#need a magic 8 ball that can give me all the answers
tethered-heartstrings · 11 months
why is posting a fic harder than writing it
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punksocks · 1 year
Astrology Observations No.13
-just my opinions, please take them with a grain of salt !
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-Libras tend to only give significant attention to people they think are beautiful/pretty. (So if a libra man is messing around in your dms, you at least know you’re pretty! Lol) Subtly I’ve noticed that Taurus placements tend to do this as well? Like, they don’t write off people in the way some Libras do but I haven’t seen someone with Taurus in the big 6 dating someone that isn’t attractive or at least aesthetically pleasing.
-Stellium in 3rd/ mars in 3rd/ Gemini Mars and Stellium in 6th/ mars in 6th/ Virgo Mars: do you find yourself multitasking all the time? I find that multitasking helps me finish tasks faster 9 times out of 10. Like I need to have my attention in a few places at once to be efficient. (I love podcasts and drawing)
-Neptune conjunct moon, Pisces moon, moon in 12th: you have really deep intuition but not much clarity that comes with it. Like I had this like intense instinct go off that i was going to run into something one I cut off last year- and I was right! But only halfway lol, totally different dude than I expected lol. It’s like shaking a magic 8 ball, you’ve got an answer but not the answer lol.
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-I agree that your moon sign shows the most of your true personality, especially as you get past like 25. But with sun conjunct moon I’ve had a tricky time spotting this. I think it’s clearest with Aries and Aquarius moons for me. Aries moons have so much energy and they grow into being real leaders as they get older, and Aquarius moons have real stand out opinions and tend to live in their uniqueness more and attempt to conform less as they get older.
-Mercury in 3rd or Gemini or natal retrograde can mean you’re incapable of writing short little text messages lol. You either write a paragraph or send a lot of little texts successively.
-I find that Venus/Libra dominant people can be very charming in public and really judgmental in private/anonymously. They don’t want their opinions to clash with their pleasing persona.
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-Scorpio sun + Sagittarius moon/ Sagittarius sun + Scorpio Moon doesn’t mean you have to be wild but oml they’ve been some of the most extreme people I’ve ever met. I feel like these people are always bringing BIG energy into the room and changing things around them with that Jupiter/Pluto double whammy. (I have stories about every person I’ve known with those placements but my go to is an aunt that had a boyfriend that bought her a car and a dog and she crashed the car, abandoned the dog with my grandma, and broke up with the guy. He’s doing better now lol.)
-But on the flip side, Capricorn placements can bring in Saturn type changes and lesson to any environment they come into. I have a stellium so it’s hard for me to separate all the categories where I’ve seen places fall apart (usually work places and bad bosses but it applies to everyone)
But for sun- people get insecure and start acting from a place of ego, moon- emotional tension gets tested and people are more likely to react from petty places, Mercury- communication and technology that was patched together falls through in the weak places and systems get overwhelmed; Jupiter- Luck runs out for those that are flying by the seat of their pants and don’t really know what they’re doing; Neptune- no more delusions are allowed, lies and duplicity are exposed
And after I’ve left those places and their dysfunction behind it seems like the lessons continue on even more. I’m not sure why the effect lingers, except that Saturn will make you learn or punish you.
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randomperson339 · 8 months
(Xernalia, an alien, married to Thomas a human. She has found him hunched over cloth and scattered stuffing.)
Xernalia: Hubby... what are you doing?
Thomas: trying to stitch this teddy-bear back to life.
Xernalia: ...you know it's just stuffing, right? There isn't anything to bring back to life.
Thomas: Is that the weirdest thing I've done?
Xernalia: ...no, but I don't know how you're defining life here. It's inanimate
Thomas: yeah... but I feel bad now that it's all torn up, so I'm stitching him back together
Xernalia: Why do you have empathy for an inanimate object?
Thomas: probably because evolution would want me to have emathy for something that's inanimate than something that could be my mate
Xernalis: that's stupid, evolution should've given you a better way to detect the sentience of things.
Thomas: I mean, it did get me an amazing wife.
Xernalia: Wh-no, itt- not worth.... ahgiueaowjhBIEVUCybnowriadnsjc, how dare you say that's the reason you married me was because of some faulty neurons
Thomas: they're hardly faulty if they let me get with you
Xernalia: I mean- you're not wrong, but also. You're conflating several ideas.
Thomas: no, the "faulty neurons" are there to differentiate what is and isn't human, since you can't interbreed with non-humans.
Xernalia: but-
Thomas: yes, you can with genetic manipulation, but evolution wasn't made for to account for magical genetic engineering.
(Thomas gives an affection peck on the head to Xernalia)
Thomas: yeah, I know it's stupid to get hung up about a destroyed plush, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I just didn't repair it.
Xernalia: What about the object puts such importance on it?
Thomas: *shrugs* I dunno, I just feel sad when I think about it all torn up.
Xernalia: so, it's like empathy?
Thomas: kinda? It's not sad on an intellectual level, but on an emotional one. I feel for the plush, but understand it's an object. And it doesn't have feelings.
Xernalia: would it change anything if it didn't have a face?
Thomas: probably.
Xernalia: what about a non-quad-limbed body structure?
Thomas: less so than the faceless version.
Xernalia: what about if it was a monster?
Thomas: I married you, didn't I?
Xernalia: >:[
Thomas: sorry, I just couldn't resist. And an actual answer would probably be... depends on how it's monstrous.
Xernalia: So it's about how... human-ish the thing is?
Thomas: roughly, yeah.
Xernalia: so what about a ball that's been left to rot? It was once used, lovingly, by a dog but it got lost in the drain and now it's decaying slowly at the top of a pile of trash?
Thomas: Xernalia... plz don't play with my emotions like that...
Xernalia: oh! Sorry. I- I thought you wouldn't get emotional over a ball.
Thomas: humans get emotions over a lot of things. I even got emotional over computers and satellites, which are very not-human.
Xernalia: so, you just empathize with... everything?
Thomas: yeah.
Xernalia: 8(
Thomas: What's that look for?
Xernalia: It must be so hard to live like that. I mean, you eat meat, right?
Thomas: well, it's different because I need to eat. Thinking about the animals is just something I try not to think about. Like everyone else
Xernalia: All humans feel bad for what they eat?
Thomas: I mean, not everyone, but that's the general feelings I've heard
Xernalia: so it's more... selective?
Thomas: Yeah. I mean, that's why wars happen I think.
Xernalia: so this empathy can both be given to anything, but also taken away from anything else. That seems... stupid.
Thomas: yeah, it's stupid, I feel like it shouldn't be so easy to stop thinking about people as... people
Xernalia: I think it's stupid that it's so arbitrary- you're here, trying to revive an inanimate object, despite it never living
Thomas: well, I was thinking more "I want there to be less violence in the world" not "I want humans to be more accurate in their assessment of sentience." You really want to make humans more sensical, don't you.
Xernalia: no, you're hot when you're nonsensical!
Thomas: Glad to know nonesense is hot, I shall endeavor to always put my socks over my shoes from now on
Xernalia: Not that kind of nonsense!
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thebunniesgrim · 9 months
I'm getting way too much enjoyment watching how some of Helluva Boss fandom is raving over the popular current theory that stolas is going to die in the series.  
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Because of the Oops episode and how the skull and cross bones in the smoke clock landed on Stolas and other stuff  
Having imp assasins in LooLoo Land 
His lullaby saying that when he’s gone Octavia will be ok and that today could be his last (I could go on a whole tangent about that lullaby it's so good)  
Western Energy  (that's it)
I'm not saying I want stolas to die but am I also saying it would be funny to watch the fandom go up in flames about it?  
Well call me Phineas and Ferb because
yes I am 
You can stop reading here if you want. Under the cut I'm just rambling justifying why I think what I think. there are some jokes and lighthearted critiques, but you know... you have the option to look and give your own opinions  :)
I mean I have my grievances with him like I've said in my other post (shameless plug Warning I'm very illiterate in case you haven't noticed) but like I don’t wish death upon him I still like Stolas believe it or not   
In fact I hope stolas doesn’t die and mostly I don’t think stolas is going to die at all frankly. I highly dout the writers/viv/whoever is going to actually kill off stolas mostly because like any time stolas is in danger its so underminded like- ok LooLoo land is mostly a joke (good joke too I like the end where Stolas turns the imp guy into stone good pay off), Stella played for laughs beacues shes making the hit right in front stolas and it doesn’t get paid off till the next season which is fine the seasons are short, Western Energy he was fine like an episode later.  
If home boy cant be hospitalized for more than one episode he isn't dying  
Granted I will allow some leeway as we don’t know how much time has passed since Western Energy to Oops but it- I don’t think stab wounds and broken arms heal that fast regardless of that :/ if I'm being honest especially if it was a holy weapon just saying.  
Even if he did die that brings up a lot of questions like what happens to demons when they die? Are all demons immortal and can only die due to physical damage? are Asmodeus and Beelzebub going to outlive Fizz and Vortex if imps and hellhounds/other demons aren't immortal. Were the 7 deathly sins ever babies like everyone else? If demons are immortal and can live forever and the Ars Goitias can only be killed by angelic weapons that are hard to get, I'm assuming, why do, they need to have children or heirs? Why even have children at all? If angelic weapons can kill demons do demonic weapons exist and can they kill angels or other holy beings?   
All this and more on You Can't Answer These Questions at 8 
but in all seriousness 
Here’s the real question  
If they did actually kill Stolas, will they bring him back?  
Riddle me this batman  
there's a very the very real outcome of them bringing stolas back through some magical demonic bs anyway so like it really won't matter. They're not going to have Stolas bite the dust permanently and if they are... respect honestly (the balls frankly).  
People will cry, I'll laugh because I'm heartless, he’ll be like resurrected or something, and everyone will be happy or mad idk.    
Like it's one thing for Millie to get hurt in the other episodes because there wasn’t a major plot point you know? (and she’s not important) There was no lingering scene on it with sad music. In when stolas got hurt it was this big thing and for him to just be like fine an episode later is like what? How are you going to have this big emotional climax with no emotional orgasm (sorry) afterwards. And like no I'm not letting this go what the heck? You had the whole fandom screeching about Blizto going to sloth just to do nothing with it and put a twist about Barbie and then also have stolas be perfectly fine and dandy the next episode afterwards. Are there no stakes in this show? Like I get that Helluva Boss wasn’t planned in the beginning but like come on... When Viv approves of the episodes does she look back at the other episodes? Is she even there? Is she ok? Is she and everyone else seeing a bigger picture that I'm not? Has she sat down and watched Helluva Boss from the very beginning and watched them from episode one to now? I mean really not just a once over to send it off to youtube I mean really took a good and hard look at the episodes? The way they mix episodic, and story is really messing with me I'm going to go back and watch all the episodes from the beginning just to make sure it’s not me.
I like how I said in my tangent about Hell fire (shameless plug part 2) I said I liked the new episode over all give or take some extremally small nitpicks yet here I am complaining :) guess I'm a liar   
soo yeah, I really don’t think they're going kill off their golden child, their best boy, their little botanist boo, their dopamine deficient dandy, their booboo bear, their uwu baby boi, their uke wukey cinnamon roll, their twinky little baby owl, their Boo thang, their stary eyed savant, their sad beige gay, their smoopy woopy do, their snoogum-boogums, their skidamarink a dink a dink skidamarink a doo, their-  
I'm done  
I'm so sorry   
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r0-boat · 11 months
Can I get something about Larry’s first time with his SO? Not like his FIRST time but like the first time with them, know what I mean? They’re both nervous and awkward trying to figure what each other likes.
Headcannons scenario I don’t care, whatever you feel like writing. I just need more Larry, I just wanna pick him up and shake him like a magic 8 ball
Ahh, i love i just.
Larry's first time with s/o
Slight nsfw. (no sex)
I'm not sure if this is NSFW or not aaaa
Larry hesitates for a moment when he pushes you down onto the bed. Your eyes were wide and unblinking, staring at him that was looming over you, his hands pressed firmly against the mattress, trapping you between his bed and his body. Those onyx eyes usually avoid emotion and show your side of him that you've never seen; though it excited you, it also frightened you since this was the first time a partner has ever looked at you in such a way.
Your heart thumps in your chest, feeling heat rush to your cheeks. You screw your eyes shut when Larry leans down. Feeling his lips on yours makes your head spin. Larry dives further down to your neck, hesitating once again, deciding whether to bite or lick your neck, ultimately choosing the latter. Noticing how you tensed up when his tongue ran across your neck, he stopped immediately. Larry is confused and concerned just in case he has done something wrong. " Is there something wrong?"
You didn't know how to respond. Unable to meet his eyes, you didn't really want his first time with you to be boring or unfulfilling, letting him do all the work. And it's not like you didn't want him, you did you."
After a few minutes, Larry breaks the silence noticing your nervousness. "Um... Is this your first time?".
Your eyes widen was it really that obvious? You didn't answer only giving him a nod.
"it's mine too... Well... My first time in a long time," Larry admits. " so please forgive me if I'm a little rusty, but I'll make sure that you're comfortable."
Larry watches you fiddle with your fingers nervously. An idea of flashing through his head, he grabs your hips earning a squeak from your lips as Larry takes his place underneath you. You follow his lead getting on top of him. You did not notice what he was doing until you were straddling him, your heart fluttering when you felt his bulge pressing firmly against your ass.
" I wanted you to have full control if that's okay."
Larry stated, is his hands took their places on your thighs.
" if you at any point feel uncomfortable and wish to stop please tell me."
You don't know why. Maybe it's because you had your eyes closed when he was kissing you, or maybe it was the way he was looking up at you with nervousness yet anticipation and longing, but You saw him in a different light. His chest slowly rose and fell; his lips slightly parted as if waiting patiently for yours to meet them, his hair usually neatly, a mess and in his face. And those onyx eyes seemed a lot softer with his pupils blown wide. The blush on his face no spreading to his ears . And more importantly, he was yours to do with as you pleased.
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koboldbot · 7 months
please read!
Invite Link
general info:
icon by momo
bot works off ! commands
capitalization matters!
just a bot for fun, nothing serious
open to suggestions for more things the bot can do
bot needs permission to change usernames for !yoink and !gift. the "kobold bot" role has to be above the roles in server settings of anyone whose name you want to be able to be changed, even admins if they want theirs changed too. sadly it cannot edit the usernames of server owners :(
command list:
general just for fun commands
!idlegame (name) : sends your champion on an idle adventure!
!idlecheck : checks in on how champion is doing!
!idlerename (name) : renames your champion!
!magicball (question) : will return an answer as if asking a magic 8 ball a question
!sexyman : links you a random sexyman from sexypedia
!url : generates an (animal)(gender)(bodypart) tumblr url!
!santa : tells you whether you were naughty or nice this year and then assigns you a gift if you were nice
!fish : go fishing!
!hunt : go hunting!
!bite (person) : bites someone, @'s them if you @ someone
!pet : sends a petting gif, you can put words after the command such as @'ing someone but the bot won't @ them
!love : he loves me / he loves me not
!password : generates a strong password
!yip (number) : yips the number of times
!dragon : kobold reaction
!owo : whats this
!skankin : you know when that brass be bumpin'
!time : tells the time
!start : starts a timer that runs in the background for every server
!end : ends the timer in the background for every server
!help : links here
pvp commands
!fight (person 1) (person 2) : puts two people into a fight pit and they repeatedly hit each other until one or both have 0 or less hp and then announces the winner or a tie
!yoink (person) : requires you @ the person. steals a character from their display name. can be used on the bot. requires the "kobold bot" role to be put above the roles of the people whose display names are being changed in the role manager. cannot be used on server owner sadly :(
!gift (person) : requires you @ the person. adds a random letter to their name. again can be used on the bot. also requires the "kobold bot" role to be above the roles and cannot be used on the owner :(
counting commands
!yaoi : adds to a counter consistent across all servers
!yuri : adds to a counter consistent across all servers
!celibacy : adds to a counter consistent across all servers
!edward : displays the current counter for the yaoi, yuri, and celibacy commands
!feed : feeds the bot
!unfeed: unfeeds the bot
!howfed : says how fed the bot is
info commands
!definition (word) : gives the definition of the given word, can be multiple words such as "dog days"
!more : once you get a word's definition, if there are more than 5 definitions of a word, it will give you the 6th-10th definitions of that word
!wiki (thing) : gives you the first paragraph of the summary of a wikipedia article, can be multiple word thing
!wikipedia : links a random wikipedia article
!wikimedia : links a random file from wikimedia
!wikiquote : links a random page from wikiquote
!wiktionary : links a random entry from wiktionary
!osrswiki : links a random oldsschool runescape wiki article
!melvorwiki : links a random melvor idle wiki article
!randmtg : links a random magic: the gathering card from scryfall
number commands
!add (numbers) : adds numbers together
!roll (adv/dis/number dice) (number sides) (khnumber/klnumber/modifier) : rolls any number of dice with any number of sides with any +/- modifier. replace any part in red with any integer. if you do adv or dis instead of a number it rolls two dice, keeps higher or lower, kh keeps highest of a number of rolls, kl keeps lowest of any number of rolls. even if the modifier is 0, it must be put into the third slot. example
!roll2 (expression) : this roll command is meant if you're doing simple dice rolling with multiple kinds of dice without needing advantage or keeping. you enter expressions in the d format such as "1d4-2d6+3d10+2" where the number before the d is how many dice and the number after the d is how many sides and then you can have any number of types of dice added or subtracted and an ending modifier if you want for the total of the rolls
the bot will also occasionally add reactions when certain words are used.
feel free to send in asks for bugs you find or also ideas you have either for polishing the commands or funny things to add to the bot! have fun out there!
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mrsaguapapi · 4 days
Ch 1  Ch 2  Ch 3  Ch 4  Ch 5  Ch 6  Ch 7  Ch 8  Ch 9  Ch 10  Ch 11 Ch 12  Ch 13  Ch 14   Ch 15 Ch 16  Ch 17
Chapter 18
My Sunshine
The Vibe:
Corinne Bailey Rae 11. Seasons Change
"Wanda is dead. I saw her die" Stranges says pacing away in his office. Looking absolutely ridiculous with his lounge clothes and a cloak.
"She's alive Stephen." I say exasperated
"Okay, I'll play. Let's say she's alive, which she's not. Why of all people would you go to her?" he gestures to himself, "I can help you."
"I'm not letting you anywhere near my memories thank you very much." I scoff at him, "I don't have time to bring you up to speed, I need to speak with her, and considering with what happened in Westview and your little multiverse incident, I don't know where her head is at mentally. All I'm asking is that you watch my back and be on standby" I plead
"Look I want to help you but that last thing we need is to instigate another fight with Wanda Maximoff, IF, she's even alive," Strange says. "If she's alive, I theorize she won't be happy seeing me, so no, I'm not going with you," I roll my eyes and stand up, ready to walk out, "I didn't say I wasn't going to help you," he says stopping me in my place
"Okay well, Stephen can you just spit it out some of us have shit to do," I say holding my hands out annoyed
He rolls his eyes and pulls out a display and uncovers it revealing a floating crystal ball, "This is the Orb of Agamotto. This allows me to monitor the universe and other surrounding dimensions. With the ability to 'Livestream' other planets and pinpoint magic users anywhere, except for those with the power to block its view. I can use this to watch you from a distance and if anything goes wrong, I'll portal to you and help"
I take a moment to think about it, "Fine, you have a deal" I say holding out my hand to him
He shakes my hand and smiles, "Does this mean I'm forgiven?"
"Ugh and you ruined it," I say, dropping my hand, rolling my eyes, and grabbing my sling ring, "For the record, I never really blamed you, and neither does Peter. You just happen to have an annoying face and that I can't forgive" I laugh to myself," Give me your phone" I say to Strange. He hands me his phone and I put my number in it and call myself so I have his number, "When I get there I'll call you and have you in my ear." I say putting an airpod in and giving back his phone. Pausing for a moment I take in a deep breath and exhale allowing myself to relax before opening a portal to the shuffling streets of Sokovia.
I step through turning to look at Strange, "If she's alive and as powerful as before she could easily sever my connection. Just keep that in mind." He warns. I nod my head and close the portal.
"Okay let's get this show on the road," I say to myself walking the down the city streets
After getting some food and thinking about the next approach I decided instead of using a locator spell and exposing her safe space, I figure I'll summon her to me. So I picked the most public place I could think of.
A playground
Sitting on the bench watching the children play, I say in my head, "Wanda, I need your help" I call out to her making sure my intention is clear and that I mean no harm, "That should do the trick" I whisper to myself. I pull out my phone to call Strange, "Hey, she'll be here any minute. Can you see me?"
"You chose to bring 'The Scarlet Witch' to a playground?"
"She won't hurt the children," I say
"I once thought that too until she tried to murder America Chavez in front of me" he quips
"Yea well this time will be different Stephen," I say annoyed "Have a little hope will ya?"
He sighs, "You never told me why you need her specifically."
"I was told by my dead mother to go to her directly. She didn't say why, but I trust her judgment. Wanda may also have some info on someone else I'm looking for." I say rather quickly and annoyed
"So the short answer is you don't know," he says
"I've been on the phone with you for 2 mins and I already want to kick your ass," I say making us both laugh
"What's so funny?" I hear someone say near me, causing me to damn near jump out of my skin. It was Wanda sitting next to me in civilian clothes with her hair dripping wet.
"Good lord girl. You don't have to be so creepy" I say clutching my fake pearls
"You started It. I heard your little whispers in my ear while I was in the shower. I thought you had the drop on me." she laughs under her breath, "So why are you here? Don't you know I'm 'dead'? I'm sure Stephen told you. Right Stephen?" She asks a little louder
She knows
"Did you think I wouldn't know?" Wanda Asks
"Millie she's blocking me, I can't see you anymore," Stephen says in my ear, "I'm coming to you"
"Hold off Stephen," I say out loud, "It's okay" I pause looking at Wanda with a small smile, "Do you blame me? If I didn't come with some sort of backup, I'd be pretty dumb don't ya think?"
She looks at me for a while like she was searching for something in my face eventually looking away and letting out a large exhale, "I have been a real witch lately" she says causing me to laugh, "You said you needed my help and I could really use a distraction right now, so what can I do for you?"
"Hey, Stephen you still there?" I ask
"I'm still here. You still alive?" He asks
"Yep. I'm gonna let you go, I'm okay" I say to him
"Are you sure?"
"Mhmm, I'll text you later," I say before hanging up on him, "Let me buy you a drink. We've got a lot to talk about." I say standing up and holding out my hand to her
"One drink isn't going to cut it," She says taking my hand "Might have to buy the bar," she says making us both chuckle.
Wanda and I have been venting and drinking for an hour or so at this dingy little bar in the middle of town. We both are sitting in a booth in the back of the room effectively away from the other patrons.
"So," I say before throwing back another tequila shot, "So out of grief you kidnapped and brainwashed a random town in New Jersey, Created a fake husband and children, and then traveled through other universes, blindly looking for said fake children?" I ask
"Well," Wanda taking a sip of her bourbon, "I feel like you're oversimplifying it a bit. Westview wasn't a random town, Vis bought us some land there to build us a home and my children are only fake here, they're very much real elsewhere, but... essentially yes you are correct." She says finishing the drink
"Wanda," I say rubbing my head from the sudden rush I'm feeling, "That like really sucks"
"I Know right? "Oh and let's not forget Pietro, my dead twin brother," She says nonchalantly
I burst out in laughter, I couldn't help myself at her candor, "I'm sorry that was so mean" I said trying to control myself.
Surprisingly Wanda joins me, "You are fucked up, you know that?" She says laughing with me
"I know! I know! I'm sorry, it's either you laugh or you cry and I'm tired of crying" I say catching my breath from laughing
"Couldn't have said it better myself" Wanda says collecting herself from laughing with me"So enough about me and my lifetime of trauma, fill me in on what's going on; why do you need my help?"
"Can I just so show you? It will be quicker" I ask holding my hand out to her
"Is it going to hurt?" She asks hesitantly
"No. I mean no one has complained before?" I say smiling and shrugging. She places her hand in mine and I use my memory transference on her filling her in on everything; my ghost mom and her past with the darkhold, the books from Wakanda, how peter found me in the lake, and my lack of memory.
"Wow," Wanda says taking her hand back, "You've got some serious power Millie, your magic is vast." She says rubbing her hand "Unpredictable too... It's very familiar."
"Well that wasn't ominous at all," I say a little creeped out, "Can you help me?"
"Yes, I think so. We'll need an open field and it's probably going to hurt" She says standing up "Come on we should get going"
"Fine," I say standing up and throwing some cash on the bar, "But can we not skip over the whole 'it's going to hurt thing"
"I imagine being struck by lightning doesn't feel good," She says walking out
"Well Fuck" I say following her
The Vibe:
Bishop Briggs - Lessons of the Fire: Official Lyric Video | Devil In Ohio | Netflix
Wanda takes me to this field on the outskirts of town. It was surrounded by overarching trees and we were in the open center. When I look up I see nothing but a full moon and stars. The air was cool and the energy surrounding us was peaceful. Wanda had set up several candles around me in a circle and stepped out leaving me alone in the center
"Explain it to me one more time, " I say a little freaked out
"You need to summon the lightning to strike you"
"Okay but why?" I say a little freaked out
"The connection you and your ancestors have with nature runs deep in your blood. Channeling the weather seems to be something engrained in your DNA, specifically thunderstorms and lightning. A storm woke you up in that lake; you were struck by lightning. I'm hoping that with almost the same conditions, it could do the same for your mind. Make sense?" She finishes
"Yes, it does, I think. I'm sorry but I am scared the last time this happened it left me with a giant scar across my body." I say unconsciously rubbing my scar, "Are you sure you can't do some kind of spell?"
"I can't. Quite frankly I'm afraid too"
"What does that mean?" I scoff
"You possess multiple forms of magic. It shouldn't be possible to have more than 2 or 3. Millie, from what I felt from your hand and what you've shown me in your memories, you seem to possess 4. I'm afraid if I go poking around in your brain that you will unconsciously retaliate and that's the last thing we want to do."
Why is she being so cautious?
"What forms do you think I possess?"
"1 being eldritch magic, which you learned from the sorcerers. Accessible by humans, eldritch magic can be properly controlled by those with highly disciplined minds who have been trained in casting spells. Your ancestor Ayesha was a sorcerer supreme, so it's only natural that you have an affinity for this form. " Wanda pauses, I can tell she's a little hesitant to continue.
"Go on it's okay, I can take it," I say trying to convince her, and myself
"The second being Dark Magic, also known as Witchcraft. An extremely powerful and difficult type of magic used by sorcerers and witches to achieve their goals through morally questionable means.
"Morally questionable means? I would never hurt anyone.." I begin to say
"You wouldn't now, but what about you before your memory loss? Who's to say you weren't a bad guy? In your memories when your mother died you were taken by a coven of witches led by Agatha. Agatha isn't exactly a good witch; she's ancient and she's evil. I wouldn't be surprised that her influence on you wasn't positive, especially considering that she's also possessed the darkhold." Wanda sighs. "She was a pain in my ass, I'll take you to her after this."
She has a point, what if my memory comes back and I still have an allegiance to her? What If I lose my feelings for my current loved ones...
"Anyways" Wanda continues pulling me back from internal panic, "Dark magic can be combined with other types of magic, which leads me into your last 2 forms, darkhold and chaos Magic. When your mother was using the darkhold while pregnant with you, a portion of its power embedded itself in you.  I am almost positive that's why are you able to use magic just by mentally displaying your intent."
"I can understand why I may have dark hold magic but chaos magic feels like a stretch. Due to its very nature, chaos magic is extremely unstable and requires a massive amount of energy and control to master it; I don't feel I'm at that level. I would have noticed by now right?"
"Like me, you were born with latent magical abilities, yours coming from your ancestors. Your generational power bestowment has given you vast immeasurable strength that was the perfect breeding ground for chaos magic. Let me ask you, have you been losing your temper or lost control of your powers lately?"
"Yea I have been losing control of my powers," I say thinking back to the incident in my bedroom and outside of the royal palace in Wakanda, "I also almost killed a man yesterday. Honestly, I think I could have done it if I wasn't stopped."
"Key signs. I knew your power felt familiar, I felt the chaotic energy pulsate through your veins; You're like me. If I fuck anything up messing with your memories you could go crazy destroying everything in sight. Do you get it now?" She says to me very seriously
"I do" I pause lost in my thoughts. After a few more seconds I hear a loud beep come from my pocket. I pull out the source of the noise and realize it was my pager.
It was a new voice message from Namor, I hold it to my ear and listen, "I miss you more Ki'ichpan"
Through messages and he still makes me swoon.
Feeling a little relaxed, I take in a deep breath, "What do I need to do"
Wanda holds out her hand, "Give me your beeper and your cell so they don't get destroyed." Doing as she says I throw my things in my sling bag and hand it to her, "Okay do what you need to do, to feel as connected to the nature surrounding us"
I take off my sneakers and socks linking my feet to the grass, "Okay" I nod to her
"You can already control the basic elements correct?"
"Yes," I say
"What are the conditions needed to cause a storm?" She asks me
"Storms form when warm, moist air rises into the cold air," I respond
"Make that happen," She says plainly
I silently nod my head and close my eyes; my feet are firmly planted on the ground and my hands are open at my side. I begin to box breathe:
In 1,2,3,4
Hold 1,2,3,4
Out 1,2,3,4
Eventually, I feel myself relax, I'm only focused on the surrounding sound of the night; the wind around me was nothing more than a breeze. I was in a total moment of zen and for a while it was quiet. After minutes of silence, the wind around me began to dance and I feel the hair on my arms stand, "It's coming I can feel it" I said as the wind begins to pick up rapidly.
I open my eyes and lift my hand to the sky calling the lighting to me. I see storm clouds forming over us almost fully blocking out the moon, nearly leaving us in total darkness if not for the candles, "Come on" I yell to the storm. For a moment it grew eerily quiet but suddenly flashes of lights began to paint the sky; it was my lightning. Just as I began to smile with pride from the storm I created, a giant bolt of lightning makes it's way down, connecting to my hand and making my whole body seize.
The pain I feel is almost indescribable; not only did my body feel like every inch of me was on fire but my head felt like my brain was boiling inside my skull. For what felt like an eternity, but in reality, it was only a matter of seconds, the pain stopped and I fell to the ground. The only thing I remember before fading away was Wanda rushing to me, "Millie Wake up" she says, "Millie don't g-", was all I hear before slipping away.
The Vibe:
Breathe me -- sia
It's dark and quiet. I can't feel anything. I can't move.
"Mom.." I hear a males voice whisper
Who's voice is that?
I hear the voice speak again, "Mom I-" he coughs not being able to finish his sentence.
I know that voice.
"Momma I can't move" he speaks clearly before coughing and gurgling. That voice is so familiar. It's warm like the sun. The sun...
You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you
Please don't take
My sunshine away
I love the sun. My son. I named him after the Sun God; the creator of the universe. He's my sunshine, my world, the center of my universe. My Amun.
"Amun!" I yell jolting up. When sitting up I instinctively grab my stomach in utter pain. Looking down I see I'm bleeding, I'm assuming a stab wound. Looking around I see I'm back at that same awful place. Kissena Park.
"Mom," Amun says
I hear my son call to me again; I snap my head in his direction and I see my son lying on the ground covered in blood, "No!" I scream crawling to him, "No, no, no"
When I reach him and scan him a little closer I can see he was stabbed like me but it must be somewhere fatal spot because he was coughing up blood, "He stabbed and knocked you out" he says in between coughs, "I tried t-to protect you but I wasn't strong enough, I'm s-sorry Mom"
"Hush now baby," I say panicked and in between tears, "I can heal you," I say holding my hand over his wound.
"You're too w-weak, you'll die," He says
"I don't care. You are my son, my life means nothing without yours. Just breathe baby" I say trying to calm him and myself down
"Momma, who is that? Sh-she looks like you" He says looking past me. I turn around and see no one.
"Amun baby no one is there," I say
"Momma she's so warm. I think- I think I'm going to go with her" Amun says to me
"No baby stay with me. Don't go." I say my voice begins to shake, "Stay with me, I can fix you, Please" I beg
"It's okay momma, I'll be fine." He says before looking behind me and nodding his head.
I turn around and still see nothing, "What am I to do?  How do I breathe without you?"
Amun takes my hand and squeezes it and smiles before taking his last breath. His hand relaxed in mine, and his eyes glossed over. As he took his last breath he took a part of me with him. I pull my son's body to me holding him tightly never wanting to let him go.
"Well that was dramatic" I hear a man say from behind me, "It was a shame he went down so fast, I expected more from him considering his lineage."
I gently put my boy's body down leaving a kiss on his forehead before standing up and turning around. It was the faceless man in the black suit, "Bring him back"
"Like mother, like daughter. What are you willing to trade for his life? Your mother gave me her power. What do you have to barter?"
"Take anything, my power, my life, my soul. I don't care to take it all"
"No" he responds, "Why would I bring him back? I was the one who killed him."
"Y-you attacked us?" I asked. My voice was shaking; I was filled with not only grief and sadness but an overwhelming sense of rage, "Why? We lived in peace, I have atoned for my past. How did you even find us, we were so careful for years."
"Your family has always been on my radar, But you should thank your friend Agatha, she pointed me in your direction." He smiles as my heart drops
Agatha why?...
"I knew one day eventually one of your family's descendants' power would rival mine and I just can't have that. I figure it's time to end the whole bloodline. You should take some pride that it ends with you, you are the strongest and with more time you could have been more powerful." He steps closer placing a hand on my cheek. I look at him where his eyes should be, "It'll be easier if you just surrender Millaenyia"
"All chances of me surrendering left when you Killed my son." I sneer
"So be it," he says disappointed. Before I knew it his hands were hovering at the side of my head, he was draining me of my power and my life, "Don't worry this won't take long" he says softly
I fall to the ground, no longer able to stand up. If I don't act quickly, I will die.
Maybe I should let him.
I ponder on that thought for a while and just as I was about to accept my fate the man speaks up, "Almost done, you'll soon be with your son"
My son. He killed my son.
I snap out of it, realizing I was about to let my son's murderer roam free, I quickly devise a plan.
I'm too weak to kill. But I think I have enough in me to trap him.
I look up and see the man holding his head back as he was draining me, he wasn't paying attention to my hands. I lift my hand out toward the tree behind him; I use what's left of my powers to form an opening in the tree that was big enough to hide a body within it. Once done I call to the roots and branches of the tree, willing them to slowly creep up behind the man and gently wrap around his legs and arms. He was so focused on the feeling of this newly acquired power of his, that he didn't notice he was being detained until it was too late.
"What is this?" He says seeing the branches wrapped around his hand, "What are you do-" the man says before whipping back into the tree. His arms were now behind his back being thoroughly wrapped in roots followed by the rest of his body. The only exposed part of him now was his neck up, "This won't hold me, you child"
I stand up and walk to him, "You will rot in here" I sneer before wrapping my hand around his neck quickly taking back my power and life force. "All you care about is power right?" I ask knowing the answer, "I'll take that too" I say now draining him of his energy and power, leaving just enough to keep him alive so he can rot here for the rest of days.
"Let me-" he struggles to say "Let me ou-" The roots cover the rest of him effectively muffling his words. I step back holding my hand out to the tree and use my powers to close and seal it shut. I place my hand on the tree and close my eyes:
To be Seen or Unseen.
Never in the focus of one's eye
Of nature's age, it does defy
To be Seen, or Unseen
With this spell, this tree will never age. It shall never be directly seen but it will always be here.
Once done with the small runes are now etched around the tree sealing his fate. I walk back to my Amun and look at him one last time.
I need to bury you, my love.
When I go to pick him up I see he had the journal he made of me tucked away in his jacket. Not wanting to leave the journal behind for someone to find and use, I grab it and bind it to my wrist before I pick Amun up. I walk towards the lake and will the water to separate allowing me to walk down to the center of the lake. Once I make it to the spot I place Amun down. I kiss his forward one last time, "My sweet boy" I say before I hold my hand out and use my power to have him sink into the dirt, fully burying him.
I lay beside him now, with the intention of ending my life and resting beside him for eternity. But I couldn't bring myself to do it, something was stopping me like there was someone in my ear telling me no. So, still intending on resting beside my son, I decide that if I'm too cowardly to end it now, I don't deserve to remember him in case I wake up:
Forget me not
Forget me now
Forget the past
Forget the sound
Forget the memories
Forget the love
Forget it all
Forget it now
As I finish the spell, I feel myself begin to fade away and sink to the ground. The water released and is slowly filling the lake back up; I find comfort in my last lingering memory of my son's laughter before I'm completely asleep.
The Vibe:
Labrinth & Zendaya - I'm Tired (From “Euphoria” An HBO Original Series – Lyric Video)
"Millie wake up!" That is all I hear before I feel water being poured on me.
The sudden feel of cold water all over me jolted me awake. I sit up completely dazed; my eyes were fuzzing and my ears wear slightly ringing. Eventually, the ringing faded and my eyes clear up. I look around and see Wanda sitting next to me, looking like she has seen a ghost, "Are you okay?" She asks, "Fuck you are still steaming, does that hurt? I thought the water would help," she says concerned.
"I'm okay," I say plainly.
"Are you?" she says. I look to her with expressionless eyes and nod.
My body feels numb, it's because of the lightning... No, I remember...
"Did it work? Do you remember?" She asks
"I remember everything," I say beginning to cry, "My son..." I say holding my stomach, I feel like I'm going to throw up, "Oh god my son" I say sobbing
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pants-magic-pants · 12 days
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[This post is part of a series about constructing Jareth's entire masquerade ball costume. Visit the master post here.]
The Nightmare of the Lace [Part 2 of 2]
In part two, we will explore the decoration of the lace pieces that would be sewn/stitched on top of the velvet of Jareth's ballroom coat. This moment in costume construction was all about peering deeply into exhibit photos, pondering, designing, and stitching beads for countless hours. It took at least a month or two to finish, but it was definitely all worth it. Read more below!
Creating a design -------------------------
Trying to map out what I was seeing in photos was a bit of a challenge. There's a lot going on. What's under there? Is there a point to adding the beads if you can barely see them? And the answer is: yes. Because in photos, their splendor is not captured. In person, they're beautiful, so if you were thinking of forgoing this step for your own costume, or any costume with what you may call "discreet" beading, I ask you to reconsider. They really add a magical dimension to your work.
ANYHOO, I put photos into a program, and tried to draw what was there, and it didn't seem to be anything more complex than random loops and fishhooks, which got a little more deliberate further down, where it was no longer covered by hot glue. Towards those buttons, they start to interact with and frame them.
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Photo (c) Yosa Addiss
I’m sure you could come up with all sorts of cool designs that work, and you could get more complex, but me, I basically just made, uhhh… florally fishhooks. Hahaha But I did give them some… hm… some joints, so to speak? They’re a bit branchy. 
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The designs were drawn on my original pattern pieces for the lace. I pinned the lace to these, then unpinned where I was working on, so I could work on it, lie it flat, and see which direction I was supposed to be going. An embroidery hoop might've been more ideal, but it wouldn't really work in this situation because I couldn't trace my design on the lace. Maybe thin paper could have gone into something like this, without tearing? But I didn't have one anyway so I just did it the way I did it.
There was less loyalty to my design when it came to the shoulder piece because it was so massive, and a lot of it would be so heavily under beads and jewels, there was no point in making it too specific – there just needed to be something the eye could catch sight of between small windows. 
At a certain point, the designs stop, and I had it marked off where I knew you would not be able to see them anywhere.
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Selecting a bead -----------------------
The most obvious choice for something like this would be a kind of seed bead, which come in different sizes. What I chose was a size 11/0, which are only about 2mm wide. Proportions (how big everything looks within its context) matter as much as "objective accuracy", so even if the original had slightly larger beads for this, which I think it did, I also was making a very tiny coat, and definitely doing other math to decide on what size other decorations should be, so for me 11/0 made sense. If the coat itself were bigger, more firmly in the adult size range, a seed bead size of 10/0 or even 8/0 might've worked better.
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In the original, there's also something a bit course about them. They may be oblong, like tiny pebbles. You can find seed beads like this, but by the time I realized that, it was too late. I did think mine seemed so very clean and consistent, but *raises hands*
Also, it seems as if they're all black, but I wanted to have a bit of fun, so mine were a mixture of 75% black and 25% dark iridescent. Photos make them seem silvery, but in person they appear faintly blue/green.
Stitching the beads ---------------------------
If you are new to stitching (as I was) and would like to do some for your project, any project, I would suggest learning the back stitching technique, as shown here. It was easy to get the hang of, and you can do curves, not just straight lines. I did anywhere from 1 to 4 beads in a row, caught a single thread of the lace, pulled the needle back towards what I had already stitched, and then stuck it through the last bead again before adding more. At extreme curves, only 1 or 2 could be done at a time, but in places where it was a more continuous trajectory with only a slight curve, I could get away with 4. At 5 beads, things looked a little too straight.
Here are a couple pictures on the journey:
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It took a f*&^ng long time to complete this. For things like this, you go into it knowing you'll be chipping away -- you'll spend hours working on something, step back and look at it, and go "oh.. okay... that little part is done. woo---hoo..."
Long-term tedious projects can scare people away, and I understand that, as someone who feels overwhelmed by her thoughts and what she wants to do, often. It was easier to get this part done by pairing it with something else that I could enjoy and that would engage my mind while my hands were busy. So, for a little while, it was my hobby to stitch while listening to Better Call Saul, which I'd seen before, but I'm also a huge Breaking Bad universe fan so revisiting it again and again is a pleasure. I'm sure you could pair your projects with all kinds of stuff: shows, movies, audiobooks, podcasts, youtube channels. I love a good story, but I also love to learn, even just passive learning, having people discussing something interesting in the background while I do whatever it is I'm doing. It becomes a joint hobby (some kind of engaging content + your project) which you can look forward to and appreciate as a ritual.
Moving on, here’s some of the finished pieces before they were added to velvet:
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Some trimming was done afterwards, to make the lace's edges look less blocky, especially around the shoulders.
That concludes the seed bead business. But, if you look in front, despite that the lighting is not our friend, you may see that there are extra designs comprised of larger, more raised beads/cabochons. I edited this photo and upped the contrast:
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Photo (c) Aria Couture
It’s not clear. My take on it was that they were black, shiny cabochons, so that is what I used. Really basic cheap ones. They seem to be placed in synchrony with the seed beads. Some are in wavy streaks. Other, large ones are stand-alone, but never too close to the buttons. I added these with hot glue before the assembly process.
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Attaching to the coat -----------------------------
This part was the true hell of the process, as mentioned in the first post about the lace. The plan originally was just to (very carefully, and with buffer fabric between the sewing machine foot and edge of the bead design) combine velvet and lace pieces, at the seam allowances that had been created for them.
However, there was slight distortion and shrinkage of the pieces because of all the bead stitching, and I did not know ahead of time what to do to avoid any issues this may cause. In retrospect, the lace pieces shouldn't have been exact replicas of the velvet pattern pieces... they should have been a teeny, tiny bit larger in all directions, with generous seam allowances. Because I had no foresight about this, it was difficult to attach the lace to the velvet without falling short, or tugging on the velvet in random places where warping had occurred.
Combine that with the impossibility of keeping these two fabrics still, and you have the reason for these posts' names: the nightmare of the lace. It would not stay still, and there was not enough of it.
My solution for this project was to expand some of the lace pieces by sewing more lace onto the edges (dear god it was so silly), and place a non-slippery fabric in between velvet and lace, baste it, sew it, and then cut away the middle fabric, so that it wouldn't go past the seam allowance, effectively hiding it once it was sewn into the garment. *heavy sighing*
Once all the hell of getting these pieces attached to the velvet was past, what I ended up with when it came time for assembly was a standalone collar and two standalone cuffs (velvet + lace). There was the lace shoulder piece by itself, which went in first (since the shoulder seam is one of the first places you start when assembling a coat), and there were the two lapels, which were stitched to the top of the inner facing velvet. 
You see how much that seam allowance struggled?! -->
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Those pieces were large and strange-looking, and connecting each part of them in the right order just so was key to the whole coat looking good. Because of the slipperiness of the material, I needed to work downward, so first the top of the inner facing pieces were married with the collar and outer fabric. Then I had to baste-stitch the seam with the zipper inside, turning it back right-side out each stitch to check that there were no hiccups and that the zipper was discreet. The right angle between the front and the tails was another tricky spot, because clipping the lace diagonally was the only way to get it folded into that seam. 
AND THEN, ULTIMATELY, I gave up on sewing the lace into the seam! Folded it around and stitched it inside because it was tugging and slipping and all its usual fuckery.
The last thing that needed to be done to the lace was to stitch it down anywhere else where it would need to lie flat. The lapel lace folded inward in a curve parallel to the lining. The back drips needed three easy stitches. The lace is free-falling past the armpits, but around the waist area it was also tucked back and stitched there. 
It seems as if Jareth’s own coat has windows cut out of the lace in front, near the buttons, but for me, I was so sure that it would have disrupted the delicate balance and caused drooping in random places, that I just forwent it. 
And there you have it! This feels like it was too long, but maybe it’s not because it is really so important to talk about this part. There are a million ways to screw it up, that I myself didn’t always escape from. As always, I hope that was, erm, helpful.
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artemiseamoon · 8 months
Preview: Late nights, early mornings
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Javier Peña & Kami (ofc) | Kami x El Mayo
Read in full on A03
Summary: Before flying out to see her lover in the morning, Kami shows up for her night shift to see the familiar face of another man she’s grown affection for over the last month.
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Words: 1,868
Warnings: Pretty mild really. Drinking and smoking. Not the real people of course, and not glorying anything.
October prompts Day 2 “Porque No Los Dos?” Day| Crossover w/a character from each @narcosfandomdiscord (one pairing is platonic)
An: I don’t know enough Spanish yet to write it properly. So you can imagine it’s spoken between the characters. OC (Cameron aka ‘Kami’ ) is in her mid 30s. This is my first Mayo 🫢! season 3 Javi is 😍❤️! We may see them again this month for another prompt
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Kami slipped behind the bar, giving her coworker a little wave as she focused on the man at the far left.
In his favorite seat, just like all the other times. Tie loose, the top two buttons of his shirt undone. That mop of dark hair in her eye line as he started down at his drink, like he was waiting for some kind of answer.
Kami helped another patron, giving out two beers before the man finally looked up.
“Hi.” Javier sat up, pulling his tie off completely. The heavy shadow over his face lifted a little.
“You were too busy using your drink like a magic 8 ball to see me,” she went over to him, “one of those days?”
Javier answered with a slight eyebrow raise and tilt of his head. Kami flashed that warm smile of hers then turned to make him a drink.
Javier watched her, that calming effect she has on him already working.
He finished the drink before him, making room for hers.
“It’s better when you make them.” He said as he picked it up and raised it in the air.
“Such a flirt,” she made herself a shot, then raised the glass to his, “to a better night.”
Javier made a face, like he was sure that wasn’t going to happen. It was a shitty day on top of a shitty week. All he had to look forward to was a hot sleepless night, then do it all again in the morning.
But he chose this.
He could have been on his father's ranch right now. Trying that normal life thing. But he was so damn restless, and he had unfinished business here. Javier still wasn’t sure if coming back was a stupid fucking idea or not.
Read on A03 (yes you will need an account)
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Masterlist for the October prompts
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gremlinvapor · 2 months
“Right place right time” Sukuna x Cinderella
Authors note:
This fic can be read on ao3 under the same title.
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part 1/8
Summary: Due to a whim of fate Sukuna gets swept away to 19th century France. While trying to find a way back he meets Cinderella, a poor girl with a hidden talent.
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Prologue “Lost in time”
Somewhere in 19th century France poor Cinderella met her prince. They fell in love, and promptly got married. Exactly one year later during their anniversary celebration, one of the wicked sisters noticed them riding horseback between the greenery. Intrigued, she followed them. There, she witnessed wonders beyond her imagination. Tree stumps turning into chairs, a four layer cake appearing from thin air, and when the Prince and Cinderella arrived, their clothes changed into ballroom attire. All of this done by an elderly woman with a silvery-white wand. The stepsister, Anastasia, looked on in bewilderment “So that’s how Cinderella managed to go to the ball.” She hoped that if she only managed to get the wand, she could change her miserable year for the better. So she carefully slid between the bushes, hoping for a chance to “borrow” the old woman's wand. And within a few minutes,  just like an answer to a prayer, the wand flew  out of the Fairies hand straight ino Anastasia's reach. Not wasting time she grabbed the object and ran back home as fast as she could. 
Unfortunately for her, the Fairy was hot on her trail. The old woman grabbed Anastasia before she could even reach her home.
-Give me back my wand, silly little goose. You don’t know what you’re messing with.-she scolded her, grabbing the wand.
-No chance! I just need it for a short bit, don’t be selfish!-Anastasia pulled back with great force.
Soon their dispute turned into a scuffle. Neither of them wanted to let it up. All the while Anastasia tried to use the wand's magic to help herself. She pulled the wand to the sky. Holding the Fairy back with one leg she exclaimed “Bibbity-bobidy-boo!”. And soon after the young woman kicked the Fairy away, giving herself a chance to escape. She was unaware of it. But the girl managed to transport them both to Japan, though that would be hard to notice since she was running through a forest like any other. During her escape Anastasia bumped into a tall dark figure. While on the ground she glanced up at the man she just ran into. He adjusted his white robe glaring at Anastasia. His unpleasant expression paired with the unusual facial markings on his face struck fear into her.
 Before any of them could react, the Fairy Godmother had finally caught up to Anastasia. In a second attempt at recovering her wand, she jumped at the girl paying no mind to the pink haired man. They tossed around, when suddenly another spell had been cast. This time they’ve been transported back to the same forest near Anastasia’s home. And with a second wave of the wand the Fairy had been turned into stone. Ecstatic, the girl stuffed the wand into the pocket  of her dress. Though the wand was far too long to fit there propelly. She turned to head back to her home, but immediately froze in her tracks. The man in the robe, still standing in front of her. It appears, as if she had taken him with her back in time by mistake. 
-What the hell was that?-he questioned in a low tone.
Anastasia jumped in panic. She dove right past the man, leaving him no chance to catch her. Fighting old women was one thing, but facing off a man two heads taller than her was another. She ran with great speed, only stopping once she finally reached the safety of her house. Out of breath she stumbled towards the nearest chair. While resting she noticed that the house looked a little different. It was way cleaner than it was when she left. She also noticed a faint melody being played on the piano in the music room. Following it there was also an out of tune whistling on the flute.
-Weird…Mother had stopped practicing songs with us since Cinderella left. Why would she be doing it now?-she questioned in confusion- Oh, and Drizella! Did she leave all the dish cleaning in the kitchen for me to finish again?
Anastasia got up from her seat to go check the kitchen. To her surprise everything was put away, making the place look spotless. Confused, she turned to walk out when she noticed Cinderella. There she was, scrubbing the floor with an old rag. Anastasia couldn't believe her eyes. “What is she doing here?” It didn’t make sense to her. After all, she should be having a grand time with her husband right now. And then. A minute later the stepsister had connected the dots. “It’s the wand’s doing! I moved myself back in time.” She stepped a little closer to Cinderella. “And if she’s still here. Well that means the ball hasn't happened yet.”
-Hey, Cinderella!- she yelled to get her atencion.
Startled, the blonde girl turned to Anastasia.
-Do you want something?-she gazed at her sister sheepishly.
-Well, yeah. You have a calendar around? Do you even know what day it is?
-Um, it’s tuesday. Why are you asking?-the blue eyed girl hesitantly answered.
-No, no. I mean the year. Oh, whatever I’ll check myself.
She stepped in front of the wall where the calendar was hung. Just as she thought, it was 1879. The year in which the prince’s ball happened.
-Are you alright? You’re acting a little… well odd?- asked Cinderella.
-I’m fine.- she answered while reaching into her pocket.
She thought that if she turned Cinderella into a mop right now, she could make sure that all her future problems wouldn't happen. Unfortunately for Anastasia the wand vanished from her pocket. In fact it wasn't anywhere near her. Frustrated, she stormed out of the room leaving Cinderella clueless as to what happened.
Chapter 1 “Bewitchment”
After Anastasia’s quick escape, the pink haired gentleman was left alone to wander the forest. The man's name was Ryomen Sukuna, the king of curses. Thinking that he was simply transported to a different part of the forest that he was in previously, he wandered around looking for his opponent. However he soon realised that this was not the case. Upon returning to the spot where the Fairy was enchanted he decided to follow the tracks of the girl that previously escaped him. At that time he also realised that he had been sent to the past. 
Soon he reached a house. The curse looked around the area trying to spot the culprit that caused his predicament. He could have broken in and killed everyone that wouldn’t give him any answers, but he felt out of sorts today. He did however catch a glimpse of the red haired girl, that he met previously, in the window. Seems she would have gone outside if not for his presence. 
Displeased, he lurked around the backyard of the house. His mind, surprisingly dim. Perhaps he was suffering from motion sickness after being thrown back in time? “Would that even be possible?” he thought to himself while approaching the windows. Focusing on the sounds coming from inside he heard:”Darn it! How did I manage to lose the wand?! Oh, and that guy. If he stays outside the house I won’t be able to look for it at all.” 
-So to get back I’ll probably need that stick she was holding.No wonder, after all it did look like a special grade tool.-he spoke to himself while observing the girl pace around the corridor.- Wonder why I haven't heard of it sooner.
Sukuna shifted his atencion on looking for the  presumably lost wand. Unfortunately however he was unsuccessful in his search. After an hour or two he was approached by Cinderella. She couldn’t allow a stranger to destroy the flowerbeds in front of her house after all. 
-Sir! Can’t you see that this is private property?
-What?-Sukuna questioned annoyed. 
-You can’t just dig around in my bushes. Please leave.
Deciding that maybe she could help him in this wild goose chase he attempted to convince Cinderella to help him.
-I’m terribly sorry but you see, I lost something. 
-And so you’re digging around the bushes in front of my house?-her words filled with skepticism.
-Yes! You know, I was hunting in the area but one of my arows mishot in this direction. I already found the arrowhead, but can’t find the arowshaft. -To increase his believability, he pulled out of his pocket a piece of shiny metal he reshaped with his fingers to resemble a sharp end of an arrow.
-But if you have this, why bother finding the rest? It’s just a stick at this point, no?
-You would be right, but the shaft is made out of silver so I can’t afford to lose it. Please if you were to find it, tell me.-Sukuna pleaded with her- I will be around the area until I find it.
-Well…If it’s so important I can send a few of my friends to help you.-the blonde girl thought out loud while picking up a few mice. Her hand delicately scooping them up from the ground.
-They would gladly help in exchange for some cheese of course. 
Amused by the absurdity of the notion the man let out a faint laugh while adjusting his robe.
-Sure. I’ll make it a whole wheel of cheese.
Cinderella's rosy lips shifted into a smile. 
-Wonderful, but please. Refrain from looking around so close to the house. My stepmother and sisters wouldn’t be so understanding.
-Allright, allright, I’ll get out of your hair.-he said while already heading back towards the forest. 
He stepped just far enough so that her bright blue eyes wouldn’t see him. His gaze fixed onto her. She swirled with grace while she scattered around grain for the chickens. Sukuna waited for her to start speaking with the mice once again. By the way they behaved, he suspected that she was using a cursed technique on the rodents.
-Cinderella, where is that dress I asked you for?!-a voice shreked out of the house.
The blonde beauty hastley ran back in to appease whoever was calling for her. This of course caused the king of curses to move once again closer. This time he made sure to keep himself concealed to avoid future confrontation. “So, Cinderella is it?” He thought while observing her movement from the window. She went in all sorts of directions making her sometimes hard to follow. Small critters like mice and birds helping her all over. If not handing her the needed tools, they were doing the tasks instead of her. Sukuna was a hundred percent sure that she was using jujutsu on them, but seemed to be unaware of it. Sukuna’s red eyes dilated in fascination. “If she were to fully realize her power. Now that would be interesting.” Pleased, he retreated to the forest for real this time. Concluding his search for the wand for now.
======= ================================ =======
I can not describe how funny seeing all the SukunaxCinderella videos on tiktok was, it's a shame that it took me so long to actually post this thing tho.
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marblemoovt · 2 years
Meeting Hiro’s Mom
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: None, just good ol’ fluff
Hiro and you are driving to meet his mom for dinner. He may have a 30% accuracy rate, but he insists that the two of you will get along well.  
“Well, what did the magic 8-ball say?” you ask, stopping the car when you finally find an available parking spot.
“Inconclusive.” Hiro answers and slumps in his seat.
“You are wrong 70% of the time,” you say, glancing over your shoulder as you slowly back into a parking stall.
“I prefer an optimistic outlook and see it as I’m right 30% of the time. But something tells me you’re going to get along with my mom well.” You can hear the smug grin in his tone.
“And what’s that?” you ask, shooting him an inquisitive look since the car has stopped. Hiro hums and drags out the moment. You take the opportunity to check the side mirrors and give yourself a mental pat on the back. The car is well-centred and doesn’t need further adjustments.
“Let’s just call it a gut feeling.”
This was requested by @princeasimdiya12 on Tumblr
And yes, I know the title is very original. My poor brain couldn't come up with something better lol.
I can't say that Hiro was a character I paid much attention to in the first game, but it was interesting to write a story with him! I did end up googling Hiroko when I learned that she appears in the later games (I'm only familiar with one and two). She kinda took over the story and... well... you'll see.
Happy reading! (。・∀・)ノ
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so stressed,” you comment, glancing at Yasuhiro in the passenger seat. He’s fidgeting, which he rarely does. When he continues staring out the window, you turn down the radio. “Maybe you should do a reading if you’re so worried.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m totally chill, a cool cucumber.” Hiro’s tone wavers, and he clears his throat. His knee continues to bounce, and you place a hand down on his thigh. 
“I saw you with that magic 8-ball this morning, the one I gifted you as a joke.” You smile to yourself. He was so excited when he got it that he used it the entire day, which led to a date planned by a magic 8-ball. Now it’s more of a decoration than a fortune-telling tool.
“My crystal ball broke, and there was a guy desperate for a reading. Didn’t have any of my cards with me, so I figured I’d go with the next best thing.” Hiro says with a shrug. His knee has calmed down, but you can feel the occasional jerk beneath your hand.
“Did you foresee this lie working on me?” You chuckle, keeping your eyes on the road. “Cause it didn’t. You’re a terrible liar, baby.” 
Hiro huffs and glances over at you before staring out the window again, “Ok, I might have been checking how this afternoon would go,” he admits. He was so calm meeting your parents. Right now, he looks like he wants to eject himself out of your car on the way to dinner with his mother. 
“Talk to me. Tell me what’s on your mind.” You turn your hand with your palms facing up, and he intertwines his fingers with yours. Traffic is currently non-existent, so you risk a peek at your boyfriend. Hiro washed his hair today, so you know this is important to him. His usual outfit is replaced with a hoodie and a nice pair of cargo pants. Your phone beeps. The navigation app tells you to pull into the parking lot on your right. Unfortunately, you’re not skilled enough to park with one hand. Hiro’s knee resumes bouncing.
“It’s just… the two most important people in my life are meeting, and I’m worried about what might happen,” he confesses. You can’t look at him, but the wobble in his voice fills you with concern. It’s only dinner with his mother. It’s not like the two of you are preparing for war or a dangerous situation. But maybe you overlooked how nerve-wracking this is for him. Hiro never really had much luck in the romantic department from what he’s told you. He likes to joke about how all his misfortune was good luck building up to cross your paths. It’s sweet, but you like to tease him that he’s just terrible at flirting.
“Well, what did the magic 8-ball say?” you ask, stopping the car when you finally find an available parking spot. 
“Inconclusive.” Hiro answers and slumps in his seat.
“You are wrong 70% of the time,” you say, glancing over your shoulder as you slowly back into a parking stall.
“I prefer an optimistic outlook and see it as I’m right 30% of the time. But something tells me you’re going to get along with my mom well.” You can hear the smug grin in his tone.
“And what’s that?” you ask, shooting him an inquisitive look since the car has stopped. Hiro hums and drags out the moment. You take the opportunity to check the side mirrors and give yourself a mental pat on the back. The car is well-centred and doesn’t need further adjustments.
“Let’s just call it a gut feeling.”
You roll your eyes. “Who knows, maybe it’s a ghost whispering in your ear.” You shift the car into park and grin when you hear Hiro fumble with his seatbelt, frantically rambling about ancient gods and deities. Deciding that you’ve watched him struggle enough, you reach over and push down the button to release the seatbelt. He untangles himself and rubs the back of his neck, squinting his eyes at you.
“I know you’re making fun of me because I said a ghost whispered the lottery numbers to me last week.” Hiro does his best to frown, but the amused smile on your face makes it incredibly difficult to remain grumpy. You exit the car and open the backseat doors to grab your bag. Hiro waits for you on the sidewalk, his shoulders are hunched, and any efforts to look small are rendered useless by his larger-than-life hairstyle.
You hum and think back to how he knocked you over last week, waving a slip of paper in front of your face. “Mhmm, and remember how well that turned out?” He did, in fact, guess the correct numbers, but due to some legalities, he ended up losing money rather than gaining. Noticing the frown that seems to have permanently settled on his face, you bump your shoulder into his. “Look, I have a goat in the trunk if you still want to do a reading.”
His face morphs into an expression of pure outrage. “Blasphemy! I am nothing like those blood-sacrificing weirdos. Thank you, but let's just go inside before my feet forget how to work.” He sighs and offers a weak smile. 
“Hey,” you tug on his hand, “it’s going to be ok.” You bring his hand up to your mouth and place a kiss for further reassurance. His body loses some of its tension, but the smile on his face still struggles to reach his eyes. You don’t comment on how heavily he is leaning against you. The two of you enter the diner, and a little bell signals your arrival. Booths line the walls, and your shoes squeak on the tiled floor. The smell of stale coffee fills the air, and you eye the pies in the display cases. It’s fairly quiet for a weekend. The sound of Hiro tapping on his phone breaks the silence.
“Over here, kiddos!” You turn your head in the direction of the voice. A woman with long, pink hair is waving lazily at you two from a booth in the corner. Hiro leads you to—who you assume to be—his mother. At a closer distance, you notice who Hiro gets his eyes from.  His mother grins and puts away the cigarette dangling from her lips. She stands up and pulls Hiro into a crushing hug, and he begs you with his eyes to save him. You smile and shake your head. Hiro mouths the word ‘traitor.’ “Look at you, you clean up nice,” his mother compliments, pulling back from the hug and fussing over his hoodie.
Hiro groans but allows his mother to tug and smooth out his clothes. He turns to you and introduces his mother. “This is my mom, Hiroko. Mom, this is my other favourite person in the world.” Hiro pulls you into his side, and you give an awkward wave.
“Hi?” you greet Hiroko, feeling the warmth creep up your cheeks under her scrutinizing gaze.
“How much is he paying you?” Hiroko asks, looking you up and down. You sputter in shock and laugh when you’re unable to form words.
“MOM!” Hiro’s face is bright red, and his hair seems poofier than usual. You snort at how the sight is reminiscent of a provoked cat. It seems like the lack of patrons today is a good thing.
Hiroko clicks her tongue and leans closer to inspect your face. “You’re right. I doubt you could afford someone this good-looking.” She squishes your cheeks together, and you mumble a confused thanks. Hiroko whips her head towards her son and glares. “How much do you still owe again?”
“I’m starving—look! A menu!” Hiro scrambles into the booth and props up the menu, burying his face into the daily specials. Hiroko has a pleased, almost smug, grin on her face. She pats your cheek affectionately before seating herself on the other side of the table. You rub your face and stare in awe at mother and son. Whatever you were expecting, it wasn’t this. You stumble into the seat beside Hiro in a daze and skim over the menu. When the waitress comes by, you all place your orders. She sets down a glass of water for everyone and heads to the kitchen.
“Tell me, hun. What do you do for a living? Besides babysitting my son.” Hiroko asks, waving a dismissive hand at Hiro when he tries to refute her claim. You chuckle and take a sip of water from your glass.
“I work at the bookstore by the university,” you reply. “I recently got my degree and decided to take a break before pursuing anything.” Hiro’s gaze flickers back and forth between you and his mother. You resist the urge to ask him if he’s watching a tennis match.
“Is that how you met my son?” Hiroko asks, and you nod your head, taking another sip.
“Yeah, he told me he was looking for a philosophy textbook and ended up blurting out how my fish would die the next day.” You look over at Hiro, and he at least has the decency to look sheepish. You remember how confused you were at the time, unsure if it was a strange attempt to flirt.
“Oh yes, my son can be quite the charmer,” Hiroko says. She smirks and wiggles her brows at Hiro. You pat his arm as he prays out loud for Hades to split the floor open and drag him to the underground. “Was he right?” Hiroko props her head against her hand, and the corners of her mouth are already turned up.
You shake your head and laugh at how flustered Hiro is becoming again. “Oh no. I didn’t even have a fish.” Hiroko bursts into laughter, and Hiro buries his face into the table. You rub his back as he lets out a muffled groan.
“You two are ganging up on me; it’s not fair,” Hiro grumbles. Thankfully the waitress returns with the food. No one talks much for the next 15-20 minutes.
Hiroko is the first to finish eating. She wipes her lips with a napkin before picking up the conversation. “Got any hobbies?” she asks you.
Before you can open your mouth, Hiro butts in and answers for you. This would normally annoy you, but something about his frantic energy is entertaining. Half the time, Hiro is feeding his mother false information because he confuses reality with failed predictions or events that have yet to come. You always correct him and shoot Hiroko an apologetic smile, but she only leans back in her seat and shrugs her shoulders with a grin.
Hiro excuses himself to use the bathroom, and Hiroko folds her arms on the table. “Listen.” She leans forward, and her carefree expression hardens. “I know he talks a lot of nonsense, but even I can tell he really likes you. So if he ever fucks up, come to me. I’ll teach him a lesson.”
“Not if I get to him first.” Your comment leaves Hiroko stunned. The grin on your face slips when you think you said something inappropriate.
“Hah!” Hiroko slaps the table and points at you. “I knew I would like you.”
“A prediction?”
Hiroko waves dismissively at the suggestion. “Oh no, all that fortune-telling stuff is strictly Hiro. I don’t have a single clairvoyant bone in my body.”
“Clairvoyant or not, I hope Hiro didn’t confuse you too much.” You wince as you remember how Hiro rambled about how great you are at riding horses but failed to mention how it was in a video game.
“I wouldn’t worry. That was probably the tenth iteration I’ve heard, and there’s always something that changes every time.” Hiroko shrugs, and you’re reassured by her indifferent attitude.
Suddenly, loud crashes and pure chaos echo throughout the diner. You wince and—was that a cat you just heard??
“Hiro,” Hiroko and you sigh in unison. The same weary expression on both your faces.
“I’m ok!” Hiro’s voice projects from the back near the kitchen. Behind a booth, you can see some of his hair sticking out and a thumbs up.
“So, hun. Did he really not hire you?” Hiroko double checks. You giggle and shake your head. Her skeptical features soften. “I’m just saying, you seem really sweet, and Hiro is… well, Hiro.”
“Don’t worry, Mrs. Hagakure. I am definitely dating your son.” You’ve had your fair share of people doubting your relationship with Hiro. Given Hiro’s history with romance, many of his friends thought he was lying when he said he was dating someone. It wasn’t until Hiro invited you to his high-school reunion that people realized you weren’t some sort of ghost.
Hiroko pulls you out of your thoughts when she reaches over and places her hand on top of yours. “Hiroko, please. None of the formal stuff; makes me feel old.”
There was something you were curious about. “How old—” Hiroko cuts you off with a shush and brings a finger to her lips.
“That’s classified information, dear,” she responds, giving you a cheeky wink. You nod and drop the subject.
“Hello, you guys were with that young man who caused that commotion earlier, right?” The waitress from before walks up to you two. Even without psychic powers, you can tell something unfortunate is about to happen.
“What did my idiot son do this time?” Hiroko reaches into her pocket and pulls out a packet of cigarettes.
“He broke a bunch of our cutlery and disappeared when we demanded compensation,” the waitress responds.
You sigh. Yep, that sounds like Hiro, alright. “How much?” You reach for your wallet.
The waitress tells you the amount, and you nearly drop the money in your hand. Hiroko drops the cigarettes onto the table.
“But that’s absurd. He would have had to break every plate in the joint to rack up that much money!” Hiroko nearly jumps out of her seat. The tight smile on the waitress’s face says everything. Hiroko offers to cover half the cost, and you gratefully accept. “When I see that punk, I’m gonna rip him a new one.” Hiroko continues to mutter under her breath, and you’re sure you don’t want to know what she’s saying. 
The two of you exit the diner, and Hiroko lights a cigarette, taking a long drag from it. A trail of smoke blows out of her lips, and she offers the cigarette to you, but you politely decline. She flicks some ash onto the ground and looks at you with a sly smirk. “How about we ditch my son and have a night out, just the two of us?” Hiroko says. You mull over it and nod your head.
“Deal, but only if we get to have some pie.” The pies you saw earlier still lingered in your mind. 
Hiroko nods and drops the cigarette onto the ground, snubbing it with her shoe. “I know a bakery.”
“Wait, I parked….” You gesture to where your car is, only to notice it’s gone. “It was right there.” You dig into your pockets and frown when you discover your keys missing. “Hiro,” you growl. He is so going to get an earful from you when you get home.
“Let’s get some pie. We can go scold him together later.” She loops her arm through yours, steering you to her car. 
Pie night has become a weekly occurrence between you and Hiroko, and Hiro is forbidden from joining. He tries to cover up his disappointment by bragging about how he was right in predicting you would get along well with his mother.
“30% means I’m right eventually,” he says in a sing-song voice. 
“And 70% means that you’re still wrong most of the time,” you respond in the same tone.
“70 is over twice as much as 30,” Hiroko adds.
“I can never win against you two,” Hiro grumbles.
─── ⋆ 。゚☆: *. ☽ .* :☆゚。⋆ ───
End Note:
I'm not going to lie, my brain immediately decided that Hiroko would definitely be cooler than her son 😂
We (and I mean me) love it when there's a strong, independent woman. I already love Mondo, and Hiroko gives me the same vibes so that's probably why.
See you guys at the next fic! ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)
Reblogs are appreciated!
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mildhigh · 8 months
fursona masterpost
all of my sonas + their links n stuff! long post warning under the readmore ^^
Main sonas
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Blade Sharpe × any/all × 29
(base by Nymphbat)
My beloved sparklecat <3
A strange entity who appears in the oddest places offering their goods to sell- knives, swords, anything sharp and pointy you can think of. It doesn't matter how desolate the place you're in is- Blade will be around there somewhere, with some weapons to sell and some food to eat. He can summon these weapons into existence with his magic, and they often have a oil-slick like appearance. If you ask her a question, she will always, eerily know the answer, even if there's no way for her to know what the answer could be. They often speak in riddles, their true intentions or reason for doing what they do unknown.
Blade is quiet and introverted to strangers, a little anxious on the inside. He's mysterious, confident, and charismatic on the outside. He has trust issues, but is very protective of his friends. She tends to ramble when talking about her interests, or things she's passionate about in general. He becomes hyper around bright lights, and enjoys glow sticks very much. She unintentionally ignores or 'blanks out' on people during conversations. They occasionally partake in alcohol & THC consumption. They purr when delighted/happy/etc and when having a good dream. He has visual snow that can make it hard to see sometimes, and also has no sense of smell. She can be hard to motivate sometimes, especially if it involves climbing or swimming.
Their organs turned rainbow due to a spell gone wrong. It didn't seem to do much harm, but it changed the color of his innards, and made his aura when using telekinesis rainbow as well.
She's not missing an eye; they have an 8-ball fracture from before their blood & guts turned rainbow. Before this, his eye looked normal, but with a green pupil and black iris. The green parts of her eyes always glow, thus it is visible.
Zap • any/all • adult
(probably will age with me)
Zap the robot polar bear, originally built as a search and rescue bot with polar bear DNA for people trapped in extremely cold and dangerous conditions like avalanches, but he's usually... Not doing that, and often getting chided by his coworker and fellow robot, Kingsley, for slacking off. They're kind of aloof, have a terrible potty mouth, and will definitely eat all of your batteries. Despite not really needing to, Zap enjoys taking long naps, much to the chagrin of Kingsley. They can get angry over small things, but they usually get over it fast, their short fuse not being very hot. She can be abrasive with her language, which can sometimes turn people away, and give off the wrong impression; she's really not an angry personality, she's just generally excited about everything, and able to make any topic more grand than it actually is. Despite this, he's very dependable, and willing to help anyone with anything they need, if he can be useful. She's a caring ursine who will always listen and be there for his peers, as well as give advice, if possible.
Zap has a green power button symbol on her back, the same color as the lightning bolt on her face. Their teeth are all sharp and shark-like, with slightly larger fangs. The red screen on her right (our left) eye is damaged, but can occasionally flicker words or change colors. He cannot completely close or open that eye; it remains in a relaxed position due to the damage. They like to claim it got that way from a rescue mission, but the truth is it that they damaged it falling.
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Remedy • she/he • 34
(base by Neffertity)
A kind nurse lion who just wants to do her best at treating patients, and is usually the most positive, bright person in any given room. He likes gardening, baking learning about things like medicine and biology, reading fantasy books, and more. Despite being a nurse, she can get anxious around immense amounts of blood and injury, but still feels it's her calling to help heal people. In general, though, he's a bubbly and generous soul who enjoys lifting others up, giving them things, and seeing them smile. She always texts her friends good morning every day to see how they are, and reminds them to take their medicine and brush their teeth. All in all, he's a sweetheart, but can wear his heart on his sleeve and get hurt because of that sometimes.
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Strychnine × he/they × 24
(base by vashkareeth)
A grumpy opossum myconid with a foul mouth and a tendency to get defensive quickly, who's kind heart is overshadowed by his own abrasiveness, Strychnine is truthfully a caring person deep down. Misunderstanding both their own emotions, and the emotions of others, can lead to them thinking their peers are upset, even if there's no real evidence of that. While Nine may outwardly seem like he has a general disdain for everyone, on the inside, he has a great appreciation for those around him, and feels guilty whenever his emotions get in the way of his compassion.
Nine likes to spray paint, and does so often- usually without asking permission first. They wear a mask and a plain-ish outfit whenver they do so, but otherwise, their fashion style is usually rather on the emo/mall goth side.
Secondary sonas
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Mischief • any/all • infinite
(base by lezibase)
One of my first fursonas and my first sonic oc, a shape shifting infinite black goo entity that likes to take the shape of a partially bald domestic cat, for some reason. (Bio needs reworking)
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Confetti × any/all × 22
(base by gruffgutz)
My actual first fursona, a cake themed polar bear. Not really sure why I stopped using them, but I do personally like Zap better as my main sona. Might make them related somehow, not sure.
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Binx • they/them • adult
(base by mossymeteor)
(Ignore the ref's pronouns lol, will update to they/them later.)
Goth trickster demon chimpanzee who likes to play pranks on their friends. They like explosives, fire, and generally being chaotic.
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Cirrus Leah Schweet × he/cloud × 22
Sparklecare oc, a nurse who tries to help the patients to the best of his abilities, despite the toll it can have on his own health to see what Cuddles is putting them through. He's a gentle and sweet guy who wants to make others as happy as possible, but has difficulties with it due to social anxiety and mild anger issues cloud tries his best to keep under wraps. he always feels bad after hurting someone's feelings, even if cloud thinks it was justified at the time.
he got a job at the hospital after being told it was a nice place to work, only wanting to be an intern or be at the front desk, as he was going to school for pharmacology. cloud dropped out and now works at the hospital full-time, worried about the safety of the patients there.
(I forgor to add my watermark to the next two apparently, so we get the toyhouse watermark bc I don't wanna edit the refs right now)
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Dune • he/him • infinite
(base by nekocola)
A guardian of the desert, a kind yet quiet entity who guides those lost in the sands out to safety, then disappears until the next traveler is lost. Whenever he appears, there's always a large banquet, with him sitting at the furthest side away from where they stand. He's been doing this for thousands of years, and historians wonder just how long he's existed.
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Gummi • she/they • adult
(base by pinktabico)
An ex-pirate shark who's currently laying low as a marine biologist, but is always wanting to go back out to sea for more adventures.
(will likely make her older to fit her backstory more, bc she clearly deserves to be a pirate MILF)
Welp, that's all the pictures Tumblr will let me add. :P just thought it would be good to have them all in one post rather than multiple toyhouse profiles. If you made it this far, take care!!
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thelasttime · 1 year
maybe he got dropped ??? no one knows - we have no clue, i cannot answer this question 💀 give me more time
All of us like oh Madie the all knower do you have an answer for us sknskssn
i need to buy a magic-8 ball and shaking it so i can start answering some of y'all's questions that have no answers
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sage-writing18 · 2 years
kai parker- x male reader
warning ⚠️: including oral male sex receiving and giving, anal sex, erection
**BACKROUND: in this universe kai is not a serial killer but a witch and your collage roommate and you are also a witch**
you walk into your door room to see kai sleeping on his bed.
kai wake up you say as you shake him. KAI.
what. his responds. what tf was that last night. you say wydm he says.
you locked me out and not only thst put a barrier spell on the door. you say
i know i know i’m sorry y/n he says
i had to sleep on a community coach and had to cast a invisibly spell on myself so no one would bother me. you say
oh shit really
you nod your head yes
oh i’m so sorry. i just figured you stay at bons and cares. i just needed the room i haven’t gotten any yk in a while and wanted both bed. kai says
it’s okay ig i hope it was wroth it and where did u even get the magic to cast a spell you ask
well i might of maybe siphoned you at lunch…
ik ik im so sorry he responds
and to answer your other no it was not worth she just talked about her ex the whole time “he was a jerk” “ he hated all my friends” blah blah blah. kai said
oh… well i’m sorry u didn’t get any you say you say
yeah u and me both kai responds
well do u want to play some xbox
sure. he says with delight
*30 minutes go buy and the game is over*
you look over and see kai adjusting his dick
woah are u hard rn…
yes he said
um..you say baffled
i’m sorry it’s just im so horny kai says
it’s okay!!! it’s happens. jsut go in the car or something and take care of it you offer
see i would but it’s storming out and there he says
shit your right. okay this one time you can do it in here . i’ll put in my headphones and u can go to town you say.omg thank you so much
you out in your earbuds and causally look over. you see him mouth something
what was that you say as you take out your earbud
i said like what your see he says giggling
um you say nervously
i’m just busting your balls y/n. come here i’m not shy
this is my pride and joy i call him little k
all 8 inches
8 INCHES you say surprised
yes, kai says
you look over that his computer to see he’s watching porn and start to get hard
looks like u need to jerk off too come on whip it out. kai says
well if u insist
you whip it out and start to jerk off
*a few minutes later*
you see he’s getting kinda bored
in a bold move a start jerking him off him responds in a positive way he start to moan
thank you. i really needed this
u bend down to put it in your mouth
wow!!! i’ll let you do this but this doesn’t mean i’m gay or anything
it’s okay just let me
u can do anything u want
he start to lick his huge cock
he lets out a small moan, fuck he says
with lick y/n goes down deeper every time
he starts to control your head
making you go down deeper to stop having a hard time to breath. your so good kai reply’s
do you think we can do some stuff with the ass. kai asked shyly
ofc don’t worry i’m clean :). you say
you pull down your jean and pull down your dark blue Calvin Klein underwear.
put bend down into the doggie style you feel a warm chill on your hole it’s kai mouth
you began going faster and eating the fuck out your ass yo u began moan very loud.
don’t stop fuck dont stop you say
kai takes his mouth away and lines his dick up with your hole.
your hoping he’s goes gentle. but you are wrong
he slams his cock into you he fuck you so hard
you so close to cub you come all his sheets
he continues to fuck you so hard.
i’m about to cum he says
cum in me pls daddy you reply he cums his load into you. you both lay next to each other with his arm around yours thank you, i really needed that. kia says. no problem anytime you say. you both fall asleep in each other arms
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bodyswapmischief · 3 years
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Andrew sat on the couch looking at his phone. He browsed through his feed, when suddenly he felt his dick become erect. Which wasn't strange for your average 23 year old man.
Andrew looked up and saw his friend Andy on the otherside of the room. So, he just ignored his boner. He couldn't just whip out and jack off infront of his friend. Besides, ignoring his hard 2 inch boner wasn't a hard thing to do.
Moments passed and the pain began to get harder to ignore. Without looking, he tried to get into a comfortable position. That's when he felt something warm and long press against his leg.
It caught him off guard and he jump a bit. The swift movement caused his pants to tightly squeeze his dick and he moaned in pain.
Finally, Andrew looked down and saw what was going on. His heart raced, as he pushed a snake like bulge in his pants going down his leg. With each poke, he moan out in pleasure. Finally, it was confirmed in his mind; his dick had become a thick 8 inch monster.
Instinctively, he placed a pillow over his new giant buldge. He looked over at his friend who seemed oblivious. Without making a scene, he tried ot get up. But, the pant fabric painfully squeezed his dick and balls. He yelp in pain and, quickly, sat back down.
Andy started walking towards Andrew. A smile was on his face. "So, it's finally kicking in." Andy said as he looked at Andrew's crotch. Andy started unzipping his pants.
"What the fuck are you doing!?" Andrew shouted. But before he could look away, he saw a familiar sight hanging from his friends body. There was no mistake. Andrew's small dick was now attached to his friends body. "You might as well take off your pants. It not like I haven't seen my own dick before." Andy said.
Then it hit Andrew. The bulge in his pants was similar to the few times he caught Andy with a boner. He sighed to get over the awkwardness and whipped it out. Revealing a dick he only saw the outlines of, through shorts. As it stood erect, he was happy to be free from the pain created from his tight pants.
"What the fuck is going on" Andrew said puzzled.
"I'm giving you my dick for the day. After you told me you haven't had sex because you're embarrassed of your dick size, I knew I had to help out my bro." Andy answered.
"What! This is fucking crazy. You probably should just undo whatever you did..." Andrew begin to worry.
"Dude, relax! Come on. I've been pretending to be you on multiple dating apps and I set up a day of sex for you. Who knows, if this goes well maybe I'll let you borrow my dick again.
"I don't know. This all seems to weird." Andrew said, still questioning everything.
"Stopping doing that! Stop and just enjoy it. Most guys would be thrilled to magically have an 8 in cock placed between their legs. Come on, this will give you the confidence boost I know you need."
"Yeah, I know your right. I'm actually kind of grateful and surprised you care this much... But, I haven't had sex. I don't know how to use this." Andrew said grabbing his new junk.
"Then fuck me bro. You know I've had a crush on you. Now, I can live my fantasy of you fucking me. Think of it as a payment for letting you borrow my dick," Andy saw the hesitation in Andrew's face. "Look, I know your straight. But don't think of it like that. Your using my own dick to fuck me. There's nothing gay about that right!? Besides it'll give you the practice you need for all the sex you'll have today."
Andy bent over to reveal his tight asshole. Andrew's new 8 inch dick got hard. Everything about this situation scream wrong. But, he knew he couldn't let an opportunity like this pass. He wanted to finally expirence sex. He'll just think of banging his buddy as a learning opportunity so, he be able to please all those ladies booked up.
Andrew drew in a deep breath and let his instincts take over. He walked over to Andy. "Can I put it in?" He asked.
"Dude look at me I'm ready to receive. You don't have to ask." Andy said annoyed .
Andrew slowly put his dick in his friends ass. They both gasp in pleasure. Finally all 8 inches squeeze into Andy's ass. "Okay, I'm in. Are you okay does it feel good." Andrew ask.
"Fuck yeah dude. Now pull it out a bit and stick it back in. And that's basically fucking." Andy responded. Slowly Andrew pulled out and and even slower he pushed it back in.
"Hold on dude." Andy sighs. "What! Is something wrong. Am I hurting you." Andrew ask. "No bro, your going so slowly. Pick up the speed."
Andrew start going a bit faster, in and out. Andy started moaning in pleasure. "There you go. Uh... uh... fuck ...yes keep going."
Andrew loved the feeling as his dick sled against the walls of his friends asshole. He started feeling this new power deep in his body grow. He felt more confident with each thrust. And; with that increase in confidence, he was becoming more aggressive. "Fuck yeah, take it bitch." He yelled out as he picked up speed, going faster and faster. He began letting out loud raoring moans.
"Ugh.. uh ...uh... uh slow ....uh down." Andy moaned out. "No bitch, you're fucking taking it." Andrew shouted back. They both scream out in an orgasmic climax as Andrew's dick released a full load of cum into Andy's ass.
Andrew quickly whipped out his dick from Andy's ass, causing Andy to yell out. As soon as all 8 inches were out, Andrew tossed Andy to the side like a used toy. Andrew began staring at himself in the mirror. Flexing and playing with the monster of a dick between his legs.
Andy was left on the bed catching his breath. He looked at Andrew, checking himself out. He was happy to see Andrew enjoying himself. But with each passing second, he felt more insecure of having his naked body exposed on the bed. He look at Andrew and was intimidated by there new cock size differences. He quickly began covering himself up.
At this point Andy knew something was wrong with the spell. He want to recommend swapping their cock sizes back to normal but he was worried how Andrew would respond. He didn't want to make his friend angry.
Before, Andy could stir up the last shreds of confidence left in his body. Andrew started getting dressed. "Thanks bro, I'm gonna fuck the shit out of these bitches. Oh and I don't know how you did this but yeah, I think we both agree that this should be permanent now, don't we."
Andy could clearly feel that both of their personalities were changing. He looked at the new strength Andrew's already strong body had seemed to gain. He seemed more manly and more attractive. Andy was beyond intimidated. In fact his small 2 iches was starting to get hard again.
Andrew stood aggressively staring at Andy, waiting for a response. His python hanging out in the open. Andy was starting to feel afraid of what Andrew would do if he said no. So, Andrew just nodded his head in agreement.
"Good, I liked that answer." Andrew responded. "I think you just earned a round two, after I come back from fucking all these sluts you lined up for me. It feel like this dick still wants to be a part of you . But, it doesn't seem to mind that the only way that going happen now is by being shoved in your ass."
As Andrew left, Andy tried to fight these new feelings that were flooding his mind. He ran to his room to see where the spell went wrong. And, his heart sank as he realized he failed to read the full spell.
Note: If the two affected by the spell commit intercourse their personalities will change depending on the roles they played in said intercorse. Also, as long as the spell last they will be bonded by sexual interest with each other.
Andy realized what he did. By helping Andrew and guiding him what to do. Andy turned Andrew into a dominant, aggressive, sexual beast. He on the other hand had become submissive and caring to Andrew's every need.
Even now with the spell infront of him, he couldn't get himself to recite the reversal spell. It would go against the helpful, submissive, caring attitude towards Andrew that he now felt and acted out during sex with him.
In fact having this spell around was just a threat to Andrew's new happiness. So, Andy tore it up and flushed it down the toilet. The last piece of who he used to be screamed out in horror.
He looked around the apartment. He knew it would be to messy for his Andrew. He need to make sure his Andrew was happy and pleased when he got back home. And, after all that sex he was gonna do, his Andrew was going need some nourishment when he got back home.
As Andy cooked and clean, he could only smile thinking about how happy he was going to make his Andrew. Being a cum dump for him wouldn't be so bad. Yeah, it sucked, that he had to share his Andrew with a constant parade of sluts. But, what would one expect being in a relationship with a man as attractive and manly as his Andrew. And, at the end of they day, Andy knew his man would always come home. After all, his Andrew couldn't resist his nice ass. It was a weird relationship but, it worked for them.
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
The Doctor Is Out
Stephen Strange x reader
a/n: wrote this a while ago and its been sitting in my drafts. part 1/2
In (2)
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Without opening your eyes, you stretched your stiffened body against the silk sheets and rolled over to face your husband.
“Good morning, dear.” You whispered through a yawn, which led into a smile. Stephen was already awake and reading one of the many books he kept at his bedside.
“And good morning to you, too.” He leaned over and gave you a kiss on the temple, letting your eyes flutter open. “Did you sleep well?”
“I’d say so.” You reluctantly sat up on your side of the bed, pushing the covers away. “Any plans for today?”
“Not in particular.” Stephen decided to get out of bed with you and get ready for the day, although he was in a gray jacket and blue jeans in the blink of an eye. “We don’t have very much to eat, I might go run out for lunch.”
“Lunch?” You asked as you pulled on a pair of pants.
“Yes, well, you seem to have gotten a late start on the day.” Your husband explained. “I didn’t want to wake you, you looked so content with your dreams.” You took Stephen’s wrist to take a look at the time.
“It’s half past eleven?” You stared in shock at your husband’s watch. “You just waited for me?” He shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal, but Stephen rarely ever let himself lag behind, it was truly sweet of him to keep you company while you drifted through the peace of your head, thoughts you’d already forgotten. “It seems the odds were in our favor when our paths first crossed, huh?”
“Don’t make a big deal out of it, my dear.” Stephen’s barely shaking hands cupped your face and right before he leaned in for a refreshing kiss to the lips, he whispered, “I’m not as great a man as you make me out to be.”
You hummed into the kiss he gave you and pulled back just a tad. “Oh, you’re right. You’re just the worst.” Sarcasm failed to escape you in moments like these, it was more entertaining than anything else in the eyes of your husband. “Now, I’m starving. Want to go to the deli around the block?”
“That’ll work. We should ask Wong if he’s hungry, too.”
“You don’t have any money?” Stephen asked as the three of you walked through the Sanctum in a fixed line.
“Attachment to the material is detachment from the spiritual.” Wong’s wise words rung in your mind as you tried to figure out what he did before the two of you had moved in with him.
“I’ll tell the guys at the deli.” Stephen snarked. “Maybe they’ll make you a metaphysical ham on rye.”
“It’s fine, we’ll pay for your lunch.” You interjected after hearing enough of that. Somehow, the trip down the stairs was unsuccessful since your steps from only a few seconds ago were nothing but rubble. You fell to the floor as Stephen and Wong took defensive positions.
“Thanos is coming.” An unfamiliar voice spoke as you lay on the cold floor. Were you able to get up on your own? Probably, but that fall would definitely leave a mark. After a moment’s time of your lonely visit with the floor, your partner rushed over to you.
“Y/N? Are you alright?” He crouched beside you and helped you back up, lightly brushing your cheek as he checked for any injuries.
“I think I’m okay.” You nodded. “Hit my head on the way down.” Peering over his shoulder while he checked your head for any bumps, you saw Dr. Bruce Banner crawl from the rubble. “Do I have a concussion or was it a gamma scientist that just crashed into the Sanctum?”
“Hi, I’m Doctor—” He waved just before you cut him off.
“I know who you are, Doctor Banner.” You replied with a smirk. “I’m Dr. L/N-Strange, specializing in neuroscience, but formerly gamma research.” Stephen smiled himself when he heard you say your name and just a little more when you described your profession. Maybe he was just proud to be near someone so accomplished.
“I don’t think you have a concussion.” A kiss on your forehead was the best medicine he could give, but you knew that it also meant he needed to get to work.
“‘Formerly gamma?’ Why’s that?” Bruce asked, somehow ignoring the big picture here. I mean, you were just happy to get some visitors, I suppose. You’d answer anything.
“For a while, they went hand-in-hand for me. You’d be surprised at what could be accomplished when you put them together...” You explained, Stephen patiently listening beside you.
“But?” Bruce pried a little more.
“But then I heard about your little ‘accident,’ decided to take a break just in case. Refocus my research.” You felt your partner’s hand rest on your shoulder and slide down your arm as you watched Dr. Banner’s guilty expression surface. It wasn’t your intention to offend, you were just obliging to his curiosity.
“As much as I love hearing you talk about your career, darling,” Stephen finally stepped in, “I think we need to talk about the threat to our planet?”
“I was wondering when you’d stop me.” You chuckled. “That’s alright, I’ll just go pick up lunch for you three. Dr. Banner, do you like sandwiches?”
“I...yes? I guess so. Turkey and swiss is...I haven’t had that in a while.” He stammered, leaving you to peer over at your husband and have him give you a near-identical look. Sometimes, the two of you just thought that same exact things, no words needed.
“Will you two stop doing that weird thing where you stare at each other in silence? We have work to do!” Wong interrupted and you decided it was about time to head out.
“Love you, Stephen.” You said with an amused shake of your head, giving him a quick peck in the lips.
“Love you, too. Don’t be too long if you can help it, Dr. Banner seems to have a pretty good idea of dangers to come.” He told you as his cloak gave you a quick pat on the arm. You didn’t know whether to say goodbye to his outerwear, as well.
“I’ll see what I can do.” You winked and pat the red cloak back, heading for the door that your bag was hung beside. Now was the time for a walk to clear your mind, no “Thanos” or whatever the hell that was. Just the music to your ears that was Bleeker Street traffic and insufferable pedestrians. You just kept your eyes front and went on walking, you’d walk straight through crowds if you had to.
A few block’s worth of steps and you’d reached the deli that was so dear to your husband, now it was time to wait in line, a pretty long one, nonetheless. Maybe it was time to shoot Stephen a text.
Just made it to the deli ;) Anything I should be worried about out here?
Tony Stark is here. Outlook not so good.
Did you just magic 8-ball me?
“Dude, are you texting right now?” Tony asked in disbelief of the wizard looking down at his phone. It wasn’t very typical of him to check it in times like these, but you had a specific ringtone. Once he hears that ringtone, he replies. No matter what.
“I always answer my s/o.” He cleared his throat and stashed his phone away.
“At least we have something in common.”
The line at the deli took so long that you got caught in the crossfire of an alien attack. Was it unbelievably amazing? Of course. Was it one of the most terrifying days of your life? You bet.
You could no longer get ahold of your husband and you soon knew why when he flew overhead in an attempt of offense. You’re guessing that these people were looking for the Time Stone.
Desperately hoping for one of your wizard “pals” to come and save you, maybe have you fall through a portal and back into Sanctum, you just hid in an alley. This may be one of the lows in your life, but you’d see worse days soon enough.
And the invasion was over just like that. You, like many other New Yorkers, stepped from the crevices of the streets to witness the damage firsthand.
“Uh, Dr. L/N!” That same voice from earlier spoke, causing you to swivel your head and see Bruce waving you down. Since he was the first person you recognized out here, it’d be best for you to head his way. It was a maze of cars, bricks, and broken glass before you’d made it over to him.
“Where’s Stephen? Or Wong? Tony Stark?” You bombarded him as if he weren’t stressed enough, but scientists always wanted answers. He knew that from experience.
“The aliens have your husband.” A line you never thought you’d have to hear. This better be a sick dream. “Wong said he was going back to the ‘Sanctum’ to protect it, and Tony is also with the aliens.”
“At least my husband has backup.” You sighed with a slight hint of relief, but your stomach was still turning just thinking about what they might do to Stephen. If they wanted that Stone, they’d do whatever they could to get it. Stephen was as smart as he was stubborn, it’d take a lot to get him to hand it over.
“Are you going back home?” He asked as he snagged a phone from the rubble.
“I figure you have a plan, I’m coming with you.” You watched him freeze for a moment with a name on the phone highlighted. “Trying to reassemble the Avengers, huh?”
“Are you sure you want to do this? I mean, it’s going to be dangerous.” Way to state the obvious. You didn’t know if you could handle it, but...
“I have to get my husband back, I can’t just wait around.” You wouldn’t back down, but it was a little comforting to have someone backing him up. “Don’t worry, I’ll try to put myself to good use.”
It has been...twenty days since the disappearance of several Earth-based heroes. Among them was Spider-Man, Tony Stark, and your husband. But today was the day you’d know the truth.
Half the population had vanished into thin air. It was hard to tell if anyone had survived the trip to space. You’d been staring out the window all day, just trying to spot the cosmic wonder that was “Captain Marvel.” If anyone could find them, it was her.
Just as you were about to nod off, a bright glare intruded in the sky.
“Guy? Guys! She’s back!” Everyone had been on edge today, so they were ready to dash outside. Your heart was beating out of your chest, this was the moment of truth.
Carol landed a beat-up spaceship onto the open field and out stumbled Tony Stark and what looked to be an alien. You stared at the ship’s door, waiting for one more person. Just one more.
Everyone was staring at you now, waiting for you to realize that your husband wasn’t in there. Once Tony caught sight of you, he pieced together who you were.
“You must be the wizard’s s/o?” He leaned against his fiancée and Captain America, struggling to look you in the eye. “He wanted me to give you a message. Uh...sorry, I’m going blank, rough ride.” He rubbed his forehead as you stood there in tears. “‘This will make sense later.’ Oh, and he loves you.”
“I...” Everyone was still looking at you with pity in their eyes. Yes, they all lost people, but you were still clinging onto hope. All of your optimism had been destroyed in these past few moments, you didn’t even know how you were supposed to take this. “I need a minute. I’m sorry.” You stormed off into the guest bedroom of Avengers HQ, leaving everyone around you worried. You didn’t know them long, but it was easy to bond through a trauma like this.
“Y/N?” Bruce knocked on the door. “Got a minute?”
“Sure.” You reluctantly answered and Bruce let himself in.
“I brought you carrots.” He offered the bowl. “It was all we had in the fridge, sorry.”
“We have to find Thanos.” You grumbled though tears. “I won’t give up until we fix what he did.” Bruce stayed silent out of fear, he knew what could happen to someone in mourning. People can get...crazy.
“We’ll do the best we can. We’re working on it.” Bruce explained as he set the food down on your end table.
“Take me with you. I have to be there this time.” You were in no way qualified to face an intergalactic being capable of that much destruction.
“Y/N, I don’t know if that’s such a good idea.” He shyly countered you, using this calm tone was an exercise he learned during “anger management,” maybe it could help.
“I wasn’t asking.”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartliz07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @lokihiddles // @frostedficrecs // @lotsoffandomrecs // @johnmurphyisqueer // @teenwaywardasgardian // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @thisetaernallove // @ofthedewthesunlight // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @spideyandtheboys // @ghost-bich // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @groovyfluxie // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @blizzardbabe // @agentshortstacc // @rosadiaz-sarayvargas-harleyquinn //
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