#new hyperfixation: weed leaves
enavstars · 8 months
Cyberpunk au
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RGB designs for a new au
Important things:
The inspiration for this was the game Stray (that I finally played).
This is a hyperfixation that I don't know when it's going to end. I'll probably draw things from it as much as my motivation lets me but don't expect it to be a constant thing like Eclipse or On the road.
I love worldbuilding so there is a lot of details of this au already, feel free to ask questions.
The world is dark and very corrupted but the tone of the au is chill because the sibs dgaf about the world.
Worldbuilding details (my friend wrote this because this is complicated and I suck at writing) [very long text under the cut]:
The key element of this AU’s worldbuilding is a new biohazardous artificial plant which was originally genetically engineered by the scientist of the RGB’s city-state to fight the air pollution that plagued the region by attempting to reduce the amount of CO2 from the atmosphere (yes this is a biopunk universe :)). However, because they are an ugly reddish colour, have a bitter taste and are extremely nutrient-deficient and unhealthy, they have no natural predators and can spread like wildfire across both fertile plots and forests like weeds. On top of that, due to that nutrient deficiency, which stems from the slow absorption ability of their roots (not nearly enough to keep the heavy rate of photosynthesis), they evolved on their own to attach themselves to other living beings as parasites and basically invaded the entire area around the metropolis. With them being potentially lethal, this caused a massive problem that made the city panic; although they have plenty of weak points (like fire and a vulnerable immune system) and it takes them very long to get their roots to the rest of the body, their grip is so deep and strong that the only option is to remove the infected body part. So their special ability became a critical issue when the plants unexpectedly ended up liking animals better, and with them humans themselves, because they could carry them to other places and infest those too while still sucking the life out of them until they die (oopsie). Ultimately, with the lack of proper information on the parasites, and because the situation was handled very poorly overall, they ended up taking many people’s lives and made the most vulnerable species of the area (like cattle) go endangered or extinct, which in turn altered the balance of the ecosystem and the working class’ means of living :).
Sorry this chunk was so technical, we (@kaigoesbrr and I) are biology nerds, but basically the plants were so good at making more oxygen and so ass at getting what they needed to do so that they became parasites, and now they get what they need from plants and animals (and they like animals better, like humans, because they have more stuff and help them spread further). Then society collapsed :).
All of this caused a deep economic crisis that brought about high rates of poverty, and with it, a deep fear of the infested world outside the city walls. So this whole conundrum led to the city closing off to the lands around it, implementing absurd levels of security like a tight border control and a slower, more strict business traffic, and making a huge dark translucent dome that encapsulates the whole city to keep any potential smuggled plants from ever growing by blocking the natural sunlight. They even made a ditch around their walls (kind of like a moat) and burnt and bombed the fields and suburbs around them to make them extremely infertile. So yeah, this city-state is a terrible place to live, a gloomy prison where not even the sun and stars can be seen, but most the inhabitants never leave out of that paranoid terror and the heavy bureaucracy needed to just go outside and touch grass.
(haha with poor funding corrupt scientists who didn’t know what they were doing made a mess, shocker how that would backfire horribly).
However, the outside isn’t as bad as they make it out to be. In the end, the plants did clean the air as they were supposed to, and, as nature does, it did somewhat recover from the disaster to where human life is now sustainable again.
Taking advantage of their thick crust, trees were the least affected by the plague, and the other plants in the forest developed new natural defences against the parasites, which was yet another reason why they in turn became best at infecting animals. And many of the fungi, abundant in the now more humid forest (haha cooler air equals more rain), took advantage of their weak immune system (due to their fucking incompetent creators making a mess of the original plant’s DNA) and infected them (haha scammer get scammed). So basically, the fields and farmlands were lost to the people, but the forests are still intact. Also, even though one of the rivers around the city, the one which makes its ways under it and is therefore connected to the water supply and sewer systems, is trashed, the other, which is further away, is now perfectly healthy due to the city closing off and therefore leaving it alone for enough time. The real issue here lies within the actual government, which obviously does not want to expose how corrupt and lazy they are when dealing with problems and so they keep fueling the paranoia of their most vulnerable citizens since they are kids :). One way they do so is by manipulating the information their people get, claiming bullshit like “the current ecosystem is wild and polluted, it cannot offer our economy anything anymore!” and “the plants are dangerous and will kill you if you ever come into contact with them, and they have infected virtually every living thing around!”. Another is by not educating their population about “the Outside”, treating it like a sort of taboo. Therefore, they refuse to explain, or hush those who try to, the actual danger of the plants and how to deal with them (they do have many weaknesses, after all).
But the people in this world have yet another nasty problem. In this AU there are beings believed to be anthropomorphic demons due to their pointy ears, fangs, and sometimes strange behaviour. But in fact, these people are descendants of the dragons that once lived in these nations, but their origins were forgotten as the world gradually lost touch with its spirituality and ancestry, and now those who were once revered for their “godlike attributes” (yes, they kinda worshipped dragons, I mean, who wouldn’t) are today facing discrimination. However, even though they aren’t considered exactly “people”, the pure humans are still kind of afraid of them, so they usually choose the subtler kind of racism. In most governments, “Demons” get less job opportunities and are denied high positions, can be freely banned from any establishment, and face unmatched prejudice just for existing, especially those with a stronger blood relation with their ancestry. In the city, they are treated as less than even the robots (nindroids of all kinds), who are treated like any other respected social group by now because they have grown so advanced that most of them are just like humans in metal armour. In fact, many of them are mechanics, who are held in high esteem for making the many bionic implants for the humans.
And all of that combined made the RGB siblings (who are obviously demons, especially Lloyd), decide never to leave the Outside, where they grew up, to go live in the city.
When they were younger, Kai and Nya adopted Lloyd when they found him asleep in a box in the middle of nowhere, after having been abandoned themselves a few years earlier. This time, though, their dynamic in this AU is more of a team than Kai being a mom to them both like he always is, so even if Kai feels the most responsible for being the eldest sibling, they rely on each other almost equally. They fend off the plants that threaten them with fire (no they do not have powers, but Kai uses a fucking flamethrower because it’s Kai), and usually live on whatever they can find in the wild: mostly by making traps for game, fishing in the cleaner river and occasionally foraging edible plats (that’s more risky and they are more carnivorous anyway). Also, Nya routinely strolls through the ruins of the suburbs to collect scrap junk to turn as much of it as she can into useful trinkets, the rest of which she sells to Ed and Edna’s junkyard and their son, who is an amateur mechanic (wink wink but no shipping actually). Apart from that though, they usually sneak into the metropolis to cause a bit of mayhem here and there, which over time and on top of the fear over their species has earned them a reputation of People You Don't Wanna Mess With (or "Demons", more like). More than once they’ve even messed with a few of the gangs around town, which started sprouting up after the disaster, so overall their presence in the city is tolerated, but frowned upon. They manage to bypass the annoying border control thanks to the faulty assistant robot who raised them, named Echo (wink wink), who cannot perform any other social job (what he was made for) than to be the ferryman for those few people who decide to cross the wide moat and venture out into the Outside. They usually take a secret tunnel that a few smugglers managed to make, and the Guard do nothing because they do not give a fuck about demons anyway (in fact, only a few people know that their actual names aren’t Red, Blue and Green because nobody gives a fuck indeed). They do actually know a few people there, some of whom are also demons (like Mistake and Ronin), but especially as kids (which is when the story starts) they spend most of their time in the wild chilling and going on adventures :³.
(no the city and the plants are not named, we’re lazy :))
Anyway this is what I'll say for now. There's a lot more info, and hopefully drawings, coming. Hope you like this au because I love it for now ^^
(Btw let me know if you want me to make a post/reblog explaining the designs for the Rgb siblings and some info behind them)
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saviorellie · 1 year
this will do.
pairing : ellie williams x reader
pov : third person , she/her pronouns
word count : 1,282 words
warning(s) : just fluff!!! college!ellie au!!! pinning!!!
notes : I’M ALIVE. yearly rebrand for the new hyperfixation. i need ellie williams desperately. that’s all!
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“y/n,” was the first word ellie spoke into the phone. “what’s up?”
her backpack was slipping off her shoulder. she just let it fall.
“can i come in?” she asked quietly. there was movement on the other end of the line.
“of course, y/n. you don’t need to ask.”
she didn’t respond.
“i’ll be out in a minute, okay? just got out of the shower- ‘m changing.”
she opened the door to her friend’s dorm room with the spare key ellie had gotten just for her. her space was warm and comforting and smelled of her, smokey and like home. but the tears came anyway.
ellie could feel it because she knows her. and has or ever a decade. but she didn’t expect to find her like this.
on a normal day, she would’ve had her backpack zipped open on the couch, her notebooks and laptop and ridiculous assortment of pens and highlighters and pencils spread out across the table. she would’ve pulled the blinds up and ridiculed ellie for failing to let light into her small apartment. she would’ve been rifling though her bare cabinets, trying and failing to find food to cook her an actual meal so she isn’t just living off of noodles and apple juice and weed. she would’ve glanced up at her best friend with gentle eyes and graced her with an even gentler hug.
but today, in the solitude and darkness of ellie’s apartment, she was sitting folded into herself on the couch.
it was easy for ellie to approach her, it was easy to crouch down and sit on the coffee table in front of her. if was difficult, however, to realize that she was avoiding eye contact. she knew. she was crying.
and there was just silence. ellie waited, watching her form shake while her heart sunk deeper into her chest with every passing second.
then finally, finally, she called out for her.
“ellie…” she whispered, and she was moving.
the couch cushions shifted as she sat next to her, pulling her in. as ellie tucked her head under her chin, her throat swelled with fear; she rarely saw this side of her and wanted nothing more than to take her pain away.
she was the composed one. she saw everything in her life in a positive light, taking things as they were and accepting whatever happened to her. she was compassionate and a great listener and an even better friend. the range of her emotions was about as diverse as one could imagine, but she was so talented in hiding her stresses that at times, even ellie didn’t notice until it built up so high that it just poured out.
here she was, the girl-ellie’s girl-that was always taking care of her and everyone else before herself. her work and her high expectations for herself had reduced to a bleak, discouraged figure in her friend’s embrace.
“angel,” ellie muttered, because she was still crying and her heart felt heavy and sometimes the line between best friend and more blurred and she forgot her place. she didn’t need a lover right now. she needed her best friend.
“i just… i just want to give up. i’m so tired,” she slurred long after ellie had lost track of time. once the tears had ceased and the shaking had subsided.
ellie just closed her eyes, searching for her hand in the dark. it made her so sad that the stress of college and work and bills and just living affected her hard-wired, determined, passionate self. she wanted to take it away and make if feel better. because that’s what she always did for her.
“it’ll be okay. you’ll, we’ll, figure it out. you always do.”
she nodded, just slightly, against her chest.
“i know,” she said. but the defeated sound would not leave her.
ellie didn’t really think through what she was doing as her hand brushed through her hair, brushing it back from her face. she was just exhausted. she needed comfort and ellie was going to give it as best she could.
“you gotta let me take care of you,” she sighed. “you can sleep here, if you want.”
she grunted out a noise of disapproval.
“no,” she muttered, but the softness in her voice betrayed her.
“you’re so stubborn,” ellie shot back and she laughed, just a little. and that was enough.
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ellie swiveled on her heel when she heard her shuffling into the kitchen, smiling a bit at her disheveled appearance. it was harder than normal to ignore that she was in love with her on days like this.
she came right over and leaned into her side. naturally, her arm circled ellie’s waist and ellie’s arm rested on top of her shoulders as she peered into the pot she was stirring on the stove.
“what is going on?” she scoffed, because she was making actual food.
what was going on was that she has been serious earlier. about taking care of her.
after she’d fallen asleep earlier, ellie situated her on the couch and piled blankets on top of her because she was freezing all the time. although she didn’t want to chance being gone when she woke up, she didn’t have any food in her apartment and the protective side of her, reserved only for the girl sleeping on her couch, told her that was a problem. weighing her options, she went to the convenience store a couple streets over and grabbed the ingredients her favorite soup called for.
she pulled away from her best friend and hoisted herself up onto the counter next to the stove, leaning her head back on the wooden cabinet. ellie could tell she was thinking, so she left her alone. that is, until she noticed she was watching her.
“what?” she asked gently.
she just stared at her for a second. her beautiful, kind best friend. her auburn hair was falling out her bun and into her face and she had to resist the urge to push it back.
“thank you.”
ellie’s head tilted to the side.
“for what?” she moved a little closer and the girl beside her shrugged.
“i don’t know. it’s just…” she looked down at her lap, shifting on the granite countertop. “I’m still exhausted and overwhelmed and sad, but i know that you’ll be there so… i don’t know. it’s okay.”
she opened her arms lazily in ellie’s direction, the corners of her lips lifting in the slightest manner. so ellie hugged her. and her heart hurt.
then she pulled away, that dangerous thought invading her mind, the idea that the emotion in her eyes when she looked at her was how it felt for her to be in love with her best friend. the idea that she should risk it all and press a kiss to her cheek or forehead and gauge her reaction.
so instead, ellie stirred her soup and sat with her in comfortable silence.
“i love you,” she whispered, playing with the rings on her fingers.
ellie felt her breath hitch. she had said i love you to her before. but this felt different. she just didn’t know if it felt different for her too.
“i… i love you too.” she reached for her hand, running her thumb over the back of it. the silence returned, but ellie was no longer comfortable.
ellie didn’t know if what she felt would ever become reality- being more with her. but she did know that she was never going to stop caring for her and releasing her stress and doing little things to make her smile up at her with the glow she only held in her apartment.
but for now, this is plenty. this is enough. this will do.
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fandomz-brainrot · 1 year
Pity (Wednesday x Male reader)
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A/n: might not be that good because I'm writing this when I'm tired as hell :,)
TW: Drugs (weed), very light suicidal thoughts, self harm, angst
You were a student at Nevermore Academy; a gorgon, to be exact. You hung around Xavier and Ajax, as the latter was your younger brother. So, when the two boys (mainly Xavier) began to show an interest in the mysterious new goth girl, you just had to see what the hype was about. So during one of your shared classes, you passed her a note:
"Hey, newbie."
She... crumpled up the note and threw it back at you. You didn't give up hope though, passing more notes and little doodles to her. Eventually she gave in and responded.
"What do you want."
"To be your friend, obviously."
She rolled her eyes, but kept talking to you anyways. It was strange at first-- you'd come up to her and follow her around like a lost puppy. That's how you got roped in to her whole "monster mystery solving" thing. She dragged you on many dangerous missions to uncover the truth. However, you never backed out, and she seemed to admire that. In her own special Wednesday way, of course.
After a while, you two formed a bond. It was weird, since she isn't one to outwardly show her affections, but you assumed she cared. So, you shot your shot. You began flirting with her relentlessly. She pretended to be completely oblivious, and you bought it. You genuinely thought she didn't know, or just didn't reciprocate the feelings. But you wouldn't stop until you got a definitive answer.
So when she asked you out, it really threw you for a loop.
"I accept, (Y/n)." She said one day out of the blue. You stopped dead in your tracks, causing her to stop as well and look back at you. "I- uh-... What?" you asked in confusion. "I know you have... feelings for me. It is... mutual." she said, although she had to force the last sentence out. She hated showing any emotion. A look of realization appeared on your face, and you beamed at her. "I- cool! I uh- I can't believe that my new girlfriend is Wednesday Adda-" "Shut it before I reconsider." she said with an icy glare. You quickly shut your mouth, the grin never leaving your face as you nodded enthusiastically and gave her a thumbs up.
And that's the start of your relationship with Wednesday.
You would visit her in her dorm whenever you could, listening to her play her cello or watch her write her novel. You even gave her a few pointers while she was writing. Sometimes she'd come back to yours, when Ajax wasn't there (you guys were not just brothers, but roommates). Slowly, your relationship grew. She began showing small displays of affection. She would give you gifts; tarot cards, rings, chains, stuffed animals, anything like that. You would occasionally hold hands as you walked her to some of her classes. Whenever she was at your dorm, you two would cuddle as you watched shows on your laptop. You would explain every little detail if it was your current hyperfixation. She'd do the same, with true crime. Within a few weeks you could name several serial killers and their lives because of her. Sometimes you could swear you'd see the corners of her mouth twitch up.
What really took you by surprise was when she kissed you. You were in your dorm, playing video games as she watched with interest. "Hey-- can you look at me for a second." she said, in her usual expressionless tone. You looked over at her, an eyebrow raised in confusion. Suddenly, her thin cold hands grabbed your face firmly, and her lips met yours. Your eyes widened, and you gently held her face. She pulled away, looking even more surprised than you did. You saw the slightest hint of color flush her pale face. She looked away, her arms crossed. "I... I love... you." she said, and it seemed like a struggle to get them out. "I love you too..." you said breathlessly. She refused to look back at you, but the corners of her lips twitched upwards. "Hey... can you look at me?" you asked her. She slowly looked back over to you, and immediately you crashed your lips in to hers. She kissed back eagerly. And that would be the start of many kisses to come.
It was now later in the year. You had been dating for a bit over a month now. You had asked her on your first date; a movie was coming out at Jericho's small theater that you think she'd like. It was a horror movie, so of course she would be in to it. You two went to it, getting seats near the top of the dark theater. Her head found its way to your shoulder, and your arm wrapped around her. She let out an exhale that could've been a laugh as you shoveled popcorn in to your mouth. You made little comments and cracked jokes quietly as you both watched with interest. She let out another laugh-like exhale, throwing a piece of popcorn at your face. "Would you shut up for two seconds? I am trying to watch this. I will be the killer if you do not shut your mouth." she said in frustration. You know she meant no real hostility or aggression at this-- you'd know if she did. Plus, that small almost-smile was still on her face. You laughed quietly, shrugging. "Sure. You're the boss, love." you replied, and she shushed you with a finger to your lips. You swore you saw that small flush come back to her cheeks in the dim light.
The two month mark was approaching in your relationship, and you were stressed. You had been loaded with work and participation in your extracurricular activities. You hadn't had much time to talk to Wednesday-- your sleep schedule was a mess, and you simply didn't have the energy. It was taking a toll on your relationship. She had came to your door, late at night. You had just finished some school work when you heard the knock at the door. You saw her, and smiled softly. "We need to talk." She said simply. Your smile wavered, but you let her in. "Sure... what's up?" this was unlike her. She never expressed her emotions unless absolutely necessary. So this must be serious. She sighed, stiffly sitting down on your bed. "I... feel like you're... not putting as much effort in to this relationship as I am. You barely talk to me as of late. I need... you... to return that... energy." she managed to say, staring blankly at a wall. You fidgeted with your hands, spinning one of the fidget rings she had given you a few weeks ago. "Yeah, of course, I've just been super busy, but I'll try and make more time for you." You said, blinking a few times. She glanced at you and nodded. "Thank you." she said simply, getting up and leaving your dorm. You stood there for a few seconds, that pit of dread in your stomach. But you knew what you were going to do; you would make a bigger effort for Wednesday.
A few days have passed. You have tried to talk to Wednesday, passing her notes in class and talking to her whenever you saw her around Nevermore.
"I reallyyy don't wanna go to my stupid band performance :( I'm so tired right now."
"That sucks."
You frowned, looking down as you fidgeted with that same ring again. She seemed to be a lot more dry recently. You had tried to ask if she was okay, but always got an "I'm fine" in response.
Afterwards, you had tried to speak to her, but she was physically ghosting you. She deliberately asked you not to sit with her in classes. Whenever you'd go to hang out with her, Enid, and Xavier, she would make Enid sit between you too. She was growing more and more distant and it was scaring the shit out of you.
The next day however, you were out in Jericho, looking for something to give your mom for her birthday. That's when you saw it; a small stuffed raven and a small tin box. Your eyes lit up-- this is how you can show Wednesday that you care! You purchased the box and raven, as well as the goofiest taxidermy ferret you could find and your girlfriend's favorite snacks. The tin was overly pink with unicorns in the shape of a heart-- you planned to paint it to make the unicorns gothic and skeletal. The ferret was a little clown with its mouth wide open. They were the silliest things, but they might bring a smile to her face. You brought them back to your dorm and began working.
As soon as you finished the gift you excitedly went over to Wednesday's dorm and knocked on the door. The familiar blank face greeted you, and you grinned. "I got you the goofiest little gifts!" you said excitedly. Her gaze flickered between you and the tin box, letting out a small "mhm". She looked up at you. "I don't want it, you can keep it." she said flatly, and your smile started to fall. "Oh um... alright-" and she closed the door on your face. You blinked away the tears that had began to form in your eyes. You walked back to your dorm, eyes vacant as you got lost in your own thoughts.
Two days later, you went back to class. Wednesday didn't speak a word to you the entire time. However, right as the class ended, she handed you a note and walked away. You glance around, before walking back to your dorm room. You nervously fidget with the folded up piece of paper, sitting down on the edge of the bed. You opened it, reading the words on the page with great care.
"I wrote this letter to say that I think we should break up. During the time where we weren't speaking to each other, I started to think. And I realized that I may not have ever loved you. We seemed more of friends. It felt more like a friends with benefits type of situation. I think I actually may have dated you out of pity. So, I would like to discontinue our relationship. Whether I ever did love you is a mystery, so I guess we'll never know."
Your breath hitched. Your hands balled, crumpling the paper and ripping it. You felt your bottom lip tremble and that familiar put of dread settle in your stomach. You felt the tears fill your eyes and fall down your cheeks, as a lump formed in your throat. You let out a shaky laugh of disbelief. You choked back a sob, your arms wrapping around your stomach as you rocked slightly. Your laugh grew louder. "Really, Wednesday? You couldn't have told me in person?! You-- you dated me out of PITY? Really?! I knew you were a bit strange but I didn't know you were..." you yelled to no one in particular, mostly at a loss for words. You laughed again, but it quickly devolved into ugly and loud sobbing.
You made sure to get your schedule changed immediately. You only talked to your friends when Wednesday wasn't around. You tried to completely cut her from your life. That is, until Ajax walked up to you. His expression was worried, and hesitant. He looked down at his hands, beginning to fidget. I guess the fidgeting is just a thing in your family, huh? "Hey uh... (Y/n)?" he asked slowly, looking at you. You rolled over in your bed to look at him. You let out a small grunt, which he took as an "okay" to continue. "So... Wednesday wanted me to ask... why you've been avoiding her...?" You let out an angry huff, rolling back over in your bed. He gave you a sympathetic smile and a pat on the shoulder.
The next day you found a note under your door.
"No response? Wow. I was actually trying to be nice. Bye I guess."
Signed Wednesday fucking Addams.
You let out an angry growl, crumpling the paper and throwing it across the room. You hyperventilate, your breathing coming out in ragged gasps. You wrapped your arms around your legs as you rested your head against your knees. You sobbed loudly, your choked noises sounding pitiful to your own ears. Your thoughts were spiraling, and only one thought came to your mind; you wanted to die.
Sadly, you still had to attend your classes the next day. During the free the school had, you went to the library instead of where your friends usually hung out. Wednesday would surely be there, and you did not want to deal with that.
You were on your phone, listening to music when your brother walked in. He sat down next to you, tapping your shoulder and motioning for you to take your headphones off. You obliged, looking at him with dull eyes. You felt exhausted.
He cleared his throat, looking down. "I uh... just thought you should know... Wednesday and the others are... um... talking shit about you." He said quietly. He knew you were fragile right now, but you still deserved to know. You let out a bitter scoff, resting your head on your knees as you stared ahead. You were truly speechless now.
That night you were left alone-- Ajax was at Xavier's dorm, in an attempt to give you space. You rested your head against the wall, exhaling smoke from your lips. You watched it rise and then disappear, a sad smile on your face. The joint was loosely held between your fingers, small wisps of smoke coming from the end. You felt your brain fog; your whole body feels light and tingly now. Your half lidded and now dilated eyes stared upwards, not focusing on anything in particular. You lazily pressed a bloody rag to the long slashes across your wrists and thighs. A dry chuckle escapes your lips.
"I will never love a girl again."
Word count: 2353
A/n: very much a vent fic because my ex girlfriend broke up with me recently and it went kind of like this :,)
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vampiiu · 2 years
Argyle and Jonathan x Witch! Reader
What to expect: GN! Reader, mention of 🍃
He thinks knows you’re so awesome.
“Bro you’re like… magical.”
He already knows the differences between a pentagram and pentacle. The bare minimum but we love him for it.
He’s already sort-of experienced since his lesbian wine aunt™ is a witch, but you’ll still have to teach him some stuff.
When I say you “have to” teach him stuff, I mean he will sit and listen to you rant about witchcraft correspondences and history for hours on end. He loves to hear about your interests.
He loves watching you set up for ritual baths. He'll even join you if you want him to.
He LOVES the smell of incense. Maybe it’s because he’s used to the weed smell, or maybe it’s because of the healing properties. You’ll never know.
He will always pick up rocks for you. Will see a rock and immediately think “Oh my god… It’s a Y/N rock.”
He’ll make jewelry for you!! Different colors for different intentions, and he’ll buy you evil eye bracelets for protection.
He’ll steal some salt and basic herbs (basil. Only basil.) from Surfer Boys’ just to see what you’ll do with it.
If you're a green witch (or own any plants) he'll water them and talk to them every day. He'll name them the cutest names.
You walk in one day and he's leaning down to a runt plant like: "C'mon little dude, you can do this! You'll grow big and strong one day, just like this guy."
He lets you perform seances in the back of his van if you’re into that kind of stuff.
He saves his blunt ashes so you can make black salt.
He’ll place little grapes, leaves, etc. on your altar so he shows the universe (or the deities you work with) that he appreciates them as much as you do.
Always down to perform a… spicy ritual with you once you explain what it is. However you’ll also have to convince him that he’s not sleeping with an incubus/succubus (lmao).
“Witches are real?”
He’s confused for a minute but he doesn’t doubt you for a second. You’ll have to explain to him that witches aren’t exactly what the media depicts them to be.
Once he grasps the idea a bit, he’s 100% supportive.
He’s completely new to this newfound path, but he’s definitely willing to learn!
“Wait so… Does weed count as incense…?”
“FAIRIES ARE REAL???... Do they bite?”
He already knows a lot about herbs and crystals since he had a hyperfixation on them in second grade. He’ll tell you which herbs are toxic, which crystals don’t go in salt/water, and any other dangers. He loves your craft but needs to make sure you’re practicing safely.
Speaking of hyperfixations, he may or may not develop one on the history of witchcraft.
He’ll buy you jars and funnels whenever you need some. Actually, even when you don’t need any.
For your birthday, he’ll probably give you a book about herbs and their different properties. He’ll definitely read it with you so he’ll also learn.
He’ll be extremely happy to help in any spell you’re making. He thinks it’s so interesting what different intentions and mantras can do.
Since witchcraft wasn’t accepted in the 80s, he’ll be VERY protective over you. “You sure you should wear those sigils in public? I don’t mind coming with you-”
Although protective, he won’t be controlling.
Will gladly participate in a ritual bath, but only if you ask him. He’s too scared to ask you.
Ngl he’ll probably refuse to do a spicy ritual with you. It’s not that he doesn’t trust you, it’s just that it’s not his kind of thing.
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dragonroar87 · 5 months
yesterday I watched a playthrough and UHHHH new hyperfixation much???
anyways i wrote a fic:
and if you don't wanna click the link here it is under the read more (VERY LONG POST AHEAD):
Martlet ran her finger over the page of the book she was reading. It was a book on Surface plants that she had checked out from a library. She didn't know humans had those too.
It had been three months since the barrier had been shattered. The seventh human child, a small one named Frisk, had fallen from the Surface and set all the monsters free within the span of a few days.
Martlet once spotted them as they wandered through Snowdin. She watched them from afar, never getting close enough to say "hello" or strike up a conversation. After all, they would suffer the same fate as Clover, Martlet knew. Well, maybe not the exact same fate, but mostly the same. And Martlet couldn't bear to stand that pain again. Not after Clover.
God, Clover. Clover, Clover, Clover.
Clover changed her life. Clover wormed their way into her heart and decided to stay there. Clover saved the Underground, even indirectly.
And yet, when she, Starlo, and Ceroba presented that shining yellow SOUL to the King, they were all but forgotten. Another cog in the machine.
They didn't even get a proper burial! Their body was taken from that New Home rooftop and placed inside a coffin with a yellow heart engraved on it. And that coffin was put inside a secluded hallway with all the others. Out of sight, out of mind.
But never out of Martlet's. Here she was, standing on the Surface, of all places, reading a book on plants.
The page was opened to a certain type of plant that lingered everywhere in the summer: trifolium repens.
To humans, it was considered a weed, a nuisance. Paradoxically, it was also considered very lucky if you found a specimen with mutation that gave it extra leaves.
Trifolium repens, also known the common clover plant.
When she had found out about this plant that shared her dear friend's name, she went out and picked as much of it as she could. She even found one of those lucky four-leaved specimens.
And then she planted it everywhere. Around her house. Around her friends' house. Around the school that the former Queen taught at. At the park. In little cracks in the sidewalk. Anywhere it could take root, Martlet planted it there. Every single one except the four-leaved one. She kept that one for herself.
And every day, Martlet would walk all around town, tending to her plants. Watering them, making sure they got enough sunlight, even giving them small bits of fertilizer if need be.
And after enough time, the world was covered in white blossoms.
Martlet didn't know those plants bloomed into flowers, but it made her smile. With the flowers came honeybees. When Martlet spotted one, she remembered the Honeydew Resort. She remembered coffee. She remembered warmth. She remembered companionship. She remembered home.
She could always go back. It's not as if some monsters didn't still live there. Some simply preferred it.
But there was a sense that something would always be missing. Someone would always be missing.
She knew them for such a small amount of time, yet that time was lifechanging. They had such a small impact, yet that impact was groundbreaking.
Martlet didn't know how the human Frisk escaped to the Surface without killing Asgore. She didn't know how the monsters escaped to the Surface without killing Frisk. She did know she was eternally grateful, and she did know it would be impossible without that child carrying that pistol.
She also knew that it would be impossible without the other five children. When handing over Clover's SOUL to the King, Martlet caught a glimpse of the other SOULs. There was a purple one, a green, an orange, and two shades of blue, all casting radiant light against their glass coffins.
Ceroba handed over Clover, and they joined those poor children. Reduced to only the core of their being, then trapped for an indefinite amount of time in small glass cylinders like a fish on display at the aquarium.
Martlet wouldn't have known what an "aquarium" was without making it onto the Surface.
When looking at those glass cages, Martlet wondered what the owners of those SOULs looked like. What they acted like. How they died. How long they had been there. Whether they had any sentience at all.
Could Clover still hear her? Still see her? Or did all their sentience and senses disappear as their last breath left their lungs? Were they scared to die alone? Were they in pain? Did they regret their choice in their last moments?
Not knowing the answers to any of these questions, Martlet whispered "I'm sorry" to the glowing golden SOUL, maybe hoping it would reach them. Somewhere. Even if she couldn't get a response, just knowing they got her message would comfort her.
Martlet looked up from her botany book and looked around the library. There was a human child studying for an exam across from her, a human librarian helping another human check out books, a human on their computer listening to music....
Martlet suddenly remembered she had her own music playlist. She pulled out her cellphone and plugged in her earbuds, putting one in each ear. She scrolled through her music streaming service, something starting with an S that she could hardly remember (although all the humans got obsessed with it when the year came to a close, like some sort of ritual), until she found the playlist she was looking for.
Ah, here it was. "Martlet's Feel-Good Music," a playlist composed of nothing but high-energy pop songs with lyrics that made you wanna dance.
She put the playlist on shuffle and let the beat carry her worries away. After a few seconds, she was tapping her talon to the drums. After a few more, nodding her head. Eventually she decided that she should probably leave the humans' designated quiet place and go jam out to her tunes somewhere else.
Martlet paused her music and stood up from her chair, striding over to the librarian's desk while she took out one of her earbuds.
"Excuse me," she said to get their attention, "I'd like to check this out, please." She held out the botany book to them.
The librarian gave her a weird look, but that was nothing new. A lot of humans gave weird looks to any monster, even the uncannily human-looking ones like Red. It was something they all got used to after a bit.
They took the botany book from Martlet, along with her library card. They flipped the book onto its back and ran the library scanner over the barcode on the cover.
"Here you go, miss," they said, deadpan, "Will that be all for today?"
"Yep! Have a good day!" Martlet said. She put the botany book into her bag and walked out of the library, walking over to the designated monster liftoff zone before taking to the skies.
With the sudden influx of monsters with modes of transportation other than walking, new laws were quickly implemented. Those that could fly or swim needed to have a license to do so, just like one needed a license to drive. In addition, flying monsters could only liftoff and swimming monsters could only dive into the water in certain designated spots to avoid harm. This wasn't the case on private property, but it was when someone was at a public institution. Say, the library.
Flying monsters could only fly at certain heights and swimming monsters could only swim at certain depths. Again, to avoid harm. Those flying vehicles that humans developed were no joke!
After safely arriving at the legal cruising altitude, Martlet resumed her music. She couldn't resist the temptation to sing her heart out, all her woes forgotten.
Looking down on the world from above, Martlet couldn't believe her eyes. The Surface, with monsters and humans living in relative harmony. Clover would like the world that had been created. Martlet was sure that somewhere, wherever they were, they were proud of their Earth for building this future. This was what they gave their life for.
A world filled with friendship, filled with camaraderie, filled with unity and hope for a new tomorrow.
A world filled with life and a bit of trifolium repens.
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squeakytoy136 · 1 year
so i wrote a little thing with dark arven in it
Hyperfixations really make things happen, Dark Arven based off of this
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also featuring my oc momo, with area zero spoilers
It all started with an unfortunate stumble. A follow up trip to Area Zero that had Arven somehow disappearing into the crystal he bumped into, leaving only his shadow. And then, his shadow got up.
"Dark Arven…?"
It all sounded like the evil doppelganger trope Momo's seen in stuff she read about before. There was definitely no way this was real. There was no way her boyfriend stumbled through those mystical crystals like it was actually some funky magic portal. There was no way this shadowy-looking clone of him happened to stumble out in his place. But yet, the words escaped her lips, and they were heard.
"Well… at least this universe still has a Momo in it…" He rubbed at his head. "And what's with the name? It's just Arven, y'know."
His frown was authentic, and so was the judgemental look that whipped towards her. He still had that teal colored stare, but everything else almost seemed like a trick of the light of the research station's roof. His hair, clothes, and even his backpack carried pitch black hues, making for a bold aesthetic Momo never expected from her Arven.
Her thinking cogs got turning as she stared at him, and he seemed to be doing the same as he stared back. He almost seemed to be looming over her as he gazed at her, with a presence so imposing that Momo felt the need to lean back and gulp.
"Okay, you're definitely not Arven."
"And you're definitely not my Momo. Too bland." His tone was unsurprised, unimpressed even. He looked back towards the crystal he just stepped out of. "Great, and now that gateway's out of power. I'm going to have to find a new one."
"Too bland? Gateway? Huh?" Momo looked to the crystal, which had lost its glow. She had all too many questions, but there was one that was at the forefront. "Did that… crystal really just suck up my Arven and leave me with… you?"
He scoffed as he turned away. "Guess I stumbled into a universe that doesn't have this. I'll make this quick for you, Not Momo. The multiverse is real, my poor excuses for parents got themselves killed looking into it, and now I'm pretty much stuck in your universe for now. Riddle me this, did your professors here trifle with dimensional travel? That's what these crystals are supposed to power, right?"
Though a bit overwhelmed, Momo found herself slowly shaking her head. "No…"
"Ain't that typical." He rolled his eyes, before taking a book out of his backpack. Momo glimpsed at its sleek black cover before the guy stepped away from her. "I'll get out of your hair before long. Just need to find another suitable crystal and I'll be able to send myself back. Judging from how totaled this research station is, I'm guessing they're sprouting like weeds here too."
And just like that, he had left the research station. Still, as bizarre as this encounter was, Momo definitely wasn't letting this Dark Arven guy out of her sight. She had questions.
"Yikes, that's bright." 
Momo found him sneering under the light of the glittering bottom floor of Area Zero. He didn't seem to pay her much mind, but she still stomped after him. She had a worried outburst she needed him to hear.
"Hold it, Darven!"
"Arven, but whatever."
"So you mean to tell me my Arven is stuck in some sort of other dimension? Wherever you're from?"
"That's right." He licked his finger and flipped a page.
"Why does that book of yours have a bloodstain on it?"
"No comment."
"Okay then." Momo huffed. "Am I… ever going to get my Arven back?"
"If he ever gets the same idea that I'm getting, maybe." There was a smirk on his face as he spoke. "You don't sound too happy about that."
"Of course I'm not happy!" Momo exclaimed in the face of his frown. "That's my best friend and boyfriend I just lost! If I can't get him back, then that'd just leave me with… with…"
"With who? Me?" He was looking directly at her now. His stare was taunting, and under the sheen of the crystalline lights around them, it was all the more striking. "I mean, haven't you ever wanted to see what being with someone from another universe is like? Someone… tall, dark, and handsome?"
His voice had lowered into mere breaths. Breaths that were hot on her face.
"What do you say… little buddy?"
Momo could only her herself gulp alongside her racing heart. There was no denying those words, his unexpected boldness, seeing that face and voice of his taunt her like so. It was just like Arven to leave her breathless, but even then… not like this.
"You're not my Arven." Momo nodded with certainty, defiantly standing her ground.
Dark Arven raised an eyebrow, narrowed his eyes at her, and backed away laughing. "Man, you got me there. My Momo always lost it whenever I did that. Don't think I'd ever get along with anyone from a universe like this. I'd hate to see how your Nemona or Penny ended up. Least this timeline has a pretty cute Momo. Speaking of which, I gotta get back home to mine."
"Hmph." While Momo wasn't all too pleased by that bluff he just pulled, she couldn't deny the curiosity that perked up when she heard her name. "Your Dark Momo's probably nothing like me if she can put up with this stuff."
"She's passionate, mainly. Really passionate. And definitely my ray of sunshine, that's for sure…" For once, a sentimental smile bloomed on his face as his gaze tilted upwards. "The burning… devilish fires of the sun. Just the way I like it."
"Yeesh. I like to think of myself as devilishly mischievous, but that's a bit much." Momo wasn't sure what edge was worse, the steep cliff drops, or this guy's.
"Alright, Not Momo." Dark Arven put his arm around her, walking her forward and deeper into the cavern of crystals. "What kind of adventures have you gone on with Not Arven? Fun adventures? Any lawbreaking involved? Is he fun to kiss, at least?"
"Yes… maybe… and… uh…" Momo found herself blushing and fidgeting at that. "Anyways! We went on the most cool and epic adventures, thank you very much! There were these miracle herbs, and we were hunting them down, and we made some real miracles happen, and… and…" She frowned at the look he was giving her. "... Hey, what's that skeptical look for?"
"Oh, it's nothing." Dark Arven's gaze fell, his locks obscuring his eyes as his hands tucked themselves into his pockets. "Just finding it pretty funny. My Momo's got a deviously overactive imagination just like you. Miracles don't exist where I'm from, y'know. Not the life saving kind, anyway."
Momo didn't know what to say after that. Neither did he, from the looks of things. Still, there was a familiar concern that Momo felt. The brief but utter loss of hope on Dark Arven's face wasn't something she ever saw before, but it was a despair she used to dread happening at all.
"Your universe really is a grim one, huh?" Momo spoke quietly.
"I've seen that look of worry before." His expression perked up slightly. "Don't sweat it. I still got my moments to shine despite it all. Right now I'm just focusing on finding an appropriate gateway crystal and hoping my Momo hasn't eaten your Arven up, so we can get this quick dimensional trade going."
"Um…" Momo hesitated. "You mean that eating part as a figure of speech, right?"
"Heh. Maybe."
Momo shoved him at that. He grunted and ended up bumping his shoulder against a large crystal wall, which left it humming as it suddenly pulsed with light.
"Well would ya look at that." Dark Arven placed his hands on his hips. "There's my gateway."
"About time." Momo crossed her arms. "So how does this dimensional travel stuff work?"
"Needs a bit of equivalent exchange. Me for your Arven." Dark Arven started flipping through his book again. "Once my reflection in the crystal starts looking like yours, means the jump is good to go. Now to wait until your guy gets the memo."
"He's resourceful. I'm sure he'll come by eventually." Momo nodded, tapping her foot against the ground.
"Whew, can't wait to get back. Me and my Momo can get back to doing our thing, and you and your Not Arven can go back to…" He grimaced as his eyes looked towards the grand lab ahead. "... investigating whatever this place has got going on. Don't know why your professor would need all these crystals if it's not for fueling dimensional travel."
Momo grimaced at his grimace. "If you must know, all this research was done for time travel. There's even a biggol' time machine in there that brought all sorts of Pokémon here, so we've all l been hard at work rounding them all up."
That got his attention. "Did you say… a time machine?"
"Yes, and-"
"Change of plans." He closed the book, tucking it under his arm as he tore his gaze from his reflection. "This I gotta see."
There was a devilish smile on his face. And not the mischievous kind.
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nitroish · 2 years
I already commented on ur post asking for asks so just in case u didn’t see.
How do u figure out ur art style?
How did you drak fabric so well?
How do you draw body types so good?
Can you show me how to do the shiny effect you use for armor or golden stuff?
How do you draw such intricate people?
what is one of your first Zelda memories?
what are some Zelda core memories?
when did you come across the linked universe fandom?
I am also working on a au, it’s on my page and you shouldn’t have to scroll far, but long story short it’s called
linked universe: broken chain
and I was wondering if you had any ideas for additions to the new chain of links?
also there’s more details I’m thinking about posting later for the au, but if you have any design ideas for characters then I would love to hear/see them
also:what is your favorite OUTFIT(not person) to draw?
what one do you think is the prettiest or coolest? what one do you think looks funky/off? Is there anything you would change? What feels weird about them?
sorry if that’s too many questions, but you needed a distraction so I provided, I know ur probably not feeling good right now so I just want to make sure your at least happy, I know what it feels like to need to keep your mind from wandering. But also:
I hope to the golden three you’ve been feeding, watering, cleaning, medicating, sleeping, and generally taking care of yourself because i might pop though my iPad, through the internet, through whatever your using to read this, and into your room to strangle you and take care of you my self because you deserve it! You make so many people happy with your art and interactions and it sucks to know your in a less than great mood to say the least. So take this as you will, but more importantly take care of yourself and get some sleep, because I know you are probably reading this at fuck o clock at night. *makes pointed, intense metaphorical eye contact* I mean it, try and take care of thine bitch self. *smacks you with affection*
ill toss my reply under a read more since its a long ask eheh
ive already answered the questions in response to the reply you sent to the post and i greatly appreciate all the questions youve offered !!
what is one of your first Zelda memories? playing skyward sword !! i really REALLY enjoyed the wing ceremony - the introduction to flight using motion controls was one of my favourite things. i could spend hours flying around and using the wii-mote to pick a direction or flap the wings. it was gorgeous in my eyes as well. skyloft was a safe spot that i did not really leave, i was less interested in the rest of the game aside from faron. twilight princess as well !! i quite enjoyed running around on epona or in the wolf form. i did not get much done in either game, but i was mostly there for the sights, anyway.
what are some Zelda core memories? zeldacore memories ... my grandparents have an orchard that we would go pick from. sometimes if the apples werent good they would take us to a public orchard to pick apples there. when i was a kid i would grab a sword [ foam, of course ] and go out with my sister and we would hack down weeds and also pretend to battle one another to protect fake kingdoms that we would make up on the spot upon being questioned about it JFGHDFG we enjoyed running around and hiding in the orchard from one another. the same grandparents had some woods back behind their house, we'd go take walks through there sometimes and skuttle around thru the weeds and such.
when did you come across the linked universe fandom? mmm thats a good question. im pretty sure it was the start of 2019-ish? maybe 2020? im not very good with dates, but i knew of lu before i joined the server [ im no longer in that server tho ] !! i didnt really get into the fandom or whatever side of things until later, seeing as i was obsessing over loz at the time and ended up finding lu as an extension of that hyperfixation :)
what is your favorite OUTFIT(not person) to draw? i would have to say im biased towards my legend design's outfit !! i like adding details and embroidery to it. if we went with JUST canon lu outfits i would say im biased towards hyrule or twilight's :)
what one do you think is the prettiest or coolest? same answer as above !! my own for legend, but hyrule and twilight are pretty neat lookin. for Pretty i would have to say four - his tunic is rather ornate, especially when it comes to the embroidery in each square.
what one do you think looks funky/off? is there anything you would change? what feels weird about them? honestly i think wind's could do with some updates and upgrades, but im not entirely the best at designing characters either. his model has definitely gotten better over time though !! i think its the shirt and pants. i havent played his game(s?) so i couldnt entirely give answers on what i would change.
and i GREATLY appreciate the questions and your concern. youve no reason to apologize - im quite honoured tht u took the time to even type any of this out to send to me !! i am doing my best with what ive got currently, but rest assured im caring for myself just fine !! i definitely was readin that at fuck-o-clock at night ( and am answering this at the same time, if not worse !! its 5am just about now )
ill be heading off to bed here soon, but i have been thinkin on how to respond to this HDFGGDG no need for the smacks of affection, tho appreciated!! ill be cozied up and asleep soon enough :)
as for your au; ill check it out when i wake !! im sure its fascinating, feel free to toss an ask again on some information / the ideas behind it in here :)
have a good night / day !! here is to hopefully better times in the future
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symbioticsimplicity · 2 years
Because I’ve now reached a level of projection of late unseen, I'm back on my shit.
Which is neurodivergent things the ST kids and teens do.
El is very quiet, typically being nonverbal unless she has to talk or shes excited about something. The others learn quickly that this doesn't mean she's upset and there's no reason to push her to talk. She eventually learns ASL, which is one of the ways she bonds with Steve.
Dustin has special interests and hyperfixations both. Sometimes a hyperfixation will make the jump into a special interest but not always. He will talk the ear off of anyone who will listen about the entire history of whatever he's most interested in. Sometimes, Dustin's special interests, like walkie talkies, save their asses.
Will notices everything. There is nothing that happens in and around their group that he doesn't pick up on. Hes the first to notice new haircuts and new outfits, and he always know when a Party member is upset. He might not always address it the best, but he does try to help. Some of the Party secretly think he can read minds due to his connection with the Upside-down (He can't, he's just autistic and detail oriented), Will knows this too and thinks its kinda funny.
Mike has emotional disregulation issues like crazy. He doesn't feel anything in shades of grey and it feels like everything it cranked up to 10 for him. He doesn't know this is what his problem is, either and self blames which in turn makes things worse. He wants to have a better handle on himself but cannot figure out how.
Max has apathy issues. Having been raised in the environment she was and having Billy of all people be who she spent a lot of time with, she quickly learned that showing too much emotion or "flinching" made things worse. It started as a coping mechanism but grew into a problem if its own. Lucas and El have been the biggest help in getting her to connect to her emotions again.
Lucas didn't come with any neurodivergence to start with, but hes picked up PTSD (on its way to CPTSD at this point) and generalized anxiety. He has a bad habit of not addressing his own issues though so those only worsen with time.
Erica has narcissistic personality issues. This is due to her mother being constantly at work and prior to season 3 her brother being away with his friends for long periods of time. She largely got left to fend for herself, and therefore thinks of herself first. She gets better with time and love from the Party, but its still there.
Steve had abandonment issues a mile wide. Its why he'll never leave a single person behind if he can help it and why he's so fiercely protective of the people he cares for. There is nothing worse in the world to him than being left behind, uncared for. He also has a tendency to be very physically affectionate with loved ones for the same reason.
Nancy has eldest sibling syndrome, as well as an intense fear of failure and anxiety. Of all of them, she masks the most convincingly, so much so that even most of The Party don't know she feels like she does. Mike, Will and Jonathan know, but they're about the only ones.
Robin has autism as well. She's also pretty good at masking, but she has a hard time with social cues, she tends to say the God's honest truth as soon as it hits her head, and she knows way more about linguistics than any neurotypical person would reasonably want to. Also she has a living, breathing, vendetta against the texture of plastic table cloths.
Jonathan has depression, hands down. He's coping with it as best he can, but it weighs him down hard. He had to grow up way too fast, and in a home with a severely abusive father. He tries not to let anyone else take notice of it, he doesn't want anyone to worry about him of all people but Nancy, Will and oddly Argyle do.
Argyle notices because he also has depression, but the kind that hides behind an easy smile and funny one liners. Its part of why he smokes. The weed does an alright job of treating the depression so he can continue on.
Eddie is an Aud-hder. Hes got autism and ADHD. Boy wouldn't know a social norm if it bit him. He stopped trying to fit in early on and while some part of him still hurts about not being able to, he owns himself. Unfortunately this being undiagnosed and untreated means he doesn't do well in school and probably has low self esteem tied to those kinds of things. He won't show it though. He masks just as hard as Nancy does, though his is crafted differently.
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shinshoyu · 9 months
i genuinely feel like i haven't been "living" since like... new years this year. my ex fucked me up so bad i haven't been able to draw or write or exist without thinking about how fucking worthless i am because he just dropped me so fucking quick. i'm so tired all the time i feel like all i've been doing is simply existing and getting through the day. i have had so much trouble trying to keep up with friendships and friends and i feel like i'm constantly second in everyone's lives when it's not even like important if i am first in their life but it just. it feels like nobody truly enjoys my company. they tolerate it. you say you miss me yet when i'm there we don't do anything. we sit in awkward silence on our phones because i don't know how to be social. i haven't had the ability to talk to people or make friends since 3rd grade.
im so exhausted all the time. the drama at work is too much and too many things i just don't even want to know and then when i think i'm doing a good job i get slapped in the face and told i'm shit. and now schools kicking my ass because this is the first time i've been to an in person school since i was a literal child and now here i am, an adult in a child's mindset because i'm scared of the world. i'm so scared of everything i can barely leave my house or talk to new people so i talk to the same people but they move on. it feels like i'm never there with my friends anymore and it hurts so so much because i love them all so dearly but it feels like they don't love me the same.
like fuck i'm just so tired. i work at 6am, get home, drown in school, go to bed, repeat. i get max 5 hours of sleep and i haven't had any kind of hyperfixation or anything since last year and i don't know what to fucking do. i just feel so lost all the time. i don't have a "thing" to go to at the end of the day that i know will be there, i don't have a "thing" to help me cope with my emotions and i cant. cope. i cant! i cant exist and cope with life without some kind of hyperfixation or daydreams i have nothing. i feel like i have nothing except fucking weed. i get home and i smoke and i sleep.
i just want to stop feeling. i don't want to feel hopeless. i don't want to feel unhappy. i don't want to feel. i thought i was getting better and everything hits me like a truck again and throws me into the deep end. i just want to be somebody's #1. i want somebody to text me and hold me and cherish me like i cherish them. i want to peel your oranges and hang off your arm like a clingy iguana. i want to sit against you and enjoy your warmth. but you don't exist
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divinelyjude · 1 year
Things I wish I could say to 16 year old me
- don’t let dad make you feel like you’re not even good enough to try keeping up with your hygiene. Even if it’s not to his impossible standards, anything is better than nothing.
- stop trying to convince mom. She won’t understand until she Wants to understand. She doesn’t like being wrong, so the PowerPoint will have the opposite effect and make her stand her ground.
- you are not a bad person for having acne. But I know you still wish you didn’t have it, so let me tell you a secret. Less product is more, and you have dry skin not oily. Switch up your products every 2 years. Avoid micro beads like they’re going to Jill you in your sleep. Wash your face at least once a day.
- Brush Your Teeth or you’ll be down a molar. Also, they’re not going to schedule your follow up dentist appointment for the permanent cap so you might want to try to do it yourself. It sucks, I know, they’re supposed to care enough to do it. You’ll have to have your own back.
- use lotion dummy.
- for the love of gods don’t let mom find your witchcraft books. She’ll threaten to send you back to the psych ward.
- could you maybe hyperfixate on saving money? Instead of shoplifting AND spending?
- hold Gabe and Clark close. Buy them fancy cat food and treats. Tell them you love them.
- bitch you’ve got undiagnosed adhd atm and probably autism too so. When you think you’re being helpful. Say it in your head first. Think about it. It’ll save you from feeling like an asshole later on, I promise.
- DO NOT FUCK THE TACO BELL BOSS. D O N O T. Or do. It did snowball into you moving to a new town and finally making friends.
- but also. Weed is great, yeah. But dude, watch out. Mom was right about addiction running in the family.
- stay away from her as much as possible, even if you’re sharing a room. Thank me later.
- someone having the opposite name of you Is Not a sign they’re you’re soulmate. Running away in the middle of the night across the country does not work out like you think it would.
- take more walks. By yourself. Don’t tell anyone, aside for safety. Sit under a tree or by a stream.
- there’s an occult shop literally down the road from you but you never leave the house so. Again. Take more walks. Also take vitamin d you’re deficient of it enough without taking into account your hermit tendencies.
- if you’re in the backseat of a car outside a party and a guy starts walking towards the drivers door. Lock the doors. They didn’t lock them when they left you there.
- your tattoos are absolutely sick and you’re going to have so many, just like you wanted.
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weed emoji for your discord <3 stolen from a pic off google that was stolen from an article that was stolen from who knows who
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[Image Description: A photo of a seven-fingered marijuana leaf with a transparent background. End ID]
i already checked, it should be small enough in size to work on discord. wish i could use it in my server but its a mixed server (with minors and adults) and i felt weird about it...even though apple has beer and wine emojis....idk
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luwritesomething · 2 years
jj deserves the world i love him so much. i impulsively started a jj fic and most of these headcanons are canon in my fic. still i feel like these are not a lot so maybe there will be a second part?
edit:: second part!
warnings: child abuse ( we hate luke maybank ), underage drinking and use of drugs, swearing.
• can't play the guitar for shit but he's the best with drums. i'm telling ya.
• secretly loves taylor swift. he goes feral every time reputation plays.
• heavy metal and punk rock bands are always a yes on his playlists.
• jj has a different hand shake for every pogue. his favorite is the one he has with sarah.
• he binge-watched the office in less than a week.
• he's the type that has illegal, pirated netflix. or that shares an account with his friends but doesn't pay for shit.
• jj is a directioner, change my mind.
• great dancer.
• is afraid of seagulls, which is pretty funny considering he lives in an island.
• is a dyslexic motherfucker.
• i think that has been so headcanoned it's already canon.
• omg when this boy discovered chase atlantic... he couldn't shut up about them.
• i'm so sure music is an important part of jj's life. it's one of the few coping mechanisms he has, it allows him to leave the outer banks and his shitty household.
• jj doesn't read much, but macbeth was a school read and he did read it. he actually liked it a lot but never handed in the assigment that needed to be done with the reading of the book.
• he doesn't like horror/scary movies. they creep him out, even though he would never admit it.
• he has stolen all the rings he owns. jj hasn't bought any of them.
• by the way jj only steals from people he doesn't like.
• has HUGE respect for/to heyward. the man is a legend.
• when he was little, he used to like playing with dolls. his father slapped him when he caught him playing with his cousin's dolls, and then threw those away.
• jj was the kind of kid that always wore bandaids on his kneecaps and nose.
• he was horrible playing at football but his father forced him to train in the football team for like almost ten years.
• first trip he wants to do if he does ever get out of the outer banks is to hawaii. he has no reason, he just saw lilo & stitch when he was little and then a documentary about hawaii and he has that hyperfixation.
• also, jj has tons of hyperfixation that usually change every month. some of them remain longer, though.
• and you bet he is a disney kid.
• his favorite princess is jasmine because she's badass. and his favorite "prince" is aladdin, of course.
• knows by heart the lyrics to a whole new world.
• and to every disney movie ever, to be honest.
• he jams to old, surfer vibes songs.
• most of his clothes are thrifted or he has inherited them. first because it's cheaper, second because it's free.
• when he was little he wanted to be a doctor and then an astronaut. then, a doctor who was also an astronaut.
• as soon as he found out how difficult both careers were, he threw the idea away.
• looks up to his cousin ricky a lot. man is a legend to him.
• i headcanon jj either as a gemini or a leo. i accept no criticism about this.
• has like a shit ton of secret playlists on a secret account so no one stalks him.
• boy has anger issues.
• he doesn't quite like crabs.
• except for sebastian. wait no, sebastian's a lobster i think.
• "what do you mean the crab is looking you wrong?"
• "yeah, just look at it, john b! it's judging me with it's dark, cold eyes"
• "you're nuts, jj"
• bestie with sarah. BESTIE WITH SARAH.
• biggest fear: abandonment. he knows all his friends are some day going to move out of that island and he is going to end up alone.
• believes in love at first sight.
• wants to fall in love so badly.
• if he could go back in time and change to who he lost the v-card, he would.
• beer >>> vodka.
• he doesn't even liked weed, he just likes the numb, happy feeling.
• he wanted a dog when he was little and his father told him that "if it cannot pee on the toilet, it can't live on a house"
• he considered training the dog to make it pee on the toilet, john b convinced him it wasn't going to work.
• jj maybank is a dreamer.
• i just wanted to make that clear.
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piratewithvigor · 3 years
How I listen to each of my favourite bands (a bullet point piece)
Aerosmith: They're on the radio. It's the fifth time today. Somehow never the same song. Until tomorrow, anyway. One will make you homesick. One will make you sit in slack-jawed awe of Joe Perry. One will make you curse the day he was born. They all make you love him. In the back of your mind, your thumbs hurt.
The Beatles: You have all the studio albums on your iPod nano with the scroll wheel. It has 2GB of space, so there's nothing else. You sing along to the songs with your best friend in 7th grade during school. The teacher tells you to keep it French or to shut up. You switch to "Michelle" because you're 12 and a smartass.
Bon Jovi: You're on the bus home from a long day of fifth grade. When you get home, the same old, same old. You don't know it yet but this is the beginning of your depression. As you graduate from Crossroads to a 2-Disc Best Of, everything feels worse. You work on a puzzle in the basement and even though maybe no one will ever love you, Bon Jovi understands.
Buddy Holly: For the first time since high school started, you have a friend. She's wonderful and she understands you. Maybe there's 3 time zones between you, but it doesn't stop you from digging a hole deep into a fantasy world that you live in for months with her. Buddy's music is simple and the records are bright yellow. Maybe everything will be okay.
David Bowie: You didn't care when he died. You didn't know better. You got a CD of greatest hits for your birthday two months later. You still didn't understand the fuss all too well. A few tracks pop out at you and you get the album that features them. Dad insists you listen to the album in the dark on the floor (he doesn't say while smoking weed, but if it were the 70s, you would have). Finally you understand: David understands you.
Def Leppard: You're 13 and trying to find your place in the world. Trying to make a name, so you write. As the characters who make no sense are fleshed out in 1667 words every single day, the drum loop that finished Pyromania follows you around.
The Doors: You don't know how Jim Morrison came into your life. Maybe it was by an experiment gone wrong or a curiosity. Your classmates question why you're reading a book with a shirtless man posed as if being crucified. You don't know how to answer that you think you might be him. You hadn't believed in reincarnation, but he sparked something inside you. You can feel consciousness slip away when he plays his game called 'Go Insane'. You hold a Celebration Of The Lizard for a poetry slam and the adrenaline pushes you through your fear. You feel Jim's words in your actions for years. He watches you when you sleep.
GNR: You send your siblings out of the basement. They aren't old enough to hear swear words in music and you want to listen to Appetite in the dark. You want to jump on top of the couch and punch the floor. You can feel Axl's anger and it courses through you.
Journey: You've been told you look like Steve Perry. You aren't sure if it's a compliment or an insult. You think you sound like him. You know all the words to Don't Stop Believing at the school dance. Your first memory of your boyfriend was him singing it at the talent show. Your last memory of him is singing I'll Be Alright Without You, severing the final tie. Wheel In The Sky opens your next day. Things don't feel okay anymore.
KISS: You're 4 years old and your Dad is watching the scariest freaks you've ever seen on the TV. In the next scene, the scariest one is sitting and talking to people who look like your grandparents. You forget about them for 7 years. They show up again in your newest hyperfixation and you give them a chance. The freaks who once scared you strip away your fears and set you free.
Led Zeppelin: Your imagination was just opened to the possibilities of stories beyond the realms of reality. What you thought you never knew opened you to a new layer of your past that you didn't understand. The tendrils of influence wrap around every part of your future.
Motley Crue: The writings paint them as the villains. In many ways, they are. In just as many ways, they're the same scared kids you are. For better or for worse, they bring you into a community. There, you experiment hurting yourself in ways therapists don't look for. The greatest friend you could ever want.
Ninja Sex Party: They're a rock band for kids who don't understand rock bands. You have no physical media for them and it feels like you may never get the chance. Copies are limited. So your spotify is thick with every song they've ever recorded. They're fleeting and they're your rock.
Queen: You know just a little too much about them. They're bigger characters than the radio lets them be. You love Bohemian Rhapsody before you begin to hate it before you learn to love it once more.
Rammstein: As they bleed for their art, so you bleed for yours. Perhaps out of spite, perhaps out of desperation, but plague cuts your work short. It cuts you from the glory you could have had. The first album you've ever waited for the release of by a band.
Reckless Love: Never before has a band felt so attainable and yet so far away. Your family doesn't understand them, so you hide them away. The only recklessness was falling in love.
Rolling Stones: Angie helped you through more than you know. The lips are on your tapestry for a reason. You were blind for so much for so long. You never gave them a chance. They're using their chance now.
Rush: Once shrugged-off nobodies. You gave them a chance out of curiosity and desperation. Now you can't understand the possibility of never having liked them. They brought you your first great grief and your first proof of miracles. The red star of the solar federation burns bright. Assume control.
Styx: You're standing in the snow. The bus is an hour late. You can't contact your parents because they took your one method of contact as a punishment for not making your bed. You're listening to a Greatest Hits on your iPod. Crystal Ball. It's an hour. Blue Collar Man. You get home and no one noticed you were late. They're eating without you. Suite Madam Blue.
Tom Petty: The news hits you. Your throat is blocked and you don't say anything. You listen to I Won't Back Down before telling your Dad. He was the first you experienced while being a fan. He wasn't the last. You torture yourself artistically in his honour. You attend a tribute concert and scream yourself hoarse.
Tuff: You want to leave home and block out all the memories as best you can. Stevie makes it impossible. But he's also one of the only ones there as all your best friends who aren't online forget your birthday. He acknowledges you.
Van Halen: The grief is insurmountable. For weeks afterwards, Eruption makes your heart sink. 5150 makes you cry instead of imagine pleasant nonsense as it once did. There is no comfort. If he can go, what's stopping anyone else?
The Who: Maybe they got to your head a little. You were sitting in a room in school for hours each day, completely alone except for Tommy playing on your tiny laptop. No supervision. No classmates. Just your monstrosity of a project and Tommy.
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blue-kyber · 2 years
Horizon Cockpit
The Horizon’s cockpit, my beloveds. 
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Finally. The cockpit, and one of the major locations in my novel “Out There: The 1K” - a sci-fi fantasy adventures. 
ADHD......  Ya know when people with ADHD talk about hyperfixations...? points at the pic That is a prime example. I didn't even know time was passing while I was doing this. yes, I ate and slept a little, but I've essentially lost 3 days.
This is Yune Darrak’s ship. His baby. A custom job he stole with his old crew out of dry dock from the MEC’s orbital shipyard (Mikran Engineering Corp.) Both as a way to get off world, and as a giant “fuck you” to the MEC for buying him when he was 5 to be trained to become a replicable shipyard laborer. He was raised for one purpose and one purpose only: to build and repair ships like this, so he knows mikran space ship and starships inside and out. Literally.
The theft was the ship’s maiden voyage. Everything was shiny and new, and had that new-ship smell. :) 
He picked it because he said he had a “good feeling about her.” He fell in love as soon as he laid eyes on it, and his love secured when he sat in the pilot’s seat. 
She was meant to be with him.
When the made the dangerous escape from Mikra, and they were trying to decide what to call it, Yune remembered this moment... (backstory of how the ship got it’s name, and of Yune’s past.)
(from Yune’s p.o.v as a 9 year old)
I had parkour’d up to a stack of crates and sat on one fiddling with my all-purpose tool as Gregor tuned up the skiff. My soul felt crushed. “I hate her.”
“Now that’s no way to talk,” he said.
“But I do! You’ve tried six times to get her permission to take me outside and she always says - no - screeches ‘NO!’ like letting me out will somehow break reality. Everyone else gets to leave. Why can’t I?”
“Ya know why,” he tossed a rag at me. 
I caught it without looking. It was a neat trick I could do with almost anything thrown at me, “’Cause of my stupid defect,” I wadded up the rag around my frustration and threw it at a bucket, landing it inside, “It’s not fair!”
“Aye, no it ain’t.”
“I just wanna know what it’s like out there. How can that be bad? It’s like she singles me out.”
“She does, son,” Gregor pointed an electrowrench at me, “Yer nine an’ barely three feet tall when ya should be clearin’ five by now. An’ yer wearin’ the same clothes ya had for the past three years. You’re thin as a pole and light as a leaf. She has good reason t’ worry about ya. Yer not allowed out there. Ya have to stay in here for your own good.” 
“I’m just little! It’s not like I’m blind! Lots ‘a people have to be like me! Masakans are like me--”
“--Not really--”
“--Benna’s a masakan, and she’s my height--”
“--Benna’s six--
“--Other kids live out there--”
“--Their parents protect them, and mik grow like weeds. You grow like a dehydrated house plant--”
“--And I’m healthy and athletic, and smart - I can adapt! I’m good at that! I’m good at improvising!”
“I know. I’ve seen what ya can do with a pile a’ spare parts and boredom.”
“Then why can’t she see that? I do the best I can! She won’t even give me a chance to try! Just because I’m defective. It’s not fair.”
“Our architecture is just too big fer ya, boy. An’ it ain’t just that, an’ ye know it. Ye barely age. Yer as tall as a five year old, an’ ye look like yer six. She keeps ya in here to protect ya from people who would poke and prod ya to find out why. An’ ya have an uncanny gift with mechanics and drivin’. Plus ya have a way ‘a knowin’ things. Ya pulled Sela out a’ the way of a panel that Big Yune failed to secure.”
“Big Yune’s a moron. He doesn’t even understand magnetic polarity. Anyone coulda’ seen that magbolt was loose,” I argued. My name was incredibly common. There were two Yunes in the Arborly - there used to be three of us, but he was younger and got adopted almost as quickly as he was brought in. I think he was here for a month. Big Yune was a year younger than me and a foot and a half taller. You can guess what they called me. 
“But ya saw it before it fell and ran so fast, ye were a blur. People out there’ll use ya fer that.”
“So what? I won’t be out there alone. I’ll be with you. You won’t let me become a soggy sandwich.” 
Gregor laughed in amusement, the baritone sound of it matching his seven-foot, burly frame, “Ye remember that, do ya?”
“I never forgot it. That's the only time I ever saw the outside world with my own eyes. I was six. I’m nine now. I only know we’re near an ocean, ‘cause I can smell it and you told me what it was. I’ve never even seen it,” I laid back on the top crate and stared up at the sky. A ship flew by overhead. I reached up to follow it with my hand until it was out of sight. They didn’t know I was down here, but I yearned to be up there with them every day, “I’m gonna be stuck inside this wall forever, aren’t I. I’m never gonna fly.”
His brows soften in sadness that I was losing hope. He didn’t want my dream of becoming a pilot to die, so he made a decision. Gregor needed to stop that depression and hopelessness from finding a foothold.
“Hey. Let me tell ya somethin’, kid. All this?” he waved at the whole of the Arborly orphanage’s enclosed property with the electrowrench - the walls reaching up so high it was impossible to see over it even from the tallest tree, “this ain’t the end. A kid like you, yer too smart t’be trapped in a hole like this forever. There’s a spark inside ya that shines brighter than anything in the sky, and no one can kill it. Yer the best of us, Yune. You belong out there, among the stars. Not down here in the dirt. Yer meant for something greater than this place. Yer meant fer somethin’ more than assemblin’ spaceships. Ya still want t’ be a pilot, don’tchya?”
“More than anything in the whole galaxy,” a yearning deep inside me arose whenever I saw a ship fly by, or looked at the stars at night. It had always been my dream. I’d held on tightly to the idea that I would be captain of my own ship one day. Gregor was right. I never felt like I belonged on a planet.
“Then ya will be,” he said, “Ye might be small, but yer quick, yer intuitive, yer already a good racer, and yer a damn fine mechanic. I’ve no doubt you’ll figure out a way to get up there and get yer own ship.”
I draped my arm across my eyes to a sigh.
He saw that as me blocking out the sky, closing my eyes on my dream, and giving up. He made his tone a solid brick wall of conviction, “But ya have t’ look up,” he reached up and moved my arm away so the sunlight beamed across my face, “Keep your eyes on the horizon. Keep moving. As long as ya do that, you can do anything. You’ll make it out there someday, and when you do, I hope I’m there to see you break orbit.”
He never forgot that advice. It helped him get out. If it wasn’t for Gregor, he would have been stuck in a short life as a shipyard laborer.  In honor of that moment, he named the ship “the Horizon.” Selka felt how much that would mean to him, so she advocated to use the name. Finding a name wasn’t a high priority for her, Marci, or Zaf - to them, the ship was a means off world, and a home base. But to him, it was more than just a name. It meant that he hadn’t given up, and finally made it - he was free, and captain of his own ship. It meant he hadn’t found a family, but he’d finally found a home.
He had hoped wherever Gregor was, that he had watching Yune break orbit.
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sweet-city-woman · 2 years
Take It or Leave It | Eddie Munson
A/N: I’m hyperfixated on Stranger Things Season 4 and Eddie Munson so... this might have multiple parts? I left it on a cliff hanger. This is pure fluff right now.
Summary: You’re home alone for the weekend when you see something suspicious at your neighbor, Reefer Rick’s, house. You go to investigate (against your better judgement) and find someone unexpected. 
Pairing: Eddie x fem!reader
Warnings: mentions of murder, violence, alcohol, drugs, drunk reader, divorce, swearing
Word Count: 4.7 k
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“Don’t leave this house this weekend, okay? With everything going on and a murderer on the loose, I don’t want you to be sitting outside past dark, either. I’ll call when I get to Milwaukee. There’s pizza money on the counter for tomorrow.” Your dad put his big hand on your shoulder. You rolled your eyes, brushing it off.
               “You don’t have to worry about me going anywhere. I’m a loser, remember? No friends to hang out with.”
               You initially didn’t want to move to Hawkins with your dad. You hated the cold and you hated that there were no beaches in landlocked Indiana. You wanted to stay in Florida with your mom. But then your mom started dating perfect, muscular, fitness instructor Dave and he moved his two kids into your childhood home and suddenly you became obsolete and in the way. When your mom called your dad and asked him to take you off her hands for senior year, you weren’t surprised.
               The summer had been fine, you’d mostly stuck to the lake that sprawled behind your dad’s cabin. You read more romance and horror novels than your brain could comprehend while sitting on the dock. You burned through every book written by Shirley Jackson and Jane Austen. Your dad tried to encourage you to get out and meet the local kids, but you preferred the solitude. Or at least you told yourself that you preferred being alone. When school began in August you blended in so seamlessly that no one even asked if you were new. Being ignored was better than being targeted.  
The only exciting thing that happened during the slow, sticky months was your next door neighbor being hauled off to prison for distributing weed. ‘Reefer Rick,’ as he was known, was a local legend and well-known drug dealer. Your dad practically cheered when the cops pulled up, he was always more strait-laced and law-abiding than you thought necessary. He complained constantly about the weed smell wafting from the house. Now the house sat vacant, growing dusty and dank and dragging down everyone’s property value.
               Your dad sighed and turned his back to you, grabbing his duffel bag by the door. “There’s also TV dinners in the freezer and cereal in the pantry. I’ll be back on Tuesday.”
               “Safe travels,” you said sardonically. As he left you turned the lock and pressed your back to the door. Alone at last. Your blissful long weekend included a horror movie double feature of Halloween and The Shining that you rented earlier in the day from Family Video. The girl who worked the desk at the local video shop, Robin, always tried to make small talk with you when you would ride up on your bike to pick up a new horror flick or romcom. She talked a lot and you didn’t talk enough. Her coworker, Steve, even asked you out to dinner once, but you thought he was pulling your leg so you said no. You didn’t feel like you could befriend cool kids like them.
               You set up the VCR and walked over to the fridge, pulling out one of your dad’s prized cans of PBR. You cracked the can open and plopped down on the beat-up leather sofa in the middle of the room. You clicked on the remote and settled in as young Michael Meyers pulled a kitchen knife out of a drawer.
               As the closing credits of The Shining rolled across your screen a few hours later, you felt equal parts scared shitless and hazily drunk. Having three beers on an empty stomach while watching horror films home alone probably wasn’t your best idea. You staggered into the kitchen and pulled a Hungry Man out of the freezer: chicken and gravy edition. As you attempted to pry open the cardboard box, you looked out over the lake behind the house. You could admit that you loved Lovers’ Lake in spite of hating Hawkins, but tonight the shadows seemed longer than normal, and you shivered.
               You couldn’t get the cardboard box to open. You slammed the frozen brick down on the counter and grabbed a pair of scissors out of the drawer beside the sink. As you were about to massacre the packaging you saw something glint out of the corner of your eye. You stopped and pressed your face to the kitchen window. You held your breath, wondering if the flash you saw was in your mind. Until it happened again.
               You saw another flash in the window of Reefer Rick’s boat shed followed by a shadowy figure. You backed away from the window and pressed your free hand to your chest. There was a murderer on the loose in Hawkins and Rick’s property had been empty for months. It would be the perfect hiding spot for a killer! Your imagination ran wild picturing a bloodied man hiding in the shadows looking for his next victim.
               Without thinking, and against your better judgement, you slipped on your beat-up Converse and decided to go investigate. You’d seen more slasher films than anyone you knew, but that didn’t stop you from ignoring the final girl logic and going to see for yourself.
               You clutched the scissors in your hand and staggered onto the back porch of your dad’s house. The night air was stagnant, only the sound of crickets and frogs breaking up the silence. Your vision swam even though buzz was beginning to wane a little as your heart slammed against your ribs. You creeped closer to the shed, coming up to the mildewy window. You peeked inside and saw nothing at all.
               The boat shed held a little boat with an outboard engine and a bunch of old crap piled up around the edges of the room. Reefer Rick was quite the pack rat. You stood on your tip toes, trying to get a better look at the rest of the building. After a few moments you let out a sigh of relief, feeling ridiculous for thinking that the Hawkins murderer would be hiding in your next door neighbor’s shed. The killer was probably halfway to Michigan by now with the insane search happening. You chuckled to yourself nervously.
               You started to turn away from the shed when you heard a bang inside. Your heart leapt into your throat. You tiptoed towards the flimsy metal door and banged it open. 
               “Killer!” You announced loudly, “come out now and I won’t hurt you!” Your hand holding the scissors was suspended in the air. You tried to sound so fierce but then you hiccupped.
               A masculine figure emerged from the boat with hands up. “I can promise I am not the guy you’re looking for.”
               As he stood, the pale light filtering through the windows lining the shed illuminated him. He was average height in a leather jacket with a shaggy haircut.
               “Eddie Munson? Why the fuck are you in Rick’s shed?” You stumbled forward slightly.
               Eddie turned towards you and squinted in the dark, “Who are you? Why are you holding scissors? Are you drunk?”
               You realized you’d never actually had a conversation with the guy you were holding at scissor-point. You knew Eddie because Eddie made himself known to everyone at Hawkins High School. He was the guy who did monologues about society on the cafeteria tables, he was the guy who ran the Hellfire Club, and he was the guy you stole glances at every chance you got. Your brain felt scrambled. You stammered your name and confirmed you’d been drinking a little.
               “I don’t think we’ve been formally introduced, why don’t you put down the scissors and we can talk about all this,” Eddie gestured broadly at the room. The rings on his fingers glinted in the moonlight.
               You placed the scissors on the work bench beside you and Eddie released a breath he had been holding.
               “Why are you hiding in Rick’s shed?”
               Eddie cleared his throat, “You know that big investigation happening? Well, some people think I killed Chrissy Cunningham.”
               Your eyes widened and you thought about yelling for help. Eddie closed the gap between you two in three steps and pressed his palm to your mouth.
               “You don’t want to do that, sweetheart. I can assure you that I am no killer. At least not in real life.” He peered at you in the dark and lowered his hand. “Aren’t you that new girl? I think I’ve seen you around. You’re from Florida, right? Like a reverse snowbird.” He smiled at his joke before his dark eyes grew serious again, “Please don’t yell for anyone.”
               You didn’t understand how he was getting off the topic of being a murderer to ask about your background. “Did you kill her?”
               “No!” He shook his shaggy hair, “No, I didn’t. Something did. I’m not sure – but it wasn’t me!”
               Eddie was still too close for comfort, his chest brushing yours every time you inhaled. You stepped back slightly, your senses feeling overwhelmed. You pressed your back against the door.
               You crossed your arms over your chest, “If you didn’t kill her then why are you hiding? Why don’t you just go to the police? People who don’t have anything to hide don’t hide.”
               “Look,” Eddie pressed his palms to his eyes, “just because I say I’m innocent doesn’t mean that everyone in this narrow-minded, stupid, conservative town believes I’m innocent. Half of the basketball team is on the hunt for my ass and-- according to my sources-- they’re armed to the teeth.” His full lips pulled into a line. “I’m a dead man walking, and while I thought I made peace with my mortality, I realize now that I have been lying to myself.”
               You reeled at the thought of people starting a witch hunt for Eddie. He was branded as the town freak, a satanist, a cult leader, and more because of his music taste and extracurricular activities. He liked smoking weed, he liked metal and he played D&D. That was about as far as his alleged delinquency went, according to school gossip. The Satanic Panic turned every God-fearing conformist’s brain into mush. Your dad, despite being a relatively progressive guy, even raised his eyebrows at your copy of The Exorcist. 
               You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth as you thought, and you pretended not to notice Eddie’s eyes looking at your mouth.
               “If people are looking for you, don’t you think they’d check your drug dealer’s house? Doesn’t this kind of make you a sitting duck.”
               “Hence my current predicament,” Eddie shifted from one foot to the other. “I’m, pardon my French, royally and severely fucked. Thank you for pointing it out.”
               You looked around the room once more and at the guy in front of you. He looked tired and worse for wear. His clothes were rumpled, and his hair could stand a brush. There were no lights in the shed so you doubted there was electricity.
               “My dad is out of town for the weekend if you’d rather stay somewhere with a shower and food.” You couldn’t believe the words were tumbling out of your mouth. “I, uh, live next door. I saw the flashlight from my kitchen and that’s why I came over.”
               Eddie’s smirked, “A pretty girl who is home alone for the weekend came over to investigate what she thought was a murderer in a boat shed? Don’t you have a reputation at school for being smart? You must be hammered.”
                You were glad that it was so dark in the room or Eddie would surely see the blush on your cheeks. You’d never been accused of being pretty before. You also had no idea that you had any reputation at school.
               “The offer stands, take it or leave it. I’m starving so I’m going to go heat up my dinner now.” You grabbed your scissors and turned to leave.
               “Oh, I’m definitely taking you up on this offer,” Eddie wandered over to the boat and reached inside to pull out his cassette player. “Lead the way, M’lady.”
               You pushed the door open and looked both ways before letting Eddie follow behind you. Your neighbors were exceedingly nosy. Your neighbor on the other side of your dad’s home had come over a few weeks ago to complain that she could hear you having yelling matches on the phone with your mom about moving back to Florida. You didn’t realize how thin the walls were or how loud you could be when you were angry.
               You walked back into the kitchen where your thawing dinner sat on the counter. Your belly churned at the thought of eating anything at this point. Your brain felt foggy and your stomach was beginning to hurt from the beer.
               Eddie blinked hard in the bright room. He looked exhausted with dark rings around his eyes and a grey pallor to his face. You couldn’t believe that Eddie Munson was standing in your house. Never in a million years would you have thought anyone from school would be in your house, let alone Eddie.
               “You probably want a shower, right? I’ll go grab something of my dad’s for you to wear and I’ll toss your stuff in the wash. We don’t have a dryer though so I’ll have to hang the laundry up, if that’s okay? Oh –” You were speaking so fast.
               Eddie leaned his hip against the counter and took you in, his head cocked in amusement. “Are you blushing? Am I making you nervous?”
               “No. Do you want chicken and gravy or would you prefer meatloaf for dinner?” You lied about not blushing. All of the alcohol and endorphins were running wild in your body. Your face was a deep pink.
               “Whichever is easiest. I haven’t had anything but Chef Boyardee in days, my standards are abysmally low.”
               You nervously smoothed your hair down and nodded. You pulled another chicken and gravy meal out of the freezer and turned on the oven to preheat. You left Eddie standing in the kitchen and walked back to your dad’s room. You dug through his closet for an old shirt and pajama pants. Unfortunately, the only pants you could find were Christmas themed and across the butt they said: “You Can Jingle My Bells.” You wanted to die at the thought of giving them to Eddie, but you realized that nothing else your dad owned would fit his thin frame. Your head began to throb.
               When you walked back into the living room you saw Eddie staring at the framed school photos of you that your dad kept hung on the wall above the couch.
               “These are cute,” Eddie said without turning towards you, “I like the pigtails, they’re a real statement.” He pointed to your kindergarten photo.
               You pressed your cool hand to your warm cheeks and tried to quiet the butterflies in your churning stomach. You really needed to drink something. “Here’s some PJs, I’m sorry they’re awful.”
               Eddie turned towards you and could hardly contain his laughter at the 1975 Family Reunion shirt and Christmas pants you handed to him. “This will be one of my more eclectic looks.” You wanted to die on the spot, but instead you tried to remain solemn as you showed him to the bathroom and shoved a towel at him.
               “Are you sure you don’t want to join me?” Eddie said playfully, leaning in the doorframe.
               “Can’t, the oven is on,” You replied without thinking before realizing how mortifying it was that you just implied that you’d join Eddie in the shower if the oven wasn’t on. You turned even more red and pulled the door closed on him.
               You walked back into the kitchen and poured yourself the world’s largest glass of water and slammed two pain relievers back. You needed to flush your system of any trace of alcohol so you could be in control of yourself. You didn’t behave irrationally, and you didn’t say weird things like ‘can’t, the oven is on’. That wasn’t you. You felt ridiculous. You couldn’t believe you invited Eddie to stay the weekend with you.
               As you prepped the TV dinners and slid them into the oven you recalled the first time you had seen Eddie. It was your second or third day of school that year and you were walking in the hallway. You saw Jason, school king and jock extraordinaire, cornering Eddie by the bathroom.
               Eddie had his hands up in that noncommittal way he usually played, “Look, man, I don’t have anything to do with your teammate being dropped from the team. Terry wanted to smoke, I wanted to make money. Not my fault he got caught.”
               Jason puffed his chest up at Eddie, “You need to stay away from my team. Stay away from everyone I know. You’re a freak! You do nothing but make things worse around here.”
               Eddie chuckled, “Mission accomplished, then.”
               Jason raised a fist towards Eddie and Eddie scurried under his arm and into the hallway. He briefly made eye contact with you and winked. You felt your stomach flip. You knew exactly why you were attracted to Eddie. He had that bad boy thing going on but with a side serving of softie. You saw the way he adopted the younger students who didn’t have anyone into his group. You also saw the way he tried to break people of their narrowmindedness with little success. His methodology wasn’t the best and he had a flair for the dramatic, but he wasn’t all hard edges and biting comments.
               You poked holes in the tops of the TV dinners and returned them to the oven.
               “How do I look?” Eddie’s voice made you jump and pulled you from your daydream.
               You turned towards him and took in the very colorfully dressed guy in front of you. The screaming neon green shirt coupled with the red and yellow pants made your eyes cross.
               “You make Cyndi Lauper jealous, I think,” you covered your mouth with your hand.
               Eddie shook his damp hair like a dog and laughed, “Cyndi Lauper wishes she could look this good.”
               Eddie slid into the chair at the small table in your kitchen. You and your dad never ate meals together so there was tons of junk mail and your old homework scattered across the top. Eddie started straightening the papers into a pile so you’d have room to eat. He pulled a sheet of paper from the stack and flicked it with his fingernail. “I knew you were smart. Book smart and not street smart since you let me in your house.”
               “I make okay grades, nothing special.”
               He rolls his eyes, “A-, A, B-, A, and a whopping A+ in English. Please spare me your efforts at downplaying your intelligence. You should see my report cards. There’s a reason I am a super senior.”
               Your timer went off and you slipped a pair of oven mitts with small fish all over them onto your hands. You didn’t know how to reply to his self-deprecation. Your parents sucked but they never put down your intelligence. You wondered if Eddie’s parents had been less supportive. If he had parents at all.
               You slid the plastic tray across the table to Eddie and took a spot beside him. You watched as Eddie inhaled the frozen food as if it were the most delicious thing he had ever tasted. You picked at your food, feeling anxious around the boy beside you. Your head was beginning to clear up.
               Halfway through your meal the phone rang. You leapt up from your seat and rushed over to the phone attached to the wall.
               “Hey, Dad. How’s Wisconsin?” You said into the receiver.
               The voice on the phone was not your dad. “Um no… This is Jason, from math class?”
               “Oh, hey… Jason,” You felt your heartrate climbing. “What’s up?”
               Eddie’s head snapped towards you and his eyes widened. He mouthed fuck over and over.
               “You live next door to Reefer Rick’s place, right?”
               “Yep. He doesn’t live there right now, though. He went to prison this summer. I think for a while, drug stuff.”
               “Look, this is going to sound really weird, but have you seen anybody over at Rick’s place? Or have you seen anything suspicious?”
               You gnawed on the inside of your cheek, “No, not at all. Why? Did something happen?” You tried to keep your voice even. Your hands were shaking.
               “There’s this murderer on the loose, Eddie Munson. Do you know him? He killed my girlfriend, Chrissy Cunningham. My boys and I think he might be hiding out at Rick’s, but I thought I would call you and check before we drive all the way out there. Have you seen Eddie?” He sounded choked up and angry.
               You swallowed hard, “I heard about Chrissy, I’m really sorry. I don’t really know Eddie. Isn’t he that D&D guy? Anyways, I haven’t seen him. I can give you a call if I do see something?”
               Jason paused and you heard muffled voices as if he pressed his palm to the receiver.
               “Can we pay you a visit? We just want to check things out. He’s a dangerous person.”
               “My dad’s out of town and he doesn’t like me to have people over if he’s not here. Sorry. I wish I could help more. If you give me your number, though, I can call… like I said…”
               Jason mumbled to people in the background again. “Are you sure you haven’t seen anyone?”
               “Jason, maybe you should report what you know to the cops. If Eddie really is… dangerous, then shouldn’t the police be the ones looking for him? I’d hate for you to get hurt.”
               “The cops don’t believe us, they’re covering for that freak. Thanks for your help.”
               “Have a good night.” The receiver died before you finished your sentence.
               “Well that was terrifying,” you turned to face Eddie. His face was as pale as a sheet and he looked as if he might run away any second. He put the fork he was holding down and put his head in his hands.
               “Hey,” you walked over to him and pressed a hand to his shoulder. “I think they believed me. I don’t think those meat heads are going to come sniffing around here anytime soon. Besides, they won’t come poking around my house, they have no reason to.”
               Eddie shook his head, “They’re not going to stop until I’m dead. Eye for an eye, they don’t care whose eye it is. Everybody thinks I’ve murdered Chrissy except you.” He sounded like a little boy.
               You rubbed small circles in his shoulder, “Look at me.”
               Eddie looked up at you, his eyes rimmed in red.
               “I’m not going to let some jerks come and hurt you. I’m sure this is all one big misunderstanding and once the cops get the real killer, you’ll be free and they’ll feel like jackasses for coming after you.”
               He swallowed hard, “What if I told you that whoever, whatever killed Chrissy wasn’t human?”
               “When we see something traumatic sometimes our brains think that things are… less easily explained than they are. After all this is over maybe you should talk to Ms. Kelly.” You’d been seeing Ms. Kelly about the divorce and perfect Dave. She was really good at her job and you were sure she could help Eddie too.
               Eddie reached up and grabbed your hand, “I’m serious. An invisible monster killed Chrissy. It’s been haunting my nightmares and all I can see is Chrissy floating in the air and being snapped up like a twig.”
               You furrowed your brow and looked down at Eddie. He looked frightened, his cocky demeanor shifting to fear. You reached out and pressed your other hand to his face, “I’m sorry you had to see that.” Your skin tingled at the contact with his skin and you felt ridiculous, yet again.
               “You believe me, right?”
               You cocked your head to the side, “I believe that you’re scared and whoever killed Chrissy must have been awful.”
               He looked disappointed but relieved. He could tell you didn’t believe that an invisible monster killed Chrissy, but he appreciated that you didn’t think he did it.
               You moved away from Eddie and took your seat at the table again, eating a few more bites of lukewarm food. You felt unsettled by everything that had been revealed so far that evening. Most things weren’t lining up, but you were certain that Eddie Munson wasn’t responsible for any of it.
               “Ready for bed?” You asked Eddie. Reruns of Cheers filled the background as you and Eddie sat a few feet apart on the couch. Eddie clutched the solitary fish shaped throw pillow to his chest. He looked like he was elsewhere ever since Jason called.
               Notably, your father never called when he got to Milwaukee. You figured that whatever conference he was at took precedence over checking in with his teen daughter. It made you irritable even though you wanted to pretend you didn’t care what your dad did or thought.
               Eddie didn’t respond to you. He stared blankly at the television, his breathing shallow.
               “Eddie? You ready for bed?” You reached over and touched his tattooed arm.
               He flinched and looked at you, panic in his eyes. After a few seconds he realized where he was and what he was doing.
“Oh, yeah. Sounds good.”
               You stood from the couch and went to the linen closet, pulling out a big ugly fishing themed blanket that your dad stuffed away. It probably belonged to the previous owners. You brought the blanket to Eddie and then walked into your room, grabbing one of the many pillows from your bed.
               “My room is the one across from the bathroom if you need anything. If you wake up before me, you can go ahead and make whatever you want from the fridge or freezer. I think we have Frosted Flakes too, but I’d smell the milk before you use it.”
               Eddie smiled up at you from where he sat on the couch, “Thanks for letting me stay. This beats sleeping on a boat.” Your heart skips a beat in your chest as he looks up at you.
               “No problem.” You smiled back at him. On your way to your room you shoved his dirty laundry into the washer and turned the machine on. The washer roared to life and you kicked yourself for not starting the load earlier.
               You shut your bedroom door behind you and pressed your hand to your forehead. You replayed the way Jason sounded in your mind. He was so determined to find Eddie, you were sure that Eddie was in serious trouble.
               You slipped into a big t-shirt and shorts, climbing into your bed. You had no idea what to do with Eddie once your dad came back. You wondered if you could let him stay somehow, hide under your bed. You knew your dad would kill you if he knew you had a boy staying over. Especially a wanted man.
               You pulled your pillow over your face and groaned. As sleep started to come over you, you heard a soft knock at your door.
               “Yeah?” You mumbled sleepily.
               Eddie cracked open the door and peeked his head in, “I know this is going to sound like I’m trying to pull something on you… but I can’t sleep. I was wondering if I could, um, sleep on your floor?”
               You sat up and rubbed your eye, “are you okay?”
               “When I close my eyes I see Chrissy,” he swallowed hard. “Sorry, this is stupid. I’ll go lay down. I’m sure I’ll get tired enough that I’ll just fall asleep. Sorry.”
               You reached out to grab the edge of the door before it closed, “No, it’s totally understandable. You can sleep here. Don’t sleep on the floor though, that’s not comfortable. There’s room for two.” You slid over closer to the wall that your bed pressed up against and lifted the edge of the covers. You weren’t thinking clearly and Eddie looked at you skeptically. “Take it or leave it, Eddie. Either way.”
               You rolled over and tried to still your pounding heart. What were you thinking? Inviting Eddie Munson to share your bed.
               The edge of the bed dipped, and Eddie’s leg brushed yours under the covers as he situated himself. “Thanks.” 
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obrienpolycule · 3 years
im up so I may as well!
rules: answer these questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better!
1. name/nickname: tam
2. gender: all of them
3. star sign: Virgo (because I had the taste to arrive weeks early and not be a Libra)
4. height: 5’8”
5. time: 4:29 am cause I woke at 3 and now i can’t sleep
6. birthday: September 4th (which I share with Beyonce and my grandmother. a fact I will bring up at every opportunity)
7. favorite bands: The Crane Wives, Autoheart, fun., The Happy Fits, Julie and the Phantoms (do they count? yeah they do)
8. favorite solo artists: Janelle Monae, hozier, lorde, Beyonce, Sleeping At Last
9. song stuck in my head: The Longest Time by Billie Joel
10. last movie: The Old Guard (what’s that? another excuse to rewatch this movie?)
11. last show: Bridgerton!
12. when did i create this blog: just over 8 years ago now which is Wild
13. what do i post: literally anything but mostly my hyperfixations
14. last thing googled: the “Women-” meme from Little Women (2019)
15. other blogs: @messofmagick follow for pagan and witchy shit if that’s what your into
16. do i get asks: a few recently but I’m so here for more!
17. why i chose my url: cause I’m gay for Beverly Katz
18. following: 2,346 (apparently people don’t just follow a shit ton of people so I just started weeding through these)
19. followers: 561
20. average hours of sleep: usually around 10 if i can stay down but i tend to wake up at weird times or stay up all night (my brain goes brrr and no one sleeps)
21. lucky number: 18
22. instruments: nope
23. what am i wearing: A new shirt I got for Christmas and and a very old pair of pain covered yoga pants
24. dream job: to hold seminars on Greek mythology
25. dream trip: Literally anywhere out of the country, I’ve never gotten to leave America
26. nationality: american
27. favorite song: Take Me to War by The Crane Wive, Django Jane by Janelle Monae, or BLACK PARADE by Beyonce
28. last book read: just finished The Duke and I by Julia Quinn, hopefully moving on to The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
29. top three fictional universes i’d like to live in: star trek, doctor who, harry potter (im about to start some reforms and fuck with ancient magic)
30. i’m tagging: @heressomestuffs, @aro-elsecaller, @kenzme3, @banananutloof, @giselleeveelution  and anyone else who isn’t tagged here but wants to do it!<3
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