#one piece feels
Training with Zoro P.3 (Eventual Smut) Y/N X Zoro
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🍶 wc: ~3.4k
THIS FUCKIN PLAYLIST is amazing to listen to while reading/writing slow smut im gonna die. I was blushing and not breathing and eyes so wide they were watering because just IMAGINING THIS MAN.
Crossposted from my AO3 work called Zoro Train Me.
Also again- no use of Y/N.
TW's: insecure reader, taking medicine for pain, very sore muscles, reader is oblivious to Zoro's hints.
P.2 P.1
“Oh fuck” you muttered. You’d thought it was only a skin-deep attraction, that he only made you blush because he’s so hot. You looked at Robin in horror, heart racing.
“I-I… I can’t… It’s not just physical” you whispered. She smiled knowingly at you.
“He’s a good man.”
“NOOO Robin! You’re supposed to help me!” you whined pathetically. She giggled at your flushed pout.
“I am helping you. You just realized it was more, right?” You gave her a flat look but gestured for her to continue.
“If it’s more than skin-deep, it’s probably best to let it fade over time. Maybe you can start to see him the same way you see Franky, Usopp, or Luffy. Maybe Sanji, seeing as you seem to bond with him over cooking. Either way…” she looked at you out the corner of her eye. “He’d be lucky to have you.”
A scoff left your throat before you could stop it.
“Me? Yeah fuckin’ right. He’s way out of my league” you muttered quietly. Robin opened her mouth to reply, but Chopper came back, calling your name as he ran towards you.
“I got the medicine and bath salts!” he said excitedly as he produced two pouches. You grinned.
“You’re the best doctor, Doctor Chopper!” you exclaimed in reply. He giggled and blushed, falling into his adorably weird dance while denying he was happy. You watched him a little before interrupting.
“Can I take the medicine now? I’m supposed to stretch and meditate with Zoro after his nap” you asked, opening the pouch of medicine. It contained a few small glass bottles that held a single dose of liquid medicine. He nodded.
“Yeah! He should be waking up soon too! Oh, also, I ran out of an ingredient that needs to ferment for a day, so I gave you extra of the general pain relief. So the muscle-specific pain relief will only be ready about tomorrow night. But I promise it’ll be worth it!”
You smiled at his excitement as you uncorked a small bottle you’d plucked from the pouch. You breathed out, preparing to take the medicine like a shot. You inhaled through your nose as you upended the bottle in your mouth, opening your throat to let the medicine bypass your tongue as soon as possible. You smacked you lips as the bottle left your lips, expecting an unbearably bitter taste. Surprisingly, it was only mildly salty, muddy, and minty. Odd combination, but not horrible.
“Huh. Not bad. When does it kick- ohhh” you interrupted yourself as you went to stand, finding your muscles only mildly sore, instead of agonizing. You jumped a few times.
“Oi! You gotta take it easy, remember? Your muscles aren’t healed yet!” Chopper nagged as he snatched the empty bottle from your hand. You held up your palms in surrender as Robin giggled at your antics.
“Right, Right. You’re the doc. Hey do you know where Zoro is?” you asked the reindeer.
“I saw him at the back of the ship, napping against a railing” he replied. You nodded and called out a thanks over your shoulder as you walked off. You dropped off the medicine and bath salt in your room and brushed your teeth quickly before making your way to the back of the ship, passing by Robin’s flowers. A gleam from above caught your eye, and you smiled as you saw three sword handles glinting in the sun, resting on the banister on top of the bath house. Must be one of his favorite nap spots now.  You knew it wouldn’t be wise to climb up the way you usually did with the way your muscles were, so you decided to wait him out. Hopefully the medicine Chopper gave you would last through the session with Zoro. You climbed on the railing, sitting on it and looking out to sea. Footsteps behind you thudded lightly on the deck.
“Hey! I had a question for you” Usopp said as he hoisted himself on the railing beside you.
“Shoot” you replied, giggling to yourself at your pun at the sniper. He blinked at you before giggling a little himself.
“If you could have a choice of any weapon, what would it be?”
You glanced at him, before sighing as you looked back to the horizon.
“Did Zoro put you up to this?”
“No, no. I just know you’ve been training for hand-to-hand combat, but you don’t have a Devil Fruit power, nor are you insanely powerful like Sanji and Zoro. Nami and I use weapons that suit us, so I was wondering what you think would be a good weapon for you?” He finished his sentence sounding unsure of himself. You chuckled a little.
“I don’t think many people are as strong as those two. They’re pretty special. But a weapon? I’ve never really thought about it. Honestly, I’d almost think a sniper position would be my favorite since I’m not athletic or strong. But considering you’re much better at that than I am, and you’re right alongside everyone else, it’s probably not a practical position for this crew. I know you and Nami have mid-range weapons, right? They can be used at close range but aren’t as effective, and take more skill to be used in long range.”
You could feel Usopp looking at you, surprised.
“Well… mine is ideal for long-range, but you’re right. This crew gets in trouble pretty quick, which means I don’t have time to get to a high position. Wait, how long have you been thinking about this?”
You turned to him, confused.
“Thinking about a weapon?”
He waved his hand in front of his face while shaking his head.
“No no, about how the crew fights”
“Hmmmmm… well, I don’t exactly think about it, it’s more that I just notice things and as I’m rambling it comes together? I don’t know. It just sorta goes on in the back of my mind I guess” you shrugged. Usopp nodded.
“Well, what kind of weapons appeal to you in general?”
You tilted your head, thinking. What weapons appeal to me?
“I guess maybe… daggers? Throwing knives? Projectiles? Maybe something that you aim and shoot? Not guns though.” You shuddered and brushed a finger over your scar before continuing. “I love cooking, so working with knives is familiar to me, but I’m sure I’d be too clumsy and forget which side was the sharp one in the middle of the fight. Though I suppose having a dull side, like Zoro’s swords, would be good. I don’t want to kill anyone. I’m pretty sure I’d like a sort of staff like Nami has, even though I’d have to train with it a lot to not whack myself in the head.”
You shook yourself out of your thoughts and glanced to the side. Usopp seemed to be scheming and planning something in his head.
“What about… a sort of scythe, but the staff end of it can become a sort of small cannon?”
You thought about the idea, liking where  it was going.
“I’m not too sold on the curved blade. I’d probably end up cutting my own head off by accident” you giggled.
“What if the sharp bit was on the outside, so if you hit yourself with it, it would be the dull side?”
You hummed in thought.
“Since we’re talking hypotheticals and daydreams… I think it would be cool if I could press a button or pull a lever or something and it could switch between different types of blades. Like a spear, the backwards scythe thing you mentioned, and maybe a short sword blade? And if I could shoot different types of bombs, like how you have different sorts of ammunition for your slingshot!” you babbled, eyes lighting up in excitement.
“Oooh! What if I could have a blade come out at both ends of the staff? That would be so badass” you sighed. The sound of scribbling met your ears, and you glanced to see your friend desperately scratching something in a small notebook. You leaned over, reading messy writing containing your ideas, plus some additions.
“What’s this one?” you asked, pointing to an unreadable word.
“A shield. You’d probably need one if you need to reload or if you’re facing guns.”
You nodded, liking the idea. The sound of boots thumping loudly on the deck behind you made you turn around. Zoro had awoken from his nap, and had leapt down to approach the pair of you.
“If you’re thinking about a weapon like that, you’ll need more arm strength” he said matter-of-factly. You stuck your tongue out at him.
“Let me dream, Mr. Monster of a Swordsman.”
He scoffed in reply.
“Whatever. Looks like Usopp has your weapons plans started.” 
Usopp cheerfully agreed, jumping off the railing with a quick wave before disappearing- probably to bother Franky with the plans.
“Wait… but I was just daydreaming! That can’t be made!” you exclaimed. Zoro jerked his head in a sign to follow him.
“Franky made this ship and his body, and Usopp made Nami’s weapon. I’m sure they’ll be able to figure it out, and probably add some things to it that you didn’t think about” he replied. You hummed, mind thinking about what the two could possibly accomplish with your idea. Zoro started up the ropes to the Crows Nest, before he stopped and looked down at you.
“Oi. You good? I can carry you up if you want.”
You opened your mouth to respond, when from out of nowhere Robin swept up behind you and spoke for you.
“I believe it would benefit the muscles to not be pushed by climbing up there. Why don’t you carry them, Zoro?”
You whipped your head around, shooting her a look. You heard boots thud next to you as the swordsman jumped down.
“You’re right Robin. Come on. I’ll help you put the muscle cream on before we get started.” A corded arm wrapped around your waist and you let out a squeak, looking desperately at the raven-haired woman who put you in this situation. She sent you a kind smile and waved with her fingers. Zoro picked you up with ease, slinging you over his shoulders so your stomach was meeting the back of his neck, and your crotch was right by his face. His arm was wrapped around your upper thighs, resting just under the curve of your ass. You wiggled, face hot from being in such a compromising position.
“Stop moving or I’ll drop you” he snapped, easily climbing the ropes. As you got higher, your mind started to think less about your uncomfortable position and more about gripping on for dear life.
“If you dropped me from this height, I’d die like a NORMAL person” you muttered as he nearly reached the ladder. His body suddenly jerked, his grip on your thighs loosening for a split second. You squawked, scrabbling for purchase. You ended up basically curled around his head- one arm wrapped around his forehead and the other around his neck, and your legs tightened towards your torso, blocking his view until he yanked your legs back. Heart racing, you hardly noticed his chuckles until he was on the ladder.
“YOU LITTLE SHIT!” you scolded. “I thought I was gonna die!”
His laugh got louder with your complaint, shoulders shaking and jostling your body. You huffed a breath.
“Put me down” you ordered once he was safely in the crows nest. He followed orders without complaint, and as you stood upright, you saw he was still obviously feeling rather pleased with himself for scaring you. You scowled.
“Don’t look at me like that. I’m your teacher, remember?”
“You scared the shit out of me twice already today!”
“Twice? Oh yeah, this morning” a smile erupted on his face at the memory. Your face flushed. Stupid dumb little attractive, hot, smile.
“Yeah. This morning.”
“I didn’t do that one on purpose though.”
“So you admit the one just now was on purpose?”
“Sure. Whatcha gonna do about it? Hit me?” he teased, leaning towards you with his fists on his hips. You narrowed your eyes at him and crossed your arms.
“I will put sand in every single one of your socks” you threatened. He snorted.
“I train all the time without socks. What would that do?”
You grinned evilly.
“Any time you put on your boots? There’s sand in your socks. Every. Single. Time. A slight nuisance that is sure to bring down your day as it wears on you.”
“You’re a petty little shit, aren’t you?”
You chuckled and leaned in closer to him. 
“I got the Great Pirate Hunter Roronoa Zoro to call me a petty little shit? I feel flattered.”
“I never called myself a pirate hunter” he grunted, standing straight again. Your smile died a tiny bit, missing his proximity. Did he back off because of me? Shit, I forgot for a second. I’m not his type. 
“Well, it’s what you’re called. Did you bring the muscle cream?” you asked, disguising your anxious disappointment with curiosity. His gaze swept over the benches as he nodded.
“I keep it up here. I don’t use it much, only when I’m training after a hard fight, or if we’re by a winter island and my muscles won’t warm up fast enough.” He said distractedly. As he spoke, he walked to where he kept his weights, clanking metal around until he found what he was looking for.
“Here” he said, tossing you a small glass jar. You caught it with a small fumble, not realizing how small it was. You noticed fingers and thumb could touch easily when you went to twist open the lid.
“Thanks” you muttered, inspecting the cream. The first thing you noticed was the smell. It was like menthol, mixed with strong cinnamon, and an earthy overtone of other medicinal herbs. You jerked back slightly, not expecting how strong it would smell. Your eyes stung slightly.
“It’s really strong.”
“Yeah, that’s why I was going to show you how much to use. Also, don’t rub your eyes after without washing your hands first if you use that stuff. Trust me” he advised with the sound of experience. You imagined Zoro quietly accepting the pain and eye water after he accidentally rubbed sweat out of his eye after using the muscle cream. You snorted at the image.
“It seems like you’ve had some trouble with that before.”
“Shut up. It was an accident, and Chopper didn’t tell me.”
You smiled, quirking a brow.
“Well? Are you going to show me how much to use?”
“Sure. Take off your pants.” He crossed his arms and looked at you expectantly. Your face burned.
“I-I-I… What?”
“Take off your pants. I need access to your entire leg.”
“Why can’t I just roll them up if you need me to?”
“It can stain your clothes until it’s absorbed completely into the skin, and I need your entire leg. So, take off your pants. Now.”
“Seems a little unfair” you muttered under your breath. Your face felt like it was burning, hands slowly going to the waistband of your cozy pants.
“Unfair? I can take mine off too if that makes you feel better. But I’m not wearing anything under them” he shrugged nonchalantly. You froze, heart beating wildly. Nothing under his pants? Does he mean that is just there? Under those pants?! Hanging out?! You watched with baited breath as his hands rose towards his own waistband. He wouldn’t… would he? I probably wouldn't be able to hide my reaction. I can’t see that yet, or if ever.
“NO!” you accidentally shouted. Zoro froze. You cleared your throat.
“N-no. It’s okay. It’s just for my muscles, right? I’m just… unsure about my body.”
“Unsure?” he echoed.
“Insecure” you clarified. He blinked.
“So? We always judge ourselves the harshest. You’re at the least completely normal. Now pants off so we can get started with you.”
Your face flamed harshly at the combined semi-compliment and innuendo but dropped your waistband from your hips.
“Sit.” He ordered, nodding to a bench. You walked over to it shyly, and he plopped down next to you.
“Leg” he said, patting his lap. Does this man even know what he’s doing to me? You hesitantly raised a leg to drape over his thighs. A warm, calloused palm rested on your shin.
“Pay attention. This is how much you use” he said, dipping two fingers in the jar. The tips came out covered in the clear gel-like cream, jiggling slightly on his fingers with the vibration of his next words “And this what a muscle massage should feel like when overexertion happens” he explained.
Warm hands cupped your ankle and knee, bending your leg so he had better access to your calf. Your breath hitched at the contact.
“Wait!” you squeaked. I must be really hell bent on cockblocking myself you thought, annoyed at your mouth. Zoro paused, looking at you with a raised brow.
“Uh… I took the medicine, right? So would I really be able to feel what it’s like to massage it when the pain is dulled?”
He furrowed his brow in thought.
“It shouldn’t be too different. Really, the aim of this is to increase the blood flow to the area, so when the pain is dulled, it should be easier to accept the harder pressure. Of course, you don’t want to bruise the area, but that shouldn’t be a problem. When the medicine wears off, just massage however feels best, either a harder pressure or a lighter one.”
Shit. There goes my excuse.
“Oh. Okay. G-go ahead then” you muttered. You were sure your blush was prominent, and you self-consciously wrapped your arms around your thigh, determined to focus only on how he was doing the massage and NOT on the growing arousal between your legs. Even though you watched his fingers cup your calf, you still flinched at the cold of the gel. You hissed in a breath through your teeth. Zoro immediately paused, looking at you questioningly.
“It’s cold” you said quickly. He grunted and resumed spreading the gel on the bare skin of your calf gently.
“It’s easier to spread out the stuff first like a lotion. It’s kinda oily, which makes it perfect for massaging” he explained quietly. You hummed, watching raptly as his fingers cupped your calf gently, your mind straying into much less-innocent thoughts. His hands are so warm, I wonder how they’d feel stretching me out. Maybe he’d have me suck on them while he was- STOP. NO. FOCUS.
“Flex your foot up” he instructed. You looked at him questioningly as you did so. He caught your gaze and explained, “I need to know where the most painful parts are first, and it’s a lot easier to do when the muscle is firmer.”
You nodded in understanding, watching his fingers prod over different areas. You winced when he found a particularly sore spot, and his fingers lowered their pressure.
“Relax your foot down” he said, gaze focused on his hands. You followed instructions, a little confused. He began to massage the area that was so sore, having followed the shift of your muscles with his index finger. You flinched and let out a little moan of pain as he dug into the area with a knuckle, dragging it vertically over the area.
“I know. It’ll feel better in a moment. Just gotta get used to it” he muttered.
“Now I really want to kill you” you muttered, flinching slightly again as his knuckle dug into your calf. He snorted.
“Yeah? I could be doing this when you’re standing. That would really hurt” he threatened.
“I think you’d just end up giving me bruises - ow - if you did that” you scoffed.
“Wouldn’t be nearly as fun giving you bruises that way” he muttered under his breath. You looked at him. What on earth did he mean by that?
“What?” you asked. A faint blush tinged Zoro’s cheeks, as if he realized his words were spoken aloud.
“Uh. Sparring. Bruises from sparring” he said hurriedly. You rolled your eyes.
“And here I thought I finally annoyed you enough to want to whack me.”
He gave a particularly hard rub over your calf and you winced with a hiss of pain.
“Not yet” he smirked at you. You stuck your tongue out at him, and he chuckled.
“Flex your foot again. This area is done” he said in lieu of a reply. You sighed. This was going to be long and torturous. Hopefully just like his – STOP. NO.
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skepticoyote · 1 year
auntie coy’s fangirl corner
So recently I’ve been seeing a lot of younger millennial / gen z folks in fandom spaces who have discovered One Piece - and are shipping the characters, writing fanfic, creating beautiful works of art and SHARING them.
One Piece is my oldest fandom. In a lot of ways, it was my first fandom. I couldn’t get any of my adorably awkward anime club pals to read it no matter how much I talked it up. They didn't like the artwork, and I GET that, because it didn't look like any other manga out there at the time. OP is not pretty, and I'm not saying that as a dig to any specific art style but trust me when I say that 99% of the weeb market were going to reach for Inu Yasha over the fuckin rubber kid.
Oda's story has been a huge part of my life since 2005, when I picked up the first volume of this fucking masterpiece. I was in my early 20's and I was real lonely and real broke. Anxiety and adhd made holding down a job almost fuckin impossible because there were days when I could not get myself off the goddamn couch without bursting into tears
But the King of Pirates is the freest man in the world.
You have no idea how badly I wanted to board my ship of dreams with my own set of dear companions and set our course to the end of the world.
To the dawn.
But back in those days, there wasn't an OP fandom like there was for Death Note or Saiyuki (google it kids) so, I didn't really have any one else to gush at about it. There was no one out there on livejournal sharing adorable Sanuso content for my hungry hungry eyeballs. There weren't many artists out there on the English web creating content and sharing the BIG FEELS that this magical world gives us.
There were no longform roleplays set in Oda's universe, there were no fandom OC's  or cute AU's of the Straw Hats as college students
and like
please believe me when I tell you from the bottom of my heart that seeing all of this stuff appear over the past like 3 years is fucking incredible.
One Piece is so fucking important to me. It's even more important to me as a 37 year old woman than it was when I was an angsty 21 year old who could barely afford her own shitty one bedroom apartment
but the things you wonderful people create are like medicine for that 21 year old's wounded soul.
As I am writing this, I am literally full-on ugly crying with the tears and the snot and the drool and everything. I am sobbing because seeing some of the amazing shit that you folks are creating is not only a huge inspiration for me to eventually share my own One Piece brainworms, but my own writing and artwork
my own fucking shitposts that currently exist only as deep-cut inside jokes that my partner I have been giggling about for literally longer than some of you guys have been alive.
And it makes me so fucking happy. It makes my heart full.
I sincerely mean that.
Tl;dr  auntie coy got into the weed again & she is having ALL of the big One Piece feels
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bruhstation · 2 months
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you’re just like the rest of them
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newttxt · 6 months
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leashes for zosan
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jasminebythebay · 5 months
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thank you for your help 💎
By popular demand, this piece is now available as a print! https://jasminebythebay.etsy.com/listing/1707594190
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hhhhunty · 2 months
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How funny that she never considered that.
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ayatou · 9 months
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the strawhats & their dreams
21K notes · View notes
bumbleboa · 4 months
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I saw one scruffy older Cora-san design and had to draw my take on it immediately, with a bonus Law to fill space.
You can say a lot of things about One Piece Odyssey, but it did give us a Law & Cora tag-team fight in which Law shambled to the location of Cora's bullets and that is just objectively cool.
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assiraphales · 3 months
realizing that when ppl say “one piece animation gets good around episode—“ they fail to mention that it also means every girl is given watermelon titties and every trace of skin tone is lightened to the point that PIRATES who spent most their time outside in the SUN look anemic
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hinamie · 22 days
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dead man walking
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How Law Treats Your Depression
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Crossposted from my AO3 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/44915341 
TW’s: SH (not explicit detail, but talked about, and checking the healing of it), mentions of manipulation, depressive thoughts, symptoms of anxiety and depression.
I wrote this when I was goin through a rough patch. No romance exactly, just fluff. It makes me want to cry every time I read it so I’m sorry in advance if it makes you feel the same way.
The symptoms Law lists are from the DSM 5 and my own experiences. 
You raised your hand, shaking from anxious hesitation. The door seemed to loom in front of you, being an impenetrable shield to your glimmer of hope for a cure.
“Oh, are you going to see the captain?” said a voice behind you. You nearly jumped out of your skin, spinning around with your fist still raised. You calmed once you laid eyes on Bepo. You exhaled with a small smile.
“Uh… I... I think…  well, it can wait” you managed to get out, stumbling over your words. Bepo cocked his head.
“It’s okay, Come in with me. I just have a quick question and then you can talk to him.” His wide body was accidentally corralling you towards the door as he knocked twice.
“Come in” said a voice gravely with exhaustion. Bepo smiled at you and gestured for you to open the door. You gulped but followed his silent request. Will Law even help me? I’m not technically part of his crew. Still, he healed Luffy after Marineford. I’m part of the Strawhats and we’re allied but… your anxious thoughts garbled the mundane question and answer that occurred between Bepo and Law, and before you realized it, the bear was leaving the room with a small pat on your shoulder.
“So?” Law said, cocking an eyebrow at you. Your heart thudded.
“Uh… it… It’s not too big of a deal” you began, trying to scramble for words to voice your request.
“But you’re a doctor, right?” you asked. You cringed at the dumb question. This was why you proposed this whole internship in the first place! Sure, learning about the submarine would help your crew eventually somehow, but… you had to follow through on your real reason for coming here.
“Are you feeling okay?” Law asked. There was a tone of professionalism in his voice now, different than the regular voice he used as a captain.
“Yeah I’m fine!” you replied automatically with a forced smile. His brow furrowed.
“Then why do you need a doctor?” he prodded. You swallowed, looking down. Your heart thudded and your stomach dropped.
“If… If I tell you some hypothetical symptoms, would you be able to give m… uh… the patient, a cure?”
He leaned back in his chair, his hands steepled under his chin.
“Maybe. There may not be a cure exactly, but medicine or surgery could help. Or both” he said, shrugging. You didn’t like the gleam in his eye when he mentioned surgery.
“Oh” you muttered disappointedly. Law sighed and gestured to a seat.
“Sit. Tell me about the patient’s hypothetical symptoms.”
You sat stiffly in the chair, bouncing your leg nervously as you steadied your breath.
“Where should I start?” you asked, glancing at the captain. He hummed in thought.
“Start with the physical symptoms. Aching? Discomfort? Sweating? Redness? Exhaustion?” he rattled off easily. You furrowed your brow, thinking. Back to when your symptoms really acted up.
“Um… exhaustion for sure. They sleep a lot, and minor tasks seem to make them tired. Not like physically exerted, but just like they need a break mentally?”
“Any other physical symptoms?”
“Hmmm… does crying count?”
“From physical pain?”
“No… but sometimes it’s accompanied by a fast heartrate and hyperventilating. Oh, and a decreased appetite” you reported factually, gazing upwards as you thought. Law hummed.
“What about mental symptoms?”
“M-mental?” your heart dropped. This was the part you were worried about.
“Mental distress often leads to those physical symptoms.”
You held back a scoff. Mental distress? It’s not that big of a deal.
“Symptoms like what?” you asked quietly. You refused to look at the doctor.
“Low self esteem past the normal amount, feeling like a weight is holding you down, feeling worthless or guilty for things that aren’t your fault, decreased concentration, and loss of interest in things the patient used to like” he listed. He hesitated before he continued in the same even tone “thoughts of hurting themselves or others, and thoughts of killing themselves.”
You flinched at the last two. This guy really does not pull punches when it comes to medical stuff you thought with an internal shudder.
“It sounds way worse when you say it out loud” you muttered under your breath.
“I have a hunch this patient has a combination of two illnesses- depression and anxiety- which are very common together. Should I list the symptoms of anxiety, and you can tell me if it seems to fit?”
You sighed, but nodded.
“Worrying excessively about things and finding it difficult to control the worry, muscle tension, restlessness, easily mentally fatigued, mind going blank or difficulty concentrating, irritability, sleep disturbance…” he listed, trailing off.
“Basically, worry and stress that goes beyond the norms. So, like not about being embarrassed, or away from people, or during a panic attack. Of course, panic disorders are basically part of anxiety disorders and are just an intense episode of an accumulation of different symptoms, which you mentioned with the fast heartrate and hyperventilating. There’s also probably some other symptoms yo- uh- the patient doesn’t notice during the time, or doesn’t know it’s a symptom”
You tried to absorb the onslaught of information thrown your way. You rubbed your temples. Law seemed to notice your struggle.
“I know it’s a lot of information all at once” he said sympathetically. You sighed. There was only one question you had. You looked into the captain’s grey eyes.
“Is there a cure?”
The captain hesitated, but leaned forward in his chair, resting his elbows on his desk and met your gaze resolutely.
Your heart dropped, and your lungs constricted. Your throat burned as you fought back tears.
“There’s no cure, but there’s medicine that can help.”
“Right” you muttered as you stood. You had your answer. You needed to leave.
You paused, hand on the door. You didn’t look back.
“What’s been done to treat it before? It’ll help me narrow down a more effective medicine.”
You huffed, hiding your distraught behind a veil of humor.
“Nothing. Been rawdoggin this bitch the way God intended” you said, keeping your voice light. You heard a snort behind you.
“I’ll give you what I use then. We’ll start with that.”
You froze. I’m not alone? He has it too? You turned slowly in shock. He met your gaze.
“If it doesn’t seem to work, call me, and we’ll try something different. Eventually if we exhaust all the medicine, there is a more radical solution. It’s for treatment resistant forms of depression.” You took a few steps toward him.
“Why do you call it an illness? Aren’t I just weak?”
A small, soft smile escaped Law’s lips as he looked at you in a rare moment of gentleness.
“No. You’re not weak. It has to do with chemicals in your brain. Doctors aren’t exactly sure what triggers it, and it’s usually triggered by different things in different people. But it’s a chemical imbalance that occurs, and the medicine is to help correct that balance. Of course, talking to people is also incredibly important. Have you talked to anyone in your crew about it?”
You shook your head absently, mystified that there was a real reason you felt this way.
“No. They don’t know. They might suspect, but I’ve never said anything. I couldn’t bring myself to tell sweet, innocent Chopper that I wanted to hurt myself on purpose” you said easily.
“Have you?”
You flinched at the question, wrapping your arms around your middle.
“Does it matter?”
You glared at him.
“A little” you finally muttered.
“Does that matter?” you said defensively.
“As your doctor, yes” he said gently. You bit the inside of your lower lip to stop yourself from spouting venom. He’s not attacking you or demanding to know for selfish reasons. He needs to know. You took a deep breath and slunk over to your previous seat to collapse in it. You held your head in your hands.
“I try not to, you know. I resist for as long as possible until I finally can’t find any logic against not doing it” you say eventually.
“How do you do it?” he repeats, softly. You sigh, looking to the side. You tell him. The words just flow out, accompanying the tear tracks down your cheeks in a delicate dance of pain and regret. When you’re done explaining, he stands slowly, approaching you slowly.
“I’m going to check the healing of it. That’s all. I just want to be sure it’s healing properly so you don’t have further issues when you’re better” he said softly, holding out a hand. I wish it didn’t heal you thought before pushing the negativity away.
“You sound so sure I’m going to get better” you said as his hands delicately grazed over the area.
“You will. Maybe not cured, but better.” You hummed, welcoming the companionable silence. A thought occurred to you, and you snorted. Law stepped back and raised a brow.
“Something funny?”
“Isn’t it ironic that the so-called ‘Surgeon of Death’ is helping me with… this?” you said, waving your hand in the air as if to gesture to your mental state. He rolled his eyes.
“Yes, yes. Very funny” he said flatly.
“Well at least I’m that” you teased.
“You’re so much more than that. If you can’t see it, trust those around you to. They see you the same way you see the positives in others” Law said, holding your gaze. You stopped breathing, eyes widened with shock.
“What, have you never had anyone tell you that?” he asked, looking at your expression. He leaned back against his desk, halfway sitting on it as he crossed his arms. You could only shake your head as you remembered to breathe. He grunted.
“Well. Remember it. Come back here same time tomorrow to pick up the medicine too. We’ll talk a little more too.”
You didn’t move, too shook that someone cared about you enough to do this.
“I’m sorry” you whispered. Tears gathered in your eyes again.
“Why?” Law seemed bewildered at the idea.
“I must’ve manipulated you somehow to care about me. To go through this… you don’t have to. It’s okay. I’ll be fine. I’ll live”
“I guarantee I am the last person on this ship you could manipulate” he said. Something warm and slightly heavy plopped on your head. A white hat brim entered your field of vision. You shrunk down further, starting to sob.
“You’re part of my crew, even temporarily. Even if I wasn’t your captain, I’m your doctor. You only told me the symptoms that you hide so well, not even saying at first that it was you who had it. How could you have manipulated me?”
He knelt in front of you, producing a tissue and handing it to you. He rested his hand on your head, securing his hat.
“If you see a good person who’s sick, would you help them if you could?” he asked gently. You nodded slightly, wiping the snot dripping from your nose.
“Then why wouldn’t I help you? You deserve basic human decency and respect, you know. Right now, you’re treating yourself worse than your enemies.” He said softly. Your sobs increased at his words. He sighed.
“C’mere.” He lifted you up bridal style and took your seat, holding you on his lap. You pushed him away.
“Hey. It’s okay. You’re not hurting me. You’re not manipulating me. I’m doing this of my own accord. When’s the last time you had a real hug like this?”
You shuddered in a breath, unable to speak through your sobs. His warm hand rubbed your back, and you let your head fall onto his shoulder.
“T-t-thank… you” you wailed.
“Always” he muttered.
“Are they okay?!” Shachi whisper-yelled as Law passed him the hallway with you cradled in his arms.
“They will be” he replied quietly. He didn’t want to disturb your tear-induced sleep. You looked peaceful, finally. He saw the pain in your eyes, the pain you had inflicted on yourself. Shachi nodded in understanding and continued on his way. Law carried you gently to your bunk and tucked you under the blankets. He removed his hat, knowing it would make you feel guilty if he let you sleep with it. Smoothing stray hair away from your face with his hand, he unthinkingly dropped a gentle kiss on your forehead. A light blush dusted his cheeks with the realization of what he’d done. He stood quickly and walked quietly from your sleeping form.
“Sleep well”
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misslovasstuff · 26 days
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sfordaisy · 5 months
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cowboy ace and his awesome strong annoying epic cowboy brother
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themetalhiro · 2 months
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Obligatory “what if they were evil” sketch
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deep-space-lines · 1 month
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Tumblr shrinks it down pretty bad so please. please. I am begging you. look at the full sized image and zoom in. This art piece made my friends worried for my mental health I need someone to witness the amount of detail and effort I put into this
also the original sketch under the cut bc I think comparing them is really funny
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fulgurbugs · 9 months
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Luffy fan server
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