#my bisexual opinion
greenmantle · 2 months
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"Is she gonna be okay?"
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very-feral-lesbian · 2 months
because this 911 episode is getting more traction then normal, its been funny to see the different reactions/opinions of people on different social media platforms
tiktok - fully on the bucktommy train
twitter - annoyed at the bucktommy fans on tiktok
instagram - a mix of sweet support to oliver and homophobia and biphobia
tumblr - just celebrating that buck is bi
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cthaehart · 2 years
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There’s a lot of ways to make someone drop a knife
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I’ve been highly confused as to why Michael “deeply openly thirsting on Twitter about David Tennant for half a decade” Sheen is half-in half-out the closet but apparently Wales is absurdly homophobic lmao what the fuck how is a country the size of New Jersey that much of a hater bruh we out number the shit out of you
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momo-t-daye · 3 months
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...okay, so I suppose Christmas in 1995 was on a Monday and if the winter break is generally two weeks long and starts on the weekend before Christmas, then maybe the first Occlumency lesson (on a Monday evening) was on the 8th of January and Severus Snape was not yet 36 years old, but, ah, time is wobbly etc.
Has Severus taken the role of "Godmother" faster than Harry has managed to adapt to Sirius' revelation/declaration? Maybe, yes, probably. Does Voldy demand student drama and gossip from Severus? Yes.
Part Two
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emotionallyits2009 · 2 months
can we do gay dean discourse again or is everyone too chill now
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lunesart · 3 days
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happy pride month
og image under cut
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merlinm196 · 2 months
I ship kyalin so much when I look at reference for kya I try to type in Kya beifong there married in my head so
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skydrag0n · 5 months
Tim’s a bisexual with a preference for women
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Vincent Price as Dr. Robert Morgan
The Last Man On Earth (1964) dir. Sydney Salkow/Ubaldo Ragona
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izu · 3 days
people who twinkify kenshi make me wabt to die. so bad. nrs included i wont forgive them. nrs when i get you when i get you . when i get you .
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sevensoulmates · 2 months
i wonder if people would be okay with eddie being bisexual. shannon as the only woman he fell in love with and buck as the only man eddie fell in love with. bisexual people also suffer from catholic guilt (i'm bi, latina and my family is catholic), but i don't think 9-1-1 would give us bi4bi romance. i just hope that, if eddie is bi, fans don't get mad and say things like 'it doesn't make sense'
Oh goodness, now we're getting into some iffy territory here. So, WARNING, if you follow my blog, you may already know that I personally headcanon Eddie as a repressed gay man, and not bisexual. And I have very specific reasons for that. HOWEVER, if the show DID want to go with Eddie also being bisexual, I would 100% accept that, because you're right bisexual people 100% also experience catholic guilt and comphet as well. All of that could definitely fit into the bisexual experience too. It would also make sense to the story...to a certain degree. So here's my warning again, I'm going to dive into my headcanon here, so be warned this is just MY opinion and is not indicative of all queer experiences real, fictional or otherwise.
Here's my reasons why I feel the story aligns closer to repressed gay than bisexual for Eddie. I simply don't believe that Eddie really ever was in love with Shannon. Loved her as his best friend, yes. Deeply loved her as the mother of his child? Yes. Loved her as a person? Yes. In deep romantic love with her? No. Nothing I've seen from their relationship, not the sex, not their "sweet" moments, or the vulnerable moments, nothing has ever made me ever believe they were in love love. I totally realize that that's my personal opinion and other people see it differently, I understand that, and I respect other people's personal opinions on the matter. This is not a knock against Shannon as a character, but just my individual feelings on their relationship. This was my opinion back when season 3 was still airing and I saw the show for the first time, and it's still my opinion now.
However, back in season 3/4 I actually still believed Eddie could be bi, for sure. And I would've been absolutely THRILLED with a bi4bi story from Buddie.
After all, just because Eddie wasn't in love with Shannon didn't mean he couldn't fall in love with another woman (or man), right? But then came Ana Flores....and then Vanessa...and then came Marisol....and the pattern kept going and I simply COULD NOT justify any of his behavior as actually really being attracted to/wanting/loving ANY of these women.
I understand that plenty of heterosexual and bisexual men also have this kind of avoidant-attachment relationship style, and that it could also stem from trauma, the way he grew up, patriarchy, etc, but the way he FORCES himself to be in a relationship with these women. The way he NEVER allows a genuine bond with a woman to just grow naturally and always has to force it to start, and then desperately cut it off when he's finally reached his limit, truly feels like he's torturing himself. And I'm so sorry, but I feel like if you were a person who genuinely wanted to be with a woman or a man, or anyone, in any capacity, you would not be torturing yourself over being with them.
Especially when I look at him in comparison to Buck, a canon bisexual man. I never once doubted that Buck actually loved Abby. I never once doubted that Buck was actually trying in his relationships with Ali, Taylor, and Natalia. When he was interested in these women it didn't feel forced. Unhealthy? Sure. Not the right fit for him? Absolutely. But forced? Like he was only doing it because he thought he had to? Never. Sure, maybe Buck held on longer than he should've because he didn't want to lose them, but that's because he still wanted their love even if it wasn't healthy for him.
I don't see any of that with Eddie. Shannon, and Eddie's relationship with her, has always felt like a crutch for Eddie, like an excuse, before she came back, when she was present, and long LONG after she died. So the argument that "well Ana and Marisol just aren't Shannon" will never work for me.
I also think Eddie being demisexual would be a better fit narratively at this point than bisexual as well. But then again, there's overlap and it's all very subjective and yeah--just a lot of queer theory to get into that I'm not an expert on, so I'm just gonna reiterate again. This is just my opinion.
If the show really wanted Eddie to be bisexual, and stated it as such, I would be fine with it, and I would accept it graciously and happily. But I do honestly feel like it wouldn't really fit well into the story they've been telling. At this point in time, with everything that we know, and everything we've seen, the only thing that I believe truly fits with the narrative is that Eddie's a repressed gay man and/or demisexual.
But if real-life bisexual people see themselves in Eddie, that will ALWAYS be valid, regardless of what the show says in regards to his sexuality. Fuck, they'll probably just leave him unlabeled regardless, in which case, any and all headcanons are valid.
This is a nuanced topic, and I do admit that IN REAL LIFE (remember I'm just discussing FICTIONAL characters here based purely on what a NARRATIVE has shown us which is all we can truly take as fact) someone in Eddie's position could for sure be bisexual and have this exact same experience.
I just think in my personal subjective opinion that with all we've seen in canon thus far, it would feel most organic to the story (and doesn't make Eddie look like a fucking asshole who chooses not to care at all about the women he's dating) if he realized he was a repressed gay man.
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If Laurence was to be sexual
I believe he would be bi
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coquelicoq · 4 months
kim dokja is fantastic bisexual rep. some of us are nonpracticing yet uninterested in vows of celibacy because we like to leave our options open. some of us are aro. some of us are idiots. some of us are all three. WE EXIST
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silver-horse · 11 months
fascinating that the biphobes, who say that BG3 companions are not accurate as bisexuals/pansexuals, literally haven’t played the game!! they don’t know the characters or who they flirt with and choose to sleep with.
a textpost said that everyone is allowed to play the game as they want and romance characters with a character of any gender and one person commented that OP is a homophobe and Astarion “would be the biggest gay if not for making everyone playersexual.” I clicked on the username and they have a post stating “will buy that game just to play as the furry albino elf and have homophobes watch him get fucked by every dude” ok. sounds fun, I will do the same, I’ll simply also fuck every women. but no.when not everyone is playersexual, 80% of them just end up straight. the remainder mostly still bi and they would deny the bisexuality of those few as well. why do they feel so comfortable attacking bisexuality that they will even comment on bi characters when they are unfamiliar with a given piece of fiction
#if I never watched a tv show/read a book/played a game I sure don’t go on people’s posts#and make accusing statements towards fans how they are wrong to interpret characters AS THEY ARE IN CANON#also this is typical rhetoric that bi men are actually just gay (and bi women are just straight because everyone only wants men)#biphobia#anyway they don’t care what it’s like for bi people to hear this#that a person got called a homophobe for pointing out that bi/pan character IS bi/pan and bi people do sleep with women#they literally say they haven't bought the game yet#wtf#why have an opinion?#when I want to engage in conversation about characters/story first I watch/read/play that story#my post#my posts#tumblr bullshit#bisexual#characters#text post#Baldur's Gate 3#BG3#textposts#also there is definitely an element of misogyny in this...#after all I haven't seen anyone demanding that the bi female companions should only be paired with women#no it's the typical fandom thing where only male/male pairings are allowed and female charactes are treated like shit and pushed to the side#female characters not allowed in male/female pairings not even when both are bi/pan and potentially poly#and female/female pairings are just so rare they almost never show up...#and like I always say bi people get shit from both sides#the conservative side of this DOES exist... people who are annoyed that larian showed him making out with a man#it's just that they are an extreme minority on this website#but just because those conservatives and homophobes exist doesn't mean it makes it ok to deny a bi character's attraction to women#both are wrong and both are biphobic#both are a form of erasure
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roitaminnah · 3 months
yuri update for my yuri warriors I'm so sorry I wish I could draw girls kissing every hour of the day alas. i can barely draw at all these days. sad face. but I persist..... #yuriwarrior
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