#not the first duke i like that one it's just the second one i resent for Moll Reasons
sneez · 2 years
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i cannot stop thinking about this stanza of the epitaph the 2nd duke of buckingham wrote about fairfax (his father-in-law). his transgender swag
[id: two digital drawings of mary fairfax and the 2nd duke of buckingham sitting together. in the first image buckingham has his arm around mary (who is looking disgruntled) and is looking at something out of view, saying ‘your dad looks gnc af’. in the second image mary is turning to him with an incredulous expression, saying ‘YOU’RE INSANE’, whilst he looks sheepish.
the third image is a screenshot of a verse from the epitaph. it reads:
UNDder this Stone doth lye One born for Victory, Fairfax the Valliant, and the only He, Who e'r, for that alone a Conqueror wou’d be, Both Sexes Virtues were in him combin'd: He had the Fierceness of the Manliest Mind, And all the Meekness too of Woman kind.
end id.]
bonus: the gnc dad in question
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[id: a digital drawing of thomas fairfax sitting in his wheelchair, reading a letter. he has a blanket over his legs and is wearing a serious expression. end id.]
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plussizefantasia · 16 days
Don't Cry Over Spilled Lemonade
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Anthony Bridgerton x f!reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: None that I can think of, this is kinda angsty tho
A/N: Surprise post IG I wrote this in my notes app because I couldn't sleep so if there are spelling or grammar issues I'm sorry. let me know if you want a part two because I wouldn't mind continuing this.
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Anthony adored how close you were to his siblings. You had become a close family friend ever since you defended Daphne against some creep at her first-ever ball out in society, it was your second season and you had taken it upon yourself to keep an eye on the diamond, looking out for her quietly in the background.
You weren’t going to intervene at all, just offer her some advice woman to woman if the need arose but when you saw Baron Taylor grab the redhead by the wrist you couldn’t hold back.
Anthony himself was only seconds away from coming to his sister's aid when you ‘accidently’ tripped into the man spilling your glass of lemonade down the front of his vest. 
“Perhaps my Lord if we kept our hands to ourselves certain… interventions might’ve not had to happen. Don’t you think?” When Anthony had seen your raised eyebrow and defensive posture all aimed at the scumbag who dared lay a hand on his baby sister he couldn’t help but fall a little bit in love right then and there. Not that he’d ever admit it to himself or anyone else for that matter.
A day later Daphne had invited you to tea at their family house in order to thank you for the rescue and potentially make a new friend and ally within the marriage mart.
Ever since that day, you’d been a regular in his home, but you were never there for him as much as he’d have liked you to be. No, you were always there for one of his siblings. You were there to talk with Daphne, first about her counting of the duke and then slowly transitioning into how she felt about being a married woman and then a mother. He could also find you sketching in silence next to Benedict, the two of you after attending to draw the same scene and then critiquing each other's work when you were done. You would trade books and ideas with Eloise, listen to Fran play the piano while working on your embroidery, and the scenes which would warm his heart the most, you’d come around to chase after Greg and Hyancith playing with them in the gardens and keeping a watchful eye to make sure they stayed safe. 
Anthony adored how close you were to his siblings, and he loathed how much of a distance there seemed to be between the two of you. 
You were cold to the Viscount, you had been since the evening you came to Daphne’s rescue, he had attempted to give you his thanks and you had simply excused yourself, “My apologies my Lord but I seem to be down a glass of lemonade presently and I find myself to be quite parched, excuse me.” Your tone was cold and Anthony spent the rest of that night and the next two years trying to figure out what he possibly couldn’t done to make you so icy towards him.
“I do not understand it Ben, she is so kind and lovely to the rest of you but is like a stone wall when it comes to me, what could I be missing?”
“Perhaps she just doesn’t like you brother have you ever thought of that?” Benedict was too preoccupied with this still life to deal with his older brothers pining at the moment. 
“That is not possible, I’ve done nothing but be the perfect gentleman to her.” 
“Anthony I have no idea why dear Y/N does not like you but what exactly will you whining in my studio do about that?” 
“I resent that. I am not whining I am simply asking my dearest brother for his advice on a matter I care very much about. I thought that was what brothers were for.”
“You want my advice, Anthony? Think. Think long and hard about what you want and how you’ll get it because Y/N has no patience for wishy-washy men.”
“That is horrible advice, Ben.”
“When then perhaps you can find better advice from your other brothers. Which will it be Anthony, the one who has been blindly in love with his best friend for years, or the ten-year-old?” 
“I hate it when you’re right.”
“I know. Now leave, that storm cloud above your head is casting shadows on my fruit.” Ben pointed his paintbrush at the bowl of fruit balanced atop a stool. Anthony huffed and knowing that it would bother his brother, he grabbed the apple off the top of the pile and took a bite of it as he strode out of the room
Ben had told him to think, but Anthony didn’t know what to think about. He knew that he craved your attention. He knew that he enjoyed seeing you around his house, interacting with the people whom he loves. He enjoyed hearing your witty comebacks and the way that even if you were not doing anything in particular you still fill the space you’re in.
He wanted her in his life, and if he was being completely honest with himself he wanted more than that. 
It’s during his musing that he runs into her in the hallway, you have a book clutched within your hand, and your head is held high. You don’t stop your stride even though he knows that you saw him. He bites his lip and tampers down a smirk. Add another thing to that list of things he likes about you, you have fire, he just wished that it wasn’t always aimed at him.
“Lady, L/N which one of my dear siblings are you spending your day with today?” He attempts to match his pace with yours catching up to you so that the two of you walk shoulder and shoulder.
“Actually, Lord Bridgerton, I was having tea with your mother this afternoon she invited me over so we could discuss what to do about Frannie’s debut next season.”
This was not something that normal family friends do, you know that and he knows that. His sibling’s entrances into society are a matter which the viscountess must handle, something his mother has had to continue to do because of his lack of a wife. 
“That was very kind of you to help her with.”
“Well, she doesn’t have anyone else to help her.” Your words cut him down, not for the first time. 
“Lady L/N may I be frank?”
“It is your home, you may do as you please.” You turn to face him, your face a mask of indifference. 
“What have I done to cross you, for the longest time I have known you you have been cold to me and I do not understand why?” 
“I had figured that you did not remember, either that or you had purposely forgone trying to speak with me about it.”
“About what?” 
“Our first meeting My Lord.” 
“I remember our first meeting very clearly, it is one of my fondest memories seeing you stand up for Daphne and ruin Lord Taylor’s vest.” He tilts his head to the side and smiles at the memory.
“That was not the first time we met My Lord, the first time we met you snubbed me in front of the entire ton and sparked rumors that did not leave me until two seasons later.” She was harsh in her words and the tightness in her shoulder’s belayed her desire to flee.
Anthony was speechless, surely he had not? He would’ve remembered her, would’ve remembered turning down one of the most beautiful women he had ever met, intentionally or otherwise. 
“I- I beg your deepest forgiveness Y/N I do not remember and if I had I would’ve tried to make it up to you tenfold by now.”
Your eyes began to gloss over and you looked at the wall beside his head, “It was my first season out, Lady Danbury’s ball, and I had seen you standing there surrounded by other gentleman. I had thought you a very fine figure and despite the rumor mill telling me you were nothing but a rake I had tried to begin a conversation. All you did was turn to me and laugh. I wasn’t asked to dance for the entire rest of that season and it was only until my Mother forced the son of one of her garden party friends to dance with me was that streak broken. You were the first and only man I had ever attempted to pursue and you laughed in my face. Were it not for my deep need to help those I see in need I would never have talked to you or any member of the Bridgerton family for the rest of my life.”
“You must know that I regret that, I regret everything I have ever done to hurt you and I will spend the rest of my days working for your forgiveness.” If Anthony was a weaker man he would’ve fallen to his knees and begged for your forgiveness until his last breath, right there in the hallways of his family’s home.
“I appreciate your words Anthony, but that’s all they are… words. I am unmarried, one year from becoming a spinster in the eyes of the entire ton, and you, you are the only one I can blame.” You don’t wait for his reply, just stalking off and wiping the tears from your eyes.
Anthony resolved himself in that moment. He would do whatever it took to make it up to you, to bring a smile to your face, and to cast away the hurt he had caused.
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starboyjun · 3 months
tw: fire, death, unaliving
zayne, leon (the emperor reverses time)
zayne would be the cursed/feared [cold] duke of the north. he would have a hard time expressing his emotions because of his punishment for reversing time to be with you again. in his first life, he resented you because of the arranged marriage he was forced into because the emperor forced him to marry to take his place as duke of his kingdom. you were also forced but zayne was upset and blamed it on you. after your death he realizes how much he cared for you even though he didn't recognize his feelings. he went crazy and found a way to reverse time to be with you. this time, he won't make the same mistakes again.
rafayel, jade (I turned my childhood friend into a tyrant)
rafayel would be a second prince who is your childhood friend. you're engaged to his older brother but since you became his closest friend people wonder if you're becoming greedy for power since you befriended both princes. because of that people started to hate you and that became the cause of your death. rafayel is a playful, teasing friend who's ambitions are to become the crown prince so he can have you by his side. he's always loved you since you two were children. he left for a different country to study and came back to seeing you about to engulfed in fire. he then killed himself after you died. he vowed to find you again and cherish the memories you have together instead of ruining your future. hes see then your countless deaths he tried to prevent then his new life, he tried to avoid you but you just keep coming back to him. how can he avoid you when you're approaching him with such a heart melting smile?
xavier, mikhael (the princess imprints the traitor)
xavier is your beloved knight, you are a royal, 2nd to the throne. xavier has longed for you since the beginning of his service to you. your calmness, elegance, charisma making him fall hard for you. but he can't show it, he's scared he might scare you with his love. he dreams of being by your side not only as youe knight but as your husband. he wants to wake up by your side, lounge in the sun, be able to kiss you whenever he wants. he knows that's impossible, a knight with no title marrying the princess? that is unheard of. so he plots to overthrow the throne a king can marry anybody right? so he does it successfully but when he comes to your side, you unalived yourself... so he begs the gods to reverse time. so he tries again a second chance in his hands, and fails as you get poisoned. the third time, he stops dreaming about being by your side. he tries not to stand out during his knight training but you come to him first making him your knight... will his dream about able being by your side come true?
bonus: caleb, rayburn (I'm stanning the prince)
caleb is prominently overshadowed by his impressive and successful siblings and so he never thought of somebody liking him as much as you do. when you came into his life you brought colors and feelings to his bleak life. he loved it... but he as nervous that one day you'd be swept off your feet by a guy a thousand times better than him. you day you'd stay by his side forever but how long will it take for you to break it?
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obstinaterixatrix · 1 year
yo bookwalker’s having a coin boost event on yuri until 6/25/23, there’s a sale but it only applies to ‘yuri is my job’ (personally I wasn’t compelled by that one). anyway here are some of the series on the list I like:
Still Sick—office lady romance about a woman who draws yuri being found at a convention by a coworker, one of my absolute faves (3 volumes, complete)
5 seconds before a witch falls in love—collection of stories, main story is a two-shot about a witch hunter and a witch duking it out (really like this one) and there’s a oneshot about the most normal girl in existence but a demon and angel obsess over her (not personally a fan). regardless if you like the oneshot, imo the main story is SUUUUPER worth it, I love it a lot (1 volume, complete)
Failed Princesses—high school romance with the energy of a hot-blooded shounen. these gals shout passionately about their feelings. the main character is a popular girl who’d talk shit about the unpopular girl but then her boyfriend cheated on her and the unpopular girl was like ‘hey. you have to be happy. you’re not allowed to be unhappy (because I resent you for being the perfect popular girl)’ and the popular girl was like ‘oh my god… you are sooo NICE I’m obsessed you forever now’ (this is all in like the first two chapters) (6 volumes, complete)
black and white—honestly? I’m not entirely sold on the writing (I don’t think it really coheres in terms of why the relationship develops how it does) but the novelty of having office ladies violently beat the shit out of each other carries it, especially since sal jiang’s art is really good. like those gals are BRAWLING for real, it’s kind of refreshing (1 volume, incomplete)
here are series that I fell off of because I lost interest but they weren’t bad or anything:
The two of them are pretty much like this—slice of life established relationship between a voice actress in her early 20s and a novelist in her 30s (I think). it’s cute, it’s good for folks who like fluff, I fell off because it felt more meandering whereas I like stories with heated drama and momentum (3 volumes, probably ongoing?)
School zone girls—high school gag 4koma, really good for folks who like the *stupid* high school energy. This is a manga with rowdy gals who are idiots. I fell off because it’s one of those really long + big cast kinda manga, yknow, like tsurezure children or gekkan shoujo, so it’ll probably suit folks who like those types (4 volumes, ongoing)
Hello Melancholic—high school gals in a band (I think they do jazz? or it’s some kind of brass band? well the main character plays trumpet), it’s pretty cute and has a solid gloomy gal with hella anxiety + excitable gal who Will Get Her Way No Matter What dynamic, I just fell off of it because I wasn’t interested at the time (3 volumes, complete)
Otherside Picnic—college gals investigating another world/urban legends, the main character is someone who just wanted to chill in another world and the love interest is Looking For Someone Who Disappeared. it’s fun and entertaining, it’s a light novel and the main character has a lot of fun biases—when she says she’s just a normal girl who has experienced a normal life, she is absolutely lying. Good for folks who like urban legends and kind of… investigative arcs? Action and mystery vibes? I read up to volume 4 and fell off because that was all that was out (7 volumes, incomplete, vol 8 is coming out in august)
She loves to cook, she loves to eat—slice of life with working women, the main character loves to cook, the love interest loves to eat. Good for folks who like more grounded stories, the main character thinks a lot about how she’s seen as A Great Potential Wife rather than someone who just has a hobby and the love interest gets underestimated a lot (I think she works in construction??) and gets judgement from being a woman who, yknow, likes to eat. from what I read it’s a very tentative kind of romance of a couple of women finding someone comfortable to be around, I fell off because I get more grabbed by internal/interpersonal conflict rather than external/societal influences but I think it’ll grab folks who 1) like more grounded stories, 2) likes food (3 volumes, I think incomplete?)
Catch these hands!—ex-delinquent and her old classmate that’s obsessed with her. The artist did love live doujins, I think? Anyway it’s fun, would appeal to folks who like things that are lighthearted and who enjoy weird women. I don’t think I was compelled by the emotional focus but I don’t think that means it was bad (4 volumes, complete I think)
I didn’t like these but a lot of people do:
Even Though We’re Adults—messy adult relationship, one of them is married to a man and the other one is like ‘this is so fucking stupid do NOT go through with this it is SUCH a bad idea’ and she goes through with it. shimura is a pretty renowned yuri mangaka, she’s the one who did aoi hana, it’ll probably be a good read for people who like emotionally complex and pretty miserable stories. didn’t have enough humor for my tastes and I fell off pretty early (6 volumes, ongoing)
Run away with me, girl—gorgeous and unique art, it’s about two gals who were high school sweethearts and then one of them went off to be with a guy, the gals reunite as adults and they end up running away together. one of the gals is pregnant and was in an abusive relationship, which is why she’s running. again, for people who like emotionally complex stories. I wasn’t satisfied with the love interest’s development, kinda reminded me of octave, but I know other folks who would probably enjoy how the narrative approaches her (3 volumes, complete)
SHWD—buff women and sci-fi action horror. good art. I don’t think any of the character archetypes or dynamics appealed to me but if you’re desperate for buff women and like sci-fi/action/horror this will help probably (1 volume, incomplete? idk)
Roadqueen—mira’s art is gorgeous but I’m not super compelled by the writing. Good for people who want something goofy and hot-blooded, the vibes are kind of… shounen gag manga? I think? (1 volume, complete)
I’m in love with the villainess—manga adaption of a light novel, one of the most successful (and. one of the very few) villainess transmigration romances, the main character transmigrates into the protagonist and her favorite character is the villainess. one of my friends really likes it and there’s some Sincere Feelings on What It’s Like To Be A Lesbian, but I find it to comedy-focused for my tastes in the beginning. There’s also a spinoff from the villainess’ perspective. Actually I don’t remember if I linked to the manga adaption or the light novel… uh… figure it out yourself.
Bloom into you—everybody loves this one. It has good writing. I don’t like it. High school slice of life coming of age, very emotions-focused, probably like 10 volumes or something I dunno
Superwomen in love—I actually despise this one but according to my strict principles I’m including it because the concept is unique and would appeal to people probably. it’s like tokusatsu yuri with a general defecting from the evil organization and teaming up with the hero. I would’ve liked it more if it was more sincere and less gag-focused. Read it for a fun time but not a deep time until they sprinkle in pathos of heroism and love etc and then they go back to comedy. I guess. I fell off a couple volumes in I dunno it probably gets better. However I like tokusatsu and romance too much to continue.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
no bond is stronger than the one between a batkid and his corresponding speedster
Literally, there's a speedster to compliment every bat
Dick and Wally have the classic brolationship—they have their own partners but that won't stop them from sleeping in the same bed, ordering one milkshake, or sharing custody of Zitka. They have the comfort of knowing that in every life, they have each other. Plus, Babs and Linda already have their bredding (bro wedding) planned out.
Hear me out: Jason's speedster is Owen Mercer. Owen, who's the second Captain Boomerang with short bursts of speed, can act as both the hero and the villain in different narratives. Unlike his predecessor, his alignment shifts to suit his needs but he's more good than bad, which makes him a prime Outlaw candidate. Also Jason wants to set the record for most redheads collected.
Tim has Bart. A lot of fan portrayals have Bart as tertiary to Tim and Kon (it's even a point of contention in canon). However, I think of Bart's mentality as the antithesis to Tim's. Tim mulls over strategy while Bart chooses to act first. They both have a stubborn righteousness, but Tim is jaded with experience compared to Bart, who maintains a youthful sense of optimism and ambition. They're both geniuses, but Bart is far more in touch with emotions and can call out when something isn't right in a relationship.
Damian has Wallace II. Canonically, they butt heads before coming to the realization they have to team up. Rather than being the opposite, I think Wallace's defiant attitude mirrors Damian's. They've both been let down by the adults in their lives and prefer to take things into their own hands. They both have childish egos that have been subdued over time, which can be both a common ground and a clashing point that keeps their relationship interesting.
I was initially gonna pair Jesse with Babs, but I think there's more growth potential with Steph. They're fast learners who aren't afraid to let themselves feel, and sometimes they're in over their heads. Jesse feels like a future snapshot of Steph. I can see Jesse showing Steph how to channel her passion and energy not just in being hero, but also becoming a better version of herself.
Duke and Cass share Avery. Compared to Duke, Cass and Avery have been around more. I can picture them taking him around the world on new adventures and teaching him tricks that Bruce wouldn't have. Avery switches between places pretty often, which makes her a reliable point of contact outside of Gotham. Also I wanna see Duke and Avery combine their powers.
Babs and Danica are the "let people underestimate us because of our disabilities" duo. While Babs is on the home front as Oracle, Danica is the speedster no one expects because her inhaler throws off all suspicions about her identity. While Danica doesn't quite fit with the Birds of Prey, she still makes a valuable ally.
Thaddeus possesses a cynicism akin to Cullen Row, although Thad is more unhinged. I can see them connecting over their resentment and without anyone to keep them in check, that can be dangerous. However, Harper is more grounded and draws clear moral boundaries, so she acts as a counterbalance that turns a destructive relationship into a productive one.
Jess and Carrie's nonbinary asses would definitely get along. They both have fun personalities and creative ways to navigate situations where not many tools are provided. They can be loud and attention grabbing when they want, but they also know the advantages of being in the background.
Kate and Max are similar in that they're mentors, but they're also not. They're the ones who step in when the usual mentor figures (Bruce and Barry) fall short. They have a distant exterior but provide lots of love and support once someone gets through to them, and they're not afraid to call out their counterparts.
Alfred and Jay have plenty of experience under their belts and don't let their age keep them from the action. It's abundantly clear that they care about their families, and it hurts when they can't protect them from everything. Jay has a more American Grandpa sense of humor while Alfred has the dry British wit, so together they're unstoppable.
John Fox barely shows up in the comics, but when he does he's doing what he thinks is best only to land in trouble. Selina would relate to the messy history and moral ambiguity where actions don't match intentions. They also both have a knack for disguises and can exchange tips.
Bruce has Barry, obviously. Their relationship is similar to Tim and Bart's. Bruce definitely lets the grimdarkness seep into how he sees the world, whereas Barry can step back and look at things from an objective lens. Not everything need a complicated plans with a thousand contingencies, so Barry is like the common sense/Occam's Razor. Plus, we all love how he and the team mess with Bruce—it's what Bruce needs.
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luverofralts · 5 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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"Greetings, Your Grace. Welcome to the Royal Estate of King Charles Toyonaga I of Strangetown."
Leo Toyonaga and his little sister, Venisha Toyonaga, greeted the visitors to their uncle's estate with rigid formality.
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"Hey, Leo! I brought that game over you wanted to borrow. Edana's doing witch stuff, so I can hang out with you until I have to pick up the kids."
Duke Ewan Goldman forgot to bow to his half-brother and instead greeted him with the casual gesture well known in the islands. His wife just sighed. Ewan was never one for formality, especially when it concerned his family, and it drove Edana up the wall. Formality had been drilled into her by her parents and her old coven until it was second nature. Her brother in law was never upset if Ewan was relaxed around him, but Edana knew that Leo knew the formalities Ewan was ignoring.
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"Awesome! Josh is taking the younger kids to magic lessons later, so we have all afternoon," Leo exclaimed, returning his sibling's gesture. "Venisha was just leaving, I was going to see her out. Gee is meeting her boyfriend for the first time."
Ewan chuckled at the thought of that poor kid.
"Does he know that his future father in law is the Grim Reaper, or is that going to be a surprise?"
"I told him," Venisha huffed. "Daddy promised to be nice. He loves everyone who is madly in love."
Even Edana had to raise a disbelieving eyebrow at this.
"Does he feel that way about the person you're sleeping with, or just generally people in love?" she laughed. "Has he met Lukas yet, or God forbid, your grandfather? I think he might have a change of heart if both the Grim Reaper and Death itself came over for family dinner."
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"Hey, Lukas is fine, once you get to know them," Leo protested. "I gotta defend my boss here. I'd be more afraid of what my dad thinks of him. Josh is still terrified of my dad and we've been married over a decade now. Either way, Gee's expecting her, so let's get a move on."
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Ewan and Leo made their way to the living room, while Edana set about her own agenda.
Leo smiled as he passed a familiar picture in the hall. All this talk about the Grim Reaper and Death reminded him of his half-sister Anna. He'd grown up resenting the infant sister who had died and broken their shared father in a way he was only now starting to heal from. It wasn't Anna's fault their father, Vrai, had been an absent, resentful father to Leo growing up, but he'd still spent years blaming her all the same. Ever since she suddenly appeared to them as a reaper, Vrai smiled more, and being a father now himself, Leo understood. It was no excuse for Vrai to parent him like he had, but it was an explanation at least.
Leo and Anna had bonded the instant they met. They shared many traits regarding their spouses, their parenting styles and their opinion on their parents. He and Josh frequently met up with the Goldmans for dinner or games. Their family was a complicated one, but Leo wouldn't trade it for the world.
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"So, how are things?" Ewan asked, opening a beer and handing one to his brother. "Josh is doing okay? I heard he had some coven meeting with the Maricourts. Edana wasn't thrilled with how it went."
"It is what it is," Leo replied. "Edana and Josh are never going to be friends. She was the worst bully to a man just trying to overcome a magical learning disability while supporting his pregnant husband. He tried to hide how he was feeling from me, but he can't. I know the things she said to him. Her brother too. I'm not sure who was meaner."
Ewan shrugged.
"She's changed alot over the years," he replied, immediately defensive of his wife. "When I met her, she was a different person. I was a different person. I mean, I used to be-"
"An entitled deadbeat dick?" Leo laughed. "Yeah, I remember. I wish I had recorded you demanding Dad hand over his title to you while he was still alive so you could seduce more people."
"Well, I do have the footage of you running out of your expensive arranged marriage with your fiancée's best man, almost making Vrai miscarry Venisha with a broken spell," Ewan teased, illiciting a laugh from his brother.
"Oh god, last year was the first year that Dad actually let me mention Josh and my's anniversary on Venisha's birthday," Leo groaned. "I wasn't allowed to talk about it still, but I think I might be making some progress with him. I hope. The man knows how to hold a grudge."
"Tristianne was the best of us," Ewan said solemnly, bowing his head. "If she was still here, she'd have our parents eating out of her hand. Even when she fucked up, she was still better than us."
Leo nodded sadly, raising his beer to the memory of his late sister.
"To Tristianne," he declared. "May we live lives worthy enough for her not to kick our asses when we die."
"And may Medora give you enough of her mother's attitude now that she's a teen," Ewan laughed, clinking their bottles together.
"Don't remind me. It seems like she's always up to something these days. She has a new boyfriend and Josh has been obsessed with making sure he's worthy of her. The poor kid's probably going to be scared away at this point."
"How's our favourite deity doing by the way? Things have been quiet in royal court meetings. Maura’s collection of tiaras hasn't been raided in months, or so the security report stated."
"Well, Lukas is obviously busy somewhere," Leo sighed. "They're always busy with some scheme. Varia and I haven't heard a peep in weeks. Just because we're the newest members of their chosen heritary line of champions, doesn't mean that I get reports from them. Even the reapers get status reports and compensation from Gee. Working for Life can be a pain in the ass."
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Leo looked over his shoulder at the portrait of three of the deities worshipped by Strangetown. He'd tried to explain to his uncle that Lukas was the only valid deity in that picture, and that the demigods the Toyonagas had descended from weren't around to hear their descendants' prayers. According to both Lukas and Gee, the Toyonaga ancestors had vanished without a trace centuries ago. Still, the king didn't try to force his beliefs on Leo, so Leo extended the same courtesy to him.
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"Ah, man, you know it's going to be epic whenever they do surface," Ewan teased. "Stolen jewelry, fire raining from the sky...I'm glad 'destiny' never chose me for anything more complicated than staying awake when Maura launches into one of her speeches."
"The Ocean will reign them in," Leo replied, earning an eye roll from his sibling. "There is always balance."
"Are you sure that you're not in a cult?" Ewan asked, only partially joking. "You, Vrai, and Varia all talk like you're in a cult passed down from parent to oldest child. You would tell me if Lukas ever asked you to drink the kool-aid, right? I don't want to lose another sibling to something stupid."
"I'll be sure to let you know the instant they ask. Didn't you say you brought that game over? Why are we wasting time when we could be playing? We only have a few hours before Josh is expecting me."
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"Your Majesty."
Edana sank into a curtsy before the king. Charley only laughed in reply.
"Get up, you know that you bow or curtsy to no one here," he insisted. "You're like a daughter to me, an unofficial princess in my eyes."
Edana could feel her face flush despite her best efforts. It was true that he told her the same thing every time she bowed in his presence, but it still felt wrong to her. The Darktides were an ancient family, but one descended from piracy and dark magic. They held no land or titles; their name was all they had. Everything she had, she worked for. She didn't need anything material from the king, only his friendship. She and Ewan had everything they needed in each other and their kids.
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"What brings you by? Not that I mind, of course. You haven't stopped in for awhile now. How are the kids?"
"Oh, up to their usual antics," Edana sighed. "Adam has a boyfriend that he's convinced that he's going to marry, and Remy is poorly trying to pretend she doesn't have a girlfriend. Elowen's report card was fairly good though. As long as they're not all failing or pregnant, I guess. Ewan says I'm too hard on them, but my dad was hard on me and I turned out fine."
"You should bring them next time," Charley insisted. "Leo's kids get bored easily and they could always use new friends."
Edana smiled. Leo and his husband Josh lived in the Strangetown castle by invitation of the king. The king himself had three children, Nick, who died years ago, Arthur, who had moved to Arkhelios with his wife Alicia to help the coven and Anneken, the heir to the throne. After losing so many people from his family, the king seemed desperate to keep his castle filled with guests and extended quarters to his nephew, Leo, and even to Edana herself. Everyone secretly wondered what Edana had done to earn her suite in the castle and truthfully, she had no idea. The king was lonely and she was alone, the last of the Darktides. The monarch had seen a trembling, pregnant young adult, holding the body of her dead brother and taken her in as a surrogate daughter. There were times that she caught him watching her with a sad expression, likely remembering the son and daughter in law he had lost, just as she did when she caught a glimpse of her parents reflected in her children.
Anneken had been overjoyed to have a sister figure and Leo was happy to see his grieving uncle make an attachment to someone again. Josh still held her at bay because of their...complicated college years, but even he was cordial whenever she came over.
"I came to ask a favour," Edana replied. "I...I want to visit my brother. If you allow it that is."
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"Your brother? You don't need to ask my permission to visit the royal cemetery, you've always had it," Charley said. "It's not open to the public, Edana, and you are not the public. You can go there anytime you wish."
Edana's eyes fell to the floor as she thought about how to phrase her request.
"I know, I just...just thought that maybe, someone would have to accompany me. As part of protocol. So I wouldn't be alone."
Charley nodded, finally understanding her request.
"Well, I could send a guard with you, but you know what? I haven't paid my respects to my mothers or Nick in a few months. I'll come with you and visit them while you visit your family. I would rather not go there alone either."
Edana flushed with gratitude, smiling at the king.
"Thank you. I asked if Ewan wanted to come visit his sister in her tomb, but he declined."
"Well, we all grieve differently," Charley said softly. "My brother would go every month to visit his daughter's grave like clockwork, but now that she has returned to us as a reaper, the cemetery is far too quiet. We need to lead Strangetown by example and visit our ancestors and lost ones regularly while also leaving offerings to the gods."
Edana nodded enthusiastically, but said nothing in reply. He was right, she didn't do nearly as much as she should for the gods and rarely thought of her ancestors outside of her immediate family. The only family she ever thought about was her husband, her kids, and her brother. Maybe that was the reason for the dreams she'd been having. The ones where Adam screamed her name over and over until she woke up drenched with terror. It was probably nothing, but the intensity of the dreams frightened her. It never hurt to double-check that nothing was wrong.
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sometimes-petty · 10 months
On Ravka and the monarchy
I'm reading I've finished the Shadow and Bone trilogy after watching the show and have many thoughts about the relationship the characters have with the government and the monarchy. I will take elements from both the books and the show for this analysis.
I started to think about this back when I watched the show and came upon one of Alina's letters to Mal detailing her confusion and frustration at being stuck at the Little Palace.
What I haven't said in this letter, Mal, what I've been trying to write among all these scattered words is, is that I'm afraid. I'm scared, Mal. We grew up reading about a Saint who would one day perform a miracle of light and solve our country's problems, and we knew that was a lie. We knew that no stranger ever solved our problems for us. No great miracle was coming. That's why we had each other. The world is hard and cruel, but we had each other, and that was enough. That was everything. If Saints were once real, they've long since left us. Season 1, Episode 3: "The Making at the Heart of the World"
(bold text added by me)
Alina's origins
I live in East Ravka, but I've never been welcomed here. Because I look like my mother, and she looked like the enemy. Season 1, Episode 1: "A Searing Burst Of Light"
One of the opening lines of the show exposes well the feeling Alina must have towards her country. It's a well-placed piece of word building. It tells us that Ravka is at war with a neighbouring country, that it has been for a long time, and to what extent it affects the lives of the people living near the borders. As a side note, it's also a praiseworthy nod to the origins of Alina in book canon.
Keramzin and the army
First, in the book, both Alina and Mal don't remember much of their respective families, because it was forced upon them. Missing or recalling memories of lost family members meant being ungrateful towards the Duke, who was the reason they still had a roof over their heads. Even their own birthdays aren't their own, because they were registered on the same day as the Duke's, again, out of mandatory gratitude. Second, enlisting in the army was also mandatory, at least from what I've gathered from the show.
Keep a pencil in your hand. Or else someone will put a rifle in it instead. Season 1, Episode 1: "A Searing Burst Of Light"
[which, I have to say, gave more notice of Ana Kuya's character than in the books]
Third, crossing the Fold is basically a death sentence, and one you can't back away from. Over and over again, their country has taken away the memory of their families, whatever agency they could have, and their life.
To Mal and Alina, it's less a question of what they feel about being Ravkan, and more of surviving it.
Os Alta and the Little Palace
After a life under this regime, all of a sudden Alina is the chosen one. She's immediately whisked away from everything she knows and dropped at court, to be paraded and trained as Grisha in the name of a country that couldn't care less about her until a minute ago.
She wants to tear down the Fold, that's a given, kind of scary but totally on the table for the entire story. However, I can't help but imagine a certain amount of resentment on her part for doing this knowing that it will all be in the name of the monarchy. That the rich assholes who have been sending common people to die on the fronts for centuries will come out of this ordeal looking better, that they do come out of it with their positions streghtened.
One royal heir caring about the commoners is not enough to me to fix the problem, because it's systemic. His successor may be just as incompetent as the others. Or the next. Or the further next.
Let's flip the idea: after all this time, only one guy with a semblance of political power amongst the entire nobility cares for the lives of the people underneath him?
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houseofbrat · 11 months
Hey Brat, what’s your thought in this cover and these briefings? I don’t understand the purpose of this. He’s going to be 10 - why put this out there when it’s going to put more chatter and focus on their child than what’s necessary?
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It's not surprising, when I think about it. The first sign wasn't this article about George; it was the article about the Duchy of Cornwall expenditures a few weeks ago.
But Kensington Palace explained that as a 'one-off associated with the change in Dukes of Cornwall', the Duchy team asked to retain a proportion of the surplus for 'working capital purposes' - the day-to-day running of the estate - this year. The Duchy kept £6.873million, leaving William with an income of £5.9million. However, William was criticised for not publishing an annual report in his first year as heir to the throne. [...] As the Prince of Wales, Charles released a separate annual Clarence House review each year, detailing his broad income and expenditure of the Duchy money. But Kensington Palace said that the past year had been a transitional one after the death of the late Queen and as such they would not be releasing a report this year - William's first as the heir apparent.
It was a bunch of bullshit by William and his staff. They have several accountants who could have put one together. It's something accountants do ALL. THE. TIME. In fact, if William really wanted to differentiate himself from his father, then he would have his financial team put out the same kind of statement. That way, people would know what the dividing line is between Charles' and William's tenure as Duke of Cornwall.
But William has always resented having to do the things required being a royal. He has always wanted to live the aristo/upper class life of his friends, where he wouldn't be accountable to the British public in any way. Even though he thoroughly enjoys all the perks with being a royal.
Sure enough, that article by Kate Mansey is dripping with all the resentment William has had about his life being "determined" for him.
However, his parents the Prince and Princess of Wales have been determined to give him as ‘normal’ an upbringing as possible – which, it appears, includes the freedom to follow his own interests as he grows up.
William was supposed to become a full-time royal back in 2013, except he asked for a job publicly as a helicopter pilot so he could postpone royal duties. Until 2017 when Philip retired.
So how much does William resent having completed military service? That is the real question. Neither Kate nor any of her siblings served in the military. This is coming from William & Kensington Palace staff. Just like the article--also by Kate Mansey--about King Charles not being able to stay at his former residence in Wales in the future.
William resents having to do the basic things of being a royal. He feels he should just be able to do whatever he wants, and the British public should just suck it up. I mean, seriously, he thinks he can do no wrong.
The Duchy of Cornwall article and this one about George's possible lack-thereof military service are red flags. One in June. Another in July.
Probably another RED FLAG coming in August (less than 30 days away from today!!) that most people are ignoring, but, hey, I guess we'll leave that for another day.
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triviareads · 2 months
i just finished a novel you recommended (bed me duke! excellent!) and moved on to my usual annual re-read of northanger abbey and do you have any recommendations for romance novels for each austen couple? i think that would be pretty cool!
I love that! the Bed Me series has never failed me so far, and I'm very excited for book 4, Bed Me, Baronet (the hero's a blond and possibly a virgin based on ALL his friends speculating about him in each of their books lol). As for romance novels based on Austen couples, I'm gonna be a little selective here because I haven't actually read Sense and Sensibility (but I vaguely remember watching the movie) or Mansfield Park:
Pride and Prejudice
There are lots of romance novel adaptations of Pride and Prejudice, and there are even more claiming to be inspired by the "enemies to lovers" aspect of P&P EVEN IF IT'S NOT AN ENEMIES TO LOVERS ROMANCE. So my best recommendation would be Pride and Protest by Nikki Payne; it's a modern adaptation set in Washington D.C.; Liza is a local radio DJ and activist who meets Dorsey (a Filipino adoptee) and realizes they're on opposite sides of the gentrification situation occurring in DC. I loved how the book dealt with the class difference along with the added layer of race. It also modernized the "proposal" aspect really well imo because randomly asking a gal to marry you without even dating wouldn't necessarily work in the modern era BUT the proposal Dorsey put out there still felt inherently degrading to Liza even if she'd hooked up with him already (another change from the original, and an appreciated one).
Again the Magic by Lisa Kleypas: I'll forever recommend this; McKenna and Aline were childhood sweethearts before they were separated by her father the earl, because McKenna was a stableboy. Now he's uber-wealthy and resentful about what happened all those years ago BACK for REVENGE and by revenge I mean he's going to seduce Aline and... that's about it lol. Never has a man come back with more loathing/self-loathing with a plan that's so half-baked even his drunk friend is like "but are you sure buddy".
Full Moon Over Freedom by Angelina M. Lopez: Another second-chance romance; Gillian asked Nicky to take her virginity when they were teenagers and teach her about sex stuff before leaving for college. Now she's back and divorced, and they're skirting around each other and having multiple clandestine encounters even though they think it's all temporary. While there's not much of a class difference, you get the sense Nicky thought of himself as her bit o'rough and she was an unattainable princess-type to him.
The Legend of Lyon Redmond by Julie Anne Long: Second chance romance with love at first sight; There were a couple aspects that really reminded me of Persuasion; there's very similar language to Anne where Olivia is described as having "withered away" since Lyon left, and she refuses all other suitors. And! Lyon is a sailor like Wentworth except, well, not on the legal side of things lol. It's also just super romantic when they do reunite years later.
Bed Me, Baron by Felicity Niven: George and Phoebe are long-time friends who've known each other since she was a baby. She asks him for sex lessons so she can help her please her future husband who she's engaged to (not George lol). While there's not much of an age gap in this one (4 years), George Danforth is daddy so that should square you away there.
Olivia and the Masked Duke by Grace Callaway: Here's an Emma/Knightley-ish age gap, plus, Ben and Livy were family friends/friends since she was a kid. Later on, she sees him having sex with another woman in the stables and it's basically her sexual and romantic awakening, so she spends a lot of the book chasing after him while he's running for his life.... until he isn't. Sex-wise the vibes are daddy dom/mildly bratty.
Sense and Sensibility
The closest I could think of in terms of Marianne/Col. Brandon was Rosalind and Torrington from A Recipe for a Rogue by Kathleen Ayers. Like Marianne, Rosalind is initially horrified that an *older man* like Torrington might want to marry her (the number of old man-girdle and secretly balding hair jokes.... hilarious) and Rosalind avoids every attempt her mother makes to match them. Torrington is attracted to her from the get-go and slowly woos her by way of exchanging recipes, baked goods, and licking food off her thighs.
tbh I have no idea who'd fit Elinor/Edward's vibe.
Northanger Abbey
It's actually very hard to find heroes who have Henry Tilney's playful irreverence paired with Catherine's sweet naivete so I'm holding off on this one for now!
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thesherrinfordfacility · 11 months
Hiiiii, this is an anon (not long winded anon though they’re amazing) here that doesn’t really have anyone else to scream about GO with (as of right now) and all your meta and analysis has OPENED MY EYES . They’re incredible!! . Truly, one of the things that drew me to Good Omens in the first place is the little details and how in depth the characters, sets, props, relationships, everything goes. And your analysis just made me realize things that, the thing is, I think I subconsciously knew in the moment but didn’t fully appreciate until someone spelled it all out for me? I love it. So much. Thank you for contributing your thoughts to the discussion of this complex piece of media!
And. Well. I’m not as astute or able to formulate my thoughts in a clear manner as you, so, erm. Prepare for walls and walls of text!
Most of this is just the dissertation of what I wrote after formulating stewing my thoughts on S2 for a couple days after I watched it. (well. Mostly about the ending. But I thought all the episodes and every single second was really good as well and charming and they do well to plant the seeds that harken the Final 15 Minutes, or explore + add context to all of Season 1, or hint at what’s coming next in season 3 (I’m pretty hopeful that the show is doing well enough… but I’ll rerun in it in the background just in case…)
So it probably doesn’t make sense, and there are probably things I interpreted wrong, but i thought it could be cool to send . Hope you don’t mind!
(—> I do think Metatron manipulated the heck out of Aziraphale though. And I do think there’s a possibility he put something into the coffee. Maybe some extra purifying substance, to make the option of heaven more tantalizing. BUT. okay now this next part is a little more speculation and hopes on my part but even if something was tampered with, I think Aziraphale would NOTICE a miracle effect on the coffee, or NOTICE Metatron’s choice of words and language, or RECOGNIZE the manipulation in some way.)
PERSONALLY, even though I partly agree that going back to Heaven is a bad move and likely Aziraphale won’t have as much power as he thinks, I think it was the tough but right decision. Like, Aziraphale is made for doing good and trying to make change. Though people mentioned they they thought he reverted back to his s1 self, THAT self thought Heaven was good. This self thinks that Heaven is bad as it is now, but he thinks he and Crowley can improve it.
IDK. IDK, to me, it seems that the happy ending that a lot of of the fan base was wanting if it were to cut off at season two would feel rushed and brush past a lot of things that needed to be addressed in the relationship. Like, Aziraphale accepts crowley’s offer and confession, Crowley moves his plants in, then what? Shax is (I think?) the Duke of hell and is going to pester them still, as well as Uriel, Micheal, and Salaquel (I’m so sorry for the name misspelling probably they were super cool though…). Like. Again! Book of Life hanging over their heads!
So, yeah! They’re together! They’re not broken up and depressed, woo! but. Is that it? And then they just ignore everything else? Let the Heaven and Hell system stay as it is, and as Metatron said he was planning, let the Second Coming into fruition.
But, like, Muriel! And all the other angels and demons living within the system and suffering for it! We saw firsthand Season 1 especially at the execution scenes where Aziraphale is meant to be burned in hellfire and Crowley is meant to be put in holy water and die a painful death. Like they collaborate just to cause suffering. (Furfur and Shax, for example, as well, who resent Crowley. Shax really wanted to kill and maim, yes, but also she just really wanted recognition and power. It’s easy to disregard them because they’re “just evil demons” but that’s also what people condemn Aziraphale for doing to Crowley so like. ) They’re so lonely, in the 37th Ballister, in that sterile office and kinda like Aziraphale once upon a time, not really considered as an equal or heard even though they’re so sweet. Sent to earth without the slightest training and looked down upon when Muriel just follows her innate Goodness instead of sneaking and spying for the higher ups.
Crowley is right in that it’s not supposed to be their responsibility to fix it and he wants to just go off, but Aziraphale would take on that responsibility for himself just like he promised to protect Gabriel even though he had caused him so much suffering when he was his boss
So just like we saw with Gabriel and Beezelbub, who were high enough ranking to like do their thing discreetly (and well. Didn’t turn out well for them either, Gabriel was literally memory wiped and it took a sneaky matchbox and a gift fly and Aziraphale’s shelter and everything for things to turn out well for them), there are probably other Aziraphale’s and Crowleys within hell and heaven. Either angels who genuinely want to do good and would object to things like killing Job’s children but can’t because of the system/what Heaven propaganda has instilled into their heads, like Aziraphale. Or Demons who don’t really have their FULL heart into pain and suffering (AGAIN. Shax was even surprised herself when she mentioned that humans came up with such horrible things on their own that she hadn’t ever thought of.) like Crowley. And angels and demons who want to be friends and lovers or whatever, or WOULD BE if they were allowed to meet on earth and have normal conversations instead of constantly being like “THE ENEMY” but can’t. All the demons were former angels, fallen, right?!! They were probably friends, lovers, acquaintances, all of that, before the war and the split! We just saw what happened with C and A because they were the earth ambassadors for their sides.
RIP I LOST SOME OF MY THOUGHTS when copy pasting so the next lines might not be as complete but trying to recoup them and continuing on
And the humans!!! They suffer under the current system too! Crowley and Aziraphale teamed up in the first place, even though A knew C before the beginning, in order to protect the humans from both Heaven and Hell. From God’s bets (Job and his children), to the Flood, to things like the end of the world Armageddon and now the Second Coming.
(Maybe I was giving Aziraphale too much credit in my above psychoanalyzing/speculating on Aziraphale’s thought processes and motives and understanding of the whole situation, I admit some of it was copium for hoping he saw through the whole manipulation thing, but either way the moment Metatron mentioned Second Coming would have sealed the coffin and not allowed him to step out of that elevator and back to Crowley because there’s something terrible, just like Armageddon, he has to prevent at all costs. Even if it means this much heartache. Because he cares for earth’s people, for Nina and Maggie, for everyone they met in Season 1.)
Also, everyone, even the ones who understand Aziraphale’s reasoning, seem to assume that his choice is a Total Dead End and there is absolutely No Good to Be Had. Of course, he’ll probably regret it (he obviously wishes to be with Crowley and earth and his bookshop, he obviously still has a favorable optimistic view of Heaven that will get weathered and shattered (but also I think it ALREADY HAS at least a little bit as seen with the Job mínisode and the grave digging thing), and eventually when Metatron is revealed to be conniving and manipulative instead of also a good guy, he’ll regret trusting him then, too.) Of course.
I really understand the ultimate romantic declaration of “I don’t care about anything but you and me, I would burn the world for you, I would do ANYTHING for you” that people see from Crowley and that’s why it hurts so much more when Aziraphale rejects that but the thing is Aziraphale wants both, he wants to love Crowley especially and also care about everyone else? And like. Normal healthy relationships are like that. Even though it’s romantic, it’s wonderful, the first thing toes the line of unhealthy codependency yeah? It’s devastating and shows how much Crowley cares that Aziraphale is his “only friend” and he’s obviously going to be major depressed after the end of S2. Of course. But like, it’s not good to put EVERYTHING on the line for someone else. In a different world, obviously not this one because Aziraphale loves Crowley that’s. So Obvious. But like in a different world where Aziraphale genuinely had no romantic interest in him, not in the “you are a demon and therefore innately disgusting way” but in the “I genuinely just see you as a good friend way” (aromantic) like. Same rejection.
I like watching it this way of course, where Aziraphale feels the same way, and it’s well supported by the text. But like. Idk. Food for thought?? Are my ramblings going off the rails?? Idk! I love good omens because it extracts think pieces like this out of my psyche LOL. So much to talk about, so many scenes can just be picked apart and there’s so much INTENTION BEHIND IT IT’S… AUGHUHGIFN GENIUNELY PEAK MEDIA I UNDERSTAND how people have so much love, and kept so much love for the series for all the 4 years between season 1 and 2 and even before with the book series though obviously the series at this point is pretty much a different piece of media still inspired and adapted by but pretty much doing it’s own thing yknow
ANYWAYS. GOT OFF THE RAILS. BACK TO my previous Point. I think instead of suppressing and oppressing him right away, Metatron would allow Aziraphale to make the changes he wishes to, even if they are small and hard-earned. And I believe Aziraphale is smart enough and loophole enough and rules bending enough and determined enough (he literally lied while swearing on his word as an Angel and truly thought he was going to fall about Job’s children, he realized and used of the idea of Divine Plan vs Ineffable Plan to his advantage to stop the world from ending) there had to be a lot of these small rebellions to keep existing in his partnership with Crowley and everything. He obviously didn’t know everything before, but as we see with the grave digging scenes he is willing to learn and change his views and through it all he has empathy for everyone.
To me, I think it is realistic that Aziraphale actually gets to make some changes, even if it’s not all of them. He gets to put a suggestion box there, you know? He gets to help more people like Muriel, he won’t put down anyone, he won’t bully anyone, and he would discourage that from his peers and HEY, supreme archangel status, maybe micheal and Uriel and the others won’t listen but maybe some will because the Metatron instated him there or maybe because he learns how to be geniunely a bit of a leader yknow? Though I agree he is a bit of a disaster but. It would be so cool.
And it’ll muddle the apology and forgiveness and everything even more, because while Aziraphale of course loves Crowley, saw so many good takes flying around that informed this behemoth but also i wanted to credit this one for what I’m going to talk about next: https://www.tumblr.com/irispurpurea/724196690802950144 (tl;dr: Gabriel and Beelzebub are able to run away because they didn’t care about jobs or humans in the first place, unlike Aziraphale and Crowley who actually love the humans and Earth. Also the same point I made earlier about how running away like they did to Alpha Centauri was as much as an idealistic “solution” to their woes as both of them joining heaven is)
( I love complicated so much muhauahuaha)
Some of the fix its I see, some of the hopes I see about yknow the Coffee theory or Aziraphale not going into the elevator at the last second or the apology dance/Aziraphale literally groveling at Crowley’s feet after regretting everything and everything like a few months into serving heaven (though I would love if the apology dance got brought back AND Crowley does deserve an apology after so much heartache, even if Aziraphale didn’t mean it and only had good intentions he still hurt him)
and by no means are these fix its or theories wrong or bad for what I’m about to say, they just.. I understand people are very reactionary, they waited years for this, they have to wait more, and it ended on such a fraught note. Emotionally devastating like it was meant to be. It’s tough to see characters one loves not have a happy ending (yet). Mentally exhausting/draining. I understand. And also some of the fix-its are being written in the span of a day after the release which is so incredibly impressive? Like wow! Of course they’re Not going to branch into the complexity I PERSONALLY prefer and crave. I understand.
But wouldn’t it be so great if instead of a simple solution, Aziraphale wants his old life back so much but now he’s making a DIFFERENCE (in some ways actual, in some ways manipulated by Metatron to make him feel like he’s making a difference, either way he’s DOING SOMETJING. he’s not gonna be like. Doing Nothing. I feel like having heaven try to trap him in a box right away would only drive him away sooner because at this point I believe that he has a little more self respect than he did before yknow. And also like. The best way to trap Aziraphale would be to bring people who actually needed help into it. Tied down by the obligation to help the innocent and the good.) and now people DEPEND on him and rely on him which makes it so much harder for him to walk away like Crowley wanted him to do yknow.
Basically, instead of “proving Crowley right the entire season” I want him to prove Crowley wrong and actually impress him with the improvements he’s been able to make from inside, BUT OF COURSE. THE INSTITUTION ITSELF IS ROTTEN, must be torn down and rebuilt in order to actually make real what Aziraphale wants in his idealism and I think that’s what season 3 is going to work towards right? And them working together not as two angels in heaven, but as the team they were always meant to be to make things better not Just in their own relationship but also the whole world they live in for like the True True happy ending yknow?? Then they get to settle down in the South Downs cottage.
(maximum copium ahead)
Yea you know what! I want him to also prove all of Heaven wrong. Like they give him the bare bones, the absolutely nothing material and power to make things better and he still makes SOMETHING of it because of his enduring patient strength and empathy and charming press and cleverness. Idk! Aziraphale, I believe, is very competent and capable!! (not at communication. But at helping people that’s what he’s good at yknow) and if even he’s not competent and capable, if he’s suffering and grasping for scraps and straws under this oppressive system, then you know either way he’s giving EVERYTHING he has to make it work. Determination!!! He’s going to do good even if it kills him and even if he wants nothing more than to go back to Crowley and be truly happy again.
And I want him to prove Heaven wrong so much that THAT’S what breaks the camel’s back, they realize he is actually changing things and that spurs them on to have them try to exert more control over him, and then that’s how he and Crowley meet and work together again to stop the Second Coming? Maybe?
The bigger copium I have is that secretly Aziraphale is a mastermind who sees through Metatron’s ploy and has to play along to later outsmart him, like a clever fox caught in a trap and laying the seeds of future escape. Like maybe the coffee theory is real but instead of being drugged Aziraphale keenly notices what was slipped in and is able to keep his wits about him. Or maybe Metatron threatened the book of life punishment or alluded to it so he knows he has to tread carefully.
The only problem I have with this plan is that usually Aziraphale isn’t the type to hurt others for the greater good, especially Crowley (as I type that out. Erm. Well maybe he would) but idk that devastation after the failed confession was definitely not acting.
The nightingale song message theory through the Bentley and the fake smile he gives at the end when he walks into heaven are literally my only basis of evidence for this lol lmao omegalul. And someone saying that the record he listened to had historical meaning about someone rebelling subtly and quietly.
I like to believe the truth is a nice middle ground between all the ideas presented here. Aziraphale is not helpless, but he’s not totally omniscient. He’s a victim of heavy manipulation by Metatron and Heaven, but he means to manipulate whatever power he can leverage from this arrangement to do as much good as he can. And through it all he was thinking of Crowley and his well-being the whole time even though erm. Yeah. That must’ve been crushing.
Idk sometimes I wonder if what I say is decipherable lol like yes obviously heaven is toxic it’s wrong, a lot of the good Aziraphale saw in it was willful ignorance, there is a lack of care, there is a lack of empathy… but like. He can instill some of that goodness in it again, right?
Also nobody’s talking about fixing hell or improving it at all, understandably, because Hell is supposed to be a Bad Place and nobody questions it (but our characters are MADE for questioning things!!!) course the absolutely terrible, irredeemable people (Nazis) got there shouldn’t be saved or given lighter fates than the spider digestion thing.
But maybe the demons themselves can have a bit of a better go of it, since the line between devil and Angel isn’t so different as the show has proved time and time again (also another thing I see floating around and totally agree with. Aziraphale obviously is told that demons are wrong and bad and evil and believes it, and of course the discussion of him thinking of Crowley as an Angel who was unfairly cast down and now fights against his Demon Nature to be nice and do good instead of that just being his authentic self is very thoughtful and true.)
Okay. That’s like 100 of the thoughts rattling around my head and there’s obviously more to come as people slow down and get to pick out every single detail in all the scenes during our anxious wait for the season 3 announcement (hopefully) (Amazon please pay your workers agree to the writer’s demands and renew this) (capitalism….. man…. Another complicated problem…)
I have lots of hope! Maybe too much hope! (As said before, I am probably extremely biased towards Aziraphale because of this) But! I don’t know exactly how it’s going to happen, but I have full faith they’ll get their happy ending 👍👍👍👍
Wonderful season : ) loved it!
I do hope that tumblr adds an automatic read more on this bc it’s so long otherwise it might get hard to scroll past erm. Sorry in advance.
hi nonnie✨ ive taken a bit of time to answer your ask because frankly, i could barely get past the first paragraph without tearing up slightly. this is so kind and lovely for you to say; i think it can be quite easy to feel major amounts of imposter syndrome when you're putting out interpretations into the ether, but actually the fandom is so diverse in perspectives and experiences that everyone's opinion is valid, make interesting arguments, and ultimately create excellent reading if nothing else! so for you to consider my ramblings among those is really appreciated, thank you💓
phooey, though - this is a long post!!! no matter, we shall do what we can✨ *cracks knuckles rolls neck* let's 'ave it!!!
✨p.s. excellent appreciation for the LWA too, couldn't agree more!!!✨
i too thought, come the end of s2, that it was a genuinely stunning bit of television. ill be honest and say that when i went to the screening, i left the cinema feeling... less than impressed. and was convinced that people were loving it just for the sake of it. but two revelations during the full release hit me like a freight train;
a) that this show is built for tv. it's a cosy and intimate and intelligent show - not to say that other big-screen isn't - and this show did not belong (imo) in a cinema. it belonged in its rightful place; on our tv screens. i found myself dreading rewatching ep1 and 2 at home, and dreading the rest of the season as a result, but having the space to fully appreciate it in my own screen made all the difference, and abruptly changed my opinion
b) whilst initially i felt that there were a lot of things wrong with ep1 and 2 (i initially felt the writing was weaker, it was over-comedic and relatively empty of any substance, acting was similarly weaker at points, the pacing was choppy, and the cinematography direction was a lot), as soon as i got to around mid-ep3, it all made sense. by the time id finished the season and immediately cycled back round to ep1, all of it immediately felt more cohesive, deliberate, thoughtful, and frankly a stunning piece of telly.
and maybe it was deliberate, that ep1 and 2 give off that first impression, maybe not - but either way i sincerely hope, in a way, they don't do wider screenings for s3. it was fun as a concept and there was a lovely sense of community and camaraderie in doing so, but it's built for tv (imo), so let people enjoy it on tv.
the thematic writing, the motifs, that ran through the season were amazing. im on my fourth rewatch and still noticing things, seeing parallels that were woven in so subtly that you'd blink and miss them. the music score was beautiful (if sometimes a little intrusive but hey, we move), the acting was phenomenal, the dialogue was delicate and yet brassy and bold simultaneously... all of it really was the masterpiece we needed to follow up s1. s1 had a completely different tone, and initially i wanted that in s2, but now - no, it was perfect. it was whimsical and airy and fun, jazzy, and then packed a whollop in the last half hour. brilliant, utterly brilliant.
i get that its technically a question mark at the moment, and that has people concerned especially in the wake of the avalanche of emotion s2 crashed upon us, but i genuinely think that we will get s3, and get it sooner than people think. we (fingers crossed, i don't want to manifest this) hopefully won't get another global pandemic, hypothetically cutting down the wait time significantly; the only thing at the moment that i think hinders s3 is the strike, but there are far more important things than s3 right now, and the WGA/SAG-AFTRA strike and fighting for writer and actor equality is absolutely one of them. but trust - im confident it will be here before we know it.
but in any case let's get discussing meta!!!
metatron absolutely manipulated aziraphale. it might have been a huge manipulation, or a small suggestion, but metatron is definitely the Baddie here. im not sure if there is anything in the coffee; on one hand, it was posed as being key to the interaction between aziraphale and metatron, but similarly i think it could potentially be quite cheap for aziraphale to have been drugged. i much prefer the very simple, personal reason of him returning to heaven being because it made sense for his character, and so he could complete his character arc. that being said, i won't be disappointed either way (s2 has humbled me and taught me to simply trust in neil's writing - ive learnt my lesson!)
as im guessing you've seen from my other ramblings, there is indeed a lot of Unresolved Shit that goes down in s1 and s2, and in all the in-between we haven't seen. plus, this is the middle of the story; in fairly basic storywriting principle, to me it made complete sense for there to be a major rift to happen between aziraphale and crowley. i hoped it wouldn't happen, but similarly knew it was coming well before the release. it just simply made logical sense.
and that aside, i couldn't shake adam's narrative from s1 from my mind when watching the last episode; the whole point is to not sit and watch the world burn in the hope that that means a reset and everything will be better again. destruction is destruction. so again, it made complete character- and story-sense for aziraphale to choose to want to rebuild heaven for the better. he and crowley have been hounded and pestered and spied on for their whole existence on earth; i can't imagine that either of them, even crowley, would ever want anyone to go through the same thing. but crowley's fear and rage is paralysing, quite understandably, so i completely understand why he was trying to get aziraphale to stay. that being said, if i were in aziraphale's position, id have chosen what he did.
essentially, nonnie, everything you have said in respect of aziraphale's choice and why he chose it? completely agree with you. you've highlighted some brilliant 'what ifs' that, dare i say it, i think sometimes the fandom is missing when they consider the Feral Domestic™ scene; that there is a wider picture to be seen and considered, and just because this season has put a microscope on aziraphale and crowley, and their relationship such as it is, doesn't mean that that wider picture has disappeared, or has lost any significance to aziraphale especially. once again, his choice to me makes complete sense, and was required to effectively continue the story.
the only thing i will say is that i don't think it's a matter of proving crowley right or wrong. i think it's a matter of aziraphale proving something to himself; and yes, that's where i agree that there does need to be, in s3, some show that aziraphale is successful in revolutionising heaven for the better. perhaps even a timeskip, where he's been ensconced in heaven, being a benevolent, kind, and conscientious boss, and actually making change that on earth (or wherever crowley goes) crowley will benefit from. and hear about, and maybe start to question the concept of change; he was right to fear and detest heaven as it was, and it was understandable that he had the reaction that he did, but nothing lasts forever; including the stuff that he'd been sure would never change, and would only continue to remind him of pain, sacrifice, and anger. but crowley has to come to that conclusion for himself; aziraphale cannot and should not do it for him.
there will ultimately be an undercurrent of peril in s3, of course (hardly be a story without it!), but the main thing for me will be crowley learning that he cannot always be aziraphale's saviour, and aziraphale learning that crowley must seek his own salvation, whatever that may look like. the answer, for me, does not lie in heaven or hell, not even with each other, but within themselves. and then bring themselves together, as two wholes with edges that fit together but are valid and existent on their own.
thank you for dropping into my asks, nonnie. this was really nice reading and insight, and i thoroughly enjoyed it. make sure to get your thoughts out into the ether though, other people ought to get to enjoy them too!!!✨💓
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circadianaa · 2 years
circadiana's oc masterlist!
realizing i haven't had one of those before?? so here's that i guess. will likely be updating intermittently with new ocs, ocs i missed, and new information!
the lineup:
- cadaver
- wishbone
- isadora ariti
- cortex squad
- rotgut & scout
- eyre brraven
- ceph
- sarad
- joona caegris
Details, stories, and art below!
cadaver (he/him) - CT-1811
#clone medic cadaver
cadaver is most well-known for his gruffness and lack of patience for antics or cowardice. he's not known for being very social with anyone other than locks, but he has strong bonds with most senior members of the 501st, including particularly rex and echo. he also forges a close relationship with dogma and tup, who he views as his responsibility. their losses change him in a way he never recovers from.
during the war, he makes a small group of friends while on shore leaves—duke, dvas, druzy, and himself (d-squad!). the four of them meet up at jazz clubs all over coruscant to dance, enjoy music, and chat the night away. they’re some of the few people cadaver feels able to relax around. he also shares a particularly close relationship with duke during the war, teetering between friends and something more until just before cadaver ships out for mandalore, when they share their first kiss.
cadaver survives order 66, but not without serious consequences. after the crash of the venator, he was left stranded under burning debris for two days before rex and ahsoka found him.
almost all of my post-order 66 content is in the commander cad au. summarized, cadaver becomes a rebel commander. he also reunite with duke and is able to pursue a relationship with him.
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wishbone (she/her) - ARC-2384
#arc trooper wishbone & #wishadora
wishbone is my other main oc. she's an arc trooper and a sergeant in the coruscant guard and leads a squad of nine troopers called cortex squad. cortex will get more content and rundowns as soon as I can get to it--there's lots of lore there! check out the document above for rundowns of each member.
wishbone is kind, intelligent, and very protective, though she often suffers from unsureness borne of her inability to protect her family in a time of war. her best friend is cherub, her second-in-command, and the only member of cortex who is older than her. she's also close with her agemates, woozy and chitin, and very much so with her adopted children, the youngest three members of the squad--knifepoint, saccharine, and knucklehead (more often referred to simply as "knuckles".)
wishbone is also involved with a twi'lek named isadora ariti. isadora Is a waitress in the mid-low level district that cortex patrols and works at a clone-friendly diner, which has become the safe haven of many a coruscant guard. wishbone and dora meet two months into wishbone's deployment to coruscant, which was halfway through the first year of the war. they hit it off right away and wishbone is immediately head-over-heels for dora, but has no means to understand or communicate her own feelings. she gets her star tattoos in honor of dora, who, after confessing that she'd never been of coruscant, shared that she dreamed only of getting to see the stars one day.
four months into her deployment, wishbone is seen without her helmet on by one of the more clone-resenting senators--with her longer-than-regulation hair and tattoos, she is deemed a defective unit requiring immediate decommissioning. commander fox acts fast and slices into the system, marking her ct-number as decommissioned and reassigning her the ct-number of a recently deceased clone who had not yet been reported dead. after, he does send her back to kamino, but not to be decommissioned--rather, to receive arc training. regardless of her exemplary performance justifying the promotion, specialized training would allow wishbone to fill important roles outside of the senate dome, and also just gave her a moment away from the prying eyes of the republic.
wishbone serves as an arc trooper and sergeant for the rest of the war, leading cortex squad. upon her return to the guard, she also rekindles a relationship with isadora, however tentative and unsure. over the years, their relationship grows stronger, and though they never quite have the chance to put a name on it, it's as real to them as it could possibly be.
however, by the end of the war, wishbone is aware of growing tensions within the republic. she senses that the war is reaching a boiling point, even here at the heart of the republic, and she wants dora nowhere near it. she tries to distance herself from isadora gently, but unable to explain why, dora doesn't accept this. she's determined to find a solution to fix whatever it is wishbone is so afraid of. wishbone tells her there's nothing wrong, they just can't see each other anymore--but dora doesn't accept this either. out of options and backed into a corner, wishbone resorts to saying that she never loved isadora--that she was bored and had no interest in continuing their relationship. the words, so far from the truth, break her as she says them, and isadora's heart is broken as well. wishbone leaves that day and never returns.
order 66 fully affects wishbone, as well as all of cortex squad--except for the youngest member, knucklehead. knuckles flees the corrie headquarters and ends up wandering lost through the lower levels of coruscant, where he reunites with scout, his best friend before he was assigned to cortex. he had thought scout dead for a long time, and to the guard, scout was--but the story wasn't that simple. (check out rotgut's section for more about scout). with scout's help, they track down isadora. isadora is resistant to them, still bitter over wishbone's abandonment, but when knuckles tearfully explains the situation, it all clicks in dora's head.
though it takes a few weeks, together, isadora, knuckles, and scout isolate wishbone from a patrol of stormtroopers and knock her unconscious and remove her chip.
tragically, by the time they have they have the means to rescue wishbone, all other members of cortex have been reassigned or executed. knuckles and wishbone are the only ones left.
their small group escapes coruscant, and though it takes years, they grieve, heal, and move on. wishbone and isadora reconcile and are able, finally, to have a real relationship. they get married and have children, the youngest of whom is named after wishbone's first daughter, saccharine, lost in order 66.
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isadora ariti (she/her)
#isadora ariti & #wishadora
isadora is wishbone's partner. her and wishbone's story is covered in wishbone's section. isadora was born and raised on coruscant to rylothian refugees and has never left the planet, dreaming only of getting to see the stars one day. she's a waitress at a small but homey diner in the mid-lower levels of coruscant and can often be found at clone rights protests. after the war, she and wishbone escape coruscant and eventually end up getting married and starting a family together.
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cortex squad
#cortex squad & individual oc tags
Note: aside from Wishbone, I share these characters with a buddy!
cortex squad consists of nine clone troopers led by wishbone.
wishbone -- sergeant
cherub -- second-in-command, corporal. generally very laid back and a little gruff. oldest member of the squad.
woozy -- medic, corporal. skilled medic but extremely squeamish, hence the name. he hates his job.
chitin -- riot trooper, corporal. he's self-assured, tough, and acts a lot like a jock. he can sometimes be the cause of tension within the squad due to his stubborn and argumentative nature.
watchdog -- arf trooper, k9 handler, corporal. protective, high-strung, and unable to let down his guard.
sodwatch -- private. quiet, anti-social, and shy. NOTE: Sodwatch is owned by my buddy, not me.
knifepoint -- private. brash and rebellious, though protective of his younger siblings saccharine and knuckles. he's the oldest of wishbone's kids.
saccharine -- private. clever, witty, and humorous, though with a bad mean streak. she's wishbone's middle child.
knucklehead -- private. sweet, friendly, and a little bit stupid.
for more details about everyone read the document above, but please note it's still in the process of being written!
oc tags all follow the #clone trooper [name] outside of watchdog, who will use #arf trooper watchdog.
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rotgut & scout (he/him)
HEAVY CONTENT WARNING: implied torture, mind-control, non-consensual body modification, violence, death.
#clone trooper rotgut
Note: Rotgut is shared and co-written by me and a buddy!
i rarely talk about rotgut or his lore, but there's lots of it, and because it's sort of relevant to cortex squad, I'll share.
rotgut is a CC clone and an ex-commander of the coruscant guard. during his time as a commander, he was subjected to experimentation by Palpatine. palpatine wanted to know just how far the inhibitor chip could be pushed, and through rotgut, he learned.
rotgut's chip was left permanently damaged by Palpatine, and after the sith had finished his experiments, he wiped rotgut's memory. rotgut was left staggering with an impossible-to-ignore void in his mind--though he didn't understand what, how, or why, he knew that something was missing, and he was determined to find out what. rotgut's psyche was also damaged, leaving him volatile, unempathetic, and deteriorating.
to add insult to injury, rotgut was removed from command and demoted to corporal. unfortunately, his batchmate cherub, another commander, was also demoted. his relation to rotgut was cited, claiming that one faulty product in a batch tainted all the others. though cherub eventually moved on from this, he never stopped feeling as though he was meant for something more. rotgut was assigned to manage the shinies coming in from kamino and cherub was assigned to the newly-formed cortex squad under freshly-promoted sergeant wishbone.
rotgut experimented on himself to discover what was missing, and when that stopped being effective, he started kidnapping his shinies and experimenting on them. he rationalized it as being for the greater good--the sacrifice of few would lead to the liberation of many. one such shiny was named scout. rotgut took a shining to scout--intelligent, ambitious, and most of all, incredibly loyal--and instead of kidnapping him to experiment on him, he faked his death and took him to fill a role as his assistant. scout was forced to lead his brothers to their deaths and hold them down as they begged for mercy.
mercy never came. not for rotgut's victims, and not for scout.
after order 66, rotgut (by that time, fully deteriorated and more cybernetic than human) abandoned his laboratory with scout inside of it. scout was trapped for days, but eventually managed to break his way out and escape into the lower levels of coruscant, where he reunited with his old friend knucklehead.
rotgut was left wandering the galaxy for years after order 66, replacing more and more of himself with poorly-made cybernetics in an attempt to fix the damage left by Palpatine and furthered by his faulty chip. he died alone, wandering the sands of some unknown backwater planet, his mission never accomplished.
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eyre brraven (they/them)
#eyre brraven
while eyre had previously had a lot of lore and plot, that has since been retconned since I've distanced myself from the bad batch. there's not as much now, but I'll go over what's left!
eyre was raised in the jedi order from age 2 and was 16 at the start of the clone wars. their master was a togruta named master rekaari, who was the chief healer in the jedi order. their relationship with their master veered more towards father and child than it did master and apprentice, but that didn't make it any healthier. rekaari was reactive and his love for eyre was very conditional, leaving them with an insecurity in their relationships that they carried far into adulthood. they had a passion and talent for healing as a padawan, but that all was dismissed at the start of the clone wars. their master was killed at the battle of geonosis and, instead of being assigned to a new one, they were given a single clone battalion to command under the supervision of various, oft-changing jedi knights and masters. them and their battalion would travel from front to front, providing reinforcement wherever the council deemed it necessary. throughout the year they participated in the war, they served under obi-wan kenobi, depa billaba, and more.
a year into the war, however, they were caught in a battle that went as poorly as it possibly could have, and despite eyre's best efforts, all of their troopers were lost--their siblings, subordinates, friends--gone in an instant.
the council deemed eyre’s survival of this event a sufficient substitute for their jedi trials and offered them knighthood. disgusted by the jedi's treatment of the death of their men as a mere trial in eyre's own life, eyre spat in the face of the jedi council and left the order.
eyre's story from here on out is vague, but after order 66, they end up in the rebellion and getting in contact with an old friend of theirs, @jaigeye 's bernardeau namya, who had helped raised them in the jedi creche.
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ceph (they/them)
ceph is my kamino security oc. they serve under @jaigeye 's commander luck among other kamsec ocs belonging to my friends and mutuals.
they're a young, cheeky, and a little empty-headed clone who always has a smile on their face, despite the rather dire circumstances they live in. they love the rain, the ocean, and the storms of kamino, and feel most at home in it.
ceph is known for walking unnervingly quitely, almost seeming to teleport from place to place, much to the annoyance of their frequent victim, alpha-17. lock helps them put charms and baubles in their hair (which, amazingly, yes, they do voluntarily style like that), in the hopes that it would help everyone hear them coming. it doesn't work, but now ceph's attached to the little doohickeys lmao
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sarad (she/her)
sarad is a togruta who was only a few months old when cadaver and duke adopted her. she's a sweet, bubbly baby.
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joona caegris (they/he)
#joona caegris
joona is my padawan self insert oc! next to no plot for them, they're just there to be fun to draw and talk about with my friends. their master is mace windu and they have a peach lightsaber!
note on joona's pronouns: they generally prefer they/them but are happy to have he/him sprinkled in there occasionally :)
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if you’ve made it this far, thanks so much for reading! again, these are very liable to be updated as i come up with new lore, ocs, or just realized i forgot someone lmao. cheers!
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halfagonyandhope · 2 years
when the skies catch fire │ch. 22
first chapter (x); previous chapter (x)
Satine has to read the letter several times to take it in. Her shaking hands do not help in this endeavor.
They’d never spoken of marriage. As teenagers, of course, marriage had simply been fantasy, an unattainable dream. It was forbidden by the Jedi. And selecting a former Jedi - even a former padawan - as Mandalore’s Duke Consort would have been akin to drawing crosshairs over Obi-Wan’s heart. There’d been no doubt in Satine’s mind that Obi-Wan would have been assassinated by one of the terrorist organizations that still threatened Mandalore - that still harbored resentment of any Force-sensitive being - before they could even exchange vows.
She’d loved him too much to inquire about marriage, then. And she’d always suspected the same was true for him about her.
But had he let himself dream of formal vows, despite it all? Had he held onto the image of a future, a family with her, the way she’d held onto hope?
Satine is overcome by the absurd urge to twist back time, to redo that morning, to stop their contact’s ship from leaving the hangar. If she only could, if she could beg Obi-Wan to stay -
Stop this, she tells herself firmly. 
Then she has to roll her eyes at the ridiculousness of it all.
“I blame the hormones,” she mutters to the empty room, sitting down on the side of the bed. The sheets smell like him. Her hand immediately rests on her abdomen, and she reads the letter another time.
She smiles.
“A thousand times yes,” she whispers into the Force, and she swears she feels an echo of strangled joy return to her - as though he’s felt her response.
Satine succumbs to sleep with the letter still clutched in her hand.
During the darkest part of the night, there is a battering on her door.
Satine is on her feet in a second, the door open a second after that.
“Neha? What is it?”
Neha holds up a holocommunicator.
Obi-Wan appears in miniature form, dressed as he was the previous morning. He is more unkempt than he had been, however; his hair is slicked back with what appears to be a mix of sweat and oil.
“I received a message from the Jedi Temple on Coruscant,” says Neha, her voice just a whisper.
She starts the recording.
"This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi,” he begins.
Before he can say anything else, Satine feels her heart against her ribcage, erratic. His expression tells her what has happened. 
“I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place,” Obi-Wan continues. “This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi. Trust in the Force. Do not return to the Temple. That time has passed. And our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged. Our trust, our faith, our friendships. But we must persevere.”
Satine bites her lip. She feels like sobbing, or drowning, or perhaps both.
 “And in time, a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you. Always.”
The last word feels like it was directed at her. Satine hugs her arms around herself.
“Neha, what happened?”
Neha shakes her head. “My contact said they never made it to Mandalore. After a few hyperlane switches, they picked up chatter from the Republic. The Jedi Temple was attacked. Since the Mandalorian children are waiting in a safe house for now, the team decided to triage and respond to the Temple attack.” She hesitates. “It’s not clear if anyone who was inside the Temple at the time survived.”
“The younglings?” asks Satine, her lips barely able to form the words.
Neha can’t bring herself to respond. It is response enough.
“Who?” asks Satine.
“I don’t know for certain, but my contact said the Galactic Republic is now the Imperial Senate. We no longer have a chancellor; now we have an emperor.”
“Palpatine attacked the Temple?”
“No,” says Neha. “But he is the Sith we were looking for. He has a new apprentice. It was he who attacked the Temple. A man named Darth Vader. I don’t have more information than that.”
“It is Anakin,” says Satine immediately. “The new apprentice is Anakin Skywalker. I am sure of it.”
Neha looks at her with wide eyes. “Skywalker?”
Satine freezes. If Anakin has fallen, then Obi-Wan…
Satine turns away but keeps her shoulders set. “Obi-Wan will have gone to stop him,” she whispers. “Ahsoka will have gone with Obi-Wan.” She steels herself before turning back to face Neha. “It is what the Jedi would do.”
Neha nods. “They will neutralize him,” she says, slipping back into the role of a war general.
“Say it as it is.” Satine’s tone is dark. “They will kill him.”
Her thoughts turn to Padmé. Does she know? Is she safe? Is she even alive?
“We need to reach out to anyone we can contact. Senator Organa, if possible. Can you ready the conference room? I will wake and gather the others.”
And they rush down the hall.
Satine guides the rebel cell through the darkened hallways, briefing them, her words swift as her stride. By the time they reach the conference room, Neha has already established communication with Bail Organa. The senator’s holoimage is projected at the center of the table. He turns to face Satine as she enters.
“Duchess, I’m afraid things have gone from concerning to catastrophic.”
Satine sits at the head of the table. “Tell us what you can, Senator.”
“Alderaanian intelligence suggests the Emperor will soon begin arresting members of the Delegation of 2000.”
“That is, any senator who signed the petition requesting Palpatine cede his emergency powers. Including yourself.”
Bail nods.
“Have the members of the Delegation been warned?” Satine asks.
“My team was able to warn all but one,” he says. “I could not reach Senator Amidala. Her quarters are abandoned. She’s disappeared.”
Satine glances at Neha before looking back at Bail. “Did she leave with Skywalker?”
Bail gives a terse shake of his head. “We were able to track his starfighter to Mustafar. It is only equipped to carry one being. No Nubian ships that we know of have left Coruscant. She’s still on the capital, likely hiding in the lower levels.”
Neha speaks for the first time. “I will find her. I have the sets of armor Master Kenobi and the Duchess wore while escaping Mandalore. I will go - no one will mistake me for a Jedi. I will get her off Coruscant.”
“As will I,” says Satine. “Padmé is my close friend; if anyone can find her, I can.”
Chewbacca vocalizes, something between a growl and a howl, and Satine nods.
“Chewbacca will accompany us,” she adds. 
When he bellows again, a protocol droid translates. “Chewbacca has contacts on Lah’mu,” says the droid, referring to the closest major planet. “He can call in a favor to get a VCX-100 light freighter.”
The Wookiee howls once more.
“He’s happy to pilot,” the droid adds.
Satine turns back to Bail. “Then it’s settled.”
Without prompting, the rest of the team rises to begin preparations. As they clear out of the room, Bail holds Satine’s gaze.
“Obi-Wan went with Ahsoka to Mustafar,” he says, almost apologetic.
Satine nods, just once. “Were there any other survivors at the Temple?”
“Master Yoda,” says Bail, and Satine’s heart breaks.
No one else?
“Satine,” says Bail. “It wasn’t just the Temple. Every Jedi, regardless of where they were, was attacked by clone troopers. They weren’t spared just because they happened to be off Coruscant.” He hesitates. “The message Obi-Wan sent out - it was because the Sith had created a beacon to lure the Jedi back to the Temple. Obi-Wan reversed the beacon to warn them away.”
Satine rests her head against the back of her chair, closing her eyes for a few moments. “Stay safe, Senator,” she says, ending the transmission.
When she opens her eyes again, the room is dark, and she is alone.
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The Second Littlest Mymble
On beginning to find yourself
“Sarah!”, said Sarah, “Sarah Mymble. That’s the name I choose for myself.”
“Very well.”, said Dame Elaine, “ ‘Tis a fine name! I shall make sure to remember to call thee by it from now on.”
They were enjoying their usual time together in the small tower study in the highest room in Gobble Manor. When The Mymble and her latest family moved into the manor, the first unspoken order of business for her thirteen children was to explore every nook and cranny of the sprawling mansion as quickly as possible. Sarah lagged behind in this effort and instead savored each room and its potential gradually over the course of the first two months that her family lived there.
Sarah loved enjoying everything she encountered thoroughly before finding the next thing. She would return frequently to the places and beasts that she loved most. Her siblings moved quickly from one experience to the next for the most part. The manor’s library and other quiet rooms didn’t hold their interest for very long and they became refuges for Sarah when she wanted to have time to herself.
Sarah was only a head taller than her legendary older sister Little My. But, unlike My, she didn’t resent being left behind when her siblings rushed ahead of her. She set herself apart by finding spaces where she could find herself in peace rather than by seeking to stand out by fierce independence and deliberate mischief.
Dame Elaine and her boyfriend, Duke Clovis, only held the attention of the Mymble’s children for a short time. They were too formal in their manners to be much fun and Dame Elaine’s thirst for long conversations didn’t interest them. Sarah, however, was always transfixed by Dame Elaine’s stories of court life centuries ago and they would get together in this isolated study and in the library to spend hours conversing and reading.
When Mrs. Fillyjonk became The Mymble’s girlfriend and the co-mother to Sarah and all her siblings, she tried to give all of The Mymble’s children as much individual attention, education, and basic, healthy discipline as possible. The Mymble took care of all the household affairs and gave her children maximum freedom to be themselves. With thirteen children to care for, the two of them made a well balanced parenting team. Sarah eluded Mrs. Fillyjonk’s attention for a long time because of her taking advantage of her smaller size and lack of presence to lead the peaceful life she preferred. When Mrs. Fillyjonk discovered her friendship with Dame Elaine in the sweep of the mansion that she had decided to undertake that day she wasn’t sure what to do. She felt guilty for having overlooked Sarah even accidentally and was genuinely grateful that Sarah had found such a good friend in Dame Elaine, but she instinctively disapproved of ghosts. But then, Dame Elaine was nobility and deserving of respect.
With all of these conflicting thoughts and feelings running through her mind, Mrs. Fillyjonk carefully approached the pair as Sarah chose her name.
“I must agree with Dame Elaine.”, said Mrs. Fillyjonk, “Sarah is a fine name….I’m sorry to intrude. It was by accident, I assure you. I….would like to join in your friendship, if you’ll let me. If you want me to join you when you get together, just find me. If you need time to yourselves, I won’t interfere or insist on joining you, or feel jealous afterwards, I promise.”
“I’d love that….Mama!”, said Sarah.
“Thou wouldst be most welcome.”, said Dame Elaine with a friendly smile on her face. The three of them sat back down in the comfortable lounge chairs that took up a good part of the tower room and Dame Elaine resumed the story that she had been telling.
The End
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inahandful-of-dust · 2 years
Lumi's Library - Grishaverse Section
List of my favourite fics from The Grishaverse fandom.
New fics I discover and recommend will be added to this post, or to the others I'll make, based on the fandom.
The fics are listed in a completely casual order.
The Demon, the Dragon, and the Dark by storm-elf
Summary of the first part of the series:
The Black General. The bastard prince. It's a dangerous alliance in a garrison realm caught between two aggressive enemies. With a cowardly drunkard of a king on the throne, and the heir apparent more interested in whores and horse-racing, the country's safety has to depend on someone -- and Aleksander Morozova, Shadow-Summoner and Shadow King of Ravka, is all too used to responsibility falling to him. As threats close in on two frontiers, he will risk anything to protect his people, especially Grisha like himself. He'd like to find a way to maintain his country's independence with the help of the bold, brave, and brilliant second prince. But, if he has to, he'll take a different road and become history's villain again to do it.
Our Lines in the Sand by GaleSentinal
In which being an orphan, a soldier, and a cartographer is more integral to Alina’s identity and she pays attention to the world around her. Meanwhile spending some 400 years in power confers certain advantages to the Darkling, but also certain blind spots. In this fight to secure a better tomorrow, both will be confronted with the same question: What are they willing to sacrifice in order to win?
A reworking of the series from the ground up, where the politics are more realistic, grisha abilities are more than just magic artillery, people aren't inexplicably stupid, the religion and history are more present, everyone has an agenda, everyone has their secrets, and imperfect people love, struggle, laugh, fight and strive for a world that they can live with.
En Passant by darkestelemental616
Prince. Privateer. Grisha. Nikolai Lantsov is full of secrets, and the biggest one he's ever kept is about to be dragged kicking and screaming into the light.
Or, what if Nikolai were also a Sun Summoner, and much more canny about it?
Roll for Seduction by DukeOfDucks
Nikolai Lantsov was having a good time, steadily progressing through his Politics & International Relations degree, until Aleksander Morozova happened. Morozova had no business being in one of his classes, but here he was, and now all Nikolai can do is try to vicariously seduce him through his evil wizard character using the charms of his half-pirate half-prince bastard character. Which, in hindsight, and considering the rather impressive amount of Nat 1 he rolled, was going pretty well.
for they shall inherit the earth (but first, Ravka) by bam_cassopeia
There are many ways to poison a Lantsov, and Yevgeniya Sergeyevna Safina is an expert on them all.
(or: the one one in which Genya kills three out of four, the Darkling is like *wipes a tear* my best student so far im so proud, David Kostyk has a crush, the Apparat is high on mushrooms, and Alina Starkov ends up in West Ravka.)
Souvenirs of War by CamilleDuDemon
When Aleksander is done talking, Nikolai allows himself to relax a little into the lumpy pillows someone has placed behind his back; there are no princes or dukes or counts on the battlefield, only soldiers, and he gets to be treated accordingly. No fatter rations, no better cots. Not to mention that a very few noblemen and aristocrats have chosen to serve in the infantry, and this could be one of the many reasons why equity and equality are so valued within its ranks. It’s fine. Nikolai likes it better to be a nobody rather than a prince and a granduke, it saves him a lot of time in listing his titles and spares him the resentful glares of peasant or lower class soldiers, notoriously disaffected with the Monarchy.
wedding night by Anonymous
His new husband - a clearly unamused Darkling - was being gentle with him, which only made matters worse. He unpinned the jewelry from his hair, and did not raise an eyebrow when the hair extensions Fabrikators had made fell alongside the golden pins.
The Names By Which We Are Created by Poeticdissonance
In the end, they are victorious.
Or: The development of what should have been a tragedy.
Last night sipped the sunset, my hand in her hair by Silberias
Alina cast an arch look at his flowers.
“Oksana picked those this morning for her Grace,” she said, a hint of a tease in her words.
“I admit I did knick them from her parlor on my way here. It did not feel right to come without flowers.”
Or: The Tsar tests his shadow summoner, and in response the Darkling makes an impulsive choice that changes the known world.
Or: Alina's perspective of being courted by and marrying the Darkling of Ravka.
Or: Alina's eleven years of being the otkazat'sya wife of General Kirigan, the famed shadow summoner, and the revelation that she herself is a myth made flesh.
you're so golden by zoyalinayay
Nikolai Lantsov was officially broke.
After being kicked out of his parent's home he models for art students to help pay his rent. He finds himself posing for Aleksander, a talented young man who spikes Nikolai’s interest despite Nikolai promising he would keep himself away from new love interests.
[It's a work in progress. Just for fun and comfort.]
Spreading Sugar Over Lakes by darkestelemental616
Winter comes to Ravka, and everyone is out ice skating...with one notable exception.
i feel the endless pain of being (and i am scorched by the sun) by hedarising
“And what’s he then that says i play the villain?” Othello Act 2, Scene 3
. . .
Name after name, life after life, he endures.
. . .
His mother has the force of history—of the way things have always been done—behind her. For now, he has nothing but the feathery, fickle weight of the future and things yet to pass.
Hope, he might call it, if he were someone else’s son.
. . .
OR: The many (seven, to be exact) lives of Aleksander Morozova.
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normanbased · 1 year
AHOY i am not Entirely sure if you got my ask about norman’s character progression (tumblr may have eaten it, but it was the one about him gradually seeming angrier/more frustrated throughout the films at the knowledge that he’s trapped in this cycle of loneliness and violence but can’t do anything about it) but BUILDING ON THAT right right right
in the first film especially (and at certain points in the second), i feel like norman’s anger is very tranquil. in fact the reason it’s so intense is because he’s very clearly holding back. and this partly ties in with the post you reblogged ages ago about Characters Who Are So Inauthentic and who Only Let You See What They Want You To See but. idk i feel like he has a complicated relationship with anger and resentment because. i’m sure he has a lot of it, but he’s painfully aware that allowing it to overtake him has the potential to scare the shit out of people, and he doesn’t want to make himself any more isolated than he already is. part of me also wonders if he really really doesn’t want it to manifest in him the way it did in his mother. or if he never really felt allowed to express it at all growing up, and he assumes people will respond to it the same way his mother did
and so the fact that this resentment keeps building in him over time is, in and of itself, probably something that’s enormously frustrating to him. he doesn’t want to be this person, by god he never wanted to be this person, but the situation he’s in is just so cyclical and so goddamn unfair, how else is he supposed to feel about it? he resents his past, he resents his circumstances, but above all, i think, he’s angry with himself
i don’t know if this made ANY sense but i was seized by a divine vision and had to write it down and if it’s completely incoherent i cannot be held accountable /j (fr tho ive been thinking about this all day)
<33 I quite literally couldn’t have said it better, I always find the outburst he has with Duke for example in III where he’s like “YOU THINK IM STUPID DUKE??” to be super interesting. It mirrors the “and I’m not capable of being deceived” line from the first film. Like, it’s the same sentiment but expressed so differently like, Psycho I Norman would never have done that.
His development up to his third iteration is so fucking interesting because you just know he’s been lied to, manipulated, and deceived consistently throughout the franchise and it’s boiling over.
Like, do people seriously think he’s stupid?
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Not So Sweet Maria [Sisters by Marriage Series #1]
The ton calls her Sweet Maria and, even in her fourth Season, eligibles continue to offer her marriage. They do not know Lady Maria despises the hypocritical ways of Polite Society and is trying to sail away to America! Though she is the granddaughter of a duke, Lady Maria is a Child of Scandal because her mother was an American commoner. She blames the duke and the duchess for her parents’ death. Had they not disowned them, they would not have died of a virulent fever in America, leaving her an orphan at the age of five. Lady Maria agrees to an arranged match to ward off her persistent suitors, treating the engagement as a sham one to be ended at her convenience.
Then, most unexpectedly, she finds love with a commoner. Only he isn’t a commoner but the Earl of Daventon. Gareth, Earl of Daventon is no stranger to Scandal. Rumour has it that his father had banished his mother for adulterous behavior. And yet, he yearned until his last breath to have her back. Gareth is determined not to repeat his sire’s mistake. Love is a quagmire and I shall not be caught in it. But love finds him. The object of his ardour is a mysterious young woman who dresses like a shop girl and behaves like a lady. Lord Daventon remedies the situation by accepting an arranged match, his betrothed being Lady Maria whom he hasn’t met. All of which leads to a delightful tangle of affairs...
Not Just Lovely Laura [Sisters by Marriage Series #2]
Can Lady Laura continue to love the Duke of Wimberley when she has evidence that he has committed a terrible crime? Growing up in the shadow of her parents’ estrangement, Laura has learnt to mask her feelings. She is also unused to company. Her father, though an earl, was a recluse. Now she must go to London during the Season where she will meet her mother - the mother she had pined for and resented in equal measure. Laura finds herself a success. She has suitors offering for her but is secretly in love with the Duke of Wimberley. She isn’t sure about his feelings. Does it even matter? The duke is most attentive to the beautiful widow, Lady Mannering.
And then Laura learns a shocking truth about the duke. He is not the man he appears to be. Anthony, Duke of Wimberley is in London to find a wife for the second time. Seven years ago he had made a love match. He knows better now. He is looking for someone who will take charge of the duties of duchess and also be a mother to his daughter. His intention to guard his heart disappears as he comes to know Laura. Before he can proceed to court her, he becomes mired in perhaps the biggest Scandal of all time. To his utter shock, not only does Lady Laura believe the worst about him, she goes out of her way to thwart him!
No Longer Flighty Fanny [Sisters by Marriage #3]
As a young girl, Fanny finds escape from her unstable home by roaming in the woods and riding her mare. Free and innocent of guile, she is easy prey for a blackguard. Three years later, she attends the Season where she meets Andrew, Earl of Nethercote. It is love at first sight for both. Fanny’s nemesis, the man who had ruined her, is also in London. Furious at her refusal to yield to him, he uses his power to vilify her. Fanny loses her reputation - and Andrew’s love. She returns home and her father forces her into a repugnant marriage.
Andrew leaves England and throws himself into the shipping business. Unable to forget Fanny, he comes back when she is widowed and tries his utmost to win her back. Can Fanny forgive him for leaving her? And what of the anonymous letters that threaten to destroy her if she accepts Andrew?
Never Silly Sophie [Sisters by Marriage Series #4]
Her mother told her not to be silly. That she did not have the sense God gave a goose. The other children called her Silly Sophie. Used to a lifetime of neglect, Sophie is still shocked when her mother disowns her. Where is she to go in London, a city that is wholly new to her? Fortunately, a chain of events dramatically changes her life. Sophie finds new friends and is reunited with her brother, the Earl of Nethercote. She also falls in love. But at heart she is still Silly Sophie. How can she compete against the alluring lady who has gentlemen falling over her?
Christopher, the Duke of Henderson has had enough of being pursued by women. When his lackey informs him that a young woman was found in his carriage house and claims to have lost her memory, he is incensed. But when the frightened young woman in a dirt-stained gown is presented to him, he knows she is no conniving female. Babbling of kings and dukes, she is most likely missing a few marbles! At first intrigued and then entranced by Sophie’s honest feelings, Christopher must guard his love from dangers unforeseen and from the scheming and vicious Lady Dorothea who is determined to become his duchess.
Never Silly Sophie is Book 4 of the Sisters by Marriage Series. All the books in the series can be read in any order and also independently.
Text©2017Gita V. Reddy. Video©2023 Gita V. Reddy.
Audiobook created with AI Micmonster.
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