#nct u yukhei
bedtime-history · 1 month
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'19). Y͟O͟U͟ ͟ ‌ ͟ ͟ #͟N͟[必͟要͟]D͟E͟D͟ ͟ ‌ ͟ ͟ M͟E͟?
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@venusiol on ig.
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veryajunice · 2 months
i couldn't watch the documentary without crying. my xuxi... i really don't know what to say, it hurts so much. literally he said that he wanted to die. what if it had happened? what if he had committed suicide? all the stupid creatures would have loved him and been sorry for him if that had happened, right? but after a incident like that, every single those cruel who caused it would have been an 'angel' and said things like "we love you, we are so sorry, we'll miss you etc." right? after it was all over, we would literally have lost someone because of the bullshit they said without knowing anything about the truth. like what happened to moonbin, to sulli, to jonghyun, to hara and to more innocent and beautiful people like them... you remember how they left us? yeah because of some human garbage saying bad things about them, causing them for nothing and bullying them for no reason. what if we had lost one more person again, how would you live with it? even one word you say can change someone's life in every way, you know? a word can make a person live or a word can cause their end...
he was a sunshine but they stole his brightness. he lost his precious smile since then, he looks so fucking tired. when he said he couldn't eat for a while or lost his hair, i couldn't help myself crying, i felt so bad for him. and maybe some people don't know that but every single thing he said he had been through during his hiatus like not getting out of bed or losing appetite etc. are literally major depression symptoms... and it's so sad to see that someone who has the brightest smile like him was in depression like for 6 months or maybe longer... guys, he is a HUMAN like me like you like us.
a fucking stupid sasaeng ruined his life and the most heartbreaking part is that people believed that bich not him and forced him to apologise for something he even hadn't done. and the funnier thing is the "company" haven't done any single thing about it, hah- ah sorry wait the company has done something, right?! yeah just have made him apologise to this shit again and again. even he himself exposed that person, yeah because our really thoughtful (!) company never takes action. so he had to get his life in order.
and the other heartbreaking thing is when he said "i really want to be with them". lucas has always been the sunshine of the group, the mood maker of the group, the giant baby of the group... he has been there for every single of them since the beginning. and actually he still is as we have seen even though the company tried so hard to not make him obvious with a mask and a beanie lol. but you know how nct members are important to him and how he is important to the members. i really don't know how they felt about this situation... especially every wayv member, mark, haechan, chenle, renjun, taeyong and jungwoo. they all couldn't say anything about it and forced to act like nothing happened. but at least it still makes me happy to see them together and supporting each other no matter what.
though everything has been hard, my baby is so strong. i'm so glad he opens his heart to us and sharing hard times he went through. maybe we failed to protect the most loving person, our sunshine but i'm sure he will get over every single bad thing. because he has his fans, his friends, his members... i hope everything will be better for him. he deserves the world. we still love you like the first day our little giant baby. i want to see you smiling brightly again. we care about you a lot, darling. we love you wong yukhei. and i'm looking forward to seeing your new activities! fighting my man!
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sm-lucas · 2 months
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191006 WayV Lucas at SuperM Twitter Blueroom‬‬ © HKExpoHall do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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stylingsstuff · 2 months
𝓨ukhei 𝐈𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒 ⭒۟ 120x120.
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like ou reblog se pegar, 🩷.
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fruithoshi · 1 year
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🍲 – 당신을 사랑합니다 . . . Lucas. <3
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like / reblog if save or use, don't repost.
֯ ꥈ ១ @fruithoshi ֯ ᰷ ✿
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misscancermoon · 1 year
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librarisxng · 7 months
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larmestendres · 6 months
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˗ˏˋ WONG YUKHEI (LUCAS), à ma précieuse @newstigma ♡
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rosietaeyongswife · 1 year
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lucas left😭 it's so fucked up. im not even talking about his mistakes on scene, because it's another case. i am talking about the fact that SM cannot manage sasaengs. he exposed them, and his life got ruined yet DID SHE FACE ANY CONSEQUENCES? not at all. did any of these sick to heads bitches aho follow members, making them uncomfortable, appearing on vlogs etc. faced any consequences? no. what should happen to SM to do something, it's crazy what they've done to Lucas, and what they're doing to other members. hopes at least Lucas is better now.
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tittylover26 · 22 days
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fl0werred · 1 year
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ﹀﹀﹀
₍ 𝟶𝟶.𝟶𝟶 ₎♥︎cigarettes
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layuhsblog · 2 months
As someone who has been a kpop stan since 2018, when i first heard about nct, Got7 was my ult group and i saw a clip of Jackson saying he wants to be friends with Lucas. honestly that got me to want to stan nct cus at that time i knew them as "group w the most members"
When i finally did become a stan Jalepeño was abt to come out. After all this it fuckin hurts to watch the freeze unfreeze documentary. I can't get myself to finish it.
I might get hate for this but i genuinely miss Lucas sm. I hope he can pull a Woojin and become successful individually.
I think its best for both parties. other members have the chance to shine, i hope he can find himself back solo.
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butvega · 1 year
amore tô com saudades das suas fic já 😪 escreve alguma coisinha soft com o lucas ou com qualquer outro EU PRECISO DISSO TO MUITO CARENTE
mana, me perdoe, isso foi tudo, menos soft kkkkkkkkk eu não consigo ser soft com esse homi 🥺
meu cachorro perguntou se você quer ficar comigo; w. wong yukhei.
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avisos: masturbação!mútua, local público, sexo desprotegido, creampieeee, e alta probabilidade de você querer se pegar com o Lucas na piscina.
Piscina, cheirinho de protetor solar, sol quente. Era tudo que você tinha pedido à Deus. O sol da Califórnia queimava sua pele, enquanto seus amigos se divertiam realizando coreografias à beira da água.
Mark puxava as danças, e Lucas, de maneira desengonçada reproduzia de maneira animada.
Você passa a repará-lo. Yukhei tinha um corpo sensacional. Uma pele bronzeada difícil de ver em asiáticos, e que você particularmente apreciava demais. Gostava do jeito bobo dele, sempre sorridente, levando as coisas na positiva. Gostava dos flertes ridículos, das cantadas e do sorriso largo e bonito dele.
Voltou a beber seu drink na taça, reparando às vezes os meninos, que se divertiam entre danças e pulos na piscina. Fechou os olhos afim de aproveitar o sol, que logo foi tapado por uma sombra. Abriu os olhos curiosa, não havia nuvens no céu. Constatou que sombra, era Yukhei. Recém saído da piscina, com o corpo molhado, sorriso perfeito, e a franja molhada jogada para trás.
— Que 'cê tá bebendo? — se sentou na beira de sua espreguiçadeira, curioso.
— Gin tônica com suco de limão. Quer? — ofereceu a taça para ele, que deu um gole.
— Valeu. Na real, eu vim te fazer uma pergunta bem séria. — o sorriso sacana denunciava que de séria a pergunta não tinha nada. Você mexe com a cabeça para que ele prossiga. — Meu cachorro pediu pra perguntar se você quer ficar comigo.
E então você gargalha, e ele ri junto com você. Você o acha tão fofo, apesar das bobeiras e da suposta infantilidade. Não custa dar uma chance.
— Fala pro seu cachorro, que quando você tomar iniciativa, eu fico. — você diz, colocando novamente os óculos escuros. Percebe uma faísca aparecer nos olhos redondinhos do garoto, que olha para os lados afim de ver se alguém iria reparar caso ele te raptasse. Uhn... Não. Todos estavam bêbados, e ocupados demais.
Lucas te puxa pela mão, até a cozinha da casa alugada, que permanece bagunçada, mas vazia. A primeira reação dele, é manter seu corpo preso contra o dele, e o balcão de madeira com algumas frutas.
— Posso te beijar? — pergunta ansioso, os olhinhos encaram seus lábios com desejo. Você acena com a cabeça, tão séria e ansiosa quanto ele.
Os lábios carnudos e macios tomam os seus em deleite. Lucas é sensacional. Seu pescoço arrepia quando as mãos enormes dele apertam suas coxas, levantando seu corpo para que se sente no balcão. Logo após, a destra segue para sua cintura, afim de guiár-los, e a canhota para sua bunda, apertando com volúpia. Puxa seu corpo para o dele, apertando-se contra você. Você sente a recente ereção robusta dele roçar contra seu íntimo já aceso, onde ele não tem pena de moer.
Continua a sarrar em você, acha fofo até a maneira que ele franze o cenho entre o beijo, cada vez que aperta seu corpo contra o próprio pau duro.
— Você é muito gostosa, que isso. — ele murmura contra o beijo, mas logo para o beijo e te olha assustado. — Desculpa. Saiu do nada, não queria te desrespeitar.
— Não desrespeitou, idiota. Vai ser falta de respeito se você não me fizer gozar. — você sussurra contra os lábios do garoto, que falta ter um colapso. Morde os lábios, fazendo uma expressão de sofrimento.
Passa a reparar seu corpo, apenas de biquini, e uma luz se acende em sua cabecinha. Não podem transar ali no meio da cozinha, mas podem brincar um pouco.
Volta a te beijar, um pouco sem jeito, sem querer que você veja que ele desce um pouco do short molhado, afim de liberar o membro ereto apenas. Volta a colar os corpos, desta vez puxando um pouco sua calcinha para o lado, apenas o suficiente para que sua cabecinha possa roçar contra seu clitóris inchado. O pré gozo te mela, mas você não liga. Já estava molhada demais.
Enquanto isso, ele continua a te beijar maravilhosamente bem. Punheta a si mesmo, enquanto continua a roçar a cabecinha por toda sua fenda. Ameaça entrar, mas não entra, fica só na provocação. Você geme em seus lábios, posiciona o quadril mais pra frente, tentando fazer com que ele entre em você, mas ele sempre recua, achando graça de seu desespero.
Os próprios movimentos de sobe e desce em si mesmo ganham velocidade, a medida em que seus gemidos manhosos aumentam. Você mesma não aguenta a provocação, e goza apenas com a cabecinha em sua entrada.
Lucas não demora, morde seus lábios em meio ao beijo, e goza também, ainda com a ponta melada por dentro do seu biquini, passeando por sua intimidade encharcada.
Resmunga baixinho em meio à um gemido dengoso, enquanto expele jatos por toda sua buceta, a sujando inteira de porra.
Esperam um pouco até que as respirações normalizem, e Lucas olhe para baixo orgulhoso da bagunça que fez em você. Coloca a calcinha do biquini no lugar, e mexe um pouco com o polegar em sua parte sensível, espalhando o sêmen que ali se concentra.
— Desculpa, mas você vai voltar pra lá toda marcadinha de mim. — sela seus lábios carinhosamente. — Não quero que seja só isso. Quero que você seja minha, entende?
eu entendo, querido, entendo.
espero que goste, beiju ❤️
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sm-lucas · 3 months
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191111 WayV Lucas at SuperM: We Are The Future Live in Fort Worth‬ © HKExpoHall do not edit, crop, or remove the watermark
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youchangallery · 1 year
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˒ lucas icons 120×120, cr. mention chanyouchan
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woosn · 11 months
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i have so much to say but the only thing i know is my sadness and my heartbroken. i wish the best for these three wonderful men. they didn't deserve all the bad things happened. especially Lucas who had to put up with some stupid people and their bullshit. i still can't get over it. he could have promoted 'Jalapeño' instead of having to share an apology letter for a stupid reason; even though he hadn't done anything, even though it came to light that he had been innocent... but you some birdbrains still continued to bully him. are you happy now? you literally made someone's life a nightmare. congratulations(!). i will never forgive the people who had done those to him, never. i don't even want to talk about the ones who hated shotaro and sungchan for joining the group later... this is the group we stan and if you are a real nctzen, you have to love and respect all the members equally. it doesn't matter if they joined prior or later, they are NCT all together. how can you even hate someone because of that ridiculous reason? some people have too much angriness and badness. you need to learn human feelings and have some empathy...
i hope everything goes well for them. i will support you guys no matter what. and never forget that nct will always be 23, wayv will always be 7.
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