#my beautiful world in which I'm chest hair height with this man............... no..........
heartbeetz · 6 months
Hey you know that post that's like. "Me thinking something about a character is wrong but they're literally that in canon, I just know better than the creators" or whatever it is? Yeah.
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tossawary · 7 months
You know, the more I think about it, the funnier I find the concept of Monkey D. Luffy /& Boa Hancock (especially paired with Aro-Ace spectrum Luffy and Aro-Ace spectrum Hancock) just for what it must look like from an outsider's POV.
For the record, personally, my favorite Luffy ship is Zoro/Luffy - also with Aro-Ace spectrum Luffy, that's basically non-negotiable for me, I don't care whether he's sex-favorable or sex-repulsed, but he's definitely ace. It is so funny to me to think about Luffy's incredible pull with aro-ace spectrum folks. People who once thought "sucks for you fuckers obsessed with sex and/or romance, I'm built different" (Roronoa Zoro, Koby, Trafalgar Law, Boa Hancock, Bartolomeo, etc.) find themselves fascinated by this little rubber man, who regularly declares war on the government and can swallow a roast chicken whole. Some of them are happier about this than others. Some of them WISH they just wanted to fuck or marry him, that would make more sense than this shit.
But, okay, back to Luffy and Hancock (as a friendship or queerplatonic situationship, whatever, doesn't matter). Like, let's pretend this is some kind of Modern College AU (Luffy is probably not IN college, tbh, he's just there to hang out with his friends and for any food anyone makes the mistake of leaving out). You are on your way to class and you see this woman walking down the street and she is - hands down - the Most Beautiful Woman In The World.
Super tall, with incredibly long, muscular legs in shockingly high red heels, a short skirt, artful cleavage, a waterfall of sleek black hair, beautiful face, striking makeup, gorgeous jewelry. Looks too old to be an undergrad student. She looks like if a martial artist became a supermodel. Walks like that too. The phrase "please step on me" comes to mind, but not to the lips, because that's sexual harassment, and also this woman looks like she could stab you through the heart with a kick and her shoe heel, killing you instantly.
She sees someone and her entire face lights up. She runs forward (how is she running in those shoes) squealing in excitement and embraces this guy you didn't even notice before, shouting about how much she missed him, and kisses him on the lips. He is... uh... three-quarters of her height at the tallest. A real Mr. Short King.
Wow, he has a babyface. And a scar on his cheek and on his chest, which you can see because he's wearing an open button-up, in eye-searing rainbow colors and decorated with monkeys, and jorts with fur at the cuffs. And mismatched flip-flops on the wrong feet. And a straw hat on a string around his neck. It looks like he hasn't brushed his hair today. It is impossible to judge his looks because his outfit is too distracting. Now the Most Beautiful Woman in the World is blushing bright pink as she clasps one of his hands in both of hers. Mr. Short King is using his other hand to pick his nose as she talks.
They walk hand in hand together over to where an incredibly expensive-looking bright red car is parked. Mr. Short King opens the driver's door for the Most Beautiful Woman and she apparently nearly swoons at this chivalry. She climbs into the driver's seat and he gets into the passenger's side (Luffy cannot legally drive and also cannot actually drive). They drive off together. What the fuck kind of Roger-and-Jessica-Rabbit-ass Sugar Mama relationship did you just witness?
Boa Hancock keeps a photograph of Luffy as her phone background and also on her desk at work. Everyone is always like, "Is that your... son?" And Hancock is like, "No, that's my number one choice of future fiancé! Isn't he sooooo handsome?" And people can only be like, "...Okay, but why are there police lights in the background? And something is on fire? It kind of looks like he's in the process of being arrested..." And Hancock responds dreamily, "They didn't catch him! He climbed into my exercise duffel bag and I carried him out."
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neteyamyawne · 1 year
A/n : I'm in my Jake and neytiri feels for now so I'm gonna write all their requests now 🙂😩🤌🏼 y'all get ready. It's freaking 7.2k words wtf? I thought it'll be 4k max, i think i just proved myself wrong 😭💀 I'm so sorry this took so long 😭
Snarr ♡
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Pairing : Jake x reader x neytiri
Summary : request
Light 🕯️
❈ Warning : mild to no angst, war, mention of blood, blacking out, injury, fluff, mutual pinning, etc. Let me know if more
❈ Word count : 7.2k , not at all proof read
"word" - dialogue
❈ Note : holy shit 7.2k? Even I'm surprised i wrote this much lmao
❈ Glossary : y/n - your name, y/t/n - your tulkun name, yawne - beloved, tiyawn - love , tsmuke - sister etc. Let me know if any were left out
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I was swimming with tsireya when we heard the horns blow, it was uncommon to have newcomers here on Awa'atlu, i looked at tsireya who was already looking at me, this was new, just then we saw a few creatures flying over us, first i mistook them for tsuraks but then i saw them closely, these were different, i had an inkling what they were but i needed to see it myself, getting on a ilu, Reya and I, glided over to the shore.
As we reached the shallow waters, i dipped in, Reya following me, standing up i brushed away the hair that stuck to my neck and chest while i looked at the more bluer Na'vi than us, my eyes trailed, what looked like, the family of six, more exactly on the couple who stood in the front, their eyes were such beautiful amber color, changing every now and then in the sunlight, their hair beautifully braided with beads and trinkets, their attire had vines and ropes creatively threaded together, as i was looking them over, i made eye contact with the gorgeous woman who stood with courage and strength oozing from her, i smiled and blood rushed to my cheeks as i looked down when she gave me a slight smile back, walking towards tsireya and standing by her side, in between tonowari and her, while slapping ao'nung's shoulder when he made fun of the newcomer boy.
The atmosphere in the air was thick with tension as Ronal criticized the family roughly, they were here for uthuru, which has not been asked since years before i was born, the group of kids looked tired from the trip and so did their mother, though she was trying not to show it, Ronal then pointed out their flaws, i cringed as she raised the boy's hand who ao'nung was making fun of earlier, their father stepped in " look, look" he held his hand up, "i was born as a sky people, but now I'm Na'vi ,you can adapt." He let out an exhale "we will adapt, okay?" His statement clearly made a point, but then his wife said " my husband was toruk makto! He led our clans to victory against the sky people '' though her words were said with defense, toruk makto looked at her in retaliation, ronal's voice spiked up after that " you call this victory? Hiding among strangers? It seems eywa has turned her back on you, chosen one" i reeled back when the other woman hissed at Ronal and the tsahik did hold back either. I shared a look with tonowari, we both knew this was going too far, so he stepped in, holding a conversation with the man, i didn't hear the rest as my eyes focused on the little girl who stood with her family, while everyone was busy raising their voices, i waved at her smiling and and she waved back, taking a step away i knelt down to her height, she came forward her smile as bright as the daylight " hii, I'm y/n, what is your name little one?" She giggled and said "I'm tuktirey but you can call me tuk" but before i could respond her mother called her back, her eyes lingered on me, i backed away as i did not want to cause a scene.
Soon tonowari and Ronal accepted them, while ao'nung and tsireya were given the task to train the omaticayan kids, i was introduced to them by Ronal , walking beside tsireya with a basket of fruits and fishes in my hand as we showed them the way towards their mauri, tuk was bouncing on the pathway smiling in her own little world, neytiri and Jake , which i found out to be their names, walked behind us, i stopped in front of the empty mauri that faced a beautiful section of the sea, letting the couple enter i heard Jake say "this is nice? Yeah?" Followed by a sickening thump when neytiri let the mats in her arms fall down, i quickly put down the basket, ushering tsireya out with me to give the family some alone time to adjust to the new surroundings.
»»————- ✼ ————-««
It's been a few days after the sully's arrived, tsireya and ao'nung were teaching their kids, i sat in the open common patch, where all the kids shuffled and talked, i taught the metkayina kids the sign language, so when they get into water one day for longer period, their communication can be better, but not only was i their teacher, i was the clan garment weaver as well, as the noise of the children got louder , i shushed them all, their doe eyes wide when they were caught, i was about to start talking when i saw movement behind the kids, Ronal, neytiri and tuk walked towards me, i got up warning the seated kids to behave i walked to them.
"Y/n, ma tsmuke, i need you to add another pupil to your class" ronal said putting a gentle hand on tuk's shoulder, the girl looked at me with the same sunshine smile, i smiled back holding out my hand for her , she happily took it, i nodded at Ronal, giving me a small smile like she knew something i didn't, she left, i shook that out of my head and looked at neytiri " don't worry, tuk will be safe here, I'm happy you decided to put her in my care" she nodded giving me a curt thank you and told me Jake would came take tuk after the class before leaving, i picked up tuk in my arms and took her to introduce her to the class.
After hours of laughter and teaching them some signs they could fit and remember in their little brains, i waited for each and every parent to come pick their kid up, everyone left except tuk, who was now dozing off in my arms, Jake still hasn't come yet, it was getting dark now so i decided why now drop tuk off myself? Making my way to their pod, i knocked on the entrance circle, neytiri's head whipped towards me, i waved at her, motioning to a fast asleep tuk in my arms, lo'ak and kiri were in a corner discussing something but stopped when they saw me, neytiri stood up , standing infront of me she asked in a soft voice "didn't Jake come to take her?" I adjusted my hold on tuk as i said "no, he didn't, maybe he must have been stuck somewhere and couldn't come, but it's okay, it was no problem for me to bring her" and for the first time from the moment she has been here, i saw her smile, a real smile , with her head tilting to the side slightly, and in that second, she looked gorgeous but i stopped myself, what was i thinking ?she has a mate, mentally slapping myself i moved to hand tuk to her but this girl was not ready to leave my neck, i awkwardly looked at the woman in front of me but she took a step back motioning me to step in, not wasting any time i walked in, trying hard to gently lower tuk onto the hammock and not to wake her up, straightening up i turned to look at neytiri who sat near the fire again, i was about to bid my goodbyes but she started before me " we'll be happy if you could stay with us for dinner, that is if you want to and thank you for bringing tuk back" i was seconds away from refusing but then thought about the lone dinner with no one to talk to back at my own mauri, atleast I'll not be so lonely tonight and agreed.
Jake was surprised to see me when he got back but before he could say anything, Neytiri talked his ears off about not going to pick up tuk and that I had to carry her all the way. I did not get in between , I valued my life more. Neteyam sat by my side, giving me a sheepish smile at their bickering parents, neytiri huffed at him, throwing her hands up at her mate's excuses, she made her way over to my side sitting down and serving me the food, Jake sat in front of me giving me an apologetic smile, i just chuckled under my breath at his tries to please neytiri.
The dinner with them was one of the best I had in years. Tuk woke up in the middle of it and no one was happier to see me in this world than she was. Immediately she sat with me, giving my introduction to everyone. Especially to her sister kiri, who was talking to me earlier about how to weave seashell necklaces, as she was having some trouble with hers and i was more than happy to help her, neteyam and lo'ak were busy bombarding me with questions about the sign language, though i tried to answer them all but they had way more to learn. when the dinner was nearing the end and my time to go home came closer, something in my heart panged, it looked like Jake and neytiri felt the same but i could be wrong and it's just my thoughts, i hugged each of them, giving tuk the extra longest as i departed, both the adults lips were pressed in a thin line, even if no words were said, feelings were changed that night.
I laid in my hammock, staring at the ceiling of my pod, the time of dinner played again and again in my mind, did neytiri really brush her hand against my cheek during the dinner or was it nothing? Was Jake really staring at me all that time or was it just me? My mind was in chaos, I was falling for a mated pair , what is wrong with me? I groaned, turning on my stomach and buried my head into the pillow, i hated this feeling but then again loved it more than life itself.
»»————- ✼ ————-««
It's been weeks after the dinner and now it's a regular occurrence, I'd drop tuk at their pod and stay for dinner like it was all normal while i died a little every time i saw them, the longing increasing more and more, right now i sat with neytiri as i taught her how to weave a seashell and pearl top, just when horns blared across Awa'atlu signaling the return of the tulkuns, the return of my spirit brother, i dropped all my work and grabbed neytiri's wrist tugging her along, i said in a hurried tone " come on, my spirit brother is here, i need you to meet him!" We met Jake on the way along, they dived in behind me, i connected my queue with an ilu bringing Jake behind me as neytiri bonded with another, my eyes roamed to see a familiar tattooed tulkun, meeting his eye i had to suppress a giddy giggle that was about to escape me, hugging his side i said " it's so nice to see you again brother, i have so much to tell you, and about someone i met, well two people to be exact but you get my point!?" I signed as fast as i could, his chuckle reverberated in the water, neytiri and Jake watched in fascination, i motioned them to come closer and they did, taking support of his fin, i introduced them to my spirit brother, while he side eyed me, giving a all knowing look, i just rolled my eyes at him.
Jake and neytiri were thrilled to Meet y/t/n, plus the Olo'eyktan announced a celebration in return of the tulkuns, i dressed in the best pieces i made, and helped Ronal, neytiri, kiri , tuk and tsireya get ready as well, tsireya being my baby i gave her the top i was working on, and it looked gorgeous on her, at least now the forest boy's attention would be all on her, but it's not that his attention wavers from her anyway. I smiled walking out of my pod, after getting everyone ready, I was now late for the celebration myself and no one even waited for me…..as usual, i sighed.
The celebration was at its peak, drinks were being passed, couples danced together near the fire it, i went near the drink stand, the liquor glinted in the fire light, i sat on a log that was tucked into a corner, enjoying the songs bobbing my head to the tune, but soon enough my eyes trained onto the couple who stood up from the crowd automatically, their azure skin reflecting the soft shades of oranges so beautifully, their bright honey eyes looked ablaze in the moment, neytiri's top, that i gave her, accentuated her looks even more, their smiles making my heart flutter, just then Jake caught me staring, giving him a hurried smile i looked down at my drink swirling it in the shell glass, this was now getting worse, if this didn't stop soon i knew I'd get hurt, i get up to go for a walk as my mind would not stop reeling back to them. as i was about to walk out a hand rested on my shoulder , i jumped turning back only to be met with a face i was yearning to see but was too afraid to, Jake smiled, it was like a warm trickle of light on my skin, and neytiri stood beside him, she came forward taking my hand in hers, at this point my heart was racing faster than a tsurak on hunt, Jake leaned forward grabbing my other hand and i looked at them wide eyes, mouth agape, is this really happening? Are they BOTH choosing me? But before getting the answers to my questions, lo'ak popped up and we all jumped apart, the boy stopped in his track, looking at his parents then as me, as both jake and neytiri held my hands, i immediately wringed my hands out of theirs, looking at lo'ak as heat rushed to my face , lo'ak raised an eyebrow at me and i chuckled nervously asking " what do you want lo'ak? Is there any problem?" He still looked skeptically between the three of us as he replied " yeah, i was looking for you , y/n, i wanted to ask how you made that armband for neteyam, i want one like that too" I sighed in relief ushering him to come with me, i looked behind that them, both of them having a sly smile that i knew the answers to all my questions were giving without uttering a word. The whole night after that was too hot even when the breeze was chilly.
»»————- ✼ ————-««
I sat with all the sully's laughing at something Jake said, neytiri lightly hit Jake on his arm, tuk snuggled in my arms and lo'ak leaning on me, as i patted his head, neteyam sat with neytiri, and kiri's head rested on Jake's lap as she was napping, i was being consumed by this family and i had no problem with it at all, Jake looked at me, his ears up, tail swaying side to side and i blushed under his gaze, neytiri wasn't any less, there was something going on between us, even the kids could sense it but we haven't given this "situation" a name , yet, we all knew what we wanted but still kept quiet for some reason, by now i practically live with them, I'm at their house almost all the time, even at night now i slept in their pod, it felt more normal than sleeping in my own mauri.
Brushing kiri's hair, I applied the oil to her scalp, massaging it gently, pressing on the point to make it enjoyable and she quite literally melted beneath my hands "do you like it?" She let out a loud sigh and said " like it? This is the best massage I've ever gotten, from now on will you, please, always do my hair?" I laughed at her request " but your mom does a better work than me" , "noooooo, she's good but you do it different, please please please, don't tell mom though" we both giggled at it but in the end i agreed, just then neteyam walked in, he looked at us, raising an eyebrow at kiri is said " i thought only mom could do your hair, huh?" Kiri just huffed and replied " ohh yeah, just try it and then you'll understand bro, her massages are like no other" her eyes closing, clearly enjoying the massage, so neteyam did exactly what she said, pushing her out of the way he sat in front me, kiri exclaimed loudly at being pushed as well as being interrupted in her massage " HEY! It was my turn, get up you skxwang" neteyam just smirked at his sister not budging when she tried to push him, in the end i had to break the fight, promising kiri I'll give her more massages later, while neteyam sat smugly, it was funny seeing the siblings bicker but it was homely like this, i unbraided his hair, brushing them back and carefully applying the oils, he let out a long sigh as he leaned back a little, i smiled he was liking it and that's a good sign "kiri was so true for this, you really do it different, ah" after the massage i rebraided his hair nicely, matching the metkayina style and adding the beads of his choice, all the while have good chats, the time well spent after he was done, he went to flaunt it to lo'ak on who did his hair today, shaking my head, i got up , arms aching but still content they were happy, i walked into the sully tent, meeting Jake i sat beside him, exhausted leaning on him, he grabbed my hand, caressing his thumb over my knuckles "long day?" I shook my head "no, it was a fun day!" I said, smiling at him.
»»————- ✼ ————-««
I sat roasting a fish on the fire, as Jake was cutting fruits and neytiri was taking out the plates to eat, the kids were out swimming and training with tsireya and ao'nung, i laughed as Jake tickled my side suddenly and neytiri grumbled "i dealt with this for 15 years, eywa know how" at that even jake bursted out laughing, but my laughter died down when i saw a very serious looking tonowari walking towards our mauri, Jake and tiri noticed as well, and what tonowari said next made goosebumps rise throughout my body.
The other clans were being tortured for information but due to one word from wari they haven't revealed Jake yet but everyone knew this won't last long, my appetite evaporating as i looked worried at neytiri, she just placed a hand on my shoulder, rubbing the spot for reassurance, i let out a breath , sending a prayer to eywa for our safety, we thanked tonowari, now thinking about what we're going to do next, but something in the back of my mind nagged at me that something's bad is going to happen….and i was not ready for it
»»————- ✼ ————-««
I rode on a ilu, beside Jake and neytiri who were seated on Jake's tsurak, my heart shattering in a million pieces as Ronal wailed for her now dead spirit sister, her roa, who just bared her first babe, who also now layed dead by his mother, tears streamed my face, sobs wracked my body as the memories of Ronal showing me to her sister for the first time, this should not have happened, those demons did this, rage kindled in my chest but my sorrow was too great, i swam besides Ronal, who hugged me instantly, ohh how excited she was to show her newborn to her sister, they were going to be mother's together, now she'll never get the chance too, i held her close to me, this was not how it was supposed to be.
The clan screamed and shouted for revenge on the sky demons, they were killing our tulkuns, this will not go without consequence, i stood beside neytiri, my heart thumped inside it's cage, i grabbed her arm in fear, the people raging towards Jake, blaming him for all this, my heart panged for Jake, he hopped onto the elevated rock and spoke "listen, you have to tell the tulkuns, to go away, far away as possible" but Ronal hissed at him lunging forward, i had to get in between to stop her, she hissed again before saying "you live with us and still haven't learnt anything!" I cringed back but held my ground, looking back at Jake he said the next best thing he could think of, grabbing the red tracker he raised it above his head, showing it to everyone "tell your tulkuns, if this was attacked on them, then swim away fast! Tell me and I'll come deactivate it" everyone looked unconvinced and i shouted at them to get them moving " go, move, tell every tulkun you come across, now!" They grabbed their weapons and dived into the waters, i knew a war was brewing deep in the sea, everything weighed on me, my knees gave out and Jake caught me, i held onto him for dear life, neytiri came closer hugging us both and i melted between them, and for the first time after whatever this is between us started neytiri kissed me, on the lips, i was surprised but kissed back in seconds, as we pulled back Jake groaned "heyy i wanted the first kiss with her!" Neytiri just smirked and said "looks like you lost, ma' Jake" with that she kissed me again but Jake got in between, this time he kissed me and i couldn't be more happier, we still stood in the communal tent, but none of us cared one bit, i leaned on both of them as their arms enveloped me, my mind going silent as no unwanted thoughts plagued my mind for now.
I packed my bags for later, they both asked me to come live with them and i couldn't be more happier, the smile that started from the kiss still lingered on my face, i was shaken out of my thoughts when tsireya burst into my mauri, tears ran down her cheeks and she barely stuttered the words out " it's lo'ak, he's going to tell payakan, come we have to go with him" dropping everything i sprinted with her towards the shore, we swam towards the three brothers rock, where neteyam, lo'ak , tuk, ao'nung and rotxo were pulling out the tracker from payakan, my eyes widened at the scene, "ohh no, no no no" they were targeting payakan, i looked around to see any sign of the sky demons, relieved when none in the sight i got onto payakan's fin, and helped tug the tracker out, and as if lo'ak saw me for the first time he shouted even if he was seated beside me "mama, what are you doing here?!" And my work stopped as I looked at him, wide eyed, did he just call me mama? If i wasn't fighting to save this tulkuns life I'd probably hug him and cry but right now all i did was "yes, listen to me lo'ak, call your parents right now, we do not have much time, the hunters will be here any minute" he nodded not even registering the fact that he called mama, i got back in pulling the tracker, finally after so many tries that piece of metal was pulled out, just when the demon ship rounded the corner.
I took the tracker from neteyam, yelling at them to scatter as i got onto my ilu, swimming away, i look back and some kind of ships following , i threw the tracker away rounding about when one of the ships caught my ilu's fin and i was thrown over, i wanted to scream but stopped, trying to swim away but the other ship was catching up to me, just as i thought i was caught my wrist was pulled, taking my whole body with it, lo'ak smile down at me as tsireya pulled me closer onto the ilu, the ships still chased us, weaving into the long seaweeds, the machines got stuck, leaving our ilu we swam towards plant that created an air pocket inside it, when i broke to water surface, i was surprised to see tuk there, gasping for air i held tuk against me, we calmed down, catching up on air, we had to get out of here soon, so taking in a deep breath we got out, swimming towards the seaweed but our path was blocked as some of the weird shaped machine shot out a net trap, that captured me, tsireya and tuk, lo'ak got out somehow but held on to the net as we were pulled out of the water, tuk latched onto me crying in my neck, my brain was distrort on what was happening but i held on.
The net was thrown onto the ship, our bodies hitting the hard metal with a thud, i groaned , the net was opened and someone ripped tuk out of my arms as i screamed and thrashed to get her back, fear gripping my heart, another one of the soldier wrapped his hand around the nape of my neck, pressing my cheek on the cold metal, my wrists were cuffed behind my back, right after i was dragged to the railing and strapped to it, even after tugging it hard it wouldn't budge, lo'ak was on my left, tsireya beside him while tuk was on my right, fat tears rolled down her face, i tried to comfort her but couldn't do much. To my surprise one of the men grabbed my face making me look at him, he leaned down and tuk screamed " MAMA!! Leave her alone, please" the demon Na'vi who held my face, tilted his head and said in a low voice " looks like sully got himself another blue bitch" he chuckled and so did the others, lo'ak bared his teeth at him, tsireya and tuk crying out when a brut pulled at their queues. The demon who held my face shoved me and lo'ak hissed at him, but the man ripped the transmitter from lo'ak's neck, speaking into it " Jake, tell your friends to stand down. If you want your kids and wife back, you come out alone. You know better than to test my resolve" he points a gun at my head " I took you under my wing, Jake. You betrayed me. You killed your own. Good men, good women. I will not hesitate to execute your bitch" my breath wavered, eyes jumping from him to lo'ak, fear evident in his eyes, i couldn't catch what Jake said but i prayed he would take a good decision rather than a hasty one.
I looked at the horizon, plenty of Na'vi floated on the water and saw Jake coming closer, my heart dropped, he was giving himself up, i tried to pull away but the demon hold my queue yanked me back and a scream erupted from my throat at the pain, i inhaled deeply praying to eywa for his safety, absorbed in my thoughts i didn't see payakan coming up, the splash of cold water brought me out of my prayers, payakan fell on the ships deck, slapping of several sky demons with is fin while crushing many of them beneath him, lo'ak whooped for him, celebrating in the moment, payakan slid down from the edge falling back into the water, but before i could say anything the ship started to move forward picking up speed, it didn't stop even when we approached a rock Island, the collision shook the whole ship as we were lifted up into the air, slamming down my head hit the railing, hard, my vision blurred for a moment and pain bloomed at the back of my head but i didn't say anything, looking around frantically, i saw tuk pressed against the cold deck, tsireya holding onto the bars for dear life and lo'ak trying to get a grip on the rod, sitting up straight, i saw neteyam bolting up onto the ship, running towards us he cuts up tuk's binds, then tsireya's and mine, lastly lo'ak's, i pull tuk to my chest, standing up, i lost my balance but straighten up quickly, pulling tuk and tsireya with me, i look back at neteyam and lo'ak who didn't follow me " c'mon we have to get out of here" lo'ak hesitated but said " we have to save spider, we can't leave him here" neteyam looked conflicted, sighing, i had to get tuk to safety and as far away as possible, so i spoke " be careful please, if you do not find him, turn around, okay? I do not want you two to get hurt, am I clear?" They both nodded quickly running to the hallway.
I swam with tuk and tsireya when the latter stopped me, her voice barely above a whisper "y/n, you are bleeding" i shushed her, nodding, it wasn't much, i just had to get through this, it can be taken care of later, we met kiri inbetween, i heaved a sigh of relief hugging her, but there was no time , just as we started to swim in the other direction, a roar boomed above us, two big talons grabbed kiri, pulling her up as she screamed for the rider to let go but to no avail, they took her to the ship, tuk pulled my hand, i looked at her, she signed towards the ships pulling me "baby we can't go there" , my mind frantic, i had to save kiri life but i can't risk tuk's as well, she shook her head " sully's stick together" so we swam to the ship.
we popped above the water and hauled ourselves up, crawling around until we saw kiri bound to the railing of a pool, we ran towards her, trying our best to free her but we were too late as the demon walked towards us, he pushed tsireya into the pool, i screamed but as quickly as i blinked he shoved me down and his men bound me and tuk besides kiri, tuk wailed " i can't believe I'm tied up again!" He looked at his soldiers, huffing he said "we can still get this done" and one of them replied with a "hell yeah" and We waited for a long time with bated breath,before the man who held a gun at me earlier spoke " Did you hear me corporal , same deal as before, you for them" he was talking to Jake, i knew it, he walked around us "I need the answers Jake or there's gonna be consequences" i couldn't hear anything what Jake replied with , i sighed inwardly, exhaustion was creeping in but i fought it, the blue demon walked towards his attendees "Let's get this guy, that's what we came here for" clicking his gun ready.
he walked towards us, pointing the gun out, he looked through the lens for a couple of seconds before he said " hold fire" they all looked around here and there searching for Jake, by the look on the sky demons face i knew he lost sight of him too, he swirled around and spoke into the mic after a while "Talk to me corporal, the ship's going down and your girls with it, only one way to keep 'em safe" a few minutes of silence before a blast was heard, the ship groaned at the explosion, tillting down, people were screaming and running everywhere, minute by minute people were being killed, then like a ray of hope i heard Jake's voice, but the demon crouched in front of us to trap Jake, i screamed at the man in front of me " THEY'RE COMING FOR YOU!" and tuk hissed at him.
I heard neytiri's screams from a distance, my head turned in that direction, heart dropping to the floor but before i could react, a hand clamped on my mouth as he undid my cuff from the railing, pulling me back against the metal wall so we couldn't be seen, i tried to scream but they were muffled by the hand on my mouth, he leaned down to my ear and whispered " one more sound out of you mouth and your pretty little lover won't be alive" i stopped thrashing against him as he held a knife to my throat, i saw Jake rescuing tuk and kiri, he pushed me forward , walking into Jake's eyesight, knife still held against my neck, Jake and tuk walked forward but he stopped tuk as she cried "mamaa" Jake put out his arm, he looked between me and the man who held me " kill him Jake" the demon pressed the knife even harder drawing in blood as i recoiled, " c'mon sully, weapons down" quatrich threw a orange band at him " cuff yourself, Do IT!"
Jake grunted, he threw his axe and gun away , bending down to pick up the band, " you son of bitch" Jake bit back, "not one step corporal" my blood coated the knife now, burning the place where it rested against my neck, tuk and kiri were behind Jake, and i didn't not see neytiri come up behind us and so didn't quaritch, she pounced out gripping a boy holding a knife against his throat, "you think i care about that boy? We're not even the same species" quaritch said, she tilted her head, lips pressed into a thin like as she spoke " a son for a son" dragged the blade up, plummeting it down towards the boy's chest with a yell, quaritch screamed "No, NOo" taking the knife from my neck and holding it up, i yelled at the sensation, letting me go Jake pulled me behind him, neytiri let go of the boy and hissed viciously, she towards us and tuk pulled her back gently, we all backed away slowly.
the ship still sank down second by second, quaritch stayed back but called out to Jake " I'm coming back for you, when i do, I'll kill you and your whole family" baring his teeth, Jake stopped in his track looking at back at quaritch "let's get this over with" and he pounced on to quaritch, i propelled forward to stop him but neytiri pulled me back, shaking her head, we dived into the water, swimming away but there was an oil spill and it caught on fire due to the blast, making us stop in our way out, the human boy from earlier, spider, yelled to turn around towards the ship, neytiri grabbed my arm as we swam back, getting onto the ship, i pushed kiri forward to go ahead of me, neytiri was with tuk, i turned back to her, i went to grab tuk but her foot slipped and she fell into the doorway, my heart lurked and i went in after her, neytiri right behind me.
I fell onto my side the water cushioning my fall a little but i didn't care, i grabbed tuk and neytiri was there beside me, i ushered tuk to go forward , we ran to the door in front, neytiri tried to open it, water was trickled our calfs, finally after a hard pull she opened it, the water pumping us forward, our yells and shouts muffled by the water, we got into a room with lots of tables, the ship was turning so we had to climb up them, i pulled tuk up by her hand, pushing her up to neytiri, we got to a closed door again, water up to our waist now, neytiri struggled to open it, i stood beside her and pulled the door with her, with all my might, finally the door gave away, quickly letting tuk in, me and neytiri swam in after her and the door slammed shut with the pressure.
i looked ahead but there was no other way, water was filling up, neytiri pulled me and tuk closer to her and we stood there, the wound was throbbing and being tossed around while coming here was taking a toll on me now, my head felt light, vision blurred, my hand latching onto neytiri's, she looked at me worried but i couldn't even explain what was happening, tuk answered for me " she hit her head on the bars, when we were on the ship, there was blood coming out too" now neytiri was worried sick, i shook my head trying to change the subject " it's okay, I'm fine, it was nothing" but she looked skeptical, there was nothing she could do either, there was no way out , i leaned on her " stay close to me please" time passed agonizingly slow, the pain in the back of my head now slowly spreading down my back and arms, water levels were rising fast, the ship sinking down faster, we were trapped and there was no way of getting out.
i looked at neytiri, all hopes of my survival leaving and i said those words before it's too late "ne- neytiri, this is not how i wanted to say it but ole ngati kameie, i see you and Jake, I've never known love before you two came in my life, you were the ember in my darkness, the light that led me to meet you, if this is the time we get in this lifetime, then all my hardships were worth it, you both were my light in the darkness that lead me to love you, if this is the only time I'll get to spend with you, than, would not hesitate to do it all over again " i smiled at her, tears spilled down her face , she placed a hand on my cheek wiping my own tears with her thumb, tuk wrapped her arms around my torso " you're going to be okay mama, i want you with me" new tears formed in my eyes, i leaned down kissing her forehead, neytiri spoke after a while " you're going to be fine yawne, we'll get out of this and you will live with us, do not lose hope now when we are so close, ole ngati kameie ma' y/n but please do not leave me, not now" she pressed her forehead against mine, i savored this moment, feeling every bit of it, exhaustion made its way but i fought back.
the water was now till our necks, i tried my best to keep tuk afloat as well, it was getting harder to breath, the lights went out a while ago, it was pitch black, so when a golden light flooded the place we all turned to the source of it, golden fishes swam in the water we stood in and then popped in kiri's head, i laughed in relief pulling her in for a hug, oh I've never been happier, we are going to be saved at last, she pulled back, taking the air giving creature off her back and put it on my back, connecting my queue to it, and surely air rushed to my lungs, i nodded, they all took a deep breath and Kiri lead us out, neytiri held my hand all the time while the other was in tuk's, after weaving through doors and passages we finally got out, seeing the surface both neytiri and kiri pulled me up and we all broke the surface and i gasped for air, i looked around and saw payakan, with Jake and lo'ak on his fin, we all swam to them, more like neytiri dragged me to them " ma' Jake - ma' Jake!" We both said in sync and he pulled us for a hug, i was hauled onto payakan's fin, and finally i let myself go, as i lost my fight against exhaustion, my head falling onto Jake's shoulder, eyes rolling to the back of my head, i pass of completely.
»»————- ✼ ————-««
I open my eyes but the blinding bright sunlight stopped me, squinting, i looked around me, neytiri sat beside me and i looked up at her, memories of war flashed through my mind, me, neytiri and tuk being stuck, kiri coming to save us, me passing out on payakan and i bolted upwards, sitting up but the pain in my back took over and i cried out, neytiri immediately held me close, i didn't even notice Jake until was was beside me as well, checking on my bandages, my breathe uneven and labored, everything felt like it was on fire, every nerve in my body ablaze, i sighed in her neck, getting a grip on myself i leaned back, meeting their faces that held the brightest smile I've ever seen, i laughed lightly, then they started laughing and in the end we all laughed together, at what? I don't know, but I'm glad the great mother deemed me worthy to hear it again.
The celebration was full blown at its highest note, people danced in the joy of our victory, elders sang the most treasured songs in the name of another achievement, my heart swelled as i saw tsireya and lo'ak dancing together, i sat with Jake and neytiri, in between them while they both crush me beneath their body weight, as the party progressed, Jake took us both out for a walk, it's been a week since the war, we mourned the fallen now we must move past it, celebrate a new phase, i walked on the crunchy sand, the moonlight illuminating the bioluminescent dots on our bodies, Jake's tail wrapped around my thigh, while neytiri held my hand in her's, fingers intertwined, we got to a grassy part of Awa'atlu, where the sea was still visible, it was where the forest met the sea, the plants and surroundings glowing, it looked magnificent, we sat down on the soft grass, the silence comfortable as we laid there, under the blanket of stars, but it was disturbed when Jake and neytiri sat up, i looked at them confused, they helped me sit up and Jake cleared his throat and i stared at him " umm i know, this is long over due now, hmm i- will you-" but neytiri completed the sentence for him "will you do the honour and make us happy by agreeing to be our mate, tiyawn?" Jake nodded hurriedly, blood rushed to my face as it heated, not much as it was already hot whenever I was with them, i nodded smiling " yes, i loved to be" right after i said it, they attacked me with a hug as we fell down again on the grass, both of them peppering my face and neck with kisses as i giggled between them, soon Jake brought his queue in front of him, and so did neytiri joining hers, my mind literally dancing i brought mine coiling around both of theirs, the tides of emotions washed over me, as i looked at them mesmerized, their love for me wafting over to my side, seconds later i was huddled in their arms, warm and protected, this is all i ever wanted and that's all i got, i didn't know how much time went by at the celebration but as i saw the first rays of sunlight illuminating the dark sky, i knew this was eywa's way of telling me that this was it, this was my share of the love and i couldn't be more happy about it.
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A/n : i finished writing this at 2am in the morning, it's still not proofread so bare with me please, I'll proof read it soon 🫡😊🤭 i hope y'all like it, share your views.
Yawne : @fanboyluvr, @callmeoncette, @lu-the-ghost-reader, @brisbriskett, @saltedcoffeescotch, @ducks118, @itscheybaby, @jackiehollanderr, @zoetrope1997, @yeosxxx, @persefolli, @im-in-a-pansexual-panik, @theycallmesia, @killua2dot0, @ilovechickenwings, @kylobensgirl, @darling-imobsessed, @majathepapaya, @sweetirilly.
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©Neteyamyawne2023 | All Rights Reserved. Do not repost on other platforms, copy, steal, or translate any of my works!
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me and the devil - o. hightower/r. targaryen
Description: Rhaenyra Targaryen feels alone after the passing of her mother, and the exile of her beloved uncle. Otto lends a helping hand. In which, the Black Princess may finally have a chance in becoming Queen. (a bit of a crack fic) Rating: Mature (Spanking, Daddy Issues/Kink, Fingering [f. recieving], Fucking, Purity Culture, Loss of Virginity, Degradation, Riding [Otto topping from the bottom].) Author's Note: Rhaenyra's age is adjusted and she is in her majority age, because I don't want to be creepy.
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Her world was torn in two - hands playing with her rings as her father finished announcing his engagement to her friend. It was all a ploy - she was used to elevate another person's status at court. She takes a step backward, bumping into the chest of Otto Hightower.
"I'm sorry," she squeaks while moving out of his way. She prided herself in knowing nothing about the gossips of her father's court - but she wasn't entirely oblivious. She was aware of a lot of things. She was aware of the feud between Otto and her uncle. She was aware that it was Otto's plot in making his daughter Queen.
He doesn't say anything - he stays in his place, staring at her and searching for a reaction in her eyes. Otto Hightower was aware of everything - every friendship, relationship or death that happened around court. He knew that Rhaenyra was friends with his daughter - he knew that she would feel betrayed and in search of vengeance.
"Congratulations on your daughter's engagement," Rhaenyra broke the thick air of silence around them. His lips formed into a thin line, no emotions were evident in his face. He was stoic and calm, as a king should be. "Thank you, I will be sure to extend this word of gratitude to my daughter." he paused intending for her to stare deep into his eyes. "My princess," he adds like he has forgotten her title.
"This is the perfect time to find a husband. One that can strengthen your family's claim." he was quick to add, knowing that he has already laid the groundwork - and the only thing she has to do is follow it. Her husband shouldn't be too powerful, or too weak. Her husband should be loyal to the Hightowers so that she may not contest her future brother's reign.
"I-I beg your pardon?" she stuttered. He was dominating over her, looking down on her small figure like a lion would do to its prey. He commanded her full attention, the people around them began to drown away. "As your father's heir, it is imperative that you find a dutiful husband and make heirs of your own." he informed, attempting to sound like a dutiful hand providing insight upon his future liege.
Otto continues staring at the Princess. She had a sharp jaw, almond eyes and the brightest blonde hair. She was a striking beauty - he liked that, but he would never act upon it. His plan was already in motion, there was no use in trying to sully the Princess. "After the wedding, the King will be asking you - with no doubt." the man continued staring, soaking in every indention on her face, soaking in her sharp collarbones that he wanted to bury his face in.
"It is none of your concern, lord hand. My future husband will not affect you." she regained her fire, reaching to her full height but not reaching him just quite. He takes a step back, bowing slightly and moving away. He would leave a stain on the Princess' mind. A seed planted in her mind that she wasn't going to be heir for long.
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A feast was held in the wedding's favor. Lords from all across the realm began to visit the castle - they were all vying for Rhaenyra's hand, and she having a hard time trying to send them away peacefully. "I would prefer to be sitting down, Lord Lannister - I have been dancing for far too long." she reasoned, staring at the side. Jason Lannister was a leech that couldn't be shaken away. He seemed to adore following her everywhere - talking about his gold and the political benefit that she'd have if they are to be wed.
"Such a shame, my princess. I have been practicing my dances for you." the man tried to plead but was quickly sent away with a glare from the King. She lets out a sigh of relief. She didn't want to dance anyone - she only wanted to dance with Daemon, and he was not there. He was exiled - for the hundredth time.
A servant fills her goblet with wine, and she begins greedily drinking - savoring every drop of the Dornish delicacy. A lord sits beside her, clad in green, he smelled like ale - but in a delicious way. She turns her head to the side, an attempt to look at him. "Lord hand." her lips press into a thin line as she finishes the goblet of wine. "My princess," he answered. She looks away from him, focusing her attention upon the blushing bride - Alicent Hightower, who hasn't spoken to her since the engagement was announced.
She wanted to kill her old friend for stealing her father, and for trying to replace her with the spawns that she would give birth to.
"Queenship suits my daughter, doesn't it?" Otto taunted, allowing the ale to speak his mind. Rhaenyra responds with a chuckle, one that she was sure that he wouldn't be able to remember tomorrow. "As much as pink suits my skin-tone." she remarked sarcastically, motioning for the servant to fill her cup again.
" - and it suits you very well." Otto joked, staring deep at the Princess' face. Her nose has a small bump, and he's only noticed now. "My lord, I am not in the mood for conversation." she tried to dismiss, still staring at her old friend. She wanted her revenge - she wanted Alicent to feel the same way as she did. "Why not?" he questioned, and only then did she look at him.
She has a way for revenge now: steal Alicent's father.
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Men were weak creatures according to her uncle. Show a little leg, and they are swooning - reveal your affections, and they grovel beneath your feet. Otto Hightower was going to be an easy prey.
She strides towards the library armed with her favorite dress. It was a beautiful black gown that revealed enough for him to imagine things.
Rhaenyra was beautiful - everyone around her always said that. Her lips were full and red, and her skin was snow white. Every man in the seven kingdoms has thought of becoming her husband.
She opens the door to the library gently, careful to not alert the Maester who was beginning to fall asleep.
She walked - like a siren swimming in water.
She halts in front of the hand.
"Lord Otto," she said, ensuring that her eyes were focusing on his face. Darting back and forth between his eyes and his cherry lips. "Princess?" he questioned, not taking his eyes off the book that he was reading. She walks closer, pushing the book down - revealing his honey-brown eyes.
"I was wondering if you could help me with history?" she paused to ask. A small groan exits his mouth - angered with the slight disruption. In his mind, she was girl sent to annoy him - oblivious of the plans that she had. "Of course." he hummed, not finding it appropriate to disobey the orders of the King's heir.
She finds it as a reason to sit beside him, leaning into his shoulder but not resting her head fully. "I find myself confused with Oldtown's history." she lied, pushing her body closer to his - allowing him to have a full view at her breasts.
"Allow me to explain."
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Otto wasn't aware of how teaching turned into fucking.
A few days ago, he was still attending his library lessons with the Princess - and now he was inside her chambers watching as she laid on the bed with her legs open and welcoming him.
It was a lewd sight - his own personal heaven.
He slowly begins to remove his cloak, throwing it over the neat pile of the Princess' jewelry. "Come closer, my lord." she hummed, a siren lulling her prey into the deep waters. He obeys her - not finding the power to fight against her strength.
He begins crawling towards her - staring at her milky white cunt that oozed with wet juice. He could speak - afraid that he'd wake up from the dream and find himself alone on his bed. "Look at me." Rhaenyra commanded, grabbing his jaw and forcing him to stare at her eyes. "This is all for you." she moaned, dipping a finger into her cunt.
"Ahhh," she moaned, pushing her finger in and out of her body. She pushes a second finger inside, and his eyes trail down to her delicious pearl. She reaches for his hand, massaging it down from the valleys of her breast, down to her soft stomach and to her cunt that was oozing with wetness. "Fuck me." she pleaded, a small smile finds itself etched on his face.
If this was a dream - then he never wanted to wake up.
He places two fingers inside her cunt, squeezing the inside with all of his tender strength. He knew how to pleasure a woman - to fuck a lady that was in desperate need of him. "So tight," he mused pumping his finger in and out of her body - tipping her g-spot with ease. "So needy," he teased taking his fingers out of her.
She was bucking and searching for his hand.
"My lord," she moaned, his other hand laid on her chest - controlling her breathing. He was sitting down - her body was now on top of his lap, grinding unto him with renewed vigor. " - please," she cried feeling her pussy twitch with agony.
He licks his fingers clean of her juices. She tasted like metal - like blood that was plastered on her family's motto. He wipes his hand on her stomach, teasing her as it began to trail down the lower part of her waist - playing around her thighs, and dipping back into her. "My good girl." he purred, concentrated on pumping his fingers in and out of her good little cunt. Her eyes closed softly, shuddering around the pleasure she was feeling.
"Qogralbar -" she moaned.
And he ceased his fucking.
He raised his hands again - spanking her cunny.
"Do not curse, princess. I can fuck you very properly without using those words." He scolded, like a father who caught his daughter saying bad things. Her eyes opened, flinching from the sudden pain. " - but you" she tried to reason but he silences her with the touch of his hand. "Will I have to make you, little girl? Do I really have to turn you into my perfect little whore? When you should already know how to be that." he taunted, retreating his hands away from her body.
"I-I'm sorry," she stuttered trying to chase her high. She had no idea that her simple revenge would turn into something more. "Please keep going," she pleaded - frustrated as he pushed her body out of his lap - out of his bulge that was pressing on her bare ass.
"You will have to apologize in another way, Rhaenyra." he announced darkly, reminding the Princess that he was still fully dressed. He walks out of the bed, standing in front of her as she began to crawl to him. She stares up at him - he smirks seeing the trail of wetness evident on her brown sheets. She unbuckles his belt, allowing his pants to pool around the floor - she unbuttons his shirt, like a dutiful servant undressing her master.
Otto was her master at this moment, but he wouldn't be for long. Slowly and surely, Rhaenyra is sure to switch the tides. To make sure that Otto would be loyal to her - and not to Alicent.
Otto thought the same thing. He was thankful because he didn't have to kill Rhaenyra. It would benefit him more having his son as King rather than his grandson.
And there was only one more thing to do before ensuring that.
Once his shirt was taken off - he lays on the bed, his dick reaching to its full height. He raises his hand, motioning for her to lay on top of him. "Have you ever been fucked, girl?" he interrogated, placing both of his hands around her plush bottom. His fingers almost sank into the girl's skin at the rate of its softness.
"Yes - but not right there," she gazed down at where their organs were about to connect. "Do you want to be fucked there?" he interrogated, staring deep into her purple eyes. He prays that their children have her eyes. "Yes." she hummed and he pressed her down.
Her eyes rolled immediately - finding his cock to be perfect fit. It reached all the places that she wanted to reach. "Fu-" she was about to curse, but she stops - knowing that he wouldn't like that.
He waits for her to settle around him before pressing her body in and out of him. She raises her hands - grabbing unto the bed-frame. "Ahh," she moaned loudly - the entire keep could almost hear. "Keep moaning sweet girl, and your father will know how good I can fuck you." Otto warned - she grinned, gaining enough momentum to be riding him without any guide.
"You are my father now - my kepa. You will guide me, fuck me - everything." she moaned while riding him with all her strength.
Pleasure was beginning to cloud her brain - it filled her with a bright aura - a feeling that she wanted to keep chasing. "Dirty girl," he degraded, his hands firmly wrapped around her waist.
In and out.
In and out.
Otto wanted to close his eyes - but he also wanted to see the Princess moan and roll hers. "My lord," she sang - feeling the deepest delight inside her stomach - a thick and warm feeling permeating though her flesh and bones. "You have to cum?" he asks and she nodded her head. He keeps going, moving her body to the side as he fucks his way through her.
There was silence - only the sound of skin bouncing into skin. "Otto!" the princess yelled and a thick rope of white fluid squirts out of her cunt, staining his abdomen and cock with the juice.
He keeps pumping for a few times - finishing inside of her womb.
An heir was created.
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Rhaenyra looks at the floor - still wearing her nightgown. "Skorkydoso gōntan bisa massigon, Rhaenyra? (How did this happen?)" Viserys asks, staring at his daughter - anger pulsing through his veins. Otto was standing beside her, but he chose to ignore him - for now.
"Nyke ȳdra daor gīmigon, kepa. (I don't know, kepa.)" she cried, ashamed of her deeds. "Ao ȳdra daor gīmigon? (You don't know?)" he taunted, circling around her - glaring at her. "Tolvys ryptan ao. (Everyone heard you.)" he exaggerated.
"I apologize, my king." Otto breaks his lover's silence, Viserys' fury is transported unto his Hand. "Give me a good reason on why I should not exile you." the King demanded. Rhaenyra often believed that her father wasn't a real dragon - he was dragonless after all. She was born after Balerion died - and perhaps the dragon inside her father died too.
"He did not force me, kepa." she repeated, reminiscent of the time that she called Otto that. "I wanted it too." she kept her eyes casted on the floor. A chuckle escapes the King's mouth. "You do not know what you want, Rhaenyra. You can hardly decide on what gown to wear - how can you be so sure of him?" Viserys questioned, his hands on his waist.
Rhaenyra looks up, hands reaching for Otto's.
"Nyke jorrāelagon zirȳla, kepa. (I love him, father.)" she stated, almost causing the king to have a heart attack.
At that very moment Viserys regretted deciding upon marrying Alicent - he regretted having Otto as hand and most of all, he regretted not wedding his daughter to Daemon.
"Very well." he swallows.
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thana-topsy · 1 year
hi!! 35 or 49 for elenwen/tullius? they’re fucked up and intriguing and I’ve seen a lot of art for them from one artist but I’m curious how you’d write them. thank you!!!
Y'know, I'm with you. This ship is very intriguing and has a certain allure to it. This one is definitely on the raunchier side compared to the rest, but I tried to keep the language vague enough for tumblr standards. Thanks for the suggestion!!
Elenwen x Tullius "A kiss out of necessity." (599 words)
It was a necessary evil, he reminded himself. 
War itself was little more than a necessary evil upon which the axis of the world spun. The threat of destruction, sweetened by the promise of an end to it all. If war could end, he was sure it would have ended by now. Every day, as new recruits marched into Solitude, young men and women, pink and callow, he signed their lives over to the cause. He could not read their names, his eyes glazing over the myriad lists with practiced detachment, but he did look into their eyes, finding optimism, righteousness. He prayed the volunteers would continue to trickle in, as drafted soldiers carried no such spark behind their eyes. 
A necessary evil.
The gold skins that patrolled the roads were ghosts haunting his steps. He would see the faces of long-dead soldiers beneath their hoods. Flashes of expression devoid of humanity. Unquestioning loyalty; perfectly molded indoctrination. Despite it all, he found their cause both tenacious and baffling. How could one, with centuries of life left to live, march unquestioningly into their own death? 
Then again, to express doubt was a vile and mannish quality, or so he’d been told. 
“You question your own cause, even?” 
“I do not question my cause. My cause is much narrower in scope.”
Elenwen tutted, sliding a hand along his bare chest, her long fingers trailing through the sparse graying hair. “Having your own agenda in these times is unwise, but I’m sure you already know that.”
She was beautiful and hideous—elongated features and too-large irises that reflected his own expression back at him like a warped mirror. One of her long, smooth legs moved against his, her knee hitching along the inside of his thigh. Every muscle in her body was lean and coiled, and he wanted to sink his teeth into her until she begged. Yet he was often the one begging when all was said and done. 
He’d invited a predator into his bed, and he found that he couldn’t stop. 
She pushed upright to straddle his hips, her pale hair framing her face like a halo as she leaned over him, the kohl around her eyes smudged like war paint. The heat between her legs pulsed against his own, and he groaned, tipping his head back and gripping her thighs. Her mouth was on his throat, one hand sliding between their bodies to guide him in until they were joined. 
She used her height to her advantage. He felt like a moth pinned to a board when she rode him—helpless, his hands fluttering anywhere they could reach, tracing the lines of her stomach, cupping her breasts, pulling her down for kiss after kiss after kiss. She’d always pull away when he was close, finishing him with her hand until he spilled across his own hips with a shudder and a sharp gasp. Then she’d settle herself over his face, and he’d devour her like a man starved until she was shaking, holding onto the headboard like a drowning sailor clinging to the wreckage of her ship. He shoved his tongue into her mouth when they kissed next, forcing her to taste herself. 
See what you do to me? Was winning the war not enough?
Tullius hated her. He hated himself for allowing any of it. Yet somehow he’d wandered too far off the road, lost his sense of direction, and the hatred had turned to worship along the way. And he supposed that’s exactly what the golden elves wanted out of men.
A necessary evil, he reminded himself.
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klutzyroses · 2 years
I've been looking for more headcanons about ikevam for so long now (yes, I read almost everything out there😂), anyway I'm so glad I found your account, your writing is great and accurate with every character🥰, so about the last request of the short MC, could you do it for Vlad, Charles and Faust, please? I'm obsessed with them
Aw, thank you and welcome!💖 I get you, I feel like I've read everything too!👀
IkeVamp HCs: Short S/o with long hair
(The short s/o headcanons but with Team Vlad)
Suitors: Vlad, Faust, Charles
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When he first looked upon you, he felt an instant need to get to know you.
You seemed so marvelous to him, so little, delicate and beautiful. He almost thought you a little water sprite, you were just that enchanting to him.
He would peer down at you with so much love, deciding then and there that he would make the world a better place for you, so that you would only know beauty, safety and security.
He would do anything to make your life easier. Be it lowering things to your level or simply lifting you to reach them yourself. Anything you need.
He would be absolutely obsessed with your beautiful hair. He'd often run his fingers absently through it when lost in thought, contemplating the color and thickness of it.
He would occasionally weave some of the flowers in his care into those flowing tresses, within lovely braids and plaits until you resemble a flowery princess from a mystical faraway land. Just the way he sees you.
Should you feel insecure about your height, he will shake his head fondly and tenderly stroke your hair as he cradles you to his chest.
"My little flower, I made a vow to make this world into a beautiful one...but my world is a very small, but perfect and lovely one. If only the rest of the world was like mine..."
He was instantly intrigued by you for the moment he saw you. Such a tiny, interesting woman.
He needed to know more. Why are you so small? He is curious.
He will often watch you struggle to reach things in high places, and he would do nothing at first, just to see if you reach your target. When he sees you get frustrated and opt to start climbing things, that's when he shakes his head and simply gets it for you.
He is a very tall man, so your small stature makes you seem like quite the pair, especially since he was so intimidating and you, in comparison were so sweet and cute.
He would often play with your hair idly, surprising you by lifting a lock of the smooth silk in his hand and watching it trail off his fingers slowly. He finds it soothing to do so. He would also instruct you to keep it tied when you are up and about, for your own convenience and safety.
If you feel insecure about your height, he will shoot you the most unimpressed look you have ever seen, ceasing his reading momentarily to twirl a lock of your hair around his finger.
"There is no use lamenting what cannot be changed. Don't think such things."
Your tiny stature immediately drew him to you. He just couldn't believe a girl so sweet as you even existed.
He wouldn't be able to leave you alone for even a moment, he is completely captivated by you and can't get enough of you.
He just loves hugging you, to feel your petite body in his arms is the best feeling he could possibly think of. He also adores lifting you on his shoulders or piggybacking you around Paris. You feel so light, so easily to lift, no effort is needed on his part, which makes reaching things on higher places easier and more fun.
He is just as in love with your hair as he is with the rest of you. It's so long and silky and shiny, he could almost spend all day looking at it, especially when it's loose and blowing delicately in the breeze.
Brushing your hair becomes one of his self-assigned morning duties, right after brushing le Voivode's and waking le Docteur. You have to be last, simply because once he gets ahold of those gorgeous locks, he cannot part with them for at least an hour.
If he finds you are feeling insecure about being so small, he will wrap you up in his arms in the warmest, most adoring hug he can muster, kissing the top of your head over and over.
"Non, non, ma princesse! I love your tinyness! You're so cute and adorable, I don't want you to change one bit!"
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leggerefiore · 2 years
This isn't really a request I just wanted to share my thoughts with someone. What if Volo had a s/o that was borderline as crazy as he is. Like they don't want to be a god or to defeat Arceus but they would absolutely help Volo do so with zero hesitation. Volo absolutely deserves to be decked across the face but... I would be a liar if I didn't want this man to have a s/o that has somebody who'd enable him and his insane plot. I want him to have that crazy love. Fuck fixing him
ik you said it isn't a request but I'm in a weird Volo mood so... take this
cw: well, Volo wins.
⭐️ Everything had culminated into the moment in which you stood across from him. Your beautiful boyfriend with shrunken grey irises and an incomprehensible entity behind him. His words of summoning Arceus before him and claiming their power as his own to make a new, better world. It brought tears to your eyes. The betrayal of Team Galaxy heavy on your shoulders, how the clans essentially turned their backs on you in protection of themselves, and the endless judgment you had received since your arrival.
⭐️ Volo expected resistance and strong words of defiance, but you instead fall to your knees while weeping. You grasp the ends of his top and bury your face into his abdomen. Your words are pleas to create such a world, one where all the suffering you faced never came. Volo stares down at you, pathetic and vulnerable, so desperate for comfort. His hand combs through your hair gently. You weren't going to fight him. Part of him is disappointed, but another is so relieved that his love agreed with his wants. You are brought to your full height and held tightly to his form.
⭐️ You stand at his side as he takes all of the plates, and bright light shines down as your flute transforms into an Azure Flute. There is momentary anger in his eyes, rejected by his god after being such a devout worshipper – You hand him the precious flute with soft eyes. The blond takes it gratefully. He blows into it, falling into a song he knows his bring forth a path to the deity.
⭐️ You watch as Volo ascends and leaves you there at Spear Pillar. Then. You blink. You're no longer at the destroyed location. A comfortable bedding lies under you, silken sheets covering your form. You recall everything previous, yet do not know how you got here. An arm wraps around you and pulls you in close. Lips press softly at your neck. You know instinctually. Volo. You turn to see him, clothing a more extravagant form of the attire donned as wielder. His eyes hold a strange essence that feels primordial. Volo is no longer a mere human with an ancient bloodline.
⭐️ You bury your face into his chest and relax. Your pain is over. All the madness of Hisui was gone in an instant. Now you existed in a place with a lover who had achieved his wishes. Volo hums, a sound more relaxing than ever. “I must thank you, my star, for your assistance played a large part,” he spoke with a soft, relaxing voice that managed to hold authority still, “No more pain shall come. Rest.” You do as he ordered, eyes closing. His hand interlocks with yours. A smug smile plays at his lips. Loving you had been no error, you understood him perfectly. A perfect spouse for a god.
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littlepadika · 3 years
Okay my little sweet P, I know we’ve talked about it but I just can’t get it outta my head of some good fake dating 👚, with of course my precious bby Frankie 🌹, and make me YEARN. 📔 ilyilyilysm and congrats on the 500 again, you deserve it and more💜💜💜
Just remember you asked for this Mel. I have the defibrillator on standby.
500 follower celebration (closed now)
Warnings: yearning, jealousy, peek of angy frankie, ends fluffy, Spanish speaking fem reader, fake dating, dilf Frankie, frankie's daughter has a chronic illness, discussion of addiction/ptsd, vomiting (tw emetophobia), height difference.
AN: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Queen Mel!!!! May you run off into the sunset with a shirtless Frankie :)
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"Rosalia?" You pushed open the door. Sitting on the exam table was the cutest little girl you had ever seen (and you were a pediatrician so the bar was pretty high). She beamed when you came in. She was one of those kids who loved coming to the doctor's office. You always gave her a lolly at the end and if there were shots involved, she got a stuffed animal. You had been Rosalia's pediatrician since she was born. Nowadays you only ever saw her with her father, Frankie. You knew there was a divorce and it seemed Rosie's mom was not around as much. You didn't ask for details if it wasn't necessary to Rosie's health.
When Rosie was diagnosed with diabetes Frankie was obviously overwhelmed with all the steps and medications. You gave him your number so he could call with even stupid questions and he did call many times. Since then you've been steadily deepening your crush for the man. Every glimpse into his life only confirmed what you loved about him. Today, you couldn't stop from beaming when you saw Frankie sitting in the chair next to the exam table, handsome and shy like always. He was wearing a short-sleeve shirt today which drew your attention to his thick arms.
"Hey." Frankie waved before standing up. "Thanks for seeing us on such short notice." He fiddled with his hat nervously. He was always nervous around you. From the moment he met you he thought you were the most beautiful and smartest woman in the world. After his divorce, his world shrank but you were still in it. His initial attraction twisted and burrowed into his heart with every interaction until he was finding stupid reasons to go to the doctor's office. Calling you with increasingly dumb and empty complaints.
"No problem. I saw you called the advice line. Her blood sugar's been a little low?"
"Yeah-" Frankie pulled up Rosie's shirt revealing the insulin pump attached to her. "I'm not sure if this thing is on the fritz or what. It's fully powered and it goes off when it's supposed to."
You felt around the area it was inserted, watching for signs of discomfort. You tickled Rosalia's belly making her giggle. "Does your tummy hurt, Rosie? ¿duele esto?"
"No," Rosie said, looking up at Frankie for reassurance. He gave her a nod.
"And she's been fine? No symptoms."
"Yeah, she seems fine." Frankie rubbed the back of his neck, ruffling Rosie's hair. "I don't know maybe I'm just paranoid."
"You're a good father, Frankie." You smiled. "It's only natural for you to worry." You stepped back behind the computer, reviewing the tests done. "Her blood sugar looks good based on the labs we did today. She's not having any symptoms we would find concerning. I'll go ahead and call the manufacturer and they can have someone run you through some of the common issues."
"Thanks." Frankie sounded relieved. "I had a feeling it was nothing. I just like to hear it from you, hermosa."
"You're too sweet." You stammered, feeling your heart flutter in your chest at the little pet name. He used it sparingly but that made it all the more special. "Let me finish up her exam real quick then you're good to go."
You come back to the table pulling your stethoscope off your neck. Rosie had gotten over her fear of you, sitting up straight so you could listen.
"Thank you for sitting so still, Rosie."
"I listen too?" She reached out with a grabbing motion.
"Say please, mija." Frankie added.
"Pwease." Rosie added.
"Of course." You helped her put in the earpieces and guided her little hand holding the bell towards your chest. You loved watching her face light up when she heard your heartbeat. "How do I sound, Dr. Rosie?"
"Good!" She looked up at you with wide eyes still listening to your steady lub dub. Frankie watched the scene warmly, feeling his heart clench when you looked over at him trying to share your amusement with him. Rosie was introverted, like her father, but she loved you. She often asked Frankie to go and see you even though nothing was wrong. She wanted to be a doctor now, giving her stuffed animals checkups and playing the most with her doctor Barbie.
"Papa you next." Rosie turned to him holding the bell.
"Oh thank you, Dr. Rosie" Frankie chuckled letting his daughter place the bell onto his chest. You took her hand and guided up a little higher to where his heart was. He was so tall. You blushed furiously when your fingers grazed his warm muscled chest. Frankie met your eyes and gave you a small smile.
"Papa you heart very fast." Rosalia said after you took back the stethoscope.
"Is it?" Frankie blushed, knowing exactly why his heart was beating so fast. "What should I do, Dr. Rosie?"
"Take medicine."
"Oh thank goodness there's a cure!" Frankie pretended to be extremely relieved making you and Rosalia giggle.
"Does your heartbeat fast often?" You asked catching Frankie's brown eyes as he lifted Rosie onto the ground.
"Only when I'm here it seems..." He trailed off, ducking under his hat. There was a low tug in your stomach when you considered your involvement in his heart rate. "How-how was um that charity thing you were doing last month?" Frankie asked desperately searching for something to keep him talking to you.
"It was good!" You brightened at his mention of it. "We raised 20,000. Thanks for asking. I was disappointed you didn't make it."
"Yeah Rosie's mom couldn't take her and it was too late to find a sitter." Frankie explained guiltily though he was pleased that you noticed he wasn't there. Rosie looked in between her papa and the pretty doctor. Even though she was only three she was perceptive enough to know her papa really liked you.
"Papa can she come to my birfday party?" She pointed up at you with her tiny pointer finger.
"What?" He looked down at his daughter. "Oh no Rosie. She's very busy."
"I'd love to come." You smiled at the little girl as she clapped her hands together in delight.
At that point, the nurse came back in. She led Rosie to the front desk to pick out her piece of candy. Frankie used that moment alone with you to say:
"Seriously you don't have to come, hermosa."
"I want to. But I don't want it to be weird. Like if i'm the only single person there." You winced at the word hearing your mother's voice in your ear. You can't stay single forever, mija.
"You won't be." Frankie blurted out before he explaining. "It's at my ex wife's house so it'll be her and her new husband...I'm the odd one out."
"Oh-" you latch onto the detail about his ex wife. "I didn't know Laura married. I'm sorry- I mean- that sounds awkward."
"Yeah." He laughed weakly, massaging the back of his neck. His eyes flickered over to you then back to the floor. His heart was soaring with the information that you were single. "So... actually it would be nice for you to be there so I'm not the only loner."
"Maybe we can be loners together." You teased. "It would get my mom off my back. She's thinks I never go out."
"Yeah Laura thinks I'm a deadbeat at this point." Frankie smiled crookedly and shrugged.
"You're not a deadbeat, Frankie." You shook your head in disbelief. "You're an amazing father and a good man. I mean-" You blush bright red as he straightens up to your praise. "You run your own business and volunteer at the VA that's incredible."
"Doesn't mean much to her. Her husband is in 'finance'." Frankie put air quotes around the word emphasizing how pretentious Laura was. He rolled his eyes at the absurdity of his ex wife. The sad things was it actually got to him. Between always looking behind his back for relapse and constantly avoiding triggers, he felt like he wasn't doing enough for Rosalia. You must have noticed his dimming light.
"And I'm a doctor. ¡Vaya cosa! I should pretend to be your girlfriend and you can brag about me."
"Y-yeah uh that- that would be funny." Frankie hunched over, nerves frying his speaking ability.
"Hablo en serio, Frankie." You touched his bicep, brushing the soft skin briefly. There was something so attractive to you the way he looked so bashful. The apples of his cheeks were dusted with a blush and his eyes were wide and curious. It made your thoughts go straight to the gutter. You willed yourself to focus. You refused to let Frankie feel bad about himself. If only he saw himself the way you did. "She shouldn't get away with making you feel bad."
"You'd do that?" His eyes softened as he looked at you. Afraid to even hope you could be telling the truth.
"Of course." You shrugged barely holding yourself back from adding: I'd do anything for you, Frankie. "Just give the signal and I'll initiate mission supportive girlfriend."
Frankie burst out laughing drawing looks from the nurses and medical techs walking by.
You pulled up to the address Frankie sent you. There were several cars in the driveway already. You checked yourself in the small mirror, chiding yourself for being so silly. It's not like this was a real date. It was a children's birthday party for god sake. But Frankie would be there and you wanted to show him you were more than a tired woman in a white coat. It had been so long since you had dressed up for anything other than work. You surprised yourself with how good you cleaned up.
You followed the sign to the backyard and heard the dim screaming of children grow louder. Your eyes widened at the sight. There were lots more people here than you thought. At least 20 people milling about with children running in every which way. There was a large bouncy house where most of the kids were. You tried to search for Rosie's dark curls in the crowd. Maybe she was inside the bouncy house.
"Hey, hermosa." You turned. There was Frankie once again making your heart stall and then pound with a vengeance. He gave you a small wave. He was gorgeous today. He was gorgeous every day but he looked better in the sunlight than in office lights. He was wearing a light blue short sleeve shirt, a color you'd never seen on him before but instantly loved. He ditched the hat, his brown curls messy but still framing his face beautifully. His eyes crinkled when he smiled at you. You noticed him take a quick glance down your body and you were suddenly very glad you wore a sundress.
"Hi." You walked over to him.
"Thanks for coming." He looked around before deciding to pull you into a hug. Your "of course" was cut off when his arms enveloped you, and his heady cologne filled your nose. He was warm and firm against you. You couldn't help but rub your cheek subtly against his exposed neck needing skin on skin.
"There's uh-" he pulled back instantly putting a hand on the back of his neck. He was nervous. "-beer and stuff on that table and oh- I can take that." He took your package from you pausing when he saw the wrapping paper. "Barbie? She's gonna love this."
"I remember you saying she was obsessed."
"Yeah. She's working her way up to a barbie museum at this rate. I'll put this with the rest of the gifts and uh- meet at the drink table?"
"Yeah." you nodded. You walked past the other parents, none of whom you recognized, and poured yourself some lemonade.
"Excuse me." you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned around. Facing you was Rosie's mother, Laura. You recognized her but damn she looked different. Her hair was lighter and down instead of her pulled back like it usually was. "I thought I recognized you!" She pulled you into a short embrace. Much stiffer than Frankie's hug.
"Yeah! Um-Frankie invited me or I should say Rosalia invited me."
"Well... welcome. I don't think you've met my new husband, Dan. He's over there." She pointed over by the grill at the blonde guy flipping burgers.
"No I haven't. Congrats."
"Thanks. Gosh it's been so long! I don't do the doctor thing anymore. But yeah I've been great. I'm really happy. Frankie's probably been really torn up though."
"Uh..." you had no idea how to answer that but thankfully she just kept talking. She always did like talking.
"He doesn't like Dan. I think he always hoped we'd get back together. But that's always been his problem."
You couldn't help but frown at that. He never gave that indication when he talked about his ex. If anything he had emphasized how much happier he was. Laura kept talking and you wondered where Frankie was. you were in need of a rescue.
"But i think it's important for Rosie to have a solid male presence in her life. She's not going to get a family experience with Frankie."
You bristled at that comment. Frankie was an amazing father in his own right. If only Laura knew everything that Frankie had been through and what he did to make sure all of Rosie's medications were in order.
"I think Frankie is providing all that Rosalia needs." You piped up. "He's an incredible dad."
"He's definitely way better than he was." Laura backtracked. "As you know." She stopped talking to take a sip of her lemonade. You used the short window of time to say something about finding a bathroom and hustled into the crowd. You intercepted Frankie by the cake.
"Permission to initiate mission supportive girlfriend."
"What happened?" Frankie smirked.
"Just... Laura."
"What did she say?" Frankie's smile turned to grimace.
"Nothing- I mean- she's just too smug. It's pissing me off." You stepped closer to Frankie as someone walked by, almost chest to chest. He inhaled sharply at the contact. "So... do I have your permission, sir?"
Frankie gulped at your word choice though he was curious to see how this would play out. Maybe get some practice in for when he could really ask you out. "Permission granted."
You looked over your shoulder. Laura was watching you.
"Target is in my line of sight." You whispered, continuing with your game. Frankie chuckled though choked up when you took his hand in yours holding it out to the side where it was visible. "This okay?"
"Y-yeah." He nodded. His heart was doing that thing again. The acrobatics inside his chest. Your smaller hand fit perfectly in his, fingers laced up in his tightly. Your mischievous eyes flitted back over your shoulder. Laura was still watching. "Status report?" He prompted lowly.
You knew he was trying to be surreptitious but the way his voice dropped an octave set all of your nerves on end. You chanced a glance up at his eyes which were darker. His pupils were wider. You knew biology. You knew what that meant.
"Target is pissed off." You giggled swinging his hand in yours back and forth playfully.
"Diablita." Frankie squeezed your hand.
For the next hour you and Frankie were glued at the hip, whispering in each others ears, swinging your joined hands back and forth. The little ruse enclosed both of you in a pink bubble, blocked from the rest of the world. You were enjoying yourself immensely. Just being so close to him and not having to overthink why. Rosalia bounded over and requested to sit with you two during cake time. You laughed at Frankie's tone deaf rendition of Happy Birthday finding the little lilt in his voice when he said "happy birthday dear Rosieee" the cutest thing. In one instant you saw a future more vivid than your dreams. You and Frankie birthday after birthday. Holding his hand because you could not because it was pretend.
You fell into your role of proud girlfriend bragging endlessly about Frankie to the mothers sitting next to you. Frankie shoveled cake into his mouth to keep his head down. Otherwise everyone would see his flaming cheeks. Your praise was so sincere. He knew it wasn't part of the game. Each word tugged low in his stomach. He shifted in his chair.
"Frankie is so strong. We didn't need a moving company."
"Frankie could fix your car for you. He's really good. He owns the auto shop down on Langston street. Yeah. That big place there. It's all gibberish to me. He says my medical jargon is gibberish. It's cute."
Once Rosalia had finished her cake she tugged Frankie's hand to go play cornhole with her. You watched them go momentarily distracted from the conversation.
"You really love him." Laura had taken Frankie's empty seat.
"Yeah." You replied completely honestly. "I do."
"Just- I'm not gonna say anything you know him. I want him to be happy."
"He is happy." You assured her, not wanting her to continue looking down on him.
"You know he always had a bit of a thing for you. I'd catch him looking at your website profile sometimes."
"Oh." You blinked rapidly. "Really I mean- that early on?"
"Yeah. I guess it was meant to be."
You smile to yourself, hope burning through your veins. You stand up ready to go join Frankie and Rosalia, a new pep in your step. Halfway across the lawn you're cut off.
"Hey lab partner."
"Oh my gosh! Jeff!" You recognize the man standing before you. He was your classmate in medical school. "Hi!'
Frankie frowned watching you and this mystery man interact. He couldn't help the slow burn of jealousy that permeated his brain when you giggled and did your cute little look down. Who the fuck was this guy? He thought he was the only one who made you laugh like that.
He threw the bean bag a bit harder at the wooden frame, watching it fall straight through the hole. He looked back. You were still smiling and talking to this guy. If you were really his girlfriend he'd be marching over there and puffing out his chest. He'd break this guys hand in his own before dragging you inside. The bathroom. Your dress up your ass. Fuck... he wished it could happen but this was just a game. Apparently, one you were fine playing until something better came along.
"Daddy it's your turn." Rosie tugged on the hem of his shirt.
"Sorry, mija." He tossed another bean bag into the center hole. "Your turn." He looked down. "Mija... Rosalia!" She had thrown up all over her shoes.
"Oh shit." Frankie muttered lifting his daughter in his arms, not giving a damn about the vomit. He knew the monitor was on the fritz. He needed to get to the back up monitor. Check everything was okay. He stormed past you his frustration and jealousy flaring up.
"Frankie- what's going on?" You asked.
"She threw up. You would know if you were paying any attention." He snapped, not staying around to see the hurt flash through your eyes. You excused yourself following Frankie inside.
He had the glucose strips out, already taking a sample from her little finger. You watched.
"Normal." Frankie reported with a relieved sigh. "¡gracias a Dios! Too much cake huh mija?"
"My dress, Papa." Rosie sniffled looking down at the ruined fabric.
"Here- let me." You went to the sink, wetting a paper towel. The tension between you and Frankie hung heavy over your chest. You could see him fuming, gears turning. You knew rationally he was just stressed. You wiped off Rosie's dress to the best of your ability. Frankie gave her water out of her sippy cup.
Laura came in to diffuse some of the tension.
"Oh did Rosie puke?"
"Yeah." Frankie nodded.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah. She's fine. I thought she may have been hypoglycemic but it's fine."
"Okay great. Must have had too much cake."
"Yeah." Frankie stood up, walking away from you to the other end of the kitchen. You felt your eyes prickle with angry tears at his childishness. What had you done to offend him so?
"Rosie..." Laura for once was perceptive enough to see something was brewing between her ex and his 'girlfriend'. "Let's let Papa get cleaned up." She picked up Rosie from off the table forcing you to pause your clean up. The screen door slammed shut and the unbearable silence set in.
"You have puke on your shirt." You observed, moving back to the sink to get a fresh paper towel.
"It's fine."
You waited, letting the water run through the flimsy towel, expecting him to apologize at any moment. Nothing happened. You huffed turning the faucet off. You prepared your voice.
"I'm sorry. Whatever I did to piss you off. Was it something I said to one of the mom's or something?"
"No." Frankie growled falling back into the kitchen chair. You approached him tentatively like you did a scared five year old about to get a shot. "What are you doing?"
"Cleaning you off, tonto." You chuckled kneeling between his legs and swiping off the vomit. Frankie swallowed hard at the sight of you between his legs. "Take off your shirt please." You instructed, after the towel wasn't doing the trick. You bit your lip holding back a whine as he obeyed, revealing his naked chest to you. Broad shoulders, strong pecs, a slight stomach, dark hair around his navel going down. You wanted to lean forward and taste his golden skin. It would be so easy. Just like bragging about him, holding his hand, and falling in love with him was easy. It happened without any thought at all. Like it was always there.
Instead you took his shirt and stood, going back to the sink. You were sure he must have seen your flushed cheeks and dilated pupils. He must have. You toss the shirt into the sink and turn on the faucet.
"I shouldn't have snapped like that." Frankie said, getting you to stop and look back at him in his shirtless glory. "I'm sorry, hermosa. I was-"
"Stressed. I know." You blushed turning your eyes away. "You care about Rosie."
"No, hermosa" Frankie shook his head, standing. He was next to you in two long strides, invading your space. His cologne fainter after the day, his true scent coming through musky and demanding. Your body reacted accordingly. "You were talking to that guy. I-I didn't like that." Frankie's eyes trailed down your flushed chest and rapidly rising chest. Did you like that?
"Why didn't-" You cleared your throat turning off the faucet. "Why didn't you come and stop me?" You tensed for his response but none came. You chanced a glance up, never more aware of the height difference than you were now. You could see his eyes trained at the ground, his throat swallowing back words.
Slowly, slowly, you placed your palm on his chest, over his heart. Bare skin on bare skin. Your hand burned a hole through him.
"Your heart is beating really fast." You remark, slowly putting your ear where your hand was.
"It always does. Around you." He murmured shutting his eyes. His arm snaked around your waist pulling you fully flush against him. "I think the mission failed."
You peeled your head from his chest, questioning.
"You didn't get Laura jealous, hermosa. You just made me jealous instead."
"My mission..." You chuckled, silencing with a finger over his plump lips. "was to see if what I felt for you was real. And it is real. Everything I said about you today was true. I think you're perfect. Perfect for me. I'm- I really like you, Frankie." You planted a kiss on his collarbone after running out of words.
"I really like you too!" Frankie answered quickly, tightening his hold on you. His brain caught up with what was going on. You were in his arms. Finally. You wanted him. He had a million questions. A million fears.
"Your heart is still going fast." You whispered, tracing down the center of his chest to his belly. It tensed beneath your touch.
"What-what are you gonna do about it, doctor?"
You grinned, pulling his head down as you rose onto your toes. His lips slotted into yours perfectly, warm and firm. You got his mouth open, tasting him for the first time. He was sweet from the birthday cake.
His hips rocked against you. "Fuck...I'm sorry. I've wanted this for a long time."
"It's okay." You smiled. "Although having sex in your ex wife's kitchen would not be in good taste."
"Right...how about a bed? M-my bed?" Frankie looked hopeful.
"Yes please." You kissed him again.
"Laura has Rosie. Let me quick borrow one of Dan's ugly ass button ups." he groaned.
"No I like you shirtless. Much sexier." You leaned down and licked his sternum up to his neck.
"Shit... bebita we're not gonna make it home if you keep that up."
Needless to say the birthday party guests got a good glimpse of Frankie jogging down the driveway with no shirt on, you in close pursuit. What? They already knew you were dating. Actually, they technically knew before you.
Frankie did a look back hoping that dumbass guy who dared to flirt with you was watching. For once in his life he wasn't self conscious. Your little laugh behind him spurred him on. His mind already racing with what he planned on doing to you when he got you alone. Happy Birthday indeed.
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favoniuscodex · 3 years
the art of modernity [ prologue ]
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prologue - jueyun karst
pairing: xiao x gn!reader warnings: canon-typical violence mention words: ~1.8k words fic masterlist [ prev ] - [ next ]
chapter summary: you drag four of your closest friends to jueyun karst to chase after possible traces of the adepti. none of them expect for you to actually find any, but hey, anything is possible, right?
a/n: can't believe 'making xiao eat a chicken nugget and french fries' is becoming an actual fic but here we are. enjoy !! :D
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when you had asked yanfei the legal repercussions of disrupting jueyun karst, the entire brunch table had looked at you as if you had grown a third eye. kaeya had sat down the third mimosa he had been nursing, while childe had actually stopped speaking for once. yanfei giggled with intrigue and keqing had stared at you with an expression that screamed are you serious right now?
yet somehow, you had ended up in keqing's overcrowded car and made a road trip to fuel your farfetched dreams. sure, like any kid growing up, you had read percy jackson and the archons, but, unlike most kids, you had taken the myths of the archons seriously. shrines and ruins still sung praises of their names, but most liyuean mythology was treated as having no greater value than old folk tales. the world had moved on past the need of teyvat's expansive pantheon of the elemental archons, visions, and celestia, yet some scholars sought to prove the existence of the old gods. most of the time, their efforts were fruitless.
you, of course, were no scholar. you were simply a dumbass who graduated college and decided in their post-college/pre-settled life panic to go traverse the treacherous lands of jueyun karst. as prosperous as liyue was, jueyun karst still remained heavily untouched as there were areas that even rich moguls were scared to get their grubby hands on. why turn the beautiful mountains and swirling lakes into sprawling shopping centers if the entire area was rumored to be cursed anyways? so, the country had turned jueyun karst into a protected area in the form of a national park.
but now, with your car full of three and a half dumbasses (keqing certainly doesn't count and yanfei is only halfway to idiocy), you had decided to certainly ignore the title of protected area. you had full intentions of disrupting whatever you could get your grimy hands on. you wanted to see the adepti in action and, if others called you crazy for it, then so be it.
"gods, where even are we?" kaeya asks. his tone lacks the annoyance you would expect from childe nor the worried-yet-still-composed nature you would expect from keqing's words. so, you shrug him off with a simple wave of your hand.
"not really sure, but there's enough of us out here that we won't die, right?" you ask and kaeya stares at you blankly before turning to look behind the two of you at the three stragglers.
"keqing!" he calls, realizing that you are of no help. "where are we?"
keqing huffs as she approaches the two of you while yanfei and childe stagger behind her, both acting tired despite being some of the most athletic people you know. in typical keqing fashion, she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a compass. kaeya stares as the compass needle spins around aimlessly in her hand, its connection clearly disrupted by some force in the area.
"oh gods, what does that mean? we're going to die. we're going to die out here," childe deadpans, panic creeping into his voice. yanfei swats him playfully on the arm before he can begin his usual theatrics, knowing full and well how childe loves living in the spotlight.
"dying in a protected national park is illegal," yanfei adds and kaeya stares at her with a baffled expression.
"what? are the police going to arrest a corpse?" kaeya asks incredulously and yanfei folds her arms over her chest, staring at him with narrowed eyes.
"didn't you want to be a cop at one point? shouldn't you be aware as to how arresting procedures work?" yanfei asks and kaeya recoils at her question.
"no, i was considering going into military like my dad. i don't wanna be a cop," kaeya shoots back and childe jokingly gags once he hears the word 'military'.
"military? yuck," childe says and becomes the next recipient to receive childe's incredulous gaze.
"didn't you literally join the fatui for two years?" kaeya asks but childe shakes his head.
"not like you have any proof," the ginger-haired man shoots back.
"i can easily acquire proof?" kaeya says, but keqing clears her throat loudly before the two men can engage in a full showdown of words.
"c'mon, guys, we have bigger problems to solve than childe's blatant lies," keqing redirects the conversation with ease but not before kaeya lets out a triumphant hmph at keqing's words. "like figuring out why this compass isn't working and figuring out how to get back because it doesn't work."
"ooh, maybe it's not working because there are ghosts nearby," childe says, but before yanfei and kaeya can engage with his dumbassery once more, you interject.
"it's likely just elemental energy or adeptal energy. i know you guys probably don't believe in them, but this is said to be the former realm of the adepti. wouldn't be surprised if there are traces of them left!" you say, voice far too cheery for the implication of your words. kaeya only shrugs at the suggestion that gods are watching over you as you travel through the park, yanfei only looks intrigued in a nearly-dangerous way, keqing looks nonplussed due to her strong belief that the gods no longer exist, and childe looks absolutely terrified yet is trying to act like he isn't.
"anyways," you continue. "maybe there's a domain!"
"ancient liyuean law forbids unauthorized entrance into domains without proper licensure from the adventurer's guild," yanfei says, as if knowing ancient law is a completely normal activity for a twenty-something-year-old.
"what is a domain?" keqing and kaeya ask at the same time before glancing at each other.
"i'm... not sure. pretty sure they have like... ancient monsters and stuff," you confess and, for the first time today, childe perks up excitedly, eagerly taking a step closer to you.
"monsters? like those uh... hollychirls? whatever they're called? how big do you think they are?" childe asks with an excited glimmer in his eyes.
"weren't you just worried about dying?" keqing asks, but childe ignores her question.
"so like... we're trying to find this domain, right?" childe asks, confused. "what are we looking for?"
"i don't really see why a domain would have adepti traces so we're probably better off looking for something else," you say and yanfei perks up.
"like that?" she asks, pointing off at something glowing faintly orange in the distance. you squint slightly in an attempt to better look at it, but you're unable to distinguish what exactly yanfei as pointing at.
"we might as well go see what that is," keqing says and you're slightly surprised for the purple-haired girl to suggest such a thing, but you figure she's just trying to find a place where her compass actually works. the spinning dial isn't too much of a concern for you since you're in no rush to leave, but the friends you've brought along aren't quite as keen on discovering the secrets of the adepti as you are, so you follow the herd as they begin to move over to the glowing orange light.
the five of you climb down, approaching what soon reveals itself as a stone pillar with a glowing chunk of cor lapis on top. it's certainly nothing new and is probably a protected relic, yet no guards are stationed in front of it. it's almost certainly been discovered before, so why isn't it..?
"oh, isn't this area usually flooded?" yanfei asks and everyone turns to stare at her.
"you've been here before?" keqing asks and you wonder to yourself when these people will stop asking questions and instead keep looking for hints.
"you guys haven't traveled to jueyun karst before?" yanfei asks, confused. "yeah, this area's usually flooded with water. i've never seen that thing before."
if it's usually flooded, then it was likely discovered before, but not relocated, you think to yourself and immediately break out in a sprint towards the cor lapis tower. sure, it was about the height of you, with the cubic chunk on top reaching the height of your head, yet you were more than satisfied with looking at the carvings on the side. childe is the first to catch up with you, using his long legs to match your pace. he sighs as you finally stop and watches as you frantically begin poking and prodding at the pillar.
"are you sure that's a good idea?" he asks, nervously. "what if it's a mechanism or something?"
"what's the worst that could happen?" you ask and childe sputters over his words.
"a lot of things!" childe insists, yet kaeya, keqing, and yanfei's joined arrival interrupts him from making an even bigger fuss.
"try putting your palm flat on the diamond," yanfei suggests and you take a step back. with a steady hand, you lays her palm flat against the side of the pillar, in which a diamond has been engraved onto its surface. around the group of you, the remnants of water begin to glow orange as the pillar emits an even stronger, unnatural glow of energy. the pillar begins to vibrate rapidly and yanfei lets out a small, knowing laugh while the rest of you watch, wide-eyed and confused by the moving pillar.
yet, all that happens is that the cor lapis situated on the top of the pillar falls off, landing on the side of the pillar with a resounding crack. the four of your friends immediately move over to look at the now shattered chunk of cor lapis on the ground, yet you gravitate towards the stone pillar. on the spot where the cor lapis fell, a single name is etched into the stone, as if this pillar is supposed to mark a specific area.
"'xiao'?" you breathe, reading off the word on the pillar.
"what's xi-" kaeya begins, glancing over at you, but before he can finish, a flash of green appears on the opposite side of your friends. your lips part in shock as you watch the deity appear before you. a mask rests on his face and a polearm rests in his hand, yet despite his disguised face, you can sense the anger rolling off his form in waves. his green hair ruffles in the wind as his free hand reaches up to lower his mask. infuriated amber eyes pierce into yours, but the adeptus speaks before you can.
"i am adeptus xiao. how dare you mortals infringe upon jueyun karst and disrupt my land?" xiao seethes and, for once, all five of you are silent as the yaksha points his polearm at you.
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glassartpeasants · 2 years
hi again! i’m the anon who requested the Isaac lingerie fic. what you did with that idea was so amazing! i’m gonna be coming on here a lot more so uhh my name is Amy, and i was wondering if i could go by 👽Anon?
ANYWHO i’m back with another Isaac brainrot because this man lives in my head r e n t f r e e .
okay so like can we talk about his size? this man is big boi, his canon height is like 6’5’’ which is a scary height when your like 5’ whatever. also he’s strong, he’s so strong it’s crazy.
and so big boy equals big dick, he’s definitely over average, at least 9 inches, and he’s got a pretty good girth. so we’ve definitely got size kink amo right here.
okay so just imagine riding him??? and crying because of how big he is???
he’s grabbing your hips, stopping your body’s movements on his cock and telling you to slow down and relax because you’re overworking yourself. and you shake your head, whining about wanting to please him.
“you do please me, darling, but your working yourself too hard. calm down.”
and you whine again, pushing his hands off your waist and putting your hands on his shoulders, working yourself over him and letting out moans and whines, telling him how good he feels inside of you and telling him how much you want to please him, and then cry about how you want him to take you, how much you want him to ruin you.
“fuck,” he says, and he grabs your hips and slams you down on his cock, and starts making you a complete mess over his cock, and praising you for wanting to please him, praising you because your such a good girl for him, your making him feel so good
once both of you finish, your a complete mess, so fucked out of your mind. he gently pulls you against his chest, leaving his cock nestled deep in your warm pussy, and brushes his hands through your hair, praising and whispering ‘i love you’s’ in your ear as you fall asleep.
in short : i love this man
it’s 2:00 where i am right now, goodnight
Yes, you can be. I'm glad I finally got this done haha. My motivation was and was at an all-time low when I started writing this. Sorry, it took me so long to finish.
Warnings: Smut, small fluff, size kink, mentions of death
He truly was a drug. You could just never get enough of him. You felt a thrill every time he would speak to you or even look at you. Whenever he wasn't with you, it felt like your soul was empty and the world was cold.
In your eyes, he could do no wrong. Many questioned your reasoning on how someone of the higher class would be in love with a peasant like himself. You always answered the same thing, "Love is an amazing high that you can never get enough of."
You met him at a party where he happened to be cleaning surprisingly. It was rare for a peasant to even be there considering maids usually did the job he was assigned with. You found out later that one of them had got terribly sick and had taken the day off. Since they were short one maid they struggled to find someone to replace her quickly. He just happened to be walking by when the host spotted him and asked him if he would take the job. Considering how high the pay was, he said yes without hesitation.
When the party had officially started, you saw him mopping the floors on the far side of the ballroom. You looked at him, trying to get a look at his face when he looked up and his eyes locked onto yours. His eyes were beautiful, such a bright and beautiful green that felt like it was enchanting you with every second he stared at you. Your feet began to move on their own as you made your way toward him.
Once you were in front of him, you saw how tall he truly was. He easily towered over you and you couldn't help but feel your cheeks heat up. You took a bow real quick before introducing yourself.
"Hello I'm (Y/N) (L/N), I couldn't help but notice you from across the room." You smiled up at him and he returned with a bow and a smile as well.
"Hello Miss (L/N), I'm Isaac Lee Grossman. What do I owe the pleasure of coming to see me?"
"When I saw you across the room, I knew I had to make an introduction. Your eyes surely know how to enchant someone may I say. I have never seen someone with such vibrant eyes before. Their beautiful." He laughed sweetly before sending you a smile that made your feet feel like jelly.
"Why a compliment like that warms my heart from a pretty little thing like you. It is different hearing something sweet coming from such a higher class." It did hit you that you guys were from different social classes but you didn't care. Something about his presence gave you a strong sense of safety. Talking to him felt so relaxing and you couldn't even begin to explain it.
"Hey! I'm not paying you to sit around!" Both of your guy's attention turned towards the host who was making his way towards the both of you.
"I'm sorry Miss (L/N), was this cleaner boy bothering you? I promise he-"
"Actually, I was having a lovely conversation with him and I was the one to come up to him. So if you're going to have to punish me instead of him." The host seemed taken aback by your words. He composed himself quickly before he only nodded. You were very annoyed that he dared to interrupt your conversation with the man. Considering you were in a higher class than the host himself, it was beginning to become a pain that he wouldn't leave.
"I see. Sorry about bothering you Miss (L/N). I will leave you two alone." He scurried off quickly. Rolling your eyes you turn your head to continue the conversation only to see him making his way down the corridor. Worried that you wouldn't see him again for the rest of the night, You walked quickly towards him down the hallway away from the ballroom. Once you finally caught up to him you tapped his shoulder.
"Why did you leave? I enjoyed talking with you..." Your voice sounded silently hurt. His eyes seemed to go wide in surprise. You enjoyed talking to a peasant like himself? He would be lying if he said he wasn't attracted to a pretty thing like yourself.
You were so much smaller than him. He could easily pick you up and toss you over his shoulder if he felt like it. The way your pretty little eyes looked up at him had his mind running.
"How sweet, I'm flattered. You must be very popular with suitors with a pretty face like yours and a personality as sweet as a lolly." His words made your body heat. You would like to think your a modest lady but something about this man, made you want to forget everything and have him whisk you away. You may have only known him for a short time, but your heart fluttered at the thought of him. You finally managed to drag your head onto your shoulders again after he asked you a question.
"How long are you in town for?"
"For the next 7 days. Once they're over, I go back to (town or country). We come to London every other year for this party. I never get to see the city much. They make me stay in the house almost every time."
"Well, if you want to, I can show you the town if you are up to it." The smile that was plastered on your face was all the answer he needed. Before he could blink, He felt your arms wrap around his body squeezing tightly and saying constant thank yous.
"Is there anything I can do to thank you! there must be something!" You looked up at him and it triggered something inside him. You looked so happy and were so trusting of a stranger that you hardly knew.
"Please, think of it as an act of generosity." Your smile widened as you squeezed his body harder. This would be such an interesting experience and one you surely wouldn't forget.
You were so sweet. Such a shame you had to meet a man like him. All the sins that stained his hands were the same ones you were holding as he led you around the city. Your eyes were big and wide as everything seemed so new to you. Personally he didn't see the appeal. London wasn't a special place to see if you weren't rich, but you didn't care. You just seemed happy to even be out of the house. Everything caught your attention, including the wanted sign that plastered almost every building.
"Huh? What's this?" You let his hand go and went up to pick off a sign from the wall. It described a serial killer on the loose. Saying how the perpetrator was a sick individual with no regard for life. A small tinge of fear emerged from the back of your head. It didn't help that a hand was placed on your shoulder. You spun around and let out a sigh of relief when you saw it was only Isaac.
"Dear! You scared me! I suppose it is my fault for reading the poster huh?" you laugh as you hand him the poster to see.
"What do you think?"
"Personally, I don't really care as harshly as that may be. If you look around the city, you'll notice how overrun it is. Families are forced to live on the streets while the selfish keep the house to themselves. I live at the very edge of London so I don't have this problem but, in my perspective, I say he's doing everyone a favor. This way, no one has to freeze to death or starve to death him? The authorities don't do anything about it so it's interesting to see that they start to care now." He handed the poster back to you but you couldn't help but look at him. While sure, what the killer was doing was horrible taking away innocent lives, you suppose that it would be at least better than suffering on the street. You only hoped that at least the pain was quickly ended and not carried out.
"I...I suppose in some areas your right. While it may be a grim outlook and idea, there is still some way they're trying to help right?" Isaac had only smiled at you and grabbed your hand once more. The feeling of his hand in yours made your almost forget about the conversation you just had.
"I know of a nice little market nearby. Why don't we go there to get your mind off it?" You only smiled and started to walk alongside him.
Your words only seconds ago stayed in his head. You seemed so conflicted. Your face shows signs of understanding his actions and yet wanting to criticize him. While of course you'd never know it was him until he decided it was time. But he knew he lied. The rush of adrenaline he got every time someone died to his blade was something he could never describe. But that feeling soon felt similar to the feeling whenever you looked at him or even touched his skin. There was just something about you.
The two of you spent as much time as you could before the final day of your stay. You managed to stay out till 6 before coming home. Just as you were changing into your night gown, your parents knocked on your door. Unfortunately your parents found out about you hanging about with a young man of lower standards. While you were an adult yes, you still belonged with your family until you were married off. And since you weren't married to the man, you got the screaming of your life from your father. Thankfully your mother had stepped in.
"Dear, please calm down! Don't you remember how you met me?" Your father went silent before letting out a gruff.
"That's completely different. We were supposed to be wedded off to one another anyways."
"Not really! We didn't know that until we got caught! Not to mention, I'm quite hurt by the fact that you think so little of that young man. I was in the same social class as him before I married you, remember?" Your mother looked at your father with a slight scowl on her face.
"Well then what do you suggest we do then huh? We can't just marry off our daughter to some man she's only known for 7 days! And we can't just leave her here either!" Your mother looked at you puzzled. You tried to desperately find a solution just so you could see him again. As soon as you were about to say something your father stopped you.
"You can't marry a man you just met. Even in an arranged marriage you get to know him for more than seven days before being wed. I'm not letting you marry him or see him ever again. You are from such a higher class. You can do better than a street rat like him." The words that spilled from your fathers mouth filled you with so much rage that you spoke without thinking.
"He is not some street rat he's the sweetest man I've ever had the pleasure of meeting! You just don't understand!" You ran away from your father and mother and made it into your slightly packed room before throwing yourself on the bed and crying.
They just didn't understand. No one did! He was so sweet and caring! You missed him so, fearing that the next time you came to London, he would be wed with another. You would be heartbroken to see such a sight. So, against your fathers demands, you began to pack a suitcase and slowly opened the door to your room. With a suitcase in hand you slowly crept down the halls and walked towards the front door. You could hear your parents arguing about you the entire time. You understood that your father only wanted what was best for you, he needed to see that you guys were just destined to be together.
You pushed open the door and shut it quietly before running towards the house that you so desperately wanted to see.
The sound of your shoes hitting the pebbled road echoed throughout the street. There was only the moonlight to guide your way. You hoped that he was still awake at such a time considering how long your father yelled at you for.
Once you had reached the front door of his home, you stretched your arm and knocked on his door lightly but loud enough to hear it. You feared that he didn't hear you but as soon as you went to knock again, you heard the shuffling of feet coming towards the door.
"WHO-oh, why hello there. Sorry for yelling at you there. Didn't expect to see you again for a long time-" You jumped and wrapped your arms around his neck before placing a kiss against his lips. You didn't care if you would be deemed a tramp or impure. All you could think about was him and him alone.
You could feel him smile before he dragged your suitcase in and closed the door shut, locking it as well. You kicked off your shoes as he grabbed your hand and pulled you upstairs to his room. Grabbing your waist he dragged you into his bedroom before slamming the door shut. You two fell on the bed with you on top of him.
You could feel his fingers running over your sides as he kissed you with just the amount of passion you were kissing him. You couldn't believe you were finally able to feel his lips against yours. For seven grueling days you dreamed about him every time he left your side. So, after dreaming for what felt like forever, your dream came true.
You felt his lips leave yours and just as you were about to complain, he began to pepper your neck in kisses. You let out a little gasp as your fingers moved up and down his chest feeling the buttons of his shirt. You dug your nails into his shirt when you felt his hands slowly slide down your thighs to grab a part of your night gown and pull it up to reveal more of your skin.
You could feel his hands grab your exposed thighs as he kneaded the skin there. You had slowly started to unbutton his shirt, and with every button undone your whole body filled with excitement. You had never gotten so intimate with a man before him. You were only doing what your friend back home told you. She was much more experienced then you.
Your thoughts were dragged back to reality when you felt him sink his teeth into your shoulder. You let out a cry of pain as you dug your nails into his chest.
"Sorry darling, I just couldn't help myself. You just look so pretty and all for me." He kissed where the teeth marks showed before pushing your night gown to your mid section. His hands rimmed across the top of your panties before letting out a sigh as you kissed his neck in return, trying to copy his actions.
His fingers dipped into your panties before slowly pulling them off and leaving them just at the end of your thigh. You moved your lips away from his neck before kissing his lips once more. It was just so addicting. You could hear him laughing as he kissed you. Grabbing your hand, he dragged it down to the button of his pants. You took a mental breath before slowly working out a way to open
You could feel your cheeks get hot as you unbuttoned his pants. You didn't need to see his face to know he was grinning. Once you had managed to unzip his pants, you grabbed your panties from your thighs, pulling them off and throwing them to an unknown corner of the room. You could feel Isaac sit up a bit causing you to do the same. You straddled him while looking at him. His beautiful green eyes filled with lust as he looked at you.
"Your so beautiful, and all for me." He kissed your lips and you happily returned it. His hands ran over your body as he kissed you. You put your hands on his cheeks and slightly rubbed against him, hoping he gets the hint. Thankfully for you, he did.
He lifted you up for a second before pulling down his boxers just enough for his dick to pop out. He set you back down and you could feel how much bigger he was than you thought he would be. Your mind raced, would it even be able to fit? You rubbed your thighs together in a mixture of excitement and nervousness. He would be your first and you weren't even married to the man. Such a scandal people would say, and all that did was ignite the fire inside you that made you want him even more.
You finally mustered up the courage to lower yourself on him. The feeling of him finally being inside you was something that you couldn't describe. You gripped his shoulders tightly, digging your nails into his skin as you bit your lip. You took a shaky breath as you slowly started to move up and down. Even if you were going slow you swore you could feel him in your stomach. But you were determined to show him that you could take it. So you slowly but surely started to pick up the pace. Your whines and moans fill up the room as Isaac's close to silent pants ring in your ears.
A pout spread across your face. You wanted to hear him, know that he was enjoying it. So you started to go faster, his dick hitting the right spot inside you that already had you tearing up. As you started going faster your eyes watered even more and tears started to roll down your face. You bit your tongue in order to hide the fact you were crying. It felt so good but he was just so big you didn't know how to handle it. You felt him place his hands on your hips, stopping you from continuing.
"Oh darling, you're trying so hard to please me but don't work yourself so hard." He kissed one of your tears away. But you didn't listen. Even with his hands on your hips, you moved once more, this time only faster. You dug your nails into his shoulders, causing a small amount of blood to seep out of the cut flesh.
"No! I want to show you that I can do it! I finally got to be with you and I'm going to show you that I'm worth it!" You cried and moaned as you let go of his shoulders and place your hands on his face. Pulling his head so you can place a kiss on his lips. You could feel his hands grip your thighs tightly before letting out a groan.
"I want to be all yours! I don't care what my family says, I want to be tainted by you! I want no one else but you!" You cried out to him and his grip on your thighs only got tighter. You were so desperate for him and he loved it. Knowing that a commoner like him would impure someone like you. The thought of your parent's faces when they realized you were ruined and stuffed full of a commoner's cum before even being married.
He let out a laugh as he bit your lip. He slammed your hips down, shoving his entire cock into your cunt. You cried out in pain and pleasure and hung onto him as you felt him ram his way into you. His cock pounding the one spot inside you that had you seeing stars.
"Isaac ah! M-more please!" You cried out as you let go of his face and wrapped your arms around his neck. His pace went faster as you heard the groans small almost silent growls that rumbled in his throat. The feeling of him pounding away inside you was more than you could bear. You cried out in pleasure before curling your toes and moaning in his ears before you finally came undone.
Isaac only pounded harder against your insides. It felt like he was trying to turn them into jelly but it felt too good that you didn't care. The sounds of skin slapping skin filled the room along with your whines.
You could feel that familiar feeling rise in your belly once more as you felt Isaac's hips stutter. He gripped your thighs hard before letting out a loud 'fuck' before filling your up with his cum with your second climax coming instantly after.
Isaac could feel your body shake against him. A sly smile plastered itself on his face as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Both your breaths went at the same pace before he kissed your forehead and laid down with his cock still in your cunt. You laid beside him with your eyes closed as you snuggled up to him. He started petting your hair before placing small kisses on your head.
You were so quick to love him. It was much faster than he originally thought it would happen. But he wouldn't be annoyed. With you by his side, and with you being of such higher standards, it was the perfect cover. Just a loving husband with his wife. The sonner he knocks you up, the easier it will be to fake innocence.
Many would say that making deals with the devil always ends in tragedy and karma, but it was going exactly the way Isaac wanted it. He got the perfect cover in order to continue his heinous deeds. A wife so utterly in love with him. Well, despite the real reason, seeing the obsessed look in your eyes and how you were always so willing to do whatever he says always had his pants getting tight. Now that you were here at his house with you in his arms, you would never leave his side. Oh, how he couldn't wait to see you carrying his baby all while still having that obsessed look in your eye.
With you by his side, he could get away with anything.
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bookishofalder · 3 years
I’ll just leave it at I love you
Summary: In which Hotch and the reader are holed up in a safe house to avoid a killer set on destroying the BAU. A tale of smut, because what else happens when two consenting adults are fighting their feelings, then get stuck in a house together?
Warnings: 18+, SMUT, female reader, domHotch, PIV, virginReader, oral sex, mildly rough, language. WC-3500
A/N: I have crushes on fictional men and I'm not afraid to take that energy and create shit like this for the hell of it! Edited but feedback appreciated.
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Hotch was restless, his shower had done nothing to help him relax. He stood in the kitchen, staring into the fridge as if it would give him the answers he needed. He wished he could go for a run, let off some steam. His pent-up energy, this cottage, (Y/N) being so close-it was all too much. The lines of professionalism were bound to blur, but he felt as if they were so far gone in the dust, he couldn’t see them anymore, not in his mind.
Their argument that afternoon had been like a match being lit within a gas station. It had heated up too quickly and then burned away, leaving them both feeling angry and dejected. And she had been right that Hotch was being overprotective, but it didn’t mean the problem would go away, and to just let her go back to DC would only end up in her being hurt, or worse.
He wanted this purgatory to end just as much as (Y/N) did.  He longed to be back with his son.  And with the team, solving cases. But none of them could do that until the killer was found, and Hotch had no control outside of this cottage.
As thoughts of his control, or the lack thereof, came to mind, he slammed the fridge shut in frustration and sighed. (Y/N) had been challenging him since the moment they set foot in this place, which he could understand. There was no one else, and therefore she took out her anger and fear on him.
He could handle that, he had thought at first.
When she yelled that she should leave, go home, and then offered to be the bait to lure the killer out, Hotch had felt something inside of him snap. The final tethers of his patience and sanity disintegrating. The team were in this together, all making sacrifices to protect (Y/N) because she had been the one receiving the death threats and mysterious packages. She had been the one whose photos were displayed on the walls of the crime scene in DC, a clear message-(Y/N) was the target.
So why was she so determined to leave and put herself in danger?
He was leaning against the counter, his hands gripping the edges. The sound of her soft footsteps approaching alerted him to her presence. Hotch opened his eyes, meeting hers directly. She was standing next to the island, biting her lip and looking at him with dark eyes, her arms wrapped around her middle protectively. She still looked angry. Hotch just stared back at her and waited for her to speak.
“I...” She frowned, “I’m not apologizing.” (Y/N) said stubbornly, making him tense, furious. But he refused to respond, he simply glared at her. He was not going to fight again now, it wouldn’t do either of them any good.
But she stepped into the kitchen further, looking determined.
“You should let me go right now, let me go and lure him out and end this, please.” She looked so hopelessly desperate as she spoke. Hotch shook his head, gripping the counter more fiercely.
“You know I can’t let you leave, just as much as I can’t leave.”
(Y/N) scoffed at his words, pointing toward the front door, “If I decide to walk out that door right now, you can’t stop me, Hotch!” Her eyes flashed dangerously until Hotch stepped away from the counter, standing at his full height. He saw something behind the anger shift, a modicum of fear.
He kept his voice steady, low, “You are not leaving. End of discussion.” She watched him speak, her face twisting further in anger. She turned, abruptly, toward the front door, blind rage overtaking her sensibility, and she moved toward it.
She was in a sweater and jeans, and she walked toward the front door like she was in full combat gear, ready to take on the world. But Hotch was quicker, he reached out and grabbed her arm, jerking her first toward him, and then into the wall behind them. He wasn’t harsh, careful not to hurt her in any way, but her furious yell made clear that she was not impressed. “For fucks sake, Hotch!”
“Jesus Christ, (Y/N), when did you become such a little fucking brat?” He spat, holding her against the wall, he stepped closer, looking down into her eyes, “When did you decide that it was you against the world? I’m right here trying to protect you!”
She stopped struggling and looked at him with wide eyes, “That’s why I want to leave, Hotch! Being cooped up here, knowing you aren’t safe-knowing you’re sacrificing everything for me, I can’t do this to you anymore, I can’t accept this kind of help.” She was breathless, tears burning at her eyes that she refused to let fall, arms pinned to her sides.
He shook his head, sighing, “How can I possibly make clear to you that I am okay with this, that I-I need to be the one to protect you, (Y/N)?” Hotch gripped her arms tighter, still standing so, so close.
“Why? What does that mean, that you need to?” She gazed up at him now, her wide eyes revealing her anger was disappearing, despite her frustrations. “Aaron?”
At the sound of his name, Hotch felt his anger dissolving into something much more powerful. His willpower shattered, and he dipped his head-surprised to find her expression was not of anger or fear now, but anticipation. When he captured her lips with his own, her reaction was instantaneous, her head lifting from the wall to deepen the kiss.
It was bliss, pure bliss.
Hotch slid his hands from her arms, gently cradling her head. He ran his tongue across her lips, and they opened for him, allowing him to taste her. He groaned as she slipped her hands up, gripping his shirt to pull their bodies together.
After a moment, he pulled his head back, panting, “I love you, that’s why. I love you more than I should, and I have for a while now. I think I’ve loved you since we first met, and every day I fall all over again when I see you, or learn something new, and I am never going to let you walk out of a door without me by your side if it means keeping you safe, because I’ve just found you and I never want to lose you, (Y/N).” The words rushed out of him, finally free, his shoulders lighter already.
“I thought it was just me.” She was looking at him in adoration now, tears falling, “I thought, a man like you...never, not for me, look but don’t hope.” She sniffled, and he wiped away her tears with his thumbs, kissing her forehead. “Aaron, I love you too.” At her words he brought their lips crashing together again, holding nothing back now.
He pressed (Y/N) into the wall, delighted at her gasp when she felt him hard against her stomach. He trailed his hands down, to her hips, behind her thighs. He had to stoop slightly, she was so short, and he scooped her up. Her heat made contact with him and they both groaned at the sensation before Hotch hastily carried her the few steps into the bedroom. Hotch laid (Y/N) down on the bed carefully, one hand sliding protectively behind her head. She kept her legs around him, holding him close and taking on his weight.
For a few minutes, they continued kissing, until Hotch broke away to begin exploring her body. Shifting his weight and kneeling, his hands travelled down, gently. She moaned softly, then whimpered when his hand traced over her breast, her nipple hard within her thin sweatshirt. Hotch sat up, pulling her with him so that he could pull the sweater over her head. She complied without hesitation, seeming to consent to his control.
But he was a gentleman, “Just tell me if you want to stop, okay, (Y/N)?” He breathed, pausing as he reached for her beautiful, bare breasts. She nodded, but Hotch needed to hear her say it, and she read that in his expression.
“I promise, Hotch.” She gasped out, writhing in anticipation. He began kneading her breasts, only to find she was sensitive here-his fingers brushing over her nipples caused her to jerk slightly, moans unending. He gently eased her back to lay again, before pulling his shirt off.
Momentarily, he became self-conscious of the scars scattered across his torso, now exposed. (Y/N) reached up, tracing one with her finger, “You’re perfect, Aaron.” Worry ceased at her words, his heart swelling. In response, he ducked his head and brought his mouth to her chest, his tongue flicking over her nipple. She reacted instantly, her back arching and a hand gripping his hair, encouraging him.
He took his time teasing her, moving between each breast, he ignored her hips seeking friction against him. For as long as he could stand.  
A whimper escaped her lips, so full of longing it had Hotch glance up, meeting her eyes. Her pupils were blown out, desire flushing her face, lips trembling, “Hotch...”. He shifted again, this time slipping his thumbs into her waistband, tugging. She lifted her hips to help, and he swiftly removed her pants and underwear in one swoop, tossing them on the floor.
Automatically and instinctively, her legs closed. Hotch caught her left leg, pushing his hand down her inner thigh. She writhed beneath him, but her leg stiffened, and he looked at her closely, “What’s the matter, baby girl?” He whispered, concerned.
She peered up at him, looking shy, “I...I’ve never been able to cum that way, and I know men don’t really like to, you know, so you don’t have to.” Hotch gazed at her in surprise.
“Is that what you think? I don’t want to taste you?” He held her gaze, but moved his hand down, sliding a finger across her heat. Her hips bucked, “I’m going to taste you cum in my mouth, sweetheart. I’ll show you just how much I’ve been wanting this, okay?” She nodded eagerly, her breathing erratic, legs relaxing slightly.
Hotch pushed himself down the bed and hooked her legs over his shoulders, finally coming face to face with her; she was glistening for him. He groaned. “Sweetheart, you’re so wet for me already.” She merely mewled in response as his fingers explored her folds. She was well-groomed, her hair trimmed fairly short, giving him a full few of her; his mouth watered.
The moment Hotch felt her legs relax on his shoulders, becoming more comfortable with his face being so close to her, he dove in. He quickly moved his hands to grip her hips, holding her in place as he began to lick up her slit, then press his tongue into her clit. She bucked and writhed, fighting against his grip to no avail.
“Oh god, oh god, Aaron, please, please...”
He smiled against her, pulling back slightly, “Please what, baby girl? What do you need?” He licked her again, and she cried out, lifting her head to look down at him. She tasted divine, which only drove him to lick and suck more, waiting for her to respond.
It took her a few minutes to form words as his assault on her clit continued, “Need...I think I might...uh, cum, Aaron.” She groaned his name, and he laughed against her, which sent vibrations deep into her. He kept up his pace, felt her tensing more, shivering beneath him.
“Cum baby girl, let go for me.” He ordered, and it was like she’d been waiting for his permission. Her back arched up and he felt her throb against his tongue, a soft cry escaped her lips. She jerked in her orgasm, over and over. He sucked lightly on her and she trembled in response, tears spilling out of her eyes before she fell back into the bed, coming down from her high.
“Oh god, oh,” She breathed, and Aaron backed off, sliding up the bed to lay next to her. He watched her catch her breath, revelling in her blissed-out expression, her red cheeks. He waited a few moments, letting her come down. “I’ve never, ever had an orgasm like that, Christ.”
Hotch laughed, leaning over her and planting gentle kisses along her hairline, her eyes, the tip of her nose, “We can stop here if you want to.” He suggested, but of course, Aaron had forgotten her age. 25 years old, in good shape-orgasm or not, she wasn’t done yet. Her eyes flew open and met his, pupils fully dilated still.
“I want to keep going, but I have to tell you something first,” (Y/N) stayed laying, but drew her legs together, “And if you decide you think we should stop, then I fully accept that.”
He tilted his head, eyes exploring her worried expression, “What is it, sweetheart?” His hand had been roaming absentmindedly, but he stopped at her hip. He gazed down at her, brows furrowed.
She seemed to steel herself, taking a deep breath.
“I’ve, never-you know, had sex,” Seeing his shocked expression, she began to ramble, “It just never happened, with anyone I dated when I was younger, and it got to the point where it was an afterthought, especially after I bought an expensive vibrator, and I know that it’s weird or, whatever, to be 25 and this inexperienced, but-“
“(Y/N),” He cut her off, stroking her cheek gently, “Thank you for telling me. But it doesn’t change my mind, about anything. I would understand if this was far enough, for now, truly, so just tell me what you want.” He hoped he could spend the rest of his life making her feel better, happy, loved. They didn’t need to continue if she wasn’t ready.
“Hotch, I...I want you, I always have,” She shifted slightly, and he watched her breathing pick up in anticipation, “I’ve thought about it, so many times...when I shouldn’t have, especially.”
His interest was piqued. Hotch rolled over her, bracing his weight on his arm, pressing his erection against her, his pants still on, “Really? Tell me.” He said, noting how she flushed any time he ordered her to do something.
“The first time I thought about it, was back at headquarters after the first case we worked when you came back to work. You were in your office and I dropped off everyone’s reports,” Hotch remembered this evening, as he’d been surprised to find the newest team member picking up the slack and finalizing everyone’s notes for submission, “You had taken off your tie, and you’d been so good to me in the field, so kind. But when I knocked on the door you were deep in thought and at first, you glared at me and I thought ‘how much would I give to climb up on that desk and get rid of that frown’.”
Hotch hissed at her words, grounding against her harshly, “You wanted me that soon?” (Y/N) nodded, a breathy moan escaping.
“After that, I thought about you too often. I had to use my vibrator the moment I got home, every day. I had to bring it on the road, even. I wanted you to take me, everywhere, anywhere, as much as you wanted.” Hotch groaned, pushed her down and sat back, swiftly removing his pants and briefs. (Y/N)’s head popped up and looked at his erection, her eyes widening in shock, instantly licking her lips. “Holy shit, Hotch...” He laughed at her words.
“I’ve been wishing I could bend you over my desk for months now, but I had no idea you hadn’t ever done this before. I want to see your face, baby girl.” Something in his voice caused her eyes to widen, further. He lowered himself, reaching down with one hand to push his length along her folds, wetting it in her juices.”Oh fuck, you’re so ready for me baby girl, tell me you want this.”
She knew he needed to hear her give permission again, and she gave it instantly, “Please Aaron, please I need you, ple-oh!” She gasped as he pushed into her, hard. Stiffening, a low groan broke free, her eyes shut tightly. He buried himself completely inside of her before freezing, waiting for her pain to subside. Pleasure rippled through Hotch.
Hotch kissed her gently as she whimpered in pain, “You did so good, sweetheart, it’ll be okay in a minute, just breath for me,” He whispered, stroking her hair back, watching her face closely. For a few moments, her eyes stayed shut, screwed up against the sensation, and he gave her credit for taking her time to adjust. He knew he was larger than average, and she was so tight around him. He had to keep still for both her sake and his own, fearing her tightness alone would send him over the edge-he wanted to take his time and make her feel...everything.
He felt when her body had adjusted, the tension in her lower body relaxing, her eyes beginning to open. He tested the waters, moving his hips back slightly, and then sinking into her again. He groaned, watching as her face lit up at his movements; so he repeated them, moving further back this time.
“Oh fuck, Aaron!” That was all he needed to hear. He moved over her, bracing his arms on the bed on either side of her head, his hands near her face, and began to thrust quickly, long strokes that brought stars to his vision. And she was loud beneath him, one hand on his chest, the other gripping his shoulder, screaming his name. He pounded into her, groaning, and he buried his face in her neck, biting gently, which only elicited further shouts, her hips bucking slightly to meet his movements.
“Oh baby girl, you are taking me so well, fuck,” He bit her neck again, and she jerked in response, her walls squeezing him. “Such a good girl for me, such a good girl.”
“Sir, please, please don’t stop.” She whimpered, and Hotch’s eyes flew open in surprise, her words sending a shiver down his body.
He stared down at (Y/N), who seemed surprised at herself, but a small smirk quirked her lips, and he growled, a hand sliding behind her head and gripping her hair, the other grabbing her jaw, gentle but firm. “Say that again.” He kept his pace, pleasure building.
“Uh, sir, fuck me, please sir!” (Y/N) was a writhing mess beneath him, loving his reaction, his dominance, her eyes watching him in delight. She arched slightly as his thrusts became almost brutal, and began to call his name over and over, unable to stop.  
Hotch leaned down and bit her neck again, leaving another mark, and she began to tremble beneath him, words escaping her when his thrusts bottomed out, hitting her deep, eyes-rolling. He kissed her, but she was so blissed out it barely registered, which only made him happier. “Fuck...Good, baby girl, so good...cum for me again okay? You can cum for me now, fuck!”
On his last word, he gave an almighty thrust and she screamed, her hands clutching his shoulders as the wave broke over her, her body tensing, squeezing him, and then, “Aaron!” It was his undoing and he came with her, spilling himself inside her as he moaned her name. He brought his head down and kissed her breasts, jerking wildly into her, his thrusts sloppy. Her body relaxed as she came down from her high.  
“Oh sweetheart,” He breathed, slowly easing out of her, before collapsing on the bed beside her. He pulled her to him, and she obliged, rolling over and resting her head on his chest, while they both remained silent, catching their breath. “You did so well, baby girl.” He kissed the top of her head.
“That was-I mean,” (Y/N) stammered, struggling to find words. Inwardly, Hotch smirked, happy to know he’d rendered her somewhat speechless. “I think I’ll just leave it at I love you.” She began to giggle, gazing up at him.
Hotch joined her, months of tension and longing now gone, and in its place a happy new beginning. They still had forces outside of their cozy little hideaway that worked against them, but for the time being, he and (Y/N) could simply enjoy the clear air between them.
The rest of the world could wait.
“I love you, too, (Y/N)”
Did you enjoy this story? Please consider reblogging or commenting to ease my inner turmoil as a writer. Likes are basically just a bookmark!
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
The Strings That Bind Us ~ Vulcan's Mission
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Summary: Vulcan heads to the other 3 Lord Holds to get information on the Lord Dinner. Will it go well?
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Vulcan
[The Next Morning After The Lord Meeting] [At House Beneviento]
Vulcan stood before the front door as he secured the Beneviento House Crest Clip on his hooded cloak to ensure it remained on his shoulders; once he removed his hands, the crest clip shined in the light of the lamp.
"Leaving already, Vulcan?" Donna asked as she descended the stairs and walked over to Vulcan who turned around to face her.
"It's better if I leave in the morning so I can back come by the evening. I'll get the list first then I'll go shopping for the food in the morning." Vulcan said as he watched Donna's face look off to the side; he could see the fear in her eyes. His hand grasped her chin and moved her face to look into his eyes. "I'll come back to you, Donna; I'd never turn away from you and Angie. Thank you for trusting me with this." He leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, which she returned as she placed her hands on his chest.
Vulcan pulled away when he felt a tug on his pants leg causing him to look down to see Angie looking up at him with the eyes of a child.
"Can I have a hug?" Angie asked.
Vulcan smiled and crouched down, gathering the doll in his arm, and hugged both her and Donna. After a while, he set Angie on her feet and gave Donna one last kiss before he turned on his heel and left out the house door, down the stairs, and down the trail to begin his mission.
[A Few Moments Later - At The Stairway to Castle Dimitrescu]
Vulcan looked at the massive Victorian-Styled Castle before him - The Home of the First Lord, Alcina Dimitrescu. He was not looking forward to talking with her but he knew she was going to be the most difficult of the lords.
'Better to the pain in the ass out of the way first.' Vulcan thought as he took his first step to scale the stairs until he reached the massive door; he knocked upon the door for a few moments until it was opened by a Housemaid.
"Can I help you?" The Housemaid asked in a very timid voice.
"Yes, I would like to see Lady Dimitrescu." Vulcan said.
"What reason do you have to see the Lady of the Castle?" The housemaid asked again with a raised eyebrow.
"House of Beneviento Business." Vulcan said as he moved the side of the cloak to reveal the house crest upon his chest. The Housemaid's eyes widened as she moved aside.
"Of course, please, come in. I'll call the lady." The housemaid said as she moved into the castle with Vulcan behind her.
The Housemaid asked him to wait in the foyer while she retrieved the Lady of the Castle, Vulcan gave her a nod and watched as she scaled up the stairs. He stood there in the center of the room - the fire in the fireplace crackling now and then. He looked around - the floor was so clear that Vulcan could see his reflection upon the surface, the chairs, and table resting by the fireplace looked as if they were sown & carved by hand, the chandler above his hand looked like it was crafted with diamonds as opposed to crystal; it was beautiful but too expensive for Vulcan's taste.
'This place is too grand - how can you stop yourself getting lost in here? House Beneviento is more accustomed to me.' Vulcan thought with a smile at thought of Donna and Angie back at home waiting for him...when the sound of buzzing rung in his ears. Vulcan opened his eyes again to find a few dozen flies circling around him like a slow cyclone - carried with was multiple giggles.
"Oh, look at the newcomer, sisters." One voice purred.
"Isn't he the one mother was trying to get to come here?" A second voice curiously asked.
"Yeah, that's him. Maybe he finally came to his senses." said the 3rd voice.
"I'm here to speak to Lady Dimitrescu for House Beneviento." Vulcan said as he remained still.
"Aw, don't you want to stay here?" The first voice asked. "I'm sure Mother would treat you much better than Aunt Donna would."
"You would be a Lord, yourself. Live in the lap of luxury and have the power to command anyone you desire." The second voice said.
"I've said this to Lady Dimitrescu and I will say it to you - I am not interested." Vulcan said.
"If you're not interested, why are you here then?" The sound of Lady Dimitrescu's voice came from on top of the stairs. Vulcan looked up at the towering lady, stating at the top of the stairs, slowing descending down with her hand dragging along the wooden pole. The flies moved away from Vulcan and formed into 3 separate bodies - the Daughters of Dimitrescu. Vulcan waited for Alcina to get to the bottom of the stairs before he gave a slight bow in respect with his eyes closed.
"Lady Dimitrescu, forgive me for arriving unannounced but there is something I would like to discuss with you regarding the Lord Dinner begin hosted at House Beneviento." Vulcan said - his eyes opened when he felt the large hand of the Castle Lady grip his chin and lifted it - Amber meet Gold.
"Are you sure that's all you wish to talk about, Little Mortal? Are you certain you didn't want to see what I have to offer you?" Alcina purred with a glow in her eyes but Vulcan's face remained professional. He rose to stand at his full height, which removed Alcina's hand from his face.
"Lady Dimitrescu, please, I have expressed on numerous occasions that I am not interested in being your...other half." Vulcan said.
"And why is that, little mortal? Why would you not want to live in a castle with servants waiting on you hand and foot? Riches that pile so high could by the world and still have more? Everything you could want and need within arms reach and you wouldn't want that?" Alcina asked.
"I have all I could want with Donna and Angie - I've traveled the world to become someone that would be worthy of them, a partner that would make House Beneviento proud." Vulcan said with a smile when mentioning his girls; this made Alcina frown.
"You would rather have her than anything I could offer you?" She asked with a hiss.
"Yes." A simple answer.
Alcina inhaled and exhaled before she looked into Vulcan's eyes.
"What do you want to talk about regarding the Lord Dinner?" Alcina asked as she folded her arms.
"I want this Lord Dinner to be grand for all the Lords and Madam Miranda, to do that I would like to know 3 things about you: Your preferred dish, your drink of choice, and any kind of dessert you would enjoy?" Vulcan asked as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a paper pad & pen.
Alcina began speaking and Vulcan wrote down her order.
Lady Alcina Dimitrescu
Main Dish - She asked to try the Blood Steak she heard about from Donna
Drink - Romanian Red Wine (I have to pick some from The Duke)
Dessert - Black Forest Cake
Vulcan pocketed the pad and the writing utensil before he looked at Alcina and her daughters, gave them a nod, and turned on his heel to begin walking away - before he could reach the stairs; he was suddenly picked up by his waist from behind and was lifted with his back pressed against the busty chest of Alcina Dimitrescu.
"Lady Dimitrescu, what is the meaning of this?! Unhand me!" Vulcan barked as he began squirming against her grip; he left her hand on his chest and her lips near the back of his neck.
"Why must you fight against me, Vulcan? I know you want more than my sister could offer you but your blind love for her is making you refuse what you really want. Let me give it to you - stay here with me and have everything you could ever want." Alcina whispered against his neck.
"I told you no - I am loyal to Donna and I would never turn away from her. Now - Let me go." The man demanded.
"Such fire in your voice, I wonder just how good your blood tastes." That made Vulcan's eye widen but before he could do anything - his house jacket was ripped open to expose his shoulder and he felt the pain of fangs breaking his skin.
Vulcan gripped his teeth to keep from screaming but he felt anger flood his body.
"I TOLD YOU TO LET GO OF ME!" Vulcan roared.
Alcina was suddenly thrown off him by an unknown force - making her slid back to her daughters.
"Mother! Are you alright?!" The blonde-haired daughter asked as she ran over to her mother. Alcina didn't answer - her eyes were wide and dilated, almost like a cat's - as she looked at Vulcan's bleeding shoulder. The Servant of Beneviento covered his wound before glaring at the Castle Lady - his eyes blood red and his pupils... slit like a predator's.
"If you weren't one of the Lords of this Land, I would have killed you for doing something like that! I won't act on my own but I will be informing Madame Miranda of this. Keep your distance from, Alcina Dimitrescu; I shan't notify you again." With a growl - Vulcan turned on his heel again and stormed out of the castle, slamming the door behind him.
Alcina stood to her full height again - her hand covering her mouth as her tongue collected the blood dripping down her chin.
'His blood... it was... DIVINE. Richer than any maiden's blood I have ever tasted. Whatever he is, he is not human...and I want him. I must have that blood for myself; he must aid me in continuing the bloodline of House Dimitrescu!'
[Meanwhile - With Vulcan]
The amber-eyed man marched down the dirt path, holding his house jacket close to the wound - cursing all kinds of things about Alcina. He made his way to the gate leading the Moreau's Reservoir when a familiar voice called out to him.
"That looks like a pretty nasty bite wound." Vulcan turned to see the Duke sitting at his carriage. "If I were to guess, I'd say Lady Dimitrescu decided to take a bite out of you." Duke said as he wrote down something in his small journal.
"You won't be wrong, Duke; she literally grabbed me and sunk her teeth into me." Vulcan said as he walked over to him.
"Unpredictable as ever, she is; that wound will get back if you don't do something about it. Would you care for a bottle of First Aid Medicine?" The large man asked as he held a small bottle of green liquid.
"I don't have any Lei on me right now, I wasn't planning to buy anything." Vulcan hissed in pain.
"Nor were you planning on getting bitten by a Vampiric Castle Owner. You've been a loyal customer to me for years, Vulcan, you can have it for free." The Duke said as he reached down a gave the bottle to Vulcan.
"Thanks, Duke," Vulcan said as he opened the bottle and poured it on his wound. "By the way, you wouldn't happen to have some Romanian Red Wine, would you?" Vulcan asked as he fixed his jacket back on his shoulder.
"I do but I'd be willing to part with it for 5000 Lei." The Duke smiled at him.
"I'll come to get it tomorrow and a few other things, can you hold it for me?" Vulcan asked.
"Of course, your coin is the best coin for me to receive." The Duke said.
"Perfect, I'll see you later." Vulcan turned and began walking away.
"Anytime, Lord Vulcan." Duke said, making Vulcan stop and turn back to look at him.
"Duke, I'm not a Lord." Vulcan said, making the fat man laugh.
"Not yet, but at the rate you're going, you'll be a Lord within a few months' time...maybe a father even." Duke chucked, Vulcan blushed and turned to head to the reservoir
[Timeskip - At Moreau's Reservoir]
"Lord Moreau? Are you here, Lord Moreau?" Vulcan called out as he walked around the reservoir depths - he searched for a while before he heard the static of television and the sound of someone sobbing. He followed the sound until he saw the hunched few of Lord Moreau sobbing before a small static tv.
"Mother Miranda... why don't you love me like the others? You know I'll do anything you ask me to do, so why don't you love me too?" The Lord of the Reservoir; that made Vulcan's heartstring tug.
"Lord Moreau." Vulcan called out, startling me small 'man'.
"Who...Who are you?! Why are you here?!" Moreau panicked before he looked at Vulcan again. "Wait, I know you - you're Donna's Servant, right?" Moreau asked as he inched closer to him.
"Yes, Lord Moreau. My name is Vulcan and I serve Donna at House Beneviento; it's nice to finally meet you." Vulcan smiled at the man, who was so confused.
"You...You stood up for me. At the House Meeting. You told Heisenberg to respect me..." Moreau said as he a Vulcan were now facing each other.
"He should - You're his brother and brothers are supposed to be there for each other. Donna told me that you were very kind and she was right." Vulcan said.
"I...No one has ever told me that, thank you, Vulcan." Moreau said with a smile.
"Of course, Lord Moreau." Vulcan said.
"Please, call me Salvatore; that's my first name and you're very kind." The creature smiled again.
"Of course, Lord Salvatore. Now, as much as I would love to stay and chat, I'm a bit pressed for time. As you know, The Lord Dinner is coming up and I would like to know what your preferred food, drink, and dessert is." Vulcan said as he pulled out the pad and pen again with a smile. Salvatore smiled again and told him what he wanted to know.
"I don't know if I'll be welcome there." The small man said.
"You're a Lord and this is a Lord Dinner; of course you're allowed and welcome, besides, I have a little trick up my sleeve." Vulcan smiled as he waved his hand.
"What kind of trick?" Salvatore asked.
"You'll find out at the dinner. Have a great day, Salvatore." Vulcan rose to his feet and made his way back out the way he came, looking at the new list of items.
Lord Salvatore Moreau
Main Dish - Grilled Salmon with a side salad and cornbread
Drink - White Wine
Dessert - Keylime Pie.
'That man goes through all that pain with siblings who don't even respect him and a mother who rarely acknowledges him... I'll do what I can for him. He's too kind not to get the love back he dishes out.' Vulcan thought as he pocketed the pad and pen again before heading to the last of the lords - Karl Heisenberg.
[Timeskip - Karl Heisenberg's Factory]
Vulcan opened the door and walked into the factory with his hand on his dagger, just in case something popped off.
"Well, Well, Well - if it isn't the Ugly Ass Psycho Doll's Plaything?" Karl's voice rung out of the empty space.
"I'd appreciate you not disrespecting her like that, Heisenberg; I'm here on House Beneviento Business and I would rather get it over and done with so I can make my last stop and go home." Vulcan said as he looked around the make sure there were not hidden Lycans waiting to pounce on him.
"House Business? What could she want with me?" Karl's voice rang out again.
"This is about the Lord Dinner and I'm doing this to make sure it goes well. Just tell me what I want to know and I'll be on my way." Vulcan said.
"Now, where's the fun in that - just telling you...when you could work for it?" Karl's voice called out - that when Vulcan heard movement and found himself surrounded by at least 20 to 30 Lycans.
"What the hell is this, Heisenberg?" Vulcan snarled as he pulled his daggers from under his cloak.
"The challenge is simple - kill them and I'll tell you what you want to know. Lose and...well, Donna and her doll will be short once playmate." Karl laughed over the intercom.
"Smug Bastard." Vulcan growled and got into a battle stance.
"Ready? Set...SIC HIM BOYS!"
All the Lycans charged at Vulcan but there's something Karl should have known - You don't fuck with the House of Beneviento's Servant.
[Small Timeskip - After the fight.]
Vulcan stood in the center of the lycan bodies - most of them with their throats cut open, some with missing limbs, others with their bellies completely sliced open. His daggers in his hands - soaked in blood. His clothes and cloak with multiple claw marks. Panting, he looked up at the intercom and smirked.
"Ya done, Karl? You gonna tell me what I want to know or do I have to come up there and show you I mean business?" Vulcan smirked.
Karl was quiet for a moment before he spoke again.
"What do you want to know?"
Karl Heisenberg
Main Dish - Fried Chicken with corn and mashed potatoes
Drink - Whiskey
Dessert - Sweet Potato Pie
Vulcan was tired as he walked out of the factory with the last of the lords' orders taken but there was one last stop to make and he wasn't looking forward to it.
[To Mother Miranda's Location - The Lord Meeting Room]
Miranda looked at the kneeling man with ripped clothes and damage to his body that would have killed a normal man but it was obvious he was no mortal man.
"You're telling me you did all this without Donna's recommendation to make the Lord Dinner go better?" Miranda asked as she looked down at Vulcan.
"For the glory of House Beneviento and for Donna & Angie, I would go to any length." Vulcan said as he remained kneeling.
"If you have all the lords' orders, why are you here?" She asked.
"It wouldn't be right to get the lords' order and not get the Village Leader's Order, Madame Miranda. I would like to know what you would consume so that I may return home to Donna and Angie." Vulcan said.
"You really consider House Beneviento your home?" Miranda asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Anywhere Donna and Angie are is my home. They are my home." Vulcan said.
After a few moments, Miranda gave Vulcan the order she wanted and watched as he rose to his feet and turned to leave.
"I want you to know - I still don't think you're worthy of her. She hails from noble blood while you are commoner. You will never be worthy of Donna, even if she loves you." Miranda said as watched Vulcan leave.
"I know but I will give her all the love in the world just to stay by her side." The man said as he disappeared into the darkness.
"What the hell are you, Vulcan?" She questioned herself.
[Timeskip - House Beneviento - around 11:35]
The moment Vulcan opened the door - he was engulfed in a hug...well...two hugs. He looked at Donna who had her arms wrapped around his waist and Angie who was hugging his leg.
"Where have you been?! It's almost midnight and..."She looked at his condition. "What happened to you?!" Donna shrieked with worry.
"Sit down and let me make us some tea...this will be a long one." Vulcan said as he walked to the kitchen.
-After Explaining Everything-
"How dare she?!" Angie said. "She had no right to touch my father, let alone bite him!"
"And Karl made you fight Lycans to get his order?! I told you this wasn't a good idea, Vulcan; I can't believe you talked me into this." Donna said.
"But it was worth it, Donna." Vulcan said as he finished his tea.
"No, it wasn't! No orders were worth the condition you're in now!" Donna yelled.
"I know you're mad but trust me when I tell you that it was worth it." Vulcan said as he gathered her hand and kissed it a few times.
"I..."Donna tried to find the words.
"Please, love. Everything will be fine." Vulcan's eyes shined like stars as Donna blushed and looked away.
"Alright, I'll let it go this time but no more risky trips." Donna said as Vulcan gathered her in his arms and kissed her.
"I promise." Vulcan said as he placed another kiss on her lips.
"Soo..."Angie began. "When am I getting a sibling?"
"ANGIE!!!" Vulcan and Donna blushed at the smirking doll.
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acciowests · 3 years
From Lorcan With Love
SUMMARY: A "From Lukov With Love" inspired ice hockey x figure skating AU featuring Lorcan Salvaterre and Elide Lochan from "Throne Of Glass"
Lorcan and Rowan arrive early for training and walk in on a figure skater finishing her session. It isn't until she falls that Lorcan rushes forward, helping up the woman he learns is called Elide and immediately begins to fall for her charms.
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"You know, you didn't have to wake me up this early, right?" Rowan drawled as they pulled into the Orynth Rink parking lot. With their first game of the season taking place next Friday, Lorcan Salvaterre - Goalkeeper of the Terrasen High Hawks - had booked out the rink for three whole hours of practice. Along with being Lorcan's best friend, Rowan Whitethorn was also the captain of the Hawks, their school's ice hockey team. Despite having napped for most of their journey, Rowan's brows were furrowed in a tired frown, his lips in a thin line as he stretched in his seat.
The capital's Ice Rink mainly housed ice skating: including singles figure skating, pairs ice dancing, as well as the annual sectional competitions and sometimes the national one also. None of that meant much to Lorcan, he just knew the Orynth Rink also showcased professional Hockey Teams, such as the Orynth Stags; a team he had dreamt of being a part of since he started his ice hockey journey at seven-years-old.
"Stop complaining, old man," Lorcan chuckled, smirking at the silver-haired boy. "Get the bags from the trunk will you?"
Sticking up his middle finger noncommittally, letting it fall into his lap, Rowan climbed out of the car, rounding toward the back of the vehicle. Lorcan switched off the engine and stepped outside. Grabbing the gym bag full of their gear, Rowan hauled it over his shoulder as Lorcan locked the car, the two boys walking through the parking lot and toward the rink.
The changing room was empty, as Lorcan expected, and the two boys changed in comfortable silence. They pulled on their team jerseys: deep green with silver writing that displayed their name and number. Paired with sweatpants and their elbow and shoulder pads, as well as their shin guards, the boys shoved their bags into the lockers, along with their phones, and headed out to the rink. Walking off the ice with skates on had always felt weird, even with the skate guards that protected the blade. Heading down into the stadium, Lorcan's eyes locked onto the lone figure skater within the rink. The clock overhead told him she still had fifteen minutes left, which meant he and Rowan had fifteen minutes of waiting.
Slumping down into a seat, Lorcan set his elbows against his knees, leaning forward and watching the petite, raven-haired girl dance across the ice. Beside him, Rowan drummed his feet lazily, Lorcan ignoring him completely as he listened to the sound of her blade across the ice.
When, and if, he saw figure skaters, they were always wearing glittery costumes in shades of reds, purples and blues. And though he was sure most skaters did dress down for practice, the girl before him looked like she dressed in the dark. Which, if she had booked a three hour practise, she just might have. Ignoring the grey leggings and burgundy sweater showing a Perranth Skating Club logo, she skated as though she was in front of thousands. Each turn was sharp but smooth, each of her jumps or leaps landing perfectly - to Lorcan's untrained eye, anyway.
"I was thinking we could do some new drills. As captain, I reckon we have a good shot this season. I think we could rank high, come out on top," Rowan started, interrupting Lorcan's gaze.
"Right, yeah. If the others even get here," Lorcan sighed, not that he minded. He was much enjoying his time watching the beautiful skater.
"Chill out, Lor. There's still five minutes, they'll be here," Rowan insisted, nudging Lorcan's shoulder.
Shrugging, Lorcan turned to face the rink, just in time to watch the skater turn back into a jump. She took off from the back outside edge of her skate, using her toe pick to help her spin twice, and just as her foot hit the ice, her ankle gave way. An echoing thud rang out around them as she hit the floor, her thigh and butt slamming down onto the ice as she fell.
Before he even realised what he was doing, Lorcan stood, rushing down the rows of seats and towards the rink. Removing his skate guards and tossing them to the side, Lorcan stepped onto the ice, skating over to the girl who was now curled up, a hand against her thigh and stretching a leg out before her.
"Hey, you okay?" Lorcan called, coming to a stop beside her and offering her a hand, "That looked like a pretty nasty fall."
The girl chuckled, rubbing her thigh once more and taking his hand. Her palm was surprisingly soft, cold enough to send a shiver through him as she gripped tightly. Hoisting her up, Lorcan didn't miss the wince that slipped between her lips. Before he could say anything, she shook her head, "It's fine, it's just my ankle."
As she stood before him, Lorcan tried not to smirk at the immense height difference between them. At least a whole foot. Instead, he just nodded, "Well, that jump looked pretty hard. From what I've seen you're a pretty good skater. You shouldn't let one fall get you down."
"Not good enough. I should be able to do that jump in my sleep. There's no way I'm going to win sectionals like this," she sighed, running a hand through her hair. Her left hand, Lorcan realised, was still in his. She hadn't put her ankle back down onto the ice, instead, she rested it against her other foot, off the ground where there was no pressure on it.
"What happened? Is it just a strain?" Lorcan asked, hoping he wasn't being too curious. His eyes were drawn to the flush of her cheeks, bright red against the pale shading of the rest of her face. With her mop of black hair against glowing skin, she looked ethereal.
"I wish," she scoffed, "No, I broke it a few years ago and it never healed properly. I lost my axel completely, had to relearn my entire program and make all the moves easier. I already lost regionals, I can't afford to lose sectionals too," she explained, her chest rising and falling.
"Well, how long until sectionals? Maybe with some assistance, and physiotherapy on your ankle, you might be able to win?" Lorcan suggested, watching the girl's eyebrows slowly furrow as she looked up at him. They were thick and black, arching over her face and defining it fiercely.
"You don't know when sectionals are?" she asked, as though it was the most obvious question in the world.
Lorcan chuckled, shaking his head, "Oh, no. I'm not a skater. I play ice hockey."
The girl blinked, her eyes widening, "Oh... Oh my god, I'm so sorry. You probably have no idea what I was just talking about, do you?"
Lorcan couldn't help but laugh, loving the way the girl's lips curled into a smile as he did so, "No, but it's fine. I can tell you're very dedicated. I'm Lorcan, by the way, Terrasen High Hawks."
"Terrasen High? Wait, Lorcan as in Lorcan Salvaterre?" she asked, brows raising. Lorcan knew he recognised her. He could have sworn she was in the year below him, he would remember her face anywhere.
"The one and only. You're a junior, right?" he replied, helping her skate back across the rink and toward the entrance. She reached for her skate guards as he remained on the ice. Slipping his hand to her elbow, he helped her balance as she stepped back onto the stone ground.
"Right. Elide Lochan, Perranth skating club," she smiled, sticking her hand out. Lorcan shook it happily, loving the warmth that radiated from her like electricity.
"Perranth is lucky to have you represent them," Lorcan smirked, biting down on his bottom lip. There was something about the girl before him, something that made him feel completely giddy inside. If his teammates saw him like this...
Elide rolled her eyes. Chocolate, Lorcan noticed, the perfect shade of swirly hazelnut. "Now you're just being kind!" she laughed, a melodic sound that he wished he could capture forever, "Thanks, by the way, for helping me up. I probably would have just laid there until my session was over."
Lorcan grinned, something he didn't do too often, "Well, you're lucky I was here. Couldn't have you catching a cold, can we?  I heard hypothermia is a killer."
Pressing her lips together, Elide shook her head slowly, "No, I suppose we can't."
With an obnoxious slam, the doors to the rink swung open. The remainder of his team poured out, dressed and ready for their training session. A blur of green and silver, plus the grey, black and navy blue of Adidas sweatpants. Gavriel was at the front, the oldest on the team, his golden hair tied back in a bun and a grin on his face as he reached Rowan.
Rowan stood, patting Gavriel's shoulder and moving down the rows of chairs. "Lorcan," he called, heading toward the equipment cupboard in the corner of the rink, "Help me get the stuff out!"
They always borrowed sticks and pucks from whatever rink they were training at. Lorcan only used his own stick for final games, an object of good luck. They would also have to drag the goals out, setting them up to actually have something to shoot at.
Offering Lorcan a smile, Elide stepped back, rocking on her good foot, "So, I guess I'll see you around then?"
If he had his phone to hand, he would have asked for her number right there and then. But, he didn't. As she turned to walk up the steps toward the changing rooms, Lorcan called, "We have a game next Friday, will you be there?"
Elide stopped, looking over her shoulder and smirking, "Depends, are you inviting me?"
Pushing down the chuckle that tickled his throat, Lorcan nodded, "I am, and maybe we could hang out afterwards... Just the two of us?"
"Sure, sounds fun. See you Friday, then," Elide confirmed, turning almost immediately and rushing up the stairs.
Lorcan watched until she completely disappeared from view. He could smell the cinnamon and elderberries scent that lingered in her wake. Elide Lochan. Friday couldn't come sooner.
* * *
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prodtrouver · 3 years
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➾ The Criminal Who Loved
All he could do is run, hide, and live. He couldn't go to the town and always hid himself. After such accusation were made, the only person who could clear him is his brother, but he isn't there for him. What if a criminal finds a fairy who doesn't know him? What if he learns to love? Only for him to fear that will be taken away.
Pairing: runaway prince!Mark Lee x half fairy fem!reader
Other characters: mentions of Fairy!Renjun, Elf! Yeonjun and Huening Kai, Prince!Jeno, Baker!Haechan,
Genre/warnings: angst, fluff, running away, mentions of poison, mentions of traps,
No. of Words: 4.3k
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The day felt longer than it was. The woods are quiet today which calmed you. The clouds that covered the blue sky, the strong breeze that was weakened by the tall trees; it was a long but peaceful day so far.
The flowers were gently plucked out from the ground to your basket. Your touch was so gentle, the other fairies found it amusing they couldn't feel it.
"Y/n! What do you think of today? Won't you go to the town?" A purple fairy sat on your shoulder. A soft smile on your lips as you softly shook your head. You gave her a dandelion,
"I have more important things to finish. I have no business in town," you softly spoke. You stood from the ground and begin to head back to your fellow fairies who took care of you.
Yes, you're a fairy, a half at least. You were trusted in their care, full of hopes you will protect them because you're one of the two who are human sized.
"Y/n is back! Y/n is back!" A tiny young fairy fled to you. Her small figure around your figure as you gently out the basket down for them.
"Yes, I'm back... Where is Renjun?" You asked, instantly while distracted, they pointed their fingers to the direction where the other is. You smiled, stood, and fixed your dress. "I will be back."
You searched for Renjun, the second fairy who protects the rest. The boy's pretty eyes are glued to the cloudy sky. He's the fairy who paints the skies, the truth to the saying of their world: 'Gods or Deities are responsible for the colors of the sky.'
"Why is Painter Fairy staring at his masterpiece today?" Immediately, he turned around to face you. A slightly serious expression on his pretty face.
"Y/n, there is this boy in this woods. He found the old cabin of your father. He lives there now," he said. Your eyes widen; A boy? Living in the cabin you grew up in?
"Who is this boy, Renjun? Is he bad?" You asked, your nervousness seen yet mostly covered by your courage.
"No, he is not. I could tell he is accused of something. Fear not, I will be here if you confront him." He patted your shoulder. You softly nodded your head, your heartbeat was rapid from the thoughts. Is the boy dangerous? Renjun said he could tell he was accused, what could it be?
"Y/n, you know what to do when you need me.",
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You watched from a far as the boy exited the cabin. He combed his hazel hair with his hand as he sat on the stairs of the cabin. He looked at the dead leaves on the ground, his eyes glued there while his expression showed a troubled expression.
He stood on his feet again, he looked around, but your presence remained unknown to him. He returned inside the cabin and locked the door. You moved away from the tree and closer to the cabin. The boy was handsome, almost like a prince.
The way the sun glistened on his face. His shiveled hazel hair that reached his eyes lashes. He looked like a normal human and from his aura that you could feel, he is one. You placed your hand on the cabin wall but something else reflected light on your face.
You turned your head on the side, only to see a sheathed sword. You felt your heart freeze then you heard the door open.
There you are, standing in front of the human boy who looked surprised to see you. He glanced at his sword before he looked at you again. Immediately and by instincts, you backed away. Your figure was shaking and it was visible to his eyes.
"Do you... Live in this cabin?" He asked softly, and made sure you won't be terrified of him. However, he doubted that you live in the cabin for there was dust everywhere when he found it.
You, on the other hand, was still shaking. Your hand stayed close to your chest as you were ready to call Renjun for help. He observed your figure, you had h/c that matched your eyes. You looked magical yet mysterious to his vision.
"I won't hurt you, I swear," he said and moved a but closer. "Do you live in this cabin?" He asked and you nodded. His expression showed how surprised he is... He didn't expect that...
"But not anymore," you said with the left over courage you had. The more you stare at him, the more gentle he looks. You hoped he could say his name faster and as if he could read your mind-,
"My name is Mark Lee, I won't hurt you, don't worry.... Unless, you're one of them." He softly glared which made you take a step back. Judging from you acted just now, you aren't. Anyway, he knows his kingdom doesn't accept female guards nor assassins.
"Are you harmful? What's your objective? What are you doing here?" You asked but he just stared at you. "That's none of your business," he coldly said before he gets inside.
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You know curiosity could be bad sometimes but the further you observe Mark, the more perks you notice of him.
The way he scrunched his nose when he couldn't do anything in one try or the way he clapped his hands when he successfully did something difficult. He's a funny and dorky boy, not to mention the way he treated animals is gentle as well.
You sat on the tree branch, your eyes glued on the boy who's feeding baby squirrels. You were surprised, amused with how beautiful the land has become when he came.
The dead leaves are gone, the pond beside the cabin looked cleaner. Flowers of different kinds are even blooming around the cabin. You never knew you would see this sight again of your old home.
However, other than his dorky side, he looks strong and cautious. You found it weird how he looks around every hour as if he's being hunted. You feel attached with the boy, even if it has only been days since you first talked to him.
"How is watching the boy, y/n?" An elf climbed in your shoulder and sat down. You gave him a sliced apple you have before you looked at Mark again.
"He isn't harmful, he takes care of the area very well. The animals loves him too," you smiled and the elf squinted his eyes.
"Don't be too distracted, y/n! He might be dangerous! Maybe, he knows you're watching, and acts nice, so you will think he's not dangero-,"
"Oh, quiet, Yeonjun. If he knew I'm watching then I'm pretty sure he would've talked to me or stopped me already. Therefore, do not overthink," you spat and left the tiny elf pouty and speechless.
"Maybe you should talk to him, y/n!" Another elf showed themself, this time he had a purple hat while Elf Yeonjun had orange.
"Should I?" You asked Elf Huening Kai who nodded. Yeonjun pulled your hair and shouted a 'no'.
"I think the boy there needs someone to be friends with!"
"I think the boy there deserves to be left alone!" Yeonjun said, grumpier from your words earlier. The two elves countinued to bicker while you take matters in your feet.
"Hold tight, little ones," you said and you begin to fidget. They immediately held onto your hair while you jumped down the tall tree. The elves screamed in fear, both afraid of heights while you kept a smile on your face.
As soon as your feet hit the leafy ground, Mark turned around. The surprised boy stared at you as he wondered where you came from.
"Y/n! Don't do that!!" He heard a voice from your shoulders. You chuckled and carefully get off the two elves who were shaking. You placed them on the wood railings of your old cabin while you looked at Mark.
"I'm impressed, you managed to make this lifeless are blossom again!" You said, you sweet smile distracted Mark from his wonders for a split second.
"Ah, yeah- wait, how did you- where did you come from?" He asked, his shocked expression still in his face. Quietly, you pointed at the tall tree where you sat.
"EH- You wouldn't be able to survive that fall!" Mark shouted and caused you to flinch.
"Hey, you big man! Yes, she can because our precious y/n is a half fairy! She can land on her feet like a cat!" Yeonjun pointed at Mark who looked even more shocked.
"Wow... Elves are real or is it a potion you drank?" Mark leaned closer to look at the 2 elves. Instantly, Yeonjun tried to punch his eye with his tiny fist but he was stopped by Huening Kai.
"I'm sorry, he can be feisty," the other elf apologizes while Yeonjun tries to get out of his grip. You sigh which caught his Mark's attention.
"I apologize for the little elf's behalf. Despite his small figure, he is pretty feisty. The gods made the right choice of making him an elf." You said and glared at Yeonjun who looked defeated.
Mark just laughed, still fascinated by the elves and you? A half fairy? He never even knew they exist until now.
"May I come in? I missed this place," you asked boldly, even though it's unknown where you got this confidence from. Mark thought for a few seconds but remembered, the cabin used to be your home.
"Y/n! We're going with you!" Yeonjun shouted, only to be flicked on the forehead by you. Elf Huening Kai tried to hold his laughter while Yeonjun stayed pouty.
"I'll be back," you said and followed Mark inside the cabin. The cabin isn't really small but it isn't really big either. It was a decent size for a small family. She was in awe, it felt like she was living her past memories once more.
Mostly everything is still the same but certain things have been moved. Mark's gaze followed you as you looked around. The strings of his heart were pulled when a smile appeared in your pink lips.
You looked so happy and relieved, he didn't want to ruin it by calling your name. You mentioned you once lived there, you must have missed the cabin.
Now, he begins to wonder- do you know? Do you have an idea who he even is? Do you know what he did that caused him to stay here? He didn't want you to know, he didn't want to danger you nor your kind.
"Can I go upstairs?" You asked and he nodded. You immediately head upstairs while Mark stayed.
"Hey, you big man! Who are you? Where did you come from!?" He looked down to see Elf Yeonjun and Huening Kai behind him, trying to stop the older from speaking further.
"Yeonjun, stop it!" Huening Kai held the elf's arm. Mark kneeled down to look at the elves.
"I'm a runaway," Mark admitted, and this surprised the elves. Yeonjun stopped moving and Huening Kai's grip became lighter.
"I'm a runaway from the kingdom," he said once more. Yeonjun took a step back and shielded Huening Kai. Fear on the elf's face as he remembered what his fellow elf told him once.
"Are you the runaway who tried to poiso-,"
"Mark! Thank you for letting me in," you went back downstairs. You halted your steps in confusion when you saw the Yeonjun cowering in fear and a confused Huening Kai behind him.
"What's going on?" You asked, Mark shook his head as he quickly looked away.
"No problem, however, I think it's better if you three head back. Night is about to come, it might be too dangerous for you." Mark smiled and passed by you as he head to the bedroom upstairs.
You nodded, although he couldn't see you. He gently places Yeonjun and Huening Kai on your shoulders.
"Why do you look scared, Yeonjun?" You asked but he only shook his head.
"I saw a giant spider behind Mark earlier, so I got scared!" Yeonjun believably lied which made Huening Kai believe in him too.
Shortly, you left the area and head back home.
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You walked down the busy streets of the town. A basket on your arm as you head to your favorite bakery. However, on your way there, you saw a few castle guards asking the townspeople.
"Excuse me, young miss," you flinched. You looked to your side, only to see a castle guard.
"Have you see the first prince?" The guard showed you a paper. A paper with Mark Lee drawn below the word: wanted.
Your eyes quickly scanned through the whole paper. Words like 'first prince' or 'attempted to poison the king' or 'ran away'... They all shocked you. Is that what Renjun meant? Is he accused or really did this?
"No, I did not but may I keep the flyer, sir?" You asked softly. Your heart shattering with the news but you didn't understand why. You watched Mark for days and he didn't seem harmful. You needed to know the answer. The guard accepted your request and gave you the flyer.
"Thank You," you mumbled and began to walk away. You forget about the bread, you want to talk to Mark about the truth.
You went back to the woods, away from the guards, away from the town, and on your way to find Mark. The trip took time but you were determined to get the truth out.
You felt your surroundings stop when you saw Mark. He looked so happy when he fed the baby squirrels and the way he chuckled when a parrot sat on his head. You asked yourself again: did he really try to do that?
"Mark," you called him from behind. He turned to face you, a smile on his lips while you looked sad and confused.
"Mark, did you... Did you really try to poison... Poison the king?" You asked, your voice as soft as a whisper. Mark stood still, his smile disappeared from his lips, and it was replaced with a frown.
"You really think I would do that?" He asked, the bowl on his palm was still full of bird seeds.
"I-I don't know, Mark... I barely know you..." You said and Mark slowly walked towards you.
"I was accused, y/n. I don't want to kill my own father. I was accused because they saw the bottle in my bedroom. I ran away, y/n... I ran away because I was scared," his frown never seemed to leave his face. You felt your heart break at how weak and broken his voice sounded.
"How should I know... How can you prove to me that you are innocent?" You didn't have the will to take a step back but he stood so close to you. He delicately took your hand and placed it in his chest.
"I saw a book in the bedroom of the cabin. It said that fairies, even half fairies can tell if people are lying by their pulse. If it's uneven, they are lying. Is my pulse uneven, y/n?" He asked which shocked you. You knew that but never got to experience it.
You close your eyes, suddenly, everything felt silent. You could only hear his heartbeat and it didn't feel uneven. Instantly, a relieving wave washed over your worries. You pulled your hand back as you stared at Mark.
"You... You're not lying," you say and Mark let out a soft chuckle.
"Why would I lie?" He said and you hugged him immediately. He was shocked about your actions but tilted his head when you pulled away.
"How are you going to clear your name? You're not even a criminal!" You spat, angrily. A pout on your lips while the frown was back on his face.
"My brother... Lee Jeno could clear my name because he was with me the whole day the incident happened. He helped me run away as well. If there's someone who could clear my name, it is him," Mark said and everything went silent.
The woods strong breeze weakened by the tall trees again. Birds chirped above you both while little animals played on the leafy ground.
You want Mark's name to be cleared, although you don't know why you're suddenly feeling like this.
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A week have passed and everything was peaceful. You felt at peace with Mark, even other fairies and elves loved him.
Here you are with him, both sat on the blanket as you played with the animals and fairies around you two. You feel so close with Mark as if he has been your friend for a long time.
Although, it gave you feelings that you've never experienced before. You have read about it and it's the feeling of love.
They say a fairy who is in love could feel how quick their heart beats. They could hear the thumps of their in love heart. Mostly, they definitely feel safer and stronger with them. Although, you never really showed your magic in front of anyone, other than Renjun, and a potion maker.
"Y/n, you said that you used to live in this cabin. Why did you move out?" Mark asked you as he fed the young fox. You frowned and looked away at the horrendous memory that served as your nightmare.
"My mom was caught and my father was killed," you said, able to trust Mark with your past. Mark stiffned as he looked at you. The sad and pitiful expression on your face was heartbroing for him to look at.
"My mom was a fairy, she was trapped by some mere castle servant for the king. My dad chased after her, only to be killed in the process. I never knew what they did to my mother but the fairies could tell her presence is no longer in this world." You told Mark, your heart wrenched at the vision a potion maker once showed you.
The vision of how they trapped your mother and how they killed you father. It was traumatizing and it served a horrible memory to replay after years.
"I'm sorry... I didn't know that. All I knew was that my father hated fairies. I don't know why but my mother told us, brothers that fairies are just found in books. That's why, I never knew they existed," Mark said and gently patted your back for reassurance.
"I'm very sure they are in a place where they could rest peacefully. I am also sure that they are happy of their daughter growing healthy." Mark smiled which caused you to smile as well. You close your eyes and rest your head in his shoulder.
How could you tell him you're in love with a prince? With an accused prince who is known as a criminal? How can you tell your people and Mark Lee that?
"Y/n, if I return back to the castle, will you go with me?" He asked you and you felt your heart stop for a second. You open your eyes and stare at the boy. His warm brown eyes stared into yours as you think of an answer.
"Why should I go with you, Mark? You are a prince, I am a half fairy who has her village to protect." You softly spoke and once again, the dreaded frown appears on his lips.
"You're right... But what if my name never gets cleared?"
"It will be cleared eventually, Mark. People will know the truth," you said as he took your warm hand. Your soft hand grasping his rough ones. He pressed it over his chest.
"I like you, y/n... Ever since I told you the truth, I feel safer with you. I feel happier with you and I'm afraid that might be taken away from me as well." He cries and you feel your body shake. Immediately, you engulfed the boy in a hug.
"I won't be taken away, Mark. I like you too," you whispered and Mark pulled you closer to him. You smiled in his embrace as he caressed your cheeks.
"Fairy Y/n, will you do the honors of being with the oldest prince of the Dream Kingdom?" He stood up and reached his hand out towards you. You laughed and held his hand before you did a small courtesy.
"Of course, Prince Mark,"
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It was midnight when you begin to feel weird. The boy was sleeping peacefully beside you, however, you aren't sure if you could stay any longer. You quietly rushed out of the cabin to warn everyone.
You waved your hand, pile of leaves flying a certain direction to call Renjun. You gently knocked on the trees until a bird comes out.
"Check what is coming," you whispered before it flew away. You turn around, whispering to the small animals to hide for their safety. You looked around throughly, in search for a fairy ring you could control.
"Y/n, I'm here- what do you need?" Renjun asked as he stood beside you. You pointed at the direction that was giving you weird feelings.
"I could feel men walking, a group of them but not many," you said as Renjun nodded. He waved his hand, the same thing you did but this time, the wind became stronger. It couldn't be stopped by the tall trees anymore.
He held onto your wrist, not interested in making you fly away.
"Y/n, can you extend the fairy rings?" Renjun asked as he kept the wind at the same strength. You used the rest of your energy for that day to extend the rings.
Suddenly, the bird arrived and stood on your shoulder. It begin to whisper about what it saw.
"Renjun, the guards left and only two are coming. Those 2 are the princes of the kingdom," you said and Renjun sighed. He stopped the strong wind, only to face you. He patted your head,
"I will be near when you need me. I will be watching from above," he stated before jumping on tree to another. The bird quickly fled after him. You stood there, on your guard as you wait for the 2 princes to come... They must be here for Mark.
"Are you y/n?" You jolted your head up and in your sight, you saw them. Both on their tall white horses as you nod their head.
"I'm Jeno and this is my younger brother, Jisung... I heard from a fairy that our older brother is here, may we see him-,"
"No need, I'm here now," you slightly flinched once you heard Mark's deep voice after woken up.
"Mark, we have evidence!" Jisung said, about to take a step until he saw the line of mushrooms in front of him. "A fairy ring, interesting," he leaned down and saw glitters around each mushroom.
"Jisung, don't get distracted now-"
"I know, I know- actually, why won't you tell him the good news?" Jisung smiled as he looked left and right to see where the ring formed. Jeno sighed at the attention span of his brother.
"We got the poison's bottle checked by a witch. The fingerprints on the bottle belonged to a woman elf. The witch also stated that these kinds of poison could only be brewed by witches and wizards." Jeno explained as you look at Mark for any reaction on his face.
"How will you explain this to father and the kingdom? They will think you're only doing this to cover my 'crime' and not everyone believes in witches and wizards. I think, you guys are lucky you even found one," Mark said but you shook your head.
"Witches and wizards are common if you are in the right area. I believe there are witches and wizards in your kingdom as well but kept it hidden." You explained as you remove the fairy ring. Jisung wowed at the magic you pulled while Mark was shook you actually have magic.
You walk towards them before you reached your palm out. The urge to see the bottle of the poison curious you. You feel like you know something that might lead you to the real criminal.
"Can I see the bottle?" You asked and Jeno handed it to you by the neck of the bottle. Your brows furrowed at the sight of the familiar bottle.
"It's woman but definitely not a witch," you returned the bottle. You look by the trees where you saw Renjun watching. You walked by one of the tall trees and knocked on the wood.
"Elf Yeonjun? Yeonjun, are you there?" You said and Yeonjun popped his head out of the small hole. Jeno and Jisung stood there, shocked.
"Yeonjun, do you know where this bottle came from?" Mark asked and showed the small elf the bottle. Immediately, Yeonjun examines the bottle and he nods his head.
"It's a bottle that belonged to the Potionmaker," Yeonjun said as you thanked the elf before he went back to his hole.
"The criminal is a woman but I don't think she's the one who brewed the potion. Anyway, for now, can you clear Mark's name?" You asked and Mark immediately held your hand.
"Clearing my name means coming back to the castle. I don't want to leave you here," Mark said with a sad face. You chuckled and kissed his lips,
"I will be alright, go back home, Mark."
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You bid goodbye to the Potionmaker of the woods. His sweet and confused smile stayed on his lips after his explanation of the bottle. The bottle belonged to him but he doesn't remember brewing poison as he swore to never brew one.
It has been days since you saw Mark. You missed his cheerful voice and his loud laughs. You return back to the cabin and laughed when you saw the young fairies playing chase.
You halted your steps when you saw the familiar figure in the kitchen. You dropped the basket and hopped onto his back. He cackled a laugh,
"Missed your prince too much?" He asked and you moved to hug him from the front.
"Far too much..."
"Jeno has settled in with his significant other and he will be coronated as king soon. The king is alright with me living with my love," Mark said and you immediately connected your lips.
Mark smiled and pulled you closer to him.
"I love you, my prince," you whispered and he laughed.
"I was this accused criminal who fell in love with a half fairy. I love you too, my fairy."
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rosyfingereddawnn · 3 years
heart of gold (chapter three)
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pairing: robert plant x florence bennett (oc)
warnings: domestic abuse (god sorry), jimmy bein’ a simp :)
words: 3.4k
summary: trapped in a loveless marriage to a powerful man, florence bennett lives every day in despair. after a chance encounter with a golden-haired actor, florence finds that her life will never be the same again.
author’s note: new oc alert!! this character was based off a little friend of mine... who’s helped me like. immensely. babe ily. also god this one hurt to write i'm sorry guys. hope you enjoy :)
chapters: 1 | 2
The waning light of the late afternoon sun filters in through the grand windows, stained glass painting the room a myriad of colours. Polished maple shelves line the walls, packed to the brim with dusty tomes. Comfortable armchairs sit around a side table, the gilded siding gleaming. On its surface sits a dainty teacup, still steaming.
Florence strides through the aisles of the library, trailing a finger along the worn spines. The lady of the house divides her time most often between the beautiful music room and the library, as Allen leaves her to her devices, most of the day. Running a city, he always says, takes a lot of work, dear. She’s not complaining at all, if it puts her at a difference from the barbarian she is lucky enough to call a husband.
Stopping, finally, she pulls a book from the shelf, running her fingers across the letters decorating the cover, fingers catching lightly on the grooves. ‘Wuthering Heights’, the cover reads, and Florence nods, content with her choice. Drifting across the room, she settles comfortably into the plush chairs, reaching a hand out to grasp the handle of the teacup beside her. Soft spice settles over her tongue, and her chest fills with warmth, the steaming beverage warding away the slight chill in the room. Cracking open the cover, her eyes drift over the slightly yellowed pages of the novel.
“I have just returned from a visit to my landlord—the solitary neighbour that I shall be troubled with. This is certainly a beautiful country! In all England, I do not believe that I could have fixed on a situation so completely removed from the stir of society…”
The woman recites the words on the page, voice drifting high into the rafters as it flutters past her lips. Florence has always enjoyed reading aloud, as it made her feel as though she was not alone. That someone hears her, and cares to listen to the words that flow from her mouth. Allen hated it, in the beginning. When he had given her the time of day, and cared for her. Promises of forever tumbled from his lips then, instead of the insults and hurt that dripped, like a slow poison, from them now.
Shaking her head clear of those thoughts, she continues. An hour passes, then another, and Florence loses herself in the narrative. These characters, brutal and flawed, intrigued her. They enchanted her, and she was unable to put it down.
Until a set of heavy footsteps, thunderous against the polished floors, near the door to the library. She knows exactly who it is, spending as much time as she had training herself to recognize his gait. Shutting her novel with a loud snap, she looks around the room. Everything is in its place; the room is pristine, as always. Smoothing down her dress, a bright yellow with lace at the hem, she waits for the inevitable. The click of the door opening rings through the suffocating silence of the room, and Allen strolls in, perfect image maintained by his coiffed hair and expensive pinstripe suit.
“Florence, my dear. I knew I might find you here.”
“Allen, is there something wrong?” Florence replies, the hands that rest on her lap subtly trembling as she gazes at her husband. He seems to be in a good mood today. Florence only hopes it can stay that way.
“We will be putting on a ball in the coming weeks, to celebrate my proficiency as mayor. Now,” Allen slips closer to his wife, and brings a hand to her chin. Holding her in place, he presses closer, looking directly into her hazel eyes. “I hope I won’t need to reiterate this. Please do try and behave.”
“O-of course, Allen, I will—”
“We wouldn’t want a repeat performance of recent festivities, would we?”
His words make Florence’s blood boil. She sees the world in shades of angry red, and clenches her fists as tight as she can, hiding them from Allen’s view. Her knuckles are painted white with the strain of keeping her composure. A few weeks have passed since Allen rained pain and devastation upon his household, but the wounds both mental and physical are not so easily hidden, swept aside.
Pasting on an agreeable smile, cheeks straining with the effort, she nods her head. Florence knows that if she plays by his rules, she’ll remain unharmed. He’ll finally leave her alone.
“I will be on my best behaviour. Please, do not worry, dear.”
Allen tilts her head up further, to stare right into her eyes. Florence would love nothing more than to deal him the pain that he had dealt to her. To John, and to James. Instead, she raises her hand, laying it across Allen’s, as she gazes earnestly back. Touching him feels horrifyingly wrong, and it's as though fire laps at her palm.
“You will need a gown, no doubt.”
“I was planning to go into town with Ms. Weston. You remember, she—”
“I do not care who accompanies you. I care, darling, that you do not embarrass me,”  The man smiles at her, sharp canines glinting dangerously in the fading sunlight, and he presses his lips to her cheek. His scent, sharp and cloying, nauseates her. Allen stands up to his full height, which, admittedly, was not much, and moves for the door. Turning back to look at her once more, he takes her in almost hungrily. “I wonder, Florence, if you still look as lovely unclothed as you do in this dress. Perhaps tonight, we may find out?”
With a sneer and a chuckle, he walks out the door, closing it behind him.
Florence’s hands unclench, finally, as subtle pain rips through her palms. Gazing down at the skin of her hand, she sees deep pink crescents. One of them is streaked lightly with blood. She had broken the skin, it seems.
Trembling hands retrieve the book from the table it had been left on, and Florence opens the cover once more. Eyes drifting down to read, she can’t seem to make sense of the words, anymore. Florence is shaken, and she knows that it is precisely what Allen wants.
It is but a game for him; a battle of control. He’s winning.
“You mean to tell me that he… Oh, Florence…”
The chime of nails against delicate china rings through the luxuriously decorated sitting room, as Florence passes a teacup, the steam wafting from the top following the scent of rich spices, to the woman sitting on the plush divan. Her dress, a pastel lavender, meets the floor in a stream of tulle. Dark tresses, pulled back in a small, loose braid, curl as they fall across her shoulders.
“Emma, I have no idea what to do.”
Emma Weston had known Florence longer than she could remember. They had met when they were young, and since then, they’ve been almost inseparable. That is, until Allen came along. Slowly, almost inch by inch, he had pushed Emma out of the picture, further isolating his wife. The women seemed to meet less and less over the years, now coming together a few times a month. Emma was unmarried, and rather educated, which almost seemed to scare the man. A favourite quote of his pops into Florence’s head, then: “Educated women, well, they’ll bring the downfall of humanity.” To the women, of course, it served as a nice bit of comedy.
“My dear friend, I… Is there anything I can do?” Emma lays a hand on Florence’s shoulder, earnest eyes locked on those of her friend. Florence meets her gaze then, and the glassy hazel eyes unnerve the woman. They look defeated. “Florence, we will fix this, somehow.”
“If that is possible…”
Emma shakes her head, eyes blazing with a incendiary anger she must keep hidden from the woman sitting next to her. Florence, naive as she might have been upon entering the relationship, has done nothing to warrant this treatment, this violence. Every mention of the horrors; the atrocities, that have been committed in this house makes the woman’s blood burn in her veins. Emma settles her hand over Florence’s, rubbing calming circles into it. She knows how the other woman ticks, after the years they’ve spent together, and she can see the slight tremors that pass through her. She’s scared. Why wouldn't she be, with a husband like that, Emma thinks.
“Florence,” The sentence almost tumbles out, but she catches herself. Florence has always disliked pity, felt that it was counterproductive and useless. It does nothing to help the situation, so there is no need for it. Emma changes the subject swiftly, a bright smile tilting up the corner of her painted lips. “What else have I missed? Surely you’ve gotten up to much, with your lovely husband gone so often.”
A moment of unusual silence passes, as a blush darkens Florence’s cheeks, pink shades dancing with the freckles that linger on her skin. “Well,” Florence starts, hands fidgeting in her lap as she looks anywhere but at her friend. With a fortifying sigh, she releases the words trapped in her throat. “I’ve… I’ve been writing to a man. An actor, from the theatre we frequent.”
“Oh? How long have the two of you been corresponding? Do tell me more!”
“A month, as of next weekend—”
“A month? Florence, it’s been a whole month, and you didn’t think it right to tell me? I thought we were friends… ”
“Emma,” Florence starts, scrambling to reassure her friend, until she glimpses the smirk that dangles from her lips. A relieved sigh fills the silence that had fallen over the two, and Emma’s giggle lights up the room. “You were joking…”
“Of course I was! Now, tell me more about this mysterious actor. What do you know of him?”
“Well, I do not know his name, unfortunately. This… this is my fault. If he knew who I was; if he knew Allen, he would never give me the time of day. Emma, he is beautiful, of mind, body, and soul.”
“How do you mean?”
“It was his appearance, initially, that attracted me. He was simply irresistible,” Florence’s cheeks flush deep scarlet, as an unconscious smile blossoms across her cheeks. Her hands slash through the air as she recounts her first sighting of the elusive actor. “…James and John, thankfully, had the mind to encourage me to contact him. Emma, he is poetic and charming, yet he isn't haughty in the slightest, like some who share these traits. He’s always been perfectly kind, and charisma drips from every pore. Every letter I receive from him… Goodness, Emma, it has the same effect on me that his performance had.”
“Perhaps you should invite him to the ball.”
It was a simple statement, yet those 8 words ring like sirens in Florence’s head. Her blush deepens, and she stammers out a response, nervous hands smoothing down nonexistent wrinkles on her gown. With a deep breath, she recovers, and locks eyes with Emma, who hides a smile behind a dainty hand.
“Have you gone completely mad?”
“Think about it,” Emma starts, revealing the amused smile that she had tried to hide. Taking in the way Florence’s mouth hangs open in shock, her eyes wider than saucers, Emma continues, a giggle fluttering in the air of the expensive room. “You could slip away from the other patrons, somewhere Allen would never find you, and meet the man that stole your heart.”
Florence remains frozen, as though she were a component of a still-life painting. Her blush-pink lips form an O, and her eyebrows creep close to her hairline. Her hands, the only thing in motion, are a flurry of movement as she fidgets under Emma’s watchful gaze.
“Florence, honestly, is it truly that preposterous of an idea?”
“O-of course it is! Emma,” The woman of the house shakes her head emphatically, mind racing to come up with the perfect excuse as to why this idea, although tempting, was utterly absurd. “Look, if Allen ever… I could never subject this… this angel to that.”
“If you think it’s best not to, then I will stand with you. This is, of course, common knowledge. What I will never do, however, is sit idly by and watch you throw away your happiness, again.”
Silence sits heavy over the two women, the only sound being the light slurping of tea gone cold. Emma, chancing a glance over at her long-time friend, takes in the quiver and shake of her hand. Florence sets the fragile china cup, painted a pale sky blue, on the wooden surface of the table that rests in front of them, and relaxes back into the comfortable settee.
“Is… Is James able to attend? The ball, I mean.” The relative quiet is broken by Emma, voice faltering as she curls into herself. For as long as Florence could remember, Emma has only had eyes for James. Whenever she came to the manor, her eyes would roam the chiseled marble hallways for even a short glimpse of him, and a deep blush seemed to dust her cheeks whenever he was in the room.
“I believe he and John are working that particular night, although… perhaps you could steal him away for some time alone?”
The peals of laughter that fill the room muffle the hurried footsteps fast approaching, a choked gasp and the sound of falling papers finally making the two women look up. James stands by the door, shoulders hunched as he locks eyes with Emma across the room. A collection of envelopes litter the floor, and James, scrambling to his knees with a squeak, rushes to retrieve them.
A wordless glance passes between the two friends, and Florence nods, a subtle smile lighting up her face. Emma stands, flattening down her dress with clammy hands, walks up to the man, and he looks up at her under his eyelashes, hands stilled by her appearance.
“E-Emma! H-hello, I…”
“James, your face… are you alright?”
The man nods emphatically, almost thrumming with nerves as he replies, “it was nothing, Emma. You need not worry for me.”
Her hand, palm up, rests upon his cheek as she takes in the bruising, subtle now after the days that have passed, that mottles his pale skin. Florence can almost hear the rapid beating of his heart as he gazes up at her from his position on the floor.
“I can't help my worry for you, James,” Clearing her throat awkwardly, Emma shifts her gaze to the tiled floor, her eyes widening when she glances at the stationary strewn across the ground.“May I… or rather… Do you need help?”
The servant gulps audibly, and nods, cheeks an angry scarlet to compliment the fading tones of purple. The woman kneels next to him, and retrieves the fallen letters. Glancing at it briefly, her eyes light up excitedly, as she gazes at James.
“Are these invitations for the ball?”
“They are. I was to go around the town handing them out, just now.”
Two hands brush as they reach for the last envelope, and pull back, as if electricity had struck them upon contact. Florence hides a beaming smile beneath her hand as she watches her friends. They simply cannot look away from each other. James coughs, breaking the tension that had settled over the two, and they scramble back, each holding a portion of the letters. Two piles become one, and Emma steps back, the hand rubbing at her arm betraying the picture of calm she was trying to emulate.
“M-Miss Weston, always a pleasure. How are you?”
“I-I am well, James. And you?”
“Very well. May I say, you look… lovely.” The conversation peters out as their gazes flit to the ground, and Florence, from her perch behind them, can’t help but giggle. The sound propels the servant into action, and he thrusts an envelope into Emma’s hand, backing away as if he was burned by the feel of her hand on his.
“I was supposed to stop at your residence, but since you are already here…”
With that, he turns tail and rushes out of the room, leaving Emma standing, slack-jawed. Slowly, she turns around to meet Florence’s eyes, and the disbelief present on her face is almost comical.
“Perhaps you will be the one to slip away for a moonlit dance in the end, Emma.”
With well wishes, and an earnest promise to find dresses for the ball, Emma departs, stepping into her own carriage. The flush on her cheeks was still visible.
“Of all the times to run out… Just my luck.”
Soft footsteps spatter like rain across the staircase, as Florence mutters to herself. Dashing into her bedroom, she searches every nook and cranny, pulling back with a grunt dripping with frustration. The supply that had sat on the desk against the wall was usurped, and there were no traces of any sheets in the rest of the mansion’s many rooms. Except for one.
Rushing across the hall, Florence stops in front of a pinewood door, intricately carved as most things within the manor happen to be.
Allen’s study, as she’s been told time and time again, was never to be entered, by anyone except the man himself. It’s rarely ever locked, though his intimidation serves as enough of a barrier from entering, until today.
All she needs is paper, after all. About to pen yet another letter to her nameless angel, she lacked the most important element: the paper itself. Where better to find a much-needed slip, than in a study, Florence thinks as she turns the gold-gilded knob. She opens the door only to be greeted with beautiful, wide windows of stained glass, which turn the sunlight into vibrant shades of red and green. Against the wall, a bookshelf stands tall, books of every genre imaginable lining it. Against the far wall, a well-polished mahogany desk, complete with winding embellishments around the edge, sits before an elegant leather armchair.
No paper in sight, of course.
A sigh reverberates off of the maroon walls, as Florence pulls open a drawer, careful to leave things as proper as possible so as to not alert Allen. Shuffling through the first, she finds a variety of legal forms and journals, and her frustration simmers inside of her. Moving on to the second drawer, she tugs on the wood-furnished handle, and her heart shatters.
Sitting prim and proper, face up in the drawer, was a letter addressed to Allen. In a curling script that, distinctly, was not hers, reads: “To my beloved, Allen.” This one note, this blasted letter, lays on a bed of dozens of others, all addressed in the same way, in the same sprawling hand. Florence can feel streams of crystalline tears trickle down the flaming apple of her cheeks, and a violent scream catches in her throat. Her insides burn in rage, in fury, in betrayal, and if not for her grip on the desk, she would have crumpled to the floor. There were no dates printed upon the envelopes, though, judging by the sheer amount, it is safe to say that this had been going on for quite a while. Long before she had laid eyes upon her actor.
Under the pile of deceitful notes, almost mocking her, sat the coveted paper. Ripping it out of the drawer, Florence turns, eyes sweeping the room for anything out of the ordinary. Seeing perfection, she tears out of the room, crossing the hall into her chambers. She sits herself down, defeated, on the chair adjacent to the small desk. Her head falls forward into her palms, resting there until, suddenly, she slams a hand down onto the lacquered tabletop.
Allen Bennett has stolen her livelihood. He has stolen her happiness; stolen everything that he saw worth taking. Greed seeps from every pore, and there are no consequences. Allen Bennett is a foul, demonic man, and Florence must play the role of the angel. The perfect wife. She must act as Allen’s toy, only of use to him when he needs a night of pleasure.
Curling her hands into rigid fists, the woman nods resolutely, and lunges across the desk. Trusty fountain pen in a clenched hand, Florence seizes the newfound sheets, and soon enough, a river of ink flows across the page. Teardrops that trickle down the slope of her nose serve as the signature.
taglist: @jimmys-zeppelin @salixfragilis @timetraveller4 @earthfire-75 @thatiloveyouso @jonesyjonesyjonesy @jimmypages @kyunisixx @sophiazeppelinchick @reincarnated70sbaby @grxtsch @rebel-without-a-zeppelin @thebeatlesuniverse @dreamersdrowse (let me know if you want to be added!)
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munimuni-muna · 4 years
So I've been thinking, maybe I should write. I had this dream of an older Giorno for some reason and thought, hey I could make this a reader's insert type of story! But I'm no writer, so I hope this isn't too bad.
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Title: His Best Friend
Premise: It's almost 10 years after Giorno became Don and for some reason, his best friend from way back keeps popping in his mind.
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His emerald eyes searched about the room, examining the furniture that has been here for almost 10 years now. Having been a Don for the same amount of time, he decided to continue his education in his mansion. Never did he come back to school. Cleaning up after Diavolo's mess is just a mountain of work to ever set aside.
But once in a while, he would escape; In the dormitories of his previous school, was his quaint room. It was a place of solace where he imagined being where he is now, a place of quiet where he could be vulnerable, a place he was often with you. He never got the guts to give the room away, so he bought it instead, keeping the locks the same as it always have been. Because he knew you had the key.
And he wondered why he missed your company so. Thoughts of you never came across his mind when he was younger nor when he's at work. It was always when he visited this place or when he's more tired than usual. There was always something about you that felt relaxing.
Giorno sat himself down on the floor, leaning on his bed frame. You always did this with him back then and let him rest his head on your sholder when he's stressed out. He loved listening to your talks of goals and dreams. And rarely, you even got him to talk about his. Then you'd quietly listen with no judgement. He watched as your proud and hopeful eyes brighten.
"You'll get there one day because you're Giorno Giovanna." You'd say, unknowing how those words impacted him greatly, how it encouraged him so. And then you'd lean your head on his as you both drift to an afternoon nap.
Giorno stood up. He couldn't resist the allure of the soft bed no longer, so he sat himself on it, bouncing slightly at contact. His palm carressed the linen bed cover and paused.
He then untied his golden braided locks that flowed in a happy mess down his back. This long maine was shorter still when you were around. And sometimes you'd ask his permission to braid it. He'd always say he'd think about it just to tease you. But in truth, he wanted you to touch his hair. You were always allowed, yet you always asked. But he never seeked your touch despite his craving for it. He'd always wait for you to ask first.
Crave. He craved you? Has he been feeling that way all this time? Is it alright to crave a friend? Perhaps. He thought. But what does he crave for in specific? He's never put an effort to finding you, never gave in to this 'craving'. Your mind was always a traveler. It was filled with so much stories about the world to explore out there, from picture books and magazines you've read and seen; How beautiful it must be to visit the great pyramids in Egypt, to see the cherry blossoms bloom in Japan, how eerie and lovely the Taj Mahal might be, or how crystalline the Philippine virgin beaches could be. There's a world in your eyes that he could see, a bright one compared to the gloom of reality. Yet you had no desire to travel on foot. You've always travelled by pen, and you were just full of passion when your thoughts bled on paper.
Where are you now?
Giorno plopped himself onto the bed, scattering his golden locks behind him like crooked rays of light. A growing pain sat on his chest, encouraging a deep sigh of frustration out of his mouth. He closed his eyes, trying to pin the feeling down. But no matter how much he wrestled, there was nothing, no answer, just the image of your face.
The clicks on the door snapped him back from the pool of his thoughts. That couldn't be Mista. The guy always knocks. Those clicks were the sound of unlocking the door, and he didn't have any key.
Giorno sat himself down, his calm demeanor contrasting the boiling pot of assumptions in his mind; Does his opposition know about this place? How did they know he came here? He made sure to keep his visits here random enough not to call attention. Whoever this was, if they're aggressors, they're making the biggest mistake of their lives by opening that door.
He sat on the bed, unsheathing Golden Experience, ready for anything. His emerald eyes focused on the opening door as it slowly revealed the person on the other side.
Being a Don for years now, hardly anything surprised him anymore. But the sight of you standing on that doorway was almost surreal to him! Never did he expect that he'd see you in the flesh right here right now. For a second there, he even thought his stand somehow has a hand with it, but no. This couldn't be a dream. Like a gush of wind rudely hitting his face, it all started to make sense to Giorno: the moemories of you, the craving, the growing pain.
"La mia amore." He let slip the words that should've been said long ago. How stupid can he be for only seeing it now?!
"Giorno!" You called him, your visage mirroring his surprised one.
Seeing tears starting to flow down your cheeks, he let his heart lead the way; Without another word, he expeditiously made his way to wrap his arms tightly around you, making up for those years that he was a fool for not seeing through the veil of his own emotions. And you generously return the gesture.
Ah, this is it. This is the feeling. He thought.
"I missed you." You say, pressing your cheek on his chest, (which was stil very much exposed despite this winter, you noted). "Let me see." You pull away from his embrace which he thought was a pity.
Examining Giorno from head to toe, you see that he has significantly have you beat in height now. He wore a black leather coat, furred round the neck for more heat. Then you finally gaze at his emerald eyes, the body might have changed greatly, but you knew those eyes were still the ones you knew, only now they looked sharper as if it had seen things it didn't like. And you understand that Giorno Giovanna has achieved his dream.
You cupped his cheek as you searched his eyes. He immediately leans to your touch. There was an enigmatic glow dancing about those green orbs you can't quite comprehend at the moment.
"Welcome back." You say, flashing him a thoughtful smile.
Giorno's heart felt full as he pulled you in his arms one more time, a kiddish spark dancing in his eyes. "I missed you too, amore." He said, pressing a lingering kiss against your cheek.
And you had to pull away slightly, surprised by his sudden intimacy. "A-amore?" You stuttered, studying his eyes. If only the answers were there. Giorno has always been hard to read, but by observation, you learned that he conveyed his emotions through subtle mannerisms and reactions. But this forwardness was vastly different from his usual quiet demeanor!
Giorno enjoyed your coy reaction too much to let go of you now. So he pressed his forehead onto yours. He felt you tensing at his sudden closeness while you made fists of your hands on his chest, crumpling his neat clothes. But he paid no mind. In fact you're reaction only encouraged him. "And why would I call the love of my life anything else?" He teased. "Have you been coming here all the time, amore? Were you waiting for me?"
He waited for a response from you, a banter perhaps. But there was a long pause which made him worry. Maybe he was being too forward? You have been away from each other a long time. And the last you've seen each other, you were just friends. Friends. He almost hated the word at the moment. That was not how he wanted your relationship to be, not anymore.
"Yes." You say, pulling him out of his thoughts. "I go here from time to time…hoping…you would…come home." You faded out, averting your eyes from him. The last thing you thought of doing today was to reveal your pining for your best friend, but apparently here you are doing just that.
Giorno heaved a sigh, resting his forehead on your shoulder. "Oh amore, we've only met again." He said, interlacing his hand with yours. "I really want to keep things wholesome. But your reactions are making it difficult."
You were speechless at how shockingly honest he was being. But the happiness you felt from his words were sublime! The puzzle that is Giorno Giovanna is communicating his emotions with you clearly. And that's enough for you for now.
Giorno leaning on you gave you the perfect view of his unbraided locks just sitting on his back in a happy flowy mess. And you couldn't help but ask;
"May I brush your hair, Giorno?"
He chuckles as he always does. "You may." He answered.
Your free hand was quick to find its way to his golden locks, brushing the mess gently. You always loved his maine. The relaxation it provided you while you braided or brushed it was nostalgic. "Your hair has grown, il mio amore." You say.
He giggles at your comment, pulling your hips closer. "Do you like it?"
"I love it." You say. To you, his maine has always been like the man himself: intense like its sudden shifts from a jet black to a golden blonde, and evergrowing, the longer it got, the more magnificent it became.
A relaxing quiet enveloped between you two. You continued to brush his locks while he leaned on you, closing his eyes. Everything just felt peaceful for once especially for Giorno.
"I want to take you home." He broke the silnce, squeezing your hand.
"That's a very forward offer, Giorno, but I have to decline. I'm still trying to get my book published, you know." You say.
"Do you still live by that bakery?" Giorno inquired.
"Visit me there when you have time?"
"It's a promise."
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