#nct 2018 fanfic au
morkmywords · 6 years
No Regrets | Runaways au | Nct | Lucas
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Length: 3.9k
Note: I’m sorry I got kind of carried away
Warnings: None really
Pairing: Yukhei x Reader
Genre: Fluff/Angst/Adventure
Summary: If you had never met him you would never have known what love or freedom felt like.
There was a loud crash as the glass window shattered into thousands of little pieces at your feet, you stayed there in shock for a few seconds before scrambling over the edge. Your boots crunched on the glass that covered the pavement as you broke into a sprint down the street doing your best to avoid streetlights and cameras. You had been planning your escape from the marbled hallways of your own personal hell, taking careful note of where security cameras and the exact timing of patrols for months and you had finally done it. Life on the run was far better than any sort of life you had prior, the pristine, polished hallways of your fathers mansion that you grew up in may seem pretty on the outside but were filled with horrors. You were born into the life of a high ranking government official, after the second Great War and the new government came into power your father managed to grab the position of general. He was in charge of all the military power in the entire country but even though you grew up swimming in money your life was far from perfect. Once you had turned five things started changing, your father’s military nature took over after your mother passed away and he began lashing out with force, maids and butlers walked with limps and were covered with bandages even his own child wasn't spared from his flying fists whenever he was mildly displeased. After nineteen years you had had enough and decided to leave.
Your legs and lungs burned as your feet pounded against the street, you could hear the sirens of military vehicles in the distance who were most likely sent after you by your father. You ignored the pain and pushed yourself to move faster as a rush of adrenaline shot through you and you turned around the corner and managed to scale the fence that surrounded the neighbourhood. Your father’s mansion was in the neighbourhood where all the government officials and high class families lived surrounded by an iron fence to keep the people who were below them out. Separating the cities into districts was one of the many rules and guidelines the government had put into place after the came to power, you were currently running through the slums surrounding the factories where the highest percentage of people lived in cramped townhouses and apartment buildings which made it incredibly easy to hide with all the alleys running every which way. The highest percentage of people in the country were poor and got stuck working in factories making weapons and products for the highest classes, the streets were dirty and filled with waste while the factories pumped out steam from the smokestacks at all hours of the day.
You could hear the sirens getting closer as you continued to run not knowing where you were or where you were going until an arms shot out and pulled you into a dark crack between buildings which was barely big enough to stand in. You were about to scream before a hand pressed over your mouth and you were pulled against aches and back behind a stack of boxes just before a light swept through the alley. Both you and the person at your back didn't let out a breath until the light disappeared and the boot steps carried on with the sirens.
“So you're the reason the streets have been crawling with soldiers for the past hour.” The person who pulled you into the alley who you now knew was a man said after letting you go.
You turned around and squinted through the darkness to see his silhouette standing in front of you with his arms crossed over his chest. “I’m sorry but I had no other choice.” You told him.
“I know that why I grabbed you.” He said matter of factly. “Nobody is a runaway unless they have no other choice.”
You stared back at him utterly shocked at what he was saying, you expected the streets of the slums to be filled with hardened thugs and criminals but this man standing in front of you seemed almost compassionate. “Oh, thank you.” You whispered, you obviously had no idea what runaways were like.
“So where are you headed?” He asked before leaning against the brick wall to his left.
“I'm going to catch the cargo train tomorrow morning and head to the outer city.” For some reason you trusted this man, after all he saved you. So you decided to share your plane with him.
He pushed himself off the wall. “You’re heading to the lost city then.”
“How did you know?” You were shocked that he somehow knew your plans already.
“Relax,” he chuckled. “That's where I’m going too.”
Your shoulders fell as you let out a sigh of relief. “Shall we go together then?” You completely expected him to decline but you were shocked as he reached out his hand to shake.
“Sure.” He said plainly as you took his hand to shake. “I’m Yukhei.”
“I'm Y/n.”
“Wait, Y/n like the general’s daughter?” He exclaimed as his voice echoed off the cobblestones.
You sighed and nodded, knowing now that he would most definitely refuse your previously made deal but you were surprised once again as he reached out a grabbed your hand.
“Well Y/n, I’m assuming you don't have s place to stay so shall we spend the night at mine?” He said cheekily.
A blush rose to your cheeks which made him chuckle before taking off and signalling for you to follow him.
You managed to keep up with him through all the twists and turns of the streets until you were breathing heavy as you climbed up a fire escape and into a tiny cramped apartment through the window.
“Welcome to my humble abode.” Yukhei teased before taking of his jacket and throwing it onto a torn up sofa in the corner. “Don’t worry about anybody finding us,” he said sensing your tension, “This place was abandoned a long time ago after the family all died from the plague that swept through this district a few years ago and the other other residents won’t tell.”
“Are you sure this is safe?” You muttered before stepping over a rotting plank in the floor.
“This is how things are in the slums princess. Things aren't like the picture perfect neighbourhood that you grew up in, this is how most people live.” He warned.
You cringed at the mention of your childhood but muttered a quick apology before shuffling over to a door he disappeared behind. You peered around the doorframe and you immediately spotted him kicking off his shoes in the corner and shedding his shirt before you drifted to the lone mattress laying on the floor with a few blankets riddled with moth holes and mysterious stains thrown over it.
“We’re going to have to share unless you want to sleep on the floor.” He told you as you made your way over to the mattress where he was sitting, he had thrown on a different T-shirt and was in the process of crawling under the blankets. You wiggled up next to him leaving a good amount of space between you before he turned of the gas powered lamp in the corner.
“The clock chimes the hour every hour so we’ll have to leave around six in the morning if we want to make it to the railroad on time, it’s also the same time when most people start heading to work so it will be easier to slip past the patrols if we blend into the crowd especially since there will be more now.” He told you, “Get some sleep.” He whispered before you felt him roll over and you closed your own eyes. You were finally going to get away, unless they catch you.
You’re eyes shot open to the dim morning light filtering in from behind a torn up curtain. A small rush of panic sent you rolling over when you realized you were alone on the mattress only to see Yukhei digging through a backpack in the corner which you hadn’t noticed the night before.
“Good to see you’re awake.” He chuckled once he realized you were staring at him. “You can change here and I’ll head to the bathroom, we’re leaving in twenty minutes.” He explained before swinging the bag over his shoulder and shutting the door behind him. You listened to his footsteps fade down the hallway for a few moment before you shook the dog of sleep from your eyes and stumbled over to your bag. There was an array of various popping noises which came from your stiff joints as you shuffled over to the little chair your bag was thrown on, every muscle in your body was aching as you struggled to get dressed. Thankfully you had thought ahead enough to bring sturdy and adaptable clothing as you felt the chill even between all the factories as you wandered into the main room.
The crinkling of a wrapper startled you when you heard a dull thud of something being tossed to you and missing. “What is this?” You muttered before picking up the small ration which seemed much more like a block of solid concrete.
“Breakfast,” Yukhei called from the windowsill already munching on his own. “It was a lot of work to steal those so if you don’t eat it more for me!”
You sighed and tentatively took a bite of the rations that tasted more like cardboard than actual food, you thought you would break all of your teeth but the brick eventually softened as your saliva did it’s magic. You both swallowed the last bit of your food and took a swig of water right as the bell chimed signalling it was time for you to go.
“This is the city that’s farthest north so we have to make sure we get on the train heading south or we’ll be taken straight to the army base.” He explained as you followed him out the window and down to the throngs of people who were funnelling through the streets.
“Keep your head down and don’t get lost.” Was the last thing he muttered to you before joining in the crowds. There were a few moments of panic at the beginning when you were jostled a little to hard and lost sight of Yukhei but you quickly learned to slip through the crowds and keep your eye on the giant of a man you were following. You held your breath as you passed a blockade of guards and did your best to blend in with the worn out workers beside you who were covered in grime and dirt. They didn’t so much as glance in your direction before you walked a little further to the land of factories pumping out clouds of smoke and Yukhei grabbed your head and took off down an alley.
There were a few close run ins with patrols but your got to the fence surrounding the slums relatively unscathed although you knew your heart was pounding faster than it ever had before. When you reached the fence Yukhei boosted you over first before following after you and taking off into the woods surrounding the train station. The squeal of the train coming to a stop at the station echoed throughout the area and you picked up the pace in order to get to the tracks in time. When you reached the edge you heard another squeal of the second train coming to a halt as you both crouched at the edge of the treeline.
“Everything after the first two cars is safe but make sure you don’t get on the last,” Yukhei whispered to you while the sound of an engine starting again entered your ears, “You’ll he spotted if you get on the last one, wait for my signal.” You nodded and he shuffled forward as you saw the front of the train start to pick up speed.
“Now!” He hissed as the first two cars passed and you both took off sprinting through the bushes and along the tracks. The train was steadily picking up speed and another three cars passed by you as you started to panic pushing yourself even harder as your lungs burned. You were about to give up when Yukhei used his long legs to jump on the car two from the end and grabbed your arms dragging you in with him. You both collapsed onto the cool metal floor breathing heavily and letting your bodies calm down as the train reached full speed and sped away from the station.
“We’ll make it to the South by this time tomorrow, there’s nobody on this train and no stops along the way so we can do whatever we want,” Yukhei told you with a large smile, “We’re finally free!” He shouted.
It startled you at first but soon you were shouting along with him and collapsing into a pile of giggles beside him. The day passed pretty uneventfully, both of you ended up sleeping for half the day, exhausted from the night before and eager to give your sore muscles a rest. Your time spent awake was certainly interesting, as you quickly learned Yukhei was the complete opposite from all the cold and reserved officials you had known previously. He was loud and happy and unafraid to express his opinion or try and make you laugh, he seemed to fill the whole train car with sunshine and you loved it. One of the most interesting things that happened was when he found your stash of books you had brought with you, as it turns out he was an avid reader and loved most of the same books you did which was a nice surprise.
You let out a long sigh and leaned back onto your jacket which you had balled up into a makeshift pillow, the sun had set a few hours ago and after a super of some more bricks of concrete the government likes to call food you had finally decided to call it a night. You had pushed some of the boxes aside and created little bunks to sleep on so you wouldn't have to lay on the cold floor, You peered over to your left where Yukhei was similarly moving around.
“Tell me about yourself,” you blurted out, “I mean, why did you end up on the streets? If you’re okay with telling me of course.” He laughed at your panic in the last bit of your sentence and you were thankful your flush was hidden by the darkness.
He hummed as he rolled onto his side so he was mirroring you. “Well they tried to take me for the army and I couldn’t go so I ran away,” he said plainly, “both my brother and father died in the army fighting the government’s wars against their will, my mother……. she died in a factory accident a few months before I left so I’m all on my own.”
“I never knew it was that bad,” You whispered in disbelief, “I knew there were mandatory enlistments and the factory conditions were horrible but I didn’t know people actually died….. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, it was a long time ago,” he assured you but your heart was still filled with grief because for some reason you felt it was your fault.
“Now that I’ve told you my story you should tell me yours right?” he teased you with an air of seriousness, “I want to know why the general’s precious daughter ran away from home?”
“Precious my butt,” you snorted, “the general didn’t care about me whatsoever, he liked to use his fists and I was usually on the receiving end. He tried to marry me off to an official three times my age which was the last straw so I left, he only views me as an asset and nothing more.”
“Well at least you have a better reason than childhood rebellion.” He offered.
You let out a small giggle, “I’ve only been gone for two days and even though I’m on the run from him I feel more free than I’ve ever been.”
“That’s good,” Yukhei sighed, “and it will definitely get a lot better once we reach the lost city.”
“Goodnight Y/n.”
“Goodnight Yukhei.”
You rolled as you hit the ground, diving off the train before it reached the station. Yukhei woke you up that morning and made sure you at least knew the basics of what you were doing so you didn’t get hurt too much, the jump jostled your bones but you knew a few bruises would be better than a broken ankle.You stood up and brushed yourself off before stumbling after Yukhei who’d already headed into the trees seeming perfectly fine, you crashed through the bushes behind him until you stopped at the wall. The south city was completely different from the capital, for starters there wasn't a single factory in the whole city but it didn't change much for the lower classes. They weren’t stuck in factories all day but instead they were basically slaves for all the merchants that lived in the city, it was the only place in the entire country that had access to the ocean so it was a center for foreign trade and guests. After about an hour and a half of navigating your way through the city you two finally found a small run down apartment that was roughly the size of Yukhei’s old one that had obviously not been touched in years due to the thick layers of dust coating everything. It was actually in relatively good shape with a fairly large bed, a few couches and chairs, a miraculously working bathroom, and a small ice box.
“Welcome to our base of operations for the next few weeks,” Yukhei exclaimed when you’d emerged from the bedroom after placing your things down, “We need to collect supplies so we can make the journey to the lost city and who knows how long that will take. We don’t have any cash whatsoever so you, my dear, are going to have to learn how to steal.”
“I’ll have you know that I’m a pretty successful pickpocket,” You told him and he raised a brow, “How do you think I got enough money to pay for my books?” You asked with a smirk when a look of realization crossed his face.
“It still doesn’t change the fact that we have to be careful but today is for exploring,” he told you.
By the end of the week you knew the city like the back of your hand, you and Yukhei took the time to explore as he taught you how to run through the streets, hopping fences and climbing walls with your bare hands. In return you taught him how to steal things while staying undetected like snatching apples from a street vendor or a few coins from the pocket of a merchant while they are distracted. You two learned to work like a well oiled team, while you managed to steal needle, thread, and buttons while somehow Yukhei managed to steel multiple yards of fabric to make clothes with. You stole other necessities like a portable gas stove and a few pots and pans, there was no exact location of the lost city and you had no idea how long it would take you to get there or what was there. Over the past few days you had noticed more and more patrols and guards arriving in the city to the point where you couldn’t walk a block without seeing a soldier which made you finally decide to leave the city.
Your boots slapped against the cobblestones as you ran through the streets, you packed your bags during the day and made all the preparations so you could leave. You had chosen to leave around three am since most of the guards are usually out partying or getting drunk even if they are on duty. You had mapped your escape a few days and advance and practiced everyday until you were sure you could do it in your sleep as you slipped around a corner and away from the searchlight. You had to travel through the end of the military district to get to the wall where you could climb over and both you and Yukhei were on edge as you dodged past patrols and searchlights, you were almost as the edge when in a moment of stupidity you ran straight into a searchlight. Sirens had immediately gone off and Yukhei grabbed your hand as you were frozen in place he dragged you into an alley to buy you some time to plan your next move.
“Y/n, stay with me,” Yukhei exclaimed as he slapped your face to get your attention, “this is the real deal, they know where we are and they’re going to have guns so you need to be careful and whatever you do don’t come back for me, ok?”
You stayed mute and nodded your head before he pulled you to your feet.
“No regrets, right?” He laughed with a forced smile. You nodded and followed him as you took of running, you could hear the rumble of vehicles and the firing of guns as you ran between the maze of buildings, backtracking and changing your path when there were too many soldiers or a dead end. You scrambled over the edge of the wall and yanked your bag back over with you.
“Yukhei come on!” You screamed when he didn’t follow immediately after, you scrambled back up and held yourself so you could see him peeking his own head over.
“Y/n, I’ll draw them away, you have to keep going,” He rushed out.
“But-” “No you have to keep going or they’ll catch you, ok?” He said before turning his head back around down the street and the sounds of gunshots which were getting closer and closer, “I’ll meet you by the tree where we first left the train but if I’m not there by dawn you leave without me, alright?”
You could see the terror in his eyes as they darted around and you stayed frozen like a statue.
“Alright?” He demanded and you forced yourself to nod as you just stared at him.
“I love you,” You whispered before he could turn around and to your surprise he closed the distance between you lips and kissed you sweetly before breaking away and shouting, “Leave now!”
You listened to him and took off sprinting with tears in your eyes as it took all your willpower not on turn back towards the gunshots.
You waited for an hour after dawn even though Yukhei told you to leave, you had been crying for the past three hours until all your tears had dried up and you were just waiting as your mind drifted to all the worst possible out comes. You were about to get up and leave after you convinced yourself he wasn't coming before you heard a rustling in the bushes and whipped around only to burst out into ugly sobs when Yukhei stumbled into the small clearing.
“Yukhei!” You called out before he came and collapsed into your arms.
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jaemallow · 4 years
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My Page
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✧ -> introductions #2
✧ -> summary: Electric Boogaloo began as 7 friends sharing a YouTube channel, inspired by the shenanigans of the beloved NCT Dream. Never in a million years did any of you expect it to blow up, for the 7 of you to become known as the ‘most popular nctzens’, for you to be discovered by your 7 biggest inspirations themselves. A million fan videos to choose from, a one-in-a-million chance the people you adore chose yours. Just one fateful click - where will it take you?
✧ -> writers: @moonlit-jeno @gohyuck @fydream @nanasarea @gentledreaming @nanasarea @domjaehyun
taglist: @chrysanthesungs @mama-thighs @mikachu-28 @jessiyoshi
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softsan · 5 years
nct mafia au (aesthetic)
these are ideas for a fanfic series. *no guarantee i’ll write all of them. who are you most looking forward too? [masterlist]
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highly respected and feared.
known to be cold and ruthless.
mafia kingpin of the north.
has a dark tragic past that has come back to haunt him.
position: boss /leader
read me - (pt.1)
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usually calm and collected.
acts as a voice of reason for his crew.
don’t threaten what he holds dear, he’ll still destroy you.
recently been keeping tabs on a cute but determined detective.
position: adviser/consigliere
read me - (pt.1)
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easy-going and friendly demeanor.
people tend to underestimate his abilities.
can’t help to be drawn to a young bubbly artist.
a bad habit of pushing away the people he cares about.
position: sniper/long-range shooter.
read me - (pt.1)
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rough childhood that he barely managed to escape from.
holds a grudge on the people that have inflicted him harm.
curious about a mysterious woman and her secret past.
wants to be loved.
position: cleaner/assassin
read me - (pt.1)
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rarely gets his hand's dirty.
likes to intimidate with money and blackmail.
deals with all the crew’s business ventures.
fond of his clueless and naive assistant.
position: underboss/business face
read me - (pt.1)
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has a soft spot for people, often gives second chances.
stuck in an arranged marriage to his high profiled wife.
detests the idea of being tied down to a stranger.
realizes too late, that not all good things last forever.
position: lieutenant/gun specialist
read me - (pt.1)
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ran away from his wealthy, loveless upbringing.
considered dead by the rest of the world.
surprised to see an old face, laughing and smiling at a carnival.
refuses to admit his old identity even if it hurts him to do so.  
position: lieutenant/body combat specialist
read me - (pt.1)
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calm and laid back.
doesn’t like being caught off guard.
chameleon at changing identities.
ruffled by a woman who unintentionally ruined his latest mission.
position: lieutenant/retrieval specialist
read me - (pt.1)
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doesn’t often interact with people outside his crew.
particular about stranger skinship.
injured his hands in an explosion gone wrong.
take off guard by a kind and caring nurse with his best interest.
position: chemist/drug specialist
read me (pt.1)
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precious and the perfect gentlemen.
known for his reliability and loyalty.
talented at acting and getting people to do things for him.
protective of a fearful woman who sought his help.
position: grifter/charming distraction
read me - (pt.1)
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easily bored when he’s not working on a mission.
confident in his abilities.
great strength and a fearsome fighter.
intrigued by a fierce woman that managed to overpower him
position: all-round fighter/training lieutenant
read me - (pt.1)
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talented and a fast learner.
the youngest to be promoted to lieutenant.
bodyguard for an outcasted daughter from a high profiled family.
conflicted by his growing affection for her.
position: lieutenant/security specialist
read me - (pt.1)
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known for his agility and dance-like movements.
doesn’t usually fight unless he has too.
is frightening when his happy demeanor disappears.
drawn to the cute kindergarten assistant he met at a coffee shop.
position: high ranking soldier/escape specialist
read me: (pt.1)
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sometimes takes missions too far.
likes to surprise his enemies.
impressed by the ice cream employee that pulled out a taser.
terrified for her safety.
position: high ranking soldier/enforcer
read me - (pt.1)
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literal sunshine.
doesn’t often go out in the field.
protective his crew.
after a mission has gone wrong, he holds a calm kitchen-hand hostage.
position: weapon designer/technology expert
read me - (pt.1)
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works directly under jaehyun.
extremely committed to missions.
after nearly drowning a women helps to pull him from the depths.
feels indebted and does everything to improve her world.
position: high ranking soldier/retrieval specialist
read me - (pt.1)
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working on arming his crew with weapons 
thankful for their new leader
plays a dangerous game with a hired assassin 
fatal love comes with deadly consequences 
position: southside lieutenant/gun specialist 
read me - (pt.1)
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in charge of clearing their new territory 
passionate at getting rid of enemies in his city 
kidnaps a secretive drug dealer who is extremely clever
a little black book uncovers the dark truth and grim reality
position: southside lieutenant/security specialist 
read me - (pt.1)
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unexpectedly clever but sometimes quite random
is ruffled by the clumsy science major 
a true test of loyalty comes 
the most innocent of souls can bring about blood and betrayal
position: southside lieutenant/strategist
read me - (pt.1)
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radianthyuck · 4 years
bad timing.
jaemin x reader
like every other night, you patiently sit at the bus stop, longing silently to lie on your bed. surrounded by the silence of the night, you plug in your earphones to listen to music.
as you stare into the distance, entranced within the soul of music, another person quietly sits next to you while maintaining a respectful distance. debating whether to look their way, you quickly steal a glance at them.
and instantly, you regret your existence. jaemin, your ex, who you recently broken up with is sitting next to you avoiding your stare. you gulp hard and scoot farther away from him as the pain of heartbreak engulfs you again.
"do you still love me?" jaemin blurts out suddenly, breaking the silence and the building tension that's interrupting the peace of the night.
you ignore jaemin's question, not knowing whether you should lie or not. the truth is that yes, you still love him. so so so much. and lying will hurt him, which will hurt you too. but it's for everyone's well-being. "i already told you before, not anymore" you reply coldly and quickly, fearing that you might break.
"y/n, do you still love me?" he repeats with a sterner voice, refusing to believe the lie you made up. "look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me anymore"
you turn your head at jaemin's direction. even though you're hesitant on looking at his loving eyes, you have to gather your courage. "you're not mine to love anymore" you answer him, even though that doesn't answer his question.
"what does that even mean? y/n, come on what the fuck did i do for you to leave me out of the blue" jaemin replies, hysteria evident in his voice.
"you didn't do anything jaemin. you were wonderful to me and i wish this didn't have to happen but we were bad timing" you reassure him, looking up at his face with tears falling. your hand reaches to cup his face, but you catch yourself in time to retrieve your hand.
"do you think we'll have a chance in the future? when the time is hopefully right?"
a flash of light blinds your eye and you stand up, getting ready to get into the bus you've been waiting for. jaemin stands next to you with his hands in his pocket.
"let's meet in the future" you say before stepping inside the bus with a small, sad smile.
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multikpopwriter · 5 years
Truth or Dare | l.t
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pairing: Lee Taeyong x female OC
genre: fluff, angst, frat boy au, college au
warnings: none
words: 1.9k
prompt: SM university hold annual leadership training events for various university organizations and fraternities. Taeyong planned to keep himself low key during the event, but that’s impossible if you’re from one of the most popular and recognized fraternities in campus.
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 "Okay! That's the last activity for today!" the central student president finally let's them disperse.
 Taeyong and Kun was attending the annual leadership training that SM's central student council does. All leaders of organizations, fraternities and sororities are all required to attend the event. In Taeyong's case he and Kun were the official leaders of NCT fraternity.
"Damn" Kun stretches his neck from side to side. "Stuff like these really drags on" Kun scans the huge crowd.
 "Yo! Kun! Taeyong!" the vice president of the student council calls the two's attention. They both turned to look at the girl who seems to have the hots towards Kun. "Hey, Kun, we'll be having a free-flowing party later. Will you come?" she makes it very obvious that he liked Kun, by rubbing her hands up and down his arms.
 "I have to study" Kun was very blunt about this as he pulls his arm away from her grasp. Before Taeyong and the vice president could even pull Kun back to them he walked off.
 "Looks like he isn't interested" Taeyong shrugs his shoulders as he turns around and heads towards the opposite way Kun headed. He felt the vice- president's frustration and anger build up.
 The night would go on without a trace of Kun, he was busy studying. No one could really blame him, he was in his crucial parts of med school. Taeyong on the other hand was busy minggling with other people who came. Some were already drunk from the amount of free-flowing drinks the central student council gave, some were busy mingling with other leaders/ presidents.
 Lee Taeyong found himself in a group of people who were playing truth or dare. The group consisted of a few non-drunk leaders of organizations, fraternities and sororities. "Okay, so Taeyong, truth or dare?" the last girl who spun the glass asked him.
 He thinks for a while, honestly speaking, he didn't want to do both. He was dragged to play by one of the other frat leaders and he wasn't exactly in the mood to play. "Truth" he finally arrived with the decision after contemplating for a while.
 The girl who turned the bottle obviously had the hots for Taeyong, but he showed obvious disinterest towards her. The girl leans forward making it very very obvious that she had the hots for Taeyong. "Who are you most attracted to in this group?" the girl's name was Haewon, she's the chairperson of the organization in charge of heading university wide events. With Haewon's obvious flirting and the group of intoxicated young adults, all of them howled at her very very obvious attempt at flirting.
 On the other side of the table, the boy that has not drunk even a sip of alcohol only rubs the bridge of his nose.
 "Stop drooling over him, will you?" the girl beside Haewon hits her arm as she crossed it over her chest once again. The quiet girl that was sitting at the table was almost a mirror image of the quiet Taeyong. Taeyong has never seen her before, or maybe he has, he's just unaware of it.
 "Eyyy, come on Yunhee. Just this once" she pouts towards the friend that was sitting beside her.
 Taeyong somehow, someway found himself interested with this Yunhee person. She was calm and collected even if she was sitting beside her very drunk friend. "Fine" she sighs quite loudly, as everyone's attention turn from their side of the table back to Taeyong.
 "So... who is it?" another person continued to ask Taeyong waiting for his answer. This was a revelation, a chance for those who have a crush on Taeyong to be the person their most attracted to. It was no secret how Taeyong was a person who had a lot of admirers, although he remains to be very humble about it. He was easily one of the hottest people in the campus.
 Taeyong takes a while. He knew this question was something that would eventually come out of this game. He raises his pointer very slowly and he made sure to create this eye contact with the girl across the table, who was a bit interested with his answer as well. He lifts his finger up and points towards Yunhee and everyone falls dead silent.
 Yunhee's eyes grow wide open and her friend, Haewon, slowly turns to look at her friend. Anyone could easily tell how shocked Yunhee was, just as much as Haewon was. Yunhee slowly lifts her hand and points to herself.
 "o-okay" someone claps from the group. The group of people fell silent, they didn't expect for Taeyong to pick the central student council's secretary general. However, the often confident and composed secretary was suddenly flustered by his sudden confession.
 The night continues and both Taeyong and Yunhee were never chosen again. However, both of them continues to steal glances at each other and others were completely aware at their not so subtle flirting.
 "I'm tired of this game" one of the people in the crowd finally speaks up. Majority of the people in the circle knew that Taeyong was not the type of guy to make the first move, nor was Yunhee and that they were all stuck being frustrated as they watched the two of them constantly steal glances at one another.
 "5 minutes in heaven?" one of the guys suggest and that guy who suggested the game sent very obvious signals to everyone else. Next thing both Yunhee and Taeyong realizes was that the two of them were getting pushed into a bathroom in the place and were to stay there for five minutes.
 "Uhm" Taeyong starts with an awkward sound. "Hi, I'm Taeyong" he puts his arm forward.
 "Yeah, I've heard" Yunhee nods her head. "I'm Yunhee, central student council secretary, if you aren't aware"
 Taeyong head nods as if he realized that this person was indeed the new student council secretary. Then it fell absolutely quiet. This was their problem, someone making the first move between the two of them would be almost impossible. This was especially notable since the point of this game was to actually get the two of them intimate.
 "So..." Yunhee couldn't help but feel suffocated by the silence. "I heard you're the head of the NCT frat house"
 Taeyong nods his head.
 "I heard that you don't have rights to enter brotherhood, its just you pick your new brother up?" Yunhee asked what everyone has always been curious about. NCT as a whole was an odd frat house to begin with, they never really make someone go through intiation rights but the amount of new faces in their brotherhood was very very rare.
 "We do have intiations" Taeyong shrugs his shoulder.
 Yunhee's head snaps towards Taeyong.
 "It's called auditions" Taeyong's soft smile gives Yunhee's heart a soft quick beat. "We actually get a good hundread of applicants every year, but we keep out acceptance rates very small, just enough to fit us all in the house" Taeyong explains and all she could do at that moment was stare.
 "So, you've picked the new one by hand?"
 Taeyong nods his head. Then they both fell silent once again. Both of them could agree that this is the longest five minutes of their lives.
 "Taeyong" Yunhee calls his name. "Why did you pick me earlier?"
 Taeyong bites down his lip and hides his face. "Is it wrong that I actually find you attractive?" his ears turn red, but because his face was hidden, he doesn't catch the change in Yunhee's expression and color.
 "I can't--" "Okay five minutes are up" the door to the small bathroom opens wide open. Everyone who was anticipating something would happen between the two of them weer disappointed to see that Taeyong was sitting inside the bathtub while Yunhee was sitting on the toilet cover.
 Taeyong's head snap upwards and he walked out of the room in a rush. Yunhee runs after him. He heard those words that she muttered just before the door opened and he knew he was going to get rejected right there and he was lucky that the time ran out.
 "Taeyong!" she calls out his name trying to catch up with him, but her little strides were barely enough to catch up with Taeyong. "Taeyong..." she stops running she couldn't really keep up with his running and he was already running towards the dormitory that the male participants were staying in, which was on the other side of where they were a while ago.
 "Are you okay?" he jogs back closer to her.
 "I was about to tell you--" "You don't have to, I understand that you aren't interested. I mean we're both busy handling our own works--" Yunhee puts her hand on Taeyong's blabbering mouth.
 "Listen, will you?" she looks at him in the eye. Taeyong nods his head and Yunhee takes her hand off his mouth. "I can't take things quickly, I want to get to know you first before we try anything more than that" Yunhee turns her head not wanting to keep her eyes on the boy who couldn't believe what he was hearing.
 "Are you saying that--"
 "Not yet" Yunhee turns her head towards the ecstatic boy in front of her. His smile was wide and it was soft. The light that was shining down on him and his eyes that were full of love. How can she ever reject such a sweet and hardworking boy?
 "So it’s a soon?" Taeyong asked Yunhee and she smiles.
 "it's a soon" she bites back a smile, but who wouldn't smile at him when he's like this?
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pleasurextreasure · 5 years
❜cutlass (20/?)
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genre: Aristocrat!reader x Pirate!Jeno, ft. NCT Dream
warnings: all nct Dream members are above 18+, multi-chapter, swear words here and there throughout fic
word count: 1.2k
prompts: in which Jeno is cursed to live for three more years and only loving someone and expecting nothing in return can break it
a/n: slower updates bc uni is starting up... im also sad bc this is coming to an end very soon :c ➵admin kiki
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | Current
Ξ r e q u e s t Ξ
Your heart thrummed quickly as you tried to take everything in. Renjun and you were kidnapped by Sirens, brought to their island, and now you stood before Moira, their Sea Witch. You anticipated to get into some sort of trouble because after all, you were with pirates.
But you never thought it would be this kind of trouble.
“Sea Witch is very taboo amongst my kind,” her voice is as smooth as silk, and for reasons unknown, this disturbs you. “I’m simply a being that resides peacefully in her claimed  territory.”
She moves towards you, her feet gliding on nothing as the distance between you closes. Despite your inner turmoil, you square off your shoulders in an attempt to mask your fear of her. 
“And I’m afraid… you’ve trespassed.” Moira’s smile twists to a menacing one. Dread overwhelms you while Renjun grasps onto your arm, yanking you to stand behind him. “I am one to usually forgive such things-”
“Bullshit,” you spit out. Stepping away from your crewmate, “You cursed Jeno.”
The look of bewilderment Renjun sends you doesn’t go unnoticed, but your heated stare is focused on the sea creature. You’d have to ask for Chenle’s forgiveness later for letting one of the boys finally find out that you knew.
“With justified reason, my dear naive girl.” Moira chides, demeanor unnerved from your cursing at her. “You see, that Captain and his crew had intentions of stealing treasure that is protected on this island. And for that, he was cursed for the selfishness that was portrayed.”
You’re struck speechless. What words could you say to her after that? There was no way of justifying the act of stealing unless intentions were good, but they weren’t in this case.
“I gave him time to redeem himself worthy of living until his aged days, but I knew that from the moment of casting the curse on him, his efforts would prove futile.” She continues on. “What human would possibly care for such a man?”
Moira notices the hardness your eyes take on, and she grins, clearly amused with what she’s seen. “Ah, unless…”
You felt the burning stare of Renjun, whose attention had been fixed on you during the entire exchange. If the fish wasn’t off the hook before, it was surely now. 
“You gave him no time at all.”
“I’m sure he’s had the time to figure out something - it seems to look that way.” She calmly replies, clearly unbothered by how vexed you were. 
Pure rage has taken over you at this point, leaving your mind to be unclear of your body’s actions because you were now taking a step towards the sea creature. Renjun takes hold of you once more, urging you to stop and get behind him. 
“My apologies for being offensive,” Moira hums, tilting her head to the side. “You humans are so easily wounded by mere words. If you are to be hurt… Why, shouldn’t it be by physical injuries?”
Keeping true to her words, Moira lunges forward, grasping the torso area of Renjun’s shirt. With seemingly little effort, she tosses him to the side, the sickening sound of his head colliding against the ground.
“Renjun!” The cry you let out is shrilling. The brief lapse of concentration directed away from her was enough to allow the Sea Witch to continue her attack.
Air escaped you as Moira approached you with unspeakable speed. Her hand was outreached, directed towards her target - your throat. The wave of pain that followed after contact was burning. Tears welled up at the corners of your eyes while you were lifted from the ground, forcefully being brought a foot higher.
Her nimble fingers clenched against your throat, squeezing your jugular. You let out a suffocated cry, trying to gulp in any amount of air for your suffering lungs. You futilely clawed at her hand but quickly realized there was no escape from her deathly grip. 
You look to Renjun’s figure, momentarily forgetting that he wouldn’t be able to help you. The blood that seeped from his head’s wound sent you into a greater frenzy. Your eyes began to glaze over and your vision momentarily darkened, small black dots beginning to make their appearance.
Moira’s grip suddenly loosens, followed closely behind her piercing wail of affliction. You’re able to squirm out of her remaining hold and fall to the floor in a crumpled heap. As you gasp for gulpfuls of air, you tilt your head up to see what’s caused her pain. 
At the entrance, standing in all their savioring glory, was Jeno and his crew. Everyone had their respectful weapons, save for Mark, who you assume was the one to wound Moira.
Jeno gestures for his crew to stay in their spots, a voiceless command of “don’t interfere”. Twirling his cutlass in his hand, he moves towards you both, his eyes focused on your injured figure.
“It seems we have unfinished business that needs to be tended to.” Jeno remarks, as he positions his sword outward, its gleaming steel providing a path to a vulnerable spot.
“Now, there is no need to be so hostile towards me, Captain Jeno. We are acquaintances, after all.” Her tone hit an octave lower, unsettling you.
Your hand unconsciously made its way to your tender throat, gingerly guarding the sore area. You were rooted to your spot, in fear of her attacking you once more despite Jeno’s entrance.
“I’ve no time to associate with the ones who prove useless to me.” Jeno smoothly returns. The tip of his cutlass was directed at her throat, yet she was unfaltered by it. 
“I’m sure I’m a special case, then, seeing as I can take away the one thing that is troubling you these days.” The Sea Witch laughs airily, forefinger gently poking the cold steel of his blade.
Jeno’s resolve seems to waver for a moment. “At what cost?”
“A life, of course. I can’t simply give you back your peace without gaining something in return.” Moira’s smile is twisted, and you felt a familiar sickness settling into your stomach.  Jeno pushes his weapon forward only for it stop centimeters from the area between her eyes. Moira’s finger was the only thing keeping that distance. “Mhm, bad temper indeed.”
You gasped, despite the pain that followed in your throat, as an unseen force brings Jeno to his knees. The Sea Witch bristles with annoyance as she leers at the man. He lets out a painful grunt as his fingers are forced apart, compelling him to drop his cutlass. 
“Maybe I should withdraw my offer and take your life at this very moment.” She maliciously threatens, crouching down to graze his right cheek with the back of her hand. 
The trauma your throat suffered denied you the ability to speak, allowing only whimpers and cries to come out. Your adrenaline found its way back into your system, and the rate of your heartbeats increased. 
Was Jeno going to die in front of you? The thought was terrifying enough but to go as far as witnessing the action, you weren’t sure where that would leave your mentality at. 
“W-wait!” Your eyes enlarged as they fell on who cried out. 
Your feeling of dread only seemed to sink deeper, letting itself pool at the pit of your stomach and making the organ its newfound home as he utters his next words.
“Take mine.”
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thekpopaus · 5 years
Silver Spoon
Johnny Seo x Reader
Summary: You were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and you planned to keep it there. Everything in your life goes as you planned until the name of your soulmate appears on your arm. The plan for the rest of your life included marrying some rich business man’s heir and partying your days away. That all changes, however, when the universe decides to make your life a living hell. The cause of your nightmare is the name on your wrist, the name that belongs to a lowly stable hand. 
Word Count:
Warnings: Angst???? Language????
Part One
Manicured fingers gently balancing thin stemmed glasses of champagne. Red and gold and blue silk cascading down long legs to reveal gold and silver stilettos. Black tuxedos and bow ties, casual handshakes and gentle conversation. This is your comfort zone, you’d been attending these types of events since you were a child. The outfits and makeup had changed throughout that time of course, and this was the first time you’d been able to enjoy champagne. Legally, that is. 
Before you were born, your father and three of his college friends had formed a new shipping business. Your father ended up being the CEO after the company took off. Millions of dollars later, you and the rest of your family lived in the finest homes money could buy. Your mother had drawers full of jewelry she’d only worn once or twice until she found something more eye catching to take it’s place. Both of your brothers had cars, BMW’s, Porsche, a Lamborghini each, and all the horses they had room in the barn for. 
Designer clothing was your vice. Gucci, Versace, Burberry, and Chanel lined your closets. At least three pairs of shoes were a must for each new outfit, along with necklaces, earrings, bangles and sunglasses. As if you were even outside long enough for the sunglasses to be anything more than a fashion statement. 
Waking up, eating meals fit for a five star restaurant, having your hair and makeup done, and going to events like these were your life. It was all that really mattered to you or anyone else for that matter. Your oldest brother planned on taking your father’s place when he decided to retire. Your other brother was in college and planned on going into the horse racing business later on. Only on the owners side, of course. Neither of you understood how people could shovel horse shit or spend long hours in a pasture pushing around a 1,000 pound beast and be happy about it. 
You thanked your lucky stars everyday that you were born wealthy, that the ability to never work a day in your life was just handed to you. You had been prepared to live the rest of your life in luxury, until about an hour ago. 
Life, for you, has never been plagued by unknown factors. From the time you were born until now, your life had been under your control. You controlled who you hung out with, who you dated, even who you went to school with. The school principals were easy to pay off, letting you decide what classes you wanted with your friends, and who you wanted moved to another class. You decided what you wanted to eat, to wear, to buy, even to name. At six years old your parents bought you a pet cat which you refused to name anything other than Princess Snowball Fluffy Moon Chocolate Sprinkles. So, Princess Snowball Fluffy Moon Chocolate Sprinkles it was. 
The only thing you could not control in your entire life, was the name that appeared on your arm tonight, your 21st birthday. It had already started early this morning before you had woken up. The first letter, J, was already inked on your skin in flowing script. Your mother was excited. All you could think about was how you would cover it up if the name was someone other than a rich son of one of your fathers friends.
Another letter showed up during breakfast. An o joined the J, in the same flowing lettering. During your shower an h and then n. It moved rather quickly after that, “Johnny” was etched on your skin in what looked like black ink. The twirls and loops on the letters fortunately not ugly. It’s said that your soulmates handwriting is as it appears in the tattoos. 
You had your hopes up as you were finding a dress for this evenings event. Surely your soulmate had to be an up and coming businessman with such delicate handwriting. Handwriting meant to seal huge company agreements worth lots of money. 
With that hopeful thought on your mind you called for your car. You weren’t entirely what this event was for, as per usual. You intended to treat it as a 21st birthday party anyway, you could drink as much champagne as you wanted now. 
Thoughts of drinking yourself stupid kept you from thinking too hard about the new name on your wrist. Soulmates rarely meet each other within a few months of the tattoos, let alone 24 hours. That’s an issue to worry about another day. Tonight was for partying, and you planned to end in your 21st birthday with a bang.
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randomk-imagines · 5 years
words: 2.1k
genre: fluff, high school
summary: you confess your feelings to your oblivious best friend at a school dance and he tries to figure out who it was because everyone was wearing masks
a/n: I was looking for a different gif but then I found this one and I thought it was funny so here it is. It kind of fits (: also sorry my writing still hasn’t improved so it looks like it’s written by a five-year-old, i’m sorry to the anon who requested this. enjoy
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You’re not sure how you ended up at the school dance that you dreaded so much. Maybe because your friends kept insisting and bothering you that it was the last homecoming in high school or maybe it was because they convinced you that this was the only time you’ll be able to confess to your best friend.
It was a masquerade themed homecoming dance after all.
“Come on, y/n! You’re already here. You have to do it!” one of your friends, Yeri, pleaded. 
“He’ll know it’s me and then our friendship will be ruined because he doesn’t like me back or it’ll just become awkward,” you pouted. The two of you were currently sitting in the lobby while your best friend and crush, Jisung, was on the dance floor with the rest of the group. Your friends were all in on this plan and were made to keep Jisung on the dance floor until you had the guts to go up to him and confess. 
It was a dumb idea, you thought. Even with the masks on, he was your best friend. He should know what you look like. 
“He’s so oblivious. He won’t know it’s you. Besides, the dance floor is dark enough.” Yeri stated. You could tell she was getting fed up with your ass and you felt bad about it. You might as well...
“Ugh, fine. But if this backfires, I’m dropping out of school,” you grumble. She squeals and hops up from the seat. You just mutter to yourself as you stand up. 
It’s not until you start walking inside towards him that you tremble. It’s Jisung. Your best friend since the two of you were in diapers. One of the school’s top dancers and youngest member of the infamous NCT dance crew, who he was able to join at only age 14. The tall, handsome boy who you’ve seen grow up from his short, awkward phase, even though he’s still pretty awkward. Shy when meeting new people, but so loud and savage around his close friends. 
“Just dance with him and then during like a slow song or something, tell him! You don’t even have to say your name,” Yeri shouts in your ear. The music so loud it still sounds like a whisper. You nervously nod your head.
Jaemin sees the two of you walking over first and taps Renjun on the arm. Renjun instantly understands and the two start moving away from Jisung and Jeno, telling the pair that they need to go get refreshments. Jeno nods in understanding but still stays with Jisung, not wanting him to leave and follow all of them out. 
Yeri stops you a little ways away from Jisung and Jeno to start dancing to the music. Far enough to make it seem like you’re just two girls dancing, but close enough so that it catches Jisung’s eyes. 
Yeri knows you’re good at dancing. All your friends know. You are a dancer, but not nearly as good as your other friends. You don’t think you’re that good though, you just do it for fun. However, Yeri makes sure that Jisung is able to see you dancing and knows it’ll catch his eyes. It’s not the random jumping around that most people do at dances, but strategic movements with the rhythm that make you different from the other random bodies. 
Unlucky for you, or lucky for you, you’re not really sure, the next song played is a slow song. You look at Yeri, not knowing what to do, but she just shoves you over to Jisung. 
Jisung, also not knowing what to do, get’s pushed by Jeno into the first girl he sees available aka, you. You panic, going over multiple times that Jisung will for sure know it’s you and it’ll be super awkward and you’ll never be able to look at him again and there goes your friendship. However, it seems Jisung is too busy being the awkward boy he is and doesn’t spare you a glance as he gets thrusted into your arms. “Ah, sorry. My friend just... pushed me over,” he nervously says.
“Uh yeah, same here,” you murmur out. You see Jeno and Yeri take each other and whisper in each other’s ears, probably about how their plan is going so well. 
“Is this okay?” you hear Jisung ask as he ghosts his hands over your hips, not wanting to fully put them on just in case. You just nod your head and place your hands on his shoulders. It’s a little bit of a reach since he’s so freaking tall, but it’s not too much of an awkward distance. 
However, it’s very awkward between the two of you. At least you think it is. He doesn’t seem to suspect that it’s his best friend in his arms and probably just think it’s some random girl he’s dancing with. “You’re a really good dancer,” he stutters out. 
“Oh. Uh, thank you?” you say. His comment catching you off guard. You glance away from him, not able to look at him in the eyes, even though there’s a big fat mask in the way. 
You’re honestly not sure how long it’s been since the song had started. It feels like an eternity has passed, yet the two of you are still slow dancing. However, you know the song is coming to an end which means your opportunity to tell him is coming to an end. It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t know it’s you. A huge weight will lift off your shoulders either way. You have to do it.
“Park Jisung,” you take a deep breath. You can tell he’s surprised you know it’s him under the mask, but he doesn’t say anything. “I... I like you. A lot,” you bite your lip. 
“Oh...” You can feel his fingers jitter on your hips, him obviously not knowing what to say. He opens his mouth again, but the song comes to an end and the next song plays right away. It’s an upbeat, party song, so you immediately unclasp your hands from his neck and step away from him before completely turning to leave the dance floor. 
You beeline it straight for the girl's bathroom and go to a sink. You take a deep breath and take off your mask, it becoming a little sweaty from the dancing earlier and your nerves.
You did it. And honestly, you feel a lot better, even if he doesn’t know it was you. You’re sure he won’t do anything about it, but that’s okay. Throughout your high school years, you’ve seen him turn down multiple girls’ confessions. Telling them he’s too focused on school or the dance crew. You always feel sorry for those girls because you can feel their pain, you are one of them... Only you never tried confessing your feelings knowing full well he’ll turn you down as well. 
“Hey, are you okay?” you hear Yeri ask as she bursts into the bathroom. “You basically high tailed it out of there right after the song had ended. Did something happen?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” you reassure her. “I just told him and then left,”
“Did he say anything back?”
You shake your head. “Can we just leave? The dance is almost over anyways,” you ask. Yeri nods and the two of you leave the bathroom to go get your purses. You run into Jaemin and Renjun and tell them what had happened. Jaemin decides to leave with the two of you while Renjun stays since Jeno was his ride to the dance. 
You, Jaemin, and Yeri all lay on Yeri’s bed once you’ve all changed into casual clothes and taken off your makeup. “You know, Jisung texted us and asked him if he knew anything about some girl,” Jaemin says as he shows you and Yeri the group chat of their dance crew. 
“Ooh, you’ve caught our baby’s attention!” Yeri squealed. 
“No I didn’t, he’s probably just really confused as to why some random girl confessed to him at a dance,” you roll your eyes, however, the butterflies in your stomach say something different. You don’t want to get your hopes up though, maybe he really just was impressed with your dancing.
“He’s so stupid though.. How could he not know it was you?” Jaemin shakes his head. 
“It’s whatever. At least I said it. I can live freely now,” you sigh.
“Hyung please do you know who that was?” you hear Jisung’s pleading as you round the corner. You see him and Jaemin talking next to your locker while they wait for you so the three of you can go to your first class together. Jaemin’s eyes shift over to you, but he just shrugs. 
“Why don’t you ask y/n?” he smiles. The pleading boy turns around confused since his back was turned towards you, but perks up once he sees you. You just smile at him as you walk up.
“Why did I see you at the dance?” he asks. 
“You know I don’t like socializing. I was talking with Yeri most of the time,” you shrug as you get your school stuff from your locker. 
“Waste of money,” he tsks. You just scoff at him.
“Not all of us like dancing, Park Jisung,” you poke his chest. 
The day passes by rather quickly. The three of you had a pop quiz during your first class which none of you were prepared for and all curse out your teacher as the bell rings. Jisung doesn’t seem to have let the stranger go over his head throughout the day either. Throughout lunch, he kept asking the group if they knew anything and every time, all of them would glance up at you and just shrug. 
“You know, Jisung. If you really thought about it, you could figure it out by yourself,” Jeno huffs out, obviously annoyed hearing him whine for the seventh time in a span of twenty minutes. Jisung just cocks his head to the side. Your other five friends groan and shake their heads while you just sigh and pick at your food. 
You thought it would be fine, that he would just forget everything, but his constant curiosity made you a little upset. One, because he was your goddamn best friend for who knows how long. How could he seriously not recognize it was you? And two, because he seems to be obsessed with you, although not knowing it was you, but why? Could someone really catch his attention by just dancing near him and confessing to him? If he knew other girls were good at dancing before they confessed to him, would he be dating them now? It just irks you. You’re just a tad jealous of yourself. 
“I’m going to class,” you sigh, standing up. “See you guys later.”
You walk over to the trashcan and huffily toss the remainder of your lunch then leave the cafeteria. 
Your friends roll their eyes at their oblivious friend, asking why his best friend suddenly got up. 
It’s been a week since the dance happened and Jisung, while his asking had died down quite a bit, was still curious. He wracked his brain for anything that could lead him to who that girl was, but he ended up at a dead end every time.
The two of you were sitting in the park studying since it was such a nice day and exams were right around the corner when he brought it up again.
“You know, you’re so dense, Park Jisung,” you state, fed up with it. He furrows his eyebrows together, confused at your outburst. “It was me that danced with you,”
His eyes widen while you just roll your own. “You like me?” he asks.
“Yes, idiot. I’ve liked you since we were freshmen, but I’m really starting to question why,” you scoff.
You’re so over being the flustered, shy girl. You’re over trying to hide your red ears and flushed cheeks whenever he was in proximity to you. You’re so over everything and tired that he was so dense because it was tiring. However, it doesn’t hide the fact you still really like the flustered, stuttering, awkward boy in front of you. 
“I like you too,” he says, shyly. 
“I know. Renjun told me two days ago,” you shrug. 
“He told me because he didn’t think it would take you this long to tell me or that it would take this long for you to realize it was me at the dance. Honestly, you’re so dense,” you shake your head. 
You can almost see the gears in his head malfunction, trying to understand the situation. He stutters out nonsense and you just giggle at him and lean forward, pecking his cheek. It only feeds his mental overdrive and very red ears. 
“D-Do you wanna go out sometime?” he finally manages to stammer out. You laugh at him and nod your head. 
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peachymhaechan · 5 years
“Trust me, it isn’t just for the camera.”
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Genre: fluff, babey !! nothin like a good ol idol au, am I rite, laid ease??
Warnings: bad words (like everything else I've written ever lol)
Pairing: Taeyong X female idol reader
A/N: junior year is almost over, thank god. I am so tired. writing this was such a good break from studying for my ap exams and cramming for finals. thank u, Taeyong. also, im working on something for the superhuman comeback, stay tuned, yall :)
you had been a model for sm for a few years now
well within your first year you had gained so much popularity that you became the company’s most hired model and had received a nickname from your employers and fans
you were their Golden Girl (hhhhhffk listen,,, we been knew I ain’t creative), and everyone was dying to work with their Golden Girl
most notable for your bubbly personality and striking looks, every employer was fascinated by your ability to pull off any look 
very similar is lee Taeyong, another artist signed to your company
with his stark beauty, it was no understatement to say that you would not have minded working with someone as pretty as him
so, when your manager told you about an upcoming project where you’d be working with Taeyong and a few of the other nct boys you were #sh00k to say the least
“wait..... WHAT?!” was all you could say in response to your manager telling you the good news
“Yeah, I know. I know how long you’ve wanted to work with him. Well, get ready. For this photoshoot they need you to have bubblegum pink hair, and.....” 
for the next few days, you tried to mentally prepare yourself for what was about to happen
yeah, you guys were signed to the same company but that doesn't mean you saw him all the time
you had only seen him once, and that was when you had just become a trainee and were walking through the halls to try and find the recording studio on the third floor
you accidentally went into the dance studio and found yourself interrupting a dance practice for nct u
“Sorry, I have to find someone in the recording studio, where-” 
“You’re fine, don't worry about it! If you go out this hallway, make the next left turn and it should be the second door on the right,” Taeyong said, giving you a small smile 
that was the ONLY interaction you had with him, but boy even when covered in sweat was he gorgeous
and you got to WORK WITH THAT 
the day finally came where you got to work with him yayayay
you woke up at 4 am after having only 1 hour of sleep, thriving
you got up and took a quick shower, did your skincare routine, and changed into comfy clothes for the day
on your way to meeting your manager you grabbed a few coffees for the staff as a thank you for the opportunity
you met your manager at the company building and it started to hit that 
//ohmygod this is really about to happen//
your manager tried her best to calm your nerves but damn, you were not having any of that
scrolling through Instagram, you anxiously awaited the company van that would take you to the photoshoot set
when it pulled up after about twenty minutes of waiting, you and your crew piled in and then you heard your manager tell the driver to hold the van for a few more minutes, seeing as Taeyong and his people were running a little behind
that only made your heart beat even faster
hgjaonfnwnw anxious from waiting, you just wanted to get it over with and rip it off like a bandaid
five minutes later, you saw three people walking over to the van
one of which was wearing sweats, sneakers, a hoodie, and a mask
you automatically recognized who that was despite the baggy clothing and half hidden face
oh fuck oh shit
one of the other two men talked to your manager, who had gotten out to speak to taeyong’s manager and the other person there
Taeyong climbed into the van and made eye contact with you in the back row, spotting the empty seat beside you
“Is this seat taken?” he asked, nodding to the spot right next to you
you felt a blush creep into your cheeks and your throat started getting closed up from nerves
so all you could do was shake your head no
he sat down and gave you a small smile, then started yawning and stretching out his arms
you had one extra coffee left from earlier and you figured it’d be a great ice breaker maybe 
“I have an extra coffee from a coffee run I went on earlier, do you want it? It’s not super hot or anything, but its still a little warm, and its caffeine,” you said and his eyes immediately lit up
“Oh, yes please!!” 
you grabbed the last cup from the drink carrier and gave it to him, and he thanked you right away
“How did you have enough time to go on a coffee run this morning?” Taeyong asked in shock
“I got up at four and am running on one hour of sleep,” you explained, not even trying to seem like you have it together
that's what its like being a hot mess, babey !!1
“That’s not good, you need to get more sleep. Were you out late last night with your schedule or something?” 
concerned mom? yes
“I was out until about eleven pm, yeah, but in all honesty... I couldn’t sleep because I was very nervous to meet you.” 
bro you need to get some sleep and get your filter back in place
bc when you get no sleep?? a bitch has NO filter whatsoever
Taeyong was genuinely surprised that you were nervous to meet him
“Really?? You were nervous to meet me?? Why, am I really that scary or something??” 
“Its not that you’re scary, exactly, but... I have wanted to work with you for a very long time, and it still hasn’t fully set in that this is my reality.” 
he nodded after you spoke, and it seemed to both impress and confuse him
no matter how popular him and his group got, he never got used to having people look up to him
and to hear it from someone as successful as you, someone he has constantly seen in the media for so long?? mind boggling
it kind of made him nervous tbh
before he could reply, the managers and everyone piled in and the van started moving to the photoshoot set
as soon as you guys left the company building, your head leaned onto the window and you passed tf out
when you woke up, Taeyong was tapping you on the shoulder and telling you that yall got to the set finally
taeyong’s face greeting you when you woke up? shocking, but not an unwelcome sight
“Alright, we need to get you guys into hair and makeup, then we will send you both over to wardrobe and they'll make any last minute touchups and then you can get to work. Sound good?” your manager told you two, and when you both nodded, she immediately directed you to the makeup studio
your artists were very excited to work with you, which made everything much more pleasant
“The feel we are going for with this shoot will perfectly fit your aesthetic and your features, I’m so excited!!” and “You’re naturally this pretty? And after only one hour of sleep? Oh my god, my under eye bags are permanent and it looks like you don’t have any at all!” or the occasional “I wish I could be as stunning as you without even trying...” 
it sounded like Taeyong was going through the same thing, as you could hear some of the other makeup artists gushing about his sharp features
“Wow, your eyes are so beautiful!” and “Your smile is stunning!” and “I wish I was half as pretty as you are!” 
you could tell it made him a bit uncomfortable because he sat there with a :} face 
(unrelated but: that face looks like the grinch lowkey, ok sorry for interrupting lol, back to the fic)
you two made eye contact in the mirror and you could practically read his mind
I want this to stop, they’re making me uncomfortable, oh my god. 
to which your eyes said, Same here, and I am used to dealing with this on a daily basis.  
luckily, they finished putting shadows and liner on your eyelids, and then they sent you to the hair department
for hair, they teased and curled your hair, giving you a tired and just woken up look
well, a styled just woken up kind of look
Taeyong came in halfway through your hair and all they had to do for him was throw some gel in his and make it a little messy and he was good to go
by the time you made it to wardrobe Taeyong was already on set and getting individual pictures for the concept
they threw you in clothes, and by clothes you mean a men’s oversized white button up, short shorts, and a bright red bra
and before you could even leave to head to the set, they made sure that the first few buttons were undone on the shirt
to say you felt a lil bit exposed and cold was an understatement
the second he saw you, Taeyong had a glint in his eye and he couldn't stop staring at you
naturally, that made you blush and get really self conscious
?? wot
“Hello, I am your photographer for the day. This shoot is supposed to be sort of a couple, romantic fashion shoot, so I hope you two know each other very well and are comfortable with being close to one another. Do you two have any issues with that?”  
you both looked at each other, 
and then lee Taeyong, 
while staring dead in your eyes, 
“No, sounds perfect!” 
what the fuck was that supposed to mean ?! 
“sounds perfect” uhhhhhhhhhhh lemme get a mcfuckin explanation 
he gave you a small smile before you managed to get out, “No issues here.” 
that only made him smile more
njsdncvcaehcfabcafcb bitch!! you were whipped for him already
“Great! Let’s get started, then. Y/N, I will have you stand over here, and...” 
let’s just say that the photographer had you two start with basic stuff, like you two standing next to one another with Taeyong putting his hand on your shoulder and things like that
it quickly escalated though, and he had you doing things like laying your legs across his lap and running your hands through his hair
“Sorry if this is a little too intimate for you,” you whispered into his ear during another shot, where you were draped over his sitting form and your hand caressed his cheek
“Don’t apologize, it’s not. If anything, I’m a little flustered to have someone as pretty as you staring at me the way you are, Y/N, even if it is just for the camera,” he told you, shifting so that you were turned with your back to the camera and chest flush to his, your hands delicately placed on his upper arms, his hand resting on your lower back and you staring up at him
faintly you could hear the photographer say,  “THIS IS IT, THIS IS THE ONE!”
“Trust me, it isn’t just for the camera,” you mumbled, not able to filter yourself due to sleep deprivation
you thought he didn’t hear you, but then a smirk formed on his face and you knew you #fucked up
the end of the shoot was arriving, and there were a few more pictures the photographer had in mind, but he wanted to let you guys do your own thing and see where it ended up
“You guys can do what you want for these next few pictures, just do what feels naturally and I’ll angle it well.” very encouraging, right
making use of the pieces of furniture on the set, you decided to lay on the bright red couch and Taeyong looked down at you from behind it
“I couldn’t hear what you said earlier, can you say it again please?” he asked, trying to fish a confession out of you
Oh, Mr. Lee Taeyong, it won’t be that easy. 
“Hmmm, what do you mean?” you asked, purposefully trying to be as close to him as you could, so you sat on your hips to the side more and pulled him down so your hand rested on his cheek and your face was //right there, you could feel his breath on your lips//
(the photographer would have fainted there if he could get away with technical time theft while on the job)
taeyong’s breath hitched and a blush crept onto his cheeks and you knew you got him
ladies and gentlemen.... we got ‘im
even still, he tried to get it out of you
“Well, I thought I heard you say something under your breath before the photographer spoke to us,” he coyly explained, sitting down and pulling you onto his lap
at that point it became a game of who could get the other to blush more
and lemme just say, mama didn’t raise no lil bitch, so you were NOT about to lose
grabbing both sides of his face in your small hands, you leaned in and whispered, “I hope it’s okay that I’m going to kiss you now.” 
his eyes went wide, and then he said, “MORE than okay.” 
and the next thing you know, your lips were planted on his and the photographer was sobbing genuine tears
of course his enthusiasm made you start giggling, and you could feel Taeyong smiling into the kiss
when you two broke apart you leaned your forehead on his and stared into his eyes
“I think we both know what I said earlier,” you told him, throwing your arms around his neck
“Good, because I hope we are both on the same page,” he said, smirking slightly
“And that is?” 
and all he did in response was kiss you again, but this time not smiling from the photographer’ s goofy remarks
the photographer gave the okay after he got that shot and told you two that he wish he’d gotten to work with you sooner
the ironic thing here is that you and Taeyong wished the same thing
you headed back to the dressing rooms, hand in hand, getting stares from the staff but not caring much
or at all, really
#bad bitch club: RISE
“I hope you know that as soon as those pictures get released, people will assume we are dating, right?” you said, wiping the makeup off and combing through your hair
you quickly ducked into changing room, throwing on the clothes you were wearing when you arrived
you heard him chuckle from the other little makeshift room
you exited your changing room and found him waiting for you
“Why let them assume when we could tell them the truth ourselves?” 
and somehow, despite the crazy hectic schedules you both had, 
and all the crazy ups and downs of being in the public spotlight,
a few months later, when the magazine finally hit the shelves and the cover image was you two kissing each other and looking like the happiest couple in the world,
when you got invited to an interview to discuss the inspiration for the images and the experience of working with each other, 
you two walked in hand in hand, smiling brightly and looking like your average couple that was in love
and when asked if you two were dating, 
you replied, “Yes, and it has been the best few months of my life so far.” 
:) uwu
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venuschoso · 5 years
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6:23 pm
boyfriend!taeyong facetimes you on his free time overseas. he's a unicef ambassador that got chosen to visit children on developing countries and help their dreams come true whether it's the dream to have a bicycle or attend school.
before having supper, taeyong decided to call you to check up on you. he got sick of constantly just asking you over text because he couldn't hear your sweet voice or just see you smile at him with sparkly eyes.
while talking, he showed you around the rural area that displayed a wide field of rice crops and straw houses that surround it. he talks about the refreshing weather and how life changing it is to see other people remaining positive despite leading a rough life. he also added about how he felt so bad for taking some things for granted while another would be happy to have it.
you smiled at his remark and complimented how understanding he is. seeing taeyong getting wiser and talk about things he's passionate at makes you feel warm inside. you're truly thankful to have someone intelligent and kind as taeyong in your life.
following your compliment, he suggested that sometime you should come with. he knew of your fondness with kids. it was obvious since you picked being a pediatrician, the kind of doctor that is always dealing with kids. and whenever he would visit you at work, he always saw the passion and the love in your eyes. and its always at those moments where he felt the proudest of himself, because he made the right decision of spending the rest of his life with you.
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softsichenghours · 5 years
{1:14 am} the brownies you and jaemin are making get ruined because you’re too busy making out.
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starboyten · 5 years
[2:01 p.m.]
you glance over your shoulder just to see two girls quickly hide behind a clothing rack. your eyes catch one of them carrying a professional camera and you sigh.
“they’re watching us,” you mumble to jungwoo. “again.”
you just wanted to go shopping with your boyfriend without having the feeling of constantly being watched. it was either the media, fansites, or sasaengs; this was happening so frequently now that you can’t tell the difference anymore.
“let them,” he says, shifting through the shirts on the rack, unbothered. “i have nothing to hide from this world.”
he runs his thumb over your hand in his, comforting you. you smile and rest your head on his shoulder. it’s just you and him against the world.
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softsan · 5 years
nct supernatural au (aesthetic)
these are ideas for a future fanfic series. *no guarantee i’ll write all of them. who are you most looking forward too?
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curse of nightmares
holds the power over the other dark souls 
comes off as sadistic and twisted but is truly lonely
a mysterious girl tries to push him down the path of redemption 
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curse of delusion
shuts himself away
terrified to reveal the demons that lay inside
wants to help a sweet foolish girl escape from her dangerous fate
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curse of destruction
numb to the outside world
looking for a distraction 
meets a girl who believes not all cursed beings can be saved
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curse of flames
capable of great terror 
likes playing with those weaker than him
dumbfounded by a girl who tries to teach him a lesson 
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curse of impulse
remarkable at disguising his true self 
wears a mask for the rest of the world 
taken back by a girl who can see past his facade 
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curse of beasts
detest the animalistic side within
does his best to control its presence 
drawn to a girl who isn’t afraid to pet the dangerous beast inside
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curse of prey
incredible hunter 
very quick and agile on his feet
comes to terms that even a hunter can be hunted
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curse of violence 
violence and bloodshed follow after him 
hasn’t felt much over the past hundred years
threaten by a girl who awakened his dead heart
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curse of beasts
keeps himself locked far far away
legends are written and sang about him
unleashed by a girl who should never have stumbled across him
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curse of chaos
doesn’t look obviously different
master of control 
finds it difficult to keep his deepest secrets from a certain somebody
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curse of darkness
enjoys the frenzy and havoc he creates 
an exceptional monster 
intrigued by a girl who radiates the brightest of lights
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curse of solitude 
longs for a different fate 
desires the girl present in his darkest of dreams
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curse of coldness 
likes to be around water 
finds comfort from power 
captivated by a fearless fish with beautiful scales
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curse of beasts
a young and immature beast
impulsively turns
frighten for a girl too brave for his world 
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curse of delusion 
capable of hiding his inner madness 
his mood quickly changes
furious at a girl who can see through his illusions
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curse of despair 
despair and hopelessness follow him
hides his own pain 
smitten with a girl who brings along happiness 
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curse of false hope
frustrated at how others are so easily influenced
doesn’t believe in much
a hopeful girl refuses to leave his side
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curse of obedience 
can command others to do whatever he desires
quickly loses interest in things
cannot shake a girl immune against his word
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curse of reality
can see the grim future that will come 
wallows in the darkness
perhaps fate isn’t set in stone, perhaps it can be changed
570 notes · View notes
Idk why but whenever I read or hear that NCT is a group with 21+ members just sounds like they’re some kind of adult entertainment group or something
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sugarsweetseo · 5 years
you hear muffled music coming from your bedroom and you walk toward the door, twisting it and pushing it open to be blasted with destiny's child playing. johnny's back faced you, his butt shaking in front of you as he bent over to tuck in the bedsheets. his voice overran the song, making you giggle at his unaware actions. he stood and turned to you, his cheeks immediately darkening as he smiles and turns the music off.
"you're an awfully cute independent woman, mr. seo."
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donghyuwus · 5 years
[11:30 PM]: falling asleep on jaemin's chest after a movie marathon. only to be woken up the next morning by him pecking your whole face and telling you look absolutely stunning even with your bedhead
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