#op nami x you
auryborealis · 5 months
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POV: the Straw Hat crew sees you smile for the first time and they all develop a crush on you
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namism · 16 days
parts of me | nami
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➳ categories: canonverse, gender neutral reader
➳ word count: 1.4k
➳ notes: my two nami fics so far are kinda sad so the next one will be happy I PROMISE
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When the Sunny is quiet as the sun sets in the horizon, with the aroma of herbs and tangerines coming from Sanji's kitchen and the faint tune of Brook's violin entering the women's quarters, Nami remembers the day she met you and the day you left.
Her thoughts oddly jump from point A to point B, a silly thing she's guilty of, but it's a thing that she can't stop doing because she makes up for the sad thought of your departure with the happy thought of your arrival into her life.
Looking out the window, her eyes follow the movement of the waves. They crash onto each other in a rhythmic motion, an effective hypnosis for her brain to shut down and work in slow motion. Nami calls this tendency of longing a "thing" rather than a "habit" because she denies that it is one. To her, "habit" suggests that she thinks of you all the time, which technically is the truth, but she can't let herself admit that just yet.
Suddenly, Robin calls from the doorway of the quarters, her mature voice as composed as always. "Nami. Sanji called you for a taste test."
Nami spins on her feet, taking her mind off the hypnosis, which only makes her dizzy. "Huh?"
Robin shuffles into the room and approaches her vanity, where she grabs a book that she left open a few hours ago after being called into Franky's workspace to lend a hand. She walks to the loveseat in the far corner of the quarters, and sits cross-legged as she reads where she left off.
"Sanji wants you to taste his tangerine dish." She giggles softly, her eyes creasing upon remembering Sanji's heart-shaped gaze.
"Ah, no wonder why it smelled like tangerines here." Nami diverts her gaze from Robin to the mini cartography table on her side of the room. She sees the unfinished map she drew of Sabaody Archipelago three days ago.
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"(Y/N). I'm Shakky's neighbor, and sometimes her slave," you introduced yourself in a joking manner. Shakky, the 62-year-old woman who you grew up with the past nine years, threw an unused cigarette at your head.
"Don't lie to the guests, kid," she said.
Nami hummed in amusement. "I'm Nami. I came here with my crew."
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Robin flips a page of her book.
"You seem upset, Nami. Can I help you?"
"Huh? No," Nami mumbles to herself. "I have something to do."
As the girl leaves the quarters, Robin assumes that she's on her way to taste Sanji's new dish that's awaiting her in the kitchen. Although not knowing Nami as she thought she did, she failed to catch the look on her face when she examined the half-drawn map on her table.
Nami walks out into the deck and looks toward south, where Sabaody and Fishman Island are. She sighs. To live with the feeling of longing is one thing (like when she longed for Bellemere's tangerines or when she longed to be with her crew when they were separated two years ago), but to live with this feeling that you can't admit is another.
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"Thank you for helping us," Nami sent her thanks as you pulled her down into your wooden boat.
After a rocky encounter with a Celestial Dragon, you managed to get Nami and yourself to safety, while the other members of her pirate crew, the Straw Hats, as they called themselves, ran in different directions, with some of them running farther into Grove 17 of Sabaody Archipelago. Nami sat on the other edge of the boat as you paddled the vessel away from the Grove and to Shakky's bar.
"Don't mention it," you told her.
It took two days for Nami to reunite with half of the crew. By then, the Straw Hats scurried off into the other Groves to get down to business as the Marines arrived at the archipelago. You insisted on tagging along.
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As Nami takes another step farther into the deck, the smell of Sanji's tangerine dish becomes stronger from the kitchen. She appreciates this as a form of distraction from her thoughts. When Sanji comes out in an apron and a mini pastry platter, she is even more relieved.
"Nami-swaaan, please try this dish!" he begs. "Please? Pleaseee?"
Nami grabs a cupcake from the platter and takes a bite as she looks into the distance. Tangerine-flavored. Of course, she thinks, but the flavor isn't too strong or too subtle. Sanji did a great job in integrating the tangerines adequately.
"It's delicious," she tells him. "Thank you, Sanji-kun."
Sanji grins to himself, delighted that he received a compliment from Nami out of all people. While he swoons, Nami notices a particular pastry on the platter that catches her attention.
"Is that—?" she cuts herself off to observe a little longer. "Oh, Sanji-kun, is that me?"
She points at a sugar cookie of a woman who looks exactly like her: orange hair, brown eyes, a smile, and a tight shirt and shorts... except that there is something else to it.
"I'm glad you noticed!" Sanji beams, happy for the second time this day. "I made a cookie for Robin-chwan as well!"
Nami appreciates the gesture. She wants to laugh at it, but Sanji might get the wrong idea, so she saves the reaction for later when she gets the time to think about it again.
She grabs the cookie from the plate and inspects it. It's a pretty piece of art (and a piece of herself, one can say) that she almost doesn't want to ruin, and instead just keep it in a glass box to be displayed in a museum.
She traces her finger over the hardened frosting, the orange color that was used in her hair leaving a barely noticeable stain on her finger.
Then she finally reacts. She lets out a small giggle that doesn't give Sanji the wrong idea. He still, however, asks why she's so bubbly all of a sudden.
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"You're amazing," you told Nami in awe as she navigated through the Grove with an outmoded map. "I see it now. You're going to be the world's best navigator under the Pirate King's arm once you map out the whole world."
Nami's face flushed in a way that she couldn't hide. Eventually, she didn't bother hiding her face any longer as she boldly stared you down like it didn't affect her at all.
"And you're going to be the world's best boat pilot."
You laughed at her joke.
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Nami clutches the ends of her hair and twirls the strands with her finger, thinking to herself deeply as Sanji waits for an answer.
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"This might sound weird," you started, "but you're beautiful."
Nami narrowed her eyes at you. She had heard that compliment a hundred times in the past.
"I reckon that you hear that a lot." You chuckled. "Trust me, I'm not saying this to take advantage of you."
"What is it, then?" she asked.
"Rarely anyone here has orange hair. I find it beautiful that it's your natural beauty."
She didn't reply. Instead, she kept walking through the Grove as you followed.
"You'll forget this eventually. I know you will, but don't cut your hair, ever. It's a cute part of yourself," you told her.
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"I just love it," she explains. She traces the ends of the hair that lie just above her shoulders, a depiction of her eighteen-year-old self two years ago. "Thank you, Sanji-kun."
Nami realizes that there is no way of escaping you as the past moments you shared together resurface in her brain in every second and every minute of the day. She wonders if she could ever escape a habit like this when she'll be surrounded by nothing but water for another week as they travel to a new island, somewhere far from Sabaody and devoid of your presence—and it doesn't help her case that old habits die hard.
Sanji goes back to the kitchen to finish cooking the rest of the crew's lunch, leaving Nami to her own devices on the deck. She takes small bites of the cookie, saving her head for last, while losing herself to the rhythmic motion of the ocean waves yet again, hypnotizing her mind to think about you, and only you, like a habit that will never die.
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rxdidz · 8 months
˖ ݁ ˓ — pictures that describe your relationship
ft. the strawhats
— luffy
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— nami
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— zoro
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— usopp
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— sanji
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4K notes · View notes
portgasdbru · 27 days
mugiwaras group chat
straw hats x gn!reader
cw: comedy/fluff
check out the other parts here
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866 notes · View notes
bleachification · 6 months
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pairing: sanji x reader
word count: 5.7k
synopsis: life as a pirate is never boring, especially when your best friend is sanji—a flirtatious chef who can’t seem to sort out his feelings, or yours, for that matter. that makes things all the more complicated when you’re forced to go undercover and sanji is dragged along with you as your very fake husband. the million-dollar question is: when lines start blurring, how do you differentiate between what’s fake and what’s real?
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +
“We broke up.”
“How long? Two months?”
You shrug. “I stopped counting anniversaries after the first couple of failed ones.”
Sanji swings his knife a tad too forcefully. The loud THUD of it smashing into the cutting board causes you to jump. You peer over the counter and grimace at the sight.
“God, what did that poor tuna ever do to you?”
Sanji continues slicing into the red flesh, more aggressively than before, but still with the same care and precision that he affords every ingredient he touches.
“Why what?” You lift your gaze to his face, smiling softly at the concentration twisting his features. It’s one of the things you admire greatly about Sanji—the sheer dedication and love he has for his craft.
“Why did you break up with him?” Sanji repeats. He’s chopping up a variety of garnish now. Again, with more aggression than necessary.
You raise a brow, but decide not to comment on it.
“What makes you think I was the one who called it quits?”
He sets the knife down and turns to you, blonde bangs falling across his face. Sanji flashes you his signature flirtatious smile, but there’s a strange hint of tension attached to it.
“Who would ever think to break up with you?” He leans in, gaze darkening. “They would have to be crazy.”
You pull back, rolling your eyes. He’s always like this. Coy. Intimate. The ultimate womanizer. Sometimes… you wish it could be different.
“Well, he must have been crazy then.”
“What?” Sanji pauses, confusion etches his expression. “You… wait… he broke up with you?!”
“Don’t sound so surprised. He only beat me to it by a week. I had the decency to try and wait until after Valentines,” you note. You aren’t particularly broken up about the whole thing. Your ex is barely an ex—a summer fling, if anything. But Sanji, on the other hand, is acting as if some horrible crime has been committed.
“I’ll kill him.”
You blink. “Okay. A bit of an overreaction.”
“How dare he…” Sanji mumbles, not hearing you. His hand tightly grips the knife handle, and you swear the temperature just dropped even in the presence of boiling pots and simmering roux.
“Alright, enough. Don’t be so dramatic,” you laugh, moving to gently pry his fingers from their iron grip on the handle. He lets you—watching as you take the blade from him, and relishing in the soft feel of your skin against his. He itches to grab your hand and pull you closer. But he doesn’t. He won’t.
He can’t.
Sanji learned very quickly that his charms and gimmicks weren’t going to work on you. In all fairness, they rarely do, but for some unfathomable reason, he can’t seem to let that particular rejection go. He will always resent that part of him for pushing you away and drawing that boundary—a line you both delicately toe, never to cross over to each other’s side.
Your first meeting was… disastrous, to say the least. Sanji had just met the crew, and was tripping over himself to impress Nami, when you had made your way back to the others after a quick break in the powder room.
You had witnessed all of his shameless flirting and blatant promiscuity on your way back. You immediately took a strong dislike to the blonde chef, his behaviour reminiscent of exes that were none too pleasant.
“I’m back.”
At the sound of your voice, Sanji beamed, turning to strike up another flowery bombardment of compliments and flattery… only to freeze in place when he saw you.
For once, his silver tongue lacked its luster, fumbling before the sight of you.
For once, he knew not what to say or do. He could only stare. Only admire and behold.
“Good job. You broke the chef,” Zoro deadpanned.
You pulled an expression of slight concern and mild annoyance.
“Um… are you alright?” You waved a hand across Sanji’s face. No reaction. The rest of the crew barely paid him any mind, too busy either eating, drinking… or arguing, in Nami and Zoro’s case.
You slipped into the booth next to Zoro, choosing to ignore the bizarre situation, when a deep, rumbling voice belonging to a peg-legged old man boomed from across Baratie.
It snapped Sanji out of his stupor, grounding him back into reality.
“Marry me.”
But perhaps not logic.
Zoro pulled a face of disgust eerily similar to your own. Somewhere in the background, you vaguely heard Ussop choking on his drink. Nami clapped thunderously on his back. Is she trying to help him or kill him?
Luffy, through all of this, watched with bright, curious eyes.
“Yuuummphh fuu’yyy,” exclaimed Luffy, his mouth full of bread, gravy, and what you can only assume is a whole ribeye steak.
Zoro turned his disgust toward the captain. “Are you kidding?”
Luffy scarfed down another forkful of food, grinning wide as he swallowed the last of his meal. He patted his stomach, content, before turning his attention back to Sanji.
“You’re funny!” He laughed.
“That’s what you were trying to say?!”
Luffy ignored Zoro’s exasperation and just giggled in his usual carefree manner. Sanji ignored them all, choosing only you to spare his attention. You shifted uncomfortably, tension coursing through your veins at the way he watched you. As if you were the greatest treasure in all of the Four Seas and he was the king of the pirates—a man would do anything to covet it. Covet you.
Zoro and Luffy didn’t seem to grasp the situation as they continued to bicker in the background.
“Boys. Stop… FIGHTING!” Nami barked out. A swift smack from the ginger settled them both down, each sulking in a corner as she berated them for their behaviour.
You took a deep breath, willing your nerves to calm. You met Sanji’s eyes and they shone with hope.
“You want me to marry you?”
“Yes. Desperately,” he breathed out.
If heart eyes were real, they would beat within the passion of his gaze. Strong. Intense. Unabashed. You despised it. How could he look at you in that way after mere moments of greetings? It was lust. Nothing less, and certainly nothing more.
Sanji clenched his jaw at the voice, frustration and irritation barely contained. His expression smoothed over as he spoke to you.
“Think it over?”
You raise a brow. “What? The proposal?”
“Precisely that,” he smiled. Gorgeous asshole.
“Over my dead body,” you scoffed. Your rejection didn’t seem to deter him though, the grin on his face still present even as he left for the kitchen.
So many sleepless nights later and Sanji still can’t help but sigh whenever he remembers that day. He wishes he could take back his words, his actions… his everything. Maybe you would love him back if he did. Maybe you wouldn’t be dating morons who don’t even come close to deserving you—not that he does, but he would try.
For you, he would try it all.
Your soft voice breaks him out of his trip down memory lane.
“Seriously, it’s not a big deal,” you reassure.
Sanji wants to shout, But it is! Don’t you get that? How could losing you not be a big deal?
Instead, he shakes his head and takes a long draw from his cigarette. He watches the clouds waft up in lazy rings, circle around your head, and disintegrate into the kitchen heat. Sanji finds it increasingly difficult to meet your eyes.
“Are you alright, love?”
His genuine concern for you makes you smile. “I’m alright, Sanji. I wasn’t that attached, anyway.”
That twinkle in his eyes. It's back again.
“Really? Then what about my initial offer?” he jokes. Though it doesn’t sound like a joke to him. Doesn’t feel like one either.
“What are you talking about?” You ask. You take a spoonful of the broth and bring it to your lips, ignorant of the tense atmosphere. At least until the magnitude of Sanji’s next words drops.
“You know… marrying me.” Sanji holds his breath.
Shit. Why did I say that? He thinks, regretfully.
You falter, the spoon quickly forgotten in the pot. Your appetite disappears just as swiftly.
“Everytime I think we’re having a nice, serious conversation, you just have to go and… say something like that. Aren’t you bored of it? Tired of all the false promises and sweet talk?” You shake your head and stand up to leave.
“[Name], I–”
You cut him off. “I’m disappointed, Sanji.”
“Please, just hear–”
The kitchen door bursts open to show Usopp, who hurriedly beckons you both outside.
“Crew meeting, come on!”
Sanji turns to you, about to say something else, but you ignore him and follow Usopp out into the hallway and up to the deck. Sanji has no choice but to do the same.
Winter has arrived in the form of early nights and fresh snowfall—as if the chilling temperature itself isn’t enough of an indicator. Your breath crystallizes in the air as the three of you venture outside to where you meet the rest of the crew.
Nami has a large sheet of parchment spread flat across the floor with each member of the crew positioned around it in a wide circle. Upon closer inspection, you realize it isn’t one of her usual cartographic maps. It’s a blueprint. And the subject of it… is a castle?
“Nami, what is this?” You ask as you take a seat next to her.
With a pen, she circles a small room located in the eastern wing of the building’s upper level. It sits above a sprawling space. A ballroom, you wager. The schematics look complicated enough.
Nami begins to explain. “This is a blueprint of Ceres Palace, a high-security manor sitting atop the nearest port city. It is home to a powerful noble family…”
She flips the paper over. “…and this.”
A mass of glimmering golden ink shines under the moonlight, every meticulously painted stroke deliberate and delicate. The image is clear.
“Is that a devil fruit?” Robin inquires, eyes narrowing.
“One crafted from solid gold and pure diamond dust, gilded with sea jadeite. It is the most monetarily valuable ‘devil fruit’ in the world, depending on who you ask,” Nami answers. She flips the parchment again. “And we are going to steal it.”
“Wait a damn minu-“
“Hold on-“
“Are we sure that’s-“
A chorus of protests and concerns rise from the rest of the crew, and for good reason. From just a first glance of the palace grounds, you can tell this will be a risky heist, and something in your gut tells you that there’s more to it.
Nami shuts them all up with a pointed glare.
“Do you realize how long I spent drawing up this stupid thing?! One more word from any of you and I will shove it down your throat. Whole,” she threatens.
No one speaks.
“Good. Now, as I was saying, this heist will consist of two parts. The actual theft and the distraction.”
Sanji raises his hand. Nami points at him and nods.
“Why, exactly, are we stealing someone’s gold…er…artifact? I get that we’re pirates but… a bit out of the way, isn’t it?”
Nami, Ussop, and Chopper sigh in unison. The latter ambles your way and climbs into your lap, snuggling for warmth.
“Hello baby,” you murmur. You smile softly as the little reindeer tucks himself into your welcome embrace. You give Chopper a scratch under the chin before turning your attention back to the conversation at hand.
Zoro barely pays any attention, head bobbing a bit. He’s already falling asleep. Typical. Robin, on the other hand, seems to recognize the object.
“I’ve heard of this. Its original name was The Monarch’s Heart. It belonged to the royal family of that island. Twenty years ago, the king’s most trusted advisor spearheaded a coup d’état and a violent rebellion broke out, ending with the execution of the royal family, as well as the usurpation of the former, now exiled, king.” Robin crouches and lightly brushes the blueprint, tracing along its curves. “All this time, the Heart was believed to have been lost amidst war. You’re saying one of the nobles stole it?”
Nami scratches her head and grimaces. “Well, yeah, kinda.”
“What do you mean, ‘kinda’”? You ask.
“We don’t have any proof. Not really,” she shrugs.
“So, again, why are we doing this?” Sanji reiterates.
“We have proof!” Luffy grins. Your captain finally speaks up, too preoccupied with messing with a sleeping Zoro moments ago.
“Luffy—” Nami starts.
“What? I believe the old man. He’s a good guy.” Luffy pats his stomach. “He fed me.”
“What old man?” You’re getting more and more confused as the meeting drags on.
“Luffy. You met the exiled king, didn’t you?” Robin’s eyes twinkle with curiosity.
“Um… I don’t know? I forgot his name but he was nice. Told me about how his stuff got stolen unfairly so I promised to get it back for him.”
“So you don’t even know if he’s telling the truth? What if he was the bad guy, and the nobles who took over overthrew a tyrant?” Sanji blows smoke from his cigarette as he prods.
“He was not,” Robin states factually. “The king was known to be kind and benevolent, catering only to the needs of his people. Since that nation's birth, the royal faction was always at odds with the avaricious nobility. That tension came to a head in the form of a brutal uprising. Though massacre is much more fitting of a description for what occurred.”
“Mhm, mhm, mhm.�� Luffy nods vigorously at her words. “So we’re gonna get his gold back for him.”
“Liberating another nation, are we?” Zoro yawns, barely waking up.
“Seems like it,” Nami sighs.
“It’s what the captain wants,” Robin smiles.
“And what Luffy wants…” you begin.
Everyone else groans.
“Luffy gets.”
“So…” Sanji shifts next to you. Closer. His warmth clouds your senses a little and you try to ignore the dizzying effect it has on you. “How do we do this, exactly?”
“I bust down the door and slice ‘em up,” Zoro offers.
“In your dreams, Mosshead. I could take down—”
You pinch his side. Sanji jumps and turns to you, a slight pout on his face. Despite what happened earlier, you find yourself trying not to laugh.
“You’re not doing that, Zoro,” Chopper scolds.
The swordsman tsks. “Fine. Then how the hell are we actually pulling this off?”
Nami explains the plan.
Sanji turns white.
Your mouth drops open. “Excuse me?!”
✧ ˚  ·    .  
“Oh god, I’m going to throw up.”
Robin chuckles as she hands you silken gloves. “Don’t worry. You’ll do just fine. Remember, get in, pull the alarm, get out.”
“Easier said than done,” you grumble.
The plan is actually much more complex than what Robin makes it out to be.
The palace itself has two separate alarm systems—one for the vault, and another in case of fire. If both are activated at the same exact moment, they cause a complete system break, and the fire alarm overrides the theft security, forcing an evacuation with everyone none the wiser.
The plan is for you and Sanji to infiltrate the party under the pretense of a foreign dignitary and his spouse, survey and locate the alarm, cause a distraction, and pull the alarm the precise moment Nami unlocks the vault. All communicated via Den Den Mushi earpieces.
Easy peasy.
Your clothing sticks to you uncomfortably—tight in areas you don’t normally expose to the world. The scented oil in your hair makes you smell like you had just popped fresh out of the oven. A layered film of glittering makeup rests on your features, rendering the person in the mirror a complete, hapless stranger.
“Why did it have to be me?”
And Sanji?
You don’t voice that last bit.
“Nami’s the thief, the other boys would blow their covers immediately, I have other matters to attend to, and Chopper… Well, Chopper’s a reindeer.”
You run a hand through your hair. Anxiety claws at your skin. You feel a sudden urge to feign illness and rid yourself of this ridiculous plan.
“Must we pose as a couple? Surely there are other ways,” you implore.
“The invites we swiped were from married nobles,” Robin reminds.
You groan. Robin pats your shoulder supportively.
“There there. Don’t fret, you’ll do fine. Are you ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be.”
Robin gives you another encouraging pat before she ushers you out of the dressing room.
You make your way outside, shivering slightly as the winter winds bite into your skin. The thin fabric of your garments do nothing to shield the cold.
Someone lets out a sharp inhale. You turn towards the noise. Sanji stands to your left, clutching an envelope in hand. His usual suave demeanour is displaced by an air of buzzing anxiety and a starstruck expression.
He’s dressed in a sleek three-piece black suit. It pains you how devastatingly handsome he looks.
“You clean up nice,” you note.
“I…uh. You—Sorry, yeah, what?” Sanji replies, all smooth and intelligent.
Robin watches the entire interaction with a pained grimace. Having enough, she steps up and gently steers you towards Sanji.
“Hurry up, now. They’re expecting you both soon. Don’t forget to stay in character, lest you end up blowing your covers.” She winks at you both, but you can’t help but think it was directed more towards Sanji.
“Shall we?”
Seemingly recovered from whatever alien had possessed him seconds ago, the chef offers you his arm with a small smile. You place your hand around his bicep and try to ignore his rippling muscles underneath your fingertips.
“Color me surprised. I really thought you’d have showered me with compliments by now,” you joke.
“I thought you didn’t like that part of me.”
Disappointment blooms in your chest.
“Right. I don’t. I just…” you trail off. You just thought you looked nice tonight. And maybe a small part of you was hoping he felt the same.
“Never mind.”
You slip your hand out of the crook of Sanji’s arm and start walking a little bit faster, hoping he doesn’t notice the conflicting emotions on your face.
When Sanji first joined the crew, you made yourself a promise: that you would never fall for his charms. But as time went on and he showed you a mountain of kindness, understanding, and empathy… that promise, steadily, became much harder to keep and much easier to forget. It wasn’t his flirting and charms that were dangerous—it was the man buried underneath all that playful pretense. A man who has stubbornly found his way into your guarded heart, despite your best efforts of keeping him out.
It was always easier that way. Easier to turn away, to shut him out. Easier to walk away when you catch him with others who drew his interest and to stop listening as he murmurs sweet nothings in their ears—the very ones he had whispered to you. It was easier to accept that you are not, and will not, be special to him.
You refuse to be just another mark in his book of conquests, and if all it takes is a silent heartbreak to avoid such a fate, so be it. You’ve survived much worse before.
The palace soon comes into view, a grand structure that stretches into the vertical horizon. The path towards the marbled entrance is busy with bustling guests and the glowing orbs of rainbow fireflies. You steadily, and as elegantly as possible, make your way towards the host out in front.
“Good evening, may I see your invitations for the night?” He asks, gloved hand outstretched in expectation.
Sanji flashes him a million-berry smile. “Of course, my good sir. I have them right here.”
He pulls out the envelope you had seen earlier from inside his black suit jacket. The greeter accepts the documents and diligently scans them. After a few seconds, he nods, satisfied by what he sees, and hands the papers back to Sanji.
“Enjoy your night.” He moves aside to let you pass and holds an arm out, guiding you both through the white stone doors.
As soon as you step through the entrance , you are greeted by a foyer fit for kings. A cascading staircase blanketed by red velvet leads to even larger double doors, both white like the walls, but trimmed with gold linings and spiral handles. A crystal chandelier, bigger than you ever thought possible, hangs from the ceiling. It casts shining diamonds in every reflection of the room.
Sanji holds out his arm for you again as you both prepare to execute the mission, but you don’t immediately go to take it. Sanji must sense your hesitation because he sighs and gives you a strained, yet still affectionate smile.
“[Name], please. If not for me, then for appearances. We’re married, remember?”
“Fake married,” you correct, although you relent and slip your hand in the crook of his elbow anyway.
“You don’t have to remind me.”
Arm in arm, Sanji leads you to the ballroom. The doors open to reveal hundreds of nobles draped in silk and pearls, dining on delicacies, and mingling with others of their same social echelon. You already want to go home.
You both find a small table tucked into a corner and stand around it.
“We have to wait until Nami gives us the signal. First, let’s blend in and make sure to look like we belong,” you whisper.
Sanji leans in to hear you better. “What do you suggest? We could hit the banquet table, the food doesn’t look half bad.”
You peer over his shoulder at the platters of hor d'oeuvres and fancy desserts. “They don’t look nearly as good as what you make.”
“Was that a compliment?” Sanji grins.
“Don’t get used to it. Your heads already far too big,” you smirk.
“I don’t have that much of an ego,” he grumbles, picking at a loose thread on his sleeve.
“Hey, don’t do that.” You gently swat at his hand, admonishing him for trying to pull the string out.
“Why? It’s annoying.”
“Yeah, but you’ll ruin it even more if you just yank at it. Hold on.” You pluck a small oyster shucker from a passing waitress’s pocket, with her none the wiser. With the knife, you smoothly cut away the thread and flick it into a bin behind you.
Sanji stares at you in awe. “Did you just pickpocket the…”
“Not a word.”
“Got it.”
“Anyway, we don’t want to ruin these clothes. They’re borrowed. And so much nicer than what we’re used to.”
You pull at your collar to adjust it, only to realize Sanji is staring at you again, but with a different glint in his eyes. One with more… heat. It is only now that you realize how close you are to him—pressed up against his side, thigh-to-thigh and shoulder-to-shoulder, as you both converse away from the crowd. Sanji exudes warmth that, mixed with your own cluttered feelings, makes you a bit dizzy. You take a step back. Sanji’s gaze never leaves you.
“Did I tell you earlier how good you look?”
You swallow. “No.”
He steps closer, closing the gap again. “You look good. Really, really good.”
“Thanks. Formal clothing does wonders.” Your laugh comes out more nervous than you intended.
“Unbelievably good,” he murmurs, almost to himself—like he can’t believe what’s right in front of him.
A screeching violin note interrupts you and the strange moment you both got caught up in. Sanji snaps back to his usual self and quickly shakes his head, as if clearing away a fog.
“Food,” he coughs.
You blink. “Right. Food.”
“I’m gonna…” Sanji motions towards the buffet.
You’ve never seen him this… awkward. You’re not sure what to make of it.
“Yeah. Go ahead. I’m gonna scope out the place and figure out where the alarm is.”
He stiffly nods, then makes his way across the ballroom. You turn heel and begin walking along the corridors, scanning for anything that may resemble an alarm.
A static noise crackles in your right ear.
A sudden spike of sharp feedback makes you wince.
“Sorry! Can you hear me?” Nami’s voice pipes up.
“Yes. Comms are working. What am I looking for, Nami?”
“Something resembling a button, maybe? Look for a red button or something along those lines.”
After about ten minutes of searching, you finally come upon it, a small red lever nestled in a corner behind the bar, protected by a square glass casing.
You spot Sanji across the room, mid-conversation with a beautiful, young noble. Your chest twinges, but you push the feeling away. His eyes flit to yours and you subtly wave him over, gesturing to the alarm handle.
Sanji excuses himself and briskly makes his way to you.
“You found it?”
“Of course. It’s the whole reason we’re here, remember?” You ignore the lump in your throat.
“Sorry, I got distracted. I didn’t think—”
“It’s fine, Sanji. You were having fun. You don’t have to apologize. Did you get her number at least?” You try and coolly play it off.
His eyebrows knit together. “No. No, I—”
“Anyway, we should figure out how to distract the bartender. He’s the only one who is in the way.”
If Sanji notices your blatant attempt at changing the subject, he doesn’t show it.
“Sure. Any ideas, beautiful?”
“What’s the plan?”
You fidget with your sleeve. “He’s been eyeing me all night.”
Sanji makes a disapproving noise. “...I noticed.”
“I’ll distract him. You get the alarm,” you shrug.
Sanji’s eyes narrow. “How, exactly, are you going to do that?”
“C’mon, Sanji, you can’t be that dense. I’m going to seduce him.”
His reply is immediate and final. “No.”
You balk at his flat tone. “What do you mean: no?”
“No. As in opposite of yes. As in absolutely not,” he hisses.
“Sanji. I have t-”
“No as in not okay!”
You place a hand over his mouth in an effort to stop his outburst. “Shhh! Stop that. Are you trying to draw attention to us?!”
He pulls your arm away, undeterred by your growing panic of being found out. “If it’ll get you to reconsider, then yes!”
“Sanji, enough. What is wrong with you? Why are you so worked up?”
“Do you seriously have to ask that?” He cries out, exasperated.
You open your mouth to retort, but Nami’s voice interrupts you.
“Sorry to break up whatever dumb fight this is, but I need someone to pull the alarm in exactly 60 seconds.”
You give Sanji an expectant look. He firmly shakes his head.
“Not happening.”
Before you can stop him, the chef makes his way to the bar, stumbling as if drunk. Before you know what’s happening, Sanji pulls a whiskey bottle from behind the bar, much to the bartender's protests and dismay. He takes a large swig, and you blow out a breath of relief when he sets it down.
Then he picks it back up again. You watch in horror as he lifts the bottle up and… accidentally pours the entire thing onto the champagne tower beside him. The glasses overflow, and the weight of the extra liquid becomes too much. One by one, the glasses come tumbling down in a landslide of alcohol and crystal.
The bartender cries out in distress. Sanji is unapologetic.
You run to the alarm amidst the mess.
“Ready, [name]?”
“Whenever you are, Nami.”
She begins counting down and the moment you hear: Now!, you pull the handle.
All hell breaks loose.
Blaring alarms ring out, drowning out every other possible sound. Sprinklers sprout from the ceiling and rain down on the partygoers, soaking them and the luxury furniture. Hundreds of panicked patrons scramble to leave, directed by equally flustered staff.
You feel a tug on your sleeve. It’s Sanji.
He tries saying something but is drowned out by the chaos around you. Frustrated, he beckons you over and motions for you to follow him.
After a couple minutes of navigating through screaming nobility, you end up on a secluded balcony away from all the activity. The alarms are barely louder than bells on this end of the palace.
You take a second to catch your breath. Both of you are drenched to the bone, and the chilly winter air does nothing to help your chattering teeth.
Sanji notices your shivering form and immediately drapes his jacket over your shoulders.
You smile gratefully at him, but falter when you see the frown on his face.
“What’s wrong?”
“Take it out.”
You blink. “What?”
“The earpiece. Take it out,” he says, impatient.
Sanji runs a hand through his hair in both irritation and anxiousness. “Because I’m going to confess my love for you and I don’t want everyone to hear it. They’d never let me live it down, especially that green-haired freak.”
You freeze. Your thoughts freeze. Every fucking thing stops dead in it’s tracks, including your heart.
“Sanji, this isn’t funny.” Your voice trembles.
“Baby, take the earpiece out. Let me talk to you,” he asks softly.
You don’t say anything, you don’t trust yourself to. With shaking hands, you take the Den Den Mushi out and turn it off.
It is only you and Sanji now.
“Hi,” you echo.
God, why does he have to say your name in that way? Like it means something more than friends—like it’s worth its weight in both diamonds and gold.
“This still isn’t funny.”
“Then it’s a good thing I’m not joking,” he says, tone as serious as you’ve ever heard it.
You sigh. “What are we doing, Sanji?”
“I don’t know about you, but I’m trying to confess my undying love to my favourite person in the world. It’s scary.”
“You say that—”
“I mean it,” he interjects.
“What makes me different? What makes me…”
Worthy of your love?
Sanji reaches for you, but stops himself at your expression. You continue questioning his words.
“How do I know this isn’t just some temporary thing? A fleeting crush?” You swallow hard. For some reason, you’re unable to meet his steady gaze. “How do I know this is real?”
He rubs the back of his neck, conflicting emotions flickering across his face. Sanji struggles to find the words needed to convince you. He tries his best, anyway.
“I know what my reputation is like. I know the personality I present to the world. But after I met you, none of it seemed worth it anymore. There was no appeal to living that type of life,” he pauses. Sanji lifts his head and stares straight at you, unwavering in his words. “The moment I saw you, I thought I’d die if I couldn’t be yours. I still think that now.”
Oh. Your chest is trying to kill you. That’s the only explanation for the ache you feel.
“I trust you with my life, Sanji. But not my heart.”
The alarms have stopped by now. Soon, people will come trickling back inside and the mission will be over. This moment in time will soon fade into the background of reality.
“I only ask that you give me a chance.”
“What makes you so sure that you’re the kind of guy I want to be with?”
“As opposed to your exes? Those guys—none of them deserved you,” he scoffs, annoyed at the mere mention of them.
You raise a brow. “Do you?”
“No. Of course not,” he answers. “But I want to try. Please, god, let me try.”
Your hands are still shaking, but not from the cold.
“We should get back to the ship,” you say, a strained smile on your face.
Sanji’s face falls at your deflection, but he accepts it and doesn’t push. He nods, and you both make your way back to the Merry, an uncomfortable silence hanging over you like a wet blanket.
You are only a couple hundred meters out from the ship when you stop abruptly. Sanji almost crashes into you, but steadies himself at the last second.
“Is something wrong?” He asks in concern.
Before you can lose your nerve, you whirl around and utter two words: “One date.”
It takes Sanji a few moments to understand what you just said, but when he does, he lights up like a kid on Christmas Eve. One who just met Santa. The sheer joy on his face makes it all worth it.
“You’re not messing with me, right? Please say no,” he shakily pleads.
You shake your head. “One. Make it count.”
Instead of answering, he throws his arms around you, wrapping you in his warm embrace.
You loop your arms around his neck and he melts into you, never wanting to let go.
“I’ll make you say yes to a second one. And then a third. And then a lifetime of dates after that. I swear it on my honour as a chef.”
“It’ll have to be a pretty damn good date then,” you laugh.
Sanji presses his forehead on yours.
“It’ll be the best date.”
“And how do you know that?” You tease.
“Because you will be there.”
˚ · . tags: @zjarrmiii @aiizenn @emyyy007
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avitute · 5 months
buggy the clown would cherish his harley quinn. not in the “you’re mine and what i say goes” but a “wow guys look at my hot gf isn’t she so cool and awesome” kind of way
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bombombooty · 4 months
lazy days with the strawhat pirates :)
the days on the sea aren't always full of action, and that's okay! in that moment, it's nice to take the time for yourself... and with your favorite strawhat!
chrs: Monster Trio, Nami, Robin, Usopp
cw: none, just fluff
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Monkey D. Luffy
and even if it may not be as much of a "lazy day" with the eccentric captain, it most certainly is still an enjoyable one. He who can't completely stay still finds fun in irritating others into hanging out or in his terms, "not being boring"- he says this all with a pout as he waddles around whining to his fellow shipmates
yet if it were truly a lazy day, and the rubber man succumbed to the rays of the afternoon sun, he finds his own enjoyment in stretching his arms all the way around you, gluing himself on and vowing to never let go (he doesn't let you go anywhere without him touching you)
develops a mischievous nature in the sight of the fridge, or what sanji swore to protect from the "hungry beast", but then eventually ends up stealing food after what feels like countless tries
you, always being by his side on these days means sharing food. even if he seems like the person not to, you are a clear exception to him. Whether it be a bite, a chunk, he will give to his favorite person in the world; right after, he drowns you in infinite kisses with that signature grin of his
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Roronoa Zoro
the swordsman is always tight-up, never letting his guard down, never letting anyone step all over him and his manly pride. However, that all disappears on a quiet afternoon when you pick up the sound of a certain green-haired man snoring incredibly loud
despite his restful sleep, it won't stop him from grabbing you and holding you tight as if it were a simple habit of his. He snakes his strong arms around you, not letting go until he opens his eyes cluelessly to you in his arms
in mention of that manly pride of his, he trusts you to watch in the distance as he lifts those large dumbbells of his; he finds his confidence raised to the roof when you're there
the poor man, dense as always. the crew always takes the time on moments like this to tease him about the lack of romance he brings to the table. Furious, he simply gives a large frown after protesting that he's a great lover
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Vinsmoke Sanji
and if every single day doesn't stop him from spoiling you with his passionate love, these calms day only fuel him more. It's a skill the chef possesses, finding himself to be quite the "professional" in his vernacular
the times he's not in the kitchen, he spends it with you. Looking out into the vast, blue, and majestic sea, he dreams of seeing it all with you- tracing patterns on the back of your hand and a kiss on the forehead, as he rests his head on the crevice of your neck
his romantic tactics comes into the light as he simply asks you to help him in the kitchen. It was just the two of you, sharing a moment together. He, of course, cannot help but flirt with his beautiful lover- in which it then becomes an ever so lovely kitchen date that lasts for hours
sometimes, when the strawhats could still be fast asleep, the blonde-haired man takes the chance to spread a blanket on the grassy floors and have a picnic (along with an occasional addition of the little reindeer, Chopper) with you. With smooth words like silk, it is almost as if he serenades you. It doesn't take long for you to utter a word of love to him, and his face is a flustering red
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• although the ship itself may be at peace, she still finds herself preferring an intimate, private spot to be with you. In the presence of just the two of you and her endless charts and maps, she'll pepper you with kisses and physical attention. She likes to bug you about her wardrobe, and sometimes, if you're lucky, the tangerine-colored hair woman rambles about all the things she'd like to wear, and their prices; you never see the end of it
• she could be busy logging away things, charting maps, and so on. But sometimes of the ship were too quiet, nami wishes for you to stay by her side silently so she feels more at ease. Don't mention it though, or else she'll kick you out
• with the help of sanji, she'll feed you and herself some of those precious tangerines and numerous drinks he sends down for the two of you to enjoy. Silently, she enjoys seeing the pleasant face you make when you take a bit of the tangerine or a sip of the drink, as she wraps you into a tender embrace that only happens once in a blue moon
• if the morning dawns or the sun falls, she'll gladly encourage you to do a skin routine with her, just so you two can talk endlessly about the infinite random topics that string to no where. As long as you're there, she always feels at home
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Nico Robin
• before you know it, she'll have you swayed into the thin sheets of spread out blankets with a book open, the only thing lit in the room being a simple few candles, and maybe a few rose petals. Slowly, she grazes her one of two hands against your hair, the other holding you close to her as you may also have a book- or perhaps not
• she simply wishes to listen to you speak, her undivided attention on you and your kissable face. You may not know what she's thinking, but as the waves collapse onto the Sunny, and the sun shines on the two of you, it's not hard to know that she's ready to press her lips gently onto yours at anytime
• she'll do anything you wish, just as long as she's there to watch- her quiet nature didn't mean she hated it, but she just loved when you do it. Everything about you drove her in a unique way of crazy, and the long-haired woman never wished to let go of it
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• believe it or not, the sniper was more of an active man. He'll be constructing a new device of his, or playing card games- something to keep him busy. Yet while he's busy he rambles to you, word by word as he makes up all these stories. One of them, being about a certain person in his life that was like an angel sent to him from Skypiea
• he likes to show you, and his little crowd (consisting of luffy and chopper) obvious magic tricks easy enough to amuse the lot of you in an instant, a hearty laugh coming from the curly haired man. His unwavering pride only bigger with you there
• he can be a crazy amount of shy in ratio to his cockiness when it comes to showing you some physical love. But in purpose of showing his love to you, when the sun is low and just the two of you stand on the deck, he'll gladly wrap his arms around you, kissing you in this slightly clumsy, but affectionate way in that unique way of his
(( _ _ ))..zzzZZ
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mera-mera-simp · 8 months
OP Character's Love Languages
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Ussop, Ace and Law
Content Warning: fluff. Some angst (Sanji, Ace and Law)
Pt. 2
Absolutely physical touch. There is no debate on this.
He can and will cling to you with no hesitation. Man doesn't know personal space<3
But you and most of the Strawhats don't mind it. It's sweet.
Though you do have to gently remind him sometimes that not everybody he knows likes it when he does that</3
Definitely a words of affirmation kinda guy too.
This one isn't as often but he loves making you smile.
Constantly telling you how funny you are and how much he loves you. He is a sweet baby even if he's a menace sometimes<3
Sometimes, you'll get a combo of the two. He'll wrap his arms around a multitude of times and tell you all kinds of sweet things just to see you smile.
Gift. Giving.
Please give this sweet baby gifts it will make his eyes light up like stars and he'll treasure it forever.
You could get him the silliest thing and he'll be so happy. You'll have his stretchy arms wrapped around you and multiple kisses on your face while he's yelling 'thank you' multiple times within an instant.
Quality time.
He's not much of a touchy guy and he's not the greatest with words.
But he actively seeks you out on the Sunny. He just wants to be by you<3
He's not great at words, so just being by you is enough for him
He will make you take naps with him<3
He likes to sit by you when he's cleaning his swords.
Please just chill with him while he trains. He likes being in your presence.
This goes both ways low-key. He knows that you love him so he doesn't need to be reminded. And as mentioned earlier, he's not really a touchy feely guy.
So just spending time with you is enough.
Bro loves you so much, he'll chill by you while you're talking to the other strawhats. He doesn't need to involved in the conversation. He'll just sit by you (he'll take a nap depending on where you are on the ship)
Maybe a small bit of gift giving?
Only if he finds it useful though probably.
Get him stuff to clean his swords with and he'll be happy.
Send him over the moon with alcohol.
But definitely quality time for the most part.
Dude just wants to be by you<3
Is it absurd to say that it's everything? (Because I feel like it is but thats cause I'm in love with him and delulu)
He'll match to whatever your love language is babes<3
Gift giving? He'll spoil you
Quality time? Just hang out with him in the kitchen while he cooks
Words of affirmation? He'll tell you a thousand times a day that he loves you
Acts of service? Say the word and your wish is his command.
Physical touch? He'll be all over you.
He'll match your energy.
Sometimes you'll get the buy 1 get 4 free combo.
He bends over backwards for you.
And it's all super sweet. He'll cook for you, buy you some cute trinkets that you like, spend time with you while you're doing something, tell you all kinds of romantic things, and he'll hold your hand at all times
Bro is such a sweet guy<3
Please tell him that you love him. Reassure him for the love of god
He didn't get it a lot as a kid after Sola died so whenever you do, he really appreciates it <3 (Sanji my sad chef, my beloved I love him so much)
Look me in the eye and tell me that her loves languages aren't gift giving and acts of service.
She'll be over the moon if you buy her stuff
Specially if it's expensive <3
Bake something for her, Sanji will help you if you ask him to!
She'll give you a bunch of kisses for it. It's her way of say thank you.
You're the only one who doesn't owe her a single berri. Cause why would she charge the love of her life?
She gets a little jealous super easily though. She'll pout at you. Just laugh at her and tell her she's cute. Kiss her cheek, forehead or tip of her nose if you want to make her melt.
Sometimes she'll indulge in physical touch, only for you though.
She'll hold your hand when strolling through a town on a new island. And then persuade you to buy something she likes by acting cute.
She's super appreciative if you do though
She'll hug you and kiss you with a big grin on her face
It makes her feel important
She likes to make you feel important too. She'll actually go out of her way to buy you stuff sometimes. She teases about an interest fee but if you actually try to pay it, it's the only time she refuses
Words of affirmation
My guy needs a lot of reassurance so he appreciates it
Tell him that he's brave and he'll be absolutely smitten
He also likes physical touch
He'll hold you as he tells his stories
Talk to him about the world. You both love being out on the Grandline and seeing how big the world is. It's one your 'late night can't sleep' topics.
Hangout on the deck of the Sunny and look at stars together. He'll hold your hand and point out the constellations to you. (He learned them from Robin, he just wants to impress you<3)
If you hug him from behind randomly, he'll swoon.
He'll let you stay like that too. He thinks it's sweet. He'll just casually talk to you about his day so far.
He's constantly telling you how much he loves you.
You make him feel strong and brave so of course he's going to return the favor.
Overall, Ussop is just a sweet guy. He likes holding your hand and making you smile<3
Oh my beloved sad himbo
Please hold him and reassure him.
He's definitely a physical touch and words of affirmation kinda guy too.
Trace the freckles on his face (he'll melt in your arms with a blushing face if you call them mini constellations<3)
He likes to hold you yeah but please hold him. He needs it.
He likes to be in your embrace but he'll only let you do it when you guys aren't in sight of the crew, he's afraid that Marco and Thatch will tease him for a life time. (They wouldn't)
Pepper his face in kisses
This poor cowboy is so sad please tell him all of the things you love about him
Tell him he's worth everything in the world (Ace was the One Piece</3\hj)
Whisper sweet nothings to him as you guys try to fall asleep at night, that's when his head tries to attack him the most.
He appreciates it all and he'll definitely return the favor.
He constantly has you wrapped in his arms.
He'll kiss the top of your head and nuzzle his face into your hair.
He'll purposely act stupid just to see you laugh.
Please just make him happy. He is so sad
He will deny though.
"Me? Sad? Blasphemy."
Another quality time kinda guy
He doesn't like physical touch
Or words of affirmation
Please don't openly say you love him or promise him anything, the last person who did both those things died almost immediately after (he's traumatized </3)
Just spend some time with him, that's all he asks. You don't have to say anything he just wants to he by you.
He doesn't know how to accept gifts so that's also kinda out of the question
If you do something for him though, he'll be appreciative. In his own way
Just quality time for the most part.
Just sit by him while he reads or looks over some notes he has.
He's comforted by your presence, you make him happy even if he never outwardly shows it
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writingoddess1125 · 7 months
You get high with them- 🍃 🚬
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You of course bought some edibles the last time you were on land. Now chilling jn bed you ate some and Luffy came in- Assuming the gummies were just normal candies he partook in some before you could give the warning.
He ate a easy 400mg and now is laying next to you as high as a kite. His gum gum abilities also being messed with by the edibles as he is quite literally dropping over the sides of the bed.
"My face feels heavy and fuzzy" He hums, blinking at you slowly.
You smile at him and giggled at his reactions.
"You're absolutely fucked up-"
He nods at this and just giggles as he lays there. Clearly a giggly high.
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You offer Sanji a bit from your joint while sitting in the kitchens. He accepts figuring it won't be that bad-
Sanji and you will talk with you for a while as you two shared the joint. When it hits him however- it hits him hard.
"This feels weird" He smirks at this and passes the joint back to you with a smirk. The man shows a whole new side of himself- were where he is just so chill and open! Super cool too.
"Yeah I do see Chef Zeff as my father. I'll never let him know since that would boost the old man's ego way to much- But I love the old guy"
Will come up with amazing cooking ideas and actually prepare them, often having music playing as he does so.
"(Y/N) I just got an amazing idea- what if I cake the creamy cheese sauce from the pasta and add it to ramen instead and top it with spicy seafood, a soft boiled egg and green onions. A cheesy spicy ramen"
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When you first offer to zoro he absolutely refuses- It isn't until a few weeks later when he sees you at it again does he agree. You make him a small joint to start out with and the two of you sit on the main deck under the stars and pass it back and forth.
He will start to get a bit chattier. Talking to you a bit more about random things- He smiles and giggles a bit more.
"This is a new experience for me- I usually don't want to dull my senses"
You take another kit and cough a bit, Waving the smoke.
"But you drink a fuck ton" You pass him back the joint and he nods.
Eventually however he gets sleepy, immediately turning into the sleepy high. Just laying on the deck half asleep and joining in humming a song with you.
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Truth be told- Usopp is the most open to the experience. He lies saying he does it before despite being fairly clean. However is interested in the opportunity!
Will be the one wanting to try a pipe- Which you will happily provide and the two of you will sit in the bottom haul of the ship and pass the pipe back and forth-
Usopp will actually start to yet honest with you- really really honest. It turning almost into a therapy session between the two of you.
"Man I really miss my Mum... she was just an amazing person and it makes me upset to think she only heard about how her son was a lying mess up instead lf someone great"
He admits, sadly looking at the pipe before taking another rip of the pipe.
"I'm sure she's proud of the man you are Usopp. You are a good guy and an amazing pirate" You praise, patting his shoulder.
He nods at this and smiles. Defiently a honest high Ironically.
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Nami is no beginner- In her time away from Arlong she used to smoke to feel a bit of stress relief. So when you offer she comes prepared with her favorite bong.
Sitting together the two of you will talk for hours while taking massive hits of the bong. Eating snacks stolen from the kitchen as you play records.
"So- You think that Buggy can take off his dick?" You question watching Nami take another massive rip from the bong, holding it in for a good second as she nodded and releases the cloud of smoke.
"Abso-fucking-lutely he can. He said he would take every thing apart and I saw how small he had himself flying- There is no way he hasn't sent his cock through the air"
"Wait- so if every part... do you think Luffy can stretch his?"
You both burst out in hysterical laughter and continue to talk mindlessly. Nami is Defiently the social butterfly of highs, just laying out the best of conversations.
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You get caught by Buggy smoking at first- however he is fine with it and interested in what you could possibly be doing.
Buggy is more then willing to smoke with you, thinking this will be a fun experience for you all. It's an experience all right-
Let's say in stupid thoughts you guys get hotboxed in his bedroom. Buggy has his hair down and will be talking about random philosophy and sounding intelligent unlike his normal Goofy self.
"You know, I've always wondered how the system of devil fruits work?- if one can exist at a time say I die. Does that mean another Chop Chop fruit will appear? Who controls this?.. Does that mean a plant knows when I died?"
You nod at this, also curious of this question.
"You know, I never thought of that... wait wait- so Does that mean a plant is closer to a God then anything else if it knows when you die?"
You two will talk for hours about random questions, before stumbling to get some snacks in the middle of the night.
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strawheart-pirate · 6 months
What they do for their sick s/o who can’t leave the ship
Sanji, Nami, Law, Penguin & Shachi, Kid, Killer
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CW: SFW. This is just fluff. no drugs, no alcohol, no smokes, just soup and pampering. Comfort. They go above and beyond for you.
Scenario: After weeks at sea, you finally reached an island, but you were unable to leave the ship. You had the flu, and because it came with a cough, fever and chills, you were not allowed to leave your bed. Your s/o went on the island to get some goods, and maybe they have a surprise for you.
Read part 1 here: Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Robin, Franky, Brook
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- Since Sanji is a good listener and observer, he knew exactly what you needed. - Although he didn't want to leave your side, he had to gather a few things that would help you overcome your sickness. It took him only a short time to gather everything and he was back sooner than you expected. - He prepared a nice stew with only the best and freshest veggies and wrapped some small gifts. Not long after, he wheeled a small service cart next to your bed. It was packed with the small gifts, flowers in a vase and a steaming stew full of veggies. - “Sanji, it smells delicious.” – “I made you a very rich stew. We’ll get you back on your feet in no time with my special care.” You smiled at him. He insisted on feeding you, even though you were perfectly capable of holding the spoon with your own hands. You sulked at first but seeing him so happy made you enjoy it. - After your meal you unwrapped the little gifts. It was a few souvenirs and the one thing you’d been talking about for weeks. “Thank you, Sanji.” – “Anything for you. Now tell me. Do you want me to give you a massage, or do you want to watch a movie, or how can I help you?” - “This may sound strange, but can you read to me or tell me a story while I try to sleep?” – “Of course, just make yourself comfortable. Shall I tell you stories of the North Blue?” Sanji sat down on the bed beside you, and you made yourself comfortable and laid your head on his lap. - You fell asleep listening to Sanji’s smooth voice.
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- Would boss the whole crew around to make you feel better and recover faster. Sanji would get most of her wrath, and he’d be ordered to cook you a soup and whatever you want. - Hits Luffy when he tries to steal your food away and is in a very bad mood because she wanted to enjoy the island together with you. - You would send her off to the island to give everyone a break (but make sure not to phrase it like that!). She would be gone for the whole day. - When she returns, she’ll apologize (but only to you) for being so stressed, but she’s just worried. She’d tell you about how she got nearly everything for free and show you all the new clothes and accessories. - In the end, she’d hand you a small box. She got you a little souvenir with the name of the island on it and added a voucher to it. “For later. We could take the shark submerge and visit an island of your choice...” She said with a soft smile, and you were once again amazed at how generous Nami could be. “Thank you Nami, you’re the best. I’m looking forward to our little trip.” You hugged her show your gratitude. - You spent the evening watching a movie until you fell asleep on her shoulder.
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Trafalgar Law
- Your captain was very strict about the bed rest he prescribed you, so no island for you. Not even a glimpse of it. - Though he acted serious and cold towards you, his heart ached when you begged him to go. But it was for your own good that he was this persistent. - He made sure to have Bepo watch over you, knowing that you loved the bear and that he would be able to comfort you. - As he went about his duties on the island, his mind wandered off to you frequently and he thought hard about he could get you to lighten your mood and make up for not being able to visit the island. - He returned to the Polar Tang with a small bag in his hand. As he entered the room, you were fast asleep. He placed the paper bag on your nightstand and was about to leave quietly, when you shifted. - The smell of your favorite pastry woke you up and you saw Law before he could leave the room. “Law?” He slowly turned around. “I came to check on you, but you were asleep and-“ You interrupted him as you saw the paper bag on the nightstand. “Is that what I think it is?” Your eyes sparkled with excitement as you grabbed the bag and looked inside. “You went to a bakery for me?” You flashed him a smile and he looked away feeling caught. “Don’t read too much into it…” he muttered. You took his hand and smiled gratefully. “Thank you, Law.”  Law only squeezed your hand a little as an answer. “I have to go to set the new course.” He mumbled and left the room. - You just giggled at how flustered he was. As you ate your favorite pastry, you smiled thinking about how Law really went out of his way to treat you.
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Penguin & Shachi
- They sat on either side of your bed and cried as if you were going to die. But you weren’t, and no matter how many times you told them, that you were going to get better, they still cried. The trash was full of wet tissues, and as much as you liked them, you needed a break. - So, you sent them off to the island to do whatever they wanted. - They were determined to find you something, anything that would help you and keep you from dying. They were not that good at cooking, so they needed to help you in another way. - When they came across a beauty shop, they went in. They took notes on how to do nails, how to give proper massages and how to do face masks and compressions. They left the shop with a large bag full of creams, oils, and tools. - Once they returned, Shachi prepared the tub for you with your favorite bubble bath and your rubber ducky, and washed your hair while you soaked in the tub. Meanwhile Penguin set up the room ready for your surprise. When you came back into the room, you noticed all the candles, cosmetics, and the incense sticks. It smelled nice. - “What’s this all about?” – “We can’t help your immune system, but we can help you relax.” Penguin explained and soon you found yourself being pampered by the men. Their hands were not as skilled as the professionals with the utensils or the movements, but they managed it quite well. And you really enjoyed it. - If you ask them to do your nails, they will make a competition out of it. - You had the most precious spa day with these guys and your weakened body really enjoyed their pampering.
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Eustass Kid
- Kid was angry. Not at you, but the fact that you couldn’t get out of bed because of that damn flu really pissed him off. You tried to calm him down and told him, that you were okay (you weren’t okay, but he needed to calm down, so you swallowed your own sadness), but he wouldn’t listen. - “If I can’t kill the fucking flu, I’ll at least burn this fucking island to the ground.” He said and left. You were left alone in your bed, hoping for the best. - Kid left the ship alongside Killer. “Do you know how to kill the flu?” - “Give it some time and they will be fine. Some soup or medicine can ease the symptoms.” - With that in mind, Kid wandered around with an angry expression on his face. The people who came across him hid behind walls or changed their direction, no one wanted to be the one facing his wrath. Finally, Kid found what he was looking for. - “You!” He broke down the door and scattered inside. “You're caring for a sick one, I saw it from outside.” He had an angry scowl on his face, a vein was ticking, and his voice was demanding. The woman at the stove nodded hesitantly. - “I need that soup and whatever you have, that makes a sick person feel better. Now.” He commanded with a twisted smile. The frightened woman hurried up and placed a soup, some herbs, and creams in a bag. “Well done.” He said and left for the ship. - “The soup is good.” You smiled at him and took another spoonful of it. “That’s good, otherwise I’d tear this city apart.” You saw that he was restless and tense. “Tell you what, come here.” You moved to one side of the bed, and he sat down beside you, putting an arm around you. “Can you show me your little trick?” You asked and he smirked and was about to give a cocky answer, but you had already placed some screws and small metal parts in his palm before you continued to eat your soup. So, he let it slide and activated his powers. First, he locked the door, no need for an audience, and then he stacked the parts and formed little butterflies with them. You watched in awe as he let them fly across the room. - You set down the now empty bowl. “Thank you.” You said and played with one of the little metal creatures as Kid watched the scene with a confident smile.
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- He has a plan. He knows how to deal with a sick Captain Kid, and he definitely knows what you need. - Grabbing his list, he went to the island and was determined to be back soon. But then Kid caused some trouble on the island, and he had to deescalate the whole situation. He came back with everything on his list, an angry captain, and a sour mood. - He went into the kitchen and started to prepare everything for you. If anyone entered the kitchen, he would take his anger out on them, so everyone avoided going near the kitchen, no matter how hungry they were. - You woke up when a now calm Killer entered the room with a hot meal, some meds, and a bottle of water. “Hey, sorry if I woke you up.” You gave him a tired smile and a delicious smell entered your nose. “It’s okay. Did you cook?” – “Yeah, hope it helps you get better.” You sat up and he placed the food on your lap. It tasted good and you hummed appreciatively. “Thank you. It’s delicious.” – “I’m glad you like it. I also bought some meds, just in case.” He said placing the meds on your nightstand. - After the meal, Killer sat down beside you and you curled up against him. You mumbled a small 'thank you' and quickly fell asleep while Killer watched over you.
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All content unless otherwise stated belongs to: ©Strawheart-pirate. Please do not copy / modify / translate / repost my writing, banners or art on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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latanyalove · 22 days
Stay With Me
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Pairing: Chopper x Motherly Y/N (Zoro x Y/N)
Taglist: @being-worthy, @marsilis, @star-yawnznn
A/n: Part One is Here! WC: 4,451. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing this! <3
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Upon waking up, you heard the sound of the sea and felt the warmth of the fur on your body.
You opened your eyes to meet the sea stretching out before you, its waves gently crashing against the shore. The warmth of the fur on your body reminded you of the cozy comfort of when Chopper used to turn his fur into a protective ball of fluff.
When you heard grunting, you fully woke up and realized something was wrong. You quickly realized that the fur on your body was bloodied.
You slowly pushed yourself off so you could see what animal you were on, and to your horror, you found yourself sitting on top of a wounded reindeer, its body covered in bloodstains.
You then recognized the hat that the reindeer was wearing.
It was a vibrant red top hat with a black trim, adorned with a white cross hanging from the tip.
"Chopper?" You muttered, your voice barely a whisper.
It was as if the reindeer had stopped in his tracks as he turned his head around to look at you.
As Chopper stared back at you with his gentle brown eyes, a mix of confusion and pain evident in his expression, you realized that he must have been injured while trying to rescue you.
"Y/N?" A voice whispered from a cell you quickly past by.
You recognized that voice straight away, turning back to look inside the cell. It was Tony Tony Chopper, his small frame huddled in a corner, his eyes filled with fear and hope as he saw you.
"Chopper!" you exclaimed, rushing to the cell and reaching through the bars to hold his trembling hand. "I found you. We're getting out of here."
You were shocked when you saw how beaten up Chopper was. His fur was matted with blood, and his limbs trembled with pain as he weakly clung to your hand.
You then remembered how you had risked everything to rescue Chopper from that place. The memories flooded back as you held his fur tight, unable to bear losing him again.
"Y/N! You're finally awake! Don't worry, we're almost home," Chopper reassured with a weak smile.
You looked ahead to see the Thousand Sunny docked by the sea, its vibrant red and yellow sails billowing in the breeze. Relief washed over you as you realized that your daring rescue mission had been successful and that you and Chopper were finally safe.
"How long did I pass out for?" You asked hoarsely.
"Hmm, for about an hour now, I was able to stabilise both of our injuries with the first aid box that you brought," Chopper stated, starting to walk again.
"One hour," you replied surprised but didn't have any energy to express it. "You carried me for one hour? Why didn't you wake me up?"
"Because you looked really tired and I wanted to do the saving this time," Chopper said.
"Chopper, you know I would risk my life at any time for you?"
"Yeah I know because you're my mom right?"
You smiled at his words, "Yes, it's because you're my son."
"We've both done enough saving for today," you laughed. "Why don't we wake up your dad to carry us the rest of the way home?"
"My dad? You mean Zoro?"
"Of course and now that you've let me rest, my energy might be enough to throw him a message."
You felt the energy in your body and you formed a spear out of water in your hand. With a flick of your wrist, you launched the spear towards the Thousand Sunny, creating a loud splash as it pierced through the air and landed where Zoro would always sleep at this time.
"I think he got the message, you can drop me now," you said, gently patting Chopper's side. Chopper obediently lowered you to the ground, his eyes filled with gratitude and love as he turned back to his human point and nuzzled against your stomach.
As you weakly placed your hand on top of Chopper's head, tears of relief filled your eyes.
"We're going to be okay," you muttered to Chopper, your voice filled with a mixture of exhaustion and gratitude.
Chopper looked up at you with his big, teary eyes and replied, "Yes, we are. And it's all thanks to you, Mom. You're the strongest person I know."
You quickly wiped your tears while hugging Chopper, grateful for his words. "And you're the bravest little reindeer I know," you whispered.
Suddenly you heard snoring and you smiled, looking at your chest to see Chopper sleeping peacefully.
Just like his father, you thought.
It wasn't long before you fell asleep as well, as the gentle rocking of the waves lulled you into a peaceful state of slumber. . . .
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Zoro was abruptly awakened by the loud splash and the spear landing near him. Confused and slightly annoyed, he sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to make sense of what had just happened.
When Zoro got a closer look, he realized it was your spear that had woken him up. However, as he looked around, he couldn't see you anywhere in sight. He quickly stood up, scanning the area with a sense of concern and wondering where you could have gone.
Zoro's heart skipped a beat as he saw the once solid water spear dissolve into liquid and form the words "come get us you idiot" with an arrow pointing in one direction. It was a clear message, and Zoro wasted no time, sprinting in the indicated direction, determined to find you and Chopper.
How am I the idiot when you sneaked out to help Chopper by yourself? He thought as he jumped off the ship and followed the arrow.
After a few minutes, Zoro found two figures in the distance, lying on the floor, with the arrow pointing directly at them.
As Zoro approached the figures, his heart sank. It was you and Chopper, lying on the ground, motionless. Panic surged through him as he dropped to his knees and frantically checked for signs of life, praying that he hadn't arrived too late.
Your eyes then slowly opened, and you smirked, "Took you long enough when you just had to follow an arrow, idiot," you teased, relieved to see Zoro by your side.
Zoro looked terrified as he looked at both you and Chopper, his eyes filled with a mix of relief and anger. "You scared the hell out of me," he muttered, his voice trembling. "Don't you ever do something like that again."
"Sorry, but at least we're alive, right?" you teased, trying to lighten the mood. Zoro's stern expression softened slightly, and he let out a sigh of relief.
"Yeah, I guess that's something," he replied, his voice still filled with worry.
He quickly took Chopper, who was still asleep, into his arms, cradling the little reindeer protectively. Zoro's eyes shifted between you and Chopper, his worry evident in his gaze as he whispered, "Thank goodness you're both safe."
"I'm okay to walk," you started, trying to get up.
"But you're not going to," Zoro said firmly, adjusting Chopper to be on one side.
He gently placed his arm behind your back and positioned you against his chest, holding you in place, creating a warm and comforting embrace that drew you close to his chest, making you feel safe and cherished.
You closed your eyes, feeling a sense of relief wash over you as you rested your head against Zoro's neck. The steady rise and fall of his chest, coupled with the soothing rhythm of his heartbeat, provided a comforting lullaby that eased your worries and allowed you to fully relax in his embrace.
"Are you sure I'm not heavy?" you questioned as your eyes started to close, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling in.
Zoro chuckled softly, his voice filled with tenderness, "You and Chopper are as light as two feathers to me. Just rest, I've got you."
You nodded in agreement, feeling Zoro slowly rise from the sandy ground beneath you. His strong arms held you securely as he effortlessly lifted you up, careful not to disturb Chopper's peaceful slumber.
As he stood tall, you couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of gratitude for his unwavering presence and protectiveness.
As Zoro began to walk, his steady footstep on the sand lulled you into a peaceful slumber. The gentle sway of his movements and the comforting warmth of his embrace created a soothing rhythm that eased your tired mind and allowed sleep to claim you completely. . . .
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Zoro found his way back to the ship with an uncanny sense of direction, effortlessly navigating through the winding paths of the island. It was as if an invisible compass guided him, leading him back to safety without any hesitation or detours for once.
Usopp, who had been keeping watch on the ship, let out a gasp as he spotted Zoro emerging from the horizon.
As Zoro reached the ship, Usopp's eyes widened in astonishment as he witnessed the sight of Zoro carrying you and Chopper in his arms, both of you peacefully asleep. Usopp's voice trembled with disbelief as he exclaimed, "Zoro, is that really you?"
"Where did you find them?" Usopp asked in awe as Zoro stepped onto the ship, cradling you and Chopper in his arms.
Zoro's gaze softened as he replied, "I found them on the beach, exhausted and in need of rest. Don't worry, they're safe now."
With a grateful smile, Usopp nodded and stepped aside, allowing Zoro to make his way to the doctor's office, which was also Chopper's room.
As Zoro gently laid you and Chopper on the comfortable couch, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that you were finally in a safe and peaceful place.
He looked over at the both of you, his eyes filled with a mixture of affection and concern, silently vowing to protect you both no matter what.
"So she's finally back?" a voice that Zoro recognized as Luffy said at the door, his eyes widening in surprise at the sight of you and Chopper peacefully asleep on the couch.
Zoro nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips, as he replied, "Yeah, they're safe now. Just need some rest."
Zoro quickly left the room with Luffy, his hand covering Luffy's mouth to prevent any loud questions that could potentially wake you and Chopper up.
As they stepped outside, Zoro closed the door softly behind them, ensuring that you both could continue to enjoy your peaceful slumber undisturbed.
However, as soon as Zoro and Luffy joined the rest of the crew, he was bombarded with questions about where he had found you and Chopper, and how you had ended up in such a exhausted state. The crew was eager to know every detail, but Zoro remained tight-lipped, deciding to keep the events of the night to himself for now.
"But Zoro, we're dying of curiosity! We can't wait for them to wake up," Nami exclaimed, her eyes wide with anticipation.
"Yeah, spill the beans, swordsman! We want to know what happened," Sanji chimed in, his voice filled with excitement.
"If you want to know, then you should ask them when they wake up," Zoro simply said, his tone of voice indicating that he had made up his mind not to disclose any further information about the events of the night.
Curiosity piqued, the crew members exchanged glances before Nami chimed in, "Yeah, Zoro's right. Let's give them some time to rest and recover. We can ask them all about it when they wake up."
Sanji, unable to contain his curiosity, added, "But seriously, how did they end up like that? Did they get caught in a storm or something?"
Zoro shrugged, his eyes never leaving the closed door, and simply replied, "You'll find out soon enough."
The crew members couldn't help but exchange puzzled glances, their curiosity growing with each passing moment. They were eager to unravel the mystery of how you and Chopper had ended up in such an exhausted state, but respected Zoro's decision to keep the events of the night to himself.
They knew that the answers would come in due time, and patiently waited for you and Chopper to wake up and share your story. . . .
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As you slowly woke up, you felt the warmness of what was a blanket and Chopper cuddling beside you. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, you realized that you and Chopper had been in the doctor's room in the Thousand Sunny, which meant Zoro had carried you both back to the ship without your help.
"Looks like Zoro carried the whole family on his shoulders," a voice joked silently in your mind.
You looked to your side to see Robin sitting in a chair, a small smile playing on her lips. "Good to see you awake," she said softly, her eyes filled with concern. "We were worried about you and Chopper."
"I'm sorry for leaving without telling you guys," you apologized, your voice filled with genuine remorse.
Robin's smile widened as she nodded understandingly. "Don't worry, we're just glad you're both safe. Zoro made sure to bring you back to the ship. Now, rest up and recover. We'll be here waiting when you're ready to share what happened."
You nodded in agreement, grateful for her understanding. As you settled back into the warmth of the blanket, you gently held onto Chopper, feeling a sense of comfort and security as you drifted off to sleep once again. . . .
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As you woke up from your nap, you were greeted by the sound of happy yells and laughter coming from the deck of the Thousand Sunny.
It seemed like the crew was having a lively and joyful time, and you couldn't help but smile as you realized that you were surrounded by a family who truly cared for you.
When you tried to slowly stand up, you felt a gentle tug on your arm, pulling you back to the couch, as if someone didn't want you to leave just yet.
You then saw that a hand was wrapped around your waist and it belonged to Zoro, who was still asleep. His peaceful expression made you hesitate, realizing that he must have subconsciously pulled you back to keep you close.
You were surprised that he would do something like this since he would only be this brave when he was drunk. It made you realize that his feelings for you ran deeper than you had imagined, and you couldn't help but wonder what this meant for your relationship with him.
The warmth of his touch made you decide to stay a little longer, cherishing this moment of tranquility before joining the lively crew on the deck.
You laid back on the couch, but instead of going back to sleep, you decided to admire Zoro. The way his features softened in slumber, the steady rise and fall of his chest, and the warmth of his presence beside you filled you with a sense of peace and contentment.
You couldn't help but notice the rugged yet handsome features on Zoro's face, even in his sleep. His strong jawline, slightly tousled hair, and closed eyelids hiding intense determination all added to his allure.
His furrowed brows were smoothed out, revealing a vulnerability that few had the privilege of witnessing. The faintest hint of a smile graced his lips, adding an unexpected softness to his rugged features.
"Is there something on my face?" you heard someone say, and you slightly jumped at the lowness of the voice.
You turned your gaze towards Zoro, meeting his intense gaze as his eyes slowly fluttered open. A mixture of surprise and amusement danced in his eyes, and a small smirk tugged at his lips. "Caught you staring," he whispered, his voice husky with sleep.
You turned to face Zoro, meeting his gaze as his eyes fluttered open. The intensity in his stare sent a shiver down your spine, and you quickly averted your gaze, feeling a blush creep up your cheeks.
"N-no, it's nothing," you stammered, trying to hide your embarrassment.
Zoro chuckled softly, his warm breath brushing against your cheek. "Don't worry, I don't mind," he replied, his voice filled with warmth and affection. "I've caught myself staring at you plenty of times too."
"No, really, it's not what you think," you insisted, desperately trying to deny the truth that hung in the air. But deep down, you knew that denying it would be futile, especially when Zoro's knowing smile told you that he saw right through your feeble attempt to hide your admiration.
You couldn't help but feel a pang of vulnerability as he wrapped his arm tight around you. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Don't you used to be the confident one between the two of us?"
Looking back at him, you couldn't even hold eye contact for 3 seconds, your gaze continually shifting away. The truth was, you were afraid that if you looked into his eyes for too long, he would see the depth of your feelings and the vulnerability that came with them.
"It's different now," you muttered, your voice barely audible.
Zoro's grip on you tightened as he leaned in, his voice filled with tenderness. "Different or not, I'm here for you. You don't have to hide anything from me."
Summoning your courage, you looked at him again, locking eyes with Zoro.
"Since when have you been this confident?" you said, unable to hide the slight admiration in your voice. Zoro's smirk widened, and he brushed a strand of hair behind your ear.
"I guess being around you brings out the best in me," he replied, his eyes sparkling with affection.
Unable to resist the magnetic pull between you, you saw Zoro's eyes flicker to your lips, a subtle hint of desire in his gaze. Your heart skipped a beat as you wondered if he felt the same longing that you did.
"I don't mind being stared at, especially if it's by you."
In that moment, the world around you faded away as both of you leaned in, the intensity of your connection drawing you closer.
Then suddenly, a loud bang was heard on the wall and you jumped, moving away from Zoro and sitting up, breaking the intimate moment between you. Startled, you looked around, trying to find the source of the noise, your heart racing with a mix of fear and disappointment.
Zoro chuckled, amused by your reaction, and you felt your face flush with embarrassment. You looked away, trying to ignore the expression on his face, and your heart slowly returned to its normal rhythm.
As you gathered your thoughts and tried to calm your racing heart, you noticed that Zoro had also sat up and was now facing you. His eyes held a mix of concern and amusement, and you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort in his presence.
"It was Luffy, isn't it?" you muttered, feeling embarrassed by your lapse in focus. Zoro's smile softened, and he reached out to gently cup your cheek.
"It probably was but let's not focus on that now," he said.
You took a deep breath, feeling a surge of bravery, and leaned in once again, meeting Zoro halfway.
As you leaned in, you wrapped your arms around Zoro's neck, pulling him closer to you. The warmth of his embrace enveloped you, and you both lost yourselves in the moment, forgetting about the interruption and allowing your connection to deepen even further.
Zoro's hands gently rested on your hips, his touch sending shivers down your spine. The warmth of his embrace enveloped you, and you both lost yourselves in the moment.
You could feel the anticipation building, the way your breathing changed ever so slightly, as if your body knew what was about to happen.
The world seemed to stand still as your lips finally met, and in that instant, all your worries and fears melted away, leaving only the undeniable connection between you and Zoro.
"Zoro! Wake up! You can't miss Chopper's story!" Luffy screamed as he burst through the door, completely unaware of what was happening in front of him.
This was just like before, you thought of last night when Luffy interrupted them before.
You tried to gently push yourself away from Zoro's embrace, but he held you firmly, unwilling to let go. His arms remained securely wrapped around your waist, as if he never wanted to release you from his grasp.
"Luffy, I'll be there in a minute," Zoro said, not breaking eye contact with you, his gaze filled with a determination that made your heart skip a beat.
His words were filled with determination, as he made it clear that he wasn't going to let anything or anyone come between the two of you.
"Okay," Luffy sulked, closing the door, finally giving you and Zoro the privacy you both needed to continue where you left off.
"I thought...." you whispered, your voice filled with uncertainty.
"You thought I was going to leave?" Zoro's grip tightened as he looked deeply into your eyes, his voice filled with conviction.
"No way, I'm not leaving again for you to go on another adventure by yourself," he said, his words echoing in your ears, reassuring you that he was here to stay.
You smiled, feeling a wave of relief wash over you.
"Let's finish what we started," Zoro whispered, his lips grazing against yours, reigniting the passion that had momentarily been interrupted.
Your heart raced as you replied with a breathless, "Yes, let's."
As Zoro's lips pressed against yours, a surge of butterflies erupted in your stomach, the intensity of your connection sending waves of electricity through your veins. Your chest tightened with anticipation, each touch and caress from Zoro igniting a fire within you.
Your knees grew weak, unable to support the weight of the passion that consumed you both, as you surrendered yourself completely to the moment.
As the intensity of your connection grew, you found yourselves exploring each other's bodies with a hunger that couldn't be quelled. The room filled with heated whispers and moans, as you both surrendered to the raw desire that consumed you.
Every touch, every kiss, sent shivers down your spine, igniting a fire that burned hotter with each passing moment. Your bodies moved in perfect sync, a dance of passion and longing, as you lost yourselves in the depths of desire.
Zoro's hand slowly made its way up under your shirt, his touch sending a surge of electricity through your body, intensifying the already fiery passion between you. Every caress from his fingertips left a trail of goosebumps in its wake, heightening the anticipation and deepening the connection you shared.
Getting injured was worth it. . . .
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"And then Y/N came in running in and defeating everyone with her ability. It was so cool!" Chopper described to the rest of the crew.
As Chopper excitedly recounted the events that took place a few hours ago, he bounced up and down on your lap, his little hooves emphasizing each thrilling moment.
You smiled and continued to give Chopper a soothing back massage as he animatedly shared his tale. The gentle kneading of your fingers seemed to fuel his excitement, making him even more animated as he vividly described your incredible display of power.
Zoro had been sitting beside you, listening to Chopper while massaging your back with one hand. His touch added a comforting warmth to your soothing back massage, creating a sense of calm that contrasted the exhilaration of Chopper's storytelling.
"I didn't know you were that badass," Zoro chuckled, his voice low and teasing. "I guess there's more to you than meets the eye."
Admiration was evident in his voice as he continued to work his magic on your tense muscles.
You couldn't help but blush at Zoro's comment, the warmth spreading from your cheeks to the rest of your body. It was a rare moment of vulnerability from the usually stoic swordsman, and it made you appreciate his support even more.
"I...uh...I guess I just got lucky," you stammered, your face turning an even deeper shade of red.
"I don't believe in luck," Zoro replied, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "You've got skills, Y/N, and I saw it firsthand today. Don't sell yourself short."
"Thank you, Zoro," you responded, a mixture of gratitude and shyness in your voice.
"Dad! Tell them how you rescued us from the beach," Chopper asked excitedly, turning to Zoro.
Zoro chuckled and ruffled Chopper's fur affectionately before responding, "Well, it was nothing compared to Y/N's heroic feat. But yeah, I did manage to pull you guys out of that rough current. Just doing my part as a member of this crew."
"And your part as a parent," you added, a soft smile tugging at the corners of your lips.
"Yeah, it was quite an adventure," Zoro said happily, his hand resting on your waist. The warmth of his touch matched the warmth in his smile, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for him.
This moment, surrounded by your newfound family, was a reminder of the bonds that held you all together on this incredible journey. . . .
₊˚ ︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵‿︵‿ ˚₊
"Oh, you see that fire over there?" Zoro asked, pointing in the distance to a wild fire on a burnt down building.
"That's where their base is, or that is where their base used to be," Zoro admitted with pride.
Your eyes widened at Zoro's words, a mix of shock and realization washing over you. So that was the reason behind the fire and destruction - Zoro had single-handedly taken down their base.
"They got a little visit from a certain swordsman-"
You leaned in and pressed your lips against Zoro's, effectively silencing his words. His face turned slightly red, his surprise evident in his eyes.
"My hero," you said, pulling away from the kiss with a playful smile. "I can't believe you took down their entire base. You never cease to amaze me, Zoro."
Zoro's surprise slowly turned into a smirk, and he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer. "Just doing my part," he whispered, his voice filled with affection and pride. . . .
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jadedxhearts · 2 months
𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐋𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐬 - 𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐢 & 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐧
Nami and Robin decide to have some fun with you after getting a little tipsy together. (Descriptions with links to nsfw twitter posts)
Warnings: nsfw, minors dni, female reader, modern setting. And HEAVY warning for the links, as some may or may not auto-play.
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It’s late in the evening, the moon already high in the colorless sky as you sit in the living room of Robin’s apartment. It’s you, her, and another mutual friend- Nami. The three of you are dressed down after a long evening of going out. Nami’s only in her bra and panties, Robin’s wearing a tank-top that reaches her thighs and covers her underclothes, and you’re in a loose tee-shirt with a pair of sleeping shorts underneath.
The TV is noise in the background at this point; not one of you are paying any attention to whatever’s on. How could you possibly do so, when Nami’s sneaking her hand onto your thigh, her soft fingers gently running circles over the plush skin? And then Robin, to your left, brushing a hand through your hair with her fingers sometimes ghosting along your neck, sending shivers through your body. You know what the two of them want to do to you. It’s nothing new.
They’re going to dominate you. You’ll be their little pet, sitting pretty and taking whatever it is they send your way.
And you’ll happily accept it.
It begins with Nami laying on her back on the couch, and you above her, pussy shoved against her face. She’s eating you out, flicking her tongue against your clit throughout it. You’re moshing above her, gripping at the couch’s cushions the entire time. She sucks on your clit, eliciting a pretty whine from your lips, and Nami lets out a pleased hum in return. Eventually, her hand trails down to slide under her panties, and she begins playing with herself. The whole time, Robin’s standing beside the couch, filming the two of you. She says it’s for later, when she misses her “little pet”.
After Nami’s finished with you, they sit you up and both kneel between your knees, taking turns licking you, kissing and sucking your clit and thighs. When you finally cum all over their lips and the couch, the two women start kissing, forcing you to watch, untouched. You whine, beginning to feel impatient. But, they continue on, trying to see how long they can make you go; how much you’ll beg for them to touch you. Eventually, Robin pulls away from Nami, and with a smirk, says “it’s my turn now.”
Robin has you sitting on the floor, a toy between your legs. For the time being, she simply watches from a chair, encouraging you to ride it. As you do so, you moan for her, lifting your hips up and down just as Robin wants. But when you’ve cum twice, you start to feel weak. Your pussy’s throbbing around the toy, and you’re not sure how much longer you can keep up. Robin isn’t pleased with this, and takes hold of you, forcing you to continue riding the toy. She scolds you the entire time, too. Nami watches from the couch, waiting for you to cum once again. And when you do, she jumps up to say, “I think it’s time we reward our little Y/N now, don’t you think?”
Finally, the two women start their real fun with you. They lay you on your back, each taking a position on either end of you. Robin’s wearing a strap, keeping it lined up with your pretty little hole. Nami’s kneeling above you, her cunt hovering inches above your lips. They tease and coo at you, right before Robin thrusts into you, and Nami lowers herself to be sitting on your face, at the same time. Your body shakes as you whine into Nami’s pussy, your cunt clenching around Robin’s strap as she pounds into you. Quickly, all three of you become messes, whining and moaning filling the apartment’s walls. As you lay there, stuck between them, you can’t help but think; you’d like to stay like this forever. As Nami and Robin’s little slut.
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portgasdbru · 1 month
mugiwaras group chat
straw hats x f!reader
cw: comedy/fluff, a little suggestive, kind nsfw? (there's a provocative picture in one of the panels)
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miloonepiece · 1 month
Hi! ≽^•⩊•^≼ C0uld y0u write HC 0f the straw hats with an S/0 wh0 l0vrs t0 c00k? Like s0 much s0 it's their l0ve language? ( t0tally n0t self pr0jecting (。· v ·。) )
|| self projecting is completely allowed here, i totally self project in some of my other writings… but! i hope this is to your liking, i kept it mildly platonic but there is definitely the freedom to imagine it as romantic. if this isn’t exactly what you wanted i can rewrite it or do a more romantic version!!
WARNINGS: nothing but SFW!! gn!reader, mentions of period in namis part, probably OOC for Zoro, platonic but allowed to be seen as romantic, not proof read and probably a little sloppy!! WC: 1050k
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- he loves to eat, so when he finds out that you can cook? you are the first person he goes to for every meal
- he doesn’t care what you cook him, as long as he gets a bunch of it and fast. he’s starving!! (he ate like two minutes ago)
- if you want to try something knew he’s willing to eat it, he’ll even tell you how good it is but you have to take it with a grain of salt cause he finds practically everything you make him delicious
- he also likes to make ideas for things he wants, if he wants something exotic he’ll definitely bring it up in a random conversation to you
- he likes both you and sanjis cooking, but he definitely likes your more. maybe it’s the fact that your cooking isn’t restaurant taught and feels more, home like
- if you are out shopping on an island, to his dismay yet his obvious interest he’ll grab random fruit and ask what kind of meals you can make out of it
- he doesn’t really care, he’s never cared for anything except good combat and shit like that but that doesn’t mean he won’t find it impressive
- and when i say he doesn’t care i mean, he just doesn’t bother to ask. you’ll tell him or cook him something and he’ll say thanks or cool then move on
- but secretly after you tell him you cooked him something he tries to enjoy it a little more than he does Sanjis, i mean you cooked it for HIM he feels pretty flattered
- he’ll also sometimes come into the kitchen to watch you, mostly to see how you use a knife and if you are good with it. like i said, he’s mostly interested in combat.
- he’ll start to buy you knives, he hopes you’ll use them for defense but most the time he finds them hidden somewhere safely or he’ll see you using them to cut up the onions that will be on tonight’s plate
- she thinks it’s cute, especially when you make her something specifically for her. she’ll eat it slowly and make sure to enjoy every little detail that you put into the dish
- if you make her anything orange related you’ll hear constant praises and she’ll tell you how good the dish was then ask for more
- she definitely enjoys sitting in the kitchen while you cook, doodling in her pages of maps but also making sure to keep a look out for good islands that have ingredients you might like
- she doesn’t mind Sanji’s cooking but whenever dinner is served she always asks, when she hears it’s from you she takes her time more than she does with Sanjis.
- when she’s out shopping for herself and she sees something like a little utensil set she’ll snag it then buy it for you, as a random gift because she thought you’d like it
- she definitely comes to you when she’s craving things on her period, if she wants a specific snack she’ll go to you and she’ll watch you intently as you prepare it for her
- he finds it cool! he’ll tell you stories about himself cooking and how amazing of a cook he is but when you offer to cook with him he panics
- he will sit and watch you cook, he will ask random question but most the time he’ll bite his nails to hold back from asking to many. he doesn’t wanna bother you while you cook
- he won’t say it to either you or sanjis face but he definitely likes your cooking more, he’ll tell anybody he meets about sanjis cooking but then immediately bring up how yours is just 10x better
- he’ll ask you about different meals you can make, if you offer to make one he’ll say yes but then immediately feel bad for being a bother to you and distracting you from cooking for the rest of the crew
- but when you do cook for him? it’s like he’s on heaven. like nami and zoro, he takes his time enjoying what you’ve made for him. he doesn’t really look at the details like nami does cause it’s food, he’s hungry but he’ll take his time to enjoy it longer than he normally does
- if you offer to teach him how to cook he’ll say yes, but will apologize every 30 seconds if he messes up or doesn’t follow the correct instructions. he’s not bad at it either… well making toast at least.
- at first he’s intimidated over the fact that someone else on the ship can cook and from what he’s heard, it’s better than his. he’s very cold to you at the beginning before he realizes how much this is just like the baratie
- one day he comes to you and you two talk it out, eventually opting to work together in the kitchen to make meals that make the whole crew happy and sleep well at the end of the night
- sanji won’t admit it but he enjoys having someone in the kitchen, even after preaching that it was his sacred space and no one was allowed there he didn’t mind having you back there
- and when you weren’t there, it was mildly hectic. you always knew how to make the meals feel more special, give it that family and homey feel but he’s stuck in the old restaurant ways
- he’ll cook you something and even when he does he tries to push his limits to make something similar to you, even though he messes up you still enjoy the thought
- when you cook for him it shocks him, he’s not used to being cooked for but when he tries to the food he understands why the rest of the crew says yours simply just… tastes better. he’ll definitely ask you for your secrets, if you have any.
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cyborg-franky · 2 months
Can you make a HC about what they do when Luffy is King of Pirates, the One Piece is found, Mystery of "D" resolved and so on? I mean if they stay Pirates, settle down, marry or do another profession. 👀 When there 35 plus or older. Please with Zoro, Sanji, Law and Kid 😍
Ooooh how fun! I did a bunch of chars including the ones you wanted : D
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Sanji Sanji finds the all blue and makes his own floating restaurant. Luffy always comes to visit and always eats him out of house and home. Sanji has long hair he keeps in a ponytail, and he has a beard he keeps in a braid, just like his old man [Zeff <3] Sanji is tough love with teaching his chefs but they all love and respect him. He’s married to his work and also every pretty person who steps foot in his restaurant. He calls it ‘The All Blue’ and he charges people with alot of money but helps out those in need. Thanks to Luffy being not just the pirate king but also a yonko his place is considered untouchable by the marines and thus everyone can come and eat here fearlessly with no worries. 
Zoro He’s the greatest swordsman in the world. He never leaves Luffy’s side, always sailing the high seas with his captain. When he does eventually settle down he gets married, and everyone is invited, even Sanji. He runs his own dojo now in Kuina’s memory, he teaches kids how to fight. He doesn’t turn away people who are female-bodied/identify as girls because he knows how strong they can be and would never play the sexist card. Everyone who trains with him are equal and valid. He would teach his own children how to fight too. He’s a firm but fair teacher. He still has that short mossy hair of his, maybe he’s got some ink now.
Nami Fame, wealth, power! Some say that’s just for the Pirate king, but Nami would disagree, Nami has everything she’s ever wanted. She sends back loads of money to her home island which have repaired all the damage that the Arlong Pirates ever did. They become a thriving community. She even makes sure there is a lovely orphanage, in memory of Bellmere with orange trees all around where young women can grow and learn skills and become strong and anything they want to be. Nami gets her short hair back.
Robin and Franky Together, but not married. Neither wants to get a piece of government-approved paperwork to say they are married. Robin can piece together all the mysteries of the world, the void century is her’s and she passed on everything she can to her students. She makes sure the next generation of the world will remember everything that happened both good and bad and as long as there are people alive who know what happened, who have seen the devil and god history can avoid repeating itself. Robin has her bangs back, and wears her long, long hair in a braid. 
Franky becomes a teacher himself! He passes on the amazing shipwright skills he learned from Tom to anyone who wants to come and learn from him. Both are a blessing to the generations after. Maybe Franky has toned down his look a little and he’s more like he was in pre-skip? 
Brook Still a hecken popular musician who is going around touring, loved by many, and as long as his music keeps touching people's hearts and he always has fans, he won’t ever truly be alone. He obviously reunites with Laboon too!
Jinbei Retired, living his best life back at Fishman Island, and has a spouse now. He keeps an eye on Fishman island though there is nothing but peace. After all the island and his people are protected by the pirate king himself.
Usopp Usopp goes off and becomes a pirate captain himself! But it doesn’t last very long, it’s just not the same so he retires and goes into writing books. He writes stories of all his fantastic adventures and inspires the hearts and minds of many young people who all want to be pirates. He also takes up art as a more serious profession. He writes and does his own artwork. Usopp’s Fables. Maybe he goes back to his village, him being a famous writer brings good things for the sleepy village.
Chopper Goes back to DRUM and helps the people, bringing back doctors to the island. DRUM once again becomes well known for how amazing its doctors are. He’s a good teacher for those wanting to be in the medical field.
Luffy THE PIRATE KING HIMSELF? Every night is still a party, he only settles down when the last of his crew wants to seek their own fortunes. He visits them all. Spending his time traveling between them and going on adventures. He never truly settles down. Just married to his love of life. 
Law Still a pirate, still with his crew because they are and always will be his family. He did everything he set out to do, take people down, and get revenge, he didn’t ever see his life past Dressrosa to start with so everything is a bonus. The only difference is now the heart pirates have less of a reputation for their captain being scary and cruel but the best place to take anyone with a rare illness. He specializes in learning about them and healing them. Totally rocking more tattoos everywhere and a ponytail maybe. Or an undercut…
Kid IGNORING CANON Him and his crew are still an issue for the world government, even in their 30s, 40s, hell even when they're 70 they are wild and causing chaos all across the world. Kid loses his violent streak and is just out here with his boys having the time of his life. Maybe he has a partner or two, he and Killer going polyam at last.
Marco Marco even at like 80 still looks younger, still a doctor on Sphinx but this time he’s not so honour bound to the memory of Whtiebeard and Ace. He sometimes leaves the island to go on adventures. He visits his partners, finally allowing himself to date again. He becomes a vet as well as a doctor, helping out people on islands he visits while seeing his partners. He’s enjoying his retirement, he has so many people in his life again that it heals his heart. Still, he aches for everything he’s lost, he always will but now he’s not shackled by it.
Sabo Thanks to his efforts and the RA the world is a more equal place, he makes sure of it. Aside from all of that. Maybe Sabo has a partner, maybe he’s allowed himself to have a few kids that he raises to be good and just and to never see the world as black and white but all the greys that the world is built up of. Making sure the next generation has a strong sense of their own justice. Sabo also wrote a huge book documenting Luffy’s travels after listening to his brother tell the stories over and over. The book becomes the legend of the Pirate King. The story inspires another era of pirates.
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jadedchainsaw · 2 months
One piece women if you ask them to peel you an orange/tangerine
Through the good graces of our girl Nami, she let you have one of her precious tangerines, but you don’t want to peel it so instead you go to bug one of your crewmate’s.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Nami, Nico Robin, Vivi, Boa Hancock, Perona
Ngl I think she’d be really offended if you tried to ask her to peel it for you
She’s already given you the tangerine so you’re really pushing your luck
But if Nami really likes you she’s do it for you
It would be super clean, she’d be able to peel it off in one long strip
“There you go, now that’ll be ten thousand beris! 😁✨”
She’d be reading when you asked her
She’ll nod but make two hands appear out of the wall to peel it for you
You can try to start a conversation but she’s too invested in the book to hear you
She’d be telling you about a meeting she had when you ask her if she could peel it for you
Without skipping a beat she’ll peel the orange as she keeps talking, handing you each slice piece by piece
Might accidentally eat a slice if she’s really into what she’s saying
Realized she ate one of your orange slices and apologizes profusely
Boa Hancock:
Yeah, sorry Hancock lovers this woman is absolutely not peeling any fruit
It’s me I’m Hancock lovers
Unless you’re Luffy but internally she’d be grossed out by the feeling of it under her nails
At the very least she’ll have someone else peel if for you (if you’re lucky)
Definitely not happening
You better be super-super-duper cute to even hope that this girl would peel an orange for you
“Oh, what’s this? My hand’s going right through the orange! Oh well, too bad, so sad. Looks like you’ll have to peel it yourself! Horo-horo-horo!”
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