#sim: ewan traver
luverofralts · 5 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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"Greetings, Your Grace. Welcome to the Royal Estate of King Charles Toyonaga I of Strangetown."
Leo Toyonaga and his little sister, Venisha Toyonaga, greeted the visitors to their uncle's estate with rigid formality.
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"Hey, Leo! I brought that game over you wanted to borrow. Edana's doing witch stuff, so I can hang out with you until I have to pick up the kids."
Duke Ewan Goldman forgot to bow to his half-brother and instead greeted him with the casual gesture well known in the islands. His wife just sighed. Ewan was never one for formality, especially when it concerned his family, and it drove Edana up the wall. Formality had been drilled into her by her parents and her old coven until it was second nature. Her brother in law was never upset if Ewan was relaxed around him, but Edana knew that Leo knew the formalities Ewan was ignoring.
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"Awesome! Josh is taking the younger kids to magic lessons later, so we have all afternoon," Leo exclaimed, returning his sibling's gesture. "Venisha was just leaving, I was going to see her out. Gee is meeting her boyfriend for the first time."
Ewan chuckled at the thought of that poor kid.
"Does he know that his future father in law is the Grim Reaper, or is that going to be a surprise?"
"I told him," Venisha huffed. "Daddy promised to be nice. He loves everyone who is madly in love."
Even Edana had to raise a disbelieving eyebrow at this.
"Does he feel that way about the person you're sleeping with, or just generally people in love?" she laughed. "Has he met Lukas yet, or God forbid, your grandfather? I think he might have a change of heart if both the Grim Reaper and Death itself came over for family dinner."
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"Hey, Lukas is fine, once you get to know them," Leo protested. "I gotta defend my boss here. I'd be more afraid of what my dad thinks of him. Josh is still terrified of my dad and we've been married over a decade now. Either way, Gee's expecting her, so let's get a move on."
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Ewan and Leo made their way to the living room, while Edana set about her own agenda.
Leo smiled as he passed a familiar picture in the hall. All this talk about the Grim Reaper and Death reminded him of his half-sister Anna. He'd grown up resenting the infant sister who had died and broken their shared father in a way he was only now starting to heal from. It wasn't Anna's fault their father, Vrai, had been an absent, resentful father to Leo growing up, but he'd still spent years blaming her all the same. Ever since she suddenly appeared to them as a reaper, Vrai smiled more, and being a father now himself, Leo understood. It was no excuse for Vrai to parent him like he had, but it was an explanation at least.
Leo and Anna had bonded the instant they met. They shared many traits regarding their spouses, their parenting styles and their opinion on their parents. He and Josh frequently met up with the Goldmans for dinner or games. Their family was a complicated one, but Leo wouldn't trade it for the world.
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"So, how are things?" Ewan asked, opening a beer and handing one to his brother. "Josh is doing okay? I heard he had some coven meeting with the Maricourts. Edana wasn't thrilled with how it went."
"It is what it is," Leo replied. "Edana and Josh are never going to be friends. She was the worst bully to a man just trying to overcome a magical learning disability while supporting his pregnant husband. He tried to hide how he was feeling from me, but he can't. I know the things she said to him. Her brother too. I'm not sure who was meaner."
Ewan shrugged.
"She's changed alot over the years," he replied, immediately defensive of his wife. "When I met her, she was a different person. I was a different person. I mean, I used to be-"
"An entitled deadbeat dick?" Leo laughed. "Yeah, I remember. I wish I had recorded you demanding Dad hand over his title to you while he was still alive so you could seduce more people."
"Well, I do have the footage of you running out of your expensive arranged marriage with your fiancée's best man, almost making Vrai miscarry Venisha with a broken spell," Ewan teased, illiciting a laugh from his brother.
"Oh god, last year was the first year that Dad actually let me mention Josh and my's anniversary on Venisha's birthday," Leo groaned. "I wasn't allowed to talk about it still, but I think I might be making some progress with him. I hope. The man knows how to hold a grudge."
"Tristianne was the best of us," Ewan said solemnly, bowing his head. "If she was still here, she'd have our parents eating out of her hand. Even when she fucked up, she was still better than us."
Leo nodded sadly, raising his beer to the memory of his late sister.
"To Tristianne," he declared. "May we live lives worthy enough for her not to kick our asses when we die."
"And may Medora give you enough of her mother's attitude now that she's a teen," Ewan laughed, clinking their bottles together.
"Don't remind me. It seems like she's always up to something these days. She has a new boyfriend and Josh has been obsessed with making sure he's worthy of her. The poor kid's probably going to be scared away at this point."
"How's our favourite deity doing by the way? Things have been quiet in royal court meetings. Maura’s collection of tiaras hasn't been raided in months, or so the security report stated."
"Well, Lukas is obviously busy somewhere," Leo sighed. "They're always busy with some scheme. Varia and I haven't heard a peep in weeks. Just because we're the newest members of their chosen heritary line of champions, doesn't mean that I get reports from them. Even the reapers get status reports and compensation from Gee. Working for Life can be a pain in the ass."
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Leo looked over his shoulder at the portrait of three of the deities worshipped by Strangetown. He'd tried to explain to his uncle that Lukas was the only valid deity in that picture, and that the demigods the Toyonagas had descended from weren't around to hear their descendants' prayers. According to both Lukas and Gee, the Toyonaga ancestors had vanished without a trace centuries ago. Still, the king didn't try to force his beliefs on Leo, so Leo extended the same courtesy to him.
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"Ah, man, you know it's going to be epic whenever they do surface," Ewan teased. "Stolen jewelry, fire raining from the sky...I'm glad 'destiny' never chose me for anything more complicated than staying awake when Maura launches into one of her speeches."
"The Ocean will reign them in," Leo replied, earning an eye roll from his sibling. "There is always balance."
"Are you sure that you're not in a cult?" Ewan asked, only partially joking. "You, Vrai, and Varia all talk like you're in a cult passed down from parent to oldest child. You would tell me if Lukas ever asked you to drink the kool-aid, right? I don't want to lose another sibling to something stupid."
"I'll be sure to let you know the instant they ask. Didn't you say you brought that game over? Why are we wasting time when we could be playing? We only have a few hours before Josh is expecting me."
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"Your Majesty."
Edana sank into a curtsy before the king. Charley only laughed in reply.
"Get up, you know that you bow or curtsy to no one here," he insisted. "You're like a daughter to me, an unofficial princess in my eyes."
Edana could feel her face flush despite her best efforts. It was true that he told her the same thing every time she bowed in his presence, but it still felt wrong to her. The Darktides were an ancient family, but one descended from piracy and dark magic. They held no land or titles; their name was all they had. Everything she had, she worked for. She didn't need anything material from the king, only his friendship. She and Ewan had everything they needed in each other and their kids.
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"What brings you by? Not that I mind, of course. You haven't stopped in for awhile now. How are the kids?"
"Oh, up to their usual antics," Edana sighed. "Adam has a boyfriend that he's convinced that he's going to marry, and Remy is poorly trying to pretend she doesn't have a girlfriend. Elowen's report card was fairly good though. As long as they're not all failing or pregnant, I guess. Ewan says I'm too hard on them, but my dad was hard on me and I turned out fine."
"You should bring them next time," Charley insisted. "Leo's kids get bored easily and they could always use new friends."
Edana smiled. Leo and his husband Josh lived in the Strangetown castle by invitation of the king. The king himself had three children, Nick, who died years ago, Arthur, who had moved to Arkhelios with his wife Alicia to help the coven and Anneken, the heir to the throne. After losing so many people from his family, the king seemed desperate to keep his castle filled with guests and extended quarters to his nephew, Leo, and even to Edana herself. Everyone secretly wondered what Edana had done to earn her suite in the castle and truthfully, she had no idea. The king was lonely and she was alone, the last of the Darktides. The monarch had seen a trembling, pregnant young adult, holding the body of her dead brother and taken her in as a surrogate daughter. There were times that she caught him watching her with a sad expression, likely remembering the son and daughter in law he had lost, just as she did when she caught a glimpse of her parents reflected in her children.
Anneken had been overjoyed to have a sister figure and Leo was happy to see his grieving uncle make an attachment to someone again. Josh still held her at bay because of their...complicated college years, but even he was cordial whenever she came over.
"I came to ask a favour," Edana replied. "I...I want to visit my brother. If you allow it that is."
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"Your brother? You don't need to ask my permission to visit the royal cemetery, you've always had it," Charley said. "It's not open to the public, Edana, and you are not the public. You can go there anytime you wish."
Edana's eyes fell to the floor as she thought about how to phrase her request.
"I know, I just...just thought that maybe, someone would have to accompany me. As part of protocol. So I wouldn't be alone."
Charley nodded, finally understanding her request.
"Well, I could send a guard with you, but you know what? I haven't paid my respects to my mothers or Nick in a few months. I'll come with you and visit them while you visit your family. I would rather not go there alone either."
Edana flushed with gratitude, smiling at the king.
"Thank you. I asked if Ewan wanted to come visit his sister in her tomb, but he declined."
"Well, we all grieve differently," Charley said softly. "My brother would go every month to visit his daughter's grave like clockwork, but now that she has returned to us as a reaper, the cemetery is far too quiet. We need to lead Strangetown by example and visit our ancestors and lost ones regularly while also leaving offerings to the gods."
Edana nodded enthusiastically, but said nothing in reply. He was right, she didn't do nearly as much as she should for the gods and rarely thought of her ancestors outside of her immediate family. The only family she ever thought about was her husband, her kids, and her brother. Maybe that was the reason for the dreams she'd been having. The ones where Adam screamed her name over and over until she woke up drenched with terror. It was probably nothing, but the intensity of the dreams frightened her. It never hurt to double-check that nothing was wrong.
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luverofralts · 3 months
Arkhelios Adventures
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"Thanks for agreeing to hold the party here," Roman said, looking proudly at the decorations he'd bought and the impressive cake he'd made for his son's important day. It wasn't every day that your kid turned fourteen and Roman wanted to make the party special.
Ewan Traver merely shrugged back at him, like it was nothing to use his estate to entertain a group of hyper teenagers. Truthfully, nothing seemed to bother the duke, and it made Roman incredibly uneasy to see such a laid back parenting style. Maybe if he lived on a tropical island and hadn't been a teenage father, Roman might be the same. But then again, Adrian had grown up in Twikkii Island, and he was just as bad as Roman when it came to his clingy parenting style.
"It's all good," Ewan assured his guest. "The kids love having their friends over and we have more than enough space to accommodate them. Tell you what. If you make one of those bat cakes for Bronwen's birthday, I'd be in your debt. Not many bakeries have vampire friendly designs, and it would mean a lot to her."
"Done," Roman agreed, eager to continue his party setup and ditch the hovering duke. "Is everyone here? I haven't done a head count."
"All of them are present and accounted for," Ewan confirmed. "I think they've found the pool table. If I know my kids, they're probably hustling the group. Never bet against a vampire or witch in a contest of skill."
"Uh...huh." Roman had no idea of what to say to this man. He was the father of Theo's closest friends though, so Roman tried his best. Ewan wasn't snobby or pretentious, nor was he trapped in the same constant anxiety that Adrian felt being a duke. If anything, the man reminded Roman of an eager puppy, excited and ready for anything fun. If Roman had to blindly guess who was married to stuffy, curt Edana, he would never have guessed Ewan in a million years.
"Where is Edana? Does she want to help set up?"
For the briefest of seconds, Ewan's face fell before he could correct it. It wasn't anger or frustration that Roman had briefly saw, but some kind of sadness. He didn't resent his wife like Roman would have assumed with such an emotionally mismatched couple. Instead, it almost looked like the look he sometimes caught Abe giving him whenever the subject of Roman's family came up. Ewan was just as worried about Edana as Abe worried about him. It was touching to see, and it gave Roman hope that the children of this man also inherited that same compassion. Any friends of Theo needed some extra compassion should anything terrible happen to their friend, and if Elowen and Bronwen were anything like their father, Theo would be in good hands.
"Edana's working," Ewan explained. "She's got this huge research project she's working on and it's very important. She promised to come up for cake though."
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With the noise of a birthday party around her, Edana was finding it difficult to concentrate on her work. Several excited teenagers crowding around a pool table did not make it easy to stare endlessly at photo after photo of boring historical records.
Truthfully, she would much rather be upstairs, ensuring that the teens behaved like the young magical apprentices most of them were instead of staring at ancient records. She was certain that Adam was probably letting that demon hybrid of his push past acceptable boundaries, and that Remy and Elowen were likely trying to do some juvenile prank like spiking the punch or whatever it was that teens did these days. Ewan could handle the party itself, but his wife needed to be the stern authority figure ensuring that nothing went awry.
But her brother had given her a mission that superseded everything else. No one escaped death to pass something unimportant to their angry sister. For the measures he had taken to see her, Edana knew that this required her full attention. Something big had to be at stake and she wasn't about to stand over the dead bodies of her friends again, not when she could have prevented it. What if something happened to one of her children? She would never recover from that loss. If it took hours hunched over a computer to save her family, then it was worth all of it.
He said that the Darktides were in danger, but we're not originally from Strangetown, our ancestors are from Pleasantview. Why care so much about a supernatural being from another country?
Why did the answer to a mystery in Twikkii Island all revolve around Strangetown or Josh Toyonaga's husband? They lived in Strangetown, but neither of them came to Twikkii Island regularly. They came from time to time to visit Ewan and Edana, but not often. Besides, Josh's own mother died in that explosion. He wasn't close to the former queen consort, but Edana could never accuse him of murder. She'd seen for herself how devastated he'd been at her funeral.
Couldn't Adam have been at least a little more specific about this threat? If he hadn't spent so much time being a jackass, he could have explained this threat easily and she wouldn't be forever wandering libraries to search for whatever it was she was supposed to be looking for.
"There!" she gasped, scrolling back to a picture she'd nearly missed. "Finally!"
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Atem Spector and his mother, Morganna Grunt, in the palace of Alpheus Toyonaga, Strangetown, Circa 678, photo from a private collection.
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"What the hell am I supposed to do with this?" Edana groaned, desperately scanning the photo for clues that might point her in the right direction.
The picture was blurry and barely showed what Atem looked like. His eyes were closed and his hair could have easily been dirty blonde or brown. The woman beside him didn't look much like her son. Green skin with green eyes. He must have taken after his father.
The year 678 would place this picture right in the middle of the Demon Wars. If she ignored Master Thorne's warning, she could probably summon a demon that old. It was only 2210, surely something that old would still respond to a summons?
No, Master Thorne was right. Adam would have rushed headfirst into summoning something that old. Edana was the smart one. The careful one. The one currently fearing for her family's safety.
She'd never seen a blood demon before. No one alive likely hadn't either. She used to sit on the memorial to Alpheus outside of the public library when she did her schoolwork as a girl. The shrine to the powerful blood demon always inspired her to strive for power like his. Perhaps that was why her coven had stumbled in the end. Power like that came with a price too high for mortals to pay. Her son's boyfriend worried her with his own power, but she was comforted by the fact that Alpheus had been a full demon, while Theo was merely a hybrid. He was dangerous, sure, but nothing like the demons of the past.
Master Thorne was displaced from another time, centuries ago where maybe he'd seen a blood demon for himself. He probably knew what he was talking about; witches and warlocks had differing practices back then, and not all of them were moral. Still, the urge to throw caution aside to play with something that far overpowered her was intense. What would it be like to see a demon so powerful? Would it be like staring at Anna Goldman's true reaper form, beautiful and terrible all at once?
"Dammit!" she swore, throwing one of her reference books across the room. "What am I supposed to do with this, Adam? None of this makes any sense! Just tell me how to save my family!"
"Edana?" Ewan's worried voice floated down the stairs, grounding her in her surrounding once more. In her anger, she'd worried her poor husband and been just as rash and improper as she forbid her children to be. This mystery was getting to her, but she couldn't worry her family or travel down forbidden paths like her brother.
"Everything's fine, honey," she called, picking up the book she'd thrown. "I just knocked a book over. I think I'm making progress though."
"Okay, well we're going to cut the cake now, if you wanted to join us. Theo's dad made it."
"Yeah, yeah okay. I'll be right up."
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By the time Edana made it up the stairs, the cake was already cut and the teens were having a birthday toast with what she hoped was ginger ale. Ewan knew better than to let champagne anywhere near the kids who were all studying magic at a level he was incapable of matching. Their alcohol was stored safely in a locked cabinet, but Edana knew better than to trust a simple lock to keep the teens out. Elowen was getting better each day at subverting her mother's traps. Between her and Remy, Edana was going to have to be on top of her game to parent her children.
"To the birthday boy, Theo." Ewan toasted. The teens followed his example and clinked their glasses together to toast the young demon.
"To Theo!"
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"Alright, cake and ginger ale is on the table if anyone wants refills," Roman said. "You guys have fun, and if you need anything, the grown ups are going to be here, doing boring grown up stuff."
"Ugh, Dad, I'm not four," Theo groaned, shooting his father a nasty glare. "We don't need 'grown ups' for anything. We're fine."
"Well the grown ups have actual champagne to drink, so we'll be fine too," Ewan laughed before Roman could snap at his son. "Go have fun. We certainly will be."
"Gross," Adam said, looking at his step-father like he had three heads. "Are our parents friends now? I don't like it."
"My dad doesn't have any friends," Theo replied snarkily. "At least we know they'll get along at our wedding."
"Ha ha, you two are funny," Roman grumbled, reaching for the bottle of champagne Ewan had produced. "Go have fun while the adults have their own party."
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"Your mom is getting worse," Eliana said, while lining up her shot. The three sisters were pool enthusiasts and far too skilled to hustle anyone. No one believed that they could beat any of the sisters, so most of the gambling was on which of the sisters would win.
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"You're not wrong," Remy replied. "She spends all her time at home on the computer and all her time at school in her office. I think my dad is worried about her, but he doesn't want to say anything."
"What do you think she's working on?" Eliana asked. "Not all of us are witches who know what mysterious secret she's looking for."
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"You don't have to be a witch to figure it out," Elowen answered. "She's upset about Uncle Adam. She's always upset about Uncle Adam. It must be his like birthday or death date or something lame like that. I see her staring at pictures of him at school all the time."
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"Nah, I think she's worried about Adam Jr and his demon companion," Remy laughed. "She's looking stuff up about demons, really old demons. All the blood demons died ages ago or whatever and she's worried that Adam's going to get himself killed too. Maybe one day, Theo's going to snap and kill us all and she wants to be ready."
"Remy, be serious," Eliana said. "The last person Theo's going to snap and kill is Adam. I don't think that those two can stand to be away from each other for even an hour."
"Yeah, you're right," Remy conceded. "They're probably making out downstairs and skipping the rest of the party."
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"You and Theo should really come to the school dance next semester. Josh is taking me and my uncles said that I could wear one of my mom's dresses to it. It's going to be a lot of fun, and outside students can come by invitation."
"I don't know, Medora, Theo would probably want to go, but I'm not really into dances. The ones at our own school are more than enough for me."
Adam fidgeted, trying to politely refuse the invitation to a pretentious dance that he would likely be completely miserable at. Medora was really excited and Theo would love to let loose and dance wherever he could, so it felt like he had to say yes, despite his reservations.
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"What's this about a dance?"
Theo waved at his friend and boyfriend, watching Adam's face flush like he was hiding something.
"It's only the largest dance in the school that isn't prom," Medora exclaimed. "I think we're supposed to practice our social and political skills or whatever, but it's a dance! I have my outfit all picked out. My uncles are letting me use my mom's clothes and jewelry and Josh has a matching outfit that will look amazing."
"Aren't you wearing your mom's dress now?" Adam asked, gesturing to the photo behind them. "That's your mom isn't it? My step-dad's sister?"
Medora was the spitting image of her mother, especially when she wore Tristianne's clothes. The resemblance was remarkable, something Theo was sure the princess heard all the time.
"This?" Medora repeated, looking offended. "Adam, I know that you have no knowledge of fashion, especially when it comes to what a princess gets to wear, but this is not one of my mom's dresses. Her dresses cost about the same as a year of tuition."
"Oh. I guess that makes sense." Adam didn't look like he really understood or cared about Medora's wardrobe, but he didn't want to be rude to an orphan trying to connect to her mother in whatever way she could. If he lost his father or step-father, maybe he'd want to use one of their suits to remember them too. His father's warlock robes probably cost a small fortune and since his recently discovered half-brother wasn't a warlock, Ewan's robes would likely go to his only magical son.
"I was just about to get my swimsuit, but I was going to head back to get another piece of cake," Theo announced, while his boyfriend mentally compiled his likely inheritance. "Wanna come with me?"
"Oh, yeah, sure. That cake was awesome," Adam replied. "Do you want some too Medora?"
"No thanks, I'm going to get changed too. The pool is calling my name. Can you believe that I live in a castle, and we don't even have a pool on the property? My grandfather says we don't have the infrastructure to support one, but he's the king. He can hire someone to install whatever it needs."
"A pool's not everything," Adam pointed out. "It's a lot of work and uses a lot of water for a desert nation like Strangetown. My step-dad makes us take turns cleaning it when we're living here."
"Well, either way, I'm headed for the pool," Medora announced. "See you out there. And think about the dance. Seriously. It'll be fun."
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By the time that Medora emerged from the house in her swimsuit, a vicious water balloon fight was already underway. A balloon narrowly missed her head, but didn't break upon hitting the ground.
"Oh my god, you never said there was going to be water balloons!" she shrieked, picking up the fallen balloon and whipping at Elowen. "How many do we have left?"
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While the other guests were distracted, Adam and Theo were changing into their bathing suits a little more slowly than the other teens. They changed together all the time at school when they had gym class or when they changed into their pajamas at night, but it was never usually while they were alone. Having a few moments of privacy together now was somehow very different than at school. The air crackled with tension and before he knew it, Theo's lips were on Adam's, pulling him as close to him as he could.
"We need to go," Theo whispered between kisses, only to have Adam move his hand and completely silence all thoughts of leaving.
"Your dad is busy and no one will notice we're gone," Adam whispered back, punctuating his words with kisses down Theo's arm.
"My dad will definitely notice a hickey," Theo protested, pushing his boyfriend away halfheartedly. "You know how pissed he'll be if he catches us in here."
"Yeah, my mom will probably murder us both," Adam conceded. "It would be pretty horrible to die on your birthday."
"Worth it though. Plus then I wouldn't have to go to dinner at home with my grandma. All she does is drink and scowl at me while going on about how much money my school costs. Rien says my grandma's just going to give me some money in my college fund for a gift anyway."
"Well, it beats hanging out here with my sisters," Adam replied. "All they do is talk about their partners and tease me. Plus, Mom's still acting like some kind of zombie. I don't think she's even made a single comment once today about you or your dad."
"Maybe she likes me now," Theo teased. "Maybe she's finally seen how perfect we are for each other and wants to apologize for everything she's said."
Both boys laughed at the thought of Edana Darktide ever apologizing for anything, especially when Theo was involved.
"Maybe one day. But definitely not today."
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"You're almost out of balloons, you'd better surrender while you still can.'
Elowen stared menacingly at her half-sister, water balloon in her hand, ready to be thrown. Their water battle was down to just Elowen and Remy and Elowen had the clear advantage. Remy had just a few balloons left, but she wasn't about to lose and have her half-sister gloat about it all week.
"Maybe you should surrender before I tell Dad about your boyfriend."
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Remy's taunt worked, and Elowen's angrily tossed balloon easily missed its target. It landed on the ground beside Remy, allowing the witch to scoop it up and hurl it back towards her half-sister.
"So the rumours are true," Remy laughed. "Who is he? Does he go to our school?"
"Mind your own business," Elowen snapped, launching another balloon at Remy that also missed its target. "If you don't, maybe I'll tell Malika that you've been flirting with the girl in potions class. Plus the guy you looked really into at lunch last week."
"It's not cheating to admire an attractive person," Remy insisted. "Malika knows that and I'm sure she looks at all kinds of people herself. Your boyfriend probably does the same thing.'
"He does not!"
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"So I guess I'll see you again at our kids' wedding?" Ewan joked, looking over his shoulder to see if Adam or Theo were nearby to hear.
The dads had finished their alcohol fueled conversation upstairs and had finally changed into the bathing suits to supervise anyone swimming in the pool. Roman wasn't thrilled to see his son absent in the yard, but some of the other kids were missing too, which meant that there could be an innocent explanation, like Theo playing a game of pool. Roman had promised his husband not to be paranoid or suspicious about Theo's whereabouts during the party, but it was difficult. Theo was probably getting into trouble somewhere, but both Adrian and Abe had pleaded with him to keep Adam's parents happy. The last thing they needed was another inquiry by the Maricourts.
"You know they're going to break up long before they're nineteen, right?" Roman replied. "They're just kids."
"Oh, I thought Edana said that you married your high school boyfriend?" Ewan said in a tone that Roman couldn't discern the true intention of. He didn't sound like he was asking the question sincerely. More than likely, he and Edana had come up with topics to discuss with Theo's parents to continue their interrogation of the Bellamy family.
"Well, eventually," Roman conceded. "I did marry someone else first, and we broke up a few times since high school."
"Well, there you go," Ewan replied. "There's hope for them yet. Edana married someone else first too and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out."
"There's no way that Theo is getting married as a teenager. All he's doing is trying to get our approval and permission to have sex."
Ewan choked back a powerful laugh at this, clapping Roman's shoulder as he laughed.
"I had no idea that you needed parental permission to have sex," he laughed. "Oh man, if I did, my father would have me die a virgin. My sister too. The look on his face when she told him that she had no idea of who Medora's biological parent was because she and her husband had attended an orgy together! I wish I had had a camera. Trust me, Roman, Adam is his mother's son. He's not going to ask permission for anything. Kids are going to be kids, just like we were."
"That's what I'm afraid of," Roman sighed. "Theo's too much like we were."
"Ah well, my brother and sister and I all put my parents through hell," Ewan laughed. "Leo was almost murdered for defying the queen of Pleasantview, and Tristianne, well, it's not right to speak ill of the dead, even if her antics were hilarious. I have three kids with three different women who are pretty much all the same age. Being a parent means watching your kids make mistakes while helping them learn from them. My dad never gave up on me, even when I deserved it."
"I never really had parents growing up," Roman said. "My mother tried to kill both me and my kids and my dad was physically present but never there with me. Theo has a magical disability that's potentially fatal if he gets too powerful without something to ground him. He's almost died more than once and I can't lose him, Ewan. I also can't watch him struggle like I did with a teenage pregnancy either. If I let go of him for even a second, I'll-"
"You'll push him away," Ewan replied. "I almost pushed my dad out of my life when I was young and thought I knew it all. Everything he did, I assumed was just to punish me for having a good time. It took a tragedy for us to come together again and forgive, don't let the same happen to you and your son."
Roman stared closely at the man he'd underestimated. Ewan may not be as sharp as his wife, but he really did care about his kids and their happiness. He was just as fiercely protective of his kids as Roman was, though he didn't look like he spent long nights worrying himself to death like Roman did. He was still too close to Edana to trust, but Roman could still appreciate Ewan's advice.
"Any tips on letting go?" Roman sighed. "I don't know how I'll sit through a wedding between two nineteen year olds without saying something."
"Well, like you said, who marries their high school sweetheart?" Ewan laughed. "I'm sure they'll have a bunch of relationships in high school and forget all about each other. The only other time I'll ever see you again is when you drop off Bronwen's birthday cake next year."
"That sounds like a deal," Roman said, allowing himself a small smirk while still worrying about his son. "Adam's not a bad kid though, I don't want you to think that Abe and I hate him or anything like that. Just try to put in a good word about Theo with your wife if there's a wedding. I have a feeling that she'll call another 'meeting' about my son if there's a ring involved."
Ewan sighed heavily.
"Yeah, I guess it's no secret that she thinks that your son is going to burn all of Pleasantview down. We're all trying to reason with her. The last thing the school needs is a reputation for harassing demon students. He's only a hybrid demon though and he only seems to endanger himself with his powers, which is what has pacified her for now. Adam tying his bloodline to Theo's though- you should have seen her reaction. I thought the house was about to implode."
"Yeah, we had that reaction too," Roman groaned. "No offense, of course. You seem like a nice family, but-"
"But your thirteen year old playing with blood magic? Yeah, I get it. Still, yelling at them didn't change anything. If you push too hard, teenagers are going to push back. Give them a little room to breathe and your son just might come to you with his problems first."
"Yeah, that will be the day," Roman murmured, scanning the yard again and still finding no signs of his son. "Theo? Theo, it's a pool party because there's a pool. Hurry up and swim with your friends!"
"Coming, Dad!"
Theo and Adam emerged from the house, dressed in their bathing suits and looking guilty.
So he was inside with Adam, probably this entire time. Doing god knows what.
Roman was about to shout at his son, when his eyes met Ewan's and he reconsidered.
Don't push him away. You can trust him. Yelling will only push him away.
"Get in the pool now that we can supervise," Roman said, though his teeth were still tightly clenched. Beside him, Ewan gave him a quick thumbs up. "This is a pool party after all."
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luverofralts · 1 year
Arkhelios University
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“Duke Goldman! How lovely to see you again.”
Maura kept her tone polite as she’d been trained to do since birth. The day had already been incredibly long, and it was barely over. After the duke’s visit, she still had several more appointments and a meeting to go through that she was dreading. It was a beautiful day out and despite ruling a country, Maura wasn’t free to go out and enjoy it. While other people got to swim or take long walks on the beautiful beaches of Twikkii Island, Maura would be reviewing graphs and approving budgets. No wonder her grandmother had been miserable to her family; the job as monarch felt more like a prison than anything and it took all of her strength not to run out of the castle in defiance. This was her job. She had a nation to protect and she knew it. It was all up to her.
“It’s great to see you again, Your Majesty,” Ewan Traver, Duke Goldman said with a smile. “I know you’re busy, but I had something I wanted to discuss with you. A close friend of mine thought he might be able to help with your initiative to update the palace gardens. I know you’re looking to maintain security while still having the garden look impressive and I thought....”
Maura tried to retain the smile on her face while still looking interested in talks about the back gardens. Couldn’t any of her family members just come to her like they had in the past? Did she really need to listen to a grand proposal about lawn care? Ewan had fun; she often saw him at the family cottage laughing and playing with his wife and kids. He had a small estate to run and all the time in the world to do what he pleased. When she and Ulyssa had children would she ever have time to play with them or would she be stuck in meetings all day?
“King Charley and Prince Vrai of Strangetown have arrived, Your Majesty,” a voice behind Maura interrupted. “Security is just clearing them now.”
“Thank you.”
What was the Strangetown king visiting about? Maura could hardly remember. Something about their shared security treaties? The upgrades to the ferry service between their two nations? Whatever it was, it would undoubtedly be tedious.
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“And if I had even a limited contract, I’m sure that I could improve those statistics in as early as three months.”
Maura focused again on the man eagerly awaiting her response and smiled.
“Submit that proposal in writing to my office and I’ll have someone evaluate it,” she replied politely, completely unaware of what had just been proposed. “It certainly sounds promising. Thank you for your time.”
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Ulyssa happily played on the drum set in the ballroom, feeling her frustrations leave her. She was supposed to be en route to the home of the recently revived Duke Siew, but his estate wasn’t far from the castle and Ulyssa would simply teleport there instead of drive. Teleporting meant that her security would teleport with her and she wouldn’t have to spend twenty minutes in a car, staring out the window while four armed guards watched her. It wasn’t as if there were any real threats to her safety. Most of the recent “threats” had all been fraudulent- bored people looking for attention or teens who underestimated the reaction of the castle. And her doctor’s appointment after seeing Adrian? That would be a breeze to get to; what would be hard was protecting any conclusions of that appointment.
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“King Charley. Prince Vrai. Welcome to Twikkii Island.”
Maura forced a smile. It wasn’t like the two brothers from Strangetown were difficult people. Maura usually enjoyed their company at balls or formal events, but did they really need to visit and add one more appointment into her schedule? Surely a secured phone call or email could have been just as effective and she could have read or spoken to them in more comfortable clothes and without a heavy tiara.
“Your Majesty,” both brothers replied in unison, Vrai quickly bowing to the queen with higher rank.
“Shall we sit down to discuss your business with Twikkii Island?” she asked, gesturing towards the comfortable chairs in the throne room. “I can have some drinks brought in if you’d like.”
Maura watched the prince’s eyes dart around the throne room, clearly uncomfortable with standing in it. That made some sense to Maura as Vrai was once married to her now deceased grandmother and had probably spent countless hours in the throne room with the woman he loved. As far as she suspected, Vrai had been the only person her grandmother had ever loved, though Maura’s mother would have angrily corrected her if she were still here. But her mother wasn’t there. She never would be again.
“On second thought, let’s move our meeting to my office upstairs,” the young monarch said tactfully. “It would make my security team much happier and I’d much prefer the change in scenery from this room I’ve been trapped in all morning.”
Both men nodded their approval and followed Maura out to the hall towards the staircase. Vrai paused briefly, looking very much like he was evaluating something in his mind. After a moment’s pause, he cleared his throat and looked sheepishly toward Maura.
“Before we do have our meeting, there’s something I should mention,” Vrai announced quickly. “Someone is here- someone I didn’t bring, you have to know that. They usually follow me around -long story- but I didn’t bring them here. They’re not a threat-or at least they’re not usually a threat, but you should still probably know that they’re here all the same.”
Maura raised an eyebrow, suddenly interested in where this conversation was going. Beside Vrai, his brother groaned, massaging his temple.
“Oh god, here too?” he groaned. “Where?”
“The visitor entrance near the parking lot,” Vrai replied. “I couldn’t be sure until I saw the kid. It’s definitely him though.”
“Him? That’s against the treaty!” the king sighed, looking towards the door they’d just entered through as if it could explode at any second. “Why did we ever sign the agreement if they never intended on following it?”
“I told you that you can’t make a deal with a tornado. Order is against its very nature. You can’t order a god to listen to you.”
Maura stared at the brothers, completely lost.
“I’m sorry, I don’t understand,” she said diplomatically. “Are you saying that we’re in danger?”
“No,” the king replied. “But your jewelry might be. Usually their husband makes them return it within a week, but they’re like a magpie, always on the hunt for shiny objects to hoard. How lucky for me that they’ve chosen my brother as their newest pet.”
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“Smile, Davis! Daddy will want to see all the pictures from our tour of the castle. We’ll get him a keychain from the gift shop when we go for ice cream.”
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“No need. Daddy can come along with you for ice cream, after we all do the tour.”
 The pale, stereotypical tourist groaned, realizing that they’d been caught.
“Who told you?” he demanded, holding his arms defensively. “I brought our son, I’m not going to do anything with Davis around.”
“No one needs to tip me off; I just wanted to spend some time with you. Although, the red hair and glasses you use in most of your disguises certainly helps.”
Death stared at his spouse kindly and Lukas sighed dramatically in response. This was a game they frequently played together, a playful game of hide and seek of sorts. Lukas would frequently get into trouble among the humans, and then wait for Death to come “stop” them. The living mortals were often frightened by the game, adding to the legend of Life and their constant struggle against Death. To the two deities however, it was simply how they flirted with each other.
“Dearest, you know the agreement you made with the living,” Death continued. “I’ve caught you fair and square, now you must use the form their security officers have been made aware of. I’m certain that you’re not going to try to steal their throne for yourself, but you know how they worry. The children need a positive role model while they’re young.”
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“You steal a throne once and they judge you forever,” Lukas grumbled, waving their hand and transforming into their feminine form. “Here you go, right down to the clothes in the security alert. You ruin all my fun. The queen has the most beautiful set of earrings I wanted to try out.”
“Next time,” Death promised with a laugh.”I’ll try to arrive a little slower if you promise to put more effort into your disguise. For now though, let’s just have a nice outing with our son. I may even try to consume the mortals’ desserts that you love so much.”
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Ulyssa wandered through the hallway of the living quarters listlessly. She had a long list of places to be and people to speak to, but she struggled to find the energy. She was just so tired and there was just so much to do. At least she had a reason to be so tired, aside from the long hours she kept. Her doctor’s appointment had confirmed what she had been hoping. She was pregnant.
She tried thinking of romantic ways to tell Maura know this news, but she struggled. The way things had been between them since Maura’s coronation, a text might be the fastest way to tell her this news. Before Maura’s coronation, Ulyssa could have planned a romantic dinner or made a card or surprised her with a box of baby clothes. But now? Maybe she could tell Maura when they went to bed together. Maura was usually first to fall asleep though. Maybe a note left on her pillow?
Ulyssa sighed at the thought. How unromantic. She stared at the many photographs on the castle walls with new respect. A small piece of all the people who had lived in this castle before her was now living inside her. Ulyssa carried both Twikkii Island’s past and future inside of herself which was an overwhelming thought. All of these people had made Maura and walked down these same halls. She was bringing the Durant family into this crowded bloodline in a way that she hadn’t understood until this moment. She was going to be a mother.
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“There’s not a lot of new pictures posted here. I figured that Maura would have the walls covered with all of the pictures she takes, but I guess she’s busy now.”
Ulyssa turned around to find Trent alone, standing behind her. Cindra wasn’t anywhere that she could see, but if Ulyssa knew her sister, Cindra would be down in the kitchens, grabbing the pastries Ulyssa had smelled baking earlier.
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“She doesn’t take a lot these days,” Ulyssa replied, grateful to see a friendly face. “Plus it feels wrong to take these pictures down. They’re historical. This whole place is historical.”
“These are my grandmother’s pictures,” Trent insisted. “These are all the people she knew and loved. There’s not even a single picture of me up there, or even your wedding photos. It’s time for you to make the space your own. This is your home now; we just live here. Have some fun in your life. I promise you, Grandma’s not going to come haunt you if you change the lamps in the hall.”
Ulyssa smiled at her brother in law fondly.
“You’re right,” she said. “There has to be some upsides to living here. You’re a good guy, Trent. If you hurt my sister though, I’ll have you murdered. Don’t think that that’s a joke. If I don’t, then my dad will.”
The two laughed together and Ulyssa could feel the slightest bit of peace flare up inside her. She had a loving wife and would soon have a child that they would love together. She had so many good things to look forward to and a family that would support her through the rough patches. For the first time in months, the future looked bright.
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luverofralts · 3 years
Sims Download: The Travers
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Ewan Traver has three daughters, two of which he has joint custody of. Bronwen is Ginger’s child and half-vampire, and Elowen is Edana’s child and half-witch. Ewan isn’t supernatural in any way, so keeping up with them keeps him on his toes. They live in tropical Twikkii Island away from most of their family, but Ewan tries to see his brother Leo whenever he is visiting Edana in Strangetown.
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Download (left to right): Elowen, Bronwen
Download Ewan
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luverofralts · 4 years
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Simstober 30
Fright Night
Halloween isn’t entirely about candy; it’s also about scaring small children you hardly know.
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luverofralts · 3 years
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Christmas in Twikkii Island.
Where you're melting in your ugly sweater, but don't want to disappoint your parents who express shipped them for every one to wear for pictures.
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The cousins all band together to snoop through the presents. Some winter decorations are also repurposed as toys until they're allowed to see what Santa brought them.
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What a great haul this year!
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Daddy's had too much Christmas and the kids had too much sugar. Ewan and Leo flake out post-dinner while Josh wrangles the group of hyper toddlers.
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luverofralts · 3 years
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Ewan’s finally moving out of his parents’ house! Now to make room for three kids and two step-kids on the weekends.
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luverofralts · 3 years
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I’m not anywhere close to playing this part of Edana’s story, but I’m blowing off some stress by taking pictures anyway. The Ewan she ends up with is the first one she fell in love with, Ewan Traver. When they first met in their early 20s, Edana was trying to rescue her brother from a cult, and Ewan was failing out of college. They had a one night stand that resulted in their daughter Elowen, but just when Ewan was maybe going to see if she wanted a more serious relationship, Edana was swept off her feet by Ewan Maricourt, who was far more mature and shared her magical ability.
Years pass and Ewan Traver starts to mature, learns to be a better partner, and inherits his dad’s dukedom. His daughters convince him that he still has deep feelings for Edana, who he sees often enough since they have joint custody of Elowen. He pours out his heart to Edana, who has always hoped that he wanted more with her than friendly co-parenting, and they reunite. She doesn’t really care for the duchess title, but really, it’s only an official portrait and like showing up to the Christmas ball that is actually expected from her, so her magical career is unaffected.
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luverofralts · 4 years
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Ewan and his half-vampire daughter, Bronwen. Now that she’s older, she understands that Daddy is not on the menu, but teething has still been rough.
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luverofralts · 4 years
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Ewan Traver and his two daughters, Bronwen and Elowen. Bronwen is half-vampire and her skin is extremely sensitive to sunlight, so Daddy has to follow her around with an umbrella when she wants to play outside. Elowen takes advantage of this to steal her sister’s plasma juiceboxes when no one is looking so Grandpa bought a plasma fruit tree for the family. It’s difficult being a vampire on a sunny, tropical island.
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luverofralts · 4 years
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It’s hot out and I don’t have TS4 Island Living, so Sims 2 pool party it is!
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luverofralts · 2 years
Arkhelios University
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Bronwen and her sister Elowen were busy playing on the floor when a large ball of smoke suddenly appeared in their bedroom unannounced. When the smoke had cleared, a familiar looking boy was standing in their room, looking sad.
“Hi! I’m Theo, remember me? We met at my Aunt Ulyssa’s wedding,” he said politely. “You said we could be friends?”
“Theo?” Bronwen gasped. “You were the demon kid who actually knew how to dance, right?”
Theo nodded excitedly.
“And you were the vampire who was nice to me. My parents don’t want me around, so I’m looking for somewhere else to live.”
“We should probably call for our dad and tell him that there’s a boy in our room,” Elowen said skeptically, glancing at her sister. “It doesn’t matter if your parents don’t want you. Dad’s not going to let you move in with us.”
“No! It’s nothing like that!” Theo assured them. “My step-dad was from here, and my dad comes here all the time. They’re going to send me home if they find me, and my parents will lie like they always do and keep secretly hating me. I have to go far enough away that no one will recognize me.”
The sisters stared at their intruder like he’d been speaking gibberish.
“How far is that?” Elowen demanded, giving him a skeptical look. “Where are you going, and what exactly do you want from us? I’m not helping you go anywhere, you just showed up in my bedroom! If my sister didn’t like you, I’d be getting my dad right now.”
“You can’t get Dad, he’ll just tell Theo’s parents,” Bronwen insisted. “Theo is nice and he needs our help. He’s my friend and I understand what he’s going through.”
“I just need a map. Something that I can use to plan where to go,” Theo insisted. “I have an idea of where I need to be, but I don’t know where it is exactly. And maybe some juice if you have any. I didn’t really pack enough snacks.”
“See?” Bronwen said and though her sister scowled, she eventually nodded despite her reservations.
“Okay, fine, he can use our tablet and we can get him some food, but it’s just for tonight,” she agreed reluctantly. “Dad says it’s not safe out after dark, and since he was at the wedding, that means he’s probably important enough that we’ll get in trouble if he gets eaten by wolves. But he has to leave when we go to school! I’m not getting in trouble for hiding some strange boy you met at the wedding.”
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Theo had fallen asleep on Bronwen’s bed almost immediately after stuffing several cookies in his mouth from the kitchen downstairs. The pain of realizing the truth about his parents’ feelings about him, and the stress of finding somewhere to new to live was overwhelming. At least he could get a good night’s sleep somewhere safe, so he could tackle finding his new home well rested.
He tried to reassure Elowen that his parents wouldn’t be looking for him, but she refused to believe it. Maybe yesterday he would have believed her, but he’d heard the truth for himself. His parents didn’t want him. Maybe some day when he was older, Theo could sneak back to his family and watch how happy they all were without him. If his parents were looking for him at all, it was probably just so Grandma wouldn’t get mad at them. As soon as he went home, he’d be grounded permanently, and forced to watch the whole family fawn over his completely normal new brother or sister.
“Dad’s going to find out about this,” Elowen said nervously, watching their guest sleep. “What if he checks in on us later? We’re going to get in trouble.”
“Relax,” Bronwen assured her sister. “We’ll both sleep in your bed and cover up Theo with toys. He’ll never know. It’s the right thing to do. If we found out that Dad didn’t want us around, I‘m sure that Theo would help us. He’s nice and he needs our help.”
“Sounds like someone has a crush on a demon,” Elowen teased, climbing into bed before her sister could steal the softest pillow.
“I do not!” Bronwen protested, her pale face flushing red. “I just know how he feels. Mom left me here with Dad because she didn’t want me, but what if Dad hadn’t wanted me either? I’d be just like Theo. No human wants a half-vampire around, any more than my vampire mom did. I was just lucky that Dad somehow does. If Theo has somewhere he needs to go, I want to help him because I know how he feels. At least your mom is still around.”
Elowen hugged her half-sister tightly.
“Your mom’s an idiot for leaving you, but I get what you mean. If you want to help him, then we’ll help him. But you’re taking the blame if Dad catches us.”
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In the morning, Theo woke up when his hosts’ alarm went off for school. While it had been nice to sleep in a bed, and hang out with his friend, he had to keep moving or grownups would try to return him where he wasn’t wanted.
He could feel a pull towards somewhere unknown deep inside of him and he simply had to get there. It was calling to him; he could feel the call running through his veins. He didn’t know where he was supposed to go exactly, but after looking at maps on a tablet, he had narrowed it down a little more. It couldn’t be that far, but it had to be far enough to be safe from well meaning people trying to return him to a family that resented him.
Elowen had pointed out the fact that Theo needed to disguise himself if he was going to to remain hidden, and while the girls got dressed for school, Theo was given a heap of clothes to try on. Not all of them fit, but an oversized sweater with matching sunglasses seemed both comfortable and stylish.
Theo stared at his reflection in the hallway mirror. He looked normal enough. In a crowd of people, who would be able to identify him, especially if he was far enough away from Arkhelios?
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“You look good.”
Bronwen embraced her friend before they left for school. She was sad to see him go, but maybe sometime in the future, they could hang out together again.
“Thanks for everything,” Theo said with a smile. “I’ll try to get your sweater back to you someday. It really means a lot to me that you and your sister would help me.”
“Keep the sweater, it looks nice on you,” she laughed. “Promise me you’ll come visit soon though. As soon as you can.”
Theo nodded solemnly.
“That would be nice.”
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As the girls headed out to catch the school bus, their father, Ewan stepped in to collect their laundry, and was shocked to find clothes and snacks strewn across the floor. His daughters weren’t the neatest kids, but this was excessive, like they’d torn apart their entire closet looking for something. It wasn’t like them to hoard cookies and granola bars under their beds either. Clearly something strange was happening here.
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He frowned as he spied an unfamiliar jacket on the floor in a clothes pile, and pants that he didn’t remember buying. If he had to guess, these clothes belonged to another child entirely, and probably a little boy. While it disturbed him that both of his girls had walked right past him for the bus without a sign that something was up, another thought occurred to him.
The queen had issued an alert about a missing child that might be in the country just that morning. A missing male child. The alert had been for the area around the castle or the estate of Lord Siew, but he wasn’t that far away from there. This mess in his daughters’ room could be unrelated, but they had never snuck someone into the house before, and they were nice kids who would probably be sympathetic to another child if they asked for help.
Ewan snapped a quick picture of his discovery, and forwarded it to the office of the queen so that she could identify if the clothes belonged to the missing boy. If they didn’t match the missing child, he was going to have an even more serious conversation with his children about having surprise sleepovers with their friends.
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luverofralts · 2 years
Date Night Cocktail Edition Challenge by @moonsonnet and @itsmariejanel
Rules: Basically you just put your sims in some cocktail clothing and show us, it can be your OC’s, your gameplay sims, whoever you want really! Just have fun with it and take your own spin on this. Tag #DNCE or #DNCE CHALLENGE so we can see it.
I was tagged by @rurpleplayssims​ to try this challenge, but I needed two posts because of the picture limits. This post is my usual gameplay sims, as most of them have fancy titles and have a larger wardrobe than the sims in Arkhelios, and fancy date night usually means a ballroom.
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Duke and Duchess Goldman of Twikkii Island, or Ewan Traver and Edana Darktide of the Strangetown Witch Coven
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Izanami and Lukas/Rey Lane, the retired Grim Reaper and his life deity spouse who has both a male and female incarnation and is also Brandi Broke’s grandchild
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Crown Princess Theodosia Alioto and her wife Princess Charlotte skip the ballroom, but still manage to dance in formal wear at home.
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luverofralts · 3 years
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It was a shock learning he had a younger half-brother in his 50′s, but Travis has been living up to the family sim hype with brother quality time dates.
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luverofralts · 4 years
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The Goldman/Traver siblings, Celeste, Travis and Ewan. The witch, the would be king….and Travis. They share a father and not much else, but they are fun to trap in a room together!
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luverofralts · 4 years
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Vrai Toyonaga and his oldest grandkids. The best part of having grandkids is having fun and then sending them home once they’re cranky and full of sugar.
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Family beach vacation!
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