#my boy is straight chillin
rx-05-29 · 7 months
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macross 7 is pretty fun, I love this man.
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jeansplaytoy · 11 months
random connie headcannons because why not
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language, sexual(ish) parts, fluff.
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clingy afff!!! he follows you everywhere, you can’t even go pee in peace because he’ll hop on the counter and talk to you while you pee.💀 ur just like “bro, get out.” and he’s like “no.” and he keeps talking.
makes you do those ‘couple’ tik toks where they’re like at a hotel or something and he’ll just back up from the camera, show you off, and then kiss you and end the tik tok.
consistently play fights with you😭. he can’t go more than two weeks without messing with you or pinching you for no reason and then when you hit him too hard he’ll be like “ight bruh, I’m finna beat yo ass.” & body slams you on the bed or something💀.
tries on your wigs simply because he can. but he takes them off when you come home because he knows you’ll beat his ass.
this boy smacks your ass hard as hell, just to make you mad. enough said.
when yall are just chillin he’ll put his feet straight in your face. 💀 like really, and they don’t even smell bad, and he’s like “eat my toes” you’re like “what the fuck?” and try to move em but he won’t stop at all 😭
he picks you up at random times. like you’ll be on the phone with somebody in the kitchen and he’ll grab you by your waist and carry you to the living room, drop you on the couch, and mind his business.
kinda like the first one, you HAVE to pee together when it’s night time or he’ll get all sassy at you. he’ll be like “bae, wake up. let’s go pee.” and you’ll just agree and he’ll wait for you to finish and while you wash your hands he’ll do his business.
fake bangs you from behind every time you lean over somewhere. that’s why you always check behind you when you’re picking something up.
calls you ‘bruh’ and ‘bro’ when he’s mad at you, but he’ll never call you by your real name.
and again, no privacy. he’s all up on you every time you’re texting somebody or when you’re calling someone, he’s there, watching you with big ass eyes just to ask who it was.
will randomly say “i don’t care” in the middle of you telling him something until you punch him in his arm 😭.
grabs you by your neck and kisses you when you’re about to piss him off or when you’re mad at him.
gives you nicknames like ‘mami’, ‘mamas’, ‘ma’, ‘guapa’, and sometimes ‘peach’ cus that ass FAT🙏🏾.
is a big crybaby bro. ESPECIALLY to you. “mamaaa, my game not working.” and you’ll go downstairs to see what’s wrong. “what?” “my game ain’t working.” and he’ll look at you as you go over to his ps5, only to see, in clear day, that it isn’t plugged in. and you’ll look at him in the dumbest way ever. the worse thing about it is, this is not the first time it happened. 💀
when you hug, he’ll purposely put his hands right under your cheeks and grab your kitty. (i’m sorry LMAO)
can’t fall asleep without rubbing your thighs or your waist, but is laid out all over the bed when you wake up.
randomly grabs your boobs for comfort. (and don’t wear a tank top around him shawty)
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forgot this was in my drafts 😕.
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crow-n-tell · 1 year
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What kind of jellyfish is sun?
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I got some requests about getting a lil layout of what jellyfish types I combined to get him the way I did for moon in this post. It’s not as fun and detailed as moons because, let’s face it: jellyfish are pretty straight forward but!! Here
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Phacellophora Camtschatica
aka The Fried Egg Jellyfish.
This is the biggest and most obvious part of Sunny’s design, he‘s an egg boy and I love him for it. But also there’s an interesting bit about the relationship between fried egg jellyfish and larval crabs. See these lil baby crabs?
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Yeah so they climb inside fried egg jellyfish and just. RIDE AROUND IN THEIR BELL? Consequences be damned lil dudes chillin in there getting a ride. Which makes this the second time I’ve seen other animals use jellyfish as transportation. Baby octopus, baby crabs, with sun’s size it’s safe to say reader could probably do the same.
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Though maybe reader wouldn’t want to do that because the whole reason larval crabs are chilling in their bell is also because jellyfish, while not capable of being infected by parasites cause they… they don’t have the bits that help parasites do the meat suit piloting… are carriers of parasites! They just walk around with em chilling in there. Larval crabs love monchin on em.
Next up is!!
Chrysaora Fuscesscens
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Honestly pacific sea nettles don't have many interesting facts about them. What can I say? they are very very long - talking 15 feet long. Other than that there isn't much else to say, I wish I could list something insane off like, OH THEY’VE GOT LAZER EYES. Nope. These guys float around looking like beautiful undersea mushrooms and they need no special skills to do that.
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Uh. Yeah it’s not a jellyfish. This specially has to do with Sunny’s electric ability. Maybe you were thinking, oh so he’s like electric eels? (Which actually aren’t eels! They are a type of knife fish) no no, I am a perfectionist! I aim for accuracy and I also aim for the fun of science. While jellyfish cannot actually 🎵 shock you like a electric eel 🎶, jellyfish can SORT OF generate electricity.
Via a green gooey substance in the bells of jellyfish, scientists have discovered that by exposing it to ultraviolet light it produces electrons. Layman's terms? SOLAR POWERED GOO. While jellyfish have not harnessed the solar goo, scientists have actually found a way of using it to make a new form of green electricity!
So while Sun isn't electric the way an electric eel is, he still has a way of using electricity to make him a pretty powerful lil taser. Enough to put something smaller than him in a cardiac arrest, and give something his size or bigger a good reason to scamper off.
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Which leads to my finishing notes.
While sun uses his zapper stuff quite a bit, he does have a regular sting too. While relatively less lethal than his zapping for bigger creatures, it does function as a paralytic! For smaller creatures it’s Uh…. Its a lil more dangerous. Good thing neoprene is sting proof haha.
And I had something else…
I recently posted a magma with Sunny sleeping.
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This is based around the jellyfish that scientist found out sleep, Cassiopeia.
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They are usually just chilling like that, bell down. Looking at them like this it really makes you think about how closely related they are to sea anemones huh? Lil freaks.
Sometime soon I’ll post a eclipse version of this, which I’m excited about because I love sharks SO MUCH.
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diomaster69 · 8 months
Jotaro Kujo (Part 3) x Reader
Dating Jotaro Kujo would include:
- Boy I don’t even know how the hell you got him to fall for you. You probably didn’t bother him like his fangirls and just talked to him like a normal human being. I feel that’s all he wants
- It might take him a while to actually start liking you, he’ll slowly start falling though as he realizes you’re a pretty cool and chill person
- Chillin with him while he smokes whether you join him or not
- If you don’t like the smell of smoke (like me and my lungs fr) then he won’t smoke in front of you, though that doesn’t mean he might have the scent of cigarettes on him
- We established he’s a tsundere, he loves you a lot just doesn’t know how to show it straight up, especially in the beginning
- If you ask him out he’d accept, probably acting like he doesn’t care and pulls his hat down to hide his face and smile
- If he asks you out he’d keep it very straightforward, short, and simple. It’s just “Let’s go on a date.” And you BETTER accept, do not break this big guy’s heart :(
- The first date would also be simple, maybe a small picnic in the park or going out for food
- I feel a lot of the dates wouldn’t include a ton of talking, and if there is talking then you’d be doing a good amount of it. Jotaro comes off as the type of guy who enjoys just being in your presence
- So basically his love language is quality time
- He’ll give you small gifts like seashells and jewelry or have Star Platinum get things for you if you wanted
- As your relationship progresses his gifts will get bigger. Such as giant ocean animal plushies
- More dates like going to an arcade so he can win you prizes effortlessly and impress you
- There will be aquarium dates, might be the place where you first kiss. Picture it, standing under a tunnel of fish swimming all around you and he pulls you in for a kiss
- Will beat people up for you, no questions asked
- You got a girl from school picking on you? Don’t worry, his fists are rated E for everyone. Equal rights equal fights
- Will not let his fan girls bother you, like they will never even get close to you (don’t ask how)
- Listening to music together whether it’s blasting in his room, on the car while you guys watch the stars, or sharing ear buds
- Even though he holds up his bad boy personality around everyone including his mom, he has his moments where he just melts with you
- Please hold his face once in a while, he’ll love it
- Very minimal PDA, closest you get is you and him wrapping your pinky fingers (if his giant hands let him)
- His mom would love you so much oh my god, sweetest woman alive
- She’d invite you to come over so often and loves that someone got Jotaro to settle down with
- Jotaro’s friends would be so surprised if they found out he was dating someone, Kakyoin wouldn’t be as surprised but Polnareff? Polnareff would be so lost as to how Jotaro got a girlfriend before him
- Forehead kisses, he has to bend down all the time to kiss yours
- Probably has back problems because of you
- Despite his fists being brutally scarred and coarse, he’s so gentle whenever he touches you in any way. I feel his hugs are the best and he’ll try to be careful when you hold hands
- Will carry you
- Let’s you wear his hats and clothes (but not for too long cause he wants them back)
- If you ever go on any transport, plane, boat, train, you name it, he will let you rest on him. Just don’t bring Joseph, it’ll give Jotaro PTSD
- Carefully caresses your face and admires every part of it, even plays with your hair
- If you can see Star Platinum he would love you so much, they say that Stands are a reflection of one’s soul. So basically Star will be very excited to be out and to see you
- Jotaro will smile with you a lot more than others
- He’s not the best at communication but once you get to know him it’s very easy to tell how he’s feeling
There’s probably more stuff but that’s all I got for this one. I am currently going through a JJBA brain rot please let me know if you have any requests!
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theres-a-body-here · 8 months
Scumtober- Day 30 (Public Play)
Cole Cassidy x Male!reader
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In the dimly lit kitchen of the Overwatch base, Cassidy's tall figure loomed over you like a shadow. As you stood bent over the counter, your hands covering your mouth to stifle any moans that might escape, he began pressing his thick, hard cock deeper inside you. You couldn't help but whimper softly, your eyes nervously looking at all the entrances to the kitchen.
"Don't worry," Cassidy whispered seductively, running his rough fingers along your hips before sliding them lower to grip your thighs possessively. "We're all alone here." His deep voice sent shivers down your spine as he thrust his cock further inside you.
"I know that," you replied breathlessly, casting a quick glance towards the doorway. "But...still..."
"Trust me, darlin'," he replied confidently. "No one will disturb us tonight." With those words still lingering in the air, he suddenly rammed his cock into you with enough force to elicit a surprised yelp from you.
Turning to face him, you shot him an irritated look. That damn smirk of his made you want to punch him in the gut.
"Sorry 'bout that, sweetheart," he drawled playfully. "Just got carried away there for a moment."
"Just shut up and fuck me already, before someone comes looking for us!" you snapped, turning your head back towards the darkened corridor outside the kitchen.
"As you wish, my Lord," he replied sarcastically before grabbing hold of your waist and starting to move faster and harder inside you. Each powerful thrust caused your entire body to tremble with pleasure.
With every thrust, your whole body shook with pleasure, and your legs felt weak beneath you. To steady yourself, you placed your palms flat on the cool surface of the countertop, desperately trying to maintain some balance.
"Oh yeah, take it all, baby boy," he growled lustfully.
"Keep it down!" you begged, fearing that someone would catch the two of you fucking in the same place where they make food.
"Aww, come on now," he teased. "Let loose a little! I promise we won't get caught." He punctuated his words with another deep thrust, causing you to cry out involuntarily.
"You're such a..." you started to protest before his cock hit your prostate again, causing you to moan. "... bad influence," you finished breathlessly.
He laughed heartily at your response. "And ain't that why you love me?" he asked rhetorically as he continued to pound into you relentlessly.
Cassidy wrapped his strong arms around you, pulling you close against his broad chest. The sound of skin slapping together filled the room, accompanied by the occasional groan or gasp from either of you. You could feel his hot breath on your neck as he nuzzled into its crook, taking in your scent greedily.
Just then, the lights in the kitchen suddenly clicked on, illuminating the room. Both you and Cassidy froze – him unable to move since he was still buried deep inside you. The two of you exchanged panicked glances as Junkrat entered the kitchen, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
While you both contemplated what to do next, Junkrat stumbled sleepily toward the cabinets, pulled out a glass, and went straight to the sink to fill it with water. As he did so, he nodded at the two of you in acknowledgment. You give him a nervous smile as you feel Cassidy's cock twitch inside you.
Feeling relief wash over you as Junkrat seemed oblivious to your situation, you let out a quiet sigh of relief as Cassidy's muscles relaxed. However, just as he turned to leave, something clicked in his mind, and he stopped abruptly. Swiveling back towards you both, he asked groggily, "Uhhh...what'cha two doing here at this hour?"
"Ummm...Chillin', ya know?" you stammered unconvincingly, hoping that Junkrat wouldn't suspect anything out of the ordinary. Cassidy nodded, equally uneasy.
Junkrat simply shrugged indifferently and trundled back down the hallway without further inquiry.
Once Junkrat left, you couldn't help but release a sigh of relief. Laying your cheek on the cold countertop, you mockingly repeated Cassidy's earlier words, "I promise we won't get caught."
Chuckling, Cassidy flashed you a playful grin. "Well, looks like my promises aren't worth much, eh?"
After a brief moment of silence, you broke the tension with a question directed at Cassidy. "So, uh...Are you still feeling horny?"
Jumping at the opportunity, he quickly seized control once more, grabbing your hips tightly "Always ready for round two, baby boy!"
Scumtober 2023 Masterlist
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nightqueen1221 · 2 years
Hi!! Can you please do Hxh main 4 react to meeting their future kid? Of you don't mind of course! :)
I have other requests but I saw this right before I was about to go to sleep and my brain was like, "No, we're doing this one."
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Gon Freeces
-It's... Going to take a while to explain
-Once he geta the point however, he is just gonna be like "Oh, ok!"👍
-Even if the kid points out that you and him are his parents Gon is just...
-"Well, Y/N is really pretty so I think older me wanted to be with someone I knew really well and was really close to."
-If Killua was there he would immediately respond with, "EWWW, GROSS!"
-"What! It's not gross Killua."
-"Yes! It is!" Even if you two had been dating before hand. This is just, how he replies.
-Then they start arguing and you're just chillin' with your kid like, "Do they still do this?" "Yes"
-You can tell this kid takes from their father, by following their dad around everywhere they go.
-Gon is also kinda excited to know what it's like to be in his father's position.
-(But he probably already taught the kid in the future so it was not really needed but cute none the less.)
Killua Zoldyck
-"Why would I have a kid?"
-Would say this straight to their face because he thinks their lying at first.
-And then their like,"No, I'm literally your future child with Y/N."
-Still really skeptical.
-It would also take a second to register that it was YOU who he was with.
-"I doubt tha- WAIT, Y/N?!"
-Even if you two have been dating he would assume it was someone else since no one really stays there for him.
-(this got sad fast)
-He's still a really young boy and with that he's going to try and impress this kid like, "Look what I can do, bet I taught you some cool things in the future too."
-Is the type of person to be like, "That's your side of the family." At random moments of the day
-I'm not even joking, they could be drinking a cup of water and he'll say it.
-He's pretty loving overall to both you and your kid.
-(He's probably not looking for any romantic relationship at the moment, so this will be more of you two are friends RN)
-As I said, he's not really seeking out for a relationship at the moment so he would be confused about that at first.
-And this man probs has trust issues, and this doesn't help.
-With him wanting to keep up a good reputation he'll ask questions that seem normal gets shocked by the answer.
-"And who is this, other future parent of your's?"
-*Chokes on spit*
-And your most likely right next to him making it more awkward for the two of you.
-But this really comforts him in a way.
-This means he got his revenge and is living a happy life with a family, which he had previously lost.
-He is also curious on how he was still alive with using Empire's Time so much.
-He'll actually more careful from now on knowing that his future holds a loving family and friends.
-Even with the kid not being a fully blooded Kurta, he is over joyed to see another one still alive and well.
Leorio Paladiknight
-He is... Shocked?
-I don't know how to put it but, he's shocked and amazed at the same time.
-Both for the same reason being, "Wow, I have a kid!"
-And then he's also be like, "I HAVE A KID!?"
-Having a kid means lots of responsibilities and he all ready is worried about paying things off with becoming a doctor.
-He would ask all sorts of things about the future.
-I have a feeling he would be kinda strict with them, maybe a bit more than he should be.
-But he would most definitely love them and support them when needed.
-(Not really right now, but in the future when the kid was really little and got hurt from falling he would clean it, put a bandage on it, and than leave a little kiss.)
-He would be protective over this kid too.
-Like, he's ready to put some hands up and knock somebody out if they dare try and hurt them.
- 10/10 parent tho, would recommend.
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bunnidarling · 7 months
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My boy, his boyfriend, his other boyfriend, and his BFF straight chillin. Downtime activities at camp. Averyll writes in his journal, Astarion works on a bit of embroidery, Karlach has storytime with Clive while Halsin looks on like a proud papa.
Thank you so much for capturing my blorbos @flavoredmagpie you were a delight to work with!
Averyll is my OC and I'm writing his story here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50238670/chapters/126894880
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l3viat8an · 7 months
HEYYYY R♡ (hehe I used a heart instead of an O! I'm so cool no I'm not hadhsjsk) and this 📦 (not a shady box) is for you :p
Lil story time but I swear it has a point: I have this friend, 'nd a couple years ago, we were just chillin together and she straight up just passed out for a few seconds and then got up like everything was fine akdndsowns 🥲 It never happened again, there was literally nothing wrong with her and she never figured out why it happened 💀 So that got me thinking...
How do you think the OM boys would react to MC passing out for like 10 seconds and then just getting up like everything is fine?
(🍒 being a menace in ur ask box pt.2 😼)
Hiii Cherry!!! My favorite menace 🤭 ‘n the heart as the O is so cute omgg
Beel and Mammon definitely freak out but kinda quietly- like they don’t even have time to fully freak out before MC is awake and acting like nothing happened. You just passed out???? Are you, sure you’re fine??? Those two are going to ask you every few minutes if you’re really, really sure you’re okay helsosj
Asmo and Levi absolutely scream- like oh fuck, MC is dying!! Or worse dead again!!!! Its definitely good that you wake up, fast otherwise he’d be holding you to his chest and crying over you- drama queens both of them jsjsjsj but now you’ve made him worry!!! He’ll act like you could die at the drop of a hat for the rest of the day hjsksjs
Lucifer would wait, he’s right there keeping an eye on you and as soon as you’re awake again he’s asking if you’re alright and he’ll act like nothing happened after. Maybe that’s just normal for humans…you seem to be fine after all.
Satan and Belphie are probably the most likely to know what to do when a human passes out- like holding / sitting you up- stuff like that, but you’re not actually out long enough for him to try. So it’s more like he’s trying to check on you and help, while you’re already awake again and acting like nothing happened?…..Humans are confusing creatures….
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moronic-validity · 8 months
The Wish
Once again, only 18+ bc the rest of the series is!
As always, a huge thank you to my beta readers/editors @stickyarbiterwombat and @yaoibrainworms!!!! I literally couldn't do this without y'all <3
This fic is actually the first in the DWU series! Hope you enjoy!!!!!
Simon drummed his fingers anxiously on the bar. He asked Finn to meet him there to discuss something, a major life change, for lack of better words. 
“Hey Simon, what’s up?” Finn’s voice shook the older man from his thoughts.
He jumped. 
“Oh, hey Finn, I didn’t even hear you come in,” Simon turned to face the boy, no man. It had been a lifetime ago that Finn was a boy. 
“Yeah, I’ve been working on sneaking, I think I’m getting pretty good at it!” He punctuated the thought with a booming laugh.
Simon smiled to himself.
“So, what’s on your mind, you seemed pretty nervous on the phone,” Finn sat down next to him and put a hand on his shoulder.
“Well, I’m looking at moving,” Simon started, trying to find a way to explain what was going on in his head, “but I don’t think I’d be able to see you again.”
Finn laughed again.
“Good on you! I know you haven’t felt at home in the human city for a long time,” he congratulated before continuing, “But I don’t think there’s a place in Ooo you could move to where I wouldn’t be able to visit you!”
“Finn, I won’t be in Ooo anymore.”
The younger man raised an eyebrow, trying to figure out where he could be going that wasn’t in Ooo.
“You know I can find a way to Mars, right?”
“Finn, you know there’s an entire multiverse, with all these different possibilities…” he began to trail off, looking to Finn’s face for a reaction of any kind, “Well, I found one that I really felt at home in.”
“I’m guessing Betty is there?” Finn nodded sagely. 
“No, there’s no Betty.” 
“Then why are you leaving?” 
Simon cleared his throat, attempting to find a way to explain what all happened on his adventures with Fionna and Cake.
“I met someone, he and I have so much but also nothing in common and..and..and,”  he found himself almost growing frantic, repeating his words, “I need to go back for him and make things right.”
Finn rested a hand on Simon’s shoulder. 
“You know, sometimes I remember my wife and kids and think I should try to go and check on them, but I think I actually died in that world, so I probably shouldn’t go back.” 
Simon stared at him.
“Your what?”
“Oh yeah, I fell into a pillow world, met wonderful girl and settled down.”
“When was this?”
“Oh, I was probably thirteen or so, spent a whole afternoon there!” Finn smiled fondly, remembering the days of his youth.
They sat like that for a minute, both simultaneously completely understanding the other and not understanding at all.
“Have you talked to Marceline about any of this?” Finn said, finally breaking the comfortable silence between them.
“I don’t know if I can, I’ve already abandoned her before…” Simon’s chest hurt every time he thought about telling her. 
“I think you’d regret not talking to her.” Finn’s voice was careful, not worried of overstepping, but not wanting to push any buttons. 
Simon pressed his hands to his temples and dragged them down his face before bringing them back up and rubbing his eyes.
He didn’t think much as he pulled out his phone and clicked her contact.
She answered on the first ring. 
“Hey Simon!” She answered cheerfully.
Simon’s voice caught in his throat and he looked over to Finn, who gave him a thumbs up.
“Hey Marcy, what’re you up to?” 
“Oh, nothing much, Peebs just went home so I’m chillin.” Marceline sounded bored, not disinterested, just bored.
“Marceline…” Simon started, unsure of what to say.
Marcy sat up straight. He rarely used her full name. 
“Simon, is everything okay?”
“Um..yeah. Everything is okay…” he trailed off again, “I really need to talk to you about something. Something important.”
She worried now.
“Marcy, I’m leaving. Forever, I think.”
Simon didn’t have time to continue his thoughts before Marceline stormed into the bar. 
“What do you mean forever?!” She yelled into the phone and his face.
The feedback from his phone made him cringe. He hung up the phone and looked at the girl he took care of for so long. 
“Hi Marcy!” Finn waved, happy to see his longtime friend. 
Marceline turned to him and nodded before turning her attention back to Simon.
“Simon, what do you mean forever; I just got you back and now you’re leaving again?” She had to hold herself back from shoving him out of frustration. 
“It’s really complicated,” he started again.
“Then uncomplicate it!” She raised her voice.
“Well, I met someone. In a distant land. He…died. And I need to leave and make things right and I can’t do that if I’m here.”
Simon’s words hung in the air. Finn and Marceline shared a look before turning their attention back to him. 
“Simon…” Finn spoke first, “why are you going backif he’s dead?”
Simon put his head in his hands.
“Listen, if what I’m going to do doesn’t work, I’ll be back here before you guys even realize I’m gone.”
“But if it does…” Marceline started.
“I won’t ever be back,” Simon confirmed. 
She was conflicted. She didn’t want to lose the man who had been her father but she also understood wanting to fix things. She wanted to tell him to not go, to not leave her again; but she knew if he stayed, he’d wind up regretting it. 
“You should do it.” She said firmly, before hugging Simon, “But you better call me from wherever you’re going.”
“Are you sure?” 
Marceline sniffled and let out a small laugh.
“No, but I don’t want you to spend your life wondering what could have happened,” another sniffle, “so don’t ask me if I’m sure again, I’ll change my mind.”
Simon stood and hugged her back, squeezing her tight. Finn let them have their moment before embracing both of them.
“I’m going to miss this,” Simon mumbled, his voice muffled from the hug.
“We’re going to miss you too old man,” Marceline was crying now, they all were. 
Simon left the bar and walked home alone, taking his time. He tried to enjoy what would hopefully be his last walk through the city. 
His plan was simple enough. 
He was just going to get Prismo’s attention and then make a wish.
Once home, he found getting Prismo’s attention much harder than he had anticipated. He didn’t have the time to find the enchiridion or get the jewel from every princess’s crown. He tried all types of chants, he tried writing notes addressed to the being. Nothing seemed to work.
He looked to his clock and saw that he had been working at this for hours. 
Simon threw his arms up in frustration and began kicking his wall, screaming the whole time.
“Prismo!” He yelled, “I know you can hear me, now help me!” he began cussing until it fell into indecipherable rambling. 
Prismo finally beamed him into the time room. 
“Simon, my main man, what is up?” He sounded almost groggy. 
He spun around to face the being on the wall. 
“I know damn well you weren’t sleeping, why weren’t you answering me?” Simon pointed aggressively, glaring at Prismo. 
“I was busy watching Fionna’s world, she’s doing some really cool stuff. Wanna see?” Prismo began to change the channel back to the other version of Ooo. 
Simon began to protest, before turning around to see Fionna in her apartment, watching Cheers. 
“Prismo, how long has she been doing this?” 
“The last seven hours. Incredible, right?”
They watched for a minute before Simon turned back around.
“Prismo, I need to make a wish.” 
Prismo muted the screen.
“You know I can’t bring Betty back, we’ve talked about this.” He had told Simon that countless times, but it never got easier.
“I know, there are limits to your powers,” Simon waved him off, “but are you able to bring people back that didn’t turn into Gods of chaos?”
Prismo thought about it for a moment. 
“I mean, yeah, I guess I could, but you’d have to be mega specific dude,” 
“How specific?” The gears in Simon’s head were turning.
“Like uber mega specific.” Prismo gestured with each word, making sure he got the point across.
Simon sat down next to Prismo, his back against the wall. He pulled a piece of paper out of his jacket and a pencil from behind his ear. 
He began writing.
He knew he knew he wanted to bring the Winter King back, that was the easy part; but he also wanted Princess Bubblegum, or the Candy Queen in that world, to be okay, to keep her sanity. He wanted to make sure the other Simon had no memory of dying and coming back, that he’d only remember the curse of madness brought with the crown was broken, not the powers. 
He kept writing furiously as Prismo sat and watched. 
“So…” Prismo said, drawing out the word, “You almost done there?”
“Not yet.”
“Well, do you mind if I turn Fionna and Cake back on?”
“Yes I mind, I’m trying to focus.” Simon huffed. 
“You’ve been writing for like 15 minutes dude, I think you’ve got it by now” Prismo rolled his eyes and sighed, bored out of his infinite mind. 
Simon put his pencil down and looked at the Wishmaster.
“I didn’t think I had a time limit.”
“I mean, you don’t…but you’re acting like I’m like a genie or something.” Prismo was borderline offended, even though he knew he had the ability to give people the worst version of their wish imaginable. 
Simon turned his attention back to the paper, trying to figure out if he had missed anything. 
“I’m actually ready..I think”  He couldn’t help but feel nervous that he had missed something.
“Hell yeah dude, hit me!” Prismo cheered.
“Okay,” Simon took a breath, staring at his paper, “I wish for the Winter King to be brought back to life, as he was,” he paused again.
“Can do!” Prismo said with a grin.
“But I want the curse of madness that comes with the crown to still be gone so that Princess Bubblegum can stay in her true form. And I don’t want either of them to remember the king dying, I only want for them to remember the curse being broken by Fionna’s kiss or touch or whatever.” Simon was speaking quickly, saying it all in one breath.
Prismo thought about it then nodded. 
“Yeah, I can do that too.”
“And I want to be taken to their world.”
Prismo stared at Simon.
“Simon, my guy, are you sure about that?” Prismo rubbed his chin, “If I send you there, you can’t ever go back to your Ooo. Like…Ever.” 
Simon nodded a single time. 
“I’ve thought about it, talked to Finn and Marcy, and they gave me their blessing.” His voice was soft, knowing what he’d be giving up if he left, with no guarantee of what he was leaving them for.
“Well, then I can’t stop you. Good luck with everything!” Prismo snapped and Simon was beamed away. 
Prismo sat there in the silence for a moment, thankful he had sent Scarab to go clean the pickle room. 
He turned back to the screen to see Fionna was still watching Cheers.
“She really doesn’t do much, huh?” He mused to himself. 
Prismo looked at the remote and changed the channel. 
“I think this is going to be my new favorite show.”
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razorblade180 · 2 years
It was planned from the start
In the distance
Scaramouche: *chillin by himself*
Aether:*staring from afar*….So we have to have a very important discussion.
Keqing:No you may not date the harbinger. Why is your taste in men so much more alarming than your preference for women?
Aether:That’s not true.
Kokomi:Besides, he’s Inazuman. You know the agreement.
Ayaka:And evil. So neither of us would’ve agreed.
Aether:Why is my luck with men so bad?!
Nilou:Wouldn’t he be from Sumeru technically, or since he’s a wanderer, does the nation rule apply?
Keqing:Kazuha, what are you?
Kazuha:A wandering samurai from Inazuma.
Nilou:I tried Aether.
Aether:It’s the thought that counts. Oh well. *walks off*
Yanfei takes a look at the contract again and says nothing. She just shifts her eyes over to Amber who silently puts her finger over her lips, signaling Yanfei that she’s also aware.
knock knock knock
Mona:*opens door*
Aether:Have you seen what’s in the distance?
Mona:I am highly aware. *smirks* Y’know…we’ve gotten pretty close these past two years.
Aether:We have, haven’t we? It’s almost like we can read each other’s mind at times. To keep the record straight, I do genuinely adore you.
Mona:And I’m very attached to my dear apprentice. *grabs his hands*
Aether:Is it because of the rent and food?
Mona:Oh hush! I would never be so shallow. Even if I left the teapot now it wouldn’t change how kind and considerate you’ve been to me. As well as invested in things I appreciate. Not to mention you can be pretty devious at times. It’s endearing.
Aether:Figures you like pettiness. It’s all making sense.
Mona:You’re just figuring that out. *red* So…are you going to be the one to say it or-
Aether:Will you go out with me?
Mona:Of course! Hehe, imagine if o said no after all this? *hugs him* At last, soon I will have two boyfriends and Fischl can finally stop lording over me about her having two boyfriends!
Aether:And I thought I could be petty. Wanna grab lunch?
Mona:Oh yes please! We need to discuss our means of attack for that jerk. He’s cute but deserves a few hits before anything else.
Girls:*looks outside*
Aether and Mona:*holding hands*
Keqing:Oh, guess they’re getting serious.
Keqing and Ayaka: Wait!
Kokomi:Couldn’t have done it better myself.
Amber:Oh so you knew?
Kokomi:I’m dating Gorou. I quite literally did the same plan.
Yanfei:As the contract states, no one, not even Aether can disapprove of anyone Mona chooses to date; it’s also none of business on how they choose to structure the relationship.
Nilou:What nation is Mona?
Amber:She lives in Mondstadt, and I never had a problem with their relationship. Aether and I used to talk about Mona every time she entered the library. Even if she claims Fountaine, nothing changes.
Nilou:I have to respect effort. Not that it’s a vote or anything, but looks like 4/6 are fine with this development.
Kokomi:And all of us actually like Mona, who he’s actually dating.
Ayaka:I have to admit, fair is fair.
Keqing:…You are correct, but when that boy gets here, I will personally drill in the rules of this pot and being in a teams!
Girls:Give him hell! We won’t stop you.
Scaramouche:…(What is this ominous pressure I’m feeling? And why is it electro!?)
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inkandguns · 10 months
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My boys are straight chillin
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void-botanist · 10 months
Incorrect quotes: Nicea Shipping edition
@autumnalwalker had an open tag for a shipping version of incorrect quotes and boy can I not resist meme games, so here we go.
Rules: use this generator to make some incorrect ship-related quotes.
I'll pass the tag on to @vacantgodling, @outpost51, @kingkendrick7, and @kahvilahuhut plus anyone who wants to join in. Isabel: Are you an F5 key? Because that ass is refreshing. Spinder: Are you a software update? because not right now.
Spinder: Isabel, you love me, right? Isabel: Normally I’d say yes without hesitation, but I feel like this is going somewhere I won’t like.
Isabel: [angrily presses Tatya against a wall] WHERE'S THE MONEY?! Tatya: … Tatya: Are we about to kiss-
Isabel: I fell— Tatya: From heaven? Isabel: No, I literally fell— Tatya: In love with me the moment you saw me? Isabel: MY ARM IS BROKEN! Tatya: Okay, but do you think I'm pretty? Be honest.
Tatya: Isabel is playing hard to get. Tatya: Little does she know, I'm a master at playing hard to get rid of.
Spinder: Two brooooos! Fabian: Chillin' in a hot tub! Spinder: Five feet apart 'cause we're not gay! Fabian: Spinder: Fabian: [tearing up] Spinder: Babe, c'mon… Fabian: AND HERE YOU REALLY HAD ME THINKING WE HAD SOMETHING. Spinder: Babe…
Fabian: Know why I called you in here? Spinder: Because I accidentally sent you a dick pic. Fabian: [stops pouring two glasses of wine] Accidentally?
Fabian: As top in this relationship, I think we should- Spinder: I can't believe you're pulling rank on me.
Tristan: So you like cats? Gil: Yeah. Tristan: [tries to impress her by slowly pushing a glass off the table]
Gil: Tristan and I are no longer friends. Tristan: GIL THAT IS THE WORST WAY TO TELL PEOPLE THAT WE’RE DATING!
Gil: Due to personal reasons, I will be fucking sinking to the bottom of the ocean in a large metal box. Rodney: Did Tristan say 'I love you' and you said 'Thanks'? Gil: THE REASONS ARE PERSONAL–
Declan, to Cady: We had a date! Declan: [aggressively points to Hello Kitty Coloring Book]
Cady: Can you cut me some slack, Declan? I’m sort of in love. Declan: I’m sorry, but that’s really not my problem. Cady: I’m in love with you. Declan: [blushes] Oh. That brings me in the loop a little.
Declan: Is something burning? Cady, leaning seductively on the counter: Just my desire for you. Declan: Cady, the toaster is literally on fire.
Cady: Look at me straight in the eyes and tell me the truth, Declan! Declan: You can’t expect me to look into your eyes and be straight.
Cady: [seductively takes off glasses] Cady: Wow… Declan: [blushes] Haha… what? Cady: You're really fucking blurry.
Rodney: My future partner must be brave, strong, intelligent, successful and organized. Allison: [steps on a caterpillar and proceeds to drop to their knees and sob while apologizing profusely] Rodney: That one. I want that one.
Nicea taglist: @kahvilahuhut @kingkendrick7 @outpost51
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my-chaos-radio · 1 month
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Release: July 10, 1987
Hee-hee-hee-hee, wipeout!
Wipin' out, wipeout, wipin' out, wipeout (ah, wah-wah)
Wipin' out, wipeout, wipin' out, wipeout (ah, wah-wah)
Wipin' out, wipeout, wipin' out, wipeout (ah, wah-wah)
Wipin' out, wipeout, wipin' out, wipeout, hey, watch out (here we go here go!)
(Wah-wah-wah) wipin' out, wipeout
For three years straight we toured the nation
When we get through we needed a vacation
We wanted to party and get a little rest
So we packed our things and headed out west
We got our surfboards, took the beachball out
Jumped in a limosuine ready to "wipeout"
Now we're ready to go
Here we go, here we go
Hup, hup-two, hup-two, hit it D, here we go
We got to california, I said headed for the beach
There were girls galore all within our reach
There was sand and sun and lots of fun
But when we get there the fun really begun
So we cut on the box and started to shout
It was the Beach Boys rockin', huh-huh the "Wipeout"
Wa-ah-ah-ah, wawawa-ooh-oo
Wa-ah-ah-ah, wawawa-ooh-oo
That's it, that-that, that's it, dit-dit-dit-dit-dit, hit it, D
The sun went down and the night began
We was rapping for the people cold chillin' my man
Just partying hard making lots of noise
When around the corner came the real Beach Boys
So we all jumped up and started to shout
"Let's all sing the song called the 'Wipeout'"
Wipin' out, wipeout, wipin' out, wipeout (ah, wah-wah)
Wipin' out, wipeout, wipin' out, wipeout (ah, wah-wah)
Wipin' out, wipeout, wipin' out, wipeout (ah, wah-wah)
Wipin' out, wipeout, wipin' out, wipeout
(Wah-wah-wah) wipin' out, wipeout (stay on your, stay on your, stay on your feet!)
Bring it out, bring it out, y'all
Songwriter: Will Hudson
Wipin' out, wipeout, wipin' out, wipeout (ah, wah-wah)
Wipin' out, wipeout, wipin' out, wipeout (ah, wah-wah)
Wipin' out, wipeout, wipin' out, wipeout (ah, wah-wah)
Wipin' out, wipeout, wipin' out, wipeout, hey, watch out
(Wah-wah-wah) wipin' out, wipeout
The Beach Boys
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the-bloody-sadist · 11 months
I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL DEFENDING RANPO he's so cute why would u hate him. noo but you know that one episode with odasaku in it, ranpo was adorable
They should make the animations better at least, like the manga art has so much more personality to it, you go to the anime and it's just...bland. the writing itself could have been way worse... I guess, it'd feel weird with Asagiri not writing it... doesn't change the fact his writing is ass
It's so annoying to be on twt these days cause like, I haven't watched the new episode, and there's so many spoilers 😭😭😭 totally unrelated but they're changing the twt logo to an 'x' like why??? The bird is so iconic, tweets are now gonna be called 'x's like literally what?? thoughts on Elon?
*Wrinkles nose and squints at you reaaaalllll hard* Eugh...what a hill to die on. Also I love that you said that but told me NOTHING about WHY he's a good character and why you will die on this hill (I'm literally RUNNING YOU THROUGH AS WE SPEAK BRO HURRY UP NOW)..."Ranpo was adorable"...PUKES 🤮
Lmao I'm just playing, though, glad you like him! Makes the season way less insufferable for you. *grumbles from the corner*
I'm actually not really that...tilted? I supposed? About animation like a lot of people seem to be when it comes to anime, especially BSD. I do NOT get it. The animation is good, and BSD isn't really worth anything spectacular imo, so like...IT FITS. The only thing I hate is stupid camera angle shit like the fish-eye insanity moments. Please T_T enough...ENOUGH! Plus I read like - the first season's worth of the manga, I think? Or maybe more idk it was a blur. And it literally felt like watching the anime shot-for-shot so...NOT SURE WHAT PERSONALITY THE SHOW IS MISSING. You could be talking about the more recent series manga but man that pacing is so ass there's no way I'm going to read it.
ANYWAY. Stop sending me Ranpo-centric messages or I will stop answering, I MEAN IT.
Okay here's my take, you ready?
Lol okay that's enough of me for today, hope you get it. I'm so tired of anything people freak out about and join other apps for. They're LOSING their MINDS and I'll just keep scribbling away. I have my audience!! I have my thing!! I'm okay!! I'm hanging out!! I'm CHILLIN!
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hellshoard · 6 months
@qveenofgluttony | @infernal-feminae open mic night.
[Chorus] I wanted you to know That I am ready to go, heartbeat My heartbeat I wanted you to know Whenever you are around, can't speak I can't speak I wanted you to know That I am ready to go, heartbeat My heartbeat I wanted you to know Whenever you are around, can't speak I can't speak
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[Verse 1] I know what your boy like Skinny tie and a cuff type He go and make breakfast You walkin' round naked I might just text you Turn your phone over When it's all over, no settlin' down My text go to your screen, you know better than that I come around when you least expect me I'm sittin' at the bar when your glass is empty You thinkin' that this song's comin' on to tempt me I need to be alone like the way you left me
You start callin'; you start crying I come over; I'm inside you I can't find you, the girl that I once had But the sex that we have isn't half bad Text say that "It's not fair" That's code for "He's not here" And I'ma flirt with this new girl And I'ma call if it don't work So we fuck 'til it come to conclusions All the things that we thought we were losin' I'm a ghost, and you know this That's why we broke up in the first place, 'cause
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[Chorus] I wanted you to know That I am ready to go, heartbeat My heartbeat I wanted you to know Whenever you are around, can't speak I can't speak I wanted you to know That I am ready to go, heartbeat My heartbeat I wanted you to know Whenever you are around, can't speak I can't speak
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[Verse 2] It's late-night Thursday I know that you heard me But you don't want the same thing Hmm, well, two can play that game So I'm chillin' with my girlfriend But she not my real girlfriend She got a key to my place but She not my real girlfriend Stupid, so dummy Say the wrong thing, and wrong girls come runnin' I'm paranoid that these girls want somethin' from me And it's hard to make a dime go one-hunnid And my dude freakin' out over a worse fate She on time, but she late for they first date 'Cause he went and tried out a new condom Slipped off in a threesome, good problems? Right? Wrong Askin' 'em if she'd wanna play games We the Super Smash Brothers, but none of 'em you I miss the sex where you kiss whenever you through Sixty-nine is the only dinner for two I was wrong, but would you have listened to you? Uh, you were crazy I got a heart, but the art of choking's Only thing girls want when you in that smoke and light
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[Chorus] I wanted you to know That I am ready to go, heartbeat My heartbeat I wanted you to know Whenever you are around, can't speak I can't speak I wanted you to know That I am ready to go, heartbeat My heartbeat I wanted you to know Whenever you are around, can't speak I can't speak
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[Verse 3] So we're done? This the real shit? We used to hold hands like field trips I'm a jerk, but your dude is a real dick I read his posts on your wall, and I feel sick He ain't cool, he ball and all that But he just a fake nigga who blog in all caps You couldn't wait to date I'm goin' straight for your thighs like the cake you ate I give a fuck about the niggas that you say you ate You know that I’m the best when I’m a-fake-tionate I'm the best that you had, face it J. and Keyshia are related: racist I give you money; then you burn me (Bernie), then you made off (Madoff) She ain't a killer, but she'd fuckin' blow your head off I know he wonderin', "What the fuck you hidin'?" That we dated like raps about Bin Laden; ayo, fuck this Are we datin'? Are we fuckin'? Are we best friends? Are we somethin' In between that? I wish we never fucked, and I mean that
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[Outro] But not really You say the nastiest shit in bed, and it’s fuckin’ awesome
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sorrowful-sparrow · 1 year
Here’s some thoughts I’ve had about our sweet boy Ed-weird-o. This has no organization, is straight off the dome mostly but he’s just so asdfgjk;/&-/)/@ ✨✨
The reason his kindness shines through his tough/metal head exterior is because he knows how lonely he’s felt as a kid and doesn’t want to let the endearingly named sheepies ever succumb to what society and the “American dream” thinks they should enjoy
Even if Henderson (his favourite even though he’d never admit it out loud in such words) annoys the piss out of him with the fact that he NEVER SHUTS UP OR IS WRONG. It would hurt Eddie so bad if he had the same moment Steve did when Steve pumped him up before the snowball
Like Eddie would wanna throw DOWN
“FUCK THAT HENDERSON. Who gives A SHIT if they think you’re weird or a nerd. They’re just pissed they don’t have a single iota of your intelligence or creativity”
“FUCK MAN.” Fusses with his hair and tries to catch his breath and just makes himself more annoyed “who the hell do they think they are?!”
Finally de-escalates after Dustin keeps trying to calm him down with a super shocked face “dude… am I your favourite?” Cheeky grin
“Shut the hell up Henderson! It just makes me so—”
“Does this mean I can help with the Next campaign?”
Eddie scoffs, slightly offended “does my mastery of the dungeon not meet your expectations?”
“NO! Of course not! I just think if we collaborated we could really show them- ”
Then they argue/collaborate about the next campaign Eddie swinging from excitedly needing to take notes but not having paper or wanting this wave length of PURE GOLD to stop for him to find some
Later when he’s at home at the trailer (IF HE DOESNT GET DISTRACTED 🤦‍♀️) he’s furiously trying to remember everything and write quick notes so he can elaborately trick Dustin into falling into a trap
Plot twist: Dustin probably doesn’t. That kid is too friggin’ smart
Okay that was a lot of one scenario of Eddie and Dustin but I just love them guys. The brotherly vibe they give off is just 🥹🥹🥹
Eddie with a girlfriend would INSIST he isn’t whipped or a “simp” at first
But he totally is.. cmon.
If that guy got a single sliver of undivided attention from a pretty babe he’d fucking run with it.
He’d probably be such an annoying dick 😂
“I’ll have you know my sweet Dungeon Mistress, (Y/N), thinks the next campaign is BRILLIANT and MY BEST WORK, don’t you babe? Tell them.”
“I just complimented your hard work Eds.. please”
“BAAABE!” He clutches at his heart, offended, wounded, defeated “… it’s dungeon master… please…” pouty pleading cow eyes
She sighs, “it’s his best work, prepare yourselves for—“
Eddie leaps to covers your mouth before you can give them a single clue “BABE! SPOILERS!”
The younger boys are just like, “wtf Eddie..”
Also I have this really stupid one where he’s so drunk off beers, and you, and the summer heat
You guys are just chillin at the trailer, he’s laying, rambling and just so infatuated with the fact that you put up with his shit (AND DRUNK, guys.. seriously this is important)
Wayne left the radio on before going to work his night shift and Forever and Ever, amen comes on
And he just stops
Shoots out of your lap
“UGH. What the fuck is this shit?!”
You say, “I kinda like it..” sheepishly preparing for a rant about how THIS is not music, ITS SHIT made to make nuclear rural families feel like they’ve done the right thing by selling out and living that stupid fucking apple pie life the MAN tries to shove down everyone’s throat
And Eddie just stares at you, and without missing a beat BELTS OUT THIS SONG TO YOU.
With dramatic flair, and heavy eye contact.
And then you guys just laugh wildly and cuddle
And you threaten to tell everyone about it
And he tackles you and pins you down, “not if I keep you here forever”
There’s a pause.
You say, sarcastically cautious, “forever and ever?”
Kay I’m done. I just. This boy. I can’t 🥲🥲 he’s such a lil dweeb and I love him
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