#my mother ''didn't like [the idea of going to a shelter] :////'' and I'm about to foam at the mouth
edgeray · 3 days
Hi ray
Could write dragon! Arlecchino x hunter! Reader who hunts dragon because she was tasked to even tho she didn't wish to do so but little did the reader know that arlecchino is very strong
So when the reader was tasked she was warned by the villagers but what could the reader do but to only obey the orders when the reader met arlecchino trying to hunt her down she failed to do so
Dragon Hunter Mother
(Arlecchino x Fem! Reader)
A/N - Like always, if you want to request something from me again anon, give yourself a name/emoji ☺️ Also, I love this idea. I don't plan out my requests, plot just kinda comes as I write, so let's see what I do with this. I'm assuming you also want reader to be afab as well. Since you didn't say about arlecchino having a human form, I'm just not going to write it. Don't ask me how this turned to be over the limit I said these requests were gonna be. I got carried away with world building and plot. Sorry 😬 . Hopefully this was okay? Honestly, didn't know how I would make it romantic, but I guess I'll put it under romantic? I tried by best anon, feel free to request again if you want me to write it in a different way 🫶. Sorry for taking so long, but here it is!  Content warnings / info - author doesn't know how to write dragons, semi-graphic violence, if it wasn't obvious, Freminet, Lyney, and Lynette make an appearance, 2.6k words 
Stemming from a long line of dragon hunters, it was no surprise that like the rest of your siblings, you would take up the mantle of also being a dragon hunter. Dragon hunting is a service to the kingdom exclusive to only a few noble families like yours, hence why its hunters are practically revered by the kingdom's citizens. Protecting the kingdom, receiving glory after every slaughter, earning a large chunk of the kingdom's money, it's no doubt that many aggrandize and covet to be in the same position. 
You've never wanted to be a dragon hunter. It's an arduous job in a kingdom known for its dragon outbreaks. The Majesty is prompt in requesting dragon hunters, sending them from one corner of the kingdom to the other unhesitatingly, and frequently underestimate the duration that these kill orders take. When the process of dragon hunting involves tracking the dragon, finding the dragon's sanctum, preparing to combat against a dragon, and finally, killing it, it takes at least a week if it's one of the older dragons. The Majesty has high expectations, and it's a struggle to keep up with them. Kill orders were often piled on top of one another, which means immediately after you complete one, it is off to finishing the next one.
It is a job of ruin. When was the last time you've gotten more than a few hours of sleep? The last time you've had a full meal? The last time you were able to have a relaxing bath? 
Killing dragons is not how you would like to waste away your life, slaving away under a duty that everyone idolizes. As you carry on your role, you begin to learn more and more about these flying reptiles; dragons are fascinating, intelligent creatures. It is a shame that many villagers are so terrified of them, dragons actively avoid humans; though for one reason or another, dragons occasionally seek the nearest human civilization, eating farm animals and destroying any shelter or barricade that stands in their way. Perhaps you're just foolish, but you believe that there is a real reason for this behavior, and that there could be a solution to this. 
Until then, you could do little more but heed each order, slaughtering dragon by dragon. Their dying cries plague your dreams every night, leaving you empty and restless. 
You arrive at a village, the emblem on your chest plate that indicates your occupation glints as you step out of the carriage. The village head greets you quickly, settling you down in front of a cup of tea and some snacks, before cutting straight to the details.
“This dragon… I'd be careful. I've heard of you, a genius among geniuses in terms of dragon hunting, but I warn you right now. This dragon is different. Smarter, more powerful than your typical one, I bet. Its fire… even among other dragons, isn't comparable. It can torch the whole village, and it got damn near close to. Cunning bastard as well, it can pinpoint where our sheeps are and it can evade our traps. It disappeared from our village a few decades… we assumed it died naturally, but then it returned again earlier this season.”
“When was the last time it attacked? Do you know what kind of dragon it is?”
“No. We’ve never seen a dragon like it before. I'm not sure if it follows under the kingdom's classifications. It's black and white with three pairs of wings! And its tail… sharp like, like…like a scythe, can slice houses in half! Its claws are just as dangerous too. Can breathe fire, of course.”
Three pairs of wings… that means this dragon is considerably old. Dragons gain pairs of wings after their first set through molting, which only occurs every five or four sex following reaching maturity, meaning this dragon was at least a century old. You grimace. Older dragons are always harder to get rid of. Most of the dragons that you encounter only have one pair, on the rare occasion, two. This is the first time you've been assigned a three-paired dragon.
Its colorings are also strange; you've never heard of a black and white dragon specifically. The tail description, however, isn't very uncommon; it could be a signifier that this is an incredibly rare hybrid among dragon species. If it's as powerful as it's said, and if you consider its age, then perhaps they come from one of the Dynasty species… but a descendent of that species hasn't been seen in many years. If this is true, then of course it wouldn't follow under the kingdom's ordinary classifications of dragons. Still, a hybrid? Mating between different species almost never happens. This really was a special case. And its disappearance? You couldn't even fathom why.
“Do you know at least where it lives?”
The village head turns to his right, pointing in that direction. “If you continue that direction, you'll come across a forest. That's where it goes. We don't know where it lives, we've been too scared to try and find out ourselves.”
You sigh. Well, this wasn't much to work with. “Is there anywhere I can stay?” 
“Yes, yes. There's a room above the bar that's just for you. Free of charge, of course. The food as well. Just please… eradicate this beast.” 
“I'll do my best.” 
No matter how many forests you go to, you never become fonder of them. Traversing them was always annoying. Too much greenery to walk through, too many streams and rivers to cross, and just too many damn trees. This terrain is especially difficult to find traces of dragons in. It'd be better to make your own traces then scour through the forest to search for them, hence why you're at a stream, catching as much fish as you can with a net. Fish makes for good dragon bait, though you don't intend to use it to trap the dragon. You doubt any trap you could make in the little time you have could kill or harm the dragon, but it will lure the dragon to you.
You pause to take a break, glancing at the pile of fish you've collected. The smell is starting to assault your nostrils. Ugh. 
You hear a crunch behind you, and you turn. Your eyes widen and you pick up your sword, raising them towards the three dragons that surround you. Adrenaline pumps through you as you stand up, observing the creatures. 
All of them only have one-pair of wings, with similar features and size; they’re as large as a full grown bear, if you subtract their tail length, and you realize that they're baby dragons, yet to reach maturity. They have, notably, distinct colorings, but they all share the same black and gray coloring. Perhaps they come from the same hatch? The one to your right has red, almost maroon, splotches over their scales. This one is wide eyed, but its features are relaxed as if playful and curious. The one in the middle seems to be the smallest, fearful as if it’s cowering with its dipped head and the tail wrapping around itself protectively; this one has almost a marigold accent to it. The one to the right is teal, and passive, like it doesn't see you in the slightest. 
Baby dragons are hardly as aggressive or destructive as their adult counterparts, but that doesn't mean they can't pose a danger. Still, you don't want to harm them, not when they haven't done anything that would warrant you to.
The red one approaches, deliberately, sniffing towards your direction. You brace your sword, and it trudges up to you, nostrils grazing against your armor before it nudges against your hand. It then walks past you, its focus deadset on the pile of fish behind you. The two other dragons follow in the red one's lead, and you sigh in relief, placing your sword back in its sheathes.
Baby dragons, three of them especially, are a rare sight, as they're often sheltered in their father's den, and they don't venture out until they've fully matured. This being because they're quite vulnerable despite the threat they hold once they've matured. Eliminating them is a part of your duty, however, you never feel right killing creatures that have just hatched. They couldn't be more than ten years old; they still had a few more decades before they could pose a danger. If they're out like this, it's likely they've been abandoned. Mother dragons often leave their young after childbirth, and the fathers are left to take care of them; it could be that the father died recently. 
Whatever the case, you think that they deserve to live a little longer. Plus, they're kind of cute… 
Although, the more you observe them, the more you feel you should prevent the fish supply you spent all day getting from declining. They seem less cute now. You groan as they eat until there's no more fish, and they turn back to you, croaking as if requesting more. 
What are you, their mother? Your eye twitches in vexation. 
You spend your evening fishing for baby dragons at the river. Un-fucking-believable. Weren't you wonderful at your job? 
You decide to leave the dragons at the river bank as you search for wood to make a campfire. To your slight annoyance and amusement, the young dragons trail behind you. You get random twigs and branches that scatter the forest floor. One of the dragons, the yellow one, picks up a branch in their mouth, before offering it to you. 
Damn it, why did you have to be a dragon hunter? You take the stick in your hand, hesitantly petting the top of its head. This is something you’ve never done before, but you wouldn't mind doing it again. It leans into your hand. You don't deserve this treatment, you hunt their kind. Oh, how you wish you could tell them what you'd have to do once they grow up. Why did you have to be a dragon hunter? You're holding back tears as you continue the petting action. 
Its other siblings, unbeknownst to your existential crisis, follow its behavior, and you've turned the baby dragons into your personal campfire wood carriers. You think dragon trainor fits you better than a dragon hunter at this point, but that profession doesn't grant an affordable life. 
Seating yourself on a tree stump, you build your campfire and light it. You use it to cook a fish over, while you try to fend off said trout from being eaten by the dragons. By the time it's done cooking, the little creatures are exhausated, curling against you as the three fall asleep against your legs and back. You don't want to admit it, but it's a comfortable weight against you. You didn't even know that dragons snore until now.
Peace at last, you think, finally able to eat your fish alone. 
Too soon, too soon. You hear it before you see it, the whipping of winds that you can only associate with the beating of dragon wings as it flies. The sound grows louder, meaning it's heading straight towards you. You stand up, unsheathing your sword and bracing yourself for an assault. Shit, shit, shit, you're not prepared to fight in this territory whatsoever. What was it attracted to? The campfire? The smell of your fish? Or perhaps… you glance at the still sleeping creatures. 
You don't have much time to ponder as the ground shakes when the beast lands in front of you, right on top of the river, its gargantuan form making you tremble. An earth shattering roar escapes its throat, nearly making you tumble back from the sheer force, and your ears ring painfully. 
You've never seen a larger dragon before. You count the pair of wings through squinted eyes. One, two, three. This is the dragon you've been hired to hunt? 
The hand holding your sword doesn't stop shaking, no matter how much you try to control your muscles. The adult dragon nears, and your heart rate pounds louder and louder with each footstep. Black and white colorings? Check. Sharp tail? Check. You know you have to fight it, but how could you possibly? It dwarfs you in every single way possible. 
It swipes its tail at you, and you duck as fast as possible, just barely missing being sliced in half like the trees behind you. Its tail retracts to lunge at you again, and you block the sharp end with your sword, though it just swats you away easily, throwing you across the bank of the river. You land on the gravel with a pained groan, and you scramble to get up, facing the dragon. 
Piercing red-crossed eyes gaze back at you, and you no longer feel like the hunter. Instead, you feel like the prey, and every fiber of your being is telling you to run. You wield your sword again resolutely. If you die, then you die, but you'll die knowing you tried. The dragon tilts its head back, preparing its fiery breath, and you ready your wrist shield. 
Suddenly, a familiar croak comes from behind the adult dragon, and you see the baby dragons rush into the adult dragon, headbutting its feet. The dragon snaps its head back into its normal position, gazing down at the small dragons at its feet. You're afraid that the larger dragon will crush them, but instead it growls. The young ones chirp back, communicating with it. 
You stand there, bewildered, the pieces coming together in your mind quickly. Is the black and white dragon their father? Are they trying to save you? The tension in your shoulders relaxes the slightest bit. The father dragon whips its head back to you, and you freeze, paralyzed under its predatory gaze. Too swiftly does its tail shoot towards you, but instead of impaling you as you prepared, it merely wraps around your midsection, lifting you effortlessly. You drop your sword out of pure shock from being in mid air, and it brings you face to face with the dragon. 
The dragon snarls, baring its teeth, and you think it's the end once you see its pearly whites. Instead, however, it sniffs you, before pausing, observing you more. You're holding your breath, wondering when you will meet your fate. It opens its mouth wide, displaying a row of teeth in its oral cavern. You squeeze your eyes shut but all you feel is something warm, wet, and slimey. A tongue drags across your face, and you cringe, immediately bringing your hands to wipe away the thick saliva. The tail around you loosens, and you fall on your back, grunting from the impact of hitting the floor. 
Okay. Well, you're alive at least, you think, once you get the liquid out of your eyes but it is unfortunately in your hair. If it hasn't killed you yet, then it must mean that it likes you? 
You open your eyes, and see that the dragon lays in front of you, its snout just a feet away from you. Each huff from the dragon blows your hair back with hot air, but you don't mind it. The smaller dragons prance by your side, chirping and croaking with a high-pitched tone. Bemused but just grateful that you've yet met your end, you pet their heads. By the growl from the father, they approve of your action, and your heart melts. You reach out to pet the snout of the larger dragon, and it closes its eyes, further nudging against you before a grumbly purr escapes its throat.
Seems like you've just been forcibly adopted by a family of dragons. You don't think you'll complain that much. 
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autistic-shaiapouf · 2 years
Live hurricane updates got me like
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romanoffsbish · 1 year
Shelter me From the Storm
Actress!Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Stripped Bare (Part 1) / Two people asked for this and I already had the ideas so boom. 😂
Warnings: Loss of Parent / Grief. Post-Partum Depression (Not mentioned, but heavily implied—hygiene/eating struggles, struggle to bond/help). Media (Implied lack of respect for Sex Work).
Smut: Soft | Daddy (N) | Nat has a penis | Oral (Both) | Fingering | Overstimulation | Squirting | Unprotected / Breeding | Cockwarming (Plugging)
18+ | Minors DNI | Please Don’t Report, it’s labeled properly.
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"Whatcha thinking about?" Natasha's raspy voice startled you, but it also soothed your aching soul. It'd been exactly two months since the two of you moved to Oregon to officially start your life together. "My mom, us, them."
The redhead nodded solemnly, worried eyes casted down onto your fidgeting hands. She settled down beside you on the porch swing, and took your freezing hands between hers. Gently as ever she kissed, and breathed onto them until she deemed them warm enough.
"You couldn't have worn mittens?" She teased, then her strong arms wrapped around your body so she could pull you into her lap. Her forehead leaned against yours as she tried her best to comfort you. It was you who broke the distance and pressed your lips to hers for a kiss that reminded you that you were really there.
You were still alive, even if your mom wasn't. The thought broke you, this idea that Apollo and Luna would grow up without her love.
"I miss her," you sniffled, and the redhead sighed empathetically, "Me too moya lyubov'."
A smile graced your face at the memories of Nat with your mom. They'd only known one another for a little over a year, but your wife stole your mother's heart instantly. The sick woman never missed a chance to talk to her, even if it involved interrupting your convos.
They had a pure love of you in common, so it was easy for them to spend hours talking. It warmed your heart, but also infuriated you to no end when your mom shared your secrets.
Natasha never needed to know about your failed prom, or about how you believed in Santa and his friends until sophomore year.
The redhead loved to tease you about it, even now, "Who else will tell me all your secrets?"
"Thank fuck that's over," you sadly joked, because embarrassing as it was, you'd let your mother release all of your most embarrassing moments in life if it meant she was still here.
"Ooh, What about Cole?"
You snorted, "Not if he wants to stay alive."
"You're no fun."
Silence soon fell over the both of you as you watched the rain harshly pelting down. The pavement, and dirt saturated in no time as mother nature wept, you weren't sure of her reason, but you liked to think it was for your mom. She loved the rain, it never presented as an inconvenience to her like it did for others, you remember chasing the rainbows with her.
Losing her was polarizing really. It was always coming, but you were never prepared for it.
All that really brought you comfort since she passed, was that she met your daughter first.
Luna Romanoff, the little girl with your wife's cheeky smile, and your mothers love for music.
At only ten months old she was a little rockstar. The xylophone was her go to instrument, it made you feel like your mom's name as her middle prophesied their clear connection. They had met, then five hours later your mom died.
Natasha took care of everything after, she still does some days when you can't manage. You usually feel bad, but every time she senses it, and reminds you that there's nothing else she'd rather be doing than caring for her family.
"I'm going to miss you too," you finally broke it, voice cracking as your emotions got the best of you. "I wish you didn't have to leave at all."
"Me neither," Nat replied in the same tone, a tear slipped down her face as she stewed over her departure this evening. Leaving you in such a vulnerable state wasn't easy, but she hadn't a choice as she had to do a slurry of interviews for her upcoming film, as well as clear the air on her sudden disappearance from Hollywood.
It was the only way the execs would let her off the hook for the premiere. The buzz from her interviews will give them enough scandalous PR. Especially when she announces this will be her last film for a long while. The seats will fill.
She'd pleaded for zoom interviews, but even being as big as she was, they wouldn't budge.
"I wouldn't go if I had a choice," she reminded you for the umpteenth time. "I know Natty."
"It just sucks," she voiced your thoughts.
You chuckled humorlessly, "Majorly."
The sudden sound of a cry through the baby monitor brought you and your wife out of your bubble of intermixed grievances, and right into the house where you found a shocked Apollo hovering over Luna's traveling bassinet.
Five minutes ago they were peacefully napping, one in a heap of blankets and toys, while the other was cozy in her bed. It was safest not to move your son, he'd have woken up lively.
Where he lays, he stays—a household motto.
The scene was clear as day, he'd climbed up onto the couch with a devious curiosity, and now it appears the young boy had slapped her.
Natasha swiftly moved to the side of the couch, stopping your son from repeating the offense with a gentle catch of his hand. With ease she scooped the boy onto her hip, then she lovingly reached down to smooth a hand over your daughters face. Her cries stopped instantly.
After your daughter was soothed you watched quietly as Natasha handled your son. Her look was stern, but her eyes were still adoringly soft. There was no true harm done, it was clear Luna was mostly just shocked, not genuinely hurt.
Plus, he's only two, this was like a canon event.
"Apo," she called his attention to her with the nickname derived from his inability to say his. "You have to be gentle," she softly reminded him, using her hand to mimic proper touch as she continued to brush her hand over your daughters face until she was sleeping again.
Apollo butchered the word as he repeated it, but he mimicked her perfectly. Tiny hands covered in god knows what reached out to cup her face, something he'd seen done before. Both of your hearts beamed at the boy for his slow, but steady understanding. This would probably happen again, from both ends, but you knew that it would be an easy resolution.
Natasha's gentle approach to the kids was a surprising discovery you'd made. Not that you expected her to be downright cruel, but you just expected more sternness from your former experiences. But then you remember the Natty that you'd loved was always there back then too, and then it all makes sense. The first time you witnessed it was when your infant son was playing with an extension cord. You wanted to run over and rip it from his hands, but she'd stopped you with a hand on your shoulder.
Instead she walked over to him, created some static electricity with her hands then tapped his. It seemed almost cruel, but then she picked him up as he wailed, then that soon faded into hiccups and it all became clearer to you.
He'd wanted her attention all along, and she taught him a valuable lesson in the process.
The gentleness came right after, when she held him close while she hummed a Russian lullaby to soothe him. All the while pointing to the enticing cord and saying a simple, firm no-no.
You remember watching them fondly, with a smile on your face, a hand on your bump, and a subtle sense of relief that'd washed over you.
No matter what came, you knew you'd all be safe with Natasha. Parenting was a learning curve, without your mom to guide you you've lost it, but you felt like she'd had it mastered.
That's why after the night slowly crept in you anticipated the arrival of your little brother. He's flying in from New York, and should be to your house by 8:30pm, and Nat has to be gone by 9pm, or she knows she'll never make it.
Apollo had already gone down for the night, but Luna Bear was still a live wire. Bouncing on her mama's hip while haphazardly shaking her head side to side in a tiring game of 'no-no'
"Wow, you've gotten so big Lunar Eclipse," your brother greeted the giggling baby, who turned to him with a wide, curious smile. Natasha sent him one as well at the relief she felt since she no longer had to shake her head.
"Luna," you corrected with a fixed glare. "I've been meaning to ask you about that sis."
"Cole," you warned through gritted teeth, and for the first time Natasha had realized the help she planned might actually be the bother.
"Why would you name your kids like animals?"
Natasha glared at your brother just the same, coddling the baby into her chest with a hand over her ear to shield her from hearing him
"You're the most annoying person on Earth," you deadpanned, he gasped in offense. "Give me the cat, and say your sappy goodbyes."
Natasha's arms around your waist stopped you from chasing your cackling brother down as he took your giggling daughter into the house.
"Don't leave me with him," you pleaded. "I won't look good in an orange jumpsuit Nat."
Natasha snorted softly, "You're so dramatic." Then she leaned in to kiss you slowly, a bunch of unspoken words being exchanged: 'I'm only a call away,' 'Don't kill your brother, please,' and 'Seriously, call me if you need me,' but the most important of messages came tumbling from your very own parted lips, "I love you."
Natasha smiled against you, she instantly repeated the sentiment, "I love you too Y/N. With all of me. You'll be okay detka. Promise."
The driver honked impatiently, and you fought off the urge to flip them off. Natasha rolled her eyes as she saw the petty conflict behind yours. "I'll be back in three sleeps sweetheart, you take care of yourself while I'm gone please."
Natasha sighed as she saw you bite your lip, a nervous habit of yours she'd become familiar with. You never wanted to disappoint Natasha, but you felt like you always were when you couldn't even manage the mundane tasks.
"It's hard, I know it is," she sympathized with your newfound wave of inability. "But eat, drink water, and sleep whenever possible."
"I'll try," you whisper against her chest as she hugs you close for a final moment. "That's all I ask moya lyubov, you deserve to be nourished."
"Three days," you whispered, your eyes shut tight as you reeled in your emotions. You could break down when she made it onto the road.
"Then there'll be no more leaving, we got this."
"Safe travels Natty." You kissed her cheek, then made the move to slip from her grasp, knowing all too well that she wouldn't willingly let go.
As you entered the house she watched, making her driver more irritated but she didn't care. His paycheck was signed by her, therefore his patience was paid for. She watched closely and nearly broke down when she saw a little Luna crying as her hands slammed into the window.
It was strange, how the ten month old could understand the implications of her mother in the car, and it hurt the woman's aching soul.
Once you locked the door, and scooped your daughter up she told released a breath and told the driver he could take off as she sent off a worried text to Cole, begging him to keep an eye on you like he promised her he would.
Then she sat back and began to count down the milliseconds until she could return to you.
The following morning came with a wake up Facetime call, your wife waited until it was 9am your time, then spent hours virtually cuddling. Around 12pm she bid you farewell, as it was 3pm in New York, her interview was for 6pm, but with makeup and wardrobe it was time.
It was live, so at 3pm you'd ensured the babies were already down for a nap, and settled onto the couch in some clean pajamas with your emotional support water bottle, and chips.
Natasha looked beautiful as she crossed the stage, with practiced elegance she flashed her award winning smile, and you swooned. It felt like it was directed at you, and with it being your Natasha you realized it probably was.
They discussed the movie, it was a smooth interview, until the hot topic, you, came up.
"So, tell me Natasha, who's the mystery girl?"
Natasha instantly grimaced, but quickly shook the expression for one of happiness. "My wife."
"Wife, huh?" He chuckled nervously, you both saw a question on his mind designed to send you spiraling. "Fans across the globe really thought you'd end up with Wanda Maximoff."
Natasha breathed harshly through her nose, it took all of her patience to remain composed.
"Wanda is nothing more than a lifelong friend." Natasha cooly replied. "Who's happily engaged, need I remind you, to The Vision Stark."
"Hindsight is 20/20," he jested awkwardly.
"Mhm," Natasha hummed, not even humoring the man with a response as she watched him fumble through his note cards for more. She smiled, it was perceivably smug, and made you feel something you'd yet to in almost a year.
He took a steadying breath before his face relaxed, then he continued his futile attack.
"I have it on good authority that your wife, Y/N Y/L/N." Natasha cut him off, "Romanoff."
"Sorry," he replied annoyedly, "We've been informed that Y/N Romanoff was a stripper."
Natasha nods thoughtfully. "Is there a question there, or are we just stating useless facts. If so, I'd like to inform you your tie is on wrong."
Your eyes widened, in all your years of knowing of Natasha, you'd never seen her so snarky. It was really hot, and you truly couldn't deny it.
"I guess, if it wasn't obvious," he starts shakily, as if he feared the 5'3 redheaded woman. "The world is wondering if that's how you met."
"Well, the honest answer is yes." The audience gasped, she rolled her eyes behind her lids knowing they were likely prompted to do that for shock value alone. "I know right? How shocking that rich people still go to strip clubs."
Her eyes then narrowed onto the nervous host. "As if you yourself aren't a regular Johnny."
"Jimmy," he timidly corrected and she laughed. Boy did she laugh, it was mocking, and had the man sweating through his shirt. "My apologies, so tell me Jimbo, does your wife know what happens during the actual late nights? We both know this show is mislabeled. It ends by 7pm, but your life is only just beginning then right?"
The raven haired man gulped, it was clear Nat was prepared for his intrusive questioning. You caught sight of Natasha's sideways smirk just as the show cut to a commercial, and when it returned your wife was no longer there. Cole snickered from beside you, "Mom would have loved to see this, God, I adore your wife Y/N."
You hummed your agreement, then left him to tend to the crying babies while you answered your wife's phone call. She was panicking, but you reassured her that it'll be okay. That her die hard fans wouldn't leave, and that with the progressive nature of Hollywood that she'd likely receive accolades for her honesty, and her overall support of the sex work industry.
Even if you both knew it wasn't a guarantee, Natasha couldn't help but to believe you. In the end, if this is where her career ended she didn't mind. She had more than enough money to retire, and she still would have her business.
Natasha ended the call after you'd calmed her as she had more interviews to prepare for.
It felt fulfilling being there for her, helping her through a freak out for once instead of it being the other way around. You knew it wasn't a competition, but it's hard to think otherwise when it's always you on the visibly weaker end.
There was a renewed confidence in your step now, and it showed when you fixed lunch for the whole house instead of letting Cole. You'd ushered him off to play with the kids, and got comfy with the concepts of cooking again.
When the next day came you got to hear from Nat sporadically. She told you all about her day, the highlight apparently came when she got to answer fan's questions while playing with cats. You rolled your eyes, knowing now that she'd be insufferable until you finally said yes to her taking in the stray kittens that lived amongst Wanda's garden. The brunette wanted to take them to a shelter a week ago, but Nat told her she'd win you over soon enough.
She begged again before she got off the call, and she was right, because that evening you sent her a picture before she went to sleep of a relieved Wanda on your doorstep with a box.
Natasha called you on the verge of tears, she'd only hung up the phone an hour ago so she could take a shower and get ready for bed. It was only 4pm for you, and 7pm for her, but she had an early morning interview before she was then meant to catch an afternoon flight home.
So, after she thanked you profusely, she settled down in her bed, and you on the couch as you pulled up her most recent interview done with Clint Barton. An actor turned talk show host.
He was also her very best friend, so of course she gave him the tell all story others wanted.
"So Natasha," Clint started with a teasing smirk. "Mhm?" She hummed playfully, her eyes softly rolled as a smirk overtook her face.
"When do I get to meet my niece and nephew?"
"Whenever you catch a flight out to Oregon."
"That's right," he bounces off her seamlessly, "You made the bold move to the Beaver state, what is in Oregon that's not in LA or NYC?"
"Peace," she answered simply. "It's gorgeous, and it's where my love wanted to end up."
Clint smiled, it was incredibly genuine as he admired the lovesick one your wife wore. The man has yet to meet you, but he plans to hug you tightly in silent thanks for changing her life for the better and making her this happy. He's watched her through every phase, the partying, all the meaningless hooking up, to the present.
Where she is outwardly softer, but as expected she is still guarded where she needed to be.
"Your love," he acknowledges, a slight tease to his tone as he met her eyes again. "Why don't you tell me all about who's taking you from us."
Natasha glared at him, but it was a playful way, that she agreed to, to ease her into her purpose for this interview. "You know Clint, I've been acting ever since I was a kid," she thoughtfully began, "It's all I've ever known honestly. It's been my greatest passion for three decades."
She took in a steadying breath, then sighed while wearing a shy smile, "It wasn't until I met her that I envisioned more for myself," her cheeks reddened at the thought of exposing herself in such a vulnerable way to the world.
Acting, telling others stories, was what she did best, but it felt foreign to tell her own like this.
With her eyes closed she imagined your smile, then she heard the memory of your kids giggles and suddenly it was the easiest decision. "Y/N is my light at the end of the tunnel, truthfully."
Clint nodded proudly, leaning back in his seat to metaphorically open the floor up to her.
"I know the world is already freaking out, some angry that I'm off the market, others mad that she's a former stripper, but I don't know why any of that matters to them." Natasha frowned as she tried not to cry. "People are saying my career will end with this, and to those people I say good fucking riddance. I've given almost every last piece of me to this industry, and if me finally choosing my happiness is a problem then I'll let it be for only them. I'm happier than I've ever been, and that is my truth."
"So, you're leaving Hollywood behind?" He asked for clarity, and she shook her head in a partial negation. "I have decided to take a step back, this upcoming film is going to be my final for an indefinite amount of time. I want to focus on my family, and I deserve a break."
"That you do Natasha," Clint acknowledged, behind him on a screen a slideshow of all of her hit movies began to appear. Emphasizing the focus of conversation. "If you retired today I'd say that you've left your mark on the world, even more so with those beautiful babies."
"They are my entire world." Natasha clarified, they were her legacy, sure, but they were so much more than that too. They were a perfect mixture of you both. Apollo with her distinctive eyes, and your sweet smile. Then Luna with her smile, and dimples and your huffy temper.
Both with their own blooming personalities.
The redhead smiled brightly when a photo then flickered on the screen of your little family. The four of you were sat on a park bench, Apollo stood on her lap with his hand pointing to something behind her, she had smiled at the camera, but her eyes focus was torn between him and the phone. Then sat beside her was you, with a blanket over your chest, shielding the hungry baby from the harsh Fall winds.
It was meant to be a cute family photo, and it still was, but far more dysfunctional than intended. Natasha had tried to get Apollo to turn around, but he wouldn't take his eyes off of the firetruck in the back. Then Luna cried, and it was clearly hunger so you let her latch on, and even then it could've been cute, but then she grunted angrily so you covered her.
"You guys look happy," Clint acknowledged, and the woman smiled fondly. "We are."
"Well, I hope that in a few years time we'll be able to see you back on the screen," Clint moves to wrap up the segment. "But if we don't, then I'd like to dedicate a moment of silence to the greatest loss in the industry."
"Oh stop it," she joked tearily, leaning forward to playfully shove his shoulder. Clint winked at the emotional redhead, then he yanked her up and into a bear hug. "Tell Y/N I look forward to meeting her," he whispered, then he planted a kiss on her cheek, and she left the stage with a chorus of loud applause following her.
You turned the TV off, then wiped at the few tears that she'd elicited from you. Seeing her so vulnerable on TV, all in an attempt to make the media go easier on you, was overwhelming. It made your heart swell with more love than before and you couldn't quiet grasp how you could even love her more than you already did.
It also made you want her more than you did yesterday. No longer was it a feeling you could ignore, but instead a deep seeded need you'd had every intention of satiating upon your wife's return. Which is why you rebooked your brothers flight home, and reminded him about that one time you covered for him when he rear ended your evil neighbor Mildred's parked car.
The last thing Natasha expected to find as she entered your house late at night was you. But on the couch you sat, with a glass of red wine, and in a matter of seconds you were on her.
"Moya lyubov' I said drink water," she groaned, but it was a humored one. You looked up at her with wide eyes, then you smiled innocently. "Would you believe me if I said that Jesus showed up and magicked it himself?"
"Oh, is that so?" She cackled in a hushed way, you nodded vehemently. "Scouts honor Natty!"
"Mhm?" She teasingly hummed, the vibrato felt as she pressed her lips to yours, and you gasped affectedly. Natasha tried to pull back, feeling guilty for looking like she was trying to initiate anything, but then she felt guilty for feeling guilty because of course she wants you.
"No," you whimpered and clung to her biceps. "Daddy please, I-I'm ready." You were wet, desperation was controlling your mind now.
"You're drunk detka," she pointed out, but you showed her the bottle, proving that you'd only poured the one glass and hadn't had more than two sips. Which was only for liquid courage.
"What's changed for you?" Natasha pulled you down into her lap, you whined in frustration, but then you saw the glossy viridescent orbs full of concern waiting for your reply.
"Seeing you lose your cool on TV over me was hot," you admitted shamelessly, stroking her big ego in the hopes that it'd soon be her cock.
The redhead blushed, but quickly regained her cool as she leaned back into the cushion of the couch and firmly gripped your thighs apart.
"Can I see how hot it made you detka?" Her raspy voice made you dizzy, you nodded and moaned a soft please so she eagerly padded at the wetness seeping through your panties. "Oh look at you detka, you're just so needy, huh?"
She cursed in Russian when you answered with a buck of your hips. With a swift hand she laid you down and said, "You have to be quiet."
You shook your head. "I reminded Cole of a secret I kept, so he collected the kids and all they'd need and went to the guest suite."
"I knew I married a genius," she teased, her heart nearly exploded as you laughed. It'd been so rare to hear nowadays, so it was cherished.
"What do you want moya lyubov'?" Natasha looked deep in your eyes, wearing a smile that said only your pleasure was enough for her.
Instead of answering you pulled her down with a hand wrapped behind the nape of her neck. The kiss was soft, almost exploratory as it'd been so long since you'd had a spike in libido. But when Natasha still remained timid you took the initiative, your hand cupped her bulge, and you slid your tongue over her bottom lip.
She gasped and your tongue pushed beyond her lips, but hers expertly swirled around yours then darted down your throat. As you gagged she couldn't fight off the aching need so she pushed down into your hand and moaned.
The redhead pulled away, panting heavily as she tried to reel her neediness in. You drove her body wild, but she didn't want to get too lost in the lust if you weren't ready yet.
"You've been so patient with me," you purred, "Let me take care of you daddy, please?"
Natasha suddenly stilled, her sorrowful eyes set on  yours. "Hey no, detka, you deserve endless patience without expectations."
"Yeah, I know," you breathed. "But we went from having sex every few days to not at all."
Natasha smiled tenderly, her hand cupped your cheek. "That's fine, I don't need sex to be happy with you Y/N. You alone are enough."
"Well, that sentiment is returned, but I'm absolutely serious, so let me give you head."
Natasha was shocked by your bold words, it was a quick recovery though as she snorted, "If I ever say no, please do have me committed."
Natasha smiled triumphantly as you giggled, it always made her heart warm to hear your joy.
The mood swiftly returned to one of lust when after she leaned back you slid out and onto the ground on your knees. The woman was tired, jet lagged to be more precise, but that didn't stop her from helping you take her sweats off.
Natasha was undeniably aroused, her cock stood tall as soon as you slid her boxers off.
"You gonna stare all night detka?" Natasha teased, then her eyes softened. "If you're not ready, just say the word lyubov', it'll be okay."
You shook your head free of worry, and smiled at her for being so sweet. It was comically endearing. Here she sat with an erection that had to be hurting her at this point and she only cared about your comfort. Which actually only made you even more excited to suck her off.
Natasha groaned, the sound raspier than ever before as you traced your tongue over the veins of her cock. Her hands gripped the cushions of the couch as your lips wrapped around her tip, and she nearly came on the spot as your hands steadily pumped up from the base of her cock as your other hand lazily played with her balls.
Her breathing became increasingly labored as you bobbed your head up and down her length, you could feel yourself dripping down your thighs as you'd gone commando beneath her sleep shirt. Hearing just how much she was enjoying this had immeasurably turned you on.
Natasha's hips involuntarily jerked. "Oh fuck." You giggled around her shaft, the vibrations making her do it again, and this time you'd choked. Universal instant karma you suppose.
Natasha stilled, fearful eyes looking down into yours. "I'm okay," you immediately said after gasping for air upon releasing her cock, you didn't move far though, you instead hovered her tip with a goofy smile for hopeful clarity.
"Are you close?" You asked, but with how her shaft continued to twitch beneath your fingertips you'd figured you had your answer. Natasha nodded, it was uncharacteristically shy and you found yourself wanting more soft sensual moments just like this one with her. 
"Good." You mused. "Now how about you take over and cum down my throat as a reward."
The way you winked made the pit within her begin to unravel, Natasha's tip instantly coated in pebbles of white as you took over half of her length into your mouth, and proceeded to let her fuck your throat until it was raw. Your nails dug into the skin of her thighs that you were gripping for stability as she thrusted wildly, and glorious tears ran down your warm cheeks.
When she released down your throat the pleasure was blinding, her eyes slammed shut and she moaned for a prolonged moment as the hot spurts didn't stop. Strands of her cum slid down your chin along with your drool as she continuously thrusted until that wave of pleasure she was riding came to an end. 
While you both caught your breath you began to get handsy, impatiently pulling at the hem of her shirt until she removed it with a huff of amusement. You then kissed up her body until her cock was trapped against her abdomen by your slippery cunt, and your lips met hers.
Natasha's hands fell to your hips instinctually, and she guided you as you slowly ground into her, letting her tongue explore your mouth. When you whimpered with need she pulled back and you were met with dark, lusty eyes.
"I know you want me inside detka," she teased as she ran a thumb over your swollen lip that was still somewhat coated in her essence. "But daddy's missed your pussy in more ways than one, and I can't help but to need to taste you."
"Please," you whispered affectedly, and she pulled you back in for a deep, heartfelt kiss. "Thank you detka, lay down for daddy now."
Natasha removed your shirt seamlessly as you laid down, the fabric had barely left your skin before you felt her hands all over your body. One second they were gripping you by the hips to keep you from bucking into her face, then they no longer cared as they sought out your breasts. Natasha's tongue flicked over your bundle of nerves just as her thumbs pinched your nubs, and your body writhed as you came.
The orgasm you experienced was intense as the aftershocks continued rolling through you, and in retrospect it was also embarrassingly quick. But it'd been so long and Natasha was just that good, she never struggled to get you to let go.
Every muscle in your body relaxed for all of two seconds, but then the redhead continued to lavish away at your cunt. Cleaning up your arousal, but then delving even deeper to pull another, somehow more intense orgasm from the depths of your soul. Stars bloomed behind the lids of your eyes as you screamed her title.
Over and over again too. Natasha was like a woman starved as she refused to leave her place between your thighs. When you tried to shimmy away she growled, it was terrifying, but in the best way as you involuntarily gushed.
You knew that if you really needed her to stop you could say your safe word, but as much as you felt overstimulated you felt just as good.
"Fuck I missed this," Natasha moaned as she continued to lick at your glistening, puffy cunt. "If I could, I'd never leave this sacred spot."
You were cognitively incapable of a verbalized response besides the occasional, pitiful whine.
Natasha admired your fucked out face briefly before turning your whimpers into loud moans as she wrapped her lips around your clit, and sucked harshly as she suddenly filled you with three of her skilled fingers, that now curled delicately into your g-spot with every thrust.
Tears streamed down your temples, matting your hair to your face, and seeping into the cushions of your couch. You came with a yelp this time, cum absolutely drenching the couch and leaving Natasha in awe. You however were hardly able to breathe, or see as the tears made your sight bleary. This was when your hands flew into her hair, tangling up in the locks as you used all your remaining strength to pull her up to your lips in a redirecting manner.
Natasha kissed you sloppily, her fingers now coming to a stop as she understood your silent pleas. Slowly, after distracting you with a swirl of her tongue around yours, she pulled out. You whined lowly at the loss, but your body appreciatively deflated into the cushions, and while you worked to calm down she began to kiss all over your skin in a calm, soothing way.
"We should go get you cleaned up lyubov'," she murmured against the skin of your neck that she'd been nibbling, your breathing had finally returned to an evened rhythm. "No, please."
Natasha pulled back to look you over, she was shocked to see your eyes desperate for more.
"Are you sure detka?" You frantically nodded, "Yes, fuck, I want you to fill me so bad daddy."
Natasha pressed her lips to yours, and slid her throbbing member into your slick cunt without a hitch. Neither of you were going to last long, and truthfully neither of you needed to. There was already stars where the ceiling once was as your lover pounded into your sloshing cunt.
"Gonna fill you to the brim detka," she moaned against the shell of your ear. "Can't wait to see your beautiful belly grow with my baby again."
Her breaths were hot as they fanned across your twice as hot skin. Every grunt she released brought with it a reactive clench of your walls, and it drove the woman atop of you insane.
Natasha came with a silent scream, her load unleashing havoc on your abused walls, you were a moaning mess as she slammed into your g-spot repeatedly as she chased this glorious high, milking it for all it's worth and herself as well in the process. When she came to a stop, and pulled out of you she gasped.
The amount of cum that oozed out of you was jarring at first inspection. Natasha had never released this much in her life, she's almost certain it's impossible for that much to exist inside a person at once but she just rationalized it as a delayed release for the year without sex.
There was no way you wouldn't get pregnant.
Especially not after Natasha thrusted back inside of you, mumbling something about preserving the chance that made you chuckle.
"Are you prepared for a third baby?" You teased your wife, with a hand mindlessly running through her hair as she laid with her face pressed against your chest. "I once told you detka, I'd make you my breeding bitch."
You cackled, chest shaking beneath her head to the point that she had to lift up and narrow her eyes at you. "I'm not sure why that's funny, but yes, I'm prepared for whatever life brings. With you by my side I'd willingly raise a dozen kids."
Natasha smirked when your humor died away, eyes wide with fear until she finally took over laughing for you. "God, you looked so scared."
You scoffed, "I was. That's a lot of c-sections." Natasha pursed her lips in thought, then she shrugged her shoulders. "Not if we have twins."
"We'll leave the twins to Maximoff," you soon decided over a yawn. "I think two more is fine."
Natasha leaned down to kiss your lips. "Two more sounds perfect. A simple family of six."
"There's nothing simple about you Natasha."
"Yet you love me anyways." You could hear the insecurity in her tease, and it hurt your heart to think someone ever made her feel unlovable. "That I do." You gently guided her lips to yours, kissing her slowly before you guided her face back to the crook of your neck. "Very much."
Neither of you spoke another word, you just laid there soaking in the warmth of your love before slipping off into a restful nights sleep.
The first in a long time actually, and the last genuine one before Raven and Leo arrived. 
6,389 Words
Nat's former job: Acting / Y/N's: Stripping
Nat's current job: Breeder / Y/N's: To be Bred
❤️ Kaitlyn. 🤭
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lillymakesart · 4 months
more episode 5 discussion
tl;dr a continuation of my video dissertation on lilly.makes.tiktoks: (summary) mikio fell in love with mizu, they had their first argument, mama convinced mikio to turn mizu in, mikio did go turn her in. "love poisoned by betrayal" where mikio is the love, mama is the betrayal
i feel like mama's betrayal needs some more reading into in order to truly understand her motivations, because that pipeline going from caretaker to ultimate betrayal is so insane
mikio's petty actions (picking at mizu's insecurities by calling her a monster and taking away the horse he gifted to her) are all in line with a hurt, petty, toxic lover that just wanted to hurt mizu back in the way the she hurt him
what about mama? she has cared for Mizu all these years, had been her mother figure, and even reaped some benefits off of Mizu's arranged marriage. isn't turning her adoptive daughter into the very men she fought all her life to keep her safe from a bit too intense?
to wish such foul ill on someone must have taken years and years of built up resentment and vitriol. maybe if we look at the timeline from mama's perspective the motivation behind her betrayal would reveal itself
Fowler said that mama was Mizu's maid. not sure if this has any significance, but he didn't say nanny or wetnurse. maybe she was simply a maid that worked around the house and only tangentially caring for the baby. life in the estate must have been pretty cushy for her as she was generally sheltered and protected under her lord's care
but then assassins come for the baby, she is caught up in the mess, and she can only stand by and watch as Mizu's life hangs in balance before her. fate decides that Mizu should live, and she is shoved into mama's arms and the man tells her to take the devil child and run, and so she does. she leaves the cushy protected life of being a maid in the estate and becomes a homeless woman on the streets, now burdened with a crying baby and no idea what to do
at some point she turns towards a life of prostitution, which at this I'm guessing is her only option. this life must be terrible compared to her work at her lord's estate. perhaps the stress turns her towards opioids, and she becomes an addict
maybe a messenger keeps in contact with her and makes regular deliveries of money to continue caring for the baby. the money amount could have even been generous, enough to keep them off the streets in a respectable town, but with mama's addiction we all know where the money truly went.
one day the money stops, and mama can't get her opioids anymore. theoretically she could have continued caring for Mizu, but she'd rather work full-time as a prostitute and continue acquiring drugs than care for a child that she never wanted, was never even trained to care for. in fact, this child has brought her life lower than ever before, so of course she'd leave her
the resentment has already built up when Mizu was a child, but it really ramps into full force when she finds Mizu again as an adult
we can see some first signs of jealousy when Mizu tells mama that she "should never do that again, I earn money, more than enough" and mama replies "how honorable you turned out to be." the implication here is that mama thinks Mizu is accusing prostitution of not being honorable. Mizu does not have to suffer woman's work in the way that mama has because Mizu has lived as a man, and was permitted to learn an artisanal trade to earn money with. this is a luxury that mama will never know, and builds on the resentment.
when mama finds Mizu a husband, to the audience it seems like Mizu is the one doing the favor for mama, but for mama, this is the least Mizu could do for her in return for all those years of debased service caring for her. at least with Mikio things could somewhat start looking like mama's old life again, protected in a household, not having to worry about when the next meal would come in, and most importantly, a steady stream of income for drugs
but then Mizu blocks mama's drug money, forcing mama to go out and work for her drugs again (more discussion on this part in the tiktok video tl;dr my theory is that mama never stopped smoking and was secretly going out to work for her drugs and just keeping it a secret). this return to a debasement that mama thought she was finished with really drives home the hatred she has developed for Mizu at this point
from mama's point of view, Mizu is an ungrateful brat that ruined her life, stole her best years from her, forced her into prostitution, and now just when she was starting to get some return for all those years of turmoil, Mizu snubs her again by forcing her back into prostitution
when Mikio comes home that day after the duel, clearly angry with Mizu and looking for ways to hit her back, this must have been a point of weakness for mama where she just couldn't help but divulge the secret of Mizu's bounty. all those years she has held back her resentment and hatred, with no thanks or appreciation for what she has given up for Mizu's wellbeing, must have come crashing down on her as she let the bitterness and resentment win at this exact moment
it's not right, but it does make sense. mama betrayed Mizu in the ultimate way, but she too was once a victim send post
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seramilla · 6 days
Sera stepped over to Emily and pulled her into a tight hug and Emily wondered why she had never felt before just how desperate her sis-her mother's hugs were? As if she were scared that each would be her last...
"I love you Emily. I love you so so much more than you will ever know. And you have no idea...just how much I wanted to tell you before. To have you calling me mom this whole time and being able to proudly claim that you're my baby...but it...it's dangerous and I can't..." Sera choked and she held Emily closer, her wings wrapping around the smaller Seraphim.
"I can't lose you. It nearly killed me to lose Carmilla...if I hadn't learned that I was pregnant with you when I did it might have killed me. If I lost you..." Sera didn't finish the sentence but Emily knew.
Emily hugs Sera tighter. The familiar feeling of the High Seraphim's wings around her -- encircling her, encasing her smaller form like a protective cocoon, like when she was a child -- communicates all the love and maternal need Sera hasn't been able to show her until now. Sera has always protected her, sheltered her, and loved her. She didn't realize exactly how much until this moment.
"It's okay," Emily says, tears beginning to fall liberally down her cheeks. "I understand now. I'm sorry, too...for how ridiculous I've been. Making demands of you, when I could see how much you were hurting. I didn't mean to bring back all these memories."
Sera bends down to Emily's height, cupping each of her cheeks in her palms, and kissing each one. She rubs a stray tear from under her daughter's eye, and looks at her. Really looks at her, like she hasn't in a long time.
"You remind me so much of her," Sera says, smiling warmly. "We used to fight sometimes like this. She always had a way of making me be honest with myself. Like I should have been with you, from the very beginning."
"It's all right, Se--Mom," Emily says, correcting herself mid-way. "I know why you did. I understand. I wouldn't have trusted little me with that kind of secret, either."
Sera laughs. An honest, guttural laugh, that brings out a snicker from Emily's own mouth, as well. Sera pushes her forehead into Emily's, until their noses practically touch. Emily can smell the comforting, heavenly scents of oils that the older angel uses every day. The ones that are so familiar from her childhood, and remind her of Sera's hugs, and her protectiveness. Sera's always been her source of safety.
"I should have told you when you were ready. I should have trusted you sooner."
"Well, I know now," Emily says. "All I ever wanted was a mom. And today, you're telling me I have two? I'm so lucky!"
Sera smiles. But then, the smile diminishes somewhat, and she pulls away again. Sera looks off into the middle distance, staring longingly at something, somewhere, that Emily cannot see. She can tell Sera is thinking about Carmilla at that moment. She also realizes that every other time Sera has made this particular expression...she'd probably been thinking about Carmilla then, too.
How awful it must have been, Emily thinks, to see the person you love go through something like that.
Emily hugs Sera again, tightly around the waist. She cannot change what happened in the past, but maybe she can help her mother forget it for a while, if only for a moment.
"I love you, Mom," Emily says, saying that word like she's said it a million times. She probably has, she thinks, inside her own head.
"I love you, too, sweetheart," Sera says, crying again, and rubbing Emily's soft hair. "I love you so much."
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bagelb0nes · 1 month
Tumblr media
more creechur farmer???? (it doesn’t have to be a drawing, just lore or anything like that works, i absolutely love the idea and art!!!!)
Omg hahaha i didn't expect this many people to like my lame ass farmer (i love my child 🫶). Tbh i haven’t pieced out everything about em myself and i'm just making doodles/illustrations of em and putting them together, especially in the cryptid department. But i can tell you some of the more basic stuff and maybe some of the cryptid things that I think are not gonna change…?
Anyways here are some of the writting stuff:
The farmer can speak but just doesn't cause it, well they don't want to. They do occasionally when they feel like it or when it's necessary. Otherwise they just use a notepad or sign language. 
Tends to be quite curious, like borderline dumb curious. Went inside a water cave once because they thought there might be treasures inside of it. Got dragged out by their older cousin.
Silent fucker, doesn't make any sound usually when walking to places unless they are carrying something heavy. 
Got quite strong after moving to the farm, the farmwork and construction helped them build more strength. 
Falls asleep easily in uncomfortable places. Idk why the guy is just weird.
The farmer has a family back in Zuzu city and some relatives near the valley, like a couple towns away( more lore I guess? There is so much haha). I have actually made a family tree for em but it's mostly sketching and the portraits are quite old so I will need to update it at some point. 
The farmer's family consists of one sister and two moms. The farmer and the sister are not adopted. 
Baby farmers' first words were bark. 
They are only close to one of their mom’s, their sister keeps them at arm's length (no idea why) and their mother is quite strict.
The farmer is in their mid 20’s and did not go to university, the guy took one lecture and dropped out. Instead they took some courses and job hopped until they landed in Joja. They worked there for only 3 years. 
Used to volunteer in the animal shelter, quite fond of animals. Sometimes they thought they could understand them.
Very minimalist when it comes to stuff like clothes, food and activity. They keep a certain amount of clothes since they don't find it necessary to have more than what they can use. If they do get new clothes it is usually because the old ones are destroyed. 
Used to live in a tiny apartment (I mean TINY, I will make a sketch of the old apartment if i remember.) somewhat resembled a studio apartment but less picturesque. But they liked it, felt cosy to them. 
Has actually quite a lot of friends even though they never tried to socialise, the guy is often described as “magnetic”. They do have a couple close friends and usually talk to them in their free time. 
Likes pickles as a snack and collects bear related stuff. On their weekends they would go to the animal sanctuary to look at bears and eat cucumbers.
HA, this bitch cant pull. They do attract but they can't pull, horrible at socialising, just awful. 
As said before even though they absolutely suck ASS at socializing, something about them is magnetic to people. But those people are usually kept at an arm 's distance, since the farmer knows that they don't seem to really have an interest in em.
Has had a couple relationships before, mostly stiff and boring ones since they never desired anyone to THAT extent. But if they do fall they fall hard. 
Their closest relationship right now in the valley is Linus, The wizard and Evelyn. They are trying really hard to befriend others but don't know how to properly approach it besides just giving them gifts and doing tasks for them. 
Does in fact have a thing for Shane. Poor guy is going through it. 
The farmer does have avian genes from the non grandpa side of the family.
The grandpa had “relations” with a forest guardian. By relations i mean that Gramps and the forest guardian become friends after Gramps comes across the secret woods and FG was like “hey i think you are cool and a good candidate as a future holder of the valley” and gramps was like “nice” and then he gave them some hair, skin and sweat. FG mixes it and after a year the farmer's mom and other siblings are born. 
They are kind of a “fae” I guess but i don't know if they qualify as they do have some of the traits but not all?
 When the green rain happens it  causes them to forcefully transmute into their more avian form. They have no control over it, since it's a new thing to them. Their wings are usually as big if not bigger than them and they get a tail. The change is mostly painless as for the most part its natural materials around them that helps them shape it. Besides the fur and feathers that shit is coming out of them.
The aftermath of the transmutation it's usually a lot of shedding and getting their instincts in check since when it happens their senses get heightened.  
Shane has seen them in the midst of a tranz when walking back from the mines, it was one of the first times the farmer started noticing the weird stuff going on with them.
Oh yeah, they do have fangs or something similar to it, they occasionally puncture their tongue so they are unable to speak for a certain amount of time.
That's all i have so far X0
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Free Day: NHS is the elder brother from the Nie clan and thus is the person who appointed MY as his deputy
Set in this verse with requester permission.
He had thought that introductions were going well, but as soon as he mentioned why he was there and who had sent him, Nie-zongzhu's welcoming smile vanished.
He didn't look annoyed or anything of that sort, instead he seemed... embarrassed.
"Oh! That's- ah... Well..." he mumbled, awkwardly scratching his neck-
-Meng Yao politely pretended not to notice that there were already a great many scratches there-
-then he sighed. "I'm sorry. Whatever promotion you were told this would be was a lie."
A creeping-crawling feeling started to form in Meng Yao's stomach, similar to the one he used to get as a child whenever one of the adults would promise him something and then pretend not to have done so later. "What do you- I-I mean, could Zongzhu clarify for this one, please?"
"I do need an assistant, but as far as the disciples and soldiers are concerned, the position is a joke. Or a punishment. Nobody wants to work with the sect leader in-name-only when they could potentially gain a position of actual importance."
The creeping feeling gathered together into a stone. He felt dizzy all of a sudden.
He was further surprised when Nie-zongzhu quickly gave up his own chair and even helped him to sit. "Why are you telling me this?"
"We may have only talked a little while, but from your descriptions of your time helping our side, you seem hardworking and trustworthy. I like you enough to be honest with you," Nie-zongzhu said simply.
Honest with him. Which was more than he could say for the men who'd promised him a better rank in return for his effort. And much kinder, too.
"If... I were to stay, what would be required of me?" he asked cautiously.
"Are you good with sums? Recording counts? Names and faces? Taking notes? Reading maps?" Nie-zongzhu listed off, and he nodded an affirmative to each one.
And finally- "Do you get ill around severe injuries? Blood and broken bones and all that? I know you said you were on battlefield cleanup before, but it's, ah, different when you're looking at someone still squirming and screaming."
"I've seen enough," Meng Yao said. "And I have some training in battlefield triage."
"Oh, excellent!" Nie-zongzhu said, clapping his hands together with a smile that seemed to lighten up everything about him in a way that... was actually very endearing. "Those soldiers really had no idea what they were throwing away, did they? But their loss is my gain!"
Despite himself, Meng Yao felt his face grow warm under the praise.
"Alright, then, let's get you set up with a place to sleep and your scribe kit, and then we'll get started with the kitchen and infirmary supply lists for today, okay?"
"Yes, Zongzhu."
By the time he made it back to his new cot and tent, Meng Yao was exhausted.
But he also felt... accomplished.
Tailing his new sect leader as he bustled about the support camps for the front line, he had found that despite the lack of respect the combat cultivators and soldiers gave him and his quiet meekness, Nie-zo- Huaisang, the man had insisted- actually had a very keen and complicated mind when it came to strategy and logistics.
Every worker, from medic to cook to farrier to message runner, that they met with had been introduced to Meng Yao by name, and it was clear they appreciated the recognition, along with Huaisang's string pulling to keep their supplies filled and their tools in good condition.
He was also quick -and genuine- with praise, both for them and for Meng Yao, who couldn't remember the last time anyone but his mother had ever spoken of him so highly.
It was... addicting, in a way. The sweeter Huaisang was to him, the more of that he wanted.
He couldn't lose sight of his goal. He was still aiming for his father's sect.
But... having found himself a shelter of sorts from the storm of public ridicule... maybe he could let himself enjoy it.
Just for a little while longer.
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bteezxyewriter12 · 1 year
Daddy/ 1
Pairing- Namjoon x Named Reader
Word count- 1.5k
Includes- Stepdad Namjoon, "Dumb/naive" reader, reader name not used- instead called "baby", all are of consenting age, corruption, fingering, oral, pussy eating, cum eating, first orgasm, multiple orgasms
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @nctzennikki09 @mrcarrots @yoonallthetime @namjooningera @quinsly @kendranicole1996 @jacobhey @wolfgurl2600-blog @mrskimjoon
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Daddy Masterlist 📝Masterlists
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📝Namjoon Masterlist
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Namjoon POV
I walk down the hallway of my house, passing by my step daughter's room
Soft moans stop me in my tracks, right in front of her door
I listen harder, hearing her moans
Sex sounding moans
I shouldn't open the door
I should just keep on walking
But maybe if I catch her in a compromising position, I can use it to my advantage
Grabbing the doorknob, I twist it and push the door open
The sight I walk into makes my cock twitch
She's naked from the waist down, humping a pillow
She doesn't notice I'm here, her hips moving fast and an idea forms in my head
"What are you doing?", I ask, scaring her
She jumps, her head snapping to me, eyes wide with fear and she immediately gets off the pillow
"Daddy", she whispers
Another twitch of my cock, hearing her call me daddy
That's what she's always called me even though she's twenty three
She's so fucking sheltered and honestly a complete airhead
Dumb as rocks
Her mom, my wife, has kept her in a bubble after catching her with a guy in her room when she was eighteenth
The guy was fucking her and her mom freaked out
From then on her mom told her shit to keep her from having sex and staying away from guys
Ridiculous shit, making her totally naive
She didn't even know what was happening to her with the guy, she just knew it felt good
The first time I met her, when she was twenty, I immediately knew she was dumb as a post
It's her mother's fault
She thinks she's keeping her safe but she's just making her gullible
"What are you doing?", I repeat
"Nnnn...nothing", she answers, cheeks red
"Are you lying to daddy? I saw what you were doing"
Walking to her bed, I look down at her pillow that has a huge wet spot on it
"Were you humping your pillow?"
She looks down, not saying anything
"You know you're not supposed to do that"
She nods, "I'm sorry Daddy. Don't tell mom"
I make a decision, one that I've been fantasizing about since I laid eyes on her
"I won't baby. But why did you do it?"
"I just...I had a feeling...down there. It was achy. I wanted it to stop. I...I laid down with the pillow between my legs, trying to make it go away. But I moved and it felt...."
"Good?", I prompt
She nods, "Yeah. I... I kept going and I felt like I was going to explode but...but"
"You couldn't?"
She shakes her head, "Mom told me not to"
I resist the urge to roll my eyes
"I'm sorry Daddy. Don't...don't punish me"
I raise my eyebrow, "I'm not going to punish you baby"
"Oh?", she says, confused
"Daddy's gonna help you"
Her eyes widen, "You...you are?"
I nod, "Yeah baby, but before I do, you have to promise not to tell anyone that daddy's helping you. No friends and absolutely not your mom"
"Don't tell mom?", she asks, hesitating
"If you want daddy's help, you can't tell mom. No one"
She thinks for a minute then nods, "Ok"
"Promise me"
"I promise daddy"
"Good girl", I give her a reassuring smile, "Come closer to the edge of the bed"
I watch her scoot closer
"Lay down"
She complies
"Good. Now open your legs wide for daddy"
"I uh..."
"C'mon baby girl, I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm gonna make you feel good ok? Open your pretty legs for daddy"
She nods, slowly spreading her legs
I suck in a breath seeing her perfect, pink pretty pussy
Completely shaved, swollen lips, swollen clit that's throbbing fast, hole clenching around nothing
And she's so fucking wet, creamy juice leaking down her thighs
Such a pretty sight
Bringing my hand to her cunt, I softly run my fingers on her
"Ddd..daddy", she shudders
"Yeah baby. Daddy will make you feel good"
Touching her clit, I move my fingers, rubbing circles into her
"Daddy", she gasps, making me laugh at how easy it is to turn her on
She's so sex deprived and I'll be the one to give it to her
She'll see me as someone who is safe to have sex with and I'll make her into my perfect obedient sex slave
I watch her hole leak so much juice just from a few clit rubs
Turning my hand, I slide two fingers inside her, feeling her automatically clench on me
"Good girl", I praise her
"Daddy what...are you ...doing?", she stammers
"Fingering your cunt baby girl", I tell her
"It feels so good daddy"
I know
I feel her drenching my hand, her cunt so tight already
Poor baby edged herself for who knows how long
"Have you ever orgasmed baby?"
"Uh....what?", she pants
"Have you ever orgasmed? Pleasure running through your whole body? It feels like you're exploding but in an amazing way"
She shakes her head, "No daddy"
"Well daddy's gonna give you one", I answer, slamming my fingers inside her, playing with her clit, "Right now"
I watch as pleasure seizes her body, her thighs shaking, her face so fucked out
"Daddy!", she cries, her fingers squeezing the sheets so hard, "It feel so good daddy!"
"I know baby girl. I know"
I let her ride it out, her body calming when she's done
But I'm not done with her
Kneeling down, I suck her clit into my mouth, tugging hard, moving my fingers again
"Shh baby. Daddy wants to suck your clit. Make you feel good again"
"Yes baby. So lay down and enjoy", I demand
She lays down and I go back to sucking her clit hard
Moving my fingers, I rub in a spot and she cries loudly, juice gushing from her
Got her spot
I keep moving and sucking, watching her writhe on the bed and I smirk
I don't mind eating her cunt or fingering her
Her cunt is pretty, her clit is cute, spasming in my mouth
It's what has to be done to get her to rely on me for sex
She also tastes good too
So much better than her mom
"Daddy...I...I'm gonna...I feel"
"Go ahead baby", I tell her, slamming her spot
She yells loudly, coming again and yeah I'll admit that she's pretty when she cums
She's actually really beautiful with a hot body
Someone I could actually date of she wasn't so dumb and naive
Pulling away from her clit, I move my fingers out of her and ask, "Want another one?"
"Yes. Please. Daddy please", she cries
"Ok baby", I answer, "Daddy is gonna eat your cunt so well baby"
Spreading her puffy lips open, I lay my tongue on her and rapidly move it up and down, with her yelling loudly
Thank god her mom isn't home yet
Sliding my tongue down, I slip it inside her clenching hole, feeling her cunt spasm around my tongue, sending pleasure straight to my cock
"Daddy...what's....what's that?"
"Daddy's tongue", I answer
"Iiii....inside?", she asks lifting her head, her eyes widening when she see me between her legs
"Yeah baby. Daddy's tongue is having sex with your pretty pussy", I tell her, "Does it feel good?"
"So good daddy. So good"
"Good baby"
I keep tongue fucking her, over and over,
"Baby, you taste good"
"Your cream baby, you're pussy juice, tastes good"
"Is is...that good daddy?"
"Perfect baby. Daddy likes the way you taste and it means I'll eat your cunt more often"
"Yeah baby", I answer, licking along her pussy, "This is your cunt"
"Oh", she says, her voice so fucked out
I pump my tongue in and out of her tiny hole, as she clenches around it, dripping juice in my mouth
She moans wordlessly and when I look up at her, she's staring at the ceiling completely fucked out
I smirk
I got her right where I want her
Slipping my tongue out of her slit, I circle her clit with the tip, bringing her closer
Closing my mouth on her clit, I suck hard sending her over the edge, her screams so loud
Quickly slipping my tongue back inside her, I let her ride her orgasm out, her cream coating my tongue
It's really good and I swallow over and over, getting all of it
Might as well enjoy it
When she finishes, I give her cunt a kiss, then stand up, looking down at her spent body
"Good baby?", I ask
She nods, "Yes daddy"
"Good girl", I answer, "If you need daddy to eat you out again you can just ask me ok? I'll make you feel good"
She nods, "Ok"
"Baby", I call
Her glazed eyes look over at me
"Remember you can't tell anyone what daddy does for you, especially your mom. It's our secret or daddy won't make you feel good anymore"
"No daddy. I won't tell anyone. I promise"
"That's my good girl", I tell her, "Are you sleepy?"
She nods, "Yeah daddy"
"Ok baby. Take a nap ok? I'll wake you up for dinner later"
"Mm ok daddy", she murmurs, her eyes already closed
Taking her blanket, I pull it over her then gleefully leave her room
Step one done
I'll make her my slut in no time
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hey so here my request!!
I was hoping for Maleficent and daughter-like-figure reader.
R is like the happy, soft, sunshine daughter figure, and Maleficent is like the cold, stotic, 'evil' but very caring mother mothing figure.
R is going to the moors to spend the day with mal, when she gets caught in the rain. R runs under a nearby tree for shelter, and maleficent finds her, and takes her back to her lair. R keeps insisting that she's fine, but mal knows that R is sick form the rain, and if she was out there much longer, she would have gotten hypothermia. Eventually, R does admit she is sick and apologizes, but mal assures her she doesn't need to apologize for being sick. The rest of the fic can be just mal taking care of sick R with lots of fluff pls :)) TY!!
(this takes place in the time of Maleficent's curse era)
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Maleficent x daughter figure! reader (sick)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
today hadnt really been going as you had planned, the original idea you had for today was to visit maleficent in the moores but mother nature had other plans, instead of a nice visit in the sun, you were huddled under a tree, your clothes soaked from the down-pour that rained down on you. you planned on waiting out the rain for a few mintues then continueing but it felt never ending. "whatever are you doing out here in this weather" maleficent asked walking towards the tree you huddled under "i was p-planning to see you but-t the weather stopped me" you said shivering from the cold air "well dont just stand there, come" she says ushering you under her cape.
by the time you two made it to Maleficent's tree you were sniffling and sneezing "this may be a guess but I'm going to say you've caught something" maleficent says, putting a hand to your head "nonsense i feel fine" you say, shivering from your wet clothes "you know how i feel about liars y/n" maleficent says, she uses her magic to dry your clothing "it was truly stupid of you to come here, in this weather, you could've gotten something much worse than a simple cold" maleficent scolds "I'm not sic-" you cut yourself off with a cough, maleficent looks at you with a stern look "you are, and you are staying here until your better" maleficent orders "nooo I dont wanna, I'm not-" you sneeze "ok maybe I'm a little sick" you say laying fully down on the nest in the tree "as i said, now I'm going to make you something to eat dont move" maleficent says, running a hand through your hair, Diaval perches himself on a small branch in arms reach from you, "hello Diaval" you say petting his head, maleficent gives a small smile, and then walks away, leaving you to rest.
(i felt the oneshots was to short so here's some extra headcanons)
mal doesn't show it but the second you got sick, she was panicking.
she knew it wasn't anything serious but she just didn't like seeing you like that.
Diaval perches himself over you while your sick, only leaving when mal needs him or he has to eat
mal forgets all about her revenge when your sick, she just focuses on you getting better, the few times she does leave to check on the fairy's and make sure aurora is still alive, Diaval watches over you.
when your better she is happy, though she keeps you in the moores for a few days 'just to be sure' but really its cause she likes having you around.
- - - - - . o 0 O 0 o .- - - - -
sorry for the wait I've been busy, hope you enjoy!
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cosmiclion · 4 months
An egg in the process of cracking 🥚
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A design of younger Grell from my AU (she's about 20 here). I changed almost everything from her backstory since I first came up with this AU, notes (that I've been working on for months lol) under the cut.
(Also yes, I hid the hands behind the body because I didn't wanna draw them, don't mention it ☠️).
-Born in February 17th, 1863 in England, in this universe she's not a reaper but she's still not human.
-She's a werecat (I explored the concept for the first time in this post and I liked it so much that I ended up using it for my main AU). While werebeasts have a human form they are 100% nonhuman as the curse that turns someone into one fully alters their DNA. Adults are immune to the curse, which means if an adult gets bitten and survives they won't turn. However, cases of teenagers and younger surviving an attack aren't enough to properly determine up until which age a person can be affected. A child can also be born a werebeast as the curse can be passed to a fetus if a pregnant person gets bitten. The latter is Grell's case, as her mother got attacked during pregnancy.
-While she didn’t actually transform until her early teens, she did show feline traits from the beginning, such as a desire to hunt and chase small animals and moving objects, climbing trees or other structures, hiding in narrow spaces, etc.
-A homeschooled and pretty sheltered only child, with dead maternal grandparents, a dead father, an emotionally distant mother who eventually bailed on her and paternal grandparents who loved and spoiled her but didn’t really understand her on a deep level, Grell grew up angry and frustrated. She had always felt that something wasn't quite right with her, and when she slowly started to experiment to try to figure herself out she had no one to turn to. As a teenager she decided to just run away from home and leave everything behind. She knew she was leaving her grandparents to die alone but she didn’t care, she had never genuinely loved them anyway.
-She chose her own name AND surname, the first after a nickname her German grandparents often called her and the latter after a character from a book she liked.
-Struggles a lot with internalized misogyny thanks to a mix of her mother’s neglect and eventual abandonment and her grandparents only talking shit about said mother whenever they mentioned her, which greatly contributed to shape her views on motherhood and womanhood in general. Would love to have a child of her own but deep down that’s just because of her dysphoria, in reality she has very little patience for kids and is probably not the best parent material.
-Went through a phase of compulsive heterosexuality both when she thought she was a man and also after she realized she was a woman. Figuring out her orientation wasn’t any easier than figuring out her gender but she’s probably bi with a slight preference for men and masculinity in general.
-I still haven't come up with a story for what she does after leaving her home and before the main events, I only have some ideas. Like she's young when she goes out into the world, she's passionate and adventurous but also full of pent up anger. Also there's the small issue of her being a beast with a huge prey drive, being a trans girl in the middle of self discovery is harder when you're also learning about and trying to gain control of (or at least cope with) your literal wild side ☠️ I know that werebeasts' main driving force is hunger, and the longer they go without eating the more they revert back to a feral state. I'm tempted to make her go the serial killer route but in this case she doesn't have much control of her actions 🫢
-Her werecat form is based on a maine coon. When she first starts showing signs of therianthropy she doesn’t have much control of it, and transforming and becoming that big and rough looking makes her more dysphoric (even more so because “male” maine coons are bigger). Over time she starts accepting it and, as she discovers how powerful it makes her and all the things she can do with it and gains control of it, she fully embraces it as an important part of her.
-The only part of her feline form she cannot hide in human form are the teeth, no matter the form she takes she always has sharp fangs. This is a common trait of all werebeasts, some of them are self conscious about it and avoid smiling or opening their mouth at all while others are proud of it and will take any opportunity to flash their teeth at anyone (guess which one is Grell’s case lmao).
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monstrsball · 1 year
single dad iwaizumi au
this au has lived in my brain for nine months, and i've been talking about it a lot in discord lately so... have my thoughts and headcanons. enjoy!!
note: you may have already guessed this but this is also an iwasuga au. i'm not going to go into it here but suga is mentioned once or twice!
his son's name is mikio, he was born (in 2014) while iwaizumi was still in california!
appearance wise, i think he looks a lot like iwa! except without the resting grumpy face. his hair is a little curlier too. and he ends up needing glasses around the time he starts second grade.
mikio's birth mother is not in the picture, it's been just iwaizumi and mikio since he was little. do not ask more questions about this because i do not have answers at the moment lol.
when he found out that he was going to be a dad, iwa freaked out a little. like "oh my god i don't know if i can do this" but also he really wanted to? he really wanted to be a dad but he was also scared. he called his moms (who answered even though it was the middle of the night for them) and they talked for hours. it really helped him calm down and warm up to the idea.
and then he called them again (at a more reasonable time) to ask them about baby names because he was completely lost. they helped him pick out mikio!
they lived in california for a few years since iwaizumi was still in college + doing his internship with utsui. utsui ended up being a massive help to iwaizumi too!
this is how ushijima became one of his mikio's uncles!!
(mikio called him uncle toshi at first but eventually started calling him uncle ushiwaka because of oikawa. yes, iwaizumi tried to dissuade this but was unsuccessful. ushijima says it's fine.)
oikawa is competing against ushijima for the best uncle title. ushijima is not aware of this.
oikawa is a really good uncle though! he has years of experience after all he loves mikio with his whole heart, he's always sending him little things in the mail. he does sometimes get really sad that he's missing so much.
mattsun and makki do not know how to talk to children but they think mikio is cool. they call him little dude/little man. he is their buddy!! their pal!!
kyoutani also does not know how to talk to children and was probbaly nervous when he heard iwaizumi had a kid lmao. like, what if he says the wrong thing and hurts the kid's feelings and iwaizumi never talks to him again. but i think mikio actually really likes kyoutani! he thinks his hair is cool and he likes hearing about the animals kyoutani works with (part-time animal shelter worker kyoutani is real and canon. to me.)
i think iwaizumi introduced mikio to a variety of sports as he was growing up because he didn't want to force volleyball onto him. mikio does still end up latching onto volleyball. he does like playing other sports sometimes but he LOVES volleyball! he watches a lot of games with his dad (mostly oikawa and ushijima's).
mikio's other interests include: rocks, legos, lizards, & reading (he likes reading books about rocks and legos and lizards). he has a rock collection that he will show off to anyone who lets him.
he is not a fan of bugs (they scare him) which breaks iwaizumi's heart a little but they are slowly working on getting him more comfortable with them.
he is a pretty sweet kid but he can be a little blunt like his dad is sometimes. has called oikawa weird on multiple occasions but he isn't even trying to be mean. (it is typically said when oikawa is being over dramatic about something)
iwa has a lot of moments where he's like "i cannot laugh at that. i need to tell him not to say that." but it's hard because mikio really will unintentionally say the funniest things.
he can be pretty shy and quiet when you first meet him but he opens up a little over time, you can expedite the process by asking him about the things he likes. he gets really excited to talk about them.
when mikio is around 6/7 years old, iwaizumi makes the decision to move back to japan permanently after he gets a job offer there. (tentatively saying this was his role on the national team...? don't quote me on that. either way, he does still work for the national team. i'm just not 100% sure if that's the one he moves for)
which is where this au diverges from canon (again lol). he moves back to japan permanently instead of working at a university in the US. he does this to be closer to his moms. he feels more comfortable knowing that they're closer and he can go to them if he needs help.
mikio loves his grandmas. i need to say this. every other weekend, sachiko or mayumi will come get him on the train so he can spend the weekend with them. he has a blast!!
mikio is really, really nervous for his first day at his new school! he doesn't really talk to anyone.
can you guess who his teacher is.
yeah, okay, so i think he does end up talking to suga on his very first day because he sees a volleyball in the classroom and is like O: so they talk a bit about volleyball. suga tells him that he played against his dad and uncle in high school. (he either knows iwaizumi is his dad bc well. the last name or he saw him before class started...? something like that.)
mikio thinks suga-sen is the coolest person in the whole wide world.
sometimes when mikio doesn't have school but iwa still has work, he'll take him to JNT practices. the team loves him. mikio loves the team.
after ushijima, mikio's favorite person on the team is probably bokuto. i think he's who he warmed up to the fastest.
he also thinks kageyama and hinata are super cool but not because they're both world famous volleyball player, it's because they were on the same team as suga-sen in high school.
kageyama and hinata are not even offended by this. they also think it's cool that they were on the same team as suga in high school.
he's friends with osamu's daughter, kanako (shout-out to @osamusbigtits and his single dad osamu au) since atsumu also brings her to practice sometimes.
i think... these are all of my hcs?? questions are always welcome :3
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barry-j-blupjeans · 2 years
@taznovembercelebration - Sweet
Look, it wasn't as if Taako liked Barry Bluejeans. That was a wild assumption to make straight off the back. This had layers. But if he needed evidence in like, a court situation, or something similar that totally wouldn't happen, where he needed to prove that Barry Bluejeans was awful and an absolute nerd and not good for Lup, he had three key points.
Number one: Lup had a bad taste in men. Granted, she said the same thing about him. But Lup had a very nasty history of choosing the guy whom Taako enjoyed being around the least. And that's not to say she needed to consult Taako every time she found someone new to date. Far from it! Actually, Taako was very glad she wasn't doing that. But from that guy who stole fifteen hundred dollars from them to the man who left the smell of cigars so deeply embedded in their sofa they had to get a new one, he was always very wary of whoever Lup was interested in next.
Number two: Barry was her colleague. From her job. Taako might not be an expert in the dating scene, but he was pretty sure that was a shitty idea. Sure, he seemed decent and nice at work, but who knew what this creep did in other places? Taako very much doubted that he volunteered at pet shelters or was working on curing cancer in his free time. The fact that he arrived in a large white van with zero windows besides the ones at the front seats definitely didn't help the vibe.
Taako didn't wish the man any harm. It was supposed to have been a quick drop-off- According to Lup, Barry hadn't been to work in the past few days due to his mother passing away. Understandable, normal. At least, probably normal, Taako wouldn't know. He was coming to give Lup the notes that he had for their project and then dip.
Platonically. Lup had very much stressed that this was platonic. Taako would have believed her if she hadn't stressed it so much that he started to doubt it.
Lup was still at work, of course, so Taako had to take them. Like a nice, kind brother would. She was making him chicken and dumplings later tonight so she wouldn't be in his debt. Again, totally normal sibling things.
So when Barry Bluejeans (Lup had to be fucking with him) knocked on their door, Taako answered.
Number three: Just like, look at the guy. He looked like a depressed oatmeal cookie. He looked like a grown-up Pillsbury Doughboy in jeans. He looked like if every Hallmark loser boyfriend was stuffed into one guy.
"Uhm, hey," Barry said. He sniffled a little. His eyes were red-rimmed. "This is for Lup."
He held out a thick, bright orange binder. Taako took it and almost, almost, faltered under the weight. Damn, scientists all must have some sick gains to be carrying around shit like this with them. But Taako took it and stood straight, trying not to look like he hadn't worked out since he barely passed his high school gym class.
"I'll get it to her," Taako said. Barry nodded, looking down at his feet instead of at Taako. Taako was strongly reminded of a kicked puppy.
"Thanks," Barry said, pathetically.
He didn't move. Neither did Taako. Barry looked up slightly, caught eye contact for half a second, and then looked down again.
"I'm, uh, I'm gonna get going," Barry said.
Thirty minutes later, Barry was sitting on Taako and Lup's new sofa and crying. Taako was patting his arm. There was a tub of ice cream in between them. Technically, Lup had told him not to eat it, because it was hers, but technically, this was an extenuating circumstance.
"I'm sorry," Barry said, wiping his eyes with one of the dozens of tissues Taako had given him. "I'll- I should get going-"
"You have said that three times in the last half hour, my man," Taako said. "Just accept that we're gonna eat all this ice cream and move on with it."
"Right," Barry said, with another sad sniffle. "I'm sorry, I'm not normally like this-"
"It's just been really hard recently and I know I need to get back to work, but it's hard-"
"For sure."
"But I don't want Lup to have to do this project alone," he said. "That'd be super shitty of me. I just- I don't know what to do. Y'know?"
Taako did not, in fact, know. But he nodded anyway because the talking seemed to be helping.
"Listen," Taako said, slinging his arm around Barry's shoulders. "You're a tough little oatmeal cookie-"
"Th- thank you??"
"And I'm sure you'll get by just fine," Taako continued. "But you're right, leaving Lup to do all the work would be super shitty of you. No doubt. So maybe you can, uh, get out there and, uhm, make your mamma proud. Or whatever. Something like that. Not that she's already not proud of you. Or, uh, that she wasn't."
This was hard. Taako was bad at emotions. What about this guy made Taako want to comfort him instead of just shutting the door? Maybe Barry was an evil wizard using magic spells to lure both him and Lup into a false sense of security before he killed them or something.
"You think so?" Barry said, with such yearning and sweetness that Taako swore he was going to get a toothache. Lup liked this guy? This was the man Lup thought was funny and handsome, in a totally platonic and normal way, thank you very much Taako? This unseasoned piece of chicken eating all their ice cream and making his way through their issues?
He didn't sound like an evil wizard, that was for sure.
"Sure," Taako said easily. "I think that's how it works."
"Thank you," Barry said, his voice wobbly. "That'- that means a lot, Tah-ko."
"Taako," Taako corrected, patting him on the arm. "I'm gonna go get more ice cream. Gimme like, a hot sec and I'll be right back."
He got up from the couch and ducked into the kitchen before pulling his phone out. He shot Lup a text that said,
What are the chances that Barry Bluejeans is an evil sorcerer who runs off ice cream?
For someone who was at work, Lup replied very quickly with a,
Eight percent. He's too sweet to be a completely evil wizard. Maybe like, neutral evil, at most? Also, he's lactose intolerant.
"Goddamnit," Taako muttered.
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clown-pasta · 1 year
What milestones should clowns get to by each age on average? My research also said that they should be a year old and are able to be away from their mother but I'm confused about that, like would they still be a baby and are able to be away from mom or would they be full grown and be able to be away from mom? My clown just had a litter of chucklings and I want to make sure I'm doing this right
Hello! Thank you so much for the ask! I understand the confusion as the early stages of chuckling development go quite slowly and so it seems like a year could never be enough time for this small creature to mature enough to be separated from it's mother. Normally they're still entirely reliant on the mother for at least six months, with it taking a full four weeks for a jesters eyes to open, and eight weeks for your average scarer's teeth to sharpen up. But i do assure you by the end of the year they will be up and blabbering about the place doing tricks and whatnot. Development stages vary greatly on your breed, but just to give you a general idea. Scare clowns, mimes, and white-face clowns are born with open eyes. Jesters, rodeo clowns, will have their eyes open up within the first 4 weeks. It may take up to five, if it takes longer then that it could be a sign of a medical issue. Scare clowns and jesters are born with no teeth or significantly dulled teeth. In the case of jesters they should have grown in fully by 5 weeks. Scare clowns teeth sharpen by 8 weeks. I am not aware of other clowns with that sort of pattern. but I believe mimes have baby teeth and grownup teeth. Baby teeth should start falling out at around 12-16 weeks. Growing back *fully* by 20-24 week mark. (That is a bit of a side note - mimes can take a little longer to fully develop. due to the way they were "domesticated" they have some health issues as well) Most clowns should be fully able to feed themselves by the 24 week mark, with again the exception of mimes. But even mimes *should* be able to eat by then. They'll start performing tricks at the youngest at about 10 weeks. At the oldest around 30 weeks. Longer then that can be a sign of lack of enrichment or depression. Chuckling and guffawing and other such noises start generally either from 0-12 weeks depending on breed. Normally they start cleaning themselves at around 5 months old. Overall, by a year for most clowns, you clown should be playing tricks, eating, taking care of their own hygiene, making noises, and running around. They are still quite young don't get me wrong, it's sort of like an 8 week old kitten. Quite young, still a baby, but old enough that it can be separated from it's parent. There are some studies coming out that say 2 years across the board is better for socializing chucklings, I'm not personally a clown breeder, I used to work for a shelter but I didn't often get to see those clowns full development, so I can't say which is better. But that's what some newer studies are saying. The general average lifecycle for a clown is 0-1 Infant (dependent on mum) 1-5 Child (Somewhat Independent) 5-10- Adolescent (Beginning to fully mature) 10-15. This is debated. I would say they're only fully matured at 15, but some people like to argue as young as 10. (Well some really shitty farms like to argue younger then that but fuck them) 15-30. Adult clown 30+ senior. I hope this helps and is cohesive, I've had quite the long day so apologies for any spelling mistakes. I hope your chucklings do well in the world. If you wanted to send pictures I'd be absolutely thrilled to see the silly fellas.
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Oh yasss rottmnt!!! Btw drink some water my fella!
Anyways, I was wondering if you could do a Donnie x male reader where the reader has recently adopted a kitten who's very playful and tends to scratch a lot but is still an adorable sweetheart and when Donnie goes to visit him, the kitten immediately likes him? I've seen cats distrust and dislike people that aren't good for their owners so the idea of the cat immediately accepting Donnie would be super cute imo. You can skip this ask if you want lol ^^
Kitty Cat
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Genre: Fluff
A/N: I'm prettyyyy sure Mnt. Dew has water in it, so I should be good! :) Haha, in all seriousness, ya'll stay hydrated! And thanks for the request. ^-^
"I seriously doubt you thought this through," Donnie said, tapping his foot as you fiddled with the door to your apartment.
"I did, Don. Trust me when I say that this was a perfectly thought out plan," You replied with a smile, cheering as you finally got the door open. Damn door and it's finicky lock, Donnie knew he'd have to fix it someday soon. Lest you break your hand trying to get it open.
When you had called Donnie a few nights ago, saying you found a poor little kitten in an alleyway, abandoned by it's mother, he had thought you would take it to a shelter. Or maybe give it to some extended family members. Not immediately get attached and try to keep it.
Not that he's surprised, you always had a bleeding heart.
Now, you had somehow roped him into meeting the thing. Something about how you wanted your two favorite creatures to get along. Donnie still thought it was a bad idea - you lived in a rinky dink apartment in New York, a city which had a new mutant or yökai or another odd threat every other week - but he couldn't judge. Your life, your choice.
So, as you two stepped inside your apartment and you went to go put up your belongings, Donnie decided to go searching for the little creature who lived in your walls. Didn't take him very long, the thing had somehow slipped behind the microwave and was meowing loudly for someone to come save it.
Donnie picked up the kitten by the scruff of it's neck and held it up, examining the cat with an analytical eye. The kitten was still young enough that there wasn't any clear way to tell their gender and from what research he did on cat species, they seemed to be a Ragdoll. "Intriguing," he muttered.
"Donnie, I swear, if you're expirementing on poor Crash," you said as you walked into the kitchen, gently scopping the kitten from his grasp and setting them back down to let them scamper off to go explore the apartment more.
"Crash?" Donnie asked.
"Short for Crashworth Cortex Bandicoot the First," you said with a shrug, before leaving the kitchen to go sit on the couch. Donnie paused for a moment, thinking about how silly of a name that was for a cat, before turning his attention to your snack cabinet.
After settling down on the couch next to you - granola bar and flavorless juice in hand - he thought that was the last he'd see of Crash for the rest of the day, besides the little bugger running into the living room to play.
At least, until he started clawing at the couch, meowing for your attention.
"Aw, come here baby," You cooed, picking them up and holding the kitten close to your chest. Donnie could almost wish you'd talk to him like that - so soft and full of childish love - if you didn't already do that, in front of his brothers no less. Oh well, it's onlt naturally for a kitten to want to spend time with it's owner.
Yet, the kitten kept meowing.
"What's wrong baby?" You asked, still using that cute baby-talk voice as Crash simmied out of your arms and leaped over to him. They circled around on his lap for a while, before laying down to rest, purring. "Hey, they like you!" You exclaimed, eyes shining with pure delight.
"I...suppose so," Donnie said, confusion laced in his tone. He knows cats can eat turtles - and that cats will, on many occasions - so he thought Crash would just see him as a gaint, walking tray of yummy turtle meat.
He supposed not.
Slowly running his fingers through the cats fur he was...pleasantly surprised. Normally, stuff like cat's fur would trigger all his sensory issues, but this nice and fluffy and didn't feel like a thousand ants trying to bury under his skin.
"You good, babe? You're zoning out," You asked, tapping his shoulder lightly with a concerned look on your face. Donnie cleared his throat.
"There isn't anything wrong, my dear. Let us focus on the show. Oh, remind me, what's it about again?" Donnie asked. The question sent you on a hyperfocused-induced ramble, which allowed Donnie a moment of breath and also to distract you from the rare pet name that slipped out in a moment of weakness or how he kept petting the sleeping kitten for the rest of the marathon.
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captainimfangirling · 19 hours
Finally got to watch the entire movie and not just clips and I enjoyed it. I'm not judging anyone who ships Noa and Mae but I just don't see it. I mean I do think Noa and Mae are very fascinated with each other (especially Noa because he's never seen a human like her) and felt the need to protect her (like Elliot protecting ET) and learned to care for her but that's the only thing I see between them. I also didn't see any chemistry between Noa and Soona either so I feel like if Noa didn't feel responsible for his clan he would be out exploring with Raka and Mae instead of marrying Soona becoming leaders of the clan.
Raka was my favorite and I'm sad he died (hopefully not really) halfway through the movie. I wanted to see his reaction of Mae saying how humans were the dominant species and the apes were silent dumb ones but at the same time I'm glad he didn't learn the truth because he'll be very disappointed about how apes were kept in cages. It's possible he would be ok with it if he knew about the humans who fought for animal rights. By the way if Raka comes back in the second movie I really hope a human sings him a song. He deserves it.
Mae was my second favorite. I don't get why she's so hated. I mean yeah she had the gun hidden in her hand at the end when she confronted Noa but I don't blame her. At least she went to say goodbye to Noa instead of just leaving. I also don't think she was lying to Noa intentionally when she said something about a book helping humans speak again. That's probably what she thought the satellite key was and also it's how to describe it to apes who know nothing about technology. I have a theory her mother and the group of humans she was with were originally from the bunker and they left (knowing they're immune to the virus of course) to save humanity. That's how she knew how to work the gun and how to open the vault. I also think she's not very trusting of Noa and Raka because that's what she was taught. Never trust the apes and everything belong to the humans. At the end she learned that she can trust them. Like Noa, her elders didn't tell her everything.
Proximus was my third favorite. I honestly think he's just a scared ape who doesn't want to go back to the silent. He also obsessed with the Roman Empire probably thinking it's the best time in human history. His elders probably taught him that he shouldn't trust humans like Mae's elders told her not to trust apes.
Noa is my fourth favorite. Please don't hate my for my opinion. I did like him a lot and he was funny but I don't really see anything deep about him besides him and his clan being sheltered from the outside world and being fascinated by Mae.
I personally think the apes in Cesar's clan split up and started forming their own beliefs and ideas. I think humans would naturally do that like in the video game Horizon Zero Dawn (look it up it's a fun interesting game).
I do hope there's second movie with Mae, Noa, and Raka because I loved seeing the trio explore and interact. I also hope Proximus isn't dead because I would love to see him and Raka interact because they both follow Caesar.
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missdeepend · 1 month
I was Wrong about Wendy Marvell
I used to say for years and years that when Wendy and Carla joined Fairy Tail is when the series as a whole began to go downhill. In retrospective, it is when the show had begun to change its course in a way that I did not understand at the time. A more mature series was going to emerge and that was something I was not ready for.
While I dislike Carla still and find her character a little less than irritating, I have to say for many years I was wrong about Wendy Marvell. Wendy to me was the connection between the series going downhill in my eyes and I couldn't look past that. Now I know that she is probably one of the best developed characters in the show.
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This will definitely be long fair warning and I will without a doubt bring up 100 Year Quest. I just cannot speak about her character without bringing it up. I mean I could, but I would feel like this is incomplete. Please keep reading though if you care to. If you dislike Wendy or believe she is weak then I beg you to read this.
Wendy was a character I felt no attachment to despite watching Fairy Tail for the first time when I was around her age. I cannot tell you how I felt about the Oracion seis arc when I first watched it, but I can tell you it was mixed feelings. At some points I was excited that the series was going somewhere and we actually had a reason for the mention of dark guilds. Another part of me, however, was upset that the series I loved so much for its silliness was taking a turn for the darker side of things.
Carla's characte rI never could like. She was too bossy for me and her selfishness and outlook for only Wendy never sat right with me. However, Wendy... well I felt indifferent about her. I believe it only turned to dislike due to connecting her with when Fairy Tail changed so much. Even now, after putting aside my feelings for the change, I feel indifferent to Wendy first appearing.
Wendy begins as the weakest member of the alliance in the Oracion Seis arc, well besides Carla and Happy. She did bring the interesting concept of a female dragon slayer that was also a child. She helped greatly but due to her small size and strength she could only go so far.
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On the other hand, Wendy's personality I always found to be sweet and I know now it makes so much sense for her. She was a girl that lost her parents, who she now doesn't remember, and then her dragon mother. She was a scared child left to fend for herself until Mystogan had found her. Then after he brought her to Cait Shelter, he left too. Honestly, it is no wonder why Wendy had so many emotional issues at the start and was hyper sensitive. By the age of 12 she had lost her parents, her adoptive mother, Mystogan, and Cait Shelter. We also learn that she had gotten separated from Anna Heartfilia and the boys so you can count that as a loss as well.
My thoughts are is that Wendy may have developed an idea of abandonment, which is why she is scared to mess up when she joined Fairy Tail and was apologetic. She was most likely nervous she would be kicked out if she wasn't strong enough and didn't prove herself, which set her off on a path to get stronger. Not to mention the idea of wanting to protect her friends.
By the Grand Magic Games you can see just how much Wendy develops. Sure she may have been struggling prior to that and wasn't too reliable on Tenrou Island, but by GMG she had grown so much. I'm sure by then the concept of Fairy Tail abandoning her had left her mind and after Edolas Carla was guaranteed to stay at her side.
Speaking of Edolas, side tangent here, poor Wendy had to watch her guild be taken away once again and then later learned that her own cat was supposed to be turning her into Edolas which would've led to her death. This poor girl has endured so much.
With Grand Magic Games, we see a new side of Wendy. That fragile girl is a bit more toughened up thanks to her "older siblings" aka Team Natsu. As soon as she is able to participate in the games once again, she does. She doesn't care who she has to fight if she can bring back smiles to her guildmate's faces after 7 years. It is during the GMG that we see her first interaction with Shelia, who becomes her best friend (and if you ship it then love interest). These two have such a dynamic that I love. Although they have to fight for a win for their team, the two compliment each other and act like...well... young girls. They don't need bickering about how their guild is naturally better. They don't need the blind insults thrown at each other despite not knowing one another. They just act like girls that just met and they just so happen to have to fight. This is also the first time we see Wendy fight someone that is meant to be on her level. Its not some strong mage from some dark guild or giant dragon, just another girl like her with rare magic.
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Considering Wendy's main spells center around healing or status buffs, watching her go head to head with a god slayer is entertaining. Of course she does have the one weakness that she can only heal others while Shelia is able to heal herself, but she continues to push forward. This earns her a tie with the girl, which in Wendy's case is a big win.
This doesn't even delve into the fact that in the same arc we have seen Wendy summon a dragon from a weak life force left behind and help take on the dragons.
Wendy's arc really reaches its peak at Tartaros when her and Carla are up against Face. They have grown so much over the course of Oracion Seis that they are willing to give up their lives for the Fairy Tail guild to succeed in their job. Not to mention Wendy coming in full circle with her Dragon Force coming in at such a young age. You could argue she knew about Dragon Force and therefore knew something to work towards, but she transformed into Dragon Force and fought a Demon of Tartaros at just roughly 12-13!
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She is continuing to grow in 100 Year Quest, which is something that I am enjoying the watch of. While there isn't much to the characters I enjoy anymore in that plot, seeing little Wendy mature with the help of Irene is nice to watch. Unfortunately with the departure of Irene we haven't gotten much out of Wendy afterwards.
This doesn't even mention the fact that Wendy has some of the best interactions with characters due to her age. They are protective of her and know just how dangerous being in a guild could be, as some of them were even in it at her age. However, she tells them she isn't afraid and you can just see the proud look on their faces. This is especially true when it comes to Erza, who invited both her and Carla into their guild with open arms.
Just please watch Phoenix Priestess and pay attention to all the Wendy scenes. When she obviously could be scared as they are going up against an entire army in a kingdom, she tells them that she can't be scared because of having to rescue a friend (Eclair) who they just met.
If Fairy Tail isn't worth watching for those characters that are already extremely powered up such as Natsu or Erza, Wendy is the person to watch it for. It makes the experience much more enjoyable when you take into account where she started and where she ended up.
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That was pretty long, but I still could go on forever just about Wendy alone. But what do you all think about her? Maybe you guys thought or still think the same thing that I did. I'm curious to know.
Anyways, I'll see you later in the Deep End!!
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