#no real reason for this I just think that animals are bewildering
pasta-connoisseur · 1 month
People are like ‘ohhhh the spiders the snakes the kangaroos’ when talking about Australia but what about the humble drop bear???? The lovely bush turkeys??? Those stupid little fish that go blorp at the beach???
But also where’s the fear for those caterpillars that migrate in lines and have spines that cause severe reactions??? The other caterpillars that spit acid at you? What about the fish that if you step on it you might be paralysed???
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kengan-daddies · 8 months
The Life of a Family Boyfriend Yujiro Hanma x Strong Girlfriend!! Reader
I Know, but I Don't Care Boyfriend! Yujiro Hanma x Strong! Girlfriend! Reader
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Anime : Baki : Son of Ogre Characters : Yujiro Hanma Warning : None, Fluff, Family Dynamics
The Life of a Family Boyfriend Yujiro Hanma x Strong Girlfriend!! Reader
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The Life of a Family Boyfriend Yujiro Hanma x Strong Girlfriend!! Reader
Baki sat Indian style on the large, square comfort cushion, his arms resting on his knees as he watched the scene before him, a bewildered look upon his face, with a small smile. He didn't know what to think, or how to express how he felt... He felt giddy, extremely happy, and confused. He was staring at the scene before him, his thoughts racing a hundred miles an hour.
'Okay... So you might be wondering, "Baki... What the heck is going on?" Well... let's start from the beginning because even I can't believe it right now.... So, it was a while back when you first appeared out of nowhere one day, you're a good friend, but you had so much love in your heart for me... Not romantically... But more like nurturing... Motherly in a way. You're strong, like crazy strong. I couldn't believe your power... Your raw strength, and all from that dainty little body of yours too.
But like always, It didn't take long for my old man to learn of you, even though I did try to keep you a secret from him for as long as possible, my reasoning?... Simply because I didn't want to share you... with anyone.... Now I sound like a crazy person, but it's nothing weird I promise.
You're an older woman, you're older than me by about 20-something years, but you're an amazing friend, someone who I could talk to, someone who didn't know who I was... at least I thought you didn't know who I was... You acted like you didn't and if you did, you didn't seem to care. You always came by to help me out. You cooked for me, you cleaned for me, you talked to me, you laughed with me, and you even helped train me, you did everything that was like a good friend but also like a mother... I... never experienced that and I loved it.
But then my father learned of you, and I'm still not sure how. He just showed up on my doorstep one day, claiming "I can sense the presence of a strong warrior, and it's been lingering around you, so what you got going on, kid?"... God I hated him... Always in my business... But anyways, you came on out and you confronted him, and you weren't scared to speak your mind to him... It was funny... I've never actually seen anyone talk like that to my dad... But he didn't take it too well, he never did.
He went to attack you, and honestly... I damn near felt my whole world shatter... For the first time, in my entire life... I felt whole... I felt complete with you by my side... You were filling up the void in my heart that I never really realized was there... A mother's love... Tender hugs and head rubs... Always asking how I was doing... Always coming home after school to a warm cooked meal, clothes folded and home clean... I was loving it... I felt my dream shatter the moment he went to attack you.
I wanted to intervene, I wanted to cry and scream... I wanted to try and kill him, but I was shocked when you just stood there, you took his punch, straight to your face... it was so cool... Then you pulled a bad ass move. "You call that a punch? If that's the best you got, then the others you've been fighting have just been pathetically weak... Let me show you, what a real punch looks like." ... And just like that, you cocked your arm back, and you threw a punch into his face, making him fly.
I almost couldn't breathe... You punched The Ogre... and you made him fly... Nobody has ever before done that... No one... After that... He seemed to be attracted to you or something... See, first he vanished, for like a few months... Nothing too weird honestly... life went back to normal... and then he just showed up again, demanding that you become his woman and that you will train him to become stronger... The audacity of that man... And you agreed!! I wanted to cry man, it was so unfair. But you had one thing you wanted to bring with you... Me.
You wanted to bring me with you, to live at my Dad's place... Did you even realize what you were asking?... Of course you did, that's why we're in this situation now... But I can't say that I hate it... I always wanted to live as a family with my old man... Eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner with him... Sitting on the couch watching TV together... Having small harmless arguments... It's been like a dream... And all the while, you played as Mom, Dad was Dad, and I was the Son... A perfect family... Aside from the fact that we're all fighters and the Mom is the strongest and the Dad is the second strongest and I'm the third... So maybe not too normal... But eh it works for me.
You've been training us, me and Dad... But Dad's training is way harder. You'd make us do handstands on our thumbs for days. For me it was 1 - 2 days and for Dad, it was 3 - 6 days, his training was way tougher, I was a little upset about it at first, but you had a pretty good reason as to why you did what you did. "Baki, you have school, so you can't be put under so much strain, you're pretty much the baby of the house, and the baby always gets spoiled, so take it or leave it."... Honestly I wanted to leave it, but then you said the best thing I could've ever heard. "And you're also my favorite, so I give you special treatment."... SCORE!!! I WAS THE FAV!!! Take that old man!!
So now, that leads us to right now... Sitting in the living area of Dad's big-ass mansion... Mom just got out of the shower...Oh, and I call you mom now... mentally though, I haven't gotten the confidence to say it out loud yet, but I show it with my actions... Anyways, you threw him the bottle of lotion, because apparently you always allowed him to put lotion on you... I didn't need that mental picture...But this was hilarious.' Baki thought as he watched the scene unfold before him.
The wide glass coffee table separated him from both you and Yujiro, You were standing in front of the entryway, an unimpressed stare in your eyes as you stared down Yujiro who was holding the Bottle of lotion that you just threw at him. Your silky robe stops mid-thigh tied securely around your waist, your arms crossed. Yujiro was wearing what he normally wore, a smug smirk on his face as his eyes gleamed with perverted mischief, his hand shifting ever so slightly, making the bottle rotate in his palm.
"No." You simply answered. Yujiro's smirk fell and a frown replaced it instead. "Why the fuck not!? I've done everything you've told me to do, I've been like your fucking dog for the past 9 months, you say I'm your man, yet ya won't even let me put fucking lotion on ya!!" He shouted. You kept the same unimpressed stare as you spoke in an even tone. "That's right because you haven't earned the privilege to do so yet." You responded.
Yujiro bared his teeth, the bottle now in a slowly tightening grip, his other hand balled as he took a single step towards you as he announced his displeasure. "PRIVILAGE!? I've been working my ass off for you, and you still have the audacity to tell me that I've yet to earn the right to put lotion on your damn body!?" He yelled. You didn't react to his anger, your unimpressed stare making him angrier as veins bulged along his arms and neck.
"You've yet to meet my full expectation, Yujiro Hanma, You're still too weak for me to allow you to just freely caress my body like a lover just yet. It's true, that I've recognized you as my man, but you have yet to be recognized as a lover." You explained. His eyes harden into a nasty glare, the lust they once had faded into anger, his grip on the bottle tightening making it bend. "GRRRRR!! WHY YOU-!!" He spoke as he prepared to take another step, but your voice stopped him.
The unimpressed look on your face shifts into a warning glare. "May there be a god in heaven that gives a damn about you, if you bust my lotion bottle I'll cave your fucking skull in." You threatened. His eyes slightly widen before he relaxes some. "Mmmm... Hmph." He scoffed as he gave a small pout. Your warning glare relaxed back into the unimpressed stare, as you uncrossed your arms, placing them on your hips instead, your eyes sizing him up before you gave an approving nod.
"..... Better, I'll admit, that you've gotten stronger, every time you break past your limit barrier, you've gained more access to my body. First the feet, then the calves, then the thighs, and now the back." You said, your head slightly tilting to the side as you went over all the body parts he's now allowed to lotion. He gave a pleased smirk as his eyes gleamed in pride and mischief. "Heh, and pretty soon it'll be the front." He chuckled as his eyes traced over your form.
You seemed unbothered by his stare. "Yes, the front of the foot that is." You said. His pleased stare quickly shifted into a look of rage as he growled. "WHAT!? NOW THAT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!" He shouted, Baki cheeks puffed up as he tried to hold in his laughter, a small bit of snot coming out from how hard he snorted as he sat up rigidly straight. If he was heard, he'd never know as you both continued to stare each other down, not even acknowledging him.
You snatched your head off from Yujiro. "Hmph, it'll take longer than what you dream of before I'd ever just let you caress me in any kind of way." You said in a conceded voice. Yujiro's harsh glare softened, the veins remaining as he tried to look on the bright side. "Well, at least I get to lotion your back." he said. You looked over at him, a gleam in your eyes as your face stayed unreadable. "Yes, but no ass." You simply said. Baki's body shook from how hard he tried to contain his laughter. 'Damn... She's a literal savage.' He thought as his eyes bounced to his father.
Yujiro's face contorted into pure rage, his hair waving about as he shook with anger. "NOW I KNOW YOU'RE FUCKING WITH ME!!! WHY THE FUCK NOT!?" He shouted angrily, his grip back tight on the bottle once more. Your unreadable face turned into a slight frown but the gleam in your eyes remained. 'This bitch.' Yujiro thought. "Because I refuse to allow you to caress me like a lover until you've proven your worth. I'd never let a man weaker than me to ever lay a finger on me in any kind of way, which also goes for you too."
You explained, an arrogant look on your face. Yujiro growled in rage at your words, his grip tightening on the bottle, making it bend and creak. 'THIS FUCKING BITCH!! WHO THE FUCK DOES SHE THINK SHE IS!!!' He thought. Your angered yet calm voice caught his attention. "If you bust my lotion bottle, I'll rip your fucking jaw off, shove it up your ass, wait for you to shit it out, and then I'll reattach it to your fucking face." You promised as you glared at him.
He growled a little longer before he calmed himself, relaxing himself as he calmed, his hair laying back down as he somewhat calmed down. ".....Fine... You sure make one hell of a hard bargain, woman." He said calmly. You scoffed lightly as you looked him up and down, almost like you were judging him. "Humph, it's only fair, right? You wouldn't give a weak woman the time of day, so why should I give a weak man mine? Besides, the only reason why I even allowed you to apply lotion to even the bottom of my foot to begin with, was because I saw potential in your ever-growing strength, and to serve as motivation." You explained.
Yujiro gave you a perplexed stare. "Huh? Motivation? I already have enough of that." He said. You nodded in agreement. "True, to be the true strongest, yes, but to get what you truly want, no." You said. He stared at you, thinking over your words, Baki also stared on in wonder. You crossed your arms, the unimpressed look coming back across your face as you explained.
"I am your true motivation, granting you access to a new part of my body, every time your strength improves serves as motivation. I am what you really want, and to see that you're getting closer and closer is enough to motivate you. You can't see how strong you've gotten against me, but you can see it on my body. The more granted access, the further along you've come along." You said, your legs shifting some, drawing his attention to them. The smooth, recently shaven skin gleamed under the light.
His eyes focused on your legs as he spoke, his eyes slowly trailing up as he spoke. "I see, so you're like a tracer of sorts, that's pretty damn smart." He said. 'It really is, that's Mom for you though.' Baki thought as he listened to you both speak. You rolled your eyes, but you swelled with pride. "But of course it is, but I can promise you now, you're still too weak to even get a pinch on the top of my big toe." You said. Yujiro smirked, a vein or two bulged as he tried to keep his grip on the bottle loose. "Real bitch move, ya know?" He said. You shrugged, uncaring as you turned your back to him, your hips swaying back and forth as you walked towards the entryway.
You stopped at the frame, your fingers holding onto it as you looked over your shoulder at him. "I know, and I don't care, now get to lathering my back, my skin is drying and I refuse to be flaky." You said, your eyes gleaming sensually as you walked past the frame. Yujiro grunted in displeasure as he rolled his neck, he sighed. "Yeah yeah." He said as he followed you out. Baki remained sitting there, a thoughtful look on his face.
'A tracer huh?... A way to show his progress... So Dad has been getting stronger than... it's hard to tell when he fights against Mom... I can't see much of an improvement aside from his speed and stamina increasing, but that's about it... I need to convince her to up my training... I can't get left behind... I've been slacking... Playing the game... Playing 'Son'... I need to get back into the game.
He thought in determination as he stood up and walked towards the entryway, stopping before he left the room, a smile broke out on his face. 'Damn... I wonder how long Dad is gonna get blue-balled before he is deemed worthy?... This is better than TV.' He thought giddily as he left the living area.
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tossawary · 11 months
Needing something to play in the background during the day, I have started watching Transformers G1 and have now finished the first season. It is very funny to visit the original after getting most of my information through Fandom Osmosis and passing acquaintanceship with more recent Transformers media. I decided to start at the beginning (terrible decision, I know, I will not be changing it) because I have like 40+ hours per week that need background sound and I like studying adaptational choices over time, so I intend to progress through a bunch of Transformers shows in chronological order.
It's kind of like Star Trek: TOS (Star Trek is better) in that I find parts of it very charming, there are plenty of aspects that are even compelling in their potential, but it's also... bad. A lot of it is Very Bad, sometimes in a very funny way and sometimes in a way that is just Not Good and even Problematic. I cannot possibly recommend it.
The animation quality is understandably very low due to the context of its creation (television show from the 80s made to sell toys). I like a few of the Cybertron background paintings, but it still takes me a second to tell a lot of the characters apart, partially because there is a revolving door for supporting characters. The writing quality is even worse. The physics is all over the place. The powers and abilities are completely arbitrary. None of the science works. No one can decide what body parts the Cybertronians actually have. There is way more mind control in this show than I ever expected there to be. This is apparently an alternate universe where the Earth has various types of energy crystals. The Idiot Ball trope is flying all over the place like dodgeballs and the characters are repeatedly hitting themselves with it constantly. Some of the accents are quite silly, yeah, but it still doesn't justify how some people type them out in fanfiction.
And yet I am still mildly entertained, probably because I am already partial to both animation and space opera with robots. And I recognize enough of the characters to find these early versions of them very funny. And some parts of this extended toy commercial were very clearly Done With Love.
Megatron and Starscream are like two halves of a whole idiot. The Decepticons are incapable of not betraying each other for more than a few episodes. Except for Soundwave, who is the MVP of the Decepticons, and yet also does nothing to stop any of the drama. Both sides can just Make New Guys at any time apparently and the Dinobots should unionize. I think Optimus Prime essentially "ok boomer"ed Megatron in the second episode and it was justified. I can't believe that Shockwave didn't just straight up stage a coup or otherwise move on in 4 million years, like, man, DUMP HIS ASS already. Bumblebee has apparently always been Very Smol and Just A Little Guy. Because this is a kids show, all these giant robots are constantly calling the Mortal Enemies They Want Dead "dweebs" and "nerds" and "twerps" and it's Very Funny. And I'm just going to assume that Sparkplug is a nickname and not an adult human man's legal name.
Also, I know the reason that the human kids are in the show is so that the show can go, "Look! This could be you! Being friends with all your favorite giant robots!" But it very much comes off as the Autobots having no real context for Spike's age or squishiness, probably because their own newborns are already able to fight. And Carly's introduction involving renting scuba gear and breaking into the Decepticon base makes her look (and I mean this with bewildered affection) fucking nuts, girl.
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takaraphoenix · 11 months
Alabaster Torrington for the character ask post?
MY BOY. Oooh, I've been having a severe case of Missing Alabaster Torrington for like the past two weeks, how did you mindread that?
Thanks for playing and asking about him!
Favorite romantic ship(s): PERCY!!!, Ethan, Nico, preferably I'll take them in an OT4 too :D
Favorite platonic dynamic(s): also Ethan, but I actually made up this whole alt-reality dynamic for him and Bianca, I love the idea of those two becoming really good friends, plus also the obvious of Lou Ellen because I love her and I have that brother-sister dynamic made up in my head too and it means A Lot to me
LGBT+ headcanon(s): gay, so gay, definitely 100% gay. I see him as the "I do not understand heterosexuals they bewilder me" kind of gay
Job headcanon (in an AU/or future): Mh. Trying to remember if I ever had him have a job in a mortal AU beyond a "necessary cast" (like a fire fighter AU where they're, duh, fire fighters, or a mob boss AU where he's, duh, a member of the di Angelo Family). Generally, I like to lean into his magic nature and I'd love to see him actually have like a... magic shop? Selling crystals and giving tarot card readings and such
Animal shifter headcanon: Long-haired, dark-brown haired cat, potentially a Norwegian because these are my favorite kitties
Favorite canon thing about them: ...that he lived? I'm sorry that sounds lame, but also Riordan Senior famously killed off literally every single "traitor" or "bad guy" demigod who was a named character with story - Luke, Ethan, Silena, Octavian (Chris lived but I'm not entirely counting him since he 1. deserted early, 2. spent like months severely mentally fucked up which felt like "penance" or "punishment" for his choices on a meta level, like, he avoided actual social or even juridical consequences because "hasn't he suffered enough?" coupled with "dating a main character from the good side" which is generally seen as a 'gets out of jail free' card) - to avoid having consequences happen, so I'm deeply in love with the fact that Alabaster was on the rebel side but lived and we got to see what the consequences for the demigods who chose to rebel actually are in the now-time. I love this story. I think Haley Riordan should actually write more about Alabaster, first and foremost, but also generally in the Riordanverse? Like, I would love him to write about the Titan War but from the rebel side, even if it's just one standalone book. I would devour that
Least favorite canon thing about them: That he hasn't returned to me yet ;-; I am REALLY hoping the PJO tv show will feature him, because... obviously wasn't he in the PJO book series since he was created after the fact and not by Riordan Senior, but since he exists now, and since Riordan is involved in the show, I really hope that Alabaster will be featured among the rebels in the tv show. Since they definitely will need more than three and a half rebels? Literally just for visual reasons and if you cast em, give em names (so I am generally hoping for the creation of more rebel demigods due to the tv show but it'd be a real missed opportunity to not feature Alabaster in it)
Character Ask Game
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Okay this is so weird but today I was sitting on my porch doing nothing and then my neighbor's cat just comes to sit next to me like she sometimes does when she sees me and my brain thought "that's a cat you can pet it" and I just sat there and pet her every now and then and it was pretty nice because who doesn't love petting a cat on a porch.
And then it occurred to me that cats are an earth thing. I know, I know, shocker. But I mean it really occurred to me. Like, I looked at this cat that I find so cute and think is normal and I realized that the na'vi would have a totally different thought process when seeing a cat or a dog or even a horse because they just. . . don't exist on Pandora. "Fluffy tiny thing", "furry thing that comes in lots of sizes", "four-legged thing that looks vaguely like a pa'li but is definitely not".
And that got me thinking about this even more. Like, the first time I saw all of the animals the movies have shown us I thought of them as dangerous and alien, sure, but I also found myself trying to see earth animals in them. I saw a thanator for the first time and my mind went "giant ant-panther" because that's all my brain had. The first time I saw a pa'li I thought "horse but not with a hummingbird tongue?". The first time I saw an ikran I thought "lizard-dragon-dinosaur?" and it just kept on going on because they had no prior associations in my memory and completely bewildered my brain because I recognized them as animals but not anything from my world. And then I started thinking about how the na'vi would probably do the same when seeing pictures of earth animals (trying to see their own planet's animals in them).
Of course, the more familiar they became the more I saw some interesting things (especially with the ikrans), but I still always saw them as "other" in a way even dangerous animals on earth don't make me feel simply because my brain recognizes that we are not from the same planet. When it comes to the things on your planet, you spend years and years gaining the associations you have with them to the point where they feel like a part of you. Someone says "snake" and a bunch of shit pops into your mind from basic stuff like "oh, they hiss and have no legs and can be dangerous" to cultural interpretations and your personal life experiences and religious stuff/myths/folklore revolving around them and all of this stuff that we don't have for the animals of Pandora and that the na'vi don't have for the animals of Earth and it just was so weird to think about for some reason because I literally cannot imagine a world without the animals I know and that must be how the na'vi feel about theirs too.
Idk, point is my brain began thinking about how we can never escape our fundamental building blocks. We will never stop looking for what we recognize and it is our base and what does it mean to be on a planet where it's all different. There are no cats as we know them there and when na'vis see a cat in like a picture it will look alien and they won't have all of the knowledge about them that I do and I will never have all of the knowledge of their animals that they do because our fundamental experiences with our separate worlds are so different and for some reason if I were someone like Jake living with the na'vi I would feel so lonely because of that. I would never get to see an animal or plant from my planet ever again and that would just make me feel so isolated, like I'm out of place.
And all of this was triggered by Kiara (my neighbor's cat lol).
Wow, what a fun little message until you got fucking depressed there at the end. Totally agree on being unable to escape your worldview, everything is fundamentally biased. That's why the speculative is such a fun and useful tool for exploring real world concepts and issues.
That being said, there aren't any animals left on Earth at this point. What little animals there are are clones and in zoos, and Jake has probably never been able to afford to go see them. The animals on Pandora are most likely alien looking, but the first animals he's ever been in contact with. That is likely a huge feeling of excitement, and a breath of fresh air! If I had never seen an animal in real life before and then saw one, I'd fucking DIE dude. I'd be collecting little animals all the time.
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jacksgreysays · 1 year
Out of curiosity, have you watched/read Demon Slayer?? Firstly, it's been really great and I think you might enjoy it, but secondly, I haven't seen much on the DoS forum about it which is surprising...! I've always thought a period with demons au like Demon Slayer or Inuyasha would be interesting for a character like Shikako. Plus, it's so full of characters like her overall who are wickedly competent and trying to survive but still maintain their humanity and loved ones. And I think the idea of her being a Slayer and developing her own Breath Style would be very very cool.
Tysm for all your hard work and writing btw!!
Thank you for reading and also reaching out :D
I've not consumed any Demon Slayer, unfortunately. There was a several years gap in my manga/anime consumption a while back and I think that's when Demon Slayer was first coming out/most popular and by the time I was back in other things were coming out so I just never circled back to it.
I did grow up on Inuyasha though and consider it one of my, like, foundational anime but I think because of that my brain forgets that it can play with it as more than just a ctrl find and replace type thing that I did so long ago in these tiny three sentence fic
There is something to be said about the different genres of DoS recursive fic and how more than the strict AU setting, the most defining factor is how easily Shikako can handle the main problems. Or, rather, what the problems that she can't wave away are more indicative of the genre than anything else. Maybe I'm using these terms incorrectly... maybe tone is more accurate.
Because I've read, for example, several "Shikako goes to the Warring Eras fic" that felt like different genres depending on if Shikako could feasibly beat Madara/Tobirama/Hashirama/etc in a fight. If she can't, then it becomes a high stakes horror/thriller where any wrong move could get her killed. Whereas if she can then it becomes a political drama.
I'm maybe getting too off topic. The reason why I brought it up is mostly because it would be interesting to see a recursive fic where Shikako's abilities only just allow her to keep up with the setting as opposed to her usual steamrolling. Don't get me wrong, I also love OP!Shikako enters a new world/dimension and runs around doing whatever she wants, bewildering everyone who witnesses her. But it's rarer to find her in a new world/dimension where she has access to her shinobi abilities but they aren't OP.
(As opposed to the fic where she reincarnates into a new world, but because that world doesn't have chakra she only has her memories/tactical experience. Which isn't nothing, but also isn't the impossibilities of sealing. I mostly am thinking of Leaf/Tavina's the world will hear us roar series in which Shikako is reborn as Tywin Lannister's twin which is fantastic)
So to see Shikako in a world where demons are definitely real and everything she's learned from the Naruto world is only just enough to survive would be very cool!
... I am now letting thoughts of a proper Inuyasha!AU percolate in my brain, lol...
Thanks again for reaching out and for the recommendation I will definitely add Demon Slayer to my list. :D
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ljf613 · 2 years
On Ships With Age Gaps
I've thought about writing a post like this for a long time, but I always decided against it because I don't feel the need to justify anything I say (or do, or enjoy, or ship, or write) to the good people of tumblr.
However, I do think that there are some people on here who, rather than being actively cruel or hateful towards certain shippers/writers, are just really confused or grossed out and don't understand why we people like these things and don't want to just assume that we're all degenerate freaks, and that maybe they might benefit from learning my story.
(Note that this is just my story. Other people may or may not have their own stories, which may or may not resemble mine-- the point is that these stories exist, and that just because you don't understand doesn't mean there isn't a reason.)
I was in middle school when I first realized that I had a (very normal) problem: I was attracted to guys, but boys my age were obnoxious. (Every heterosexual female reading this is nodding their head in sympathy.) Many of them made rude jokes, and said nasty things, and most of them were just generally immature and irresponsible and not-at-all crush-worthy.
Adult guys, on the other hand, were nice and sweet and smart and mature (*insert laughter here*). They knew how to be responsible, and how to treat girls right and take care of the people who mattered to them. They were ready to get married and settle down in a house with a white picket fence and 2.5 kids. (You get the idea. Give me a break, I was, like, eleven or twelve and most of the men in my life really were great guys in happy and stable marriages.)
So, like many other girls my age, I fantasized about attractive twenty-something-year-olds falling madly in love with me. (I can not hammer this home enough: this is perfectly normal behavior.)
But at the same time, I knew that this sort of relationship was obviously something I was not in any way ready for, and, in any case, I didn't actually know very many attractive single guys in this age range. (Because why would I?)
So, instead, like any normal kid, I gravitated toward stories I could live vicariously through. Stories about about girls my own age (or maybe a little older) who fell for guys who loved them back. Guys who were willing to wait for them. Or at the very least guys who treated them like equals, and, once they were old enough, might start seeing them in more of a romantic light.
The very first relationship like this that I remember falling for was Sesshomaru and Rin from Inuyasha.
(Actually, my first real adult/minor ship was probably Lux and Eric from Life Unexpected, but after that dumpster-fire of an ending, I didn't want to think about anything related to that show ever again.) (Although it did introduce me to One Tree Hill, which is still one of my favorite shows of all time, so I guess it did something right.) (And Nathan and Haley probably also fit the bill-- Nathan wasn't an adult, but he was mature and responsible and ready to settle down. TV really should bring back teen marriage plotlines instead of endless cycles of love triangles.)
I discovered anime in seventh grade, and Inuyasha was my second real anime. (In case you're wondering, Fairy Tail was my first.) I quickly fell in love with Rin (who was an example of what would become one of my favorite character archetypes), and her relationship with Sesshomaru fascinated me.
Here you had this demon who hated humans, only to be bewildered when one try to help him, leading him to use a part of his heritage that he'd been rejecting until now in order to save her. And then she just. Follows him. And he lets her? And he just spends the entire series treating her like an equal and letting her do literally whatever she wants?
(To those who read them as father and daughter: uh, if I saw a parent with this sort of laissez-faire approach to child-raising, I would be very concerned. He treats her like a traveling companion and constantly defers to her wishes. She gets kidnapped and he only comes to rescue her when he's sure that's what she wants? Very parental of him.)
And then when he's finally about to reach the goal he's been working towards this entire time, he gives it up the moment Rin gets hurt. ("Nothing was worth losing her?" ICONIQUE, nobody is doing it like him!) And then in the final battle, he fights alongside the same people he was trying to kill when we first met him. All because Rin has taught him that humans have worth, that weakness isn't a sin, that there are more important things than strength and hatred? Are you kidding me?
I've already gone into my love for this ship here, so I'm not going to repeat the whole thing, but I will say that I loved what we saw of them in the finale-- the two of them separated, so that Rin could grow up and decide what she wanted out of their relationship. Because he was willing to wait for whatever choice she decided to make.
This was a game changer for me. It was exactly what I hadn't realized I was looking for. I needed more. What followed was a love for various other wholesome bonds between protective/traumized men and the girls who taught them about love.
Naofumi and Raphtalia of Rising of the Shield Hero (talk about clueless guys-- he seriously managed to convince himself that he only saw her as daughter because he had no other frame of reference and had been so traumatized by the last girl he liked), Kyoko and Katsuya (dude was more than willing to wait for her and only stepped in when she needed him to be there for her? Find me another man this swoon-worthy) and Kureno and Arisa of Fruits Basket (I normally don't buy love-at-first-sight, but for these two cuties I'll suspend my disbelief), Zack and Rachel of Angels of Death (the age gap is the least problematic thing here), Mamoru and Haruka of Until Death Do Us Part (the man literally laughed the idea of their relationship off until he couldn't anymore. And then, again, he let her go and waited until she was ready), Satoru and Airi of Erased (the soulmatism!), Accelerator and Last Order of A Certain Magical Index (alright, fine, I've never been able to decide if I prefer these two to stay purely platonic or eventually fall in love, but whatever they have I adored), and many, many others.
But the thing here is that none of these relationships are the main focus of their respective series. I wasn't going out and actively looking for these ships, but when they showed up in the stories I loved I would certainly enjoy them. (Love stories were cute and all, but magic and adventure were way more interesting to middle-school me.)
It was only when I was in high school and I started getting more into romantic stories that began actively seeking out the sort of thing I was looking for. Seiji and Shiharu of Love So Life are still near and dear to my heart (my guy buys her a ring, tells her he'll never want anyone else, refuses to let her reciprocate, and doesn't go near her for almost six years to make sure that she doesn't choose him until she's really ready. KING), Mao and Hiro of House of the Sun will never stop being adorable (Taamo's drawing style is so stinkin' cute), The Start of Niina is as heartbreakingly lovely as ever (the gift and trauma of reincarnation!), and Faster Than a Kiss is a gem (another great guy who does his best to take care of the girl he loves but won't lay a hand on her until she's ready).
And it wasn't just age gap stories. Because the age gap wasn't the real point-- the point was mature guys who were ready to commit and smart girls who knew a good thing when they saw it. Which is why I also devoured stories about teens getting married (please bring these back, western media) and arranged marriages ("we may not have wanted this but we are going to make it work"). The World is Still Beautiful remains one of my favorite fantasy-romances, Absolute Peace Strategy is hilarious, I really need to reread Prince of Silk and Thorn, Dawn of the Arcana is fantastic, Taisho Maiden Fairytale is super-cute, etc. etc. (This is not an exhaustive list, btw-- feel free to DM me or drop an ask if you're looking for more in any of these genres.)
Once I discovered fandom, fanon, and shipping culture, it was a given that my love for these dynamics would cross over into media where such things weren't canon.
(And, for the nth time, all of this was perfectly normal and understandable behavior for a girl my age.)
These were stories and tropes I adored. But they were stories. Fiction. They were not reality. And even at the very earliest stages of this interest, I understood the difference.
When I was in seventh or eighth grade, there was an incident involving one of my female classmates and a twenty-something-year-old male student-teacher. I was not directly involved (I barely knew the girl) and I wasn't exactly asking for details (I've always prefered to stay out of real-world drama if I can), but middle school girls are loud and I have good ears, so I was pretty sure I got the gist. (Years later, I spoke with one of the other teachers who'd been involved with handling the aftermath, and she confirmed and added some more context.)
To simplify, the teacher in question had somehow gotten a hold of the girl's phone number and had been sending her texts that were not appropriate for a grown man to be sending to a thirteen year old girl. This made her highly uncomfortable, but she was too scared to say anything-- it wasn't as though there was anything explicit or overtly sexual (he told her how pretty she was, and how much he looked forward to seeing her every day, and I do not know or want to know what else)-- and she didn't want to look like she was make a big deal out of nothing. But when her friends found out, they immediately said "this is not okay," and marched her to the nearest female teacher to confess the whole thing. (Good for them!)
Again, I was not directly involved. I did not discuss the subject with any of my classmates, I was obviously not present when the school staff spoke with the guy, and I have no idea what exactly the school policy was for this sort of thing. All I saw from my end was a crying girl being comforted by her friends as they dragged her off, and within the next day or two we were told that this teacher would be ending his postion early (he'd been supposed to leave soon, regardless, as he was only a temp). I never saw him again.
And there was never a question in my mind that this man's behavior was deplorable, that this story should never have happened, and that this girl was a victim of a horrible injustice.
(I have a vivid recollection of being outraged when another teacher-- who happened to be related to him (probably how he'd gotten the job, I don't remember ever our school having had a student-teacher before or after)-- told us he was being forced to leave earlier than planned like we were supposed to be sad about it, and then insisted we make a good-bye card for him (while making snide comments under her breath about how some people needed to learn to keep their mouths shut). (I honestly don't remember whether or not I helped decorate the stupid thing, or what the girl did while this was happening.) I was not old enough or mature enough to fully realize that what this other teacher did was also hideously inappropriate and ought to have been reported as well, but I did know that it was nasty and underhanded and I didn't like it. (This was not the only time when this teacher behaved obnoxiously or passive-aggressively insulted a student for bringing a complaint to the school staff or doing something else she disliked (I was on the receiving end at least once or twice, but that's another story), and she did not return the next year. Good riddance.))
In any case, despite the fact that age gap stories (and even the occasional teacher-student romance) were something I liked seeing in media, I recognized the clear distinction between fiction and reality, and what was right and wrong. I didn't even need to think about it. Even at thirteen, when I didn't fully understand what was and wasn't appropriate behavior for a teacher, this was something I understood perfectly.
And to anyone reading this and saying, "alright, fine, so you liked age gap relationships as a kid because they let you vicariously live out your perfectly ordinary teenage fantasies, but you're not fifteen anymore. Isn't it time you moved on?":
People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Y'all still read/watch the same stories you enjoyed as children-- that's why you're in these fandoms to begin with. If you can understand still loving those things as adults, it shouldn't be much of a leap to grasp me liking the same sort of fictional relationship dynamics I did in high school.
(Which isn't to say those are the only kind of ships I like. They never were. But I'll probably always have a soft spot for them.)
TL;DR: I initially got into age gap ships because they let preteen me fantasize about a hot older guy sweeping me off my feet. No, this did not prevent me from recognizing predatory behavior from real adults. No, I'm not letting go of the things I liked as a kid just because they make you uncomfortable.
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tailsrevane · 1 year
on the one hand i want people to use whatever words help them feel understood, on the other hand every new way we find to tell complete strangers what genitals we had when we were born just feels increasingly dystopian & unnecessary.
this doesn’t mean people who are comfy talking about their surgeries/etc shouldn't talk about them as much as they want btw!!! that shit is important!!! celebrate it!!! i fucking love that i got an orchi, i literally want to get a tattoo of a neutered animal symbol on my thigh to celebrate it. what i think is weird is the like... prevailing expectation that there necessarily should be some mandatory aspect of social identity that informs literally everyone what's in your pants and whether it's always been there. and it feels like it's also there to let people who don't want to acknowledge your authentic, self-professed gender identity what your "real" gender is beneath it.
like, unless you're going to interact with me in a context where i'm naked, it literally does not impact you even slightly what genitals i currently have, and it impacts you EVEN LESS whether they're the same ones i had when i was born.
and like... tagging enbies as like "transmasc" or "transfem" when they've never used those words to describe themselves seems pretty blatantly transphobic? and i've stopped using those terms for myself for the aforementioned reasons and also because... i'm not moving towards either masculinity or femininity? the idea that i'm starting one place & going towards another seems pretty, you know... binary? and i'm *checks notes* nonbinary?
again, use whatever words make you feel comfortable & understood, that matters more than anything else, i'm just bewildered by how much even other queer people try to shove nonbinary people back into the gender binary, and again, even if you aren't nonbinary, hell even if you're cisgender, people feeling entitled to know what genitals you have and whether or not they're factory issued is fucking creepy? please tell me this is making sense.
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gwently · 1 year
2023 part 2?
So fountain pens. While I really got into them in 2022, it was not my first foray into them. My first pen was a gift from an online friend way back in...2017? For my birthday. It was a Pilot Metropolitan and I immediately fucked it up, spilled ink everywhere. I was too dumb to look up how to properly fill it, though i am sure I messed up the nib as well. Since it was a gift it stayed in my room for several years until I threw it out one day, for a reason that cannot be remembered. We laughed at my incompetence and she wasn't angry, so that birthday managed to be memorable.
I don't even know what sparked my current interest in fountain pens. Think I was looking at ink drawings? and remembered these things existed and well I am firmly down the hole. I brought a lot of pens last year, trying out different filling methods or nib sizes, going for cool colours, you name it. Having disposable income for the first time and not knowing what to do with it may be a factor. Sure, I definitely do not need that many pens, but don't judge me. I sure as hell don't judge that one person who tosses in random kanji in their name or bio that is probably google translated, because to them Japanese is a fun aesthetic, not a language used and enjoyed by real people.
I mostly got the reckless spending out of my system, while there are many different inks and pens I still want to try out there's only so many I can use short term, so now the focus is on getting use of what I have and maybe selling/giving away a few. Improving my handwriting and learning cursive properly are also goals of mine, as it is very awkward trying to write a signature and only being able to make the l and t in my last name look pretty, a thing I only know from diving into the bottom of my memory containing a mental image of my mother's handwriting that can no longer be replicated.
Journaling! Right that's the main reason why I use my pens now. I've always written things down on random scrap sheets of paper as little reminders or to do lists — a habit that happens more often due to my grandmother's influence in recent years — so getting a proper journal only made sense. With fountain pens certain inks or nibs respond better on good paper, so that means I also invested in some notebooks. You can quickly see how this hobby can become a money sink if you really wanted to. Thankfully after trying out Rhodia and feeling dissatisfied, Maruman (a japanese brand) stopped my search for paper that suited what I like. I prefer spiral/ring notebooks the most so it was a double win, similar to [insert fighting game reference 0 people reading this would understand]
I lost my train of thought but it's okay, no one will read this. Here's a pen I brought in...(checks amazon purchases) October.
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(yes that is my hand, those aren't scratches it's lint)
The very famous and popular Pilot Custom 823, with a broad nib. It is a vacuum filler — one of my fav methods of filling — and managed to grab it while yen was very, very low so it was around $192 with tax, when normally it would cost me around $220-280. My most expensive pen and probably will be for a very long time. It's funny cause when I first brought it I was like damn. This is kinda mid. Like when you watch that super popular anime that's airing, only to be bewildered at what all the hype is about. Now it's one of my favourite writers, the gold nib has a softness that is fairly unique, making writing with it a breeze as it floats over paper. Sometimes you just need to sleep on things. If it wasn't for the cost I would consider getting a second one, the amber colourway in particular is gorgeous.
Right now though I am interested in vintage pens, there is definitely something nice about holding something older than my grandparents and looking up it's history, and the time period around it.
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(Not my image, credit goes to redeempens/will vintage on reddit) Today I got myself a WASP Clipper in this marvelous brown/gold pattern that is commonly called "circuit board" by collectors. It's a "lever filler", a filling method mostly absent from modern pens.
WASP is a sub-brand by famous pen manufacturer Sheaffer. WASP stands for "W.A. Sheaffer Pen", because why bother with subtlety. This pen was made sometime during the 1930s, cool stuff. Usually pens this old have the risk of having it's ink sac disintegrated, so you would have to repair it yourself or get someone to do it for you. Thankfully the pen I grabbed was already restored, so now I'm waiting on my package of ink to come in the mail to test this bad boy out.
Uhh okay this post was long so bye! This is barely 2023 related but that's what happens when you don't plan things out in advance. Here's a song from an album I've been listening to lately, Spirit World Field Guide by Aesop Rock
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beyondthetemples-ooc · 9 months
Well, not exclusively Locked Tomb, this time it was like a wild amalgamation of an anime, a TTRPG, and Harrhowhark was mostly just There for Some Reason.
I haven't even read anything TLT since I read Nona twice??? I think I started reading GtN again and half of HtN when I was on Very Long Flights in November, but I stopped when I got back from England.
I can't even remember the Plot details, but the POV oscillated wildly between Me (As I Am In This World) watching an animated show, some kind of choose-your-own-adventure movie that you could interact with, and Actually Being Harrowhark In Those Situations.
I specifically remember being like "Ha, that person with black outfit and white accessories looks like Harrowhark-- and SKULL PAINT, WAIT THAT IS HARROWHARK!"
Throughout the dream, I remember being bewildered and delighted that they made Something Locked Tomb into an Animated Series.
(Why must my dreams tantalize me with so many various media adaptions, only for me to wake up and realize they're not real?!)
Gideon made an appearance for approximately 2 minutes to banter with her at one point, she might have been checking peoples' weapons, but mostly it was Harrowhark and... a huge group of people I can't remember anything about.
(random bits I remember and putting a cut because it did get kinda long, even though it's all just Vague Feelings at this point.)
The "plot" involved a lot of running from people, winning competitions, and some kind of threat from the sky where one character stayed out in the open for too long and something dropped on their head that killed them. I was like "Holy shit, they actually killed someone???" But I specifically remember being like, "probably a good thing that was only a side character", I was more shocked by the death being there than upset that That Particular character had died.
(I think that may have been Dream Canon staying true to IRL Canon where I mostly latch onto One singular Character and mostly only have emotional responses to My Favorite. ^^';; It takes a rare and special piece of media for me to LOVE more than One Character!)
I think my brain drew from Pokemon Horizons, because there were scenes that took place in a thing that was a hot air balloon basket sometimes, and others it was a huge airship???
There were also scenes on the ground though, like something happened in a high school locker hallway that had... something to do with people doing crimes I think, I have no idea why my brain decided that was an appropriate place to put that whole thing.
I wish I could remember the plot because it was Adventurous and I was having a GREAT time, totally engaged (or exhilarated in the moments It Was Happening to Me and not a character on a show).
But alas, I woke up to the alarm and it slipped away. it took a solid 20 seconds to transition from Stirring From the Dream to Actually Being Awake. I was dreaming Really deeply, apparently.
Not sure if that's because my subconscious was Inspired by the concert last night (Breaking Benjamin, Disturbed, and Jinjer!) or if it's because, as I told my qpp last night, "I've done more physical activity in the past 48 hours than I have in the entire past 6 months." And was thus absolutely Conked Out.
(Helped Mom move, moved some things into our own place, and then the concert, which is a situation I'm constantly moving in. Even being sore from moving things for 6+ hours, I can't help but sway and dance and slam the rock fist. So yeah, a Lot of physical activity. The most I've done lately is 10-minute walks to bus stops and physical therapy exercises, which are mostly just little muscles in my hips.)
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ma1kayl · 10 months
to start off (owarimonogatari)
i guess a fitting first post would be to talk about monogatari because i'm kind of hyperfixated on it right now.
i watched through, i wouldn't say most of, but a good chunk of the monogatari series anime last year, up through the end of koimonogatari. i don't really know why i stopped, i guess i just kind of convinced myself, "oh, the last story is called hitagi end, clearly this must be the end of the series." needless to say i was very wrong. i found out about hanamonogatari and into final season from a video essay i watched a few months later, thus spoiling a LOT of stuff for myself. i was really pissed off at myself for just stopping halfway through but it was also just a hilariously stupid situation to get myself into.
so here we are about a year and a half later, and i've finally set off to finish the anime. hana and tsukimonogatari were fun stories about my two favorite characters in the whole series (kanbaru and ononoki, obviously), but what i want to get into is owarimonogatari.
(i know that koyomimonogatari comes first in the order of the light novels, and i did watch most of it before i started owari, but the anime did it weird so i decided i'd finish it later. also, from this point on, i'm gonna stop putting the monogatari at the end of titles. we know what we're talking about. moving on.)
starting owari was a very refreshing experience. i had felt that, while hana and tsuki were both really good stories, they kind of lacked the "what the fuck is happening right now" vibe that has really become synonymous with monogatari for me, which is why i was honestly very glad to sit through the first half of ougi formula feeling like i was just having words spoken at me. and, let's be real, that's kind of all ougi formula was. i think the story it told was really interesting and a great way to set up the following episodes, but there's only so much you can do with two people sitting in a classroom for 50 minutes. one reason i was excited to finally start owari was because i finally got to learn who the fuck sodachi is. being around the internet as a fan of the series, you hear a lot of people talk about how "sodachi oikura is the pinnacle of character writing". and while i do agree that she was very well written (and acted) in the short amount of screen time that she got, there's just no way she can come anywhere as close to my heart as kanbaru, i'm sorry. that's just the way things are.
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i really enjoyed sodachi riddle and sodachi lost less for the titular character and more for the depth that they added to araragi as a character. to the best of my recollection at this point in time, i don't think there had been that much about his past up to this point in the story, so getting to get a glimpse through sodachi was super cool to me. i'm glad we end up getting more of sodachi in the later novel seasons past what's been licensed in the states, because i do want to see her grow as a character and as a person with the bit of closure and resolve she got through araragi and hanekawa (and ougi).
as of writing this i'm two episodes into shinobu mail, and i must say i am beside myself with joy for the direction the story seems to be taking. we've gotten a little bit of a glimpse into shinobu's past through the kizu movies and throughout second season (i am positive that it was mostly restricted to a certain arc but i cannot for the life of me figure out which it was without rewatching the whole thing, because i don't think it was shinobu time, but correct me if i'm wrong), but having her former servant (allegedly) come back from beyond the grave as an apparition has the potential to add a whole new angle to the whole thing.
side tangent. i bought volumes 17 and 18 of the bakemonogatari manga today and read through about the back half of 17 (the first half just seemed like your standard adaptation of neko black), and i was bewildered by the connection to what i'm watching in the anime. some random ghost-like apparition showing up that apparently only hachikuji can see, that looks like a suit of armor and saying it was looking for shinobu, MY GOD oh!great is on some shit and i am HERE for it.
moving swiftly along.
i'm very excited to get to continue into owari, because the later stories (particularly mayoi hell) are bound to be very intriguing after all the shit that the characters have gone through at this point.
that'll about do it for this post. much longer than i had anticipated but that's just what happens sometimes. if you found this and read through the whole thing, i appreciate the commitment. stick around if you wanna read more mindless ramblings from yours truly.
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oraclememehacker · 10 months
The Phantom Revisers (A Persona 5 AU Fanfic) Chapter 3 (Part 1): The Editing Process
Previous Chapter here!
When Futaba woke up, she was back in that strange area again. The computer area as her mind was calling it. She pushed herself off the graphics card bed and walked into the cpu room, her eyes still looking around the area. It was still such a strange and fantastical setting she found herself in. But wait, how did she get here? Did she pass out or something? Her mind struggled to remember what had just occurred, then she started to remember what had occurred.
Entering that strange other world, going into the stadium, getting captured and thrown into the brig, almost being killed by Sakamoto. It was all flooding back into her mind. That all was real? And that power she wielded, that was real as well? Well damn. Made her feel like the protagonist of a Shonen anime. Which was admittedly very cool. Before she could contemplate on this more, that voice spoke to her. Igor.
“Welcome back. I’m sure you’re quite confused about what you just went through.” Igor spoke, noting the obvious confusion on her face. It wasn’t the first time he had gone through this, and it certainly wasn’t going to be the last. “Last time we spoke, I told you that we would meet up again once events were set into motion. And my my, it certainly has. I’m sure you have many questions, and I will answer them for you in time.”
The long nosed weird man was once again being vague about stuff. What stuff had been set into motion? Why? It was all so perplexing, and she was just left giving him a bewildered look. “You have extraordinary power.” A card would float down, a tarot card showing the fool. “You have the power of the wildcard. It is like a blank sheet of paper. Useless on its own, but the possibilities are endless.” In Futaba’s mind that only meant one thing. That she was a protagonist now! Maybe. This was still confusing, but intriguing. So, for now, she just listened like she always did.
“You have the possibility of changing not only your story, but the stories of everyone around you. Think of yourself as the author of your own story, and the stories of others. Society’s story is one that is rapidly approaching a very critical point. It’s up to you to decide whether the story has a happy ending, or a sad ending.” Well, Futaba did like writing, so that was even better!
“What was with that…thing that I summoned. Ananshi was it?” Futaba asked, remembering the book that came down and then her summoning some fantastical thing that took care of the guards that Ryuji sent out. “That is your persona. One that is a facet of you. You will find others who will find they will be able to control their own stories. Seek them out, as that will be the way for you to become stronger as well.”
She was already friends with that one guy. Sojiro was it? Were they friends? She thought they were anyways. But after what happened who knew. Maybe he didn’t want anything to do with the weirdo who suddenly put him into a strange world where they were almost killed by their gym teacher. That would certainly be a reasonable response anyways. “Next time we meet, you’ll be showing up on your own accord. Then, I’ll show you to the ones who will be helping you in your effort to rewrite the narrative of humanity.”
Wait a minute, did he just say rewrite the narrative of humanity? Wow, she really did feel like a protagonist now. “Hang on…how exactly am I supposed to do that? I write fanfiction, I don’t exactly write anything that important.” Futaba would realize how stupid she sounded but to her it was a valid question. “All will be revealed in time. For now, it is time for you to go back to the real world. We shall meet up again.” Before she knew it, everything turned to white as she woke up…
[April 10th, 2017]
“Nnngh…” Futaba groaned as her eyes slowly fluttered opened, blinking a few times to remoisturize them as she was discerning what was going on. Where was she? As she pushed herself up, that would be answered for her. She was in the attic of Café lupin. There was a part of her that wished that she was awake at her house in Yokohama but that simply wasn’t the case. “So, I’m back here…did I pass out or something?”
She heard the creaking of stairs; someone was making their way up. She went into a defensive posture, gripping the sheets in case they were going to come after her. It was then she realized it was Amamiya, who was checking up on her. “Hey you, you’re finally awake, huh?” Ren remarked with a small grin on his face as she saw how defensive she was. “What, did you expect someone to attack you? Rest assured dear; they would have to get through me first. I’m always going to keep you protected because I don’t need to be killed by Wakaba. I’d rather her date me first.”
Somehow, she was unsurprised at his reaction and just sweat dropped, letting go of the bed sheet and relaxing herself. “Anyways, everyone’s been worried about you. You’ve been passed out for the last few days!” Past few days?! What the hell? Her eyes shot open at that, and she let out a gasp. “Was I really? I don’t really remember what happened…” She lied though admittedly she genuinely didn’t remember passing out.
“Well, according to your pal uh…Sakura Sojiro I think he was called. Yeah yeah, Sakura found you passed out in the alley way near the school you were supposed to be going to. Shujin I think it was.” Oh. Yeah, she was heading to school and then everything happened. She still wasn’t sure if all of that was a dream or not, but she would figure it out. Eventually. “Yeah, we talked briefly. Not sure if I would call him a pal or not.”
It was the first time that they had met after all. That didn’t change the fact that they had gone through so much in such a short period of time. “Oh. Well, he was very concerned about you regardless. But I do have one more question. Did you buy some sort of weird robot cat thing?” Futaba raised an eyebrow out of confusion. Robot cat thing? What the heck was he talking about? Then she remembered the catgirl in that other world. Did it come back with them? “Uh…y-yeah. I had it shipped here.”
Another lie, but she couldn’t exactly explain that she found it in some other world. “Anyways, get dressed. You’re going to school soon. For real this time. You’re already on thin ice, you don’t need to end up drowning.” He was right. She really didn’t need to end up getting put in Juvie over not going to school she was forced to go through because of probation. She forced herself out of bed as he was making his way downstairs. She was still in her school outfit, but it probably smelled a bit.
As she was getting herself presentable for school, she checked for her phone. It was thankfully sitting on her computer desk. She was looking and saw that apparently, she had missed a few phone calls from Wakaba and a few texts from her from the day that things had happened, basically asking why the hell she wasn’t at school yet and what was going on. In addition, there were a few texts from a number that she didn’t recognize. Did her number get leaked or something?
[Text from: Unknown]
[???]: Hey, this is Sakura, Sojiro. I got your number from your mom.
[Sojiro]: I hope you are doing alright. I’m still reeling over what happened and all that.
[Sojiro]: When you wake up, please text me back. I want to talk to you. I’ll make sure to get you to school.
[Sojiro]: I know this doesn’t make any sense, but I wonder if there’s any way we can go back to that world.
[Sojiro]: Oh, and I think that android thing we found is in the real world. It apparently took the form of a cat or something. I still can’t make any heads or tails of any of this.
[Sojiro]: Thanks for saving my life btw. I know you’re a good person despite your record.
Futaba looked at the series of texts and let off a small sigh of relief. Okay good, it was just Sojiro. She didn’t know much about him, besides the fact that he was wanting to work for the government and such. But she knew that he had a good heart. So, she decided to text him back.
[Text From: Futaba]
[Futaba]: Heh, you got my number from my mom :-P
[Futaba]: I’m finally awake though. Feel like a character who just woke up from a coma though lol
[Futaba]: Yeah, apparently it is in the form of a cat or something. Anyways, I’m getting ready for school. We can meet up at Itchome station.
[Futaba]: What a weird day the other day was.
[Sojiro]: Tell me about it. See you there.
Since she wouldn’t be able to shower until after school at the earliest, she put on more deodorant than usual, sprayed herself down with perfume until it was a bit overpowering. She then grabbed her phone and her bag and made her way downstairs, the smell of fresh coffee and curry hitting her nose. Amamiya was finishing up prep work to open the café, and he turned to look at her. “Ah, there you are. Isshiki-chan. Delighted to see you up and about. I made you your lunch today.”
“I thought I was supposed to fend for myself, like a character starting off on their journey.” Futaba was perplexed but wasn’t going to complain. Perhaps mom made him do so? Or maybe this was just a pity offering again after passing out. “Surprised my mom didn’t make this for me though.” Futaba added on though was hearing sounds of mechanical buzzing and whirling. Turning her attention to the source of the noise, she saw a mechanical cat of sorts rolling towards her.
It resembled a cat, ears, and a tail and all that. But it was clearly mechanical in nature as it was walking towards her. “Your mother, your oh so sweet and lovable mother has overslept it seems. You know, she hasn’t really been acting like her normal self these past few days. She seems so down in the dumps. Yet she rejects me when I merely try to help cheer her up!” God, she forgot how annoying Amamiya could be. But hearing that her mom was down in the dumps made her lips curl into a frown.
Before she could make a response to that, she felt a rubbing against her legs. Oh yeah, the mechanical cat. “Ah yes, and your android cat thing is down there. I don’t understand how you bought something as advanced as that on a whim. Must’ve been expensive.” “I uh, got a good deal on it?” Futaba replied sheepishly, looking down at it. “Ah, you must be M012G4NA …I’m calling you Mona.” “My designation is indeed M012G4NA. However, if you wish you can call me Mona.” The android cat said in a typical ai sounding tone.
“I wish to come with you in order to figure out why my memory banks were wiped, and the purpose of my existence is.” Ah right. He had amnesia basically. The tropes were right there and waiting. “In addition, I can get into a compact shape for better portability if need be.” To demonstrate, Mona would start to compact himself, tail and legs going into his body. He looked more like a small body with a head now. “Wow, that’s uh, amazing. I guess you can come with me then.” But where to? Oh!
Her bag! That’s it. She opened her bag up and put the android cat into her bag. He was a bit heavy though but oh well. She grabbed her lunch and put it in the bag alongside him. “Appreciate the lunch, and uh, don’t worry, I’m planning on getting to school this time. I already feel bad enough for not getting to school.” As she was heading out, she saw Wakaba make her way in. Perfect timing, considering she wanted to talk about something important before leaving.
“Hey mom, can we talk really quick? In private.” Wakaba raised an eyebrow at that and just nodded. It was clear she was tired and didn’t get much sleep and was looking down in the dumps still. Was it her fault? Futaba motioned for her to follow, and they made their way upstairs to the attic area. Man, this android cat was heavy; it was going to take a bit to get used to. Once they were in her room, she turned to look at Wakaba. “So um, while I did pass out before getting to school, that’s not the full story. I still don’t understand fully though what happened.”
“What do you mean sweetie?” Wakaba had a concerned tone evident in her voice. Did something else happen? As far as she could tell, Futaba wasn’t sick, but she had passed out. There was a possibility of something but there was no way she knew about that, right? “Is everything alright? You didn’t hit your head, or anything did you?” Despite everything, she was still showing her motherly ways to her daughter by showing immense concern.
“N-No, at least I don’t think so. I don’t remember anyways.” She was glad that Wakaba was concerned, but she wasn’t sure how she would react to the next stuff. “So, um... before I passed out, and I’m not entirely sure how this happened still, but I found myself in some alternate world. I was near my school, and it suddenly transformed into like this story book location of some arena that also was pirate themed. It was like a shrine for that gym teacher or something. A lot happened in there.”
Wakaba just stared at Futaba for a second with a bewildered expression before saying something unexpected. “You must’ve just dreamt all that Futaba.” “Huh? I wasn’t mom. Look, it doesn’t make any sense but- “She was interrupted by a sudden sharp tone. “I said, you dreamt that Futaba. I’m not going to repeat myself. Do not bring that up again. I mean it.” Man, she wasn’t expecting that tone that was for sure.
After a moment to compose herself, Futaba attempted to speak up. “Mom, you always told me to be honest with you. I’m being honest with you right now about what happened. It was like I was suddenly in an iskeai and I’m still processing what’s going on. Why would I dream up something so vivid like that?” It was clear that Wakaba was getting increasingly upset at this by the scowl that had formed on her face. “Futaba dear. I love you to death, but I forbid you from ever bringing that up again. I will start revoking internet privileges from you if you do. Do you understand me?!”
Futaba just gritted her teeth and her hands turned into fists. It was clear that she was trying to hide something from her. She knew that her mom was working on stuff that she didn’t allow her to be privy of. This had to be related to it. After a bit and having to hold back, she just started to walk towards the stairs. “Fine. Don’t listen to me then. Shows how much you care about your daughter who could’ve been killed, and you would never know it. Maybe you aren’t that good of a mom after all.”
Those words were sharp like knives as Futaba made her way down the stairs after going back momentarily to grab her headphones, barely paying attention as Wakaba tried to say that she was just trying to protect her, but to no avail. At this point Futaba was just too upset, grabbing the tub that had her lunch curry in it and tossed it into her bag before making her way out. Mona would stick their head out, concerned. “I do not mean to intrude, but are you alright? That did not sound like a pleasant conversation just now.”
“It’s fine.” She lied through her gritted teeth making her way to the station. “I just thought I’d tell the truth to the one person who I have the most truth for and get punished for it. I’m fine.” Another lie that was obvious from her tone and body posture. “Perhaps she has a reason. However, it seems that she did not handle the situation the most ideal fashion. But I do not have much more information to give to you at this current time. However, what you saw was real, regardless of what she said.”
This android cat thing was right, and it helped calm her down a bit. Regardless of what her mom said, it was real. And she intended on seeing more of it. “We’re going there after school. This time on purpose. It’s my main quest right now.” Futaba was feeling energized about that proclamation as she got onto the subway and was standing in a crowd of people, playing some music through her headphones to drown out the music once again.
The time flew by, and eventually she was at Itchome station. Getting off, she noted that Sojiro was there waiting for her. “Was wondering when you’d arrive. This time I’m making sure you’re getting to school. Can’t exactly learn if you never get to school, you know.” That wasn’t entirely true, but it did elicit a chuckle from her. “Well, I can’t fail my quest to get to school with you by my side, now, can I?”
“You did the first time Isshiki-san. But that was entirely your fault.” “How is it my fault?!” She went on the defensive as they made their way out of the station, taking that same short cut towards the school. “You have that app that brought us there. So therefore, with that logic, you are at fault. It’s really that simple.”
“That logic of yours is already annoying.” Futaba just let off an aggravated sigh as the school was now in full view. There were some hushed whispers around them, consisting of people saying that was the hacker girl who stole information and freaking out not wanting their information compromised, as they really didn’t want what they searched for on school wifi to be found out. Some speculated that she was too good to go to school, the usual rumor gossiping stuff.
“I wouldn’t listen to them. The last few days that you haven’t been here, rumors about you have been spreading like wildfire. Unfortunately, most of these people just blindly follow what they hear. It’s basic herd mentality really.” Sojiro just remarked, an icy cold glare going towards those who were staring at them. “That bag looks awfully heavy by the way. What do you have in it?” “The android cat thing.” “What…why?” “It wanted to join me, and I said sure. I have a new party member now.” Upon hearing that, Sojiro just shook his head. “Anyways, I’m in 2-D, so we’re in the same class by the way.”
At the very least, Futaba had someone who was gonna stick up to her during class. Making their way in, Futaba’s eyes shifted around. First time she was in here, it was empty. But now the place was buzzing with activity. It was really hitting her now that this was the place, she was going to be spending most of her time at for the next year. Looking down the hall to her right though she noticed something going on. Sakamoto had a student cornered and was about to lay into them it seemed like.
“I don’t want to hear any more of your damn excuses any more Suzui! It’s always one thing or another with you. Either your leg hurts or your stomach hurts. I’ve had it up to here with these excuses!” He was irate and slammed his hand into the wall. “You want to be a part of the track team? To accomplish something with your life? Then get out there and do something! You wanted so badly to be on the team, and now you won’t even contribute! God, you make me sick.”
The young woman, that being Suzui Shiho, was whimpering and trying to slip from him but couldn’t and was taking the verbal abuse head on. She was a first-year student, and known for her athleticism, particularly regarding track and field. She was being considered a prodigy and was happily put on the team. However, her reputation was a huge strain on her, causing her to slip up. That and the apparent berating from the track coach didn’t help anything.
Normally she had her hair tied up, but today it was down, and she was experiencing one of the worst berating yet. “I once had a broken leg, an effin broken leg and you know what I did?! I went on to win Gold for the 200M dash at the Olympics! So, you can do the same thing!” God, Sakamoto was absolutely infuriating, and she turned to Sojiro who seemed to be unfortunately used to this and was just letting things go. All the students and faculty seemed to be unmoved by what was going on.
Well, she had seen enough abuse and bullying at her old school and middle school, and she wasn’t going to take this. She marched up to him, and with a nervous stride, spoke up. “Hey, leave her alone! A teacher isn’t supposed to be abusing a student like that. Talk about a power imbalance there.” Sakamoto immediately turned around after hearing that and glared icy daggers at her. “Oh, you’re the hacker girl. You have no right to be saying that after leaking personal data for your own benefit.”
“I would tell you that I didn’t do that, but nobody seems to believe me. It doesn’t matter! S-She’s crying! Look at her!” Suzui really was crying, big hot tears rolling down her cheek as the harassment was just too much for her today. The truth was, she was feeling just fine, she just couldn’t stand the back handed encouragement that he gave, and how condescending and cruel he could be. And the bragging, oh god the bragging. It was just too much for her.
“Well, maybe if she bothered to put in any effort, then she wouldn’t deserve it.” Hearing that just made Futaba’s stomach churn. “She doesn’t deserve to be…be abused! I’ve dealt with my own bullying and harassment enough to see the patterns. Just leave her alone!” It was clear that Sakamoto was royally pissed off, and the onlookers were gasping and awing at the fact that someone stood up to him. “You’re on my shit list now. More so than before. This isn’t over Suzui-chan. I expect to see you on the field after school.”
Making his exit, Futaba let off a huge breath. Holy shit, she stood up to someone? Maybe it was because of the power that she felt, the power to change people’s narratives and stories. Regardless, she looked at Suzui and felt so bad for the poor young girl. “Um…you want a hug?” Yeah, a hug from a stranger. That was going to fix everything. But, in a shocking twist, Suzui pulled Futaba into a big, giant hug and was getting tear stains on her messy school uniform.
For the next minute, Futaba was used to get out all those emotions that were pouring out of her out, despite them only meeting up for the first time. It was probably some sort of reflexive move since nobody wanted to help. “I-I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have…um…I don’t even know who you are.” Suzui tried to move away awkwardly, realizing what she had just done. “Uh, don’t worry, heh. I asked if you wanted one. I’m Isshiki Futaba. It’s nice to meet you. What’s your name?”
“Suzui Shiho.” She responded with a downtrodden tone. “You must be the transfer student that was supposed to be here the other day. They’ve been talking about you…said you did something horrible at your old school. But um…you don’t seem like the type who would do something bad. Especially if you’re willing to stand up for me.”
“I’ve been bullied and harassed too much to not stand up for others. Sheesh though, he’s like an anime villain though.” It was especially true with that pirate motif that he had in his…whatever that place was called. “Heh heh, I guess that’s true. You’re a second year, right?” Suzui asked and when she got confirmation of that, gave a bow. “Thank you so much Isshiki-senpai for helping me.”
Being called senpai was weird but she appreciated it. “I didn’t do anything really. I didn’t even really complete a quest. Just doing what I felt was right.” They would hear the bells for first period, and it was time to go. “We can meet up at lunch or something if you want to talk more Suzui-chan.” “Thanks but I’m going to be busy during then. See you around Isshiki-senpai!”
Now it was time for Futaba and Sojiro to make their way up the stairs and to 2-D before they were considered late. Which they were barely able to make it in time to see their teacher, Ann Takamaki getting prepared for things. Finally, the new student was here. “Okay class, before we start today, I want to introduce our new student.” Futaba was put under the spotlight already before she even got a chance to find the one open spot, which seemed to be right next to Sojiro in the middle of the room.
She made her way up to the front of the class and gave a polite bow before writing her name on the board. “I’m um…sure you’ve heard about what I was accused of doing. I’m also sure nobody’s going to believe me when I say that I didn’t do it.” She heard the whispers of course. They were afraid that their data was going to be leaked and she was going to blackmail them. “Okay okay, that’s enough. We aren’t here to judge her for past mistakes, alright? She’ll be here for the next year and if I hear you all go after her, you’ll get to clean this whole classroom up twice. If you all continue you will be required to stay after every day to clean. Understood?”
That seemed to shut everyone up quickly. “It’s nice to meet you all regardless.” She bowed before rushing back to her seat, her heart beating a bit fast. It was like she had dozens of eyes all on her at once. God, she hated this, her social anxiety was quickly rising to a fever pitch. “Ahem. Anyways, I’ll get you caught up with what you’re behind on, Isshiki. As for the rest of you, please turn in your homework I assigned yesterday regarding adjectives in English.”
Mona stuck out his head from the bag after papers were brought up. “You did the right thing by helping that lady earlier. Good job Futaba. I wish to speak to her though, as she seemed pretty.” Seriously? The android cat boy was having a crush on someone? Well, that was just lovely. “I’m sorry to tell you though that you wouldn’t stand a chance with her Mona. Because well…you are an android cat.” “We shall see about that. I believe I can charm her.” “You have about as much chance as me getting in a relationship. 0%.”
She couldn’t believe she was arguing with this thing but here she was. Pushing that aside, she focused on just getting through her first day of school in Shujin academy. Thankfully for her, it seemed to fly by, mostly getting forgotten as she was listening to classes and taking down notes. All the teachers were kind enough to give her material to catch up with because of her unexpected passing out. Lunch break came quicker than expected, and she saw Suzui at one point, but was unable to talk to her as she left to go somewhere.
The end of the school day arrived and as she was heading out to meet up with Sojiro, she once again noticed Suzui who was heading to the practice field. From her demeanor she really didn’t want to go but didn’t have any choice. Futaba made her way to the upset girl and tried to cheer her up. “Hey. Uh, sorry for surprising you. Hug again?” That seemed to help before but unfortunately, she was turned down. “No, sorry Isshiki-senpai. Don’t worry about me, alright? It won’t matter anyways…”
There were some red flags running through Futaba’s head, but she really needed to meet up with Sojiro. “Look, I barely know you, we’re basically level 0 in terms of acquaintances. But I do know that you deserve to be treated better than you did. We can hang out tomorrow if you like, Suzui-chan. It’s not like I have many friends here.” There was a lengthy pause, Suzui clearly contemplating with, her lips slightly agape. “Sure, Isshiki-senpai! I’d love to spend time with you!”
That made Futaba smile, as she knew that this young woman was going through a lot. “Good. I’ll set my objective marker then! Tomorrow after school. I’m not all that familiar with this area though.” “Don’t worry, I’ll show you around. I gotta go now, before I get yelled at again. I’ll see you around Isshiki-senpai!” A much more motivated and happier Suzui made her way towards the practice area and Futaba had a sense of relief hit her. But there was still some worry, a lot of it in fact.
Sojiro was waiting them by the front door as she walked out of the school. He seemed to be in a surprisingly good mood. Her curiosity was peaked. “What’s got you in a good mood Sakura-san?” Futaba asked. “Oh, you know, I got some damn good coffee today, so I’m in a good mood. It’s actually because of you.” Because of her huh? Now her curiosity was really piqued. “What do you mean because of me?” “Because you stood up to him like that. You defended Suzui-chan. She’s been bullied by him and others for a while now. I tried to help but it just got me into a bad spot. I’m proud of you.”
“Man, you sound like my mom. Always praising me like that.” Futaba just shook her head. “Heh, I met her you know. I know exactly where you get your traits from.” Sojiro retorted back. “Anyways, I want to see more of that world we were in. There’s something we can do in there I think.” “That is correct. The power to change the stories of many individuals are in there. Including of the one that you refer to as Sakamoto-sensei.” Mona told them, peeking out of the bag again.
“And with my protagonist like powers we shouldn’t have any problems!” Futaba sounded a bit smug as she said that, but it was true. Hopefully anyways. Now it was time to head to the alleyway where they had initially entered the world at. Once they made their way there, she pulled out her phone out and pressed the Metanarrative app. It asked for a name and title or used a saved search. She didn’t realize this was how it worked; and it seemed that they triggered this by accident.
“So, when we entered that world, it was because we accidentally put in the stuff that it needed.” Now that Sojiro was thinking about it, he did say a title. He thought he was just being clever at the time. “…Damn. I guess it’s my fault then.” “Ha! I knew it. I knew it wasn’t my fault.” “Shut it Sakura-san!” “Wehehehe, it’s your fault, it’s your fault!” “I said shut it Sakura-san!” The two would have a playful back and forth before she pressed the button, and they would end back up in that world again.
Chapter 3 Part 2 Here!
1 note · View note
jetjust · 2 years
Machete screenit
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Penelope Cruz shows off her toned physique in a halter-neck dress with quirky chequered flag print a.
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Princess Charlene stuns in all-white lace outfit as she joins Prince Albert and their children Gabri.
Britney Spears' ex-husband Kevin Federline tells 60 Minutes that the pop star's father Jamie 'saved.
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'He didn't cheat': Love Island's Ekin-Su Cülcülolu claims she 'trusts' boyfriend Davide Sanclimenti.
The REAL reason your multivitamin isn't working - THIS game-changing v.
Newlyweds Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck pack on the PDA as they head to an LA animal rescue center.
Elizabeth Debicki channels Princess Diana as she and Dominic West film scenes portraying Willia.
'I am one tiny person': Laura Whitmore claims she 'wasn't allowed' to ask Love Island contestants if.
Cost of living on your mind? Here's how to take control of your money.Spencer Pratt claims Lisa Kudrow told wife Heidi Montag he would 'MURDER her' as he explains why he.Harry Styles stands out in Gucci ensemble as he touches down in Venice separately from girlfriend Ol.Kerry Katona dances with her ex-husband Brian McFadden in surprise reunion for daughter Molly Marie'.Patsy Palmer, 50, displays her VERY bronzed physique in a neon blue swimsuit as she relaxes by the p.Charles heads to church alone in Balmoral after his 'pain' at Harry and Meghan's jibes and 'bewilder.'Shocking footage shows a member of staff threatened by two men, both armed with knives, who took cash from the till before making off on foot.' 'Imran was trying to delay him by pressing the buttons on the till but the man said hurry up or I'm going to hit you.'Ī West Midlands Police man said: 'We are investigating an armed robbery at a convenience store just before 8.30pm on Thursday. Shop owner Zaki Noorullah, 33, said: 'They said: "Open the till and give me all the money." The shopworker tries to stop the men as they leave with around £200 in total. In the video, as the till slides open the men shove Imran aside and pocket handfuls of bank notes. The footage shows one of the men un sheath a large machete when approaching the shop West Midlands Police confirmed they are looking for the two raiders responsible for what they describe as a 'shocking' raid Imran later admitted to purposefully stalling in the hope help would arrive. He can be seen fumbling anxiously as he taps in the code, a knife to his chest all the while. The clip of the robbery, which took place at 8.30pm on November 12, has no audio but both robbers are clearly ordering Imran to open up the till. Astonishing moment gorilla gently tries to coax injured bird to fly after it lands in its zoo enclosure.Watch the bodywork! Friendly elephant Ezulwini take a closer look at safari party - and scrapes their car with his impressive tusks.Most of the time, #1 happens because of #2. Why doesn't the competition do this or think this way?ġ) Their priority is to make as much money in as little time as possible and to do it as cheaply as possible. Perfection - or rather, sublimity - is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away. simplify, simplify, simplify cut, cut cut and then work to perfect what's left over. They understand that tech is used by PEOPLE, and people have lives to get on with. They actually give a damn about the User Experience. Can you identify with this?Īpple operates from a completely different place and mindset from everyone else. It's not marketing-speak or hyperbole for the camera. You wouldn't even believe he's talking about tech but something entirely different. Someone who is prepared to say no to a thousand things, and yes to that one special idea. Does he sound like someone who doesn't treat tech as a craft, as an art? This is someone who sounds like he's prepared to make some heavy sacrifices for the sake of perfecting a product. It comes down to building priorities around it and executing on them.
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0 notes
delicrieux · 3 years
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extra meaning non-canonical occurrence; can be placed anywhere in the “make you say oh” timeline after couple (cha. 14) and before the final “oh”. 
pairing—corpse husband x f!reader warnings—tinder profiles, tw: men, swearing.  word count—2.6k. format— written. ─── ❥ req by nonnie​:  y/n makes a youtube vid/live stream where she's just swiping through her tinder acc and corpse literally blocks her lmao
author’s note—akldsljfs this was such a funny idea i could not not write it lmao
ultimate masterlist. myso masterlist
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You have pulled the biggest brain move by setting up both a facecam and a screen recorder on your phone. All is beautifully displayed and visible during the stream. Your fanbase is particularly intrigued on what exactly are you planning on doing today, seeing as your tweet of “strea” had been a bit vague, if not downright ominous. No emojis. No elaboration. You couldn’t even be bothered to finish the word. Truly, a mystery. Everyone tuned in and are currently waiting with bated breath.
A few of your fans must sense upcoming doom because the overall mood in the chat turns from optimistically intrigued to...evil. It’s an entity all on it’s own now, clawing at you through the screen with various renditions of laughter and devil emojis. A few eggplants thrown in there for good measure, accompanied, naturally, by the scandalous water drops. At first the common consensus is that you’re biting the bullet and going through your camera roll on stream. Definitely an idea worth considering, though you frankly don’t know what lies at the start of the 11k photograph journey, and you are afraid to check in public. Could be a harmless meme, could be a salacious pic you had saved of an OF star. It’s really a gamble. Either way, you would definitely get banned. You might still get banned. Why do you insist on doing shit like this?
Because it’s funny. Because you’re kinda stupid. Because it’s just so absolutely laughably easy to do.
A smile quirks your lips, and while it is not explicitly smug, the look in your eyes sure is, “Greetings,” You utter lowly, dimming the lights--the budget for this stream! Ugh, you went all out, “my children.”
mother i crave violence
sensing evil energy rn!!
i do not claim the energy in this video for myself or anyone else watching this 💖💖
^with peace and love shut the fuck up
“I know y’all lowkey hoes-” Upon your words the chat splits into two: one side eagerly agrees (even shares a few OF accounts! How helpful, supporting small businesses!), whilst the other feverishly insists on innocence. You make a face stuck somewhere between offended and bewildered, “Now c'mon now-I know you. I know you all. We’re the same, don’t-what was that?”
You try to scroll back to the comment but it’s loss in the sea of incoming messages, “I swear to God I just saw-”
Corpse_Husband: i love late night streams it’s not like i have anything better to do.
rip headphone users
i cant feel my face when im with you by the weeknd but instead of face its my fucking ears
yall think full vol on pc is better?my parents woke up 😭😭😭😭
To think he’s spending his last waking moments for today with watching you (he probably still would have anyway, because you do not posses an ounce of shame or self-control and pester him relentlessly)! It makes your heart sing, and suddenly, a traitorous, fun hating idea barges it’s way through the crowd of incoherent buzzing and states: don’t do this. For some reason it also has the voice of Rae. As if that would work in guilt-tripping you- Rae never succeed, and her fictitious rendition in mind won’t fare much better either.
Still, you thought about it. That must count for something. Corpse will understand, won’t he? Why don’t you want to upset it in the first place? Men look so funny when they lose their shit, like hello, don’t you have anything better to do? But the image of Corpse just sitting there, hurt, distraught, leaving you on seen because he’s in his sad boy hours leaves a sour taste in your mouth. 
queen rly went from  🥺😊 to 😕 u ok bbgirl?
Corpse_Husband: no pouts cutie
akjdjoeijdfse cUTIE??? deadass boutta r.i.p.
Well that succeeded in eliminating everything from mind, doubts included. If this was an anime, the scenery would shift into something roseate, with flowers and bubbles and sparkles all around you along with a halo or two. Alas, not an anime, rather reality. The led-lights, however, seemingly possessing a will of their own, slowly turn from deep violet to pink. You smile brightly, like the absolute dumbass you are, and you are met with a ray of heart and blushing emojis. You are just so cute, a real cutie! Still in your disguise adorable state, you swipe your finger on your phone screen, the grin never leaving your lips.
There, among the plethora of apps, nestled sits a red square with a white fire plastered on it. The delicate calligraphy on the bottom reads: TINDER.
The mood changes once again- you’re giving the roaches emotional instability by how quickly everything flips over- and the chat spams eggplants vigorously; some, of course, bravely fight against the thirst.
nooooooo i thought y/n is gonna stream in a god honoring way!!!
^pack it up girl defined
“So, Charlie and I-” You note a few awfully curious comments and squint, “-yes, we talk a lot. Charlie is a really good friend of mine. We’re best friends. Brothers. Sisters. Cousins. The whole fucking family tree-no, that sounds weird. Delete. Anyway, Charlie, being the absolute fucker he is, said, hey, you know what would be funny? And I was like, nooo, what would be funny, Charlie? And he says to me, he says, says, making fun of men on Tinder. And if y’all need any more proof that Charlie and I are platonic soulmates, then dunno, my children, my roaches, I dunno-I dunno what more to give you.”
You can’t be bothered reading the comments, there’s too damn many. You also need to save your reading comprehension for the actual bios. It has a time limit, that darn thing. 
“Okay, so I made a profile earlier, but I hadn’t swiped on anyone yet-” Despite the fact, Tinder helpfully informs you that already 99+ people have swiped right on you, “So, this is me,” You show the pictures you have of yourself, and damn, not to be a conceited narcissist, but you look really good. Like if you saw yourself on Tinder, you’d super like instantly. “Uhm, so, my bio-my bio says: let’s sauce in the tub together, ya dig? splishy splashy, giggle giggle.” 
i cant believe we are witnessing y/n trying to form a coherent sentence live 
shes trying give her time
ya dig??? y not capeesh
what scene from the godfather is this lol?
“My anthem, is,” You laugh, covering your lips with your hand, “Corpsie, this is form you-” Proudly, you show that indeed, Corpse’s E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY FUCKING LIFE is listed as your anthem on Spotify, “Hehe.” Yes, you say that aloud.
Corpse_Husband: you’re killing me Corpse_Husband: thanks baby Corpse_Husband: now delete tinder ❤︎
You ignore his last quip, deciding it’s finally time to get this show on the road, “Right, let’s do this shit. I’m not actually going to swipe on any guys that look, uh, decent? Yuck, can’t believe I just said that, uhm, because I-because I feel like some actually deserve a chance with someone? I don’t wanna get anyone’s hopes up, as I am currently in a long distance relationship with Chrollo. So I’m just gonna swipe on, like, frat boy assholes. Because I don’t care if I hurt their feelings. Quite frankly I don’t think they possess them in the first place.”
The chat voices their agreements. With the ground rules set, you, giddy, click on the first profile.
Does Tinder know what you’re doing, your plan? The FBI agent watching you through your phone must be working overtime, bless his heart. They must, because the the first guy to meet you is named Jason, and there he is, blond hair and blue eyes, holding up a fish the size of his torso. Marginally adequate in looks, pretty good muscles. A solid 7 bordering on 8. He’s the same age as you, 15 miles away, and he studies at some college you don’t care enough to look up. Bio reads:
I like to drive fast. Fishing is my passion, but if you can’t catch me by the ocean, you’ll catch me catching waves, bro! Love a good gym date. You do squats, and I’ll keep a close eye to make sure you’re doing it correctly ;) You probably saw me at a party. Leader of the The Phi Kappa Psi. I’m a Gemini, if that matters lol.
You, of course, read it aloud, dramatically; provide some constructive criticism-he seems nice, but he’s a Gemini, so naturally, you can’t trust him at all! Also, that gym date session leaves little to be desired. With your rant done, you swipe right, and shocker! (not), it’s an instant match.
“Okie, I still wanna swipe of some profiles, so I’ll see what he’ll text later-” For a second you wonder the legalities of this stream, but you’re having too much fun to think of it further, “guys, I won't get sued, right?”
NOW she considers it
if you do, we’ll kickstart your lawyer dw <3
Onto the next profile. Kevin, 25, is seen fixing his car- or, you assume he’s mid-fixing it, you don’t really know why else he’d hold a wrench and be covered in oil. He’s shirtless, and the caveman part of your brain echoes something closely resembling AWOOOGA!, but...but!...blonde hair, blue eyes. You pout again, “I don’t...I don’t really like blond boys, ya know? With the blue eyes and all, it’s just not my thing, uhm, unless it’s like-like...Armin from Attack on Titan. Else I don’t care.”
Onto the bio:
You have to treat a car like you treat a woman: go on long rides, take the lead, but most importantly, keep her oiled up 😜 
“What the fuck did I just read?”
The chat is equally confused. You swipe right anyway- another match. Too easy.
The stream continues without incident for a solid thirty minutes- all of your matches, expect a few that genuinely looked like normal dudes that really couldn’t write a decent bio to save their lives, had been blond hair blue eyed gym rats with ranging forms of misogyny. Some opened with asking for nudes out right, some asked about your day first before asking for nudes. You prefer the former. Straight to the point! You admire the gall. 
But then, down the forty-five minute mark a profile popped up that made you still by your phone, your smile dying as your eyes bulged. Dear God. Lord in heaven. Who is this demonspiit lookalike and why is he so fucking hot? The neck tats, the skateboard, the clothes- holy shit, you gotta close your mouth before some drool dribbles out.
No bio, just his name, Tyler, and that he’s 23.
“He boutta be 23 in me.” You mutter, swiping right with lightning speed.
tyler is y/ns karma for relentlessly mocking that one guy that had a whole ass list on what his “female” partner should be
^he deserved it and also tyler seems like a typical fuckboi y/n grow a braincell
look at mom 🥺 her eyes are sparkling
It wasn’t a match right away. You somehow expected as much, but it still upset you. Simp behavior, pathetic. The stream continued bravely, and when Tyler messaged you a simple “yo” you totally didn’t sequel. You didn’t manage to text him back on stream: texting all those guys that you didn’t really find all that attractive was easy, but this...You’re a sucker for a man who radiates red flag energy. His whole profile is a red flag. He might just be a red flag himself.
What can you do? Suddenly becoming color blind is not easy. Once the stream ends, you unmatch with everyone expect Tyler. He you chat with for a bit, but a sudden craving for different company makes you abandon him, too. You don’t feel too heartbroken for him- you’re certain there’s already too many girls in his dms. You wish them luck.
Happily, you delete Tinder. You go to Twitter, notice you’re trending again- look at you go! Queen shit- and as you compose a thank you tweet, something strange happens. You go to text Corpse, but when you click on his profile you grow cold.
YOU’RE BLOCKED. You can’t follow or see @/Corpse_Husband ‘s Tweets. 
...Pardon? You hop onto Instragram and-also blocked. Seriously? And you thought you’re one petty bitch. Corpse is seriously prissy about everything. Damn, if he didn’t like your stream, he could’ve just said so. Didn’t need to, like, block you from his internet existence. So not cool.
You try texting him but no text go through. Well how will you let him know you deleted Tinder just like he asked? You relieve your frustrations by punching your pillow a few times. Later, you apologize to her, you didn’t mean to hurt her, it’s not her, it’s you. Fuck, 5 minutes of exile and you’re already loosing your mind.
“Raeeeeeeeeeeee!” You whine loudly. It’s roughly 2am now, but you don’t care. You’re too heartbroken to care. There’s a thump from her room, but nothing else, “Raeeeeeeeee!!!” You wail, wallowing in self-pity on your bed. You hear a very loud, very annoyed sigh from her room, followed by angry marching. Your door is abruptly thrown open, and in the dim, colorful light you see her scowl.
“What?” She grits.
“Can you please tell Corpse to unblock me from everything?”
“What did you do now?”
“I made fun of men on Tinder.”
She pauses, “...That doesn’t sound so bad.” She surmises, voice laced with suspicion, “What else?”
“...There was one really hot guy that I kinda sorta talked to after--”
“-But I totally deleted Tinder and honestly he was pretty boring, so, like, uhm, please?”
She sighs, the servery of which implies she is holding the weight of the world on her shoulders, and instantly you know that you won. She taps away at her phone, “You owe me one.” She states, and before you can reply, she exits your room and slams the door behind her.
Grinning, you text his phone again. The message goes through, oh gosh, you’re so relieved you feel like crying. This has been, officially, the worst five minutes of your life.
You Y DID U BLOCK ME LOSER!!! MAJOR LOSER ALERT!! I DELETED EVERYTHING IT WAS A JOKE r u still mad at me? y u always mad at me i never do anything:(
my husband You’re my baby, how do you think I’ll react when I see you publicly simping for some asshole on Tinder?
Oh no, he used the words, he delivered the killing blow. You’re finished. Your heart can’t take such a workout. 
Not that you would ever admit it to him, though!
You hehe ur jellyyyy u always dis jealous hehe?
my husband Not jealous.
Yeah, you might not be the brightest tool in the shed, but even you know that’s a lie. You send him an array of kissy emojis that he doesn’t have the decency to reply to. Then, completely unprompted and dead serious, you send him a simple voice memo, saying: “You really have nothing to worry about, you know? You’re my favorite, Corpsie.”
He responds via text, reiterating that he’s not fucking jealous and that he just doesn’t like when you show such outward interest in anyone but it’s not like he cares or anything. It’s just really, like, weeeeird to see his baby simping for another man like that totally ruins the whole dynamic!!! It was only natural that he should block you on every social media platform, including his personal number (which, like, was completely necessary! Doesn’t matter that his viewers can’t see it, it’s gotta be super believable!), and inform his followers of that, because it’s all a joke, like, for the dynamic, that Youtube grind, you know? Ya dig? No personal feelings were involved at all. He totally wasn’t upset that you found someone else cute, no way!
my husband I’m not jealous. Lol.
You ik u repeated tht like 50 times  u trynna convince me or??? lmao
my husband No comment. ...You don’t actually talk to anyone else like we’re talking, right?
You no one else calls me their baby if thts wat ur wondering at least not to my knowledge lol im all urs
my husband That makes me very happy to hear:)
Yeah, it makes you very happy, too.
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hope you liked it!! xx
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okay, I want to hear about your thoughts on Renesmee wanting to eat Edward?? What's up with that. Also would love to hear about your opinion on this child in general. All the people in her life are hardcore projecting on her, what's the alien child's perspective on all this shit. Thanks for all the twilight meta its wild.
Thank you, glad you enjoy my rambling, strange, thoughts.
What’s Up With Renesmee Devouring Her Enemies?
So, this one’s actually a bit of headcanon on my end, not really supported by anything directly. We’re going way into left field with this.
But I do have this. Renesmee is a highly efficient predator, perhaps in a way more so than the vampire (although she is weaker and slower than vampires) and Renesmee is... not human, for whatever that means.
Everything we see of Renesmee’s early biological development, and what we see happening in Nahuel and his sisters, makes a lot of sense from a biological standpoint.
The mother is turned essentially into a hybrid incubator, such that even if she wanted to abort she likely would not be able to or would not survive it. The child grows at a rapid rate in the room and has to eat itself out, at which point it has a starter meal of the human mother. The child then grows absurdly rapidly to the point where, mentally and physically, it can survive on its own. Growth then slows and then stops when sexual maturity is reached, presumably for reproductive purposes.
Vampires cannot do a few things. They are a half-sterile race, only able to reproduce through humans and the previously male half of the human species. They also need external help to kill a fellow vampire. In other words, they have to light a fire.
Until you burn the pieces, the enemy vampire isn’t dead. Now, using fire as a tool is to date something only the human species has figured out. It is not intuitive and an odd coincidence that vampires had this prerequisite knowledge (I have thoughts on what vampirism even is and where it comes from). 
I imagine, just as Renesmee presumably has reproductive capabilities that vampires lack, she also a has a toolset that vampires lack: the ability to kill a vampire without the need for fire. 
Given that Renesmee’s able to eat human food, this implies she has a digestive that is able to break down nutrients. The reason vampires can’t eat other vampires is they lack this. Edward swallows pizza, he’s vomiting that shit back up three hours later and it’s going to be very solid and very gross. Whatever venom did to his innards, most of his vital human organs aren’t working anymore.
Given that Renesmee’s this mix of venom and who knows what kinds of fluids I believe her stomach is capable of breaking down and digesting vampire flesh. This seems to me the most obvious way to eliminate an enemy vampire when no tools are otherwise available.
Hence, instinctively, if Renesmee wants to murder Edward she will eat him.
(Also, as you can tell, the image is just horrifyingly delightful to me, and so it’s my go to response.)
As for why she would want to eat him, see here and here.
The Family and Renesmee
As you note, everyone in Renesmee’s life projects someone else onto her.
Not so much Carlisle, he just seems very bewildered and overwhelmed by everything at first, and one of the few who openly notes how not human Renesmee is and the implications of this (given the chromosome experiment, I’m sure Carlisle was expecting a squid).
Even in the early stages though we see Edward, Bella, Alice, and Rosalie as primary offenders. (I’d list Esme except Esme is... being Esme about it, so, she’s just floating through Renesmee’s life like her Cullen ghost self and not even at the point where she can project anything onto her. Besides, that’s what Edward’s for.)
Edward sees the best of both himself and Bella in Renesmee, a little intellectual who reads War and Peace at a few weeks old when she has no understanding of the concepts of War, Napoleon, Russia, or Peace. As Edward always does, he so obliviously projects onto her, that I imagine it doesn’t matter what Renesmee says or does around him and she quickly figures that out.
Bella’s left the planet. Renesmee’s this beautiful thing, that looks like Edward, that is her daughter. Bella has no idea what parenting is. She’s floating through life preparing herself to become Esme 2.0. It’s not so much that she projects onto Renesmee but that she... completely fails to connect her to reality. Renesmee is a concept to Bella. Renesmee might figure this out, but given her feelings for her mother, I imagine she’s far more conflicted about it. She probably wishes things could be different between them, and often tries to find ways to make it so, it just never works.
Alice treats Renesmee much as she treated Bella, as her little doll that she can dress in cute clothing. Beyond that, Renesmee is a nuisance who messes with Alice’s gift. Oh, Alice likes her well enough, but I don’t see them having an actual meaningful conversation or connection.
Rosalie’s probably the wort offender in the projection domain. She is absolutely projecting the ideal human child she never had onto Renesmee. When Renesmee inevitibly fails to live up to these perfect standards, which even a human child wouldn’t, I imagine Rosalie will get increasingly upset. Acknowledging Renesmee isn’t what she wanted either would probably break Rosalie, so she’s not going to do that, and instead try to get Renesmee to behave correctly. For however much she cares about Renesmee, I imagine Renesmee sours on her growing up, as she knows she will never be what Rosalie wishes she was. Grateful that Rosalie helped keep her alive, of course, but... she would also probably wonder, as fandom does, just how much Rosalie was hoping Bella would die in birth (for the record, I think this might have been an idle fantasy of Rosalie’s, but I don’t think she’d go this far.)
Then of course, there’s Jake. Woof, Jake. As I linked above, I think Renesmee will slowly become more and more disenchanted with Jake. She’ll either learn about or suspect her own gift, have no interest in having a romantic relationship with him, or learn about his checkered past with her mother. More Jake is...
Imprinting, at a very large distance, sounds nice but imagine what that means. You have this person who is utterly dependent on you, who will do whatever you want and be whatever you wish them to be. In other words, you have this codependent person you can never get rid of who is never authentic. They will never say no to you, will always do what you wish, and if you dare to tell them you want a little time to yourself they will probably combust into flames.
That’s not a good relationship for anyone: imprinter or imprintee.
Jake, in a sense, ceases to be a real person when it comes to Renesmee. Renesmee will figure that out and then... why should she live her life just to make this miserable man who once tried to murder her happy?
What Does This Do to Renesmee?
I imagine Renesmee grows up feeling very isolated.
She doesn’t really belong in the Cullens, for all that they’re the best fit she has. She certainly doesn’t belong with other imprintees in the tribe (and whatever occasional function she goes to with the Quileutes is probably a complete disaster), and she’s not human either.
I imagine her strongest relationships are Charlie Swan (who beyond the surrealness of his life I imagine takes Renesmee at very face value), Carlisle Cullen (who also seems to not project onto Renesmee and takes her at face value), and Bella (who she desperately wants a stronger relationship with but Bella’s not listening).
Well, Charlie at some point will die. He will not choose immortality. I imagine Renesmee never quite understands why he was allowed to choose death or what the purpose of the human species even is. To her, they are caterpillars who never went into the chrysalis. Given to Renesmee the Cullen diet is the norm, to her it would seem obvious that, yes, everyone in the world can turn into a vampire and if they ration animal resources correctly there’s no problem. Or, if not everyone, then certainly her grandfather need not die.
I’m sure Charlie tries to talk to Renesmee about this but given that he’s one of her few strong relationships in this world the talk of “I’m going to die some day, sorry kiddo” doesn’t go well.
So, I’m sure it takes Renesmee a very long time to recover from that blow, if, in fact, she ever really does. I’m sure a part of her will always grieve Charlie.
In time, I think she’ll leave the coven to go on a journey of self discovery. The coven will just be too damn suffocating and she needs to find out who she truly is. Now, if that’s before or after the inevitable collapse of the Volturi and destruction of human society is hard to say.
I will say that whatever the future holds for Renesmee, just like everyone else’s, it is unbearably bleak.
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rhys-daarling · 3 years
Drunk Inner Circle Dinner
“Is Rhys still getting ready??” Asked Mor, walking into the High Lord and Lady’s bedroom.
“It’s his hair. It takes longer than mine does” Feyre grinned, even as Rhys bit her ear.
“Cousin, I didn’t think I’d ever have to say this, but get out my bedroom”.
“No manners. Is this how you treat your favourite cousin?” Mor huffed, scowling at the High Lord.
Rhys rolled his eyes.
“And I’m not here for you, I’m here for Feyre” she said, ruffling through Feyre’s cupboard.
“She means my jewellery” Feyre added, her hands wrapping around Rhys’s neck, as her mates hands roamed her body.
“Well yes but semantics” Mor replied, her back to the couple and completely oblivious.
“Cousin, get out of my bedroom. Now”
Rhys growled against Feyre’s neck.
Mor sniffed the air. “EW! EW! IM IN THE ROOM! RHYS EW!”
“Then get out!” He yelled, narrowly dodging the pillow she threw at his head.
Later that evening, as everyone came to the river house for their monthly dinner, Feyre recalled her first family dinner. When she was still wrapped up in her own grief and darkness. It had taken her family and her mate months to slowly coax her out of it.
“Why were you both grinning” she asked randomly as most the food was finished and cleared away and the wine flowed freely.
“What??” Asked Cassian, unsuccessfully attempting to swallow the huge bite of chicken he’d taken.
“When I first came to Velaris, that first dinner, you and Az were grinning from the balcony” she looked at the shadowsinger, who had a small smile as he remembered the evening.
Gwyn, sat beside Azriel, listened to Feyre with rapt attention as Azriel filled her in.
“Oh” Cassian looked at her with warm eyes, leaning slightly into Nesta, who rubbed small circles on his back.
“We were grinning, because Rhys, the royal prick, has been a flirt for as long as we could remember. But on that balcony, cauldron on that balcony he looked like he was already in love with you”
Feyre tuned her head to her mate, who was smiling down at his plate.
“5 minutes with you, and he’d smiled more than the 6 months he’d been back. You had him wrapped around your finger and we KNEW the pompous bullshit he’d do to impress you. What he’d NEED to do to impress you, because his usual smooth ‘Im a fae high lord bullshit’ wasn’t impressing you.”
A laugh from Mor, and Azriel snorted.
“You didn’t see when she threw the shoe at him” Mor quipped.
“You threw a shoe at him” asked Azriel with blatant shock across his face.
“When was this!” He exclaimed, hiccuping, his wine glass spilling.
“How is this the piece of information that evades you” mused Nesta, chortling.
“Feyre, I want a painting of Azriels face at this very moment for Solciste. I want to memorialise it.” Mor cackled.
“How does she manage to throw a shoe at you!” Exclaimed Cassian with drunken outrage. “We’re supposed to be the strongest Illyrians in all of history!” He wailed.
“Ahhh yes I can hear the story now” grinned Nesta.
“Esteemed high lord bested by silk slipper” she finished with a flourish of her hands.
Mor cackled. “The best part” she took a gulp of wine. “The best part, is that she threw her other shoe at him too!” And fell once more into a fit of laughter.
Rhys looked down at his plate and shook his head. He turned slightly to look at Feyre, and wordlessly, grabbed the legs of her chair and pulled her flush beside him.
“Awwwwwwww look at Rhys pulling out the moves” drawled Mor.
Rhys ignored her, looking only at Feyre as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her even closer to his chest.
That was smooth, high lord.
I aim to please, High lady.
“He was smooth on Calanmai” she leaned against his chest, curling her legs up in her seat, her food all but forgotten in lieu of the warmth of snuggling against Rhys.
“What’s Calanmai?” Asked Nesta, she too was snuggling into Cassian, food forgotten as he played with the ends of her hair with his arm across her shoulders, both finishing their wine glasses.
“Spring court sex party” Cassian said smugly, giving his mate a heated look, biting her ear.
“THATS how you met each other” gaped Gwyn.
“Sets the precedent don’t you think” quipped Mor, taking a gulp of wine.
Even Amren snickered at this.
“Coming from the ‘we fucked in the middle of a war camp’, wonder what THAT says about your relationship ancient one” Drawled Cassian, pointing at Amren. Beside him, Nesta giggled into her wine glass.
“And what does the dining table say about yours” came Azriels voice, Mor spat her wine out.
“GIRL” screeched a Amren, now covered in wine.
Cassian had a smug satisifed look, even as the dining table erupted into chaos.
“The dining table!?!” Exclaimed Feyre, her own laugh bubbling from her.
“That’s a communal area you heathens” Rhys’s arm around Feyre’s waist tightened, as both their bodies shook.
“People EAT there” exclaimed Feyre through a hiccup.
Gwyn braced her hand on Azriel’s shoulder as her chair toppled back with her full bellied laugh, tears streaking down her face.
“As if you two can talk” retorted Cassian, pointing to the High Lord and Lady, knocking over a vase as his wings flapped.
“The whole Illyrian camp heard you two fuck against that table!”
“Yes but it was empty when we did it!” Shot back Feyre.
“Only because me and Mor left when you started to rip each other’s clothes off!” Retorted Cassian.
“Az I thought I told you to chaperone them” exclaimed Rhys.
“Why do you think they got no further” hiccuped Azriel.
“Not that night we didn’t” Cassian laughed and grinned with pure satisfaction.
“And bullshit, you and Feyre haven’t fucked on this very table” Cassian looked pointedly at the table they sat at.
“Why haven’t we fucked in Illyria yet. I can’t think of a better way to piss of those pricks!” Asked Nesta with wide eyes.
“For all the reasons to have sex with him, why are Illyrians in the camp on that list at all” Mused Gwyn.
“Have you two fucked on the table we have our monthly dinners at!” Asked Mor in drunk disgust.
“You’re all animals” came Amren, mock disgust on her face as she poured herself a glass.
“A little birdie told me, that you’re quite the exhibitionist Mor” Nesta said with a coy smile.
Feyre choked on her own drink, leaning into Rhys’s hand that rubbed circles on her back.
“So that’s what you get up to at Rita’s” Cassian wiggled him eyebrows, Mor threw him a vulgar gesture.
“I’ll kill Emerie” Mor swore.
“I heard you’ve become quite close friends with Emerie, Mor” mused Feyre with a raised eyebrow.
What happened to not getting involved Came Rhys’s voice in his mates head.
Like you’re any less of a busybody. I know why you invited Gwyn Feyre retorted.
“Jealous that I’m replacing you with a new best friend are you Feyre” asked Mor, swinging the bottle of wine.
“So we’re just going to pretend we didn’t hear that” asked a bewildered Cassian.
“Anyone else have any kinks they want to share with the table” he asked, drunkenly looking around.
“You should ask the shadowsinger” Amren said, draining a bottle of wine.
The tips of Azriels ears reddened, and beside him, Gwyn gaped, mouth open, as she turned her entire body to look at him.
“Keeping tabs on us are you Amren” mused Mor
“The fuck does that mean!” Came Cassian
“I KNEW it” screeched Nesta
“It’s alllllways the quiet ones” giggled Feyre.
“What the fuck, is my court” whispered Rhys in shock.
“Well share it with the table then” Gwyn slapped at Azriels chest with the back of her hand, her eyes tingling with drunken excitement as she laughed.
He smirked at her, whispering something in her ear
“WHAT” Gwyn exclaimed, laughing so hard her chair fell backwards, only Azriels reflexes catching her around the waist.
“I’m going to drop Gwyn back” he said, standing, holding Gwyn to his chest where she continued to giggle and play with his shadows.
“You’re more than welcome to stay Gwyn.”Feyre said drowsily. “There’s more than enough bedrooms”
“I can winnow you if you’d like” Rhys offered, Feyre tucked into his side.
A quick look at Mor confirmed she’d need help getting to her own bedroom at the river house, and would not be winnowing anytime soon at all.
“No thanks, I don’t want to intrude.” Gwyn added shyly.
Nesta scoffed. “She means she loves any excuse to fly and doesn’t want to miss out” Gwyn stuck her tongue out at her.
“As if you’re much better miss ‘lets fly across the Sidra at 4am and watch the sunrise’ ” Mor teased.
“What’s the point of having a mate if I don’t get to use him to appease my every whim” Nesta shrugged her shoulders, smiling as Cassian peppered her neck with soft kisses.
“She makes valid points” Feyre nodded in drunken agreement, grinning like a Cheshire cat as Rhys stroked down her arm.
“Well, there’s a bedroom here if ever you change your mind” Rhys, the most sober of them all, was ever the gracious host.
Thank you high lord” drawled Cassian.
Nesta nodded her head like a toddler.
“Yes why thaaaank you” regaled Mor, putting on a posh accent.
“I hate you all” said Amren grumpily.
“I think you miss Varian” mused Nesta.
“Can he do any water tricks?” Asked Cassian.
“What?” Amren snapped.
“You knowww, can he make you wetttt”
“Cass that was terrible”
“Disgusting brother”
“Rhys erase that from my memory I’m giving you permission to go into my head.
“You’d be surprised how many tricks he knows” Amren added cooly.
“I think discussing Amren’s sex life is where we should draw the line” Rhys said in between laughs.
“Thanks Cassian now I’ve got an image of Varian and Amren in bed in my head” Mor scrunched up her face and retched.
“Been there, seen it in real time” Nesta quipped with a grin.
“Nesta stop trying to show me naked Amren I don’t need to see this!” Wailed Feyre, pressing her hands against her eyes.
“Nesta if you show Feyre, she’ll show me” Rhys said with panicked eyes. “By the cauldron if I see that I will force Feyre to erase my memories drunk or not”
“Relax High lord you’ve seen half this table naked” Nesta slurred.
“No I have-“ Rhys stopped mid sentence, looking around with a bemused expression.
“Huh” he said simply, dropping into his chair and taking a swig of wine.
“I’ve only seen Rhys naked” Feyre poked her mate in the arm, grinning.
“Hold on” came Nesta. “When have you three” she pointed at the three Illyrians. “seen each other naked” she asked, eyes wide.
“The birchin. They sit naked together in the steam, sweating.”
“Naked. Sweating.” Feyre emphasises, nodding her head and smiling.
“Huh” said Nesta, blinking rapidly.
“Yes Nesta?”
“Paint me THAT for solciste”.
“Of course Nesta”
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