inkhowls · 2 months
i don't think ive seen you around here before...🐾🐺🌳
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foxnapping · 7 months
! ! all hate will be deleted / blocked ! !
hi! you can call me Juno, Lupa, or Bruno!
i go by they/she/it
a therian/otherkin/nonhuman
i’m an asexual lesbian!
i have many theriotypes! most commonly a marble fox or a grey wolf!
i’m mostly going to use this blog for whatever nonsensical musings i have related to nature, animals, or art. i don’t have any friends who are therians/otherkin so i want to meet some people! even though i am extremely socially awkward.
this is also my first time posting on tumblr. i’ve mostly just spent my time on here lurking and watching other people post. so if i get anything wrong please feel free to correct me!
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- basic dni stuff
- z00philes
- pro/c0m/dark sh1ppers
- pr0ana
- anti Therian/otherkin/fictionkin
- mean people who don’t like to let people have fun
- other fox therians!
- other wolf therians!
- otherkin/kith/therians
- animal lovers!
- nonhumans!
- nature lovers
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interests other than otherkinity:
- Music (Mort garson, the oh hellos, AURORA, of monsters and men, etc)
- Wolfwalkers !
- paganism !
- folklore !
- mythology !
- sewing !
- botany (the study of plants)
- zoology (the study of animals)
- wildlife in general !
- history !
- art !
- art history !
- poetry !
- good omens !
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i hope we can all be friends!!
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In terms of nonHumans x Humans, the differences between
Something robotic that wants to be Human x Human
A Vulcan x Human
Something robotic that doesn’t want to be Human x Human
are so important to me
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dreamdropsystem · 2 months
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there's are plenty of autsitic who don't feel human. not connected of what it's like of being a human being. as a system full of nonhuman alters, you are not alone. thrive feeling the way you do. you are not delusional or weird.
🐾 GO NONHUMAN AUTISTICS GOOOO 🐾 - The Dreamdrop System
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I am this guy and I don't understand gender
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petbrain · 1 year
sometimes i find myself thinking about why i want to work with animals, and i do think it's related to my nonhumanity.
i want to teach people on how to understand them/us better. i deeply respect all forms of life but i also respect their place on the food chain, because nature is all-knowing. i have been blessed with a rare bond with the animal kingdom and it should be (literally) my job to be this bridge.
now, i dont like it that sometimes it gives me a sense of superiority. i dont want to think my reasons for going to vet school are the purest and im better than everyone else, because thats such an important occupation for anyone to have. but its hard not to drift into these thoughts when i simply cannot comprehend what makes regular people want to pursue this career.
any advice? i really really need to talk about this with other alterhumans.
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sophieinwonderland · 1 year
sophie, you do not know what you're talking about in regards to DID. i don't deny that people will argue that it's immoral for an animal alter in a DID system to date, say, a singlet. however, alters in DID are not animals. they *believe* that they are because of trauma. this is a substitute belief and losing yourself in one is NOT healthy. healing is quite literally helping that alter realize that they're not *actually* an animal. they can still appear as one, though.
And see. Here it is.
I realize they aren't biological animals but they DO identify as animals. And as for healing, who gets to be judge of that?
I've seen DID systems who have fully fused and the remaining alter still identified as nonhuman.
And it's not just about dating singlets either but internal dating too. I've already seen r/systemscringe accuse a human-identifying headmate of dating a Pokémon-identifying one. That's something that happens right now.
We don't get to dictate how others choose to identify or present themselves. If an animal alter chooses to present as an animal then that's their right. They have the right to appear in a way that they feel comfortable and identify with, whether or not someone else deems it healthy.
And for some, existing in a form they identify with will help deal with their dysmorphia, and it WILL be healthy for them in that way.
While they're not literal animals, neither is a picture. And if we say attraction to an illustration is wrong, then the next step is to say that attraction to a digital avatar with a person behind it must also be wrong. And by extension, them being in any relationship is unless they're presenting a form they don't identify with.
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houseofchimeras · 7 months
What words or phrases become curse words within our system is never not funny to us. Because so often the words used as curses and insults have a notable nonhuman flavor. (Like Sky Singer's "pinfeathers!" is a notable one that comes to mind.)
Just a bit ago, Earth Listener, rather than calling a company "a leach," like a normal person, called Youtube "ticks." (We were ranting amongst ourselves about Youtube's adblocker stuff.) Oh my gosh, EL, in her little wolfy brain clambering for a word meaning a bloodsucking creature, barked out "Ticks!" of all things. We're still laughing about it. - Damian (he/him)
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i wish we could be normal about each other
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flovey-dovey · 1 year
They’re not even the same species of turtle why are people getting upset over turtle ships
That was rhetorical please do not tell me why it is disliked I know perfectly well why it is disliked and I’m disappointed but not surprised
Anyway shipping is fun and cool and anybody who ships them are very cool and fun and smart and anybody who doesn’t necessarily ship but doesn’t bother anybody else about it is a true treasure upon this earth
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inkhowls · 3 months
a different kind of bark...🐾🐺🌲
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foxnapping · 6 months
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me frfr this is literally me fr guys look its me fr guys look guys its literally juno its literally me
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alex-the-polykin · 1 year
I recently found out I'm a type of Fae that appears as either a swan, falcon, deer, or any combination of those guys. I assume I am a falcon and a deer, but I have yet to confirm. Any idea how to deal with the antler shifts? This is totally not because I am stuck in the doorway because of my antlers. No, no, no.
Getting my antlers stuck in doorframe is pretty common during shifts, and dealing with it can be a hassle. So here are some things that usually work for me during shifts, but keep in mind that these might not work for everyone.
My method, if your antlers are small enough in size and the doorway is large enough, you can maybe try to maneuver your way through the doorway by turning your head a certain position or something like that. You may bump your antlers a few times, but it works when you get used to it.
Or you could just wait the shift out and hope that it ends soon enough, but I find it really difficult. It's like waiting to go to sleep, but you won't be able to go to sleep if you're thinking about sleeping. If you're thinking about a shift ending, then it's probably not gonna end.
Anyways, I hope this helped a bit! And I hope your antlers get unstuck soon!
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harloqui · 2 years
For Those Caught In-Between
I see that callout post is still going around, and I know a lot of the tensions between shifters and otherkin might be weighing heavily on those who are caught in between- that is, people who are kin and shifters, or some sort of alterhuman in addition to being a shifter, so to offer some advice:
If you're a shifter and you're afraid of being outed or attacked by otherkin, keep a separate shifter profile for shifter community stuff.
Keep personally identifying information (such as your kintypes, beliefs, opinions) a secret unless you know they won't be used against you. You have a right to keep your information private, and nobody should be bullying you about telling them if you don't feel comfortable doing so.
Hop from community to community, and take what you need and leave the rest. You need shifting tips, but aren't physically shifting yet? Take them from whichever community suits you the best, and when discourse gets to be too much, leave and take sanctuary in another one.
Public resources: use them whenever possible. I know a lot of otherkin aren't comfortable with physical shifters following them, but if you see a public resource (such as a standalone site) or forum you're more than likely welcome to use it- I've found forums and public resources don't tend to have restrictions on who can use them.
Make your own groups! The shifter community could always use diversity of opinion and experiences, and having a community that meshes both together could be invaluable.
Curate your space: I know a lot of otherkin don't agree with shifters, but you don't have to take what they say lying down. Block or unfollow people who seem downright hateful towards shifters; I know it can seem like you're making an echo chamber but sometimes it can really grate on your nerves to hear negativity surrounding something you are 24/7. If hearing negativity like this impacts your mental health badly (as it did mine at one point) unfollow or block, and don't feel bad about it.
It sucks to be disliked by another community for something you had no choice in, but we can do something about it by curating our spaces and making things safer for us.
And don't feel ashamed for believing in shifting, or being a shifter. None of us can help being the way we are, and whether it's by a random quirk of nature or some genetic anomaly, we exist. You don't have to feel ashamed of who you are, and your experiences (especially as those who are both 'kin or alterhuman and shifter) are invaluable.
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rxttenslutcemeterysys · 7 months
hotake apparently; - you can still be grossed out - uncomfortable by - and weirded out by sysmates WITHOUT being rude, harassing them, making THEM feel like they're not safe around you, excluding them from public areas in sys and out sys :)
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