#my wii beckons me
jupitercl0uds · 2 months
wii spotrs resort ☹️💔
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galacticlee3 · 1 year
Mario… Something?
(Lee!Leviathan, Ler!Reader; Obey Me! Shall We Date?)
A gift for the lovely @altheadajoysoul for Squealing Santa 2k22! I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it, and again thank you so much for hosting this year, Hypah!
Summary: Levi has something special to give you, something that brings back childhood nostalgia and helps you make a precious memory with the demon. Can either be interpreted as platonic or romantic.
Warnings: none!
Word Count: 1.4k
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MC, do you have time to come to my room? I have something for you.
I have some free time, yeah. What is it?
It’s a surprise :)
Alright, coming!
Levi shut off his phone, looking down at the wrapped gift sitting on his manga shelf. He wanted it to come in by Christmas so you could open it with bright eyes in front of his brothers, your smile as much of a gift to him as it was to them. But unfortunately, the shipping was delayed due to the high influx of travel from the human world to the Devildom, so he had to make you wait. He heard you running down the hallway above his room, a screech followed by muffled apologies telling him you’d knocked into one of his brothers on your way.
As your footsteps got closer and came to an abrupt stop, he brushed off his hoodie and messed with his hair, looking at Henry 2.0 in the tank. “Nothing to be nervous about, they’ll love it,” he reassured himself, getting pulled out of his head when two soft knocks sounded at his door. “Coming!” He called, taking a deep breath and opening the door a crack. You smiled at him, a little out of breath from your speedy trip, and he almost melted right then and there. Determined to keep his cool, Levi beckoned you inside, hoping you wouldn’t be able to see his rising blush in the dark.
He motioned for you to sit down on the couch while he walked over to the bookshelf. “I know you already got something from me for Christmas but this is your real present. It took a bit to get here, but I wanted to give it to you as soon as I got it,” he scratched the back of his neck, sitting in front of you criss-crossing his legs. Levi shyly bowed his head and held the gift up to you, a heavy silver box with purple ribbon tied in a haphazard bow.
“Oh, Levi! Please tell me you didn’t splurge, I love the Ruri-chan blanket you got me already,” you looked down at him, both grateful but also a bit taken aback. Levi shook his head, pushing the gift onto your lap gently. “I-its not splurging if it’s for you, MC,” he whispered sincerely, tail twitching nervously at his side, “Please, open it, for me?”
You nodded your head, gingerly pulling at the ribbon and opening the box. You gasped when you saw what was inside. A white Wii console, two controllers, and a few games were carefully packed with a little note that read Merry Christmas, MC.
“How did you- they don’t make these anymore!” You gasped with wide eyes, unable to keep a wide smile off your face. You had told Levi about your childhood Wii console a while back, the fun you had losing yourself in your favorite games, which were all stowed away inside the box. “I wanted to make you more at home here, you looked really happy when you told me about these, especially… what was it.. Mario, something?”
“MARIO KART!” You clapped your hands and fished it out of the box, hugging it to your chest. “Levi, will you play it with me? I can’t wait to smoke you,” you giggled as he got a competitive glint in his eyes. You loved when you two hung out and gamed, you could tell he felt more confident and you liked spending time with him doing something you both enjoyed.
“Just because I’ve never played it before doesn’t mean you’re going to beat me, in fact, I would be surprised if you did,” he stuck up his nose, taking the box from you and grabbing the correct outlet adapter from his box in the corner. “Wait there, I’ll get it booted up.” He plugged in the Wii and connected it to the large TV in front of you, the nostalgia coming on in waves hearing the starting sounds.
You and Levi spent a few minutes making Miis of each other, sad that there weren’t any purple hairstyle options for him, but having fun anyway making your little characters run around. After a few minutes, you inserted the disc and readied your controllers, teaching Levi the controls and having a few practice laps. “Okay, do you think you’re ready to play for real now?” You wiggled your eyebrows at him where he was sitting across from you.
“I think I have the hang of it now, in fact, I know I’m going to win. A simple racing game? Child’s play, literally.”
“Oh? Then how about we raise the stakes? The loser…” You zoned out in thought, before a mischievous grin made its way onto your lips. “The loser gets wrecked by the winner!”
Levi’s cheeks bloomed an adorable shade of red, for he knew exactly what you meant by “wrecked”. The loser would be tickled by the winner, something he knew you both didn’t mind very much. But that didn’t mean he wasn’t incredibly flustered by it, something you knew, and were planning to take advantage of during the round. Was it cheating? Maaaaaaybe, but you also wanted to hear his precious laugh, something he didn’t share often.
He shook his head, trying to distract himself from the ghost tickles starting to creep up his back. “You’re on, don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Levi taunted, trying to hide his growing blush and flustered state.
His Yoshi and your Waluigi drove up to the starting line, buzzing with energy. “3…2…1…go!” You chant along with the screen, blasting off with the CPUs. Levi was not too far behind you, tongue sticking out in concentration. You decided he was too cute not to mess with.
“Y’know Levi, I bet you’ll barely be able to hold back your laughter when I get those sides of yours,” you chirped, keeping your eyes on the screen. You saw Yoshi waver and almost drive off the track, not expecting distractions, let alone teasing from you. He was almost silent, tail swishing behind you unbeknownst to him.
“You get all squeaky when I get near your ears, how do you think you’ll fare now? Asmo did my nails yesterday so they’ll be extra tickly~”
“MC! This is cheating!” He was climbing up the ranks, a place behind you, but he was curling into himself which threw off his game.
“I’m not doing anything, just making some conversation!”
“Can we change the topic?” He said meekly, trying to keep his cool. He came up to you, trying to knock into Waluigi’s car. You knew it was time to pull out the big guns.
“Hmmm. Fine, I want to talk about how adorable your laugh is, it’s contagious and it always makes me want to hug you for being so gosh darn cute!”
Levi lost grip on his controller, letting it go in favor of covering his face with his hands. His ears were pink now, and he was quietly whining in protest of your statements. “Why do you always do this MC… saying things that aren’t true,” he groaned into his palms, refusing to show you the fiery flush on his cheeks. You scoot over and wrap your arms around his shoulders, “You might not think it is, but I do. I find you charming, cute, but most of all someone dear to me,” you whispered, rubbing his back. Levi peeked out of his fingers, sighing, but a big smile broke out onto his face. “Thank you,” he peeped, glancing down at the controller. The one that he dropped. With wide eyes, Levi turned to the TV which displayed a cheering Waluigi in first place.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want,” you said quickly, letting him know there was an out. But he shook his head, still embarrassed to the nines. “You won, I l-lost, fair and square,” Levi reasoned, chest filled with nervous excitement. “What kind of demon would I be if I couldn’t take it?”
With that, you pounced on him, hands squeezing up and down his sides, giggling along with his airy laughter that you loved so much. His tail was thumping away on the couch, letting you know he was enjoying it as much as you were. You two spent the rest of the afternoon like that, gaming and reveling in each other’s stories and laughter. For you both, it was a perfect day with your best friend.
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blueskittelz · 2 years
It’s been a while!
So I’ve been stuck in sim game hell, and not that I don’t mind! Despite my work schedule being completely chaotic, and unpredictable, I will share with you the games I’ve picked back up, to new games I’ve started playing. 
Let’s start off with Rune Factory 5. 
I threw my money at this, pretty much. The moment I heard you can have same-sex relationships. Like please, give us more of that. 
I made two files, Alice and Ares, and they may have multiple save files, because I can’t decide who.
For Alice- I'm stuck between Ryker, Murukumo, Scarlett, Ludmila, Lucy and Reinhardt
Ares- Same as above but minus Scarlett cuz it feels like Scarlett is a lesbian. Might be because I played Alice's side first and saw most events with her that made me catch feelings for the pair.
Harvest Moon Animal Parade
Now does anyone remember when I played this all the time? So I had a wii Mini when I played.... and well, I stopped playing it, because my late dad and I played it together, so it was hard playing something we both thoroughly enjoyed. (The skyward sword remake is also kicking me in the feels.) BUT, I decided to play the game on my wii u, and I did a new game plus. INITIALLY. I was gunna go for Gill, but then Wizard was beckoning me, because I almost picked him over chase, OH and let’s not forget, that Chase is also another one. So I may just marry all three of these shits, so then I don’t regret, and want to abort when I play new game plus again. 
I did notice though, in previous posts I had a goal to make all the bachelor's love me, and I might just keep trying to do that. I just forgot though, that when you get a confession it chews out a heart. Quite the literal term, eat your heart out.
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Dream SMP High School AU
pt 1
so many people loved this AU so here’s my little ficlet on the TA’s adventures! This one is SBI centric and we’ve also got some Tubbo and Ranboo!
(based of this post)
On the third day of school, Teacher-Assistant assignments are posted. Ms. Puffy treks through the halls smiling at new bright-eyed freshman and shakes her head at the hoard of hopeful seniors following behind her to the library where the list is posted. 
“Everyone will get to take a look! Mr. Minecraft and I worked extensively on the list and there will be no changes! The teachers and I are so excited to help foster your growth as a-” Puffy tried to give her inspirational speech but was cut off by the shrieks of joy, excitement, terror, anger, and every other emotion high strung teenagers could have. 
Tubbo walked straight up to her, “I got Sam right?” while the other kids were crowding the list beyond hopeful for their advisor Tubbo knew he would be Sam since he took every computer science class in his freshman year.
“If I told you no would you believe me?” Puffy winked, Tubbo shook his head with a laugh and started off toward the science wing. Unfortunately for him, a familiar screech made him spin on his heel. 
“WHAT THE FUCK” Puffy stiffened, took a deep breath, and located the voice as one TommyInnit. In a few angry strides he was towering over her as he began screeching. “I requested Wilbur, or even big man Philza, or hell, I probably could’ve made do with Sam and Tubbo! But Wastaken’s shit class? What do you take me for? Wilbur doesn’t even have a fuckin’ TA this year? You’d better change me right the hell now if you know what’s good for you.” 
Puffy sighed, she knew this was coming. “Tommy, Mr. Minecraft and I went over this, and we really think you can grow a lot with Dre- Mr. Wastaken this year. You truly have knack for physics and we think your creativity will add to his class. Trust me here Tommy, this is gonna be a great year!” Puffy tried to keep a calm smile on her face, but her saving grace was Wilbur himself coming up to her. 
Wilbur looked disheveled, it was writing season for the fall musical after all, but he had a massive grin as he approached the pair. “Pufffayyy! How will I repay you, or was it Philza? God do I have to give my condolences to Dream but a year with no TA is a good year for me! Say- Tommy! You ready for physics?” Wilbur clapped the shorter boy on the back with a teasing grin. Wilbur would poke fun at Tommy but he truly wanted the world for his favorite student. Puffy wasn’t going to be the one to tell Tommy it was actually Wilbur who had the idea of putting Tommy with Dream, Wil was always telling everyone he could that Tommy would be great and he was determined to let him shine even if it meant living TA-less for a year. 
“Wilbur you have to let me switch I cannot lose senior year to physics.” Tommy faked a gag but Wilbur was quick to chime in, “Oh no, you’re doing it. But my door is always open you know. Also you should be happy- isn’t the physics classroom one door down from the computer science room?” Wilbur always knew how to get Tommy’s attention elsewhere.  
“It is... speaking of which, Tubbo, we have to go set up our TA studies next to each other!” Tommy turned on his heel, nodding to his best friend as the two bolted through the hallway towards the science wing.
“You sure about this Wil?” Puffy glanced as the library which now had the teachers looking at their own pair-ups. One physics teacher looked less than excited. 
“The world isn’t ready for TommyInnit. Hell, Tommy isn’t ready, but he’s gonna do big things. Trust me Puffy.” Wilbur said with a grin, heading over to congratulate Dream on his new understudy. 
On the other side of the school Philza sat with a different senior.
“Ranboo my boy, I promise you this year’s going to be great! Mate, you’re one of the brightest students in this school. And trust me, Techno’s a great guy. He likes to have the reputation but he’s a real softie once you get to know ‘em! I wouldn’t assign you to him if I didn’t believe in you!” Phil placed a reassuring hand on the anxious senior in front of him. 
Ranboo’s voice was shakier than normal, “I-I just- it’s only my second year here. I barely know where the english classroom is! Also, I didn’t take advanced english here so how will I even be any help? Doesn’t Mr. Blade hate all the non AP students?” Ranboo rambled but Phil knew he was just nervous. 
“Everything happens for a reason mate, now go on down and pick a study wing with the other TA’s. It’s your senior year! It’s gonna be great.” Ranboo gave him a slight nod, thanking him for his time as he scurried out of Phil’s office. Phil couldn’t deny the Ranboo and Techno pair up was his idea, last year he saw something in Ranboo that was so innately intelligent and bright he knew Ranboo’s thoughtful ideas could impress anyone, even “The Blade” as the students called Techno. 
Phil yawned, he was exhausted and it was only day three of the school year. Just as he was about to dive into paperwork he go a call from the front office manager saying he had guests. With a sigh he got up, giving slight waves to his teachers as they made their way through the office to pickup paperwork and whatnot he noticed two familiar figures sitting directly across from each other. As he entered the main office both stood up.
“Phil, the newbie? Kid hasn’t even passed my class how am I supposed to make a TA out of him?-”
“TommyInnit? Tommy-freaking-Innit. Is this a joke? What’s your play here?-”
They both stopped, looking at the other. 
“Dream.” They greeted each other curtly. 
It was always a funny sight seeing the two interact. AP Physics and AP English were known as the two most challenging, and iconic classes in the school- and their teachers held themselves to that standard. Many compared the two, debating who was the better teacher, with the better class content, or more rigorous academics, but honestly Philza wouldn’t have it any other way. Dream and Techno pushed each other in the best way possible, and the students always benefited from their competitive nature. 
“I see you two saw the TA assignments.” Phil mused, beckoning them down back to his own office. The two scuffled for who got to walk directly behind him but Techno took the lead. 
“So, as I understand, you’re both reasonably confused with your seniors, but trust me: those are two of the brightest students here, and they’ll both impress you as the year goes on.” Phil laughed at himself at their similarities, deciding he could play into the competitiveness of the two teachers in front of him. Phil continued, “Now, before either of you start I’ve got this to say. Ranboo and Tommy are both gifted in their subjects. Techno, I know you haven’t taught Ranboo everything he knows but that kid will give you a run for your wits, and I trust that you can shape him into a great scholar. Dream, you’ve got Tommy. I’m assuming Wil has already explained Tommy’s capability, your job is to inspire him. Both of you have two of the best kids in my school, and you better appreciate it. I would hate to see either of you drop the ball.” Phil leaned back in his chair, watching the two think his statement over.
Dream was the first to speak up, “I never drop the ball.”
Techno scoffed, “Good luck with Tommy, this Ranboo kid sounds pretty great anyways.”
This got Dream in the game, “Tommy’ll be double the student you could make Ranboo.”
“That so? Not with your teaching.” Techno shot back playfully. 
And just like that, Phil knew Dream and Technoblade would give their students the best education they could, he just hoped the kids could hang with the crazy teachers in front of him. 
“Did this day feel like the length of a month or just me?” Puffy slumped into the chair across from Phil. Phil answered, “it felt liked a month. But I just know this year’s gonna be good.” Puffy nodded in agreement. 
“Glad you’re feeling good, ‘cuz I’m 99% sure Tubbo’s programming a device to hack the school intercom. And I cannot deal with another week of Wii Shop music playing over our loudspeakers like last year.” Puffy laughed, but there was a clear wince in her tone.
“God that kid’s unstoppable isn’t he.” Phil pinched the bridge of his nose. Almost like clockwork a familiar tune started blaring over the intercom. Phil and Puffy jumped from their desks, headed straight to the comp sci room.
That’s part one! Mostly just setting stuff up but it was still pretty fun! I’ll probably get a taglist going for this series so message me or send an ask if you want updates! Also, there will probably be some spin-off style parts including DNF or KarlNap but those will have warnings for those not interested. 
Thanks! <3
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kkgbutsane · 3 years
The First Day of School
It was a dewy morning. Not too hot, not too cold, far too humid. It was the usual for Hyakkou High School, where students came to learn and excel in their studies while maintaining good social relationships. The school was usually filled with many different students. Any stereotype you could think of, Hyakkou had it. 
The students usually had fun. The Principal was quite lax when it came to certain things. All he asked of the students was to respect each other and respect the building. And to keep their grades up of course. They would be failing as a school if the students weren’t receiving the proper education!
And this is where their story begins.
“Ack. Hey! Mary!” Ryota called out from behind the blonde, who was currently looking down on her phone. The boy ran up to his best friend, hooking his arm around the back of her neck to bring her into a headlock. “Hey! Don’t mess up my hair you dork!” Mary growled, trying to wrestle her way out of Ryota’s lock.
The two continued their conundrum until they reached the gates of the school, where Mary finally got a good grip and threw her friend over her shoulder, thus leading to him falling on his backpack. “Ow…,” he muttered, smiling like an idiot.
Mary Saotome and Ryota Suzui had been friends since childhood. They were even neighbors, and she often came over to his house to play on his Wii with him. Their friendship had blossomed into a relationship.
Until they realized they were better off as best friends. In fact, after they had broken up and continued to be platonic, it seemed as though their friendship grew stronger.
“Hi guys!” The two heard a familiar voice, registering it as their other best friend, Yumeko Jabami. Yumeko had met them all in middle school, when she had moved here with her sister. The ravenette was one to take risks, and found pleasure in dangerous things. Of course, only in moderation. In reality, the only things she had taken much risk for was a move in a fighting game. Or a board game.
Her bubbly exterior was often in place of her mellow interior. She tended to keep to herself truly, unless with her friends.
“Yumeko!” Ryota yelled happily, jogging over and scooping the girl in a tight hug. Much to his delight, Yumeko returned the hug tenfold.
“ShiT, I can’t breaTHE-,” he barely managed, his face turning purple. He should have known, the girl was a strong hugger. “Oi, calm down you two, before I separate you guys for 10 minutes straight, and I know that will be a pain since you usually do homework together in the mornings,” Mary stated, crossing her arms. Yumeko finally relented, giving Ryota’s respiratory system some reprieve. Yumeko looked quite meek, but she could give hugs like no other.
“Mary!” Yumeko giggled, giving the blonde another one of her bone crushing hugs. “Sup, dumbass,” Mary replied, smiling softly at her friend’s gestures of affection. “Are you all ready for your first days of school!?” 
It was the start of junior year for the three, and boy were their classes packed. Ryota was taking a few classes on science and health, as well as a gym class to exercise and get fit. He wanted to be a firefighter, and such education was necessary to ensure he was a good candidate for the job.
“I have… Anatomy first period. Woohoo,” Mary sighed. She was actually quite excited, but decided not to show it in order to keep her cool exterior. The path she had chosen was Emergency Medical Services, and taking anatomy was the first step in her opinion.
“Oh? That’s so wonderful! I have Calculus for my first period. I wonder if Sayaka is going to be in that class!” Yumeko said eagerly. Sayaka was one of the other kids attending this school. The girl mainly kept to herself, but she had recently started acquainting herself with the ravenette.
“Gah! Sorry I’m late guys! I kinda missed my bus…” A ginger voice panted, revealed to be none other than Itsuki Sumeragi. The strawberry blonde had met the three last year when she was a sophomore. After transferring from a private school to Hyakkou, the tight-knit group had taken her in, welcoming her as one of their own. “Hey! I heard there’s gonna be a pair of new students! I hear they’re seniors,” Itsuki gossiped, taking out her Nintendo Switch and turning it on.
“Ooh, Smash? Let’s do this!” Ryota declared, taking his controller and setting it to his button map.
“So what about these new students? Do they seem weird or anything?” Mary inquired, picking her character, King K. Rool, and setting her button map. “Oh come on, why do you ALWAYS play heavies!?” Ryota complained, picking Marth as his character. “Because heavies are fucking goated, why else?” the blonde snarked back, a sly smirk on her face.
“I don’t know. But I heard they’re twins!” Itsuki giggled, sitting down to watch them play.
“Heya guys,” a shrill voice came out of nowhere. “You playin’ Smash? I’ll join!” it giggled. Runa had seemingly appeared out of nowhere in her oversized jacket. “Oh no…,” The entire group groaned.
“Runa, you’re cool and all, but whenever we play with you, you find a way to resize our assholes every match in different ways. I really don’t want to get 0-to-deathed consecutively while you stay on three stocks. Seriously, how the fuck do you even do it!?” Mary spoke, seemingly for the entire group. “I dunno, just practice TBH,” was all Runa said, picking up a controller. “And fuck you, I’m playing anyway.” 
The sound of groans could be heard around the courtyard after that statement.
Sayaka Igarashi, resident Valedictorian-to-be, had come over to the table with Midari Ikishima, who was dragging along a seemingly sleepy senior. “C’mon Yuriko. I know you have senioritis but our friends are here!” Midari grumbled, literally dragging Yuriko. Yuriko Nishinotounin had gotten a severe case of Senioritis, especially since most of her classes were a breeze this year. 
“Would you both calm down please!? They’re playing a game, and I’m trying to read!” Sayaka chided, mentally swearing at the rebel. “Chill out, Sayaka, Yuriko is already falling asleep on me and it’s not even 7:30!” Midari grumbled.
“I can’t wait for senior year to be over,” Yuriko yawned, sitting on the table everyone was at basically falling asleep.
“What the fu- NO!” Mary yelled, distracted by Yuriko long enough for Runa to get a move on her, resulting in her virtual demise. “Fuuuuck!” she sighed, hitting her head against the wooden table. “FUCK!” she repeated, after feeling the pain that came along with it. Ryota had already fallen out of the competition.
Please nerf Lucas.
Yumeko hummed happily to herself, reading some random tabloid article on her phone. As the bell rang, they all dispersed into their classes.
“See you guys later!” Ryota called, jogging over to the weight room for his first period.
The three girls had made their way over to the Portables, then separating into their classrooms. 
Sayaka practically dragged her two friends to their classes and then her own, all while keeping to the schedule. Anatomy was her first period, and she sat next to Mary. 
It wouldn’t be too bad of a year. Mary was a good student and wasn’t too hard to talk to. She just mostly liked to keep to herself.
“Good morning class! Welcome to Anatomy! You guys are obviously gonna be learning about the body, it’s functions, what is where and what goes where and woop dee dah, all the good stuff! Hopefully I can make learning about how food passes through the body actually entertaining for y’all, but first we have two new students with us today! They’ve recently transferred over, so let’s give ‘em a warm welcome to Hyakkou!” The teacher, Mrs. Murray, announced. She looked a bit older, with a tall figure and ginger hair in her face. Her glasses looked odd, but it added to her look.
People like Mrs. Murray because she was actually a good teacher. She cared about her students and actually helped them if they needed it.
“Ladies, if you would please introduce yourselves!” 
The entire class looked at the two, and for a moment they thought they saw double.
“Hello. My name is Kirari Momobami. I’m a senior here, and it’s a pleasure to meet you all. I hope we can get along,” The girl, now known as Kirari, had stated.
It seemed her sister’s turn was up next.
“Er.. I’m Ririka Momobami. We’re twins. I hope we can… have a good time!” Ririka muttered, almost too quietly for the class to hear.
Mrs. Murray smiled and beckoned them to take their seats.
Their seats were in front of both Sayaka and Mary, who seemed to be in a state of both ‘gay’ and ‘panic’.
The two twins looked vastly different, with Kirari’s hair done in twin loop braids and dressed in a rather classy manner, while Ririka’s hair was free to fall.
Did Ririka have a sweatshirt that had the Poggers Man on it?
Mary internally laughed at that. It was adorable.
When class had dispersed to work in groups, Mary and Sayaka had picked each other on instinct, then looking for two more partners to start their work on.
“Sayaka!” Mary whisper-yelled, a small blush on her face. She then gestured to her phone to text the girl.
Sayaka I: I am too. Which one are you gay for?
Mary S: Ririka.
Sayaka I: Oh. I like her too.
Mary glared at Sayaka for a moment.
Mary S: The one with the adorable hair and clothing?
The blonde mentally facepalmed, of course Sayaka would think that. No matter the twin.
Sayaka I: Yes. I love how her hair is done. Plus her shirt looks nice.
Mary S: Oh. So the one with the weird braids?
Sayaka I: Don’t call them weird.
Mary S: ok but dont worry cause im crushing on the other twin. I swear her sweatshirt is adorable.
Sayaka I: .
Sayaka I: poggers
Sayaka I: Be my guest.
The two had reluctantly come up to the twins.
“Hello! I am Sayaka Igarashi, and this is Mary Saotome. It seems you both don’t have another pair, so if you’d like, we can work with you,” Sayaka stated, trying to sound as polite as possible. Nothing could hide the blush on her face though.
“Sure, I would love to work with you both,” Kirari replied, a small smirk forming on her face.
Ririka just nodded with a small smile.
It was going to be a long year.
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definegodliness · 4 years
Living on the moon
Living on the moon is not what it's cracked up to be. Sure, I've got that John Lennon's Imagine kind of utopia up here, but to be honest I'm sort of missing having at least something, let alone something to live or die for. Some possessions wouldn't be so bad either. Just your basic needs. Like a fondue set. A hula hoop. A Nintendo Wii. 
Maybe some pen and paper too, because I'm writing this in the dust floor of my dust hole home. And I gotta say some nicely ground coffee beans and a percolator would be swell. Because, guess what? Moon dust tastes just like regular dust. It's merely a tad more gritty to the teeth.
Anyway, I should not be complaining. Let alone be wanting... wishing. 
After all, I came here to transcend my earthly needs. Or rather that which stands between me and Nirvana; all deeply-rooted desires that mercilessly keep clawing my soul back to its wretched limited husk on Earth as soon as I think I had finally evolved enough to escape this accursed loop of eternal reoccurence. You know? It’s the finer things in life that get ya. Like Dr. Pepper, moist toilet tissues, and Miley Cyrus.
Here on the moon one lingers unconfronted with the corruptive premise of bliss posed by mortal desires, and as such I find myself stripped to the essence of my own humanity. 
Simmered down to the core of godly self, I am. The artist. The creator. Here I stand, in awe, gazing over the vast moonscape where so few have ventured. Smitten -- no, enraptured! -- by its unsullied scenery that has often beckoned mine eyes to the nightly skies. So far out of reach. And within me swell the words. A distillate of poetry so pure that it can solely be captured within the sacred form of Haiku. And as the letters near automatically swirl in the dust before my feet, I know that it is in fact not I who am writing. No, it is God himself:
Grey is hella grey Nothing really happens here There are craters too
I know it’s God because I tend to write better.
Shit! That's my ego talking.
Aww, nips. Still got one. Bet you I just bought myself another one-way-ticket back to Earth. Sigh. Another ride on the merry-go-round. Another shot at redemption, or transcension, whatever. I just hope I reincarnate into something cool. Like a pangolin. Or, no, like an Italian Mamma! Imagine all the food!
Hmm. It's taking me a while to fully disintegrate and dissolve into the aether. Kind of like a puzzle scattered to be reassembled using pieces of other scattered puzzles. The picture tends to come out kind of messed up, but hey, that’s all we’ve got. As long as the pieces fit we’re good. There’s time enough to paint them to our own preferences. Call it self-determination. 
Still waiting. 
Let me just say it ain't all bad here on the moon. There’s good things too. The low gravity is fun. And from way up here Earth actually looks kind of cute. Rather innocent and unbothered. Little blue jaw-breaker. 
Ah, there's the light. Well, it's time to go. Now, once it's your turn to visit this soul weighing kind of limbo, rest assured you can use my dust hole home for the duration of your stay. Don't bother wiping your feet before entering, because, you know... dust. Wish I could tell you more to aid you in your soul's journey, but I seem to have gotten caught up in bullshittery again. I blame my soul. And soul food. And Miley.
See ya on the flipside!
--- 31-7-2020, M.A. Tempels ©
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oatsn-honey · 4 years
coughing fits, thick blankets, and mario kart
for @cafeaulate_ on instagram!! 
summary: "Kageyama, Shouyou is really sick."When Hinata gets sick on a day off, Kageyama somehow winds up being tasked with caring for him. He has one thing to say -- that boy is a new kind of stubborn. And he's kinda cute. Okay so maybe two things.
notes: this is for my bestie uwu!! for years she tried to get me into haikyuu and i just would not budge!! i wish i had listened to her sooner, because i love these boys sm i swear. i started watching it when i rlly needed a creative pick up, and it came in at the most perfect time-i hope u enjoy!
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Kageyama dragged a hand down his face, sighing exasperatedly as he glared at the defiant highschooler in front of him. Why did I think this would be a good idea, again? He groaned before trying again, “Hinata, please, you’ve got to eat something.” Despite his insistence, the redhead would just not listen to reason, turning away from him in his mountain of blankets upon the couch.
“Oh, Kageyama, what a sweet boy you are!” Hinata’s mother, a darling woman, had told him earlier that day, thanking him profusely, little Natsu bouncing in her arms. It was Friday, but a holiday, and she still had to work, and Natsu was still expected at daycare. Normally, something so trivial as leaving your teenage son at home wouldn’t be a worrisome thought, but Shouyou was terribly, horribly sick.
Kageyama couldn’t necessarily blame her for worrying about her child, especially considering how he was. “You can expect me back by 7:30! I left my number on a slip of paper on the countertop -- call me for anything, Kageyama.” Was it too late to call her and say that she chose the wrong person? That he was just as troublesome, just as difficult, as her son? Probably, he reasoned.
Breathing deeply, practicing what Sugawara had taught him for when he got riled up during a game, Kageyama approached the small bundle on the couch, speaking gentler than earlier, “Hinata, would you please try and eat something? Your mom made you some soup and she put me in charge of making sure you get something to eat.” Big brown eyes, bloodshot and clouded with fever, turned to look up at him as he hovered over the sofa. Jackpot. Kageyama got lucky -- using Hinata’s mother had been a rewarding play.
So, obviously, it had taken some coaxing, but now Hinata was seated in a dinner chair in the kitchen, that obnoxiously thick blanket that he had been clinging to all day wrapped around his small shoulders. Humming softly to himself (something that makes him feel oddly and uncomfortably domestic), Kageyama warmed some of the soup over the stove before ladeling it into two adorable bowls, decorated with small cat characters that reminded the setter of ‘Natsu’s’ bento.
“Eat up,” Kageyama declared, setting the bowl in front of the shivering Hinata, who honestly looked like death had warmed over him. He had sunken so far down into his chair that his head had nearly disappeared underneath the table. “Eat,” Kageyama insisted, sitting down with an aggressive huff.
“‘M not hung’y though,” Hinata argued weakly, his congestion making him sound strange and closer to Natsu’s age than a highschooler.
The taller boy’s eyes narrowed. “You have to eat -- ‘else you won’t heal and then won’t get to play volleyball.” Kageyama had struck a soft spot (knowingly, of course), and Hinata stared down at the murky broth, face blanched, as he took his spoon into a quivering hand.
After several agonizing minutes, Hinata had eaten a satisfactory meal -- as Kageyama deemed fit -- which amounted to a measly 8 spoonfuls. The decoy’s face had taken on a greenish tint, and perspiration spotted his forward, where his brows were pressed closed together. Patting the smaller teen’s head, Kageyama took the bowl away and began swiftly washing the dishes.
Eventually, they found their way back to the couch. Kageyama settled at one end, Hinata curling up at the other, resuming his huddled position amongst a fort of blankets. The TV played softly, Kageyama watching whatever was on mindlessly while Hinata dozed off, snoring softly, his breaths rattling in his chest.
Not too much longer after that, Kageyama was startled from his daze by a small, pained groan. He looked over at Hinata sleepily, who was clutching at his head, rubbing at his temples. “You good?” The raven-haired boy prodded quietly, tapping at Hinata’s leg gently.
“‘S my head,” He whined between bated breaths, each one catching in his inflamed lungs.
“Come here,” Kageyama beckoned, leaning forward to help Hinata sit up. The redhead flashed him a sceptical look, somewhere between curious, pained, concerned -- constipated, that’s what the expression was. (At least to Kageyama.) The taller boy guided his partner back down, his head coming to rest on Kageyama’s lap. He unfurled the blanket over the sick boy’s quivering body, smiling gently as he snuggled up to the welcomed warmth. Tenderally, he began carding his long fingers through those monstrous tufts of hair, the strands poking out in all directions -- an untamed beast, but unbelievably soft nonetheless. His hair, despite its fiery tenacity to be unruly, was like clouds along Kageyama’s hands.
Hinata hummed in contentment, pushing back against Kageyama’s fingers. However, after several minutes of a gentle, lulling peace, the ministrations had begun losing their effect, and Hinata was flinching at the pounding headache reintroducing itself, his brows furrowing once again. His body grew tenser, and his small hands, fingers wrapped in bandages, clutched at the blankets. “Hey, what’s the matter?” Kageyama stiffened, his voice urgent and oddly panicked.
“Still hurts,” Hinata breathed, jaw quivering just slightly, eyes clenched shut. Fleeting fingers met his temples and began to rub small, familiar circles. The calluses on Kageyama’s fingers, well earned after years of rigorous training and dedication, were peculiarly soothing as they ran over the soft skin of Hinata’s face. Thankfully, after a short while, the small boy finally relaxed enough for sleep to once again invade his senses. His unsteady breathing abated Kageyama’s worry, and eventually he too was able to relax into Hinata’s warmth.
A persistent, but feeble, poking at his jawline is what brings Kageyama back from his tranquil snooze. Before he has time to crack his eyelids open, anxiety is causing his stomach to sink and his mind is racing. Oh god, what’s wrong- Then he feels that reassuring weight settled atop his legs, and his heart rate slows and the panic is dissipating. “Yama?” The small, croaky voice is what allows him to finally breathe.
“Yeah, Hinata?” He peeked open his sapphire eyes and blinked down at the boy staring expectantly up at him. “What’s up?” He lifted his long arms above his head, stretching. He considers himself fortunate that Hinata doesn’t comment on the small squeak that escapes him.
“I’m bored -- will you play Mario Kart with me?” Kageyama knew that Hinata could be random, but he surely wasn’t expecting… that question. “Pleaseeee,” Hinata drawled, making to sit up, only for a small coughing fit to erupt and rack his body, leaving him clutching at his chest.
“Woah, woah,” Now fully awake, Kageyama surged forward, bracing Hinata’s shoulders. After the bout had subsided Hinata shook off Kageyama’s hands, desperately attempting to cooly catch his breath. “Hey now-,” The setter was interrupted by a pair of pleading eyes, staring sweetly up at him. For a moment, Kageyama was beyond confused, but realized what Hinata wanted. “Sure, I’d love to play.”
So, the esteemed first-year genius of Karasuno found himself playing Mario Kart on Hinata’s Wii, the unmanageable decoy still curled into his side for warmth, doing his best to sound menacing whenever he hurled (very, extremely weak) insults at Kageyama, even though his voice broke in a million places and continuously gave out. Already, 4 rounds of Grand Prix had passed, and the countdown for the last race of their 5th had just begun. “I’ll beat you for sure, Kageyama!” Hinata declared, straightening his back just a touch.
Each and every race, Kageyama had come in the top three. And Hinata had always come in dead last, all but once.
“Sure you will, Shorty.”
The race, taking place on the infamous and formidable Rainbow Road, finished with unsurprising results: Kageyama in 1st (naturally), and Hinata in 12th place. “Hmph, that’s what I thought,” The winner puffed, turning towards Hinata as the award ceremony played on screen.
That’s when he saw it: Hinata staring blankly at the TV, Wii remote limp in his hands, his cherry nose twitching upwards, tears swimming in his eyes.
“Hinata?!” Kageyama exclaimed, dropping his remote in shock. Hinata twisted to look at him, a teardrop clinging to the tips of his light lashes.
He spoke weakly, “You’re so mean, Bakageyama. You’re always better than me,” He sniveled, his face scrunched up. Suddenly, a small cry passed his lips, and a storm of fat tears were rolling down his face.
Placing his head in his hands, eyes blown wide and astonished, profanities flew rampant through Kageyama’s mind. “Hinata, I’m sorry,” He tried after calming his thoughts, but the smaller boy simply cried harder, passing off his apology -- it was a miracle he even made one, for heaven’s sake! After briefly pressing his eyes, Kageyama snatched the remote and shut off the obnoxious TV. He gave it another shot, “Hey, listen, if I had known that it was this important, I wouldn't have been so--” He bit his lip, using no restraint, when he accepted that Hinata wasn’t going to pay attention. He heaved a great sigh. “What can I do to make it better?”
Caramel eyes, glimmering with tears, peaked up through messy bangs. “Mean it?”
With a steadying breath, Kageyama answered in kind, “I mean it.”
“Can I get a hug? And go to bed?” Hinata appealed sheepishly, tucking the majority of his flushed (from fever, Kageyama supposed) face underneath the blanket.
Easy enough, Kageyama supposed as he opened his arms wide, expectantly. Chewing on the inside of his lip, face pressed and tight, Hinata shuffled forward and into his embrace. He exhaled shakily, clumsily, thankfully relaxing into Kageyama’s chest. The majority of his weight was released as his body lost all energy, and he smiled softly, the tears drying swiftly upon his pale, ever-so-slightly freckled cheeks.
It came to Kageyama with no surprise when Hinata began drifting off in his arms. Poking the decoy’s arm, Kageyama muttered, “To bed now?”
Still wrapped safely in the thick blanket, Kageyama guided Hinata throughout the house, hand gently (but firmly lest he stumble) on his teammate’s back. A slow journey later, they reached Hinata’s bedroom and the sick teenager was easily persuaded into bed, where Kageyama tenderly pulled the covers up to his chin. After a small cough, Hinata was long gone, snoring softly in that way that Kageyama once found tiresome, but now endeared him to his partner.
“You’re such a mess.” Kageyama came to murmur softly, warmly, brushing away the residual tears upon Hinata’s cheeks with caring fingertips. “Sweet dreams, sleepy head. Get well soon,” He whispered affectionately, closing the door to the boy who had miraculously wormed his way into Kageyama’s fortified heart.
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i'm sorry if it's ooc, but i just finished the second season, so i may not have the most accurate grasps on their characters,, aha also obv hinata is more ooc than anything but! if u happened to read the tags, colds can actually activate that part of ur brain that makes u sad and depressed, and so it can cause mood swings! so that's where that bit of drama comes from- this idea came from when i was playing mario kart today and i started tearing up because i was losing lol (i have a pretty nasty cold rn,,,)
anywhosit! i hope u enjoyed reading and that it wasn't too painfully ooc! (i'm kinda worried my friend won't like it ahhh) pls comment if u want to share what u thought!
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sparkly-stella · 4 years
please help
the only thing in my brain currently is
“nice air!”
it replays. and replays. “nice air!” the void calls. beckons. “nice air!” it’s tempting. free me from this hell.
“nice air!”
please, i have a life to live
“nice air!”
wii golf doesn’t care. it is above me. it is all knowing
“nice air!”
is this all i know? the only voice to keep me company till the end of my days?
“nice air!”
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lentilrail5 · 2 years
You're Welcome. Listed Below Are Eight Noteworthy Recommendations On Minecraft Server
It opens a wide range of prospects on the way you expertise the bottom game. Although the 3DS and Wii U are wildly completely different in some methods, they share the same child-friendly expertise. Travel might be accomplished in just a few methods, so don't be concerned about plane fare. You should use SSD in such a manner that you simply play Minecraft without any lagging. Most actually do embody a definition with a limit to be used. Simple to make use of control panel suite. It is easily top-of-the-line launchers to use to play Minecraft on Linux. Ever need to explore a more diverse set of environments in a Minecraft server? It makes use of SSDs to runs its Minecraft server for quicker efficiency and quicker loading. Blazing learn/write speeds included on the Minecraft server. The server host can modify the sport to create new gameplay mechanics, objects, and belongings. Oh, and you can even change your preliminary world between artistic and survival modes every time you want via the options menu, so do not fret about shedding your nifty creations while you need to alter up your gameplay sooner or later. Through sliding block-type gameplay, you'll redirect rivers, mend tree roots, rearrange gears on a manufacturing unit ground and save your world from the darkness.
Click the next button to select where you want to save lots of your file. It allows players an unmatched level of freedom to resolve how they need to play this sport. You can apply enchantments for any item that you really want to improve. You'll be able to create, discover, and survive with buddies or alone in your mobile system, laptop, or Laptop. Akin to Laptop, Fridge and Freezer, Lamp, Picket and Cobblestone table. 1-Click installers for modpacks & plugins. It affords plugins or forges mod pack by way of an FTP client like FileZilla. They have seventy two hours refund policy, so if you do not like their service, you will get a refund in 72 hours. It includes sport modes like survival mode, during which gamers should discover the proper resources. BeastNode is a Minecraft server hosting for advanced recreation players. One does not must be a tech professional at making a Minecraft server for minting cash. They don't present downtime alert for lower than a one day time. Yes, they supply a downtime alert.
It does not provide a downtime alert. They supplied notifications through E-mail, Discord, and on the management panel itself effectively upfront in the occasion of scheduled Downtime. Downtime Alters are posted on Twitter/Community Issues if they final greater than an hour. What is evident: You'll be listening to extra concerning the metaverse in the years ahead. Past that, there's going to be extra Last Fantasy XIV questing to do and varied endgame shenanigans to participate in, so that'll be my principal focus. To create a couch co op or local multiplayer recreation, you want to select "offline sport" from the principle menu. MrCrayfish's Gun Mod for Minecraft is a free weapon mod for the favored sandbox sport, Minecraft. Minecraft is a 3-dimensional sandbox recreation. Twitsoc Do not let the title idiot you, though, as this indie sandbox is sort of accessible to each engineers and non-engineers alike, even though it's strong enough to function real physics and actual in-game programming. Even on Pc, beta testing was more of an earned honor exclusive to gamers that showed dedication to a title and its neighborhood. Again, I am not in opposition to their happening, however when a lot stress is placed on them to tug in new players and beckon to the departed, I don't suppose there are any historic examples that serve to show that that is that magic bullet to make it occur.
I’ll admit I didn’t spend much time with these recreation modes, simply because they didn’t appeal to me as much as simply wandering round and frequently dying in big pits of lava. Anvilnode is likely one of the well-known hosting suppliers for the Minecraft multiplayer game. ⚡ Easy methods to play Minecraft? Nonetheless, if you would like to join and play games with millions of phrase wide gamers, you want a hosting server. Right here, you’ll discover a collection of difficult Minecraft worlds where it is advisable hop over cubes to get from point A to level B. These servers are referred to as parkour servers and they're incredibly fun to play on. With the map, you’ll be able to zoom the scroll wheel, click on, and drag icons as deemed match. With all this cash, it’s fairly laborious to maintain and get the video games and or methods, so I choose to do some homework on wanting to seek out another means of finding video games for my PSP.
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bracesnake1 · 2 years
You're Welcome. Listed Below Are Eight Noteworthy Tips On Minecraft Server
It opens a variety of prospects on how you expertise the base game. Though the 3DS and Wii U are wildly completely different in some methods, they share the same kid-friendly expertise. Travel might be completed in just a few ways, so don't worry about airplane fare. You should utilize SSD in such a means that you play Minecraft with none lagging. Most actually do embrace a definition with a restrict for use. Easy to make use of management panel suite. It's simply one of the best launchers to use to play Minecraft on Linux. Ever need to discover a more numerous set of environments in a Minecraft server? It makes use of SSDs to runs its Minecraft server for sooner efficiency and quicker loading. Blazing read/write speeds included on the Minecraft server. The server host can modify the game to create new gameplay mechanics, items, and assets. Oh, and you too can swap your initial world between inventive and survival modes at any time when you wish through the choices menu, so do not fret about shedding your nifty creations once you need to change up your gameplay in the future. Through sliding block-style gameplay, you'll redirect rivers, mend tree roots, rearrange gears on a manufacturing unit flooring and save your world from the darkness.
Click on the next button to select where you need to save your file. It permits players an unmatched degree of freedom to determine how they wish to play this sport. You may apply enchantments for any merchandise that you want to improve. You'll be able to create, discover, and survive with pals or alone on your cellular device, laptop computer, or Computer. Corresponding to Laptop computer, Fridge and Freezer, Lamp, Wooden and Cobblestone desk. 1-Click on installers for modpacks & plugins. It offers plugins or forges mod pack through an FTP shopper like FileZilla. They have seventy two hours refund coverage, so if you don't like their service, you're going to get a refund in 72 hours. Premium content contains game modes like survival mode, through which players must find the best resources. BeastNode is a Minecraft server hosting for advanced recreation gamers. One doesn't should be a tech expert at creating a Minecraft server for minting money. They don't provide downtime alert for lower than a sooner or later time. Yes, they provide a downtime alert.
It does not provide a downtime alert. They offered notifications through E-mail, Discord, and on the management panel itself properly prematurely in the occasion of scheduled Downtime. Downtime Alters are posted on Twitter/Network Points in the event that they final greater than an hour. What is clear: You may be listening to extra in regards to the metaverse within the years ahead. Beyond that, there's going to be extra Ultimate Fantasy XIV questing to do and varied endgame shenanigans to take part in, so that'll be my main focus. To create a couch co op or native multiplayer recreation, you want to pick "offline game" from the principle menu. MrCrayfish's Gun Mod for Minecraft is a free weapon mod for the popular sandbox recreation, Minecraft. Minecraft is a three-dimensional sandbox sport. Do not let the title idiot you, although, as this indie sandbox is kind of accessible to both engineers and non-engineers alike, although it is strong enough to characteristic actual physics and real in-recreation programming. Even on Pc, beta testing was extra of an earned honor unique to players that showed dedication to a title and its community. Once more, I'm not in opposition to their happening, but when a lot strain is placed on them to drag in new gamers and beckon to the departed, I don't assume there are any historic examples that serve to show that this is that magic bullet to make it happen.
I’ll admit I didn’t spend a lot time with these sport modes, just because they didn’t appeal to me as a lot as just wandering around and often dying in giant pits of lava. Anvilnode is likely one of the famous internet hosting providers for the Minecraft multiplayer recreation. ⚡ Methods to play Minecraft? Nonetheless, if you want to hitch and play video games with tens of millions of word wide players, you need a internet hosting server. Here, you’ll find a group of challenging Minecraft worlds where you'll want to hop over cubes to get from point A to point B. These servers are referred to as parkour servers and they are extremely enjoyable to play on. With the map, you’ll have the ability to zoom the scroll wheel, click, and drag icons as deemed match. With all this money, it’s pretty laborious to maintain and get the games and or strategies, so I opt to do some homework on wanting to search out another technique of finding video games for my PSP.
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pearcheek8 · 2 years
You Are Welcome. Listed Here Are Eight Noteworthy Recommendations On Minecraft Server
It opens a wide range of possibilities on how you expertise the bottom sport. Though the 3DS and Wii U are wildly different in some ways, they share the identical child-friendly experience. Journey may be completed in just a few methods, so don't fret about plane fare. You need to use SSD in such a approach that you just play Minecraft with none lagging. dk571.com Most actually do embody a definition with a restrict to be used. Easy to make use of control panel suite. It's easily among the finest launchers to make use of to play Minecraft on Linux. Ever need to explore a extra diverse set of environments in a Minecraft server? It uses SSDs to runs its Minecraft server for faster performance and faster loading. Blazing learn/write speeds included on the Minecraft server. The server host can modify the sport to create new gameplay mechanics, items, and property. Oh, and you can even switch your preliminary world between inventive and survival modes each time you want via the options menu, so do not fret about losing your nifty creations whenever you want to change up your gameplay in the future. By way of sliding block-type gameplay, you will redirect rivers, mend tree roots, rearrange gears on a manufacturing unit flooring and save your world from the darkness.
Click the subsequent button to select the place you need to save lots of your file. It permits gamers an unmatched degree of freedom to determine how they need to play this recreation. You may apply enchantments for any item that you really want to enhance. You'll be able to create, discover, and survive with buddies or alone on your cellular gadget, laptop, or Pc. Such as Laptop, Fridge and Freezer, Lamp, Wooden and Cobblestone table. 1-Click on installers for modpacks & plugins. It offers plugins or forges mod pack via an FTP client like FileZilla. They have seventy two hours refund policy, so if you do not like their service, you'll get a refund in seventy two hours. It contains game modes like survival mode, by which players should discover the best resources. BeastNode is a Minecraft server hosting for advanced game gamers. One doesn't have to be a tech skilled at creating a Minecraft server for minting money. They do not present downtime alert for less than a one day time. Yes, they supply a downtime alert.
It does not provide a downtime alert. They offered notifications through E-mail, Discord, and on the control panel itself nicely in advance within the occasion of scheduled Downtime. Downtime Alters are posted on Twitter/Community Points in the event that they final more than an hour. What is clear: You'll be hearing extra in regards to the metaverse within the years ahead. Beyond that, there's going to be more Closing Fantasy XIV questing to do and varied endgame shenanigans to take part in, in order that'll be my essential focus. To create a couch co op or native multiplayer recreation, you need to pick out "offline recreation" from the principle menu. MrCrayfish's Gun Mod for Minecraft is a free weapon mod for the popular sandbox recreation, Minecraft. Minecraft is a three-dimensional sandbox game. Do not let the title idiot you, though, as this indie sandbox is sort of accessible to both engineers and non-engineers alike, despite the fact that it's strong sufficient to function actual physics and actual in-sport programming. Even on Pc, beta testing was extra of an earned honor unique to players that confirmed dedication to a title and its group. Once more, I am not towards their happening, but when a lot stress is put on them to drag in new players and beckon to the departed, I don't suppose there are any historical examples that serve to show that this is that magic bullet to make it occur.
I’ll admit I didn’t spend a lot time with these recreation modes, simply because they didn’t appeal to me as a lot as simply wandering round and frequently dying in big pits of lava. Anvilnode is without doubt one of the well-known internet hosting providers for the Minecraft multiplayer game. ⚡ The best way to play Minecraft? However, if you want to join and play video games with millions of phrase huge gamers, you need a hosting server. Right here, you’ll discover a collection of difficult Minecraft worlds the place it's essential to hop over cubes to get from level A to level B. These servers are known as parkour servers and they are incredibly enjoyable to play on. With the map, you’ll be able to zoom the scroll wheel, click on, and drag icons as deemed match. With all this cash, it’s fairly onerous to keep up and get the video games and or strategies, so I decide to do some homework on wanting to search out one other technique of finding games for my PSP.
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cribvault3 · 2 years
You Are Welcome. Listed Below Are Eight Noteworthy Tips About Minecraft Server
It opens a variety of prospects on the way you experience the base sport. Though the 3DS and Wii U are wildly different in some methods, they share the same child-pleasant experience. Journey will be achieved in a number of methods, so don't be concerned about plane fare. You need to use SSD in such a means that you play Minecraft without any lagging. Most really do embody a definition with a restrict to be used. Straightforward to make use of management panel suite. It is simply among the finest launchers to use to play Minecraft on Linux. Ever need to discover a extra numerous set of environments in a Minecraft server? It makes use of SSDs to runs its Minecraft server for sooner performance and faster loading. Blazing read/write speeds included on the Minecraft server. The server host can modify the game to create new gameplay mechanics, objects, and property. Oh, and you may as well swap your preliminary world between creative and survival modes at any time when you want by way of the options menu, so don't fret about losing your nifty creations while you need to change up your gameplay sooner or later. By way of sliding block-fashion gameplay, you may redirect rivers, mend tree roots, rearrange gears on a manufacturing unit ground and save your world from the darkness.
Click on the subsequent button to pick the place you want to avoid wasting your file. It allows gamers an unmatched level of freedom to resolve how they wish to play this game. You may apply enchantments for any merchandise that you really want to improve. server stat You can create, explore, and survive with associates or alone in your cell machine, laptop, or Computer. Corresponding to Laptop, Fridge and Freezer, Lamp, Wooden and Cobblestone desk. 1-Click installers for modpacks & plugins. It offers plugins or forges mod pack through an FTP shopper like FileZilla. They've 72 hours refund coverage, so if you do not like their service, you're going to get a refund in seventy two hours. It consists of game modes like survival mode, through which gamers should find the best resources. BeastNode is a Minecraft server hosting for superior recreation gamers. One doesn't must be a tech skilled at creating a Minecraft server for minting cash. They do not provide downtime alert for lower than a someday time. Yes, they supply a downtime alert.
It doesn't present a downtime alert. They offered notifications through Email, Discord, and on the management panel itself properly in advance in the occasion of scheduled Downtime. Downtime Alters are posted on Twitter/Community Points in the event that they last more than an hour. What is evident: You may be hearing more about the metaverse within the years ahead. Beyond that, there's going to be more Ultimate Fantasy XIV questing to do and varied endgame shenanigans to take part in, in order that'll be my major focus. To create a couch co op or native multiplayer game, you want to pick "offline recreation" from the main menu. MrCrayfish's Gun Mod for Minecraft is a free weapon mod for the favored sandbox recreation, Minecraft. Minecraft is a 3-dimensional sandbox sport. Don't let the title idiot you, though, as this indie sandbox is sort of accessible to both engineers and non-engineers alike, although it is strong enough to characteristic real physics and real in-sport programming. Even on Computer, beta testing was more of an earned honor unique to gamers that confirmed dedication to a title and its group. Again, I'm not towards their occurring, however when so much strain is placed on them to pull in new players and beckon to the departed, I do not think there are any historical examples that serve to prove that that is that magic bullet to make it happen.
I’ll admit I didn’t spend much time with these recreation modes, simply because they didn’t appeal to me as much as simply wandering around and often dying in giant pits of lava. Anvilnode is likely one of the famous internet hosting suppliers for the Minecraft multiplayer recreation. ⚡ How to play Minecraft? Nonetheless, if you want to join and play video games with hundreds of thousands of word broad players, you need a hosting server. Right here, you’ll find a collection of challenging Minecraft worlds the place it's essential to hop over cubes to get from level A to level B. These servers are referred to as parkour servers and they're extremely enjoyable to play on. With the map, you’ll be capable to zoom the scroll wheel, click on, and drag icons as deemed fit. With all this cash, it’s fairly laborious to maintain and get the games and or techniques, so I decide to do some homework on wanting to find another means of discovering video games for my PSP.
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buffetsoil93 · 2 years
You're Welcome. Listed Below Are Eight Noteworthy Recommendations On Minecraft Server
It opens a variety of potentialities on the way you experience the bottom sport. Although the 3DS and Wii U are wildly completely different in some methods, they share the same kid-friendly expertise. Minecraft-server-list.Live will be completed in just a few ways, so don't worry about plane fare. You should utilize SSD in such a way that you just play Minecraft without any lagging. Most truly do include a definition with a limit to be used. Easy to use management panel suite. It is easily probably the greatest launchers to use to play Minecraft on Linux. Ever wish to explore a extra various set of environments in a Minecraft server? It uses SSDs to runs its Minecraft server for faster performance and faster loading. Blazing read/write speeds included on the Minecraft server. The server host can modify the game to create new gameplay mechanics, gadgets, and assets. Oh, and you can even switch your initial world between inventive and survival modes each time you wish via the choices menu, so don't fret about shedding your nifty creations while you want to change up your gameplay in the future. By sliding block-type gameplay, you may redirect rivers, mend tree roots, rearrange gears on a manufacturing facility flooring and save your world from the darkness.
Click the next button to pick where you want to avoid wasting your file. It allows players an unmatched stage of freedom to resolve how they need to play this sport. You may apply enchantments for any merchandise that you want to enhance. You possibly can create, explore, and survive with pals or alone in your cell machine, laptop, or Laptop. Reminiscent of Laptop, Fridge and Freezer, Lamp, Picket and Cobblestone desk. 1-Click installers for modpacks & plugins. It offers plugins or forges mod pack via an FTP shopper like FileZilla. They've seventy two hours refund coverage, so if you do not like their service, you're going to get a refund in seventy two hours. It contains sport modes like survival mode, during which gamers should discover the proper assets. BeastNode is a Minecraft server hosting for advanced sport gamers. One does not must be a tech knowledgeable at creating a Minecraft server for minting money. They don't provide downtime alert for less than a someday time. Yes, they supply a downtime alert.
It does not provide a downtime alert. They provided notifications through Electronic mail, Discord, and on the management panel itself properly in advance within the event of scheduled Downtime. Downtime Alters are posted on Twitter/Network Issues in the event that they final greater than an hour. What is obvious: You may be listening to more concerning the metaverse within the years ahead. Past that, there's going to be more Ultimate Fantasy XIV questing to do and varied endgame shenanigans to take part in, so that'll be my predominant focus. To create a couch co op or local multiplayer sport, you want to select "offline game" from the main menu. MrCrayfish's Gun Mod for Minecraft is a free weapon mod for the popular sandbox game, Minecraft. Minecraft is a three-dimensional sandbox recreation. Don't let the title fool you, although, as this indie sandbox is quite accessible to both engineers and non-engineers alike, even though it's strong sufficient to function actual physics and actual in-game programming. Even on Computer, beta testing was extra of an earned honor exclusive to gamers that showed dedication to a title and its group. Again, I'm not in opposition to their taking place, however when so much pressure is placed on them to drag in new gamers and beckon to the departed, I do not suppose there are any historical examples that serve to show that that is that magic bullet to make it happen.
I’ll admit I didn’t spend a lot time with these sport modes, just because they didn’t attraction to me as much as just wandering around and frequently dying in big pits of lava. Anvilnode is likely one of the well-known internet hosting providers for the Minecraft multiplayer sport. ⚡ Easy methods to play Minecraft? Nevertheless, if you want to hitch and play video games with thousands and thousands of phrase wide players, you need a internet hosting server. Here, you’ll find a set of challenging Minecraft worlds the place it's worthwhile to hop over cubes to get from level A to level B. These servers are known as parkour servers and they're extremely enjoyable to play on. With the map, you’ll be capable to zoom the scroll wheel, click on, and drag icons as deemed match. With all this cash, it’s pretty laborious to take care of and get the games and or methods, so I decide to do some homework on wanting to find another technique of discovering games for my PSP.
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nutbrandy14 · 2 years
You're Welcome. Here Are Eight Noteworthy Recommendations On Minecraft Server
It opens a variety of prospects on how you experience the bottom recreation. Though the 3DS and Wii U are wildly totally different in some ways, they share the identical child-friendly expertise. Travel might be accomplished in just a few methods, so don't worry about aircraft fare. You should utilize SSD in such a manner that you simply play Minecraft with none lagging. Most truly do embrace a definition with a restrict to be used. Simple to use control panel suite. It's simply among the best launchers to make use of to play Minecraft on Linux. Ever wish to discover a more numerous set of environments in a Minecraft server? It makes use of SSDs to runs its Minecraft server for faster efficiency and quicker loading. Blazing learn/write speeds included on the Minecraft server. The server host can modify the game to create new gameplay mechanics, items, and assets. Oh, and you may also swap your initial world between inventive and survival modes at any time when you want via the options menu, so don't fret about shedding your nifty creations while you need to change up your gameplay sooner or later. By sliding block-fashion gameplay, you will redirect rivers, mend tree roots, rearrange gears on a manufacturing facility ground and save your world from the darkness.
Click the subsequent button to pick out where you want to avoid wasting your file. It permits players an unmatched level of freedom to decide how they want to play this sport. You'll be able to apply enchantments for any item that you really want to enhance. You may create, explore, and survive with pals or alone on your mobile device, laptop, or Laptop. Such as Laptop, Fridge and Freezer, Lamp, Picket and Cobblestone table. 1-Click on installers for modpacks & plugins. It offers plugins or forges mod pack by way of an FTP shopper like FileZilla. They have seventy two hours refund policy, so if you do not like their service, you're going to get a refund in seventy two hours. It consists of game modes like survival mode, wherein players should discover the suitable assets. BeastNode is a Minecraft server hosting for advanced game gamers. I'm Just Here To Blog does not should be a tech knowledgeable at making a Minecraft server for minting money. They don't present downtime alert for less than a at some point time. Yes, they supply a downtime alert.
It doesn't present a downtime alert. They offered notifications through Email, Discord, and on the control panel itself well upfront in the occasion of scheduled Downtime. Downtime Alters are posted on Twitter/Network Issues in the event that they final more than an hour. What is clear: You'll be listening to extra concerning the metaverse within the years forward. Beyond that, there's going to be more Final Fantasy XIV questing to do and various endgame shenanigans to participate in, so that'll be my major focus. To create a sofa co op or native multiplayer recreation, you need to pick "offline sport" from the main menu. MrCrayfish's Gun Mod for Minecraft is a free weapon mod for the popular sandbox recreation, Minecraft. Minecraft is a three-dimensional sandbox game. Do not let the title fool you, although, as this indie sandbox is quite accessible to both engineers and non-engineers alike, even supposing it's robust sufficient to characteristic actual physics and actual in-game programming. Even on Computer, beta testing was more of an earned honor exclusive to players that confirmed dedication to a title and its neighborhood. Once more, I am not towards their occurring, but when a lot stress is put on them to drag in new players and beckon to the departed, I don't suppose there are any historic examples that serve to show that this is that magic bullet to make it happen.
I’ll admit I didn’t spend much time with these recreation modes, just because they didn’t appeal to me as much as just wandering around and regularly dying in large pits of lava. Anvilnode is without doubt one of the well-known hosting providers for the Minecraft multiplayer recreation. ⚡ How one can play Minecraft? Nevertheless, if you want to affix and play video games with hundreds of thousands of phrase vast gamers, you need a internet hosting server. Here, you’ll discover a group of challenging Minecraft worlds the place it's essential to hop over cubes to get from point A to level B. These servers are known as parkour servers and they're extremely fun to play on. With the map, you’ll be able to zoom the scroll wheel, click on, and drag icons as deemed match. With all this cash, it’s fairly laborious to keep up and get the video games and or methods, so I decide to do some homework on wanting to search out another means of finding games for my PSP.
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knotdelete01 · 2 years
You Are Welcome. Listed Below Are 8 Noteworthy Tips On Minecraft Server
It opens a wide range of prospects on the way you expertise the bottom sport. Although the 3DS and Wii U are wildly completely different in some ways, they share the identical kid-friendly experience. Travel can be completed in a couple of ways, so don't fret about plane fare. You should use SSD in such a manner that you simply play Minecraft with none lagging. Most really do embrace a definition with a limit to be used. mc-skins.org Straightforward to make use of control panel suite. It's easily among the finest launchers to make use of to play Minecraft on Linux. Ever wish to explore a extra numerous set of environments in a Minecraft server? It makes use of SSDs to runs its Minecraft server for sooner performance and quicker loading. Blazing read/write speeds included on the Minecraft server. The server host can modify the sport to create new gameplay mechanics, gadgets, and property. Oh, and you can too change your preliminary world between artistic and survival modes each time you would like through the choices menu, so don't fret about losing your nifty creations whenever you want to alter up your gameplay sooner or later. Via sliding block-model gameplay, you may redirect rivers, mend tree roots, rearrange gears on a manufacturing facility floor and save your world from the darkness.
Click on the following button to pick where you need to save your file. It permits gamers an unmatched level of freedom to decide how they wish to play this sport. You possibly can apply enchantments for any merchandise that you want to enhance. You'll be able to create, discover, and survive with friends or alone in your cell machine, laptop computer, or Pc. Resembling Laptop, Fridge and Freezer, Lamp, Wood and Cobblestone table. 1-Click installers for modpacks & plugins. It affords plugins or forges mod pack by way of an FTP shopper like FileZilla. They have 72 hours refund policy, so if you don't like their service, you're going to get a refund in 72 hours. It includes recreation modes like survival mode, in which players should discover the correct assets. BeastNode is a Minecraft server hosting for advanced sport gamers. One does not must be a tech skilled at making a Minecraft server for minting cash. They do not provide downtime alert for lower than a in the future time. Sure, they supply a downtime alert.
It does not provide a downtime alert. They offered notifications by way of E-mail, Discord, and on the management panel itself properly prematurely within the occasion of scheduled Downtime. Downtime Alters are posted on Twitter/Network Issues if they final more than an hour. What is evident: You may be listening to more in regards to the metaverse in the years ahead. Beyond that, there's going to be more Remaining Fantasy XIV questing to do and varied endgame shenanigans to take part in, so that'll be my major focus. To create a couch co op or native multiplayer sport, you want to select "offline sport" from the principle menu. MrCrayfish's Gun Mod for Minecraft is a free weapon mod for the popular sandbox recreation, Minecraft. Minecraft is a three-dimensional sandbox game. Don't let the title idiot you, though, as this indie sandbox is kind of accessible to both engineers and non-engineers alike, even supposing it's sturdy sufficient to feature real physics and actual in-sport programming. Even on Computer, beta testing was more of an earned honor unique to players that confirmed dedication to a title and its group. Once more, I am not against their taking place, however when a lot pressure is put on them to pull in new gamers and beckon to the departed, I do not assume there are any historical examples that serve to prove that that is that magic bullet to make it happen.
I’ll admit I didn’t spend a lot time with these game modes, simply because they didn’t attraction to me as a lot as just wandering round and continuously dying in big pits of lava. Anvilnode is among the well-known internet hosting suppliers for the Minecraft multiplayer sport. ⚡ Tips on how to play Minecraft? Nonetheless, if you would like to affix and play video games with millions of phrase extensive players, you want a hosting server. Here, you’ll discover a group of challenging Minecraft worlds where it is advisable to hop over cubes to get from point A to level B. These servers are referred to as parkour servers and they're incredibly enjoyable to play on. With the map, you’ll have the ability to zoom the scroll wheel, click, and drag icons as deemed match. With all this cash, it’s pretty arduous to keep up and get the games and or strategies, so I choose to do some homework on wanting to search out another technique of discovering video games for my PSP.
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gumcut4 · 2 years
You're Welcome. Listed Right Here Are Eight Noteworthy Tips On Minecraft Server
It opens a variety of possibilities on how you experience the bottom game. Though the 3DS and Wii U are wildly totally different in some ways, they share the identical kid-friendly expertise. Journey can be achieved in just a few ways, so don't fret about aircraft fare. You can use SSD in such a approach that you just play Minecraft with none lagging. Most actually do embrace a definition with a restrict for use. Easy to make use of control panel suite. It is easily top-of-the-line launchers to use to play Minecraft on Linux. Ever need to explore a more numerous set of environments in a Minecraft server? It makes use of SSDs to runs its Minecraft server for faster efficiency and quicker loading. Blazing read/write speeds included on the Minecraft server. The server host can modify the sport to create new gameplay mechanics, items, and assets. Oh, and it's also possible to switch your initial world between inventive and survival modes each time you wish by way of the options menu, so don't fret about dropping your nifty creations whenever you want to vary up your gameplay sooner or later. Via sliding block-model gameplay, you may redirect rivers, mend tree roots, rearrange gears on a manufacturing facility ground and save your world from the darkness.
Click the next button to pick where you need to save lots of your file. It allows gamers an unmatched level of freedom to resolve how they want to play this game. You possibly can apply enchantments for any item that you want to improve. You can create, discover, and survive with friends or alone on your cellular device, laptop, or Computer. Resembling Laptop, Fridge and Freezer, Lamp, Wood and Cobblestone desk. 1-Click installers for modpacks & plugins. It gives plugins or forges mod pack through an FTP consumer like FileZilla. They have 72 hours refund coverage, so if you don't like their service, you will get a refund in seventy two hours. It contains game modes like survival mode, wherein gamers should find the proper resources. BeastNode is a Minecraft server hosting for superior game gamers. One does not need to be a tech expert at making a Minecraft server for minting cash. They do not present downtime alert for less than a in the future time. Sure, they supply a downtime alert.
It doesn't provide a downtime alert. They supplied notifications via E mail, Discord, and on the control panel itself effectively prematurely in the event of scheduled Downtime. Downtime Alters are posted on Twitter/Network Points in the event that they final greater than an hour. What is evident: You'll be listening to extra concerning the metaverse in the years forward. Past that, there's going to be more Last Fantasy XIV questing to do and numerous endgame shenanigans to participate in, in order that'll be my predominant focus. To create a sofa co op or native multiplayer sport, you want to pick out "offline game" from the primary menu. MrCrayfish's Gun Mod for Minecraft is a free weapon mod for the popular sandbox recreation, Minecraft. Minecraft is a 3-dimensional sandbox sport. Don't let the title fool you, though, as this indie sandbox is sort of accessible to both engineers and non-engineers alike, despite the fact that it's strong enough to function real physics and real in-sport programming. Even on Pc, beta testing was extra of an earned honor unique to players that showed dedication to a title and its community. Once more, I am not towards their taking place, however when a lot strain is put on them to tug in new players and beckon to the departed, I don't suppose there are any historic examples that serve to prove that this is that magic bullet to make it happen.
I’ll admit I didn’t spend much time with these game modes, just because they didn’t appeal to me as a lot as just wandering round and continuously dying in big pits of lava. Anvilnode is among the well-known hosting providers for the Minecraft multiplayer sport. ⚡ Tips on how to play Minecraft? Nonetheless, if you want to affix and play video games with millions of word extensive players, you want a hosting server. Here, you’ll discover a set of difficult Minecraft worlds the place it's worthwhile to hop over cubes to get from level A to point B. These servers are referred to as parkour servers and they're incredibly enjoyable to play on. With the map, you’ll be capable of zoom the scroll wheel, click, and drag icons as deemed match. With all this cash, it’s fairly arduous to take care of and get the video games and or strategies, so I opt to do some homework on wanting to seek out one other technique of discovering video games for my PSP.
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