#once again I don’t mean that as an insult I think it’s very cool
So I started watching The Sandman and literally all I knew going in is that it was based on a comic written by @neil-gaiman
Well I got to episode 5 and uh hey Neil? What the fuck?? You good??? What’s wrong with you, you sick bastard???? Yes the ending was sweet and philosophical and all that but uh… every moment leading up to that??? Again what the fuck????
Nobody warned me.
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Anyways Neil if you’re reading this, I am actually enjoying the series I was just… unprepared to say the least.
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yeowangies · 4 months
PAIRING: Vegeta/Reader RATING: Explicit CONTENTS: Explicit sexual content, Masturbation. WARNINGS: None. WORDCOUNT: 2150
Summary: Vegeta is tired of you teasing and tempting him.
Another thing I wrote to try to get back on track with other writings, and it tured out longer than I expected.
I haven't written anything regarding masturbation and I SO wanted to write this, and I figured Vegeta was the best subject for this! Didn't think this would be over 2k words lmao.
How you found yourself underneath Vegeta after interrupting his training at the gravity chamber was kind of a funny story. Or at least it was looking at it at that moment. 
You didn’t think your little comments affected him so much; not when Bulma said things far cruder and more obscene than you did. You were doing it for the fun of it. Vegeta seemed closed to either obliterating Bulma or fucking her whenever she spoke to him, so whatever came out of your mouth was in no way expecting to end up anywhere with him. Besides, who wouldn’t fuck Bulma, right? She was the epitome of beauty. 
But apparently Vegeta didn’t agree with you, or so it seemed. Not by the way he was looking at you. You were either about to be destroyed, or fucked. Hopefully the latter. 
“You damned woman,” Vegeta spat, with a hand to your shoulder, pushing you against the cool floor, making you wince. “I’m fucking tired of your disgusting comments towards me, and now you come in here, interfering with my training!”
“I literally just came to check if you wanted to eat something…” You rolled your eyes, feigning innocence. 
“Repeat your exact words.” Vegeta pressed with narrowed eyes, digging his fingers harder on your shoulder.
“I go nuts over your candy ass…” You whispered very quietly, not because you were embarrassed, but you knew you’d laugh if you repeated it louder. “It was such an easy joke!”
“Vulgar woman!” Vegeta’s frown got deeper as his face got closer to you, and you shivered once you noticed how mad he truly was. “Vulgar pathetic little woman.”
“Ok, are you gonna keep insulting me?” You glared at him despite your nerves. 
“You deserve far worse.”
“I just said you had a cute butt! Bulma has said worse stuff, so why are you so mad at me?!”
A low growl rumbled deep inside Vegeta’s chest, and for a second you thought that was it, your life was over. But the hand on your shoulder moved swiftly towards your neck, only tightening to make you look at him with eyes wide open, still allowing you to breathe normally. Both of your hands went to grab his forearm on instinct, afraid he was actually going to choke you to death. 
“Do you have any idea what you do to me?” 
“I cannot stand the sight of you!” Vegeta raised his voice as his eyes got significantly darker. “You’re distracting, parading around in the most indecent tiny clothes, and you expect me to remain impassive!”
You arched your eyebrow as he went on; he was talking about the few times you bathed in the pool at Bulma’s house. But you didn’t even remember seeing him around then.
“And now you come in here, disturbing me with your presence-”
“I don’t understand.”
“Are you so dense you don’t speak your own language?” He retorted with a sardonic smirk. 
“You’re such a jerk, no! I mean I don’t get why you’re so pissed! I wasn’t even doing that ‘parading around’ on purpose! And if it bothers you so much, I won’t ever do it again!” You added, though you regretted it immediately. You wanted to use Bulma’s pool as long as it was available. 
Vegeta clicked his tongue in annoyance, averting his eyes for a brief moment before looking back at you. 
“You really are a stupid woman.”
Before you could open your mouth to insult him right back, Vegeta firmly pressed his body to yours, and as he stared into your eyes with a faint blush on his cheeks, you couldn’t help the choked out gasp from leaving your lips. 
He was hard. 
It was difficult not to notice as he pushed his crotch against your lower abdomen for a fleeting moment before pulling back, and curiosity invaded you. Was that why he was so pissed off? You had been unintentionally turning him on? You didn’t think he would pay so much attention to you, especially when you rarely even saw him; he spent most of his time training in the stupid gravity chamber you both were currently at. 
Apparently Vegeta had been looking at you much more than you thought.
“Is this your way of telling me you like me?” You asked, between shy and smug. 
“Like you?” Vegeta frowned, but you noticed how red the tip of his ears were. “Don’t flatter yourself.”
“Yeah, you say that, but you are the one pinning me down and pushing yourself onto me, so.”
The twitch in his eyebrow almost made you laugh if it wasn’t for the intense glare he had in his gaze. 
“You make it impossible for me to focus, your indecency is so disgusting-”
“I’m not even doing anything right now!” His hand around your throat squeezed lightly and swiftly, making you choke on the last syllable. You pouted, trying to push his buttons a little more. “So I make you hard on the regular, why is that bad?”
“Why is that-” Vegeta splurted, embarrassed. 
“Wanna show me?” You smiled, teasingly. 
Your hand on his forearm softly traveled up his arm and down his side, and your grin got wider when you noticed the blush expanding towards his face. Vegeta slapped your hand once it got to his waist and you couldn’t help but giggle. 
“You do not deserve to touch me.” Vegeta stated, still a little red, but obviously frustrated. 
“Maybe I should show you something myself then.”
When your hands slid down your front to grip your shirt, you expected Vegeta to stop you; he had been so scandalized when you tried to touch him that you figured he might prevent you from going further. But to your amusement, his eyes fixated on your moves as you pushed your shirt up until it was bunching up over your chest, presenting your breasts covered with lace. 
At least you put on a nice bra that day.
A sense of superiority washed over you when he didn’t avert his eyes. You didn’t think you would get his attention, but after everything he said you wanted to take a little advantage of him. 
You wanted to see him. 
“You’ve been thinking about me, haven’t you?” You started, looking into his eyes when his gaze met yours again. His eyebrow twitched, but he didn’t reply. “You pictured me underneath you like I am right now, right?”
“You have no idea what I’ve been thinking about.”
“Then tell me.”
You smiled slyly, though Vegeta remained surprisingly impassive. Aside from the blush that still adorned his face. He removed his hand from your neck, and you found that you would have liked it if he kept it there; there was something alluring about it. The fabric of his glove touched the exposed skin of your waist, a very chaste gesture, though his eyes were fixed on your boobs. 
“Do you touch yourself, Vegeta?” You asked when he stayed silent for longer than you expected. You were going to get something out of him, for sure. 
“To my own shame, yes.” He replied, completely serious. You didn’t think he would admit it so easily and without protesting. “More frequently every time you are around.” 
The resentment in his voice only amused you more; who would be so angry because they’re horny?
Probably someone who wasn’t getting laid. 
“You told me not to touch you, but I’m still showing myself to you, Vegeta.”
He didn’t need you to explain what you meant, his gaze growing darker as he took off his glove before pulling his pants down enough to expose his cock. Your eyes immediately darted downwards, looking at his cock with a gleam; he was hard and thick, thicker than you expected when he wrapped his hand around his own erection.
“Are you really offering yourself to me, woman? Are you that obscene?” Vegeta asked, mocking you.
“Vegeta, I’ve been teasing you all this time because you’re hot and I like you.” You looked him in the eye briefly, letting him know you were honest. “Not that you need the ego boost.”
“I could kill you.”
“But you’re touching yourself instead.”
A smirk formed on his face just as he started stroking himself. 
“I suppose I could use you, since you’re so kind to present your body to me like this.” Vegeta said, voice still surprisingly calm even though his moves over his erection were firm. “If you must know, you have been on my mind since I got here.”
Your eyes, that had been focusing on his hand as he masturbated, looked up at him. 
“I pictured you as you are now, completely subdued underneath me, and for once you’re too overwhelmed to even utter one word out of that dirty mouth of yours.”
You rolled your eyes; of course a guy like this would have a thing for control. And you don’t mind submitting every now and then, but not without putting up a little bit of a fight. It simply wasn’t in your nature to be docile. 
But you were currently trying to rile him up more, show yourself off to him so he could see what could be his if he simply made a little effort. So your hands skimmed across your tummy, steadily trailing upwards until you hooked your fingers underneath your bra before slowly lifting it up, your breasts bouncing free right in front of him. The sharp intake of breath Vegeta took was audible as he stared at your chest and it only made your sense of superiority grow larger. 
“You wicked woman…” He said, voice shaky as he picked up the pace, his hand moving in rough, fast tugs. “You’ve been tempting me on purpose this whole time.”
“I don’t know what you mean.” You answered with fake innocence, though you were sincere. 
“Liar.” Vegeta smirked, his breathing turning rugged with each move of his hand over his cock.
When you fixed your gaze on his cock, already leaking precum as his hand worked faster, you couldn’t help but press your thighs together, trying to create a little friction to alleviate your own arousal. Vegeta’s face was twisted, brows furrowed in a different way than usual, and the blush on his cheeks only made him look vulnerable, a contrast to his usual stoic demeanor. It was turning you on so much to see him like that, and the slick sounds produced from his own strokes was just adding fuel to the fire in your loins. 
You wanted to touch him so bad, and when the precum dripped onto your abdomen, you let out a breathy moan. His eyes were on your face, but you could only watch his hand moving firmly over his erection, trying to bring himself to completion, as more drops kept pooling around your belly. He was grunting and groaning surprisingly quietly, and you suspected that’s how he usually did it when he was alone. 
“You’re thinking about fucking me hard and fast, aren’t you? Maybe even using my tits instead of straight up putting it inside me.” You purred, pushing your breasts together, and making his eyes stare directly at your chest. 
“Is that what you want?” Vegeta asked between groans, smiling wickedly. “To be used by me?”
“Only if I get to use you as well.”
Vegeta let out what was probably a snort, attempting to dismiss your comment, but it only came out as a shaky grunt. He was getting louder and if you had to take a guess, he was just a few seconds away from coming. 
Emboldened by the sounds he was making and the expression on his face, you reached down with one of your hands, wrapping it carefully over the one he had around his cock. He didn’t push you away, only groaned, and let you move in sync with him. 
It only took a few harsh strokes to make Vegeta reach his end, and he growled louder and hoarser than ever before as he spilled his cum all over your stomach, a few droplets even reaching your chest, burning up your skin, making you moan. He let go of his cock then, but you didn’t, helping him ride out his high, moving your hand up and down carefully until he stopped leaking. He grunted and gasped, jaw tense and brows furrowed as he tried to catch his breath. 
You thought he was handsome before, but this side of him, the faces he had made the whole time, only made him much enticing, and you couldn’t wait to see more of him.
Vegeta looked at you with eyes still very much dark and clouded, and you could only smile. 
“Wanna know what I’ve been thinking about when I touch myself?” You asked him, hooking your fingers on the waistband of your pants to pull them down along with your completely soaked underwear. 
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beauty-and-passion · 5 months
Lore Olympus: a golden mine of bad writing
As I said, one post wasn’t enough.
There is still a lot to say about this webcomic and in this post I would like to talk about how Zeus, Apollo and Kronos have been treated. Here I will focus on the first two acts only, because the third act is not over, as well as the story. And yes, that means I will write another post when this whole thing is over.
I wanted to focus on these three gods in particular because are treated in a way that baffles me and makes me question what did they ever do to Mrs. Smythe. Tell me, Rachel: was it something personal? Did they do something to your family? What happened?
But maybe you don’t understand my point, especially if you haven’t read the Greek myths at all and you think that these three are just “Unfaithful Guy”, “Rapist” and “Evil Villain Har Har Who Also Wants To Rape”. Seriously, what’s with this weird obsession with raping everyone and with sex? Did Mrs. Smythe ever see anything else in myths, besides sex?
So please, allow me to explain why their characterizations are wrong and boring - and no, not just from a mythological point of view. 
Zeus: the walking clichè
Making Zeus an asshole is understandable, even if utterly boring and clichè. Oh wow, he's an unfaithful husband and he's vain. Very original. Groundbreaking, I'd say. I’ve never read about him being unfaithful to his wife, not even once in all the 200 million retellings made during the history of mankind.
It's a shame because Zeus is much more than that. He's a mighty ruler with a strong sense of justice: in several myths, he punished the assholes for their wrongdoings. He's very clever and strong. He's also associated with xenia, the custom of offering protection to strangers, which means Zeus is also a protector of foreigners.
I mean, this information alone offers so many new perspectives about him! Just imagine if, instead of hanging around and doing nothing useful aside from being everyone’s favorite punching bag, Zeus fought against every corrupt system of the mortal realm, in order to protect the foreigners and the innocents. It would’ve been so cool to see a different side of him, instead of the same thing over and over again!
But nope, Zeus = unfaithful husband only. Let’s ignore all the other aspects of him, to focus on the one everyone focuses on. Let’s make him the umpteenth version of the same guy, instead of offering a new vision. This will surely make the story worth everyone’s time!
Rachel, this could’ve worked if I was 12 and had never read a retelling in my entire life. But since I’m more than twice that age, seeing Zeus as an unfaithful husband again doesn’t get my interest. And I’m sure this doesn’t only apply to me, but to everyone who already saw at least two retellings of him. Isn’t this story supposed to be new and original? Then why are we still picking from the same old clichè visions of these gods? Where is the writer’s personality and ability?
Apollo: king of wasted potentials
I am absolutely, completely, 100% baffled at how Apollo has been treated in this story.
It's insulting to see the most beloved Greek god treated as a bidimensional piece of shit. Not only because he doesn't make any sense in the story (why is he here in the first place? Did Persephone and Apollo even interact in any myth?), but also because there are so many different possibilities for him, that seeing him being this is the biggest waste of potential I’ve ever seen.
A brief recap of who Apollo really is: Apollo is the embodiment of the sun. He is the god of arts and crafts. He's the most beautiful god, he embodies the concept of perfect Greek beauty. And he is associated with a lot of cool stuff, like medicine, truth and oracles. Also, like most of the other Greek gods, Apollo had many male and female lovers.
Now, look me in the eye and tell me that, with all of this, your first idea about him is "yeah, let's make him a stupid rapist, so stupid to not realize that hey, maybe forcing a girl to sleep with you will not make her fall in love with you". Oh and let's not forget he randomly decided he wanted Zeus' throne just after the fertility plot point had been introduced Because Yes. And he’s running for president of Whatever-Land Because Yes. Also, he’s currently involved again in another evil plot Because… yeah, you got it.
It’s just so frustrating to see him being the biggest loser of all time, considering how much cooler he could’ve been. Just think about it: we could've had a bisexual musician, who does concerts with his band (the Muses) and has a shit ton of lovers. We could’ve had a heartbroken doctor, who does his best to save everyone because he has not been able to save his own son from death (Asclepius). We could've had a mysterious advisor who can see the future because of his foresight powers.
What did we get instead? A fucking rapist.
Apollo is nothing but wasted potential. He’s an insult to himself, the story, common sense, and the Greek culture. Of all the incredible things he could've been, he became the most insulting of them all. I really cannot bear to see this fucking idiot and his punching-bag face, pretending to be Apollo. He’s not Apollo.
But if there is a guy I can see less than him, then let me introduce you to…
Kronos: Supreme Master of Wasted Potential
First of all: why is Kronos here? Why does this love story need Persephone to defeat a big bad guy? Just to show how cool and badass she is? Considering that their fight was a joke, it didn't work very well.
But okay, let's say we need a villain Because Yes. Kronos is still a huge waste of potential, probably the biggest waste of potential of the whole series until now. He could’ve been an interesting, multifaceted character, but he became a cartoonish supervillain har-har I want power.
But let’s take a step back and talk about the real, mythological Kronos. His story starts with his parents, Uranus and Gaia. The two had a lot of sons, including Titans (like Kronos) and Hecatonchires (monsters with fifty heads and one hundred arms). Disgusted by their monstrous nature or maybe just out of fear of being overthrown, Uranus chained his sons away into Gaia's womb (aka the Tartarus) so that they could never come out again.
Gaia suffered from this decision, so she devised a plan: she made a stone sickle, gathered her sons and tried to persuade them to castrate Uranus.
All of her sons were afraid of Uranus, Kronos was the only one brave enough to do it. And he was successful: he overthrew his father and became the new ruler of the universe, along with his wife/sister Rhea.
However, after becoming king, he didn't free all of his brothers as his mother wanted, but locked Hecatonchires and Cyclopes away once again. And so, Gaia told him that, one day, he would meet his father’s same fate and be overthrown by one of his own children.
Scared by these words, Kronos devised a plan: every time he had a new child, he took the baby from Rhea and swallowed them. Rhea was desperate and, in order to save her last son Zeus, she sought Gaia's help.
So Rhea gave birth to Zeus in a secret place, then handed Kronos a stone wrapped in clothes: he swallowed it, thinking that it was his son. This way, Zeus managed to escape the same fate as his siblings and was raised in secret, away from his father, until he was old enough to come back and fulfill his destiny.
And now, you may think Zeus overthrew his father with a sword and killed him and nah nah nah, myths are not that stupid and predictable. Zeus didn’t use violence to overthrow his father, but intelligence. He disguised himself to reach Kronos' court and, at the right time, he gave him a drink. That drink was an emetic (given by Gaia), that forced Kronos to throw up everything he swallowed, in reverse order: first the stone he thought was his last son, then Zeus' brothers and sisters.
After freeing his siblings, Zeus did what his father would've never done: he released the Hecatoncheires and the Cyclops to help him in the following battle against Kronos and the other Titans, a battle known as Titanomachy.
The war ended with the victory of the Olympians (i.e. Zeus and his siblings). Many Titans were confined in Tartarus, under the Hecatonchires' control, others were not imprisoned and kept appearing in other myths.
And Kronos? His fate differs depending on the myths. In some versions, he was imprisoned in Tartarus. But according to other, more interesting versions, Zeus forgave him after years, freed him and Kronos became king of the Elysian Fields: the famous earthly paradise reserved for the greatest Greek heroes.
Now. Just look at all of this beautiful, beautiful potential.
We have Gaia, a powerful goddess who overthrew two rulers of the universe, without moving a finger. A goddess strong and clever, but also a mother who wanted all of her children to be free - even the most hideous ones. She could’ve been a tragic figure, a master manipulator, or an evil schemer. Or all these things!
We have the Hecatonchires: fighters so powerful, to turn the tide of any battle. They could’ve been scary and intimidating, but also tragic monsters who just wanted to be accepted. They could’ve taught a beautiful lesson about the importance of accepting the ugly and giving everyone a chance to prove themselves.
Then we have Kronos. And Kronos had everything to be the greatest character.
Think about this concept: Kronos has always been afraid of Uranus, just like his brothers. He was just better at hiding his feelings. And that visceral fear is still inside him, it still haunts him after centuries, just like the memory of how he overthrew his father. And that fear takes the shape of paranoid thoughts about his father coming back to take the throne.
Kronos could’ve seen his father haunting him, but he could’ve also dissociated and seen himself as his father. In his altered state of mind, he could’ve been both the king and the one who overthrows him.
That could’ve made him a truly dangerous, unhinged character. A god who can’t see what’s real anymore, obsessed with the ghosts of his past. A god with nothing to lose and everything to gain. After all, if he kills his children again, the throne would be his once more. And, since he sees himself as himself and as his father at the same time, he would think that he is the "true king" coming back to take his throne.
That could’ve been awesome. Kronos could've been complex, desperate and multifaceted, a villain to pity and to be afraid of. A truly new, interesting version to know and love.
And do you have any idea how incredible Zeus could’ve been in this version? We could see him facing Kronos again, still as strong and determined as when he was young. And while everyone would expect him to kill Kronos, he would use his intelligence once again. He would prove to Kronos (and to everyone else) how intelligence is always superior to violence and how he's a good leader, despite his thousands of flaws.
Also, we could've seen Zeus talking to the defeated Kronos and making him the ruler of the Elysian Fields. We could've had a meaningful ending, in which Zeus understands Kronos' fears and shares his own.
I would’ve adored this, because according to the myth, Zeus was also supposed to be overthrown by a son! Hence why he swallowed Metis (his first wife) while she was pregnant.
The myth never truly clarifies who this supposed "son" is, but according to the different versions, Metis was pregnant not with a son, but with a daughter. A daughter who, one day, would be born, full grown, from Zeus' head. A daughter who would become Zeus' favorite child: Athena.
Honestly? I ADORE the idea that there was never a son to overthrow Zeus, but a daughter. And she would not overthrow his father by violence like her grandfather or by intelligence like her father, but by love. Athena doesn't need to take the throne from her father physically, she doesn't even need to sit on that throne: not when her father loves her more than anything else.
And I love the idea that Zeus is aware of that. He knows his daughter is his weakness. He knows that, if she asks, he will willingly give her that throne, because he loves her too much. And I would've loved to see him sharing these thoughts with the defeated Kronos. It could've been a beautiful moment, to see Zeus talking with the fatherly figure he always missed from his life. It could've led to a beautiful, meaningful ending for a dramatic story.
But can you see the problem here? This concept works for a story about Zeus, not about Hades and Persephone! These two have nothing to do with Kronos! Heck, even Rachel Smythe knows it, considering she had to pull a stupid plot point out of thin air, to explain why Kronos would give a damn about Persephone!
In case you were wondering: yes, the fertility-magical-power-battery-thing is bullshit. Gods don’t need a magical battery to be powerful. And no, fertility goddesses are not rare either: Aphrodite, Demeter, Hera, even Artemis are just a few of the fertility goddesses in Greek mythology. Kronos could’ve picked his favorite from a large pool, instead of becoming an absolute creep with Persephone in the stupidest fight of all time.
And speaking of that, two words on the supposed “fight”. First of all, apologies to all fights for being associated with this thing, because this was anything but a fight: it was a cartoonish conversation accompanied by the umpteenth sexualization of Persephone, who first appeared fully naked, then with a dress so stupid to defy the laws of physics and perspective.
And if you don’t believe me, please see it by yourself: this is how the dress was supposed to be, according to episode 75
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This is how it ended up. Apparently, the Fates didn’t predict how huge Persephone’s boobs would be and the neckline didn’t grow accordingly: I feared to see one of them slipping out from it anytime during the “fight”
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Also, please appreciate how Persephone is turned to the side, but the dress’ stupidly huge neckline is shown from the front, otherwise we would’ve seen her full naked boobs.
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And that stupid neckline kept bothering me throughout the whole “fight”, because it kept changing size. Check the episodes and see it by yourself: sometimes it’s smaller, other times it’s wider and it keeps moving in impossible ways. It drove me insane.
But since we’re talking about drawings, please allow me a very brief parenthesis about them too.
The drawings are a joke
I am not an artist. I can barely draw a straight line by hand. But I studied art history, perspective, proportions and colors, so I’m not completely clueless.
But you don’t need to be clueless, to notice how bad the drawings became. If you have two eyes and saw another human being in your life before, then you can notice by yourself how bad they are.
It’s not a secret that Lore Olympus’ art style changed over time. In the beginning, this comic was characterized by a lot of straight lines and geometric shapes, alternating and mixing with gentle curves. There were blur effects, colored outlines, a lot of details that gave an overall dreamy, ethereal vibe to every chapter (like the soft glow that accompanied the gods).
But as the story progressed, these elements disappeared. The geometric shapes gave way to an overall “softness” and roundness. The dreamy vibes and blur effects were replaced by sharper, clearer drawings. A distinct black outline now marks every character.
And speaking of characters, they were the ones who changed more. Lore Olympus always had funny, silly faces but the characters were also able to be serious and look natural. Now all we have are grotesque faces: the characters are a collection of caricatures and no one has a normal expression anymore. Check by yourself, by confronting a random episode of the third act with the first one: they’re two different worlds.
The disproportions were common too, since episode one. But at least they were somehow plausible, while now they’re completely absurd. It’s as if Mrs Smythe completely forgot what a human being looks like.
And this is pretty evident in how all characters became a rough draft of the two protagonists: all women got Persephone’s face, all men become buff and huge, with wide-ass shoulders and teeny tiny heads. This is particularly obvious at the end of season 2 / start of season 3, when we see some of the funniest images ever, like Hades with a tiny head and shoulders as wide as the entire USA
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Or this hilariously bad image of Zeus with clown shoes and a head as big as his deformed hand.
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No excuse can justify these drawings: no one is running after Mrs Smythe, nor forcing her to draw, and people are paying her real money to work on this webcomic. The least she can do is draw something that doesn’t look like a bad distortion of a human being.
Unless this isn’t her drawing, but her staff’s work. In that case, they are still paid to do their job, right? Or do they think this story is a joke and decide to show how much of a joke it is, by turning everyone into a grotesque caricature?
In conclusion
Lore Olympus is hilarious because of how bad the writing is. It’s a manual example of how not to write a climax for your story. It’s a perfect demonstration of how you can still fail, even with great characters with endless possibilities. It’s a list of all the mistakes you can make as an artist.
If you’re a writer or an artist in general, please check Lore Olympus and study it. Here you will find everything you should never do and all the mistakes you should never make.
As a writer myself, I appreciate Lore Olympus, because I need works that teach me what I shouldn’t do. Good teachers are useful, but bad ones are even more useful, because it’s thanks to them that I can learn and grow and make better stories. Lore Olympus might be a failure from an artistic and writing point of view, but it might also serve as a foundation, from which other people can develop better ideas.
Actually, it already did it! Do you want to read a better story, rose from the disappointing ashes of Lore Olympus? Then check Lore Rekindled and @genericpuff: you will find their work here on Tumblr. They planned everything ahead and it’s pretty clear by reading it. The characters make more sense, the events have a more logical explanation. And the art style is much, much better than the last Lore Olympus.
We will meet again for the third and (for now) final post about this series, a much-needed post about the protagonists of this story: Hades, Persephone and Demeter.
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ode-to-fury · 2 months
By Firelight
Pairing: Gale/Tav (pre relationship denial)
Summary: Gale can’t sleep, and he’s not… happy about Tav being up, but he’s not not happy about it. (I.e. I was trying to practice my showing not telling and I actually quite liked it)
Gale turned over for the upteenth time before huffing out a frustrated breath. Damn his godsforsaken back to the hells. No matter the position he attempted to lie in, something hurt. His bedroll was hardly a bulwark against the cold, hard, frankly unfathomably rocky ground.
He knew in reality it was the orb. It was always the orb. The artifact that Tav had given him had helped. Slightly. Not enough.
His ears were still ringing faintly, and if he lay still too long it felt as though he spun through the space behind his eyes, which reminded him far too much of nights as an apprentice after the Yawning Portal. The muscle spasms hadn’t quite started yet, but they would. He was all too aware they would. His cure was no cure anymore, and it worried him. Greatly.
To add insult to injury, he was perfectly aware he could probably conjure himself a comfortable featherbed.
He was also perfectly aware that such an act would expose him to enthusiastic and earnest ridicule from the rest of their merry little band.
He huffed once more, and decided he would give up for the night and try and read for a while. He grabbed the first book he could find in the darkness of his tent and crawled out through the flap.
It was a dark night tonight. The moon was only a small sliver amongst the stars, and occasional clouds obscured even that faint light.
The fire was crackling merrily, and Tav sat with her back to the stone in the middle of their camp, staring at the dancing flames. There was the small line of a frown between her brows, and Scratch lay with his head pillowed on her lap, her fingers absently scratching behind one upright ear.
He cleared his throat so he wouldn’t startle her, and her grey eyes flicked to him, then back at the fire.
“I was under the impression you’d already taken your watch earlier this evening,” he said.
“Couldn’t sleep,” she replied shortly. “Thought I’d let Wyll get some more rest instead of both of us being awake.”
“Very prudent of you.”
He groaned as he sat down next to her, leaning back against the rock. It was cool, which was soothing against the aching in his back.
She glanced sideways at him, then back at the flames. From here, he could only see one corner of her mouth, a faint scar trailing along her jaw. He found himself wondering how she’d gotten it. Scratch reached out his nose to sniff at Gale’s hand, then, when he had determined there was no immediate threat, returned to being pampered.
He was glad, selfishly, that she had told Wyll to go back to sleep. He… he enjoyed her company. Was glad of it tonight. It seemed to him, no matter how bleak their circumstances appeared to be, when she grinned her crooked grin, that everything would end up perfectly fine.
“What book?” She asked after a while. Gale started slightly, realizing he’d been sitting there with the book unopened for too long.
He cleared his throat.
“A treatise on the crafting of magic shields and the various attributes of each different type,” he said. “I found it in that ruined temple we explored, though I haven’t yet found the time to study it. Of course, there are quite a few thoughts in the school of abjuration on various magic shields and their uses, and then you have the regional differences, I mean- if you’ve ever read a text originating from Amn and the wizards there you’ll find they approach the entire concept differently from even the beginning of spellcasting when compared to here or even Calimshan. Though the Calishite school again has other ideas on the concept but the point I was trying to make is how region and even regional ways of thinking can influence- “
He stopped when he realised she was looking at him with a small smile on her face.
“What?” He asked.
“I don’t know,” she said, jerking her head toward the fire. “I- I suppose I always thought a shield was a shield.”
He laughed.
“Believe me," he said, grinning, “Many an apprentice thought the same thing before our first abjuration lesson at Blackstaff.”
She looked over at him, frowning, then shook her head.
“You’ve never had any instruction?” He asked.
“Would it make a difference?” She asked sharply.
He held up his hands in a placating gesture.
“A simple question. In fact, I think it’s very impressive you’ve managed so much with no education, especially given the volatile nature of your magic. There was one sorcerer in my class at Blackstaff, but he was of a draconic line, and to my understanding their magic is much less erratic than some other origins’.”
She was still frowning at him.
“Sometimes,” she said slowly, “I can’t tell whether you’re giving me a compliment or not.”
He winced.
“I assure you,” he said, somewhat apologetically, “It was intended as one.”
He tried for a sheepish smile.
“I’m afraid I’m out of practice.”
One of her eyebrows lifted.
“At compliments?”
He realised they were moving into dangerous territory, and if she asked any further questions he would not have answers for her. He- he didn’t want to tell her about the orb, or Mystra. Asking for artefacts had already somewhat broken her trust in him.
It was… nice. To have a friend. Besides Tara, of course. Though Tav was much less of a nursemaid than Tara was. Between the two of them he’d never be short on scathing remarks, however. Or stubbornness. For the time being, he would pretend as though he was not a shell of his former self, merely until he had found a different way of sating his arcane hunger. Then he would cease being a burden or a liabillity to her and the others.
“I’ve had… some instruction,” she said, snapping him back tot he present. “Over the years, whenever I liked a spell someone cast, or needed to learn something for survival. Other things just happened naturally, like throwing up a shield the first time an arrow came firing at me.”
He watched as firelight flickered across her face. Her nose was turned upward, and he found himself tracing the slope of it with his eyes.
“And summoning a cow to drop from the sky?”
She tried and failed to hide a grin as she shot him a look. A deep dimple appeared in her cheek. He’d never met anyone with dimples before her. Such an endearingly human imperfection.
“That doesn’t count,” she said. “I didn’t do that on purpose.”
He shook his head.
“It took me two months to work out how to summon a tressym,” he said.
“In this world, Gale, there are people with talent,” she lay a hand on her chest, “And people without.”
She looked at him pointedly, and he burst into laughter.
Again, she watched him with that small smile, and he found himself returning it.
“If it makes you feel any better, my father was livid.”
He shrugged.
“My mother was not much better, but she forgave me eventually, I suppose. And let me keep the tressym.”
She snorted softly.
“Good for you.” Her gaze returned to the flames, and he realised he might have touched on a sensitive subject.
“You still owe me the rest of that story, you know,” he nudged her arm with his elbow, regretted it immediately when she tensed.
“You still owe me that drink to go with it,” she said. He did not miss that she moved away from him slightly.
“I could, ah, read to you,” he found himself saying, if only diffuse the tension he had just created. “If you wish. Though the book may be out of date by several decades, if not centuries, based on the penmanship alone.”
She grimaced, looking over at the book he held as though she was looking at a particularly unpleasant bug.
“A treatise? On magic shields?” She asked.
“Forgive me,” he said, feigning understanding, “I could also explain some of the more foreign concepts, as your lack of education would be a hindrance.”
She rolled her eyes at him, and only the faintest shadow of a dimple showed in her cheek.
“I normally prefer different books.”
“More interesting?”
“More interesting than an ancient academic treatise on shields?” He asked in mock outrage.
She rolled her eyes at him.
“I like adventure stories,” she said finally. “You know, where the valiant prince rescues the maiden in distress, or vanquishes a dragon, or two young lovers have to stand up to their families.”
He grinned.
“You didn’t strike me as the type.”
“No. You seem far too cynical to be caught up in any adventures that are not your own.”
“Well,” she said, shrugging, “Looks can be decieving.”
Her eyes twinkled with mischief as she looked at him, just for a second, and a dimple showed again as she gave him another crooked grin. So different from the cynical adventurer he had met but a week ago.
“I suppose they can be,” he said softly, and found that he was grinning back at her again.
She looked back at the fire, and Gale cleared his throat slightly, feeling suddenly as though he shouldn’t be looking at her at all.
“You can read to me,” she said. “If you’d like. Believe it or not, I like learning. About magic especially.”
She shrugged.
“If anything it will make the time go more quickly.”
So Gale did.
And later, just before dawn, when her head drooped onto his shoulder he told himself he didn’t think much of it, and that she was simply tired.
He let her sleep, however, without complaint, savouring the first friendly touch he’d felt since she’d pulled him from that rock, and realised that he had forgotten to worry about the orb since the moment he’d set eyes on her.
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xxnomadsxx · 4 months
Nomads AU! that before timeline I’ve been procrastinating but now I have to finish…Sorry
Once all the bros (plus Poppy) get on Rhonda Branch immediately regrets coming along. His brothers immediately try to get to know him, which starts out wrong as they ask him a bunch of very personal questions but over the trip he starts to actually get along with his brothers (he could do without the babying) but he starts to relight that hope of getting his brothers back as he and them are getting along!(finally)..until he finds out how Floyd is trapped
He didn’t actually hear the plan on how to save Floyd, all he heard was “Floyd in danger” but now he has to sing?!?! He quickly denies singing and says he will get Floyd out of there and they can sing and save him. The bros are shocked why is Bitty B acting like this he loves to sing. Poppy makes the situation worse because she keeps questioning him on it and why he is grey (and lowkey kinda insulting him) She then says stuff like “your a pop troll you have to sing it’s who you are!!” or “why are you being so grey about this come on can’t you just try and be happy.” The bros don’t interfere in the two fighting as they are talking amongst themselves on what they would do since Branch isn’t going to sing…Eventually they decide “Hey if we practice as a family I bet bitty b will realize how good it is to sing as a family again” then John breaks out the Brozone stuff they get there band gear together…John immediately tries to have Branch wear a diaper and Branch threatens to hit him (yea not the best move Johnny) so the band tries to practice but Branch just sorta sits to the side. Then John stops the song and gets on everyone’s case then complains that branch needs to start singing which Branch denies (this looks bad but to be fair he hasn’t sung in years because of his grandma and him thinking his singing is the reason the band broke up he doesn’t want anyone to leave because of it) Then Clay would speak up call John bossy blah blah blah say branch is scarier and taller now blah blah licensed cpa blah blah then the argument ends with the brothers saying “after we rescue Floyd we go our separate ways” this absolutely smothered whatever hope he had at the brothers coming back in his life. I mean they had the audacity to beg him to perform with them then once he thinks they can be a family again they want to…. TO ABANDON HIM AGAIN!!???!!!?!!! He absolutely loses it on them (rightfully so) they left him and didn’t come back, they left him to die ,they left grandma to die by the very thing he hates, they left him to be outcasted to be forced to fight to SURVIVE every single day, to be scared of EVERYTHING to lead a village to make acts he’s ashamed of… them leaving CAUSED EVERYTHING..when he tells them what he went through that he’s “sorry” he wants his family back the only family he had left and that he honestly whishes they just never showed up on his doorstep, that they should just pretend he is dead like they’ve done for 20 years so he can leave there lives completely…
Branch leaves the bus to get promptly chased down by Poppy (who currently got slapped in the face of reality and how bad Branch’s life is, and currently is having her world shattered that he LIVED IN THE VILLAGE!! And no ever talked about him how he and his suffering was forgotten and ignored by EVERYONE!!) she chases him down asking him if he is ok and Ned’s to talk about it (she’s learning!!!!) Branch immediately tells her to leave just like everyone else has in the past.. and Poppy was surprised by his answer. She said she wouldn’t leave him that she needs to make this right for what her people did and that he needs help to get Floyd. Branch (reluctantly) agrees with her and they go to save Floyd
After they did a bunch of cool breakin stuff they would get to the dressing room lo and behold Floyd!! immediately Branch goes down to greet his brother …….who didn’t recognize him (to be fair Branch looks completely deranged and wildly different) at this point I wouldn’t blame the guy if he just started crying, I mean I would. Poppy trying to fix the situation would tell Floyd it was Branch (who currently look distraught and reeeelllyyy sad) Floyd was shocked to say the least and quickly tried to push down his many MANY burning questions as he tried to hug his brother through the wall separating them, Branch does hug back! but then Velvet and Veneer come in and quickly break up the moment as Branch quickly tackles Poppy off the table swinging them to the vent before they where spotted.
At this point Velvet and Veneer had the brothers and were going to kill them at this rate with how much they were being used! Until- Branch came out of nowhere attacking Velvet (Branch can fight, we know he can fight why didn’t he fight during the actual fight in the movie it was basically a game of keep away!?!?) he would get the diamonds out of Velvet as Poppy and Viva get veneer (I forgot to mention viva showed up) Gristle and Bridget weren’t at the show since the whole Bergen thing hasn’t come up yet sooooo… Anyway Branch knows the only way to save his now dying brother from his diamond cage is to sing so he does for the first time in 20 years he sings so do the rest of the brothers (Branch actually feels happy for the first time in a while) He gets more vibrantly colorful as he sings feeling loved by his family(still grey just lighter) anyway harmony was harmoning and they saved Floyd..,,till he dropped to the ground and looking very translucent. The brothers go to Floyd. Branch confesses that he built the bunker just without the waterslide and Floyd woke up saying “but..how will we shower!” And day saved Booyah!!!
The timeline goes the same as whatever happens after the movie with the nomads au besides a few changes Poppy doesn’t leave Branch alone about singing (he goes immediately back on his vow of not singing) the brothers are very overprotective of Floyd (because he u know.. died!) and now Branch as well (he replaced them twice and has suffered for years because of them they feel pretty bad and try and make up for it anyway they can) Branch went back to the village and has less of a hard time leaving. Overall the rest stays the same.
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trina864 · 1 year
Distance between us | KTH - Requested
Summery: Your insecurities rise as your boyfriend becomes more and more distant. Maybe he just needs some space? Paring: Boyfriend!Kim Taehyung x Reader Genre: Fanfiction, Romance || Angst, fluff. | est relationship Word Count: 2.6 k Warning: Little angsty, insecurities about the relationship. ‣ A/N: My first request, let's see how this goes, hope you like it (:
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Your beating heart would always no matter what beat just a tad bit faster whenever your boyfriend walked past you.
His brown eyes the worlds prettiest art in your opinion. You just loved how they always looked at everything with a new take. He saw the world through another filter, which you deeply loved.
Yet it seemed that same eyes never looked to long in your direction.
You had tried everything there was to try in the ‘how to be a good girlfriend’ book and it didn’t work.
You had tried cooking his favorite dishes, get him to talk about his hobbies, Hell! you even tried dressing up! Dressing in a floral dress which you knew Taehyung would like even though you didn’t like it on your body.
He was still not communicating with you.
And you felt it, each late afternoon when he got home from work whereas you had been home studying for your final year in university. He never greeted you like you greeted him. He always walked past you right into your shared bedroom where he would sleep with his back facing you.
You’ll admit that Taehyung hasn’t always been the most clingy boyfriend or most talkative guy, but it had gotten worse over time.
And now you had reached a point where you were starting to doubt if he even loved you.
Over the phone:
“I just don’t know what to do anymore Jimin, he’s always so cold, he never says anything always just walks past me as if I’m not here.”
- “Y/N, listen to me. Taehyung loves you, trust me. It’s probably just work, you know he takes his photography very seriously.”
“But still Jimin... What if I did something wrong? Maybe I insulted him in some way? Or what if- what if he doesn’t love me anymore?” You voice quivered into the phone making the man on the other side sigh.
- “Y/n just trust me okay? Taehyung does love you. I’m sure he didn’t mean to seem distant. Just go talk to him instead of ranting to me.”
Were you ranting? Was Jimin being tired of you too? You’re sure Jimin didn’t mean it like that, yet in your already vulnerable state you couldn’t help the thought going through your head.
“Yea you’re right Jimin, I’ll go now. See you later.” And you ended the call before he could answer back.
You were sitting in yours and Taes blue couch, a Kdrama in the background and the plush blanket your mother had gifted you in your lap.
Old pictures of you and Taehyung decorated the soft green walls of your apartment. You two looked so happy on those old photos, just like every new couple who were still in that puppy love phase.
You were all finished with your studies for the day so that gave you lots of time to overthink every little thing.
Taehyung and you met each other back in high school. You had seen him at a party and in your drunken confidence walked up to him and gotten his number.
The next day you had invited him to a coffee date where you discovered that he didn't even like coffee.
That seemed like it was decades ago.
You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard the door open and a tired Taehyung came in.
“You’re home early.” You stated with a smile as you pulled the blanket off your lap and got up to greet him.
“Mhm. Got done early.” He said not looking at you and walked past your outstretched arms.
You wanted to cry as you were left in a puddle of your own loneliness, but you kept it cool.
“What do you want for dinner? I was thinking an easy kimchi ste-“ you started and turned back to your boyfriend, but Taehyung interrupted you.
“Don’t bother, I’ll just take an instant ramen." He said and went to the kitchen leaving you with sunken shoulders once again.
You sat down, wrapping the soft blanket even closer to your body in an attempt to comfort yourself. It worked in some sense, yet it would have been so much better with your boyfriends strong arms around you and his fingers tracing your arms.
The drama in front of you was at this point only confusing you with all the missing things you hadn't watched.
You could hear Taehyung mumble to himself from the kitchen. You stood up and walked towards the kitchen, you didn't like being alone.
It the relationship you had always been the clingy one, it was often you who started conversations or kissed him. Whenever he started something you would jump in excitement.
Were you truly getting to clingy for him? Maybe he was suffocating in the relationship. That was the last thing you wanted.
When you reached the small kitchen you immediately went to Taehyung back-hugging him. He didn't lean into you, he didn't shake you away, there was just no reaction from him.
You let go and walked in front of him placing yourself in between him and the kitchen counter.
Taehyung was looking down at his phone with a deep frown placed between his eyebrows, and his jaw scrunched in a tight hold. It was clear that he was angry.
You softly tickled him with a chuckle trying to cheer him up, but he wafted you away without looking up from that damn phone. You both heard the ding from the kettle - this time with Taehyung looking up and walking over to his food.
And then again he left you as he had finished the making of his food.
It was certain now. He was really showing you every sign there was to show, he didn't want to be with you. He didn’t even try to hide the obvious.
You didn't know what to do with this information. You couldn't give up on your relationship, you simply loved him too much and was way to selfish for that.
But staying like this was too hurtful. Your heart couldn't take any more rejections.
Then an idea popped into your head. If Taehyung really was strangled by your clingy behavior then you would have to give him space.
Maybe with space he would come back to himself. And with that thought in mind you made a rule for yourself. You couldn't be as touchy and sticky as you have been, Tae needed air to breathe, and you would give him the air.
Days later nothing had changed between you two. There was still a growing distance, as the earth sliding away from the sun.
You had really tried your hardest to give your boyfriend the space he needed. You stopped texting him every minute and stopped jumping onto him whenever you saw him.
It didn't seem to work, you doubted he even noticed your attempts at making things work out.
Taehyung had in fact noticed your change in behavior. You didn't greet him when he came home from work, never asked what he wanted to eat, and you didn't hug or kiss him as much.
He wondered what had happened since you stopped. Yet he had a feeling it was his fault. Taehyung had never been as good as you to express his feelings - he knew that.
But he had never thought that his lack of expression would make you turn into exactly that - expressionless.
He didn't like the way your relationship were going, or how you were starting to change yourself. He knew it was his fault, yet he didn't know what he could do to get you back to yourself.
Currently you two were sat on each side of the couch seeing some drama you had put on before he came home. It wasn't awkward between you, yet it wasn't comfortable either.
Once again his phone buzzed, and you watched as a new deep frown was put on his face.
The next few days was the same. That weird atmosphere in the air between you.
Taehyung now really missed the old you. There was no light to his day if he didn't have your hugs to look forward to, or your concern for him, or your resecuring smiles.
He wanted you to tell him it was okay, that everything would be good.
Taehyung was the only one of you with an income at the moment which he didn't have any problem with, he knew it was hard to finish university, he could see that on the bags under your eyes.
But sometimes he was really stressed knowing he was responsible if the rent wasn't paid. Or if there wasn't food on the table.
At the same time there was so much drama at his work. There was a new boss who was a pain in the ass, always trying to tell him how to take his pictures, and always trying to make him work when he was officially off.
That was why he just wanted to come home to your hugs. To your beautiful soul pulling him into the universe called you.
You on the other hand was almost dying by the hand of your own doubt. Was he really done with you? He hadn't done anything to get your attention, you don't even think he noticed how you tried to please him.
Tonight you had gone to bed early. You couldn't stop thinking about Taehyung.
Why was it so hard for you when you were partners? It shouldn't be like this.
Maybe he just wanted to end it, but was pitying you to much to actually do it.
With these thoughts running around in your head you were so certain that they were true when you heard Taehyungs voice for what felt like the first time in months.
"Y/N... We need to talk." He spoke softly as you turned around to face him and sat up on the bed.
You couldn't look up in his eyes, not when you knew he was annoyed by you and wanted to end your relationship, not when your own eyes were filled with emotions you'd rather want saved for yourself.
"W- what do you wanna talk about?" You stammered out playing with your fingers.
You could feel and hear him walk closer to the bed. He sat down in front of you on the purple bed covers.
"Y/N, look at me plea- please." His voice broke making your eyes turn upwards to look at him.
When you saw his eyes too filled with emotions you wanted to cry out. For the first time in a while you could read him, you could make out his words without him having to tell you.
His fingers sneaked over your hands and took them into a tight hold.
"We need to talk about us." He said immediately causing anxiety to rush through your blood.
"U- us? What do you mean?" You didn't want to make assumptions, but it sounded just like what you had feared these past few days.
You looked down once again, this time with your eyes retreating with tears in them. You really didn't want to lose Taehyung. He was the star showing you the way, without him there was nothing.
Taehyung even though a little withdrawn had always been a big support, always telling you to go for what you wanted. It was his fault that you hadn't ended up working on a tankstation, but actually found something to do with your life.
"I mean that there's been this t-tension between us, a- and I feel like that's my fault." He said which made you look up.
When he saw the tears in your eyes he understood that it defiantly was his fault. As if second nature he moved closer to you and took your frame into his strong hold.
It only caused more tears to fall when he finally showed the emotions you had been longing for. Finally there was comfort from your boyfriend.
"I- it's not your fault Taehyung. I k-know that you're not t- too fond of deep emotions and I've b- been too clingy.-" Your sobbing voice stopped when you were interrupted by Taehyung.
"Y/n stop. You have never been too clingy, I've been too distant, and I'm sorry. I never meant to make you doubt yourself. Y/N, your hugs, your greetings, everything you do is the things that keeps me going." He expressed making you fall silent in his arms, listening to him as he caressed the soft crown of your head.
"I've never been good with feelings, or with expressing them. But I do know that the feelings I feel towards you is the strongest and best things I've ever felt. Please, don't distance yourself from me." There was a new desperation in his voice, which you hadn't heard from him before. Yet it was nice to know that it existed.
"Tae... I only distanced myself because I thought that was what you would want." You admitted softly smiling as you suddenly realized that everything was going to be okay.
"Now why would you do that? I need you as you are! Nothing less." He laughed softly stroking your hair.
"It was just... You stopped hugging me back and whenever I would ask what you wanted to eat you would take an instant ramen instead. It hurt. So I thought you needed some space." You said as you could feel Taehyung slow his movements.
He didn't look at you knowing you were right, he had been more distant that usually, but he never realized it himself. He couldn't believe how stupid he had been for taking your care for granted.
"I'm sorry Y/N. I don't know why I've been so distant, I think it could be because of work, I have this new boss and he's so awful. Whenever I came home I was still too angry to hug you and I didn't want to burden you with making food to me when you've been studying." He explained.
You looked up at him with serious eyes hugging his arms closer to you and falling back into his stomach.
"Tae you need to say things like that! I'm your girlfriend, if you wanna rant to be about your shitty boss then you do that! Don't think too much about my studies, I'm home all day anyways so my life gets quite boring, I could use the drama." You scolded with a smile on your face, a smile which was contagious as Taehyung too softly laughed pulling both of you down to the soft mattress.
"Besides I love cooking for you. Don't think it's a burden for me, I really-... do enjoy it." You said a yawn rudely interrupting you.
Taehyung scoffed looking down at your form.
"Tired?" He asked as he tangled his legs with yours. You would've made a big thing out of it, if you weren't so tired.
"Yeah..." You said your eyes softly closing and opening.
"Nap-time?" His voice dropped a few octaves only lulling your further into dreamland, with him being the main character in your world.
"Mhm... sounds like the perfect idea."
You felt his arms letting go only to pull the plushy covers over you and himself, when they again found their spot on your waist he pulled you closer burring his head into your neck.
It would have surprised you how touchy he was, normally you would be doing these things, but you were too tired, too worn out by the rush of anxiety you had felt during yours and Taehyungs conversation to notice the surprise.
Fairly before your eyes closed and your mind wandered off you heard Taehyungs soft whispers.
"Sorry I was so distant, I love you Y/N."
And then you fell into dreamland, in your boyfriends embrace, with his words echoing as a sweet melody.
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scary-tingz · 8 months
Slashers + Their Merchandise
A/N: Spirit Halloween is finally back.. and of course I needed to go for my costume and obligatory mug. Here’s the slashers and their thoughts on a reader who collects their merchandise.
Slashers Included: Michael Myers (any), Bubba Sawyer, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Ghostface, Chucky
Warnings/Tags: SFW, can be interpreted as romantic or platonic, regular reader and victim reader included
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Michael Myers
If there’s one thing every Myers has in common, it’s ego.
Michael has already made up his mind, he’s going to allow you to live and accept you as his own, so whether or not you’re a fan is of no concern to him…
But it does feel nice. To be recognized, praised, admired even.
He can’t help but feel a fondness towards your little hobby of collecting merch of his, even if it is silly stuff like mugs with his face on them. To him, it only cements your loyalty and reaffirms his belief that he’s a great killer. I mean, you have to kill a lot to get your own merchandise and tourist based knickknacks, right?
He may feel a little jealous if you collect merch for other slashers though. Don’t be surprised if you find your Freddy fedora in the trash or something like that.
If he were to pursue you as an unlucky victim only to find out you were a fan, he wouldn’t spare you but he’d try to make your death special in some way. He has his reasons for killing you, but that doesn’t mean he won’t give a fan a proper show…
Bubba Sawyer (and co.)
Bubba likely didn’t even know about their merch at first, and doesn’t really know what to make of it.
They respect it as a cool little hobby of yours, thinks it’s sweet that you’d show interest in the things he does.
Chop Top and Nubs get a real hoot out of it, they probably sell Bubs on the idea of the merch since she values family so much. Anything her brothers are so fond of must be good, right?
Drayton likely isn’t a fan. The fact that the murders are well known enough to become a local story with souvenirs and everything makes him even more paranoid than before, so I doubt he approves.
That doesn’t mean you won’t catch Bubba wearing one of those “I Saw Texas” shirts on laundry day though.
Killing a fan would likely make him very sad though. An outsider who actually likes him is something he never thought possible, so once again Bubs is forced to kill his only connection to a person from the outside world… He’ll try to be merciful.
Freddy Krueger
If you think Michael is full of himself, you haven’t met Freddy. Myers seems humble in comparison.
He will actively complain if you buy merch for other slashers instead of his, if you don’t have a shrine before October is out you’re doing something wrong!
I’m sure somewhere in his own little realm he has a museum dedicated to himself, and he’d gladly let you borrow an old little number of his to wear as a costume.
Will 100% call you basic for buying anything Haddonfield related but the ultimate sin is buying anything Jason or Camp Crystal Lake themed.
He was already salty that you were looking at other slashers, but JASON?! He’ll get you for that one, and your little dog too!
If you’re already a victim and he finds out you’re a fan of his work, it adds an extra layer of sick pleasure to the killing. What better way to snuff out a fan than to kill them himself? You like his murders so much, fine, he’ll murder you.
Jason Voorhees
Confused at first. There’s this mug in his cabinet all of the sudden that looks just like him, when the hell did that happen? Maybe you got a new skill and made it, impressive. Then he sees hockey jerseys with his mask on them, big goofy plastic machetes just like his… Where the hell is all this coming from?
He asks you about it and when you tell him there’s a store that sells things with his likeness he doesn’t know how to feel. Flattered? Insulted? Undeserving?
He’s still not sure, but seeing you enjoy yourself while putting the items to good use makes him happy… So he accepts it.
Jason would likely spare an average fan outside of his camp, especially if you’re younger and see him as an icon for the misunderstood. But if you’re an obsessive fan, willfully encroaching on his territory in search of relics or sightings, he’ll kill you. It crosses a line into disrespectful territory in his eyes, as he’s very sensitive about his past.
You really know how to get on his good side, don’t you?
Every Ghostface is an egotistical megalomaniac, and you being a fan just makes it so, so much worse.
Especially if you guys are living together and/or know each other outside of his life of crime… Bonus points if you’re unaware of that fact, excitedly showing him a piece of merch you paid way too much for while he smiles down at you. How cute.
It motivates him to add a bit more panache to his killings this year, maybe he’ll even write a little message to the fans in the victim’s blood… Though it’s clearly meant for you.
He will definitely collect merch for other slashers with you, he probably already has a sizable collection himself! He harbors no jealousy towards the classic slashers, only admiration. Newer slashers though… He might have a little competition with.
The classics are classic for a reason, you know… They just don’t do it like they used to, only he can truly capture the art of killing!
He finds it hilarious but will constantly complain about how it doesn’t capture his likeness well enough, like a Flynn Rider poster situation.
He will definitely bully you about it but will also get upset if you stop collecting because of his teasing, so don’t mind him!
Tiffany loves it though, thinks it’s the cutest thing how much you admire them. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s been collecting Chucky’s merch for a while now, but it’s hard to keep the collection updated when she’s always moving.
Despite his complaining, you can and will find him drinking his morning coffee out of a mug shaped like his head.
If you find a shirt his size he might wear it if he’s going undercover, just for the sake of irony.
Tiff loves those Good Guy sweaters you find at Spirit Halloween, and those stupid lil knife purses too! She’d wear those things year round if she could.
Chuck would definitely wear a Tiffany costume if he was in a femme body, but aggressively refuses otherwise. He thinks it’s not hot if he’s a dude.
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simplynotcapable · 2 months
i’ve had someone counter my “aegon loves his brother” argument with a reminder about aegon arranging the whore when aemond is thirteen, and i am SO GLAD you brought this up and let me explain why i think this proves my point even more
first, as a preface: aemond was, inarguably, assaulted. i’ve seen people who theorize he was forced, i’ve seen people who think aegon convinced him, i’ve seen people argue that he probably just went along to look cool to his big brother. that’s irrelevant. he was a thirteen year old child, the whore was a grown woman, it was arranged by his older brother who should have been protecting him. he was a child. this was assault. aegon is 100% in the wrong here, what he did to his brother is horrific and twisted.
now, moving on: i do not think aegon did this to aemond with any intention of malice. i do not think he considers what he did wrong, i do not think he saw it as a prank (not in the same way the pink dread was, anyway) or a cruelty.
i think it’s more proof that aegon has a twisted relationship with love and so, in trying to show his love, it comes out cruel.
now, aemond loses his eye at ten in the book. in the show, it’s a little more ambiguous? we don’t have numbers really, so it’s difficult to say. but if we’re going off leo ashton’s age and the appearances of the characters, aemond is around 12-13 when he loses his eye.
you could argue the brothel happened BEFORE driftmark, but based off aegon and aemond’s interactions at the funeral and the prostitute’s lack of reaction to aemond’s missing eye, i would definitely say it happened afterwards.
which means, when aegon takes aemond to the brothel, he has just freshly lost his eye.
aegon takes his freshly mutilated baby brother into the depths of the city and buys him a night with a whore, though aemond is a child and (we can assume from the severity of his reaction when seeing her again) was not fucking on board with this plan at all. he says “time to get it wet”, which can easily be read as a mocking “lol ur a virgin” type insult.
that is not how i see it, and i do not think that’s how aegon sees it (unless we ever see him address this i doubt we’ll ever know, so granted this is also mostly my interpretation of his character)
aegon turned to debauchery at a very young age to escape his world: the pressure from his mother, the fear of rhaenyra, the lack of control over his own life, his absent father. his coping mechanism for everything bad in his life is pumping himself full of alcohol and engaging in risky sexual behaviors.
aemond just had his eye torn out by boys that he and aegon have been raised to believe are bastards whose mother will have them killed. they watched their mother go apeshit, and they watched their father not punish luke. rhaenyra called for aemond to be tortured. aemond is never going to get his eye back and recovering from losing an eye is HELL.
and so aegon sees all these terrible things and offers aemond a coping mechanism. his coping mechnism. “this terrible thing happened to you, and i avoid terrible things with this, so here. here, you can use this, too. here, it doesn’t take it away but you forget it for awhile. here, here, here, look, see, isn’t this better than letting yourself feel it?”
now, none of this is to say it didn’t BECOME one of aegon’s intentional cruelties once they got there. i’m sure if aemond let himself be visibly uncomfortable or tried to argue, aegon very quickly fell back into bullying asshole mode—maybe even worse than usual because he feels aemond is slighting him. but i don’t think any of it was initially rooted in a desire to hurt aemond or humiliate him in any way.
aegon was a little boy who grew up too quickly in some ways and never grew up at all in others, and he tried to drag aemond down that same path because he truly, genuinely sees nothing wrong with the choices he’s made and who he’s become. he started having sex and drinking at a young age, why shouldn’t aemond do the same? it makes him feel better, so why wouldn’t it help aemond?
aegon loves his brother. i think he did this BECAUSE he loves his brother.
i just also think that aegon’s idea of love is so warped that the consequences of him trying to show it are almost always disastrous, and he doesn’t seem to think of how his actions will endanger those around him.
case in point: his little brother being deeply affected/traumatized by an assault that he is not likely to ever truly get over—but aemond’s feelings about this entire thing and how i genuinely believe it’s the partial cause of his later proclivities is an entirely separate conversation.
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wol-fica · 1 year
《𝓟𝓾𝓻𝓰𝓪𝓽𝓸𝓻𝔂》 - Chapter I
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summary - a new semester has dawned on wednesday, bringing new people and new feelings with it warnings - lil bit of xavier hate 🤷 an - welcome to chapter I, let’s get this shit —————————
Wonder is a very useful word, it can be wound into almost anything. You can call someone or something wonderful, alluding to them being nice. You can also say something is wonderous, which would mean you would see something as interesting or complex. Now as normal, you can also just wonder; to think and imagine.
Currently right now, Wednesday is wondering how she is in the predicament of her younger brother Pugsley squeezing the life out of her. He always was the hugging type, just not this extreme.
As of the moment, her family was stationed outside the large burgundy doors of Nevermore school as they sent Wednesday off for a new semester of learning useless information to “guide her in life”. Her father, doting as always, stood by her mother while giving her the ever-so-usual heart eyes. That was one thing Wednesday vowed to never do; fall in love.
“Pugsley, let go of your sister before you flush her face with color.” Morticia mused, waving him back.
“My little viper, we will miss you so much.” Gomez sighed, giving Wednesday a gentle hug after cupping her face.
“Likewise.” Wednesday droned out, keeping a close eye on the doors in case someone stumbles outside to witness her sappy family.
“We shall see her in due time, four months correct?” Morticia asked Wednesday as she clasped her hands together.
“Well then, have a wonderful time darling.” She said before heading to the car, Gomez and Pugsley on her tail. 
“Wonderful is an interesting word for sending me into purgatory…” Wednesday muttered before turning around sharply to head inside.
Once she pushed the large doors open and made it inside, she started on her direct path to her dormitory. Footsteps echoed harshly against the cool-tiled floor as Wednesday walked, giving harsh glares to anyone who spared her a glance. 
The semester wouldn’t be starting for another two weeks, but she decided she wanted to be early as to settle in and have time with her group before classes overwhelmed them all. If she had chosen to wait, she would sure be bombarded with people in her face and questions all around about the events of the past school year. 
Even though Crackstone had been defeated, Wednesday still had a feeling of uncertainty in the back of her brain. His demise was too easy, to say the least, and it was perplexing to her that the so-called “battle” didn’t last that long. Tyler has been missing recently; he had broken out of his imprisonment and whisked Thornhill away with him, so who knows of their whereabouts. 
Her thoughts had overcome her senses so much that she didn’t even realize she made it to her dorm. The familiar dark oak wood door welcomed her with open arms as she made her entrance into Ophelia Hall’s glorious expanse. The scent of taxidermy remnants and aggressive vanilla perfume practically slapped her in the face, causing her to stop abruptly in disgust. 
Wednesday turned her head to the left to see a colorful mass running straight towards her. Enid engulfed her in a hug, jumping up and down in excitement of seeing her roommate.
“I didn’t know you would be here early!” Enid squealed, squeezing the life out of Wednesday’s midsection.
“Enid, let go.” Wednesday growled, trying ever so hard to keep her composure.
Enid pulled back, keeping her hands on Wednesday’s shoulders, and seemed to look her up and down in surprise, “You grew! What are you, 5,6?”
“5,3.” Wednesday corrected, wiggling away to head to her side of the room for unpacking, “Still shorter than you.”
“Don’t be such a grump about your height; people like small…er…people!” 
Wednesday suppressed an insult, knowing that Enid wouldn’t take it seriously, and instead opted for an eye roll. Living with her again will be a wild ride, to say the least.
The quad was alive with noise when Wednesday arrived to meet up with her friends for a nice trip to Jericho. Students wandered about, smiling at old friends and greeting new ones with the same forwardness. There were only about twenty or so people in the area, as school wouldn’t be starting for a while and some believed that they should arrive at the very last second. 
Wednesday grimaced at a couple making out as she walked by, mentally noting to never fall in love while she is alive. She glanced around, searching for some familiar faces, and spotted Enid with Ajax, Bianca, Yoko, and Xavier. 
Xavier. The names rolled off her tongue with distaste. As much as she did care for him and found his brave act of archery very noble, she did not care for his flirtatious antics, at all. As most men go, he was as stubborn as a blunt stick and as persistent as a sea otter in heat. The way his arm would casually drape over her shoulder, or how his hand wound up always brushing Wednesday’s; at that point she was mildly uncomfortable. And not in a good way.
“Wednesday! It’s nice to see you again.” Bianca sneered playfully, clearly faking a rivalry.
“You finally decided to show.” Xavier smiled, pulling Wednesday in for a quick hug, in which his hands went an inch too low for Wednesday’s comfort, “It’s good to see you.” 
“Likewise.” She droned, stepping back and giving the group an exceptionally dry stare, “Can we go now?”
Everyone nodded, grabbing their things before heading out of the quad and down to the gate where their shuttle was waiting. The ride was quick and quiet, most everyone just enjoying the calmness. Once they stepped off of the bus though, they were bombarded with sound and an exceptionally aggressive mob surrounding outside of the Weathervane.
“Go back to the forest!”
“You’re a curse!”
Wednesday wrinkled her nose as she listened to the insults being spat about. She craned her neck, trying to see who was being poked around, but before she could get a glimpse, Enid stormed forward in a fiery rage. 
“Get away, all of you! Screw off!” She yelled, causing the crowd to disperse immediately. 
Who knew she was so well respected, Wednesday thought, but her quips were cut off when she finally saw who was the center of attention just moments ago.
A taller girl, about five foot seven, stood shakily in front of Enid. Her hair was a stunning ferrari-red pulled back into a ponytail while two snow-white streaks rounding her beach-tanned face. Freckles danced across her nose while a handful of old scars littered her skin. Her eyes glowed a sunny yellow, matching with the pale daisy-colored sweatshirt she wore with her dull brown cargo jeans. The most eye-catching part of her, and probably why she was being targeted, were her large black wings protruding from her back. Their bold exterior had a slight iridescent shimmer to them as she spoke her thanks to Enid. 
Wednesday was speechless, but not just because of the girl. Her heart was hammering in her chest at an alarming speed while her breathing seemed to be cutting short. A feeling, one that Wednesday cannot describe, was rising in her throat. Her stomach seemed to flutter uncontrollably as her lips parted in shock. 
“Beautiful.” Wednesday whispered almost inaudibly before slapping a hand to her mouth in utter shock. 
I did not just say that. Why did I say that?!
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eskawrites · 2 years
okay so we all know Robin is a ride or die best friend, and so yes she would absolutely feel bad for crushing on Nancy because she’s Steve’s ex! Steve might still have a thing for her! but where are all my stories about Steve, who is also super ride or die, backing off his pursuit of Nancy because he realizes Robin has feelings for her???
like, hear me out
Nancy starts hanging out at Family Video more after breaking up with Jonathan because, well, they all hang out at Family Video these days, it’s just the place to be
nevermind that she really likes being around Steve-and-Robin (you don’t get one without the other), that’s probably not important
except Robin, who has gotten comfortable enough around the kids to be cool and banter with them and only ever rambles now to give passionate speeches about why they should rent x instead of y movie, is suddenly blushing and stammering every time Nancy comes into the store
it’s a miracle Dustin hasn’t picked up on it, but then Dustin--as genius as he is--can be kind of clueless
anyway Steve just smirks at Robin one day as Nancy leaves with all the kids and a couple of movies in tow, and when she turns around to question why the fuck he’s looking at her like that he’s just like “so how long have you been crushing on Nancy?”
cue Robin panicking and Steve assuring her it’s alright, really, and they settle into this funny rhythm of teasing each other for falling for falling for the same girl (”but I mean, come on, it’s Nancy Wheeler, of course we did.” “you’re right. who wouldn’t?” “maybe we should get jackets. do you think Jonathan would join our club?”)
no big deal, except meanwhile Nancy is still wondering why she’s most comfortable around Steve-and-Robin, or Robin-and-Steve, and why she’s suddenly driving to Family Video, or to Steve’s house, or to wherever the two of them are whenever she’s lonely
Nancy Wheeler doesn’t get lonely. she doesn’t need to go to someone for comfort. but she finds herself going to Steve-and-Robin all the time anyway
long story short comphet Nancy my beloved (not my usual headcanon but still my beloved) thinks maybe she is falling for Steve again and even works up the courage to ask him out one day at Family Video
Robin overhears Steve letting her down easy
“dude what the fuck, you spent all of spring break flirting with her!” “so?” “so? she asked you out, and you said no??” “best friend code. i’m not going to be with someone if it hurts you.” “that doesn’t matter dingus--” “yes, it does.”
and the thing is, Robin is more in love with Nancy than Steve thinks he ever was. and in all honesty, now that the world isn’t in danger and he has time to think, asking Nancy to be the mother of his six children is weird at best and downright insulting once you remember that she’s Nancy ‘screw that’ Wheeler
so maybe he doesn’t have feelings for her so much anymore. and maybe the weirdly relieved look on Nancy’s face when he turned her down means something
and maybe, maybe Nancy overhears them talking about it, Robin telling Steve yet again that she just wants him to be happy, she can get over her crush on Nancy if it means they’re both happy
and maybe it clicks that it’s less Steve-and-Robin, or even Robin-and-Steve, and more Robin that keeps Nancy coming into Family Video, or hanging out at Steve’s house, or inviting both of them over for movie nights in the basement
and maybe she goes to Steve, potentially drunk and definitely scared as hell, and tells him in a rush of nerves and courage that she thinks she has feelings for his best friend, not for him, and she’s so very sorry
Steve just grins. the next time he sees Robin he makes the very official announcement that “I don‘t have feelings for Nancy Wheeler and henceforth it shall be known that going out with her will not break the best friend code in any way”
Robin rolls her eyes because okay, sure, whatever, it’s never going to happen anyway
little does she know that Nancy is outside with milkshakes, Robin’s favorite tape (courtesy of Steve) playing in her car, waiting for Steve to push Robin out of Family Video insisting he can cover her shift while she goes on her first date
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plainemmanem · 2 years
steve thought of the day:
the group watching you bicker. they hate it cause the sexual tension is palpable 🙄
“What the hell kind of a question is that?”
“A perfectly reasonable one-“
“‘Would you still like me if I were a worm?’” Your yell echoed around the small confines of the car. “How am I even supposed to respond to that?” you scoff, shaking your head in disbelief.
“With a yes or no?”
Dustin’s forehead thumped against the cool window, trying to tune out Steve’s yelling. It had been non-stop bickering ever since he got in the backseat, and he was a second away from unbuckling and jumping out of the car, concussion be damned.
“A worm? I mean, where is this coming from?”
“Oh, right. What I should’ve asked is ‘would you still like me if I were a hedgehog.’” He spit the last word like it was venom, tearing his eyes away from the road to shoot a death glare to the passenger seat.
“Jesus. You call someone a hedgehog one time-“
“How could you possibly think my spirit animal is some spiky, little, rodent, thing. It’s insulting.”
The spirit animal debate was weeks ago, but Steve was still clutching onto his bitterness, making sure to bring it up in nearly every conversation, no matter how disconnected.
“Alright, fine.” You sigh, gazing out the passenger seat window. “What do you think you are?”
“Hawk.” Steve insisted without hesitation.
“A hawk? Please.” You roll your eyes, pulling down the sun visor to catch your reflection in the mirror. You fuss with your hair a bit and rub your tongue against your top row of teeth, then lean in to pick at something between your gums.
“Yes! It’s, like, it’s got crazy good eyesight and this really cool caw, like ‘cahhhhhhh.’” he screeches, releasing the wheel and holding his hands up in faux talons.
You lean over quickly, correcting the wheel before you all swerve onto the sidewalk, making Dustin’s heart race.
“Can we please save the hawk impressions for when we’re finished driving?” Dustin shouts, expression frantic.
“Sorry, sorry, my bad.” Steve peaks back at him in the rear view with a sheepish, apologetic look, hand coming up defensively. Dustin let’s out a huff before turning to face out the window.
You can’t help but snort at the interaction, Steve shooting you another annoyed look.
“Aren’t you supposed to be the parent, here?” You mumble towards the seat next to you, finally satisfied with your reflection and flipping the visor back up before leaning back in your seat once again. A small cringe comes over your features and you reach a hand out to change the radio station, but Steve is quick to smack you away.
“I’m actually pretty maternal, thank you very much. Been thinking of getting a pet. A turtle or a lizard or something I don’t know, I haven’t decided…” His sentence trails off as he turns onto Dustin’s street.
You snort again, then give Steve a suspicious look.
“You wanna get a pet. You couldn’t even keep my houseplants alive last summer.”
“And I said I was sorry about that-“
Dustin sighed, tuning out the conversation once again to fiddle with the radio in his hands. He flipped a few switches and tweaked a few settings, preparing to connect with Suzie later on that night.
In all honesty, Dustin really liked you. You were like another babysitter, just way cooler than Steve in almost every plausible way. He’d easily picked up that you two had the hots for each other about a month after you met, though he still has no idea how Steve’s tricked you into liking him in the first place. The next few months had been near constant attempts to set you up - for almost a year and a half - to no avail. You could never agree on anything. It’s almost as if you craved the fighting; like you guys enjoyed the weird tension that formed during every petty back-and-forth.
Again, Dustin really did like you, just not when you were bickering with Steve, which seemed to be almost all the time recently. It’s only a matter of time before the dam breaks and the younger boy can only pray he’s able to take cover when you two start sucking face.
He still thinks you could do better.
“Ok, ok fine. But what about my Songs From The Big Chair tape?” His lips press into a thin line and his eyebrows nearly touch hairline, fingers taping on the wheel anxiously.
The song on the radio was slowly reaching its crescendo, forcing Steve to raise his voice a light louder, talk a little higher, to get his point across. Dustin reached for the window, hoping to find a reprieve in the cool afternoon air, only to be stopped by the child safety locks… Stupid Steve.
“Uh, guys? Could we possibly turn down the radi-“
“No!” You and Steve both shout in unison, twisting your heads to give him annoyed expressions before turning back around.
“Honestly, I still don’t feel any remorse over your soft, baby tape. I mean Tears For Fears? Seriously? If anything, I did you a favor.” You reach for the window, now flushed from your squabbling, also finding it locked. You heave a sigh and slowly start loosening your seatbelt to lean across the center console. Now hovering a centimeter over Steve’s lap, you reach to flip the window lock on the driver’s side door.
The blush on Steve’s face was so bright, it could be seen in the rear view mirror, and all Dustin could do was sigh, resting his head against his palm and praying that the ride would be over soon.
“Well- hey, watch it- Well, sorry I don’t listen to your satanic metal music-“
“Oh, come on. You don’t actually believe in all that stuff, do you?”
“No, no, of course not. It’s just-“
“The only reason you don’t like my ‘satanic metal music’ is because Eddie listens to it.”
“Please.” He scoffs, trying to seem nonchalant. “Like I care what that freak listens to-“
“Eddie is not a freak. He’s actually cool. Unlike you.”
He mumbles to himself, lips barely moving, “Oh yeah, why don’t you marry him then?”
“What was that?” You quirk your eyebrow, assuming Steve’s murmur was some sort of taunt.
“Nope, nothing. Love the guy.” His expression is flurried and distracted as he scans the street for Dustin’s house.
“Right. Well, if you’re so cool, name one cool person you hang out with.”
Steve opened his mouth a little too quickly.
“And you can’t say Dustin.”
His mouth snaps closed just as fast. A chuckle leaves you at his deflated look.
Steve’s mouth opens again, as if he was ready to say something, but couldn’t quite find the words.
“U- uh- Um. Ah! Brenda Still!” He nods sagely.
A laugh shakes the car, your body doubling over.
“Brenda Still? Brenda fucking Still? Steve, your mom would have been a better choice!” You wheeze, wiping a stray tear from your eye.
“What?” His hands and shoulders go up frantically, his voice defensive. “Brenda’s totally cool! You don’t think she’s cool?”
“Um. No, Steve, I definitely do not think Brenda Still is considered cool.”
“Why not?”
“Ummm, maybe because you suggested a high school basketball game as your first date, and she agreed.” You give him a look as if it were obvious.
“Ok, it was Lucas’s championship game. You thought I was gonna miss that?”
His sincerity makes you chuckle, and you look back out the window to hide it.
There was a beat of charged silence. Dustin could feel the tension in the air. Steve was quick to shatter it.
“Like your dates are any better…” He was mumbling again, but you could hear him loud and clear. Steve wanted to rile you up.
“And what’s that supposed to mean?”
“I mean, fast food and a late night showing of Porky’s, seriously?”
“Leo was actually very sweet-“
“Or what about- what was his name again? Oh- Bobbie the Bowling King? I mean, come on? What kind of a name is Bobbie, anyways? And he wouldn’t even let you win-”
“Hey, he was very competitive!”
“Oh, oh, right! Or my personal favorite: Johnny ‘Slick’ Tucker. One kiss and he nearly jizzed his pants, if I remember correctly-“
“Hey!” You smack his arm, making him shield himself with a chuckle and a cocky smirk. “I told you that in confidence!”
“Jeez, you sure do know how to pick ‘em. Where are you finding these guys, anyways?”
“What? Think you could do a better job?” You side eye him curiously, testing the waters.
Steve nods his head resolutely, closing in on Dustin’s house.
“Uhhhh, yeah. Definitely. There’s been at least ten girls this week that have been begging me to take them out-“
“Ten girls? Seems pretty steep.”
“Well, I’m a master at my craft.”
“Right. Lemme guess. Dinner and a scary movie. You do the arm over the shoulder trick and feel her up in the back row. Then a romantic drive to Lover’s Lake and a quick boink in the backseat.” Steve pulls into Dustin’s driveway, keeping the poor boy captive until the doors are unlocked.
“Ok, don’t say ‘boink,’ that’s disgustin-“ He puts it in park and turns his sole focus onto you, completely forgetting Dustin.
“Well, what would you like me to call it?” You lean in just a tad, daring him.
“I dunno… ‘Lovemaking?’” He copies your movements, eyes scanning from your eyes, raking down to your lips. He wets his own with a quick swipe of his tongue.
You chuckle.
“‘Lovemaking?’ You’ve gotta be kidding-“
The distance between you keeps shrinking and Dustin is not prepared to see what comes next.
“Guys, can we please stop talking about Steve’s sex life? Or at least wait til I’m out of the car?” His voice is fearful and frantic, popping the tense bubble you two had formed in the front.
You both mumbled simultaneous agreements.
“Sure, yeah-“
“Fine, fine. Whatever.”
There’s a heated glance shared between you two, annoyed with something a little flirty hidden just below the surface. It’s gone as soon as it came, and Steve’s quickly reaching for the button to unlock the doors, gaze never leaving yours.
Dustin hops out in a rush, offering a quick goodbye before slamming the door shut. There’s still the faint sound of bickering as he walks around the car and up the walkway.
“Steve, can we get ice cream?”
“Oh yeah! Sure! With what money? You’re practically eating me out of house and home with how much damn ice cream you beg me fo-“
“Jesus, Steve, you act like you’re not completely loaded-“
“Well, I was, before you started asking for ice cream every time the temperature goes above sixty degrees-“
“Oh, please. Don’t even act like you don’t enjoy my company.”
“Fine… You’re right.”
“Yeah. I’m always right, hon.”
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ninoisntluka · 9 months
Okay so I literally cannot get Anon and Taki out of my head because they’re just so interesting. Like they can’t stand each other, but both of them have something that the other needs, so they have to stick together. And sure, part of it is their bad first impression, but I think the biggest reason they don’t get along is because they’re so much like each other, and they don’t particularly like themselves that much either. And since one of their main similarities is their insecurity, they're incredibly jealous of whatever the other person has that they’re lacking.
Like Anon wants to be popular, but she can’t be popular if she’s in a bad band. She knows what it’s like to put herself out there and fail, so she won’t let that happen again. Meanwhile Taki wants to be in a band with Tomori, but because Taki’s quick to anger and kind of tactless when speaking, she’s really bad at keeping bands together. Honestly it doesn’t really look like she has many friends outside of Urimi. But Anon has the social skills that Taki doesn’t have, and can use it to get people to do what she wants. Meanwhile Taki actually knows what she’s doing on the band front and can write music and get Anon to a level where she can play properly in front of a large crowd.
I have a whole lot of thoughts about them so I wrote a whole essay under the cut
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Like take a look at their practice once they got going for real, when Anon wasn’t struggling to catch up anymore and can actually let her talents shine. Raana is bothering Taki about doing another live and Taki cannot handle her. They get stuck in an infinite loop because they’re both stubborn and have a one-track mind. But Anon is the one who shows Taki that giving Raana a treat can distract her, at least for a little bit. And then later when they are at Soyo’s House, Taki does the exact same trick to get Raana to sit still for a bit. Anon is also the one who insists on costumes and a name for a band, something that is pretty important, but that Taki doesn’t really focus on because she needs to work on making a new song in only a couple of days.
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Meanwhile, on the day of the actual live, Anon is an actual mess. She was the least involved in actually writing the song, other than Soyo but Soyo’s acting like she doesn’t care so we won’t count her. Meaning instead, Taki is the one who has to take the lead with the band. And although Taki later says that even she isn’t too sure how ready the song is, she’s at least confident enough to put on a brave face when it comes to music, since she’s in her element. But the thing is, neither of them are actually very confident in the thing they’re strongest in.
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Anon’s thing is that she’s really good at communicating. On her first day of class, she managed to join a friend group super easily! And despite only knowing Tomori for like a day, she’s really good at picking up whatever Tomori was feeling and was super gentle and accommodating, which is really impressive considering Tomori always had trouble connecting with people and having them understand her. And on only her first day, Anon was able to pick up the hottest recent trend, that everyone was in a band, and was able to get in on that real fast. She was voted the student council president in middle school. And when she accidentally insults Soyo’s friend in front of her, Anon is able to smooth that over real well. And yeah, part of the reason Soyo didn’t mind was because she was using Anon as a link to Taki and Tomori, sure, but if that were me I would have been mortified, so the fact Anon kept her cool is a testament to how good at these things she can be.
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But when she goes to England, she loses that. She can’t keep up with English conversations because what she studied wasn’t enough. She got complacent because she was praised for being good at English for a Japanese Middle Schooler, but when actually struggled she couldn’t keep at it. She felt overwhelmed by how everyone there was already better than her and started to feel insecure in her own ability to speak English. And so, she can’t communicate with anyone, she can’t even get them to call her Anon. Unlike in Japan, where she can easily make friends who admire her, she’s alone in England. So she runs away back to Japan. And this failure haunts her. When Anon reveals this to Tomori, she also says it isn’t a one time thing, that she always runs away when things start getting hard.
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And Taki is the one who calls her out on this. Anon got easily carried away with learning beginner’s chords, but that’s not enough for the level of band Mygo could be. Anon’s just not really that good when it comes to Music. It’s really not her fault. Compared to Soyo, Raana, and Taki, she has the least experience other than Tomori, and Tomori is a lyrical genius. And although Anon was pretty good for a hastily put together band in middle school, it’s not enough. She got to a level where people would praise her for picking up the guitar so fast, but being good for a beginner isn’t the same as being good at a guitar. If she had continued like this, she probably would have ended up just like what happened in England, where she got overconfident in her English and got scared when she realized that people already there were at another level. And it’s not just Taki being mean to Anon since even Soyo told Taki that someone would have to tell Anon this eventually. Then again this is Soyo so maybe not the most unbiased source. But come on, Anon isn’t even the best guitarist in Mygo, Taki was onto something here.
But really, it isn’t the music that Taki does better than Anon, but determination. Anon could not follow through when she realized she was out of her league, and would quickly give up. But Taki doesn’t do that. Even when Taki feels like she’s not as good as Saki or her sister, Taki keeps on working. I can’t say it’s healthy for her though.
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But yeah, Taki is also wallowing in the regret of her failures. Taki’s sister is a sore spot for her, and although we haven’t seen her yet, she’s the president of the brass band club at Soyo’s school, plays in a local orchestra, and even won a contest, so it’s a safe guess that she’s a very talented musician. And it’s an even safer guess that Taki really doesn’t get along with her sister. When Soyo first brought her up, Taki got annoyed by her compliments. and when she needed information on Soyo, Taki was more willing to go to Mutsumi, a person who Taki hadn’t spoken to since their last band broke up, rather than her sister. It’s probably one-sided though too, considering Taki’s sister was more than willing to help Taki by telling her about the show their brass band club was putting on.
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But like, we don’t exactly know what caused Taki to be so jealous of her sister. I mean it’s pretty obviously about music, but still. What we do know is that she was mentioned in the same breath as Sakiko though, so we’ll just say it’s about composing for now. Later we hear that Taki only picked up composing in middle school, but she struggles with it. Taki has to deal with Raana’s Musical Improvisation, account for Anon’s inexperience, and write notes for Tomori’s lyrics, which she idolizes. And try as she might, Taki isn’t Saki. She isn’t able to effortlessly put together sheet music that can fit Tomori’s legendary lyrics and compensate for everyone else’s quirks like Saki did. She isn’t accomplished like her sister. And this gets to her.
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Just like how Taki picked up on Anon’s insecurity about running away, Anon picks up on Taki’s issue as well, that Taki will not let anyone in and try and do everything herself. Taki knows that Anon can’t keep up with them, that’s why Taki makes Anon practice separately from everyone else. It’s cruel, but Anon agrees and does it, because she wants to get better as well, and doesn’t want to run away anymore. But Anon needs time, which is why she still gets some notes wrong. But the fact that Anon could drag the whole band down, or how Raana is too flighty, is adding to Taki’s stress about how she can’t be happy about her own composition, so she lashes out at Anon. And Anon fights back about how Taki herself is part of the problem because she’s being cruel and only thinking about herself.
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And that’s wrong since we know that Taki has the same concerns as Anon about her changing the sheets every practice. But because Taki isn’t letting any of them in, it’s instead only creating friction as she decides stuff without them and it looks like she doesn’t care about their opinions.
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Taki taking on all the responsibility of the band’s next performance isn’t healthy for her, but no one is going to call her out on it. Anon is struggling with the guitar on her own, Tomori and Soyo don’t want to rock the boat after finally getting a second chance to play together, and Raana doesn’t realize what’s going on at all. And even when Tomori and Soyo offer to help Taki, she instead takes it in the worst way possible and thinks they don’t trust her. Which is why it helps that Anon’s there because she won’t let people misunderstand her and literally chases Taki down until she actually stops and listens to them.
But let’s be real, composition isn’t the only reason Taki wants to be like Saki. Taki wants to be like Saki because Saki could actually get a band together.
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Taki’s not good at that at all. After Crychic’s break up, Taki gives Tomori some space because she thinks that’s what Tomori wants, even though we later see that they both want to be in a band together again. And then when she tries to pull a Saki and unilaterally introduce a new band member with Urimi, that whole thing crashes and burns because she didn’t consider how Anon or Tomori would feel about replacing Soyo so suddenly, and it just ends up hurting Anon and Tomori, leading to the final nail in the coffin that breaks up the band that she really wanted with Tomori.
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And Taki really likes Tomori. She also really likes Tomori’s lyrics. Taki actually felt seen when she heard Tomori’s lyrics. But despite feeling like Tomori knows Taki, Taki doesn’t really get Tomori like Saki or Anon does.
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Anon can read Tomori like a book as mentioned before, but Saki’s first interaction with Tomori was actually a misunderstanding. But despite that, Saki got something out of Tomori that even Tomori didn’t know about before, her lyrics. And Anon was the one who got Tomori to admit she wants to be in a band again, something Taki couldn’t do but desperately wanted. Actually Taki’s pretty jealous of how close Anon and Tomori are in general, remember how offended she got when she found out Anon and Tomori had nicknames for each other and Taki was still “Taki chan”? In fact, Anon and Taki’s first fight is about Anon asking Tomori to join her band.
Because as much as Taki wants to be the new Saki, she’s not her. Even though Taki has picked up Saki's composition role, the closest replacement to Saki in their current band is Anon. Anon’s the one who got the band together. Anon and Saki were both inspired by bands at their schools, Saki who likes Morfonica and Anon who only really likes Afterglow because everyone else at their school likes them. And even though Anon doesn’t play it, the piano prelude in the new Haruhikage was replaced with a guitar. Hell, even their basically first meetings with Tomori mirror each other, with Tomori offering both of them a bandage after they fall trying to help her.
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But the thing is, Anon doesn’t want to replace anyone. She refused to join her classmates' band because she thought she would end up off to the side if she did. She was worried about this too when she saw that Raana’s guitar playing would overshadow hers. Anon wants to make her own mark, that’s why she was willing to ignore Tomori’s talent and be the singer of their band and why she insisted on putting her name in all of her suggestions for the band’s name. It’s also why she’s so hurt that Soyo never wanted her in the band in the first place. She gets hurt when Tomori doesn’t immediately fight to keep Anon in their band. Unlike Taki, Anon doesn’t want to replace Saki. If anything, she’d be envious of how Taki was one of the people in the band Soyo actually wanted.
Do you see what I mean about both of them having what the other lacks? Like Taki wasn’t able to get Soyo to return to the band, but Anon was able to. Taki’s a talented musician who Saki scouted and thought was talented enough to play with them, but let’s be real Saki wouldn’t even give Anon a second glance when it comes to playing guitar. And that jealousy is only made worse by the fact that they literally cannot get along.
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Literally they are always on opposite sides whenever there’s an argument. When it comes to promising to be in a band together forever, when Soyo brings up how hurt Saki was hearing them play Harukikage, when it comes to costume, and even when they agree with each other they’re fighting! Taki’s easily misunderstood, she often says the wrong thing and messes up. Anon is impulsive and even though she can read the room she sometimes says the wrong thing in the heat of the moment. And if Anon’s issue is that she runs away when things get tough, then Taki’s issue is that she pushes people away until she’s left behind. Plus neither of them tolerate being disrespected, which is difficult since after their first meeting, where Anon thinks Taki falsely accused her and Taki thinks that Anon was harassing Tomori, neither of them really respect each other.
But despite that, they need each other, they won’t let each other go. Anon spams Taki’s phone when she’s skipping practice and waits almost 3 hours with Tomori outside of Taki’s school. Taki tries to get a new bassist to play with them after hearing that Soyo doesn’t want to play with Anon. And sure, part of it is because neither of them want to give up on the band they spent so long on, but they also like each other, even if they won’t admit it.
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Taki gets really offended when she finds out that Soyo was only getting along with Anon to use her. And sure, most of it is because Soyo is turning her back on the band that Tomori worked so hard to get together, but later Taki presents the choice to Tomori: Soyo or Anon and Raana. And sure, Soyo already said she wasn’t going to be part of the band anymore after Saki rejected her, but Taki made her choice already and chose Anon. Partly because Anon was the only option, but also because Taki respects Anon.
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Once they get back together, Taki apologizes for telling Anon what Soyo said, although in a roundabout fashion which is probably the best we’re going to get out of her. She thinks that it’s amazing that Anon could still play after hearing what Soyo said about her, but even so, Taki wasn’t surprised that Anon would still practice even after hearing that. I don’t think Taki expected that Soyo not wanting Anon would hurt her so much. Taki kind of thought that Anon was stronger than Taki, that Anon could have somehow withstood Saki’s mysterious departure from Crychic if she was there. But Taki overestimated Anon, and didn’t realize how hurt Anon would have been to hear that. Kind of like how Anon overestimated how much of the music they could leave to Taki in the first live. Maybe that’s why Taki doesn’t begrudge Anon for leaving like she does with Saki.
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And it’s not just one way! Anon really likes Taki at this point too. She followed Taki’s spartan training regiment even when Taki was treating her unfairly because she trusted Taki’s music sense. She showed Taki the trick to dealing with Raana. Anon just really likes everyone in Mygo! She’s so relaxed around them. And while she usually lets it go when the conversation moves to a topic other than her, with Mygo she’s more than comfortable enough to be super needy and try to make everything about her. Plus Anon gives all her friends nicknames, like Soyorin or Tomorin. And sure, Anon was making fun of her by calling her Rikki, but technically Taki was the first one to get a nickname! I’m not delusional here!
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Honestly they're both really similar, even if they won’t admit it. Even when their bands have broken up they still try to learn new skills and practice just in case they ever get back together. Both of them are too ashamed to join Tomori back on stage but are more than willing once someone “forces” them to. And the two of them even have a quick moment with Soyo where they tell her they don’t blame her for using the band. In fact, the two of them were also doing the same, Anon who used Soyo and the band to get popular, and Taki who used Soyo’s feelings for Crychic to get her in the band.
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But the biggest way they’re alike is how they both want Tomori in their band.
They’re selfish. Anon wants Tomori because her band’s popularity will go up in her class if the student everyone is interested in joins her. Taki wants Tomori in her band because she only feels seen with Tomori’s lyrics.
But obviously it isn’t just that. When Taki sends Anon running away after pointing out how she’s not determined, it’s Tomori who convinces her to come back. When Anon is chasing Taki around her school after their fight in the practice room, it’s Tomori who gets Taki to stop.
Tomori is why the two put up with each other even though they can’t stand each other. Because they both have to be with Tomori, even if it means being with someone they can’t get along with since they’re just too similar. Although ironically enough, they both have what the other lacks so that just breeds jealousy, especially considering how insecure the two of them are.
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Before she met Tomori, Anon always ran away. And even after meeting Tomori, Anon still runs away. But the thing is, Anon is disappointed in herself for this. She’s ashamed she can’t follow up on her promises. She runs away because she doesn’t want people to get too close and see past her façade, since she thinks all that they will see is a failure. That’s why she tries to avoid her old classmates, since she’s scared of what they’ll think. But Tomori is the one who sticks by her even at her lowest point, and offers to stay lost together. Even if Anon had shallow reasons for pursuing Tomori at first, they grow into something else, something more personal.
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And Taki has her own reasons for sticking with Tomori. When Taki talks about Tomori’s lyrics, she says that it made her feel like even someone like her had a life worth living. And we’re not going to unpack all that here, since it probably has something to do with being in the shadow of her older sister and her loner status, but even if she doesn’t like herself all that much, Tomori is her salvation.
And because they toughed it out for Tomori, they actually come out better on the other side.
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Despite Anon having the chance to run away from the band, she kept at it, even if it was hard. It was Taki who pointed it out, and Tomori got the chance to help Anon overcome it by promising to face her fear together.
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And she did. Like this is a reach, don’t get me wrong, but I think Anon gets over what happened in England when she’s with Mygo. She’s the one to suggest having their band name be in English. And we can see in the background that she’s struggling with the English in front of them, but she doesn’t give up until she’s happy with what she came up with! Growth!
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And speaking of growth, by episode 12, Taki’s actually relaxed enough to go with a new song that isn’t perfect yet. Episode 6 Taki could never. Honestly everything about episode 12 Taki is more relaxed than before. She wanted to do a live properly with Tomori and was super stressed about getting everything right, but now that Taki is with the rest of Mygo, she’s fine with leaving them to their own devices since she trusts them now and doesn’t feel the need to burden herself with everything again. She feels more exasperated in them than on edge if that makes sense?
It was Tomori who actually got them to get over their initial issues, but if it wasn’t for Anon or Taki bringing it to the surface, I don’t think it would have ever gotten resolved at all.
And don’t get me wrong, it was probably also because they got more comfortable with the rest of Mygo that they could finally overcome their own insecurities. Like sure they both are missing something the other has, but they’re missing a lot in general, and they’re really alike so they’re both missing it. Which is where the rest of Mygo comes in. They don’t have Tomori’s gentleness. They’re prone to overthinking which is a problem Raana doesn’t have. They get so caught up in their own ideas that they can’t see the bigger picture like Soyo can.
They're so fun! I wanna see so much more of them, Mygo Season 2 when?
39 notes · View notes
sonnetnumber23 · 8 months
Good Omens 2 Rewatch. Episode 6 (This is such a long, long post, I'm too embarrassed to leave it as it is, so it's mostly under cut)
As I said earlier, Aziraphale when he’s alone and preparing to defend the shop acts and sounds so confident, so competent, at least in the beginning. When he’s talking to Nina and telling her that he’s organized the ball so that she’d realize that Maggie loves her, he sounds exasperated and Maggie looks so grateful! I mean definitely his plan was a bit stupid and all and they really shouldn’t have been meddling at all, but for Maggie in this little moment he really is a hero who’s come to her help this time. It also makes her feel braver. She was so afraid to tell Nina openly how she feels and get rejected. But now Aziraphale has done that for her, and it’s like the scariest thing has already happened, and now the rest is easy and she’s brave, almost intoxicated by it – like Aziraphale was intoxicated by his feeling of competence in the previous episode. That’s why (much like Aziraphale) she makes this silly mistake inviting the demons inside.
Aziraphale is so cool when he tells the demons to leave “and nobody will get hurt”! And I love that it’s Eric who turns his back, lol, because he sees the same Aziraphale that he saw in Heaven when Crowley was playing him. We like to say that both Crowley and Aziraphale play the cooler versions of each other than they really are because that’s how they see each other. But really, in this moment Aziraphale is just as brave and clever and merciful as Crowley sees him. (Just like in the previous episode Crowley was shown just as brave and witty and resourceful as Aziraphale thinks he is.)
Also, it’s kind of fun that it’s Shax who kills Eric and he doesn’t step inside the circle because I guess the circle would have destroyed him forever whereas now he’s just once again discorporated – so we can see him again. :D Idk, I just like Eric for some reason, he’s fun. XD
But then Aziraphale’s luck runs out and he “doesn’t have the next bit” of the plan. I wonder if he hoped that Crowley would return by then… He still has the “halo thing” up in his sleeve, but he’s not going to use it until it’s absolutely necessary. It’s interesting, because why? If it’s because it’s against the rules of Heaven – okay, but is it “legal” for demons to attack angels and humans on Earth? Surely that should be counted as extreme circumstances? But if the attack is authorized? Then it means that it’s okay for the demons to kill Aziraphale because Aziraphale is on his own and Heaven doesn’t stand behind him. And then he doesn’t have to follow their rules, they just don’t apply to him anymore.
So Aziraphale could have very well used the halo thing right away as I see it. Why didn’t he? Well apart from him still hoping to be part of Heaven’s system, thinking of himself as such, I think there’s another reason which is very similar to the one The Doctor had in “The Family of Blood”: he ran because “he was being merciful”. Aziraphale doesn’t want to be the one who starts the war. He wants another way. Even if it means waiting for Crowley to come to his rescue once again and listen to Shax’s very well-aimed insults. He’s even ready to sacrifice the books!
Meanwhile in Heaven.
I wonder what Crowley saw in that “Gabriel matter” which wasn’t shown to us. They call it “Another Armageddon” and such. Never a word about the Second Coming. So he didn’t see the whole plan, only the final stage of it – Victory of Heaven on Earth did he? Did they even have the whole plan by that time?
Crowley is so sweet when he bumps his fist against Muriel’s shoulder when they realize that Gabriel now has a lower rank than they do. He’s like: “Well done, mate!” And they actually look pleased. :D I really hope to see more Crowley&Muriel interaction in future.
The parallel between “I did the thing with the halo” and “I gave it away” was already mentioned, but it’s soooo good! :D They are the same after so many years, and Aziraphale still surprises and amazes Crowley like he has since the wall.
I’m not going to write about the whole Ineffable Bureaucracy Revelation scene. XD I actually like it a lot in all ways  [as a pairing, and as a tool to bring the whole setting back to the end of Book Omens: just like there there’s no Gabriel in the picture, Metatron is the biggest boss in Heaven, Aziraphale has to work with Heaven, something is coming] except for it being the main “outer” conflict of the season. I mean, okay, the inner conflict [which is Crowley and Aziraphale gradually coming to terms with their feelings but being unable to make the final step] is more important here, but anyway I can’t shake off the feeling that the whole “Gabriel” plot is a little smallish for this show. Maybe it will be gone if/when we get the third season and it will all make sense in the bigger picture. I’m almost sure it will, but for now – it’s just not self-sufficient.
I will however say that Aziraphale looks at Gabiel and Beelzebub the same way he looked at Nina and Maggie at the ball.
When Crowley says his line about Alpha Centauri he glances at Aziraphale. And Aziraphale feels his eyes on him and immediately turns to him to smile, and only then realizes what Crowley is saying.
Also I think this moment isn’t meant to show us that Crowley actually wants to go/run away to Alpha Centauri or any other outer space. She suggests this option to Beelzebub and Gabriel as a place where they can be away from Heaven, Hell and Earth. But he, himself doesn’t want to leave if he can stay. Besides he’s already gave this option to B&G why would he want to go there? Here he simply means that he was in their place once and he might be again. And he isn’t sure Aziraphale even understands him at this moment – he isn’t planning to confess yet, he’s planning to be with Aziraphale, have “us time”, go to the Ritz, but ultimately continue doing what he’s been doing for the last 4 years. Pretending that he doesn’t want anything more than he has.
Nina and Maggie’s talk with Crowley rhymes so well with Adam’s talk in the first season. I mean, he did warn both of them that if they’ll go on meddling with people’s lives there’ll be consequences. And here they are, meddling again. It’s interesting that this meddling is not only the main story line both times, though they actually do not-so-much for solving the conflict at the end of the day, but they are also told twice that this is what they shouldn’t do. 
So what I think is that in Season 3 we’re not going to get a better Heaven and Hell – we’re going to get humans getting their ultimate Free Will. No more meddling of Heaven and Hell in human affaires – just like Adam wanted.
But maybe I’m wrong. :) I just think it would be pretty poetic.
It hurts me so much to see Crowley tidying up the bookshop and waiting for Aziraphale to come back! :’( It so… After that ominous moment when The Metatron looks at Crowley and leaves with Aziraphale you just know it’s not going to end well. I remember when I was first watching it and when I saw Aziraphale and the Metatron coming back, looking at Aziraphale’s worried and upset face I immediately thought that he doesn’t like what he’s just heard from the Metatron and that I won’t like it either. The scary thought I had was that The Metatron told him that both he and Crowley were going to be human and stay on Earth as they’d wanted to. No Heaven, no Hell bothering them, just they, together. And I was like: “Oh, no! No, no, no, no, anything but that!” I don’t know why I’m so opposed to the idea (well, no, I do, but it’s more personal preferences than the reasons of narrative I’m afraid so it’s irrelevant), but that was what I was feeling when Aziraphale entered the shop again. But then, after feeling so unsure and afraid even, he works himself up into this ecstatic state when talking to Crowley. It’s like he isn’t sure himself so he wants to show Crowley that it would be great so that Crowley in his turn could agree and persuade him that it’s really good indeed.  I really didn’t expect the “we’ll unFall Crowley if you rejoin Heaven” twist. And I was actually… relieved at first? Because: “Oh, well, good angst, I like this kind of pain. It could have been worse??”
Well, the Final Fifteen. I swear to you I can’t watch it without crying. So during the re-watch, I watched it, cried a bit, and now I’m rewatching it again and writing down the thoughts while crying. So, if I’m not the wisest of critics here, don’t judge me, please, it’s hard as it is.
I just caaaan’t look at them, they are both hurting so much in this extract. The nervous energy of Aziraphale which he starts speaking with – he’s just desperate! He knows that it’s all hopeless, and he’s going to lose everything he loves in this world, but he puts all his energy in this pretense hoping against hope that it might still work out. The utter terror and anguish that Crowley is looking at him with is just agonising beyond words. He, too, already knows that he’s losing the most precious thing in his existence, and it’s so not fair, and he’s shocked and resigned at the same time, because he’s been hurt so many times already, and here we go again. Only this time he really had hopes! It’s unbearable.
As I said earlier, Aziraphale absolutely isn’t sure that going to Heaven is a good idea, and he’s almost certain that Crowley won’t like it. That’s why he’s so hyped. Fake it till you make it and all that. He’s winding himself up to feel what he doesn’t feel – the excitement about the whole affair. Why? Because he believes that he absolutely has to say yes to it. He has no other choice.
First of all, The Metatron took him for a stroll after Michael was going to erase him and Crowley from the Book of Life, and Azirahale said to the Metatron:
“I made my position quite clear.” – meaning, he’s ready to get the punishment for his actions.
Then the Metatron’s exact words are:
“There are huge plans afoot, enormous projects” <;< Things Heaven is planning to do to Earth which you won’t know about unless you’re the one doing them.
(Aziraphale doesn’t look pleased or proud when he hears that he’s “just the angel for the job”, he looks terrified.)
“I’ve been looking back at the number of your previous exploits, and I see that in quite a few of them you formed a de facto partnership with the demon Crowley” << You’re still a traitor to Heaven, a criminal.
“Now, if you wanted to work with him again, that…” – [ominous pause] – “might be considered irregular”. << We know about you and Crowley, and that’s what angels and demons get punished for.
“But it will certainly be within your jurisdiction to restore your friend Crowley to full angelic status.” << Your relationship is illegal and dangerous if Crowley is a demon, but if you have the power you can make him and yourself invincible for any threats.
It’s so real life, guys, that it’s almost annoying.
So yes, as I’ve already wrote earlier, I think those who say that Aziraphale is threatened here are right. It’s just, it might not be a direct threat, yet it’s a threat nonetheless. Aziraphale knows that he can’t decline this offer, not a chance. And he knows that Crowley almost certainly won’t take it. But in this moment he hopes – with just the tiniest of hopes – that maybe Crowley loves him enough to understand his situation.
He doesn’t take Crowley’s feeling into consideration, because he’s still operating in the situation of emergency.
And for Crowley it’s a shock.
It’s deeply hurtful for him that Aziraphale would think that he wants or needs to be an angel again. But I don’t think the main reason for this hurt is that he thinks that he as a demon is not enough for Aziraphale. I don’t think he believes it.
“Oh, we’re better than that, you’re better than that.” << Crowley is offended for Aziraphale, not for himself. He doesn’t even think twice about the offer. Maybe he thinks that it’s a trick, or maybe it’s just insignificant to him. What he tries to make Aziraphale understand is that Aziraphale doesn’t need Heaven. They don’t deserve Aziraphale.
[I can defend and understand Aziraphale all I want – and I will – but what I will never ever forgive him is his choice of words. “Of course you said no to hell – you’re the bad guys. WTF, Aziraphale? I mean what the actual fuck?! You don’t even think that, why would you say it? Why would you say “you”?? I have absolutely no excuses for that bit.
I hate “You’ll be my second in command” almost as much as the previous line. It’s a little bit easier to explain: something something about Aziraphale knowing that Crowley wouldn’t want to rule Heaven, and he says he will give him enough freedom to do what he wants and not to do what he doesn’t want to do. Also that he will be “his” second in command – like the main thing here is that Crowley will be “his” – with him, the closest to him, always by his side. Legally. I still hate the wording, but I need to find at least some excuse for it, if I can.]
When Aziraphale talks about Heaven being the side of truth, of light, of good – he’s talking about its potential, about the things he hopes to do there. He needs to believe in it, and he needs Crowley to believe that he can do it, to believe in him.
I want to talk specifically about “He said what? – He said I could appoint you to be an angel. You could come back to Heaven and… And everything.”
In my previous rewatch posts I tried to point out and prove two main reasons of why Aziraphale wants to go to Heaven and bring Crowley to Heaven.
He wants Crowley to be happy.
He wants to be capable of making Crowley happy.
Again: Aziraphale isn’t so excited because he wants Crowley to “be better” or “to change”. He is excited, hopeful even – almost with the hint of bittersweet hope in something which he never thought was possible – because he wants Crowley to find peace and joy he’s never had since he’s become a demon. It seems to him that if Heaven is offering this deal that means they are willing to admit that Crowley deserves to be an angel, and it’s as good an apology as one can get from God. Maybe this will be enough to heal some of Crowley’s hurt and resentment?
Of course, Crowley sees it in a completely opposite way: if they’re ‘forgiving’ him, that means he has something to apologize for. But he did nothing wrong back then. He did much more evil after the Fall then before. And they’ve no right to forgive him.
I don’t believe Crowley thinks that Aziraphale wants him to become an angel because he loves former Crowley, the angel he used to be. I’m sure he knows by now that Aziaphale loves him for who he is.
I think what wounds Crowley in this moment is that despite all this love it’s not enough for Aziraphale to choose him over Heaven. That he can’t understand how vital it is for Crowley to be true to himself, and respect it enough to stay with him. And what’s even more – it hurts Crowley that he feels like Aziraphale does not only betray him and the Earth, but that he betrays himself too. Crowley’s offended on Aziraphale’s behalf.
“When Heaven ends life here on Earth it will be just as dead as if Hell ended it.” << That’s the very same argument Crowley used when he came to Aziraphale to persuade him to fight Armageddon.
And Aziraphale recognizes it, he tells him: “If I’m in charge, I can make a difference.” << He tells him that this time round they would have better chances, and they won’t have to face the End of the Earth. Why didn’t he say it more openly, why? [I’ll tell you why: because if he had, they would have come up with a plan together and we wouldn’t have this horrible dramatic ending that we have.]
But as Crowley hears it: Aziraphale is making the same mistake he made during the Apocalypse all over again – trusting Heaven over Crowley, leaving him alone to side with the people who want to destroy both the Earth and Aziraphale too. And it’s unbearable.
It actually hurts me to rewatch Crowley’s confession, I just can’t, I start crying immediately. I mean, if it were not for these characters I’m incredibly invested in, like, they are part of my world, my reality – I wouldn’t for the life of me subject my poor self to such a torture which is seeing Crowley go through this again.
Just look at him, he starts talking already knowing that it’s hopeless. He knows he’s losing the most precious thing he’s ever had and the hope of having it in possible future too. And he’s doing it anyway – he’s putting everything at stake and he’s laying his heart bare there, in front of Aziraphale. I couldn’t believe it then and I still can’t as I’m rewatching it – how brave he is. Just how much willpower, hope, desperation, courage one must have to not give up immediately, to not pretend you don’t care that much – just to preserve some parts of your broken heart from being shattered into even smaller pieces. Crowley here is incredibly strong and brave. Because he knows that Aziraphale loves him as he loves Aziraphale, but that doesn’t mean that Aziraphale will choose him. And he’s doing this not only for himself but for Aziraphale as well.
And it’s so so hard for him! T_T His voice changes, it’s raspy and breaking all the time. His Adam’s apple wobbles, he looks up to hold the tears… And just what must it be like for an angel who was once so well-meaning and trusting and never expected to be cast out for that – to trust someone again with his heart? Oh, Crowley…  (God help me, I can’t understand how Aziraphale could just stand there and not be hugging him with all his angelic might)
When Crowley says “We’re a team, a group” – Aziraphale really glances away – to the window? – as if on a reflex, checking if anyone is listening. The angel is really so used to surveillance, to danger of showing his feelings. And how could he not be this way, really? In every historic minisode ever since the Arrangement he’s either worried that their relationship with Crowley will harm Crowley or he sees it happening. (I’m too lazy to write down the quotes, we all know them by heart don’t we?) Such habits won’t die easily. It will take time, and safety, and patience to overcome it.
I’m not sure Crowley here even means “we can leave Earth” when he says “We can go off together”. We’re so used to this phrasing (just as we’re use to the words Aziraphale uses both here and in the bandstand scene), that we tend to expect the same meaning. But in reality, I think Crowley just means: “We could leave both Heaven and Hell and be together, like Gabriel and Beelzebub did.”
However, even if Aziraphale understands him correctly, he realizes that it can’t happen this way: they can’t stay on Earth and have a happy ending. They can either go away somewhere (and even then they might not be safe, because – remember the opening scene? – it will all be shut down), or they can go down with the ship, which is the Earth. If they just stay and be “us”. So Aziraphale reads Crowley’s offer as such: “Give up on Heaven, Hell and the Earth. We can still be together.” Aziraphale can’t do that.
He wants to have both. He wants to save the Earth and be with Crowley there. He’s shaking his head all the way through Crowley’s speech. He wants to tell him it’s impossible, they just can’t be “an us” when there’s no one else in their universe.
[Again, from the last two paragraphs it’s obvious for me that it’s just a bad communication, isn’t it? If they just talked with words like normal grown up people there wouldn’t be any drama. Would it be more plausible, satisfying and (probably) in-character – very likely! Would it be less dramatic, sympathy-evoking and relatable? – probably also yes.]
Maybe Aziraphale isn’t saying it as it is, because he’s too afraid that he might be right? Maybe he thinks that if he tells Crowley now that he wants to be there in case of a new Armageddon, Crowley will just blame him for siding with those who even consider such things. So instead he just calls it “We can make a difference”. We can change them so that there won’t be a new Armageddon to stop.
And so when Crowley says “You can’t leave this bookshop”, and Aziraphale answers:
“Oh, Crowley! Nothing lasts forever!” He really thinks he’s saying it very openly: that there won’t be a bookshop if he doesn’t go to Heaven now. There won’t be Soho, There won’t be London. There won’t be Earth. “Oh, Crowley. How can you not understand that?”
But he can’t just say it openly, so Crowley has no way to understand it correctly so instead he hears the worst thing he’s afraid of hearing, because he’s already heard it before:
“There’s no our side. Not anymore.”
Just like Aziraphale will need time to recover from his trauma, Crowley will need time to recover from this. From always being ready for Aziraphale to reject him, for waiting it to happen any minute now.
Crowley remembers the Bandstand. He knows that then Aziraphale didn’t tell him the truth because he was a demon.
And now Aziraphale asks him to work together because now Crowley can be an angel.
And it hurts. And not because Crowley thinks Aziraphale thinks he’s not enough as an angel. But because Aziraphale still puts the chains that hold him before Crowley and their love.
Aziraphale here wants to go back to pre-Armargeddon times. Work together with Crowley, as they did then, stop the destruction of the Earth. And not hide. It’s the best thing he can imagine for them.
When he says “I need you!” I bet he’s not only thinking about Crowley himself as the closest person in his existence. He’s also thinking about the things he’ll have to do to make Heaven better and save the Earth, and he’s thinking: “How can Crowley refuse to help me now when in the same situation thirteen years ago I agreed to defy Heaven to help him save the Earth?”
[“Godfathers! Well, I’d be damned!
“It’s not so bad when you get used to it.”]
“I don’t think you understand what I’m offering you.”
I can’t read this phrase as “You don’t understand how much better it is to be an angel than a demon.” I just don’t see it, uh-uh. Aziraphale is far too offended for that. What he’s saying is: “I’m offering you a chance to save the Earth and be together. The only legal chance, the safest to do it.” That’s why he looks and acts so hurt. As he sees it, Crowley would rather stay a demon and choose to stubbornly hold onto his offense than smother his pride in order to be with Aziraphale and save the Earth.
Just like Crowley sees that Aziraphale is choosing Heaven over him, Aziraphale sees that Crowley doesn’t love him enough to forget his fight with God.
“I understand a whole lot better than you do.” <<
What Crowley is saying is: “I was betrayed and hurt by them so badly that now, six thousand years later I can still remember the pain. I don’t want that happening to you. I won’t participate in that happening to you. And you don’t understand it because if you did you wouldn’t ask me to go back there and subject myself to that pain again.”
What Aziraphale hears is: “You’re wrong to believe you can do anything. Heaven is toxic and you’re just you. And I won’t help you because it’s a lost cause.”
I love that Crowley’s feeling so much pain in that moment that he’s trying to lay some of it on Aziraphale with that nightingale line – it was petty and vengeful, and it worked: we see how Aziraphale react to that. But that only shows how badly Crowley was coping: he does it, because it’s too painful, he can’t do it alone.
And even in this moment, when he’s already horribly wounded, he doesn’t hide into his shell (I really thought he would, btw! I wasn’t expecting the kiss there and then even though I’d heard about the spoiler! I think this shows just how much Crowley really had to go out of his way to do it). It was a real feat, the kiss. I know it was more of a desperate attempt of Crowley to show what he can’t express with words. To show that Aziraphale has things on Earth to hold on to. But just as Neil said that he wrote the kiss there so that there wouldn’t be any misinterpretations, so that we would live now in a world where Crowley kissed Aziraphale – the same way I think it mattered to Crowley. He wanted Aziraphale to know for sure what he meant by “us”. Not the Arrangement, not working together, not being two fugitives on their own side. “Us” meant being in love. And it would have been easier for Crowley to leave some things unsaid when he knew that Azitaphale would leave anyway. But he didn’t.
And I don’t want to dissect the kiss and try to explain Aziraphale’s POV here, because some people have and many of them are right, I think. But it just makes me too sad for Crowley to think about it. By this point in the rewatch and analyses I’m done. I’ve no strength in me to forgive the “I forgive you”. Maybe tomorrow, but not today. (‘Tomorrow’ has come and gone and I still haven’t done it, so..)
And I just want to say that I think when Aziraphale is crying when Crowley’s leaving, he’s not only crying for himself. He’s also crying because he knows how he’s just hurt Crowley.
Okay, I’ve finished watching, and I’m crying too, and I don’t have any new ideas about the lift or the coffee, and I don’t think I want any weird turns there.  I really think Aziraphale was hired not only to be separated from Crowley but also to do dirty work for Heaven. And I really hope that this will bite them (Heaven) in the arse.
I want Crowley to realize that Aziraphale was right about the Earth, and I want Aziraphale to realize that Crowley was right about Heaven. I want them both to apologize and help each other to deal with their respective traumas. Most of all I want them to hug and be together as – I’m sure – God intended.
27 notes · View notes
beauty-and-passion · 23 days
Eurovision 2024: broken promises and one last hope
I know this post took a bit longer than usual, but I needed some time to collect my thoughts about this year’s Eurovision.
Yes, I watched it. Why? Because it wouldn’t have been fair to the artists, who took part in this year’s competition. It’s not because of them that the show was so polarized, so they didn’t deserve to be punished for that.
Also, I needed to see how far the EBU would go. I needed to see and I needed to remember. And everyone needs to remember too. Remember this year and remember what happened, when the EBU followed its policy so strictly, it ended up making the most tense show I’ve ever watched.
I will share my thoughts and I will try my best to do it effectively. It won’t be a short post and I apologize, but I tried my best.
Sweden: was it worth it?
We all had big expectations for this year’s show. There was Petra Mede, everyone’s favorite host. And Sweden is well known for doing great shows. This year should've been great.
 The first semifinal starts and we're bombarded by greatest hits of the past. Cool for five minutes, boring after one hour.
I’m disappointed: I expected something better from Sweden, not them recycling something already done in the past. But that’s what they did by sending Loreen back to win again, so I suppose it’s fitting.
Okay, so we have Johnny Logan, Ireland’s three-time winner. Is he singing one of his songs? No, he’s singing Tattoo.
Weird choice. Why call Ireland’s three-time winner to perform a Swedish song? Why call a representative of the nation who won as many times as you and make him sing one of your songs and not one of his?
If I were to think badly, I would think this was Sweden's subtle way to impose its supremacy on Ireland. A sort of: "You're not the best anymore, I reached you and I will surpass you. You will succumb to me". But Sweden would never do something like that, wouldn’t it?
Then we have the second semifinal. And we have a song, which can be resumed as follows: “We know we stole Finland’s victory last year, but instead of admitting there is a problem with the voting system (and the entire system for that matter), we’d much rather prefer to whine, because people have been sooooo mean with us. And yes, we will keep sending the same stuff every time, because it makes us win. At the end of the day, all we want is to keep winning, so shut up and love us.”
I don’t know you, but the line between being self-aware of your flaws and openly admitting all you want is to win (all while insulting the country that almost won last year, by saying that their show would’ve been so stupid ah ah, while ours is so cool, see how cool we are?) is very thin. And even the greatest hosting country of all time can succumb to its own hubris once in a while.
Then we reach the final. Okay, the semifinals' shows were meh and left me with a bitter aftertaste, but hey, that’s the final! It must be awesome!
After two hours, I was looking at the clock, waiting for the entire thing to be over.
Did we really need a thirst song about Martin Österdahl, the most hated EBU Executive Supervisor? Was it really necessary to sexualize this man? Is it because he’s Swedish? Is it because Sweden needs to kiss the ESC’s ass even more? Or is it because the ESC really really wants to make this guy more popular, considering people hate him?
After hinting at them in every possible way for the entire week, in the end we got AI-generated ABBA. Well, shoutout to the real ABBA for not participating in this: last year they said they would’ve not taken part and they didn't. Respect.
Alcazar were the biggest surprise of the entire week, because they are a piece of my childhood and Crying at the Discoteque is still a huge bop. But heaven forbid we having fun for more than five minutes, so they were sent away immediately.
At the end of the day, my question is: was it worth it, Sweden? Was it worth winning seven times, only to celebrate with the most boring show ever?
I cannot believe I’m saying this, but I missed Portugal’s show. Yes, the show I called “torture”, because they kept spamming the entire country for days.
You know what? I’d rather watch a country constantly spam its beauties and its culture, than another greatest hit compilation. By god, you’re hosting Eurovision. That's your chance to display your country on the greatest window Europe has to offer. And you use that chance, to repeat over and over “Eurovision good” and talk about it only.
I know Eurovision is good and cool and I love the reminder... but please, give us something more, Sweden. Something you. Listening to a country say: “We don’t have anything else to offer besides Eurovision” does not make me laugh. It makes me sad. It's not that you don't have anything else to offer, Sweden: it's that you don't want to show what else you have to offer.
You have gorgeous natural places (Höga Kusten and Gotland just to name two). You have the second-longest bridge in Europe and it's fucking impressive. Your capital is full of wonderful islands - and I found out there are tours with buses that go both on the ground and in the water. How fucking cool is that?!
Do we want to talk about culture? Your coffee breaks are literally part of your lifestyle and even have a specific name. You have that great concept of lagom which a lot of people should learn too. You are full of beautiful art and funny foods - heck, there is even a Disgusting Food Museum in Malmö! And I didn't find out thanks to Eurovision, but thanks to fucking Tripadvisor.
It's just sad, you know? Don't underestimate yourself so much, Sweden. You have a ton to offer besides this show.
 The Netherlands: victim of paradoxes
Europapa was one of fan’s favorite songs and of course it was: a catchy tune, funny singer, fun and happiness for a song that was both a celebration of Europe and a touching love letter from Joost to his parents.
Of course it got people’s hearts. We all love the story of a character who comes up with a dream and wants to fulfill it. And if we can, we want to make that dream come true.
So just imagine how devastating it was, to find out Joost has been disqualified. I was minding my own business when I found out and I was shocked, so I can’t even imagine how bad his hardcore fans felt.
The first question was, of course, why. What happened? What could’ve done a man who has always wanted to attend Eurovision, to get disqualified? Not warned, not penalized. Disqualified. What did he ever do, to put in jeopardy his lifelong dream like that?
I don't know if we’ll ever find out the whole truth. All we know is that Joost asked a woman to stop filming him, she refused and kept following him, so he made a “threatening gesture” towards the camera, while not touching her.
Which gesture? No idea. Maybe he showed his middle finger, maybe he tried to lower the camera, maybe he said “fuck you and stop filming me”, maybe he tried to hit the camera. I don’t know. But in this case, I would really like to know - and not just what he did, but how the whole thing went.
If this year taught us something, is the importance of context. If Joost Klein tried to punch the camera is one thing and he should be condemned for that. But if Joost Klein tried to punch the camera after being filmed without his permission, because a woman was harassing him and following him, thus breaking the agreement that wanted him to not be filmed after stage… well, that's another thing.
Sure, he shouldn’t have reacted this way. But you can understand by yourself that snapping at someone out of the blue is one thing and snapping because you’re fed up with harassment is another thing.
Did Joost deserve some punishment? Sure. But did the person filming him without consent deserve punishment too? Of course. If you have to apply punishments, you have to do it equally, not with a double standard. So if he was disqualified, that woman should've been removed from her position too. But as far as I know, she wasn't.
Also, why didn't the EBU tell exactly what happened right from the start? Why refer to it as “an incident” and give only vague explanations? Why not mention Joost's disqualification during the Grand Final? Why did people have to find out through social media and the Grand Final happened as if nothing?
That's weird, that's not the behavior of someone who has nothing to hide. What’s the matter, EBU? Why this weird lack of communication? And why not show the footage of the incident and make everything clear? Now you’re respecting Joost’s right to not be filmed? A bit too late for that, isn’t it?
So yes, in a paradoxical turn of events, Joost Klein got his dream denied by the same show he wanted to be part of. The guy with the most European song ever, the one who stuck to the ESC motto “united by music”, the one who celebrated Europe, the one whose childhood dream was to be part of this European show, got disqualified by the same European show.
What can I say? I just hope karma will do its job for him. If he's innocent, he will get good things. If he's in the wrong, he will get his punishment.
In the meantime, you can still support him, stream his songs and check his albums. Here on YouTube you will find basically all of them, since it doesn’t seem he has a YouTube channel (yet).
And if his fans still find everything absurd and unjustifiable, don't worry: if Eurovision 2023 (and all previous ones) taught us something, is that you don’t have to be the winner, to steal people’s hearts. Sometimes, you just need one performance.
And this one stole everyone's heart.
Also, since apparently paradoxes were not enough, it seems like European flags were banned for being political? European flags during a European show in a European country in the European continent.
EBU, one question: on which continent do you think you’re in? Spoiler: it’s not America.
EBU’s biggest mistake
Let's talk a bit about the current global situation, shall we? No, you can't escape from it.
So, unless you lived under a rock until now, you know that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has been going on for a long time and that recently it intensified again because of the new Gaza conflict. Israel pretends to not have committed war crimes, the rest of the world tells them to stop committing them, there are protests everywhere and people are ready to jump at each other’s throats to defend one country or the other.
Now, you’re the EBU. You say your show isn’t political. And that’s true: Eurovision isn’t political. Eurovision is a musical competition. It has nothing to do with politics.
But Eurovision takes place on planet Earth. And, as said, the situation on planet Earth is a bit tense right now. So you already know that, if you stick one single finger in this situation, you will get BIG reactions from the public.
So, what do you do, when Israel asks you to participate?
a) You tell Israel, very politely and very professionally, that you appreciate their application, but cannot accept them this year, because the situation is what it is and letting them in would bring chaos and potential dangers into a contest whose main foundation is being safe and non-political.
b) You let Israel in and let Palestine participate too, at least in spirit through people’s voices and decisions to mention it. This way, no one can say you’re taking sides, since you’re letting both sides participate.
c) You let Israel in and censor everything and everyone else, so not only you bring chaos inside your non-political contest, but make it even more political than ever and end up taking sides too.
Guess what EBU chose.
In order to stick to their non-political policy, EBU put blinders on and ignored the rest of the world. In order to let one country in because "Eurovision is non-political, so everyone is allowed to participate", they brought politics into their non-political show.
And no, it's not unexpected: it was obvious that, by letting Israel in, politics would've entered the competition too. This country and politics are bound tightly now, because of the current situation: of course if you let one in, the other will enter too.
And with politics, all the chaos of the current situation found its way in too. And that means EBU literally put in danger:
25 artists and their teams coming from all over Europe
the same Israeli gal and her team
all the tourists coming from all over the world to attend Eurovision
Swedish people who were living their normal lives and were suddenly surrounded by protests and chaos
the protesters who could've been involved in potential clashes
members of the police who also could've been involved in potential clashes
“But hey”, you might say, “nothing bad happened, in the end! You’re being too negative!”
Sure, thankfully nothing bad happened. But the risk was there, it was huge and it's not that "it would've been here anyway": the risk could've been completely avoided, by applying just a bit more human reasoning.
But even after politics found its way into the show, even after that, EBU could've saved the whole thing. If only one human being with a functioning brain said something like: "Okay, politics is in, even if we didn't want to. Now all we can do is let the other side of the conflict speak too, while we stay neutral".
But no, oh no. Mentioning Palestine and ceasefire means politics and our show isn't political. So let's ignore the fact that our decision to follow the policy verbatim led to politics being inside the show and let's keep applying the rules as if nothing: no one should mention politics, so Eric Saade cannot perform with the kefiah, Bambie Thug should remove their messages about ceasefire, Iolanda cannot keep her nails with Palestine's colors (seriously?!) and people's booing should be drowned with anti-booing technology.
You know, it's incredibly fascinating how EBU's stubborn decision to strictly follow the rules not only allowed politics inside the show, but led to the EBU itself taking a political stand, all while censoring every other opposition. EBU's rigid, mechanical application of the policy led to the EBU contradicting the same policy it was oh-so-religiously following. By making sure the show wasn't political, EBU applied censorship and not only made it even more political, but politically oriented towards one side of the conflict.
I don't know who the EBU members are and if they're human beings with functioning brains or just AI-generated bots, but please: stop following the rules like mindless robots and start using human reasoning in your decision-making process. And use common sense too, because if an idiot like me could foresee the consequences, you should've been able to foresee them too.
Israel: bullying cannot buy you victory
Now, we have Israel in. And the Israeli gal and her team perfectly know that their sole presence will lead to controversy and political stands.
So, if you were in their place, what would have you done?
kept a low profile during the entire competition;
showed at least an ounce of regret for unintentionally putting everyone in danger;
bullied everyone and tried to find any possible chance to beef with the other artists;
Guess what the Israeli team chose.
During the entire competition, these people kept harassing other artists, filming them without consent, calling them names, misgendering them. They kept this arrogant behavior, as if they owned the place and all other countries were just invited to their show.
And if there’s something I hate more than arrogance, is arrogance with a side dish of bullying.
So, to all the people whining because “Martina Satti yawned while Eden was speaking and Joost hid his face”: if that’s bullying, for you, you have a great life and I envy you. I wish I was bullied like that in school. But my bullying was more like… well, calling me names, harassing me and listening/spying what I was doing without my consent.
But apparently harassing the competitors wasn’t enough, so Israel decided to harass the viewers too, by begging for votes. Yes, they begged for votes. Yes, they spammed ads all over YouTube. Yes, I got one too and it was on a Eurovision-unrelated video and it made my blood boil. Yes, they were this desperate. And yes, that’s pathetic.
Also: is this legal? Is this allowed? EBU, are we sure this is part of the rules you follow so strictly? And please, tell me: is harassment also part of those same rules?
But do not worry: in the end, karma found its way. And despite the arrogance, the harassment, the tons of money spent to beg people, none of these means was enough to grant Israel the victory they oh-so-desperately wanted.
On the contrary: in a wonderfully ironic twist, the winner was one of the artists they kept misgendering and harassing. Mmmh, delicious irony, my favorite.
So thank you Israel for wasting money all over YouTube, I hope they were a lot. Thank you to all the people who made a political vote, you really got the spirit of the show, I hope you will never watch it again. Thank you Israeli team for harassing everyone and making an already tense competition even more tense. And, most importantly, thank you EBU for bringing politics in a non-political show: great fucking job, I hope someone will get fired.
And now, let's finally talk about music. Israel's song was nothing special, just the umpteenth bland song I've listened to 200 times already. And we all know it didn't get 300+ votes because everyone was in love with it. People's taste is not so bland and boring. And the final points proved it.
(On a side note, if I were Eden, I would be offended by these votes. At least the people who voted for Loreen last year didn't do it because of Sweden, but because of her talent. This year, I doubt that the people who voted for Eden gave a shit about her talent at all)
France: I need to make some apologies
Listen, you have to understand: we Italians know that French singers are good. We laugh, we say they’re “so French” and they keep Frenching and everything, but we know they rarely disappoint.
The problem is that France is good at the same things we’re good too. We’re both good at soccer, we’re good with food, wine, fashion. And we’re both good at singing.
So, France, remember: we might make fun of you but my god, your artists are amazing. When Slimane sang that part acapella two meters away from his microphone, I literally got shivers. He is a fucking great singer, his voice is incredible and he deserved more than 7 points.
I know French Frenching, but we should give credit when necessary:
Estonia, Spain and basically everyone else: two words and more apologies
Estonia 20th and Spain 22nd? Super robbed. The ignominy. The audacity. They served us beautiful Estonian language and a Spanish gal with a soft voice and that's how they got rewarded? They deserve more and better and people are stupid.
Also, I don’t know what kind of beef Greeks have with Marina, but she was good and doesn’t deserve all of this hate. Also because most of the complaints I've heard about make no sense, so… uh?!
Germany: fucking finally, people gave you votes. Thank you for persevering, your song was truly nice and I liked it too.
Armenia: yes, top 10! For great, lively, wonderful Balkan rhythm! You deserve it and your country deserves love and appreciation.
Italy: I’m okay with this result. Angelina’s performance was better, compared to the one in the semi-finals (also, better costume too, the other was too revealing and too much in general). 7th place is fine.
Ireland: I know that’s not a song for everyone and okay, fine, maybe it’s nothing special either… but my god, have you seen the performance they put on? A-ma-zing. It was interesting, captivating and full of details. And the narrative is perfect too: you can see how Bambie slowly befriends the demon and ends up killing it. It was truly enjoyable to watch. So I’m glad it got 6th place, they deserve an even higher position.
Ukraine: please keep slaying, your artists are always so great and they keep proving it every goddamn time. Also, that moment when Ukraine surpassed Israel was delicious: money truly cannot buy you love and support.
The UK: seriously, why are you whining about people not giving you points? The song was okay, but nothing truly special. Still, you got 18th place! What should Norway say, instead? Poor Norway, it has all my sympathy, the song wasn't this bad.
And now, to you all: you know what to do. Follow your favorites, stream their songs, shower them with love. Eurovision is over, but these artists are not disappearing. They are still out there, making beautiful music. Go check on them.
Croatia: “the audience will come to my concert, not the jury”
Baby Lasagna was a blessing and as Italian, I want to properly apologize for giving it 16 points total only. You deserved 24, shame on us for being stupid morons.
Croatia gave us a beautiful song, from a beautiful artist with a great message and upbeat sounds. And I’m not the only one who thinks this, because the rest of the public agrees with me. Marko gave us pure joy and entertainment in an evening that was mostly sadness, tension and boredom.
And yes, it’s sad he didn’t win… but he knew it, before Switzerland’s points have been announced. Look at his face, during the final voting: as soon as Petra said Switzerland only needed 182 points, he realized he was going to lose. You can see him understanding and accepting it. He knew Switzerland would get these points. I knew. Everybody knew.
So no, this wasn’t like last year: last year, it was a one-on-one game between Finland and Sweden and a tug-of-war between public and jury. This year, we had a lot of favorites. Marko was the favorite, but if Joost wasn’t disqualified, maybe the points would’ve been even more distributed.
But you know what? Marko actually got the best possible result you can get in Eurovision. People adore you, you become a legend and your country doesn’t have to deal with EBU’s bullshit. You get the best of both worlds and it doesn’t cost you a cent.
Also, consider that Marko accepted his 2nd place graciously and maturely, went back home and was welcomed by basically the whole Zagreb (Let3 were there too! Kings supporting a king, very fitting). And in an interview, he said something like “I don’t care about the jury points, because the jury doesn’t come to my concerts”. Which proves he is:
a mood
a king
the truth oracle
everyone’s spirit animal
the winner of the people
the coolest guy ever
So, Croatia: I understand your disappointment, the jury system REALLY needs to change. And no, you won't host Eurovision next year. But consider that you're everyone's favorite country now. And you won't have to deal with whatever shit will happen in 2025! So sit back, relax, may your tourism thrive and your quality of life be high.
And if all of you people really enjoyed Baby Lasagna, please consider he has a YouTube channel and there are two other songs, besides Rim Tim Tagi Dim. One criticizes social media and the influencer system, while the other is a piece of great life advice from the title: “Don't hate yourself, but don't love yourself too much”. Thank you, king, for being so real.
And in case you’re wondering, yes, they’re both huge bops.
Do your magic, people: subscribe to his channel, stream his songs, watch his videos, shower him with love and, most importantly, meow back.
Switzerland: a contest that can live up to its promise
In the end Switzerland won. And it’s a good victory, you know? You might not like the song, but consider that Nemo sang pop, rap and opera, all while jumping on that rotating platform-thingy and running all over the stage. And they even bent back, while keeping a high note and rotating. I can’t even keep a high note by standing still, let alone by doing all the stuff they did.
Also, this is the first victory for a non-binary person, so great for them. And basically no one knew Nemo before Eurovision, so the show came back to its roots, by giving fame to an unknown artist.
Last but not least, in an ironic turn of events, this victory is the least political thing that happened on that stage. In the most polarized, political show ever, the winner is the quintessential neutral country. Almost poetic, in a way.
And this victory is also a huge slap in the face for the EBU: in the end, it wasn't its rigid adherence to the policy that made the show non-political, it was the jury’s vote. How the tables have turned.
But there is another reason why this victory is good after all and it’s because it’s a hopeful one. The winner isn’t famous, they didn’t harass anyone, they didn’t use money to win, they brought nothing besides their identity, a kind heart and a flag they had to sneak in because of the weird “flag rule” EBU pulled out.
And I would like to remind you that, during their victory speech, Nemo said this:
"I hope this contest can live up to its promise and continue to stand for peace and dignity for every person in this world".
I think it’s a speech that tells everything about this year’s show. This year, the contest didn’t live up to its promise: it put people in unnecessary danger, it brought tension, it made it political. EBU’s strictness led to a lot of consequences, the exact ones it tried so desperately to avoid.
As a result, no one enjoyed their time. I didn't enjoy my time. When Sunday came, I was relieved that the week was finally over and I was able to leave Eurovision behind. I didn't feel an ounce of the usual post-Eurovision nostalgia. I was just glad it was over.
And it's sad and unfair, because Eurovision isn't this. Eurovision is a perfect little window of peace and unity, away from the chaos of the world. For a few hours, three evenings a year, we can leave the real problems behind and focus on silly ones, like which country should win, which should be forever ashamed and which artist will become a legend.
This year, it wasn't like that. This year politics found its way in and wrecked everything. What was supposed to be a silly, funny, lighthearted show became so heavily politically charged, it broke under the weight.
And now that I think about it, Nemo breaking the trophy is the perfect metaphorical representation of this year's competition.
Just like that trophy, Eurovision is something frail and beautiful and mishandling can break it. And oh boy, the EBU truly mishandled it. Even if it was an accident, even if it wasn't done on purpose, the trophy is still broken. The show is broken.
But when asked about their broken trophy, Nemo didn't mourn it: Nemo gave words of hope. Maybe the broken trophy can be repaired. And maybe Eurovision can be repaired too.
How? Well, maybe by starting to learn when and how to apply rules. By using common sense and sensibility. And by checking the world outside too. If we want Eurovision to keep being that small window separated from real world problems, we can't just ignore them: we need to check them and react accordingly.
And if we have to break a rule to guarantee peace and safety, then so be it. One broken rule is not as important as safety and unity.
After all, what makes Eurovision isn't a set of rules: it's the artists, with their talents, their messages, their hopes, their voices, their dreams. They are Eurovision. They are the pull that draws everyone in. They are the reason why people are "united by music". Not because a rule orders them to, not because of the EBU: because of these artists.
Maybe the EBU can start from that. Maybe it can start by looking at the human aspect. Maybe it can start by going out and looking around. And maybe it can learn to take more care of the artists who are the foundation of the show.
And maybe, maybe, they will be able to repair Eurovision too.
See you, hopefully, next year.
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��You were nothing more than a child's toy on your little “Backyard Railway” Edalyn”
That was enough to set Edalyn off the edge. No one would talk shit about her railway and get away with it, even if she was being abused, she still took pride in being a part of the Disney owned Grizzly Flats Railroad. Her railway heavily influenced Walt Disney's love for trains and she was not letting someone tarnish that title. They had been arguing for what felt like hours that started out as just some playful jabbing at each other's hardships, which led to more personal insults, and then to flat out rude remarks about each other whether it be about their trauma, looks, how they act, ect. But with this particular insult, Edalyn could tell Dane meant it, with his rude and sneering tone, his condescending smug grin, the way he effortlessly strode up to her with confidence, knowing she’d back away, it was all very overwhelming, so she quickly got defensive.
“Excuse me? Say that bullshit again to me.” She said in a low, but powerful voice. Dane chuckled at her anger, he knew she was trying to keep her cool, but her hands were shaking as she balled them up into firm fists. He grabbed her wrists, squeezing them tightly. He then went right next to her ear and said in a whisper,
“You are nothing more than a child's toy-”
But Edalyn didn’t want to hear the rest, she broke free from Dane's grip and pushed him away very forcefully, turning away and crying silently, grabbing her arms, all while holding her head down and shaking. Dane realised he went a bit too far, seeing as all she could think of was her old controller.
“E-Edalyn I… I didn't-”
“I don’t wanna hear it Dane… How dare you.” She said in a low but powerful voice. Dane was getting nervous. He didn’t say a thing. This seemed to anger her more.
“What, not gonna say anything after that Dane? Come on tough guy, say that bullshit again to me.” She said, approaching him swiftly. Dane didn’t move. Now they were face to face. Edalyn grabbed his ear and whispered,
“Say it again.” A shiver went down Dane's spine. He knew he'd pissed her off, but couldn’t seem to control himself.
“I SAID YOURE A FUCKING TOY!!! YOURE NOTHING MORE THAN A WORTHLESS, DISPOSABLE PLAYTHING!!! YOU MEAN NOTHING TO THIS WORLD!!!” He screamed at the top of his lungs, leaving an echo across the lake and beyond. Edalyn had no words, she couldn’t believe her ears, and nothing could explain what happened next. She felt an indescribable burning feeling in her core that blossomed into a blue rose of fury, rage, and sadness. It made her feel hot and heavy, like a weight had been dumped onto her shoulders, but yet, she felt like she could jump to the sky.
Her eyes turned from a bright red, to a blinding blue, and glowed like the sun, which soon turned into pure flames, and so did her hair, it would rise and flicker which each step she took, while also leaving little burn marks from her heals and small blue embers in the path. Her clothes however, we’re fine, but the world around her was not, it would soon know her fury, just like Dane. He looked at her in terror, he had never seen her like this and was frozen in place. For once, he was struck with fear just like his victims, and quickly broke into a cold sweat. As Edalyn walked towards him, she said nothing, only looked at him with her burning eyes.
Dane tried to teleport away, but Edalyn caught him instantly with a firey fist. The fire burned him as he screamed in agony. Edalyn smiled a wicked smile as she began to laugh maniacally. Never before had she seen Dane in such a state but now she loved it, she wanted him to writhe in agony just like she did when he was taking over her mind.
Edalyn brought him up higher as she started to burn his lake to the ground. She started lighting trees, bushes, anything her fire could reach and touch, it was in flames in seconds. Dane tried using his water magic but to no avail, her fire would only burn his water and hurt him more. He then tried to control her mind but that was even worse! All he could see in her mind was blue flames and angry, horrid thoughts, fantasising about murdering Dane, and burning the whole island with him! He suddenly passed out from being in her mind.
“Awww what’s the matter Dane? Can’t handle the consequences of your actions?! WAKE UP YOU MONSTER!!!” She screamed loudly but he didn’t, he only lay limp in her fist, burning away. She dropped his limp body in his lake to cool him off. She then directed her attention to the lake and began to destroy it. She continued to laugh as she let her magic run wild, burning every single hing in her eye's range.
Meanwhile Dane was having a horrible nightmare… He was in front of a fireplace with a beautiful red fire glowing a warmth so comforting he felt like he could sleep in it. But it quickly changed to a purple glow, then blue, blue fire? Oh no… no no NO NO!!! The fire soon burst out of the brick cage and turns into a feminine figure that’s all to familiar. His dearest, Edalyn. The firey figure would then raise its hand to smack him down. Dane tried to run but forgot what it’s like to be in a dream. He couldn’t run, and soon the figure grabbed him and threw him in the fire.
Dane soon would wake up to him being in his lake which understandably, he’d frantically swim his way out of and ride above the water to see
His lake, in absolute shambles. Everything had been burned to the ground and only a blue trail of embers were left. He then remembered Edalyn. He had angered her so badly she took it out on his lake. He quickly swam to the shore of his lake and put out the embers, but still followed them, leading him out to the rest of Sodor.
“She went all the way out here? *sigh* Only Lady knows what she’s done now.” Dane followed the embers out to the Narrow Gauge Railway to see the Narrow Gauge engines fighting off Edalyn! Dane quickly assessed the situation and ran to them. First being Peter Sam
“Hey! Are you ok?” He asked, helping him up. Peter Sam was burned badly and crying.
“No! Edalyn's destroying our railway! What did you do to her?” He asked, his voice cracking with every word. Dane looked at him with a cringed face.
“Nothing that wasn’t my fault” He then shooed him away and started to help the others escape. Next he went to Sir Handel.
“The fuck did you do now?! Edalyn's gone more crazy than you dickhead!” Dane sighed as he told him something. He looked and nodded at Dane then ran to Peter Sam. One by one Dane helped the others until it was just him and Edalyn. She finally noticed him and tried to smack him down but this time, he managed to move just in time! Dane sprayed her with his water and managed to get through to her and took his chance to speak.
“Edalyn! I'm so sorry for what I said! I never should’ve said those horrible things to you, please forgive me my love!” Dane said, tears in his eyes. Edalyn looked at him with scorn.
“You truly mean it…? You aren’t just saying this to get me to stop?” Dane nodded as Edalyn's fire began to die down! Dane took this final shot.
“NOW SIR HANDEL!!” He shouted as he and Sir Handel sprayed Edalyn down, fizzling and steam encased the two as they sprayed her down. Soon the smoke and steam cleared to a burned and wet Edalyn, coughing and panting. Dane rushed to her.
“Edalyn! Are you ok?” He asked, kneeling down. Edalyn then grabbed his shoulders very tightly.
“If you ever say that shit again to me, I’ll kill you on the spot do you understand?” She said in a low and tough voice. Dane quickly nodded. They both got up and looked to the others who were looking at her with horror.
“It wasn’t her fault!! I pushed her off the edge! This was my fault.” Dane said, holding Edalyn's hand. A deafening silence fell over everyone. Duke was the first to break the silence.
I think it’s time for you two to go home, we'll go contact the Fat Controller and tell him what’s going on-“
“NO!!!” Edalyn screamed. “If Sir Topham Hatt finds out what I did he'll send me back to America! I can’t go back! I'll do whatever it takes to fix this just don’t tell him!!” Clenching her fists as started to cry. Dane hugged her softly. Duke grabbed her hands.
“Whatever happened here can be fixed, we'll get started right away” Duke said, as he ushered the others to get their materials and magic ready as Dane and Edalyn did the same, but Dane got someone to help, Lady herself! Thankfully she was more than happy to help, but not after giving Edalyn a stern talking to. Edalyn was ready to make up for her damage and did the most work out of everyone! Only after a day or two, the Narrow Gauge Railway and Dane's Lake was back to what it used to be, or at least that’s what ever one thought, but for some reason, there's these little patches of burnt grass that can’t be cured, not even with Lady's magic!
It was first steps Edalyn took towards Dane while enraged.
Those steps now symbolise why you should never cross Edalyn too much.
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qierxing · 1 year
Congrats on the 500+ Followers👍I would like to request a fem!reader with Barbatos from Obey Me with the prompt “Don’t do that, you’ll hurt yourself.” ~🔮
thankies! one butler coming up!
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"Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!" 
Your head is lightheaded from screaming those words. It's like it's second nature when the lamp leaves your hand to make a spectacular crash against an old marble statue. An artifact most likely from the old ages of Devildom and quite rare. 
You couldn’t care less. 
Your eyes rabidly search for another item, something heavy, something big enough to make a statement. Before you can even think to grab the bronze paperweight off a desk, a hand encircles your wrist. 
"Please, darling." Like a feral animal, you immediately start clawing at your captor's hands, hissing and snarling at any unwanted touch. 
His tired sigh is your only warning before you're sat up by his tail and then trapped within teal coils. 
"Let go of me, you bastard!" You wiggle, to no avail. Damn this serpent for having strong grip strength! It's only a matter of minutes before you're tired and worn out, slumped against cool scales. 
"Are you done, dear?" You can practically feel the condescension dripping off the question. Another slew of insults and curses leave your mouth, albeit more worn out and no longer threatening in this position. 
A chuckle, and then his coils shift to move your scratched hands out of the coils for his viewing. Barbatos clicks his tongue, conjuring up bandages and septic in a blink of an eye. 
"I'm glad you got it out of your system, but let's find something safer to do next time, hm?" You want to scratch out his eyes. He's acting as if you're an under stimulated pet cat who just needs a toy and some play time to keep it happy. 
"Fuck off." You make no move to shake off his hands despite the venom in your voice. It was long useless to try to fight against Barbatos and his mother henning. 
"Now, that's not very nice dear." Barbatos hums, as he finishes wrapping your hand with a click of scissors. "I get very worried about you at times."
You don’t want his worry or kindness. In another timeline, perhaps. But now his unblinking eyes just means there isn’t anywhere in this room, world, and even timeline that you can be free of. It’s long left you chained to his side, at his beck and call as if you were the servant instead of him.
“Let me go. Just let me go home.” You sob angrily. It’s humiliating, tears and snot running over your cheeks as you beg again. “Please–”
“Now darling, we’ve talked about this, haven't we?” More tears streak out of your eyes in anger. “But you should know, time here flows differently than the surface world.”
“I once went up there, under my Lord’s orders. I had the chance to stop by your home.” He leans in, closed eyes and soft lips. “And do you know what I saw, my dear?”
Your throat closes. Like a cold shower, you’re left chilled to the bone.
“It’s really a shame they had to deal with a murder and a missing persons case. I don’t think they’ll ever catch the culprit, though.” 
You begin to scream.
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