#kip kulo
biologistblues · 2 years
Kip: 1, 13, 23, 36 Budgie: 10, 18, 21, 40 Constant: 5, 20, 25, 32 Fair Heart: 3, 15, 27, 35
Oh good lord, Captain.
What is your character's morning routine? She's a... challenge to describe there. Routine? Heavens no. What animal is she at the time? Is she trancing or sleeping? Has she fallen asleep on someone? Generally- if she's a cat, her morning routine involves waking up, spinning a few times, hunting breakfast, and then finding a good sunspot to nap in. Especially if that sunspot is on Zahra's uniform. Or her face. If she's an elf, it involves getting down from the roof, wiping away the tears if it was a rough night for memories, finding a place to take a swim, and then tending to her plants and making breakfast.
How do they like to spend afternoons free? You mean most of their afternoons? (Boy is she lazy). Peak cat time. Or she'll go out and read the woods. It's a good time to play around with being new animals, and she has discovered a new love for being an owl (thank you Mari/Talbot). Or she'll go bug one of her people. Or garden, distill alcohol, get drunk, climb something stupidly tall, or try to figure out surfing so she can impress Cora.
What is their role in the party? Not just their class on a meta level, but among the individuals who make up your party? Emotional support animal? Cook? Carer? Comic relief? Professional source of worry? I'm really not sure how to answer this one >.> I will happily take suggestions in the replies.
What is their greatest failure? Kip would laugh, say that it's the fact that they never became a marked hunter within their clan. They were forced out before they could.
(Deep down, though, there's the nagging doubt that perhaps they should have kept to the vows of their marriage rather than the vows of the ship. Maybe if Kat were still alive..)
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malangtoday-blog · 7 years
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Perbincangan Presiden Jokowi dengan Lansia yang Bikin Ngakak
MALANGTODAY.NET- Lucunya bincang-bincang Presiden Jokowi dengan dua wanita lanjut usia (lansia) penerima Kartu Program Keluarga Sejahtera (PKH) di halaman SMAN 3 Salatiga, Jawa Tengah, Senin (25/9). Seperti dikutip dari Antara, Presiden RI ke-7 ini sengaja menunjuk dua lansia berumur di atas 60 tahun ke atas panggung saat mengadakan kuis di sela pembagian Kartu Indonesia Sehat (KIP) dan PKH. "Siapa yang umurnya 60 tahun ke atas," pinta Presiden Jokowi kepada para penerima KIP dan PKH yang memenuhi lapangan SMAN 3 Salatiga ini. Dua lansia maju, yakni Siti Fatimah dan Mariam yang mengaku berumur 63 tahun. Dalam kesempatan ini, Presiden tidak bisa memberikan kuis kepada kedua lansia tersebut, tetapi hanya menanyakan uang dari PKH sebesar Rp 2 juta tersebut dibelikan apa saja. Mendapat pertanyaan tersebut, Nenek Fatimah menjawab dengan bahasa Jawa: "'Ndamel tumbas ndeling, ndamel kandang' (buat beli bambu buat kandang hewan peliharaan)." Presiden kembali mengejar pertanyaan. "Dibuat apa lagi," kata Jokowi. "'Ndamel tumbas uyah, moto' (beli garam, ajinomoto/penyedap rasa)," kata Nenek Fatimah yang langsung disambut ketawa para hadirin. "Masa Rp 500 ribu hanya buat beli moto dan uyah," kata Presiden yang mengerti bahasa Jawa karena berasal dari Solo ini. Nenek Fatimah menjawab: "Uwos (beras), ngih nopo-nopo...rasukan (ya macam-macam pakaian)." Presiden kembali bertanya untuk apalagi sehingga Nenek Mariam sempat bingung menjawabnya dan akhirnya Presiden mengalihkan pertanyaan kepada Nenek Mariam yang juga menanyakan uang PKH digunakan apa saja. Nenek Mariam mengatakan bahwa PKH tersebut untuk kebutuhan sekolah cucunya sehingga dibelikan sepatu, seragam dan keperluan sekolah lainnya. Nenek Mariam juga mengaku untuk beli kebutuhan dapur, seperti telor, sayuran dan mie cepat saji. "Ndamel tumbas telor, supermi," jawabnya. Presiden meminta agar dibelikan untuk menambah gizi, seperti daging, namun Nenek Mariam mengatakan kalau cucunya nggak suka daging. "Lha putu kulo mboten purun daging (cucu saya nggak mau daging)," kata Nenek Mariam yang langsung disambut ketawa para hadirin. Akhirnya Presiden bingung mau tanya apalagi sehingga menyuruh kedua nenek ini kembali ke tempat duduknya dan keduanya langsung kembali. Setelah sempat duduk, kedua nenek ini kembali ke panggung untuk minta hadiah sepeda dari Presiden Jokowi dan sempat menggoda apa bisa naik sepeda. Namun nenek Mariam menjawab untuk cucunya dan akhirnya Presiden memberikan hadiah sepeda tersebut terhadap kedua lansia tersebut. Sebelumnya Presiden juga memberikan sepeda kepada murid SD bernama Haidar yang berhasil menghafalkan Pancasila. Namun Presiden juga sempat mengoda Haidar yang setelah menyelesaikan bacaan Pancasila langsung duduk dan kembali lagi menanyakan hadiah sepeda. Presiden menanyakan alasan Haidar tidak minta hadiah sepeda langsung, anak SD ini menjawab malu memintanya. "Kenapa harus malu-malu, ya udah ambil sepedanya," kata mantan Wali Kota Solo ini. Mendapat hadiah sepeda ini, Haidar langsung mengucapkan terima kasih dan langsung berlari mengambil hadiahnya yang diberikan kepala negara ini.
Source : https://malangtoday.net/flash/nasional/perbincangan-presiden-jokowi/
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biologistblues · 2 years
From @almostqualitydeer, for Kip.
What sets them free? (Asking the real questions).
Otherwise, it's quiet. A place where they can sit with their thoughts, with their loves. With the forest within them. They have incredible senses, and being in crowded places barrages them with sounds, smells, the tastes in the air. There's a reason the crow's nest is their favorite place on a ship. It cuts out the noise (of every sensory type) of the crew. And there's the other reason, thank you Katrille and Cora, I *can* read your expressions right now.
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biologistblues · 2 years
For kip
Who was their childhood hero?
How do they feel about snow?
If they could change their class, would they? To what?
Do they have expectations on how they will die?
Childhood hero- Oooh, conflicting call. On the one hand, and the unhealthy one at that, a man named Old Broketooth. On the other, there's the forest itself, Metsä. Both made her who she is today.
Snow- she's a fan. Good for hunting, can use it for shelter, water, food storage, playing. And she likes how it dampens the sounds around her. It lets her be in quiet for a time. (Many of her trances are memories of her in snow)
Alternative class- I don't think she would! She's a druid through and through, a forest to the bone. As a kid, she might have said ranger. She wanted to be a hunter for her clan.
Death- Decay is an extant form of life. If you ask her, she'll never truly die. ... .... ..... Or it's going to be as soon as her blood starts flowing again. Make your bets, folks.
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