#natsu just thinks they’re dating
moxiepoxart · 3 months
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They’re just friends, look how they behave
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yandere-writer-momo · 4 months
Yandere Baki Head Canons:
The One That Got Away
Yandere Doppo Orochi x Immortal Afab Reader x Yandere Katsumi Orochi
Loosely based off the Age of Adeline. I am so sorry Natsue Orochi, I love you baby girl. Please forgive me.
TW: Cheating, smut mentioned, fingering, and yandere behavior
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The day Katsumi’s lover walked through the door, Doppo’s world came crashing down. What were you doing here and how did you look exactly the same as the day you disappeared?
“(Your name)?” Doppo asked you with wide eyes. He felt such a mix of emotions. Happiness, anger, sorrow, and betrayal were the most prominent but confusion clouded his mind. How were you still so youthful? You should have been nearing your fifties and you didn’t look a day past your twenties. There was no way…
“(Your name)? My name is (fake name), you must have me confused with my parent.” You nervously laugh which made Katsumi and Natsue glare at him. Who on earth was (your name)? They’ve never heard of this mysterious person before…
The four of them had dinner together but Doppo’s eyes were on (your name) the entire time. He couldn’t get rid of the feeling in his gut and he’s never been wrong before. Natsue noticed Doppo’s change in demeanor and shut down a bit. She knew he was in a relationship prior to her but she didn’t know the details of it… she’s heard before that a man never forgot his first love and it made her feel second best. Like Doppo settled for her.
Katsumi held your hand the entire time, his brow furrowed at his father’s strong gaze on you. Just who was (your name) and why was Doppo so insistent they were you? Whatever. You’re his partner and he wasn’t cool with his adopted dad being weird to you.
After the most awkward meal in history, Katsumi beamed at you. “Sorry my parents are awkward today. Usually they’re quite chatty.” Katsumi gave your hand a squeeze. “Why don’t we take a walk for a bit? That way they can talk.”
“Sounds good, Katsumi. Let’s go.” The two of you headed out and made sure to ignore the look Natsue gave Doppo. You should have realized Katsumi’s surname was the same as Doppo’s but Doppo was infertile. So how were you to know he had adopted a kid in the decades you had been absent? It wasn’t Katsumi’s fault nor was it Doppo’s that you were cursed with eternal youth.
Katsumi and you walked together. A frown on your face once you began to think. You’ve been with Katsumi for only a month and he already spoke of marriage… you couldn’t marry him or else the government would discover you… You’ve been stuck at the age of 25 for the last eighty years. How on earth could you give him the love he’d deserved?
“My family home is pretty nice, right?” Katsumi asked you with a big smile. “Would you want to live in a home like that? I make enough to have a big place…” You gave Katsumi a tight smile. Why on earth would he want such a big home for just two of you?
“Don’t you think it’s a bit impractical for just two of us?” You softly asked Katsumi who shook his head. His large hands scooped up yours as his eyes stared into yours.
“Well, I’d like to start a family after marriage. I think two kids would be good… maybe more!” Katsumi smiled brightly at you as he began to ramble. “I could see you nice and round with my kids… you’d be such a good mom. I notice how you longingly look at babies.”
You did your best not to frown immediately. Like father like son. Doppo had wanted to get married just ten weeks into dating while his son was even more impatient. Then again, normal humans didn’t live as long as you have. You were well over a hundred at this point and still not deceased. All because of a freak accident when you were young…
“So what do you say? Would you want that life with me too?” Katsumi asked you with big, puppy eyes, his hands squeezed yours. “I apologize for getting a bit ahead of myself. But you never know if I could be castrated in the fighting ring since the other fighters always go for the nuts…”
You stifled a laugh at his joke. Katsumi certainly wasn’t wrong from the fights you’ve seen in your many years on this earth. He could potentially become infertile, but that wasn’t your problem. Katsumi was simply a place holder to fill the bottomless hole in your heart that could never be filled. The never ending loneliness to your bizarre existence. One of many relationships you’ve had to try to ease the loneliness of eternal life.
“You have big dreams, I’ll certainly admit that.” You told your lover who only smiled at you. How could you ever be mad at a face like his? Katsumi was certainly one of the cuter men you’ve been with. And he wasn’t terrible in bed, a bit inexperienced, but not terrible.
Katsumi grabbed at your hip which made you jolt. “Easy there, tiger. We’re in the great outdoors.” The tow of you shared a laugh before you made your way back to his parents’ house.
Katsumi just gave you a wink. The two of you walked in to find the home empty. Katsumi smiled at you. “I think dad probably took mom out on a date to make her feel better. I’ll walk you home.”
You nodded your head a smiled. Perhaps you really didn’t have anything to worry about?
A few weeks had gone by and Katsumi invited you out to eat with his parents once more. You were a bit reluctant to accept, but you did.
And the dinner wasn’t nearly as awkward as the last one. Doppo and Natsue were much warmer this time. You felt relief wash over you. Thank god… you didn’t want to deal with a (currently) old man you once had a passionate love affair with.
The four of you somehow ended up drinking a few bottles of sake together to ‘melt the ice.’ Katsumi became ever more chatty the more he drank until he was nearly falling over himself while poor Natsue was already fast asleep at the table. Doppo gave you an apologetic smile as he carried her to their room. You, on the other hand, helped Katsumi to the couch where he passed out instantaneously. The poor guy’s cheeks were as red as the bottom of a baboon.
And right before you could leave, Doppo had walked over to you. His hands stuffed in his pockets and his brow furrowed. The eye patch and facial scars made him look much older than 56, but you didn’t want to ask for the stories on them. The two of you no longer had a relationship of any kind for almost three decades now…
Doppo grasped your hand and held it up to his eye. “These scars… I stitched this scratch on your hand twenty nine years ago in the woods when you went with me up the mountain to train.”
“I got these scars from cutting a vegetable-“ you squealed when his fingers pressed into your scar with anger.
“Don’t lie to me. I have a very specific way I stitch and it’s quite ugly.” Doppo clicked his tongue as he dropped your hand.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. My name is (fake name)-“
“Do you take me for a fool?” Doppo asked you as he yanked your skirt up to reveal another scar you had on your thigh. “You got that when you were running about with me too. How are you still so young? You… why did you disappear?”
You glanced over at Katsumi who remained knocked out cold on the couch. It’s not like he was conscious to hear your conversation… “You see how I am… what I am.” You sighed and pinched your nose. “I cannot age. I can’t live a normal life-“
“And yet you’re with my son, Katsumi.” Doppo glared at you with his muscular arms crossed. “Are you going to leave him too? You took his virginity.”
So that’s why Katsumi was a bit clumsier in bed… and his unusual attachment with you. Now you felt like an even bigger piece of shit. “I… I don’t know-“
Doppo grabbed your forearms and leaned forward to press his lips against yours in a rough kiss. Your entire body freezes up at the contact in shock. What on earth?
Doppo pulled away with a sigh of anger. “I… did you know I wanted to marry you? I could have hid you away. I would have hidden you away. We could could worked something out-“
“It’s too many years late for that now.” You frown at him. “You’re married now. You have a family-“
“I just can’t believe you’re fucking my son…” Doppo shook his head. “You’re with my clumsy, arrogant son… you certainly have a type.”
You didn’t even think about how similar they were… Doppo used to be quite arrogant when he was younger too. Yet the years seemed to have made him more humble.
“I guess I do-“
“Does my son at least satisfy you. You used to be quite… hedonistic.” You nearly choked on your spit at what Doppo said.
“Are you saying I’m some sort of lust fueled monster?” You jumped when Doppo’s hands grabbed your hips and pushed your pelvis towards his. You felt a bit of electricity shoot up your spine when you felt something large press against you. You forgot how well endowed this older man was…
“For old time’s sake… don’t you want this one more time?” You whined when he ground himself into you. God dammit, you didn’t need this temptation. Especially not from your boyfriend’s father. “I know I’m packing more than Katsumi is and you also know I’m infertile… it won’t hurt.”
You bit your lip in thought. He wasn’t wrong about him being bigger than Katsumi. Doppo was one of the larger men you’ve slept with and you can count all the men you slept with on one hand.
And before you can even answer, his hand is shoved in the waist band of your pants. His fingers expertly stroke your damp slit as you shudder under his touch. God… Katsumi didn’t know how to touch you like this.
Doppo smirked at you as you leaned forward to grasp onto him as one of his thick fingers sunk into your greedy warmth. Your wanton moans were quiet as tears filled your eyes. You had forgotten what it was like to be fingers by someone who knew what they were doing…
“It feels good, right?” Doppo asked you in a hushed tone. His hot breath tickled the shell of your ear. “And that’s only my fingers… Just imagine what my cock can do.”
You feel a bit of drool drip from your mouth and onto his shirt. Your state of pleasure made Doppo smirk. Here you were once more… under him. Where you belonged.
“Let’s head somewhere more quiet, okay?” Doppo softly asked you as you melted into his arms. His thumb now stroked your clit as a second finger was added inside of you. You were practically dripping puddles on his palm. You greedy little whore.
And you were slept into the guest room. Doppo quickly undoing his pants while you lay on the futon with your bare ass bent high in the air for him to claim once more.
May Katsumi and Natsue forgive you for the sin you were about to commit… the sin of pleasure. A sin you hoped was only a one time deal.
Yet you weren’t aware that Doppo had other plans. Plans to share you between himself and his son. Who decided Katsumi would be the only one to feel that perfect, tight pussy? It’s not like Katsumi knew what to do… not like Doppo did.
You took a sharp inhale when Doppo gave a harsh slap to your rear. An angry hand shaped welt now on your bottom as the older man gave you a wicked smirk.
“Alright, princess. Don’t make a fucking sound.”
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fairy-heart-magic · 1 year
Dragon Slayer Head-Cannons
All of the dragon slayers are extremely creepy, they unnerve the hell out of other people just by being around them. Part of it is their appearance with pointed ears, dragon like eyes, the nails which seem more like claws and strange marks upon their skin but there’s more to it than that. The way they hold your stare, the way their pupils sharpen in the light, the way they hold their fingers-claws ready to slash-, the smiles they hold with razor sharp teeth. Nobody ever knows what it specifically is, just that there is something not quite human about them.
Dragon Slayer biology is completely wild and so different from human biology that they’re a lot closer to dragons than they are to humans.
They can see completely in the dark
They also have scales on the rough of their mouth and in the back of there throat to protect them from their roar’s.
They also have marks which came to be called dragon slayer marks as it allows both dragons and other dragon slayers to identify them, different elements produce different marks. Gajeel for example has black marks which look like welded seems across his body, Natsu has flame like patterns, Wendy has cloud like patterns, Laxus lightning like patterns, Sting has round circles like halo’s of light, Rogue has black patterns like shadows, Erik has what looks like small tear drops under his eyes but are obviously poison.
They have four sets of lungs to power their roar’s and employ a system of air sac’s (Air sac’s ensure oxygen rich air flows through the body when breathing in and out and is used by birds and they think dinosaurs used it to) however this can produce somewhat of a weakness as the second set of lungs are located behind the first and thus are towards the back of the ribcage making their back sensitive to impact. One good hit to the back and they’ll be completely stunned for a short period.
Their claws are razor sharp and can cause serious injury. Though the sharpness of the claw depends on the dragon slayer, Gajeel’s are strong enough to cut through iron and out of all the dragon slayers his are the thickest with Wendy’s being the weakest.
They instinctively fear whatever element they are weakest too. To explain Natsu is afraid of water though he can swim just fine he absolutely hates being in the water more than anything. Gajeel fears magma and extremely high temperature fire as they can melt through his iron (Though the fire has to be well over 2,500 Degrees Celsius as his iron is twice as strong as normal iron and twice the melting point). Wendy dislikes being low to the ground and prefers to be up in the air, she also fears polluted area’s or poisonous gases though she can use her magic to purify the air doing so is dangerous to her. Laxus similarly to Natsu dislikes water along with Earth magic as solid ground doesn’t conduct lightning and is one of the few things that stops lightning dead in its tracks. Sting is afraid of dark and black as they can smother his white-light. Rogue on the other hand is afraid of bright light and powerful sources of energy as they can erase his shadows. Erik is afraid of purifying magic as it can obviously cancel out his poison.
They’re all extremely flexible and agile, with it varying from dragon slayer to dragon slayer. From most flexible to least the list goest as follows. Natsu, Wendy, Sting, Rogue, Laxus, Gajeel.
That’s all I can think of for now though I’ll probably post another one of these at a later date focusing on each dragon slayer individually. As well as specific posts for Irene, Achnologia and maybe God Serena if I get around to it.
Feel free to reblog or use them if you want to.
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gildsharts · 2 months
My take on NALU is that they are dating, except they’re trying their absolute hardest to keep it secret from the rest of the guild. Natsu is just dense and doesn’t know how to keep a secret n that’s why Lucy’s constantly gotta be like “fuck off my leg natsu you’re groping me again” and also why we don’t ever see them kiss or outwardly say their romantic feelings towards one another in the series. I think it’s just that they both want to seem like powerful individuals and not a *power couple*. Plus maybe Lucy’s worried about the pressure to start a family like their counterparts in edolas, like I think she likes the idea (and so does natsu) but he’s still quite immature and they’re both still young. And they ARE going to be together forever, as natsu said, why not take their time and privacy with that relationship? I think regardless the guild does know mainly bc they’re loud and proud behind closed doors. And natsu would do anything for Lucy regardless of their relationship status. That’s 100% his devotion and he probably doesn’t care who sees that anyways.
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tokkias · 5 months
something old, something new ship: natsu dragneel x lucy heartfilia summary: Though Lucy tries not to let herself live in the grief of losing her mother, there still lingers a hint of regret that she never got to meet Natsu. Or at least, that's what she thinks. The red string of fate seems to have a different story to tell. ao3
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A soft cough passes through Lucy’s lips as dust sputters up into the air. It’s been a while since she’s been in this storage unit and the thin layer of grime that has built up on every surface shows it.
She’s not a hoarder, but the look of the unit, holding every single memory of her late mother that she could get her hands on might imply her to be one. She’s not, she’s just sentimental.
It’s hard to go through this stuff, but it’s harder to get rid of it, so it stays inside this unit. Today she has no intention of ridding herself of the burden of anything in here though, no, she has something much different in mind.
Lucy idly twists the ring on her left hand—a habit she’s picked up since the day that Natsu first got down on one knee. She’s not really a ring person so she’s not used to the way it feels on her finger yet. Natsu had told her that she didn’t have to wear it, that they could change it for something else, a necklace, a bracelet, perhaps, but she had staunchly refused. The ring was special, something he had put a lot of time and thought into. If she wasn’t a ring person, she would become one, just for this.
It’s nothing fancy, a simple gold band with a dazzling red garnet as the centrepiece. Red isn’t typically her colour, but it’s Natsu’s colour and she is his and he is hers so it only feels fitting.
Though she hasn’t stepped foot in here in many years, she still knows most of what makes up the mess. She knows her mother’s astronomy books are piled up in the left corner, right on top of her vast collection of fairy and folktales. Her jewellery, sparse of what’s left of it, sits in a box right next to her collection of dresses, both of which pique Lucy’s attention today.
With their wedding date inching closer each day, she’s in here looking for something that might constitute her something old to bring the memory of her beloved mother with her on what is soon to be the happiest day of her life.
She knows her mother would have loved Natsu and she knows he, in turn, would have loved her. It’s a thought she doesn’t like to dwell on for too long. Though knowing that at least one of her parents would have loved her life-partner is soothing to the soul, if she lingers for just a moment too long, it fills her with a deep sorrow that she often cannot contain. Knowing the fondness the two most important people in her life would have no doubt held for each other just makes it all the worse knowing that they would never meet, that though Layla lives on in Lucy’s heart and memory, that is all of her that she can share with Natsu—memories.
Before her thoughts can lead her any further astray, Lucy reminds herself of why she’s here. Weaving past boxes stacked across the floor, she makes her way to the back of the unit to find her mother’s jewellery.
Though she wasn’t one to flaunt their rather excessive wealth, Layla had procured a few pieces in her time. Most of them were lost to time and pawn shops upon the bankruptcy of the Heartfilia Konzern but there were still a few sentimental pieces that Lucy couldn’t bare to part with that remained in her possession. Several earrings, a few necklaces, a bracelet or two—hopefully one of which would lend itself to match the rest of her wedding ensemble.
As Lucy goes to retrieve the jewellery box, she’s stopped in her tracks when she finds a stack of photos sitting atop it. They’re not personal ones—all of her family photos now reside in Lucy’s apartment, rather, it’s a collection of school class photos. Before she had succumbed to her illness, Layla had been an elementary school teacher, a job that Lucy could not think suited better to anyone than her mother. She was full of love, kindness, compassion—everything you would want in someone who was raising a future generation of children. She had no doubt touched the lives of hundreds of students who passed through her classroom in her tenure.
A soft smile graced Lucy’s lips as she thought about it. Most of her students would no doubt be her age by now. She wonders if they still look fondly back on their time in Mrs. Heartfilia’s classroom. She hopes so. She hopes that her legacy lives on in the hearts of more than just her kin.
Unable to thwart her curiosity and sentimentality, Lucy picks up the stack and begins to flip through it.
She doesn’t expect to recognise anyone in the photos—Layla taught at a public school whereas Lucy found herself attending private school at her father’s insistence, so it’s mostly brief glances as she leafs through the images, watching the way her mother ages through each one.
Mostly, anyway.
There’s one image in particular that does manage to pique her interest. If she had spent even just a second less looking at the students in it, she’s certain she would have missed it altogether, but she doesn’t—she spots it out of the corner of her eye and she almost can’t believe what she’s seeing. Right there, next to her mother, is a familiar head of pink hair, one that she knows she would recognise anywhere, one that surely belongs to her beloved fiancé.
Lucy can’t do anything but sit and stare at it for a moment in disbelief.
Surely it can’t be him.
If her mother had taught her fiancé, she feels like that’s something that would have come up in conversation before now, but that messy pink hair combined with those lively dark eyes and that toothy Natsu grin that always had her tripping over her feet and words are the telltale signs that give him away.
Her eyes flick down to the names and what she has already figured out is confirmed when she sees the name Natsu Dragneel printed out at the bottom.
It feels like a prank, something too good to be true, but no, it’s real. It’s in print, in her hands, and as she runs her thumb across Natsu’s image, she knows that her eyes aren’t playing tricks. She doesn’t even realise she’s crying until her vision starts to fog up and the tears begin to land on the picture, rolling off the laminate and leaving a damp trail in its wake.
She doesn’t bother going through what she came here for, barely even remembering to grab it on her way out, her attention instead captured only by the photo in her hand.
“Natsu!” She calls out into the apartment, class photo in hand. “Natsu!”
Her cries draw his attention up from his lunch and she doesn’t give him any explanation before she thrusts the picture into his hands. He glances up at her in confusion for a moment, finding her looking expectantly back at him which prompts him to give it a better look.
“Where did you get this,” he asks, brows furrowed in confusion as he finally realises what it is.
“I found it in mama’s storage unit,” Lucy explains.
He looks up at her, then back down at the photo, then up at her again, and she can see the gears turning in his head as he begins to put the pieces together. His mouth drops open as he seemingly struggles to come up with a coherent response but Lucy doesn’t need one. She’s so overcome with joy over this new revelation that simply sharing it with him is enough for her.
She had already mourned the loss of her mother once, then again as she mourned the fact that she and Natsu would never meet. Now, she realises that the red string of fate that winds around her finger has always led back to him, as though her very own mother had sent him to her from her space now amongst the stars.
“You’re Mrs. Heartfilia’s daughter,” he finally manages to say, a hint of disbelief tainting his voice.
He holds up the class photo as if to look at her and her mother side-by-side, comparing them as though to see if it’s real. She’s been told that she’s the spitting image of her mother, but given how young Natsu must have been when she taught him, she doesn’t blame him for not realising it until now.
“Man,” he breathes as he finally puts the photo down before breaking out into a grin. “She was the best.”
Lucy laughs, her heart swallowed with an insurmountable joy that she’s certain words will never adequately convey. She imagines a rowdy child Natsu running around her mother’s classroom, she imagines scribbled drawings of dragons and fire scrawled with crayon filling up Layla’s desk. It gives her a sense of closure that she had never even thought possible until now.
She beams up at Natsu, her heart full as she embraces him, burying her face in his chest. As his arms slip around her, she’s able to make peace knowing the tie between her something old and her something new.
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zolaliz · 2 months
Natsu stayed overnight to make sure Lucy was alright after she got drunk at the party (to make sure she knew it wasn’t all a dream. An intuition perhaps.)
Like everyone was so upset that they didn��t confess or start dating or etc but like. Everyone else, every other ship (minus gruvia) got a narrated scene/exchange and Nalu got a whole emotional “you changed me for the better” and “we’re going to be together forever” ending sequence w music and everything
It wasn’t an “almost confession” it WAS a confession (but it deffo was bait I find it hilarious)
Natsu was going to tell Lucy he loves her (duh) and then thought yknow what, we have all the time in the world- we’re gonna be together forever, so there’s no rush to confess and make things official (can y’all really see Natsu in a relationship rn anyway??)(Natsu and Lucy is so inherently queer cuz there is no way I can visualize their relationship being normal bf gf dynamics in canon but that’s a whole other story)(what they have works for each other. They’re in love and maybe not dating, maybe they are, maybe it’s unspoken, maybe sometimes they wish it wasn’t, but at the end of it all it’s forever for the two of them, and they can take their time, and we didn’t get a confession we practically got a wedding without the dumb wedding-ness of it, just some nice ole soulmate shit)
Brainrot is SO BAD cuz I’ve been watching while I animate for my thesis and aghhh I love them so much and I think the bait is hilarious bc their relationship is already so solid and practically undeniable
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bluebird167 · 1 year
If Fairy Tail was in the modern world and the characters were regular teenagers part 2.
It’s Friday night and Juvia is eagerly putting on her make up before leaving for her date. While Lucy is there helping her get ready.
Juvia: I can’t believe Gray actually asked me out.
Lucy: I can! I knew he’d get around to asking you eventually. Which reminds me, Natsu owes me twenty bucks.
Juvia: How do I look?
Lucy: Like you’re not trying and that’s exactly how you need to look.
Juvia: I do? But I am trying.
Lucy: But you can’t let him know that. He has basically been ignoring you since middle school and now that we’re seniors and he’s asked you out, you can’t just fall into his arms.
Juvia: I can’t?
Lucy: Absolutely not. If guy thinks you’re easy, he will never appreciate you. You have to show him, that while you are interested, you aren’t just going to do whatever he wants.
Juvia: What if I want to do whatever he wants?
Lucy: Trust me, no girl wants to do whatever a guy wants all the time. You think I want to watch Natsu scarf down an entire buffet and then spend the whole night listening to him barf in a bush? In relationships both parties have to give and you better make sure Gray knows that.
Juvia: Okay.
Lucy: So where are you going for your date?
Juvia: Drive in movie.
Lucy: What are you seeing?
Juvia: Well I wanted to see something romantic but I know guys hate chick-flicks, unless they’re Freed, so I compromised that we see that new war movie about the solider and the nurse who travel across the world to get back to each other. It’s a love story but it’s also about honor and courage and mind-less violence. Something for both of us.
Lucy: Nice! And your brother is okay with this right?
Juvia: Yes. Last week we had a talk about boundaries. About how he’s not going to treat me like a little kid anymore, how he’s going to stop hovering over me, and how he’s going to give me privacy.
Ironically, Gajeel is downstairs listening to their conversation through the air vents.
Levy: Gajeel stop eavesdropping! We’re going to be late for your gig! Also that’s very creepy.
Gajeel: I’m sorry babe, but Juvia is going on her first date and I just want to make sure that she’ll be coming straight home tonight.
Levy: Will you relax? It’s just a drive in movie. Remember when you took me to one? We had such a wonderful time.
Gajeel: (Smiles at the memory) Yeah we did. The starry night, the way you’d cling to me each time someone got butchered on screen. I’d hold you to keep you safe, we’d kiss, it would get really warm and then we’d….
Gajeel suddenly becomes panic stricken and runs upstairs.
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Who would be your favorite partner(s) for Lucy and why? I always love hearing your reasons and ideas. I love how your mind works. 💕
askskggdogjdskdk thanks for the compliment! truthfully, these fuckers live in my brain and i need to keep talking about them even though all of my mutuals are slowly leaving FT :((
I think this is my favorite Lucy ship in general and I wish their relationship developed into more than just a played out, tired gag. I’d prefer it to be romantic, obviously, but even a deeper friendship would be better than what we got. :((
10/10, expect Lolu slowburn in my rewrite ;)
My first FT ship! I love them so much!
Why fight over Natsu when you can date your “love rival?” Seriously, they have a cute relationship from the little we see them interact and they’re so precious! Unison Raids resulting in new Take Overs for Lisanna!
9/10, making out while Natsu makes out with his boyfriend
I adore the knight/princess vibe they got, and also just love the thought of Erza helping Lucy tap into her own badassry. Their friendship is really overlooked and i think it could be a nice semi-slowburn and then i’d make them a couple after the Edolas arc because Lucy’s torment of Knightwalker being a monster and her relief of seeing her Erza makes me so aahhhh!
8/10 would write a whole multi chapter fic Macao arc — Alverez arc dedicated to them
Very similar to Erlu in the dynamic they could’ve had. That episode between them fighting that rocker hair guy in the ToH was so cute and it really showed what they could’ve have if Mashima developed Juvia.
7/10, would write a whole multi chapter fic Phantom Lord arc — Alverez arc dedicated to them, minus a few points bc of canon juvia :(
I think this was my first WLW ship in FT, or, at least the one that I was most in love with. Their friendship is so sweet and I wish that Cana would stop groping her in canon :/
7/10, had to take points off for the sexual harassment :((
Might be surprised seeing this one ranked so low, seeing as i made lelu canon in my rewrite, but the truth is, i just like different lucy and levy ships more. that being said, this ship is so adorable!
Mostly bc of the future lucy/future rogue angst, but also their dynamic would be so cute! emo black cat and his sunshine golden girlfriend, it’s amazing!
More of a smaller ship, but they’re adorable. Flare’s little crush is basically canon and Lucy slowly helping her come out of her shell is sweet. Bad start but a cute little ship.
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kusaka6e · 2 years
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(fairy tail ver) | mha ver | aot ver
various fairy tail x fem!reader
hcs about ft characters as hot band member boyfriends <3
sting, the drummer
he’s okay at guitar too (he had to learn it to compete with natsu) but he was made for the drums
absolutely loves looking up from doing an amazing drum solo and seeing you front row
could not care less about validation from anyone other than you and it’s the cutest thing
like he doesn’t acknowledge anything says about his earring but is all in your face like “baby does this jewelry look okay??”
matching crop tops <3
made things official by him + the rest of the band bringing you to an empty venue and playing iris by the goo goo dolls for you, that turned into “iris” being one of sting’s nicknames for you
listens to a lot of rap/hip-hop outside of the band
you two have had rap battle dates on more than one occasion and even thought he swears he’s the better of the two of you, you somehow always end up winning
rogue, the bassist
this mf tried to be all cool and nonchalant until you complimented his playing on one of your favorite songs and he melted
he will def buy you a ticket to come see him at a show that’s far away with absolutely no warning
“rogue, sweetheart, this is in three days. you do know i have work?” “yea well i wanna see you, so work will have to wait.”
found frosch as a stray one of their out of town shows and refused to give the cat up so now that’s you two’s child
he buys the most ridiculous costumes and outfits for frosch and lives for the pictures you send him once the outfits are on
family halloween costumes with frosch ?? absolutely
loves when you do his eyeliner before shows, he swears it makes him play better
natsu, the guitarist
he’s so obnoxious omfg
i’m tired of his bullshit just thinking about it
when you come to rehearsals/soundchecks, he’ll purposely pretend to not know a song to get an excuse to show off in front of you
like “hey, you guys know that one song? the one that goes like…?” *launches into the world’s most dramatic guitar solo* “y’know, that one?” and he’s definitely shooting winks and cheeky grins your way after
the rest of the boys (especially gajeel) definitely use snitching to you as a way to get natsu to calm tf down LMAOOO
when you come to shows that are farther away he definitely tries to get you to sleep in his tiny ass bunk on the tour bus
you do
and the pictures that come from it are adorable
gajeel, the lead singer
he prefers to play acoustic guitar over electric, which is how he decided to sing for the band instead
people notice how much softer he is with you and he tries to deny it, knowing damn well he loves being babied by you
definitely matches his eyebrow piercing to one of your piercings
pictures of you EVERYWHERE; taped on the wall of his bunk on the tour bus, in his wallet, inside his phone case
strictly wears headbands/bandanas you pick out for him on stage
if he’s near you he’s touching you, no exceptions
usually pretty mellow and laid back unless it’s about you
he’s not above knocking someone out if they’re making you upset it have your name in their mouth (he has and 100% will do it again)
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icedroplove · 5 months
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Chapter 4
From the moment Gray stepped into Aster village, he noticed that the place attracted many cultured people. There were a lot of bookstores, museums and restaurants which was surprising for such a small space. This first impression was the reason why Gray wasn't that surprised by the amount of people at the event. Everyone was wearing fancy outfits, drinking and talking in such a sophisticated manner it made Gray sick. Those kinds of receptions weren’t events he liked to attend. Everyone was so smug and boring. 
A waiter passed by and offered them champagne. Gray took a glass. Maybe this wasn’t that bad, after all, he thought.
“So, what do we do?” Lucy asked the group, sipping her own glass of champagne and looking around.
“I dunno, but I’m going to eat. They’re serving some good stuff here. Call me when it’s time to kick some ass!” Natsu said and, before anyone could argue, left to the appetizers table with Happy trailing after him.
“Do we know what this Ludovic dude looks like?” Gray asked.
“No, but since his novel was a big success, he should be the center of attention. It won’t be that hard.” Lucy reasoned.
As if on cue, two young girls passed by them, talking excitedly and holding a book in their hands.  “We should go try to get an autograph from him!” one of them said. “There he is… Oh, Ludovic is so handsome!!” The second one exclaimed.
Gray followed their gaze and saw a man in his early thirties. He looked out of place with his colorful and weird clothes, but everyone seemed to look at him as if he was a divinity. Yeah, that was definitely him. He called his friends’ attention to the purple-haired man. As soon as she spotted him, Lucy choked on her drink and started coughing loudly. Her face was red when she eventually recovered after Erza slapped her back with her usual strength.
“What’s going on, Lucy?” Erza, confusedly asked. 
“That man is Bora, that creep me and Natsu fought when we first met. He ran a women trafficking business”
“Lucy-san… what are you talking about?”
Gray looked at Juvia, who looked as pale as paper. Her eyes were bouncing from Lucy to the dude, who they could see from afar had started a talk with the previous girls.
“Juvia, I never told you this story?”
It was then that Juvia learned about Lucy’ first contact with Bora, how he tried to kidnap and sell her and that if it weren’t for Natsu, he would have been successful. When she was done, Juvia's face wasn’t white anymore. It was red. 
Juvia felt her insides boil, Lucy’s story made her anger towards Bora multiply one hundred times. Juvia had never been in love with him, nor even when they were dating. After years of their last encounter, she was able to pinpoint the reason why she dated him in the first place. Loneliness scared her. It didn’t matter that he was a terrible partner, always complaining about her unusual way of talking, her clothes, her shyness and her rain because at least she had someone by her side. 
From their meeting in the library she had already guessed that Bora hadn’t changed his terrible behavior, but hearing Lucy’s story caught her by surprise. Sure, he had been a douche with her, but she never would imagine that he was involved with human traffic of all things. It was just so bizarre. However, thinking of it, many years passed from their breakup to Lucy joining Fairy Tail, he could have become a criminal in that time gap. 
Juvia probably had a weird look on her face while all those thoughts went through her head because suddenly she felt Erza’s hand on her shoulder. She blinked and looked at her friends who were staring at her. 
“Are you okay, Juvia?”
“It’s okay, Erza-san. Juvia was just thinking about what Lucy-san went through and that made her angry.”
That answer seemed to be enough for the redhead, who went quiet. Juvia took a glass of champagne from the waiter and tried to look cool. A few moments later, Erza raised her head in resolution. She had a plan.
"Lucy, you will look after Natsu so that he doesn’t see Bora and get in a fight with him. Me and Juvia will try to get some information. He looks like he’ll open up if there’s women involved.”
Juvia didn’t feel comfortable with that idea. She wasn’t very good at pretending, nor at hiding her feelings and it wouldn’t be helpful to their mission if she suddenly lashed out at Bora - or Ludovic, for that matter. Would it be worth it?
She suddenly felt warmth on her shoulders, A hand caressed her bare shoulder and nape. Gray was smiling at her.
“It’s going to be fine. You got this.” he said.
Well, it wouldn’t be that bad, would it? 
“Juvia will go with you, Erza-san!” She nodded to motivate herself and turned to Gray. “Thank you, Gray-sama, for encouraging Juvia.” She kissed his cheek and grabbed Erza’s hand, dragging her through the crowd. She didn’t see her redhead friend looking back at a very flushed Gray, who stuck his tongue out after he noticed he was being observed.
Erza walked confidently to Bora with Juvia trailing after her, who seemed to be done talking with the ladies. He was sipping a glass of champagne while listening to an old man. When he spotted her friend, his face seemed to change. He quickly dismissed the guest and opened a gallant smile.
“Excuse me, are you Ludovic? I’m such a fan of your work!” 
She was impressed at Erza’s skills, she really was tempting. Juvia could say she would have felt the effects of her seduction herself if she didn’t only have eyes for her Gray. 
The man mumbled with disinterest, which appalled the water mage. However, what surprised her even more was how his attention turned to her completely.
“Your face isn’t new to me, miss. It’s a pleasant surprise to see you here.”
She froze with shock. Did Bora finally recognize her? That could end their plan in a heartbeat.
“You didn’t tell me your name at the library. Will you end the suspense for me, please?”
“And I’m Erza Scarlet. We’re from Fairy Tail.”
Still, Bora didn’t show any reaction to hearing her name. He really forgot about her.
“It’s such an honor to have such beautiful and powerful mages here.” He smiled quickly at Erza, then turned to Juvia again. “You’re a lucky girl, Juvia. I have a thing for ladies with blue hair.”
Juvia felt a chill through her whole body. He didn’t even care about Erza and had the courage to flirt so openly with her. This was really…
“Uh, thank you, Ludovic-san.”
“Look, my agenda’s full for this week, but I can talk to my manager and find a gap to take you out and show you the best of this place before you go back to your guild.”
With a wink, he kissed Juvia’s hand. “See you around, Erika.” He said before waving them goodbye and disappearing into the crowd.
Erza looked as shocked as Juvia herself with what had just happened. After recomposing herself, she turned to Juvia.
“I’m glad I dragged you with me. Now we can get more information about him! Come, let’s tell everyone what we found!
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thinkithinktoomuch · 1 year
I normally don’t think a lot about Next Gen Fairy Tail, but I kind of need a fic where Cana reveals to Natsu and Gray that they’re kids are going to get married one day and they know Nasha and Greige are bffs, so it must be them, and they spend all their time and energy trying to prevent them from falling in love, while their second-borns are just quietly dating in the background.
(Maybe Lucy, Juvia, Nasha, and Greige are all in on a plot to distract Natsu and Gray so the younger two can have some peace.)
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solaaresque · 1 year
please tell me abt lovecore valentines shuffle please please please ple
on it boss o7
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it’s aira center w kohaku second 5* (aira hina natsu event + koha kasa gacha)
ok so ik it seems just. pink/red mostly BUT i swear there's a reason behind it
basically the unit is for a couples cafe advert and the mv is where they all go on a date !! like. it’s literally a date montage. they all hold hands and stuff #romance. buuuuuut what happens is during the actual unit story is kohaku says he doesn't know what "love" is so he asks aira since. yk. that's his brand but aira doesn't rlly know either so they decide to try to find out together
and they drag along the rest of the unit for the ride
and the theme is basically just learning how to love yourself and others
and they wear cute lil cropped jackets with sparkly pins :3 basically the outfit is white shorts and pink shirt with a denim cropped jacket and lil pink sneakers w lots of heart motifs !!
the song is smth smth love can be confusing but loving urself is important and no matter how bad u think u are there will always always be someone who will love u for who u are
that’s why the unit is made up of characters who struggle w insecurity. like. they look back at the bonds they’ve made and realise that they’re never truly alone
and kohaku's unbloomed is him reaching for aira's retreating back in a crowded mall whilst aira's unbloomed is him staring at his phone giddily (he's texting kohaku)
and the bloomed is kohaku doing holding someone offscreen (cough aira cough) 's hand as he winks at the camera w a lil smirk :3 and aira's unbloomed is basically him doing a cutesy pose surrounded by lots of hearts and sparkles !!
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teleiapotami · 11 months
Nalu Week - Day 2
Prompt: Family.
Summary: When a simple job turns out more dangerous than originally planned, Natsu and Lucy find themselves exploring their definition of Family.
@allaboutnalu @thenaluarchive
Lucy and Natsu always had a more-than-friends relationship but were quick to dismiss those who assumed they were dating. Still, most people believed they simply wanted to keep their relationship private. The reality of things between the pair was a lot more complicated than that. Although, there are plenty of their guildmates who would say it was quite a simple situation with a simple solution. The truth of it? They’re crazy about each other, just as people think. But in fact, the partners are truly unaware of the less-than-platonic nature of the other’s feelings.
Wandering the woods after dark was something Natsu had taken to whenever he needed to clear his mind. On this particular night, however, he found the woods to be far less than helpful. The moon was dark, leaving the stars to sparkle against the ink-black sky. The beauty of the midnight canvas showed through gaps in the forest canopy capturing his wandering attention. And of course, beholding the stars led his thoughts back to a certain celestial mage with an intimate relationship with those twinkling lights among the leafy expanses.
He had been denying his feelings for Lucy for a long time but since the end of the war he had found himself battling those emotions more and more. Though she had tried to hide the markings along her forearms, he had seen them, and Gray told him what she had done for him. Risking her very soul to recreate his existence so that he would continue to exist even without Zeref was something he would have forbidden her to do of course. But she had done it and done it well.
Natsu wondered at the depth of her motivations sometimes but dismissed it as the actions of someone unwilling to lose a family member. There were times, in his dreams mainly, when his mind ran away with the possibility that her actions had been motivated by more than familial love. When those thoughts controlled the direction of his thoughts he found himself lost in the memory of her scent, the depth of her honey-chocolate eyes, and the silk of her skin against his. He would feel her lips, soft and warm, against his and trailing along his neck and shoulder. Her body would press tightly against his as he held her close or pinned her against whatever surface the dreams would place them near. He would always wake up trembling and unable to return to sleep until he found some way to drown his feelings.
According to Lucy, she had no interest in Natsu, thank you very much. Her obnoxious, loud, messy, distractable partner was nothing like the romantic and perfect prince she always dreamt of as a girl. In the privacy of her own mind though, Lucy had begun to realize that the prince she dreamt of was a wish for someone to rescue her from the loneliness of her childhood. Lucy of Fairy Tail didn’t need to be rescued any longer. In fact, sometimes she was the one who did the rescuing. So what kind of man did this new Lucy dream of?
He would be fiercely loyal, dependable, strong, and honest. She wanted him to be understanding and funny, with an adventurous spirit to match hers so they could adventure together. That meant he probably needed to be a wizard also, and she couldn’t imagine how dating someone from another guild would work out. Imagining this man in her mind, Lucy found him to be lean and muscular. A bit taller than her so she could wear heels and tiptoe to press her lips against his. The problem always came when she tried to imagine him from the chest up. No matter how many times she quashed her thoughts, he always ended up with a sharp-toothed grin, gold-flecked onyx eyes, and pink hair.
Natsu’s frustrating appearance in her daydreams was one she would not allow. He was family, nothing more. And yet, when she would try to write something to unload the frustration, the man always seemed to be some new recreation of Natsu, over and over.
“Here Lucy, this is the job Natsu picked for you. He said he would meet you at the edge of town,” Mira chirped as she handed the paper to her. Scanning the page, Lucy could see that it was a relatively simple job of monster disposal. A nest of Vulcans in the woods surrounding the next town over had been attacking travelers, kidnapping women, and damaging the town. The reward was modest which was no surprise based on the simplicity of the job, but the two hundred thousand jewel would split between them well enough to pay the rent again.
By all rights, the job should have been just as simple as Lucy and Natsu originally assumed. Unfortunately, the requester didn’t know that a monster tamer was controlling the band of violent monkeys. The team went in blind, and the tamer was able to get the upper hand after he and his lackeys ambushed them. Though the pair eventually came out on top, it was not without injuries. Lucy depleted almost all of her magic supply and was severely wounded by a thrown knife that sliced through her inner thigh. She nearly bled out before Natsu was able to finish off the rest of his opponents and cauterize the wound. Natsu managed to carry her back to town, where he collapsed from his own exhaustion outside the mayor’s manor. 
The first thing Lucy became aware of was a thickness in her head. It felt as though her thoughts were floating in a river of mud. Her body felt heavy when she tried to move her arms and they resisted her commands. Lightning shot through her when she shifted her legs and she let out a pain-filled moan. Her eyes felt like they were full of sand when she forced them open, and she had to blink several times for her vision to clear. As the world slowly came into focus she found herself in a wood-paneled room. A large window dominated the wall across from her, letting the golden light of a sunset set the room ablaze in its vibrance. She was lying on a large bed made with soft white sheets and a fluffy yellow comforter was tucked around her hips.
As her thoughts began to move at a proper speed she realized that the sheets beside her were not empty. Her eyes followed the swell of a hip and up to a naked, bruised chest. Unruly, tangled pink hair identified her bedmate as her partner. He was awake and watching her, warily silent. For a moment, she just stared into his dark, unreadable eyes. He was tense like he was worried she was about to throw him out of bed.
“Hi,” she murmured.
“Hey.” His voice was hoarse, from sleep, emotion, or damage, she couldn’t tell. He smiled slightly, but his brow furrowed, and he dropped his eyes from hers.
“Natsu….. What happened? I remember a sharp pain in my leg, and I…I think I heard you –”
“I’m so sorry Luce. I shouldn’t have let them get between us. You got hurt because I was careless, and then I-I….” She reached out and grasped his fingers in her own. He took several deep breaths and calmed down a little. “One of the knives thrown sliced through your thigh, and you lost a lot of blood. I…I had to cauterize the wound to keep….keep you a-alive.”
“That explains the pain in my leg…Thank you, Natsu,” she said calmly.
He stared at her like she had grown a third head. He shook his head sharply. “Don’t do that. Don’t give me gratitude when I have mutilated your body yet again. You should hate me. I hate me.” He continued in his tirade, his hatred, and grief for his actions almost palpable. At some point, Lucy realized he was babbling an offer to let her do something similar to him to make them even, as Erza often did, and she couldn’t help but let out a giggle. He paused at the sound, his eyes wide and confused.
“Sorry….I just can’t help it. The whole idea is ridiculous. As if I could ever hate you, much less harm you intentionally.” He looked like he was ready to interrupt again with some form of rebuttal, so she leaned over and pressed her fingers against his lips. “No. You are not allowed to hate yourself. You did what you had to do to save my life Natsu. I am grateful to you for my life. Another scar? Sounds much better than a headstone to me.”
He caught her wrist and moved her hand. “But…the skin on your thigh was perfect…and now…”
“Perfect?” she smirked slightly. He blushed softly and looked away. “Let it go, please? I don’t care what anyone thinks about me besides you anyway.”
He was at a loss for words. In his heart, he was glad to know that she wasn’t angry with him, but he couldn’t stop his soul from aching over the destruction of such beauty. His guilt was compounded by the scars lettering the wrist he still held captive. Suddenly, Lucy spoke, dragging his attention away from her skin.
“Natsu, what do you consider family? Your family, I mean.” Her eyes were locked on his fingers, deliberately avoiding his.
“What? That…I mean, the guild is my family. All of them.” Her question caught him off guard, and he wasn’t sure what she was looking for him to say.
She shook her head. “I know that. What I mean is, where does family end? Like….” She trailed off and looked out the window for a beat, then back at his chin. “Do you consider Alzack and Bisca family? To each other? Besides the guild affiliation?”
He studied her for a moment as he turned the question over in his mind. Finally, he caught on. “Oh, you mean ‘cause they’re married? I mean, I think that’s a kind of family all on its own, don’t you?” Lucy nodded thoughtfully, agreeing. Natsu studied her face for a moment, then shifted his hand from holding onto her wrist to slowly slide his fingers between hers. She watched quietly, but her cheeks took on a dusky pink glow.
“Natsu, I have something I have been wanting to tell you..”
“Me too, Luce.” His voice was soft and husky. The way she looked at him made his heart pound so heavily that he was sure she could feel it in his fingers. “But…what if the answer isn’t the one we want?”
“What if it is?” She bit her lip slightly, and he reached up with his free hand and tugged it loose.
“Okay. I’ll take the risk then I guess…” he murmured. Lucy thought her heart was going to leap out of her chest. She was excited by the possibilities of what he may need to say, but her mouth ran dry when she thought of how it would hurt if it wasn’t what she desperately needed him to say.
Natsu had changed her entire world. If she hadn’t met him that day so long ago, there was no telling where she would have ended up. The scars he blamed himself for she saw as an honor to bear for him. The lettering of his existence wrapping her wrist was simply a love letter to him in her heart, and she longed to allow the words to spill forth.
“Luce, I –”
“I’m in love with you Natsu,” she blurted. Her eyes widened and she pulled her lip back between her teeth, flushing darker than his hair. His eyebrows shot up and his mouth fell open slightly in surprise. “S-sorry, that’s not….I mean, I didn’t mean to…Nats-umph~!”
Her words were cut off by his lips capturing hers suddenly, his hands cupping her face, tangling into her hair. His lips were soft and hot against hers, coaxing her to respond to his dominating kiss. She moaned and arched against him, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly. One hand slid up into his messy hair while the other dug her nails into his back between his shoulder blades. The groan he let out against her made her squirm beneath him. They devoured each other with a hunger that spoke of years of repressed emotion and need, their bodies finally coming together like they were made for one another. Natsu was no longer sure where he stopped, and Lucy began.
When she felt like she was about to pass out from a lack of oxygen, Natsu finally pulled away, gazing down at her, panting as heavily as she was. Her eyes were glassy, her cheeks bright pink, and her lips were dark red and swollen from the force of his mouth on hers. She looked so delicious, he wondered how he had held back from kissing her like that long ago.
“I’m in love with you too, Lucy”
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miyamorana · 5 months
Miya’s 2023 Fanfic Recs Part 2
Here are all the cool, complete fics I’ve read this year. Separated into 5 posts because there’s nearly a hundred of them.
Avatar the Last Airbender (1)
Fullmetal Alchemist (1)
Haikyuu!! (13)
Jujutsu Kaisen (2)
Sk8 the Infinity (1)
Voltron: Legendary Defender (2)
Part 1: Boku no Hero Academia (33) Part 3: Television (16) Part 4: Video Games, Movies and Books (16) Part 5: Crossovers (11)
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Title: hey, isn’t this easy Author: WitchofEndor Pairing: Sokka/Zuko, Aang/Katara Rating: Teen Word Count: 20,649 Summary: Zuko doesn’t have time to deal with pressure for an arranged marriage, especially since he isn’t even sure he likes women that way. (A realisation that has absolutely nothing to do with Ambassador Sokka - shut up, Suki.) Katara and Aang have broken up again, and the Northern Water Tribe are pushing for a match between the North and South. Which leads Zuko and Katara to develop a genius, foolproof, only slightly drunken plan: they can pretend to date for the length of Katara’s stay in the palace, giving them both a brief reprieve from political pressures on their love lives. What could go wrong?
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist Title: Serenade Author: akaparalian Pairing: Edward Elric/Roy Mustang Rating: General Word Count: 3,271 Summary: There’s no hurry to return to reality tonight, Roy thinks, laying his cheek against Ed’s head. For now, it feels just right to stay like this — the two of them, alone together, with a promise of forever ringing in both of their heads.
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Title:Strings Attached Author: pancakewars Pairing: Semi Eita/Tendou Satori Rating: Explicit Word Count: 6,128 Summary: Tendou doesn’t know whether Eita considers them friends after he accidentally spikes a ball at Eita’s face, but their arrangement sure as hell has benefits.
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Title: no matter what they tell you Author: Slumber Pairing: Hinata Shouyou/Miya Atsumu Rating: Teen Word Count: 9,817 Summary: “But how do you know when it’s real or not?” Atsumu presses Hinata, frowning. “What if you’re not in love, what if you’re just infatuated?” “Hah!” Osamu says from the kitchen. “Like that’s ever stopped you from accepting someone’s confession when they’re the only ones who’ve rung your Love Alarm!” “You don’t know if feelings can develop from that!” Atsumu argues, turning to the rest of the table to see if anyone would back him up on this. “Love’s about chances, right?” In a world where an app that can tell you when someone loves you, all Atsumu wants is to be told he’s in love with someone who loves him back.
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Title: eventually you’ll see Author: Slumber Pairing: Hinata Shouyou/Miya Atsumu Rating: Teen (Part 2 is Explicit) Word Count: 3,251 Series: Part 1 of atsuhina age swap au (Words: 23,415 - Works: 2) Summary: There is no way out of this. Atsumu’s in line for a postgame meet-and-greet like one of those idol fans, only it’s for volleyball players so is that worse? better?, clutching a HINATA 21 jersey so it could get signed. He’d hesitated, ya know? Thought maybe, oh, what if he’d picked Iizuna’s jersey instead, he’s on the team and actually a setter, even, wouldn’t that have made more sense? In which high schooler Atsumu develops a crush on pro volleyball player Hinata.
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Title: glitter & gold Author: comehomenezumi Pairing: Hinata Shouyou/Miya Atsumu Rating: General Word Count: 10,331 Summary: What I saw on the stage that night was something no one else could see. You know what that means, right? Your color is gold, Atsumu-san. Even the fates think of you as their star. Miya Atsumu is a rising star among idols—at least, that’s what Natsu told Shoyo as she begged him to take her to his concert when her friend bailed. As Shoyo gazes upon the stage that night, eyes drawn to the glimmering golden trail Atsumu leaves behind with each step he takes, Shoyo comes to realize that his soulmate and Miya Atsumu are one and the same.
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Title: Sleeping Together (in the euphemistic sense) Author: Esselle Pairing: Kageyama Tobio/Ushijima Wakatoshi Rating: Explicit Word Count: 5,341 Summary: “Kageyama Tobio,” Wakatoshi said. In the seat across from him, his setter looked up from where he’d been glaring at the menu. “I should inform you—I invited you to dinner in order to seduce you.” “Oh,” Kageyama said. He folded the menu to give Wakatoshi his full attention. It reminded Wakatoshi of the moments just before he decided who to toss to during a game. “Thank you for telling me.” – No one is more surprised than Ushijima and Kageyama to realize that they are, in fact, dating.
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Title: Better Late Than Never Author: Esselle Pairing: Hinata Shouyou/Kageyama Tobio/Sugawara Koushi Rating: Explicit Word Count: 8,054 Series: Part 1 of Better Late Than Never (Words: 22,620 - Works: 5) Summary: ’ “Excuse me,” Shouyou says, sounding frustrated. “When exactly did Kageyama get all sexy?” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Tobio demands. “You used to be all weird and awkward and now you’re like all—guh and unnngh and stuff!” “I have never made either of those sounds in my life,” Tobio deadpans. “Yes, you have,” Koushi says. Tobio scowls. ’ – Four years after Koushi graduates, two years after he and Tobio started putting together the puzzle that is their relationship, the last piece finally falls into place.
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Title: First, Last Author: boomturkey Pairing: Hinata Shouyou/Miya Atsumu/Sakusa Kiyoomi Rating: Explicit Word Count: 8,199 Summary: Atsumu and Sakusa find out that Hinata has been telling little white lies about how experienced he is. They are determined to find something they can finally be first at when it comes to Hinata.
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Title: A Time Like Eternity Starts To Move Author: hgowff Pairing: Hinata Shouyou/Miya Atsumu Rating: Mature Word Count: 14,432 Summary: With the death of their parents, Shouyou gave up his future career to focus on looking after Natsu. Years later, Onigiri Miya Sendai is opening up and Niiyama Girls Volleyball Club has a pair of new coaches, one being a burned out V League pro trying to find his love of volleyball once more.
Fandom: Haikyuu!! Title: when you smile Author: Slumber Pairing: Hinata Shouyou/Miya Atsumu Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2,443 Summary:
“Beach volleyball?” Atsumu echoes, raising an eyebrow. “Yeah,” another guy says, nodding toward the first guy who spoke. “You can pair up with Hinata over here. You don’t need to know how to play—he needs the training, anyway.”
In a world where Inarizaki never faced Karasuno at the Interhigh, Atsumu and Hinata run into each other at a beach in Okinawa, and a summer fling ensues.
Fandom: Haikyuu!!Title: Beach House Author: spideywhiteys  Pairing: Hinata Shouyou/Miya Atsumu Rating: Explicit Word Count: 7669 Summary: Atsumu falls in love with Shouyou the same way he falls in love with volleyball. Immediately, suddenly, and obsessively. It just takes him a lot longer to accept, especially in a world where loving a man could end his career.
So he loves in secret, in the remote quiet of his head and over the long distance separating him and Hinata Shouyou, a man who probably doesn’t think of Atsumu at all. He dreams of a future he’s not sure he can ever have.
Or: Atsumu pines for five years.
Fandom: Haikyuu!!Title: royal regalia Author: celestialshellfish Pairing: Kageyama Tobio/Oikawa Tooru Rating: Explicit Word Count: 2,939 Summary: Oikawa cannot believe this shit.
Okay, okay. Actually, he can. Because Kageyama Tobio is the exact type of clueless jock to show up to a wedding in an Adidas tracksuit.
Fandom: Haikyuu!!Title: Atsumu’s Courtship for Dummies Author: spideywhiteys Pairing: Hinata Shouyou/Miya Atsumu Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 1,604 Summary: Secret Prince Atsumu has been running from responsibility for a while now. Since leaving Inarizaki, he’s grown as a person—as a Prince. But before he can admit to himself that he’s ready to return, he needs to admit his feelings to someone who matters a little more.
Fandom: Haikyuu!!Title: i’ll promise you a moment Author: spideywhiteys Pairing: Hinata Shouyou/Miya Atsumu Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 2929 Summary: Soulmates are….weird, Shouyou thinks. It’s not really like in the movies at all.
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen Title: My Cute Student Needs Help... And I'm A Hands-On Teacher! Author: benicemurphy Pairing: Fushiguro Megumi/Gojo Satoru Rating: Explicit Word Count: 5,089 Summary:  Three times Gojo tries to teach Megumi a lesson, and one time Megumi nails it on the first try.
Fandom: Jujutsu KaisenTitle: when heaven’s a mindset away Author: bitadori (mochirou) Pairing: Itadori Yuuji/Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna Rating: Explicit Word Count: 3445 Summary: Itadori wakes up in Sukuna’s domain after passing out from fever. But the curse is nowhere to be found, leaving the entire room unnervingly silent. So where the hell is he?
Fandom: Sk8 the Infinity Title: Serious Author: benicemurphy Pairing: Hasegawa Langa/Shindo Ainosuke Rating: Teen Word Count: 3,007 Summary:  Nanako comes home early from a trip and is very surprised by what she finds there.
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Title: Observations in Xenobotany Author: akaparalian Pairing: Keith/Shiro Rating: Teen Word Count: 8,333 Summary: Shiro and Keith take an impromptu vacation mission to a lush planet with a reputation for hospitality, and over a decade of mutual pining finally comes to a head.
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Title: In the Stolen Silence of Sunset Author:breakaway71 Pairings: Keith/Lance, Acxa/Veronica Rating: General Word Count: 634 Summary: A moment shared with a friend, years after the war.
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petri808 · 2 years
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For my tumblr bestie @random-rave early birthday gift 🎁
@thenaluarchive Nalu Week 7-part story
“So, you and Gray will be heading back home to Cali for the summer?” Lucy questioned her friend Natsu. The University of Hawaii at Hilo just finished their spring semester, and all the dormies needed to vacate soon.
“Yeah, our lease is up at the end of the month.”
Lucy pursed her lips briefly. “In that case, I was wondering if you guys would like to come with Levy and I to my family’s beach house in Waikoloa?” She questioned. It had become their tradition to go after school finished for two weeks. “We’ll be back before you leave.”
“I’ll check with Gray, but I think he’ll say okay. So, just the four of us?”
“Yup. Gajeel,” Levy’s longtime boyfriend, “has to work so he can’t come.”
“Sounds like a plan!”
One week later, the four friends piled into Lucy’s Toyota 4Runner and headed out to Waikoloa. The quickest route was a 1-1/2 hour drive on the Daniel K. Inouye highway. A scenic route that cut between two of the island’s volcanoes, Mauna (mountain) Kea and Mauna Loa. Flanked by ancient ohia forests and lava flows on the eastern side, and miles of open fields on the west. You can even see rising across the ocean, mount Haleakala on the island of Maui on a clear day.
They arrived in Waikoloa’s Anaeho’omalu area nestled along the azure blue Pacific Ocean. A developed piece of land surrounded by crumbling ancient lava flows and sparse grass lands— a very dry environment. Here hotels like the Hilton and Marriott had built along side condos like the one Lucy’s family owned.
“Very nice,” Natsu remarked as he got out of the vehicle. “How much does a place like this cost?”
“I’m not sure,” Lucy responded. “All I know is they bought this place a couple years after I was born.” Her mom had heard about it’s sale while working at her realty company.
He chuckled, “so, out of our price range, got it.”
“Yeah,” she giggled too.
Lucy lead the group into the home and parceled out the rooms. It was a three bedroom condo, so she and Levy got one room each while the two boys had to share one. But they were fairly large and comfortable, plus Natsu and Gray were already used to sharing a dorm. Then after a quick tour of the place, they head out for supplies at the nearest store.
Foodland farms market was located in a shopping center a few miles away near the Mauna Lani resort. Since this was the boys first time there, the group walked around the shopping center, window shopping really. It was just a mix of clothing stores and restaurants.
“Can you believe there used to be a 4-D theater here?” Lucy explained. “They only played really short films, but it was the first time I experienced 4-D.”
“Yeah I saw a scene from that movie Journey to the Center of the Earth here,” Levy added. “That scene where they’re on the boat and flying fish we’re jumping all over, they spritzed us with water!”
Everyone laughed.
“At least you got to try a 4-D, I haven’t seen one yet,” Natsu griped.
“Well one day while here, we can check out the luxury cinemas at Queen’s marketplace.” Lucy offered Natsu with a light blush to her cheeks. “I haven’t been there yet.”
“Like a date? I’m game,” he teased pulling a deeper flush from Lucy.
“When you two are done flirting, meet us at the market,” Levy teased before pulling Gray away from the now flustered pair.
After a couple seconds, Natsu and Lucy gained their composure and followed. The group shopped for food to last a few days along with drinks and snacks. It was a decent haul leaving them with arms full of groceries.
On the way back to the car, Natsu stopped Lucy briefly. “I just wanted to say thanks again for inviting us. I think this is gonna be the best vacation I ever had.”
“Aww,” Lucy blushed, “I think so too.”
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tokkias · 11 months
based on this cover and a real conversation i had with a friend
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When Gray and Natsu argue, they argue loud. Intentionally or not, they make sure that everyone around them knows exactly what they’re bickering about. That’s what makes it so weird when their latest spat comes in quiet whispers, spat at each other from across the table.
Usually Lucy would be delighted over this newfound development, happy that the two could have their disagreements without having to drag everyone else into them, but she can’t seem to find that comfort when every time she looks over at them, they’re looking back at her.
They both avert their gazes when she glances over at them, but they’re not doing a very good job of hiding it, and she gets an inkling that whatever they’re arguing about, it has something to do with her.
As much as she tries to ignore them, it’s hard to relax knowing their eyes are glued to her but not knowing why. At first, she worries that her skirt is tucked into her underwear or that she’s got a piece of toilet paper stuck to her shoe, but once she realises that neither is the case, she’s completely at a loss for what on earth they could be staring at her for and why they seem to be arguing over it.
She’s not sure if she should be relieved or not when Gray finally calls out to her directly instead of just trying to sneak a look at her every few seconds.
"Hey Lucy, can you come over here for a second?"
Warily, she stands up and walks over to their table, arms crossed over her chest and a look of hesitancy on her face.
"We wanna ask you something," Natsu tells her, his expression more serious than she thinks she’s ever seen it, which makes her completely caught off guard by what he says next. "What does your shirt say?"
Confused, Lucy drops her arms and looks down at the shirt she’s decided to wear today. It’s white with bold yellow text across the front, which she proceeds to read out to them.
"It says I only date bad boys."
She has no idea how knowing what her shirt says will solve their disagreement, but in response, Gray smacks the table, seemingly in celebration.
"See? I told you, dumbass," he yells out, no longer trying to conceal their argument. "Why the hell would it say anything else?"
Lucy stands there in confusion as she watches a brawl begin to simmer in front of her, but before she can let that happen, there’s a burning question in the back of her mind that needs answering.
Interrupting their argument, she turns to face Natsu, bringing his attention away from Grey, before she asks, "What did you think it said?"
"I oily date baby’s," he replies, somehow not at all embarrassed by the phrase or by the fact that that’s what he thought it said.
It takes Lucy a moment to process what he’s just said because, at first, she thinks she’s misheard him.
"Why would I wear a shirt that says that?" She asks, completely baffled by his reply.
"I don’t know! You’re wearing it, not me!" He shoots back defensively.
"But I’m not wearing it. That’s not what it says."
"That’s what it looked like from here!"
This was not the first time, nor would it be the last, that Natsu Dragneel had left her completely and utterly speechless. Luckily for her, Gray was long used to his stupid antics and had the exact words to reply.
"You’re a fuckin’ idiot."
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