#my best wishes to you anon
greaseonmymouth · 2 months
Tumblr is a social media site, if you are here to have fun then don’t bother reblogging posts made by privileged people as yourself that make fun of marginalized groups pointing out there was a worldwide protest on April 1st. You unnecessarily involved yourself in political talk, as well as hurt those who guess what, are also part of fandoms. Nothing exists in a vacuum
sounds like you didn't get booped enough, anon. perhaps you should take a day off and rest and recharge so that you can send performative hate mail to people on tumblr with renewed energy, yeah? here's a boop for you. i hope it helps
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catastrxblues · 2 months
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EVERMORE by taylor swift (feat. bon iver) — “and i was catching my breath, floors of a cabin creaking under my step. and i couldn’t be sure, i had a feeling so peculiar, this pain wouldn’t be forevermore.”
my #swiftiegiftexchange2024 for @lovesickallovermybed!!!! 🫶🏽🫶🏽
#HIII HII HII how are you <3333 SO sorry for being slightly to the party but HII#i saw that you are currently recovering from surgery and i‘m wishing you all the best and =a faster recovery 💗💗 i hope you’re okay and#are feeling and getting much better every day 💗💗💗#i’m your anon swiftie and it was really nice to get to know you!! 🫶🏽 you’re super super talented and your gifs are so so STUNNING#it was such an honor to be your anon for this event and i had such a fun time making this !#i was SO excited when i saw that some of your favorite ts songs are evermore and idsb. really really sorry i didn’t have the time to make#something for both because my laptop went dead for sometime and i ended up only having the time to make this 😭#evermore the song is something i hold and cherish deeply in my heart too and it was something that has seen some of the worst of my days#and so i decided to do this song for your gift instead!#i can’t really gif much and couldn’t even try#because my laptop in which i had installed ps in went rip so i decided to make you this#(slightly messy sorryy) scrapbook of my view of the song! i tried to incorporate some of the descriptive lyrics and the objects mentioned i#the song and i hope you like it 😁!#and because i think evermore is also something that IS meant to be incredibly personal to the people that listen to it#i decided to include some photos (+added highlights on every lyric that has ever touched me which is almost everything as you can see 😭)#of some of my journal pages on which i rewrote the entire lyrics (except bon iver’s addition 😅) in ‘21 when the song meant to me the most!#i hope you're having a great dayy love 🫶🏽🫶🏽#SwiftieGiftExchange2024#taylor swift#tswiftedit#evermore#*my edits#nadine.mp3
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gentil-minou · 1 year
why are you making such a big deal about people using ai to write fics lmao you act like its the end of the world. i do it and no ones caught on. there’s bigger things to cry about.
In a few years when you realize how much your "works" lack the intricacies and soul and depth of emotions that make us human, I hope you remember this and use it to grow.
I assure you, the person who is suffering the most from your use of an artifical generator to "write" and "create" is yourself.
I'm mourning the loss of someone who had the potential to use their real experiences and imagination to create something that touches others. I'm sad for you and the way you won't understand the struggle of creating art, and miss the most valuable lesson of all which is that the struggle is what makes art so incredible, so real, so human.
I'm sorry that you think a glorified search engine is a better writer than your own skills. I like to think I would have liked reading what you'd actually write. I think a lot of people who have appreciated that more. I'm sorry that you don't value your own skills enough, that you don't believe you're good enough to write on your own.
I'm sorry that you want so desperately to be liked and clicked on and praised that you are willing to lose what makes you you in favor of hollow attention that will undoubtedly fade away into nothing but empty words from an empty soul
I hope in ten years you realize what you lost by using a machine to regurgitate someone else's words for you. I hope that before then you create something that's all your own, that you share it the way art was meant to be created and shared. That you let yourself truly be heard.
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kochei0 · 5 months
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got a cute anon in my askbox, figured they might appreciate this!
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2aceofspades · 5 months
Happy New Years Ace!
Here's to more silly goon adventures and kindness in the coming year!
~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
Morse anon!!!
Happy New Year!
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(It's sparkling cider I assure you as I am not a fan of alcohol bleh-)
Cheers to that for sure yes!! I am wishing you all the best in this new year 🙌✨ Thank you for being so lovely and sticking with me in these trenches, my dear morse anon. I appreciate you lots 🌟
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bloobydabloob · 3 months
the dirkjake tag is not sick of you!!!!! we appreciate the blooby dirkjake art!!!! EVERYONE SAY THANK YOU BLOOBY!!!!!
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Oh you are too kind… I am glad. I definitely need to space it out a little though but they’re in my head. They’re in my head and they will not leave. They also shot me in the head and ran away. Just dripping all of my art out of me in some kind of DirkJake distillation process… that’s what they’re doing.
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not-poignant · 4 days
Hi Pia
Feel free to ignore if this is unwelcome, but have you ever thought about publishing traditionally to sublimate your income and draw in new readers? I know you've self published two books already and that you didn't feel like they did very well, but maybe the experience would be different if someone else was in charge of marketing and all the other business stuff?
Obviously everyone's experience is different but as an author myself who's published both trad and self, traditional publishing has been a completely different experience and has allowed me to focus more on writing because I'm not the one responsible for advertising/marketing/financing anymore.
There are a ton of literary agents nowadays that want to represent diverse and lgbtqia+ fiction, some of them even in Australia.
Websites like Reedsy, AgentQuery and Jerichowriters have extensive directories to find literary agents.
(This is lengthy folks so I'm putting the other two parts (and my response) under a read more! Also putting it under a read more so the anon can skip my response since it's very 'here's all the reasons I can't do this' and they just might not want to read that, lmao)
(continued -> )
Trad publishing houses have better resources for marketing and helping authors get more attention than any self publishing website could.
Obviously most authors, unless they're really prolific, don't get a huge advance (the average is between $1000 - $5000) but getting your foot in the door or on the traditional publishing "ladder' so to speak can have a huge benefit for your serials. Because it gives you more exposure. Plus it's in the agent's best interest to find a publishing house that accepts stories that contain darker themes and negotiate the best deal for you.
For some reason places like Amazon and the like accept and keep up more "dark" books that are traditionally published than they do with self pub ones. Maybe because they have more respect or leniency for publishing houses? I have no idea. But you could use this to your advantage. I think I remember you mentioning that writing novels felt quite isolating to you? But you already have 2 completed novels (3 if you count the fae one) that you could potentially revisit or rewrite to your liking and get them represented by agents.
You already have a loyal readership and that's very attractive to trad pub houses and agents.
As well as trad publishing, you could also make s simple website that doesn't require much maintenance. It could be just a landing page that says something about you and then has links to your tumblr and patreon where you're more active. That way you increase the chances of getting your serials found by additional readers and also come across looking more "professional". Not that you're not professional now. You are and I admire you greatly, but the unfortunate reality is a lot of people still judge by appearances and some will be more drawn to an author's website than a tumblr page, at least at first. So I think having a simple landing page would open up another door for you to benefit from.
Trad publishing is work but definitely not as much as self publishing, and you can continue on with your serials. Getting an agent can be time consuming but I personally believe the pros outweigh the cons and I also believe that your stories would be a huge treasure to the growing lgbtqia+ market. Seriously there needs to be more!
These are just suggestions and thoughts and like I said before, feel free to ignore. But I know you've mentioned wanting to grow your career in the past and I genuinely believe you can do so with some of these pathways.
Okay, my response. Posting this because firstly I think the suggestions could work very well for other authors reading this! And I hope they take the advice to note, and secondly because I haven't talked about this for a hot minute so let's talk about it again.
So the TL;DR is yes I have considered traditional publishing. I have actually been traditionally published in short stories, poetry, and also had my art published on covers and re: interior illustrations. But my Fae Tales works got soundly rejected when I sent them to publishing houses that were doing open calls for that sort of material. I've never heard back from an agent and I never expect to, heh.
Now for a bit more detail
I have been traditionally published before (it's how I got my writing out there long before I ever wrote serials), and yes, I have approached publishers with my writing since then. In fact Tradewinds was written for the traditional publishing market, and it got soundly rejected, and then shelved. The reasons it was rejected ran the gamut from 'I don't like that these fae eat humans no one is going to relate to these people' (while the editor then went on to publish vampire books idk) to 'There's too much worldbuilding you can't expect readers to keep up with this' to 'Your stories are too long, no one wants to read characters talking all the time.'
Meanwhile in my online serials I was getting feedback like 'my favourite chapters are the ones where the characters just sit in a room and talk' lol.
The traditional publishing world is also not quite as utopian for most authors as you make it seem. I'm friends with a lot of authors who are traditionally published because that's the world I came from, and unless they're solely in KU and doing generic rapid release formula romances, none of them are making that much money. Certainly not enough to live off. It may have been that you were very fortunate, anon, but I know hundreds more traditionally published authors that left trad pub to make money, and I know about 5 in trad pub personally who are making enough to live off of.
Only one of those is really writing what she truly loves to write, and even then, publishing houses have refused to commit to her entire fantasy series (and she's regularly in 'Top 10/20 Women Fantasy Authors in the World' lists) and forced her to finish the series prematurely. Something I never ever have to worry about in self pub.
The reality is that in trad pub these days, you're still in charge of most of your marketing unless you're one of the big earners for the publishing house. In fact I'd be expected to keep even more of a social media and marketing presence than I do now. I don't do almost any of the things you're supposed to do as an author in marketing to be appealing. I don't have a Facebook author account. I don't have an Instagram author account. I don't maintain or regularly send out newsletters (which automatically puts me in the like 0.05% of authors who make money doing this lmao).
I don't know if you ever have looked that closely into what m/m publishing houses expect from most of their authors, but the newsletter swaps, cover releases, review circuits, interview circuits and more are fucking grueling. We're expected to be responsible for our advertising and our marketing to a fairly massive degree. Some traditionally published in m/m still have to pay for their release blitzes out of pocket. These publishing houses, by and large, do not offer advances. You say most authors don't get large advances. I don't think most authors in this arena get offered advances at all unless they're somehow miraculously acquired by a Big 4.
We're expected to have an already established social media presence because of that (that's why it's so appealing to publishers that we have social media presences already, anon, so we can market, they can save money, and we still see only a minimal cut from the royalties).
And you still have to focus on your finances, because publishing houses like Dreamspinner straight up didn't pay a whole bunch of authors for so long they destroyed careers. They still haven't paid some of their authors. And they're still running a business and people still buy their books.
Trad publishing houses have better resources for marketing and helping authors get more attention than any self publishing website could.
This is true if a) they're a big publishing house and not an indie publisher of which most LGBTQIA+ publishing houses are and b) they're willing to use them on you.
The authors that make the most money get the most resources. If they believe you're going to earn back your advance and move thousands or tens of thousands of units per book, then yes, you will get those resources.
I have been told so many times now - even from friends who run publishing houses, including one who works at HarperCollins - that my work will never be mainstream enough to have broad appeal. They literally told me not to keep trying re: trad pub, because that was my dream for a long time. These folks have given me rock solid advice in the past, it's one of the reasons I'm doing so well now via Patreon + Ream. But they were like (paraphrasing) 'you don't write 60-80k romances and you don't want to and that's not your strength anyway, you're multi-genre which makes you hard to market, you write psychological and literary trauma recovery which is hard to market, you write character studies which are hard to market, publishing houses often don't commit to series anymore if the first two don't move units and if they pulled the plug you'd be contractually obliged to never finish that series until your contract was up.' I could go on, but it was like yeah...actually. Fair.
For some reason places like Amazon and the like accept and keep up more "dark" books that are traditionally published than they do with self pub ones. Maybe because they have more respect or leniency for publishing houses?
They do, but most publishing houses want very formulaic dark romance which is not what I write.
I have a 300k omegaverse slowburn that still hasn't had any penetrative sex in it, anon. Publishing houses don't want that. They don't expect anyone will wait 4 full length novels to get to literally a single penetrative sex scene.
But you already have 2 completed novels (3 if you count the fae one) that you could potentially revisit or rewrite to your liking and get them represented by agents.
If I rewrote them to my liking, trad pub wouldn't want them. They'd be too long! I think agents etc. take one look at me and go 'oh god, no thank you!' I'm not an easy sell, by any means.
Plus I'm very e.e about all of that with the knowledge that they then give me only about 10-15% of the royalties on the sales, vs. self-pub where I get around 70%, or subscription where I around 80% of it. When someone subscribes to me, they don't have to worry about 85-90% of their subscription fee going to a publishing house. I don't have to think about how many thousands and thousands of books I'd have to sell to make the same amount that I do now via subscription.
As well as trad publishing, you could also make s simple website that doesn't require much maintenance.
If it was that simple, I'd be doing it. I don't mean this in a facetious way, I mean it in a: I've made a lot of websites, in fact I run one at the moment not connected to my writing (I've been running it for so long it's now in its 20s and can probably has a driver's license). I find it so tedious that I barely remember to check in on it. But forgetting about it means there's always maintenance to keep up with when I get back to it.
Running websites is simpler than it used to be, but it's still not simple. There's hosting and hosting costs, there's server changes, there's back-end maintenance etc. I'm considering it for down the track, but there's a reason I decided to go the route of Patreon over my own site. There are authors (like Christopher Hopper) who actually do subscription through their own domain, but it's a lot of work.
Even placeholder sites are still work. They need updating, details change, story titles changing etc. Maintaining my Patreon + Ream About pages is enough, they're always both a little out of date, lol.
Not that you're not professional now.
Oh no, I mean from a 'traditional publisher looking at me to see what kind of candidate I am' I'm really not though. Like I said, I don't have the newsletter (100 subscribers who get one newsletter a year is not really a newsletter), I don't have the Facebook/Tiktok/Insta/Twitter/Bluesky/Threads accounts, etc. I write multi-genre across multiple steam levels, and I'm allergic to writing serials shorter than 150k. One of my best performing original serials was an 800k contemporary story with no sex in it but a lot of BDSM. It can't be marketed as clean or sweet, it's not high steam, an entire chapter is 'boy saves snail from rain.' Also he was cruel to animals, so not exactly what I'd call a sympathetic main.
And yet that story did so well for me via Patreon + Ream, because people want the kinds of stories that publishing houses generally don't want and I happen to be writing them.
Trad publishing is work but definitely not as much as self publishing, and you can continue on with your serials. Getting an agent can be time consuming but I personally believe the pros outweigh the cons and I also believe that your stories would be a huge treasure to the growing lgbtqia+ market. Seriously there needs to be more!
Anon I just literally do not believe an agent would want to represent me. I have 0% belief in that. Not from a self-deprecating angle but from a 'I am not a good bet for the trad market' perspective. From a 'I have so many friends who are trad pubbed authors who stare at me like I'm insane for writing serials as long as I do' perspective. From a 'professionals in the industry have told me it's amazing I'm doing so well in serials because there's no way they'd take a risk on what I'm doing' perspective. From a 'just because it's queer and diverse doesn't mean it hits literally any other thing a trad pub is looking for' perspective. I've been doing this for 10 years. There are agents who represent work similar to mine who know what I'm doing and wouldn't touch me with a ten foot pole. They're not missing out on a trick, they know I'm not broad appeal, and they're right.
Also the only way I'd have the energy to manage trad pub is by quitting serials. And honestly, I never found trad pub all that much fun while I was doing it for non-novel stuff. It was fine, and it is nice to have my stuff out there, but it was a ton of admin and a lot of going back and forth between people who really only care about marketing a product, and that's great and what they excel at! But I'm too disabled to turn this job into something crushing just to potentially make more money, I'd rather just quit and go back onto a full Disability Pension. I can't see any way I still get to write the stories I want to write, in the way that I write them, and be remotely appealing to a single reputable trad pub or agent.
Also *gestures to everything in this article*
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gotchibam · 2 months
I'm wishing you well out there. Believe in the future! Never give up.
Thank you so much anon. I do have some plans in mind for the future but it's sad that my mom won't be w/ me anymore to witness them.
Right now it feels scary bc I'm on my own now. I don't really trust myself that much when it comes to decision making & I think that's the reason why I'm a lot more scared about the future now.
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beemovieerotica · 5 months
heartbreaking: this anon just confessed to making fic and art of your OC but refuses to reveal any of it
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(This ain't a req if you don't want it to be. Just me rambling about anything that comes to mind)
So I finally got around to doing the Fontaine Archon quests. My friends looked at me weirdly when I literally (excitedly) shrieked when Legacy showed up.
Anyway, I wanna affectionately bite him. But my affectionate bites are very.. rough? I put a lot of force into them and thus hurt people. So I don't affectionately bite anymore.
But I wanna. Which made me wonder how affection-biting different aspects of Legacy would feel. Like, yeah the armor will be hard, but there's (probably??) areas not covered in armor. Also wondering if neck/shoulder floof feels different from head floof.
ALSO, wondering if the cape is physical. Because it looks like space. And I love space. hhhhhhhhhhh <3
~ The anon who wanted Kaveh but didn't want Baizhu or Ganyu
P.S. Sorry this one's weird, it's, like, 3am for me and I've got a few hours until classes.
P.P.S. How are you?? Sorry I've been silent for a while, education's been kicking me into sharp corners a lot this year.
alright so *claps hands* Foul Legacy is mostly covered in armor, buuuuut the area around his neck near his fluff is softer- it feels like the underside of a snake, if you've ever felt one! that's why under his chin is one of the best places to scritch, apart from behind his horns. his neck is the main area that feels different, since almost everywhere else is covered in armor; when he purrs, you can feel the vibrations in his throat more than his chest, and if you want to monch him and leave teeth marks, his neck is your best bet (it also makes him shriek and let out deep, rumbling laughs because he's also quite ticklish around there). BUT if you want to give him very hard chomps, that's actually completely alright, as long as you do it on his armor instead! you'll need to be careful and make sure you don't damage your own teeth, but other than that you can bite to your heart's delight, and Legacy will give you a few much gentler nibbles of his own
his fluff does feel different from his hair, the fluff feels considerably softer and lighter, almost like a poofy lilac cloud. it becomes even softer and fluffier when he's particularly pleased or trying to impress you, ruffling up his fur and purring happily when you comb it back down with your fingers- but it's at its absolute fluffiest when he gets startled by something, the fur poofing up into a purple cotton ball, and his hair bristles a bit when he's frightened, too. also, the upper part of his cape is physical! it's smooth and cool and feels like fine silk, even when it shifts into a pair of wings. the tips are intangible, dissolving into nothingness and starlight, but occasionally you can feel light pecks on your skin like raindrops, almost as if the stars themselves are landing and shattering on your hands. you can pet his cape-like wings too, as long as you're gentle, and soon you'll have a drowsy, rumbly Abyss monster curled up in your lap <3
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queermasculine · 1 year
Alright so here’s the deal. Because I like your posts they rock and I want a second opinion; I wanna call myself butch, but I’m not sure if I’m allowed. On one hand I am wlw, but I am not a lesbian, I’m bisexual. Beyond that I am also a man. I am afab bigender. What’s ur two cents should I feel comfortable calling myself butch or is that not for me? I relate very strongly to it all but worry about offending or overstepping
you may offend, but you're not overstepping. there have always been bisexuals among butches. there have always been people with complex gender identities among butches. if you strongly relate to the butch experience, feel at home among butches, and the word feels right to you? then it is absolutely yours to use.
i've always found "i strongly relate to this experience" a far more compelling reason to use a gender label than "i technically fit this definition" anyway.
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angelic-loveerr · 1 year
I always wonder why do most of those sp affirmation posts we see on tumblr sound too obsessive/creepy? Like “my sp can’t breathe without me, he cries because of me every night” etc. Do they think it’ll work better somehow? Does the thought of people being crazy obsessed over them make them genuinely happy?
And also, can you find some sp affirmation posts that sound more soft and healthy (?) Thank you💕
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Yeah I agree , some seem like overly possessive and everything that's why I don't like some of them, and ofc I can I do that for you!! 🫧😋
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my person loves me as much as I love them
my person will always try in our (future) relationship no matter what
no matter how mad we get, me and my person and I will always be in love
my person can never get enough of me
my person love only grows when they talk and see me
my person thinks of me as much as I think of them, im always on their mind
my person daydreams of me with me
my person desires me
my person showers me with affection
my person barely ever argue and if we do, we always make up instantly
my person is everything I've ever wanted and desired
my person will be happy with me
my person loves me for me and accepts me for who I am
my person is not judgemental
my person treats me amazing in every way I want
my person loves me!
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I love doing request so u can ask for me if you'd like it!! 🫧🩷
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spearxwind · 9 months
not to sound weird but what was that work you put in to get where you are 🙏 i want to improve my life so bad but have no clue where to start. even a general gist of things
You dont sound weird! I think it's commendable to want to change your life for the better, and I want to help in any way I can :D
This is also my own perspective but I think a lot of it could be universally applied if you look at it through different lenses of ppls different situations. This also got rly long so I'm putting it under a readmore ^^;
So I had pretty much been isolating myself with increasing ferocity for years until recently. Even when trying to reach out to people I was extremely closed off, keeping my feelings behind many walls and chains always. A lot of my hard work has come from undoing all of that fuckup. I put all my eggs into my online friendships (and even then had a hard time with them).
My behavior was a cluster of personal garbage, learned mannerisms from keeping bad company, and hardwired reactions to specific behaviors. It's something pretty hurtful to realize when you do realize it, but that doesn't mean that you are a bad person or a failure or anything like that. It just means that you have certain bare minimum survival behaviors that worked before but now are only doing you damage, and you have to learn to undo them. (which is a great step!!)
Which brings me to what I have (painfully) learned over the past several years: the basis to any and every good relationship, romantic, platonic, family, or anything is crystal clear communication. Straight up for the love of god communication skills will save your life time and time and time again
And also like I said in earlier posts the solution to wanting to be more social is just BEING more social. This is arguably extremely hard, especially after years of "if they want me around they'll ask me" and always waiting to be invited but not wanting to bother anyone by asking if you can join NO!!!!!!!! GET THAT SHIT OUT OF YOUR BRAIN EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY!!!!! It really does NOT work that way at all. People will invite you to things if they see you express interest in them. The same way that in your head you think 'theyll invite me if they want me to go' if they dont see you express interest people will think you dont want to join. If you go someplace and just stay recluse because youre shy they likely will also think "theyre probably not comfortable or dont want to be here, so we wont force them". People are inherently kind and they are definitely NOT thinking about shunting you on purpose (and I am speaking this, genuinely, from personal experience)
While I was studying my major I got close to a group of people and thought of them as my friend group, but they always seemed cold to me, and I rarely got invited to hangouts because they seemed closer among themselves so I ended up always thinking that they didn't really want me around, and created all of these assumptions in my mind about them or what they thought of me.
Years later, recently, I found one of them again just... randomly while walking through the street and we started talking. And in my much better state of mind I asked about this whole thing because I wanted to know how the rest of the group was doing (I care very much for them still) and he revealed to me that THEY were the ones who thought I was shutting myself off of the group bc I didnt wanna be close to them. Which just blew my mind but it made a lot of sense and explained a lot. I was always on my phone too, talking with my internet friends (because it was my comfort zone), so what they'd assumed was that I already had a friend group that I was invested in and so I wasnt going to prioritize them. SO basically this whole thing ended up being resolved with clear communication and would have been solved much earlier if I had just spoken up about it and gotten braver (though my mental state did not let me at the time)
Anytime you are making up assumptions and ultimatums in your mind without communicating them to the other party you should stop and very much go and speak out loud to the other party (or parties) it will genuinely do you good cause huge as hell brain snowballs do nothing but drown you in your own mind.
Also on the being social front, if you dont have the practice in then it will be hard but a lot of it is very much "fake it till you make it" and I genuinely cannot recommend that enough. Inject yourself into conversations and places and act like yourself unapologetically because the secret isnt to craft a persona that you think people will like, its just being yourself and finding people who will love you for who you are. And like I said I just got invested in other ppls plans and asked to be able to go to places, and oftentimes just by expressing interest i got invited "oh I love this show very much!!" "well we have a plan to watch it at my pals house do you wanna come?" "we were planning on going to X place this week" "omg that sounds so cool can I come with" "of course!" Generally people will respond with "the more the merrier" so please dont be afraid to ask. And even if you get a rejection or two it's fine, don't let it discourage you. Some plans are simply not meant to be, and that's totally fine too!
Something else I worked for was reestablishing contact with old highschool friends I'd lost and I missed terribly. I went out of my way to find them again (old phone numbers, old emails, old instagram accounts that hadnt posted since 2019), and I found them!
And most of them really missed me too and were absolutely thrilled I contacted them again, we picked up right where we left off eight years prior. With a lot to catch up to but its genuinely so nice to have them in my life rather than just melancholically thinking about them and wondering if they hated me or anything. Turns out that they had also thought to contact me as well or had tried and lost my phone, or some of them even thought that it was better to leave things as they were to not "stir up shit" so we were all stuck in the same loop of insane thinking without actually confirming it until one of us (me in this case) finally broke the ice (and it took a damn long time too)
The thing is, people are just like you. We all have our own mental nonsense to fight, and we all have our assumptions and propensity to think ourselves into the grave, that's why its so so so so important to communicate things as clearly and as often as possible. Bearing your suffering alone will only make you miserable in the end, and your circle is there to help you
As a last note, I do want to say I have been incredibly lucky, because the friend group I've been adopted into I have met through that one friend from uni that I just HAPPENED to find on the street. I could have not waved him over on the street and just kept walking with my music on and ignored him. I could have said 'no' to his offer to get dinner that day if I'd wanted to be home earlier. I could have never spoken up about liking eurovision and never gotten invited to the hangout where I met my bf. And none of this would have ever happened at all. But that just strengthens my advice of "just say yes and reach out of your comfort zone" because you never know where it's going to lead you!
All this to say:
Communicate clearly with your peers to reduce misunderstandings. More likely than not they'll be in the same boat as you are. (Also extra note. Communication works BOTH WAYS. It needs to come from both parties. It is also a skill you have to nurture and hone!!)
Be kind!! and be loving!! and be yourself unapologetically!!
reach out to people the same way that you'd want to be reached out to. It sucks that sometimes (even often) you have to be the one to do it, but you eventually reap what you sow and people will learn that they can reach out to YOU
People will respond in kind to you being nice to them and a positive energy in their life. Some people will take advantage of it yes, thats just how things are, and its something you have to learn to recognize but you should never let that steel your heart. It is so so so important to remain kind and loving the world needs it so much. We're all out here trying to make our own lives and our loved ones lives a little bit brighter <3
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heartpascal · 23 days
before we start, if you don't have a 🐚 anon already can i claim that spot ??
not really a request, but i just wanna check in on how you've been doing and ask if you have any plans for the blog? i don't wanna pressure you at all but you're writing has been one of the only things keeping me sane and i love protective joel x platonic!reader, is there anymore of that in the future of the blog? hope you're doing well and taking care of yourself xx 🤍
-🐚 (possibly)
you absolutely can claim that spot 🐚 anon!!! welcome!!!
so i am doing decently well!!! i have just had little energy and little motivation!!! i do definitely want to continue on w the platonic fics, especially bc i know how hard it can be to find them!!! so there is definitely more in the future i would say.
however, the fixation on tlou has passed, especially considering the horrid behaviour of the creator! nonetheless, when season 2 does come out i will be pirating that!!! and that shall probably start me off all over again!!! but i understand that is a long time away. in the mean time, i am hoping to be able to write some fics over the summer! they may not be that often, or to the standard i would like them to be, but i am hoping there will be more! yall have been plenty patient with me, but im gonna ask you to continue to be patient anyway 😭
on that note, something very important to add: PIRATE TLOU!!! we do not need to be giving the creators any more money. these are not the kind of people we want to support. the views that the creators of the last of us hold do NOT reflect my own.
daily clicks to help palestine is an easy, free way that you can help if you are otherwise unable to do so. there are so so many resources out there that can tell you how you can help, so i recommend that everybody do their research!!! find reliable sources, and don’t stop talking about palestine.
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myymi · 2 months
Why don't you like shadow???
he's a boring character who doesn't need even half as much screen time as he's given.
do you know how cliche it is to have a guy who lost a girl try to destroy the world?
people like to think that shadow is some tragic character but he's really not. he lost one person. there are characters like knuckles and silver who lost so much more and people just don't seem to care
shadow's story isn't unique to him. there's a character exactly like him in just about everything that exists.
also: there is literally no reason to include him in every piece of media that comes out. him being in sonic prime was such a stupid decision when they could've used silver for the role, which would've made so much more sense. it's all fan service and im sick of seeing him.
he takes away other character's spotlight because he's the fan favorite and it's so annoying.
shadow should've stayed dead after he fell from the arc in sa2 and i will die on that hill
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chainofhyrule · 3 months
Due to some personal reasons unfortunately beyond my control, requests are now closed. I will notify when they are opened again, and all requests currently in the inbox may take at least another few days to get to.
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