thought that, chances were their parents did too.
JD's whole thing when he left was his frustration and that his brothers were a lot of responsibility and considering he can't be that old, I can understand that. Coupling with the fact that he's probably not seen much as an authority figure in this case, as well as the pressure and strain he was under with that set of types of parents... yikes. Talk about a recipe for disaster.
Losing control for someone who struggles with perfectionism and even just being overwhelmed with reasonability is a nightmare. If this was the case, my only surprise is that there wasn't a blowup sooner. Which in that case, the reason it probably went on for so long is because John is protective. He always has been (I will die on this hill cause there is no way after 20 years of radio silence JD picks himself up and hightails it to try and save his brother that he isn't wildly protective)
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anthurak · 2 years
Not the Bird You’re Thinking Of...
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When thinking of Team STRQ as a ‘previous generation’ version of Team RWBY, it feels like a pretty common held take among the fandom at this point that Raven was the ‘Blake’ of her team, in the same way it seems pretty clear that Summer paralleled Ruby and Tai paralleled Yang. And it’s certainly been easy to draw some links between Blake and Raven, particularly when paralleling Blake’s relationship with Yang to Raven’s relationship with Tai.
I mean I’ll freely admit that I myself was one-hundred-percent on-board with this take back when the end of Volume 3 seemed to pull a ‘history repeats’ trope with Blake abandoning Yang in a way that felt very similar to Raven abandoning Tai. Which continued through Volume 5 where it seemed like the story was setting up Blake/Yang as a foil to Raven/Tai, with Blake returning to Yang, where Raven didn’t return to Tai.
However, more recently I’ve started to question how well this current interpretation of Team STRQ=Team RWBY actually works with what we now know of the characters. Like if nothing else, this current setup of Summer=Ruby, Tai=Yang and Raven=Blake leaves Qrow being the equivalent to Weiss, which I think we can all agree is… a head-scratching comparison to say the least.
Now to be fair, I do think the parallels between Summer-Ruby and Tai-Yang are still solid. Rather, it’s the supposed parallels between Raven and Blake that I’m questioning.
See, when you start looking past the surface-level ‘Raven did something similar to what Blake did’ parallels and start comparing these two as actual characters and people, things start getting pretty sketchy.
Yes, both fit the ‘dark, edgy loner’ trope, but beyond that are some serious differences. Blake is quiet and withdrawn whereas Raven is brusque and standoffish. Blake often acts humble while Raven often acts superior. And whereas Blake is so often self-deprecating and wallowing in self-pity for any wrongs she believes she may have committed (see Volume 4), Raven tries to blame others for her mistakes and runs away from responsibility. Ask yourself, does it really make sense that Blake could feasibly grow into the kind of person we see Raven as in Volume 4 and 5? Personally, I don’t think it really does.
And the best part is, do you know who IS so often quiet, withdrawn, brooding and has shown a serious self-deprecation and wallowing-in-self-pity problem in recent volumes?
So yeah, I actually think that it’s QROW who makes a way better parallel to Blake on Team STRQ than Raven does. And let’s not forget that Qrow ALSO put his absolute trust and faith behind a leader who ultimately let him down in a huge way. Even their weapons feels similar from a certain point of view, both having a sword-mode, the gun-form of Qrow’s weapon functioning like a handgun, and the sickle-form of Blake’s weapon more or less serving as a miniature scythe. Plus, I feel like growing up into basically the James Bond of Remnant fits Blake way better than Raven.
Oh, and this shift ALSO fixes the confusing element I brought up earlier. Because you know who was brusque and standoffish and acted like she knew better than everyone else at the start of the show?
Just as Qrow makes a way better parallel to Blake on Team STRQ, I think Raven likewise makes a very good parallel to Weiss. Certainly a better parallel than Qrow does. When we look at Raven in Volumes 4 and 5 and consider what we’ve heard about her, I think it makes way more sense that she would have been more like Weiss in the teams Beacon days. Oh, and let’s not forget that Raven’s weapon is a dust-infused sword with a rotating chamber just like Weiss’s.
And when we start extrapolating these changes to the character dynamics of Team STRQ, I think we start seeing a LOT of interesting parallels to the dynamics of Team RWBY. Particularly when we think of Team STRQ as the ‘failed’ version of Team RWBY who made the wrong decisions.
Like one of the things that made Qrow paralleling Weiss so confusing is that what little we’ve heard of his relationship with Summer doesn’t mesh that well with Weiss’s dynamic with Ruby. But with Qrow paralleling Blake, suddenly the way he talks about Summer makes a LOT more sense. Qrow seems to hold a great admiration and respect for Summer, saying ‘she was always the best of us’ and seems to have also had a close, platonic affection towards her. Which lines up very well with how fiercely loyal Blake has shown to be towards Ruby in recent volumes and in particular their conversation in Volume 8 when Blake tells Ruby how much she admires and respects her.
And of course, even the scant amount of info we have about Raven’s relationship with Summer makes a lot more sense paralleling to Weiss’s and Ruby’s relationship. Like if we start looking at Raven as at least partially representing a version of Weiss who lost Ruby, I think a LOT of her behavior and actions start making a lot more sense.
Now the one wrinkle with this whole idea I know a lot people are going to bring up is; ‘How can Raven be the Weiss of Team STRQ when her and Tai’s relationship parallels Bumbleby?’
Well consider this: What if Raven and Tai didn’t actually HAVE a relationship? If we start working from the concept of Team STRQ being a version of Team RWBY who made the wrong decisions, what if Raven and Tai trying to get together was one of those? I’ve brought this up in other posts, but I have a hunch at this point that Yang was an unplanned pregnancy. The product of what was supposed to be some one-night-stand between Raven and Tai which drove them into trying to force a relationship that one or both of them didn’t actually want. Which in turn is at least one of the major reasons Raven fled her team after Yang was born.
Raven’s and Tai’s relationship was never going to work because they’re NOT actually the parallel to Bumbleby on Team STRQ. The parallel to Bumbleby on Team STRQ is Qrow and Tai.
Even from what little we’ve seen, I think Qrow and Tai actually do make sense as a kind of ‘failed’ Bumbleby. A version of Blake and Yang who were never able to open up about how they felt for each other and have just been dancing around their feelings for so long they’ve just given up. A version of Blake who’s fully internalized the idea that he doesn’t deserve to be happy and the man he loves would be better off without him, and a version of Yang who at this point has just given up. And you know that parallel of Raven running away from Tai? Well I’d say it’s pretty clear that Qrow has been running away from Tai just as much.
This also smooths out any prospective reconciliation arc between Raven and Tai. I’ve seen a fair bit of debate since Volume 5 as to whether or not Raven and Tai ‘should’ get ‘back together’ or not after everything that’s happened. Instead, with this setup the reconciliation arc becomes Raven and Tai recognizing that they were never going to work as a couple and being able to accept each other as Teammates and family.
All in all, I think this interpretation of Team STRQ’s parallels to Team RWBY lines up with the characters much better. With Qrow we have an equivalent to Blake who parallels her character traits much more smoothly, and with Raven we have, well a parallel to Weiss that actually works. (let’s be honest; Qrow NEVER worked as a Team STRQ equivalent to Weiss).
Oh, and if anyone familiar with my other theories is wondering if my attraction to this interpretation of Team STRQ is at ALL influenced by the fact that it positions Summer and Raven as being both partners AND parallels to the relationship between Ruby and Weiss, and leaves things open for a certain relationship between these two that in turn sets up a certain possible origin for our main heroine AND presents foreshadowing for Ruby and Weiss themselves getting together?
You are EXACTLY right. XD
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nicosraf · 7 months
Hey Rafa!!! Will God still be a character that we hear speak throughout a&m? Your depiction of Him is both terrifying and Almighty— and its so refreshing to see the way you approach His Omniscience. Especially because I often felt (growing up) both a fear and awe at the way God is written in The Scriptures. I really enjoy that you write him the way that you do.
I wonder how strained His relationship is to the angels in Heaven after Lucifer’s debacle. I’m particularly interested in how Michael handles his faith, and how this is reflected in his servitude towards God. Poor fellow </3.
Also— one more thing I wanted to add while I’m here. One of my favorite books is George Orwell’s 1984, because of the intense themes of personal identity, free will, and self expression in the face of totalitarianism. Reading your book was so cathartic in the way that it had a lot of overlap in these themes but on a religious level…. And as a queer narrative. Let me just tell you I was SHOOK. How you disguised a hauntingly bleak Orwellian plot with so much beautiful prose is honestly beyond me. I highly doubt I will ever write anything as incredible as what I’ve read from abm. I’m honestly so surprised you don’t have like. A million followers!!!
Hello! Of course! I love writing God, like genuinely I do. I feel really similarly that the God of the Bible really horrified me, but in some kind of awe-inspiring way – especially because, to me, a lot of the horror comes from God's omnipotent nature; he can do whatever he likes, and there is nothing you can do. I'm really glad some of that comes through in ABM itself!
There are less scenes with God being actively there in A&M given that most of the story takes place on Earth, but he's still very present. He's the one giving out orders, though Samyaza and Azazel might not understand what he's really up to. Coming up for a motivation for God for this book was incredibly fun.
I think one of the big "issues" with writing God is that since he knows everything, you have to give him a reason to allow for everything. (I do play around a little with the question of whether he really does know everything, whether he really is all-powerful, but I think regardless of the answer, he still knows much more than you/angels and has so much more power that he may as well be all-knowing and all-powerful). So, God is going to allow the Watcher thing to happen. But why? What is his end goal? Maybe, who is his end goal?
I love Michael in this book. His faith is strained but it's the only thing he has. It's like he's holding onto old ropes over a pit of fire. In simple words, the Michael of ABM is dead – the sweetheart, doting Michael. You might find him unrecognizable, at least initially. I don't want to say much, but he's gone through quite a bit — the immediate aftermath of ABM's ending and what God does with him afterward. He's changed really radically from who he was, but so has Lucifer, of course.
It's fun that you bring up 1984 and totalitarianism, since I get to touch on what becomes of angel society after the fall. This isn't a spoiler because it'll be on the back of A&M, but Heaven becomes oppressive and intolerant. In the aftermath of sin, the angels have to reckon with the now eternal threat of evil in society. How will they deal with this fear? Who will they blame?
I always think ABM Heaven is more of a Brave New World of dystopia fiction; they both even have an orgy at the end (both books involve sex/sexuality as a means of control for the authoritarian power, though so does 1984). The ABM angels love their servitude. When they revolt, it's not out of this feeling that they're all secretly being heavily oppressed. I mean, they have everything. They live in paradise. When Lucifer shouts about how they don't need God and how God is denying them certain love, they go ballistic. It's almost a spoiled rebellion – at least on the surface it is, but as the reader knows, there is something deeply sinister about God, his behavior, and what he's already done. And angels needed a release for grievances, their long, meaningless existence, etc
I think A&M gives me a little more room to work with a more 1984 type of angel society, but themes of hyper-centralized power and limits of self-expression are already there. I actually love to write about fascism sksksjd, nearly all of my WIPs talk about fascism. Even the final Angels book is (planned) to say a couple things about it pretty explicitly, if I can make it not sound silly. You know, one of my personal grievances with these famous utopia-dystopia books is that they're not gay! Not trans! Almost always white. Queers are policed because of their self-expression (limp wrists, deep or high-pitched voices, gender deviance) and sexual activity; you'd think queerness, at the very least, would be at the forefront of considering the policing of identity and self expression in totalitarianism. And yet !
(One final point on Brave New World and 1984 is that they both have their own takes on religion. BNW replaces Christianity with capitalism; 1984 basically replaces Christianity with the leader of the party. I think these are both good takes for their respective books, but Abrahamic religions (really, most monotheistic religions) are unique in that they introduce the idea of a single all-powerful ruler whose sin is, quite literally, "don't do what I tell you not to."
God can kill, after all, so killing is fine, but only when he does it. Only he is allowed to be violent, or when you have his blessing. I can go on another tangent here on how Max Weber defines a state as having the monopoly on violence, and God, explicitly, has the monopoly on violence. So there's a really parallel allusion between the Christian God and states. It's interesting, isn't it !)
ANYWAY, thank you very much for liking ABM! I would take it down, frankly, if I got that many followers. That would be way too many people looking at me. Also don't say that you'll never write anything incredible. I think that you will, but you won't with that attitude!!!!! Good luck writing !!! sending u love and all
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quillyfied · 8 days
Alright, this is mostly a reaction post to Helluva Boss s2e8: Full Moon, but since I’ve watched the episode three times now and have been thinking about it for the better part of the day…more cerebral than a true reaction, I guess. And not chronological, either; this is divided into two sections, Plot and Feels. Please accept this wild spilling of my guts on this, my first episode since I found the show in February. (Obviously spoilers for Full Moon, but also for Hazbin Hotel.)
First things first: for anyone who hated the CHERUB/DHORKS plot this episode specifically because it distracted from the Stolitz trainwreck, you’re valid, but also, this is QUIET UNDERSTATED HUGE BACKGROUND PLOT CALLING, something that’s been building since s1e3: Spring Broken AT LEAST, and it’s MASSIVELY IMPORTANT, OKAY. I am losing my mind over all the foreshadowing and implications here, folks. And that little interaction between Collin and the rest of CHERUB, where they’re trying to justify their actions and he goes “I don’t think that’s how that works.” GET IT BC ACCORDING TO HAZBIN HOTEL NOBODY KNOWS HOW ANYONE GETS INTO HEAVEN. GET IT. GET IT.
My ongoing “IMP and Stolas are in deep legal shit” theory, which I need to condense into one post or tag or something to point at bc there’s too much evidence stacked up now to just summarize what I mean, gets not just more fodder in the form of DHORKS giving CHERUB mech suits that LOOK LIKE IMP, but Stolas outright saying Blitzo can now go about his business WITHOUT BREAKING DEMON LAW. We know that there’s a trial of sorts near the end of the season (or I’m guessing it’s at the end; I thought the fight sequence here was going to be during Mastermind so I’m already wrong on that count), we know Stolas appears to be in some real trouble, and now knowing that Blitzo and IMP are operating on Earth under Ozzie’s jurisdiction, there’s now more at stake for their shenanigans to drag Ozzie into some actual legal shit, not just general classist asshattery for dating an imp. From what we can tell from the trailer it seems like post-crystal IMP is at least trying to go more incognito, though all we have to go on is snapshots from Ghostfuckers, but IMP’s general indiscretion is going to backfire very badly on them, on Stolas, and now maybe even on Ozzie, and I am RABID FOR IT OKAY. CONSEQUENCES?? IN MY SILLY DARK MURDER COMEDY??? UNEXPECTED BUT PLEASE DO EXPLORE THEM.
Also, the sheer horror of DHORKS having a PRIEST ARMY?? The fact that they sent some kids through the portal, that they got EVISCERATED by EYED TENTACLES, and they AREN’T EVEN SURE HELL IS WHERE THEY WOUND UP?? JUST POUR THE FERTILIZER ON MY “ROO EXISTS ON A BOTTOM LEVEL OF REALITY SOMEWHERE AND IS GROWING MORE POWERFUL (PROBABLY THANKS TO THE EXTERMINATIONS)” THEORY, IT’S GROWING LIKE WEEDS. And beyond that, even if this scene doesn’t have more cosmic implications (it does look me in my eyes IT DOES), the basic surface-level plot issues that are going to come from a HUMAN ARMY looking to WIPE OUT HELL is bad enough. But this show isn’t Hazbin Hotel. The stakes aren’t going to wind up being that cosmic and fundamental to existence. If the priest army ever actually makes it to Hell, I’ll be very surprised. What will NOT surprise me is Blitzo facing consequences for his recklessness and everyone he dragged into it with him, because surprisingly real consequences for silly shenanigans has really started to become something I expect from this show as it grows, and I am being FED, alright. Also I’m going full Charlie Day with the corkboard now, I’m aware of that, but I need to get all of this out of the way so I can start to examine the blood spatter of my exploded heart thanks to Stolas and Blitzo.
Because Moxxie says that business is going well for them right now. IMP follows Blitzo to make sure he’s not going to fuck up their meal ticket. IMP is making a MESS of downtown Lust because CHERUBS ARE IN HELL. ANGELIC BEINGS ARE IN HELL. AND ALSO YEAH HOW IN HECK DOES CHERUB KNOW ABOUT EXORCISTS?? Thought they were supposed to be a secret in Heaven. So. Throws the timing of this into question, really. Unless Exorcists are a known category of angel, but their exact duties are unknown, which is likely tbh. But again ANGELS IN HELL AND NOT IN PRIDE GOING AFTER SINNERS, BUT IN LUST GOING AFTER HELLBORN. LIKE. THIS SEEMS LIKE A PRETTY BIG DIPLOMATIC INCIDENT ACTUALLY. Y’know. If it wasn’t just cherubs and imps and anybody actually cared outside of the massive property damage. The crystal is already registered to Blitzo at this point, even if he doesn’t have it yet…look I’m gonna be spinning my wheels about this for a while, let me have this.
(…why do they have Mothman in a demonic containment cell.)
(and something with a lot of tentacles)
(how many cryptids are in this place??? LET THEM OUT)
Now where in the several planes of reality did they get an extradimensional portal generator? Like, I know that of all things THIS is probably not gonna get explained and I’m okay with that, but I’m deeply curious about how they developed this technology. Still holding to my theory that Stolas’ summoning of himself might have had something to do with it, but for now it’s unclear.
Also the American-centrism of it all. The layers of fourth-wall sarcasm are STIFLING.
And Collin. I see your continued reluctance and horror. I hope you get your vindication. Though it is interesting that even though he’s clearly scared out of his mind, he does still manage to hurt Loona. He had a clear shot on Blitzo but hesitates. He is dragging his feet every inch he can muster in his Moxxie suit. He can’t even fly like the other two can. Collin is a sore thumb in about every way he can be during this episode. I want that payoff. I want it bad.
You know what else I want bad? An explanation of what Cherub Towne and Heaven in general is really like, if these dweebs don’t know what sex shops or a club is. Sex shop, I kinda get, given their and Vaggie’s reaction to BDMS gear, Heaven being prudish seems like a fair assumption to make. But. Heaven doesn’t have CLUBS? And Adam was OKAY WITH THAT?? Boggles the mind, I tell you. Boggles.
(…maybe it was just a budget issue but I do wonder at how none of the Cherubs had gold blood anywhere. Plenty of bruises, but Moxxie and Millie and Loona all got stabbed, shot, or bruised enough to show plenty of black blood. CHERUB got their asses kicked just as hard, but no gold blood? Could be time and budget issues. Could be…something else. I’ve got my eye on you, Helluva Boss.)
Because I think I’m more or less done now…and it’s time to get to the main event:
I have been purposely avoiding any footage or sound of the duet until this moment. And I am SO GLAD I DID, because When I See Him Tonight is a TREASURE, a MASTER CLASS in both recap and foreshadowing. Because it’s the summary of Everything Wrong Up Until This Point, and a blueprint for How It Will Go Wrong Shortly. Because, I want to point this out up front: nothing that happens in this episode between Blitzo and Stolas is a surprise. Nothing said, nothing done—none of this is a surprise. To us. The audience. The ones not just watching them both go through this, but chewing the plot down to the marrow for meaning, interpreting based on our understanding of the characters and world, extrapolating, iterating, writing so many of our own theories and fics about how this moment would go that the fact that it plays out pretty much true to the tone we were predicting makes it all the more satisfying. Or it does for me, anyway; let me not accidentally speak for more than just myself. Don’t get me wrong, it’s heartbreaking, but it’s such a RELIEF, honestly. It’s a necessary breaking down, burning away what wasn’t working and was actively hurting them both to start the hard work of rebuilding. THIS has been building since s1e1, THIS has been the emotional heart of the show, and watching it reach a breaking point is DELICIOUS.
The buildup is so perfect, too: Blitzo is having a good day. Blitzo NEVER has good days. Blitzo’s good days get dunked straight into the toilet, either because of his own actions or because the universe (or his subconscious) can’t let him have nice things. Juxtapose that with Stolas’ nerves, the knowing that he’s going to do something that will change the nature of their relationship, and while we know it’s necessary, Blitzo making the active choice to ignore the storm he can feel coming in favor of fixing it with sex (GREAT sex, mind, sex that he has every intention of making good for both of them; I want to stress very much that while Stolas and Blitzo are ill-equipped to talk to each other in emotionally vulnerable ways, their sexual compatibility appears to be solid as ever, so good for them)…it just makes Stolas’ anxiety (AND APPARENTLY NOT BEING ON HIS MEDS SOMEONE HELP THIS BIRD MAN) that much more sharp in comparison. It is a perfect teeing up of a golf shot that’s going straight through someone’s windows and causing thousands of dollars in property damage.
…and dear sweet Loona, who isn’t exactly wrong but isn’t exactly right either, pouring gasoline on this situation and activating Blitzo’s already-awakened anxiety about his and Stolas’ relationship is just. Mwah. Perfect. Cherry on top of this shit sundae. The last perfect condition to make this a supercell feels tornado. LET’S DO THIS.
(Side note but exactly how much money did Blitzo spend on his bag of tricks because YOWZA, does he go throwing around a sack about as big as the one he tossed down to his dad full of stolen stuff back in s2e1.)
HEY BLITZO AND FIZZ FRIENDSHIP HANG ON LET ME BASK. Especially at how effortlessly flirty and touchy they are with each other, that’s just a really nice touch for both of them (pun not intended). Also the fact that Blitzo is VERY CONFIDENT that Stolas is into the Dragon Driller 5000 raises some…questions. I will file them along with the questions I have about Stolas’ lack of reaction to getting his leg snapped and then stabbed in Western Energy.
Right off the bat the tension in this scene is unbearable. There’s the real-world tension of having waited for this moment for literal months. There’s the in-universe tension of Stolas being nervous about what he’s about to do. There’s the in-universe tension of Blitzo hoping things just go back to normal and being excited about that. There’s the dramatic irony of the audience knowing this is about to fall to shit and neither of these chuckleheads being fully aware of what exactly the other guy is about to do, compounding with the underlying cracks that they are BOTH feeling in their relationship and are BOTH very insecure about. But there’s a special sort of pain in seeing Blitzo so excited and trying so hard to get Stolas excited too and it just not working, because it’s the exact opposite of their usual dynamic. The script has flipped, for some reason.
For SOME reason. Ha. As if the miscommunication horse wasn’t galloping as fast as she could FROM THE START OF THE EPISODE.
I want to stress here that this mess of a situation that Blitzo and Stolas are in doesn’t have fault or blame in it. Or, rather, it’s a mutually-created tar pit of both of their mistakes and assumptions and hurts. They’re BOTH at fault, they are BOTH to blame, and in a way, neither of them are, either. This is the ugly truth of damage scraping damage: more often than not…it causes MORE damage. Blitzo and Stolas could be really good for each other, but they have to clear away the blockages first, and that can be really painful, especially when Blitzo’s self-hatred and Stolas’ self-hatred causes them both to misinterpret each other in the worst possible ways that reinforces those self-hatreds. The ways that this show hammers home how destructive self-hatred can be is COMING FOR MY ASS, OKAY. I FEEL SO STRONGLY ABOUT IT THAT I’M NOT SURE I CAN REALLY TALK ABOUT IT COHERENTLY.
Look, so many people are going to say it so much better, are going to analyze the ways that Stolas and Blitzo are talking past each other, but saying what they individually need to in order to start that necessary brush fire is what we all knew was coming. Stolitz isn’t going to get together this season, not with how much work they both need to put into themselves first. Blitzo has to want to be better for HIMSELF, not just for Stolas, not just for Loona, not just for all the friends he has and once had. Stolas has to learn who HE is, not as a parent or a husband or a lover, but as a person. The nuanced truth to “you can’t love someone until you love yourself” is “you accept the love you think you deserve,” and right now neither one of these poor bitches is in a place to accept the love they want to give each other. Blitzo isn’t even in a place to acknowledge that what HE feels is love, let alone that what STOLAS feels is love. He’s still in a world where his love spells disaster for everyone close to him. Reconciling with Fizz has started the hard work of dismantling that view of himself, but Blitzo isn’t ready yet, and he needs time to think and process. Stolas is so ready to begin his life at last that it doesn’t occur to him that Blitzo hasn’t been really hearing him or understanding his overtures and teasing (or that his overtures and teasing have often been classist AF, reinforcing Blitzo’s belief in Stolas’ view of him as a toy and not a person). I think given time, maybe what they’ve each been saying to each other in this scene will hit. But in the moment, oh my WORD it's a trash fire, the prophecy of the duet come to pass in glorious HD.
Side note to talk about how it looks like everything in Stolas’ house is covered, as if Stolas is leaving: HEY WTF??? Like on the one hand oh my LORD ABOVE, the parallels of Stolas covering himself up in portraits but leaving Via uncovered to Blitzo scribbling himself out of pictures. On the other hand, WHERE IS HE GOING?? Like. Drop cloths are used to keep the dust off of things when going on a trip, or leaving for a long time, or just not using that wing of the house anymore, but they’re walking through what is directly outside of Stolas’ room (and coming to stop at the very chandelier where they played as children, KILL ME). Why does it feel like Stolas was already leaving even before this rupture? Why is this teaming up with Loona’s observation that Stolas must be getting bored of Blitzo to punch me repeatedly in the gut? And does this have anything to do with the upcoming trial and what very much appears to be Andrealphus about to attack Blitzo and Stolas outside of his house? (I’m now doubting if it was Andrealphus’ house, or if he just froze over Stolas’ palace to take as his own, because the cobblestone pattern looks similar to what’s outside of Stolas’ place and Andrealphus’ Let It Go castle doesn’t appear to have the same in the brief shot we get of it I AM GOING INSANE.)
…I do love, though, how even though Blitzo is aggressive about it, he DOES want to keep talking it out, he just needs time to process. Stolas needs space to grieve, to be hurt without being seen. They’re both seeing it as the other guy just not taking them seriously, not wanting them around, how the FUCK can these two morons want the same thing but be so wrong about each other at the same time (I know, I know why, I watch the show, I’m just in despair right now). I don’t think Apology Tour is going to fix everything, not by a long shot, but if it can get these two to at least understand each other enough to realize that neither of them was actually being rejected…it’s a tall order, Viv, but I believe in your team. And this certainly explains why Stolas would have Bitch Supreme expressions at Blitzo approaching him after this, assuming Short Robe Stolas is in Apology Tour (I am on my hands and knees begging PLEASE); his feelings were mocked, the depths of his misconceptions were revealed, and his boundaries were pushed when he tried to escape. Though why Blitzo is coming for Stolas after this…can’t quite say, but it might have something to do with why IMP is on the run (unless that’s in early Ghostfuckers, which it could be, but hOW LONG IS THAT EPISODE GONNA BE, SAKES ALIVE). Because Blitzo was sexually rebuffed, given a consolation prize after being discarded, and subjected to way too much honesty without any time to prepare or process (or any immediate violence to keep his adrenaline up so he has no choice but to process, or whatever magic happened with Fizz), then dumped after spilling his vitriolic guts in an attempt to talk it out.
And I am SO looking forward to the cleanup :P
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imtryingmybeskar · 1 year
Come Home Chapter Sixteen
Joel Miller x F! Reader
Word count: 4360
Joel is still not himself, reader decides she'd rather not deal with his moods and infected abound in the woods...
Warnings for swearing and canon typical violence.
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Come Home
Chapter Sixteen- Try And Try
Avoiding Joel was easier than you thought it would be, and you suspected that was because he was avoiding you too. You had no idea what excuses he was feeding Ellie about why there had been such a dramatic shift in your interactions, but you ensured that you kept yourself busy enough that they could at least partially be backed up by the fact that you really didn’t have much time to yourself.
Farming was not something that you had ever attempted in earnest before and it was easy to slide into the rhythm of it to forget your other troubles, though the work itself was backbreaking and intense. You learned about calving and farrowing, how to prepare the land for intensive crop farming, helped to fortify the paddocks and fences around the pasture, repaired chicken coops, dug drainage ditches and fetched and carried an endless supply of tools to the blacksmith for repairs and upgrades. On a smaller scale, you also started your own compost heap, began to tend herbs and chilli plants in your own house and garden and every time you went out on patrol you ensured you came home with as much foraged fruit as you could.
Ellie was distinctly disgruntled that you seemed to take to the fields in a way that she could not, but she threw herself into her assigned chores with you, the promise from Maria that she would be allowed to accompany you to hunt outside the walls a powerful incentive. She was running a gamut of emotions of her own about what was going on, spanning quiet confusion to evident exasperation, and it hurt you to see her like this. It had been three weeks since you had returned, and during that time she had made various attempts to wheedle information out of you – asking leading questions, dancing around the subject, but you kept your silence about it all. Joel was her father, you were her friend. It wasn’t your place to tell her the events of the museum trip, and you didn’t want to broach anything around the subject too deeply anyway in case you accidentally let something slip about her birthday surprise.
“Did um…did you and Joel fight?” Her voice breaks into your concentration as you crouch before a particularly fiddly bit of broken chicken wire and you stand straight, stretching your back and wiping the sweat from your brow before answering her now direct line of questioning.
“No. Why?”
“I dunno. Just seems like you’re not coming around as much anymore.”
This was true. The very few times you had gone over to spend an evening with them, you had made yourself scarce after Ellie had made her usual excuses to leave. She seemed to be the only glue holding you and Joel together right now, and you had no real desire to be around him if she wasn’t there. He was beyond taciturn now, he was actively surly. Giving clipped, begrudging, surface level conversation that was usually polite but never warm.
“No, we’re good. We’re just both busy right now. Springtime,” you add by way of weak explanation.
“And he seems a little more…on edge than usual.”
“How do you mean?”
“He just…I dunno…he’s just more irritable than usual. And you haven’t been on patrol together in ages. He’s always with Tommy and you’re always with Vanessa.”
“Well, I think the dam is playing up again,” you answer. “Tommy needs all hands that can be spared to make repairs. You know Joel is good at that stuff.”
Ellie rolls her eyes. “Oh come on. I’m not stupid you know.”
You sigh deeply and cast around to find a way to explain what has happened while still not quite understanding it yourself.
“I know you’re not. You’re one of the smartest people I know. We haven’t argued, I promise. The dam really does need work and spring is one of the busiest seasons. We just don’t have time to hang out right now.”
“So why’s he so pissy recently?”
You resume crouching in front of the chicken coop and bend to your work again. “That you will have to take up with him. I have no idea what goes on in that head of his.”
If you were honest with yourself, you had noticed the change in him that Ellie had. He stamped around town with an air of grumpy malice these days, though you had been telling the truth when you said that you didn’t understand why. You had been racking your brains, trying to think if you had said anything that might have upset or offended him on that night, but had come up short every time. From what you could tell, he had woken up in a bad mood to relieve you of your watch and never really come out of it. The only conclusion you could draw was that he was pissed off at you, and you could think of only one event that might have precipitated this change in attitude. Well, if he was going to act like a dick about the whole thing, you were going to give him as wide a berth as you could. You even briefly considered moving into a different house, but the thought of starting all over again and getting used to a whole new living space was so exhausting that you dismissed it almost immediately.
There had only been one encounter where you had come into close proximity with him alone in the time you had been back in Jackson and it had been painful in several ways. You had been about to take your horse out to go scouting with Vanessa. The stables were fairly dark at the best of times, so you hadn’t seen him until you had moved right into the building and your eyes had adjusted from the bright spring day outside. He was clearly just on his way out somewhere himself as he was adjusting the straps of the saddle as you approached. You stopped still, freezing as if there was a brick wall ahead of you instead of the man you had once wanted to be so close to.
“Oh. Hi,” was all you could manage in your surprise.
“Hi,” he said shortly, giving you the briefest of glances before turning his attention back to his horse and dismissing you from his gaze.
The silence that fell was, inevitably, awkward. Your brain was screaming at you to fill it, to say something, anything. Ask about Ellie. Ask about the dam. Ask how his latest guitar project was coming along. But your mouth wouldn’t obey the commands of your mind.
“Guess you’re here for Amber,” you ventured. Fucking STUPID thing to say you internally berated yourself.
“Yup.” The brevity, the coldness of his tone hit you in the chest with force. This was far beyond even the aloof Ruggedly Handsome you had known. This was sullenness bordering on being actively rude and the hurt of it flared your anger in your chest. You hadn’t said anything more, merely prepared your own horse, and you hadn’t even spared him a glance as you heard him lead Amber away into the street beyond. You had tried. Poor and pathetic as the attempt had been, you had still tried. He had shut you down entirely. He was now actively ignoring you, or was so distant that he might as well be. And you weren’t willing to keep trying if he was going to behave like that.
On the day that you’re due to take Ellie hunting you’re up bright and early to make your preparations. You’ve ensured that your bows are in top condition, that you have a good supply of arrows for the both of you, and that your back up weapons are also fully loaded and well maintained. You had hopes that you might shoot some rabbits, but just in case larger game was taken down you had sourced a sled from a neighbour, their ten year old happy to loan it now that there was no snow to play on. Just as you’re finishing packing some food for you both, a knock comes at the door.
“Come in,” you yell, assuming Ellie will come bounding in demanding to know why you aren’t ready yet. But instead –
Joel’s soft voice comes from behind you, startling you so badly that you drop the knife you’re holding to the counter with a clatter.
“Hi,” you reply as you turn around, trying to keep the puzzlement out of your voice and face. Was this the start of what you feel was a well-deserved apology? Would you accept it if it was?
You allow your eyes to linger on his face. He looks more tired than usual, as if he’s not been sleeping well or pushing himself too hard when he’s awake. The fingers on his right hand are drumming against his thumb in a seemingly unconscious gesture as his eyes search your kitchen floor for something – answers to some question you couldn't fathom, or courage perhaps. Your heart softens, just a little at the sight of him so worked up and the fact that he had finally come around to visit you. Would he…maybe want to come out with you both? Recreate for the springtime those heady winter days when the three of you would escape for a few hours at a time to go to skate on the frozen pond?
“I uh…I just wanted to ask…” He trails off looking embarrassed, one hand coming up to scrub at the back of his neck, his eyes still downcast.
“Yeah?” you prompt, softly. You’re willing to forgive his weird behaviour. You realise that you always were. You just want him back in your life. To help fill your hours with laughter and jokes and friendship instead of constant work to block out the swirling eddies of painful emotion.
“I wanted to ask…are you sure about today?”
The question shocks you from your place of wistful yearning to have the old Joel back and deposits you straight into irritation with his current iteration, a development which you are entirely unable to hide in your voice given its abrupt incursion.
“What do you mean?”
“Well goin’ out alone with Ellie. Are you sure it’s such a good idea?”
What the actual fuck? After everything was he seriously still questioning your competency? Your ability to protect Ellie?
“Worried about my panic attacks again?” you ask, not bothering to keep the whip of snark out of your voice.
“Not just that,” he replies smoothly, and the calm tone of his own voice only serves to fan your irritation into anger. “She’s not been outside Jackson much since we got here. I’m just concerned-“
“We’ll be fine, Joel,” you retort in a snappish tone. “And if you really don’t trust me to protect her, then you can be the one to tell her she can’t go.”
“Wait, what?!”
Ellie is standing in your back door. You hadn’t even noticed her arrival, so focused were you on your anger at Joel. He suddenly looks even more weary, and every bit his age as he turns to talk to Ellie.
“I just think-“ he begins.
“No, Joel. Fuck that. She goes out on patrol just as much as you do now. You trusted her enough to go with her for months. And me? Who the fuck took care of you while you were fucking dying in some basement? I did. I hunted for food, I got you fucking medicine, I sewed you the fuck up. I saved your life and I kept us alive. So don’t fucking give me this shit about not being able to deal with stuff out there!”
Ellies shoulders are heaving with angry breath, her eyes spitting furious sparks at Joel. Meanwhile at the mention of their shared past he sets his jaw and you can see him grinding his teeth, biting back whatever it was he truly wanted to say to her in favour of attempting to keep his temper under control.
“And what the fuck happened then?” he asks, his voice more dangerously low than you have ever heard it before. “You nearly got raped and murdered by some goddamn cannibal freaks.”
You can feel how wide your eyes have gone at these revelations flying back and forth between them. They have never talked in depth about anything that had occurred while they had travelled together and to hear it pour out like this all at once was dizzying.
“And I escaped and fucking murdered them first!” she hurls back in a fury. “And why the fuck do you suddenly care anyway? I tried to ask you if you were okay with it and you shut me down and told me to ask Maria. Who said yes. So I’m fucking going.”
She stalks past him without sparing another glance in his direction, grabs a quiver of arrows and stamps through the front door without another word, leaving a ringing silence between you in her wake. Your anger has dissipated in the face of hers, simply unable to stand against such fury it has been swallowed up like a beach under a tsunami.
Joel is still staring at where she stood at the back door, his own shoulders heaving with his effort to keep himself under control, fists balled at his sides.
“I’ll take care of her, Joel,” you say softly. “I promise, nothing will happen to her.”
His eyes dart to you, almost as if he had forgotten you would be here in your own house. You think you see his features soften for the briefest moment before his eyes turn to flint again.
“It better not,” is all he growls before he stamps out of your back door, leaving you feeling like you’ve just been snatched up and thrown down hard by a short lived yet incredibly vicious tornado.
The ride out isn’t exactly the pleasant day you’d hoped for, despite the fact that you do manage to achieve your objective and take down a few rabbits between you as you ride through the glorious spring landscape. Ellie is still angry and alternates between sullen silences and muttering curses that you assume are directed at Joel, but might just as well be aimed at you or the world in general. You allow her time and space to calm down, but her anger seems to draw from a never-ending well and you have no idea what to say to make it better.
Finally, she snaps.
“Okay, I’m fucking sick of this shit. What the fuck happened between you two?”
“Nothing!” comes your automatic response, and you cringe slightly at how defensive the word comes out.
“Yeah? Fuckin’ sounds like it,” she retorts, angrily.
“Really. Nothing,” you insist, your voice now flat and neutral.
“Then why are you both being so goddamn weird? You can’t be busy all day every day. I know you have some evenings free. You just choose not to come over anymore. And as for him…fuck! I’ve not seen him like this since Boston. Since…since Tess…”
She trails off, her voice soft with pain and the inkling of what she thinks is understanding and you decide that you too have had enough. If Joel wants to be moody and silent, fine. You weren’t prepared to risk your friendship with her any longer by following his lead and you decide that bluntness is best at this point, reasoning that some of the truth of the matter might begin to more quickly heal the wounds that have opened up between you.
“When Joel and I went out together,” you begin, noting the way her eyes dart warily to you, “We ended up speaking about Tess. And Jacob. Who was kind of my Tess.” Her eyes have grown wide and sad and true understanding now begins to tinge her gaze.
“I’d never told anyone about Jacob before,” you continue. “And I get the impression that Joel doesn’t speak much about Tess either. I’m sure you know yourself by now that grief does odd things to people. Makes them act in unexpected ways. It was only after we spoke about her that he began to shut me out. Whatever he’s going through, maybe it’s to do with that.”
Her face hardens as she listens. “So…you knew you two weren’t okay. That it was more than just “being busy”. Why’d you lie?”
“Because it’s his business, something he’s going through and if he needs to put some distance between us, then I respect that. I thought that if I just gave him enough time we’d get back to normal again. But it’s getting worse. And as much as you’re my friend, you’re also his daughter and I don’t want to do or say anything to interfere with that relationship. I can’t talk to you about his problems because if he wanted to talk to you about them, he would. It’s not my place to be a go between. Besides, he won’t talk to me about them anyway. Or anything right now.”
Ellie gives a disbelieving snort. “You think he’d talk to me about shit? Maybe you don’t know him. And you know I’m not his actual daughter, right?”
“I think that little display from you both in the kitchen would suggest otherwise,” you smile, and you’re relieved when she gives a slightly embarrassed smile in response.
You ride along in silence for a while until Ellie pipes up again.
“You know he likes you right?”
“Are we doing the fucking high school shit again?” you groan.
“No, I just mean…he’s happier when you’re around. And whatever’s going on with him, I think it’s worse because you two aren’t hanging out anymore.”
“I can’t make him talk to me, Ellie.”
“No. But I can.”
You shake your head. “Don’t. He’ll work it out and come around.”
“He’s the most stubborn bastard I’ve ever met!” she exclaims.
“Well, you’re not wrong there,” you sigh. “Look, if it gets too much you know you can always come to mine, right? I know you’ve got your own space, but if you want company that is less grumpy I’d love to have you over. I uh…I miss you.”
Ellie smiles softly at that despite herself, and looks down at her horses mane bobbing in front of her.
“You miss him too?”
Now it’s your turn to look away. “Yeah. I do. I don’t make many friends. It hits hard when there’s one fewer around.”
She makes a noise of irritated disgust.
“You guys are so stupid. Both of you moping around. Why don’t you just talk to him?”
“When I try to talk to him he barely speaks to me,” you reply.
“Not about stupid shit. Ask him what’s going on. Make him tell you. Just fucking…I dunno, hit him till he talks.”
“You want me to punch information out of Joel Miller?” you laugh incredulously. “What, should I tie him to a chair too?”
“Okay, maybe not that,” Ellie says, rolling her eyes. “But you gotta do something. What, are you guys just gonna live next door to each other and never talk again?”
“Depends on him I guess-“ you begin, but quickly fall silent as Ellie waves an arm and then points through the trees.
A magnificent buck is standing amongst them, perfectly placid, perfectly still, and watching you with mild disinterest. Your eyes meet Ellie’s and hers are sparkling with anticipation. The deer decides you are far enough away not to be a threat and begins to root at the earth around the trees with its nose.
“You think we can take it?” you whisper, not daring to turn your head toward Ellie in case the movement spooks it.
“Yeah,” she breathes.
“Those antlers though,” you say dubiously. “We’re going to have to get it good, else we’ll be in trouble.”
“It’ll be fine,” she reassures you. “I’ve taken bucks by myself before.”
You both move slowly and in synchronicity, taking your bows from your backs and nocking arrows to them.
“Aim for its neck,” Ellie instructs, and you follow the wisdom in her suggestion. She counts down softly from three and on the word “Go” you both let loose, your arrows speeding with sure death toward the animal. They fly true, one striking it near its shoulder, the other into its neck. You suspect Ellie’s aim was the better of the two.
The buck bellows its pain and rage and begins to run, hobbled a little by its injuries.
“Come on!” Ellie shouts, and you take off after it through the trees, following the trail of blood that it leaves behind. It was far enough away, still fast enough on its feet and the budding forest is enough of an obstacle to humans on horseback that you ride for longer than you expect. Long enough that you hear a familiar scream echo across the landscape.
Fuck. If the infected reach it first they will render it inedible. If the infected reach you first you will have far bigger problems. How many there are will determine if you run or fight. And while Ellie can take care of herself you are still responsible for her. If it comes down to it, she will need to run while you remain to fight. These thoughts blaze through your mind in seconds and you cast around, looking in the direction that you think the scream came from while also still trying to follow the blood trail. You can’t see any infected, and the sound was far enough away that you have a little time, but you’re still not happy about the pressurised situation.
“We try to outrun them,” you yell to Ellie over the sound of the horses hooves. “Get to the deer. Tie it to the horse. Get out of here. I’ll cover you if they come.”
“Okay,” she says, her face betraying the anxiety that her voice does not.
The horses crest a small hill and the buck is there at the bottom, collapsed to the ground and finally defeated. You draw up sharply beside it and jump down, working together to retrieve the arrows, heave the deer into the sled and secure it with rope. But before you can secure it to the saddle, you catch movement from between the trees. Well, you did want a moving target you think wryly as you take aim with your bow again.
“Ellie, go!” you command her. “I’ll take care of them.”
In your periphery, you see her vault gracefully into the saddle and you breathe out to steady yourself, aiming at the head of the runner as it advances. A few more figures are further behind but gaining quickly as they also sprint full pelt toward you, and you hope to whatever passes for God these days that they don’t choose to follow her.
The runner goes down before you ever loose the arrow, and you realise Ellie is still there, also with her bow and beginning to pick them off from horseback.
“Get out of here!” you cry, before your own arrow hits one in the neck, dropping it as it advances.
“There’s not that many,” she pants, letting fly again and hitting a third in the face.
“I don’t fucking care. Go!” you reiterate.
“I’m not leaving you!” she yells back.
The horses are beginning to panic at the noise and the disruption and you hope that they won’t decide to flee before you have dispatched all enemies. A fourth goes down. A fifth. And then…sudden stillness and peace except for the pounding of blood in your ears and the heavy breathing of you both. You take the opportunity to draw your gun just in case this is merely a lull rather than cessation.
“Fuck,” Ellie says shakily as she dismounts again. “Fucking assholes.”
You’re inclined to agree, but you don’t intend to let her know.
“When I say you go, you go,” you frown.
“I helped!”
“You did, but I could have coped. What the fuck would happen if you got hurt out here?! Apart from anything, Joel would never let me see you again. That’s if I didn’t have to put you down because you got infected, of course.”
“Not gonna happen,” she says sullenly, her face set in a mask of defiant anger. Her resistance to believing that she could get seriously hurt out here sparks your anger, and you begin to question whether Joel was right about letting her out of Jackson. Perhaps she really wasn’t ready for the responsibilities it entailed.
“Of course, because no one ever gets bit out in the world,” you snarl, your fear for her honing your anger even sharper. “This whole time it was all just some collective delusion-“
Your sarcastic tirade is interrupted by another flash of movement behind her and you shove Ellie sideways forcefully. The infected still has your arrow lodged in its neck as it reaches for you, hungrily seeking to make more of itself. You punch it hard in the jaw and it rocks backward, but remains on its feet. As you raise your pistol it sways back toward you, lunging with arms outstretched. You step backward and stumble, and when you fall it feels like the world moves in slow motion. The disgusting, bloody, fungus infested face of the ex-person above you, the landscape moving until you could see too few trees and too much sky. And then pain. A sharp, biting, insistent pain in your shoulder that spreads a numbness across your back and arm. Your vision grows super sharp for just a moment, painfully so, the sun above making the blue of the sky and the fluffy white of the clouds stand stark against one another before blackness crowds the edge of your vision.
The nightmare face above you. A scream of fearful rage. A muffled bang. The sharp copper tang of blood. Cool patters across your face and a spreading warmth below you. And then…darkness.
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jesncin · 5 months
Hi Jesncin! Long-time appreciator of your Supes fanart, first-time anon. As someone that also has a lot of love for American Alien, Smashes the Klan, and thought MAWS was pretty ok/good, my vibe is that the generally warm response to the show stems from it being a consolation/reprieve to the dour state of non-comic Supes media from the last decade, though certainly as you’ve pointed out it could benefit from being less cowardly about what it wants to say politically and taking advantage of that less restrained Adult Swim label. 
I really like your assessment of immigrant solidarity between a proudly Asian Lois and Supes being the factor that makes him appealing to her. However, I'm also curious how you think that would change if you specifically throw in conflicting generational statuses into the mix, and perhaps remove that aspect of cultural pride from Lois' character while maintaining her immigrant status. 
While I certainly don’t think it was the authorial intent, part of me wants to read the downplaying of MAWS Lois’ heritage as possibly reflective of a contradictory feeling of disconnect, intentional or otherwise, to one’s native culture as an early-generation immigrant—similar to how Tommy Lee is presented as eagerly assimilative at the start of Smashes the Klan. As someone that is native Chinese but spent most of my childhood and adolescence abroad in predominantly English-speaking countries (without being subjected to excessive prejudice), I’m personally in a similar boat as Tommy of not possessing an innate fondness for my heritage beyond the occasional surface-level ornamentation and even sometimes even having derisive things to say about it. In my own experience this inverse difference in valuing cultural identity between first and second gen immigrants can be a real obstacle in forming relationships between them.
As Clark was wholly raised Kansan and typically knows so little about Kryptonian culture yet wants nothing more than to understand it, I think it makes for a more dramatically contrasting dynamic if he disagrees with a first generation immigrant like me or (theoretically) MAWS Lois on the value of discovering/retaining heritage. If the show had the stones to more concretely define her generational status, I think a Lois that shamelessly couldn’t care less about valuing her native cultural identity would have a more tangible angle for why she isn’t able to initially empathize with what Clark goes through in MAWS, despite them having that commonality. That by itself could be something that upsets the Clark/Supes/Lois dynamic in the beginning but could be reconciled with time and dialog going forward.
Anyways, I really appreciate your art and your thoughts on MAWS. Girl Taking Over is also on my list to check out now, thanks for the reco!
Why hello there! Welcome happy to have you here. Yes, read Girl Taking Over! It's very good.
Yeah, I've said before that things like the Snyderverse has burnt a lot of Super fans out into the habit of celebrating and fixating on the shallowest characterizations. But again, we've got to ask ourselves what story are we celebrating! Because it's bizarre that even the radio show arc Superman Smashes the Klan is based on (in the 40s) is way more political than this supposed Adult Swim show is in 2023. Never mind that shows like Supergirl didn't have nearly as warm a reception, and it's a far better written show.
I feel there's a misunderstanding here, never in my essay did I say I wanted a "proudly Asian Lois". In fact, my suggestions leaned towards her dealing with some manner of assimilation, cultural distance or even shame. I praised this aspect in Girl Taking Over, and I've written her that way for Indonesian Lois too- because I think that's a stronger parallel to what Clark allegorically represents. It'd make the hope they give each other meaningfully go both ways. At most in my essay I've said MAWS!Lois should at least be sentimental to her hanbok, and that her reactions to things should be informed by her Asian American experiences. Nothing to do with cultural pride. A desire to see an Asian Lois inspired to connect to her culture again sure, but not pride.
While I see where you're coming from, I caution projecting a read where no effort was made to tell that kind of story. I've said in my essay that it isn't impossible to write an Asian American character with internalized issues regarding how they perceive themselves and other marginalized groups, but that requires community specificity and time to explore that specificity because otherwise you've got the optics of Black Character Is Racist to The Blue Elves. The show failed to express that with Sam Lane, so we can't project that being the case for Lois. In Smashes the Klan, Tommy's actions are a result of following his dad's desire to assimilate. Gene Yang made it a point that Roberta and her mom still cling to their culture and cope with it differently.
I think ultimately even if you try to repurpose Season 2 with this dynamic, it just doesn't work with what S1 set up. Lois isn't detached or resentful of her culture, she's just whitewashed. If she had complicated feelings about her heritage, you'd think that would be explored when she chose to wear a hanbok to a party- or when her dad came over they'd showcase the generational divide they had. MAWS wrote a white character pizza and sprinkled Asian toppings on top, with no intention to create any kind of narrative.
I get not having the desire to connect with some aspects of your heritage, I feel that way towards my East Asian ancestry. And I've certainly met Asian Americans who can be viciously judgmental of more culturally connected Asians. But unless that kind of thinking is unpacked, especially with how cruelly xenophobic it can be to other immigrants- I can't help but reject it as a dynamic. Let alone a romance.
Girl Taking Over is largely about the dynamic between Lois and her frenemy roommate Niki- someone loud and proud of her Asian identity (that it makes Lois uncomfortable). The story works because it unpacks both of their resentment towards each other as foils. I don't see that happening in MAWS. Clark and Lois don't have that foil, Lois is just allegorically bigoted towards a guy who's trying.
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nautilusopus · 2 years
nobody else is writing meta analysis for vivarium so i guess i have to do it
Vivarium is a 2019 horror film that the internet doesn’t seem to know what to think of. Most YouTube videos as per usual don’t wanna engage with it on anything more than an extremely literal surface level (hence the abundance of “VIVARIUM EXPLAINED” videos that just recap the plot to you as though you can’t see with your eyeballs that yes, he put on the nametag, that sure is what happened onscreen, yes I fucking get it the boy is like a cuckoo-esque brood parasite I GET IT) that ultimately devolve into speculative fanfiction about how effectively the aliens can take over the world. There are a few people here and there a little more willing to at least engage with what the movie has to say, and from there you get takes about how it’s about how the golden capitalist ideal of the suburban nuclear family is a banal hellscape, which I’d say is generally pretty accurate. Tom spends his entire time at Number 9 labouring, digging a hole while Gemma looks after the boy because he doesn’t know what else to possibly do with himself, an action that wears him down and ultimately costs him his life, and for all his trouble all he’s found is the body of the last guy who tried to labour his way out of this situation. All he’s done is created is a grave for his “offspring” to dump him into. 
Like, as far as Capitalism Bad stories go this one’s pretty on-the-nose, and a lot of the people griping that the story was confusing are mostly the ones that seems to have missed this. (For an even longer tangent about how a lot of scifi stories aren’t going to make sense to you if you resist the very obvious thematic readings they’re giving you because you think things can’t be that deep I recommend Dan Olson’s excellent video on Annihilation.)
Occasionally, though, you get people also mentioning how it’s a little about animal rights, and even more especially about nature versus nurture. For the most part, Tom and Gemma are not kind to the boy. They (understandably) have nothing but contempt towards him. They openly discuss how creepy he is when he’s within earshot. At one point they try to lock him in the car to starve just to see if whoever comes to get his body can be forced to let them go, and they only back out on the plan when the fact that he looks and acts like a child in that moment gets to Gemma and she lets him out. Eventually, the boy grows into an emotionally distant young adult that locks Tom out of the house to die and doesn’t seem to give two shits about their suffering now that he’s bigger and stronger than his “parents”. Surely, we think, if Gemma and Tom had been kinder to him, he would have grown into a kinder adult, even if he was an alien? Are they not perpetuating this literal cycle of violence? 
And with regard to the nature versus nurture reads, I actually directly disagree and find it at odds with the Capitalism Bad message, because my read is this:
No amount of kindness or understanding would have turned the boy into a good person, and acting like it would have is in fact part of the trap. Gemma and Tom would have wound up used up and dead either way, because thematically speaking, what the boy is there to do is to collect data.
More under the cut, I have a lot of opinions about this.
The boy’s creepy alien gimmick is mimicry. It’s what the realtor (p clearly a member of the same species) does when trying to entice Tom and Gemma into Number 9. The realtor is better at saying context-appropriate things than the boy is, but still slips up every now and then, and even so his mannerisms aren’t quite right. At best, he sounds like he’s regurgitating a script (a bit more admissible given he’s trying to sell something). At worst, he parrots Gemma’s “no, not yet” back to her in exactly her voice. Everything he’s saying, it’s clear he’s going through motions without any real understanding of what those motions are, beyond, “This is the thing you say to sell a house.”
The boy is demonstrably worse at it. He’ll parrot entire conversations back to the people who had them regardless if it makes sense to do so. He rarely speaks in his own voice, instead chopping up various words he’s heard from both parents. He doesn’t seem to have much sense for what is and isn’t appropriate to mimic (to the point of Gemma quite transparently tricking him into revealing he’s an alien outright), much less what makes sense for him to mimic. 
He develops this skill gradually over the course of the movie, gets a bit better at putting together sentences people can actually reply to. But even then, he doesn’t seem to engage with the context overall of the conversation. After aforementioned alien reveal, with Tom growing sicker by the day, Gemma begins to cry and back away in horror, and we get this exchange:
The boy: Are you [overwhelmed] again, Mother? Gemma: I am not your mother! The boy: Are you [overwhelmed]? Gemma: I want to go home. The boy: Silly mother. You are home!
There’s no real engagement with the actual conversation at hand. This is the kind of script a reply bot runs. It emulates emotion the same way it emulates everything else. 
His nature is reflected by the surroundings: The identical miles of houses with framed pictures of those houses on their own walls, with no real understanding of what people do and don’t want in the aesthetics of a house. The food that looks correct, but has no flavour or nutritional value, eventually leading to not just Tom’s death, but eventually Gemma’s. The entire world, from the Number 9 house to the suburbs of Yonder in general with its fake clouds, to the boy and its interactions, are fake, hollow, and the kind of thing an alien with no real care for the real human experience beyond perpetuating the system’s own growth would create.
And at this point hopefully some of you have noticed, we’ve seen this exact behaviour pattern before.
i’m quoting the reply on that second one here by @dukeofankh​ because it’s extremely relevant to this entire thing:
I’m honestly reblogging this again because the more I stare at it, the more I feel like this is staggeringly relevant art.
Like, so much of modern capitalist marketing is the construction of these superficially personal narratives. Giving the sense, not only that the brand fits in with your identity, but that it is almost a sentient individual itself that has a personal relationship with you. Corporations have personalities. They want to be your friend, and the reason that the entire internet economy runs on the currency of data right now is that the only way to prop up the illusion that they care about you is by already having the information about you that real people would gain by paying attention
But the only way they can collect and sort all that data is with computers, without any actual humans involved past setting up the parameters and pressing “go.” And computers are fucking idiots.
Which leaves us here: this false, saccharine message of togetherness and community–community between you and your friends but more importantly between all of you and Facebook–stripped fucking bare by the fact that the cookie-cutter algorithm can’t tell the difference between friends supporting and caring about each other and Thanos with a dumptruck ass.
The boy is here to collect data, and he collects it and regurgitates it as though it all has equal relevance to the situation at hand. 
He reacts with the same polite indifference to open contempt, genuine warmth and an attempt to bond with him, terror directed at him, and pleas for mercy from him. Later on when we get a glimpse of the “inner workings” of the house, we see the boy watching another set of parents rawdogging the shit out of each other, and applauding appreciatively with the same blank amusement as he applauds to everything else. He sees Gemma and Tom dancing to the music from their radio outside, trying to have one bright moment with one another despite the grim circumstances they’re in, and he immediately inserts himself into the moment with zero awareness that he isn’t wanted here (granted that’s also extremely a little kid thing to do lol). 
Which leads to the fact that that isn’t to say he doesn’t have his moments of personality. He smiles at positive attention (as well as negative attention), he enjoys interaction. He throws a tantrum when he’s told he can’t watch fucked up alien meat television at 3 am and turns it right back on. About the only time we get a genuine reaction from him is when he gets locked in the car to starve.
But then, so do things like Alexa, or Siri, or Cortana. You can have little conversations with it. It can tell jokes. You can ask it the meaning of life and it’ll tell you 42. You can insult it and it’ll do an EPIC SNAPBACK OMG SO SASSY. The people who designed it want you to view it as a friend, even as it sits there and spies on you and integrates itself more and more into your life. 
Gemma lets him out of the car because (also understandably) she can’t bring herself to kill something that looks like a child. Later on, when she speaks with a dying Tom, she wonders why she didn’t kill him when he was still small. Tom tells her, “Because you’re a good person.” Their problems could have maybe (I mean probably not we’ll never know, at the very least Tom wouldn’t have died of exposure maybe) been solved if they just locked the thing in the car and ignored it, but in the end they still wound up viewing it as a person. 
Tom and Gemma openly comment that the boy is always, always watching them, knowing full well they’re within earshot of him. He doesn’t retaliate for this, they’re never punished for saying it. Why would he? It’s what he’s there to do. He knows they know he’s watching. Water is wet. The boy watches.
Of course, when he is older, and better at putting together conversations that sound like an actual person, Gemma is openly terrified of him. His mannerisms don’t change, but conversationally he seems to at least understand whats being said to him, and is willing to ask more in-depth questions, graduation from, “What’s a dog?” to “Why did you say ‘you’re welcome’?”
By the end of the movie, the boy matures into a man. He’s gotten a bit better at knowing which words to parrot at what time, something we can watch him improve upon as the movie goes, and still insists, to Gemma’s last breath, that she’s his mother and that she is home. Gemma dies telling him, “I’m not your fucking mother.”
This is maybe the only other genuine reaction we get from the boy: a disappointed, “Whatever,” before he zips up the bodybag and chucks her into the hole as well. He cleans up the house for the next occupants and leaves. He takes the now-dying realtor’s nametag and puts it on himself, folds up the old realtor and stuffs it in a drawer, and takes his place in the office ready to lure the next couple to the suburbs of Yonder, with words that almost, but not quite, convince you he’s a person, and by that point it’s too late. 
The boy was only ever there to make sure someone would be in Number 9 to make sure someone would be there to raise the next boy to make sure someone would be led to Number 9 to raise the next boy. 
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And who among us haven’t left this exact message, or even said this exact thing out loud, to the bot hanging over our shoulder watching us constantly, politely asking if we want help or suggested content?
TLDR anyway yeah the movie is “capitalism bad nuclear family in suburbia is a banal hellscape” still but there’s LAYERS you see
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stilldancewithyou · 11 months
I really think they’re not gonna do J cheating in s3 which on one hand I’m fine with since they made him bi and as a bi person myself I don’t want to see that awful stereotype on screen for the billionth time (granted I also feel like it was so tokenized because it was such a blip and I don’t think they’ll ever mention his attraction to men ever again or explore that in a meaningful way but hey maybe they’ll surprise me since I have low expectations when it comes to TV and bi representation; personally I think Gavin has great chemistry with Sean but I’m not sure they’d ever explore j/s since people may find it weird he’d bounce between the Conklin siblings and as of now Steven is straight in the show iirc) but also I read that s2 follows the book very closely according to some extras on set and it would make me mad if they show Conrad’s very human mistakes and then sugar coat j’s so he still looks like the “nice” guy…
I can’t say j is my favorite but I also liked that the books kinda went beyond his nice guy persona and showed how this behavior can be a red flag (bc there’s too many shows that romanticize the guy who definitely sees the girl as the prize and let them end up together and like sorry to Jere who I know loved belly in his own way but his romantic intentions with her started off wrong since deep down it was about getting back and stealing something from Conrad and that just turned me off to them romantically (I do like their friendship)) but then also show him overcome it (I.e. letting belly go at their wedding day and presumably finding happiness since he was mentioned to have a plus one at the b/c wedding) I think this would be nice to see on tv but idk
granted I feel like they have shown in s1 the darker sides of J already and people ignore it (ex. The firework scene like no jeremiah physical violence is not the answer to your problems😒 and him yelling and projecting at Conrad saying he only sees belly as a competition and then scheming to separate them) but idk I don’t know what other problem aside from the cheating that they could throw between b/j to have them on the brink of a breakup that leads to their sham engagement happen for s3 (my worst fear is they’ll make belly the cheater to take the heat off of J since many of his Stans always say belly was projecting when she claimed him to cheat bc “technically” they were broken up and she was still in love with C and this would will further villanize her relationship with Conrad and thus prop up j… and that would remind me of how dirty the second to all the boys movie did LJ by not showing the very real mistakes Peter made in their relationship and making it look like she just freely bounced between John and Peter for no reason)… anyways this is a ramble but I’ve just been thinking about it since s2 is nearing (and in my heart I need it to be s3 already lol)
okay I have thought long and hard about this specific topic and I hear what you're saying. but I still firmly believe the cheating thing is going to happen in the show. I just...idk. there's just no way around it tbh. It's kind of like having Susannah miraculously live...the story wouldn't be the same. I think the cheating went a lot deeper than the surface level people are stuck at, at least in my interpretation of the book. The whole thing about it is that Jeremiah found out that Belly saw Conrad in Cousins in December and she never told him, and Jere spent months secretly brooding about that and being angry (somewhat rightfully) and the way he says things in the books I feel like Jeremiah thought/assumed that something happened between Conrad and Belly (cause they were alone at the beach house!) and he thinks that's why she never told him she saw Conrad. So I feel like after the whole fight about Cabo and Belly not wanting to go (bc she wanted to be in Cousins instead!) Jere went to Cabo pissed and jealous and slept with what's her face out of spite, to get back at Belly. at least that's my interpretation. But he obviously ended up realizing it was messed up and tried to make it better with the engagement. And then as a double whammy to Jeremiah, because of the engagement, Belly ends up spending the summer alone in Cousins with Conrad planning the wedding which probably made Jere even more angry (it's just so ironic lol).
I'm also with you on the point about Jeremiah being portrayed as the nice, perfect guy up until the 3rd book, and I really hope the show captures what the book did. Because they have worked overtime showing how perfect Jeremiah is and how he's the better option and trying to sell him as the best person. I think the way you get to see his flaws and mistakes (which are very human but also he was a jerk for a lot of the 3rd book outside of the cheating thing and ppl are blind to that I feel, like everyone is stuck on just the cheating). I also think it was super important for Belly to see Jere's flaws. She never truly appreciated what she had with Conrad and the person he is because she couldn't see past his very human mistakes (which all happened when his mother was dying and immediately after her death!!!) and she got so stuck on what Conrad did wrong she looked over and felt like Jeremiah was perfect and seemed so much better, funnier, happier, etc, etc, it was very much a "the grass is always greener on the other side" type of situation. The show definitely did show a lot more darker, more flawed sides of Jeremiah pretty early, but I still think they also worked really hard making him look perfect like in the books (up until book 3). I also think that's partly intentional, part of the point is that Belly had very idealized and romanticized ideas of both boys and what dating them and being around them all the time would be like and her bubble needed to be burst by reality.
anyway, all of that is to say that I still firmly believe the cheating thing is going to happen in the show. So prepare yourself while you have time. There's just nothing else that could compare to that to create not just the sham engagement but the angst, the jealousy, the anger and everything and then the way Conrad finds out about the cheating and immediately runs to Belly, all pissed off at Jere...I don't think anything else could get us there.
also as a side note: Jere and Steven did have good chemistry, but also I LOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIP TOO MUCH TO GO THERE. The friendship between Steven, Jere, and Conrad is so important and special and I feel like in the books they're presented as being like brothers. I don't think I could handle another lifelong friendship being ruined tbh (cause Belly and Jeremiah also had a great friendship and I loved it in the books but the show kinda fastforwarded over it). And I don't think it's something that could ever be explored because it gets too close the whole premise/storyline of Belly dating the Fisher brothers. But there's no harm in shipping! I personally thought Jeremiah and Taylor had really great chemistry as well (Taylor and Steven were also good together and I do love them) and I wanted to see more moments with Jere and Taylor. I am also still salty that the show basically erased Jere and Taylor's whole brief dating thing and some of the best flashbacks from the first book. But they're clearly going in the Steven/Taylor direction for now so I'm not getting my hopes up.
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winderlylandchime · 10 months
I have a question for you that might be a bit too much but I was watching QAF and started asking myself the same thing and I remember that I really liked reading your Brian Kinney post or something similar that was very interesting so I figured I’d ask you too. What are your favorite and least favorite things about the characters from QAF? Not just Britin but like all of them. Because all of them are perfect in their own way but also flawed so I was wondering what someone else might pick :)
Hello dear sweet anon!
Thank you for this ask, I love these types of questions (as everyone now knows, lol).
As you said, and I think it’s worth repeating, these characters all have good qualities and bad qualities and that is so real. None of us is perfect and all of us have bad qualities. I think that is what made this show so compelling (and why we’re all still so obsessed 20 years later). These characters were real (even if the situations they were in - take down a corrupt politician?! - were sometimes not the most realistic) and we could relate to all of them in some way.
The Characters of Queer as Folk…
Michael Novotny
Good - he is clearly a person who cares a lot about the people he loves - his mother, his friends, his uncle, his partner. He is a fandom guy. Here we all are talking about a show that was on the air 20 years ago, and this guy is obsessed with Captain Astro and other superheroes. He is one of us.
Bad - he has an idea of who people are that is very fixed and therefore when he wants the best for the people he loves, it is sometimes not based in who they are as a person in the here and now. Brian doesn’t do love or boyfriends, therefore he can never do love or boyfriends. This is very relatable, so many of us have trouble updating our idea of who someone is over the course of a long term relationship (platonic or romantic). He tends towards very codependent relationships. Also, go back and watch the beginning of his relationship with Ben. I’m not talking about breaking up early in their relationship about his serostatus, I’m talking about after they reunite and Debbie disapproves and Michael makes all these (very good) points about dating Ben but he does it… in front of Ben. CRINGE. AWKWARD. I WOULD ACTUALLY DIE IF SOMEONE DID THAT TO ME.
Ted Schmidt
Good - he is intelligent and kind, he has a biting sense of humor, he is loyal.
Bad - he has the world’s lowest self-confidence. Rather than just own his love of accounting and opera, he is ashamed of it. He has remarkable growth in this respect over the course of the series and I would argue he is the character that grows the most (and whose growth is not erased by the end of the series).
Emmett Honeycutt
Good - oh my god I love him so much. He is a femme queen and he lets his flame burn bright. He is kind and funny and can take a joke and dish it right back.
Bad - oof this one is hard because I do love him so much. I think he tends to want to shy away from the darkness and as a result when a loved one is going through a dark time (ahem Ted), he struggles to be able to help much beyond something surface level. His understanding of substance abuse disorders could be improved. Also, the party he plans for Ben’s birthday is full cringe racist.
Debbie Novotny
Good - she is fiercely protective and an ally to the gay boys of Liberty Avenue. She does not back down from a challenge. She has had to be strong as a young single mother and she did a good job with what she had to work with.
Bad - as a young single mother she and her son have a codependent relationship and this models that type of relationship for her son to develop with other people. Her protectiveness knows no loyalty, except to her son. Her “adoptive son” Brian gets the short end of the stick when his needs are in conflict with her son’s. Which makes sense, but then don’t pretend to be a mother to Brian. She thinks she knows better than people about what is good for them and what they need and this sometimes extends beyond advice giving (telling Brian to tell Justin he loves him after zucchini man) to taking action (as @kinnenvy rightly points out - telling Joan that Brian has cancer). Ma’am, you do not do that. Also, she uses the word fag (which I have no problem with queer people reclaiming but she is… not actually queer) and dates a cop, so she loses major ally points in my book.
Ben Bruckner
Good - he is very good looking. He is smart and driven. He brings an alternative perspective to the group. He honors who Michael is and allows him to let his fandom freak flag fly (we should all have partners and friends who do this, btw).
Bad - toxic positivity thy name is Ben Bruckner. Why does Ben have a flirtation with steroids? Because his “look on the bright side, glass half full, be positive” mentality does not allow for any negativity. And life has negativity in it. We need to acknowledge it and not push it away in order to deal with it. His understanding of Buddhism is incomplete and lacking (from my own study of Buddhism). Also, he is really freaking boring.
Melanie Marcus
Good - she is smart, she knows who she is as a Jewish dyke, and she is unapologetic. She is apparently a lawyer who specializes in everything from civil rights to custody to entrapment/indecent exposure (whatever Vic was charged with). She is able to change her mind (about getting married, etc.)
Bad - she cheats on her partner and then when her partner cheats on her she decides it’s different because biphobia. She is jealous of Brian and this warps her image of him. She is stubborn.
Lindsay Peterson
Good - she is kind and she loves fiercely. I like her relationship with Justin and the way she mentors him.
Bad - oof. I cannot scream enough about her decision to have Brian father Gus. First of all, her partner is jealous/doesn’t like him. I don’t know what type of long term relationships you’ve had, anon, but this is not how you treat your partner. Yes, she’s the one carrying the fetus but her partner should get veto power over the sperm donor (or father… more on that in a second). I cannot even imagine doing that to my spouse. We even had a brief moment of insanity where we contemplated having a kid so that isn’t something so difficult to imagine. Like, how do you do that? Then that brings me to her relationship with Brian. Maybe Lindsay is bisexual but can’t acknowledge because of biphobia (from the writers first and foremost, like I know biphobia was super acceptable in the early 2000s but c’mon, do better!), but having a crush on someone who will never love you back is something to work out in therapy. It’s not something to allow to go unchecked and wreck your relationship with your partner. Her crush, I would say, is worse than Michael’s because it’s almost like she doubts Brian when he says he is not interested in women. (Let’s reverse the situation and imagine a man constantly flirting with a lesbian and telling her how he imagined they would wind up together and how gross and boundary crossing that would seem.) Also, she has him in this box (Peter Pan) and again, refuses to acknowledge that he might grow and change. She gives him mixed messages - you need to grow and be a good partner to Justin but also this isn’t you and you need to remain you. Another mixed message? Oh you’ll just be the sperm donor, make a cameo appearance, etc. but then “You need to spend time with your son.” Obviously, people raise kids in all types of relationship configurations. But from my understanding, Brian was going to donate the sperm and Lindsay and Melanie would be the parents. So is he the sperm donor or is he the father? Both Brian and Melanie would like to know.
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gravity-barbie · 2 years
Flirting with the umbrella academy women HCs
A/N: If anyone wants to request anything else for just the girls, I would love that
Allison Hargreeves
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-Allison finds your behaviour obnoxious but equally amusing, often rolling her eyes at you while trying to bite back a smirk
-She isn’t one to easily be swayed by praise and admiration (not anymore anyway), but there’s a certain open-heartedness to your words beyond the surface level flattery that she can actually appreciate
-In general she’s more attracted to people that carry themselves with a higher level of respectability than you, yet against her better judgment she finds something about you charming
-She gives you a lot of “seriously?”’s and “nice try”’s, but her delivery is friendly enough to keep you coming back for more
-Overtime as she gets more comfortable with you, she becomes increasingly willing to test the waters with flirtier comebacks to your pick up lines, granted they’re still subtler than anything you’ve come up with
-Though once she’s reached that point, and she figures she really does like you, she doesn’t waste any more time before asking you out
Lila Pitts
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-The first time you hit on Lila, she is immediately impressed by your confidence, and readily flirts back, pretty much reflexively, she doesn’t think much of it
-However as it starts to become a reoccurring thing whenever she sees you, she starts to enjoy your presence more and more, and actively seeks you out when she’s feeling bored or lonely
-Your flirting sessions can get pretty intense and explicit, usually leaving anyone else in the room with you very uncomfortable
-While Lila would like to take things further with you, she also thinks that what you have now is kind of perfect, it’s all thrill and no feelings, you make her feel good but you can’t hurt her
-She runs a bit hot and cold on you whenever she’s trying to figure out how she really feels, you could get whiplash from from the way she seems like she’s about to ask you out one day, and then she’s acting like your bitter, jilted ex the next
-You need to be the one to let yourself be vulnerable and put your cards on the table first, Lila is scared enough of doing so without the fear that you’re not as serious about this as she is
Fei Hargreeves
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-The way Fei responds is at least partially dependant on how good you actually are at flirting, if you’re unoriginal or seem fake she won’t pay you much mind, same goes for if it’s not just her you give this kind of attention to
-Even if she is into it, she acts like she’s above your nonsense, always talking around your flirts, but she lets a couple smirks slip out and makes sure to never say anything that could imply a rejection
-She has a knack for keeping her composure, which makes the scarce moments where you do get her to go a little red or stumble over her words all the more rewarding
-Sometimes you’d swear she’s baiting you into making one of your comments, focusing on you while making subtle innuendos, or taking opportunities to make physical contact with you
-It’s rare and only in private, but occasionally Fei does flirt back, and when she does, her skill and intensity completely outshines yours, you’ve been at this for weeks and almost nothing, but she leaves you a blushing mess on her first go
-As much as Fei enjoys this playful, thrilling portion of your relationship, she’s an efficient person and doesn’t let it go on for too long before making her move
Sloane Hargreeves
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-Sloane is a little flustered by your forwardness but also flattered and charmed, frankly you don’t need to try very hard to win her over
-She turns into a lovesick schoolgirl around you, getting very giddy and talkative, hanging on to your every word, and just melting under every compliment you give her
-She hasn’t had many opportunities to practice flirting, but she tries her best to match yours, and she’s pretty much a natural, even if she usually comes across as more cute than seductive
-She’s quick to open up to you and seek a deeper, more intimate connection, because flirting is fun and all but she doesn’t want to get attached to you if this isn’t going to go anywhere
-Romantic that she is, Sloane will feel hurt if she gets the impression that you’ve just been messing around and distance herself, so it’s better to make a real move sooner rather than later
-She never really gets used to your remarks, no matter how far your relationship progresses, you can still make her blush like the first time you met
Jayme Hargreeves
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-Jayme is unimpressed the first time you flirt with her and makes that no secret, but she also plays along by essentially saying “you’re gonna have to try harder than that” more out of curiosity than anything
-Of course you rise to the challenge, always greeting her with better material and sultrier body language, to which she always responds with a new, slightly less harsh insult than the one before
-When you’re more thoughtful about it, giving her a genuine compliment, or doing/getting something for her that shows you know her better than she thought, she can’t help feeling a little disarmed and endeared to you
-All Jayme’s negging is in a sense flirting, but beyond that she doesn’t really meet you half way, because she’s having fun, but she’d rather not let on to anyone that she’s going soft on you
-Though the second you flirt with someone else, she’s quick to turn around and act like you two have some kind of claim on each other
-So if for nothing else but to keep you out of someone else’s arms, Jayme decides to bite the bullet and ask you out, playing it off by saying she just couldn’t bare to see what lame attempt to woo her you come up with next
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paigemathews · 2 years
While it’s obviously canon that Chris has an inferiority complex to Wyatt, I think that Melinda also has a complex relationship with being “Wyatt’s sister” and how she’s viewed through that lens. It’s definitely not the same thing at all, but I do think that it’s definitely a factor for her relationship with Wyatt and the magical community as well. 
With that said, I don’t necessarily think that Wyatt really gets Chris or Mel’s issues with it, but I do think that he’s at least aware of them. There are a lot of italics in that sentence, but my main thought is that Wyatt has, at the very least, the knowledge that both of his siblings dislike the way that they’re perceived or seen through/as their relationship to him.
Which is why I think that one of the fastest ways to get Wyatt to like you, beyond just the immediate surface level, is to flip the script to prioritize Chris/Mel respectively. Like Bianca meets Wyatt and just goes, so you’re Chris’s brother and Wyatt is immediately like. I like her :)
#charmed#wyatt halliwell#melinda halliwell#chris halliwell#next gen#i honestly dont know if this really makes sense but its a thought i have#i dont think that wyatt dislikes people who call chris or mel his brother or sister but its more#someone meeting the three of them and seeing chris and mel for who they are and actually getting it#im not explaining this well but its the vibes#this goes honestly for the whole next gen if we're being honest#lbr chris's issues aren't exactly subtle like they all can clock the daddy issues and inferiority complex#(and y'know what its so awkward whenever someone makes a joke about daddy issues in front of leo so ofc it keeps happening)#and while mel's isn't honestly that big of a thing it's still something that makes her roll her eyes or make a face#and the other next gen kids DO pick up on her dislike of it too and know that it's v much a chris and mel thing#bc they're not wyatt's siblings and they can kind of see the direct comparisons going on#so they're more likely to be cool with a person who actually pays attention to chris and mel and notices that#(bc. it's not subtle like at all)#i just have a lot of feelings about the relationship between the next gen#i dont know if anyone else saw that post about encanto where it was talking about how the family blends together#so that you dont necessarily know who's a sibling or cousin/aunt or mother#but that's how i imagine the next gen to an extent#bc the sisters were so enmeshed into each others lives and we frankly didnt exactly see them grow out of it and i just think#that with the element of family/sisterhood embedded in their magic that the kids would kind of just#end up being very embedded in each other's lives and have a much more sibling esque closeness#i will be honest i dont actually know how normal it is to be close with your cousins bc i v rarely talk to mine#so maybe its normal. or maybe its weird idk#these tags are longer than the post ffs
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