#obviously michael and her would be wlw
ispridestillasin · 2 months
Genuinely think Dean would have been so much more accepting in 4x19 of John having another kid if Adam had been a woman. You just know that he would have been so relieved that he wasn't competing with another male sibling for Sam and a deceased John's affections. Because obviously John wouldn't have wanted his only daughter to grow up as a hunter. Because obviously Sam would want to be a big brother to the baby sister they never knew they had. Subsequently, because of this, he and Sam would have been so fucking weird about Adam in 5x18 after she's resurrected by Zachariah
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be more chill would be so much better if jeremy was a lesbian like her and michael being best friends without any romantic connotations just pure mlm wlw solidarity and the undercurrent of everyone thinking she's a creep because she's gay and the squip using her crush on christine as a motivating factor when it talks her into to doing thinks while trying to get her to get with the most popular boy in school at the same time and at first it's excuse of it being 'to make christine jealous' almost makes sense except eventually it becomes very clear that he's just trying to make her seem 'straight' but jeremy is in it too deep too see it clearly and with rich getting unsquipped and realizing he's bi immediately it's becomes a whole compulsive heterosexuality/take on queer identity in high school storyline instead of honestly just... vaguely homophobic for laughs and also the line 'thats a girls shirt' but instead 'thats a boys shirt' is very funny if she's a little lesbian whose like '... yeah obviously thats why I picked it'
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mourningmaybells · 4 years
Valid, Morally Gray and Evil Fear Avatars Ranked
1. Jon. Obviously. Love that he becomes more empathetic the more his humanity slips away. He’s trying not to be evil and I respect that wholeheartedly. Even though he went on a revenge quest. Points get taken off whenever the other avatars harm him. .
2. Gerry. I love that he survived a hostile and abusive mother and tried to help people, ignoring the path he could’ve easily taken. Iconically beat up Avatar of the whore Jurgen Leitner while saving the world. One of the only avatars to have good chemistry with Jon and the only one to tell him What The Fuck Is Going On. Still had a sense of humor after being trapped in that death book. Nothing but respect for this goth.
3. Ok I know what you’re going to say, but look. Gertrude did what she had to do. Still don’t know why she bound Gerry though. That was horrible. Still cool how she’s the 16th fear.
4. Oliver is just vibin’. Literally stole someone’s identity to get a good night’s sleep and ended up murdering people, which is fair. He really tried to help people with his powers until he realized the inevitable. He’s done evil things BUT he did wake Jon from his coma,  and caused Martin to have that iconic rant about him.
5. I really wish I could put Helen as the second most valid avatar, but she kills people for sacrifice and tried to hurt Jon in season 5. I have to stick to my rules. Love that she became an unlikely ally, love that her confusing transformation kinda mirrored Jon’s. I wish they delved into her side of things. That would have been interesting. I love that she literally powered her way through the corridors and replaced Michael. She’s legitimately funny and cute. Plus she knew about Jon and Martin, and never used Martin’s love for Jon or Jon’s love for Martin against them like some other avatars. Not only that, but she was completely supportive of their relationship. She’s helped the Mag Gang more than once, which is extremely valid. Also wlw love her.
6. Agnes couldn’t control her powers and was groomed since childhood to hurt people, but even then she saved that one guy from the web when she was just a kid. Also implied to have killed abusive dad Raymond Fielding. Apocalypse messiah really loved that she could order coffee, even though she never drank it. I have no idea what her personality really is, but at some point she realized she didn’t want her destiny and felt trapped and that’s enough for me to like her. Don’t know how she really felt about Jack, but I like that she had the foresight to ask the cult not to harm him. Also wlw love her.
7. Michael’s very chaotic and fucks with people. But unlike Helen, he’s a lot more antagonizing with his jokes. He did help the Mag Gang discover the worm’s weakness though. Also he got used by Gertrude, which sucks. BUT he knew Sasha died and didn’t tell anyone. You don’t disrespect Sasha like that. Also he stabbed Jon. Also he trapped Tim and Martin in the tunnels for weeks. Also he tried to kill Jon. 
8. Simon Fairchild’s funny. He threatened Martin though. And again, kills people to sacrifice to his god. +1 valid points for making fun of Peter Lukas. -1 valid points for still making bets with Peter Lukas.
9. Manuela sounds like a hot, horror-themed James Bond villain, making her valid despite everything sorry I don’t make the rules.
10. Jared is the line between valid and not valid because he MAY be a homophobic bully/murderer, but he’s also funny. That bone thief just took odd jobs and fed a mouth hole even though he was fear-god-atheist. He made fun of the Harbinger of the Apocalypse, then asked him to talk about gardening tips. Hilarious.
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spiralesbian · 4 years
here’s my full Stranger Avatar Sasha Archivist timeline:
(also, thanks to @artbyblastweave for being so interested in my lil au!)
sasha james is hired as the head archivist of the magnus institute!
her assistants are jon, tim, and martin
tim takes the thematic role of martin (aka getting tormented by my worm wife jane, and stays in the archives)
sasha reads thru statements and is a skeptic! she really does not believe it’s real until jane comes along.
“tim……………………..did you die here?”
“no, but every time i come to work i die a little more inside.”
cute timsha moment in the supply closet tho.
until martin kool-aid-mans through the door and gets them out of there
jon used to work in artefact storage so he hides in there. he’ll be fine
i actually can’t remember how they all get out but they do it KKJSDGFJHD
sasha takes everyone’s statements. tim is fucked up, martin is also fucked up, jon is actually fine though he seems pretty normal about this whole situation most definitely.
sasha realizes this is a bit more than a regular archivist job.
sasha gets paranoid of course. she learns more about gertrude because she never got the chance to meet her
she takes a statement from a guy named michael shelley. weird dude. then helen shows up :)
jon is most definitely himself he is just a normal regular grumpy jon i swear :)
sasha starts to manifest her powers a little bit. she doesn’t know it, but she is an avatar of the stranger, and a prisoner of the eye.
she starts to notice more things about jon? similar to this comic but with jon
eventually she + tim + martin help get jon out of the grip of the NotJon. this is my au and i get to choose who dies (it’s no one because i miss the s1 archival assistants too much).
jon is pretty fucked up from this though and at like a season-3-tim mindset already.
fucking goddamn leitner avatar of the fucking whore shows up to trap the NotJon in one of his shitty fucking novels. fuck this guy tho
he’s like Sasha We Must Talk and shes like okay but stay 8 ft away from me at all times you bitch
she leaves the room for 10 minutes and pipe murder occurs. good riddance
wait are the cops in the season i genuinely can’t remember. if they are, their roles don’t change very much. melanie and sasha feud, battle of the bi queens
uh oh! girlie’s be framed for murder! she crashes at her ex gf georgie’s flat. also the admiral is there don’t think i would EVER cut him out of this story
(also jon is georgie’s ex too because i think that would be fun JDHBFHS)
sasha learns abt an upcoming web ritual (mirroring the unknowing), all that shit. gets kidnapped a ton of times, as usual.
helen is like “i am going to kill you because i hate gertrude <3 i was that dumb bitch’s assistant for too long” but michael busts out of the door like Hi Guys and traps her in the hallway.
sasha also gives her statement about a leitner she found as a child that marked her. its a stranger book and we learn her edgy orphan origin story how her parents were both murked by the stranger. fucked up if true!
back at the archives jon is like so fucking tired of this shit honestly and now martin is also pretty paranoid. also jm romance subplot is still very present!
tim is just trying to protect sasha at all times and he’s pissed she keeps leaving the country and getting fucking kidnapped
(remember when jon persuades the traffic cop?) sasha starts to fill her archivist role in a different way. she can shapeshift into the subject of a statement and uses her affiliation with the eye to coerce statements or info out of people. (example: if she needed a live statement from the guy in #90 Body Builder, she could temporarily make herself look like jared hopworth to the guy and ask “what happened to me?” or “what did i do?” and the guy would be like well he built some fucken bodies i guess let me tell you all about it) while reading the statements in america that refuel her, she fully shapeshifts into the statement giver while reading out loud.
once again i truly can’t remember daisy + basira’s roles until the end of the season. also melanie get shot by the ghost at some point
anyways sasha gets kidnapped by trevor and julia and they gerry lays out all the shit for her and she’s like ah! i’m fucked
tim offhand mentions the web ritual to martin and he loses his shit cause he’s marked by the web blah blah this isn’t a web!martin thing i swear i just need someone to fill tim’s role in the ritual and a lonely ritual would be fucking boring as hell as we learned from ass man peter lukas. i hate that man
so they make the plan to stop the web ritual (which is fucking hard when the offense knows your every move) so sasha, basira, daisy, jon, and martin go.
tim stays back at the institute to burn shit and distract elias. elias does some fucked up shit as usual and it makes me sad
the ritual starts! they have a plan to blow it up and run but like. u know how it goes
instead of the unknowing-stranger-dream-sequence, we get everyone kinda mixed up in a huge spider’s web on the big stage and its still quite confusing because this ritual not only manipulates the prey, but also the prey’s perceived reality. the web is also in current control of the buried coffin cause they think that shit is kinda fun. they yeet daisy into it.
hard to describe what happens, but basira keeps her cool, jon is a bit lost in his own mind, sasha tries to use her powers to escape but fails. she manages to get through to martin through the strings and mounds of spiders and she tosses him the detonator.
[squishing spider noises]
martin doesn't die, i told you i can't kill the og archival assistants! he does lose most of one leg though, he took the blunt of the explosion.
sasha in da hospital in da coma. tim is mad he can’t wake her up and then my man ollie says “ur fucked up mate” and she wakes up
(and because coma jon has such wild hair controversy, i’m establishing that her head was shaved when she was in the coma. it grows back thru s4. it she keeps one side shaved cause she’s cool)
meanwhile tim is recruited by that dumbass man you know who i don’t even wanna say his stupid fucking name
sasha gets daisy out of the buried. they become avatar pals!
(there is the biggest blank in my memory where all of season four should be. at this point i should just relisten to the entire fucking show but i would literally just forget it all again)
melanie says hm. fuck this! and blinds herself. she goes to live with georgie (and that’s the moment jon and sasha realize they are both georgie’s exes FHFHDJD)
tim continues to fight the lonely pull. he thinks that since p*ter l*kas is tied to the institute, he can blind himself out cause melanie was successful. he is wrong. he is also interrupted by elias midway, and only blinds one eye, and loses most of his sight in the other. elias’s hold on him is weak, but this just drives him way farther into the lonely.
gotta be honest i remember the end of season four but like i couldn’t visualize what was happening at the end so i like don’t understand what happened JGDKFJGD but sasha intervenes (???) and peter yeets tim into the lonely (???) and sasha jumps in (??????) after him. elias is just there i guess?
instead of “look at me martin,” sasha finds tim and at this point her form is warped and hard to recognize because of stranger powers, and tim is almost 100% blind, so she says “don’t look at me, see me. see me tim, it’s me.” and finally creates a clear image of herself. “it’s...it’s you. you’re my sasha.”
they break free and go to scotland i guess KHSDDKDSF
idk what happens with jon and martin im losing continuity at this point. fuck it, they smooch <3
“ah these are the statements.”
“yes. basira said last week she’d send some up as soon as the archives weren’t a crime scene. and she wasn’t sure which ones you’ve read already, so she, she just said she’d send a bunch.”
“.........Hello Sasha.”
(alternate ending: personally i think sasha would read through each statement before speaking them aloud cause that’s what i would fucking do, so she would get this statement and be like “lmao tim come look at this elias trying to prank me dumb bitch think i’ll start the apocalypse for him. fucking little puny bitch boy. anyways what do you want for dinner?”)
“just. listen.”
“...i’m dead. and you have been chosen to be my replacement as head archivist. hopefully, this means you, jon, but if someone else is hearing this, and elias has made a different choice for some reason, then these words are still very much intended for you.”
sasha in full stranger avatar mode and is like 8ft tall and her faces shift a lot as they go through the realms. except the stranger is the second to last one (the panopticon is last obviously).
helen and michael actually talk shit out in the spiral hallway and now they are mlm wlw solidarity and both like tim and sasha are such bi and trans icons <3 this is so fun don’t you love the fearpocalypse <3
oh daisy n basira trapped in the hunt, and jon and martin are trapped in the stranger. wtgfs + the admiral are like in space or some shit idk but they are ok :)
not much to report other than she is my monster wife <3
i really don’t have many theories to how everything in s5 is gonna pan out, and i would like to closely mirror the actual show, so maybe as we get closer to the end i’ll build more on to this! thanks a lot for all the notes on my first sarchivist post!! also if u wanna make art this specific au DEF tag me in it i’d love to see!!
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mermaidcashton · 4 years
all the pretty girls
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author: claire (@mermaidcashton) ship/AU: calum hood/luke hemmings, genderswap!AU prompt: “Kissing you is all I’ve thought about since the moment we met.”  wordcount: 1519 warnings: swearing, hint of sexual content  dedication: this one is for gay!sos group chat, and all the other wlw 5sos fans 💘 a/n: • so, i wanted wlw!5sos and established relationship, self-indulgent, domestic cuteness and i...think i have achieved that? lol • written for @maluminspace & @h0tsos​ ‘s 5sos fic writers collab (in which we all chose from a list of AU’s and had the above prompt quote to include - i will share the masterlist for you to see everyone elses when it’s finished!) • i do not give permission for this (or any of my writing) to be reposted, by anyone, on this or any other website. please don’t do it! • title from ‘honey’ by kehlani 
all the pretty girls ***
all the pretty girls in the world but i'm in this space with you 
“Kissing you is all I’ve thought about since the moment we met.” “Oh!” Luke gasped, burying her head further into Calum’s shoulder. Calum was bemused. “Haven’t you seen this movie like ten times?” “Fuck,I think I’ve seen this movie ten times.” Calum would be seriously questioning her life choices if she hadn’t taken into account that every time she’d ever watched it, she’d had the hottest woman she’d ever met pressed against her. That seriously balanced the scales of shitty cinema, in Calum’s opinion. 
“It’s just so cute.” Luke sniffed. Calum pretended not to notice her wiping her nose on Calum’s sleeve; she looked cute enough in it to get away with almost anything.
Right now Luke was wearing avocado print pyjama shorts and Calum’s Santa Cruz sweatshirt (despite owning at least 300 separate items of clothing, in Calum’s most conservative estimations), with her blonde hair in a messy bun and the beginnings of a snotty nose. Her eyelashes were glossy with the tears she’d brushed away, and Calum thought she’d still be willing to watch every straight-to-video 00’s rom com ever made as long as it was what Luke wanted. 
“Does this seriously not make you emotional? He gave up Paris for her! Paris, Calum!” Luke whined, craning her neck to look up at Calum from her position under her arm, her lithe body laid across the sofa.  
Calum smirked. “Come on, babe; you know ‘Wall-E’ is the only movie that makes me feel anything.”
Luke rolled her eyes, but giggled all the same before pressing on insistently.  “It’s so romantic, though. Isn’t this the most romantic thing you’ve ever heard?” “No?” Calum scoffed, settling back against the mountain of cushions that seemed to grow every time they went to Ikea. Then it struck her. “Hang on, are you saying that’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever heard?!” 
“Yeah…” Luke let out another dreamy sigh before stilling almost imperceptibly. Oh, shit.
“What?!” Calum said, already looking more indignant than the time Luke had accidentally cheered for Arsenal insead of Liverpool (“Your Liverpool shirt is red, Calum! What the hell is an away kit?! I hate football!”). “Obviously I wasn’t includi-” Luke tried to recover, but Calum was too far gone. “I write the sickest anniversary cards! My last Valentine’s Day card to you? Fuckin’ poetry, Luke! I mean, not literally because that’s lame as fuck, but I am romantic as shit!”
Calum knew that generally speaking, people would consider Luke to be the more romantic in the relationship. Everyone who lived within 5 miles of their apartment had probably heard Luke tell Calum she loved her, or seen her entwine their hands, or pout her lips for a kiss she had to have right that second, at least twice. She was more prone to posting photos of Calum on Instagram with captions that ranged from sweet to thirsty as hell. Every time she attempted to bake for Calum, it would almost always be using a heart-shaped mould or cutter she’d found at the pound shop down the street. And at Calum’s gigs, everyone always knew exactly where she was in the crowd because Luke was yelling about the incredibly sexy bassist with the best basslines in the history of bass at every possible moment. 
However, Calum thought her own brand of romance of just as valid, and Luke seemed to like it. Calum was a fan of surprising Luke with flowers, albeit wild bouquets of sunflowers and daisies rather than roses or peonies (“Wildflowers for my Wildflower.”), and of playing records on vinyl that she thought Luke would like - or that reminded her of her girlfriend - while they ate a dinner Calum had made from scratch because she’d seen a recipe online that she knew Luke would love. Calum also trusted Luke in a way that was rare for her, and lying in the dark of the their bedroom, speaking out loud things she’d never told anyone - childhood memories of her parents messy divorce, her deepest fears, greatest dreams, biggest secrets - whilst her girlfriend rubbed comforting circles over her hip and placed gentle kisses on her shoulder, felt intimate and special in a way Calum hoped Luke felt was romantic. And like she said - her card writing skills were sick.     
Luke sat up on the sofa, freeing herself from underneath Calum’s arm. She clicked the pause button on the remote, dropping it onto the rug as she threw her hands up in surrender. “I’m sorry, I take it back; you are the most romantic I only meant in, like, movies and stuff! Obviously you are the most romantic and beautiful and I love you!”
Calum sniffed, trying to keep her sad face on without breaking. “Obviously not, as I don’t have a European city to not go to for you…”  Luke saw her girlfriend’s mouth twitch at the corner. Right. She tucked her long legs underneath herself, settling back on the sofa as she spoke. “Like I said, I take it back - I was wrong.” 
Calum could count on one hand the amount of time she had heard Luke say those three words during their relationship, and was ready to celebrate a substantial victory, until she clocked the smile spreading across Luke’s face that spelled trouble.
Luke continued in a purposely casual voice. “The actual most romantic thing I’ve ever heard was on our third date, when you drank all those daiquiris and told me that one day you were gonna ‘fucking wife me’.” Calum groaned and tried to sink back into the sofa so it could swallow her whole; this plan was thwarted by all the Ikea cushions.
“Shut up, that wasn’t me. You must have me confused with your other girlfriend. I don’t even drink daiquiris.” Luke’s distinctive laugh filled Calum’s ears; she loved that sound (it was in her top 3 sounds that Luke made), but right now she felt so embarrassed at the memory of her nerves getting the better of her in a Tapas restaurant that she couldn’t really enjoy it.
“Maybe not anymore! But Ashton told me how much of the morning after you spent with your head in the toilet, so I guess it makes sense you gave them up.” Luke teased, her blue eyes bright with mischief.
“I hate Ashton.” Calum mumbled, with nowhere near as much heat as was currently in her cheeks.
Luke’s giggles had taken on a unmistakable air of victory; Calum could not let this stand.
“Right, that’s it; we’re watching ‘Pulp Fiction’!” Calum declared, leaning down to feel around on the floor in the dimly lit living room for the remote where Luke had abandoned it. “Noooo!” Luke whined, reaching out to grab Calum’s wrists as she rose in triumph. “Cal!” She pouted as she missed entirely. It had always made Calum laugh when Luke tried to overpower her in any way; she was clumsy, and she wasn’t quick or strong enough to get the jump on Calum, unless she cheated (which she often did). In the past, Calum had hoped Luke wouldn’t notice the way she clenched her thighs together when the blonde would wiggle against her, bite her lip, whine or pant. Inevitably, as their relationship had continued, Luke had become fully aware of the effect she had on Calum, and now employed her sexuality as a weapon against Calum whenever she deemed it necessary. Nowadays, she tended to cut to the chase, as she was now. Calum barely registered the remote being extracted from her slackening grip as Luke held the grey sweatshirt and her cropped pyjama top up above her chin with one hand. She did register Luke’s small but perfectly formed tits, and wondered briefly what they had been talking about. Luke didn’t let her clothes drop back down to cover her breasts until she’d already unpaused the movie and stashed the remote underneath the armrest on her side of the sofa. 
“That...was savage.” Calum deadpanned, shaking her head as she clambered to her feet. Luke put on her most innocent smile (which was not that innocent if you knew her as well as Calum did). “Do you want another drink?” “Yes please, gorgeous.” Luke replied with her eyes still fixed to the screen, her lips moving in the time with the actress on screen with the dodgy bangs. Calum rolled her eyes fondly before making her way to their small kitchen in search of rosé.
She didn’t notice it until she closed the fridge again, but Luke had responded. 
Earlier in the day, Luke had used their alphabet fridge magnets to spell out ‘BUY MORE MILK’. Upon seeing this just after lunch, Calum had immediately checked she had the right letters to arrange the obvious reply; ‘NO FUCK U’, giggling to herself the whole time she’d been doing it. She let out a snort, picking up the personalised wine glasses Michael had gifted them when they moved in together. She set off back towards the living room, idly thinking about what movie she was going to demand they put on when this torture was over.
‘NO U’.
my masterlist   • please let me know what you think of wlw!cake and if you would like to see more of them here!
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lenievi · 3 years
Hi! Big fan. For a ship game, do you like chulu? And also, do u have any female Star Trek ships? And the last question, what you think about spirk? Thank you you so much for your content btw! 💖
Hi! Thank you so much <3 I’m happy you’re enjoying my posts! I’m sorry my answers aren’t interesting at all...
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it? It actually never crossed my mind to ship it. I know it's relatively popular, but when I started watching TOS, at first there was no Chekov, then Sulu was basically missing for half of season 2 after Chekov came... obviously, lack of screentime isn't a problem, but there never was a moment that would make me go !!! because I don't really remember them interacting much... (IF most of their interactions are actually in season 3 that explains it though) Though, their scene in the final frontier was fun!
What would have made you like it? Because it's basically the dynamic that isn't my cup of tea, I don't think there's anything that could... 
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? It seems like a very fun and uncomplicated ship (by that I mean little angst), but I honestly never gave it any thought. I'm sorry.
As for wlw ships, I like Michael/Tilly, but I'm also a very canon oriented person when it comes to ships (as in I don't like breaking up canon couples), and I enjoy Michael's canon romances, so it's a bit hard for me to ignore that part of her story. I also probably like Michael and Emperor Georgiou for the same reasons shippers do, but I don't ship them romantically. But it's one of my favourite relationships in Discovery!
As for your last question... (honestly, I was dreading the day someone would ask me this question lol) I don't ship it. Not even a bit. I like their friendship in the show just fine, but I pretty much avoid all fanon content/discussion. And I think it's better to leave it here. I don't mind clarifying, but because I'm not sure why you asked, and because most people like the ship, I don't want to just... go on some weird rant... because what's not shippy to me is shippy to others and vice versa
Thank you again for sending me questions!
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piccolina-mina · 5 years
I cannot speak for anyone else, and I'm not trying to. I can only speak for myself as an observer and a friend. And sometimes I feel really bad for bisexual fans, especially the bisexual men who are out, open, or quietly observing, and still active in the RNM fandom.
There used to be many bisexual men who shared their thoughts, but a few I remember left fandom. There are many women, but it still comes with a pressure and expectation to only appreciate specific parts of the series or face erasure if they don't comply.
It must be gratifying to have a strong bisexual character let alone a male character like Michael. You don't see it often at all. Bi characters are rare and bi men are like unicorns on TV, and how they are represented can vary. But one thing that has been consistent and obvious is that Michael is a character Carina has invested in a lot.
A lot of effort and care goes into how he's portrayed as a bisexual man. She seems very in tune and careful with how she wants to depict that, for better and worse, and sometimes at the expense of other aspects of the show that require sensitivity, awareness, and care too.
And I have seen how important that is to many bisexual fans but particularly bi men. But I can only imagine how difficult it has to be when you're seeing your representation onscreen -- you're seeing yourself reflected -- and you constantly see it regarded as "bad bi rep" usually over trivial things.
Michael is confident, out, unapologetic. He has an interesting story of presumably when he realized he was bisexual. He has those moments of insecurity, but he's consistent. And he's never treated as less than or not "manly" or anything like that by the majority of the characters -- the important characters.
His Bisexuality is never treated like a character flaw by the others.
His friends, acquaintances, siblings, and love interests don't look down on him for being bisexual. It's not the sole thing that drives his arc, or the only reason he's "relevant." He's a multi-dimensional character who happens to be bisexual instead of "the token bisexual character."
It seems pretty damn awesome.
But sometimes I imagine it has to be hard to see all of these factors and then see the frequent takes that he's "poor bi rep."
And it has to be invalidating that only one of his relationships matters and the other one is constantly torn apart.
Isn't that part of the "pick a side" frustration bisexuals face way too often? Why unwittingly perpetuate it so much?
Isn't the whole idea supposed to be that both of these relationships are valid and meaningful in different ways, and that's OK?
On the show you have Alex and Maria, and neither of them make Michael feel like crap because he's bisexual. Alex doesn't treat him like he's less queer for dating and sleeping with women. He doesn't shame him (something that has been known to happen with some popular queer ships like Calzona on Grey's Anatomy, for example) for being bi.
Any of the issues they have, have absolutely nothing to do with Michael's sexuality. That has to be refreshing.
And Maria doesn't judge Michael for being bisexual either. All fandoms as a whole, in general, tend to fetishize and/or love mlm ships, but as we know, irl wlw are fetishized and revered more, usually by straight men who think a woman's bisexuality is for their sexual pleasure, gratification or chance to have a threesome.
In real life, it's obviously difficult for bi men dating etc. For every Maria, there's a woman who only thinks she's a "beard" or pitstop until her bi lover is gay, or feels insecure that she can't give him something someone else can, or a plethora of other misconceptions and ignorance.
But Maria isn't like that. None of the drama surrounding her relationship with Michael had anything to do with him being bisexual. It was never about the parts of who he slept with, but her relationship with who he slept with.
And to hit home that Michael being bisexual didn't make him less desirable or attractive to her, they kissed after the truth came out. And they both enjoyed it.
People hate that and tear it apart, but I imagine that was also something important to show.
And then, fandom, fandom from all walks of life and different genders and sexualities find this bisexual character attractive and desirable.
It has to be messed up as a bi male fan to see part of the fandom, a great deal of them straight women be shamed or ridiculed or referred to as homophobic for liking Michael and Maria.
It has to be messed up for bi female fans to have their sexuality completely invalidated because they like miluca. To be called homophobic or biphobia despite being bi themselves for liking Miluca.
Or to have their love of this ship and this representation that is important to them reduced to them just wanting to self-insert with Michael (I mean, hey, what if it's about self-inserting with Maria? Because that's what a hell of a lot of queer miluca fans are thinking about).
Or to have them criticized for it if that's the case, but it's widely accepted that bisexual and straight fans can thirst over the two men just fine.
What is wrong about thirsting after one or both parties of miluca in equal measure as one would Malex? And doing it with them as a couple rather than individually? Why is that only an option with them separate but not with them together as it is with Malex?
Like, a (so far) straight female character is criticized for having feelings for this bisexual man and straight female fans are criticized for liking miluca, or hell, self-inserting with miluca, and finding this male character, who happens to be bisexual, attractive and sexy.
Bi female fans are criticized for liking miluca or self-inserting either way with Maria and Michael. Their sexuality is always questioned for enjoying this ship as if they're somehow less queer for enjoying it.
No one ever considers that they're enjoying the hell out of thirsting over Maria via this relationship. It IS Maria after all.
Michael is hot. Maria is stunning. Only one of these relationships is giving queer miluca fans Maria, right? Why is enjoying that via their relationship not an acceptable option? For bi fans of any gender? For straight fans?
To Maria, to the fans of the miluca ship, Michael's bisexuality doesn't matter or make him less than, or less attractive. He's accepted and cared about and desired.
And some people read that as latching on to a straight presenting ship and thus being inherently homophobic and biphobic, instead of seeing, and appreciating, and enjoying that there are no qualms, no judgment, no prejudice, no second guessing about shipping a presumably straight woman with a bisexual man.
His sexuality never hinders him from being shipped with anyone. It never stops him from being desired. It doesn't stop fans from enjoying and self-inserting either. He didn't stop being viable when it was revealed that he was bisexual.
And if people can see that and respond that way to a character they love, then maybe it breaks the stigma about dating, falling in love with or sleeping with bisexual men. Maybe people can apply that to real life too.
And that's the power of representation in media, and how influential it can be. That's something special and important too.
It's not something that happens easily, and like with any disenfranchised group, experiences are always different. It's not always the same for bi men versus bi women. Intersectionality comes into play. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that just a basic understand of people and their experiences.
Ironically, both experiences by both male and female bi fans are being invalidated and/or erased here often when it comes to this, which is very unfortunate and sad to see.
I mean, I can't shake the concept of someone's experience battling being rejected or invalidated, and then watching something where someone like you isn't being rejected or invalidated for their sexuality, and many of the viewers and fans aren't rejecting or invalidating this character's sexuality ... but then seeing some of those fans are rejected and invalidated for enjoying one or both of this characters' relationships. 🤔
Their acceptance, not tolerance, their acceptance of bisexuality is rejected and criticized. It doesn't make sense.
And yeah, it's a love triangle. But it's a love triangle between a bi man, a gay man, and a woman. Something you do not see often at all. And sexuality isn't the root of the tension or conflict. Nowhere. Not once.
It's played out like any other love triangle. It's normalized because the whole point is that bisexual people being attracted to more then one gender is normal.
They're subjected to the same things as everyone else, including love to hate love triangles.
I don't know. This isn't even in response to anything specific, it's just, sometimes, I really sympathize for the bisexual fans and friends, and I really feel bad for the bi men in the RNM fandom who thoroughly enjoy having this representation and enjoy both relationships and the depiction of what it's like having feelings for two different people for different reasons who then see parts of that which they appreciate and make them feel seen always ripped apart so often.
Man, it must feel like A LOT sometimes.
But again, I'm not presuming to know how anyone feels, and I certainly can't speak for them, but I would be lying if I said it didn't cross my mind on occasion.
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slutforbroadway · 5 years
i have some thoughts about the prom movie casting
you can read it if you wish, or not. I just need to vent. Also feel free to like/reblog.
Some of these may be popular opinions, others may not be. These are just my thoughts and I’d be more than happy to have a (respectful) conversation about the casting choices they’ve made 😊
First I’m gonna start off with the fact that Ryan Murphy is directing this. I have mixed feelings. While I was absolutely obsessed with Glee growing up (it very much still is a guilty pleasure) and have watched some of his other shows (American Horror Stories, Scream Queens, etc), I do still have my worries. He isn’t necessarily famous for his outstanding wlw representation so I was kinda surprised when he jumped on this. Maybe this will be his redemption, I don’t know. He does seem to be worrying more about big names than getting actors who are true to the characters. And his lack of diversity in his casting has me worried. With that being said, lemme jump into the four broadway stars.
Meryl Streep as Dee Dee Allen. She was good in Mamma Mia, she was good in Into the Woods. She can definitely sing, I have no worries she’ll do this role well. I really wasn’t that surprised to find out she was doing Dee Dee. I’m excited to hear her sing “It’s Not About Me” and “The Lady’s Improving.” While of course I wish Beth Leavel could reprise her role in the movie, I do believe Meryl will do a great job.
James Corden as Barry Glickman. This one I have mixed feelings about. I have been a fan of James since his old BBC Show “Gavin and Stacey.” I loved him in Into the Woods and think he’s done an amazing job both times he’s hosted the Tony Awards. I do believe he could sing “Barry is Going to Prom” well and sound good, he is a strong singer. Here’s my issue. Barry is a gay Jewish man. Brooks Ashmanskas is a gay man (I’m not sure if he’s Jewish). James is neither of those things. He’s just a straight, cis-gender, white guy. In all honesty I believe he’ll probably do a good job, I just wish they had cast someone else (like idk maybe Brooks, just a thought) that wasn’t straight, white, and/or cis. One name I’ve seen thrown around that would’ve made a great Barry was Tituss Burgess, and he would’ve been great. He has the Broadway experience from The Little Mermaid and the screen experience from Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt.
Nicole Kidman as Angie Dickinson. This one I’m just kinda meh about. I don’t have a strong opinion one way or another. I know she can sing since she was in Moulin Rouge and did an amazing job. She has the look, and maybe I’m going crazy but I thought I saw an interview where Angie said she would be fine with Kidman playing her in the movie. Although now I can’t seem to find that article, so maybe I dreamt it. All in all, I think she’ll do okay. I’m just happy they still have Angie and Trent in the movie and aren’t writing them out like the book.
Andrew Rannells as Trent Oliver. This one I am super excited for. I think Andrew would make an amazing Trent. I am so excited to hear him sing “The Acceptance Song” and “Love Thy Neighbor” and depending on who they end up casting for Emma and Alyssa those two may be the only songs I listen to from the movie soundtrack lol. I think he’s really gonna do this character justice and I’m very happy they found a gay man to play this role. I just wish they would’ve done the same thing with Barry. I think Andrew and Meryl (depending on how she does) may be the saving grace of this movie.
Awkwafina as Ms. Sheldon. I can’t speak on this one too much seeming as how I know absolutely nothing about her. I haven’t watched anything she’s been in or listened to any of her music. I do know she’s at least been to see the show which I don’t know if anyone else that’s been cast has. I could be wrong though. I do think it’s cool that they’ve cast a female in this role though.
Keegan Michael Key as Principle Hawkins. This is another one I don’t have a super strong opinion on. I have no idea how he is singing wise, but Hawkins only has the one song. Which they better not cut, because I think it’s a beautiful song. I think it’ll be interesting seeing him interact with Meryl Streep, hopefully they have as strong of a chemistry as Michael and Beth did. This is one of those wait-and-see things for me.
When it comes to Emma and Alyssa.
Obviously I would love to see Caitlin and Izzy reprise their roles. The likelihood of that happening? Not very. If Murphy wants to cast a big name in this movie for Alyssa Greene, I personally think he should go for Zendya. She can sing, she’s been in movie musicals before, and she’s a woman of color. She also could pull off playing a teenager way more than Ariana Grande ever could. When it comes to casting Emma I think they should look to the Jimmy Awards, as there are huge sources of talent coming from them. And the people that compete in the Jimmy Awards are (or were, as some of them have obviously graduated by now) high schoolers and are musical theatre performers. Lord help us if Murphy ends up casting Taylor Swift. 
TL;DR Meryl should be fine. They should have cast Tituss Burgess for Barry. I have no opinions on Nicole. Andrew will be great. I know nothing about Awkwafina, and Keegan I have no strong opinion on. Thank Jesus Ariana isn’t playing Alyssa. While I want Caitlin and Izzy to reprise, Zendya is my choice for Alyssa and they should look for actual musical theatre people to play Emma. I have hopes, but I’m setting the bar low.
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space-malex · 5 years
For the character asks: Alex Manes and Maria Deluca please. :)
NIIICE okay let us start with Alex then.
How I feel about this character: There’s a reason my tag for him is “my actual son”. Alex is my baby who I love more than anyone else. It’s funny bc malex as a ship is closer than most in terms of character favorites. I usually have a HEAVY favorite, and with them, it’s less so. But let’s be real here. Alex is my ride or die always and forever, with or without Michael (preferably with tho I mean lbr). Alex has been through so much and he is still such a good person. Being raised by an abusive bigot of a father, abandoned by a mother, and surrounded by asshole brothers...I really can’t imagine that life. But he’s lit from the inside and no amount of outside influence will snuff him out. He’s smart, brave, a sassy little monster and so, so, inherently good. It makes my chest physically tight to think about. He deserves the entire world, and I believe he could get it for himself.
Also he’s totally a Slytherin don’t @ me.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Malex. Just malex. I’m on the ride that is this show and I know we are getting other relationships for both of our boys, but they’re the epitome of true love. If they don’t make it work, it’s yet another example of gay tragedy. And I say that even if they ended up “happy” with other people. Because 99% of malex’s issues and struggle is rooted in the homophobic abuse they’ve both endured and the fear, trauma, and miscommunication that has resulted from that. To say they’d somehow be “better off” with someone else really writes off the struggles that so many queer folks go through and says that we can’t really have happy endings with our true loves bc it’s “too hard”. Fuck that. Oh I went off a little, sorry.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Kylex, obviously. If it wasn’t for malex I would ship that romantically bc I love friends to lovers but as it is, they’re my brotp for life. Also Alex and Maria. I love the mostly quiet support they have for each other and even though right now Maria isn’t making the best choices as a friend, I do think she will come around and we will get our baby besties back! Also in my wildest dreams: Alex and Isobel. I have a mighty need.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I think he shoulders more responsibility for the bad stuff that has happened to the pod squad (and Michael specifically) than he should. That’s that on that.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: He and Michael work their shit out obviously. Beyond that- I want more outsmarting his stupid ass family and being the cleverest most cunning best boy ever. Oh also- A FRIENDSHIP WITH ISOBEL. I adored Alex/Is in the OG, and obviously a romance isn’t in the cards for them due to Alex’s sexuality, but I still want that supportive friendship so damn much. Also the endless BDE and sassing, can you imagine!!
Now on to Maria!
How I feel about this character: I think Maria is a really good person who loves fiercely and is very loyal to the people in her life. She’s cool, funny, and supportive. Maria, much like Alex to me, are the HEART of any group they’re in. I do feel like she got the short stick in terms of writing in season one, and I hope for better in s2.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Isobel, Rosa, and possibly Kyle. But here’s the thing- I LOVE her dynamic with Liz and I would fucking ride or die that shit if there was a chance it would ever actually happen. But let’s be real-it never will. So I don’t really waste my time actively shipping something that I know could never happen when there’s good competing ships for it. That’s kind of the same thing for Max and Maria. I actually really thought they were cute and enjoyed their interactions, but there’s nobody for Max but Liz so I could never be invested with him and Maria. I find the idea of Maria and Isobel to be pretty fucking hot, enemies to friends to lovers plus it’s sort of flips the switch on the original ships and since we have Michael and Alex instead of Michael and Maria or Alex and Is, we can get the equivalent WLW ship in Maria and Isobel. Their chemistry is so good, too. I just need more interaction. Kyle is more like someone that could have potential but I’d need more interaction. And with Rosa... I admit the age difference could pose an issue, but I have thought forever that Maria was in love with Rosa when they were in high school. I still think this.  for me they would be like a heart ship that would end up very similar to echo and malex. 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Miluca. I’m still so goddam bitter that they threw away this potentially amazing brotp to add unnecessary (and forced feeling) sex/romance to yet another m/f dynamic. M&M could’ve been the besties of our dreams and now I worry we will never get it bc it’s gotten all complicated. I still hope that once the relationship has inevitably ended, we can get platonic candy back. Also I mentioned it with Alex, but Maria and Alex. I really love them and want more of them. And also marliz obviously.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Mentioned this earlier too but Maria was 100% in love with Rosa when they were teens. Evidence: 1) deeper relationship than anyone knew, including her bestie Liz since Liz did not know about Maria and Rosa sneaking on the crashdown roof regularly. 2) hated Isobel for a decade bc Rosa was avoiding her one single time. “Because Rosa hated her” I guess but no real evidence of that for Maria personally other than one memory. Long time to hold a grudge. 3) the alien evidence in 11- one big point of evidence is how the fourth alien felt about Rosa, and that’s never argued against by Liz or anyone else as a reason that it couldn’t be Maria. It’s like yeah okay the alien was in love with Rosa but it can’t be Maria bc it’s MARIA and she’s trustworthy!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: had happened- no stupid love triangle/m&m thing. Would happen- maribel or marosa but barring that I just want a cool story and for Maria to be her own character instead of just support to others.
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Do it do it do it write that meta about Michael and Dean’s good looks make me cry I DARE YOU
Ehe to be honest I don’t really have a point to make, but I’ll try throwing some concepts out there.
I was thinking yesterday (but I was exhausted and it didn’t go anywhere :p) that in lore the most beautiful angel (the most beautiful thing in creation?) is Lucifer, God’s favorite, with all the irony about the most beautiful angel also being the one that fell from grace and we know the rest. In Supernatural, the associations of beauty work differently. It’s obvious and repeatedly pointed out by characters that Dean and Sam are both very good looking, but whenever Sam’s looks are mentioned, it’s a sort of masculine attractiveness that fits with the heteronormative ideals of beauty for men, i.e. powefulness.
Even in the latest episode, when Kip the demon calls Sam ‘Beyoncé’ i.e. a female icon, he still refers to ‘the shoulders, the hair’ (hair being sort of generic and Sam’s glorious mane is just a specific trait of his, but broad shoulders are generally a trait appreciated in men - also in women by wlw but mainstream attractiveness in women by straight men is about being petite, not broad-shouldered). When Dean and Sam’s looks are commented together, it’s also about masculine traits - their jawlines, large builds etc. Basically, Sam is framed in the narrative as having good looks in a masculine way. Actually the Beyoncé comment, while it associated Sam to a woman, it’s a comment that basically attributes power to Sam: calling him a Beyoncé is not a way to degrade him, because Beyoncé is an icon of power and self-determination. If I call you a Beyoncé, I’m calling you amazing and fierce. Of course the demon Kip wasn’t actually just complimenting Sam, but there was a power dynamic underneath that, but his comments frame Sam as big and fierce and iconic with his large build and glorious hair and awesomeness.
With Dean, it’s a different story altogether: his looks are referred to in terms of prettiness, and when his looks are commented on independently from Sam, it’s about how his beauty is a sort of feminine one. There’s a history of characters using comments about his prettiness or delicate features as a weapon against him, to position themselves in a position of power over him (interestingly, often female characters, like Gwen Campbell or that friend of John’s in season 9, who would know what it means to be degraded over your appearance in a male-dominated environment, and would consider using that to their advantage if the occasion arises). He’s also referred to as a male-model type, and so on.
There is also enough subtext for us to infer that Dean’s looks were used as a tool when he was hunting with John, especially since there’s plenty of hints that Dean was often used as bait (not coincidentally, it repeatedly happens when they’re hunting vampires, like in season 1 with John and in season 6 with soulless Sam, because vampires are often used as allegories of situations of sexual assault and sexualized violence, and it’s absolutely not a coincidence that Alex was used as bait for men by her vampire family, in a reversal of how John used Dean as bait for monsters in their hunting, and in Alex’ case the sexual connotations of the situation was overtly textual; in season 6, Dean’s turning into a vampire is obviously framed as rape, but also in season 1 there is a sexualized layer to the scene. There’s more I could say on the topic but I’m trying not to digress too much). It’s also non canon but suggested by subtext and Jensen that Dean’s looks and body also brought cash in...
Long story short, there is a rich narrative around Dean’s beauty in terms of a feminine prettiness that is often used by other characters to establish power over Dean, or by Dean in the context of turning his body into a tool, and we’re definitely far away from the heteronormative ideals of masculinity. Dean is pretty, and he’s called pretty by characters who intend to degrade him with that kind of comment, he’s called pretty by a predator who violated his body (a vampire, again not a coincidence)... And he is the bait, often in situations with connotations of sexual violence that put Dean in the position of the victim.
Interestingly, Castiel has been always also associated to attractiveness, especially in terms of ‘sexiness’, but recently the narrative has re-established his looks in terms of prettiness, in fact, it’s been stated that Dean and Cas are equally pretty. It’s interesting because I’m taking it as a suggestion we need to read Dean and Cas as mirrors for each other whenever corporeity is concerned, and the latest episode definitely places Cas as a mirror for Dean. Cas and Dean both spend the episode unable to do anything, Cas is forced to stay immobile while demons attack his family and friends, obviously a parallel for how Dean is completely under Michael’s control. Kip makes a comment about how being bait is what Cas is for, which again makes him a mirror for Dean, so often the designated bait. (The same demon also makes a comment about Dean and Cas’ sexuality to put himself in a position of power over Cas, not an uncommon thing either).
So now Michael is possessing Dean, which is a metaphor for how Dean has been used as a tool by John and also how his body has never been ‘his’ to use as he genuinely wanted. The episode has a little bit of everything - negation of bodily autonomy, the concept of bait associated to the major Dean mirror, Dean being called pretty, and eventually even a vampire Michael is planning to use for his own ends (again, while Dean is usually used by someone else for their ends when it comes to vampires, at least when the vampire is the enemy, although Benny could be considered a reversal of this).
I am still not sure what to do with the fact that, in short, Michael is the Most Beautiful (equally with Cas but that’s partially relevant) and not Lucifer, like lore in real life says. And I’d say we need the entirety of the Michael!Dean storyline (at least when one is wearing the other) to really analyze what it means that Michael is using Dean’s looks. It’s interesting that Michael is embellishing the vessel with fancy clothes, which is not something angels generally do, so I’d say that Michael is in some degree considering the aesthetic part of wearing Dean, but I guess it’s a little early for arguments.
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blairwaldcrf · 6 years
Questions For LGBT Ladies #LGBTask
Here are some random questions pertaining to LGBT Ladies. Have others ask you or simply answer them yourself. Please reblog!
((I’m just going to answer them all because I’m bored and very vain))
1. How do you define your sexuality?  I identify with the label of bisexual, but my friends tell me i’m probably more pan
2. At what age did you first realize that you like girls? when I was 12 i freaked out because i noticed that girls in my grade were getting boobs and that made me feel things lmao, but i didn’t hardcore fall for someone till i was 17
3. At what age did you first come out? 17 to all of my friends, coworkers, and one of my cousins, 25 to my (mormon) biological family
4. Who was the first person you came out to? How did they take it? my cousin, who was gay and obviously very supportive... they’re now living a full life as a married transgender woman and inspire me every day! 
5. How out are you?  completely! flaming bi!
6. Has coming out lost you any friends? it did in high school, because most of my friends were mormon, but pretty much all of them came around
7. What is your current relationship status? single, trying to get over my ex fiance? type person
8. How many LGBT friends do you have? lol, um i’m blanking on all of them but i know at least 7 that i talk to frequently
9. Do you have any LGBT relatives? yep! one transgender/poly/pan cousin from my dad’s side... and i’m the gay cousin for my mom’s side lmao
10. Have you ever cut your hair super short? in elementary school my mom gave me the shortest pixie cut ever and everyone thought i was a boy... since then I’ve cut it semi short but never shorter than beside my ears
11. How often do you wear flannel? surprisingly not that often, i only have two flannel shirts
12. How much do you like cats? like at least 60% depending on the cat
13. Do you wear skirts and dresses? If so, how often?  i freaking love wearing dresses, but i hate skirts... dresses are like the least maintenance clothing ever
14. Do you wear high heels? If so, how often?  um no, they’re not my thing
15. Do you have any tattoos? If so, what of and where? yep, a cactus on my ankle
16. How accurate is your gaydar? 90%
17. Have you ever been to a gay bar or a gay club?  yes!!
18.  How do you feel when platonic female friends refer to each other as girlfriends?   fucking annoyed tbh
19. Have you ever had a crush on a straight girl?  hasn’t everyone??
20. Ellen or Portia?  Portia for sure, although i love my girl Ellen
21. Is your nose pierced?  nah
22 Would you ever want to get married, if not already?  i’m a hopeless romantic
23. Will you wear a dress for your wedding?  oooh yes and hopefully my wife will too
24. Would you ever want to give birth?  oh i would love to but i can’t physically
25. Have you ever watched The L Word? lmfao yes i’m a good bi
26. Have you ever dated a guy?  yep, and regretted it 7/10 times
27. How do you feel when someone uses the word gay to mean stupid, dumb, or boring?   obviously annoyed
28. How many rainbow items do you own? umm at least one flag
29. Have you ever been to a pride festival?  yes, i even got to walk in it!
30. Have you ever celebrated National Coming Out Day (October 11)? yes
31. Have you ever participated in the National Day of Silence? yes
32. Have you ever worn a woman’s suit?  hell yeah in middle school lmao
33. Have you ever worn any men’s clothing?  um i mean “men’s clothing” is a subjective term, but like I’ve worn men’s boxers and shit...?
34. Do you eat meat?  i love meat
35. Do you consider yourself a feminist? yep!
36. Who is your favorite LGBT celebrity?  ahhh, um... probably Ellen? Although Adam Rippon is starting to sway me lmao
37. Are you religious at all?  not particularly, although sort of neobuddhist/wiccan
38. How often do you find yourself trying to sneak a peak or staring at a cute female?   15/10 times
39. What is your ideal first date?   like, just any date where i’m with a girl tbh
40. Are you comfortable with terms such as lezzie, lesbo, dyke, or tranny?  sort of okay with lesbo, but the rest are offensive to me
41. How outdoorsy are you?  i fucking love camping and mountains
42. In general, has being open about your sexuality affected your relationships with other females?   yes, some lesbians i’ve dated were super biphobic
43. How much makeup do you typically wear?  in public, plenty. at home, none
44. Have you ever attended a gay or lesbian wedding?  yep!
45. Are you more feminine or more masculine?  i’m genderfluid, but slightly more masculine
46. How long is the longest relationship you’ve been in? Are you still with that person?  5 years, and no
47. Have you and a girlfriend ever been mistaken for sisters?  nope
48. Do you think it is possible for someone to truly be a 50/50 bisexual, or is the percentage always skewed in favor of one gender?   ugh this is literally the fucking worst question. bisexuality is valid no matter the percentage of any gender attraction you bitch muffin
49. Have you ever wished you were completely straight?   no tbh
50. Do you watch any LGBT YouTubers?  Rose and Rosie
51. Do you wear any combat boots, Doc Martins, or Timberlands?  combat boots
52. Have you ever been hit on by another female?   yes it’s an electrifying experience
53. How athletic are you?  i stand up sometimes
54. What are your views on gender identity and bathroom use?  free bathrooms
55. What is your opinion of septum/bull nose piercings?  not my thing
56. What does equality mean to you?  that everyone has an equal chance to achieve the same goal
57. If you are not a lesbian, about what percentage of the time do you find yourself attracted to other females?  99.9%
58. Have you ever shared clothes with a girlfriend?  lol yes it’s the best
59. Have you ever liked or dated a girl with the same name as you?  nah
60. How flirty are you?  pretty flirty, i’m a libra
61. Are you a virgin?  virginity is a construct, but no
62. Do you listen to any LGBT musicians (i.e. Tegan & Sara, Melissa Ehteridge, Chely Wright, Elton John, Sam Smith, George Michael, Adam Lambert)? in highschool me and my exgf would rock to emo tegan & sara
63. Have you ever been told that you are too pretty to be gay?   yep
64. Have you ever been discriminated against because of your sexuality or gender identity? If so, please explain.   all the fucking time... i don’t want a threesome, i’m not going to cheat because i’m bi, etc etc
65. Have you ever driven an SUV, Jeep, or a pickup truck?   nah
66. Are you or have you ever been a tomboy?   oooh boy, let me tell you. yes
67. Agree or disagree: Everyone is at least a little bit gay.  ummm, 90%?
68. What personality trait are you most attracted to?  intelligence
69. Boobs or butts?  boobs
70. Beer or wine?   hard liquor
71. Do you have a favorite lesbian movie?   ... it’s still Imagine Me & You... the leads are so god-tier beautiful
72. From 1-10, how attractive are muscular women?  9
73. From 1-10, how attractive are women who wear glasses? this is dumb
74. From 1-10, how attractive are women who are covered with tattoos? 8
75. From 1-10, how attractive are curvy/plus-size women? 9
76. From 1-10, how attractive are women with short hair? 6
77. From 1-10, how attractive are masculine butch women? 4
78. From 1-10, how attractive are highly intelligent women? 10
79. From 1-10, how attractive are tall women (i.e. around 6 feet or taller)? 7
80. Have you ever been on your period the same time as a girlfriend? lol yes
81. Has a girl ever dumped you for a guy? Have you?  i dumped a girl who was cheating on me with a guy
82. Do you carry a purse?  yes?
83. Do you wear any hats such as snapbacks or beanies? yes
84. Have you ever pretended to be completely straight? nope
85. Would you ever date a trans girl? yes!
86. How well do you think LGBT women are portrayed on television? not extremely well, but it’s getting better
87. Have you ever had a crush on a woman who’s much older than you?  Sandra Bullock..
88. Do you have any celebrity crushes? fucking Gal Gadot man
89. Do you have any opinions on LGBT people in the military?  keep them safe and start regulating sexual assault of all military members
90. Do you believe in love at first sight?  no
91. Have you ever been told that you look gay (i.e. like a lesbian)?  occasionally, depending on what i’m wearing
92. Where do you think is the best place to meet a potential lover? fuck if i know
93. Is there such a thing as “good” lesbian porn?  yes... if it’s made by lesbians
94. Have you ever had a one night stand?  lol yes, but not with girls
95. How often do you wear a bra? 91% of the time
96. Have you ever been part of a softball team?  lol no
97. If you could live your life all over again, would you still be attracted to other women?  honestly i’d rather be attracted to only women instead of being bi
98. What stereotype about LGBT women do you disagree with the most?  that bi women don’t belong
99. What advice would you give a girl who is struggling to figure out her sexuality?   watch Imagine Me & You
100. What advice would you give a girl who is struggling to come out?  it takes time... just let it happen and know that the time will come naturally
@caiterprince and @angryfinnstan  who I know are wlw, you should answer some of these if you want because i love you and want to get to know more!!!
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flockofdoves · 4 years
was trying to think of a way to divide up ocs on toyhouse so i don’t get too embarrassed about them yesterday but then it turned into just trying to list like every character i’ve ever made the vast majority of them i’d never put on toyhouse lol. but this was fun for myself even though i definitely forgot chracters and even whole stories from when i was younger
kinda old (definitely need updating they’re from when i was 17/18 and haven’t done much in recent years but nonetheless are my most recent ocs and i would probably like to do something with them someday still):
all the alienated characters - raul and michael primarily, also side characters like their relatives (lennie, joaquin, marcell, maybe also shinsuke, natalia, nina, naomi, hana, leela, etc) and friends (still need to name them lol) etc
justicia (less set on doing her story any time soon compared to alienated, but still theres something to it i might want to work with someday)
pretty old (like i was 16-17)
gf debate characters (this is actually older than a lot of the ones i list as even older in this list but i kept working on them til i was like 17 so they hold up better even if i don’t want to finish making their story anymore) - isaac, micah (micah is literally kinda from when i was 12 lol but i brought her to like 3 different stories and she was a boy in the first one too so shes basically not that character anymore), and then side characters like mirabel (originated in same story at 12 as micah), ayçin, anna, micahs mom and her wife, micahs cousin (another one from that old story) etc
those ocs that literally none of them have names or barely personalities i only ever did character sketches and basic concepts but its like a ghost story thing i was gonna do - 12 y/o baby butch protag, the ghost girl, baby butch’s trans girl cousin, cousins trans guy friend
really old (characters from when i was like 14-15 that did not really develop much from there. most of these are characters i have had fun with and maybe drawn since but are goofy and don’t hold up in a lot of aspects and most of them i’ll probably never pick up for stories again)
football lesbians - monica, wanda, and rania
pigeon magical girls (technically maybe i actually finished a very abbreviated version of their origin story for a school art project when i was 15 lol but i planned to do more back then and now i dont want to) - zehra, ronni, the pigeon, probably not amy and zoë that was just a cameo for myself of ocs from when i was like 11 lol
naomi’s story (this one i might actually want to do something with someday, i wrote a short story about it plus a bit more, but i have to make some serious changes i don’t really think i thought of some of the implications of some stuff in it before) - just naomi and the ghost basically. not to be confused with naomi in alienated who is michael’s sister they are not at all the same person
assorted characters that never really had a story - mels and cvijeta, charlotte (thought about putting her in football lesbians. she does basketball but. jock wlw you know)
really really old (characters from late middle school, like 13-14)
uhhh that wizards story. it never had a name idk. i still kinda like them though tbh even if i’ll never do anything with them anymore - tess, ali, nataline, brandy, mo, remora, cnidarian
really really really old (characters from the middle of middle school, like 12-13. at this point my recollection of what came before what might be kinda off tho)
that fae folk in pennsylvania and ohio story - emilia, ilana, micah (first version! lol), mirabel, that boy that i just hate and don’t remember the name of and resent making a character that had a crush on micah, micahs cousin, darling/angel (a faerie that just went by terms of endearment as if they were names), uhhh the second group of characters in a different more rural town i tried to write that i dont remember the names of
haunted victorian house story - benji, aisha, elizabeth
updated onex arget (fantasy world i wrote about a lot when i was in elementary school) story - nai, rieae
idk this story never had a name and barely a plot beyond ivy and victor becoming friends and venting to each other - victor, ivy, miles, maitê
forks and spoons (story i improvised with my little cousin who was like 8 at the time lol) - florimundi(?), i’m forgetting literally all 3 of the other characters names lol (maybe reese and victor for two of them??? but maybe not bc those are also other very old characters that idk if i reused the names of)
theo and ted - theoni and theodore (aka theo and ted!), oh also that guy they meet who wears like. a trench coat iirc
super old (characters from the later half of the 6th grade and early 7th, like 12ish)
really dumb story about a closeted trans person with did getting transformation powers - i actually dont remember the main character and their main other alters names anymore, i remember the other character they had a crush on stephan though
all those characters in bands that i never actually could settle on a story for beyond a variety of interpersonal drama. very inspired by the webcomic jenny hanniver tbh - avery, mark, etti, adrian, xavier, pepper, uhhh theres literally So Many more of them and also so many i dont remember the names of anymore but just for some that come to mind. that periwinkle colored hair in a bowl cut character that always wore a beanie who was in avery’s band whos names on the tip of my tongue (maybe that was etti and the character i’m calling etti was called something else?? maybe victoria? maybe andy? maybe andy was an entirely different 3rd character?? idk. actually yeah i’m positive bowlcut character was etti rereading this), xaviers ex-boyfriend who was obsessed with homestuck (lmao), that guy with red hair i accidentally directly ripped off the design of some jenny hanniver character, that goth guy with braces and glasses (maybe he wasnt in this?), that screamo band with 2 lead singers, that guy with brown hair that said he was straight with an exception (msfdkjghhsfd god), that person with the emo haircut in flame colors, this literally is not even all the characters lol
extremely old (largely from 6th grade, like age 11ish. weird period of time where i suddenly wanted to write about romance but thought it had to be straight but then very quickly was like ‘wait actually nvm i have a laptop now and think i’m bicurious i’m only gonna write about gay people)
gsa story (this might have been the summer before 7th actually but it feels distinctly before the other stuff in the last category so idk maybe just my whole impression of when i made things for middle school is off) - emmy(?), allie(?), noah(???), some other kid, i think noah(?) or the other kid got reused to be the guy i regretted making a part of that faerie story who liked old micah lol, maybe more kids, their teacher
idk that kid with blue hair and black eyes with white irises and his sister
middle school lesbians - leah and cass
lesbian who works in food service and there were weird references to comic books but filtered through me referencing an obscure emo humor youtube channel that made jokes about comics i’d never read - amy, zoë, amy’s straight best friend i dont remember the name of??
tosca (this wasnt straight romance but it was like the last thing pre me always having lgbt main characters) - idk. there were two characters i drew like once. theres nothing to note about this except wanting to make it is what made me learn about webcomics
that story i posted the first chapter of on quibblo about a hippie girl (somehow in 2010?? dont ask me) and an emo boy liking each other before abandoning to never write about cishet romance again. didnt even get to the romance part lol - i forget her name. maybe it was april? maybe it was florimundi and i reused it later for another character, nix, reese (her goth lesbian best friend. thank god for reese)
first attempt at straight romance. also about like. idk. fantastical powers in clouds in providence rhode island - selia, shay, cassandra, selias other friend i forget the name of??
ancient (literally elementary school ocs. obviously theres a lot of grades covered here but its just my memory and ability to reference this is so loose idk if i could even try to accurately divide it further)
shadow magic - mezzaluna, her aunt tabby(?), alexa
a, j, & j (barely counts i didnt do anything with them. those are the only characters also)
arine (some of these characters might not be arine characters and just from other onex arget (fantasy world i wrote a bunch of stories in and made a shitty conlang for and stuff) stories but i just dont really remember) - lia, lias sister, dibujurm, that other fantastical creature who was friends with dibujurm i forget the name of that kinda looked like calcifer from howls moving castle but fuzzy not an actual fire (maybe isigo??), emiaelaesa, that obnoxious prince (i think the story was called arine bc that was his name?), the prince’s servant, there absolutely were more
the musical adventures of shiri and don - shiri, don, some evil villain and his henchmen
rosington (there were like no characters besides her. weird junie b jones rip off with nonsensical humor to everyone but me)
that tree prophecy story (maybe set in onex arget?) - nico, emi (?? maybe not her name), their uncle (i forget his name, maybe lester?), their uncles shipmates, that fortune teller
idk some kid that goes on a scavenger hunt to solve a mystery on vacation in like bermuda or something where he meets some quirky girl character who helps him. thats all
i had some characters that started out as me trying to draw characters from the book hoot by carl hiaasen but for some reason then turned into my own ocs and looked nothing like those characters were described and also basically had nothing to do with them in personality and action beyond name after a while. - beatrice and napoleon. this was in a phase where i got a ‘how to draw anime’ book and napoleon straight up looked like a yugioh character his hair was ridiculous
those fake siblings i made up and lied to a substitute teacher in kindergarten about me having 6 siblings because of for absolutely no reason even though i only have one sibling irl
imaginary friends i shared with my brother and then made stories about - theres so many of these, the most important though was chick-chick-chick. who was a very small chick who wore a top hat. and then he had a family(?) of infinitely smaller chicks (chick-chick-chick-chick, for example) the more “chicks” you added to the name
0 notes
Just finished the second Night Vale novel It Devours! that I got my hands on when I got a hold of my pre-order yesterday. (So sue me. College strike up here gave me some free time)
So some thoughts?
Firstly I’d just like to say that I LOVE the ending. Specifically I love the way the relationship between Nilanjana and Darryl ends. GOD that was so refreshing! Honestly their relationship felt rushed and empty anyway and it was SO fucking nice to see a realistic potential end to a new adult relationship.
In regards to the early parts of the relationship? The writing seemed to have a preoccupation with kisses and lips that squicked me more then anything, but I’ve never been a big kissing person in general so maybe it’s just that.
The sex mentioned, especially with how explicitly they did so, kind of felt... I’m just going to say it, a little annoying? *sigh* Now I get that there aren’t too many places where even this minor level of detail and frankness about sex could come up, but seeing what felt like the first slightly more explicit handling of it then like, Carlos jokingly getting turned on by science or some such as the podcast has done (Not counting the semi-obscure and one time live show they recently did of course. Night Vale after dark I THINK it might have been called? With Cecil and Dylan reading some nsfw content?) what felt like the first more explicit handling went to... well a hetero sex scene and, eh, call me a bitter queer but like, ANY thing else would have felt more interesting. Idk, I was just rather meh about the whole thing.
Oh and well I’m at it, “Sex in Night Vale take’s a little longer, but when it starts it happens much like anywhere else.” also felt kind off to me. Just picky queer sex positive feminist things I guess. It ain’t a big thing, but if anyone else had written it I’d be rolling my eyes going “yo there’s more then one way to fuck my hetero dude friend. It’s not all about cis ass, able bodied penis in vaginal sex.) but again, that’s just me being picky as SHIT because I, to be frank, expect a heckuva lot from Night Vale what with them consistently delivering for 3 year (Specifically how long I’ve been listening I mean. Don’t recall how many year’s they’ve been around in general.)
Also like, the lead up TO the sex was weird? We had a window into both their heads but at no point were we lead to believe they were physically particularly attracted to each other before the sex? It jumped from “maybe he’s kind of cute” to fucking? Like give us a few bits of her (preferably her because fuck yes not shying away from female sexuality) eyes getting caught on his body or some overt desire or something. Direct us to something that says “physical” attraction. (and let’s REALLY not have it be a possessive stereotype about her getting jealous over some female friend of his and taking it out by getting touchy feely with a guy she barely knows for that matter) It just felt really flat. Really lacking it what should have been easy build up. Minor build up, because sex can absolutely and should absolutely be shown sometimes as something human, and pleasant, and potentially just chill and fun to do, but like, we have an internal view of their heads, as such we should have seen SOME small nudge of physical attraction before hand. Some tug. Don’t give the audience nothing and then expect them to buy a relationship that, as it turns out in the end, was largely just based on good/fun sex.
Um, also; IF anyone else had written that whole “let’s cosign forms and get blood work done, lol look how long this is taking” pre-sex bit, then I honestly would have taken it as a “consent is a mood breaker and millennials are prudish idiots ruining sex with their safe sex and their checks for consent.” Idk. That joke felt a little off the mark. Just me being picky again.
Another thing? Nilanjana is fat! Yaaay! That was unexpectedly cool! (Would have preferred if they had said “fat” versus “overweight”. Fat’s not a dirty word, being fat isn’t a reflection on your morals and all that, but hey, not everyone is up with the latest fat acceptance stuff I guess. But like, “over” weight. Over whose weight? Over what supposed perfect weight? Is that supposed to be your short hand for “doesn’t exercise” ‘cause those sure as hell aren’t inherently connected. Correlation doesn’t equal causation. Pbthhh. >.>)
Speaking of being picky, or maybe this was just a very clever sign that Darryl and Nilanjana’s relationship wouldn’t work out in the long term, did Nilanjana REALLY have to get so jealous and competitive with Stephanie? Did she have to instantly dislike and distrust her because of “the way Darryl looked at her”? Because to recap that made all the women in the book in relation to Nilanjana, judgemental, shallow, and foolish (Lusia), cold, untrustworthy, and naive (Stephanie. “Naive” because of her religion in Nilanjana’s books and soooort of by the narrative as well), literally just a world threatening zealous cultist (Munn), or a goofy, initially untrustworthy sidekick (Jamillah).
I mean even Josh Crayton got better billing in this round then either his mum or Jackie who got tiny cameo’s each. =/ I would have liked to see more of those two.
While we’re on the subject of female characters. NIGHT VALE PLEASE. PLEASE give us some more background or remotely confirmed wlw!!! Jeeze. Seriously! We got another random background guy, or at least person getting refereed to with he/him pronouns who got a boyfriend, (The helicopter fellow) and though we already knew Josh was bi/pan otherwise not straight, he got a briefly mentioned boyfriend in this one! And of course the show focus is always Cecil and Carlos which racks the points waaay up for amazing, awesome mlm representation. We DID get a tiny cameo from Basimah Bashara which was neat, and a small moment with Michael Nguyen, but that’s the thing with those two and wlw in Night Vale in general isn’t it? While one can... hope? Somewhat with evidence? That Maureen and Michael might be a couple now, might be positive wlw representation, that was never actually made super clear. (Looking back on it it WAS made super clear with Basimah, so good on them with that!)
There’s also Jackie and Sheriff Sam. I HAVE to say, I was absolutely PREYING Jackie and Dana got together when Jackie mentioned she was dating someone from “high up in the government” so the let down I felt from finding out it was Sam instead came mostly from that. =p (Give Dana a girlfrieeend. Sure there’s always Alice Isn’t Dead but that ain’t the same. =p) Sam uses they/them pronouns and we can probably safely assume from that that they’re meant to be NB, genderqueer, genderfuild, or otherwise just not a cis character, so that’s wonderful, and Jackie dating them pretty much pings her as some variety of queer (or at least queer friendly, but then the majority of Night Vale is.) as well, so that’s also neat! I dooon’t think we had that from her before? Maybe there was something in the first book I’m forgetting. (I am personally mad happy that Jackie is queer or at least chill with nb folk, as she reminds me of myself in way too many ways. Awkward high-fives and “dude’s” and all.) That being said, how old is Sheriff Sam? I always pictured them at like 40 something from the voice. >.> Lol apparently not.
So on a more world building, less representation based note; Kevin.
Kevin is a prophet in the churches lore apparently. That’s neat? I guess? Here’s the thing, when WAS the Joyous Congregation founded? And my main concern; when did Kevin go through the Old Oak Door that showed him the smiling god for the first time??? The Congregation, or at least the general concept of the religion of the smiling god seems fully formed back during the Strex arc, and more then that Kevin hasn’t (as far as we know. Also please Finknor give us more Kevin. Triptych Broke. My. Heart. and I’m begging you.) been back to Night Vale or otherwise out of the desert other world since the time Steve pushed him in at the end of the Strex arc.
I don’t WANT to think that Kevin founded the whole religion. It’s always seemed very much like a thing that existed before him and more importantly not a thing he did before Strex!him if you will, but who knows I guess. =/
That’s the thing. I always thought of the smiling god AS ENTIRELY a Strex concept, and I’m going to wager a guess that at least at the start Finknor did too. It’s so tied into Strex. Inseparable from Strex’s meaning and purpose. Smile. Work. Be empty. Pretend to be happy. Smiling IS Strex, it’s a Strex thing, so it kind of made me feel... like it felt a bit rewrite-y to not even mention Strex at all during this book?
I mean was the smiling god NOT behind Strex? Was the congregation not at least back a couple years ago indistinguishable from Strex? Idk. These are all questions I have.
Talking about things that feel rewrite-y, I’m not sure I did the idea of Carlos actually being in the desert other world for TEN YEARS. Here’s the thing. We were, at the very least, as the audience lead to believe that Cecil and Carlos were thinking of LIVING there. Of moving there. a MASSIVE freaking part of the Carlos in the desert other world arc had us second guessing Carlos and Cecil’s whole relationship ffs! That WAS the subtext of the arc! The purpose! That Carlos seemed more interested in science and research of the desert other world then getting back to freaking Cecil! And now you’re going to claim that not only was he there ten years, which we had NO foreshadowing of during the arc at ALL as far as I can see, but he only ever wanted desperately to get home? Again the twist at the end of the desert other world arc is Cecil unexpectedly NOT MOVING THERE. WHAT? Nah man. That was some silly re-write stuff right there. Contradicting what world building we have on the desert other world until now.
Another thing highly related to that? Where the fuck was the nomadic giant army?? Or hell, even just Kevin and that dumb roller coaster they built? (I GUESS you could say that they all... died... ? And the roller coaster... vanished completely? But nah. Not really because aging doesn’t work there now does it?) Doug and Elisha thanks? Yet more stuff that made Carlos seem at home (and for that matter time passing relatively similarly from the sort of relationships he formed and reported on) in the desert other world. Ugh. I really don’t like that whole ten years thing. It seemed excessive too. Like two or even three years would have been more believable from what we saw of Carlos during that time, and even with only the single year I could already understand Carlos being traumatized from the event. Idk.
Speaking of world building for the desert other world? Assuming we keep with previous would building regarding it we are NOT done with it yet. Or rather, we probably shouldn’t be. There’s WAY too much going on there. Kevin’s still in there, he named it DESERT BLUFFS ffs. (I’m still waiting for the day we get the plot twist that the other world IS the desert bluffs we know from the past or something very similar to that. I also noticed a hella conspicuous absence of talk about desert bluffs OR the desert other world during the Huntokar revelations of the last finished arc. That place is MAD secret to the point that it’s not even on the radar of Huntokar, and probably The Glow Cloud, Distant Prince, Woman from Italy and other elder god type things.)
Then there’s Dana’s drawings up on the mountain. The spiraling murals of triangles I believe it was? We are NOT done with that place. I know at the end Darryl is like “well maybe the smiling god wasn’t that stupid centipede” and we’re supposed to at least sort of think like Nilanjana and be like “Yea huh. Sure. You just want to think that to protect your beliefs.” but honestly yeah, I don’t remotely think the centipede was really... the smiling god? Unless like I said, Kevin started the religion all together which I very much hope he didn’t? So yea, probably not the smiling god, DEFINITELY not the biggest threat in the desert other world. Up until now the “light” trying to get into Night Vale has been really obtuse and obscure. Really vague and therefore menacing and cool. I don’t think Finknor are bad enough writers to just toss all that away on a giant centipede. I’m a cynical person. Usually I’d add “At least I hope not” to that sentence, but damn it all if I don’t KNOW that Finknor are better writers then that.
Also there was the whole “hey wait the “ritual” to summon the god probably wasn’t just a coincidence” idea dropped in there to explore. So yeah. Lot’s to look at still.
Speaking of the ritual? Did you guys caaaaatch iiiiiit??? The jumping. How frantic jumping was a big part of the ritual? Maybe I’m just reaching but it sounded SO much like Kevin’s narration jumping bit from way back in The Sandstorm that Cecil mirrors with his own narration bit in his episode.
I’m SOOOO glad we got a glimpse into additional meaning for that kid jumping trying to recapture the feeling of flight scene for Kevin. It would be cool if more meaning was discovered for it in the future.
I’ve always read Cecil’s retrospective kid scene in those episodes as maybe relating too whatever happens in Cassette Tapes, or maaaybe some weird shit with Kevin himself in a metaphorical or otherwise obscured reference to why the heck the whole doubles thing happens anyway. (Also again, doubles, Desert bluff weirdness. Another thing I attributed to possibly the smiling god that could definitely not be if it were just a centipede, but honestly whether it’s a centipede or not I think it would be much more interesting if the smiling god was only a corrupting force for Desert bluffs and not the “weird Night Vale thing” that causes them to exist in the first place. And like I said? What’s cool is that it seems to not be Huntokar’s fault either that Desert Bluffs exists so that’s neat. That mean’s there’s some other weird shit going on there for us to find out.)
Ok one thing I forgot about the time rules of the desert other world and Kevin? You don’t AGE in the desert other world. Kevin when he contact Cecil in the last section of Triptych say’s he is very old. Now he could mean ancient as in “lived a very long time” but he specifically says “very old” and seems like his health might even me failing. Certainly he puts on a different voice. Anyway, all that leading up to the theory that we can extrapolate from that that Kevin will escape the desert other world at some point. Which isn’t too much of a stretch, and I think we all kind of expected (and I desperately hoped for after Triptych tyvm. FFS Cecil if you know how he ends up and also what he used to be like why not GO SAVE KEVIN FROM THAT FATE! Jeeze man! I really wish that had been part of the arc following Triptych and genuinely thought it might be. Like please. Cecil how can you just leave him there???)
All and all I liked the first novel a LOT more, but I liked this novel. Heck if it it wasn’t from Night Vale crew, meaning I had kind of hyped standards for it already, it probably would have been super awesome.
I mean there were some parts of the first novel I didn’t like, and I’m feeling some similar feelings regarding how the smiling god and desert other world turned out looking a bit mundane in this story and left a lot of “but if they were really just this, then why this old plot point” feelings just like the Man in the Tan Jacket did last novel (WHY was he interested in the underground city damn it? Especially with what we now know about Huntokar? WHY was he working with the Apache Tracker? What the hell were they doing? What was the post office all about?) but all and all I still preferred the first novel to this one. It felt more... human I guess. Had that good good recognizable story about a mom and her kid, growing up, parents, relationships, becoming an adult and a helluva lot of other stuff. Not that this one didn’t have a neat story about religion and science (that part honestly felt a little too basic for me) and fitting into one’s communities (that part was alright) but the first novel just hit the right cords more. Personally at least I felt more attached to everyone AND enjoyed the treatment of the themes more. Idk exacccctly why, but I absolutely enjoyed the first novel way more. It felt more like it’s own entity. A valid reason to use a different medium. A really new and cool thing where we could step into the shoes of likeable, fully rounded characters. This novel felt a lot more like a sometimes wacky one off live show with new characters or something. =/ I still enjoyed it, but not as much, and mostly the parts I did enjoy were all humor and surreal Night Vale goodness.
Alright. Well. That ends my rambling for now. I’m sure I’ll have many instances of trying to get to sleep and thoughts of the novel bouncing around in my head begging me to write them down or otherwise talk about them, so I guess I gotta emphasize the “for now” part.
This is long as shit and I’d be mildly surprised and utterly flattered if anyone can make it through my rambling.
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brotherzachariah · 7 years
"#the last hours #not gonna lie #i want nothing to do with this series if matthew and james aren't canon" really? wtf?
yes, i said it.
first of all, james and matthew are very gay/bi/pan-coded in nothing but shadows, the book from shadowhunter academy where they meet and basically follow the classic enemies to friends to lovers trope that we all love so much. there are so many quotes that made myself as well as my best friend (we are obsessed with this otp together) believe that james and matthew were into each other in a non-straight/bro way. here are a few:
“That was when Matthew Fairchild said, “Sir,” and smiled.
James had forgotten about The Smile, even though it was often broken out to great effect at family parties. The Smile won Matthew extra time before bed, extra Christmas pudding, extra anything he wanted. Adults were helpless to resist The Smile.
Matthew gave his all to this particular smile. Butter melted. Birds sang. People slipped about dazed amid the butter and birdsong.”
okay sorry but does one really wax that fucking poetic about some guy they’re not attracted to? no.
then later, to further prove this point:
“Matthew glanced at him and smiled: it was The Smile, gradual and illuminating as sunrise, and James had the sinking feeling that he might not be immune after all.”
ha. not immune to The Smile. james refers to matthew’s smile as a proper fucking noun. that’s not gay at all, folks. also, referring to your bro’s smile as being akin to the sun, just bros being bros.
“I was jealous of you first. I was jealous of everything about you, and I still am.”
“Wait,” said Matthew. “Wait, wait, wait. You don’t like me because I am so very charming?”
He threw his head back and laughed. He kept laughing. He laughed so much that he had to come and sit beside James on the step, and then he laughed some more.
“Stop it, Matthew,” James grumbled. “Stop laughing. I am sharing my innermost feelings with you. This is very hurtful.”
“I’ve been in a bad mood this whole time,” said Matthew. “You think I’m charming now? You have no idea.”
James punched him in the arm. He could not help smiling. He saw Matthew noticing, and looking very pleased with himself.”
“He found Matthew looking at him. Matthew had known, all the time, exactly where he was.
“Jamie,” Matthew said, sounding unsettled but impressed. “That was terrifying.”
“It’s James, for the last time,” said James.
“No, I’m calling you Jamie for a little while, because you just displayed arcane power and calling you Jamie makes me feel better.”
James laughed, shakily, and that made Matthew smile. It did not occur to them until later that a student was dead, and the Shadowhunters feared and distrusted the demonic—that somebody would be blamed. James did not discover until the next day that his parents had been informed of everything that had transpired, and that he, James Herondale, was now officially expelled.”
to quote my best friend and roommate “when ur gonna be expelled but it’s chill bc ur crush smiled at u”
“Father, please,” James said in a quiet voice.
“Mr. Herondale, please!” said Matthew. “We cannot be parted.” James braced himself for the explanation about truth and beauty, but instead Matthew said, with devastating simplicity: “We are going to be parabatai.”
James stared.
Father said: “Oh, I see.”
Matthew nodded encouragingly, and smiled encouragingly.
“Then nobody should come between you,” said Father.
“Nobody.” Matthew shook his head as he said “nobody,” then nodded again. He looked seraphic. “Exactly.”
now here comes the gayest quote
“We don’t . . . have to be parabatai,” Matthew said, his voice quiet under the sound of the blast. “I said it to make your father take me with you, so I could execute my new plan, but we don’t . . . have to. I mean, unless you . . . maybe want to be.”
James had thought he wanted a friend like himself, a parabatai who was shy and quiet and would enter in on James’s feelings about the terror of parties. Instead here was Matthew, who was the life and soul of every party, who made dreadful hairbrush decisions, who was unexpectedly and terribly kind. Who had tried to be his friend and kept trying, even though James did not know what trying to be a friend looked like. Who could see James, even when he was a shadow.
“Yes,” James said simply.
“What?” said Matthew, who always knew what to say.
“I’d like that,” said James. He curled his hands, one around his father’s coat sleeve, and one around Matthew’s. He held on to them, all the way home.”
moving on to my actual points.
i feel like it’s important to take into account that so far, emma and julian are the only parabatai relationship that’s been canon. (unless you count michael and robert, but since they never acted on those feelings in canon, and it never actually came to fruition bc robert had his Big Gay Panic, i’m not counting it for the sake of this argument.) if cassie is really telling us that in her four main series, as well as her side novellas and miniseries, etc. the only parabatai relationship we get to actually see be together and fall in love is a cishet couple, i will fucking scream. that’s really homophobic and gross, considering. but honestly cassie has never been into qu**r-baiting, that’s not her style. and homophobia has never been her thing. which is why i have to believe that matthew and james will be canon.
also, matthew is obviously not straight. and i’m not going to search for the ask, but cassie was once asked about matthew’s sexuality specifically, and she was like “i would rather… wait… till the books come out… for you to know.” or something to that degree. like, fam she would never say that if matthew was straight. like i said, not a qu**r-baiter. matthew is obviously into james, and their relationship as i said before was gay/bi/pan-coded in nothing but shadows. BUT you say, MAYBE james is straight and matthew’s love for him is just one-sided! and then he just ends up with a random dude side character!! um, no. that’s the same thing that happened with alec-jace-magnus in the mortal instruments. it would be lazy af to run with that same storyline again, and i honestly would fucking lose my mind if i had to deal with another unrequited gay parabatai love story ever again.
next, and honestly this is REALLY important to me as someone who’s not straight. clary, tessa, and emma. the three /main/ characters of the last three series were fucking straight. they were written straight in the books. canonically straight. yes obviously we all headcanon them as lgbt bc why wouldn’t we, but the point is that the narrative painted them as straight. (disclaimer, i have not read lord of shadows yet, so if emma and christina somehow got together in that book, i take this statement back.)
with her fourth and possibly final (??) series coming out, how could she pass up the chance to make the main character lgbt? the world has changed since she started publishing her books ten fucking years ago in 2007. readers and publishers are much more open and willing to accept lgbt main characters and main relationships. she made alec gay back in 2007, which honestly seemed groundbreaking at the time, but having a side lgbt relationship in your novel is hardly groundbreaking in 2017. everyone’s doing that. but, she has a chance now, with all her popularity and money, and the fact that her books no matter what are instant bestsellers, to finally make her /MAIN/ main character non-straight. she can do anything she fucking wants. so!!! why!!! not!!! make!!! james!!! fucking!!! herondale!!! bisexuall???
and another thing, while i’m ranting like the crazy person that i am. yes, clearly james and cordelia get ~married and have kids or whatever the fuck according to that family tree we saw when clockwork princess came out. BUT keep in mind that at the time, cassie herself said that the family tree had purposeful inaccuracies and she left out the fairchild family line on purpose.
cordelia imo is obviously going to bi, pan, or a lesbian, and end up with anna. that’s just my two cents, and honestly i’m really happy about that because in all her fifty or so books, the amount of wlw is astoundingly low. obviously theres helen/aline, but they are background characters and a background relationship, and we didn’t even see them get together. so i’m glad there will be a wlw relationship in the core main group of the last hours. STILL though, still, that just means that cordelia and james got fake married so they could be with other people. but back to my original point: it makes more sense for that person to be matthew, rather than grace.
another thought to consider is that tlh and tda are meant to parallel each other in multiple ways. i know this seems obvious, but i have to believe that one of these parallels is the whole falling-in-love-with-your-parabatai-making-you-both-monsters drama that jem brought up. JEM, who had a very close relationship with his favorite nephew james and tried to comfort him when james thought he was ‘becoming a monster’ in nothing but shadows. i haven’t even read lord of shadows yet but idgaf bc this obviously still holds up.
tldr; obviously james and matthew should and can be together. and like i said in those tags, if they aren’t i have no interest in the book series.
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Thinking Globally: Chu’s presentation at GDC 2017
http://www.gdcvault.com/play/1024266/Thinking-Globally-Building-the-Optimistic @kerrigore pointed me in the direction of this and said that I should watch this presentation.  I must say, it was well-worth my time: it’s a little bit over an hour long, but Michael Chu goes into an interesting discussion on three main things:
Creating the world and background setting of Overwatch
Developing the characters and their personalities from their gameplay mechanics
Translating 1 and 2 into the game, comics, animations, and videos (”how we tied it all together in one crazy team-up story”)
I think I’m gonna end up making separate posts on the different parts that stick out the most to me but for some interesting sound bites:
Chu outlined the major “guiding principles” of the entire development team’s process: 1) make it “a future worth fighting for,” 2) “focus on heroes...lots of heroes,” 3) “context in game, story outside.”  Number 1 is focusing on an idealized sort of future that is both realistic (grounded in the real world) and sci-fi based (based on sci-fi technologies).  He said that the team wanted a vision of the Earth that was not “unobtainable” as many sci-fi stories are (aka set “two-thousan years in the future”), but they didn’t want the “gritty, dark” versions of present day Earth that many other video games present.  So they settled on something more halfway (”60 years in the future”).
“Trust your audience” - this one was interesting because Chu said this was the rationale behind why the team presents its story as they do.  He argues that “trusting your audience” to solve the mysteries is more rewarding and engaging than just handing out the lore when the game launches.  While I agree with the principle of the idea (trusting your audience to be smart and witty enough to put pieces together), I don’t fully agree with Blizzard’s current methods for releasing lore, especially the pace at which it is released.  There’s “trusting your audience” and then “leaving them hanging.”
Simplicity - split a complex (mechanics-wise) hero into multiple, simpler (mechanics) heroes.  This is pretty obvious given the fact that the original Reaper had Junkrat’s frag launcher in the Museum Heist short.
“Firm” Science Fiction - the world of Overwatch sits inbetween “soft sci-fi” and “hard sci-fi” with a psuedo-“firm sci-fi.”  This means giving things cool, but easy-to-understand names and mechanics, but not working out the technological details (aka, you’re never gonna get an explanation for how Hard Light works).
Diversity - Chu says that the team is committed to making a diverse cast of characters.  The team understands that “nationality alone is not the same thing as diversity” and that “each character is a combination of traits people identify with.”  
What Makes a Hero - Abilities, Personality, Backstory, Challenges/Goals, Nationality, Relationships, Voice.  IMO, the last one is very, VERY interesting, considering how influential some of the voice actors and actresses have become in the fandom.
Relationships - Chu specifically talks about the relationship between Fareeha and Ana, as well as Fareeha’s inspirations from “her world around her” (other heroes, in particular Reinhardt, her idealism, her sense of justice, etc).  He shows the picture of Fareeha at dinner with an older man from the Reflections comic, while saying that “I don’t just mean romantic relationships - you take a character like Pharah.  She’s defined by her relationships with her family (cuts to pictures of the Strike team + young Fareeha + young Angela + young Jesse, and picture from Reflections), particularly from her mother, Ana.”
7, continued: “She also has an awesome relationship with Reinhardt... She’s much better at ice-fishing than he is.”
HERE’S THE ONE MY FOLLOWERS WANT: (34 minutes) Cuts to a picture of the Old Soldiers - Gabriel, Jack, and Ana - the one that is dropped at the end of the Old Soldier comic and which Jack looks at in the Uprising comic.  “And then I’d like to talk about one of my favorite relationships in the Overwatch universe, which is the one between Gabriel Reyes - now Reaper - Jack Morrison - now Soldier: 76 - and Ana Amari.  Cause it’s a story about power, friendship, and how a changing world can bring people together and split them apart.  It’s a relationship that defines the story of Overwatch, and how Overwatch grew as an organization, and even now today, what they’re all now up to is important to driving forward the current story of the game.  And what I really like about it is that it’s a deep, complex relationship that’s not necessarily only driven by romance, and it highlights how different people can see and experience different events, which brings me to... (changes slide to Sombra with the caption of “Perspective”) Perspective.”
9, continued: alright.  So it’s not “a lot.”  But seriously.  Please watch the segment.  I might be nitpicking words and intentions here, but considering that: 1) Chu emphasizes Fareeha’s relationship with Ana and Reinhardt literally seconds before he switches to the Old Soldiers trio, 2) Chu has retweeted lowkey Anahardt content on his twitter, and 3) “it’s a deep, complex relationship that’s not necessarily only driven by romance” all seem to indicate, however subtly, that Ana is NOT the romantic interest of either Gabriel or Jack.  In any other “similar situation” (two male friends/rivals, one “strong, single female character”) the outcome would be a given - the female character would eventually “choose” a romantic partner and the rejected male character would...ostensibly “go bad.”  In fact, Old Soldiers almost seems to imply that’s what happens - Ana “takes Jack’s side” in the fight between Reaper and Soldier: 76, but the interesting thing is that Reaper is not mad about him losing her, but rather remains mad that “he did this to me.  They left me to become this thing.” (emphasis from comic itself).
9, continued: also important is the idea that “different people can see and experience different events” and how that shapes their perspectives of the world.  Which like: http://segadores-y-soldados.tumblr.com/post/159512959195/alright-so-the-subject-of-ana-being-the-source-of   This particular post talks about.  More specifically, it talks about how these exact three characters can potentially have three extremely different interpretations of the exact same event (Ana’s “death”) and how this might have contributed to the fall out between Gabriel and Jack.
Immediately following the Old Soldiers discussion: “One of the things that we really like doing with Overwatch is playing with perspective.  We utilize perspective when we tell stories about what characters are thinking, what their goals are - and we have a lot of unreliable narrators.”  This is...a very big deal.  I think many of us in the fandom knew each character had a unique perspective on shared events, but this confirms that Blizzard is 100% aware of how they are conveying characters, the character’s motivations, their goals, their flaws, etc.  “We want people to pay careful attention to what characters think about in particular situations.”  Please, see Point 11 again.  “When [Sombra] is telling you something, she’s serving her own ends too.”  Soldier: 76 - “You can take a character like Soldier: 76 - like obviously, he has this mission that he’s on, that he believes is good (Chu’s emphasis), he seems to be willing to sometimes do things which are...maybe not super heroic, and so it makes him complicated.”
Junkrat and Roadhog: Chu has a great section on their two characters, and how they have been affected by their lives and perspectives.
Villains: “What’s important to us is that their motivations are not purely rooted in being evil, despite how they might seem on the surface.  As we reveal more about these characters, we want people to be able to empathize and understand their beliefs.  Because sometimes what makes a villain a villain is the extent to which they’re willing to go to reach their goals.  And one thing that we find most important (Chu’s emphasis) when we’re talking about our villain characters is that there is nothing (Chu’s emphasis) to say that a villain cannot be as charismatic or more (Chu’s emphasis) charismatic or as likeable as a hero character - because, like the old saying goes, ‘every villain is the hero of their own story.’” (Gee I wonder who this section was about)
Character dialogue spectrum: Chu shows a spectrum of characters while discussing their dialogue style.  Ranges from "exaggerate/silly” to “military/serious.”  From Exaggerated/silly over it goes: Junkrat, D.Va, Mei, Zenyatta (middle), Ana, Reaper, Pharah, Soldier: 76.
Timeline: Chu gives a (not detailed) rough timeline of the lore, including where the comics are placed.  
Tracer: the very last thing Chu talks about is Lena Oxton/Tracer.  And for my followers who are feeling concerned about the fact that Blizzard revealed Lena is lesbian/wlw but hasn’t done anything since, I would like to encourage you to watch the end of the presentation.  Chu talks about the team’s commitment to gender and sexuality diversity in the game’s cast, and how Lena represents their starting point for this - that she is a hero we can all aspire to be, and that she has a girlfriend at the same time.  On twitter, Chu has been very public about his support of Korra/Asami, and how excited he is for the next Avatar comic to come out.
Tracer, continued: “From early on, Overwatch has been committed to diversity of all sorts - not just nationality and gender and body type, but also sexuality.”  This, along with their repeated statements that more LGBT+ characters will be confirmed in due time, does give me some small hope that we will see 1) more of Emily (much like with Brigitte, I suspect Emily will show up, but it will take time to see her), and 2) more LGBT+ characters will be revealed or confirmed. 
“What we have always striven to do with the Overwatch universe is to make diversity seem like the fabric of the world, as it is in our world.”  Chu’s commitment to this statement can be found in the Uprising dialogue, both in the game and in the comic, in with Lena plays a major role.  In the comic, she helps convince Commander Morrison to “do the right thing” and send in the Strike Team to rescue the hostages, and in the game mode, she is the fun, cheerful, focused voice of optimism compared to the other more cautionary members.  
Again, I would highly encourage everyone to watch some or all of the presentation.  Super interesting, very thought-provoking.  While I don’t totally love Blizzard’s approach to handling and releasing the story of Overwatch, I do respect and appreciate the perspectives behind the building of it.  Many of Chu’s principles to world-building, character-development, and story-telling are similar to my own (and @kerrigore, who feels the same way about his approach to storytelling).  
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space-malex · 5 years
I try to keep it cool, but I have fears about Malex.
I have fears because I am so used to mlm/wlw ships being far less developed and less important than m/f ships.
I have fears because I am so used to mlm/wlw ships being destroyed for “story” or shown time and again that a happy ending simply isn’t acheivable for them.
I have fears because they spent three episodes developing this malex romance and then dropped it. Even if they have subtextually done things since then and even if we will get flashbacks, the idea that we are going to go basically from episode three to episode nine before we will actually get to see this OTP interact again gives me fears. Especially since by ep 9 Michael is hooking up with the 20 years of history partner Maria.
I have fears that they have been side-promoting another ship, which is a straight ship. Which also happened 20 fucking years ago. And has a shit load of history within the overall Roswell fandom and it’s terrifying to me when faced with this other new ship that is now my complete life.
I absolutely have fears that this will be yet another same gender romance that will be dropped for the “True OTP” straight couple.
Sometimes I just want to cry. Because no amount of people reassuring me is going to erase the pain I’ve been through with my lgbt couples in the past. And as an lgbt person can I just say? It sucks. It absolutely sucks to have your viewership and your investment wanted but to get no pay off from it. It sucks to be treated as a number without your feelings mattering. It sucks to have beautiful and obviously meant to be same gender couples thrown in your face all the time only to have them never become canon or become canon but not end up together because “STORY” aka straight couples are still better or more important.
I’ve had enough.
When is someone gonna actually say “fuck that, all the lgbt get happy and proper endings”??? At least on mainstream tv?
The fact that we had to wait until 2018 to see a mainstream movie show a teenage white guy fall in love with another guy is crazy. The fact that most of the gay stuff that still happens in film is independent is crazy. The fact that a lot of television gay stuff is used for queer viewers and then dropped is crazy.
I feel like Carina gets it, and I feel like she cares, but I’ve also felt that way before and been completely blindsided and hurt. I really want her to understand how important a ship like malex is. I know that she said she can’t guarantee a happy ending, but.... I really don’t care to see Alex happy with some random dude when he’s been shown to have an obvious soulmate out there in Michael. I don’t want to see Michael end up with some girl when the person he’s been canonically shown to be right for is a guy namely Alex. I don’t want to see yet another mlm relationship destroyed because people think a story will be more interesting with less than happy endings.
Especially when that shit only seems to happen with same gender relationships. Why don’t we see male/female relationships that are meant to be just not end up together because it makes a more interesting story? That shit just doesn’t happen. But it happens all the time with MLM/WLW relationships.
My heart can’t take anymore. I’m so tired of being put through the ringer. Me and other softe gays/bis/ pans need Carina to take it easy on us and understand that while most of us inject angst like you would a drug, we also crave the happy/comfort part of the equation. And we need the gay.
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