#not me going through my old drabbles and spam posting
wheeboo · 1 year
05:17pm | joshua hong
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SYNOPSIS. in which you and your cousin joshua go on a trip together. PAIRING. cousin!joshua x gn!reader (ft. mentions of seungcheol x reader) GENRE. fluff, platonic/familial relationship WARNINGS. details in the drabble alluding to emergency contact WORD COUNT. 763
requested from anon: Hello emergency contact anon here! I just want to say thank you so much for accepting my request & doing them! I love the series so much and it brings me comfort whenever I read it 😊 (especially the final). Although I’m sad that we won’t know how Joshua got them together… And I also hope you don’t mind if I can please request platonic older cousin Joshua x reader? Whether as a side story of emergency contact or as a different story, that’s if you’re alright with writing platonic that is 🥺 Thank you again so much!
notes: i hope you’re fine with a brief drabble emergency contact anon (pls i love calling u that its so cute and if u want to be referred as something else lmk!) honestly was trying to think of a side plot and then i saw these gum wall photos on his insta and was like LMAO also cousin!joshua is a vibe he’d be so fun to hang out with
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“Wait, wait, Y/N! Can you take some pictures of me in front of the gum wall?” Joshua shoves his phone in your hands, making you groan in annoyance as you switch to the camera and turn around to take some photos of him. 
You are met with an explosive array of colours and flavours of the gum wall as Joshua steps ridiculously close to it, posing in front as if the intense smell of old and dry bubblegum wasn’t surrounding the two of you and all the other tourists around. Okay, but who thought that planting bubblegum on the wall was a grand idea? It’s a strangely appealing popular attraction, but... why?
You couldn’t help but cringe playfully at some of the poses he was taking, but you obliged anyway knowing how much capturing memories meant to him and how much he thrived on posting photos online to his Instagram. You end up spamming probably around twenty photos in his camera roll, and perhaps a total of nearly a thousand throughout the entirety of the trip.
Once Joshua steps down from the wall, he walks up to you and eagerly grabs his phone back, flipping through the multitude of photos you took of him from all kinds of angles. 
“Wow, you got great shots,” Joshua gives you a few thankful pats on the back as the two of you quickly scatter out of the alleyway and back onto the bustling city sidewalks. “Thanks, Y/N.”
You scoff teasingly. “Pfft, what am I? Your personal photographer? You better be giving me credits when we get back home.”
Joshua gasps dramatically, raising a hand up as if surrendering. “It’s quite rude of you to think that I won’t be crediting you. I’ll even tag every single one of your socials, including your private accounts.”
You playfully shove him away, shaking your head dismissively. “Ah, I take it back. Don’t give me credits, please.”
Joshua just gives you a mischevious, amused look. “Too late. Come on, I know a good café around here.”
He leads you into a nearby café down a couple blocks away. As you enter together, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and pastries fills the air, and you already begin to feel the excitement of the day begin to subside into the café’s cozy and relaxing atmosphere. This was definitely your preferred place and crowd to exist in.
You find a table in the corner as Joshua heads to order for the two of you, peering around to the other tables to find everyone seemingly in their own little world. After a few moments, you feel your phone vibrate in your pocket, and you swiftly reach in to take it out.
The name that pops up in your notifications brings an immediate grin to your face, enough to somehow make the entire world fade into insignificance.
And you probably get a bit too lost that you don’t notice Joshua approaching with drinks.
“Texting Seungcheol?”
His voice almost makes you drop your phone in a panic.
“I... No, I-I wasn’t.” You snatch your drink from his hands and take a long sip to relieve yourself.
“Come on, I know you like him. Ever since the birthday party the two of you looked awfully close.” Joshua comments teasingly, sliding into the seat in front of you and leaning in close. “I think... if I remember correctly, the two of you left the house together for a walk at some point?”
Is this man a telepath or something? A wizard of some sorts? Was it the cousin instincts in him that was kicking in?
You feel the blush growing in your cheeks, making you take another sip of your drink to help cool away your nervousness. Joshua always had a knack for picking up the subtleties of your body language, even if he was all the way across a damn café. Or maybe you were just blatantly obvious𑁋that’s probably what it is.
“Out of all people he just happens to be one of your best friends.” You murmur lowly under your breath. 
“You’re saying that like it’s a curse.” Joshua chuckles, sipping his own drink.
You smile faintly to yourself. “It’s nothing like that. It’s just...” You look up to meet Joshua’s intrigued eyes. “...I want to do it right, you know? Relationships... have never been my thing.”
Joshua leans back in the seat, heaving out a sigh. He understands your hesitation. “Yeah, I know,” Then he leans back in. “but Seungcheol is patient, I can assure you. And... if you want to know anything more about him or any advice, you can always come to me. I can always work my magic.” And then he gives a stupidly disgusting wink.
All you do giggle and give him a grateful nod. Joshua is truly your cousin and best friend in one.
“Thanks, Shua.”
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llondonfog · 8 days
Hello, I would like to make a request if possible. I'm translating through a translator, so I'm sorry if something is not too clear. I hope that the request meets your criteria and does not cross the line. You can change it as you feel more comfortable or completely ignore it. So the essence of the request is that Silver dies in childhood because of Mellius. Perhaps he will find out about the origin of the child or just an accident. But Silver is dead and Lilia is going crazy. Mellius himself is plunged into a sense of guilt. And in their grief, they decide to bring him back to life. Whether it's an attempt to revive it or replace it. It doesn't really matter. Just distraught from the loss, they begin to live in the illusion that Silver is alive. But Silver himself is just an empty shell acting on orders and possibly imitating the behavior of the original. Most of all, I am interested in the reaction of the other characters to this. Sorry, it's a little hard for me to put the whole idea together. I would like to see how they live after the tragedy in complete denial and reassurance that everything is fine, continuing to live as before. But perhaps it breaks down when they try to destroy this illusion. As I wrote earlier, you have every right to ignore my request or change it as you wish. The main thing is that the essence of the idea remains. I also wanted to ask if it is possible to make multiple requests? Of course, taking into account not to spam and not to burden you. Anyway, I'm glad I was able to get this idea out of my head. Thanks for attention.
drabble fic posted here! <3
first, thank you so much for taking the time to share this incredible request, i absolutely LOVED writing it and i hope the spirit of what you wished to see was conveyed!! <3 please don't hesitate to ever jump into my inbox with ideas or twst thoughts that you'd like to share! it may take me some time to get to it, and i'll make it known if it just isn't something i can't get to at this time :)
as far as the direction i went with for your request, i was fully OBSESSED thinking about the mundane, agonizing horror of silver dying by a simple and natural accident— a slip on the wet rocks of the creek in front of their cottage home, losing his grip on a mountainside during a bout of rock-climbing, etc. something so blameless that it would RUIN lilia because it was such an ordinary accident that he couldn't prevent.
i really wanted mal to be the one to bring silver back to life out of a desperate bid to heal lilia's near overblot levels of grief, but also out of this childish way (because he's still a child himself!!) to save lilia's wish to so desperately know if he could love a human— plus of course, mal is obviously fond of silver at this point too and is similarly grief-stricken and absolutely NOT thinking clearly when he tries to resurrect the child.
something that i wanted to be key is that whatever mal brought back, it is NOT silver. silver is permanently dead, and whatever spirit is inhabiting his body is one that mal sees as a complete abomination. lilia, too deep in his grief, latches onto the child regardless even if he has moments of clarity when he can't look at the new 'silver' or be around him for some time. so both mal and lilia know the truth, but nine year old sebek has been pretty much kept in the dark so far with only a few play dates to start seeing a weird behavioral difference in silver and the others.
(but the illusion can't last— this silver can never grow past the age in which the body died, and the spell has to be reapplied after so many weeks or else the corpse starts, well . . . becoming a rotting corpse again. also i'm kind of insane over the idea that the spirit inside silver is malicious and has bewitched lilia into trying to kill himself to reunite with his dead son so that it can take his magic and now mal has to figure out how to undo the awful that he did BUT I MIGHT BE GOING TOO FAR DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE NOW LOL)
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malicedragoness · 1 month
Bi-Han X Sol Drabble
So this is for an audience of one, but everyone is welcome to read it. This is for @bihansthot. I meant to finish this as a birthday drabble, but life got in the way. (Lol pesky life situations!)
My girl has been feeling down, so please spam her with Bi-Han posts. 😁 Or Syzoth posts!
No warnings, just a little angst, some fluff, Bi-Han being sawft on the inside.
Sol, I hope I did your man right.
And guest appearance with me and Havik. 🤣 Don’t mind us.
Notes: Sawft Bi-Han is sawft. And mentally exhausted. Bi-Han’s kink is being loved and taken care of. He is sawft on the inside to his special woman. This is canon divergent from MK1. In that Bi-Han and Kuai Liang are just arguing and live separately, now that Kuai Liang is married. His wife can be whoever you know that selfships with him. Because it ain’t Harumi. Not in this fanfic. We make our own rules. Oh, and Smoke likes to visit Kuai Liang a lot.
Idle chatter and the sound of music, with an occasional interruption of static, resounded in the van as Bi-Han stared out the window. The woman, Malice, had offered to drive him back home, much to Havik’s annoyance.
The chaotic man was vocal about his distaste for the cryomancer. However, if that short little lady said jump, Havik would ask how high. If she wasn’t there holding the invisible leash on him, who knows what destruction Havik would cause.
And if Bi-Han wasn’t sitting in the bulkhead of this old rickety van, he imagined Havik’s head would be detached and in between her legs right now while she’s driving. As the lumbering giant of a man keeps asking her multiple times when he can do it.
He leaned his head back and let out a heavy sigh as he watched Malice smack Havik’s hand away from her thigh.
He could’ve waited until tomorrow to go home. Or take a bus.
Still, he was thankful for the offer after a rather disastrous attempt to spend time with Kuai Liang. His brother had seemed reluctant to the idea of sitting down and talking with him. But after Kuai Liang’s wife encouraged him, he readily agreed. Maybe it would be good for both of them.
They couldn’t have been more wrong.
The subject of their parents was touchy at best. And Bi-Han isn’t one to beat around the bush. He did not love their father, nor held any respect for him. After being taken away from their mother at a young age to serve in the Lin Kuei against their will, Bi-Han could never trust him, nor forgive him.
That’s when the yelling began.
Both of them were stubborn. And both of them wouldn’t back down. Trading venomous words and bringing up old wounds, until Tomas and Kuai Liang’s wife interfered to settle them down.
The sting from his brother’s words and his angry gaze hurt more than any brutal training regiment they’ve been through.
Kuai Liang ordered him to leave his house. And he did silently, with a pang in his chest.
Hurt was not a feeling Bi-Han was well accustomed to.
The rickety old van pulled up to the home Bi-Han and Sol shared and Malice parked in front. “Well, here we are.”
“Thank you, Malice,” he nodded at her.
“Don’t mention it. Now, listen here for a sec.” She smacked Havik’s hand away yet again and Bi-Han mentally groaned.
He certainly was not in the mood for any more arguments.
“Look, Kuai Liang is a little hard headed and stubborn. But he’ll come around. Trust me. This little tiff you got into today was good for him. For you both. Get it all out in the open. Get the poison out for the wound to heal. Y’know?” The short brunette looked up at him.
An ebony eyebrow quirked up at her words. Bi-Han pursed his mouth and nodded at her. “Thank you, again.”
“Finally.” Havik jumped up and slammed the door shut. The van took off down the road, tires screeching with effort, and a burst of feminine laughter escaping the windows.
Bi-Han rubbed his eyes, hoping to ease the ache of his migraine. Sol’s friend may have held some wisdom in her words. And the thought of completely destroying his bond with his brother made him wary of any future talks with him.
He looked up at the front door and thought of her. Despite everything that has happened and all the wrong choices he has made in his pursuit of power, she was still there by his side. Many times he has questioned why.
Why does she stay with him? How could she look at him the same way, knowing the gravity of the crimes he’s committed?
Every step he took towards the door felt heavy as his melancholy thoughts weighed him down. He unlocked the door and walked in, trying to be quiet if you were asleep.
“Oh, good you’re home!”
Bi-Han looked up, surprised his beautiful qin was still awake at this hour as Sol launched herself at his chest. Instinctively, his arms went around her holding her close. The feeling of her warmth slowly easing the ache behind his eyes.
Sol tightened her grip on him and buried her head in his chest. “Malice called me after you left. She told me what happened.”
He groaned. “I don’t wish to talk about it.”
“That’s ok. You don’t have to.”
Just being in her presence was soothing enough for him. That’s all he wanted right now. And when she pulled back and tugged him forward by his fingers, he followed wordlessly, seeking that pleasant warmth.
Sol pulled him toward the dining room where the intoxicating smell of freshly cooked food lingered in the air. He stopped and looked at the scenery before him, his eyes slightly widening.
The lights were turned off, but the room was illuminated by two long candles in the center of the table. Three plates were covered in foil, where he had no doubt that delicious smell was coming from, and two wine glasses were set up on the table.
“I know today wasn’t a good day. And after everything you went through and having to drive six hours back home, I know you must be tired,” Sol started rubbing the back of his palm. “So I made your favorites for dinner. I made you two plates, since you eat more than I do. I wrapped them in foil so they wouldn’t get cold. And…” Her gaze traveled to the hallway behind them.
There was more? he wondered.
Following her gaze, he noticed rose petals leading down the hallway to their shared bedroom. The door was wide open and he could see the bathroom light on. “If you want to take your bath now, I can fill up the tub for you. Or wait until you’re finished with your dinner.”
Why was his heart racing at such sweet gestures?
“I just,” she began, as he watched her struggle to find the right words, and he felt a heat spreading over his face. “I just want to salvage the rest of your day for you. And if you want to go to your study alone and read afterwards, then I won’t mind at all. I just want to make you happy.”
Bi-Han stared deeply into her eyes in wonder, not believing she was willing to go through all this trouble, simply because he was having a bad day. A shiver ran down his spine. He couldn’t help the heated thoughts as they surfaced in his mind.
And Sol, misinterpreting his silence for disapproval, looked down at her feet and began to backtrack on her words. Why was she being so adorable? “O-or if you don’t want the food or bath. I can clean everything up, and you can-”
His hands shot up and pulled Sol into a heated kiss. All of this was for him. Even though he didn’t deserve her precious gifts, didn't deserve her, he didn’t want her to take it all away.
Not yet.
Her hands carded through his ebony hair and he groaned. Her lips were so soft! His greedy hands roamed her body, eliciting little mewls in his desperate need to feel every inch of her.
“All of your gifts.” Unconsciously, he backed her up against the wall. “I want them all.” His lips trailed kisses down her neck. His voice now deep and husky. “I want you first.”
Bi-Han pulled back and held her face in his hands, her half lidded gaze the most enchanting thing he’s ever seen. “Do you want me too?”
“Yes.” She breathed, her voice full of need.
“Do you love me?” He looks pleadingly at her. He’s heard her say it many times before. But right now, he desperately needs to hear it.
“Yes, Bi-Han. I love you.”
He kisses her again, his lips brutal and demanding. “Say it again.”
“I love you.” She whimpers.
He pulls the collar of her shirt aside, placing little kisses here and there. He knows he loves her too, he just can’t say it yet. Too scared and yet too selfish that he needs to hear it.
“You did all this for me. I want to show you I’m grateful for them. For you.” Bi-Han picks her up, her legs wrapping around his hips as he carries her to their bedroom. “My qin.”
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imaginarianisms · 5 months
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Before going into further details, I want to mention that in order to allow the actions below, you just have to leave a like on this post and to please not reblog! By liking this post, I’m going to assume that you have read my rules and got a basic understanding of my portrayal of the muses that are available by reading through my blog pages. I also take it that you are interested in interacting with my muse(s) to develop possible relationships ( positive or negative, platonic or romantic or otherwise ) with them. It’s required that we’ve have to have interacted in order for you to like this post - this is for Ask/RP blogs only, personals, do not like this post.
Go on, punch that ❤︎ button, I won’t bite, I promise! By liking this little beauty, that means you all are okay and are giving me full permission with the following from yours truly:
🌹 Write completely random starters and mention you in them.
🌹  Write headcanons about our characters, depending of course on the bond between them and tagging the other mun.
🌹 Tag other muns with their urls in pictures/videos/audios etc. that somehow represent our friendship or the unique bond between the muses.
🌹 Spam your askbox with any of my muses whenever, with any verse I have in mind. However, you can also suggest any verse or plot idea as well.
🌹 Talk to the other mun OOC or IC.
🌹 Contact the other mun via IM or discord whenever something new related to their character crosses the mun’s mind.
🌹 Send memes, inbox starters, turn asks into threads, request to plot with you.
🌹 Tag and/or @ you in random starters.
🌹 Tag and/or @ you in graphics or text posts which remind me of your muse.
🌹 Talk and/or to you via tags, instant messages or asks, if I don’t have your Discord.
🌹 Answer and/or reply to any of yours asks, text post or open starter anytime.
🌹 Invade your inbox at ungodly hours whether it’s IC or OOC, with an idea.
🌹 Contact you to plot or to set pre-established relationships. My muses need friends, enemies, old mentors, old friends/fling/colleagues, people they work with now, people they stumbles upon… there are many possibilities, no matter the verse! I’ll talk to you but please talk to me, too. I don’t bite!
🌹 Writing spontaneous headcanons, drabbles or anything else about our muses’ bond which could pop up in my head.
🌹 Making you gifts (Pinterest boards, Spotify playlists, drabbles, promo banners etc.) and tagging you in them.
🌹 Send you some love and cookies and wrap you in a blanket!
🌹 Be friends that have fun roleplaying and being dorks together.
🌹 Liking your starter calls.
🌹 Chill about the alien invasions and fangirl and finish each other’s conspiracy theories.
🌹 Showering you with love, chocolate, hugs and cookies!
🌹 Plotting and crying screaming and suffering with me.
Finally, by you liking this, I, in return, give full permission for you do all of these things but also be aware that I know your muse(s) and have read your own rules. Don’t be shy to come by and like this post, throw a meme at me or come and prod my IM space at any time.
Also, by liking this post you are saying that you have;
🌹 Read my rules.
🌹 Skimmed through the verses & about pages.
By liking this post, I am okay with the following:
🌹 IC asks and inbox invasions (also chill about alien invasions and the zombie apocalypse too and a bunch more tbh.)
🌹 Liking my starter calls.
🌹 Random Starters.
🌹 Plotting and suffering.
🌹 Random little gifts be it drabbles, drawings, aesthetics or anything else. ( I will love you forever and shower you with chocolate, affection and love tbh.)
🌹 Tagging me in stuff that made you think about our muses.
🌹 A simple chat over IM or Discord if we're close.
Any of these I am just thrilled to do because that means that you enjoy rping with me as much as I do with all of you wonderful and talented people! Thank you all for reading this, I’m looking forward to interacting with the wonderful writers out there and their magnificent muses! Stay safe, I love you all!  — Sincerely yours, with all of my love, Angie ♥
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goldendiie · 11 months
My dream rn is to be to Sherdoc what you are to Sargemore
How did you get here
Like, other than the obvious, if you had to take your most comedic guess at how you got here, what would you say
i sold my soul to the devil so then i could have internet fame by writing sarge/fillmore fanfic. slash jay.
anyway, since i have a tendency to ramble, i’ll put a serious answer under the cut. i’m going to call this G’s Path to Accidental Internet Success.
1. i joined the fandom in 2016, when i was 14. as such, i bothered literally EVERYONE and tried to make as many friends as i could. i ended up with a pretty solid group of mutuals (most—if not all— of which are now deactivated. rip.) .
2. start asking for writing requests. the stuff i started out with was always in the 50-300 words ballpark (like drabbles). the main key here is to (a) have Exactly One Thing you write about (aka sargemore), and a handful of people that are willing to engage with you on that.
some cars fandom history for you: around this time (2018-ish), we had this anon “spam” (i hate to call them that, because we are now good friends) who would send many, many, many asks into my inbox about sarge and potatoes. i was able to turn some of their asks into legitimate oneshots, or take them a little farther than they likely expected. (see: wishes, as the sun sets, or anything else i posted in the summer of 2018). i guess what you can take away from this is that ANYTHING can be turned into writing if you are deranged enough.
it was also around this time that i bought the sargemore backstory comic off of ebay, and then spent an INCREDIBLE amount of time immersing myself in sixties history to write the third blink. i started posting that in june of 2019, and it went through the beginning of january of 2021 (covid fucked up my schedule). in that time, the fic gained a pretty decent following, a lot of whom usually still turns up for anything that i post on ao3.
so, number 3: if you put a lot of passion and time and effort into your work, people will notice! if you construct a good narrative arc for your characters, and do things that people aren’t expecting, they’ll stick around. a consistent posting schedule always helps too; think of it as tuning in to your favorite television show once a week, back in the old days of cable. i know i’m not one to talk about that (we all know i haven’t posted in like six months… yikes), but i’m telling you. it helps.
4. never shut the hell up about what you’re writing. i mean, seriously. you see the shit that i post about my AU. be obnoxious. have fun. start a discussion about your characters, or the narrative. in my case, i do this easily by creating a historical discussion through the use of sarge/fillmore as figures analogous to different political beliefs.
(actually. my ploy all along was to educate you guys. i can’t tell you how many comments i’ve gotten that are people saying “i wasn’t expecting to LEARN anything from a cars fanfic, but….”)
i think that’s all. i hate to say that a great deal of this is circumstantial, because i started in a height of the fandom in 2017, and the Potato Anon summer gave me a lot to work with, and i’ve been doing the same kind of thing for almost seven years now. but i think that you could still swing it. there’s enough people in the fandom that you could definitely attract the audience you want for your writing. i’ll be proud to be a part of it!
TLDR: have friends that want to engage with your writing, stay (mostly) consistent, and create a discussion about your “content.” and, most importantly— be passionate, be real, and HAVE FUN. none of this is worth it if you aren’t enjoying it.
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planetnini · 10 months
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please keep my age in mind when we interact!
do not interact with me or anything on my blog if you fall into the basic dni criteria (racist, misogynist, homophobic, etc.)— none of that will be allowed on my blog, if i see any of these you will be blocked.
this blog contains sfw and nsfw content! as long as the rule mentioned above is not being broken, all ages can interact with me and my work. please read at your own discretion and make sure to always read the warnings!
i do however suggest that people who are 15 years old or younger to not interact with me through dms as it makes me uncomfortable...
everything i write is strictly sfw but i do plan to write nsfw-it is important to me that minors separate themselves from my nsfw content. if you’re an ageless/blank blog, i will block you!
alternatively, you can block the ‘nini goes incognito’ tag
i do not like dark content or negativity so refrain from bringing that to my blog.
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please respect me and my work. i am a human being so i am not perfect with my writing and don’t really have a consistent posting schedule, so if you’re going to be an asshole and demand shit from me, i will happily block you- i am a busy girl so please be patient !!!
to ensure my blog is a safe place for myself and others, do not rant, bring personal problems/trauma dump or talks of anything potentially triggering into my inbox— i won’t entertain or answer you if you do and may block if you become persistent.
feel free and don’t be shy to chat through my inbox (not dms though)- it is reserved for interacting with everyone!! i don’t bite so come over and say something if you wanted to :) i am friendly and love to talk about anything, but i am not obligated to respond if i don’t want to & i beg that you do not spam my inbox <3
people who like, reblog, or comment on my stuff are the best! i love knowing that people are consuming my work and responding to it so please continue to do so :))
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my blog is multifandom so you will most likely see me writing for whatever fandom i want. although, i mainly write for jujutsu kaisen, haikyuu, and sometimes genshin.
most of my work features female reader and occasionally gender neutral reader, i will make this clear in the warnings
also a lot of my work is in second person (but i am subject to change this as i find/develop my writing style)
please do not copy my stuff, i will cry fr
feel free to send me some feedback or constructive criticism <3 i always need extra eyes and support on how to be better
i am not currently taking requests at the moment so please do not expect content and send asks about things. i am planning to take on smaller requests such as headcanons and drabbles but there are no promises :”)
be mindful that i do not and will not write dark content
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if you made it this far, thank you!!! have fun reading :)
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jate-kara · 3 years
“You know me.”
The blaster’s leveled at his heart; the barrel drives into his chest. The air between them is so still Obi-Wan thinks that, if he breathes just a little harder, if he speaks just a little louder, it might shatter.
The trooper’s clad in glistening midnight armor. A kama hangs about his waist. A leather pauldron sits on his left shoulder. His face is concealed by his helmet, but it doesn’t matter. The man has always been distinct in the Force; subdued as his signature might be now, that hasn’t changed.
Separated by star systems or side-by-side: he knows Cody.
“You know me,” Obi-Wan repeats, barely a whisper. The blaster doesn’t waver –but it doesn’t discharge, either. Cody's grip trembles.
“Traitor,” Cody grits out. His voice is gravelly. It’s not the voice filter. He adjusts his hold on his blaster. His finger twitches – and stops. “Jedi.”
The word is pained and broken, like he’s speaking through shards of glass. Obi-Wan aches, distantly and impossibly, to pull him close. To soothe him through. It’s a fool’s dream: something he thought of on his worst days, when he couldn’t make himself get out of bed and all he could do was stare at the blank ceiling back on Tatooine. He closed his eyes and he told himself that Cody was there, curled up beside him. That they’d found each other, after the war. That he woke to Cody tracing his jaw with a gentle touch. That he blinked awake from a heavy sleep to Cody’s warm brown eyes, dancing with mischief and maybe – when he deluded himself enough – love. He felt the lie sitting heavy in his chest when the suns rose.
And he let himself lie again.
“Yes,” Obi-Wan whispers. “Yours.”
Cody’s breath hitches. The blaster trembles. In one motion, he shifts it to a one-handed grip, then reaches up and rips his helmet away.
Even in the gloom of the abandoned Republic base, this graveyard of ghosts and memories, Obi-Wan can make out his face. His hair is shaved close to his skull. There are thin white streaks zigzagging through the dark fuzz on his scalp: jagged like lightning. The thin shaft of moonlight streaming through the cracked wall dances across his features. Plays across new scars. Some of them are from blades. Some from blasters.
Some could only have been made by a lightsaber.
Cody’s throat bobs. “Jedi,” he says again, and this time the word carries more reverence than curse.
The blaster dips, just a degree. Obi-Wan holds his hands up and makes himself wait. Bail Organa told him about the chips in the first months after the order buried the Republic. Told him that they weren’t meant to last long. Told him that the Empire was phasing out most of the clones.
But not Cody. Ten years in Imperial service.
Ten years alone.
Cody’s eyes are wild, wide and unfocused. His breath comes in labored gasps. “Kenobi,” he croaks. His voice cracks. He tries to lift the blaster, but it’s as if the end has been affixed with a lead weight. The barrel drops even further, swinging in an arc until the weapon hangs uselessly at his side. His shoulders slump. A strangled sob escapes him, cracking the cool night air and Obi-Wan’s heart all at once.
For a moment, they’re still.
Obi-Wan dares to reach out – to take hold of the blaster – to pull it away. The weapon falls to the ground between them.
And Cody falls with it.
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saetoru · 3 years
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please refrain from copying my theme or layouts. do not steal/save any of my dividers. i make/customize most of them myself and i make them for my usage purposes only so do not save anything directly from my blog. also do not use or copy my “minors do not interact” banners such as this:
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must be 18+. basic dni criteria. have an age in your bio before interacting or following—this blog engages with nsfw & dark content
do not recommend me on ANY platforms outside of tumblr especially tik tok. no translating my work anywhere. no reposting. no using for asmr content. no plagiarizing.
do not spam asks/my talking posts. writing is fine as long as you reblog too
do not comment criticism on my writing. i didn’t ask. you will be immediately blocked
i shit post and have a lot of non writing posts. please unfollow me if that bothers you
this blog is not spoiler free unless it’s a recently released chapter: then i will tag it with #(fandom) spoilers
do not interact if you are anti-aging up. end of discussion.
do NOT say slurs in my inbox, bring up things about politics or religion, ask me personal questions, or vent to me about your personal things
do not bring up topics such as rape, suicide, self harm, pedophilia, eating disorders, depression, etc.
please do not call me bitch, slut, hoe, whore, etc. even if it’s affectionate unless we’re close. please do not playfully curse me out unless we are friends. i just ask you don’t get too comfortable unless we’re close or else it feels weird
my dm’s are set so that only people i follow can dm me. if you have something important to tell me privately but i don’t follow you, reach out to me through my ask box and indicate you’d like for this to be kept between us and tell me the issue you’d like to discuss. i will either answer privately or dm you myself
do not ask to be mutuals ; do not ask why if i break the mutual. i soft block to break the mutual, i hard block if you’ve made me uncomfortable
if you have been blocked, it can be for a number of reasons such as tag abuse, no age in your bio, posting problematic stances on dash, making me personally uncomfortable through an interaction, etc. if you suspect i have blocked you because you didn’t have your age in your bio, and you have since then remedied that, feel free to send an anon ask and let me know your url and that you’ve added an age. if that was the reason why i blocked, then i’ll happily unblock you (i wont post the ask don’t worry.) if that was not why, i will not unblock you and simply ignore your ask—please refrain from further reaching out if that is the case.
i try my best to answer asks and i do enjoy / appreciate interactions. that being said, i do get drained / busy often, and answering asks can be difficult for me so please be patient and please don’t rush / send the same ask multiple times. if i don’t end up answering it’s probably bc my asks have piled up and i’ve deleted old ones, i do apologize if that happens to yours i’m trying my best :,)
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i do not take requests, but you can always leave thirsts in my inbox and if i’m inspired i’ll write a drabble on it. but again, i do not take requests for plots/scenarios
things that i won’t write for include: eating disorders, mental health, sacrilege, daddy kink, scat, vore, vomit, feet, lactation, noncon, and possibly more i’ll add along the way
if you’re actually reading my rules and not just skipping to the bottom—to find my masterlist, go to my pinned post and click “onlyfans”
do not ask me to specify the appearance of reader. i write gender neutral only for sfw works (unless it involves pregnancy) so don't suggest for gender to be specified. for nsfw works, it will vary between fem! reader and afab! reader most of the time, but it may occasionally be gender neutral
i do not have a post schedule, just when i find the time nor do i have a taglist
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
Pick Star Wars AU #15
I don’t have a star wars au 15, it’s been a while since I did something to celebrate followers, and as of this month I don’t work/live in the middle of the woods so I’ve got time and energy to sit on a computer/reliable internet
Send me your submission as well as a number between 1 and 150 —when I get to 1500 followers (I’m at 1450 1459 1473 1486 1495 1498 1500 now) I’ll randomly pick a number and write you a fanfic/ outline. 
Submissions can be anything from a song to a fleshed out concept to sheer vibes.
thank you to everyone who finds this blog and spam likes everything page by page (we are vibing across time); thank you to everyone who likes a single random old post; thank you to everyone who sends nice asks that i reread when feeling low; thank you to everyone who who consistently likes even my most nonsensical meta drabbles; thank you to everyone who is patiently waiting for that one au to update; thank you to everyone who just got into star wars; thank you to everyone who’s liked star wars longer than i’ve been alive; thank you to my beloved and distinguished mutuals; thank you to blogs without posts that I’m 90% sure aren’t bots; thank you to everyone who leaves comments, they always make me happy; thank you to everyone who goes through my aus in numerical order; thank you to everyone going through my star wars tag in chronological order; thank you to everyone who misses jerseydevious being on tumblr; thank you to everyone whose neurodivergent; thank you to everyone who knows where my profile pic is from; thank you to everyone who has never looked at my profile pic before now; thank you to everyone who gets my username; thank you to everyone who’s interested in discworld but hasn’t found the time to read it yet; thank you to artists, daydreamers, insomniacs, fandom olds, college students, and those who have yet to make up their mind.
i’m glad to share a space with you and I love you all <3
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Lets discuss interactions on this blog! Please take a moment of your time to read! This blog is an RP blog. It is not a fanfiction blog or a request blog.  The only times I will hand out writing without expecting a reply from the sender is when I share a drabble prompt or request for people to send in memes for drabbles. I am very patient, and when it comes to my writing partners, I wholeheartedly understand if it takes you extra time to reply to something I wrote you as I can also be very slow moving. Lets be honest here, we all have things going on outside of tumblr and we are not obligated to be here every second of every day. I am literally in the middle of one of the worst years of my life and in result, my activity is sporadic as fuck. I can truly sympathize. But please, if you don’t plan to ever reply to anything that the receiver has answered for you, stop sending in meme after meme and expecting them to write more free stuff for you when you haven’t answered the last like 30 things they have written for you. I would never do this to you and I expect to have the same respect shared with me. This also goes for plotted starters. If I write you a starter, it is with the intention of starting a thread with you. It’s not posted to be on my blog and look pretty. If my starters for you go ignored entirely, then consider our interactions wrapped up. I will be putting a limit on how many memes I will answer per person at a time. I already have a 2-3 thread limit per partner (I am willing to merge old threads into new through memes- just discuss it with me first!)  But until you haven't answered to some of the other things I have written to you in the past, do not expect me to answer to new memes. I run this blog to enjoy it. To enjoy writing with other people. If I wanted to write content that was meant to go without reply, I would share a drabble meme. I would write fanfiction on my personal blog. But on this blog, I share roleplay memes so that we can start a thread together because I want to write WITH you, not for you. If a meme reply isn’t working out for you? Tell me and we can work it out. And if we can’t work it out, then I’ll just tell you to throw me a new meme and we can plot on it. But god don’t just spam me with memes and never reply to any of  them. That’s rude. I currently do not have a lot of time to be spent writing things outside of threads and if there is a point when I do, then I will encourage my mutuals to send me things for drabbles. This also goes for ooc communication. If you want to plot with me, then lets plot. Do not disappear mid plotting for weeks on end, be active on dash the entire time and return to our messages expecting me to gracefully pick back up and pretend like your disappearance specifically in our dms didn’t bother me. It did. Because if you truly wanted to write with me, then you would at least finish plotting with me. I also do not appreciate people being rude to me in general. I promise you that the first time that you’re down right rude to me, I will not communicate with you. I am a very kind hearted person and this is my way of protecting myself from being taken advantage of. If you come to me asking me if I want to plot with you, then please show up with a plot idea in mind. If you don’t know where to start or what our characters can do, just ask me and we can brainstorm together. This is a collaborative hobby and it’s absolutely not fair for you to request to plot, contribute nothing and then sit back while your partner comes up with everything all by themselves. I also do not tolerate it when a partner requests to plot and proceeds to shoot down every idea I offer while they do not offer anything in place of those ideas. And if you are the one coming to me requesting a plot or a thread, I feel like it’s your obligation to write the starter or send the first meme for the interaction. Depending on what’s been plotted, I will offer to write the starter- but in most cases, I expect you to write it since you approached me in the first place. I will drop our conversation if I’m the only one brainstorming and I will not write a starter for anyone who can’t even provide any effort towards plotting.  If you are a multi muse blog and you follow first or reach out for interactions (plotting/memes), please tell me which character of yours that you would like to use with Arthur. I will always choose a muse when I reach out and as a multi muse blog mun myself, I don’t think it’s fair to expect people to choose from your muses when you are the one who approached first. This has been a very common occurrence for me in the rpc across multiple blogs and I’m honestly growing very frustrated with it and I will no longer put up with this behavior as one thread can easily take me an hour to write and again, my time and energy is limited.
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leoneslover · 4 years
hi! i was wondering if i could trouble you for a request🥺 it’s my birthday and i was hoping for basically just a lil drabble about how suga would be on his s/o birthday. have a great day :)
𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
Sugawara Kōshi x reader(gn!)
Warnings: none
A/n: Happy (late) birthday anon! I hope you had a fantastic day 🥺🥺 I hope you don’t mind me doing headcannons instead of a drabble, I wanted to finish it today so it wouldn’t be so late and I usually I tend to extend drabbles a lot lol. Anyways, hope you enjoy!
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• He’d probably be really extra about it. He’s always annoying his s/o in a normal day, so for your birthday expect that, but multiply it by ten lol
• He’d probably wait until 12pm to be the first one to text you this really long paragraph about how much he loves you and how special you are to him.
• (yes, he’s been working on that for a few weeks by now, and it probably looks more like a love letter rather than a happy birthday text. But he’s cheesy like that so it’s fine).
• Wouldn’t wait until the morning to start posting his fave pics of you on his stories (even the ugly ones, but for your sake he posts those on his priv. He knows it probably annoys you, but it’s fine, you have enough pics of him to get him back on his birthday).
• He also decorated them with little heart gifs and captions like “my sweetheart is turning ** today 🥺🥺” “time flies 😭😭” on his main and “lol ur getting old 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣” on his priv.
• *Continues to spam random pics of you on his story through the day*
• No but literally, by midnight his story would be so full it’s unbelievable.
• Anyways, back to you. Would probably show up in the early morning to take you out for breakfast, because as much as he loves annoying you, he also likes spoiling you rotten so there’s that.
• Probably got one too many gifts for you, and he’d give them all through the day. Those including something really expensive that makes you gasp and wonder how the fuck did he buy that; and something really simple that he made himself (like a letter, or a little bracelet with something dumb on it, stuff like that).
• His wallet is screaming after all of that but he doesn’t care at all.
• Probably would take you to a really pretty park to have a picnic. Picnic dates are your go to, but both of you love them and it’s almost natural for you, so why wouldn’t you do it on your birthday as well?
• He’d probably confess midday that he’d have rather to take you for lunch somewhere else instead of to a picnic like you always do, but you reassure him that it’s ok and that you love it anyways!
• I mean, there’s always a sense of comfort in the classics right? 🥺
• Also, he baked you a cake (which was probably delicious btw, even tho the decoration was a little crooked but he tried his best ok).
• Yes, he insisted on feeding you the first bite.
• Walking through the park after you’re done eating while you link your pinkies together?? Uhh yes please.
• Something important I forgot to mention !! If you’re ok with pda, then expect a LOT of kisses from him.
• Wheter that be randomly kissing your hand while walking, a casual peck on the cheek after taking a picture, a small smooch on your temple while you’re walking back home, him having his arm around your shoulders or waist, pulling you close to him after so you can lean your head on his shoulder 🥺🥺.
• “oh, you have something on your lips”
• “???”
• “here, let me get it for you” *procedes to almost make out with you to get some cream out of the corner of your mouth* “hmm, sweet :)”
• He thinks he’s so slick istg 😭😭.
• But if you’re not fond of pda, then don’t you worry! Cause the second you walk through the door back to your house, he’d attack you with all the kisses he’s been saving up for this exact moment.
• Probably would tackle you to the couch and fill your face with little pecks, maybe sprinkle some tickling here and there only to see you smile for him again 🥺🥺.
• You just spend the whole day out doing god knows what, so you probably go for something more chill at night.
• Order some of your favorite food, get on your comfy clothes and watch your favorites movies/show until you’re too tired to keep watching.
• But before you even get the chance to fall asleep, he’ll get out of your embrace (because of course you’re cuddling while watching tv duh), and disappearing to the kitchen with 0 explanation.
• “Kou? What are you doing?”
• “Close your eyes bub! And don’t open until I tell you to!”.
• You sit up on the couch, waiting patiently until you feel the couch dip next to you due to his weight.
• “open up :)”.
• Turns out this mf didn’t have enough with the cake from earlier, and bought a single cupcake and put a tiny candle on top, only so he could sing you happy birthday softly in the comfort of your own home.
• After you blow out the candle (holding back tears because goddamn that was so cute), he’d feed you it with a lovesick expression like 🥺🥰☺️☺️.
• Probably smears frosting on your nose and lips so he can lick it off with a kiss.
• You’d probably end up falling asleep on the couch, probably on top of him as well. But since you’re so comfy he wouldn’t have the heart to wake you up to move you to the bedroom.
•So he’ll try to make himself a little bit of room, pressing up against you and whispering a soft “happy birthday, and sweet dreams my love” on your ear and topping it off with a kiss to your temple before trying to fall asleep with you.
• Did he wake up sore the next morning? Yes
• Was it the worst sleep he had in a while? Yes.
• Would he do it again for you? Definitely <3.
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jungshookz · 4 years
you asked... cee answered! (frequently asked questions)
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who are you?
hello hello! i’m cee :-) 
that’s it that’s the whole answer 
i go by a bunch of other nicknames given to me by the ceeple (miss cee… cee-pd… ceebee… ceebeeboo... loser…) but most of the time it’s just cee!
you can find out more about me by exploring my about cee tag bUT here are some rapid-fire facts about me in case you don’t want to look through the tag!
birthday: december nineteenth 2thousand (sagittarius for u astrology freaks) 
personality type: isfp! i- icky; s- stinky; f- fart; p- *pft* 
favourite colour: pretty pretty periwinkle! 
favourite fruit: sweet sweet strawberries! 
favourite movie: coraline
favourite book: ...still coraline :D
time: to move on to the next question because talking about myself feels snooty 
why do you call us ceemen? and are you aware that it sounds like… you know…?
many moons ago i was asked to give you guys a name because someone pointed out that other blogs had cute names for their readers like cutie-pies or honey-buns and i thought that it would be funny to name you guys ceemen because… yes i’m fully aware that it sounds like semen… that’s the joke... and people seemed to like it so it stuck! 
of course, we’ve evolvED a little since then because ceemen isn’t a very inclusive name so now you guys are ceeple! there are different categories of ceeple like the ceemen… the ceelions… the ceebies… the creepy-crawlcees… the brocees… the list is never ending! 
will you ever tell us who you really are? / would you ever do a face reveal?
this is a definite nope! at the end of the day i’m just here to hang out with you and entertain you and i don’t think that knowing who i really am / knowing what i look like would really make a difference! 
feel free to imagine me as this emoji because it’s my favourite face emoji: 😌
do you have a posting schedule?
i do not have a posting schedule! 
the main reason why i don’t follow a schedule is simply because i’m really not the most organised person and also it doesn’t feel as fun to post things when i know that you guys know it’s coming… if that makes any sense. 
i like dropping drabbles whenever they’re ready to go because the chaos brings me joy!! with that being said, it’s pretty easy to tell when i’m about to post something because i’ll start reblogging old drabbles or fics as a little weewooweewoo warning for those of you who appreciate a heads up!
how often do you post fics/drabbles?
i aim to post two drabbles (roughly 4k-8k) a month! as for fics (30k+), i’d have to say one or two fics a year? 
i know that’s a pretty lame number compared to other blogs on tumblr but it is what it is!
do you take requests?
i do i do i do!!! you can send in requests via my ask box :-) and then once i get it i usually save it onto a separate document! 
please note that not all requests that are sent in will be fulfilled, simply because it would be impossible for me to write every single request that gets delivered my way!
i sent in a request. how come you haven’t responded to it?
i don’t respond to requests unless i write the drabble for it and then that’s when your ‘ask’ will be ‘answered’! i save as many requests as i see onto a separate document and then if i end up writing a drabble for it, that’s when it’ll be responded to. please don’t misunderstand this as me purposely ignoring you - it’s just the way i organise things!
plus if i answered every single request that’s sent in it would just clutter everything up D:
where can i find [insert character name here]?
on this handy-dandy cee’s character masterlist!
how do i talk to your characters?
through my ask box! you can pretty much talk to anyone you want 24/7!
are you ignoring my asks? / i’ve sent in multiple messages but they’ve never been answered. why haven’t you answered my asks?
i am most definitely NOT ignoring your asks. 98% of the messages that i get in my inbox are anonymous so there would really be no way for me to purposely ignore your messages in specific! 
i appreciate every single ask that gets sent my way so rest assured that if it hasn’t been answered, it’s definitely been seen! unless the tumblr bots gobbled it up before it made it to my inbox.
i get roughly around thirty messages a day which doesn’t seem like a lot… but it’s a lot! i also get new messages that will roll in when i’m online! 
while i would love to sit here and answer every single ask in my inbox, it’s really not realistic and would probably end up with me literally dying on my keyboard bUT if you catch me while i’m online and send me a message when i’m answering asks, there’s definitely a higher chance of me answering your message!
also while i appreciate the efforts to get me to respond, please don’t spam my inbox with twenty versions of the same message :D 
where else can i find you?
i’m just on tumblr and nowhere else! i’ve had incidents before of my work being stolen and posted on other platforms so if you see any suspicious activity… please let me know! 
i have a twitter account that you can follow if you’d like. most of my tweets are just dumb thoughts but i also host monthly drabble polls anD i usually tweet whenever a new drabble or fic has been posted!
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gukyi · 4 years
for you, anything (post-script) | ksj
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summary: in the midst of all of the coworker chaos over your newfound relationship, you and seokjin make a deal. 
{established relationship!au, friends to lovers!au, enemies to lovers!au}
pairing: kim seokjin x female reader genre: fluff word count: 2k warnings: bts being annoying coworkers a/n: shoutout to @aurawatercolor​ for being so wonderful and for commissioning this drabble’s monster predecessor: for you, anything!! thank you for being so patient with me and overall being a good friend of mine. much love!
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“Back off, he’s mine!” You shriek, furiously mashing your keyboard buttons as your eyes zero in on your computer screen. Maintaining as much of a grip onto your mouse and keyboard as possible, you push your office chair towards Seokjin’s in a desperate attempt to get him to lose his hold by crashing into him, bumper-car style. You hear the scratchy fabric collide, a soft thud that ricochets you forward, almost like you had crashed into a fuzzy rock. 
Naturally peeved, you turn around to find your boyfriend completely unbothered, having moved barely an inch. And yeah, you weren’t great at Physics when you took it in high school, but you have a feeling that that’s not how Newton’s Third Law works. 
Unfortunately for you, the split second you spend glaring at the back of Seokjin’s head means that he can go in for the killing blow, sword stabbing through the warrior king on the screen until he collapses in a pool of video game blood. The sound of a death cry and a cheer echos from your computer speakers, and you groan. 
“Not again,” you say, exasperated. You toss your head back against the chair, eyes rolling upwards, just enough to make out Seokjin eyeing you, a smug expression written all over his face. “I told you I had him.”
“You just weren’t fast enough, I guess,” Seokjin says casually, bouncing out of his chair to gloat to you all up front and personal. 
“You better share all of the money and rewards you got from that kill,” you demand, poking a finger against your cheek. Seokjin kisses you gladly, wrapping his arms over the chair and around you as he rocks your office chair side to side. The benefit of working together in Kingdom is that you always have backup you can trust (unlike some other MMO games, one of which rhymes with Meague of Megends), but Kingdom was designed for loot to be collected by whoever delivers the death blow, and not split evenly among all parties. 
Lucky for you, your boyfriend happens to be both good at the game and willing to share all of his treasure. 
“Ew, gross, PDA at three o’clock,” Jungkook says loudly, his whiny voice interrupting you and Seokjin’s lovers’ quarrel. 
“Ugh, just because you guys can have a successful and empowering relationship doesn’t mean you have to rub it in all of our faces,” Taehyung adds with a huff. At least nobody’s singing playground nursery rhymes about the two of you anymore. Since when last did people actually sit in trees, anyway?
“Get a room,” Yoongi deadpans as per usual. His attitude has not changed even though the state of you and Seokjin’s relationship definitely has. You know you can always count on him to give it to you straight. 
“Hey, no making out on office premises,” Namjoon says, barging into the room with his glasses tucked into the collar of his sweater, one of those pastel cream ones that dads who golf wear (though Namjoon is neither a dad nor plays golf). He’s switched to an iPad in recent weeks, which, despite being much more environmentally friendly, is still not Namjoon-friendly, and he often has to troubleshoot basic things like the functionality of the Notes app. Not to mention, his place of employment is filled with twerps who love doing things like spamming his camera roll and locking himself out of his own iPad. You think the record is three hours, but give the device to Hoseok and he’ll get it up to a couple of days with ease. “You guys agreed to that when you signed the employee handbook.”
“You always think so lowly of us, Joon,” Seokjin chides, and since he’s everybody’s best friend, he’s the only one who can get away with doing that. “We were just talking.”
“And playing Kingdom,” Yoongi pipes up, quickly switching away from his Haikyuu!!! tab. 
“If there’s a rule against Kingdom in the employee handbook, you’d have to fire all of us,” you remind Namjoon pointedly. Not even Yoongi would be spared, even if he’s terrible at the game itself. 
“But if you did, maybe Jungkook could finally live out his dream of being an E-sports gamer,” Taehyung adds, sending Jungkook into a tizzy. 
Seokjin scoffs, “He’d have to knock me and Y/N out of first and second place first, though.” 
“But please don’t fire us,” Taehyung pipes up weakly. 
“Nobody’s getting fired. You guys just better be doing your work,” Namjoon says. “Hey, it says that my iPad is going to be updated later tonight, do I need to do anything about that?”
Everyone groans. 
“Hey, what if we got married?” Seokjin nudges you with his shoulder. 
You sputter out the water you had been drinking all over your desk. “Married?” It dawns on you that shouting out that word in an office filled with nosy coworkers may not be the brightest idea. 
“You guys are getting married?” Taehyung shrieks excitedly. “Oh my God, I call being best man!”
“You don’t get to make that decision, idiot!” Jungkook shouts. “Besides, Seokjin would totally pick me over you anyway.”
“Who says?”
“Guys, we’re not getting married,” Seokjin says before the whole office breaks out into a brawl. Taehyung’s expression falls, sinking back into his chair, defeated. Yoongi had even quirked up for a moment before immediately turning back to his anime. “At least, in real life, we’re not.”
“Oh, you meant in-game?” You ask, the realization dawning on you. You notice everyone in the office eyeing you and Seokjin. Glaring at each and every person, you say, “He meant in-game, mind your own beeswax, you nosy freaks.” 
“Obviously,” Seokjin says with a roll of his eyes. “I love you, Y/N, but seeing as how we started dating three months ago, I think that marriage is pushing it. But in Kingdom, yeah, why not? We’ll get a lot of buffs from being married.”
Seokjin’s got a point. Being married in Kingdom means that the two of you will share wealth, property, and have the option of combining special powers during battles. It also means that the game will split boss and player rewards evenly amongst the two of you without you having to do it manually. Besides, isn’t it only right for the top two players in the game to get married? Assert their dominance? Remind Jungkook that he’ll never be an E-sports gamer for Kingdom? 
“Sounds like a plan,” you say, easily convinced. Besides, Seokjin could ask you to hand over all of your coins in the game, leaving you penniless, and you wouldn’t bat an eyelash. “We can do it later tonight.”
“My place? We can order takeout.”
“Only if we can get some cheesecake as well,” you say. 
Seokjin plants another kiss onto your lips before returning to his own desk, your office chairs facing away from each other as you get back to work, the promise of a nice meal and some quality time together keeping you motivated. 
Out of the blue, you say, “I would have said yes, you know.”
“To what?” Seokjin asks, not even turning around. 
“To asking if we could get married,” you tell him. He rounds on you, eyes wide. “I would have said yes.”
Seokjin seems frozen in place before he caves, body relaxing as his entire face begins to glow, red and orange and pink. “Tell you what,” he says. “I’ll ask again later, and if your answer is still the same, then we can.”
“How much later?” You ask. You don’t like to be kept waiting. Especially since the both of you know that your answer almost definitely won’t falter. 
Seokjin grins. “You’ll see.”
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“I never liked fancy dresses,” you comment, pulling at the collar of the white dress lacing your features, hugging your body like a bedsheet. It’s scratchy and uncomfortable and restricting, making you feel like you can’t eat a single apple without popping open. There’s a veil with a train the size of the castle behind you, and the tiara on your head is so heavy and sharp that ti feels as though you’re about to topple. All this for a wedding?
“Good thing you’ll never have to wear one again after this, right?” Jin whispers back, the two of you facing the officiant before you as a crowd of onlookers watches the two of you. 
“Is that a promise?” You ask. “We’re making a lot of promises today, aren’t we?”
“And I will keep every single one of them with honor,” Jin says dramatically. It almost makes you reach out to punch him in the shoulder, but you don’t for the sake of publicity, hands wrapped tightly around the bouquet, filled with roses and tulips and carnations. You can’t believe you’re saying this, but you think you prefer your knight’s garb. At least it comes with flat boots. 
You even tune out what the officiant is saying, an old, monotonous advisor who oversees all military weddings, waiting boredly until you are prompted to respond. Time usually goes by rather quickly in the Kingdom, whether you are strolling through the market or on the battlefield, but here, it feels as though it’s taking forever and a day. Discreetly, you turn to look at Jin, who notices your gaze and rolls his eyes, just to make you laugh. At least the both of you feel the same about this whole thing. You wish there were an easier way to do this, perhaps just going to a courthouse and signing some papers and making a vow or two. Does the entire kingdom have to watch? 
“Do you promise to uphold these values, Jin?” The officiant asks. 
“I do,” Jin says. 
“Do you promise to uphold these values, Y/N?” 
Relieved that it’s finally coming to an end, you nod. “I do.”
“Then, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss.”
Immediately, Jin turns to you, reaching an arm out to hold onto your waist as he pulls you towards him, your faces pressed up against each other, breaths hitting each others’ skin. 
“I’ve been waiting all day to do this,” he whispers softly. 
“Then don’t hold back,” you challenge. 
In one fell swoop, Jin presses a kiss on your lips, soft and warm and gentle. It’s filled with more promises than the officiant could even dream of making, filled with more vows than any wedding ceremony could produce. What this is is more than a silly pledge, a matrimonial technicality. It is an oath. To protect each other. To care for each other. To love each other.
And you know, without a shadow of a doubt, that for the rest of time, until the sun collapses and the moon vanishes, that you will.
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↳ links are broken, but don’t forget i’m still taking commissions!
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sliding-into-space · 3 years
Hey! Mun here! Here's general rules/worlds/and comments!
Follows from Dossypet!
If I ever RP something that you don't agree with, works for your character, want to brainstorm what's next, literally pm me and I'm super open to talking about it!
If you just want to follow for my art and not see my rps I have an art blog @dossydraws
Search the Tag RP openers for starters or feel free to DM me RP ideas! Otherwise RP ask meme is a fun tag full of question prompts to send in!
I don't care if it's a week later from when I posted it, I'll still answer an RP ask meme if you send it in. Also you could literally spam me with 37 asks in a row and all it would do would make my day.
Also! Feel free to send in asks about head canons, or asking either Slider or Coop questions! :) If not specified I will reply to the ask as Slider in "canon" universe (RP world down below) otherwise feel free to specify Slider or Coop, an AU world, or a time period like when Slider was a child living with Coop and Hacker.
I don't rp anything too graphic or sexual so keep it chill please. If you're unsure send me a message or an ask!
RP worlds -
TMA, and Arcane verses! Always a human verse!
Semi canon show world - happens with show plot and timeline with my own hc shoved in there.
Zombie AU - In a different Universe, Hacker's virus has turned cyberspace into a zombie apocalypse. Slider was rescued by his father and Dr Marbles and now lives half infected with a black rotting ooze of code forever attatched to him. He now finds himself as a lab rat as the great minds of Cyberspace work together to try to find a cure. The Cybersquad get sent to this universe through a faulty portal.
Circus Au - The Ringmistress is a anamorphic spider that collects people for her circus who are sad/feel alone/ect and eats their memories and emotions. Slider along with others are trapped in this circus hell until they can defeat Madame Ringmistress with the help of the Cybersquad.
Frozen in Time Au - Coop sends 13 year old Slider off with the NIC in a panic telling him not to trust anyone and that he'll find Slider later, but for now he needs to hide. Slider is found by his dad Hacker who Cryofreezes him for 5 years until the Cybersquad accidentally release him from Hacker's old lab. Slider has to stumble around Cyberspace trying to get home and figure out what's actually going on when everyone who knows him is 5 years older and he's still 13.
Link to Promo:
Link to Fanfiction drabbles:
(psst like this if you've read my rules ect! ;) )
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out-of-jams · 4 years
Direct Message || Part one || kth
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↠ Direct Message ↞ “Never in a million years would you have expected Kim--motherfucking--Taehyung of world famous Bangtan Sonyeondan, the biggest boyband in the entire world, to find it. To watch your whole cover of his song, Winter Bear, and actually like it. And not just like it.
He posted a link on Weverse for everyone else to see it too.”
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings/Genre: Fluff. Drabble series. Language barrier!au. Idol!Taehyung. Youtuber!Reader. Bad language. Somewhat social media!au.
A/n: Just a smol series. And yes, this is completely inspired by that one post Tae made on Weverse with a link to that girl’s yt channel. LOL. Also, this is kind of a part of the Cheers If You Agree universe!
All of my works are purely fiction. Everything I write is my intellectual property and therefore belongs to me. ©out-of-jams. Do not copy or repost without permission.
                             | Next | Masterlist | 
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“Holy shit.”
There was no word in the history of the English language that could be used to describe what you were currently going through.
“Are you literally fucking kidding me?” Your voice, so high pitched that you were pretty sure only your next door neighbor’s demonic chihuahua could hear it, barely left your parted lips. Because you couldn’t believe what you were staring at. To be honest, you weren’t even sure if you could believe it despite the clear proof in the form of your phone. If you weren’t sitting on your bed, you were pretty sure that your legs would have collapsed right out from under you.
“This is..is...” Shaking, you lifted your hand to bring the brightly lit screen closer to your face. No matter how many times you swiped up to refresh the page with trembling fingers, it didn’t change. It was still there. Your fucking face! Well, the thumbnail at least.
You blinked.
Refreshed the page.
Yup, still there.
A link to YouTube of a video that you’d just recently uploaded stared back at you unwaveringly. You hadn’t thought anything of it when you’d made it, had just figured that it’d be like any other cover you’d uploaded throughout the past year. And you hadn’t been expecting a whole lot of views either, seeing as how your channel was still relatively new and all. When you’d clicked “upload” and closed out of the page, you’d figured that you’d go back and check in a few days to see how it was received. If people had liked it.
Sometimes you would get very nice, encouraging comments from people. And even though it was a slow climb, your subscriber count went up every couple of days. You’d been singing for years, as long as you could remember honestly, but you’d only just gotten the confidence to put yourself out there last year. Hell, the only reason you started posting in the first place was because your friends all but threatened bodily harm if you didn’t do it.
“You’re so talented, dude. Don’t let that go to waste.” Your best friend had told you one day over coffee. “Or you’ll regret it when you’re old and dusty.”
You hadn’t thought you’d become overly famous or anything. Just branch out and share your music with other people.
Never in a million years would you have expected Kim--motherfucking--Taehyung of world famous Bangtan Sonyeondan, the biggest boyband in the entire world, to find it. To watch your whole cover of his song Winter Bear and actually like it. And not just like it.
He posted a link on Weverse for everyone else to see it too.
When the green little notification that he’d posted something had first slid into view on your screen, you hadn’t thought much thought of it. Taehyung was incredibly active on the app and would spam it all the time with ridiculously funny selcas or respond to army’s posts in his free time. So you’d just brushed it to the side to check on later. Fighting the lag of millions of other people to try and translate what he posted wasn’t something that you were interested in at that moment.
Even if he ended up deleting it later, you were pretty sure that someone on Twitter would have taken a screenshot and it’d circulate around at some point. It wasn’t that you didn’t care, you just didn’t check every single thing the members posted to the app the moment that they were uploaded. Therefore, you hadn’t really given it a second thought.
Until your best friend and fellow army blew your phone up with over a dozen messages, completely interrupting your lazy Netflix binge. Most of them hadn’t made any sense, had just been a string of nonsensical key smashes with the occasional “!!” tacked on. Since she was stuck in a movie theater with her boyfriend, she hadn’t been able to call you without causing a scene. So she’d resorted to flooding you with texts until you responded.
Why she’d even been checking the Weverse notification in the darkened theater in the first place was a mystery to you. Especially since you knew she’d been dying to see that movie for weeks. Whatever it was. But that didn’t matter, not when she’d piqued your interest with a text saying, “WEVERSE HUGHIH NOW.” You’d figured that Taehyung must have just posted a thirst trap or something again.
But you’d been wrong.
Flooding in right beneath his post were hundreds of comments. Some were in English, others in Korean, and the rest in languages that you had no idea how to read. They varied in reactions too, and everytime you started to read one, the page would glitch out and another would take its place.
He hadn’t put any text in the post, just the link.
What the hell was that supposed to mean? That he liked it? He had to have, right? Otherwise he wouldn’t have posted it. Unless...well, unless he absolutely hated it and wanted to send army after you to--
Shaking your head to get rid of the onslaught of extremely unrealistically anxious thoughts, you watched the amount of comments and cheers to the post skyrocket. If just his post was getting so much attention, what would that mean for…?
Immediately you switched apps and opened up YouTube. Navigating to the video only took a minute, but felt like hours and your heartbeat pounding in your ears didn’t help. Especially not when you pulled up the same cover and could do nothing but freeze in shock.
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“Oh, my god.” Not only did you have over a hundred thousand views already, but subscription notifications were going off every two seconds.
Setting your phone down onto your bed, you watched with unseeing eyes as the screen went dark from inactivity.
How the hell were you supposed to respond to the comments? Were you even supposed to? You’d never spoken a word to Kim Taehyung in your whole life. In fact, you’d only ever been to a handful of BTS concerts. But you knew how crazy some people could get. Would they start thinking you were dating him or something just because he’d shared a link to your video.
Fuck, you really hoped not.
Your phone lighting up snapped you out of your thoughts. You’d turned off all push notifications for comments and subscriptions, so you reached for it without a second thought. And stared down at the bright screen with bewilderment.
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Whatever the rest of the message was got cut off there. Who the..? 
With a shrug and curiosity needing sating, you swiped it open.
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phcking-detective · 4 years
MasterList 2.0
Kiss Prompt Series (all PG)
Angry Kiss – Gavin chases after a perp without backup and gets shot multiple times. He can’t believe his asshole android partner is staying behind to help him instead of catching the perp, but maybe RK900 cares more than he thinks. Maybe a lot more …
Reunion Kiss – Nines returns a day early from an intensive case and stops by Gavin’s favorite coffee shop to get his boyfriend a treat. But Gavin is already there and apparently has the same idea.
Awkward Forehead Kiss – Nines takes care of his sick human partner as best he can, but all human media seems to indicate sick humans need forehead kisses to feel better. Too bad he doesn’t know how to kiss. Luckily, Gavin is happy to help teach him.
Forced Kiss – Nines attempts to break up with Gavin for the detective’s own good. That goes about as well as you’d expect. (NO non-con! Gavin just kisses Nines in the middle of his mental breakdown while he tries to self-isolate.)
Drunk Kiss – Connor and Hank bring in a box of Sumo’s puppies to the precinct Christmas party. When two go missing, Nines tracks them down to find … Detective Reed? He did not realize his maladjusted human partner could be so gentle.
Forehead Kiss – human!Richard is having a bad mental health day and gloomily declares he needs serotonin. android!Gavin and himbo extraordinaire offers to go to the grocery store and get him some.
Extra Drabbles (all PG or Teen)
HOT SINGLE ANDROID IN YOUR AREA – Gavin keeps getting spam pop-ups on his computer about hot androids who want to fuck. Until he finally notices they’re now only talking about one single android in particular. Who could it be?
Dumb Ways to Deviate: Cheeseburger – Nines takes Gavin out to eat as a reward for solving a case they’ve been working on for the past 36 hours. When the exhausted human tries to feed him, Nines suddenly experiences–[feelings]??
crush.exe –Nines thinks Gavin is cute. But that’s just objective fact, right? Anyone would think he’s cute. Tina disagrees and diagnoses him with something called a “crush.”
INTRUDER ALERT – Nines visits Gavin’s apartment to discuss a case, but there is an [INTRUDER] wearing an ingenius chocolate scrub mask that confuses his facial recognition software.
Find Familiar -- Nines is the most brilliant wizard of their generation, and when they summon their familiar for the first time, they expect some sort of unique and brilliant creature. Not a short, angry little man with a facial scar and bare feet banging on their door three days later.
Bathtime -- Nines isn’t spoiled, and if he is, it’s only because Gavin keeps giving him everything he asks for. Like “help” washing his hair in the bath.
Love Letter -- Gavin receives an anonymous letter detailing how the sender wants to analyze his skin and catalog his teeth. The two suspects? Well, it was obviously either written by Detroit’s latest serial killer or ... Gavin’s own partner.
Not Alone -- After Gavin gets shot in the side, falls off a building, and breaks two of his limbs, Nines is desperate to see him the moment he's out of surgery. Except the hospital he's at has a "legal family members only" visitation policy to keep out androids. In desperation, Nines calls a very old emergency contact number that lists "Eli Reed" as Gavin's brother--only to suddenly be on the phone with Elijah Kamski himself.
Happiness is a Jealous Android -- Gavin starts hanging out with a new GJ500 for smoke breaks, mutual bitching about work, and maybe a little light flirting. Him and Nines haven’t discussed the thing they have going, and Nines has been busy anyway, so a little flirting is OK, right? Except for when the other android won’t take no for an answer ...
Dumb Ways to Deviate: Birds -- An argument between RK900 and Gavin on whether bats are mammals or birds leads to ... well. What it says on the tin.
updated list of fics in my main reed900 series under the cut!
Reed900 Main Series (all Explicit)
In the Beginning -- 7k words; RK900 follows the orders [stay in room 6459] and [do not interfere] while deviants attack and shut down Cyberlife, and it’s not because he’s “petty” as the deviant Connor accuses. If Cyberlife wanted its help, they should not have forgotten the unit in a storage closet.
Fight Club (but Explicitly Gay This Time) – 2k words; RK900 decides to “discipline” Gavin in the DPD men’s bathroom by spanking and stepping on him. Unfortunately, the disgusting little human actually enjoys it.
Fast and Furious – 5.5k words; Nines notices how competent Gavin is at driving. In fact, he’s noticing a lot about Gavin, which is unfortunate, because he doesn’t know what it means. Maybe slapping the human more will help …
Ain’t Got Time to Bleed – 27k words; Gavin and Nines engage in exciting new activities, like solving a case together, going out for drinks, hustling at pool. Specifically, Nines gets hustled by Gavin, but he pays it back tenfold in the alleyway afterward.
First Blood – 129k words; Gavin and Nines get caught up in a case that’s a lot more complicated than it seems as they run into a Ponzi scheme and a staged suicide, an attempted murder on the journalist who broke the story, and a mysterious android manipulating it all. Even worse, they’re starting to actually kind of like each other too. But will their partnership be strong enough to get them through kidnapping, torture, and safe / sane / consensual sex?
If It Bleeds -- 14k, ongoing; While dealing with the fallout of the WJ700 case, Gavin and Nines also get assigned to the new Android Task Force when they start investigating on their own anyway. But their cases get more complicated as both the IA and FBI hold a grudge, Nines makes new sexual explorations of his own, and Gavin’s ex-boyfriend attempts to reconnect …
Bonus HankCon Fic (Explicit)
Sweet Dreams Are Made of This – 66k; Connor determines co-sleeping with Hank will be a productive, healthy venture–and step one on his three year plan to seduce Hank. Unfortunately for him, Hank is a gay, self-destructive old man who manages to fuck up The Plan by both already being in love with him and also refusing to acknowledge that. (75% domestic fluff, 24% sex at the end, 1% Sumo eating food he’s not supposed to)
Patreon (shameless promotion)
If you love my reed900 series and want to get chapters sooner, like my drabbles and want patreon-exclusive bonus content, and chapters from THREE of my WIPS, the tiers are $1 / $2 / $3 per chapter, respectively. I post chapters once a week on Sunday ^^
I also take commissions: $10 for 1k / $25 for 3k / $40 for 5k, NSFW and kink friendly, limits are no incest, pedophilia, or rape scenes. just PM me or email [email protected] if you’re interested ^^
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