#my plan is to listen to this while playing happy home paradise cause then i have something to occupy my hands and eyes
softgrungeprophet · 4 months
listening to the counterweight prequel begin like alright let's see if i can remember this lore from something i last listened to 7 years ago—
*low thrum kicks in*
ugh counter/weight ost is the best, hit me with those radio signals reflecting off the earth's atmosphere like a chorus of strange birds
love the stream graphic too
anyway back when i listened to c/w i uh... spent the entire time taking notes so i could pay attention and ended up with at least 100 pages in word so i'm sure it will come back to me 😂
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agentsoftie · 3 years
morning meetings
summary: on vacation spencer rekindles an old love which brought him greater joy then he remembered
authors note: wow, this is my first fic in a while. hopefully it’s good. but yeah. i got this idea today too so i’m so sorry if it’s hella cheesy. but yeah
warnings: none! pure fluff
word count & pairing: spencer r & fem reader : 1.9k
remember to like and reblog!
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The wind was blowing exactly 15mph and Spencer Reid had just arrived in Seattle. His job, as a profiler, took him all across the US. And his mind took him everywhere else. Although Seattle was different, Seattle was special. See, when his mother and father were still together, they took him here every summer. Because every summer they would come here, just to eat at Marge’s Hideout.
Today although, he wasn’t there because of his job. He was there on vacation. Or any form of that for him.
After checking out of his hotel and going for a walk on the pier, there was only one thing on his mind, coffee. Coffee from Marge’s.
So he picked up biked and went along the trail. Not using GPS, not since he had an eidetic memory, but since he knew the path by heart. Every good memory he’s had in his childhood always took place here, in Seattle. More specifically, on Louise’s Trail that goes straight through the town, and leading right to Marge’s Hideout. Although full of cobblestones and vines, it truly felt like you were at peace. At least for him, it did.
He knew he was coming to a stop on his wobbling journey as soon as he smelt croissants and pancakes. Stumbling and tipping over on his bike as he tried to get off, someone opened the door. And in through the door, he heard a laugh. The same laugh he had heard almost every day in his early 20’s. It couldn’t be, could it.
Quickly floundering to the door while trying not to trip over his own shoes, he kept thinking to himself. Or more though, all the memories washed over him. All of the ridiculous, joyful, and heartbreaking moments washed over him.
Finally getting inside, he heard it again. The same laugh. The same laugh he had heard all those years back. “Y/N?” He spoke causing a woman with rich brown hair to turn around.
“Spence,” she breathed out.
They both looked at each other until she finally broke the silence.
He went over to her seat. Trying to maintain an appropriate distance you would have with a stranger. Although she wasn’t a stranger. She was his last love. And his only love.
Y/N and Spencer had dated for 4 years. It was her first day of orientation when she met Spencer though. He was assisting the class she was in, and she couldn’t help herself but to ogle at his clumsiness and awkwardness. So, she asked him out for coffee, strictly platonic though.
Of course, at first, he was quite conflicted to take up her offer, but he did anyway. Because she seemed nice, and he would never not take up an offer if it involved coffee. So they went there. And then again. And again. And again, and again, and again, and again, and again, until he couldn’t take it anymore. So, he asked her out on a proper date. And after that, they both had fallen helplessly in love with each other. Although, after year 3 of them being together, things started to fall. He had gotten accepted into the BAU under Agent Hotchners authority, so he was barely he had moved to Virginia which meant long distance. At first, they thought they could do it, and they did, but that was until she had started finally her first year as an intern.
They started seeing each other less, and less, and less. And so they called it off. And although on the call, they kept everything reserved, it was all waterworks after. Y/N didn’t talk to anyone for a week and Spencer developed a drug addiction. Although at first, he thought it was because of what had happened with Tobias Hankel, he soon concluded that it was also powered by the breakup.
Of course, though, time passed. She started to see other people, and he started getting help. She started to really plan out the future, and he started to enjoy the moment, and live now, not in the past. She started to become him. And he started to become her.
“Ugh, how are you? Long time no see.” He said awkwardly as she kept on looking down.
“Good, good. How are you?” Her sweet angelic voice, which might have been silkier than before.
They both stayed in awkward silence for a couple of seconds which truly felt like decades.
“Here,” she said while moving to an empty booth, “sit.” And so he did. Him playing with his feet and her looking out the window until she suddenly asked a question. “So, are you still working at the BAU?”
“Yeah… Yep, still working there.”
“That’s nice.” She mumbled.
“How’s your work?” He asked, trying to start up a conversation as he pulled up a menu.
Suddenly something changed in her tone. She became more joyful. Happier. She straightened her back and moved the hair on her shoulder back. Spencer had noticed this. This was exactly what she would do when he asked about anything relating to what she was learning in college. She truly loved what she did, and for that, he was happy. “My work is great! I just got my first solo surgy, and that was fun! I mean, of course, it’s exhausting, but I truly love it. And Macey. You remember Macey right?”
Of course, he remembered Macey. Anyone who knew Y/N in college would remember Macey. They were the best of friends, absolutely inseparable. There wouldn’t be a time of the day where they weren’t together. All, except coffee time. Because that was strictly reserved for Spencer.
“Yeah, of course, I do. Who wouldn’t?” She simply laughed.
“Yeah, well she just got engaged!”
“Macey? Macey Williams? Married! She couldn’t keep a guy for more than 2 weeks.”
“I know! But a little after we broke up, she met this guy named Brian and they were just good together.”
It got a little quiet after she had mentioned the breakup. Spencer looked back down to his menu as if it was a foreign topic and Y/N frowned while grabbing a menu for herself.
Although her initial plan was to grab a coffee and go. Just like she always does, she decided to stick around today, knowing she wouldn’t get a moment like this again.
“So, what will you two lovely people want today?” The waiter chipped while walking up to them.
“Oh, I’ll have 2 buttermilk pancakes: blueberry. Scrambled eggs, and a coffee.”
“And I’ll be having a strawberry mango crepe, 2 croissants, and one coffee.”
“Great! Will that be all?” They both looked at each other then nonned. “Amazing, we will get your orders out as soon as possible!” And with that, she skipped away.
“So, besides work, anything fun happen to you?” Y/N questioned Spencer while toying with her bandaid.
“Well, I mean not much. I have an incredible team though! They are truly some of the most important people in my life. And my mother also of course. Although she hasn’t gotten better, I still write her a letter every day. And see her at least once every other month. And I’m a Godfather now!”
She always loved how excited he had gotten whenever he was talking about the BAU or his team. For such a messed up job, he truly loved it. And that’s all that really mattered.
She laughed, in pure and absolute joy. “Wow! That’s amazing,”
He laughed too. “It is! Isn’t it! What’s going on in your life? Besides works, please.”
“Well, besides work, I’m gonna say my life is going pretty well. You know, I have some friends, and I have this little town. My boyfriend and I broke up, but honestly, I’m glad we did. He was really holding me down. And I mean, without him ever breaking up, I would have never moved into this little paradise. Plus, I mean, it’s closer than my old home. But, I too am a godmother! My sister, Eleanor, don’t think you ever met her, but she had my niece. A true angel honestly. But yeah, my life has been going. Smooth and steady.”
“Well, I’m sorry that your boyfriend broke up with you, but his lost, right?”
“Well, it wasn’t mine, that’s for sure.”
Soon enough their food came, and conversations continued. A couple more coffees were ordered and so was another crepe. Spencer and Y/N sat in that booth for what felt like hours. Just listening to each other. Whether that be laughing or reminiscing about old memories. Spencer couldn’t help but look at her hair. How he was a sucker for that hair. Always was. And her laugh. Whenever she laughed, he smiles just a little more until it turned into a full-on grin. A grin full of happiness and joy. And for her, every time he would say anything remotely smart-assy, she would start laughing. Every single time. Because, no matter how much she used to love him, he couldn’t stand the fact that he knew everything. Except, of course when she needed to study for a test.
They soon though, had to carry on with their lives. Apart from each other. In a realm where they will never see the other again.
“Can I walk you to your car? I’m gonna bike around the city, and I don’t think I would feel safe knowing you were driving with me on the same road.” He teased.
“Ha ha okay, I get it. I suck at driving. But, to your case, I have, actually, gotten really good at driving.”
“Sure, sure. Whatever will you happy.” He teased her as she looked up at him and scoffed. Pulling out her keys from her clutch. “Well, this is my stop.”
“Alright. Well, then I better get going. It was marvelous seeing you again.”
Y/N now had a choice to make. 1: Go after the man she once loved and go on a date, knowing that the chances of a happy ending are few to none. Or 2: Leave this incident be and carry on with her life.
“Wait!” She called out. He immediately stopped. So she caught up with him. “Do you wanna, um, I don’t know, possibly just, maybe, go out? Whenever you’re next free on your stay?”
Unlike making such a big of a deal out of it like he did last time she asked him out for coffee, this time he immediately said, “Yes.”
“Really? That’s great,” she spoke in disbelief that he would say yes. “Well, when are you next free?”
“I’m free for the next week and a half.”
“Great see you on Wednesday!” She said whilst getting in her cars. But before she left, she asked him, “Wait, Spence, do you need my number? It hasn’t changed from the one you had so-”
“Nope! Edition memory, remember?”
“Who could forget.” She turned on her engine, and before heading out of the little town that was oh so special to him, she yelled something which he vaguely picked up. “Call me!”
And with that, Spencer set off. Aiming for the sunset on the once in a blue sunny day. And going to them there was only one thing he could think about, her number. Because, of course, he had the eidetic memory, so he was never going to forget. But that’s not the reason he remembered her phone. I never was, never will be.
tagging: @criminalmindsmoodrn, @marshmallowtraver, @himarisolace
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lilyharvord · 3 years
Omg describe the parent trap au pls I'm begging you
AH! Okay! I've got five requests... means I have to do it XDDD
(bear in mind I had this idea before broken throne came out and we knew Cori and Shade were a thing)
1. Mare and Cal are still young, they're dealing with the ramifications of everything. Mare gets pregnant, they have twins. Their relationship sort of falls apart... and they go their separate ways, each one taking a twin daughter. Mare to Montfort, Cal to the States
2. Some years later (11) the twin daughters both end up at the same sort of camp thing (not sure exactly what's going on there, but they do). They totally hijack each other and end up being forced into an isolation where they only have each other. Then they realized: HOLY SHIT YOUR MOM IS MY MON AND YOUR DAD IS MY DAD. Then they hatch their "master plan" to get Mare and Cal back together. One daughter Coriane (Cal's) and the other Avery (Mare's) switch places, going back to the opposite parent in hopes that they will have to come back together to switch them back.
3. Shenanigans obviously ensue. And Cori realizes horribly quickly that Mare is dating someone... and Avery kinda didn't know about it. The guy (who is not Tyton because I Would NEVER slander that boi like that) is an asshole period. So Cori has to be a snappy little shit and tries to break them up. I just have this one conversation in my head where the guy confronts her and is like: For your information, I adore your mother, she's exactly the kind of woman I always dreamed of marrying. And Cori just leans forward and goes: and my mother's political and military standing wouldn't have anything to do with that... would it? And he goes from being nice politician guy to straight dick in .2 seconds and leans forward to day: listen here puss, I'm marrying your mother in three weeks, whether you like it or not. Is that clear? And once I do, I'm shipping your ass off to the Lakelands. And that's when Cori sends emergency message number 1 to Avery in the States who has been busy ignoring her panic because she's having the time of her life with her dad.
4. Anyway, Julian is the one that figures it out, cause he follows Avery after she runs out to place an emergency call to Montfort to tell Cori to hang in there. He makes Avery tell Cal and we get the cute scene where she's in his office and she has a little suitcase with her, and he laughs and asks where she is going when she buries her face in his shirt. And all muffled says: I'm going to find Cori. And he laughs again and says: I see Cori, so where is she exactly? And she just kinda sniffles looks up at him and says: In Ascendant, with her mom Mare Barrow. And Cal just kinda of looks up at Julian who gives him that little smile. And then he cups Avery's face, lifts it up to look at her, and says: You're not Cori.... you're Avery? and then he puts it together. They decide to go to Ascendant to switch them back. Cal is low key a wreck all the way there, and Julian goes with them with Sara because he's low key gotta chaperone his stressed out nephew still. (Little does Cal know that Julian, Sara, Cori, and Avery all planned it so that they go to the place Mare/Fiance are looking at for their wedding, without Cal knowing what's happening, and without Mare knowing anything at all.)
5. They all end up there, They get separated from each other for a split second and when they happens, Cal ends up spotting Mare getting into an elevator with her asshole fiancé, and she literally almost falls over leaning to the side making sure she is actually seeing her ex-husband and not a ghost of him induced by her low key guilt over remarrying (especially since who she thinks is Avery has been so very opposed to it). Then Cal goes up (mind you, he may be slightly drunk cause... it's funny in the movie, so it works here) runs into both the girls, and finds out Mare is getting re-married, and they try to convince him to stop it, but he won't hear any of it, and tells them he is only there to switch them back.
6. Cal goes down ahead of the girls, and is in the bar trying to get something to deal with the raging headache he has, and who does he run into but Asshole Fiance who is so freaking excited to realize it's him because wow, political ambitions to the max there.
6. Anyway, they go down to a garden and the girls are sitting there with Julian and Sara, and Mare is literally on the HUNT for Cal. She's so confused why he's here, etc. etc. Then she spots him walking down the stairs of the garden (it can be in slow motion while he's adjusting his jacket if you like 😏) and she literally runs into someone, and ends up in a fountain. Cal pulls her out, and she's just looking up at him shocked and confused, and then the girls show up and explain what they did and Mare's just baffled until she laughs and hugs them both. They sit down, Cal gives her his jacket and they talk for a second and Mare just says: I can't believe this... seeing them together, seeing you again... I just-- And then asshole fiance shows up and is like: FINALLY! There you are! Oh um...oh good, you've met! Honey, I was just speaking with him in the bar and um, we were talking about some trade deals, and um wait, I dont understand how did you two meet? and Mare... why are you all wet? and Mare just looks at Cal and goes: you're doing a political trade deal with my fiancé? and Cal's like: i didn't know he was your fiancé? And then Mare's like hahahaha how did we meet? How did you two meet? And Fiance just goes: Am I missing something here? And Mare going: hahaha this is one small world. Cue Avery popping up near his elbow and saying: Hey. And then him sniffing and going: hello. And then Cori popping up and going: Hi, how's it going? And him having a small freak out before Mare sort of grimaces and says: Um... did I ever mention to you that Avery was a twin? And he's just totally put out and grumbles: you neglected to mention that little detail. And the girls are more than happy to introduce Cal as their dad, and fiancé just goes: well, this is a small world. And Mare just awkward grimaces and says: and getting smaller.
7. Anyway, the girls make them go on a cute little date, and they sort of talk about why they broke up and why she left, and we get my favorite dialogue exchange from any movie every made and Mare says: well, I got on an airship to Montfort, and... you didn't chase after me. And Cal just sort of leans forward and says quietly: I didn't know you wanted me to. Then we cut to the next day, they're agreeing to send the girls back and forth between them for certain things, and then low and behold their trouble making daughters show up wearing identical outfits, and the girls give them their proposal. They will tell them who is who after they go on the camping trip. (Aka the one Mare takes Avery on every year in Paradise Valley). Cal crouches down and says: This one is Cori, I'm sure of it. And the one he's point to who is actually Avery just smirks and says: Are you sure dad? You wouldn't want to take the wrong kid all the way back to Archeon would you? And then they're forced to agree to said camping trip.
8. Cue my absolute favorite part of the 1998 movie, where we cut to the fiancé going: AND WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO FOR FIVE DAYS? STAY HOME AND KNITT? And Mare just turns around and says: listen, we're in a bit of a situation here. And then Cal's coming down the stairs from the Barrow's town house with his backpack like: 🙃 I have such bad timing. And Fiancé turns around and says: hold on, why is he going? And mare's irritated as all get out so she just snorts and says: because it's part of the deal... we go on this trip... together. And then Cal walks up and being the little shit he is says: is there a problem? And the guys just looks him up and down and goes: Yes, as a matter of fact, I'm not so sure I'm okay with this. And Cal immediately knows how to make this man's life fucking miserable, so he says: Oh I completely understand. The ex in the next sleeping bag is just... so awkward. And Mare just puts her head in her hand and Cal gives this guy his best sympathetic grin and says: which is why I suggest you go with them. And the girls in the truck are like: DAD! NO! And Cal's just like: No I insist. And then the guy is walking down the stair, looking for all intents and purposely like a jackass, and Cal's behind him, already trying to contain his laughter. And the guy gets in the truck, looking annoyed as all get out, and the girls are pissed, and Mare's just looking at Cal like: I can't decide if I wanna kill you or laugh with you. And then Cal just pats the side of the truck and says: alright have fun. And the guy kinda leans across Mare and says: I mean on second thought, maybe this isn't the best idea... I mean... I"m not much a... nature person. And Cal's like mock horrified and says: No, no you really should. This is a great opportunity for you to spend time with the girls and get to know them. And then he gives that jack as his prize winning, shit eating grin and says: Cause starting next week, they're half yours. And Mare just sticks her tongue between her teeth with her smile and puts her shades on and drives away. Cue Kilorn coming up next to Cal and smirking with him and saying; Oh I would pay BIG money to see that man climb a mountain.
9. The camping trip goes miserable, they come back early cause the girls create chaos and the fiancé leaves. Delivering the key line: Once we're married, I'm shipping those BRATS off to Tiraxes. Got it? IT's me or them, take your pick.
They come up the stairs to the town house and Cal's there (wearing super comfy clothes) and is mock shocked when he says: what happened? And the Avery just goes: we've been grounded. and Corie comes up behind her saying until the end of the century. And Cal's just like: why? What happened? and Cori says: we played a couple harmless pranks, and [insert fiancé's name] got a little upset. And Mare storms up behind them and says: Upset? A little Upset? Then she glares at the girls and then at Cal and says: But like father like daughters. You're grounding starts now. And the girls go inside, and Mare just kinda stays out there, fiddling with the engagement ring she took off and says: One day I'm going to have to thank them for this. And then Mare and Cal kinda of have a cute little conversation and then that night, they have their little romantic moment where they almost kiss, but then Mare pulls back. The next day, they leave. (At this point they weren't in Ascendant, they were in a smaller Montfort city near Paradise Valley). So Mare goes home. And once she and Avery get there, they walk into their apartment, and Cori's sitting on the couch, and Mare's just like: oh... um hello. And Cori just smiles and says: it took us about two minutes after you left to realize we were never letting you go again. And Mare's like: us? And then Cal comes out, and is like: us. And Then we get my Second favorite dialogue exchange of all time where Mare goes: so what now? Am I supposed to... to say that we're going to work all this out, that we'll... fall in love again and raise out children together and cry hysterically? And Cal just pulls her close with a smile and says: Yes, to all of that. Only you dont have to cry hysterically.
Then we get happy ending cause YAY the girls won and their parents are back together. Anyway, as you can see I've thought about this AU for far too long and I actually came super close to writing it but then decided, eh better not.
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snailvibes · 3 years
Club Penguin has Lore? I need to know what the peck Club Penguin Lore could possibly be. Please yes infodump Club Penguin Lore.
I’m going to happy cry thank you
I wrote it all down in my notes app so I’m just going to copy and paste it all under the cut. Keep in mind this is all from memory so I might have forgotten some details
Ok so our main story starts with Herbert P. Bear, a polar bear who lived in the club penguin world. When he was a young cub he dreamt of leaving his small island he lived on and finding a place to make into a tropical paradise to call home, so he got on an iceberg and started his journey floating through the ocean, during which he met a crab named Klutzy who he let travel with him. Eventually, Herbert arrived at an island, only to discover it was inhabited by penguins. He was incredibly annoyed by their partying and dancing and jokes so he made a plan to take over Penguin Island and destroy every penguin to turn it into his dream paradise. A few penguins however, discovered Herbert’s existence and realized how dangerous he is. So they formed a secret agency made to keep the public unaware of Herbert, but also to protect the island from him; the Elite Penguin Force, or, the EPF. It’s run by someone known as the director, Aka the head of the club penguin news paper, “the penguin times”, Aunt Arctic, as well as a scientist named Gary the Gadget guy, and agents referred to as Jetpack Guy, Dot the disguise Gal, and Rookie, along with their new agent: you! The player, who is commonly referred to by the fandom as just Agent.
Skipping the plot of every single EPF mission you can play through in club penguin, because they just lead to telling you what I already did, Herbert eventually does build a machine that traps the EPF inside their headquarters building and blow it up, effectively putting his plan in action. But lucky for the EPF, Dot the disguise gal was already on it and figured that out, and her and the director got them a new base and a new undercover agency name after they were able to escape the building in time: the Penguin Secret Agency, Aka the PSA. Later though, Herbert started operation blackout, where he made a machine that blocked the sun and created darkness all over the island. Luckily the Agent was able to stop him again by outsmarting him and destroying the machine. Next was operation hot sauce, where Herbert seemed to have stolen pizza ingredients for an unknown cause. This event was short, and seemed useless until operation Puffle, where it’s discovered the pizza ingredients were used to kidnap and brain wash puffles (a species of pets in club penguin), to do his bidding. Once again the agent does end up outsmarting him and defeating him saving Penguin Island again.
Next is the lore of the 2DS games! There are two. So in the first club penguin DS game, Elite Penguin Force, we find what’s considered to be the canon way agent got into the EPF, through training and team work with the remaining members. It’s supposed to be short and fun. In the second one, Herberts revenge, it takes place after the final EPF mission with the PSA, but before operation blackout. To summarize, Herbert is back and the agents need to find out his plans. Agent sneaks into his base and takes pictures for clues, dot gets a klutzy disguise, and you find out Herbert’s plan is to flood the island, but this backfires on him when he remembers he can’t swim. Begrudgingly the PSA saves him and the director plans to cover it up with the Pool Party event that actually did happen in club penguin. With the 2DS club penguin games they actually introduce a new character that wasn’t used much in the computer game: PH, or, puffle handler, who trained the EPF and PSA’s special puffles that we’re used to help the agent along the game.
Now that was the secret Agent lore. Next is the ninja lore!
So in club penguin there are 4 main ninja elements, Sensei, an old gray penguin, being the master of them all who also discovered them and teaches any penguin willing to listen how to master them themselves. There’s cardjitsu, where you fight with elemental cards to earn your black belt, there’s firejitsu, where you fight with fire to earn your fire gear, there’s waterjitsu, where you fight with water to earn your water gear, and the final one: snowjitsu. Where you earn snow gear. Snowjitsu is the one where you actually get lore and they changed the gameplay style.
Basically, A long time ago sensei had an apprentice, a walrus named Tusk. He was like a son to him, and he trained him as best as he could. Tusk though, was jealous of the other ninjas in training, who could easily master the elements they chose. Tusk wanted to master all the elements, but sensei didn’t think he was ready. So, to prove his strength, Tusk challenged sensei to a duel. Tusk let his anger out on his master and Sensei went too far trying to show him he wasn’t strong enough. In the end they created a huge blizzard that buried everything. While trying to find his apprentice, sensei found a broken tusk in the snow.
Feeling heartbroken he assumed the walrus was dead, and left, not knowing tusk was trapped inside an icy cave and still alive. He thought sensei had abandoned him, so he stayed in the cave, letting his anger grow. He mastered all the elements himself, even using snow to create an army of sentient snowmen. His new goal was to find sensei and get his revenge. After sensei found out about the snowmen, and that his apprentice is still alive, he sends 3 ninjas, each of a different element, after tusk to find him and take down the snowmen along the way. In the end, they defeat tusk, and while still angry he compliments sensei on his skills of training the penguins the way he didn’t train him, and disappears, promising to return one day. Sadly because Disney shut down club penguin for good we’re never gonna get an official conclusion on if he meant to go through on his final words or not.
But yeah! That’s all the main club penguin lore!
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norestwithoutlove · 3 years
Hi, I just finished reading to build a home (quite literally just then) and it was one of the best stories I’ve ever read. everything was so cohesive and beautifully done and has inspired me to do some writing of my own. How did you manage to keep track of minor details and plots throughout the book continuity wise, with such a large word count, thats something most authours cant do and it made it feel so much more personal and immersive. this fic was a wild ride, sorry if this sounds weird btw i dont usually do this.
Hey !! sorry this one took me a while to reply to ! thanks so much for this message it made me beam - i’m glad the fic made you want to use your own voice as well! writing is such a balm especially in times like these, so i hope you’re loving it.
holy shit i’ve just gone over this and this is a LONG answer so i’m very sorry for the essay in advance. regarding continuity and minor details:
from like very early days (essentially day one of writing) i had a very clear vision of where i wanted the fic to go, and what the major plot points were (the night of the fight aged 18 and everything which caused it, even that it would take place on the roof, sam’s overdose happening in the middle of dean’s drunk love confession, the chapter 59 love confession which leads to them FINALLY getting together happening in front of the fire and cas giving dean his poetry book, the dedication saying ‘to dean, i still do, and always will’. all of that was just sitting rotting all other thoughts in my mind and so i had to type it all out at the bottom of the word document to get it down and make sure i didn’t forget. here’s an excerpt of that very early days plan (the scene where dean comes out to sam in the hospital!!! one of my absolute favourites):
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other things came later, like the wedding + concussion scene, and the scene where dean waits out in the treehouse all night, which honestly was SO cruel of me and really added to the tragedy of the chapter 38, 40, 42 arc. but yeah as with the above they sat in my brain just waiting for me to reach the appropriate part of the fic to type them up from VERY early days of the fic. opinions on this vary but i don’t like typing out the scenes that i really want to type out if i haven’t actually reached them in the fic’s construction, (does that make sense?  i’ve phrased it badly) because knowing i’m gonna get to write those scenes is what motivates me to actually write the scenes inbetween. i should probably switch this up a bit as everyone advises against this form of writing but also yeah changing routine is effort.
other things plotted in the fic came about in light of the events of the show. mary wasn’t originally gonna be such a distant mother but, as spn pushed that narrative of distance and withdrawal, i thought it would be weird for readers to read a fic which pushed the deified mary mother figure like early seasons spn. especially weird for the readers to read a deified mary fic when the mary they were watching on screen seemed to differ so drastically from the one in the story. so the mary-dean relationship (which was fortunately pretty ambiguous and stilted because of dean’s grief-brain in early chapters) had to change in tbah into the really complicated entity it became. honestly the formulation of that relationship is one of the things i was most proud of in the fic because it was so thorny and hard and felt tragically real for that reason. 
other things the progression of the show impacted: dean’s relationship with jack. obviously he couldnt be a nephilim in the tbah universe(!) so i had to consider another angle which would stilt his relationship with dean in the fic. considering the fact that in the show dean’s aversion to him came from a knot of grief, anger and dean’s own upbringing, i transplanted that idea onto the fic and said okay, but here it’s not about cas, it’s about john. dean untangles much of his own trauma with john through his relationship with jack in the symbols of his father he can find in his life: driving, fishing, and building. but also in the symbols of jimmy: cooking, talking, teaching. dean gets to choose between being a john or a jimmy to his son, but the question isn’t so simple, because people aren’t just symbols, and actually dean ends up being a dean to jack, which is perfect.
weirdly, i also think music helped with continuity. i had a few songs in my head at the beginning of the fic and they became like thematic seeds which could grow and make threads to be picked up throughout. i’d listen to these as i wrote, especially as i wrote the scenes i deemed the most significant. same thing with literature.
also thinking about the fic just became really comforting to me ! so i’d play major plot points in my head like a movie before i went to sleep, which meant by the time i got to writing them they’d had a lot of time to develop and pick up earlier themes of the fic. essentially all of the fic was written in light of the future of the fic, which really helped continuity and direction but also the weird tangled traumatised nature of time in the story. this figuring of time became really important because i think tangled traumatised time is essentially just the reality of grief-time. 
subconsciously i’m sure a lot of stuff bled through which was unintentional, the framing of events which repeat location (dean waiting in the treehouse all night as a teenager to say goodbye to cas before he leaves for university vs dean and cas going to the treehouse as adults and finding teens there who are saying goodbye to each other before leaving for university. confession 3 takes place a literal 10 years after confession 1. confession 1 comes from cas and happens on the roof just before he leaves for the uk, confession 2 comes from dean and happens drunken in the living room after dean has had an intense and ambiguous conversation/fight with his mother, confession 3 happens in the living room after dean has come out to his mother, confession 4 happens on the roof as castiel returns from the uk and repairing every sense of the rift confession 1 caused because this last confession ends in their engagement.)
once i realised this was happening i went back and combed through those scenes for lines to be repeated. an easy example of this is chapter 38//chapter 59. here’s a scene from chapter 38 as they enter the big white house:
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and here’s them entering the house in chapter 59: 
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i think it’s about trauma and repetition (freud has a theory about this, see Remembering, Repeating, and Working Through) in that we return to sites of trauma; trauma is reiterated in memory and in the material, but in every reiteration, we grow and heal and understand the trauma and ourselves better. it’s like an upward spiral: the first confession goes so badly, the second goes better but not good, the third good, the fourth goes wonderfully (dean’s narrative frames it as paradise: “maybe this is the sound of the trumpets on the other side”). so yeah, part of the ‘continuity’ of tbah is just a traumatised cycle of reiteration, and i say this in the nicest possible way, because these cycles of repetition are how we heal. deep down, i think that’s what the fic is all about.
tl;dr: i had a scrawl of a plan at the bottom of the word document i wrote tbah on, i thought about it a lot because it made me happy, i had a pretty clear vision of where things were going from the very opening chapter, and i was a very gay english lit student.
anyway thanks for the ask lovely i am SO sorry it resulted in the borderline novel of an answer.
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fangirlyah · 4 years
✦kind queen of narnia - Edmund Pevensie x Reader
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summary: a new prophecy for the narnia’s kingdom. a new member joining the kings and queens. but...who is it? 
warnings: cursing
word count: 3,597
a/n: mi first edmund one shot, i’m so happy! 
according to the books the ages of the characters should be different, but in this one-shot their ages will be those agreed by wikipedia reasoning with the actors’ age in the year of recording of the second film (it is an approximation):
Peter - 20
Susan - 17
Edmund - 15/16
Lucy - 12
Prince Caspian - 26
narnia, what a place. 
anyone from england would look at y/n and the pevensie brothers in horror if they were told about this beautiful world full of fairytale creatures and landscapes. 
they would probably be frightened if they were told that all narnians were preparing to face the telmarines; it would be their second battle in defence of their beloved lands. 
they would also worry if they were told that there were prophecies dictating the fate of the teenagers. 
the pevensies had been in narnia for a long time. they had grown up and reached adulthood there while time in england had barely passed. their first visit to the dream place had been when edmund was just ten years old and as the prophecy dictated he had betrayed his brother and sisters and then recomposed himself to follow the right path as a faithful ruler of narnia and become king edmund, the just. 
when edmund was twenty years old in the narnian world, a gryphon passed over him and dropped a neatly rolled papyrus. 
when his time on this earth comes to an end
a damsel with the purity of water and the sweetness of honey will get her start 
if you listen well, attachment will flourish 
if you listen badly, there will be pain 
she is made to avoid pain in all
she is made to bring back peace 
that doesn't even rhyme, he thought, and it doesn't make sense either. 
even though the prophecy that had just arrived at his whereabouts was revealed to his brother and sisters, none of them understood, what girl was it talking about? 
everything took on colour, when a thin figure collapsed against lucy at the train station. 
"oh no! i'm so sorry, sweetheart" a girl of about sixteen years of age, apologized sincerely to the little girl who had been moved abruptly by the teenage girl's body. "i thought i was missing my train and i got terribly scared" the y/h/c outlined a sweet smile.
"there is no reason to apologise, we all make mistakes...my name is lucy and these are my brothers and my sister" the little girl stretched out her hand to shake it with y/n’s, while the other pointed behind her to three teenagers in uniform. 
a pretty girl with striking eyes introduced herself as susan, while another slim blond boy said his name was peter. the third was immersed in his search for the train's arrival time, so he did not notice the conversation in front of him, the signs on the station walls  seemed to be more interesting. "he is edmund...sorry he is half a fool" as he heard his name, the raven-haired boy looked up to meet a beautiful and delicate girl laughing at the comment his sister had made. 
"my name is y/n, it is a pleasure to meet you" her gaze travelled through each member of the family leaving them with a smile; when it was edmund's turn her smile did not come down even though the one he showed her was hasty and if she had not been paying attention she would have missed it. 
"where were you about to leave in such a hurry?" peter asked as the five of them move away due to some guards passing at full speed by their side, being all cornered against the wall the best decision they made was to take a seat, side by side, on a bench. 
"my parents live in the countryside of england, and because of my school I haven't seen them for a long time so I didn't want to miss my train" y/n explained feeling the look of all the them. 
"we were on our way there too! we must visit professor kirke, we haven't seen him for a long time" 
that was their first meeting, the first meeting of many. y/n and the pevensies developed the closest and most faithful friendship in the world. they spent all their holidays enjoying the countryside together and when school resumed, they took several trains and walked several blocks just to see each other almost every week. 
and although their meetings were frequent edmund did not always seem pleased by her presence. the months passed and although y/n began to develop a crush on the freckle boy he seemed to ignore her every move. even when she bought his favourite sweets to share with everyone or when she would sneak a compliment on his attire on some special occasion. y/n was good at hiding her feelings so only susan knew and she hoped it would stay that way. 
it was not until the five of them were waiting for their train to leave for their respective boarding school that the action began. 
the train they were to board disappeared and with it the whole station around them, leaving lucy, peter, edmund, susan and y/n standing on a paradise beach. 
the brothers began to walk towards the white sand, leaving the cave where they had landed, followed by a shocked y/n 
"where are we?” when lucy heard y/n's voice she looked at her sister with a smile and then started to run, getting rid of their school uniforms. 
"come on, y/n!" peter shouted as he dipped his feet into the clear water.  
she did not resist and followed her friends, leaving a few clothes to play in the water. 
edmund saw her laughing, with her wet hair, in the sun and remembered how in love he was with the girl he ignored so much. 
"what is it?" asked peter as he saw his brother stop having fun; edmund couldn't admit that the sight of y/n had knocked him out so he had to improvise.
"where do you suppose that we are? 
"it's pretty obvious, isn't it? we are in narnia” by this time, the girls had stopped their water fight and were paying attention to the boys. 
"well...i don't remember any ruins in narnia”
"narnia?! you must be joking?!" y/n exclaimed. 
"yes, narnia" peter said, looking at her as if nothing was happening. 
"but...narnia...the narnia you told me as a story from when you were children?"
"they are not stories..."
with that, the brothers began to tour the meadows where, 1300 years ago, cair paravel was located. where now only ruins remained of what had been their home. 
the surprise of y/n was not erased and even less so when they found the prophecy that dictated their destiny. 
"edmund! this was the prophecy that appeared to you” susan was right but edmund did not want y/n to know that for some magical reason the prophecy had come to HIS hands. 
"what? a prophecy about me?" y/n posed her body next to peter who had the paper in his hands. 
"no one enters narnia without a purpose" the little pevensie sister explained.
"there is no way i can be this girl! i have no talent, i am not so-" 
peter interrupted her by placing his hands on the girl's thin shoulders. 
"you may think so, but narnia and its magic is more powerful than ourselves and our supposed abilities" 
edmund had to swallow hard not to go and take the girl from his brother's arms. he had no right to take her away. edmund did not know how to approach her so their contact was minimal, to the misfortune of both of them. 
those days continued peacefully and then chaos erupted throughout the kingdom. 
aslan disappeared and newcomer caspian caused maximum tension. 
although the pevensie, caspian, and trumpkin had taken it upon themselves to make her aware of what was going on around her, she was still afraid. she had many people trusting her actions and that they would return the peace. 
she had always been a leader and narnia was no exception. y/n was equal to peter and caspian in decision making as she was cunning and quick in making decisions but when it came to attacking came her weakness. there was no feeling inside her body that would leave her conscience clear if she killed or injured any human or creature. 
although edmund kept his countenance neutral when it came to her, his heart melted whenever she mentioned her lack of courage to hold a weapon and go on the attack. 
"y/n, you coming?" caspian turned on his axis before leaving for the battle on the castle of miraz. 
"i can help with maps, plans and strategies but with this...i can't, sorry”  
edmund had heard several creatures criticize the girl's lack of courage to confront a hand-to-hand fight; and he could not help but think that he maybe was disappointed by her attitude too.
"why is she here if she can't even pick up a weapon, of any kind, without shaking?" the freckled boy would adjust his armor before going into battle. 
"don't be mean, edmund. she is too good to go out and kill someone" his older sister tried to talk some sense into him, especially because before edmund entered the room where susan was, y/n had retired just a few seconds before but susan knew that she was not far enough not to hear their conversation; and hear the boy who she liked talk so badly about her would not be a nice moment.
"or she's too much of a coward" was a fact, y/n was listening to the whole conversation, as she felt her heart breaking.  
"if she bothers you so much that she doesn't fight, show her. you are the best at using the sword in combat in all of narnia" 
"I won't" at the end of the day he wasn't so brave after all. 
now it was y/n who ignored him. whether in meetings or in their free time, she did not even give him a glance and he noticed. because edmund was very attentive to what she was doing or not doing, so it was not difficult for him to see her practicing with prince caspian her fighting, on the beach, more than one afternoon while he went for his walks.
it hurt him but he knew that her distancing was his fault.  
caspian did not question the reason for the girl's drastic change, he only offered to help her and she accepted. 
they spent hours covered in sweat and sand but she did not seem to mind, she wanted to prove a point to edmund and herself. her days were divided into training, alone or with others, and creating plans and strategies. her rest was almost non-existent and her tired figure was beginning to show. her breakfasts were short and quick like any other meal of the day. she ate with her head down and conversed with anyone but edmund. 
one cool night edmund tried to sleep in his large room but the sound of a sword moving and colliding with a shield prevented him from doing so. from the high window it was impossible for him to decipher where it came from but he assumed that it meant no danger as none of the guards seemed alert; but he still descended in search of the owner of the sound. 
when he entered the courtyard below his room he saw her. covered in sweat and with her sword in her hand as she moved abruptly against an armament tied to a tree. edmund found y/n’s invention very ingenious and was even more surprised to see her move almost perfectly, it seemed almost natural to her.  
"what are you doing here at this hour?" after minutes of watching her from a few meters away, the younger pevensie brother approached. 
"I could ask you the same thing" y/n did not even move her eyes, she just approached the tree to accommodate the armor tied with leather. 
"I was trying to sleep but an unbearable noise woke me up, Ijust wanted to know who was causing it...now I know" 
“I didn't know it was so annoying" edmund still couldn't see her face.'' I'll stop now..." 
gently, despite being preparing to go out and kill men and creatures, she put her sword in its compartment hanging from her hip, and then dried her face with a wet piece of cloth.
"why are you doing this anyway?" 
"some people don't believe me strong enough to fulfill the prophecy...they think I'm a coward" y/n looked into his eyes for the first time and edmund understood what she meant. 
"you should stop. you look exhausted, besides I didn't-" 
"keep it to yourself..." already when she had passed the freckle boy's body petrified in the garden, y/n continue "and it seems that it is never enough, so yes. if I need to keep practicing"  
edmund knew that she was absolutely right. before she started her daily combat lessons, she gave everything she had from what she could. she had taken risks and was adapting to being the future queen of a place, which until a while ago, was completely unknown for her. 
y/n would not admit it but that night she cried like never before. she did not know exactly if it was tiredness, confusion, sadness or that she was heartbroken. but whatever the right choice was, that night she fainted in a tearful dream without managing to take off her sweaty clothes. 
the next morning she appeared at breakfast as if nothing had happened. clean and unpolluted in a freshly washed and ironed dress that accentuated every attribute she had. lucy had heard her crying and was dying to ask what was so terrifying that made her cry like that, but seeing her serious countenance when y/n saw her brother sitting at the table, despite her young age, lucy easily put it together. 
after preventing jadis, the white witch, return to narnia. caspian and his allies had no choice but to confront the troops of miraz in front of the altozano. meanwhile, lucy and susan were leaving in search of aslan. y/n did not go with them. she remained at the site of the battle.
when everyone was out ready to fight, so was she. edmund had seen her keep medical supplies anywhere in the armour she found space with the intention of helping any wounded being she might encounter. he felt extremely guilty; she did not want to be there and should not have been. she could have quietly stayed in the shelter ready to help anyone who came looking for a hand but he had pressed her with words he did not even feel. 
to gain time the camp became a personal battle between peter and miraz. both begin to fight to the death. both armies gathered around the stone platform where the two men were fighting hand to hand. edmund looked at y/n who was standing next to a centaur with her perfectly placed weaponry; her serious countenance hid any doubt or fear that her brain was processing. 
although the elder pevensie managed to have a dying miraz in front of him, peter did not kill him.
"you are too much of a coward to take a life, king peter?" miraz, despite being on his knees almost dead, kept on fighting.
"it's not mine to take" 
with that said, the blond man stepped back to give the sword to y/n; who looked at them perplexed. she understood that she must do so to fulfill the prophecy. she had all eyes on her and her trembling hands that took the sword and stood before the wounded man. 
edmund saw tears welling up in her beautiful eyes as she looked down at miraz. y/n placed the tip of the sword on the man's neck with her chest rising and falling violently. 
the freckled boy wanted to run towards her to hug and kiss all her nerves and fears away but he couldn't. 
as the seconds passed and the girl did not move from her place, a laugh was heard in the telmarine’s army and that was the limit.
edmund gently approached the girl and placed his hands on top of the sword taking it out of her hands 
"let go, it's okay" he whispered as, with the help of his hands, he pushed her back to where she was before. 
by that point the tears had already come out of her eyes and at that moment she felt like a real coward. she felt the disappointed looks despite her head being down and the tall stature of edmund in front of her limiting her view. 
"stupid girl, this is not the girl of the prophecy! she is just an idio-" 
when edmund wanted to turn around and finish the work that peter had started, an arrow pierced miraz’s chest and chaos began. 
despite her blurred vision, y/n remained on the battlefield. she had escaped from edmund's side when the war cries were first heard. 
although she did not use her sword she was fast enough to escape the attacks and manage to help those wounded in the meadows. 
the two armies were facing each other in battle and when the narnians were about to lose, lucy found aslan. the lion awakened the narnian trees, allowing them to come to the aid of the narnian army. 
amidst the screams and sounds of colliding swords, aslan called out to the water god, who drowns much of the telmarine army. 
and the war is over.
in the midst of the destruction, everyone begins to celebrate with smiles on their faces despite the large number of narnians lost in battle, there was cause for celebration. 
the pevensies had met aslan and on the seashore, they were enjoying a good chat. 
"where is y/n y/l?" asked aslan curiously "she fulfilled the prophecy perfectly" 
"but she was not who killed miraz, it was caspian who had to see the kingdom free" trumpkin seemed upset and the desire to kick his little figure flourished in edmund. 
"you don't need to kill someone to restore peace and help your people" 
with that said, edmund began to look for her with his eyes...and found her. sitting on a stone, passing a natural ointment on a faun’s arm. 
at that moment the boy understood that y/n should not learn to fight and use weapons to save narnia. with her kindness, intelligence and healing skills it was more than enough. he wanted to tell her. he wanted to tell her what an idiot he had been in wanting to force her to do something she was not even meant to do. 
without saying a word edmund ran off in her direction. 
when y/n saw him quickly approaching her, she stood up from her place and watched him as he arrived and took her arm to walk into the forest. 
"I know what you are going to say and I am sorry..." as soon as the boy slowed down his pace the two faced each other in the middle of the forest lighted by rays of sunshine piercing the tree leaves. they were less than a metre away and yet edmund wanted to be even closer "I know you are disappointed in me, I know you all are... but i could not, ok?! I just could not! I cannot be queen of narnia with this attitude, I did not make it. I did not fulfill the prophecy and now-" 
edmund took his face with both hands and brought it close to him, silencing her hasty and nervous speech; in less than a second both were immersed in a deep kiss that y/n took a few seconds to reciprocate due to her surprise. her hands travelled to his chest covered by the narnian battle uniform as his hands caress her cheeks softly.
the kiss was quick but sweet, as if they were frustrated romantics who had not been able to kiss each other for centuries. 
when the kiss broke both chests went up and down as if they had finished running a marathon, but despite this they could not let go. now edmund's arms were wrapped around her and her arms caressed his neck as they looked at each other. 
"you saved narnia without the need to kill anyone, you earned narnia without using force if not kindness" 
"you're not disappointed?" a slight surprise occupied the boy’s body. 
"all your training and you coming out to fight today, was because of me?" 
"I just...just wanted to be enough for you" y/n was sincere, there was no need to lie. 
"the conversation you heard between susan and me was a mistake, I would never be disappointed in you and you are far, far away from being a coward and you proved that from the minute you set foot in this kingdom" 
she rested her forehead on his as a response. 
"I am so in love with you" he sighed realizing the chill that ran through the girl's body. 
"today is your lucky day king edmund, because i am more in love with you" a small laugh broke out from both of them. 
with that said, they both joined in another kiss. this time a slow one. they had all the time in the world.
after all they were king and queen of narnia, no one could rush them.
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rae-arts777 · 3 years
Makeup and Heels
Summary: Cynthia stopped wearing heels when her and Makoto started to date. Cynthia always wakes up first and goes to bed last.
Notes: This. Red Bean is what I’m calling them and they live in my head rent free ok? I love them so much
(Edit forgot to put this) W: just slight adult like stuff!
Cynthia came over and hugged her boyfriend from behind. She laid her chin on his shoulder, watching him make their morning coffee.
“Cream and sugar, I know” Makoto already knew what she was going to ask.
Cynthia giggled, pecking his cheek “thank you love”
She let go, heading towards the fridge. Makoto turned and watched his redheaded girlfriend. She looked flawless. She always looked flawless. Always looking like a model. Always sparkling. Makoto knew he had never seen her without makeup. Never seen her casual.
“Oh! I have an audition today, will you be ok without me helping you in the shop?” Cynthia asked
“Huh? Oh yeah sure, Abe is working today so I’ll have plenty of help” Makoto reassured her.
Cynthia always helped in the coffee shop, luckily for Makoto he didn’t have to teach her a thing since she used to work in one back in England.
Makoto wondered what Cynthia was like back in England. He knew she was a struggling actress with a full time job. No fancy get up, just Cythina. His mind wandered. Thomas. Thomas and Cynthia were together before she changed. He got to see, see a side of Cynthia Makoto has never seen.
Makoto thought about when he stood in Thomas’ studio. He caught a glimpse of a painting, it was covered, but he recognized that red hair anywhere. It made Makoto jealous, Thomas not only saw Cynthia natural, but probably had paintings to remember. But Makoto knew he kept that painting not in a lovers way, just in an artist way.
“Baby?” Her voice pulled him out of a trance.
He looked up to see her standing right in front of him. His eyes glanced up to meet her. Cynthia was just a tad bit taller than him. He stared into her brown eyes with his own. With a soft smile, he leaned in, placing soft pecks on her lips.
“Sorry. Just thinking”
Cynthia draped her arms across his shoulders, pressing her forehead against his. Makoto proceeded to wrap his arms around her waist and pull her closer. The couple stayed in each other’s hold for a while. Both just taking in the moment.
“I should start getting ready” Makoto broke the silence and pulled away “here’s your coffee” he handed her a mug.
“Thank you love” Cynthia took the mug, pecking at his cheek.
Turning away, Makoto headed to their bedroom to get changed for work. He opened their shared closet, of course Cynthia took up 70% of their closet. As he picked out his clothes for work, he noticed her shoes. She kept the ones she wore often on the ground, while ones she never wore, or only for special occasions, stayed boxed away on the top shelf. She used to wear heels daily, but now they were all packed away in their respected boxes. Makoto realizes she didn’t even wear them to any special occasions they’ve gone to together.
Never on dates, fancy dinners, a team confidence reunion, weddings, celebrations. Never since they had gotten together had Makoto seen her wear heels.
With a heavy sigh, Makoto closed the closet and started getting ready for work. He stared in the mirror while he buttoned his shirt. Maybe he was overthinking things. Cynthia had reasons for the things she did. But a nagging voice kept bothering Makoto, what if she doesn’t really trust him? What if she doesn’t love Makoto the way she loved Thomas?
“Aren't you supposed to be ready already?” Cythina’s voice once again pulled him out of a daze.
Makoto saw her in the mirror smiling. She shook her head walking towards him.
“How old are you?” She teased pointing to his shirt.
His buttons were very much uneven.
Looking away sheepishly “I was just lost in thought again”
She started to undo his buttons, proceeding to slowly fix them “I mean..do you really have to go now?” She met his eyes smirking “cause right now you just look too cute” she ran her hand through an opening in his shirt to touch his chest.
Makoto shivered at her touch. Her touch was always intoxicating.
“My handsome man..” she started placing kisses against his collarbone.
Makoto let out a soft moan, but ended up pushing her away “baby you know I really love too, but I seriously have to go.”
Cynthia pouted, as she went back and fixed his buttons properly “fine, but you owe me now”
Makoto chuckled and pecked her cheek “I know, I’ll make it up to you later tonight”
Makoto finished getting ready, giving her a kiss goodbye.
Still salty, Cynthia kept pulling him by his shirt collar for one more kiss goodbye.
“Ok seriously babe, I need to go”
“Ok fiiiiine” She gave him one last kiss goodbye for real this time, letting him go to work.
The morning rush went by fast. By the time rush started to die down, Makoto was preparing for a lunch rush.
He was in the process of clearing tables, when a certain blonde man walked in the front door with a smile.
“Sorry we don’t serve assholes” Makoto stuck his tongue out of him.
Laurent chuckled “and a hello to you too.”
“Abe can take your order, I need to finish clearing these tables.” Makoto went back to busting tables while Laurent went to place his order.
Laurent sat in his usual spot, a small table by the window, but close to the coffee counter. The spot was perfect, being able to see the outside, but also to talk to Makoto in passing if it was a busy time.
Makoto finished clearing tables, there was only Laurent and one other customer in the shop, so there was time to kill. He went and sat across from Laurent.
“So what brings you to Japan this time?”
“Work again. I have a major headache, word of advice, never try to out drink a scot on the night of a 5 am flight.”
Makoto laughed “oh poor you.”
“Where’s Cynthia?”
“She had an audition today.”
“That’s wonderful news, and how are you two?”
“Us? Good....I think..”
“Trouble in paradise?” The blonde man titled his head slightly concerned
“I mean, no, but..it’s not like we fight or anything. Everything is good.”
“Are you trying to say your sex life-“
“LAURENT.” Makoto flicked him
Laurent laughed and rubbed the spot he flicked “Ok, ok”
Makoto rolled his eyes “I’ve just...been thinking about us...Cynthia and I..”
Laurent frowned a bit “are you planning on breaking up with her?”
“No...well..I just feel like she’s..not happy with me. And that she’s not telling me cause she’s sparing my feelings..”
Laurent hummed softly “I see, what makes you think that?”
“Well..we’ve been together for almost 2 years now. And I still yet to see her without makeup. Also, she’s stopped wearing heels, and you know how much she loves to wear her heels. It’s like, I’m dating...a performance Cynthia, nor the real Cynthia. I mean we live together. But still, she always manages to wake up before me, and go to sleep last.”
Laurent nodded listening to Makoto speak.
“Well...all I can say is just try talking to her. It’s not my place to say on where she stands.” Laurent ruffled the Japanese man’s hair “come on, lighten up, I’m sure you’re just over thinking. You know, I haven’t seen Cynthia truly smile this much before. So believe me when I say, you make her happy”
Makoto sighed, but nodded in appreciation of the Belgian man’s words.
The two chatted a while longer before Laurent had to leave. Makoto went to the back to smoke. He had started to try to cut back, but now and then he needed one to take the edge off.
Just as he took his first puff, his phone went off. He checked his messages, Cynthia had set a picture of her leaving a theater with a big smile.
Makoto chuckled, smiling at how cute she looked, leaving a heart reaction on the photo.
He stared at the picture, feeling his heart being to sink. Is he ever going to love the Cynthia behind the mask?
The day came to an end. Locking up, Makoto waved his employee off and headed home. He walked a bit slower than usual. Knowing they needed to have a talk, but scared of what the talk will cause. Unlocking the door, he headed into their shared apartment.
“I’m home”
“MAKOTO!!” Cynthia covered her body and face with a blanket on the couch “why didn’t you text me?!” She rushed to the bathroom, using the blanket to hide herself from him.
“I’m sorry??” Makoto watched as the bathroom door slammed shut.
He sighed, he should start dinner, but mentally he could not bother to cook.
“I’m just going to order some ramen, what about you?”
“Yeah ramen is fine!” Cynthia called from the bathroom.
Makoto orders their food, heading to the living area to watch TV. He flopped on the couch, not even really watching what was playing.
Cynthia finally came out of the bathroom and joined him on the couch.
Makoto could tell her makeup was freshly done.
She laid on his chest smiling, wrapping her arms around him “I missed you”
“I missed you too” he kissed her head.
He ran his fingers through her red hair. As she stared happily at the TV, he stared sadly down. He could have seen her natural beauty if he tore the blanket away. What if he got a makeup wipe? No she probably hit him.
He didn’t even realize when she started pecking at his neck.
“Hey, you still owe me for earlier~” she pushed him fully down on the couch, pinning him down.
Makoto looked up at her. She looked so beautiful. But this wasn’t the Cynthia he wanted to love.
“I don’t feel like doing that right now..sorry..”
“Don't apologize baby” she let his arms go, and laid on his chest. “I’m sorry, is it something I did?”
“No..” Makoto wrapped his arms around her “just there’s a lot on my mind”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Yeah...I do actually”
“Talk to me baby.” She pecked his cheek.
“It’s actually pretty dumb”
“Dumb or not, I still want to know”
Makoto took a deep breathe in, and played with her hair “it’s just..I...I was thinking..of how I’ve never seen you without makeup”
Cynthia went quiet.
“And then I start to notice..since we got together, you’ve stopped wearing heels and I know you love to wear your heels”
The red head stays quiet, allowing him to speak.
“I don’t know..I just feel like..I’m not actually dating you. Well I am, I mean..I’m just saying, there’s a side of you you are changing, and a side of you I’ve never seen. I love you, and I want to love every side of you. And I don’t think it’s fair you have to change something about yourself because of me..” Makoto explained.
He looked down at her, waiting for an answer.
Cynthia quietly traced circles on his chest, deep in thought.
The two stayed quiet for a while. They laid in each other’s hold. Makoto was wondering what was running through her head. Cynthia kept her eyes glued down, not daring to look up at him. It was probably a good 10 minutes of silence, before Cynthia finally spoke.
“The last person I was with romantically, that saw me without makeup, said I looked a lot better with it on. I don’t know why I let it get to me so much. He was a dick. But his words stuck and followed me. I’m just afraid, you’re going to see me without it..and I don’t know, think I’m some freak or something”
“Cynthia I-“
“I’m not done..” she cut him off “as for the heels..I did wear them once, when we first got together. I heard side comments of others talking about how weird it was I was taller then you. That I was probably like your sugar mama. It was freaky for a guy like you to be with such a tall looking person like me. I just didn’t like people assuming that. And I thought by making myself taller, I was actually upsetting you, but you didn’t say anything cause you didn’t want to hurt my feelings..” she took a deep breath “Makoto...Thomas and I broke up cause our lives went different directions. Also because neither of us wanted to make sacrifices for our relationships. I don’t want that to happen again..I want to make sacrifices so you and I can work. I’m willing to give up my heels, and keep my makeup face in order to keep you here..”
Makoto stared in shocked at her. He didn’t expect the situation to be this serious. Cynthia still looked down, afraid to look at him. She was brought up to sitting, as Makoto got up, walking away. She felt her heart strings tug. Was he going to break up with her.
Makoto went into the bathroom, and returned with a wet rag.
“Cynthia..” he handed the rag to her “please. I want to see you.”
With slightly shaky hands, she took the rag. Cynthia rubbed away at the makeup caked on her face. She held the rag against her face, afraid to reveal herself. Makoto brought his hands to hers, slowly guiding her hands and rag down. He stared at the Cynthia in front of him. Blemish on her face. Lines in the middle of her eyebrows from years of squinting. Small lips. Eyebrows more brown then red.
Cynthia tried to look away, but he cupped her cheeks, making her look at him.
“Cynthia!!!!” He yelled “you’re so beautiful!!!”
Cynthia’s face turned as red as her hair. “You’re just saying that”
“No I’m not!!!” Makoto pushed them back down on the couch “you are beautiful ok?! You’re so beautiful and I will keep saying that until the day I die!” He started to kiss at each blemish. Acne scars from over the years. He kissed every inch of her face, reminding her with each kiss, that she was beautiful.
“You are the most beautiful person in the world to me. Don’t ever forget that.” He buries his face in the crook of her neck.
Cynthia felt herself smile wide, she could not stop smiling. It felt like her heart was going to burst. Wrapping her arms around Makoto, pulling him closer. She felt safe, safe in his company.
“Ah!” Cynthia jumped when she felt kisses starting to be placed on her neck. “Makoto”
Makoto trailed the kissed up her neck, to her jaw line, up to her ear “I want to love you”
She couldn’t help but chuckled “go nuts.”
“Promise me next time we go out yourself going to wear the biggest heels you have”
“I promise”
Makoto pulled back and smiled down at her, Cynthia smiling wide back at him.
A week later, the two meet up with Laurent and Abby for lunch. Abby snickered a bit seeing Makoto reaching to only her shoulders. Cynthia had a big smile, wearing her red heels that she hadn’t worn in two years.
“My my, don’t you two look adorable” Laurent chuckled
“Oh quiet blonde bastard.” Makoto flipped him off
“I bet the virgin enjoys it” Abby snickered.
“You bet I do!” Makoto held Cythina’s hand proudly. “I got the best girlfriend in the world! What else more can I ask for?”
Cynthia smiled wide, kissing his head “alright, come on, let’s get a table and eat”
The four for a table and spent time catching up.
“So be honest. How many times has he buried his face in your chest once you put those heels on?”
“Oh so many times.”
“CYNTHIA! Don’t tell them that!!”
“God you’re such a virgin”
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theficplug · 4 years
Girls Trip {Erik fic}
Warnings: 18+, smut.
{reader goes on a cruise with her girls during winter break post-breakup & meets Erik when she needs him most. The intro to a series. I hope that y'all enjoy this long ass intro x}
“Told you you'd like it! We know what you need.” your friend Lynelle says as you and your other 2 best friends step into the lobby of the ship.
Your original plan was to stay home and catch up on much needed sleep and netflix binge watching during Winter Break but Khadijah, Tasha , and Lynelle (Lennie)  had other plans.
They could never get on the same page to go on a proper vacation but the one time you wanted to be left alone they've decided to get it together. 
2 plane rides and now you're here on a cruise on the way to 'paradise'.
The last few weeks went by in a blur while you were buying bikinis, trying to contain your emotions, and leaving behind your frozen over city for Bali.
You'd be lying if you said that you weren't a little excited to be leaving behind a terrible end to a 4 year relationship.
“Girl I just paid 12 dollars for Netflix this month. I planned on staying home and re-watching The Get Down. I need to at them and ask them when they're gonna add Crooklyn." You say as your phone begins to go off. 
"Uh-uh, just cause your man had community dick don't mean you gotta feel like you did something wrong. You are the sweetest and most caring person I know and gave everything you had for that man. You are a strong beautiful talented black woman. You run your own business and don't need his ass for nothing. And if I were into girls I would've been shot my shot back in the 7th grade. Now, we gon' get tipsy, dance the night away in 23$ dollar heels, and find a fine ass beard to rid-"
You quickly cut off your best friend by answering your mother's call. You held onto Khadi's hand to let her know that her support means everything to you.
"Hey Mama. Yes I made it safe and sound." You say into the phone as you shake your head and laugh at your girls. 
"HEY MA " Khadi says waving as she smiles at the woman on the other side of the phone she's known for over half her life. 
"Hello Khadijah, are you behaving yourself ?" She asks as Khadi shakes her head with her tongue sticking out.
"MY GIRL." Your mother says as they both laugh and point at each other through the screen. 
"I'll talk to you later, enjoy yourself baby. Sometimes a little fun and laughter is the cure for heartache. Love you, be safe." She says before ending the video call.
"Alright , we all meeting up for the foam pool party after the tour right? Cause I need to shower and stuff first." You say as everybody agrees
An hour or two later you were standing in front of the hotel mirror giving yourself a pep talk in your new bikini. You eyed your reflection as you tell yourself that somebody son is gonna love on your fupa, and the 3 years wasted with Derrick isn't going to matter anymore. 
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"Knees. Knees. Come on knees." Khadijah yells as Lennie and Tasha  drop it low and make it clap as a chorus of 'ayyeeee' erupts in the elevator. 
You make your way down to the lobby with the girls after throwing back a few shots in Lennie's room. You past by a group of other girls in the elevator and they were blasting Cash Shit from their phone. 
"Link up with us later." Paris says from the other group before moving over to the party already happening. 
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The drinks are flowing through your system and Tasha is filming you for the gram as you sing along to the music. You accidentally trip backwards onto a man behind you before immediately apologizing and giggling.
"You good mama." He says as he catches you with one hand and the other still holding his drink. Without missing a beat he twirls you to the beat so that you can play it off. 
"What's the nigga name?" He asks as he takes another sip of his drink and tries to act like he ain't see you watching the suds slide down his scarred and chiseled chest to his happy trail.  
"Excuse me?" You ask confused as he flashes his gold fanged grill and cock his head towards the phone in Tasha's hand as she gives you a quiet  'oooh shit okay'. 
"The one you tryna prove a point to. Only name that matters now though is Erik." He says as he grinds against you and move your braids to your other shoulder. 
"Alright Erik, lemme see if you can keep up then." You tease him as you begin to whine on him and ride the beat as he keeps up behind you. You realize you have an audience now with his boys glancing over at you and your girls watching him. 
His hand holds you in place before he asks if it's alright if he kissed you. You nod before you know it his soft ass lips are on yours. He pulls at your bottom lip slightly while you continue to whine on him. 
"Thank you for the dance." You say before you place one final kiss to his lips as the song ends.
You walk over to Tasha before grabbing her hand and leaving to find Lennie and Khadijah 
You knew he was still standing there watching you walk away you turned to give him a look over your shoulder with a raised brow.
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"Stop watching my booty" you mouth at him jokingly 
"YOU CAN'T EVEN BLAME ME. ITS FAT AS FUCK." He yells back to you over the music.
After an hour of dancing and having a good time with friends you only checked your phone once to find 3 messages from Derrick begging you to call him then two talking about how disappointed he was with you.
You stepped out onto the upper deck to tell him to stop calling you and ruining your good time. 
"I can do what I want. I'm fucking grown. All you ever did was sit at home on your ass and criticize me for every damn thing I did. I made sure you were happy when I wasn't even okay… And fucking my cousin was your way of showing me you loved me huh? Don't call me no more and stop calling my mama asking her about me too. " You yell into the phone before hanging up.
You stand there staring out at the ocean for a moment. Trying to breathe deeply and ground yourself so that you don't cry.
"You good?" You hear a voice call from behind you.
"What, you following me now?" You ask Erik as he pulls up one of the lounge chairs to sit next to you and light his blunt. 
"Nah, not at all. I came out here to smoke and chill. All that going on in there really ain't my scene. My boys got me to come here. They got white boys in there doing backflips off the balcony and shit. I probably would've still been at work right now." He say as he exhales and leans back against the lounge chair. 
You laugh softly before shaking your head. 
"That's how I ended up here. I was planning on spending Christmas and The New Year at home with my family. But my friends had this surprise for me to ring in the new year in Bali. And now here I am. I'd still rather be watching Godfather of Harlem. I gotta catch up." You say sitting next to him in the lounge chair. He instinctively wraps his arm around you letting you lay your head on his shoulder.
Granted, it probably seemed weird as hell to be cuddling with somebody you just met and barely knew but to both of you it just felt right in the moment.
"Godfather of Harlem ? That show is my shit. It's slept on forreal… If you ever in Oakland you should stop by sometime. I run a museum based on preserving black art and culture." He scrolls on his phone until he finds some of the pieces and shows it to you. But the main thing that stood out was Stevens Black Art & History: for the culture. 
"Erik Stevens?" You gasp and sit up to get a good look at him
"Yeah , why you looking like that? What's up?" He questions
"Oh my fucking God. We was best friends back in the day. It's me, look, minus the bifocals, braces, and that James Brown bob my mama gave me damn near every day." You say and he stares at you in awe for a second. 
"Damn it's really you." You says quietly as he runs his thumb over your cheek imagining you the way you looked in 5th grade.
You loved Erik growing up and spent almost all of your time together but after his father died you didn't get to say goodbye. He was taken into the system and after that you heard that he was in the military doing who knows what. You tried to find him but after a while it was no use. You couldn't believe how different he looked now. He looked tired down by the woes of life but still as beautiful as the day you met him.
" 'Member this?" You ask as you fish your out of the pocket of your cover-up and start playing Best Friend by 50 Cent. 
You watched as he looked up at you standing up to dance. You pull him up too as he puts out the blunt while laughing and stepping with you. 
"If I was your best friend, I want you 'round all the time. Can I be your best friend, if you promise you'll be mine?" You sing to him as he twirls you around 
"First we get the talkin, then we get the touchin. If we get pass the phone games we'll be fuckin. I kiss like the french therefore my tongue in your ear. Do it like the dogs do it girl and pull on your hair. For me a different scenery just mean a different position. In the tub or on the sink I improvise now listen. In the chopper or on the jet join the mile high club. I'm no fool I know money can't buy me love. But I'm a different type of nigga that make sure that you know. Instead of a rose, there's a hundred dozen of those. See I see somethin special when I look in your eyes. With your legs way back I see this pussy is mine. If you ain't sure when I'm talkin I don't tell you no lies. But there's things that you say that have me wonderin why. When I don't say what I'm thinkin it don't mean that I'm shy. Got on that shit you picked out for me that's why I'm so fly." He raps effortlessly while kissing softly on your neck and all those memories start flashing back to you as you sway with him.
"Damn you still remember all the lyrics to our song." You say to him as you look over to see your girls and some of his friends.
"You out here ?  Bitch! I thought I was gonna have to do an interview on First 48 for yo ass. I was gon' drop a raft over to come find you. You know I can't swim and I don't got my floaties with me." Khadi says as she walks in with Tasha and Lennie . 
"I'm sorry I came out here for fresh air and then ended up literally finding my fuckin childhood best friend. Before the baddest bitches on the planet came to be. There was THEE duo. Everybody meet Erik."
After everyone got to know each other. Y'all brought the party to the secluded little upper deck with the perfect view of the ocean. You had drinks , music, and good company almost enough to forget about the whole situation back home. 
"Girl you know I love you but my feet hurt and Sebastian said he gon' rub em" referring to the man she currently had her arms around. 
"Alright , we'll meet up in the morning for breakfast" you tell them before giving them kisses goodbye and heading out with everybody. 
Tasha and Lynelle were currently singing to each other and sharing cute kisses off to the side. You couldn't help but to smile and think of how true love must feel. To love and be fully loved back like that.
You were standing in front of your opened room door when you realized that his room is across from yours but he had no plans of sleeping in it.
"Uh-uh. Who said you were invited in?" You ask Erik with your index finger on his chest. 
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"I thought you said you wanted to watch Netflix? We can order room service and everything. Whatever you want" he says to you licking his lips and closing the gap between the two of you. 
"I want to forget. I want to have fun. I want to feel loved and appreciated for once. That would be nice." You say quietly as he takes his hand in yours. Pressing small kisses to each of your knuckles.
He hesitates for a moment before leaning in to kiss you slowly. He held your face in his hands as he continued to back you into the room kicking it closed with his foot. 
 "I'm glad that we found each other. After all of this time. " You say to him in between kisses
"Believe it or not I kept that picture of us. The one your mama took of us at the zoo next to the monkeys. I took it with me on tour everywhere. Right next to my mama's picture in my wallet. I never lost a battle. I made it home in one piece. Shits wild." He said zoning out for a moment like he was going somewhere else. 
"Heyyy." You call softly. You move his hands from your waist 
" I've got you." You whisper to him before leading him to your bed and laying him back. 
You wrap your arms around him almost cuddling him as you lay your head on his chest while listening to his heartbeat and sitting on his lap. 
You place a soft kiss to his lips before moving away from the bed to change, settling on a large shirt and nothing else. 
Erik followed suit and just stripped to his boxer briefs before you come back to the bed carrying soda , your laptop, and snacks. 
"And before you ask. Yes, I packed my laptop because work never stops, and yes I packed snacks because I can't find Takis out here." You say chuckling softly while he shakes his head laughing softly. 
You both settle into a comfortable position before loading up the movie. You settled on Nappily Ever After but it wasn't long before he was softly kissing on your neck with his hand under your shirt.
"Gonna eat it from the back. That's cool with you" he mumble into your ear.
If that's cool with me? BIH, I'm trying to let you give me twins. Triplets even. Play it cool. Play it cool . You thought to yourself before saying a silent apology to your girl Sanaa Lathan as you quickly moved the laptop to the bedside table.
"Damn she pretty." He says before kissing each cheek and gripping the back of your thighs. You knew what was coming next as your hands found the headboard and arched your back.
You can feel his tongue begin to explore the back of your thighs to your folds as he bends you forward. 
You hiss softly as his hand began to roam. You looked back at him as his fingers enter you. He begins to slowly and deeply work you open for him. You knew that you were dripping at this point and couldn't contain how loud you're being.
You can hear him let out a groan as he gets his first taste. Before you know it he's devouring you like you're his favourite meal and is completely in his element. His hands are massaging over your cheeks while he suckles your clit and then slides his tongue in. You begin to work your hips down onto it as he's on his knees behind you. His fingers massaging skillfully over your clit. 
"That's how you want it? It's all for you." You egg him on shakily as you reach back to grab at his dreads knowing that you're nearing your orgasm. You thought you were seeing stars but the audacity of this man bringing his hand down hard across your left then right cheek and then the pom-pom itself, did it.
Your toes curled and your head was tilted back as you continued to ride his face and the orgasmic wave crashed over you so hard it took your breath with it. 
You called out his name speaking in all types of broken Xhosa as he begin to lap you up and savour your taste. 
When you stopped shaking he sat back on the bed, proud of himself as he licked his lips. 
You turned to face him and he wasted no time continuing to massage you.
But what you hadn't realized during changing you accidentally dialed Derrick. Who's now on the other end, yelling into the phone 
{to be continued! I hope that it was alright!}
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carrottuan93 · 3 years
Haven’t met you yet | Mark
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Masterlist (1/4) | part2 - part3 - part4
Starring: MK x You
Tags: Mark Tuan, Fluff, Destiny, Waiting, Christmas, Bookworm, Nerd, Love, Fate
Total WC: 2631
Foreword: You promise yourself you’re going to wait for the perfect love even if it takes forever but you’re already barging on it’s doorstep without even realizing that love has met you already in the first place.
It’s all about timing and seeking reassurance in all the right places.
It’s a chance you never want to miss and an opportunity that you wouldn’t trade for anything.
Learn to take risks and learn to fall in love along the way. Cause true love is patient and it’ll come when you least expect it.
Have you been good all year round? You never know what Santa has in stored for you this Christmas.
[Feel free to listen on the playlist that I made for this one shot :)))]
"Eunhee, I should probably take a break from your endless blind date setups. Nothing is working out for me, seriously." You heaved a sigh, slouching on the couch as you gave your best friend an exasperated look the moment you entered her humble bookshop. She's too excited for your love life ever since she and her long-time university crush Jackson became an official couple on your birthday when you celebrated it on Jeju last year. It was a really cold New Year’s Eve when you chose to reserve this romantic restaurant by the beach as the venue for your special day. Eunhee doesn't have any idea about Jackson's plan when you booked a flight to Jeju Island for a week despite the busy season. Since you wanted to play the fairy godmother role for the both of them, you saved Jackson from worrying and suggested that he'd do it on your birthday instead. And just like that, they spent the New Year countdown melting into each other’s puddle while greeting you a happy birthday. The things you do for your friend, if that ain’t salty for your part (it is, for being the third wheel), automatically elected you as the sole Queen of singles club after Neun’s grand exit.
 Since their anniversary is just around the corner, they are planning to spend it once again on Jeju and Eunhee, for being the supportive sister from another mother that she is, will surely drag you with them at all costs since it has been your tradition to celebrate New Year’s Eve with your best friend. She is dying to set you up with someone so you won't be celebrating your birthday alone anymore.
 "I'm sorry, Y/N. I thought you and my friend Hae In will work out. What happened by the way? tell me about your date." She sat beside your spot after closing the shop and did the honor of pouring you a glass of your favorite merlot. This girl knows how to calm you down for sure. I mean she isn't your best friend if she have no idea that wine is your comfort drink. For whatever reason it is, you don't know why it helps to lessen your loneliness by drinking the night away. Maybe knocking you down into a deep slumber and finding yourself completely clueless the next day, alongside the horrible hangover can patch up the painful truth that you are still single up to this point of your life. In addition to the earthly and God-sent smell of neatly piled books crowding the interior of her paradise, Eunhee's bookshop is your go-to place at all times. You used to frequent this a lot during your childhood days where you first met her and together you shared the same passion and love for books and wine through all these years.
 "He's too overrated for my type. Like I don't know why we need to talk about all of his exes and why his relationship with them didn't work out when we can sit and be comfortable with just talking about our interests, 'us' the present and not his past. He's a perfectionist per se and I don't like it when a guy shows disinterest whenever I told them about myself as some nerdy bookish girl who craves for a netflix kind of night compared to his ideal dream girl-next-door whom you can freely bring to a club the minute next." You look down on the red liquid in your glass, appreciating its refined and classic smell that is clouding your nostrils. You're way too excited to go home so you can finally sink on your newly changed bed sheets and savor the enticing smell of fabric conditioner which you cannot live without. You glanced outside the window, observing the couples walking together under the falling snow, as if Valentines day has come all of a sudden in the middle of December. Red roses are a popular gift for the ladies as you've observed and you cannot help yourself from wondering if someone will ever give you flowers on Christmas, particularly pink roses, which you really admire. You always dreamt of tending a bed of pink roses only for yourself because the sight of it makes you really happy. It's just unfortunate that they aren't in full bloom during this season that's why you can only wait for February to come so you could save the trouble of finding a lame date and just buy yourself a bouquet for Valentines. You can give yourself flowers and still feel like in a relationship with all the fictional characters on your novels. No one is stopping you from dating them in your mind, you thought.
 “Ugh I can’t believe that guy. I thought he’s a good catch but actually a bummer for real. Don’t worry, I’ll choose better next time." She gave you a warm hug, patting your head as you lay your cheek on her shoulder. She released you and you gave her an 'I'm-okay-don't-worry' kind of smile. And you sat there for almost an hour talking about your other failed blind dates in the past week that all belongs in either Jackson or Eunhee's circle. You have no idea why none of them matched your personality. Either they are too wild or too boring for them to function as your potential boyfriend. No one could really captivate your specific taste in a guy. It's not that you are too picky and have a high standard when it comes to scouting a lover. You just have your own preferences when it comes to choosing someone whom you'll devote your precious time into. No relationship is perfect because everything is built out of flaws, misunderstandings, heartaches and drama but if you'll enter in a commitment at least choose someone who's worthy of that pain. You aren’t getting any younger and all you need right now is someone reliable, honest and trustworthy enough to not waste your feelings and emotion. You need a serious guy who will not take you for granted and who welcomes the idea of settling in the near future. At least someone with a nice job? Or a bearable attitude, outlook and philosophy in life? He doesn't need to be the most handsome or richest guy in the planet. After all, you always talk to God about giving you with someone who will really love all your imperfections and flawed nature. You always pray to the heavens above that maybe he'll cross the mountains and bring you the moon and the stars like they always did on the movies and in stories but you're fed with too much fantasy and began to think that maybe the guy for you was rather inexistent or an alien inhabiting a distant galaxy located in a million light years away.
 "A break is all I need after all. I will be fine tomorrow at Christmas eve. Don't worry about me having a date on our dinner. I'll bring some macarons as an antidote for all things bitter for you and Jackson's couple party." It's your best friend’s first Christmas with her boyfriend that's why they are throwing a mini gathering for their family and close friends. You had this feeling that you will be the only one attending the party without a date so might as well go straight to the kitchen and grab a bottle of whatever wine you can get and spend the evening dancing on tipsy toes and the floor would be very much pleased to accommodate your drunken needs. But you will not gonna end up wasted on a party especially Eunhee will not be there beside you to take you home since you do not want to rob Jackson of his time with her. Their happiness always matters before you and that's what makes you happy, to see your best friend happy with the man that he really deserves.
 "All right sweetcheeks. We'll not let you feel gloomy on Christmas eve. Good girls get a reward from Santa so you have nothing to worry about." She gave you a wink and clanked your glasses in unison as you both emptied the bottle of wine to your heart's content. You both agreed to watch a romantic holiday movie over a shared furry blanket and hear out your friend as she talked to you mostly of his boyfriend, as if you’ve read a book about the guide to 101 ways on how to fall for Jackson. Maybe the love bug bit too hard on your friend now that she really has the man of her dreams right on her fingertips, she can’t ask for anything else. Their love story is too underrated and you’re one of the living witnesses that a coin is never wasted on a wishing well. If you only joined Eunhee on her wishing spree every time you both pass by your University’s fountain of love, your coin bank would have gone empty by now. But you didn’t do it and saved all of your coins for yourself cause you really enjoy playing basketball in the arcades for fun. For all you can remember way back in college days, your friend is just one of the many timid girls who are cheering and admiring the ever-famous fencing athlete, business student and heartthrob, Jackson. You have classes together with him and that is how your job as a love guru began. You really deserve a raise because you did succeed on making them a couple. You could set up a dating agency and earn better than your current job for all you care. But amidst all the love advice that you gave to them, you’re the complete opposite of a matchmaker. Because love never finds your way despite making love work for the others. Love is sweet but a bitch most of the time.
 If love finally came to Eunhee and Jackson, hopefully yours would come in a whirlpool, sweeping you off of your feet and rendering all the other love stories made in the history irrelevant. You love spontaneity and you’re up for the extraordinary. In fact, you already made a dozen of playlists on spotify and counting, awaiting to be dedicated to him. You may have weird habits, like using ketchup as a dip for your honey glazed donuts, and still act straight and sit the whole day finishing a book with your favorite espresso at coffee shops. You love taking midnight trips to the art museum and you wonder if he can appreciate the abstract the way it makes your soul come alive. You love travelling back to time and studying history and it would be a bonus if he’ll join you on the 3% mint choco enthusiasts in the whole world. And your list goes on and on and it’ll take a lifetime to introduce yourself to someone but you want to meet him soon. You can’t wait for that time to annoy the hell out of him and if he still chooses to come back after your endless nagging, that’s the time when you’re not gonna let go of him anymore. You know for yourself, you’re looking for an almost perfect individual but you’re ready to tear up your never ending list of your ideal guy if someone could really surprise you and made you want to look at the world in a different dimension. After all, an ideal can never be achieved in real life. You cannot make someone ‘the one’ but you can only search for someone and make them ‘your one’. Things may not come out the way you want them to be but things will work out if he’s your destiny. It might be hard to find the rarest form of love, which is true love, but you’re willing to go on a train trip bound to a destination you’ve never been to given that he’ll meet you at the end of the tunnel. Love isn’t hard. Love is supposed to be easy. You just need patience and it’ll come to you when you least expect it.
 It's nearing 11 pm already when you feel lightheaded because of your wine intake and maybe due to the fact that your early sleeping schedule has been breached by tonight's unfortunate event. You bid goodbye to your friend despite her invitation that you should just sleep on her place and decided to call for an uber to save yourself from zoning out like a zombie because you can no longer walk straight with your clouded vision. Eunhee lives upstairs her bookstore because she manages her family's business when her father passed away that's why she isn't living with you anymore. You've grown to be independent now that you're living on your own after sharing the same apartment with your friend during your university days.
 "Tomorrow night at 8. I'll text you the address. Don't be late, Y/n. Have a goodnight!” Eunhee tucked you up nicely on your seat and soon the taxi sped up passing underneath the city lights in the mood for the radio's yuletide playlist. You're a bit drunk to see clearly but you can recognize the faint Christmas lights flickering throughout the busy streets. In just half an hour, the uber came to a stop and you hopped off the cab as you made your way towards the entrance of the condo that you’re residing in. You walked past the concierge and romantic music is donning the halls screaming love is in the air but not for you cause it makes you suffocated. Inside the elevator you noticed that you'll join a couple on your way to a 5-minute trip to the 12th floor. You silently wished that nobody would enter in between floors so as not to slow down your fast lane to your unit or else it'll be another episode of 'You-are-single-fgds' slapping your face. Geez, you badly want a damn break but the couple is too absorbed in their own selves, doing whatever cringey couple thing it is behind you, so you chose to ignore their reflection on the elevator walls.
 God spared you for that ride and luckily you reached the 12th floor in the fastest speed possible. You walked in a crazy zigzag pattern when you reached the front step of your door and you held on the handle to prevent yourself from falling directly on the ground. Your eyes are zooming in for the door lock as you punch in your keycode multiple times and still wonder why the door isn't granting you any access at all.
 "The fudge why aren't you opening?" You tried all possible combinations already but to no luck, you are still denied. For the 10th time, the lock gave up on you and is now urging for a password reset when all of a sudden the heavens finally heard your prayer and the door automatically opened. You fell towards a pair of arms, as if on cue you are saved once again from falling directly on the floor. You grabbed on a pair of shoulders, and you felt like you've reached your bed already as your senses are welcomed with a lovely scent of fabcon, which for you is the sweetest scent in the world.
 "Hmm. I can finally sleep now." You smiled the moment you felt safe and secured within the parameters of what you think of as your bed.
"Wait, you cannot sleep on my arms." It's too late for you to wake up because you're already dozing off to dreamland.
"Oh shoot. What am I gonna do with you?" You barged into someone's room and you haven't had the slightest idea of what you'll gonna do the next morning when you wake up.
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mwolf0epsilon · 4 years
Fic Request: Miss Twisted is causing some manner of trouble Alice Angel shows up, lectures her, and then drags her away by the ear and says something like "I have a perfectly good dinner getting cold at home and you're doing THIS"? Miss Twisted then tries to apologize and make it up to Alice.
Summary: A slight mistake in her schedule gives Miss Twisted a taste of trouble in paradise.
It wasn't often that the stars aligned for the sort of mischief that they were getting up to, but oh if the Society didn't enjoy it all the more when they got the chance to show up the Butcher Gang in a nice game of robbing the bank blind!
They'd used the troublesome trio of dopes as their distraction, breaking into the vault while they attempted their stick-up. Filled their bags and pockets with as much cash as possible, and then things really got interesting. You see, Charley wasn't one to share a heist, and neither was Miss Twisted. The glory would fall upon the most ruthless criminals, and that prestigious title was going to which ever of the gangs could get away with the plundered riches.
The battle was on.
"Getting tired are we?!" Missy cackled as she stared down the end of her opponent's retreating and swinging switchblade, her own dagger parrying blows aimed at her long springy arms. "What's the matter Charley boyo? Too old to tango with a dame?"
"In your dreams, princess!" He flashed her an ugly toothy grimace. "I ain't no pirate, but I can pull my weight in a swordfight. This is just the warm up!"
"Then warm up faster Charles, because the ladies don't like cold feet!" She flashed her own sharp grin at him.
"I'll remember that if I ever meet a lady then." He smirked.
"Why I oughta..." She swung her blade faster, trying to get him off balance. Behind her she could hear the struggles as Cameraman wrestled for control of their getaway vehicle from the meddling Barley, while the Brute was defending their spoils from the itsy bitsy Edgar who was trying to lasso a few bags out of his reach.
One lucky swing caught the side of Charley's blade and sent it flying from his grasp, leaving him weaponless and at the edge of the truck's open back.
"My, my... Seems like Lady Luck has a new favourite." Missy chuckled "And it ain't the leprechaun, it seems."
"Keep yappin' girly, even if you win this fight, the Butcher Gang will come on top in the end. We always do." The older male sneered. Barley and Edgar were at a loss for what to do, either continue their endeavours or risk losing their boss.
"Bouillonburg has a new crime syndicate and it sure doesn't need a trio of has-beens calling the shots anymore." And they'd all know it from this day forward, as soon as she sent the infamous leader of the Butcher Gang flying out of the back of a moving truck.
Or, she would of, if not for the truck suddenly coming to a halt and sending everyone tumbling about at the sudden stop.
"Oi! Cam what gives?!" The demoness cried out as she pushed Charley off her. "Warn a gal, wouldn't ya? I coulda snapped my neck!"
"I err... Uhm... I am quite certain that that is the least of your troubles right now..." Cameraman called back from the cabin.
"Oh yeah? Why's that?!" She put her hands on her hips and looked towards the cabin. Just barely able to make out her friend's small body and the stilts he was using to reach the pedals.
"Because I'm very certain your very angry girlfriend that is standing in front of the truck, is probably higher up on the list..." Cameraman replied as he sunk slightly in his seat to escape the glare of a very upset angel.
Miss Twisted stood there, baffled for a second, before startling.
"Oh crud, what day is it?"
"Erm...Tuesday? Barley offered.
"The 10th!" Edgar added, before tapping his chin thoughtful. "Of November!"
".....Papa Pluto's crooked teeth, I forgot our anniversary!!!" The demoness cried out in horror. She was so screwed.
"You're kidding... You forgot your anniversary?!" Cameraman looked as incredulous as a camera could. "That's low, even for you Missy."
"And rude." Brute huffed. "Missy should apologize to pretty angel lady!"
"I can't go out there! She'll eat me alive!" Her arms quickly twisted around her own head in an attempt to hide her face.
"Honestly, with Alice? Kinda deserved." Charley snorted.
"Agreed, ya should feel ashamed for standin' up the poor lass." Barley scolded.
"Yeah... We may be villains, but we'd never be so rude as to forget a date!" Edgar crossed his arms.
"None of you have girlfriends you jerks!" Missy protested.
"Uh... Charley and Barley are married?" Cameraman gawked at her. "And Brute has a boyfriend?"
"Since when?!"
"Three weeks. Long distance. They write each other... Am I the only one that listens to either of you rambling during breakfast?!" Cameraman was in disbelief.
"And yes, we're married. Edgar's our kid... We're literally a crime family." Charley pointed out.
"Pretty angel lady coming over." Brute pointed out. True to his words, the upset angel was floating over to meet them, and if looks could kill...
"Nice knowing you Missy. I'm taking all your stuff when you die."
"No fair! Brute want nice radio!"
"I don't need another radio, so we've got a deal big fella."
"I'm not gonna die!"
"I'm gonna die!"
Miss Twisted didn't die in the end, but from the scolding she'd gotten alone she might as well have died a little inside. Hell had nothing on the righteous fury of an angel crossed. Needless to say, making it up to Alice would not be easy. Especially when she's been robbing a bank and told the getaway driver to drive as recklessly and dangerously as possible in a busy road close to a school.
Thankfully, Missy was a resourceful lady. She knew how to turn situations around. Go big or go home, right? And even if it cramped her style, she'd tolerate a few of the hobbies her lady love fancied.
Playing the part of good samaritan was gag worthy, but if it made Alice happy, she'd oblige. There were ways to uphold her reputation as an emissary of misery, anyway...
And oh, if the next big hits she had planned wouldn't fix a month's worth of good deeds then nothing would! Go big or go home indeed.
The Butcher Gang wouldn't stay on top for much longer, and her girlfriend couldn't stay mad forever!
First thing was first tho, use a lot of the plundered riches to pay for a reservation at a fancy restaurant and wardrobe and accessories to match. Angel or not, Alice was still an appreciator of the mushy romantic stuff. Miss Twisted would just have to also make it up to the boys later.
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diegolabhont · 4 years
Just a Dance
Book: Queen B - Choices (Universe)
Pairing: Zoey Wade x Trans!Male MC (Beck Hughes)
Genre: Collage, Bound Together, Dancing
Rating: Ehm... +13, just to be sure. 
This is me trying to write by and for the Trans community, specially FTM community, meaning, trans guys, but I actually took the liberty to use They/them pronouns for everyone out there who´s interested (Also, the name Beck was the most neutral one I could find, trying to use the cannon Bea Hughes)
This one-shot contains latin stuff and a song
Now, about the PAIRING... I will be using choices style, kinda. If you have any comment, PLEASE BE RESPECTFULL and patient with me. This is also my first english one-shot and english is not my mother language, so... i’m sorry fo the grammar errors
“You have to teach me!”
“Pretty please!”
Beck snorted, trying to look annoyed but that teeny tiny smile on their lips proved the complete opposite. It was one of those roomie-bounding nights, were the both of them talked a lot of random things, play some board-games or do homework together. Sometimes they shared their passion for music, sharing songs, co-write some others, or Zoey´s personal favorite: Listen to Beck singing and playing beautiful melodies with a glass of wine. Just the two of them, relaxing, forgetting about the ranking, The T, Belvoire… The world.
Zoey Wade was thankful for such a roomie like Beck, they were the kind of person who tried to cheer you up no matter what, that one who would stay –or try to stay- awake next to you when you had lots of homework and bring coffee with a tired smile on their lips. She could feel herself letting go with them, and she was sure Beck felt the same way. So much so that when she caught Beck singing and dancing to spanish songs she was completely mesmerized, admiring the show even after they noticed her staring.
She wouldn’t have thought Beck had that spicy hot blood running through their veins and a cute accent if she hadn’t seen it by herself, especially because of Beck´s quiet and rather serious attitude in general, even their music was rock, alternative style or so.
“Baby please! Those moves were on fire!” Beck laughed a lot more this time, their cheeks burning red and a wide smile on those lips.
“Those moves had flow, gorgeous.” They said before drink some water, trying to forget the matter.
“Are you really not going to teach me how to do that?” Zoey said, pretending to be offended. Beck leaned their elbow on the kitchen bar, looking at Zoey as if they were thinking, planning, maybe analyzing… either way, there was something in those eyes making Zoey blush.
“Let´s do better” They said after a while. “Get dressed, we��re going out.”
They both went to a place Zoey had never ever heard of, she was actually surprised something like that even existed there in New York. It was not very different from any other club if she was talking about lighting, but the heat inside was suffocating, a lot of people were dancing, sweating to the beat of Hispanic songs, spanish and some other idioms everywhere she looked, country flags from Latin countries were showed proudly, either on t-shits, face painting or themed drinks.
“Oh my god! Where are we?!” Zoey asked, feeling strangely excited and full of energy.
“Paradise!” Beck said, smirking. They took her hand tightly, walking her through the sea of people dancing, reaching for the bar. “Dos micheladas, por favor” Beck asked, a perfect spanish coming out of their mouth.
“Cómo no, jefe” That other guy said, bringing a couple of beer bottles mixing them with a lot of ingredients in a glass frosted with something red.
“Have you had a michelada before, Zo?” Beck was beyond good in there, they looked like a fish in water, even as they both were waiting, Beck was dancing a little, they looked happy, excited. Zoey could tell: they missed this, they felt like home and they had chosen to share that with her. Only her.
“How can you look even more cute right about now?” Beck´s confidence went away in that exact second, turning them into some shy blushed cutie.
“Really? How so?”
“You look happy… Like, really happy” Beck shrugged.
“Have you had seen to yourself?” They said, looking Zoey as if she was the only girl in that place. “I love the hair” Zoey had decided to loosed down her curls, a little cute red top with tight black pants and red lipstick conformed that night´s look. “You are pretty stunning, really”
She knew that, they were really impressed. Zoey won´t never admit that, but she liked the look in Beck´s eyes when they saw her earlier more than she thought.
When the drinks finally came, Zoey was the first one to taste her own at Beck´s request. She couldn´t help but frown a little, causing a loud laugh from them. The flavor was spicy, kinda acid, but it was actually delicious once you got used to the feeling on your tongue.
“What the hell did you make me drink?”
“Oh, come on! You didn’t like it?”
“It´s…” She drank a little more. And then some more… and more… aaand it was empty. “… it´s fine.” she said before burping a little. Ashamed, she covered inmediatly her mouth with her hand. “Oh... sorry!”
“Now you are ready to learn” Beck laughed, amused. “May I have this dance, beautiful lady?”
“You seems as if you are already having a lot of fun" She said playfully "But alright then... show me some moves, babe”
“First of all, I want your arms around…” A gentle touch, Beck slowly move her arms to hug their neck with a delicate caress that sent chills down Zoey´s spine. “… here.”
The song was really good, with a rhythm Zoey enjoyed a lot, but her attention was completely lost in something else, something she couldn't keep her mind off of for instance, Beck´s perfume. They both were so close to each other, she could feel their warm next to hers and the way Beck held her waist, firmly, softly, their strong hands guiding her with ease made it impossible to think anything but them. “Now just follow my lead…” They said, aware of the short distance between the two. Beck moved their shoulders and hips, dancing, sticking close to Zoey for her to feel it, enjoying the music.
Nervousness suddenly hitting the girl as a lightning, so quick that when she noticed, she was two steps away from them. Beck looked surprised, confused, she wanted to tell them... but it was hard to explain! Her heart beating as crazy made no sense at all, what was happening?
“Sorry! Sorry. It´s just…” Since when was she the shy one?
“Don´t worry, I get it.” They said and the smile Zoey got from them was so sweet and understanding that she just couldn´t let that moment end. She won’t. “If you want we could…”
“No, it´s fine.” She quickly said. “One more time.” Beck nodded.
“Just do what you feel. Close your eyes if you want to” Zoey put her arms around Beck's neck once more.
“You´d like that, wouldn't you?” Zoey flirted, causing a chuckle from them.
“Perhaps…” Beck whispered, gazing at her intensely.
Zoey closed her eyes as she was told, letting the music and Beck be her guide. They both started dancing once again. This time, Zoey started to move her waist as well, lost in the moment. The heat soon began to rise and the feeling of them moving against her was driving her mad, craving for more. Yearning suddenly for a touch, the girl began to caress their hair as them started touching her bare skin on her back, the rhythm, the moves, Beck... It was all just so…intoxicating. Beck turn her around, sticking her back against their torso, their breath next to her ear. Shaking chills…
“Slowly… Just like that…” Beck murmured, as if they were in sync with those feelings. Lost in a moment just for the two of them. “Geez, Zoey…” They moaned.
“Do you like that...?” she replied, moving her hips against Beck's body. All Zoey wanted was making them touch her more... Some more.
“I love it…” Beck buried their face against Zoey's neck, smelling the scent of her skin.
And then…
The song ended with a weird mix, ready to play the next one. Both turned away from each other due to the surprise, the intensity of the moment slowly fading away as the grin on Beck’s face grew in size, excited.
“Zo, you are a natural!” They said, awakening her from stupor. Welcome to the reality all of the sudden.
“What? Are you really impressed?” She joked, forced to suddenly bury everything she felt in that dance on the back of her mind. Beck laughed, blowing air towards their face with their hand.
“Come on, I need a cold one” Beck said going to the bar.
“Yeah… same…”
After all, it was just a dance… right?
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Episode 25 Review: The No-No Generation
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{ Full Synopses/Recaps: Debby Graham | Bryan Gruszka }
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Welcome back to my Garden of Evil, where I analyze and snark on Strange Paradise for fun and...well, just fun, really. This week, we will conclude our deep dive into Week 5 with a review of Friday’s episode, in which THE DEVIL JACQUES ELOI DES MONDES continues his seduction of Elizabeth Marshall while inside the body of Jean Paul Desmond.
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Night on Maljardin. As Jean Paul drinks in the Great Hall and lightning flashes outside, Raxl draws tarot cards in the Not-So-Hidden Temple of the Serpent.
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Here are the cards that she pulls, flipped upside-down to show them from her perspective:
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We know from previous episodes that the Knight of Coins/Pentacles is Dan and the Queen of Cups represents one of the women on Maljardin (Matt believes it to be Holly, but he could be wrong). We have also seen the King of Wands used to represent Jean Paul before, but King of Cups arguably fits him better because his constant wallowing in self-pity is a negative water/cups trait. The Queen of Wands represents a woman who plays a supporting, managerial role (sounds like Alison). The Page of Coins is a young person who is observing and learning how to make it in the world (could be Tim or Holly).
The rest probably don't represent specific characters, but instead relate to the situation. The Justice card means exactly what its name implies. Ten of Wands "represents an all-out effort, an obsessive commitment to a task which demands everything you've got.” The Seven of Wands normally refers to a situation where confrontation and daring are necessary, but it is reversed here, suggesting failure, defeat, and even scandal; this seems to imply that Jean Paul will be defeated and/or that his activities on Maljardin will cause the scandal that he fears. The Eight of Coins is about workaholism and may have to do with anyone currently working on Maljardin (Raxl, Quito, Alison, Tim, or Matt).
The Five of Cups is an interesting card: it might refer to the impending losses on Maljardin or to any variety of negative emotions, but it is also associated with "Inheritance, suggesting the cross-generational legacy of such tragedies." This reminds me of the parallels between the events so far and what we know of the Maljardin of the 17th century: the deaths of Jean Paul's and Jacques' wives, the seduction of their wives' sisters, the priestess resembling Elizabeth who sacrifices Holly in her dream. In early Maljardin and in the Lost Episodes, Ian Martin consistently drew parallels between the events of 1689 and 1969, so the intended meaning of "cross-generational legacy" seems highly likely.
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Also, for those of you wondering, Vangie’s tarot cards in the next scene appear to be the same, just arranged in a different spread. I say “appear” because it’s hard to tell with the lighting and video quality if they are the same cards, although logically they should be.
"If my father's gift is strong in me and if the Great Serpent so wills it," she prays, "may I be lifted to the ancient temple to help in the fight against evil." She lies down in her bed to attempt to teleport herself there and we cut back to the Great Hall.
In the Great Hall, Jean Paul argues with Jacques. Their dialogue somehow sounds even more forced than Jacques’ line about the time clock two episodes ago:
Jacques: "You're very quiet tonight, but not Mother Nature. I wonder what's disturbing her so?" Jean Paul: "Maybe you are. Maybe she's declaring war on all demons." Jacques: "Wooing and warring, a family heritage." [An odd thing to say in this context.] Jean Paul: "I could do without the family heritages and ancestors like you!" [And an equally odd response.] Jacques: "Do without me and you may be doing without yourself. Who knows? You and I could well be one and the same." Jean Paul: "I am NOT a devil!"
Jacques: "Self-declaration, self-incrimination--and don't drink so much. It dulls the senses."
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Backacting with the portrait again, I see.
So we get another hint that Jean Paul and Jacques may be the same man, with a very forced-sounding exchange leading up to it that Martin definitely could have written better. Jean Paul gets ready to throw his glass at the portrait (as one does), but can’t because Quito enters with some ice for the next six gin and tonics that he probably originally planned on downing that night.
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*Jacques voice* Jean Paul Desmond, has no one ever taught you that people in stone houses shouldn't throw glass? Tsk, tsk…
And now that plan is ruined, too, because Holly comes down the steps and complains to him that she can’t sleep because she keeps having nightmares. (She doesn’t say what about, so I’m going to assume they have to do with either her father or Tarasca again.) Jean Paul offers her some sherry “to sleep and not to dream,” and she responds that the line was one of her father’s favorites from Shakespeare. No, Holly. It’s “to sleep, perchance to dream” not “to sleep and not to dream,” but you were close.
Jean Paul reveals that he, too, couldn’t sleep because of nightmares. “I guess even possessions don’t make a man sleep easy,” Holly replies and, without warning, the portrait disappears and Jacques enters the chat:
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Look! The crew actually remembered to remove the portrait this time!
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He’s giving her the poison Jean Paul took from the lab!
Holly tells him about how her mother wants to steal her inheritance, and how she intends on taking as much as she can from her in return. (Does that mean you want Jean Paul, too, Holly? Never mind, of course you do.)
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Would that be with a W or with a B?
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I suspect that Holly wouldn’t know any different.
Meanwhile, on the stairs above, Elizabeth silently observes. But she doesn’t just observe. She observes while wearing a fur-trimmed velvet nightgown and striking a dramatic evil diva pose. As one does.
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Wah-wah-WAH-wah-wah...*fade to black*
After the commercial break, Elizabeth overhears Jacques telling Holly that she may learn to love her, because “one who hates can also love.” (Take it from Jacques Eloi des Mondes, murderer and lover extraordinaire.)
“I'm sure my daughter will make an army of fortune-hunters very happy when she does learn,” she, a fortune-hunter herself, interjects. Looking thrilled to see the lovely Tarasca, Jacques welcomes her and offers her a drink:
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Jacques: “Some cyanide, perhaps, fresh from the lab?”
Just kidding. It isn’t cyanide; Mrs. Marshall is too much fun for Jacques to kill off, especially this early on. Holly leaves to drink alone in her room and Jacques and Elizabeth get ready to drink to the fact that they’re no longer children, when Holly freaks out over Quito. It turns out he was trying to guard her from the Devil, which amuses dear Jacquet immensely.
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You’re so vain, you probably make toasts about you.
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After Holly returns to her room, Elizabeth laments the woman “child” Holly become after the death of her father. “Ever since her father died, virtually overnight, she changed from a sweet, shy child into an impossible shrew,” she sneers. “We were really a very happy family before.”
“Holly told me that you did lots of things together, that you traveled a great deal,” says Jacques.
“Yes, of course.” she responds, “Even then, there were signs. The winter before last, she refused to go on vacation with us, wanted to spend Christmas in the cold snow instead of the warm sand. So we went on without her, but, of course, she ruined the trip for us.”
Holly must have had a good reason to stay home in the dreary winter weather rather than go on vacation with her parents; I say that because I, too, am from the north and I, personally, would kill to spend Christmas somewhere warm or at least not snowy. Either that, or Holly is a romantic, holding a sentimentalized view of white Christmases with treetops glistening and children listening to hear sleigh bells in the snow. If that is the case, then...well...I guess it’s nice that she likes snow, because I sure as hell don’t. But really, I’m sure Holly had a damn good reason to avoid Elizabeth.
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This is the perfect time to post some photos of Elizabeth’s incredible nightgown. It’s so luxurious, so decadent, so...her.
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“How unfortunate,” Jacques responds insincerely.
“Couldn’t we change the topic of conversation from the No-No Generation? I’m very bored with their beads and bells and songs of love.”
The No-No Generation? Now, there’s a name for the Baby Boomers that I’ve never heard elsewhere. Google, too, seems unfamiliar with it: a search for “no-no generation” (with quotes) mostly turns up chemistry papers about nitric oxide. Subtract these and you get only a few more relevant results, one of which is this meme from June 30 of this year. A search for “‘no-no generation’ boomers” yields this cached page mentioning “a vibrant No-No generation in the wake of the 1968 Paris uprising” but that term appears to mostly refer to French rock musicians of the 1960s and 1970s, judging by this other use of the term on the site and this CD listing on another.[1] Considering the dearth of relevant English-language sources using the phrase and considering that Holly isn’t a musician as far as we know, Martin may have come up with the term on his own.
There’s the question of why Elizabeth calls Holly’s generation the “the No-No Generation.” No rules (which, arguably, better describes Generation X)? No interest in the traditions and codes that her and Jean Paul’s generation follow? (Laslo and Irene in the second Desmond Hall arc criticize the Baby Boomers, especially Susan, for that.) No work and no higher education, like the current use of the term in Spain and Brazil? The fact that Holly just didn’t want to go on vacation with her two years earlier? Or, perhaps, all of the above? I’m going to guess all of the above. All the options fit Holly.
So we have learned that Elizabeth disdains Holly’s generation because of their love songs. Even Jacques is taken aback by this, because it implies that she doesn’t believe in love, but she assures him that it’s different because “you and I are old enough to make our own rules.” He gives her a knowing look--as though he knows exactly how old she really is--and places his beringed hand on her shoulder.
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That nightgown looks so soft.
Down in the Not-So-Hidden Temple, we pick up right where we left off with Raxl praying to the Serpent for Vangie’s arrival. Before her eyes, the Conjure Woman Chromakeys into the chamber right on top of the Tarot cards, her arms stretching upward:
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By some miracle, Vangie climbs off the altar without screwing up Raxl’s Tarot spread. But she’s not pleased about arriving on Maljardin where she predicts that she will die, and so she demands to know why Raxl summoned her there. Um, Vangie, don’t you remember earlier in the episode--perhaps minutes before in show time--when you prayed to the Serpent to transport you there? You’re like someone who passes through the turnstile at a metro station, then changes their mind a second later.
While all this is going on, Jacques gleefully drops hint after hint of his true identity:
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I’m not sure how much of this is for the audience’s benefit and how much of it is because Jacques thinks everyone else is dumb.
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Tarasca: (thinking) “And my name isn’t Elizabeth Marshall.”
We also get this possible shout-out to Dark Shadows:
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Back down in the Not-So-Hidden Temple, Vangie helps Raxl interpret the Tarot cards. “Our spirits will be fused through the Tarot cards and the pentagram,” Vangie says. (What was in that tea/potion that Raxl gave her?) Their spirits fused, they try to make sense of the cards’ message:
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Raxl: "Do you see what the cards say?" Vangie: "I see two protectors, Matthew Dawson and Dan Forrest."
I assume that the cards she's referencing are the Fool and the Knight of Pentacles, as in previous episodes.
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Raxl: *points to Queen of Cups* "But they are not as strong as this one." Vangie: "Who is she?" Raxl: "I cannot tell. Your powers of the cards are much stronger than mine."
They join hands and concentrate on a flame to determine the identity of the Queen of Cups. And then her image appears:
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Raxl: "The witch is not..." Vangie: "Yes! The mother of the blonde child, Elizabeth Marshall! Watch her carefully, Raxl. She’s dangerous."
It's odd that Elizabeth of all people should be represented by the upright Queen of Cups, as the descriptions that I’ve read for the card tell of someone with almost the exact opposite personality. According to Tarot.com, this Queen is "a sensitive, vulnerable, omniscient woman who offers unconditional love. She is supremely empathic -- sometimes to a fault. Her caring nature exposes her to everybody else's emotions and needs." Sounds more like Jean Paul’s and Alison’s descriptions of Erica to me, save for the “omniscient” part (which I don’t think is meant to be taken literally).
What’s ironic is that, if the Queen of Cups were reversed, the card would fit Elizabeth well. This page on The Tarot Guide mentions "insecurity, lack of trust…self-centred…smothering, bitter, vengeful, manipulative, spiteful, [and] disloyal” as the reversed Queen’s characteristics. Now that sounds more like the Elizabeth Marshall I know. I suspect that the Queen of Cups was intended to be reversed and its upright position is a blooper.
In the Great Hall, Elizabeth goes to bed and, after some surprisingly not-silly headache faces, Jacques de-possesses Jean Paul. In truth, I’m a little disappointed that he doesn’t clench his teeth or look like he’s about to vomit this time, because I find Colin Fox’s over-the-top headache faces funny. This time, Jean Paul apparently forced him out of his body himself, although how he accomplished this is not explained.
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And what exactly did you do, Jean Paul, to force him back into the frame?
Although I know all episodes of this show were rushed to some extent, this one with its abundance of script continuity errors shows more signs of hasty writing than the others. Ironically, they actually remembered to remove Jacques’ portrait from the frame this time when he possesses Jean Paul, which is shocking. Still, despite the rushed-ness of this one, it has provided me with a lot of interesting material to dissect in my deep dive into the bizarre world of Strange Paradise.
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Coming up next: Dan and Alison continue their investigation of Erica’s death and Jacques obsesses over a possibly symbolic fish. Also stay tuned for the Bad Subtitle Special for Week 5 next week.
{ <- Previous: Episode 24   ||   Next: Episode 26 -> }
[1] In France, the term “Génération non non” more often refers to French Millennials of Middle Eastern and African descent who live in the impoverished suburbs or banlieue of French cities. It was popularized in the 2006 song “La Boulette (Génération nan nan)” by French rapper Diam’s.
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johnnysnostril · 5 years
Lights Out
Chapter Five
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I groaned, feeling like my face was completely swollen. All I could hear around me, was beeping and light chatter. I couldn’t understand what was being said though. Squeezing my eyes tightly, I tried moving my body a little. Feeling pain shooting up my legs and back, I winced and ripped my eyes open. Looking up, I noticed a white ceiling. It smelt really clean and the air was almost as fresh as water. In the process of trying to sit up, I ripped a few chords from their machines.
I was in the hospital, although I couldn't remember how I got here.
“Zoey?” I called out. My voice was hoarse and my throat was so itchy. “Oh honey, don’t move.” 
A nurse came walking in and gently pushed me back down on the bed, hooking my chords back up to the machine. “Everything is alright, just relax and try not to move so much.” I immediately started crying as I thought about Sapphire. “Where are my sisters?” I could feel the tears running down my face as I looked around the room for them.
Junwon’s POV
Looking past the curtains, I glanced out towards the crowd of people. I was actually surprised at how many people decided to show up. Oddly enough, I didn't see Hazel. She was never late and the show was about to start. Pushing the curtain closed, I threw my head back and sighed. I was never nervous, but the fact that Hazel wasn’t here, made me feel that way now. 
“Come on, Haze. pick up.” I mumbled as I listened to her dial tone. Nothing. I tried again but, same result. 
“My man, Ph-1!”
Quickly turning around, I spotted Mr. Jay Park, himself. My mouth hung open a little and I smiled. “What the hell.” I laughed. “You didn’t think I was going to miss this, did you?” we gave each other a quick handshake. “How did you know i was performing tonight?” I asked.
“I stalked your instagram dude. It was actually everywhere on my feed. A few people sent it to me and told me to come and check you out. I'm here with my team.” Jay turned around and pointed to about ten people standing behind him. “Okay, so you roll deep?”
I was shocked that he was here. We talked a few times via dm on instagram and he did say that he liked my music, but I didn't actually think that we would meet in person.
“I wanna run a few things by you tonight.” he said with a huge smile on his face. “It’s an offer you can’t refuse man.”
Hazel’s POV
Laying on my side, I curled into a ball as best as I could. All I wanted was Junwon. 
“Hazel?” I heard Zoey’s voice. I shot my gaze to the entrance of my room and there she stood along side with Sapphire, in hospital gowns. I immediately started crying.
“I’m so happy you guys are okay.” Sitting up slowly, I stood to my feet and opened my arms. They both ran over to me and gently hugged me.
“I’m so sorry..” Zoey mumbled.
“Don’t be. This wasn’t your fault, Zoe.”
She cried on my shoulder before pulling away. “I shouldn’t have drove in the first place.
Sapphire wrapped her arm around my sisters shoulder. “Stop beating yourself up over this. we’re all fine and everything's okay.”
“How are you guys?” I asked sitting back down on the bed.
“Just a sprained wrist, thank god.” Sapphire announced with a soft chuckle. Zoey nodded. “Just a few bruises, but i’m okay.”
“Woojae’s here and he’s worried sick about all of us.” Sapp announced. “So, he went to go get some real food.”
“And Junwon?” I mumbled. “He probably hates me for missing the show.”
Zoey shook her head. “I don’t even think he knows, Hazel.”
I sighed.
“He can’t be mad after he finds out.” Sapphire said approaching the side of the bed. “Do you know his number by heart, we can call him right now.”
I shook my head as she picked up the phone, ready to dial. “I don’t even know my mom’s num- Oh my god! Mom.”
Zoey sat down next to me. “She’s on her way. I already know that I’m so dead when she gets here too.” She admitted.
“She’ll be happy that we’re alive Zoe, stop.”
later that night
the ride home was quiet. mom and her boyfriend sat in the front seat, holding hands like they were on a romantic boat ride of something. yeah, she was worried, but i was expecting a different outcome.
zoey’s head was rested on my shoulder and she was slowly falling asleep. i winced as pain shot through my back. i lied to the doctors when i told them i was fine. i just wanted to go home, badly. tonight was a complete mess and i just wanted to be in my bed.
getting up the stairs, zoey helped me to my bed.
“you know i can walk on my own.” i joked. she didn’t respond. i watched as she pulled back my sheets and picked out a pair of pajamas for me.
“sheesh, shut up- will ya?” i chuckled.
her eyes shot up and she had the look of a baby deer, who was lost in the woods.
“i said it’s not your fault.” i calmly repeated. zoey looked down at started to play with the fabric on the sheets.
“i feel like it is though..” 
i slowly climbed into my bed and zoey did the same.
Junwon’s POV
after the performance, i waited outside the venue and expressed how extremely happy i was that everyone came.
as the crowd started to die down, i leaned against the hood of my car and dialed hazel’s number again. still nothing, so i decided to leave her a voicemail. 
i was pissed.
why would she just diss me like this?
“hey..i don’t know where you are or if you’re still mad at me or whatever. i think it’s pretty fucked up that you missed my show tonight.”
i sighed and paused for a moment.
“you’re probably with bryan.”
just saying his name made my blood boil.
“i dont even know why you’re with the kid. how do you ditch me for someone who doesn’t value you, hazel? i’m always fucking there for you and you know i value your time and i would never-”
i stopped myself.
“i just feel so damn stupid cause i had something really special planned for you.. for us, and you just.. whatever”
hanging up the phone, i shut my eyes and clenched my jaw.
“trouble in paradise?” i heard jay’s voice say. i quickly switched up my attitude and chuckled. “nah, i'm definitely single, bro.” 
the words pinched my sides.
“well, you’re in luck cause someone was really feelin the show.” jay nodded in the direction of a small framed girl who stood just off to the side, with the rest of his crew. i glanced over at her and she smiled, tucking some hair behind her ear.
i thought of hazel for a moment. 
she’s got an entire boyfriend, so who cares if i entertain this chick.
“she’s single.” he added.
smiling back at her, i felt my anger slowly disappear.
“so, how does korea sound bro?” jay asked as he changed the subject.
caught off guard, i furrowed my brows. “what?” i turned my attention back to him.
“i wanna sign you. but i need you in korea.” jay laughed. my eyes got big. “wait, you wanna sign me?” i said confused. “why else did you think i showed up tonight? i wanted to see if you were down to be apart of h1ghr music.”
what he was saying, still wasn’t connecting in my head. “so, you wanna sign me?” i repeated. jay rolled his eyes in a playful manner.
“yes, dude. think about it. here’s my number.” he said slipping me a piece of paper. “think about it and get back to me by the end of next week.”
i took the paper and glanced at it.
“we’re going to an after party at this club, wanna join us? tons of beautiful ladies will be there, plus your little secret admirer.” he said rubbing his hands together. “maybe you guys can get to know each other.”
the next day
Hazel’s POV
the next morning, i woke up to laughter coming from downstairs. i furrowed my brows and sat up, making my way to the hallway.
i tilted my head as i heard sapphire’s voice.
“sapp?” i yelled out. “haze? you awake?” her voice was happy and i could tell she was skipping over to me by the sound of her shoes.
“hi.” she said looking up at me. i leaned over the ponywall and smiled down at her. “what are you doing here?” i laughed. “get yourself together, you’re coming with me today.”
i shook my head. “for what?” sapphire groaned and stomped up the stairs. “go! zoey needs to get herself together too. we’re going to be late.”
“late for what?” i asked.
moments later
getting in the car with sapphire, i sighed. it felt so weird to be in a vehicle after the accident.
“so, where are we going exactly?” zoey said strapping her seatbelt on.
“my house- we need a girly time and i’m also throwing a party tonight and i need some help setting up.” she smiled back at zoey through the review mirror.
i looked over at sapphire. “a party? sapphire, we just got into a car accident. how do you have to energy to have a party?” i said annoyed.
she rolled her eyes and sighed as she began driving. “look, we almost lost our lives last night. by the grace of god, we’re alive and that deserves to be celebrated.”
as we pulled up to sapphire’s house, zoey gasped. “no way! this is your freakin house?” she shouted. sapphire laughed. “its my parents’ house, i just happen to be their roommate.”
walking in, zoey grabbed my hand- squeezing it tight.
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“remind me why you’re always at our house.” i said sighing. every time i walked into sapphire’s house, i instantly felt like a peasant.
“cause, it’s too quiet here. i hate it. the place is too big for just one person all the time.” she wined.
as we walked through the entrance, she lead us up the double stairs and into her room.
sapphire’s room
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“sapphire, you’re not allowed to come over anymore. we’re moving in.” zoey said standing in the door frame. sapphire laughed. “be my guest. my parents are never here.”
later that night
looking through sapphire’s closet, i groaned. “sapp, i wont be able to pull any of these off. can’t i just stay up here while you have your party?”
she shot her eyes up from her phone. sapphire was busy sending out invitations via text message and dm.
“absolutely not. now move.” she laughed. making her way towards her closet, she went straight to a tan dress with sleeves. “this. now go get dressed so we can do your hair.” sapphire patted me on the head and shooed me away.
“as for the princess, this one will look amazing on you.” 
as i walked past zoey, her eye lit up and i shook my head.
hazel’s outfit:
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sapphire’s out:
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zoey’s outfit:
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as the house started to fill with people and the music blasted, i felt so out of place. zoey was out in the center of the floor, dancing with sapphire like we never got into an accident in the first place. i didn’t want to do much moving since my back was on fire. even these heels were hard to walk in.
i walked over to the kitchen, grabbing something to drink. i said hi to a few familiar faces then made my way back over to the bottom of the stairs and took a seat. i kept a close eye on zoey, since wondering eyes were already drooling over her. as i took a sip of my drink, i heard sapphire squeal.
that was the ‘woojae just walked into the room’ squeal.
i turned towards the door and seen him and junwon walking inside. i dropped my drink, letting it spill all over my dress. 
he was with another girl. 
she was glued to his side as they pranced through the crowd of people. sapphire’s smile instantly faded as she spotted the female with junwon.
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Moonlight Chapter 19: Spiridus
A fanfic Novel by la-topolina
Rated for Mature Audiences
Warnings: Language, Violence, Sexual Content
Chapter 19/26
Moonlight Masterpost+
<< Chapter Eighteen+
Chapter Twenty+ >>
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Miranda knew better than to follow it, but knowing better had never stopped her before. The bright blue ball of light was hovering patiently among the reeds as she hauled her little row boat, Molly Brown, out of the Sulina branch of the Danube. It had been yet another disappointing day on the river, and she was beginning to wonder if she would find the birds she sought before she died of boredom.
“Packaway,” she cast, passing her hand over the boat. It shivered and stretched its sides upwards before flattening out on the uneven bank. Folding the silly thing caused her to swear under her breath with frustration. Like maps, boats had to be folded just the right way, and Miranda had little patience for either finicky item.
All the time that she was wrestling with her task, the light creature was creeping closer and closer to her, until she felt she could no longer ignore it. The stories that her father had told her on camping trips about hapless travelers being led astray by mischievous will ‘o the wisps came back to her, but the hair on her neck did not prick her with warning.  
“Can I help you?” she asked pleasantly. To her understanding it was best to be polite when addressing the fairy folk.
The wisp didn’t answer, rather it darted away towards the thick woods that lined the river bank. It made a beeline to Miranda, and then pedantically floated back to the woods, as though crooking its finger at her to follow.
“You aren’t planning to lead me into a bog and turn me into butter, are you?”
The light flickered and she could have sworn that she saw the faint outline of a tiny human figure inside of it, quivering with laughter.
“I’ll take that as a no,” she said, encouraged by this show of good spirits. “Lead on.”
The wizened trees were so close together that she had to push low-lying branches apart in order to enter the virgin forest. This part of the country was almost unpopulated, and Miranda had seen no one for days as she followed Charlie’s map up and down the winding distributaries of the Danube. Birds from all over the world, magical and non magical alike, flocked to the delta on their spring migration; so when the Iele had demanded each champion bring them a mated pair of Birds of Paradise, this seemed the most likely place to find them. Charlie had marked the map with the Birds’ favorite haunts, but there were still many miles of river to be searched. It was a tedious and lonely job, and Miranda wished that she were back at the Dragon Sanctuary, dealing with bruises and broken bones.
“Raasta,” she cast, and the tangled mass of tree branches and underbrush folded itself under her feet, creating a path for her to tread. She did not have to worry about leaving a trail though, as the flora sprang back behind her, unharmed. The light of the setting sun soon disappeared, but the wisp’s glowing body was enough to see by, even if it did create eerie, dancing shadows outside of its circle.
The quiet of the woods pressed in on Miranda until her own heartbeat pounded in her ears. After a time she became aware of a low hum emanating from the wisp. It sounded like speech, or a song, or some combination of the two. But no matter how hard she tried to listen to it, she could not make out either the tune or the words.
“Are we going far?” she asked, trying to fill some of the silence.
As though in answer, the sprite disappeared, leaving her at the edge of a clearing just wide enough for a traveling tent and a fire. Sentinels of trees surrounded it, their tops stretching up and creating a canopy of shelter. The spot was such a perfect campsite, that it was already occupied by another canvas tent. Miranda had not taken a step either into the clearing or away from it when Catalina Dragnea emerged from her shelter, her eyes blazing and a fierce scowl on her face.
“{Doamnă Rose,}” she said shortly. “{You have recovered from your recent visitors then?}”
“{I have,}” Miranda replied, cool but cordial. “{I’m sorry to disturb you. I can find somewhere else to camp.}”
“{No. That will not be necessary.}”
Miranda’s arms were relaxed at her sides, but the Alder pricked her wand hand, ready to leap into it if needed.
“{I am happy to see you again, Doamnă Dragnea, but I’d rather not duel you at the moment. Even for practice.}”
Catalina pursed her lips. “{I am not going to fight you. Not yet, in any case. I wish for you to stay here because then there will be no more such…incidents.}”
“{Really? What makes you so sure of that?}” She could feel anger shooting from every fiber of Catalina’s small frame, but Miranda wasn’t sure that this anger was directed at her.
“{You should know that my father did not send those things,}” Catalina spat on the ground and crossed herself, “{after you. That was Andrei and his friends.}”
“{I see. I guess I should have sent the head and the note to Domnul Naghi then. My apologies to Domnul Dragnea.}”
Catalina’s voice was sharp and bitter. “{You do not need to apologize. Father let it be known that he approved of Andrei’s actions. But I do not approve of them. When I defeat you, I will do it fairly and openly. And I will not have that honor denied me by those who would send undead assassins after a sleeping woman in the night. You will be safe if you stay here. I promise you that.}”
“{You mean, I’ll be safe until you decide to kill me?}” Miranda knew there had been a reason she liked Catalina.
The younger woman’s lips smiled briefly. “{Exactly.}”
“{I don’t think I can ask for a better offer than that. I’d be delighted to share this campsite with you. Thank you.}”
Catalina nodded curtly and disappeared back into her tent while Miranda went about the business of pitching hers. She was glad to have company after so many days alone, even if her company was in the form of her rival.
“Miskawew,” Miranda rasped, drawing her wand listlessly through the air and sending a rainbow-colored wind whistling above the surface of the river. “Sail on, Molly girl.”
Molly Brown obediently cut through the water, riding the current easily beneath the tracking spell. Miranda settled in for another dull day with her rucksack and her empty gilded cage. The tracking spell would last for a good mile before she had to recast it, but she did not dare pull out a book to pass the time, lest she miss her quarry should she be so fortunate as to encounter them. Her throat was killing her; it had been sore when she had woken up that morning, and the sight of the mist burning off the river in romantic spirals was beginning to lose its charm.
As the sun climbed higher into the sky, Miranda let herself recline in her boat, watching the scenery for flashes of jewel-colored feathers through half-closed eyes. It was an elegant place, bordered by reedy banks and trees that bent gracefully to kiss the water. The Danube accepted all these attentions, humming along like an aristocratic matron, well schooled in the ways of the world and of love. The peaceful murmur of the current mingled with the calls of various birds, and Miranda wished that her mother were with her—both for the company and because she knew that her mother would be able to identify each and every song.
The thought of Monica Rose drew Miranda’s mind back home to Edgewood, and to the river that had witnessed so much of her childhood. Unlike the wise, old soul of the Danube, her river was young and boisterous. Even in the stretches of water that were smooth enough for swimming and rock skipping, it still crashed along, barely contained by its banks. Monica had never cared for her children playing by the river, even after they had learned to swim, but nothing had been able to keep Miranda, Columba, and Finn away from its shores. While their older brothers had played at being adults, these three had spent their days in and out of the river, playing and fighting and dreaming.
Her river had been such a faithful friend that Miranda loved it fiercely, even after it had taken Columba home. Finn had refused to go near it after that fatal day, but Miranda had not been able to stay away, even when she had tried. She had railed at the river, and fought with it, and, at last, she had made her peace with it. In her mind she pictured the spirit of her river as a wild young man, something like the river gods in the old stories. He was careless and powerful, and he did not understand that his heartless ways hurt the little mortals that splashed on his shore. He couldn’t help his cruelty, it was woven into the spirit of his terrible beauty.
David hadn’t understood her fanciful talk, but he had understood the beauty of the river. He had taken her brothers’ place as her companion there, and they had spent many hours dreaming and loving in the secret places on its shore. The river had been the place where one night, drunk on too much wine and burning hot in their youth, Miranda’s recklessness had won out over David’s reserve, and they had become lovers in every sense of the word.
As wonderful as it had all been, Miranda could not look back on it now without a twinge of guilt. David had desired her, but he had also believed strongly in all of the teachings of his newly adopted Church. He had wanted the two of them to come to their wedding day unsullied, the way that the priests and the Bible expected. It had troubled him that he had not had the will to resist both his passion and hers. Miranda had felt that he was right, but she had lived her life begging forgiveness rather than asking permission as she followed her impulses wherever they led. Now she could not help wishing that her younger self had resisted the urge to push David into temptation, especially considering the way it had all ended. He had never been able to refuse her anything, and she’d always known it. She wished she had used that knowledge to protect him the way he had wanted to protect her.
A painful lump formed in her throat as she drifted through her memories. Swallowing it hurt enough that her mind came back to where she was, and she realized that she hadn’t been watching her spell as closely as she should. She was coming to the place where the Sfântu Gheorghe distributary forked off of the Sulina, and her tracking spell fizzled out just before the split. It really didn’t matter which way she went since she was equally likely to fail in either direction.
“Molly, my dear, come about starboard. Let’s give the Sfântu Gheorghe a try today.”
It was late afternoon when she found them. The final flicker of her tracking spell halted above a floating island of reeds in the middle of the river. They were smaller than she had expected, these Birds of Paradise, and whether they had actually ever been to the place they were named for Miranda didn’t know. But they certainly looked the part, shining like gems in the otherworldly light of the low-lying sun.
“Poni-nokusiw,” she breathed, concerned that she had waited too long to end the spell and that the birds would be startled into flight. They did pause in their pecking, heads cocked as they listened.
“Wakeless speed, Molly sweet.”
The good Molly Brown slowed to a crawl and Miranda held her breath until the birds went back to their business, deciding that there was nothing to fear. She didn’t want to risk disturbing them by actually attempting to tie her boat to the island, and she ordered another slow down as Molly Brown crept alongside it.
“Dead slow, my girl.”
Molly Brown pushed against the current just enough to keep her in place beside the reeds. Miranda’s eyes were fixed on the gorgeous creatures as she eased the net into her hands and silently shifted herself into position to throw it over them. Impulsively, she brought the fruit of her many nights of weaving to her lips, kissing its ice cold threads. When her arms were in position, she paused and counted her breaths, waiting until her whole range of vision had narrowed to the hapless birds. An instant later she broke the stillness with a flick of her wrists, letting the rope attached to the net trail between her fingers as it sailed through the sky.
The unbreakable net hit the mark squarely, wrapping itself around the birds before they had a chance to twitch a single radiant feather. They started up with a cry like a horse’s scream, pulling the net with them. In a flash Miranda had the rope wrapped around her hands, and she jerked it backwards in an attempt to bring them down. They were too strong though, and in the next moment they had lifted her up, dragging her out of the boat and into the river.
Miranda plunged into the frigid water, gasping as she wrapped the rope more tightly around her hands. She was astonished that chicken-sized birds were so strong, much less that they managed to fly hampered by the cold and the constraints of the net. But they beat their wings wildly against the weight of their hunter and she skidded through the water, shoulder deep but clinging on. Their shrieks grew louder and louder, scattering all of the other animals from their hiding places in and along the river, and filling Miranda’s ears with their rage.
She had not been expecting such a fight, and after some time of this dragging, they showed no sign of tiring. Her muscles screaming with the effort, she started to pull herself up the rope in a laborious attempt to climb it. She was shaking and sweating when, all at once, they came crashing into the river, as though they had given up the fight and decided to attempt drowning instead. Somehow she managed to wrap her arms around them, and they fell beneath the surface together. It took all of her concentration to keep her wits about her as the cold of the water and the cold of the unicorn-hair net shocked her body. She closed her eyes, held her breath, and hoped that she wouldn’t splinch them all as she Apparated to the shore.
Air came into her lungs in greedy gasps as she lay on the bank an instant later. The drenched birds were gathered on her chest, their wise eyes sad and angry as they gazed at her. Unlike the waxwings, these creatures seemed to understand their fate. For a moment, Miranda was seized with the urge to let them go free rather than consign them to eternal servitude among the Iele. But as her breath came back to her, she knew that this was impossible. Too many people were counting on her and on these birds. Too many for her to give in to her impulse; however well-meaning it was.
“I’m sorry,” she said heartfully, drawing her wand. “Somnus.”
The Birds of Paradise glared at her until the spell overpowered them and they succumbed to sleep. With numb fingers, Miranda tugged the net free and dropped it next to her on the ground. The birds felt as cold as she did, and she flicked her wand over the lot of them, basking beneath the jet of hot air until they were all mostly dry. Exhausted and throat still aching, she stroked the birds’ silky feathers and laid there on the shore with the reeds poking painfully into her back.
She may have dozed off briefly, for when her eyes snapped open the sun had almost disappeared below the horizon. Disoriented, she pushed herself up to sitting and nestled the birds in her lap. The boat was nowhere in sight, and she closed her eyes in order to shut out the complaints of her aching body while she gathered her magic. A long, low whistle came from her lips and, before it died away, the faithful Molly Brown floated up beside her.
It took her some time to gather her net and climb aboard, but she managed to do so without dunking either herself or her quarry in the water. The magicked cage popped open when she touched it, and she gently laid the birds inside, making sure to keep them cuddled up together the way they had fallen asleep. She conjured a blanket to wrap herself in, and pulled her canteen and the last of the meat pies out of her rucksack.
“Molly, love, take us home.”
“{You look terrible, Doamnă Rose,}” Catalina said while Miranda huddled next the fire later that night.
“{How kind of you to notice,}” Miranda muttered. She did not bother to ask if Catalina had been successful as well that day. One look at the other woman’s cocky bearing and satisfied smirk was enough to answer that question.
“{You should go inside right now and shut all the flaps of your tent. This evil wind will be the death of you if you don’t.}”
“{I’m fine. The fresh air will do me good.}”
Catalina shrugged and sniffed, making it clear that she thought Miranda was acting like an idiot. But she went into her own tent and returned a short time later with a mug of steaming tea. Miranda took this offering gratefully, comforted by the floral aroma.
“{Did you really defeat five pricolici by yourself?}” Catalina asked, joining Miranda, but taking care not to sit too close.
“{No. I had help,}” Miranda admitted. The tea tasted of jasmine and, oddly, asparagus, but it did take the edge off the pain in her throat. “{From my Englishman.}”
“{Domnul Weasley?}”
“{A different Englishman.}”
Catalina raised her eyebrows, but did not pry further. “{It is good that he was there to help you.}”
“{Yes, it was.}”
Miranda finished her tea and handed the mug back to Catalina, who took it with the tips of her fingers, muttering a spell under her breath that blasted the thing with a jet of cleansing fire.
“{You should go to bed now, or you won’t be able to move tomorrow,}” Catalina said bossily.
Miranda held up her hands in submission. “{You’re probably right. Thank you for the tea.}”
“{You’re welcome. I wouldn’t want you to die before I had a chance to kill you.}”
A wave of dizziness hit Miranda as she stood, and she picked her way carefully to her tent, trying not to let Catalina know just how weak she was at the moment. Against the Romanian’s advice, she left the window flaps wide open, and collapsed like a sack of potatoes onto the bed, fumbling with her boot laces. The Birds of Paradise slept peacefully in their gilded cage, and she was more than ready to call it a day.
When she had her feet free of her boots at last, she stripped off her outer layer of clothing, dropping the articles unceremoniously on the floor, and curled up under a pile of blankets. Her head was still spinning, but she pulled her cigarette case out from under her pillow in order to give report to her waiting Englishman.
SUCESS, she tapped
The reply came almost immediately: WELL DONE I DONT SUPOSE YOU COULD SPARE ME AN EGG OR TWO
This soothed her rising temper and she pointed out: SAYS THE POT ITS JUST A COLD I WILL BE FINE
By now she was shivering, even in her cocoon of blankets. She sighed and added: I MISS YOU
She could picture the hint of a smile softening his face when he responded: OF COURSE YOU DO I MISS YOU TOO.
Sometime during the dark hours of the night, Miranda jerked awake, snatching her wand from its place beneath her pillow and sitting up so quickly that her feverish head started spinning again. She scanned the room for the disturbance that had pulled her out of sleep, but saw nothing besides the slumbering birds in their lonely cage. Her teeth chattered as she blew out her breath, and she pulled back her soaked sheets in order to use a drying charm on them. The night breeze wafted through her window, chilling her further. Deciding that Catalina might have a point about the ill effects of night air on a fever, Miranda made to close the window flap. When she tried to stand, a wave of dizziness swept over her, and she sat down hard on the bed.
“It’s a good thing I found you two yesterday,” she grumbled to the captive birds. “I’ll be in no condition to do much of anything tomorrow.”
With a listless sigh, she cast the drying charm over her own clothes, and waited for her head to stop spinning that she might make another attempt to close the window. Before she had quite regained her bearings, the little will ‘o the wisp that had led her to camp zipped into the tent and  zigzagged around her. She had the fanciful notion that it was trying to give her some sort of sympathetic gesture, and she smiled in spite of her discomfort.
“Hello, friend,” she said. “What can I do for you?”
It didn’t speak to her in words, but she hadn’t expected it to. Instead, it hovered in front of her, shimmering and sparkling, and then darted over to the cage.
“I’m very sorry, but I can’t give those to you. Is there anything else?”
Even as she said these words, she found herself rising from the bed, no longer dizzy. She joined her fairy visitor at the birds’ side and knelt by their cage, considering the request that the wisp made without speech.
“Well,” she said slowly, already opening the cage to comply, “if it’s only that, I guess it would be alright. I expect they grow back, after all.”
Without taking any more time to consider, Miranda deftly plucked a feather from each of the birds. Neither stirred, and the wisp started flashing and pinging around the tent with excitement. She closed the cage and held the feathers up to the wisp, which grew until it engulfed them. The feathers disappeared from view, and the wisp shrank back to the size it had been before. Now heavy with exhaustion, but no longer chilled, Miranda slumped back to bed and pulled the dried covers around her. The wisp flitted down and brushed her cheek in what could only be called a fairy kiss, and she fell asleep easily, untroubled by fever dreams.
“I come bearing gifts to the world’s crankiest cold sufferer,” Charlie said the following Monday. He had been looking in on Miranda for almost a week now and, while the worst of her illness had passed, she was still a sight to behold.
“If it’s more Pepper Up Potion, I don’t want it,” Miranda croaked out. She was curled up in the armchair by the wood stove, surrounded by crumpled handkerchiefs, half-drunk cups of cold tea, and re-read novels.
“I’ve given up on that,” Charlie reassured her. “This came for you by way of my Dad.”
He set a package wrapped in brown paper on the table in front of her, and then bustled about her tent, cleaning up the handkerchiefs and various other items that littered the floor, and digging a pot out of the cabinet by the wall.
“Still ignoring Doamnă Lupul’s advice about the windows?” he asked as he set the pot on the hob and produced a jar of chicken soup from his robes. He emptied it into the pot, and stirred it while it heated.
“I don’t care how many Romanians say fresh air will kill me, I’m leaving the windows open,” Miranda replied, pulling the package onto her lap and untying the string. “I found the birds, didn’t I? I don’t see why I should have to let Doamnă Lupul boss me around any more than she’s already doing.”
“I’m just teasing you.”
She blew her nose and relented. “How are the birds anyway?”
“Resigned. They sang the saddest song I’ve ever heard for the first few days they were at the Sanctuary, but they seem to have acclimated themselves to their new home.”
“I hope they will be alright when I take them to the Iele.”
“They’ll have to be. But I wish we didn’t have to hand them over.”
“So do I.”
Miranda opened the package and found a bundle of linen and a scroll inside. She unrolled the parchment, recognizing Rachel’s neat handwriting immediately.
Dear Miranda, Happy Birthday my dear! I have been told that you were successful in your recent venture, and so congratulations. I have also been told that you are ill. I hope that you are resting and taking your potions, although I doubt that you are. Please get well quickly, as I think that the baby will be coming sooner rather than later. I look and feel like a beached whale, and the baby is kicking me all the time. I guess that they make the end of pregnancy this uncomfortable so that you’ll be willing to go through labor. Aaron sends his love and also the latest Robert Jordan novel. Do take care of yourself. We can’t wait to see you. Love, Rachel P.S. Also enclosed is a little something from a certain dour Englishman.
“Well, what is it?” Charlie asked as he ladled soup into a bowl for Miranda to ignore.
“It’s from a friend. It’s my birthday.”
“Is it really? Happy birthday! I wish I’d known, I’d have made you a cake.”
“I wouldn’t have wanted to eat it if you had. Thank you for checking in on me, though. I know I’m terrible company right now.”
“It’s fine. You’re not as bad as my Mum is when she’s sick. But let me know when you’re feeling up to coming back to the Sanctuary. Old Balaur misses you.”
“You mean he misses tossing me.”
“It’s the same thing.”
Miranda ignored the soup and untied the cloth. Inside was the promised novel, and a large glass bottle containing a dark amber liquid. It was so lovely that she pulled it out immediately and held it up to the light, which made it glow warmly. The label on the front of the bottle was written in a spidery scrawl, as was the letter waiting for her in the bottom of the box.
Miranda— Apparently I did have time to prove you wrong. One glass of this twice a day for the duration of your cold may not cure it, but it will enable you to go about your business untroubled by the illness. I believe that you will find both the taste and the side effects tolerable. You’re welcome. —Severus P.S. I expect to have your actual present completed by the time you come for the baptism of the Lee child. I trust you will forgive its tardiness. Happy Birthday.
“Charlie, would you mind getting me a cup?” Miranda asked.
Her curiosity was piqued, although she doubted it would be much better than any other potions she’d ever had. She was already composing a smug rebuttal to Severus's claims as Charlie handed her a glass and she poured a measure of the potion into it. It smelled like lemon balm and springtime, and even the scent of it opened up her breathing passages slightly.
“Aqua Vitæ Number Seven,” Charlie remarked. “I’ve never heard of that.”
“Me either. It’s a custom blend, I think.”
She put the cup to her lips and sipped cautiously, bracing herself for nasty flavors and vile reactions, but neither happened. The potion was pleasantly cool, like well water, and thick like honey. It tasted of lemons and elderflower, with a hint of mint after she swallowed it. Within seconds, a warm feeling of well-being unfolded in her stomach, spreading quickly through all her limbs. It soothed her throat, cleared her sinuses, unfogged her brain, and cured her bodily aches. When the sensation worked its way to her skin, it set all of it tingling briefly, the way Severus’s hands and lips did, and she could not help laughing with delight.
“I hate it when he’s right,” she said. “It makes him insufferable.”
“Who’s that?”
“Just a friend.” Her appetite finally asserted itself and she tucked into the soup.
“You know,” she said around mouthfuls, “I think I might be up for a Balaur ride today after all.”
End Notes:
In Romanian folklore, a Spiridus is a sprite something like a will ‘o the wisp.
I had a lot of fun with the spells in this chapter: Raasta, is Hindi for “way.” This spell creates a path through uncut woodland without hurting any of the flora or fauna it affects, making it both environmentally friendly, and useful for hiding your tracks. The word to cast it was inspired by the quote “Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, kill nothing but time.” from The Yard by Aliyyah Enaith. Many thanks to Shreya (and her mom) for helping me figure out an appropriate Hindi word!
Miskawew and Poni-nokusiw are Cree for “find” and “disappear” respectively. I found them in the online scan of an 1874 French-Cree dictionary.
The Molly Brown is named for the American socialite who survived the sinking of the Titanic. I did my best with the nautical terminology, land-lubber that I am.
The Robert Jordan novel in question, A Crown of Swords, was not actually released until 15 May 1996, but I'm sure that Aaron has some connections that got him around that little problem.
Moonlight Masterpost+
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vegetacide · 5 years
Whump●tober - Ransom
Veg-notables:  Second last Whumptober post ::wailssssss:::
TY to @gumnut-logic cause she continues to feed my muse and deal with me :)
Obligatory whumptober stuff: @whumptober2019 @la-vie-en-whump
Blanket warning:  bit of swearing… actually a bit of swearing has been in all of my posts but I keep forgetting to warm ppl… oops.  I work in the construction industry so a bit of swearing is my S.O.P
Characters:  Almost the whole gang and an honorable mention
Whumptober - TaG’verse
Previous post can be found HERE
27 Ransom
"Thank fuck" Virgil whispered to himself as he stepped onto the gangway and carefully took the stairs from Tracy Two down to the hanger floor.  
"Home sweet home huh, Virg?" Gordon grinned tossing arm around his shoulder and unobtrusively leading him toward the lift up to the villa.
"You have no idea."
"Oh I have a few ideas." He chuckled companionably as they made their way across the vast space. "Though you may want to re-admit yourself once you remember that hospital food is so much better than Grandma's cooking… less gut rotting too."
"And here I was just getting used to having a stomach lining again.."
There was a bark of laughter and Gordon and thumping him once on the back. "Holy shit. Scott you hear that? Virg told a joke."
"Will wonders never cease." Came the reply from some behind them as Scott exited the family plan with John hot on his heels.
Kayo appeared as if out of nowhere the other side of Virgil.  Silent as ever and Gordon sucked in a breath.
“Damn, Kayo. A little warning would be nice. Friggen quiet as a cat maybe we should put some bells on you.”
She just rolled her eyes and slipped a guiding hand into the crook of Virgil’s arm.  “I got this, go give Alan a hand with the bags.”
“Sure thing, Spookio.”  He turned back,  “Oh, and we could but the bells on a bright pink little choker.  You would look great in pink..”
“Not likely” She muttered and shooed Gordon away. “Such a brat.”
“He’s just blowing off steam in the only other way he knows how besides the pool.”  Virgil shrugged.  He really couldn’t blame him for the need with TI security and the GDF on high alert due to what happened to Scott.  
Virgil also suspected that his younger brother was feeling a bit responsible for whatever small part he seemed to have played in things, though he wouldn’t confirm or deny anything. Virgil didn’t bother voicing this as he suspected he was purposefully being left in the dark for one reason or another.
Another thing for Virgil to ponder.  It’s not like he had anything else to do besides physio and the painful neuro-therapy he was being subjected to daily. It was also really starting to make him wonder if the Doctor that had been assigned to him was a secret sadist. Pushing him the way she was with a smile on her face despite his grunts of obvious discomfort.
Kayo seemed to like her though so there was that one positive working for her. That and the fact that there had been some improvement the last few days in his recovery. If it had been otherwise Virgil would have protested the torture rather loudly.
Turning his head to brushed a kiss over the crown of her head in appreciation for everything and continued the long walk across the hanger.      
Kayo shifted at his side and he got the impression that she was looking at him “How you doing, Big Guy?”
“Happy to be home..looking forward to being anywhere but that blasted hospital.”
She bumped shoulders with him playfully, “Me too”  and lifted his hand to brush her lips over his knuckles.
There was still a lot to contend with still but things seemed to be finally heading in the right direction and Virgil took solace in that.  
Canting his head he listened to the echoes of sound off the high stone ceiling, the hum of the machinery that sat idle and waiting for action,  the shuffle of Scott and John as they brought up the rear.  And the distinctive cadence and timbre of the Terrible Two as they starting pitching insults at one another.  
God, he’d missed home. The sounds, the smells, the familiar settings and hopefully one day soon, the sights.
Reaching up, he pushed the nearly total blackout sunshades back up his nose as a twinge of pain flared through his skull.  The overhead lighting was bright and it was like bolts of agonizing electricity to his overly sensitive, visual hindered ocular senses, a wonderful side effect of his condition and the neuro-therapy that was rewiring his brain and optic nerves.   Yippee skippee.
“Headache again?”  Kayo’s voice was soft as they rounded the corner to the elevator bay.  Pitched for his ears and his ears only, she knew he wouldn’t want to alert the others to his discomfort.  
He couldn’t hide it from her. She knew him too well, was too finely tuned to the subtle nuances of his facial expression to be able to disguise with anything but the truth so he nodded slightly and her hand rubbed up his back.  “Let’s get you up to bed. You can take a couple of the tablets the Doc proscribed and zone out for a bit.”
She wasn’t going to get a protest from him and when he said nothing he could feel her attention zero in on him. Singularly focused. The worry palpable in the tightness of her grip on his arm.
“Bad one?”
He gave a shrug. “I’ve had worse but..this one has potential.”  
He heard the ding of the elevator, caught the blurry glare of twin metal panels opening, the flash of the interior lighting that had him grunting..
She led him in and he settled back against the wall as they waited for John and Scott to catch up.  
The huff of discomforted had his head turning, ever the worrier himself when a brother was down and out  “You doing okay there Scott?”  
His brother was a mass of bruises or so he had been told though contrary to his physical state he attitude was surprising light as of late,  floating up above Five for some reason  It had been an up-lifting change from the sense of distress that had been hanging over them and the contrast seemed to make things a bit more bearable.
It wasn’t until the mood had shifted to the more positive that Virgil realized just how much it had been weighing on him, pulling him down and making it hard for him to breathe.  With that thought in mind,  he pulled in a greedy lung full and savoured the salt tang.
“I’m doing.”  Came the laboured reply but there was an air of the jovial to it “Bloody ribs. Remind me next time I get the brilliant idea to take on a group of thugs to use something other than my torso for a punching bag.  A concussion is more then another to deal with, the rest of this is just bullshit.”
Virgil smiled and couldn’t resist. “Well with how hard your head is it’s really no surprise they went for your soft underbelly.”
“Ouch, is that a jab at my fitness level dear brother?”
“No, just an observation.”
“If you had used what was in your head your torso wouldn’t have been a ‘punching bag’ in the first place.” Came the very logical assessment from John. The first thing he had said since they’d set out for home from the mainland.
“Ya but what would be the fun of that?”  
Fighting words if ever Virgil had heard them and he cleared his throat to dispel the growing tension.  
It had been a topic of argument destined to be stuck on repeat since Gordon and John had located Scott in a dead end alley surrounded by three very unconscious masked goons. An argument they’d all had a part in, one that had finally had Grandma seeing red and losing her ever loving marbles all over the lot of them.
Reprimanded within an inch of their lives, they’d all gone off to lick their wounds but the issue remained.  One of their own,  their commander and chief had taken off to parts unknown. His subcutaneous tracker rendered useless by a very sophisticated jammer so they had no way of finding out where he had ventured off to.  
His assailant had been well prepared,  well trained but the one thing they hadn’t taken into consideration was how wily Scott could be when enticed.  They hadn’t counted on him being able to defend himself with as much gusto as he had even with alcohol and drugs in his system.  
Or that he’d beefed up his training since his stint in the military. He was a veteran that had seen active combat on multiple fronts, both in the air and out.  Kept up his training physically and mentally and had the added benefit of a trained MI6 agent and Covert Ops specialist re-upping his skill set.  So of course the guy could defend himself against three very determined individuals who had wanted to take him alive for whatever reason.
The GDF had been livid, the local law enforcement baffled and Grandma had gone on the warpath.  So here they all were, back on the island where security could be assured.  
Might have been A.M.A but when Sally Tracy put her foot down,  there was nothing that could move it...even stubborn brothers that should know better.
Sighing as Scott and John started snipping at each other like teenagers Virgil braced for another onslaught of ‘what ifs’ and ‘should haves’ warfare.  
Luckily for them,  the elevator doors opened up.  Unfortunately it was on the lounge level and Grandma was standing front and center, her foot tapping in annoyance.
She’d returned to the island earlier with Allan and Brains to sort the medbay out and resupply the kitchen.  It had been a while since they had all been home together and the food pantry had needed to restock badly.  With two iR operatives down for the count eating while off island was going to be limited to supply runs as operations were temporarily suspended.
The GDF was just going to have to put on their big person pants and handle things on their own for a bit.
There had been one concession to their early release from Auckland Memorial  and that the addition of a new member their island home for the interim of Virgil’s convalescences. One Doctor Emaline Harris was expected on their island paradise in the next few days to continue his treatments so prepping in advance for her arrival was of the utmost importance.
“Boys, please don’t tell me there is a need for a repeat of earlier because I am not in the mood and I am liable to ground you all like the children you seem to be impersonating.”  The all seeing eye of Grandma knew all.  
Virgil resisted the urge to chuckle and bit down on his lower lip to hold it in. Last thing he wanted to do was have Grandma focusing in on him. He would rather slink off to his rooms with Kayo under his arm and hide until the Dread Doctor arrived with her torture device of pain.
Luck as usual, was not on his side. “Virgil, honey. How you holding up?”  
“Fine, Grandma.”
“You look tired.”  And this is where the great Smother Hen characteristic originated…
“Been a long day.”  
“I am sure it has dear.  I heard from that lovely Doc Harris that this morning’s therapy was quite the grueling ordeal.”
Kayo gave his hand a squeeze in supported as their Grandmother stepped into the elevator to ride it up to the living quarters.  
“I’ve made some soup.  I’ll bring you up some once you and Scott have settled.”
The thanks was said in stereo as Scott and himself replied in unison. The excitement behind their words was ‘epic; and Kayo tittered at his side.  
A hand brushed his cheek and he caught the lavender fresh scent of his Grandmother’s lotion.  “You’re hurting.”  She stated.  
If it wasn’t for the fact that his eyes felt like there were about to fall out of his head, Virgil would have rolled them.  Scott was over and on him before his Grandmother had even finished pronouncing the “T.”
Even injured as he was, Scott could be a right pain in the ass.  
It took some doing but Virgil finally made it to his room,  he’d only had to submit to a quick med scan from a portable scanner for it to happen and Scott standing over him as he dutifully popped back a couple of the hospital’s prescribed pain pills to do it.
Feeling loogy as the drug started to kick in, he leaned back against the door as Kayo order the automated blackout blinds down and the in suite lighting to low before taking his hand and tugging him towards the bed.
He shucked his sun shades and tossed them in the general direction of the night stand not really caring if they reached their intended destination or not.
It had been a long, long day of medical appointments,  treatments,  travel and family bickering and his bed was calling his exhausted and still recovering body home.  
“Whoa.  Not yet, Big Guy.”  Kayo said as she placed a hand on his shoulder effectively stopping his desired belly flop into his mound of pillows and the oh so soft duvet that was beckoning him.  
“Sleep..” He mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I know but first the bathroom and then some fresh, comfortable clothing.  After that you can crawl in and hibernate for the next few days. No poking, no podding,  just sleep” She commanded and turned him towards the loo.  
“You promise?”  He felt like a child as she turned him to the bathroom and pushed him through the door.
She tugged at the hem of his shirt, pulled it up and over his head before sneaking in to sweep a kiss over his lips.  “I promise, even if I have to guard the door to do it.”  
“God, I love you.”  
Her movements stilled, her hands stopping on the draw string of his jogging pants.  
It took him a moment to realize what he’d just let slip.   He’d never said those words to her before.  True they had been dancing around it for months but with their busy lives and the limited time they actually got to themselves they just hadn’t gotten around to saying it.  
“What did you say?”  Her voice was quiet in the stillness of the bathroom and he could make out the fast pace of her  breath as she stood in front of him.  The quick hitching it as it fanned over the taut muscles of his chest.
He opened his mouth a few times,  closed it while he gather his wits enough to respond.
The words had tipped so easily off his tongue and it shocked him that he hadn’t made the time or found a way to say them earlier.  
Taking both of her soft, capable hands in his,  he brushed his thumb over the knuckles and he strained to make out the beautiful, fine boned features of her face.
Seeing no defined edges, just a blurred outline, he dropped his head and let go of her hands. “Nothing, never mind...”  He turned towards the direction of the shower, fumbled as he tried to find the handle for the glass enclosure, stubbed his toe the edge of the vanity.  Cursing a blue streak he parked his ass on the toilet and the next thing he knew she was in his arms.
Hands on his face she forced him to look at her.  Impaired vision or not, didn't seem to matter to her at the moment.
“Don’t you dare.”  She spat, anger and frustration bearing down on him. “Don’t you dare brush that off like its nothing".
Her grip eased off.   "Say it to me again." She demanded.  
"No hesitation, just say it". It was implored, the lilt of her voice filled with emotion he couldn't see in her eyes.  "I don't care if you can't see me.  I don't care if you can never see me again.. no matter what happens after today.. I love you, you big idiot.  Now say it before I break your jaw and you have to eat through a straw."
He couldn't help the chuckle at her threat, knowing she was fully capable of following through with it if she so wished.
"Well now, threats of bodily harm aren't going to get you far.".
"You wanna bet." She grinned, looping her arms around his neck and settling in closer to him, her body pressed in tight where she knelt between his knees.
Her tone grew serious again. "No matter what," she repeated again, dropping a tender kiss on his lips.  "I want you to know that.  Nothing could change the way I feel, nothing  So don't hide from me. There's no need to be the altruistic hero here, it's not what either of us want."
He leaned in chasing her lips, finding them without sight and sighing when he struck gold.  The kiss was slow and gentle. A lazy sensual meeting that left them both panting.  "No, it's definitely not what we want."
"Good." She booped him in the nose and pushed up to her feet.  "Now that we have that settled, shower and bed for you because there is no way I will be able to pick your muscle-bound ass off the floor if you decide to flake out right here."
Deciding the likelihood of that was fairly high, he grunted up to his feet and finished divesting himself of clothing.  
Showered, changed, snuggled into bed and blissfully numbed out for the time being Virgil sleepily smiled as Kayo crawled in after him.
"I love you."
Sight or no sight, she would stay by his side and if that was a sacrifice she could contend with, a price she was more than willing to pay, who was he to argue?
Pulling her in close, he whispered the words she wanted to hear in her ear again and drifted off to sleep.
Epilogue - A week later
Rolling over in bed, Kayo stretched out pleasantly achy muscles and blinked up at the sun lit ceiling.  The dabbled early morning light shifting across it as the ocean breeze blowing in from the window made the thin gossamer under curtains dance.
A curious look settled over her features as she pondered what was different.  It took her a second to compute with her sleep addled mind but when it registered she pulled herself from the tangle of sheets, slipped into one of Virgil’s t-shirts and wandered over to the open doors.  
There was sunlight in their room.   A room that for the last few weeks since they had returned, had been shielded against the intrusion for fear of causing a spike of pain to drill through Virgil’s head..  Black-out curtains fully open with the acception of the light, whipsy sheers that sat underneath.
Stepping up the the open glass sliding partitions, she leaned a shoulder against the frame and gave her head a shake of amazement at what she was greeted by.
Virgil was leaning perched at the railing, a cup of coffee at his resting elbows and face turned towards the awe inspiring site of the rising morning sun. Its light playing of the waves far below and flickering through the overhang of nearby palms to flicker playfully across his skin.  
Skin that glowed healthily, and warmly with colour and vibrancy. All  of the six foot tall, buck ass nude, a hundred and eighty odd pound of it.
Saddling over to him, she picked pinched his mug of the railing and took a sip, her eyes raking over every inch of him.
He turned,  brows arched as she stole his morning fuel and she returned the look though her gaze had a hard time staying put on his face with everything all out and the wind and such.
“Hey,  are we turning the island into a nudist colony or is this just for my benefit?”  She wiggled her brows suggestively and he smiled, skimming a finger across her cheek.  
“God, your beautiful.”  He whispered, her loose hair brushing over his knuckles as it was caught up in the gentle, salty breeze.
Her smile blossomed across at the unexpected compliment and she was about to reciprocate when her mouth dropped open in shock.
His expression alight with excitement she stepped up to him and  pushed up on her toes and stared into his warm brown eyes. The answering happiness she say in their depth had her gasping in elation and she jumped up into his arms crushing his lips to hers. The actions saying so much more than words ever could
His arms pulling her in close, the last few remaining tendrils of tension brought on by weeks of worry finally leaving with the morning fog.  
Kissing the tip of her nose, he turned back to watch the spectacular display of light and colour as the sun reached ever higher into the sky.   Pushing back the darkness and revealing a world that wasn’t so scary after all, especially with her and his brothers at his side.  
It seemed that he’d paid the ransom on his sight in full and the world had once more been returned to him in all its splendor.  
The Master List of prompts can be found HERE
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deviationdivine · 5 years
A Little Misunderstanding (Connor!Prompt Request)
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TLDR: It’s your second official date with Connor but things don’t go according to plan...
Word Count: 2,671
TW: Just my fluffy Connor boy. Brief Language.
A/N:Follower/Reader Appreciation Drabble | Prompt: “Oh, cool. So you just killed a few guys. No big deal.” @catastrophes-light request! After some heavy angst I need this fluff in my life. Thank you for participating sweetie! I hope you like this one! Kiss my boy Connor for me. 
“So what’s it like?” 
Stalling from your typing to cock an eyebrow leans you towards abrupt question. In fact you take time to make sure this is the correct cubicle they’ve come to. Of course it is. Here comes gossip in a premeditated cornering while running away is not a possibility. 
Huh. Wonder how that preconstruction protocol really works. It will make life easier if high tech electronics zapped into the brain. Never mind the hypothesis. That’s too easy for someone to get unnatural ideas putting tech inside people’s heads.
Unnatural is a horrible word. Thinking of him being technology, never can you mean that. He is not just components. 
“What’s what like?” Refusal to take bait gives a leg up for now. You play dumb either way. 
A roll of their eyes reveals they’re onto the game second you drop such an ignorant response. “Oh, I don’t know. Android boyfriend? Ring a bell?”
Boyfriend? You stumble over that word. Hiding beneath faux laughter paints a conspicuous drawing. 
Technically it’s true. Tonight is going to be the second time you have gone out together. First filled you with nervous energy but slowly it fell into place. Puzzle pieces floating down gently, fusing in proper symmetry because Connor is a personal image you yearn to create. Within the very world you live, he exists as a personal shining light and somehow he feels the same. 
He wouldn’t have asked otherwise. Would he? Quit thinking brain or soon you may start to question. 
Honestly it is difficult not wrapping Connor into each crevice of thought, breathing in his infallible aura; sweetness exudes outside a mandate of professionalism where he works. You know this from times chatting so closely. There is something about him. It’s not because he’s an android. He possesses warmth most humans can hardly drudge up in their daily lives. He just is. 
Easily you fall into his abyssal chocolate, rich, flavorful whenever connecting with an equally rapturous gaze. All this without speaking and going to that fantasy beats a day of working. 
Office jobs are boring. That’s why they call them cushy office jobs. Still this beats staring at a monitor until eyes glaze over. Cross-eyed is bad for your vision working on these excel sheets all day long. Not that you will ever complain because this is easy compared to other places. 
Imagine doing customer service waiting tables or shudder to think: selling digital magazines by phone. 
The horror of telemarketing still chills you to the bone. God.  
Snorting quietly under breath, you smile up at your co-worker. Obviously they think the beaming reaction is for current subject. Well, he is a reason to smile every morning. Anticipating his crooked smile, bright brown eyes and the flop of hair hanging loosely in a kiss atop forehead; each tiny freckle on his face you long to kiss. 
Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Sure you’ve known Connor for a while but it’s only recently the two of took a step in the romance department. It’s what you wanted from the beginning. He is just so undeniably perfect. 
“Um, hello?” The worker snaps fingers in front of your face. “Are you still on planet Earth? Or in robo paradise?” 
Obviously they will not go away unless they get something. Piranhas cannot be this bloodthirsty! 
“Actually, Connor is taking me out tonight. After work,” explaining hastily, returning to keyboard, a breath expels impatiently. Darkness cannot swallow Detroit soon enough. 
“Oooh! Private locale or-?” The ribbing co-worker continues for spicy details. 
Private locale in your most sought after dreams but no. You two only just started dating. It’s just a few outings. As much as you want a real, full relationship with the detective prototype small steps are best even comfortable around each other. Time as friends really became the most happy in your life. Connor makes you smile every day even if you do not see him. 
“A restaurant,” you correct the assumption. “A new one. It caters to humans and androids.” 
Yawning at the dull answer, they fold arms disappointed. “Sounds nice but - Does he have a…? You know.” 
“Like I would discuss that!” A scoff travels angrily up your throat. Seeing Connor completely undone from sharp, crisp wardrobe certainly pumps the heart quicker. You haven’t seen Connor naked! But you would like to. 
Burning into your soul it does unspeakable things. Why did they have to ask that out of a million others? Your buzzing cell phone saves a life alighting screen producing a personal call. On work time, shit.
Checking the number forces you to answer quickly, ignoring that fact now. “Connor!”
“Hello, Y/N. Am I disturbing any important matters at work?”
“No,” lying thickly convinces you best. Who cares when this beautiful boy is calling?
“I am afraid I will not be able to pick you up as per our mutual agreement.” 
Connor’s explanation is too technical on a given day. Always falls back into that type of thing even though you know now how human he’s become. Frankly you adore this. “Did we sign a contract?” Giggling a little instills instant regret as nosy co-worker does not take a hike. You glare. “Do-do you want to cancel?”
The android does not answer for a fraction of a second. Possibly attempting to analyze the worry vocalized in your voice. “No. I am sorry if I made you believe I wished to.” 
“Oh, no, Connor. I-I’m sorry. Um…are you OK?”
“Yes. It is a case that the lieutenant and I are working on. I will need a little more time.” Connor’s tone shifts, antagonizing over the altering probabilities. “I-I hope you are not disappointed, Y/N.”
Listen to him. He sounds so worried. Does he think a little change is end of the world? It genuinely made you feel important to him for this type of reaction. 
“Connor,” softly breathing in his name sends you upon a personal cloud. “I would never be disappointed with you. Why don’t we just meet instead?”
“Very well,” the android agrees enthusiastic for tonight. “I will always come to you. No matter what may hold me.” 
An hour and a half late! He actually left you stranded at this damn restaurant for nearly two hours looking like a complete idiot. 
How many people walked by giving you looks for pacing? Lost count at this point but my God are you so going to kill him! Angry is beyond these emotions streaming through your body. 
First step is irritation. Twenty minutes in waiting, knowing he will meet you here this time instead of him arriving at the apartment. He explained why. He called again to give a specific time. 
Time went out the window long ago and still you stand here. How long are you going to? Wake up and leave. Go back home and just forget this. Maybe-maybe it really wasn’t work. He may have used an excuse. After the first date did it not resonate as it did with you? Is he too sweet to just say it to your face? Instead, he stands you up! 
Waiting is an insult to your self esteem because no man, android or human, is going to make a fool of you. Why did you think it would be any different? Tears threaten but you hold them at bay. Is it worth shedding an ache squeezing the thudding muscle in your chest? 
Sometimes the most amazing person is not worth trampling over dignity. Never will that be a proper excuse to allow treatment of this kind. It’s time to decide.
Well, OK. You’re not waiting anymore. 
Pulling a jacket snug around your frame does nothing to stop ice freezing around your heart. Walking away is also walking away from a chance with him. Should have known taking it beyond friends would crash at your feet. 
Your stomach immediately drops. A familiar husky call stops you briefly. Even that is too much time. So he finally shows up and for what?! 
“Y/N! Wait, please, I…”
Rounding on him brought a solid finger jab into his chest. No manner of being such a tall and impossibly cute android stops your anger. Who does he think he is? After all of that awkward flirting, which did get smoother you will admit, and finally asking you out somewhere he strings you along. 
He could’ve not shown for the first date. If he truly wanted to back out then why did he sweep you off feet then? Thinking about how sore your toes are from working all day isn’t helping current mood. 
“Cut it out smart guy! If you think you’ll schmooze your way back into my good graces think again!” 
Schmoozing is counterproductive to the current stress Connor analyzes while yelling at him. It spikes his own despite knowing his reasons for being so late are justified. Perhaps-perhaps that is not the word he should say to appease you. Justification may come out wrong. 
The android does not feel it represents his feelings. Nothing ever in this universe is justifiable if it means upsetting you. After all this time, following imperfect advice from Hank, the detective found confidence to take this friendship to another stage. 
Obviously you felt the same. He scans everything easily but discerning natural changes within humans is also part of his programming. It is what he is made for. Deviancy grants him choice in how he incorporates these skills into daily life. Often times he chooses to use something humans call gut instinct. That is a strange thing to possess but Connor finds it to improve relations. 
Hank also calls him out on his bullshit and tells him to ‘stop analyzing shit’ all the time. “Let me explain,” the android insists, a glow of desperation in his soft burnished gaze. 
Emotion pours exclusively all for you as he feels blindingly guilty. You bring this in a bloom to his surface of wires. Never will he cause pain when you are a breath of air, a soft but endless prayer pulling him from doubts. It is affection, holding him, haunting him in encompassing deviancy. 
Connor feels lost still in moments. Life is of worth now but he must quietly accept troubles in his personal worth. It is only natural. As a deviant there is nothing but color. You are another hue dotting this world in beauty, his world. 
“You stood me up!” Hurt overshadows rationale when it means your Connor is the one who lied. “When you gave me a time. Was I supposed to wait all night? Why did you even show up now? If you don’t want to date just…!” 
A gasp steels words when Connor lays hands to your waist. The gesture alone is a thousand waves of lightening going off at once. Electricity conducts right through the crux of your body. 
“Something grave occurred while Lt. Anderson and I were on our stakeout.” 
Connor’s breath never sounded as hasty as it does at this precise moment. Scarlet bathes indicator, syncing in worrying flicks of stress the second he witnessed you speeding away along walkway. Grave may not be the best word. The android cocks his head brows furrowing in consideration. 
“There was a slight miscalculation on the number of assailants in attendance. I had to…take them out.” Connor bluntly finishes what normally would be a long winded statement. 
Another illegal shipping ring and this time they held several hostages for cover. An effective way to thwart police involvement but also a tip someone told them they were coming. 
“Forgive me. I did not mean for you to think I did not want this.” 
That-that’s nice what he just said but back up! Did he just say - take them out? As in…?
“Wait, Connor. Are you saying you…? Those criminals. Did you-?”
“Snuff them out?” He offers a colorful description that only Hank can rub off on him. “If you feel that is an appropriate answer… Yes.” 
“Oh, cool.” You whisper slightly distracted by his brutal honesty. “So you just killed a few guys. No big deal.” 
“Does that bother you, Y/N?” Connor wondered curiously, tilting his head to study your expression. 
“Bother me?” 
Any other time yes it would be problematic. Can’t say you’ve known many who just straight up knocked off a few people. He doesn’t look like he’d hurt a fly to be honest. Maybe that’s just his aesthetic. Those deep brown puppy eyes do make knees buckle under pressure. 
An android who works for the local police department is rich icing. At least it is where your tastes are concerned. Even if he wasn’t a detective you are certain of how smitten this android makes you. 
“I wouldn’t say that,” you decide your words carefully. “I mean you are a cop. Were they-they trying to hurt someone?”
“Yes,” he answers quietly.
Sparing details is part of his job. He does not want to cause further distress. Some incidents are better kept. Working as an official detective for the DPD, Connor does not want to tangle you in dangerous affairs.
“I am sorry,” he repeats. “I tried to be on time. Y/N, I will never let you down. I swear to you.” 
Never mind that. He just went from admitting he had to fight a few goons and then-? Who knows but the point is he-he will not stop giving such hopeful, apologetic eyes. It softens even his explanation for being so late. 
“I would like to kiss you now,” Connor murmurs softly on level with your lips. Hovering close with a breath of space between two pairs one manufactured but another delicate, warm as rose petals. “If I may?” 
Eyelids flutter shut in answer to his rich husk, artificial breath fanning across your face. Inhaling his scent, discerning less tacky cologne than you realize his partner wears. Actually it is a nice fresh scent, organic and crisp. 
His consideration, respect to obtain your consent only expands those butterflies rumbling pit of stomach. They are more. Metamorphosis creates fireflies in their stead. Glowing beautiful similarly to flickering azure captivating each time you study the indicator he still wears. 
He smiles brief, twisting the corners unevenly but cherished by how your heart races whenever the feature molds his mouth. Lips mold now forming a work of art upon yours, sculpture, carved delicate but with a stroke of passion. All consuming, churning within the motors driving his existence. 
A shift in the position you both stand brings you away from sidewalk. Instead you find yourself pressing against weathered brick. Foundation keeping you from sinking underneath his raw emotional energy; pulling at the android’s bottom lip between teeth does wonderful things. 
Swallowing his groan only produces a mimicking moan up your throat as the smooth wet glide of his tongue enters to tangle in a caress. It is then you feel as though you can float. Pulling him closer by the front of his jacket, pristine navy fabric twisting in greedy digits, the kiss transcends hunger. 
This is love. It is the heart and you two make up the halves. 
Connor encapsulates you within his strong hold, arms sealing you away as a priceless gem. No fear of breakage will destroy the android’s fortified enclosure always keeping you safe no matter what will befall city. 
Detroit itself is a smoky night twinkling with thousands of stars above and he wishes to take you somewhere eclipsed of this bustling noise. Upon a soft blanket, laying you down to watch whatever celestial heavens you desire. Ultimately he will watch you, studying those constellations reflecting in a human gaze that he already loves. 
In this moment he does not feel doubt. He does not think of where he came from or those worries that will still come in his newfound life. He only thinks of this moment because this is the one that will burn a memory in the circuits of his mind, in his thudding synthetic heart. 
This memory is you…
Tag List: @elydith  @your-taxidermy
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