#or I just have a massive crush on him idk maybe it’s not that deep
minniiaa · 29 days
Sabo is my 3rd fave OP character and I love him so much that he appears in almost every fanfic I write.
He’s the pretty, smart, fiercely loyal, unconditionally loving, put together yet goofy big bro I wish I had. I just cry over the idea that he’s always supporting Luffy and loves him dearly, especially after Ace’s death where he feels like he needs to give him enough love for the two of them.
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girlwithwolftatoo · 11 months
I love your writing so much 💕💕Can I request making the moom boys the little spoon headcanons or their reaction to their gf trying to make them little spoon? Because personally I'm 4'11 and their what? 5'11, 6 foot? Idk it's always been funny to me thinking about short big spoon and big small spoon
Of course!
Moon Boys + being little spoon:
Marc Spector:
Please and thank you. He needs to feel protected more than he admits out loud, and something as simple as this will forever live rent free in his heart.
He's not used to cuddling, not even when he was married. His emotional barrier is inmense and considers himself a pintential bother if he asks too much to his partner (BTW, as "too much" Marc literally understands any need he may have).
Your hand slides over his arm. He opens his eyes. "Hmm?" Marc turns back his head, thinking you need something. "Everything okay?" "Uh? Why, yes... Do you... want me to take it off?" you ask nervously.
It takes him some seconds to understand, and, while he makes a little smile and mutters an apologize, his heart is melting and he feels a desperate need for cry or laugh or scream or anything. He can't remember the last time he slept so close to someone else.
"Just be careful" he warns you "If I turn I may crush you" "I'm not that small, Marc" "Oh really? 'Cause you look right now like a koala"
Steven Grant:
Honestly, being the small spoon is his default position in bed. When he's deep asleep, his body curls like a ball, is not until dawn he may wake up in starfish way because someone (probably Jake) didn't have enough care with the body.
He makes a surprised gasp when your arms go around him. "Oh, wait! I'm a little ticklish..." he says when your hands reach his sides. So, in my opinion, the best place to rest them is his chest.
Cuddling Steven is like having a massive teddy bear, all warm and fluffy. Since you're smaller, your face buries between his shoulders blades.
You may think that, due to his bad sleeping history, being the bid spoon will be hard, but not. In fact, having you behind him and so close helps Steven to sleep better. Perhaps is the added weight or your own warmth, but having you besides him soothes him down like nothing before.
Jake Lockley:
The problem with Jake is he isn't usually around for sleep time. When interacting, is mostly on plain day or maybe a little before sunset, so in general, your cuddling with him is at minimum, compared to thw other two.
The other obstacle is he enjoys being the big spoon. It has a lot of benefits, he can be protective and sweet at the same time, his hands have access to your body in case he wants to hold to something...
"Whatcha doing? Playing the monkey?" he jokes due to the size difference. He likes when you also let one leg resting on his, it's almost the only reason why he allows you to change the position. "But don't get too used to this, bonita"
He has a wide variety to call you when you're the big spoon, everyone weirder than the previous one: mochilita (little bagpack), baby monkey, gecko... and his favorite, "Koala time!"
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avatarmerida · 1 year
Til You Make It
Okay so this was something I wanted to have finished for Valentines Day (and it shows) but then idk I just didn’t. But I wanted to finish it and at some point it became way longer than a drabble but I don’t have enough to do like a full multi chapter story so here’s some corny huntlow fake dating that’s king for no reason. Idk how I feel about it but maybe it’s just because I’ve been staring at it too long. Okay byyyyyeeee.
“...and then you pick truth or dare and we keep going back and forth like that,” Gus finished explaining the rules of the game. The boys had such a fun time sharing a room in the human realm they decided to have a sleepover and Gus was walking Hunter through the difference between sharing a room and sleeping over. The main difference was the games you played, according to Gus.
“Okay so I guess… truth?” Hunter said tentatively as they sat on the ground in front of Gus’ bed, their new matching Cosmic Frontier sleeping bags laid neatly beneath them.
“Okaaay,” Gus sang with a mischievous grin. “Tell me a secret…”
“Oh, well I don’t think we have any secrets anymore, I mean after everything that’s happened I think you must know most-.”
“... about Willow.” Gus finished, raising his eyebrow.
“Why would I know one of Willow’s secrets?” Hunter stuttered nervously. “A-and even if I did, I would never divulge one without her permission. Why would you-.”
“I’m preeeetty sure you have at least one secret involving Willow,” Gus cut him off as he reached for his juice box sitting on the nightstand. By now, Hunter’s massive crush on their friend was old news but Gus knew Hunter was making some progress, but getting him to open up about it presented its challenges. He thought this was the perfect game to get the ball rolling or at least see where the ball was. “But if you would rather do a dare…”
“No! No, it’s fine.” Hunter said, taking a deep breath. “There actually… is something I’ve been wanting to talk about. But everything stays confidential, right?”
“I’ll take the solemn vow of secrecy that Avery pledged to O’Bailey.” Gus said with a serious face that put Hunter at ease, knowing the severity of the oath. 
“Okay,” Hunter took another deep breath as he fiddled with his thumbs. “Right before… everything happened, I sent Willow a message…”
“Okaaay?” Said Gus, prompting him to continue. “What about?”
“I uh, well… we had been messaging a lot and I… really liked talking to her and she asked if I could push up my next day off so we could hang out and I said I might be able to after the Day of Unity and I said maybe we could even… goonadate.”
“What?!” Gus exclaimed, spitting out his juice. “Are you serious?!”
“That was before I knew what the Day of Unity really was!” Hunter sputtered. 
“I know that!” Said Gus, saving his mouth with a napkin. “I’m talking about you asking Willow out! Dude, that’s huge!”
“I know!” Hunter exclaimed, reaching for a pillow to scream into. “I nearly threw my scroll across the room afterwards. I-I don't know what came over me I just… said it! I didn’t really know what it meant! Darius joked about it, about me asking her on a date and so I just asked him what that meant and he said it was two people who liked each other spending time together alone and I… liked how it sounded. I didn’t really know about the romantic part until after but even then I… I think I still would’ve asked.”
“Hmm, I bet you would have,” Gus said with a smirk. “But, wait, why haven’t you guys gone on one?” Gus gave a little gasp. “Did she say no?”
“She never replied,” sighed Hunter. “Granted, it was late and she did mention she was tired so she might’ve fallen asleep. But then ya, know alot of stuff happened and then when I saw you guys at Hexside, I didn’t have my scroll to see if she saw it or responded. I mean, there was really no good time to bring it up! And I thought she didn’t bring it up because… maybe she did say no.”
“Well you have your scroll now! Did she ever reply?”
“Not to that message,” said Hunter, pulling it up and scrolling through a sea of messages. “After that it's mostly ‘are you okay?’ And ‘why are there scouts at the Owl House?’ She changed the subject, probably to let me down easy.”
“Or because she was worried about your safety?” Gus offered, knowing that was the real answer. “If we wanna know if she got it, we gotta ask her!”
Hunter’s eyes widened in panic. “No! There’s too many variables! What if she was gonna say no? What if she never saw it but would’ve said no? What if she said yes but she’s changed her mind? What if-?”
“What if she said ‘sure, when?’ but it never sent and she thinks that you left her on read?” Gus countered and Hunter gasped at the very notion.
“I would never!” He hissed. “Willow knows that! She knows… doesn’t she?”
“There’s only one way to find out,” said Gus.
“But… what if I waited too long and she lost interest or never had interest and I’ll just make her uncomfortable if I talk about it-.”
“Dude, stop.” Gus said firmly, cutting him off before he totally spiraled. “Even if Willow doesn’t like you that way, she’s still your friend and cares about you. She would never try to make you feel bad about having feelings.”
“You’re right Gus,” Hunter sighed, looking fondly at the profile picture of Willow smiling brightly back at him. “I should just come clean and express my feelings more directly.”
“In a handwritten note!” Hunter declared with flair.
“That’s… a start.”
So Hunter drafted his love note.
And then it turned into more of a novel, so he revised it so it wasn’t so overwhelming and got it down to a respectable page and a half. He carried it with him everywhere, waiting for the right moment. He had selected a simple light green envelope and doodled tiny flowers in the corners, as though he was worried the elegant way he wrote her name on the front in bold gold ink wasn’t clue enough that it was meant for her. 
He needed to ensure there was no confusion about whether or not she saw it.
“Guys, guys guys!” said Hunter in a panicky tone as he rushed to the lunch table with Gus and Willow sat and had just been wondering where he was. He quickly sat down beside Willow and lowered his voice as though he was on the run, his hazel eyes overrun with guilt. “I did something bad.”
“Cool! What?” asked Willow, in the middle of opening a pudding cup.
“Well, I was on my way here and I ran into Boscha-
“Ew.” said Willow, naturally. 
“And she… asked me out.” Hunter winced before proceeding to explain as fast as he could.  “And of course I said no but she wouldn’t drop it until I gave her a good reason so I panicked and I sort of lied and said that you’re my girlfriend so she’d leave me alone.” 
“Oh.” Willow said as Hunter examined her face for the disapproval he assumed his confession would warrant, but she seemed more focused on the stubborn top of her pudding. “So what’s the bad thing you did?” 
“I-I lied!” Hunter said, as though she had not heard.
“Yeah, to Boscha.” Willow shrugged, saying the name like it left a bad taste in her mouth.
“But I lied about you!”
“Yeah, to Boscha,” Willow repeated again with a small laugh. “Hunter, I know better than anyone how persistent Boscha can be. If lying about me being your girlfriend gets her to leave you alone, I’m more than fine with it.”
“Really.” Willow assured him, finally opening the cup and placing the pudding in front of him before turning to open her own. She knew he was always running late to lunch because he had a habit of staying after class to ask follow up questions and the run in with Boscha had only delayed him more. 
“Oh, okay…”
“Ya know, I’m surprised Boscha would ask you out,” chuckled Willow before fully hearing how her words could be taken. Her eyes widened in a slight panic and she raised her hands as she tried to explain. “Not that I don’t understand wanting to date you! No, it’s just that I’m surprised Boscha could see how amazing you are! She doesn’t normally have such great taste. I mean uh, well you know what I mean.”
“Heh, yeah,” said Hunter, sipping the drink Gus had brought him as he tried not to think too much into what she said. Not that I don’t understand wanting to date you…
“Okay, I get not wanting to date Boscha but why did you say you were dating Willow?” asked Gus.
“Well who else was I supposed to say?”
“Literally anyone else?” said Gus, fully aware that Willow was often already on Hunter’s mind and it was most likely the result of a reflex or wishful thinking. “Or like, don’t give her a name? You could’ve said she went to a different school or something. Even if Boscha did respect boundaries, you know how she treats Willow. She’ll probably try and break you up just to hurt her.”
“Hmmm maybe not,” said Willow, a thought forming behind her eyes. 
“What do you mean?” asked Gus.
“Well, she might try to break us up,” started Willow. “Ooor she might be too embarrassed for anyone to know that Hunter would rather go out with half-a-witch Willow over her.”
“I mean, I guess that’s not a lie,” Hunter reasoned. “Except for the half-a-witch part.” He reached over and placed his hand over hers and looked seriously into her eyes. “Please don’t call yourself that.”
Willow’s eyes fluttered from his hand on hers up to his face, looking at her with total sincerity, his value of her outweighing any nerves that could accompany the action. She felt like a butterfly was loose in her chest, flying rapidly around in her ribcage. 
“Ya know, I bet if she saw you holding my hand she would lose her mind,” said Willow with a mischievous grin, loving both parts of the sentence. 
“Oh! Uh, well yeah … I guess?” stuttered Hunter, not sure if he should remove his hand or not. “I mean, that’s not why I-.”
“I mean, if I’m gonna be your fake girlfriend then it’s gonna look convincing,” Willow decided, instantly onboard. “We should probably hold hands alot more, especially if we just started dating; we’ll have to be even more obnoxious than Amity and Luz.”
“Is that even possible?”
“Well, let’s find out,” said Willow slyly, turning her hand over to lace her fingers with Hunter’s. She continued to eat her lunch as though this multitasking was second nature. “Oh yeah, Boscha would hate this.”
“Haha yeah,” Hunter laughed nervously, unable to fully process what was happening but knowing it felt very nice. He put his elbow on the table and rested his chin on his other hand as he admired their connected hands as he tried to convincingly convey a  teenager in love. “She’d totally hate this.” he sighed with a dopey grin. .
“You know I’d do anything for you, right?” Willow smiled. “And if sticking it to Boscha is a part of helping you, well how could I say no?”
“Are you sure? I mean, I know it wasn’t the smartest thing to-.”
“Nah, it’s fine.” Willow insisted. “It’s kinda perfect actually, she was being a pest yesterday about how I didn’t have a date for Bleeding Hearts Day. It’s really none of her business but it’ll be kind of nice getting to see her face when it turns out that I do.”
“Oh, right.” 
“It kind of sounds like fun, actually, like an undercover mission. We can meet after school to plan our fake relationship, sound good?”
“S-sure, yeah.” 
“Well, I gotta go check on my bulbs before next period  to make sure they’re adjusting to their new soil, but wanna walk to class together, boyfriend?” She said the term in such an overly sweet way, Hunter thought his teeth might fall out. She said it the same way she would say his name when she thought he was keeping a secret that she knew she could work it out of him with very little effort. Was it because they shared a secret now or did she know something else was up? Either way, he wanted to hear her say it over and over again. 
“Oh, uh y-yeah of course!” He chuckled nervously. “We can uh hold hands too I guess…” he sheepishly sipped his drink and Willow just giggled, knowing he had not intended to get himself into this situation and felt out of place not being prepared. But luckily her mind was racing with solutions. 
“You betcha,” she confirmed, rising from the table and giving him a playful wink. “I’ll meet you by your locker?”
“I’ll be there!” he said with enthusiasm, waving to Willow as she walked away keeping his eyes on her until she left the cafeteria entirely. “Oh Titan I’ve made things worse.”  Hunter groaned into his hands once he knew Willow was out of earshot. 
“Sooo what happened to giving her the note?” Gus asked, taking a bite of his sandwich.“Isn’t this like skipping a few steps?”
“I-I don’t know! It all happened so fast!” Hunter mumbled. “I was about to put the note in Willow’s locker when Boscha walked by and took it from me!  She saw Willow’s name on the front and went to rip it up and hen I asked her not to, she read it. She read it in this ugly high pitched voice and threatened to tell everyone and I… panicked.”
“What did the note say exactly?”
Hunter’s face turned a bright shade of crimson, having intended for the note to remain personal and having it exposed once already today was a lot. “It… just said that I liked her and I wanted to see if she wanted to see a professional flyer derby game with me for Bleeding Hearts Day.” Hunter summarized, the real note had been hard enough to condense as he wanted to make sure he covered all his bases and thoroughly expressed his feelings. 
“Aww, Willow would love that!”
“Right?! Then Bocha tried to turn it into something bad like I should be embarrassed about liking her but I’m not. But she could tell I was embarrassed about something and so she threatened to tell everyone and I didn’t want Willow to find out from her so… I said that she was already my girlfriend. I mean, Luz and Amity send each other notes like that all the time so it’s believable, right?”
“So Boscha didn’t really ask you out?”
“No.” Hunter buried face in his hands and groaned. “Ugh, and I lied to Willow too! But I didn’t know how to explain to Willow why I lied to Boscha without telling her everything and now…”
“Now you get to show Willow what a great boyfriend you’d be.” Gus finished.
“I mean, maybe you didn’t totally blow it,” Gus continued. “I mean, Willow didn’t seem upset about people thinking she was your girlfriend. Maybe that’s a good thing?”
“But it’s pulling her into my lie!” Hunter said. “Relationships shouldn’t be based on lies!”
“I mean, you tried pulling her into a coven and she still likes you,” Gus pointed out, as he continued to chew. “Fake it til you make it, right?”
“Right,” said Hunter with a small, uneasy smile. “Fake it til you make it.”
“Hey boyfriend.” Willow smiled as she turned the corner to see Hunter gathering his books. Hearing her refer to him like that made his knees feel weak. It sounded so natural.
“Hey g-girlfriend,” he said, trying to summon the same confidence she had. But the word felt almost forbidden. But very nice. “H-how are your plants?”
“They’re great!” She exclaimed. “Thanks for asking, what a sweet attentive boyfriend I have.”
Hunter blushed, he had always asked her about her plants. 
“So Luz, Amity, and I are practically rom com experts,” said Willow proudly. “That, plus being around the two of them nonstop, makes me confident that I have the expertise to ensure that we can be a very convincing couple.”
“I mean, we would only have to be a couple around Bocha right? And we aren’t around Boscha that much so you don’t have to put yourself out for me.”
“Nonsense!” Willow insisted. “You’re still getting used to things but I know how high school works. Word travels fast, everyone is looking for gossip. We can’t risk the mission crumbling due to carelessness.” Her voice dived into a serious whisper that lured Hunter down to hear her better, her tone covered him in a sense of urgency as though this truly was the mission of a lifetime. “There are eyes everywhere.”
“Of course, Captain,” he said with a serious nod, his voice low and gravely which sent a chill down Willow’s spine.
“I won’t lie, there may be challenges,” said Willow embracing the theatrics of the moment. “After last time, Boscha will be looking for any reason to try and prove that I-.”
“‘Last time?’” Hunter asked. “What do you mean ‘last time?’” 
He knew he wasn’t referring to their scuffle at New Hexside. He knew Willow’s history with Bosha was complicated, but had he done something to worsen it?
“Okay, listen it’s not a big deal,” Willow began in a forced tone that suggested it definitely was. “But last year ago before Luz even got here, there was someone in a few of my classes that I kind of had a crush on,” she fiddled with her braid as she cleared her throat. “I thought they were really nice and cute but I was shy so I didn’t really have the confidence to talk to them. So I wrote a note to tell them how I felt and put it in their locker. A few days later they wrote me back and they… asked me to go to Grom.”
“And you said yes?”
Willow nodded. “I was really excited, I had never been asked out on a date before,” she recalled. “I even saved up to buy a new dress. And my dads were maybe even more excited than me, they were gonna take hundreds of pictures, and they waited with me for them to come pick me up like they said they would. And we waited, and waited, and waited. But they never showed up.”
“Did something happen to them?”
“When I asked them about it at school the next day…they just laughed. They laughed like it was the most ridiculous joke they had ever heard, going to a dance with me. Turns out, it was. They were never gonna show up for me because they had never really asked me. The note was from Boscha.”
Willow took a deep breath, it had been awhile since she had shared this story. “Yeah. She had somehow found out about the note and sent the fake one as a prank so I’d either show up and be humiliated or miss the dance all together. Kind of a win-win for her.”
“Willow, that’s awful.” said Hunter, feeling as though he was about to cry, sorry he was causing her to relive the painful memory. He wondered if Boscha had been planning to repeat herself when she caught Hunter trying to leave Willow his note. He shuddered at the idea of her getting a note like that thinking it was from him. His galdertone ached at the idea that she could've gotten his note and thought it was written as a cruel joke. 
“So it took me awhile to trust myself when I started liking someone, and even longer to believe that someone could ever like me like that.” said Willow. 
“Willow I'm so sorry that happened to you, that’s just… you don’t… Oh, I’m sorry I got you involved in this,” said Hunter. “I-I don’t know why I did, I mean I knew how Boscha treated you, I should've known she’d find a way to try and-.”
“Hunter, it’s fine really,” Willow assured him. “I know I still let Boscha get under my skin sometimes, but I know this time is nothing like that. Plus I’d hate for her to try and do something like that to you. We’re not doing this to prove anything to her, it’s to keep her away from you. But if she found out that we were pretending… she’d be unbearable.”
“I mean she’s already unbearable,” Hunter scoffed. 
“I won’t argue with you there,” said Willow with a light chuckle.
“So… have you liked anyone… since then?” Hunter tried to ask naturally.
“Um… maybe?” A subtle blush crept onto her face and she hoped he didn't notice. He thought he imagined it. “There is… someone I kind of…”
“There is?” Hunter's heart plummeted as his eyes widened in horror. “Oh my Titan, there’s someone you like and now I’ve roped you into dating me and now they’ll think you’re taken! Willow, I’m so sorry! If you wanna break up with me I can always see if-.”
“No! No, no it’s okay,” Willow insisted. “I think they’d understand. It’s fine, I promise.”
“You’re sure?”
“Absolutely,” she said sweetly. “I’m fairly certain that pretending to date you will not hurt my chances with him.”
“Okay,” Hunter sighed, confused and relieved. His mind raced with who this person would be, this lucky, mysterious, and apparently very secure person who Willow had her eye on. He didn’t ask more questions, not wanting to pry and not wanting to increase the creeping feeling of jealousy lurking in his chest. 
“Ya know, this will be my first Bleeding Hearts day with someone, even if it’s not totally legit,” mused Willow. “It’s still exciting though. It’ll be nice to spend it with someone I care about.”
“Yeah?” Hunter asked, unable to process that she had referred to him as someone special without air quotes or sarcasm. She really was looking forward to spending time with him on the most romantic day on the Isles? He had to make it worth her sacrifice. Luckily, he had the perfect day planned for months. “Well then, if you’re not doing anything already I was thinking we could go to a pro flyer derby match together.”
Her eyes sparkled. “Really? I would love- wait, do you mean the match on Bleeding Hearts day between the Sirens and the Harpies?”
“Yeah! I-if that’s okay….” Hunter started, pulling the tickets out of his pocket where he had been keeping them safe. “I actually already got us pretty good seats, so if you-.”
“Hunter!” Willow exclaimed, taking them carefully from him to admire them. “Are you serious? How did you ever… I mean this is so… I don’t even know what to say! This is so amazing I could just kiss you!”
“Hehehe uh well I guess technically you could…” he said quietly as he scratched his face. Willow was too engrossed in the tickets for Hunter to tell if she had heard him. “But I uh, got them as a thank you. For, ya know, being my… girlfriend.”
Willow smiled as she wrapped him in a tight hug, burying her face in his chest as she lifted him off the ground. “So that does that mean… you wanna go?” he strained to ask as she squeezed him tighter. She laughed as she gently put him back on his feet, taking delight in the red mesmerized look on his face. 
“Of course! What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t?” She giggled, only slightly embarrassed at her impulse.She knew it was for show, but truthfully she couldn’t imagine a better evening than yelling in the crowd beside Hunter. How had Boscha managed to accidentally arrange one of the most perfect nights of her life? She was finally good for something, it seemed.
Pretending to date Hunter was unsurprisingly easy. 
They spent the day adjusting their routine to that of a couple, and it turns out they needed to adjust very little.
They already went out of their way to walk to class together, so now they walked closer and linked pinkies as they walked. 
When he dropped her off at her class, she always sent him away with an enthusiastic farwell, now she blew him a kiss before he left.
During study hall he sent her paragraphs worth of ideas for pet names. Terms of endearment tailor made for Willow that she couldn’t help but feel he thought of way too quickly, as though he already had them handy.
Such little things that made the biggest difference
During their time in the human realm, they would create little backstories for themselves to help them blend in and get adjusted to things. It was something silly they did to take their mind off the uncertainty of things and help the time pass, but now it was just a silly thing they did for reasons they couldn’t explain. Willow knew  plenty of couples weren’t overly affectionate and they didn’t need to go so deep undercover, but she was willing to commit to the bit as much as he was. It was another thing they would do back in human realm, see who would break first or who would be the first to have nothing new to add. But this was one time Willow was hoping for a draw.
 All through class she watched the clock, so eager to see him again and add another detail to their story. Her favorite part was when the bit reached a point where it felt like an elaborate inside joke that blurred the lines between fact and fiction. Hunter was always the best at creating with her. Sometimes it took him awhile to find the character, but if his Golden Guard days taught him anything it was how to adapt. 
At the end of their first day “together”, any guilt Hunter harbored had vanished with Willow's collection of ideas suggesting she really was excited for this plan. If only asking her for real could be this simple. As they walked to the Owl House for their usual Friday hang chatting as they always did, they did so hand in hand only to remember halfway there that since they were out of school they didn’t technically need to be. But neither said this aloud. They were both convinced the other was simply dedicated to the ruse.
“... and I thought we could go official on penstagram but we have to do matching profile pictures first,” continued Willow. “I thought we could do one where we’re each doing like half a heart with our hands so when the ‘in a relationship’ update happens they’ll be next to each other and it’ll look so cute.” 
Hunter had made it clear that he was fine with whatever Willow was comfortable with and he assumed that meant they would hold hands in the hallway for a couple of weeks (which was more than enough to make his head spin) but she was fine with everyone on the Isles thinking they were romantically involved. He knew Boshca didn’t have so much influence that the effort was necessary, but he convinced himself that Willow was simply covering all their bases.
It was for the bit.
As they reached the front door, Hooty was absent from his usual spot which signaled to Willow and Hunter that the weekend festivities were in full swing. Willow went to open the door with her free hand when suddenly a thought struck her and she turned to her co conspirator with a look of concern.
“Hunter, you did tell Luz we were only pretending to be dating, right?”
“I didn’t tell her anything,” he said, having not seen Luz since this morning when she saw them off before heading to her school in the human realm. “Only Gus knows that we’re pretending. I haven’t even talked to her since this morning, I don’t even know how she would know.”
“Oh Titan.” Willow said, the color draining from her face. “I think we might be in trouble.”
“Why would you say that?” Hunter asked as he opened the door for Willow and the answer to his question presented itself as they were instantly ambushed by the force that was Hooty. The bird tube wrapped them into a tight hug, crying about how excited he was for them as Hunter and Willow saw he was not alone in his sentiment. 
“Congratulations to the happy couple!” Luz exclaimed as Hooty loosened his grip on them so she could toss confetti in their faces. 
“Oh, that’s why.” Hunter whispered to Willow as they both regulated their breathing after being stuck in Hooty’s grip.  All they could do now was smile awkwardly as they both took in the display Luz had prepared. A “congratulations” sign hung behind Luz in the doorway, the letters decorated in pink, purple and blue and then pink, yellow and blue. They had set up Eda’s old projector and a slideshow of pictures of Willow and Hunter played on what appeared to be a loop. There were a decent amount. It was just the kind of celebration a new couple would really appreciate.
If only they were a real couple.
It also happened to include nearly everyone from school, so correcting Luz right away wasn’t an option.
“Wow this is so… uh, you guys really shouldn’t have,” said Willow as she took it all in. She didn’t dislike it, no that wasn’t it. Hunter tried to place her tone, thinking that by the redness in her cheeks she might be embarrassed. If he didn’t know any better he might think she was… committing to the bit. That’s all it was. 
But he couldn’t help but feel as though everyone had been expecting this celebration to take place sooner or later. 
“Are you kidding? It’s not everyday your best friend starts dating your brother!” said Luz as she pulled them both into a hug,and they looked at each other nervously behind her back. She leaned back to offer them both a wide smile, practically jumping out of her skin as Amity joined her. 
“Yeah! It’ll be nice to go on double dates!”
“Oh man, if I had known your crush didn’t go away, I would’ve set this up months ago!” added Luz.
Their eyes widened simultaneously, each thinking Luz was referring to them only, unaware how mutual the feeling was. They spoke at the same time, hoping to move on before she revealed too much. 
“Oh! Well you know we don’t have to-.”
“Actually, we were thinking that-.”
“Hey there lovebirds!” Gus said, rushing in to save the day. “Why don’t you come to the kitchen and get some pizza?”
“Yes! Yes, of course!” said Hunter, happy for the save as he took Willow’s hand before following Gus back. “My girlfriend loves pizza!”
“Awh, look at them,” sighed Luz, resting her head on Amity’s shoulder. “He knows that she loves pizza.”
Once in the kitchen, sure no one was listening in, Hunter turned to Gus in a panic but the younger boy simply offered him a calm, knowing look.
“Gus, why didn’t you tell them we were just pretending?” whispered Hunter.
“I didn’t have time!” he said. “I showed up and Luz told me before I could even say hello!”
“Well who told Luz?” asked Willow. 
“Who didn’t tell Luz?” laughed Gus. “Someone saw you two holding hands and one thing led to another and by the time I got here Luz had already talked to half the school. I didn’t wanna blow your cover so I went with it. I just assumed you two were just doing another bit like we used to do all the time.”
“Gus, this isn’t like trying to convince the lady at the flower shop that Willow used to be an actual willow tree and that’s why she can make the plants grow,” said Hunter. “This is serious!”
“Hunter, it’ll be fine,” assured Willow, placing her hand on his shoulder. “We can always explain things to her after, we just need to do some extra pretending tonight. If it’s too hard, we can always leave early.”
Hunter wasn’t worried about it being too hard, he was worried about it being too easy. He was worried Luz would let it slip exactly why it was too easy for him. Luz had honed in on his crush early on, maybe even before he was aware of it, and it stood to reason that she believed Willow was also aware of it now. How do you tell someone your girlfriend doesn’t know about your crush on her?
“Right,” he said, grateful for Willow’s support. They had been through worse, through deadlier and more dire things, surely they could survive a night of awkwardness. 
Surely they could survive the flyer derby team’s stream of questions as Willow convinced them they kept it secret as to avoid drama on the team.
Surely they could survive everyone at the party mentioning how they knew it all along.
Surely they could survive the video Luz had somehow made (dare they assume she had it prepared in advance?) to summarize their relationship becoming official. As they sat on the coach, watching every picture he and Willow had ever taken together move along the screen while a song neither of them had ever heard played softly in the background. From the corner of his eye he watched Willow watch as the screen zoom in on a group photo where he was standing beside her looking at her with a faint blush as she pulled him into frame, her hand tight on his waist. 
Her finger twirled her braid as he failed to read her expression for how she was feeling. He didn’t want to feel overwhelmed if she wasn’t. With the other bits, he always followed her lead. But the difference was that he had been the one to rope them into this one. And it wasn’t something they were doing to fool a stranger they would only see for five minutes, this was basically everyone they knew. 
But she didn’t seem to mind.
She actually really seemed to like it.
“Don’t worry I made you copy to show your dads when you tell them.” Said Luz as the presentation came to an end, proud of her work. “I mean, unless you’ve already told them.”
“Well, we-.”
“Oh, they must’ve,” interrupted Amity. “I know how strict they are about this type of thing, there’s no way Hunter would ask Willow out without their blessing.”
“Oh, actually-.”
“That’s right!” Hunter interrupted this time. “I did ask them! And they said… no!”
“They said no?” Amity asked, surprised.
“What?” said Luz and Gus together. 
“Wait, did you- I mean, yes! That’s right!” Said Willow, catching on. “He asked them and they said no but we are dating anyway! So it’s a secret!” 
“Yeah! We are secretly dating!” Confirmed Hunter. “So we should not mention it to them. Because of the secret aspect of it.”
“Oh, yeah of course.” Said Amity .
“Yeah, we won’t say anything.” promised Luz. 
“Good, because we-.”
“Why did they say no?” Amity asked. 
“I mean, it’s kind of odd, right?” She went on, stroking her chin. “I mean, they seem like they really like Hunter and they always tease you about him being your boyfriend, so what changed?”
“Uh…” Willow thought nervously, having not told Hunter about all the time her dads had “accidentally” referred to him as her boyfriend when his name came up (which was honestly quite often). “They caught us… kissing?”
“Kissing?! You two have kissed already and neither of you told me???” Luz exclaimed. “How long have you been going out that you’re already kissing?”
“Uh, well…” Hunter tried to start, starting to sweat. He and Willow had established a fairly thorough cover story, but they had never discussed this. Even hypothetical, Hunter knew he couldn’t muster the courage to bring it up to Willow. But now it was all he could think about. Between imagining that and trying to create a story in which it could believably happen, Hunter felt as though he was about to malfunction. 
“Two weeks ago,” said Willow calmly.
“What?!” Luz exclaimed.
“What? I mean, yeah! We kissed two weeks ago!” said Hunter with a nervous laugh. 
“Well? C’mon! Do we not get a story?”
“Um it uh was… a day-.” started Hunter.
“It was after our match against Glandus, it had gone into double overtime so it was late and Hunter was walking me home like he always does,” started Willow, to a room of “awhs” and “how sweet.” “But we were still taking our time, talking  about the game and then all of a sudden, clouds start forming and we realize it’s gonna rain. We’re almost to my house so Hunter picks me up and uses his teleportation to rush me to the door before a drop can hit me. So then we’re standing on my porch and he’s standing really close so the rain won’t hit him and he just looks so cute… I dunno, I guess it was the adrenaline or something but I just pulled him down and kissed him.”
“Awh, that’s so sweet,” said Luz, brushing a tear away. “A first kiss in the boiling rain? It’s like something out of a book.”
“Yeah,” said Hunter, looking over at Willow. He remembered that day. It wasn’t something Willow invented to help sell their lie. They had gone into overtime and he had walked her home and he had rushed her onto her porch before the rain statered, But in reality, they had lingered there. He remembered their faces inches from each other, close enough to feel her breath on his face. She had been close enough that pulling him down would’ve been easy. And he thought about it, he did. Or at least, he knew this was the kind of moment where that kind of thing happened. They stood in silence for a few moments and he told himself later that it was because they wanted to make sure they were safely out of the rain. But truthfully he forgot about the rain, he could only focus on the lingering face paint clinging to the sides of Willow’s glasses and how he was close enough to see it so clearly. How he was close enough to… 
But her dads had opened the door and welcomed the pair inside for a celebratory dinner before that possibility could be explored 
That was the only thing she changed.
She didn’t need to pick that moment, she could have invented something totally new and Hunter would've gone along with it. But the fact that she did… well Hunter didn’t know what that meant. She would often sneak little jokes into their larger ones, but was this a joke within a joke or a reimagining?
“Yeah,” said Hunter, his voice soft and dreamy, transported to Willow’s improved version of the day. “That’s… that’s what happened.”
“So uh, actually we’d better get going,” said Willow, sitting up as she sensed Hunter was growing overstimulated. “Ever since then, they’ve been really strict about my curfew. And I know Hunter has a potions essay to work on.”
“Oh okay!” said Luz as she wrapped them both in a tight hug. “But I will be texting you a million follow up questions. You too, Hunter.”
“Cool, sure,” said Hunter, knowing that meant he and Willow would be on a video call making sure their answers lined up. He hated to think that he was enjoying inconveniencing her so much. 
“Now go walk your girlfriend to the door, I bet you wanna kiss her goodnight,” teased Luz and everyone in the room let out an ohhhh
“Haha! You bet!” Said Hunter with forced enthusiasm, his voice cracking ever so slightly  as he felt the room get hotter. “Willow! Let me walk you outside and we can kiss like we always do!”
Willow smiled in spite of herself  and followed Hunter outside, waving goodbye to her friends as to keep up appearances. She couldn’t help but take a little delight in how nervous Hunter was. She always really liked that part of the bit.
“How are we gonna convince them we’re out here kissing?” Hunter whispered on the verge of a panic attack as the door shut behind them (luckily Hooty promised them privacy). “I can see Luz peeping through the curtains. 
“Like this,” said Willow calmly, placing her hands on either side of his face and pulling him down close to her. As she did, she sneakily placed her thumbs over his lips and placed her lips against her thumbs, a nearly invisible barrier to the nosey on lookers inside
It was fake and staged but Hunter couldn’t help the way his heart raced, still being so close to her. He knew he had to sell his end but he didn’t know how to look like someone who was casual about kissing Willow Park. So he did the only thing he could think of and kept his arms at his sides, lest they do the wrong thing. He didn’t know if this was right, but he knew he wouldn’t know what was right so that made it right, right?
She closed her eyes and so he did too. He heard her hum and his lips formed a smile against her thumbs as their noses brushed against each other. 
When she pulled away she gave him a small wink and patted his cheek to signify it had worked. It really had. No one at the party could deny that he was head over heels for Willow Park. Absolutely no one.
“Oh, okay,” he said, not knowing what to say but feeling like he should say something. “Uh… thanks.”
“Sure, yeah,” she said, trying to remain composed. There was no reason not to be, nothing had happened.  “Anytime.”
It was just like that day on her porch. 
“Why do you bring Willow flowers everyday?” Gus asked 
“I don’t bring her flowers every day,” corrected Hunter as he handed Willow a small bouquet. “I mostly bring her seeds and clippings so she can grow her own flowers.”
“But why?”
“Because Willow loves plants? It’s kinda her whole thing? Well, that and-.”
“No I mean, why do you bring Willow flowers if you’re not actually dating?” Asked Gus.
“Because if I was really dating Willow I would try and bring her flowers everyday,” said Hunter simply and Willow hid her blush in the collection of red and yellow flowers Hunter had brought her.
“You mean if you were dating anyone, right?”
“Well not just anyone,” Hunter corrected him again. “Not everyone can handle the responsibility of plant care like Willow can.”
“But what if you were dating someone who wasn’t good with plants?” asked Gus.
Hunter looked at Gus like that was the most ridiculous question he had ever heard. “Why would I do that?”
Willow just giggled as she grabbed her books and held her flowers close to her chest to go add them to her garden in the greenhouse before class. As she walked away, she blew Hunter an over the top kiss as had become their tradition. He reached out his arm and pretended to reach for it as though it had nearly flown over his head before finally catching it and putting it in his breast pocket for safe keeping. Willow giggled as she turned the corner and Hunter wore a very convincing dopey grin as his eyes lingered on her until she completely left his sight.
“I know you’re trying to play it off as part of your ‘fake dating’ bit or whatever, but you always give Willow flowers before school and no one even sees you do it,” said Gus. 
“I mean I… I guess I just need to thank her for doing this,” he admitted. “I mean, it started out as lying to Boscha but I’ve been lying to her too! And I know it’s wrong but I’ve really liked spending time with her and it’s easier this way for some reason? And I’ve tried telling her, I really have, but everytime I try she adds something to the story and I just… I think I’m in too deep.”
“Hmm, it’s almost like she enjoys being your girlfriend,” said Gus as he closed his locker. “Go figure.”
Hunter sat on the end of the couch, his back against the armrest as his arm rested around Willow’s shoulder as she leaned against him with  her knees tucked to the side as she showed him a video on her scroll as they waited for Gus to started the movie .The scene was very cozy, very natural.
Very unnecessary. 
“You guys don’t have to do that, ya know.” said Gus, walking in and promptly sitting down on the ground in front of the couch, placing the popcorn on the coffee table. “I’m in on your little ruse, remember?”
“We know it’s just… an easier way to sit?” said Hunter as Willow let out a bright, airy giggle. “I mean, there’s not a lot of room so…”
“Uh-huh,” said Gus, looking next to them where two full cushions remained unoccupied. “Sure.”
“Plus, it’s like being undercover,” offered Hunter. “You need to be prepared, you never know who could be watching.”
“In my house?” Gus asked with a raise of his eyebrow.
“Yeah Gus we’re undercover,” said Willow, making herself even more comfortable at his side, resting her head on his shoulder as though that was where it was always meant to be. “Besides, we’re gonna break up soon.”
“Oh, really?” Gus asked skeptically, rolling his eyes as paused the opening of the movie, wondering when his third wheeling would become official. 
“Yes, really,” said Willow smugly, reaching behind her to grab the notebook off the end table. “We’ve been brainstorming.”
“Sure, that’s totally what you were doing,” he said, his sarcasm loud and clear. “So then, what do you have so far?”
“Okay, well…” Willow hesitated to start. “Here’s the thing…”
“It’s empty, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it’s empty,” said Willow, sitting back against Hunter’s arm. “We just… can’t think of a reason to break up.”
“Not a believable one, at least,” added Hunter. “We want it to be mutual so it won’t be suspicious when everyone thinks we’re just friends again. I mean well, not ‘again’ cause we always were, like the whole time, heh.”
 “Yeah,” she sighed, as though it was a real problem. “So we tried to think of something less personal. Like, not something about one of us but maybe because we’re too busy and don’t have time for a relationship.”
“But then we thought, that might not make sense since we do spend a lot of time together,” Hunter continued. “We still play flyer derby together and we’re in some classes together. Not to mention we have movie night with you every week…”
“I mean, it doesn’t have to be a big or flashy reason,” Gus offered, knowing they didn’t really try very hard. “You can just say you're better as friends. People shouldn’t question that.”
Except they definitely would, because Hunter would definitely still have a crush on Willow. He would still look at her with the same dopey grin, the same wide eyes, and the same rose colored flush in his cheeks. He knew he would because nothing about her had changed, she was still so wonderful and funny and smart and brave and beautiful. Titan, if anything this whole thing has made him like her more. And he didn’t mind still feeling this way, as confusing as it was, but he worried that his infatuation would make their story unconvincing. They would claim it was mutual and there were no lingering feelings, but now all eyes would be on them to see if it were true and there his feelings would be: lingering. 
And he worried people would somehow find a way to make Willow the bad guy. He knew Boscha was grasping at straws trying to ruin Willow’s reputation, and being a heartbreaker might be the straw she needed. He would deny she had broken his heart, but when it came down to it he didn’t think he could convincingly state he did not still have feelings for her. 
And that might be enough to make things weird. 
“I mean, we should at least stay together until Bleeding Hearts day,” said Willow. “We can figure out something after that.”
“Okay, I stand like this?” Hunter asked.
“Yeah, and then you prop your elbow against the locker like this,” instructed Willow, guiding him into position. “And like you can put your other hand on your hip or something and then I’ll stand against my locker…” Willow carefully put herself between Hunter and the locker so she was looking up at him. “And there! Just like the movie poster.”
“So this is flirting? Standing like this?”
“Well, standing and talking technically,” said Willow. “But if we stand like this, everyone can tell just by looking at us that that’s what we’re doing. Like a real couple.”
“Okay,” said Hunter, starting to understand. “Do we have to say anything in particular?” “I dunno, maybe you can try and say something funny?” Willow suggested coyly as she twirled the end of her braid around her finger. “Oh, and twirling my hair will also let them know we’re flirting too.”
“Okay okay,” said Hunter. “But should it be funny like clever funny? Or something more low brow? A pun? Or maybe one of those door jokes?”
“Hmm, we can always just pretend you said something funny and I’ll do a fake laugh,” said Willow.
“Wait, am I not funny?” he said with a fake scoff.
“I didn’t say that,” she said with a chuckle as she flicked his hair noodle.”You can be very funny.”
“That doesn’t sound like you think I’m funny,” he teased, absentmindedly leaning down closer to her. 
“You are funny,” she insisted, tapping him lightly on the shoulder. “When you’re not trying to be.”
“When am I not trying?” he said, his voice carrying a certain twinkle in it. 
“I dunno,” she said, wrinkling her nose at him. For some reason she felt bubbly, seeing Hunter pretend to act as though he was in disbelief. She felt like laughing now but tried to suppress it. Hunter noticed. 
“You’re laughing right now!” he declared victoriously. 
“I am not!” she denied, trying to hide her smile.
“Yes you are!” he said, adopting a chuckle of his own. “I know what your laugh sounds like, Captain!”
“Well, maybe I’m-.”
“You guys know Boscha’s been out of school all week with the common mold, right?” Gus asked, breaking the trance the pair had reentered with ease and had forgotten he was there.
Hunter offered him a quizzical look. “So?”
“Huh, no wonder things have been so peaceful around here,” Willow realized.
“Yeah, so without her around there’s no reason for you two to keep up this little act of yours,” Gus pointed out and Willow and Hunter realized they hadn't noticed Boscha’s absence because at some point they had stopped checking for her all together. 
“Hmm, I guess you’re right…” said Willow slowly, wishing he wasn’t. “But, I mean, the common mold usually lasts a week so she’ll be back soon.”
“Yeah,” Hunter agreed. “Plus, she might have spies reporting back to her while she’s out.”
“Spies?” Gus said, unconvinced with a rise of his eyebrow. “Really?”
“I mean, that does sound like Boscha,” said Willow. “Having…spies.” She knew it sounded silly. She knew what Boscha was capable of, but even that was a stretch. Hunter stopped leaning against the locker and stood up straight, trying to read Willow’s expression. 
“Congrats on being voted cutest couple!” Skara squeaked in delight as she bounced at them from seeming nowhere.
“What?” they exclaimed in unison.
“Awh!” Skara gushed. “You two are so in sync! So cute!”
“Skara, what do you mean-.”
“Just look!” she said happily, handing them a piece of paper. “It’s just a mock up, but that’s what it’s gonna be in the year book! I wanted to be the first to tell you, ya know in case you wanted to use a different picture or something.”
Willow looked down at the photo Skara had chosen. It was a photo of them after a flyer derby match, the photo captured Willow tackling him in a hug to celebrate their victory as Hunter caught her in his arms and spun her around, wearing a wide smile to match hers. They were looking at each other, totally unaware a photo was even being taken. He remembered that day, he could hear their laughter echoing as he spun her too quickly and they had fallen onto the ground right after the moment the photo was taken. He vividly remembered the smell of grass, the way the setting sun rested in her hair, and the way the sound of her laughter made his heart skip a beat. The picture was taken well before they had started “dating” and yet…
“It’s perfect Skara,” said Willow, her tone much different from what it was mere moments ago. He wondered why they stopped flirting if it was meant to convince people they were together. He had been enjoying himself and now he felt guilty. His cowardice had made this whole thing spiral out of control, and now their lie was to be preserved forever. In the back of his mind he remembered that Willow liked someone else. They were supposed to break up once everyone was convinced. How had they gotten so off task? How could he let Willow keep bailing him out in such a major way?
As Skara ran back to the classroom, an unsettling silence floated between the pair. Had it been any other story, any other bit, they would’ve come clean by now, right? 
They knew this. Gus had gone out of his way to remind them and they brushed it off. But now, it was hard to deny it was a harmless but. It was a pretty big commitment for someone you weren’t committed to. 
Willow had done all that for him and he couldn’t even be honest with her. He at least owed her that much. 
“Wow,” Willow chuckled nervously, trying to fill the silence. “That’s uh, that’s a pretty big honor.”
“Yeah,” Hunter agreed, searching his mind for how to word what he really needed to say. 
“I’m sure Amity will have something to say about it,” Willow chuckled lightly. “Since she and Luz have been together longer. But Luz doesn’t even technically go here, and I don’t think anyone would-.”
“I don’t wanna lie anymore.” 
She looked up to see Hunter’s face flushed, his fists balled at his sides as though it took all of his strength to bring out that sentence. Willow had to admit, it was not what she was expecting to hear. It was not what she was hoping to hear. 
“Oh.” was all she could manage to say. She didn’t need to ask what he meant. She could ask why, but she didn’t think she was up to it. “Um, okay.”
The bell screamed as Willow tried to process the whiplash that had just occurred. She could tell Hunter had more to say, but she felt as thought she had lost the ability to hear as static echoed in her mind. She was sure she said something about having to get to class, but she felt as though she was outside her body watching a blurry reenactment of a scene as her feet carried her away. They had joked about breaking up, because it was a joke. Because there was nothing really to break up. But then, why did it feel so real?
A few days went by and Willow and Hunter didn’t speak. He wasn’t waiting by her locker after class and miss practice after school. She assumed he needed space or assumed he assumed she needed it, but either way it was there. She knew the mature thing was to discuss the next steps, the story they would tell she had gotten so used to their new routine she had never prepared herself for its end. She thought he felt the same way.
“Well well well, if it isn’t Hexside’s most famous half-a-witch.” came a shrill voice Willow hadn’t heard in weeks interrupting her thoughts. She tried to ignore her, she knew that’s what was best. But of course, her timing was impeccable. 
“Where’s your loser boyfriend?” sneered Boscha, following her victim down the hall, having much lost time to make up for. “Oh let me guess, he finally dumped you right? He realized what a loser you really were and decided to cut his losses?”
Unbeknownst to Willow, Hunter was hiding nearby working up the courage to greet her by her locker to try and explain himself. He had tried writing another note, but this time would read from it instead of trying to get it to carry more than it should by itself. But he heard Boscha beat him to the location and any nervousness left his body and was promptly replaced by fury. He knew Willow could handle herself, but he knew his lie added fuel to the fire that were her words.
“It’s really none of your business, Boscha.”
“I’m right though, aren’t I? I knew there was no way someone like you could convince anyone to date them. What, did he lose a bet or something?”
Willow kept walking. Hunter wanted to scream. Boshca knew it wasn’t true and Willow was smarter than Bocha, surely she knew it too right? Surely she knew.
“Didn’t you learn your lesson last time, half-a-witch?” snickers Boscha. “The only way someone would ever date you would be as part of a joke. No doubt he got sick of having to see you everyday and realized-.”
Before he knew what he was doing, Hunter teleported beside Willow who looked surprised to see him. Before she could greet him or question him or say much of anything, he placed his hand on the side of her face and pulled her close to him as she had done that day after the party. 
But with one tiny major difference.
Willow quickly got over her surprise and leaned into the accidental kiss, dropping the books in her arm to the ground as she elected to rest her hands on Hunter’s chest, clinging to his shirt collar. He held her face in his hands like it was something delicate as their noses nestled beside each other like puzzle pieces meant to be like that. Willow did not need to rise to her tip toes to kiss him better as he leaned down to be closer to her and her foot popped in the air as his hold on her grew more secure. His lips were dry but surprisingly gentle as they found a comfortable placement against hers. Emotions of surprise and hesitation melted away as they had no place in a moment like this.
At some point during all of this, Bocha had left. Her grumbles and rude comments had gone unheard by the pair, far too engrossed in each other to consider there was anything else in the world worth caring about. 
Somehow Hunter managed to stop himself in the middle of what felt like a familiar yet impossible dream. He pulled back to see Willow’s eyes closed and her face flushed as reality caught up with him and prevented him from savoring the moment further. “Oh no, I didn’t do the thing.” 
“Really? I think you kinda did.” Willow giggled, looking at him with dreamy eyes, feeling like her chest was a fire bee hive as she allowed Hunter to be her balance, leaning forward happily to be caught any way he intended to catch her.
“No I mean the thing with my thumbs so I wouldn’t… so we wouldn’t…”
“But we did.” She said plainly, averting her gaze and playing with a loose thread on his uniform by his shoulder, she couldn’t bring herself to leave the bubble just yet. “Is that… okay?”
“I mean I… I don’t mind but I know that we’re technically broken up I think and that we were never even… I’m sorry,” he cast his eyes to the ground, and removed his hands from her face. “I-I just heard Boscha saying those awful things to you and I-I don’t know what came over me.”
“Don’t be sorry,” said Willow quickly, turning his face back to her to see his eyes. “For any of it. You just… got caught up in the moment. I’m sure I would’ve done the same thing.”
“Really?” Hunter squeaked and Willow nodded, her hand still resting on his check. “The uh… the exact same thing?”
Willow bit her lip as she moved her hand from his face to the back of his neck. Her other hand still had a steady hold of his collar and she planned to bring him back down to her to answer him without words but before she summoned the courage to do so, a loud gruff voice broke through their bubble as it flooded the hallway.
“Hey you two! Did you not hear the bell?” The voice demanded. They hadn’t, there were more important things holding their attention. So of course they didn’t know there was no one else left in the hallway. 
Except a very grumpy teacher who did not find lateness romantic. 
 “You’re late to class! Detention, both of you!”
“Willow, I… I owe you an apology.” Hunter said as they sat beside each other in detention, whispering as to not wake the teacher at the front of the classroom. 
“Hunter, it’s okay,” she whispered back. “It’s not the first time I’ve gotten detention.”
“No, not about that,” replied Hunter. “Well, yes about that too actually but I mean when I said I didn’t wanna lie anymore, I meant I didn’t want to lie to you anymore.”
“What? How were you-?”
He took a deep breath. “Okay, the truth is, I did run into Boscha that day,” he said quickly, trying to keep his voice steady. “But she didn’t ask me out… she caught me trying to ask you out.”
“I was trying to put this in your locker,” he began, taking out the carefully folded note from his pocket and handing it to her. He had kept it, hoping there would be a right time for it. Hopefully this was it. “Because I didn’t know how else to do it and I thought it would be easier but she caught me and read it and threatened to tell everyone and I asked her not to because I didn’t want-
“People to know?”
“-you to think it wasn’t true,” he finished. “I-I thought if you heard that I liked you from Boscha, you’d never believe it since she’s always lying. And I didn’t wanna mess it up again so I panicked and that’s when I told her-.”
“Wait, ‘again?’” Willow repeated, confused. “What do you mean ‘again?’ When did you- oh! Do you mean your… wait.”
Her eyes told Hunter she knew exactly what he was referring to. He held his breath. “You did get it.”
“I did,” she said with a smile finding the answer to her question in his wide eyes. “I just… well, your autocorrect was always doing weird things and I didn’t want to assume… I mean not that I didn’t want to assume but I…”
She had hoped.
“But it doesn’t matter,” he sighed. “I shouldn’t have let this go on as king as it did, I’ve caused you so much trouble. You can keep the tickets, you can take Gus. I just… hope you’re not too mad and that maybe eventually we can-.”
“Hunter, when exactly did the thing with Boscha happen?” 
“Um about three weeks ago?”
“And you bought the flyer derby tickets for us to make it look like we were dating?”
“Well, I mean I knew you’d been wanting to go so I thought it would be a fun way to say thanks for being a great girlfriend.”
That was technically not a lie. He truly had been hoping he could say that by the time the event rolled around.
“But I guess what I’m asking is, when you bought the tickets you bought them with the intention of us going to the game as a date for Bleeding Hearts Day, right?”
“Yeah, I did.”
“Hunter… the date on these tickets says they were purchased months ago.” Willow said with a smile.
“Well, it’s your favorite team playing their biggest rival so tickets we’re gonna sell out pretty quick and I wanted to make sure we got good seats so once it was announced I-.”
“But… you couldn’t have known months in advance that we would pretend to be dating when the game was happening,” Willow pointed out, a deep blush covering her face. 
“You… you knew?”
“Kinda? I mean, I knew a little bit,” she admitted. “I didn’t actually know what I knew but I… uh, anyway.” She cleared her throat as she tried to steady her voice. “What I do know is, I’ve really liked getting to be your girlfriend.”
“Oh uh, good. I’m glad I… just wanted to make sure you were uh…”
“I also know that I don’t wanna lie anymore either,” she said softly, inching her chair closer to his.
“Oh, yeah of course I mean I understand if you just want to-.”
She placed her hand atop his on the table, effortlessly lacing their fingers together. “So let’s stop lying.”
He looked down at their hands in awe. A part of him wanted to make an excuse, to link it to their ruse. But a louder, kinder voice in his mind told him to squeeze her hand back. That so many words weren’t needed right now, to stop complicating it. Questions rolled around his brain trying to make him doubt this was what it was but he pushed them back, but then one slipped through the cracks.
“But what about… the other person you like?” He asked sheepishly. “Don’t you… I mean, aren’t they…?”
Willow looked at him with playful eyes as she bit her lip and Hunter felt like the smartest and stupidest person in the world.
And also the luckiest.
“Oh.” He said, understanding her look and not questioning it. His face was red and he knew it but didn’t care. He tried to summon the coolness he was convinced he had when they were only pretending. “Don’t you uh, wanna read the note first?”
“How about you summarize it for me?” She smiled.
“Okay uh…” he tried to pick his favorite metaphor when he realized he was doing it again. She didn’t mind that he was complicated and careful in fact she liked it. She liked him. And she was waiting for him. “Willow, would you wanna… go on a date… with me?”
“I’d love to Hunter,” she said softly, and he felt as though he heart was melting and exploding at the same time. “Lucky for you, I happen to have two great seats for a flyer derby game this weekend.”
“Wow, what’re the odds?” He chuckled, over the moon to find them back in their rhythm as he rested his head on his hand, admiring the scene finally presented in reality.
“Ya know, this means you’ll have to actually ask for my dads blessing for real then right?”
Hunter beamed, his face envied the suns brightness at her response. “I’ll go as soon as we’re out of here,” he assured, his heart racing at securing her blessing to ask for his blessing. 
“Great, so you can explain to them why I got detention today,” she said, with a wink. Hunter laughed before realizing Willow was in detention because she had gotten caught kissing him. Not exactly the first impression Hunter was hoping to present as a suitor.
Maybe he’d ask her dads after their first date, just in case.  
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bcofl0ve · 1 month
hey, what do you think of austin in elvis? i know it's one of his biggest projects and i confess i haven't had the courage to watch it yet because i feel that maybe the film glamorizes elvin's story too much when we know he wasn't that glamorous, right? always abusive and problematic with women, especially priscilla, involvement with minors, drugs and all that. idk about the movie's approach, but it annoys me a lot of people (or even austin) think elvis is some kind of inspiration because ok, he was talented, but come on…its not hate yk, but i see so many people deifying the movie and if it's only because of austin's performance i really believe it because he's a PERFECT actor…i wanted to hear from you :)
hiii! assuming you’re a newer fan if you haven’t seen it since i feel like that’s how most of us (at least generally speaking) got here.
i saw elvis 10 times in theaters, once 3 times in 48 hours when it was doing a $5 ticket run during 2023 awards season LOL. soooo i think that tells you how i feel about it! it’s one of my favorite films of all time. i think austin absolutely knocked it out of the park and baz’s directing style is *my* style so. it was all around perfect, to me personally.
i also feel the need to clarify that i am an elvis presley fan. i have a tattoo for the man 😅. i understand he had some very deep seeded issues (i also adore priscilla to bits. not one of those elvis fan who thinks she’s an evil incarnate for daring to love him while also being honest about his short comings! i gen really liked the priscilla movie as well!) while 1+1=2 a movie endorsed by the estate isn’t going to show every waking bad thing he ever did, i think it did a good job of showing that he was very infallible. it shows him cheating on priscilla, and his anger issues. (one of priscilla compliments to austin was that he nailed elvis’s temper…🫣) the movie as a whole is very ‘heavy is the head that wears the crown’ themed in that it’s centered around the ups and severe downs of the massive fame he got, at a time where he was really the first artist to achieve that level of super stardom. i love it for that.
but in terms of reservations about watching it for the first time- i think it may help you (and anyone else with similar qualms about it) to check out some of the interview lisa marie (elvis and priscilla’s daughter) did with austin? she is very *very* protective of her father’s legacy, understandably. but she adored the movie, spoke very highly of it and loved austin to bits. it makes me emotional to know she got the biopic of her father that she deserved in this lifetime.
she unfortunately passed away suddenly in january 2023 just a few days after watching austin win his golden globe and i have never been crushed by a celebrity death like that. ever. the love she shared with/for austin was so so beautiful and i was heartbroken that such a happy time for her with all the movies success, especially after losing her son to suicide in 2020 got cut short how it did. (if this feels like i’m being OTT, i’m not. lisa herself captioned a photo with austin during press ‘i do believe this might be my first smile in 2 years’)
just for some added context re: lisa marie and austin. during press she took him upstairs at graceland for *3 hours*, something that’s outright unheard of for non family members. even baz only got 20 minutes up there for pre production, and he wasn’t allowed to take photos/had to quick sketch and memorize as much as he could.
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i know her adoration of austin meant the world to him, and to me that says so much more about his portrayal of elvis then i’ll ever be able to as just a fan. i hope this helps, but feel free to circle back and follow up!!! ❤️
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
Hello love 💕 my sincerest apologies if your requests aren’t open.
It’s 2am and idk why but my brain just needs a fic where y/n is a pinning mess over Loki. Like she just has a massive crush on him. I’m so sorry this is so vague, maybe I’m just projecting here lol. The team teasing her about it, Loki being and oblivious dork, cute soft ending, soft Loki.
I just wanna feel soft, actually if anyone out there has any good fluffy recs I’ll take them as well, I need some softness in my life 💗
Much love and gratitude
Fluff Drabble Marathon II A link to my Fluff Library is HERE Warnings: Some mild language. Some mild angst. Pining. (w/c 750) A link to my regular Masterlist is HERE [18+] A/N - Hope this makes you feel a bit better my darling.
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The Crush
A crush. The name was apt, considering it weighed on your mind every damn minute of the day. The way he moved so effortlessly. So gracefully. The flat line under his chin which drew to the start of his elegant neck. How those taunt muscles on either side of his jaw popped momentarily when he smiled smugly before he said something clever. You wouldn’t be surprised if you had counted every strand of his dark hair twice over, the way it hung around his sharp cheekbones or brushed wildly back from his perfect face. Those dazzling eyes that held all the secrets of the universe, and you wanted to know every single one.
You would give anything...anything, to hear him whisper tales of swirling galaxies and ancient rituals under the sheets of his bed as you snuggled blissfully against his bare skin.
A few days ago, a small team of you had been trekking to a safe house through a remote canyon path, a mix of waist deep water and high rocks. The wetsuit covering his form had clung to his godly body in ways that made your brain want to explode. He walked in front of you, turning every so often when you lost balance on the rocks, extending his hand and letting it curl around your waist to steady you. Those broad shoulders, his muscles rippling under the black neoprene. The way it clung to his ass. It was a wonder you hadn’t hit your head and drowned. He had hovered around you the whole way, shadowing your movements on particularly dangerous sections of slippery rock, making you laugh as you fought against the freezing water. Making you fall more dangerously in love with him with every kindness. You watched as he ambled across the common room, reclining gracefully on the sofa and conjuring a book without a second glance. You would give anything to feel his arms wind around your body, holding you close to him as tightly as he could. To feel his fingers trace lightly up your arm, making your skin tingle. He was perfection. The others didn’t understand. The ones that knew. Every so often Wanda would make a side-ways comment when she caught you staring, and every time you would curse the red wine that made you spill your secret one regretful night through tears of frustration. They didn’t understand. How could they?
Loki’s eyes met yours across the room, a smile gracing his lips as he gave a small wave. You waved back, feeling your cheeks heat as you quickly looked away. Your heart pounded, seeing movement approaching out the corner of your eye. Did you have make-up on? You couldn’t remember. What did it matter? He didn’t care- “Good morning, darling” he said brightly, leaning on the counter across from you. You smiled widely. Too widely? Shit. “Hi.” you quipped, crossing your legs. “Is your knee improving?” he said, concern lacing his tone. You nodded, the bruise stinging from where you had stupidly crossed it with your other leg. You had stumbled pretty badly in the canyon, despite your protector’s efforts. Loki looked at you questioningly, raising his palm in a ‘come hither’ motion. “Let me have a look”, he murmured. You shuffled the leg of your sweatpants upward, trying desperately to remember the last time you shaved your legs. He knelt to the ground below the barstool on which you sat, clasping your bare calf gently in his hands.
“Ouch” he mumbled, brushing his fingertips over the purple bruise. You couldn’t breathe. He traced the lines of your muscles, skimming the grooves of your knee with a softness that made your stomach churn. You willed your mind to record the moment, blood thundering through your veins as he ran his large palms over the skin. “Now, don’t tell anyone…” he whispered, waving his fingers over your knee as a green glow encased it. The bruise shrank and disappeared, a low warmth spreading through your leg as his magic soothed your pain. He winked as your mouth fell open. “I didn’t know you could do that…” you gasped, genuine surprise making you forget your nerves. “I’m full of surprises, Y/N” he murmured in his velvet tones, looking up at you from the floor with something new in his eyes that you couldn’t quite place. “But it’s our little secret, technically I’m not supposed to…” He ran his hands down your exposed calf. In a moment that you would later question if you had hallucinated, he leant forward, placing a gentle kiss on your freshly healed knee. “Good as new” he whispered against your skin. This crush was definitely not going away.
Fluff Tags (Reduced) @lokischambermaid @lady-rose-moon @loopsisloops @xorpsbane @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @nightshadelm @michelleleewise @mochie85 @theaudacitytowrite @holdmytesseract @sititran @mcufan72 @yelkmelk @awkward-and-indecisive @holymultiplefandomsbatman @muddyorbs @gigglingtigger @demoiseller @chantsdemarins @evelyn-kingsley @lollywritesstuff @wheredafandomat @thedistractedagglomeration
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ambrossart · 2 years
The reader doesn’t seem to feel great about themselves. So I don’t think they pushed him away because of being the ‘second choice’. Idk seems like they don’t think they’re really good enough. That’s why that wall is there, if you let it down it’s letting someone in who could hurt you and when you don’t think of yourself in a great way, that’s a lot of power and trust to just give someone. Idk that’s the vibe I got. It never seemed to really be about Chrissy, but how the reader views themselves compared to Chrissy.
Yeah, having a low self-esteem can really mess up your head and make you believe things that deep down you know aren't true, and I think that's what happened to the reader. Even when she was finally getting everything she wanted, that little voice in her head was still saying, You’re not good enough. 
And when you’re in that state of mind, it’s really easy to twist people’s words around. So the reader, in her moment of self-doubt, latched on to what Eddie said about Chrissy and blew it way out of proportion.
Eddie doesn’t have this massive crush on Chrissy. She’s not his first choice. She’s just the safest choice.  
Eddie came to prom because he wanted to make a memory. But how is he supposed to accomplish that? He can’t get a date because no girls are interested in him. His middle school crush broke his heart, so she’s not an option (even though he might really, really want her to be). Why not go for Chrissy? She’s pretty. She’s nice to everyone. Maybe she’ll be nice enough to let Eddie dance with her for one song. Yeah, dancing with the head cheerleader at prom would definitely make for a great memory. 
Eddie didn’t go there to confess his love to Chrissy or even to ask her out. He just wanted to dance with her.
And (for me at least) the saddest thing is that Eddie tried really hard, either intentionally or unintentionally, to avoid giving the reader the wrong impression. 
In part 7, when the reader says, “I had no idea you liked Chrissy,” Eddie is very quick to correct her.  
“Well, that’s… I dunno if ‘like’ is the right word…” and he started playing with his rings again, twisting them back and forth. “She’s just always been something like a dream for me, y’know? Kinda like one of those celebrity crushes every guy has? It’s just something nice to think about when things aren’t going my way, which is… y’know… most of the time.” 
Eddie compares his feelings for Chrissy to a celebrity crush. He doesn’t actually like her. He doesn’t even know her. He just likes the idea of her. She’s like his little comfort crush. It’s completely innocent and, honestly, insignificant compared to his feelings for the reader. 
Unfortunately, despite Eddie’s best efforts, the reader ended up making the exact assumption he was trying to avoid. 
So much heartbreak. 😫💔💔
tldr; the reader was never Eddie’s second choice; Eddie doesn’t have serious feelings for Chrissy; the reader knows this, but was sabotaged by her own insecurities. 
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daddyfuckedme · 1 year
“There was like 5 different things I typed out and…” (long text)
Ok SO… When I was like 16-20 I was doing hella drugs and partying all the time with this group of friends that I’ve had since like middle school. There was this one guy who like wasn’t the most attractive tbh, but was always very kind (I’m just mean maybe idk). In recent years both of us got sober separately and we kinda branched off from those friends because they party a whole lot and just live kinda recklessly, like we still talk to them and try to be there for them when they fuck off but try not to be around them too much. We used to have sx all the time when we were younger but then he got into a relationship and had a kid and then went to prison, all that, so they had a nasty breakup or whatever. When he got out, I started hanging out with him more and we were casual at first just hanging out playing Zelda watching movies. Then recently we started having sx again and I think I developed a massive crush on the man, unfortunately. So like a month ago, just every day we saw each other and it was like “pretend relationship” and then a week ago I took him to the airport to go across the country bc he works seasonally as a su chef. Also, that shit was cute as fuck, we fucking went to dinner and had this whole great time, like kissing at red lights, holding hands as he drove, “do you like this song, I wanted you to hear it”, and when we got to the drop off of the airport, we both got out because I had to get into the drivers seat, but we were kinda holding up the line because we had this big long tight hug and then had many kisses and he said “just don’t forget about me” and locked eyes in front of this drivers headlights and both of us just didn’t care. He will be gone for like 6-7 months. SO I don’t know if it’s an actual crush or if I just like the attention I have no idea how to tell the difference tbh but you know when you start imagining your whole life with someone? 🤠 I’m very conflicted. But it’s like I had alllll this time and just now? So it could also be because he went a little too deep in the stroke and poked me in the heart (lol). Not looking for advice necessarily, just a big time thing happening but whatevs nothing I can really do about it at this point in time 💃💃 just a rq story for ya, blessings
Just keep an open mind with the whole situation, I have a feeling when he comes back your mutual admiration for one another will grow and grow!!! Awwww I’m happy for you :) and good job on not being as wild!! It’s hard hahaha
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morifinwes · 3 years
wangxian fic rec list!
aka in which i read fics, write some recs down for aamna and share them!! they're all wangxian fics and uhh @yibobibo i hope you'll like them!!
wolf devours playboy bunny by @greenteafiend (5K, werewolf!lwj, getting together, idk if anyone needs to know that but there's nudity just not uhh explicit)
Lan Zhan has wanted Wei Ying as long as he has known him, and the worst part is that he thinks Wei Ying could want him back.
Too bad he could never in good conscience let himself go there—Wei Ying has a debilitating fear of all things canine, and once a month, Lan Zhan is the exact, precise thing that Wei Ying’s nightmares are made of.
Aka, Lan Zhan is a werewolf.
between the lines by @jywait (19K gaming au!!!, i'm always down for a good gaming au, lwj is the best aksks he's such a good boy)
☆yilingpatriarch☆: pls...give me some face, help me fight these monsters...I'm gonna die
Bluetooth: no.
"You have died." The screen said, and Wei Wuxian threw his hands up in frustration.
resonant frequencies by chinxe (15K, college au, fake dating au, tw mention of cheating but it's brief and no one was cheated on i promise)
In which Wei Wuxian decides that the best way to deal with being in love with Lan Wangji is to pretend to date him for three weeks.
It goes about as well as can be expected.
drift compatible by windoworwhatever (5K, poetry, fluff, drunkji, getting together, college au)
"It was just a fact of life. The sky was blue, university stipends for graduate students working in TA positions barely covered rent, bisexuals cuffed their jeans, Lan Wangji had a massive crush on Wei Wuxian, and spent his time pining and writing research papers about gay subtexts in ancient poetry."
Lan Wangji is in love with Wei Wuxian, and everybody knows, except Wei Wuxian.
the bunny next door by detailsinthefabric (43K, this is mostly fluff and very light angst, and they were neighbors!!!, rabbits!!, aka wangxian's bunny children, this is... so cute i just have to rec it)
Lan Wangji did not know what he was doing. He did not know what he was going to say. He was frozen in place, puzzling over the situation. Maybe he had made the man uncomfortable, which is why he wanted to leave? But his tone had still been so friendly—maybe…
“Would…” he paused, swallowed, forced the last words to come out of his suddenly parched mouth, “would you let me pet him?”
Lan Wangji, who doesn't know how to socialize and whose icy demeanor scares everyone away, lets down all his defenses when he meets the bunny next door...oh, and also its owner, Wei Wuxian.
leading tone by silencemostofall (32K, everyone is a music student? or something like that akskk, curse fic, tw panic attacks, tw child abuse, small scene of drunkji, wwx has low self esteem, bro this was so painful to read)
The first time you touch someone you're fated to love, you leave a mark on their skin. If they will love you in return, they'll mark you where you touched them. The deeper the color, the deeper the connection.
Wei Ying has no marks at all.
public places, private thoughts by leahelisabeth (for the love of camelot) ( 8K, cherry magic au, getting together with like... immediate upgrade to fiance status, the author is wrong i crave good wangxian cherry magic aus even tho i haven't even watched cherry magic)
Wei Wuxian had heard the story of course. It had made its rounds through his high school and followed him into his college days. He didn’t think there was any possibility it was true. Virginity was a social construct, invented by creepy old men to exercise dominance over women. The idea that a simple lack of sexual activity before the age of thirty could give one magical powers was absolutely ludicrous.
Wei Wuxian believed this until the morning of his thirtieth birthday.
AKA the Wangxian Cherry Magic AU that absolutely nobody asked for.
i'd be all right (if i could see you) by @thirtysixsavefiles (16K, this was nice, i read this at 6am but it was cute, (while writing this post i must admit i don't remember anything but 6am-me said it's good))
The younger Lan brother is something of an enigma on campus; while Lan Xichen can sometimes be seen in the company of other graduate students or conducting a seminar, Lan Wangji appears to spend all his time in class or in the library. He doesn’t drink. He doesn’t smoke. He doesn’t attend social events. He doesn’t do anything for fun, as far as Wei Wuxian can tell, and it’s driving Wei Wuxian just a little bit up the wall.
Or, Wei Wuxian convinces Lan Wangji to come to a house party, and then they're assigned to the same group project. Wei Wuxian tries his best, but he is not in possession of all the facts.
axe on leg by itszero (4K, i still don't get why wwx did that but it was nice seeing him jealous for once, jealous!wwx, lwj i love you....)
Wei Wuxian pressed his face into his pillow and screamed. He paused to take a few deep breaths, partially hindered by the pillow, and listened to the sounds of Nie Huaisang slurping his iced coffee, from his seat on Wei Wuxian's desk chair.
Having caught his breath, he resumed his screaming and did not stop at the sound of his dorm room door opening.
"What's wrong with him?" He heard his brother, Jiang Cheng, ask.
The slurping stopped. "He's an idiot."
"He's always been an idiot. Why is he bothered about it now?"
"He forced Lan Wangji to go on a date," Nie Huaisang replied, shaking the ice cubes in his drink.
"Okay and…?"
"With someone else." The slurping resumed.
Wei Wuxian, in all his glorious dumbassery, convinces his boyfriend to go on a date with someone else.
these two most powerful by @stiltonbasket (4K, amnesia, wangxian with children!!!, aksksk this was adorable, dadji!!)
When Lan Wangji went to bed last night, he was alone in a tiny guest room with nothing but the howling of the wind in the mountains and his own lonely thoughts for company.
But when he opened his eyes in the morning, Wei Ying was asleep beside him.
(In which Lan Wangji loses twenty years' worth of memories after a night-hunt gone wrong, and his life as a doting father and husband continues without a hitch somehow.)
good things come to those who wait [but i ain't in a patient phase] by @cerlunas (4K, getting together, pining lwj)
Lan Wangji can't take it anymore.
“I love you”, he says, and god, it feels terrifying. “I’ve been in love with you for a long time.”
“Lan Zhan…” Wei Wuxian starts, but Lan Wangji doesn’t want to hear it.
He grabs his cup and drinks everything. He doesn’t know what face Wei Wuxian is making at him right now, and it’s okay. 
“Lan Zhan!” Wei Wuxian repeats louder, but it’s too late. He is already falling asleep.
Or, even after 13 years, Lan Wangji is still in love with his best friend. Maybe it's time to open up.
wei ying, will you marry m- oh my god he swallowed the ring! by selene210 (2K, marriage proposals, crack, marriage proposals but.. they go wrong)
“A ring?”
And indeed it was. The ring Lan Wangji was going to propose to Wei Ying with. That the man had now choked on.
“You swallowed it.”
“It was in my soufflé! Why did you put a ring in my soufflé Lan Zhan- oh. oh”
of glittery valentine's cards by @soft-fics (3K, valentine's day, this was adorable aksk, a-yuan best boy!!)
Lan Zhan didn't want to know what his best friend had planned for Valentine's Day; his heart would simply not be able to handle it. When his son tells him that he made Wei Ying a Valentine's Day card, though, Lan Zhan decided to bring it over anyway.
of coffee and white tea by @soft-fics (9K, fluff, lwj doesn't like coffee, wwx buys him coffee, then they switch drinks, again and again and again, the staff ships it lmao, tbh jc shouldn't have done that like wtf)
For the fourth time this week a stranger orders him a cup of coffee. Lan Wangji wonders how exactly to tell this man to stop ordering him coffee he doesn't even like. Turns out, buying the other white tea and switching drinks is not the best way to go about it
canon setting
on the importance of restraint (or lack thereof) by nixthothou (4K, in which sizhui snaps, i love that boy, no like seriously he's the best boy)
Lan Sizhui does not usually find himself in the company of Sect Leader Jiang.
Suffice to say, Lan Sizhui's feelings toward him are conflicted.
lan wangji is wei wuxian's baby by lilycs (3K, i was craving fluff while reading this, lwj my beloved, drunk!lwj)
Lan Wangji gets drunk from barely a cup of alcohol, becoming a whiny baby and asking his husband for cuddles.
one of our own by glitteringmoonlight (8K, wei wuxian & lan sect, 5+1 things, in which they learn to love him, they're all part of the wwx protection squad lead by lwj, wangxian isn't the focus but !!! THIS)
Times change, but some people remain the same.
The Lans are nothing, if not aware of this.
For one of their own, they will stand against the world.
Or, 5 times the Lans defended Wei Wuxian, and the 1 time he was there to see it happen.
so why not crack your skull when the mind swells by @greenteafiend (13K, love curse, post cql canon, curses, getting together, fluff, so much fluff, lwj tries to talk about his emotions!, lwj pov)
Lan Wangji detects the curse trying to curl through his heart meridians like smoke. A love curse, then. It must have been cast remotely somehow to have found him in his bed in Cloud Recesses. No matter. Lan Wangji crushes it easily, enveloping it in his spiritual energy, and then squeezing. Curse averted, Lan Wangji closes his eyes and goes back to sleep. He thinks no more of it.
Two days later, Wei Wuxian arrives in Cloud Recesses.
Or, Wei Wuxian is cursed to feel terrible pain when he and Lan Wangji aren’t touching.
i started from the bottom / now i'm rich by x_los (57K, time travel, fix it, jealous lwj, crack treated serious, god this is so good tho, wwx/wrh & wwx/jgs but like as a joke and it doesn't really happen, but it has its purpose!!)
“First, you get the money. Then you get the power, respect - hos come last.”
Wen Qing traps Wei Wuxian in the Demon Slaughtering Cave, but Wei Wuxian isn’t interested in being the beneficiary of the Wen Remnants’ noble sacrifice. His efforts to free himself accidentally send him back to the beginning of the Sunshot Campaign. Coreless but armed with demonic cultivation, knowledge of the future and his wits, Wei Wuxian takes advantage of this opportunity to come out on top of both the war and its aftermath—before either has a chance to happen—by marrying and swiftly burying the cultivation world’s worst men.
Lan Wangji is confused, hurt, and uncomfortably aroused by Wei Wuxian’s improbably elaborate series of Sect-themed bridal negligees.
lead me on through by mrsronweasley (55K, they're in love your honor, arranged marriage but they don't know to whom, basically wwx & lwj want to practice kissing which then goes beyond kissing but not the whole way y'know, lxc the best wingman tho)
"Who do you think your betrothed is?" Wei Wuxian asks, sprawling out in front of Lan Zhan and enjoying the prim thinning of his lips at the question. He shouldn't be sprawling—they're in the library, for one, and Lan Zhan is studying, for another—but he can't help himself. Wei Wuxian is a sprawler.
"I do not believe this to be of importance," Lan Zhan responds, without turning his gaze away from his book.
"What!" Wei Wuxian sits up. "How can you say that? Of course it's important! This is the person you'll be with for the rest of your life, Lan Zhan."
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leviiattacks · 3 years
Hi, you're a very talented writer and your works are very beautiful. Can I request one where Levi's fem s/o does the ignore your boyfriend prank? Thank you so much and take care of yourself ❤️
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author note :: thank youuu i’m glad you think that anon !! this isn’t good at all bc i’m just very sick and yeah,,, i’m sorry if this doesn’t live up to your expectations but i needed something to do and ended up finishing this. hmmm what is this is it fluff?? idk it’s captain levi and survey corps member reader though :-) requests are open so feel free to drop by if you’d like :D word count :: 3.4k 
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you should NOT be bothering levi as much as you are because he understands you need your own space to relax sometimes
but come on... you’ve been ignoring him for an unreasonable amount of time now??
and he’s not talking about groggy ignoring, it’s not the type you do when you’ve just awoken from a restless night’s sleep
no. you’re talking to everyone apart from him.
and it’s driving him up a literal wall
did he do something wrong???
has he made a mistake so large that you’re too scared to bring it up???
are you finally sick of him??
will you break up with him?
levi winces when thinking of that specific question
but he’s the type to silently keep his worries to himself as soon as he sees any indication of a bad omen
currently, he’s mentally preparing himself for you to break the news to him any day now
but little does he know you’ve just pulled a prank hoping for him to whine and complain a little
the point of this all is to elicit an out of character reaction
the idea came from historia at first
her playing such a foul trick on ymir didn’t go unnoticed and little by little ymir’s resolve crumbled away throughout the day
she went quite literally ballistic trying to get historia’s attention
and watching it all play out made you want to try it out with levi
you’d be a FOOL not to
WELL!!!! the fun part about this is that you’re a bit actually, no. a lot, more stubborn than historia!!!
and instead of committing to the prank for a day you’ve chosen to see how far you can stretch this out
if you have to drag it out for two days so be it
you have good reason to
levi isn’t the most affectionate man, your relationship is kept a total secret from all of the cadets
meaning pda never happens
and,,, listen you would love to kiss him before expeditions without having to drag him behind your horse for cover
to be frank the back of a horse does smell rather unpleasant and it’s not as romantic as you’d like for it to be
honestly you’d rather have everyone stare and gawk in awe watching the two of you make out
seeing them put two and two together realizing what it is that’s going on between you and the captain would be hilarious
especially since reiner said last week he could never picture levi dating anyone
AND!! he even had the audacity to say he thinks someone like him would never date someone on the team
is it really not that obvious to them?
do you and levi lack chemistry?
silently fuming you walk away and even then none of the cadets get the hint
but you do think mikasa has known for a while. her senses are sharp and whenever she sees you and levi together she makes a u-turn heading in the opposite direction away from the both of you
but even if she does she isn’t going to tell anyone about it unless she’s directly asked so it’s not like the cat will be out of the bag any time soon
it’s silly getting worked up over reiner’s comments but it’s kinda disheartening having the relationship be kept a secret
and you thought even if it was there would be at least a hint of a rumour, like it should be decently obvious it’s been months since the two of you began to see each other
ESSENTIALLY, this is your plan to “accidentally” let the cadets figure it out
eventually levi will have to get restless enough to do something bold
that’s what you think will happen
but then the reality of the situation hits you at the end of the first day
he seems to be dealing with it just fine ?????
after giving him the cold shoulder he shows no signs of returning at all
mayday mayday mayday....?!??
red alert....?!??
you are about to bang your head against a wall he’s the one who’s meant to be suffering over this not you
but again, you’re stubborn and won’t give in easily
by the end of day one levi has approached you two times
each time you’ve given him completely blunt responses
it’s frustrating you that he’s just dealing with it as it comes
and when he does speak to you it’s not to ask what’s wrong
the first time he approaches you is to ask if you’ve seen petra around which makes your blood boil a little because everyone knows petra has a big, fat, MASSIVE crush on him
you know he won’t ever reciprocate or anything for a number of reasons but you can’t help but feel annoyed
the second time he speaks to you is to ask if you’re willing to help hange out with some paperwork
he doesn’t even look interested in asking you what’s wrong
honestly you would drop this plan but you’re in too deep now
may as well keep it up.
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the second day rolls around and it’s not your best day
you burn breakfast
trip over a broom and hit your leg rather hard against the dining table
spill an ENTIRE cup of tea over hange’s important documents
and you haven’t slept a wink after overthinking your relationship status for hours on end
maybe this prank wasn’t a great idea
you’re hunched over the documents close to tears not knowing how you can save them now
there’s nothing you can do and even though you know hange will be okay with it, (they’ve never cared much for paperwork) you just don’t want to inconvenience them with this mess
looking up you see eren standing by the doorway of the kitchen watching with a humored expression as you place paper towels over the disaster you’ve created
“captain’s looking for you.”
perking up a little internally you make sure to remain as disinterested as possible on the surface
“what does he need?”
“i don’t know he didn’t say.”
“tell him i’m busy.”
and that’s all that occurs during day two
you pass by levi and occasionally his gaze flicks to you but he doesn’t take any action to address you in public or in private
you end up going to bed even more disappointed than you were the first night
the prank definitely isn’t going the way you want and instead of it leading to levi cornering you in front of everyone and dipping you into a dreamy swoon worthy kiss it’s led to you developing doubts.
many doubts.
but you aren’t giving up any time soon, now more than ever you want to be reassured levi even wants this relationship because he’s not acting like it
it’s admittedly a bitch move on your part for pulling this prank in the first place but you expected him to ask how you were doing it has been forty-eight hours after all
if the roles were reversed you’d force him into a room until he would tell you
so you can’t explain his weird behaviour at all
maybe he doesn’t like you as much as you think
that thought makes your eyes sting at the corners
he’s always been reserved and a little lost when it comes to opening up but you’re beginning to lose hope if he finds it this hard to ask if you’re okay
drifting off to sleep before you can wallow in your thoughts any more you wish tomorrow is better
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it’s the third day and to say you’re exhausted is an understatement
midday and you’re training in the sweltering heat
the lack of sleep you’ve had recently paired with your stress isn’t doing you any good
a little dizzy you attempt to hold onto a nearby tree for stability but end up somehow missing the mark by a MILE??
tumbling to the floor painfully you hiss at the collision and rub the back of your head which is now sore
footsteps approach you in a hurry and for the first time in days you’re face to face with levi
“you okay?” concern is very much evident in his voice and that eases your nerves
without you even responding he’s turning you around just to check in case
nodding wordlessly you try to get to your feet when you feel a shift.
your ankle without warning gives out on you and you’re sent crashing back down to the ground
closing your eyes and bracing for impact you’re pleasantly surprised when levi catches you by the waist
your weight is leaning onto him and you’re looking down to the floor
hange is yelling from across the courtyard telling levi to drop you off at the infirmary but he doesn’t need to be told that
his instincts do the talking for him and he’s already slung you over his shoulder and begins carrying you towards the base
“levi. put. me. down. this position’s embarrassing.”
he doesn’t respond and you can hear sasha and connie cackling at the compromising situation
swatting his back you’re huffing and puffing yet he’s still ignoring you
you’re being given the silent treatment but you suppose you do deserve it
sighing you deal with the stares you receive on the way there
this is levi and at this point nothing is seen as abnormal when he does it
you can’t really look behind you to see levi’s expression either but when a cadet walks past and mouths “y/n, what the hell did you do??” you know you’re in for it
eventually he reaches the infirmary and without even letting you get a word in he plops you onto the bed albeit a little rough
“what’s with the cold shoulder?” he places both his arms by your sides leaving you trapped
“if you want to break up you can just say that instead of beating around the bush.”
you’re stunned by the harsh tone of his voice, he doesn’t have his usual soft timbre and your eyes glaze over in defense
“you want to break up?” your question hangs in the air
chewing at your lip anxiously you know if you bite any harder you’ll draw blood
“i don’t care. if that’s what you want, sure.”
oh no.
this isn’t going how you planned
nails digging into the flesh of your palms you hang your head low
he doesn’t care at all
if that’s what you want????? really???? that’s his response??? he won’t even fight for you???
it’s silent as he bandages your ankle and you’re burning in a mix of embarrassment and fury.
“i was just pull-” choking up in the middle of your sentence you feel yourself automatically frown
“i was just pulling a prank on you. you know how historia did with ym-“
really you’ve always been terrible at holding back your tears and a few spill over the edge and you sob
why are you like this why why why why why?????
yeah,, you get why everyone calls you overly emotional from time to time but really you swear you feel your heart shatter a little at how levi’s acting
shielding your eyes with your sleeve you cower away from him
lord have mercy.
levi wants to curl up into a ball and die from the wave of embarrassment that hits him
a prank.
a trick.
and he didn’t catch on.
and now you’re crying.
because he thought acting tough and cold in case you wanted to break up with him made perfectly logical sense???
spoiler : it didn’t make any sense...
but now it’s made him look like he hates you??
but he doesn’t hate you
no, no, no. not at all.
he could never hate you.
you’re always willing to help anyone out, you’re genuine, always say sorry even when you don’t need to, unapologetically yourself at any moment, you’re fearful yet push it all aside to be courageous and most of all he loves your little hobbies because who in their right mind actually enjoys gardening??
he’s convinced people who say they like gardening are looking for something unique to make themselves stand out but really you enjoy it and it’s quite cute
ok, ok no more getting side tracked whilst talking about your love for plants
he could name so much more he admires about you but he’d be here all day
“i tried to talk to you yesterday but after you refused i thought you hated me and wanted to break up. that’s why i was acting like that just now.” he slowly tries to explain his point to you
“i know i’m hard to love so when you began to ignore me out of the blue i figured you didn’t want to-”
cutting him off without giving him the option of finishing his sentence you’re wide eyed in horror. he was NOT meant to interpret the prank this way.
“levi?? for as long as i’m alive i’ll never get tired of you. i promise.” his heart rate shoots and the intense magnetism between the two of you becomes stronger by the second
you pause for a second gathering yourself.
“and i’m sorry i should’ve thought about how you’d feel. the reason i did it was stupid.”
levi kneels by the bed and takes your hand in his, he graciously lifts the sleeve of your uniform and ducks down to press a soft kiss onto your wrist.
your heart flutters seeing him be so careful and gentle with you and bashfully you look away
guilt overwhelms you at that moment because you really are horrible for putting him through all of that.
levi cares for you he does
he may be silent about it and not the best at being public with it but you know how he feels.
you feel it in the way he looks at you
you feel it when he helps you mount your horse
you feel it when he double checks your harnesses before expeditions
you feel it when he tends to your injuries
and, you definitely feel it right now when it sinks in that he was acting like he hated you just so you wouldn’t feel bad if you really did want to break up with him.
he’s always been bad at picking up on hints and cues so you now understand why he interpreted it as you wanting nothing to do with him
of course he wouldn’t ask how you were if it looked like you wanted to skin him alive
“what was the reason for the prank?” he inquisitively asks genuinely wanting to know what it is he can do for you
“i...” you’re wandering off and suddenly don’t want to tell him
“i wanted you to kiss me.” you whisper in a rush
he cocks an eyebrow up even more lost. “i kiss you all the time?”
“i mean, in front of everyone else.”
he blinks and his mouth forms into an “O” shape
it’s a little awkward now
he doesn’t bring it up again so you assume he doesn’t like the idea of letting everyone know just yet
and that’s okay!! you respect that!!
after all, you can’t get mad at him for it, it’s the best choice.
you don’t want people to accuse him of having bias towards you and it’ll probably upset petra and hinder her performance if her crush just suddenly starts dating out of nowhere
your gaze is back on levi and he’s now double checking the bandage on your ankle after tending to it
“you can’t walk for a few weeks.” he tsks
“be careful next time.” he’s always been blunt when he does show he cares and you warmly smile after not talking to him in days.
you feel the need to apologize again
“to make it clear i really am sorry, i should have thought more about you.”
he scoffs and rolls his eyes
“i’m overjoyed that my beautiful girlfriend doesn’t want to break up with me. now, stop moping around about it i’m over it.”
he scoops you up effortlessly and you wrap your arms around his neck.
“y/n, for the record, i’ll work on not jumping to the worst case scenario first.”
you love this aspect of your relationship
being able to understand how your flaws impact the other and choosing to make changes or adjustments
it’s sweet and you must be smiling like an idiot when thinking of it because levi blows a puff of air onto your forehead knocking you out of your daydream
feeling a little less light headed than before you notice he’s walking back out towards the courtyard
why is he doing that...?
“you’re walking in the wrong direction?”
“no i’m not.” he replies with a smug grin
oh my god
no he isn’t
oh my god
is he???
you’re bright pink in the face as you turn to look at him panicking when you hear hange’s group returning
eren can be heard arguing with jean as per usual and now you’re smacking levi’s chest even harder
“you don’t have to do this no, no, no. it’s okay really.” it’s funny how you’re begging him not to do what you’ve been waiting on for three days
but you really don’t want him to feel like he has to do this
as if he’s read your mind he replies. “i’m doing this with my own free will.”
he gives you one last grin and pushes you up against the wall, your back is against the cold yet solid surface and you tense up
oh god. it’s happening he’s diving down and it’s as if everything is moving in slow motion.
gradually you feel the familiar feeling of your heart jumping out of your chest
both of your lips mould together, he’s hoisting you up again preventing you from slipping away. hungry hands grip at your thighs and a knowing smile twitches across his mouth.
nipping at his bottom lip he groans and you nearly forget why it is he’s kissing you
that is until you hear a SCREAM from your right
“eren what the fuck are you yelling at?” jean’s voice can be heard scowling in the distance but you’re too distracted by levi’s mouth to care
eren must be speechless because nothing is heard until jean reaches the scene
“OH. MY. GOD.”
“you’re both overreacting.” mikasa makes her appearance and you’re not sure if she’s seen you and levi yet because your eyes fluttered shut long ago
“Y/N AND THE CAPTAIN????? WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE MIKASA??” eren’s voice sounds so distressed you guess you’re right for assuming he may have had a crush on you at some point
“it was obvious, i don’t know how no one else knew.”
finally levi pulls away and you’re panting practically gasping for any traces of air
“what you looking at brats?” levi snaps in their direction and mikasa nonchalantly shrugs and walks away
jean and eren however, dash away at LIGHTENING speed probably on their way to let everyone else know of the shocking new development
levi pecks your forehead and you nudge your nose against his.
since that day you and levi have been able to get away with a lot more pda
you can hold his hand and stare at how pretty your hands look laced together
you can nuzzle your face into his neck without any questions 
you can loop arms with him and even if he acts like he doesn’t enjoy it he genuinely does like walking around with you latching onto his bicep
although he still prefers the privacy of his office he’s more than happy to give in once in a while
and at the end of the day you’re ecstatic because there’s no more kissing behind your horse!!!
honestly, you’re over the moon about it 
and so is levi
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cali-holland · 3 years
An Irregular Romance ★ Harrison Osterfield One Shot
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Pairing: Harrison Osterfield X Reader
Summary: Over five years ago, Harrison followed his heart (a.k.a. you) to drama school, and the day he asked you out was the day he discovered you had a boyfriend. He thought that part of his past was behind him, but then he was cast as Leo in The Irregulars and you were cast as Bea. Romance and shenanigans ensue as he tries to navigate the resurrection of his crush on you.
Word Count: 10k
Warnings: spoilers for The Irregulars, swearing, drinking (reader gets v drunk at one point), cheating boyfriend + “open relationship” drama
Masterlist in bio
*Gif is not mine
A/N: inspired by harrison literally saying he followed the girl he liked to drama school but she didn’t like him back; the drama school is the brit school (idk if that’s what he was talking about but age wise it works better); also darci is 18+ in this fic bc it just fits better to make her around their age; plus i had to re-post this bc the tags didn’t work so rip
also just like to say a massive thank you to @duskholland​​ for proofreading this for me :) you’re the best! this fic would be missing 90% of its commas if it wasn’t for you lmao
Harrison had been buzzing with excitement all week. While he knew for sure that he had landed the role of Prince Leo in The Irregulars, he had no idea who the other cast members were. His agent learned from Netflix that they’d announce the cast on Saturday, so now here he sat, anxiously awaiting the news as he drank another pint with his good friends.
“Anything yet?” Tuwaine asked, refreshing his Twitter timeline.
“Nope.” Harrison said with a shake of his head as Netflix’s Instagram page remained unchanged as another minute went by.
“Maybe they’re announcing it at midnight.” Tom shrugged, trying to be useful to ease his friend’s nerves.
“Everyone would be asleep.” The blond replied before taking another long drink of his beer.
“Well, congratulations whenever they officially announce it.” Harry stated, standing up with his empty glass. “Next round’s on me.”
The conversation began to wander off, and Harrison found himself deep in thought, pondering his mysterious, new castmates. Would he like them? Would they like him? Were they big names or no names? Were they people he had screen-tested with (because, truthfully, he only screen-tested with a few girls, but even then, he didn’t screen test with all of the potential actresses)? As he got stuck, trying to think of someone he’d actually liked when they screen-tested together, he was snapped out of his thoughts by Tom yelling.
“It’s up!” Tom held his phone in the middle of the table as he, Harrison, Tuwaine, and Harry, who was now back with more beer, looked over the cast. A sense of pride soared through the group at Harrison’s picture and name being on the official Netflix page for The Irregulars. Harrison read over the other names, wondering if he knew any by happenstance. Just as he recognized one name in particular, Tom spoke up.
“Y/N Y/L/N? Isn’t that the girl you fancied in drama school?” Tom asked with a smirk. His smirk seemed to widen as Harrison blushed a deeper shade of red.
“No, no, no!” Harrison grumbled, taking out his phone to look over the post for himself because maybe, if he looked from his own account, the cast would magically change. When he looked at your name and picture right beside his, realization hit him. He slumped over, putting his head down on the table regretfully.
“I’d nearly forgotten about Haz’s girl that wasn’t his girl.” Tuwaine joked.
“Wait, what girl?” Harry questioned, out of the loop.
Perhaps the stupidest but best choice Harrison had ever made in his life was following you, his biggest crush, to drama school. Why his mother even let him chase after a girl like that was beyond him; he thought she should’ve advised him against it, but with the whole “follow your heart” attitude, his mum was his biggest supporter. He did his best to impress you, to get you to notice him, but you were unfazed by him. The day that he finally got the courage to ask you out was the day that he learned you’d had a boyfriend for the past two months.
Though he didn’t get the girl in drama school, he actually enjoyed it, and look where he ended up now— a new Netflix show was on the horizon for him. Despite the fact that he was (and still sort of is) crushed and embarrassed by the fact that you (very kindly) rejected him five years ago, drama school turned out to be a blessing.
“Harrison, here,” Tom laughed as he clapped his friend’s shoulder as Harrison still didn’t lift his head from his pitiful position, “thought he’d pursue acting because Y/N wanted to be an actress. He didn’t realize that in order to get her attention, he’d have to actually talk to her.”
That was enough to make Harrison lift his head, eyeing his friend questioningly. Cutting Tom off, he defended himself, “What do you mean? I did talk to her.”
“Right— you’d have maybe one conversation with her every three weeks.” Tom turned back to his brother, “Anyway, Haz finally asked her out and, turns out, she’d been dating this other guy for months.”
“Whatever. I only asked her out because you and Tuwaine shoved me into her. Maybe she doesn’t even remember me.” Harrison pulled out his phone to check over Netflix’s Instagram, wanting to see for himself the new cast again. When he opened the app, it notified him of all the new followers he had gotten, and, with one glance at the list of names, one account stood out to him.
‘@yourusername started following you’. Harrison let out a sigh, not wanting to dwell on this any further.
“She works fast.” Harry teased, looking over the blond’s shoulder.
“We’re co-stars now. She probably followed everyone else too.”
As if on cue, a new notification came through his Instagram— ‘@yourusername sent you a message’. With bated breath, he opened it to see the message that confirmed his worst fear— you remembered him.
‘Hey stranger! How have you been?’
With every passing day, Harrison’s excitement for this new big project grew… but so did his dread about seeing you again. He wasn’t entirely sure now as to why his gut was filled with butterflies mixed with anxiety just thinking about you. You were only ever nice to him, both before and after he asked you out. It all led him back to the same conclusion that he still had a thing for you, but yet again, maybe it’s just life that your first real crush always has some power over you.
As he walked down the strangely long hallway to the conference room, he adjusted the collar of his letterman’s jacket. Today was the big day— the first table read for The Irregulars, and the first day he’d be confronted by you after all these years. Just on the other side of this door, his co-stars and the main production crew were waiting. Everything was real now; production would start in just a few days.
With one last nervous breath, he pushed open the heavy oak door and entered the room. People were chatting as they sat around the large conference table, which had small name cards at each seat. Harrison’s eyes found you almost immediately. You were locked into a conversation with your co-star, Darci, seated to your left for the table read. To your right was one of the last available seats, and Harrison’s name was on the little card on the table. All hopes of being unnoticed by you were instantaneously gone as he took his seat beside you.
“Fancy seeing you here.” You said to Harrison with a laugh, and he was instantly reminded of how that laugh basically drove him to where he was today.
“How long has it been?” Harrison asked, trying to play it cool like he hadn’t been rehearsing this day in his mind for the past several months.
“Far too long.” You smiled.
As the last few people trickled into the room, introductions flew around the table as everyone met their new coworkers. After a cold read-through of the script and a few words from the show’s creator, the table read was deemed over. Just when Harrison thought he was free to forget about your existence for a few more days, you pulled him aside.
“Hey, Darci and I were going to get drinks with McKell and Jojo. You should come.” You offered, and Harrison chanced a glance across the room to where Darci was chatting with your other two main co-stars.
“Uh, yeah, sure.” Harrison replied. He cleared his throat before giving you a definite nod that yes, that’d be a great idea.
And just like that, the five of you made your way across town to a pub. Darci had chosen the spot, explaining that it was the best place for drinks in Liverpool, and, seeing as she’d lived there her whole life, none of you tried to argue with her.
Harrison felt a strange pit in his stomach as everyone talked and laughed over some beers, as if you weren’t all strangers a few hours ago. His eyes always seemed to land on you and your contagious smile. You looked almost exactly how he remembered you, and you still were the same happy, go-lucky girl he’d fallen hard for. It was crazy to him how quickly you gave him butterflies, how effortlessly you made him feel like a silly schoolboy all over again. He couldn’t help but wonder if you thought he’d changed since his school days, too… or if you even thought about him enough to notice. So far, you’d made no indication that he was anyone besides an old friend from drama school, making him hope you didn’t remember that dreadful day.
As you and Darci excused yourself for a bathroom break, Harrison gave himself a little reminder that he was meant to be getting to know all of his co-stars right now and wasn’t meant to be focusing so intently on you. He took another sip of his beer, turning back to Jojo and McKell.
“So how do you and Y/N know each other?” McKell asked, and Jojo tried to hide his shit-eating grin behind his beer.
“Drama school, a few years ago.” Harrison replied, trying to play ignorant.
“Ah, so it’s a schoolboy crush, then?” Jojo questioned teasingly.
Harrison felt his face heat up. Jojo and McKell were practically strangers to him, and they already knew. He was cornered, “Is it that obvious?”
“A little.” McKell said while Jojo simultaneously replied, “Very.”
“Just ask her out.” Jojo encouraged.
“That’s the problem— I did.” Harrison replied, and both of their jaws dropped.
“No way. Did she let you down easy at least?” McKell’s voice was somewhere between a disbelieving, teasing, and pitiful tone.
Harrison scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, “Well, yeah? I mean she wasn’t rude about it, but it was still a bit awkward. She was dating this other guy at the time. He didn’t go to our school, though, so I had no clue about him.”
“That’s rough.” Jojo grimaced, before he gave Harrison a hopeful smile, “Maybe she’s single now.”
“I’ve been rejected by Y/N once— I don’t need her to reject me a second time.” He shook his head with a small laugh to conceal his embarrassment. He took a drink of his beer, hoping that would calm his nerves a little.
“Incoming,” McKell said quietly, nodding in the direction of the bathroom.
“What’d we miss?” Darci asked as she slipped back into her seat. You remained standing to put your jacket on, both you and Darci completely unaware of the boys’ conversation.
“Nothing, just Jojo being an idiot.” McKell joked, to which his newfound friend just punched him in the arm, taking another long drink of his beer.
“I think I might head back to the hotel.” Your words were met with a collective groan from three of your co-stars— Harrison silently frowned as he sipped on his beer.
As your head was down to collect your things, Jojo swiftly kicked Harrison under the table. Harrison looked at him quizzically, sending him a “what the hell was that for” look. When his co-star just nodded his head encouragingly towards you, Harrison got the idea.
“I’ll walk you.” Harrison said, making you look over at him. Standing up from his seat, he insisted, “I was just about to head out, too.”
“Okay,” You smiled, still completely unaware of his interaction with Jojo.
After you all exchanged phone numbers and created a group chat lovingly titled “The Irregz”, you and Harrison left the pub. You fell in step together, walking along the sidewalk in the chilly Liverpool air back to the hotel that you’d all be staying at for the next few months.
“So what have you been up to since graduation?” Harrison asked you, his hands deep in the pockets of his letterman’s jacket.
“All sorts of things, really.” You shrugged with a smile, “I got a few TV roles here and there, did some modeling, but so far none of it has really stuck, so I’m hopeful that this will be a foot in the door. What about you?”
“The same as you, really, but, instead of shows, I’ve done some short films.”
“I see you’re still best friends with Tom.” You said in a teasing tone. Harrison felt an unusual, upsetting tug on his heartstring. Not noticing any change in his demeanor, you continued with a laugh, “It’s funny. I would’ve placed my bets on you being world-famous after graduation.”
“Me?” He questioned, surprised by your words.
“Yeah, you didn’t go to LAMDA for nothing.” You playfully nudged his arm with your elbow, and he felt his cheeks heat up once more. “Don’t be modest— I’m not wrong.”
“Can’t argue with that logic.” A laugh passed his lips, any previous bashful reservations slowly fading away.
Before Harrison could say anything further, your phone began to ring. You fished it out of your pocket and barely looked at the caller ID before sending it to voicemail. Your actions were fast, but Harrison still caught the name of who was calling, Davey, followed by a red heart emoji. And that’s when it hit him— you were still with the same boyfriend from drama school, all those years ago.
And just like that, Harrison felt a tsunami wave of heartbreak from drama school wash over him.
“Hey, Y/N!” Harrison called out as he stumbled his way over to stall you from leaving school. He had one hand holding onto his book bag strap tight enough that his knuckles were turning white, and he shuffled his other through his hair.
“Hey, is everything alright?” You asked, concerned at how nervous he seemed.
“Yeah, um, well, tonight’s opening night for West Side Story, and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me? I know it’s your favorite play, and it’s one of mine too, so, yeah, I thought maybe we could go together?” He was sure that he’d never sounded so unsure of himself. Truth is, he didn’t want to ask you out right now, but Tom and Tuwaine had quite literally shoved him in your direction, physically encouraging him. He felt rushed and unprepared.
When you smiled so captivatingly and softly at him, he felt his racing heart speed up even more. Was this it? Was he really going to take you on a date? He thought to himself. His hopes weren’t up for long as you spoke up, “I can’t. I’ve already got tickets for tonight. I’m going with Davey.”
“My boyfriend.” You replied, a hint of guilt in your voice.
His heart shattered. The only reason he was here, at this school, was because of you, and now he just had all of his hopes for any future dates with you thrown out the window.
“You and Davey are still together?” Harrison wondered aloud as you two arrived at the hotel.
“Yeah,” Your response was hesitant and quiet. He knew why— there was that elephant in the room between the two of you.
Before he could stop himself from mentioning it, he blurted out, “You don’t have to feel guilty about it, you know.”
You paused, watching unsure as he ran a hand through his hair nervously. “I kinda wonder what would’ve happened if I had said yes. Davey and I didn’t even end up seeing  West Side Story, anyway, so I wonder if you and I would’ve ended up any differently.”
It wasn’t much, but his heart sped up ever so slightly— so you had thought about him, even in the dating context. Harrison couldn’t think of a response (his brain repeated “fuck Davey, ask her out again”) fast enough as you stopped at the front desk. You mumbled something about needing some towels, and Harrison took that as his cue to just continue walking. He bid you a quick farewell, wanting to escape to his room as fast as possible.
Nothing you had said tonight had been particularly flirty, but he still rewound the events in his head because maybe he missed something. As he laid down in his bed that night, his mind drifted off with thoughts of you, wondering just how he’d manage to pull off these next few months without falling for you all over again.
Over the next several weeks, his predicament only seemed to grow. Spending so much time with you (and your other three co-stars) just made Harrison wish even more that he’d asked you out sooner in drama school, and having to spend most of his screen time gawking over you added to it further. Maybe it was another school boy crush, or maybe it was intense method acting— either way, he definitely liked you.
Ever since he read the script for episode four, he knew that eventually your two characters would become romantically involved. He would’ve felt giddy over the thought (because his eighteen-year-old self would’ve died at this opportunity), but whenever he thought of the scene, he was reminded about your boyfriend. Harrison wasn’t the type of guy to hate his crush’s boyfriend, but something just didn’t seem right about Davey.
Harrison was lying on his hotel bed, reading over the episode’s script for what must have been the fifth time through that afternoon. It was Sunday, the day before you’d both film Leo and Bea’s kiss. With a beer on his side table and an array of highlighters beside it, he was set. As the words started to run together, and his glasses began to feel uncomfortable on his nose, he heard a knock at his door.
“Coming!” Harrison called out. Setting his script aside, he rolled off the bed. He was confused at who could possibly be at his door, but, figuring it was someone from set, he had the decency to slip on a white t-shirt, opting for not answering the door in nothing but grey sweats. He was thankful for his last-minute decision as he opened the door and was met with you on his doorstep. Smiling at you and leaning on the doorframe, he let out a small, “Hey.”
“Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to rehearse tomorrow’s scene.” You offered with a friendly smile on your face.
“Right now?” He asked, glancing back into his room to decipher if it was clean enough or not.
“Oh, is this a bad time?” You replied, subconsciously stepping back. “Is someone here?”
“What?” Harrison looked at you, confused before it clicked what you thought, “Oh, no, no. There’s no one here. I was just rehearsing, too.”
“So is that a yes then or-?” You trailed off.
“Yeah, come on in.” He opened his door fully, allowing you to step in. He chivalrously closed the door behind you. “Would you like water or anything?”
“Can I have a beer?” You asked, spotting the one on his nightstand.
“Sure.” Harrison nodded. While he got you a beer and grabbed his own half-consumed bottle and script, you settled on the couch with your pages in hand.
“Thank you.” You smiled as he handed you the beer, and you took a sip happily. “You know, I’m honestly so jealous of you this week.”
“Why?” He asked with a laugh, thrown off guard by your confession.
“You get to do all the palace scenes again.”
“I also throw myself off a balcony.”
“But still.” You insisted. “Leo really needs to sneak Bea into the palace just so I can have one of those extravagant ball dress scenes. I just want to feel like a princess, and I feel like it’s what Bea deserves.”
Harrison looked at you admiringly for a moment. “You are a princess.” His face dropped as soon as he realized he’d said his thoughts aloud. Coughing, he tried to cover it up, “I mean—- you were kind of princess-like in episode 3, right?”
“Smooth.” You laughed, but didn’t press the situation. Your phone began to ring, and Harrison watched as you rolled your eyes, declining the call and ultimately silencing your phone.
“Spam call?”
“More like clingy non-committal somewhat boyfriend.” You stated, rolling your eyes.
He furrowed his eyebrows, confused. You hadn’t mentioned Davey in the past few weeks— not that Harrison was complaining, but he just assumed you were private about your personal life. “I thought you and Davey were on good terms?”
“We are? I don’t know.” You sighed, taking a sip of your beer.
“If you’re not comfortable with the topic, we can just rehearse-”
“No, it’s fine. I just haven’t really talked about it with anyone. Before I came here, he asked about having an open relationship while I’m away, and I told him no. And the last time we talked, we got into an argument and that was a couple days ago. I’m not ready to talk to him, and at this point, I’d much rather talk to you than him. It’s very frustrating that he wants to have an open relationship, but he still expects me to be at his beck and call. It’s like he’s looking for someone to substitute me, but I can’t have a life of my own. He wasn’t the most supportive of me taking this job in the first place, too.” You paused, with a small shrug, “I know you’re probably thinking I should leave him, but I can’t. We’ve been together for 5 years. I don’t know anything else at this point.”
“I get it.” Harrison said softly, hesitantly resting a comforting hand on your knee. “He was your first love. It makes sense that it’s hard to move on.” He felt his own heart sink at his ironic words. After all, you were his first love.
“I wouldn’t say he’s my first love.” You said softly, placing your hand on his, squeezing it gently. “Plus, at this point, I wouldn’t even say I love him.”
A silence fell in the room. Harrison really didn’t know what to say now. He would have told you to leave him, but you already knew that, so what was the point in him repeating it? Besides, it was your relationship, and you needed to make the decision for yourself… or let Davey make it for you.
“Let’s go through the scene, yeah?” You asked, changing the topic. You dropped his hand to pick up your script again.
“Right.” Harrison mumbled to himself, flicking through the pages to the scene.
You glanced around his hotel suite for a moment, looking for something similar to a bridge rail to lean on. “Should we use the kitchen counter? As the bridge rail?”
“Yeah, that works.” He nodded. The two of you got up, scripts in hand. Harrison stood to your right, just as the stage direction had called for. There was some space between the two of you, enough room for Harrison to shuffle closer to you later, as scripted.
“You’re not on your own, Beatrice. You must remember that.” Harrison said to you, leaning on the counter but looking over to you with his icy blue eyes. “You’re very different to anyone I’ve ever met.”
“What do you mean?” You asked, looking at him curiously.
“You have something about you.” He started, awkwardly.
You cut him off, “Like a smell?”
“No, like a quality.” He chuckled softly before continuing, “I don’t know what it is, but I really like it.”
“Well, when you think of it, let me know.”
“I’ll be sure to.” He smiled at you, his confidence slowly building as the scene continued on. Harrison stepped closer to you until he was right beside you, leaning sideways on the counter. “And I’m not saying you don’t smell, by the way. I’m just saying that that’s not the thing.”
You laughed, turning your head away from him in disbelief. “You know, I was thinking of kissing you, but now I’m not gonna.”
Harrison paused, taking a moment to mentally hype himself up for what was about to happen, but also taking a moment because it was scripted for Leo to be nervous. “Well, uh, I suppose I have to kiss you then.”
You turned to him, smiling coyly. Slowly, Harrison closed his eyes and leaned in. His heart started racing faster as he felt your breath fan against his face before his lips finally found yours. It was gentle and hesitant, everything that it had been scripted to be. As much as he wanted to keep kissing you and keep tasting the sweet strawberries of your lipgloss, it had to end. He pulled away after a moment, and you seemed almost breathless as you opened your eyes to see him again.
“I meant it when I said you’re not on your own.” Harrison looked at you with more hesitancy this time, but he still kissed you with the softest passion. The script said that Leo and Bea kiss and continue to kiss for a few seconds; Harrison wasn’t counting, but he was sure this kiss was longer than it was meant to be. Again, he found himself dreading its inevitable end. If there was one thing he could do for the rest of his life, it’d be this… well, this amongst other things with you. His stomach started to stir with guilt as he remembered Davey; you were still technically in a relationship, open or not, arguing currently or not. But then it clicked with Harrison, you weren’t pulling away— no, you were fully kissing him back.
Before he could pull away and end the scene with his last few lines, a knock came from his door. Regretfully, he stepped away from you. He didn’t meet your eye as he went to answer the door while you read over the script on the counter. Flustered, he opened the door.
“Mum! You’re here.” Harrison’s eyes went wide, surprised to see his mother and his sister standing before him.
“Surprise!” She smiled, hugging him almost immediately. “We had to come and see you at your big job.”
“Are you not happy to see us?” Charlotte teased, and Harrison shook his head, pulling her in for a hug. As they all stepped into Harrison’s apartment, you waved from the kitchen.
“Hi.” You smiled, coming over to introduce yourself.
“Oh, mum, Charlotte, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is my mum and Charlotte, my sister.” Harrison introduced the three of you.
“You’re Y/N Y/L/N from drama school?” Phil said with a smile, making the connection as you shook her hand. Charlotte seemed to stifle a laugh as Harrison’s cheeks heated up.
“Yes, that sounds like me.” You laughed, brushing off any awkwardness that Harrison feared was there. “We were just rehearsing our scene for tomorrow.”
“Maybe we can come to set.” Phil suggested, sending Harrison an expectant look.
“I’ll have to ask. This is so, so last-minute, though, so I don’t know.” He replied.
“It’s a spontaneous weekend trip.” Charlotte clarified.
“We should get some dinner. We haven’t eaten much all day.” Phil told Harrison before turning to you, “Y/N, you should come, too. It’d be so lovely to get to know you.”
“Oh, I don’t know.” You trailed off, glancing at Harrison. He sent you a silent look that said ‘she seriously does want you to come… If you don’t come, I won’t hear the end of it’. “I’d love to. I just need to go change first.”
You grabbed your script off the counter, and Harrison walked you to the door. “How long do you need?”
“Like 10 minutes?” You replied, and he nodded.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know they were coming, or that they’d invite you to dinner.” He said quietly, making you laugh.
“It’s fine, but I do have to warn you, if my parents spontaneously drop by, they don’t know who you are.” You teased.
He let out an embarrassed groan, “Let’s not talk about that.”
“See you in ten.” You sent him a wink before leaving to your own hotel room. As Harrison closed the door and turned back around, he was met with the smirking faces of his mother and sister.
“So, is there anything you want to tell us?” Phil asked.
“We were rehearsing. That’s all.” Harrison insisted, going through the wardrobe to find some clothes to change into for dinner.
“Huh,” Charlotte trailed off, crossing her arms. “So, you wearing sparkly lip gloss that matches Y/N’s is a coincidence?”
“It’s a kiss scene tomorrow. We rehearsed the lines and the kisses, too.” He explained. With a pair of jeans, a clean shirt, and his red letterman jacket in hand, he made his way to the bathroom.
“Oh, multiple kisses.” She teased, making him roll his eyes.
“She has a boyfriend!” Harrison ended the conversation, closing the door to the bathroom.
Ten minutes later, you returned back to Harrison’s room, and the four of you left, making your way to an Italian restaurant nearby. You and Harrison shared anecdotes about filming so far, keeping spoilers to a minimum until the server came with your food.
“We got in so much trouble from the makeup and hair department.” You laughed as Harrison finished telling them of how you two went on the playground last week, much to the chagrin of the crew.
“It was worth it.” He added.
“Who would’ve known you’d play a Netflix prince?” Charlotte asked teasingly, but it was clear she was still proud of his achievements.
“Look at that face. He couldn’t play anything but a prince.” You joked, and he smiled smugly.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” He stated.
“Phil, I have to say, I’ve never met someone more well suited to play a well-mannered prince.” You told her, playfully pinching Harrison’s cheek beside you.
“I remember when there was a time he was revolted at the idea of playing a prince.” Phil said, her lips growing into a smirk, and Harrison knew exactly what that meant.
“Mum, no—“ He started, but you just shushed him, wanting to hear whatever embarrassing story was about to be told.
“He watched a single Batman movie growing up— and not even a good one at that, and decided he simply had to be Batman.” She explained. “Then the Christopher Nolan ones came out, and there was no stopping him.”
“Every kid wants to be a superhero, and Batman is simply the best one.” He said as if it was obvious.
“I didn’t know you had a Batman phase.” You teased.
“Phase? He still has posters and comic books and dolls.” Charlotte added.
“Action figures.” He corrected her, making you laugh at the humor of it all.
“You know, honestly, I think I still have Catwoman action figures.” You admitted, trying to make him feel better, and Phil’s eyes lit up as she remembered another story.
“I cleaned your room a couple weeks ago, Harrison, and I was surprised to see you still Anne Hathaway as Catwoman posters.”
“Do we really have to talk about that? Does this torture not end?” He groaned.
“Fine. That’s enough for tonight.” Phil let out a defeated sigh, clearly enjoying herself.
“Y/N, if you want the really embarrassing stories, you’ve got to talk to Tom. He’s told me embarrassing Harrison stories that I can’t say in front of mum.” Charlotte laughed, and Harrison’s eyes nearly bulged out of his head at his sister’s words.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You smiled coyly.
“Sometimes, I wonder if he forgets that I know just as much embarrassing shit that he did growing up, too.” Harrison stated, shaking his head.
The night went on with minimal embarrassment on Harrison’s end. After Phil and Charlotte went back to their hotel, you and Harrison started the walk back to your own hotel. As you walked, your hands would brush against each other’s every so often, but neither of you made any move to take it further.
“Darci’s going to be so jealous in the morning.” You said, making him laugh a little.
“Why’s that?”
“That’s her favorite restaurant in town. Plus, I just got a free meal.” You laughed. A visible shiver coursed through you as the chilly night air picked up.
“Are you cold?” Harrison asked, already taking off his letterman’s jacket.
“Thank you.” You replied, taking his offer of warmth. Your short sleeves did nothing to shield you from the cold, but he had at least been prepared enough with long sleeves. “Are you sure you won’t get chilly?”
“I’ll be fine.” He reassured you.
“I had a really nice time tonight. I’m glad your mum invited me.” You admitted happily.
“Me, too. Apart from all of the embarrassment I just went through, I enjoyed tonight.”
“I never knew you had a secret Batman fanboy side.”
“I never knew you had a secret Catwoman fangirl side.” He countered with a smile.
“Guess that means we make a good team, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess it does.”
As you smiled at him, completely content under the moonlight, he wanted nothing more than to kiss you right then, to taste the sweetness of your strawberry lip gloss again. The last bit of your walk was filled with you two arguing over Batwoman and Catwoman, two things that neither of you had ever realized you had in common before.
Harrison’s wish finally came true the next day, as you two ran through the kiss scene multiple times. It was strange at first for him, because his sister and mother were intently watching, proud to see him in action, even if it was just a kiss scene over and over again. But, with you there, he grew more and more comfortable with each take.
As a few more weeks passed by, Harrison thought that perhaps you and Davey had officially ended things, but then he heard through Darci that you had magically worked it out. Whatever magic it was, he was upset about it, and he found himself increasingly irritated at the mention of Davey.
“Ooh, we finally get to meet the Davey tonight?” Darci asked as the five of you enjoyed lunch in between shots. It had been two weeks Harrison’s mother and sister visited, and now Davey was coming, much to Harrison chagrin.
“He’s only here for two days.” You explained, taking a bite of your sandwich.
“Ah, so you’ll be very busy, then.” McKell teased, suggestively nudging your side with his elbow. You brushed off his comment with a laugh, avoiding Harrison’s eyes.
“We should get him to do that calzone challenge with us.” Jojo said to Harrison. Although Jojo and McKell had been rather supportive of Harrison’s interest in you at the beginning, they seemed to forget about it most of the time now— for which he was actually kind of grateful.
The conversation couldn’t go any further as the director came into the room, holding the script in his hands. The look on his face told all of you that something was up. He looked between you and Harrison before speaking, “Change of plans for tomorrow. Eileen isn’t feeling well, so we’ll film Bea and Leo’s scene tomorrow instead of her scenes.”
“But tomorrow was supposed to be—“ You started, but cut yourself short, realizing there was no point in arguing. Schedules, plans, things all change, and this was just part of the job. “Never mind.”
“Well, tomorrow will be interesting.” Darci said quietly, voicing what was on everybody’s minds.
The director left with a silent nod, and the room fell silent for a moment. You and Harrison wouldn’t dare to look at each other, both of you feeling awkward suddenly. Making out with Harrison multiple times, especially with your boyfriend there, was not something either of you particularly enjoyed the thought of.
Having to film no more scenes today, Harrison went back to the hotel with Jojo and McKell. He didn’t end up seeing you for the rest of the day, but he was okay with that as he wanted to go as long as he could without meeting Davey. The director had taken some pity on the two of you, asking you to come in later in the morning instead of at 6 AM like usual.
Harrison made his way down to the hotel gym, wanting to utilize his newfound free time. Normally, he’d get his daily workout in after filming, but he didn’t see a reason to not get an early start today. He didn’t expect anyone to be up this early, but as he got closer to the gym, he could hear a voice coming from inside the room, the door cracked just slightly.
“Love, I promise I’ll be back in two days.” The stranger paused before continuing, “You know I’m only here for business, nothing else.”
Curious and trying to decide if he should even enter the room, Harrison snuck a quick glance through the crack in the doorway. He felt his blood run cold as he immediately recognized the guy sitting on the weight bench. Afterall, Harrison had looked at your social media enough to recognize your olive-skinned boyfriend, Davey.
“Bit early for you, isn’t it?” Harrison nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of your voice from down the hall. He heard Davey mumbled something on the other side of the door, probably having heard your voice too.
“Yeah, but I just figured I’d start my pull-ups early today.” He replied before opening the door for you, acting like he had no clue that Davey had been in there.
“Hello, gorgeous.” Davey said to you, completely ignoring Harrison. He stood from his spot at the weight bench to wrap his arms around your waist and kiss you possessively.
“Davey, this is Harrison, he plays Leo. Harrison, this is Davey.” You introduced the two guys.
Davey looked Harrison up and down with his dark brown eyes and seemed to stand straighter, even though the blond was inches taller. Harrison was the first to step forward and politely outstretch a hand to the raven-haired guy before him. With a tight smile, Davey shook his hand, “Nice to meet you.”
Davey turned back to you, “Spot me?”
“Actually, I wanted to-” Your eyes drifted over to the treadmill as Harrison got in position to start his pull-ups at the bar. Davey looked at you expectantly, and you nodded, silently agreeing to stand there and spot Davey while he bench pressed.
Slipping on his headphones and turning on some music, Harrison began his workout. He played his music loud enough to block out your conversations with Davey. Not only was it none of his business, but god, Harrison really hated everything about him already. Hearing silence between you and Davey when his song changed, Harrison spared a glance over towards you. He was surprised when he found your eyes trained on him or, rather, trained on his abdomen that seemed to stick out from his tight white shirt. Still unaware of his eyes on you, your own eyes trailed up to his arms, watching as they flexed with each pull-up. Feeling flustered by your fixed gaze, Harrison faltered a little, and your eyes immediately darted back to Davey in front of you. Harrison couldn’t help the proud smile that ghosted his lips as he continued— you were checking him out.
Harrison finished his workout and decided to get cleaned up before heading to set in half an hour, leaving you and Davey in the gym. When he left, he was surprised that you were still spotting Davey, getting no work out in like you had planned. The whole time he was getting cleaned up (and brushing his teeth repeatedly to ensure he had good breath), he just kept picturing your staring in his head. He had worked very hard to get his body in this shape, and he was very proud of himself too, but he was even prouder that you’d clearly taken notice. If anything, it almost excited him that they’d be filming this scene today. There were a few times in this episode specifically in which Leo is shirtless, but none of those scenes had been filmed— and if this scene was going to be anything like it was scripted to be, then you’d definitely get a better show than in the hotel gym.
He didn’t see you again until the two of you were on set, in full costume and makeup. He had a loose shirt on, but underneath it, his chest had been painted with blues and purples to make convincing bruises. As he went to his mark, Leo’s makeshift bed on the floor of the cellar, Harrison spotted Davey across the set, looking bored and unhappy. His blue eyes drifted over to you next, and he refrained himself from smirking as he noticed your makeup artist applying chapstick to your lips.
While you gathered your prop lantern and the lights dimmed around you all, Harrison made himself comfortable under the ragged blankets. The director called out “Action!” and Harrison closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep as he waited for you to come into the shot. Hearing your footsteps, Harrison stirred, blinking his eyes open.
“Bea, is everything alright?” He asked, looking up at you as you stood over him.
“Let me see your body.” You said definitively.
“Beatrice—” He started, but you cut him off.
“Show me, Leo. I want to see it.” At your words, Harrison shifted slowly, moving as if in pain. He pulled the blankets down and went to roll up his shirt. “Take your top off.”
He paused, looking at you questioningly with a hint of fear in his eyes. Groaning a little, Harrison sat up and removed his shirt. He looked at you expectantly, and you set aside the lantern before kneeling on the blankets beside him. Your hand drifted over the painted bruise tentatively, ghosting over the same abs that you had been studying just hours earlier. Harrison waited for you to deliver your next line, knowing he was scripted to kiss you after it. It felt like ages that he was waiting for you, wanting nothing more than to kiss you right now. His mind went blank as your eyes found his and you leaned in to kiss him.
It was unscripted, and he was surprised, but he didn’t let his surprise stop him from immediately kissing you back. Your chapstick tasted of strawberries, just as it had the last time the two of you had a kissing scene, and he swore he was in love with the taste of it. He expected to hear the director yell cut, to hear him question why you suddenly improvised, but when nothing came, he just continued to kiss you. You pulled back, a shy smile on your face, “I don’t want you to hide your body from me anymore. It’s too nice to be hidden.”
His heart leapt as he leaned forward to catch your lips once more, this time scripted. His hands shuffled to your waist, pulling you down to lay beside him as he rolled onto his side, his chest leaning over yours. Your fingers tangled into his hair, and he savored the feeling.
You pulled back again, whispering up to him, “No more hiding.”
“No more hiding.” He reaffirmed. As he continued to kiss you, his hands sensually wandered down your back, keeping you as close to him as possible. Part of him wanted to pause the intimate scene and pinch himself, just to make sure it was really happening, but he was worried if he stopped kissing you now that he’d never get the opportunity to kiss you like this again.
“Cut!” The director called, and Harrison reluctantly pulled away from you. He could’ve sworn a small frown passed your lips as he looked down at you, not having shifted off of you yet.
“Spearmint— my favorite.” You teased quietly, as if it was only for the two of you to hear. As you laughed underneath him, Harrison couldn’t help but wonder what his younger self would think if he knew he’d one day get to make out with Y/N Y/L/N. Even if it was just for the show, it was a sight that he’d always want to remember.
“I’ve always enjoyed the taste of strawberries.” He replied softly, rolling away from you.
The director ran you two through a couple pointers for the scene, and, to Harrison��s surprise, he even suggested Bea kissing Leo first, just like you had improvised. You reasoned that you forgot your line momentarily, but something about the way you kissed Harrison made him feel like that wasn’t the case; no, it seemed like you’d truly wanted to kiss him.
After running through the scene a few more times, the director was satisfied. While you stayed behind on set to film more scenes, Harrison returned to his hotel room. Just as he was searching his toiletry bag for some much-needed chapstick, his phone began to ring with a Facetime call. Seeing Harry’s contact photo light up on his screen, he accepted and set his phone aside momentarily. He didn’t need to wonder what Harry (and most likely Tom, Tuwaine and maybe even Sam) were calling about— he had made the dire mistake of telling his easily-excited best friends about today’s scene.
“Why are we looking at your ceiling?” Harry asked almost immediately.
“I’m, uh, looking for lip balm.” Harrison admitted quietly and smiled to himself when he found some. He quickly put it on and then grabbed his phone, heading to his bed where he could comfortably talk to his friends.
As expected, his friends let out an incoherent chorus of excitement. Sam seemed to calm down enough first to ask (more like, shout through the phone), “How was it?”
“Does she really kiss with tongue? Remember Jack used to say-” Tom started, and Harrison scoffed, hearing the name of one of their old classmates who swears he had a summer fling with you once.
“I still don’t believe him, but no, not today at least.” Harrison was honestly a bit embarrassed to admit it. You were in a relationship… with a possibly cheating moron, but still. It just didn’t feel right to talk about you in that way.
“Not today? So there could be another time!” Tuwaine shouted encouragingly.
“Is she still with that prick?” Tom asked.
“Yes, but,” Harrison paused, and they all looked at him expectantly, waiting for elaboration, “I think he might be cheating on her.”
“What makes you say that?” Harry questioned. “Mate, just because you fancy her doesn’t mean her boyfriend’s a cheater.”
“No, I mean I heard him on the phone, and he said he was in Liverpool for business, not for his girlfriend.” He reasoned, “I’m just very suspicious of him.”
“You should tell her if you think he is.” Sam stated, “If he isn’t, then, oh no, you’re on bad terms with her boyfriend, who probably already hates you after today. If he is, well, she’d hate you if she finds out you kept it from her.”
Harrison let out a small sigh as the others nodded. “I don’t know. It’s not my place. Besides, she said something a few weeks about him wanting an open relationship. Maybe it’s that?”
“Okay, look, forget I asked about him.” Tom said, shaking his head, while the others looked at Harrison skeptically through the phone, “How was it to finally have your drama school dreams fulfilled?”
“Fucking heaven.” Harrison admitted with a laugh.
For the next week, Harrison resisted the urge to tell you about Davey. He wanted to, he really did, but whenever he’d finally be alone with you and mentally prepare himself for the conversation, you would always just seem so happy and content. He couldn’t bring himself to disturb your happiness, especially when it was Harrison making you happy. After Davey left, it’s like something changed within you, and Harrison had no clue what it was, but he enjoyed it.
‘You have to tell her.’ Harrison read over his most recent text from Tom again. He let out a small sigh, trying to get the courage to tell you as you sat across from him at the booth.
It was Saturday, and you two, along with Darci, Jojo, and McKell, had made your way to a club, wanting to celebrate another week down. With only two episodes left to film, you all knew your time together was starting to run low. You were all a few drinks in by now, happily buzzed. Jojo and McKell were off somewhere, probably attempting to be each other’s wingmen. Darci was telling you a story so wild that Harrison wondered if it was even true. He finished the rest of his drink and shuffled out of the booth.
“I’m going to grab another drink.” Harrison said to you two, and, without waiting for a response, he left. He made no move to flag down the bartender, leaning against an empty spot in the bar. Pulling on the collar of his blue shirt, he started to feel hot, unsure if he could handle this.
“What happened to getting another drink?” You asked him, stepping up beside him.
“Where’s Darci?” He replied, not wanting to answer your question.
“Found a friend in the crowd.” You laughed and turned to flag down the bartender. You ordered a round of shots, to Harrison’s surprise.
“Are you good?” He asked skeptically.
“Yeah,” You nodded, but with how your eyes were glazed over the alcohol and another unreadable emotion, Harrison didn’t quite believe you. Playfully, you nudged him, “I should ask you the same thing. You’re the one who’s been moping all night for god knows why.”
“I haven’t been moping.” He argued as a tray of four shots was placed in front of you two. You handed one to him and took one for yourself.
“Cheers to another week done.” You clinked your shot glass against his before both of you downed them.
As you went to grab your second shot, Harrison reached a hand and stopped you. Concerned, he asked, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Davey and I broke up— for good this time.” You admitted, and his hold on your wrist softened while he looked at you pitifully. “He told me when he was here that he went through with his ‘open relationship’ plan, even though I never agreed to it, so he’s been basically cheating on me since I left for this job. Then tonight, he drunkenly texts me, and I know it’s just a booty call. He’s done it for years, but now I actually see it for what it is. So now, my shitty boyfriend is gone, I’m finally single, and my only plans for tonight is to get properly drunk. Maybe even hookup with a stranger— god knows it’s been a while since I had decent sex.” Harrison was speechless, and you continued, a smile finding its way to your face at the end of your venting. “Dance with me after this shot?”
“Do I have a choice?” He asked playfully, feeling your mood lighten once more. You winked at him, handing him a full shot glass. He made a mental note to keep a close eye on you and to keep you from drinking anymore.
After you both drank back the burning liquid, you grabbed his hand and pulled him out to the dancefloor. Harrison had felt the alcohol that was flooding his system earlier, but the colored lights, pounding music, and countless bodies around him seemed to make the alcohol hit him harder. There was a weight off his shoulders, knowing you were actually single as you danced with him, and yet he still felt strange about his current state with you— were you truly into him or was he just the first guy you could drunkenly hook up with?
You turned to face him, a small frown on your face, “Haz, you’re being a bit of a killjoy.”
It was then that he realized, while you were fully grinding on his body, he was relatively motionless. Your hands found his, and you planted one on your hip and another on the small of your back, low enough though that it teetered being on your ass. You leaned in closer to him, letting him get a whiff of your perfume. While one of your hands trailed along the hem of his shirt, daring to even dip below his shirt, the other traced through his hair.
As you planted a kiss on Harrison’s neck, not caring at all for the dancing bodies around you, you heard him let out a strangled groan of your name. Your nails light scratched over the deep V in his hips, hooking onto where his jeans met the line.
“Should we get out of here?” You asked Harrison, your lips right next to his ear as your voice dripped with seduction. He felt his heart flip with intoxicating excitement before he was immediately reminded of the gravity of the situation. You went to kiss him, but he moved back quickly, stepping out of your reach. Pouting, you asked, “Do you not want me? After all this time?”
“No, I do.” Harrison insisted. “I want you, but not like this, not when you’re drunk. You’re not in the right headspace for this. I don’t want to be your drunken rebound.”
“How can you be a rebound when it’s always been you?”
Harrison sighed. Oh, how much he’d love to hear that from you— sober. He was saved from having to reply when Darci, McKell, and Jojo found you two. They looked at the two of you skeptically, but Harrison just shook his head.
“I’m going to take Y/N back to the hotel.” He said as he stepped closer to the group so that they could hear him over the music.
“We’ll come, too.” Jojo insisted, even though, with his words slurred and his eyes glazed over, he was thoroughly drunk, too.
“Where did Y/N go?” McKell asked, realizing your sudden absence.
“Oh god,” Harrison muttered, and the four of them dispersed in the crowd to find you, tripping over the other sweaty bodies. Darci found you first, unable to stop you from having a couple more shots.
“No, no, you’re done.” She argued with you. You reached for the last shot that she had taken from you, but, in your intoxicated state, you easily lost your balance. Harrison quickly wrapped an arm around your waist to hold you up.
“I don’t think she can walk.” Jojo commented.
“What gave that away?” McKell asked sarcastically.
“Come on, let’s get you home.” With a small sigh, Harrison, as the most sober of the group (though he still felt fairly tipsy), proceeded to lead you out of the club.
Darci hailed a cab for the five of you, and while it was an illegally tight fit, you all made it work. You leaned on Harrison as he was pressed right up against you. On your other side sat Jojo. You mumbled softly to Harrison, one of your hands falling onto his knee, “Do you remember that year when they put up mistletoe at school?”
“Where are you going with this?” He asked you softly.
“I saw you kiss Vivian at the one outside of the gym, and I couldn’t walk in that area for three months without thinking of you. I was so jealous of her, and you just looked like such a good kisser, which I’m happy to report you are.”
“Babes, maybe stop with the drunk talking.” Darci said, because all of you could tell this was stuff sober you would never say.
Harrison looked at you in surprise— he barely even remembered when Vivian dragged him under the mistletoe, so the fact that you remembered and were jealous? And you said he was a good kisser, too. He felt a glimmer of pride overcome him.
“Ask me tomorrow, it’s the truth.” You shuffled in your seat, laying your head against Jojo’s shoulder, “Jojo, wanna know a secret?”
“Y/N, maybe-” Darci started, but Jojo cut her off.
“No, go on, Y/N.” He laughed, wanting to hear your drunk thoughts.
“Do you think I’d make a good Catwoman?” You asked, words slurring together as you grew tired.
“Catwoman? Like Anne Hathaway?” He questioned, and you hummed a ‘yes’. “Yeah, you’d make a good Catwoman.”
“Good. Tell Haz he needs to my Batman then.” Your voice was quiet, as if it was something just meant for the two of you to hear, but your voice wasn’t nearly as soft as you had thought it was, meaning Harrison and the rest of your friends were truly aware of your little drunken secret
“Okay, I’ll tell him.” Jojo reassured you, a shit-eating grin on his face as he glanced over your head to look at the embarrassed Harrison.
The rest of the car ride was silent, and Harrison helped you out of your seat. With the help of the others, he got you safely inside your hotel room. Everyone retreated to their own rooms, except for Harrison who stayed with you. He laid you down on your bed and went searching for your pajamas, which to his luck were stowed underneath your pillow.
“Can you change or—?” Harrison asked, holding out the clothes to you
“I’ve got it, though I wouldn’t mind you helping.” You said with a wink. As you started to change out of your club clothes, Harrison turned away from you and focused on getting out some much-needed pain reliever and a glass of water for you to have in the morning. He heard you shuffle on the bed behind him before you let out a small huff, “Hazzy, can you come here?”
Hazzy— that was a new nickname. To his surprise, you were already tucked up in bed, your previously worn clothes scattered on the floor around you. He set the water and meds on your nightstand before kneeling to your level, “What’s wrong, love?”
“Do you know why Davey wasn’t my first love?” You asked quietly, your eyes beginning to droop with sleep. You reached a hand out to tentatively run your fingers over his cheek before you cupped it, smiling softly at him.
He had a hunch, but he played along anyway, wanting to hear you say it, in case he never heard it again. “Why?”
“Because you were.” Your voice was so quiet that he barely heard you, but he was so glad that he did. He leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead, and you let your hand fall from his face.
“Get some sleep. We can talk in the morning.”
“Can you stay tonight? Please?”
“Of course, love.” Harrison stood to his full height, and when he looked at you again, you were already asleep. He softly readjusted the blankets on your bed to make sure you were warm enough, before he made his way over to the couch. Grabbing a throw blanket off the back of the couch, he settled into his bed for the night. Just like every other night lately, he drifted off thinking of you, but this time, there was an excited flutter in his heart.
The next day, Harrison woke up to you letting out a groan, loudly asking, “Why the fuck is it so bright in here?”
He slowly sat up from the couch to check on you. A smile crossed his face as you took the pain meds he’d left out and downed the glass of water. Your eyes seemed to bulge out of your head when you noticed his presence in the room. Laughing, he greeted you, “Good morning, sunshine.”
“Please tell me you miraculously don’t remember anything I said last night because I remember, and I don’t want to.” You said, pulling your knees up to your chest.
“Sorry to disappoint then.” He sent you a sympathetic smile.
With a sigh, you patted the spot beside you on your bed. Wordlessly, Harrison got up from the couch and came to sit beside you on the bed. He expected you to say something, but when you were silent, seemingly caught up in your thoughts, he spoke up, “Did you mean it? When you said I was your first love?”
“Yes.” There was no hesitation in your reply, and you turned to finally meet his eye, “It was a very intense schoolgirl crush, hence why I hated Vivian after that mistletoe incident, but seeing you again just made me realize that it was more than just a crush. I’ve regretted saying no to you all those years ago ever since you came back into my life.”
“Well, I thought I was over my crush on you, but turns out, there are just some things time can’t change.”
A comfortable silence overfell you two again before you finally spoke up with the words that had been on your mind for weeks, “I think I’m in love with you.”
“I think I’m in love with you, too.” Harrison sealed his words by leaning in to kiss you.
With no script to follow now, he felt fireworks as you kissed him back. One of your hands drifted to the back of his neck, silently urging him to continue kissing you. His hands snaked around your waist before he shifted to lay on his back, rolling you on top of him. You deepened the kiss, your tongue finding its way into his mouth. He moaned at first, fully enjoying himself, before his lips curved into a smile, and he started to laugh against your lips.
“What’s so funny?” You asked, pulling away from his lips. His hands wandered from your hips up to where your own hands were resting on his chest, and he casually intertwined your fingers.
“It’s nothing.” He said in an attempt to play it off, but the smile on his face told you that whatever he was thinking was hilarious to him. “You remember Jack Evans? He told everyone that you were the best french kisser in school, and, well, he’s not wrong.”
You let out a scoff before giggling to yourself, “First of all, how many girls have you french kissed from drama school and should I be jealous? Second of all, Jack was an ass who couldn’t kiss for shit, but I’ll take it as a compliment that he told everyone that.” You leaned down until your lips were just barely touching, “And thirdly, do you want to keep talking about drama school, or do you want me to keep kissing you?”
“You don’t need to be jealous, but I kinda like that you are.” He replied with a cheeky smile. “And you’re right. He was an ass.”
“And for the last one?” You asked, raising your eyebrows at him.
Harrison pretended to think about it for a second before he let go of your hand to cup your cheek, bringing your lips crashing back down to his.
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weelittleweasley · 3 years
It’s Complicated (c.d.)
Prompt inspired by anon request: Cedric wanted a relationship, you wanted something casual. This made for a complicated dynamic between the two of you to say the least, but Cedric was determined to make things less complicated simply and plainly.
Pairing: Cedric Diggory x Fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ sexual content (rough sex, male receiving oral, FILTHY TALK), language, but also fluff? Idk I tried to do it all with this one LMAOOO
Word Count: 3.8k
A/N: Bro lowkey after i wrote this I was like.....yo do i wanna fuck cedric????? 
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Rising from the bed quickly, you started pulling your clothes back on, preventing Cedric from pulling you back onto the bed and into his arms. You heard him groan in disappointment, “Why can’t you stay?” You laugh and shake your head, sliding your jeans on. He always wanted you to stay after one of your encounters. “For five minutes?” he tries to bargain with you.
You take a look at yourself in the mirror and wipe away the smudged eyeliner under your eyes. Without turning back to him, you speak, “As tempting as you offer is, I’m still going to go.” Cedric sighs. “Besides, I don’t think friends with benefits snuggle with each other,” you joke around as Cedric just rolls his eyes before a small smile tugs at his lips.
This friends with benefits relationship started last year between you and Cedric. The two of you had undeniably chemistry and after one night of sitting in the common room together, you had shared your first kiss which eventually developed into something more that night. The thing about this relationship was that you didn’t expect it to go on for this long. You had been sleeping with Cedric on and off for about a year which was never your intention. You thought that it would maybe last three months, but instead you found yourself knocking on his door for longer than that.
You couldn’t help it. There was something about Cedric Diggory that made you want more. He was charming, smart, and handsome. What was not to like? The only thing that stood in your way of a casual hook up with him was Cedric’s blossoming feelings for you. You made it very clear to Cedric that you didn’t want a boyfriend; you would rather be in a situation-ship rather than a relationship. In a relationship, you had the capability of being hurt. It was best for you to be on your own and sleep with whoever you wanted rather than be tied down to one person.
Cedric on the other hand was mad about you. He originally had the same intentions as you when starting this arrangement. Sex and sex only. No dates. No labels. No PDA. No nicknames. No exclusivity. Just sex. But he started having second thoughts about four months into your agreement. The thought of you flirting or sleeping with other guys made his stomach churn. The more time you spent together, Cedric realized how intelligent, kind, and passionate you were. Cedric was falling for you and he was falling quickly.
Was it still wrong to be sleeping with the boy who had feelings for you when you didn’t want a relationship? Sure. But you justified it every time. The sex was great, Cedric was a good guy, he wouldn’t be a dick and tell the school about your affairs, and at this point, it would be too late to stop. You were in the thick of it, there was no escape now. 
Cedric sits up and pulls his boxers back up. “(Y/N), you know how I feel about you,” he justifies, but you hold up a finger and stop him from going any further. You didn’t need a declaration of love right now. What you needed to do was get out of his room and go to the library and meet up with Luna for your study session. Cedric doesn’t stop though, he rises from his bed and walks towards you as you lean against his desk. When he reaches you, he places his hands on your hips, pulling you close to him. “Why not give us a shot?”
“Because we agreed that this is just a casual thing,” you retort, pushing his hands off of you gently as Cedric sighs in defeat. “No labels remember?” Cedric sadly nods and you have to look away from him or else you’ll get sad too. A relationship with Cedric wasn’t necessarily a bad thing. He was a great guy and you knew he would be the perfect boyfriend. But you weren’t going to get a head of yourself. You brushed the thought aside and simply kissed his cheek. “I have to run, but I’ll catch you later. Alright?”
The boy in front of you just smiles gently, knowing that he’ll just be disappointed again when you come over and leave. His yearning to be more than just sex to you grew every day. But he didn’t tell you that. He kept seeing you rather than losing you altogether. “Yeah,” he nods as you give him a smile. 
The two of you just stared at each other for a moment, thinking of how messy this arrangement was. Cedric, hopelessly crushing on you, while you tried to convince yourself that you didn’t want a relationship. Before you register what you’re doing, you press a gentle kiss to Cedric’s lips, him immediately kissing you back with no hesitation. The kiss is gentle, sweet, and short. You don't know why you did it. You never kissed him goodbye. But today you felt like you wanted to. Almost needed to. Cedric looks like he’s about to say something, but you just speak before he can, “Alright then, bye, Cedric.”
You walk to the door, leaving quickly. “Bye,” he calls after you as you shut the door. 
As you walk down the steps of the boy’s dormitories, you can’t help but mentally beat yourself up. This friends with benefits thing was going too far; it should stop. But the thought of not being with Cedric made your stomach twist. It was good for you to set a boundary, right? 
You evade the thoughts from your mind as you enter the library, spotting Luna waiting for you at a circle table. “Sorry that I’m a little late,” you huff while sitting across from her. “I got caught up with something.” Luna looks at you and blushes before looking back at the book on the table. “Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?” you touch your cheeks.
She shakes her head. “Um, no, dear,” she giggles. “You, erm, you’ve got something...right here,” she points to her own neck for reference. Your face heats up with embarrassment as you slap your neck, realizing that Cedric had given you a massive hickey. “No judgement here. Do what you have to do.” You groan and close your eyes. You hated when Cedric gave you hickeys; they always lasted forever and you got teased relentlessly on them by your friends. Luna notices your frustration and takes the light blue scarf from around her neck off and hands it to you. “Here you go.”
“You’re the best,” you thank her as you wrap the scarf around your neck. “Fucking Diggory...” you huff as Luna giggles, looking at you a little concerned. You were never this disheveled after seeing Cedric. In fact, you were always in a pleasant mood after being with Cedric. You notice Luna’s gaze and speak with a sigh, “It’s complicated...alright, enough of that, what are you working on?” ----------
The next day, you sat in the grass with a few of your friends, all chatting and munching on small snacks. It was a gorgeous spring day, the sun was shining, flowers blooming, and the smell of fresh grass danced in the air. The day was seemingly perfect.
As mild chatter was exchanged between a few classmates, you scanned your surroundings. That’s when you spotted Cedric. He sat on a bench, eyes focused on the book in his hands. You smiled to yourself as you watched the way his eyes maintained a soft focus on the words, him running one hand though his hair pushing it back. He looked other worldly in the moment, like a Grecian god. Your heart fluttered, but you prevented a blush from coming onto your cheeks by taking a deep breath in. 
However, you thoughts came to a screeching halt when Cedric’s gaze lifted from his book and landed on something, rather someone, else. His mouth moved to greet the person who sat on the bench next to him. Cho took a seat next to him as he draped an arm around her shoulders, her giggling. Your stomach became sick at the sight and jealously flooded your chest. What was he doing? The pair start talking as Cho laughs at something he whispers in her ear. Your blood is boiling at this point. 
“You alright, (Y/N)?” one of your friends asks you.
“I’m bloody brilliant,” you speak, your eyes not moving from Cedric. “One moment.”
You ignore the calls of your friends as you rise from the grass, grabbing your bag, leaving the circle. You weren’t going to do anything to Cho Chang. She did nothing wrong. In fact, you weren’t going to do anything to Cedric either. But you were going to make sure he knew that you saw what he was doing. 
Making yourself looking as unbothered as possible, you shake your head, snapping yourself out of your funk. You let yourself relax, a soft smile relaxing on your face. You walk in their general direction, not stopping to say hi to them, just passing the bench the pair was sat on. However, Cho looks up and speaks. “Oh, hi, (Y/N)!” she beams. 
Matching her energy, you speak, “Hi, Cho!” You smile at her and send her a wave. Looking at Cedric, you say nothing and continue to walk, ignoring his whole presence. As you walked away, you felt his eyes on you the whole time, a smirk playing out on your lips. “Prick,” you huff under your breath.
You walk into the castle, leaving the garden area. But that’s when you hear footsteps behind you, quickly approaching. “So you’re going to ignore me now? Is that what we’re doing?” Cedric’s voice calls after you as you smirk, knowing you’ve won. “Hello?”
Sarcastically, you turn around and pretend to just notice him. “Oh, hi, Cedric. I didn’t see you there. Anyway, I need to get going now,” you tell him. “You shouldn’t leave Cho alone. It’s rude to do that.”
Cedric laughs, “You’re joking, right?” You just shrug and turn around, walking away. “Merlin, (Y/N), you should be one to talk! You leave me alone constantly after you’ve had your way!” he exclaims. His words make passerbys oooh as your face flares up with embarrassment. “What? You’re gonna play all shy now? ‘Cause last night you were anything, but shy,” he continues as people’s interests peak.
You look around at multiple pairs of eyes on you as you grab his hand and pull him into a vacant classroom. You push Cedric in first, you shortly following, locking the door behind you. “What the fuck was that?” you yell at him, pushing his chest back, completely enraged. Even though there were a handful of people who knew about you and Cedric, you weren’t keen on the whole school knowing about it. 
“Well, now that I have your attention,” Cedric starts as you slap his arm. “What? You’re mad because I’m talking to another girl. Merlin, (Y/N), it’s not like I kissed her!” You roll your eyes. “So, it’s okay for you to talk to other guys and flirt with them, but when I do it, it’s wrong? You’re mental!”
Scoffing, you roll your eyes. You hadn’t flirt with anyone else; maybe cheeky banter with George Weasley once, but nothing that should have had him sweating. You retort, “That’s a load of rubbish, Ced, and you know it! You wanna know what else is? You tell me how much you like me and then you go ahead and do shit that says otherwise!” Cedric pulls at his hair, unable to comprehend the situation. It’s not until a tear hits your lips that you notice that you are crying. This game was driving you crazy. “Cedric, I don’t know what we’re doing!”
“No, (Y/N)! You don’t know what you want!” Cedric yells back as you stop, shocked at his accusation. “I’ve been very clear with you this whole time. I want you. I’ve wanted you for so long and it’s only you who I want. You make me happy. I want to call you mine and all mine. I don’t wanna worry about someone asking you to be theirs. I want you to be my girlfriend. But it seems like that’s something you don’t want!” he throws his hands over his head, in full surrender. Cedric is crying now too, but he angrily wipes his tears away. 
Gulping, you decide to confess to him why you’ve been so persistent on not being his girlfriend. “It’s because I don’t wanna get hurt, Cedric!” you yell, throwing your hands up. His face changes from frustration and softens into concern. “I’ve been how relationships can affect people. I’ve comforted too many friends before. Heartbreak seems too painful and I don’t need anymore pain in my life. Because I know if I lost you, it would be the greatest pain of all,” you cry out.
After you spill out your feelings to Cedric, you bury your face in your hands and sob. It isn’t long before Cedric runs over to you and holds you in his arms, you burying your face in his chest, sobbing into his robes. His one hand rubs your back and the other cradles your head rest on his chest. He lets you cry into him and doesn’t say a word. Cedric lets you cry and cry and cry into his chest for as long as you need. The only words he speaks are, “I’m not going anywhere.” His strong hands comb through your hair, relaxing you as you sniffle into his robe, calming down. He places a soft kiss to the top of your head. His embrace brings you comfort and peace, his grasp feels familiar. Like home. 
You pull away from his chest and look up at him and he takes your face in his hands, wiping away any leftover tears. “I’m not going anywhere. I swear on my family name that I will never hurt you. I am going to protect you with every cell in my body. I promise I am going to make you the happiest girl in the world if it’s the last thing I do. And if I fail to do that, then I’ll be damned. But I am going to be the best man for you,” he swears to you, looking deep into your eyes. His eyes swelled with honesty and compassion, something you had always admired about him. In his moment, you couldn’t admire him more. 
“I want to be yours,” you tell Cedric. “All yours.”
Your words make Cedric’s lips turn upward into a childish grin and he chuckles, “You mean it?” You nod as he laughs before pressing his lips firmly onto yours as you wrap your arms around him, pulling him close to you. You sighed into the kiss, relaxing your whole body. Finally. It felt so right. Standing beside Cedric, kissing him, but this time as boyfriend and girlfriend. “Say it again,” Cedric whispers against your lips before reattaching them, not wanting to stop this moment.
You smile into his kiss and mumble against his lips, “I’m all yours, Cedric Diggory.” He quietly moans into your kiss as you feel him pressing his hips into yours. “All yours,” you repeat as his hands trail down your cheeks, neck, to your chest to grab your breasts through your robes. You moan and push against his hands as you can feel him smile. 
Cedric breaks your kiss and looks at the door, making sure it was locked before drawing his wand and casting the Muffliato spell. You look at him baffled that he would want to have sex in a classroom. You thought since he was a prefect that he would want to play things safely. But your mind was quickly persuaded otherwise as both of your robes hit the floor, uniforms shortly following, Cedric pushing your blouse open so he could kiss the exposed flesh on your chest. You tangle your fingers in his hair as he leaves dark purple hickeys on your breasts, marking his territory. “I wanna hear you moan my name,” he demands, roughly ripping your bra off as you gasp, the cold air hitting your nipples. Cedric takes one of your nipples in his mouth, kissing and sucking on it before making his way to the other.
You roll your head back and let his name fall from your lips with a moan. The sound of you saying his name made Cedric moan as he sucked on your breasts, sending vibrations through you, the wetness between your legs growing. “Ced, baby,” you pant as he kisses up your neck before taking your bottom lip in between his teeth with a smirk, pulling on your lip gently.
“What, baby?” he asks, voice deep, making you weak in the knees for him. Which gives you an idea.
With a small smirk, you drop to your knees and yank down his boxer as Cedric stares at you with wide eyes. You watch as his hard dick hits his stomach before you take it in your hands, slowly pumping. Cedric sucks in a breath through gritted teeth. “You want me to suck you off, baby?” you look up at him through your eyelashes before licking up his shaft from his balls to the tip.
Cedric groans, “Bloody fucking hell, yes.” With that, you take his length into your mouth, swirling your tongue around the tip, letting your saliva and his precum wet his erection before you take anymore of him. Cedric thrust his hips, forcing you to take all of him as once, making you gag a little. “Fuck,” he pants as you start to suck his dick, hollowing out your cheeks, bobbing your up and down him. “I love your pretty little mouth wrapped around my cock,” he breathes out as you suck on his tip, hands massaging his balls. “Fucking shit, (Y/N),” he moans out as you take his whole length in your mouth, his dick pushing your gag reflex. “Let me come inside of you. I wanna cum inside that tight little pussy,” he pulls out of you with a pop. 
He pulls you up from your knees before grabbing a condom from his back pant’s pocket. “Naughty,” you laugh at him, surprised, but not that he’d carry around a condom with him during school. 
Cedric rolls the condom on his hard length and then pulls you close to him. “Get over here,” he smirks. Cedric grabs your thighs as you jump, wrapping your legs around his waist. He pushes you against the wall, so he can fuck you against it. “You’re mine. You got it?” he growls which only makes your need for him grow, your pulsating vagina begging for him. 
“Fuck me, Ced, please,” you dig your nails into his back, aching for him.
“Only good girls get fucked. Now say who you belong to, slut,” he demands.
His sudden change in demeanor makes your heart race. “You, Cedric, you. I belong to you. I’m all yours, baby. No one else. Just you,” you whine as he teases you, dragging his tip in between your wet folds. “Fuck me, baby. Fuck me like I’m your little slut.”
With that, Cedric pushes his whole length into you as you sigh out in pleasure. Cedric groans before starting to thrust in and out of you, not letting you adjust to his size. You wince a little bit at his size. He notices and says, “Take it like a good girl.” His words make you wetter for him as he pounds in and out of you, hips crashing down onto you. “You like that? You like the way I fuck you, baby? Who else fucks you like this?”
You dig your nails into Cedric’s back and dig your heels into his lower back, pushing him deeper inside of you. “No one else. Only you fuck me like this,” you pant with each thrust, making your breasts bounce with each thrust. 
“Good girl. That’s my baby,” he praises you, grabbing your chin, forcing your gaze onto him. “Let me hear you moan my name, baby. I love hearing it coming out of you.”
You smile, lips slightly parted as you stare into Cedric’s eyes that are dark with lust. “Cedric, fuck,” you moan out. “You fuck my pussy so good. I love feeling your hard dick inside of me.”
Cedric grabs onto your thighs tightly, leaving small bruises as he groans. “Mmm, yeah,” he moans before pressing his lips on yours, sloppily snogging you, tongue massaging yours. “I want you to come all over my dick, baby. I want you to scream my name as you come.”
Obeying his demand, you roll your head back, focusing on the feeling of his dick rocking in and out of you, your walls tightening around him. You feel his thumb roll sloppy circles onto your clit and that’s what sends you over the edge. Waves of pleasure wash over you as your mouth falls open. “Shit, Cedric, I’m gonna fucking come,” you moan out, eyes screwed shut.
“Come, baby, come all over my dick. I wanna watch you come all over me. Scream my name,” he whispers in your ear.
With a few more thrusts and sloppy circles, you curl your toes and dig your nails deeper into his skin. “Fucking hell, Cedric!” you cry out with pleasure, releasing all over his hard cock as he moans shortly after you, shuddering inside of you, telling you that he had finished. He continues to thrust in and out of you, riding out both of your highs. 
Beads of sweat fall down both of your faces as your chests rise and fall rapidly. You both catch your breaths as Cedric gently puts you down. You hold onto his biceps, needing a little help standing, your legs feeling like jelly. “Bloody hell,” Cedric pants with a light laugh. You join in his light laughter, both still in euphoria about how great the sex was. Maybe the best you’ve ever had. 
The two of you get changed back into your uniforms and robes, cleaning yourselves up after your little quickie. As you fix your hair, Cedric grabs your hips with a large smile on his face. “So, you’re my girlfriend now?” he asks as you roll your eyes.
“I guess so. You’re stuck with me now, Diggory. Happy now?” you tease him, pecking his lips gently. Your heart fluttered at the sight of the happy boy in front of you. It may have taken you a while to come to terms with it, but this was right. Cedric was right. 
Cedric squeezes your hips. “Happy is an understatement,” he confesses with a kiss to your forehead. This was so right.
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wangxianficrecs · 3 years
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Fic Finder
1.  Hi, I'm looking for an Untamed fic, maybe you'll be able to help. It's a canon divergence AU in which WWX doesn't lose his core, Jiang Fengmian lives and it's implied that his core was transferred to JC (heavily implied; JFM retires as the Sect Leader after that). This is absolutely not the most important part of this fic but it's a paragraph that I've got stuck in my head and now I'm searching for the rest @_@ Thanks in advance! ~ @otemporaetmores
FOUND! by @notsobabblespace, who was reminded of  I’m aching and I know you are too by edenwolfie (part 3 in series, M, 23k, wangxian)
FOUND!  by @jim-is-spocks-thyla, who suggests ❤️ to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag (M, 35k, wangxian) [ETA:  Oops, not this one.  JFM has no core, but he didn’t give it to JC]
2.  Hi Mojo! I’m in need of you/your followers help in finding a fic that I read a little while ago. It was a fic where Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi lived together in Cloud Recesses and their children were Sizhui and an OOC that was younger than him. I remember SiZhui faced a lot of criticism for not being the chief cultivator’s real child? And they were happy he had a younger sibling that would be sect leader in the future because he was blood. Come to think of it, this is probably an ABO fic too. Thanks for your time 💜
FOUND! @andidontmeanto believes this is Blue Blood by PotterheadAvengerDemigod (T, 91k, wangxian, my post)
3.  Aksks it's like 3 am but I just remembered a fic and I can't find it?? I'd really, really appreciate your help. It was a wangxian fic, maybe a oneshot idk, and lwj was kind of a nerd and wwx a badboy? So basically lwj has a massive crush on him and dresses up like wwx etc. (i think he even got an undercut) and after a party they sleep with each other at lwj's place?
4.  i’m looking for a fic set in the where lwj’s mother killed his father? i don’t think that was a main plot point but it did show up in his backstory - any idea what this might be? ~ @thehype
FOUND!  @rentslirott thinks this could be ❤️the best of you by sysrae (E, 42k, wangxian, my post)
FOUND!  @castaways-logbook offers  The Right to Care by travelingneuritis (E, 39k, wangxian, WIP)
5.  ... same as #6 ...
6.  Hello friend, sorry for the inconvenience but I wanted to see if you could please find me a fic that I lost but I only remember more or less the final part, it goes more or less like this, lan zhan and wei ying are kidnapped by jin guangyao and lock them up if not I'm wrong in some cells next to lan xichen after the fights jin guangyao dies but lan xichen did know how bad jin guangyao had done and he didn't care and then to get revenge he wants to kill wei ying but lan zhan kills him and sizhui gets scared It was more or less like that, please help me ~ @isa0123lol
FOUND!  by @wangxiansfics who says that tragically it’s no longer available, but @dulachodladh found it on WaybackMachine here: Thread and Needle by haysel (M, 86k, wangxian)
7.  Hi, Mojo! I'm glad that you're back but I hope you enjoyed your time off tumblr! Can you and/or your followers help me find a fic? I think the summary was talking about wwx and somehow they were asking mingjue for help since he's the only one who can help. The summary was in italics and it's a dialogue from some guy? And a shorter summary below. Sadly this is the only thing I can remember but I hope you can still help me
FOUND!  @alwayswenning suggests love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, has it’s own fanfic here, I just finished this last night!, my bookmark)
8.  Sorry to bombard you as soon as you're back, but this one's driving me crazy--a modern AU where they met online. WWX thinks LWJ is an old man from how he talks. I don't remember much except the excerpt made it seem like he still was amused by/enjoyed talking to him, and Wen Qing was telling him it was a bad idea and to stop. It's not How to Fall In Love With a Catfish, tho that one is brilliant! (Also any top notch identity porn would be great) Hope your break was restful, you deserve it! Thanks
Here’s my #identity porn tag, but I’m not sure about this exact story.
I'm the anon for #8 on the fic finder. Though I'm excited to read it, the suggested fic isn't the one I was looking for. I swear I thought I saw it on here around a month ago or slightly more, but searches have failed me.
FOUND!  Rating: General Audiences by Mishaa (T, 18k, wangxian WIP) -  mysterious author LWJ (speculated to be an old man because of his formality) and infamous artist WWX paired up for an Untamed Big Bang (in an AU where JGY was the series’ antiheroic protagonist; this fic was written before the release of CQL.)
FOUND?  could you be looking for  Something Real by Latios (G, 5k, wangxian, my post) - wwx thinks lwj is an old man, but there’s no WQ.  There are many pictures of bunnies.
SIMILAR! @emilysidhe thought of ID Bro Saga by Bowandtie (T, 39k, wangxian)
9.  Hey, how are you? Could you help me please? I've read 3 fanfics once, but I can't find them anymore. 1 - Nanny Problem, Wei is going to be the babysitter of A-Yuan, he is an omega and Lan is an alpha. 2 - Doctor Perfect, Yibo is an omega nurse and Xiao is an alpha doctor. 3 - The Baby of my Omega, Yibo is omega and Xiao is alpha, both of them are bodyguards, but Yibo has to protect Xiao in the beginning. I think they were at ao3, but I really can't find them. Can you help me please? Thank you!! ~ @weallmad
10.  Hi! Im happy you’re back. I hope you had a good break. I missed your recommendations, but at the same time i got a break from fics and actually studied to my tests haha.  [Ah!  I’m glad to hear your time was spent productively!]  I’m looking for a fic like Linger in the Sun by etymologyplayground. In the fic im looking for wangxian slowly lose their senses instead of all of them at once. Like they lose their hearing, then touch, sight etc, They can’t see each other or hear each other. I’m sorry i can’t explain very well.
FOUND?  Could you be thinking of  ❤️shadows in the sun rise by Yuu_chi (E, 25k, wangxian)?  Only lwj losese his senses one by one in this one, though.
11.  heyyy im trying to find this fic where wwx died the first time he was thrown in to the burial mounds then 10 years later he gets resurrected or something. I can't find it on AO3 and it's been bugging me for days. Thank you!
FOUND!  Well, @moku-youbi offers both of these as possibilities:
Did I Not Explain Why the Sunset Turns Red? by 3988Akasha (E, 100k, wangxian)
we're starting at the end by Miss_Enthusiasimal (M, 95k, wangxian)
12.  Hi I am looking for a fic where wwx is a witch (/mage?) in a world where magic is being persecuted (especially in Gusu) except for Yunmeng/Lanling I think but they're still frowned upon nonetheless. Then after accidentally hurting Shijie, wwx runs away, and ends up hiding in Gusu pretending to be a servant to lwj (lwj is a prince, lxc is the emperor) but lwj actually knows of his identity and tries not-so-discreetly to protect him from being caught. Thanks!
FOUND! by @bibliobasilisk who gives us Witchfinder by misbehavingvigilante (E, 86k, wangxian)
13.  Hi! Firstly, I'm glad to see you're back, and I hope your break was a good one! I'm trying to find a LWJ/WWX story that I had planned to read and ending up losing before I could. It was set in the immediate aftermath of the 33 lashes, LWJ is in the Jingshi recovering when a healer(?) discovers he's pregnant (by WWX). It may have been a/b/o verse, but I'm not 100% on that. Part of the story was a flashback to when WWX was still alive. Thank you!
FOUND!  by nonny themself.  It’s Unexpected Surprise by Glucose_Gremlin (E, 4k, wangxian)
SIMILAR! @mondelgel suggests my heart is kept as pure as ice in a jade vase/一片冰心在玉壶 by Daledesu (M, 21k, wangxian, WIP)
SIMILAR! from @impending-cuttlefish:  something new, something white, something blue by ariskamalt (E, 140k, wangxian, WIP)
14.  I'm trying to find this one fic where Jin Ling finds this diary that Wei Ying wrote as the Yiling Patriarch that basically reveals everything, including the golden core reveal and it even has training tips that helps Jon Ling improve. When Wei Ying comes back, he tries everything to keep him there because he is THE best uncle now. I need to find it because it is a N E E D.
FOUND? by @theladypeartree who says, “The Truth (Untold) is jl reading jyl's journals, not wwx's though. And mordant is jl returning wwx's journals that he found, not grew up with. Neither fit #14 properly, but I seriously could not find anything closer after two solid days of searching. Good luck!“
The Truth (Untold) by anxiouswreck0_0 (g, 3k, wangxian, jin ling & wei wuxian)
or this one on ffn:
mordant by tennisnotensai (M, 18k, wangxian, here’s the link for mobile)
15.  I have heard tell of a Sizhui/Jingyi fic where the boys end up going to Wangxian for advice about how to be intimate. Can you help me find it?
FOUND!  @manaika-chan says this one is On Advisement by LaMachina17 (M, 19k, wangxian, zhuiling, chengyi)
16.  nm
17.  Hi! Sorry, do you happen to know that nsfw fic where wwx is still studying in the cloud recesses and he’s reading a novel (im not sure if it was from nhs) that features a cultivator couple and there’s a scene in the book where the woman was pegging her husband? Basically wwx got curious about this and tried fingering himself. I remember he was hiding in the back mountains and then lwj eventually caught him
FOUND?  Could you be thinking of  Deep in the Woods by malkinmalkout (E, 5k, wangxian, my post)?
18.  Ahhh I'm going crazy trying to think of a fic that I've read where Lan Zhan killed Wen Chao in a locker room and nie huaisang stood guard outside the door! Then lan zhan went to lan huan and said I killed someone and he said did they deserve it? Then it's fine. And I can't remember the name of the fic! Have you heard of it? ~ @uchihaautumn
FOUND! @artemisisdiana offers So Full Of Love (Wouldn't Know Where to Start) by witchupbitch (M, 54k, wangxian, WIP)
19.  Hi, I was wondering if you could help me find a fic. I read it a while ago and I don't really remember all the details but it was a modern au where Lan Wangji was a police officer in this small town and Wei Wuxian comes back after years, having left the town due to some stuff. Thank you in advance.
Btw love your blog. I live for your fic recs.  [Thank you!]
FOUND?  Could you be looking for medium blues by dark_and_terrible (E,193k,  wangxian)?  It appears to be taken down atm, but it might come back (it’s done it before).
FOUND! by @grannyweatherwaxshat who offers When a Bird Flies, It Leaves Feathers by Bem_Kofi (not rated, 75k, wangxian)
20.  Hi mojo!! First of all I luv your blog Thank you so much for all those ficrecs.  [You’re welcome!]  Actually I’m looking for a fic I read months ago. I probably found the fic from your blog. But I can’t seem to find it now 😢 it was a modern au wangxian fic (inspired by call me by ur name?) wwx was like 5 years older than lwj. (And lwj was like 16?) Wwx lives in another city but he spent around a year in cloud recesses with lwj in the past. And wwx yanli and jc visits cloud recesses again and wangxian gets 2gether
[My ko-fi.]
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senjuushi · 3 years
Maybe our neediest guns + Mauser whose new Master doesn't want them because they were forced to become a gun master? Idk how the game works but I think it's a rare thing so maybe Ashley died and WE found someone as fast as they could instead of finding someone who wanted to do it? How would they deal with the trauma of losing Ashley and the struggle of a Master who starts out disliking them? If u want extra angst, Master takes out frustration on them (altho I'm too gentle, I do love ur angst) <3
If he’s lost Ashley, Mauser is already a mess. Ashley was his entire reason for living, and adjusting to a new Master is a horrible process. Even if said Master had been as kind as could be, Mauser would have struggled massively— with someone who doesn’t want him at all, he’s in utter misery. Not only is the person he devoted his existence to gone, he can’t even fulfill his purpose for someone else. He’s utterly useless as a weapon and a tool now, and that feeling of unwantedness does awful things to his psyche. It could easily push as far as a mental break. 
At first, being unwanted by his new Master drives Kirsch crazy with jealousy and aggressive need. He’s convinced that you just like some other gun better and that he needs to work harder to earn your favor. Or to translate, that he needs to crawl his way into your bed and get you to fuck him so you’ll see how good he is. As he learns that you’re just plain uninterested in being a Master, though, Kirsch panics. What is he good for if not being cute and sweet and lovable for the person who owns him? He’s utterly terrified of being thrown away as soon as you get the chance.  
It crushes him. Marks is the type of gun whose Master is his everything. You’re his entire world, so being completely unwanted by you is very literally the worst fate he could imagine. You’re right there. He’s so close to being able to serve you properly and earn your praise, but you have no interest in him at all, and that hurts so much it feels like it’s killing him. If you take your frustrations out on him, it’s actually better than simply ignoring him. Marks takes some measure of comfort in being useful to you, even if it’s in a way that’s painful, uncomfortable, or scary. 
For a while, he’s just frustrated and upset. Being completely ignored by his new Master is infuriating to the max, especially when he’s doing everything he can to be as appealing to you as possible. You won’t spoil him, you won’t give him anything, and there seems to be nothing he can do to change that. While he’s just plain angry for a while, though, Like2′s feelings soon shift to terror. When he realizes how close he is to being thrown away, he’s so scared it’s suffocating. And on top of that, there’s a deep, miserable sense of loneliness in his chest that he can’t block out. 
In a way, it’s what he expected. No one would ever truly love a worthless, expensive, troublesome, useless weapon like him, so it should come as no surprise that you feel the way you do. But Ashely at least gave him something of a chance, and having that shred of hope ripped away sends Ghost spiraling into despair. He’s truly unwanted once again. Having his Master, the person who owns him entirely, see no purpose for his existence hurts worse than anything else could. Ghost tries to force himself to accept reality. He knows he deserves the way things are. 
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shirtlessfelix · 3 years
1. Your guidelines link takes you to your blog, like nothing changes ( better make it a specific tag and ppl can look it up and find them easier)
3. Love your hcs chefs kiss
12. What about..... THE LEGION, more specifically frankie boy. With the reader. And he crushes on them. Hard. It's that meme with the one sided pinning (he's a massive simp ik it). And he tries to act cool and badass with reader during trials (but he fails 🙈) and reader just goes 🙄 (but deep down reader likes him too)
idk what the issue is for u guys, it works fine on my end ;-; Might just make a new pinned for that :') Anyways, I'm very glad you like them! Enjoy Frank the simp 😚
Frank Likes You
564 words
After thousands upon thousands of trials, running around the same maps with the same killers doing the same thing can get very repetitive, and everybody knows it. Regardless, the Entity rarely gets bored, and neither does the Legion's leader. Part of it is because Frank loves the thrill of hunting unsuspecting survivors and slashing them over and over and over again.
Another part is the hope and anticipation of seeing you in a trial.
He'll enter his frenzy and search for you through the crazed eyes of his mask, and his heart will sink if you aren't there. But on those occasions when you do show up in one of his trials, he'll make it a point to pay extra attention to you.
He won't look at anybody else once he's fixated on your clothes and the way you move when you run away from him, your familiar scent and the sound of your shoes kicking up dirt. He might cut through the fabric over your back, but he wouldn't dare make contact with your skin. You used to wonder why, but during one trial, he gives it away.
He's cornered you at Crotus Prenn, and you watch closely for where he'll go next. By now, you know his predictable movements well enough, but you don't expect him to walk straight for you and catch the tip of his knife just above your shoulder, pinning you against bleached wood through your shirt.
"Gotcha now!" he growls, excitement seething in his voice. Instead of killing you on the spot, though, he stands still and straightens his back and looks over you. You're confused, but that sliver of desire in the back of your mind is making its way forward.
You've always kind of liked Frank in an unsure, twisted sort of way. In his frenzy, that sick heartbeat of his sounds in your head and fills you with glee rather than dread that the other survivors have for him. He excites you in a way that no other killer does, and maybe—just maybe—you excite him too.
"Aren't you supposed to struggle?" he asks when you stand just as still as he does. "I could kill you right now if I wanted to."
You ask if he wants to, and he remains silent, pushing his knife further into the wood. You tease him: "What, do you like me or something?"
He rips the knife from the wall and harshly denies it, then pinning a finger in the center of your chest, keeping you on the wall. "You know what, maybe, but that's not the point."
You can't help the chuckle that slips past your lips.
"Don't laugh at me. Stop laughing! You think it's funny?"
"A little bit."
He huffs and takes his finger off you, standing from his hunch and straightening out his sweatshirt. He clears his throat. "You're supposed to be afraid of me, you know that, right? Act like it at least... sheesh."
With that, Frank goes in his frenzy back to the chapel on the hunt for other survivors to sacrifice. By the end of the trial, Frank can't tell if you're a terrible actor, or if your screams and gasps are exaggerated on purpose to make him look bad. A teasing point at the exit gate leads to him throwing his knife against the Entity's barrier.
He'll get you next time.
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m318x2 · 2 years
does anyone else just. not really grieve? like ive had exactly two deaths in my life that actually made me cry at all and those were both pet deaths, but besides those ive had a lot more pet deaths that i felt next to nothing over even though i loved the pets. just like, oh man. damn that sucks. oh well guess its one less thing for me to worry about now. i think i cried maybe once over my great grandma who passed when i was like 5, not right after though. it was like a year later when i was playing with this little wind up merry go round she left me and my sibling and idk i just started crying thinking that i miss her. weird because i hardly even remember her, i remember her apartment more than her. and we werent really close. and i found out years later she was a tad racist. but i mean, she was white and ancient so, connect the dots i guess. but i mean thats still fucked up and not an excuse, she was around the same generation as betty white and betty white was doing ok. rip.
idk its not even like im happy that people/pets die or that i dont care about them its just like, i cant seem to conjur up these big dramatic sad feelings around death. like with those pet deaths it was just one solid cry and then i was ok, and one of those was bc i was really young and it was my first pet gerbil that i found dead hunched over his food bowl shortly after his mate, my siblings gerbil, had died. and the other one was my first family dog that we had since i was in kindergarten and we had to euthanize her bc she had horrible arthritis and kidney stones/kidney failure and was so old and in so much pain. but those were the only two that really got me and it wasnt a long process? like i was sad for a day or two and then was fine.
like i cant tell if im just repressing grief now because 90% of the time ive just been like. not bothered at all. i felt nothing at my grandpas funeral. i mean i was never close with him, he had a brain aneurysm before i was born that gave him brain damage and made him kind of a grump for the last portion of his life. like of course i didnt cry, but it was really like. i didnt feel ANYTHING about his death. i actually had to cover my mouth to keep from fucking LAUGHING during his funeral because this guy was singing that cheesy jesus song thats like "i can only imagine what heaven is like" and it was beautiful and sentimental but MY GOD the guy just. he went so balls deep in this performance that i could not believe he was doing it unironically. and also during the entire service i was sitting in front of this guy who has fucking LUNG CANCER and he was just coughing non stop and for some reason that made me have to try even harder not to laugh, AND on top of all that my grandma (wife to my late grandpa) had a massive bloody nose right before the service and had two tissues shoved up her nostrils the entire time. so. yeah i'm the devil
yknow i think maybe its just because i think about death so much. whenever i get a new pet i google the life span of the animal and keep track of how long i have left with them before they die so im usually very mentally prepared when it happens. and with people, i mean i think about my parents dying all the time because i know if i dont kms first they'll probably die in my lifetime. so maybe that mental preparation will help. god i hope so, i love my parents.
maybe its also that i havent had a human that was like really, really close to me die. that would probably crush me.
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faorism · 3 years
needing the au to drop wherein i can commit to writing a historical au,, because since i first watched the db cooper job my mind went straight to OT3! OT3! OT3! (unlike with the van gogh job, since i aint playing with that fucking lieutenant)
one day maybe one dayyyyy i will sit down and i will write the ot3 into that episode's story. so, it'll be the backgrounds for the characters in the flashback (so, stephanie ritter, steve reynolds, and reggie wilkins), but with the necessary personality adjustments (parker, eliot, and hardison respectively). basically, vintage ot3 with some hot as hell aesthetics and secrets and avoiding as much as possible producing copraganda.
so. my thoughts. what i see happening. and this got super long so im throwing this under a cut. and for ease i will call them by their modern day canon names except when making a point.
first, general thoughts about the characters.
and so: steve to eliot. nothing much here on the surface. eliot still volunteers, too much an indoctrinated white man to have been forcibly drafted. so its still one man gone to war. one man come back. eliot would had been noticed early in training for his ability to pick shit up, and they teased at maybe sending him to a special unit. maybe they do, or maybe they don't because they just need to funnel fuckers to the jungle. the vietnam invasion was a terrorist imperialist venture and there's no romanticizing from me about anything done being at all valorous or special or brother-in-arms'y. and eliot commits war crimes under the american stars and stripes instead of just to keep moreau's champaign running. but also maybe moreau is eliot's superior. he certainly would have been rewarded for this ruthlessness. (eliot of course strove to impress moreau because there aint an eliot spencer who wasn't that man's dog at some point, i!!!! dont make the rules). eliot's friend died and eliot's gone off to carry out his wishes and moreau lets him because he Knows eliot is gonna come back. whether its to come back to the same squad, or follow him into deeper spy shit for the military, or to fuck off and go private. then eliot meets parker.
now. stephanie to parker. beth plays normal so well im mad at her, but there's something edgy and strategic about stephanie that i think parker can grab onto. i feel that maybe she was kind of a thief still, but there's more realism to this world so archie wasnt a super secret spy with lasers to practice with, but just a guy with sticky fingers whos a little bored and wants a protege. parker is good really good at what she does, and not having to deal with lasers makes me easy. but she's into scams that are less grifts and more Catch Me If You Can slight of hands. she's always looking for easy money (she was into lifting cars at one point! literally she follows where the crime is). she's doing something in an airport and someone tries to recruit her as a flight attendant because she's got the Look. and yall, flight attendants? that shit was like being a model and an astronaut and a time traveler back then. and according to a teacher i had, who once worked as in the f.a. union, those ladies back in the day were rad and queer and free spirited and runnnnning shit. i think, yes, it's a Job which i think we might resist placing parker into. but! of the jobs, at the time, i really see her rocking it during the time period. (also come on, the opportunities to swindle distracted people of their shit would be endless. they would just think they dropped their stuff in the airport! not that it was stolen.)
finally, reggie to alec. i think hardison will be the hardest to translate. even tho i admittedly listen to a lot of true crime podcasts, i dont know much about fbi life and also definitely don't know about it historically. part of me desperately wants to put him somewhere else even if it does have to stay within the fbi. i might cheat and make him like a Q(uartermaster) to 007/00s like in james bond, and he's like UGH this is horrible god i hate working for the fbi but they will give me funding so...... anyway, here's this totally cool [radio term]. that said, if hardison is stuck in the fbi, why he ends up there is that he is a fucking savant when it comes to research and the man can put together a presentation like no one else. that white man gets all the credit for profiling but it was hardison who goddamn was the google of the microfilm days. reggie felt super square but that might be because he had to deal with mcsweeties db cooper shit day in and day out for years. hardison is more himself. and definitely still a nerd. alec would be into dime fantasy novels and comics and ham radios and oh god he also would be into star trek like the original star trek as it came out and he would be into the zines yes! yessss. omg. also he plays a mean arcade cabinet. but he's mostly well adjusted but lonely. his colleagues dont appreciate him because fbi esp during that time were fucking wilding out and racist as hell aaaaaand im sorry im srry im trying so hard to have fbi hardison make sense but also! acab. ANYWAY.
second, the relationship
i think it would be fun to play with what it means to have parker/eliot start off first and bring in hardison afterwards. (if white collar is your thing, it would be like this canon divergent ot3 fic wherein peter burke is the last to join in.) i feel they would be Super Intense esp since they are carrying this big ass secret. kind of broken and dysfunctional and there's the passion and the commitment, but i think there's also a tenderness that's super hard for them to achieve? and i think there's a way that hardison plays such an important part in who they are and how they are. like, sure i think parker/eliot would have joy but they won't have levity. they would have compassion but they won't have gentleness.
eliot meets hardison after being recruited by nate. i think they get close because while nate and eliot have an interesting and compelling mentorship/friendship, nate is still eliots superior; sometimes its nice to complain about your boss, as hardison will say to eliot to try to make friends. i think hardison and eliot would become legit friends and not just work buddies because they are just not cut out of the same cloth as the rest of their colleagues. they grab beers after work. after hard days, hardison cajoles eliot into going to the arcade. they are friends. real real truly deep best friends, in a way hardison didn't think he could have with a fed and eliot didnt think he would have after his friend died. but also? they are like "buds" who are buds who are desperately tryna to cross any lines because there's a.... tension? an UST between them they dont know what to do with.
parker meets eliot by way of a "lets have my friend for dinner, he's a blast." and immediately immediately hardison is like... wow this woman is beautiful but like, really attracted to her personality. and parker things hardison is kinda dorky but cute dorkie? anyway, they have a puppy love situation growing. and it keeps growing until bam. eliot and parker are like. are we into alec???? fuck we are aren't we.
i think stephanie and steve would never tell reggie (even if somehow they were to be a thing). but parker and eliot? hell yeah they tell hardison. eventually. after a while. sooner than maybe they should. the tension if they should say something is one of the things that build up as UST between them for so long; parker and eliot know they are carrying this huge thing. two huge things. eliot being db cooper and also their massive crush on him.
if i could control myself to stick to a pwp, it would be another christmas. maybe the christmas nine (more?) years down the road. the damn snow grounded hardison's flight back to his nana's, and parker and eliot hear this and invite him over. the egg nog gets flowing and parker eventually is like,, fuck this. and comes onto hardison. and hardison would be like wow wow what but... idk, free love and swinging were In The Thoughts And Minds Of The People. he still checks in with eliot who is like. her body, man; i aint gonna tell her what to do. and for a sec hardison is like, man is this a cuck situation? i guess i can be for it but also...... aint mad if i aint alone. and eliot is so grateful and idk. i just want them all to be happy and having fun and no one to be left out. and yeah i am kinda brushing over a lot of the racial politics which, in a more developed fic rather than a pwp, would definitely need to be brought in; but idk that needs to just be in the bedrock of whatever plot is going into this.
it takes a lot of maneuvering of their lives but they make it work and eventually hardison is a keeper of eliot's secret too.
(apart from the historical aspect, another reason i probably won't actually write this is because i know myself. i would want to do worldbuilding. i would follow eliot and alec to their jobs, but i wouldnt want to write outright copaganda. the grit/realism i would be comfortable with would take a level of research i dont think i can commit to. but if someone wants to take this up or if you figure out a way around this issue, pls do i wont be mad)
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