#oc: I've never felt so alive
biologistblues · 2 years
Kip: 1, 13, 23, 36 Budgie: 10, 18, 21, 40 Constant: 5, 20, 25, 32 Fair Heart: 3, 15, 27, 35
Oh good lord, Captain.
What is your character's morning routine? She's a... challenge to describe there. Routine? Heavens no. What animal is she at the time? Is she trancing or sleeping? Has she fallen asleep on someone? Generally- if she's a cat, her morning routine involves waking up, spinning a few times, hunting breakfast, and then finding a good sunspot to nap in. Especially if that sunspot is on Zahra's uniform. Or her face. If she's an elf, it involves getting down from the roof, wiping away the tears if it was a rough night for memories, finding a place to take a swim, and then tending to her plants and making breakfast.
How do they like to spend afternoons free? You mean most of their afternoons? (Boy is she lazy). Peak cat time. Or she'll go out and read the woods. It's a good time to play around with being new animals, and she has discovered a new love for being an owl (thank you Mari/Talbot). Or she'll go bug one of her people. Or garden, distill alcohol, get drunk, climb something stupidly tall, or try to figure out surfing so she can impress Cora.
What is their role in the party? Not just their class on a meta level, but among the individuals who make up your party? Emotional support animal? Cook? Carer? Comic relief? Professional source of worry? I'm really not sure how to answer this one >.> I will happily take suggestions in the replies.
What is their greatest failure? Kip would laugh, say that it's the fact that they never became a marked hunter within their clan. They were forced out before they could.
(Deep down, though, there's the nagging doubt that perhaps they should have kept to the vows of their marriage rather than the vows of the ship. Maybe if Kat were still alive..)
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trnsfrm · 2 years
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a very messy doodle with (probably) a ton of mistakes but. like. I had a very shitty day and am in need of comfort content so here we are. been thinking about them so much lately, they might just be turning into a comfort ship.
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fanfic-gallery · 2 months
manger's random tots #8 [ NSFW MDNI ]
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|| cw (dead dove) : implications of stalking, spying
» manager's note: with the trending of the milkman over all my social media nowadays, i've decided not to hop on this train- but instead, write about some other type of pretty boy with a low paying profession (no, this is not a 'that's not my neigbour' fic, thank you) hope you guys enjoy...? (i had the idea him being an oc in mind but you can slap whatever character you want <3)
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the neighbourhood mailman; absolute sweetheart, can do no wrong- sometimes giving away small little treats and nick-nacks along side the letters, pulling off light tricks and pranks to gargle a laugh or two, trying to brighten people's days.
yet, most don't seem too kind about his selfless gestures; impatient and grumpy bastards telling him off, yelling at him to knock it off with his piercing bike bell and 'nice guy' act.
on days like those, the only thing that seemed to be his light at the end of the tunnel, after gurgitating hours of cycling about under pretty harsh weathers, being chased off walk-way after walk-way... was you, his last patron of each day.
you weren't one of the first few in his delivery route; yet, you barely lived far down, so why is it that you were always his last? "...don't know... your letters always seemed to be at the bottom of the pile~" is what he claims; when in truth, he just wishes to spend the rest of his late-evening chatting your ear off with fun little misadventures he had during the past week.
he felt... cherished for once in his life; not someone needing to deal with the sour attitudes of people when they're all huffy or some boy-toy, taking his acts of service as an invitation to go running their hands all over him. he loved how he could play around, joke and complain without having the need to refrain himself. he felt... alive.
so it was to no one's surprise that he developed a massive crush on you; always giving you a little extra compared to the other townsfolk. full length handwritten letters, extra savings of candy and snacks he's been distributing that day, that box of pastries you seemed to have been eyeing up for the last few days or that prize you didn't manage to win during on one of your latest trips to the arcade.
seems light-hearted enough, right? if only you knew what other little treats he placed within your regular delivery... envelopes holding typed-letters; pouring his love for you over the many, many pages... each line, each paragraph... sometimes even rambling off into tangents- tangents of what he had been dreaming to do to you since day one... since the day you noticed his pains and took upon yourself to heal him back up.
yet, these sick fantasizes, these twisted thoughts on paper- you never blamed him for it, why would you went the initials signing off the letters eerily matched the creep that lived a few houses down from yours, who always seemed to have brought themselves false hope in charming you even after you said no.
no... you would never blame the innocent, naive mailman who's barely paid enough to suffer from verbal abuse every day of his life; barely having the funds to keep a himself together; yet, still cherished the happiness of others over his own.
maybe that's why you always seemed to accept his 'lustrous' gifts, especially that medium-sized stuffed bunny he so graciously sewed for you for valentine's to rid you of your loneliness. its soft yet limp body still laying on your bed, oblivious of the shine behind its dull black spheric eyes.
"...hah... hah...~" lustful eyes smiling as his flushed features melted against the monochrome screen he's stuck himself to, body trembling with each stroke of his throbbing cock, relishing in the soft breaths as you slept, spurring more pre to drip down his plush thighs, drenching the ground beneath his cheap desk chair. "...soon... soon, my love... i'll tell you the truth..."
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fantasy---feels · 5 months
Living Dreams (1)
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pairing: jungkook x female reader
genre: fluff, smut, fluffy smut, yeah mostly just smut tbh, fantasy
wordcount: 4,5k~
summary: Y/n get cheated on by her bf, with a friend of hers, which is just charming really. Luckily Jungkook, one of her best friends, is there to defend her, and maybe do something else for her too...
warnings: violence, unprotected sex (kind of?)
date: 15-01-2024
info: Initially wrote this about two of my Oc's but later felt like also adapting it to some of my favorite fandoms sooo, oops~ Also, since I couldn't choose there are multiple different versions of the same story, just with different main characters ^^
When Jungkook gets closer he sees Maron yelling at Y/n, 'Are you seriously breaking up with me over this? Are you really making me the bad guy right now?!' Y/n looks at him perplexed, 'You cheated on me? And with someone I considered a friend, what made you think I'd stay with you after that?' Maron rolls his eyes sarcastically, 'Yeah right, as if you've been faithful the whole time.' Y/n frowns, 'I never cheated on you what are you even talking about??' Maron laughs, 'Riiight, with the way you're always staring at that guy? And the way you dress? Fuck of with the lies you stupid slut!'
Maron blinks in confusion. He's looking up from the floor, and his nose, it hurts... It hurts like hell, what happened?! He slowly brings his hand up to his face, there's blood, a lot of it. His eyes shoot up to Y/n and... Jungkook. Jungkook's eyes basically tell him that he's lucky to even be alive at all. His fist is balled at his side and his other arm is protectively around Y/n. 'If you EVER. Talk to her again, or even get anywhere near her, I swear to the gods I'm going to fucking kill you.'
'Maron!' Layla, the other girl exclaims as she kneels down next to him, while he still states up at Jungkook and Y/n. Jungkook snarls at him, 'And for your information, YOU cheated, she never did, not with me, not with anyone else. YOU screwed up. And I'm honestly so glad that you did.' He looks at Y/n. 'I've been waiting to do this ever since she got together with you', he gently puts his hand on her face, still bloody from the hit.
She looks at him in confusion, but he just slowly leans down, and kisses her. She makes a surprised sound, but doesn't push him away. After a moment of hesitation she puts her arms around his neck and pulls him closer.
Maron glares at the two, his hand pressed over his face, trying to stop the bleeding. When Layla tries to comfort him and tell him that he has her now so it doesn't matter, he pushes her away. He gets up and storms toward the exit, Layla following him.
Jungkook and Y/n on the other hand forgot about him completely. When they finally break apart, they're both completely flushed and out of breath. Y/n stares at him in disbelief. 'Was that.. Did you mean that or did you just say it to-' Jungkook shakes his head. 'I meant it. You have no idea how much you've tortured me the past few months.' Y/n stares at him in shock. 'Why didn't you..' Jungkook, chuckles dryly. 'You were with him. And I was scared.' He pulls her closer to kiss her again.
When he finally let's go of her he whispers in her ear: 'Let's go home.' Y/n looks up at him in surprise before nodding slowly and letting him pull her to the exit. Once outside Jungkook can't seem to keep his hands of her and on the way home he keeps kissing her hand, her lips, her face. They come to a halt one turn away from the house, where Jungkook kisses her and she ends up with her back against the wall. As the kiss deepens and Y/n pushes her body closer to his Jungkook groans in frustration.
'You have no idea what you're doing to me..'
He reaches down and before she can react Y/n is sitting in his arms, her back against the wall and his hips pressed between her legs. Y/n gasps. 'No wait! Is this okay? I'm heavy..' Usually she doesn't care, but with him.. Jungkook blinks at her, confused. 'What? No.' He immediately leans in to kiss her again and Y/n moans against his lips as he presses into her. He freezes. He puts his forehead against hers and presses his eyes shut. 'I must be going crazy.. If you want me to stop, please tell me right now.' Y/n shakes her head, confused. 'I don't want to stop.' Jungkook looks up at her. 'I'm serious Y/n. If you don't tell me now, I don't think I'll be able to stop anymore.'
Y/n shakes her head and takes his face in her hands, her face flushed. 'Please don't stop.' Jungkook groans deep in his throat. 'Fuck.' Then he pulls her back into a kiss before lifting her in his arms, and away from the wall, making her squeal in surprise. But he just adjusts her, tells her to hold on, and jumps. She shrieks and clamps onto him, but a moment later they land on the roof of the house. He let's her down gently before opening his window and jumping inside. When he helps her jump in, he immediately pulls her close again to kiss her. After a moment he picks her up, and carries her to the bed. He gently sets her down and breathes in deeply, trying to calm himself. He presses his forehead against hers as her leans over her. 'Are you sure?' Y/n nods and pulls him in for a kiss. 'Please?' He groans into her mouth, 'You're going to ruin me.'
Then he leans back and pulls his shirt over his head before leaning back down. Y/n let's her hand glide over his chest, nervously at first, softly. Jungkook takes her hand in his and presses it to his body. 'It's fine, I wont break.' Y/n blushes, but let's her hands travel all over his chest and then his back and his stomach, which has him closing his eyes. Her hands reach his belt and she looks up at him uncertainly. He nods and gets up to undo his pants. When they fall to the ground Y/n looks at him in wonder. 'Can I..?' He nods and lays down next to her. Y/n hesitantly goes to sit over his legs and slowly let's her hands explore his body. He has his eyes pressed closed and one arm is draped over his face, while the other hand is holding onto one of her legs, slightly clenching any time she finds a sensitive spot. Her hands are torturously slow, but when she finally gets close to touching his dick, he can't stand it anymore. His hand shoots out to grab hers and her eyes meet his. He looks at her hungrily as he pulls her in for a kiss. 'Can I see you too?' Y/n flushes bright red but nods and sits back. He sits up with her and pulls her closer, till she's sitting in his lap. He let's his hands travel down her arms, while first kissing her lips, then her jaw, and then the crook of her neck, making her shiver in his arms. He slowly moves his hands to the back of her dress, halting as he finds the zipper. He looks at her and whispers,' Is this okay?' She nods, still flushed, and shivers as he pulls down the zipper, baring her back. He gently pulls the dress down her arms and chest before letting it pool at her waist. He looks at her in stunned silence. She blushes brightly under his staring and moves her arms up to cover herself. His hands shoot up to stop her. He let's them glide down her arms to her hands which he moves back down to her sides, 'Please don't. '
Then, he carefully cradles her waist and, for a moment, just stares at his hands on her skin. He still can't believe that he's finally holding her. His touch feels gentle, in spite of the size and roughness of his hands and Y/n shivers. He slowly let's his hand travel up, over her stomach and her ribs. When he gets to her breasts he stops and hesitates. Y/n brings her hand up to one of his, and gently puts it on her. 'I won't break either', she whispers. He let's her guide him to gently cup her breast, before taking a deep breath and letting his head rest on her shoulder. 'I can't believe I'm touching you...' He chuckles dryly, 'You have no idea how many times I've dreamed about doing this.' He kisses her shoulder, while carefully kneading her breast. When he feels her react, he softly sucks on the same spot, making her moan inadvertently. The sound makes him groan in frustration and he moves his hands to her waist.
He picks her up and lays her on the bed, before pulling her dress down the rest of the way, leaving them both in nothing but their underwear. When Y/n unconsciously tries to cover herself again under his staring, he grabs her wrists and pins her hands above her head. She blushes at the unexpected action, as well as the sudden vulnerability. He leans in to kiss her and whispers, 'Please let me look at you.' Then he lets go of her arms, which she wraps around his neck to pull him closer. He groans into her mouth and kisses her deeper.
He uses one hand to prop himself up while using the other to touch her. He let's his hand travel up her hip, her waist and finally to her breast which he gently kneads in his hand, before using his thumb to draw circles around the most sensitive part. Y/n moans into the kiss as he explores exactly what to do to her. He breaks away for a moment, and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. 'I haven't done this before, so you have to tell me if I do something wrong.' Y/n shakes her head breathlessly from under him. 'You're perfect.'
Jungkook smiles at her softly before leaning down to kiss her again. He let's his hand travel down and with his fingers he traces the line of her panties, making her shiver against his chest. 'Can I take them off?' he whispers. Y/n nods and he leans back to gently pull them down her legs, before swallowing deeply. 'I can't believe I get to have you.'
He let's his hands run up her body, from her ankles, over her legs and her stomach, to her breasts, as he moves to lay on top of her. He softly draws cirkles on one of her breasts while tentatively taking the other one in his mouth, eliciting a surprised gasp from Y/n. When he notices her reaction he slowly start to suck and lick around her sensitive nub, feeling it get harder against his tongue. The moans are falling from Y/n's mouth as he keeps gently massaging her breast with his hand while using his mouth on her at the same time. With one last gentle lick over her nipple he let's go and moves his attention to her other breast. He is taking in all of her reactions and he loves that she can't seem to control them, as he gently licks and sucks at her skin.
When he can finally bring himself to stop, he slowly moves down her body, kissing her stomach and her waist, sucking softly on her skin, trying not to leave any marks. When he finally gets to her most sensitive place he looks up questioningly. Y/n has her face covered with her hands in embarrassment, but still nods hesitantly.
He smiles reassuringly as he puts his arms around her legs, and softly places a kiss on the insde of her thigh. Then, he slowly starts kissing down the inside of her legs, all the way down untill he reaches her center. He looks up at her, his impatient eyes showing just how much he is trying to pace himself. 'Please tell me if you want me to stop, or when I'm doing something wrong.' He smiles at her before placing on last kiss on her leg. Then he leans down and licks one long stripe over her center, making her jump and cry out in surprise. When immediately after he softly sucks on her sensitive nub she moans deeply and automatically weaves her fingers through his hair. He smiles against her. 'Good to know.' Then sucks her into his mouth again and swirls his tongue around her, making her moans come out in stutters.
To get better access, he uses one hand to gently pushes her folds apart and licks long strokes in between. As he licks and sucks experimentally he greedily takes in all of her reactions and expressions. He softly starts to rub over her clit in circles with his thumb, while using his tongue to lick over and inside her entrance. Pressing his tongue against her, he groans under the combination of her taste in his mouth and her hands in his hair. Carefully he presses one of his fingers inside, while sucking her clit into his mouth. When she starts to relax around him, he adds a second finger, making her groan. He slowly starts oves in and out. She moans and reaches down to hold his hand in place. 'Curl your fingers up' she whispers, slightly out of breath. Jungkook smiles against her and does as she says while simultaneously circling her with his tongue. She starts moaning louder now, and he keeps doing exactly as she told him, curling up his fingers and rubbing the sensitive spot inside her. As he keeps licking her, and pressing his fingers into her, Y/n is getting closer and closer, until he knows she's almost there. When he feels her tighten around his fingers, he curls his fingers into her one more time and sucks on her hard. She cries out and her body trembles as she comes. He keeps slowly curling his fingers while licking her softly, working her through her orgasm, until she's pulling his head away, her hands shaking.
'How... How did you know all that?' She asks, confused and completely out of breath. 'I thought you had never done this before..' Jungkook grins at her, 'Aïsya gave me homework. One day she just handed me a whole pile of books she told me I should read.' Y/n turns bright red. 'Oh gods, that little witch!' She puts her hands over her eyes. 'I can't believe she basically trained you for me.' Jungkook chuckles while placing a kiss on the inside of her leg. 'I'm glad she did, otherwise I would have had no idea what to do.' Y/n sighs and grumbles, 'I guess I should buy her dinner sometime...' Jungkook moves up and pulls her hands away, to put a kiss on her forehead. 'Same here.'.
Then, when their eyes meet he kisses her lips and she pulls him in closer. She let's her hands run down his back and pushes at his underwear. 'I want them off...'
Jungkook flushes just barely as his eyes darken, before reaching down to take off his last piece of clothing. For a moment Y/n just stares, she had expected him to be pretty big, but not like this... He gently takes on of her hands and kisses it.' Are you still sure you want this? I understand if you want to stop now.' Y/n just shakes her head, her mouth hanging slightly open, still staring at him. Jungkook frowns, 'I don't want to hurt you.' Y/n looks up at him. 'You won't, I promise, we'll be careful.'
She slowly props herself up and reaches forward, to put her hand around him. He groans at the feeling, staring down at her touching his dick. She carefully moves her hand to stroke him and he let's his head fall back as a moan falls from his lips. 'Fuckkk, Mila..'
Her mouth waters at the sound of his voice and she slowly leans forward. He doesn't have time to realize what's happening as she licks one long stroke up his whole length, making his body shock with pleasure. But before she can continue, his hands shoot up to stop her.
He leans forward, resting his forehead on her hair and breathes in deeply, his eyes pressed shut. 'Please stop. I dont think I'll last long if you do that.' Y/n pouts, 'But you did it for me... I want to taste you.' A muscle ticks in his jaw at her words, but he shakes his head. 'Not tonight.'
He leans in to give her a quick kiss before leaning to the side to open a drawer and reach for a box of condoms. Y/n's hand stops him, and he looks at her confused. She blushes and looks down. 'I took a potion, so we can do it without.. But only if you want to of course..' She glances up at him shyly, her face flushed. Jungkook blinks at her in shock, then slowly sits back and puts a hand over his eyes while breathing in deeply. 'You're going to completely ruin me.' Then he let's his hand fall to his side and stares at her hungrily, before grabbing her face and kissing her roughly. 'You have no idea what you're doing to me.'
He let's his hands run all over her body, before ending up at her legs and gently pushing her knees apart. He groans as he looks down at her, 'I'm sorry, I don't think I can stop now.' She shakes her head at him, 'I don't want to stop.. Please put it inside me?'
He presses his eyes shut to calm down, and carefully leads his dick to rest against her entrance. They both moan at the feeling and Jungkook breathes heavy, trying to restrain himself. 'I'll try to go slow okay. ' Then he leans forward to push himself into her.
At first she is still too tight, and Y/n groans, but then his tip pushes inside and they both gasps. Jungkook groans, 'Fuck. You're so warm. So soft.' He leans over her as he tries to regain his composure. With one hand he cups her face while the other is holding her leg. 'I'm going to go a bit deeper okay?' Y/n nods silently as she takes deep breaths, trying to get used to his size.
He looks her in the eyes as he slowly starts to push in further, making sure that she's okay. Her eyes slowly start to go wide as he pushes deeper and deeper. Her mouth is slightly open and her expression is making him go crazy. He curses. 'Fuck I'm sorry.' and then suddenly he snaps his hips forward, pushing the rest of him in at once.
Y/n gasps as he fills her up completely. She moans as she is being stretched around him, it feels as if he pushed himself all the way into her stomach. Jungkook is panting above her. The feeling of her around him overwhelming. 'Fuck, fuck im so sorry, are you okay? Did I hurt you?' She wraps her arms around his neck and shakes her head against him. She wants to tell him she's fine but her voice won't come out. Jungkook buries his face in the crook of her neck and wraps his arms around his waist, accidentally pressing himself even deeper inside of her and they both groan.
He places soft kisses in her neck and under her jaw as they both wait to calm down. Y/n's breathing is heavy as her body tries to accommodate his size.
Jungkook pants as he feels her clench around him. He softly sucks on the skin in the crook of her neck and places gentle kisses on her throat. 'You're doing so good Y/n. You're doing so good taking all of me.' She moans as he readjusts himself, and he leans down to kiss her, absorbing the sound. He pushes himself up slightly, to look at her face. 'Are you okay? Does it hurt?', he frowns, a combination of concern and concentration. She shakes her head wordlessly, eyes closed tight and lips pressed together.
He rubs her face with his thumb. 'Look at me.' She opens her eyes to stare up at him, her eyes are glazed over and tears are slowly forming, dripping down her cheeks. His frown deepens and he begins to get up, but she grabs his wrist. She shakes head, 'Keep going. It doesn't hurt.' He rubs her tears away with his thumb, 'You're crying..' She smiles at him shakily, 'Just. A lot. It feels good, I promise.'
He frowns again but nods. Then lifts her hand and kisses the inside of her wrist, then her face, kissing away her tears. 'Are you sure?' She nods, and he kisses her softly, before slowly pulling back a little, and pushing back in. They both moan and he let's his forehead rest on hers. He chuckles dryly, 'Maybe it's actually me who can't handle it.' Y/n smiles slightly and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer.
Jungkook carefully starts moving his hips, pulling out a little and pushing back in slowly, still scared he might hurt her. She moans under him, and kisses his face when she sees his concerned expression. 'I won't break.' He closes his eyes for a moment, before slowly picking up the pace.
He brings back his arm to hook it behind her leg and push it to her chest. The new angle makes Y/n writhe under him as he continuesly hits her soft spot. Jungkook makes sure to not push his whole length in, still worried about her. Looking at her face however is making it more and more difficult for him to control himself and every time she moans or clenches around him, he unconsciously snaps his hips forward just a little bit harder.
Y/n's voice comes in a string of moans as she puts up one hand to press against the headboard behind her and one down to rub circles on her breast. Seeing her playing with herself, and moaning with his dick inside her, makes Jungkook groans deep in his chest. He leans back and takes her other leg, to also push that forward, giving him the perfect angle to slam down into her. Y/n gasps in surprise, which accidentally let's him go even deeper.
Jungkook curses, but his self control is gone and he can't keep himself from pushing his dick into her to the hilt. Y/n's eyes fall closed as tears stream down her face and nonsensical sounds spill from her lips. Jungkook groans as he looks down at where his length has completely disappeared inside her. 'God's Y/n, you're taking all of me.' He pulls out and slams his hips back against her, just to see her taking it all. 'You're so good for me. You're perfect.' He leans forward, pushing her legs further against her chest, her feet on his shoulders, and he presses even deeper. Y/n just moans deeply, her face completely fucked out, dazed.
Jungkook almost bares his teeth looking at her and pulls back to slam down into her again. Guttural moans spill from Y/n's lips as he pounds her into the mattress, both of her hands now pushing against the headboard. Jungkook can feel her walls clench around him as she starts getting closer and closer to her release.
He leans back and let's her legs of his shoulders, before reaching down and grabbing her hips, lifting them up. He slams himself back into her, the new position allowing him to pull her hips back against him, putting even more force behind his thrusts. Y/n cries out in his arms as his whole length is being slammed into her again and again. His tip hitting her womb every time he bottoms out.
Her face is a mess, with her makeup running down her face, her lipstick smeared, her eyes only half open, completely glazed over and a continuous string of senseless moans falling from her lips. Jungkook basically snarls at the sight and snaps his hips into hers even harder, till they're both almost at their breaking point.
When he can feel how close she is Jungkook leans down, covering her body with his own and puts his arms around her, keeping her still as he pounds into her. He angles his hips, so that with every thrust, he's rubbing up against her soft spot. He groans, trying to control himself at least long enough to make her come before him.
Y/n's moans are deep and guttural as he keeps slamming himself inside her, rubbing her insides and bruising her cervix. Suddenly her orgasm washes over her and she cries out as she wraps her arms around Jungkook's neck, pulling him completely against, and inside of her.
Jungkook moans into her shoulder as she clenches around him and digs her nails into his shoulders. He wants to keep fucking into her, but he knows that he shouldn't. Her body is trembling against him and he can feel her walls pulsing. It feels like her inside are basically sucking him in and he softly bites her shoulder, trying to restrain himself.
'Jungkook?', Y/n's voice is soft and a bit hoarse, and the sound of it destroys all of his resolve. He groans against her neck as he slams himself all the way back into her, pulling a gasp from her already exhausted throat. 'Sorry', he rasps against her skin, as he pounds into her over-sensitive pussy, deep and hard, making her cry out as she wraps her arms around him even tighter.
He groans as he feels himself get closer and closer, his thrusts becoming faster and more erratic. 'FUCK. Fuck Y/n. Can I come inside you?' She doesn't have the voice to respond and just nods against his shoulder as her nails dig into his back, the overstimulation slowly turning back into pleasure.
Jungkook curses as he angles his hips to hit her even deeper, their breathing growing louder and louder. With another deep thrust Y/n cries out against him, her voice breaking as he forces her through another orgasm. Her walls tightening also finally pushes Jungkook over the edge and with a few last hard thrusts he presses himself into her as deep as he can, before coming undone.
They stay like that for at least ten minutes, panting against each other's skin, their bodies pressed together, her walls stills pulsing around him. When his breathing has finally calmed down a bit, Jungkook moves to get up but Y/n wraps her legs around him and pulls him back. 'Stay like this for a bit, you're so warm...' Her eyes are closed and her whole body is trembling slightly from exhaustion. Jungkook smiles at her softly and presses gentle kisses to her face. He kisses her on her eyelids, her forehead, her nose, her lips, and finally also her neck and her shoulders. She moans softly and tiredly as he softly sucks on her skin. 'I wonder if I can still walk.' Jungkook chuckles against her skin, you've survived worse things. She groans. 'Have I?' He laughs and kisses her shoulder. 'Wait here, I'll get a towel.' He carefully lifts himself of of her. 'Nooo, it's colddd', Y/n cries out in protest, her eyes still closed, but lazily lifting one hand to pull him back. He smiles and takes her hand to kiss her fingertips. 'I'll be back in a second. I'll keep you warm the rest of the night.' Y/n just groans and turns onto her side, grabbing a pillow to hold against her chest. Jungkook chuckles and covers her with the blanket. 'I'll be right back.'
Once they're cleaned up Jungkook climbs into the bed and lays against her back, wrapping his arms around her. 'Are you okay?', he whispers into her hair. Y/n grumbles in his arms and snuggles closer to him. He smiles softly and presses a kiss to her head, before pulling her close to his chest and falling asleep too.
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ivys-cafe · 1 year
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📠 don't go dark
pairings: newt x thomas, female!reader is only mentioned
summary: newt finds it hard to cope after the group got separated with y/n. thomas helps him find hope.
timeline: wckd lab during scorch trials
genre: angst, hurt, comfort
warnings: established relationship, mentions of pregnancy, devastated newt
author's note 🧇
i've always imagined what it would be like if my oc got separated from the group. also i made y/n pregnant here. sorry if anyone is finding difficulty relating to that. it's just i've wrote a whole story before about my oc, and in my version the oc is pregnant with newt's baby in the glades. but i hope it doesn't take anything away from this scenario. i really want to highlight newtmas' friendship and all of its fluffiness. if you have any feedback, you can message me or write something on my ask. i would appreciate it very much.
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Newt slumped down onto the cold metal floor, his head buried in his hands. He feel his heart beating erratically in his chest. How could they be in the safe hands of WCKD, while the love of his life was still out there? Was she alone, scared, and in pain? He could hardly bear the thought.
He thought of you, your stubbornness and unyielding nature. He knew that you had made the decision to stay behind in the maze, not wanting to abandon your best friend Gally, but he couldn't help but regret not forcing you to go. He should have gone back for you, he should have done something.
But now, it was too late. He was stuck in the hands of WCKD, with no way of knowing whether y/n was even alive. The uncertainty was tearing him apart from the inside out, his mind racing with all the possibilities of what could be happening to you.
Were you in danger? Were you being hurt? The thought of you suffering alone, with no one to turn to, made his chest ache with a pain he had never felt before. Newt's anxiety spike, his thoughts are driving him insane. He knew he had to find a way to get you back, but he didn't know how.
Thomas sat down next to him, looking just as exhausted and defeated. "You okay, man?" he asked, trying to break the silence.
Newt scoffed bitterly. "How do you think I'm holding up?" he snapped. "I don't even know if she's alive or dead, and we're stuck in this damn place."
Thomas placed a hand on Newt's shoulder, trying to offer some comfort. "Maybe she's out there. We'll find her, Newt."
Newt jerked his shoulder away from Thomas' touch. "Oh, of course. How could I be so foolish? We'll just stroll out of here, past the guards and their guns, and find y/n wandering around outside the building. Simple as that." He shook his head, fear latched onto his trembling voice. "Face it, Tommy. We're trapped here. And we don't even know if y/n's alive or dead."
"Y/n's smart," Thomas stated with conviction. "She can handle herself out there, Newt."
Newt's body trembled as he shook his head, anger and grief mixing into a boiling pot of emotions inside of him. "You heard what those bloody cranks say, didn't you?" He hissed at Thomas. "The Scorch will chew us up and spit us out like we're nothing. And y/n..." His voice cracked, the anguish almost palpable. "She's out there, alone and pregnant. And I couldn't do anything to protect her."
Thomas frowned, his face etched with concern. "I know it's not ideal, but we have to keep moving forward. We have to keep fighting."
"You don't get it," Newt said, his voice barely above a whisper as he struggled to hold back tears. "You don't know what it's like to feel like you've lost everything,"
Thomas's face fell, his eyes betraying the pain he felt. "I do, Newt," he said quietly, his voice thick with emotion. "I lost my memories, my family, my entire life. We were all in the maze, fighting for our lives every day. I know it's not the same, but I understand loss. And I'm here for you, man. Whatever you need."
Newt's anger began to fade, replaced by a deep sadness. He leaned his head against the wall, feeling defeated. "I just miss her so damn much," he whispered, tears streaming down his face.
Thomas could see the pain on Newt's face, and he knew there was nothing he could say to take it away. He put his arms around his friend, holding him tight as Newt sobbed into his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Newt. I'm so sorry," Thomas said softly. "But we can't give up. Not now. We have to keep fighting, for y/n, for ourselves, for everyone we've lost."
Newt pulled away from Thomas, wiping his tears with the back of his hand. "I know," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
"We'll find her, Newt," Thomas asurres, his voice firm and resolute. "No matter what it takes, we'll find her and the rest of our friends."
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2023 • ivys-cafe ☕️
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imaginaryf1shots · 9 months
My Girls (|||.5) | Max Verstappen
Words count: 5149
Driver!oc X Max Verstappen
Platonic!Driver!oc X the grid
Summery: Cecilia Hansson daughter of a Swedish billionaire, a race car driver, with a dream of making it big in Formula 1. However she has a few secrets that may hurt her as women are disliked in the sport.
This is just how some of the grid found out about Nathalie.
Series Warnings: cursing, child abandment, absent father, drinking, car accidents, Jos Verstappen, misogyny, Christian horner (tell me if i missed anything)
A/N: Wasn't planning on posting this today, but I've been recieving a lot of love on this series so I thought why not treat you all.
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How they found out
2018 (Lewis) Nathalie is 2
It’s a nice day in Monaco, a lot of people who live in Monaco are now out of the country and it has a few tourists. The summer break is full on, Cecilia decided to enjoy the day and take Nathalie out, the mother daughter duo had a full day out. They went shopping, got Nathalie a new toy and a couple new outfits, Cecilia can’t believe how fast Nattie is getting bigger she’s walking, talking and eating. Then they got ice cream, Cecilia drove around for a bit while Nattie slept, Monaco is so small that Cecilia felt like she drove all of Monaco over 10 times, she stopped at a pier for a bit, Cecilia got out of the car, left the window open and lent on the side of the car looking out at the sea, it’s been so long since she’s partied on a yacht, it’s been a long time since she’s gone to any party. Period. 
Does she miss that time in her life, yes, does she regret it, no. She'd do the same things all over again, make the same mistakes, date that asshole if it meant she’d have her daughter with her. 
When Nathalie woke up, Cecilia decided it was time to head back. Having some disney music on, the windows down, wind in their hair, they were having so much fun. Glancing at the rearview window to see her beautiful girl smiling and moving around, made Cecilia the happiest woman alive.
Parking the car Cecilia got out of the car, grabbed their shopping bags, before she unbuckled Nathalie, the girl wanted to walk on her own. Closing the car and locking it, Cecilia held out her hand for Nathalie to take it.
“Maman, I don wanna goh home.” The small girl looked up at her mum with puppy dog eyes, pouting in the way she knew that Cecilia was weak for.
“Why Mon Ange? Want to spend more time with maman?” She asked with a smile, ever so patient, the way her mother was with her. Nodding, Cecilia smiled, she unlocked the car, placed everything back in locking the car before she held her hand out for Nattie, holding her mum’s hand, they walked around their neighbourhood. Nathalie was telling Cecilia about the play date she had with her cousin, or more like trying to, the two year old’s vocabulary was still very limited. One of Cecilia’s older brother’s sons is Nathalie’s age, so they often had play dates. Cecilia still lived with her parents, she never got to move out, her brother’s old room now Nathalie’s. 
The girl let go of her mum’s hand and started skipping as they walked, a woman with her dog was walking on the other side, the dog suddenly barked, scaring the little girl, who stumbled and fell down, in an instant her eyes filled with tears. 
“Maman!” She sobbed, holding her hands up wanting to be carried. Cecilia rushed to her making sure she wasn’t hurt before she scooped her up. The girl hugged her mother and cried. 
“It’s okay baby, let’s go home, it’s okay, you’re alright” She hushed, rubbing her hand up and down the toddler’s back in a comforting manner, she turned around to walk back to their house, her eyes looked around before they settled on a familiar pair of eyes. There he stood her colleague, she knows they live in the same neighbourhood, Monaco is small but Lewis Hamilton lived on the same street as her. They’ve met before on the grid and at FIA events.
Lewis knew it was her, the girl’s crying and shouting for her mother, gained his attention. Looking from mother to daughter, he quickly assessed the situation before giving Cecilia a kind smile. He nods in understanding before he walks up the steps for his building. Acting like he saw nothing.
Cecilia wanted to cry but she hoped that the nod and smile from the older driver meant that he’d keep it a secret. From her knowledge of Lewis, from his character he isn’t the type to tell. She doesnt know him that well but she hopes she knows him enough to make that judgement. 
Walking back home she hopes that she’s right.
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2019 (Seb and Charles)
“I think you did great.” Sebastian said, making Cecilia roll my eyes at him, and sigh. The four time world champion took no offence knowing how frustrated she is, and he’s very close to the female.
“I don’t know about that.” Cecilia muttered and chose not to look at both the drivers with her, they were both out of their champagne covered clothes and into their team kits, the three finished their post race media duties and were in the hotel lobby slowly making their way to their rooms. They were all placed in the same level as each other, for the Canadian Grand Prix, it was accidental but none of them was complaining. 
“Has anyone at Mclaren said anything?” Charles asked his friend, they have known each other for years now, cecilia was the only female who was at all the races growing up, not the only female at a race but she was at all of them, any race she could participate in she was in, and any race she could go to watch she went, because of that the girl’s social circle is big. Which wasn’t a good thing when the media found out about her being the new Mclaren driver, calling her all the names under the sun, ‘fans’ asking for her to be removed.
“No, but I'm on a yearly contract, I have to get as many podiums as I can to guarantee a seat next year.” Cecilia said and they got into the left, she leaned into the back of the elevator and crossed her arms.
“Then you got nothing to worry about, you’ve been winning Mclaren points every race, something not a lot of drivers can do in their first year.” Sebastian says, patting her shoulder.
“Says the great Sebastian Vettle.” Cecilia says and pouts, Seb and Charles laugh at her antics, Seb pulls her for a side hug. He’s been looking out for her since she was a reserve driver, she had met him a few times before she got into F1, she is a F2 World Champion after all. 
“Come on Cece, you’re doing amazing, Mclaren has been singing praises about you since the start of the season besides we’re only 7 races in AND you won in Austria.” Charles said and the trio got out of the left walking down the hallway towards their rooms.
“Maman!” A young squeaky voice shouted before a small body crashed into cecilia. The woman instinctively picked up the girl, before she froze.
“Nathalie!” Another older voice shouted, the males stared wide eyed as another woman who they know as your mother ran over, a nervous and apologetic look in her eyes.
“It’s okay Maman I got her.” Cecilia told her mother with a small smile, Nathalie wrapped her arms around her mum’s neck and laid her head on her shoulder shyly looking at the men staring at her and her mother.
“Are you sure?” She asked not convinced, Cecilia nodded, her mother leaving back to her room which is next to her daughter’s.
“Is she yours?” Sebastian asked softly, he had no idea cecilia had a daughter, and from the looks of it he knew that Charles also had no idea. 
“Yeah, Nathalie, say hi.” The young girl refused and hid her head in her mother’s hair.
“She looks so much like you.” Sebastian said with a smile, he could see the worried look on her face, he instantly knew this is the reason the girl disappeared for a year and a half.
“That’s why you took time off.” Charles concluded, saying what Sebastian was thinking, Nathalie is a spitting image of her mother, a mini her, with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, the eyes are something the Hannsons all had, a family trait. “How old is she?”
“Nattie, why don’t you tell them how old you are?” cecilia tried to prompt her daughter softly, the young girl looked at her mother, seeing them looking at each other, they couldn't spot anything that wasn’t cecilia, Cecilia is looking at a younger version of herself. “Come on, mon ange, you always see them on the telly.” 
“I’m three.” The little girl looking at them and holding her four fingers out, Cecilia laughed and pushed one finger down, kissing her cheek.
“Such a big girl.” Sebastian told her with a grin on his face, making Nathalie grin at him, she’s at the age where she doesn’t like to be babied, and loved to act a little older, wanting to be independent. But at the end of the night all she wanted was to snuggle and sleep with her mum. “Did you eat?”
“No, I wanted to eat with maman.” 
“Come on, let’s get into my room where we can talk, privately.” Cecilia followed the two males silently into Sebastian’s room, Cecilia sat on the sofa and Nathalia got out of her arms and started wandering around, her curiosity getting over her shyness. As the males sat down everyone made sure they could still see Nat.
“Why didn't you tell me?” Charles asked, he didn’t want to sound like he was angry or betrayed even if he was feeling a little sad his friend didn’t trust him enough to tell him she has a daughter.
“It’s a decision that my family and I took when I decided to keep her, and still continue racing, I was barely 18 when I had her, I got pregnant when I was 17, and it was a hard time, my family gave me the all the choices and told me they’d stand by me no matter what. But when I told them I wanted to race there were some things that we agreed upon.”
“Being the only female isn’t easy, people were already talking, brining a baby into it would’ve just pushed it more.” Sebastian added before Cecilia continued, again he understood her reasoning. He saw tears in her eyes a couple times when she was hounded and booed, she looks strong and unbothered on the outside but when she’s alone she lets her tears out, the one time she had a podium this year was just filled with boos and hate.
“Yes, and I couldn’t just tell anyone, I was hiding her, but if people started to find out then they found out, but I wasn’t going to parade her around. A couple of people at Mclaren know, and I think Lewis knows.” Cecilia ran her hand through her hair pushing it out of her face.
“Lewis knows?” Charles was surprised by that, yes Cecilia and Lewis weren’t enemies, but they weren’t close, not close enough for him to know and for Charles to not know.
“I think he does, you know he lives close to me and my family, he saw us once in Monaco.” Cecilia explained.
“He didn’t say anything?” Seb asked knowing that if Lewis knew he wouldn’t say anything to anyone anyway, you can trust Lewis with your secrets.
“No, never asked either, but I’m 99 percent  sure he knows.” Cecilia said and smiled at Nathalie who came over saying she’s hungry. The group took a break and ordered food from room service, in the meantime Cecilia left her daughter with the two men and quickly went to her room getting her daughter’s plastic plate, utensils and cup, with a toy she can play with. By the time she was back Sebastian had Nathalie laughing so hard. Taking out her phone she took a quick video wanting to savour the moment. Nathalie looked up to Seb so much and for some reason seeing him with her daughter made her so happy, her role model with her daughter. Seb already had two children and another on the way, he knew how to handle kids.
Cecilia sat next to Charles leaving Seb to play with her daughter, Charles took Cecilia’s hand in his making her look at him, he was smiling at her, before he pulled her in for a hug. Thinking about how hard it must’ve been for her, having to choose and take all those decisions at only 17.
“Mathew?” He whispered and Cecilia nodded into his shoulder, she tried not to tear up, it’s been over three years, but out of her family she never talked about it with anyone, she doesn’t want to keep her daughter a secret, she wants to take her to races for her to see her mum race in real life and not just on screens.
“But he gave up all his rights, couldn’t even stay for her to be born, his name isn’t on her birth certificate.” Cecilia told him and he squeezed her tighter, if she had another family she would’ve been so lost, he’s thankful for the love her family has for each other.
“She doesn’t need him and neither do you, she has a family that loves her.” Charles told her, pulling back and smiling at his friend.
“And new uncles.” Seb added before tickling Nathalie, who just laughed her heart out.
The food came and as Cecilia ate she helped her daughter and answered all the questions the two had for her, ranging from does Nat travel everywhere with her, to how hard she had to train to be able to get back in shape after the pregnancy.
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2019 (Lando, Pierre, Alex)
The end of the first half of the season, summer break. Most drivers went back home to begin their time off. Not all drivers though. Before everyone heads home, some of the drivers decided to spend a few days in Monaco to party and live it up before they returned home. Of course those already living in Monaco were already there. 
A yacht was rented for the group to have a semi-private time together and let loose, the drivers made a group chat and agreed on a time and date to meet up and just party, all plus ones and close friends invited. Charles had Lando, Pierre and Alex at his house for a pre-party hangout.
Cecilia made her way to Charles’ house first in her Mclaren, one of the guys would be riding with her on the way there, she planned not to drink, knowing she had to be sober for her plans with Nathalie the day after. Her mum told her to postpone her outing with Nattie to have a night out and drink and live like everyone her age, Cecilia wasn't like everyone her age, she has a daughter she has to think about. To Cecilia, Nathalie always came first.
It didn't take her long to reach Charles’ building, before she made her way up, having already been there a few times before. Ringing the doorbell once, the door swung open and Pierre was standing there with a drink already in his hand. An amused Cecilia raised her eyebrow.
“Cecilia!” Pierre greeted dragging the ‘a’ a little, looks like the drink in his hand wasn’t his first one. 
“Piereeeee.” Cecilia exaggerated before she invited herself in, seeing as the Frenchman wasn’t moving. Making it to the living room, Cecilia saw her teammate sitting with a beer in his hand, Alex and Charles talking about something. “Looks like you lot are already having fun.”
“Cece, you’re late.” Lando told the older girl, with a little whine.
“I’m not, I came on time like we agreed.” The girl said looking at her phone.
“You left me with them, you’re my teammate, you're supposed to help me.” Lando fake whined making Cecilia laugh as she sat next to him. “When are we leaving anyway?”
“Daniel said the yacht will move in an hour or so.” Alex told the group. 
The group decided to leave in 40 minutes or so, Charles’ girlfriend was on her way anyways. 20 minutes in, Cecilia’s phone rang while she was in the bathroom.
“Cece, your phone’s ringing!” Charles called for his friend, standing outside the bathroom door. “It’s your mum.”
“Answer for me please, I'll be out in a minute.” The female called trying to finish her business faster to get out. She heard Charles talking to her mum in french, but she couldn't make out what he was saying. Everyone in her family spoke French, Swedish and English as main languages, with a few speaking more, but the baseline is those three languages. So it wasn’t weird for her to have Charles talking to her mum in their mother tongue.
Getting out of the bathroom after washing her hands, she found Charles in the kitchen with her phone looking worried and conflicted.
“What is it?” She asked, holding her hand out for her phone. “What did she want?”
“Uh, she wanted to tell you that Nathalie is sick.” He didn't know how to tell her without scaring her, he thought about saying it in other ways, but how do you tell a mother that their child is ill without scaring them, you simply can’t. 
“Sick? How sick, I was just there.” Cecilia asked, already moving, Charles followed after her. He cursed himself once he saw the look on her face, she’s imagining the worse.
“She said it wasn't serious, she just threw up and complained about her stomach.” Charles explained, the others looked at the duo, Lando and Alex having no idea what the other two were saying only knowing a few french words but nowhere near the amount they'll need to understand the fast and panicked French, Pierre who got what they were saying had no idea who they were talking about.
“That’s serious, I’m sorry but I have to go.” She got her bag and turned to leave, her hands were shaking and her heart beating in her chest so fast she wondered if anyone could hear it.
“Wait, you’re panicking, you can’t drive like this.” Charles said, driving over the speed limit in streets like Monaco is dangerous even to people like motorsport drivers, driving fast is second nature, but not when you’re panicking. 
“What do you expect me to do? She’s my daughter!” Pierre choked on air it seemed looking wide eyed at the blonde woman. “I’m getting there, move out of my way.”
“What’s going on?” Lando asked moving closer, he’s never seen either driver mad at each other, but Cecilia was shaking, tears were gathering in her eyes as she tried to push them away.
“Fuck, fuck.” Cecilia cursed noticing how much she’s shaking, no way she could drive right now, Charles is right. She looked at Lando. “I uh, I have a daughter, who is sick right now, i have to go.”
“I’ll drive you.” Charles offred being the only one who didn’t drink. “Come on.”
He pulled her by her shoulder leaving the rest of the drivers shocked. Charles and Cecilia left, leaving the other three to put the pieces together, Pierre telling them what he heard in French and like those before them they started connecting the dots, the reason she took time off. Lando being her teammate, looking back now there were hints, but without context he wouldn't have got it.
A bracelet with Maman, flashes of pictures when she was showing him something on her phone, lots of I love you darling and what not, but he thought maybe she was dating someone, he’s seen her mother in their hotels but she doesn't always come to the track. A woman who can guess now is a nanny who’d come up to talk to Cecilia and leave. So many hints, but damn Cecilia hid it well.
“Who do you think the dad is?” Alex asked after they came to a few theories and conclusions, waiting for Charles to come back.
“Must be that asshole Mathew, they dated when we were racing years ago and continued until I'm guessing she got pregnant.” Pierre said, none of Cecilia’s friends ever liked Mathew. 
“Who?” Lando asked, he had no idea who they were talking about, him and Cecilia didn’t really get close before F1, she was always in the groups above him.
“An asshole Cece dated for a while, filthy rich, a couple of years older, was taking over daddy’s job and wouldn't shut up about it.” Pierre informed Lando. “Cecilia’s also very rich but you don’t see her walking around throwing it in everyone’s face, don’t know who he was showing off to.”
“He used to stay in Monaco a lot, but from his Instagram I haven't seen him here in years, his Instagram was once filled with pictures of him and Cecilia but one day everything was gone, I thought that meant they broke up.” Alex said, frowning.
“Me too, she too deleted all their pictures, before she went MIA.” 
They talked for a bit more before Charles came back, and filled in the gaps given permission by Cecilia and made them swear not to tell anyone, giving Pierre a look. They swore to keep it a secret, if this came out it would hurt their friend, the backlash could be carrier altering. 
They got ready to leave Charles’ girlfriends texted that she’ll meet them there. One the way they got a call from Cecilia telling them(charles) that Cecilia is okay, she just ate something that didn't agree with her stomach. Lando shouted that he wanted to meet his niece before he went back to London, Cecilia laughed and told him to come over whenever. Pierre and Alex also invited themselves, making Cecilia laugh again, shaking her head at her friends who couldn't see her.
With a final ‘have fun’, she hung up.
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Late 2019 (Max)
By this time in 2019 Daniel and Carlos also knew about Nathalie, they haven’t met her, seen pictures but they knew about her. With it being Monaco Grand Prix weekend, and under the reassurance of her family and friends mixed with her daughter’s pouty face and big eyes, Cecilia decided to let her daughter come to the race. She’d come in with her mum from the back entrance, with the help of Mclaren they were able to get in undetected. They were there since early morning, Nattie met Daniel and Carlos, they were mesmerised by the little girl, Charles once again was saying to anyone and everyone(that knows about Nattie) that he’s her favourite and he had a reason to say that, proud uncle. 
Cecilia’s mum stayed with the girl in the drivers room whenever they saw any cameras coming around, Nathalie had a little nap before they went to watch the race from the hospitality.
It was race day, everyone was buzzing, Cecilia was starting fourth, not bad. She didn’t just want to win this race because it’s her home race but because her daughter was watching, and she looked so cute with the headphones she had on that muffled the sounds a little, the place is noisy as hell. 
Starting the race, Cecilia had Max, Lewis and Charles ahead of her with Seb just behind her. The Monaco race is always a fan favourite, Cecilia knows this track like she knew the back of her hand, she ran it and drove through it, she can find her way around with her eyes blindfolded. This may be the reason she was able to get to second place, taking over Charles, before she took over Lewis. Cecilia was just thinking about how proud her daughter would be watching and knowing that her mum was the only woman in F1 and that she was beating all those men. When the race came to an end, she was back in third place, lewis having overtaken her in the final two laps but she had the fastest lap so that’s another point for her team.
Cecilia was grinning when she took off her helmet, happiness cursing through her, she wished she could win, but having a podium is something that she loved the feeling of, she’s becoming better and better with each race, and it’s evident in her scores. Mclaren are over the moon with her. She celebrated with her team, before she got weighted and interviewed.
After the celebrations and more interviews, the venue started emptying. Cecilia saw her daughter for a few minutes before she was rushed for a quick meeting. By the time she was done, most of the place was empty; a few teams were still present, also doing meetings or last checkups and whatnot. 
“Maman, where's Nattie?” Cecilia asked her mother, seeing her sitting alone. The small room made her feel a little claustrophobic after a long time.
“She is napping in your room.” Going to her room to take her daughter home, she opened the door and saw the small blanket Nattie couldn't sleep without but she wasn’t there, there wasn't any place for the girl to hide in, but Cecilia still looked everywhere, with each passing minute she started to panic. 
“Maman! She isn’t here.” Cecilia called to her mother who was talking with Lando now, both looked as panicked as her when they heard her words. “Start looking around, if you find her, call me.”
“I’ll tell the others!” Lando called as both him and Cecilia left the Mclaren garage, they went opposite ways, while Cecilia's mum started looking in all the small spots Nathalie could’ve gone to in the garage. Cecilia called for Nattie as she walked/ran, her eyes taking in everything as much as she could. Managing to take out her phone and call Charles while still looking around.
“Hey are you-”
“Is Nattie with you?” She cut him off, he could hear the urgency in her voice, frowning.
“No, I’m with Seb, we'll look for her.”
“Okay my mum and Lando are also looking, call me.”
Coming up on RedBull’s garage, it looked empty, but Cecilia wasn’t leaving a place where she didn’t look. She crouched as she tried to see if the tiny human she gave birth to was anywhere. “Damn it Nattie, where are you?”
Standing up she was about to leave when she heard talking, walking in more, she was going to walk where none RedBull personnel were allowed, and at this moment she didn't care. And it’s a good thing she did, rounding the corner where her daughter was, in her orange Mclaren shirt and a RedBull(?) hat, in the arms of today’s winner, Max Verstappen himself. 
Her daughter is okay, and looked like she was having the time of her life talking to Max. quickly texting her mum and Lando that she found her, before she made her presence known.
“Nathalie! Where were you?” Walking up to the due, once she was in range her girl leaned over and Cecilia easily took her form Max. “You scared me so much.”
“I’m sorry Maman.” She whispered not looking sorry at all, looking up at Max she found herself tearing up, she only just held herself together to find her girl, now letting a little bit of the panic she was feeling get to her, she couldn't help it. 
“It’s okay, I found her walking by the garage and she said she wanted a hat like mine.” Max explained(maxplained) trying to calm the almost crying mother, he found out from Nathalie that her mum is Cecilia and he could see the resemblance loud and clear. “I came back here to give her one, before taking her back to Mclaren.”
“Thank you.” Cecilia said letting a few tears slip out of her eyes, Nattie seeing the tears on her mother’s face also started crying, Max instinctively just pulled the mother daughter due in his arms. He doesn't know why he did it, but it felt like the right thing to do, he felt one of Cecilia’s hands grab his RedBull shirt tightly and her hand was shaking. 
“She was telling me how her mum was on the podium, how she was the only girl racing.” Max said to Cecilia, trying to lift up her mood a little, pulling back a little, Cecilia gave her daughter a teary smile. Max whipped Nattie tears. 
“I’m okay baby, don’t cry.” Cecilia told her girl softly.
“Mum was just worried about you.” Max said in a tone Cecilia hadn’t heard out of the man before. Yes they’ve grown closer as drivers/friends, their relationship is different from the one they’ve had before, but Max is no Charles or Pierre, they aren’t as close as she is with them. 
“Yes, mon ange, you have to be careful, you have to tell me or grand-mère where you’re going.” Cecilia said softly, pushing Nattie’s hair behind her ear, the hat on her head far too big for her. 
“I’m sorry momie.” 
“It’s okay baby.” Cecilia said and placed Nathalie on the floor, holding her hand. She turned to look at Max, she didn’t ask him because he might’ve not agreed, but she hugged him with one arm around the neck, yes he gave her a hug but she was crying. “Thank you so much Max, I was going out of my mind.” 
Max placed one of his hands around her waist and the other one landed on top of Nathalie’s head in a comforting manner.
“It’s okay, I was just about to go find you.” He told her they were talking so low, Nathalie couldn't pick up on what they were saying. 
“I owe you one.” Cecilia said and pulled back the hand he had around her took a few seconds before it dropped as well.
“Well, I’ll hold you onto that.” He cheekily replied, making Cecilia smile and nod her head.
“Whatever you want.”
“I call first dibs on babysitting duties, I mean not a lot of racers in Monaco.” He shrugged. “And Nathalie said she wanted to see who won today, so she may have to see me a lot.”
“We’ll see about that, I might just start winning.” Cecilia joked with the other driver, they held eye contact for a moment, shades of blue meeting in a stare they couldn't decipher yet, Cecilia’s phone rang breaking them from their moment, she fished it out of her pocket answering once she saw Charles’ name. Telling him she was at RedBull and that she’s coming, ending the call quickly. She gave Max another grateful look. “I’ll owe you another one, if you could just keep Nattie a secret.”
“You don’t have to owe me for that one, I wasn't planning on it.” telling thank you again Nat and Cecilia left for Mclaren where Charles, Seb, Lando, Danny and her mum were waiting, Pierre had to leave once he knew that they found Nattie.
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raes-writing-space · 3 months
Childhood Friend!Reader x DogDay (Finding DogDay Hung Up)
Warnings: Mentions of gore and blood, abuse including manipulation, depression, death, cursing, DogDay does NOT get saved in the end, heavy bittersweet/angst warning, etc.
Viewer discretion is advised!
Summary/Notes: (Y/N) was one of the orphans at Playtime Co, reader is said to have been VERY smart and observant child, and found out about the Bigger Bodies Initiative at a very young age (around 8). This happened to affect their relationships with the other orphans, including an orphan name Samson "Sam" who was their best friend, who would later be turned into DogDay. Feeling guilt, they go back to the Playtime Co. after escaping "The Hour of Joy", and hoping to save those left, they find DogDay and imagine what life would have been like if things were different.
Word Count: Roughly 2,250 words? I use Obsidian as my writing doc.
Romantic or Platonic?: Could be read as platonic or romantic, but it may seem like it leans more towards romantic.
A/N: This is heavily based off an OC of mine and an AU I have for Poppy Playtime, but I really wanted to share some DogDay content since I've been scouring the tag for weeks now and need more content. If you'd like me to post my notes about the different AU's I have, let me know!
Since this is a writing from my OC, it originally has she/her and feminine descriptors/titles, however I did my best to change them to try and make it more gender neutral, if you happen to see anything I've missed please let me know!
(Y/N) was lead into a prison that seemed underneath the Playhouse, a place they didn't know about from their time at Playcare. They had assumed that was possibly where CatNap had to have been held, when he wasn't interacting with the children. They hated how isolating it already felt, despite the "childish" nature, nothing about a prison was childish. (Y/N) didn't even know what they were looking for at this point, just another way out - away from all these poor starving toys trying to eat them alive. That was when they saw the scene, it took them a moment to really process it all. DogDay, Sam, their first childhood friend they ever had. The friend that was picked for the Bigger Bodies Initiative when Harley Sawyer found out about (Y/N)'s knowledge about the project. That was a guilt they never could find themselves to forgive themselves for. They knew that truly, it was the adults that betrayed them both, but how could they simply still leave him here after all this time? DogDay was hung up by the arms, belts and straps tied to pieces of the cell. Even worse, his legs were missing, only a tightened belt around his waist was keeping his organs from falling out of his body. How long had he been like this? Had those toys been eating him alive as a last resort?
"Sammy?" (Y/N)'s voice called out, in the moment they sounded so small, just like a child again.
As if it was instinct at hearing the nickname, his head seemed to pick up, silent for a moment, as if processing if this was in fact real or not.
"Angel?" He questioned, voice box even sounding ragged.
Even the voice box has aged… (Y/N) knew that they were never really supposed to sound like themselves after the procedure, but things were so different now. Before (Y/N) could linger on it for too long, his voice brought them back to the harsh reality they were both in.
"There's nothing left to save… not here… A million pairs of eyes are on you now. Watching, waiting, hungry. They want nothing more than to crawl-" "Shh… Sam, shh… I know… I know… Let's not think about it for now…" (Y/N) moved closer to him, resting a gentle hand on his cheek for a moment, before a shaky hand goes to wrap around his torso, as another hand goes to undo the straps on one arm. "What-What are you- Angel, listen to me, please, you need to get out of this place, you need to live. You and Poppy can fix this. End this madness, the torment, please, just leave me." He started rambling quickly, especially as he could feel one arm become free. "I…" (Y/N)'s voice became shaky, as he immediately noticed the tears well in her eyes, "I know… I know I'll have to… just… Just let me have this moment… Please, I'm just tired and want to sit for a moment and talk to an old friend…"
There was a silence for a moment, a small grunt when they had done their best to keep him supported as they released the other straps, as the two of them slid down the wall of the cell for a moment. There was no way for him to be truly comfortable, but they tried for him anyway. The two sat side by side for a moment, before (Y/N) closed their eyes and leaned their head against his shoulder. DogDay must have been hung up for a long time, almost unaware that he could move his arms again. He seemed to then move his arm a little, before rotating his hand to be palm up. (Y/N), in their paranoid state since arriving, had noticed the small movements immediately, before they put their hand in his. Maybe it was the effects of the poppy gas finally getting the best of them, even after how hard they had been trying to fight it. Maybe they really were just tired, tired of running, of fighting for their life, of seeing their friends suffering, of all of it.
"CatNap will be coming for the both of us if he knew you released me… Angel, please… you have to go…" DogDay attempted again. "No… I'm sure he knows… And I'm sure he knows the power he already holds… Before the Hour of Joy… CatNap helped me speak with the Prototype. The Prototype was trying to plan something with me, and I was just… too far gone in my sadness to listen… The Prototype had even warned me about the event and how I should escape from it all…" (Y/N) trailed off, and DogDay seemed to turn to them, almost as if in shock that they had known this whole time, alongside the rest of the monstrous toys. "CatNap knows that I'm just trying to find answers, I don't know if Poppy is right, or if the Prototype is right, but I at least want to come to that decision on my own… So, CatNap knows… as you said, there's a million eyes watching… so, just let them watch, and listen… for now…" (Y/N) spoke again, as they rubbed their thumb against the palm of his hand, it was always much too big compared to theirs.
"We were best friends before you were chosen for the Bigger Bodies…" "I always knew there was something special about you…" DogDay tried to sound lighthearted, attempting to find the peace they were yearning for. "Theo… CatNap… knew the Prototype before his procedure too… He tried to help Theo escape, but then something happened, and the Prototype risked capture to save him… That's why he treats the Prototype like a God, for him, that is his savior." (Y/N) attempted to explain, hopefully giving him some more clarity, despite it not meaning much now in these final moments. "I like to think… before your procedure, maybe our friendship was on your mind… Maybe that's selfish of me, but as much as it hurt to see you become DogDay, when I heard how happy you were to see me… How you called me Angel and thought I was special… It gave me some peace of mind that you weren't angry with me, for not being able to say goodbye…" (Y/N) trailed off.
"You weren't there?" DogDay seemed to question, as if trying to recollect a memory that felt so distant to him that it almost never existed in the first place. "No… the fucker, Harley Sawyer, the doctor who created the Bigger Bodies Initiative, told me I would be spending the day with him… Purposely made me anxious, and kept me past curfew so I wouldn't get to say goodbye or see you go… Before he told me that you were chosen for testing, but that of course, the orphans at Playcare would be excited to hear you were being adopted… He wanted to break me down, so that I wouldn't somehow speak about the initiative, and… it worked…" (Y/N) answered. "He saw in my files that I once told a counselor that DogDay was my favorite toy and character, because so many people thought I was a sunny leader, like him…" Tears started to well up again, as they could hear him let out a deep disappointing sigh.
"And then they conditioned me to cheer up any kid who looked sad, knowing that out of all the kids, you would be the worst." DogDay pieced together, as (Y/N) simply nodded. "I was used as your reminder… Those sick… Why did you not push me away? You could have-" "No… I never could do that… Yes, you were a reminder of one of the worst days of my life… but Sam you gave me so many days that I consider the best days of my life… I would never trade those days in for anything…" (Y/N) looked at him, tears streaming down their face, as his gentle and slow hand attempted to wipe the tears away. "I only wish I could have given you more days like that… God, after I left… I started to imagine this… alternate world where everything was different… That we really were just kids at an orphanage who would be able to grow together, and maybe get adopted by kind loving families, and hope that we'd find and see each other again, and that… somehow we did, we always did…" "I imagine what life would have been like for us… If we would have told each other about our first crushes, or would get too embarrassed because maybe the truth was that we had crushes on each other… A typical stupid teenaged life, where we'd make mistakes, and learn, and be awkward, and fall in love or out of love, and things would just be easy…" "That we could just be kids or teens or adults just laying in a patch of grass and enjoying the real life sun against our skin… and that even despite all our real world problems, we'd know that it'll all be okay in the end because we had each other…" (Y/N) couldn't help but ramble on about this idealistic dream they'd had for so long, a motivating factor to keep going just one more day… Caught in a world that they knew would never exist, but made them feel genuine happiness as if it did.
"That's sounds like a wonderful world to be in…" DogDay couldn't help but finding himself imagining it, a sweeter dream than the nightmare he's lived in for so long. "I've lost myself in that reality far more than I'd like to admit… I've gone down so many routes, but refused to think about anything that wasn't a happy ending of some kind." "What was the happy ending you imagined the most?" DogDay questioned them genuinely, his body slumping a bit more, finally finding some semblance of peace. "We'd grow old together… It didn't matter how, if we were married, or had kids of our own, or were just best friends until the very end… But I imagined us having a picnic on top of this, gorgeous hill… That our old bones would have taken a while to climb, but we'd leave early, to watch the sun rise… And talk about life until we watched the sun set…" "I would thank you for… helping me understand what any semblance of love would feel like despite no adult ever showing us or teaching us how to love someone… I would thank you for being the closest thing I ever had to a family, for always being there for me just when I needed it… just like right now… I would make sure you knew just how much you meant to me, what you meant to my life, and in the end… all I would want is to make sure that I made you feel just as loved and appreciated as you've made me feel…" "You have. You always have." DogDay is quick to respond, never wanting them to doubt once for a second that he didn't appreciate his time with her too.
(Y/N) then started to shuffle themselves up, tears never ceasing as they knew this would be goodbye, there wouldn't be a way to save him, and there wouldn't be an easy way to bring him along, not when things could be more difficult from here… They knew they needed to leave him with something to dream about, on the happiest note they could really give him, and hope that he would forgive her for having to leave him once again. "Then I would kiss your forehead…" (Y/N) trailed off, getting on their knees and leaning forward to give a long and lingering kiss on his forehead, just as they had said, "And a big hug, that I wouldn't ever want to let go from, but knew I'd have to…" arms wrapped around his bloodied "fur" that had become his body, as they felt his arms wrap around them in return, also not wanting to let go, knowing this would be the last time he ever saw his Angel again. "And I'd tell you to close your eyes…" DogDay listened, closing his eyes as best as he could, knowing there would only be hungry monsters awaiting him once they left. "And let the sun feel warm on your skin…" He started to imagine it, so deeply and vividly that he could almost convince himself that he did feel a warmth… and maybe he did in some way… "And finally, thank you for spending your life with me… I wouldn't say goodbye, I couldn't… Because I know that one day, maybe in a different life, or an afterlife, that we'd meet again, like we always do… So instead I would just say… I love you, good night, and sweet dreams, I'll see you later Sammy."
"I'll see you later, my Angel… Thank you… I love you too…" DogDay trailed off, sighing as he let himself get lost in his imagination and not in the sound of their footsteps retreating from him.
(Y/N) suddenly found another pathway, they assume CatNap must have opened it for them at some point. They attempted to wipe their tears and breathe deeply, despite the circumstances, as they let themselves get lost in the fantasy again themself, ignoring the quieted groans of what they assumed must be the final outcome of DogDay's fate. They hated having to leave, they hated knowing as much as they did, but as much as they could linger on the negative, and let it drown them again…
Instead, they decided to take a note from DogDay, the symbol of optimism for his friends, and chose to only think about the good, even if they're just distant memories.
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chmpgneprblem · 6 months
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pairing: coriolanus snow x tribute!oc part: four summar: coriolanus is torn between his harsh pursuit of victory and the growing warmth in his heart for erykah, his tribute from district nine warnings: ooc coriolanus, slight angst that turns into fluff a/n: i've been so busy with school, so so sorry for not updating sooner!! previous parts: one, two, three word count: 1.8k join taglist!!
Debris flew around in the air as Erykah fell to the ground. Bombs continued to go off. Bright orange and yellow filled the air as one after another went off, getting closer and closer to her. She could barely see due to the dust. She felt around the ground, trying to bring herself to her feet. But the continuous bombs restrained her.
She panicked as she felt a hand on her back. She turned her head to see a distressed Coriolanus. He took her hand attempting to bring them to their feet.
They both finally got to their knees, a dark gray cloud of smoke blew past them making Erykah cough. She stood up, directing her attention to the roof of the arena. She gripped Coriolanus’ hand attempting to pull him out of the way. He didn’t seem to notice the gesture, too engrossed in the bombs.
One now went off by the middle of the ceiling, causing it to collapse in the middle. Erykah finally snapped him out of his daze, running with him out of the way of the wreckage. He didn’t run fast enough, a burning pillar fell across his back.
Erykah didn’t notice his absence, only stopping her running when she heard his faint voice yell out for her. She ran over to him and saw him writhing, attempting to free his body.
Gunshots and explosions rang out around the arena. Two peacekeepers were attempting to catch one of the other male tributes. More time to help Coriolanus. She groaned as she lifted the pillar off of his burning body, using all of her strength to free him. Her hands received cuts as she pulled harder. He rolled over, his body finally free.
“Thank you.” Coriolanus told her breathlessly, reaching out for her.
Erykah tried to respond, but a peacekeeper came up from behind her, pulling her body away from his. She thrashed around in his arms, eyes never leaving Coriolanus’.
And then he was gone in the dusty haze.
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Coriolanus woke up in the hospital dazed. He blinked slowly, trying to wake himself. “Coryo,” His cousin, Tigris, whispered to him with a bittersweet smile. He was glad she was there, he needed company. “Erykah, is she okay? Is she safe?” He asked in a panicked, hoarse voice. 
“She’s okay, she’s alive Coryo.” Tigris reassured him, gripping his hand in hers. “And the rest of them?” He asked slightly worried about their well beings, but also hoping Erykah didn’t have much competition left. “Four tributes were killed, everyone’s terrified.” Tigris informed him in a hushed voice.
“Marcus got out. He’s the only one.” Sejanus, who Coriolanus hadn’t noticed was there, cut in. “Peacekeepers are hunting him in the streets… but at least he has a better chance out there than he would tomorrow.” He told Coriolanus somberly.
That couldn’t be right… “Tomorrow? They’re not still going on with the games are they?” He asked, distressed at the idea of Erykah in the arena. He remembered the last thing she said to him. “I don’t know if I’m going to make it”
“Erykah… she could’ve run. But she saved me.” He could never repay her for what she had done for him. No, he would. He would get her out of that arena and back to her family, back to her little sister, back to district nine.
The sound of cheers coming from the TV snapped him out of his anxious thoughts. Coriolanus heard the voice of Lucky Flickerman as he struggled to get out of the hospital bed, groaning slightly as he brought himself to his feet.
“Erykah Thorpe! Get out here you songbird!” Lucky yelled cheerfully and waved for her to get up on stage.
She held a light brown guitar in her hands, as her eyes scanned the crowd. “I wrote this song about a boy back in district nine, and I hope he hears it.”
3 a.m. and I'm still awake, I'll bet you're just fine. Fast asleep in your city that's better than mine…
She was an amazing singer. The song she sang accentuated her slight accent. Coriolanus’ eyes darted to the corner of the TV screen, she had already gotten fifty donations. Already doing better than some of the other tributes.
And the girl in your bed has a fine pedigree. And I'll bet your friends tell you she's better than me.
She gave an annoyed scoff and smirked at the camera while she continued to play. What had this guy done to her? Maybe it was nosy, but Coriolanus needed to know who he was. He wished he was able to talk some sense into whoever he may be, make him realize what he had lost.
Well, I tried to fit in with your upper-crust circles. Yeah, they let me sit in, back when we were in love.
This had confirmed his belief that Erykah was glaring at the mayor’s son during the reaping. He assumed that the song was about him as well. Coriolanus was brought back to the day of the reaping. Her giving the boy a sarcastic bow with a smirk on her face. Whatever he had done, the look of disgust Erykah had given him showed that he had wronged her.
But now that we're done and it's over. I bet you couldn't believe it when you realized I'm harder to forget than I was to leave. And I bet you think about me.
Despite the angry expression she wore on her face, her voice stayed steady. But Coriolanus could tell that she was trying her hardest to keep her composure. Her voice growled slightly, her grip on the guitar got tighter. 
I don't have to be your shrink to know that you'll never be happy. And I bet you think about me.
She finished the song, tilting her head with a sneer and looking directly into the camera. Cheers echoed in the background as Erykah stared at the camera, jaw clenched.
“Look at that! Record high for the evening. People in the Capitol are definitely watching, I sure hope that boy is too!” Lucky announced happily. As he spoke Erykah scanned the crowd with a smile.
Coriolanus felt guilty for not being there to watch her, though he wasn’t positive any of the other mentors showed up. He would see her before she went to the arena, he planned on it.
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For the first time since she’d arrived at the Capitol, Erykah slept peacefully. She was awoken from that by the voice of someone familiar, Coriolanus. She rubbed her eyes as she heard his whispers, “Erykah. Erykah.”
She brought herself to her feet to run over to the gate. “Thank god, you’re alive.” Erykah whispered more to herself than to him. She observed him. His eyes were drowsy and dark, he had bandages across his entire chest, and despite his condition, he still came to see her.
Coriolanus took her hand through the bars before continuing to talk. “Those bombs, they’ve changed everything. There's a hole in the floors, it leads down to some tunnels. You can hide down there.” Erykah nodded, taking every word he said. 
“When the bell rings, ignore all the weapons in the middle, and you run as fast as you can for the tunnels.” He stressed to her, gripping her hand slightly to get the point across. “Find a place to hide and stay down there until it's safe to come out.”
“Thank you… for you taking care of me.” Erykah said to him teary-eyed. Something seemed to register in Coriolanus’ head as he heard her words. 
“I’m not done taking care of you. I can’t let you die. You saved me, Erykah.” He talked to her as if there were hearts in his eyes. 
Erykah teared up at his words, she wasn’t ready to die either, but she knew many of the other tributes were far stronger than her. She was weak, she couldn’t hunt them like they would her. She didn’t stand a chance against them. But the idea of Coriolanus protecting her, even if it was from outside the arena, gave her a bit of hope.
Tears fell down her cheeks. “I’m sorry. During the nights here I just… the thoughts of what’s happening back at home… it just-” Her words were barely audible as she talked in a quavering voice.
“It’s okay, Erykah.” Coriolanus whispered reassurances to her while he wiped her tears with a handkerchief. She looked up at him with sad eyes. 
“I’m going to get you out of there. I promise. Out of there and back home.” He spoke breathlessly as he reassured not only Erykah but himself as well.
Erykah couldn’t help but think to herself, I don’t want to go back to my normal life. Despite the terror of staying in the Capitol’s zoo, every day was brightened by being able to see Coriolanus. Going back to district nine would mean she wouldn’t see him anymore.
“What if I don’t want to, Corio? What if I said I don’t mind pushing through every day if it means being able to see you?” Erykah’s lip quivered as she confessed to him. Her gaze lowered to her feet, afraid of seeing the horrified look on Coriolanus’ face. But when she felt his shaky hand take hers, she looked up to see him teary-eyed.
“Erykah I don’t want to lose you.” He confessed sadly, before bringing his head to the gates to rest his forehead against hers. She followed after him looking into his eyes with a sad smile.
Coriolanus was so absorbed in the moment he had almost forgotten about what he brought her. “I have something I need to give you.” He said, sadly breaking the contact between the two. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a beautiful silver compact with a rose engraved in the center. 
“Corio thank you but… what’s this for?” She was grateful but couldn’t help but wonder what the motive behind it was. “What’s in there, don’t touch it. Don't even breathe it in because it’s deadly.” Coriolanus told her, surely. Erykah nodded, immediately understanding him.
“We’re going to win this together.” He said before giving her one last thing, an old ring which looked like a family heirloom. “If you ever lose hope, just remember me. I’ll be waiting for you till the end, Erykah.” He squeezed her hand that held the ring.
“Thank you Corio, for everything you’ve done for me. I don’t know how I could repay you.”
“Your survival is enough of an reward.”
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tags: @specialk6802 @freyafriggafrey @clementinechatsshit @crackheadhours @mushrooms-moon @ebsmind @lovinghimwasted @iovemoonyy @javden @Ivory_Sage @prettyinsatiable @asmoee @lola11111111 @alwaysdaydreamingoffiction @ennycutie @kkmikayla
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elspethdekarios · 4 months
Faerûnian Writing Challenge: Day 10
Feb 10. First time after a love confession
NSFW 🔞 !!!
Gale x Female OC
This is basically just what I imagine happens in the bed romance scene. I wanted to do something different by writing in present tense and also from Gale's POV. Hope you enjoy!!
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Elspeth offers her hand, and he takes it in his own as he climbs over her. A shiver runs through him at the sensation of her hands on his back. Gods, it's been so long since he's touched someone like this. A mortal, even longer. He only just began daring to touch himself again. After a year abstaining from excitement of any kind in fear of the orb, having that feeling be sated felt... odd. Like the ball could drop again at any moment. But as the days went on and he finally felt like he was not a ticking time bomb ready to level a city at the drop of a hat, he began to allow his mind to wander, his fantasies to take hold of him, his thoughts before drifting off to sleep to be consumed by her. Elspeth. Even her name on his tongue stirs electricity inside of him. He started slow, testing the waters with just a few gentle strokes, keeping as quiet as possible in his tent, but even the feeling of his own hand made him let out an intense breath of relief, of pleasure. After a few days of this, he concluded that the orb was indeed still stable, and he truly let his desires take hold of him. Every day, he watched her travel, fight, plan, strategize. Every day, she spoke to him with genuine interest and curiosity. He was beginning to accept that maybe she actually did enjoy his company. After all, she could take her pick of companions to socialize with. And she did make an effort with everyone, that was true. But he'd taken notice of the way she'd ask him for spell concentration advice, inquire about his studies back home--hells, she would even walk all the way across camp to ask him to open a jar for her when Karlach or Wyll were clearly closer to the food chest and obviously stronger than him.
So he began to let himself think of her, imagine her hand was the one exploring under his covers, wondering what her lips would feel like on his. What kind of kisser was she? Soft and tender? Passionate and eager? He didn't much care, really. He just wanted her. Soon his thoughts would drift to her body. The first night that he let himself imagine her unclothed, he came within seconds. And he has thought about it every night since, even daring to imagine what it would feel like to be inside her. Wondering what positions are her favorite and which ones she's never tried. He feels confident that he can last a perfectly average amount of time now, here with her. And considering this may be his last night alive, he knew he had to take a chance.
She caresses his face, pulling him in for a kiss, deliberate and tender before increasing in passion. A sense of desperation is palpable in them both. She tugs at the hem of his tunic, and he rises to his knees to let her take it off. Her soft hands run down his chest and abdomen as she admires his body. It's the first time he's been touched since Mystra. The first time he's been touched by mortal hands in years. The warmth of her palms feels like home. He has to take a moment to feel it all, to place his hands on hers, now resting on his thighs, to let the sensation of her flesh, her presence fully sink in.
"Gale," she says softly, "are you alright?"
He nods.
"More than alright." He leans back over her, pressing kisses to her neck. "Just taking you in."
He slides his hands under her top, sighing with relief and excitement when he realizes she's not wearing a bra. He pulls the shirt over her head to reveal modestly sized but plump, perky breasts, prickling from the cool night air.
"Gods, you're beautiful," he says as he runs his hands over them, ducking his head and savoring the soft skin on his face. She reaches for his pants and he reaches for hers, becoming a tangle of limbs increasingly bare.
"I've wanted this for so long," Elspeth breathes, discarding the last article of clothing to the side of the bed. He hovers above her, kissing her lips between words.
"So have I," he says. "Since the day you pulled me out of that rock, I've dreamed of knowing you this intimately."
He lifts up to kneel between her legs, spreading them slowly apart, growing harder than he thought possible at the pink wetness he finds there. He places his hands on her hips and trails kisses down, stopping before he gets there. Her panting grows heavy with anticipation.
They meet eyes across her body as his hands move closer and closer.
"May I?"
She nods fervently, running her hand through his hair. He kisses her wrist before dropping his head and putting his tongue to good use. She writhes in pleasure as he tastes her, and hells, she tastes good. He's sure this must be the nectar of the gods, Elspeth Ambrosia.
The sensation of her nails gently trailing across his scalp makes him moan into her, which makes her grip his hair and push her hips up to his face. She writhes in pleasure, squealing softly between quickened breaths, before coaxing his face up with a hand on his chin. He lifts his head, meeting her eyes as she looks down her body. He can feel his heart swell at the pure love and longing in her expression, and he wants nothing but to take her, to love her, to make her feel pleasures unimaginable. Elspeth pulls him up, kissing his wet face with fervor, her tongue running over his lips, asking for permission to push into his mouth and tangle with his own. In a smooth motion, without breaking their kiss, she brings her legs up towards her chest and angles her hips. The tip of him feels her warmth, just barely touching him, and effortlessly he pushes himself into her, groaning as her heat envelops him. He pulls away from her kiss, wanting to see her face as she moans, wanting to know she's enjoying herself as much as he is. He gets his answer when she gives him a sensual smile and whispers "I love you."
He keeps his thrusts slow, pushing a little deeper into her each time and savoring every noise that comes from her lips, unable to keep himself from kissing them for more than a few moments. Graceful fingers caress his face, his shoulders, his back. When they run across his scalp again, he can feel himself getting too close to completely unraveling.
"You are phenomenal," he mutters into her neck as he pulls himself out of her. "I want this to last forever."
Twisting to the side, El guides him onto his back and swings a leg over his waist, reciprocating the kisses he trailed along her neck.
"Then let's take our time."
Gale wraps his arms around her body, hugging her tight to his chest as if she might float away. Her skin is soft and warm against his own. She rests her head on his shoulder and runs her fingers through his hair as she presses lingering kisses to his cheek. The orb on his chest glows a pulsating violet.
"Does it hurt when it does that?" she asks, touching the scarred skin with a gentle fingertip.
"Sometimes," he answers. "But not right now."
Her lips move down his neck to the center of his chest. She kisses its center with a tenderness that he doesn't know he's ever felt from another being. It surprises him. He rests a hand on the back of her head and presses a kiss to her starlight blonde hair.
Gods, he's in love with this woman. A love deeper than he's ever known.
Their kissing grows heavier as passion overtakes them again. Giving him a full view of her body, Elspeth hovers over him before she lowers herself to take all of him inside, exhaling as she does. A rhythm finds their hips as she rides him, his thumb rubbing circles over that most sensitive spot until she's crying out with pleasure, all restraint abandoned.
Hands on her waist, Gale flips her to her back, pushing one of her legs up to her chest as he thrusts into her again and again, still rubbing circles between her thighs, finally letting his body take over as his mind goes quiet. One of her hands grips the forearm he's using to hold himself up, the other gripping the sheets as her cries grow louder and louder. He feels her begin to tighten and pulsate around him, and as she lets out the most intense sound she's made so far, pleasure washes over him. A consuming, overwhelming, heavenly climax that gives way to relief. Peace. Complete and utter satisfaction.
Both breathing heavily, Gale collapses next to Elspeth as they stare up at the canopy above them. She pulls back the sheets and slides underneath them, lifting the fabric for Gale to do the same. He snuggles close to her, takes her into his arms, and kisses her forehead. To hold her close is a bliss he's never known with another lover, mortal or otherwise. It's the first time he's felt like himself in a year. It's the first time he's felt wholly, fully content in his life.
To sleep peacefully in her embrace is enough to make him believe that everything will be okay.
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nyx-is-missing · 4 months
Or a pretty bad doctor
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Clarisse La Rue x Cassandra De Young (oc! Apollo's kid)
Summary: Clarisse is going to colect her dept, by treating her wounds with a very bad doctor. Or the one when Clarisse likes to taunt people.
Warnings: that time when you actually stop to think about your own life, mentions (one) of blood, confident Clarisse (she likes to taunt pretty girls, even when they are bad doctors)
(We actually get a clarisse pov today!)
Part 1 is here!
There were exactly seven demigods in the Apollo's cabin this afternoon.
An absurdly low number for a summer everyday, but considering im early, this must be common.
I've never seen camp so empty, its feels like another reality if im being honest, nobody saw when me and Clarisse walked in togheter, nor when she walked with me to the front of my cabin, and dropped the suitcases on the grass and started to walk towards her own cabin.
"Hey Clarisse! ....thank you! I wouldnt have made it withou-" she turned her head to me
"You owe me, dont forget that."
Like she would allow me to, why children of Ares got no patience? Or like, actually willingness to be sociable? They cant act like that with everybody, can they?
This was the first time i actually got space in this cabin, as well as the first time i could pick my own bed and place all my things calmly, is this how castor and pollux live everyday? Lucky them.
I mean, i love my siblings, but we are too many to such limited space.
And as much as that does leads us to somewhat funny situations, we are still too many, with too few bathrooms and mirrors.
Being like this allowed us to breathe, and think slowly, as if a person who lived his whole life in the busy city moved to a town who was mostly farm.
And that was when i started to miss the mess my siblings made when we were all togheter, when i actually had time to stop and think.
I cant even imagine the things my grandpa is saying about me, how he must be trying to poison the family against ourselves, he does that even when the smallest things dont go his way, and right now, the whole family must think of me as if i am Queen Mary I, and they are the protestants im trying to burn alive.
I didnt go to dinner that night, nor to the campfire, i wouldnt manage to eat without feeling dizzy after, and i was sure i was not in the mood for singing that night.
I just showered, put my pajamas on, grabbed a book, layed on my bed and hoped that time ran faster.
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Coming to camp earlier had its benefits, at least to me, pick the bed, be aware of any new faces earlier, train more (with people who could actually be named opponents, wich just meant they had better sense of combat than a inflatable doll from a gas station) and of course, run away from insufferable family members who i had to face for nine months, to see more insfferable family members who i'll still have to face for three months.
I just wouldnt expect to see her there too.
She always likes to spend some days of her rich girl summer life in her family's yatch, or shopping..not that i keep track of her life, i know very little, but i do know that she likes to get to camp when its already messy, people all around, shooting arrows, swimming, painting, fighting, singing and all, but this year she was here early and with a strange look on her face.
It was just..weird.
I didnt felt right.
But what surprised me the most was she asking for my help, and being in dept with me.
She didnt even looked at me in a normal day.
I think there is something to do with her family, they look at me, almost always with a ugly face, and then they keep her away from me.
So, she speaking to me was a surprise.
But to be honest, if i hadnt saw her earlier, i wouldnt even know she was here, i mean, she didnt left her cabin all...not that i kept track of that, but still, unsual, especially for a Apollo kid, they always love to be out and about under the sun.
But then, the whole afternoon? Nothing
Dinner? Nothing
Campfire? Nothing
At night when i went to practice a bit more with my sword? Nothing
She better not have run away, because she is still in dept with me, and im going to collect it right now.
It was late, but the cabin still had a small light coming from inside.
Strange, all of the cabins had their lights out, they were sleeping.
I knocked on the door, waited and knocked again, after a few seconds a sleepy Cassandra oppened the door, rubbing her eyes and taking a few seconds to realize what was happening.
Then she looked down, and saw me holding my own arm to stop the blood.
"Already?" She looked at me again, and started to tie her hair up, it always amazed me how in every situation she was her.
If people didnt knew she was a demigodess, they would probably think she never even stepped in earth ground, that she never had to share, or suffered any problems at all, her family raised her to be little miss perfect, and little miss perfect she was, even when what she was wearing looked like it came straight out of a beach party, she made it look like designer clothes, she looked expensive, always.
"You said whenever, today is whenever too" i said, walking in when she stepped aside to give me space to enter. "Wait, where are your siblings?"
"We were only in seven today, and since the camp is empty, they are probably sleeping with their friends, or boyfriend and girlfriends." She looked around, probably for a first aid kid.
"What about you? Nobody invited little miss magazine cover for a sleepover?" She grabs a kit and sits at one bed, starring at me...oh right, i sit down by her side.
"Im not in the mood for that tonight, Clarisse"
"Based of the fact you are still fully d-"
She stomped her feet on the ground
"Do you always have to be like this? Thats why my family wont let me talk to you! Im not in the mood for jokes, for sleepovers and specially for us to keep stinging each other" she oppened a little alcohol bottle, to clean the wounds i think.
"Oh they wont let you? so you wanted to? That-AH WHY?" I screamed when she just poured the alcohol straight into the cut
"Okay that didnt hurt....a lot, youre being dramatic, also, enough of that talk" she said while cleaning my cuts with a piece of cotton. "Now, we dont have nectar or ambrosia in here, and going to the infirmary is to risky..but you have small cuts, i think this will do....dontfinditweird... please"
"Why would i find it weir-" i was cut mid sentence by her giving a small kiss in my arm, and starting to bandage me right away, though i did saw some of my cuts getting better. "Im sorry, you do that since when?"
"Its..been a time, i just never used it because, you know, going around kissing random demigod's wounds would be, weird and unhygienic" she holded a finger up, and then a second, as if counting the reasons. "But hey, you are all set, and you should go, before anyone notices the lights on"
"Hey they were on before i even came in" i got up, and so did she, gathering all the used stuff and throwing them in the bin by the side of the bed.
"True, i was reading before, and fell asleep...i guess thank you... in a certain way, if you hadnt came here they would stay on the whole night and the chance of my siblings getting caught being out of the cabin was huge.." i looked around, "The song of Achilles" was it was half open on one of the beds.
"Greek myth retelling?" I ask walking towards the door, she just hums in agreement.
"A pretty good book, you should try to read it...i dont know if you like books very much but.. yeah"
"Maybe, tell me when you finish it, ill see if im in the mood for it" i open the door and put a step outside, but before i trully left i said "You are a pretty bad doctor, you know? Not even treating all the wounds, my lips are also cut" i watched her face go from confusion to realization in a second
"Clarisse! you-"
I slammed the door.
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biologistblues · 2 years
From @almostqualitydeer, for Kip.
What sets them free? (Asking the real questions).
Otherwise, it's quiet. A place where they can sit with their thoughts, with their loves. With the forest within them. They have incredible senses, and being in crowded places barrages them with sounds, smells, the tastes in the air. There's a reason the crow's nest is their favorite place on a ship. It cuts out the noise (of every sensory type) of the crew. And there's the other reason, thank you Katrille and Cora, I *can* read your expressions right now.
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‼️Blood under the cut‼️
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Finally posting some details about one of my D&D characters--Foxtrot. Apologies in advance, this is gonna be a long one. He's partly a Watership Down oc because I can't make a Harengon character and NOT make everything about Watership Down, so for anyone who isn't familiar with the conlang in that book I'll put translations for every Lapine word I use! I won't go into too much detail about everything, partly because no one wants to read that and partly because my D&D party follows me here and there's still a few secrets I want to keep.
Foxtrot's Lapine name is Homba-Suíl (pronounced "HOM-bah shool"). Homba means fox, but since there isn't any Lapine word for "trot" or anything similar I took the Gaelic word "suíl," meaning "speed" or "movement". I've always felt that Lapine sounds like it needs to be spoken in an Irish accent, so it only made sense to draw inspiration from that language. His name is meant to mean "speed of a fox," which is actually an insult from his mother (rabbits are of course much faster than foxes), who never saw any potential in him when he was born.
Foxtrot is albino, making him naturally disadvantaged because he has poor eyesight and his coat makes it hard for him to hide. He's also a very small rabbit, so everyone in his warren always expected him to die pretty early. Ironically, despite the name he was given, Foxtrot grew up to be the fastest runner in the warren. This caught the attention of the chief rabbit Marlirah (MAR-lee-rah, "mother queen"), who invited Foxtrot to join her owsla (military force, similar to a king's guard). He was the youngest and smallest member of the owsla, and the other officers didn't take kindly to him being there </3 Foxtrot didn't really get upset about not having any friends though. He was completely and totally devoted to Marlirah, and as long as he had the chance to serve her he was the luckiest rabbit alive. All of the rabbits in the warren practically worshiped Marlirah, but Foxtrot had a particular love for her because she had believed in him when no one else did.
One day during a particularly brutal battle, Foxtrot received a devastating head injury, and woke up to find that he had been separated from Marlirah and the rest of the officers. His memories were pretty scrambled, and he spent the next year or so wandering around searching aimlessly for the others. He doesn't remember most of the period after waking up. The party found him sometime during this wandering period, after his wound had mostly healed but his amnesia was still very present.
Now my little level two fighter has to fight vampires with these crazy jackasses. Oh how the times have changed.
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fantasy---feels · 5 months
Living Dreams (11)
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pairing: Taehyung x female reader
genre: fluff, smut, fluffy smut, yeah mostly just smut tbh, fantasy
wordcount: 4,5k~
summary: Y/n get cheated on by her bf, with a friend of hers, which is just charming really. Luckily Taehyung, one of her best friends, is there to defend her, and maybe do something else for her too...
warnings: violence, unprotected sex (kind of?)
date: 16-01-2024
info: Initially wrote this about two of my Oc's but later felt like also adapting it to some of my favorite fandoms sooo, oops~ Also, since I couldn't choose there are multiple different versions of the same story, just with different main characters ^^
When Taehyung gets closer he sees Maron yelling at Y/n, 'Are you seriously breaking up with me over this? Are you really making me the bad guy right now?!' Y/n looks at him perplexed, 'You cheated on me? And with someone I considered a friend, what made you think I'd stay with you after that?' Maron rolls his eyes sarcastically, 'Yeah right, as if you've been faithful the whole time.' Y/n frowns, 'I never cheated on you what are you even talking about??' Maron laughs, 'Riiight, with the way you're always staring at that guy? And the way you dress? Fuck of with the lies you stupid slut!'
Maron blinks in confusion. He's looking up from the floor, and his nose, it hurts... It hurts like hell, what happened?! He slowly brings his hand up to his face, there's blood, a lot of it. His eyes shoot up to Y/n and... Taehyung. Taehyung's eyes basically tell him that he's lucky to even be alive at all. His fist is balled at his side and his other arm is protectively around Y/n. 'If you EVER. Talk to her again, or even get anywhere near her, I swear to the gods I'm going to fucking kill you.'
'Maron!' Layla, the other girl exclaims as she kneels down next to him, while he still states up at Taehyung and Y/n. Taehyung snarls at him, 'And for your information, YOU cheated, she never did, not with me, not with anyone else. YOU screwed up. And I'm honestly so glad that you did.' He looks at Y/n. 'I've been waiting to do this ever since she got together with you', he gently puts his hand on her face, still bloody from the hit.
She looks at him in confusion, but he just slowly leans down, and kisses her. She makes a surprised sound, but doesn't push him away. After a moment of hesitation she puts her arms around his neck and pulls him closer.
Maron glares at the two, his hand pressed over his face, trying to stop the bleeding. When Layla tries to comfort him and tell him that he has her now so it doesn't matter, he pushes her away. He gets up and storms toward the exit, Layla following him.
Taehyung and Y/n on the other hand forgot about him completely. When they finally break apart, they're both completely flushed and out of breath. Y/n stares at him in disbelief. 'Was that.. Did you mean that or did you just say it to-' Taehyung shakes his head. 'I meant it. You have no idea how much you've tortured me the past few months.' Y/n stares at him in shock. 'Why didn't you..' Taehyung, chuckles dryly. 'You were with him. And I was scared.' He pulls her closer to kiss her again.
When he finally let's go of her he whispers in her ear: 'Let's go home.' Y/n looks up at him in surprise before nodding slowly and letting him pull her to the exit. Once outside Taehyung can't seem to keep his hands of her and on the way home he keeps kissing her hand, her lips, her face. They come to a halt one turn away from the house, where Taehyung kisses her and she ends up with her back against the wall. As the kiss deepens and Y/n pushes her body closer to his Taehyung groans in frustration.
'You have no idea what you're doing to me..'
He reaches down and before she can react Y/n is sitting in his arms, her back against the wall and his hips pressed between her legs. Y/n gasps. 'No wait! Is this okay? I'm heavy..' Usually she doesn't care, but with him.. Taehyung blinks at her, confused. 'What? No.' He immediately leans in to kiss her again and Y/n moans against his lips as he presses into her. He freezes. He puts his forehead against hers and presses his eyes shut. 'I must be going crazy.. If you want me to stop, please tell me right now.' Y/n shakes her head, confused. 'I don't want to stop.' Taehyung looks up at her. 'I'm serious Y/n. If you don't tell me now, I don't think I'll be able to stop anymore.'
Y/n shakes her head and takes his face in her hands, her face flushed. 'Please don't stop.' Taehyung groans deep in his throat. 'Fuck.' Then he pulls her back into a kiss before lifting her in his arms, and away from the wall, making her squeal in surprise. But he just adjusts her, tells her to hold on, and jumps. She shrieks and clamps onto him, but a moment later they land on the roof of the house. He let's her down gently before opening his window and jumping inside. When he helps her jump in, he immediately pulls her close again to kiss her. After a moment he picks her up, and carries her to the bed. He gently sets her down and breathes in deeply, trying to calm himself. He presses his forehead against hers as her leans over her. 'Are you sure?' Y/n nods and pulls him in for a kiss. 'Please?' He groans into her mouth, 'You're going to ruin me.'
Then he leans back and pulls his shirt over his head before leaning back down. Y/n let's her hand glide over his chest, nervously at first, softly. Taehyung takes her hand in his and presses it to his body. 'It's fine, I wont break.' Y/n blushes, but let's her hands travel all over his chest and then his back and his stomach, which has him closing his eyes. Her hands reach his belt and she looks up at him uncertainly. He nods and gets up to undo his pants. When they fall to the ground Y/n looks at him in wonder. 'Can I..?' He nods and lays down next to her. Y/n hesitantly goes to sit over his legs and slowly let's her hands explore his body. He has his eyes pressed closed and one arm is draped over his face, while the other hand is holding onto one of her legs, slightly clenching any time she finds a sensitive spot. Her hands are torturously slow, but when she finally gets close to touching his dick, he can't stand it anymore. His hand shoots out to grab hers and her eyes meet his. He looks at her hungrily as he pulls her in for a kiss. 'Can I see you too?' Y/n flushes bright red but nods and sits back. He sits up with her and pulls her closer, till she's sitting in his lap. He let's his hands travel down her arms, while first kissing her lips, then her jaw, and then the crook of her neck, making her shiver in his arms. He slowly moves his hands to the back of her dress, halting as he finds the zipper. He looks at her and whispers,' Is this okay?' She nods, still flushed, and shivers as he pulls down the zipper, baring her back. He gently pulls the dress down her arms and chest before letting it pool at her waist. He looks at her in stunned silence. She blushes brightly under his staring and moves her arms up to cover herself. His hands shoot up to stop her. He let's them glide down her arms to her hands which he moves back down to her sides, 'Please don't. '
Then, he carefully cradles her waist and, for a moment, just stares at his hands on her skin. He still can't believe that he's finally holding her. His touch feels gentle, in spite of the size and roughness of his hands and Y/n shivers. He slowly let's his hand travel up, over her stomach and her ribs. When he gets to her breasts he stops and hesitates. Y/n brings her hand up to one of his, and gently puts it on her. 'I won't break either', she whispers. He let's her guide him to gently cup her breast, before taking a deep breath and letting his head rest on her shoulder. 'I can't believe I'm touching you...' He chuckles dryly, 'You have no idea how many times I've dreamed about doing this.' He kisses her shoulder, while carefully kneading her breast. When he feels her react, he softly sucks on the same spot, making her moan inadvertently. The sound makes him groan in frustration and he moves his hands to her waist.
He picks her up and lays her on the bed, before pulling her dress down the rest of the way, leaving them both in nothing but their underwear. When Y/n unconsciously tries to cover herself again under his staring, he grabs her wrists and pins her hands above her head. She blushes at the unexpected action, as well as the sudden vulnerability. He leans in to kiss her and whispers, 'Please let me look at you.' Then he lets go of her arms, which she wraps around his neck to pull him closer. He groans into her mouth and kisses her deeper.
He uses one hand to prop himself up while using the other to touch her. He let's his hand travel up her hip, her waist and finally to her breast which he gently kneads in his hand, before using his thumb to draw circles around the most sensitive part. Y/n moans into the kiss as he explores exactly what to do to her. He breaks away for a moment, and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. 'I haven't done this before, so you have to tell me if I do something wrong.' Y/n shakes her head breathlessly from under him. 'You're perfect.'
Taehyung smiles at her softly before leaning down to kiss her again. He let's his hand travel down and with his fingers he traces the line of her panties, making her shiver against his chest. 'Can I take them off?' he whispers. Y/n nods and he leans back to gently pull them down her legs, before swallowing deeply. 'I can't believe I get to have you.'
He let's his hands run up her body, from her ankles, over her legs and her stomach, to her breasts, as he moves to lay on top of her. He softly draws cirkles on one of her breasts while tentatively taking the other one in his mouth, eliciting a surprised gasp from Y/n. When he notices her reaction he slowly start to suck and lick around her sensitive nub, feeling it get harder against his tongue. The moans are falling from Y/n's mouth as he keeps gently massaging her breast with his hand while using his mouth on her at the same time. With one last gentle lick over her nipple he let's go and moves his attention to her other breast. He is taking in all of her reactions and he loves that she can't seem to control them, as he gently licks and sucks at her skin.
When he can finally bring himself to stop, he slowly moves down her body, kissing her stomach and her waist, sucking softly on her skin, trying not to leave any marks. When he finally gets to her most sensitive place he looks up questioningly. Y/n has her face covered with her hands in embarrassment, but still nods hesitantly.
He smiles reassuringly as he puts his arms around her legs, and softly places a kiss on the insde of her thigh. Then, he slowly starts kissing down the inside of her legs, all the way down untill he reaches her center. He looks up at her, his impatient eyes showing just how much he is trying to pace himself. 'Please tell me if you want me to stop, or when I'm doing something wrong.' He smiles at her before placing on last kiss on her leg. Then he leans down and licks one long stripe over her center, making her jump and cry out in surprise. When immediately after he softly sucks on her sensitive nub she moans deeply and automatically weaves her fingers through his hair. He smiles against her. 'Good to know.' Then sucks her into his mouth again and swirls his tongue around her, making her moans come out in stutters.
To get better access, he uses one hand to gently pushes her folds apart and licks long strokes in between. As he licks and sucks experimentally he greedily takes in all of her reactions and expressions. He softly starts to rub over her clit in circles with his thumb, while using his tongue to lick over and inside her entrance. Pressing his tongue against her, he groans under the combination of her taste in his mouth and her hands in his hair. Carefully he presses one of his fingers inside, while sucking her clit into his mouth. When she starts to relax around him, he adds a second finger, making her groan. He slowly starts oves in and out. She moans and reaches down to hold his hand in place. 'Curl your fingers up' she whispers, slightly out of breath. Taehyung smiles against her and does as she says while simultaneously circling her with his tongue. She starts moaning louder now, and he keeps doing exactly as she told him, curling up his fingers and rubbing the sensitive spot inside her. As he keeps licking her, and pressing his fingers into her, Y/n is getting closer and closer, until he knows she's almost there. When he feels her tighten around his fingers, he curls his fingers into her one more time and sucks on her hard. She cries out and her body trembles as she comes. He keeps slowly curling his fingers while licking her softly, working her through her orgasm, until she's pulling his head away, her hands shaking.
'How... How did you know all that?' She asks, confused and completely out of breath. 'I thought you had never done this before..' Taehyung grins at her, 'Aïsya gave me homework. One day she just handed me a whole pile of books she told me I should read.' Y/n turns bright red. 'Oh gods, that little witch!' She puts her hands over her eyes. 'I can't believe she basically trained you for me.' Taehyung chuckles while placing a kiss on the inside of her leg. 'I'm glad she did, otherwise I would have had no idea what to do.' Y/n sighs and grumbles, 'I guess I should buy her dinner sometime...' Taehyung moves up and pulls her hands away, to put a kiss on her forehead. 'Same here.'.
Then, when their eyes meet he kisses her lips and she pulls him in closer. She let's her hands run down his back and pushes at his underwear. 'I want them off...'
Taehyung flushes just barely as his eyes darken, before reaching down to take off his last piece of clothing. For a moment Y/n just stares, she had expected him to be pretty big, but not like this... He gently takes on of her hands and kisses it.' Are you still sure you want this? I understand if you want to stop now.' Y/n just shakes her head, her mouth hanging slightly open, still staring at him. Taehyung frowns, 'I don't want to hurt you.' Y/n looks up at him. 'You won't, I promise, we'll be careful.'
She slowly props herself up and reaches forward, to put her hand around him. He groans at the feeling, staring down at her touching his dick. She carefully moves her hand to stroke him and he let's his head fall back as a moan falls from his lips. 'Fuckkk, Mila..'
Her mouth waters at the sound of his voice and she slowly leans forward. He doesn't have time to realize what's happening as she licks one long stroke up his whole length, making his body shock with pleasure. But before she can continue, his hands shoot up to stop her.
He leans forward, resting his forehead on her hair and breathes in deeply, his eyes pressed shut. 'Please stop. I dont think I'll last long if you do that.' Y/n pouts, 'But you did it for me... I want to taste you.' A muscle ticks in his jaw at her words, but he shakes his head. 'Not tonight.'
He leans in to give her a quick kiss before leaning to the side to open a drawer and reach for a box of condoms. Y/n's hand stops him, and he looks at her confused. She blushes and looks down. 'I took a potion, so we can do it without.. But only if you want to of course..' She glances up at him shyly, her face flushed. Taehyung blinks at her in shock, then slowly sits back and puts a hand over his eyes while breathing in deeply. 'You're going to completely ruin me.' Then he let's his hand fall to his side and stares at her hungrily, before grabbing her face and kissing her roughly. 'You have no idea what you're doing to me.'
He let's his hands run all over her body, before ending up at her legs and gently pushing her knees apart. He groans as he looks down at her, 'I'm sorry, I don't think I can stop now.' She shakes her head at him, 'I don't want to stop.. Please put it inside me?'
He presses his eyes shut to calm down, and carefully leads his dick to rest against her entrance. They both moan at the feeling and Taehyung breathes heavy, trying to restrain himself. 'I'll try to go slow okay. ' Then he leans forward to push himself into her.
At first she is still too tight, and Y/n groans, but then his tip pushes inside and they both gasps. Taehyung groans, 'Fuck. You're so warm. So soft.' He leans over her as he tries to regain his composure. With one hand he cups her face while the other is holding her leg. 'I'm going to go a bit deeper okay?' Y/n nods silently as she takes deep breaths, trying to get used to his size.
He looks her in the eyes as he slowly starts to push in further, making sure that she's okay. Her eyes slowly start to go wide as he pushes deeper and deeper. Her mouth is slightly open and her expression is making him go crazy. He curses. 'Fuck I'm sorry.' and then suddenly he snaps his hips forward, pushing the rest of him in at once.
Y/n gasps as he fills her up completely. She moans as she is being stretched around him, it feels as if he pushed himself all the way into her stomach. Taehyung is panting above her. The feeling of her around him overwhelming. 'Fuck, fuck im so sorry, are you okay? Did I hurt you?' She wraps her arms around his neck and shakes her head against him. She wants to tell him she's fine but her voice won't come out. Taehyung buries his face in the crook of her neck and wraps his arms around his waist, accidentally pressing himself even deeper inside of her and they both groan.
He places soft kisses in her neck and under her jaw as they both wait to calm down. Y/n's breathing is heavy as her body tries to accommodate his size.
Taehyung pants as he feels her clench around him. He softly sucks on the skin in the crook of her neck and places gentle kisses on her throat. 'You're doing so good Y/n. You're doing so good taking all of me.' She moans as he readjusts himself, and he leans down to kiss her, absorbing the sound. He pushes himself up slightly, to look at her face. 'Are you okay? Does it hurt?', he frowns, a combination of concern and concentration. She shakes her head wordlessly, eyes closed tight and lips pressed together.
He rubs her face with his thumb. 'Look at me.' She opens her eyes to stare up at him, her eyes are glazed over and tears are slowly forming, dripping down her cheeks. His frown deepens and he begins to get up, but she grabs his wrist. She shakes head, 'Keep going. It doesn't hurt.' He rubs her tears away with his thumb, 'You're crying..' She smiles at him shakily, 'Just. A lot. It feels good, I promise.'
He frowns again but nods. Then lifts her hand and kisses the inside of her wrist, then her face, kissing away her tears. 'Are you sure?' She nods, and he kisses her softly, before slowly pulling back a little, and pushing back in. They both moan and he let's his forehead rest on hers. He chuckles dryly, 'Maybe it's actually me who can't handle it.' Y/n smiles slightly and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer.
Taehyung carefully starts moving his hips, pulling out a little and pushing back in slowly, still scared he might hurt her. She moans under him, and kisses his face when she sees his concerned expression. 'I won't break.' He closes his eyes for a moment, before slowly picking up the pace.
He brings back his arm to hook it behind her leg and push it to her chest. The new angle makes Y/n writhe under him as he continuesly hits her soft spot. Taehyung makes sure to not push his whole length in, still worried about her. Looking at her face however is making it more and more difficult for him to control himself and every time she moans or clenches around him, he unconsciously snaps his hips forward just a little bit harder.
Y/n's voice comes in a string of moans as she puts up one hand to press against the headboard behind her and one down to rub circles on her breast. Seeing her playing with herself, and moaning with his dick inside her, makes Taehyung groans deep in his chest. He leans back and takes her other leg, to also push that forward, giving him the perfect angle to slam down into her. Y/n gasps in surprise, which accidentally let's him go even deeper.
Taehyung curses, but his self control is gone and he can't keep himself from pushing his dick into her to the hilt. Y/n's eyes fall closed as tears stream down her face and nonsensical sounds spill from her lips. Taehyung groans as he looks down at where his length has completely disappeared inside her. 'God's Y/n, you're taking all of me.' He pulls out and slams his hips back against her, just to see her taking it all. 'You're so good for me. You're perfect.' He leans forward, pushing her legs further against her chest, her feet on his shoulders, and he presses even deeper. Y/n just moans deeply, her face completely fucked out, dazed.
Taehyung almost bares his teeth looking at her and pulls back to slam down into her again. Guttural moans spill from Y/n's lips as he pounds her into the mattress, both of her hands now pushing against the headboard. Taehyung can feel her walls clench around him as she starts getting closer and closer to her release.
He leans back and let's her legs of his shoulders, before reaching down and grabbing her hips, lifting them up. He slams himself back into her, the new position allowing him to pull her hips back against him, putting even more force behind his thrusts. Y/n cries out in his arms as his whole length is being slammed into her again and again. His tip hitting her womb every time he bottoms out.
Her face is a mess, with her makeup running down her face, her lipstick smeared, her eyes only half open, completely glazed over and a continuous string of senseless moans falling from her lips. Taehyung basically snarls at the sight and snaps his hips into hers even harder, till they're both almost at their breaking point.
When he can feel how close she is Taehyung leans down, covering her body with his own and puts his arms around her, keeping her still as he pounds into her. He angles his hips, so that with every thrust, he's rubbing up against her soft spot. He groans, trying to control himself at least long enough to make her come before him.
Y/n's moans are deep and guttural as he keeps slamming himself inside her, rubbing her insides and bruising her cervix. Suddenly her orgasm washes over her and she cries out as she wraps her arms around Taehyung's neck, pulling him completely against, and inside of her.
Taehyung moans into her shoulder as she clenches around him and digs her nails into his shoulders. He wants to keep fucking into her, but he knows that he shouldn't. Her body is trembling against him and he can feel her walls pulsing. It feels like her inside are basically sucking him in and he softly bites her shoulder, trying to restrain himself.
'Taehyung?', Y/n's voice is soft and a bit hoarse, and the sound of it destroys all of his resolve. He groans against her neck as he slams himself all the way back into her, pulling a gasp from her already exhausted throat. 'Sorry', he rasps against her skin, as he pounds into her over-sensitive pussy, deep and hard, making her cry out as she wraps her arms around him even tighter.
He groans as he feels himself get closer and closer, his thrusts becoming faster and more erratic. 'FUCK. Fuck Y/n. Can I come inside you?' She doesn't have the voice to respond and just nods against his shoulder as her nails dig into his back, the overstimulation slowly turning back into pleasure.
Taehyung curses as he angles his hips to hit her even deeper, their breathing growing louder and louder. With another deep thrust Y/n cries out against him, her voice breaking as he forces her through another orgasm. Her walls tightening also finally pushes Taehyung over the edge and with a few last hard thrusts he presses himself into her as deep as he can, before coming undone.
They stay like that for at least ten minutes, panting against each other's skin, their bodies pressed together, her walls stills pulsing around him. When his breathing has finally calmed down a bit, Taehyung moves to get up but Y/n wraps her legs around him and pulls him back. 'Stay like this for a bit, you're so warm...' Her eyes are closed and her whole body is trembling slightly from exhaustion. Taehyung smiles at her softly and presses gentle kisses to her face. He kisses her on her eyelids, her forehead, her nose, her lips, and finally also her neck and her shoulders. She moans softly and tiredly as he softly sucks on her skin. 'I wonder if I can still walk.' Taehyung chuckles against her skin, you've survived worse things. She groans. 'Have I?' He laughs and kisses her shoulder. 'Wait here, I'll get a towel.' He carefully lifts himself of of her. 'Nooo, it's colddd', Y/n cries out in protest, her eyes still closed, but lazily lifting one hand to pull him back. He smiles and takes her hand to kiss her fingertips. 'I'll be back in a second. I'll keep you warm the rest of the night.' Y/n just groans and turns onto her side, grabbing a pillow to hold against her chest. Taehyung chuckles and covers her with the blanket. 'I'll be right back.'
Once they're cleaned up Taehyung climbs into the bed and lays against her back, wrapping his arms around her. 'Are you okay?', he whispers into her hair. Y/n grumbles in his arms and snuggles closer to him. He smiles softly and presses a kiss to her head, before pulling her close to his chest and falling asleep too.
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peachymilkandcream · 7 months
Movie!William Afton x Evelyn -> Night Terrors
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(A/N: No request was given for this one BUT the prompt is: What if WIlliam used the animatronics to keep her scared that they were coming for the family if she left so she lays awake at night terrified and seeing things and he helps comfort her? ;) This one spoke to me as someone who's afraid of the dark as an adult XD Hope y'all enjoy, after this one I'm going to bed I've been writing a lot today XD As always this is not canon to Break Me Slowly, Evelyn is just my go to OC and I like seeing her get railed what can I say.)
WARNINGS: noncon, dubcon, manipulation, domestic abuse, yandere themes, forced marriage, forced pregnancy, stockholm syndrome, violence, mind breaking, misogyny, power imbalance, age difference, etc.
Evelyn stared at the ceiling, that was all she could do, stare and listen for the sounds in the halls, terror gripping her as her mind filled in the blanks and she could almost hear the haunting clank of metal. It was all in her head, she knew it, she knew it deep down, but the small part of her wondered just how much was her mind or reality. Sweet, sweet William was a brilliant man, but she couldn't deny how much his creations terrified her. Her life had become nothing but terror in the wake of the accidents that claimed the lives of her two children.
Of course he was sound asleep, in dreamland thinking of some other brilliant scheme to regain their previous financial standing. Her heart her because she wanted to tell him that she didn't care about that, she'd give it all up to have him and their children back. However she knew she could never say anything, he was her husband after all, she couldn't just question him. He had given her the future that she had, she couldn't just bother him with her stupid opinions.
Evelyn knew better than to wake him, but the shadows in the dark room started to look like they came alive. Pulsating and moving closer to her, horrifying amalgamations of those cute creatures that brought so many children joy back in the day. William was usually such a sound sleeper, he probably wouldn't even wake up as she slid closer and cuddled into his back.
She felt slightly better, the fear wasn't as prominent with the warmth that he radiated. He was all that she had in this world, William had told her this often, especially since her two living children has selfishly abandoned them because they couldn't give their father the respect he deserved.
A small smile crept onto her face as she cuddled in closer, her movements just a little too much which made him stir and wake up, rolling over to her. His smile matching hers as am arm snaked around her waist, feeling her curves and giving her ass a little squeeze that he made sure she didn't miss.
"Sleep troubles my love?" His hand squeezed harder, and at this close proximity she could feel his intentions through his pants. "I can help you with that." He starts to climb on top of her until he notices her discomfort. "What's the matter?"
"It's fine William I really just don't, want to-"
His smile vanishes, a look of warning coming into his eyes. "Excuse me?" He always gave her one chance to change her tune, and she knew what would happen if she refused.
"Nevermind, that sounds great."
His smile returns, leaning over her and kissing her neck. His beard was uncomfortable on her skin, but with the way his tongue soothed the spots his teeth bit it was worth it. William's happiness was all that was important, and having time like this was rare, she should be appreciative that he was even willing to sleep with her. Therefore she made sure to arch her back and moan extra loud, it was fake, it was all fake, but neither of them cared. The way he gripped her thighs with such desperation made her feel more alive and younger than she had in years, even if she still wasn't that old compared to him.
William took his time worshipping every inch of her, in the past he would have never done this, but with how well she had made things for him how could he not spoil her every once and a while? She put up with his narcissistic and erratic personality and at least claimed to love him in return, sucking on her breasts until she pulled his head down for more was the least he could do.
She was so wet as he pumped one finger and then two inside her, the slight winces of pain from the extra stitch he made her get with each of the pregnancies not slowing him down in the slightest. It wasn't like she had a choice anyway, she never had a choice. Even now she was still tight, fitting him perfectly as he slid in, he truly believed she was built for him, built to be used by him and to stay by his side through all of the horrors he subjected everyone he encountered to.
With each thrust the fear surrounding her seemed to fade a little more, the shadows moved less and less as the passion built more and more. She wasn't sure what it was about William, but the way he was set her on fire like never before, he was like a drug, if he wasn't giving her some kind of drug already.
It took no time for her to spasm and climax around him, holding onto his arms desperately and whimpering out his name as she rode out her high, his hot cum filling her not long after as they held each other in their arms. Whether it was his presence or the liquid dripping out from between her legs Evelyn wasn't sure, she just knew that for once the world was still. And as he held her firmly against his chest she could finally drift into a peaceful sleep.
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symp4thyfvck · 22 days
Participation (Ch.4)
Warriors Haven
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Dwalin x OC (smut!!)
(part one, part two, part three, part five, part six)
Description; This fanfic is posted to my AO3 as well, it's basically just pure filth with my OC Kaia and five members of Thorin's Company, now we're getting down and dirty with Dwalin (I've truly lost it with this one I fear)
MINORS DNI !!! very much 18+, please scroll younglings...
Translations for any Khuzdul will be at the end! <3
~ <3 ~
Kaia lay beside Bofur for a while after, her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat as he played with her hair and hummed.
A smile never left her lips.
Who would have thought that joining a company of thirteen dwarves, a hobbit and a wizard would lead to such happiness.
Kaia had fallen for Kili, and he her. He would braid her hair, and she would be his when this was all over. He would be hers… as would Fili, and Bofur.
How lucky could one girl be?
Kaia lifted her head up to look at Bofur, who had his eyes closed as he hummed gently. Placing a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth, she watched as his lips turned up into a goofy smile.
“Well, hello there…” Bofur murmurs, cracking an eye open to look down at her.
“Forget I was here?” She teases.
“How could i?” The dwarf chuckles, running a hand over her hair. “So, have Kili asked you to court him yet?”
Kaia giggles, nuzzling against Bofur’s cheek, “He has. Though, if he hadn’t, you would have just ruined the surprise.”
“What surprise?” Bofur laughs, “That boy has been enamoured by you since he first saw you, lass. He follows you around like a love sick puppy.”
“Not unlike the rest of you.” Kaia murmurs, biting at Bofur’s lower lip.
“Oh, aye, we all adore you ground you walk on.” He responds, taking her hand in his own to kiss her knuckles, “But you’re Kili’s One.”
“And you?” Kaia asks, looking into his soulful brown eyes, “What will you be to me?”
Bofur raises an eyebrow, pulling her closer so she rests atop his broad chest. She plays with his spiralled moustache as he runs his fingers through her hair.
“You heard us earlier. Our lasses often take lovers, but that does not mean they are any less important to her. Yes, her husband is her one, but she is adored by every dwarrow who she claims as hers…”
Bofur suddenly looks shy, self-conscious. “I know, if Mahal willing, you’ll court Kili, in the future you’ll marry him, and become a princess... and I am just a miner who dreams of being a toymaker, with no titles to my name, and a very impressive hat-”
“I’m going to stop you right there.” Kaia chimes in, pressing her fingers to his lips. “I would love for you to be one of my lovers, Bofur.”
His eyes shine, and he breaks out into a wide smile. Pressing a kiss to her fingers, he leans forward to press his forehead to his own.
“You know, we’re about to go and fight a dragon, but I’ve never felt more sure we’ll be okay than in this moment.” He says quietly, a contented sigh leaving his lips.
“I agree.” Kaia murmurs, kissing his cheek.
An hour passes. After washing again with Bofur, who behaved for the most part, Kaia walked back to camp with her hatted lover in tow.
Some of the Company had already gone to sleep, with only a small group of dwarves and Bilbo remaining around the fire.
“There you are!” Bilbo exclaims, sighing with relief, “I was beginning to think you drowned, or something.”
“I’m alright! Did not drown, very much alive.” Kaia chuckles, patting Bilbo’s shoulder as she passes him.
Fili and Kili sit on a log, giving her bright smiles as she came to sit beside them.
“Even if I were in any danger, I had a big, strong dwarf to protect me.” Kaia says, smiling at Bofur as he walks towards the group. He raises his eyebrows, looking around before pointing at himself. “Yes, you, you oaf!”
“Yes, I’m big and strong and fearless, look at me.” Bofur flexes his arms, and Bilbo sighs at him.
“Where even were you, Bofur? I hope you weren’t bothering Kaia whilst she bathed!” Dori chastises, tutting. Beside him, Nori smirks.
“I don’t think he was doing anything she didn’t like…” He states, “She’s blushing like a dam in heat.”
“No, I’m not.” Kaia waves her hand, and Fili catches it in his own to play with her fingers gently. Kili smiles at her, pressing a kiss to her shoulder.
“What are those marks on her neck?” Ori asks, tilting his head at her.
Kaia feels her blush bloom deeper, one hand coming up to feel the marks left by Kili, Fili, and now also Bofur.
“Admiring our handiwork there, Ori?” Fili teases, winking at Kaia. “I see you added a few of your own, Bofur… are there more congratulations in order?”
“I would say so, aye.” Bofur beams, and Fili stands up and claps him on the shoulder.
The group look around in confusion, with Balin and Nori being the first to realise what was happening. Kaia reaches into her skirt, taking out the courting bead Kili gave her. With a bright smile, she offers it to the prince.
“Would you do me the honour of braiding my hair, Kili?” She asks, and his smile could light up the entire forest around them.
“It would be my honour, Kaia.” He says, and she sits between his legs for him to start braiding a section of her hair.
The rest of the dwarves cheer, smiling brightly and patting the four beaming individuals on the shoulder. With a contented hum, Kili finishes her braid, and Kaia runs her fingers over it, pressing a kiss to Kili’s own.
“That does not explain the marks- Ow, Nori!” Ori says, getting smacked on the back of the head by his brother.
“No seriously, what are… Oh. Oh! Ohh.” Bilbo goes bright red, looking anywhere but Kaia and the three beaming dwarves.
“Well, isn’t this marvellous!” Dori says, clapping his hands, “Oh, I’m so happy for you all!”
“This is cause for celebration!” Nori says, bringing out his water skin full of wine, passing it to Kaia.
She smiles and takes a sip, feeling bright and happy as the dwarves around her talk happily about what this means for the Company. Kili rests his head against her own, as Fili and Bofur talk about what it will be like in Erebor for them all.
“I wonder what Thorin will have to say about all of this.” Balin comments, and Kaia’s shoulders slump a little bit.
“Oh, aye. Kili, you’ll have to talk to him.” Dori says.
“Yeah, I should probably go and do that now… I was hoping to avoid it until later, but now that my ghivashel has my braid in her hair…” Kaia can hear Kili’s smile in his voice as he presses a kiss to her hair.
“I’ll come with you.” Fili nods, standing up, “Thorin will want to have all of the details, seeing as Kili is now courting her and me and Bofur are shagging her-”
“Must you make it sound so vulgar?” Dori tuts, with Gloin agreeing with him.
“Don’t be ashamed of it, Dori. You’re some lasses’ lover, too. I’m sure you get yours!” Bofur says, winking at the older dwarf. Dori goes bright red, before standing up to clip Bofur around the ear.
“Bofur! I think you should come too!” Kili says, standing and grabbing Bofur as he and Fili head off towards where Thorin is keeping watch.
“That conversation is going to be fun.” Nori chuckles, shaking his head at the three dwarves.
“Do you reckon Thorin will oppose it?” Kaia asks, fiddling with her courting braid anxiously.
“He may have his grievances, lass.” Balin sighs, patting her shoulder, “But we can all see how much Kili cares for you, he’ll fight for you. And I reckon both Fili and Bofur will have their own words to say.”
“Don’t they always!” Nori laughs.
Kaia still feels worried. She does not want Kili and his uncle to have a spat over their courting. She is a human, and he a dwarven prince, it would not surprise her if Thorin refused to acknowledge their relationship.
Feeling suddenly sick and self-conscious, she excuses herself from the group, walking further into the clearing to have some time to think.
Kaia finds herself in a secluded part of the camp, far enough that their voices are lost but the light of the fire reaches her finger tips.
Sitting on a rock, Kaia brings her knees to her chest, trying to not get too worried over what the King Under the Mountain will have to say about her relationships with both of his heirs.
The thought of him forbidding Kili from being with her, or stopping her from being with the other two in some way, makes her chest tight. What if he sends her away, dismissing her from travelling with the Company from now on…?
“What’s got you sulking, then?” A deep voice growls, causing Kaia to jump.
A few feet from her, Dwalin leans against a tree, tilting his head as he stares at her. His face is casted in shadows, and Kaia cannot read his face.
“Nothing.” She says, wrapping her arms around her knees.
“Spit it out, girl. You look like someone killed your puppy.”
Kaia bites back a smile, he sounded so gruff and angry, but there was something comforting about his presence.
“Me and Kili are courting.”
“Took you both long enough.” Dwalin chuckles, walking over to sit next to her on the rock. “Don’t tell me you’re already having troubles five minutes in?”
“No, Kili’s wonderful…”
“I wouldn’t go that far.” Dwalin grumbles, causing Kaia to laugh.
“I’m worried Thorin won’t be happy about it.”
“Screw him.”
Kaia gasps, staring wide eyed at Dwalin. The gruff warrior shrugs, looking off into the distance, “He’s seen as well as the rest of us how much Kili cares about you. And you seem to like him, Mahal knows why, so he shouldn’t be what stops you both from being happy.”
Kaia smiles, bumping her shoulder with his. Though he is a dwarf and she is a human, he stands at the same height as her, and on the rock, she has to look up at him slightly.
“Something else on your mind?” He asks, looking down at her. His blue eyes meet hers, and she feels butterflies in her stomach looking at them. Dwalin may be a grizzled, tattooed warrior who has probably killed more people than Kaia has ever met, but damn it if he isn’t attractive.
“Well… Kili and I, once we confessed how we felt, we…” Kaia blushes slightly, looking away from his intense gaze.
“We… um, we were intimate.”
“Not surprising.” Dwalin says casually, but his voice has gone an octave deeper.
“Not just him and I… Fili, as well… and Bofur…” She chuckles, looking down at her feet.
“Mahal, lassie, you move quickly.” Dwalin laughs, shaking his head.
“Hey, I was told I can have as many lovers as I want!”
“Oh, certainly you can, the more the merrier.” He says, looking over at her.
The way his eyes travel down her remind her of how he looked at her earlier in the evening.
“How many should I have?” Kaia asks, turning her body towards him.
“Many dwarrowdams have only one or two… but a lass like you, you shouldn’t even consider having less than four.”
“Oh? I’ve only got two, so far…” Kaia pouts, trailing an arm over his bicep. “Know anyone who might want to be my third?”
Dwalin growls low in his throat, grabbing her hand with one of his own whilst his other arm wraps around her waist. Kaia gasps as he pulls her onto his lap, straddling his strong thighs as he presses his forehead to hers.
“I know someone who would be more than willing…” His voice rumbles low in his throat.
Kaia grins, and Dwalin leans forward, kissing her hard and fast.
Their teeth clash in a bruising kiss, and Dwalin bites at her lower lip. When she gasps, he forces his tongue into mouth, causing Kaia to moan at the feeling,
One of his arms remain around her waist, supporting her against him as his other hand travels down her body. He grabs a handful of her behind, squeezing roughly in a way which makes Kaia groan.
His lips leave her own, trailing down her jaw and neck in open mouthed kisses, nipping her skin to hear her pant and gasp in a way he loves.
“I’m sure the princes and the toy maker were nice to you. All gentle and delicate…” Dwalin groans, licking the tops of her breasts. His thighs support her weight as he brings both of his large hands up, grabbing onto the top of her dress.
“But I won’t be gentle.” With one tug, he tears her bodice open, revealing her breasts to the cold air.
Kaia gasps, before moaning as Dwalin drops his head to her tits, taking one of her nipples in his mouth to suck and bite it. He moves his head to her other breast, while his hands move back to her ass, squeezing and slapping it.
Lifting his head back up, he stares at her with dark, lust filled eyes.
“I’m going to fuck you.” He says, voice low and hoarse, “If you don’t want to be taken rough and hard, tell me now. Because once I get a taste of you, I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop.”
Kaia is panting now, her hands grasping onto his shoulders as her brain digests his words.
He is staring at her, chest heaving and sweat pooling at his neck. His eyes are so dark the blues in them look like a midnight sky, and his lips are swollen beneath his beard.
Below her, she can feel how hard he is. And how big he is, too. Straining against the leather of his trousers, his cock pulses as she shifts herself on his lap.
“Why don’t you show me how it’s done, Dwalin?” She murmurs, leaning forward to dance her lips over his ear. His piercings are metallic against her tongue, and she captures his lobe between her teeth, forcing a deep growl out of the warrior.
In an instant, he lifts her up, one arm under her ass whilst his other tangles into her hair. He kisses her, fast and bruising, as he spins them around, pressing Kaia’s back to the rock below them.
Dwalin’s lips moved across her neck, biting at the marks left by the others and sending pleasured pain through her body. His large, calloused hands grabbed at her tits, playing with them and making her moan and gasp at the feeling of them being tugged so harshly.
Her noises caused him to groan and buck against her, his hips searching her own as she spread her legs for him. Dwalin lifted his head up, looking over her body where she was lying, tits out and chest heaving, legs spread as he dress fell low on her legs.
“Sasakhabiya abnâmul, Mesmel…” He groans in Khuzdul, dragging his hands over her breasts and up to her neck. “I need to feel you around my cock.”
Kaia moans, bumping her nose against his own. “Take me, please, Dwalin…”
With another low growl, Dwalin lifts her up, turning her around so her hands and knees are against the rock. She gasps at the feeling of the cold stone below her palms and knees, but feels her heart race as the gruff warriors hands soothe down her back and ass. She arches her back as his fingers dance under her knees, pulling her dress further up.
“There you go, just like that.” Dwalin murmurs, pushing her dress up until it is around her waist. Kaia can hear his sharp intake of breath at the sight of her cunt, “So wet for me, Khajmel.”
He kisses her back, before biting down on her ass. She winces, but the pain feels heavenly as he pushes one of his fingers into her tight heat.
Pumping it in and out, he stretches her open with one of his thick fingers, before adding a second one. He presses a kiss to her clit, groaning as her pussy flutters around him as he does so.
“You’re so tight, did those boys do nothing to open you up?” Dwalin tuts, kissing her back again. “I’ll show you what it feels like to be properly fucked open, sweet girl.”
Kaia gasps and moans as his fingers increase their pace, fucking her open as her lips spread further and her back arches. She pushes against his hand, but he tuts and lands a smack against her ass, causing her to wince.
“Behave.” Dwalin commands, continuing to finger her whilst his other hand smooths over the red mark on her ass cheek. “Are you ready for my cock, princess?”
“Yes! Yes, please!” Kaia begs, biting down onto her lip as he chuckles low in his throat.
“So desperate. Like you haven’t already had three cocks in you tonight. Such a dirty girl…” His voice grumbles, sending tingles down her spine. “Open your legs wider for me, Mesmel…”
Kaia does as instructed, spreading her knees out until her stomach is almost touching the stone below her. Her back arches as Dwalin glides his hands over her waist, pulling her back.
The sound of a belt unbuckling makes her cunt throb, her body thrumming in anticipation of what was to come.
“Relax, princess.” Dwalin murmurs, resting his hands on her waist.
With a single, bruising thrust, he sheathed himself inside her fully.
Kaia gasped, her body feelingly like it was splitting open in the most beautiful way. Tears prickled in her eyes as Dwalin gave her a moment to adjust to his size. He was huge. Thick and long and throbbing inside of her, making her body shiver at how full she felt.
“Are you alright, Khajmel?” Dwalin asks, his voice tight as he restrained himself from fucking her like a wild animal.
“Yes! Please just… move, Dwalin! Please!” Kaia begged, pressing her forehead down onto the rock beneath her.
Dwalin’s laugh rumbled through his body, and Kaia felt it through his hands and his hips.
Just as she thought he was going to stay still and tease her forever, his cock disappeared from within her, before slamming back into her to the hilt.
Kaia gasped and moaned as he set a rough pace, completely filling her with each push and pull of his hips. He pulled back until the tip rested against her, before shoving forward until he bumped against her cervix.
It hurt in a way which made her entire body sweat, but felt so good that she screamed at him for more.
“Fuck, Dwalin, yes, harder!” She pleaded, her voice breaking.
A strong hand wrapped around her neck, while the other remained against her waist, bouncing her back against him as he continued his bruising thrusts.
Dwalin fucked like an animal, and he sounded like one too. He growled and grunted behind her, murmuring words in Khuzdul as his pace increased.
Kaia knew she wasn’t going to last, not with how fast and hard he pumped his cock into her, and as he grabbed her hair with one hand, and her shoulder with the other, forcing her eyes up to the sky, the new position hit a place deep within her cunt which made her see stars.
“Oh gods!” Kaia gasped as her body erupted in her orgasm, making her body shake and her eyes roll back into her head.
Dwalin did not even falter. He fucked her through her orgasm, slamming her ass against his hips as her cunt squeezed him. He was getting closer, she could feel in the erratic way he started pummelling into her.
But he wanted to feel her cum one more time before he finishes.
“You can give me one more, pretty girl.”
“Fuck, Dwalin, I can’t!” Kaia sobbed as her body buzzed with over stimulation, her cunt strangling his cock as he kept abusing it.
“Yes you can, princess, I can feel it. Cum on my cock again, like a good girl.”
Kaia felt his fingers leave her shoulder for a second as he dove his hand between her legs. Pulling her hair until her back was pressed against his chest, he flicked and rolled her clit until she was practically seizing around him, another orgasm taking all of the strength out of her in one hoarse scream.
He held her close, relaxing her hold on her hair as he wrapped his arms around her, fucking her faster as his climax surged through him.
Dwalin’s hips stuttered, and he roared as he emptied himself inside of her, thrusting into her a few more times as he fucked his seed deep into her. Murmured words of praise left his lips, whispered into her ears as she lay limp in his arms, trying to catch her breath.
“Are you alright, sweet girl?” Dwalin asks, his voice unusually soft as he kisses her temple.
“More than alright… that was amazing, Dwalin.” Kaia beams, looking back it him through her messy hair. Dwalin smiles down at her, kissing her gently as he pulls himself out of her. The both groan at the feeling, and Kaia can feel his spend trickling down her leg.
“I’ll never hate that feeling…” Kaia breathes, thinking out loud. Dwalin grins hungrily, kissing her shoulder and dancing his fingers between her legs.
“Oh, aye? Did the others finish in you too?”
“Mhm.” Kaia says drowsily, smiling at him. His grin is like that of a wolf, biting at her lower lip as he slips his fingers inside of her, playing with her gently as her body responds immediately. “Again? How many times are you going to make me cum, Dwalin?” Kaia giggles, but she breathes heavily as his fingers fuck into her gently.
“As many times as it takes for you to realise that me and the others aren’t going to let Thorin take you away from us...”  
Translations !!
Sasakhabiya abnâmul – You look beautiful
Mesmel – Jewel of all Jewels
Khajmel- Gift of all Gifts
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◇𓂂☽𓂂🐚Arisa Cliche's Wips for Gaza! 🐚𓂂☾𓂂◇
Hi, hi friends! @ficsforgaza has started a charity event and I'd really like to participate, so I've decided to start a sponsorship page! Right now, I'm only writing for MHA and Obey Me!, but I have enough fics brewing or in progress that you'll have plenty a selection!
How this works ~ The rate is $1 for 100 words. Basically, you would make a donation and send me an ask with the following details:
🍉 The name of the wip you're donating towards
🍉 A screenshot of your donation with your private info censored (I will not be publishing these asks)
🍉 A link to the fundraiser you chose! I will be accepting donations to anything on this list, Crips for eSims for Gaza, and my personal fave!
I will keep the WIP section of this post updated with all donations as soon as possible!
Now...let's get to the WIPS!!!!!
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MHA✼ ҉ ✼
{In Progress}
⚝ Bury my Ashes at Sea (Touya "Dabi" Todoroki x Reader) (Longfic)
You and Dabi have been broken up for some time now, but you're still the only person he wants to see before he takes his final bow. With your grieving face still fresh in his mind, he can't help but wonder how things would be different if you two met when you were kids. In his daydreams, he gifts you a Quirk, and you both go to U.A together. He becomes a hero, and you his adored engineer. When everything inevitably goes to hell...you become a villain with him. A villain he names Hex. Content: Hero!AU, female reader, childhood friends to lovers, mutual pining, established relationship, post break-up, angst, reader is physically disabled and chronically ill and has an established backstory, non-explicit sexual content in later chapters, very very lovesick and typically obsessive Touya, Sad Ending Snippet:
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est wc: 55k current wc: 22707 sponsored wc: 0/32293
{New Concepts}
♪bottom of the river. (Touya Todoroki x Siren!Reader) (Oneshot)
The eldest Todoroki boy is found adrift at sea. Covered in burns from head to toe, but somehow still breathing. He was missing for days. The accident should've killed him. No one knows how he survived. The town praises it as a miracle. But when Rei notices that he suddenly keeps sneaking to the ocean in the middle of the night, and hums a disjointed melody when no one else is around, she begins to suspect that it was no miracle that saved her son. Content: Fantasy!AU, horror concept, Touya is being claimed by a Siren but Rei is not willing to give up her son, VERY inspired by some of the things I wrote in Bury My Ashes at Sea so there might be similar imagery, reader's gender is simply not planned to be mentioned, sfw, Rei's POV est wc: 10-13k current wc: 0 sponsored wc: 500/13000
🧛🏽Unnamed (Touya Todoroki x Vampire!Reader)
Touya doesn't know a kind of love where he doesn't hurt. He prides himself in it, really. He's perfect for you. You bite him and he doesn't feel it. He's already covered in bandages from his Quirk, so no one notices a difference. And if he's a little extra dizzy or laid up in bed, who cares? He's always been a little sickly. No one notices. Don't worry about him. You tell him how good he tastes and he doesn't think he's ever felt so alive in his life. He lets you take as much as you want. See, you don't need other, stronger humans. He can take it. This is what love is. He'll never tell you to stop. Not even when he can't feel his fingers anymore. Just don't pick someone else. Content: Fantasy!AU, GN!reader where I would try to keep specific body mentions very limited, Bratty Needy Touya, Quirks still exist but so do monsters because why not, Civilian Touya who never had his accident, this has potential for nsfw I could be persuaded! est wc: 7-10k current wc: 0 sponsored wc: 0/10000
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Obey Me! ʚ♡ɞ
{In Progress}
💖Love Is A Liar's Game (All of the Brothers + Diavolo and Solomon x Three OCs) (Longfic. Like...very long. Covers at least the first two seasons)
When Diavolo announces the plan for a human exchange program, the Charas, MC, Y/N, and OC (real names redacted), see it as the perfect opportunity to pull off the ultimate scam: seducing the rulers of hell and taking the throne. However...falling in love with their marks might complicate things. Content: Religious cults, drug use, the Charas are Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss incarnate, toxic relationships, polyamory (each of the Charas date three boys), humor, disabled mc (OC), plus-size mc (Y/N), and non-binary mc (MC), some angst here and there, mostly canon compliant but I fix some things, explicit content eventually...the first chapter is already posted on ao3 so please read my author's note to get an idea of what to expect! Snippet:
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est wc: over 100k easy current wc: 6816 (the 2nd chapter is almost done!) sponsored wc: 0/120000
🍬Touch-starved (Beelzebub x OC) (oneshot)
This is a companion piece to Love is a Liar's Game. Beel's Gluttony is not restricted to only food. He's avoided even kissing OC to prevent himself from becoming a bottomless pit for her love, which has ruined plenty of his relationships prior. But when her and Belphie finally become intimate, and his brother can't stop talking about her (or keep his hands off her), a strange, sour taste won't leave his mouth. It's jealousy. (If this is donated to completion I will also post the Belphie oneshot I already finished, Breathless!)
Content: Post-Chapter 16, pining, explicit sexual content, oral reference (m), recreational alcohol, submissive beel, use of pact during sex, tiny bit of angst for flavor, typical humor for this fic universe, lots of pet names between these two lol
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est wc: 15k current wc: 9909 (it's almost done!!!!!!!!!!!) sponsored wc: 0/15000
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If y'all have any further questions, please let me know!!!! Thanks in advance for any and all donations!!!!
From the river to the sea!! 🍉🍉🍉
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