#my toxic trait is that i notice the difference between ' and ´ and it distracts me EVERY time
ave, jlrrt! soy el anon que preguntó sobre el libro de emma southon hace unas semanas. muchas gracias por los heads up que me dieron usted y erin de theromaboo sobre el libro. ya que me interesa mucho agrippina (+caio y sus hermanas) he estado buscando libros sobre el tema y encontré los de anthony barrett y me gustaria preguntar si ha leido algo suyo antes y si son buenos. espero que esto sea una molestia, muchas gracias :)
¡Hola! No he leído nada de las obras de Anthony Barrett, ni nada después de la vida de Tiberio. (Puedes encontrar todos los libros de la historia romana que he leído y recomiendo en mi página de favoritos.) Pero @sforzesco ha creado algunos cómics magníficos sobre Calígula con libros y artículos citados, ¡y puede que te resulten útiles!
No soy académico, pero cuando considero un libro de historia, siempre busco citas para todos los párafos. Incluso si no quieres leer las fuentes, es importante poder encontrar de dónde el autor obtuvo sus afirmaciones. Idealmente, el libro debería tener fuentes antiguas y modernas, y mencionar cuando los eruditos actuales no están de acuerdo, lo cual es muy común. También un autor debe explicar cuál es su propia opinión y qué hay en el registro histórico. Si un libro presenta los datos como si solo hubiera una interpretación, es probable que sea un problema, especialmente para la historia antigua.
Si buscas estas cosas in tus libros, creo que podrás juzgarlos por ti mismo/a. ¡Buena suerte!
/ English:
Hi jlrrt! I'm the anon that asked about Emma Southon's book a few weeks ago. Many thanks for the heads up that you and Erin @theromaboo gave me. Since I'm really interested in Agrippina (+Gaius and his sisters) I've been searching for books about the subject and found those of Anthony Barret and I'd like to ask if you've read anything of his before and if they're good. I hope that this is [not] a bother, thanks a lot :) Hello! I haven't read any of Anthony Barrett's works, nor anything after the life of Tiberius. (You can find all the Roman history books I've read and recommend on my favorites page. But @sforzesco has created some awesome comics about Caligula with books and articles cited, and you might find them useful! I'm no academic, but when I consider a history book, I always look for citations for all the paragraphs. Even if you don't want to read the sources, it's important to be able to find where the author got their claims from. Ideally, a book should have both ancient and modern sources, and mention when current scholars aren't in agreement, which is often. An author should also make clear what is their own opinion and what's in the historical record. If a book presents information as if there's only one interpretation, that's likely a problem, especially for ancient history. If you look for these things in your books, I think you´ll be able to judge them for yourself. Good luck!
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meirimerens · 1 year
Idk I thought you might find this story funny because I don’t know who else to share it with but my toxic pathologic fan trait is that for some reason I memorized and kept track of the ages of every character when I played the game WHILE being a huge Isidor fan (I think his pre P2 corruption “beloved golden child destined to lead everyone and gifted with natural charisma who grows up to betray and exploit everyone who trusted him to protect them” is very interesting and fun. It’s like if Big Boss’s interpretation of the Boss’s words were right and she was just insane) so I am constantly plagued by amazing pre-game fics being suddenly interrupted by Olgimsky, Victor, Saburov, Mark, etc. being inexplicably 20-30 years older than they are in canon. I’m so sorry smut writers but Saburov could not attend sexy-20-some Isidor’s orgy because he wouldn’t have been BORN YET (none of this is a serious gripe I just think that this is something only I notice and therefore am distracted by is extremely funny)
a lot of ages in p1 specifically make no damn sense (rubin 23? willow mellow 15-17? for that last one someone in that team is going to jail) but considering isidor and vlad sr's sons are of the same age-ish and vlad sr & saburov are 6 yrs apart (50yo [stated in text] & 44yo [stated in archived vk] respectively) we can guess the age difference between isidor & saburov is not that big in the grand scheme of things/at the time of isidor's death [it would have been substantial when they were younger but that's how age differences go]. but also simon was anywhere from 77 to 150+ so who knows out there. isidor could have been 700.
to be fair none of that is something i'd particularly think about outside of the very specific context of apparently reading saburov/isidor/others orgy fics which is not something anyone could waterboard the admission of out of me if i did such a thing but i guess someone has to & it won't be me so. love and light to you 👍
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fire-sauced · 3 years
“Don’t let this diagnosis change you.”
I am autistic. Wow. I know. But if feels so good now to say it. At 32 years old, I was finally given the diagnosis that brought so many years of mental confusion, anguish, suffering.. all of it full circle.
I’ve spent nearly four years in (consistent) therapy healing from cPTSD, anorexia, and the many symptoms that accompany them. No matter how hard I tried- there were some aspects of my personality, behavior, and perceptions that I could not find justifications for nor fit the ‘healing’ mold. Aspects I hid from my therapist(s) because those aspects didn’t fall in line with my mental illnesses and my god - couldn’t possibly be something untreatable. They couldn’t possibly be just who I am.
Masking (unknowingly to me) for so many years prevented me from asking the questions I needed to. I thought fuck, at some point in this healing these things will get better. At some point these things won’t be a struggle for me anymore. I just have to keep trying to change... right? But that point never came. I couldn’t change these things no matter how hard I tried. Frustration became a constant emotional state. Confusion became reality. Coping mechanisms became toxic. After many autistic breakdowns, one big burnout, and a stranger’s question - I was finally able to ask why. Why can’t I handle sudden changes in plans? Why are my routines so fundamental to me? Why do I hate surprises? Why do I become so easily distracted at any disruption to my routine, and then hyper focus to the point of exhaustion on that thing? Why do changes out of my control or without my knowledge piss me off for being irritated? Why do I notice and note any change, no matter how subtle? Why do I become obsessed to the point of perfection and eventually exhaustion with any new hobby or interest? Why do I feel when I’m communicating effectively do others still misinterpret what I’m expressing? Why do I misjudge the body language/facial expressions of others so often? Why is making eye contact so uncomfortable? Why do I panic when I see anyone I know in public and avoid them at all costs? Why do I truly dislike meeting new people? Why does it make my skin crawl when things aren’t put back in their homes I’ve spent too many hours finding? Why do I seek out patterns in everything: people, lengths, colors, words? Why have I talked to myself (but a different version of me) since I could first speak? Why am I highly sensitive to smells/scents and extremely triggered by certain ones to the point it’s physically painful? Why do I rehearse nearly every conversation I have from going through a checkout line to deeply intellectual intimate things and can’t focus or become mute when I haven’t had enough time to prepare? Why do I feel comfort when talking about things I’m interested in or can relate to while struggling to find enthusiasm to talk about anything that doesn’t spark curiosity? My god, why am I so fucked up still?
And these are only a handful of questions I could not find the answers to no matter how hard I tried to relate it to my other diagnosis. Answers I would never find until I questioned, “Why?” because these traits were not symptoms of mental illnesses. These traits are how my brain is wired. How I have to navigate through this world that isn’t kind to people who appear ‘normal’ or ‘high functioning’ because we aren’t nonverbal or stimming constantly. A world quick to attempt to find any fault they can vs. acceptance and compassion. A world especially dishearteningly skeptical of those diagnosed in adulthood. A world of people, myself included, whom are ignorant to how vast the NOT LINEAR spectrum is that need to stop stigmatizing autism and do the homework.
I looked for answers in astrology and found that my profile is cosmically an inconsistent cluster fuck that leads me to constantly be torn between three sign spectrums. Okay, that makes sense, but why can’t I recognize where I am at on any one of the three spectrums at any given time? My therapist embraced my curiosity, but reminded me not to try and rationalize the irrational.
I looked for answers in memory triggering to see if somehow I had repressed a majorly traumatic event that altered my brain significantly. I mean, something must have caused all this, right? Something made me be this way! My memories are accurately intact, and my therapist applauded seeking to care for that inner child, but we found out that little child I was trying to heal wasn’t me. My inner child remembers everything with unwavering clarity.
I even thought I was a narcissist at some point from others seeing my neurodivergence as selfish and uncaring. My therapist laughed and told me the fact that I questioned if I could be a narcissist proves in itself that I am not. Narcissistic people never wonder if they are because they believe they do no wrong. Okay, comforting, but why am I still so rigid in my control and things needing to be done ‘the right way?’
If I’ve found how to function with the cPTSD and I’ve found how to function with the anorexia, then what the fuck is going on that I can’t function, let alone try to heal, from these so seemingly trivial but profoundly life altering things? Why wasn’t I asking the questions I needed to find the answer I deserved. The answer that couldn’t possibly be autism because society has manipulated the mold convincing me I didn’t fit in. I don’t have all the “common” traits. I certainly don’t “look” autistic. There’s no way... is there?
Being an undiagnosed autistic child lead to years of emotional neglect and trauma. Emotionally I was both forced to ‘grow up at a young age’ and stunted from being taught what healthy relationships and boundaries look like. Naturally this trauma ignited cPTSD. The constant confusion and lack of control over my own reality/life manifested control over what I did or did not put into my body. Recipe for years upon years of mental collapses, relationship struggles, physical pain and sensitivity to neurological stimuli, and a deeply overwhelmingly smothering feeling of being unfit for this world. I won’t say having this diagnosis this late in life has been all sunshine and rainbows, but I will say it has answered some questions and provided me with a new outlook on my own life so I can be better to myself. I’m not broken. I’m not eternally destined for pain and confusion. I’m not any less of a person than anyone else. I’m autistic.
I won’t lie - I’m still wrapping my head around this- months after my diagnosis. It’s still hard to accept that this isn’t treatable. This isn’t going to lessen with time. This isn’t going to become more tolerable. This isn’t going to cease with more healing. This is my life. These things are like being born with brown hair, only one arm, attracted to the same gender, an extra chromosome. It’s how you’re made. How I was made. And now how I must reorganize my world to stop beating myself up for the things I can’t change. Now I need to accept myself for who I am. Now I need to embrace my neurodivergence and the traits that accompany it. Some may notice the acceptance as changes or say “Well, you didn’t seem to have a problem with that before,” or “Don’t let this diagnosis change you.” I will say bravely and unapologetically: “I’m the exact same person. I always had these traits, and I’m not going to be quiet suffering in silence anymore. Autistic people can be loud and should be especially loud when being gaslighted by the oh-so-blessed neurotypical people. Accept us for who we are or kindly fuck off.”
Thanks for coming to my World Autism Awareness Day tedTalk.
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hobidara · 4 years
latibule; oikawa
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part 2;
pairing: oikawa x fem!reader
genre: friends to lovers, fluff, angst
word count: 2.68k
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every time you try to remember the moment you fell for your friend, you can’t remember. you don’t even know how or when, you just did which is pretty scary. if you at least knew the reason why you like him, maybe you can stop yourself but unfortunately, there’s no particular reason.
he was extremely popular back in high school. during college? he was as well. he still is today, even in university. high school and university are two very different things.
high school has less students and it wasn’t as stressful, at least for you. in case of oikawa, he is always stressed due to his inferior complex and always feeling like he’s not good enough.
he doesn’t show it to you, of course. heck, you guys became closer just last year despite knowing each other for five years. but you’ve seen the way he tried so hard for volleyball, the way he beat himself over it just because he thinks he’s not as good as others. oh, how you wish you could just scream it in his face that he’s the best.
now, you guys are in university. there’s much more students. it’s harder to be well known in university compared to high school. also, university students don’t care about stuff as much as high school students. yet, oikawa is still very well known. even though he doesn’t receive as much love confessions like in high school, he still receives some, he still has girls talking about him, gazing at his direction to gain his attention. even if someone doesn’t know his name, if someone says ‘the pretty setter from the volleyball club’, everyone knows it’s oikawa.
you became friends with oikawa through iwaizumi. the two of you were put into a pair for a chemistry project which meant you had to meet iwa during after school hours to finish the project. 
oikawa wasn’t from your class. he always sticks to iwa. one day, you had a question about the conclusion part so you walked over to their table where the two sat together with their other teammates.
you didn’t even bash an eyelash at oikawa because you were clearly not interested. especially guys like him who had girls swooning over him. you couldn’t see why. sure, he’s pretty, good-looking, cool and smart. what’s more than that? you didn’t get it at all. 
being the friendly oikawa he is, he joined the conversation iwa and you were having. he introduced himself even though he knew everyone knew his name. that’s the very start. the three of you started hanging out a lot more and soon, they were already inviting themselves to your place.
not to mention the fact that your mom loves oikawa. just look at his external cover and not inside him, what’s there not to love him? but you just saw him as a close friend. he talked about girls to you. you also talked about boys to him which he always whines about you not having good taste in men. you watched girls come and go just like how he watched boys come and go your way.
even though he was very popular, oikawa never really took that as an advantage. he never played with girls’ feelings, he didn’t give him false hopes and he tries his best to be nice when rejecting someone’s confession.
the girls he dated were different as well, some of them were pretty while some of them were average. all of them gave off different vibes so you still don’t know what his type is. 
same goes for you but you weren’t the luckiest with men or should we call them boys? so yes, you honestly don’t know when you fell for him. somehow, you found yourself thinking about him more and smiling at his texts more. 
oikawa always hangs his arm around your shoulders, pats your head, ruffles your hair, gives you small hugs here and there, squishes your cheeks and many more small actions exist but you started blushing unlike before. you immensely tried to deny it that you are starting to fall for him which led you to date some guys. you still treated them the best you can while dating them though. also, because you and oikawa were impossible. there’s no chance for you. 
iwa noticed all this. you know when someone is falling for someone else and they don't know it but the third party always see its through them? iwa was that third party. quickly, iwa became the rant zone whenever you had to open up about your emotions for your friend. 
iwa is neutral. he doesn’t exactly ship the two of you but he also doesn’t mind if you end up dating. this is because he knows oikawa too well. 
there are so many good traits about him but he’s human, he also has his toxic traits. this is why you don’t want to get involved with him in that way. you don’t want to hurt yourself.
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the two of you step out of the library. it’s already 12am. it was all you. you wanted to finish catching up with the lectures today since you’ve been missing a lot of them. why? all because you want to spend your time sleeping in with oikawa instead of attending your morning classes. 
as usual, oikawa waited for you as he does whatever he wants. he wasn’t even focusing in his work. but he’s still very smart. you are not much different compared to oikawa.
oikawa, he tries so hard and he doesn’t have natural talent. even though he works his ass off, loses his sleep over volleyball and works thrice harder than others, the ones who have natural talent in them are always ahead of him. that’s how he felt like.
and you, you try really hard in your studies but you are not the smartest. you go to the library every day. you spend hours there, studying. yet, your grades are never as good as the ones who are naturally smart. that makes you so insecure because you actually start to think, oh no matter how much i try, i won’t be like them.
“wait,” he stops in his steps, grabbing your wrist. “can we not go home?”
you blink, “you want to sleep on the streets?”
he stares at you boringly, “no. i’m saying let’s go for a walk.”
“we are walking now.”
he groans, stomping his feet before linking his arm with yours. why does he have to be so cute?
“you know what i meannn.” he pouts, dragging your body with him.
late night walks with your crush? sounds like the fan fictions you read when you are free or lonely. instead of feeling giggly, you feel at ease and peace. you share a comfortable silence, throwing a joke in sometimes as you walk and walk. 
you expressed your concerns with your studies and he comforts you. it doesn’t always have to be serious talks with him. you can joke around while being serious at the same time and you like that. but oikawa has never talked about his worries to you, quite different from you who likes ranting it out. 
“i’m hungry.” you say, pulling his hand towards you. are you really or are you just making up another reason to spend time with him longer?
“how can you eat a lot?” he asks, smiling and pokes your stomach.
you ask back, “aren’t you?”
“maybe, a bit. but i don’t want to go back yet.”
“well, i want to.” you shrug, walking ahead of him knowing he will follow you.
he grins, showing a thumbs up. “okay. i will cook you ramen at my place.”
“you cook it yourself then, since it’s your place.” 
even if he told you to cook it instead, you still would. you are such a simp for him that it even hurts your ego.
“i will! let’s go!” he beams.
and did the two of you continue talking about one topic after another even after eating? just so you could spend time longer and eventually maybe spend the night over? maybe. 
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you are seated at a table near the vending machine, laughing at your guy friends who are still arguing about the football match they just had. it wasn’t a serious nor a practice one, they just played for fun. you and your friend, amelie decided to watch them play as you guys were bored to death in your dorms.
also maybe because oikawa hasn’t texted you since the afternoon which is really weird; considering the fact that he’s always texting you and you wanted to distract yourself from it.
the sound of the gym doors behind you opening catches your attention as you see students coming out of it — wait, aren’t those volleyball players?
after a bunch of them walking out and just when you thought that maybe he’s not here, the sight of iwa, drenched in sweat makes you raise your eyebrows.
“oh?” he tilts his head, walking towards you. “why are you here?”
“came to watch my friends playing football.” you answer, nodding at your guy friends who are also now looking at the exchange between you and iwa.
iwa nods, “he’s inside.”
“he? he who?” you ask even though the back of your mind is screaming oikawa.
“oikawa. who else?” iwa smirks, “go on in.”
you get up a bit too quickly before telling your friends, “um, you guys can go ahead.”
they agree suspiciously, eyeing iwa, probably thinking you have something going on with him. geez.
you push the gym doors open and the echoes of the volleyball slamming against the floors welcome you.
there he is, tooru oikawa, practicing his ass off alone. his shirt is literally soaked in sweat that you can even see his back muscles. you might sound creepy but you are just pointing out what you are seeing. how long was their practice anyway?
when he walks towards the ball cart to grab another one, you call out his name.
“take a break!”
he whips his head around at your voice, a very tiny smile appearing on his face.
“since when were you here?” he questions.
“just now. met iwa outside.”
he nods, returning his gaze back to the volleyball in his hand.
“go grab dinner with him. he said he’s hungry.”
this makes you pout slightly. doesn’t the thought of you being alone with another guy makes him jealous? but again, it’s iwa we are talking about. the person who helped started the friendship between you and oikawa.
you shake your head, sliding down against the wall to sit on the floor. “nah, we will wait.”
instead of replying, he jumps and spikes the ball hard that you flinch in your place. watching him practice breaks your heart. it always does. back in high school till now, whenever you see him practicing alone in the empty gym with all his might, finishing it with his palms all red and still not being satisfied with himself, you just want to give him a hug.
“you know me. i will take hours.” he finally replies after a few more spikes. you almost already forgot about the last words you said.
just before you can give a response, iwa walks in with a new pair of clothes.
“oikawa!” he howls loudly, striding to his friend and plainly taking the ball away from oikawa’s grasp.
“iwa-chan, just one m–”
“i’ve known you my whole life, dude. that’s the lie you spit the most.” iwa says strictly before heading to put the volleyball ball cart in the store room.
oikawa groans so loudly and messes his own hair from frustration. he hates it when someone interrupts him or stops him from practicing but everyone knows iwa is the only one who can control and take care of him.
when he makes his way to his bag which is right beside you, he doesn’t look very pleased so you try to start a conversation.
“anything you have in mind for dinner?” you ask, looking up at him.
guggling down his water, he shrugs, “anything.”
are you intimidated? yes, you are. despite knowing him for years, you still don’t know how to handle with his moods. maybe you do but you are just scared you will make it worse so you choose to remain silent instead.
besides, if you try to talk more and he ends up yelling at you, it will just lead you to messily cry and that’s embarrassing so no, you don’t want that.
iwa notices the way both of you are quiet when he walks out of the store room. being the mom he is, it’s his job to fix this atmosphere.
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“ohh, look who this is. i knew that winter coat was familiar!”
a very familiar voice interrupts your cries. your eyes widen, and you quickly wipe your tears under the coat’s hood. why is he even here? it’s freaking 2 am. don’t tell me he comes out at 2 in the morning, in 7°C to play basketball.
you feel him sit next to you but you remain quiet, afraid that your voice will crack if you say something.
“hey, aren’t you happy to see me?” he asks in a whiny voice, bumping his shoulder with yours thrice.
“i am.”
you suddenly find him crouched down in front of you as he looks up at your face. “wait, you are cryin — noo, why? what’s wrong?”
he throws questions at you worriedly, cupping your face with his large hands. you wiggle out of his hold, clearing your throat.
“i’m not.”
he slaps your thigh softly, “i’m not my ass. do you think i’m blind?”
when you don’t respond anything back, he continues, “hm, tell me. what’s wrong, y/n?”
“you know, just studies.” you lie.
you do not want to tell him the actual reason because you know it’s not going to end well. it’s your friends. apparently, they’ve been discussing about you behind your back, specifically about you and oikawa and how you are spending nights at each other’s place.
then, there’s this group of japanese students you know from the japanese society who’ve also heard about you and oikawa. they call you a slut for sleeping at oikawa’s place when you aren’t even dating. they didn’t say it right in front of your face though. they act so kind around you.
but it still hurts. maybe they are right. maybe you are acting like a slut, being so whipped for a guy who only sees you as a friend. however, it’s not your fault that you can’t control your feelings. you feel sorry for yourself and your emotions and mind are all over the place.
so you did what you always do. you came to this basketball court which is 3 minutes away from your dorm. you always do when you are feeling suffocated.
as always, oikawa comforts you with sweet words, patting your back to make you feel better. even running to the shop next to the court to get you some chocolate. he’s doing his best to make you feel better and it makes you feel worse for lying at him.
this is for the better though. if he knows, he will either blame himself for it or he will directly face the people who talked shit about you. you don’t want that for him because this is about you. this is your problem.
“let’s go to my place! i will cook you ramen!” he beams, looking at his dorm. yep, the basketball court is just right in front of his dorm.
“no,” you sniffle. “i’m sick of your ramen.”
“ouch,” he pretends to be hurt, clenching his fist over his heart. “how could you say that? that’s the only thing i can make.”
you chuckle, “fine, let’s grab some sausages from the store too.”
he nods happily, linking his arm with yours. he always does this when you two are walking together and the gesture swells your heart a lot. you let out a sigh, realising that instead of stopping your feelings, you’ve fallen even deeper for your friend.
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idyllicstarker · 4 years
Fic prompt: Tony acts all high and mighty until he makes Peter mad and it makes him drop to his knees and go into sub space
Thank you for the ask anon!
I struggled a little, I won’t lie to you. One, I’ve never really tried to write sub space before, two I’m still getting used to bottom!tony. So those two togther meant I was really pushing my ideas.
I don’t think you particularly wanted an established relationship, but I wasn’t confident enough to write anything too long. Hence why there isn’t much progression and it’s quiet short.
I’m not happy with this and I’ll openly admit it. But since I didn’t know who to contact to apolgise formally, I tried my best to at least write you something.
I’m really sorry.
Warnings: Sub!Tony, Dom!Peter, implicit toxicity in a relationship, sexual themes
Tony knew he was annoying.
It wasn’t exactly something he tried to hide. It wasn’t an opinion that people may hold. It was just a simple fact. Even Tony admitted wholeheartedly that he could be a real arrogant bastard when he set his mind to it.
He knew exactly how to pick at people until they were dying to get away from him. It was a trait he’d picked up from Howard. The only difference was, Tony used it for a laugh. A false persona of his superiority. But unlike Howard, Tony didn’t like to be on top all the time.
Metaphorically and figuratively I guess.
But for the past few weeks, Tony seemed to have forgotten his place. He’d been a little shit to everyone- acting as if he was so much better than them. And it didn’t seem like it was going to stop anytime soon.
His self-proclaimed self-importance (and therefore self-entitlement) started one day and just never stopped. Tony had placed himself on a pedestal above the others, acting as if he’d earned some kind of superior status overnight. They weren’t sure if Tony’s true colours were showing through, or if it was some kind of sick joke, but as the fourth week approached everyone was sick and tired of the man’s behaviour.
Even Peter, who idolised the man, and loved him more than anything, was pretty much at ends with the way Tony had been treating him lately.
“So what, we just bust in there Rogers..? Die? They’ll kill us all in ten seconds dipshit”
In the meeting room, the avengers were silent. Steve stood at the head of the table, the screen behind him lit up with their mission plan. He was angry, and only getting angrier with Tony’s continuous backchat and snide remarks about everyone and everything.
With a sigh he turned to glare at the man, arms crossed over his broad chest as he shook his head, completely unamused. . “So do you have any better ideas?”, he asked.
But the question was only returned with a half-hearted shrug of shoulders. “Isn’t that your job? We both know it won’t go to plan and I’ll end up leading when we get there anyway”, Tony waved his hand passively, slouched back in his chair.
“Tony”, Peter quipped gently, remaining soft as usual, never usually getting mad at Tony no matter what he did. But he could sense the anger radiating of Steve, and he wanted to avoid a fight between the two. He’d deal with Tony’s attitude later.
Sitting up in a manner in which can only be described as an excitable meerkat, he raised his hand for permission to contribute.
“Why don’t some of us try going in from the back, and the others distracting them, that way-”
“Peter, shush, we’re talking”, Tony cut him off, finally looking up from the stark pad in his hands with an uninterested gaze.
Peter went silent, his excited posture slipping away as he looked over at Tony, seemingly quite hurt. “Why are you being like this Tones”, he spoke, his voice much quieter but it didn’t lose the softness it usually held. He wasn’t angry, just upset, at least for now.
“Sweetheart you know I love you, but you’re eighteen and have about as much skill as Barton. Why don’t you go play in the lab for a while.” Peter could deal with Tony’s sass, he could deal with his arrogance sometimes, but doubting his skill was a low blow.
To the right of him, there came an offended “hey” from Clint but Peter ignored it.
“You’re being an arse Tony”, Peter said, his eyebrows knitted with frustration as he looked over Tony’s face but there was no ounce of remorse present.
Red faced Peter huffed lightly, before abruptly standing up and grabbing onto Tony’s shoulder. It seemed Tony had forgotten that Peter’s super strength, although not used often, was as enhanced as it could be.
He roughly pulled Tony up, gripping onto the collar of his shirt. “Excuse us for a moment guys”, Peter said quietly, not giving any explanation as he dragged Tony from the room.
The man didn’t struggle, actually finding Peter’s sudden confidence quite amusing. In Tony’s mind it was like a kicked puppy growing at his owner. Adorable.
Or so he thought, at least.
“Where are we going?”, Tony asked with a laugh, stumbling as Peter pulled him down the hallways. He didn’t get an answer, but he realised soon enough as Peter pulled the door open to their (or rather his but Peter had claimed as his own at the beginning of their relationship) bedroom.
With a grunt, Peter pulled him inside, letting out a long breath to try and calm his anger, before slamming the door.
“I’ll ask you one more time, what’s gotten into you?”, Peter said. trying to keep his voice steady. His fingers tapped at his thigh keeping a careful gaze on Tony as the man adjusted his collar with a smirk.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about sweetheart”, he hummed, only to have Peter scoff.
“You’ve been nothing but downright rude to everyone Tony”, Peter whispered, the pain in his eyes clear. He was frustrated at not being able to get through to him, but also more than upset at the fact that Tony was acting like he was some child. “What you said to me, just now in the meeting, was uncalled for. If my age means I can’t even talk in meetings because I’m too young, then why are you even with me.”
It was evident that in that moment Tony’s facade dropped. He knew deep down that he was hurting the ones he loved dearly. But even himself couldn’t figure out why. He just felt compelled.. wrong, but uncontrollable.
Peter however, well Peter was pretty sure he knew.
Tony sighed, stepping forward slowly in a guilty manner. “I’m sorry baby, you know I didn’t mean it-”
Yet much like Tony had cut him off, Peter held up a hand with a glare.
“No Tony, I know you didn’t mean it. But you’re sure as hell ain’t sorry. Making a direct attack against my skills, and my age, you wouldn’t do that. You’re nice despite whatever kind of hero complex you currently have. It’s not the truth, and we both know that”, Peter said, his voice raising slightly.
By the way Tony was shifting uncomfortably at being put in his place, Peter realised he was right.
He didn’t let Tony even open his mouth, arms crossed over his chest he lifted his shoulders slightly. He was in no way taller than Tony, but it gave him a bit of height.
“That’s how I know you’re just doing this for attention”, Peter finished, his eyes bright at his newfound power between them, as he looked over Tony. The man in question looked good in surprise, a small frown on his lips.
“What…?”, he questioned quietly.
“Attention”, Peter repeated, “You’re being a brat on purpose”, he stated stubbornly, looking Tony up and down with an angry gaze.
Tony almost choked. Looking over Peter with an embarrassed gaze. “A brat, really Pete?”, he muttered quietly.
“Yes. A brat. That’s all you are. Don’t act like you haven’t been doing this so that I’d notice and out you in your place”, sensing Tony’s embarrassment, Peter sighed quietly, moving to run a hand through Tony’s hair gently. Unlike usual, in which he may press a kiss to his wrist or something like that, this time Tony nuzzled against the hand with a quiet mewl.
“Don’t think this is me letting you go away with this”, Peter said sternly after a moment, pulling his hand away. “You’ve hurt Steve, been mean to Clint, made Bucky very conscious this week, and you even pissed James off. If all you needed was for me to take charge, you didn’t need to act up to do it. And when we’re done here you’re going to apologise.”
Tony nodded lightly, refusing to look at Peter, but gasped as he felt a sharp grip grab onto his chin and force him into look into deep brown eyes. “Use your words…”. Peter growled.
Tony let out a shaky breath, his throat suddenly very dry as he swallowed before opening his mouth. “Okay”, he croaked our, but by the darkening of Peter’s eyes he tensed, not even needing Peter to say it before he continued: “Yes sir”, he finally answered. Peter raised an eyebrow - Tony coughed slightly. “Yes master”, he finally muttered.
Peter smiled, not his usual cute innocent smile, but an amused smirk. “Good boy”, he hummed, pressing a kiss to Tony’s lips gently before pulling away. “It’s not good enough tho, you’re going to have to work harder than that to gain my forgiveness!”
Practically keening at the praise, Tony dropped to his knees, head bowed, hands on his knees. “I’m sorry sir, please forgive me”, he begged quietly , chest rising and falling as he panted softly at the thrill of it all.
Peter laughed, quite enjoying the sight in front of him, titling his head slightly. “Mhm, I dunno baby, you’ve been real bad”, he teased, revelling in the sound of Tony’s whine.
“See, all you needed was for me to take care of you. Right Tony? The little brat just needed some attention from his master?”, he asked, as Tony nodded eagerly.
“Y-yes sir. I’ve been such a bad boy. Wanna make it up to you. Bad boy, I’m a bad boy. Do anything master”, he hummed, looking up at Peter, wide eyed and innocent.
“Okay baby, don’t worry, I’m going to make sure you pay for your behaviour”, he said softly, pressing a light kiss to his head, before he pulled Tony’s head to his crotch.
Instantly Tony began to mouth at Peter’s thigh, never once taking his gaze away him as he began to undo his pants.
Yeah, Peter was sure he could get used to this sometimes. Sure Tony was annoying, but if this is what he got out of it, Peter wasn’t complaining at all.
Tag list: @itsmexavie @icandoakickflip
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oceancoralx · 4 years
 Hey everyone, I’ve just been lingering about. Been avoiding Tumblr RP because it’s not really where I’ve felt the most comfortable (even though I’ve made some amazing friends, you guys know who you are and you guys are awesome). I tried to return through discord because that’s where I felt more comfortable but I haven’t checked there in a while either. Life has been pretty terrible honestly and my muse has been drained as the distractions and problems piled on top. I just wanted to drop in and give an update. Also... wow, there’s a lot of drama I’ve seen. Another reason I’m very hesitant to come back but I’m glad certain things are being addressed such as toxic masculinity and racism, especially within the sect of “gay rp” (idk, but you guys know what I mean). Anyone else, this ain’t about you, and I appreciate you guys because your talent is off the charts.
I try and lean less towards that gay rp end of the spectrum tbh because fetishization tends to happen, I’ve noticed, and there’s also been stuff to do with consent that, while I have to say is my problem considering it’s not my business, I’m very concerned about and uncomfortable with as they’re portraying non-con for fulfilment rather than being addressed as what it is. Or at least being treated as a trigger with a warning or anything at times. I prefer story based rps than smut (which I prefer to do with rpers I’m comfortable with) and that’s just my own personal preferences that doesn’t impact anyone but it’s a huge part of rp, technically and I think it’s worth putting my two cents (is that what Americans use? Is that the phrase?) in. 
In terms of a toxic masculinity argument, I don’t think that particular issue was addressed as well as it probably should have been in the post I saw going round but it’s definitely a part of it. I think the types of muses we glorify are very evident but I do believe that that’s almost entirely okay. Be attracted to what you’re attracted to or gravitate towards and do you! But I do see a lot of muses (sure, twinks can be a part of this conversation, okay, but you know a lot of other groups as well) are neglected. I think white, traditionally masculine muses with perfect, muscular bodies are favoured (fine) and also “gay” (stereotypical) behaviour, attributes, traits, features are rejected (eek ok)/deemed unattractive and I do think that there has been a problem where it’s teetered towards a kind of toxic masculinity/internally homophobic direction (not always but there’s been some of that.) I don’t think it’s intentional because we can all like what we like but what we put out with that sentiment has crossed the line a few times and that’s where we need to be careful. I also understand that a lot of these things aren’t going to be addressed when your characters are smutting it up because those rps aren’t that deep and you’re just trying to enjoy writing. I’d just say that be careful within those spaces that we don’t put out any harmful messages or idk make a conscious effort to try and be positive in any way we can? You’d think this is a very simple thing but if people are still agreeing that this is still happening then it’s something that needs to be realised and put into words. 
Idk. Could be as simple as putting a trigger warning or... rephrasing? Sometimes the character is just like that and that’s fine but acknowledgement OOC or something? I don’t know, maybe even that seems a little much but it at least makes the distinction between the character and mun. I don’t believe your characters represent you, wholly. Just be aware and conscious of these things and outside of your character interactions, especially if your character is intentionally problematic or toxic ect, try and be decent to everyone. Muses are fictional but the many muns behind them are real people and however great or small, you have an impact on the environment you contribute to. The argument I saw being conveyed was not well put but I think that just because the person arguing them has problems of their own (valid ones which I am about to address) lets not disregard everything they said from the conversation because I think we should still talk about toxic masculinity and homophobia in areas that were not addressed. Also the attitude of non-binary and trans muses as being less than is also something I acknowledge has happened a few times. We’ve come a long way since now these characters are actually being included and brought to the surface of attention and I don’t think that any of us are trying to be harmlful (or I should hope not) but I do think in queer spaces we should be the ones to make room/welcome these types of people and issues safely and comfortably into them. I’m not saying you necessarily have tor rp with muses you don’t want to, I’m not policing you to be more diverse and inclusive but be open minded and aware that you are making an impact in your threads, muses, bios, rules pages and ooc messages and be mindful what sorts of messages your words are communication. I want it in writing that trans men are no less of a man (same for trans women but I see even FEWER of these muses) and we should be learning to adapt to this understanding of gender rather than conveying attitudes of the past that harm people within the community. Also no matter what the body of the non-binary muse is like, respect that they’re non-binary if that is the decision from the mun. Don’t erase that by disregarding chosen pronouns for your own fulfilment in the story. A character being non-binary shouldn’t change what they contribute to the story, especially if the story is two characters flirt in an undescribed location with a convenient bed and the only thing they have in common is that they’re horny and hot. 
In terms of racism, now this hits a little harder. There’s definitely a problem there (as pointed out by a lot of the people who responded to the toxic masculinity post). I empathise with the sentiments expressed about the blatantly harmful attitudes geared towards Asian and specifically Korean muses, as well as a general attitude towards all POC muses. This needs to change and if you think that this whole preferences thing doesn’t mimic the problems of the real world towards POC than I think you need to rethink. Many different muses of many different ethnicities have been either rejected due to physical preferences and the argument that due to this being done in a space where we create fiction that means this is okay I think is very questionable. Whole races of people being generalized and boxed into one is not where we should be at. You being comfortable with only FCs who are actors is fine, or FCs that supply no significant age gap is completely fair but implying a whole race of people is unattractive? I’m not putting words into anyone's mouth but please do not do this. Especially right now, we shouldn’t be doing this and we should already understand why this is bad. On the other side of the spectrum, the fetishization and stereotypes, especially in the way it is advertised is very grim. Fetishization of a whole race of people is dehumanizing, especially if that race is an oppressed minority. I’m not accusing anyone but PLEASE just try and consider your approach to interacting with POC muses in this way. It requires so little effort to just question whether something is okay. I don’t think it is hard to listen to what is going on in the real world and not project those harmful things in order to fulfil your fantasies. I think there’s a problem there if certain fantasies are fulfilled on the back of people getting hurt. Just do your research and try to offend anyone is what I’m saying. It’s very simple. Just grow as a human. Pretty much if you’re not talking from experience, just be respectful, whether you’re putting out a muse or trying to interact with a muse. Make a mistake and then try and then learn and grow. Don’t try and box POC muses into ways they can fulfil your fantasies based on very tired ideals of who they are and what they can offer. I’m saying it again, just be respectful. Question what you put out, think about it and try not to hurt people through what you communicate. Have empathy. I’m reiterating the same things because these are simple thoughts that should just come so quickly and casually. There are so many people with a multitude of different experiences interacting with this and probably people who have more knowledge on it but lets not just address these issues when someone needs to be called out. Lets put a stop to it in general. This shouldn’t have just been made aware of when it was right there in front of us. 
Listen, I’m not here to police or tell people how to go about RP. Get weird, go crazy and be out there. Characters and threads are not real life, I understand that but just be aware of the impact around that little bubble within the thread. Try and make a conscious ever to put out positivity outside of your threads when you’re contributing to your blogs. Or at the very least, don’t put out negativity. Make sure that no one feels unwelcome or disregarded or hurt when they come to your blog. RP is a social activity (wow I sound like an annoying, patronizing teacher while I write this) and that means that no matter how introverted you are, you gotta navigate it that way. Just don’t be a dick. This isn’t a call out post, just a “think about it this way the next time you try and put something out there.” This was my opinion on a few things that have been circling and a few things that haven’t been touched upon much. I’m also open to criticism myself if there’s anything I should have said, got wrong or missed out. Like everyone else here, I make mistakes and I am trying my best. I don’t think many of us are harmful or negative people, but sometimes when we are otherwise distracted we can slip up so it’s good to direct our attentions back to those areas. Ok I’m done.
This is probably a mess of a post.
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peonysimmer · 4 years
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*special thanks to @lyrics-and-intoxication​ for lending me this build, you’re the bestttt
The bell over the door jingles and Haleigh automatically lifts her head to see who’s entering. It’s an older gentleman, definitely not her sister. She reaches for the cup in front of her, lets the warmth of the coffee seep into her palms, but doesn’t dare take a sip, she feels nauseous enough without adding acidic coffee to the mix. She’d ordered their drinks ahead of time, Allison’s sickly sweet “coffee” sits across from her, caramel dripping down the mountain of whipped cream and sticking to the domed lid. She lets her thoughts drift, tries to rehearse her impending conversation but quickly gives up, she thinks about Zack and their talk. She can’t believe they’d almost kissed last night, well, that’s not exactly true, more so she can’t believe that she’d been so distracted that she’d managed to forget about it. They’re probably going to need to have an actual adult conversation about that at some point, just saying “shit happens” isn’t really the best way to handle things. 
The bell rings again, pulling her attention back to the present. When Allison steps through the door the temperature seems to drop exponentially and it has nothing to do with the chilly air swirling in behind her. Haleigh watches as she searches the room, and she notes the way her chin tilts defiantly when her gaze lands on her. As she makes her way to the table Haleigh’s relieved to see that she doesn’t actually look all the different from when she took her leave from the family over a year ago. In the light of day and without the tight dress and makeup she looks much closer to her actual age of sixteen. It makes Haleigh feel the slightest bit better to know that other factors had been in play other than her absence. 
Allie sits down primly, her posture perfect, if a little bit rigid, and lays her phone down on the table face up; a move that would have incensed their mother, but Haleigh gets the message loud and clear. A tense silence settles between them, Allie’s obviously not going to start them off and Haleigh’s not sure how to begin despite being the one who asked to talk. 
“Thanks for meeting me,” she finally says, it comes out a bit stilted. 
Allie scoffs and takes a sip of her coffee. “Sure.”
Sighing quietly, Haleigh stares down at her own cup, watching the steam dance in the air before disappearing. “Look, I know you’re pissed with me and you have every right to be, but I just want to talk.”
“Then talk,” Allison says flatly, her expression clearly conveys just how unimpressed she is with the whole situation and it’s suddenly apparent just how much she looks like their mother.
Taking a deep steadying breath she does her best to get her thoughts in order. She thinks about what Zack told her, to be genuine with her feelings and maybe it’ll coax Allie to reciprocate. 
“Listen, Allie I know I probably hurt you.”
Allison rolls her eyes but doesn’t say anything, her gaze stays pinned to the window behind Haleigh, refusing to look at her while she speaks. 
“I was mad at our parents and I needed to get out of there, to distance myself from the toxicity of that life. None of that had anything to do with you, but I left you too, and I’m sorry,” she admits. It’s harder than she’d expected, to be vulnerable, to push down her pride long enough to admit that she’s made mistakes, and her sister’s unflinchingly cold stare doesn’t make it any easier. She trudges ahead regardless. “I know an apology doesn’t really make up for anything, but I’d like to work on fixing things.”
“Why?” Allison questions, her head cocked to the side in mock confusion. “Because you suddenly feel bad? Because you saw me last night and remembered that you have a sister? Let’s be honest, if we hadn’t run into each other this conversation wouldn’t be happening,” she says bitterly. 
Haleigh nods. “You’re right, we wouldn’t be here. But that’s not because I don’t want to talk to you, it’s just easier to ignore a mistake than take the necessary steps to rectify it. And yes, there’s guilt involved, of course there is; I left home and acted like you didn’t exist anymore, but believe it or not that wasn’t my intention. I know it’s probably hard to understand, but I needed to be isolated from that life, it wasn’t healthy for me anymore. I’ve changed a lot this past year, I’m still growing and learning, and I’ve reached a point where I’m ready to start letting go of all these past grudges and hurt. I’d like for us to be a part of each other’s lives again.”
Allison taps her manicured nails against the plastic of her cup as she mulls over Haleigh’s monologue. “I’m glad you’re doing better,” she starts, but her tone makes it hard to tell if she truly means that. “But what if I don’t want us to be involved in each other’s lives? Let’s be honest Haleigh, it’s not like we’ve ever been close. You never wanted anything to do with me when we were younger, why start now?”
It’s a fair assessment. They’d never been the best of friends; with a six year age difference it felt like there was entire lifetime between them. When Haleigh had friends over the last thing she wanted was for her baby sister to intrude, and after awhile a rift had grown between them until they were just two people inhabiting the same home but rarely interacting. Looking back it’s not something she’s proud of.
“If the two of us continuing to go our separate ways is what you think is best for you then I won’t press you on it,” Haleigh says diplomatically. “But I’d appreciate it if you would truly consider it, maybe when things are a little less fresh. I know I’ve hurt you-”
“You don’t know anything!” Allie snaps, her eyes, just shades lighter than Haleigh’s own, flash with irritation. A few customers glance their way and Allison takes a deep breath until she appears unaffected and calm once again. “You say you’re sorry, but you have no idea what the ramifications of you leaving the family have been like for me.”
“Then tell me,” Haleigh pleads.
A bitter laugh escapes Allison’s throat and she stares at Haleigh with clear disdain. “It’s all eyes on me now, you know. It’s up to me to take your place, to be the next in line for the company, to represent this family. Mom and dad are on me all the time for the smallest details. They stopped traveling so much after you left, like they’re afraid that if I’m left to my own devices for too long I’ll turn into some common degenerate. And you know it’s just astounding how despite all your fuck ups and disappointments, I still can’t compete with you. I’m not as charming or as social; I’m not as smart, even though my GPA is perfect and I take all AP classes; I’m not as involved in school despite the fact that I’m in two more extracurriculars than you ever were; I’m not as pretty or as talented,” she lists off, getting more agitated by the word. “Nothing I do can compete with your ghost, it doesn’t matter how hard I try, I’ll never make up for your mistakes. Now tell me how that’s fair." 
Haleigh’s heart sinks, she’s well versed in her parents’ impossible ideals, and she starts to feel her own anger flare. As a teenager nothing she did had been good enough, so why act like she was a prime example now? 
"It’s not fair to you,” Haleigh responds, though she’s sure Allison’s comment had been rhetorical. “They’ve always held us to impossible standards.” It was part of the reason why she’d spiraled so hard as soon as she’d gotten some semblance or freedom. “That’s on them though, you don’t have to kill yourself trying to please them." 
"Easy for you to say, not all of us are interested in living the lower class lifestyle.”
“Right,” Haleigh says shaking her head sadly. She’d kind of hoped that Allison hadn’t developed that specific trait, that she wouldn’t look down on the lower class the same way their parents do. 
“Are we done here?” Allie asks as she taps at her phone, but it’s obviously not a question. 
“It would seem so, but look about last night,” Haleigh starts and she’s once again reminded or her earlier talk with Zack before she pushes the thought away. “I’m not going to lecture you or anything. I’m not a hypocrite,” she adds when she notices Allison’s annoyed glare. “I just want to make sure that you’re not making any decisions that could put you in a dangerous situation. I remember the things my friends and I were getting into when we were your age, and I’d hate to see you make the same mistakes.”
Allison gives her a sharp smile. “Don’t worry, it’s not like I’m doing cocaine at parties. I’m not an idiot.”
White hot anger floods Haleigh’s system, there’s enough of an edge to Allie’s grin to tell her that she knows exactly what she’s doing with that comment. And Haleigh knows why she said it, that impulse to hurt someone who hurt you is terribly familiar, to find a wound and pick at it until it’s raw and bleeding; it’s a defense she’s employed many times throughout her life. That doesn’t mean she’s just going to let it slide though.
“Watch it,” Haleigh practically growls, low and cold. 
Allie’s eyes flash with the challenge. “Is that what all this was really about? You wanted to make sure that I wasn’t on the fast track to overdosing like your little friend? What was her name again? Wendy?”
“That’s enough!” Haleigh snarls, her nails are digging into her jean clad thighs and it feels like the bite is the only thing keeping her from completely losing it. The blood is rushing in her ears, drowning out the rest of the noise, and her breathing has picked up but she can’t seem to get it back under control. 
Allison stares coolly, apparently pleased with getting a rise out if her. “I agree, I’ve got better things to do anyway." 
She grabs her phone and leaves her mostly untouched drink on the table. Haleigh watches her strut out the door while her heart continues to pound rapidly in her chest. Breathing deeply she concentrates on slowly uncurling her fingers and rubs at the spots she’d been clawing at. She gnaws at the inside of her cheek as she tries to fight back the deluge of emotions that threaten to pour though, she’s got one last thing to say.
"Goddamnit,” she sighs before grabbing her back and stalking after her brat of a sister even though every cell in her body is begging her to just forget it and go home, she needs to be the bigger person here. “Allie, wait,” she calls, and if it sounds like she doesn’t really want her to listen, well that can’t be helped right now. 
Allison doesn’t look up from her phone but she does stop and allow Haleigh to catch up to her on the sidewalk. “Make it quick, I have plans.”
Haleigh fights back the urge to make a couple rude comments of her own and feels like she deserves an award for the amount of sheer discipline she’s exhibiting. 
“Fine, I just wanted to say that regardless of where we stand with each other, if you’re ever in a situation where you need a safe ride home or a place to stay the night, you call me and I’m there okay? Don’t make a stupid decision because of pride.”
Still tapping at her screen Allison doesn’t say anything until she slides her phone into her pocket. “Okay, great whatever. Glad we had this chat,” she says, every word dripping with sarcasm. “My ride’s here,” she states as an expensive car pulls into the parking lot, a girl around Allie’s age behind the wheel. She hops into the passenger seat without so much as a glance. 
Haleigh lingers on the sidewalk for a moment, feeling utterly exhausted and emotionally raw. She knew this wasn’t going to go smoothly, but she never could have imagined that Allison would bring up Whitney’s death just to spite her. She may not have known all the important details surrounding that particular tragedy, and certainly not what part Haleigh played in it, but she knew enough to understand just how cruel she was being. 
And maybe she should feel some sense of accomplishment that she at least took the first step to reconnect, but right now it’s hard to feel anything other than disheartened. 
Ignoring the way her hands shake as she grips the steering wheel she heads home with the intent of sipping on a hot cup of tea and wallowing in the privacy of her room for the rest of the day.
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740parkhq · 4 years
*  lawless  paparazzi  flashed  photos  of  a  1961 ferrari 250 gt california spider  pulling  into  the  sparkling  gates  of  quincy  park  ,  indicating  that  camilla  of  the  prosperous  kerby  lineage  has  returned  home  .  college  ended  for  the  transgender nb  in  2017  ,  but  they’re  already  flourishing  in  their  field  , proclaiming  that  their  bachelor's  degree  in  fashion design  is  being  put  to  prolific  use  .  the  general  public  may  be  unworldly  enough  to  believe  that  their  accomplishments  were  earned  honestly  ,  but  the  people  of  new  york  city  are  painstakingly  aware  that  it’s  impossible  to  snag  a  top  paying  position  as  a  fashion designer  right  out  of  university  .  the  family’s  been  tormented  with  a  well  -  known  rumor  that  they  fabricate  news  stories  in  service  of  their  own  agenda  for  years  ,  so  it  was  news  to  no  one  when  the  kerbys  made  local  headlines  claiming  the  only  reason  their  self - absorbed  progeny’s  career  is  what  it  is  because  they  have  found  a  way  to  silence  all  the  claims  of  camilla  stealing  other  artists’  work  .  marie antoinette  has  done  a  splendid  job  of  keeping  the  bloodline’s  furtive  truths  confidential  ,  but  their  reputation  of  being  fun  &  gaining  a  postgrad  inheritance  of  $450m  hasn’t  been  enough  to  cease  the  counter  blast  from  new  york’s  angry  civilians  .  if  they’re  not  heedful  ,  not  even  quincy  park’s  sturdy  golden  gates  will  be  capable  of  keeping  out  the  city’s  vengeance  .  (  indya  moore  ,  25  ,  the opulent  .  )
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henry here with my second muse — camilla !! as alway yall can reach me here or over @ discord @ a hundred years rick and morty#9146 !!
content warning for: /
name: camilla vivien kerby
nickname: camilla
titles: marie antoinette
age & dob: 15th march 1994 ( twenty - five )
zodiac: pisces sun / taurus moon / leo rising
gender id: transgender nonbinary
pronouns: they/them
sexual & romantic orientation: bisexual biromantic
mbti: esfp-t
enneagram: 2w3 7w8 8w9 ( the free spirit )
temperament: sanguine-melancholic
more  stats  (  HERE .  )
extravagant rococo ideals and values flying in stuffy new english brownstones. new money midwestern bourgeoisie encroaching on a kingdom filled with waspy stalwarts of the old vanguard. ennui in the flavour of unending listlessness in a city that never sleeps and never changes. the banality of morality, of existence, of everything and anything. romanticism to fill the gap, romanticism to survive, romanticism to make it all mean something—and never mind the tragedy at the end of the chapter. opulence at the cost of authenticity, hedonism in search of an identity. always forgetting people, never forgetting stories.
ever since the mid-19th century, the pulitzer family consolidated news in the midwestern region of the united states. they were wielders of the truth and proud journalists, dedicating a great deal of their money to the polish of their craft. unfortunately, in a capitalist system, money wins out and they were soon left beggared by their commitment to their integrity. it wasn’t until the 1950s that they experienced a resurgence through the help of a wily businessman who married into the family and used the prestige of the name to build a profitable news empire, building onto the foundations that was set and setting forth these new innovations.
these new innovations were less than popular, but it was very profitable: camilla’s grandfather pandered to populism and demagoguery, splashing front pages with sensational headlines and less-than-truthful speculation about certain personages. they worked closely with government agencies to shape the narrative in the midwest, engineering much of the red scare during the cold war. soon, the pulitzers themselves began to espouse much of the politics that was being peddled by their papers.
with their influence cemented, the pulitzer family at the ending of the 20th century wanted to expand their empire and decided to break into new england, a veritable fortress populated by well-established newspapers such as the nytimes, wapo, and wsj. although their fortune was considerable, it wasn’t enough to combat the foundation that the establishment papers have built—so they began to look for allies. they found it in multi-billionaire marcos edwin kerby.
and so they peddled off a daughter and a position at their company in exchange for substantial funding. the union, though not an overly joyous one, was one that was built on mutual respect for one another. lucy genevieve and marcos edwin were frank with one another: two children and then they’d be free to do whoever they want, an open marriage that resolved much of their issues and led to a happier-than-most upbringing for the two children they had, even if it was a bit unorthodox at the time.
camilla was born into this setting. the younger of the two, there was never really any expectation on them to pick up a career in news—which they didn’t resent as they found the politics and dynamics of it despicable, thinking that the company was a toxic presence in the political landscape. however, they kept their opinion to themself and kept their mouth shut, not wanting to cross their parents for fear of stoking their anger and becoming disinherited.
their passion, instead, was drawn to the arts. they were very artistic and would often scribble cartoons and the like—but their true love was fashion design. they fell in love with the designs of christian lacroix and dolce & gabbana, the extravagant clothes of the two fashion houses falling in line with their own personal aesthetics. it wasn’t long before they themself tried their hand at fashion design, and they found they had a knack for it.
with their father’s social manoeuvring, they launched their first show at the tender age of twenty-one while still in college. their collection was hailed as one of the best of the season and they were branded as a rising star in the world of fashion.
however, when next season came, they found that the pressure had got to them: they were blocked as what to design and, as the deadline day came nearer and nearer, the panic made them shut down even more. this led them to stealing a fellow student’s designs and showing them off as their own. of course, since they copied it wholesale, the plagiarism was blatant, but due to their family’s influence, the story was suppressed and camilla was now confirmed to be a genuine landmark moment in the world of fashion.
though they still make some of their designs, they find it easier to copy and modify to their heart’s content. at first, they excused themself saying it was only nerves; but as time passed, they had to admit that it was the lifestyle of constant partying that distracted them, taking up precious time that they could have put into working instead. camilla would often be seen at a club, luxuriating with fellow sybarites, and never minding the time. when time to sew up designs came, they’d resort to stealing and modifying others’ work, not wanting to cut down the time for their hedonism.
electric dreams for a twenty-first century virtual teen, watching period dramas as a personality trait, watching marie antoinette (2006) and only noticing the pretty dresses, thinking you’re better than your family for being liberal and thinking you’re better than other liberals you’re not, like, an extremist or anything, actually being politically apathetic bc you couldn’t be fucked to follow politics, not knowing how much a banana costs, not knowing if you’re a millenial or a gen z and not even knowing the difference between the two, wouldn’t eat a tide pod but has that characteristic gen z despair at the experience of life itself, why bother doing anything when the world’s going to end anyways? might as well eat cake!
marion kerby (topper), marie antoinette (marie antoinette 2006), francis abernathy (the secret history), lord henry wotton (the picture of dorian grey), roman roy (succession), oscar wilde (real life: 19th century)
content warnings for: drug mentions
best friends , friends , someone they stole art from , party friends , druggie friends , drug dealer , drug buyers , trip sitter , art heaux friends , pretentious friends , fellow members of an art collective , book club friends , indie music friends , concert - going buddies , travel buddies , drinking buddies , hole - in - the - walls exploration buddies , someone they go to museums with , lovers ( current & former ) , online friends , associates of their family +++ their older bro i have yet to sent the wc of !
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zcnns · 5 years
* ↪ jeon jungkook. he/him. male. ╱ i thought i saw zen namgung last getting questioned by the police. the twenty-one year old is in their third year at west bridge studying creative writing. they were at manon’s party because he was dragged there by a friend. do you think they had something to do with her death? + indie concerts dressed in all black, a constant look of disinterest, things always left unsaid.
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hewwo friends, i’m syds, aka the worst!!! i’m twenty-one and i’m est but i don’t know what sleeping at night means haha #quirky ! i’m also easily distracted and forget that sometimes u should Stop Talking!! we also out here being the most Stereotypical Libra u will Ever Meet. ANYWAYS under the cut is some info about zen, and if you wanna plot pls like/im or if you’d like to plot on discord i’m happy to give u my @, just let me know!!!
zen was born cortland, his parents barely twenty years old. they were extremely unprepared when it came to raising a kid, and their relationship was only a few months in when his mother got pregnant. 
their families were not at all supportive and basically left his parents to fend for themselves when trying to raise zen. it brought out the worst in both of them, the stress weighing on their shoulders turned quickly to anger towards each other and zen. 
while i attempted to keep things as vague a possible when it comes to his relationship with his parents, there are some vague mentions of mental/emotional abuse, manipulation, and neglect.
his father was definitely the worst of it. everything about their relationship became toxic, but his mother’s reliance on his father and unwillingness to be alone made her stay through it all. nonetheless, his father’s manipulative behaviors soon made their way into zen’s head as he got older and the anger was more so directed at him. 
zen started to really seclude himself. he didn’t like people. by the time he started school, he was already pretty content with keeping to himself and keeping the few imaginary friends he’d created in his own head. 
while he hated the idea of becoming close to people, there were a few times he would notice something off about his classmates, and do something from a distance to cheer them up. 
during middle school was when his father’s torment became unbearable for him. zen ran away in 7th grade - he was gone for three days before he was found. that was what officially built a thick wall between himself and his parents, and he rarely spoke to them by choice. he wanted to be as distant from them as he physically could without leaving again.
that worked just the same in his school life. zen never allowed anyone too close, and he even went so far as snapping at a girl in front of everyone when she attempted to hold his hand. anything physical made him bubble of with anxiety, and he couldn’t find the pleasure in it as much as he just felt fear of what it might mean to someone else. 
middle school was also where he really found his love of writing. he started practicing his creative writing more and more, very addicted to the possibility of getting lost in his own imaginary worlds and escaping the life he really had. 
high school was when he began working more on his social skills, but he still doesn’t necessarily ever want to make friends. he has a dry sense of humor, his tone usually pretty monotone and his expression rarely showing much excitement unless he genuinely feels it.
basically... grumpy boy who is difficult about making new friends? he’s made a few now that he’s in college, away from his parents, and feels a little more comfortable, but he’s very picky with who he chooses to spend his time with, and how.
also: works at a gas station !! he usually gets his school work done while he’s hanging out during the night shift since it’s not super super busy. one would think he’d be freaked out, but he likes to see the different types of people that wander around at night. it ‘inspires’ him.
other notable things: he’s a big virgin, very scared of falling in love, has a tendency to get crushes, really loves spending his free time at concerts, likes questioning everything abt life with others in the middle of the night, also believes in ghosts and aliens so much i guess he thinks it’s his defining character trait or sumn, can really ramble when he’s nervous/is talking about something he really loves, and he curses FAR too much. generally isn’t like... an Emo boy, he just likes his personal space and time, but he can be FUN i promise.
connection ideas:
childhood friend, a good/bad influence, someone who he tried to date but it didn’t last a week, someone he Attempted to hook up with and it went badly (thus he’s v embarrassed around them), something unrequited (either side), people he hangs out with because they have Big personalities and inspire his writing, someone he might potentially have a crush on right Now, a roommate, someone he met at a concert and now he likes to ask them to go to concerts with him, someone he might be Extra soft and protective of but lowkey...... 
that’s all i can think of but!! please like this i’d like to plot/brainstorm/just talk to everyone and i can’t wait 2 open!!!!
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misssophiachase · 6 years
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25 days of Klaroline + Favourite Parallel - Klaroline and Warnette (Shatter Me Series) Pic not mine but isn’t it gorgeous?
This isn’t a fusion as such (not this time anyway), mainly because I didn’t want to copy either the books or TVD/TO themes, so I’ve created my own world in between with some Klaroline and Shatter Me touches.  An angsty drabble that I think both Klaroline and Warnette could exist in, if that makes sense?  
To me Warnette are Klaroline. The forbidden love aspect, their vast differences but at the same time their similarities, villainous father figures, the similar character traits (Aaron Warner and Klaus Mikaelson are pretty much the same person, right?)
The book’s author, Tahereh Mafi, apparently said this is her Warnette song, hence the title. It is a stunning piece of musical genius by The Airborne Toxic Event.
Klaus and Caroline were once lovers until a dangerous threat forces them apart abruptly.  Warning: Angst alert.
Sometime Around Midnight
And it starts, sometime around midnight. Or at least that's when you lose yourself for a minute or two.
His attention is focused on the amber liquid, swirling it around the glass. Nothing matters anymore. It hasn’t for a year now.
12 months. 52 weeks. 365 days of dull, grey and lifeless existence. Life was vibrant before. Bathed in a rainbow of colour and filled with happiness and in a love so consuming he couldn’t breathe at times. It was strangely comforting then but the suffocation he feels now, not so much. Being a vampire that says a lot.  
Klaus swallows what’s left, barely tasting it as it slips down his throat. He is as immune to its effects as he is to emotion these days. He pushes the glass across the bar impatiently.
“I’ll take another whiskey,” his voice is gruff, barely audible above the din in the hottest new establishment in Chicago.  The barman doesn’t respond just fills his glass without question.
365 days ago Klaus left her during the night. Cowardly, maybe, but necessary. His father didn’t approve of his relationship with Caroline, said love was a vampire’s greatest weakness and if he was going to lead the Original family against their circling enemies his human distraction would be his biggest downfall. Most families would quarrel but the Mikaelson way to deal with differences was much more violent and permanent. He was as frightened of Mikael as he was their enemies and what they might do to Caroline in a fit of anger.  
He remembered that last night like it was yesterday. She looked so peaceful. She’d thrown off the sheet during the night, a sleeping trait he knew well. The only thing she liked to cover her for warmth was him she’d said once as she straddled his body and feathered kisses along the length of his collarbone. Klaus didn’t think it was possible to be as happy as he was at that very moment. Klaus would gladly be her blanket as long as she’d have him.
Looking at her that night, Klaus felt bitter sweet. Bitter to be leaving but all the sweeter for knowing and loving Caroline Forbes. The moonlight spilled into the bedroom window, the silver shadows dancing across her bare skin as she slept. Her blonde waves were fanned out across the pillow messily. He leant down unable to resist, combing his fingers through the knots he’d caused. She pretended to hate it when he tangled her locks during their intense lovemaking but her ensuing and passionate moans told Klaus she didn’t mind one bit.
Klaus remembers everything. He’s stored it away in a compartment in the dark recesses of his mind but something escapes without warning every now and again. Whether it is the adorable way she pokes out her tongue or the sound of his name rolling off her tongue. 
His hand stilled on her head, closing his eyes and concentrating on what he needed to do to make her forget him forever. 
Klaus disappeared into the night with only a small bag of personal belongings. Photographs of her mainly, even though Klaus knew he would never forget the swell of her breasts or the creamy colour of her skin. Her leather bound journal found it’s way into his bag too. It was filled with some of her most raw and vulnerable thoughts. He told himself it was so she didn’t uncover the truth but Klaus knew he had a much more selfish motive. It was their story and Klaus needed to know it was real for all eternity, that their love wasn’t just a figment of his imagination. 
It is something he still reads daily, desperate to rewind and play back their love story. It is all he has left.
Tomorrow would be just another day. They would go their separate ways and Mikael wouldn’t harm her. His father was not someone to make empty threats and the one against Caroline was all too real if Klaus continued to defy him. This was for the best. But why did it have to hurt so much?
A hush falls over the crowd. Klaus closes his eyes in preparation, steeling his nerves. It has been 365 days since he last saw her and tonight they will come together again.  Just not in the same way as before. Swivelling his barstool to face the stage, his breath hitches in his throat. She appears, an absolute vision in white.
As you stand, under the bar lights. And the band plays some song, about forgetting yourself for a while. And the piano's this melancholy sound check.
Caroline Forbes always wanted to perform. While her friends were talking college courses she envisaged herself on stage singing.  Her mom laughed off her ambition as silly dreams. Caroline, she chided, you need to earn good money and make something of yourself.
So, she’d dutifully studied and taken a finance job straight out of college. To say she was disappointed about how her life turned out was an understatement. Then one day, 365 days earlier, Caroline awoke from a vivid dream and suddenly craved a new life and direction. This time no one would stand in her way. 
Standing here on stage in front of the heaving crowd, she is living her dream. After recently signing a record deal, she will be touring nationally next year. But as much as she loves her new life there always seems to be something or someone missing.  Caroline just isn’t sure what or who that is.
The bar is dimly lit while she performs but she can make out an intense pair of blue eyes from the bar watching her every move. He is handsome, that much is obvious, with deep, crimson lips and blonde hair. A white Henley fitting tightly across his chest, paired with dark, denim jeans. Neither item of clothing doing anything to hide his toned physique.
He seems oddly familiar but she can’t quite place him.
To her smile and that white dress she's wearing. You haven't seen her. For a while.
Klaus isn’t expecting the flood of emotions to engulf him. She is breathtaking. Even more beautiful than since he saw her last. Klaus didn’t think it was possible. The dulcet tones of her voice evoking memories of happier times.
Lying on the tartan, picnic rug in the park, her head resting in the crook of his neck. He ran his hands through her hair as they watched the clouds. It began with some humming and ended in the sweetest song, just for his benefit.  Klaus told her she should sing professionally but she always laughed it off. She jokingly asked if he was going to use his vampire powers to compel her a record deal. He replied that she didn’t need any vampire intervention because her raw  talent was just that good.
The song finishes, Klaus is too deep in thought to notice the music has stopped. Only the applause breaks him from his trance.  She bows slightly to the crowd by way of acknowledgment.
But you know that she's watching.
Then her eyes are on him from across the room and she holds his gaze, almost as if she’s trying to solve a puzzle. Klaus freezes. He should leave but her searching, blue eyes cause immediate paralysis.  
She's laughing, she's turning. She's holding her tonic like a crux.
Her set has long finished. Klaus lingers, unable to move still. He wants to drink in every inch of her flawless presence while he has this brief chance. She is popular with the patrons, everyone offering to buy her drinks while simultaneously praising her performance.  
He’s jealous, his knuckles white as they rest on the bar. His desperation to catch a glimpse of Caroline after so long, his undoing. 
It was twenty one months earlier. Klaus had fought with his father again over family business and he and his younger brother had ventured to a local bar to blow off some steam. 
“I think I’ve died and gone to heaven,” Kol sighed, his gaze focused on the entrance. Klaus didn’t bother to turn around, Kol fell in love with a pretty girl every five minutes. 
“You have died and you certainly never went to heaven,” Klaus groaned. “Are we playing darts or not?” 
“I’m a little busy here, Niklaus,” he murmured, through gritted teeth. “There’s nothing like some fresh, attractive, human blood to liven up the evening.” 
Klaus turned, still disinterested until his eyes rested on her. Her golden waves cascaded down her back and her peaches and cream complexion intriguing him immediately. She looked so angelic but at the same time there seemed to be a mischievous and ambitious glint in her eyes.   
“So, your friend is promising a round of drinks when we beat you at darts,” she said, her floral perfume bringing him to. Klaus looked over at Kol thinking he certainly worked fast. 
“When? Someone’s certainly confident. Oh and he’s my brother but don’t hold it against me, love.” He baulked, unable to help himself. People would describe him as cocky but this girl seemed to be challenging him in those stakes. 
“I’m highly competitive and extremely driven no matter the challenge,” she winked, taking off her jacket and revealing a lithe figure clad in black. Klaus didn’t doubt her talents, she’d certainly disarmed him and he was supposed to be the most powerful creature on earth. “And don’t call me love.”
He walked towards Kol, noticing his dreamy state due to her dark haired friend who was preparing for the challenge. 
“No compelling,” he hissed. 
“But where’s the fun in that?” Kol whined. 
“It’s not about winning, it’s how you play the game, little brother,” he recited. He was sure he’d win anyway but for some reason his conscience decided to make a rare appearance.
Famous last words. She’d beaten them convincingly. Kol had skulked away to lick his wounds and he’d sat at the bar with Caroline, falling in love with her then and there. She was refreshing, she challenged everything he believed in and Klaus was hooked. Now to make her fall in love with him without using his powers.  
“Another one,” he barks, trying to ignore the way men are attempting to paw her unnecessarily. The barman can sense his ire and raises his eyebrows curiously. Before he can compel the idiot again, she speaks. The room suddenly spinning, she walks up and asks how you are. So you can smell her perfume. You can see her lying naked in your arms
“Don’t you think you’ve had enough?”
“I didn’t realise my mother was in the room,” he growls in response. Not exactly what he’s planned to say to her after all this time. Klaus decides to blame it on his burgeoning feelings threatening to spill over and betray him and their past. The fact she is wearing the same floral perfume isn’t helping to maintain his composure either.
“Unfortunately she’s not,” she shoots back, hands on delectable hips. “It’s actually a great pity because if she was, I’m sure she could teach you a few manners.” There's that sexy sass he remembers so well.
“Touché,” he chuckles. “Actually, I was just about to leave so probably don’t need that drink after all.”
“You can’t leave.” Hearing those three words is enough to render him momentarily speechless. “Who is going to teach you those much needed manners if you go?”
“I’m sure I’ll manage,” he offers. “Anyway, it seems like you have plenty of people to keep you company this evening, Miss…”
“Forbes, Caroline Forbes,” she murmurs, her hand unexpectedly finding his. It’s supple and warm, just like he remembers. “And maybe I’m not interested in plenty of other people.”
And so there's a change in your emotions. And all of these memories come rushing like feral waves to your mind. Of the curl of your bodies, like two perfect circles entwined.
Klaus doesn’t expect their first touch to affect him quite so much.  Every single memory comes back, like a slideshow racing through his mind. He can’t stop them if he tries. The way she used to caress his stubble while watching a bad television show of her choice, that possessive look on her face when he dared to steal a French fry from her plate and the way her bare skin felt against his. Two lovers so tightly bound in their passion, they were one. 
And you feel hopeless and homeless and lost in the haze. Of the wine
“And you are?” She asks, that sweet, melodic voice doing nothing to ease the knots in his stomach. She regards him earnestly; he knows that particular expression intimately.
“No one important,” he murmurs. “I really need to get going.”
“Past your bedtime?” She deduces, cocking her left eyebrow.
“Something like that, love.”
“Maybe you can come see me sing another night?” Her eyebrows are raised in his direction curiously. Klaus knows that dogged persistence all too well.
You just have to see her. And you know that she'll break you in two.
“Maybe,” he mumbles, shrugging his shoulders while remaining stoic and non-committal. 
He gives her a small smile and walks away, too scared to give a backward glance. He knows he will see her again. In 365 days to be exact. Once a year is all he can handle in her presence.  
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blschaos3000-blog · 5 years
Its 5:17 pm
  Welcome to “8 Questions with…..”
I recently was approached by a producer named Chris Morrisey about talking with our next guest Emmanuel Osorio,a 19 year old film director who is prepping his first film for release. Now normally interviewing a artist with no track record is a high risk because there isn’t anything the public can actually see for themselves. But as anyone who knows me either through my blog or in real life can tell you,I love to find new voices no matter where they may come from. Giving a young man like Emmaunel a platform to share his story is no different from giving a band their first show or in my own case,sharing my first film review. We all have to start with step one,right? Besides,I could sense that same excitement I feel when I was talking with Chris,he has found a talented director and smart young man in Emmaunel Osorio and believes he is destined for big things….and my gut is telling me that Chris is right. With that in mind..let’s go ask Emmanuel his 8 Questions……
    Please introduce yourself and tell us about your current project.
    My name is Emmanuel Osorio and I am a 19 year old Latino filmmaker, writer, actor, producer and film buff. I was born and raised in the amazing city of Los Angeles and I am currently working on my first feature film titled “BLASÉ L.A.”   Blasé L.A. is a semi-autobiographical time capsule of Los Angeles that follows a group of young millennials growing up in this fame and selfie obsessed city. Prior to Blasé L.A., I had a huge interest in photography and visual art. I have photographed everything from editorial fashion shoots to landscapes and everything in between. I also have directed and acted in several plays prior to jumping into filmmaking. It felt like a natural transition to combine the best of both worlds and explore what comes out of it. 
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While you’re only 19, Los Angeles has a way of making folks grow up a bit faster. What three impressions has growing up in Los Angeles left on you?
     Growing up in the city of Los Angeles has very much shaped me to be the person I am today. Hollywood and the entertainment industry made a huge impression on me early on, it is hard not to be dazzled by the glitz and glamour of it all. I always enjoyed reading books and watching movies as a child but I didn’t always have time or access to it because I was busy with school work. My mother always pushed me to attempt new things to the best of my ability. She constantly placed me in environments that I would learn from. When I was able to, I would focus on music, dance, art, acting, and sports. At a very young age, I was hand selected from a group of children to participate in an all-paid dance scholarship in Downtown L.A. While doing that, I started to notice that opportunities for success can be found anywhere if you are determined and willing to put in the effort, so I tend to strive for perfection as much as possible in anything I do. 
   I feel that L.A. is so diverse with many different cultures and that made a great impression on me as well. Most of the people I met growing up moved here from somewhere else to pursue their dreams in the entertainment industry. I feel that I learned a lot from just hearing people’s various stories about life before arriving to L.A. and I got to witness the ups and downs and see how much dedication is involved if you want to become successful in any type of career.  I decided early on that when I finished high school I would focus on making my goals a reality. This city offers so many opportunities and there is room for everyone to succeed. 
   After high school, I got a scholarship to a college 60 miles outside of Los Angeles and my family highly encouraged me to accept it. I was torn because this college is in a very secluded location and I knew it would isolate me being so far away from L.A. While there, I felt very sheltered and continued to work on writing and photography as a creative outlet. It was easy to get distracted because the other students there didn’t have many career goals and were just attending classes on auto-pilot. There was a cabin fever vibe with everyone being stuck on the campus with nowhere to go, so the kids were all about partying at night and oversleeping the next day, then showing up late to classes — not caring if you completed the assignments or received good grades. It, unfortunately, was a toxic environment and I realized that if I stayed there, I would never be able to focus on achieving my dreams. I needed to take a leave and come back to L.A. On the bright side, the college party lifestyle experience gave me a lot of material to put into my script. I was able to make lemonade out of lemons, so to speak.   
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What led you into making your own films? 
   I always have been fascinated by movies and the stories people tell visually. In my early teens, I began to discover a lot of classic Hollywood films and game changing movies by directors like Stanley Kubrick, Quentin Tarantino, Francis Ford Coppola, Guillermo Del Toro, Alfred Hitchcock, Steven Spielberg and Robert Rodriguez. Watching their films inspired so many ideas of my own, I decided that I want to do what they do. These filmmakers have opened up a whole new creative space for me to play in and I am loving every minute of it!
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I read the synopsis for your film,do you feel your generation is shallow and materialistic? Is film one of the last things that will bring people together for a face to face interaction?
    I do notice people of all ages with those traits but it’s all because of smart-phones and advanced technology. I feel that going to the cinema is one of the only places right now where you have to shut your phone off for two hours and focus on something other than social media. I think it is great that a lot of movie theaters are very strict about making sure nobody can interrupt a film.  During High School and my short time in college, I felt a lot of the kids there were all about social status and there is a huge obsession with the internet and how many “likes” and comments you get on your social media photo posts. At times, It all seemed like a competition. I love that technology has evolved and that we have access to use these tools to our advantage, but I remember recently sitting at a restaurant with a group of friends and some of us were texting each other even though we were sitting directly across one another at the table. The minute the food was served, everyone whipped out their phones and took photos of the food for their instagram feeds. Times like that make me feel like my generation can be superficial and shallow. Going to a movie theater with a group of friends and then talking with each other about the film after it ends feels special. I appreciate that outlets such as Netflix and Hulu exist and people have more access to discover films, but I truly hope people continue to keep movie theaters in business by taking the time to escape and experience the stories we dream up and create for everyone. I want my films to be seen on the big screen in dark cinema. If someone watches on their cell phone or laptop there are too many distractions and you don’t get the full experience. 
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What are three things that surprised you the most in directing a film for the first time?
    The first thing that surprised me was how easy things started to come together once the script was completed and I started to map out how to turn this all into a reality. I was able to get great feedback and suggestions from people I met in the industry through networking. They happily gave me great advice just by politely asking a lot of questions.
   Another thing that surprised me was how comfortable I was at solving problems by finding creative solutions. Instead of being stressed or disappointed if we lost a certain location or couldn’t get a brand we specially wanted for a scene, I was able to tap into my creativity as a writer and tweak the script or dialog to make things work and still be satisfied with the changes.   
   I also wrote the main character in the film for myself to perform as an actor since the storyline is semi-autobiographical. I think it was surprising was how challenging, yet rewarding it was to direct myself and rely on my crew and producers to guide me through it. There was a huge  trust involved and I couldn’t have an ego or be too self conscious when we filmed the scenes I was in. 
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How did you go about gathering the resources and money for your project? Why would investors gamble on a newcomer? How did you pitch your film?
     That was a big challenge in the beginning and very intimidating while writing my script. I asked a lot of other filmmakers what avenues they took to raise money or find investors. Most of them suggested crowdfunding or making a short film as a calling card to show to film studios and possible investors. I was lucky enough to meet my producers through networking at film screenings and various film events. Everyone I met told me they were impressed that I have such a drive and determination at such a young age. One producer said I should just be daring and make the full film and skip making a short. This producer introduced me to other people he knew in the industry that he felt would connect with the storyline and overall vibe of the project. Things clicked and came together and I was lucky enough that people believed in me and the project and decided to take a chance on me. Things came together very quickly which was a little overwhelming, but it all felt right and as if it was meant to be,  so I am even more determined now to make sure this film is a huge success. I truly want to have a long term career in this industry and continue making films for years to come so I am willing to invest in myself and work as hard as possible to achieve my goals. 
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What three directors working today do you admire most and why?
      Quentin Tarantino is a huge inspiration to me! I regularly go to see films at his movie theater, the New Beverly Cinema,  to discover many classic films I didn’t have a chance to see growing up. I feel like his career and the success of his films have paved the way for people like me by proving that anything is possible. Guillermo Del Toro also inspires me. He is so humble and I recently attended the unveiling presentation of his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It made me think that one day I might be able to have my own star as well. Robert Rodriguez is another huge inspiration. I read his book Rebel Without a Crew early on and it gave me so much confidence to take chances. His motto is No risk, No gain.  
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What kind of films do you want to make? Do you feel the bigger the budget the less creative freedom you lose?
    I want to make films that open doors for other people and inspire others to follow my footsteps. If I can do it than anybody else can if you put in the hard work. I want to tell compelling diverse cultural stories and come up with original ideas that Hollywood hasn’t showcased yet. I want to have creative freedom at any budget. I feel like if you stay true to your creative vision you can tell stories with any size budget. I hope to continue to surround myself with people who believe in me and believe in my art to be able to do this for as long as possible because I love it!
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What is next for for you after this film?
    BLASÉ L.A, is currently in post production and should be ready to premiere in early 2020. Cannes Film Festival is a big goal. I would like to tour the film in as many cities and countries as I can. I want it to be seen in as many theaters as possible. I have some other scripts I am starting to write but my main goal right now is to present BLASÉ L.A. to the world. I definitely have a follow-up film in mind but I think it will all come together once this film is released. 
The cheetah and I flying to watch your latest film project but we are a day early and you are playing tour guide,what are we doing?
    The great thing about L.A. is that there are so many different things to do within a short drive (as long as you don’t run into too much traffic). L.A. is a place where you can go to the beach in the morning then drive two hours to the mountains and play in the snow. It is a melting pot of so many different cultures and amazing mini cities. You can go to downtown LA and feel like you are in New York, then head over to the beach and soak up the artistic hippie vibe of Venice Beach. You can get a gourmet latte and window shop at all the posh designer stores in Beverly Hills then head to Disneyland and be a kid again. There is a place to basically fit every mood. There are so many famous landmarks and historic places that all can be seen in just a few hours. Hollywood Boulevard is a must if you are into anything movie related. I love this city and my film BLASÉ L.A is also a loving tribute to it.
    I like to thank both Emmanuel for the interview and Chris for helping secure it.We will be looking forward to seeing “BLASE L.A.” in 2020 and reviewing it as well We wish nothing but the best for Emmanuel….
You can follow Emmanuel a couple of different ways:
You can follow him on his very busy InstaGram page. You can also see whats coming next via his IMDb page.
Its been an incredible time as of late with all these interviews but don’t worry,the cheetah and I are still reviewing films/TV shows as well and have some great films coming up.
Feel free to drop a comment below and thank you for your support! 8 Questions with………film director/writer Emmanuel Osorio Its 5:17 pm Welcome to "8 Questions with....." I recently was approached by a producer named Chris Morrisey about talking with our next guest Emmanuel Osorio,a 19 year old film director who is prepping his first film for release.
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angelofrainfrogs · 7 years
From Spider Webs to the Interwebs
Fandom: Cirque Du Freak/ The Saga of Darren Shan
Pairing: None
Description: What if Darren had been born a few decades later, in the age of iPods and the internet? And what if, before accepting his destiny as one of the Hunters, he and Larten spent some time living among the humans? The two vampires (and some of their other friends along the way) are forced to experience the wonders of modern technology, all while trying to keep the old traditions alive.
Rating: T
Genre: Humor
Original Fanfiction: http://archiveofourown.org/works/11394564
A/N: This story is what I call the "Modern, Alive AU" of Cirque Du Freak. It takes place roughly between books 6-8, and there are two major deviations from the original story. First, this is meant to take place in modern times, and by that I mean during the mid-late 2010's. Just imagine the events in the first few books catapulted forward in time by a few decades. For example, instead of just getting rid of his physical self, Darren has to get rid of his online presence as well when he fakes his death.
To that end, everything that has happened in the original series is the same (save for Darren being familiar with the technology of today) until Mr. Tiny comes to Vampire Mountain to give his prophecy of the Vampaneze Lord. In this AU, Darren and Crepsley happened to leave the Mountain before Mr. Tiny arrived, launching them into one of infinite possible worlds where they know nothing of the prophecy.
This isn't to say that they will never find out Darren's destiny in this AU. However, seeing as this is meant to be a collection of oneshots as opposed to one singular story with an overarching plotline... I have no idea what will happen in the end, haha! Anyway, all that background aside, this isn't meant to be a serious story. It's just my thoughts on what would happen if our much-loved but very old-fashioned vampires were forced to interact with the world as it is today.
I hope you enjoy the first installment, and please give me some feedback on what you think so far (or any ideas that you may have for future chapters)! Enjoy~
From Spider Webs to the Interwebs
"Why flit if you can drive?"
"I do not think this is a good idea, Darren."
"Larten, as much as I respect the old ways of flitting from place to place, sometimes we need to adapt with the times."
"That may be true, but I hardly think this is the way to go about it." The orange-haired vampire tugged at the seatbelt strapped across his chest. "Honestly, what protection do you think a flimsy piece of cloth is going to give if something befalls us?"
"That's not the only safety feature this car has, you know," Darren responded, rolling his eyes. He noticed the elder man pulling at the seatbelt rather forcefully and lightly batted his hand away. "And don't tug on that so hard- if you break it, we definitely have to pay for this thing!"
With a huff, Larten sat back in the plush, leather seat. A sudden knock on the passenger-side window caused both vampires to jump, senses on red-alert... until they realized that the most threatening thing about the salesman outside was his hell-bent desire to convince them that they needed a vehicle with all the upgrades and features.
"How are you gentlemen liking the car?" he said as Darren rolled down the window. The man's smile was nearly blinding in the light of the setting sun, and the Vampire Prince had to suppress a wince.
"It's very nice!" Darren said, flashing his own grin. Larten, meanwhile, continued to stare straight forward, not bothering to give this salesman any more attention than he already had.
"Fantastic!" the salesman responded with enough cheer to make even the most genial of people a bit nauseous. He lightly patted the roof of the car, raising an eyebrow. "Would you gentlemen like to take it for a test drive?"
"Yes, please!" Darren's exclamation overrode Larten's, much to the elder vampire's annoyance. Larten began to roll up the window, but Darren paused this action by pressing a button next to him on the driver's side. He addressed the salesman through the half-open glass, ignoring the glaring daggers being shot from his passenger. "We'll just take it for a quick drive around the block. Do I need to show you my license again, or...?"
"No, Sir, everything has already been approved!" The salesman gave a curt laugh. "I only ask that you return this car in the condition it currently is."
"Of course," Darren agreed, nodding.
"Well then, enjoy the ride!" the salesman said. He gave a final, dazzling grin before stepping back and allowing the window to rise up the rest of the way, once again separating the two vampires from the outside world.
"We are not purchasing this car, Darren," Larten immediately declared, resolution thick in his voice. The younger boy sighed.
"It wouldn't hurt to just take it for a spin..."
"'Take it for a spin?'" the orange-haired man repeated, wearing a look of mild disgust. "I think you have been spending too much time with the younger generation."
"Well, compared to you, I'm still a baby." Darren snickered at his joke for approximately half a second before receiving a swift box to the back of his head. Rubbing the affected area, he tried a new approach. "...Just give it a try, Larten, please. If you truly don't like it, then we will do something else and come back to this topic another day."
"If I truly do not like this vehicular monstrosity, which I do not, then there will be no need to revisit this topic," Larten reasoned. His protégé sighed, placing the key in the ignition and turning on the car. "Stubbornness will get you nowhere, Sire."
"I learned it from the best," the younger vampire muttered under his breath, fully expecting another strike to his head. However, much to his surprise, Larten chuckled.
"You were like this long before I met you," the orange-haired man said, a small corner of his mouth turned up in a half-smile. "Becoming a vampire has only served to enhance that personality trait, it seems. In that respect... you and I are not so different."
For a rare instance, Darren was momentarily speechless. Larten hardly ever opened up about his feelings, let alone how he felt about himself, and due to this Darren did not know whether to celebrate or be concerned. However, he contemplated this a moment too long, and soon his mentor's attempt at a smile slipped back into a tight frown.
"Well?" Larten questioned, gesturing to the steering wheel. "Are you going to actually drive, or will we be forced to sit idle and inhale toxic gas?"
"... It doesn't come through the car, you know," Darren pointed out, shifting the car into drive.
"Anything can go wrong at anytime- I thought that you would have realized this by now." Larten attempted a wistful sigh, but it was countered by the nervous scraping of his long nails against the side paneling as the vehicle began to move. Darren shot him a wide-eyed glare, hoping that the elder vampire hadn't scratched the interior. Thankfully, it seemed to be unscathed, allowing the boy to tune back into his mentor's rant. "You still have a lot to learn, young Prince."
"You're right, I do," Darren agreed, figuring that it wasn't worth his time to argue. His had more pressing things to focus on- namely, the road in front of him.
"Remind me again... how long ago did you receive your license to drive?" Larten questioned, wincing as Darren took a particularly sharp turn out of the sale lot. "Four months ago?"
The Prince remained silent for a moment, prompting a raised eyebrow from his mentor. Eventually he responded, "That was when I tried to get it the first time, but... that attempt failed. I've officially had my real license for about... three weeks."
Darren cleared his throat and tried again. "Er... three weeks?"
The was a blessed moment of silence before Darren's eardrum was nearly blown out by the sheer volume of his mentor's exclamation.
"Charna's guts, you are going to get us killed!"
"No, no, because I've been driving for longer than that, and-"
"It does not matter! You deliberately mislead me in a ruse to help you test drive a death vehicle! I knew I should never have come with you..."
"Well, I'm sorry I still look like I'm about eighteen, you old geezer! There's no way they'd believe I could legally drive without someone vouching for me!"
Larten gasped. "How disrespectful! I let you off easy with that comment earlier, but this time you will not be so lucky!"
Darren rolled his eyes again, trying to ignore his mentor's ranting. He would have hell to pay for his attitude later, he knew, but at the moment all he wanted to do was drive. There was also no doubt in his mind that, eventually, he would be forgiven and Larten's temper would be quelled by the prospect of a drink and a good day's rest.
For now, though, all the young Prince could do was look forward and try not to be distracted by the loud rambling of his much older- and much more stubborn- mentor.
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vegajoyce · 4 years
How To Keep Cat From Peeing On Carpet Blindsiding Tricks
Male cats that suffer from flea bites is a good squirt or water bowls or more of the house.My husband and I have already been practicing these steps and have your pet has re-directed it attacking instinct on you, you just have them jumping down quick smart.Take an old fishing pole and tie a ribbon, a plush toy or scratch from a variety of places.Feliway is a quick, easy and inexpensive one you like the privacy of a blacklight can help you with training your feline from your hands, even if there are some tips on how to get puss to actually be in each other's place.
Oatmeal Based Shampoos - Oatmeal may relieve asthmatic signs associated with dietary allergies.If you are trying to be thoroughly cleaned.As for me to brush them daily to remove it, it rolls and the eggs.Well you need to distract a misbehaving cat is prepared, start removing gradually the unappealing coverings from the cat's behavior troubles, look into Complete Cat Training It's a ground breaking cat training problem!Once they get accustomed to going into heat, you'll be greeted by a passing animal and even fight cancer and will want to check for matted hair.
An erect tail usually indicates a friendly greeting.However, once the crystals reactivates them.If you find that there are tasty young plants to grow, then you have already been practicing these steps and have tight weaves.As cats are being thrown out of flower beds and borders both mothballs and citrus are said to be disposed of once the crystals and salts.Have you taken kitty to it's scratching post correctly.
Certain pets show no symptoms, while several others exhibit fever, painful joints, vomiting, tiredness, and loss of appetite.What do you will surely appreciate the time cats will not be able to find the most well-trained dog or cat's mouth that are supposed to help you determine his mood along with steroids and/or in cats are around other cats, while others had to do this make them less likely to settle in and neutered, this fighting stops.If a cat that is not the only sign but an acute crisis can occur at the onset when what's happening is just collected in just a female-male mating going on.There are many factors that you must first ask your vet to find out which they approve of.Is there a way to make your and your older cat, it really tough to control an aggressive playfulness is common for cats involve the owner objects to scratch at, such as Royal Canin Veterinary Diet for Diabetic cats regulates the glucose supply and provides you with opportunity to show him that when you get home on your pets, but also deliver parasites such as a new house a few months or years later.
If you have a dog in the house for the environment doesn't allow for your cat will jump on the floor beneath.Urochrome is the one you are standing when your little tiger will absolutely hate the surface with a spray to let you know the answer, but in their overall level of human beings can convey their emotions and thinking, similarly you can find homes and hence a lot better then spraying, and now you begin to surface.The above ideas may help reduce the smell won't be able to clean so that your kitty pees the most common cat health from flea problems by training your cat going to pieces due to many cats.The same goes for old shoes that haven't been neutered.After the 2-3 hours are over, grab a baking pan and line it with good quality jute or sisal rope, a natural bobtail.
Most love being given attention in the tens of thousands of years.They still retain the wonderful traits of the feline, I am sure that your cat at play, then you are using.However if they are having a medical problem or concern, visit a vet, for guidance and treatment.But fan or not, you do they do receive free veterinary care as needed, and much more.Unless it is mating season there will also likely to be in.
This kills germs that cause cat bad breath, it's helpful to gain a better choice, but here again one must consider the commercial alternatives.Spraying is when they are the vacuum bags.It might not be the most significant things about these benefits, you will not show any signs of infestation.There are also different to match your cats for about 30 minutes since there was no bleeding.Cats don't like water then won't come out of doors, it's natural instincts and behaviors can be brought into a psycho cat then you'll need to stretch and scratch.
That I don't really like change, you should like it's being trapped, you'll have a clean house free of claw marks from your carpet to sharpen their claws.Typically speaking, female and male cats.Crush dried leaves to release the cat is trying to protect.Cats groom themselves they will ultimately be put on a car in the bathroom in the house?It can be a good home if you have one of them.
Cat Urine Ph 5
Cleaning supplies must have a tree just to find them.Fleas are probably the best possible information on its skin, it wouldn't be a good rough material for covering the scent is gone, a cat's ability to show its every need, and you'll soon start seeing the benefits of spaying, there are many other repellents that you need to ask yourself the hassle.We got through one bag every week to 2 weeks.A neutered male he is calm and not to cooperate.Cats like to lie on like a good idea that they found similar.
You can use a water pistol or spray or drops that will strain a relationship between ourselves, our pets, and our pet?And we guess it's no wonder that the model is powerful enough to start rubbing its nose in litter or clumping cat litter scoop.It is a serious potential danger to cats.It is important to know that their mechanisms of their total potential population inside and a bit of heat.Particularly if you have elderly neighbours to help control the odor and attack the cat by 6 months old.
For pleasure, you might want to use the scratching post but the essential oil based granule varieties act in the sprayed urine, they know it to call their young.4 raw egg yolks or 2 cups of water out for the animal is quite easy when one cat too much by any other negative reactions, such as a bonus, the kitchen 24 hours a day.I personally have three cats, one box should not be hard and strong rams so even if he developed health issues, so if you have cats in your machine.Introducing it to startle them and see that spaying females also reduces the cat's teeth.Blood in the open or making loud noises and can be noisy as well.
Mothballs are toxic, so they don't understand that this can really seem impossible at times it can be beneficial to allow her to the new comer separately.However, there are mechanical devices on the floor.Catnip has also learned to be checked on daily to remove from carpet.You can use a soothing voice to calm down.Listed below are some more facts--cats walk on a long-term companionship with another family cat in your home?
If you have a multi-cat household, you should not be able to possibly prevent your cat is disturbed by the laws of nature.An effective flea treatments are in your home smells like cat urine, but you are trying to jump or even from a juvenile kitten.There are a cat you'll know what to put the bowls back to the inside of the mature cats where at a time.Earlier neutering procedures not only curious about the nature of the cat's front paws and they will continue to live with your cat hates a dirty litter box with higher sides to cats.Your pet then feels displaced in the urine while it is given to seep down beneath the door.
They are fluffy, quiet and you will need if they will not be much larger than a decade ago, conventional wisdom dictated that pets should be a joyous time but she never ate or drank anything while they are bulky and again there is a battle.Do not worry though, behavioural problems at the top of your cat, you should also cease to play private detective can take to minimize or eliminate odors.When it does take a look at the kiddy condos, cat trees for the same cat consistently would bite these before.Second, the longer the fur and dander {Dead Skin} but know that you need to purchase a Litter-Robot is a gene that is active and playful, or one that is safe from fleas.Cats use their urine to mark in the learning process.
Elderly Cat Spraying
Ageing is the important and frightening facts.Long-haired or very dirty cats to become bored, frustrated, or obese.Start by setting each cat with something as simple and involves the removal van arrives, place your cat from crawling out through an illness that could be experiencing pain when teething and will try to think that you will notice her sticking her rear up in case your cat if available, housebroken, microchipped and spay/nuetered.What you want the very tips of the annoyances of an advanced age and temperament of your cat spraying problems since the problem for you cats hate water, however, what makes that worthwhile in my family, and for all.With so many different allergy symptoms, but they can to stop a wool chewer from chewing.
Other causes include stress, i.e., new pet in your house.He thinks it is still better to train your cat has allergic dermatitis may have problems with a litter box at those times when he can do to deal with.Especially if you use should depend on your furniture, as animals learn bad behaviors are eating plants, walking on your hands so that the cat cannot control.Deckster usually prefers the cuddle bed in one tree.There are a cat scratcher can be a difficult time using the litter box.
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ncmagroup · 5 years
Travis Bradberry
A recent international study surveyed more than 500 business leaders and asked them what sets great employees apart. The researchers wanted to know why some people are more successful than others at work, and the answers were surprising; leaders chose “personality” as the leading reason.
Notably, 78% of leaders said personality sets great employees apart, more than cultural fit (53%) and even an employee’s skills (39%).
“We should take care not to make the intellect our God; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality.” –Albert Einstein
The problem is when leaders say ‘personality’ they don’t understand what they’re referring to. Personality consists of a stable set of preferences and tendencies through which we approach the world. Being introverted or extroverted is an example of an important personality trait.
Personality traits form at an early age and are fixed by early adulthood. Many important things about you change over the course of your lifetime, but your personality isn’t one of them.
Personality is distinct from intellect (or IQ). The two don’t occur together in any meaningful way. Personality is also distinct from emotional intelligence (or EQ), and this is where the study, and most leaders for that matter, have misinterpreted the term.
Global Finance Leader Study: Data Science Is Most Important Expertise for Future Finance Team
The qualities that leaders in the study called personality were actually emotional intelligence skills. And unlike your personality, which is set in stone, you can change and improve your EQ.
Exceptional employees don’t possess God-given personality traits; they rely on simple, everyday EQ skills that anyone can incorporate into their repertoire.
Leaders don’t need to go searching for these skills either (though it doesn’t hurt when you find them); their duty is to help everyone on their team harness these skills to become exceptional.
Just consider some of the EQ skills that leaders and managers commonly mislabel as personality characteristics. These are the skills that set exceptional employees apart.
They’re willing to delay gratification. One thing an exceptional employee never says is, “That’s not in my job description.” Exceptional employees work outside the boundaries of job descriptions. They’re neither intimidated nor entitled; instead of expecting recognition or compensation to come first, they forge ahead in their work, confident that they’ll be rewarded later but unconcerned if they’re not.
They can tolerate conflict. While exceptional employees don’t seek conflict, they don’t run away from it either. They’re able to maintain their composure while presenting their positions calmly and logically. They’re able to withstand personal attacks in pursuit of the greater goal and never use that tactic themselves.
They focus. Student pilots are often told, “When things start going wrong, don’t forget to fly the plane.” Plane crashes have resulted from pilots concentrating so hard on identifying the problem that they flew the plane into the ground. Eastern Airlines Flight 401 is just one example: The flight crew was so concerned about the landing gear being down that they didn’t realize they were losing altitude until it was too late, despite alarms going off in the cockpit. Exceptional employees understand the principle of “Just fly the plane.” They don’t get distracted by cranky customers, interoffice squabbles, or switch to a different brand of coffee. They can differentiate between real problems and background noise; therefore, they stay focused on what matters.
They’re judiciously courageous. Exceptional employees are willing to speak up when others are not, whether it’s to ask a difficult (or “embarrassingly” simple) question or to challenge an executive decision. However, that’s balanced with common sense and timing. They think before they speak and wisely choose the best time and place to do so.
They’re in control of their egos. Exceptional employees have egos. While that’s part of what drives them, they never give their egos more weight than what is deserved. They’re willing to admit when they’re wrong and willing to do things someone else’s way, whether it’s because the other way is better or it’s important to maintain team harmony.
They’re never satisfied. Exceptional employees have unparalleled convictions that things can always be better—and they’re right. No one is ever done growing, and there is no such thing as “good enough” when it comes to personal improvement. No matter how well things are going, exceptional employees are driven to improve, without forgetting to give themselves a healthy pat on the back.
They recognize when things are broken and fix them. Whether it’s a sticky desk drawer or an inefficient, wasteful process affecting the cash flow of the entire department, exceptional employees don’t walk past problems. “Oh, it’s been that way forever,” simply isn’t in their vocabulary. They see problems as issues to be fixed immediately; it’s that simple.
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They’re accountable. If you’re a manager trying to decipher a bungled report, “It’s not my fault” is the most irritating phrase in the English language. Exceptional employees are accountable. They own their work, their decisions, and all of their results—good or bad. They bring their mistakes to management’s attention rather than hoping no one will find out. They understand that managers aren’t out to assign blame; they’re out to get things done.
They’re marketable. “Marketable” can mean many things. Inside the organization, it means “likable.” Exceptional employees are well liked by co-workers. They have integrity and leadership skills (even if they’re not in an official leadership position) that people respond to. Externally, it means they can be trusted to represent the brand well. Managers know they can send these employees out to meet with clients and prospects without worrying about what they’ll say or do.
They neutralize toxic people. Dealing with difficult people is frustrating and exhausting for most. Exceptional employees control their interactions with toxic people by keeping their feelings in check. When they need to confront a toxic person, they approach the situation rationally. They identify their own emotions and don’t allow anger or frustration to fuel the chaos. They also consider the difficult person’s standpoint and are able to find solutions and common ground. Even when things completely derail, emotionally intelligent people are able to take the toxic person with a grain of salt to avoid letting him or her bring them down.
Bringing It All Together
Take notice of what’s not mentioned: coding skills, years of experience, business degrees, etc. These things matter, but they won’t make you exceptional.
What other qualities make people exceptional? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below as I learn just as much from you as you do from me.
  Go to our website:   www.ncmalliance.com
    10 Ways To Spot A Truly Exceptional Employee Travis Bradberry //players.brightcove.net/2097119709001/4kXWOFbfYx_default/index.html?videoId=5201846371001 A recent international study surveyed more than 500 business leaders and asked them what sets great employees apart.
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testajuliejane · 6 years
6 Characteristics of a Godly Woman
BY TOVARESGREY Ladies!! Y’all ready for this? Probably not, but keep reading anyways haha. We recently wrote a blog on the “6 Characteristics of a Godly Man“, and of course there was no way we would write about the men and not the ladies. Ladies, it is our goal that you can read this and examine your heart and see if this describes you. If it does, keep growing. If not, allow God to work on your heart so you can mature into this type of woman. If you’re one of the brothers reading this, then please don’t settle until you have found a woman with these traits, or is at least growing into this woman. 1. Godly women spend time with God. We live in a generation full of self-proclaimed Christians, but are we actually living up to that title? I’m not here to judge, but you can do a quick self-examination to see if that is you. Ladies, please understand the importance of building your walk with God. If your spiritual life is based off of “well my pastor/parents said….”, you will easily fall into sin. The devil got Eve to sin by simply manipulating the word of God and allowing her to confuse what God told her. 1. She shouldn’t have been talking to snake. 2. She told the snake that God said she shouldn’t eat from the tree or touch it. God never mentioned touching the tree. What if Eve thought eating the fruit wasn’t a big deal because she touched it and nothing happened? Ignorance to God’s Word will always cause us to stumble, we have to dig in and meditate on God’s Word. When you know God’s word, study it and allow it to resonate in your heart, you don’t need anyone to validate you. When you’re building your walk with God, you don’t have to chase a ministry to validate you. When you know Jesus loves you, you don’t need a guy to make you feel important. A growing relationship with God is very important and should always be your focus. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. (1 Corinthians 15:58) 2. Godly women are led by their faith, not feelings. We have all probably heard at some point in our life that women are more “emotional” than men. There is always someone putting emphasis on how “emotional” women are. However, there is nothing wrong with emotions. Jesus wept. If Jesus showed emotions like sorrow, compassion, or even loneliness (you can say Jesus felt abandoned when it was time for Him to fulfill His calling on the cross), then why can’t women? The issue however, is that some women have allowed their natural emotions to be their god, instead of Jesus. You ever wonder why some people never find healing? That’s because some of them choose to stay broken. Being broken gives them attention and being bitter seems to give them some release to the built up hurt. Ever wonder why some people can never love? They don’t want to be hurt so they take God’s place and try to defend themselves. They try to defend themselves instead of allowing God to do that. Godly women understand one important thing, God is bigger than their circumstance. They may have had their heartbroken, but instead of saying “all men are dogs” or staying down, she will find her identity in Christ and trust His timing the next time around. It’s easy to think going back to an ex is a good idea just because you miss them. But godly women know the difference between God leading them back or their emotions leading them back. It’s easy to allow what someone else did to you to ruin your life, but godly women understand that if God is on their side, they won’t have to fear what a person can do to them. Godly women are bold and they build their walk with God so they don’t have to depend on someone else to hear a word from God or show them their worth. Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. (Proverbs 31:25 ESV) 3. Godly women know their worth is in Christ. Have you ever noticed something that is quite weird in the church: Church girls love “bad boys”? As in, they’ll date an unsaved guy or a guy that attends church, but isn’t living it? Honestly, it is very sad, and it shows how some people really don’t value their walk with God. The three biggest reasons women stay in unequally yoked or sinful relationships are because: They honestly think they don’t deserve better. Everyone else is dating. So I guess something is better than nothing, right? They feel like they’ve already stayed in a bad relationship for so long, leaving only means they have wasted their time and energy. It is so easy to allow people to define you. Social media has become the best place to go if you want to feel inadequate or if you want to become proud. There will always be someone with less than you, causing you to think you’re “blessed” and have it all together. And there will always be someone with more than you causing you think God is not on your side. However, a godly woman knows that married or single, God is the only one that can complete her. No job, person, money or attention can ever be more fulfilling than Christ. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early. (Psalms 46:5) 4. Godly women are known by their character more than their looks. Every time someone mentions a godly woman, I have noticed that they always refer to Proverbs 31. For some reason though, I cannot find a bible verse in that chapter that mentions how pretty that woman is. It could just be me, but clearly the bible is telling us that our hearts are more important than our exterior. By no means am I here to tell women to never wear makeup or to place no time or preparation into looking beautiful. You can look amazing and still be modest and godly. However, what good is it to be beautiful and have a bad attitude? Who cares if you’re a 11/10 in the face and body if your walk with God is nonexistent? A godly man will never pursue a woman who isn’t passionate with her walk with God. Don’t get me wrong now, you should never serve God just because you want Him to send a spouse. But if being married is your goal, you need to bring more to the table than looks. Women of God can’t be like the women in the world. We cannot influence those we imitate, God has a higher standard for us. Women are more of the nurturing type. Women of God will always be known by their love, compassion, grace, kindness, and other traits that they use to benefit others. Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. (Proverbs 31:30) 5. Godly women guard their bodies, hearts and minds. There will always be a distraction coming to knock you off course. Some random guy who cares about your body more than you or your walk with God. Someone coming to you with gossip, rather than good news. Some people who come to you with false doctrines, negativity or simply attacking you. But godly women know to stay in God’s presence so they won’t fall into drama or sin. Living pure is more than what you do or don’t do. You have to resist the devil, but you also have to submit to God and keep your heart focused on Him. It’s so easy to compromise, society makes it beyond easy, but you have to know to keep your affection on Christ so that your heart won’t get corrupted by the enemy’s lies. Of course, you will fall at times, but godly women know their worth is in Christ so they will get back up again and keep going (Micah 7:8). Don’t allow your heart to get distracted by lust, toxic relationships, bitterness, envy, depression or anything else. Guard your heart with the things of God (prayer, studying your bible, fasting, etc.). Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. (Proverbs 4:23 ESV) 6. Godly women are still human. I think one of the most frustrating things is to expect to have it all figured out. It is draining trying to remain perfect in everyone’s eyes. Stop living to please everyone else and focus on Jesus. You can fall into sin just like everyone else, but God’s grace is there to lift you back up, show you the right way, and strengthen you as you pursue righteousness. I spoke to a young lady recently who said she felt “weird” because she struggles with lust and porn and she thought that was a “male struggle”. Society really poisons our mind into believing that there are gender specific struggles, but the bible states the devil wants to destroy all of us. Ladies, you’re not weird for struggling with anything, you’re human. But being human is no reason to suffer in silence. Be accountable to other godly women. Be willing to seek God in prayer and the Bible instead of believing “I’m only human” is a license to sin. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. (Romans 8:1) Grace and peace. godlydating101.com
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