#not sure how coherent this is
minecraftbookshelf · 1 month
Mistakes Are Made Chapter One Dialogue Breakdown
This was hard to make it turns out. A combination of "how do i format this" and trying to comprehensively summarize the thought processes and decisions going on. I think this works though.
Honestly, this sort of thing would probably work a lot better as like, a live conversation but we work with what we've got XD
I won't be including every bit of dialogue from the chapter but it will be most of them.
Disclaimer that this isn't a "How To" or any kind of "you should do things this way" this is just an explanation of what I put into my writing, and dialogue specifically. Also that I write in limited first person most of the time, so in a way, all the narration can be considered dialogue and as examples of character voice.
This is also only the first part of a long story that is intended to a) be re-readable and b) involve a lot of discovery as the story progresses, so a lot of the decisions I made are based off of things that will come up/be revealed later in the series. I will be talking about those, sometimes with no helpful explanation, sorry XD
I'm using color coding to specify what parts I'm talking about at any given time, so hopefully that helps.
This is going to be a long, wordy post, its entire point is to be an insight into the intentionality and consideration that goes into writing dialogue for me, if this isn't something you're interested in, absolutely pass it by. It will also likely "take some of the magic out of it" for some people. But I like to think that it might also add a bit more magic to it for others. So here we go!
On with the show behind the scenes! [AO3 Link to the Chapter] if you want to follow along there with more context to the selections.
"Hello, Jimmy!" He manages to clamber out of the fountain without tripping and falling flat on his face at least. He splashes Katherine in the process, where she is hovering off to the side but he can't really be bothered to worry about that. All he can manage to do is stare at Sausage's smirking face. "Hello, Jimmy!" Katherine's greeting is much less mocking
Starting off with the very first dialogue of the chapter, which doesn't occur until a few paragraphs in and then proceeds to be the exact same line said by two different characters.
This is one of the times that I am heavily relying on the fact that I am writing fanfiction and these greetings are words that we hear the characters in question (Sausage and Katherine) say multiple times. So I don't go into much detail with dialogue tags, counting on the reader to fill that in themselves. Even if they/you aren't imagining the exact tones I had in mind its a fairly easy extrapolation that these are said in wildly different tones. The emphasis on Sausage's is to imply the more mocking/antagonistic tone, helped along by the mention of his expression, but can also just convey that its louder and more emotive (As Katherine is trying very hard to be OfficialTM in this chapter) Also describing her greeting as "less mocking" helps fill in the appropriate tone for Sausages retroactively.
"What is he doing here?" He jerks his chin at Sausage, who is still giggling like a child. He sees Jimmy looking and grins at him, all teeth. Behind the mask, Jimmy bares his own teeth and takes some comfort in the knowledge that he has more of them; and they are sharper.
This is the first instance of Jimmy's inhuman body language being used as an extension of the dialogue/conversation between the characters. The use of teeth as a threat being a hybrid trait.
Sausage's smile is also part of this, something that isn't actually said in this chapter but will be demonstrated later on is that, as the ruler of a kingdom with a heavy hybrid population, Sausage knows this and his own body language is chosen accordingly.
Sausage keeps giggling and Jimmy can barely hear it beneath the roar in his ears. He leans down to try and whisper into the faerie queen's ear. "I really need your alliance right now, Katherine." He hopes his desperation doesn't show in his voice. She gives him a reproving look that throws him right back to his brief time spent in a classroom. "I'm allied with everyone, Jimmy. You know that."
This is the first example of really incorporating distinct character voices into the dialogue. I'm a liberal user of italics and in this case I'm using them to indicate emphasis where the ccs tend to stress their words to encourage assigning that voice to the dialogue itself. These are also, if not direct quotes from canon, very similar to actual things the ccs and their cubitos have said so it isn't exactly what I would consider heavy lifting.
Jimmy at this point is still fully informal. He's surprised and he's talking privately to a friend.
This is also more natural dialogue from Katherine, whose exasperation with her friend is partly overcoming her attempts to be Formal Faerie Queen.
I'm trying to keep the early dialogue fairly simple and close to canon voices because that way I can transition slowly and naturally into slightly different voices that suit the atmosphere while also preserving their more casual voices as the way that they talk when they are more comfortable and in less official settings. Setting up the contexts for different manners of speech is a big thing in this chapter overall.
"He invaded the Swamp," Jimmy hisses, his ear-fins flaring, ignoring the shudder down his spine from her use of his Name, even in part. "He crossed our borders. Again. He's threatened war." He's no longer whispering by the end, standing to his full height, shoulders back, sword hand by his shoulder. "And according to him, you've threatened it right back!"
Another instance of emphasis on Jimmy's inhuman body language.
This bit is actually more about Katherine than Jimmy. It does show a bit of Jimmy's sensitivity to magic but more than that, it incorporates Katherine's willingness to invoke her own flavor of threats, even in casual conversation with friends.
This is the first real deviation from canon dialogue in the entire chapter. This is the blending point where I'm taking the characters voices and using them myself instead of just channeling the pre-existing ones. The emphasis for this was important to me to try and keep it Jimmy's voice saying the words.
The body language here is a physical representation of Jimmy's shift from more informal speech to a more tense and emotionally and politically fraught situation.It's also the transition of Jimmy taking this from a private conversation to a more public one, now in earshot of both Sausage and Katherine's guards and staff. He's beginning to speak more as The Codfather than Jimmy and his physical stance is the biggest indication of that.
This is Katherine's last "private conversation" line and is, again, indicative of her frustration with her friends and the situation they have put themselves and everyone else in. It's a fairly sharp statement, geared to indicate that she is not really on Jimmy's side here. ("all sides" = "no sides" and a part of Katherine knows that, even if she refuses to admit it out loud, mostly because it is a role she has trapped herself in and can't leave.)
Sausage recovers quickly and shakes out the fur lining of his coat. "Is it just me or does it smell fishy in here, now?" "Sausage," Katherine looks disapprovingly back over her shoulder. "That's rude." "Oh," Sausage blinks at them both, "I'm sorry, Jimmy, I didn't realize."
Jumping ahead a bit we're in the "polite conversation because political masks" phase of dialogue.
Sausage is Not Being Polite. This is his attempt at "polite rudeness" but he's not very subtle in general so its blatant enough for Katherine to call him out on it. It's also a continuation of Sausage speaking more informally in general. He has something of an upper hand in the situation, and an abundance of bravado, and that is reflected in the way he talks. (Sausage just also has a very distinct voice in general that is already leant towards melodrama which works very well for the au's setting as a whole)
His apology is also disingenuous. In retrospect I should have probably used some italics or some other indicator to help convey that. (I might go back and edit something in. I do that sometimes on AO3. Major edits get notes made at the chapter end but minor fixes happen a lot.) He makes the "apology" and that connects Jimmy to his original statement, even if it hadn't been blatantly obvious.
"Oh, this one is new!" Sausage immediately changes the subject, pointing at one of the skulls hanging on the wall of the hall. It's some kind of middling-sized land animal...a sheep maybe? with poppies filling the eye sockets and woven in a crown, there are delicate lines of gold painted across the surface of the bleached bone. Katherine beams, her irritation at the rudeness forgotten (or at least set aside, fae never truly forget breaches of etiquette) "It is! It's a gift from a childhood friend," she looks fondly upon the skull for a moment. "We've been reconnecting lately." Sausage nods sagely, "It is always good to spend time with your friends." "It is," Katherine's ears twitch and her wings flutter briefly before she resumes walking. "Which is why we are going to fix this."
This is a slightly better attempt from Sausage at maintaining political etiquette by complimenting the host. A distraction and a peace offering.
And this is the first mention of Scott in the chapter, in what I am now realizing (it was not intended that way but here we go) is a context that kind of foreshadows his role of peace offering. It also is an establishing line for Katherine and Scott's relationship, as well as a nod to their short-lived plushie business (my beloved) from canon.(And the adaptation of it that exists in the au, which will come up later in Katherine's backstory at the very least.)
Sausage is being ingratiating here. It's a kind of wink wink nudge nudge "we should be friends and you should do what I want" moment.
Katherine knows what he is doing. This is also an incorporation of Katherine's inhuman characteristics, though a bit more subtly, specifically because this is Jimmy's pov and he is neither familiar enough with her mannerisms to break down exactly what they mean the way his own are, or unfamiliar enough with them to register them as odd and worth commenting on.
And then we have the POV switch to Xornoth
The entirety of Xornoth's external, out-loud dialogue is one single line, but the internal dialogue is their narration of the situation at hand. Ft. "helpful" commentary from Exor.
Xornoth's voice is arguably the trickiest part of the entire chapter as it is the part with the least canon basis. Xornoth is a character I am functionally building from scratch, given that the majority of their canon appearances are arguably as much Exor as they are Xornoth. (at least in the context of this AU)
Xornoth's canon voice (on a purely literal level) is "Scott Smajor with a script and a voice changer" and, on the occasions they are on screen together, "someone else with a script and a voice changer", and then the single epilogue bit.
So I'm working with somewhat stilted, formal speech and a tendency for dramatic declarations.
For this first chapter there was actually a bit more effort put into characterizing Exor, as, despite it being in their pov, the majority of the Xornoth characterization is happening in Chapter Two. (which is also mostly from their pov)
Honestly, this is already really long, I'll probably do the dialogue in the second part of the chapter as a part two, but I do want to put a compilation of Exor's commentary down here to talk about.
I opted to make Exor's dialogue bold instead of italics both to distinguish it from Xornoth's own internal dialogue and to emphasize how unavoidable it is for Xornoth. It's not something they can truly ignore, its too loud in their head.
Meaningless frivolity.
Disparaging commentary on the priorities of the other emperors and Jimmy in particular, leaning into one that Xornoth themself is inclined to agree with.
Do not pretend such reluctance. I see the truth.
Denying Xornoth's knowledge of themself in favor of asserting their own.
You are still only a student. And you will be so long as you refuse to take what is rightfully ours.
Exor's goal is and always has been (as long as Xornoth as known them) world domination. This is his most blatant statement of it, coupled with a disparaging comment towards Xornoth's own authority.
Like a fish on a hook.
Dehumanization with a side of violent imagery.
They are going to hurt themselves, trying that hard to utilize what little intelligence they have.
General scorn towards the intelligence and competence of the other emperors.
If we pinned her wings to the wall like a butterfly and made her watch, that would phase her. If we gutted him like a fish he'd squeal so nicely.
Violence. Rather graphic, worded in a way to make Xornoth/The Reader paint a stronger visual image to accompany it. These are the ones that both Exor (in-story) and I (out of story) designed to have a stronger impact. For Exor its about sowing thoughts in Xornoth's mind and having them doubt themself, for me its about really conveying Exor's intentions.
Rip them all to pieces, give the farmer the fight she wants.
This is a half-step back into a more friendly-aligned bit. Pearl is Xornoth's friend. A war would make her happy! Pearl is not Xornoth's biggest weakness, but she is one and Exor takes as much advantage of that as he can.
Wheat fields burn so easily, all it would take is a single spark in the right place and all of Mythland would be in flames. Carefully, carefully, Xornoth sets their book down on the table beside them and places their hands in their lap. Katherine will stop allowing them to borrow her books if they start spontaneously combusting them. Hopefully she doesn't notice the slightly singed cover.
Arson yay!
With the previous comments designed to rile Xornoth up the invocation of fire is a deliberate reference on my part to Xornoth's powers (with the follow up in the next paragraph) and on Exor's part is a provocation towards losing control/making it harder to stay in control of their powers.
Why do you consistently choose to prove your incompetence.
Even gods that crave violence can be disappointed.
this was equal parts chosen to add to the overall comedy of that exact moment and as a final nod to the way that, while he spends a lot of time tearing down other people in Xornoth's head, he also puts a lot of time into tearing down Xornoth himself.
I'm going to leave it there for now, if just because of length. I can come back and make a part two for Xornoth and the other emperors during the second part of the chapter later.
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drunk-on-starlight · 1 year
as much as goth gavla is funny and that she wanted to stay a shadow matoran is interesting, something I think is worth asking is if becoming a shadow matoran is actually good.
While shadow in Bionicle isn't inherently evil, the only way to use shadow powers is to remove your moral light. Your moral code. It's obvious why that's not ideal, and as much as she said being a shadow matoran felt like home, it's not like her circumstances improved. The only reason the other shadow matoran liked her is because they were themselves corrupted at the time.
Being a shadow matoran might have felt good, but there's a fine line between something feeling good and being good. And in my experience, indulging your worst parts isn't all that healthy.
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bisexual-birdy · 10 months
i’m sure this has been mentioned but we need to take a second to appreciate the character growth dean has from season 1 to 4. he used to be the attacker, the shoot first ask questions later, don’t question orders and follow dads lead kind of guy. he was raised that way, raised a soldier. but his interactions with early, god’s soldier cas really shows that he grew out of that mindset. its almost like a mirror of who dean used to be before he realized that john actually wasn’t a perfect man and fucked up a lot. him saying that you always have a choice??? think he learned that the hard way when he disobeyed his dad by saving sam and selling his soul. i think dean regaining control over his own free will because of his dedication to protecting sam, and it being made really fucking clear through cas, is going to be the end of me
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puppylove24680 · 2 years
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Here’s a Barn Owl Grian, I like the idea the wings change between series
Explanation for the bird beneath the cut (mostly just random bird facts)
Okay, so Barn Owls have very fluffy wings so they fly near silently, they nest near water (*cough* red velvet keep is next to a river *cough*), and they don’t hoot, instead making other noises, because of that and the silent flight, they are often mistaken for ghosts and are seen as bad omens in certain parts of the world (A previous victor is one heck of an omen)
On top of that they require a wide variety of perches (tiered house), their wings, while fluffy for silent flight aren’t super waterproof, and they tend to get mobbed by other birds during the day, (which happened) they are solitary but don’t get overly territorial unless threatened (cool with neighbors until they start digging through his stuff)
also they have the eyes
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 years
How would Rox fare in more "serious" racing?
Hm she'd probs have to take a minute to get used to the difference but she'd otherwise adapt quite well. She probably practices her driving every chance she gets so she's definitely got the practice and experience to manage in a higher level setting
I'm not sure if she'd get excited at finally having a bigger challenge on her hands or if she'd struggle with not being the best at racing anymore. Probably a mix of both. Would be absolutely stunned at that first loss though. She'd be amazed someone beat her like that.
If you mean serious as in like... higher stakes then the pressure would be on but she's so damn confident with her racing skills she'd probably be okay? Damn whats the highest possible stakes here? Uhhh if she loses the race, the track will close down maybe because the guests will see her as a failure and leave? I dunno but that high stakes would have her jittering all over the place. She'd still win though she'd make sure of it! The typical stakes would probs be more like Bonnie or Chica made a bet on her to win and she won't let them down. Would be a little nervous but not too bad unless its with fucking Wildcard Freddy who either follows traffic laws on the track or drives with a death wish with no inbetween.
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benoitblanc · 25 days
no no you guys don't get it. the x files cancer arc was, excuse the pun, a fucking white whale of a tv plotline that would not have worked nearly as well on literally any other show. it was a complete hail mary. the writers' room nearly didn't make it happen because they were worried it would fall too deeply into soap opera territory. and on any other show, it would! but the x files is about four key things: mistrust in the government, faith in both science and the otherworldly, building a life around trauma, and the fine line between love and codependency. it is the only show where the entirety of this situation- a government experiment on an unwilling young catholic leads to a terminal illness that is counteracted by a literal scientific miracle in the eleventh hour due to her partner's refusal to accept her impending death- could both happen at all and happen well. none of the themes in the cancer arc were new to txf at all. they'd all been lurking, to some extent, in the background since the pilot. the cancer arc wasn't merely milking a left-field catastrophe for the drama, it shoved the overarching themes of the show to the front and said look. look what these people are to each other. look how impossible it is to face the darkness alone. regardless of when the plotline was conceived, it was always going to happen. it was the only way the story could have ever gone. they were always doomed from the beginning
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bucksbisexualawakening · 11 months
the progression from "there's a morning snack and a midday snack" and "20 bucks for pizza" buck looking after his friend's kid to "bobby's famous lasagne: 6 types of cheese cooked to perfection" buck cooking for his family to "that's makes me your sous chef" teaching his kid how to cook is making me go so feral.
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aeriona · 3 months
How Inkfish Change their Ink Colour
Here's an extremely long, (poorly) illustrated speculatory post about how ink and inksports could THEORETICALLY work in Splatoon! yippee!
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Ink is a mucous that Inklings, Octolings and Cuttlings produce with their ink sac, where it can be expelled through the mouth and siphon (and through the skin via the ink vessels, but don't worry about that just yet). You can take a look at my diagram of the ink vessels here.
Spitting up or sweating ink is a common stress response in ink-bearing cephalopods, it also serves as an extremely rude gesture if you happen to aim it at someone else's face.
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Inkfish actually can't change ink colour on their own, so instead they have to rely on artificial means to brighten and saturate the colour into something more easily recognisable.
The history behind inksports is extensive. In ancient times, inkfish would use naturally occurring dyes (such as clay, plants etc.) to change their ink colour, often to denote a particular social group. In modern times, colours are artificially synthesised and treated to have a minimal impact on the inkfish's body as possible, as believe it or not constantly eating red clay wasn't exactly good for you.
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The colour of an Inkling or Octoling's skin is determined by chromatophores, which can be basically any colour or shade they choose. The chromatophores function completely independently from the ink sac, so it's possible to have differing skin and ink colours (although you'd probably confuse your teammates a fair bit).
This is fine and cool and all, but how do inkfish prevent different team colours from just blending all together in a match? WELL! While turfing capsules also change ink colour, they can also alter the chemical qualities of the ink itself by introducing something called polarity!
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There are two kinds of turfing ink- polar and nonpolar. In easy terms (I am not a chemist), it's what allows two different colours of ink to sit on top of each other in separate layers instead of diluting together like paint. Before a match starts, each turfing team is given dye capsules in their respective team colour, with each team having opposing polarities to prevent inks from mixing together during the game.
Before technology got involved, people would simply use oil and water to prevent one ink colour from mixing with another's. Nowadays, oil and fat derivatives are commonplace as it's less likely to cause health problems as the body slowly processes it out.
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Splatting works when enemy ink reacts with the outermost ink vessels in an opposing team member's skin, forcing the victim to contract their ink sac and spit up all their ink (usually in the form of a super-jump back to spawn, though in the moment it's not uncommon to overshoot it). It's also possible to splat someone with blunt force trauma, but we tend to call that assault. Splatting is usually not dangerous, but it's still not a terribly pleasant experience and is somewhat painful, akin to a nasty static shock.
This splatting reaction is also why water is used in turf stages as a restrictive barrier, as water causes the same splatting reaction in the body as enemy ink does (at least until the dye wears off).
Okay that's all I got, I'm not gonna go into ink weapon mechanics because I'm tired... perhaps another day haha. Hopefully that all made sense and I apologise deeply if it didn't. Feel free to shoot me an ask if something needs to be cleared up or explained in further detail haha
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oifaaa · 10 months
Wait there's actually people who are genuinely upset at Lois because of episode 5 of my adventures with superman damn can woman not do anything anymore
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percivex · 2 years
Most people discover their soulmate through hopeful shoulder punches, or tumbles in the same vicinity, or process of elimination.
But Jimmy?
Jimmy meets his soulmate through death.
He supposes it's only fitting. He has never been connected to the Watchers in the same way Martyn or, void forbid it, Grian is, but he is aware of them on a vague level, and he assumes Pearl is the same, though he's never had an opportunity to ask.
He is aware of them enough to know that he is the butt of their jokes. He must be, because he knows death follows him like a dark shadow, gnawing at his heels with an unnatural persistence. He knows he is their canary, their harbringer of doom, that his life is a mere waypoint towards inevitable destruction. He knows that, but he doesn't like it, so he chooses not to believe it.
But Jimmy is, despite his denial, an omen of death, so it is only right for him to meet his soulmate through a mutual end.
Tango was blown up by Creeper.
SolidarityGaming died.
Knowing that doesn't curb the frustration, though. For once a death of his cannot be attributed to his own fault, and Jimmy can't tell if that makes it worse or not, but it is easy for him to turn his anger towards Tango, who he has never been close to before.
It doesn't last, not when Tango is sheepish and apologetic and frazzled and his soulmate. He clearly didn't want to meet at the cost of a life any more than Jimmy did, and seeing his embarrassment reminds Jimmy remarkably of himself. It reminds him that it is a miracle the life they lost wasn't his own fault, and that he will certainly be responsible for the loss of one of their remaining two, if not both.
He supposes, again, that it makes sense. They are two halfs of one whole, now, and that means they must have something in common. What a pair they make, accident-prone and death-marked as they are.
They don't have a chance of surviving this. Not with how poor they are, not compared to everyone else, not with the universe itself working against them. Neither of them want to acknowledge that, so they don't.
Instead, they scrape together a little home. They find that, if nothing else, they are both very good at gathering chickens and cows alike, and perhaps that will be enough.
They may not live for long, but for now, they are alive.
("Have you ever heard about the canary in a coal mine idiom?" Jimmy asks Tango one sleepy night, when they're both exhausted from herding animals and setting up a wheat farm during the day. "The one where miners brought a canary with them to the mines, because it was more sensitive to dangerous gases than them, and when the canary died, it meant it was too dangerous for them."
"Sure." Tango replies with a yawn. "Why'd you ask?"
"People seem to think I'm a canary, too. Since I'm always first to die. Proof that there's no going back, or something." Jimmy admits quietly, and hesitates. He doesn't blame himself for what he says next, but he does feel a little bad. "If we're soulmates, that means you're cursed to be a canary too. Sorry 'bout that."
"That's a sacrifice I'm willing to make." Tango says easily, as if there aren't people who would recoil at the thought of sharing Jimmy's soul. He turns to him with a tired grin. "And hey, I'm the one who got us killed first. If you're a canary, that makes me a coal mine."
Jimmy can't help it. He laughs.)
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lillybearrie · 11 days
Hello I would like to remind everyone that the first (technically second if you wanna get really technical but who cares) thing we heard from fable was
"Release Me,
You are free of Enderian, now focus on purpose"
Directed at Icarus
"Now focus on your purpose"????? WHAT HAPPENED TO "HI" "HELLO" "HOW ARE YOU MY SON"
no offense to seven great guy rip man BUT STILL
Anyway on to actual analysis
After reading this note, several deductions can be made about our antagonist's character right off the bat, which in season 3 we see to be accurate assumptions
First of all the sending of the note "release me" constantly at the beginning of every reset presumably for the past several ones gives us a base line of a few things A) whoever wrote it is trapped B) they really want out C) whomever was to recive the note presumably can help with this D) this person is either very angry and resorting to formal wording as a form of passive aggression or they are simply a very formal person Had this not been the case they would have written "let me out" or "get me out" or even "help me"
Now for the post-corruption portion
"You are free of Enderian"
1) this person knows Enderian 2) This person knows at least of Icarus 3) They intentionally have been sending these to Icarus 4) despite being trapped they have some way to know what is going on 5) their particular view of Enderian is not favorable it's not overtly antagonistic however this is the one part of the not that can be read as at least partially sympathetic to Icarus
Finally "Now focus on your purpose"
1) they don't see Icarus as anything but a means to an end 2) tone wise it feels like both the chastisement of a child and an order to an unthinking being 3) "your purpose" seemingly refers to the prior statement of "release me" either implying that the writer believes Icarus is only here to get them out of wherever they are or that Icarus's sole purpose in life is to aid and assist them and 4) the use of "now" after the previous statement implies they view the corruption arc as simply something that was inhibiting the progression of them being let out
In conclusion deductions that can be made from this note with the knowledge that i now hold are as follows: Fable wanted out of purgatory, they issued Icarus with the fulfillment of this task and saw the corruption arc as merely a speed bump on the road of getting his ass outta there. Fable is a pretentious douchebag. Like everyone else in his life Fable is constantly using his own son as a means to achieving his end goal.
Other notes:
Had Fable's motivations not been his underlying obsession with keeping what he believes is "his" even when it disrupts and disregards the rules of the universe and the sanctity of life he likely wouldn't have given 2 shits about Icarus.
If we view Fable's interactions with others through the lense of him thinking of those of the overworld as "his" his people his creations his world then it starts to become clearer that he only sees individuals as tools and for their potential usefulness to him. And if we want to take this view even further we could even say that he at least on some level viewed Alerion giving a place for his deceased mortals to restate something akin to how a child views their sibling stealing a toy from their room, which then implies that the war of the gods is just a big temper tantrum where Fable hurt his brother then his other siblings stepped in and went "hey woah man not cool you can hit Al dude he is literally just playing the game" to which Fable's response was to hurt them as well and now he's just got out of timeout and basically started blaming his parents for everything wrong in his life which is so silly goofy of him until you remember that these were people he was upset about his brother "stealing" from him and it becomes less silly goofy.
"But Lilly!" I hear you say because you've totally read this far, mhm definitely "If he doesn't actually care about the dead people, then why does he act nice? Why is his charisma stat so high?" Well to that I say is it easier to keep someone in one spot when you make them believe this is where they wanna be or when they know the whole truth?
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wren-of-the-woods · 1 month
I've been seeing a lot of posts lately talking about how no one comments/reblogs/replies/etc anymore, and, as someone who comments regularly on a lot of fanworks, it sometimes makes me wonder if my efforts are worth anything. Then I remember how much happiness I get from comments on my own work/posts and how much the community of fandom can matter, and I remember the power that can be found in spreading joy instead of disappointment.
So -- to everyone who comments on fanfiction: thank you. You make the writing process worthwhile and so very rewarding. You make people happy every day.
To all the people who reblog art and gifsets and meta and anything else with enthusiastic tags: thank you. You make people smile and promote interesting conversations and make being on Tumblr so much more fun.
To anyone who sends people asks about their works, whether it's unprompted or part of an ask game: thank you. You give people reasons to talk about things they love and feel like a part of a community.
To the people who makes reclists: thank you. You give us more to read while showing the author how much their work is loved and appreciated, benefitting so many people.
To everyone who organizes events and groups and blogs and dedicated to fandom: thank you. You build community and love and excitement so effectively and it's wonderful.
To all the authors and artists who respond to comments and build community: thank you. You make people smile with your work and then again with your response.
To everyone who contributes to fandom and community in all the other beautiful, varied ways that I can't even begin to list: thank you. You are why we're here.
And, finally, to every writer, visual artist, gifmaker, cosplayer, maker of edits, writer of meta, or creator of art in any other form: thank you. Your work is wonderful and you make fandom what it is, regardless of who sees your art or how much response you recieve.
Keep going, everyone. You are a part of something beautiful.
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treasureplcnet · 6 months
also quite obsessed with karl being as detached from the story as he is. there's nothing that makes him have to be the detective that has to be involved, but he unknowingly dooms himself by agreeing to work with the KYAL cult. every other detective basically deals with elias head on except weissman, who only meets him right before he kills him. like he's right when he says "by my choices" because everything that leads him to being mixed up with the mannix cult is himself. it's the gambling debts and the choice to do the dirty work for an organisation he knows nothing about. he's the only one that doesn't encounter that body doing police work and it's specifically because he's told to cover it up. he gets himself into the mess and eventually fixes it but the fact that esther always dies in the doomed timelines and he's always too late even if he starts wanting to change things ("till this child. esther.") it just makes me very ill
#sorry jane who heard this on her dms but now im posting it to tumblr cause im having a category 5 woman moment. AND ALTERNATIVELY:#i am also EXTREMELY obsessed with how its a time loop and the idea (so sorry tumblr user whose post i have lost and was inspired by)#weissman was just so fucking hard to deal with that they made sure that he was in their pockets. i just like the idea of the loop--#--having like. fixed points that elias would need to ensure the dystopia (body is covered up/the investigation closes/etc) but#how they get there is a slightly slower process and the earliest loops were the messiest/most unpredictable#and what we see in the show itself is like. the most streamlined version over hundreds of loops and attempts#so karl specifically. lonely that he is and determined to survive. AND with a cruel streak against people he doesn't like#kept nearly blowing their operation so they began to incorporate him in it instead#there's also another tragedy in there if /esther/ is what they realise works best against him..#just love and kindness for a girl that weissman comes to see as family and they immediately exploit it after learning during an early loop#im ignoring specific plot points here (polly seemingly panicking when esther shows up at the station) but I DO NOT CARE.#THERE'S ANGST HAPPENING RN. IM CREATING SCENARIOS TO HURT ME#now if i could write coherently this would be written as a fic but im stuck writing too long textposts#karl weissman#bodies 2023#bodies netflix#sorry to the other detectives. weissman in particular is my babygirl who i devote most of my brainpower to#personal
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tvguts · 8 months
watching a video about the house of leaves inspired Doom mod and like. man, i admittedly don't know much about horror, but i am just so fascinated by the evolution of modern horror tropes. it's all about making the familiar into something unfamiliar, and that's what it's always been! the haunted dolls and creepy music boxes and rotting victorian mansions have been usurped by chuck e. cheese animatronics and old video games and your childhood best friend's basement playroom. as the general sense of what's nostalgic and comfortable evolves, so does the general sense of what's fucked up and scary. and isn't that nice
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fuckthemforthis · 9 months
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Long(er) haired Jan appreciation post because @thisismyobsessionnow is absolutely right and we really don't talk about it enough
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spectral-honey · 10 months
-bruce Wayne isn't at the circus when dicks parents are killed, and the court of owls take him and he becomes a talon.
-timmy sees him one night, out in the garden of a party looking up at a sky when dick is killing some guy on the roof. Watches him quadruple somersault kick some guy so hard his neck snaps.
-dick talon, sees Tim seeing him. And stalks the kid home, because he might need to get rid of the witness. Or at least report back to the owls about him.
-talon is in Tim's kitchen and he's going to kill him and Tim sees him, gets excited that for some inexplicable reason a gnarly looking dick Grayson is in his house, and offers him a Popsicle.
-talon, for reasons unknown to him, ends up eating a Popsicle.
-somehow, even though it means nothing to him, should mean nothing to him, being called dick Grayson makes talon not kill him.
-somehow, it doesn't get told to the owls.
-somehow, talon finds a way to see Tim again. Made easier when Tim realizes they could meet in the middle and starts hanging out on dark rooftops.
-tim brings him the picture of the two of them and dicks parents two adults, and dick talon looks at the picture for hours.
-the next time, Tim brings him a handful of camcorder videos pilfered from across the internet. Of the flying Graysons. Of dick, and of his... Parents.
-tim also brings him fruit snacks.
-tim doesn't get why Dick doesn't know this, doesn't get why Dick looks different, doesnt get or think too much about the guy he saw dick kill. He doesn't get why he doesnt speak much or know much or acts weird. He's just happy to see dick again, cause he still remembers the kind boy who offered to do a special trick for him, who cried over his parents bodies, who Tim cried over when his parents read in the paper that he'd disappeared.
-somehow (Batman), the owls are taken down, or at least scattered so talon dick doesn't go back there anymore. He shows up at Tim's door and Tim is happy to have him in the house when his parents are away, and shows dick the treehouse Tim and his dad built, told him he could stay there when his parents were home because no one went there because his dad had a business trip that he had to go to before they finished the ladder and now it was too hard for anyone to get up to.
-dick gets found out by Batman, eventually.
-cause an undead kid is living in his city. A talon type of undead kid. In a little boys treehouse.
-jason found him, actually.
-Jason's Bruce's sidekick, his first one and his first kid, but he isn't a robin, because that name came from dick.
-he stopped for a quick breather in some nice neighborhood with actual yards, saw a treehouse and thought "cool, a treehouse", went in and thought "oh, uncool, a talon with a tiny civilian hostage", saw shitty pictures taped to the wall of the kid looking silly and the talon disarmed and confused, and shitty drawings with colored pencils and crayons, and the talon and kid were sitting close to each other with a kid-proof tablet shared on their laps playing a matching game and thought "weird possibly cool turn of events. A tamed talon", and called Bruce.
-batman comes, and now the talon, the civilian kid, and Jason have made a circle and Jason's reading something to them from the tablet.
-its the Wikipedia page for robins, btw. Tim is a weird kid and talon apparently likes robins.
-batman sees danger, first, because the talons body is shaped by it. The talon is tensed, scanning Bruce for an opening to kill. The talon is too close to Jason, to the civilian, Batman sees so many different ways the talon end them before Batman could take a step.
-but the talon hasn't, is waiting. Waiting for Batman to move. For Batman to attack first.
-and Jason briefed Batman, said he didn't think the talon was a threat. Batman couldn't take his word on it, but he could investigate himself.
-he saw the pictures. The drawings, the tablet and the way the civilian and the talon lean close to each other, how talon has set himself between the civilian and jason and batman.
-he also sees the bedding tucked into a corner. The stack of nonperishable foods tucked behind it. The little scraps of paper with simple words- no, yes, food, tired, game. The gray of talons skin, the hollowness settled deeper than bones. That talon became-was forced to become what he is when he was young. little. precious.
-bruce makes a decision.
-dick argues with Jason about who was really older. He was born first, and just because he couldn't grow for a long time, bruce helped fix that, didn't mean anything. Jason's genetics were freaky, letting him grow taller than dick anyway.
-eventually, when much of his growth and healing is done, he does regain his legal identity and legal age.
-dick loves calling jason his little brother in public, where Jason can only object so much.
-dick also takes extreme joy telling society folk that he just ages well, when they fawn over how youthful and pretty he is.
-tim and dick were introduced to Jason's teen titan friends, using the same costume and codename, around the time dick was the same height as Tim. All the titans are convinced the two are some kind of bat-cloned devil twins until dick finally finishes growing and is like over a foot taller than Timmy.
-it becomes an inside joke for the Titans to confuse their mentors by introducing Tim and dick as twins still anyways.
-when Damian comes he tries to stab dick once and dick is literally like wow. Your form was so bad try being a better child assassin <3 jk tho maybe try defeating me without maiming or killing. As a little challenge. Bet u can't. I could do it and look at me I was an awesome child assassin.
-and so Damian embarks on a journey of learning that he doesn't even know is learning
So the rest of this was supposed to be in the tags but apparently Tumblr only lets you have 30 tags. Boo u whore :/ so here's a bunch of shit that was meant to be in the tags & therefore is formatted weird and not at all like the stuff above:
This all came from 1) the idea of Tim figuring out dicks identity as talon rather than as Robin and 2) the image of talon dick living like in a treehouse like. Like a birdhouse.
I imagine Tim is like, little, maybe 6 or 7 or something when he meets talon dick the first time
And then maybe dick escapes the court when Tim's 9 and Jason finds them when Jason's 13 and Tim's 10
And dick was stuck in an undead talon body at the age of like 9 so he's a little shorter than both of them for a while before Bruce is able to get help to let him age normally again
And they get him a couple growth spurts before they let his body work out the rest
And he ends up like 5'10 and he's like I swear I would've been taller if I hadn't been talon
But no dick actually you were always destined to be a short king <3
For reference I usually hc Jason as 6'0 or taller, dick as 5'10, and Tim as like 5'5
Jason is a behemoth and dick and Tim are short kings. Damian is the tallest when he grows up tho
I also imagine that dick is sort of figuring out who he is and isn't totally there for a long time with Tim, and some time after the court of owls falls he remembers enough about his parents that he tracks down and kills Tony zucco
And Tim's like why did you do that killing is bad :( and dick is like he's why my parents died and Tim is like oh okay :) but dick is like internally going killing is bad? 🤔 I'll have to think on this.
Also like in general I was thinking about a little Tim trying his best to work with dick who is traumatized and not used to expressing himself in regular or healthy ways and Tim being just a little kid so it's not like he knows a lot of things or how to do that so they end up with a modge podge of strange coping skills and communication styles
Hence when I mentioned the papers with words on it .. idk if that was clear lol
Also tho Tim teaching him things that dick take as like. Facts but they're just things Tim does
Like if you whisper in someone's ear it's a secret and you can't tell anyone
And one time dick whispers something in Jason's ear and Jason immediately turns and shouts it to Alfred
And dick is so betrayed
Also Tim telling his parents about his grey friend who lives in his treehouse and can bend his bones and they're like that's nice you have an imaginary friend Tim
I also started writing a version of this post where Timmy like figures out dick is talon and like sleuths after him but it was too unclear how Tim would uncover the fuckin court of owls best agent so I scrapped that
But like fanon Tim probably could
I think its closer to canon Tim that its just something that kind of happens to him tho lol
'i found out the bats secret identities because I happened to see Robin do a trick a boy once told me specifically only he and his family could do'
'i found out Jason was alive because he showed up at me and my friends clubhouse and tried to beat me to death'
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