#obey me tiny drabble
devildomwriter · 4 months
Suspicious Behaviors | Short Story
Lately Mammon had been sneaking out of the House of Lamentation at odd hours. He was missing school. He was carrying around suspicious paper bags. Lucifer was at his wits end with his latest scheme so he followed Mammon and invited you along. Only to discover something rather unexpected.
He was feeding the new baby crows.
Now Lucifer is mad because he accidentally led you to witness something that made Mammon even more endearing to you.
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Mammon is sitting there as baby crows hops around on him and he puts birdseed on his head. But the babies can’t reach it and the parents end up dive-bombing his head and he’s knocked over with a scream, spilling the bird food all over him.
He is now covered in crows and screaming. Lucifer sighs and leaves and you take pictures before helping your lovable demon who is swearing you to secrecy.
Mammon claims all the bandages are because he got into a fight and not because the crows accidentally took a few bites out of him. Lucifer shakes his head that Mammon lost a fight to birds.
“Just like Australia,” you declare and he’s more confused.
You advise Mammon he would not survive Australian birds and not to feed the wildlife there.
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rokiibrok · 2 years
Mammon and The Stray Cat
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Based off this (okay so idk how to make the pic work but satan is saying “He wouldn’t try to steal treats, but if he knew I liked that cat, he’d abduct it and then hold it for ransom,” He being Mammon.
   Mammon sighed, looking at the cat napping on his pool table. His tail resting on his head. Mammon sat on his couch, leaning his head back. “Steal a cat for ransom” Mammon scoffed. “I should’ve thought of that,” Mammon said aloud to himself. So, Mammon might’ve followed Satan and Mc as they ventured out of the school. It might’ve been weird, but he had good intentions. He only wanted to make sure Satan wasn’t doing anything shifty. Mammon shifted on the couch, pulling his phone out of his pocket. Surely it wouldn’t take to long for Satan and Mc to come back, at least that’s what he thought. Until hours passed with Mammon still sitting on the couch playing videogames on his phone. Unbeknownst to him the stray kitten had woken up. So, he jumped slightly when he felt something furry rub against his ankle. “ya scared the crap outta me,” Mammon huffed as he placed a hand over his chess. The small stray meowed as it rubbed against Mammons leg. “whadda want?” Mammon spoke as if the kitten would response. Again, the kitten let out a small Meow followed by purrs. “Keep it down will ya?” Mammon used his pointer finger and pressed it in the middle of his lips. “Lucifer would kill me if he found ya,” The stary jumped onto Mammon lap. “Gah yer getting yer getting fur all over me,” The stay walked in small circles in Mammons lap. “Satan called ya Mr.Cat right?” Mammon tittered. “what a stupid name. Leave it to one of the smartest demons not being able to come up with a cat name,” Mammon watched as the cat sat down, unable to find a comfortable laying spot.  “I know ya think it’s stupid,” Mammon grinned. Mammon examine the cat as the stray yawned. It’s teeth sharp like a vampires. Two fangs at the top and two at the bottom. It’s gray fur covered in black stripes. The stays small paws noting but white. “ya look like a tiny tiger,” Mammon petted the top of the kittens head. His white polished nails scratching behind the kittens ears. “what about Tiny Tiger, Tt for short,” Mammon smiled down at the kitten. “yea, thats such a better name ain’t it,” The stray stood up, stretching on Mammon laps. Trying to get comfortable the kitten stuck out its nails. “oi oi oi my pants,” Mammon picked up the cat. His thumbs linking underneath the cats arms. The kittens tiny body hanging in the air. Mammon out stretched his arms to keep the kitten as far as possible, “plus that hurts ya’know,” Mammon mumbled almost abashed. Mammon stood up placing the cat back onto the couch. Mammon walked towards his pool table. The stray following. “whadda ya doin?” Mammon inquired as the kitten jumped onto the table. “do ya like annoying me Tt?” After, obviously, no response mammon scoffed. “look I don’t think yer that annoying just clingy,” Mammon leaned on the pool table. His hand accidently tapping a ball. Somehow giving it enough momentum to slowly roll towards Tt. Mammon watched Tt’s eyes track the ball but he did nothing as the ball passed him. Mammon tapped another ball, watching it roll towards Tt. This time Tt got down on all fours. It’s chest on the pool table. The stays back end stuck in the air, swaying slightly. As the ball inched closer, still extremely slow, the cat got ready to jump. Then it pounced to play with the ball. Playing with it until it fell into a hole. Of course it was funny so Mammon rolled another ball just to watch the kitty play. Hours passed and Mammon was back on the couch. The cat nestle onto his thighs. Not sleeping just laying there. “hey Tt look it’s your brother,” Mammon teased the kitten by showing him his phone. It was an identical cat jumping into an window. Mammon pulled his phone away looking at one of those videos where roaches ran around the screen. “look ya gotta catch em” Mammon once again pointed his phone towards the cat. Maybe the kitten had gotten sleepy from ‘pool’ but he had fallen asleep. Mammon looked down at the small thing in his lap. Just maybe he didn’t need to sell Tt. He could get tons of grim from demons who love cats. Plus he could teach Tt tricks and get even more Grimm. Mammon smiled at his new plan. But that would have to wait a little while. Mammon needed a five-minute power nap. It’s so hard not to sleep when Tt sleeping on him. It’s calming in a way. The low but steady, non stop purring in a silent room. It was a kittens lullaby
Tt meowed whilst rubbing Mammons cheek. Repetitive meows until Mammon woke up. “shh Tt Lucifer,” Mammon Yawned. His eyes slightly close. 
   “Mammon what the devildom is that sound,” Satan Barged into the room. He looked across the room towards Mammon. “what.is.that,” Satan stormed down the stairs. his feet slamming against the ground. 
   “I-its not w-what it looks like,” Mammon sat up. Tt rolling off his chess onto his laps. Tt shook his body. 
   “you scummy, dumb-ass,” Satan pointed his fingers towards Mammon chess. “I knew you’d do something so selfish but somehow I didn’t think you  had the ability,” Mammon felt like he was caught cheating on his partner.
   “Satan you left me as soon as we entered the building. What the hell,” Mc Huffed leaning against the door frame. ‘or would it be what the devildom’ Mc thought to themselves. Mc walked down the stairs to the couch.  Satans green eyes looked over at Mc. His head still pointed at Mammon. 
   “you didn’t tell him did you?” He raised a brow. Mc rolled their eyes. 
   “no, how would I if I was with you all day. I haven’t even been on my phone,” Mc placed their hands on their hip. “I can’t believe you’d expect me even though I promised” Mc mumbled. Satan turned his attention back to Mammon.
   “I can’t believe you stole a kitten, A KITTEN, for ransom you-you,” Satan trailed off, thinking of an insult no brother had ever used. 
   “I didn’t steal no kitten for ransom,” Mammon defended. The stray beginning to meow again. Mammon instinctively petted the kitten. The nerves in Satan eyes twitched.
   “Don’t lie to me,” Satan retorted.
   “why would he lie,” The brothers looked up at Mc. “i mean” Mc lifted their shoulders. “If he catnapped the cat for ransom. If he did wouldn’t he tell you Satan. so you could pay him. It would be rather useless if he took the cat for ransom but you had no idea,” Mc looked down at their hands. Rubbing them together. “right” Mc added. Satan sighed letting out a huff of air. His huff moving his blond hair. 
   “Don’t try to rationalize an Idiots action,” Satan seem to have calm down.
   “Mc right. I found Tt at the door. I took him in cause I didn’t want Lucifer to feed him to Cerberus,” Mammon stated.
   “Whatever,” Satan sighed.
   “Would lucifer actually do that,” Mc whispered to themselves. I know their demons but surely that’s too far. 
    “what’s going on here,” Lucifer barged in the room. Lucifer looked down the stairs to see Mammon,Satan and Mc all gathered around a small cat.
   ‘speak of the devil or would I say speak of the devildom’ Mc thought before speaking. “Mammon found a stray cat,” Mc said. Lucifer walked down towards the group. The stray once again meowing. Lucifer stood there for a second, honestly way to tired. He ran his gloved hands up his face, the palm of his hands and the tips of his fingers rested on his eyes for a few second. Lucifer found peace in the momentary darkness. 
   “Get rid of it,” Lucifer let his hands fall to his side.
   “you’re not mad? Mammon asked, looking up at lucifer. 
   “Should I be?”  Lucifer spoke calmly. 
   “no,n-no of course not,” Mammon shook his hair. His white hair being tussled around with each movement.
   “Well,” Lucifer dragged out the word. “The cat, get rid of it before I feed it to Cerberus,” Mc tense up slightly. ‘He would actually do it?’  Satan walked up to Mammon. 
   “I’ll Take Mr.Cat” Satan grabbed the kitten from Mammon. 
   “His name is Tt, Tiny tiger for long,” Mammon looked down at his feet. 
   “No-”  Mc cut Satan off. 
   “you couldn’t even think of a name, so Tt not that bad” Mc smiled. Satan was about to walk off but Tt jumped out of his arms and crawled back onto mammon.
  Satan was hurt, beyond hurt, Tt had jumped out of his arms to be with his disgraceful of an older brother Mammon? Satan heart ached in unbearable ways, Tt tiny but sharp class sliced Satan hurt until there was nothing but blood left. Satan hadn’t felt such immense pain during his entire life. decades upon millennia this was the action that broke him utterly. 
   Mammon got up from the couch with Tt in hand. Without saying much he left. Mc deciding to follow behind. 
   “so,” Mc leaned in closer to mammon. Their shoulders touching. “Did you kidnap Tt for ransom?” Mc smiled their teeth on display. Mammon glanced at them but then quickly looked away. 
   “why does it matta huh? Yer gonna go tell Lucifer aint ya?” The two walked down the hall. 
   “I wont, I promise, Im just curious,” Mammon walked down the large stairs. “I mean if you did it would be kinda cute that you decided not to get the ransom, I wonder why tho,” Mc peered up at Mammon.  His cheeks became flushed. 
   “open the door will ya, Tt gotta pee or sum” Tt meowed once again, almost on cue. Mc listened than open the door. the two walked outside towards the gate. 
   “so does that mean you followed me and Satan?” Mc asked. Mammon didn’t answer. His whole face aflamed. Mc walked ahead and opened the gate. “Mam?”
   “so w-what if i-i did it’s m-my job to keep tabs on ya, ya’know” Mammon crouched down. “so don’t go thinkin i was followin you for any other reason,” Mc smiled at Mammon response. Mammon opened his arms,letting the jump out. Tt turned around looking at mammon. “don’t look at me like that Tiny Tiger,” Mammon pouted his lips. “yer gon-” Mammon stopped as the cat ran off.  “come on Tt i thought we grew closer than that,” Mammon grumbled. His rom-com “goodbye” moment ruined. Mc snickered, watching Mammon stand up and dust his pants off.  “whadda ya laughing at,” Mammon closed the gate then quickly started walking towards the front doors. 
   “you,” Mc chuckled as they spoke. “don’t look at me like that,” Mc mimicked Mammon. Mc threw their hands up to be more dramatic. “yer gonna make this harder than it needs to be” Mc stopped looked up at Mammon. “thats’s what you were gonna say right?” Mc continued to laughed as they walked back inside.
  shadd-up MC!”
side note this is my first post. so if ya have any advice feel free to dm me. 
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aemvnd · 19 days
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ʚ gif credit. ɞ
𝒶.targaryen. ┆ it's a craving, not a crush.
◟ ㅤᡣ𐭩ㅤㅤ ݁.﹒ jus' a lil' smutty n fluffy aemond drabble. !!! 🧸♡ྀི
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jus' imagining prince regent!aemond coming into your shared martial chambers, all irritated, furious, and aggressive-- startling your sensitive heart slightly, so unlike the stoic yet kind, brooding yet a complete gentleman whenever he was in your company—his sweet, darling little wife—quiet yet cannot help himself by always whispering sweet nothings into your ear, enjoying the way you're always so shy and get so easily flustered around him still, even after many moons of marriage already.
still, the aemond in your martial chambers right now seemed different, not like his usual self-- or rather, not like when he was with you; a gentleman, but always ravenous for you, well-mannered for a targaryen prince of the royal blood, yet dangerous and cruel to anyone else who wasn't you, his mother or his sweet, beloved older sister, helaena.
overall, the aemond standing before you now, it was a totally different side to him, standing there with his large fists curled tightly, white knuckled and glaring into the void with that one-eye of his-- and it hits you right there and then, you have never seen aemond upset, much less so furious, nor had aemond allowed himself for you to come to know or see him when he's like this, not wanting to frighten you away, especially during your courtship days.
aemond always knew you’d be his lady wife someday, it just took some… persuasive words from the young prince, which was said in his usual soft, velvety drawl, nearly sounding bored as he spoke to your oafish father while you were off dancing with your sisters a few steps in front of aemond, having him order you to stay close by to him that entire evening, and of course, you obeyed so prettily, like the precious princess he knew you were born to be.
yet, the threat in his words were clear and final that night at aegon and helaena’s wedding celebration—your daughter is mine, she always has been mine, wed her to me and mayhaps i won't burn the entirety of your house down to ashes by dawn, hm?
"my love? are you quite alright?" you question sweetly, so innocent and with the purest, gentlest of intentions, and that is why not even a full two minutes later, you find yourself with your knees pressed up against your heaving breasts, stripped completely nude, with your beloved husband on top of you, pounding into your sopping, quivering little cunt, fucking you over and over and over again.
"fuck," aemond grits out, his narrow hips snapping into the backs of your smooth, plush thighs, that were lathered with a sweet vanilla oil that had your husband go nearly feral every time you pass by him, or when you're hanging off of his arm during court in the afternoons and banquets like the beautiful, sweet little doll that you're.
"tightest fuckin' cunt-- by the gods, woman..! you will be the end of me," he says through his panting, chasing his high and yours, needing his release that he's been craving all day, instead of having his mother yapping in his ear about politics and the like, but all he could focus on was you-- and stuffing his face in between the softness of your gorgeous thighs, to taste the sweet nectar that lies between, just begging to be kissed and licked and fucked full of his cock until your tiny cunt is gaping and your womb is full with his seed.
"doing s'good for me, sweetling," aemond coos into your ear hotly, panting harshly and dripping with sweat, his skin fiery to the touch-- and oh, how you loved getting burned by him.
blood of the dragon, indeed.
you whimper meekly, looking up at your husband all weepy and cross-eyed, pleasure consuming you whole, overwhelming emotions clouding your already hazy mind, making you babble mindlessly, deliriously moaning like a silk street whore.
"soon... soon, you'll give me an heir," aemond husks breathlessly, making your cunt clench erratically, which earned you a crazed chuckle from aemond, watching as he threw his head back in pure bliss, high off of your willingness to be his perfect little wife, all obedient and ready to receive her husband's seed.
"yes, i know, my love... i know, you just want to be a sweet, obedient little wife for your husband, don't you?" he taunts, a mocking yet amused smile curling upon his curved lips, which he then bends down again, focusing most of his attention all over your bare bosom, your breasts heaving and little nipples hardened from your arousal-- but aemond doesn't mind, immediately suckling on one of your puffy nipples, making it nice and wet and swollen, creating claiming marks all over your breasts as his hips continue to brutally snap into you, rutting and bucking into your wildly, making you wail girlishly and squirm beneath your husband.
"a-aemond...! please, p-please, i am about to−" aemond clicks his tongue, stopping your speech and tutting with disapproval shining in his amethyst eye, the sparkling sapphire gem that was stuffed into his left eye socket shining maliciously, a warning to tread carefully for what you're about to say.
"does my wife wish to come on her husband's cock?" aemond purrs, now rolling his hips every time he enters you, making tears fall from your pretty, doe-like and lustful eyes, all misty and dreamy with desire and love for your sweet, beloved aemond.
"please, aemond-- i want to come on your cock, please," you beg with a small whine, desperate and needy to reach your own release already, especially with aemond having edged you by eating your sweet little cunny out for nearly an hour before finally fucking you with his cock, after you had begged and pleaded him to.
continuing to listen to your sweet, desperate pleading, aemond smirks, before swallowing your loud, feminine moans into his mouth, devouring you and tasting you, thrusting his hips into you faster, faster, faster-- signaling for you to reach your peak as he fucks you even harder and even more mean than before, giving your overstimulated clit a few harsh slaps with one of his big hands, and perhaps your husband was a bit too cruel, or just obsessed with making you his, but you're too delirious to notice as he finally leans down and quietly gives you his permission for you to come for him.
"come for your husband, now," he whispers deeply, possessively, making you cry out and cling to him like a newborn babe as you finally get to lose yourself in your ecstasy.
aemond targaryen was many things, most of them cruel… a kinslayer, some common folks say a madman, many say a cold-blooded killer, a man with a blackened heart and a hunger for blood and violence-- however, aemond one-eye was never one to deny his wife anything, no matter the consequences.
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justporo · 5 months
Change of Pace
A/N: Y'all wanted the smut drabbles - so here's another one. Astarion discovering the joy of being the one deciding how his pleasure is going down.
Warning: explicit sexual content ~~~
It was almost hypnotic the way your body was moved. Your hands clawed into the ornate carvings atop of the backrest of the chair you were both sitting on.
Straddling him, trembling arms around his neck while he fucked you to his own liking.
“Hold on, love. Hold on tight for me”, Astarion had demanded of you. And of course you obeyed.
He'd call you a good girl when you behaved. You loved when he did that.
But what you loved even more was the way he held on to your behind, forcing you a tiny bit closer to him with each roll of your hips, spreading your legs even wider atop his, feeling him a little deeper inside you with each quick, hard thrust.
You moaned when he squeezed your buttcheeks harder, fingers spread over them, and lifted them up again, making you ride him forcefully by dragging you up by your butt and hips and then slamming them down again.
He dictated the way he took you.
Indulging in what he desired most - you. And indulging in the way he wanted it the most - under his control.
And this was what you loved the most. Because you saw the raw lust in his eyes. Saw how it positively overtook him. How it made his head fall back from time to time and his lips part in an open-mouthed smile that revealed his fangs. You heard how it caused him to moan breathlessly when he had you this wildly and willingly.
The glint in his crimson eyes remained sharp, only dulled by a tinge of overbearing waves of his own personal pleasure, as he neared the edge - and dragged you there with him by the handful.
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 8 months
Hal, i can't say how happy i am to see you hit such a big number, i've been following you since the beggining and it's so amazing to see this community grow, i love how everyone that interacts is so kind and overall amazing, you deserve that and much more, and i hope things in your personal life keep getting better!! ❤
For the event, i would like to request, if possible, a small drabble of Keegan with a daughter, it can be anything, really! I'm a single mom expecting a baby, and i just need to see a strong military man caring for a child, all your other parent fics just hit the hard in the feelings, so i wanted to see my favorite in this prompt too!
—Hold Her Close
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [Keegan cares for his young daughter.] ❞
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He holds her carefully as she sits on the back of his neck, hands firm on her legs as they dangle around his shoulders with their tiny little shoes. The child was giggling, no more than seven, as her hands tangled in the black locks of Keegan’s hair and pulled without any real strength; her eyes stared at all the sights to be seen. 
It was early at Fort Santa Monica, so early the mist was still in the air and the chill caused the protective father to suit his daughter into a jacket that puffed around her frame. She’d been crying last night, and rather than ask her to try and fall asleep again, he’d gone on his morning run with some company. It didn’t bother him, of course. 
She was yours and his daughter—she could never bother him for as long as he lived. 
“Having fun up there?” He grunts out, blue eyes shifting up as the child giggles out a small ‘yep,’ and returns to gazing around with glittering eyes. She was so tiny, he thought to himself. So easy to pick up and infect those little eyes with wonder. Everything down to the way the dew looked in the grass was a foreign world to her—mixed with magic and innocence he never wanted to see gone. 
“Which way, Sunshine?” Keegan asks, blinking forward at the split in the sidewalk; left or right?
“That way,” her pudgy hand points, and booted feet obey without question. Left it was. 
The soldier hums and puffs out a breath of condensation into the air, t-shirt and running shorts swaying around him. 
“If you get cold,” he utters, “you tell me, okay?” 
“Okay!” Keegan pushes down a smile, blue eyes so soft you could mistake it for dyed room-temperature butter. While he wouldn’t get the workout he had intended in the brightening sun of the morning, with the sound of waves lapping in the air and the scent of his sweat dripping off his nostrils, he’d still enjoy this. 
“Can we get hot cocoa?” A hand slaps his forehead and he chuffs a laugh, flinching slightly at the tiny connection of skin. 
“Careful, Kid,” the soldier mutters but nods as his daughter's giggles make his chest swell. Damn him, he was done for the moment he’d seen her in the NICU. “Yeah, fine, we can get some hot cocoa. You know something though?”
His daughter's face is above his as he leans his neck back, looking up into her bright face. She blinks, smiling wide.
“You’re gonna have to give me a kiss first, Sweetheart.” 
“Ew!” She laughs, and Keegan holds her body still as it moves all around in her childish delight, legs kicking out as the man laughs under his breath. 
“C’mon,” he huffs, “nothing for your Old Man? I’m hurt. You give Riley kisses on the nose all the time.”
She’s still laughing, holding onto his head. Keegan decides there’s never been a more perfect sound. Without another word, a little smooch is pressed into his hairline, an overdramatic ‘mwah’ sounding off with a raise of hands upwards. 
He beams, eyes crinkling and lips pulled back with a wide smile as he shakes his head in amusement. Moving his face forward, the normally stoic soldier sighs and continues on, his daughter on his shoulders and his heart full. 
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melrodrigo · 6 months
hear me out, tara’s birthday is today so perhaps a tara fic? maybe? please? thank you for your time! i don’t know how to insert gifs but you’ll have to imagine the gif of the jumping gray cat that’s on two paws with it’s arms raised
this is purely for u anon, here, have some drabble
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Tara’s lips are the thing you wake up to on Christmas day.
“Good morning baby…” She mumbles, pulling back, eyes twinkling.
You peer out the window, watching little flakes of snow shine in the dark sky.
You groan lightly, still groggy and slightly annoyed. Tara doesn’t mind, since she knows you’ve always been a cranky waker.
She’s an early bird, and has been since you’ve known her, claiming that her philosophy is that you ‘have to live every day like it’s your last’, hence the waking up earlier to get more things done in the day.
The smell of pine wood mixed with Tara’s signature vanilla perfume lifts your mood up quickly.
“What time is it?“ You ask, but all the malice is out of your voice, instead replaced by childlike excitement.
Tara takes her chance to leave lazy kisses on your cheek, answering softly that it’s 6 am.
Now, normally, you’d mumble a few rude things and turn back to snuggle into your bed, but it is christmas, and you can’t bear to see the disappointment on Tara’s face if you don’t get up.
So you suck it up, and let her drag you out of bed and down to the tree you both set up a few days prior.
Tara’s a charmer. You know that by now, but it never fails to amaze you. You’re almost positive she could convince you to kill someone and you’d do it without a second thought.
With her sparkling big brown eyes and crooked smile, your mood’s improved almost tremendously by the time you get downstairs.
“Someone’s woken up, huh?” She teases, no longer pulling at you but holding your hand, bending down to pick up her winter jacket and boots.
The brunette gestures for you to do the same, and you obey immediately. You’re sure you resemble a lovesick puppy to outer eyes.
After another kiss and some rushed pulling on of christmas clothes, she opens the door and rushes out with you in tow.
You barely get to her front yard before you trip over each other’s legs and go tumbling into the thick inches of snow.
“Fuck!” She wheezes as you both fall face first into the snow.
Even with all your protection, it’s freezing cold. But to be honest, you kind of enjoy it.
It smells like Christmas, and you’ve felt more of that magical holiday air today than you ever have in your life.
“I smell snow.” You breathe, turning to heave Tara up into your arms, giggling as she playfully wrestles you.
“Is that a Gilmore Girls reference?” She pipes up, giving up the charade and comfortably settling in your arms.
The fact she remembers makes you all warm inside. It’s a little thing you suppose- but the fact Tara, Ms. never-watches-anything-unless-it’s-a-horror-movie, can recall a tiny line from your favorite show, is heartwarming.
You tilt your head to kiss her. A real, urgent, passionate kiss.
She sighs a little against your lips as you start to pull away, catching a glimpse of her dazed face.
“Merry Christmas, baby.” You barely get to whisper out before she’s pulling you in for another.
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luci-is-a-bitch-x3x · 8 months
Hello!! Can I have a request for MC would turn to sheep form when they detected the brothers are. In the mood and try to comfort them (let the brothers hold them and maybe cry for) please? I love your drabbles, but you have the right to not write this, all up to you!
Also, can you fold your fic by use the keep reading between the paragraph please? Ot would helpe more to reblog them and won't cause other people have to scroll down whole fic if they're not the fan of OM. Thank you and wish you have a good day.🍀
Obey Me! Brothers react to: Mc turning into their sheep form to comfort the brother when he's upset.
Lucifer's (you are here), Mammon's, Leviathan's, Satan's, Asmodeus's, Beelzebub's, & Belphegor's reactions.
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Hello! Thank you for the request! If this isn't what you had in mind feel free to request again! I am going to write it in a different style like you requested but I might not write everything like this! Might have some angst but its mostly comfort! The characters may not be how you imagine! I apologize for any poor jokes, bad spelling, and terrible grammar. Without further ado, please enjoy the content. ♡
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Lucifer's reaction:
Finding Lucifer upset or crying is a rare occasion. It's a side of himself that he doesn't let others see often, if at all. Lucifer takes pride in being seen a certain way, so he may yell or try and scare anyone who sees him crying off. He may even claim he wasn't crying at all. If Mc and Lucifer are together Lucifer won't be as bad about pushing Mc away when he's crying, but there may still be occasions when he tries to get Mc to leave him to cry alone. He just doesn't want Mc looking down on him or looking at him differently.
For this little scenario lets say this is the first time Mc finds Lucifer crying. Mc was probably just trying to bring Lucifer some coffee or tea, they had become so used to stopping by and checking on Lucifer that knocking just slipped their mind. The sight Mc finds is one that suprises them, Mc didn't expect to find Lucifer sitting at his desk crying, his gloved hands cover his face partially but Mc can still clearly see the tears streaming down his face. Everything seemed to happen in a haze, Lucifer didn't even look up from his hands, just started yelling to 'leave him alone' or 'go away' as he turned his chair so he was facing away from the door.(I've never written about Mc's sheep form before, so this may be a little off, just bear with me) Mc didn't even mean to, but suddenly a *poof* happened, there was a bunch of smoke and Mc was in their sheep form.
The tea Mc had intended to give to Lucifer dropped to the ground and spilled everywhere when Mc transformed into Sheep Mc. Lucifer didn't even turn the chair, figuring the person dropped whatever they had in a hurry to leave his study. What Lucifer didn't expect was to hear tiny taps on the floor to his study, the taps seemed to get closer to him, causing Lucifer to turn his chair in the direction of the sound. Lucifer's cheeks were stained with tears but his crimson eyes were as intimidating as ever, his eyes bore anger, but after seeing Mc tiny and small in their sheep form, Lucifer's expression turns soft. No words are spoken, even though Sheep Mc can talk, instead Sheep Mc climbs onto Lucifer's lap. with Lucifer's help.
Sheep Mc places their tiny arms around Lucifer, hugging him gently, treating him with care. Lucifer hold's Sheep Mc close, not even trying to stop himself from crying anymore. Lucifer doesn't say anything, he just hugs Sheep Mc until the tears stop falling down his face, he may even occasionally pet Sheep Mc in attempts to calm himself. Once Lucifer has calmed down and is no longer upset, he will quietly thank Mc. If Mc chooses to stay in their Sheep form he will gladly allow them to continue to keep him company. Having Sheep Mc in his lap while he works and deals with his brothers just makes everything better. Lucifer doesn't ever tell Mc why he was crying, and Mc shouldn't ask. Its just an unspoken rule, if Mc doesn't ask questions Mc can comfort him. He doesn't need someone to talk to, he needs someone to hug and care for him, his pride would never let him admit that though.
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
Thats all for now babes! Hope you enjoyed!! ♡ This is not proofread. Feel free to comment or reblog any thoughts or any add ons you have! Sorry this feels rushed and short! I will be posting the other brothers reactions as well. & I'll try and make the other brothers versions a bit longer! i'll add the links to the other drabbles once they are posted! Please be patient!! More content is coning, I promise so stay tuned! Stay safe! & Stay healthy loves!
━☆*:・゚✧✧ ♡ ❀ ♡ ✧━
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chrollohearttags · 1 year
so we can all come to the general consensus that levi is a classy, boujie ass man. We all know he despises messes and making them even more. Everything must be spotless..
that is until it comes to fucking you..and then he becomes the nastiest man alive.
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰──── ───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.
themes: black !fem maid reader, dom levi (with hints of ocd) thigh riding, degradation (use of slut and whore) pet names (kitten, princess, sweetheart) spit kink, throat fucking, use of sir and daddy, mentions of anal sex and masturbation, there’s a lot of other stuff too. Minors, you’re not welcome.
📝: not sure of the word count but this is a little drabble because levi is on my mind heavy.
oh yes, (y/n), his gorgeous little housekeeper turned personal whore, who he fucks at will and abandons all of his neat freak tendencies for. The absolute vision of beauty strutting around his huge estate with those long legs, plump ass and perky breasts swaddled up in that cute uniform. A skirt about three inches too high…
just barely covering that backside. Enough for him to daydream about bending you over and breeding that pretty pussy as he worked away at his desk.
damn you and the urges you drummed out of him. It was so unbecoming of such an accomplished man. Having vivid wet dreams about his help like a prepubescent teen? It was embarrassing! But not shameful enough to stop him from enacting on said desires..calling you into his office and answering with quite the request when you so sweetly asked:
“Is there something I can do for you, sir?”
and indeed it was. Waving you over with a finger, the normally stoic stock broker, who had amassed millions from his trade, requested for you to join him as he looked over some paperwork. It was no secret, at least to you how Mr. Ackerman felt;
all but obvious when you caught him one night in his study, stroking his cock and moaning your name..loud enough for you to hear him from the other side of the door. It was so fucking hot! This multi-millionaire, busting a nut at the sheer thought of you.
god, he must’ve sounded so pathetic but he could care less. He was sexually frustrated…having been long time single and not looking in the slightest. Granted, he could pay for it if that’s what he chose but purchasing pussy wasn’t really his style. Especially when he had it in house.
being the dutiful and diligent employee that you were, you’d gladly come and assist. How so? By letting him use your slutty mouth as a flesh light and draining his cum down your throat. It was such a mess; that warm nut splattering his bare thighs and your exposed tits. Mixed fluids all over the carpet and chair…but you’d be happy to lap it up.
if he didn’t know any better, he would’ve sworn he saw heaven that night. So naturally, it couldn’t stop there. When the other staff were away, you two would play: having the nastiest, most disgusting sex ever. Complete polar opposite of his public image.
just like that very moment: when you’d obey and come sit atop his lap. That ass brushing his crotch and your clothed cunt slowly straddling his thigh like a helpless puppy. As busy as he was, he needed a distraction..only the kind you could provide. “Kitten, I’m just feeling so fucking tense right now. Work’s got me stressed. ‘Think you can help me out?”
uttering that precious pet name he had adorned you with. And like always, you’d fulfill his wishes with bells on. Once you had worked yourself into an aroused frenzy; dripping through his black slacks and wetting his skin. Practically whimpering when he hoisted your shirt and began groping those beautiful breasts.
even deciding to shove a hand in those panties and press against that swollen pearl..tracing tiny circles and massaging it.
“Y—yes. Whatever you want, sir!” And what Levi craved more than anything was to put you atop that desk, fold your legs behind your head and pump you full of dick until you came everywhere. So fast forward and that’s exactly what came to fruition..
papers and whatnots shoved to the floor, pushed to the wayside and your body was the only thing that remained. Rocking back and forth as he stuffed that sweet spot, stretching it open. “G-ahhh. That’s it, just take this dick, sweetheart…your only job right now, it’s what you’re best at. I don’t even need you to think..” Not to say you didn’t do exceptional work at the other duties but something about the way you tightened around that cock was something special.
gripping at the sides as he jolted you around, making you toss your head back and release a yelp when he so casually decided to shove his all of those thick inches into the deepest part of your throbbing heat..even pressing down when he started bulging and touching your cervix with his tip.
“Hhhngh! It feels so good, sir. Oh shit!”
“You’re making such a mess on me, kitten. Surely you’re going to clean this up, right?” referring to the milky puddle of cream spilling from your little hole, onto his shaft and the mahogany wood underneath you. Mocking the fact that you couldn’t help your body’s reaction..it was all but inevitable to nut all over his dick when he fucked you this good.
but it’s when you don’t answer his question fast enough, because you’re too busy screaming that he snatches (y/n) up by the center of those beautiful curls and forces your head up; making you meet his gaze. Oh, he turns into such an unhinged feign when he’s inside of you. Unable to control himself and ends up pounding your pussy like a brutish animal…so damn hot.
that’s when Levi shoves three of his perfectly groomed digits into your mouth and begins finger fucking your jaws, turning you to a drooling mess..that dumb, slutty expression on your face making him lose it. The trail of saliva trickling down your chin and chest filling his mind with all types of filthy, perverted ideas. “You answer me when I speak, slut. I hate being ignored..”
it’s then that he reluctantly pulls out and goes to the front to fuck that throat. But not without drumming out some of your squirt with him and letting it splatter his barely buttoned white dress shirt. You’re getting your fluids all over him and his workspace…it’s so disgusting, so nasty…and exactly what he wanted!
“I’m sorry, sir..I just—“
but your excuses are of no consolation to him. And instead, he fills your mouth with his dripping erect. Immediately pumping it between those pretty, plump lips of yours. But not without lubricating the inside with his own trail of saliva.
he’s so conflicted…on one hand, he hates the idea that his office is now in disarray. He’s the type that needs to maintain a spotless environment at all times..on the other? Watching you taste the sweet remnants of yourself as he sloppily throat fucks his little slut; strings of saliva bubbling and dangling all over the place. Not to mention the way your nimble fingers toy with that clit because you’re just feigning to feel him inside of you again…
it was the most divine thing ever and he didn’t give a fuck how filthy things got..it was a mess well worth it! “Oh fuck, kitten…I swear you bring out the worst in me. I know it’s not right but I just want to keep pounding this throat until you suck me dry..I want to do all the nastiest things with you, babe. Daddy just wants to give you all of his nut..in here, in that beautiful pussy..”
mindlessly rambling as he tosses his back onto his shoulders, trying to regain a semblance of self restraint. The ever so poised Levi Ackerman has never spoke so vulgar and vile words to anyone but it’s something about you. He’s gently stroking your cheek as you gaze up at him with those big doe brown eyes and fluttering lashes, suckling on his tip like a piece of candy. “Who knows? Maybe we’ll train that cute little ass next. How’s that sound?”
earning him a fateful nod. “That’s my good girl..always doing whatever the fuck I tell you. Exactly why you get whatever you want from me..” his cock twitches once more when you squirt all over those fingers and display the dripping mess mid air. Feeling the vibrations of your moans around his base.
raking a hand through his hair, he proceeds..sucking his teeth and trying to maintain his composure but it’s fading fast. In all honestly, he’s losing his goddamn mind. Like a feral creature in fucking heat, Levi just keeps thrusting upward, getting faster until sweat begins to head around his forehead. As with the rest of his sheen slicked body. He can’t believe that you’ve both been going this hard. Losing track of how many times he’s watched you climax now but it was damn sure time to add his own to the mix.
those heavy, full balls colliding with your hairline were just begging to be emptied and of course, with the assistance of those warm jaws, you were bound to taste his cum in a matter of minutes, if that. Releasing one of those heavy, loud grunts, the normally less than vocal businessman coiled his thumbs around your throat and palms to the back of your neck and fucked your skull with all he had. You could see how desperate and deranged he was..
“C’mon, princess. Swallow this nut for me, okay? Suck this cum out of me like I know you can. Just drain me already..fuuuck.”
never having seen him so vulnerable like this. All of it: the language, the filthy dialogue between you two and the disgusting mess of bodily fluids..it’s all your doing. Only you could drum up such a scene from him. But none of that matters now, and with your tongue scaling the underside of his shaft, you grant his wish sooner rather than later.
with one final twitch, breath catching in his windpipe..Levi releases an extremely loud groan as well as those sought after strings of semen. Pouring every last drop of his warm liquid into the back of your welcoming throat. “Ohhhh, fuck! Take it..take it all from me, baby..” Bubbles and escaping droplets are pooling down the sides of your face and after a full minute of pumping, he finally pulls his sensitive, overly stimulated cock out of your mouth. The tip is practically glowing red, emitting all types of mixed fluids from it.
at that moment, he’s so delirious and spent but feeling prideful all the same. You’ve just swallowed every drop of his cum as if it were nothing..a sign that he had trained his little whore very well. “C’mere..” When you finally come to, you’re greeted with a peck to the forehead, followed by a deep, sloppy kiss from your boss and lover. He has no shame shoving his tongue inside of your mouth after just getting the nastiest head possible.
“You did great, kitten..thank you for clearing my head up. I needed that…” making you grin from ear to ear, your cheeks burning and face twisted into a smile. That white and clear liquid painted all over that beautiful brown complexion like a canvas and undoubtedly, you were his work of art.
chuckling, you’d find the strength to make it onto all fours, teasing that ass in the air; subtly twerking. You were really something when you got going. “It’s my pleasure, sir. Always..” muttering so sweetly as you leaned down, akin to the pet he had been calling you, and lap up your own puddle of juices; gliding that tongue pad across the surface before glaring back up at him..who was already hard as rock once again and in awe of how utterly slutty you got for him..and decided that one round wasn’t going to suffice!
“…matter of fact, let’s just take the rest of the day off. I think we could use a little more time together.”
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captainkirkk · 1 year
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
what goes around by Goldmonger
A civilian accidentally kills the Joker. It’s a confusing time for everybody.
Never Meet Your Heroes by 12pt_timesnewromanfont
Tim’s not snooping, not really. Or, he doesn’t mean to be snooping. But then he hears Superman say the words 'Experiment 13' and he's out of the Cave like a bat out of hell. He has just enough time to tell Kon to get the hell out of dodge before Batman finds him, and a furious Batman is not something he wants to face alone.
Meanwhile, Kon is totally panicking. He, Cassie, and Bart have lost contact with Robin, have cut themselves off from their mentors, and have absolutely no idea what to do. Superman has turned his back on Kon, and the League will always stand with Big Bastard Blue. He's desperate, and Kon only knows of one other person who might give a damn about him.
He'll take what he can get, even if the man is a supervillain on occasion.
let me help you fly this nest by carolinaa
Out causing havoc on date night, Harley notices something's seriously wrong with the new Robin. She's not about to sit idly by and let anyone hurt that tiny kid.
Not even the big, bad Batman.
From Riches to Rags by Vamillepudding
(If Bruce wasn't so busy investigating the Red Hood, he might have realised that, while Jack Drake is in a coma and Tim is grounded from patrol, Drake Industries goes broke. Overnight, the Drakes lose everything, leaving Tim without a cent to his name.
Jason, meanwhile, cannot believe that the Bats haven't noticed yet that something is obviously wrong with the Replacement.)
It’s weird, being poor. At the moment, Tim has precisely eleven dollars to his name. Drake Industries, gone. Their assets, gone. His trust fund, being used to pay for his father’s hospital bills. The house is gone, too. That's okay. Tim is okay. Sometimes, though, he lies awake at night, and he can’t help but wonder. Does Bruce know? He definitely doesn’t, obviously. But, does he?
Just a Moment in Time by Just_A_Poor_Boy
"I am… appreciative.” Damian says slowly. His hand discreetly fists itself in Timothy’s hoodie. Timothy is prone to bolting at the sight of emotional expression and Damian… is grounding himself as best as he can in this moment.
(Just a little glimpse of a moment between Damian and Tim. A bit of drabble to get my writing muscles back in shape.)
surrender to the sheer force of the sky by achievingelysium
Half-turned from the door, Zuko looks up. A scarred eye widens, and Zuko reaches for his shirt, pulling it up across his chest.
“Uncle—” he gasps. “You’re here.”
It’s too late. As Zuko draws thin fabric over his chest, Iroh catches a glimpse of what he’s trying to hide. A set of bandages—and a healing wound in the shape of lightning.
(When the war ends, Iroh has only one concern—to see his nephew. Or: Iroh finds out Zuko was hit with lightning in the last Agni Kai.)
eternal and artificial by delectum
Part 1 of Rebel Zuko
After the fateful Agni Kai that changed Zuko’s life, Ozai never gives his son the quest to find the Avatar, banishing him from the Fire Nation with no hope of return. Without a purpose to life, Zuko takes revenge against his father the most spiteful way that he knows how: treason.
The Magnus Archives
Surrender by BeneathSilverStars
Jon doesn’t want to trust his coworkers. He can’t. But after being cursed by a Leitner to obey any command given to him, he might have to.
Clone Wars
Plan Besh by BitterChocolateStars
Dooku Falls too soon. Sidious is there to tempt him away earlier in the timeline. Jango is contracted for the Clone Army ahead of schedule. There is no plan to trick the Jedi into taking command of the Clone army. No trap for them to spring. Sidious steals Force sensitive children to raise along side the clones. When the time comes he will unleash them upon the galaxy. No need to waste time crafting an intricate plot from the heart of the Republic.
The Clones and the people who care for them disagree with Plan Aurek. (See Notes for Plan Besh)
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shirefantasies · 8 days
I wanna kiss Feren and comb his hair while he relaxes after a long day 😞 he looks so tired of everything (Love Thranduil but I would be on my last strand of sanity if I worked for him too)
I also feel like he greatly adores cats, like he's definitely snuck a kitten into work because he couldn't leave it all alone
You know what? Yes. Also, ✨two posts✨ from drafts this week because this one is so small (gif by @lokidlaufeyson, will delete from here if asked to!)
Breathe You In- Feren x Elf!Reader Drabble
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Not an uncommon sight was it to catch Feren with a look of exasperation or even exhaustion upon his face. The king may have been fair, not quick to inflict harsh punishments upon his people, but that did not preclude him from making streams of demands, words which sent Feren this way and that, often after to inquire after or warn the prince. Certainly it came about due to Thranduil’s trust of your beloved-a status you were unsure the woodland king was even aware of- but sometimes you just wished you could march up to the great throne and tell him to quit treating such a wonderful and capable soul like an errand boy.
As he sat upon the bed, Feren breathed quite the sigh, shaking his head. “I must have ran across the entire kingdom and back today.”
Hands falling to his shoulders, you ran them lightly down, applying a bit of pressure and feeling tension melt from his muscles beneath it. With a look of bliss, he turned his head to meet your eyes, and the both of you shut your eyes and melted together into a kiss the moment gazes locked. Your hand slide down to run along his toned chest, his breaths coming slowly and languidly as your long kiss.
Feren held you against his forehead with a hand as you disconnected, both of you drawing a longer breath in unison. Clear as it was by his sudden grip what Feren's desire was, there you remained, hand over his heart and lungs filling with his air as it mingled with yours.
Finally, you broke the silence. "Turn around, my love."
Obeying, Feren rotated, shifting to accommodate you as you loosened his cape and set it aside, taking instead his flowing locks of brown hair and draping them like a long, silky curtain along the line of his spine. You felt a slight tense of protest beneath his tunic when your hands lifted from his body completely, but they returned posthaste, an ivory comb in hand. Fingers running delicately through his soft hair, you pursued each motion with the teeth of the comb, one never catching the other before another lock was taken in hand. Once again, you felt your beloved's body melt against you.
"Tell me more about your day," you encouraged, voice soft, "unless you would rather not."
You feel Feren sigh before you hear it. "Oh," he waved a hand, "so first I am sent to speak on behalf of the king to some suppliers of some sort-"
Smiling softly, you shook your head a bit, reaching over to the nightstand to dab some oil on your hands and humming disapprovingly at the obstinate shipmen. Your home was never short of stories, that was certain, you reflected as you worked the oil through Feren's hair.
"...But it was all worth it to come home to you, my darling."
"Oh, you flatterer."
"No," taking your face in his hands, Feren shook his head, his dark eyes fixed firmly upon yours, "verily. I mean it, that were I not so lucky in your companionship, your unyielding love and care, I am quite sure Thranduil would have driven me mad by now. Thank you for loving me."
"It is the easiest thing on this earth to do," you whispered back, leaning in closer and pecking his lips, "but you are more than welcome, my dear."
Taglist: @lokilover476 @kilibaggins @mossthebogwitch @ibabblealot @stormchaser819 @pirate-lord-of-narnia @datglutengoblin @letmelickyoureyeballs @mossyskinn @wordbunch @tiny-and-witchy @th3-st4r-gur1 @fleurdemiel-145 @mistresskayla-blog1 @misabelle717 | Reply/Message/Ask to join 🩷
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Love Language (Obey Me!) drabble
How does a demon express love to MC?
Lucifer: Will take MC's hand to lace their fingers together. Possibly smile at MC and praise them. If alone, Lucifer will kiss their hand and tell them outright how much he loves them. A touch with his other hand to their face to whisper soft loving words. NSFW activities will be in front of a fireplace for this demon to be slow and all but torture MC with his devotion.
Mammon: Is not going to stop his grumpy all cool act. Will pull MC in and hug them by putting his arm around their shoulder. Blushes to grumble out a comment about how MC needs him. When alone, Mammon is tender. Acts very shy and will say how he really feels. Very vocal love language. NSFW bed romping will also be very vocal. Also romps with MC in his car.
Leviathan: Will stammer a lot. But says how much MC means to him. Will do the lacing a pinky into MC's if feeling bold. Does the game time and anime time to be casual about it. When alone, this demon is a blushing mess. Will ask to hold MC's hand or hug them. If MC does more than that, dork is having a moment where his heart is racing and he's as red as a tomato. Please give this sweetheart kisses, MC. Or more. If there is NSFW happening with this demon, he will be very timid to then get bold. Lots and lots of squeaking.
Satan: Is too serious for his own good. Very casual and just says how he feels. Point blank does not do subtle. Will hold hands or give MC a kiss to the cheek. When alone, he is a suave sexy demon flirt. He will hold Mc close and shower them with poetry. Will caress MC's face and give tender kisses. Confident AF. NSFW fun with this demon is sensual and very bold. MC will have bite marks where their clothes do not cover. Oops Satan is not sorry.
Asmodeus: This demon is a cuddle monster. Hand holding, cheek kisses, hugs galore, silly dances in the street. As long as he gets to look fabulous with MC. Is a shameless flirt and suave for the entire time in public. When alone, this demon is giving all of his love to MC in pampering. Shoulder rubs. Manicures. Spa days are a must. Deep kisses and snuggles in bed. Will gladly do the NSFW stuff for MC whenever they ask. Asmodeus is the most considerate lover to MC. The kama sutra ain't got jack shit compared to what this demon can do to MC.
Beelzebub: Hugs are a big yes. Head pats, nose nuzzles, sharing snacks as well as sips from his drink. This demon loves to cuddle and hug. When he says he loves MC, it means everything. When alone, Beelzebub is a giver. Back rubs. Kisses. He will be the pillow for Mc to sleep on top of. If MC makes love with this teddy bear of a demon, they will be feeling it in the morning. But that blissful smile and happy hum Beelzebub gives melts MC's heart. Beelzebub will take MC's hand to place to his heart and vow to love them forever. Very mushy fluff.
Belphegor: Is the most low energy flirt in the three realms. He will lean on MC and rest his head on their shoulder. Maybe lace his tail around MC's waist as they watch a movie on the couch. Will say how he feels and not care if anyone gets jealous. Is very chill and will hide a tiny gift for MC where they can easily find it. When alone, Belphegor insists on naps. Just holds MC and dozes with all the best dreams for both of them. he will place tender kisses to Mc's face. He will feel low key guilty for his past hatred for humans. (and other things) He will cry and say how sorry he is for being such a jerk. MC will have to hug him to make him feel better. Maybe another hour long doze. Or some NSFW rabbit romping.
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agustdiv1ne · 2 years
Congrats on your 2k milestone!! 💙💙
Can I request #940304/smut/Yeonjun
thank youuu ♡♡♡
wc: 967 (i may have gotten carried away,,,)
warnings: 18+, prince!yeonjun, servant!reader, forbidden romance type beat, mirror sex, unprotected sex (do not do this), more dom!yeonjun bc i said so !
asks are now closed
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2k drabble masterlist | main masterlist
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“my prince, we can’t. not now,” you whisper as you squirm in your lover’s arms. his nimble fingers come up to gently squeeze the column of your throat. a whimper tumbles from your lips in response.
“i thought we were past the whole ‘my prince’ thing, love. say my name, and perhaps i’ll listen,” he growls from behind you, his free hand moving to pull your back closer to his front. “you know how to be good.”
“y-yeonjun,” you breathe, and he groans at the pretty sound. “i must get back to work, else your parents may very well let me go.”
he teeth bare a grin against your neck. “you know that they wouldn’t, darling. you’re their favorite.” and he’s correct; the queen personally calls upon you more than her own appointed servants, and even gifts you tiny trinkets every so often. the king, by extension of his wife, remains pleasant to you.
“i thought you would listen if i obeyed you,” you mutter. “liar.”
“i said perhaps, pretty. you must understand the difference,” he chuckles as he begins to unlace your bodice, stripping you slowly of your modest servant attire. when your dress slips from your shoulders and crumples in a pile on the floor beneath, you are all but bare to yeonjun’s hungry gaze. one his hands cups your breast, his thumb brushing over your pebbled nipple sending tiny shocks of pleasure throughout your body. he suddenly nudges you onto the bed in front of you — his bed — lush and comfortable with the finest fabrics one could purchase. the silken sheets smooth over your bare skin as he manipulates your body so that your front presses against the mattress, your back arched prettily behind you. he adjusts himself so that he rests on his knees behind you, his hands coming to grip the supple flesh of your ass.
“so pretty,” he mutters as his fingers trail down to your exposed entrance. “you’re so wet for me already, love. are you sure you would prefer to return to work?”
you push back against his fingers silently, searching for any semblance of pleasure that you could receive. your duties have been tucked into a small corner of your brain; for now, all that you can think of is the man whose fingers are currently sinking into your wanting entrance.
“please,” is all you can manage to whimper as his fingers finally fill you to the knuckle, your face burying deeper into the sheets to muffle your moans. he tuts at this as he removes his fingers, a whine of despair sounding from your throat before morphing into moan when he grips your hair.
“look up,” he orders, and you follow his words immediately, only to be met with your reflection staring back at you, your hazy eyes drooping with want. the mist floating in your brain clears at the realization. since when did he have a mirror in front of his bed?
“i had it installed earlier today,” he explains, as if reading your mind, while a hand squeezes your waist. “i truly hope you enjoy my gift, princess. i requested it with you in mind.”
“thank you, but why?” you gasp as he removes his flowing white shirt, exposing his toned abdomen to you through the mirror. as he unbuttons his slacks, a wolfish grin overtakes his features.
“because i want you to be able to watch me fuck you until you cannot speak,” he growls, causing a shiver to run down your spine. soon enough, you feel his cock resting at your entrance, the head slightly pushing in before the sensation disappears.
“don’t tease, please,” you whisper as you stare directly into his reflection’s eyes. his breath shudders at your wanton state, finally giving in with a swift forward shift of his hips. immediately, your face buries into the mattress to muffle your unbearably loud moan. his movements cease before he settles his grip in your hair once more. your scalp screams in pain as he pulls your head up to face the mirror.
“eyes. on. me,” he asserts in a dangerous tone, one that has you clenching around him. his jaw ticks at the sensation. “or else i will leave you a needy little mess for the rest of the day. understand?”
“yes. please, just please fuck me — o-oh.” your begging is cut short as his the motion of his hips returns, his cock gliding against your walls in a way that has you seeing stars. his eyes never leave your face as his hand retracts from your hair, finding purchase on your hips. he drinks in the sight of your eyes rolling back as you try your best to focus on the man who is bringing you such delicious pleasure. whimpers and moans unabashedly fall from your lips into the heady air of the prince’s bedroom.
“so fucking good for me, darling,” he grunts as his thrust grow sloppier, his fingers beginning to circle your weeping bud. your fingers grip the expensive sheets below you as your vision drifts in and out of focus. “cum for me darling, cum on my cock like a good girl.”
it doesn’t take much longer for your body to obey your lover’s commands. you squeal out his name as your high crashes into you like a tsunami, your entire body quaking as you watch yeonjun throw his head back in pure pleasure. he cums moments later, his warm seed painting your walls before his entire body weight is collapsing on top of you. both of you pant, no words exchanged, as you both bask in the afterglow of your orgasms.
“that was amazing,” he murmurs. “you’re unbelievable.”
“that was quite the gift,” you giggle tiredly. “but, really, you must get off of me. i can’t breathe.”
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© to agustdiv1ne. do not copy, repost, steal, and/or translate.
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ay-chuu · 10 months
300 Follower special: Matching/Shipping Event!
Fandoms included: Twisted Wonderland, BNHA, BSD, Genshin Impact, Obey Me
Due to my mental health problems, im finishing ship requests with 16 asks. Hope you will understand <33
This is my first follower event… I'm very excited SDFJGKLDJGDJ  Those who know my account know that I've done a matching/shipping event before. But this time I want to make a change! So let's get started ^^ ٩(˘◡˘)۶
1) First of all, I want to say that I will be able to do an event for 20 people, since I am busy studying lessons, and the school is approaching. (Studying for uni exam ^3^)
2) Please follow this post and find out if you can send an ask. (16/20)
3) If there is any disrespect, racism, etc. in the ask, it will not be accepted. In other cases, if the number of people sent exceeds 20, it will be deleted.
4) I will try to share at least 2 pieces of ship per week. But as I said, depending on my studies, this number may increase or decrease. After all, none of us know what life will bring!
5) An event valid only for male characters! But your gender doesn't matter ^^
6) You can only choose 1 fandom!
The criterias I want:
Necessarily; your mbti, your zodiac sign, hobbies, phobias, some things you like and dislike, your ideal male type, gender/pronouns.
Not so necessarily: the information you want to add, your appearance, 1-2 details that you will like, etc.
And an uncoming surprise! ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ
After I have written you some short headcanons with long sentences, I will write a tiny drabble. (100-200 words) But you have to choose the topic of this drabble and you only have to choose one! Please select one of the following and add it to ask after writing down the features I want! ^^
*First meeting
*First Date
*First kiss
*Your most special moment
*Your anniversary
* Comforting (Please insert that the person who is comforted, you or the character)
* Valentine's Day
Except that... Thank you again for everything &lt;3
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chinchillamajor · 7 months
Reflections From A Barroom Mirror (Star Simon/Bad End AUs - drabble ficlet)
Star Simon finds himself back in a world he's already been to, once.
Oodles of my highest kudos to @mushroomnoodles for creating this little world (and so many others!) for Star Simon to be able to visit. I write a heck of a lot faster than I draw, so please excuse the lack of doodles for this one.
Trigger warnings: referenced mass death/catastrophe (Bad End pregnant Simon AU); implied but not shown Simon mpreg; alcohol use/alcoholism; death from alcohol poisoning mentioned.
Join me on the other side of the readmore, if you want. I can't say it won't hurt, but... I think it's still worth it. :3
"Haven't we been to this world before?" he asked Dandelion, who glowed faintly, saying nothing in reply. "Something about it feels familiar."
Star was confused at first, when he hopped through that night's dream portal.
He looked around the bar he'd appeared inside. Then stopped, recognizing the man slumped at the row of seats facing the bartender, along the far wall. Noticing, with a wince, the four-eyed baby wriggling quietly in the stroller parked beside his seat.
Star walked up to this alternate Simon, and took a seat on the stool next to him. "Water. No ice," he told the bartender, who looked back and forth between the two nigh-identical men, then shrugged, and got out a new glass.
This world's Simon didn't seem to have registered anyone was there next to him, until Star spoke.
"Hello, again," Star said. "This is strange... I don’t think I've ever been sent to a world *twice.* Much less where a version of our kiddo's already been born."
Simon raised his head away from his two bent fists he'd been resting it upon, blinking at Star blearily.
"I guess Dandelion figured you might need some extra help," Star added with a shrug. He squinted a little behind his glasses, trying to remember. "You... had a seal put on you, didn’t you? And Princess Bubblegum was building a dome for you, for when you were gonna have your kiddo?"
"Yeah... Sounds like me," Simon began, his words sliding together from too much alcohol. "For everyone's SAFETY."
He gave a dragging, ugly guffaw, but there was no humor in his voice. "Oh, glob, all we were trying to do was keep the Candy Kingdom *safe...*"
Star chose his words carefully. "If it would hurt to bring it up, you don’t have to answer, but... can I ask what happened?"
"Hurt? If it'd-- *HURT?*" Simon blurted at him in disbelief, and gave another cackle. He called out to the bartender. "This guy's new. Asking if what happened might *hurt."*
He grabbed for the shot glass before him, tossing back what little was left in the glass before clinking it back down onto the bar rail, hard. "Why do you think I'm HERE?"
"Something *bad,* then," Star said with a nod. "I won't push."
"No. No, I *wanna* talk about it. Everyone else is sick of me going on about what happened. But *I* have to live with it in my head, all the time," slurred Simon.
He took a deep breath, then tapped the empty shot glass against the table again, twice. The bartender obeyed the unspoken signal, bringing down a cloudy whisky bottle to refill his glass.
"When I woke up... there was my kiddo, there in my arms. Tiny, and wiggly, and *warm*... warmer than I ever figured anyone could be. They gave a little cry, and then..."
Tears began to pinprick behind Simon's glasses, as he began trembling at the memory. "Then, I realized, how QUIET it was. Besides that cry, there wasn’t any sound. Anywhere. In the middle of an entire metropolis. Just the wind.
"I called out for Marcy, and... Marcy was *there,* but..." He shook his head aimlessly, then tossed back the rest of the whiskey. "She gave up *everything,* just to try to help ME. They *all* did. And now... now they're all DEAD, and it's all my fault..."
Star said nothing, as tears began wobbling down his fellow Simon's face.
"There aren't any words for a hurt like that," Star finally said. "And I won't pretend there are."
"Then you're ahead of most of 'em out there," Simon said bitterly, flailing an arm towards the rest of the room. "Don't think I can't hear them talk. There goes Old Man Simon, off to the bar, again. Even takes his kid with him, sometimes. How pathetic can you get."
"Hey." was all Star said, holding out both hands. "You need one of..."
He didn’t get to finish the sentence. Simon was already tackling him, hugging Star like a lifeline.
"I'm sorry. Oh my glob, you're being so nice to me, and here I'm just getting my messed-upness all over *you,* too, I'm so sorry..." Simon blubbered through his tears.
"You're hurting," Star replied, patting Simon's back. He could smell the twinge of unknown days with no showers, through a sharp liquor stench. "I can't say I've been where you're at, exactly. But there's a very similar city I can see, on the map *I've* pieced together."
He waited until Simon pulled away before asking, "You mind if I tell you a story?"
Simon snuffled, then said, "Go for it."
"Thank you," said Star, bowing to his doppelganger, and began.
"His name was 'Al,' he told me. It'd been a few days since he’d been kicked out by his parents, for falling in love with a boy instead of a girl."
Star shook his head at the memory. "I would've done *anything* to help him. So I did. I used my magic on him. Scribbled out a sigil, burned it... and gave him a bit of my luck." 
He paused a moment before he continued. "Al was so happy, when he called me, later that night. Said he'd won five hundred dollars, from the lottery ticket he bought."
Simon blinked, not understanding. "So you helped him?"
"I thought I did," Star replied calmly. He glanced away as he added, "The next call I got was from the police. They'd found the business card I gave Al, in his pockets. He drank himself to death, that same night."
"Ah," Simon said, and cleared his throat, sitting suddenly ramrod-upright on his bar stool. "That’s... yeah, that's a lot."
"It was," Star replied, nodding. "It's not the same as what you've been through. But it was enough to stop me from using my magic on anyone but myself, ever again."
He clasped a hand over Simon's. "That’s the thing, though. You can be doing everything right, have the absolute best of intentions in mind... and still get the worst possible result."
Simon's lip wibbled, as he looked Star in the eyes. It was like seeing into the other man's unprotected soul.
"That doesn't mean you're a bad person," he could hear Star saying. "Sometimes, that's just how life *happens.* And you keep going, anyhow."
Simon's gaze flicked away, not sure why he felt so intimidated by this man who looked so much like him.
"You're ME. Aren't you," he stated.
"I'm a *version* of you. One who considers himself to be very, very lucky." Star sipped at his water thoughtfully, continuing, "I've had an awful lot of awful things happen in my life, but... there's always something amazing that happens, too. People I meet. Things I learn…" 
He set the water glass down, now that it was empty. "It's worth it, I can say. Eventually. Even if it always seems to take longer than it should."
Simon's mouth pursed to a thin line, as he stared into his whiskey glass.
"I won't say it all balances out, but... life sure never gets *boring,* either," Star added. "I have my stories I can tell. Sometimes they help other people know they're not alone. And I'm happy with that." 
Star reached for Simon's hand again. "In the grand scheme of things, I may not be able to do much to help anyone out. But. That’s what I can do, so... I try doing it, when I can."
Simon's hands met Star's– both of them, this time, though Simon's were still shaking. 
"I offer my little spark to folks's candles. And hope they see the sparkle inside themselves. Enough to keep going."
Simon let Star's words land. 
He stared off into space for a few moments, then mumbled, his voice low and wavering, "What am I supposed to do?"
"I don’t have the answer to that. Only *you* do," Star said, looking down at both their empty glasses. "But it looks like you've been hiding from yourself. Maybe for a while now. And you're not going to find any answers at the bottom of that glass, no matter how many times you look." 
Star raised an eyebrow, leaning in to add quietly, "I'd know. I had to quit drinking, myself, after my grandmother died, and I got lost for a while. Was way too good at it."
"You got *lost,*" said Simon with a weak chuckle.
"Sure. Everyone does, sometimes. I took the scenic route, for a few years." Star gave Simon's hands a squeeze. "It's never too late to get yourself back on your own path, again."
Simon covered his face with his hands, drawing in a deep, shaky breath.
"Not saying it won't be *hard,*" Star pointed out. "Sometimes, getting back from being lost is the hardest thing you'll ever do. But I *do* think it's worth it. From where I'm sitting now, anyhow."
He leaned back upon his seat. "But, I think I've talked long enough."
As Star hopped down from the bar stool, he pointed right at Simon's heart, tapping his stretched-out black sweatervest. "If you don't remember anything else, just know this much… Someone else out there loves you, a whole awful lot. And he hopes you'll get home safe. Whenever that ends up being. I'm not ever gonna grade you. Okay?"
"Okay," Simon repeated, new tears starting down his reddened cheeks. He rubbed his arm over his face, smearing snot all along his shirt sleeve. "Th..thank you."
"Thank you, for listening," Star replied, giving his shoulder one last pat. "I should let you get back to what you were doing. Take care of yourself, and the little one when you can, okay?"
Simon watched Star walk out from the bar. There was a flash from down the hallway, and then… the sounds around him came back to his attention.
The bartender, choosing not to comment on whatever had just happened, only pointed to Simon's shot glass, and offered, "Another one?"
"Uh," Simon replied. "You know, I… I think I'm good for the day. I'll have some water, please.
"Er. No ice," he added quickly.
The bartender obeyed with a nod.
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marvelmusing · 2 years
Couples Costume
Pairing: Billy Russo x Fem!Reader
Summary: It’s the evening of the ANVIL Halloween party, and you want Billy to wear a costume.
A/N: sorry this is so short, I just had a cute little halloween idea for Billy and then this drabble was born.
My Masterlist
“That’s what you’re wearing?” You say with a small pout puckering your lips. Billy stares at your reflection with a raised brow.
“Baby you’re not even dressed yet, you got no right to judge me.” He adjusts his tie a fraction of an inch to the left, then smooths it down again.
“Billy, it’s your own costume party and you’re not gonna wear a costume?”
The ANVIL Halloween Party was a new idea from the HR department to boost morale, and Billy’s employees had been looking forward to it ever since it was announced. You know some people who are planning to go all out with their costumes, whilst others have been dared to wear the stupidest outfit their colleagues can find. You were rather excited to wear your own outfit.
Billy was dressed in his usual three piece suit, and whilst he looked as incredible in it as he always did, you wanted him to join in on the fun.
“Hang on a sec.” You open up the drawer in your vanity table, and ask Billy to close his eyes. He holds your gaze for a long moment, then sighs and obeys you with only a small eye roll.
His head tilts slightly as he hears you approach him, and there’s a small crease between his brows as he attempts to figure out what you’re doing. There’s a small huff from you, before you ask,
“Could you duck your head please?” A smirk spreads over his lips which immediately shifts into a teasing pout.
“Poor baby, can’t reach?” You frown at him as his smirk returns, but he does duck his head down to a height you can reach.
“You’re too tall.” You grumble quietly and he chuckles.
He’s aware of you sliding something onto his head, some sort of hair band perhaps. You spend a moment straightening it, and smoothing down his signature slicked back hair.
“Okay, you can open them.”
Billy doesn’t even look at you, his eyes fall on his reflection immediately.
“Absolutely not.”
You giggle at the sight of your boyfriend, with tiny black cat ears sitting on the top of his head.
“But you’re so cute.” He raises a brow at you sternly, a silent warning that has a shiver running down your spine. “I have some other things you could try.” You tell him, looking down into the drawer that you left open.
“Like?” He prompts, stepping closer.
“Some sparkly devil horns.” You laugh at his unimpressed expression. “There’s some vampire fangs as well, but I don’t know how easy it’ll be to talk with them in.”
He ducks his head down slightly as his eyes scan over the contents of the drawer. His hands rummage through your things for a moment, before he pulls out the said vampire fangs.
They’re still in their sealed plastic case, and Billy tears it open and attempts to fit the fangs into his mouth. You sit back down on your chair and watch his reflection as he struggles. Once he has them in he turns to face you, flashing a dazzling smile that makes your stomach flip.
Cheeks warming, you look away, and you can practically feel Billy’s grin widening.
“Is this doing something for you?” He teases, and you glance back at him, only to see his tongue running along his teeth and catching against the pointed canine.
“No.” You scoff, but Billy doesn’t believe you.
“Oh it definitely is. I’m keeping these.” You raise a brow at him.
“You know you won’t be able to eat, or drink, all night?” He hums with a shrug. “You won’t be able to kiss me.”
That stops him in his tracks, his head cocked as he looks back at you. You laugh softly.
“Billy Russo have you seen how you kiss? I’ll end up swallowing a fake tooth.”
He sighs, and pulls the teeth out.
“Fine.” He slots them into a small pouch that had been tucked away in the packaging, and you frown when he moves over to his side of the bed. “But I’m keeping these in my drawer.”
He bends down, and your cheeks burn when you see which drawer he’s opened. His bottom drawer - where he keeps the toys. You shake your head at him, but you can’t deny you’re excited for the time he wants to use those in the bedroom.
“I do have another idea.” You tell him, shutting the drawer of the vanity table. He raises a brow at you. “But you’ll have to change your shirt.”
Teetering on your heels, you approach the mirror that hangs in the hallway beside Billy’s front door. Brows drawn together, you examine your reflection. You’re exceptionally pleased with your make-up tonight, it’s the flower crown you’re struggling to perfect. It keeps slipping, and as a result you’re not sure if it’s too big for your head.
You’re too busy fussing over the blooms that encircle your head to notice that Billy has been standing in the hallway, stunned into admiration at the sight of you.
There’s a movement in the corner of your eye, as Billy leans against the wall. Your heart stops at the sight of him. He hadn’t actually changed much from his earlier outfit, but the black shirt you had told him to wear made his figure all the more striking.
He pushes away from the wall, his eyes wide in astonishment as he looks at you. His hands settle on your waist, and you giggle as he spins you into twirling.
It had taken you quite some time to find the perfect dress for tonight. The sleeves were made of sheer black netting, which ballooned as the fabric reached your wrists to give you a loose, flowing swish when you walked. The rest of your dress was also black, and clung to your body perfectly until it reached your mid-thighs.
“You look stunning, baby.” Billy says firmly, hoping you believe every word. You beam at him, ducking your head slightly.
“Thank you.”
You turn to the cabinet that sits in the hallway, and pick up the tie clip you had put there whilst you were waiting for Billy.
“Now, I know you hate couples costumes,” you start as you step forwards, clipping the metal onto his tie for him. “But I thought this would be a more subtle couples costume.”
He frowns, tilting his head to look at you. In all honesty, Billy had been too distracted by how beautiful you looked to remember that you were wearing a costume. Now he’s trying to figure out what you are, and what he is as you hold out a handful of silver rings. He slots each one of them over his fingers, his brows furrowed as he thinks.
You gesture to the clip you had placed on his black tie, and Billy observes the shining silver skull that glistens in the light.
“Death and flowers.” You add as a clue, gesturing to the crown of flowers on your head. Billy’s frown only lasts for a moment longer, and soon he’s smiling.
“We’re Hades and Persephone.” You beam, relieved that he likes the idea.
“Ding ding! Ten points for Billy Russo.” He chuckles, pulling you into his arms and the two of you sway with the motion.
“You clever girl.”
Only you would manage to get him to wear a couple’s costume on Halloween and actually enjoy it.
Billy Russo Tag List: @blackbirddaredevil23 @restingbitchsblog @rafaelakelley @theysayitscrazy @nyx2021 @skybridgerton @dragon-of-winterfell @chickensarentcheap @stardustmorozov @sweetwritingfanficfriend @witchcraftandwit @ladyofsoa @ily2lia
marvelmusing Tag List: @dreamlandcreations @blanchedelioncourt @idaofinfinity
If you’d like to be added or removed from my tag list just ask!! Feel free to comment or reblog if you liked this!
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aikofanfan · 1 year
Obey me, Themis!
Part 2 is out!
Summary: Rosa is your childhood friend and you decide to visit her and Luke. But it’s you. Things are never that easy.
Pairings: None. For now. I may fold on that in later parts.
Warnings: There is a small reference to Ep 3 of ToT, if you played it you know if not- drugs and child abuse. Very small tho just letting ya know.
A/n: Obey Me! x Tears of Themis crossover that was supposed to be a small dumb little drabble for shits n giggles became a bigger story with every word I wrote. So expect more parts cuz skdjsndns
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“Wait really??!” Rosa jumps up from her desk, phone in hand and a huge grin on her face. “When? Around what time?? So soon?”
Everyone in the room looked at her as she walks around her desk, talking to whoever it maybe.
“No no my shift ends soon! Yes I know but I wish you would’ve called sooner I could’ve gotten food or something ready!” She laughs. “So much has happened since we last spoke!”
She walks and talks some more than noticed people staring. Ah right she is still at the office after all.
“I’ll see you soon!” She says before ending the call. She goes back to her desk and sets her phone down, Hm maybe she can get some take out ready to pick up if she orders now. She can get it on her way home.
“Rosa?” A sudden voice snaps her back to reality and she sees Artem by her desk.
“Oh hi Mr. Wing! Sorry about that.” She says sheepishly.
“It’s okay. Did something happen?” He asks, looking slightly worried.
“Oh no no not at all! That was my old friend MC!” Rosa explains. “I haven’t seen them in a long time and they called to tell me they’re coming here to Stellis!”
Artem recalls a few stories about this MC. Seemed like the polar opposite of Rosa when he thinks about it. MC had visited Stellis with family one year during their childhood in the summer and had gotten to know Rosa, they managed to keep in touch even after all these years as pen pals before exchanging phone numbers.
“They should be waiting for me by the time my shift is over.” Rosa glances at the time.
“Well if it really has been that long, you can leave now.” Artem suggests. Rosa doesn’t even fight it, jumping up and gathering her things and giving Artem a big hug and a quick thank you.
“Oh relax would ya.” You snicker, DDD in hand. “I’m not gonna get dragged into any of her cases. I’m not a lawyer or agent or whatever.”
You were outside of Rosa’s home waiting for her to get back. In the mean time you talked on your DDD with an over protective demon.
“You get dragged into all kinds of trouble without trying.” Lucifer sighed on the other end.
“Mmm true but still.” You snickered. “I’ll be fine.”
“Oop gotta go!”
You hang up and put your DDD away just in time to catch a smaller figure crash into you in a tight hug.
“Rosa!” You laugh and set her down. “Ah still so tiny.”
“Hey! I’ve grown at least a little bit!” Rosa pouts. “My boss let me out early and I got food!”
She turned around to grab the bag of take out she set down a ways away. Only for you to flicker your wrist and have it hover over and land in your hand.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.” She says in awe. She was one of the few people outside of your family that knew about your mmm other worldly trips and lessons.
From murder cases to crazy trails and tests to mundane things and a bit more still mundane things the two of you share many stories back and forth.
“Sounds like Luke is still Luke you’re still you.” You grin.
“Yeah and it seems you’ve changed the most.” Rosa sighs. You could tell there was far more she wanted to share but clearly had her reasons to keep quiet. You don’t mind, the life of a lawyer must come with its own secrets.
“Change? Nah. Still just as hot headed as when we were kids.” You wink. “Only my eyes glow green when I get mad.”
Rosa sits up straight and blinks at you. You only give her a lope sided smile and she giggled.
“If I wasn’t so aware of your adventures I would’ve questioned that a bit more.” She giggled lightly. “Oh! You should come with me to the office and meet everyone!”
“Will I get to meet this Artem Wing you always mention in your texts?” You ask and wiggle your eyebrows at her.
That got you a pillow to the face.
“MC!” Luke waves to you and Rosa as you walk to a big building. Themis Law Firm if you recall correctly.
“I texted Luke to see if he wanted to stop by and see you.” You hear Rosa say before getting hugged by said man.
“It’s so good to see you! When did you get here???” He pulls away and gives you that blindingly bright smile of his.
“Just last night.” You state. He doesn’t know about you and magic. It’s not that you don’t trust him it’s just…you just don’t think his heart could take it. Seeing as how protective he is with just Rosa. But enough of that.
“Hmmm I dunno Rosa.” You hum, hand on her head and raising it to your own than to Luke’s. “You still look pretty tiny to me.”
Rosa gasps and Luke does his best to hold in his laughter but that only annoys Rosa more.
“I am not that small!!” Rosa swats her hands on your shoulder and Luke finally loses it. It was this moment that made you realized you missed these two knuckleheads more than you thought. You want to share all your adventures with Luke and Rosa but you still remember how Rosa reacted on a video call when you told her why you went missing for a year.
“WHAT?!” She gasps and you nearly dropped your phone.
“Look I know it sounds crazy but-”
“Other realm or not that breaks so many laws! And you aren’t the least bit upset!?” She asks, propping her phone up and flipping through some folders. “Abduction, forcing a person to do something against their will, having no say in the matter, oh my gods!”
“Rosa hey relax!” You laugh. She smacks the folder in her hands down and gives you a bewildered look. “So you believe me?”
“Of course I do! I looked into your missing person case after you were declared dead. Nothing made sense and now you telling me all this, everything makes sense.” She sighed. “No signs of struggle, no one having it out for you, nothing. You just…vanished.”
“You looked into my case?” You smiled. Rosa once again looked at you like you were crazy for asking such a thing.
“MC, we may have known each other over a summer but you quickly became my best friend. Of course I would.” She stated like it was obvious. “You really aren’t upset about this?”
“No it’s…complicated.” You sigh but had a small smile.
“Sounds like you were the force of nature those boys needed huh?”
Rosa laughed hard at your outburst.
Back to the present, Luke had to run off but made you and Rosa promise that you all had to hang out together at least once before you had to go. Now you were walking into the building and heading to Rosa’s floor.
“Is that phone even sturdy?” You ask, eyeballing the piece of glass in Rosa’s hand that she claimed to be a cell phone.
“It’s a lot tougher than you think.” She says with such confidence she might give Mammon a run for his money.
“Oooh is this the famous MC we’ve heard so much about?” A new voice says as a woman walks over to you two.
“MC this is Celestine.” Rosa introduced and you shake her hand. More and more people come and go to meet you. Did Rosa really talk about you that much?
“You make me out to be some celebrity?” You teased and she just grins at you. You get to her little cubicle and sit by her, watching her work. You get bored within half n hour and start to spin around in the wheelie chair you’re sat in.
“MC don’t do that. You’ll crash into someone.” You hear Rosa warn.
“Oh I’ll be fine- OH SHIT-” You slam your feet down just in time so you don’t smack into whoever was right behind you. You glance up and seen cold blue eyes staring down at you. If you were a normal person you’d be intimidated but being around the likes of Lucifer, you just wave at the guy.
“Well hello there pretty boy.” You grin and hear Rosa choke on her tea behind you.
“And you must be MC.” He says.
“That’s me. And you?” You ask.
“Artem Wing.”
“OH.” You stand up and bow a little. “I am so sorry, Mr. Wing! Rosa has told me so much about you! Ha ha ha!”
“Don’t be so tense.” Artem chuckled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
You shake hands then sink back down into your chair. You glance over to Rosa who was currently coughing into a tissue.
“Well I’d say that’s a new record for me.” You grin then look back to Artem. “So!”
You stand back and give Artem a once over. He must’ve noticed as you see a bit of blush form on his cheeks and he fiddles with his tie.
“Rosa told me a lot about you as I mentioned and her description of you was spot on. Easy on the eyes and has gorgeous eyes too!” You state and hear Rosa make a squeaky noise.
“Well it’s almost my lunch time! Come on MC!” Rosa finally speaks up and grabs your wrist, dragging you away from Artem.
“Rosa also told me you got a nice waist. I can see it! You’re totally her type!”
“I can’t believe you.” Rosa pouts and takes a bite of her sandwich. You two were in a park, sat on a bench under a tree.
“Am I wrong though?” You ask with a knowing look. She merely glares but shyly shakes her head.
“Knew it.” You say with a wink. You chat some more until a guy walks over.
“Hey Miss attorney. Who’s this with you?” He says, taking the empty spot on Rosa’s right side.
“Oh! MC this is Marius. Marius this is my friend MC. They’re visiting Stellis for a few days.” Rosa introduced you two to each other.
“Marius, Marius.. ah right.”
“Yep. Marius von Hagen at your service.”
“Oh I was gonna say the blueberry play boy.”
Rosa laughs as you snicker at the man’s expression. You remember Rosa mentioning a Marius in your texts and you gave him the title of blueberry play boy because of his hair and eyes.
“We’ve only just met and you’re already being so mean.” He says in a fake hurt tone. Now why does that seem so familiar?
“But truly I’ve met bigger names.” You state. “Not really impressed by titles nowadays.”
“Oh? Who have you met?” He asks, thinking you’re being serious. Meanwhile Rosa looks surprised, are you going to-?
“Nobody you need to know. Rosa has told me all about you so it feels like I’ve already met you and the shock has drifted away.” You joke and Rosa sighed. Just then your DDD rings and you get up. “Excuse me for a moment.
Rosa nods and you walk off to the side before answering. Right away you hear bickering on the other end, Asmo, Levi and Mammon if you’re hearing correctly. Of all the times to call-
“OI!” You snap and silence follows. “I told you guys I’d be busy the next few days. What is it?”
What follows was mingled words of Asmo saying Mammon stole his jewelry, Mammon denying it and Levi whining about-something; you aren’t sure what. You pinch the bridge of your nose, contemplating on whether you should text Lucifer for help or not.
When an evil idea comes to mind. You look over to the bench and no matter how they look you know Rosa and Marius are trying to listen in on the conversation. So you wave your hand and when they notice you, you point at Marius and make a “come here” gesture with your hand.
“Yeah?” He asks, confused. You mute yourself on your end and say:
“Just follow my lead, okay?” You say and he nods. You unmute yourself. “Look you guys, I don’t really have time for this.”
“But MC-!”
“I have a lot of sight seeing to do. You can be good and figure this out for yourselves right?” You ask. “I’m sure Lucifer can help sort this out.”
“Lucifer?” Marius asks and the three boys on the other side grow silent real fast. Got em.
“Who’s that?” Mammon asks.
“Oh this is Marius. He’s a friend of Rosa’s, I just met him.” You explain calmly. “He’s part of the Pax Group. The ceo if I remember right.”
“PAX GROUP?!” The three voices simultaneously shout, making you and Marius jerk back from the volume of it.
“Oi he isn’t tryin to steal ya away is he?” You hear Mammon hiss.
“Oh relax.” You rolled your eyes. “I just had him talk just to tease ya. Call it karma for the headaches you lot give me.”
“You’re so mean!” Asmo whines but you knew they were used to this. You tease but never mean any ill intent.
“Now if all matters are settled, I’m going to hang up now and you aren’t going to call me anymore right?” You state.
“Right?” You repeat, eyes flashing green for a second. The three agree and hang up. You put your DDD away with a sigh and glance to the young ceo beside you. “Why are you staring at me like that?”
“Did your eyes glow…green? How did you do that?” He asks.
…oh shit-
“He noticed? Oh he’s not going to let that go.” Rosa sighed as she typed on her computer.
“I had a feeling he was that kind of prick.” You huff, slumping into your chair.
“He’s not a-prick- he just likes to tease. Like someone else I know.” Rosa comments, side eyeing you with a smirk.
“Are you saying we’re similar??? I’m hurt!” You gasp in fake offend. You two keep talking as she works, your head spinning at all the legal talk. It makes magic and potions look like pre school levels of easy in comparison.
“Using a kid as a test subject for drugs? Hmmm wonder if Diavolo could find that guy in the Devildom.” You mumble to yourself after Rosa explained one of the cases she worked on.
She looks at you, making a face like she wanted to say or ask something but frowns with a small pout.
“Something on your mind?” You ask.
“If you could find him that would really help things but- I don’t think that would be something that could be explained in court.” She pouts. Right. Things are still odd between the realms. You’d bet everything that Diavolo would help in a heartbeat but things aren’t that easy.
“Someday, Rosa. Someday.” You pat her back. To lighten the mood again you spin in your chair- and fall over with a loud thud.
“I’m okay!” You hold a thumbs up and hear Rosa laugh before she’s helping you up.
“You didn’t learn from earlier today did you?” She asks.
“Nope!” You grin.
“I’m assuming this is the MC I’ve heard so much about.”
You glance behind Rosa and see a man with glasses and Hm white? Platinum hair? Meh who really knows.
“Based on the way you dress, you must be V-” Rosa elbowed you. “-Dr. Richter.”
“Correct.” He chuckled as you rub your side, softly glaring at Rosa.
“Well look at that, I’ve met all three of these new guys.” You announced.
“Friends, MC. My new friends.” Rosa corrected you but you just shoot her a look. You bicker back and forth but feel eyes on you still. Looking up, Dr. Richter hasn’t moved or walked away.
“Something wrong, Doc?” You ask.
“No no it’s just-how do I put it. You seem different from others I’ve met.” He explains. Your eyes narrow, you can tell this man is far more than what he looks to be. Rosa must’ve sensed the growing tension before she wheels her chair in between you and this doctor, holding her hands up.
“MC is just a very interesting person like that. You know?” She laughs kinda nervously, looking up at the man.
“I’m not going to cause any trouble if that’s what you’re trying to imply.” You spoke up after a moment. “I’m just here to visit two childhood friends, is that so wrong of me?”
“No not at all.” Dr. Richter agreed. He gets called away and walks off, but you could still tell he was wary of you.
“He totally knows.” You said once you were sure he was gone.
“No I don’t think it’s that he knows, maybe he can just tell there’s more to you than meets the eye.” Rosa explains. “Either way, just be extra careful around him.”
“And by that you mean don’t knock his lights out.”
“Especially that.”
“He’s just a Psychiatrist! Why was he sizing me up like some criminal?!” You pace around as you vent to Rosa and Luke. You were in Rosa’s apartment hanging out like Luke basically made you promise to do.
“I mean-are you?” Luke asks and you grab a pillow then chuck it at him. He laughs as he catches it. “He’s just like that. Comes with the job I’m sure.”
Grumbling, you slump back down into a chair. You shouldn’t let this bother you so much but it does. Then again you should be used to this, the students at RAD were the same way once upon a time.
“So how long are you planning to stay?” Rosa asks, effectively changing the topic.
“Not sure yet. Maybe a few days. I know you guys are busy.” You answer.
“Oh come on! Stay longer!” Luke urges. “We have so much catching up to do!”
“He’s right. I don’t have any major cases right now.” Rosa adds. They both give you puppy dog eyes and you groan in defeat.
“Alright alright.” You give in. “I’ll stay longer.”
They celebrate their victory and pull you into a small group hug.
“You weren’t trying to test MC, were you, Vyn?” Rosa walks into the NXX headquarters with Luke behind her and clearly caught the doctor off guard with her question.
“Of course not.” He says. “I’ve met a lot of people in my line of work and there’s just something different about them.”
“You’d be right about that, Doc. I met them and their eyes glowed green.” Marius pipes up and oh boy.
“Green?” Artem questioned, joining the conversation as he walks over. Luke makes a confused noise and looks down to Rosa.
“You were seeing things.” She tried to shrug it off.
“They’re our friend, if there was something new with them they would’ve told us by now.” Luke spoke up, not liking how the others were acting as if MC was suspicious. Rosa nodded in agreement.
“Not like we have a right since we can’t tell them about this.” Rosa adds, gesturing to the whole headquarters. The topic is changed once Artem starts talking about a new case that came in.
Strange substances going around the city that’s causing strange side effects or worse, death. But no one knows where it came from or what it even is. It was like it came from a different world all together.
“It’s only been recorded to have be here in Stellis only as of right now.” Artem explains.
“And if we don’t find out where it’s coming from, it could spread.” Marius adds. Rosa looks at the sample careful that was in a small baggy. Reddish with bits of black and leafy like.
“May…I make a suggestion.” Rosa spoke up. All four of the men look at her. “I think I know where we can start.”
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