#no aerys 2.0 either
ilynpilled · 1 year
i hate to be this big of a hater but every time i see people complain about show jaime in s8 with “all that development and for what?” what development exactly?
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tweedstoat · 7 months
Thinking too much about Rhaella in your au and how the children of her friends are lost to her 😭. Jaime in a hated position, Cersei not a pleasant person, and Elia driven away by her stupid son. I’m glad she has her younger kids and her grandchildren but god she deserves so much more! I hope she finds peace and joy and more companionship eventually.
She has friends and companions! I've got her being friends with the septas who were sequestered with her when Aerys was all paranoid and forced her to stay inside Maegors holdfast.
It's sad that her friends Joanna and Princess [insert dornish female name here] are dead and she isn't good friends with any of the children they had anymore but i wouldn't say her life is awful or extremely lonely. She's made her peace with where she's at and she's a lot happier now that Aerys is dead.
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esther-dot · 3 years
Ok but what do you think that dany's motive for burning KL will be in the books? I tend to think it's the treason for love when she discovers Jon is in love with another. That and him being praised as a hero, his id known, will bring home the original "let him be king of the ashes". I think she will want to destroy Jon's potential of becoming a "happy" king. And then Bran steps in to release him. What a shame the show didn't have the guts to pull this angle through!
(in reference to this ask)
That’s a cool take on it!
I truly don’t know. The longer I think about all of this, the messier it is.
If we have a prolonged interaction between Jon and Dany (with Dany going North first and both going South later), I can definitely see what you’re saying. I mean, s8 presented the idea that she wouldn’t be accepted in Westeros, that she realized she didn’t have love and that she would either rule by fear or nothing, and it felt like she was threatening Sansa’s life to keep Jon in line in 8x05, that she knew he didn’t love her (hence, “let it be fear”), so something akin to what you’re saying may certainly be what Martin told D&D.
My issue is, I don’t think Jon can be implicated in the burning of KL, or Bran wouldn’t be a preferred candidate for king, so I’m hesitant to place Jon in KL as an ally to Dany when she burns it. And if he is there, I don’t see how it could be with a Northern army. I mean, how does Martin write the Lords of Westeros selecting Bran if Northmen were involved in the greatest atrocity they’ve ever seen? Maybe Martin will do it, it just seems weird to me. If this is to have more of Robert's Rebellion's parallels (rather than strictly DoD 2.0), and Jon is the one to kill her a la Jaime and Aerys, maybe she burns KL when taking it from Aegon, Jon stabbity stabs, and then Bran shows up. There’s a line about Ned racing to KL that made me wonder. So, I’m not sure how much Jon’s parentage would weigh on Dany that way unless she feels how tentative her hold on Westeros is.
But practically speaking, I’m not sure how Jon could be a threat that way to Dany. I mean, after Dany v Euron and Dany v Aegon, and the North v Others, who will have the means to support Jon v Dany? I don’t know how it would be possible. Also, even if they did, I’m not sure what proof we will have of Jon’s birth. It seems like something people will recognize as true if it serves their purposes, deny if it doesn’t. We’ll know the truth, not sure that there will be a universal understanding in-world. I lean towards the idea of some people wanting Jon to be king after the wars and him refusing for Aemon parallels (link), and that being part of the events that lead to Bran being king as driftingsnowflakes outlined (link), but now I wonder if they wont go to war with Dany. I used to think that we needed a showdown, but considering how anti war Martin is, I’m no longer sure if we will get a clean victory. It might feel too much like glorifying war because then the path to kingship for Bran was via war. And, that’s the thing, if Bran is to represent this new era, I wondered if he would prevent there being any “right of conquest” to his kingship. That made me think back to the Arya killing Dany idea, and the possibility that Starks v Dany plays out in the shadows/subterfuge rather than out and out war, especially with the talk about Dany fighting shadows and there are some quotes about wolves and shadows that I’ll have to revisit.
I guess I would say, it makes sense for Jon’s identity to play into Dany’s paranoia, and I still think Jon is Dany’s treason for love, so your idea totally works, but I don’t want Dany’s decision to burn KL to be about other people. To me, Dany has that struggle between peace and war, and her choice to take the Iron Throne has always involved sacrificing the life of others for that goal. So, I think taking the throne should be the escalation of that. I think she should face a moment in which she must choose to kill innocents to get her throne, or not have it at all. I would like her to give up her patina of wanting good things for people to acknowledge what has been true all along: she wants what she wants and she is willing for people to die to get it. I guess my thought is, maybe she will suffer so many losses, she will have to use dragons on KL or fail to take the throne.
I mean, we have two more books, I don’t know how she will evolve from here to there, but her motivation has always been the throne, I would like it to stay that way so that fans can tie it back to the first book, to her burning Mirri alive to get her dragons and realize, oh, this was always the way Dany’s journey to the throne was going to be, how it was going to end. All this evil has been done to win the throne, her final atrocity being done for the same purpose makes sense to me. But it’s hard for me to see how all these pieces we know need to be included work together.
Sorry, I’m back to my “I only have questions and no answers!” routine.
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astradrifting · 3 years
If Jon is betrothed to Dany in the book, then do you think we might see some jealous Sansa POV ? In the show inspite of not being betrothed , Sansa did harbour a bit of jealousy towards their dynamic which seemed quite abnormal if the jealousy wasn't coded as romantic ? If Jon is really in love with D@ny before he betrays her then I don't think it would be narratively satisfying for Sansa to get married to Jon after he returns home . It would be a continuation of Ned Cat only this time the man in the dynamic would have had a romantic relationship with a woman in South before he finally returns North after the War . What Cat feared Ned did in the South would be basically done by Jon and I don't think it would be fair to Sansa . Just my 2 cents .
(referencing this post)
Oh no I totally agree with you about that anon, I wouldn’t really want jonsa after any genuine jonerice. But I don’t think there will be - a betrothal in the scenario I was thinking of would be a purely political arrangement, a last-ditch attempt at reconciliation between the two opposing Targ factions after the Dance 2.0, before D@ny realises that nobody wants her as queen and burns down KL. For Jon it would just be duty, not love, and possibly not even a duty that he’d intend to follow through on - he’s shown in ASOS and ADWD that he’s willing to lie and do dishonourable things for the greater good, and coming back from the dead/surviving a mutiny would probably only strengthen that resolve.
Do not fail me, he thought, or Stannis will have my head. "Do I have your word that you will keep our princess closely?" the king had said, and Jon had promised that he would. Val is no princess, though. I told him that half a hundred times. It was a feeble sort of evasion, a sad rag wrapped around his wounded word. His father would never have approved. I am the sword that guards the realm of men, Jon reminded himself, and in the end, that must be worth more than one man’s honor.
This quote from ADWD might foreshadow his betrayal of D@ny at the end too. In AGOT, Ned didn’t approve of the small council plotting her murder, and resigned over it. He probably wouldn’t exactly approve of Jon murdering her either, like he didn’t approve of Jaime killing Aerys - however it happens, it’s probably not going to be an honourable death in the field of combat. But in the end it’ll be what’s best for the realm. Jon’s not going to be impressed by what he sees of D@ny’s ruling capabilities, let alone the fact that she burns anyone who opposes her and will have just killed his half-brother to usurp the throne. I wouldn’t be surprised if he agreed to a betrothal or alliance whilst secretly planning on betraying her the whole time, he can be a vicious, underhanded bastard (and I love him for it ❤️)
D@ny’s mistake was thinking that Jorah was the treason for love because he loved her, but that was more a betrayal of his love, for money/the chance to go home. Jon will commit the final treason against her for love of somebody else - maybe Sansa like the show, maybe the Starks as a whole, maybe even for love of Aegon and as revenge for his death, if they’d formed a brotherly bond like I think they might.
So, to finally answer the original question lol, there could be a Sansa POV chapter where she hears about a jonerice betrothal and is jealous and heartbroken, though she might understand/Jon could tell her that it’s only for the good of the realm. But I think that’d be quickly followed by the news that KL has been destroyed and Jon has killed D@ny because of it, so she’ll be more focused on getting him freed than any jealousy. It’ll end up more as the truth of the Ned-Cat relationship, that he never actually betrayed her with another woman in the South, but better because there won’t be a huge secret and bastard child hanging between them.
(You’re also totally right about show!Sansa’s jealousy not really making sense if you don’t read it as romantic, it went well beyond her political opposition to D@ny about the North’s independence and was specifically about the ‘connection’ between Jon and D@ny. That feast scene where she storms off when Jon briefly turns to smile at D@ny?? What is that meant to convey if not romantic jealousy???)
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sayruq · 3 years
Tbh I'm less and less sure about Jaime valonqar theories now. Some say it's going to be an Aerys parallel but I'm pretty sure Cersei's death is not going to be a cheer worthy moment. Double suicide? Nah, they're mean to subvert the Romeo/Juliet trope. Jealous rage? Doubt it. He would've done that already. Cersei asks Jaime to kill her? Hmmm... idk. But then again, the old man is never finishing the books so we'll never know and we'll be stuck in confusion forever.
i think it's either what we saw in the show where they're trapped together or they're trapped together but without an immediate death so they have time to decide on suicide.
cersei is not aerys 2.0 and jaime is not the boy he was, who was forced to stand by and watch while aerys committed atrocities. jaime is very much a villain and he spent affc finishing what his awful father started. just because he killed a few rapists (before passing pia on to his squire) and backhanded a man doesn't mean that he's suddenly a hero, especially not after he threatened to murder an infant. if he kills cersei, it won't be a heroic moment.
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cbhunter494 · 3 years
Valyrian Translator
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So what if you do actually want to learn Dothraki or Valyrian? Of course, the ideal scenario would be to have an actual language exchange with a Dothraki warrior or a nobleman from Essos for Valyrian. High Valyrian is the language of the old Valyrian Freehold which was located on the eastern continent of Essos. Much of Essos was once dominated by the Valyrians for thousands of years, stretching from the Free Cities in the west, to Slaver's Bay in the east. The Valyrians forced the peoples they subjugated to speak in (or at least be able to converse in) their language. After the Doom of.
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High Valyrian is a language originating from Valyria and the Valyrian Freehold. Corrupted dialects known as bastard Valyrian are spoken in the Free Cities(1) and Slaver's Bay.(2)
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2High Valyrian
3Bastard Valyrian
Some of the oldest remaining ancient texts were written by Andals, Valyrians, Ghiscari, and Asshai'i.(3) After the Old Empire of Ghis was conquered by the Valyrian Freehold in the Ghiscari wars, the Ghiscari began speaking the High Valyrian of their conquerors.(4)
High Valyrian is no longer widely spoken due to the Doom of Valyria,(5) and most Valyrian records were destroyed in the catastrophe.(6) The tongues of the Free Cities have continued to evolve from the original High Valyrian.(5)
Queen Alysanne Targaryen is said to have begun learning how to read from Valyrian scrolls while still at the breast of her mother, Queen Alyssa Velaryon.(7) Alysanne's husband, King Jaehaerys I Targaryen, was fascinated with the Old Valyrian scrolls in the library of Dragonstone.(8)
How to lead jo owen ebook reader. Racallio Ryndoon is said to have spoken a dozen dialects of Valyrian.(9) Lord Alyn Velaryon studied Valyrian treaties about warship design and sea tactics when he visited the Citadel.(9)Larra Rogare, the wife of Prince Viserys Targaryen, was fluent in High Valyrian and the dialects of Lys, Myr, Tyrosh, and Volantis.(10)
Some highborn children of Westeros are still taught Valyrian as a sign of their noble education.(11)(12) Songs(13) and scrolls(14)(15) are still sung and read in High Valyrian, although by 300 AC most Westerosi nobles cannot understand the language.(13)
High Valyrian
The High Valyrian phrase valar morghulis‎(16) is translated as 'all men must die.'(17) A counterpart phrase, valar dohaeris,(18) is translated as 'all men must serve.'(19)
The word dracarys is translated as meaning 'dragonfire.'(20) Obsidian is called 'dragonglass' in the Common Tongue, but 'frozen fire' in High Valyrian.(21)Valonqar is the word for 'little brother.'(22) High Valyrian is the most likely source language for maegi (pronounced differently from 'Maggy'),(23) which means 'wise'.(24)
The Valyrian writing system, or at least a Valyrian writing system, is described as involving glyphs.(25) It was also probably standard practice to write on scrolls, and not in books.(26) The glyphs can also be inscribed, as on an old Valyrian dragon horn, which, when sounded, had 'every line and letter shimmering with white fire.'(27) Valyrian carvings have been found on obelisks.(28)
Valyrian steel is forged with spells, as well as hammers.(29) Some smiths still know them, although not entirely.(30)
House Targaryen came from Valyria and thus most of its members can be considered to have High Valyrian names. These include:
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Houses Baratheon, Celtigar, Qoherys, and Velaryon are of Valyrian descent, and thus these names are possibly Valyrian as well.(34)(35)
Velaryon first names include:
Jaenara Belaerys was a Valyrian explorer(36) and Aurion was a would-be emperor.(37)
The Valyrians most likely gave Valyrian names to their dragons, as the dragons Balerion, Meraxes, Vhagar, and Syrax were named after Valyrian gods and goddesses.(38)(39) However, not all dragons of House Targaryen had Valyrian names (e.g., Queen Alysanne Targaryen's dragon, Silverwing(31)).
Eight of the nine Free Cities were founded as colonies of the Valyrian Freehold, and are thus likely to bear Valyrian names as well:
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Volantis's satellite towns of Selhorys, Valysar, and Volon Therys likely have Valyrian names as well. It is also probable that Elyria, Mantarys, Oros, Tolos, Tyria, and Velos are Valyrian in name, being cities close to Old Valyria.(40)
Bastard Valyrian
Free Cities
Bastard Valyrian includes the languages of the nine Free Cities.(1) Each of the cities has its own dialect, and each dialect likely has its own separate derived vocabulary. Syrio Forel of Braavos speaks the Common Tongue with a lilting accent.(41) One of the Brave Companions is described as having a thick Myrish accent.(42)
The Free Cities use glyphs to write Valyrian.(43) The Valyrian of the Free Cities is described as sounding 'liquid'.(44)
Slaver Cities
Valyrian Translations Season 4
The Old Empire of Ghis was conquered by the Valyrian Freehold five thousand years ago, and the Ghiscari have since spoken High Valyrian. The Slaver's Bay cities of Yunkai, Meereen, and Astapor have their own versions of bastard Valyrian, which have been influenced mainly by Old Ghiscari, the ancient language of Old Ghis. Like the Free Cities, the people of the Slaver Cities use glyphs to write Valyrian.(2)
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Astapori Valyrian is described as having a 'characteristic growl,' influenced by Ghiscari.(2) The dialect of Yunkai is close enough to that of Astapor to be mutually intelligible.(45)
Valyrian Voice Translator
Yunkai used to be part of the Old Empire of Ghis, and has multiple languages spoken in the city. Mhysa, Maela, Aelalla, Qathei, and Tato are given as words for 'mother', but which tongue fits which word is unknown (excepting the first, which is Ghiscari).(45)
Some slavers speak a mongrel tongue,(46) a blend of Old Ghiscari and High Valyrian.(47)
Characters familiar with High Valyrian
Valyrian Translation
Gerris Drinkwater speaks a halting approximation of High Valyrian.(12)
Haldon Halfmaester(48)
Tyrion Lannister learned to read High Valyrian on his maester's knee.(11)
Quentyn Martell can read and write High Valyrian but has little practice speaking it.(12)
Melisandre is known to pray in High Valyrian, the Common Tongue, and the speech of Asshai.(49)
Moqorro can apparently sing in High Valyrian.(50)
Septa Saranella tells Cersei Lannister the meaning of valonqar.(22)
Ser Barristan Selmy has some High Valyrian, though not as much as Daenerys Targaryen.(2)
Arya Stark knows some High Valyrian(51) but the kindly man insists that she improve it.(52)
Catelyn Stark considers the speech of Moreo Tumitis of Tyrosh to be the vulgar Valyrian of the Free Cities.(53)
Sweets is fluent in High Valyrian(54)
Aegon Targaryen is fluent in High Valyrian.(12)
Daenerys Targaryen(2)
Samwell Tarly only has a little High Valyrian.(55)
The closest thing the Windblown have to a company tongue is classic High Valyrian.(56) Their leader, the Tattered Prince, says 'and now we ride' to his men in the language.(56)
Each of the Free Cities has its own history and character, and each has come to have its own tongue. These are all corruptions of the original, pure form of High Valyrian, dialects that drift further from their origin with each new century since the Doom befell the Freehold.(5)Download counter strike condition zero full.
Behind the Scenes
According to George R. R. Martin,
Tolkien was a philologist, and an Oxford don, and could spend decades laboriously inventing Elvish in all its detail. I, alas, am only a hardworking SF and fantasy novel(sic), and I don't have his gift for languages. That is to say, I have not actually created a Valyrian language. The best I could do was try to sketch in each of the chief tongues of my imaginary world in broad strokes, and give them each their characteristic sounds and spellings.(57)
David J. Peterson further developed High Valyrian for the television adaptation Game of Thrones.
↑ 1.01.1A Game of Thrones, Chapter 11, Daenerys II.
↑ Storm of Swords, Chapter 23, Daenerys II.
↑The World of Ice & Fire, Ancient History: The Dawn Age.
↑The World of Ice & Fire, Ancient History: The Rise of Valyria.
↑ World of Ice & Fire, The Free Cities.
↑The World of Ice & Fire, Ancient History: Valyria's Children.
↑Fire & Blood, The Year of the Three Brides - 49 AC.
↑Fire & Blood, Birth, Death, and Betrayal Under King Jaehaerys I.
↑ 9.09.1Fire & Blood, Under the Regents - The Voyage of Alyn Oakenfist.
↑Fire & Blood, The Lysene Spring and the End of Regency.
↑ 11.011.1A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 1, Tyrion I.
↑ Dance with Dragons, Chapter 6, The Merchant's Man.
↑ 13.013.1A Storm of Swords, Chapter 60, Tyrion VIII.
↑ 14.014.1A Game of Thrones, Chapter 9, Tyrion I.
↑A Feast for Crows, Prologue.
↑A Clash of Kings, Chapter 47, Arya IX.
↑ 17.017.1A Storm of Swords, Chapter 27, Daenerys III.
↑A Feast for Crows, Chapter 6, Arya I.
↑A Feast for Crows, Chapter 34, Cat Of The Canals.
↑A Storm of Swords, Chapter 8, Daenerys I.
↑A Storm of Swords, Chapter 78, Samwell V.
↑ 22.022.1A Feast for Crows, Chapter 39, Cersei IX.
↑A Feast for Crows, Chapter 36, Cersei VIII.
↑A Game of Thrones, Chapter 72, Daenerys X.
↑A Game of Thrones, Chapter 3, Daenerys I.
↑ 26.026.1A Clash of Kings, Chapter 6, Jon I.
↑A Feast for Crows, Chapter 19, The Drowned Man.
↑The World of Ice & Fire, Beyond the Free Cities: The Grasslands.
↑A Game of Thrones, Chapter 1, Bran I.
↑A Storm of Swords, Chapter 32, Tyrion IV.
↑ 31.031.1A Storm of Swords, Chapter 40, Bran III.
↑A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 15, Davos II.
↑A Storm of Swords, Chapter 67, Jaime VIII.
↑Citadel. Heraldry: In the area of King's Landing
↑The Citadel. Heraldry: Houses in the Riverlands
↑The World of Ice & Fire, Beyond the Free Cities: Sothoryos.
↑The World of Ice & Fire, Ancient History: The Doom of Valyria.
↑Fire & Blood, Heirs of the Dragon - A Question of Succession.
↑A Clash of Kings, Chapter 12, Daenerys I.
↑A Dance with Dragons, Map of Valyria
↑A Game of Thrones, Chapter 22, Arya II.
↑A Storm of Swords, Chapter 39, Arya VII.
↑A Game of Thrones, Chapter 65, Arya V.
↑A Clash of Kings, Chapter 27, Daenerys II.
↑ 45.045.1A Storm of Swords, Chapter 42, Daenerys IV.
↑A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 59, The Discarded Knight.
↑A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 60, The Spurned Suitor.
↑A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 14, Tyrion IV.
↑A Clash of Kings, Chapter 10, Davos I.
↑A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 56, The Iron Suitor.
↑A Feast for Crows, Chapter 22, Arya II.
↑A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 45, The Blind Girl.
↑A Game of Thrones, Chapter 18, Catelyn IV.
↑A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 47, Tyrion X.
↑A Feast for Crows, Chapter 26, Samwell III.
↑ 56.056.1A Dance with Dragons, Chapter 25, The Windblown.
↑So Spake Martin: Yet More Questions, July 22, 2001
The material on this page is taken from the web page Other languages at Dothraki Wiki that is owned by dothraki.org and may be used for noncommercial purposes.
External Links
Valyrian languages on Wikipedia.
High Valyrian 101: Learn and Pronounce Common Phrases By Katie M. Lucas
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Learn Valyrian and other fascinating fictional languages
Valyrian Translate
With numerous fantasy shows gaining more and more popularity, it's no shock that many fans are going the extra mile. For instance, it was reported that over 800,000 people started learning 'Valyrian,' a language spoken by characters on 'Game of Thrones.' Incredible stories like 'Star Wars' and 'Lord of the Rings' also have their own unique languages, which you can start to learn about in this helpful gallery.
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ladyofasoiaf · 4 years
ADWD:  Daenerys vs Jon
In this meta, I will try to find the clues of Dance of Dragons 2.0 in Daenerys and Jon ADWD chapters. 
(I will be pointing out how these two are meant to be against each other) 
Mostly: I will examine the chapters that follow each other. 
Let’s start...
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A) ADWD; Daenerys I & Jon I:
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Daenerys I:
He lifted the sack, and spilled its contents on the marble. Bones they were, broken bones and blackened. The longer ones had been cracked open for their marrow. “It were the black one,” the man said, in a Ghiscari growl, “the winged shadow. He come down from the sky and … and …” No. Dany shivered. No, no, oh no. “Are you deaf, fool?” Reznak mo Reznak demanded of the man. “Did you not hear my pronouncement? See my factors on the morrow, and you shall be paid for your sheep.” “Reznak,” Ser Barristan said quietly, “hold your tongue and open your eyes. Those are no sheep bones.” No, Dany thought, those are the bones of a child.
[ADWD; Daenerys I]
Dany’s dragon Drogon burns a child
Let’s look Jon chapter that comes after this Dany chapter:
Jon I:
Burning dead children had ceased to trouble Jon Snow; live ones were another matter. Two kings to wake the dragon. The father first and then the son, so both die kings. The words had been murmured by one of the queen’s men as Maester Aemon had cleaned his wounds. Jon had tried to dismiss them as his fever talking. Aemon had demurred. “There is power in a king’s blood,” the old maester had warned, “and better men than Stannis have done worse things than this.” The king can be harsh and unforgiving, aye, but a babe still on the breast? Only a monster would give a living child to the flames.
[ADWD; Jon I]
GRRM knew exactly what he was doing by making this chapter follow the Dany one. 
Only monsters burn children= Dragons are monsters. 
Even Dany says so. And Dany calls herself a monster too in her second chapters:
Daenerys II:
Mother of dragons, Daenerys thought. Mother of monsters. What have I unleashed upon the world? A queen I am, but my throne is made of burned bones, and it rests on quicksand. Without dragons, how could she hope to hold Meereen, much less win back Westeros? I am the blood of the dragon, she thought. If they are monsters, so am I.
[ADWD; Daenerys II]
Monsters burn children= Dragons are monsters = Dany is a monster
This ADWD; Dany II chapter comes after ADWD; Jon III.
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Let’s keep reading Jon I chapter:
Jon I:
Stannis read from the letter. “Bear Island knows no king but the King in the North, whose name is STARK. A girl of ten, you say, and she presumes to scold her lawful king.” 
[ADWD; Jon I]
Like Daenerys, Stannis also believes that he is the only lawful and true ruler, he sacrifices people to flames, he listens what flames tell him, he wants everyone to bend the knee to him.
Also let’s not forget about the Dragonstone and Azor Ahai parallels between Dany and Stannis. 
Just like Lyanna Mormont doesn’t bend the knee to Stannis; the other Northern lords won’t accept Daenerys either. 
Stannis sees Jon as his key to the North. But Jon made his choice and he chose family and honor over his own desire of becoming the Lord of Winterfell:
“By right Winterfell should go to my sister Sansa.”
[ADWD; Jon I]
Daenerys might also see Jon as her key to the North in the future books but Jon will always choose his honor as a Stark and his Stark family. 
Lonely and lovely and lethal, Jon Snow reflected, and I might have had her. Her, and Winterfell, and my lord father’s name. Instead he had chosen a black cloak and a wall of ice. Instead he had chosen honor. A bastard’s sort of honor.
This also comes before a Dany chapter:
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[About Jon choosing Sansa and him becoming her hero, please check: Jon x Sansa Book Hints: C12, C13, E2 ]
B) ADWD; Daenerys III & Jon IV:
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Daenerys III:
The next morning Xaro’s galleas was gone, but the “gift” that he had brought her remained behind in Slaver’s Bay. Long red streamers flew from the masts of the thirteen Qartheen galleys, writhing in the wind. And when Daenerys descended to hold court, a messenger from the ships awaited her. He spoke no word but laid at her feet a black satin pillow, upon which rested a single bloodstained glove. “What is this?” Skahaz demanded. “A bloody glove …” “… means war,” said the queen.
[ADWD; Daenerys III]
Next chapter is Jon:
Jon IV:
As they did their count, Jon peeled the glove off his left hand and touched the nearest haunch of venison. He could feel his fingers sticking, and when he pulled them back he lost a bit of skin. His fingertips were numb. What did you expect? There’s a mountain of ice above your head, more tons than even Bowen Marsh could count. Even so, the room felt colder than it should. “It is worse than I feared, my lord,” Marsh announced when he was done. He sounded gloomier than Dolorous Edd. Jon had just been thinking that all the meat in the world surrounded them. You know nothing, Jon Snow. “How so? This seems a deal of food to me.”
[ADWD; Jon IV]
Jon takes his glove off and loses skin and maybe it gets even bloody?
In this chapter Jon is having problems with finding food and it is safe to assume that dragons are a threat to realm’s supplies. 
Jon thinks their best hope is untouched Eyrie- where his Tully cousin hides as a bastard: (source: Best Hope is in Eyrie) 
“If we had sufficient coin, we could buy food from the south and bring it in by ship,” the Lord Steward said. We could, thought Jon, if we had the gold, and someone willing to sell us food. Both of those were lacking. Our best hope may be the Eyrie. The Vale of Arryn was famously fertile and had gone untouched during the fighting. Jon wondered how Lady Catelyn’s sister would feel about feeding Ned Stark’s bastard. As a boy, he often felt as if the lady grudged him every bite.
[ADWD; Jon IV]
He once again chooses his Stark family in this chapter:
Which would you have as Lord of Winterfell, Snow? The smiler or the slayer?” Jon said, “Winterfell belongs to my sister Sansa.”
[ADWD; Jon IV]
C) ADWD; Daenerys VII & Jon IX:
Daenerys VII:
This is Dany’s wedding chapter and she learns about her father’s jealousy about married cousins Tywin and Joanna and she also thinks about a love between a Targaryen prince and a Stark lady:
“I want to know. I never knew my father. I want to know everything about him. The good and … the rest.” “As you command.” The white knight chose his words with care. “Prince Aerys … as a youth, he was taken with a certain lady of Casterly Rock, a cousin of Tywin Lannister. When she and Tywin wed, your father drank too much wine at the wedding feast and was heard to say that it was a great pity that the lord’s right to the first night had been abolished. A drunken jape, no more, but Tywin Lannister was not a man to forget such words, or the … the liberties your father took during the bedding.” His face reddened. “I have said too much, Your Grace. I—”
If he loved you, he would come and carry you off at swordpoint, as Rhaegar carried off his northern girl, the girl in her insisted, but the queen knew that was folly.
[ADWD; Daenerys VII]
Tywin betrayed Aerys and Rhaegar’s love for Lyanna caused a big trouble for the realm... 
And we know that Daenerys is still waiting for a BETRAYAL FOR LOVE. 
The voices were growing louder, she realized, and it seemed her heart was slowing, and even her breath… three treasons will you know… once for blood and once for gold and once for love…
A blue flower grew from a chink in a wall of ice, and filled the air with sweetness… mother of dragons, bride of fire…  
[ACOK; Daenerys IV]
And next chapter is Jon who is a secret Targaryen and the son of Prince Rhaegar and Lyanna Stark. 
So Jon comes after betrayer Tywin. (betrayal)
He is the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna.. (love)
Who is the cousin? 
Well A SISTER comes to him in this chapter: 
A grey girl on a dying horse. Melisandre’s fires had not lied, it would seem. 
[ADWD; Jon IX]
According to Melisandre’s vision this “grey girl” should have been Jon’s sister but Alys Karstark came to him. 
“I have seen your sister in my fires, fleeing from this marriage they have made for her. Coming here, to you. A girl in grey on a dying horse, I have seen it plain as day. It has not happened yet, but it will.”  
[ADWD; Jon VI]
But in truth Jon’s only sister Rhaenys is dead and the only sisters Jon knows are his COUSINS actually. 
Which cousin? The one that fits into the “grey girl” prophecy. Sansa Stark... Who is now facing a new marriage. 
According to fan made reading order for AFFC & ADWD: (source: AFFC&ADWD reading order)
ADWD; Jon IX chapter is following AFFC;  Alayne II chapter where she learns about Petyr’s plans of marrying her with Harry Hardyng. 
So according to same reading order, this Alayne chapter comes between this Daenerys chapter and Jon chapter. 
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[About Jon and Sansa being Dany’s betrayal for love and doom please read: Jon x Sansa Book Hints: B4, D4, E6 ]
So the fake grey girl that comes after Dany chapter gives us the clues of Dany’s last betrayal for love by pointing out two cousins who are a Targaryen prince and a Stark lady. 
Let’s continue with ADWD; Jon IX: 
Queen Selyse descended upon Castle Black with her daughter and her daughter’s fool, her serving girls and lady companions, and a retinue of knights, sworn swords, and men-at-arms fifty strong. Queen’s men all, Jon Snow knew. They may attend Selyse, but it is Melisandre they serve.
[ADWD; Jon IX]
We know that Jon dislikes Queen Selyse and he knows that she is actually a puppet of Melisandre. 
In one of his ADWD chapters he describes Selyse like this:
A word from Melisandre, and she would walk into the fire willingly, embrace it like a lover.
[ADWD; Jon X]
This description reminds me Daenerys Targaryen. 
Who did walk into flames willingly and embrace it like a lover? Daenerys Targaryen: 
She had sensed the truth of it long ago, Dany thought as she took a step closer to the conflagration, but the brazier had not been hot enough. The flames writhed before her like the women who had danced at her wedding, whirling and singing and spinning their yellow and orange and crimson veils, fearsome to behold, yet lovely, so lovely, alive with heat. Dany opened her arms to them, her skin flushed and glowing. This is a wedding, too, she thought.
And now the flames reached her Drogo, and now they were all around him. [...] Part of her wanted to go to him as Ser Jorah had feared, to rush into the flames to beg for his forgiveness and take him inside her one last time, the fire melting the flesh from their bones until they were as one, forever.
A rising heat puffed at her face, soft and sudden as a lover’s breath…
[AGOT; Daenerys X]
The interesting thing is that a Daenerys chapter follows this Jon X chapter where he describes Selyse.
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Let’s keep reading Jon IX: 
If he is not a kinslayer, he is the next best thing. Axell Florent’s brother had been burned by Melisandre, Maester Aemon had informed him, yet Ser Axell had done little and less to stop it. What sort of man can stand by idly and watch his own brother being burned alive?
[ADWD; Jon IX]
another Daenerys hint: Dany-Viserys or Jon killing his kin maybe?
“Salladhor Saan?” “The Lysene pirate? Some say he has returned to his old haunts, this is so. And Lord Redwyne’s war fleet creeps through the Broken Arm as well. On its way home, no doubt. But these men and their ships are well-known to us. No, these other sails … from farther east, perhaps … one hears queer talk of dragons.” “Would that we had one here. A dragon might warm things up a bit.” “My lord jests. You will forgive me if I do not laugh. We Braavosi are descended from those who fled Valyria and the wroth of its dragonlords. We do not jape of dragons.” No, I suppose not. “My apologies, Lord Tycho.”
[ADWD; Jon IX]
Jon is warned against dragons.
D) ADWD; Daenerys IX & Jon XI:
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Daenerys IX 
Dizzy, Dany closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she glimpsed the Meereenese beneath her through a haze of tears and dust, pouring up the steps and out into the streets. The lash was still in her hand. She flicked it against Drogon’s neck and cried, “Higher!” Her other hand clutched at his scales, her fingers scrabbling for purchase. Drogon’s wide black wings beat the air. Dany could feel the heat of him between her thighs. Her heart felt as if it were about to burst. Yes, she thought, yes, now, now, do it, do it, take me, take me, FLY!
[ADWD; Daenerys IX]
Daenerys rides Drogon for the first time and this looks like an orgasmic experience but don’t let it fool you: people in Meereen are not happy because they are dying etc... 
Next chapter is realm’s shield Jon:
Jon XI
Jon clasped the offered hand. The words of his oath rang through his head. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. And for him a new refrain: I am the guard who opened the gates and let the foe march through. He would have given much and more to know that he was doing the right thing. But he had gone too far to turn back. “Done and done,” he said.
[ADWD; Jon XI]
He remembers his oath about protecting the realm.
He thinks Ghost (his Stark side) is the only protection he needs:
Ghost was the only protection Jon needed; the direwolf could sniff out foes, even those who hid their enmity behind smiles.
[ADWD; Jon XI]
Jon wants to scream that fire obsessed queen is not his queen. And he wants Selyse and Melisandre gone. 
[Stannis + Melisandre + Selyse = Daenerys]
Val’s playful smile died. “You have my word, Lord Snow. I will be a proper wildling princess for your queen.” She is not my queen, he might have said. If truth be told, the day of her departure cannot come too fast for me. And if the gods are good, she will take Melisandre with her.
[ADWD; Jon XI]
A northern princess doesn’t bend the knee to fire obsessed queen:
“The queen’s face hardened. “A grievous oversight.” What faint traces of warmth her voice had held vanished all at once. “Free folk do not kneel,” Val told her. “Then they must be knelt,” the queen declared.“Do that, Your Grace, and we will rise again at the first chance,” Val promised. “Rise with blades in hand.”
[ADWD; Jon XI]
Jon remembers his Night’s Watch oath AGAIN:
“I know what I swore.” Jon said the words. “I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. Were those the same words you said when you took your vows?”
[ADWD; Jon XI]
So as we can see Daenerys’ bonding with her dragon doesn’t seem like a good omen for Westeros. But at least we have our shield and warrior: Jon SNOW. 
We are done with the chapters that follow each other but I am going to look at Daenerys’ last POV in ADWD too:
ADWD; Daenerys X:
A wolf howls when she thinks about her betrayals and it makes her sad and lonely but not less hungry:
Yet who else could it have been? Reznak, her perfumed seneschal? The Yunkai’i? The Sons of the Harpy? Off in the distance, a wolf howled. The sound made her feel sad and lonely, but no less hungry. As the moon rose above the grasslands, Dany slipped at last into a restless sleep.
[ADWD; Daenerys X]
Ants, which are coming from a WALL, bite Dany:
It turned out that their anthill was on the other side of her wall. She wondered how the ants had managed to climb over it and find her. To them these tumbledown stones must loom as huge as the Wall of Westeros. The biggest wall in all the world, her brother Viserys used to say, as proud as if he’d built it himself.
[ADWD; Daenerys X]
Wolves and crows are not good signs for her:
My flesh will feed the wolves and carrion crows, she thought sadly, and worms will burrow through my womb. 
[ADWD; Daenerys X]
She embraces “Fire and Blood”:
No. You are the blood of the dragon. The whispering was growing fainter, as if Ser Jorah were falling farther behind. Dragons plant no trees. Remember that. Remember who you are, what you were made to be. Remember your words. “Fire and Blood,” Daenerys told the swaying grass.
[ADWD; Daenerys X]
In conclusion: Daenerys will be dangerous for Westeros. It seems like Jon and Starks will be against Daenerys at some point and in the end Daenerys will meet her doom because of them.. 
Thanks for reading... 
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shieldofrohan · 4 years
I was struck by your idea that there may be a Jonsa political marriage in TWOW or early in ADOS because I could NOT figure out why they made all those parallels between them and Ned/Cat in the show without addressing it. But, your idea worries me because in s7 they compared J/D to Rhaegar/Lyanna, and while I can't imagine Jon being unfaithful, Dany falling in love with Jon was what brought her North. So how does that/the love triangle we saw on the show play out if Jonsa is already married?
Hello @esther-dot! First of all thank you for your ask, people don’t ask me anything usually so your ask made me really happy. 
I wrote a long answer I guess, sorry :
First let me say that: I think we are giving too much credit to show. After S4 the show kind of stopped following the books. I mean look at the S5 Ramsay/Sansa nonsense. D&D made it clear that GRRM gave them some important scenes for them to work with so I see the show as a slide-show of some scenes from books tbh. For example the arrival of the Knights of the Vale was sth you can find the hints of it in the books. Or the trial and death of Baelish by the hand of Sansa. Even the death of Daenerys was foreshadowed in the books. But the plots to get to those scenes were all D&D if you ask me. So they had to fill the gaps and they did it how they wanted. 
At this point I really can’t see a version of Asoiaf without a jonsa plot. Jonsa is the most foreshadowed plot in the books. The hints are starting in the prologue of the AGOT and they keep going in the AFFC and ADWD, and you can even find hints in other books of GRRM. Jonsa foreshadowings are surrounded by marriage and children imagery. So not having a jonsa marriage or kids seems unlikely to me. 
I am looking at the j*nerys foreshadowings and they are all about them being enemies. For example these two chapters that follow each other:
“No. Dany shivered. No, no, oh no.“Are you deaf, fool?” Reznak mo Reznak demanded of the man. “Did you not hear my pronouncement? See my factors on the morrow, and you shall be paid for your sheep.” “Reznak,” Ser Barristan said quietly, “hold your tongue and open your eyes. Those are no sheep bones.” No, Dany thought, those are the bones of a child.”
[A Dance with Dragons; Daenerys]
Burning dead children had ceased to trouble Jon Snow; live ones were another matter. Two kings to wake the dragon. The father first and then the son, so both die kings. The words had been murmured by one of the queen’s men as Maester Aemon had cleaned his wounds. Jon had tried to dismiss them as his fever talking. Aemon had demurred. “There is power in a king’s blood,” the old maester had warned, “and better men than Stannis have done worse things than this.” The king can be harsh and unforgiving, aye, but a babe still on the breast? Only a monster would give a living child to the flames.
[A Dance with Dragons; Jon]
The next morning Xaro’s galleas was gone, but the “gift” that he had brought her remained behind in Slaver’s Bay. Long red streamers flew from the masts of the thirteen Qartheen galleys, writhing in the wind. And when Daenerys descended to hold court, a messenger from the ships awaited her. He spoke no word but laid at her feet a black satin pillow, upon which rested a single bloodstained glove. “What is this?” Skahaz demanded. “A bloody glove …” “… means war,” said the queen.
[A Dance with Dragons; Daenerys]
As they did their count, Jon peeled the glove off his left hand and touched the nearest haunch of venison. He could feel his fingers sticking, and when he pulled them back he lost a bit of skin. His fingertips were numb. What did you expect? There’s a mountain of ice above your head, more tons than even Bowen Marsh could count. Even so, the room felt colder than it should.“It is worse than I feared, my lord,” Marsh announced when he was done. He sounded gloomier than Dolorous Edd.Jon had just been thinking that all the meat in the world surrounded them. You know nothing, Jon Snow. “How so? This seems a deal of food to me.”
[A Dance with Dragons; Jon]
Dizzy, Dany closed her eyes. When she opened them again, she glimpsed the Meereenese beneath her through a haze of tears and dust, pouring up the steps and out into the streets.The lash was still in her hand. She flicked it against Drogon’s neck and cried, “Higher!” Her other hand clutched at his scales, her fingers scrabbling for purchase. Drogon’s wide black wings beat the air. Dany could feel the heat of him between her thighs. Her heart felt as if it were about to burst. Yes, she thought, yes, now, now, do it, do it, take me, take me, FLY!”
[A Dance with Dragons; Daenerys]
Jon clasped the offered hand. The words of his oath rang through his head. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men.
[A Dance with Dragons; Jon]
I really try to see some romantic hints in those but I can’t find them. So why did D&D choose to do j*nerys instead of jonsa? Let’s face it: Their main audience are locals and Dany lovers. People were waiting them to bang... (ew). And when he was asked about Grrm’s intentions about Jon and Dany, Alan Taylor (director) said that he can’t tell what Grrm said because it is a S8 twist. So even the most j*nerys shipper director couldn’t confirm that j*nerys was sth Grrm told them about. What Grrm told them was a S8 twist, which turned out to be Jon killing Daenerys. I bet they chose the route of a romance instead of them being enemies (Dance of Dragons 2.0 ?!?!?!) so they could shock the audience with the final twist (a poor choice i must say).
So what I am trying to say is that: j*nerys is probably not a book thing. Or at least it can only be one sided in the books. Look at the S7-8 Jon Snow.. they made him so OOC to be in love with Dany... I am sure that Book!Jon won’t be in love with Dany. To be fair, I even can’t see Jon in Dragonstone or etc. Traveling during a White Walker threat is not a good idea. He won’t have such a time to go to DS and fall in love with someone like Dany. Dany is a combination of Cersei, Joffrey, Stannis, Selyse and Melisandre... Can you imagine Jon falling for those? No I don’t think so. I mean there is even dragon glass in Skagos... why would he bother to go DS? And we know that Dragons don’t like North and I can’t image using the fire threat to beat the ice threat... So her dragons won’t be the main forces against the Others. 
I tried to explain why Show!J*nerys was so forced to please the audience and how it was a fan service plot. But still an one-sided j*nerys can happen in the books. There are more foreshowings for this tbh. I am imaging an Aerys-Joanna-Tywin kind of triangle in the books. 
I mean look at this: (I have examined the Jon chapters that follow Dany ones in the ADWD and there were some interesting things. Maybe i’ll write a meta about them one day but for now let’s focus on one hint that I found interesting)
“I want to know. I never knew my father. I want to know everything about him. The good and … the rest.” “As you command.” The white knight chose his words with care. “Prince Aerys … as a youth, he was taken with a certain lady of Casterly Rock, a cousin of Tywin Lannister. When she and Tywin wed, your father drank too much wine at the wedding feast and was heard to say that it was a great pity that the lord’s right to the first night had been abolished. A drunken jape, no more, but Tywin Lannister was not a man to forget such words, or the … the liberties your father took during the bedding.” His face reddened. “I have said too much, Your Grace. I—”
How beautiful, the queen tried to tell herself, but inside her was some foolish little girl who could not help but look about for Daario. If he loved you, he would come and carry you off at swordpoint, as Rhaegar carried off his northern girl, the girl in her insisted, but the queen knew that was folly.
[A Dance with Dragons; Daenerys]
This is Daenerys’ wedding chapter and she learns about her father’s jealousy about Tywin and Joanna’s marriage. 
And bonus: she also wishes that Daario to take her away like Rhaegar did with his Stark lady. So in her wedding chapter she mentions the love between a Targaryen prince and a Stark lady. 
But she also knows that no one is coming for her. 
And Jon chapter follows this chapter. And he talks about: his dislike for Selyse and Melisandre, kinslaying, daggers in dark, the grey girl. So he won’t like Daenerys either, kinslaying is an important hint (both for Dany-Viserys and Jon-Daenerys) and I bet that Grey Girl is Sansa. 
Now we know that Dany is Aerys 2.0 with dragons and she will end what her father has started by burning down KL. So in this triangle Dany is Aerys. 
And who are Joanna and Tywin? 
The first J+T pair she’ll meet will be Aegon and Arianna probably. They are cousins too and Aegon chose not to be just a consort to his aunt by marrying her, so he’ll probably choose Arianne to gain Dorne’s support. I always consider Aegon (fake or not) and Arianne as a warning for Daenerys about Jonsa. Aegon has parallels with Sansa and Jon (secret identity with different hair color and secret Targ parentage etc). And Arianne has parallels with Sansa (The girl in the tower trope). So those two will be a test for Daenerys before she meets with Jon and Sansa. But her main test will be with Jonsa.
Jonsa fit into Joanna/Tywin pair more. They are cousins and they grew up together and after them being reunited they will be very important for each other. 
And let’s not forget about the fact that Tywin was the Hand of Aerys and he betrayed him and his son Jaime killed Aerys in the throne room... We are all aware of the parallels between Jaime and Jon already. But Jon was also her adviser and she wanted to rule the 7K with him. But in the end he betrayed her. I believe that Jon’s Ygritte arc might be useful for him to lure Dany into some false trust. But him sleeping with her and loving her and later lose her in his arms sounds like a cheap copy of Ygritte/Jon plot and it makes no sense. 
I think Dany will be taken with him and he’ll use this but it doesn’t mean that they will be lovers. Because it seems like Grrm is going to use RLJ in Jon’s romantic life (like he planned in the original/first outline with Jon-Arya romance). And RLJ has no effect on j*nerys. They can still f*ck and marry... 
I mean Grrm even put an uncle-niece marriage (Jonnel-Sansa Stark!!) in the Stark family tree to show that Starks have no problem with marrying with their uncles/aunts etc. Grrm only considers the marriages between siblings and parent-children as incest. So j*nerys is not a doomed love. But for jonsa; RLJ makes everything smooth. Therefore RLJ must be used in jonsa plot.
So Dany is the Aerys of the triangle and no Targaryen prince will come for her because they are busy with their Stark ladies. (Rhaegar- Lyanna and also maybe Jacaerys and Sara Snow?) 
To explain the early Jonsa political marriage, I must say that I was inspired by the Grand Northern Conspiracy. According to this theory, Howland Reed is the keeper of Robb’s Will about Jon and he is also the one who knows about RLJ. 
It does not go north with Galbart Glover and Maege Mormont, who expressly carry false letters, and is often feared lost at the Twins in the chaos following the Red Wedding. Another possibility, however, is that the document was secreted away in Hag’s Mire and has now been retrieved by Lady Stoneheart. Who in turn, for a real kicker of an ironic twist, delivers the suspected proof of Jon’s kingship to Greywater Watch for safekeeping, care of Howland Reed, who then knows more of the crowns Jon’s entitled to than any other man living in the world of ASOIAF.
Let’s accept this theory and say that Howland has the Will. Without his proof other lords can’t just announce Jon as the KITN. I believe that Howland will be present at Winterfell to show the Will. But Howland was also a friend of Ned Stark. And he is loyal to House Stark. He kept RLJ as secret for years to protect the Starks and Jon from Robert’s wrath. But Robert is dead and he has no reason to keep this secret anymore. And I can’t imagine him sitting quietly while other lords declare Jon as the King while a true born Stark (Sansa) is sitting right there. He wouldn’t betray Ned’s memory like that. So he’ll spill the tea with RLJ too. And after that maybe Sansa will finally have some agency for her choice of husband. So them together will be the one answer of North’s all wishes. 
And let’s not forget that GRRM said he knows which characters will end up married. But in the show there was no marriage. So I am still waiting a marriage. 
And even with an early Jonsa marriage, Jon and Dany might still meet. Imagine S7 with a married Jonsa. Jon leaves Sansa to fight a battle. It would be a great parallel with NedCat. Ned left Cat while she was pregnant to go to war. And maybe there will be rumors about Jon and Dragon Queen just like how Ned betrayed Cat. But like Ned, Jon would be loyal to Sansa and North too in truth. 
Maybe Jon will gain Dany’s trust and help her against Aegon. And return she’ll accept to help North. But in the end I don’t think that Dany will come/or stay in North. Also in the Jon chapter that comes after Dany one, Jon was warned against Dragons:
“Salladhor Saan?” “The Lysene pirate? Some say he has returned to his old haunts, this is so. And Lord Redwyne’s war fleet creeps through the Broken Arm as well. On its way home, no doubt. But these men and their ships are well-known to us. No, these other sails … from farther east, perhaps … one hears queer talk of dragons.” “Would that we had one here. A dragon might warm things up a bit.” “My lord jests. You will forgive me if I do not laugh. We Braavosi are descended from those who fled Valyria and the wroth of its dragonlords. We do not jape of dragons.” No, I suppose not. “My apologies, Lord Tycho.”
[A Dance with Dragons; Jon]
Maybe Dany will want sth more from Jon and will be jealous of Jon and Sansa just like her father was jealous of Tywin and Joanna. Maybe Jon will betray her in most unexpected time just like Tywin betrayed Aerys. 
Btw I am still waiting for a battle between Daenerys and Jon in Trident after he betrayed Dany. (You know Dany dreamed about a fighting against an usurper in ice armor in Trident... Jon will be the Usurper because he’ll be the King of North and Dany will see North as a part of her Kingdom.)
So my timeline would be like this:
- Jon and Sansa reunite and take North back
- The Will and RLJ happen and they unite their claims by marriage
- A dance between Aegon and Daenerys and she loses a dragon
- Jon gains her trust only to use her and pacify her to protect the North during the Dance
- Him refusing the bend the knee and them becoming enemies
- Daenerys loses one of her dragons
- Daenerys and Euron being a chaotic duo for Westeros
- Daenerys burns down KL and marches to North for revenge
- North (aka Jon) vs Daenerys in Trident
- Daenerys dies and Drogon gets hurt
- Jon refusing the throne so he can go back to North (the Duncan of Dragonflies jumped out)
- Bran becomes King
- Jon returns North to fight against the Others etc. (I refuse believe that he’ll be punished and sent back to Wall? Grrm literally has to kill him to free him from Night’s Watch so I don’t see him returning there)
- Epiloge. 
Well I talked too much about too many things but I hope my answer was not such a bullsh*t :) 
Thanks again for the ask. Let me know your thoughts. 
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mebongster87 · 5 years
The real villains and the real heroes of Season 8: predictions and foreshadowings
Back when the character posters for Season 8 was released, a few folks in the JonSa fandom speculated about how Daenerys, Euron Greyjoy, and the Night King, were shown to be seated on the Iron Throne with the Stanley Kubrick glare. Here are the pictures of what I am talking about. 
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Kubrick stare is a typical characterising feature of villainy. Given that Euron Greyjoy, Daenerys Stormborn, and the Night King all sport this, it is safe to say that Team Storm are the main villains. 
The Crypts of Winterfell teaser provided us the real heroes of this season and they are these three:
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Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, and Arya Stark, poised to face the threats of Ice and Fire with their best weapons, and are the real heroes of Season 8 and the story at large.
Longclaw for Jon, Sansa has her wits and charm, intelligence, and realpolitik, I mean I could go on but you get the point. Last but not the least, Arya Stark, newly minted Night King Slayer, with her Valyrian steel dagger, with which she killed the NK and Needle.
Thanks to Arya being the NK Slayer, this picture makes a whole lot of sense now and I believe we will have Jon and Sansa take down the other two villains in the story. 3 villains vs 3 heroes.
Daenerys Stormborn:
The show actually teased that Jon and Sansa will stand against Daenerys Stormborn back in Season 6.
The S06E09 Battle of the Bastards Inside the Episode commentary by David Benioff, where he says:
“If you are one of the Lords of Westeros or one of her potential opponents in the wars to come, and you get word of what happened here in Meereen, you have to be pretty nervous because this is an unprecedented threat. You’ve got a woman who has somehow formed an alliance where she’s got a Dothraki horde, a legion of Unsullied, she’s got the mercenary army of the Second Sons, and she’s got three dragons, who are now pretty close to full-grown. So if she can make it all the way across the Narrow Sea and get to Westeros, who’s gonna stand in her way?”
over shots of Daenerys about to destroy Meereen and burning people, is immediately followed by this shot of Sansa and Jon, from the tent scene, prior to Battle of Bastards, where they discuss how to defeat Ramsay (another villain).
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In Season 8 so far, we have seen Sansa go toe-to-toe with Daenerys, either by making her displeasure known in feeding the “greatest army the world has ever seen” with the limited food and resources that Sansa has managed to gather for the North, or derisively asking “what do dragons eat anyway” or outright defying Daenerys in Jamie’s trial. I do not see this abating in the upcoming episodes. Sansa knows that the Dragon Queen is a threat to her home, her family, and the entire North and she will be using her smarts and political prowess to outplay Daenerys.
Jon, on the other hand, will be the one to go fight Daenerys in a Dance of the Dragons 2.0. Whether Jon kills Daenerys remains to be seen. The show has buried enough clues to allude to this happening. I have written about it here and here and I think there is a strong possibility that Jon kills Daenerys, irrespective of your beliefs in those alleged leaks. 
In fact, these lines from ADWD, Jon XII, may have foreshadowed this:
Burning shafts hissed upward, trailing tongues of fire. Scarecrow brothers tumbled down, black cloaks ablaze. 
"Snow," an eagle cried, as foemen scuttled up the ice like spiders. 
Jon was armored in black ice, but his blade burned red in his fist. As the dead men reached the top of the Wall he sent them down to die again. He slew a greybeard and a beardless boy, a giant, a gaunt man with filed teeth, a girl with thick red hair. Too late he recognized Ygritte. She was gone as quick as she'd appeared. The world dissolved into a red mist. Jon stabbed and slashed and cut. He hacked down Donal Noye and gutted Deaf Dick Follard. Qhorin Halfhand stumbled to his knees, trying in vain to staunch the flow of blood from his neck. "I am the Lord of Winterfell," Jon screamed. It was Robb before him now, his hair wet with melting snow. Longclaw took his head off. Then a gnarled hand seized Jon roughly by the shoulder. He whirled …… and woke with a raven pecking at his chest. 
Here we have Jon armored in black ice, which is very reminiscent of Daenerys’ dream from ASOS, Daenerys III:
That night she dreamt that she was Rhaegar, riding to the Trident. But she was mounted on a dragon, not a horse. When she saw the Usurper's rebel host across the river they were armored all in ice, but she bathed them in dragonfire and they melted away like dew and turned the Trident into a torrent. Some small part of her knew that she was dreaming, but another part exulted. This is how it was meant to be. The other was a nightmare, and I have only now awakened.
Jon kills Ygritte, a love interest, and Robb, his kin/cousin within the same dream. Daenerys is both a love interest and his kin/aunt. 
Jon has also been referred to as the “shifting shadow” from Daenerys’s chapters...ASOS, Daenerys II.
“Sometimes she would close her eyes and dream of him, but it was never Jorah Mormont she dreamed of; her lover was always younger and more comely, though his face remained a shifting shadow.“
Melisandre in her visions sees Jon as a shifting shadow as well:
“The flames crackled softly, and in their crackling she heard the whispered name Jon Snow. His long face floated before her, limned in tongues of red and orange, appearing and disappearing again, a shadow half-seen behind a fluttering curtain. Now he was a man, now a wolf, now a man again.”
-ADWD, Melisandre I.
What’s interesting is that the show actually uses a “shadow” to allude to Jon.
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Notice the focus on the shadow of Jon, right before he goes to behead Janos Slynt, someone who betrayed Ned Stark and was an enemy to House Stark. And dare I say, this reminds me of the shadow of Jamie from Bran’s visions right before he shoves the sword in the back of the Mad King Aerys. 
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Since Jon and Jamie are foils, Jon could end the story as a kinslayer and Queenslayer, just as Jamie started the story as the Kingslayer. We shall see whether it does come to pass or not. Additionally, Jon has refused to kill a woman twice before (Ygritte and Melisandre), maybe he ends up having to kill a woman this third time. Notably, Ygritte was a love interest, Melisandre tried seducing Jon, and now he is in a relationship with Daenerys.   
Euron Greyjoy:
I would’ve loved for Theon to be the one to take down Euron but since he is dead, someone else will have to step up to bring this guy down.
Could Jon be the one? Or Arya?Or Yara?
Since both Euron and Daenerys have been associated with “Storm”, here are some clues that I found that I thought were interesting.
This next part is just wild speculation on my part. 
Euron is introduced to us in S06E02 Home, where he kills his brother and King Balon Greyjoy and these are some of the things he says...
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And this is what Jon says before he gets crowned KITN in S06E10 The Winds of Winter...
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Littlefinger needles him in the crypts before Jon leaves for Dragonstone in S07E02 Stormborn and says this...
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While Daenerys Stormborn has been associated with storms, Euron has been called the Storm and in this same episode called Stormborn, we see both Daenerys and Euron but not the Night King. Interesting don’t you think?
In fact, LF’s line could be applicable to Jon being the last best hope against either or both of these two “Storms”. 
In fact, I think we may get a Daenerys Stormborn and Euron Greyjoy “Storm-Storm” alliance mainly because of this throwaway line from Yara while she is captive in the Silence at KL in S08E01...
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to which Euron replies:
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Now on the surface, this may seem that Yara, an ally of Daenerys is confident of Daenerys’s win over Cersei and Euron, who are current allies. To which Euron talks about sailing his fleet elsewhere??To Dragonstone maybe??? I believe the show is cluing us to the fact that Euron could possibly switch camps. I mean he is wild, unpredictable and who knows what his next move is?? However, he wants to marry the most beautiful woman in the world and just wants to side with the winning team.
In the promo for Episode 4, we see Euron going down on his knees and looks like he is proposing Cersei. If Cersei rejects his proposal, maybe he will switch sides over to Daenerys, whom he thinks has a better chance of winning and is the most beautiful woman in the world.
However, in the subtext, do we really think Daenerys’s side is the winning side????
If she is the main antagonist, then she has to lose, right? So what could this mean....that Euron switches Cersei’s camp and goes over to Daenerys’s camp thinking he is picking the winning side, only to end up on the losing side, when Daenerys finally loses. 
Euron is a wild card and hopefully, next episode provides some solid clues regarding what’s going to happen.
There is also this scene from S07E05 Eastwatch, where the maesters of the Citadel are discussing Bran’s letter about the AOTD and one of the maesters mockingly says...”Don’t forget the prophet Lodos, who said that the drowned god will rise up and destroy Aegon the Conqueror”
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Prophecy twist is when Aegon the Protector aka Jon Snow who has risen from the dead, destroys the Drowned God aka Euron Greyjoy.
Or the Drowned God aka Euron Greyjoy allies himself with Aegon the Conqueror come again aka Daenerys Stormborn to attempt to destroy KL???? It remains to be seen.
Why will Jon need to kill Euron??? Maybe just maybe Euron will be involved in kidnapping Sansa to KL. And Jon has already said (to LF) “Touch my sister and I’ll kill you myself”. That Chekhov’s gun is still waiting to go off.
I can’t help but think that the scene in the godswood in S08E01 Winterfell, in front of the heart tree, when Arya and Jon reunite and they talk about Sansa and Jon says that “I am her family too”, Arya says “don’t forget that” is foreshadowing for Jon to remember his first vow after he was brought back from the death that he made to Sansa...”I won’t ever let him touch you again, I will protect you, I promise”. Jon’s vow to protect Sansa will come into play in a moment when Sansa’s safety and her life is compromised. If Euron/GC come for her, then Jon’s vows to protect Sansa are applicable here as well. 
This Jon/Arya scene then transitions to a shot of KL, where we think Sansa will get kidnapped to, and then we have shots of Cersei and Qyburn, the Golden Company with Euron and, finally we have scenes where a “sister” is held captive by Euron. And who comes to rescue his “sister” Yara?? Theon, who is a foil to Jon...I think these are interesting scene transitions. Again, since it’s rescuing one’s sister, it could be that Arya is the one who comes to rescue Sansa, together with Jon, and ends up being the one to kill Euron.
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Having said all of that, I am really not sure. Mainly because I don’t think the show will let Jon kill both Euron and Daenerys. That’s a bit much for one guy, even if it’s Jon. And this is primarily where I think Arya may play a part and be the one to kill Euron. If Jon kills Daenerys, then Arya will kill Euron, again the objective remains the same, protect Sansa. That shot from the crypts teaser where Sansa is flanked by Arya one on side and Jon on the other side, with their weapons drawn in a protective stance, makes me think that both Jon and Arya will have to protect and save Sansa at some point.
Or the show could give this kill to Yara, Jamie, or even Brienne, who knows. Like I said, this part is pure speculation on my part so I could be totally wrong.
And finally Cersei Lannister:
I am counting on the show giving us a Sansa vs Cersei showdown, I feel like those two characters need to meet to complete the YMBQ story arc. 
If the kidnapping plot does not happen, Sansa could come to KL to parlay with Cersei to strike up an alliance to take down Daenerys and defend the 7Ks.
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These character posters have the same energy about them. Two Queens.
The show has been teasing us a Stark-Lannister alliance through its promos and teasers.
I could see Sansa and Cersei forming an alliance together to defeat Daenerys’s forces. The Golden Company will fight on behalf of Cersei and Sansa against Daenerys’s (and maybe Euron’s) armies.
In terms of Cersei’s demise, I am not putting too much stock on the Valonqar prophecy being actually true. Yes, Cersei has to die eventually, but D&D are Lena fanboys and I don’t think they will give her a gruesome on-camera death. In fact, I think Cersei will commit suicide or maybe poisoned.
When cornered, Cersei has either always managed to pull out an ace in the hole and outwit all her opponents in one fell-swoop like she did with House Tyrell in S06E10 when she blew up the sept 
she turns suicidal and threatens to do something rash.
Case in point:
1. She was willing to poison herself and Tommen with the essence of nightshade poison at the Battle of Blackwater Bay when all looked lost until Tywin came and saved her.
2. When Tywin was forcing her to marry Loras, she threatened to “burn our House to the ground”.
The only thing Cersei loves is her children, Jamie, and her throne. The fact that she is drinking wine again means that she probably is no longer pregnant. Jamie, if he ends up with Brienne, is gone from her. Her throne is under attack from Daenerys’s forces. All of these may just force her to do:
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Foreshadowing from S03E10 Mhysa, where she is talking to Tyrion to give Sansa a child so that she may have some happiness.
She does not have any more children left, so she may just throw herself from the highest window in the red keep.
Joffrey and Myrcella were poisoned, Tommen committed suicide by throwing himself from his window. Maybe Cersei will do the same. We shall see.
Thoughts and comments??
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maggyme13 · 5 years
The Last Mission (9/?)
AN: Please dont hate me after this! But this is a dark fic and i wanted to try somehing new.
There are German part in here at the end. the english translation is written right after them like this
Wordcount: around 1500
Warning: grafic description of birth, miscarriage
TLM- Masterlist
Part 8
Next time you woke up, you where laid on the bed, your head resting on a soft pillow. Something cold was pressed against your exposed chest and your instinctivelyd jerked away. It was a different cold than the soldier´s metal prosthetic.
An unknown male voice told you something in a stern voice you couldn´t underdstand.
“He tells you to lay back again so he can finish his check up.”, the soldier rumbled from your left. He stood a few steps away, his eyes fixed on the male stranger and muscles tense. You noticed his flesh hand was resting on the hidden blade, ready to pull it at any moment and kill the man, should he do something stupid.
Knowing the soldier would not allow anything happen to you, you did as the stranger had asked from you.
It took another few minutes for the doctor(?) to finish his check up. He then said somehting to your captor again, who nodded and handed over some money, before guiding the man out of your little appartment.
Waiting for him to say or do anything to you, you did not move from your position on the bed.
“You fainted.”, he finally told you, “I had to find a doctor after you did not wake up on your own after a while. He said to be carefull in your condition and to take it easy. He will check on you again in a few weeks to make everything is fine.”
“Okay.”, you nodded, pulling the sheets around your body to keep warm.
“Your clothes are on your left. get dressed and then sit down to eat.”
Nodding again, you pulled the offered shirt above your head and then sat down at the table- soup was served.
“What you and Barnes did was a stupid thing to do. You did not know where you were and then you left into the blue.”, his voice was angry, but stayed calm and even.
“I am sorry.”, you flinched.
“Good. Don´t do something like this again!”, he ordered staring you down to get his point across, “We will stay here. No one knows who we are and in your condition it is smarter. But you will NOT leave this appartment.”
It was hard for you to walk around and do your chores now..
You feet hurt, as did your back and head often times.
It was your seventh or eightth month of pregnancy and trusting the doctor, neverything was going fine.
Bucky had left you to buy some food on the little marked a few blocks away- you had suddenly started to crave plumbs- and you were trying to clean your appartment as best as you could.
You had wanted to mob it for a while now, but both Bucky and the soldier were stating it was to dangerouse. Unbeknownst to you, would they be right.
Hurried steps caught your attention and to stepped away from the door and into the far corner of the room.
Not a second later, did the door open and Captain America entered.
Fury rose in your blood.
He hadn´t notice you yet, and he wouldn´t, because a the moment his eyes would have caught your form, Bucky entered catching the man´s whole attention on himself.
Bucky´s eyes flickered to you to make sure you were alright while at the same time telling you to hide. He didn´t know who can be truste (which included himself), and unlike the soldier, who whould often touch your stomach to dfeel the child move, HE barely did- always afraid to hurt the unborn baby.
The two men started to talk , though you did not really listen; a movement outdside the covered window caught your attention and not a second later, all hell broke loose.
Explosions and smoke filled the room, blinding you for a while and making it hard to breath.
YOu wanted to get away from there, hide and wait until everything is over. But you would not be able to.
You had made it to the flat-door when she burts open again, hitting you. That caused you to loose your footing, when your foot caught the bucket with water.
“POLICE!”, someone shouted, though the only thing you registered was a sharp pain  in your abdomen when you fell onto the edge of the kitchen table; the corner embedding itself into your stomach.
At once you curled yourself into a small ball, uncontrolably sobbing. It hurt too much and you hoped your baby was alright.
A presence appeared next to you and you could hear a slightly panicked voice of a man. Hands roamed your body on the search for secret weapons (as you later learned).
“Atlas 100 von 5-3. Wir haben eine weibliche Unbekannte. Schwanger.”, he spoke. ((”Atlas 100 for 5-3. We have an unknown female. Pregnant.”)) ”Verstanden. Negativ. ZP ist ins Treppenhaus geflüchtet. Mit dem Captain.((Understood.Negative. Target left into the stairwell with the captain.”)) Miss. Miss. German federal police. Can you understand me?”
The man tried to uncurl you, but you didn´t. Too great was your panic and pain.
“Frank hilf mir. Wir müssen sie beruhigen und auf das Bett legen und gucken obn und wo sie verletzt ist.((Frank help me. we need to calm her down and get her onto the bed so see if and where she is injured.))”, the man told another man.
“Klar. Gib mir Deckung, ich mach das. ((Sure. Cover me, I do that.))”, a new voice stated and not a few moments later you were lifted into the air, only to be placed onto the bed.
Another shout of pain left your throat upon that movement.
“I am sorry Ma´m. But- Scheiße. Atlas 100 von 5-5: wir brauchen dringend einen Arzt zu unserer Position. DIe Unbekannte hat Blut zwischen den Beinen und es wird immer mehr--positiv--negativ. Aber- verstaden. 5-5 ende. ((Fuck. Atlas 100 for 5-5. We need a medic to our position immediatelly. The unknown has blood between her legs and it gets more and more-- positiv--negativ. But- understood. 5-5 out.)). “
”Miss. I need you to lay on your back and open your legs. I need to see where all the blood is coming from.”, the first voice asked you through your sobbs.
Blood? What Blood? God no!
Shocked hearing those words, you did as the man pleaded and slowly uncurled your body. It was then that the cramps started.
“Shit.”, the second man cursed and you screamed in pain when another hit you and you felt your babies position shift down.
You had just starting to give birth.
“5-3 an alle: Weiß jemand wie man ein Kind zur Welt bringt?-Ja ich bin mir sehr sicher. Verstanden. ZP1 hat das Gebäude verlassen. Gebäude wird gesichert. ((”5-3 for everyone. Does anyone know how to give birth to a baby?- Yes I am very sure. Copy. Target 1 had left the building. Building is being secured.”)) “
You had finally found the courage to open your eyes,only to find two men dressed in black combat uniforms standing and sitting in front of you. THe one standing held his weapon in a way that made it possible for him to either shoot you or anyone coming throughh that door at a moments notice. The other one was tall and broad, his weapon laying next to him, but out of your reach. Both men had a worried glint in their eyes.
“Please.”, you sobbed not really knowing what to say or do.
The police-officers shared a look before the taller one spoke again.
“Miss. I need to strip your trousers and underwear. There is a lot of blood and we think you might have gone into labour.”
You could only nod, because another very painful cramp hit.
“Cut them off. I don´t care.”, you whined, the urge to spread your legs to ease the pain taking over. Hot shivers covered your body and sobbs left your chest. It was far too early for your little boy to see the world.
The standing man had turned his back more towards you, giving you a bit more privacy, while his comrade got rid of your clothing; only to place the covers of your bed over your legs.
You felt your inner walls stretch and your baby enter your birhting canal- but something felt wrong. Now the pain would not stop and it overtook everything.
You could not breath propperly and when you finally felt your child leave your body after a very long and painful time- nothing happened.
It was quiet. No cry or whailing of a newborn and you new your baby boy was dead. Even without having to see the looks on the faces of the men.
It was then that three more police officers (dressed like the two with you) entered with medics at their sides. At once the medics took over the situatuion, asking questions and doing their job.
You did not react. or answer. Your eyes cast on your stillborn child that was being looked over by another pair of newly arrived medics.
Everything that happened afterwards, your mind did not register. It was once big blurr.
Part 10
AN 2.0:  Sorry not sorry... So who caught my little GSG 9 easter egg? Any German readers who loved that series as much as I did?
So what do you think and do you hate me now?
Nothing is more discouraging than no feedback at all and maybe you get a quicker update … OR IS MY WRITING THAT BAD; THAT YOU HAVE TO SAVE OTHERS FROM READING IT??????
Thank you all for reading and until next time ;)
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Last Mission:
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mneiai · 5 years
Targaryen Succession Crisis
I had someone ask me, again, why when given a chance I always make Jon the rider of Viserion and not Rhaegal.
I don’t think he’ll ride Rhaegal in the books because I don’t think he’ll be a main part of the succession crisis.
So, backstory for the Targaryen succession and why it matters for the books:
After Rhaegar’s death in battle, Aerys declares Viserys his heir
We do not know if that removed Aegon (and Rhaenys) from the succession or not because we don’t have a precedent.
We also don’t know how the general populace would interpret this–did it disinherit Aegon and Rhaenys or did it just move Viserys forward, as having a boy for a king is still better than having an actual baby?
The closest answer will actually probably come from if anything happens with Robb’s will and Rickon and/or Bran come back to Winterfell–ie, Jon was declared heir because the other heirs were unsuitable, but now what made them unsuitable (their supposed deaths) isn’t a factor. If they are still thought of as Jon’s heirs (ie not disinherited), that could be an answer for the Aegon and Rhaenys situation.
We also don’t know what Aerys passing over Aegon and Rhaenys meant for Jon. Assuming he’s somehow legitimate (which we also don’t know and seems unlikely tbh), would it be that Aerys disinherited all of Rhaegar’s children, just his children with Elia, or something else?
Viserys therefore technically had a stronger claim than fAegon (or Jon) and he declared Daenerys his heir
But it was the Mad King who switched the succession, most loyalists were fighting for Rhaegar. Would they even pay attention to Aerys doing that?
Viserys also didn’t know that fAegon existed–how would that change things? Aegon, if not disinherited because Viserys just jumped the line, would be Viserys legal heir in many people’s eyes.
Daenerys flies a black dragon. There is a green dragon still available for a rider.
We were told a Dance 2.0 is likely
In the original Dance, King Viserys declared his daughter Rhaenyra his heir, even though most people thought his brother Daemon should have been his heir. When he later had sons with his second wife, he still kept Rhaenyra as his heir, but people (the family of those sons and their allies) were upset about that and thought her brother Aegon should have been heir.
Rhaenyra was on Dragonstone when her father died and Aegon was placed on the throne despite her being the heir (they actually murdered some people who spoke out about it).
Rhaenyra’s side of the struggle were called the Blacks. She was Viserys’ declared heir.
Aegon’s side of the struggle were called the Greens. They said he was the heir because he was the next male in the line.
Jon was almost certainly a stand-in for fAegon in the show.
They didn’t put fAegon in the show, but the succession crisis is most likely a major part of ADOS.
It’s unlikely that Jon would be named Aegon in the books. Aegon was dead by the time Jon was born, so it could have been that Rhaegar was absolutely obsessed with having a son named Aegon or that Lyanna was trying to honor Jon’s dead brother, but it’s unlikely.
(Technically if Jon was named Aegon it could be a throwback to the first Dance, as Aegon III lived at the same time as Aegon II, and had been named Aegon by Rhaenyra and Daemon presumably to fuck with Aegon II. If Jon is somehow Dany’s heir but not fAegon’s, the symbolism is still a stretch but I guess.)
Jon and Dany’s relationship did a 180 after the reveal of his parentage, which made no real sense because Dany should have been happy to have more family and Jon could have said at any time that he was, say, having an identity crisis or he couldn’t deal with fucking his aunt, or whatever, and probably gained himself more time instead of a resentful Dany.
Varys just immediately decides, after supporting Dany for a while, that Jon is the better option. In the books, Varys has been supporting fAegon the entire time–he will be on fAegon’s side vs Dany.
Marriage as an option was immediately dismissed. In the books, aunt/nephew incest is not really a big deal, especially among Targaryens (the Rhaenyra mentioned above ended up marrying her uncle Daemon eventually and Aegon III was their son).
Which means that marriage had to be off the table for another reason–like Dany not believing fAegon is a real Targaryen (there was a prophecy about a “mummer’s dragon” that fits fAegon) or Dany getting to KL and finding out fAegon, who was possibly disinherited, is trying to usurp her position as Viserys’ heir, and refuses to just be his arm candy queen.
Jon is unlikely to actually take part in a succession conflict
An annulment is unlikely to have happened, especially if Rhaegar was going behind Aerys’ back, but more than that most people agree Rhaegar either took Lyanna as a second wife (legally or not) or planned to just legitimize Jon once he himself was king. Yes, by this point it was known Elia couldn’t have another child, but it would have probably taken years to actually do anything if an annulment was on the table.
An annulment would almost certainly not have removed Aegon and Rhaenys from the succession, there’s only one historical example of such a thing in Western Europe and it was Controversial.
Whether or not Jon is legitimate, fAegon would still be seen as coming before him in the succession (obviously all references to fAegon as such is assuming people are at least willing to pretend, if not believing, that he’s actual Aegon), so at most Jon would be fAegon’s current heir, but he would have the lesser of claims of the three.
Jon is hardly the sort to fight a war against humans just to take a throne in the South. The only reason Jon would want the Iron Throne would be for the War for the Dawn, so if that’s already over when Dance 2.0 starts, it doesn’t make sense for him to be fighting for himself as king.
Jon has also spent his whole life being emotionally abused because of the idea that he could usurp his trueborn siblings. He has a huge amount of issues about this, still, that come up multiple times across the books. Unless he had solid proof fAegon wasn’t his real older brother or he did something absolutely mindboggling awful (unlikey, fAegon is a little impulsive and full of himself, but not a monster), he would never usurp him.
And, after all of that, I actually have to conclude with: The Targaryen succession doesn’t actually matter.
As Renly himself says, it was conquest that was the main force behind Robert taking the throne. It was conquest that had the Reach supporting Renly despite him not really having much of a claim.
The Targaryen’s lost the throne and they’re both (all) relying on their name power to garner some support, but which one comes in which order doesn’t really matter. It’s which one of them takes the throne and holds it that matters.
fAegon is already taking over the Stormlands while Dany hasn’t even started heading to Westeros, a lot of people believe that fAegon will take KL and Dany will show up after that. Placing fAegon as both the later-season-8 Jon and Cersei in regards to Daenerys’ conquest.
This leads to the idea that either fAegon is somehow responsible for KL burning (perhaps through JonCon starting a greyscale outbreak) or that Dany, when she arrives and finds out the “mummer’s dragon” is on her throne, ends up burning KL.
But it will matter to Daenerys and fAegon, which is why any of the above needs to be discussed.
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ilynpilled · 1 year
Something so sexy about Jaime’s most heroic act being doomed from the get go in every way. It damns him for one, like there is no action to take in the situation he is in without huge cost. So many vows yadda yadda, you are damned either way. But in general, a nuke being under the city is something you cannot come back from. It is meant to be a death sentence to the place, the culmination of the trajectory the kingdom was on. Aerys doomed the city with that. The logistics of removal is not all that simple. If you tell Ned and he even believes you? Great! Now who else will have to know? Who can be trusted with it? How will you remove it? We do not even know all precise locations, we had to kill all the pyromancers. How do you make sure it is not accidentally set off? On top of that, the city is filled to the brim with corruption. Full of players who would love to use and exploit that kind of power. The information itself is dangerous. The wildfire functions as a great metaphor as a result. It is festering corruption. You cannot erase the caches at this point. The closest you can get to that is bury the knowledge. He is still haunted by an endless stream of burning bodies. An event that never happened: “In his dreams the dead came burning, gowned in swirling green flames. Jaime danced around them with a golden sword, but for every one he struck down two more arose to take his place.” When he hears that Tyrion made use of it, he is immediately reminded of his greatest fear: “Jaime saw green flames reaching up into the sky higher than the tallest towers, as burning men screamed in the streets. I have dreamed this dream before.” His faith in institutions is also below ground by then, like you see it in his weirwood dream, he tells the truth to his heroes and it does nothing. It is not about Ned, he is not the one that comes out, even though he assumed he would be. “It was never him.” They damn him to darkness anyway for his act and prioritize feudalistic moral constructs. All these contradictions are what makes his fire go out in the dream. But the belief that you can bury all this, and therefore prevent the existence of an Aerys 2.0, does nothing but stall the inevitable. KL’s supposed savior, Robert, the man leading the rebellion, who would slay the “evil dragon”, just led to stagnation. He did not wash out the corruption in it, he just sat on top of it and let it fester. He rues Robert, he says so. One bad king to another. The wildfire problem is more complicated than a single mad man. Its tragedy is rooted in enablement and escalation. There is a reason the pyromancers are more emphasized in the confession. I read it as symbolic of the systemic issues permeating the city, because those are what allowed it to get to the point that it did in the first place. Brienne knows about the wildfire now too, but she also does not comprehend what a volatile ticking time-bomb it is. They do not know how it works, and how it becomes more dangerous over time. Jaime might even save that damn city twice with the Cers and valonqar set up, but both times it is gonna be ultimately “pointless”, bc KL cannot be saved. But that does not matter, because the fact that someone acted back then has meaning. Thematically, that action itself is a triumph.
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Jon didnt kill Delusional Tyrant to save Sansa and Arya. He killer Aerys 2.0 for Sansa. He knew Arya doesnt need anyone's help as she is the ultimate assassin. He didn't bother much about Bran either.
The one person who wouldn't bend the knee to Deluded Tyrant was Sansa and that was reflected throughout s8 many times. Jon knew that woman would kill Sansa, hence he killed Miss-Burn-Them-All.
Killing a maniacal, egoistical, selfish, manipulative, cruel abuser isnt a horrible thing to do. Its the right thing to do. Its so irritating how he keeps saying how killing a tyrant who slaughtered an entire city is a horrible thing to do.
I wish the stupid PR nonsense comes to a halt because they are making it seem like maniacs who commit genocide should be sympathized with.
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fortunatelylori · 5 years
Question: you know that GRRM quote: The third head will not necessarily be a Targaryen? Could that be a hint at the bland-ass “Jon Dany Tyrion three heads’ theory that’s so popular amongst BNF’s?
Hey, @cmollyo!
Honestly, considering the shit these so called “BNFs”have been pulling in the last few days, I think it’s pretty safe to assume they don’t know anything about anything. Least of all, about how to be decent people. 
Anyway, getting back to your question. No, it isn’t. Were you really expecting a different answer from me? :)))
Anyway, I’ve already written a meta about the theory of Tyrion as the 3rd head of the dragon that you can find here. I go into a lot of detail there on why I don’t believe that Tyrion is Aerys’ son and the inherent narrative issues with having him be a Targareyen bastard. 
So, instead of that, let’s look at GRRM’s quote, shall we? 
Three heads of the dragon… yes… but the third will not necessarily BE a Targaryen…
GRRM, like everyone involved in this series, has perfected the art of saying something without saying anything at all. 
People look at a statement like that and the conclusion they reach is: Dany has 3 dragons = there will be 3 dragon riders. There is also a bit of misdirection from GRRM that helps here since he has D*ny fantasize about riding her dragons alongside her “brother husbands” or something to that respect. 
But that’s not really a good approach because of one significant detail: We have no idea what the 3 heads of the dragon is supposed to be. 
What we know of this prophecy is what Rhaegar said in a vision D*ny had in the House of the Undying: 
Rhaegar: There must be one more. The dragon has three heads.
That’s all we have to go by. Of course we can assume that this is linked to the House Targareyen sigil of the 3 headed dragon as well as the initial Targ triumvirate of Aegon/Rhaeyns/Visenya, particularly since Rhaegar seems to have intentionally named his children after the conquerors. We can also safely assume it has something to do with D*ny. 
But other than that? We don’t know much of anything about this prophecy, what it relates to or what these 3 heads of the dragon are supposed to do. It’s assumed Rhaegar believed that the 3 dragon heads were going to save the world from the WW apocalypse but even that’s speculation because we don’t actually know what Rhaegar believed, aside from thinking that this prophecy was important somehow. 
With that in mind, I will give you 3 more examples of what the 3 heads of the dragon might be. These are examples extrapolated from either the show or the books: 
D*ny/Jon/Young Griff 
I think it’s safe to assume that D*ny and Jon will both be involved somehow in this prophecy since they’re the two confirmed Targs we currently have. The Young Griff conforms to GRRM’s clue that the 3rd dragon head doesn’t need to a Targ because Young Griff is, very likely, not Rhaegar’s son. 
Does this mean that either Jon or YG will ride a dragon? Not necessarily and not according to the way GRRM usually builds his prophecies. 
This could just as well be about a war that will break out between the 3 heads of the dragon and the idea of the 3 of them riding dragons off into the sunset is just a clever misdirect on the author’s part. 
This is based on the Crypts teaser we got a while back in which Jon, Arya and Sansa were framed as the 3 heads of the dragon. I’ve discussed this idea more at length here but the gist is: 
Everyone tends to think that this prophecy is linked to the war with the WWs. However, by introducing Sansa into the mix, it changes things a bit … We all suspect that the true key to defeating the WWs will not be the dragons but rather Bran Stark, the kid whose entire story centers on him preparing to face off against the dead and who has parallels to Bran the Builder, the Stark ancestor who most likely defeated the WWs the first time, without the aid of dragons or Targs I might add, and who built the wall.
So what if the “Dragon must have 3 heads” prophecy isn’t related to the War of the Dawn at all but rather to the Dance of Dragons 2.0? Because in that war, Sansa would truly be instrumental: by making Jon a Stark, because of her political expertise and her strategic connections all over Westeros. So instead of creating the ultimate Targ team to face off against the apocalypse, Rhaegar not only brought down his father’s dynasty and his own in Robert’s rebellion but also created the circumstances by which, years later, his son would face off against the last scion of House Targareyen and bring about the demise of all living dragons. I have to say, there’s some poetry in that.
Of course, GRRM said that the 3rd head won’t necessarily be a Targ but he also didn’t confirm that the other two are … so this is up for debate. 
Jon/D*ny/Night King: 
In season 7, the Night King took one of D*ny’s dragons, he isn’t a Targareyen … Need I say more? Suffice it to say the 3 of them won’t save the world anytime soon. 
Thanks for the ask!
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Game of Thrones 8.2 “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”
So, we’ve come to the “calm before the storm” episode.
Literally, I guess, considering winter is finally here. 
Taking bets now on who bites the big one in the Battle of Winterfell next week. A Stark is probably going to fall because it’s been quite a while since we lost one.
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Sorry, Rickon.
Sansa is probably safe, since she’s not fighting, but GoT likes to fuck with us. I call 50/50 equally between Arya and Bran in Westerosi Woulette. If I had to pick one, I’d pick Bran because he is now a robot and Arya breaks my heart but...
As for the remaining players, well, Jaime always said he’d die in the arms of the woman he loved, and we all know he loves Brienne so it’d be a fitting end to his character arc. Started out as a Kingslayer, ended up dying fighting for his daughter in the arms of a woman he derided until now.
Lo how many of us would be so sad panda over the premature exit of Nickolaj Coster-Waldau from the show.
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He could just as easily survive, tho! Remember, Maggy the Frog’s prediction was that one of Cersei’s brothers would kill her, and how boring and predictable would it be if it were Tyrion? Besides, he already slew Tywin.
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That was only mentioned in the books, however, not on the series. Gah! All so complicated, this mythos.
Furthermore, Brienne could potentially fall in battle. Dany I see surviving just because she’s gotta kick Cersei’s butt. Or at least march on King’s Landing. Jon will probably make it, too. Gendry is up in the air.
Theon is probably a goner but we’ll see. There’s a spark of hope there. Please, for all that is holy, do not kill Tormund, he is our shining star.
Even his eyes are light.
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Tormund, you are delightful. 
Which means of course he’s gonna die, oh Seven Hells. No one anyone actually likes lives on this show.
Alrighty, Thronesians, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty!
Last episode ended with Ser Jamie “Fuck You, Cersei” Lannister riding up into dat North on his horsey to fight for Team Alive, when, upon descending, his eyes settle upon...
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You see that look on Jaime’s face? That is the look of someone who has just realized he is oh so much deeper shit than he initially anticipated. 
As the episode opens, Jaime is facing a trial at the Great Hall, not unlike the one Tyrion had back in season four following the Joff’s death (presumably this one won’t end with any squishing of heads...or will it?!). Daenerys is not amused. Jaime is, after all, the dude who stabbed her father in the back and slit his throat. That’s how he got his nickname, the Kingslayer. Mad King or not, Aerys was still her father and his death led to her family losing the Iron Throne after his most trusted advisor killed him and watched him bleed to death.
It’s kinda something a person holds a grudge against, you know?
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(And if they all die soon, that grudge will still be there, I’ve seen it happen and so has Sarah Michelle Gellar)
Dany is all “Your sisbitch promised us an army, there ain’t no army, broseph” and Jaime’s like “There ain’t dat, Your Grace” and it’s the first time we’ve heard Jaime refer to anyone other than his sisterlover as that title. Grudging, maybe (there’s that word again) but if he wants to fight for Team Still Breathing, he’s gotta eat some crow. And we ain’t talking about the the fellows of the Night’s Watch.
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That’s my favorite gym shirt. Whenever I get tired on the treadmill, I just look down at my shirt, and laugh. And also wish I’d worn a better sports bra. 
Jaime confesses she lied about sending the Lannister army North and that “we” are alone fighting the dead.. And Dany’s all “we”? And Jaime professes that he promises to fight for the living and he intends on keeping that promise. Tyrion tries to stand up for him, that he knows his brother, but Dany’s in NO mood after Tyrion’s repeated screw-ups--while Tyrion is quite the clever man, sometimes clever people can become cocky and that has seemed to have occurred with Dany’s Hand...a few times--and cuts in icily “Like you knew your sister?” Tyrion tries to reason that Jaime wouldn’t come here and put his ass on the line if he wasn’t serious. But Daenerys remains...unconvinced.
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Dany has gone as icy as her hair. She is not okay with this. And right now, she has icicles for eyes. 
If she survives the Battle of Winterfell, she may not need her dragons. All she’ll need to take out Cersei is stare her down like that. Hell, I’m scared and I’ve already bent the knee. Don’t set me on fire, Dany. 
Sansa agrees with Dany for the first time since she arrived in Winterfell, throwing aside their little “I don’t like my brother’s new girlfriend even though she brought TWO ARMIES AND DRAGONS TO SAVE OUR FROZEN REAR ENDS” battle of wills. 
Sansa lists all the crappy shit Jaime’s done to her family and Jaime insists they were at war and he’d do it again. That is when BranBot babbles “The things I do for love”, echoing Jaime’s remarks from the pilot before he pushed Young Bran out the window but in a much less human, more Twilight Zone-y way.
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Daenerys wonders why he has abandoned his House and family now and Jaime argues that this is above loyalty; this is about survival. That is when Brienne, the badass mofo, jumps to her feet and argues Jaime’s case. Ser Jaime is a man of honor who defended Brienne against men who tried to force themselves on her. He is the reason Sansa and Arya are alive, as he passed his oath to Catelyn to keep her daughters safe onto Brienne. Sansa nods and agrees he should stay, as she trusts Brienne with her life.
Dany asks how Jon feels about it, and he concedes that they need every man they can get. Dany, obviously reluctant, agrees with an icy “Very well”, and signals to Grey Worm to arm him. Which he does, but while giving Jaime this look:
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Don’t cross Grey Worm. He’s lived through getting his junk sliced off. He will eff you up, he ain’t afraid of shit.
When the trial concedes, Dany rises and looks up at her new BF, but Jon quickly gets the hell out of there. While she stands there, confused, the rest of us watching are like--
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We feel bad for Dany, and we also feel Jon/Aegon’s WTFery. He just found out he’s half-Targaryen, after all, and the woman he’s been Queening is his aunt. Jon loves her, and it’s not like he can ghost her. They’re fighting an epic battle in a day or two.
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Brienne and Jaime catch eyes as they depart and we’re left to wonder if it’s simply two warriors’ mutual respect or Something More.
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Tyrion, ever the faithful Hand, is beseeching Dany as she storms down the hall. He believed Cersei was sending an army; he’s either a traitor or a fool. Tyrion admits he was a fool, and not for the first time. Cersei is still sittin’ pretty (and batshit bananas) in King’s Landing and if he can’t help Dany take back the Iron Throne, she’ll find another Hand who can.
Yeah, Dany be pisssssssed. It probably doesn’t help that her boyfriend’s avoiding her and she has no idea why.
Oh, to be a woman in power.
Down in the Forge, Gendry’s makin’ weapons out of Dragonglass all sweaty and stuff and Arya seems to appreciate the view.
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Well. ARE YA feelin’ the call of the wild, there, milady? ARE YA?
Once she’s done checking him out, Arya asks Gendry if he’s made her weapon yet. He says he will once he’s finished making a few thousand more of the Dragonglass knives. Arya then asks if Gendry’s ever faced a wight before, and what they’re like. She is patently not satisfied with his reply of “Really bad”. 
Gendry: “I know you’re not afraid of rapers or murderers or...but this is different. This is Death. You wanna know what they’re like? Death.”
Arya blinks, then picks up three of the Dragonglass weapons and nonchalantly hurls them into the wall behind Gendry. “I know Death. He has many faces.”
She asks about her weapon again, he promises to get right on it, and she leaves while Gendry stands there looking a combination of impressed, scared, and mildly turned on. 
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In the Godswood, Bran is sitting beneath his massive tree when Jaime decides to work up the balls (You know, the ones that Varys doesn’t have, right, Tyrion?) to confront him and apologize for, IDKKKKKKKKKKK, pushing him out a window, crippling him, and leaving him for dead years earlier.
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*da-dum. da-dum. dum dum dum dum dum dum*
Jaime doesn’t beat around the bush and instantly says sorry for what he did. BranBot is not angry. The fact is, if Jaime hadn’t have pushed him out of that window, he’d still be Brandon--
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Jaime, perplexed, is all, “You’re not?”, I guess thinking that Bran has been possessed but nah he is just “something else, now”. Bran Stark got an upgrade and he is now BranBot 2.0. 
Jaime asks why he didn’t tell anyone it was him. He replies that Jaime couldn’t help them win against the dead if he was killed horribly before the battle began which is a--
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Then Jaime inquires about after and BranBot is all “How do you know there will be an after?” and Jaime’s like:
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I’m gonna start collecting caps of Jaime just reacting to bad news. His faces are delightful.
In the courtyard, Tyrion and Jaime reunite, though it’s certainly not reminiscent of dem Stark feels; Lannisters don’t express emotion that way. Perhaps through goblets of wine and a sarcastic comment. 
Like Tyrion’s when three Northern men gathered above them literally spit at Jaime’s presence:
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They walk talking about Daenerys for a bit--yes, she is different than her father; yes, Tyrion does believe in her--and bemoans that he overestimated Cersei’s claim that her new child “changed her”, which, of course, it has not. But no, she was not lying about that in particular. Jaime claims that she lied to everyone, him most of all, but Tyrion ain’t falling for it. “You always knew exactly who she was and you loved her anyway.”
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Upstairs, they continue talking. Tyrion says idly that they’re going to die at Winterfell. It’s not the death Jaime would’ve chosen, nor Tyrion. Tyrion always wanted to die at eighty, with a belly full of wine and--Jaime repeats--a woman’s mouth around his cock. 
Ah, brothers. 
While Tyrion continues that at least he’ll get to deny Cersei the pleasure of killing him herself, Jaime walks to the edge of the balustrade and watches Brienne train Podrick. I don’t think I’m imagining the doofy little smile on his face.
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Downstairs, Brienne is instructing Podrick on the follow-through with a fond smile on her face. The lady who didn’t need a squire has now grown pretty attached to him. Like a kitten you were forced to take care of.
Jaime shambles to her side and she confirms that she is commanding the left flank. They talk normally, weirdly normally, for a minute until Brienne’s all--
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Brienne has had enough of this niceness nonsense. Jaime has never been in Brienne’s presence for this long without insulting her, not one damn time. Jaime asks her if he wants him to insult her, like maybe Brienne has a masochist kink we’re not aware of (why not? The dragons have a cuckold-mommy porn one), and she’s like:
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And we at home watching are--
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--cus she actually kinda does a little bit if she held this torch for Jaime this long knowing he kept lobbing insults at her like spitballs. And Brienne’s so shocked at this blatant display of Nice Jaime she goes like--
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Just like us wominz, amirite? We only like guys when they’re assholes. He lost a hand for you! So unappreciative. Drop your sword fighting bizzness and get back in that kitchen! Make him a sammich with it.
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(Just in case that wasn’t obvious; if I had a nickel for every person who misread my disdain, I’d at least be able to pay for my own Pac Man machine with them)
Elsewhere in Winterfell, Dany is gazing into the hearth, I guess because Ye Olde Westerosi Netflyxxe hasn’t been invented yet, when Jorah enters behind her and asks his Khaleesi to forgive him. He’s made lots of mistakes, that she has already pardoned him for, but he confesses that when he learned she made Tyrion her Hand instead of him, it broke his heart. She didn’t know she’d ever see him again, but Jorah insists she made the right choice. Though Jorah never thought much of Tyrion--the Seven Faced God knows he never shut up between Meereen and Volantis--but he has a clever, strategic mind, something Dany needs to win back the Iron Throne. She insists, with that scary AF icy stare, that he’s made mistakes, but, well, haven’t they all? And if Jorah would stick up for the dude who stole his position, Dany figures he’s got a point. 
And Jorah also has another request.
That second request is obviously “Get Sansa on your good side because we kinda have to stay here for a bit and the Northerners won’t trust you if she doesn’t”. So Dany goes to extend an olive branch to Sansa, and at first, it seems to be working. They bond over their shared history of family weirdness and being badass ladies who literally rule. “Who are doing a damn good job at it, as far as I can tell.”
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But Dany has noticed that they’ve been at odds with each other, because of Jon? Sansa replies that men to dumbass things for women and they’re easily manipulated, but Dany’s here, having only knowing “Get the Iron Throne, damnit!” all her life, after meeting Jon, with two armies and dragons. Who manipulated whom? Sansa smiles and agrees, she should have thanked her when she arrived.
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Logic, Sansa. It’s not just for the Vulkans, you know.
They gossip like girlfriends for a minute, even clasping hands over the table, until Sansa asks what’s gonna happen afterwards. If they defeat the dead, destroy Cersei? Dany will take the Iron Throne, but Sansa wants to know about the North. It was taken from them, they took it back, and they swore that they’d never bow to anyone ever again. 
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Well. I guess Dany and Sansa aren’t gonna go shopping or getting mani/pedis together any time soon.
Their little “chat” is fortuitously interrupted by Lord Wolkan, who escorts Dany and Sansa to a newly arrived Theon. Bending the knee, Theon informs Dany that Yara has sailed to the Iron Islands to take them back in her name, but he came to Winterfell to fight for the living. Is...is everyone cool with that?
Sansa surely is.
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If you remember, and if you don’t, you’d be forgiven because this show has more layers than an onion, Theon saved Sansa from Ramsay, altering her fate being stuck as Lady Bolton. But let’s be real: Theon doesn’t have much of a chance in Westerosi Woulette. 
In town, Davos is assuring a pants-shittingly terrified Northener, while ladling soup, that he’s a soldier now and if he, Davos, a man who had spent his life avoiding war, could survive some epic battles so could he. Oh, Davos may be a goner, too. He’s been bragging about his dumb luck too much and the Seven Faced God doesn’t like that.
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A little girl named Teela wants to fight, too, like her brave brothers. But Gilly convinces her that she’d be relieved to have her down in the crypt protecting her and her son.
The horn sounds and the hunting party arrives back at Winterfell! Huzzah! Jon aims to greet Dolorous Edd but Tormund intercepts him with a bear hug and a “My little crow!” 
Oh, Tormund.
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The Merry Men inform Jon that the Umbers are fighting for the Night King now. And so is anyone west of Winterfell, most like. The dead will be here before sun up. 
They’ll prepare. They’ll train until their knuckles bleed.
But first...
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Tormund appreciates him a powerful lady.
On the outskirts, Jon narrates as our armies test out the many weapons created especially for this battle at the Forge. Including this awesome catapult:
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Gonna save the motherfuckin’ day, yeah. 
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In the war room, all our players are assembled. Jon and Sansa posit that the dead follow the Night King because he made them, so if he falls, they’ll be easier targets. Jon figures ol’ Nighty won’t be showing himself and he’ll stay hidden but BranBot negates that. He’ll come for BranBot, as he has come for many Three Eyed Ravens before him, because Nighty wants to erase the world and BranBot is its memory. 
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Oh, BranBot. You make it too easy.
BranBot offers himself up as bait to lure in the Night King, and Theon in turn offers to protect him. Because he took the castle from him once and he’s gonna make up for that.
Tyrion also suggests joining Davos in fighting fire against ice, but Dany negates that. Though Tyrion has fought in battle before, Dany needs Tyrion for his mind if they all survive this. He needs to live and thus will be in the crypt with Sansa, Gilly, and Co. 
It’s kinda Dany’s way of saying “I know you fucked up in the past but I have faith in you as my Hand again...largely because Jorah gave me a stern talking-to.”
Then, they talk about the dragons. Should they be in the field or protecting BranBot? Would dragonfire work against the dead? They turn to BranBot, who seems to have all the answers, but not even Westeros’ answer to a SIM card knows. No one has tried in the past.
There’s a melancholy pause, like everyone at that damn table knows their fates are sealed. But Tormund, as always, prefers to look on the bright side:
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Starting the #TormeoandBrienniet hashtag now.
Everybody begins to disperse. Dany looks at Jon expectantly but Jon only nods with a quick “Your Grace” and Dany’s left there like--
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Dany may be in the race for the Iron Throne, First of her Name, Breaker of Chains, Queen of the Andals, whatever the hell, but she is still a young woman in her twenties with her second boyfriend after the premature loss of her Dothraki hubby (RIP Khal Drogo), and her second only love (sorry, Daario Naharis). Behind all those Targaryen walls, she’s still just a girl, confused why her boyfriend is being a dick. We’ve all been there.
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After everyone else disperses, Tyrion turns to BranBot and comments that he’s had a “strange journey”. BranBot’s like “yeah, man”. Tyrion wants to hear all about it, and it’s a good thing they’re holed up in a vacancy in the middle of winter so he has plenty of time.
Outside, Grey Worm approaches Missandei. After Dany takes the Iron Throne, there won’t be much need for them. While he’s loyal to his Queen and will fight to the death for her, once her enemies are defeated, he wants to take Missandei and go...away. From the North, from K.L., from Westeros entirely, not that I blame him one iota. Missandei would like to go to the island of Naath, where she was born and raised before being kidnapped and made a slave. And Grey Worm promises to take her there, where he will protect her and her people.
Upstairs, Jon is commiserating with Sam that, no, he has not told Dany that, technically, they are related yet. But the important thing is we see a glimpse of Ghost for the first time since the end of season 6!
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I hope Jon has many treats for Ghost. Are there any Ye Olde Westerosi Mylkbones?
Mr. Edd joins them on their watch. Jon suggests that Sam join Gilly and Little Sam in the crypt, but Sam wants to fight. After all, he was the first to kill a White Walker. He’s killed Thenns!
Mr. Edd: “Thenn.”
And Sam has stolen books from the Citadel. He is a rebel, damnit! Well, Mr. Edd muses out loud, if Samwell Tarly is a Slayer of White Walkers and a Lover of Ladies, now they know how fucked they are.
Inside, Jaime and Tyrion are staring at the hearth (that hearth is so entertaining!), Tyrion musing that he’d like to see his father’s face when he discovered that his two sons were about to die fighting to defend Winterfell. Tyrion remembers the first time they were here. Jaime was a golden lion and Tyrion was a whoremongerer. Correction: Jaime was sleeping with his sister, and Tyrion had one friend in the world who was sleeping with his sister. But Jaime’s golden lion days are dunzo, and Tyrion’s whoremongering ones are not an option anymore. 
Brienne and Podrick join them and, soon, so do Davos and Tormund. Tormund suggestively says to Brienne that this may be their last night alive and she stutters that she’s glad he’s here fighting with them and survived Eastwatch.
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He then tells Jaime, the King Killer, about why he’s called Giantsbane. He killed a Giant when he was a lad, then got into bed with his wife, who thought he was her baby and suckled him to her breast for two months. 
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They could not have died without knowing that Tormund fed from literal giant tiddies for two months.
Outside, Arya confronts the Hound, who offers her a drink (and is, at first, wigged out at how quiet she is). Why is he here? He’s never fought for anyone but himself, yet he joined the Brotherhood, and he went beyond the Wall to catch a wight with Jon. 
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Beric Dondarrion soon joins them, addresses Arya as “my lady”, and begins babbling about the Lord of the Light. The Hound rolls his eyes and tells him the Lord of the Light would wonder why he brought him back all those times just for him to chuck Beric over this wall. The Hound passes him a drink and Arya begins to leave, throwing over her shoulder that she ain’t spending her last hours with “two miserable old shits”.
Ah, Arya. Never change. 
You know, if you survive tonight.
Instead, Arya goes off to practice shooting arrows when Gendry shows up with her freshly made weapon. First, they start talking about Melisandre, what she wanted with him, and he confesses to being Robert B’s bastard and she needed his blood for a spell. There were leeches and shit. 
Arya wonders if that was the first time he’d been with a woman, and when he protests (like no, having leeches all over your dick isn’t exactly a good time, or maybe it is for some people, I don’t know your life) she probes him further: has he been with loads of women in K.L. or what?
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Gendry’s like “Uh yeah” and she asks how many. He buffs his knuckles on his chest, hi-fives someone off-camera, and replies “I didn’t keep count” and she calls bullshit. “One? Two? Twenty?”
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And then this happens:
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Arya can never be accused of not voicing exactly what--or in this case, who--she wants.
Get it, grrl!
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Gendry looks both flabbergasted and delighted.
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Arya demands Gendry take his bloody pants off because she’s in charge here, damnit. 
I read an interview Maisie Williams gave just after this episode aired of her reaction after she read that script. At first, she thought David and D.B. were joking, as they were wont to do, but when she realized they were srs, she about shat herself and wondered if she needed to go to the gym. Sophie Turner, her bestie, has been teasing her relentlessly. She just posted a video of herself saying Joe Dempsie “got that pussayyyyyyyy”. Must feel weird for him. He’s known her since she was a little-un and now he has to do that thing on camera with her. 
Around the hearth, our unlikely group of allies are still sitting around chatting. Tyrion comments on all the battles the people gathered here have survived. Ser Davos--the Battle of Blackwater and the Battle of the Bastards. Ser Jaime--fabled hero of the Siege of Pyke, fabled loser of the Battle of Whispering Wood (these are awesome battle names). Lady Brienne, who is not a Ser because women cannot be knights, defeated the Hound. Tormund scoffs to blast tradition! If he were king, he’d knight her ten times.
I’m sure he would.
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But Jaime insists a king is not necessary; any knight can make another knight. So after some stubborn disbelief from Brienne--who claims she doesn’t even wanna be a knight, thanks, it’s cool, though we all know she totally does--the lady rises with an incredulous look on her face and kneels before Jaime while everyone else in the room watches.
Tapping his sword against her shoulders, Jaime recites:
In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave,
In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just,
In the name of the Mother, I charge you to defend the innocent.
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Then, she rises, a knight of the Seven Kingdoms.
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The title of this episode both refers to Brienne and Jaime, methinks. 
Brienne could very well die in a few hours (sob) but at least she fulfilled her life’s wish--she became a knight.
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Outside, Jorah and Lyanna Mormont are arguing. She fully intends to fight and he’s balking at the idea. She’s the future of their House, and she’d be safer in the crypt.
But Lyanna, that monument of badassery, is dressed up as a knight and has no inclination to hide in the crypt. She fought before; she can do it again. But she wishes her cousin good fortune in the battle to come.
Bad. Ass.
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Sam appears with his family sword, Heartsbane. He wants to give it to Jorah to use in battle because lort knows he can’t wield it himself. Jorah’s father taught him how to be an honorable man, taught him what’s right, and Jorah will wield the sword in his name. 
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Before Sam departs, he leaves Jorah with thus:
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Inside Winterfell, our drunk allies have run out of wine (Lannisters without wine is like a car without an engine), so Tyrion suggests a sing-along. Unfortunately, neither Davos, Brienne, nor Tormund know any songs. (Lol could you imagine what Tormund would sing? It’d be something about giantess bewbies) But Podrick does.
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I’m told that Florence + the Machine sing this song in the credits. But, yanno I’m Deaf Chick.
As the song plays, everyone is off doing their own thing. Sam, Gilly, and Little Sam are in bed. Sansa and Theon are outside playing a game and exchanging cow eyes.
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This is why I think Theon has a wee chance. He could end up Sansa’s...well, Jon is the Warden of the North. Would he be...Lord Greyjoy? Lord Winterfell? Man...of Winterfell?
Arya is in bed with Gendry.
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Grey Worm and Missandei kiss passionately before he goes off to join the rest of the Unsullied to prepare for battle.
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Really. There is so much love in Winterfell tonight. Whether it be friendly, let’s get drunk together love, experimental love, burgeoning love, or desperate love. 
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Who is not particularly feelin’ the love right now? Dany. So she goes to the crypt to confront Jon, who has been, to her, randomly ignoring her all day.
Jon is looking up at the sarcophagus of Lyanna Stark when Dany enters. When he sees her, he offers a pained smile, and she approaches with evident relief, but it obvs doesn’t last. Now is the time to tell her. She asks who he’s looking at, and when he tells her, she murmurs that she was told her brother was decent and kind, but he raped Lyanna, which we know is false. Jon corrects her; they loved each other and married in secret. When Rhaegar was killed, Lyanna had a son. Who was given to Lyanna’s brother on her deathbed, with a promise that he’d protect her son.
Dany’s face as she realizes Jon is talking about himself:
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 He tells her his real name, Aegon Targaryen. She’s like “That’s impossible! Who told you this?” He says BranBot and Sam, the first who, er, :”saw” it with BranVision and the second who read about the marriage at the Citadel. At first, Dany tries to push the notion that the story could be made up, known as it is only by Jon’s brother and his bestie. But Jon knows deep in his gut that it’s true. 
Dany: If it is true, it’d make you the last male heir of House Targaryen. You’d have a claim on the Iron Throne.
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Jon is kinda freaked that Dany doesn’t seem to give a second’s thought to their being related and all. And she should know that he doesn’t want the Iron Throne. Like, at all. But I read an interview with Emilia Clarke that defended her character’s reaction. And it makes sense. Dany grew up in an incestuous environment. Hell, she was supposed to marry her own damn brother. But the Iron Throne...she’s been working for that her entire life, it’s all she knows, to get back what rightfully belongs to her House. And here is Jon coming out of left field and he has a claim on it and he doesn’t even want it!
Alas, they don’t have time to discuss their relationship. The White Walkers are a-comin’! A horn sounds and Dany and Jon race to the roof of Winterfell to join Tyrion. Battle is about to begin.
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This episode was great! It really delved into the psyche of our favorites, explored where everyone’s at, allowed them to just be for a while before all hell breaks loose. It makes the inevitable deaths we fear on Sunday all the richer, and more painful. 
Aye. Sunday’s episode is gonna be epic. And terrible, in the best way.
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Bran’s Vision S6/E6 - the Most Important 15 Seconds In the Show’s History
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Why Bran’s vision from Season 6 / Episode 6 “Blood of My Blood” is potentially the heaviest bit of ominous foreshadowing ever featured on the show and what it might mean for the ending.
“Blood of My Blood” opens with Meera trying to carry Bran to safety following the Night King’s invasion of the base of the Three Eyed Raven and Children of the Forest. Rip Hodor.
In the first 60 seconds of the episode, Bran has two different sets of visions that happen so incredibly fast that viewers undoubtedly miss a TON of what Bran experiences.
During that first 60 seconds, about 15 seconds are spent in Bran’s visions which are interspersed with cuts back to Meera frantically trying to save both of them.
Now, some of Bran’s visions are of ravens/crows which are sort of indeterminate in their purpose, so for the sake of this analysis I will leave those aside.
Here’s a crazy stat: other than visions of crows and the sunset/sunrise (A Dream of Spring?) visions, Bran has 50+ visions involving characters we know in about 10 seconds.
Doesn’t leave much time to take it all in, does it? The part that really gets me is that most of the images repeat - but again - it’s so fast that viewers can’t even process all the information they’re being given.
Luckily, I slowed it down enough to really look carefully at what was being shown and the results are stunning and scary and exciting and overall serves as a grim warning of the coming STORMS.
To make this the easiest to read, I’m going to practically go slide-by-slide working off the assumption that the order in which the visions were shown was not an accident on the part of the producers - therefore I think it makes sense to go through these in order.
After the initial group of pictures, I’m going to start grouping multiple pictures. If you think the groupings are off, feel free to provide your own to counter my points because the way I grouped the pictures later is my way of connecting all the information we were blasted with as viewers.
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1. Pyromancers under the employ of The Mad King
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2. Drogon
How do I know this is Drogon? Well these shots are an exact rip from S5/E5 when Tyrion and Jorah sail through the ruins of Valyria.
3. My proof that this is Drogon
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Absolutely 100% indisputably Drogon.
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4. Drogon flying over King’s Landing.
How do I know that’s Drogon and not Undead Viserion or Rhaegal? You’ll find out soon enough.
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5. The Mad King
Well that doesn’t bode well. We go pyromancers to Drogon to Aerys. Makes it strange to lump Drogon in with these other two if dragons are meant to be heroic right?
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6. The Night King
Well that’s even worse. The Mad King straight to the Night King? That’s making a deliberate connection, one would think.
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7. Undead Karsi
Reminding us of the dangerous peril that Westeros finds itself, in case you had forgotten.
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8. Bran’s fall
In many ways, the event that sparked the political troubles in Westeros but also started Bran on his important mission to become the 3ER.
This clip heavily implicates Jaime’s role in the wars to come.
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9. The Red Wedding / Catelyn
Bran is shown the events of the Red Wedding. I can’t think of much reason other than to reinforce that suffering House Stark has been forced to endure.
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10. Drogon again
Drogon right after some a couple terrible events: Bran’s fall and Catelyn’s murder. Does this foreshadow Drogon being involved in a tragic event?
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11. Drogon over KL again
Well, that’s not a good sign. You might be wondering, “what makes you so sure that’s Drogon?” and here’s my almost 100% proof...
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12. Drogon’s birth (ft. Daenerys)
We are shown Drogon’s first appearance on the show. His flying in Valyria (the DOOM OF VALYRIA) and his birth bookend a dragon flying over King’s Landing. I’d say that’s as conclusive as it gets seeing only a shadow.
Now it starts getting really crazy.
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13. Night King and Craster’s son
~ Me, just now
And it makes so much sense. Daenerys used fire to create the dragons while the Night King used his ice. Neither the dragons nor Craster’s sons are biologically related to their new masters.
That’s absolutely insane.
*take a breath*
That’s what I’ll call the first “phase” of the visions because after that, the images start to repeat (with the same sequencing). I’ll group the sets of visions that are repeats of the previous sets to reinforce that a lot of the visions are patterned intentionally.
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14. Same images. Seems important then, right?
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15. Ned Stark Beheading
Now we get Ned Stark’s death. Again, we’re not meant to see any of this as a good sign - but House Stark is the entity shown to be suffering the most during these visions. It could be because it’s Bran’s vision and he’s a Stark but I think it’s because House Stark is the most important family unit that carries the burden of fighting these threats.
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16. ANOTHER set of images comparing Dany and her children with the Night King and his children.
Holy smokes.
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17. Jaime Confronts the Mad King
Seeing the impending destruction of King’s Landing, Jaime (who actually warned the Mad King about trusting his own father, Tywin) makes his decision to kill the Mad King.
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18. Ned/Jaime/Robb
This series is tough to figure out. You have Ned (with blood on his hands featured?) immediately followed by the two most famous instances of betrayal we’ve seen on the show: the Kingslayer and the Red Wedding.
Walder Frey even tells Jaime that they’re both Kingslayers. 
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19. Robb / CotF / Hardhome / Jaime on the Throne
Soooo...it’s been a theory of mine for a little while that Jon Snow and Jaime Lannister are essentially mirrors (link) of one another.
There’s a lot of stabbing/betrayal imagery here and there’s a lot of imagery linking Jaime and Jon.
Let me see if I can explain a bit:
Betrayals and stabbings are so common in GoT. Jaime Lannister is the “first” one associated with this behavior. He’s the Kingslayer, afterall. Yet we see throughout the show that our initial view of events are but a view of a surface and underneath things can be much more complicated.
Jaime is now practically seen as heroic for his Kingslaying by viewers, if not by Westeros. So even if Jaime isn’t yet a hero, the act that earned him the name “Kingslayer” was actually rather heroic in the context of saving half a million people. Where I see the connection to Jon is in the very clear way the show features Jaime fighting Fire and Jon fighting Ice and no other characters are really shown opposing either force.
Jaime is killing the Mad King who wants Fire. I don’t think it’s a stretch to say Aerys was a slave to fire by this point. Jon is killing the WW at Hardhome, who is also a slave to ice.
Jaime sits atop the Iron Throne that Jon (probably) has the best natural claim to on the show.
Told you this was heavy heavy heavy stuff here.
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20. NEW IMAGE ALERT. Did anyone catch?
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This one. What does this DIRECTLY FREAKING CALLBACK?
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And it IMMEDIATELY follows the images of Dany and the birth of her dragons. 
So again, we have a clear connection between the way in which the Night King creates White Walkers and the way in which Daenerys created her dragons.
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#21 Concluding Shots / Creation of Night King / Death of Mad King / Destruction of King’s Landing
The last images are of the creation of the Night King, the death of the Mad King, and the images from Cersei’s explosion of the Sept in S6/E10.
How do I think this is connected in a narrative way?
The creation of the Night King and the death of the Mad King both intimately connect the current events in Westeros at the onset of Season 8.
The forces of Ice and the forces of Fire are connected in a way that makes a link of the Night King to Daenerys almost unmistakable. 
Couple that with the way in which Hardhome and the Loot Train Battle were filmed (linked) and you have a very strong connection.
Further, you have Jon and Jaime both shown as opposing the representative of Ice and Fire respectively.
I was surprised to find very little analysis of these visions elsewhere because this is so thick with foreshadowing that it’s practically screaming two things at the viewers:
I’ve put a lot of emphasis in the Hardhome and FoF 2.0 sequences which heavily link Daenerys with the Night King through the POV’s of Jaime and Jon respectively. 
I found all of that stunning. And yet this blows that all away. This SHOWS these characters back to back to back to back to back repeatedly. 
In all I counted:
Drogon: 14 times Mad King / Pyromancers: 14 times Night King: 13 times
Now a little bit on the sequencing:
Every instance in which images of Drogon were shown, the image of Daenerys “giving birth” to Drogon was also shown.
Every single time Daenerys was showing creating Drogon, the Night King was shown with Craster’s son. Every. Single. Time.
Every single time there was a set of images featuring the Mad King/Dragons first, it was followed by a set of images featuring the Night King and THEN it was followed with the death of a Stark.
Catelyn / Ned / Lyanna / Robb - all preceded with images of Fire and images of Ice
They show the image of Jon at Hardhome and when Jaime kills the Mad King. The last few images after that do not contain a character we know being hurt.
This wasn’t an accident. I firmly believe that in some combination these two characters will be the ones that destroy Daenerys and the Night King.
I don’t know how, I don’t know who will do what, but Bran’s visions so heavily foreshadow both as sort of “heroic” figures that I can’t see it happening any other way.
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