#new therapist
theworthynerodivergent · 11 months
Hey everyone! So it’s decently late and I’m actually tired so I’ll be heading to bed soon. First I just wanted to write a quick little thing saying that:
I haven’t really been on here because I’ve been busy with my new job. I like it so far the people are cool tho I can tell I’m going to be very busy. I already have a full caseload and got ton of paperwork to do. I’m trying to not become overwhelmed and take things as they come but easier said than done. One good thing is it is a 9-5 an no weekends so I do get time to myself so yay for that.
Also I had my final session today for the adhd assessment where we go over the results and it is official I have been diagnosed with adhd and I can stop saying I think I have it. Idk if it’s weird to say I’m happy but I think it’s because I always felt like something was different about me an after being told nothing is wrong with me all my life it’s nice to have an actual answer. Results also came back for anxiety an depression but that’s nothing new. I think I will try meditation just to see how it goes for me. A lot of people in my life are against me trying meditation but I have no issue with it. It’s not their body or Brain so they will be alright.
Last thing I guess I will bring up is my non binary journey. I’ve told all the physical people that I’ve wanted to know except for like 3 people and I may tell them one day but not now. An I haven’t done much in changing myself but I feel better I guess just by acknowledging it an knowing that I do have people around me who accept me. Oh also when I first applied for the adhd assessment I put I’m non binary and I was told that my result papers that will be uploaded say Mx which is pretty cool. I still don’t have a preference for pronouns when people ask I just say she/they. Tho one thing I have noticed I’m ok with being called she but if something says like woman, girl, female, in my head I’m like no 😡. So that is also interesting lol. (Tho I do acknowledge that I am a black woman)
I said this was gonna be quick sorry I lied but I’ll wrap up now. So new job, new diagnosis, new gender an same ol anxiety about everything but I am happier so yay me.
Thank you for reading my ramblings and now I am off to bed night!
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So the thing my therapist said yesterday that was a little mindblowing to me after the fact was this...
I was processing my relationship with my mom and family and the anxieties and boundary struggles that persist with us, especially around her and her family.
My therapist commented that I am experiencing the paradox of being so emphatic that I feel everyone else's emotions and anxieties as my own and then I'm trying to cope with those emotions with coping strategies and techniques, but because they aren't my emotions to begin with, those things don't work to alleviate or help the emotions.
I've truly never thought of it this way before. That these emotions or anxieties I'm experiencing aren't my own (I do have my own on top of it though) so maybe I can't be so hard on myself for not being able to deal with them or cope as well I think I should be able to. It's such an interesting perspective to think about.
I also talked about how I feel so confused and jealous and then hard on myself for how my sister and dad are able to be mindful in the moments we're around family and not get absorbed by all the emotions and generational trauma honestly. My therapist said that I never learned differently and that I'm the glue in the family and put the effort in to make sure no one else experiences what I do so of course they don't experience it the same. She also talked about triangulation and how my mom has "trained" me this way my entire life so it's not the personal failing it feels like it is (maybe, I still have a lot of self blame, but she offered a new perspective to it). She did so in a way that wasn't and didn't feel judgemental or that she was just unequivocally supporting me or taking my side, but that she was listening and reflecting back.
I'm looking forward to processing this session and the thoughts I've had since yesterday next week. I'm also feeling extremely lucky to have found this therapist because she's really good.
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I met my new therapist today.
It's gonna be weird without Amy, but we will see how we vibe.
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mischiefmanifold · 2 years
how to pick a therapist? when u have a list of options written down how do u pick one
How to Choose the Right Therapist
(I hope you don’t mind that I’m going through the entire process, the bit you’re asking about will be towards the end)
Before I get started, the website I will be referencing is Psychology Today’s Therapist Finder (I do not endorse any of their content, the majority of it is bullshit and ableist, but the therapist finder is a good resource). You can also use this resource to find treatment centers, psychiatrists, and support groups.
Usually I start on Google because Psychology Today doesn’t have a filter for dissociative disorders and that’s the thing that has the most impact on me.
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[Image description: A Google search bar with dark mode on. In the search bar are the words “did therapist near me”. To the right of the words in the search bar is a camera in the classic Google colors of yellow, blue, green, and red. End image description.]
After searching this (or something similar, it depends on the kind of therapist you’re looking for), scroll down until you find the result that has the Psychology Today URL on it that says “Find a (insert problem here) Therapist”. Click on that.
Once you’re on that page, type your 5 digit ZIP code where indicated. You’ll be taken to another page with a list of therapists and filtering options. You can filter other issues/topics if you’d like a therapist who is knowledgeable in multiple things you deal with, you can filter languages and costs and genders and religions and insurance types, etc etc etc.
Once you have all the filters that your heart desires, check the list again. (Note: You may have to compromise on some filters because there may not be any therapists who fit all the filters you put in.) Look through each individual profile, and list down the ones that you think may work for you.
Next, open up your email. Take the time to send an email to each of the therapists you’re considering, and ask them if you can have a 15 minute interview before choosing to stay with them full-time. Discard the ones that refuse an interview (unless you’d like to pay full price for one meeting just to ask them a bunch of questions).
Before the interview, write down a list of questions you want to ask the therapist. Include anything that may come up and make you uncomfortable or unsafe if they answer the wrong way (political orientations, views on topics such as “narcissistic abuse”, diet culture, views on self diagnosis, etc.).
At the interview, gauge the way you feel with the therapist (the vibes, if you’d like). Do you feel comfortable with them? Are they welcoming, open, sincere? If not, they’re probably not right for you.
It can be really intimidating and scary to be willing to open yourself up to another person, especially about things you’ve never told anyone about before and especially if those things are things you did that were socially unacceptable, but I’m really proud of you for prioritizing your healing!
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I started therapy today!!!! I cannot wait until out next session in 2 weeks when we'll really get to start doing the work.
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roadki-ll · 2 years
Bro do y'all ever get calls from your doctors/therapists/psychiatrist's place wanting to know something or schedule something and then panic agree to whatever they say because calls stress you out? Because that just happened to me and now I have a new therapist I guess...
At least I didn't hang up on them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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im-the-lesbian-aunt · 2 years
Trying so hard to put on a happy face
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labyrinthcat · 15 days
I hope this new therapist doesn't make me write a stupid letter to a shitty ex and reconnect with my worthless mother again. They almost sabotaged my career. It was the most regressive advice a therapist could give a traumatized rape survivor.
She always seemed so surprised by how rapidly I grew and healed throughout just one year.
It's not really "surprising" considering how much I already mapped out my life progression while isolated since a child.
People's "shock" by my intelligence and resilience tends to be offensive. (Perhaps it's due to my Lilith Gemini placement 🤪) My "kind" demeanor doesn't mean I lack self awareness of what's really going on, and it continues to amuse me how people get it twisted.
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I hate how long it takes me to make decisions and how it always feels like I'm climbing a mountain in a snow blizzard because of brain fog and whatnot. But my therapist told me not to dramatize this and to be okay with the fact that I just need a little more time.. haha. I WISH I could accept that, if only it were that simple!! hahaha 🫥
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aura-dragonfly · 4 months
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My therapist said the word layers when talking about me and I couldn’t get the onion and Shrek out of my mind. And so, I learned how to draw an onion using an online guide.
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Break down in the main lobby
Saw the new therapist yesterday. Broke down crying in the lobby of the 'community mental health center' in front of everyone. Had to go outside and stand in a corner for a bit. Almost just left the whole place, but convinced myself not to. She asked me to come back to the office to talk, but I didn't have much to say. I rarely have much to say these days when it comes to talking about myself (as opposed to music, tv, animals, buildings I like or hate), I just feel bad.
There's some how both too much and not enough going on in my head to have a real conversation about it. I'm not totally sure what we ended up doing in terms of new appointments. They scheduled me an appointment with somebody named Joslyn (must either be the psych prescriber or the vocational counselor). Don't remember what was decided as far as my next appointment. I think I agreed to something about a text. I couldn't pay attention, just wanted to leave and go sit in a park.
She slipped me $100 dollars before I left. I don't know how I feel about that. I'm a broke bitch, but not starving or anything. There were probably people in that very waiting room who needed it way more than I do. I considered just handing the bill over to a homeless person.
Can't decide if I should donate it.
Or save it for an emergency.
Or spend it on something that will be helpful to my mental health long term...but what would that be? I also considered just spending it all before I got home on teriyaki tofu and cookies.
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cavityinmybrain · 1 year
we finally have a therapist and she agrees that bpd may be a misdiagnosis and wants to keep an eye on me, but she thinks that bpd people cant have stable relationships?
i know people when they recover can have stable relationships (i doubt that i have recovered enough for that).
soooo red flad??
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Hello....I need some advice. Last week, my therapist (whom I just met) told me to write 25 things I like about myself on a piece of paper...problem is....there isn't anything I like about myself. So what do I write? I don't wanna lie
Hey there,
It can be really hard when you start seeing a new therapist. Therapists all work in very different ways and it can often take a while for us to feel really comfortable with them.
Writing down things you like about yourself is not easy to do at all and especially if you are feeling really down and/ or have low self-esteem. I am guessing that your therapist asked you to do this exercise to get you use to looking upon yourself in a more positive way and because when we feel good about ourselves, it can give us a bit more motivation and energy in a way to get better/ recover.
Writing down 25 things seems a bit daunting so I am wondering if you could just think about 1 or 2 things you like about yourself? It could be anything. For example your hair, or having good friends, or even if you are good at studying or not (if this is something that you are good at/ enjoy.) Writing these things down doesn’t have to be directly about you, like with your looks or how you view yourself, but it can also include your qualities if that makes sense?
I think it may also be beneficial to let your therapist know that you found this exercise of writing down 25 things that you like about yourself was really difficult and challenging. Don’t feel pressured to do all 25 if you’re not able to, just do what you can and perhaps you could finish your list in your next therapy session. Starting with a new therapist is a learning curve for the therapist too as they have to get to know you, what kind of things work well for you, what doesn’t and things like that. So please do feel bad if you can’t do the full list!
I really hope that this has helped a bit and please do let us know if we can help to support you in any other way!
I’m thinking of you and hope that you are going well!
Take care,
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babyhoneyharrie · 1 year
actually did see my therapist today so 🫰🏼 she said I'm perfect and I've never been wrong before so
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aroace-moron · 1 year
I have the first therapy session with my new therapists in 20 minutes (yes, plural, there are two of them), who I already met last week in a first meeting kind of session.
And I did the thing, talked about myself, softly nudging them into the right direction by just sharing stuff that was happening and is generally seen as autism criteria, and one of them even got a weird look and started asking how I felt about textures.
And today, my mum got a mail where they said that they wanted to start off with some diagnosis sorta stuff since I mentioned that I don't think the general anxiety disorder and social anxiety diagnosis from three years ago was actually accurate, so I think I might be getting a diagnosis at some point!
And no, if they won't mention it, I won't either. I don't want the answer to my mum sighing and asking them if I brought the subject up to be yes.
But I'll keep pushing them. I'll use all the masking I learned and discarded again to be fucking subtle.
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Lmao imagine hearing someone talk about their suicidal thoughts while they're dissociating and struggling to explain them and then telling them it seems like they're safe today.
Also imagine doubting someone's risk because they don't think life is worthless. Like mam, it's not worthless but it's not worth This.
Where this is day in and day out struggling to exist.
I think she dislikes me. I told her I don't like scales and mindfulness and I think she thinks I'm being difficult on purpose.
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