#ohmygod this writing is horrible
neuromuse · 1 month
This has been rotting in my head for like a year at this point, and I am not gonna do justice in this one post but!! Let's talk about Percy's Mercury!Bart Allen Au.
So the idea of Bart taking Max's mantle is not my own original idea, I see it all the time on comic book twitter and tumblr and it's a very common concept and it makes a lot of sense. Given how Bart failed Terrifically at being the flash, and so if he were to grow out of the Impulse title and role, I think this would be that story (if that makes any sense??). Cue: my rambles
So there's a lot of parts where I could start this AU, but hear me out, what if we start with an alternate ending to Mercury Falling? Inertia pulls a rotting Max Mercury into the speedforce and Impulse barrels through to try and save his parental mentor figure. Bart canonically wants to save both Thad and Max, and I think at the state Bart was with his training meant that the ability of him saving either of them when all chaos breaks loose in the speedforce is incredibly thin. In a good ending Bart ends up saving Thad and Max and there is a possible start of Thaddeus redemption arc, in the real ending we got Bart saves Max and Thad poofs into speedforce dust, and in a bad ending Bart watches Thaddeus and Max fade in front of him.
Can you take a guess at which one I'm gonna pick for this AU? What can I say, fuckers love angst (I am fuckers).
Ok so Bart crawls out of the speedforce, torn in shambles and in front of him is Helen and Max's colleague who was attempting to treat him. They all stare at each other with thick disbelief of what had just happened, and neither of the adults can find it in themselves to ask the quivering teen in shambles the thick details. All they can manage is to pick up the boy and comfort him, rest assured he is safe at the end of the day. The rest of the details follow out similar to the end of Impulse, where when Max goes missing the Allen family decide to assign Jay Garrick as Bart's caretaker since he can continue mentoring him and be the best fit. When Bart moves in with the Garricks, across the country and away from his school friends and Helen, he is still injured and recovering, which he shouldn't be injured since speedsters usually only take like what? a few hours and they're back on their speedy feet? Jay speculates Bart still has broken bones because they not only settled in the wrong spots, making it impossible to make a proper recovery (unless he wants to repetitively break the same bones until they set them in the right spots) or because the injuries forming in the speedforce threw the body and metabolism in for a loop.
Either way, from this point on the canon stays loosely the same. Bart stays with Jay, learns with him, and some Young Justice shenanigans ensue. Up until we get to around the Flash Rebirth comic, I'm gonna mess around with this point. Wally notices that when Barry comes back the speedforce is acting very strange again, and so does Barry as they both hear the souls of Max and Johnny Quick in the speedforce. This peaks Bart's curiosity, and just like when he was a younger kid he's gonna try to make a run back into the speedforce to check it out. Everyone advises Bart not to run back into the speedforce, a whole dictionary's worth of reasons why it's not a good idea, but Bart will stay stubborn and keep working his way up into breaking that barrier.
Bart eventually enters the speedforce looking for Max, and he enters the speedforce a handful of amount of times before finding him. He treats these visits like entering a containment zone, enter for only a short time and once anything feels funny evacuation ASAP. When he finds Max, on his seventh run through, the man is ethereal, what was a conduit of the speedforce is now a spectral image of what the speedforce captured him as. The two manage to hold conversation in a thick maelstrom of kinetic energy, which now limits their time as Bart is starting to get battered up for being a freshie to the intense form of travel.
It was obvious that Max couldn't go back to earth with Bart, as his body wasn't the same and it would put the two in a whole bunch of unnecessary issues. When it's getting to that point where Bart is hitting that upper limit of speedforce exposure, he asks Max if he could see him soon. In the typical always cryptic Max manner, he just laughs and puts a phantasmic hand on Bart's shoulder and tells him that he'll know where to find him. This is what I'd consider to be the transfer of "zen speedforce master" powers to Bart, and it kinda fucks him up you know, it's a lot of beyond radioactive energy being transferred into one of the most unstable conduits. He's gonna knock out and wake up on the floor of Jay's basement with the ability to feel everything moving, and at what speed they're moving.
The shuffling of Jay and Joan cooking dinner together is magnified in a sense that even Clark Kent couldn't understand it, he could clock down Wally running to the Titan's tower, he could feel Tim Drake grapple building to building. It's a lot to take in, but he could also very faintly feel a swirling force in him, a very soothing force that reminds him so faintly of that house in Manchester, Alabama.
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jestiric · 5 months
forever thinking about the tears on the cybermen suits
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doctor who costume designers i love you
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hyperfixat · 8 months
day 14 of ai less whumptober: No Anesthesia
supporting these posts helps encourage my writing and creating, thanks!
The sound of one of your joints popping and the breaking of a bone are terribly similar.  Too similar, in fact.  The brothers have broken many bones in their infinite time. 
The first snap, crackle, pop of your joints had made everyone in the room freeze.  Leviathan, in the middle of talking about some new limited Ruri-chan figure, stopped.  All seven pairs of eyes stare at you in horror.
 Did the human die?  Are they broken?  Fragile thing, what would Lord Diavolo say?  
You freeze as well, hands intertwined and held above your head.
Lucifer seems to have gotten even paler than his usual pale-ness.  Mammon’s gaze catches yours and is filled with absolute horror, and Asmo.  Asmodeus looks on the verge of illness, eyes wide and face sickly gray.
“Ohmygod,” Levi breathes out in absolute shock.
“What’s wrong?” You’re a little nervous at their odd behavior, and as to what happened to make their moods flip so suddenly.
“Are you okay?”  Satan is on his feet, walking over to you, attempting to inspect you for any injuries.  Mammon flies to his feet as well.
“Hey, hey hands to yourself!  The Great Mammon can do that.”  He pushes Satan aside without any real force.  Together their hands and eyes cover you, like a TSA pat down.
“Does anything hurt?”  Lucifer asks while you’re nearly being groped.
“No?”  Confusion fills your voice.
A worried whimper comes out of Beel and he turns to Belphie, “so bad it’s numb.”  You think you hear him say.
“Nothing seems broken,” Satan says, he’s squatting down to check your legs and feet.  He lifts himself to standing.  His eyes are somber as he gently takes hold of your shoulders.  “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Mammon shifts on his feet behind you, hand brushing over your shoulder blades, where you popped.
“Yeah?  I was just stretching…”
Asmo inches over to you, crawling on the floor slowly like you’re a landmine that could detonate at any second.
“You cracked.”  It’s an accusation.  Lucifer near glowers at you.
“It happens.”  You shrug.
“No it doesn’t,” Lucifer glares this time.
“Maybe not to you, but it’s normal,” you side eye him.  
A hand on the hem of your pants.  Asmo looks up at you, horror still plastered on his face.
You pat his head and some color returns to his face.
“What happened then?”  Belphegor challenges you.
“I cracked my back.”
“How?”  Mammon’s jaw drops.  “That’s horrible.”
“It feels good.”  You defend.  “You guys can’t crack things?”
“No!”  Asmo cries out.  “That sounded horrendous.”
It’s confusing, demons and angels don’t make sounds like that.  No one hasn’t let themself grow used to the noise, they’ll never let themselves.  Because the haunting what if? will never leave.
Eyes always fly to you the second one of your bones shift; it’s sweet they care, but they’re worried over nothing!  You’ve never broken a bone, ever.
You jinxed yourself.
Today you broke a bone.  Well, you’re pretty sure you’ve at least done something you shouldn’t have to your bone.  The splintered edge of the bone sticks out gruesomely from your forearm.  Yeah, that’s not normal.
Blood drips onto the bathroom floor and you don’t know why you aren’t crying right now.  The demon had handled you too roughly.  Shoved you out of the way too hard and you hit the air dryer bolted into the wall then this happened.
They had looked at you with a mixture of shock and fear as the sickening crunch of your arm registered, and the coppery scent of blood began filling the air.  Panic took over the stranger and they ran out of the bathroom, leaving you to sit on the floor and stare in shock at your horrible looking arm.
Your stomach churns and you look towards the ceiling and blink to try and clear your mind.
The demon fled the second his actions dawned upon them, fleeing the scene of the crime.  Smart fella.
The scent of blood permeates the air and you know you won’t be alone for long.  A hungry demon is bound to find you the way you are just bleeding.
And just as the thought hits you, the bathroom door flies open and Asmo is rushing towards you.  Concern and panic lace his features as he places a gentle hand on your injured arm.  You wince.
“Sorry, dear, but I need to get this tied off.”  His voice is sweet and your head rolls to the side as you relax, because your Asmo is here.  Things’ll be alright now.  Mammon stands anxiously behind him, avoiding looking at your wound.  
The bathroom door has swung closed again and you relish in the privacy of having you Asmo and Mammon take care of you.
“Oh, who did this, MC?” Asmo keeps the lilt in his voice, although it is strained.  “Hmm?  Who would hurt you?”  Golden eyes attempting to meet yours.
You crane your head further back to avoid the lure of Asmodeus’ eyes, “it was an accident.” 
There’s a tug at the junction of your elbow. 
He makes a displeased hum, “Mammon, fetch Satan for me, he’ll know how to fix this better than me.  Oh, Barbatos too if you happen across him.”
Mammon gives your uninjured arm a pat and follows orders.
“Alright sweetheart,” Asmo kisses your cheek, “this might hurt a bit.  I’m gonna have a little bit of help to fix your arm up.  You’re in good hands, doll.”
You hear ripping fabric then have to hold back a scream as Asmo begins to wrap the exposed gore.
“I know,” he sighs sympathetically.  “I know.”  He keeps it tight on your arm and you take some deep breaths.
The door swings back open and Satan and Mammon come in, Barbatos in tow.  Satan’s face twists into a grimace as the scent registers.  The two that Mammon fetched kneel at your sides adjacent to Asmo, Barbatos tears his white gloves off and takes hold of your upper arm, applying firm pressure.
“Fuck,” Satan hisses out, fidiling with his pockets.  He pulls out something silver and metallic and you wince and turn away.  
When you do so you bump your face into Mammon’s chest, where he’d taken to holding you steady.
You do your best to keep quiet when you feel them begin to work on your arm, but you can’t help a pained, breathless moan.
“Sorry, your pain cannot be helped,” Barbatos puts his bare hand on your knee and attempts to give it a comforting squeeze.  It doesn’t do much, but you're grateful.
You feel sharpness cutting away at flesh and muscle.  Your eyes bulge and you grip Mammon’s forearm with all the strength you can muster.
Fuck, it hurts so bad, it’s all you can do not to scream or passout.
“Shh,” Asmo soothes, you peek an eye open and glare at him.
“I can’t,” you stutter out.
“Yes you can, I’m almost done.” Satan says, voice plain.
You feel Barbatos stand and walk to the dryer you were shoved into.  Peeking out the corner of your eye you see him crouch and investigate.  His bloodied white glove runs through the half dried viscera painting the floor.  You’re torn away from watching him when a new pain rocks through your nerves. 
A sharp crunch resonates through your body as Asmodeus and Satan shove your bone back into place.  You let out a hoarse squeal and there’s a fresh round of hushing from Asmo and Mammon.  Your breaths come in wheezing bursts and Barbatos comes to kneel a bit in front of you.
“I trust these  three with fixing you up for now.  I must report this to the Young Master.”  Barbatos gives a sympathetic smile and stands to leave.  “I will tend to you at a later point, MC.”
A sharp, pointed pain in, and a sharp pain out.  Steeling your nerves you peek at your newly shoved back inside arm to see Asmo sewing your flesh shut as Satan holds it closed.
It takes an excruciatingly long three minutes for them to finish and tie off the stitches.
“Now, darling,” Asmo’s stained hand reaches to cup your jaw, “when we get home, we’ll talk about finding whoever did this to you.”
“Don’t be too harsh now, Asmodeus.”  Satan chides, holding your injured arm soothingly.  “They’re sure to be in a lot of pain right now.  Save that conversation for when they’re feeling better, okay?”  When he finishes the sentence, he nuzzles into the side of your head affectionately.  
“Let’s get you home now,” Asmo says, blatantly ignoring his older brother.
As Mammon helps you to your feet he speaks, “we should probably stop by the student council office and let Lucifer know that they’ll be missing from classes.  And,” Mammon turns his attention to you.  “Don’t you worry, the Great Mammon will be with you the whole time you’re healin’ up!”
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Superstar (Superstar Chapter 1)
I'm no one special, just another wide-eyed girl
Who's desperately in love with you
Give me a photograph to hang on my wall, superstar
The Reader is thrilled to start a new job at AFC Richmond- especially since it means working with a certain player-turned-coach.
Roy Kent x Reader
2.7k words
Warnings: language (because Roy Kent); I’m a bit rusty so forgive my writing!
A/N: Been having some horribly bad writer’s block in addition to work stress. Thankfully my man Roy Kent helped me finally break through!!!
“Well, there she is!” Coach Ted Lasso waved enthusiastically as I parked my car in the staff lot. Next to him stood Rebecca Welton, who offered the tiniest of waves and something of an apologetic smile.
I took a deep breath, my hand hovering over the driver’s side door. First day on the new job: coach’s assistant. Between three coaches, there was a lot going on; they needed someone to handle communication, schedules, and small tasks so they could focus on training and (hopefully) winning. Having grown up just around the corner from Nelson Road, it felt almost like an honor to be part of the organization.
In a blur, Ted had firmly shaken my hand for what felt like an eternity, yammered off about a dozen Lasso-isms that I wasn’t quite sure I heard correctly, and ushered me into the building, all with Rebecca following along, interjecting short corrections and reassurances every time Ted paused to take a breath.
“And this here’s the locker room,” Ted announced with a small flourish. “Now, the boys tend to be pretty modest, the only one you may see too much of is Jamie, but if you just throw a towel in his face, he’ll take the hint.” He opened the door, gesturing for me to follow.
Rebecca touched my arm gently, that tight smile still on her face. “I should be going. But please, let me know if there’s anything you need. You’re in great hands,” she added, nodding towards Ted. “Welcome to Richmond.” With another touch to my arm, she was gone.
I followed Ted into the changing room. A few guys were milling about, still in their street clothes, chattering and beginning to put their things away. They looked up when I entered, offering small nods of acknowledgement. Ted rattled off their names, all familiar to me. I made mental notes about how each one smiled and shook my hand, trying to take snapshots in my brain so I could describe every moment to my family later that night.
After meeting all the players that Ted called “early birds”, I followed Ted into the coaches’ offices, where I was quickly introduced to Coach Beard, who nodded from behind a tattered copy of Either/Or.
“Now, Coach Beard and I share this office,” Ted was explaining. “You’ll be right through here. Hope ya don’t mind sharing!” He led me through the side door to another office. “I’m sure you know this ray of sunshine here is Roy Kent.”
My stomach jumped to my throat as the man in black track pants and a dark Richmond shirt glanced up from his desk. As if I really needed to be introduced to the man whose poster still hung above the bed in my childhood bedroom. Several kits sporting his name and number hung in my closet. Hell, for one birthday my jokester dad even got me a cardboard cutout of the man. It currently sat folded in the back of a closet in my flat, but it often made an appearance in my living room when I hosted game day parties with my mates.
I was pretty sure if I dug far enough in my parents’ attic, I’d find my school notebooks with “Mrs. Roy Kent” scribbled all over them.
And now he sat in front of me, staring up at me through thick eyelashes that made me go weak in the knees. A half scowl appeared on his face. “You’re the assistant then?” He offered his hand.
I nodded, praying that neither coach could see my body trembling slightly as I reached out to shake Roy Kent’s hand. “I- I am.”
Ohmygod ohmygod I’m shaking Roy Kent’s hand I’m touching Roy Kent Roy Kent spoke to me Roy Kent is looking at me ohmygod ohmygod.
It felt far too soon when he let go of my hand. “Well, as long as you keep your shit off my desk and don’t wear any rancid perfume, we should be fucking fine.” He nodded behind him toward an empty desk. “That’s you.” Without another word, he stood up, grabbed the notebook he had been drawing in, and left.
Ted beamed at me. “Well now, that went great! That’s about as charming as you can expect Roy to be, so count yourself lucky. Now, why don’t you get yourself settled and we’ll see you in the locker room in about ten minutes?”
“D’you like kebabs?”
I turned my head, pausing my fingers above my keyboard. “Excuse me?”
With a giant sigh, Roy swiveled around in his chair, leaning his elbows on his knees. “Kebabs. D’you like ’em?”
“Uh, I guess.” I scrunched my nose as I stared at him. After two weeks of working for Richmond, this was the first time Roy had spoken to me so directly. Up until now, it had been mostly grunts and growls in my general direction. But, after years of watching him on the pitch, I knew by the look in his eye that he didn’t hate me- at least, not any more than he hated the rest of the world. And that was fine enough with me.
“You guess?” There was that scowl. “You either fuckin’ like ‘em or you don’t.”
It took all my strength to suppress my grin. God, he was just as gorgeous as when I used to watch him play on the television. “Fine, fine. I like kebabs.”
With a suddenness that almost made me jump in my seat, Roy stood up. “Okay.” Without another word, he walked out of our office.
About twenty minutes later, a Styrofoam container slammed onto my desk. I looked up at Roy, who towered over me, a plastic bag clutched in his fist. He glowered at me.
“Thanks, Roy,” I managed, opening the box. Sure enough, kebabs. I smiled up at him, but his eyes were scanning my desk.
“That your family?” He pointed at a frame that held a photo my family had taken during a camping trip.
“Oh, yeah. My folks and brothers. They live not far from here. We grew up huge Richmond fans.”
His eyes continued to roam my work area. “What, no pictures of your boyfriend? Is he fuckin’ ugly or somethin’?”
My cheeks heated up. “No boyfriend.” Somewhere inside me, boldness surged forward. “What about you? I don’t see your model of the week on your desk.”
He smirked. Ohmygod he smirked. “I’m too fucking old for that shit now.”
“Uh huh.” I couldn’t make myself say anything else. All I could see was that smirk, and those brown eyes. Until I realized he was waiting for me to say something. Speak, you idiot! “I like kebabs,” I blurted. Shit.
The smirk softened slightly. “So I heard.”
For a moment he just stood there, smiling down at me. Then he cleared his throat, glancing at the bag in his hand. “Don’t tell anyone I got you lunch. They’ll be trying to make me some fuckin’ errand boy if they find out.”
“Your secret’s safe with me.”
With a small hmmf, Roy nodded and headed back to his desk. I smiled down at the container on my desk and returned to my work, ignoring my burning cheeks.
“What does Jamie Tartt smell like?”
“Is the gaffer really like that in person?”
“Did you pass out when you met Roy Kent?”
Swallowing the bite of pasta I had been chewing on, I grinned at my family. “Tartt wears a homemade combo of Tom Ford, Dior, and Juicy Couture that he calls ‘Tartt by Tartt’. Coach Lasso is exactly what he seems. And Roy Kent…”  I cleared my throat and prayed my face wasn’t completely red. “He’s fine.” My voice cracked slightly. “We, uh share an office. He got me kebabs for lunch last week.”
“Come off it,” I scoffed. “Or else I’ll take back those VIP tickets I got you for your birthday.”
“Ooh, Roy Kent bought you kebabs?” my dad hummed, grinning at me pointedly. “My future son-in-law, the football superstar.”
Before my dad could retort, the doorbell rang. I jumped up, relieved to have a distraction.
“I’ve got it!” I just about sprinted down the hall to the front door, confident it was our elderly neighbor asking to borrow the spare key, as she did at least once a week. Instead, when I threw the door open, I found Roy Kent on my parents’ front porch.
“We should really put a fucking tracking device on you,” he grumbled as he moved past me into the entryway.
I stared at him, closing the door. “Um, not to be rude, but why are you here? At my mum and dad’s house?”
He shoved a manila envelope into my hands. “Some papers Lasso wanted you to work on if you can this weekend. Said it was important. I dunno, I don’t fucking listen to him when he yammers.”
“Oh.” I placed the envelope on a nearby table and folded my arms. “And how-how did you know where I was?”
Roy wiggled his phone in the air. “You’re one of those idiots that has their Snapchat locations on. You’re gonna get fucking murdered one of these days y’know.”
Right. Ted had made us all join multiple Snapchat groups with him; he was adamant about keeping our streaks.
I couldn’t help but grin. “And you’re gonna murder me?”
“Not today.” A small smirk cracked through that grizzled face. “But apparently if I wanted to, you’d be easy as hell to find.”
“I’ll just have to keep being a good officemate then,” I supposed teasingly. Am I flirting with Roy Kent?!
“You’re doing a fine job so far.” Roy took a step towards me, looking down at me.
Is he flirting back?!
My brain short-circuited. “Um, well I…” I coughed, looking around the entryway, as if I hadn’t walked through it my entire life. “Thanks for uh, bringing those papers.” A question interrupted the high-pitched buzzing in my brain. “Why’d you bring it by the way?”
Roy cleared his throat and took a step back, allowing a respectful space between us again. “Told you, Lasso said it’s important.”
“Yeah…” I started slowly. “But I’m sure it’s something you guys could’ve sent Will to do. Or something Ted would probably love to do, tracking me down to my dad’s birthday dinner. Why are you-?”
“He’s here! He’s there! He’s every-fucking-where! Roy Kent!” Beaming, my dad burst past me and clapped a hand on Roy’s shoulder as Roy stared at him with wide eyes. “Oh hell, Roy Kent’s in my foyer!” He turned and faced me. “I can’t believe you got Roy Kent to come down here! You’re my favorite kid, you can tell your bloody brothers that anytime.” He grabbed Roy’s hand and started pumping it, reminding me of the first time I had met Ted. “It’s an honor to have you here. Absolute honor.”
I finally found my voice. “Dad, Roy’s just here giving me some stuff for work. He’s not here for your-”
“What kind of cake do you have?” Roy’s gruff voice interrupted.
“Chocolate,” my dad answered. “M’wife made it herself. And we have plenty of pasta if you’re hungry.”
Roy unzipped his jacket. “Then happy fucking birthday. Let’s eat.”
A half hour later, I was still in a state of shock. Roy Kent was sitting next to me in my parents’ dining room, chatting with my dad and eating my mum’s pasta. He took all everyone’s questions in stride, not seeming to mind how obsessed my brothers were. He only growled at them twice- once when they asked about his knee, and again when they said how much they like Jamie Tartt. Of course, they made kissy faces whenever Roy wasn’t looking, and my mum kept raising her eyebrows at me with a twinkle in her eye, but the dinner was much less painful that I had expected.
And getting to sit there with Roy’s arm pressed against mine? A dream come true.
My dad cleared his throat as my brothers began clearing the plates. “I think it’s time for presents and cake then?”
I stood up; my arm felt cold after having Roy’s arm keeping it warm. “I’ll be right back, gotta go get your present.” I pressed a kiss on my dad’s head as I passed by. “Don’t embarrass me,” I hissed, giving his shoulder a squeeze. He offered me an assuring wink.
I quickly went up the stairs to my old bedroom, not completely closing the door behind me. Since I was planning to spend all weekend a their house, I had just haphazardly thrown all my things into the room when I had arrived after work. I regretted it now, noting that my idiot brothers could be saying anything to Roy while I searched for the envelope holding my dad’s birthday card and the tickets to Richmond’s next match.
I groaned. “Where the hell-”
“Ah, this isn’t the fucking loo.”
I whirled around. Roy stood in my doorway, eyebrows slightly raised as he glanced around the room. My cheeks burned as I watched him take in all the Richmond posters, which disproportionately featured his bearded face.
He is never going to talk to me again, a panicky voice in my head whimpered.
To my surprise, a small smirk formed on his face as he quietly closed the door behind him. “Why the fuck are there so many pictures of me in this room?” he asked, a chuckle escaping his lips.
I cleared my throat and stood up, straightening out my top as I cursed my teenage self for being so obsessed. “I, uh, I told you. My family’s huge Richmond fans. You’re kind of our favorite player. Hence, my dad’s excitement when he saw you.” I winced. Lame, lame, lame.
“So…” He stuck his hands in his pockets, still looking around the room at the embarrassing number of photos of himself. “Does that mean I’m your favorite too?”
Somehow, my cheeks grew warmer. “I… I mean… I guess.”
His eyes moved upward and widened slightly.
“Is that a fucking poster of me above your bed?”
I shifted my weight, wishing that somehow the carpet beneath me would spontaneously turn into a black hole. “Oh, you know, gotta keep the monsters away somehow.” You’re fired. You are so freaking fired for being a creepy fangirl.
Roy let out a bark of a laugh. “That’s what I’m good for? Scaring away fucking monsters?”
With a groan, I covered my face and collapsed on my bed. “Please don’t tell anyone,” I grumbled. “This was my room when I used to live here, I was a dumb kid. I swear to God, my flat is normal. A normal adult flat.”
The bed squeaked as I felt someone sit beside me. When I peeked out between my fingers, Roy was looking at me with a hint of concern on his face.
“Hey, no need to be fucking embarrassed.” He glanced up at the poster that now laid directly above us. “Can’t say I blame you. I was young and hot.”
Despite my inner anguish, I moved my hands and grinned. “You’re not that much older now, Kent,” I teased.
He raised his eyebrows at me. “I’m still hot then?”
Before I could come up with some clever retort, Roy cupped my face and leaned close. “Please say yes,” he said softly.
I gulped, knowing he could definitely feel it. “Yes,” I whispered.
He gently pressed his lips against mine, a soft, small kiss that made me melt closer to him. His beard tickled my face as his hand stroked my cheek. Roy Kent is kissing me Roy Kent is kissing me Roy Kent is kissing me.
When Roy let go, a tiny giggle escaped my lips. He smiled at me- a real smile, the one I had seen maybe a small handful of times on television over the years. He opened his mouth to say something-
“Oi!” A loud knock banged on the door. “Mum and Dad want to know if you’re snogging Roy Kent in there!”
Roy grinned at me, still holding my face. “Don’t suppose I can tell your brother to fuck off?”
I wrinkled my nose. “’d rather you didn’t,” I whispered.
“Well then.” Roy stood up, stretching out his hand to help me to my feet. “Guess we should go have some fucking cake.” He nodded up towards the poster above my bed. “You should bring that thing to work sometime. I can fucking autograph it if you want.”
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sea-lanterns · 6 months
Oooooh… Cowgirl AU got me feeling things…
Clorinde as the sheriff who cuffs you and tosses you in a dark little cell in the town jail so she breed you in private…
Lynette and/or Arlecchino as wild bandits, bringing you back to their camp in the middle of the desert to fuck you by the campfire… the town thinks you’re an innocent maiden who’s been kidnapped just as she was due to be happily (unwillingly) wedded to a good (horrible) man, but you were actually seduced by their roguish charm…
Maybe Beidou is one of the Chinese workers the rail company imported as cheap labor to work on the new rail line coming though*, and she sneaks into your fancy house at night so she can fuck you nice and good before you shoo her out at dawn so your father doesn’t learn you’ve fallen in love with one of those ‘damn [insert slur typical of the 19th Century here]’…
*per the Smithsonian, 1/6 of Chinese immigrants in the 1860s ended up working on railroad construction, and the Guardian puts a more specific number of Chinese working on railroad construction at roughly 15,000.
Ohmygod this is all really cool! Sheriff Clorinde and Arlecchino + Lynette as bandits?? That’s so hot jaidjsjdn 💕
I will say though, despite how cool it is that you know so much about the historical accuracy of the cowboy times, I’m going to leave out any racial/discriminatory topics since it can be really sensitive/triggering for my readers.
If I choose to write an AU based on historic times (Ex. Empress AU, Pirate AU, Cowboy AU, etc.) there will be little to no mention of discrimination even if it’s historically accurate. This blog is safe space for all sapphics 💘
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greynatomy · 10 months
call ups and disappointment
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kristie mewis x reader
Last world cup fic! I actually completed something from my inbox! Good job, me!
Also, how do people come up with good titles cause I am horrible at those and writing endings. Very different.
Let me know what you think!
(Strawberry Kisses has been stuck in my head)
You’re currently in bed, not having gotten up yet, surfing through all of your subscriptions to see what show or movie catches your eye.
Your girlfriend still in your shared bathroom getting ready to do nothing with you. It’s both of your day offs and what better way to spend it than doing nothing with the one that you love.
“Did you find something interesting?” Kristie says, joining you back in bed.
“Lucifer? We haven’t watched the new season.”
“Yeah I’m down.”
You click on the show and cuddle into her, your head resting on her stomach. Halfway through the episode, a phone rings. Kristie picks both phone up.
“It’s Vlatko.” She says, handing you your phone.
“Hey, coach. What’s up? Uh huh. Yeah. Of course. Thank you. See you soon, bye.”
“What was it.”
“Guess who’s going to the world cup baby? This girl!” You point both your thumbs towards yourself.
“OHMYGOD! Baby! I’m so proud of you.” You wrap your arms around her waist, lifting her up and spinning her around. Seconds later, Kristie’s phone rings.
“It’s Vlatko!”
“Answer it!”
“Hey, coach. Yeah. Oh, of course. I can’t wait. Bye.” Kristie hangs up and turns to you. “Guess who’s joining you at the world cup? This girl!” She says, copying your earlier actions.
“I’m so proud of you!” You grab the sides of her face and pull her into a very passionate kiss.
“I’m proud of us. We get to go to the world cup together!”
“Yeah baby!”
The world cup was tough. It’s not going as we planned. We’ve got four stars over our crest, wanting to make it five, but everything that go wrong is going wrong.
The plays aren’t working, people aren’t connecting, the head coach is making stupid decisions on who should play. This isn’t going as we want it to go and we disappointed our country once we’ve been eliminated.
You were on your knees, bent over ti the grass, devastated by the elimination. You don’t realize someone sat down next to you until a hand fins itself on your back.
“You did the best your could.” Kristie pulls you into her for a tight embrace.
“We got another in four years. Lots of room for improvement.”
“Yeah. Thank you.” You pull her onto your lap, her legs going around your waist. “I love you.”
“Not possible cause if I remember correctly m, I love you more.”
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dudedudesworld · 1 month
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Constantly, she practically showers you in love whether it be verbal expressions of love or physical. There isn't a single day you won't feel loved.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) She would be great, constantly taking you with her on outings and giving you a free pass to her shows (she begs you not to tell anyone or else her other 9 fans will lose their minds)
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) again another constant in the relationship. She always wants to be held by you. Easily like being the little spoon, there are times where she wants to protectively hold you in her arms.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) Yes, she wants a big grand wedding and she wants a family with you. She’s not too great at cooking and cleaning, would she make you do all the housework? Absolutely not she would try to help but beware she is a bit of a clutz so she may tumble and trip here and there.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) she would want to break up. Like you would have to truly be a horrible person for her to throw away her chance at marriage. But if she would she would probably write a metal song about your breakup.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) She would try in an instant. You have to be the voice of reason to keep the relationship at a reasonable pace.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) She is a gentle soul and would never harm you in any way both physically and emotionally.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) either you're wrapped in her arms or she’s wrapped in yours. With her arounds hugs are unavoidable.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) She doesn’t seem to understand simply saying “I like you” and instead uses that special L word very quickly in a relationship. But the first time she said it as if she truly loved you was an experience. The way she spoke was so unlike her usual loud self, she seemed somber but genuine. “With all this time we’ve spent together I think- no no I- I really do love you” this time was genuine from the bottom of her heart she truly loved you. Everytime after that she would tell you she loved you in her usual joyful way and you could tell she truly meant it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) she would see you getting hit on and embarrass herself by intervening. “HIIIII! OHMYGOD I LOVE WHAT YOU'RE WEARING DO YOU WANNA JOIN MY FANCLUB!?!”. Don't blame her for it, you are her first proper relationship and she gets a little bit jealous sometimes and doesn’t even really know it.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)she would attack your face with kisses, by the end or her attacks your face would be littered with lipstick stains. She loves seeing your face afterwards and sometimes goes in for a second attack. For herself anywhere is fine but she does especially love it if you give her the same treatment.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) She's incredible with them. She tries to act mature around them but ends up kinda sharing the same brain cell.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) She lazes in bed snuggled up to you ignoring all her metal rock alarms until she eventually realizes how late she's stayed in bed for. Then it's her freaking out trying to speed out the door as fast as possible.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) depending on her mood she likes spending her nights doing various activities. Some nights she likes to sing songs to you and talk about her band and the plans she has for it. Other nights she wants to simply watch movies with you cuddled up under a blanket.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) Elphlet pretty much info dumps everything on you early into the relationship whether it be her hobbies, favorite foods or more. It's not until she really feels in love that she opens up even more. She speaks about her family and her emotions she doesn’t really understand. Even then she tells you every little thing about herself and wouldn’t mind if you do the same
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) you really gotta do something to annoy her really badly. She usually smiles and sunshine especially towards her lover so if she truly gets mad at you, well then maybe you don’t deserve her.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) she remembers everything about you, probably writes everything down in her diary or even makes a song out of it.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) you accepting her love. It's no secret that she never really understood love and would force it on others but having you accept her feeling made her heart explode in her chest
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) if you're weaker than her she would have no issues in protecting you. But if you were strong enough to protect yourself and her! She would totally milk it, calling you her knight in shining armor and pretending to be a princess you saved.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) She puts her everything into anything romantic, even everyday tasks. But never expect to be disappointed when it comes to her efforts in anything she does
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) She fantasizes about some things too much and gets way ahead of herself. Approaching you was hard enough with how in the clouds she was being. After actually being in a relationship she's cooled down a good bit but doesn’t completely stop it.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) She's naturally beautiful and only really cares about applying some makeup, so she isn’t too bothered in that department. When it comes to clothing that's a whole different story. She’s totally the type of girl to have a huge wardrobe filled with clothes and shoes. Definitely goes on a shopping spree and being the loving lover you are, you join her. Don't worry she makes sure to buy matching clothes for you.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) You definitely filled a hole in her heart that she always had and for that she’s eternally grateful and ready to return that type of love tenfold. But she does get emotional if you guys are forced to be away from each other for a long time.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) She writes songs for every little thing you do yourself or with her. Did some gardening boom song, caught the fly boom song, watched a movie together and cried boom song. She never really releases these songs and only sings them to you while in her room.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) elphelt has always liked the idea of bad boys or tough guys but with big loving hearts but a partner that's a bad boy and also just a bad person is a massive turn off. Her partner being a genuine asshole wouldn’t be right for her and she would probably not really consider marriage or a borderline relationship.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) she sings in her sleep, you didn’t think that would be possible but she does and she is loud. Usually sings her own songs out loud and sounds like she's dreaming she's at her own concert. You learn to just sleep through it.
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silkjade · 2 years
hii!! just coming over from reading your genshin men as wedding dates pt 1&2 and OHMYGOD THAT WAS AMAZING😍i haven’t been this hooked on a fanfic in years🤩🤩🤩🤩please keep writing more amazing things like these🥰
oh and if you’re taking requests - genshin men (as many or as few as you want, i leave the character limit upto you) + pov: you like to leave little sticky note messages on the fridge for bae when he wakes up bc you need to leave super early for work, but one day you forget and….
💜much love to you and def hit the follow button so i can see more of your work!! if you have a tagslist please include me!💜
Aw thank you so much! I don’t have a taglist atm but I’ll be sure to add you if I ever make one in the future! And ty for sending in a request, this is such a cute, wholesome prompt 🫶
genshin men when you forget to leave a daily message
Featuring— diluc, childe, zhongli
gn!reader, modern au, established relationships
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as a big ceo, your boyfriend diluc travels a lot. it’s just unfortunate that the one morning he gets to sleep in, you had to go into work extra early
he might not always be home for your sticky note messages, but he sure loves reading them when he is. so needless to say he’s a little disappointed since your fun little messages always leave a small smile on his face
so he decides to do the same for you as a little surprise when you get home
except he leaves little notes everywhere
just to name a few…. on the tray where you leave your keys: ‘welcome home! i’ve missed you’ ; on your vanity mirror: ‘you are so beautiful’ ; on the refrigerator: ‘let’s go out for dinner tonight?’
his messages aren’t as fun or witty as yours but it’s the thought that counts and wait… on the shoe rack: ‘you’ve been running through my mind all day’
ok fine he asked kaeya for help on that last one; he swore it’d make you laugh (it did!)
he loves loves loves the little messages you write to him each morning; they're like his little daily motivators from you! and since you always stick it on the fridge, he just ends up taking it with him for the day as a good luck charm
so…he’s got a theory now because the one day you forget to leave a note for him…boom. worst day ever
nothing is going right. his luck could not get any worse today. like did scaramouche seriously just quit? and now he has to finish both their work by the end of the day? ugh that’s just as frustrating as the embarrassingly huge coffee stain on his shirt
at least in this case, causation does equal correlation
he’s super pouty and whiny and clingy when he gets home. basically tackles you, hugging you from behind while he’s soaking wet because of course it started randomly raining on his way home
“you’re my good luck charm y/n” and then proceeds to explain to you all of ajax’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day
now you owe him lots of kisses and cuddles and two sticky note messages tomorrow (his terms)
he’s emotionally mature, he totally understands
but what he DOES worry about is whether in your rush to get to work, did you eat breakfast? did you forget anything? did you bring lunch?
luckily for you his only consultation appointment today isn’t until the afternoon so he is definitely preparing you lunch. and when he’s got the time…boy can this man cook (it’s canon hoyoverse told me themselves)
he knows your schedule like the back of his hand. the front desk calls right before your break to let you know someone’s here for you and surprise it’s zhongli dropping off homemade lunch
give him a big kiss on the cheek and he’ll be all ☺️
you open the pack and on top of your lunchbox is a sticky note: ‘Hope you’re egg-cited for lunch today, I made your favorite. See you at home, darling : )’
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perfectpaperbluebirds · 9 months
Sicktember #26
Prompt: Pinkeye/Conjuntivitis ALL ALTS (Alt 1. “I Could Really Use a Hug Right About Now”//Alt 2. Fuzzy Socks//Alt 3. Pounding Headache//Alt 4. Forehead Kisses//Alt 5. “I’m so sorry”)
Fandom/OCs: OCs Shane and Molly (Doctor Nurse ‘verse?)
Words: 1180
Sicknario inspo: "Something happen at work?" from this post and "You look… I know…" from this post.
Author’s comments/background: Since I only had one space for an Alternate prompt this year, and they were all cute, I made it a mini challenge to use them all, and who better to do that for than Shane and Molly? I was pretty happy with the result, and this ended up being another piece that I was really looking forward to writing. I actually saved it for last as a reward for finishing the challenge. Have the usual married-people-who-are-crazy-about-each-other shenanigans. (Also some of the ending dialogue was shamelessly stolen from the D/ick Van D/yke show and I'm not sorry.)
Set the day after the events of “Without You” (read it here), which takes place within the first year of their marriage. 
Molly was deep in thought about what Shane might like for dinner, so when she turned to find him walking through the door a full three hours earlier than usual, at first she thought she was imagining it. Their eyes met and, probably because she looked so shocked, he attempted a smile to put her at ease, but the obvious sickliness of him made her worry all the more instead.
"Shane! You're home early. Did something happen at work?"
"Hihh– hihhggIHHTCHHOO! IHHXXCHOO!... Ugh…"
"...Oh. I see. Yeah, I can definitely see. Wow, you look–"
“I know,” Shane mumbled, swallowing thickly as he massaged his temple. “I know… HihhxxEHHPTchuhh!! Oh my god," he groaned, pressing his hand even harder to his head. "I have had the worst pounding, splitting headache all day and the sneezing is NOT helping…." 
"Aww, honey… why don't you sit down and take it easy for a while?"
"I will, but first… I know I'm contagious and everything but… I could really use a hug right about now." He dropped his bag and opened his arms imploringly. 
"Oh, you poor thing, of course you can have a hug!" She hurried into his arms, squeezing him as tightly as she could, and he squeezed her back until her ribs cracked, his face buried against her neck.
"I had the most godawful day," he mumbled, sounding almost on the verge of tears. "I felt like shit and the staff were all crabby and being petty and the schedule was screwed up again and the patients were horrible. I just need to be home with you."
"My poor baby," she said, kissing his temple and neck and shoulder and every other bit of him that she could reach. Then she held on and squeezed tight, just the way he liked. They hugged for a long time.
"Are you cold, hon?" Molly asked after several minutes. She already knew the answer to that question since she could feel him shivering, but he was sagging most of his weight on her, and her hugging muscles were starting to get tired. 
"Freezing," he murmured into her neck.
"Here, let's go sit down and wrap you up. You look exhausted."
"I'm that too," he agreed, letting himself be led to the couch. Molly quickly tucked a blanket around him, dress shirt and all, and he nestled into the cushions with a sniffling sigh. She perched right beside him. 
"Do you think you have a fever?"
"I really don't know. This cold wasn't so bad before today. I have no idea."
Molly leaned forward, pressing the back of her hand to his forehead. It was hardly there a second when Shane twitched violently, bending forward in a half-stifled sneeze that clearly snuck up on him:
"Hihhgg-KXXT! XXTchhoo!!"
Molly was thoroughly caught in the spray. She carefully kept her expression neutral so as not to make him feel any worse as she turned away from his horrified look to wipe off the mist from her cheek and hand.
"Ohmygod, Mol… I am so sorry… I can't believe that just happened…." 
Shane continued to stammer apologetically as Molly turned to face him again, stopping him with a gentle squeeze of his leg. "It's okay, love, really. I know you didn't mean to. It happens. No big deal. Now, let's try that again."
Shane fell silent, though his apologetic expression lingered, as Molly again reached out to feel his face. "You didn't sneeze on any patients today though, did you?" she asked, trying to lighten the mood with gentle teasing.
"No, thank god. That's about the only thing that didn't go wrong today."
"Well that's good," she said, pulling away. "And you're definitely warm. Feels like a fever to me."
"That tracks, to be honest"
"With what?"
"Everything, I guess. How crappy I feel, mainly. The rest of this awful day."
"My poor Shane," she groaned, going in for another hug. "I hate seeing you like this. I'm supposed to be the one that does all the complaining, not you."
"Sorry. But I was overdue for a turn," he mumbled into her chest.
"I dunno about all that. But we'll get you fixed up and back to normal either way." She released him, meeting his eyes again. "You pick the order of operations tonight. What do you want first, shower, dinner, blanket cuddles, or bed?"
A sleepy smile spread across Shane's face. "All the choices are too good. You pick. You're the boss tonight."
"You're either very brave or very sick to say such things, my love. But your wish is my command. We'll go in the order I listed them, I think. I can't stand to see my human furnace shivering so hard, so we'll start with a hot shower, and you can even have the brand new fuzzy socks you just bought me, since I know you can't resist fuzzy socks when you're sick."
Shane was grinning now. "As long as you shower with me. There's always a risk of syncope with a fever, you know. You can never be too careful, especially in the bathroom."
"Right you are. You read my mind. Don't you worry, I'll be keeping a close eye on you. Everyone knows doctors make the worst patients." 
"Whatever you think is best, nurse," he said with a pathetic sniffle.
The couple settled into the rhythm of their evening routine, though they took it especially easy for Shane's sake and, true to her word, Molly hardly left his side. Shane was clingy and a little needy when he wasn't feeling well, but as long as she stayed within reach, he was in truth a very easy patient. 
A few hours later found them curled up on the couch with takeout soup and salad for an early dinner, watching Shane's favorite, the Jurassic Park trilogy. They were lightly reclining, Shane leaning partially against Molly with a tissue box under his arm as she toyed with his blond curls. When she thought he was distracted, she leaned over to press her lips to his forehead.
Shane was sharp, though, and eyed her with a curious look. "Was that for affection or were you checking my temperature again?"
"Sick person forehead kisses are always both, you should know that. Your eyes are looking funny, so I was seeing if it was worth it to get up and get you medicine or not."
"I'm okay. You don't need to do that."
"Hey, I warned you that I'd be keeping an eye on you. This is part of the package, mister."
"I know, I know," he chuckled, scrubbing at his nose. "But I don't want you to get up. I'm too comfortable, and I haven't been able to say that since you left for your trip. You're not allowed to move. Sick person orders."
"Aye aye, sir." Molly resumed playing with his hair, and Shane sighed in contentment. 
"What would I do without you?" he murmured, echoing back to the day before.
"I promise you'll never have to find out as long as I'm living," she whispered back, pulling him closer against her.
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Random idea, what if Phoebe and Silas' purpose is just to parallel other storylines? You said the possibility of Rosalind and Orion and Roma and Juliette parallels. It is hinted at that Phoebe actually does have feelings for Silas. We don't know why she hasn't acted on them. What if that parallels Celia and Oliver? You know the scene where Celia talks about love not mixing with war. Then, that could also lead into a parallel of the whole BenMars "why didn't you tell me you had ten years" scene. There could literally be so many parallels.
I think the potential parallels between Phoebe and Silas's relationship and other relationships in the Secret Shanghai universe are really interesting. And I think Chloe Gong is absolutely doing it on purpose. Because. The fucking marbles in tpats ohmygod.
Roma and Juliette: Both were/are pitted on opposing sides of a battle when neither of them was particularly attached to their side. (Ik we're not really sure how strongly Phoebe sides with the Communists but I highly doubt that she's quite as into it ideologically as Oliver or Celia.) They also both very innocently met as young children, only to later be forced apart (based on fhh predictions at least).
Benedikt and Marshall: Definitely the friends who spend tons of time together to lovers thing and also potentially the "why didn't you tell me you had ten years" thing you mentioned. But also (and I think that this is just a thing that Chloe likes writing because it's funny) Phoebe and Silas put Orion in the same position that Benedikt and Marshall put Roma where the family member/friend constantly third wheels with two losers who refuse to communicate with each other.
Rosalind and Orion: I think Phoebe's reveal as Priest could potentially have parallels to Rosalind hiding her identity as Fortune and/or Orion's reveal as the killer. Particularly in reference to the scene right after Oliver, Celia, and Phoebe leave Rosalind and Orion's apartment and we get the quote, "All that was unspoken between them would remain unspoken for another night. He only tugged her back and wrapped his arms around her again." Also the scene where Orion is about to confess to Rosalind and she's just like nooope goodnight, especially when you consider that a big part of why Rosalind did that was because she knew she couldn't be in a real relationship with him because of how much she was hiding from him. Also of course the "we have never been real" scene.
Also! A big theme in Rosalind and Orion's relationship and Foul Lady Fortune in general (especially in reference to Rosalind) is the effect of the misconceptions we have of other people, whether they're based on initial assumptions or longstanding beliefs that are consistently reinforced regardless of whether or not they're actually true. (I'm going to make a whole other post ranting about this because I noticed it a little bit ago, and I think what Chloe did was very cool). And Phoebe and Silas definitely play into this theme. Because yeah.
Celia and Oliver: I did not think of this at all before you mentioned it but I agree that there could definitely be a potential parallel there. I think they might parallel the "Nation over everything. But not you sweetheart. Never your life in exchange," scene as well as the "I've seen what love does scene."
Also I would assume that Phoebe hasn't acted on her feelings for Silas yet because she very desperately wants both her normal life and her life as Priest. I think she feels horrible about lying to Silas and everyone she knows (especially given her reaction when Oliver leaves during that scene in Rosalind and Orion's apartment) but knows that if she stops lying, her entire life is likely going to fall apart. I think she's terrified of Silas discovering something and finding her out. Because while I don't think Silas cares about the Nationalists quite as much as he seems to on the surface, I don't think the other characters know that. And I think Phoebe might be scared of what he would do if he were forced to choose between her and the Nationalists. I think she's also potentially scared of his reaction when he finds out how useless a lot of the work he was doing was because of her. Because they wanted to do well together.
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icyfox17 · 11 days
19 and 20
from this ask game (answered 20 with other options here)
19. 5 things you hate
sorry. thats been. annoying me. for the past. few months. i hate twitter. in general TWITTER IS SOOO everyone becomes toxic on twt like its just so horrible i HATE TIWTTIEJRKELSFD
saying it again. i hate people who are mean for no reason. like.ohmygod. why are you MEAN WHY ARE YOU BEING MEAN LITERALLY NO ONE DID ANYTHING WHY AREY OU SUDDENLY ATTACKING ME?!?!?!?1
i hate capitalism:( money stresses me out a lot :(((
20. 5 things you love
violin in music!!!! i hear violin and instantly my brain goes !!!!!!! it makes me so happy ohmuficingod i just. ascend
i love sitting on big rocks in front of the ocean. i love listening to the waves and feeling the breeze on my face and knowing that right now. everything is peaceful. i can dip my toes into the ocean and just be connected to nature
i love motorcycle rides!!!! feeling the wind rush as you nyooooooom it's so empowering omg (note: i have not driven one myself. my dad has a license and i just go with him on the back eueueu)
i love coconut hehehe like coconut shrimp, coconut cake, coconut snails (pastry not actual snails), coconut icecream. i do not like coconut water/milk though lmfao
OHMYGOD ICECREAM IL OVE ICECREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! esp with freshly made waffle cones :> my stepmom and i go out for icecream every summer and we have a list of places to try and when we do try them we have a separate doc where we write a review so when we want icecream for a specific reason we can look at the doc and know which place to go!! for example whether we want fun/obscure flavours, really good waffle cone, or just good icecream
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crackedpumpkin · 10 months
Ohmygod bro good job getting your coffee cause I would’ve barely survived that too!!! Good looking people in general really just be paralyzing people for some reason 😭
Cafe hopping really is fun tho, now that I think about it I have a similar story too with fumbling words. I went to this craft store for the first time and was tryna look for string cause I wanted to make those necklace bottle things, I asked the two people working in English, and since they had a hard time communicating with me they literally ran to another working person then running back to find me in the small shop! I didn’t get string in the end but I got the bottle! Could’ve avoided that if I just spoke my native language- but I didn’t cause adults (the older ones in my family) usually made fun of me for it 😭
The little moments really make the big things!! Both of you, amazing writers, no lie. I’ve been thinking of writing too so is it okay if I ask what the advice was? /nf
Michael gets arc’d! No more chip docking! But genuinely based of you to put that much care into your characters and stories 💖
Yes please I didn’t even know fruit-ade is an actual word- I was just making things up-
i aspire to one day be that pretty.
Please the way I wheezed- fr though, never be afraid to speak your own native language! My second language is Chinese and I am horrible at speaking it under pressure. I even got laughed at by my boss - that's how bad it was lmaooo, but honestly i don't really care. I'm just happy it makes people smile and laugh at it alongside me^^
As for the advice given by blake, it was focusing about the small things that led up to the big moment! This is purely my own interpretation though, but essentially always justify their actions. For example, if i make babes fall for miles outta nowhere then it's a little sudden, right? There's gotta be some form of catalyst that caused it in the first place.
Especially in the situation theyre currently in. Neither are entirely sure what they are yet, besides employer and employee. Before even progressing to being lovers and stuff they gotta form some kinda bond first, right? So the main thing for me was how to justify each step in their relationship.
Aka, is it reasonable for them to warm up to each other by this stage?? Or are they still on rocky terms with each other? It's honestly a fun challenge for me to write, because it gives me a chance to put myself in their shoes more thoroughly.
Even irl, there's gotta be a catalyst to make you fall for someone in the first place, right? Maybe one day you notice their eyes are really nice, or maybe you like the way their laugh sounds. Even before that, it's the little things that they do to make you feel safe in the first place :) relationships dont form overnight, after all~
"i would need to read the full thing through but a good rule of thumb for progression is either feeling it out and reasoning through if their reactions make sense or making it clear that time has passed between chapters and giving it a little suspension of disbelief" - @buthowboutno-spamming
bro, when you start writing please tag me in it!! I would love to read your work, and i know you can do it!! Honestly take it from me - dont take things too seriously. Writing is meant to be fun, not stressful. Like, when blank canvas started out it was just for shits and giggles and goofy and fun. thats what i was aiming for the whole time, and i wanted people who read my fic to hopefully smile or even do the lil nose huff thing we all do when we find something on the internet funny ^^
I'll add on a little advice of my own - feel free to ignore it lolol, but essentially:
I find it really helpful to have some form of plan or outline for your fic. Mine s constantly being adjusted, but it helps so much when you write your chapter and maybe realize oh wait iwanna do this here and do that there, and you know where everything should go like a puzzle piece! Something else I'd say is that there doesnt always have to be drama lmao, sometimes a sweet heartwarming fic is enough. You're enough.
Again, the little moments matter, right? That's why in chapter five i just kinda did a little hangout session :)
And omg when i say i am thrilled to write michael's character arc fr. an eureka moment hit me outta nowhere and immediately i RAN to tell @theblindhag because she has been honestly nothig but supportive and an absolutely lovely human bean. Which also kinda reminds me: having a good friend listen to all the crazy ideas in your head is so amazing fr, and i hope you have/will find that friend. Honestly, feel free to send in asks whenever - id be more than happy to have a chat or chill out!
I'll make a post on the fruitade soon, its like 1am where i am rn lmao. keep your eyes peeled for it anon!! it's the actual easiest to make, trust.
As a little bonus extra, allow me to share a little moment from upcoming chapters :)
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ughgoaway · 4 months
this is coming at such a late time honestly but the way i literally was SAT when i saw that the angst fic was finally posted. but ohmygod. cut to last night and me reading it in T E A R S at 3 am. ace i do not think ill ever find the words to say how incredible it was i mean i knew you were G OO D but literally. etch that chapter on my grave because trust and believe it has erased me for life ohmygod i dont even know if i can ever reread it 😭😭
honestly on the same boat with cookie anon bc i feel the need to scream to you about how perfect it was but like thanks for ripping my heart out it was so horrible but also. more please 😭😭 you are TOO GOOD to not be writing angst regularly… (now i need an angst fic with a good ending ohmygod plea s e-)
- bff anon is six feet under after that chapter i will always be ur biggest fan!!
omg... NOT 3 AM TEARS IM SO SORRYYYYYY!! also, all these compliments are gonna make me SOB? incredible... ME??? SOMETHING I WROTE WAS "INCREDIBLE"?? STOPPPPP I CANT EVEN BELIEVE YOU!!! etch it on your grave???? please I'm gonna cry, I'm so so fucking happy you liked it. I was so worried that you and Cookie Anon would hate it, so honestly, I'm so glad y'all enjoyed it! re-reading might cause you some emotional distress based on this review... so maybe give it a few weeks before attempting it lmaoooo
(but also... you re-read stuff I write?? huh?? that never occurred to me before wtf)
scream about it being good AND rip your heart out?? that is the biggest angst fic compliment!!!! THATS THE WHOLE AIM, I AM SO FLATTERED OMGGGGGG. you and cookie anon are the angst truthers, and I love you both for it <3333
I will definitely be writing more angst because it was so much fun to write, and the reactions from y'all are hilarious. but... you want a happy ending??? what is the point of angst if not to destroy all your hopes and dreams??? na just kidding. If I come up with a good concept, I will happily write some angst with a happy ending!!! :))
bff I am YOUR biggest fan and I genuinely can't even tell you how big the smile on my face was when I read this ask. I LOVE YOUUUUU <33333
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
*slams door open*
I woke up and I was debating going back to bed or not when i saw a notif of my friend yelling at me that youd posted sandduo and ohmugod i have never unlocked my phone faster in my life
I reread the og chapter and mannnn i remember just how much fun the sandduo scenes were, all the power plays it was SO good, and goddd poor crimeboys bro, they were both struggling so much
phil pov of stars is the greatest thing to ever happen to me what the fuck ohmygod, he was SO FOND... HE WAS SO PROUD OF WILBUR WTF... i was eating breakfast while reading and i feltnSICKLKK ooohhmygoddd
Too much ITS ALL TOO MUCH... ohmygODDDDD
Stars is genuinely such an impressive fic though, all the complicated layers you mustve been thinking about while writing it?? Impressive holyyy shittt. All the different characters and motivations, it blows me away everytime I think about it. Stars is so incredible man RAHSSS
Godddd, adds this one shot to the growing list of comfort chapters/oneshots (i have so many of ur fics on that list LMFAOOO number one being Dusty Tomb, god i love that fic)
This is so random but did u know that on android/through the firefox app you can add a widget on ur homescreen that takes u directly to the link? Well I have like 3 of ur fics just sitting on my homescreen LMFAOOO adding this on to it rn ohmygoddd
Does that even make sense LMFAOO-
okay icyfox lets take some deep breaths together ready on the count of three-
ok but seriously tysm I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! yes phil saying little bird for the first time was an accident :) he was very fond but fully did not realize it because that man is horrible at recognizing his own emotions
aaa thank you!! i'm so so proud of stars especially because of how complicated it was. one of the frustrating parts about writing it though was that because of how complex it was with the different characters and motivations and the prose I tried to establish I had to be fully awake and focused to write it. I couldn't write it if i was sleepy or just not in the right headspace or else the story would suffer, so that was very annoying to me. still, worth it in the end though because the story gained so much from that.
(dusty tomb!! love that one sm I have such a soft spot for it <3)
god that's wild that you have 3 of my fics just on your homescreen for easy access. makes me so happy to hear things like that
honestly I hope I come up with more things to write in phil's pov from stars because I really miss the world of stars!! we'll have to see though no promises
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oatmilkandcookies · 1 year
ohmygod i cant believe I DIDNT OPEN TUMBLR for HALF A YEAR WHAT THE
im so sorry guys i truly got into a horrible job w zero work life balance and 100% exhaustion but im finally leaving that place for a better one which means i can finally have time to be on this app 😭😭😭
the one thing im determined to do is finish all the stories i write SO IT RLY MEANS ALOT SEEING YOUR SUPPORT 😭
i will also be putting myself in this box until i can get the next chapter of UL out
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marlenacantswim · 9 months
i also have no sense of time, but your comments made me INCREDIBLY happy!!! i don't check my email (horrible antihabit of mine i'm sure) so whenever i go to ao3 and see numbers in my inbox my heart skips a beat and my brain explodes with endorphins. i'm very susceptible to praise. so glad you enjoyed my fics tho, i know the plots are mundane, but that's what i like about angelbutter, y'know? they seem the most stable and functional couple, and i want to see them happy, so i WRITE IT
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