#not allowed to be gay
mr-malumm · 4 months
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Stayed gone but vox narrates his passive aggressive insecure ass scrolling text from the bottom of his broadcast 👊💥📺
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hansoeii · 1 month
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Ohh look, it's the dead boy detectives!
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freshbeeth · 3 months
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bunnybirds · 3 months
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In Princess Aster's world, bunnybirds live in contented isolation, keeping themselves detached from the world in order to practice magic. Nothing is ever wrong, and no one is ever angry...even as Aster's people seem to be slowly disappearing. When her father is next to vanish, Aster resolves to find and rescue the missing bunnybirds—even if it means journeying over the rim of the world itself!
My middle grade graphic novel is officially available for preorder! Bunnybirds is a story about trauma, friendship, and my experience with autistic masking. It was drawn entirely with Prismacolor colored pencils and Pandafly markers, with Photoshop applied for color enhancement and text.
Check it out maybe! :D
That last panel with Carlin (the brown bunnybird) facing the corner was directly inspired by this wonderful TMA comic by @nubs-mbee!
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amtrak-official · 1 year
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That's right ya'll, Gay Sex is now legal on the trains and we encourage you to do it 24/7 on your trips
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vasquez-rocks · 5 days
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happy pride to this fucking thing susanna thompson does with her mouth
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happy pride to this visible saliva that avery brooks decided to leave in the final cut of rejoined
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c4tspl4sh · 1 year
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justsomecouscous · 8 months
*points to a pair of random fictional gay men that I'm currently obsessed with for no reason and will be for the next month* These are my babies and I love them
*pushes the ones that I'm not currently obsessed with back into my basement* Hush children you can come back out when (if) your hyperfixation returns
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tribow · 1 year
So I watched Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya
Who the hell is this show catered to? It's 2013, Fate/Stay Night obtains massive success among teens and young adults. Fate is originally an ero visual novel and its adaptions are clearly aimed at teens or older audience. Fate/Stay Night is a bit of a harem on it's own as the story changes based on who Shirou chooses to be with.
Fate/Kaleid Liner is a magical girl story though. It does feature a lot of the same characters as Fate/Stay night, but it's a completely different story. It's like the most childish friendship story I've seen. That alone was weird, but there's an extra annoying factor I can't ignore. There's hella lolicon fanservice in this.
I've actually already seen this anime, I watched it a really long time ago because of a single cool fight scene I saw on youtube. When I watched the actual anime I despised it and upon rewatch the feeling didn't change.
Let's say you're tolerant of the lolicon fanservice in a show seemingly made for little girls, would this anime be good?
Well, if you're a fan of Fate this anime will give Rin and Luviagelita a lot more screentime. These two barely got to interact at all in the Fate/Stay Night anime adaptions and they're genuinely entertaining together. These two at each others necks at almost all times and that rivalry between them is used to get this story started.
Before I get to that though.....that's mostly it. There's some good comedy sprinkled around in the anime and there's that one really well animated fight scene. That's the only other good things about this anime. The story is garbage, the world building is no good, and the characters can be pretty awful.
So, Rin and Luvia use magic wands to transform and fight monsters. However, they use these wands to fight with each other as well. The wands had enough of their fighting and decide to find new masters instead of putting up with their bullshit.
These magic wands go by the name Ruby and Sapphire and are characters have plenty of personality of their own. Ruby then finds Illya (the main character) wishing to have magical powers to herself and decides to grant her wish and make Illya a magical girl....without Illya's consent.
Ruby throws Illya into this magical business without any explanation of what she is getting into. In the context of Fate/Kaleid Liner, Illya is just some middle school kid and now she has to risk her life fighting monsters now that Ruby made her a magical girl. The audience is supposed to be okay with this.
Ruby rarely gets any consequences for her terrible actions. In fact, they get framed as a good thing thanks to the message this anime terribly tries to convey. Fate/Kaleid wants to show how friendship and teamwork is important. You look out for your friends and you work together to accomplish your goals.
Rin and Luvia are meant to be examples of what happens when you have terrible teamwork....but this never actually happens? Yes, they do fight amongst themselves and constantly insult each other, but whenever they need to work together to defeat the enemy they always do. There's even a moment where the magic wands temporarily return to Rin and Luvia so they can defeat an enemy and they suddenly become shining examples of teamwork (while also insulting each other).
Why not actually show them lose? Show them getting their ass kicked cause they're bickering with each other and then the magic wands leave them. If Rin and Luvia were already capable of working together that means Illya had even less reason to get forced into this by Ruby.
There's another girl named Miyu that gets involved with magical stuff too but, she's actually fine as a character. She has actual motivations for being involved and her character is handled....fine.
Except Illya sexually assaults Miyuwhen she sees her with a maid outfit. This is presented as a joke......they are middleschoolers.
It's totally not gay though cause Illya's in love with her brother.......
It's totally okay though he's adopted (the brother is Shirou).
Why is there yuri bait in this show ToTaLLy aimed at young girls? Not allowed to be gay in 2013 magical girl anime I guess.
Problematic topics aside, let's talk production! Silver Link handles the animation work here. They do a fairly good job. There's some CG animation that is done mostly fine at least until they started animating Berserker with CG.
Yeah, the "monsters" are actually the servants in Fate/Stay Night. The fight with Saber is the one where the animators popped off with an incredible fight scene. It felt like Ufotable's animators suddenly showed up just so they can do a cool fight scene with Saber and then left.
I wish I could say the fight as a whole was cool though. Story-wise, Illya gets a completely bullshit powerup out of nowhere in order to defeat Saber. Clearly the powerup has some kind of plot relevance, but it doesn't get explained in this season (there's 3 seasons).
I've heard the other seasons for Fate/Kaleid Liner are an improvement, but that doesn't excuse the mess the first season is. For Fate fans you get some Rin and Luvia action along with some servants getting some neat fight scenes (especially Saber). Overall though, the first season of this anime is cringe.
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paddysbarbie · 1 year
charlie’s reaction to mac being on his gay shit is so real
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
pre angelic revelation, the hotel crew goes looking for Vaggie about some managerial thing and regularly finds her kickboxing in a spare room, beating the crap out of a dummy dressed up in an exorcist's gear and mask
a totally normal way to blow off steam, and one that they sometimes also find Charlie spectating at-
("Aren't you supposed to be against all this violence and shit?" - "Yes! But no actual exorcists are being hurt during this stress relief slash training session! So it's OK!" - "Yeah right. And you think your girlfriend looks hot punching stuff huh." - "Hm? Sorry Husk, I wasn't listening- what did you say?" - "......")
which all well and good!
until AFTER the angelic revelation.....
Charlie: "Vaggie. Please don't tell me that's actually YOUR exorcist armor."
Vaggie: "...."
Charlie: "Don't say you've been punching your old exorcist mask, imagining your own face under it."
Vaggie: "......"
Charlie: "I do NOT want to hear that you've been beating up on your past self this entire time- while I was watching! -and using punishing yourself by proxy as a way to cope when you're stressing over feeling like you're not doing enough here and now."
Vaggie: "........."
Charlie: "Vaggie why aren't you SAYING anything!?"
Vaggie: "You told me not to!"
Charlie: "ARGH!!!!"
post revelation, Husk goes looking for Vaggie in the training room like usual, and finds her standing helplessly in front of the exorcist training dummy as a tearful Charlie clings protectively to it with a full body hug
husk decides restocking the bar can wait. he's not getting paid enough to deal with This
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goodmorningmiles · 4 months
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“Until My Fingers Bleed” Lithograph. 2023.
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A reminder that Spinner canonically compares himself to Dabi and feels inferior to the rest of the League of Villains.
Part of the reason he allowed AFO to manipulate him is because he wanted to be reliable, as in he wanted to be stronger to be of use to Tomura. So again, he's canonically kinda jealous not only of Dabi's quirk, but of him as a person.
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backroadboy · 2 months
they just don't kill their bi characters and their boyfriends like they used to...
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spirk-trek · 2 months
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there is something very 💅🏼 about spock in 'that which survives' .... very.... 🐈 .... 🌈.... 🍍🍒🍇🥭...
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pianju · 1 year
“the armorer is evil and is working with moff gideon”
the armorer watched the empire slaughter the original covert on nevarro and absolutely refused to abandon her forge out of respect for the dead. she then had to build an entirely new covert from the fucking dust (and paz vizsla, i guess) which probably took her YEARS to do. not to mention, she has had to relocate her entire. fucking. forge. THREE TIMES in the process. she’s also ruthlessly decked imps and pirates (who were hired by the empire) several times as we’ve seen. yes, she’s strict with din, but who wouldn’t be? she witnessed the entirety of the covert lay down their lives for him and grogu. and even after all was said and done, she welcomed din, grogu, AND bo with open arms once they were reedeemed. i think it would be so incredibly out of character for her to be this scheming mastermind working for the empire. she’s someone who embodies such strong heart and discipline; she’s an amazing representation of their strain of mandalorian culture. tldr: don’t EVERR talk about my WIFE that way.
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