Could we have some fics where Keith and Shiro get married please?
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I think we all need some sappy Sheith weddings in these trying times!
for your one and all - spookyfoot @spookyfoot
3k. (General).
The galaxy brain version of a surprise party is a surprise wedding.
“So, have you two settled on a date yet?” Allura asks.
Coran nods, twirling one end of his mustache thoughtfully. “It’ll have to be when we can get all of the diplomats out here. It’ll be hard to arrange, but I’m sure they’ll make time for the leader of Voltron and the Captain of the Atlas. It’ll be the wedding of the, what’s the word you use on Earth, the century?”
Keith bumps his shoulder against Shiro’s, squeezes his hand and—
”It’s now. The wedding’s right now.”
“What?” everyone choruses.
Wow, Keith thinks, they sound a lot louder in the silence of the desert.
Shiro’s Altean arm rubs at the back of his neck. He chuckles weakly. “Uh. Surprise?”
Devil in a New Dress - Glossolalia @fenri
46k. (Explicit). Contains: NSFW content.
Keith’s sugar daddy is now his fiancé, but when he falls into an identity crisis not even The Perfect Man can sedate, Keith has to learn self-expression is fluid, love is enough, and ‘red velvet’ will always be the answer.
Something Blue - Strange and Intoxicating-rsa-(strangeandintoxicating)
1k. (General).
Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.
Keith needs to find something before the panic sets in on his wedding day.
Spoiler-Free for S8, Shiro and Keith love each other desperately.
happily ever after - ShirosRedKnight (SweetFanfics) @ironswordandstarshield
1k. (General).
Despite all the pomp and circumstance involved in organizing the wedding of two of the Terran paladins who helped saved numerous galaxies from the Galran army, the venue is modest.
Take My Hand - midnightflame @bymidnightflame
5k. (Teen).
There are several moments in his life that Keith will always remember. The ones the led to marrying Takashi Shirogane are some of them.
Marriage of Inconvenience - Lycoria @lycoria
8k. (Teen).
Long, black lashes fluttered, revealing a pair of dark, violet eyes. His mouth held a noticeable droop, cold and unreadable when it came to emotion. His black hair, which Prince Shiro was sure to be around shoulder length from the looks of it, was tied back with a thin purple ribbon.
He fought, of course, to not notice the sharpness of the man’s cheekbones, which were only second to the knife edge he felt under Keith’s stare.
“Oh.” Shiro thought to himself, at the first sight of him.
If this was who he was to take the hand of in a political marriage, maybe he wouldn’t mind that much at all.
A Royal Sheith Wedding AU
Shoulder Touches Mean I Love You - RukaIsAFan
7k. (Teen).
The Vieux is a race of one-sex aliens that lived for millennia a sheltered life. Sure, they have seen aliens and talk to them. But when the paladins of Voltron came to visit to see if the Vieux will join the Voltron Coalition, Shiro (of all people) did something so shocking to the Vieux that talking about fighting the Galra Empire took the back seat.
He touched Keith’s shoulder.
They have to get married in seven days.
The wedding takes five of those days.
Always and Forever - amoleofmonsters @sharkrinsoup
1k. (General).
It’s the day of Shiro’s wedding and he doesn’t understand why he’s so nervous.
there is this - nigiyakapepper
ongoing, ½ chapters, 8k. (Not rated).
Save the date! Snapshots of how Keith and Shiro prepare for their wedding from one month away to the “I do.”
It’s Good To Be Home - AnonymousObsesser
6k. (Not rated). Contains: background Hunk/Pidge/Shay and Allura/Lance.
Surprisingly, “hyperventilating in a dressing room and suffocating on his own tie” was not on his list of A Million Ways to Die in the Universe.
It really should have been.
More Than Enough - Kika988
1k. (Teen).
It had all come together so easily, it was almost hard to believe it was real. Keith honestly hadn’t expected to survive that last fall from the atmosphere, so when he woke up in the hospital, it had seemed perfectly logical to him for his first words to be marry me. Shiro had said yes immediately, though later it had taken some doing to convince him that no, that wasn’t just the pain meds talking and yes, Keith had been entirely serious.
The Bells Before the Battle - Misttiique @misttiique
2k. (Teen).
With their fates sealed, Shiro and Keith decide that the only thing left to do is to get married.
A thrill I’ve never known - tiedbows @hyxlyns
2k. (Not rated).
“Let’s do it.”
“Do what?”
“Get married,” Keith said. “Let’s get married. Right now. Tonight.”
Wedded Blade - kittymills @flashedarrow
40k. (Mature). Contains: NSFW content.
“The second I tried to tell myself I wasn’t in love was the moment I realized I was.”   ―    Lang Leav, The Universe of Us    
Shiro doesn’t want to hide how he feels about Keith anymore, and frankly, the rest of the team is 100% done with pretending they don’t know that Shiro and Keith are In Love™.
When Shiro finally proposes to Keith, they’re all beyond thrilled and want to celebrate… After all the space battles and drama, who wouldn’t love a good wedding?
Shin’ai - Kalira @kalira9
2k. (General).
Shiro and Keith are (finally) getting married, with all of their (space) family around them. And there’s something extra special about their rings.
mafs: foundation - kittymills @flashedarrow
334k. (Explicit). Contains: NSFW content, background ships: Allura/Lance, Lotor/Matt, Hunk/Pidge, Antok/Thace/Kolivan.
{Previously “married at first sight”}
Lance thinks Keith needs some romance in his life– but he knows Keith won’t go looking for it on his own so he signs Keith up for a unique experiment designed to determine if science can predict true love.
The Holt siblings think Shiro works too hard and under that very capable façade lies a soft heart that just needs a bit of love. They’re skeptical of the experiment’s professed success rate but they encourage Shiro to apply – it’s all in the name of science after all.
-Alex & Cas
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rainbowravioli · 5 years
Is it toi late to send one? I don't care: 🔥 for Sheith fandom (the soobaki post basically dared me).
Well, well, well…
🔥A large part of the Sheith fandom doesn’t actually care about Shiro at all at this point beyond him being a prize for Keith and there’s a ton of evidence of this but it was made especially obvious by all the “Keith finds a clone” + other revenge and punishment content aimed at Shiro post-s8.
🔥I don’t know where the idea that Keith is a super confident, seductive, secretly extremely sexually experienced fiend in leather pants comes from but it’s just as wrong and ooc as the idea that Shiro is an insecure human disaster who would be soooooo embarrassed during any type of intimacy and has no clue of how relationships work or how attractive he is.
🔥What’s with all the frat/jock Shiro AUs when the guy is canonically a huge nerd?
🔥I think Sheith would be a very (though I hate the term) “vanilla” sort of couple.
🔥There’s a tendency for “older Sheith/future Sheith” fanarts to have Shiro look 30+ years older than Keith or just Keith downright still looking like a teenager while Shiro looks like someone’s grandfather and it’s not a good look for anyone.
🔥(Most) Early popular Sheith fandom tropes were a lot more enjoyable to me than current trends. That said though, Penguin AU is the best thing that ever happened or will ever happen to us as a fandom.
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froldgapp · 6 years
Giveth me more Keith Whump, please, you goddess of Keith Whump :3.
Keith had barely been awake and mobile, just a couple of days, when everything went to shit again.
They, the paladins, coalition members and garrison staff, were gathered in the canteen when a crash brought the buzz of conversation to an abrupt stop. Hunk turned to see Keith trapped in a rictus of confused agony, his fingers spasming and his glass shattered by his feet. There was a brief moment where they locked eyes, Keith terrified, gulping down air and Hunk mouthing a stunned What? Keith shook his head sharply in reply: I don’t know. I don’t know! Hunk pushed his tray against a baffled Iverson and raced towards his teammate, shoving dumb-founded friends and allies out of his way. He got to Keith just as the smaller paladin burped back a mouthful of vomit and seemed to fold in on himself, knees crumpling and arms flying out for support. Hunk took him by one hand, the other going to his back, and laid him to the floor. He turned Keith’s head to the side just as he emptied a mouthful of puke onto the parquet floor. Keith mewled in distress eyes scrunching closed with embarrassment, knees pulling up to his chest and thumping back to the floor again. His long fingers skittered across the floor either side of his rigid body.
‘What’s wrong with him?’ cried Lance, falling to his knees to Hunk’s right. Pidge was there a moment later, glasses slipping down her nose and triangle-cut sandwich still in hand. ‘Get Shiro,’ Hunk instructed Lance who darted off, quick as Red. Hunk spun to Pidge. ‘You know what’s up with him?’
Pidge shoved the sandwich in her mouth, clamping it between her teeth, and placed the back of her hand against Keith’s forehead. She pressed fingers to his wrist and neck, tutting at what she discovered. ‘I think he’s going into shock,’ she said quietly. ‘But he seemed to be doing so well. What could have –’ She gasped. ‘The blood! I bet his dad faked his blood type on his records… there’s no way he can be any kind of blood type found on Earth… or at all.’
Hunk’s stomach lurched. Alone in all the universe in his make-up. As Lance said in that God-awful gameshow, Keith was a unique blend of human and galra; possibly more knowing the swift expansion of the empire and all it entailed. It made him so strong, so special. So vulnerable.
‘It’s uh…’ Pidge drummed small fingers against her temple, trying to find the word, ‘A hemolytic reaction! We have to get Krolia and my dad! Maybe we can synthesise –’
‘Hunk?’ Keith croaked from where he lay panting beneath them. ‘Did we…’ Large eyes rolled in his skull, searching the faces, the ceiling, the dark stain on his faded black jeans. He keened high in the back of his throat, face flushing with shame and highlighting a string of hives that ran from his throat and up past his crack-lipped mouth. God, he still looked so thin, so pale. ‘We won… I thought… Where… What…’
‘We did,’ Hunk said, taking one of Keith’s strong hands in his own. It was dry as paper. ‘You’re just… You’ll be okay.’
Keith nodded, lips pressed tight. A fat tear rolled free regardless.
‘Keith!’ Shiro was there, a vision in white and silver, large hands gathering Keith up and close against his chest. He looked to Hunk, grey eyes panicked and Christ, so desperate for some kind of answer. Hunk grit his teeth and spoke in a voice he scarcely recognised as his own. ‘It’s some kind of delayed reaction to the transfusion Pidge thinks. We have to get him to the med bay again. Pidge, fetch Krolia and your dad.’ He turned to the amassed onlookers, James amongst them, eyes wary, cool. ‘Clear a space everyone! Griffin, bring a jeep round the front. Come on! Snap to it! This guy’s skinny ass saved a universe. Move it!’ He clapped his hands for effect, guiding Shiro with his precious burden through the crowd like a pilot boat.
As they stepped out of the canteen, Hunk ceased his hollering, distracted by the burn of eyes on himself. He searched the various faces, eyed the hard set of Shiro’s jaw, Pidge’s small form racing off across the campus, Lance’s concerned glances, but couldn’t see anyone looking at him. It was only when he looked down, he saw Keith staring at him through barely open slits as his head bobbed in Shiro’s grasp. A shaky thumb raised in his direction.
‘You did real good.’
Hunk ducked his head. ‘I dunno, man,’ he laughed, reaching out to pat unsure fingers against Keith’s cheek and hair. ‘Had somebody to impress.’
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aleksiskivi · 6 years
Hyvää sun päivää.
kiitos! melkein missasin mutta onhan tässä vielä VIISI MINUUTTIA PÄIVÄÄ JÄLJELLÄ
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runicscribbles · 6 years
nihonlove reblogged your post:Okay, but real talk, What the FUCK are we supposed...
I know right? I just got here!
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hekate1308 · 6 years
nihonlove hat auf deinen Eintrag geantwortet: I’ve now lost 14 kgs (30 lbs) and my favourite...
Yay! Though what is up with everyone losing weight this year? I’ve lost 8 kg myself and a friend has lost even more!
*royal court announcer voice* Let it be known: this is the year of glowing up where we all become hot as hell. Also congrats!!!
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ken10-japan · 3 years
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Daily Photo 🌟Devil's Blade New Year dishes→鬼滅の刃おせち→kimetsu_no_yaiba_osechi 🔹Osechi is a dish that is eaten during the New Year. ※Originally, it is a dish that is eaten at the turn of the season or when celebrating. 🔹Other Japanese New Year dishes(osechi)→#おせち料理#おせち ※As some of you may know, the manga Devil's Blade has been made into a movie, and it is booming in Japan.I heard that it was reported on an overseas news program. ※【I'm using google translate.】 【Demon Slayer related photos】↓↓↓ ※#DemonSlayer →#鬼滅の刃→kimetsu_no_yaiba ※#DemonSlayerillustration→#鬼滅の刃イラスト→kimetsu_no_yaiba_irasuto ※#DemonSlayerCosplay→#鬼滅の刃コスプレ→kimetsu_no_yaiba_kosupure ※#DemonSlayerNail→#鬼滅の刃ネイル→kimetsu_no_yaiba_neiru ※DemonSlayerHandmade→#鬼滅の刃ハンドメイド→kimetsu_no_yaiba_handomeido ※DemonSlayercollaboration→#鬼滅の刃コラボ→kimetsu_no_yaiba_korabo 🇯🇵Japan limited information(Limited to Japan only)↓↓ 〈〈【日本国内情報】 🔹鬼滅の刃おせちの、 予約期限2020/12/25 18:00まで。 ※パンフレットはローソンから貰ってきました。@akiko_lawson#鬼滅の刃ローソンコラボ#鬼滅の刃ローソンコラボ #鬼滅の刃ローソン ※鬼滅の刃キャンペーンは→検索→ローソン 鬼滅の刃→https://www.lawson.co.jp/sp/recommend/osechi/kimetsu.html#kimetsu〉〉 Other accounts→#ken1009 #made_in_japan #nihonlove#japanese #culture #Japón #japanlove#Bossmania #Jabbaan#日本語勉強 #जापान #japanculture#Japonia#JapanTravel Photo 2020/12/16 (Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJIFV76MQOt/?igshid=1pckwcxv9b42d
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To @pockybugi​ From @nihonlove​
You said you liked meet-cutes so I wrote this based on an incident in my own life once upon a time. Though in some ways I suppose this would be more of a meet-ugly ^^;. I hope you like it regardless! 
Elevator Ride of Surprises
Pairings: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov Ratings: T for swearing Tags: Awkwardness, Meet-Cute, Alternate Universe - College/University, Elevators, Character's Name Spelled as Viktor, Anxious Katsuki Yuuri
Yuuri’s been cleaning his apartment for the past few hours. He’s been putting books back on shelves, sorting through papers, vacuuming and washing the floors and doing the dishes. He doesn’t usually let his apartment get so messy, but for the past week and a half he’s been bombed with essays, exams, and assignments, and he simply hasn’t had the time to keep his living space, or himself, to the prime standards he usually has for them. Not to mention he still hasn’t gotten used to living alone and taking care of the apartment by himself since Phichit moved out. So dust has been gathering, books and papers have been piling, and dishes have been stinking.
But now, he’s over and done with everything related to school, for a while at least. He’s been catching up on much-needed sleep for a few days, but today he was finally set on making his home look presentable once more. Therefore, several hours earlier he’d put on some ratty sweatpants and an old t-shirt, and had gotten to work. And now his small apartment looks miles better, and there is a smell of citrusy disinfectant in the air. His countertops are clear and gleaming, his books and binders are in his bookshelves rather than all over the floor, and his plates, mugs and glasses have been washed and put back into their rightful places in the cupboards. All that remains to be done is for Yuuri to take out the trash.  
So he heads out of his apartment and towards the elevators. Perhaps because he’s so tired from his long day of cleaning, he doesn’t even stop to consider his appearance, or the fact that he might run into someone. After all, he usually gets to ride up and down the building by himself; it’s much rarer for him to have company in the elevator. Perhaps it’s because Yuuri’s schedule tends to be rather different from the other students living in his building due to his early morning classes and his part-time job. In any case, he doesn’t bother with changing clothes or even fixing his hair as he goes on his way. After all, who would dress up for the garbage bin? He would much rather get everything done first anyway, and afterwards take a long, soothing shower to wash off all the sweat and grime that has gathered on his skin from his few hours’ work.  
He’s already dreaming of that shower when he steps in the elevator, feeling the greasiness on his skin and dark hair, his multiple garbage bags in hand, when someone calls out, “Hold the door!”
Yuuri jumps a little, almost considers just pretending not having heard that, and just to let the door slide closed on the other person. He dislikes riding the elevator with other people even in the best of times, because having to share space with someone you may never see again always creates silences that are soul-crushingly awkward and stifling. But right now is probably the worst of all occasions to run into someone. He knows he’s a mess even without the smelling plastic bags he’s currently holding, and he really doesn’t want anyone to see him in this state.
Alas, the man who called out for him to hold the elevator manages to catch it after all. And it is upon seeing him that Yuuri really, really regrets not having showered for a few days, and not bothering to change before stepping out of his apartment.  
Oh no, he’s gorgeous, is pretty much Yuuri’s first thought. The man now sharing the elevator with him has very light features, from his pale skin to his silvery-blond and soft-looking hair to his beautiful arctic blue eyes. He’s impeccably groomed and well-dressed, wearing a long burgundy overcoat, cream-colored zipped hoodie and dark pants, contrasting even further with what a mess Yuuri currently is. None of these pieces of clothing are particularly special, perhaps, but put together and on this man’s body they seem to create an incredible picture of an angelically beautiful and fashionable person, who looks like he just stepped right out of a magazine cover. Yuuri almost feels unworthy of being allowed to look at him the way he is now. Of course, of course the rare occasion he happens to run into someone in the elevator has to take place when he’s a fucking mess, carrying bags of garbage, and the person he runs into just has to be this attractive too. Fuck.
“Oh!” he hears the beautiful man gasp for some reason. Perhaps it’s such a shock for someone like him to even have to share space with someone like Yuuri. The thought sinks into the pit of his stomach like a stone, and Yuuri averts his eyes the best he can from looking anywhere near the beautiful man, even as he can feel the stranger’s eyes roam over his body. He wishes the man would just do the polite thing and stare at the wall instead, like Yuuri’s trying to do, instead of taking in and marking upon how awful Yuuri looks right now.  
And yet, either the beautiful man doesn’t notice the terrible state of Yuuri’s appearance, or is simply trying to do the polite thing and ignore it entirely, because all Yuuri gets from him is a kind-sounding, “Hello.”
Yuuri jumps again, and almost has the urge to look around himself to make sure the greeting was actually addressed to him and not someone else. But he doesn’t want to look even more foolish than he already does, knowing that the two of them are very much alone. So, he replies quietly with a “…Hi.”  
Immediately as the word escapes his mouth, he wishes the ground would just swallow him up and save him from this situation. Can’t he just keep his mouth shut and not make this situation even worse than it has to be? But apparently he can’t, because he chances a look at the beautiful man’s breath-taking and sparkling eyes, the beginnings of a smile at the corners of his full pink lips, the gentle flush on his sculpted cheeks, and suddenly, he finds himself opening his mouth and asking, “Where are you on your way to?”
The man blinks, and now Yuuri really feels like death would be the lesser of two evils right now. Why must he now of all times try and make small talk, instead of letting the elevator ride pass him by in silence like he always does whenever he is forced to share the space with someone he doesn’t know? But no. Of course now, in the elevator with the most gorgeous man he’s ever seen, he must blurt out the most awkward of opening lines ever.
And yet, the beautiful man doesn’t seem to mind, as the earlier beginnings of his smile grow into a more real one that makes Yuuri’s heart beat faster in his chest. “I’m planning on going to see a film. I figured now that the exams are over, I ought to treat myself.”
“Oh. That sounds nice,” Yuuri says, and attempts a bit of a smile back. He’s actually been thinking about doing something along the same lines as well, once he’s finished with his big clean-up. Of course there was the party right after the exams ended, but Yuuri honestly doesn’t remember much about that. He’d just recently gotten a call that his dog was sick and might not make it, and he’d had no way of getting home on such short notice to even go see him, so he’d just wanted to forget about everything for a while. He’d ended up drinking a bit too much and evidently blacking out as a result. Thank goodness Vicchan turned out to be okay after all at least. “What movie are you going to see?”
“A Man from U.N.C.L.E. I have been meaning to see it for a while,” the beautiful stranger answers with a kind, indulgent smile.
Yuuri smiles a bit wider at that as well, straightening his posture in eagerness. “I’ve been planning on seeing that one too. It sounds really interesting.” Not to mention the lead actors are all gorgeous, especially the one playing the Russian spy.  
The gorgeous stranger’s smile grows even wider, and Yuuri can’t help but notice that like this, it’s taking a heart-like shape that is utterly adorable, especially added with his wide, shining eyes.  
“I know, right? That glamour, that history, that excitement! Ah, I can’t wait!” he makes a few dramatic gestures with his arms that force Yuuri to hide a chuckle behind his hand. Then he turns back to talk to Yuuri. “I am so very sorry, but I think I never got your name. May I ask for it now?”
Yuuri blinks. He doesn’t think that’s something to be very sorry about, seeing as they’ve only been sharing this elevator for a few moments, and he personally never asks for anyone’s name while riding it. But then again, none of what has happened in the past few minutes has exactly been anything akin to normal, so Yuuri comes out with, “I’m Yuuri.”
“Yuuri,” the beautiful man says, and Yuuri doesn’t think he’s ever liked hearing his name from someone else’s mouth so much before. The way he says it adds a certain lilt to it, that makes it sound like Yuuri’s hearing it for the very first time. And then, to Yuuri’s incredible surprise, the beautiful man proceeds to take one of Yuuri’s hands – the one not holding onto the garbage – and brings it up to his lips for a light kiss, like they’re in a period piece drama or something. “It’s very nice to meet to, Yuuri. My name is Viktor.”
Yuuri’s pretty sure he’s actually dead now, if not from the way his heart seems to have stopped, then from the fact there surely isn’t any blood left anywhere else in his body except on his face. His ears are ringing and his hand is tingling from where Viktor’s lips touched it. His head is swimming. Who in the world does something like this to a complete stranger, not to mention a stranger that is currently holding garbage and looking like he just crawled out of bed?
“Yuuri, this may be bold of me to ask so suddenly, but…” Viktor says softly, trailing off momentarily, a soft flush taking over his cheeks. “There is another showing of the film later today, and I haven’t bought my ticket for the one I was on my way to see yet. If you would be amenable to it, I’d very much like it if you’d join me for that later showing.”
Yuuri blinks. Then blinks again. He discreetly brings the wrist of his free hand over to the hand holding the garbage and pinches the skin there to make sure this is actually real. And yet the pinch hurts and he’s still where he was before the pain. He’s not dreaming. This beautiful man he just met wants to, if Yuuri’s not reading this entirely wrong, take him out on a date.
And Yuuri just can’t fathom why. There is nothing impressive about him, even on his best days, but especially not today. Why in the world would someone like Viktor want to go on a date with someone like Yuuri? It can’t be real. It must be some sort of joke, a cruel prank to be played on Yuuri if he dares to believe he could actually have something like this.
“I’m not sure if I should,” he says quietly, not wanting to bring further humiliation upon himself.
“Oh,” Viktor says, and his shoulders sag. In fact, his whole body seems to sort of grow smaller, his head down and his eyes sad. And Yuuri just can’t understand how he could’ve made him look like that. “Of course.”
And because Viktor looks so miserable, Yuuri can’t help but rush to explain.
“It’s not that I don’t want to!” he says, and Viktor glances up at him, momentarily looking slightly less miserable, with a glimmer of hope in his eyes. “I just…do you normally just ask people you meet in elevators to the movies with you?”
“No,” Viktor admits. “Just you.”
“Then why? Why me?”
“Because I want to be able to see you again,” Viktor says, and his voice sounds strangely cracking, like he’s just about to cry. “Because I’m scared I’ll never find you again if I don’t immediately make sure we’ll meet again.”
Yuuri can’t help the blush that breaks out on his face again. No one’s ever said anything even remotely like that to him before. And Viktor says it all with such conviction, such emotion, that Yuuri can’t help but hope and believe a little, too.
“Okay then,” he says, because he never really wanted to say no in the first place. “Yes. We can go see the movie. What time does the later showing start?”
Viktor’s face spreads into a beaming heart-shaped smile, and he starts looking through his phone to make sure of the time, whistling happily all the while. And Yuuri, disbelieving as he is, can’t help but smile again, too. If this truly is for real, which he will find out in a few hours, hopefully after he’s without his garbage and has showered and changed clothes, he wants to believe this could actually lead to something good. After all, if Viktor can look at him at his rattiest and dirtiest and still want to go on a date with him, there must be some hope for Yuuri in the world after all.  
The elevator finally concludes its journey downstairs just then, and Viktor and Yuuri quickly agree on a time to meet in the lobby for their date later on. Viktor waves cheerfully as the elevator doors close on him and he heads back up. Yuuri waves in return before heading for the garbage disposal with a smile. He can’t know what will happen, but right now, he feels like he can hope and be happy with just hoping, even if it only lasts a few hours. After all, it’s been one surprise after another today. Who is to say it can’t all work out fine?
That’s what he chooses to believe for now anyway.
A few years later, at a rather lavish and beautiful wedding reception, a best man starts his speech with, “You know, it’s not every couple that meets when one of them is drunk out of their mind and pole dancing at a club half-naked…”
“WHAT?!” comes a screeching sound from one of the grooms, a beautiful Asian man whose face is quickly growing dangerously pale in shade.
“Yuuri, you don’t remember?” The other groom, a beautiful man with very fair blond hair asks.
The best man never gets to finish his speech. The two grooms have far too much to talk out in the middle of their wedding reception.
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savedbythenotepad · 6 years
You're not a bad person for not always being able to deal with other people's issues. It's good to keep that one post in mind: there is a difference between caring for someone and carrying someone. You're allowed to set boundaries when you need to, and the first person you need to look after is yourself. I know it can be hard, though, but try not to beat yourself up too much for needing to make space for yourself.
I need to remember that for sure because I often forget and that leads to moments like tonight. Thank you so much as well because it’s so good to have these often reminders so I know that I’m not being a complete numpty for not being able to deal with other people’s issues. It’s important to look after one’s self and thank you so much for reminding me of that.
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Could we have some fics where Adam or James is an asshat and maybe gets some comeuppance? Thanks for all your hard work!
Hi nihonlove, I hope that this satisfies your ask. As you know, your own work “Rewrite the Stars,” fits into this really well, so I thought I’d include it if others were interested in this trope too!
Make Me Weightless, Let Me Fly - Lionescence @lionescence
ongoing, 3/5 chapters, 10k. (Mature) Background Ships: Past Adam/Shiro 
One battle is over. Recovery is slow, steady. Everyone is adjusting.
A new, more personal battle is beginning, and with the climax of the war on the horizon, the Voltron family need to secure this fight, or risk losing the final battle before it even begins.
Double Kiss Shot - Airawyn @thats-what-sidhe-said​
6k. (Teen and Up Audiences) Background Ships: Keith/James 
“Were you?” James asked, as he racked the balls.
“Beating you in every ranking?” Keith asked, an edge to his voice.
“Sleeping with Shiro.” James looked up at Keith.
“No,” Keith said sharply.
“Are you now?” James asked, still watching Keith’s face.
An Unacceptable Bargain - avidbeader @avidbeader
4k. (Teen and Up Audiences) Background Ships: Past Shiro/Adam
“One of the paladins, the Red Paladin, is Galra. He is a traitor to our empire, working with a rebel group to sabotage our infrastructure. He led the team responsible for the death of our prince, Lotor. Turn him over to us and we will leave your planet in peace.”
The Garrison representatives look at one another. It’s too easy and they all know it’s too easy. But they are not in a position to try and negotiate.
What he Saw in us - Amaryka
3k. (Teen and Up Audiences) Background Ships: Adam/Shiro
“There they are!” Shiro exclaimed with a grin. “My two favorite boys!”
Adam’s face lit up instantly, while Keith’s eyes flickered to the device on his wrist. His heart suddenly felt relentlessly heavy.
Or: My hot take on the dynamic between Keith, Adam, and Shiro prior to the Kerberos mission.
Rewrite the Stars - nihonlove @nihonlove
54k. (Teen and Up Audiences). Contains: Implied/Referenced Child Abuse- Background Ships: Adam/Shiro
In a world where you find out who your soulmate is when you first touch them, Shiro’s been content to be in a relationship with and to love Adam, even if Adam’s not his soulmate. They’ve even sworn to each other that if they ever meet their soulmates, nothing will change between them, and they’ll still be together. But that was before Shiro found his soulmate in a lonely, sullen orphan kid with a knack for flying and understanding him, and saw how that affected Adam.
Or: The Shiro-centric pre-Kerberos soulmate AU about his dreams, his chronic illness, and his relationships with his soulmate Keith and his boyfriend Adam - only one of which, platonic or romantic, is built to last.
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harocat · 7 years
Bad example maybe but for instance the girls in "Dance Moms" have been dancing since they were two or three, so it's entirely possible Yuuri started out very very young with ballet :).
Plus the fact that it seems like Hiroko is Minako’s best friend so Yuuri has an immediate connection. You know Minako wanted to teach one of the Katsuki children to dance, and I have doubts that Mari was ever very interested in it. 
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froldgapp · 5 years
You portray emotions really well, you get inside characters and you take the opportunities canon missed.
Ah, that’s really sweet! Nice one–thanks for always being massively supportive in general
I wish canon didn’t leave us with quite so many opportunities!
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snickerdoodlles · 7 years
15: "In my defense, you did leave me unsupervised." for Phichit & Yuuri and/or Detroit Fam (because let's face it...)
so like,,,,, i had one idea partially written for this but it wasn’t quite working and then i wrote this one for man from uncle au @xyloophones and i accidentally made in like an hour so *jazz hands real smooth*set in the early early days of when the team became a thing
Viktor raises an eyebrow at the chaos sprawled across the opulent hotel room. There’s more wires than carpet, furniture crammed against the walls to make room for the literal minefield of gear between Phichit and Yuuri and everything else.
Phichit sits upright in the center of the mess. A glass of whisky sits by his knee, computer chips tangled in wires in front of him, and Yuuri lays next to him, pliers and wire cutters for Phichit resting on his back. Phichit has a screwdriver behind one ear and tiny screws poke through his bite like deformed fangs. He’s disconcertingly unworried about the literal bomb in his lap.  “In our defense-” Phichit begins.
“-You did leave us unsupervised,” finishes Yuuri, not looking up from his current project. He has a bracelet of colorful wires and a charming grease stain on his nose. Viktor bites back his offer to wipe it off for him.
Viktor cautiously nudges a…something by his foot. It jerks and flips, sparking violently, and Viktor scrambles back before it can explode. “I literally bugged both of you.”
Phichit’s head snaps up and his eyes flare. “You-” Phichit spits out the screws, ignoring Yuuri’s affronted grunt as they rain over him. “You don’t trust us?! We’re a team Viktor, how are-”
Viktor holds up a finger. He pulls a pile of bugs from his pocket and starts tossing them, one by one. “These. Are. American. Made.”
Yuuri, who’s still buried and fiddling with the…whatever it is, snorts. Phichit doesn’t look the slightest bit ashamed as he dumps the handful of listening devices into his box, his offence easily melting away into sharp assessment.
Viktor artfully fluffs his hair, only slightly wilting when he realizes Yuuri isn’t looking. “Well then. Since we’re all friends here, I don’t suppose you’d mind giving mine back then?”
“Can’t,” Yuuri grunts.
Viktor pouts. “But Yuuriiiii~”
Yuuri finally looks up. He pushes his boxy glasses up with one finger while still holding wire strippers. Viktor never knew wire strippers could be sexy before. “We literally can’t give them back. We used them to make a detonator.”
Phichit snickers. His fingers dance across his bomb nimble quick without him ever glancing down, smirk growing with Viktor’s wariness. “More like tried to use them. You guys have shit tech.”
Viktor blinks, but then whines as he carefully drapes himself across the floor and bemoans his country’s pride, Phichit and Yuuri’s laughter ringing through the room.
Yakov’s gonna kill him.
But possibly not before Phichit or Yuuri does.
[[request a prompt and i’ll write a short fic]]
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damnspacebois · 6 years
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nihonlove replied to your post “#SheithMonth2018”
That's exciting!
it issssssss! feel free to send something in!
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viktuurificwriters · 7 years
Authors mod Andi checked out this week!
Hey readers, it’s me, ya girl~
nihonlove – @nihonlove
Hot Mess in Cold Rain + never could be sweeter than with you
Nihonlove has accomplished a true feat: their writing style is very clear and straightforward, and yet they never fail to produce the loveliest prose. I felt that their work immediately captured my attention, not solely through its style but through its originality. They cleanly delivered wonderful works, portraying the tropes and situations oh-so wonderfully. A huge thumbs up to them! Davai!
 otabek – @lovechild – (twitter)
in this home we built + it comes and it goes
Words cannot fully express how deeply I was touched by their work. Never let it be said that otabek’s works should be avoided; even by the most intense lovers of fluff, I encourage you to give “in this home we built” a try. Granted, this is coming from an avid lover of angst, but I implore you to read it nonetheless. They possess that edge that every skilled writer knows they need, that tiny spark – for lack of a better word – that helps bewitch their readers and boost their writing from great to phenomenal.
 Pilindiel – @pilindiel
A Worthy Sacrifice + Love Drunk
Pilindiel’s writing has a certain atmosphere about it in the same way that a polished piece of art exudes a certain presence: despite it being so much harder to express such a thing in words, they manage it. I was pleasantly surprised by how well they characterized both Yuuri and Victor, and they delivered both concepts beautifully. I highly recommend their work!
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ken10-japan · 3 years
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割合→Wari'ai→ratio,Percentage 😀 Thank you for watching Instagram ✨ I'm sorry if I can't reply 😅 no.49 ther accounts→#ken1009 #kanji#japan#japancultures #hiragana#Signdesign 2020/11/28 #katakana#kanjiname#JapanTravel #nihonlove#Japón#culturetrip#shodoart #syodoart#japanese https://www.instagram.com/p/CJFnoaOHmEM/?igshid=1chhky35tl85f
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