#my series does contain dark/serious themes but it's tagged for
27twinsister · 1 year
Sonoi's Poetry Series Reflection
For those who don't know, I write toku fanfiction (mostly Sentai) on AO3. I just finished my series Sonoi's Poetry, a series that I started in April 2022 and wrote in a non-linear order. The first thing that I wrote for that series, The Forgotten Room, is Part 13. (That's the main reason why it's a series instead of a multi-chapter book by the way- reordering chapters in a book seemed like it would make it more confusing.) So I wanted to make a post about my experience writing this series, now that it's finished and knowing who premieres in the next episode of Donbrothers.
I always knew Sonoi's Poetry wasn't going to be canon compliant. In my head, there was always 3 possibilities:
Sonoshi doesn't exist in canon, and therefore is an OC
Sonoshi does exist in canon, but the extremely specific backstory of my series didn't happen
Sonoshi does exist in canon, but has a different personality/characterization as the character in my series
In the end, it seems to be a combination of 2 and 3. Definitely 3.
Still, I went in trying to make it…not 100% canon compliant but following canon events for as long as possible. That's why there are poems referencing specific episodes. But it could no longer be canon compliant after episode 27. I had to go in a different direction, so Impossible (Part 25) was where the series officially stopped following canon. But considering it started in April, and that poem was in October, it was a long time of following canon, or at least trying to.
I want to talk about my process in making the series, especially since I did it for a currently airing show. This involves spoilers for both my series (though not much for Donbrothers itself) so I'll put it under the cut.
The idea from Sonoi's Poetry was simple: There was a fourth member of the Noto (Sonoshi) who was kidnapped and grew up and became…someone.
Originally, it was supposed to be Taro. Sonoshi was supposed to be kidnapped by Jin, grow up, and become Taro. This worked for a while. It's also why there are canon-related poems about Taro (like Dear Stranger). I decided to keep those poems in the series because…c'mon, Sonoi would totally write poems about Taro.
But that idea got dropped, and I didn't add much in June or July as I was trying to figure out who Sonoshi should grow up to be. It had to be someone with little to no backstory, who wasn't in the middle of a complicated plotline. It couldn't be Taro, and obviously couldn't be a Noto. I could just make an OC.
But then there he was: Don Murasame.
I don't remember what episode it was, but I remember waiting for that week's episode to air just to make sure they didn't decide now was the time to give Don Murasame a civilian identity or anything. They didn't, so I continued with my plan: Sonoshi would grow up to become Don Murasame.
I had the plan for Don Murasame and Sonoshi to be the same person in the summer. But I didn't know how to establish a connection between them in a poem form. I posted the poem what mother wants (Part 23) in July to get a poem about Don Murasame in so the reveal wouldn't be completely out of nowhere, and then I decided to go back in the timeline. I needed to establish why Sonoi cared about Sonoshi, which is why I wrote Parts 2-4, and I had to convey how Don Murasame went from being Sonoshi to being Don Murasame. I knew I could use Mother, but Sonoi didn't have a way to interact with Mother. Especially not Child Sonoi.
So I made the Confidential File (Part 28). Not a poem, but a very important piece of text that details how Sonoshi went missing, while still keeping everyone's identity vague. I made a weapon prototype get stolen at the same time, to connect Sonoshi and Don Murasame's sword form. Sonoi discovers this document in the present day, so it's later in the series.
After formatting the Confidential File and really liking it, I had a bit of a block. I knew where I wanted everyone to end up (living together, alive, well-off,) but was struggling to get there in poem format. But it's fine, Sonoshi doesn't canonically exist, the series doesn't need to follow canon anyways, no rush.
And then the preview for episode 37 aired and I really wanted to get the series out before Sonoshi canonically debuted.
There are many types of poems, but luckily there are free verse poems. Free verse poems have no rules. Lines and stanzas can be any length, there's no set rhyme scheme, you can really do whatever you want. 5/6 of the poems posted after the Confidential File are Free Verse poems. I wrote them like that because I needed to get the story out, and quickly. The one that isn't is After (Part 31), a haiku sequence (multiple haikus in a certain order). I like haiku sequences and they come fairly naturally when I know what I want to write about.
I finished writing Sonoi's Poetry on November 13th at 10:26 PM. I posted it over the next few days and ended up posting the final part just after midnight on November 18, my timezone.
And now here we are.
I am satisfied with how Sonoi's Poetry turned out. Writing non-linearly was hard to keep track of at times but reading them in series order they all make sense. It's also a different way of telling a story, using poems instead of prose. I don't know if I'll do something like this again, and I don't think I recommend doing this for a show as it airs, at least not if you want to try being canon compliant, but it was an experience, and I enjoyed every bit of it.
Sonoshi debuts this weekend and he is very handsome and I am looking forward to meeting him.
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dndeceit · 1 year
This is just a bunch of meta for my fic “Nails in the Coffin”.
The initial idea for this story came to me years ago after my initial fic binge upon finding this fandom. Influence wormed its way in from a lot of the fics I read at the time, but the anonymously authored series "a feeling's not a thing you own" probably had more impact on it than most. Part of why I sat on posting the fic for so long was because I was of two minds linking it as “inspired by” the series. The tone, themes and plot are all very different (mine being an occasionally humorous story centered around a fantastical problem, while the other dealt with very serious topics more closely rooted in reality). Still, both focus on Thomas experiencing extreme upheaval in his life, and how this manifests in the Sides in real-time in a way I’m not sure I would have done without reading that series. And Nails echoes enough of the same story beats in places that I feel I'd be remiss in not mentioning it.
Also, AO3 doesn’t let you link a series as an influence. Linking just the first story wouldn’t make sense, as it doesn’t contain the relevant themes, which are scattered over the series as a whole.
Further, it bears significant repeating that "a feeling’s not a thing you own” is a series dealing with some very serious real life subjects. To a certain degree, citing it as an influence to my story would feel a bit like making light of those subjects. And it is very well written, but the series doesn't pull many punches. It certainly might not be for all readers, so I absolutely insist anyone interested in giving it a look make sure they take a good close read of the tags for the full series before doing so.
Moving on to other things, it might be noticed that, for a vampire AU, the word itself pops up only once, and then only in writing that Logan is crossing out in chapter 4. This is partly to highlight the themes of denial and coping with huge life changing things by not thinking about them. Even in the narration, and even after they’ve accepted that it’s happening there is a lot of effort put into talking around the issue. However, this is also just a personal writing affectation of mine. One of my favorite vampire movies is an old film called “Innocent Blood”. That movie also never used the word vampire anywhere out loud, but still managed to make it very clear that every character knew exactly what they were dealing with. That vampires are such a clear, strongly realized concept in our culture that you don’t need to say it for it to be understood, and sometimes what people don’t say does a better job of showing how scared they are. How afraid they are to believe it. It made an impression on me.
The end of chapter 5 was actually the first scene for this fic that existed as anything complete, and it was mostly born out of the image of Roman's magic girl transformation into a brooding vampiric anti-hero.
Chapter 7... This chapter gave me so much trouble. It was probably my favorite chapter to write, and one of the ones I had the strongest image for after the scene in chapter 5. But as much as I tried I could never be satisfied with the ending. I’m still really not happy with it. But if I continued to agonize it, I might never have posted the fic at all.
It has already sat basically finished for more than half a year without posting.
Early versions use a version of the mindscape that is closer to the common fanon version where all the sides share a space with a long hallway with doors to their rooms. This made it really easy to indicate what had happened in a very simple way (in that version, Patton’s door vanished and Janus’s took it’s place, while Patton’s room later reformed in the subconscious near Remus’s). Still, I was dissatisfied with that. While very simple, it’s somewhat anti-canonical (we’re shown Patton and Virgil’s rooms as expressions of Thomas’s current surroundings). I also didn’t want to support the Light/Dark side divide as anything fixed or concrete rather than a label based on how Thomas interacts with them, but that is otherwise largely arbitrary.
(Also, the basic thesis of this fic is “Everyone Gets to Be a Dark Side Because Thomas is a Friggin’ Vampire”. Everyone gets to be a little dark. As a treat.)
While it might come off as sounding somewhat jaded, Janus’s “hope is a lie about tomorrow” speech here is really not meant to be. Janus is lies, so of course something merely not being known to be true isn’t a condemnation from him. It’s meant to actually be hopeful, and I hope that comes across.
(It’s sort of my attempt at the “one atom of justice” speech from Prachett’s Hogfather or “not lies, dreams” from The Sandman. Probably with limited success.)
Fun fact: In the original notes for this story, Janus's line in the final chapter originally read "In that sense, we've always been siblings, you and I." Which drew a direct parallel between them and the twins as being two sides of the same function. But then the “Over the Garden Wall” video came out, and it was part of the push to work on this as part of my NaNo project. And...look. Look. I'm not much of a shipper, but after that scene in the video, I couldn't bring myself to use the word siblings after that, okay? Not and still take myself seriously. And then of course Patton would be flustered at the idea rather than disturbed, which was a great way of illustrating that their dynamic has changed.
Also, I just want to say, the joke about Remus trying to convince Thomas to eat the governor has been in the notes for this fic for so long. This fic has existed in my drafts folder for two years. At one point I was concerned it wouldn’t even be topical enough to be funny anymore. Joke’s on me, right? This joke is going to remain evergreen it seems. I might even make it a running gag if I ever write anything else in this universe. It’s going to become one of Remus’s favorites.
(Not to “get political”, but Florida governor Ron Desantis is a lamentable pile of festering human trash. Just. You know. In case anyone didn’t know.)
I liked the ending I wound up with. I thought that it ended on a good, hopeful note for everyone. However, there was a slightly sillier ending in my original notes, which would have involved Janus defusing Remus’s fixation on feeding by starting this exchange:
Janus: "Oh, by the way, Remus, you missed it: Patton said a swear." Remus: "What? No way. Which one?" Janus: "Your favorite." Remus gasps. Remus: "Patton said the fuck-word?" Disbelieving Princey noises. Logan narrows his eyes consideringly. Virgil: "No he didn't." Janus exaggerates his offense. Janus: "I'm offended you'd think even I would lie about at thing like that." Patton: "Wh- No I didn't!" Virgil: "See? Yeah, nice try." Patton: "I mean, c'mon guys, which of us are you gonna believe?"
While it would have highlighted more explicitly what is hinted at in the final chapter (by lying Patton hints that he is now part of a dual manifestation of Deceit in much the way that Remus is part of a dual manifestation of Creativity), it didn’t have quite the hopeful impact as Patton and Janus ending on good terms.
There’s more to say about how the sides have changed in this verse. Patton is now keeping secrets from the other sides, and there’s probably a whole sequel about Logan and the heart he’s keeping in his desk. Unfortunately, I don’t know when I’ll have the energy or focus to work on them.
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theanimeview · 9 months
[Commentary] Revisiting Problematic: Jobless Reincarnation Vs. The Death Mage
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Source: https://www.ebay.com/itm/184348670012
DISCLAIMER: This post contains content that we at The Anime View do not think is suitable for everyone. The genre of the work being reviewed is ecchi. Possible triggers or subjects could include sexual assault and pedophilia. There are no images of such, but these topics are discussed. By clicking “Keep Reading,” you understand that you may encounter such content. Viewer/reader discretion is advised.
By: Peggy Sue Wood | @pswediting
If you know me, you know that I hate Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation. In a previous post, I claimed that it was a hentai series that bordered on pedophilia and labeled my distaste for conversations that try to defend the work for its art and storytelling while ignoring how that art and storytelling create the problematic features I just described. In response, some argued that the series was merely ecchi and insisted again on its great storytelling. I must admit that I was wrong about the classification. It is not officially considered a hentai but an ecchi. However, that is not much better as it still sexualizes young, underdeveloped children. #gross
I stand by my belief that the story of Jobless Reincarnation is not so great as to overlook the parts that sexualize children. The art also emphasizes this focus, and it is not just fan service. I am alarmed that some members of the community confuse the two.
I have tried to find a comparable title that I think does a better job of being overt yet suggestive, and I think I have with The Death Mage Who Doesn’t Want a Fourth Time. (Let me give a quick thank you to one of my friend’s who recommended The Death Mage, which I think fits well into this discussion–I know you don’t want to be named/tagged, but I do appreciate you reading the different titles and providing a reasonable selection for my more conservative sensibilities. 🙇🏻‍♀️)
The Death Mage follows the journey of Vandalieu, a half-vampire and half-dark elf being with a unique skill of death magic. Essentailly, he’s a necromancer and a very powerful one at that. He’s already been killed for it before, and in his newest life he’s found more suffering as a result of the skill and his own bloodline. Compared to Rudeus from Jobless Reincarnation, Vandalieu is more mature and has a clear sense of purpose and a series of specific challenges that stem an external source. The story deals with themes such as finding your place, death, loneliness, and betrayal, with more serious and darker approach than Jobless Reincarnation‘s exploration of similar ideas. There are many obstacles to Vandalieu’s path, including his former classmates that have also reincarnated with him in these new worlds, and the god of this story, who is managing these cycles seems intent on Vandalieu’s suffering.
Image-wise, The Death Mage certainly depicts more risky costuming. Most of the adult women having a large chest and revealing clothes, even nudity at times, but the coverage is enough to meet today’s standards of a bathing suit or lingerie. Even moments of nudity are covered by speech bubbles/text or are made unsexualized by the context. For example, breastfeeding is depicted in both works, but where Rudeus makes a show of sexualizing his mother in this moment and continuing to do so as the story progresses, Vandalieu sees it as an embarrassing and strange experience.
I think that is what really sets the two apart. In The Death Mage, scenes are suggestive, but the tone makes clear distinctions about when the suggestiveness of the attire for characters is the focus and when readers should be paying attention to the story. Compared to Jobless Reincarnation, the overt sexualizing is relatively mild and infrequent and on adult character. I have seen some readers claim it to be a series alright for mature, general audiences while not being appropriate for younger readers or those who are sensitive to violence and mature themes and I can see their argument (I disagree, but I see it). Of course, I have seen the same argument for Jobless Reincarnation, but I strongly disagree on that front and do not understand it still. To be clear, both series hold strongly suggestive materials, stong enough to border on pornographic–but one chooses adults as a focus, and another chooses a mix of children and adults. I don’t think I have to explain further why that is a noticeable and important difference.
There are other notable differences too, but also similarities, as I’ve mentioned above. Both series depict a deep and intricate magic system, which plays an important role in the story’s world-building, and both are in the ecchi genre. They are clearly, different stories with different leads, but have similar themes. It is these elements that I think makes them comparable, in addition to how they frame the sexualization of female characters. One series more acceptable than the other because the content draws a line on what is okay and what isn’t, and I think that the larger fan community would do well to recognize the differences and how some perpetrate the “merits” of these stories while ignore negative elements.
On a final note: Would I recommend either of these works? Absolutely not. I don’t like the genre or their individual stories enough to promote them as recommended reads. There are better reads/watches out there. I decided upon making this post because Jobless Reincarnation got another adaptation this past July that is going on right now and I see way too many people continuing to ignore its problematic traits in praising its “story” when there are better works out there. I believe, as I have before, that it one of the worst of the worst series to gain the kind of general following that it has and that it highlights a dark undertone to the anime fandom community. With that, I will now excuse myself to try to find a new way to forget this series entirely and clean myself from the gross feeling I got reviewing this for the post. 🖐️🎤 &✌️ 📤
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nanowrimo · 3 years
3 Most Common Worldbuilding Mistakes for Writers and How to Fix Them
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Every year, we’re lucky to have great sponsors for our nonprofit events. World Anvil, a 2021 NaNoWriMo sponsor, helps you develop and organize your characters, plot, and world setting. Today, World Anvil founder Janet Forbes is here to share some pro tips for worldbuilding. Don’t forget to check out the offer to NaNoWriMo writers for 30% off a World Anvil membership!
I talk to hundreds of writers every week, in our World Anvil Q&A live streams, our World Anvil writing challenges, and meetings with our professional authors. And mostly, they’re encountering the same few worldbuilding problems! Here are the 3 most common worldbuilding mistakes, and how you can fix them:
1. Mary-Sue Worldbuilding
You’re probably familiar with the Mary-Sue—a flawless, artificial-feeling main character. Mary Sue Worldbuilding follows in the same vein. If everything in your setting is directly related to your main character, it feels like the world revolves around them. It’s too convenient and artificial. That’s Mary-Sue worldbuilding.
Mary-Sue worldbuilding is usually caused by worldbuilding exclusively around your plot. Introducing larger-scale conflict in the backdrop of your setting, current affairs like civil or religious movements, war, disasters, or technological breakthroughs, can help expand the world beyond just your main character. 
Your main character might interact with these elements, or more usually, with problems caused by them. For example, they might help some refugees from “that war over there”. But your character should not be at the core of everything—they’re not the cause of the war. Other things are happening outside of your story, in the background. (Pro-tip: this is a great way to reinforce your genre and themes, and make your world feel alive and expansive, too!). 
Fixing Mary-Sue Worldbuilding Of course you’ll need a series bible like World Anvil to help you keep these current affairs organized, connect them together, and make sure you don’t lose your notes! Use World Anvil’s worldbuilding templates to get inspired for your big conflicts, and remember - you only need to write a few bullet points to start with! You can always expand more later (we’ll talk more about that in a moment).
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World Anvil’s Worldbuilding Templates are custom-made by experts to help inspire and guide your creativity—and you can customize your own templates too!
2. Mosaic Worldbuilding
You know those computer game worlds where each area feels like a self-contained zone? Where the “desert” region and the “forest” region have no trade, communication, or overlap between them? That, in a nutshell, is Mosaic worldbuilding. It ruins suspension of disbelief, makes your novel setting feel false, and can pull your readers out of your story! 
Fixing Mosaic Worldbuilding
The best way to avoid Mosaic Worldbuilding is to make sure that you have a clear overview of your world early on, with each major region and concept penned out in just a sentence or two. That way, each region will feel like a connected aspect of your seamless setting, not a tile shoved on the side. 
On World Anvil, each world setting has a “Worldbuilding Meta” section to help you detail the 10,000 foot overview—the big stuff. And not just your physical world and its people, but your genre, your motivations, and your themes. This invaluable reference tool helps you expand your setting and add more detail, and will also help you sense-check what you’re adding!
Once you have a clear picture of your meta, and know the overview of your world, it’ll be easy to make use of cultural aspects like imports and travellers, cultural diasporas and geographical transition zones to make your world seem more connected and less artificially divided! And you’ll be able to do it without spending too much extra time worldbuilding. Which brings me to my final common worldbuilding mistake…
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World Anvil’s Worldbuilding Meta tool helps you focus, streamline and sense-check your world setting! It’s full of guides to create an excellent overview for your worldbuilding project. This is the view mode of Manifold Sky by B.C.G. Wurth.
3. Worldbuilder’s Disease
Sounds nasty, right? Well, Worldbuilder’s Disease is a very common problem—a compulsion to continue worldbuilding things which aren’t actually useful. Here’s my favorite example—the “elven shoes”:
In your world you have elves. They wear shoes. So far, so good. Maybe there’s a plot-point where an imposter’s revealed because they’re wearing the wrong shoes. So you fill in a few details on your series bible. But if you find yourself writing a 5,000 word treatise on elven shoes through the ages… honey, you have worldbuilder’s disease.
I use shoes as an example, but it could be anything. It might be detailing three centuries of monarchy, or expanding unvisited areas in excruciating detail. Sure, it can be fun, but all that time spent on unnecessary parts of your setting isn’t helping you polish the core parts—or get your novel written! It’s distracting you from your primary goal. 
Curing Worldbuilder’s Disease
There are three major causes of worldbuilders disease: 
Lack of perspective
Lovers of prose
Fear of losing your ideas
1. Lack of perspective
Lack of perspective can often lead down a worldbuilding rabbit hole. Keep clarity on what’s important in your setting with tools like World Anvil’s Worldbuilding Meta. This helps you define your active worldbuilding area - not just geographical but thematic areas—which helps  streamline your world and your project, so you can be sure you’re spending your time where it counts!
Also, be clear with yourself WHY you’re worldbuilding the element you’re working on. Keep clear notes in your series bible about how this new element fits into your novel. If it’s little more than set dressing, you only need a few words. For a core concept, you might need more.
2. Lovers of Prose
As writers, we love to write (duh)! But for most of us, writing in prose in our series bible can cause serious problems. Not only does it mean that you write MORE than we should (your get in flow, words happen!), it’s also harder to reference your ideas quickly later on. Stick to short, organized articles in note form. Make sure the salient information is there, and link in anything relevant. You can always expand to prose later if you need to.
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Keep your series bible in brief notes with clear headers! This character article took 5 minutes using World Anvil’s character template which automatically adds the headers. The linked articles help me easily reference related people and places as I’m writing.
3. Fear of losing our ideas
Fear of losing our ideas is actually one of the most common reasons for worldbuilder’s disease—that we’ll forget or lose our notes if we don’t write them out in vast detail. To combat this, make sure you have somewhere to keep your world details safe, organized, tagged and searchable. Then you can reassure yourself that you can go back and develop more later if you need it. 
Obviously, World Anvil is custom made for this, backing up everything in one place and linking everything together, so you can easily search, reference and update your series bible whilst writing your manuscript and not have to worry about losing things!
Anything here ring true for you? Or maybe you’re struggling with another worldbuilding mistake or problem? You can always hop into our live streamed Q&A sessions on our Twitch channel and ask us directly! We go live three times a week to answer questions about writing and worldbuilding, as well as helping our community with World Anvil queries too! Maybe we’ll see you there. And happy worldbuilding :)
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Janet Forbes is a published fantasy author and RPG writer, whose recent credits include the Dark Crystal RPG with the Henson Company (coming 2021). In 2017, she and her husband created World Anvil, the ultimate worldbuilding and novel writing platform. World Anvil helps you organize, store and develop your worldbuilding and series bible privately, and market your books to the world too! The inbuilt novel writing software, accessible from anywhere, integrates seamlessly with your worldbuilding. And when it’s time to publish, you can export, or publish directly on the World Anvil platform and monetize YOUR way! Check it out at World Anvil.
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roselightfairy · 3 years
On the topic of hurt/comfort fics, do we have any Gimli/Legolas hurt comfort fics where Legolas is the one that needs comforting? Like dealing with his sea-longing and needing snuggles or he's pushing himself too hard and Gimli needs to remind him to sleep/take care of himself because even the tireless have limits, or Legolas crying over anything in general and Gimli coming to the rescue?
All right, so there are a lot more of these out there than the Gimli ones. We as a fandom do love our Legolas whump, and it was tough to cut down this list – but I tried to go for more the emotional side of h/c, which is a favorite of mine for the two of them. (Gimli physically injured; Legolas in emotional distress – that’s where it’s at!) A physical h/c fic or two did slip in, though, so I divided these into three main sections: one that deals with sea-longing, one that deals with war-related trauma, and one “other” category. As a reminder, this is not a catch-all list – again, Legolas might well be the whole fandom’s favorite whumpee – but these are some of the ones that first popped up in my mind at your request.
and yet the sea calls (series) by Laura JV (jacquez)
Summaries: [Gimli/Legolas] loves, and yet the sea calls.
This is a set of lovely vignettes (two stories, one from Legolas’s perspective and one from Gimli’s) about learning to live and love with the sea-longing between them, and to find comfort in one another as best they can. These stories make me feel so very many feelings and are constant rereads when I want to feel the bittersweet (but mostly sweet!) that is their love.
A Beloved Ballast, an Untethered Soul by katajainen
Summary: Gimli has spent long months on the new gates of Minas Tirith, all the while waiting for Legolas to return to him from the North.
But when he does, it's clear the year has not been altogether kind to his husband.
This is one of my favorites of a lot of things – a wonderful, gentle reunion in Minas Tirith after their separation after the war, Legolas worn from sea-longing and finally finding home in his husband’s arm, warm comfort and some very romantic smut. Please read it; you will not regret it.
Everything That Mattered Is Dust by SerStolas
Summary: A decade ago, the One Ring was destroyed. A decade ago, Gimli and Legolas traveled together first to the Glittering Caves and then to Fangorn. A decade ago, both of them failed to admit their deeper emotions for each other. Now they meet again in Minas Tirith during renovations on the city. But not all is well with Legolas.
Inspired by Through the Ghost by Shinedown.
This is another lovely story with a similar theme to the previous – but without the established relationship, so we get a very sweet love confession instead. Very gentle and loving and satisfying; this gets me right in the hurt/comfort feelings. <3
Where You Go, I Will Go by UnnamedElement
Summary: Lady Galadriel's message was a riddle too twisted for a Wood-elf and a Dwarf to initially unwind... This is a story of a friendship fraught with mutual ignorance: the concessions a dwarf makes to an elf, and the choices that elf makes for their peculiar friendship. It is how Legolas and Gimli pass through the threat of death to find, together, a better truth. (March 2016 Teitho)
Look, I don’t know if this is hurt/comfort as such, but it certainly comforts ME to read. This is a lovely little exploration of the sea-longing and how it changes Legolas and Gimli’s friendship – and in fact brings them closer together. It’s gen, nominally, but it’s so tender you won’t miss the romance (and I feel comfortable saying that because of multiple conversations with @unnamedelement on the subject!).
The Language of Power by Thewriternumber19238478356
Summary: It's the night before the march on the Black Gate. But sea-longing won't let Legolas sleep. Gimli offers him a secret dwarven practice that might just be the solution…
This is an underappreciated and really wonderful story, but contains some non-sexual BDSM, so be warned for that. It’s extremely tender and plays with the notion of power in dominance/submission with respect and love for the practice and the characters. It’s archive-locked, so you’ll need an account to read it, but I really do have such love for this story and I highly recommend it.
A Night Beclouded by katajainen
Summary: Night falls after the fighting is done on the Pelennor Fields. For those left alive, it should be an hour for respite, for catching one's breath.
But there is the kind of darkness that seeps under one's skin, the kind not born of mere absence of sunlight, and this is not a time to be alone.
This is such quiet, atmospheric tenderness – comforting someone after a nightmare is such a wonderful trope, and @katajainen does it with all her usual sensitivity and care. A bit of pre-relationship sweetness and warm comfort – and honestly, it was a struggle to keep it to two fics by katajainen on this list; please go read all her stories!
Shared Spaces by mssileas
Summary: I know you think I'm a little different But I'm still somebody's son.
The night before marching on the Black Gate, neither of them can sleep.
Okay, so I adore this fic. I have a soft spot for any fics that focus on how Legolas must feel about Sauron and the origin of orcs, and this is a wonderful fic that deals with those ideas, as well as pre-battle anxiety, and Legolas and Gimli taking comfort in one another. Lots of lovely hand-touching and some very sweet kissing, too. <3
A time and times and half a time by Honesty
Summary: AU. Legolas, imprisoned by Saruman, discovers *exactly* how Orcs were made .... While Gimli keeps a vigil he will never forget.
Similar themes as the last one, though taken WAY over the edge past hurt/comfort and into serious hurt territory. Be careful with this one, because there’s a lot of pain for Legolas – warning for physical and psychological torture - but the love between him and Gimli is so powerful and all-consuming, it carries the story and provides the much-needed comfort at the end, though you’ll probably still be aching.
Comfort after Endurance by spinel
Summary: The battle of Helm's Deep takes its toll on Legolas. A stolen moment between the end of the battle at Helm's Deep and riding to Isengard.
Pre-relationship sweetness, comfort after battle. This one skirts the lines of physical and emotional hurt/comfort, combining the two with the soothing effect of touch and closeness after great trials. Lots of tender handling of one another – no explicit relationship content, but definitely little hints of more to come here and there. ;)
inkstains by apricae
Summary: Legolas isn't much good at reading, and an attempt at a learning his letters with Gimli turns into a revelation.
(Or: The one in which Legolas is dyslexic and sad, Gimli is a very good husband, and Dwarves are a lot better than Elves at handling disabilities.)
I am very big on neurodivergent Legolas in all its forms, and I love this dyslexic-Legolas headcanon a lot. Emotional distress and childhood trauma – but luckily, Legolas has a very kind, loving dwarf husband to talk him down and help him through.
Tainted Meat by lynndyre
Summary: On the road between Helm's Deep and Isengard, mistakes are made with supplies.
For the BloodyValentine prompt: someone feeds orc food to an elf, making them really sick.
This is one of my favorite underappreciated fics out there – I find that it really gets the way Legolas and Gimli are portrayed once they start meeting up with armies and other men: they are a bubble of two, responsible for one another’s comfort and supporting one another without question. In this fic, Legolas (and half the Rohirrim) are struck with food poisoning, and while the men deal with the aftermath, Legolas is so very much Gimli’s charge, and it’s so tender and lovely and wonderful. Gen, nominally, but it gets the particular something between them in canon that I so love. (It also fits with a line Gimli says in Two Towers about refusing to touch any orc supplies!)
 Teeth Like Knives by Evandar
Summary: Gimli wasn't expecting to have to stitch Legolas back together after their first attempt at lovemaking, but now that the initial shock has worn off, he can't say that he's surprised.
This is part of a larger series that involves half-orc Legolas, and all of it has some very wonderful emotional hurt/comfort. But this is my favorite of the series because of how good and gentle and wonderful Gimli is with Legolas’s existential crises and hurting himself on accident. Please do mind the tags, since this subject matter may not be for everyone, but I adore the sensitivity with which these topics are handled and reread this for comfort. <3
As always, if you enjoy any of these fics, please let the author know with a comment if you have capacity! Also, I encourage you to reblog this list so that we can spread the good word. :)
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moustache-bonnet · 4 years
HIS DARK MATERIALS & THE BOOK OF DUST FanFiction writing resources
Ours is a little fandom and except the books (which, let's be completely honest, sometimes lack continuity and extended lore), there is a serious lack of resources to which a HDM fanfiction writer can turn while creating: either for fact checking or just inspiration. This is why I've taken the liberty of compiling this list. Anyone who does have their own recommendations and inspirations, do not hesitate to reblog and add whatever you consider helpful.
Basic Reading / Primary sources
For those new in the fandom, who have discovered or re-discovered it due to the BBC/HBO show, welcome! As basic reading I'd recommend the original trilogy, His Dark Materials: Northern Lights (The Golden Compass), The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass. Try and check out the different editions for some of the Anniversary-related ones have extended lore added, such as Asriel's diaries and John Parry's letters (haven't seen these yet, so correct me if I'm wrong about them).
The trilogy has two companion books, The Little Red Book: Lyra's Oxford, and The Little Blue Book: Once Upon a Time in The North, which is a story from Lee Scoresby's youth. Except for being fun novellas, the companion books contain snippets of lore, which are very useful for writing.
The newest addition to the Lyraverse is The Book of Dust, from which two books had been published as of yet and the third is (hopefully!) in on its way. These are the La Belle Sauvage (a prequel to HDM) and The Secret Commonwealth (a sequel to HDM).
There's also The Collectors, a story about Marisa Coulter, which is an audiobook only and due some continuity issues is not considered much of a canon, but is definitely worth your time.
Secondary Sources
His Dark Materials Wiki Bridge To The Stars.net Cittàgazze (in French) His Dark Materials on Fanlore, with an essential explanation of the difference between HDM fanfiction and the Daemon AU (if you write Daemons AUs, remember not to tag His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman on AO3, please!) Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials: a reader's guide by Claire Squires (requires Internet Archive account)
Worldbuilding & Headcanon
Lyra's world maps, canon and headcanon, descriptions often contain links to great resources: Semi-Canon (The Golden Compass movie) World Map Headcanon Verbal World Map and World Map by AMCAlmaron on Deviantart Headcanon World Map by OneHellofaBird on Deviantart, with notes on politics
Effie's @lordeasriel HDM Meta you can also find some interesting headcanon, thoughts, and meta if you search through @his-dark-memerials HDM tag
and a list of my favourite worldbuilding fics on AO3 (including alternate/fake science, poetry, folklore, art history etc.)! On Daemons in Royal Portraiture by La Reine Noire 1835. A Daemon's neither borne by HopefulNebula The Fair Woman by tansypool Of Daemonic Disorders by Chatarou A Comparative Analysis of Those with Finch Daemons: Minute Differences in Personality by finch Dinosaurs in the Architecture by lilacsigil The Heirs of Bolvangar by Poetry Another Side, Another Story series by vivial (lordeasriel)
Extended Reading & Inspiration
List of alternate history fiction on Wikipedia
from which I can personally and strongly recommend The Alteration by Kingsley Amis (expanded thoughts on the theme of ecclesiastical dominance)
Daemon Voices by Philip Pullman (Philman on story-telling and some of his favourite authors) Daemoncast: His Dark Materials Podcast by Chris Feakes The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies by Robert Kirk, with introduction by Andrew Lang (the original 17th-century study of British folklore; Philman's own inspiration) Paradise Lost by John Milton (Philman's own inspiration) Dark Matter: shedding light on Philip Pullman's trilogy His Dark Materials by Tony Watkins (requires Internet Archive account) Exploring Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials: an unauthorized adventure through The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass by Lois H. Gresh (requires Internet Archive account) The science of Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials by Mary and John Gribbin (requires Internet Archive account)
Writing Oakley Street? Here's a resource list for writing espionage! or a collection of meta / headcanon and other inspiring Oakley Street stuff on Effie's Tumblr!
These are the resources most used by me personally, so as I've mentioned, if anyone knows about more, do add them!
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kri-babe · 3 years
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I like to be called:
Simi, or Kri ( Cry )! Primarily Simi ( pronounced Sim-ee ). It's a nickname I adopted in ninth grade, when my mom told me about the Dark Hunter series she was reading, iirc, and there was a charontay[??] demon in the book named Simi. Simi spoke in third person and there was a super sassy comment from her: "If you don't want Simi to do something, you need to tell her not to." And how she called this chick in the book the 'Red-haired bitch' or some shit LOL. I'd been looking for a nickname, and knew immediately that was the name I wanted.
One thing you should know about me:
I like to think of myself as a friendly person until provoked. I have a great sense of humor and laugh at just about everything. I'm also open minded. I say this because I had a tendency to say shit or do shit that might hurt feelings. 9/10 it doesn't come from a hateful place - I just didn't think before I spoke. I don't mind being corrected as long as you treat me like the grown ass adult I am. You can totally tell me, "Hey, Simi, I really am not comfortable with what you said," Or, "Simi, what you said/did was really inconsiderate." I'll be happy to back up and reconsider. But that's the thing, girl you gotta use the mouth your momma gave you and talk to me. I'm sadly not a mind-reader. If it gives you any insight into how like... out there I am... you ever read the book about Jekyll and Hyde? I adamantly believe Jekyll was absolutely in the wrong and Hyde was the victim. ( that was like ten thing but )
One thing you should know about RPing with my character(s):
I like to write characters with real world problems. My characters will probably get you upsetty spaghetti. I have a character that deals with clinical depression and self harm. I've got another character that deals with two different mental disabilities and the shit that comes with that. I've got a character who's an alcoholic chain-smoker. Long story short, my boys have problems, and they're not just 'rescue me' characters. I don't like to downplay these things because they're real, they're serious, you cannot just snap your fingers and fix a real person - and while they're not real people, they're still representing something real and serious. Am I studied in any of these areas? Bish naw, I do my research on the internet best I can and you are a hundred percent welcome to come in here and let me know if I got something hella fuckin' wrong.
First language: Freakin' Engrish.
Age range: under 13 |  14–17 | 18–22 | 23–25 | 26–29 | 30+ |  70+
Am I okay with NSFW?: yes | no | some nsfw
I don't mind smut or gore or whatever. By the larger paragraph up there you can probably already guess that LOL. But I don't like to RP erotica with randoms. If we're good friends then I'm comfortable to do so.
My favorite/most common thing to rp is: angst | fluff | smut | crack | action | plots | AUs are fine | Violence | Darker themes.
Canon Character RP Friendly?: yes | no | depends
Girl, do you - I just like having my own little stories separate major characters.
RP blog: does contain ooc posts | doesn’t contain ooc posts | occasionally contains ooc
This idk, cuz I think I've just p much converted the kri-babe blog into an ooc blog. I've got a separate blog set up for RP characters, like one to each, that I'm gonna try to keep ooc posts out of.
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Tagged By: @kich-rp
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walkerismychoice · 4 years
Unwritten (Raleigh X MC AU)  - Chapter 1
Book: Platinum
Pairing: M!Raleigh X MC
Rating: This series will contain mature themes. Any necessary warnings will be listed before each chapter, but the overall series rating is 18+
Note: So I've been trying to come out of my unofficial writing hiatus for quite some time. Leave it to @choicesarehard​ having a birthday to get me to jump right back in with a whole series. This is an AU, and although some of the story follows along with parts of the book, there are major deviations as well. If anyone wishes to be tagged in future chapters, please let me know.
Word Count: 1369
Happy Birthday (belated) birthday @choicesarehard​!
Master List
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"Ms. Campbell?"
"Huh?" Aria snaps out of her meditative trance. It feels as if she' been waiting for hours, but she's been too nervous to keep track of the time. "I mean, yes, that's me."
The young but already hardened looking executive assistant seems unimpressed as she gives Aria the once over, lips pressed in a thin line. "Mr. Knight will see you now."
Aria self-consciously smooths her pencil skirt and tugs at her thrift store blazer. What is she doing here trying to pretend she belongs amongst this designer-clad crowd? Just days ago she was working in a smoothie shop, and now she's meeting with Ellis Knight, owner of Overnight Records and probably the biggest name in the business. She hesitates, telling herself this is the last chance to turn around and run back out the door, but finds the courage to move forward following the assistant through Ellis's office door.
Aria had always dreamed of a career in music. With her parents both being music teachers, her musical talent and interest have come naturally. As much as they had encouraged her to follow in their footsteps and go the practical route, it wasn’t her dream. Singing and songwriting have always been her passion. However after multiple rejections and being stuck working a mall job, she’d been beginning to think her parents were right when fate stepped up to the smoothie shop counter in the form of pop-star Avery Wilshire. Too stunned to speak, she’d been mortified when her coworker and best friend Shane gushed about Avery being Aria’s musical idol and slipped him a piece of paper with the link to her YouTube channel. The only way it could have been worse would have been if she’d been wearing the store’s banana costume. She’d gone to bed replaying the embarrassing exchange over and over in her head, but it had been all but forgotten when she woke up to her notifications blowing up after Avery followed her on Instagram and shared one of her music videos. Several phone calls and one week later, and now she’s here in Ellis Knight’s office surrounded by important-looking people, wondering if this could be the start of something big.
“Ms. Campbell,” Ellis begins as he shakes her hand and they all sit down. He’s even better looking in person than in pictures with his perfect, bright white, probably veneered teeth and neatly coiffed, dark silver-gray hair, making him all the more intimidating, even if he is old enough to be her father. “I’ll cut right to the chase. I’ve listened to your demos and you have a raw talent; that’s undeniable.”
“Thank you, Mr Eliis,” Aria blushes.
“...But, I don’t see us being able to sell you as a mainstream artist.”
Aria’s heart sinks to her stomach and she’s wondering why he brought her here just for another rejection. ”Okay, well thank-”
“Wait, let me finish,” Ellis insists. “I meant yet. You do have potential, and that’s why you’re here. But like I said, your talent is raw and you need time to develop, and time is money in the music industry. While you aren’t ready to make it on your own yet, paired with the right artist, you could have hits on the radio in no time.”
“So what are you saying? You want someone else to sing my songs?”
“Not exactly. We have an artist that’s struggling, in more ways than one, to finish out the last album in his contract.”
“You can’t be serious!” A petite woman with a sleek black bob and striking blue eyes interjects. “Her style is all wrong for him.” 
“Fiona...” Ellis warns.
She shoots Aria a mildly apologetic glance. “No offense.”
Once he says her name, it sparks her memory, It’s Fiona Syed, manager of Avery Wilshire among other big names. Aria tries to play it cool. “None taken...I guess. I’m not even sure who we are talking about.”
Ellis clears his throat. “Unfortunately due to the need for discretion, you won’t know who this artist is until after the contract is signed. Like Fiona said, your style does not quite mesh with this artist, but there are elements there. As mentioned, we can’t use any of your current songs for him, but together, I think you could create something with real mass appeal.”
None of this makes sense. Why all the secrecy, and why her? Aria has so many questions. "What are the terms of the contract?”
On the way to the beach house, it all seems so surreal. Aria has agreed to spend the summer holed up with an unknown artist in an undisclosed location writing songs. At least Fiona, now also her manager, will be there. Wow, just even thinking about having her own manager feels so weird. Despite their rocky start, Fiona has been polite and professional, if not exactly warm towards Aria. Her chest flutters as they approach the light blue, cape cod style home on a secluded area stretch of Atlantic beachfront. Knowing that Fiona is also Avery’s manager has Aria both excited and terrified that he could be the mystery artist.
Aria steps out of the car just as a black Escalade with dark tinted windows approaches.
Fiona holds out her hand. “Give me your phone.” Picking up on Aria’s confused expression, she elaborates. “Remember the contract? We can’t risk anyone finding out about the location or who’s here. Streams of fan-girls traipsing along the beach trying to get pictures will not bode well for productivity.”
“Yes, that’s right.” It’s a little annoying because it’s not like Aria would break the contract even if she had access to her phone, and she’s most definitely going to feel like an appendage is missing the first couple days, but she gets it. She knows from her days in the Avery Wilshire fandom on Tumblr just how crafty those fan-girls can be. They can give the CIA and FBI a run for their money. Even one non-descript photo could lead to their location being found out. 
Aria has little time to grieve the loss of her phone before the Escalade stops and the back door opens up. She reflexively stops breathing as the figure emerges and has to make a conscious effort to pick her jaw up off the floor. It's not the sandy blond, squeaky clean, heartthrob she was expecting. Quite the opposite, in fact. Raleigh Carerra, the tattooed, dark, smoldering-eyed, hotel room-destroying, Puerto-Rican boyband member turned solo R&B artist, has an image that’s far from wholesome. Not that she’s a puritan saint herself, but she now see’s why Fiona had objected to Aria writing with him. What could they possibly have in common, musically or otherwise?
“There’s no fucking signal out here.” Raleigh holds his phone up, seemingly searching for service.
Fiona reaches up on her tiptoes and snatches the phone out of his hand. “Good thing you won’t be needing one anyway.”
"Hey, give that back. I need to let everyone know where the party is tonight since nobody would tell me the address before we got here." Raleigh reaches for his phone just as Fiona tosses it to the Escalade driver, an imposing figure in a navy suit and dark sunglasses.
"Hank...C'mon man," Raleigh pleads.
Hank slips the phone in his suit pocket and crosses his arms across his chest, face fixed in a stone-like expression.
"Fine, but we'll be discussing this later. Where are the guys? How am I supposed to write without my team?"
Fiona rolls her eyes. "Seeing as you've been working with them for months and all you have to show for it is a lot of late night partying and charges for property damage, we figured a new approach was needed. Meet your new writing partner, Aria Campbell.
Aria smiles sheepishly as Raleigh seems to notice her for the first time. He smirks ever so slightly, before his lips turn downward and his eyes narrow.
"What, am I supposed to write a fucking Kidz Bop album or something now? I'm sure you're lovely, sweetheart, but this isn't going to work. Hank, take me back home." Raleigh gets into the back seat of his car and slams the door shut.
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CSI: Rogers and Barnes- The Serious Cereal Serial Killer
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Episode 1- Walk of Shame
Co written with @icanfeelastormbrewing​
Episode Summary: Someone’s dead. Bucky has some plums and despairs at Steve’s choice of breakfast. They go to DC to try and convince Katie to come back and help with the case but she aint having it…coz she hates Steve’s guts… Episode Warnings: Bad Language words. Dark Comedy themes basically CSI:NY + Brooklyn 99 = CSI: Steeb.
Episode Pairings:  Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark (yeah she still doesn’t like him this Episode…)
Song for Episode:  Let Her Go by Passenger 
A/N: Contains Avengers and Stark Spangled Banner Easter Eggs and jokes. You don’t need to have read that series to understand or enjoy this, but we’ve used the Universe to spin this off from.
Also, our knowledge of American Policing and Brooklyn is limited, so bear with us if we slip up, but at the end of the day this is a fiction so we’ll claim any mistakes as creative license!!
Tags are open. 
CSI Rogers and Barnes Master List 
Main Masterlist 
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Steve turned the key in the lock of his apartment, stepped inside and closed the door behind him as slowly and quietly as possible so as not to wake up Bucky. It was still quite early, he had been on the usual morning run with Sam, something that the men did daily during the week unless work cases got in the way. He walked through the hallway and tossed his keys on the kitchen counter before grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. He practically drained it in one before he set a fresh pot of coffee to brew and then headed for the shower. He stopped on his way down the corridor as he saw the door to the spare bedroom, now Bucky’s, was wide open. Steve peered into the bedroom but there was no trace of Bucky and his bed was perfectly made, cushions in place. He sighed and went into his own bedroom, taking off his clothes and trainers and heading into the en-suite. He turned on the shower and stepped under the warm spray, tilting his head to greet the water as it cascaded down on him.
Bucky had returned from an undercover mission in Russia almost 7 months ago and had immediately taken possession of the spare room in Steve’s apartment. What had started as a favour to a friend who had returned from a long term mission overseas and was trying now to re-settle in New York, had turned into Steve seemingly permanently (and reluctantly for that matter) sharing his flat with his lead Sergeant and sometimes annoying friend. Their personalities were as opposed as day and night, but there was a bond between them that went back to their teenage years and both secretly hoped it would last till the end of the line.
Rinsing off his hair he turned off the shower and stepped out. He gave his hair a quick rub over and then, wrapping a towel round his waist he headed into the bedroom and over to the dresser which stood against the wall by the foot of his bed. His eyes fell to the framed photo on the top of it and he blew out a little huff as 2 laughing faces greeted him back. It was a photo of him and Katie, a selfie that she had snapped whilst they had been in Central Park. Katie had positioned them to get a squirrel in the back ground and it had worked. Just as Katie had pushed the button the squirrel had looked directly at the camera from behind them and it had sent the pair of them into a fit of laugher. Up until Bucky moving in, this photo had been in his living room by the stereo. But now it stayed in the private of his room. He couldn’t bring himself to place it in a drawer. 
He dressed in a pair of dark jeans and a white t-shirt, before grabbing his electric razor to sort his facial hair out, ensuring his once again present (albeit shorter than before) beard was clean, crisp and defined. Once he had finished the rest of his morning routine he made his way to the kitchen and poured himself freshly brewed coffee into his favoured breakfast mug, one that was adored with the words “O Captain! My Captain!” a quote from the poem by Walt Whitman as read by Robin Williams in “Dead Poet Society” one of his favourite films. It had been a joke gift from Katie when he had gotten his promotion, just another reminder of how good their friendship used to be. He had just grabbed a piece of left over pizza from the fridge when the front door open and he heard Bucky taking off his shoes as he muttered something under his breath. When Bucky entered the kitchen Steve was leaning on the kitchen counter sipping from his mug and looking at his friend from under his long eyelashes.
 “That your breakfast?“ Steve asked nodding towards a brown paper bag Bucky was sporting.
"Yup. That yours?” he answered looking at the pizza in Steve’s hand Steve shrugged. “Man, have a plum instead” Bucky offered.
 "No, thanks.“ Steve refused curtly.
"You know breakfast is the most important meal of the day, don’t you?” Bucky quipped, biting into a plum. “That nutrition program you took years ago clearly didn’t teach you shit” he snorted.
“You’re hilarious" Steve deadpanned. “Where did you sleep last night? Or should that be with WHOM did you sleep last night?” Steve was asking both out of curiosity and as a way to distract attention from his eating habits. “What’s the dame’s name this time? That’s if you even bothered to ask.”
Bucky rolled his eyes as Steve drained his mug. “Name’s Alex seeing as you’re that interested, granddad.” Bucky informed. Steve merely arched an eyebrow and shoved his now empty mug in the dishwasher.
“I’m impressed” Steve said, walking out of the kitchen and heading to the living room “Have you remembered what Miss Friday was called yet?” “Maybe I always knew full well but didn’t want to tell you as you’re a judgemental dick.” Bucky shot back, following him into the living room “Just because you’re not getting any.”
Steve snorted and shook his head “I really don’t care about the fact you seem to be working your way through the entire female population of New York…” “Admit it, you’re backed up.” Bucky said, looking at him and Steve rolled his eyes. “When was the last time you got any?”
Steve really wasn’t prepared to divulge that. It had been Christmas time, with Katie…7 months ago. And he had no desire to tell Bucky. Instead, he ignored him and looked at his watch. 
“We’re leaving in five” Steve said “Get ready Punk.”
 "I am ready, jerk" Bucky replied gesturing to his outfit.
“You’re seriously gonna got to work wearing the same clothes you were wearing yesterday?“ Steve looked at him with an expression of disgust on his face. "Talk about the walk of shame.”
“Well, yesterday was my day off so nobody at the station will know what the hell I was wearing" Bucky replied with a wide playful smile.
 "Whatever.“ Steve sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose while saying "Take your weapon and your badge and let’s go, it’s getting late.”
“Aye, Aye Captain” Bucky said miming a salute.
“Captain Rogers” greeted the security guard at the door of the station. “Sergeant Barnes.”
“Good morning, Heimdall” Steve greeted back while Bucky acknowledged the man with a nod of his head.
As the pair headed for the floor where the Investigation Unit of the 101st was located, Bucky pulled out his phone and started typing.
“Texting her?” Steve asked looking down at Bucky’s phone.
“Who’s her?” Bucky replied. 
“Jeez, Buck, the girl you spent last night with. Alex, was it?” Steve scoffed.
“Oh.., nah.” he said with a frown “What would I?” he continued. “And you can say bang, Steve. You’re not a medieval bard” a mischievous smile now spreading on his face.
“Bucky, I swear to God one day….” Steve started to say but was interrupted by the melodious voice of Wanda as he got out of the elevator, Bucky following him cackling.
“Good morning, Steve.” Wanda said “Coffee?” she asked looking at him with doe eyes.
“No thanks, Wanda. Already had breakfast” he replied while Bucky muttered “If that’s what you call it”. Steve turned to give an icy look to Bucky who retreated to his desk. 
“I’ve left the reports you asked for yesterday on your desk.” Wanda informed him. “Would that be all?”
“Thanks, Wanda.” he said before ordering “Assemble the team in the briefing room in fifteen.” and he walked towards where Natasha was scrolling through her phone and Clint was sat on his chair, his feet on the desk throwing a baseball against the nearby wall.
“Morning Romanoff” Steve said. Natasha lifted her eyes from the phone and acknowledged him.
“Rogers.”. She might seem to be engrossed on whatever she was doing with her phone but Steve knew she never missed a trick.
“Barton” the Captain raised his voice “You break something, you’re paying for it. We’re on a tight budget.” and with that he entered his office and shut the door behind him, something that was unusual for their Captain. His door normally remained open unless the conversation was private or he was pissed off. 
As there was no one else in there with him, it was clearly the latter.
“He needs to get laid.” Clint said, turning back to Natasha, resuming his bouncing of his baseball again. Bucky let out a snort.
“He sure does” replied Natasha who suddenly threw her phone on her desk and got up to make her way towards Wanda’s counter. 
“You should ask him out on a date” she whispered to Wanda leaning over her desk.
“Wh… What are you talking about” Wanda stuttered while closing the book she was reading and feeling the heat spread through her neck up to her cheeks.
“I’ve seen the way you look at him” Natasha added with a half-smile. 
“That obvious” Wanda enquired covering her cheeks, which were now deep red, with her hands showing Natasha her chipped black nail polish. Bucky watched the exchange with a slight smirk. 
Natasha only shrugged and retorted “Well, you should find the courage to do it in that witchery book you’re reading” she said pointing to the paperback with a movement of her head. “Scarlett Witch”.
Bucky picked up the phone, there was a message on his desk to call Stark about some evidence on a case, turning away to allow Wanda to get over her embarrassment. He heard the voice of Deputy Commissioner Fury and turned to watch as he greeted Natasha and Wanda.
 "Good morning, ladies.“
“Good morning Sir…” They both said in unison as her swept past them heading towards Steve’s office.  He rapped on the door and didn’t wait for an answer before he swung it open, causing Steve to glance up slightly puzzled. His team knew to wait for him to call them in before entering if his door was closed. At seeing his boss he immediately stood.
“At ease Captain” The deputy commissioner spoke, waving his hand. Steve gestured for him to take the seat opposite his desk.
“You hear with a mission?”
“You could say that.” Fury said, “Get Barnes in here and close the door. This one’s sensitive.”
“Sir…” Steve frowned slightly and stood up, heading out into the main office.
Bucky was by this point on the phone, leaning back in his chair feet on his desk. He looked at Steve, nodding to acknowledge him, holding his hand up, finger on his right hand extended instructing Steve to keep quiet. 
“That’s great Stark!” he paused, “So it’s definitely a match…excellent, yeah…sure…thanks…”
He placed the phone down “Science Bros got a match on the bullet from the mini-mart robbery. Matches the gun Simon Cranston had in his possession when we brought him in. We got him bang to rights!”
“Good, listen, Buck…Fury’s here. Says he has a case but it’s sensitive…” Understanding immediately Bucky stood up. He smoothed down his blue and white button down and followed Steve into his office, closing the door behind him.
“We have a situation.” Fury said. “Body, found by a dog walker early hours of this morning. Early shift called it in.”
“Ok, well we’ve not held briefing yet…” Bucky said, trailing off as he saw the frown on Steve’s face.
“What is it sir?” “Technically it’s the 99s patch…” Fury said, “But as soon as Peralta realised who it was he called Holt who in turn called me. This is one for the 101st.”
“Why?” Steve asked, frowning. 
“It’s Senator Ross.” Fury said, looking at him.
“Shit.” Steve sighed
“I’m not gonna lie Steve, as much as I admire and like Holt, your unit is more geared up for this and the 99 are currently swamped on a drugs case any way so…” Fury shrugged.
“Right, I’ll get the team onto it right away.”
“Odinson and his team are currently manning the scene, I had them take over from Holt’s guys as soon as I found out.” Fury nodded “I’m sure I don’t need to remind you that we need absolute discretion about this, at least for the time being. I’ll liaise with the top brass and Capitol Hill. Once we know what we’re dealing with we can discuss how we handle the press. For now, keep them away.” “Sir.” Steve agreed. 
“I trust you can take it from here?”
Steve nodded and watched as his boss left before he turned to Bucky. “Get Romanoff and Barton down there now, and then get onto Wilson and Stark. I’ll call Holt, find out the details and sort out taking over. Then we’ll head down there.”
“Sure.” Bucky said, heading out into the office, closing the door behind him.
Steve paused for a second, before he picked up the phone sighing. A murder always attracted attention but when it was a public figure that interest was going to be relentless.
It was almost ten when Steve pulled his car to a stop near Greenway Terrace in Brooklyn Bridge Park. Bucky got out of the car closing the door behind him and put his phone in the back pocket of his black jeans and waited for Steve to reach his side before they both started walking towards the tightly secured area. 
They approached Thor who was standing by the Scene Crime Do Not Cross yellow tape ordering to one of his immediate subordinates to remove unnecessary individuals from the scene and keep the tourists and the press as far away as possible. It was a bright July morning and this part of the park offered the tourists, and the public in general, a beautiful shady sitting area with stunning views to New York Harbor.
Once they exchanged a few words with Thor who assured them he would keep the press at bay, they ducked under the tape and headed to the area where Detectives Romanoff and Barton were examining the surroundings of the crime scene. 
"Romanoff, Barton. What do we got?” Bucky heard Steve ask the pair of detectives.
He was looking around trying to get used to the scene before him. He had spent the last years mostly doing undercover work, gathering intel, bringing down drugs or arms dealers and smugglers so, it had been a while since he had been in a presumed murder scene. 
“We’re sweeping the area for casings or slugs.” Natasha said. 
“Nothing, Cap, according to Wilson there’s no gunshot wound, so…” Clint added.
“Footprints? Vehicle tracks?” Steve enquired.
“No vehicle tracks. And seeing as this is a granite terrace no chance of footprints either.” Clint replied. “We are searching the area for some mud or dirt marks though." 
Steve nodded, analysing the information his detectives had delivered, his hands perched on his belt. "Any indications that the crime may have occurred somewhere else?" 
“Nope.” Natasha said “But we won’t know for certain until forensics finish.”
"All right. I want you two to investigate the surrounding neighbourhood. This took place presumably last night and there’s this hill over there that separates the area from Furman Street, so it is unlikely that we find any witnesses.” Steve elaborated.
“Got it Cap…” Clint said. “We’ll talk to the neighbours. See if anybody has seen anything suspicious.”
“Romanoff…” Steve started to say before Natasha cut in.
“We’ll visit the surrounding shops and businesses to check surveillance footage. I know the drill , Rogers.” to which Steve couldn’t help but smile.
“Ok. See you at the station when you’re done.” Steve dismissed them and looked at Bucky who was watching as the forensics assistants were taking photos of the crime scene and the corpse from every angle possible.
“Ready to see what Ross has to say?” Steve asked Bucky as he began to walk towards Sam Wilson, the unit Pathologist and Tony Stark, lead forensic who was gathering evidence.
“Didn’t know you were one for black humour, punk” Bucky replied suppressing a laugh.
“Wilson?” Steve greeted Sam. “What do you have?”
“Hi, Rogers. You prefer the cause or the manner?” Sam shot back.
“Is the order relevant?” Steve asked smiling at Sam’s playful ways.
“Not in this case.” Sam said. 
“What about the time of death?” Bucky asked.
Sam pondered about it for a few seconds before replying “I estimate it between three and five a.m.”
“What? Two hours span? Couldn’t you be more specific?” Bucky said surprised by Wilson answer.
“Where did you get this guy, Rogers?” Tony entered the exchange. “Do you want the exact hour and minute? That’s impossible unless you were here with a stopwatch!" 
"Stark.” Sam tried to shut Tony. 
“All right. Call it, Wilson” Tony said with a sigh but glaring at Bucky.
“Well, based on the corpse temperature and his body mass and taking into account muscle stiffening and blood setting, I could give you from three to four thirty in the morning, but we’ll have to wait until I’ve opened him up to be more accurate.” Sam elaborated.
“The guy is as pale as a ghost” Bucky tried to say something meaningful.
“No shit, Sherlock. It’s called palor in scientific jargon.” Tony quipped visibly annoyed at Bucky’s presence.
“That’s enough!” Steve raised his voice. “Wilson, please, continue.”
“All right. So, it looks like he was killed here. There’s enough blood on the ground and no sign that he was moved after the killing took place…the murderer knocked him down first, nasty wound on the back of the head and he took a bit of a beating too. Lots of bruising to his face.” Sam explained.
“Quite a violent MO. Rage…” Steve mused.
“Yeah. If the cereal didn’t choke him to death, the blunt force trauma did it.” Sam said looking down at the corpse. “But again, I’ll know more when…”
“Hang on, what do you mean? What cereal?” Steve cut him off while sharing a surprised look with Bucky.
“I pulled this out of his throat with a pair of tweezers.” Tony said to Steve showing him an evidence bag with what looked like some sort of breakfast cereal.
“Are those Puffed Rice?”  Bucky asked gaining a glare from Tony. Sam and Steve looked at him at the same time.
“That’s one hell of an odd calling card.” Steve whispered gazing past the other men into the river front. “What kind of message is cereal conveying?”
“Well, I think that…” Bucky was beginning to say but was interrupted by a raging Tony.
“Barnes, would you shut up? We’re trying to work here and your presence is disturbing enough without your silly comments.”
Steve wanted to warn Tony about his remarks but things were a bit rocky between them after what had happened at the Commendation party, so he let it be. 
“Thanks, Wilson. Let me know when you’re ready to do the PM.” Steve said. He always liked to attend the Post Mortems in person, if possible. It was easier to ask questions and understand as Sam worked.
“Yeah, well, cut the cheque.” Sam replied.
Steve smiled at the pathologist, who was waiting for Judge Hill’s order to remove the body and take it to the morgue, and waved both men goodbye as he ordered Bucky to follow him with a movement of his head.
“What do you think?” Steve asked him
“Well before Stark jumped in, and by the way that guy has a stick up his ass, I was about to say I think we need a profiler” Bucky replied while both men walked their way back to the car. 
Steve was quiet for a minute before saying “I know someone." 
Bucky had noticed Steve hesitation before speaking and was about to ask him who he was talking about but was interrupted by Steve’s phone ringing. So he waited patiently leaning on the car door while Steve got the call. He was scrolling through his own messages when Steve came back with a serious demeanour. 
"We’re stopping at Police Plaza. It was Pierce, he wants to meet me at headquarters.”
Bucky headed into the coffee shop over the road whilst Steve was waved up to Pierce’s office.
“Captain Rogers…” Pierce greeted him. “I’m sure you can guess what this is about.” “Ross.” Steve nodded, taking a seat as Pierce nodded.
“Ross and I were at University together.” Pierce said, “So this…well, it’s kind of personal for me.” “I’m sorry to hear that sir.” Steve nodded.
“So, I want to be kept in the loop on this one. Normally I don’t take an interest in every body we find, I can’t but…”
“I understand.” Steve assured the Commissioner. 
“So, do we have a cause of death?”
“Well…” Steve scratched at his chin “We won’t know for sure until we can do the Post Mortum, which hopefully will be later today but…well, it’s odd. It was either a blow to the head or cereal.”
“Cereal?” Pierce blinked.
“Yes, Forensics recovered a quantity of the stuff in his throat. But like I say, we won’t know for sure until Dr Wilson has done his job.” Pierce sighed. “Who uses Cereal as a murder weapon?” “Well, on that…” Steve sighed. “I think we could do with a profiler.”
“Whatever you need.” Pierce said, “I’ll pull some strings, get you someone from the FBI, anything.” “With all due respect Sir…” Steve looked at him “I’d rather bring in a profiler who’s in the force…and I know just the person. But I’d like the chance to speak to them first. They won’t feel happy about simply being forced into this if that makes sense.” “I really don’t care if they’re happy or not.” Pierce said, his jaw twitching “I want the A- team on this, Rogers, no matter what.” “Absolutely, and you have my word. If they don’t agree I’ll call, then you can pull whatever strings you need.”
“Who do you have in mind?” Pierce looked at him. They continued to talk, Pierce promising to make budget available for all the overtime he needed before he headed down in the elevator, leaning back against the wall. Working a murder was always stressful as you were under so much pressure to bring the perp to justice, but with Pierce now being personally interested, the pressure was going to double. He stepped out of the cool air conditioned lobby of HQ and called Fury to run his idea passed him. Fury gave him the green light and with that he crossed the road, finding Bucky was on the phone.
“I don’t believe in co-incidences Romanoff.” he said, nodding to Steve “It could be nothing but just keep an open mind…” Steve gestured to the phone and Bucky handed it over.
“Romanoff, its Rogers.” he said,
“Hey Cap.” “Listen, I need to head out of town with Sergeant Barnes for the evening, related to this case. We’re bringing in a profiler and I need to speak to them in person. Can you liaise with Wilson and ensure either your or Clint, or both are at the PM. Usual stuff…” “Sure.” there was a pause “Who’s the profiler, anyone we know?” There was a lilt to her voice that told Steve she knew exactly who he had in mind.
“Dismissed” he said simply, ending the call and tossing the phone back to Bucky.  “What’ the coincidence?”
“Oh, erm… Ross’s real name is Paul Thaddeus Ross, he uses his middle name.” “So?” “PR…his initials, same as the cereal…puffed rice.” “That’s a bit tentative Buck” Steve said. “But good spot, we’ll bear it in mind.”
“So, you taking me on a trip?” Bucky looked at him, quirking an eyebrow.
“Anywhere nice?” 
“DC.” Steve looked at him “The profiler I told you about. She lives there.” “She…oh, you’re talking about Stark…the little one?” Bucky said with a slight sigh. “You want me to drive with you to DC, to convince the woman that hates your guts to come back and work for you?” “Pretty much, yeah.” Steve nodded. “Why her man? You could bring in any profiler…” “Because she knows the team.” Steve said, “I explained this to Pierce. Getting that lot to trust an outsider to the force will be hard work and I don’t have time for Natasha pulling her grin of death shit. Profilers who are actually still active officers within the Police Service are a rare commodity and, well frankly Buck, she’s one of the best in the business.” “And you let her go…” Bucky sighed, shaking his head. “I wasn’t going to stand in the way of her taking an opportunity that was, frankly, too good to refuse.” Steve sighed. “Right.” Bucky said “and that’s all there was to it?” “Yup” Steve held his gaze as best he could. “You’re a shit liar.” Bucky grumbled, standing up “I take it we get an overnighter?” Steve smiled, knowing that was Bucky’s way of agreeing to come with him. “Yeah, we’ll stay tonight. If we leave within the hour we should be there for just before 6pm.” Steve said, checking his watch. “You’re the boss…” Bucky said, standing up “We best go grab a bag.”
Less than 30 minutes later the 2 of them were making their way out of Brooklyn, the address of the SHIELD unit building programmed into the GPS.
"So how you gonna play this?” Bucky asked, lounging back in the passenger seat of Steve’s Audi Q5. It made Bucky laugh how Steve’s newest purchase, the sleek steel grey Audi held every gadget and extra he could ever need and then some. Steve lived quite a frugal lifestyle. He had nice things, his apartment was furnished well, his clothes were a mixture of high end high street brands with the odd designer item thrown in, but he never bought what he didn’t need as such. His apartment was a total of 5 rooms including the bedrooms despite the fact he could easily afford a more grandiose place. Bucky knew that it was as a product of growing up without much, his mom had never been well off, and Steve was likely stashing most of his money for a rainy day.
But when it came to cars, Steve Rogers was happy to splurge.
The Captain shifted slightly and bit his bottom lip , his thumb rapping on the top of the steering wheel.  "I’m gonna show her the case file. Ask her opinion. See what she makes of it…and hopefully it’s gonna grab her interest enough to make her agree to come back for a while…“ "And if it fails?” Steve hesitated. He looked at Bucky who gave a groan, spotting the look on his face. “You’ll go over her head…man she’s gonna hate you even more then!” “Not sure that’s possible.” Steve sighed
“Steve…” Captain Phil Coulson stood up, greeting him warmly “It’s been a while.” “Indeed it has.” Steve smiled at the man he had worked a case with a few years back, one which saw Thor’s brother, Loki, put away for a very long time. “Almost 3 years I believe.”
“Time flies when you’re having fun huh?”  Coulson smiled and Steve reciprocated.
“Sergeant, James Barnes…Captain Phil Coulson.” Steve introduced the two men. “Please, call me Bucky.”
Phil nodded and then gestured to the elevator “Shall we?”
They followed him in, their Visitors badges pinned to their chests
“So, Fury called ahead. You want Stark back?”
“In a nutshell.” Steve nodded “I can’t go into details but…we need a profiler, and this one’s already getting some high up attention. From our Commissioner no less.” “Yeah I won’t lie, I’m not happy about this.” Coulson sighed “She’s working a case on a very big Sex Trafficking ring at the moment so losing her will be a blow…”
“She is only on secondment.” Steve reminded the man “The deal was if we need her back…” “I know” Coulson assured Steve he understood, “But that doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“Phil, I wouldn’t be doing this if I had a choice.” Steve said gently.
“That’s right, he wouldn’t. She hates him…” Bucky added. Steve shot him a glare.
Coulson frowned “Really? She’s never had anything but praise for her old team and commanding officer.” Steve felt something in his chest warm slightly.
“But of course, that could just be professional courtesy.” Coulson finished.
The warmth disappeared.
The elevator stopped and they stepped out into a large, modern, open planned office. Coulson led them through the throngs of desks, towards the right side of the room. Steve heard her before he saw her.
“I really don’t give a shit…” she was saying, her tone exasperated “This is a big chance for us to nail this guy. So you tell Sergeant Jones his men are needed…and don’t make me go to Coulson…”
As they approached her desk Steve saw her slam the phone down and rub her hands over her face and he could already smell her day perfume- Daisy By Marc Jacobs. A light, woody fragrance yet fresh and feminine at the same time. Whenever he caught the smell of it on anyone else he instantly thought of her. It was alluring, comforting…
Her head raised, her green eyes locked onto his and she shook her head. “You have got to be shitting me…” she spluttered out.
“Sergeant…” Coulson looked at her, “Really?”
“Sorry Sir, I’m just…surprised, shall we say, to see Captain Rogers. And Sergeant Barnes.” her tone was even but her eyes were flashing dangerously.
“Strictly business…” Steve held his hands up “Got a case I need your help on.”
“Out of all the profilers…you need me?”
“He says you’re the best.” Bucky jumped in. At that her face softened somewhat and she gave a sigh and turned to her boss.
“Can we use the briefing room?”
Coulson nodded “I’ll get Jackson to book it out for you.” “Thanks.” she said, moving her chair back. She stood up and Steve took her in, dressed as always for work, a button down (light pink this time) the top few buttons undone revealing a navy blue vest top coupled with black jeans and tan knee high boots. “Gentlemen…” She motioned for them to follow her and they headed into the large room at the back. She closed the door and perched on the desk at the front and looked at Steve expectantly. “So what made you drive 4 hours over here to hear me tell you to fuck off instead of merely picking up the phone?” “This.” Steve said, handing her his phone after he pulled up the photos he’d had Tony email him.
“Holy shit…” she mumbled “Ross? He’s dead?”
Steve nodded “Commissioner Pierce is taking a personal interest on this, and given the odd calling card left, I’ve got a feeling this isn’t going to be the last body that turns up.” She looked at him, the pair of them sharing an understanding. Unless it was gang related, it was unusual for a calling card to be left by a onetime killer.
“Keep going…” Steve said, as she swiped across his screen. He watched as her mouth dropped open as she squinted at the screen, before looking at Steve, then Bucky, then back to the photo.
“Is that…puffed rice?” she asked.
“You got it.” Bucky nodded “But we won’t know if that’s what killed him until Wilson’s done the PM.” “Death by Cereal…” she snorted “A Cereal Serial killer…”
Despite himself, Steve felt his mouth curl up in a smile “I was hoping it would grab your attention.”
Katie bit the inside of her cheek “I’ve never seen anything like this before.” “Why cereal?” Bucky looked at her.
She scratched her head “Ok, so this is purely supposition, but when I was training to become a profiler, there was a case study about a killer in Minnesota. He was leaving Caviar in the mouths of his victims. They were upper class bankers and dealers, he was targeting them because he blamed them for his business going bankrupt. It was kind of a taunt really…” she bit her lip “But Cereal is something that’s so widely available, it can’t be that…maybe it’s the opposite. Look how dangerous something that you can see or take for granted every day can be…”
Bucky looked at Steve, and had to smile at the way the Captain was looking at the woman opposite him, his expression soft, almost proud.
“You said she was good Steve…” he said and Steve turned to him, giving him a smile. Katie held out his phone and he took it, his fingers brushing her slightly and she pulled her hand back immediately, a pink flush rising to her cheeks as she looked down at her legs which were swinging to and fro as she sat on the desk.
“So what do you say?” Steve asked softly
“I can’t.” she said after a pause.
“Katie…” “No, Steve.” she looked at him “I left Brooklyn to do a job here, and that’s what I’m gonna do. Pull someone in from the Bureau.”
“I don’t want someone from the Bureau.” Steve said “I need someone on this we can trust, someone that knows the team, someone that can get their hands dirty…”
She sighed and looked up at him, and he didn’t miss the flash of sadness across her face “The days of me jumping to your tune are over.” she said with a shrug “Sorry, you’ve had a wasted journey but no is my final answer. Good luck.” With that she hopped off the desk and left the room without looking back.
“Well that went well.” Bucky said, “I could say I told you so but…” “Don’t” Steve practically growled, his hands on the buckle of his belt. “Looks like I’m gonna have to do this the hard way.”
“Yeah she’s gonna have your balls for earrings.” Bucky turned to him. “Now I don’t know about you but I think we should check in with Romanoff about the PM and then go get a drink.” ***** “So you’re alive then?” Katie’s voice hit Steve’s ears as she shut the office door behind her. “Just ghosting me.”
“I’m not…” he started to protest but knew it was useless, she’d hit the nail on the head. He had been avoiding her. Completely.
“Why Steve?” she asked, her eyes brimming with tears “I thought…I thought it meant something to you, that I meant something to you…” “Sweetheart…” he sighed, walking out from his desk towards her “It did, you do, I just…” “You just what?” she looked up at him. “I wake up, and you’re gone…didn’t even stay for breakfast… and then you ignore me for 3 days?”
“I shouldn’t have let it get as far as it did.” he sighed.
“So you regret it?” “No, it’s not that…” he sighed “Katie, I’m your boss…this…us…” he waved his hand between them “it can’t happen.” “It’s a bit late for that…” Katie shook her head, the tears in her eyes were now replaced with a blazing fire, one that he knew only too well and he inwardly cringed at the verbal attack he was about to receive. Only it never came. Instead her voice remained level as she raised her chin to look at him straight on “You know, you pretend to be this moral guy, when all along you’re no different to the rest of them. You got what you wanted and now you’re not interested.” “Katie, that’s not what it was.” he sighed “I care about you, everything I said that night was true but…” “I’m gonna take that job in DC.” she said, cutting him off.
Steve sighed “There’s plenty of time to think about that. Don’t do anything rash…” “Well then give me a reason to stay.” she whispered, pleading with him as she stepped forward. “Steve, we could have something so good if you just give it a chance.” Steve’s hands fell to her hips, an automatic response, before he moved back, shaking his head. And that was the moment he saw her break. The disappointment in her eyes killed him and he couldn’t look at her anymore.
“I can’t.” he said, turning away.
She didn’t speak another word. Instead she turned and left, not even slamming the door behind her.
“The next day I signed the paper work to authorise the 2 year secondment.” Steve said, his fingers sliding across the label on the bottle of beer in front of him as he sat in the bar opposite the hotel with Bucky, finishing his explanation  “She left at the weekend without speaking so much as another word to me, said her goodbyes to the team when she knew I wouldn’t be there.”
“You didn’t even try and fight for her?” Bucky looked at him, shaking his head “Man, what the actual fuck?” “Can you imagine the shit storm it would cause?” Steve sighed “One of us would have had to move units, and that would have been her, not me.” “Dude, you could have worked through that!” Bucky said “She was coming to DC, it’s not that far away. You could have seen each other at weekends, or in your free time…” “Maybe.” Steve sighed. If truth be told he’d thought about that a lot after she left. Thought about calling her and seeing if they could work it out, but the longer he left it the harder it got. And she ignored all the calls and texts he had sent her anyway. “It’s too late now.” he shook his head. “Do you love her?” Bucky looked at him. Steve hesitated for a second, considering the question. It was an easy answer in the end.
“I think in a way I always have.” Steve shrugged “As a friend anyway…”
“That’s not what I asked.” Bucky said simply.
Steve looked at him and sighed “Don’t make me say it Buck, please.”
That was all the confirmation Bucky needed. He shook his head and looked at his friend “You’re an idiot.” “I know.”
“How are you gonna feel when she comes back?” “Same as I always feel when she’s around.” Steve drained his bottle “Like that scrawny assed punk from Brooklyn that was always getting his ass kicked.”
“Well, just like old times then…” Bucky said, knocking back the rest of his drink before he clapped a hand on his friend’s shoulder “I got ya back pal, till the end of the line.”
@the-omni-princess  @momobaby227 @geekofmanythings16 @angelofhell-666 @thewackywriter @marvelfansworld  @cobalt-gear  @asgardlover75 @jennmurawski13  @jtargaryen18 @saiyanprincessswanie  @navispalace @patzammit  @joannaliceevans-fanficblog  @djeniiscorner  @ayamenimthiriel  @coldmuffinbanditshoe  @disneylovingal @madzmilllz  @sgtjaamesbaarnes @sweater-daddiesdumbdork  @southerngracela @goldenfightergir @kellymat @official-and-unstable-satan 
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ariaadagio · 5 years
Aria’s Long List of Lucifer & Deckerstar Fic Recs - Part 4
Hello, all!  While I’ve been on my writing break, I’ve also been knocking out a large chunk of stories on my reading list this holiday season, and I’ve just about hit critical mass on recs again, so here I am, back with part 4 of my ongoing fic-rec series!  You can find my other five rec posts here (part 1), here (part 2), here (part 3), here (part 5), and here (part 6).
These recs are organized by author name, and the list order is not meant to imply an order of preference.  All recommendations are completed fics unless otherwise noted.  If anyone knows the @ tumblr names for any of the authors I missed tagging, or if I got anything wrong, please let me know.
Cover Me and Throw Me a Lifeline - @flutterflap
~7.3k words
Flutterflap writes beautiful angst, and this Halloween-themed story was no exception.  There’s a particularly poignant moment in this fic involving Lucifer and a dying original character that sits with me to this day, tugging at my heartstrings in all sorts of good-but-painful ways.  Exquisite.
After All This Turns to Ash by @flutterflap & @theleafpile
~13k words
A lovely, angsty casefic that provides a lot of insight into both Lucifer & Chloe as characters while also tackling some serious issues such as homophobia.  Lucifer’s visceral reaction to “being forgotten” is both revealing and perfect.
  Detour (with Jigsaw Puzzles) - @hiromystory
~17.2k words
Post-S3 reconciliation.  Hurt Lucifer.  Wings.  Lucifer Knows Things (tm).  Chloe praying to Lucifer.  Deckerstar huddling for warmth.  Deckerstar stuck in a cabin.  Deckerstar sharing a bed.  Angsty fluffy snarky.  Happy ending.  Trixie & Lucifer cuteness.  This fic is literally all of my favorite tropes jammed into a delicious, gourmet sandwich of words, complete with all the fic fixings.  Do give it a read :D
What to Do When an Angel’s Wings Get Shot - @iguessyouregonnamissthepantyraid
~4.6k words
Sometimes, you just want a quick shot of well-written self-contained hurt/comfort, and, well, here it is.  Enjoy :)
Praying to the Devil - @theleafpile
~5.3k words
This story is one of the earlier (earliest?) instances of one of my favorite tropes: Chloe praying to Lucifer.  Theleafpile is one of my favorite Lucific authors for her lyrical, “easy to fall into” writing style, and her great characterizations.  
City of Angels - Mia_Vaan
~11.5k words
A fun exploration of what might have happened if, instead of merely brushing shoulders with him, Chloe actually met Lucifer in the episode: City of Angels.  If you like rewrites, I recommend this well-written romp!
The Great Pretender - @notonelineff
~2.8k words
A fun little genfic in which Azrael and Ella have a much-needed discussion about the fact that Azrael is not a ghost.  Revelations ensue.  
When Darkness and Light Seem Dimmer - @obliobla
~5k words.
A unique post-S3 fic in which Chloe witnesses Lucifer having a sex dream when he falls asleep on a stakeout, and things develop from there.  Includes the Chloe-praying-to-Lucifer trope I love so much, and a genuinely insightful helping of characterization-via-smut.
Taradiddle - @orchidcactus
~53.4k words and growing.
This is an ongoing series (2 complete, 1 WIP thus far) of brilliantly-written post-S3 Deckerstar-centric casefics, some supernatural and some not.  I love this author’s stickler attention to detail without ever drowning in it, and her characterization of both Lucifer and Chloe is spot on.  Not to mention, the writer’s attention to balance brings with it both fluff and angst, and tonally speaking, reading these stories is literally like adding another helping of S2 to one’s plate.  (I say S2 because many of my pet peeves about S3′s extra-comedic tone & Lucifer’s extra-boisterous S3 characterization have been tempered, much to my appreciation.)
Hands on Me - @pellaaearien
~5.2k words.
In which Chloe has a bit of a pregnancy scare, Lucifer provides excellent moral support, and menstrual cramps are no match for the Devil.  A very sweet established-relationship fic with fluff and hurt/comfort and fun Bible interpretations to boot.  Lovely.
In the Bleak Midwinter - @someoneasgoodasyou
~13.5k words.
More caught-in-a-cabin-in-a-blizzard post-S3 Deckerstar-reconciliation goodness.  I think I could read about 57-million fics about this scenario and not get tired of it.  So lovely. 
Better Than Goats - @tarysande
~3.3k words.
In which Lucifer gets a kitten through tragic happenstance and not-so-secretly falls in love with it.  Need I say more?  I think I needn’t.
A Divine Spark - umbrafix
~45k words.
This is a genfic, not Deckerstar, but because it is very much in support of canon, which of course has Deckerstar, there are some beautiful Deckerstar moments contained within.  Perhaps some of the most beautiful I’ve read in this fandom.  Technically an mpreg fic, but only in a vaguely-written not-at-all-squicky metaphysical sense, please please please don’t let that aspect scare you off.  Umbrafix’s characterizations, dialogue, and writing style are perfect, and I thoroughly enjoyed this fic’s thoughtful somewhat-angsty exploration of Lucifer's feelings about loss of control, and his desire for companionship, and his complicated relationship with his dad. 
The Devil's in the Details - Volta1228
~7.7k words
A post-S3 fic in which Chloe characterizes Lucifer’s devilish “purpose” in a unique way that I haven’t seen much before.  Volta’s writing style and characterizations are lovely.  A great first entry into the Lucifer fandom by this author.  Well worth a read.
A Softer Beginning - @thewollfgang
~65k words.
A fic that strips Lucifer of his memory in order to show us and Chloe the inner-workings of his character.  Beautiful, heart-rending angst and hurt/comfort, but also heartwarming fluff, some pleasant Deckerstar surprises along the way, and brilliant insight into what makes Lucifer behave as he does today.  I also particularly loved Wollfgang’s attention to the the characterization of supporting characters, such as Amenadiel and Dan.  A divine read.  Do check it out.
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sourgrapefox · 2 years
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I know this is small because I only started tumblr this year but still--thank you to all the new friends I've made through this app this year!!❤
I posted 120 times in 2021
17 posts created (14%)
103 posts reblogged (86%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 6.1 posts.
I added 46 tags in 2021
#henry cavill - 9 posts
#platonic soulmates - 9 posts
#tag game - 8 posts
#saarah and savs wedding 2021 - 5 posts
#acotar - 5 posts
#book friends - 2 posts
#nessian - 2 posts
#azriel has the biggest wingspan - 2 posts
#i love my mutuals - 2 posts
#rock bottom club - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 100 characters
#i also want a full on drag queen reenactment to the song that taylor swift writes about us thank you
My Top Posts in 2021
let the games begin
The sequel part to The Emerald Tie Affair in where our main characters find themselves in an impossible game, and tub full of bubbles.
Trigger Warnings: this work contains explicit content of the kinkier variety, if any of these themes are not something you would like to see or if you are a child please take a cookie and keep scrolling. This part specifically contains mentions of past relationships that were unsatisfactory, and alcohol usage if any of these themes are uncomfortable for you have a cookie and keep scrolling friend!
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“…the things I enjoy involve rules.” He started again, his voice a low rumble as his hand began to move in achingly slow circles. “…if you obey me, you’ll be rewarded…and if you fail, punishment.”
“What are the rules in this game?” Anna asked all to quickly, her words coming out in a single breathe followed by a whimper.
“Don’t spill your wine, sweet thing.” His voice hummed against her neck as his second hand snaked around her body…
Read the rest here!
12 notes • Posted 2021-10-01 18:03:24 GMT
The I only thing I got from Enola Holmes is the idea for a spicy Sherlock fic featuring a female Moriarty—it would fit with the feminist theme too 👀👀
13 notes • Posted 2021-07-26 18:37:24 GMT
the emerald tie affair
Introduction: Anna Nomine is a young, shy writer most well known for her romantic book series that would be made into a television series, to which she became heavily involved in. However, her career seemed like it was at its end when it was revealed very publicly and embarrassingly—that she had never been in a serious romantic relationship. Ever. That was until the star of the upcoming series, Henry Cavill, announced they had been dating for months—on live television. This was news to Anna as well who had no choice but to play along with this facade with a man she barely knew or embarrass them both. She soon discovered Henry had been the topic of on going speculation after a messy public breakup and this was his chance for an out—a new lady—and no strings. In other terms, a fake relationship for image not for love, in fact that was the number one rule: don’t get attached. It would mean the end of speciation on both ends—how could Anna refuse? After the two become closer, literally, Anna begins to feel as though she is trapped inside one of her novels as she wonders if escaping ridicule is worth the heartbreak.
Trigger Warning and Notes: This contains some graphic sexual material, of the kinkier variety so if you don’t like that sort of thing this isn’t a read for you!! When I wrote this a week ago it was only going to be one part but part two is coming—so I did name her but in this part she is nameless. Also I was encouraged and inspired by this lovely being to write this, without her it would have never happened <3
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As soon as they walked in the door of their hotel room he had her pressed against the door. Her backless dress exposed her skin to the cool mahogany wood, she arched at the touch. The look Henry gave her as he stared down at her was nothing short of predatory though his features were soft and calm, she swallowed hard. His hand slid up between their bodies to tangle his index finger gently in a dark tendril of loose hair that hung at the nape of her neck.
“Do you have any idea how mad you’ve had me all night—wrapped around my arm draped in silk?” His rich voice broke the gasping silence, sending a shiver right through her core. His question barely a whisper growling at the back of his throat.
She looked up at him doe eyes, suddenly aware of every movement she made. How her body grazed his with every rapid breathe she took—how delightful that friction was against her already hardened nipples. He continued to curl his finger in her lock of hair, making sure to graze her neck, her jawline as he rested his wrist on her collarbone.
“You torture me all evening in those thin little straps, this flimsy green fabric—and this little detail—“ His husky voice broke out into a near snarl before she could reply, his free hand found the high slit along on the side of her dress. She inhaled sharply at the feeling of his warm hand gripping her bare thigh. Heat flooded through her body.
Read the rest here!
15 notes • Posted 2021-06-30 04:54:41 GMT
You know it’s bad when you can hear the character’s voice in your head saying all the nasty things you’re writing 😳
51 notes • Posted 2021-07-20 15:56:00 GMT
I totally watch the Witcher for the plot…
The plot:
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65 notes • Posted 2021-07-21 21:23:42 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Tumblr / Fangirl vocabulary
Hey! :) Last week, I’ve noticed few people asked me about vocabulary related to the fandoms or tumblr in genral, like “what does engame mean?” or “what the hell is an OTP?” so I thought I could do a “Tumblr / Fangirl vocabulary” to help people who can feel a little bit confused with all of this words. Some of these words are really easy but I wanted to write everything I know. 
Post : it’s an article in your blog, it can be a text, a picture, a link, a video, whatever. It’s literally what you’re posting on this website. 
Tags : They are some keywords helping people to find your post. 
Reblog : It’s when you share a post from another tumblr user. 
Following : The people you follow. 
Followers : The people who follow you. 
Dashboard : It’s the main page in which all the posts, from all the people you are currently following, appear. 
Explore : It’s a page with all the posts recommended for you, according to what kind of post you are posting, reblogging, liking; who you follow; who follows you; everything. 
Notes : It’s the number of interaction about a post. People can like your post, they can reblog it, they can add a “caption” (a short text or a gif, or an image, or a link, or basically anything they want). All of this appears in your notes. 
Fandom : a fandom describes a subculture composed with fans characterized by a feeling of empathy and camaraderie with others who share a common interest (for example, in a book or in a movie, or in a tv show). 
Fangirl / Fanboy : a girl or a boy obsessed with a fandom.
Fanvid : a fanmade video often consisting of clips accompanied by music.
Feels : It’s a term used by fangirls or fanboys which refers to an intense wave of emotion, often unavoidable. It can be very good (like intense joy, happiness, excitement) or it can be really bad (sadness, pain, anger...). If you see a comment like “OMG THE FEEEEEEEELS” dont’ be scared. It’s totally normal and very customary in the fandom’s world. 
Squee : onomatopoetic noise released from the fangirl when she is excited.
Headcanon : It happens when a fandom accepts additional information/narrative about a character that is not in the book, show, movie, game, etc. 
Cosplay (shorter for “costume play,”) : It’s when fans dress up to portray a fictional character of a book, show, movie, game, etc. 
Hiatus : It’s a period describing when a TV show is on break (and usually fangirls are in pain).
Shipping : It’s the act of putting two characters together in a romantic or sexual relationship. For example, in The Vampire Diaries (a book and a tv show), a lot of people are shipping Elena and Damon. It means they’d like to see them together as a couple, they think Elena and Damon have feelings for each other or they like their chemestry / love / sexual attraction, whatever...
Ship : A ship is an association of two people in a relationship. Sometimes, ship names can be created and used by the community. For example: Delena is the official ship name of Damon and Elena (my previous example). 
OTP : One True Pairing. An OTP is like your best, strongest, most important ship. For example, in The Vampire Diaries, you can ship a lot of people together but saying “Delena is my OTP” means it’s your favorite couple ever.
BROTP : It’s the ultimate friendship. It’s used to describe two people who share an amazingly beautiful frienship that you might admire. The word “bromance” is often used to describe the relationship, then. 
NOTP : It’s the opposite of OTP. It’s a relationship you absolutely don’t want to see happening. It’s two people you can’t manage to imagine together. Basically, it’s a big “NOPE, NO WAY, NOT HAPPENING”.
Crackship : It’s a ship, a romantic pairing, that is unlikely to happen
Canon : It’s a term used to describe everything that is official in a fandom. It’s the official storyline established by the author, tv show creator, etc. When a ship is referred to as canon, it is real in the show, book, etc. If it’s not canon, then it doesn’t mean it’s not real and you have no right to ship it. It just means it’s not official (nothing says they have feeling for each other).
Endgame : It’s when you hope / believe / think / wish a couple you ship will end the series together (in a book, movie, tv-show, etc).
Fanfic (or Fanfiction) : It’s a story written by a fan, based on a movie, a book, a tv show, a game or any other kind of media which already exist. 
FANFIC (they have their own world, let’s be real) 
Disclaimers : They are must-have alerts written before reading the actual fanfiction. These alerts typically inform readers to whom the canon should be credited to; this helps in avoiding issues of copyright infringement.
Rating : Classification of the fanfictions : G (Suitable for all audiences), K (Intended for general audience 6 years and older. Content should be free of any coarse language, violence, and adult themes), K+ (Suitable for more mature childen, 9 years and older, with minor action violence without serious injury. May contain mild coarse language. Should not contain any adult themes), T (Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes), M (Not suitable for children or teens below the age of 16 with possible strong but non-explicit adult themes, references to violence, and strong coarse language),  MA (Content is only suitable for mature adults. May contain explicit language and adult themes).
A/N (abbreviation of "Author's Note") : when the author of a fanfiction writes to the reader in a direct way (usually to leave him a message at the very beginning or at the end of a fanfic).
POV : Point of View.
Bashing : It’s when the author of a fanfiction purposely denigrate a character he or she doesn’t like in the canon show / book / movie, etc, by making him very evil, mean, violent, pervert, or horrible in any way. 
Cliffhanger : It’s when a chapter or the fanfiction itself ends in suspens, in order to interest the reader or viewer in the next chapter or fanfic.   
Crossover : It’s when you make a link between two fandoms and you mix them to create your story. For example, you could try to do a crossover between Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Supernatural, two famous tv-shows. 
Spin-off : a television show or series, book, etc., that is based on an idea or character that already exists in a previously made product. For example: The Originals is a spin-off of The Vampire Diaries which focus on the life of the Michealson family, especially Klaus. 
Songfic : It is a term used to describe a genre of fan fiction that features a fictional work interspersed with the lyrics of a relevant song
One-Shot (OS) : A term used in fanfictions to say that there will only be one body of text (usually one chapter)
Angst : It’s a type fanfiction that is pretty dark and depressing, often in which characters suffer from not being able to be together or unrequited love.
Fluff : It’s a type of fanfiction that is typically happy and sweet, often G rated, involving shameless flirting between characters. 
Smut: It’s a fanfiction that is erotic in nature.
Slash Fiction : It’s a genre of fan fiction that focuses on interpersonal attraction and sexual relationships between fictional characters of the same sex. When it’s between two women, the word “ Femslash “ is often used. 
AU (Acronym for Alternate Universe) : It’s a type of fanfiction that puts characters into different worlds or scenarios than the canon storyline.
RPF (Acronym for “Real Person Fiction”) : it’s when an author writes a story about a real person who exists in real life. For example; a fanfiction about an actual band or a singer or an actor who exists in real life. 
OC  : (Acronym for “Original Character”) : it’s a character created by the author of a fanfiction. This character doesn’t exist in the show / book / movie, etc. 
OOC (Acronym for “Out of character.”) : It’s used by fangirls / fanboys to describe a situation where a character is acting strangely, like doing or saying something that he normally would never have done or said. 
IC (Acronym for “In Character”) : it’s the opposite of OOC. It’s when an author really well describes a fictional character, respect his or her personality and all.
Here are some of the words I know. This post was really meant to help some people who could naturally feel confused with all the strange vocabulary that, we, fangirls / fanboys, use. If you have suggestions, please tell me :)
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