#mycroft holmes x greg lestrade x molly hooper
Wait. Isn't today(18th of May 2024) the 10th(18th of May 2014-18th of May 2024) anniversary of John and Mary's wedding?
Anyway, happy 10th anniversary!!!
(Well, not exactly happy but you get the gist.)
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rocknroll-stolemyass · 11 months
Sherlock characters and the can you buy me pads text
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mimisempai · 1 year
Nowhere to hide
While spending a quiet evening in the company of Sherlock and Molly, Greg drink a little too much beer which loosens his tongue and removes his inhibitions, much to the dismay of Mycroft who doesn't know where to hide.
Mystrade Monday 3.0  #27 Character A slipping up and calling Character B “Babe” or another loving nickname.
On Ao3
Rating G - 870 words
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Mycroft hadn't been able to concentrate for more than ten minutes and couldn't even remember what was going on in the movie they were watching. 
And all because of Greg, who, after having drunk a little more than was reasonable, had started to press himself up against him.  Which normally wouldn't have bothered Mycroft, except that they weren't alone at the moment. Sherlock was sitting at the other end of the couch and Molly was on the floor at his feet, leaning against his legs.
Although he didn't hide his relationship with Greg - as if he could hide anything from his brother - he wasn't particularly interested in making a show of their intimacy.
Mycroft tried to move a little closer to the end of the sofa to put some distance between himself and his lover, but it was lost as Greg's head slid along his arm to rest on his chest, and Mycroft had no choice but to wrap his arm around Greg's shoulders.
Molly seemed transfixed by what was on the television and Mycroft glanced at Sherlock, hoping that he too was engrossed in the movie and hadn't noticed. But of course he was not. Even though his brother's eyes were fixed on the screen, the expression on his face left no doubt that he was completely aware of what was happening next to him.
The problem was that Greg didn't just rub up against Mycroft, he started to kiss him on the neck, making him shiver. Mycroft tried to push him gently away and whispered, "Greg, please...the movie isn't over and we're not alone." He saw Molly's shoulders begin to shake, followed by a giggle that she could barely hold back.
"Okay, darling..." Greg replied in a rather clear voice that none of the people present could have ignored. The giggles at his feet and the small chuckle to his left proved that both Sherlock and Molly had heard perfectly, and Mycroft couldn't stop his cheeks from blushing.
Greg, for his part, had not moved an inch and continued to kiss the hollow of Mycroft's neck.
Mycroft tried to reason with him again, "Greg, we're not alone...please stop."
Greg looked up and pouted, "But Babe..."
Babe! Greg had never called him that before!
Greg continued: "I... I only see you, so it's like we're alone."
Molly giggled again, and when Mycroft turned his head to Sherlock, his smile was undeniably mocking as he mouthed, "Babe..."
Mycroft tried to look scolding, but the blush on his cheeks didn't make it at all convincing.
His attention returned to Greg who was running his fingers down Mycroft's face and had just stopped on his lips, "Hm... those lips, I want to kiss them so badly... please Mycroft... Darling..."
This was too much! He tried to push Greg away a little harder, but the man put his arms around his neck and his lips were almost against his, he said in a pleading voice, "Please... please... love me."
Mycroft would have succumbed in a second if they were alone, but that was out of the question, so he just held Greg against his chest and whispered into his ear, "Greg... a little patience, all right... I swear, soon we'll be able to do whatever you want."
He felt Greg nod against him and sighed with relief when his lover just snuggled against him without trying anything else.
Molly grabbed Sherlock's hand on her shoulder and said softly, "Sherlock, I think it's time for us to go."
Sherlock leaned towards her with a sulky pout and replied, "Too bad, the show on my right was almost as interesting as the one on the telly."
Molly chuckled, "I think the rest of the show is not for us, my dear." Then she stood up and walked over to the embracing couple, leaning in to kiss Mycroft on the cheek before whispering, "You two are adorable. I'm happy for you. For both of you." Then, still with the same gentle smile on her lips, she began to walk away. 
Sherlock, who had gotten up, walked over to his brother and just squeezed his shoulder, "I had a surprisingly nice time. You're definitely more fun now that you have Greg. It's fun watching him tear down the armor of the great Mycroft Holmes... babe," and with a slight chuckle, he hurried to join Molly before leaving the apartment.
Once upon a time, Mycroft's first reaction would have been to take offense, but he couldn't stop the sweet, warm feeling from spreading through him as he thought about his brother and Molly's words. After all, it would never leave these four walls, so he could afford a little indulgence in his own home.
Yes, he had changed, and for the better. It was partly thanks to the man who was now asleep in his arms, mumbling something.
"You're so warm Mycroft, can I stay like this forever?"
Mycroft laughed softly and replied, "Anything you wish, my love." He pressed a tender kiss to Greg's hair and his lover snuggled up a little more.
The movie continued on the television, but Mycroft didn't see it, being much more captivated by his beloved resting in his arms.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Mystrade masterlist here
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sapotillam · 2 years
Sherlock: A Hogwarts Study
Sherlock: Ravenclaw. Always researching things for himself. Equally feared and detested amongst the teachers because he keeps proving them wrong in front of the class. Brilliant at Potions, excellent at Transfiguration, and really not bad at DADA. He likes Arithmancy and Runes too, although he prefers questioning the teacher than doing actual homework. He's rather good at all the other subjects - except for Astronomy, in which, for a reason nobody can fathom, he isn't able to remember the slightest information. He skipped a class in primary school, but nobody remembers that.
John: Gryffindor. The Gryffindorest of Gryffindors. Prefect then Head Boy, defending the widow and the orphan every time he can. He's rather liked in the school; everyone knows he's a decent mate and will help you if you're in deep trouble. Despite his reputation he doesn't refuse to break rules if it can get a friend out of a difficult situation, even though he'd rather not. He's of course very good at DADA; that and Quidditch are his favorite subjects (he's a Beater for Gryffindor). He likes Potions too, for he'd like to be a Healer. He's a serious student, and even though History of Magic and Transfiguration don't seem to like him, he gets decent grades practically everywhere.
Mycroft: Slytherin. Of course. By his second year, he's gathered enough of his classmate's sensible informations to make sure that nobody will ever annoy him about his weight. In third year, he acquires a black umbrella that he carries everywhere; only a few dare to ask him if he's related to Mary Poppins (and they of course never get an answer). By his fourth year, he has done exactly the same with his teachers, and made sure that they know it. He becomes a Prefect in fifth year without even having to ask it, and uses this extended power to widen his knowledge about students. Soon people know better than interfere with whatever he's doing; even the teachers try to avoid having to talk to him, frightened that he could make them fired. (Their fears are justified when, in his seventh year, the Quidditch teacher who made fun of Sherlock inexplicably decides to retire early.) By the end of his seventh year, Mycroft has multiple contacts within the Ministry of Magic, and he starts working as soon as he passes his NEWTs.
Molly: Hufflepuff. The Sorting Hat hesitated for a long time between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, but settled on Hufflepuff once he understood just how generous this girl was. Molly Hooper is the kind of Hufflepuff who is brave and stands up for what she believes, but will try her best to avoid hurting people while doing so. When many years later Dumbledore reads the name of Cedric Diggory out of the Goblet of Fire, he briefly thinks of this quiet girl who never let down her friends and never stepped back in front of difficulties. She could have taken his place. Molly likes Charms and Potions ; she likes Potions even more since she's been paired with Sherlock. Everybody knows she's smitten with him, but nobody has the heart to tease her about it (especially since it's obvious that's it not reciprocated).
Greg Lestrade: Gryffindor. He's a good classmate, loyal, helpful, and most girls find his radiant smiles charming. The fact that he's Gryffindor's Keeper doesn't spoil anything. He gets friendly enough with John through Quidditch, and despite not being in the same group of friends, they like each other. In his third year, he asks out a Ravenclaw girl and for a while it's alright; then he discovers the guys she's been seeing at the same time and ends the relationship. He doesn't try to ask out any other girl until the middle of fifth year, and by that time he's had a crush on Molly Hooper for a whole year. Unfortunately, since she only has eyes for Sherlock, she turns him down; it takes until the end of her fifth year, and Greg's sixth, for her to realise that Sherlock's in love with John. Only then she notices that the Gryffindor's Keeper still smiles at her every time he sees her, and in the middle of this year Greg and her officialise. Greg isn't a brilliant student, but he's hardworking and enthusiastic, two qualities that enable him to get grades good enough to become an Auror (according to his teachers).
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tisforpterodactyl · 2 years
plot twist the real reason Magnussen kidnapped John and let Sherlock save him is because he wanted John and Sherlock to start hanging out again
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broadwaylover17 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Sherlock (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, Mary Morstan/John Watson Characters: Jim Moriarty, Greg Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson (Sherlock Holmes), Sherlock Holmes, Molly Hooper, Mycroft Holmes Additional Tags: Graphic Description of Corpses, no happy ending, Romance, Thriller, Sherlolly - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Gore, Death Summary:
Moriarty is playing an insidious game as three gruesome murders occur one after the other. As Sherlock works on the case, he senses a looming threat. Something much bigger is coming, and those closest to Sherlock may be in grave danger. Can Sherlock solve Moriarty's puzzle before it's too late?
I wrote a thing! I’m excited to share this story. Shoutout to @sincerelydayyy for being my beta reader! 
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holodeck-enthusiast · 2 years
Chapter 1/3: That Bastard
"Molly, would you pls take care of Rosy tonight too? I am already sorry for asking." John's voice sounded so little. Almost like a whisper.
"It's okay, John. Where are you going, may I ask?" Molly, John and Greg are at the hospital cafeteria where the conversation is taking place.
"I...thought...I should check on Mrs. Hudson. She might be...she might need anything.."
Greg stares at John with doubt building up inside him. Molly's frowning too. They know very well that everything is messed up between John and Sherlock. And of course John has a mountain of negative feelings for Sherlock. He's got reasons though. But he is not him recently. He's not stable. They couldn't recognise this John who has almost killed Sherlock. And they're not even sure if it's "almost" anyway, as the doctor has given 72 hours to conclude on anything. Greg's head is hurting badly. The migraine bitch is coming back. He needs to leave now. Anderson is continuously giving him every small update about that shitface Culverton Smith.
He turns to John, "You sure? She's not doing well, completely in shock, but she's the strongest one among us. I think you should have a bit of rest tonight, John. And honestly we're not done yet. We'll have to discuss it again tomorrow."
John looks up at Greg. He looked so tiny, like the tiniest creature in this world. Molly was thinking that just within a few hours John was looking so old. Like his whole face seemed to have shrunk like a dried peach. She tried to recall a younger John's face. A face that used to light up the whole room and Sherlock's world.
"It's just all part of my job, you know, John, I understand." Greg keeps his hand on John's left shoulder, "I really do."
" Do you think he'll...." John can't complete the sentence.
"Oh come on! We all know that bastard! He's gonna be fine as fuck!" Greg tries to laugh a bit. By every hour he's getting more convinced that Sherlock's not going to survive this time. He doesn't even want to think about it right now.
"It's okay, John. If you want to go you better leave now. It's going to rain i guess. I'll pick up Rosy and don't you worry about that darling. She'll be alright." Molly's genuinely glad. She loves Rosy. John softly smiles at her. He's looking more tired every second.
"See you tomorrow, John." Greg waves a little.
John quietly leaves.
(To be continued)
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wipbigbang · 2 years
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Welcome to round three of art claims for WIPBB! We have 70 fics left for claiming, and you may claim up to four fics this round.
BBC Sherlock #013 Title: The Sweetest Music Pairing/Characters Pre-ship Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, Meena, Mrs. Hudson, original characters Rating: Teen Warnings/Tags: Minor Character Death (offscreen), car accident resulting in major injuries (offscreen) Summary It seems as though in one fell swoop everything Molly Hooper knows is taken away from her: her education, her mother, her home. She tries to lose herself in her music but finds it harder than ever before. But perhaps all is not lost, as her new life provides her more than she ever expected. #014 Title: What Could Have Been, What Will Be In Its Stead Pairing/Characters Past Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, pre-ship Mycroft Holmes/Molly Hooper Rating: Teen Warnings/Tags: Major Character Death (offscreen), unplanned pregnancy (no childbirth)   Summary When Sherlock dies, he leaves behind a woman he planned to marry and a child he did not know about. Mycroft is determined to take care of them both in his brother's stead, but nothing is ever as easy as one plans. That is the true Holmes legacy. BBC Sherlock/Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D./Marvel Cinematic Universe #015 Title: Playing The Game: Act II - Knights & Knowledge, Romance & Regret Pairing/Characters Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper, past Melinda May/Grant Ward and Molly Hooper/Victoria Hand, implied Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons, minor John Watson/Mary Morstan and Clint Barton/Natasha Romanoff Rating: Teen Warnings/Tags: None (possibly graphic violence when I write more) Summary After tracking down Phil Coulson and his team, Molly and the others join him on their hunt for Grant Ward so that Molly can get retribution for Victoria’s death and Nat and Clint can further Fury’s assignment to help deal with all of the escapees from the Fridge. But as things get more complicated with the appearance of the Diviner and all the entails, Molly begins to wonder if she will ever get her end goal of Ward disappearing in a deep dark hole where no one can find him.   BBC Sherlock/Criminal Minds #016 Title: On The Case Again Pairing/Characters Pre-ship Sherlock Holmes/Emily Prentiss, Greg Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, John Watson, possibly some CM characters Rating: Teen Warnings/Tags: OC Character Death, casefic   Summary This case was a chance for both Sherlock and Prentiss to get back in the thick of things, back to solving the complicated and twisty cases, and maybe find a new friend as well.
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ao3feed-mystrade · 6 months
Behind the British Government
read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51943963 by Demeter_s_domain Greg comes home, injured and in a bad mood - the tall embodiment of the British government knows exactly what distractions are... effective. -- Every two chapters alternate between Mycroft x Greg and Sherlock x John - Enjoy the shameless smut! Words: 2370, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of The Holmes Conundrum Fandoms: Sherlock (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Molly Hooper Relationships: Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade, Sherlock Holmes/John Watson Additional Tags: Shameless Smut, Developing Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, mystrade, Established Mycroft Holmes/Greg Lestrade, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Domestic Boyfriends, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Gay Sex, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Distracted Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes IS the British Government, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51943963
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ris-multi-fandom · 2 years
I love how the Sherlock fandom took everything that moftiss gave us and just went “thanks boys, we’ve got it from here” and now there is no line between the canon and non canon because it’s all canon now.
Moftiss may technically own BBC’s Sherlock but let me tell you we actually own it.
What happened in the show is a good foundation but we’ve built the palace that stands upon it.
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drarreckyninja · 2 years
sherlock: home alone as kids
lestrade: tries to sled down the stairs but ends up with a concussion
mycroft: strategically builds a blanket fort
irene: takes a bubble bath but forgets to turn off the water
john: has a one-person dance party
molly: tries on all her outfits like a solo fashion show
sherlock: tries to make cookies but nearly burns the house down
anthea: orders a pizza and eats it all
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wizardemilord · 3 years
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Sherlock : So you're saying that the Earth really does go around the sun ?
John : Yes
Mycroft : But...how ?
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amyreadsandstresses · 2 years
Part one here
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*Vikings by OcassionallyCreative
24k, 3/3, Sherlolly, Romantic Comedy, Humor, Angst, Parenthood, Happy Ending.
After splitting from Tom, Molly, wishing to take control of her own life, decides to have a child through artificial insemination. A certain consulting detective isn't entirely happy about the idea.
*Nature & Nurture by earlgreytea68
220k, 6 works, Johnlock, Mystrade, Angst, Humor, Parentlock, Cloning. So perfect.
The British Government accidentally clones Sherlock Holmes. Which brings a baby to 221B Baker Street.
*Give It Welcome by Glenmore
13k, 1/1, Johnlock, Mrs Hudson, Rosie Watson, Casefic, Relationship, Memories
Rosie Watson is commissioned to write a story about memories of her favourite gifts.
*Easier With You by addicted2hugh, FinAmour
13k, 2/2, Johnlock, Insecure Sherlock, Established Relationship, Fluff, Smut, Refrences to Sherlock's Past, Light Angst
Sherlock smiles slightly, his forehead coming to rest on John’s, and he lets out a tiny sigh. “It’s not myself I worry about, John.”
“I know,” John says, his nose brushing against Sherlock’s. “And I will support any decision you make. But Rosie is going to be happy with you no matter what. You truly are her hero, you know that?”
Sherlock exhales a small laugh. “Am I?”
“That’s not even a question that needs answered, Sherlock. She’s amazed by you.”
*Child of Baker Street by TwisterMelody
31k, 11 works, Johnlock, Fluff, Humor, Family, Mycroft Holmes, Greg Lestrade, Molly Hooper, Mrs Hudson, Humor
A series of stories and drabbles about the upbringing of Hamish Watson-Holmes.
*Happy (not) Valentine's by julidoesnotwrite (notjuli)
8k, 1/1, Aromantic Character, Sherlock Holmes & John Watson, Rosie Watson, Family Dynamics, Non-Romantic Relationship, Post Canon, Panic Attacks, Domestic Fluff
It's not Valentine's Day and John is up to something.
*Consultive Detective to-be by GayAvocado
5k, 1/1, Johnlock, Rosie Watson, Fluff, Parentlock, Friends to Lovers, Domestic Life, Post Canon, Happy Ending
“Yes Papa,” Rosie said hopping off the bench and on the ground. Sherlock froze at the nickname and left Rosie confused with her hand outstretched toward him for a few seconds. “Are you okay?” This question brought the man back to reality. Or: Rosie starts to call Sherlock Papa, and after a few revelations on Sherlock's part, she tries to set him up with her father. Smart Rosie, flustered Sherlock and confused John.
I have many more fics, but I'm going to be uploading them in parts :)
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ayoitspatricia · 2 years
Sherlock Preference : Who would your closest friend/friends be?
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Sherlock Holmes :
You would defo build up a good relationship with John
Like you’re the person he calls when Sherlock is up to something mad
I feel like he has some embarrassing videos to show you of Sherlock when he’s lost his mind
Both of you just naturally clicked and became protective of each other very quickly
You also would be rather good friends with Mary when she gets introduced to you
I mean its good to have more girls around right 😩😩
John Watson :
I think you would actually bond with Sherlock quite nicely
And not because of the fact that John and Sherlock are like bffs
But because he actually finds you interesting to be around
Which surprises John btw
He would invite you to help on cases if he perhaps wanted an opinion
Sherlock secretly likes the fact that you treat him just like a normal person
Mycroft Holmes :
You would obvi be mates with Sherlock and John
Since Mycroft is ever so obsessed with them and what they do
All 3 of you would make jokes about Mycroft
He finds your friendship annoying but at the same time is glad that his brother approves of you
You also got a chance to meet Greg
This means always teasing them both over Mystrade
Greg Lestrade :
I think you would personally spend a lot of time with Molly
Being in a relationship with Greg means that you see the Scotland Yard gang a lot
Including your girl Molly who thinks that you are so good for him
Both of you would have these coffee meet-ups where you would complain about Sherlock
Speaking of Sherlock you and him would see each other a lot since he is always up to something
He would count you as a ‘friend’
Jim Moriarty :
You would definitely build up a relationship with Sebastian
He would always tell you about how much of a mess Jim was before you came around
It’s just nice to possibly have a friend when Jim is busy ya know
Jim would defo feel skeptical at first though tbh
His best sniper and his partner getting along so well made him just a tad annoyed
But he got over it as we know Jim is secretly just a big softie and especially for you
Molly Hooper :
Ok but im thinking Greg on this one and for a good reason
Because he would 100% be yours and Molly’s number one shipper
He thinks that you are a really good friend and an even better person to Molly
I mean Queen Molly deserves the best!
Despite the lack of knowledge he may have of Gen Z terms he still would make up a ship name for you both
You would of course be mentioned in Greg’s little convos with Mycroft whenever they happen
Phillip Anderson :
I think your ‘friends’ would be varied tbh
For example Donovan would try and be your friend just to get closer to Phillip
But Sherlock would come up to you and advise you to quit your whole relationship
John would just be puzzled over the fact that the most dislikable person ever has a partner
That does not mean that he hates you though 🤩🤩
I can also see Greg sympathising with you a lot due to the treatment Phillip sometimes gives you
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frost-queen · 2 years
What we leave behind (Daughter!Reader x Sherlock Holmes)
Requested by: @mochystark Forever tag: @missmelodramatic, @theletterhart, @alex–awesome–22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly, @denkisclown, @automaticbakeryfreakshoe, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @october-leaves​
Summary: Sherlock has two children (twins) when Reader goes off to college, leaves she everyone behind. A trail of lonliness darkens her twin brother. A deep wish turns the tables, leading him to follow in his father’s footsteps. At the holidays is reader over the moon to hear so. 
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“Alright, move a bit closer.” – said John, looking through the camera. You shuffled a bit closer to your father. Sherlock inhaled deep, throwing his arm around you. With one wide smile turned he forwards. He didn’t like posing but it was a special day, so he made an exception. John stuck his thumb up that the pose was perfect. The camera flashed as the picture got taken. Sherlock stepped aside as far out of the range of the camera angle. You turned your shoulder a bit more to John, posing cute. He laughed loud, taking the picture. Your brother was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed. – “Layton!” – you called him over. Layton was surprised for a moment.
“Come on! I can’t leave without a picture with my twin.” – laughed you out, hurrying him over. Layton grinned sheepishly, shuffling over to you. You moved the bags at your feet a bit aside, making room for him. You moved your arm around Layton when he came standing beside you. He was clearly a bit taller then you. First you took a formal picture, just standing beside each other. Then the funny poses came as Layton eased a bit up. He picked you up, holding you in his arms. Then a picture with you on his back and vice versa. That last picture got accompanied by a picture of both of you falling to the ground as you couldn’t carry Layton anymore.
Laughter swirled around apartment 221B. A knock on the door, made you all turn your head to it. A buzzing Misses Hudson entered, followed by Greg Lestrade, Molly Hooper, and Mycroft Holmes. – “Are we too late?” – asked she hastily. A sigh of relieve on her face at the sight of you. You smiled giddy, opening your arms to her when she welcomed you warmly. – “Misses Hudson!” – called you out, hugging her tightly. John and Sherlock greeted the rest, shaking a few hands. – “How about a group picture?” – suggested you, pulling away from the hug. Sherlock quirked his eyebrow up. – “Someone has to take the picture, isn’t it.” – pointed he out. – “I’ll do the dreadful task.” – answered Mycroft. – “No! uncle, I want everyone on the picture.” – you walked over to him, glaring a bit at him.
“No sneaking out of it!” – pointing slightly at him, wanted you, him to let you have this. He surrendered with a deep sigh. With a soft squeal, threw you, your arms around him. – “Too much, Y/n, too much.” – said he to you, retracting himself a bit from your affection. You snatched the camera from John’s hand, calling Layton over. Both of you whispered at each other, checking the camera. – “Which button was the timer again?” – Layton took the camera from you, looking closely at it. – “I think this one.” – He pressed the button, hearing a timer go off. Followed by a click as it accidently took a picture up close from him, upwards angle when the seconds had passed.
You laughed loud, taking the camera from him again. Stacking some books, you made a support for the camera. – “Come on everybody!”- called you out when no one moved. Swaying with you hand, motioned you for them to start moving. Layton took Misses Hudson’s gentle hand, taking her with him. Molly went after them, calling Sherlock and John over. You looked through the camera to see if everything would work out. You started counting heads, missing a few. – “Greg! Get over there.” – called you out. Greg pointed bluntly at himself. – “You...you want me on the picture?” – Sighing loud, nodded you. – “I did say everyone right!” – Greg hurried to the rest, coming to stand beside Molly, behind Layton and Misses Hudson. – “Uncle Mycroft!” – chimed you, fluttering with your eyelashes. 
He rolled with his eyes, coming to stand beside Greg. Both of them shared a brief look, turning their heads away. – “Father, you need to stand a little closer to Layton.” – ordered you. So he did as you tried to squeeze everyone in the picture. When everything was in order, pressed you the timer. In high speed rushed you over to them, wondering where you should stand. The timer kept going off as you panicked. Sherlock wanted to create a gap for you to stand when you just bend a bit through your knee. Not standing in Misses Hudson her sight, opening your arms a bit. The picture was taken, anyone barely ready. You went for a second try. Rushing over to them, to give yourself a few extra seconds to get in place.
In your haste had you bumped against the books, the camera wobbling a bit. – “The camera!” – shouted John out in a panic. He leaped forwards, panic in his eyes. Meanwhile tripped you over your own feet. Everyone around you, ready to catch you as the picture was taken. A sideways picture of utter panic. That was your favorite picture. For the remaining hours, spend you time with everyone. It would be your first time away from home for college. Taking on the next step in your life. The sad part was you had to leave everything you loved behind. That was why you insisted on the pictures. John had gone out, wanting to develop them quickly for your departure. 
A set of pictures for each and everyone. During your conversation with Molly, noticed you that Layton was quiet. He sat down, staring a bit lost at his cup of tea. Saying goodbye to Molly, went you over to him. Layton plastered on a smile at the sight of you. You weren’t sure yet if he putted the smile on for you or because he had to. – “You, okay?” – checked you in with him. Layton nodded softly. Nudging him against his knee, wanted you to hear these words clear. – “You know you can always talk to me. I might not be here for a while, but I’m not gone. There is a thing called phones that can be very helpful.”
Layton laughed loud. – “I won’t forget.” – responded he. – “I’ll always be there for you; you know that right.” – Layton exhaled soft when you ruffled your fingers through his hair. To everyone’s heartbreak was it time for you to leave. They all went downstairs with you. Sherlock stuffing your bags in the cab. – “I’ll miss you.” – you said to John, hugging him tight. – “I’ll be sure to give the first previews of the cases I post on my blog.” – whispered he. – “Please do.” – replied you, wanting to be included with your family. – “If anyone ever harasses you, call me.” – insisted Greg, acting out a phone near his ear. You smiled, hugging him. – “I’ll let them spend a few nights in jail.” – added he with a wistful smile. – “Uncle Mycroft?” – Mycroft had his arms crossed, barely looking at you. You stuck your hand out to him. 
He glanced down to it, taking it with a tiny smile. – “Study hard!” – said he to encourage you. You were about to turn around when he mumbled a bit more. – “Stay safe.” – you heard it, smiling. You waved Molly and Misses Hudson goodbye. Your father was waiting by the cab. You held your hand out to Layton. He took it, walking with you to the car. Now when the moment was surreal, shed you some tears. Sherlock hugged you tightly. – “My clever, clever girl.” – breathed he out. He kissed your forehead with pain in his heart to watch you leave. Layton was saddened as well. You threw your arms around him, squeezing him to death. – “Call me… whenever you like.” – he nodded, opening the cab door to you.
You got in, Sherlock shutting the door. Rolling down the window, waved you at them. Your family, your friends. You were leaving them behind to pursue your dream. With a knot down your throat, blew you a thousand kisses at them. Hoping they wouldn’t forget about you in time. That they kept calling you every day no matter how annoying it might be. You would sure miss them all.
It took about a month for Layton to acknowledge the loneliness lurking inside of him. It started small. He would knock on your door, entering as he expected you to be in there. Reality struck him hard when he had to remind himself constantly that you weren’t there. He found himself talking to himself, sitting on your bed as if you were listening in. Distancing himself a bit from father. He was always busy with his cases, he had little time to figure out what Layton was feeling. 
A gaping hole growing inside of him. A part of him missing. His entire life had he you around him. Twins, who never could be without the other. Now with you out of the house for college, felt he alone. Truly alone for the first time in his life. The darkness of loneliness and depression gripping tightly around his heart. Seeing father resolve so much work around his cases, made Layton wonder what it might be to be there. To help around, perhaps even assist. Yet he was too afraid to ask him.
One lonely night found Layton himself staring at the ceiling. You hadn’t heard from him in a while, so you decided to call him. His phone lit up, the light casting out the shadows in his dark room. Layton sat up straight, flicking the light on. When he saw it was you, curled he up a smile. Holding the phone in front of him, answered he the call. You popped onto his screen, looking a bit like a mess. – “God what is college doing to you Y/n?” – laughed he out, slipping a brotherly comment. You laughed mockingly, running your fingers through your hair. – “I didn’t get much sleep.” – answered you, wiping your cheeks a bit. Layton bit his lip, staring a bit lost away from the videocall.
“Everything alright at home? I…I haven’t heard from any of you for a while…” – started you, involving him back into the conversation. – “Father is busy with his cases.” – responded Layton, avoiding his own matters. – “And you?” – you came sitting a bit closer to the screen. – “I’m fine.” – lied Layton, avoiding eye contact. You hummed softly. – “Layton… look at me.” – insisted you. When your brother ignored you, demanded you it again. With an irritated sigh, looked he at you. Your expression softened, knowing how he felt. – “I’m sorry…” – said you.
“Why are you sorry?”
“Because you feel lonely, Layton! I feel like I have abandoned you.”
“I’ll get over it!”
You sighed deep, looking briefly away. – “Layton…I” – you weren’t sure how to put this, but you truly felt guilty. It never occurred to you what kind of impact you had on them. What you had left behind. Layton looked at you, seeing something in you as well. – “You are lonely too, aren’t you?” – you were a bit surprised by the question but nodded. The tears streaming down as he poked right through you. You had tried to stay strong for him, but he easily broke down that wall. Layton bit his lip in regret, seeing you cry. – “I didn’t think it would be so difficult.” – cried you out, wiping your cheeks dry. 
“I miss home. I miss you; I miss father. I miss everything. When I heard nothing from you, I thought you didn’t think of me. That I was easily forgotten.” – Layton shook his head. – “Y/n, you are not forgotten. We think about you every day… or at least I do.” – you sniffed loud, wiping your tears away. – “What about father.” – suggested you. – “What about him.” – bit Layton back, annoyed. It took you a bit by the throat, hearing him speak so about your father. – “Why don’t you go on cases with him?”
Layton looked away, shy. – “I know it is something you always wanted. Why not ask him?” – Layton kept avoiding your pleading eyes. – “I don’t know.” – mumbled he out. – “Want me to talk to him?” – offered you, immediately being cut off by a loud ‘no!’. – “Alright, I know my place.” – giggled you out. A brief silence fell between the both of you. – “Promise me, you’ll try.” – said you. – “I hate to see you like this.” – Layton nodded, biting at his lip. – “Promise me too.” – responded he. – “Promise me you’ll enjoy college. Don’t let us hold you back.” – smiling, hummed you loud. – “Love you Layton.” – said you, blowing him a kiss. 
Layton smiled a bit sheepishly. – “Love you too weirdo.” – answered he with a loud laugh. Both of you hung up, leaving an eerie silence around. Layton got up from his bed, walking out of his room. – “Y/n says hi.” – stated he, letting his father know. Sherlock’s head jerked up from behind the laptop. – “You… you spoke with Y/n?” – wanted he to know. Layton nodded, stepping over to the window. He pulled the curtain a bit aside, staring at the empty street below. – “How is she?” –
“Okay… could use a bit more sleep but okay.” – lied Layton. He knew it worry his father if he knew you missed home terribly. That you had been crying over the phone, feeling alone. Sherlock nodded softly, turning his gaze downwards again. When Layton kept staring out of the window, unfolded Sherlock his hands. He observed his son for a moment. Taking in his posture, his expression, his movement. – “Layton.” – began he, getting his attention. – “How…how would you feel about helping me out with my cases?” – Layton widened his eyes, staring hopeful at his father. – “Truly?” – called he out, his face lighting up. Sherlock smiled, seeing the positive change in him. – “Truly!” – repeated he. Layton rushed over to Sherlock, hugging him. – “Thank you, father, I promise I’ll do my best!”
So it was that Sherlock and his son solved cases with John. Layton became his apprentice, learning all the quirks of being a detective. He didn’t feel so lonely anymore and got to spend more time with his father. Sherlock finally understood how important it was to bond more with his family. He enjoyed it to have him around to teach.
Snow was falling down, sticking onto your eyelashes. With a relieving sigh, admired you apartment 221B. It felt good to be home. You had missed it so much. Thank God for Christmas so you could return. Not wanting to waste another moment, rushed you inside and upstairs. You burst into the apartment, surprising everyone. Sherlock stopped playing the violin, his mouth dropping. – “Y/n!” – exclaimed he, jumping up. He pushed his violin in John’s hands, rushing over to you. 
He swept you off the ground, twirling with you in his embrace. – “My sweet girl is home!” – said he. He kissed every inch of your forehead, pleased to have you home again, even when it was just for the holidays. Before you had a breather, attacked Layton you with a hug. The moment he crashed into you, started you to cry. – “I’ve missed you.” – whispered he into your hair, tapping his hand on top of your head. – “I’ve missed you too, Layton.” – you broke away from the hug, greeting everyone else. – “Y/n!” – your attention got drawn to your father. He patted a seat beside him for you to sit down. You sat down, him coming to sit beside you. – “Tell me how college is?” – You laughed loud, slapping his knee. – “I rather hear stories about the two of you.” – your eyes drifted away to Layton.
“I heard you are his apprentice now?” – quirking your eyebrow, you couldn’t hide your smirk. Layton nodded proudly, coming to sit near you. – “Tell me all.” – asked you, listening with admiration at the both of them. You were over the moon proud at both of them. Layton flourished, his eyes sparkling when he told you about the cases he did with Sherlock. Sherlock smiling proudly. He took your hand, holding it. His little girl was home again, he didn’t want to let her slip through his fingers yet.
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dapperappleton · 3 years
Would you possibly do a BBC Sherlock imagine/headcannon for their S/O being quite younger than them?
I don’t know what characters in specific you wanted so I just gave an assortment. Hope you like it!
He doesn’t care
Honestly he wouldn’t realise it’s socially “weird” or frowned upon
Someone probably hinted at it and he just didn’t get it
Mycroft eventually said something pretty directly and it was honestly kinda rude
Sherlock immediately defends you
Why would he care what others think? All that matters is that he loves you.
You’re probably more up to date on stuff like memes than him though
And I can see him being bad with technology
He goes to you first
He knows you won’t judge him. Right? Right?
He’s a lot more aware of society’s opinions
He’s definitely much more gentle about it
He will make sure you don’t hear anyone saying things about you (or him really) or y’all’s relationship
If someone does say something he sort of has an internal argument with himself about how he should react
Usually he ends up just giving some strongly worded opinions in return
He is a lot better with keeping up with news and media and stuff than Sherlock is
Probably because of his blog
But if you reference a meme that he doesn’t know
Holy crap is his reaction funny
His face scrunches up and he tilts his head to the side trying to decipher what you were talking about
Honestly he looks younger than he is so typically it’s not much of an issue but...
Someone even looks at y’all funny?
They’re never seen again
No one will ever dare to say anything
Big scary Jim is here to protect you
He gives zero craps that you’re so much younger
Why would he care? He’s the king of London.
He loves you all the same.
Though if you start worrying about stuff like ageing he will probably laugh right in your face
Cares the most out of all of them
Not because of the age difference itself but rather he doesn’t want to be old
I mean he’s not but he worries about stuff like that
He probably just ignores comments but will die inside every time
He will for sure defend you if someone specifically comes for you or says something that upsets you
He takes you to a cafe or a bakery or something afterwards
He has to understand tech because his job but memes
Hoo boy
He doesn’t know a single meme
Not even minions memes
Quote vines or memes to confuse him
He sort of just thinks you’re crazy and looks at you weird
He’s not as insecure as Mycroft but is still pretty insecure especially since his hair is gray
One time he asked you if he should dye his hair to look younger
You tried to use a filter to show him how stupid it would look
He just thought it looked good
Him: 😁👍
You: 😞😩
However he voices his insecurities more since sometimes he feels like you’re going to leave him for someone younger
He also will definitely defend the both of you very strongly
If Donovan or Anderson even think something bad about you he will release Sherlock on them
She’s probably the third most upset by it
She doesn’t look too much older than you but it’s a pretty noticeable difference
Her insecurities really don’t show up all that often
When they do she acts like it doesn’t bother her at all but she’s pretty easy to read if you know her well enough
She gets angry at anyone who says something bad about you
Especially if it’s Sherlock she will not hesitate to stand her ground
If you’re ever upset about it she will make you some tea and reassure you
Please do the same for her she needs it
She’s such an adorable pure bean I love Molly
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